#I want to see the sides.......... my guys............ and c!thomas!!!
rzyraffek · 2 years
Slashers with housewife s/o
(She/her)(swf) I was writing it for hour and it didnt save tnere is a lot of dialogue this color is slasher talking and this one is s/o. Its mostly written for fun Request open
Thomas Hewitt
P r o t e c t
He is triple cousious with his victims now! He would not forgive himself if one of them hurt her! And I dont thinl s/o likes gore so dont go near basement hon pls
*tommy vibing outside* "Uhhh Tommy? Theres some guy in livingroom" 🤨😨
Even tho she is hausewife he is hausehusband so yall Just vibe while cooking and cleaning
The Micheal Myers
"Micheal make sure to wear something under this jumpsuit, its cold outside!"
S/o getting him a phone and texting him every second he's out
Please Micheal stop killing people in our livingroom, this carpet costs more that my kidney
Once he gave her a knife he stole from some girl that tried to Defend herself
I can imagine s/o texting him stuff like "at 5pm u better be home, i made your favorite food" he will speedrun to home, he loves food
*phone rings at 3am* "Honey why you calling me, im at work?" "ASA THERE IS HUGE SPOODER IN BATHROOM HELP I CANT PEE" "omygod not again"
Due to s/o being often home alone (he is busy man) she will probably find some sort of hobby?(obviolusly) I can see her learning how to do crocheting. LIKE IMAGINE: "Asa i made you this cute sweater Look!" (There are to ways he will answer that) option1: "yeaah thanks that suuuper cute will wear it for sure"(never wears it) option 2: "what kind of abomination is that"(will wear it at work)
Bonus points if the oomgomgomg IF SHE MAKES SWEATER WITH MOTHS ON IT OR COCKROACHES (you know the funny gif with spining cockroach?yep this one) HE WILL LOVE IT(secretly) He would love to wear it to work but Hes afraid of destorying it (No, because imagine Arkin living in hell and the guy that tortures him for months just cames in cute sweater with cockroaches on it)
"??? Mate u mean u want to stay here and take care of nest while I go out??? I mean sure? Eem take care??" Confused af, like in his culutre both partners Hunt and tbh theres non long lasting relationships, only to make babis so it is weird.
He wants her to stay by his side 24/7 so he will be grumpy
But idea of her making amazing food while he is out just for him is too good to pass
Especally if its made of foods that he hunt, brings him pride
Imagine learning him how to use fork "nono honey u grab it like that and stab the food. Nono gently nonoo oh noo *break plate* "why use that when im litteraly apex predator hon imma-*eats whole plate of food with plate*
Billy lenz
F o o d
He loves food she makes
She hangs out in house so its win-win.
He will hug her alot and try to take her attencion from whatever she does to him!!
"Billy go help me chop carrorts for dinner!" *billy speedruning from upstairs* "🥺whar are carrots?"
Brahms Heelshie
"Mmm :) " "Brahms stop staring at me and help me clean kitchen' "yes honey :("
He does not rule in this relationship
He may act intimitading but He is just a shy bean
He does not know how to food, he will try to eat uncooked potato while shes not looking mmm forbiden apples
Hush man
Hes into that, prefers his wife to be like that
He loves picking her up and runinning arond hause
No matter how long yall are into relaionship he will be nervous before any dinner u eat together or be so happy everytime he sees her after he comesback home
Found it in my drafts!
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brewsterispunkk · 1 year
part 3/4
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pairing: eddie munson x reader, eddie munson x f!reader
WC: 3k
summary: eddie and reader check something off their list: drunken confessions ensue. also: queer!eddie. if you don’t like it, get the hell out!
a/n: yall I wrote half of this high out of my mind lolz ALSO—you may now know: the tutor will now have FOUR parts. I couldn’t squeeze all I wanted into three, so here you go! as always: pls give me feedback!!!
You walked into the cafeteria with a mission: to make Eddie Munson rue the day he was born.
It’d happened five minutes before. You’d been walking to your locker, half looking over your shoulder to see if Thomas Reed would rear his head again, when you saw it.
There he was, Thomas Reed, head bent down toward the floor, trying (and failing) to hide a bruised eye and bloody lip. He wouldn’t meet your eyes as you passed. In fact, it almost looked like he was cowering.
You would’ve enjoyed it too, had you not known exactly who had given him the shiner and had you not explicitly asked that person not to get involved.
Thomas was a jock. He ran in the same circles as people like Tommy Hagan, one of Steve’s old buddies, and Jason Carver, who had some kind of personal vendetta against Eddie. So not only would this mean repercussions for him, but it would mean repercussions for you. And the last thing you needed was more of what Thomas and his friends had already put you through.
So, yes. You were going to rip Eddie a new one.
You heard the heavy doors shut behind you as you scanned the bustling cafeteria.
It was sixth period lunch—the most busy time of the day—but you didn’t care. You could feel the anger rise in you.
Your eyes snapped to the far side of the cafeteria where Hellfire club sat every day.
You narrowed your eyes.
You gripped the straps of your backpack as you made a beeline toward the table of misfits and nerds. Eddie sat at the head of the table like some kind of metal Jesus, his hair a halo around his head in the sunlight. You’d have thought it was cute had you not been so mad.
“Eddie Munson!” You growled as you approached the table, your hand gripping his shoulder tight.
“Jesus—hello to you too,” he looked over his shoulder at you, alarmed.
The rest of the Hellfire club looked at you like you’d grown a second head.
Right, you thought. They had no idea you and Eddie had ever even spoken, nevertheless were friends.
You recognized a few of the kids from classes over the years; you knew Jeff from gym class, and Gareth had been your lab partner last year. Then, there were Dustin, Lucas, and Mike who were more surprised than all of them.
You didn’t have time to think about that, though. All you could focus on was how mad you were at Eddie.
“What the hell were you thinking?” You hissed, yanking him out of his seat by the arm.
“What are you—oh.”
“Yeah, oh.”
Eddie’s eyes glazed over with cockiness, and a smirk made its way onto his face.
“Some of my best work, honestly.”
You pushed his shoulders back.
“Eddie, what the fuck?”
“What?” He shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows. “Why are you so mad? He’s an asshole. He’s lucky I didn’t call the cops—”
“I asked you not to do anything.”
You took a breath.
“I asked you not to get involved,” you said levelly. “Now, who knows what he’ll pull.”
Eddie stared at you wide-eyed, before darting his eyes to the table of boys beside him, still staring wide eyed at the two of you. A few others from neighboring tables had turned their heads to look at you as well.
Eddie sighed.
“Care to take a walk?” He asked, side-eyeing the rest of the lunchroom.
- - - -
The wood of the picnic table was cold against your thighs.
“I’m sorry, you know.” Eddie rubbed his chin. “I didn’t know you’d be so upset. And I didn’t think about Jason and his goons.”
You huffed.
“To be completely honest, I’ve been looking for an excuse to beat that guy’s ass for a while,” he plopped down on the bench next to you, too close. Not close enough. You could smell the cologne he’d put on this morning.
Every time Eddie got too close to you, all you did was want, want, want.
“He was my lab partner sophomore year,” he offered, shoulder brushing yours. “He told everyone I was a fag because he caught me kissing Chase Whitaker behind the bleachers.”
You turned to him, surprised. He smiled at you and elbowed you gently.
“C’mon,” he leaned into you. “You can’t tell me you never heard about that.”
“I did, I just never thought that—”
“---it was true?”
“Well,” you balked, feeling your stomach sink. Not because he was gay, but because you’d fallen completely besotted for someone you could never have. “Yeah.”
“Well, they got one part about the Freak right.”
“Don’t call yourself that.” You nudged him. “Who cares if you like boys, I still—”
“I like girls, too, you know.” He said quietly, mouse-like. He sounded more quiet than you’d ever heard him. “Like Bowie.”
“Like Bowie,” you laughed a little.
“Hm,” he peeked at you from the corner of his eyes, smiling. “Anyway, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. Call it pent-up rage or something, but the moment I saw him with his hands on you, I—”
“It’s okay, Eddie,” you leaned into him, causing the two of you to sway in the late autumn breeze. “I overreacted. I don’t know, sometimes I’m just afraid…”
“...the worst is going to happen?” He added for you after a moment.
“Hmm, yeah.”
You didn’t know how to answer him. Because, yes, that was true, but it was so much more than that. It was your entire world being turned upside down and Russians interrogating you and billy Hargrove being practically ripped to pieces in Starcourt and—
“Hey, you okay?”
You frantically blinked, shaking your head.
“Yeah,” you said. “Yeah, I’m just cold. It really is freezing out here.”
“It is, isn’t it?” Eddie laughed, standing up. He rubbed his hands together and breathed into them. “Here, take my coat.”
“What? Eddie no–”
“Don’t be a martyr,” he rolled his eyes, thrusting the leather jacket into your arms. “Take the damn jacket.”
You smiled, slipping your arms into the coat. It was still warm, and his scent clung to it. It was deep and woodsy and smelled a little bit of weed and a lot of boy. You wanted to crawl inside and make a home there.
“We should probably be heading back,” you said. “What time is it?”
Eddie looked at his watch, then at you, sheepish.
“12:50,” he squinted.
You contemplated. You were already twenty minutes late to class: what was the point of going anyway?
“Hm,” you sighed. “Wanna just skip the rest of the day?”
“God, yes.”
- - - -
“I don’t know about this,” Eddie actually looked nervous, his dark hair spread around his head as he laid on the floor of your living room.
You’d decided to move tutoring to your house a few weeks ago, now that winter had hit. It was two weeks before winter break, and Ms. Taylor’s midterm was coming up. You’d been studying tirelessly for days at your house while your mom worked nights, eager for someplace other than the library for peace and quiet.
“What?” You leaned over your textbook from your place on the couch. “Since when am I the one who has to convince you to do things?”
“Since those ‘things’ require me to rub elbows with Steve Harrington for a whole evening.”
“Oh my god, you’re so dramatic!” You laughed.
“I’m a theatre kid, sweetheart.”
“Obviously,” you rolled your eyes. “It’ll be a part of the deal, anyway. I wanna get absolutely plastered this weekend. Steve and Robin will just happen to be there also.”
“I don’t know. I don’t like him.”
“He’s my friend.” you stated. “Don’t you trust my judgment?”
“Well, yes–”
“Then what’s the problem?”
“I just don’t know,” he picked at a string on the sleeve of his shirt.
“Ed, he’s been wondering why I keep bumming rides off of you instead of him. And Robin will be there too.”
“And did you tell him about our little arrangement?”
“No,” you scowled at him. “I told him we’re friends.”
Eddie blinked in surprise, sitting up to face you. He was close enough like this that you could smell his cologne, the cigarettes on his breath.
“We’re friends?”
“Well, uh…” you all of a sudden felt insecure. What if you’d misread this? What if you’d been wrong, and this was purely transactional?
“Yeah, I mean, aren’t we?” You squeaked.
There was a beat of silence, before his lips stretched into a grin.
“Yeah, honey, we are.”
“Then why won’t you go to this party with me?” You pushed.
“Ugh, fine!” Eddie threw himself back on the floor. “If you will stop nagging me.”
“---and, you order us a pizza.”
“Done.” You smiled, walking over to the landline in the kitchen.
You dialed the number to your favorite pizza place and Eddie came to lean on the counter beside you. The phone rang as you waited for the call to go through.
“Will you let me do your eyeliner for the party?”
You looked at him in surprise, expecting to find the usual look on his face that he made when he was joking. Instead, you found curiosity. Sincerity.
“Hell yeah,” you nodded. “As long as I don’t look like a member of KISS.”
Eddie rolled his eyes and you laughed, excited for the coming weekend.
- - - -
You were two drinks in, and were absolutely positive Eddie hated Steve.
You’d known you didn’t like him, but you didn’t think it was this bad.
When you and Eddie had arrived, you’d made a beeline for your two best friends, who were standing near the bowl of jungle juice in the kitchen.
The party was at a friend of Robin’s this time—a girl from band whose parents were out of town. She was cool; in that edgy, artsy, punk way that all of Robin’s other friends were. So, you’d had her help you pick out your outfit earlier in the week.
You knew Eddie would be doing your eyeliner, so you wanted to dress to match it. Robin had picked out an off-the-shoulder band tee from her own closet. It was a Fleetwood Mac shirt of her father’s that she’d cut up. She paired it with fishnets and a pair of chunky boots. You silently thanked God that you were the same shoe size. You’d thrown on a sheer pair of black tights and finally, she’d convinced you to wear the jean skirt again. And, it had taken some convincing, especially after what happened with Thomas. But, you wanted to turn heads. Particularly Eddie’s.
After a quick and awkward greeting between the four of you, you and Robin excused yourself from the stilted conversation to use the restroom. Robin held your arm as she dragged you behind her to the bathroom.
“Excuse me, coming through,” she narrowly dodged another kid you recognized from band.
Once you made it to the bathroom, she shoved you in before shutting the door behind her.
“Oh my god, that was the awkwardest moment of my life,” she sighed, leaning against the bathroom door.
You leaned against the counter.
“Seriously,” you scoffed. “I mean what the hell was that? ‘Long time, no see,’ really, Steve?”
“God, he’s hopeless.”
“I’m gonna tear my hair out.”
“I don’t think Mr. Munson would like that,” Robin smirked at you. You balked.
“What? What is that supposed to mean?”
She gave you a once-over.
“You look hot. That’s what that’s supposed to mean. And Eddie definitely noticed.”
“You’re crazy,” you shook your head, turning to inspect yourself in the mirror.
“He was practically frothing at the mouth.”
“Ew, Robs.”
“Just saying.”
She moved beside you, fixing her lipstick. Your eyes trailed over your reflection.
You looked… striking. Your hair was teased up and voluminous, thanks to whatever magic Robin had worked with the blow dryer. Your lips were painted a light berry color, and Eddie had penciled your eyeliner to perfection. You felt dangerous—in a good way.
“Whatever. We’re just friends, unfortunately.”
“Hmm,” Robin patted her cheeks, before looking at you. “‘Just friends’ don’t look at each other like that.”
Your breath stuttered. Was it that obvious?
You threw your hands over your eyes, cringing.
“Oh god,” you groaned. “Don’t tell me I’m that obvious.”
“You are,” she leaned on the counter. “But only because it’s me. Him on the other hand…”
“Don’t play around, Robs.”
“I’m not!” She assured you. “I swear I could feel the tension myself. He’s into you. Trust me.”
“No, it’s not that simple. He’s only hanging out with me because of the—”
Because of the deal.
There it was. Underneath it all, you were terrified the only reason Eddie was giving you the time of day was because he felt bad for you. Because he felt like he owed you. You cringed.
“Because of what?”
You sighed.
“Because I’m tutoring him. Because I’m a recluse. Because the only reason anyone knows who I am is because of my formerly-popular best friend.”
Robin rolled her eyes and pulled you into a hug.
“You’re so dramatic.” She said. “We both know Harrington isn’t the reason either of us are popular.”
“Or not popular.” You corrected.
“Look, for real?” Robin pulled back, hands on your shoulders, locking her gaze with yours. “That’s bullshit. All of it. And don’t think anyone could give less of a shit about what they ‘should’ do than Eddie. If he’s hanging out with you, it’s because he wants to.”
You smiled at her, wishing she was right.
“Besides, he was practically undressing you with his eyes,” she added nonchalantly.
“Seriously, it was hard to watch,” she eyed your legs. “Can’t blame him, though. The skirt was a good choice.”
You snorted, before grabbing her arm and pulling her out the door with you.
- - - -
Two hours later, you were drunk.
Sloshed, if you will.
You’d had two beers, a shitty vodka cran, and three rum and cokes. Long story short: the room was spinning, and your chest felt light and giddy.
You giggled to yourself as you stumbled into the brightly-lit kitchen.
Guess me and Eddie can cross this off my list, you thought, leaning on a countertop.
Across the kitchen island was Steve, leaning his elbow on a counter and towering over a short girl with braids.
You smirked to yourself—this was his conquest-stance. The confidence in his shoulders told you he liked this girl. He was making a move.
You turned to your right, eager to tell Robin. The two of you had been practically begging Steve to go on a date for the better part of a month; you’d had enough of his complaining about being single.
But when you turned, Robin wasn’t there. You frowned, before looking back over to Steve, who was kissing braid-girl. Around them, the room seemed to spin. The yellow light cascaded off of the light fixture above the island and you blinked rapidly.
You frowned harder, turning on your heel to leave the kitchen. You needed to find Robin. You needed to find—
“Woah,” two warm hands caught your shoulders as you stumbled into a tall man with a white tshirt on. “There you are.”
Your forehead bumped his chest, before you jerked away from the stranger.
“Eddie,” your own voice sounded far away to you. “I have to go.”
“That so, sweetheart?”
“Yeah,” you were steadfast, anxious. “I have to leave here, I have to find Robin.”
“Woah, woah, what is it?” He looked upset, eyes darting over your shoulder before hardening.
Why? You thought. What’s going on? Why is he mad—
Suddenly, you felt a wave of nausea rise in your stomach. You doubled over, into Eddie.
“Oh god,” you mumbled, looking up at him. “I’m gonna be sick.”
“Okay,” Eddie sung, pulling you by your arm with him toward the bathroom. “Excuse me, out of my way.”
When you reached the bathroom, you lurched over the toilet, your stomach jerking in your abdomen. You felt the nausea leave you like a cool spring as you vomited the now sour, rank flavor of the vodka cran.
“Okay, that’s it,” Eddie mumbled to you from behind you. Away from yourself, you felt his hands pull your hair back from your face and neck. You lurched again, throwing up more.
“Ughh,” you moaned, before leaning your cheek on the toilet seat, facing him. You were too drunk to care about the germs. “I’m sorry.”
“Nothin’ to be sorry for, princess.”
“There is, though,” your bottom lip wobbled a bit.
It was as if all the emotions of the night were catching up with you; the excitement, the fear, the insecurity. It made your heart race and your eyes water.
“I threw up and you had to help me and now I can’t find Robin—”
“Hey, hey,” he put his hand to your forehead. It felt nice on your clammy forehead. You looked at him and your breath left you for a second.
It was now you realized his hair was tied back, away from his face, and that his jacket had vanished. His biceps were perfectly shaped in the tight material of his tshirt.
“Robin’s sitting in the living room with that girl from band, remember her? Vicky?”
You sniffed.
“Yeah,” Eddie swallowed. “So, she’s fine. Nothing to worry about.”
You nodded, sniffing. As you did, the fabric at your knees caught your eye.
You’d torn your new, sheer tights. At the knee, the fabric was split, and along your thighs were irreparable runs. You felt your eyes water.
“And I tore my tights,” you all but whined. You inwardly cringed at your tone. “These were new.”
“I like ‘em better that way, if it means anything,” Eddie mumbled, eyes wide and brown on you.
“You do?”
“Yeah,” he half-smiled. “It’s metal.”
The side of your mouth twitched.
“Metal,” Eddie smirked, his thumb tilting your chin up.
Your eyes went glassy, looking at him in all his flushed, disheveled glory.
“Eddie?” You breathed, staring into his dark, black eyes.
“Your eyes are pretty.”
Eddie blinked, taken aback, and opened his mouth to respond, but as he did, you lurched again, emptying your stomach into the toilet.
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rabbit-or-rib · 4 months
you guys have shown me soso much support and it really means the whole world to me, and i wanna show y'all that with my writing !!
i'm gonna be opening up requests for NSFW / romantic / platonic alphabets, romantic / platonic matchups, and songs for characters!! this is gonna be a longer post, so all of the specifics are under the cut :)
also, i'll of course still be taking normal requests, but while these are open they'll be the priority for me to get to :)
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Who's available for requests?
Evan Myers
Marble Hornets
Tim Wright
Brian Thomas
Jessica Locke (fem/gn reader only)
Toby Rogers
Eyeless Jack
Jeff the Killer
Jane the Killer (fem/gn reader only)
Nina the Killer
Clockwork (fem/gn reader only)
Cole Cassidy
Reaper / Gabriel Reyes
Soldier: 76 / Jack Morrison (masc/gn reader only)
(this includes the Blackwatch and Deadlock eras! just lemme know, without specifics I'll assume it's current era)
Songs for characters ;
a song for how i think a character would react/feel about certain things! being in love, their thoughts on themselves, things like that :) i'd be posting a song link, specific lyrics i think really match with what's being asked, and an explanation/break down on how it relates.
Romantic / platonic matchups ;
give me a rundown of who you are, if you want it to be romantic, platonic (or both), and i'll match you up with someone :) quick physical, personality and partner preference/needs descriptions would be great, the fandoms you want, and anything else you'd want me to know would be great !! if you'd want a basic template, i have this one right here !!
NSFW / romantic / platonic alphabets ;
you can ask for a full alphabet, or just specific letters, for characters :) all three are down below if you wanna get a feel for them before you request
A = Adventures, what kind of crazy shit would you get into together?
B = Bond, what kind of - platonic, obviously - relationship do you have with each other?
C = Cuddling, do you ever cuddle? how physically affectionate are you?
D = Dance, do you ever dance together? how?
E = Enemies, were you ever enemies? Do you share the same enemies?
F = Fight, how often do you fight? how do you resolve conflict?
G = Gain, how have you helped each other improve as people?
H = Help, how do they ask you for help? how do they help you when you need it?
I = Injured/Ill, how would they act if you got hurt or sick?
J = Jokes, what’s their sense of humor like? how do you joke about things together?
K = Kisses, do you ever kiss? how? Kisses not on the lips count
L = Love, how do they show you they care?
M = Meeting, how did you meet? how did you become friends?
N = Nesting, do you co-habitate at all? how?
O = Oasis, is there a specific place that is “your place”? what is it?
P = Protection, how protective are they over you?
Q = Query, how inquisitive are they when it comes to getting to know you?
R = Record, what’s something you’ll never let them live down?
S = Support, how would they show their support for you? how far would that support go?
T = Trust, how much do they trust you? how do they show you that?
U = Uplift, how do you bring each other up?
V = Vacation, do you ever travel together? what’s that like?
W = Worry, do they worry about you? how often?
X = Xerox, are there any traits or habits of theirs that you’ve picked up by accident?
Y = Yahoo, what’s an inside joke you share?
Z = Zany, do they have a weird side only you get to see? what’s it like?
A = Attention, how much attention do they want in the relationship?
B = Baby, do they want a family? Why/why not?
C = Cuddle, do they like to cuddle and show affection? How?
D = Dates, what are dates with them like? What do they like to do? 
E = Equal, do they prefer to be more dominant or submissive in the relationship?
F = Fights, how do they handle arguments? How quick are they to forgive?
G = Gratitude, how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them? 
H = Honesty, are they honest with their s/o? How important is it to them in a relationship? 
I = Insight, how easy is it for them to read their partner? (Mood, thoughts, etc.)
J = Jealousy, do they get jealous? If so, how easily? How do they deal with it?
K = Kiss, what are their kisses like? Who kissed who first?
L = Love, who said “I love you” first? How often do they say it? When did they realize they were in love?
M = Marriage, do they want to get married? How long do they have to be in the relationship beforehand? What would the marriage be like? 
N = Nickname, what are the nicknames they have for their s/o? Do they like when their s/o uses nicknames?
O = Open, how long does it take for them to open up to their s/o?
P = PDA, how do they feel about public displays of affection? What kind of PDA do they show?
Q = Quality Time, what do they like to do for quality time with their s/o?
R = Reunion, how do they react after being apart from their s/o? How do they cope when they’re away?
S = Sad, how do they cheer their s/o up when they are feeling down? How do they like to be cheered up?
T = Thrill, do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine? 
U = Understanding, how well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
V = Value, how important is the relationship to them? What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?
W = Wild Card, a random relationship headcanon
X = Explicit, a NSFW headcanon
Y = Your Name, if they did get married to their s/o, who would take whose last name?
Z = Zz, how do they like to sleep with their partner? What time do they like to go to sleep/wake up, ideally?
A = Aftercare, what they’re like after sex
B = Body part, their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s
C = Cum, anything to do with cum, basically
D = Dirty secret, pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs
E = Experience, how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?
F = Favorite position, this goes without saying
G = Goofy, are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.
H = Hair, how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.
I = Intimacy, how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect
J = Jack off, masturbation headcanon
K = Kink, one or more of their kinks
L = Location, favorite places to do they do
M = Motivation, what turns them on, gets them going
N = No, something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs
O = Oral, preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.
P = Pace, are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.
Q = Quickie, their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.
R = Risk, are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.
S = Stamina, how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?
T = Toys, do they own toys or use them on a partner or themselves?
U = Unfair, how much they like to tease
V = Volume, how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.
W = Wild card, a random headcanon for the character
X = X-ray, let’s see what’s going on under those clothes
Y = Yearning, how high is their sex drive?
Z = Zzz, how quickly do they fall asleep afterward?
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samcrosfaith · 8 days
SUMMER NIGHTS 𝟏𝟎| 𝖏𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖞
Happy Lowman x OC
warning ⚠️; a little bit of spice towards the end of the chapter.
a/n; you can find all chapters in my main masterlist [pinned post], it'll lead you to the right masterlist. 🤎🩰
tag list; @mamawiggers1980 @elmiramager
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JUNE EXHALED SOFTLY as she slipped past Amber as her best friend held the door to the clubhouse open for her. Immediately the former Teller was surrounded by loud music blaring through the speakers, clouds of smoke and the smell of leather, booze and sex.
Well, she hadn't missed the smell of cheap pussyᅳ but she had missed the rest. It felt almost nostalgic.
The kids were with Neeta, Abel's and Thomas's babysitter. The woman was nice enough to offer that it would be no problem to look after two more children. So June had the whole evening, or rather the whole night, to party with the others.
"So, did you miss it?" Amber asked over the music, her smile almost spreading over her whole face.
Juice was attached to his fiancée as always, his mood just as good, boosted by the alcohol levels that were slowly rising. 
"How could she not have missed this?" the Puerto Rican asked with a snort, playfully hitting June's shoulder. "She'll always be one of us. No way she'll ever be fully happy without this", he added, twirling his finger in the air with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Hey! I've been doing just fine without the parties", June scoffed, but a grin was already forming on her lips. "No, you're rightᅳ it sucked without all this."
"Well, good to have you finally back, girl", Amber chirped, batting her eyelashes while she was wrapped in Juice's arms, who was more clingy than a monkey tonight.
But June thought it was cute, the two made a great couple. "Yeah, maybe. I'll get a drink. You guys want something?"
"No, we're good", Amber waved her hand around, planting a kiss on June's cheek. "Find me on the dance floor later! I finally wanna have some fun with my best friend again."
"Alright", June chuckled, her soft words getting lost under the loud music. Shaking her head in amusement, she watched the blonde and Juice leave before pushing herself through the crowd.
She was greeted from all sides, some shouting that it was nice to see her again. Tig was the first to meet her at the bar, his lips curling into a wide grin.
"Doll! You actually came." He immediately pulled SAMCRO's princess into a bone-crushing hug. "We missed youᅳ don't stay away that long again. Especially not because of the asshole who's responsible for this in the first place", he winked, referring to Happy. "You know, I'm still free if you're lookin' for someone to make him jealous."
"Oh, how I missed you, Tig." June laughed softly, then rolled her eyes as Tig swung his arm over her shoulder after the hug, suggesting some weird stuff. But June wasn't surprised. "That asshole is still my husband and your friend, remember?", she asked teasingly, ordering two whiskeys from the prospect behind the bar. "Where is he anyway?"
"And I love himᅳ but he's still an asshole", the man with the black curls replied with a smirk before pointing to a table that was barely recognizable in the crowd. "Over there with Bobby, Chibs and your brother. You and Hapᅳ is there something happening again?"
"Okay perfect, I wanna give Bobby something anyway." She lifted her arm slightly and wiggled the gift bag she was holding. A blush flashed across June's cheeks at Tig's question, but she only slipped out of under his arm, grabbed her glass and flashed him a grin as she took a few steps backwards. "Don't always be so nosy, Tiggy."
"Not fair, doll, not fair", Tig called after her before he sat down at the bar with a pout, but only a moment later he found the next occupation in the form of a blonde croweater.
On her black High Heels, June balanced her glass through the crowd without spilling a drop of it until she finally reached the right table. She flashed Happy a sheepish smile as his eyes widened a little; and she could tell that he was surprised that she had actually shown up.
She loved the way his eyes were on her, studying every inch of her body as if she were the most interesting being in the world. Of course she had made an extra effort to look good for him. At first she wasn't sure whether her short, black dress that fit like a second skin was too much, but she was at a Samcro party after all. And compared to the other women, June still wore much.
The young woman hadn't skimped on makeup either, but she still didn't look cheap. Getting compared to one of the Croweaters was not her goal for tonightᅳ or ever. Instead, she just wanted to steal her husband's breath. Apparently successful as she watched him shift in his seat and, by the looks, had to adjust his pants.
But before she had a chance to say anything to him, she was pulled into another hug. With a contented sigh, June relaxed into Bobby's arms, noticing quickly how much she had missed his bear hugs.
"Hey Bobby, good to see you", she murmured against his shoulder, her arms wrapped tightly around him. When the man gave her a chance to breathe again, she handed him the gift bag with a sweet smile. "Happy birthday. I hope you like it."
"Thanks sweetheart, but you didn't have to do that. That you're here is the best present ." Nevertheless, Bobby was happy about the little gesture and immediately took a look inside the bag, his eyes filling with joy before a warm laugh slipped past the man's lips. "You really know me well, I'll give you that."
"Well, you told me often enough as a child how important the right baking pan is for cupcakes", she said, followed by a gentle chuckle. "So I just got you two different versions you can add to all the others you already have."
"You're a sweetheart, you know that?" Bobby smiled, genuinely pleased with the gift from the woman who was like a niece to him. "Come, sit down with us!"
"It's great that yer' here, lass", Chibs smiled at the young woman and raised his glass. "I hope tha' happens more often now."
"She'll be around a lot more often again",  Jax said with his infamous Teller smirk as he was sipping his beer, sitting alone in his chair since Tara had to work the night shift and couldn't be here. But he didn't seem too disappointed about it, though.
"I see what I can do, but I won't promise anything", she told everyone with a soft laugh. But yeah, it felt good that everyone missed having her around.
Just as she was about to sit down on a free chair, a quiet squeal escaped her throat. From behind, Happy's arm snaked around her waist and the next moment she sat in his lap. The former Teller tugged her bottom lip between her teeth as she was face to face with her husband, the bulge in his pants pressing against her thigh.
"Hey", he croaked against her lips, ignoring the confused looks of the others. Right now he only had eyes for his wife.
Happy's lips curved into a small, satisfied smile as he tentatively tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, grinning as a soft sigh fell from June's lips as his fingertips brushed against her skin. "You have any idea how fuckin' hot you look, little girl?"
"Only for you", she whispered sultry, her lips brushing his as she wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling him closer. "You don't look bad either. And the perfume..", she trailed, tilting her head down a little as she inhaled the familiar scent, placing a soft, open-mouthed kiss on his neck, smiling to herself as she heard him swallow dryly. "That's the one I always bought you", she finally stated, humming.
June leaned more into his touch as his fingertips traveled up her thigh until he finally grabbed it, his fingers digging into her flesh just the way she loved it.
"If you keep teasin', I'm going to throw you over my shoulder, carry you to my room and fuck you until you can't walk anymore", he croaked, his voice low and hoarse with his grip on her waist becoming more possessive. "You hear me, woman?"
June's breath trembled as she let her lips ghost over his. "Is that a threat or a promise, handsome?"
"Whatever you want it to be." Happy chuckled darkly as the woman on his lap shivered, pulling her closer as the bulge in his jeans grew. "At least now everyone knows you belong to me again. You know what a fuckin' turn on that is?"
"Oh, I know", June replied eagerly as a certain heat rose between her legs. She bit her lower lip again, this time more seductively, looking at him through half-open eyelids. "You know what else turns me on? All the looks from the whores who no longer have a chance with you", she murmured against his lips.
But it was obvious. A small group of scantily clad women stood in a corner, shooting daggers at the couple with their eyes, knowing full well that there now was one less guy in a kutte they could wrap around their little finger, thereby reducing their chances of becoming an Old Lady.
"They never did, June", Happy croaked sincerely, moving his hand from her thigh to her cheek. "I told you that you are the only one for me, the only one I want to bury my cock in", he added seriously, running his thumb over her lower lip.
"And people say romance is death", June giggled before she finally closed the distance between them and sighed happily when she finally felt Happy's lips on hers.
But the kiss didn't last long, as they were interrupted by none other than Chibs, who snorted in disbelief but with a huge grin on his face. "Does anyone care t' explain this? What's goin' on here?"
A laugh rumbled through Bobby's chest, the man nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I'd like to be enlightened tooᅳ if that's possible."
"Really? Are you blind?" Jax shook his head with a laugh, taking a long drag of his cigarette. As promised, he had kept June's secret to himself until tonight and hadn't told anyone that his sister and Happy had gotten closer again, not even Gemmaᅳ especially not Gemma. "Seems like they talked shit out and stopped being stubborn assholes."
"Ah damn, doll." Tig, who had sat down on the chair that June had tried to take over earlier, put a hand against his chest, feigning hurt. "It breaks my heart that you didn't choose me after all."
"It was never up for debate, Tig", June shot back with an eye roll, snuggling up to Happy, simply enjoying the relaxed atmosphere while his arms were around herᅳ just like it used to be. "You'll find your match, I'm sure. And she'll be just as crazy as you."
"Oh hell no", Bobby muttered, shaking his head. "Who knows where this will end."
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Snorting, Tig rolled his shoulders and ran his finger through his curls. "She'll be the most beautiful woman you've ever seenᅳ you'll see."
"Sure thing", Happy chuckled, earning the finger from Tig. The small group shared a laugh before they fell into a lighthearted conversation.
OUT OF BREATH but laughing, the two best friends headed for the bar, both women longing for a cold drink. Their skin was sticky from the humidity, the room stuffy and heated by the many people, but June hadn't had as much fun as she had tonight in ages.
Unlike Amber, who was already a bit tipsy, June was still in her right mind. Too much alcohol had never been her thing, she preferred to live in the momentᅳ without having to worry about passing out any moment.
That's why her sharp gaze found Happy pretty quickly, her smile fading as Dana, one of the Croweaters, stood close to him, her slim body seeking Happy's proximity. To June's surprise, Jenna had kept her distance the whole time, it was the other whores that couldn't stay away.
Her husband wasn't the problemᅳ Happy ignored her desperate attempts to get his attention, shoved her hand away or glared at her angrily, with a dangerous look on his face that screamed that she shouldn't take it too far.
Somehow, this went completely unnoticed by the woman who just swayed back and forth, giggling like a schoolgirl every time Happy shoved her away.
"I swear I'm going to murder her in a minute if she doesn't keep her hands to herself", June sneered, anger and something menacing flashing in her piercing blue eyes as she kept glaring at the dark-haired Croweater.
Amber let out a soft chuckle. "Seems like you have to claim your man again, sweetie. Show that bitch that he's off limits."
"You know what", June pushed her newly acquired glass into Amber's hand, adjusting her dress and hair. "That's exactly what I'm going to do now."
"Go girl, show her!" Amber cheered after June, so unsteady on her feet that she spilled the drinks on her dress, leaving her pouting. "Ah shit", the blonde muttered, but her face brightened when an amused Juice came to her rescue.
Knowing her friend was in good hands, June crossed the room determinedly. Finally at her destination, her blood boiling, she shoved Dana in the chest, glaring at her after backing the woman against the wall.
"Stay away from my husband or I'll make sure you need your next nose fix", June whispered dangerously close to Dana's ear, smiling as the woman shrank a little at her words. Satisfied with herself, June stepped back, snaking her arm around Happy's waist. "Now get lost."
"Butᅳ", Dana's wide eyes darted to Happy, desperately batting her lashes in hopes of eliciting his pity.
God, how desperate could some people be?
"You heard my wife", Happy snarled, his possessive grip pulling June closer. "And I'd rather listen to her. Get. the. fuck. lost."
June smiled as she snuggled up to Happy, listening to every word he said, or rather the deep, raspy voice that made a puddle form between her legs and made her want to rub them together.
She didn't care about Dana right now, but her own needs were all the more important. Impatiently, she dragged Happy along with her, still making sure to flash Dana a provoking grin as the couple slowly disappeared into the hallway that led to the dorms until they were finally alone.
The music became duller, the air clearer and less stuffy in the back area.
"What's your plan?" Pure lust sparkled in Happy's darkening eyes as June stopped in front of him and fiddled with his belt, giving him one of those sweet, perfect smiles. "Here, in the hallway?", he asked with a grunt, his smirk growing.
"Uh huh, I don't give a shit who sees us", she replied, frantically searching for his lips. "Fuck me, Hapᅳ right here", she whimpered needily, pushing his pants down just enough to free his cock.
Happy groaned against June's lips, her fingers wrapped around his rock hard cock, teasing the hell out of him. But Happy had no patience for this game.
His hands greedily grabbed the hem of her dress to roll it up while his tongue pushed past her lips and into her mouth, battling with hers for dominance. The moans and grunts of both filled the dark hallway as Happy, after lifting June onto his hips and ripping her lace panties off, pounded into her.
Mercilessly and quickly he fucked her against the wall, the petite woman trapped between the wall and him while his hands roamed her entire body.
"Fuck Hap, just like that", June gasped as Happy hit the right spot with each thrust, closing her eyes and gently biting his shoulder to muffle her moans.
"No, eyes on me", Happy demanded, a deep growl rattling through his throat as he roughly took her chin in his hand, forcing her to look at him. "And don't you dare stifle your moans again, I want everyone to hear who you belong to, baby girl."
June smiled, nodding at his command. As told, she kept her eyes on him, locked with his as moans fell from her lips one after another, growing louder the rougher Happy's thrusts became.
"I'm..close..", June gasped, sinking her nails into the leather on his shoulder. She knew her back would hurt tomorrow, the wall behind her definitely wasn't comfortable; but she didn't care. "Hap! God..just like..that."
Something in her lower abdomen snapped, sending a new wave of excitement to her core as Happy's teeth sank into her skin, the man sucking and nibbling on her neck while June began to see stars as she was fucked through her orgasm.
Moaning out his name, she squeezed her legs together, bringing Happy even closer to her, allowing him to pound deeper into her. Their eyes met again before they locked lips in a feverish kiss.
Beads of sweat ran down Happy's face while June's skin just glistened, both of them already out of breath as could be heard from the gasps that flowed into each other's mouths.
"I want you to come inside me", June whispered seductively against his lips, nibbling at them as only a deep grunt came from Happy. "Please baby", she pleaded with that innocent look that Happy couldn't resist.
"You're gonna be the death of me, woman", he murmured with a smirk, but her words still did the trick. Pulling her into another sloppy kiss, it only took two more thrusts before Happy obeyed his wife's wish, coating her inner walls with his warm seed.
Breathing heavily but completely satisfied, they both let their foreheads fall against each other's, just staying in that position for a moment while catching their breath.
Holding her close with an arm around her waist, Happy placed his other hand on the side of her neck, massaging the back of her neck with his fingertips while his thumb slid along her jawline, simply admiring her.
"You okay?", he asked with a croak, smiling slightly as she nodded.
"More than okay", she assured him in a whisper, her own lips also curling into a smile.
A few more kisses were exchanged before both were ready to rejoin the others, acting all innocent and casual like they hadn't just fucked in the hallway.
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hxllfires-gifs · 1 year
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PAIRING. thomas raggi x fem!reader
SUMMARY. måneskin is competing in eurovision and thomas’ girlfriend surprises him with the help of their friends, to support her lover who thought that she would be staying home because of work.
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Y/N L/N WALKED around the airport after her flight finally landed and she gathered her luggage. She had flown to Rotterdam in order to surprise her boyfriend Thomas. The grand final of Eurovision was later on and there was a specific time that she needed to meet her friends at the venue. She made plans with Victoria, Ethan, and Damiano to surprise the youngest member but she also wanted to be there to support her friends.
She had a taxi take her to the place and she was met by Victoria who ushered her to the backstage area. She would be sitting in the green room with them once the finals actually started, but for now she was ready to see her partner. The two girls walked for a little longer before the H/C haired girl came to a stop. She could heard Thomas’ voice speaking to Ethan and Damiano most likely.
“What is this surprise?” Thomas asked, a tiny bit annoyed that his friends were trying to keep something from him and would not tell him. He had asked about it like fifty times, yet he still got no straightforward response.
“We will tell you soon, just be patient!” It was the singer who spoke up this time, his voice being louder than he intended. “You are going to love it, that’s all I can say for now.”
Thomas rolled his eyes at the two other males, not wanting to talk about it anymore because of the fact they were so hush hush. He wondered what could be so important but everyone in the band could be a little on the unpredictable side sometimes. Who knows what they had in store for him.
“Stay right there for a second,” Victoria’s words were more quiet so that Thomas was unable to hear. She turned and walked back into the dressing room with a smirk present on her face, not attempting to hide anything from the younger male.
Her slight mischievous energy gained his attention, causing him to focus on Victoria completely. “Why do you look like that? Did you do something you shouldn’t have?” His words held a teasing tone to them.
“Why do you assume I did something?” It wasn’t long before she feigned offense, not able to do it for too long though.
She glanced at Ethan and Damiano, who had the same type of expressions on their faces. It was time for them to reveal the big surprise. The bassist was excited to see how her friend would react. His girlfriend had been working a lot recently and originally thought that she wouldn’t be able to go to Rotterdam, but fate had different plans.
The de Angelis started explaining what she and the other two had been keeping from Thomas. “We are finally ready to tell you about your surprise. You’ve seemed a little…disappointed recently, so we wanted to cheer you up with someone special.”
This was Y/N’s cue to made her presence known so she joined the band in the room and her eyes immediately landed on the guy she loved so much. A look of disbelief had flashed upon his features but it was soon replaced with happiness. Thomas walked over to his girlfriend and wrapped his arms around her, feeling tears in his eyes that he tried to keep at bay.
“What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t able to come because of work. Are you staying for the finals?” There were so many thoughts in his brain that he almost couldn’t keep up.
Y/N laughed, finding his reaction a little funny but more-so precious. “Yes, I am staying for the finals and afterwards. I’ll go back home with you guys. I honestly thought I wouldn’t but I worked something out with my boss and she let me take a couple of days off. I talked with these three about surprising you and hopped on the first flight here that I could get.”
She rubbed his back once she felt his hands fidgeting, which was a habit that he had picked up because of her. He was the happiest person and it was obvious in that moment. The girl stepped back a bit and it didn’t take long for their eyes to lock with one other’s gaze. He had a couple of tears that escaped, which made Y/N frown for a split second.
She wiped them away before kissing his cheeks. “Angel, I’m here, okay. I came here to support you guys. I could never miss out on something as big as this.”
“I was convinced that I’d have to do this without you, but I’m happy that you’re here now.” Thomas’ confession almost broke the L/N’s heart but she was over the moon that she could be here in person to cheer him on like he and their friends deserved.
“I hate to break up this sweet moment but we have to finish getting ready,” Damiano reminded his band mates.
Y/N placed a hand on her boyfriend’s arm and smiled once more. “I’ll be here all night so go and get ready, rockstar.”
Thomas playfully rolled his eyes but did as she and Damiano said, going to change into his outfit for their performance. It was going to be a crazy night but he felt like it would be ten times better now that Y/N was with him.
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Remus is my favorite side and I am collecting people's opinions about him. For the bingo?
Hiya, Birch! Consider my opinion collected!
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Circle size represents how much I resonate with or feel confidently about an answer.
Going to address the not liking him as a person (vs adoring him as a character) before I go any further. Just like, if I knew a person who acted like him irl (which would probably be a neglected 13 y/o) I wouldn't really like them. Wouldn't necessarily hold it against them, but understanding someone and/or wanting to help someone is not the same as liking them. Sides aren't exactly comparable to people, though.
I think about Remus so frequently. My absolute favorite we've seen of him was WTIT. It definitely gave us more to work with, particularly with how much he hates being ignored. Bc like, yeah he's a side and he needs to be able to do his function, but his function and subsequently himself have been repressed which has warped everything and tbh I'd act like that too.
I NEED him and Roman to work together bc wtf. I need them both to be mad bc like we're going to have to address at some point why there are two sides that manage Creativity? Um? But skipping past that bc we are where we are, they should be able to work together. Also going to link a post I made about creativitwins bc it's too long to quote here which has more of my thoughts about Remus's job as part of Creativity.
Remus is literally an alarm. He shows up when things are bad... And makes them worse, but!!!!! He's a clue to get to the root problem. Also, as someone who suffers from disturbing and upsetting intrusive thoughts, I'd love to see dealing with Remus through creation, bc honestly him having a hold of Creativity is perfect. One way to get through intrusive thoughts is the mindful meditation technique, another is by ejecting them via art/writing. I think that would be fun.
Some people think Remus is annoying. And? As is his right? No, but seriously, he's been neglected up until we see him appear, suppressed except for where his influence slips out, honestly, he could be MORE annoying if he wanted. Get their asses.
One characterization I see people give him is that he doesn't care, but if nothing else, there is one thing he absolutely has to care about: c!Thomas. I mentioned this in my unreliable narrator post in relation to Janus, but it stands for all of them: “Sides of Thomas will always seek to perform their duties to help Thomas.” I don't believe the sides can purposely seek to hurt c!Thomas. They're not people, they're part of a person.
Speaking of that post, I'm just going to copy paste my Remus paragraph bc I can:
And last we have Remus. This guy. Beautiful boy. All about being brutally honest except he’s just not lying. Except for when he is. I swear he just says stuff recreationally and like, me too, but at least I admit it. He’s got that Brennan Lee Mulligan 'I will die on any hill’ vibe methinks. The problem is that he says the actual profound truths in the same tone he does the shitposts so no one takes it seriously. And I swear to you this is on purpose, I can’t prove it, but tell me honestly you don’t think that’s something he’d do. Rat bastard.
Idk if I've said everything I wanted to. I've probably said enough for this post, though. As always, feel free to tag on or ask questions or whatever else!
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hygge-aika · 1 year
Shitto 嫉妬
Pick me..choose me..love me.
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note. reader has female pronouns.
sum. falling for an anonymous boy with sweet letters.
t/w. slight obsession. not proofread. bad story transitions.
w/c. I honestly don't know...
a/n. Hello hello! This is my first post..kinda. This is a semi collab with my best friend. Where we use a..bit of each other's ideas 👀. I'm using ayato because one. She stole my husband like omg 😒. (Check her out please, live laugh love @kzulemniii my pookie wookie bear) And second, because ayato is so amazing like 🥰. Anyways, just hope you could enjoy and have a great morning/afternoon/night!
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Here she was, her sides pinned to the wall by the student council president. His pretty eyes locked on hers.
"Why...why him."
"Im here..so dont choose him..choose me, love me instead."
He says as his brows furrow from jealousy and envy.
She was a sucker for affection and sweet words, maybe because receiving such things was like getting presents as a kid on christmas mornings. It was rare. So of course when she recieved the note that contained such sugar words. It was over. She was already head over heels for this anonymous guy she didn't even know a single thing about.
It was pathetic, honestly.
How could you fall in love with someone you don't even know?
But she didn't mind that, she tried not to. This all felt like a sweet dream she didn't want to wake up to. So she'll keep reading those notes even if the words turn out to be empty and meaningless. Even if this was all just a joke in the end, atleast she could feel the slightest happiness from receiving such sweet words filled with affections.
As days pass she couldn't help but wonder...
Who wrote all these letters?
Who was behind all of it?
Maybe it was a classmate? a schoolmate? a batch mate?
Who knows.
At first, she wanted to let things as it is. She was willing to wait the admirer reveal who he was. But then, one day, she accidentally finds out who the secret admirer was.
You woke up earlier than usual and thought to just head to school early.
While walking down the halls to your locker, you spot a certain blonde sliding a letter inside your locker.
Thoma? The student council secretary?
Your eyes widen in shock.
It was him all this time? But how? They've never interacted much, so it was slightly confusing to why he'd find interest in her. But hey, who's judging?
Before he could spot her, she hid inside an open classroom. You wait for a few moments to pass and check to see if he was gone.
You look around just in case before heading to your locker again, opening it just to be sure.
The letter was there with its usual contents. Sugar- coated words and an end that says 'sincerely yours'.
Her heart was beating fast as her cheeks glow with a pink hue to them. What was she going to do with this information now..?
What to do?
Should she make a move or no?
But, why didn't he make a move first.
Oh wait, maybe he's shy..thats why.
Well...you can help with that ;)
So for the next few days you try to make conversations.
At first Thoma got confused and suspicious.
Frequent greetings and hello's when you see each other on the halls.
Flustered expressions.
Constant pink cheeks.
Fidgeting fingers.
Well looks like he'll have to report this to a certain someone while praying to the archons that he could survive after informing such information.
It's been a few weeks since you've started making a move on Thoma.
And you were sure that you were being painfully obvious about it...so why isn't he doing anything?
You decided to confront him.
Maybe he was just that dense.
You try to look for the blonde, and after minutes of looking, you found him near the cooking clubs' club room.
You head towards him and he notices you.
"O-oh hey-!"
"Thoma, I wanted to ask you something"
"Sure..what is it?" This time he was the one with fidgeting fingers.
"You're the one sending me those letters..right?"
His face went slightly pale.
"Letters?" He laughs nervously
"What are you talking abo-" before he could finish his sentence, he was cut off by a...certain someone.
"Thoma." He says with a stern voice.
The blonde turns around and spots the student council president. Ayato.
Ayato had his signature smile plastered on his face, but instead of looking friendly and approachable...it gave chills instead.
"Nevermind that, we'll talk later. Thoma."
Ayato walks to your direction and gently grabs your arm, dragging you somewhere else. Leaving the blonde behind.
And now..here you are. Pinned to the wall by a jealous student council president.
"(Reader). Why.."
You both lock eyes.
"Why...why him"
Your eyes widen. What is happening, why is he like this?
"I'm here..so don't choose him..choose me, love me instead."
Your heart starts beating fast. Nobody has ever been like..this to you.
"I sent you those letters, I'm the one who wrote them. Every single word in that letter is from me."
He takes your hand and kisses it before placing it on his cheek.
Your face starts to heat up and your heart starts to beat faster than before.
"I'm the one who loves you that much..so will you accept my love..?"
Your eyes start to water and you nod.
He smiles and quickly wraps his arms around you before pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
"I love you" he whispers.
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alexibeeart · 6 months
ooookay i'm about to pop off for a little bit RE: comments i keep seeing about Daft Punk just being whoever puts on a costume and mixes whatever music. so please forgive in advance. here's two examples of what I'm talking about, screenshot and reposted to not put ops on blast:
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#1 is hot garbage, get it out of my sight. #2 is ... okay i get where it's coming from in an alternate universe rpg way, sure, cute, pretty harmless but like.
Daft Punk was the 28 year long passion project of two childhood friends who formed their unique talents into an even more unique collaboration; we're lucky to have experienced it! They were always very clear and exacting about their artistic vision. It's not an empty mantle for anyone to just pick-up. The Robots are creative identities developed and embodied by Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem Christo so they could a) have a sense of privacy, b) have their music standalone without celebrity gossip, and c) they liked the idea of secret identities and building a fun aesthetic world around their music. The media would often make flippant comments wondering if it was really "them" at events, interviews, even their own concerts. They mostly ignored that noise–famously declining an appearance on The Colbert Report in 2013–but Thomas responded to an interview during their Alive 2007 tour: "Of course not. Who would want to trade such a spot?" The only time anyone other than Thomas and Guy-Man wore the helmets in an officially endorsed capacity was for their film Electroma, which had actors playing robots while Daft Punk directed.
It's important, especially right now as we continue to fight against AI scraping art for marketable content, to defend artists as people who have put blood, sweat, and tears into their craft. And to value that craft. Bangalter, in 2023:
"Now the story has ended, it felt interesting to reveal part of the creative process that is very much human-based and not algorithmic of any sort. [...] We tried to use these machines to express something extremely moving that a machine cannot feel, but a human can. We were always on the side of humanity and not on the side of technology. [...] As much as I love this character, the last thing I would want to be, in the world we live in, in 2023, is a robot."
sorry to get all serious business, yes i hear myself lmao, but Daft Punk is Daft Punk. okayyyy beep boop bye x
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ticklishprincey · 2 months
𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚂𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚜 𝚃𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜!
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✿.。.:* ☆:**:. Hello my loveys! This wasn't requested but I've had these in my head for the past month for a while now and I figured I'd share. (part one because this bitch is LONG) ◦•●◉✿ Warnings: Tickling, teasing, lmk if there's anything else ✿◉●•◦𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢, 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚢𝚜◦•●◉✿ ◦•●◉✿ Roman ♡ Ler-leaning switch ♡ ---------- ♡ Main targets are Virgil and Logan ♡ Tickles Virgil when he's being depressing, tickles Logan when he's being boring ♡ Is 100% responsible for introducing the concept of tickling to Logan ♡ The worst ler moods ever, if he picks you, you better RUN ♡ Will just pick up one of the others out of nowhere and tickle them, no matter where they are or what they're doing ♡ Not super ticklish but if you know where to get him he's gone ♡ Get behind his knees and he's a mess ♡ Not super easy to fluster and will argue back and forth with his ler while being wrecked ◦•●◉✿ Patton ♡ Switch ♡ ---------- ♡ The teasiest ler ♡ Doesn't have a main target, he tickles everyone (excluding Remus, he would not touch him with a ten foot pole) ♡ Coos at his lee with the biggest grin on his face ♡ He's just a dad c'mon ♡ Compliment teases are his specialty ♡ Will find any reason to tickle someone. You're sad? Tickle you until you feel better. Insecure? Tickle you until you admit you're beautiful/handsome. Just bored? He'll gladly entertain you! ♡ Virgil's learned not to say he's depressed around him unless he wants to get wrecked ♡ Also ridiculously ticklish, just the threat is enough to get him giggling ♡ His tummy is his worst spot, raspberries kill him ♡ Really giggly and squeaky laugh, very fitting ♡ Both does and doesn't fluster easily, he'll blush at teasing but he'll come back with an equally teasing remark without even meaning to ♡ Sometimes flusters his ler with how forward he is, he'll ask to be wrecked without a second thought ◦•●◉✿ Logan ♡ Ler ♡ ---------- ♡ Doesn't really understand the appeal but is happy to assist the others with their lee moods ♡ He'll tease but not the typical way, he just makes observations. Out loud. You see how this is an issue? ♡ When he discovered the other sides enjoyed it he did research on it ♡ He does research on everything, what did you expect? ♡ Prefers using tools rather than his hands, likes to use feathers and hairbrushes ♡ Main target is Patton, but he'll gladly assist anyone who asks. And you have to ask or he'll be clueless. DO YOU SEE THE ISSUE HERE?? ♡ Not ticklish whatsoever except for his ears, and only Patton and Roman know about it. ♡ Patton knows because he was told, Roman knows because he's a stubborn and nosy little bitch and wouldn't stop poking until he got a reaction. ◦•●◉✿ Virgil ♡ Lee-leaning switch ♡ ---------- ♡ Surprisingly ticklish ♡ Main ler is Patton, but everyone will get him because he's so goddamn cute ♡ His laugh is super giggly, lots of hiccups and squeals in there ♡ Everyone just fawns over him and he loves hates it ♡ After he and Janus made up he's also been a prominent ler ♡ Will not admit he likes it to save his life ♡ If he's in a lee mood he will suffer, there is no way he's asking anyone ♡ Worst spots are his hips and ribs ♡ Absolutely dies at any form of teasing ♡ He'll be red in the face before you even touch him it's adorable ♡ He doesn't really have a melt spot but his favorite spot would be his neck. ♡ Raspberries kill him, he's just deceased at this point. ♡ Will start out fighting/squirming but eventually tires himself out and just lets it happen ♡ He can't make eye contact on the regular, you think he can when he's being wrecked? Fat chance ♡ Won't admit it but his favorite ler is Janus ✿◉●•◦𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚍◦•●◉✿ ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. If you guys like me doing these headcannon lists, please let me know and give me suggestions on what fandoms out of my fandom list you'd like to see next! I promise I'll do Janus and Remus and c!Thomas in part two, it's just super freaking long already. •.¸♡𝚝𝚞 𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒 𝚒𝚕 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚘 𝚖𝚊 𝚒𝚕 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚊 𝚝𝚎♡¸.•
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halfhissandwich · 6 months
Random Sanders Sides headcanons, most of which I have no evidence for but will defend with my life anyway (feel free to share yours in the replies if you feel like it):
- c!Thomas and Virgil at least subconsciously see each other as brothers. Come on. They have stronger brother vibes than the actual pair of brothers in this series.
- Logan and Virgil comfort each other during rage attacks and panic attacks respectively.
- There was one time very shortly after Virgil joined the light sides when Janus got drunk and started singing Gary Come Home from SpongeBob, but with Virgil’s name. Remus still has the recording.
- The orange side will be a pirate. (This was written 3/17/24, let’s see if I was right when the season finale is out)
- Patton has dad sneezes. One time, the sides heard this huge explosion and they all collectively yelled “REMUS WHAT DID YOU DO?!” And Patton said “sorry, guys… allergies…”
- Many of the bonds between the sides have gotten stronger over a united hatred for another side. (Roman and Virgil bond over hating Janus, Janus and Remus bond over hating Virgil, Patton and Virgil bond over hating Remus…)
- You know when Thomas did that thing where he said the most out of character thing for each side and for Janus, Virgil and Logan he did “I like pancakes with marshmallows!” Yeah, the three of them said that as an April Fools prank one year and Patton started crying with joy.
- None of the sides were originally what we currently know them as. When c!Thomas was little and the sides were developing, Janus was Self Preservation, Patton was Kindness, Logan was Brain, Virgil was Paranoia, and the twins were King Creativity. Over time, they shifted as they discovered more effective ways to fulfill their roles (notably Janus taking to dishonesty), and turned into what they are today.
- Patton is significantly more blind than Logan. Both of them are blind without their glasses, but Patton is way more so. I don’t know why I feel this way.
- Janus and Logan have a lower alcohol tolerance than the other sides because the ability to lie and the ability to think logically are both very hindered when you’re drunk. Core moral beliefs and creativity aren’t really hindered by alcohol, so Patton and the twins have a way higher alcohol tolerance. Virgil, by the way, has practically no alcohol tolerance. (Don’t quote me on any of this, I haven’t ever tried alcohol)
- Janus is venomous, but none of the sides can really get sick or die and Janus is imaginary, so even if he wanted to, he couldn’t seriously hurt anyone with his venom.
- Imagine a Sanders Sides beach episode. Virgil is trying to stop Thomas from going in the water at all, Roman and Remus are fighting with water guns, Logan is fanboying over the sea creatures he might find, Patton and Janus are babysitting and placing bets on who’s gonna win the Roman v Remus water gun duel.
- Virgil hates Janus because Virgil is the spider of the group and Janus is the snake, but Janus is somehow the one who ended up with 8 limbs.
May add to this, might not, I dunno, I was just bored
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Is one of thomas' Sanders sizes literally just the Sanders from vine that wore the su shirt and Jung out with the vas 😭?
I'm gonna use this ask as an excuse to introduce you to all the sides LOL
I’m gonna preface this by saying that this will be LONG and also it has been a while since I rewatched the series or refreshed myself on some of the older stuff
I’m also gonna go ahead and give a quick rundown of my history with the fandom. I was like 12 or 13 when it first started? I didn’t have vine at the time so I just watched vine comps on youtube LOL but I was already like a causal a fan of Thomas Sanders. It wasn’t until the third episode which was a crossover with Lily Singh (I was a Lily Singh and Liza Koshy fan back in the day) that I started watching the series though. I got really into it after that and it was one of the first fandoms where I was like actually a super active member (You can look at  the comments on some old prinxiety fanfics for proof of that LOL) I don’t remember exactly when I fell off but I fell off from the fandom for a good while around the Christmas episode where they all sing together through no fault of the series itself. I still watched the series but I didn’t like actively get into it or anything like I used to. Then the asides episode “Flirting with social anxiety” like REALLY dragged me back in hard and suddenly its like 13 year old me woke up as a 18 year old with the freedom to peruse tumblr as much as I wanted and I was back into it HARD. I try not to be ashamed of it but I know its one of those fandoms that gets a lot of shit for both valid and super not valid reasons. Long story short i’ve been a fan for years and unless things catch on fire worse than they already are I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to jump ship. 
Not a side but a character: C!Thomas (which I think is who you're specifically referencing?) (and yes there was a vine where he met the VAS LOL, “Who ate my fries?” ) 
So like I said I’m pretty sure Thomas was big on way Vine before he was really big on Youtube. He did other stuff on Youtube before SASI but SASI has sorta become his flagship. A lot of his characters that he uses for instagram and yes indeed the sides originated on vine. The one I think you’re specifically referencing is a weird one because its not one of the sides. Thomas wore his Steven Universe shirt A LOT way back when so its how a lot of early fans took to drawing him and to some extent still do. This is a weird one like I said hafljad. So Character Thomas or C!Thomas is what fans call the version of himself Thomas portrays in SASI. This sort of relatable everyman online persona he puts on. I’m glad we do this is a good and healthy way to separate the show from the the man and it makes it a lot less weird to see like an in-depth post speculating about Thomas’s mental health when there’s a little C! In front of it to let you know its the Thomas as portrayed in SASI. Like I said the reason you still see the SU shirt even though I can’t remember the last time Thomas wore it and honestly I don’t even really think fans draw him in it anymore is that a lot of the art and fan content that like has the most notes and stuff is from the heyday way back when when he WAS still wearing the SU shirt. So yeah SU shirt guy isn’t one of the sides that is C!Thomas. 
The basic plot of Sanders Sides is that its a guy standing in his living room with various aspects of himself talking about life. It did the very modern western cartoon thing of starting out a lot more episodic with some smaller long running plot threads being slowly introduced and then spinning wildly off the rails with a higher budget and musical numbers and intricate grand storytelling as the show went on but the basics are still the same hflajf. 
Logan is another character that made the jump from vine and our first actual side on the list! He started as “The Teacher” character. Now it gets confusing down the line as we talk about the old Vine characters and their side counterparts but with Logan I’m pretty sure “The Teacher” is dead and gone so we don’t have to worry about that. 
Sanders Sides characters all belong in name HELL. Its not really a problem with Logan or the other sides like it is for one of the them specifically (cough cough looking at you JANUS) but we’ll get there. 
*The place it causes issues and possible confusion is in shipping. When you see the ship names pop up like “Logicality” “Intrulogical” “Prinxiety” etc the early ones were established popular pairings way before the sides had names so Morality + Logic = Logicality and later ships like “Intrulogical” kept up the name scheme. Where it gets weird is the later ships though where some characters did have names and some didn’t or people just wanted to abandon the naming scheme altogether and just use their names. The WORST culprit of this that I’ve seen happens to be my own dearly beloved “Dukeceit” or “Demus” or “Receit” or “Trashnoodle” Both of the characters were introduced late in the game so naming conventions were DEAD and Janus didn’t get a name for A LONG ASS TIME so its just like I said NAME HELL (it suits them though). I can’t even imagine what poor Orange’s ship names are going to look like.* 
Back to teacher man who I’m afraid I’m treating just as badly as the series whoops…Long story short when the series first started the characters didn’t have names they had roles. So Logan made the jump from Vine as “The Teacher” character and became “Logic.” That is still his role but not what he gets called as a thing that got introduced later was that the sides had names and them telling their name to Thomas was like a very big series deal with a lot of meaning. Logan was the first to get a name.
So Logan is logic, his color is dark blue. One of the OG three (later four). He’s like the part of Thomas’s brain that wants to focus on work and being productive. He struggles with understanding his much more “Feeling based” companions. A lot of his angst is derived from Thomas’s career being so creativity focused a place where he feels he doesn’t really have much to contribute and Thomas’s continued struggles with (mental health) being productive and having a good work flow. A lot MORE of his angst is how often he is talked over, belittled and outright ignored by everyone. Logan deserves a lot better and with where we are in the series right now he’s gonna snap soon so hopefully he’ll get it. Logan is a bit of a funny case in the fandom. In the early days when it was just the four sides (aka when I was in the fandom the first time) he was the least popular side by a long shot. However, this did a full 180 and I would now argue he is the MOST popular side, which caused some cognitive dissonance because by the time the team made a meta-joke about him being the least popular, that shift was already well under way. 
Is the “Dad’ character from Vine. The “Dad” character is our first instance where we see a split between SASI and Thomas’s other stuff. I’m pretty sure “Dad” still pops up in some of his skits but like infrequently, but when you see “Dad” in a skit it's not Patton unless stated otherwise. So there’s that weird split I was talking about LOL. Patton made the jump from Vine as the “Dad” character and then became “Morality.” 
So Patton is Morality. His color is light blue and he’s the second side to get his name. One of the OG three (eventually four). Patton is a really interesting character, it's all too easy to label him Thomas’s “Heart” but I feel like that’s an oversimplification. He is Thomas’s judgment, he is Thomas’s sense of right and wrong and yes he is most of his mushy gushy feely stuff. Patton is the “Dad” but in a very real sense he’s also pretty childish and I don’t say that to demean him. He struggles with being blinded by nostalgia and black and white thinking. His main source of angst is that he feels unprepared to be Thomas’s morality now that Thomas is grown up and it's not so easy to tell what’s right and wrong anymore. However, a good source of angst for him is ALSO his deteriorating relationship with his once very good friend and son figure Virgil. 
Patton is a complicated one to talk about because of how much perception of him in the fandom has shifted over the years. There’s always a tendency for the super cheerful friendly one of the bunch to get “Bullied” by the fandom (I’m guilty of it too) and in the early days there was a small pocket that didn’t like him or found him annoying or whatever. However, he was always, I would say, one of the more popular sides, I think he may have even been the most popular behind Virgil at that point.
This has definitely changed in recent years largely due to the introduction of the “Dark Sides,” especially Janus. There was always this tendency for the fandom to infantilize Patton and smush him down to his base components and it was easier to do so early on before Janus. His main role in the story besides being the sort of lovable goofy “White dad guy” who would scold the other sides for cursing (but might accidentally do so himself) was bringing Virgil into their little found family. However, he’s had a bit of a negative character arc lately that I believe we’re on the tail end of now. 
The fandom generally skews young so we’re just as bad about black and white thinking as Patton is. Janus was introduced as the liar to Patton’s honesty and the selfishness to Patton’s selflessness and Patton made a bit of an ass of himself through the rocky introduction process. This is true but it's also true that Janus was directly goading him a lot of the time to try to make him seem bad. So yes Patton has the capability to be a jerk but he was also a jerk under duress. This is also what led to his relationship with Virgil now being so rocky (mostly). We haven’t gotten a conclusion to that yet. I can’t really look at Patton centric posts without them being super divided between the Patton defenders who still love him and the “Patton is the real villain” crowd. Nuance is dead, Patton villain AUs are at an all time high and Patton defenders tend to turn it around and shit on Janus (I may not like Moceit like at all but god bless the enemies to lovers crowd working their asses off here). While he isn’t my FAVORITE I don’t think he deserves this at all and I hope things look up in the future.
Roman is an interesting one on the name front. On vine he was “The prince” character and he jumped to sasi as “Creativity.” But he was still actively called the prince  a lot of the time and dressed like a prince, I think it was a little while before we actually got confirmation of what exactly his official title was? This discrepancy comes into play with his ships (which I PROMISE I will stop bringing up eventually LOL). I’m not sure if its just because “Creativity” is a bitch to work into a ship name or because of the thing I mentioned earlier but Roman’s early ships like the juggernaut “Prinxiety” (Prince or “Princey” x Anxiety) and Logince (Logic x Prince). His later ships however like the ever popular sister ship to my beloved dukeceit, Roceit (Roman x Deceit) do not share this descrepency as they simply chose to use the names. 
So Roman is creativity. His color is red and he was the third side to get his name. One of the og three (eventually four). Roman is not just creativity, he is as his name and color suggest Thomas’s capability for romance and romantic love. Now, I don’t remember the last time I saw “The Prince” character pop up in an instagram short or anything but where the same characters different but also characters drama rears its head for Roman is a little series called “Role Slaying with Roman.” The best way I can put it is the whole C.A Cupid MH EAH thing except not really because there it was canon she was the same person who had crossed over into the other world??...Role Slaying with Roman is basically just Thomas’s take on a DND podcast in which he (this is speculation) used Roman as a way to draw in his pre-existing fans by making him his player character. The universes are completely separate, the Romans are completely separate but they are both Roman. The fandoms have gotten pretty good at tagging for this but still I know it is confusing and it is a lot. As far as popularity in the fandom goes he has always been pretty middling and I think it suits him! He deserves to be higher but I think its pretty fitting that he has never ever dipped below the half way point of adoration. Roman is a theater kid extraordinaire, a sweet, slightly selfish, goofy himbo with big big dreams. He is a lover-boy and a bleeding heart. I HAVE to mention his early on rivalry with Virgil and subsequent friendship arc because its one of my favorite parts of the series but I think that about sums it up. Virgil is like the cause of all of Thomas’s stage fright and self doubt so of course the two are going to be at odds. Roman is very antagonist to Virgil because he can be scary so Virgil was antagonistic back but they slowly come to understand each other in a really believable and sweet way culminating in this absolute GUT PUNCH of a speech from Roman in the season finale and UGHH. Ever since they are besties who are constantly friendly bickering; they have a surprisingly healthy and supportive relationship and I love them dearly. Roman continues his trend of being deeply antagonistic to the dark sides by absolutely simultaneously adoring Janus because of his (sarcastic) flattery towards him and hating him after he figures out he’s lying. Janus made his debut in the series by impersonating Patton for a whole episode and it sort of made a fool of Roman and ever since it has been a very one sided rivalry with Roman absolutely HATING Janus. There is also this thing with a callback that he is very conflicted on and it made the whole thing so much worse. He has a hero complex and to him Janus is the villain and that is all he’ll ever be. I feel like it may also have something to do with…Who Janus brings with him but we’ll get there :))))). I feel like I’m talking about other people a lot in Roman’s section but that is where he shines, his relationships to ALL of the other characters are so nuanced and liable to change, especially now with everything that is currently happening in the series. Roman’s main sources of angst have been Thomas sacrificing opportunities for creative success for various reasons, not feeling like he can be Thomas’s “Hero” anymore (similar vibes to Patton) and Nico. Thomas in canon has recently started dating a man named Nico and…Wellll…Let’s just say things seem sweet now in a understandably bumpy but still favorable road…But the whole fandom can smell a break up coming that would push everyone including and especially our favorite prince over the edge. Hopefully he and Virgil don’t get back on the rocks! 
OH VIRGIL. Virgil Virgil Virgil… Originally the “Anxiety” character on Vine Virgil made the jump to SASI and became “Anxiety.” His is the character where you will see the most confusion with or at least it was before Roman. The confusion comes not only from “Anxiety” still being a pretty frequently used character in Thomas’s other content but also from the hoodie and his first arc. When Virgil first appeared in the series (although I don’t know if the episode technically counts?) was episode three in the crossover with Lily Singh I mentioned before. Both Thomas and Lily often spoke about dealing with mental health so Thomas’s anxiety character made an appearance in the episode as a (seemingly) one off antagonist for them to defeat (of course with the mentioned caveat that anxiety was not something you CAN defeat but still the point was he was an obstacle to face). Virgil in that appearance and every subsequent appearance throughout season one appeared in a grey plaid hoodie. However, after being “Redeemed” later on he swapped out the grey hoodie for a more patchwork custom purple hoodie. The Anxiety that appears in Thomas’s relatable instagram content still wears the grey hoodie and (I think) has a sign taped to his chest that simply says “Anxiety.” But the distinction can be hard to make so the confusion was always there and he was definitely the character where it was the most confusing until RSWR.
I think I have a lot to say about Virgil unfortunately. He is undoubtedly a fandom tour de force. In the early days finding a fander who’s favorite side wasn’t Virgil was a chore. He isn’t my favorite anymore but he still means a lot to me. I was a scared and dumb little kid with a family that mocked you for using words like “Mental health” and Virgil was the first time I ever saw a nuanced take on anxiety. He helped me come to terms with my own anxiety and not hate that part of myself. Despite the series later failures with handling nuance and mental health I stand by Virgil being a fantastic character. Besides all that he was just an angsty emo teen Zuko figure who loved MCR and Nightmare Before Christmas of COURSE he was popular.  He is the only one I think could give Logan a run for his money (I would say maybe Janus but Janus also has a fair number of passionate haters). 
Virgil is anxiety. His color is purple and he was the fourth side to get his name. When I say “original three eventually four” he is that fourth I am referring to, he has been around much longer than the two newer sides but also wasn’t in the first two episodes. Our first “Dark Side” on the list but also not really! That gets a little complicated lol. Virgil used to be a dark side, a concept introduced with the introduction of Janus. The dark sides are like the less desirable parts of Thomas, aka his anxiety and others we’ll get to later. Virgil, however, has been confirmed to be a “Neutral” side which will factor in later. Virgil is not just Thomas’s anxiety he is Thomas’s fear in general. We have seen that without him Thomas cannot function, he keeps him safe, he is fight or flight, he seemingly has control over more basic reflexes too or at least keeps them sharp and without him Thomas quote “Doesn’t fear death.” Which isn’t really a bad thing #deathpositive but in this case that refers to him not valuing his life and taking dumb risks like not locking his door or looking both ways to cross the street which is not good. Virgil’s whole arc first season was finding this nuance and coming to be accepted and it is still some of the series best. However, as time went on Virgil stagnated just a hair there wasn’t really anywhere else obvious for him to grow, he was on decent terms with the other three sides. I think this was about the time his popularity dipped slightly but I wasn’t around to see it. ALL of that changed however when Janus popped up and dragged all of Virgil’s history with him. Virgil wants so badly to forget that he was ever “Like them” he worked so hard to get away from being a dark side, from being seen as a threat to Thomas and now Janus waltzes in and just reminds everyone, literally. No literally those two have personal beef and Janus loves taunting Virgil over how he’ll always be a dark side. This is also where what had previously been Virgil’s strongest relationship crumbled, partially? I don’t know if its quite clear what exactly is the root cause but its definitely got something to do with these two factors. One, Patton simultaneously implying that all dark sides were unforgivable by the way he treated Janus but also two, treating Virgil as if he’d never been an antagonist in the first place, just generally not handling a (albeit very difficult situation with much grace). But also Virgil is definitely coded the youngest of the sides I think, he’s the most teenager and as such he acts like a teenager. Virgil (speculation) doesn’t like that Patton would imply he’s just a sweet helpless innocent baby, as much as he would love to distance himself from the dark sides I think someone else erasing that history for him invalidates him. On a less deep level it is a very typical teenager snapping at their parent and giving them the cold shoulder sort of deal LOL. They will work it out. Him and Janus though? His other parent figure? That seems like it may be another story. 
OGH REMUS. I have two favorites and he is one of them. That being said there is some…Stuff to say about Remus. Remus was the second out of the two sides made specifically for the series and not being pre-existing characters to be introduced. However, he was the first of the two to get his name so that’s why he comes first on the list. He is the only side to date that has (and likely ever will) given their name the very first time they appear/meet Thomas and I love him for it. As much as I love Remus as a character, him as a concept is…Flawed… 
See, the dark sides seem to be doing the Virgil thing but ramping up in intensity. The series' whole thing seems to be that every part of you can be good and is necessary; you just have to work with yourself not against yourself. Janus is a good example of this. He isn’t a mental health thing like Virgil, but he is something that is often demonized: he is Thomas’s selfishness and the series had a wonderful and deep and complicated conversation about that and what the balance is of prioritizing yourself but still being a kind and giving person who does right by others. His whole arc (which isn’t even quite over yet, hopefully) is probably the best thing the series has ever done and I LOVE it. 
Remus on the other hand…Woof…So. Here’s the thing. Remus represents intrusive thoughts. The way they’ve spun this is that he’s also Thomas’s capability for more adult oriented creativity, darker stories and sex scenes and stuff. He’s all the stuff that Thomas has locked away as a creator who has made his whole brand kid friendly. AND THAT is a deeply deeply interesting conversation to have! However, he’s still intrusive thoughts. Now I can tell you as someone with severe anxiety that anxiety is no damn joke, chest pain, nausea, weak immune system, panic attacks, insomnia NO FUN. However, a big factor here is that anxiety isn’t demonized like intrusive thoughts. 
 I’m going to speak out of my ass here for a bit based on discourse I’ve seen but….There is a lot of nuance here and I deleted a whole paragraph because I feel like I can’t speak with experience on the matter. I haven’t really dealt with intrusive thoughts since I was a pre-teen and my memory there is practically blacked out. A lot of the issues come with just being slightly tone deaf I think and a lot of the other issues come from the person they consulted to write Remus who as I understand it isn’t a great person. Then there was the issue with fanders tagging Remus related posts with “Intrusive thoughts” and clogging up a tag that should have been dedicated to a serious mental health thing with their blorbo. All in all it was just a mess. 
Overall I don’t feel like this is a topic Thomas was fully prepared to handle. As such Remus has sort of been reduced to a joke character which is fine? I guess? I don’t know in his debut episode that was sort of the conclusion: that you shouldn’t take him seriously. BUT, the thing is he has so much damn potential as a character.  Remus. I love Remus and I think there’s a lot there, like I said the conversation about feeling limited as a creative is one I think would be very interesting but I don’t think its ever going to happen. It feels like Remus was meant for more but due to the (rightful) backlash he received he’ll never get it. Its like the series has backed themselves into a corner in my eyes. If they want to make interesting Remus content with the aspect of him that they can talk about in an interesting and nuanced manner they have to reckon with the fact that they tried to tackle a demonized mental health issue and people weren’t happy with the way they did so. MAYBE I’m just a jaded fan who’s sad my blorbo isn’t gonna get the spotlight but I don’t know. In all the supplemental material we’ve gotten since he cropped up he’s been sort of like the lovable outcast buffoon side character that’s just sort of tolerated by everyone and OCCASIONALLY we’ll see a moment where he makes Thomas feel like shit. And I’m like?? Where did THIS come from? It feels like Remus is a song where the last note never played. I LOVE to see him pop up and eat spaghetti with a straw but I’d also love to see him get treated like a character which they really can’t do because they decided to make him intrusive thoughts. MAYBE this legendary alleged four part season finale that’s SUPPOSEDLY on the horizon will give me what I want. But I don’t think so, it feels like the series has already moved on. And honestly? I wouldn’t blame them if they did.
The problem is is that the way the series is set up where “Every part of you has a role” is that at this point Remus doesn’t. It feels counter intuitive to what I think the series is trying to say to have ALL THESE OTHER CHARACTERS with so much nuance and good and bad qualities and then have that one guy over there who’s flat as a piece of cardboard by design. If they want to go the Virgil route with Remus and stick true to their (presumed) message and have that interesting conversation I want they have to deal with the fact that they made him intrusive thoughts. They’re going to have to have a very uncomfortable conversation about just how seriously and with how much value they should treat Remus considering what they’ve made him represent and face more backlash. And I don’t think they’re ever going to and honestly I don’t know if I want them to….UGH sorry its just MNNGHHHH. 
Anyways. Remus. Remus is…Lets call him “Dark creativity.” Which I believe is his official title. His color is green. He is the second out of the three new sides to be introduced and the first to get his name. He is canonically twin brothers with Roman and they are the only sides to canonically have a familial relationship with another side (although this is debatable). Remus is insane, clown car horn honking outside your window at three am insane. He is random and silly and gross and I love him. He cusses, makes sex jokes and has constant props and gags galore. He is also prone to anger and has a temper. He hates being ignored which unfortunately…Remus’s most interesting relationship is probably with his brother Roman although its never really been explored. Its the classic golden child vs fuck up dynamic with Thomas being the parent. Its unclear how Remus actually feels about his brother so far although he did bash him over the head in his debut episode, classic sibling behavior. Roman hates Remus. He hates that Thomas has (sort of because like I said, WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN) accepted Remus and he fears that people may see him and Remus as being alike in any way. Remus hasn’t had much to say on this matter so…A final note on them is that there is a very popular fan theory regarding their history. There is a line in the show about them having “Split like an amoeba” I believe it was which led a lot of people to think they were one person. That. And the fact that their titles are the prince and the duke…Both implying a higher power… 
Logan is the character with which Remus has had the most interesting interactions (hello intrulogical shippers I see you). The dark sides all have light side counterparts, the most direct example is Patton and Janus but Remus is an interesting case. While Remus’s light side counterpart is Roman the side that actually balances him out is Logan. Logan like I said is logic. How do you defeat unreasonable nonsense violence that your brain is spitting at you because its bored? With logic. So the two have a love hate dynamic, they’re very frosty but I think Remus is regretfully fascinated with Logan and fixated on messing with him specifically and I hate to admit it as someone who has a DIFFERENT otp but yeah there is a LOT of tension there (I am so sorry Remuskinn, if you’re reading this). My favorite dynamic with him is one we technically haven’t even seen play out yet in canon but MNNGHHHH. I love them. I have to get into shipping for a minute. So my otp is seen as basic for a very funny reason. The most popular ship in the fandom is an oldie but a goodie “Prinxiety” which is Roman x Virgil. I am sorry to logicality shippers but Logicality Logan x Patton was basically seen as a default if you already shipped Prinxiety. So when Remus and Janus were introduced the people who already shipped Prinxiety and Logicality picked them up as the third duo to complete the default set fhadlfjl. So they are seen as basic despite not really being all that popular? I love them. I’ll give you a bit more on the name because I think its funny. So, the two most popular options are “Demus” and “Dukeceit.” SO. The options for the Remus half of the ship name are as follows: “Remus,” “Duke,” and “Intrusive Thoughts.” He gave away all three in his debut episode which set ship namers into a frenzy because oh god there’s so much to work with what do we pick. For some reason “Intrusive thoughts” + “Deceit” never really caught on although I think “Intruceit” is fine if an ungraceful mouthful. So we get ‘The Duke” + “Deceit” = “Dukeceit” and “Deceit” + “Remus” = “Demus.” Other options are “Receit” “Intruceit” “Janmus” “Trashnoodle” and more. Remus was the main one complicating things here but I also feel like the conflict between the old and new shipping conventions in the fandom was just at an all time high title vs name war. This was only made worse by the fact that Janus didn’t even HAVE a name yet and wouldn’t until well over a year after being introduced. In short: they don’t really have a set name and tagging for them is hell. But in all honesty the chaos suits them. 
Now like I said, we haven’t seen them interact in canon: technically. We’ve seen them interact once or twice on screen in questionably canon content but as of yet they haven’t spoken a word to each other in a main series episode. We are working with scraps here but OH BOY are they filet mignon trimmings JUICY JUICY JUICY. There was a tiktok that Thomas reacted to a while back before even the semi-canon stuff had come out that was to the “Let’s not be to hasty, still I think he’s rather tasty” audio that he said was pretty much a perfect fit if that gives you any idea of them LOL. They have a Jessy and James ISH dynamic in that they’re a dynamic villain duo. They simultaneously have so much in common but also are opposites attract. Remus is all about loud bleating honesty and Janus is the secretive one who keeps his cards close to his chest. Remus fucks around and finds out and Janus is sick of his shit and cleans up his messes. BUT the beauty is he sticks around anyway. There’s a scene in the “incorrect quotes” video where Janus is keeping Remus company during a hospital stay and I think that’s very telling. I identify a lot of with Remus as someone who’s prone to saying shit that makes people look at me funny. Overly honest and kind of a jerk. As someone who is “Unlovable” and gross. So the fact that there is someone who sticks around on purpose and seemingly enjoys his company makes me feel all mushy gushy inside. It's that “There’s someone for everyone” thing. Even beyond shipping their mostly unexplored but semi-canon friendship means literally EVERYTHING to me and the second their dynamic is fucked up is the second I probably can’t stomach to watch the series anymore. Dukeceit fans work with what we got which is NOT A LOT but hey! All I can say is “There’s a snake in my ass” LOL. 
Back on topic: Remus fans work with what we have too which is also not a lot and though I’d like to have hope that that will change in the future I don’t think there is any ground for that hope to stand on…At least there’s always fanfiction. 
Janus is arguably my actual favorite character. I just love him SO goddamn much. First of all he has the COOLEST design because his face is literally half snake half human so freakin COOL. I love him. There is so much room for headcanon with that. Like? Does he wear so many layers because he’s all full of secrets or is he just cold because snake? Love love love it. 
I will say that Janus is also not free of controversy largely due to some unfortunate ties to anti-semetic stereotypes that I am definitely not qualified to speak on. Janus. Janus is Deceit and his color is yellow. He was the first of the new three sides to be introduced and the second to get his name. He is the side with the current record for longest time between introduction and name reveal which like I said I think sits at over a year. This suits him perfectly and also his name reveal is one of my favorite moments in the series. His name also not only suits him perfectly but fits very nicely into the current trend of dark side names just being a smorgasbord for Remus to make filthy jokes out of (I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Uranus to be next LOL).  Janus is Thomas’s capability for deceit, to tell lies to not only others but also to lie to himself. He is also his capability to be selfish. Janus is a character where its unclear exactly where his morals lay. He seems like a wrong things for the right reasons kind of guy but the beauty is we don’t really know. He desperately wants to take care of Thomas and to be recognized as a valuable and good part of Thomas. He wants him to blow off work and take a nap once and a while but also maybe to commit some arson. He is all secrets and shadows. He has so many fun motifs: Jeckle and Hyde, shadows, snakes and snake eyes. GOD I LOVE HIM. He’s also super well written too. There’s this fun thing where he seems incredibly intelligent and don’t get me wrong he probably is smart but he’s also bullshitting 90% of the time about as hard as your average uni student writing a 10 page paper. Every single one of his sources he cites is usually deeply flawed, he’s scrabbling for anything he can use to make himself seem smart and capable and all knowing. He also has this super fucking sick thing where he has six arm, six shadow arms Dr. Facilier style that he can use to make the sides “Silence” themselves ala Pearl from Steven Universe and slap a hand over their mouth and it is DOPE. He seems like a bit of a marxist so respect there, he’s been seen reading marxist lit lol. He is sarcastic as hell and you have to watch his tone to see how serious he’s being at any given moment LOL. OH! Also it's generally accepted that he has the power to suppress the other dark sides, letting Thomas lie to himself about them not being there which is why they didn’t start popping up until after he showed himself. So oh my god there is a LOT there too.  All in all everything about him is just SO COOL. 
A lot of his angst seems to come from (since he’s my favorite you have to take everything I say with a grain of salt) the fact that he is in fact deceit and as such no one really ever trusts him. Everyone distrusts him and calls him a monster and all that shit. 
People are really indecisive on Janus. He is super popular but he’s one of the sides where the love and the hate are about split equal. Since he is deceit a lot of people think he’s bullshitting at all times and is secretly just a villain. Not only do I think this goes against what the series seems to be about but everything we’ve gotten of him in the supplemental material thus far (keenly his character playlist) seems to suggest the opposite. He is GENUINELY trying to be accepted. Don’t get me wrong the way he went about this was a mess. Like I said way back in Patton’s section he goaded and manipulated both him and Roman into being their worst selves and making them question their own morality, which in a way is a good thing but come on man. He’s not so blameless but everyone who thinks he’s JUST a one note villain is as blind as poor Roman. Janus is grey not black or white. He’s a flawed and complex character. He’s funny and charming and there is SO much potential for angst. I could write a whole other 10k words just on his playlist alone and also before I forget to mention it he has  THE COOLEST theme music but GOD all this to say Janus is the best. I love him. I hope his arc isn’t quite over there’s so much more I want to see from him before he steps out of the spotlight. 
Speaking of characters stepping in and out of the spotlight. 
So. When Janus was introduced he brought a whole lot of new lore with him. We got this new idea called “Dark sides” the fact that our beloved guys weren’t just sides they were the “Light sides.” Patton and Janus have pretty direct parallels and Roman and Remus and twins. So the dark sides are all connected to and the counter parts of the light sides. This lead to a whole thing with the fandom trying to figure out Virgil. Was he technically a light side or a dark side? How many other sides were there? Was Virgil the dark side that was opposite to Logan? No. No he wasn’t. Thomas confirmed that Virgil was a “Neutral” side and is the only neutral side. Which left one more spot to be filled…
For a while there was debate on what color he was. We knew he was going to be a color of the rainbow based on the pre-existing color scheme. Most people immediately went to orange although there was a small pocket of the fandom that thought it may have been pink. This is because the color pink often appears as an entity on merch. But, pink is C!Thomas, that is the color that represents him (there is another character in the Thomas canon who’s color is pink but he’s not a side). 
We don’t know a lot about Orange. People debated his existence for a while until he was all but confirmed by the confirmation that Virgil technically wasn’t a dark side. He has now in fact been directly confirmed by the series via a series of teasers. Most exciting of which is Logan’s eyes glowing a bright orange. 
Orange. Purpose unknown and color orange. Name has not yet been revealed and neither has the character himself. We can speculate and it seems to be the case the orange represents anger. This ties into Logan as Logan has been shown to repress a lot of anger in the past. He is ignored and belittled a lot by characters that he can’t help but think of as less intelligent than him. So orange is anger or rage. 
The dark sides have been building in intensity. Janus is definitely the most intriguing so far and the one that had the most focus in the narrative but Remus is the scariest. Parts of his debut episode are literally like horror adjacent. Janus was a force to be reckoned with Remus is a force that you CAN’T reckon with…So the idea is that oh boy where does that leave orange? And considering that he’s waited to reveal himself until the four part season finale? OH BOY…Well…🍊
This is almost 10k. I had more to say but honestly I am out of energy even for info-dumping lol. If you are reading this why?? But also thank you ahfkjdahfkja. I’ll probably reblog this at some point with the rest. I’m sorry I used this ask to yell about my blorbos but it made me feel good to do so hfldjafhld. So to answer your question again: Yes but also no. He is C!Thomas.
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transfemlogan · 4 months
You are so right about that post you made about sanders sides, the show has lost so much enjoyability and this fandom is so fucking annoying when people voice their criticisms. Being a fan of tss is so miserable
it sure is. why are we still here. theres nothing here 4 us. we are complaining abt the series & fans & were still... here. why are you still here, anon. why are we both still here.
can u guys tell i have been thinking about leaving this fandom for a 2nd time
i know that sounds like a . happy fun time but really i mainly feel pushed out. im blocked by a majority of fans, both here and instagram apparently (and twitter b4 i left), which makes it hard to interact w/ content (not that i am like... WAHH WAHH UNBLOCK ME RIGHT NOW!!!) but. i dont even want to interact w/ content. none of it intrigues me.
i left the 1st time bcuz i had 2 watch my black mutuals get called the n word & have white fans argue w/ me in my inbox.
and now im still seeing that racism. i had my mutual & close friend, chance sankiisides, get a callout post & be pushed out of the fandom because of racist ass fans who dont know shit.
this fandom not only is the most annoying and aggrivating fandom ever, you guys refuse to make anyone who isnt a white queer feel safe.
im still here because, despite all its issues, i adore sanders sides. i still am thinking abt this series constantly. i am still analysing it. despite its newer, terrible writing & mischaracterisation of the characters, i am still watching. despite thomas being the most annoying creator ive ever had 2 witness, i still watch his content. because i still like him and what he makes. because i cant ignore how genuinely happy i get when i watcb his videos. i hate this fucking fandom but i am still here because when i see fans make dumbass theories & new fans come up w/ the same analyses we had as older fans, i am Happy. i think its genuinely such a beautiful thing 2 c how ppl analyse this series.
but like. why am i still Here. why do i have this blog.
i am being attacked for being a ""violent"" person by yt remus fans, while i watch my white mutuals and friends say the same things i do. i am watching my mutuals & friends be friends with the ppl who have said these things about me. i cant interact w/ half of this fandoms content. i am still seeing rampant racism and transphobia and queerphobia within this fandom. i have so many "popular" mutuals & friends who agree w/ my takes & opinions but dont express it because they feel like they cant.
obviously a lot of this is bcuz i have been super mentally ill & suicidal for the past (checks watch) 5 months. which is not a fandom thing, its an irl thing. i moved out of my parents house secretly 2 get away from the abuse i was experiencing. i have to share a room & (help) take care of a child every other week. i go to work as a cashier, a job i did not want but was moved 2, every week & i still dont have fucking money. i am so overwhelmed & stressed out of my goddamn mind.
and i cant even come on here 2 analyse abt sasi, something i love 2 do, w/o being told i am too violent. that i should just leave the fandom bcuz no1 wants me here. & whatever else fuck nonsense i have heard & seen abt myself. obviously people can disagree w/ me but like that is the point of me being here. this isnt a safe place, bcuz you guys do not make it a safe place & i dont think you guys ever Will make it a safe place. bcuz you are all yt queers.
sorry 4 the rlly long ramble i woke up at like 3 am. ill delete this later
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thatonelesbianfander · 7 months
The Ghost and the Reaper Epilogue
Fandom// Sanders Sides
TW// Major Character Death, Suicide, Murder mention
Word count// 723
Description// Janus is one of the many grim reapers whose job it is to reap the souls of the dead and help them ascend to the afterlife. After one assignment, the spirit they reaped, a 23-year-old nonbinary person named Remus, refused to ascend. Now, Janus is stuck with them following it around wherever they go.
Characters// Roman Sanders
Pairings// None
AUs// Found/chosen family Creativitwins & C!Thomas, human!sides, they/them Remus, it/they Janus, he/she Roman
Masterpost // Previous // Afterstory
Roman sat in her room, looking to the ground. Everything had gone to shit after the uprising. The reapers had taken over the living world, twisting the story of the uprising to fit their narrative. Anything mentioning what really happened during the uprising was censored and twisted to frame the reapers as the good guys. Anyone who would speak out against the reapers would be killed on sight. Meanwhile with Roman, things weren’t better. He had lost her sibling, her father, and her friends, and Nico was missing and nowhere to be found. The reaper’s rule didn’t make his life any better due to her being a major part of the uprising. Roman looked to the ground, tears falling down her face.
”Oh, Pa… Remus… I’m so lost without you two… I have nothing… Nico’s missing… My friends are all ascended… I can’t make any new ones due to my reputation… I don’t know what to do…” Roman said. She looked around her room, her eyes landing on the chair in the corner of his room. Roman smiled sadly, standing up and walking downstairs. He walked out of his house, going to the hardware store. There he grabbed some rope and a ceiling hook and went back home. Roman stood on the chair in her room, knocking on his ceiling until he found a ceiling beam. He screwed the hook into the ceiling, going back over to his bed and grabbing the rope. There she tied the rope, standing back onto the chair and hanging the rope on the hook. She stepped down from the chair, looking at his work.
”Perfect…” Roman said, barely any light in his eyes. He walked over to her desk, grabbing out a paper and a pen and starting to write.
”Hello. My name is Roman Sanders-Kingstone. I am 28-years-old and I was one of the commanding officers for the Living Spirit’s Uprising Against the Grim Reapers. If you are reading this, I am already dead. I want to write this note so my story won’t be forgotten to time. The uprising is not what they are framing it as. It all starts with the story of a person named Remus Sanders-Kingstone. Age 23, they were my sibling, but I didn’t treasure them enough. One day, they were taken from me in a car crash after they drove themself off a cliff after a fight with me. For the first few months after that, they lived as a ghost with a reaper whose name is very important, Janus Martinzon. After a few months, they came back to me and my father, Thomas Sanders. We were so happy to have them back, but of course, that can’t last forever. After the manager of the district found out Remus had broken the rules to come back, he attempted to murder me and my family. Remus, in a fit of rage, killed the manager, revealing themself as the Antichrist. For 3 years, we fought to make sure no one would be forced to choose what to do with their afterlife. Many lives were lost for the cause, including the lives of my father, Remus, and Janus. The reapers have twisted this tale to fit their agenda, framing themselves as the good guys and Janus as a legendary hero like ones you would only find in myths. But to whoever is reading this, please know that is not true. I don’t know who will see this letter, or if this letter will even be seen at all, but please. Remember my name and the names of everyone mentioned in this letter. Don’t let our story go in vain,” Roman wrote. Tears fell down her face as she folded the letter up, placing it into an envelope and setting it down on the nightstand next to his bed. He then walked over to her dresser, getting into something lighter and more comfortable before walking back over to the chair in the middle of her room. He got onto the chair, standing on it and putting the noose around his neck. She took a deep breath, looking down at the ground.
”I’m coming, Pa…” Roman said sadly before taking a final step off the chair.
Masterpost // Previous // Afterstory
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emoprincey · 1 year
2 for the fan sides ask game?
2. Ok so I have Creativity, Logic, Morality/feelings, Anxiety, Depression, and Anger/self-preservation, because I feel like those are the things that factor in the most when I'm making decisions, if that makes sense.
(I'm gonna use my own pronouns to refer to my sides here but I might give them different ones as I develop them more)
They are very similar to Sanders Sides, obviously with four of them having the same traits as them. I only have one creativity side tho, because I don't feel like I mentally separate my creativity into "good" and "bad" the way c!Thomas does.
I feel like I've almost tried to make my logical side Too Much like Logan, they're definitely the one I've developed the least and I'm kinda struggling to come up with a logical character that actually seems like me (idk what that says about me as a person lmao)
I also haven't really thought that much about Morality, I feel like they would kind of encompass my feelings the way Patton does, but I don't have much beyond that.
I don't think my anxious side is all that similar to Virgil, beyond representing anxiety. They definitely have a very different aesthetic (I haven't finished the designs but I imagine them wearing a lot of pastel colours and focusing more on comfy clothes). I also don't think I would ever have viewed them as a villain like c!Thomas did with Virgil.
Another difference from Sanders Sides is that I don't think I'd have a deceitful side, at least in this sense, because lying doesn't really come naturally to me??? Like maybe it's just the autism but I very often forget that lying is A Thing I can do, so I wouldn't have it as like an inate part of me. If anything, Morality would be in charge of dishonesty. That makes more sense to me.
Anger and Depression are the ones I've added that aren't also Sanders Sides characters(unless my theories about the orange side are right lol)
I do have depression, and that impacts my life a lot so I figured that should be represented by one of the sides. I don't like to get into the darker aspects of it, so her role in the comic ideas that as of now only exist in my head is just... wanting to sleep and stay inside all the time and not having the energy to do much. I actually really like her as a character, she's very sweet, she's just very sad and tired all the time.
As I mentioned, my side that represents anger also represents self-preservation. I see my anger as being the part of me that wants to stand up for myself when someone upsets me, so that feels very linked to self-preservation for me. I don't have dark sides, as in sides that are hidden, but Anger is definitely not allowed out much (Morality is probably the one who wants to keep them inside) because I don't really like to be angry and also am shit at standing up for myself lol
Thanks for the ask, I really like talking abt these little guys!!
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Okay, I know the four wall breaks in “ The Distance Between ‘Probably’ And ‘Certainly’ ” are not supposed to have an in-universe explanation. However!
I simply couldn't stop thinking about some interpretation of Orange As The Author just… chilling in Janus's head in a partial possession, not actually controlling anything, just narrating what's happening for his own entertainment. In my mind, the guy doesn't really have a physical form other than vague (sometimes somewhat C!Thomas-shaped) orange mist. And mostly just picks a side to chill with for a while whenever he wants to manifest.
Now. Could he use this power for subtle manipulation? Yes, that's what it's supposed to be for. Would he? Depends.
(If reassuring Janus's doubts sometimes, or convincing Virgil to go to sleep early, or distracting from some of Remus's worse thoughts, or keeping Logan from overworking, or repeatedly debunking Roman's insecurities, or nudging Patton towards practicing self-care counts — then sure. Whatever. He's doing that.)
Except, unlike your average Side, Janus is fully aware he's there. Deceit can simply Tell The Difference in between what's Orange and what's Janus's inner monologue. Which allows him to actually hear and have conversations with the guy, to everyone else's utter confusion and Orange's chaotic delight in making Janus often appear as if he's talking to himself. (And, also, y'know, have someone to talk to.)
Anyway just a silly little thought that I had while reading your story that I wanted to share. Because the idea of Orange As Thomas's Conscience is so compelling to me personally — having someone exist to complement everyone else's roles seems like a good idea.
(It was a great story btw! Amazing stuff! 10/10 never stop writing. That it also made me think was a nice bonus.)
I think Janus out of all of them has the most potential to do interesting fuckery with the fourth wall, especially with what they establish about his relationship with C!Thomas and how he's able to keep stuff from him at the narrative's expense. I love your thoughts about how Orange plays into it. Orange has sort of become a MacGuffin for the fandom (is it still going? who's still here? What's happening?) so it'll be interesting to see what happens.
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Can you do Patton for the character bingo? I've seen a lot of different takes so I'm curious to see what you think.
Hi flower anon! I'm a little nervous about this one ngl but I will do it for you.
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Circle sizes represent how confident I was marking a box. Not a lot of confidence on this one bc I'm still conflicted. I think further resolution of his arc might solidify how I feel about him, or change it completely.
I don't really like Patton Sanders and that's my toxic trait, but HEAR ME OUT. I don't want to convince anyone not to like him, in fact I'd love to convince people of all the reasons they COULD possibly like him! Just like bc of my real life personal experiences, I'm not very fond of him. He is not my blorbo 😔 I don't hate him, but I do mildly dislike him. (As a character I think he's great, his conflict presents a fascinating narrative that I enjoy quite a lot.)
"But Ace," I hear you saying, "you said you don't like him and yet you still think he's being done dirty by fans?" To which I say "Yes, absolutely, there are people out there liking and disliking him for the wrong reasons!" (In my humble opinion.)
Patton is NOT an innocent little baby who needs to be protected, NOR is he a manipulative asshole. He's just a guy trying his best who messes up sometimes. He should be treated like an adult with agency and be given some grace for when he stumbles.
He does care about his famILY and he tries so hard to show it, but he's always felt like he has to know the correct answers and that they're depending on him. And tbh with how much c!Thomas defers to Morality, I get it. When someone is constantly looking to you for answers and it's your job to have them, saying 'I don't know' is scary! But he and everyone else should really try to be brave and say 'let's figure it out together' rather than confidently giving an answer that has a good chance of being wrong. But again, I do understand the crushing weight of these expectations.
I think it's really clever that Morality got paired with Emotions, bc emotions are what drives morality. Different people have different emotions that more strongly affect their morals, with Patton, we see compassion as a primary motivator, but also fear. The fear of slipping into the category known as 'bad person' and the fear of that categorization being permanent. And then bottles that fear up out of shame. Very catholic guilt of him.
I do feel bad for Patton where we left him bc he's finally going to get the help he needs, but somewhat at the cost of the love and respect of his famILY. Roman feels betrayed, Virgil hates Janus, and Logan... Well he's got a lot going on right now anyway.
I prefer Patton when I'm looking at him through the lens of his relationships to the others. He really does his best for them, he's a sweet guy. He tries to be encouraging and he clearly knows the other three very well. And with Janus I think the strongest negative emotion he feels is occasional annoyance, you know, like when he was impersonated. He seems to actually kind of like him otherwise. Not the biggest fan of Remus, which is an understandable side effect of him not yet having sorted himself out. He's trying now, so I'm sure that will come with time.
Also his froggy traits are sick as hell and I hope we see more, I want to see more, make him a frog please, I beg. That's like, the high point of his character to me, I actually had to come back and edit this after I scheduled it to include that bc holy crap Patton's a frog and I love that for him, but I also love that for ME.
So why don't I like him? I have intrusive thoughts and moral ocd and personal trauma I'm not going to get in to so like... He's just so unbelievably frustrating to me as he currently is. Also it just irks me that he's clearly not as naive as he pretends to be and it just boils my blood when people play willfully ignorant. He's doing it bc he's scared, but isn't that why everyone does it? It's still bad, and it causes a lot of damage. I'm of the opinion that if something scares you, you should learn everything you can about it. Logan said something like that once and he was right.
He just makes me feel the need to tell people they don't have to be a moral paragon to be good or do good things or be deserving of happiness, health, safety, and love. I get it's his job and all, I just really can't separate a character like that from all the stuff I had to learn and unlearn for my personal health and safety. And maybe I actually just want to say that to him. Maybe the problem is that we're too similar in all of our worst traits and seeing a grim reflection where once stood a cheery mural is upsetting. Maybe it's Maybelline.
Idk, I might actually like him. I'm very wishy washy on this subject. I think I can manage liking him while also disliking him. I'm very talented. I would love for everyone to tell me all the reasons they love Patton! I think he's neat and I'd love to like him.
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