#I wanted the focus to be on them so I kept it simple c:
gotchibam · 10 months
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Mega Mawile and Tinkaton ko-fi doodle for Gophersaurus!
I'm accepting pokemon ko-fi doodle requests here! ✨
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that-one-p00k1e · 4 months
— distractions | ೃ⁀➷˚ ♡ ⋆。˚
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Muichiro Tokito x gn!reader || kind of a part two of this, but can be read separately
c/w: none js fluff Ig
Made this at 3-4AM bcs brain is peak and goated at night🗣️🙏🏻🔥🦅
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Muichiro has a habit of staring off into space.
He's easily distracted by trivial things and loses memory of what was previously mentioned or discussed.Despite this, he's still able to regain focus when necessary. Such as during the Hashira Meeting, for example.
Yet outside of serious situations, his mind slips off ever so gracefully into his own world; putting his whole attention to the one being that catches his interest.
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The cloudy sky and windy day made perfect weather for a picnic. Settling on the checkered blanket under a cherry blossom tree, you neatly laid out all the food you prepared. As you patted the spot next to you, the young Hashira propped himself comfortably on the vacant seat. Not long after, the both of you began eating in silence; enjoying each other's company in a comfortable peace and quietness.
Well, until you filled it in.
You started off with simple questions; asking how his day went, what are his plans for the week, or if he had any upcoming missions to complete. With him giving short and simple answers, you gradually began to move out of topic and ended up telling him stories of how your day went. He didn't ask, but neither did he mind. Placing his chin on the palm of his hand, he reluctantly listened to you rambling on.
You talked with enthusiasm and excitement, pouring your heart and soul as you squealed and giggled over the littlest of things that piqued your happiness. The way your eyes lit up when you mentioned something so trivial occurred during a walk; the way a proud smile tugged at your lips as you spoke about defeating a powerful demon; all of these small details brought a fluttering sensation to the boy’s heart. After consultation with the Love Pillar and Insect Pillar, he knew what this feeling was, now. This… was love, wasn't it?
He took in your features closely, his gaze tracing down the smooth surface of your cheeks, eventually landing on your lips. His curiosity piqued; a sense of longing urging him to move forward. He was distracted yet again, and couldn't keep his eyes off of them as you kept on babbling. Your voice was a muffled melody by now; a music playing in the background. Beginning to understand what all these feelings were, he wanted to embrace it; to express it his way and cherish it with you. But would this be the right time? Would it be selfish of him to try and claim you as his? He didn't know, and he was willing to find out.
Not letting another moment slip past, he gently leaned in and closed the distance between the two of you, halting your speech as a warm sensation washes over the both of you. He let his eyes close, savoring the tender and sweet feeling of being in such a physical gesture with you for the first time. Meanwhile as you were taken aback at first, you eventually closed your eyes and let yourself melt in the moment; your heart beat pacing faster by each second.
As the lovestruck Hashira slowly pulled back, his empty eyes gazed at you deeply, a soft breath of satisfaction escaping his lips. You took a moment to regain composure, trying to comprehend what had just occurred as your face tinted with pink.
“W-what… What was that fo-”
“I love you.”
Those three simple words slid off his tongue ever so softly, like a music box that had been waiting to be played. It felt like everything was a fever dream. Were you having a dream? Or were you just having a fever that you didn't know you had? All you knew for sure, was that his feelings for you weren't unrequited.
“I… love you, too,” you finally managed to say in return, feeling your stomach twist and turn as you finally mustered up the courage to.
Hearing your reciprocation, a small smile tugged at the boy's lips. His hand gently crept up to yours, interlocking your fingers as he brought your head onto his shoulder with the other. He rests his head on top of yours, letting out a sigh of contentment at the warmth of the close proximity. Slowly, the two of you drifted off to slumber; bathing in the comfort of one another underneath the falling petals of the cherry blossoms.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 3 months
Yandere! Rival! Male! Teacher x gn! Teacher! Reader
This one is long overdue I'm afraid. Have my boy, Elias >c< not much yandere traits here, but I hope y'all enjoy still!
Trigger warning: toxic academic set-up
Yandere! Teacher name: Elias
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Elias was about to loose his mind.
For years, he's the teacher that produced geniuses! It's his class that had majority of their students on honor rolls. It was his magnum opus, his way of teaching that pushes his kids to full potential.
Parents scramble to have their children under his advisory. He made sure that all of his students become the talk of the school.
Pressure? What's that? The students should be privileged to be under him and his care!
After all, Elias started small.
He's the black sheep of the family. The entirety of his family members were geniuses in their own right.
Of course, it meant Elias is also a genius.
But he kept getting outshined by his own step-brother, Tae-Joon.
Tae-Joon is not as much of a genius as Elias when it comes to academics, but he's charismatic to a tee and is an amazing singer.
Amazing in fact that he's a popular idol.
And poor Elias always getting snubbed due to his brother's naturally nicer personality.
And Elias? Straight up nasty sometimes. His tongue is sharp and is always more pessimistic than optimistic. He's higher than thou personality definitely earned him a lot of enemies. Even his own family.
He knew that he can't count on his own family to give him the validation he wanted. So, with a resentful heart, he made sure to snub his own family and focus on himself.
This made him want to help other people. And he did it by offering tutoring lessons to his struggling, dumb, and idiotic classmates who can't understand such a simple topic.
Well, not everyone can be a genius like him.
But this proved to be a good path, as Elias found out that he had a knack in teaching. His way of teaching was so easy to understand that a toddler will be able to know how to do physics.
It's odd, but it's true.
His classmates suddenly became experts on the subject and this snowballed into others wanting to learn from Elias too.
This inflated his ego a lot. He loved the fact that people wanted to learn from him. The validation he seek was given by his tutees who praised and thanked him for making them not just understand, but even excel in their chosen topics to be taught with.
And Elias knew he wants to go down the Education path.
At first, he's a bit whiplashed by how different actual teaching is to the "ideal" way of teaching is. It was almost too good to be true that even the professors said that the ideal way is just a bunch of baloney that they can just flat out ignore the way once they're actually on field.
Not for Elias though.
He wanted to bring to life the "ideal" way of teaching.
So once he graduated, he continued to exert so much effort in his instructional materials, his facade of approachability, but still so strict that it feels like you want to choke from it. Sure, he has the art of being a perfect teacher to a tee, but people know that Elias is a demon in disguise. He hates it when things don't go his way, or the rules aren't followed. One trash means a personal lection that ends up with the students in tears.
The parents? Only said that their student must have deserved it to have stoked the ire of the respectable teacher. Like a brainwashed hive, the parents and other staff say that "Teacher Elias won't do anything without reason". This meant that the students are walking on eggshells everyday. And they know they'll get Elias' anger if they don't improve at all.
And, with Elias' incredible way of teaching, and the "ideal" way combined, the students under him become geniuses.
Like his family genepool, the children Elias' produces are geniuses in their own rights.
Elias felt whole now. He has a family to boast about, to care and love, and to nurture unlike his idiotic family who favors his brother over him.
But what he didn't expect is that by the first recognition ceremony, his class will be shoved aside just like that by another class.
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Elias walked down the isle up to the stage, smiling proudly as his stoic yet prideful students stood up to receive their recognition. 25 of them are in the honor roll, and 5 of them are high honors. That much elicited a thunderous applause from other classes.
With his head up high, he put medals on each of his student and gave a slight nod of acknowledgement. Everyone was mystified as this class took their awards with such entitlement and arrogance that some found it off-putting.
Did they care though? No. Did Elias care? Also no.
They're the pride of the academy! Who would dare to mock and snide them?
After giving the students their medals, they sat down and waited for the other classes to get their awards.
Elias' students, adapting his high and mighty attitude, looked down on the other students who walked to the stage to receive their "measly" awards of perfect attendances and other irrelevant, non-academic awards.
"Thank you, class Uranus. Now, class Neptune, the art program class!"
Art program class? When was that added?
Elias sneered. In his head, he hated anything that concerns art because of his brother. It just reminded Elias of being untalented other than being a genius and snubbed because of it.
He crosses his arms, looking at the adviser and scoffing.
Y/n L/n. From what he remembers, you are the same age as him, and was from a different school before you transferred here in the current school year.
What could a new teacher do in such a short time? Nothi--
"Class Neptune, boasting 5 high honors, 2 highest honors, and 23 honor students, and excellence awardees for their respective art specialty."
Everything went quiet when Elias stood up, disbelief marring his face as he heard the emcee say the tally of the class.
It was so quiet save for the background music that sounds embarrassingly loud for such a pin drop environment.
Elias, feeling his ego and pride getting kicked and bruised, slumped down on his chair as he stared at you who was looking at him with disbelief.
You're an enigma.
How did you do it?
He bits his nail, his eyes low and shadowed as he watched your sweet and proud smile directed at your happy students.
You don't look arrogant, nor prideful. Just happy and elated for your also equally elated students. No pretenses, no eyes that judges others, just pure joy.
It pisses him off so much.
That's where he knew he must take over you. Nobody dethrones him as the best teacher in the academy! Especially not some art teacher. Anything but an art teacher.
Once school resumed again for the second semester, he spotted you walking along the hallways with your students tailing behind you, talking and chatting happily.
"tch." Elias says underneath his breath as he watches how comfortable the students are with you. He envies it.
"Oh? Good morning Mr. Elias." You found him by his doorway and smiled politely. "Do you need something?"
He freezes, not realizing he's looking at you too intently. He clears his throat, looking away in embarrassment.
"I need nothing, art teacher. I will get going." He said coldly, slamming his class door close.
You didn't like that.
"well, that was rude." You whispered, clasping your hand together.
In all honesty, you didn't really like how Elias leads and teaches his class. You saw how tense they are, always studying and studying with nothing to do afterwards but only studying again. There must be a balance at all times.
"Let's go kids." You said sternly, looking at the closed door intently, sensing a competition forming.
After that, it was tense always.
Doesn't help that your class is across him.
Your students weren't hostile with them initially, but after the blatant aggression from them due to being upstaged in the recognition ceremony, they're starting to pick fights too.
So, whenever you saw Elias, you became hostile also. Not outwardly like him who's openly glaring, but you have your reservations as you smiled curtly everytime you pass by him, and words stringing along some sarcasm in them.
School events like quiz bowls, spelling bees, even exams became a fierce competition that made your students head butt with each other.
And you always made sure to support your students in a way that's opposite from Elias.
Elias pressured them, always making sure they're working hard by being extra strict than usual that one thin slice to the air can cut the atmosphere.
Meanwhile you encouraged your students, making sure they're well rested and happy while doing it. You made sure not to force them to do these honestly toxic rivalries.
So, guess which one excelled more?
"WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH ALL OF YOU?!" Elias yelled at his students, completely dissapointed at their performance at the annual intramurals' quiz bowl. Other than in the World Literature and Science section, they were second to your class. "DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY HOURS I SPENT TEACHING ALL OF YOU?!"
He's so close to snapping. Maybe he already did. But now he's going insane.
Everything he believed about himself is shattering slowly because of you and your class.
What's even eerie is that the students are just looking down, unfocused or dissociating.
Annoyed and feeling like he failed them, he marched out of the classroom and slammed the door close.
He sped walk outside, sitting on the grass as he tried to suppress the imminent tears settling on his eyes.
"fuck... I'm such a failure." He gritted out, gripping his once perfectly ironed shirt. "This is all I'm good at and I'm still lacking at it?! What am I doing wrong?"
He started to question everything. His worth, his value, his time and knowledge spent on nurturing geniuses like him.
Is he even a genius? Or just a hard worker?
"Sir Elias?"
He jumped, looking at you. Your eyes were wide with concern as your voice mellowed out from the usual curt yet cold voice you always sported when talking to him.
You sat down beside him as he looked away in shame.
"what happened? I heard yelling and..." You whispered, a gentle clasp on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"
Elias' throat burned, and his jaw trembled as he tried to stop himself from crying.
Did he really just have to get comforted by his rival? Really?
But god, did it feel nice to have someone care for him.
"I'm... I'm not." He whispered, looking away. "I know I'm a terrible person for pressuring these bright young minds but... How do you do it, y/n? How do you nurture students to their full potential? Are you some kind of monster or what?"
For the first time, you laughed out loud in front of him.
And for the first time also, it made his heart skip a beat. What's happening to him?
"No, I just... Teach normally." You said. "Well, other than that, I don't really pressure them to do anything. But I encourage them greatly with intrinsic motivations. And I make teaching enjoyable."
Enjoyable? When was the last time Elias enjoyed something? No. When did his students last enjoyed studying?
"Really..." He whispered, looking down. "Enjoyment, huh? And motivation?"
You smiled and stood up, handing your hand to him.
"Truce? I could teach you how to be less strict and let your students be more inclined to study without potential punishment." You suggested.
His eyes followed your hand, and his heart raced.
Without hesitation, he clasped it.
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"Hey, did you do our project?"
"Yeah, duh. Here's mine."
"That looks so good!"
"I had help from the Neptune Class for the planets. It's actually really fun to paint, believe it or not."
"I had help too in exchange of teaching them with physics."
Elias smiled, looking at his students actually Converse with one another and not just burying their heads on their books. The once quiet classroom is bustling with life thanks to you.
After that fateful day, you taught him on what's the most important. And it's the students, not the academic gratitude.
Elias apologized deeply to his students, and they had a heart to heart conversation that you supervised to make sure both sides say their thoughts equally.
Now, the Uranus class is livelier than ever.
And you?
You're still the same brilliant teacher he came to admire and love.
Love is a loaded word, but he truly felt grateful to you. You made him see the truth, the light, and the way to become a teacher he tried to achieve by pretending.
He found himself wanting to be around you more and more.
At first, it truly was just gratitude. But now, he can't bear to be away from you.
You're his salvation that he deeply desired in his heart.
He wishes to worship the ground you walk on, the breath you take in, and consume your entire being to be with him.
His heart lurched when a student called for his name, breaking him from his train of thought.
"Teacher Y/N is here for you!" The student said, pointing at the door.
He quickly closed his phone, which the wallpaper is a stolen photo of you just outside of your home, and pocketed it.
You're the only one who understands him. The only one who asked him if he's okay, and sees him for him and not his genius.
And he'll be damned to let you go.
You're his family now, alongside your students.
He can feel the heavy weight of the engagement ring in his backpocket.
In his head, there's no way you're going to reject.
And if you do...
He shook his head. It's impossible! Truly impossible. He won't allow it at all.
In his head, you two are perfect for each other. He'll worship your entire being, and spoil you rotten. It's going to be a good life with him.
But the both of you aren't even together at all.
What will happen?
Who knows.
All you must know is that things aren't gonna go smoothly no matter the choices.
He's too far in his head to think properly.
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btsmosphere · 3 months
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 12: Into The Depths
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: If you aren't cut out to be part of the group, then you’ll just have to go it alone.
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 7.7k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, also physical violence, swearing, guilt, arguing, self-doubt, blood, injury, near-drowning
a/n: the warnings on this chapter may tell you that there's quite a lot in store... and after you all loved last week's found family wholesomeness last week, I really hope you're not mad😅
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You were beginning to think Kuyang had had it very lucky. The current ‘lab’ you occupied looked more like a bunker to you.
No windows in sight, you instead had to stare at an array of screens displaying the outside world. Waiting.
You moved your fingers idly, blue static crackling between each one. Though you trained your eyes attentively on the ‘view’ beyond the heavy concrete wall, you couldn’t suppress the itch. You knew you weren’t the only one. You had trained, you could fight, but still all you were able to do was react to Bolt’s every whim with no way to anticipate him.
That was Namjoon’s department, though.
Only a tap of your toes belied your otherwise calm, level gaze as you scanned the images.
At the very least, you were here in advance this time. No rushing halfway across the city on an emergency call. This lab housed some kind of weapon, the ‘shield rifle’, and though you had seen it only in pictures, you had to admit it looked a useful piece of kit. The forcefield spheres it fired could be used both for attack and defence. Something you wanted kept on your side. So, for whatever connection had tipped you off this time, you tried to be grateful.
That is, if the threat turned out to be real after all.
A dart of movement made you blink not a second later, half convinced it had been a figment of your restless mind. But no. It was like they had been waiting for your doubt to begin so they could laugh at you.
Hastily regathering your focus, more figures crept into the frame, confirming what you had first seen. A hungry smirk quirked your mouth as you lifted your receiver to your lips.
“I can see four people outside exit C,” you told them, “don’t think they’ve spotted us, though.”
“Copy that. Anyone else got movement?” Jin asked swiftly after.
“Nothing yet.” Jimin.
“Hm, Yoongi, can you get around to Y/N?” Namjoon instructed, “I’m not seeing any other action yet. But stay alert.”
“On the way,” Yoongi said simply.
Beside the screens was a thick door, barely distinguishable from the blank wall. Eager eyes glancing towards it, your feet couldn’t resist a step closer to where action soon promised to bloom.
Were they really that clueless? You almost felt sorry for Bolt’s warriors as you saw them sneak closer, oblivious to the fact they were already unders surveillance, directly in your line of sight. One of them crouched, producing some kind of tool.
You rolled your neck. So they were going to break down the door? They sure were making it simple for you; maybe you could be persuaded to go easy on them.
“You seeing this?” you asked the receiver.
“You ready?” was Namjoon’s response.
Before you could respond, the screens went dark. Smart move – or it would be, if you hadn’t already clocked them.
Yoongi couldn’t be far away. Another confident step took you towards the door, your powers now thrumming in your veins.
Sure enough, the door juddered, before rising from the ground. A bracing breath and you were ready, on your toes. The intruders didn’t fire yet, though. You would have to let them come for you.
“Wait!” a cry crackled through the radio on your hip. Cursing, you snatched at it, hoping your position hadn’t been given away.
“There’s someone else-”
No sooner had you time to frown than a cacophonous crash sounded, somewhere distantly on your left. Even through all the layers of concrete, it rumbled, stirring horror low in your chest.
Backing away several paces, your eyes darted urgently between the slowly raising doorway and the far end of the corridor, beyond which something bigger had just happened.
What was that? The question was on your lips without you thinking it, the only clear thing among a rush of panic that brought your friends’ faces spinning through your mind. Your hallway suddenly felt so isolated, its darkness stretching out either side of you.
But the words never passed your lips.
The moment your receiver was at your mouth, it exploded with noise again.
“Shit-” you had never heard Hope curse before, “Monsoon’s here.”
Your eyes widened. That was a name you had yet to make an acquaintance with. But you knew it alright. Monsoon was a title you had only ever read side-by-side with Bolt in the papers.
“Y/N,” Namjoon’s decisive tone cut through your reeling thoughts, “deal with the first lot. Everyone else, get to exit A and get this fucker out.”
So you stalked forwards, impatiently lifting one arm to finish the door’s ascent. As your powers met the resistance of the concrete, you gritted your teeth and pushed through, lightning gushing from your palm to haul the door aside, leaving you framed in the doorway.
The people from earlier backed away from the door as you finally faced them.
They clutched familiar weapons. The one closest to your shifted their gun defensively, drawing your attention.
“Please, let’s not,” you said flatly, “I have better things to be doing. Though I’m sure you know that.”
It crossed your mind that this lot had likely been a purposeful distraction. Yet more of Bolt’s fodder.
One of them shot a nervous glance to their neighbour. That was the only movement, making you scowl, eyes rolling.
“That yours?” you asked blithely, tilting your head to a van a short way to the right.
You watched with dark amusement as their heads followed your direction. And then your patience snapped. Letting loose a burst of blue power, an extension of you, it closed like a fist around the van and tossed it skywards with an ease that made you smile.
It arced over the group, suspended, for a moment.
Then you brought it slamming back to earth, right at their feet. Close enough to force them scrambling back, away from you. The force cracked the road, blue sparks skittering through trenches carved from impact.
You glared at them through the blue trails of light leaping and sparking from the wrecked vehicle.
They ran.
Feet still planted in the same spot, you waited just long enough to be sure they were really going for good, before you caved to what you had been itching for this whole time.
Turning on your heel, you raced back inside. Yoongi had probably already passed you by, hidden safely until he needed to be. A restless force took you tearing through the place alone towards the main entrance, where Monsoon must have attacked. Looked like they weren’t going for subtlety with this one.
Another abandoned doorway was a blur as you raced on. Another corner and noise reached your ears. Another step, and you were forced to a skidding halt.
Up ahead, a door slammed shut.
Hurriedly shooting a lightning blast at the solid surface, you were poised to run straight through – but nothing moved.
Behind it, you could hear crashes, a brief roar like flames, a rush like waves. When something collided directly with the other side of the door, you slammed your palms against it in frustration. You needed to get in there, help your team!
The communications had dissolved, an incomprehensible exchange blaring back and forth through your radio. Some instructions from Jin, cut off by a cry by Jimin, before a breathless Hope only got half a sentence out. Clearly called back by the fray. You couldn’t bear to be so close, yet helpless.
Giving it one more try, you watched your powers glide fruitlessly around the doorway’s seams, fizzling out.
Grabbing at the receiver, you called into it.
“I can’t get through! How do I open this thing?!”
Namjoon’s voice of reason never answered you. No-one answered you.
Just the echoing collisions of things you couldn’t see, beyond this unfeeling barrier. You were panting harder than ever despite having stopped running. Were they ok?
You needed to get in there.
Breathing out harshly, you stepped back and squared your shoulders. With the strength of your worry filling you, your impatience to help, you summoned as much as you could muster-
And fired.
Jungkook’s familiar shouts from the training room steeled your mind even more. You had honed this power with him, and now you could use it.
The shock of blue connected this time, illuminated your face and the corridor like welding fire as you concentrated it on your obstacle. You felt the kickback but leaned into it, only digging your heels in harder.
For one moment, the electricity grew taught between you and the door, straining like it was solid-
Then it gave way.
The door smashed inwards. Without a second’s hesitation, you strode forwards into the carnage laid out before you.
The space you had entered earlier was in ruins, chunks of the wall lying on the ground in rippling pools of water, electricals hanging, frayed and sparking, from the ceiling. Daylight was thrown inside from the wide open main door, though the smaller ones around the space still lay shut. Oddly, there was none of the purple fire that your group usually left in your wake.
You were about to find out why.
You had quickly scoped out the figures dotted throughout the space: some running, some firing, some just staggering up from the ground. And only one you didn’t recognise.
The hero wore white, starkly standing out against the battered bunker.
In the opposite corner, a fierce plume of purple flame roared to life, silhouetting the stranger. The next instant, the man struck, a torrent of water following his movements and drenching the fire to ash.
V was leaping out of its path, caught mid-air by the blurred form of Hobi. V was dropped to safety on a pile of rubble in a blink. Then Hope kicked off the wall in a one-eighty, landing with one hand on the ground in front on Monsoon.
Then Hoseok charged. Monsoon staggered and dodged, struggling to track the man who ran circles around him. Suddenly, the hero held his arms out, stumbling even more cluelessly. In your hurry towards the action, you spotted a cloud of shadow hovering at his eyes. Yoongi.
Monsoon stopped.
Then the tsunami hit.
Throwing his arms out, Monsoon summoned a ring of water that frothed with white. It hurtled straight for you – straight for everyone – knocking you back in a winding blow. Hobi was struck from the air, even his lightning pace unable to outrun the wall of waves.
Your back never even hit the ground. Churning water turned you over, and you found yourself stumbling to your feet, running in the total opposite direction.
Gasping from the unexpected impact, you collided with something else.
Hands grasped your upper arms firmly, keeping you on your feet as you blinked away the slew of water. You looked up into the face of Jungkook.
Brows drawn, he scanned you swiftly. Then he was pulling you back, both of you retreating from Monsoon, who stood taller in the centre once more. His mask gleamed white again, eyes now rid of darkness.
Misguidedly, your eyes hunted for Yoongi. Of course, you didn’t find him. You hoped him being invisible meant he was still alive in here somewhere.
Jungkook’s hands loosened, making you glance back to him. His eyes had left you, focussed somewhere distant.
“What the…?”
Following his look, words stopped in your throat too.
The small doors, the ones which led inside, to the very lab you were defending… were sliding open.
All of them.
“What… ppening…?” your waterlogged radio spit out panicked fragments of Jin’s voice, “I locked these-”
And as you noticed, Monsoon was not far behind.
Hobi was first off the mark, already in front of the man. He dodged one canon-like column of water, successfully knocking Monsoon to the side, but he wasn’t so lucky the second time. Hurrying to support him, a boulder flew overhead, and you were running.
Jungkook’s hand at your back urged you on before you disconnected, running in step towards the enemy.
Jimin’s projectile found its mark, landing solidly in the doorway Monsoon headed for, but the man simply lifted his palms and a flood carried it away before the next could pile up. And the same flood gathered around the hero, carrying him on faster as he deflected another blow from Hope.
Behind him, you plunged forwards into ankle-high water which only deepened the closer you got to the man himself.
A sharp golden streak caught Monsoon unawares. Falling sideways, off-course, he was slammed against the wall beside the opening. Jungkook leapt into the air a moment later, Monsoon’s next shot falling between the two of you.
While you dived out of its path onto the ground, Jungkook took to the air and fired again, again.
But Monsoon was prepared now he had his assailant in sight. He caught each blow with a splash of water in mid-air. His retaliation avenged him, a cannon-like blast of water sending Jungkook crashing against the wall.
Wincing, you watched him slide to the ground clutching an arm. The way his face twisted, teeth bared with pain, had fire bubbling anew within you.
Something else stole your attention first.
Pushing yourself to sit, your ear came close to your receiver where it had fallen. Almost unheard in the chaos of the fight, Jin was trying to figure out the cause of the error.
“I’ve lost the system… ‘s offline.. disturbance started- section C… one of the door- shorted-”
A door shorted the system? In… section C?
Realisation hit you in slow motion, and it was all too fast. Washing over you, heat prickled menacingly, spreading across your skin. A trapdoor opened up for your stomach to fall through, robbing you of more breath than the impact of Monsoon’s freak wave.
It had been you.
Finally struggling to his feet and unopposed, Monsoon dragged himself through the empty doorway. You should stop him. You should-
Numb, you looked up. It wasn’t the bright white of Monsoon that grabbed your eyes. It was another gaze, looking right back at you through the wall of water.
The wave Monsoon had created to tide him through your attacks sunk slowly, seeping back into shallow puddles around where you lay. As it deflated, Jungkook’s eyes came into sharper focus. His pain forgotten, still slumped against the far wall, he suddenly seemed so much closer than he was. You had seen that glare before; why did it drive such a burning poker through your chest now?
Your own guilt pushed it deeper. His eyes only reflected the piercing regret now surging through you.
The world tilted unnaturally as you forced your legs beneath you. Your own breaths thundered through your skull as you twisted, feet leaden as you tried to catch sight of your friends, counting the shapes of bodies… Losing count…
Then you were at Jungkook’s side. On your knees.
“Jungkook,” you breathed, voice far away, “are you-?”
He didn’t wait for you to finish.
Shoving away your outstretched hand, he was on his feet. You rose too, steps falling away from him with rising dread.
“That was- that was you?! You were watching over section C, right? …Right?”
You flinched at his raised voice, breathing coming faster.
“Hey,” a sharp snap cut him off.
Whipping around, you found Hope standing just a pace away. His eyes fell over both of you. Cold.
They lingered on you for only a second, as if he couldn’t bear to look at you, before they rested on Monsoon’s escape path.
“We should be chasing after him.”
But he got no further.
All the lights shut off at once, plunging the space into near-darkness. Only fading daylight from the entrance behind you maintained your sight. The lot of you jumped.
Head snapping up, you whirled around, searching the space. When you faced the outside doorway, the cause made itself known.
Marching inside was Namjoon. His footsteps echoed like gunshots in the silence after the battle.
You physically felt your heart jolting lower with every step he took. Tension radiated from your leader. Instinct had you stepping back as he passed, fists clenched, and disappeared through the door.
You gulped when a flash of red came from the darkness beyond.
Shame burned your eyes. At least the darkness could hide that.
Again, you turned, slower this time. There was V climbing down from the rubble, Jimin taking his hand to help him. You still didn’t see Yoongi, but perhaps that was by design. His absence would have been noted by now if not one of you could see him.
You swallowed harder, dipping your head. You had thought you could help… Instead, you had caused all this? Swayed an already losing battle in favour of the enemy?
No wonder Yoongi wouldn’t grace your sight right now. And Hobi didn’t even want to look at you. And Jungkook-
Jungkook’s rage screamed loud enough through his eyes. You thought you had been used to this, but all of a sudden you couldn’t stomach the thought of the venom in his gaze.
It reminded you of the time you hadn’t known him. When he had been all brick walls and disdain… and you had just watched those barriers slam back up in real time.
It shouldn’t be the thing that stuck in your throat.
He shouldn’t be the one you desperately wanted to take it back for.
Taking a firm breath in through your nose, you stamped on the feeling. It couldn’t make you feel any shittier, tossing it on the steaming pile of shame and ugly humiliation already festering in your gut.
A new flash made you blink back to the outside world. Namjoon stood in front of you all.
“He’s gone… with the shield rifle. The doors are open all the way to the other side.”
When his eyes landed on you, you wished your powers would burn you up from the inside.
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That journey home was probably the most you had ever understood Jungkook’s need to lose himself in the gym in moments of frustration.
The silence of the car locked you in, even your halting breaths feeling like too much movement. Your presence felt like a neon sign, advertising your monumental failure to your friends, drawing their eyes without asking for it. If only the seat could swallow you up, render you truly invisible.
And while you sat still, your insides only rioted more.
So the moment you got home, you broke away from the subdued group heading for the living room. And they let you. Even as you walked away, you couldn’t relax, every step controlled. You wished your footsteps would be quiet.
Your footfalls rang out faster and faster on the staircase as you finally began to give in to your bottled-up impatience to move.
Sights set on the entrance to the gym, you already ached for the burn in your muscles. Any hope of dodging the storm of guilt currently bombarding you full-force. By now, your pace was ready to burst into a run, eyes desperately fixed on the approaching door-
A hand caught your arm, roughly wheeling you around.
Before you even noticed it was Jungkook, you had ripped your arm back from his grasp. Trying to reign in your breathing, you shot him a blazing look.
“Jungkook, please leave me alone-”
“You think you can just walk away from this? What was that, back there?”
You breathed in harshly, unprepared for his exclamation. Turning your face to glare hard at the floor, you ground your teeth together.
“I’m not walking away. Just… can it wait?” Your question came out flat.
His brows only drew tighter, disgust rapidly etching into his features.
“Just like you could wait to come barging in to fight Monsoon?” his voice was cutting, “you wanted a piece of the action then! But now you’re the one who gets to decide when we deal with this? It affects all of us.”
Face pinching, you flinched back from his relentless rain of accusations.
With what you told yourself was a steadying breath, in and out, you tried to swallow down your rising irritation.
“I didn’t know it would fry the circuit-”
“What did you think our power does again?!” Jungkook cut you off, incredulous, throwing his arms out.
Shutting your mouth with a snap, you breathed through your nose. Maybe both of you needed to cool off. It wasn’t like you had wanted this to happen!
And yet he was back to treating you like a child, like he was above you-
Shaking his head, a scowl took over Jungkook’s mouth. His glare slipped back into angry disdain so easily, and with a scoff he backed away.
“I knew I was right about you.”
For a terrifying second, the space between you teetered in silence so steep you wondered if you could hear the shaking of your tense muscles. And then-
Something within you snapped.
“What exactly is your problem?” you yelled, not allowing him to turn his back on you, eyes snapping up and ready to meet his fire this time. “Tell me! Ever since I got here you’ve hated me, wanted me gone. Even though the others never-”
Jungkook responded in kind without blinking, eyes hardening and foot stepping sharply forwards.
“They are my brothers,” he spat, “but unlike them, I’m not ready to trust just anyone who walks through the door with powers-”
“I had no other choice!” you cried, arms flying out.
“And that’s supposed to make it better?”
Jungkook pressed closer with the force of his shouting.
You gritted your teeth, stood your ground.
“Listen: I am not Bolt. Have I not proved that to you?”
“The only thing you’ve proved is that we can’t rely on you!”
“It was a mistake, Jungkook! People make mistakes!”
“We can’t afford to make mistakes!” his anger slid then into something darker, lowering in volume but losing no ferocity. “They are all I have in this world.”
“And you don’t think that’s the same for me?!”
His anger boiled over again in an instant.
“You haven’t gone through what we have! You don’t know what it’s like out there for people like us!” Now toe-to-toe, he jabbed a finger at your chest. “You were picked up straight away when you got powers, and we all held your hand through it! How can I really know we’re fighting for the same cause?”
“So that’s it, huh? I have to suffer in order for you to trust me?” you scoffed.
A heavier frown flickered along Jungkook’s brow, but when his mouth opened it was only to scowl. Had you finally rendered him speechless?
Eyes locked, barely inches apart, you both breathed heavily. Not one breaking away. Not one backing down. Jungkook’s jaw ticked. A similar spasm struck you, only it was a searing swipe of hurt through your chest.
Stirring up the power that dwelt there.
The crackle of lightning was audible, albeit only a single strand of static that escaped your palm. Reflected back in Jungkook’s eyes, your own bright flash of blue.
As if it had burnt him, he jerked away, severing eye contact.
Hurriedly putting distance between you, he looked back up once more. Gone was the hardened glare. Face slack, his expression was wide open with something so raw…
In one motion, the frown shifted his features once more. With a final, chilling look, he turned stiffly and stalked away. The change had almost been quick enough to convince you you never saw him look so wounded just a moment before.
His steps rang out on the stairs, and were gone.
Like a string had been cut, you deflated, finally allowing yourself a few reeling steps back.
You paused there. Staring hollowly ahead, you never turned back to the gym. All your previous intentions of escape had done just that and fled.
A shaky breath transformed into an embarrassing sniff. Gritting your teeth, you did your best to swallow down the sob that tried to break from your throat.
Breaths coming choppily, your eyes tracked the path Jungkook had just walked away from you. Your lips couldn’t resist the harsh downwards tug as his words fed the storm of your thoughts.
There was no brushing off Jungkook’s comments, like you had often done in spats past. There was no hand on your shoulder telling you not to mind him – no, that would have to come from one of the people you had just put in danger. Whose plans you had ruined…
Jungkook may be the only one up to saying it, but they must all agree with him by now.
His words hadn’t bounced off a shield this time. They had split your flesh and buried deep inside you, writhing in the current of regret dragging you off your feet.
He didn’t think you were on the same side? You had thought you had earned their trust, but now you couldn’t blame them for their doubt in you, after such a monumental fuck-up.
You twisted your fingers into a fist to prevent your hand from clutching your head. This was no time for self-pity. You weren’t the one who deserved comfort here. It was you who should be making things right.
With a shallow breath, you rolled your shoulders. Chose to dig your feet in against the stream of ugly emotions.
Some workout wouldn’t fix this.
You would.
At that promise, the waters settled around you, content with being given direction at last. The resolution may have granted a tenuous peace, the mess of shame still swirling below the surface, but at least you could breathe easier. At least you could move your feet, a new ease to your movements at the prospect of redeeming this catastrophe.
The odd sensation of walking a high wire remained nonetheless. Controlling each breath, aware not to make a sound, you cracked open the door at the head of the stairs.
Silence met you.
If you were lucky, the boys may have dispersed already. If they had, though, you had no guarantee as to how long they would stay away. It wasn’t like them to totally split. Knowing them the way you did, you had seen the way they got through things together, sticking by each other’s side after the hardships just as much as the victories.
A bitter weight settled in your heart. You had hoped to be part of that. Their care as a group was the reason you fought, the very people you had now jeopardised.
Stepping into the hallway, the guilt never left you behind, but you forced it to the back of your mind as you emerged, scanning the place. You heard a shower running on your way down the hall. It made sense that they would be recovering, regrouping.
A quick sweep of the living space showed it bare.
Or so you thought. One more step and your breath caught in your throat, catching the top of a head which had previously been obscured by sofa cushions.
Freezing as if you had been caught in headlights, it took you a moment to realise he was asleep. It was V, a faint line over his brows as he dozed. You glanced once more around you; if V was here, it wasn’t like Jimin to leave him alone, particularly in a vulnerable state like this.
You suddenly had to fight down a lump in your throat at the thought that you could be seen as the threat.
Which was why you had to do this; prove yourself anew.
No one was here. You had to move.
Marching fast as you dared, you made it soundlessly to the stairs. You had seen Jin and Jungkook on separate occasions getting the keys, and swiped one from the inconspicuous row of hooks below the counter.
You had never been the one with the keys, but you found you had watched the others long enough to know by instinct the button to open the front door. The instant you could squeeze through the gap, you closed it right behind you again.
Jogging on light feet, you made it to the smallest car they kept here. Another press of the keys showed you had managed to pick the right key, and you slid into the driver’s seat.
A flex of your fingers on the steering wheel, and you were set. You gave yourself no time to think before pulling away. All you would find was an array of thoughts competing for the best way to torment you.
It had been your short-sightedness, selfish impatience, that had brought Bolt one step closer to what he wanted. You had single-handedly put everyone in danger.
And all you had wanted to do this entire time was help.
Sparse rain greeted you outside, swiping heavy droplets against the windows.
The city passed in a blur, each grey road forgotten the moment you turned to the next. You were too stuck in your own mind. Maybe it should have bothered you how much of Jungkook you found there. But with your memories taking you on a wild goose chase – after some vague hope of seeing where it all went wrong, if he had seen the truth about you from the beginning – questioning why his words suddenly meant so much to you wasn’t something you had room to entertain.
Everything he said replayed as you neared your destination.
You haven’t gone through what we have.
What had he meant by that? The rest was clear enough, unpleasant as it was. But this? A brand new stake of guilt twisted at the dawning realisation. The boys all knew how you had gained your powers; they had all been there. But as for the rest of them…
Had you really been so blind? You hadn’t thought of it as easy, but when you walked into this life it had been laid out for you… Had you been thoughtless? Did you take your new friends for granted?
Of course you had wondered… How they had come to be there, how they had ended up together.
You tried to cling onto some hope in the form of, well, Hope, and of course V, who had each wanted to tell you their stories. But now you hardly felt like you had deserved their candidness. Why had they even told you? Had it been out of pity? That conversation had followed yet another of your fuckups... The thought made you wince, and your doubts were accompanied by a sharp needle of guilt for having them in the first place.
Such warring thoughts about your friends only propeled the spiral further. Perhaps you had assumed you would be let in on other stories when the time came. But now you saw you had never been close enough to know, to be deigned worthy. Your arrogance sickened you.
Tearing yourself forcefully from yet another well of self-depreciation, you blinked through the windscreen.
Hurriedly indicating, you pulled off. This was it. The docks showed themselves at the end of the road, and you pulled over in the shadow of a building.
Though the car stopped, you held onto the wheel for another moment, breathing deeply. If your worries had almost made you miss your turning, you knew you ought to be more careful with what you were about to do. Being off the ball could be disastrous.
Attacking any of the top dogs was off the table for bangtan for obvious reasons. Didn’t stop them having tabs on where they hung out. You had clocked it on a map Jin had shown you when he was explaining the various movements they were planning with their partners.
To be fair, you probably could have guessed by yourself that Monsoon would be by the biggest supply of water in town.
Okay, make this as simple as possible. Worrying about the boys wouldn’t help you make it up to them. Probably the opposite was true, in fact.
Stepping from the car, you shut the door softly. Stuck to the shadows as you moved towards the river, not flinching despite the rain against your face.
The river was high in its banks, a great mass roiling downstream, churned by wind you hadn’t previously noticed. Now that you reached the exposed plain of the docks, it pulled at your hair ferociously.
You didn’t mind. It covered you better, no longer afraid to make a sound as you moved, eyes constantly scanning.
Monsoon’s lair was close.
The light was fading fast, the blue of twilight well-established already. This time of day, it seemed the docks were mostly empty. Darting past a couple of warehouses, you saw no signs to direct you to your target, but were not dissuaded.
You used a stack of shipping containers ahead as your shield to sneak up to the river’s edge. Peering over the railings, you squinted at what little you could see of the concrete bank. Black water crashed at the edges, occasional spray joining the raindrops beating thinly at your skin.
Gripping tighter to the cold metal of the railing, you leaned further out. This time, you were rewarded. A little way up, a blue light glistened just above the waves, out of line with the white ones lining the docks’ edge.
Daring to let a smile lift your mouth, you crept nearer.
When you were almost on top of it, a darker patch of shadow fell away in the path, revealing a stairwell. The unassuming concrete steps would have passed you by at any other time, but it was exactly what you were hunting for now.
You hurried down.
It seemed you had hit the jackpot. What simple workman’s entrance would have such a high-tech control panel to get in?
Stepping up to it, you saw no sign of a camera, but that was no guarantee. Placing your hand over the panel, you covered the blue light glowing from the screen. This shouldn’t be too hard for you… But the similar situation mere hours ago had your heart racing a beat too fast in your chest. Aside from the others, you had to prove to yourself that you had the control needed.
Tentatively engaging your powers, you extended just enough to blow out this lock. The blue of the screen was joined by your own light, seeping between your fingers, and then both died.
You hoped you had been quick enough in your caution, not allowed Monsoon time to be alerted of your intrusion.
With the lock disarmed, the door fell open a crack. Just waiting for you.
It slid seamlessly open at your touch. The hallway beyond was dark, but it was clearly the right direction. While the construction was plain as the docks outside, flat walls leading you on, this was not built with identical concrete.
Summoning a ball of glowing light to guide you on, the brightness reflected startlingly back at you. From walls made of marble.
Dimming the light in your palm, you blinked in surprise for a moment. Eyebrows raised, you shook your head and pressed on. Monsoon was really in the lap of luxury here. What more did he want to achieve by stealing weapons?
If you were in a situation to build an entrance hall out of marble, you reckoned you would be calling it quits on any kind of work.
The impression was only elevated when you reached the end of the corridor. Peering around the next door, you were forced to expand your light source again. The room it lit up was vast and lavish. Set into the far wall was a huge window, giving you a view of the rippling water beyond. So you were below the river level here.
Stepping further inside, your blue light glimmered back at you from the depths.
You barely turned your eye over the living space as you stepped on a plush rug between stately sofas. What you were here for was right in front of you.
Laid out before the window, a clear cabinet sat full of various devices. Monsoon kept these weapons like trophies.
Near the bottom, you spied the shield gun he had secured today. You should have taken it and gone, right then.
But as you cast your eyes upwards, they stuck on the gun that took up pride of place. White casing held a clear, spherical centre. Needles of pale lightning darted inside. It froze you where you stood, a paralysing memory of cold and dread crashing over you for a second too long.
“Who the hell are you?”
You weren’t proud of the way you jumped. You instantly shut off your blue light, a second later being dazzled by white flooding the space as the main light was flicked on.
Your eyes were quick to find him. In the corner near the vast window, emerging from another entrance in this impressive lair, was Monsoon. Presumably, in any case. He had no mask anymore, but who else could it be?
Instinct kicking in, you dived for the thing you had come for. One hand stretched out for the shield gun, the other raising to fire a panicked bolt his way.
It never hit.
Monsoon swept a hand forward. Before you could gasp, a globe of water had engulfed you, taking your feet from under you.
Your reaction never got further than a thought. Trying to lash out, your body didn’t respond. Through your watery prison, you saw Monsoon step forwards, lifting his arm to raise you higher from the ground in the bubble he had created – the bubble trapping your electricity in here with you. The current buzzing in the water was your own, you could feel it. But you couldn’t control it. Couldn’t move at all.
“A Bolt wannabe, are you?” his voice reached you, muffled by the water in your ears.
You could only glare back, terror clenching your muscles almost as much as the electric current. A burning ache crept agonisingly from your lungs.
“Did you forget those powers could hurt you, too?”
Through dark splotches rapidly dimming your vision, all you saw were cold, mirthful eyes. Your entire body screamed for air, but your mind was clouding. Vague images assaulted you, of a storm whirling around you as you fell, of blue cutting through the night. You were trapped in a nightmare, your own powers the ones attacking you again, not the thing you had grown to love, understand and use.
Faux sympathy brought Monsoon’s face into a mocking pout, but even the rage it stirred in you couldn’t hold a flame to the flood pushing you farther from consciousness-
Your bones collided with the floor. You were already coughing and gasping before the pain from your knees and head began to bloom.
Choking in blissful air, you forced your shuddering arms to raise you from the ground.
Glaring up at Monsoon, you brought your arm forward again. Your enraged powers were more than ready to strike him down.
In one step, the man stamped down on the wrist stretched towards him. Pressed down harder as his eyes burned into yours.
“You may have powers,” he spoke, ignoring the way you winced as your bone ground against the floor, “but we can still cook you from the inside if we try for long enough.”
Lunging forwards, he released your arm only to grasp your collar. Dragging you up, he left your weakened legs scrabbling on the ground. Then he sent a fist flying hard into your face.
The impact flung you backwards, the weapons cabinet rattling. One temple connected with a solid shelf, pain biting at your forehead. Hands finding the surface, you clung to it, felt blood slick beneath your fingers at the same moment as the warm liquid dripped into your eye.
Striding to close the distance once more, Monsoon towered over you. He rested one shoulder on the cabinet and gave a cocky tilt of his head.
“What is it you were after, hm?” his eyes dragged teasingly along the shelves, “I rather fancy these myself-”
You could only scramble backwards. It wasn’t enough to escape the blade he flung your way, and another. One struck your cheek, one your collar. Inches higher and it could have slit your throat.
Two metal stars clattered to the ground around you while you panted. How were you going to get out of this? Your powers didn’t mix with Monsoon’s.
Pulling your legs out of the way, you did the first thing you thought of. With your good arm, you fired again. Sending a sharp, but powerful, burst, you hit a different mark. Instead of going for Monsoon, you sent the cabinet crashing down over him.
With a shout, he was pushed to the floor among a rain of metal and glass. Your eyes followed one particular weapon as it rolled away, white light mercifully still contained.
Desperately wobbling to your feet, you fell against an armchair, clinging to it to stay upright while the world swam around you. You pushed off it towards a sofa, hands grabbing the back to support you as you staggered on towards the door you had entered through.
A scraping filled the air. Monsoon, throwing off the shelves that crushed him.
Before you could dive for the exit, a winding impact struck you, sending you headfirst over the couch. The wave dispersed, leaving you gasping again, this time on the sodden rug.
A fearful look over your shoulder showed Monsoon looming behind the sofa.
“Get out of my house,” he spat.
And then, as if in reverse, the water puddled around you was sucked inwards. Collecting into a rippling sphere, it carried you helplessly. This time, you could move your limbs, but the thrashing was useless against the force that sent you flying towards the window.
Screwing your eyes shut, you waited for the impact of shattering glass around you.
It never came.
That was no window. The water hadn’t been held back by glass.
Instead, you were plunged straight into the depths. Bitingly cold torrents enveloped you. The bright light of Monsoon’s abode flew from your sight as the raging river swept you downstream in its currents.
Your flailing arms fought a losing battle. The water consumed every bit of strength you exerted, and pushed back harder, flinging you over until you lost your bearings completely in the blinding darkness.
Raging in your ears, the river stretched out black below you and above you… although you couldn’t tell which was which. You were at the mercy of the current thrusting you further into the numbing depths, the water which battered at you stinging in your wounds.
Sapped of movement, the most you could do was bite down and try not to breathe. Your lungs burned; it was only a matter of time until involuntary instinct would take over, flood you from the inside.
The churning water flipped you over again. With the sickening lurch of your stomach, it took too long for your numb skin to register the air that slapped you round the face.
The waves had spat you out at the exact right moment. You hauled air into your lungs in a shuddering gasp, arms desperately pushing down at the waves around you in an attempt to keep your head above them.
There was no getting out of this with your powers, even if you could summon them in your current state. As a wave swiped at your face, sending you back under for a horrifying second, you longed for the ease of simply flying away with a boost from your powers.
Or even… someone blazing down from the sky in a shower of gold, always there when you needed him in battle.
But there was no one to save you. Twisting your head, every snatch of vision between the waves showed nothing but a lonely expanse of water so much bigger than you. The row of lights at the bank was too far away, glinting temptingly out of reach.
Another swell caught you, pushing your head under. Its power swamping you, you were rolled over, the cold clawing at you and forcing its way into your mouth. Each moment you surfaced was cut short, barely enough for a breath before the flow overwhelmed you once more. You couldn't even feel the rain which beat against your face.
As the storm tossed and toyed with you, your rapidly fogging mind only filled with your friends. Their care, their laughter, their loyalty. How you wished you could have been enough.
More waves, more snatches of air stolen away. You wondered if your body would have given out already had you not had powers to bolster your endurance, prolong the nightmare.
A harder impact set off a ringing in your ears.
That hadn’t been water.
Waves already tangled around you again, but the smallest spark of hope had you fighting to the surface. Your arm hit against something solid, the force of the water dragging you against it tearing grazes into your skin.
Somehow you had ended up at the edge, where the river slammed at its banks. Currents tugged in every direction as you scrabbled to grasp something, anything, of the concrete walling you in.
For one terrifying instant, a rebounding swell overwhelmed you, forcing your fingertips away from land-
The next surge crashed around your ears, flinging you back the other way. Upwards, it scaled the wall and you made your last push.
Colliding with brick and metal, you threw your arms around a pole. As the hungry water sucked at your limbs, clawing to drag you down again, you clung to that railing with all the strength you had left.
The water fell away.
Releasing your grip, you collapsed onto the stone. Ignorant to everything beyond your own heartbeat, you were ignorant to footsteps rapidly firing closer. You only closed your eyes. And finally breathed.
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Thank you for reading!💜💜
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canirove · 6 months
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 21
Author's note: And we've made it to the end 😔 Hope you guys have enjoyed this story even if it isn't the very best out there and the plot isn't groundbreaking 😅 But sometimes you just need to read something cute and simple, and that was my aim with this. As always, thank you very much for reading and all your support. It means a lot 💜
Previous chapter
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It had been a month since my fall at the Etihad. Since I had made it to the news because someone had reported that the woman rolling down the stairs was Rúben Dias girlfriend and that that was the reason why he had run to her aid half way through the team’s warm-up. Turns out that I wasn’t dreaming when I thought I had heard his voice.
And, of course, after being on tv now everyone knew about us, my parents included. After a few calls from my mum asking me how I was, she had finally convinced my dad to come visit me in Manchester, see with her own eyes that I was actually ok and that I wasn't lying every time she had called me, and also meet Rúben.
“Can you please stop? You are making me nervous” he said.
“I can’t. This is huge, Rúben. Like… huge” I said, dramatically lifting my arms in the air. “It’s not just that my parents are coming back to Manchester after ages and the possibility of us fixing things, but also ruining them forever. They are coming to meet you too. My boyfriend. The first I’m introducing them to.”
“Hopefully the last one too” he replied with his usual smirk.
“God, I hate you” I said, back to pacing around the living room. 
We were meeting at Lucy’s apartment since she and Julia were out with Rodri getting to know each other a bit more. Though Julia was already as in love with him as she was with Rúben.
“I love you too” he chuckled, those three words being something I still hadn’t been able to say despite being what I felt. 
“Urgh, that’s them” I said when I heard the door’s bell. 
“Relax, it’s gonna be ok” Rúben said, putting his hands on my shoulders. “I’ll charm them the same way I’ve done with your whole family.”
“Yeah, sure” I said, with a nervous laugh.
“I will. This is gonna work, ok?”
“Ok” I said, taking a deep breath.
“I love you” Rúben said.
“I love you too” I replied, not realising what I had said until I saw the smile on his face. I loved his smirk, but this one… This one had just become my new favourite smile.
“C´mon, let’s go meet my in-laws. We don’t want to keep them waiting” he said, taking my hand and walking towards the door.
And all that, takes us to the present day. 
"Do you know what day it is today?" Rúben asks me as we walk towards our apartment. Because his apartment, is ours now.
Lucy and Julia have moved to Rodri's house, where she is loving having a huge garden to play football with him. Though what she is loving the most, is the idea of becoming a big sister in just a few months.
"It wasn't planned, it just happened" Lucy shrugged after sharing the news. "But I know he is the one, and not because every single person that knows me has said it. It is because I can feel it. It is different to what I've felt with all the other guys I've been with before, my ex included. He is the one."
After they left, Rúben asked me to move in with him, and I obviously said yes. Now I still take care of Julia from time to time when both Lucy and Rodri are busy, but I am not her nanny anymore.
"I'm 6 now! I don't need a nanny, that's for babies" she said one day. 
What I keep doing tho, is being her piano teacher. Hers, and a bunch of kids from her school. We’ve kept the piano at Lucy’s apartment, only going there for my lessons so we don’t bother Rúben. But besides teaching, I’m also playing at events and weddings all over the country. It doesn’t matter if they are posh or tacky, if they have a low budget or lots of money. If I like the people I’m playing for, I say yes. 
My dad didn't like the idea at first and said that, of course, I should focus on teaching. But when he saw how much I was earning by playing on those events, he changed his mind. And I want to think that the fact that he was seeing me enjoying playing the piano for the first time in my life, also had something to do with it. 
And things have also kept getting better and better between us. He has joined grandad and I at some Arsenal games, and Rúben got to charm him just as he said he would. Though I must confess I still am getting used to how well they get along. Seeing them laughing together feels so weird… 
"Do you remember or not?" Rúben asks me again when we make it to the front door, the new doorman opening it for us. Roger retired and he is now living in the countryside with his wife.
"That's now what I asked. The number."
"Eh… 10th?"
"Urgh" he says, rolling his eyes. "Today, three years ago, we met for the first time. And it happened here, in front of this lift."
It had been three years already. Three years since I met Julia at the shopping centre. Since Lucy asked me to work for her. Since Rúben and I crossed paths on this same spot and I just froze in place. He was the most handsome man I had ever seen, and he still is. 
"I remember the way you looked at me" he chuckles. "You couldn't stop staring."
"I probably looked like an idiot. Or a creep."
"You looked very cute" he says, calling for the lift. "I couldn't stop thinking about you, about who you could be."
"Really?" I ask. He had never told me about it, about what he had felt when we first met. In my case, I didn't have to tell him. As usual, my face had said it all.
"Really. I don't know what it was, but there was something special about you. It felt... Different."
"Lucy would call that the one feeling" I chuckle.
"The what?" 
"The feeling you get when you meet the right person. The one" I say, walking into the lift.
"Interesting… But you know," Rúben says, walking behind me and pressing our floor's number. "This lift isn't just important because we met here for the first time. It also is important because it brought us together again."
"Oh, please. Don't remind me of that day."
"It wasn’t that bad" Rúben says with that smirk of his.
"The beginning was really bad. The end, not so much" I say, mimicking his smile.
"That's what I thought. And here is the thing" he says, stopping the lift.
"Rúben, what are you doing?"
"Listen to me" he says, taking my hands on his. "You just said it yourself, that what I felt when I first met you was because you were the one. And it's the truth. You are my one. The one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I had a list of things I wanted to tell you, but I’m too nervous and I've forgotten most of them, so I'll keep it simple" he says, letting go of my hands and getting on one knee. "Will you marry me?" 
"Rúben, I..." I mumble, watching him get a small box from his pocket and opening it, the most gorgeous ring I had ever seen inside it. "Are you sure?"
"I've never been more sure or serious about anything in my life. So I'll ask again, here, on this lift that brought us together. Twice. Will you marry me?"
"Yes" I say, my voice shaking. "Yes, Rúben, I will marry you."
I barely give him any time to get up, throwing myself at him and kissing him. A kiss, that three years later, keeps feeling and being movie worth it.
"I love you" he whispers, his lips still on mine.
"I love you too" I reply.
"But before we keep making out, can I put this on your finger?" he says, showing me box.
"Yes, of course."
"I hope it fits" he chuckles. "Lucy said it was the right size."
"She knows?"
"She knows" he smiles. "And she was right. Perfect."
"Wow" I say, inspecting it closer. "It's beautiful, Rúben."
"Do you like it?"
"I love it. Though not as much as I love you" I say, kissing him again.
"We should probably go home, don't you think?" he says. "Continue with the celebrations there."
"I like how that sounds. Very very much."
But the moment the lift's doors open on our floor...
"Congratulations!" our friends and families scream.
"What the..." I mutter, my heart on my throat. "What is this?"
"A surprise party to celebrate our engagement" Rúben says, hugging me from behind.
"So… they all knew?"
"Yep" he replies, kissing my neck.
"What if I had said no?"
"Oh, c'mon, that was impossible" Lucy says, coming to give a hug. "He is your one, remember?"
"He is, yes" I say, looking at him while Rodri and Ivan congratulate Rúben, a big smile on my face. "He is the one."
━━━━❃━━━━ FIN ━━━━❃━━━━
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prof-ramses · 23 days
Helluva Short 3 review and taking a firm stance
So, I haven't really been involved in the discourse around the helluva shorts, predictably, antis have taken aim at them for using the initially pitched premise more than the main series, what they don't realize is that they exist to further explore that premise in the first place, but more on that later, let's talk about the most recent short which shows this best.
So, Weaboo-boo might be the best HB content since the mid-season special, dead serious. It has a simple premise executed to perfection that explores: A- a unique premise B- worldbuilding and C-character development It's funny, visually great and easily my favorite short so far.
The reason I'm finally taking a stance on this is, frankly, I have zero patience for antis/haters/whatever anymore. I kept my head down when Mission: Antarctica dropped, but I'm not staying quiet anymore.
What's the main argument they make against these shorts? They use the premise that was focused on in the pilot more than the main series, right? Now let's look at why that is. The genesis of HB was a cut premise for an episode of HH where Blitz and Moxxie would've been a bumbling pair of hitmen acting as the episode's villains. Viv decided she wanted to explore the hellaverse beyond HH and used them to do it, but early into developing HB after the pilot realized she'd rather focus on the cast and the worldbuilding of the rings, so she toned the assassinations down and focused more stories in hell. The shorts are a way of exploring premises that she still wants to explore but that would fit or otherwise work as full episodes for one reason or another, whether that be series pacing or general simplicity for the sake of avoiding padded stories.
Vivian found the literal best possible solution to the "identity crisis" of the series, and the people who complained about it the most are practically spitting in her face over it. THAT'S why this blog now has a Vivziepop anti/hater dni rule.
In summary, I loved the short both for what it is and for letting my look past the veil of civility and acknowledge how pointless engaging with the haters is. As for us fans, let's keep eating good on this quality content.
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lizaluvsthis · 9 months
Purposely on purpose
THIS is a second part of Accidental Kiss
It's another pov focusing on with the M&M duo! (This is not a ship-this is a friendship thing)
With the duo's teamwork upon making their own special fort for a base, they noticed something that mario have thought of a good idea...
(AGAIN. I'm not as much of an experienced fic writer I'm continuing this last part)
"Its'a Mario time- here we gooo!!!" Mario jumped out of the base and threw countless of snowballs to Bob and SMG4, Meggy kept making more snowballs to save its bullets.
"YOU SON OF A B-TCH I'M GONNA TEAR YOUR SH-T APART WITH MY SNOW GUN-" with bob's words, he pulled out a giant gun and pulled the trigger. Causing to damage the front of Mario and Meggy's base
"Thats it- you're on!" Meggy joined in as she pulls out her splatoon gun and jumped out of her fort. She charged from the attack, as bob dodged the bullets. The man in white and blue is shot to his left.
"You're gonna regret that!" SMG4 smiles as he pulled out his big machine gun firing tons of snowballs, "Mario's got a fish to deal with you-" he pulls out a tood out of nowhere, and flatten its head to make a shield.
"YOU STUPID C#%^" Bob shouted at Mario, as he swung both of his swords(hands...?) To split the snowballs in half. Sadly Bob is very bad at this.
"You'll never take me alive SMG4! Because..." Mario pulls up his sunglasses. "You've got-no RIZZ" SMG4's exasperated expression gave temper from Mario's comment.
"GET OVER HERE!!" "WOAH MAMA MIA!!!" SMG4 starts to chase wherever Mario goes, running across the grounds as he started shooting snowballs at the fat italian, But left with uncontrollable speed that the red italian has.
A few minutes later...
"WOA- huff huff..." Mario is getting slower and slower from having to escape with Four. He spots the fort he and Meggy made and rushed through the thick snow blocking his way.
"MEGGY!!! MEGGY! AYAYAYAYA! Pls let Mario in!!!" Mario grieved in desperation, a gap from the passage way opens as she quickly pulled the back of the red-man's collar. Then closes in.
Mario sighs in relief when Meggy shuts the door, "Red you should be more careful on what you were gonna say! Now SMG4 is probably looking for-"
Meggy's phrase when the two heard Four's muffled voice from the door. "Hahaha! Gotcha now Mar- huh?"
Meggy and Mario stood quiet and opened a small gap from the door to peek outside on whats happening.
SMG3 is seen on the other side making his snowman which is eggdog, then to his right it was SMG4. "Oh. You."
SMG3's wide eyes soften behind his furious glare, Meggy and Mario looked at eachother for a second then back to focus at the two ex-rivals.
"If theres a possible chance I thought it'd be fun too for you to joi-" "No thanks" "aww cmon! Why not?"
Meggy slowly closed the door as Mario wanted to laugh, this took the dried Squid by suprise. "What is it Red?" Mario wanted to reply, but he couldn't help but snicker about the idea.
"Mario- is very- sorry-" he fixed himself up and starts to speak with a plan. "Mario has- a good ideal"
"Better not be one of those forceful kisses, because last time you did that from a tiktok challenge it didn't quite end we-" she heard a jingle from Mario's grasp.
It was a Mistletoe. Wait A MISTLETOE?!
"How did you- where did you get that?" "Mario borrowed it from a "friendly" neighbor from town ^○^"
I'm quessing it was stolen. Meggy thought from her head.
"Mario's gonna help and find a way to put a Mistletoe above them both to finally kiss!" "Mario- from the last time, we're not doing that." Meggy bugged his simple plan.
"Eh?" The sound of the meme audio and a glass shattering from the scenario. "But-but-" "You and know how much Three and Four had been through for like- I dunno-I was here six years ago when you told me about him and Four's unstable connection."
"So why do you not want to do it when you also want to?" Mario could never thought first about why, but to Meggy she didn't bother to answer. Mario's dumb but he has a heart, the only problem for him was that his brain doesn't correspond much to understand from what other peoples perspective have.
But this time, he has to learn something about it.
Meggy pulls up her splat gun and checks if she has enough ammo for an incoming battle with bob as she speaks.
"It's not that easy Marin, do you realize how hard it is for people like SMG4 or SMG3 to understand? Even tho I do also want that idea they both need to take their time to... yknow?" She gestures her hands, swaying clockwise.
Mario feels a bit confused as he scratched his head. Meggy grumbled in disbelief. "Ughh..." pinching the bridge of her nose, looking at Mario again.
"Process their feelings with one another, know about their boundaries, respect their privacy? I thought you know that stuff? It's ridiculous how you don't You're even respectful enough to give SMG4 some space when he-" the hit of an event flashed through her eyes.
Remembering SMG4's hyperventilating right after they want back from getting the star in princess peach's castle inside of that- hell hole....
She took a deep breath moving the subject. "I mean SMG4 is our friend, we gave him some time to think through and move on from what had happened. Im sure you know what I'm going here-" Mario frowned.
"But- SMG3...?" "Three has went through slot, you and I both know they both have been enemies since before I came here. We also know what he felt right after he said that right infront of him, we were there! We can't just push people from that. It takes-"
Mario yawned, "boring" Meggy's eye twitched.
"You don't know how SMG3 and SMG4 have been through before- I suppose I hadn't told you- everything?" She tilts her head sideways in a puzzled look.
"What are you saying?" "7 years ago they both got trapped in the igloo-" "DID YOU PLAN THAT?! MARIO! I SWEAR T--" Mario backs Meggy away by pushing her to calm her nerves. "Sheesh Meg- I was about to say that it wasn't on purpose...
"Oh, sorry..." the two stayed silent then Meggy spoke again. "So- what happened after they got stuck?" Mario points up his finger taking a deep breath, having the urge to explain. He stops for a bit.
"Are you sure you want to know?" "Yes." "You really really want to know?" The dried squid felt impatient from Mario asking her. "Mario, are we going to just sit here and wait for you to stop asking me the same question again over and over?"
Both eyes from the fat italian looked to the opposite directions as he said "yes." From what the dried Inkling left a reply of silence.
Mario starts to explain. "So me and SMG4 were stuck out from snow- I am suppa invincible from the cold so he went inside an igloo owned by an old man! Then I saw SMG3!
He was using an ugly tech that makes him float up in the sky! I wanted to say hello. Then ended up blasting something-SMG3 got terrified and he went inside the igloo where SMG4 is at and I guess he didn't know that he was also there?
The big snow thing collapsed and ended up trapping them both inside-" "please don't tell me they both fought inside-" sighed by Meggy "quite the complete opposite actually." Mario locked at the ceiling to visualize the past.
"I was only trying to find a way to get them both of the igloo safe and sound- which I did manage but- alas going inside of the igloo they both were..." Mario's mustache grew an inch bigger as he slowly turned to look at Meggy who couldn't understand his non verbal communication.
"Both what? When you said they both did the opposite, does that mean they were both bonding?" "More than that-" "they were both sitting and having snacks?" "No" "they were playing?" "No" "Mario just give me an direct answer cause I can't look back in the past THAT YOU WERE IN."
"Alright! Alright! Fine!" Mario felt a bit pissed by her being impatient, but she can't be blamed. It was all what HE witnessed after all...
"They were making like- what couples d-" "THEY W-MRFF" Meggy was about to scream at Mario as he covered her mouth, for Three and Four not to hear.
"Sorry-" She gave Mario an awkward smile
knowingly what she had heard from Mario all true, she had regretted to know what else had happened after he witnessed them both doing that.
"You're not joking!" She exclaimed in a whisper. "What Mario says is all true! I don't even know why they both did that but it was trully magnifi-" Meggy slaps Mario back in reality.
"OWOWOWOWO! He rubbed his cheek, "You should've told me about that sooner" Mario admits defeat by putting both of his hands up to stop Meggy.
"Hey-it was from the past- and honestly it was pretty old! These two are obliviously indenial with each other" Mario exclaimed.
"Yeah right-" Meggy opened the door to take a small peek again, and Mario who wanted to see as well.
"I forgive you." SMG4 is seen to be hugging SMG3 as he wrapped both of his arms from the back of his partner. They both stood there silence feeling safe... quiet... and... soft...
Wait- soft? Wow thats a first time they both have seen Three acting like that. Wasn't it? Or maybe it has happened before and right after what happened from the castle...
The two were having their own heart catching moment, and Meggy closed the door again.
She looked at Mario in a smile "Mario?" The fat italian looked at her. "Hm?" "How about we do your so called plan "Mistletoe"?"
It wouldn't hurt- after all- Mistletoes are still traditions for someone to kiss that special person underneath it.
"A little bit to the right- no wait- left?" Meggy tried guesturing her hands by moving Mario from the spot, from every step he took. He kept looking down at the floor assuring his balance and did his best not to slip and fall.
The mistletoe is tied with a string, from what Mario is currently holding. It hasn't yet been attached from the stick.
"Aaaaand there! Stop there!" He stopped from the place following Meggy's messages accordingly.
"Alright, now all that we need to do is- measure the string... now I have no idea how long it would be to reach down from-" Bob appeared from behind.
"WHATS UP YOU UGLY B-TCHES" in character for still, he called them both. Meggy grumbled. "Ughh not you again- look Bob, Mario and I are doing something important. How about we call in for a time out?"
He puts down both of his sword-(HANDS?)
"I'M NOT GETTING FOOLED AGAIN" He threw snowballs at her back, but Meggy didn't face him.
She didn't had the time to deal with him right now. "SO THATS WHAT YOU WANT THEN?"
"A DRIED INKLING WHO CHOSE TO LOSE FROM THE AWESOMEST DUDE RAPPER BOB" Meggy stopped. Mario who is now worried about bob's actions by facing her consequences.
His eye guestured to him sending a sign of- "you just got f-cked up"
Meggy turned her head to face Bob, with a presence of pure rage.
"I will not. Be beaten. By. A STUPID RAPPER!" Meggy goes on full action mode, sliding her right leg. Pulling up her splat gun from behind.
"YOUR. RAPPING. SUCKS!" Meggy in rage, kept pushing the trigger from the gun. "HAHAHA LOL WHAT A LOS-" Bob laughed in a sarcastic tone to Meggy, she wanted him buried 6 feet to the ground.
Bob's blade took a slash from the snow in the ground as he accidentally blinded Meggy's eyes to where she shot Mario's leg. "AH AHHH! OH NO!" He wanted to scream, but looking down. Theres SMG3 who starts screaming at SMG4.
Mario can't fall now- not that they're so close to making them both smooch!
"Hey! Its not fair!" Four screamed back at him, as SMG3 threw snowballs at him. "God dammit!" Mario's last call as his bare hands lost grip from the mistletoe as it fell down towards the two ex-rivals.
"M-MEGGY!!!" Mario tried pulling up the string but it has now reached down from the level where Three noticed it. "Oh- you got- to be- f-cking- kidding me-" Mario cursed, before Meggy could knock out Bob.
"What- what is it?" She had successfully knocked out Bob and noticed Mario who screamed and cried while holding the remaining string.
"F-CK!" She drops bob to the floor and sprinted to Mario, leaning from the edge as the two watched as what happens next. (Wow never knew Meggy could swear :0 btw thats her favorite swear word)
"I uhh... I have to go-" SMG3 backs away, much to Mario and Meggy's disappointment. SMG4 tried reaching out for Three, in sudden turn of events. The M&M duo had caught Three slipping from the ice and his face landing to SMG4's.
Mario and Meggy celebrated "Yes!" "Haha!" The two had successfully did it after all. It wasn't put to any waist to give out the plan, it was worth it.
Meggy and Mario did a high-five as they smiled. Mario began pulling up the string attached to the mistletoe, "Still want to say give them both some time to realize?" Meggy scoffed.
"I really doubt they don't realize their feelings, they did it before they'll kiss again here-" the two looked from below to check up on the gay lovers again, seeing that SMG4 gave Three a second kiss.
This made them both scream, oh god. Gay people. Mario is really happy for them and Meggy too now that the two are finally making it official right there on the spot.
"DID YOU B-TCHES JUST FORGOT ABOUT ME?" Both of their eyes went wide, Bob pushed the duo off the roof. "HAH. Got-em"
"BOB YOU SON-OF-A-B-TCH!" Mario gave him a middle finger falling mid air, but bob has already walked away. "Ahh! Hang on! Mario!"
SMG3 opened his eyes when he heard the scream of Mario and broke the kiss. "What the- am I hearing Mario just because you kissed me? Did I just die?" SMG3 looked very clueless because of this.
SMG4 licked both of his lips and heard the screams. "It sounds like-" He looked up above the sky as he saw Mario and Meggy falling. "OH WHAT THE FU-" SMG4 had no time to process seeing that Mario will land at his body flat to the ground.
Closing his eyes as he braced from the impact, but left nothing with a forceful push. "Three?" He opened his eyes seeing that the guy he had JUST gave a real kiss earlier- had saved his F-CKING LIFE.
"A..." was all that Four could speak out, he couldn't process from everything that happened. Meggy landed to the ground safely by using one of Mario's mushrooms.
But to Mario tho- he did hit the ground too hard. "Oof-"
"You guys okay?" She brushed off the snow that covered her legs focusing on the two. But Four and Three had almost forgot the world had exist around them just by locking into each other's eyes.
"C'mon! Stop making googly eyes with each other and lets go back- get something to eat. Mario's hungry" Mario said picking himself up and stood right beside Meggy, SMG3 and SMG4 looked at them both and back at each other.
Realisation hits them both just noticing they had been staring. SMG3 is the first to get up "right err-uhhh... sorry-" He reached down to him both of his hands, to where Four gradually accepts.
Closing his hands from his, SMG4 got up and smiled "You- you saved me..." "heh- hey it's like- the third time you told me that already-" SMG3 chuckled.
"Sooooo?" Meggy taps her right foot. "Are you both dating now? Can Mario take a picture?" Four and Three gave each other a warm smile and gazed eyes.
And Four held Three's hand interlocking with his. "That calls out for us both! We're officially dating!" Mario jumped up and down in excitement as Meggy clapped for them both congratulating them.
The four walked towards the Castle while other of their friends are minding their own business.
"When is the wedding?" Asked by Mario, ruining the mood. The two lovers shouted louder.
"SHUT UP MARIO!" Leaving his reaction with a smirk. (Typical-)
-and there you have It a classic ending ^^ happy new year btw!
If you're reading this note it's currently 2 am in the morning that I finished this (its 1st of January 2024 so- cough- okay- bye!)
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Soulmate- B.Barnes
Summary: Bucky gets introduced to Sam’s childhood best friend, he finally feels love and looks forward to thee future for the first time in over 80 years.
Pairings: Bucky x Fem!Reader, Sam x Platonic!Reader
Fic Warnings: brief mentions of Bucky’s time in Wakanda, brief mention of the Flag Smashers, brief mention of the blip, fem!reader, use of y/n(IDK if thats a warning but it’s here)
Author’s Notes: This is the first fic I’ve written in ages and this is also my first Bucky fic. I hope this was good and feedback is welcome. When I was writing this I was thinking of the song Soulmate by Mac Miller, I don’t listen to many love songs but this is the only one I thought of.
My full Masterlist
Word Count: 1437
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gif not mine
It was safe to say that James Buchanan Barnes didn’t have a very easy life. He got drafted for the war at 25, got taken as a prisoner of war, was forced to take Hydra’s super soldier serum, he was rescued by his lifetime best friend Steve, only to fall off of a train a few years later, lost an arm and taken as an experiment for Hydra. The man had a hard life, he was an asset to Hydra for 80 years and he wasn’t free from Hydra completely until the Wakandans stepped in to help. After the blip, he only had his best friend for a week or so until he was gone again and left to navigate the 21st century by himself.
Bucky was never one to believe that love or even companionship was something he’d obtain. When he met y/n, he felt as if a massive weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Sure, she was shy and quiet, typically kept to herself, but she was sweet, kind and caring. She was the most selfless person he had ever met in his life. They had met in a time that Bucky needed somebody the most. After the Flag Smashers debacle, Sam had introduced him to his childhood best friend.
At first, Bucky was wary, he wasn’t quick to trust people, but he was infatuated with this woman. Sam had spoken about her before and so had Steve oddly enough. He can remember Steve speaking fondly about her, how she was like a breath of fresh air from all of this superhero nonsense. 
Bucky and y/n were friends for a good while before anything actually happened, the two of them slightly nervous to make a move on the other. They lived together for a good amount of time, dancing around their feelings for each other. They even got a cat together after Bucky’s new therapist suggested it. His new therapist even suggested that he step away from fighting for a while and to focus on himself, making friends and nurturing his current friendships. Creating a routine and sticking to it.
His routine was a simple one, he wake up every morning at 5:00, made him and y/n breakfast, feed Alpine, go for a jog, come home, take a shower, make lunch, every once in a while he would drop by y/n’s work and eat lunch with her, he’d catch up on some shows and movies that she and Sam recommended, then the rest of his day he’d just do random things around the apartment until she got home then spend the rest of his day with her and Alpine. 
y/n was the one that came up with the idea of having lunch together when she was at work. It was about a month into them living together and Bucky had just gotten his routine down. “Hey B, you know you can visit me and we can have lunch together, whenever you want to. The main office already knows to send you to me if you ever drop by.” And ever since then, Bucky would visit her at least twice a week, always bringing a homemade lunch and a recap of his day.
The last time he visited her, a few of her students were lingering in the room. He lingered in the doorway for a minute until she took notice of him. “Bubs! Come sit! We were just talking about you and Sam,” She had a big grin on her face, her y/c eyes sparkling in the fluorescent lights. 
“Hey beautiful! I didn’t want to interrupt, it seemed like a good conversation was happening in here,” Bucky walked further into the classroom, sitting in the chair next to her, planting a gentle kiss on the crown of her head.
“Mr.Barnes, what was it like being a part of the Avengers?” One of her students asked excitedly.
“I was never an official Avenger, but it was a lot of pressure. I’m happy to be getting a much needed break.”
“I’m happy you’re talking this break, poor bubs, you worked yourself half to death. Sam said you were extra grumpy,” She said in a teasing tone. Bucky rolled his eyes playfully before plopping her lunch in front of her. “You made my favorite! Bubs, that’s so sweet!”
“Only for my best girl. I can see the three of you practically bursting over there. Ask your questions.” The three students bombarded him with questions, all of which he answered to the best of his ability. y/n ate her lunch and listened to how Bucky willingly answered all of her students’ questions. Every once in a while, she would chime in when she could. Then Bucky decided to flip the conversation and started asking the students questions.
“What’s this one making you guys do? Read crappy books and look at stupid things as symbols?” Bucky asked as a joke.
“Hey! That was mean, Buck,” y/n pouted, making him chuckle. He planted a chaste kiss on her pouted lip causing her students to jokingly gag. Bucky turned his attention back to the students to listen to their answers.
“I mean, there really isn’t a set curriculum in our school so the teachers make it. We’re doing fantasy right now so we’re reading The Hobbit. We aren’t going too heavy into symbolism, thank God.” This got Bucky on a long tangent about how it was the best book he read when he was younger. How he used to read it to Steve when he was stuck in bed and how he used to read to his younger siblings all the time. The small group that had gathered only grew when somehow most of y/n’s students found out that Bucky was in the building.
Since her students were so intrigued by Bucky, she set up a little project for the AP Literature and Journalism students. With his okay of course, Bucky was going to come to the school after hours and answer questions that he was comfortable answering for the students. Their project was to write a paper or an article on Bucky. Since more students showed interest, they opened it to the whole school, however only the Journalism and AP Lit students were allowed to ask questions.
The night it was set for, Bucky was nervous, he was about to go up in front of a lot of teenagers and answer questions that were thrown at him. y/n was right next to him, trying to relax him. “Baby, if you want to postpone this or cancel it we can. No problem. Whatever you need I can get it for you,” she offered him. 
“I just need you with me. As much as it pains me to say this, is Sam still in town?” Luckily for him, Sam was still in town and came to the school to be up on the auditorium stage with y/n and Bucky. With the two of them at his side, Bucky was more relaxed, if he needed a little comfort, he had his closest friend on one side and his soulmate on the other.
“Hi everyone! Tonight our AP Literature and Journalism students are interviewing World War Two veteran, Hydra survivor, and my wonderful boyfriend, James Bucky Barnes. I do want to disclose a few things before we start. Bucky is very nervous so I will be beside him as well as an unexpected but welcomed guest. I did warn the students as well as Bucky that any question he is not comfortable answering, he can either pass off to me if I can answer it or he can simply leave the question unanswered. Now please, give a very warm welcome to Bucky Barnes and our wonderful Captain America and my very best friend, Sam Wilson!”
Bucky nearly stayed backstage but when he saw her standing under the stage lights, creating the illusion of a halo on top of her head, her warm smile and soft eyes reserved only for him, his feet decided to move towards her. As he walked towards her, his mind was racing with the thought of growing old with her, having a family and finally being a normal man with a metal arm. Instead of his usual scowl across his face, he had a wide smile that was previously only shown to y/n, but now Sam and at least 100 teenagers. He was finally happy and looking forward to his future with this beautiful woman in front of him, who would always be there for him no matter the time of day or the situation. He felt loved.
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jumpywhumpywriter · 13 days
"The Lost Hero" - Crippled Hero Presumed Dead part 19
Warnings: crippled hero, Villain forcing Hero to put life in their hands, power move, collapsed throat, choking, friends forced to watch suffering
It was painful to watch how Hero had to take frequent breaks after every few bites when it hurt too much to swallow. She looked hollow and weary, and relieved when she'd finally managed to get through breakfast.
Villain smiled once everyone was finished, taking their plates away and turning to leave after he'd supervised the whole time.
"Wait!" Logan abruptly stood up. Villain paused in the doorway. "C-Can Hero have a paper and pen so she can talk to us?" He ventured.
Villain let out a single cruel laugh. "No. She may not." The answer was simple, and vicious, and in a heartbeat he was gone, the fortified door pushed and locked back in place to contain its prisoners.
"It was worth a try," Logan muttered under his breath.
Hero laid back down on her bed with a shuddering sigh, staring off into nothingness. Logan and Noah tried to entertain themselves to pass time, invited Hero to join the random games they made up, but she refused to engage, wallowing in her misery. The games soon became boring anyway, and the two teens retreated to their designated mattresses, lost in thought and bored to death.
The next four days passed similarly, Villain staying around to supervise every meal they were allowed, watching them all like hawks. Followed by endless, agonizing boredom. But each day Hero had less difficulty eating, which was a plus.
It was on the fifth day of captivity when Villain entered the room alone, without his henchmen bringing meals. This time was different.
Villain held a small round disk between his first finger and thumb, holding it up for them all to see. Logan instantly recognized it as the brand new voice disk for Hero.
Hero's face brightened, just a little, upon seeing it. She got up and walked over, reaching for it, but Villain pulled it out of her grasp, pointedly holding it away from her. His eyes were narrowed.
"First, I want you to earn it," he said slowly. "I want you to know who holds the power here, to ensure you won't try to come after me later. To be aware of who holds your life in their hands." He pulled a terrifyingly familiar black remote from his pocket, and Hero's expression deflated, filling with dread.
But to everyone's surprise, Villain dropped it on the floor and kicked it to Hero, who warily picked it up, frowning in confusion.
"You already know what that does," Villain growled. "The task is simple: press the button to turn off the device I put in your throat, then toss the remote back to me -- so that I am the one who decides when you get to breathe again. I want you to willingly put your life into my hands. Submit. Surrender."
Hero stared fearfully down at the remote in her hands, eyes widening.
"That's not fair!" Logan barked, springing up from his seat. "You can't ask her to do that to herself!"
Villain's focus snapped to him, and the force of his icy gaze was enough to freeze Logan in place, even as he kept talking. "If you do not do this, Hero, I will not give you this disk. You will be unable to speak a single word for the rest of your life."
⏪️ Back Next ⏩️
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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝙸 𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚋𝚢𝚎 (𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸)
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨ N o t e ୧⋆ ˚。⋆ Hi lovelies, I’m coming back with a second chapter! This one is mainly smut with a little angst in it. Hope you’ll like it! The following chapters will be posted on my Patreon first and then here.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ P a i r ୧⋆ ˚。⋆ Virgin!Leon Kennedy X F!Reader
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ T a g s ୧⋆ ˚。⋆ smut, p in v sex, unprotected sex, loss of virginity, minors DNI.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ W o r d c o u n t ୧⋆ ˚。⋆ 2k
Chapter 1
Ko-fi || Patreon
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Your tongues intertwined with each other over and over as your moans increased in volume. Leon’s grip on your waist kept tightening as his own arousal was building up, and slowly, because of the warmth of your body and the fresh smell of your skin, he began to let go of all of the memories that kept tormenting him. His body also became more relaxed in your arms.
He slowly laid on his back and pulled you over his lap. Your bathrobes were becoming loose, and his chest was visible to you. Through the now large gap, you could clearly see his toned pecs. You stood up and traced his skin with your fingers, pushing the material further in an eager way. Leon watched you from below and whimpered at your delicate touch, while squeezing your waist gently. You pressed your palm over his chest and began to move up and down and sideways until his torso became exposed as well. Leon watched eagerly as your own bathrobe barely covered your breasts, exposing them any second now.
“Kiss me,” he demanded, and you pressed your bodies against each other once again. The kiss resumed with the same passion and intensity, and Leon couldn’t get his hands off your body. While yours rested on his chest, his kept massaging your waist until he found the courage to grope your cheeks. His strong hands not only made you whimper, but you also pushed your hips back on his grip as you enjoyed the squeeze.
His bulge became more and more noticeable as you rubbed yourself over it. Only his bathrobe was standing between his cock and your needy hole.
“Can I?” He said this as she shortly broke the kiss. His hands moved and rested on the sides of your breasts, waiting for your approval.
Sure,” you said with a smile, and then gasped when he pushed aside the material in a sudden move. The cold sensation was soon felt as Leon quickly grabbed your breasts and gave them a squeeze. His pupil dilated as he watched your nipples harden. He rolled them between his fingertips, amazed by how vocal you could be because of such a simple motion. A gentle pinch made you squeak, which was a delightful sound for Leon’s ears.
Fuck, I want a taste.” He said as he thrust his hips to throw you over his face so your boobs could hang over his mouth. His tongue twirled around one of your nipples before taking it in his mouth. From there, he sucked and bit gently as his tongue kept stimulating the sensitive part. Lost in pleasure, your hand found his hair and tugged those gold locks in your direction as you wanted more. His other hand was constantly stimulating the other one.
"Leon… I want you now,” you said between breaths, as if you couldn’t wait anymore. You were so wet, and you swore that some of your juices began to drip down your thighs.
While lowering your body, he used a hand to move aside his robe, exposing himself completely. His cock stood in the air, red and swollen. You grabbed it eagerly and gave it a few strokes as you lowered over it. Your mouth opened wider and wider to allow more moans to escape as you began to fill up with his shaft. During this time, Leon was breathing heavily, having his eyes closed, and facing the right side of the room. His lips twitched and his eyes squirmed as he either tried to focus or hide the fact that he felt some sort of discomfort.
“Are you alright?” You asked, stopping halfway.
“Yes, keep going.” He said you were determined, and you were. Eventually, his cock disappeared completely inside you, and once you hit the base of his cock, you let out a satisfied moan. He made you feel so full, and the stretch wasn’t painful either. It was like his cock was made only for you. A perfect match.
Once you took him completely, a long, loud moan escaped his lips. He finally opened his eyes to look at you, and instantly his cheeks turned red. You were so beautiful, with your tits on full display and the bathrobe hanging lazily over your shoulders. Your hair was in all places and fuzzy, but you were a beautiful mess, much to Leon’s delight.
His hands grabbed your hips to guide your movements on his cock. The two of you synched shortly, which caused the silence in the room to shift to sinful, loud noises.
He sank deeper and deeper into this feeling, the memories slowly fading away as they were replaced by the present moment.
No matter how much you tried to comply with his urges, you couldn’t go any faster as your muscles began to burn. You were pushing beyond your limit the last night and the fatigue got to you. Seeing that it’s getting difficult for you, Leon flipped you over to be on top. His hands remained on your waist as he helped you move further on the matter so he could sit properly. His cock never left your throbbing hole, and once he glued himself to your body, he began to thrust again.
Leon yearned for this kind of closure. The warmth of your body and your gentle touches were so intoxicating to him that they shifted his mind away from all the pain he experienced. Only you mattered to him in that moment, and all he could think about was how to make it last forever. The more you squeezed him in your hug, the harder he would throb inside you. He wasn’t going at a fast pace himself; he was very tired too. In fact, he was very sloppy, as if it were the first time. Still, the more you squeezed him, the harder he’d throb, as your touch was the only thing that kept him turned on.
When your walls started to clench around him, he increased his pace a little, starting to rub that sweet spot deep inside you constantly. You wrapped your legs around his waist and kept him in place while your mouth whispered sweet and much-needed words in his ear.
“You’re fucking me so good, Leon.” “Please don’t stop; I’m so close.” “God, I need you so bad.”
All these affirmations made the man a whimpering mess. His sounds are so weak yet so needy.
One of his hands moved forward to grab yours, and soon your fingers intertwined in a tight hold that almost crushed your hand. The other kept gripping the sheets beneath you while your other hand was resting over his shoulders.
Despite his agonizing pace, he still managed to bring you to the verge of your orgasm. Your walls clenched like nothing before, which, in response, made his shaft twitch and leak inside you.
“Don’t stop,” you whispered in a needy voice.
“I won’t...” With the last strength he had, he picked up the pace, and with the hand that was holding yours, he began to stroke your clitoral area very fast.
Oh, my God,” you moaned as this sudden and powerful wave of pleasure took over your senses.
“That’s it, cum for me.”
You rolled your eyes as the orgasm hit you. Your body shivered at the intensity, giving you goosebumps all over your skin. Your throbbing muscles helped Leon reach his climax too. With a shaky moan and sloppy thrusts, he released all of his load inside you, burying himself during the last few shots. After that, he collapsed on top of you, placing kisses all over your face. You hugged him tightly as he did so.
“Fuck, that was amazing.”
“I know, considering you were a virgin.”
Leon raised himself suddenly, looking down at you with a surprised face that said, “You got me.” His cheeks turned red.
“Let’s say I’m a little more experienced... and you are very clumsy.” You said it with a smirk.
“That doesn’t mean I’m a virgin. Maybe I was just... nervous.” He said this while chuckling nervously. He sat next to you, and while on his side, he began to caress your face with his fingers. He looked at you with such loving eyes. For a moment, you saw the same glimmer of joy that you saw the first time you met him. You turned your body too and wrapped one hand over his torso, pulling him into a hug. His fingers remained on your face, caressing the soft skin.
“True. Were you, tho?”
A few seconds passed before he confirmed it with a loud sigh.
“It’s not a shame, you know. I think it’s very sweet, actually.”
“Thanks.” He chuckled in a sweet way, saying, “But it’s not so cute when you’re a guy.”
“Says who?” 
“Well, you know, society...”
“You’re so naive.” You said it with a chuckle and pecked at his lips.
Another small pause followed in which you looked at each other. His eyes were filled with admiration and desire as they kept tracing your features.
“I had a girlfriend,” he began, “but we broke up before we could do anything. And I had to move to Racoon City shortly, so…”
“I see...” To be honest, you didn’t care. You cherish Leon, no matter what. You wish you could stop him from going into that dark place of his mind. You couldn’t help but notice how that glimmer of hope vanished once he mentioned Racoon City.
“I should check on Sherry. And maybe check for some clean clothes.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea. Think you can find me some jeans?”
“I’ll see what I can do.” You pressed a kiss on his forehead before you stood up. You carefully wrapped the bathrobe around your body and headed to the door.
“A shirt would be nice too.” Leon added. You turned around and saw him standing at the edge of the bed, with his robe loose around his body.
“Good thing you reminded me. I thought you wanna walk shirtless.”
“…not like that would be a tragedy, tho…” you thought to yourself after examining his chest once more.
“It’s too cold outside.”
You smiled and left the room.
On your way to Sherry, you couldn’t stop smiling, as you could still feel his gentle touch on your skin and his soft lips over yours. It’s like you never left the room, or he is walking right next to you.
“What a strange feeling.” You thought for yourself. The ghost-touching sensation made you expect to be hugged any second now.
Being lost in the trance, you almost missed your room. You gently entered, not wanting to wake up Sherry. Your room was very similar to Leon's, except yours had booze in it. Yeah, you lied to him, but it was because you cared. Leon wasn’t in the right mood to drink.
Sherry was sleeping peacefully in the bed, in the same position that you left her. You carefully pulled the blanket over her shoulder and gently caressed her head.
“Everything will be ok.” You whispered. 
Not wanting to wake her up, you moved to the balcony to admire the sunset. You opened the door and took a deep breath, allowing the fresh air to fill your lungs. You never cared about the quality of the air you breathed until today.
The street was peaceful too. There were a few people walking—an elderly couple and a girl walking her dog—but it looked like they were about to go to their homes.
“Is it finally over?” You asked yourself. Sure, you survived, but is it really possible to live normal lives? What will happen to Sherry? Will you adopt her? Will Leon stay with you two? Do you need new identities?
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice the black van that just pulled in front of the hotel. A second one followed, and when a third vehicle approached, you lowered your gaze and watched as two men in costumes walked inside the building. Panic was building inside you by the second, which made you hurry back inside and wake up Sherry.
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gomzdrawfr · 4 months
Gomz rambles about something again so feel free to scroll pass :]
Recently had a video recommended to me on youtube and gave it a watch: how you play games is how you do everything so I wanted to give some thoughts after watching it
for starters, the video was pretty simple and straightforward and easy to watch, it got me thinking how true that statement is and I started reflecting a bit.
I rarely play games any more, simply because sometimes I couldn't bring in the time and commitment to games like I used to be, or that it feels like I'm completing tasks instead of enjoying the game (kind of what the original author felt)
That applies to some games I've played in the past, Minecraft, Valorant, Dont starve - when I play a game, I clock tf in LMAO I just tend to focus so much on it that everything else didn't matter. I guess irl this applies to me too, whenever I want to do something I make sure to put in 110% into it, very meticulous with completion and deadlines and ensuring the work I do are good quality, I spend time on researching every single questions or queries I have and yeah just, being into something. Though lately, I've dialled down a bit and take it easy (bcuz stress isn't fun)
Honestly, in another aspect, say Minecraft again, I used to be very active in a community, being the lead builder and just pumping out ideas and making builds after builds while still having fun, I loved brainstorming idea and vomit it out in blocks, being able to use part of my interest that are less relevant in my studies to something else, you know? but ever since the said community grew larger, I got overwhelmed and stepped away from the people. They're great friends, really, but sometimes it's a lot when a friend circle grows.
Reflecting this to irl, I tend to work in smaller groups and have a close-knit of friends instead of many friends. Better yet, working alone or just with another one person. It's easier to focus and manage things. Another takeaway would be, I guess, is the way I tend to walk away when things gets more than what I like, or can handle.
I used to be part of a group of friends online too, I liked what we had going, we were silly we were honi (lol) and things were more light-hearted. But as more and more people join, I started feeling overwhelm or a sense of disconnect. There's a lot going on, like a bouncing ball started yeeting against each surfaces at lighting speed and I can barely catch the ball kind of feeling.
I wouldn't say it's entirely their fault, it's mostly myself, which is more comfortable in controlled or slower pace(despite being hyper as well- brainrot goes brrrr). I guess what sucks the most is also watching a friend who liked hanging with another person that you don't really vibe with can be uh something(idk what or how to describe it, it's not jealousy either). The main issue is always around the aspect that I like person A, B, C and F, but not the rest of the bunch. Yes, I could bring it up, talk to them about it, and then highly possibly creating drama and beef with that process (relationships are so fragile). Knowing the people I was dealing with, I decided to just leave quietly (which, to no one's surprised, caused drama itself too - sigh)
I do miss them sometimes, the people I like talking to and be friends with, some of us kept the connection, some burn the bridge for good, some remains a mystery.
That brings me to another aspect in decision-making games, where I tend to walk the passive, most diplomatic route ever to finish the game. Well because irl I hate dealing with conflicts XD I also lean towards neutrality most of the time, unless it's something important then only I pick a side strongly. Using persuasion, communications and understanding, compromising and delegation to let a project or anything really(like relationship) run smoothly. Some of this cost my sanity, patiences and often, gaining less from the agreement lol
I stopped caring more than I do, I stopped trying to please everyone in the room after going through some stuff, and I learn to let go a lot of things because of those experiences, which for now feels like a good experience for me (Literally my page motto is my life motto, it is what it is)
This also made me think, that I am a person who likes to stay the same, more often than I'd like to admit. I mean this by saying like for example, no matter how many times I play Stardew Valley, I will follow a similar route. If irl, the mix rice shop I visit for almost 4 years now? I'll pick the same veggie and meat choices everytime I go there. I find comfort in repetition, I like following the same pattern, I enjoy being safe in a known routine.
If i want to ramble about this, I do like to change sometimes, explore different options, pick a different route etc. But, only if I finished the "foundation" first(both in game and irl)
So for example, stardew valley right? I tend to go min max route, getting my greenhouse and my plants, relationship, all those jazz to maximum first before I actually try something else. What's funny is the something else can be as small as picking a different spot to fish, wearing a different hat, try defeating the dungeon without espresso(that was awful) or romance other people(I still love Harvey more than anyone, sorry Sebastian, I do love the frog though)
Same with Minecraft, Im a builder yes, but I also grind a hell lot in the game, building industrial district and shit ton of farms to get whatever I need.
I think this is kinda reflected irl, where I like to have a strong stability of foundation before I try something different, something that is not part of the route Im used for. It's like once I am sure that our project presentation has the right amount of slides, informations and delivery, then only I try and test out animations, maybe some infographics and whatnot. Same with patient counselling, I usually follow a flow strictly in patient information gathering because that is what we were taught in University (name, age, height, weight, etc), but one time I decided to switch it up a bit to and try to make small talk in between info gathering (like when a patient tells me they're married, instead of moving on I congrats on their marriage instead) and has found it a nice experience and change of pace. You may find this a silly or heck, an obvious thing that I should've tried, but you need to understand every video, notes and lectures always follow a systematic manner with stuff like this. I've only started incorporating this style after being in the med course for like, 2 years, so when I transitioned to Pharmacy, it came naturally to me when it comes to building rapport with patients. The patients and lecturers love it, because the process can feel more like a conversation rather than an interrogation you know, it feels more lively, more empathy and whatnot. I hope to continue to improve on this actually, Im really happy that one of the change I made on an impulse stick through and benefitted my career.
Id say one bad thing with this habit (with how I approach change) is sometimes I miss out opportunities and again, missing out the fun. Heck, sometimes the process to finish the "foundation" itself feels like a chore that sucks out the fun from games. Like rn with tears of the kingdom(totk), I like collecting Light of Blessing to get more hearts and stamina, but god- totk is so much bigger now compared to the first one, and I got overwhelmed and stressful to play the game. So I dropped it on my previous semester break. (I wanna go back to it one day, hopefully)
This kind of also tie into something Im aware of, is that I get weary and overthink in the face of uncertainty. Like there are a lot of places in totk that I have yet to explore, because I have thoughts like
oh shit does this have important story plot? wait what if im suppose to go place A before going place B first? will it mess up the timeline? oh no that place is new what the heck let's just put a marker first-
you get the gist, same applies irl too. An invitation to quizzes, participating talk shows or experiments, most of which I usually don't attend in fear of my lack of skills or just, nervousness in new environment. There's always a lingering thought that I am not good enough to go to events that clearly, required skills and competence beyond what I have. Im no 4 flat student, hell my cgpa is shit lmfao, the only thing Im good at are soft skills and maybe level 1-2 clinical judgments. I still regret that one time I didn't join a community event where they've explored and talked about stem cells intervention, they had a whole freaking lab!! of cells!! like in the movies!!!!!!!!! ok anyways
Idk what im tryna say with this ramble, I just wanted to share and relate my experience to the video, maybe this is like a self reflection. I've been trying to be better at managing some of the issues I talked about, building confidence or maybe facing confrontations instead of dipping entirely.
If you read till here, thanks I guess! maybe you can relate to me or maybe you just wanna read my yaps, either way I appreciate it :D if you want to share your thoughts or experiences as well go ahead!
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sebsxphia · 8 months
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this is actually Polaroid little lamb took of willoughby!rhett, they keep it in their coat pocket when they run away with preacher!rhett 🤭 (preacher!rhett also gets a little jealous when they look at it…)
→ a/n: a short drabble for the ‘ptolemaea. | the verses.’ universe. (i had to call him willoughby, i hope this makes sense!)
→ c/w: heavy religious themes and preacher!rhett abbott.
it was an exceptionally hot day and an even more so, exceptionally hot drive in rhett’s truck. all the windows in his truck were open as you cruised down the highway to your next motel, yet still you found no relief from the heat. sweat was pooling on the back of your neck and you were reminded of the extremely hot summer last year, spent with willoughby abbott, instead.
there were two polaroids you kept in your jacket pocket. sitting on top was one of you and your preacher, but tucked away and safely hidden underneath was another of willoughby. it was taken during that last summer and resided in your pocket for the simple fact of, it was the sweetest day you remembered having with him.
your jacket was crumpled next to you and you fished them out from the inside pocket. you were well aware of your preacher sitting right next to you, but the sweltering heat had adhered both of your thinking processes. you looked at the first one of you and rhett and hummed fondly. he glanced over at you, one hand on the steering wheel and the other out of the truck window, catching what you were admiring and smiled to himself.
“sweet day wi’ you, that was.”
you agreed and flashed him a smile in return. he turned back to focus on the dry, dirt road ahead of him, and your thumb slipped over the polaroid to reveal the other with willoughby. you admired it, you thought fondly of it, you missed it.
you missed him.
you didn’t notice rhett glancing over, his eyes catching the picture and how his knuckles turned whiter as he gripped the steering wheel. his jaw was set firm when he spoke up, with a slight bitterness in his tone.
“he ain’t ‘ere anymore, little lamb.”
when you didn’t reply, but continued to look fondly at the polaroid in front of you, rhett’s tone got firmer and there was a lace of jealously to it.
“did y’ hear me?” he repeated.
it wasn’t malicious. rhett had the exact same relationship with him, if not with you both. he just wanted you to himself, for now.
“yes, daddy.” you replied with your eyelashes fluttering at him, in an attempt to sway him.
you put the polaroids back in your pocket and the silence continued a moment longer, before he reached over and stroked your cheek with his knuckle.
“we ain’t far from the motel. gon’ remind y’ who’s cunt this is when we get there, my pretty baby.”
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Libraries Are Important Business
Kakashi Week 2023
Prompt: Library
Words: 2570
Characters: Hatake Kakashi & Yamato
“A library?” Yamato read through the report Kakashi had handed to him, his eyebrows furrowing toward the center of his forehead. “This is what has Koharu and Homura upset with you? A library?” 
He’d learned at a rather young age that the two elders could be difficult, but this seemed excessive even for them.  There wasn’t a single reason he could think of for anyone to be against opening a library in Konoha. Especially after he’d read all the reasons Kakashi had for why it would aid in Konoha’s growth. 
The only reason they might have to set themselves against the idea was simply to be a pain in the ass. Something he wouldn't put past them to do, but which seemed like a huge waste of their time in this particular case. 
Hatake Kakashi wasn’t known for standing down. He was even less likely to bend to their demands over something that he was passionate about, and Yamato knew that his senpai was extremely passionate when it came to knowledge and people’s access to said knowledge. 
“It’s not so much the library that they’re against,” Kakashi explained, his eyes glancing up from the pile of reports sitting in front of him and focusing on Yamato. “Line seventy-three is what they’re fighting to get rid of.”
Line Seventy-three.
There was a bright red pen mark beside the exact line Kakashi wanted him to read. A small indicator of where he needed to focus his attention, saving him from wasting precious time counting through the lines until he found the correct one. In his Anbu days, Yamato had become all too familiar with the counting method to locate whichever line it was Lord Third or Lady Fifth wanted him to read over. To have a Hokage who saved him time and found a simple yet effective way to indicate where he needed to focus his attention felt like a small blessing, but one that he appreciated nonetheless. 
“Let’s see,” he spoke aloud, unsure of why he felt the need to vocalize it but too busy reading to dwell on it. “There will be a section dedicated to Jutsu scrolls. In this section will be included scrolls with D, C, B, and A level Jutsus available to anyone who would like to study them. S-rank Jutsu scrolls will be kept in a locked section with access being given to anyone who has permission from their Sensei or a higher ranking official.”
It all seemed simple enough. 
“Ah, sorry,” Glancing up from the report, Yamato narrowed his eyes when he saw Kakashi smiling that stupid closed-eyes smile of his and waving a hand up and down. A sign of apology that spoke louder than any words that Kakashi could ever speak. “I must have marked the wrong line. It’s the next one.”
Annoying, but without the work of having to count through the lines Yamato couldn’t find it in him to complain. Refocusing his attention on the report, he found the next line and continued to read.
“All Jutsu scrolls currently held within the Hokage’s residence (as far as have not been damaged beyond recognition) will be added to the library in the above-stated order.”
Now Koharu and Homura protests made a lot more sense. 
“Did anything even survive?” he asked as his mind traveled back to the day of Pein’s attack. The devastation had destroyed everything in Konoha, including the Hokage’s residence. The rebuilding had only been completed as fast as it was because of Yamato’s Mokuton abilities, and even those couldn’t save all of the objects that had been wiped away in Pein’s attack. 
“It seems that Lord Third had an area installed underneath the building where he kept Jutsu scrolls, books, and anything else that he believed needed to be kept safe.” There’s a tone in Kakashi’s voice that Yamato doesn’t like. Anger that he had only heard during difficult battles that almost always resulted in their enemy losing their life. 
This wasn’t a battle though, and although Kakashi was known for being a shinobi who could easily kill his enemies he was also the Hokage who had changed the rules so that killing was now a last resort in battle rather than the expected result. 
Kakashi was angry, and Yamato couldn’t even tell why.
“So, let me get this straight,” setting the report down on Kakashi’s desk, he screwed his eyes shut and took a deep breath. “You want to build a library that will include jutsu scrolls and books that Lord Third effectively kept locked away for years?”
“Yes.” The anger was justified, Yamato simply wished it wasn’t him who had to deal with it at the moment. He’d always known Kakashi was an advocate for knowledge. A man who hated to see libraries locked up and bookshops closed. He’d even witnessed the brunt of that anger once when they passed through a small village during one of their first missions together and noticed a library being closed by some thugs. When Kakashi had asked them about it they’d decided to be truthful and inform him that no one needed access to those books.
To this day Yamato could still hear their screams echoing through the air as Kakashi’s Chidori pierced through the locked door, sending splinters of wood flying everywhere and three grown men running for their lives. 
Another deep breath and a count to five were required before Yamato opened his eyes and continued the conversation.
“And, just to be clear, the Elders don’t like this idea?”
“They think I’m being ‘disrespectful to Lord Third’s wishes’ and that ‘Those scrolls and books should be accessible only to the Hokage’.” A simple explanation, but one which Yamato could understand Kakashi’s frustration. “They even tried to remind me that as Hokage I could access them where they are now.” It seemed obvious to Yamato that the two elders had never understood a single thing about Kakashi if that was their argument. Anyone who took five seconds to get to know him would understand that it wasn’t just his knowledge Kakashi cared about.
He wanted others to learn. He was enthusiastic about sharing the books he read or suggesting books to anyone who wanted to try reading something new. When Yamato had first shown an interest in archeology it was Kakashi who had taken him to a bookstore and helped him select no less than ten books to begin his collection. 
Hatake Kakashi was not a man who kept knowledge to himself. 
“So, what are you going to do?” He asked, the painful ache of a headache already beginning to pound against his skull as he thought about all of the troubles this would create. “How do you plan to convince them-”
“Convince them?” Kakashi laughed a bitter, angry laugh. A laugh that Yamato had never heard from him before even when he was at his worst in Anbu. “They’re not going to listen. I’ve already wasted three weeks trying to convince them that this is the best move and they refuse to budge.”
The anger made sense now. Kakashi had always been a calm person, but even he could run out of patience and there was no one better to test a person’s patience than Konoha’s elders. 
“Then, what is the plan?” he asked again. “I know you have a plan, Lord Sixth.”
Kakashi narrowed his eyes at the honorific. “I’m already at my wit's end, Tenzo. Don’t test me.” 
“You are the Hokage,” Yamato sighed, exhausted with Kakashi’s determination to deny himself the simple respect that should be awarded to someone in his position. Still, it wasn’t an argument that he was going to win. Kakashi was already upset because of the elder’s refusal to step aside and let him do his job. The last thing Yamato wanted to do was upset his Senpai even more over something so minuscule, even if he did believe that it was the respectful thing to do. “Anyways, What’s the plan Senpai?”
Hearing the much more familiar honorific, Kakashi relaxed back into his chair. “There is no plan,” he admitted with a shrug of his shoulders, immediately earning himself a glare from Yamato. “I’m not lying, Tenzo. There’s really nothing I can say about their incessant need to argue with every change I want to make.”
It was a fact that Yamato wouldn’t dare argue against, but he knew his Senpai too well. Hatake Kakashi was a patient, calm man who could take his time with his problems. He was also a man of plans. Many well-thought-out, perfectly executed plans. Yamato had never known a day since he met Kakashi when the man didn’t have a plan, so he found it hard to believe that there was none now.
“No plans.” Kakashi insisted, holding his hands up so that his palms were facing Yamato. A physical show that he was weaponless and thus planless. 
“Then why am I here?” Yamato asked. “Why did you tell me about all of this if there’s nothing you need me to do?” It seemed like a waste of time. He had work he could be focusing on at this moment, but instead Kakashi had called him into the office to vent his grievances with the elders.
It all seemed so pointless.
“Well, you need to be ready,” flicking his left hand up, Kakashi caught a Kunai that sprang out from his shirt sleeve and offered a playful grin. “Just in case something happens.”
“I have a plan” Kakashi’s actions spoke louder than words at that moment. In a place where anyone could have ears on them, he was saying exactly what he wanted to be heard, but where only Yamato’s eyes could see he was showing his true hand. 
There was a plan, and Yamato needed to prepare for the absolute shit-storm that was going to follow. There was a certain assurance in his mind that Kakashi wouldn’t go so far as to threaten the Elders with the pretty new Jutsu he’d been working on lately, but there were simpler ways Kakashi could use to get his way. Sneaking the scrolls and books out of their current hiding place and putting them into the library without any warning was the most likely option, which would no doubt lead to an explosion of tempers that Yamato would rather avoid. Another far less pleasant, plan would be where Kakashi simply had the scrolls moved in front of the elders while completely ignoring their protests, but if he was going to do that there would be no secrecy required. Whatever it was his Senpai had up his sleeve would no doubt require some stealth, which is no doubt why he was attempting to bring Yamato into the whole mess. 
“No plan,” he sighed, shaking his head at all of Kakashi’s theatrics. Even after Danzo’s death and the reintegration of Roots operatives into Anbu, Kakashi was still cautious about whom he trusted. It was smart, but his methods were a little over the top in Yamato’s opinion. “Well, in that case, when shall I expect to be called for work on the library?”
“Oh, I gave you tomorrow off for that,” Watching as he lowered his hands, Yamato barely refrained from rolling his eyes when he saw the Kunai slipping back into its hiding spot with a well-timed shove from Kakashi’s fingers. “I’ll meet you outside the Dango shop at eight a.m. with the plans.”
“The Dango shop?”
“Ya, well,” he shrugged his shoulders. “You know Gai likes to go get some Dango after his morning training.”
A fact he knew all too well. There were few things that could stop Gai from getting his after-training treat, and now that he and Kakashi were sharing a home it only seemed right that they would go to the shop together, even if Yamato couldn’t imagine his Senpai partaking in any sort of sweet treats as often as Gai did. 
“Eight a.m.,” Turning his back to the desk, he threw up a hand and waved back at Kakashi. “Don’t be late, Senpai. I’m not going to be in the mood to wait for three hours.”
“Hey now,” an awkward chuckle echoed through the office. “I’m not going to be late. I promise.”
For once, Yamato believed him. Not because he actually believed that Kakashi would put in the effort to be on time, how could he when Kakashi couldn’t even be bothered to make it into the Hokage’s office at nine a.m. every morning when he was supposed to start work?
No, he knew Kakashi would keep his word this time because of Gai. If Gai wanted dango at eight a.m., he would be at the dang shop at eight a.m. sharp. Gai’s determination mixed with the feeling that Yamato had in the pit of his stomach that Kakashi had more planned than a simple breakfast between friends was more than enough to assure him that his Senpai would be on time for once. 
“In that case,” he gave another small wave of his hand. “I’ll see you then, Lord Sixth.”
“Tenzo, drop the lord!” The objection followed him out the door, but Yamato paid it no heed. There was too much on his mind for him to concern himself with a demand that he would never dare to entertain. 
In case something happens.
He didn’t know what exactly those words meant, but there was no doubt in his mind that all hell was about to break loose. Kakashi had a plan and it was going to be something that would make Yamato wish he had never agreed to take on the job as Jonin Commander when Kakashi had offered it to him. At least if he had stayed a simple Jonin, or rejoined the ranks of Anbu, he wouldn’t have been expected to deal with the absolute shit-storms that Kakashi stirred up every time he decided to overrule the elder’s requests in the most disrespectful way possible.
“At least this time he didn’t tell them to shut up,” he sighed to himself, cringing at the memory of the two elders storming into his little office to complain about the Hokage’s complete lack of respect for them. It was two hours of his life that he would never get back and all he had to show for it at the end of the day was a massive headache. “This can’t be that bad if he’s doing it behind their back. He’s not being directly disrespectful this way, right?”
He knew the answer.
There was no argument in the world that would truly convince him that Konoha wasn’t about to face the wrath of two angry, entitled elders or that he wasn’t going to be the first person they went to with all of their grievances.
Still, for a few precious hours, he could try.
He could pretend that he’d never seen that Kunai in Kakashi’s hands silently telling him that his life was about to be made all the more difficult. For one precious, beautiful night he could act the fool.
Reality would set in when he met Kakashi at the dango shop, and that’s when he would deal with it. Until then he’d keep his head down, finish his paperwork, and drown his concerns with a cup of sake or five. 
Maybe if he was lucky it would be karaoke night at the bar.
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bazzpop · 1 year
Fire Away Like Never Before
Contains spoilers for S2E4 (1941 minisode)
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Crowley had experience with holding guns—probably not with the correct form and he’d only really held them in passing—but that was about as far as his experience with guns went.
He wasn’t familiar with how they worked at all, never really bothering to learn how to use one, but he knew how to make it look like he did. Which, in hindsight, probably made it his own fault when Aziraphale assumed he knew how to handle a firearm well enough to help him perform the infamous Bullet Catch.
And so, there he was, sitting in the middle of a crowd, waiting for Aziraphale to take to the West End stage after the Ladies of Camelot finished up their dance routine.
Aziraphale had picked Crowley out of the crowd and called him up to the stage, even though he’d kept his hand down during the call for a volunteer with experience—not because he didn’t want to help the angel, but because he genuinely didn’t have the experience required to perform this trick.
In the end, Crowley went willingly, though being a part of the act gave him a better opportunity to get a laugh out of the whole ordeal if this went as bad as he thought it would—Nefertiti fooling aside, Aziraphale’s record as a magician was lackluster at best—but it turned out so, so much worse than previously expected, completely unrelated to Aziraphale’s skills.
It wasn’t until the show got underway that they’d found, much to their shared horror, that their miracles weren’t working. So much for breaking Aziraphale’s one-miracle-limit, or having a solid backup plan altogether.
Now Crowley would be expected to actually shoot point-blank at Aziraphale without miracles at his disposal if something went wrong. Great.
“It’s perfectly simple,” Aziraphale whispered, close enough for Crowley to feel the angel’s breath on his cheek, “aim for my mouth but shoot past my ear.”
“I just squeeze that bit there, do I not?” Crowley muttered from the corner of his mouth, pointing towards the trigger.
A mix of disbelief and genuine concern flashed in Aziraphale’s eyes. “Haven’t you ever fired a gun before?”
“Not as such,” Crowley enunciated slowly, clearing his throat to cover the underlying nerves in his voice. “Now how d’you use it?”
“Keep your hands steady and pull the trigger on my mark,” Aziraphale said with a forced confidence in his tone that did little to help Crowley feel better about the situation, “there’s nothing to it.”
“Aziraphale, are you sure about this?” Crowley stressed, glasses slipping down enough to show Aziraphale the barely controlled fear within his eyes.
“Yes,” Aziraphale confirmed, turning back to address the audience in a louder voice, “Now if you would… load the bullet into the gun.”
Crowley grunted, nearly dropping the bullet as his fingers slipped around the smooth metal. Sweat ran down his face as he fed the bullet into the gun, a combination from stress and the heat coming off the bright stage lights above them. He cursed under his breath, shoving his glasses up higher so that he wouldn’t be totally blinded by the spotlight.
He couldn’t afford to fuck this up if Aziraphale was dead-set of going through with this. Without miracles, no less, and as powerless as a real human magician was. There was loads more at stake here than what Crowley—or either of them, really—signed up for.
“That’s right,” Aziraphale encouraged.
Crowley raised the loaded gun up for the audience to see and, with a false sense of enthusiasm, announced “Bullet loaded!”
“Yes, thank you.” Aziraphale drew the crowd’s attention back onto himself while Crowley tried to calm down.
The last thing he needed to do was be in full-blown panic attack mode by the time he needed to focus and fire. These humans better enjoy this show, he thought miserably, not even bothering to pay attention as Aziraphale explained what was about to happen to their mildly eager audience.
“Are you ready, sir?” Aziraphale managed to regain Crowley’s attention, beseeching eyes wide.
Crowley grimaced, but gave a half-nod.
“When you hear my signal, sir, shoot.”
“No,” Crowley mouthed with a wince, baring his teeth, and hesitantly raised the firearm into what he thought was the proper position.
It was a last ditch effort to get Aziraphale to call off this stupid trick before he could get hurt. He really didn’t want to be responsible for blasting Aziraphale in the face if this all went as wrong as he feared it would.
But Aziraphale didn’t back down.
Instead, he stood at his full height and faced Crowley head on, allowing himself to be entirely at the demon’s mercy. And for Crowley’s eyes only, he mouthed “Trust me.”
Panic crashed into Crowley’s chest before he had the chance to tamper it back down before Aziraphale started the countdown.
Crowley sucked in a breath, heart pounding in time to the drum-roll.
Crowley stopped breathing entirely as he found it to be doing more harm than good, making him shake even worse while he tried to be as steady and precise as possible.
And now, staring down the barrel of a rifle at Aziraphale’s cherubic face, hands shaking against his will as he tried his best to stay on target; Crowley put his trust in Aziraphale, the same way Aziraphale had put his trust in him.
With a thick swallow, he shakily moved his finger closer to the trigger and, for the first time since his Fall, prayed that their mutual trust in each other wasn’t in vain.
“Fire!” Aziraphale exclaimed, closing his eyes with a barely concealed wince.
Crowley fired, quickly pulling off to the right at the last second, and shot just past Aziraphale’s ear.
No paperwork; Crowley’s chest stuttered back to life at the same time Aziraphale peeked an eye open, unscathed, and revealed a bullet between his teeth.
The universe must have been looking out for the both of them that night on the West End stage.
Full Fic, 2.6k words here
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pumpkin-patch-cat · 1 year
Beelzebub x GN reader one shot
(NSFWish. No severe warnings)
I wrote this for the heck of it 🤷🏾‍♀️.
(A/n - as usual, please pardon any grammar and punctuation mistakes. Thanks!)
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How had you managed to let your mind wander so carelessly? And why were you still staring at them? 
"Them" being Beelzebubs fingers; the ones currently wrapped tight around a Gigadeath burger. Squished against his mouth as if it were his last meal on earth. 
The usual.  
You were certain he had just asked you a question. Unfortunately, that question ended up lost in translation the moment he acquired the chunk of sustenance. And for the life of you, you couldn't remember what he had said. 
Instead, a few minutes prior, your focus had reluctantly shifted to his thicker than normal appendages as they tapped impatiently on the table you two shared.
Beelzebub had invited you out to Hell's Kitchen for a bite to eat, which you happily accepted. He took the time to ask you, and yet your mind kept turning to mush each time a bit of grease from the acquired burger gushed from in between his fingers and over his knuckles. 
'Those should be my juic- Where did that even come from!?'
Quickly, you shoved the merciless thoughts away, opting to focus on your own burger. 
Compared to Beels hulking hands, your own hands were considerably small. You struggled to keep the contents of the sandwich from falling to its demise back onto the table while the demon across from you secured his portion with ease. 
"Hey, y/n? Are you good over there? Looks like you're having problems." 
"I said it looks like dinner is getting the best of you. You're dropping all the best parts." 
With your attention finally preoccupied, you peered down at the messy mound of toppings starting to form beneath the burgers position. Damnit.
"Oh, shoot...I didn't even notice." You knitted your brows. Beel chuckled, wiped his hands on a napkin, and then reached for your sandwich. 
"Wait, I'm still gonna eat that-"
"I know, but I want to help" 
Beel did things usually without thinking much about it. So when he reached in front of you to open the top most bun of your burger, and skillfully place the toppings back in their rightful spots, you were certain your brain short circuited. The couple silver rings he wore on his middle and pinky fingers glinted in the light of the restaurant as he worked. Ever the perfectionist when it came to food preparation, and a firm believer in not wasting food, he made sure no toppings were left behind. 
You watched closely as the burger seemed to take shape back into the work of art it was before. Now neatly nestled between two thick, large hands that held it toward you, you bit your lip.
"There, now eat up." He beamed, proud of his handy work.
You blinked, mystified, after finally catching up with Beelzebubs actions. He'd hold it for you while you ate. A simple gesture to him, but something on an entirely different level of intimacy for you. You swallowed hard. 
"Are...are you sure? I can honestly do it myself."
"Don't worry about it. I'd feel bad if we came all this way just for you to spend the entire time fighting with your food. So, take a bite...before I do." The demon chuckled, urging the sandwich closer, but you knew he was serious.
With a nod, you leaned up and forward. The grease from your burger had begun to drip against his fingers now, slowly decending over his knuckles and leaving a shimmering trail against his skin. 
Only a few inches more and you'd over come this moment and you would be satisfied, with embarrassments avoided, right?
That certainly would be the case if the sound of your heartbeat hadn't drowned out the sound of your name being called softly moments later. 
Without realizing it, your eyes had closed the moment you took a bite. Your mouth moved on its own, coming in for a second bite simply for your lips to connect with his knuckles, your tongue lapping out to catch the excess grease. 
Your breath ghosted over his skin gently after you swallowed, finally meeting the magenta and purple gaze of the demon across from you; suddenly aware of your mistake.
"Beelzeboo, I'm sorry! I-" 
"Was it good?" 
 He peered at you curiously, cutting you off; burger still in hand.
After a few seconds of the question buffering in your mind, you answered.
"It...it was, thanks" 
The demon simply nodded before setting the burger down. Although not before ripping another smaller piece from the sandwich and holding it up before you. 
The look on his face was perplexing. Curiosity mixed with...something else. 
"Here...eat" the piece of food in his hand moved closer to you, however, it was moved away when you attempted to capture it with your own hand. 
"Nah uh, I'll hold it...you eat." 
You stared dumbfounded at the smaller offering, your eyes flickering back to his when he urged it closer. 
"You look like you're hungry…" he tilted his head slightly, offering you a small, toothy smile to punctuate his gesture. "I'd be happy to help…" 
You gulped with anticipation the closer his hand came. And when the bit of food passed your lips, you sighed, closing your eyes; basking in the flavor. 
Beelzebub watched on gingerly, noting the moment the food slid down your throat. And while the food was gone, he kept his painted fingers pressed against your grease stained lips. 
His eyes remained on your plump tiers, calculating his next move. But as though you could read his mind, your tongue simply laved out gently over one of his waiting fingertips; his index finger slowly disappearing into your mouth. 
Thankfully, you two found a quieter spot toward the back of the restaurant. Mainly because Beelzebub's eating habits tended to unnerve customers. 
The longer beel studied your face, the bolder you felt having the appendage pressed beyond your lips. 
Never in your wildest dreams had you seen this coming, yet here you were, sucking shamelessly on the demons finger; twirling and curling your tongue around it in a dance a pure seduction.
"So good…" he murmured.
On the other side of the table, although stone faced, Beel sat enamored by your musings. Sucking the appendage a little harder pulled an almost guttural purr from the belly of the beast who seemed to just stroke his lips idly in thought. But in reality, Beel was wiping away the bits of drool threatening to dribble down his chin.
His hunger was growing at an exponential rate and not for food. 
On the contrary, both meals had since been forgotten. 
"Y/n..." his husky voice drifted across the table, pulling you from your task. When your eyes connected again, you were reminded instantly of the supernatural prowess the man across from you possesses. Although the room was lit well, his eyes shone bright, glowing magenta and purple; pulsing with primal need. 
"I think…we should go."
It wasn't a suggestion, but a command uttered the moment his finger was reluctantly pulled from your mouth. 
"Go where?" The sudden movement of the large demon pushing away from the table to stand quickly had you pressed back against your seat. With his hand now outstretched awaiting yours, he only grinned. 
"Well, you still look hungry, and I'm all too willing to feed you exactly what you want" 
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tiodolma · 2 years
As someone who likes Merlin x Morgana i feel like i am obliged to give my own two cents on the question: should Merlin have revealed his magic to her early on?
To me, he didn’t have to tbh.
A. Morgana already hates Uther. There were too many unpleasant secrets regarding her identity. Her upbringing made her vulnerable.
He had been told by the all his mentors not to trust her despite him wanting to do right by her. And regardless of whether he told Morgana about his magic or not, Morgana had long been resentful and distrustful of Uther herself due to the latter’s injustices. She was bound to betray the king one way or another. She was bound to meet and trust Morgause one way or another. She would still find out her true parentage. She would still have been manipulated by Morgause nonetheless. The fact that not only was Uther keeping major secrets from her, but Gaius, her primary physician, kept her drugged and ignorant, in time the truth will have had to come out and she will have still been rightfully outraged. Also at some point she would have had to know that she and Arthur were half-siblings.
B. She may root for Merlin but she was against the crown.
I do not believe for one second that had Merlin revealed his magic to her, she would have remained on the Pendragon’s side of their world (aka the "good guys”). Although She was little bit like Will, Gilli, Freya, who could convince Merlin to fight for himself and the magicfolk, Morgana also had the makings of characters such as Kara, Edwin, Nimueh and Sigan. These four tried to show Merlin a better/freer world but also went on to harm Gaius/Arthur, which became their death sentence.
As we can see, Morgana was theoretically located in between these two groups. That made trusting/joining her already very precarious for Merlin.
The real tipping point would have been Arthur. Morgana seemed to be influential enough to guide Arthur to follow his heart and go against Uther when it counted. In another world she would have convinced Arthur to take the throne for himself. As long as Arthur stayed alive, then Merlin would be on Morgana’s side. Gaius, who’s technically pro-Uther, can be still be convinced to the magicfolk’s side as long as the Camelot prince was safe.
C. The prophecy
The bigger problem though was that Morgana, from the beginning, has already been pegged as "designated dangerous potential enemy of the state” by both Kilgharrah and Gaius. Regardless of what she did, Merlin will always have that piece of info at the back of his head. No matter what Merlin did to prove them that Morgana isn’t like that, Gaius and Kilgharrah never stopped reminding him of her potential to "do evil” or go opposite of Merlin’s pathos. That kind of thing can mess up someone’s brain, especially powerful young men who had been thoroughly convinced that they will be the "light and savior” of his people some day in the future. His later actions and mindset is proof of the prophecy (and gaius’s philosophy) already having a profound effect on him.
There are really too many factors tbh. Merlin’s loyalty and focus was really pulled into so many directions, so many options. There was never an easy way for Merlin x Morgana to become satisfying.
Merlin’s biggest sin was really using Morgana’s unfailing trust on him against her when he poisoned her. They were friends. Morgana had wholeheartedly trusted, respected and admired him, even more than Arthur did.
Merlin didn’t need magic to earn Morgana’s complete trust and love. He didn’t need magic to lose it either... That was simple use of hemlock. The moment he chose to do that, to not give her a choice in death, to not tell Morgana of his plan, to not completely trust her just once, to betray her for the final time, even when he was counting on Morgause to lift the curse on her... that already set Morgana’s path to her hatred of him in motion.
Merlin’s fear, indecision, distrust, empathy caused him to make horrible yet very realistic decisions. He continuously backed himself into a corner until there was no one left who could root for Merlin himself, not the Emrys of destiny. His lack of clear ambitions or plans made him gullible and vulnerable of Gaius’ and Kilgharrah’s mind games. Out of options, he would have had to defend status quo as long as possible, to become a reactionary hero that relied on brute force and prodigious talents to subdue his "enemies”. He would be the natural adversary of people like Morgana, Morgause (and everyone else).
It’s fascinating. And it hurts.
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