#I wanted to make Remus smell like chocolate but caramel is a warm smell which I like
What would each Marauder characters smell like in Amortentia:
James: Broom polish, cinnamon, fresh spring air, oranges (like a tangeriney smell) .
Sirius: Hairspray, Ash (the smell of a campfire), vanilla lip balm, basil.
Remus: Black coffee, a brand new book, caramel, whiskey.
Peter: Sunscreen, watermelon (but the artificial smell), mint (fresh, like you’re smelling the herb directly), fresh laundry.
Lily: The sea, strawberries (fresh not artificial), lavender, dewy grass.
Marlene: Broom Polish, cigarettes, rain, apples.
Dorcas: Coconut, Acrylic Paint, Cold Air (it has a fresh scent imo), Cherry Coke.
Mary: The Earl Grey Tea She Drinks, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Sweet Cream, Her Vanilla Purfume.
Regulus: Cold Water, Pine, Musk (it’s in his cologne), Expensive Ink.
Pandora: Seaweed, Limes, Rosemary, Soil.
Barty: Oil (don’t ask why), Cedar, Rain Water, Copper.
Evan: Sandalwood, Coffee (with milk), Coconut Conditioner, Grapefruit.
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lupins-sweater · 4 years
Can I Talk to you in Private?
(Remus Lupin x Professor reader)
Based on a dream I had a couple nights ago :)
Summary: Remus finally shows you how he feels ❤️
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The room was warm and crowded. It was Hermione’s birthday, so the entire Weasley family was there to celebrate along with the rest of the Order. Everyone decided to have the party at the cottage you recently bought, thanks to your job as the new herbology professor at Hogwarts. You were helping Molly make the cake in the kitchen, and the sunshine coming in from the windows and the cheery voices from the guests put you in a wonderful mood.
A loud knock came from the door, and you looked over to Molly. “Go ahead. Answer the door!” she encouraged as she mixed the ingredients. You smooth down your dress and walk past the guests. You open the door to see your good friend, Remus Lupin, standing there looking to his right. He was very tall, as you were a foot shorter than him, and was wearing his grey, tweed suit.
Both of you attended Hogwarts and studied together as kids. You met in 5th year charms, becoming friends the moment you smiled at one of his cheeky comments, and soon joined the marauders. For years now you’ve harbored a crush on Remus, and it’s gotten worse now that you hang out with him more than ever.
“Remus!” you exclaimed, excited to see him, “How are you?”
Remus smiled, your infectious mood cheering him up. “Alright. Thank you,” he laughs, “And how might you be?”
You blush at the thought that you made him laugh, even though you hear his chuckle all the time. “Great! Just finishing Hermione’s cake.”
To your left, you could see Mad Eye Moody walking toward the home. Remus followed your gaze and grabbed your wrist. “Can we talk in private?” He asks you in a hushed tone. You nod letting him lead you to the far corner of your yard next to a stone shed and the forest, completely out of view.
“What’s up?” you ask. You begin to worry something is wrong as the war was drawing near. “Is everything okay?” You search his face for any hints of bad news, but he looked at you with a gentle smile.
“Oh. Yes. I didn’t mean to alarm you, Y/N,” he laughed awkwardly, touching the back of his neck. “I just wanted to talk to you without anyone interrupting.” He reaches in his pocket and breaks off a piece of dark chocolate for you, a habit he’s formed to make any situation better. You thank him and take the offering.
You immediately relax but still curious as to what he needed to say in private. You look into his caramel and green eyes, wishing he would give a sign that he likes you more than a friend and coworker. As if he tell what you were thinking, he leans down and kisses you sweetly. Your hands automatically went to hold his face, and his hands rested on your arms. The taste of his lips, a mixture of tea and chocolate, was intoxicating.
Realization of what was happening floods your mind, and you step back. Remus was kissing you. Which means he returns your feelings. It’s not one sided! You blush furiously and look away to hide your wide smile and crimson face. You begin to laugh happily and gaze into Remus’s bright eyes. He couldn’t help but smile back as he saw your reaction, relieved you didn’t reject his kiss. Remus felt like his heart would explode, thinking your blushing and laughing was adorable.
You know you messed up the kiss, and you desperately want to experience that again. You look back into his warm caramel eyes, admiring the crinkles next to them when he smiles and ask, “Can we try that again?” He chuckles at your request and leans down to reach your lips. Surprised in your confidence, you take the lead, kissing him gently. Your hands cradling his face once more, and Remus moves his hands to your waist, pulling you closer. Once you got the hang of moving your mouths together at the same time, you felt comfortable to move your hands.
You’ve always wanted to run your hands through his sandy brown hair, and you did just that. It was surprisingly soft under your touch. The smell of his cologne, ink, and paper mixed and made it all the more satisfying. You couldn’t help but think how perfect he is (or how perfect this moment is) and smile against his kiss.
“Whoever wants cake needs to come inside!” Molly shouted from the house. The both of you pull away from the kiss, smiling like two idiots. “I guess that’s our cue, Rem,” you said.
Remus sighed. “We’ll finish this later, darling,” he teases, raising his eyebrows.
You laugh and start walking next to him, closer than normal so you were brushing up against his arm. “Is that what you wanted to talk to me in private about?” you questioned.
The two of you laugh as you reach the home, the smell of vanilla cake in the air.
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mvnvgedmischief · 4 years
you’re so obtuse but i love you anyway: au where sirius doesn’t go to azkaban, and james and lily don’t die, and sirius and remus work at hogwarts, in conjunction with the wolfstar nerds discord server. 
sirius is chaperoning a hogsmeade weekend. he wears his leather jacket, emblazoned with padfoot across the back, and his favorite sex pistols jumper to the outing.
1.7k words of fluff
the sunshine streaming in to the room is a lie if you ask sirius. the warm glow of the morning dapples in through the windows, and casts the most glorious light on remus’s dirty blonde waves, and illuminates the splattering of caramel freckles on remus’s nose. it truly is a sight to behond, and if sirius didn’t feel so utterly cynical about the sun right now, he’d probably thanking merlin that he gets to see remus looking this beautiful and peaceful. but the sun is a liar.  april in scotland has no business pretending to be warm the way it does. the sun beaming down on the grass looks so fucking lovely that he shouldn’t need a coat, and yet the temperature is still a cool 45 degrees. 
he’s lucky that he isn’t expected to dress with the formality does to teach, he’s lucky, because it means he can pull on the acid washed sex pistols jumper remus has been wearing around their quarters recently, that smells like him, to chaperone his third years at hogsmeade. he’s so grateful that he and remus are here, together, teaching. in their youth, they had never really grasped what life would be like beyond the war. he and james had discussed it once, but they never got further into the conversation then maybe we’ll be quidditch players. and puddlemere united didn’t want someone like him on the team. james didn’t want to go out for the trial when he had a new baby at home. so instead, sirius and remus had settled for a bit. they had a spell of muggle london, and they had loved every minute of it. they had relaxed into routines of going to clubs, going on dates, perfecting recipes, and living in domestic bliss. but eventually, that had come to an end, and they needed something to occupy their days. sirius was thankful that the war had ended, and that dumbledore had offered him a job at his alma mater, teaching defense against the dark arts, no less. it had always been a class he deemed useful, despite how close to home it hit for him. he and remus were back in the castle they had forged their relationship in, walking the same walls they walked in their youth. and now, he was off to watch a new generation of students do the same thing, taking their friends to hogsmeade and courting each other over a chocolate bar. 
he thin fingers wrap around the soft fabric of the jumper, and the feeling of warmth, of a closeness to his lover, radiates through him from the contact. it makes his chest ache in the best way to have access to remus’s clothes like this, and to be able to wear them without fear. there had been so much to be afraid of, so many hurdles to overcome in this castle the first time. but the world was a different place, four short years ago when he graduated. he pulls the jumper over his head, and the smell of parchment, oak, and earth overwhelms him. it could make him cry tears of joy, if he thought too hard about it. he slips on his drainpipe jeans, and his chuck taylor trainers. remus had always been fond of them, and who was sirius to deny his boyfriend the simple pleasures in life. he puts on the kettle, as usual for his morning routine, and heads toward a mirror to style his hair. he’s finally gotten his inky strands to lay just right when he hears remus stirring in bed. the part of his mind that he thinks accounts for his wit forces a smug smile on his face, because he can’t help the way he immediately feels pride knowing when remus will wake up, given his routine. just on time. 
when remus finally sits up in bed, the kettle is ready. so instead of returning empty handed, sirius waltzes back towards the four poster bed with to mugs in toe, one tea black with a heaping scoop of sugar, one with milk and honey in the perfect balance for his snobbish, tea drinker boyfriend. there’s a light smile on his face, and he hands off the beverage before he even has the time to greet remus with a sweet good morning moonbeam. 
“cariad bore da” remus smiles, his eyes still hazy in his early morning sleepiness. 
“morning, love.” sirius smiles, although he’d be a liar if he said he’d actually been told what those words meant. through context clues, he’d figured it out long ago. it’s the same way remus greets him every morning, with the same pet name he’d been given all those years ago in sixth year.
“you’re chaperone today, right?”  “yeah, ‘m right chuffed about it honestly.” “oh, i’m sure you are.” remus grins, because he knows that sirius “i’m super punk” black loves chaperoning the kids on hogsmeade weekends. he loves to impart any wisdom he has at zonko’s. he loves to come back with little surprises, like a new book or some chocolates for remus. 
“so you’ll be back around dinner, then, yeah?”
“should be. i’ve got to shove off, if i don’t want minnie to have my arse for being late.”
sirius pulls remus into a kiss, and it’s so full of the love and peace they’ve made for themselves, right here, in this home. if sirius was being honest, he’s probably never been more at ease, even with the snivelling greasy git of snape roaming the halls with him. he pulls on his leather jacket and makes a move for the door. 
“oi, sirius black! you’re really gonna walk out of here in that jacket, and my jumper, right now. that’s fucking unfair.” 
“moony, i’ll be walking back in here in your jumper and this jacket in a couple of hours.” he laughs. he tosses his hair over his shoulder to make eye contact with remus as he reaches for the door, and he definitely doesn’t pretend not to notice the way remus gives him a once over with a love sick smile adorning his face.
when sirius arrives in hogsmeade, he does as he’s supposed to. he keeps an eye on the kids, seating himself on a bench to keep track of who’s going in and out of zonkos. he’s already taken care of his errands in the small town for the day, a tiny package secured in the zipped pocket of his jacket, and a bar of chocolate for remus in his other pocket, patiently waiting for when he returns to their chambers in the evening. he doesn’t expect to see liz tuttle and penny haywood walking up to him, eyes wide and giggling over something. neither seemed like the pranking type, and most of the students knew that that was truly his specialty on these trips. 
“professor black!” penny calls, and he looks up from his book to acknowledge them. 
“alright girls?”
“we just had a question for you.” liz begins, her eyes fixed intently on his jacket. he isn’t exactly shocked, really, neither penny nor liz had ever asked him about it, but that didn’t mean plenty of other students hadn’t had inquiries about his proclivity for muggle fashion, or the fact that he never wore robes. both he and remus dressed much more like muggles than the majority of the hogwarts staff, and students were bound to have questions about muggle casual clothes. 
“what’s a padfoot?” liz asks. she was clearly the bolder of the two, but penny was also a joy in his class.
“sorry– what?” 
“padfoot? you’re always wearing that jacket, and it says padfoot across the back. what’s it mean?” 
sirius can feel his lips curling into a smile, but he simply shakes his head. he couldn’t tell them it was his nickname. not when the map, which was still in the castle, clearly stated messr. padfoot on it. he could deny any connection to the map, should it come up, if no one knew it was his nickname. 
“it’s a muggle joke, girls. don’t worry about it.” 
“is that–” penny starts, but liz shoots her some kind of look that sirius has neither the time nor the energy to decode. “is that the jumper professor lupin wears all the time?”
that however, does get a reaction out of him. the young man can feel his cheeks going read at the question, because he really didn’t think these kids took so much stock of his and remus’s closet, and it was his jumper anyways, why shouldn’t he wear it?
“‘s a matter of fact, yeah, it is.”
“oh– you two must have been very good friends while you were at hogwarts if you share clothes.”
“yeah, friends.” sirius agrees, resigned to the fact that he knew remus didn’t want everyone talking about their relationship. sure, it had been four years since they attended hogwarts, but that didn’t mean the bigotry they had experienced no longer existed. and they were so happy here, it would be ridiculous to jeapordize it, if students’ parents found out about them. 
when sirius returns for the evening, he’s in just as breezy of a mood as when he left. he’s got a shit eating grin on his face, because he’s overwhelmed with joy every time he spends a moment alone with remus. as soon as he’s back, he’s finding his place with his arms wrapped around remus, and his lips pressing gentle, loving kisses into his boyfriend’s hair. 
“i got you something today.”
“you always get me something when you’re chaperoning.”
“if i want to spoil you moonshine, i’m going to.”
sirius pulls the small package out of one pocket, and the bar of chocolate out of the other. when remus’s hands pull the wrapper off of the smaller of the two boxes, and open what’s inside, the joy on his face is something that sirius is sure could rival any magic, or any god.
“just wanted to say i love you.” sirius whispers, watching as remus slips the modest silver band on his finger. 
“i love you too.”
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luna-in-space · 6 years
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Authors note: This is my first fic that I’ve posted, so I would love some feedback! This is a Sirius x Reader fic in which they are both, well... Nervous! I hope you all enjoy it. I left it open at the end to possibly make a second one? Thanks for reading!
(Y/N) sat by the fire in the Gryffindor common room, reading her Herbology textbook, when Lily plopped down next to her with the heaviest sigh.
“James is being such a git.” She huffed, before nudging you. “Are you listening?”
“What? Sorry. I’m trying to catch up on the reading before Professor Sprout has my head.” (Y/N) snapped the book shut and sat up, devoting her attention to her best friend. “What did you say?”
“I said….” Lily gave (Y/N) a pointed look, “That James is being a massive git.”
“About? I’m going to need a little more detail than that if I’m going to help you bash your boyfriend.”
Laughing, Lily looked down at her hands, contemplating her next words carefully. “He said that he will only go to Hogsmeade this weekend if he can find dates for his friends, too. Otherwise, he promised them that he’s stay in this weekend.”
“I highly doubt that they will be staying in, but okay. What can I do?” (Y/N) felt a pit in her stomach at the mischievous look Lily gave her.
“Well, there is one thing that you could do. And before you say no, it wouldn’t be a real date.” Her eyes pleaded with (Y/N).
“Which one am I meant to be fake dating for the weekend then?” (Y/N) knew that she would regret that question the second it passed her lips.
“Well, Peter already has a date with some Ravenclaw that he’s been seeing. He won’t even be around. Rem is gonna go with Marlene. So…. that leaves you and Sirius.”
“Oh, no. Absolutely not. I’m sure that he has no issues getting his own date with someone who is not me.”
“(Y/N), please?” Lily grabbed her hand off of her lap. “It would mean so much to me. I haven’t had a chance to really hang out with James between Quidditch and exams. Plus, You’ve had a thing for Sirius for years! Maybe now's the time to do something about it.”
“Fine. But not because I’m acknowledging the fact that you think I like him. I’m doing it so you can spend time with James.”
Lily jumped up, dragging (Y/N) with her and wrapping her in a bone crushing hug. “You won’t regret this!”
(Y/N) watched as Lily ran up the stairs towards the boy’s dormitory, suddenly very aware of how warm it was in the room. She was definitely going to regret this.
That Saturday came along faster than (Y/N) would have liked. She stood alone, adjusting her hair, and her clothes every few seconds. Lily had been right. (Y/N) had a crush on Sirius Black. She knew the rumors about him, though, and she was very guarded with her heart. The last thing she needed in her last year at Hogwarts was to get her heart broken.
“(Y/N)!” Lily’s voice snapped her out of her internal monologue.
She looked up as James and Lily emerged from the stairwell. Where was Sirius? Was he going to stand her up on their fake date?
“Don’t look so worried, (Y/N). He was getting dressed and he will be down in a minute.” James winked at her, earning a laugh from Lily.
“I’m not worried.” (Y/N) said, following the pair to the couches by the fireplace.
“Sure you weren’t.” James laughed, “It’s okay, he seems to be pretty nervous, too. It’s his first date in awhile.”
“Didn’t he date that Hufflepuff not too long ago?” (Y/N) asked, trying to sound casual over the sound of her heart beating out her chest over the mention that Sirius might be nervous for a date with HER, of all people. He’d never so much as given her a second glance.
“You’ve kept track of who he’s dated? Lily wasn’t kidding, you really do have the hots for him!” James bellowed, earning a glare from the red head next to him.
“James!” Lily shot (Y/N) an apologetic look. “Sorry, I told him a few months ago that I thought you might like Sirius.”
“Why would you think something like that?” (Y/N) said, trying to sound as casual as she could.
“The longing glances in Potions, the way you talk about him when we’re all sitting up in the dorm… And the fact that sometimes you say his name in your sleep.”
“I do not!” A blush crept up (Y/N)’s cheeks. “Do I really? Merlin, now that’s all I’m going to be focused on all day.”
“I’m sure you’ll be preoccupied by other things.” James winked.
Just as (Y/N) was about to call the whole plan off from embarrassment, Sirius emerged from the stairwell. He looked amazing, as always, and she had to tear her gaze away from him before she was caught staring at him as she apparently did in Potions class.
“You guys ready to rock n’ roll?” He asked before his eyes met (Y/N)’s. “I know I am.”
James stood, taking Lily’s hand as he went. “Yeah, let’s get outta here.”
The couple went first, opening the portrait and stepping into the corridor.
“You coming, (Y/N)?” Sirius asked.
He was suddenly much closer than she remembered him being before. “Oh.. yeah. Sorry.”
She stood, following her friends. Sirius offered her his arm, and she took it, looking down at the floor.
When the four of them we’re outside, (Y/N) remembered something.
“Guys? I thought Remus and Marlene were supposed to come with us?”
James stopped for a second, sharing a quick glance with Lily. “Oh! Remus decided to stay in and study. Marlene must have made other plans.”
Lily looked back at (Y/N) and Sirius. “Looks like it’s just the four of us today.”
(Y/N) glanced up at Sirius, who was already looking at her. She smiled a small smile, and returned her gaze to her shoes.
“Fine with me.” Sirius chuckled and took the arm that (Y/N) had been holding out of her grasp and wrapped it around her shoulders.
“Oh, I’m sure you will.” James winked at Sirius.
With his arm around her like this, she realized how nice he smelled, and the thought caused another blush to creep up her cheeks.
Hogsmeade was bustling with other witches and wizards, which was no surprise to (Y/N). It was Saturday, after all. Sirius pulled her a bit closer as the four of them made their way through the clusters of people towards the three broomsticks.
“Busier than I thought it’d be.” Sirius mumbled in her ear.
She jumped a bit at the sound of his voice. “Yeah, I just hope the lines in the shops aren’t too crazy! I’m really in the mood for some chocolate frogs.” She looked up at him, suddenly very excited.
“Let’s go then?” He gestured towards Honeydukes. “My treat.”
“Oh, you don’t have to pay for my stuff!”
“I know I don’t have to, but I’d like to.” He grinned at her, and for the first time all night, she felt like he was acting like himself.
She glanced over to where Lily and James had been a moment before, but they were gone. “Okay, if you’re sure.” (Y/N) said, but Sirius was already leading her toward Honeydukes.
As the door opened, the smell of caramel wafted out into the street.
“Sirius?” She asked, “What is your favorite sweet?”
“Bernie Bots Every Flavor Beans.” He answered.
“You didn’t even need to think about that.”
“I didn’t need to think. I know what I like.” He met her eyes, and she found it hard to pull her gaze away.
“Is that so?” She could tell that she was blushing for the millionth time that day as he grinned at her. She grinned back as she moved closer to him. She didn’t know if it was the way he was staring at her, or the fact that she had had a crush on this man standing in front of her for so long, but she felt more confident than she ever had been before. “And what would that be?”
He matched her energy easily. “That’s for me to know..” He let his eyes slide up and down her body, “And for you to find out.” He winked at her. “But, for now, let’s buy this candy.”
“Well if you insist.” (Y/N) moved towards the register.
“I’ve got it, love. Remember?” He gently nudged her out of the way.
(Y/N) and Sirius found a bench to occupy as they devoured the snacks that Sirius had bought for the two of them.
“Do you want to take a walk with me?” He asked, extending a hand to her.
They walked a little ways outside of Hogsmeade before the conversation picked back up.
“So, why did you agree to the date?” Sirius asked, attempting and failing to have a casual tone to his voice.
“Lily asked me to so she could hang out with James. Why did you agree?”
“Well.” He glanced at (Y/N), “I actually asked her to ask you.”
“Wait. You asked her to ask me out for you?” (Y/N) laughed, “That is not the Sirius Black that I know. You’re usually so full of confidence I can feel it from across the room.”
“I confidently asked her to ask you out for me. I’ve also been trying to think of a way to say that to you since we left the common room, but you were barely looking at me and I was nervous!”
“Well, you make me nervous.” (Y/N) laughed, turning to Sirius. “You always have. That’s probably why I haven’t made any effort to actually speak to you when we’re all hanging out.
They sat together, watching Hogsmeade from a distance, and (Y/N) couldn’t help but feel like this was the beginning of something amazing. And by the look that Sirius was giving her, she could tell that he felt the same way.
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maraudersmessrs · 7 years
Remus Lupin and the Prisoner of Azkaban--- Chapter 27: Hogsmeade Trip
Ao3 link
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13 / Chapter 14 / Chapter 15 / Chapter 16 / Chapter 17 / Chapter 18 / Chapter 19 / Chapter 20 / Chapter 21 / Chapter 22 / Chapter 23 / Chapter 24 / Chapter 25 / Chapter 26 / Chapter 27 / Chapter 28 / Chapter 29 / Chapter 30 / Chapter 31 / Chapter 32 / Chapter 33 / Chapter 34
Remus was warned off of giving specific gifts to specific students by Professor Sprout and McGonagall; “You don’t want to promote favoritism or inappropriate teacher student relationships,” McGonagall had said warningly.
“You also don’t want to be beholden to 75 little ruffians for Christmas crackers,” Sprout had muttered darkly, instilling in him a burning need for that story. But when he had looked at her in curiosity, she had just shaken her head solemnly and sipped her tea.
She did, however elect to come along, as she apparently needed a new stash of Cauldron Cakes; Peeves had dumped all of them down the toilet. “Little bugger doesn’t often bother me,” she had scowled sourly as they met outside the gates in the pearly afternoon light. “I fancy he was bored, what with the castle being empty for weeks on end and there’s no way I’ll be able to manage first year’s greenhouse drama without my chocolate.” She clasped her green cloak and set her fuzzy earmuffs on firmly before looking up at him. “Ready?”
The Apparated in tandem, appearing on Hogsmeade’s snowy streets in stride with each other. The snow looked like icing on the cozy store front with their frosted windows, glowing from within. For a moment, he allowed the ease of this place seep into him; magic folk everywhere, the full moon weeks away, a town steeped with happy memories like a strong tea. How many times had he walked these streets with friends at his side, huddled in sneaky delight beneath James’ cloak or with adolescent smugness? Too many to count, he was sure. He could walk these streets blindfolded, if pressed. A moment of pain passed through his chest; he found if he alighted on memories delicately enough, just grazed them in passing, they hurt far less than being submerged and…wallowing, he supposed the term was.
Remus looked down at Professor Sprout, striding briskly at his elbow. Perhaps it was time for a new memory in this place.  “Well, my stop it's Honeyduke’s,” she said. “Anything you're getting from there?”
He studied the sign thoughtfully. “I'll expect that's the safest place to get most things, honestly; who doesn't enjoy sweets? Probably the easiest on my budget as well,” he sighed before eyeing her dryly. “That was the general idea of the holiday amnesia where everyone conveniently forgot to inform me when presents were exchanged, was it not?”
Sprout had the decency to at least not try to pretend she didn't know what he was talking about; she met his eyes and flashed him a knowing grin. “Yep. I told them it wouldn't hold water; too much pride in you to let all that go.”
“Pride hasn't a thing to do with it!” He raised his eyebrows in surprise. She raised hers right back. “Well… at least not all of it,” he subsided, grudgingly.
The smell of warm caramel and dark chocolate flooded over them as they entered the warm, spacious candy shop. While he enjoyed sweets as much as the next person, it seemed the youthful fanaticism with sugar had dimmed in his years away from Hogwarts. Where the ocean of nougat, sprinkles, and icing would have seemed a veritable dream to him when he was Harry's age now had the effect of making his teeth hurt just looking at them. Idly, the both of them wandered down separate aisles, picking through the smorgasbord of colors and flavors. “What does Professor McGonagall like?” Remus asked over the partition featuring a bright blue mouse doing some sort of frenzied, quaking dance, giving faint squeaks intermittently.
“Minerva's a woman who likes the basics; biscuits, some of those lemon meringue bites, the simple things, no special effects.” Her voice issued from somewhere behind a tower of chocolate frog boxes. “You can call her Minerva, you know, lad. You're not our student anymore.”
A small chuckle escaped him at the thought of the awed and terrified look that Peter would have shot him if he dared try to address her that way. The unholy and irreverent glee that would have shone in James and Sirius’s eyes. “I wouldn’t dare. I’m not sure when I’ll feel like a proper Professor anyhow; I still have the maddening feeling everyone knows more than me.” He pondered over the bright stacks before choosing the very bits of meringue Sprout had suggested.
“No one knows more than anyone else, just answers to different questions,” she grunted dismissively and came around the corner to his aisle. “Ah, here they are.” She began loading boxes of Cauldron Cakes into her arms while speaking over her shoulder to him. “Now, listen, you've done your research and you know your stuff. And there's no possible way you could do any worse than the buffoon Dumbledore hired last year; ask Minerva about it sometime. She has a whole tirade. These,” she reached out and plucked a bag of candied violets that apparently sent sparkling purple butterflies flitting about when jostled. “Filius likes these.” Obligingly, he set them in the basket, making the contents shimmer and jostle for a few seconds before settling. “Who else are you buying for?”
“Oh, all the staff.”
“Even Severus?”
“Especially Severus.”
When she shot him a squint of disbelief, he tried to smile as benignly as Luna and said, “Would anything annoy him so much as a thoughtful and accurate gift from me?”
Sprout laughed aloud. “Wicked boy!” She said, approvingly.
They moved about the store, Sprout acting as his candy liason to the professorial body at Hogwarts, pulling this and that from the shelves before he hefted the lot up to the front counter. After a thought, he also replenished his chocolate collection for the students from the wicker baskets where the bars were stacked at least a dozen high. The portly man behind the register quirked his large moustache in jovial amusement at the hoarde, to which Remus said, slightly sheepish, “Er, late holiday shopping.”
“Doesn't bother me any, son,” he chuckled and began to pack them all away into brown bags, decorated ornately with shiny gold patterning.
The sun was crawling high above them when they left the shop, brighter through the veil of clouds than it had been when they arrived. Remus turned to Professor Sprout. “My class is in the afternoon, do you have anything you need to return for?”
She considered the castle far up on the distant hill, then squinted up at the sun before she screwed her long pipe in between her teeth. “Mm, not particularly. Fancy a walk?”
“Do you mind?” She flicked the pipe with the tip of her finger, to which he shook his head.
“Not at all.”
She lit it with a decisive jab of her wand and began determinedly puffing on it, long streams of sweet, earthy smelling smoke billowing from her nose and lips asking with her wintery breath. They trudged along in amiable silence, every once in a while breaking it to point out some patron or another, some remembered memory on a street corner. It was cold enough that it bit his toes even through his shoes but not enough to ruin the pleasure of the crisp air and walking with company.  Sprout’s nose was bright red above her pipe, but she looked cozy bundled in her wooly cloak, scarf and mittens, grey hair sticking every which way. “How are they working for you? Those?” She asked suddenly after a moment, gesturing with her chin to his hands, as if reading his mind.
“Oh,” he looked down at his brown mittened hands and flexed them. “Wonderful, actually. I hadn't even noticed they weren't cold. Thank you,” he added, and she waved him away airily.
“Bad as it sounds, I had them around and weren't getting much use from them--I prefer gloves, fingerless ones, at that. Figured you’d appreciate them more.”
He laughed. “Waste not….”
It faded from his face, however, when he saw that their absent wanderings had brought them to the fence of the Shrieking Shack. Sprout glanced up at him at the sudden quiet but then made a grim sound around her teeth clamped on her pipe. “Sorry, lad,” She said quietly, sounding as gentle as Remus had ever heard her.
He blinked back at her, then realized his expression must have looked quite bleak. “What? Oh. No, it's…” Looking back at the Shack, he gave an involuntary shiver, the temperature seeming to drop by degrees. He tucked his hands beneath his arms and shot her a fleeting smile he didn't feel. “It's alright.”
She squinted at him and began to say something when she too gave a shudder and rubbed at her arms. This place seemed to suck the sunshine out of the day and suddenly, his meager bag of treats didn't seem even close to balancing out the gifts he'd received.  The darkness of the Shack beyond them, the numbing fingers of frigid wind that snuck between cloak flaps and slipped down his neck weighed down on him. He now just felt foolish, standing here with a bag full of candy, hoping to even come close to paying back the charity he had received, unearned. The cold was an ache in his bones and joints, throbbing in his deepest scars.  Wait… Remus furrowed his brow, turning to Professor Sprout to ask, “Do you--” but she was looking into the forest over his shoulder, face drained of color.
Time became a stilted. Suddenly, his wand was in his hand and he was facing 3 Dementors that were almost halfway to them from the woods. He stepped in front of Sprout when she made a noise--maybe the beginning of a word, a spell, an order. Something in the back of his mind was trying to tell him that they had nothing to fear, all the Dementors could do--would do-- was drain happiness; they weren’t fugitives. They hadn’t done anything wrong. The Dementor’s wouldn’t do anything.
Wraith-like, they swept forward with something like intent in their tilt. Hunger in the dipping of their heads. Starving…. “We haven’t done anything,” he said loudly, going for strident, but it caught in his throat as they all pulled in a sucking gasp as one. “Go--”
The tide of absolute deathly cold that flooded the two of them swamped any rational thought he might have had. There was an animal terror, here, that was clawing at the back of his mind. Unnervingly, it felt as if he were slipping sideways mentally, as though down a path long since forgotten. Unguarded against. A memory ignited like a faulty match, sputtering.
Night. A bright night. Leaves patterned against the window. A record played in his parents room, warbling, distant. Warm and safe; it smelled like home. A scrabbling at the window, a shadow against the moon. Sitting up, rubbing sleep from his eyes; a branch? A rasp against the glass; an owl?
Yellow-green eyes, the predator-pupil glint against the bedside night-light. A vibration, lower than a growl, going deeper than a sound, cutting straight through him. Terror. Frozen. The latch cracking, tinkling to the floor. Help. The muffled thud. Claws on the hard-wood. Slowly. Catching in the wool rug. Stalking. Oh, help…. He opened his mouth to scream, to call out, to say some magic words to be safe but--
He opened his mouth. “Ex--” It was nothing; steam on the breeze. Useless.
The creak of the bed as the beast put up a paw, levering--he twisted to run, flinging himself off the bed--the overwhelming stench of rotten meat, of wet fur, of monster--he was slammed down, he was lifted, fangs in flesh, he was thrown--
You aren’t that boy; you are the monster.
The teeth--the madness--the screaming--
The bellow came from right beside him and he flinched away, glazed eyes turning. Professor Sprout flung a snowball at the one in the lead, catching it in its middle to negligible effect. She was bristling, pipe forgotten, eyes burning as she bent down to scoop up a rock. “This isn’t tea time! Get out!” The rock sailed over their heads but Sprout’s action broke whatever horrible flashback loop he seemed to be caught in and he began to desperately rummage about for happy thoughts.
Harry. Luna. Neville. Dumbledore. The joy of the castle. Harry is safe. I am home. “Expecto Patronum,” he said slowly, clearly.
Nothing happened at his wand tip but the Dementors, who had already slowed at Sprout’s attack, swirled, more agitated, drawing no closer. Breathe. You’ve done this before. Happiness as a weapon, not as their food. Teaching. You teach, you help. Lily’s voice surfaced once more, echoing from so many years ago; You help people. “Expecto Patronum,” he repeated, louder.
“What he said,” Sprout spat, holding up another snowball menacingly in one hand and her wand in the other. “Expecto Patronum!”
One of them gave an almost animal like huff of irritation and they began to drift back the way they came. But they went slowly, their faces still turned to them as if hesitating.
McGonagall snickering helplessly. Hagrid beaming, presenting his gift. “Go!” Remus barked, “Expecto Patronum!”
At the faint silver vapor that darted from his wand, they finally turned and retreated steadily, drifting silently back into the forest. Remus and Sprout stood, breathing a little too fast,until she sat down abruptly and heavily on a tree stump with a muttered curse. He found that he could really only look at her, feeling drained and a little lost, until he spotted her pipe, lying forgotten in the snow between them. Wobbling slightly, he made his way over and presented it to her along with half a chocolate bar he snapped off without a word. Equally silent, she met his eyes briefly before taking both. He sat in the snow beside her rather woodenly and started in on his own, unenthusiastic. After a few bites, however, he could feel the cold of the ground beneath him rather than the cold within him and the crisp winter air smelled like pine and snow. He now had a stomach instead of just ice, albeit a nauseated one. “Thank you,” he said, a little raggedly after a few moments.
“It was you who cast itl,” she answered, voice rough.
“I was useless. I...I wasn’t expecting...3.”
She looked down at him, then into the distance. “Not useless. 3 is too much for any one person, I expect. I wasn’t too much of a help myself.” She closed her eyes and drew in a shuddering breath. “Made me remember Elodie.”
“My wife.”
“I hadn’t known you were married.”
Grimly, she nodded. “Son, too. Gone, now.”
Something in her tone made him ask, “The War?”
She gave a grunt of assent, sucking in a breath through her nose and sighing it back out in a huge billow of rising steam, chewing on her chocolate bite. “Came home one day to no home. Ministry blokes everywhere. And Elodie and David….Well.” She cleared her throat loudly and brusquely crumpled the wrapper of her chocolate. “So it goes.”
He handed her another bar without prompting and she took it. “To think that I would grow to feel unsafe in Hogsmeade again,” she growled as she snapped off a piece with her teeth. “Didn't think we would have to bother with those damn things, what with Apparating, but it seems I was wrong.”
“They seem to be getting hungrier,” Remus said, darkly.
“Starve ‘em all, if I could. Got no business being around any sort of person,” Sprout snarled, her bramble of curls quivering.
“Suppose we had been students,” he said quietly.
“Exactly. We’ll have to report this.”
He gave a toneless ‘hm’ of agreement, staring down at his hands. They sat in silence again until she nudged his arm with her boot and he looked up at her. “Those were hers,” she said in an oddly tender voice, nodding at the mittens. “Hadn’t the heart to wear them and I figured you could do them more justice than moldering in some closet.”
His first genuine smile since the Dementor’s crept onto his face, sad though it was, and he said, “Maybe that will be my next Patronus.”
“Well, now it had better, or I’ll be very put out.”
“I will be sure to keep you informed,” his smile stretched wider. Rising, he helped her stiffly from her perch with a muffled groan of complaint and, together, they gathered their scattered spoils before Disapparating.
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lupins-sweater · 4 years
Tea and Chocolate (part 3)
(Remus Lupin x American Reader)
Summary: Neither of them can take a hint
Warnings: brief mentions of sex, but nothing actually happens
Thank you to these very supportive writers @kalimagik @obsessedwithrandomthings @bforbroadway​ @poppin-potter​ for your help; I don’t know how to flirt!
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You sat there with your chin resting on your hand wondering, “How on earth can someone so attractive be single?”. The sun coming in from the window illuminated Remus’s sand colored hair making it golden. His eyes. Oh Merlin, his eyes stood out in the warm lighting; they were like the color of melted caramel. His lips that always seemed to be curving upwards started moving which brought you out of your trance.
“Do you need help, Y/N?” the professor asked with a grin.
Your future coworker invited you into his room, so he could help create your lesson plans. This wasn’t exactly what the situation you hoped being in his room for the first time would be, but you weren’t going to complain.
His room smelled like old books, as there were plenty placed around the room. Tall shelves crammed with leather backed novels were pushed up against the wall. The only space on the wall not covered with books was where his four poster bed stood. A floor lamp and rather large, squashy chair sat in the corner, and you two sat at a square wooden table next to the window. It was rather cozy; Lupin chose to sit on the side of the table instead of the end, so he could see what you’re doing easier.
You immediately blushed, embarrassed at being caught staring. “O-oh. Yeah a little,” you lied. You had an idea of what you were doing, but you didn’t want Remus to know you were admiring his looks.
“I want my students to connect my lessons to other classes. Y’know, apply the information they’ve learned to other situations,” you continued.
The man sitting next to you mimicked your position and placed is chin on his hand. “Hmmm,” he pretended to think hard, twirling his pen in his long, slender fingers. “What if we did that with DADA and herbology? We could even join classes. I’m sure we can get the potions and transfiguration professor on board, too,” he suggested.
You immediately smiled. “That sounds great!”
Remus got up and walked to the bookshelf closet to the bed. He pulled out a black leather journal with papers sticking out which he handed to you. “This is where I record what I’ve done in my classes. Maybe we can see if there’s anything similar to what Sprout wrote in her book.”
He pulled his chair closer to you and sat back down. Without thinking, you inched closer, too; your leg barely touched his, but you blushed at the contact. He leaned closer to examine the former herbology teacher’s writing. His hot breath tickled your ear when he pointed out how gillyweed could be tied to his underwater lessons. You weren’t really paying attention, though. All you could think about was how you wanted to close the small space between you, how good he smelled, and the feeling of his breath against your ear.
Godric. Get a hold of yourself, Y/N. He’s just trying to help you, and all you can do is fawn over him.
Remus laughs nervously and leans away. You snapped out of yet another trance-like state and realized you’ve been staring at each other for the past minute. “W-what’s so funny?” you asked.
“Oh n-nothing,” he replies as he rubs the back of his neck. A light pink blush paints his cheeks. “Maybe we should take a break; we keep getting distracted.”
“Alright. Sounds good. See ya for tea tomorrow?” You said as you packed up your things.
Ever since you’ve helped him after his transformation, you and Remus have been basically inseparable. He loved confiding in you, but he loved hearing your stories of Ilvermorny more. You’ve been together so much, he could remember how you took your tea, your favorite sweaters, and what could make you laugh. (Even though you laughed at all his jokes and times told about the Marauders.) Your chocolate obsessed friend adored how you hung to every word he muttered, how you always supplied him with chocolate, and how you flustered you would get when he would wink or say something slightly suggestive.
You waved goodbye, leaving Remus still smiling at the door. 
The next night the tall, cardiganed man lightly knocked on the door, which you rushed to open. 
“Long time no see huh, Rem?” you tried to joke while stepping to the side.
He rolled his eyes and let out a breathy laugh. It wasn’t really funny, but he found himself laughing anyway. “I brought something you might like,” he said, pressing a package of Reese’s Cups into your hand.
Your face automatically lit up. “Rem!!! Oh my goodness!!! How did you get this?”
“I ordered some American chocolates after I heard you discussing them with the twins. I thought we could try them. This is your favorite?” Remus explained. He was kind of nervous you would be creeped out with him listening to your conversation, but you were over the moon. 
“Yes! I would love to!” you gushed, “People don’t really do things for me like this. You’re so ‘sweet’!”
He groaned and tried to feign annoyance, but his grin gave him away. You went over to the stove to pour the steaming tea; however, Remus put a hand on your arm. The room seemed to get warmer. 
“Allow me. You always go through the trouble of making it,” he leans in to tell you. You shiver under his touch. 
He knows. He has to know I like him.
“A-are you sure?” you ask trying to compose yourself.
 Apparently he didn’t seem to notice the chaos going inside your head. “Just a splash of milk where it’s a dark tan,” Remus said giving you the mug. 
You smiled to yourself as you took a sip. “You remembered?”
“Well. I’ve watched you make it how many times now?” He cringed as he thought,” That definitely didn’t sound creepy.” 
“Fair enough,” you admitted, “How are you?” You pushed the wooden desk chair toward him.
“I’m alright. Thank you,” he sipped from his cup and played with the handle. “I’m sorry, Y/N, for disappearing for so long. I was afraid you would find out about my condition and not want to chat with me anymore. Not many would willingly befriend a werewolf. I never really apologized.”
You looked at him for a moment before answering, “Rem, I hope you know I’m not upset. You are the most kind, thoughtful person I’ve ever met, and I’m from another country! I don’t care if you’re a werewolf or a lamp; I’m always in the mood to talk to you.”
His eyes began to water as he processed what you said. He finally met your gaze and slowly reached for your hand, letting you have plenty of time to move your hand away. Your heart raced as you laced your fingers together; both of you blushed furiously. 
He swallowed hard, trying his best not to cry. “Thank you. I truly appreciate you coming here, Y/N. I cannot wait to work with such a magnificent professor.”
“Ugh. You’re going to make me cry,” you replied setting your mug on the vanity to wipe away your tears. 
You glanced at your joined hands and admired the look of them. 
I hope he feels the same way I do. I mean is it normal for friends to hold hands? you thought.
After a moment of sitting in silence, Remus freed his hand to refill the mugs. “How are you today?” he inquired.
You sighed and took the warm cup. “I’m doing okay. Although I’m still having trouble sleeping.”
He brought his chair closer to you with a concerned expression. “You’re having nightmares again?”
“Yes. I guess I’m really stressed with everything going on lately. It also doesn’t help we can’t get out of the house. But tea nights really seem to make things better; I don’t have nightmares. Just wacky dreams.”
“Oh? Like what if you don’t mind me asking.”
“I don’t quite remember them, but there was this one where I was in this huge mansion. I had to watch demonstrations about electricity.”
Remus laughed. “That’s what you dream about?”
You teased him with a cheeky smile, “Yeah. Disappointing that they’re not about you.”
He blushed and decided to play along, “Well. You do enough daydreaming about me anyway.”
You were glad no one could hear your thoughts, because they were screams. 
AAAAHHHHHHHH He knows???? 
The blush spread to your ears and neck. If he didn’t know, he knows now. Remus blushed too since he now knew you thought about him. He quickly changed the subject. 
“Why don’t we open up the candy?” he asks.
He opens the wrapper and pulls out two Reese’s Cups. You watched his reaction as you sank your teeth into the peanut butter chocolate candy. He took a bite and nodded. 
“This isn’t bad. Quite good actually,” he said turning a darker shade of pink, “Oh. And Y/N?”
“Yes, Rem.”
“If- if you ever have trouble sleeping, you can always drop by my room.”
You smiled and winked. “That sounds lovely.”
Lupin’s face was now red.
Tea and Chocolate
@bi-andready-tocry @pregnant-piggy
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