#I was hoping to get some new ideas for the HA map since the area is still kinda empty but nothin' doin' so far
sysig · 5 months
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Some redraws, and an additional chibi (Patreon)
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
Hello! Will there be more of Phantom's Number 1 fan? I love these dabbles, Tim and Danny both fail at the "ask a single question about what's happening" test 😅. Also if Tim's spleen was removed he'd likely walk around holding his stomach or at least the Yetis would mention the "delicate condition" of Phantom's love which only leads to more rumors and misunderstandings.
Tim doesn't know how long he's been in the Far Frozen. Time seemed to move differently here, and while he liked to imagine Ra's didn't have a magical time shield, he knew that the madman probably did.
He was worried about his current location. He had no idea where he was, where he would go if he got out, or what kind of tech the Yetis would use to track him down.
Tim attempted to gather information for his escape, but the technology here was far different from what he was used to. He would need months of uninterrupted study to make sense of it; unfortunately, that was impossible with the yetis constantly about.
They rarely let him alone, even in his private chambers. A guard was stationed at every entrance, and even a few servants carried weapons. Whenever Tim was allowed outside his room- there was still some healing his body needed- a scout would go ahead first to ensure the area was safe for him.
That's a word they used a lot. Safe.
Apparently, the Great One wanted to keep Tim as safe as possible for the children who were sure to follow him's return. Until then, Tim was pretty much locked down in an obvious lie of safety. They assured him multiple times that nothing would pass their security.
Tim thought it was cute that they thought they could intimidate him. Yes, he didn't have many options, but with every passing day, he noticed more details that he could use to break this fortress apart.
"My Consort, I hope you have time this evening for a check-up?" FrostBite calls, bowing his head slightly. Behind him, his servants bow at the waist, almost until they are parallel to the ground. Tim turns away from the wall he is staring at, mentally mapping out the fortress and their possible weakness.
It would be better to stare out a window, but they had placed him in the tallest tower without windows to better ensure his "safety."
"Of course I have time. What else would I do?" Tim doesn't bother to keep his biting tone out of his speech. He snaps the blanket he took to draping over himself around his shoulder. It is not meant to keep him warm since whatever magic they have going on allows him to dismiss the cold, but it's a comforting action to have a cape-like cloth around his shoulders.
His frustration makes the snap of his blanket nearly a whip.
A soldier on the right flinches slightly, and Tim quickly springs up. If they had noticed that flinch, then that soldier would be dead come morning.
The Al Ghuls were not known to accept any signs of weakness.
"I take it my soon-to-be husband has not returned?" He asks, dreading the answer even as he impassively struts to the group. Tim was raised to work the elites of Gotham's ballroom floors.
Convincing the Yetis of his cold accception of his new role in life is child's play.
"No. The Great One has not answered any of our messages. I fear he will not be back before the little ones arrive. They say the portal was destroyed." Frostbite tells him gravely.
Portal? Did that mean Ra's would have difficulty getting to him now? That was great! If he wanted to escape, he needed to do it while Ra could not come to the Yetis's aid.
"I see." He says, attempting not to show any of his thoughts.
"Do not fret, Consort, for our best minds and most important allies are attempting to locate natural portals. We shall be sending aid to His Majesty soon. Magic users have been forced to close a few portals, but they can not get to them all. That's where we shall strike." One of the Yetis says, "In the meantime, we will begin your move to a specialist who can treat your delicate condition better. It best to focus on your health instead of worrying over the Great One's quest to protect his family."
Tim looks up at him, for he is still tiny compared to everyone else, keeping his face carefully impassive as he questions, "My condition?"
"My people pride ourselves in our knowledge of care for many creatures across the realms," Frostbite tells him, stepping forward. "But humans are scarce. Our knowledge of pregnancy and reproduction of your kind is severely lacking. We have a specialist who has volunteered to house you while we head to war."
"War!?" Tim snaps his eyes to the King, finding the usually friendly face of the yeti clouded over in grim determination.
"Yes. The Humans' Justice League has declared war. In the last few days, ghosts crossed over and said the Justice League has placed a bounty on your head. I'm sorry, Consort, but war is no longer avoidable."
The Leauge.....was trying to recuse him? Did that mean they finally believed him? Tim didn't have time to ask. He needed to get out and stop the League from kick-starting a war with Ras Al Ghul. Who knew what else he had if he had Yeti's hidden away in some time shield?
The league will not be prepared.
"Pack the Consort's belongings." Frostbite commands, waving a claw to the servants, who quickly burst into the room. The yeti does not notice Tim move until it's far too late.
The guards all shout as Tim launches himself at Frostbite, yanking the hunting knife at his waist to fling it at the guard carrying a spear. When Frostbite makes the mistake of looking at Tim, he is met with a roundhouse kick that knocks the yeti off his feet.
"Consort!? What are you doing!?"
"King Frostbite!"
Tim ignores Frostbite's words and brings his leg down as hard as he can between the Far Frozen's horns. He's out like a light from the blow.
The guard with the spear had dropped his weapon as the knife sank into one of his hands, and Tim cartwheeled towards it. The two guards rush to Frostbite's crumbled form, while he does so.
It takes a second to kick up the spear and swing it in a large arch, taking out the two remaining guards. They crash on the ground, groaning in pain when Tim smacks them again for good measure.
The servants all watching are frozen in terror.
Tim points at them. "It's nothing personal."
One of them screams for help, but Tim has already launched the spear. It bounces off the bedpost, flinging into one of the servants, who is also knocked unconscious.
It would be more effective to kill them, but something about doing so to these creatures feels wrong. Tim had blown up hundreds of Ras's assassins, but those had treated him like an object, while the Far Frozen had at least acknowledged his humanity.
It takes more work and causes spikes of pain to burst around his stomach, but he eventually knocks everyone else out with well-placed kicks and punches. Thank goodness his suspicion that the side of the heads were weak points was correct.
He had noticed that the far-frozen chose to have more coverage there than around their horns, so he took a guess on where to strike. His waiting and information gathering were finally paying off.
Tim looted everyone of anything he thought was helpful before sprinting up the tower. He doesn't know what time the guards change, but he knows that his tower is the highest point, which means that if he timed it right, he could jump over to freedom.
Tim had built a makeshift paraglider while he was pretending to sleep. It wouldn't be a soft landing, but it would get the job done. He made it to the roof as the fortress went into distress below him. Yetis poured out of their huts or castles, searching but not looking up.
That is until the young servant, who mocked his lack of core, spots him.
"My Consort! No! Think of the children!" The boy screams, gathering everyone's attention. Tim doesn't waste a second leaping off the roof to the sounds of screams, and he spreads his paraglider open, aiming for the large wall.
He barely passed it when a strong wind picked up, and Tim hauled off course. Instead of the soft snow of the surrounding ice mountains, Tim dropped into a giant green void.
He spins out of control until his paraglider snaps in half, and he falls. His screams echo as his vision is overtaken by swirling green. A portal of some kind had opened up on him, sucking him into who knows where.
At least he has escaped.
"The Bats!" the young yeti, a child known as Iceberg, cries. "The Bats have taken the consort."
"Are you certain?" Frostbite demands. He had awakened to find his people in disarray. No one could have predicted that the Great One's Beloved would attack and attempt to run away.
He initially believed them to be betrayed until one of his scholars found a record of human pregnancy. It was from Earth in the 1800s, a few years ago, but it is valuable in its information.
Human women were known to develop hysteria the closer it got to the child's birth. The Consort was likely suffering the same, but at a much slower rate as a male and they had not noticed the signs until its full manifestation.
They had to find him before he hurt himself or his babies.
"Yes, there was a light in the sky behind the Consort just as he disappeared. It was in the shape of a bat."
"This means our mission has become harder but not unachievable." A voice cuts, making everyone turn to a ghost who just arrived—the one who had agreed to house Consort Timothy.
"Fright Knight, thank the Ice you've come." King FrostBite says, nodding his head to the spirit of Halloween.
"I shall always come to the aid of those who sit on the King's throne." The knight dismounts. "Now explain how the enemy got so far into your domain."
"I fear the Consort may have unwillingly helped them. He is not sound of mind-"
"He?" Fright Knight tilts his head. "I was not aware the consort was male."
"What do you mean?"
"Human males can not carry their young. Only females can birth children."
"But how else could he be pregnant?"
"I am unsure. Maybe the power of the King? He has done feats no one thought possible." The Fright Knight grows quiet for a moment before he asks. "Are we certain that the Consort is pregnant?"
"Nothing appeared on our tests...but we just assumed it was due to our lack of proper equipment to test a human."
"I see. Are you even sure he and the King are to be wed?"
The Yetis all draw up short until one carefully mumbles. "He claimed they were."
"And you all took his word at face value without even confirming with the King?"
No one dares move, and the Knight sighs. "I shall travel the mortal plane. Surely we can confirm with the King on what exactly is going on."
"What of the war?"
"Postpone until the King, in person, commands us to battle. That does not mean stopping to prepare for it. It would be unwise to be caught unaware."
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whatitsdecending · 8 months
Vessel x Reader x Noah Sebastian
Something you never expected to find yourself in was a threesome between a man you were casually having sex with and someone you’d never met before.
A/N: if people like this I have ideas to continue it, so do let me know;)
Word Count: 3.7k
Content warning: voyeurism, threesomes, domination, exhibitionism
The day had gone by slowly, another festival built-up in the middle of nowhere housing thousands of people that attended. It was hot, hotter than normal for this time of year. At least you think it was, you weren’t exactly from Virginia and this climate was a little different from what you were used to.
You did your best to ignore the blistering heat beating down on you from the sun as you worked on unpacking the stage equipment for the band you were a roadie for; Bad Omens, a group of four guys who make some of the best damn music you’ve heard in a long time.
You enjoyed your job, being able to travel around and get exposed to new music or the same stuff you’ve loved for years. There were times where it made you debate whether it was the right fit for you or not, but usually those rough patches turned into the best thing you could ever imagine.
The band quickly befriended you, as they did with the other roadies, but one member was particularly fond of you. Noah Sebastian, the lead singer of the band. He had the voice of a siren and the presence of a lion on stage, but behind the scenes it was a much different story. Behind that stage presence was the kindest man you know, a man who’s been taking care of you, mentally and physically.
It wasn’t anything serious between the two of you, just quick hookups here and there that took care of any built up tension you had. He was good at it and has learned every little thing that makes you squirm beneath his touch, he had your body mapped out in his mind by the second hookup. Watching him on stage always did something to you, the small heat built up in your stomach and a blush rising to your cheeks every time he’d sneak a glance over to you on the side of the stage.
You weren’t sure if anyone had caught on yet, you’d nervously laugh when someone made a joke about you and Noah but it’d always end there, never going further than just a joke to them. And that’s exactly how you want it to stay.
“Working hard or hardly working?” The voice you’d come to be absolutely enthralled with broke through your thoughts. He towered over you, blocking the sun that had been shining down on you for a while and casting his shadow over you.
“I’ve been working hard for too long, actually.” You respond with a sarcastic smile, grabbing the next box to bring over to the techs. He trailed after you and said a quick hello to the techs getting Jolly’s gear prepped early.
“You got time to sneak away for a bit?” Noah whispered as you walked back towards the trailer that held all the equipment. Your heart skipped a beat at his words, it’s been a while since you and Noah were able to sneak away from everyone, and you had to admit you were due for alone time with him.
“I think I’ve done enough, not much left to unload anyways.” You say, motioning to the much smaller load of equipment left in the trailer than what had been there two hours ago.
“Perfect.” A smile tugged at his lips as turned around and walked towards the building that had the dressing rooms set up inside. The chill of the AC on full blast sent a shiver through your body, goosebumps rising on your skin as you entered the building. You followed Noah through the building, admiring the different band names plastered on different doors or on a makeshift tent in the building. You hoped he wasn’t taking you to a random tent that looked like it would fall over in two seconds.
The breath of relief that left your body when Noah stopped outside a door with the band’s name on it, right at the end of the hallway and was in a bit more of a private area than the rest of the rooms. He slowly opened the door, taking a quick peek inside and then motioning for you to come in.
The room was empty besides two couches and a mirror on the wall set-up as a makeup station for performers. It wasn’t that large of a room, just enough to fit the necessities for a dressing room. But it would do.
“Not that bad compared to other dressing rooms you’ve had.” You broke the silence, leaving Noah to snort in response. “Now we gotta make this pretty quick, I got in trouble last time we snuck around.”
“You know I can get you out of any trouble with the crew, right?” Noah’s voice was low as he came up to you, resting his hands on your hips.
“I’m aware, but I don’t want you to keep pulling favors out of your ass for me.” You say as his face lowered down to place gentle kisses along the exposed skin of your collarbone.
“I don’t mind,” he says between kisses. “Besides, it lets me take care of you for longer.” His hands slowly glide up along the curves of your waist, gently moving your shirt up and exposing your skin. His touch warmed your now freezing body, the sweat from before now dried and left you to shiver in the cold of the room. “You’re so damn beautiful.” He muttered softly as he kissed up your neck, trailing slowly to your lips.
Noah’s lips made contact with yours with a soft intent, not wanting to push you into anything too aggressive right away. He knew what worked best for you and letting it build was the way to make you as aroused as possible. He slowly turned you to now face the opposite direction, assuming he was going to use that to push you into the wall.
He slowly parted away from your lips, smirking as you whined about the loss of contact. His eyes sparkled as you stared up at him, wondering what exactly was going on in that beautiful mind of his.
“Have you ever met my friend Vessel before?” Noah’s voice was low as he nodded beyond your shoulder, causing you to take a glance at the man who had been standing behind you. Vessel, you knew he was the singer from Sleep Token, yet the man who stood behind you was not the man you would’ve recognized to be Vessel.
He stood leaning against the wall, his arms crossed against his bare chest. You didn’t recognize him at first because he was out of character, no mask, hood or black paint to disguise himself from your eyes. He was breathtakingly beautiful, someone you certainly didn’t expect to see at this time.
“Keep going darling, I’m just here to observe.” His voice was deep and thick with the British accent everyone knew he had, but had never heard it before. The way he spoke caused you to turn back around to face Noah, who has taken the opportunity to push his lips back against yours. The small fire that burned deep within you had suddenly turned ablaze, the idea of Vessel just watching as Noah dominated your mouth with his.
You could feel yourself grow increasingly wet as Noah’s hands rested on your hips, pulling them closer to his body until you were pressed up against him. The feeling of his hardened cock pushing against your abdomen through his sweats almost made you drop right then and there, but something made you stop.
His hands started on the small of your back, slowly feeling their way along the curves of your body. The feeling of his breath dancing across your skin made you shiver, his hand moved your hair away from your neck and he began to lay gentle kisses along the nape of your neck.
A small moan escaped from your lips as Noah began to leave the same small kisses along the other side of your neck. Vessel’s hand found its way to rest just underneath your breasts, using that leverage to push his body against yours.
There you stood, pressed between these men who will soon have all the access they want to your body. A small uncertainty crept through your mind despite how desperate you came out to be for the two of them. This small uncertainty made you squeeze Noah’s arm softly, indicating you needed him to stop for a moment.
“Everything okay?” He asked softly, his eyes filled with slight worry. You felt Vessel pull back and take a small step away from you, no longer keeping you pinned against the two of them.
“I’m fine.. it’s just-” you stared at Noah’s hand resting on your hip. “What exactly are you two thinking of doing with me? Is there something new I should prepare for that you and I never do together?”
Noah glanced at Vessel, then back to you. “I genuinely thought it’d be a little more fun with another person joining us, I realize now I definitely should’ve asked you beforehand.”
“I can leave now if you’d like, Y/N. No worries darling.” Vessel spoke, placing a kiss on the back of your head. Before he could get out of your reach you swiftly turned around and grabbed his hand, pulling him back to you and pressing your lips against his. “Your mind seems to change very quickly.” He muttered into your lips, tangling his fingers into your hair and pressing your lips against his once again.
“Well, I guess I’ll just take a seat. Y/N, show Vessel what makes you so addicting.” Noah’s voice trailed away as he sat down on one of the couches. A small moan rumbled from deep in you, vibrating against Vessel’s lips.
“I like to be in control love, I hope you don’t mind.” His voice was a gentle whisper as he pushed your bangs behind your ear. His fingers brushing against your skin allowed goosebumps to surface and sent a shiver down your spine.
“That’s just what I like.” Was all you mustered before Vessel had his hands on the underside of your thighs and lifted you up. Your legs instinctively wrapped tightly around his waist as he carried you to the counter, the clanging of items falling to the floor as he swiped his arm to clear space for you.
He placed you on the counter, pressing his body into your core so your legs stayed apart. His lips attacked your neck like a hungry animal, nipping around every once in a while eager to leave his mark on you.
You glanced over to where Noah sat, his eyes were fixated on the performance in front of him. You could tell how turned on he was by the obvious outline of his cock against the material of his pants. As you stared, you waited for his eyes to connect with yours, that thought alone made you even more wet.
“God I need these off.” Vessel groaned, snapping your attention back to him as he pulled at your shorts. You lifted yourself up a little to allow him to pull the shorts off your body. He kept himself sat on his knees after taking them off, glancing at you with eyes that almost seemed to be begging you to let him fuck you like a toy. His hands slowly roamed around your legs, traveling upwards to your center. The anticipation made your heart race more and more every inch.
His lips pressed gently against the inside of your thigh as he kept his eyes on yours. The way he looked at you as if you were his prey and he’d finally caught you, planning his next move with every waking moment of time that passed by. He wanted you, he was desperate for you.
His fingers trailed along the fabric of your panties, toying with the edge of the material against your skin. You hissed every time his fingers dipped underneath them and brushed against your slick, receiving a low chuckle from him each time.
“You desperate girl, how long has it been since Noah has touched you?” His fingers traced along the inside of your thigh, teasing you once again.
“A week?” The answer escaped as a moan when the cool breeze of the AC hit your wet core and Vessel’s thumb pressed against your clit. “Oh my fucking god..” He deepened the pressure and started slowly moving his thumb in circles, the low wave of pleasure hitting your body. He noticed how your body moved underneath his touch, making sure to memorize every touch that made you squirm.
His large hands wrapped underneath your thighs and gripped them tightly, pulling you closer to his face. His breath moved gently against your slick skin as he drew closer to closing the space between your bodies. His large eyes were fixated on your face, watching every expression that came across it as his lips made contact.
“Doesn’t she just taste wonderful?” Noah’s voice broke through the sounds of your moaning, bringing your attention to him. It didn’t last long before Vessel vibrated his response directly onto your clit, his head nodding to add to the sensation. You moaned loudly and it echoed around the room, Vessel’s way of eating you out was so much different than how Noah did it. This new method being used on you was driving you insane, Noah was a bit more gentle and slow with you, only picking up his pace when you begged for it. But Vessel? It was more animalistic how he ate you, his tongue and lips coordinated well together to stimulate your clit and send you into overdrive.
“Holy fuck, Vessel.” You groaned, the familiar pit building in your abdomen. “I’m going to c-“ He moved his face away from your core right as you said that, a whine escaping from you. “What was that for?”
He smirked at you and wiped his face. “Just warming you up darling.” He glanced over his shoulder at Noah, getting a nod of approval from him. There must’ve been some kind of agreement between the two of them for all this, something that definitely took a little bit of planning by the way they’ve become so coordinated through this experience.
“Turn around for him baby, keep your eyes focused on me in that mirror.” Noah says in a demanding tone. You followed exactly what he said, your eyes never leaving him in the reflection of the mirror. Vessel’s hand pressed on the middle of your back, pushing you forward so you were now bent over the counter. The feeling of his tip sliding between your folds and through your slick made you place your hand against the mirror.
“You should probably keep your hand there darling,” Vessel says as his cock pushes into you. “Wouldn’t want you to go against Noah’s wishes.” The feeling of him stretching your walls was intense, his cock was similar to Noah’s but had a bit more girth to it. “Fuck you’re so tight.” He grunts as he begins to thrust slowly, the movement leaving your jaw slack and tears forming in your eyes.
“God you look so beautiful like that baby, taking Vessel’s cock like the good girl that you are.” Noah spoke as he watched your facial expressions through the mirror. His hand hesitated around the outline of his cock, seeming to want to relieve himself as Vessel pleases you. But he never ends up touching himself.
Vessel’s hands gripped tightly on your hips as he picked up the pace of his thrusts. He wasn’t wrong about needing to keep your hand on the mirror, it really helped you to keep the focus on Noah while he pounds you from behind. The room was filled with the sound of skin slapping together, the cry of moans coming from you and Vessel was harmonious in a way and a beautiful sound to your ears.
The pit was forming again and you wondered if he was going to let you cum this time around. “Vessel you gonna let me cum now?” You breathlessly ask, hoping he’d start thrusting even harder into you to send you over the edge.
But he had something else in mind.
He stopped thrusting into you and wrapped his long arms around your waist, picking you up and carrying you over to the couch. Noah was now standing, his eyes entranced on the sight of you in the grasps of another man. Vessel laid back against the couch holding you tight on his chest with one hand while the other moved to put his cock back in you. This new position allowed for him to reach your g-spot, the pleasurable ache that ran through you each time his cock hit it was enough to make your body squirm.
“I cannot resist myself anymore, Y/N. You’re too damn addicting.” Noah says kneeling down onto the floor, his face only inches away from your pulsing core. “I just… can’t keep watching…” He planted kisses around your clit between his words, your hips buck at every touch his lips left. “Vessel treating you good baby?” You nodded. “Are you desperate for my touch now?” A whine escaped your lips as you nodded again. He chuckled, knowing if he had the control left he’d sit and watch you beg for him, but at this point he needed to taste you.
His lips pressed onto your clit, parting to let his tongue roam around the bud. It was so sensitive from the stimulation happening below, that Noah adding his tongue to the mix made you feel insane. “Oh my fucking god!” You cried out, gripping Vessel’s arm that he kept wrapped around you. “I’m going to cum guys, I can’t-“
“Hold out a little longer darling, let's cum together.” Vessel whispered in your ear, his thrusts hitting you at a quicker pace than he’d been doing.
“I can’t, fuck!” Your hand found Noah’s hair and gripped tightly.
“Yes, you can.” Vessel’s voice was becoming breathy as he drew closer to his release. “All the pent up orgasms from before, you’ll be able to let them go now, let it go darling.” His permission granted you to finally let go what you’ve been needing, the waves of pleasure practically blinding you. You moaned loudly as your legs shook like mad, this was an orgasm you’ve never experienced before. The warm feeling of Vessel’s cum filling you as your orgasm hit its peak was a kind of sensation you’d never had, but certainly one you’d want again.
As you came down from your high you opened your eyes to see Noah staring at the two of you, a look of admiration in his eyes. “You did so good, baby.” He placed a gentle kiss on your inner thigh, pushing himself off the couch to grab a towel. Vessel lifted you off his lap and set you down on the couch, taking in the mess he made.
“You alright, darling?” He chuckled lightly. “A lot just happened all at once huh?”
“I think I need a nap.” You managed to muster out, watching Noah as he came back with the towel he’d dampened with a bottle of water. He gently cleaned up the mess between your legs left by Vessel, letting the cool towel relax the intense sensation leftover.
“I’d love to stick around for that, but my band is probably wondering where I’ve wandered off to.” Vessel said as he put his clothes back on, a smirk creeping on his face. “Hopefully your nap doesn’t last too long, I’d love to see you side stage for my set later.”
“Oh I’ll definitely be there, just let me rest my legs.” You sighed as you were still trying to process everything.
“Right.” Vessel leaned down and kissed your forehead. “Get some rest darling.” You watched as he exited the room, Noah closing the door behind him. He searched around for your underwear and shorts, eventually finding them and helping you get dressed.
“You don’t have to help me, you never put my clothes back on.” You say as he finishes buttoning your shorts back up.
“I know, I just felt like I needed to give you a hand after all that.” He smiled. “Thank you for agreeing to it, that’s something I kind of always wanted.”
“Really? You like to watch other men fuck your own fuck buddy?” You placed your hand in your back pocket, feeling a piece of paper that wasn’t there before. You already knew who left it so you decided to keep it there until you were alone.
“You can say that I guess.” Noah chuckled. “Well, I gotta go start warming up. Are you gonna take a nap here or on the bus?”
“Mm, probably here I am a little exhausted from that. Plus my hips hurt.” You laid back on the couch, feeling the warmth leftover from Vessel’s body laying there beforehand.
“Okay, I’ll see you later to catch Sleep Token’s set. Have a good nap.” He began to leave but stopped in his tracks. “I’ll just let the crew know you’ve got a migraine from the heat and that’s why you’re not helping for the show.” You gave him a thumbs up and he returned the gesture. He left the room, the sound of his footsteps echoing down the hallway as he walked away. You reached into your pocket for the piece of paper, unfolding it quickly as curiosity racked your mind.
Vessel left you his phone number and a small note that read:
Darling, please give me a call whenever you get the chance. Would love to have a one on one with you sometime, call me and we’ll make arrangements for that.
The idea of being with just Vessel made your heart race in excitement. You quickly added him to your list of contacts, waiting to call him later since he was busy now. You wonder what Noah would think about this, if he’d get jealous or not care that you would hook up with Vessel again without him there.
Whatever he’d think, you couldn’t care less. It was just absent minded fucking, right?
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zombeebunnie · 1 month
Trembling Essence:💙Background + script updates💙
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Hi hi and welcome new followers, this week mainly focused on art practice. I'm still getting back into the flow of working on the full game so this post might be very short. :]
Anywho, here are some of the backgrounds I drew up as practice.
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I was going to use these in the beginning of the game but the immersive symbolism I was going for didn't match up to my liking. It just finished raining in the swamp where you're located at which leaves the area feeling tolerably cold but oddly humid with a hint of decay/mold in the air. I'm aiming for a dreary night theme that gives off a foreboding and a gloomy atmosphere. These give off a "fairy-forest" concept which I don't like all that much. Here's some reference examples of what I hope to bring next time:
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I'm also in the process of creating a map for myself to make things easier to layout since certain endings are being changed. This due to specific areas taking place in the forest and not the swamp which have their own unique form of symbolism. I tried to convey this in the March 2023/[Extended Demo] but it's hard to tell the difference between the areas.
I can't guarantee this fully but if you choose to explore around the area there might be small parallax effects that move around automatically. It was something I wanted to try back in the [Extended Demo] but this would've pushed the update farther out into the year.
Lastly, happy belated birthday to Noah! His birthday is May 7th! :]
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I wasn't able to draw a birthday doodle yet so enjoy this unrelated sneak peek practice sketch I did a few days ago. :,,]
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My Q&A / Ask box has been reset!
Thank you to those who have sent in asks in the past, unfortunately they all disappeared except for 1 while I was gone. I have no idea what happened but I can only guess it just got reset.
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask or resend them in here please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I would really like to hear from you guys!
This is all I have done so far but I'm enjoying the process even if it's a bit small, Thank you guys for the patience and continued support and patience I really appreciate it. :,]
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Eye in the sky pt3.
Reader (codename: eagle) × König
Mission time, tension increased,you have to escape but you will not leave no one behind, what's your final decision? Will you run or stay?.
I was listening to this song while I was trying to describe the fight, I hope it helps to imagine the scenario.
Warning: Blood, violence, grammatical and spelling errors.
Pt.4 Final.
A few weeks passed since the last mission with KorTac, you and könig text each other sometimes, Soap and Gaz have been joking about you and your new friend.
- Eagle is too enchanted by that guy
- I know, it's literally like the beauty and the beast
- are you 5 years old? Grow up!
You started to punch them and play with them when Price and Ghost appeared in the common area.
- Did you already finish?
«Sorry» «yes sir» «sorry captain»
- Get ready, we have work to do. Meeting room, in 30 min.
«Yes sir»
You were the first one to arrive, you were waiting scrolling on your phone when Ghost appeared, you smiled kindly and continued on your phone.
- Soap told me what he saw in the nursery the other day.
- Huh? Oh... That, König went to say goodbye.
- Very kind for someone so wild.
You sighed and looked at him, you're annoyed, why everybody cares so much?
- you don't know him well, why do you even care?
- Listen, eagle, I... Worry about you, not only because we work together, you're... Special to me. I will just ask you this once. Stay away from him.
- I don't know what you're trying to say ghost, he's my friend.
- you don't look at a friend in the way you did all the time he was here...
- Ok, stop that, I'm not in the mood for this conversation.
The rest of the team arrived, also König and Horangi arrived too. Price noticed the absence of Roze, he looks concerned.
- and the woman? We will probably need more than 2.
- Roze is on a mission with other companions.
- alright, well... This is probably a terrorist group probably allies of our biggest enemy, what are we going to do? Ghost...
- There are hostages, we will help them and we'll look for information, any kind of information, no matter how useless it can look, we need it.
Horangi and könig were talking and observing the location on the map, Horangi stood up from his seat interrupting ghost.
- Ah sorry, indeed Captain, Ghost, we will need more people, we made area recognition a month ago, the location is isolated. The closet city is 6 hours away using vehicle... And the access is misleading, a lot of mercenaries patrolling.
- What do you propose Colonel?
Price looked at könig, who is still contemplating the map, you can see it in his eyes, he's planning every detail.
- As Horangi said, we will need more people, the place is infested by those mercenaries but we can clean it well, I understand that this is a mission under the water, am I wrong?
- yes, no one can know we're there.
- So, I propose you and your team will be behind us, as snipers, clean the path as much as possible, we will get close to the building, once there, you will join us, we will need some bombs, this building has a good structure and every entrance is well armored.
- Soap can help with that.
König nodded and continued.
- inside the building we will probably find more enemies, we think the hostages are in the attic, so Eagle and me...
- Negative.
Everybody looked at ghost, he looks angry but König apparently doesn't feel intimidated by him.
- What?
- I'll go with you, Eagle will look for information with Gaz.
- I see, well we will lose some time trying to convince them that two masked men are there to keep them safe, ja?
Your laugh echoed in the room breaking the tension, somehow König was right. Would be hard to convince the hostages.
- What is it so funny, Doc?
- Sorry Lt., but the colonel is right, maybe that's not the best idea, i suggest to go with soap or the captain, they look more friendly.
Before Ghost could protest, könig continued.
- Good, eagle and whoever you decide will go for the hostages, the rest of us, look for information And eliminate any target.
- Ah König, Roze, fender and stiletto are back from their mission. We can call them and see them at the location.
- Ja, go ahead Horangi, danke.
Price looked pleased with the plan, after more details, all the group was ready to go.
It was Early in the morning, the location was a beautiful forest, the smell of wet ground, trees and grass green, made it look like a painting. Horangi and Fender were leaders, since they knew the lands better. Ghost was behind you, you could feel his eyes, König kept his distance because he didn't want to cause you troubles, but that didn't mean he wasn't looking at you every chance he found. You were thinking about Ghost words, then about you and König, you're trying to understand what you're feeling.
Before you could finish debating, you were in the zone, everybody got ready to take positions, König approached you and as always, he was looking at you with tenderness.
- Keep us safe Maus.
- You will have eyes in the sky, don't worry Kö...
He chuckled and nodded.
- Danke...
- Have a nice hunt...
«let's go König, we're ready.» you blinked an eye at him and he left. After some time, your radios finally emitted a noise.
«Captain, we're in position.»
- Good, we're ready, you can proceed König, we already eliminated some enemies in that area.
«Gaz to stiletto, you have an enemy at your left, you can proceed, eliminate him easily there's no one around »
«Horangi, don't move yet» «Copy, Fender, you can continue» «Roze, get ready to attack, the target moves in your direction» «König, move to your right, you have an easy target»
You were too focused, observing every step könig was given, you were wondering how someone so tall as him could move so quickly and silently, you're observing every detail, his clothes, his belt, his helmet, he's... Perfect.
- We're outside, we need Soap with the explosives.
- Copy.
- well, you already heard them, let's go.
Once there the real spectacle began. There were more targets inside than outside. You were waiting for this moment, you're a doctor but that doesn't mean you don't know how to give a good fight.
You gave perfect headshots, threw some knives, kicks, it looks like you're in your zone, like a fish in the water, you love this, the adrenaline you feel during the combat. You saw an enemy approaching könig from behind, before König could notice him you brought it down, that caught König's attention, you're seriously amazing, jumping from a wall to your target, punching, shooting, too busy to notice who's observing you. you're wild, behind all the beauty and kindness there's danger, he's amazed.
Unfortunately, even if all of you are doing their best, more mercenaries have arrived at the place, More than all of you expected.
- Captain, what now?
Gaz was on the radio, everybody was hiding and trying to defend their own position, the noise of bombs, shooting, was making difficult to listen.
- We have to go.
- Sir, the hostages... ?
- Eagle, no, we have to go, don't forget we're not allowed to be here.
- All units. We have to go, let's go.
You were running through a hallway, looking for anything that could give information, you found a room, full of computers, maps and photographs, you locked yourself in the room and tried to send all that information to your laptop, you don't have time to read if it is useful, you will check it later. You were leaving when a guy appeared in front of you, he tackled you and started to suffocate you, you were trying to set you free when König appeared, he took the man and with a quick move broke his neck.
At this point everybody is already outside on their way to the rendezvous, it's just you and könig. You stood up and ran behind him until another guy jumped over him, he stabbed him. You gave him a headshot but the damage was already made. König was pressing his hand against his abdomen
- König...
- I'm fine, go, I'll be there in a min.
- No, I'm not going to let you here, lemme see...
- Maus, there's no time, go.
- No!
He finally let you see, unfortunately he was losing a lot of blood, you felt fear running through your veins, your hands are trembling but you tried to clean the wound and close it enough to stop the bleeding, König is doing his best to not show the pain but it's impossible, you don't want to lose him, you're losing your mind and control.
- I am ...the eye in the sky looking at you, I can read your mind...
- Wha..
- I am the maker of rules, dealing with fools...
-I can cheat you blind And...
-AH! Scheisse! (Ah, shit!)... I don't need to see anymore to know that
- I... I can read your mind...
- Good, keep going... Mein Liebling... You can do it.
Finally you finished and helped him to stand up, you put his arm on your shoulder to give him support, even with the wound he did his best to protect you.
«Eagle! Where are you? You have less than 5 min to arrive here!»
Ghost was on the radio, you gave him a quick «copy» but König is too weak, he's still losing blood, so he stopped.
- Leave.
- No, I won't.
- you will not make it on time, leave, I'll find a way to..
- No, you're too weak König! You will not survive... And I won't leave you behind.
«Eagle, König, report, where are you? We can't wait for you, more enemies are arriving»
Horangi is now asking you to hurry up, everybody starts to talk, until you hear ghost once again.
«Eagle, come here right now, it's an order, Sargent»
You look at könig, he is not afraid, you know he would understand if you stand up and leave, but no, you won't do that.
- We'll not make it on time, leave us, König is hurt.
- Eagle, it's an order...
- Sorry Sir. I promised myself I never would leave a man behind.
You cut communication and stayed with könig, you cleaned and tried to close the wound once more, you looked at könig again, you know it was maybe a bad decision, but you never broke a promise, you really won't leave him. His look changes in less than a second and...
Everything went dark for you after that.
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sexyzuka · 7 months
Kiba's Uptown Girl
Pairing: Kiba Inuzuka x Reader
Word Count: 13,335
Content: 18+ Smut MDNI, fem!reader, modern!au, boruto era kiba, fem!receiving oral sex, hair pulling, fingering, scratching and biting, standing doggystyle, creampie, watersports, exhibitionism, mentions of blood, surgery/medical references, references to real people/places, pet names 
Summary: For your anniversary this year you and Kiba decide to take a trip back to your home country. He’s never been to New York City before, and you can’t wait to show him all of the best parts of Manhattan. For your first date of the week you decide to bring him to Central Park to show him the “greatest view” that the city has to offer. Will you be able to control yourself around him? You’re in a public space, so I sure hope so! 
Writer's Notes: While listening to the song “Uptown Girl” by Billy Joel I had the idea to write a fic where Kiba and his girlfriend visit the city. I’ve lived around the NYC area for most of my life, so I wanted to create something that incorporated a little slice of home. I was inspired by my trip to Central Park last weekend and included some of my photography within this fic. (You gotta love that extra dash of realism!) This chapter ended up being way longer than I intended, but I just had so much fun throughout the course of writing it, I couldn’t stop myself. I hope you enjoy!
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Kiba looks around at all of the signs surrounding you with a confused expression on his face. He didn't even have to say a word before you responded with, "We're taking the 1 train. C'mon, this way." You could hear a familiar tune echoing throughout the corridors of the subway station. There were a few musicians set up nearby, belting out a harmonious tune while reenacting a few scenes from a particular music video you were very well acquainted with. "Are we going uptown or downtown?" "Uptown," you respond without a modicum of doubt in your voice. "Heh, I guess you're a real uptown girl," Kiba responds with a smug assuredness in his tone. "Oh hush, you." You could already tell where this conversation was going the second he uttered those words, the chorus of the nearby performers no doubt spurring on his unusually quirky behavior today. "Y'know, when you're walking you're looking so fine-ine-ine," Kiba began in a singsong voice, "and when you're talking you just know I love it when you say you're mine-ine-ine." Kiba knew how much you loved the classics, and he couldn't help himself but tease you whenever the opportune situation arose. Two could play at that game though, no one knew the lyrics to your favourite songs better than you. "Despite your appearance, you're not so tough," you jest back at Kiba with a rhythmic cadence, "just because you're in love with an uptown girl." "Someday when my ship comes in, maybe you'll understand what kind of guy I've been," he says as he twirls you around the subway station. After he catches you in his arms you share a rather short but passionate kiss. You so fervently wish that this fleeting moment could last longer, but you realize that the two of you have drawn in quite the crowd of your own with your display. As the awareness of the situation sets in you hastily straighten up your clothes a bit and give a silent nod to the musicians, one of whom flashes Kiba a thumbs-up before going back to performing.
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It had been many years since you visited your hometown, but you still remember how to get to your favourite destinations without consulting a map. Kiba knew how excited you were for this trip, so he made sure to clear his schedule well in advance. You were quite far from Konoha, the trip taking almost an entire day because of the extended layover in Chicago. Couldn't be helped, you thought to yourself, O'Hare is always a hot mess. At least they didn't lose our luggage this time, you shrug to yourself as you briskly grab your suitcases off of the baggage carousel.
After finishing up the final leg of your journey you and Kiba checked into a hotel in Midtown Manhattan. You were used to commuting from Jersey, but you wanted Kiba's first trip to the area to be an unforgettable experience, so you didn't mind spending the extra ryō. No expenses were to be spared, after all this is your anniversary celebration.
Your circadian rhythm was altered because of all of the travelling, the unrivaled enthusiasm circulating your core powering your insomnia with a fervent vigor. But while Kiba was losing his battle against jet lag you eagerly typed away on the notes app on your cell phone, writing up a list of everything you wanted to do  with him tomorrow. You could scarcely contain your excitement, your heart fluttering as you envision the pure joy and festivities to come.
Your sleep schedule was always a bit unconventional, but it meshed well with Kiba's unpredictable shifts at work. Sometimes Kiba would have to respond to calls in the middle of the night or wee hours of the morning. "It's hard being this popular," is what he'd usually say before heading off to patrol the precinct. He took pride in his work, and Kōtarō acknowledged Kiba as one of the top officers in Konoha, so there was no way he would ever shirk his responsibilities to Konoha. But for this next week  his only responsibility was to you, his girlfriend, and he always kept his promises.
You glance over at the clock next to the bed, choosing to do that instead of looking at the time on your phone because you couldn't resist sneaking another peek at Kiba cuddling Akamaru in his sleep. 5:30 PM. It would be just before sunrise if you were in Konoha right now. Normally you would be sleeping right now, but your anticipation for all of the exhilarating adventures to come put your brain into overdrive. The only thing that could quell your frenzied thoughts was, rather unfortunately, snoozing right now, so you had to make due with some maladaptive daydreaming for the main course this evening.
"Mmm..mmhm... princess..." you could hear Kiba mumbling softly in his sleep.
I wonder if he's having a good dream tonight, you chuckle to yourself as you walk over to the windowsill. You open the curtains with a light touch, endeavoring to be as quiet as possible so as not to awaken your company. The late October sun was already setting over the horizon, a serene twilight beginning to overtake the skyline. You could see the faint twinkle of a few stars glitter in the sky interspersed between the blinking headlights of the planes making their arrival into the city. The familiar hum of their engines was a sweet, nostalgic symphony to your ears.
You spend a few good minutes taking in the view of the Manhattan skyline, tracing the reminiscent shapes of the nearby buildings with a wistful yet pensive glance. It feels so good to be back home, you muse to yourself before delicately closing the curtains and returning to your seat.
As the moon begins its conspicuous journey across the night sky you carefully rock yourself back and forth in the office chair, your musings coming to life in bright and flashy colours. "Oh and I just have to take him here," you say to yourself in a hushed tone as you type away on your phone. "We can't forget about Grand Central Station or Bryant Park either. I don't think the big Christmas tree is up just yet, but he'll definitely want to see Rockefeller Center."
The hands on the analog clock above your head move steadfastly as the minutes melt into  hours. Being completely enraptured by your fantasies of the days to come, you didn't notice the moon bidding you farewell as she quietly dissolved, taking with her the boisterous yet somewhat serene cacophony of early morning traffic. The loud blaring of a nearby siren snaps you out of your contemplative trance.
You look over at the clock again. 7:00 AM. You were honestly surprised with how fast time seemed to evaporate from your grasp, marching on with a cold indifference. You two only had so long in the city, and you wanted to make the most of it. At the very least, Kiba was asleep for these past few hours so it didn't feel like a total waste. Still, you didn't want to squander even a second of precious time with your love.
You shift your focus back to your phone, reviewing the itinerary you drafted up with a revitalized sense of purpose. Nothing would stop you from giving Kiba the best week he's ever had. The only inquiry that stubbornly endured, floating in your mind with a gnawing persistence was what to start with.
"Hm, I guess we could kick off our trip with the Empire State Building. Or is that too blasé? Once you've been in one big building, it's like you've seen them all. We could drop by the New York Public Library, but I don't think he'd appreciate the classics as much as I do. And I could definitely see him complain that the lion statues out in front should be replaced with sculptures of dogs instead," you bring up a hand to your mouth to suppress a chuckle trying to escape as you think of Kiba grumbling and moaning about how a giant statue of Akamaru would look way cooler than some lame ass lions.
"And what are you giggling about over there, princess?" you hear the sleepy baritone reverberate through the room with a candid sense of curiosity.
"Oh, it's nothing," you chime back while your efforts to stifle your laughter prove to be futile.
"I don't know about that, it looks like this is an issue I'll have to investigate further," Kiba remarks as he gets up from the bed and saunters towards you. "Looks like I'll have to bust out one of my secret techniques today."
"Don't tell me you're-"
Kiba blurts out a brisk, "Tickle no jutsu," before you're able to respond. His light and feathery brushing on your flanks sparks an unstoppable electric current that pulsates through your neurons and stimulates your body with a fiery zeal.
"S-stop it," you manage to babble after succumbing to the onslaught of his galvanizing touch, "You win, you win."
"Tell me what I win," Kiba proclaims with a little wink, still closely holding onto your body with his brawny arms.
"A taste of my secret technique," you simper as you turn around slightly, angling your body so that you have a clear path to your target. You then press yourself closer to Kiba while standing on your tiptoes and sink your teeth down into the flesh of his neck with a firm but coy ferocity.
You can feel a groan resonating in his throat, the vibrations tickling your incisors, but you decide to not relent, instead doubling down on your efforts by dragging your nails coquettishly along his back.
A thrumming moan caresses your eardrums with a melodious echo as you continue your assault on his unsuspecting hide. You relish in each tantalizing frequency escaping from his lips.
"So frisky first thing in the morning, I like it," he manages to whine out in a frail attempt at maintaining his composure. You're very well acquainted with all of his erogenous zones, so you're beyond confident you could devour his entire heart right now if you wanted to. But giving him a small taste of these humble hors d'oeuvres, a tantalizing sampler of promiscuity, would only fuel his voracious appetite further and more intensely as the day dragged on, so you decide to relinquish for now.
You pull your lips back from his neck as you say, "Just wait till the main course tonight." You couldn't help but be kittenish when you were engulfed in Kiba's embrace like this. The demure front you put up around others came crashing down whenever the two of you were alone, or rather, almost alone.
You hear a faint sniffle from the other side of the room. As you turn your head and shift your gaze you see Akamaru yawning as he lazily scratches his floppy ears with his back paws. Akamaru was just as much your family as Kiba was, so there was no question about him joining you this week. That did mean, though rather unfortunately, that you'd have to be a little more PG than you had anticipated and hoped-for.
"But before that, how's about you and I get this party started?" You shift your focus back to Kiba, flashing him a smile as you gently place your hands around his shoulders, your fingertips making tiny circles as you stroke his skin with a tender softness.
"A party? I'm more interested in a private show," he protests as he looks into your eyes pleadingly.
"We didn't travel to the other side of the world to spend the whole time in a hotel room, Kiba." It's true you would love to spend more time cooped up in this room with him, but you weren't going to let yourself give in to the temptation. There would be plenty of time for promiscuity after you ticked off everything on your travel bucket list. Who knows the next time you'd both have the opportunity to visit Manhattan, especially considering Kiba's hectic work schedule.
"Such a tease. You sure know how to rile a guy up," he responds in a cheeky tone, "But that will only make my dessert this evening that much sweeter."
"Dessert? Don't you think you're jumping the gun a bit there, hon?"
"Oh, so you wanted to do gunplay this weekend? Sorry, the TSA wouldn't let me bring my usual  fare with me, something about it being a misdemeanor in this jurisdiction."
This man. This incredibly foolish man.
"It," you start laughing a bit as the words escape your quivering larynx, "-it's a figure of speech, Kiba. I wasn't literally talking about a gun."
"I totally knew that. Yeah, I was just testing you. Ahahaha.... haha... ha." Kiba couldn't hide his crimson cheeks from your omniscient glance this time.
"Anywaysss," Kiba flounders, attempting to change the subject before he has to admit that he misspoke, "what did you want to do today, princess? I know you used to be a local 'round here."
You were so engrossed in the absurdity of his previous remarks you needed to take a few moments to compose yourself before answering.
"Let me go grab my phone real quick," you say as you give Kiba a short but sweet parting kiss on the cheek before being released from his embrace.
You open up the notes application on your phone and start scrolling down, contemplating about which suggestion would make the most sense. There were no doubt an endless plethora of things to do in the city, but you wanted to make your first outing together an unforgettable adventure.
"Wow, you really came prepared!" Kiba guffaws as he sees you attentively scrolling down the list of options you find yourself feverishly perusing through.
"You know me. I've never met a list I didn't like," you say pragmatically as you push up the bridge of your glasses with your index finger.
It was true, you were always planning ahead. It gives you peace of mind to write down your musings in order to collect your thoughts. The myriad ideas floating in your consciousness at any one time were overwhelming, so writing was the best way for you to make some sense of the bedlam. It was rather amusing when you thought about the stark contrast between your erudite approach to life versus Kiba's passionate resilience and adaptability. He may not be as well-learned as you, but what he lacks in book smarts he makes up for in determination.
"Hm," you hum to yourself as you sort through the possibilities prancing through your mind, the pirouettes of whimsy filling your imagination with dozens of scenarios playing out like a theatrical performance on a Broadway stage."How about? No, that won't do."
"Oh, what won't do?" Kiba asked as he shot you an expectant gaze.
"I was thinking of taking you to the New York Public Library or the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but I don't think they allow dogs," you glance over at Akamaru as you say those final words.
"I don't know why not. Akamaru's better behaved than most people," Kiba huffs with a shrug as he acquiesces.
"Yeah, but I definitely don't want to stir up any trouble. Oh, I got it!" you clap your hands together when a bolt of inspiration smacks you with the most glorious divination.
"Why don't we stop by Central Park? There's tons of space there for Akamaru to run around, and there will be plenty of other dogs there."
"We came all this way just to see a park?" Kiba asked incredulously, a baffled tone that reeked of innocent cluelessness.
"It's not just a park," you respond with a snarky chide, "It's the park around here. Trust me, you'll thank me later."
"Well, how could I possibly say 'no' to that? C'mon Akamaru, let's get ready to go!" Akamaru bellows out an excited howl as he jumps up and dashes over to Kiba's side.
Hand in hand you and Kiba leave your hotel room, ready for an exciting day out in the city. The morning sun's rays glistening in the dew drops that cover the scattered blades of grass poking through the slabs of sidewalk beneath your feet. Even in this veritable concrete jungle that you used to call home there were a handful of reminders that nature flourished just outside of the city's borders. Today, though, you were going to experience the majesty of the wilds from the comforts of your old stomping grounds.
"Before we head over to Central Park, let's pick up some breakfast," you suggest while looking up at Kiba.
"Sure, what do you recommend, princess?" Kiba responded with a smile on his face.
"We have to get bagels." you reply instantaneously, almost as if you'd rehearsed the line beforehand.
"Bagels?" The change in his voice's inflection exposed his lingering uncertainty.
"The freshest and most delicious bagels you'll ever eat,"  you reply while tugging on his jacket ever so slightly, trying to nudge him into agreement. He could sense your insistence on the matter, so he chose to abandon any attempts at protesting. You did concede by promising to stop by a pet store first to pick up breakfast and some treats for Akamaru before you made your way to your favourite bagel shop.
"Can I have a taylor ham, egg, and cheese on a sesame seed bagel? Toasted, please. Hold the ketchup." you holler out your order to the worker behind the counter. They give you a tacit nod and get to work on your breakfast.
Kiba, impressed by the innate skill with which you ordered, had a perplexed look of confusion on his face as he read the menu to himself.
"What is a bagel with 'lox'?" he asks while pointing to a picture on the laminated paper in front of him.
"Lox is salt-cured, smoked salmon. If you want something less salty I'd recommend the nova lox," you respond while gesturing towards the display cases in front of you.
"I never would have thought to try cream cheese and smoked salmon together. You sure do have some silly customs, princess." Kiba glances up from the menu to meet your steely gaze.
"Hey, don't knock it till you've tried it," you reply with a subdued grin, trying to subtly goad him into action.
"You know what? Maybe I will try it. Hey mister, give me one of those lox bagels."
"You have to tell him what kind of bagel and if you want it toasted or not," you whisper to Kiba covertly, so as not to draw too much attention from the other people in the shop.
"What kinds of bagels are there?" Kiba responded with a puzzled expression on his face.
"So many different kinds, you've got sesame seed bagels, onion bagels, egg bagels, french toast bagels, cinnamon raisin bagels..." you prattle off the list you'd committed to memory years ago when you used to work in a bagel shop, "and we can't forget about the everything bagel."
"The 'everything bagel'?" Kiba said with an emphasis on the second word, a questioning tone in his voice.
"Yes, it has a bunch of different toppings. It's one of my personal favourites," you say as the reminiscent taste of the culinary delight tickles the basal ganglia in your neocortex.
"Sounds good, I'll have those of those everything bagels with lox, sir," Kiba calls out to the worker across the counter.
"Toasted, please," you respond without a moment's hesitation. "Trust me," you murmur in Kiba's direction, "you'll thank me later."
After grabbing breakfast you gluttonously unwrap the foil around your glutenous delicacy and devour it in a few bites. "Best bagels in the whole damned world. You can't get them like this anywhere else," you mutter under your breath.
"Wow, this is actually pretty tasty," Kiba says while enjoying generous mouthfuls of his bagel sandwich with gusto, "So you really got to eat like this every day when you used to live here?"
"Mhm. The food was just one of the many perks of living close to the city," you recall as you look up at Kiba while he finishes his breakfast with a few final chomps.
"The tap water here is also divine," you continue on as you feel the familiar and distinct taste of the scrumptious cocktail on the tip of your tongue.
"Oh, what makes it better than the water back in Konoha?" Kiba says as he promptly brushes some crumbs off of his cheeks.
"It might not be kosher, but there's tiny crustaceans called 'copepods' living in the water. They make it extra delicious," you muse as you bring your hand up to your chest with a dainty flourish.
"Crustaceans?" You could see the hamster wheel in Kiba's head spinning extra rapidly as he repeated the word back to you.
"Y'know, like shrimp? Think of it as getting an added bonus on top of the hydration, a special little treat."
"Aren't shrimp bugs?" Kiba responds with a mildly disgruntled tone in his voice.
"No, they're not. Besides, it's extra protein," you chuckle as you flex your arm to show off your biceps, "I thought you were all about bulking up. Or maybe I'll be able to bench more than you if we stay here long enough." You look over from your muscles to Kiba as you see a glint of fire ignite in his eyes.
"Is that a challenge I hear, princess?" The playful yet amorous undertones in his voice can't  help but make you smile, the most presumptuous grin overtaking your countenance.
"You never turn down a challenge, I hear." The self-satisfied look on your face as you realize that you just beguiled him into implicitly promising to stay hydrated is priceless.
"You're damned right I don't. Now hand over that water," Kiba says as he reaches for the bottle in your purse. He takes the biggest gulp imaginable before letting out a boastful exhale.
You judiciously choose to withhold the fact that the water in the bottle he just drank from isn't NYC tap water, instead lightly tugging on his jacket to grab his attention.
"C'mon, let's take the subway to Central Park. I can't wait to show you around," you beamed affectionately in his direction.
"Alright, princess, lead the way," he said as made an exaggerated motion with his hand, sweeping across the stretch of space in front of you with an affable cheerfulness.
You intertwine your fingers with his as you lead the charge to the nearest subway station. You already have your credit card out of your wallet and in your other hand, ready to tap the both of you in without hesitation. A few minutes later and you pass through the Times Square turnstiles with a lithe airiness.
"Times Square is way more impressive at night. We'll come back here later," you assure Kiba as you gently pull on the arm of his jacket, leading him confidently to the 1 Line.
Kiba looks around at all of the signs surrounding you with a confused expression on his face. He didn't even have to say a word before you responded with, "We're taking the 1 train. C'mon, this way."
You could hear a familiar tune echoing throughout the corridors of the subway station. There were a few musicians set up nearby, belting out a harmonious tune while reenacting a few scenes from a particular music video you were very well acquainted with.
"Are we going uptown or downtown?"
"Uptown," you respond without a modicum of doubt in your voice.
"Heh, I guess you're a real uptown girl," Kiba responds with a smug assuredness in his tone.
"Oh hush, you." You could already tell where this conversation was going the second he uttered those words, the chorus of the nearby performers no doubt spurring on his unusually quirky behavior today.
"Y'know, when you're walking you're looking so fine-ine-ine," Kiba began in a singsong voice, "and when you're talking you just know I love it when you say you're mine-ine-ine."
Kiba knew how much you loved the classics, and he couldn't help himself but tease you whenever the opportune situation arose. Two could play at that game though, no one knew the lyrics to your favourite songs better than you.
"Despite your appearance, you're not so tough," you jest back at Kiba with a rhythmic cadence, "just because you're in love with an uptown girl."
"Someday when my ship comes in, maybe you'll understand what kind of guy I've been," he says as he twirls you around the subway station. After he catches you in his arms you share a rather short but passionate kiss. You so fervently wish that this fleeting moment could last longer, but you realize that the two of you have drawn in quite the crowd of your own with your display.
As the awareness of the situation sets in you hastily straighten up your clothes a bit and give a silent nod to the musicians, one of whom flashes Kiba a thumbs-up before going back to performing.
"Well, that was fun." The pheromones were practically radiating off of Kiba's skin at this point. You could feel their brilliant presence circulating through the air, ensnaring you in a covert trap from which there was no easy escape. The only thing keeping you grounded right now was your ever-increasing embarrassment, accumulating at catastrophically high levels.
"C'mon, weren't you gonna show me that park?" Kiba's voice cuts through the awkwardness like a hot knife through the butter of your soul.
"It's not just that park." You would be more exasperated if you weren't so grateful for this man's severe lack of decorum. This brief reprieve from the embarrassment was fortunately enough for you to strengthen your resolve.
"It's called Central Park, and we should get going before we miss another train," you implore as you clutch Kiba's hand in your own once more and motion towards the nearby staircase with a beseeching look.
"Alright, let's do this!" Kiba exclaims as he jubilantly scampers throughout the station, holding onto your hand tightly as you approach the platform together.
"We're going to get off at 72nd Street," you instruct as you walk onto the train with Kiba, Akamaru shadowing you both, closely in tow.
"You know where you're going, right? I'll just be following you anyways. Ha ha ha," Kiba roars as you shake your head with the slightest hint of reproach. Although, could you have honestly expected anything else from this man? His unbridled confidence touched every aspect of his life, and that included his faith in you, his girlfriend. It honestly was a nice change of pace, him letting you take the lead for once and giving you the opportunity to take him along for a wild ride.
As the brakes of the train car screech and the incomprehensible garble of the conductor flowed through the airwaves with a thick discordance you look up at Kiba to let him know that this is your stop. You hop off the train with a buoyant leap and guide your love through the station and onto the street.
"Alright, it's just a few blocks down this way," you say as you turn to the right, your voice filled with an unrivaled exuberance.
"Y'hear that, Akamaru? We're almost there!" Akamaru lets out an excited yelp as he ambles alongside Kiba.
The lavish hues of the foliage take over the scenery as you draw closer to your destination. Splotches of yellows and oranges dotted the landscape with their wistful presence, a beautiful yet melancholy reminder of the transitory nature of life. As the seasons change in an unrelenting cycle so do the myriad creatures that call these woods home. No doubt there were new generations of fauna living here since you last visited, but the unabating feeling of wonder you experienced every single time you entered the park was the same as always.
"And here we are," you announce as you sensually extend your hand, sweeping it across the air with a fluid and rhythmical motion.
"W...Wow," is all Kiba manages to stammer out as he takes in the sights of the park. You could hardly blame him for being awestruck, you were the same exact way the first time you visited Central Park.
You did want to make the most out of the limited daylight hours, especially this time of year, so you volunteered your hand to him once again. Seeing you summon him with such a genial expression was enough to snap Kiba out of his trance. You interlaced your fingers together as you began your late morning journey, a grandiose gala that was sure to bewitch and delight.
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You're greeted by an enormous pergola with a plethora of plants twisting and tangling every which way as they adorned the top and sides of the wooden structure. You stroll under splendid architecture with a light step, the cool breeze caressing your cheeks with its slithering zephyrs. It was a mite frigid this time of year, but you always preferred the chill of autumn over the scorching heat of summer.
As you pass under the tendrils trembling in the wind you turn to Kiba and tell him, "Before we go any further you have to put Akamaru on a leash."
"What? Wait, why?" You could hear consternation in the timbre of his voice.
You point over to a nearby sign with a cautious finger. "DOGS MUST BE LEASHED" was printed in bold, capitalized letters. "Sorry, it's just customary around here to keep your pets leashed."
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"Akamaru's not just a pet, he's family!" Kiba protests reluctantly before begrudgingly acquiescing.
"I know, I know. But we don't want to get kicked out by a police officer," you shrug as you hand over the leash you prepared in advance.
"Who do you think you're talking to, princess? There's no way they'd arrest me!" Kiba proudly exclaims as he lets out a roaring laugh.
"They can and will in this jurisdiction. I don't think Eric Adams will appreciate an officer overstepping his authority."
"The mayor of New York City. He used to be a NYPD police captain. He's not as lenient as Kōtarō is, so I wouldn't press your luck." You shake your head as you let out a disheartened sigh.
"Alright, fine. Sorry Akamaru, I'll make it up to you later," Kiba says as he hesitantly attaches the leash to the crimson collar around Akamaru's neck.
"I was going to keep this a surprise for later, but there's a big area where Akamaru can run around freely. We just have to make sure he's on a leash when we're walking on the pathways," you offer up your condolences to Kiba with a hushed sigh.
"Sweet! How's about we go there first then?" You can feel the enthusiasm in Kiba's voice as he perks back up, almost instantaneously.
"Hah, I had a feeling you'd say that. Well lucky for you we're pretty close to the area. C'mon, let's go this way," you say as you start jogging with a sprightly sprint. Kiba, infected by your vivacity, energetically follows along with Akamaru by his side.
You make your way to a fenced in clearing where dozens of people are playing with their pups, each engrossed in their own spheres of jubilation. The microcosms before you serve as a testament to the bond that each human shares with their pet, their precious and irreplaceable family members.
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As you enter the field with Kiba you unhook Akamaru's leash from his collar. Kiba hollers out a brisk, "Let's go, Akamaru," as he runs across the grassy meadow with reckless abandon.
You decide to sit down on a nearby boulder and watch the two of them frolic together, your heart filling with joy as each passing second ticks by. You're not sure how long they spend playing together, and you honestly wouldn't care if your entire day consisted of this. The bliss you feel from watching your love as happy as he can be is all you could ever ask for.
The sun continues its journey across the sky, its rays filling your cheeks with a radiant warmth as it illuminates the world before you. You see Kiba and Akamaru scampering in your direction, drawing closer with each mirthful stride. You hear the damp earth squelch under their treads as they make their way to your side once more.
"Whew, what a workout," Kiba pants as he plops down next to you on the boulder. "I think I'm about ready to move onto the next area now. I got all of my cardio in for the day."
"We'll have to leash Akamaru again. Are you okay with that?" you ask Kiba while tenderly nudging some of the long, slightly moist strands of dark brown hair stuck to the sides of face.
"Yeah, I think we've had our fun for today. Right, Akamaru?" As Kiba looks over to Akamaru he's greeted by a spirited bark.
"He wants to see more of the park too," Kiba petitions with an imploring pout.
"Alright, if you insist. Let's get going then," you announce as you stand up, brushing the accumulated dust off of your clothes. "There's some beautiful architecture around here that I'm dying to show you."
"Sounds good to me, your explanations can make even the most boring slabs of rocks appear cool," he clamorously laughs as he fastens Akamaru's leash once more.
Oh yeah, you made the right decision by not taking him to the Metropolitan Museum of Art today.
You leave the field hand in hand with Akamaru by your side, directing Kiba's attention to the marvelous statues decorating the nearby surroundings.
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Kiba feigns understanding when you attempt to explain the meaning behind the art. As you start elucidating him about Ludwig van Beethoven's life and renowned works Kiba responds with, "Well if this song is supposedly super famous, why is it called 'Symphony Number 5' instead of 'Symphony Number 1'?"
You make a mental note to scratch every museum off of your itinerary once you get back to the hotel. You were an absolute fool to think that for even a fraction, an iota of a second that Kiba would appreciate the masterpieces, the veritable magnum opuses of all time, in the same way that you would. It was best to enjoy those treasures on your own time.
This was fine, though, you each had your own interests and were your own person. It wasn't healthy to lose your own sense of self and personality when you were dating someone else, so a part of you was actually grateful that you shared many differences with Kiba. A core tenant of intimacy is being able to appreciate the idiosyncrasies and distinguishing characteristics of your partner without being engulfed by them.
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"And over here is the Naumburg Bandshell, it's a famous amphitheater where free classical concerts have been performed for the last century," you say as you point towards the magnificent building standing before you.
Kiba tries his best to appear as though he understands what you're trying to explain, but you could see that his focus was waning. You decide to change things up a bit as you offer up a scintillating panacea to the humdrum afflicting his psyche. "Hey, why don't we walk down by the water next? The Bethesda Fountain is simply gorgeous, and there's a great view I'd love to show you."
"I've already got a great view right here," Kiba says with a conceited smirk on his face.
"Oh hush, you." You squeeze his hand with just enough force to let him know you didn't appreciate his jest.
"But yeah, that's a great proposition. That's my princess for you, she's always got the best ideas!" Kiba's eyes beam with a sparkling effervescence as he looks over at you.
As you make your way closer to the Bethesda Terrace, a procession of horse drawn carriages pass in front of you. You can see that Kiba is mystified by the strange occurrence, his mouth agape as he stands there speechless by your side.
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"Oh yeah, I guess this is your first time seeing a cavalcade like this in person. Horses aren't as widely used in Konoha, after all." You look over to see that Kiba's eyes are fixated on one particular carriage nearby. A gorgeous white horse is at the fore of the carriage, lavender and cream coloured flowers adorning the vehicle with an unparalleled vibrance. The velvety seats enticing you with their plum flavored splendor.
"C'mon tiger, you don't even want to know how expensive a ride in one of those is," you say as you gently tug on Kiba's arm before continuing, "Besides, there's a more private location I wanted to show you."
That was all Kiba needed to hear. Without missing a beat he turns around as you walk down the enormous flight of stairs to the bustling plaza area.
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You're welcomed with a surprisingly euphonious cacophony consisting of the hubbub of folks peddling their wares, musicians ardently strumming their instruments, children playfully skipping and exploring their surroundings, and other captivated tourists such as yourselves. You see a married couple taking their wedding photos next to the Bethesda Fountain. The sight can't help but put a smile on your face as you fantasize what your own wedding day with Kiba will be like.
As you promenade around the fountain with a leisurely gait, admiring the elegant and opulent Angel of the Waters statue, you squeeze Kiba's hand ever so slightly to grab his attention.
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"This fountain right here? It commemorates the opening of the Croton Aqueduct. Back in the 1800s it was a pretty big deal since the aqueduct brought the first fresh water into the city."
"So it's because of this lady that you guys have bugs in your water?" Kiba inquires with an amused look on his face.
"For the last time they're crustaceans, not bugs. But yes, she's a symbol of the healing power of clean and fresh water." you say as you shake your head in exasperation.
"What's her number? I'm sure Shino would just love to meet a bug lady," Kiba jives as he tries to repress the laughter inextricably building up in his core.
"I'm going to pretend I didn't just hear that," you utter in a hushed tone as you continue your voyage around the plaza.
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You're greeted by a positively resplendent lake as you finish your trek in the piazza. Verdant hues of green bounce off of the water's surface and nuzzle the cones of your eyes with their virid embrace. Dozens of couples are sitting in rowboats, enjoying their own little slice of heaven as the autumn breeze cavorts indiscriminately throughout the park.
You take a minute to appreciate the view before Kiba offers up a suggestion, "Do you think they allow dogs on those boats?"
"Sadly, they don't. But we can always come back here another time. C'mon the best is yet to come. I need to show you my favourite spot," you assert as you haul Kiba away from the pond, breaking his enchantment with some help from a quick peck on the cheek.
"At least we can walk around the Loeb Boathouse on the way. Actually, we'll have a pretty good view of the rowboats once we make it there." It's true, the vantage point that awaited you was a glorious and secluded perch, an oasis of peace and tranquility that persisted despite being surrounded by the chaos of the city.
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After passing the boathouse you signal to Kiba to take a left turn onto a dirt path. It's a rather unassuming route, in fact it barely resembled a pathway at all. Kiba shoots a perplexed look in your direction, but he's met with a nod of assurance that assuages his lingering doubt.
"We're almost there," you assure him in a comforting tone.
As you shrewdly climb over the winding tree roots, employing a moderate amount of astute judgment with each step you take, you feel Kiba's grip tighten around your hand as he catches himself before almost tumbling to the ground. You help him maintain his balance before letting out a lighthearted taunt, "Looks like you'll be the one falling for me today."
"You got me there. You win this time, princess." He would normally be a little more miffed at your teasing, but today was a special occasion.
"Anddd, we're here," you proclaim as you push away a few stray tree boughs, clearing your line of sight with an upbeat flourish.
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The view that awaited you filled your very soul with an incomparable ebullience, the likes of which you hadn't experienced in years. The vibrant flora, dyed with a multitude of vivid pigments, evoking an insipid sense of both wonder and despondence. The neverending cycle of death and rebirth reflected in the simple elegance of the humble vegetation that dotted the landscape before you.
Why must life always be at its most beautiful right before it ends, a silent inquiry floats in your mind as you admire the leaves fluttering in the zephyrs. Or maybe it's because life ends that we can appreciate the transient resplendence that envelops all living beings.
The dichotomy of the lush trees juxtaposed with the skyscrapers off in the distance gives you chills. The tops of the buildings kiss the afternoon sky with their steely indifference, in stark contrast to the rich verdure, an effluence of life and vitality holding on with a tight grip. It was still early into the season, and the blissfully unaware plants around you exuded an infectious zest for life.
"Wow," is the only thing Kiba manages to murmur as the two of you stand together, enjoying the view.
"Why don't we sit down and enjoy some lunch?" you suggest as you rustle in your bag for the bentos that you prepared last night during your bout of insomnia.
"I'd love to, princess!" You can hear the excitement in Kiba's voice as he graciously accepts your offer.
You elegantly place a blanket down, gingerly putting the bento boxes on top of it before standing back up and beckoning Kiba to come closer. As he draws nearer you reach out your arm, placing it around his back and pulling him in so that you can plant a smooch on his cheek. How many seconds did you leave your lips there? 10? 30? Time has no meaning when you're spending it enraptured by your lover's presence.
Kiba put his arms around your waist, embracing you with a lascivious greediness that you were all too familiar with. As you draw your face back and look into his glistening eyes you could see the salacious undertones in his visage.
You finally had a moment of respite from the crowds, the throngs of people that were an irrefutable fact of the city, so why not give into temptation a little bit?
You lead the charge by placing one of your hands behind Kiba's head so you could push his face a little closer to your own. You then seductively press your lips against his with a passionate fervor. He returns your efforts in spades by forcing his tongue into your mouth, tickling your gums at a rhythmical pace. He traces the outlines of your teeth with his tongue while bringing one of his arms up further on your back so he can squeeze you closer to his chest.
You can't help but let a few erotic moans escape from your core as you desperately try to hold onto your sense of propriety. You are in a public park, after all.
Kiba then releases your lips from his own so that he can redirect his attention to your neck. He knows how sensitive you are there, and he can't help but arouse your lust by using his expertise regarding your intimate intricacies against you. After a brisk crack of his neck he swoops in with a carnal ferocity and begins sucking and nibbling on your neck.
You can barely contain yourself at this point, choosing to relinquish any remnants of discretion you had left. Your nails vigorously claw at the skin of his back, leaving scarlet marks in their wake. He reciprocates your zeal by pressing his canines into your soft and supple flesh with enough force to draw blood. You could feel the dizziness that accompanied the sensation of blood loss overtake your consciousness, you find yourself drifting helplessly in the red sea of emotion. Kiba pridefully stands at the helm, navigating your vessel any which way he sees fit.
You absolutely loved the feeling of being putty in Kiba's strong hands, loved it when he molded you into the breathtaking muse of his deepest desires. The varnish that you cloaked yourself in most days was all too easily expunged by his charisma and inexplicable charm.
As Kiba continues to gnaw on your neck the burning pressure building up inside of you becomes unbearable. You can't stop yourself from whimpering out his name, "Ki-kiba."
He temporarily stops the assault on your neck to whisper in your ear, "I love it when you say my name, princess."
At this point you were seeing shimmering stars in your vision, an aural migraine consisting of squiggles waltzing amongst the leaves in an unrelenting deluge. It couldn't be helped, every time Kiba stimulated your corporeal desires you could feel the frenzy overtaking your psyche. There was nothing that could be done, so you might as well enjoy the ride.
Kiba returns his focus to your neck once more, this time channeling his energy into sucking rather than biting. You could feel the damp sensation of his saliva as it mixed with the droplets of your blood. Audible slurps mixed with the canorous howls of pleasure saturated your eardrums and satiated your indecent cravings with the sweetest ambrosia.
As he releases your skin from its prurient penitentiary he takes a minute to admire the rather huge and splotchy hickey you were now sporting. "Good," he simpers with a self-satisfied grin, "Now everyone will know that you're spoken for."
Kiba always did have a thing for marking you, and honestly, you were into it too. Wearing his love and adoration for you on your very flesh was such a turn on. If you weren't in public you might have asked him to partake in a little mid-afternoon watersports with you, but that could be saved for later. Oh right, you were in public.
As soon as the thought crossed your mind you heard the footsteps of someone approaching, no it was two people. Another couple saunters past Kiba and you, causing you to hide your flushed face by pressing it into Kiba's chest. Kiba chuckles a little bit when he sees how flustered you are.
"You're so fuckin' cute when you blush." You could hear a guffaw vibrating in his chest as he said those words.
"S-s-shut up," is all that you manage to stutter out.
You honestly wish you could stay like this forever in his arms, but you were unceremoniously interrupted by the rather embarrassing rumblings of your stomach.
"What's that, princess? Don't tell me you're hungry." The lighthearted jest deepens the crimson hue that was overwhelming your cheeks. You aren't able to give a response to Kiba because of your current predicament. Instead you choose to bury your face even further into his chest.
After around a minute or so like this Kiba gently takes a step back and crouches down a bit so he's closer to your level. "Whaddya say we have some lunch, princess?" he asks in a mild and soothing tone. You're able to squeak out a meager, "Mhm," as you shake your head in accordance. 
You sit down next to Kiba, cozying up next to him as you hand him one of the bento boxes. As he opens it up he has the biggest grin on his face.
"Wow, you made all this just for me?" he remarks smugly, already knowing the answer to his rhetorical question.
Another "Mhm," escapes your lips as you try to avert your sheepish gaze, a sincere but futile attempt at modesty. The man knows everything about you, there's no reason to be so timid right now. Maybe it was because there was an audience right now, but the other couple was on the far side of the boulder, and they were too busy making out to pay heed to anything else. You were merely giving yourself excuses to not give into your temptation.
A quick bite to your bottom lip helps you snap out of  your daze. If you were going to make your move, this would be the perfect time. You can't let your reservations hold you back, not on today of all days.
"Hey Kiba," you manage to blurt out, "do you want me to maybe... feed you?"
"Feed me?" Kiba repeats with an astonished yet pleased look on his face, "You're damned right I want you to feed me." After a short pause he follows up with, "Wow, you're being so forward today, princess. Gotta say, I'm digging the vibes."
That sassy leer on his face was all of the affirmation that you needed. You could already tell what he was going to say before a single word was uttered from those gorgeous lips of his.
"Alright then," you instruct Kiba as you grab your chopsticks and pick up an octopus weiner, "say 'Ah.'"
"Ahhh~" the whimsical manner in which he responds can't help but make you chortle a smidge as he chomps down on the flavorful morsel that you so diligently prepared earlier this morning.
A few more bites and now it's time for the rolled omelette. You made today's batch extra sweet because you know that's how he likes it even if he swears to the contrary. You intersperse some white rice in between his mouthfuls of omelette to mix things up a bit. The next thing on the menu is a delicious salad you tossed together with some walnuts, almonds, and cranberries. This is always Kiba's least favourite part of lunch, but you purposefully added a few different textures in there so he won't protest as much as usual.
To your surprise, he gobbles everything down with a voracious  appetite, savoring every crumb of food, even the grains of rice. If only he'd clean his plate like this when you were back at home.
"Mmm," he moans with a euphoric expression on his face, "my compliments to the chef."
"Now are you ready for your dessert?" you seductively wink as you proposition your man.
"There's more?" he responded with a curious inflection in his voice, "Of course I'm fuckin' ready, let's go, baybee."
You let out a flirtatious giggle as you hold up your index finger to your lips. "Shhh, it's a secret. You'll just have to wait and see what I have in store."
"Ugh. You're such a little vixen, you know that?" he shoots back at you, emphasizing his frustration at your provocations.
"Yeah, I know." You stick out your tongue, your index finger perched on your chin now while you relish in your brattiness, "It'll be that much sweeter the longer you have to wait, trust me."
"So fuckin' naughty," he shakes his head a bit, but his genuine intrigue stops him from complaining too much.
The dearth of objections emboldens your resolve. You decide to give another saucy response to Kiba, "If you're a good boy today, I'll add a little cherry on top of your dessert."
"Now you're talkin' my language, princess," he says as he reaches over to claw at the skin on your exposed thighs with his sharp nails.
"But first, I think it's time for my lunch." You were so caught up with feeding Kiba you completely neglected to eat any of your own bento.
"How's about I reciprocate 'n feed ya, then?" Kiba stressed his syllables in the word "reciprocate," trying his hardest to pronounce the word correctly. You appreciate his efforts, even if he sounds a tad silly at times.
"I'd love that, actually," you reply while handing your bento box over to him.
"Alright, here comes the train say 'choo choo'." Kiba lifts up some of the rice along with one of the octopus weiners with the chopsticks and brings it closer to your mouth.
You respond with a "When leaving the train, please watch the gap," in a robotic voice before taking a bite of the culinary creation. With your mouth partially full you chuckle, "Sorry, it's a Jersey girl thing."
"I'll never get tired of your silly jokes, even if I don't quite understand them. Oh, what's this? It looks like you got a little something over here, let me just..." Kiba says as he leans in and licks the corner of your mouth, pressing his tongue further and further in with each passing second. It looks like what you're actually hungry for today isn't on the menu. You let yourself give into the temptation as you run your fingers through his luscious locks and return his kiss with a passionate and fiery reckless abandon.
You leisurely cuddle with Kiba from the comfort of your secluded refuge for quite a long while before deciding that it's about time you make good on your promise. He's spent this past hour playing with your hair while periodically sniffing it, massaging your shoulders gently, and dragging his nails softly over your thick thighs, occasionally licking your neck when the mood strikes.
You wish you could stay like this for eternity, but there's still more you want to show him, so you muster up the motivation to pack up your empty bento boxes as you turn your body slightly to face him.
"I think it's almost time for dessert, you in?" you enquire with a salacious beckon of your finger.
"Hell yeah, I'm in!" Before you knew it the blanket and bento boxes were packed neatly away into your bag. If Kiba had a puppy dog tail it'd be wagging with so much unbridled enthusiasm that it would very well knock you right off your feet and into the lake. Thankfully, the only dog you had to concern yourself with today was Akamaru. He spent the past hour napping closeby, curled up a meter or so away from Kiba.
 "Let's get going!" you exclaim as a sudden wave of confidence washes over you and you pump your fist into the air triumphantly.
Hand in hand once more, you lead Kiba back to the clandestine pathway and out to the main road. You take a few turns before arriving at The Ramble, a section of Central Park that you absolutely adored because of its rustic and scenic charm.
There were so many winding paths to choose from, it was hard to decide which one to follow first. You knew the general direction that you wanted to go in, so you let lady luck be your guiding light as you arbitrarily turned left then right before making one final left at the fork in the road. The beauty of Central Park was that all of these paths were connected, so there were no wrong decisions to be made.
This endless maze of wonder fascinates you to no end. You could easily spend all day traversing these meandering trails, engrossed in the splendor of nature. No doubt you would leave fulfilled and fully satisfied after a long walk through these woods, but you had a guest today who was not as easily gratified. As you pass over a quaint wooden bridge you're greeted by the comforting sounds of flowing water from a nearby brook.
You decide that this is the perfect time to slow down your pace a bit before coming to a standstill, Kiba mimicking your stride and stopping by your side as you bring his attention to the gigantic boulder standing before you. 
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"Race you to the top?" you ask as you glance over, looking for affirmation despite already knowing what his response will be.
"Oh it's on, princess." Kiba answered without a moment's hesitation. You could see his body stiffen ever so slightly as he begins to prepare himself for the sprint of a lifetime. You loosen your grip on Kiba's hand as it tenderly floats away.
You ready yourself by inhaling slowly through your nose and out through your mouth before lightly slapping your cheeks with your hands. You tense up the muscles in your legs and core, shifting your focus from Kiba to the finish line. You spiritedly call out a "3, 2, 1.... GO!" and with that you're both off.
You can see Kiba being extra flashy on purpose, jumping from the nearby tree branches no doubt in an attempt to impress you. You decide to concentrate your efforts on finding the shortest path to your destination, being mindful of the obstacles in your way. You easily hop over the small rocks jutting out of the ground, a few steps to the right and you're able to avoid that low hanging tree branch. A counter clockwise 45 degree turn and the home stretch descends upon you with a breakneck velocity.
As you take the last steps before you reach your goal Kiba drops down from a nearby tree bough, swiping victory out of your grasp with one final, vehement thud as the full weight of his body lands on the rock with an impressive amount of force. He vigorously throws his hands up to do a little victory pose while you take a moment to catch your breath.
"You," you take a second to inhale before continuing your statement, "You win, Kiba."
"Of course I win. Now where's my prize?" Kiba nudges you as he shoots you an expectant gaze.
"Right here," you say as you leap up to give him an affectionate hug. He catches you in his arms and hoists your legs up so he can princess carry you. You place one of your arms around the back of his neck, resting your hand on his shoulder blade. You then close your eyes shut and pucker your lips before you're greeted by the unmistakable feeling of his lips fondly pressing against your own. After a few seconds he begins to slide his tongue into your mouth, filling it once again with his succulent saliva. You can't help but squeal with delight when one of his hands finds its way to your breast, stroking it with a rhythmical tempo.
You can feel the heat build up inside your core once again as Kiba continues to fondle you while you squirm in pleasure. Oh, how dearly you wish that he would go one step farther right now. You can feel a wet spot begin to form in your crotch as he continues his onslaught. No, you couldn't let your wanton desires get the best of you, not in public. But there was still that part of you that wanted this to not only carry on, but escalate into something even more licentious.
As you wriggle in Kiba's arms you manage to free yourself from his smooches long enough to let out a, "Ki-kiba, we're still in public! What if someone sees us?"
He withdraws his troops when he hears your feeble cries of protest, responding with a "Sorry, you're just so fuckin' cute, I can't help myself."
You flash a superficial pout at him as you try to redirect his attention by saying, "You know what else is cute? This view. Take a look over there."
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You could see the lake from earlier poking through the gaps in the lush vegetation that surrounded you. There were still a decent number of couples enjoying boat rides together, but the sun was past its apex in the sky and the slightest tinge of twilight began to overtake the sky. The brilliant yellows and oranges vibrate with a staunch temerity as they hang onto the trees for dear life while the cool autumn breezes assails their stalks. The handsome architecture of the buildings in the distance made for a lovely sight when compared with the contrasting abundance of nature filling the foreground.
"I don't know if I'd call it 'cute,' but the view sure is nice," Kiba replies before shifting his focus back to you. "But the best view? It's right here in my arms."
"Oh stop, hon. You're making me blush," you chirp as you unsuccessfully try to conceal your flushed cheeks with your hand.
 "Awww, don't cover up your pretty little face from me. C'mon, I wanna see all of my girl." Kiba flashes you a warm smile that makes it feel as if you're melting in real time, disintegrating into a puddle of emotions.
If a stranger saw you right now you'd probably die from the sheer embarrassment.
It takes you a while, but you're finally able to give Kiba a response that will both satisfy him and rescue you from your current predicament. "See all of me? Well we better get going if you want that wish to come true."
That was all you needed to say. Kiba lovingly brings your legs down so you can hop to the ground. You then grab his hand with a precise and swift motion before intertwining your fingers together once more. With great haste, the two of you continue the last leg of your journey.
"Alright, so you're going to absolutely love this final location." Just thinking about the breathtaking view from the top of the castle you were planning on taking Kiba to sends a shiver down your spine.
"As long as I'm with you, any place is amazin'." You could hear the sincerity oozing out of his voice as he spoke those words.
"So, where I'm taking you is actually the second highest point in all of Central Park. The building there was designed to be a lookout tower, and it was even used as a weather station at one point. It's hard to explain how incredible the Belvedere is with just words, but you'll understand what I mean when you see it for yourself." You do your best to explain about Belvedere Castle without letting it slip that it's actually a castle. You know that Kiba will absolutely lose his mind and start calling you 'princess' incessantly when he realizes the truth.
As you approach the Belvedere and you're able to catch glimpses of its stony façade you brace yourself for the inevitable comments that are sure to follow. You could almost see the neurons in Kiba's brain firing extra hard when he comprehends just where you took him.
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"Is that... a castle?" The incredulous tone in his voice was like a mellifluous symphony to your ears.
"Yes, yes it is." Your reply is filled with a smug self-assurance, growing stronger by the second.
"Princess, you just brought me to a castle? I can't believe my princess brought me to an actual castle. I don't know what I was expecting, but this was not it." Kiba, paralyzed by his bewilderment, holds his hand up to his dazed face, too stunned to do or say anything else until he hears your voice. "Yup, welcome to Belvedere castle, the pièce de résistance of our date today."
You take a second to admire the flabbergasted look on his face before continuing, "C'mere, you gotta see this view!"
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You pull Kiba a little closer to your body, guiding him to the lookout area. "Over there is Turtle Pond. There are five different species of turtles that call this pond their home. Some of the turtles are actually former pets and are considered invasive species. It's not winter yet, but when it gets colder out the turtles burrow into the mud at the bottom of Turtle Pond."
"So you guys have turtles and bugs living in the water here?" Kiba was able to shake off his befuddlement with some assistance from your long-winded explanations. For once, your propensity to being unnecessarily verbose came in handy when it came to dealing with Kiba.
"For the last time they're not bugs, they're crustaceans!" You would be more upset with Kiba if you weren't so relieved that he was back to his usual self.
"Anyways, wow, now I know why you were hyping up this park so much. It's absolutely stunning. Almost more impressive than me, ah hah ha. Almost." Kiba let out a roaring, boisterous howl as you can't help but smile at your boyfriend's rather stale and contrived witticisms.
"Y'know what would be even better though?" Kiba releases his hand from yours and starts stroking the hairs on his chin with a glint in his eyes.
"If we snuck up to the top of the castle and had our own private viewing session," Kiba said while giving you a lewd wink.
"But what about Akamaru?" you reach for any excuse to not give into the temptation.
"Akamaru will be fine by himself. Won'tcha, buddy?" Akamaru barks out a somewhat tired yet affirmative yelp. He lazily meanders over to a corner next to the castle and curls up in a comfortable position.
Drat. There goes your only valid excuse.
"Well that settles that." You could see a wicked grin forming on Kiba's face. "May I have the honor of one final dance with my princess this evening?"
You hesitantly extend your hand once more while shaking your head languidly in consent.
"But how are we going to get up ther- '' Your words are cut short by Kiba promptly sweeping you up into his arms, deftly maneuvering your body until he's princess carrying you yet again.
"You don't have to worry your pretty little head about that. I got it." A boastful roar erupts from his chest as he effortlessly cavorts around the castle to the back side, all while holding onto you with a virulent amount of hubris. A few confident leaps later and you're both on the roof of the castle.
He carefully puts you down, but only after passionately kissing your neck in the same spot where the dappled mixture of ribald reds and indecent purples endure with a risqué persistence. A stifled moan escapes your lips during this debacle with debauchery. Kiba's keen sense of hearing is omniscient, there's no way you can lead him astray while you're mewling like a cat in heat.
"Damn, you weren't kidding. This has gotta be the best view in this whole damned park." Kiba ogles at your body through the rectangle he's made with his thumbs and index fingers, pretending as if he were a famous artist getting ready to paint his muse.
"A little to the left, anddd perfect." A sly smirk emerges on his face as he slowly undresses you with his intense stare, deliberately and unhurriedly devouring your scrumptious curves with his eyes.
If there was any time to act, it would be now. You decide to discard your dignity and throw any remnants of your sense of decorum off the rooftop and into Turtle Pond as you offer up a flirtatious, "I know what will make this view even better."
"Oh, and what's that? Pray tell, princess." The sultry tone in which he says those words makes your heart flutter in pure, unadulterated ecstacy.
"Y'see, I'm feeling a bit stuffy in this dress," it's true you were feeling hot and bothered, "I could use a little help if you don't min-"
Before you could finish your proposal Kiba was already clawing at the tulle on your poofy halter dress, untying the straps with an unparalleled, feral intensity. As the straps haphazardly fall to your sides Kiba ravenously lifts the skirt portion of your dress over your head with one hasty but fluid motion. The rose gold garment is then unceremoniously tossed to the side as Kiba shifts his focus to your lusciously appetizing bare breasts. You never did like wearing bras, especially when there wasn't that much that needed support anyways.
"No bra again, princess? I love to see it. Or rather, not see it." Kiba begins to suggestively lick his lips as he rubs his hands together while emitting a mischievously naughty growl.
As your dress cascades to the ground next to you, let out a hedonistic chortle as you tempt Kiba with a, "Ready for your dessert, sugar?"
"D'ya even have to ask? Of course I'm ready," Kiba snarls those words in your ear as he slithers his hand down your body, stopping at your pelvic region. "I think there's just one more preparation we have to make first."
You place your own hand on top of his and guide him as he hooks his thumb under the waistband of your panties, stepping out of them gracefully as he yanks at the flimsy cotton with a carnal brutality. He brings the cloth up to his face to take a whiff before flinging them off to the side with an unrestrained fervour.
You then take a few steps back so you can perch yourself on a nearby wooden crate. You beckon to him with an alluring gesture, your index finger slightly twitching from all of the excitement. "This evening we'll be starting with a mouthwatering vegan friendly delicacy, followed up by the most delectable creampie."
"Does that mean what I think it means?" The inferno burning in Kiba's eyes scorches through every fibre of your being with its intensity, leaving a wasteland of charred and overloaded neurons in its wake.
"It sure does. Bon appétit, mon amour."
Kiba strides over with a heightened sense of purpose and bellows out a brisk, "Itadakimasu!" before shovelling his tongue into your quivering folds. With a gluttonous gusto he begins to greedily lap up your juices, savouring every drop. You whine in pleasure as he swirls his tongue in messy circles around your clit. The warmth building up in your core overtakes your sense of judgement as you helplessly squirm under the weight of his tongue, your panting becomes more audible by the second.
Kiba magnanimously decides to offer you a short reprieve when he temporarily halts his bombardment on your labia, looking up at you for confirmation, "You ready for the second course, princess?"
You're not quite able to form complete sentences right now, but you are able to give him a brisk nod along with a bashful, "Yes, pleaseee."
This time he brings his hand up to your trembling lips, stroking them with tender caresses as he expertly works his tongue into your vaginal opening. His fingers instinctively find your clit without hesitation, a light but purposeful touch that stimulates every cell in your being with an electrifying impulse. You have to admit, his dexterity is honestly amazing. No other guy you've been with before knows your body the way Kiba does.
You can feel the heat radiating throughout your entire body as Kiba continues to slurp up your slick, the fluids from your body intermingling with his saliva and morphing into a crude concoction of lustful desire. As you feel the indescribable pressure begin to build up, your whimpers begin to compound until you find yourself uncontrollably moaning his name.
"Kibaaa." The syllables escaping your lips are the sweetest honey, the most delicious topping on his dessert that he could ever ask for.
He pushes his tongue in deeper and deeper, every moan that he hears encouraging him to explore more of your cavern. He also stealthily increases the pressure he's applying against your clit the more you squirm. After all, every action must have an equal and opposite reaction, it's a basic principle of physics that applies even to this situation. You can't blame him for responding the way he does when you can't even think straight right now, your mind overrun with lascivious cravings.
"Kiba. Kibaaa," is all you manage to cry out as he takes a brief pause to reply in kind.
"Mmm, say my name again, princess. It drives me absolutely wild."
"I'm so close, Kiba, please don't stop." The urgency in your voice ignites an infernal blaze that can't be expunged until Kiba witnesses your full and complete satisfaction firsthand. A real gentleman always pleases his lady first.
Kiba nods to you in acknowledgement as he takes a moment to lick your juices off of his fingers before pressing his face down once more into your succulent folds. The sensation of his tongue massaging your clit causes the pressure inside of you to build up to critical levels. You don't know how much more of this you can handle before you pass the point of no return. While brushing your clit with measured strokes Kiba brings up his hand one more time and slowly inserts two fingers into your vagina. He steadily increases the frequency of his caresses, tickling your sensitive walls with a sublime proficiency.
"Ahhh, ahhh. Mmm." is all that you're able to mumble.
As his pace quickens, so does your breathing. You're holding onto the last shred of your composure with a single frayed thread that is dangerously close to breaking. All it would take is one final push and- you were unable to complete that thought because at that very moment Kiba pulsated his fingers against your G-spot. Again, there is it. He keeps on pressing up against it. The stimulation becomes too much to handle. You can feel the pressure overpower your senses as you let a tsunami of euphoria wash over you.
Kiba, feeling your throbbing vagina twitch around his fingers, knows that his task is complete. He lets out a "gochisousama deshita," before lifting up his face up to meet your gaze, enjoying every bit of your blissed out expression.
"So good..." you exhale as you feel a wave of peace fill envelop your soul, swathing it with an incomparable serenity.
"I love it when I get to see you like this," Kiba says as he brushes a few strands of hair out of your eyes. "Nothing makes me feel better than making my girl feel like the princess she is."
"Hehe~," you chuckle as you hold Kiba's hand against your cheek, etching this moment into your memory. This was definitely the best place for your first date in the city.
As you push yourself off of the wooden crate you were using for support, you offer up one final suggestion for the evening, "Round two?"
"You don't even have to ask, princess. Let's do this." Kiba moves his hand from your cheek down to your waist and tenderly spins you around so that your rear is facing him. He always was an ass-man. While other men tended to focus on your breasts, or lack thereof, Kiba was all about the "finer things in life." He couldn't resist digging his claws into your behind and taking small nibbles whenever he gave you rim jobs. Seeing him appreciate your assets so enthusiastically thrilled you to no end.
But a rim job wasn't on the menu for today. That's right, there was only one dessert that would sate Kiba's wolfish hunger. The most passionate dessert that a couple can share. And what's more romantic than sharing some creampie while admiring the New York City skyline as the sun sets over the horizon?
"You ready, princess?" You could hear Kiba shuffle around a bit before being greeted by the familiar feeling of the fur trim of his jacket as it brushes against your ankles.
"Fuck yeah, let's do this," you exclaim as you give him a thumbs-up. You weren't able to see his expression since you were facing away from him, but you can imagine the smug look on his face as he slides his rock hard dick into your warm and inviting pussy.
You were already unbelievably wet from your orgasm, so his cock slides in with relative ease. As soon as his dick enters you, a feeling of exhilaration radiates throughout your entire body. With each thrust it feels as if your souls are resonating with each other. The connection you feel when your bodies are this close together is beyond compare, there's nothing else like it in the world.
A few more gyrations of his hips and you become putty once more in his hands. You can feel your essence being molded by the passionate thumps from his cock. Your vagina quivers with excitement as it welcomes every inch of his member into its drenched oasis. The air around you is filled with the squelching sounds of Kiba's dick as it explores your private grotto with reckless abandon.
Kiba periodically quickens and then slows down his pace in order to keep you on your toes. He knows that the variation will drive you absolutely bonkers, and he wants to hear you beg, plead him for more. He purposely slows down the frequency of his thrusts just so he can hear you say it. C'mon aren't you going to say it?
"Kiba," you whimper while holding onto the wooden crate in front of you, "I need more. Give me more. Faster."
And there it is.
"As you command, princess," he happily obliges. Oh, if only you could see his face right now.
Kiba hastens his pace, thrusting into you with a tremendous amount of force. His dick pounds on the inside of your walls as they sway with delight. It feels so good to have him inside of you, especially without a condom. The unrivalled feeling of his dickhead brush against your delicate walls enthralled you beyond words. The sensation of his penis twitching inside you when he came was the greatest feeling in the world.
Normally you'd have to worry about carrying protection with you at all times, but since you were sterilized earlier this year that was one less thing you'd have to concern yourself with. It also meant you could afford to be more spontaneously promiscuous, which drove Kiba absolutely feral. The first night you had sex after recovering from surgery was one of the most passionate lovemaking sessions the both of you ever had. Kiba could see how comfortable you were in your own body after your hysterectomy, and that turned him into a savage, untamed beast when the two of you were alone.
But here you are now, totally not alone. In the middle of Central Park. Fucking your boyfriend.
What have you become? Where was the demure and studious girl who would rather spend her evenings at home instead of galavanting around with a jock who can't even pronounce the word "etiquette", let alone practice it? Have you no shame? I guess you must have tossed that aside when you first started dating Kiba. He always did have a way of bringing out your undomesticated side, you were a girl who secretly wanted to embrace her inner wildcat and just go berserk from time to time. And what's wilder than exhibitionism?
"Umph," you hear Kiba moan from behind you, "I'm getting close, princess."
This was always your favourite part of having sex with Kiba. The moment where your vagina milks him, absorbing every last drop of his cum. This time you felt a little different than usual, though. How long has it been since you last peed? Hours? You did go at the bagel shop, but that was during the morning.
Oh gosh, you think to yourself, he's totally going to make me squirt today. Fuck, I can't believe this is happening to me.
Kiba continues to thrust into you as you feel the intense pressure of your full bladder compound on top of the heat building up inside of your pelvis. Every time he brushes up inside of you, your muscles begin to clench involuntarily. You inch closer and closer to losing control with every gyration of his hips. He slaps your ass a few times before continuing his thrusting.
Kiba then grabs the back of your ponytail so he can bring your neck a little closer to his mouth. When his canines tickle the hickey on your neck you're no longer able to restrain the torrent of warm urine, letting a golden shower rain down on Kiba's jacket. The sensation of wetting yourself sends you over the edge and your walls begin to instinctively clench up as a surge of ecstacy ripples throughout your entire body.
Kiba then lets out a tremendous groan as his dick twitches inside of you and begins ejaculating sticky cum into your vagina, filling it up to the brim. A bit of his cum oozes out of you, mixing with a few droplets of piss as the medley of immorality slides down your legs, a remnant of your grievous sin.
You can hear Kiba exhale deeply as you slowly turn yourself around.
"Sorry about your jacket, I didn't realize until it was too late that I hadn't peed since the morning and-"
Kiba picks up his soiled jacket from the ground and sniffs it with a satisfied look on his face, "Mmm, smells just like my princess."
He puts a hand on your shoulder as he says, "Don't worry about it. I'll just have to use my dynamic marking on you when we get back to the hotel."
No matter how indecent you thought you were, you could always take solace in the fact that Kiba had you beat. This man was always full of surprises, and you couldn't deny that you loved him, not in spite of his degeneracy, but rather for it.
As you pick up your clothes strewn about the castle's roof Kiba quips at you one last time, "So since you drank the water here does that mean your piss had bugs in it?"
"How many times do I have to tell you? Shrimp aren't bugs, they're crustaceans."
You can hear his roaring laughter echoing with that self-assured arrogance that you loved oh so much, even if you'd never admit it. We can't fuel his ego too much now, can we? 
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----- The End -----
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keylovesstuff · 7 months
Omg guys stop what you're doing I actually wrote instead of just playing out scenes in my head lmao!!
Can I offer you guys a little update on this fine Monday?
Little events Ch.2
"Why don't we just let her stay here with us?" Questioned a Green toad from the opposite end of the table.
Toadsworth looked up from an unsearched area on the map and fixated his companion with a perplexed look. It had been three months since the little girl they decided to call Peach wandered through the pipe to their little village. Naturally there were questions from others upon seeing the child the next day and the scouts answered. Toadsworth, being the leader of their group, felt a sense of obligation to get her back home safely. They started their search going through the pipe directly from where she came only to find the town completely abandoned. They weren't expecting to find the area like this and Peach didn't seem to have much of a reaction to the place. Nevertheless they decided to hang around for a while in hopes they would encounter someone looking for the child.
The day came and went without anyone showing up and Peach had started to grow restless as the day grew later. There were only so many things around to keep her entertained. The group returned to their village and for the rest of the week, they came back to the deserted town, even going as far as visiting during different hours of the day. When they saw that routine was going nowhere they pulled out their map and looked for areas where humanlike creatures resided. This method proved to be better but not by much as people who were willing to hear them out didn't know who she was. Now here they are and there is only one place left to go. If nothing comes out of this visit could they really just raise her on their own?
"Absolutely not" Toadsworth raised his voice slightly after causing everyone's eyes to widen "We face enough challenges taking care of our own. The needs of humans are too much" he rationalized to the group and to remind himself.
"Well what do you propose we do if we don't find her a home today?" One Toad raised a hand and asked.
Toadsworth thought about it for a minute and couldn't come up with anything. Before he could say as much another Toad spoke up with an idea.
"We could take her to an orphanage or something... She'll be around other kids and someone who wants her will adopt her" The toad finished and added "Maybe her family's looking for her at one of those places you never know" they added.
The mustache toad considered it for a minute with fingers on his chin. On one hand the thought of just leaving the child alone to be given to just anyone scared him a bit. There was always a chance that the people who would take Peach, not being able to give her the love and life she deserved. Then again, the toads themselves were pretty much taking their own chances with each person they approached offering to give her to because they 'supposedly were or knew her parents' so to an extent the solution was similar. On the other hand no one has done this in their three months yet so he had some faith that whoever would take her would give her the world.
Maybe it had to do with how short of a time they have been caring for her but, Toadsworth has been growing rather fond and protective of Peach. He was starting to think that the longer she resided with them, the harder it would be for him to let her go and return back to his old routine. With that final thought, he came to the conclusion that today had to be the day they found her a new home and family.
"Very well, I'll keep that in mind as we go about our day." He nodded to the toad's suggestion, adjusting his glasses. "Be prepared to leave in thirty minutes. I'll see you gentlemen at the gate" After everyone was dismissed, Toadsworth followed heading straight to the area where all the kids gathered every morning.
Bright blonde hair stuck out like a sore thumb but at the same time she looked so natural sitting in the circle chatting and laughing with the smaller toads. Peach's blue eyes met his beady ones as he approached the group. Wide smile she hopped up from her spot and skipped over to him while nine other kids followed.
"Good morning Mrs Toadsworth" they all greeted him happily. Peach wrapped her arms tightly around his body as if she didn't just see him an hour ago and did the same thing.
"A pleasant morning to you kids as well" he replied while rubbing the top of Peaches head. "You all go back over and finish your breakfast now." He told them after noticing half empty plates of fruit and crackers where they once were.
"Are you taking Peach to another place today?" One of the children asked him as they walked back over to their spot. He nodded in response.
"Can we come too? Peach says you guys always have fun." Another one chimed in with a question of their own.
"Certainly not, you all must stay here and tend to your work." He shook his head as they all sat down in their places. "Besides we don't go to have fun, we're taking her home today" he finished explaining.
"You say that all the time Mr.Toadsworth but she always comes back" yet another child stated in between bites of apple slices.
"Yeah 'sides Peach says she likes us and wants to stay here" a purple spotted toad spoke up as well and Peach nodded along eagerly.
Of course Toadsworth knew that. Days where they didn't go out searching, Peach would always come to him expressing how much fun she had that day with her friends. She'd tell him how she wished she could stay with them all forever. Everytime he bought up the idea of her maybe being happier with people like her, he'd always get a nonchalant 'maybe' before she returned to playing and talking more about the day. He always chalked those moments up to that just being an excited child's attention span but she'd give the same answer when settling down for the night. The kids were still talking to him while he was lost in thought and he only focused back in when another voice joined the conversation.
"Alright kids, let's finish up and stop bombarding Mr.Toadsworth with questions. We got a big day ahead of us." Toadannie sweetly told them while handing over Peach's clean clothes to Toadsworth. "Wouldn't you guys want someone to get you back home if you got lost?" She asked them. Some of the kids shook and nodded their heads.
"No, because my mom and dad always make me eat gross vegetables and go to bed early. My new family wouldn't do that" One of them said and the whole group laughed, some of them agreeing. 
"Ok I hear you all. I'm sure Peach will come and visit us with her family. Right honey" Toadannie asked her and she nodded. "See? Her hair has already been brushed" she directed the last statement to Toadsworth who was going to ask that question next.
"Thank you Ms.Toadannie. let's go now Ms.Peach, we have a big day ahead of us." He cleared his throat and offered his hand to help Peach up. She took it and they waved the other children off as they left to go about their day with Toadannie.
"Do I really have to go home today?" Peach looked up and asked Toadsworth as they headed back to his place.
"That's the plan my dear. We all have a good feeling about today. You're going to love it." He told her in hopes of getting her excited. The desired effect wasn't given.
"If you say so. I love being here with you all more" Peach told him staring straight ahead.
"We all love you being here with us too but we also want you to be around others that can give you what you need. You'll understand it when you're older, I promise." He finished as they made it back to his house, opening the door. "Now you go get changed, we have to meet up with everyone in fifteen minutes time." He looked at the clock on the wall and handed her her clothing.
Once she disappeared into his room he gathered some extra snacks from his pantry like usual and placed them in the bag by the door. He did some last minute thinking about the future really hers to himself. Are they really doing right by Peach with the lengths they are going to when it comes to wanting her with her own kind? If they were willing to give it a try, could they actually be enough to raise a human child into a proper adult? While he had many doubts about these things, there was a little trust that it all could work out. If only her guardians wherever they were would just show up, take her home, and care for her. He was once again pulled out of his thoughts by her voice.
"I'm ready" she called out to him. Toadsworth gave a once-over of her appearance and there was only one thing out of place.
"Your shoes are on the wrong foot my dear Peach." He chuckled, bending down to help her fix them. "There we go, now you're ready." She giggled and reached out to his hand and he took it.
They held onto each other tightly and left the house.
The search went by as it usually went. Five minutes in from the moment they entered the town, of course Peach had a million of things she needed that they all had to attend to. After a few potty breaks, some lunch, and getting her to take a nap they were finally able to talk to the locals asking their usual questions. Toadsworth asked an additional question to those who were willing to listen about places that housed and took care of abandoned children. Turns out the place wasn't too far from where they were and people had nothing but positive things to say about it along with the staff. While the words did make him feel good about maybe leaving her there, he wanted to see this place with his own eyes. 
That's exactly what he decided to do around two in the afternoon. He left Peach in the care of his two companions at a park along with a few other kids. The place was about a five minute walk from the playground. That was a pretty good distance he thought and surely they don't let the smaller children roam about on their own without some sort of supervision. The building itself was pretty tall, about three stories as a matter of fact and well taken care of on the outside. The lawn was well-kept as the grass was short, bushes were trimmed, Flowers scattered about, and with what little he could see of the backyard looked pretty much the same.
There's more to things than just the outside, that's what he told himself. Toadsworth wanted to see and talk to those on the inside. Before he had a chance to knock, the door opened and out ran a boy that looked older than Peach, though not by that much. There was an older woman behind the desk who greeted him with a smile.
"Good afternoon sir, how can I help you?" She asked, standing up from the seat and approaching him.
"Ah yes well you see we have this child and we aren't sure where she belongs. We were referred to this place and I wanted to learn about how you all run this establishment. If you don't mind" He told her. 
It took a little minute for the women to say something. The longer they stood in silence, the more convinced he thought she would decline his offer and turn him away. Instead after what seemed like forever she led him to the office behind the desk. The door was left slightly ajar as they both took a seat, her behind a computer. Toadsworth learned a lot more things from the worker after explaining the events from the past three months. Apparently a lot of kids of all species were brought here by others after stumbling out of pipes. Although she never saw someone take care of a child for this long before bringing them here.
"We thought we'd find them or even a lead by now but nothing." He told her "We just think she'd have a better chance of finding someone better fit for her needs." He added with a thoughtful smile.
The women seemed to understand him fully and gave him a brief rundown about how things were run around the place. Everything Toadsworth was told made him feel even better about the decision of leaving her there. They make sure all the kids are provided with a balanced three meals everyday and have availability to get snacks throughout the day if they want. All kids are well supervised throughout the day, especially the smaller ones who aren't allowed to leave the premises alone without an adult. There are plenty of things for them to do both inside and outside in the front and backyard for them to do. They do their best when it comes to teaching the smaller children reading, writing, and math skills before they are old enough to go to the school they have them all go to. All of that sounded really good to him but his next questions went along the lines of how they make sure the kids who do get adopted are going to live with good people.
Again she gave him an answer that was great to hear. They make sure to do routine background checks on adults prior and during the adoption process. They make sure the condition of the home is up to satisfactory standards. Once the process is complete they send in random wellness checks on these kids to make sure they are being treated well.
All questions answered, Toadsworth felt that Peach would be in really good hands staying here and even after leaving. They have plenty of clothes for her however long she stays. He told them all about her little quirks he's noticed throughout his time with him. They did some paperwork before he left to go get Peach and bring her here to meet everyone. Along with saying his final goodbyes to her.
Toadsworth returned to his companions at the park where he left them. One of them was pushing Peach on a swing while another one was sitting on a bench. Spotting the older toad he shook his head silently communicating to him that they still hadn't found anyone willing to take her during his time away. That was something he was used to by now but, today is different and he was ready to share what he learned from his little visit. They too felt good about leaving Peach in this place's care and while they were also feeling a bit sad about seeing her go, they knew it was best for her future.
After having Peach get acquainted with some of the adults at the place and asking him one final time if this is what they all really wanted to do, they were getting ready to say their goodbyes and head back home. Toadsworth told them to keep their farewells short so as not to cause a huge scene. While the other two toads were waiting patiently, he was the one who's been hugging Peach for almost an entire two minutes.
"Remember to be nice and use all your manners that I taught you ok?" He reminded her. She sniffled out an 'ok' nodding her head. "You just be your little bubbly self and everyone you meet is going to love you. Yes?" Again she nodded against him and he pulled back with arms still wrapped around her.
"Will you come and see me?" She asked him while rubbing the snot from her nose.
That question broke him just as much as her red face and tear streaked cheeks. He had to be truthful even if it would hurt her more. The thought of coming to visit her for a little while a few days out of the week till she was gone crossed his mind a couple of times. In the end he concluded that it would be more detrimental to her finding a home. Peach wouldn't want to go with anyone cause she'll always be looking forward to spending time with him and that was far from what he wanted to happen.
"I'm sorry dear but, I won't be able to do that." She cried harder after he finished saying that and she immediately wrapped her arms back around him "It's better that way. You'll understand it when you're older.ok?" He promised. 
It took a little minute for her to calm down but once she finally did, he pulled her away again and reached out to wipe her face and held her hands in his.
"Hey now, we'll see each other again one day. I'm sure about that." He told her with a smile "you're far too pretty to have that look on your face and I don't want to leave you like that. Can I see your little happy face before I go?" He asked her hoping that would be enough for her to comply. 
Instead of doing so she reached out and touched the red bow tie he wore around his neck. A silent request that he could easily give in...even if this was his favorite. He reached behind himself to loosen and pull off the tie.
"Now you make sure to take good care of this." She nodded as he wrapped it while not too tightly around her wrist. "When you don't have that blanket around your neck you can have someone help you properly put it on. " He chuckled and she giggled with him, finally giving him that smile he would always remember.
Satisfied he gave her one last hug before leading her up to the steps of the place to the person waiting. The pair waited at the door as Toadsworth headed to the others. Both sets of people waved one final time before the toads took off in the direction of home. 
They began to walk. The other two toads made small talk about random stuff and looking forward to getting home for the day, Toadsworth was quiet. Peach was finally the one step away from getting the life she deserves and yet here he was with an empty feeling in his heart. He knew that with time this feeling would dissipate but how long would that take? How could something or someone being in his life for such a short amount of time cause him to be feeling like this? If he was willing to put in the effort could he have been the best guardian for her?
For the umpteenth time that day, he was lost in his thoughts and not paying attention he bumped into one of the toads who stopped suddenly. Toadsworth was about to ask why they stopped until he heard her crying and footsteps right behind him, the woman slightly behind calling out her name.
"Daddy! I want you" she called out to him jumping into his arms when he turned around. He easily caught her and was only shocked momentarily before he tightly held onto her. Peach continued repeating the second statement.
Toadsworth was caught up on what she called him. He felt that his heart would leap right out of his chest. The other toads stood there watching the scene in just as much shock. 
"Peach" was really the only word he could say as she clutched tightly to the back of his vest.
"I think she already knows where she wants to call home" The woman said aloud with a smile.
"Hmm... Peach, is that true? Do you want to stay with us?" Toadsworth asked, trying to pull her away to face him. A futile effort as she held on tighter in order to stay in place. She nodded her head frantically.
At her age, she seemed to have complete trust in him to do right by her and wouldn't take anyone else for an answer. He still wasn't sure if he could do it all alone and was about to return her to the lady when another thought came to mind. Like all the children in their little village, everyone did their part to make sure they were well taken care of. They would adjust accordingly as she grew and she would surely be fine. They could only really give her their best so that is what they would do if she would allow them. 
"Alright dear I hear you loud and clear. We'll honor your decision." He said, patting her back in a soothing motion. 
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
BNHA AU Idea: Information Warfare
Analysis is Midoriya Izuku’s only hobby. He could almost count sketching, but considering all he drew were heroes, it was probably a stretch. Still, he didn;t think anything would come of it, but when he sees the news reporting about a villain at large with a telekinesis quirk when he knows it’s gravity manipulation - well. He has to tell someone. Bad info could get them killed.
Sir Nighteye very rarely receives fan emails, even with his history of being All Might’s only sidekick, so it’s still agency policy to read each one. When what is clearly an information broker pops up in his emails, sending packet after pack of analysis on active cases, he sees it. He isn’t stupid enough to dismiss it either.
When the information saves his young intern’s life, he gets invested.
It’s been a while since I’ve written one of these, huh? Lets hope I’m not too rusty.
So, set when Izuku is in his second last year of middle school, about 13 years old. His father told him his mother left when he was 8, they up and left Mustutafu and he hasn’t seen her since. Midoriya Hisashi is negligent and mean, doesn’t care where his son is as long as he can’t see him and no cops or heroes end up at his door.
Not a villain because it’s too risky, but he works as a laborer and doesn’t really care about how dodgy the job is. Make enough money for himself to live comfortably in a low income area. Doesn’t make enough to live comfortably with a son - so he pays the bare minimum heeded to keep social services off his back.
He considered sending the emails to All Might, but he knew they’d get buried under all the fan mail he’s constantly sent, and he trusted Nighteye to not brush it off instantly.
Hes not exactly shocked when the man assumes hes an information broker - technically he almost is, he’s just not charging for it. And only sending information to one person. Ok so he’s probably more an informant, and being associated with villains is kinda rough, but it lends him a lot of credibility if they think he has better connections to the underworld than a wifi hotspot, a house in a shady area and some security cameras someone else hacked into.
Nighteye asks if he’d be willing to meet up, which Izuku declines. Undeterred, he asks if Izuku would instead be ok with joining in on a briefing via video. It’s a terrible idea, but he can’t help but say yes. He keeps his camera off and taped over, and downloads to voice modulation program.
He also spends a solid hour trying to think of an alias. He picks Snitch. Thats what they think he is, and he’s been called as much before for asking for help. It’s different, this time.
it takes him a while to feel comfortable chiming in - he’s use to what happens if he tries. but he’s not Deku right now, not here. He’s an information broker. He’s Snitch. He could blow the underworld right open if he set his mind to it.
He helps plan their attack better, draws maps through floorplans for the most effective routes to check the rooms of interest, marks the most likely places for the goods to be hidden. With his information they are in and out in 20 minutes. It’s shockingly effective.
Nighteye was interested before. Now he’s invested.
Snitch is clearly a social outcast, but hes practised enough at social interaction that hes not totally isolated. Unlikely to have any strong social ties, which reduces the likely hood of him working for any specific group. He’s probably a contract worker, maybe didn’t choose villainy but fell into i. He could still be helped. He could get an information hero license, really help. But first, he has to find him.
In Mutsutafu, a mother looks for her son, kidnapped by his father when he was 8 years old. An angry boy feels crushing guilt for letting it happen - Deku was right there and he just let the bastard take him and run.
They still search.
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goblin-spider · 4 months
Chapter two
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Mer's hover blades clunked upon the smooth tiled floor as he powered off his gear, placing his helmet under his arm as the back doors sealed themselves shut behind him, their familiar whirring sound easing his nerves a little, as nostalgia of his childhood filled his being, remembering that this was once home. No amount of potential judgement from his co-workers could change the connection he had with this place.
Taking a deep breath of the fresh, filtered air within the building, he started to detach his hover blades from his steel capped boots, holding them firmly in his free hand once he was done.
He scanned the corridor for a map of some kind, hoping that he could somehow find a locker room to put his stuff in, thinking to himself that carrying around his hover blades and dust helm all day would be impractical.
He wandered for a bit, feeling the helmet start to get heavy in his arms as he continued to walk down the hall.
"This doesn't look right."
Mer was definitely lost now, despite the familiarity with the corridor, the rest of the building had been renovated, the changes so drastically different that he had to stop and pull out his tablet to call his mother for help. As he leaned against a nearby wall, punching in the numbers to her ai goggles, he noticed a large sign across from him that said 'BEWARE OF RADIATION' in bold lettering. His eyes narrowed as he noted the direction the arrow was pointing and went back to typing in the number, hitting call and waiting as the phone rang out.
After what seemed like forever, his mum answered, his screen filled with the image of test tubes as she filled them with green liquid,
"Hey sweetie, whatcha need?"
Relieved, his lips curled into a smile. It'd been so long since they'd last talked. The sound of her voice was comforting to him against the anxiety he felt just moments before.
"Hey ma, I'm kinda lost. Can you give me directions to this observatory I'm supposed to be working in?"
"Sure, where are you right now?"
Mer looked around and chose to turn the camera on the tablet towards the large sign in front of him.
"I'm wherever this is. Came through the back but everything has changed."
Nadia read the sign as it displayed in the lenses of her goggles and went silent for a bit, thinking about what the best course of action should be, figuring it'd be easier just to give him a tour and then show him to his office.
"Ohh I know where you are. Just take a left at the end of the corridor. You'll find the doors to my new lab there. Head on in and I'll give you a tour."
"A tour eh? Guess I'll see you soon then. Bye."
Hanging up, he started hauling his belongings to the end of the hallway, stopping and glancing back over his shoulder at the room that the sign was pointing to, noting to himself to go check it out later.
Oscorp hadn't worked with radiation before, not that he knew of at least, so the idea of possibly being able to see what they were doing with it piqued his interest greatly. Perhaps he'd be assigned to that area one day, he thought, but only time would tell. 
He finally came to the heavy double doors of the lab and the door automatically opened without him having to scan his chip, which surprised him, thinking that the lab should have been secured like everything else but it just simply wasn't.
A wall of eye watering odours hit him as he stepped in, making him cough and wipe the tears welling up from the corners of his eyes. The air inside the lab stunk of patchwork venom and rats fur mixed with the distinct scent of disinfectant that made him sick. His stomach churned watching as the scientists sat at their stations, dipping each rat into some mystery serum before pulling them out, blistered and squealing. They looked almost bloated before each were bitten by irritated patchwork spiders, the acid coursing through their veins only making their pained noises louder.
Nadia spotted him and rushed over, placing a pair of Normtech goggles over his eyes to protect them from the fumes, taking his dust helmet and hover blades from him before raising her voice over the noise.
"Mer! By the trees! Look how big you've gotten!"
He stiffened, not used to her being so close or caring, watching cautiously as she started smoothing his long fringe back so she could see his face better, noticing all the grazes on his skin.
"What's this from?"
Choosing not to answer, he pulled away from her and gestured to the mass experimentation going on below the platform.
"Eugh! What's all that about?"
Nadia grabbed his shoulders steered him away from looking at the scene and ushered him into a more calm area of the building, not wanting him to see their current project,
"It's nothing. None of your concern at the very least. Come, this is the computer lab."
He hesitated to follow for a moment, glancing behind him at the closed lab door, the sound of muffled rat squeals still emanating from beyond it as they walked away.
"Uh, right. So I'm guessing i'll be working here to write about any new planets I discover?"
She shook her head and led him through the computer lab, a big smile plastered across her face as they entered the waiting area, right up to the front desk, gesturing for him to sit in the comfortable chair there.
"This is where you'll be working."
Mer looked at her skeptically. There was no way she was that out of touch with him... Was there?
"You're joking right? You want me to be the receptionist?! What happened to the astronomer job I studied so hard for? Dad wanted me to explore the stars, not be a receptionist."
Nadia only shook her head in disapproval of his attitude, placing her hands back onto his shoulders and sitting him down,
"You would work much better here, greeting visitors and filing things than being in the observatory with all those stuffy galaxy heads. Remember when you were 4 and-"
"-ah, yes... Four... Of course. I was an outgoing kid, I get it but Mum, I can barely hold a conversation with people I don't know now, how do you expect me to do this at all?" This had to be a joke right? Mer sat there both annoyed that she'd lied about there being a position open in the observatory and also that she'd only remembered what he was like as a very young child.
She smirked, stubbornly sticking to her decision, "I expect you to greet our customers well and book appointments for them efficiently. Now, I've got to get back to the lab. I'll see you at lunchtime sweetie."
Mer sighed and sunk into the chair, defeated. "Great. See you then, I guess."
Exasperated but more so anxious with the situation he was in now, he thought about how he couldn't stand the idea of sitting there, terrified and under pressure, as a stranger asked him important questions that he might not be able to answer.
"Just say 'welcome to Oscorp! How can I help you today?' like a normal person."
He muttered to himself, trying to push down the nerves bubbling up even higher.
There were a few moments of him sitting there, tapping away at the table, before the front doors conveniently opened and a tall man walked in, his scuffed protection gear covered in a thick layer of dirt.
"That was quick-"
The stranger's voice was muffled by the dust helmet he wore, it's red and black accents gleaming in the fluorescent lights above them. Mer stayed silent for a beat, mainly out of nerves that the man would chew him out if he repeated his sarcastic self talk. He had a sort of menacing aura to him that irked something deep within mer's gut and unnerved him.
The man gruffly nodded once at him, as if to try and seem more friendly than he actually was, watching as Mer nervously adjusted his glasses and uttered "err hi, Oscorp welcoming? I mean-"
Raising a brow at him, Kirk took off his helm, hoping that if he showed his face, that it'd calm the poor guy's nerves. He could tell that mer was new there, not just by his nervous demeanor but also by his crisp uniform, his lab coat barely touched by the chemicals or oil he'd seen on the last receptionists uniform. Dusting off his death hawk, he couldn't help but snort,
"Yeah, g'day to you too mate. I've got an appointment with that miss osborn doctor. She in today? Appointment for Kirk Connelly."
Mer nodded sheepishly and pointed to the seating area "please uh...wait. I'll-"
Before mer could finish, Kirk was leaning against the desk staring him down in a manner that intimidated him more, before he quickly continued, "-I'll just call her up then."
Kirk remained where he was, not moving an inch to sit in the designated seating area, "Cool. Don't mind waiting right here."
Mer's mouth twitched a little in irritation, picking up his tablet from the desk as he started to dial Nadia's number, trying to stay as polite with kirk as possible, "I'd prefer it if you went and sat down... Mr. Connelly."
"Mr Connelly?!" He tapped his fist on the desk and laughed as if 'mr Connelly' was the funniest thing he'd ever heard. "Haha, Nah, just call me Kirk. Mr. Connelly makes me sound like some uppity important person."
It was obvious by the way he was trying not to screw up his nose in irritation, that mer felt mocked by his laughter,
"Okay... Er... No problem kirk. Just don't lean on my desk then, please. You're getting dust on it."
He proceeded to sweep some of the sand and dust away with his fingers as Kirk stared down at him some more with his sharp dark eyes, somewhat offended by this action.
"You're in the Deadlands' and you're afraid of a little bit of dust? C'mon mate, grow a backbone."
Mer gritted his teeth and smiled the biggest, fakest smile he could muster,
"A backbone eh?,"  his face immediately dropped again, "You're so unfunny, get your filthy gear off of my desk and wait like a normal person."
Stifling a laugh, Kirk backed off only a little bit from the desk, as if to reward him just a little for his frustrated reply,
"Ooh! Now that's better. I think you have some bite in you after all. Still not moving til she comes out though."
He groaned in annoyance, the irritation written all over his face, clear as day, as he called up Nadia and told her about the irritating man waiting to see her.
After a short amount of awkward silence and Kirk drumming the rhythm to some unknown song on the desk, Nadia came out and guided him towards the back of the room and through the computer lab, leaving Mer alone in silence again.
He eyed the pile of paper that seemed to be for notes and haphazardly tossed them in the nearby recycling unit before shuffling through the messy pile of files left on the desk from the previous receptionist, waiting for the next customer to arrive.
He skimmed over the titles of the files and got to organising them into alphabetical order, grimacing occasionally when he came across files with what had to have been blood drops or paint dried into the paper. He knew nothing about the previous receptionist or what must have happened to him for Oscorp to have chosen mer to fill in his role within the company but now that he looked at things carefully, it all seemed just a little bit too convenient and made him feel a bit uneasy.
Opening the filing cabinet next to him, he noticed more old blood dried up in spatters along the metallic handle and files. Hesitating to touch the handle again, he decided he'd discuss this with his mother at lunch, sliding each file into its correct area carefully.  Mer shuddered at the thought of the last receptionist bleeding over his own files, wondering what exactly had taken place for blood to even be on them in the first place.
"Wildlander attack?... No... Couldn't be. Maybe his head was bitten off by my mother for doing a bad job? Hahaha now that I would like to see."
Bending over, he dared to look at the filing cabinet closer, opening the second drawer to find that to no surprise, there were bloodied fingerprints all over the inside. He followed them to a file all the way at the back and poked it with his pen, rustling the files, just in case there was something in it that could bite him. He waited and when nothing emerged, he cautiously reached in and pulled out the file.
There was nothing distinct about the file on rats, as he opened it, besides the bloodied fingerprints and scatterings of  weird notes scribbled in the corners about chemicals mer didn't understand a lick about.
The contents of it were mostly filled with the ethics of using rats vs humans for experimentation, using alchemax's 'wildlander project' as one of the biggest reasons not to use humans until the final trials of an experiment and even then, it stated you needed to be cautious.
The whole thing read like a propaganda leaflet against the previous corporation and although he was used to hearing about it through stories from his uncle's youth, seeing something directly referencing one of alchemax's mistakes only intrigued mer into delving further into it.
Just as he was getting to the meat of the file, the front doors slid open again as someone dressed in a complete, old timey cowboy outfit, competed with Spurs and an interesting kind of mask, stepped in and just sat down in one of the chairs.
Mer side eyed him, both cautiously and utterly stunned by his choice in clothes and the way he didn't come up and ask him anything about an appointment, at all. It gave him time to gingerly close the file and place it aside to greet him.
Clearing his throat, he said in a low, nervous voice,
"Welcome to Oscorp.... How can I help you today?"
Mer's quiet voice caught the man's attention and he took off his cowboy hat to place it upside down on the chair beside him, leaning his head back against the wall, as if tired from whatever he'd been doing before he came inside.
"Nothin' sir. Just waitin' for my partner to get out from seein' your lady doctor."
His accent and way of talking really caught him off guard. It was as if this guy was randomly plucked from the past and was just sitting there in front of him.
The idea of calling his mum a 'lady doctor' made him chuckle lightly, lifting his nerves just a bit, until he saw that the cowboy actually carried guns on his hips.
Pointing to them, mer couldn't help but ask about it,
"Are...they real?"
"Course' they are. Never seen a real revolver before?"
Shaking his head, he went back to reading the file, still thinking about the fact that there was - indeed - a whole cowboy in the waiting area.
"...where are you from? We don't get very many people... Er... looking like you... Or any cowboys really, in the Deadlands. Maybe a few Bush Rangers and farmers but none that carry... guns."
The cowboy shifted uncomfortably in his seat, not liking being asked so many questions and adjusted his poncho to snuggle into while he waited for Kirk.
"I'm from all around darlin'."
He hoped that'd be a sufficient enough answer for him.
Mer on the other hand, wanted to pry him for more information about himself, really curious about him now.
"I'm guessing you're waiting for that Kirk Connelly fella right? Is he your kindred?*"
Pat froze, still getting used to the fact other dimensions were perhaps a little too open about prying during small talk than what he was used to,
"What's a- no, he's my work partner. Help's me catch things."
"Oh! Gotcha. What do you catch?"
"None of ya business."
His gruff answer made mer immediately shut up and decide to stop pestering the eccentric stranger with his questions, instead focusing back on the file and only occasionally glancing at the man, still so confused about his outfit.
As the day went on and the more that people came in, the more he got used to his job. It started to feel comfortable almost, having a set of lines he'd made up in his head helped the most and come lunch time, he had them nailed down.
It was when he got up to close the front doors down head to the lunch room, that he noticed the cowboy still sitting, alone, waiting for Kirk.
"Hey, mate, you might want to go outside while we close for lunch, your friend's probably going to be in there a while. Dr. Nadia is very thorough."
Patrick stirred from his nap, too comfortable in the cool, air-conditioned building and soft chair to want to move.
"Can't. Gotta wait for him in here in case somethin' goes wrong."
Mer sighed, deciding it was reasonable enough to let him wait there and decided to skip lunch anyway, since his mum was too busy with Kirk to answer his questions about the file and former receptionist anyway.
"Okay.... but no leaning on the desk or getting dust on it like your mate, alright? Just do whatever you're doing now until he comes back."
Pat nodded once in understanding and closed his eyes again, snuggling back into his poncho.
*kindred is the word for spouse in mer's dimension
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countessofravenclaw · 7 months
Wohooo! The holiday season is upon us and you all know what that means...
Holiday fics!
Last year I launched this idea of a writing advent calendar and it's coming back this year as well. I'm going be doing it (and maybe going insane in the process) and I hope people join in. I actually mapped out what I am going to be writing for each day in advance this year, given that I have more school in December and will be busier than last year. What I have planned this far is little bit of continuations for the stories of last year's calendar and then we're gonna tap into some next gen content as well, since that area has been unlocked with me and my writing during the past year. Anyways, I am excited to see where we go, I already have written a few ahead of time for days I know I'll be busy. I hope people join. The calendar is going to be published on Friday.
Then I have my dedicated Holiday fic. I call it specifically Holiday fic, since it's not necessary about Christmas, like the way my last year's Christmas fic was: (Christmas is the time for joy and unexpected events). It's more about the winter holidays during and after Christmas time, and the events happen more around the New Years, but there obviously will be Christmassy stuff in there.
It will be a multi chapter story and takes us the furthest on my expanded canon timeline we have gone this far, excluding the Next Gen fic, so some personal life changes may or may not be happening to certain characters are they keep getting further into their adult lives. It will Star Gastina, Lutteo and Simbat who will go on... should we say an adventure of a frosty sort.
The story will be called: A homeland this north, country dear fathers!
It's a english translation of a lyric from our Finnish national anthem: Kotimaa tää pohjoinen, maa kallis isien!
That may or may not be a hint about what will be happening in the fic, but we'll see...
I'm actually really happy how that story turned out. I actually wrote it during the August and September of this year, so it has been sitting in the vault for a while now.
Let the Holidays begin!!
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overnightshipping · 9 months
I finished up the first Pokémon Scarlet/Violet DLC, The Teal Mask, the other day - and wrapped up collecting the new 'mons for my living form dex today. It sure is more Pokémon SV, for better and for worse.
I had pretty high hopes for the DLC, since the DLC of Sword and Shield was some of the best content in the game in my opinion. Just being able to get explore a more open area with interesting places to go and environments to go around was a big improvement over the main game's Wild Area and simplistic routes. Teal Mask still has that - in fact, I would even argue that the little area is more fun to explore in some ways than the main Paldea map, primarily because it's smaller and more dense with interesting things to see. You get interesting cave systems and odd little biomes more often than in the overly-large Paldea. On the other hand, though, you only get one town and an additional little festival area so there's very little in the way of manmade structures to poke around at.
The game is still inexcusably broken, of course. The story is fine, not nearly as interesting as the one getting you through the base game, and the characters are similarly less interesting. Carmine is awful and I really can't stand her, I hate how weirdly sympathetic the narrative is towards her being an absolute ass to her brother. Perrin is a highlight, but her sidequest is really short.
As with Isle of Armor, the level balancing is a bit of a mess. There's a lower level version and a higher level version of the encounters, with the higher level ones seemingly balanced with the idea of you doing the DLC immediately after the main game. Which would be fine if it was a proper postgame included in the game, but as a DLC that came out a year later uh all my Pokémon are level 100 now lmao. You have to make your own challenge for the most part, though I do really appreciate that the battles late in the DLC are genuinely challenging if you have a team around the right level, with full teams of six Pokémon including held items and everything. I just wish there was something in place to make that difficulty actually work without the player having to handicap themself.
It's more SV. If you loved SV despite its flaws, this is worth trying. If you didn't, there's nothing here to convince you otherwise.
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pixeljade · 11 months
Of course if Bethesda hired ME, i could write them the greatest Fallout game of all time, set in the midwest (around Ohio/Detroit area), an area known as the Cornwastes, about 40 years after FO4. The region has been, since the Great War, basically unliveable due to deadly radioactive tornadoes, but those have begun to die down, and settlers from the East have begun to reclaim the region. Your only character story is that youve come along on a caravan, and you get to choose if thats because you're seeking a fortune on the new frontier, running away from a past, etc. The main story would actually change based on what you choose at the start, with a secondary villain based on that choice.
There would be a faction of ghouls who survived the deadly weather in the region, who claim it as their own land that smoothskins are taking from them. Many of them have taken to violence to control it, calling themselves the Ghoul Liberation Fronf. There's also a group of sapient mirelurks to the north, by the great lakes, who live in a tribal, agrarian society, which seems almost idyllic...but not very fond of outsiders. Of course the settlers have their factions as well; a group of Synths who would like not only to settle down in a place thats bigger than their previous hiding holdouts, but also hope to find a new technology to shape their future. There's a merchant guild from around D.C. wastes which has plots to establish a trading path with the west coast, but who seem to be exploiting their workers. Then there's the raiders, who have finally begun updating their playbook after success at Nuka-world and The Pitt. Now they have something close to organized crime, and they're working directly with the laborers moving into the area.
There's also of course a burgeoning government...a confederation of different regions across the east coast, who have allied with the leaders from the Cornwastes, with little more than power plays keeping it intact. Each region has their own laws, and their own military, but must allow free travel and commerce amongst the citizenry. This results in a lot of friction between the sectors, with military from each sector often exploiting other sectors citizens near the borders. The actual confederated government does nothing to stop these scuffles, being led currently by the same man who founded the Merchants Guild, whose only goal is his own enrichment. Overall, the three factions you see out of this government in the Cornwastes are the militarized Commonwealth Army, which is formed of remnants of both the Minutemen and the Brotherhood, and claim to fight for the good of all citizens (an idea which locals find questionable); the secretive and threatening Capital Coalition (Think like G-men, except with power suits backing them); and the Appalachian Militia, who are made up of some of the biggest misfits in their entire region (including several friendly Super Mutants, who have calmed down since FO4 due to new advances in biomedical engineering.)
Each of the three C's of Ohio and Detroit would be accessible. (hey, if FO4 can have most of Massachusetts we can have a bigger map this time!) There's gouges across the landscape caused by the erosion of the extreme weather, though, making transportation largely happen over bridges, which factions control as chokepoints. There will be a dynamic "sector control" system where you can aid factions in taking new bridges and acheiving their goals bit by bit. Once a sector has been taken by a friendly faction, you can build over the entire sector like you do with FO4 settlements. Of course, each of those sectors have various resources worth acquiring as well. There are, of course, some limitations; sometimes a faction wont want to expand into a sector, because they are allied with the faction controlling it, and there are some points which are considered shared ground. Also, sectors arent just gained through combat...you can take sneakier routes, sometimes even just talking a faction out of their claim of a sector.
As for the main storyline, once you get into the region and finish setting up your character, you get caught up in a tense altercation between the government and a group of armed labor workers blocking the path. Just before the Commonwealth Army threaten to "put the workers back in line", the Ghoul Liberation Front attacks both of them. You as the main character are swept away by a mysterious woman from your caravan who hides you with a stealth boy, and hands you a letter and a key, before dying from a wound. The slaughter ends with the leaders of the three factions falling back to regroup, and the letter leads you to a nearby town. Its there that you end up swept into a larger plot: the key has been passed down for generations, kept safe in one of the vaults, and evidently unlocks a deadly pre-war weapon that was being developed in Detroit. You then go on a story which involves the fate of the entire region, weighing the implications of history as well as simple citizen lives. Will the locals remain in power, or will the settlers take control? Will the government stabilize, and if so, who will be in control?
As for gameplay, much of it will be similar to FO4 with the added sector system, but also, you can actually get synth limbs and implants which are moddable as you progress. This adds one more layer to FO4's already robust modding system, as well as playing into the ever-present Fallout theme of 'what is a human anyways?'.
Anyways Bethesda if you wanna hire me i graduated cum laude with a degree in narrative arts back in may, and have a handful of accolades under my belt. I can give ya a resume and a portfolio if you want!
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dooptown · 1 year
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i played through Scanner Sombre today, and it has such a cool central mechanic that it breaks my heart that its existence kind of prevents any other team from doing something similar
the game is completely pitch black, since you're miles underground, and all you have is a device that emits dozens of small lasers per second, painting every surface they touch with a dot that changes color depending on how far you are from it. You directly map out the cave as you explore, making for an extremely unique and immersive experience
under the cut is where i complain a lot
this game did not need a story. i feel like the devs weren't confident enough for the game to speak for itself, even though it's literally the perfect 'show, don't tell' avenue for both gameplay and story. instead we're spoonfed information about the area we're in via text from the player character's thoughts. i couldn't help but think how much cooler it'd be for the player to just make guesses at what on earth the things they were finding could have been, or how they got there
also, the game is just naturally frightening. Maybe it's cuz i just watched The Descent recently, but the combination of the sound design and pitch darkness just makes for creepy atmosphere. Add the fact that you're not even seeing the environment for what it really is, and instead seeing impacts of a laser. Big missed opportunity where there could be something picked up initially, but when you go over to it it's gone (of course the laser in the game doesn't work as it would in real life, objects painted with dots have the dots move with them...somehow)
But instead of leaning into that natural, subdued, subtle horror (which happens enough in the game that i was pleased with it at least), the game throws in some glitchy effects and a ghost plot. I've always preferred my horror to be grounded, so this might just be a me issue, but dramatic music stings and glitchy effect humanoid shapes popping in suddenly had me rolling my eyes
this is where i talk about my ideal version of this game:
first, you begin at the entrance of the cave. There'd actually be some light here, but quickly as you get deeper the light disappears. You'd set up a sort of base camp here before going deeper into the darkness and using the laser scanner to paint your map
the caves would either have to be huge and expansive or randomly generated in some way. Considering nothing would really need to be rendered digitally, it wouldn't be a huge undertaking (that i know of). At certain, arbitrary points you could set up new camps, but you'd be limited to a certain number of how many you could set up. These camps would also have lanterns by them, and would act as your save points
Since i love being totally immersed in stuff, i think that water shouldn't reflect the dots you place. Sure, it's pretty, but it makes no sense. The laser might have enough fidelity to understand when it's hitting water and not render, but water should remain black, and sound queues will tell players when water is nearby (again, like in the actual game)
Rappelling and other climbing mechanics should be integrated, allowing for even deeper traversal, and the deeper you go the more inexplicable discoveries you make (eg: a completely square room among the caves, manmade structures like in the game, a creature that moves constantly so you have to have your laser on it while you try not to make too much noise)
in conclusion, i loved this game purely for the gameplay it provided, but think it got totally kneecapped by the narrative. I hope someone else comes along and picks up this idea and runs with it (if introversion software would let them)
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
aap noot mies (1/14)
Summary: Blaine Anderson is just your average New Yorker. One day, he spots an ad by Kurt Hummel, seeking a Dutch language tutor and he decides to go for it. After all, being an actual alien that knows every single language in the universe has to be good for something, right?
Notes: Welcome to my contribution to the @klaine-word-scramble! I am super late to the party, but better late than never! I came up with this idea in 2018 (!) and it felt great to have a reason to revisit it.
This fic is still a WIP, but I hope to update every Wednesday and Saturday.
Also, a huge thanks to @cerriddwenluna for coming up with the summary and for answering to my erratic DMs about the title. The title translates to monkey nut mies, with Mies being a Dutch name. aap noot mies are the first words of het Leesplankje van Hoogeveen, a plaque that was used to teach children how to pronounce Dutch words accurately.
I hope you enjoy.
AO3 | S&C
WARN - 7 points
There are a few things Blaine should clarify.
Yes, aliens exist. Blaine should know, since he happens to be one.
No, aliens aren’t green and they don’t have many weird knobs. Blaine looks human, or better said, humans look alien.
Yes, aliens have weird superpowers. After all, Blaine has one.
And no, aliens are not going to take over the world using those superpowers. Blaine doesn’t really know how him being able to speak all languages of the universe would help him dominate Earth, but not that he’s interested.
Being a polyglot, which is the human term that best describes Blaine’s superpower, does have its non-world-threatening perks, especially in a multicultural city like New York.
He loves visiting all kinds of areas of the city, to talk with the locals who have immigrated from all over the world. He enjoys being able to fully understand Broadway shows that use different languages, including the ones with sign language. It’s very cathartic to help clueless tourist with finding their way.
And it leads to some extra cash.
That’s what’s on Blaine’s mind when he sees an ad on Craigslist from a certain Kurt Hummel, who is in a dire need of a Dutch tutor.
This isn’t the first time Blaine was someone’s tutor. It’s a great thing, since some languages are so obscure that some people are willing to pay a lot, which Blaine in turn donates to research on lost languages (because that’s the only limitation to his superpower: he cannot speak languages that are lost). Blaine reads through Kurt’s ad, and Kurt writes that he’s sorry that he can’t offer a lot of money, but for some reason Blaine feels compelled to react.
He checks Kurt’s profile. There’s no photo, which is something Blaine’s friends warn him for. Blaine always argues back that even if someone has a photo of a face, you don’t know for sure that it’s real.
Blaine’s made up his mind.
He’s going to react to Kurt’s ad!
This Kurt lives all the way in Bushwick. Blaine takes the train and the moment he gets squished against a metal pole, he’s jealous of Wes, whose superpower is teleportation.
Or when he’s finding his way to this ‘loft’ and he fails. Then he’s jealous of David’s navigation power.
Look, being a polyglot is definitely useful, but there are even more useful powers out there! New York’s crowdedness is great for Blaine’s power, but it leads to Blaine being lost more often than he’d like to admit. Maybe he should get over his grudge against technology (it’s an alien thing!) and download something like Google Maps.
Blaine’s ten minutes late, but once he finds the right building, he lets out a relieved sigh. He takes the elevator to the right floor. Kurt had written him that it looks shady and that there’s no doorbell, so when Blaine’s at the door he knocks loudly.
The door slides (slides!) open and Blaine is greeted by a man so handsome that despite his linguistics skills, Blaine’s rendered speechless.
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Refer to the previous part 1 here way before you get back to this post! :
: This girl from Twitter 👇 has just got the scoop of the experience of the movie in Brookfield Place of New York City! :
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: LaughingPlace.com's turn! :
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: That is a fun fact that I did not know for sure until this person just posted this 👆, since I thought that all of the Disney stores have been closed down for some time now unlike how they were there before all of this whole time before they started to close them all down, which I hope that the Disney stores to actually be able to go to still exist way before they are all gone, thank goodness for having the website of this though otherwise if the website of the Disney store is gone forever from the internet, there will be no more exclusive stuff from that place, but maybe they will be able to transfer it all to the rest of the internet for us to see, and get online delivery as well as getting it in the store like we used to before when the Disney store website, and the actual store was still around from before they took it off, and removed it from there! I wonder how the models got made though : Pixar Elemental Movie Experience Sneak Peek Part 3 :
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: 👆 Peter Sohn gives us a little bit of an origin story of where this idea for this movie all started to be able to be coming from! :
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: I am not so sure about if 4 these plush of Clod, Gale, Ember Lumen, and Wade Ripple are real, and if they do, where is that we can be able to find them like how the two keepsake pins of Wade Ripple, and Ember Lumen were at the D23 Expo if we all can still be able to remember that time though even with all of the things this movie had at that very start of that time in the past since then way before they are being able to be led with this where we are currently present today way before we get to be able to see with all of the stuff that this movie has in store for us! :
: It might be nice to be able to do the process of making the truffles that look like coal from the start of us going to that area to the end of this having us to go to some other area of the place, but if anyone knows what the truffles are consistent of such as its texture feel from it's touch, etc., how it smells like, how it tastes like, and how does it sound like, I hope that it better be not the burning hot ones that we saw when Bernie made that Wade Ripple was almost trying to be able to be eating with a 🥄 from a 🥣 that Bernie put the coal in for Wade to try it from there, if they do not do that to us as I just described, we should be able to be good, but if the coal does from how I said in here, be safe about being careful with being cautious about it, and save it for the residents of Firetown to be able to have them eat all to their selves especially with leaving them to give to Bernie, Cinder, and Ember to enjoy indulging with the coal we just left for them as a gift, but we still be able to try to not only for taking the recipe for making the coal from the movie, but also to keep it with us as well as long as they do not loose it on the way home from the experience of what we just went through! :
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: (Part 1 shown in here, but for the other 5 parts of the full conversation on there go to the link 👆!) :
: Let us all be able to see what tomorrow, Saturday, May/20th/2023 has in store for us, since today was wonderful! :
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anxiousanteaterr · 1 year
through the power of digging through old folders and screenshots, i managed to scrape together some map bits from my island during the past 3 years.
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Apr. 22, 2020
This is the earliest one I could find, and clearly was taken after I had already obtained terraforming and building pathways. The idea for Syzygy had already had its foundations that would remains mostly unchanged.
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Jul. 30, 2020
Added more paths. Adjusted the eastern river around the houses. Added a pond west of Resident Services?? Moved the campsite to its permanent location. Able Sisters moves to the commercial area of the island. Made the “maze” in the western side of the island more detailed/natural. The museum gets more detail outside. Priest gets his “house” built near the museum and some lore stuff is put up between the chapel and the museum. Finally, the WRESTLING RING is installed just south of Resident Services.
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Jan. 1, 2021 (this was grabbed from a vid of the new years event lmao)
Molded the river to run down out of the northwestern pond and through the “maze” on the western side of the island for more realism. Added a slope to the largest maze island. Banished some villagers to the beach as I try to figure out how much yard space they should all get + make it look like the town was built around the river (for more realism). Added slopes for ease of access on the northeast side of the island. [REDACTED] gets his house built in the forest in the northwest corner of the island. Removed the pond west of Resident Services??
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Jun. 19, 2021
Added more details to the western river, removed the slope to keep the preserved/untouched feel of the “maze”. The Orchard is moved to the space west of Resident Services. Guy moves in with his surf/summer shop just below the “maze” where the orchard originally was. Added slopes to reach the northern island because I grew tired of using ladders to visit Redd. Villagers are allowed to live on the mainland again. Opted to have the eastern river ‘end’ at one point, and ‘begin’ below, implying it goes underground. Finally, the cemetery is built in the northeast side of the island.
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Jan, 1, 2022 (another horrid new years eve vid screenshot) FARMING UPDATE!!!
Added much needed details to the eastern river. The orchard is moved as far up as I can possibly move it without disturbing the natural look too much. In its place: the farming field. The six rocks are finally given their own dedicated spot just below the cemetery.
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Mar. 22, 2022
Added a pathway from Guy’s Summer Daze shop to the southern beach, with palm trees dotted all around. Expanded the pond that the eastern river dumps out into for detail, realism, and to just fill in the empty space. Added some decor to the empty gap just south of Able Sisters. Added palm trees all around the eastern edge of the island for detail and to keep things looking natural.
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Dec. 31, 2022
Professor moves into the ancient ruins inside the maze that were 100% totally there this whole time! Added dirt pathways across the island for detail. Adjusted the northwestern and the mid-eastern pond for even more detail. Made the southern parts of both rivers little more irregular.
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Jun. 4, 2023
Hope establishes her café next door to Able Sisters. Guy’s brother moves in next to Nook’s Cranny. Still haven’t decided what I’m going to do with that house. Hotel? Community center? IDK.
It’s really neat to see how much and yet so little my island has changed. I had kinda forgotten how much of it I already had planned out since the beginning. But I definitely remember the pain that was moving the orchard, and literally all of the terraforming. 
It’s also fascinating to see that I really did not touch the little corner where my house is AT ALL. There’s a pear tree next to my house, near the western river, that literally was there day one. Default tree. It is most likely the only original tree left in its original spot on the entire island.
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