#I was hyperfixated on this stupid blonde.. I know I know
kaexii7 · 6 months
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Albedo ft. my incosistent artstyle and year old drawings lol
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yawnderu · 9 months
honestly i would die for bimbo!reader to have some sort of Legally Blonde level of intelligence but for the stupidest, most useless shit. no, she can't remember which knob turns on which burner for the stove, but she can tell you the effects of different chemical compounds found in all her favorite skincare products and now they react to an individuals derma-layer. simon once caught her watching a screensaver on TV for 30 min because she thought it was "a reeeeally slow nature documentary /:", but she's fluent in Korean because she got super into Korean make up brands from her favorite influencers and wanted to be able to read the product ingredients/reviews/tutorials, it just never gets brought up otherwise and when someone asks in disbelief she's all "what, like it's hard?"
and simon is just sooooo so so proud of his smart pretty girl. who cares that she thought soap's parents legally named him after a dishwashing product. can mactavish tell him how to tell dupes from authentic handbags based on the inner stitching that can only be done on machines specially made by Italian companies? no? then shut the fuck up. tell us more about glitter lipgloss, beautiful.
Absolutely!! She may be dim-witted when it comes to certain things, but she's not exactly dumb at all. This girl could recite the laws of astrophysics and solve complex mathematical problems while being piss drunk.
Simon is still amazed by how complex his sweet girl is— he knows she isn't stupid, yet it never fails to surprise him how you start speaking to MacTavish in fluent Scottish Gaelic, only offering the explanation that you learnt it because a character on your favorite movie spoke it once, looking at him like he grew a second head when he sheepishly told you most scottish people don't speak Gaelic anymore.
Sure, you may have thought movies were real and used to avoid watching them because you thought the actors were actually getting killed and you didn't want to support that, yet a window of your house is full of math equations that gave him a headache just by looking at them.
I'd say Simon sees bimbo!reader as a box full of surprises, telling him about something new every single time you have a conversation. How did you get into studying astrophysics? You got the highest score in the university admission exam and saw a poster that was shiny and had cute stars and a pretty nebula!! How could you resist when everything about it called for you?
Mhm, the smell of gunpowder and blood that sticks to him no matter what is such an odd perfume, yet it surely has an interesting molecular makeup! Of course it does, pretty girl.
They complement each other so well because Simon has the street smarts she's lacking, and she has the book smarts Simon doesn't. She can be extremely ditzy, but who cares when she can tell him exactly which inks are recommended for his skin and which chemicals can rough up his face? He had to buy a brand-new eye black stick simply because you could tell the materials used on it by applying it on your hand with a frown.
I'd like to imagine her as someone with lots of odd interests, knowledge and hyperfixations in the dumbest things besides the universe. He has to keep up with you buying materials for making bracelets and keeping a room full of dinosaur plushies.
Bimbo!Reader Masterlist
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wannaeatramyeon · 9 months
Goo Kim x Reader: Suspicious
G/N. So so stupid.
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Your boyfriend is indulging in suspicious behaviour.
More and more, you catch him smiling sweetly at his phone, chuckling. At times you think you might have heard a squeal. He's always staring into it late at night, first thing in the morning, hiding his screen away from you.
Which usually would put you on edge if he was anyone else. Leave your imagination running wild, cause your insecurities to rise to the surface.
But you know Goo. He would have no problem kicking you out of his bed, his apartment, his life if he didn't want this anymore.
Except this isn't that. He's still as clingy as ever, still a mischievous menace. A brat, feral and needy, showing his own brand of affection and fondness.
You're almost certain that if you asked, he would shave his head for you. His precious blonde locks. That's how much he loves you.
However. The behaviour is peculiar, odd. You don't know what to think.
He's engrossed in his phone even more than usual this evening.
He didn't hear you come through the door, pad through the apartment, sneak up over his shoulder, almost breathing into his ear, eyes briefly scanning over his screen until-
"What's this?"
Goo yelps. Jerks away violently and with such force his glasses clatter onto the floor.
"Shit!" You hear him mutter under his breath as he tries to discreetly click his screen off and bend down for his glasses.
You're pretty certain you saw what you think you did.
…Really? Is this what he's been hiding from you?
Tentatively, because it's obvious this guy is touchy as hell about this, you ask, "Is that-"
"Nope!" He snaps, a very uncharacteristic blush blooming over his cheeks.
"Goo," You grin, eyes crinkling. "Are you embarrassed?"
He puts his glasses back on, adjusting them as he peers over haughtily at you, regaining some of his composure. "No cupcake, I don't get embarrassed."
You put your hand on your hips, raising an eyebrow. "Sure. That's why you've been sneaking around with your phone."
"I have not been sneaking."
"Sneak. Ing." You emphasize each syllable, then ready your fingers at his forehead. "I may have thought you were up to no good." With that, you give Goo a light flick that he grossly overreacts to and screeches.
"So what?" he rubs his forehead with a pout, "I'm always up to no good."
That's true. You admit it with a sigh.
He pulls his phone out of his pocket, clicks it back on sheepishly. "They just... They love each other."
"I know." You tread carefully, not sure which of his manic moods he's rapidly approaching.
"And they both die in the manga." You swear you see Goo's lip wobble, "I just want them to be happy."
Ok, that was definitely his voice cracking you heard there as he shows you his browser, tabs upon tabs of fanfiction open-
Really, goddamn. That is a lot of fanfiction. Although you understand the grip of a hyperfixation all too well.
Maybe you should have seen this coming. You know Goo loves his manga and anime, and you know he loves this particular one. You just didn't know how much. You didn’t realise he indulges in fandom activities.
Did he not realise you loved it too? The amount of fanfiction you gorge on? That there was no need to hide this from you? You wouldn’t have ever made him feel ashamed of this.
"Hey,” You give him an encouraging smile and a nudge, “Did you read the college AU one? Where they're both-"
"PROFESSORS AND MARRIED!" Goo interjects, eyes widening in realisation. 
"Cupcake!" He purrs, any embarrassment or hesitation a thing of the past. The distant past. He throws his arm around you. Ecstatic at finding new common ground, starts to ramble and talk about his favourite fics, his least favourite. The tropes he loves, the tropes he hates. Mouth running a mile a minute.
When he finally pauses to take a breath, he smooches you on the cheek. Reading between the lines, as a way of apology for his suspicious behaviour.
And continues, until you interrupt him and tell him that your favourite ship is actually these other characters and-
"Ugh. Tasteless." Goo scoffs, removing his arm from you and stepping away as if your terrible taste will infect him.
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The Kings Spy.
Nikolai Lantsov X F!reader | 18+
summary: You get back from Fjerda after being a spy for King Nikolai. Nikolai comes to find you immediately and your love and lust gets quickly rekindled.
wordcount: 2345
warning: Includes smut.
authors note: I made this after a hyperfixation. Loving Nikolai a lot and having some inspiration to write after reading the books. Enjoy.
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There was an urge in his voice, even before you heard the knock on the door. You had been gone, being one of his spies in Fjerda. You had hated him for it, clearly. But in the end you were one of his most important and smartest Grisha. He needed you. And you knew he had hated it. 
"Is she okay?" you heard him say, making the sun start to shine again.
"She always is." Nina's triumph made you chuckle.
"Come in!" you called out, the door being opened mere seconds later.
His eyes traveled towards you in the dimmed light. And you realised you missed him, more than you ever thought you could.
He seemed to be speachless, for once, so you smiled. 
"Hi King Lantsov." 
He rolled his eyes. His hand going through his blonde locks.
"I'm so s-" 
You were up before he could finish his sentence. Your finger pushing against his soft, baby pink lips.
"Don't be. I am your spy. I always will be. I gave you what you needed. Now I demand something I need."
His brow raised, a twinkle appearing in his eyes. 
"Where did you learn to speak like that to a king?" 
Your fingers traveled down his lower lip, pushing it outwards, ever so slightly.
"From a pirate. Maybe you know him? Sturmhond?" 
"Privateer." he corrected you, the never ending correction playing over his lips.
"Ah, yes. That's what he was." you smirked.
"He is a good looking guy."
Nikolai pushed his body closer and your breathing got mingled. 
"Saints, I've missed you." he whispered, before your lips finally— finally collapsed. 
You had spend every day in the cold Fjerdan country, waiting for God knows what. It could take hours, days, years. And every single day felt more like you were gonna rip your heart out. You had fallen for Nikolai badly. But he was the king. And you were a Grisha. And everything that stood in between felt like a wall; a mountain. 
Nina had known from the first moment that you had fallen for the young fox. And she hadn't spilled it once. She loved to talk about it though. Every. Single. Day.
And it made you miss him more and more. 
Nina had told her to go back. Screw what that blonde king had to say. 
But you didn't know what would happen. 
So you stayed. A long, insane year. 
Longing for the King a little more every day.
You took a deep breath, your body shivering by the slightest touch of his long, slender fingers. 
"How is your Shu princess?" you couldn't help but ask. 
He froze, his eyelids falling slowly.
"Gone." he whimpered. 
"G-Gone?" you frowned.
"You give me no time." he whispered. His lips against your temple. "I wanted to explain.. later."
His hands were on your hips, his tops pushing slightly into your covered skin..
“We won’t be getting married.” he spoke, his voice low.
You weren’t sure what to say. The last news you heard were the talks of Nikolai Lantsov getting married to a Shu princess. You knew the day would come, you had been dreading it. But you had to accept it. The alliances were more important than your stupid teenage love for that man.
For all you knew he only loved you for your body. For your comfort. For your touch.
You spoke, finally. “Why not?”
His darkened eyes were studying you, lurking for a reaction. But you were scared for the answer.
“She, we-” he licked his lips.
“The handsome prince is too handsome for the Shu.”
He sighed, a soft laugh escaping his mouth.
“We had another plan.” he said, his guard wearing off now that he was around you. “And it would break my heart.”
He dipped your face into his hands, his thumb; rough from fighting, caressing your delicate skin slowly.
You looked up, wondering where this conversation would lead. There was a single curl hanging onto his forehead and he smiled when you pushed it up.
“It would break my heart not to have you by my side.” he whispered.
You never needed those words from him. You never demanded them from him. But now that he spoke them, so clearly, your heart made loops inside your chest.
He nodded, smugly and you laughed.
“I can’t go another year without you here. And Saints, who cares what anyone else thinks. I love you.”
Those last three words were just a whisper, against your needing lips.
He kissed you, his hands claiming your cheeks. His lips claiming yours. You pushed yourself up, tiptoes on the ground. He shamelessly entered your mouth, lifting you into his arms as he lead you to the bed. He laid you down gently, finally doing what he came here to do.
A knock on the door made you scream. He pushed his hand in front of your mouth, making you sputter. He had a devilish smirk on his face.
“It’s just me. It’s Nina.” the familiar voice came from the other side. “I know you’re in there doing something I enjoy more than waffles when it comes to my own husband, but I believe Tamar called for you.”
Nikolai rolled his eyes.
“Tell her I will be with her when I will be with her.” he growled.
“I didn’t know you could be so nasty when you grave something other than Ravka.”
You held your laugh underneath his hand and he shook his head at you. His eyes warning you.
“Go off, Nina. Come on.”
She giggled loudly. And as the giggle disappeared slowly, Nikolai focused back on you.
“You think she’s funny, huh?”
“Not as funny as you, Sturmhond.” she winked, making him moan as you pushed him against you.
“I need you, Nikolai.” you almost begged as that oh-so familiar smirk filled his face.
“Are you in luck then, my queen, I need you too.”
There was something about Nikolai. When he got you, alone, he would turn darker, wilder. You loved it. It made him someone nobody knew he was. Need was a big word between the two of you. You never spoke of needing each other. But being gone for what felt like an eternity brought that out in you.
You nervously unbuttoned his white blouse. The compass safely around his neck. He looked down, following you.
“You’re never gonna get rid of it, are you?”
“It’s a part of me, love. A part of Sturmhond too.”
You nodded, going over the cold metal with your thumb. You knew how much the compass meant to Nikolai. You just wanted to hear his voice, just a little more.
You draped the blouse over his shoulders, pushing it down gently. The first time you saw his body. The naked skin underneath that oh-so kingly attire, you had took get a second look.
Nikolai had a gentle face, but underneath it all there was man who worked for his body.
The compass was dangling back and forth against his chest.
“Korol Rezni.” you whispered, the scar of the demon still just underneath his shoulder. King of scars, he was famous for it now.
He kissed you, tentatively. Opening up your dress. The dress you had put on to formally come back to the King. Tell him of your stories. That was of no need now. He let it fall down your stomach and he stood up, pulling it off slowly.
“You’ve never been this calm.” you said.
“I want my time.” he smiled softly. “Besides, we need to meet soon. In about-” he checked the clock. “Twenty minutes.”
That devilish smirk came back and you bit your lip to hide your smile. He took a quick glance at the dress, his eyes widening slowly.
“It’s the exact same..” - “Blue.”
You nodded, standing up. Your arms wrapping around his neck. 
“Sturmhond was the man I met. I thought it would be rather fitting.”
He smiled. Worlds most beautiful smile.
“I’m sorry for sending you away.” he whispered, his tone serious.
“Maybe it’s okay.” you answered, lowering down the bands of your bra. “Maybe it made me want you more.”
He had those big blue orbs, looking down at you. The intense stare that always made you feel awkward, but not with him. Not with Nikolai.
You opened your bra, letting it fall onto the ground.
“Can I?” Nikolai asked, not touching you at all.
You frowned, nodding slowly.
“I don’t have a ring or something that comes close to show you that I want you. But I do have something else.”
You whispered a ‘no’ as Nikolai raised the necklace off his own neck. And you watched in disbelief as he laid it down against your chest. Falling beneath the valley of your breasts.
“Hold onto it for me.”
His hand was curls around the golden metal and your fingers lashed onto them.
“Forever.” you whispered, kissing his fingers.
He nodded, sincere. You never believed you and him could be a forever thing. But right now, you knew things had changed.
He cupped your cheeks. A smile curling around his lips before he bowed over, kissing you happily. You laughed against his lips, holding him close. The metal was hissing between you. Cold between your heated bodies.
His cheeks were red when you pulled back. His lips even more so.
His hands trailed down your body, onto your hips. His thumbs grasping onto your panties, pulling them down so you could step out of them.
You sat down on the bed, waiting as he got rid of his pants. You glanced at the compass, knowing what he did was something special. Something only he could do.
You looked up, his body exposed against the incoming sunlight. You breathed out heavily, meeting his sky blue eyes.
“Come here.” you breathed out.
He listened, his body covering yours as he pushed your hands up. Your fingers intertwined, disappearing into the sheets as you kissed eachother slowly.
“Twenty minutes.” you whispered, making him chuckle.
“They can wait for the King.” he chirped.
“Not when the Kings spy ain’t there either, Nik.”
He rolled his eyes, surprised by your cleverness.
The room got quiet, apart from the hisses and the breaths leaving their mouths. Heated kisses were shared, as Nikolai let his length push against your body. He was hardening, even though he had been far gone anyway.
He let go of one hand, the other one still intertwined with his. He positioned himself as she let your thumb go over his warm cheek.
“I love you too.” you said softly.
His eyes shot up, a smile brightening his face.
He answered as you did just mere minutes before. By giving you the love you so desperately seeked for. You held in a moan, the sound filling the room anyway as he became one with you. His body pushed against yours, his hand going back into place as he fell into a rhythm.
Little drops of sweat were starting to form underneath his blonde curls. The compass was moving against your chest as he pushed you back and forth softly.
“It’s been too long.” he whispered.
“Don’t tell me that.” you giggled, a moan following up that giggle immediately.
You never blamed him for sending you away. But you had always missed him.
He hummed, quieting your talks by kissing you. You opened your mouth as his tongue asked for more. Your hands letting go of his, so you could wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, your hands in his hair as you really felt everything.
You felt desperate for his touch. Nothing more and nothing less. And Saints, you knew Nikolai knew how to give you that. Your legs curled up, your feet going over his legs, trying to ground yourself. But your walls were clinging around his shaft and he was giving you the best time you had ever had.
You dropped your head into the silk sheets. An opportunity for Nikolai to let his lips find your neck. You closed your eyes, your body burning and producing fireworks as he kissed, nibbled, sucked.
“Nik.” you said.
He knew enough.
“Look at me.”
You opened your eyes.
“Stay with me.” he whispered.
And you nodded, before your body exploded into one of the best orgasms you ever had. He followed, simply by looking at the ecstasy on your face. And you held him in your arms. Your bodies a bit too sweaty, but not all too bad anyway.
Once you were calmed down, a laugh left your mouth. You let your lips find his and he smiled.
“Five minutes.” he whispered.
“Saints.” you giggled, wiping away some sweat of his forehead. He just stared.
“Hide the compass.” he mumbled.
“I will.” you nodded, meeting his eyes. “But I will carry it. Always.”
The smile he gave you, was one you wouldn’t forget fast.
“I have to go.” he sighed. “To meet my spy again.”
You hummed. 
“I heard she is just as good looking as that guy- that privateer. Sturmhond.”
You chuckled, kissing his chest.
“I’m not sure you’re flattering me or yourself right now.”
Nikolai let go of her, standing up to dress himself swiftly.
“A bit of both.” he said, buttoning up his blouse as you stared at him. 
He smirked smugly, bowing down to give you another kiss. His fingers going over the compass before he stood up.
“I’ll see you soon.” he whispered, leaving one last kiss on your forehead before he straightened himself and made his way to your door.
“Remember to tie your shoelaces when you go out. I don’t want you to end up falling for someone else.” he said, a twinkle in his eyes before he opened it and disappeared right after.
Nikolai was a flirt, a charmer. He could get anyone he wanted. He was the King of Ravka after all. You had been in luck, you realised. And as you softly kissed the compass, you know that luck hadn’t run out just yet.
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CKB hear me out. Haters will say it's fake but ....... blanche youngest child. The Victorian maid garb? He's tired of being in the shadows of those before him and is trying to set his own identity. Extreme violence? A big ol temper tantrum and cry for attention. I dare say i would lean on him being youngest child just because Lev fits the disaster middle child ALL too well 😮‍💨.
I see why some will say Lev as the youngest but i feel like he's suuuuch a middle kid like, even if he's stupid, he'd having a good time and that's all he cares about. I feel like youngests are actually more deceitful and tricky wheras middle kids are pretty true to themselves and more easygoing? Like them youngest kids are used to sneaking around and just so cunning, showing different faces (not unlike blanche who does a 180)
Like blanche, yves can also fit all 3 perfectly. He does kinda seem like the overstressed, overworked, will nag out of love, can never relax, will shoulder responsibility for you eldest child (i feel like eldest children also have a really clean aesthetic? Middle kids are either cozy wear or pop the Fuck off. And youngest kids are always flashy but in their own way and my god if that isnt blanche 💀)
Also i feel like eldest kids (yves) have a great fear or failure and losing things so theyre lowkey control freaks. Youngest kids (blanche) are oddly possessive and entitled like they think the last slice of pizza is their god given right. And middle kids (lev) are so used to losing things that they get obsessive over the things they do have, and a bit pathetic abt it if they feel it slipping away.
Youngest kid blanch really does seem like a big brat (but who cares) to me. Like he sees reader as his dead pet hamster that he accidentally squeezed to death trying to hug it but he refuses to believe it's dead so he keeps leaving food out for it and stroking it. Middle kid Lev sees you as a cute hamster and buys you cool wheels and a rolling ball and toys and sleeps with you in his bed. Eldest Yves will not allow anything to happen to pet hamster so he has a seperate temperature controlled room for it, homemade pellets, probably wipes hammies ass after it poops and everything.
This was just my random musing though and im excited to see what you end up making the order!!
Also i think i was ur 🐰 anon and i used to send in all those theories for language barrier LOL. Ummmmm the bunny thing *totally* didn't have to do with Lev, so, uh, don't tell Blanche, my latest hyperfixation 🤭 (or Cyprus because goddamn-)
🐰 anon
🐰 anon also said: Oh! Also feel like blanche would be a lot younger than the other two. Like modern au or whatever if they were all together, yves moved out when blanche was a kid (because he was independent) lev was never home bc he was always out and just kinda ended up living w one of his friends (never 'officially' moved out but he's living elsewhere) and followed the party life, and blanche was probably raised and spoiled by a family elder, making him feel like an 'old soul born in the wrong generation'. But hold onnn i didnt know therewas a blanche pt 2, lemme go read that and see if it changes things LOL 🐰 anon
🐰 anon also said: no blanche is actually so middle/youngest child coded it's insane bc i refuse to let go of middle child lev (actually i need to give bunny a reread before that too, and ofc more content on him when it comes out lol) but brooooo them youngest kids be weird as FUCK like, smth abt blanche feels like he's playing dressup, pretending and trying so hard to be this old fashioned adult gentleman, meanwhile yves actually is more calculated, composed and knows what to do for his shit. I actually initially thought of yves being the youngest but i feel like blanche being youngest fits so much better imo. Like blanche is just here to do his own shit, he's a bit selfish, and pushes for hinself. Yves puts his responsibility first and pushes for reader. Plus yves has that blonde mom in target drinking a coffee doing 3 hours of shopping in 12 minutes before her next hot yoga class and thats soooo eldest child coded. Idk something abt blanche as a person (not a character) seems so underdeveloped and child like in a disturbing yet innocent way? 🐰 anon
🐰 anon also said: "unromancable, unfuckable weirdo." No im sorry Blanche is actually the youngest child Bunny anon
Holy fuckin shit bunny anon always comign in with a banger , yess that's what im talking about them tasty brain chews i like i like
shid man like u really lay out their vibes and everything and even imagined them in modern AUs , presented evidence and cited your source like what the fuck this is such a good analysis like damn bro i fr appreciate the enthusiasm
Like all the stuff you sair fr made sense even to someone who has no siblings, its as if i had those little shits living in the same house as me and i observed the dynamic, like yeah damn Yves really fit the oldest child
Its really fitting cause if you think about it, they're all like centuries old or whatever and both Yves and Leveret are pretty youthful looking with no grey hairs- they went on their own quests to preserve their looks, Whereas Blanche is considered to be the most unkempt out of the three with his salt and pepper hair growing uncontrollably to the back of his knees, no manicures just natural long nails but he's still considered youthful cause ykno 50 year old looking man vs his actual 5 million year old age , but it just shows that he doesn't care about looking youthful as much as his older brothers
i notice the older siblings from other relatives and friends they tend to looksmaxx more than the younger ones. and they try to keep up trends, like Yves and Leveret is pretty modern whereas Blanche is fuckin ancient with his stuff, mannerisms and dressing up
and yes he is ironically the most immature (as in childlike) of them all, even tho leveret is like spontaneous and has his slipups, but damn bunny anon like ur analysis is always bangers like what the hell bro i love them and i love you
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eyesofshinigami · 3 months
WIP Weekend!
I was tagged by the always wonderful @shares-a-vest, so here we go!
The Rules:
In a reblog (or a new post w/ rules attached) post up to five (5) file names of your wips. Not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
The WIPs:
Teenage Dirtbag: where Eddie is a lot a bit of a creep when it comes to Stevie Harrington, but wouldn't you know it, but she's kind of into it too?
A/B/O Rarity: Where the Alpha and Omega genes are incredibly rare, but with Steve's luck, he's one of the few people who's got it. He hides it for years, until he can't/doesn't want to anymore, especially after he meets Eddie, who is the only other person he's ever met who also has the gene.
Adventures in Babysitting: another A/B/O idea where Eddie is an older Alpha and needs a babysitter/nanny for his young son, and cue them meeting Steve, the incredibly hot, young Omega babysitter who immediately pings every box he's ever had.
As for a snippet, here's one from Teenage Dirtbag that's a wee little spicy.
Things changed again, after that. Stevie abandoned all her old friends, stuck by Nancy and Jonathon Byers of all people, the three of them looking haunted and weary in a way that stuck in Eddie’s mind like a splinter in his finger. Gone was the ice princess who roamed the halls of Hawkins High like royalty, and instead was a girl who looked like she had Seen Some Shit. Eddie knew that look. He saw it enough in the mirror when it was a bad night. 
And still, it didn’t wane. It got worse again, where Eddie pictured himself as some kind of black knight that would ride in and make everything better. He thought about getting her flowers. Or asking her if she wanted to go to one of his concerts and watch him play. Wondered if she would like having a picnic by the quarry, where he could get his hand up her skirt and kiss her and tell her that she was a supernova that had completely consumed him. 
But he didn’t. Maybe there was too much Munson in him, too much of a coward to try and reach out and touch the untouchable. Stevie Harrington was always going to be the pipe dream, even more than Corroded Coffin getting discovered and him hitting the big time. Especially because she was graduating, and Eddie was still stuck spinning his wheels in this lame-ass school because he couldn’t figure out how to get his head out of all of his imaginary fantasies.
She was probably going off to some rich-kid school on a coast somewhere. She’d probably find some blonde-haired blue-eyed guy named Chad or Kevin or something and get married, pop out kids and live in the suburbs. 
Until she didn’t leave. Until Eddie was fucking assaulted with the sight of Stevie Harrington in a tiny sailor’s uniform, slinging ice cream at the mall. That skirt was criminal, even more than the stupid tennis skirts she wore to school all the time. 
His thoughts took a turn for the worst, sitting outside Scoops Ahoy like an absolute asshole and just drooling over the thought of bending her over the counter. Thinking about pulling her into the freezer and fucking her until neither of them could move, her clawing at his back and pulling at his hair and telling him what a fucking freak he was. 
No pressure tags: @ghostinthelibrarywrites, @just-my-latest-hyperfixation, @marvel-ous-m, @devondespresso
I'm sure people have already been tagged, if you have, please poke me and I'll go take a look!
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ganonfan1995 · 1 year
I hate living my stupid little consumerist life, and my stupid little hyperfixation on Nintendo's evil little products. Like they give me nothing, and I give them my entire paycheck because I love super mario jump and gay little blonde elf, and I know it's cringe and bad...yet here I am, a dumb serf, working day in and day out just to continue to consume their products that aren't always good.
Not to sound dramatic or anything, but yeah :/
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contentstarved · 2 months
I’ve been a fan of your blog for a while, and when I came back I revisited trigun after a friend had recommended it to me. Honestly I hyperfixated on Vash so fast, I love me some silly guys (who are also sad and need to be comforted because damn)
I saw you mentioned you liked Vashwood in one of your posts, do you have any spare hcs you could share?
HI GUESS WHO LET THIS SIT IN THE INBOX FOR A MONTH AND NEVER ACTUALLY TOUCHED IT FOR SOME REASON. first of all, hi, i fucking understand, i love v.ash so much good lord. my traumatized blonde man who needs so much more help than he allows himself. or that anyone else really gives, but, you know. i'll be pulling a little bit from some of my writing and roleplaying for this so it might be a little softer than canon!
Btw I wasn't sure what kinds of hcs you want, given I'm. A kink blog. But I tried to add in some non kink ones.
W.olfwood generally does not Get why V.ash treats himself like shit, at least not for a while; he has his guesses, but it takes him awhile until V.ash straightup tells him one night that he feels like he has to be useful and helpful to deserve anything, and that's when W.olfwood is really like. Ah shit. I will make sure not to take no for an answer from this point on and make sure he knows he deserves to be allowed to take care of himself even when he's not useful or even if he thinks he fucked something up. Probably even especially then.
Unfortunately V.ash will still skirt the line and undereat, but after a certain point you have to go "something's better than nothing and maybe he'll break and actually fucking eat." Especially with him.
And W.olfwood picks up pretty quick on the kinds of things V.ash likes but is nervous about asking for because... truthfully... the man isn't subtle. Sure, he would eat just about anything, but W.olfwood notices really fast that he's especially excited about salmon, sweets, and fruit, which he never asks for because fruit and fish are pretty damn expensive, but. Look. Sometimes a guy wants to spoil his boyfriend with a massive guilt complex, okay?
In rougher times with less money - or if V.ash is just being especially stubborn - he'll give some of his ration bars. They're not by any means good, but they at least give some respite from the constant hunger V.ash deals with for a little while.
As for some non kink ones:
They are both idiots. Together. V.ash is generally the goofier of the two because he strongly believes in faking it until you make it, but he also has so many stupid things to say and he may very well just die if he doesn't get to say them. It's contagious. I think they're both loosening the other up in different ways here.
W.olfwood also learns very quick that genuine kindness is not something V.ash is used to, and a little scared/intimidated by, and it lets W.olfwood go back a little to being a caretaker. He thought it was something he lost, but the neurotic plant makes him care, damn it, and he's slowly slipping back into being more gentle and loving, at least for V.ash. Other folks might still be on their own. Especially when he sees the thanks V.ash gets for his trouble.
Similarly, V.ash is gentle and close with W.olfwood; even if at first it's just W.olfwood doing his job, they still enjoy each other's company and V.ash... well. He tries to do a lot for him. He wants to help and listen and convince W.olfwood he's not a monster. They're both trying to convince each other of that.
W.olfwood also comes to think of V.ash as beautiful because of his plant features; the feathers, the markings, the sort of strange mannerisms are all a plus for him. If it gets strangely religious at times it's not his fault. It's on both sides anyway.
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mushiewrites · 2 years
Handsy Hyperfixation
so.....to give an idea of what this monster of a fic is, @awkwardtickleetoo wanted me to name this "Mushie's Self Indulgent Hand Fic", and in my google docs this is labeled "passing out throwing up"...so yeah. this was made back in december and i randomly wrote out 4k words one morning in a frenzy after a picture of dream's hands and thinking about how big they are...and now here we are, over 3k additional words later. it is honestly the most flustering thing I've written yet (to me), cal and i have had trouble even reading through it before it was finished... so yep. here it is! the mega self indulgent hand fic. i hope u all enjoy 😵‍💫
dream catches george starring at his hands from across the room, so he decides to give george a closer look at how much bigger they are than his, and what they're actually capable of
(lee!George / ler!Dream : 7.2k words 🫠)
Four. That’s how many times Dream had counted that George was staring at him. Although, he couldn’t tell if it really counted as staring at him; the brunette was clearly focused on his hands. He had noticed for a while now, even before today, that he would catch George staring at them whenever he would do anything with his hands. At first he figured George would be just watching whatever he’d be doing, but after a while he caught on; it was actually just his hands.
Now, Dream had a theory about why. George was so much smaller than him, and the elder loved to point it out; even more so now that they lived together. In the first two days that George was in Florida he had somehow managed to wrangle up four of Dream’s hoodies, two T-Shirts and a pair of OU sweatpants that he had no idea how George would ever be able to wear them. 
George had pointed out multiple times how much bigger Dream’s hands are, how they completely engulf his fist and some of his wrist. The blonde would let him take his hand and compare it with his own, still commenting on how much larger they were. Dream didn’t think it was weird in the slightest, but he noticed that the more time that passed, the more and more he caught George staring. It had been the fourth time in the last hour, with the older boy thinking he was going unnoticed.  Though in reality, Dream was sure he’d feel his stare from a mile away. 
“Are you really staring at them again?” Dream watched as the sudden question made George jump, wide eyes staring back at him with his cheeks turning a dusty pink as the realization hit that he’d been caught. The younger boy giggled at the way George’s jaw had slightly dropped and how quickly he had closed it with a nervous gulp.
“Staring at what, idiot? I’m not staring at anything!” George spat out after a very tense few seconds while he wracked his brain for things to say. Dream giggled at his sorry excuse of an answer and held up his hands, wiggling his fingers slightly. A smirk formed on his face as he watched George’s cheeks go from pink to red at the action, causing the older boy to break eye contact and look anywhere but at him. 
“Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about, George,” the smaller boy shuddered at the accusation, looking up briefly when he saw Dream stand up from the couch and walk over to where he was on the other end. “My hands, idiot.” 
“What about your stupid hands?” George bit back, clearly flustered at the prospect of having to admit the truth. Dream’s smirk grew even more as he reached his destination, his knees knocking into George’s as he looked down at him. 
“You were staring. Don’t deny it, I caught you red handed George.” Dream was quick to shut George down when he saw his mouth open to protest, making sure he knew that Dream knew his little secret. 
“Y-You’re an actual idiot. You’re the idiot! Why would I be looking at your stupid- HEHEHEY!” George was cut off mid-argument when he felt two squeezes on his sides, making him fall back further into the couch cushions. 
He brought his legs up to his chest out of habit to protect himself, but he quickly realized he had set himself up as Dream squeezed at the back of his thighs, making him scream out and kick his feet up. This only encouraged Dream to grab one of the flailing ankles, gripping it tightly as he scribbled his nails quickly up and down George’s foot. The older boy squealed and fell to his side, giving Dream the opportunity to grab the other ankle and yank them down so his legs were flat against the couch cushions. Once he forcefully maneuvered the smaller boy to lay on his back, Dream straddled his waist, successfully trapping him. 
George was frantically kicking his feet against the couch, trying to dig his heel into it to gain leverage to buck Dream off but finding it harder than he thought it would be. He pushed himself up onto his elbows to try and fully sit up, hoping maybe there was a chance he could get Dream quick enough to make him crumble, but was immediately pushed back down by one of Dream’s hands against his chest. George let out a desperate whine, pushing at Dream’s knees as a last resort to try and loosen the grip they had around his waist but finding it impossible to move him. He was truly fucked. 
“Am I the idiot? I’d say an idiot is more like someone in your situation right now, Georgie.” Dream chuckled as he grabbed George’s sides once more to make him buck his hips up with a yelp. The blonde noticed that George still wasn’t looking at him, and Dream could tell he was almost too flustered to function. 
“Sh-Shuhut uhup!” George replied through his giggles. He did his best to sound intimidating, but he knew it was impossible with all his squeaks and noises. He threw his head back against the couch cushions with a cackle as Dream moved his hands up to his ribcage, squirming as the tickly feeling spread throughout his ribs. 
“Look at that, George! My hands basically cover your entire rib cage,” Dream fanned his fingers out as far as they’d go, smiling down at George as he confirmed they did in fact reach from the top of his ribs to the bottom, even a little on the boy's sides as well. “You’re just so tiny, I guess it makes sense.” 
George felt as if his head would pop at any second, his mind so floaty he felt like an overly filled balloon. He couldn’t do anything but laugh and watch as Dream’s fingers covered the expanse of his upper torso. He squeezed his eyes closed after a few seconds and brought his hands up to hide behind them, too flustered to continue seeing himself getting tickled to pieces.
But Dream was right; George WAS staring at his hands. It started a few months ago when they had been arguing over something, George stealing the remote or Dream’s phone. He was fast but Dream was strong, and so when he finally caught up to the smaller boy, Dream had gripped his wrist to stop him from getting away. The way one of Dream’s hands had completely wrapped around both of George’s wrists had him feeling faint. He swore he was genuinely dizzy when he realized how much bigger Dream actually was than him. 
“I have an idea!” George flinched as Dream broke the silence once more, cracking one eye open to see the bright smile above him. He noticed movement below his vision and leaned his head up slightly, eyes widening in horror as Dream pressed the heel of his hand into his lower tummy, moving it teasingly to make the older boy squeak out a giggle. He placed the rest of his hand down on George’s tummy, spreading his fingers out and pressing the tips of them into the soft skin below. 
“Why don’t we see how many spots I can reach with just one hand?” 
The second George’s mind registered what Dream suggested he froze, staring up into bright green eyes with a tiny nervous giggle slipping out. It was like his brain short circuited - he couldn’t find the words to protest; he couldn’t form words to describe how much that idea had flustered him. 
When he finally had the ability to move his body again he immediately pushed up, trying to launch himself forward to knock Dream off of him to escape. It turns out that Dream had anticipated this and pressed down on George’s stomach, keeping the smaller boy in place. George let out a whine, kicking his legs in a mix of frustration and excitement when he realized he truly was stuck beneath Dream’s hand on his tummy. 
“P-Please Dream! Don’t!” He managed to keep his giggles down as he felt Dream pulse his fingers against his skin once, using just enough pressure for it to tickle but not for it to be unbearable. George knew it was on purpose; if Dream wanted it to really tickle, it would’ve tickled like hell. 
“Why not, George? You seemed to be so interested in my hands before, I figured you’d like a closer look! And I’m even showing you them in action! Aren’t I nice?” As Dream spoke he began to do the jellyfish technique of dragging his fingertips together in the center of his tummy before fanning them back out, taking George by surprise and causing him to squeal. He fell into high pitched giggles as Dream continued to slowly and gently drag his fingertips in and out, following the jumpy tummy even as it squirmed away. 
Even though George wanted to return a snarky comment Dream’s way, he was unable to with how hard he was laughing. Dream had managed to position his ring finger over his ribs, digging right into the muscle between the bones. Once Dream realized this was a more sensitive spot for George, he used more pressure, giggling quietly himself as the boy beneath him practically convulsed with ticklish energy. 
“I said, aren’t I nice?” With that, Dream pressed into his lower ribs on the other side of George with his thumb, watching as the brunettes struggling became more frantic. 
“Y-YEHEHES YES! PLEHEASE NOHOHO! I’M SORRY DREHEHEAM!” Dream chuckled at his friend's reaction, shaking his head slightly as he continued to wiggle his fingertip’s into the quivering tummy. He leaned forward, using his free hand to press down slightly on George’s shoulder to keep him in place. 
“I’m sorry George, but it’s a little too late for apologies now.” Dream let out an overexaggerated sigh, playing up the disappointment before suddenly digging his fingers into George’s tummy, vibrating his hand as well. George let out a shriek, kicking and thrashing and grabbing at Dream’s hand to try and pull it off his stomach.
But Dream was having none of this. He easily scooped up George’s wrists in one hand, pressing them against his chest to keep them out of the way. Dream placed his hand back down onto George’s tummy, his fingertips almost reaching where he was keeping the older boy’s hands hostage. He wasted no time in digging back in, vibrating a little quicker to punish George for interrupting him in the first place. 
“PLEHEASE D-DREHEAM I CAHAN’T- I CAHAHAN’T BREHEATHE!” The brunette shrieked between his cackles, squeezing his eyes even tighter as he pulled at his hands to try and break free from Dream’s grip. Just as he had suspected, nothing worked. 
“You’re speaking George, that means you’re breathing. You’re just dramatic.” Dream replied nonchalantly, still slowing down to make sure George was okay. The smaller boy was taking in gulps of air between his laughter, Dream still digging in slightly but not as intense as before. He slowly allowed his fingers to come to a stop, staying in place against the warm skin. 
“O-Ohoho my gosh. W-Why?” he panted out, opening his eyes again just to give Dream his best puppy dog eyes in the hopes that he would take mercy on him and leave him (and the subject matter) alone. 
“Because, I’m just giving you what you want, Georgie,” Dream began, letting go of the boy’s wrists but grabbing one of his hands to lightly drag his thumb over the back of it to help comfort him. “We both know you were thinking about how much my hands tickle. And we both know it tickles so much because you’re so small, and my hands are so big that they cover most of your spots at one time.” 
The comment made George’s cheeks heat up, feeling as if tiny fireworks were bursting out of the freckles on his skin. He brought his free hand up to slap it over his face, hiding as much of himself as he could to try and relieve some of the embarrassment. A long whine made its way up his throat and passed through his lips without his permission, making him squirm even more due to how flustering the situation was. 
Dream barked out a laugh at that, letting George continue to hide himself as he turned his attention back to his hand on the tummy between his thighs. He pressed his fingertips against George’s stomach a few times, earning a squeak and a kick from him as well as a few stray giggles. 
“Let’s just see what spots I can reach, shall we?” The blonde didn’t wait for George to answer, instead stilling all of his fingers except his thumb that was pressing repeatedly into the lower ribs and upper side on the left of George’s body. Dream watched as he threw his body to the right, attempting to escape from the pokes and prods that were sending tiny sparks of ticklish bolts throughout his left side. 
“See, this is a good spot that my thumb is resting against,” Dream pressed in a little quicker with his thumb on George’s lower ribs to emphasize which spot he was talking about. “It lets me get your extremely ticklish bottom ribs, and it lets me press into your extremely ticklish sides! Sounds extremely ticklish, huh George?” 
Too busy laughing, George was only able to nod his head in agreement, causing Dream to coo at him and apply more pressure. This caused George’s legs to start kicking against the couch cushions again, this time a little more sporadic due to the tickly sensations that were shooting into his side and down his leg. Dream began to rub circles into the bottom two ribs, making George buck up with a screech before he reached down to pull at Dream’s hand once again. 
“Ah ah ah, no blocking me! You know what that means.” George’s eyes snapped open, flinging his hand away from his face and silently pleading up at Dream while shaking his head back and forth frantically. 
“I-I’m sohohorry! I promise I wohon’t dohoho it again!” The smaller boy tried his hardest to make sure Dream knew he was serious, but it seemed he didn’t care in the slightest whether George was actually sorry or not. He shook his head at the boy below him and smirked, grabbing the hand that George had tried to use to stop him and placing it down to his side against the couch. Dream moved his knee over George’s wrist, keeping it in place so that he once again had a free hand. 
“I’m sorry baby, but rules are rules! Now, back to what I was saying,” Dream began to continue, earning a surprised squeak from George as the hand against his tummy sprung back to life, the thumb resuming the light circles along the boy’s very sensitive bottom ribs. “This is just such a good spot. One of my favorites. Never fails to make you laugh, does it?” 
Dream could feel the hand under his knee attempt to wiggle free, so he leaned more of his weight against it, careful not to hurt George but enough that he had absolutely no hope of escaping. The older boy was practically howling at the way Dream was rubbing circles into the bottom rib, thrashing and trying to roll over to cover the spot and dislodge the tickling hand. 
After a few more minutes the circles turned into a palm pressed against that spot, rubbing slightly to help the ghost tickles subside. Dream waited until George’s laughter had calmed down to light giggling before he decided to continue with the task at hand. He pressed his pointer finger into the skin, feeling the inner edge of George’s rib and moving it slightly to press around the spaces between both sides of his ribcage. 
“My pointer finger can reach the middle of your ribs and upper tummy, how does that feel, pretty boy? Hm?” He followed the question with a series of small but powerful pokes, making George kick every time Dream landed one on his ribs. The taunting tone of his voice made it even harder for George to focus on anything but the teases and how badly it tickled. He truly was a flustered mess. 
“I-Ihihit t-tihihickles!” George couldn’t help but bring his free hand back over his face, embarrassed by how squeaky and high pitched he sounded through his giggles. Dream smiled at how adorable the sight was, using his pointer finger to do little swirls with his nail. This made George’s giggles jump even higher in pitch, making him shake his head and pull at his wrist in an attempt to hide himself even further.
“It does, huh? Right here, on your ticklish little ribs?” George whined through his laughter at that, turning his head to the side and throwing his arm over his face to hide how red it was becoming. Dream giggled, continuing to tease him as he tapped a few times on his skin before kneading in a bit. “It tickles right here, George?” 
The older boy could do nothing but nod at Dream’s question, the description he asked so nonchalantly making George’s head spin. He kept his arm over his face even as Dream decided to use a good amount of pressure to knead circles against the bones. George was wailing at this technique that was clearly tickling him silly. Dream couldn’t help but laugh along with him, finding George’s laughter to always be so contagious. He watched the brunette thrash himself from side to side like a squirmy little worm, making that comment out loud to him just to watch the tips of George’s ears turn red as well. 
“Wow, this really is a good spot, isn’t it sweetheart? You’re laughing your little heart out! You’re just a squirmy little ticklish worm, aren’t you?” The blonde cooed, making George squeeze his eyes shut even more. He knew his face was covered but he felt so exposed and so vulnerable under Dream’s hand like this. He couldn’t understand why, but he fucking loved it. 
“Okay, let’s give this sensitive little spot a break. How about we go on to the next spot?” Dream asked, not waiting for an answer as he poked his middle finger against the skin a little below his sternum three times. George jolted upwards, not laughing as hard as the previous spot but still cackling enough to let Dream know that what he was doing was working. 
“D-Dreheheam please! I cahan’t take ihihit!” George whined through his giggles, finally moving his arm away from his face and opening his eyes to plead once again with Dream. The taller boy flashed his white teeth at him through a big smile, shaking his head back at him slowly. 
“I’ve seen you take much worse than this! This is nothing,” Dream explained, as if George wasn’t the one experiencing the tickling. “You’re just a little overly sensitive today, that’s all.”
The elder rolled his eyes at that, earning a quick squeeze to the upper thigh from Dream’s free hand and making him shriek before falling back into bright giggles as the feeling disappeared as quickly as it came. 
“N-Nohohot fair, Dream!” George pouted through his jagged breathing, not appreciating the sudden squeeze to his death spot for simply rolling his eyes.
“Awh,” Dream’s caring smile was shining through for a few seconds before a more devious smirk appeared in its place, a menacing giggle spilling out from the younger boy before he continued his teasing. “Is the poor baby too sensitive? Too ticklish? Too small to defend himself?” 
George pondered the question before he slowly nodded his head, flinging his free arm back over his face to hide the returning blush. He heard Dream giggle above him, sounding much closer than anticipated. A soft breeze to his ear was enough to make him start giggling again as Dream began to whisper into his ear, giving him goosebumps and making him shudder at the tickly vibrations that came with it. George could hear the teasy-ness dripping from Dream’s words as he continued to mess with him.
“That sounds like a you problem, angel.” 
The words sent shivers down George’s spine, feeling how much Dream was loving being able to rip the smaller boy to little ticklish shreds. He knew the exact teases and spots that got to George in the cruelest ways, and Dream was using Every. Single. One. And considering they had only just reached the third finger, George wondered how he’d ever survive this. 
“Okay, now that we’ve established you’re too small, sensitive and flustered to do anything, let’s continue.” The blonde had pressed his lips against George’s ear this time, allowing the vibrations from the low tone of his voice to travel from his ear down his spine. Another chill had him shuddering as Dream pulled back, sitting straight up and readjusting his position to make sure George’s arm wouldn’t break free from below his knee. 
“D-Do wehehe have to continue? Aren’t you….bored? Isn’t there… something else you’d like to behehe doing?” The smaller boy squeaked out, trying but painfully failing to convince Dream that there were better things to do. George moved his arm slightly to watch as the boy above him quirked an eyebrow up in confusion, a dopey grin spreading across his face at George’s pathetic attempt at stopping him. 
Dream let out a low chuckle, the kind that made George want to curl in on himself from how menacing it sounded. He immediately threw his arm back over his face out of embarrassment, but Dream grabbed it with one of his hands and brought it down to join the other hand under one of Dream’s knees. George let out a long whine, shaking his head up with wide eyes. This only made Dream bark out another laugh at the sight. 
“Something else I’d be doing? Like what? Laying on the couch? Napping? Editing?” Dream scrunched his nose at the suggestions, shaking his head slightly as he weighed the options. “Absolutely not. I’d rather be right here, tickling you to bits.” 
“Nohohoho!” George giggled at that, a loud cackle following as Dream slowly dug his fingertips into the older boy's tummy. He wiggled them slightly with enough pressure to keep George laughing, shaking his head himself as he protested Dream’s actions. He tried to wiggle his hips to move the tickly fingers, but he was stuck between the two thighs keeping his arms pinned. It was then he realized how stuck he actually was. Dream watched as the brunette gulped, staring back up at him with a nervous smile. 
“Yehehes!” Dream mocked George, making the smaller boy whine and look to the side, finally breaking eye contact. “What’s wrong Georgie, too ticklish? Can’t handle it?” 
Dream still his fingers, only poking into the skin with his middle finger once more. George shook his head a little faster, squeaking as he tucked his bottom lip between his teeth while he tried to hold his laughter in. But Dream wasn’t having this. He used his middle finger to wiggle it a little to the side, just barely grazing the start of one of George’s rib bones. He nearly bucked Dream off with how hard he threw his body around. 
“Oh, that’s a good spot, huh George?” The brunette heard Dream’s question, but he couldn’t speak even if he had wanted to. “Right here, on your little ribs again? I’d say this is probably your worst spot, wouldn’t you?”
“S-Stohop Dreheheam! P-Plehease!” George pleaded with Dream, again trying his hand at Dream’s famous puppy eyes. However, the younger boy seemed to be immune to this tactic at the current moment, completely focused on pressing his middle finger to the left and right to make sure he was scraping at the tips of his inner ribs. 
“Stop? Okay George, I’ll stop.” The blonde smiled down at him, removing both hands and holding them out in front of him. George let out a sigh of relief, finally able to take a full breath. But this relief was short lived as he watched two hands dart back to his ribs, digging in quickly and vibrating against George’s bones. Dream leaned down again, pressing lips to the boy's bright red ear. “I’ll stop tickling when you stop being so ticklish.” 
George felt goosebumps rise on his skin, something that only happens when he gets extremely flustered. Dream knew this, and he raised his eyebrows with a huge grin, comparable to a little kid on Christmas morning. He paused his tickling, sitting back slightly so he could look at George fully.
“Oh, that got to you, huh? What was it this time? The way I said I was going to stop and didn’t? The way I mentioned how ticklish you were?” Dream watched the boy squirm beneath him as he tried to hide his face in his shoulder. “Or was it both? Tell me kitten, what one is it?”.
The elder just squirmed more under Dream’s intense stare, waiting for an answer from him. George stuttered through his reply, not able to think clearly due to how flustered he was. It came out quieter than he’d meant it to be, barely above a whisper as he answered Dream’s question. 
“Uhm, t-the third option.” 
Dream cooed at that, bringing a hand to his cheek to rub one of his thumbs under George’s eye. He felt as the smaller boy relaxed into the touch, essentially pushing into Dream’s hand and nuzzling his cheek against the skin. This made Dream choke out a squeak, holding in a giggle as George’s stubble tickled the palm of his hand. He had hoped that it’d go unseen but George was smirking at him now, clearly amused with the way he had accidentally tickled the younger boy. 
“Oh be quiet George. We still have two fingers left!” the blonde practically growled at George, causing him to giggle at how serious he looked. Dream leaned down closer to his face, grinning as he continued. “I’m not done playing with my tickle toy, yet.”
The brunette swore the room was spinning, feeling incredibly lightheaded at the new pet name Dream used. George didn’t think it was possible to be more flustered than he already was, but apparently this was a night of discoveries, and he added it to the secret list of things that make him melt into a puddle. 
“Ugh, Dream, you can’t say that.” 
“Why? Because it flusters you? Because it embarrasses you? When are you gonna realize I don’t listen to you? I can say whatever I want. I can do whatever I want.” He chuckled, moving his hands off of his ribs and placing his hand back on George’s stomach, his fingers spread out in the same position as before. George watched as Dream flashed him a bright smile, acting as if he wasn’t currently torturing the absolute hell out of him. “Is that fucking clear?” 
George felt his eyes growing wider and suddenly he was nodding, unable to break eye contact with Dream, as if in a trance. Dream had never spoken to him like this before, at least not this seriously. He wasn’t sure if it was because he was flustered out of his mind or just because it was Dream, but one thing was for sure - he found himself wanting to listen to him. He wanted to do what Dream asked of him. He wanted to make Dream proud. 
“Good boy, Georgie.” Dream knows exactly what that line of praise does to him, and he smirks as he says it. George felt the dizzying feeling once more, knowing that if Dream continues how he is now, he won’t be able to remember his own name. He let out a whine as Dream wiggled his ring finger lightly, squirming slightly to the left to try and relieve the feeling. 
“Stay still for me, okay angel? The more you cooperate, the easier it’s going to be for you.” 
George could only nod in response with a tiny squeak of acknowledgement before breaking out into giggles as Dream pressed his finger a little harder against the right side of his rib cage, rubbing back and forth slowly. This caused George to squeal, a loud cackle following as he kicked as much as he could. To his surprise, he was doing a pretty good job of keeping his upper body still, his body jerking slightly to the side but nothing more than that. 
“See, it’s not so bad, huh?” Dream was speaking softer than before as he watched George’s eyes squeeze shut in embarrassment. He smiled fondly down at him, moving his ring finger between the spaces of the ribs he could reach. Dream let out a small strained whine when he wasn’t able to get to as many of the bones as he’d like. 
“Nohoho it ihihis still bahahad!” George continued to try and speak through his laughter, making Dream break out into airy giggles while he continued to wiggle his fingers along the sensitive skin of George’s torso.
“Okay, still bad, but you’re doing so good!” Dream sounded genuinely proud and George thought he might combust into a million tiny pieces if he said anything else even in the realm of kindness. “I know how ticklish your little ribs are, it must be torture to endure this. But you’re doing such a good job, George. Such a good boy.” 
George whined again through his laughter, shaking his head as he realized Dream was even using praise against him now. The blonde wasn’t playing fairly - he was using all of George’s weaknesses he’d ever found out and was putting them all into play at the same time; It wasn’t his fault he was so spaced out! 
Dream began to drill his finger against the rib bones, kneading as fast as he could along as many ribs as he could reach. He lifted his palm slightly, moving it forward to get at untouched bones to make George jump. The elder could feel the way Dream‘s finger slotted perfectly in the spaces between the bones, making him attempt to buck up in ticklish agony. He was wailing now, his legs no longer kicking and arms no longer pulling every now and then - he was truly putty. He was truly Dream’s tickle toy. 
“NAHAHA PLEHEASE!” George thought he might die with how hard he was laughing, feeling his chest burning every time he sharply inhaled between his cackles. Dream heard the strain in his voice and slowed his finger to a gentle tracing, trying to soothe George and let him ride out the leftover giggles that continued on, even after Dream completely removed his hand. 
“Hey, it’s alright, George. I’m right here, you did great, okay?” George was breathing heavily, taking in huge gulps of air as his breathing finally began to regulate itself. “We have one more finger, just my pinky, but if you’re too tickled out we don’t have to do it.” 
One thing that he always appreciated and admired about Dream was his ability to be completely genuine and only want the best for the people around him. He knew that Dream would stop if George really wanted to, and because of this George decided to let him keep going. He trusted Dream and knew he would stop regardless if he wound up changing his mind. 
“N-Nohoho you- you cahahan,” George giggled out, looking up at Dream and giving him a smile to let the younger boy know he was okay. “Just…behehe quick if you cahan, okay?” 
Dream could’ve teared up at how nice George was being. He was willingly letting Dream continue, even if he had just tortured the life out of him not even two minutes prior. The fact that George felt safe with Dream was all he had ever wanted, and he had no idea how to handle the feeling. He leaned forward and grabbed George’s cheeks with both hands, lightly squeezing and squishing his face between his fingers. 
“Yes I’ll be quick! Oh my God, George, you’re so adorable. I can’t get over it. I just had to squish you.” Dream was giggling at George’s confusion spreading all over his face, his brows furrowing together and a small wobbly grin forming as he felt Dream continue to contort his face in all different ways. After a few more seconds, the blonde finally pulled back, giggling down at George and watching him attempt to hold in giggles.
“None of that, remember?” Dream was quick to put his hand back on George’s stomach, using his pinky to push into the squishy part of George’s right side and causing him to thrash to the left with a squeak. “No holding in giggles! They’re my reward for tickling you!” 
“S-Stohohop saying stuff like thahahat!” George cried out as he continued to laugh his little head off, feeling as Dream began rubbing his finger in all different directions in the middle of his side, trying to find the right place to get the biggest reaction. 
“Like what? Me saying your giggles are a reward for me tickling you? It’s true! They are my reward, why else would I be doing this?” Dream continued to wiggle his pinky, pausing for a second so George would look up at him. “I mean, besides the fact that you love being tickled.” 
George was sure his face was truly on fire with how hot his skin was, not able to control his reactions and stuttering out protests at Dream’s accusations. He was shaking his head frantically, denying and denying and denying, all while Dream sat in silence from his place on George’s hips, smiling down at him and seemingly not listening to a word George was saying. 
“Stop trying to deny it, baby. You know you do, I know you do, so let me take care of you, okay?” Dream sounded so sweet it was making George’s head spin. He felt like his head was filled with cement, letting it lay against the soft cushions below him as he stared up at the ceiling. Dream resumed his tickling after another second, startling George and causing his laughter to come out more frantic than it had been. 
George was fully dizzy now, his mind floating somewhere in space while his body remained on earth, tickled and tormented in whatever ways Dream liked. He wasn’t sure how this had even started anymore, not able to think of anything else besides how big Dream’s hand was and how badly it tickled him. The thought of Dream’s hand being able to spread over most of his torso was flustering enough, but seeing it for himself in real time was something he never expected to see. He wasn’t sure how to get his thoughts together - he actually wasn’t sure if he had any other thoughts at all, besides how ticklish it felt. 
He jolted as Dream’s remaining four fingers began to move, digging into the spots that had been tormented minutes before. George couldn’t do anything but laugh, twisting from side to side every time Dream’s pointer and ring finger scraped between the bones in the middle of his rib cage. He had never had someone’s focus so closely on a spot before, especially not to experiment and prolong the tickling process like this. George shook his head again, trying to shake the flustering thought from his brain before he actually melts into the cushions below him. 
Dream added his free hand into the mix, having explored where he could reach with one hand and now using this opportunity to truly dig into George’s ribs. George screamed, making Dream’s eyes quickly flick up to his face to make sure he wasn’t hurt. It sounded so desperate and raw, like it tore through George’s throat to escape. When he was sure George wasn’t actually in pain he continued on, squeezing and kneading and knuckling at the sensitive little ribs under his fingers. The boy below him could almost be compared to a rag doll - George was completely limp, his head thrown back with his eyes tightly shut, laughing and laughing and not putting up an ounce of a fight. 
“Look at you, George. You’re all tickled out, huh? I bet everything feels so much more ticklish now that I’ve flustered you a ton.” Dream teased him, trying to keep his voice in a light tone as he spoke over George’s laughter. The older boy nodded, unable to answer with words because of how hard he was laughing. His face was a deep red, flushed beyond repair as his hair stuck to his forehead and the sides of his face. He was sweating and tears were falling and George couldn’t tell which was which. It didn’t really matter, it was all part of the overwhelming feeling of bliss George had.
“P-PLEHE- DREHE-” He was pleading through his screams, bucking up off the couch even with Dream sitting on his waist as Dream’s pointer fingers found his sensitive back ribs, kneading circles deep into the bones there. No matter how hard he tried, George couldn’t get a full word out. This signaled to Dream that George was indeed tickled out, and he really was at his limit. 
The hands on George’s ribs slowly came to a stop, Dream using his palms to try and soothe him once more of the lingering ghost tickles that were no doubt still doing their job. George couldn’t stop laughing. He didn’t remember the last time he was tickled like this, if ever. His chest was on fire and his throat was raw, coughing slightly when he took in a particularly deeper breath. 
“Wait one second okay? I’ll be right back.” The younger boy moved off of him and stood up from the couch, walking to the kitchen and opening the fridge. Dream grabbed out two water bottles, bringing one over to George and twisting the cap before holding it out to him. 
“Thanks.” George strained out as he sat up slowly, wincing at his sore wrists from being kneeled on for so long. Dream noticed and his gentle smile turned into a concerned frown, sitting down on the couch next to George and taking the wrist that was not occupied into his own hands to begin rubbing lightly. 
“Sorry about that,” Dream apologized sheepishly, setting George’s water bottle on the side table when he was finished drinking to scoop his other wrist up, now gently massaging both and smiling when George let out a little contented sigh and closed his eyes again. “I didn’t mean to lean on them so hard. I got a little carried away.”
“You think?” Dream giggled bashfully as he felt his cheeks grow warmer, looking back down at George’s hands as he continued to rub along the skin of the small wrists. The blonde lifted them up, leaning his head down and meeting them halfway to give each wrist a small kiss. He pulled back, seeing George crack an eye open as he waited for Dream’s response.
“I couldn’t help it! Your laugh, like, activated something in me. I just needed to hear it more! It was like I became a tickle monster or something.” It was George’s turn to be bashful, knowing damn well that Dream knew the tickle monster bit always got to him a little more. He groaned, pulling his hands out of Dream’s to cover his own face, knowing he was blushing and wouldn’t be able to control it.
“Okahay, I promise I’m done! I’ve tortured you enough,” Dream giggled at how on edge the elder was, standing up from the couch and scooping the smaller boy up in his arms and making him shriek before he could even uncover his eyes. “At least for today.” 
“DREAM! What- whahat are you dohoing?!” George kicked his legs a few times as Dream carried him bridal style towards the kitchen. All hopes of containing his blush were gone as George thought about how effortlessly Dream could lift him, carrying him like he weighed nothing. He was still giggling as Dream set him down to sit on the counter a few seconds later, squirming to the side slightly when the blonde briefly wiggled his pointer finger into his side.
“Grabbing snacks! I’ve decided we’re gonna watch a movie now.” Dream explained, turning his back to George as he began to rummage through the cabinets for anything he thought looked good. 
“Oh yeah?” George couldn’t help the softness showing through his sarcasm, watching as the younger boy turned around with an arm full of popcorn and candy. 
“Yes,” He replied, handing George the snacks and picking up again, heading towards the theater room. “And since I almost killed you, I guess you can pick what movie we watch.”
The elder let out an over exaggerated shriek of excitement, making Dream jerk his head to the side to protect his ear from the volume of George’s voice. He once again couldn’t stop thinking about how easily Dream was holding him. Without permission, he let out a small squeak, eyes growing wide as they met Dream’s in embarrassment. 
The two broke out into giggles as Dream sat him down on one of the cushioned theater chairs, dropping the snacks on his own chair while George situated himself. Dream went and retrieved a huge blanket from the basket in the corner of the room, draping it over the two as he settled in next to George. Dream ripped open a pack of M&M’s, giggling through an eye roll as George leaned over into the younger boy’s space with his mouth wide open. 
“You’re such an idiot.” He shook his head fondly as he dropped two into George’s mouth anyway. The brunette giggled as he closed his mouth with a ‘smack’, sliding down in his chair to rest his back against the cushions as he pressed the button to recline it. Dream did the same, snuggling in closer to George and moving the snacks onto the blankets on top of them. 
“Watch it, or I’ll make you watch Harry Potter for the twentieth time.” 
“Oh God, I’ll never speak again, don’t worry.” 
“Dreheam!” The blonde was met with a soft smack on his bicep from a very giggly George, and he couldn’t help but laugh at his snarky comment himself. 
Dream watched as he grabbed the remote from the arm of the chair, opening the streaming app and flicking through the movie options. He let out a contented sigh, allowing himself to relax into the chair and closer to George. It was only when George picked a movie that he finally settled down, cuddling in closer to Dream and resting his head against the younger boy’s shoulder. 
Yes, George may have been tickled to the brink of death by his menace of a best friend, but if it meant ending in night like this, he would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
(you can find this fic on ao3 here!)
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bucknastysbabe · 2 years
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The games we play
Rating: Explicit
Synopsis: Aegon and his wife have a strange dynamic. He does what he wants but somehow always finds himself back at her feet. Shaking and crying for more.
Tags: Bratty sub!Aegon, Mean dom!reader, Teasing, orgasm denial, handjob, slutty pet names, slight worship, Aegon is still a drunk asshole, but he likes to be told that down deep, Aemond is onto their weird asses, she’s nice after
Aegon simultaneously has the worlds biggest praise and degradation kink. I’m on a roll, what can I say about it I love man tears💅🏻 he’s such a little sad slut I love it. Send in thots if one dares, I’m in full hyperfixation mode and I have an addictive personality the math is matching
Aegon squinted in the low light. Harrold Westerling himself had dragged the Prince back to his chambers, ranting and raving about duty and honor. It’s not like he heard enough of it as is from his family. Somehow he now was in his wife’s chambers.
“Did you get your dick wet at the least?,” Aegon’s lady called from the gloom.
He stumbled over a chair and plopped to the ground ungracefully, a laugh bubbling out of his chest. He slurred, “Maybe I did? Did you make everyone mis’rable while I was gone?” He looked into the darkness and still couldn’t see, blowing a breath out in annoyance. He heard her bitter laugh and cloth rustling.
He jumped when she appeared in front of him, hands on her hips. He swallowed at her tight body under a thin chemise. The princess shook her head, her piercing eyes burning a hole into his skin. She deadpanned, “You smell like pig shit. I’ll get someone to draw a bath. Idiot.” He playfully grabbed at her legs, getting a slap in return.
He dozed until she came back, kicking him in the side. Aegon gasped, “W-wha? Gods!” She spat, “Get the seven hells up you buffoon.” He clambered to his feet and shuffled behind his wife to the bath. Her pretty face was set into a grimace as she undressed Aegon. He goofily smiled at her and laughed, “You’re a royal bitch you know that?”
“And you’re a drunken sot,” she replied evenly.
She helped Aegon into the tub and pushed him down. Her nimble hands poured scented oil into the water. The woman grabbed a soap and massaged the lather into his hair. The prince moaned lowly, his long lashes framing his cheeks. She inquired, “Are you at least behaving with the whores?”
He defensively evaded her question, “They’re paid to obey.”
She shook her head and yanked at his blonde locks, Aegon wincing and apologizing half-assedly with a smirk. He amended, “Yes, I was good!” She rubbed at his tight shoulders and kept silent. Aegon babbled on, “I bedded this Yunkish whore trained in the way of the seven sighs— she could suck cock like no other.”
His wife hummed along and scrubbed his chest and arms dutifully. She prodded, “Tell me more, how did you fuck her?” Aegon shuddered as she pinched at the thin skin on his side. He gasped lowly and spoke, “I fucked her like a bitch in heat. Wetter than all get out. She let me grab her hair and spank her- fuck.”
“I bet she didn’t cum, you stupid prick,” the woman snickered.
Aegon turned to glare at her and muttered, “It doesn’t matter— it’s a whore!”
He only received an infuriating smile in return. Aegon whipped his head away sullenly and snapped, “Much better than your arid cunt.” She laughed again and lathered up his legs, ignoring the comment. Aegon’s cheeks reddened in annoyance, his cock twitching at his lady wife’s mean words. He petulantly remarked, “She did cry for it.”
“I’m sure Aegon, I’m sure you were great.”
Aegon was going to have a hysterical fit now. She’d always do this after knowing he was at a pillow house, making him feel like a silly boy. He cursed himself for how hot it got him. Her index finger circled around a nipple as she spoke, “Was she pretty when she cried? Did you bruise her up?” Aegon pouted and mumbled a yes, shivering under her touch.
She leaned down to his ear, her breasts pressed against his upper back. The woman whispered, “I bet she was so honored to bed you, my prince. Whining and squirming on your dragon cock. You filling up her tight cunt. I wonder if she’ll keep the bastard. You have enough as is.”
A sad whine poured from his swollen lips, his eyes casting an accusing look on her. She gently nipped the shell of his ear, her hand skating down his sensitive tummy. She nuzzled into his damp hair, chuckling as she found his cock hard and throbbing. He whined again, knowing what was to come.
“You’re such a whore Aegon. You’re hard right now? Again? Do you think your brother gets off on being a pathetic dog?,” she teased mercilessly. Aegon shut his eyes and worried his lip between white teeth. Her soft hand pulled at his swollen member, a thumb rubbing around the crown. His thighs jumped at the stimulation and Aegon flailed grabbed onto the edge of the tub.
She continued, “Such a slut. You just need your dick rubbed and some wine hm? Thank the Father you have me to give you what you really want.”
Aegon bit back a noise, trying and failing to compose himself. His mind turned to mush when his wife did this. He tried to curl away from her touch and her other hand came down to pinch his nipple rudely. Aegon cried out and thrusted into her grip involuntarily. The Princess jacked his cock faster and pulled at a peaked bud breathlessly giggling.
Aegon’s lips fell open to moan his wife’s name, trembling like a leaf. Water splashed around under her ministrations. He babbled, “Fuck! Shit, gods, ah- I haAAte you!” The prince internally wilted at the pitch of his voice, but panted regardless. She cooed, “You gonna cum filthy pup? You’re gagging for it.”
He whined, “Yes, yes! Gonna cum fuck baby!”
Little whimpers escaped his lips as he thrust into her palm, chasing his orgasm now. Then she swept the rug out from under him. The woman gripped at the base of his cock, preventing him from spending. His cock twitched and ached, Aegon crying out at the intense feeling. He moaned pitifully, “Why would you do that? I was about to cum! It huuurts!”
She rolled her eyes at his whinging, keeping her iron grip on him. He shook and sniffled, shooting pleading looks to his brutal wife. The princess tutted, “You’ve already cum once, waiting won’t kill you. You need to learn you pathetic pup.” Aegon whimpered her name, grasping at her arm only to get shaken off.
“Just lemme’ cum,” Aegon whined.
She waited until the pulse wasn’t jumping on his cock and the started up again. Aegon leaned back onto her frame, spreading his legs as much as the tub would allow. The woman cooed, “There’s my sweet boy.” Aegon’s mouth moved but nonsense rolled out, tongue thick and mind muddled. He turned to look at her and stared at her lips— silently begging for a kiss.
He stuttered, “O-oh pluh-ease!”
The corners of the Princess’ lips turned up and she pressed them against his. Aegon whined into her mouth, sloppily mouthing at her lips. She chuckled and pet at his side like a spooked horse. Aegon licked around, eagerly seeking the expanse of her mouth. She obliged and gave into his messy lip lock. He groaned as she rubbed around his engorged tip.
Soon Aegon was on the verge again, weeping and begging at the ache between his legs. It felt so good but hurt like seven hells. She goaded him on in a rasp, “Oh poor baby- do you think you deserve it this time? You wanna cum now pup?”
Aegon trembled and yelped, “Pleasepleasplease baby please- oh I need it, my balls are s’full!”
She hummed, “They’re full? You did fill that whore up not too long ago.” The Prince didn’t like that, whining and shaking his head vigorously. His wife continued, “That’s right. You need me to really empty you out. Little fucking deviant whore.” Aegon was gone enough that he agreed with her, helplessly rutting into the mind-blowing grip with whimpers.
Aegon whispered, “S-so close, please princess? I’ll be a good boy?” He was red in the face from holding back, his toes cramping in the process. A shiver wracked down his spine at how pathetic he was behaving. She nipped his bottom lip playfully and murmured, “Yeah. I suppose you have been good this round.” Aegon’s body tightened and spasmed at her words— water splashing in the wake. High frantic noises echoed around the candlelit chamber.
The blonde whimpered and nuzzled into her embrace as the orgasm washed over him. He felt like he’d been cumming for years, his balls emptying so much. She gasped in fake surprise, “Ah! You needed that didn’t you? Needy little baby.” He nodded, head lolling around with sudden exhaustion. She pet at his skin one more time before standing up.
Aegon mewled pitifully at her departure and sighed when he realized his wife was merely getting a towel. She held a hand out to him, Aegon taking it and standing up on shaking legs. The woman ushered him out and gently toweled his pale pink skin down, him wincing when she dried his overspent cock.
His wife cooed at his softened demeanor and led him to her bed. Aegon clung to her like a child, burying his face into her neck and soft hair. She rubbed his back and pressed kisses to the crown of his head. The woman purred, “So sweet, did a good job.”
Aegon murmured, “Sorry for being rude…love you.”
She sighed, “Don’t worry dear I like you just as much when you’re a bratty pup. Get your rest, love you too.”
The rest of the Targaryens and Hightowers didn’t know why Aegon was so cheerful that next morning but were grateful for it. Aemond had an inkling at his brother mooning over his wife and receiving a scoff in response.
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hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ari<33 how was your day? how is it going? tell me tell me!! MY QUESTION IS what movies would be your movies with gojo n geto n shoko?? like something you're both always down to watch
i just thought about this bc i put jackass on for background noise (a totally normal thing to do i know) and i realized that jackass would absolutely be something me n gojo would bond over lmao i think he'd find it so funny and he'd react to everything sooo dramatically like he's crawling backwards over the couch he's gagging he's crying he's laughing and he will most definitely wanna fucking try some of the stunts............................ he's stupid and i love him
- @softgirlgonehaywire
MICKEY !!!!!!!! hihihi!!!!!!!!! so happy to see u here hehe. my day was good!!! 🌻🌻🌻 im trying to take advantage of my uni break to read and write a bunch!!! which is super fun :D i wanna check out more of ur stuff sometime soon too !!!!
what abt u mickey?? did u do anything fun??? i hope ur day was (or is!!) super duper lovely <33
AAAA AND. thats the cutest question ever im losing it im biting at the walls tysm for indulging my sashisu obsession….. this got long u have been warned ‼️
FIRST OF ALL i just wanna say i havent watched jackass so i cant comment as much as i want to 😔😔😔 bUT i trust u and agree w everything u say yep yep !!!! AND i 100% agree that gojo would do movie stunts w u THATS SO CUTE 😭😭 he would do the most complicated dangerous stunt just to impress u <333 and then break his ankle. and force u to nurse him back to health it was on purpose :/
ahhh but!!!! honestly mickey i dont watch as many movies as id like to……. (PLS GIVE ME RECS 🙏🙏🙏) i have some faves and genres that i love tho!! so here r just some general thoughts :3
gojo is canonically down to watch basically anything so i feel like we would hunt down the most awful/low quality/unintentionally hilarious movies we can n just lose it laughing. ALSO…. im not super into reality tv but i think gojo would LOVE that shit. obsessed w it. i would watch his silly little reality tv shows just to make him happy <333 i feel like he would have genuine beef w people on the show too PHDKDJD LIKE DAMN IS IT REALLY THAT SERIOUS… but it is. he’s out for blood.
….. also this is me being self indulgent lets be clear but: some part of me thinks gojo would love musicals <33 its the would-be theatre kid in him. i love and cherish the legally blonde musical and i know he would too. he sings along obnoxiously loud which would be super funny if he was tone deaf but sadly he has a beautiful voice LMAOO
NOW as for shoko …… she loves horror movies. loves them loves them. i think she’d actually prefer really bad horror movies though. bc she thinks the over-the-top effects are so funny… either way im suffering bc im a scaredy cat LOL. but i feel like she’d like that too <33 (i would cry and she would comfort me by explaining how splattered brains ACTUALLY look and that would make me cry more)
AH ALSO … i have literally no idea where this came from and its not a movie but!! i think shoko would be unreasonably obsessed w the office. its her hyperfixation. we would binge it together all the time <33 my favorite is michael but she would compare him to gojo (objectively correct comparison) and i would no longer be able to see him the same way
and then for sugu…….. he’s so pretentious mickey. i just know he is. ONLY watches good movies. if u ask nicely he’ll watch a bad movie w u but will silently judge it + ur taste the whole time i hate him. (i dont.) idk i just feel like he has way too much to say abt fight club and the godfather PSBDJBF TELL ME U SEE THE VISION…. will lowkey mainsplain them to u but its sugu so i think its fine <33
but jokes aside i think sugu just has Good taste. beyond the mainstream toxic man movies (and even w those i think he has genuinely good and interesting takes he’s simply Perfect)… i feel like he has a wide selection of lesser known movies that are actually really really good and he shares them w u <3 and gatekeeps them from everyone else im thinking like old monochrome french movies w really interesting plots …. indie gems …. etc etc.
but as i said im not knowledgeable abt movies at ALL so i think id just have to trust his taste n watch them w him 😭😭 i cant decide if he’s the type to pause the movie every two minutes to explain something or give u side eye if u talk while its playing PDBDJDJ EITHER WAY… i love him.
OH BUT BUT BUT …. i think sugu would love mystery movies a lot!!! and they r my favorites ever ever ever. i love knives out & the 2009 sherlock holmes movies so i would force him to watch them w me. thankfully theyre super good so we’d both be happy :) yeah.
if u pay attention while reading u can tell the exact moment i started getting carried away i think PDBDJD THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD QUESTION MICKEY ….. so fun to think abt. if u have any more thoughts on what u and gojo would watch PLS tell me i am itching to know 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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wilted-astraea · 1 month
Asking this to anyone that might have fictionkin knowledge cause im hesitant to call me one without proper knowledge, but i never can find good info.
This may seem like a stupid question, so im sorry for that.
I feel like i am a character, memories, behaviors, and even missing locations. This character has been as if I've been there. But, i know im not the character? I often am told that i have to believe i am t1he character. But i know im not. Maybe in a past life i was? But either way. Idk
Any info could help.
hello, anon! i am relatively new to the community, so my knowledge may not be as sharp as some others. in my experience, i came across the same confusion when my first kintype developed (sasha).
i can't say that i was experiencing any memories at that point, but learning to distinguish identifying as a character and identifying with one was a good starting point. there is a lot of merit in saying that you have to believe you are that character because kin would be described as identifying AS that character, but there are different ways that kin can be interpreted.
i suggest looking into psychological kin vs spiritual kin and understanding what they are because you seem to align with spiritual kin. keep in mind, you can experience both (i experience both as sasha waybright.)
you could also experience something known as fictionflickering. this is usually a temporary identification as a fictional character. it can come and go over time and may be limited by circumstances (ex. hyperfixating on the media they're from atm) whereas a kinshift isn't necessarily bound to temporary circumstance, but rather your mind/behavior shifts to that character and you believe that you are/were them. (ex. past life.. like you mentioned)
one last thing to mention! as i've observed the community and taken part in it myself, there is a general consensus around the existence of kintypes that are canon vs canon-divergent, meaning that our identities may or may not correlate completely with the source media. (ex. canon sasha is blonde, i'm brunette, but "we" exist in alternate universes with interlinked lives. we are still the same person.) so it's okay if you don't completely "relate" to everything about your canon "counterpart." sometimes, it comes down to personal beliefs and experiences as that character.
it's definitely a process, so don't feel like you need to rush. in my opinion, what you described definitely sounds like kin, particularly spiritual. before you kinfirm (confirm lol) this kintype, it can be helpful to try and "get into character." try out this identity! consume media, dress like them, maybe draw or edit them. do anything and see if this feels like there's an alignment. if you believe that this could be a past life, does it bring back those memories? do you get any sensations? do you feel a particular way about others within your canon? it's all helpful to look into these things, but also not everybody who is kin gets memories either. it just seems like you do according to your ask! i wish you the best of luck!! ty for asking <3
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findthebae · 4 months
uhh hey. so im dave strider from homestuck. uhh i dont have a lot of memories of sburb (like, i have a few, but theyre all fuzzy and weird and blotted.) i do remember hanging out with john rose and jade pre-sburb though. i had a crush on john and jade (but jade was aromantic and i never told either of them). i also remember vaguely having a crush on karkat and someone else, but im not sure who. they were a girl, though. man i had a lot of crushes. uhh. i dont know if john was trans or not, i just know he was a little weird about gender. i mean, i think we all were, but i really noticed it with him. bodily im 15 and mentally im like 15~16, so keep that in mind. im also part of a system and not the main host (i think). we also have a karkat, if that makes you uncomfortable or something. he just doesnt like me, even though we havent really talked
ill list some memories i guess?
john: i remember playing mario kart with him a lot and texting till late hours. we knew each other for a long time (like, since we were toddlers or something). i always saw him as a dude but sometimes jokingly called him my wife because we were so attached. we made stupid raps together sometimes, but i cant remember any of the words anymore. one was about fnaf. i have no idea what years my memories are set in, by the way. his eyes were really pretty green/blue (they seemed to change sometimes?) and his hair was always super soft. sometimes he played pranks on me and he always apologized if it upset me (different sensory issues, you know)
rose: she actually taught me how to knit. i think she was aroace but, like. open to romance? like i think she had a girlfriend once but im not sure who it was. she was also pretty smart about lgbt stuff and i think it mightve been one of her spintrests (we were all autistic, i was just the last to realize). she would actually listen to me make some of my music and give insight on lyrics and stuff. she was really good with lyrics. i think she got into her moms alcohol sometimes and i normally kept chatting with her so she wouldnt do anything dumb or something (especially since i got into alcohol sometimes too and i did dumb stuff)
jade: she didnt always make the most sense and sometimes i had to remind her to take care of herself because she got so hyperfixated on something she forgot. she liked writing and did some weird plant stuff? i think she was into magic. she was so so so pretty guys im so serious even if she wasnt literally connected with the stars id still be convinced she was one. anyway i also gave her some sea shells one time
karkat: man how do i say this. he tried to act like an insufferable prick but he was just genuinely so sweet. it sucks that i cant remember much of him, i just know he was real sweet and pretty and i think he purred.
other person i forgot: i think she played guitar? and she was a troll. i dont remember her typing quirk but i know it was definitely legible? her horns were kind of short (but not like karkats) and she was super sweet to me i think. and i did in fact fall for it. i will fall for almost anyone who's super nice to me. i dont even know if shes a canon troll
me: in general, i still dont remember much. i remember the land of fire and clockwork (a little) and i know i was kind of scared of bro at all times. i think i kind of remember how i looked? i tended to have a tan and i had a few scars (not sure where, just know they were. like. keloid scars and werent that big). my eyes were like? orange-brown, and i know i was pretty sensitive to light (mostly because i never took off my shades). my hair was like super blond, like really really light. i liked painting my nails (ironically) and tended to wear double layers (either a long and short sleeved shirt or a hoodie over my shirt). i also wrote raps and some other music. usually the loud kind. i had an electric guitar, but i dont remember how to play anymore. i also had sticky fingers pretty often (i stole a lot)
my tumblr is turntechdumbfuck. i also currently go by doctor/doc as well as dave (you know like doctor who. because. time stuff)
id prefer if you reached out to me but if you reblog ill message you. specifically reblogs or replies.
! ! !
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whisperfeather · 8 months
‘Hange, I’ll give you permission to talk to the girl. But under no circumstances are you to scare her. Keep things professional.’
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Hange sat back down in their office with a bit stupid grin on their face.
A human from outside the walls, and they would get to meet her! It was like a dream come true for the titan hyperfixation scientist.
They took out a paper and some ink to start writing down on a little slip of paper; wanting to diligently track what would go down.
‘6:23 AM: I am currently writing this from my desk. I want to have a sheet of paper or two in order to write down and document all of my findings! We have as of yesterday found a human being that claims to have survived amongst titans! This could really help humanity, and we can learn so much about the titans!! I know my official meeting with this girl is hours from now but I can’t get my mind off of it. After all, a good scientist is always thinking, preparing for their next big piece of work!’
It was safe to say Hange didn’t sleep the night before out of pure excitement; which wasn’t out of character for them. And even so, they weren’t tired at all that day.
‘9:57 AM: the meeting is about to happen in just minutes! I just can’t wait to meet this special specimen!’
‘10:05 AM: I was honestly expecting a more.. intimidating appearance? But nothing ever ends up how you expect in this line of work, so it’s no big deal. I’ve already gotten her name down. I'm not exactly sure how much she will be willing to share, so I’ll just have to write down what I’m able to get!’
‘10:30 AM: she finally spoke! Her voice is very quiet, it fits her name perfectly! This girl claims her name is ‘Whisper Feather’ which I already knew. It is a strange name but nothing in this situation actually makes much sense. After that she went quiet again. But she’s giving me little nods! I’ve gotten some nods to my questions. What I’ve gotten so far from her is that she doesn’t exactly know the amount of time she has lived and isn’t sure about her exact age. She does know her whole life was spent outside the walls, and has no knowledge of what the walls even are. This is truly something new, considering the only other documented case of a human outside the walls was Grisha Jegar, and even he knew what the walls were and how dangerous titans are! I have to assume she can’t be quarillated with him in any way, though it’s a good thought to keep in mind.’
“So, Whisper. You claim you lived with a titan, correct?”
The frail girl gave Hange a nod but nothing else, staying silent as her good eye remained focused on the floor. She seemed fearful, her body language tense. Hange quickly scribbled down it seemed as if she felt intimidated and or scared of people. It made the scientist wonder what she has been through.
“Wonderful! Do you have any clear memory of this titan? Is it what caused your scars?”
That question quickly caught the young girls attention as she snapped her head up to look right back at Hange with wide eyes.
“W.. What..? Why would Mara hurt me like that..? She would never..”
Whisper seemed distraught by the mention of someone even thinking this ‘Mara’ titan could cause her harm. Which was something Hange also quickly noted down.
‘10:45 AM: I think I found some sort of breakthrough! Whisper won’t talk much about anything unless it has to do with this ‘Mara’ titan. It seems like a good starting point. Though I want to pry about her scar and also the fact that titans are known for hurting people, I don’t want to scare her off or shut her down. So for now, I will stay open minded. I'm sure Levi will have all of that scolding and teaching down for her anyways. Whisper told me vague things, such as ‘16 meters’ ‘blonde’ and ‘skinny’ which isn’t too much to go off of. But it really is something considering how little she speaks. It’s hard to keep myself professional right now, this whole thing is so exciting! But the commander gave me specific instructions to not scare her.. so I have to hold my feelings in for now. I'm sure Molbit will listen to my rambles once I’m done.’
‘11:06 AM: my session with Whisper Feather ended not too long ago. I wasn’t able to get much more out of the girl but by god did I get more than enough! Hopefully she liked me, because me and her are going to be working together a lot from now on.’
‘8:34 PM: I wanted to go check up on how Whisper was settling in for the night. She had to be kept hidden away from others in an isolated room in order to keep others safe and keep her existence hidden. I peeked in a bit ago only to find her curled up on her bed, clinging onto the pillow. It seemed like she was crying and it takes no genius to tell she’s in a horrible headspace currently. I went to try and talk to her but she was unresponsive. I hope she gets some rest.’
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Look at the drink. It looks like some drink Annabelle is use to have. White alcohol ( gin,voka etc ,no water )and tonic, plus a slice of lemon. In almost all videos she drinks that. Annabelle likes to drink but she wants to stay slim.// you know how stupid this sounds did you know a lot of people drinks white alcohols is the one with the lowest calories. I drink them too and I’m blond and living in NY that could be me in that pic 😂 Aw doesn’t own blond hair doesn’t own bracelets or black dresses doesn’t own white drinks. Why are people so invested to place her there. Be happy we have Seb content instead of bricking why Aw would be there. This is really the most stupid thing I ever seen on the internet today placing someone somewhere while the only thing we have is a back pic are all the : Omg it’s Aw people where you there ? - no so maybe just maybe stop making dumb assumptions and be happy it’s Seb.
Even this ended up in a freaking Aw discussion how hyperfixed are you on a person to know it’s her only to have her back pictured. Newsflash that women could easily be the same women from the baby shower and some you thought that was Aw too while that women was at a different party. See how stupid that was . And sorry for that anon I react too but there are so many of you that try to sell its Aw
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katastrophe-s · 5 years
Hey lads whats fallen hero
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