#I went to check and someone else made the exact joke I wanted to make with the hat but this is fine too I think
nubcatnoises · 1 year
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Why’d none of you tell me about the Forest of Drizzling Rain remake
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wosoluver · 3 months
Can I please do a Request for Obi called Jealously?
Reader has been in love with Lena for a while and it’s no secret with countless advances being made and Lena shooting all of them down. Though this all changes when a new player joins the team and gets very close to reader. But why should it matter Lena doesn’t see Reader like that or does she?
Part 1 - next
Lena Oberdorf x reader
Lena Oberdorf Masterlist
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"Can you do my hair, the usual?" asked Lena.
"For you, always." you answered as she sat in the bench in front of your locker. You were all getting ready for the day's match.
Parting her hair to get started, your face twisted in concentration. You were the most dedicated person she knew. No matter what for.
"You have the softest hair." you said absentmindedly. Taking in the smell of her cherry blossom shampoo you loved so much.
She admired you with puppy eyes, as you secured the bun with the last bobby pin.
By now you were used to doing the hairstyle for her, but she never got used to the feeling that would install in her stomach as she stared at every freckle or blemish on your face, or how your eyes always had a sparkle to them.
"All done. Go check if you like it." as you finished up, and she got up to look at it in the mirror.
As you turned around to put the hair products away you saw Lea shake her head with a smirk on her face.
was it that obvious?
to everyone else it was.
"I'll pick you up at seven."
"To go where?" you asked confused.
"Dinner at Syd's."
"Almost forgot about that. Well, I can drive myself."
"Yeah, but wouldn't you prefer I drive us there?" Said Lena frowning.
And you only agreed with her. Of course you did. You didn't want to seem so dependent on her. Even though everyone knew you were dependent on each other.
When she texted you she was outside, you were quick to get out and into the passenger seat.
"Hey." she said, placing her hand on the back of your headrest, looking over her shoulder to reverse.
You watched her with attentive eyes. When you thought she couldn't get hotter, you were proven wrong.
"Stop staring at me like that!" she said with a small laugh.
"Sorry, just checking for some new gray hairs on your head. They seem to multiply every time I check." you said trying to turn the conversation in a different direction.
"You said the other day I'd look cute as a granny!"
"I did." immediately earning a small smile from her. "But I wasn't counting on you having gray hair by 30." you added.
And she quickly made a fake offended face.
Dinner was nice. You were seated in between Giulia and Obi. At first it was Klara who was sat there, but Lena insisted for them to switch, so she could be the one to sit by you.
Conversations were exchanged freely between all, sometimes about serious stuff, sometimes making jokes at each other. Lena was always the first one up when it came to poking fun at her friends.
"You'll die alone if you keep that up!" said Syd to her friend.
"Aw don't be so mean! It's nothing to stress about. If nothing works out, we'll marry each other." you said trying to defend Lena.
"We made that agreement when we were ten! It's not like it's still valid." she was quick to add. Meaning harm or not, that had taken back not only you but the whole friend group. You immediately removed your hand from her thigh, your smile fading, and the alcohol leaving your body.
Of course you had made advances before, and she would always end up turning them down, despite acting the exact opposite of that, and giving you mixed signals.
It's like she pretended to herself, there was nothing there.
You felt embarrassed. But you decided to just shake it off and grab another drink.
"What the fuck was that?" asked Lea while she, and a couple of the girls, cleaned up the kitchen, so they could gossip a little over what went down, few minutes prior.
"I have no idea."
"I don't get it.
Why does she keep acting like Y/N is a lovesick woman pursuing someone that doesn't feel the same?
She's the one who can't stand an hour away from her!"
"Did you see her earlier? 'wouldn't you prefer I drive us there'," she said imitating her friend's voice. "Girl can barely function without Y/N."
"What if she doesn't realize it?"
"How?! She acts like she's the only person in the world, just to turn around and reject the poor girl."
"Either she is clueless emotionally or she's leading her on out of fun."
"Good morning, everyone!" you said coming into the locker room to get ready for training. Everyone greeted you while finishing whatever they were doing.
"Hey!" said Ana, one of the new players you had become friends with. "Can you help me with my hair?"
"Yes. Let me put everything down." you did. And you hadn't even noticed, Obi's arrival. After that you only grabbed your boots and your water and left for the field, almost late.
Lena had a hard expression on. Your fingers should lace around her strands and her strands only.
Your voice was always her favorite thing in the mornings, followed by coffee.
The slight decrease of attention, stung like a hundred bees had driven into her chest, reaching to her heart.
And everyone noticed, exchanging looks before joining in outside.
"Everyone divide in trios for the drills." said one of the trainers.
You immediately stuck by Ana knowing she still hadn't made many friends yet.
It was always the worst to be the last to be picked out.
So you made sure that didn't happen to her. At least not in the first couple of weeks.
Lena was quick to follow behind you, not wanting to potentially be called up for any other group.
after training
"You'll do great! We needed someone with your skills here." you said to the girl.
"Thank you, really."
"You know what? I can take you to the spot with the best açai bowls in town! Lena and I usually go there after trainings. You can join us, right?" you said turning to Obi.
"Yeah, yeah sure." she answered with the best worse smile she could manage.
She was hating this whole interaction. But she was not about to leave you alone, with her teammate rival, in her favorite food place.
That would feel like a double loss.
Arriving there, you went straight to your usual spot by the window, so you could enjoy the sunlight.
Usually Lena would sit opposite from you, in the shade, while you enjoyed the warm.
It always brought a smile to her face to watch you sunbathe.
Like a flower savoring the first sun ray of spring after a long winter.
So she shouldn't have felt so bothered by Ana sitting next to you. Right?
She was about to get up, to order both of your usuals, but you beat her to it.
"It's okay, I'll order so I can help Ana too."
Once more it was as if fire was coming out of her nostrils and steam coming out of her ears.
Was she even allowed to feel this way? After all she had been the one to make sure to keep as, just friends.
And you were probably just being friendly, to the girl, who knew nothing in this new country.
But she had never dealt with this. With jealousy.
It's been just the two of you for so long, she had stopped considering other people as threats.
Threats to an inexistent relationship with you, that she had successfully kept that way, with foolish actions.
"It'll be right out." you said snapping her out of her thoughts, placing the water bottle she usually had in front of her while sitting down.
"Where's Ana?"
"She went to the restroom. Are you okay? Did you get hurt during training?"
"What? No, I'm fine."
"You're quiet and honestly you have a bitch face on." you said managing to get a sweet laugh out of her.
And before she could elaborate, you were once again joined by your friend.
After having some light conversation and finishing up your snacks you all headed out.
"Thanks for the invitation and the ride guys!" said Ana getting out of the car.
"No problem, see you tomorrow!" "bye" you and Lena said at the same time.
You turn the engine back on.
"She reminds me a lot of what it was like when I first got here. It can get pretty lonely, hopefully she settles in nicely." you said paying attention on the road, the tables turning and she was now the one staring at you.
Mind wondering off.
What a woman you were.
Why? Why were you always so kind and mindful about others?
Ana was welcomed by everyone in the team, and everyone tried to interact with her.
But you went beyond, as you always did. You tried to make her feel like she was included in everything, you tried to befriend her and actually cared enough to invite her out and show her places.
And why? Why was she so stupid, about how she felt. About how you felt. Constantly turning down every opportunity presented at her.
It felt right and wrong to be jealous over you. Wrong, because you were doing the right thing, it's who you were. And it wouldn't be normal if you didn't do everything in your power to help someone else out.
But if felt absolutely right to feel overzealous, after all, you were quite the catch, and she wasn't doing much to prevent others from sweeping you off your feet.
And the regret hit her like a tsunami of emotions.
"We're here, Obi." you snapped her out of her thoughts. Unlocking the door.
"Uhm, see you tomorrow." she said getting out.
Thank you for your request! 🩷
What do you think it's Lena's next step here? tell me in the comments.
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crazychaoticizzy · 1 year
Cultural Differences Part 2
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You and Armin secretly conspire to set your pining best friends on a date.
CHAPTER WARNINGS: angst, heavy topics, sex addiction mentions, trauma from said sex addictions, mentions of possible relapse, fear of relapse, reader kind of has a mental breakdown in front of Mikasa, heavy topics in general please proceed with caution
AOT Masterlist
<< Previous Part
Word Count: 4.6k
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About a week after your first appearance in the house you and Mikasa found yourselves at Target, walking around aimlessly. The original goal had been to buy a few decorations for your room, seeing as it was currently void of any color or personality, but that plan went down the drain when the two of you started talking and became more invested in each other’s stories.
Not to mention that the two of you continuously made fun of funky-looking toys and read the backs of books in the silliest narrator voices you could make.
Instead of decorations you ended up with a few books in your cart, ones you and Mikasa actually thought sounded interesting. After paying for your items, you checked the time and offered to take Mikasa to dinner before returning home, to which she happily obliged.
You ended up grabbing food from a nearby Chick-Fil-A, seeing as it would be decently cheap and there wasn’t many other choices. Dine-in was closed, so you drove home and instead ate in the living room while watching Twilight (Mikasa’s choice).
It didn’t seem like anyone else was in the house, but you were proven wrong when you heard footsteps descending the stairs.
You turned to see who it was, seeing Armin emerge from behind the wall. He turned the corner and beelined toward the kitchen, opening a cupboard to grab a bag of Doritos before joining you and Mikasa on the couch.
He plopped down next to you, quietly asking, “Is this Twilight?”
“It’s New Moon, idiot,” Mikasa said, not allowing her gaze to leave the screen.
Armin lifted his hands in mock surrender, apologizing before scooting closer to you so he could talk without bothering Mikasa.
“I’m so tired of these movies,” he muttered. It was barely audible, but he had moved his lips to right beside your ear so you could hear him clearly. “I really don’t understand why she likes this series so much.”
“It’s a masterpiece,” you joked, imitating the exact words that leave Mikasa’s mouth whenever someone dislikes it. “I don’t know why she likes it so much either.”
Armin nodded. He returned his attention to the TV but didn’t move away from you. He stayed close, his arm pressed against yours and your thigh pressed against his.
Your heart jumped in your chest at the contact, and you couldn’t decide if you liked it or not. Some past part of you loved it—craved it, even.
But that’s a part of you that exists in the past. You don’t want to bring it back to the surface, so you tried to push it down.
But the memories that came with that part of you suddenly flooded your mind, and oh how you missed them. You loved the words of affirmation and praise you had always received, loved the physical touch and feeling of closeness you felt.
Remembering what always happened afterwards—the feeling of emptiness and loneliness you always suffered—made you want to move away from Armin.
You brought your legs to your chest and hugged them, curling yourself into a ball. You didn’t want to make it too obvious that you didn’t want his touch, so you simply did that and left it as it was.
Armin noticed, and offered to grab you a blanket. You nodded and were thankful when he stood up and walked to the basket in the corner of the room, retrieving a white blanket with a taco pattern on it.
He handed it to you and sat back down, still on the same couch as you but further away this time.
Mikasa sat, unknowing to the entire thing.
The three of you continued watching the movie, and every now and then you found yourself slipping glances toward Armin.
When the movie had ended and Mikasa had gone up to her room and it was just you and him sitting on the couch, he apologized.
“No, it’s fine, really,” you said, trying your best to dismiss his need to apologize. “I just get a little nervous when people get close. It’s nothing, I promise.”
It really was nothing. You had no fear that he would do anything, no fear that he would take advantage of you or manipulate you. It was you that you feared because you couldn’t control yourself. You didn’t want to put him in any sort of position he wouldn’t want to be in. You didn’t want whatever needs or desires you had to ruin the friendship you and him had started building.
He looked at you, his eyes soft and understanding. You could still see a sense of worry he had that he’d made you uncomfortable.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
You nodded. “Yes, I’m positive. It’s perfectly fine.”
“Okay.” Armin’s voice was quiet. You could tell he still didn’t believe you when you said you were fine, but he dropped the subject.
“Do you know where Eren is?” you asked after a couple seconds of silence.
Armin shrugged. “I think he told me earlier he would be on a date and get home late,” he said. “If he even comes home, that is. He tends to stay away from home when he’s with another girl.”
“Are the walls that thin?” you asked.
“No.” As Armin answered your question he looked towards the stairs, then to the kitchen to make sure nobody was listening. Then, he lowered his voice and leaned onto his knees. “He likes Mikasa, though. He has since we were little, actually. He thinks he doesn’t stand a chance with her so he fills the void he has with other girls.”
You nodded in understand. After all, you know exactly how that feels. “I hope he shoots his shot,” you whispered. “Mikasa likes him, too, but doesn’t know how to process her feelings.”
Armin let out an amused breath of air, leaning back into the couch and crossing his legs. “Yup, she sure does. Honestly, it sometimes physically hurts me watching them interact. There’s times they’ll be such nervous messes and can’t even hold a conversation.”
“She’s called me so many times after those conversations. She’s always beating herself up about being so awkward and she doesn’t know why,” you said, smiling. “I always thought it wasn’t as bad as she said it was, but it definitely is now that I’ve actually seen them talk. Sometimes I just want to do something to resolve whatever feelings are happening between them.”
Armin nodded. You looked over after a few moments of silence to see that he was thinking. You could see the gears in his head turning, the way his eyebrows were furrowed and the way his tongue swiped over his lips.
You looked away.
“What if we did do something?” he asked, shifting his gaze towards you.
You turned back to him. “Like what?”
“I don’t know, like set them up on a date.”
“How would we do that, though? It’s not like we can just tell them to go somewhere without us, they’d definitely think something was up.” You thought for a moment. “Well, I don’t know about Eren but Mikasa would know we’re trying to do something.”
“Yeah.” Armin hummed in thought, the pads of his fingers tapping against the couch. “What if all four of us went somewhere? Somewhere nice—that you would need a reservation for. And then you and I leave saying we have something to do for our project that we forgot about and left them.“
You nodded. “I think that’d work. Where would it be, though?”
“I know a place,” Armin said, smiling. “We could go there. I can call and set up a reservation.”
You nodded again. “Yes, that works great. Would we do anything specific afterwards or just come back here?”
“We could do something if you wanted to.”
Armin smiled at you, a soft, infectious smile that made your lips curl into a wider grin.
Later that night you found that you couldn’t sleep.
Each time this thought occurred to you, you would look at the clock and tell yourself you needed to sleep, hoping it would work.
It didn’t. You’re almost positive it has to do with Armin and the fact that you were so close earlier.
That was the closest you had been to someone in almost two years—other than your family and Mikasa, of course. You had mostly refrained from touching people due to your past obsessions and desires, and you succeeded, too. The record you had from the past two years was clean—no significant others, no outings to the bar every Saturday, no flings, no kisses, not even a date.
You had a feeling Armin would be the one to tarnish the record you had tried so hard to keep clean without even trying.
And not because he wanted to, but because you needed that affirmation, because you craved the sound of his voice complimenting the food you cooked even if it was a bit too spicy for him.
You found yourself soundlessly opening Mikasa’s bedroom door and lightly knocking.
She had a tendency to stay up late, watching some sort of movie while she completed an assignment or reading a book, and tonight was no different. You could tell she was just about to go to bed—her make-up had been wiped off hours ago and she was wearing her tank top and shorts she only put on right before bed. Not to mention that she had just been about to click off her bedside lamp before you entered.
“Oh, sorry,” you said. “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know you were about to go to sleep.”
“It’s fine.” Mikasa retracted her hand from the lights switch and moved over on her bed, flipping the covers over and motioning for you to sit next to her.
When you did she covered you with her thick blankets, and then leaned against the wall with you.
“So what’s bothering you?” she asked. You could hear the drowsiness in her tone, and you felt bad for keeping her up longer when she so clearly wanted to sleep.
“It’s nothing, really. It’s stupid,” you muttered, bringing your knees to your chest to hug them.
“Is it about Armin?”
You waited a moment before nodding once.
Mikasa pursed her lips before sitting up correctly. “What happened? Did he do something?”
You quickly shook your head, dismissing her questions. “No, nothing like that. It’s just . . . I feel the need again. And I just feel like it’s going to get worse since I live with him and see him every day.”
Mikasa’s features relaxed as she nodded in understanding. She grasped your hand and squeezed it. “It’s going to be okay. You’ve been doing so good these past two years, and I know you won’t mess it up. You wouldn’t do that to yourself.”
“I know. And I know I don’t even like him like that, I only really like that he’s a new person that listens and pays attention to me, you know?” You returned the squeeze, repositioning yourself in her bed so you were laying down.
She laid down beside you, pulling you closer to her in a warm embrace. “I know,” she said. “I promise it’ll get better. You don’t need to go back to constantly having sex to feel valid, not when I’m right here to tell you those exact same things because men are uncreative with their praise. I swear that.”
You returned her hug, hiding your face in the crook of her neck as you let out a few silent cries.
“Mikasa, I don’t want to go back to that,” you silently choked out, squeezing her as if she were your lifeline. “It was so terrible, I hated myself every time.”
“I know, I know. You won’t. Because you are worth too much to let that happen. I love you too much to let you do that to yourself. You are so beautiful and gorgeous and deserve so much more than what some random dick at the bar can give you.”
She soothingly rubbed your back as you continued sobbing into her shoulder, her other hand reaching up to run through your hair because she knew how much you liked that.
She kept doing that until finally your cries turned into steady breathing and she knew you were asleep. It was 3:27 when she left a soft kiss on your temple and wished you goodnight before falling asleep herself.
The date you and Armin had set up for your roommates was at an Italian restaurant you didn’t know the name of. The inside was extremely nice and put together, and the four of you had to wait about fifteen minutes before being seated at your table.
It was the kind of place you needed to dress up to go to, so before leaving the house you and Mikasa got ready together.
It was like both of your prom nights all over again; when she had travelled down to your city in Texas and took you to prom because your boyfriend had dumped you the week prior, and when you had taken a plane up to Paradis to attend her junior prom because both Armin and Eren had gotten sick.
As you did each other’s make-up you recounted everything you could remember for as long as you’ve known each other. There was a point Eren felt the need to check on the two of you because you had been laughing so hard you couldn’t breathe.
It almost felt exactly what prom night was supposed to be when Eren and Armin knocked on Mikasa’s room door, jokingly holding their hands out to escort you downstairs as the two of you giggled.
It felt nice to laugh, especially after your past few days of worrying about relapsing when you were doing so good.
That thought was pushed to the back of your head now, though. You and Mikasa were sat in the back seat of the car, quietly whispering and laughing among yourselves like school girls. Eren and Armin noticed this from the front seats and didn’t comment on it, instead listening in on the conversations you thought you were keeping quiet.
When you reached the restaurant and we’re seated, you and Mikasa ended up beside each other, Armin and Eren across from you.
Eren continued glancing at you and Mikasa as you two continued talking, looking at the menu. “You know, I thought you guys were dating for a while.”
You immediately quieted down and your eyes widened at the sudden statement. “What?” you asked, more in disbelief than anything else.
“I was convinced that Mikasa was in a relationship for almost all of high school,” he continued. “She took time off to travel so she could see you and then disappear for a couple days when you came up here. I was positive she had a secret boyfriend or something.”
You and Mikasa exchanged a knowing glance, raising your eyebrows at each other before turning back to the boys in front of you with smug looks on your faces.
Eren glanced between the two of you. “What was that look?”
“We’ve been girlfriends since middle school, Eren,” Mikasa joked. “God, you should know this. She’s the literal love of my life.”
Mikasa leaned over and left an obnoxiously loud kiss on your cheek, leaving behind a faint black imprint from her lipstick. You smiled cheekily, leaning over to do the same to her.
“I still can’t tell if you’re shitting with me,” Eren said, glancing at the marks on both of your cheeks. “Armin, I’m not the only one that thought they were a thing, right?” Eren turned to his best friend, who didn’t seem to be paying much attention to the conversation and was instead looking at the menu.
“No, I thought that for a bit, too,” he said, glancing up. “They even look like they’re actually dating now, their outfits kind of correlate.”
“So do yours and Eren’s,” you said. “It’s basically the same as mine and Mikasa.”
“I actually think some teenagers saw us when we walked in and think we’re in a poly relationship,” Mikasa said. “One held up a heart to us and yelled be who you are, actually.”
The outfits in question were almost exact opposites of each other. Mikasa wore a skin-tight black dress with short, puffy sleeves, which she paired with a smokey-eyed look and black lipstick. She wore heeled combat boots to add to her height, and had her arm resting across the booth behind you.
You, on the other hand, were wearing white. It was still a tight dress, more or less the same as your best friend’s, but the sleeves were longer and had more of a bell style to them. You wore cream flats, and Mikasa had chosen a more subtle eye look for you, choosing to go with a bold red lipstick as your staple for dressing up.
You had unintentionally matched with your ‘dates.’ Eren wore black slacks and a black button up, and while his hair was up in its usual bun it seemed nicer and more put together. Armin wore the same slacks as Eren, except instead of a black button up his was white, and his hair was combed neatly. He had swapped out his usual glasses for contacts, and, despite the dim lighting in the restaurant, you could see his eyes more clearly.
“Did they really?” Eren asked, furrowing his eyebrows at Mikasa’s statement.
She nodded, taking a sip of the tea she had ordered. “Yeah, I don’t know how you didn’t hear it.”
Eren and Mikasa continued talking as Armin lightly tapped the table in front of you to get your attention. When you looked up to him, you saw that he was holding the menu to hide his mouth from Eren and Mikasa’s view.
“When are you wanting to leave?” He had just barely whispered it, but you could read his lips and know what he was saying.
You glanced at Mikasa. It seemed that she and Eren had changed the subject, and she was now laughing at something Eren had said while he smiled at her.
You lifted your menu as well. “We can right now, if you want.”
Armin glanced beside him as well, taking note that Mikasa and Eren seemed too engrossed in what they were talking about to notice anything else.
“I think now would be a good time,” he said, shifting his gaze back to you. “Call me like we said.”
You nodded, grabbing your phone and dialing his contact to call him. Your turned your volume all the way down so that when he answered and started talking it wouldn’t make noise.
Armins phone rang soon after, and he pulled it out of his pocket before picking up. You pretended to have just been having a conversation with him, waiting patiently for his call to end.
Eren looked towards his friend at the sound of his ringtone, and raised his eyebrow in question. Armin shrugged toward him, and the three of you were silent as Armin spoke with the imaginary person.
When he hung up, he told some elaborate lie you couldn’t keep up with, essentially saying that you and him needed to do something for your project that you had forgotten and needed to leave. You and him slipped out after saying goodbye, and started laughing quietly as soon as you walked out of the restaurant.
“So did you want to do anything?” you asked after the two of you had stopped. You had paused by his car in the parking lot, the one Eren had used to drive here.
“Well, since I conned you out of a good meal, I figured we could grab something to eat and then head back home?” Armin suggested. “Or we could do something else.”
You smiled at him from across the roof of the car before opening the passenger door. “That works. We’ll go home and watch a movie, or something.”
You slipped into the car, buckling your seatbelt and waiting for Armin to enter as well. When he did the two of you drove around for a bit, before deciding that cheap fast food was probably all your wallets could handle at the moment.
You shot Mikasa a text saying you and Armin had taken the car and offered to pay for an Uber once she and Eren were done. She didn’t reply until you and Armin were deep in conversation over your dinner, saying that it was fine and that she and Eren would pay for it themselves.
After you and Armin had ordered, you sat at one of the booth tables with your number and waited for your food to arrive.
It was silent for a bit before Armin asked, “So how long have you and Mikasa been friends again?”
You hummed, looking to the side as you thought. “A long time. Uhm, I’m not sure. Our moms were best friends and since she and I are close in age we met super young. I’ve known her basically my whole life.”
“So you still kept contact with her even after she moved here?”
You nodded. “Yeah, our parents talked almost all the time, so whenever they did that we would, too. When we finally got our own phones the first thing we did was exchange numbers so we could talk more easily.”
The waiter came by with a tray, placing it on your table before taking your number and wishing you a good evening. You and Armin quickly separated your meals before continuing.
“What about you?” you asked. “How long have you known Mikasa?”
“Since we were eight, eight or take,” he replied. “I met her because of Eren. She just started coming to our school one day and no one talked to her because she was new. But, of course, Eren immediately spoke to her and asked why her eyes were narrower than almost everyone else’s.” Armin rolled his eyes. “He was like that until he almost got a concussion when he asked why someone’s nose was hooked.”
You let out a laugh, unknowingly covering your mouth. “Did he not know that everyone looks different?”
“Well, everyone in Paradis looks more or less the same, and he’s been here his whole life. He wasn’t used to people with different features as a kid.”
You didn’t miss his wording, and asked, “Are you not from Paradis?”
Armin shook his head. “I was born in Germany. Both my parents were in the military and they had me on base. My mom was German, but she moved to the States and joined the Air Force. She was deployed to a German base and met my dad. I didn’t see either of them much since they moved around a lot, so it was basically my grandpa that raised me. He moved to the States for his daughter, because she wanted me to be an American citizen.”
“I didn’t know you were German,” you said.
Armin chuckled. “A lot of people don’t, and since I moved here at a young age and never talked much about traditions a lot of them never found out.”
“Why don’t you talk about your traditions?”
He shrugged. “It just never comes up in conversation, I guess. I was also always self-conscious about being German, so I just didn’t talk about it because I didn’t want anyone to know.”
He had been tapping his fingers against the paper of his cup, but after saying that he stopped and shook his head. “But anyways, what made you want to come to Paradis? I know you’re from Texas and there’s some good colleges there. You’d be closer to home, that way.”
You shook your head slightly. “I hated Texas. I always wanted to leave. Paradis gave me that option, and Mikasa is here, so that was a plus.”
“Why don’t you like Texas?”
It wasn’t just Texas you disliked. You disliked the people. You never felt right living there—too Mexican for the white washed city you lived in but too white for the Hispanic community there. You never felt like you fit in with others, especially because after your dad met your step-mom you felt like almost all of your culture had been erased.
You didn’t grow up with some of the customs you would have if you lived with other Hispanics. Sure, your city had color to it and the occasional event, but most people there were fourth or fifth generation and had been Americanized a long time ago.
“It’s just not for me,” you said. “I never felt like I fit into a group.”
You left it at that, not wanting to overshare information with someone you were trying to not be attracted to. You knew that if you spoke about it he would listen intently, and that would lead you into a spiral.
Armin nodded, picking up on your hint to leave it at that.
“You look pretty, by the way,” he suddenly said. “I don’t know if I told you that earlier, but you do.”
You gave him a soft smile. “Thanks.”
He returned your smile and continued eating. You did the same.
The rest of dinner was mostly silent. The two of you received the occasional glance from someone passing to reach the bathroom (probably people assuming the two of you were a couple on a date that wasn’t going well), but you didn’t pay much mind to them.
It was silent in the car ride as well. Armin had been polite and opened the passenger door for you, for which you thanked him and gracefully entered the car. Other than that, the silence between the two of you was deafening, but you didn’t know what to say to fill it.
It wasn’t until you were putting your keys in the lock that you spoke.
“You said you’re German, right?” You quietly spoke, hoping that if he didn’t hear you right you could pass it off as you not saying anything.
But he had heard your question. “Yeah. What about it?”
You opened the door as you turned to him, seeing that he was leaning against the wall beside you. “Do you think you could tell me about your traditions some time? The things you do?”
You couldn’t read the emotion that flashed in Armin’s pretty blue eyes, but you could assume it was something positive based on the way his lips curled into a soft, attractive smile.
“Yeah,” he said, pushing himself off the wall and motioning for you to go inside before him. “Yeah, I can.”
He didn’t see it, but you smiled, too. He couldn’t see it, but he could feel it, and he wished he could see your pretty red lips curving into what had become his favorite shape.
“Do you think you could tell me more about where you grew up?” he asked. He didn’t want to be too pushy about the topic, but your answer from earlier had piqued his interest and left him curious. He wanted to know more about you.
You nodded, wiping your obviously bright smile off your face and turning back to him. “Yeah.”
You two stood there for a few moments before retreating to your rooms for the night.
He had wanted to kiss you, but refrained because he wanted to do this right. He wanted to learn about you before making any moves.
Not to mention that he was convinced you didn’t like him after the situation a few days ago. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable again.
Regardless, he fell onto his bed with a stupidly smitten smile on his face, feeling like he had just won the lottery with the way butterflies were flapping around in his stomach. He felt like he had kissed you, and he basked in that joy for just a little bit longer before taking a shower and going to bed.
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That got kinda angsty sorry y’all-
Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter! And also I’m curating a playlist for this fic so if y’all have song recs of any kind leave them pls
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Taglist: @kellzyy @slishyrats @arminsvoicecracks @medli-komali @crisalidaseason
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icharchivist · 2 years
i made it to the end of chapter 13!! thought this would be a good place to send in an ask, since masumi had his whole deal and the play script was finally revealed! going chronologically as always ^^
wasn't sure as to why ch 6 would be called mr.cellophane and then the moment tsuzuru got frustrated with how he couldn't get a handle on chikage it clicked for me immediately like ohhhh!! like that song chikage purposefully sort of tries to make himself have a bit of mild indistinct atmosphere... that sort of wanting to fade into the background is definitely something new for tsuzuru, since I don't think anyone else in mankai company is like that. i was cheering tsuzuru on for his writer's block but also thinking to myself "man... i haven't written in while" ahah... i felt guilty which is why i'm pausing at chapter 13 instead of going further... i'll be using that time to write a bit. thinking back on the previous chapters, chikage says he's a big fan of spicy stuff but he doesn't even talk to izumi seriously about curry!! she asks him about his favorite spices and he lies about eating the ultimate curry. i mean i figured he'd be shifty because no way would they do the chika-usa reveal so early (side note: i figured the bunny thing was like! i just saw chikage with bunny ears for the year of the rabbit promo a3 is doing rn haha) but like even with just that he really doesn't say much about his interests or anything.
speaking of chikage and izumi, when masumi left them alone and everyone commented how weird that was, i scribbled down in my notes: "did chikage come up to him and be like. I don’t like women. I’m gay." mostly as a joke so to THEN get confronted with the line "don’t touch me. I don’t like women, and I don’t want one touching me. got it?” i. i. well i was pretty on the nose there huh. that scene did NOT go how i thought it would go, though, i was 100% expecting izumi to get pinned to the wall like how it went with hisoka, not for chikage to be startled! i love how chikage's voice did its classic like octave drop (i know it's probably not an actual octave, i can't hear pitches personally but it's my way of decribing a dramatic voice shift) when he was like. dont touch me. that was so good. however masumi being like "i don't think you have to worry about that" interests me SO MUCH because it's like. masumi. masumi did chikage come up to you and tell you this? did u try to intimidate him first and then he said that to you? did u just vibe check him immediately? who knows.
the moment ch 7's title read "thicker than water" i IMMEDIATELY was like "oh! oh! it's masumi's parents" i was... mostly right, in that i'd imagined they were calling him because they decided to stop being neglectful for .2 seconds and wanted their son OUT of that theatre troupe, but... that wasn't the exact case, since first of all, the calls masumi had been declining were not his parents but rather his father's secretary, which is like, even sadder, because its like. oh. that guy can't even be bothered to call himself for something so important? I'm glad that masumi let izumi stay for that conversation--I think as like, a teenager talking to, yknow, his dad's secretary... that's not really a situation where it's easy to stand up for yourself. it's good to have someone in your corner, which izumi fiercely and fully is! i thought it was a nice detail how nonchalant masumi was about his parent's divorce. like. yeah. he probably saw it coming. when suga went "you are still a minor. mr.usui is concerned about you living alone without a parental figure for so long." i was ready to stab him though. like oH YOU JUST REALIZED? WOW. and the way he just absolutely steamrolls over everything izumi says it's really like. wow fuck you. i loved how all of spring troupe (sans chikage) leapt out to defend him though. i thought that was so sweet. sakuya especially!!! being able to say out loud like. even if that is masumis dad that’s a horrible way to treat your son! yes! acknowledge it!! now turn that to yourself! like sakuya has had such... uncaring guardians over the years that i imagine this in particular would be pretty tough for him to see happen.
i really liked masumi and izumi's conversation about the whole thing later like. it kind of puts the whole "wow masumi's such a cool and popular high schooler!" thing in context like oh his family is... wealthy but also masumi wants to be like a good kid. so he'll do his best to get good grades and do well at sports... which i imagine inevitably puts him in the unwanted limelight. it was also pretty chillign to see masumi, who i thnk of as... kind of brat? refusing to even fully vocalize what he wants because he's so used to being like. i need to listen to my parents. wow. he and sakuya should really sit down and talk about what being a "good kid" even means. bc all he needs to do is listen to his parents… and the way the voice progresses from calm and level to breaking a little to getting fully emotional? so well done. tried to inject a little levity in the situation by reminding myself the same VA voices ramuda but it didn't work lol. i really liked how here it was clear that this whole situation for him was about EVERYONE like his line of “if I fight back, it might come around to hurt the mankai company” is very telling like. ah. it's about theatre. it's about every single person in here.
i cheered when tsumugi showed up!! i was just thinking to myself like “no WONDER masumi was telling tsumugi his grandma was the only person he liked” and the bam! tsumugi here to try and track down hatsue. so good of him and once again… if people hadn’t gone through that event how would’ve that been? speaking of hatsue, she was so sweet… she was just like. So happy to hear about masumi, and then gave the entire found family argument i was just WAITING for someone to make, which was very nice. not to crib from the nocturnality quote again, but I really felt like I was seeing the development of “the spring troupe is like a family” (nocturnality) to “the spring troupe IS a family” (here). that was so good. and then literally how the whole of mankai company chases masumi to the airport! even chikage, though he declines at first…
i realize why they never bring it up but i think it’s so fun that they’ve got Famous Actor tenma sumeragi just like, frantically running around the airport with just 2 15 and 20 year olds??? it was nice to see masumi get so emotional after izumi declares that they’re all family, though! I was so happy! and again the voice acting in this scene is so good… it really sells everything more than any of the sprite expressions. I think it’s absolutely crazy we didn’t get a single cg for ANYTHING in this whole week of masumi almost leaving. and hatsue showing up to save the day was nice. the music there too! so dramatic and so fun. i’m glad masumi and his dad got to talk, but personally i’m still pissed off at him for… everything. but i hope those two work things out nonetheless. it does make me wonder how masumi’s mother factors into everything, though…? like even pre-divorce she just seems like a total Non-Existence in masumi’s life. hatsue is related to masumi by his dad, too… i think it would’ve been nice to see something on that other side.
um, and then… and then… *longsuffering sigh* i liked this entire arc so much when i was reading through the chapters, for sure. i think it was very good at showing that masumi cared for like, more than just izumi, even though izumi definitely centered a lot in it. I think it was a very good depiction of like, a kid putting on a brave face and trying to protect the people he loves, with masumi leaving early but still like, promising that he’ll come back and everything. but like, the moment everything’s solved, he immediately is like “i can’t believe you proposed!” to izumi which not only is blatantly misunderstanding izumi’s feelings but also very like… it felt almost mean-spirited to me? like… we just made this huge deal of like. oh masumi this is your family. and izumi even says like. that she wants to take care of him as his guardian? and it felt almost like he was deliberately stepping over like her actual. sincere and important feelings. and then the way like. he immediately made her uncomfortable and then sakyo had to like run into the scene and put a stop to it? that made me so mad. like yeah. sakyo is right. get a hold of yourself. i understand that masumi likes izumi, but whenever he’s forceful about it’s so… it really left a sour taste in my mouth! like i loved seeing him be like yeah i fed tsuzuru protein bars bc he wasn’t eating properly since its like oh good. he’s really acknowledging tsuzuru as family, too, but then i kept thinking back to that scene and getting mad, because it wasn’t a scene that was funny OR sweet it was just weird! and bad! I’m still broken up about it because i really wanted to like, yknow… like masumi more. and i did for so much of this! and then it was really just like… yeah.
sigh. onwards to chikage earning his villain lines. i do like how his voice sounds here—it’s lower but more pleasant, striking a nice mix between the two extremes we’ve seen so far. I was just but wow, the “I was just thinking about how to tear up your precious little family” that’s really… a line. I’d tell chikage to reexamine what he was saying only it’s like. “The Organization thinks you’re dead, you know. Now what would happen to this theatre troupe of yours if I told them that you survived by betraying us?” considering he’s part of this shady as hell evil Organization… i do not think he minds if he sounds a little evil. and the DISTRESS conveyed in the … lines that make up hisoka’s response! but hisoka… literally why have u not spoken to anyone about this. what the fuck. I love seeing the little flashbacks, but i wonder if hisoka is seeing them too? like, is he regaining his memory in pieces? speaking of, that newest flashback… i’m pretty sure the guy who’s being all nitpicky is april, and i love that even back then, marshmallows and hisoka sleeping and going off alone was a theme even pre-amnesia. august mentioning testing a serum he created, though… creepy. what a shady place these three work for. the flash forward to the moon and then the feeling of what i assume was august’s dying body in hisoka’s arms… that got me. I can’t wait to know the full story of that, especially since the idea of “betrayal” is something that can be interpreted very differently for different people.
despite hisoka Saying Nothing, it was good to see that winter checked up on him! homare knowing the rate at which hisoka eats marshmallows… it’s so funny to be that he thinks sooo hard about cost efficiency for this One Thing but as far as i can tell, he does not apply this financial prowess to any other aspect of his life. still it’s lovely that winter all felt comfortable enough to check in with hisoka! it’s easy to see they’ve gotten closer. i wonder if they’d have gotten anywhere if tsuzuru hadn’t came in yelling his frustrations with writer’s block, but honestly… what a mood. time for chikage interview, part 2!
the idea of having a relaxed cafe atmosphere made me really hesitant going into this scene, because in my head i was like. ah. this is giving chikage details on tsuzuru, not the other way around… which really shows my personality haha. if someone like chikage tried to talk to me i’d be like. is this an interrogation? and then pick every answer wayyy too carefully. i had my arms crossed this whole scene like. he better not use ANY of this information for evil. don’t u dare touch the minagi family. but it’s like… wow. he knows tsuzuru’s family situation and he knows masumi’s whole deal and he’s learning how itaru is outside of work… though that one’s a little weird. when they grab chikage during the masumi debacle, he says he had to work through the night, but every time the situation of him rooming with itaru is brought up, things feel… weird. i have to wonder if chikage is… actually living in the dorms? because like, an itaru who uses casual gamer slang is one thing, but the itaru in his gamer pad is a whole other deal. I imagine it’s very nerve-wracking to have someone from work see that (and again. information chikage could use for evil). still, i do hope they work things out, since it seems like itaru’s being a little distant? chikage’s sibling answer was really interesting, though. he asks why tsuzuru needs to look after other troupe members like family, and then mentions that tsuzuru reminds him of someone he knows who got betrayed. and like, even though he spins this whole totally fake tale about this police officer uncle, when he said he had two siblings, he probably meant december and august, right? and august was probably who tsuzuru actually reminded him of. and he says, “the only thing to be found in truth is weakness” when tsuzuru asks him why he likes lying so much, which is not a line that you just… make up, out of nowhere. it was so lovely to see tsuzuru catch chikage’s expression faltering though… like, he started describing it as like “dark” and “like a bottomless pit” and that was the moment I knew he’d be alright… if he starts being able to describe chikage with fancy prose there’s really no way he won’t be able to write a play centered on him. and that’s what he does!
on to everyone’s reactions to the play, firstly i was glad omi made tsuzuru post-fainting food, but secondly i think it’s so funny that chikage has committed to this milquetoast, pleasant person bit so hard that he like. Fundamentally cannot complain about the role he’s been given. i’m just saying, “heroic” or “ordinary person” this is not, which were his two wishy washy suggestions. i do also think it’s cute that sakuya approached chikage so they can do a coin toss every day to like, improve their communication and stuff! but back to the play. Since ch 13 ended here i took a break to 1) listen to the spring troupe (sans chikage) theme songs i hadn’t heard. they were all nice but i very much appreciated gamer’s high simply for all the videogame noises and stuff they added to the instrumental. I thought it was a really effective way to make you feel like. ah. this is itaru. and the harugumi song was so charming!
and 2) i watched the play! like i said i think it’s fun that chikage cannot really complain that tsuzuru was like “I’ll write a play based off of you” and chikage was like “okay!” so tsuzuru went and then was like “this is a play about a HUGE LIAR.” and then the point of the play (at least, as i read it) is “the issue is not that this guy is a HUGE LIAR. the issue is that he is a COWARD who refuses to MAKE FRIENDS” like wow tsuzuru. i think you’re so correct to do it but it’s also so funny that you do. I thought it was interesting that the wicked wizard of the west wasn’t weak to water, here! since the rain oz brought down didn’t melt them immediately. I was really expecting oz to accidentally defeat him that way… but what we got is more interesting, i think. I think the story itself is pretty straightforward so i don’t have too much analysis to make, but knowing that the plays often parallel the real-life a3 events, i’m rather intrigued by the final parts of the play. like i said before, i think the main issue here is not that oz is a liar, but that he specifically wants to abandon the people around him! like the way he almost makes his escape and leaves rick magicless against the wizard of the west. using his blessings, he’s able to trick the wizard into believing he’s more powerful than he is… which is good! it’s good for the city. that kind of trickery is useful, as was that initial trickery to bring piece. reminds me of mp100 reigen haha… anyways. even when oz shows rick his head contraption, rick still believes it’s magic. and i think that is kind of a magic! it takes quite a bit of effort and ingenuity to run a scam like that… it’s a talent. and considering rick keeps doing it even with oz gone, i assume he believes in that. like, i also think that oz should also be more honest, especially emotionally… but being up to some trickery is still fine! and i feel like that’s actually not the biggest issue at first. what with the establishment of this coin toss trick, and sakuya being the first one to fall in a battle, and tsuzuru thinking of rick as sakuya specifically, i have to believe that as chikage and sakuya do that coin toss game, there’s going to be a point where sakuya gets it correct after all—just like that one time rick realizes that oz is lying. and then they’ll force chikage/oz into emotional honesty, hopefully? chikage seems to me like someone who’s not really going to stick around with this troupe, or stick around anywhere considering his work for this Organization… in the same vein, oz has to leave because he has unfinished business back home, which i imagine you could neatly say “in the real world, that unfinished business is this Organization thing” since i doubt it’s the kind of place where they just let you leave it. i do think that if anyone could get through chikage, it’d be sakuya, so I’m rather excited to see how their dynamic develops, and if I get anything right about how they might mirror the play!
omg here you are!! hi!!!! eheheh
omg i didn't even know that song, that's pretty cool. And yeah that sure is new for Tsuzuru there, everyone at Mankai is sort of colorful in their own way. Itaru perhaps used to want to disappear in the background, even before Tsuzuru wrote his script, but at least he was already a secondary character here and well. it didn't last very long. Everyone else is still so distinct. Tsuzuru is just "wtf this company is full of weirdos, where is YOUR weirdo status.". AND HELPP it adds to my theory that when we relate to a chara in a3 we get forced to do self improvement out of relating too hard. good luck wiht your own writer block champion o7 (DLKFJDLF yeah Chikage is associated to bunny everytime so it's his year. Beautiful really). but yeah, he's def dodging things. I think he's too much here to destroy Hisoka's life that he's just, keeping distance with everyone even those he could get along with.
But yeah then there's The Scene. But yeah, man. Chikage sure has. Stuff in his mind huh. But also, i feel you on his voice, i fucking love the voice acting so much (and that's how Wataru Hatano became one of my fav VA so quickly). He's just sooo fucking good at the way he plays with his voice. (rip moment to have to remind you he also voices Shaiapouf in hxh. Unfortunate. But the guy sure has the Range:tm:) But yeah Masumi not being once threatened by Chikage is pretty funny. Caught the vibes:tm:.
Hoping Massu's parents to stop being neglectful and for what. for more batlant emotional neglect. It's so fucked up sobs. But yes, Izumi is so good during that scene and she really helps with Masumi's situation a lot zt least. "you are still a minor. mr.usui is concerned about you living alone without a parental figure for so long." LITERALLY LIKE. OH YOU'RE REALIZING IT NOW. Masumi has been with us for ONE FULL YEAR, what do you tHINK was happening for ONE FULL YEAR for you to worry now!! wow!!!. But yes it's so good all of Spring leaped in his defense it's adorable, esp Sakuya. They really see each other as family at this point and they see one of their own getting neglected this horribly and they're just. wow! not on our watch! And yeah god Sakuya. Seeing how it's unfair when others are treated that way but not applying it to himself. But yeah esp with how Sakuya sees himself as an older brother to Masumi this must have sting so much. The realization they're even more alike, and that their family really gave up on them. it sucks so bad :(.
but yeah the whole stuff this whole bit implies about Masumi is really oof, heavy. Kind of justify Masumi being such a brat since he isolated himself this much due to how well. His father was just sueing kids who would be a little "rough" with him. How do you develop healthy relationship with people when just the unavoidable fact of being accidentally hurt by someone is something you can't afford? Tenma is also an isolated neglected kid who's parents are always afar and has to be half raised by a guy linked to professional work. And himself was a brat and a bit emotionally stunned and could only grow when his troupe, especially Yuki, was in position to call him out and bruise his ego. Masumi meanwhile can't even let people this close. If they "hurt" him, even if it's for a good cause, his parents can attack back. It brings him in a position of self isolation right at the time he needs to interreact with others people in order to grow, and it's stunning him into this sort of bratiness. and i suppose it goes double for people he might end up caring about that ends up in danger for any accident that could happen, which would justify why despite clearly caring more about Spring after the first storyarc, he still keeps his distances re: esp Sakuya. Meanwhile i think it also justify his crush on Izumi. Because she's a responsible adult in a way, she'd be less prone to accidentally cause a situation that would push Masumi away, and meanwhile as an adult she can protect herself from his parents's action more than anyone else. Add to that how he was charmed by her acting and the fact he never had a proper emotional support to tell him the right or wrong way to approach someone (and like, i'm not saying all music is to blame but a lot of songs can have for text more passionate display of love that could really skew with his perception of things). Not that i justify it bc i still hate this crush but at least it makes me think it comes from an understandable place. But yeah i agree with you, it'd be nice him and Sakuya discusses the pressure of being a good kid for people who are just neglecting them. and yeah Masumi's voice acting is just, so so good. Shirai Yusuke really does a fantastic job with it. And meanwhile yeah Masumi cares for the whole theater!!! he doesn't show it as much but he cares so much!!!!!
AND YEAH TSUMUGI OUR HERO!!! No wonder in the recent webcomics about Tsumugi's bday you see Masumi wanting to do good by him now, you can see how much Tsumugi was a good influence on that kid. And talk about having an adult that listens to you and remembers about you enough to help you out. Tsumugi full blown MVP. AND YEAH for people who hadn't read this event it's just. it would be so random!! like, we kinda knew before the event that they had their love for their grandma in common because it's the name of their relationship in the Coin Talk (Grandma's boys) and i think they have a link skill for it, so some players who haven't played the events may be vaguely aware of it. One of my friend was in this situation, she read all the events except the one Masumi and Tsumugi discuss their grandma bc it was the only event she wasn't there to grind, and when she reached this chap she was a bit confused that it was acknowledged in the story while it was only mentioned in passing so far, and i had to mention it was in the event she didn't read that it was told. Anyway Hatsue was really so good!!! we stan a grandma that's willing to call out her son when things hit the fan. She really cares a lot about Masumi and understands a found family is just as valid and it's SO sweet. And YEAH WHOLE OF MANKAI CHASING AFTER HIM IS SO SWEET.
AND YEAH LMAOO. Tenma, famous guy, probably reliving a drama he played in before chasing someone in the airport. Beautiful. It's so nice to see Masumi truly get properly emotional about all of it. It could have been a good time for a CG yeah sobs. I feel like a3 kinda has this trope of, a father being neglectful and controlling to a really insulting level but then they discuss with their sons and communication save the day, but we're still left with the bitter taste in our mouth of just how fucked up the whole thing was LMAO. Like with Tenma for example. It sucks because on a narrative level i would really love the fathers to get a much harder treatment, but on a realistic level i understand that they want to show that things can work out eventually. Cool conclusion still mad at those guys! yeah i don't really recall hearing about Masumi's mom so it's a good question.
and yeaaaah here's we're back to Masumi being annoying sobs. This arc was genuinely so good and it did such a good work on making me care for Masumi, and it gave me a lot of insight into his personality that i can still use more to think of him in a more depth way, but then they go back to the obsession and he is just so. Out of touch. Like on one hand i see it, like i said, the guy has no proper way to judge how a normal relationship is like and all, but god just because it makes sense doesn't mean it's tiring as fuck, especially in the way it undercut the very emotional scene of the whole of Mankai being here for him only to bring back the attention on his crush. I totally feel you on the reading of how mean spirited it is. Esp with saying all that while all of Mankai is watching like, bro. Bro they're all. there for you. It's really frustrating and i fault the writing still on wanting just to keep Masumi in the archetype they first established for him (the sort of yandere boyfriend type) without taking into account the organical development they got for him. Like, they know they can do more with him. They did it the whole chapter so far. But then suddenly even if he evolves on his issues he has to return to the statusquo of his "appeal" toward fan and it clashes with the narrative build up. It's really tragic. At least Sakyo is here to calm things down, in Sakyo we trust. Masumi caring more for his troupe is really sweet to see yeah, and personally i want to focus on those bits, but i'm with you on how when Masumi goes out of line with Izumi it makes it so sour it's hard to get back to the rest of his characterization. Masumi is often such a wasted opportunity and it really stings even more when you see just how good it could be if they focused on the others aspects they put on his character.
Anyway let's talk about characters who are evil on purpose at least: CHIKAGEEEE. It's such a line, the guy really is dedicated in being the villain it's truly chilling. I def think he's sounding evil on purpose because he WANTs to distress Hisoka, he WANTS Hisoka to face the hurt he has done, and he wants to hurt him as much as Chikage was hurt. It's unfair, especially considering WE know what Chikage believes from Hisoka is unlikely to be true (we know Hisoka doesn't remember, Chikage still refuses to accept it. And we believe Hisoka has survivor guilt, not that he definitely had a hand in the killing. And we know that Hisoka losing his memories is the main reason he "ran away", even if we don't know if he lost his memories before or after he had reasons to run off). But i would definitely think Chikage isn't thinking fairly or anything. He had one year to let his feelings fester and he probably just is only thinking through the scope of his own hurt at this point. But Hisoka getting distressed really broke my heart. Like i'm seeing more to Chikage's behavior now (without even having to take spoilers into accounts), but when i first read it i was yelling the whole time insulting Chikage because how fucking dare he make my angel this distressed. He did nothing wrong! even if he killed people! he's my meow meow! i think Hisoka, despite telling his whole troupe that they can rely on each other, doesn't know still how to reach out to them now that real distress came his way. And i would assume that the guilt of his possible crime makes him unable to think clearly, as in, perhaps he deserves this punishment? He doesn't know, he doesn't remember. In my opinion the flashbacks we're getting are stuff Hisoka does remember so pieces are starting to form in his mind that he knew April, he knew the August he talked about, and he knows he stood over August's dead body. I think it makes it harder for Hisoka to not believe Chikage when Chikage accuses him of crime, and to believe he must have hurt Chikage despite the two of them being seemingly close (even if Chikage was a twat in the flashbacks lmao). And therefore it makes it harder for him to face the logical situation when his emotions tells him "you hurt the man in front of you with the crimes you went in denial about and comfortably are trying to forget as if those crimes would disappear just because of it". And it would lead him to believe he deserves a punishment and makes it harder to come clean about all of this. Not to mention it would mean explaining his involvement and he has all the reasons to not want to disclose all of this just yet.
BUT YES WINTER IS LOVE WINTER IS CARE WE LOVE WINTER IN THIS HOUSE. The fact Homare could figure out something was wrong with just this metric means the world to me. It's only the Taking Care of Hisoka's concern measure, nothing else. They've really got really close. All of Winter is really doing a lot more work in trying to connect with one another in a way they wouldn't have back in the first chapter. (insert: how do people who haven't read MMMBM&Nocturnaltiy know!!). They're really doing so so good i love them so much.
back to Chikage and oooooo boy. AND YEAH MAN Chikage really manages to fish more on Tsuzuru with all of this it's so creepy. Tsuzuru is so trusting and all. I'm not going to say anything but yeah the whole situation sure is weird. It's sure nerveswracking though yea Love how so far it's all just "Chikage could be evil there" while it's true. little evil little man. Chikage's answer tho IS really interesting. I do feel like it's the typical "Liar lies so much that he can slip a bit of the truth under layers of untruth". If Tsuzuru is like August, then Chikage must have a soft spot to him even if he's still keeping his distances. Many thoughts but yeah, eventually it'll protect Tsuzuru a bit. His justifications about his lying is just so. muah. Chief kiss. We can still find your weaknesses in your lies tho <3 but i LOVE how Tsuzuru finally clicked on something like. Chikage tried to turn the whole thing into a psychological warfare against Tsuzuru and finding out his weaknesses and Tsuzuru really just turned it around like "weak point noticed, writer powers ON.". It's so funny to me. Can't escape your therapy Chikage, Tsuzuru is already on it!!!
I love how by now people learn to take care of Tsuzuru post script writing. It becomes so usual at this point all they can do is lessen the backlash. There's something so homie about it. homie, omi, it fits. AND HELPPP. Chikage really is in a weird situation isn't he. He tried so hard to play on a role of nice and pleasant and Tsuzuru really just destroyed him with "anyway mister Liar, here's how i see your therapy go." Sakuya is adorable though yes. He's really trying so hard despite chikage having built so many walls.
and then there's the rest okay
The songs are all very nice yess!!! I'm growing more and more found of Tsuzuru's song these days, and Masumi's song is really nice but i hate the lyrics so rip. But Gamer High is truly another level ti's really fun, this is so Itaru. The Harugumi song is soo charming yes! (you'll be able to listen to Chikage's first solo by the end of Awakening Moon at least ;D)
and the play!! it was such a nice play!!! I love Tsuzuru's subtle roasts. Chikage really tried to be normal and Tsuzuru is just anyway here's how i'm going to fix him 4k 2hours, let's G- It's really so funny i respect Tsuzuru so much. I think the play we get is really so interesting in the end yeah. The play is straightforward and fun, and for the analysis, i can't really comment on it since yaknow, more to come, but i really like your thoughts there. "reminds me of Reigen" NOW THAT'S A COMMENT. But yeah the play is really interesting and it's fun to see how it might reflect with the Spring Troupe for real :3c can't wait until you reach it all
Once again, thank you SOOO much for the long comment!! i love reading through your thoughts!! good luck with your writer block and i'm looking forward to see you again eheh :3c
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violetsystems · 2 years
I swear every week they give me something bad to write about. I'm sure somebody from TikTok from this neighborhood wants to be featured in my journal. People like to flash the books they are reading at me lately when I wait for the mail carrier. Seems like everyone is reading the diary of Anne Frank. Frankly speaking, it seems like people I don't know read my blog. And this is maybe the joy of a writer or at least one who likes to write so frivolously about the things that happen. A package was stolen from the doorstep. It was a hand me down phone that would have been a significant upgrade. It was supposed to arrive Monday. I heard a knock on my door Friday and it was my neighbor who had locked themselves out of the laundry room. I came back in after letting them in and checked my phone. Fed Ex has taken a snapshot of the package sitting on a shopping circular out in front behind the gate on our property. When I arrived to check the package was gone and the grocery ads were still there. I had to file a police report online for someone else's insurance purposes. But ultimately it was just more work for nothing at all. Not that I mind work. I applied yesterday for the same exact job I applied for about a year ago at a clothing store around Chicago. An IT Manager position is what I'm probably most qualified for although I keep wondering if I need to start a body cleanse and consider stocking shelves at CostCo by December. At this point, no one is answering my resumes seriously at all. Everybody seems to know my struggle. I posted my bandcamp on Facebook to a 1000 or more people I don't really know anymore. I had tried to explain for the millionth time what happened to me and asked for people to support my music. Students from my old job popped in defensively saying the usual "I remember when I got my identity stolen. It took me four years to recover." Who are you Donald Trump? If anything can be said for that guy is that he made it ok for everyone on either side of the political fence resort to the shock and awe of a joke. Everything is a prank or a lesson if you take away a person's right to add their own punchline. As a writer, this is my own solace. That I get to have my own narrative. This is called journaling. The fact that there is so much trauma to report is inconvenient. I did just intercept my early morning delivery of hygiene products from my Amazon carrier in a Rick and Morty shirt. So I think regardless of how much bad shit happens there's always something positive to pivot to or be less mad about. I wish this were so easy to do in the job market in a dignified way. But when people who swear they are your peers actually think you are still working with the people they suck up to, the writing is on the wall. Regardless if you lack the reading comprehension to read it correctly.
There's been a few things stolen or made to disappear over the last couple of years. Some people have a few rough weeks or something. For myself it's been constant. I did finally receive my gun card. It took me a few emails to the state police to make sure it was redelivered. I received my final notice for my healthcare with the entire envelopment ripped open. I have people gaslight me online about just how bad my life is compared to other people. And I think this is a crucial argument that hasn't changed since the Reagan era in America. Think of the children. Think of what your neighbor's would think. Think of the morals. Think of the ethics of stealing and targeting someone you don't like because you stalked their blog once or twice. Think of the jealousy. And there's where we stop the wheel of fortune and buy a vowel. I am just one person here writing. I don't get paid for a craft that I went to college for. I was able to develop a career in computers regardless with a twenty year resume and I'm simply vanished. I brought this on myself for not sticking it out together. We're all in this together I hear as I get grilled trying to renew my state identification card. The girls huddled around me in line keep flashing the Anne Frank house bag at me. Like I said not even the first time people have tried to flash those particular semiotics at me. It's his thing right? You brought this on yourself wearing undercover all those years. It's like a hidden inquisition of people who know so much about me but want to keep it a secret. Like they're in on it. The risk and the decisions I've made for myself without any real help from anyone other than family and people I've grown to trust here on the internet. That's not easy to map out. You never know who is in your corner. But people treat real life out here like it's an extension of your internet gateway to be cut off when they want to send you a message. So they encrypt it in a bag or a piece of trash. Drop a paper airplane in your gangway and expect you to both clean the litter and read into their privileged message. That's nothing better than mind control or propaganda. The Nazi's used to drop leaflets targeting Black Americans in the army. Sowing doubt into their head to get them to desert. I'm not saying some of those points might have stung. And I'm not saying much more from that. But psychological warfare isn't always some organized state sponsored terrorism. Sometimes it comes from within through disinformation, lack of context, and hidden agendas that go beyond the people it targets. It always comes across as forced, problematic, and ineffective until it doesn't. And people will continue to trick you in more elaborate ways if left unpunished. We're not behind enemy lines here. It's a full on passive aggressive civil war on home turf. And I'm just supposed to pick a side in a battle where everyone is sitting on their ass posing for a TikTok video for no one but a foreign government is going to watch.
America is fucked right now I get it. I'm not too happy about where I am in the stock market either, Patrick Bateman. But that's the least of my indicators for a bad time ahead. People acting like the last two years of my life was just a microwave warm up for a cold dish of revenge. If by revenge, you mean people I once helped, busted my ass for and sacrificed time I can't get back getting an earful? My boss literally never told anyone anything about what happened to me. Either that or no one asked. I was friends with her for over twenty years. She is fully in the clutches of the lifestyle she adores. Excess. And the one thing about America and excess is that it is the true road to hell. The interest rates are rising on everything but a savings account. Most people I know never were able to get out of debt from student loans, bad decisions, or simply bad luck with health. People hide it so well. People lock themselves in their own personal sitcom and pretend the world just keeps going with a new coat of paint. And I'm caught between the walls peeling. There's things that won't change. Like the fact that at some point I need to incur income. It's my right to be seen as someone who has skills and resume that isn't discriminated against by lack of attention to detail. And then there's the side of me that plays chicken with the fact that maybe I wasn't meant to work. That in some idyllic dream it all works out. You know after everyone forgets you are even alive or worth anything. I don't feel that down here. But the simple fact I have to delineate between a private life I share and my rights as an American citizen is fucked. In my summation, America doesn't exist in the way it's sold to us. It's a pyramid scheme. The markets being that last hurrah of American freedom? That you can make it if you just had enough money. Tell that to every retail investor who is left holding the bag when the Fed and the Billionaires took their money out of the market and left it in tatters. Tell that to people who will spend probably two years looking for a job when they lose it this Christmas. Maybe you'll get lucky and have an identity to salvage after four years. It's not so bad. I got through it. It will be worse for you but that's the way it goes. No answers. No plan. My plan is like Karl Lagerfeld's. My thing is to show people how fucking worthless they are. And judging from the interest rates and the next six months, I'll still be worth more than what people owe. If anything people owe me an apology. And I only take signed checks from here on out. <3 Tim
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naotoliker · 3 years
Hello, I saw that you were asking for requests so I hope you don't mind me leaving one. For either Smiley or Hanma which is an enemies to lovers(not necessarily s/o in a gang);where at some point in their friendship fase they kiss the male s/o bit neither think much of it till later. Both s/o and they have a panic moment cause both realize their feelings and think they're a bad guys and s/o is to good for them and eventually they confess. Sorry if it's too long or demanding.
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paring: hanma x m!reader
warnings: ooc hanma idk, horrible writing
a/n: sorry for the late reply I was busy with school
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you and hanma knew each other for quite some time, since you were both little to be exact, you met at a park not too far from your house, hanma wanted to play on the swings but you were taking too much time on there he decided to push you off, which escalated to the both of you kicking and punching each other until an adult finally stepped In
and that wasn't the only time you both fought, every time you went to that park he would be there ready to annoy you somehow, you sometimes wondered if he lived at that park
but you've kinda gotten used to how annoying he Is, which ended up with the both of you becoming friends, friends that liked annoying each other for fun, it was surprising because of how different the both of you are
. . .
hanma was an asshole but you enjoyed having him around, you would never admit it but you loved it when he waited for you outside your classroom, or how he always checked up on you whenever he had the chance to, or when he drove you back home after a long day of school, he was always with you, which made you happy
after a few years of your friendship, you and hanma started hanging around less and less, it wasn't much of a surprise considering hanma started getting involved with gangs and other dangerous stuff
every time hanma was at your door he'd be covered in bruises and sometimes blood, either his or someone else's, not to mentjon he started hanging out with this "Kisaki" person, which made you a jealous
Just a bit
or at least that was what you convinced yourself
you tried ignoring your feelings being afraid that they'd only bring you into awkward situations, but you knew that one day you'd need to actually deal with them instead of running away
. . .
you lay comfortably on your bed ready to go sleep until your phone started ringing, it was hanma calling you
he hasn't called you in a while so it was a bit surprising, you sat back and thought for a bit before picking up your phone from the nightstand answering the call
"hey, [name]." you heard hanma say
"hanma,, hello? why are you calling at this time" you didn't mind him calling you at this time but you were curious about the reason
perhaps he wants to see you
"I'm outside your door open up," he said knocking on your door forcefully
you were thankful your parents weren't home at that time or you would've gotten in trouble
"why are you- uh never mind, I'll open it wait a minute" you stopped yourself from asking not wanting to make hanma wait, it was raining outside, knowing him he probably didn't have a jacket on, neither an umbrella
you went downstairs and open your door only to find hanma soaking wet with a couple of bruises on his face and a bleeding nose, nothing out of the ordinary
after he got in you closed the door and went to get him some towels and a first aid kit
he sat on a chair in the kitchen while you patched him up
"there, all done, next time you come to me at this time I won't be opening the door though " you said joking (maybe)
"you're so mean to me for no reason" he said jokingly rolling his eyes at you
"get out of my house hanma"
"Cmon I was just joking,
you wouldn't actually kick me out right.."
you just looked at him not saying anything, and he did the same not wanting to actually get kicked out by you
". . ."
". . ."
then the silence suddenly got interrupted by hanma's sneezing
"I'll go get you some spare clothing, yours are still wet," you said hoping to get out of whatever situation that was
you ran upstairs almost tripping and falling face-first, which made hanma chuckle
so you threw your shoe at him (which he dogged) but you just got in your room and got a pair of sweatpants and a large t-shirt, you weren't sure if it would fit him but it's better than having wet clothing on right?
you got back downstairs and gave him his clothes (and got your shoe back)
hanma went ahead and changed in the bathroom, when he came out he sat on your couch and patted the seat next to him
"we should watch a movie, we haven't had fun together in a while" hanma proposed grinning
"It's late and I'm tired, I was about to sleep before you came"
"sleep can wait, plus you don't have any school tomorrow"
"fine, I'll watch a movie with you" you walked over the couch and sat next to him
hanma chose a random movie and put it on, not even halfway through your eyelids started to get heavy so you just decided to close your eyes for a bit, hanma didn't notice though, he just kept watching the movie until he got thirsty and went to the kitchen to grab a cup of water, when coming back to the living room he saw you laying down and thought you were asleep
he first thought about waking you up but decided not to, he turned off the TV and kneeled next to you
he looked at you for a moment admiring every one of your features
after a couple of minutes he realised how creepy that was, he didn't stop though, he got closer and starter stroking your cheek
you were aware hanma was next to you, what you didn't know was that he was extremely close to you
deciding he should probably go sleep as well he reached over to you wanting to peck your cheek
but he didn't expect you to move in the process and his lips reaching your lips
not your cheek
both of your eyes widen as you stared at each other in shock
"look I-" hanma tried explaining but got interrupted by you as you suddenly got up
"it's late I'll go sleep in my room, you can take the couch,"
not sparing him a glance you got up and went to your room again hoping Hanma wouldn't stop you
and he didn't
hanma sat on the floor hand on his chest feeling his heartbeat, a bunch of thoughts entering his mind at once but he didn't move nor make a sound
he wanted to apologise to you thinking he made you uncomfortable in some way, he thought he messed up, that you probably hate him right now
he didn't know why his heart was beating so fast or why his face felt warm
why was he feeling this way towards you
he sat back and thought for a bit
maybe he was feeling this way because you're both close friends?
bros kiss each other on the lips right?
". . . . ."
hanma liked you, a lot, but he never actually took time to think about his feelings, he knew you liked men as well but why would you of all people like him?
he kept thinking about it all night, not knowing that you were worrying about the same thing
maybe you were too good for him, maybe he needed to move on
there's no way you'd like him, you ran away after he accidentally kissed you
did you find him gross?
hanma couldn't sleep all night, he kept overthinking about everything, it really made him sad though, he never thought someone could make him feel this way
. . .
you got up a bit later then usual since you didn't sleep that well last night
after doing your usual routine you decided to go downstairs, checking on the living room you saw hanma was still asleep, you didn't want to wake up though
you just went to the kitchen and made breakfast for you and hanma, you weren't going to wait for him to wake so you started eating
"morning [name]" hanma yawned walking in with messy bed hair and dark eyebags under his eyes
he took a seat next to you and started eating his food
"morning, I'm guessing you didn't sleep well last night"
"nope, did you?"
"I didn't"
there was silence for a few seconds, before hanma decided to open his mouth
"soooo are we just gonna ignore what happened last night and pretend it never happened" he took a sip of his orange juice
".. maybe"
"I didn't mean to kiss you on the lips by the way ahahaha" he awkwardly laughted
you really wanted to smack him for bringing that up
"I wouldn't mind if you kissed me though"
hanma didn't know what he was doing, yesterday he was doubting himself and now he's being so blunt as if this was the last time he was going to see you
"actually, I'd love it if you kissed me right now, no I'd love it if you kissed me every day" he added
"if you're joking right know just know you're not funny" feeling your face warming up you didn't make any eye contact with hanma
"I'm not, I'm being 100% serious right know, you don't have to agree though, I know I'm too hot and all-"
you smacked him
"what are you saying"
"I'm simply saying I like you [name], isn't it obvious?" hanma felt like his heart was about to burst through his chest
".. so you're telling me I was overthinking last night for nothing" you sighed feeling embarrassed "I like you too hanma"
"ofcourse you like me I'm litterly so amazing-"
"I take back what i said I don't like you anymore" you interrupted him joking (maybe)
". . ."
". . ."
"would you fall for me again if I took you on a bike ride"
"I would fall for you again if you took me on a bike ride AND bought me my favourite food"
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Don’t Go Baking My Heart || Seokjin
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Pairing: Seokjin x reader
Summary: You fall in love with Kim Seokjin’s bakery after wandering into it to take advantage of the post-Valentine’s Day discount on the chocolates. Maybe it’s the owner’s bad jokes, maybe it’s the other regulars, maybe it’s the delicious pastries. Or maybe there’s something more that keeps you coming back to that shop.
Also available on Ao3.
Word count: 14.7k
Genre: Strangers (to Friends) to Lovers, Bakery AU, tooth-rotting Fluff, some smut
Warnings & Tags: mentions of insecurities and of former relationships, smut (vaginal sex, oral [male receiving], fingering), Jin makes Bad Jokes, Valentine’s Day themed
A/N: Soooo this was supposed to come out for Valentine’s Day, but it wasn’t ready then, so you guys get it now instead! I’m bad with puns so I definitely had to look online for those used in this oops. Finally, I’d like to give a big thank you to the amazing @elidebrey​ who actually worked in a bakery shop and told me all about (I’m sorry you guys ran out of milk all the time). She’s an amazing writer and you should check her out if you like the Batfam! Hope you’ll enjoy this one-shot!
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February 15th
You first walk into Kim Seokjin’s bakery the day after Valentine’s Day. Your eye was caught by the chocolates and cakes you noticed on sale from the outside, and also the name of the place, The Rolling Scones, which is either genius or terrible, you can’t pick. The door bell chimes happily, first when you push the door open and then when it closes behind you.
The place is empty. There’s no one behind the counter, and you find yourself hesitating there for a second, both arms behind your back like a shy schoolgirl — which you once were, but that was a while ago now. Natural light, the cold sun of February, is falling through the bay windows, and the place is cute, clearly decorated with love and care. It makes you feel just a little warmer inside.
Since no one seems to be showing up, you take your time to look at the display. You’ve spent the past week crying over the end of your two year relationship, and you’re desperately craving something sweet and sugary to fill the hole in your heart and in your life. Post Valentine’s Day discount is definitely the best way to do that.
If you’re being completely honest with yourself, you knew this relationship was never going to be your forever. It was just a nice and comfortable situation to be in, and you expected you and him to part ways at some point.
You just didn’t particularly expect it to be now.
“Jungkook!” a strong voice shouts from the back of the shop, startling you. It’s quickly followed by a curse, and then a man walks in, glancing back with a worried expression, tying an apron around his waist and adjusting a small black hat on his head. You notice the ‘Jungkook’ tag on his apron, and it makes you soften in sympathy. The second his eyes fall on you, he recomposes himself, and shoots you a smile that’s professional, though the nervousness doesn’t quite disappear. “What can I do for you?”
“I was just looking,” you say, and he leans forward, probably straining to hear. Your voice has always had that weird tendency to become inaudible when you’re talking to strangers. “You don’t have anything with strawberries, do you?”
“I’m afraid everything we had went yesterday,” he says with a sympathetic frown.
“Oh, right,” you mumble. You’re disappointed to a stupid degree, and you know it’s because your emotions have been running wild recently, to the point where any small contrariety threatens to make you cry. Fortunately, you don’t, right now. That would be horribly embarrassing. “Um, I guess I’ll take that box and, uh, the éclair, please, then.”
“Of course!”
His movements are quick and precise as he takes it out, and you could be mistaken, but you think he’s deliberately not looking at you. You’re not particularly blaming him for it, though, because you’re doing the exact same thing.
“Anything else?” he asks once he’s done, and you shake your head, avoiding eye contact. “For here or to go? We’re also a café,” he elaborates when you give him a surprised — and slightly panicked — glance.
“Oh. To go, please,” you say, not so much because you actually want to, and much more because you’re bad at changing your plans when you had already made your decision.
Except… You eye the bakery. It’s not like you have anyone to come back to, and you don’t particularly want to be back at your apartment to wallow alone. You might even get some things done while you’re here.
“Um, actually, would you mind if I…?” The question dies on your lips. You’re already feeling too embarrassed to continue, but he looks up, eyes wide, and nods.
“No, no, please take a seat! Do you want something to drink as well?”
“That— That would be nice, actually.”
“Alright, just give me a second and I’ll bring you our, er, menu.”
It’s not a menu, it’s a list of drinks the owner printed and coated with plastic, and insists on calling a menu, but he isn’t going to tell you that.
You pick a table that faces the door, and after choosing and ordering your tea, pull out your computer. It’s not that the things you have to do can’t wait, but you don’t like sitting alone doing nothing. The shop is desperately empty, and part of you is terrified by the idea that Jungkook could come over to talk to you. That would probably end up not being completely unpleasant, but you’re not sure you can handle that much interaction with other human beings right now.
While scrolling through the text you are currently working on editing, you pick a chocolate out of the box to eat it and hold back a satisfied moan at the taste. The fact that it’s so good makes you feel a little more upset that you’ve never been in a relationship for Valentine’s Day and therefore have never been given anything like that.
It’s always been bad luck really, because you’ve been in a few relationships, but even with your last boyfriend, the two of you were on a break in February. The others never made it longer than a few months, and never fell at the right time. It’s not even like you want to celebrate Valentine’s Day, you do think it’s mostly a commercial holiday, and you definitely don’t want any expensive gift, but you’d be happy to have someone by your side to make fun of other couples with. Someone to love you, and someone to love.
God, you want to be in love so bad. For a few months, you thought you had it with your ex, and maybe you did, for a moment, but it had slipped from your fingers without you managing to do anything about it, leaving you sad and empty. You want to feel everything the movies and books promised, the butterflies in the stomach, the rush in the beat of your heart. You want to feel like someone holds your world in their hands. You want them to love you back — really love you, so much that you’ll catch them looking at you and see it in their eyes immediately, so much that they’ll remember how you like your tea in the morning.
You don’t think your ex ever loved you, and you don’t really blame him for that. He liked you, certainly, and for a long time that was enough for you. But now, with it being over and him telling you he’d ‘met someone’, you want more out of your next relationship.
Then again, you’d thought that last time as well.
You’re grateful when Jungkook brings you your tea, tearing you away from thoughts you really don’t want to be having right now. He gives you a smile, then is quick to retreat back behind the counter, and something tells you that he has the same difficulties talking to people as you do.
That can’t make his job fun.
You’re soon able to immerse yourself in your work, much to your surprise. Usually, you’re hyper aware of your surroundings, and it’s hard to get work done unless you’re in a place that’s both quiet and familiar, but the atmosphere in here is so warm and pleasant that you’re able to relax and focus, all while drinking your tea and eating your sweets. It’s quite close to perfect, actually.
Which is why you jump violently when someone’s voice booms into the shop.
“Jeon Jungkook!”
You look up, panicked, and Jungkook turns around with the exact same look on his face. You don’t remember the doorbell ringing, so it has to be someone from the shop, and indeed, a tall man with short black hair walks in from the same place Jungkook entered. And your brain short-circuits.
It doesn’t happen all that often, for you to simply find yourself frozen because of how good-looking someone is, but in that case, you just can’t help it. The man who just walked in is tall, with very nice, broad shoulders, and the apron he is wearing underlines the muscles of his chest in ways you didn’t think were possible, but more than that, he’s also, quite possibly, the most handsome man you’ve ever laid eyes on. When you glance at his plump, full lips, you find yourself having a hard time to tear yourself away. You’re relieved that you didn't have to order from him, because you’re sure it would have made you blush and stutter.
“Jungkook, there’s a mess in the back! What are you waiting fo—” Jungkook gives panicked glances in your direction, and the man catches your presence from the corner of his eyes, turning his sentence around as smoothly as is humanly possible, all while his lips curve up into a professional smile. “Ooh, hello, dear customer! I don’t think we’ve seen you here before, have we?”
A smile spills on your mouth, much to your surprise.
“No, it’s my first time here,” you answer. Your voice isn’t as strong as you’d like for it to be, but at least you didn’t choke. You suppose still being heartbroken serves as a shield against the man’s handsomeness. “I figured there’d be some discount after Valentine’s Day, and I was hungry, so…”
“You figured you’d kill two birds with one scone?” the man asks while Jungkook, behind him, silently smacks his forehead. You figure he’s heard it a million time before, but you haven’t, and you can’t help but laugh. That makes the man’s smile widen genuinely and his eyes crease.
“I guess you came up with the bakery name,” you chuckle.
“Absolutely. Isn’t it a great name?”
Jungkook shakes his head in disgust.
“It’s genius,” you say, and the man slams his hand on the table.
“See? I told you! Jungkook keeps saying that I have a terrible sense of humor—”
“I’ll be in the back if you need me,” Jungkook grumbles.
“Hey, what do we say to customers?”
“Ah— It was nice to meet you!” he says, turning around to look at you and he seems somewhat sincere. “I hope we’ll be seeing you again.”
Then he bows his head politely and disappears in the back of the shop. The other man — who you suppose is the owner of the place — watches, laughing fondly, but goes quiet after that, so you go back to your work.
You don’t stay around too long, not wanting to overstay your welcome, but you’re still the only one in the shop by the time you decide to walk out.
“Was the tea any good?” the man asks as you walk by him.
You nod and smile.
“And the chocolates were delicious,” you add. “I’ll make sure to come back.”
“That’s music to my ears,” he says, dramatically putting a hand on his chest. That’s when you notice the ‘Seokjin’ tag on his apron. You don’t know what to do with that information, though. You don’t call strangers by their first name and you also don’t stalk people on line.
Especially not when you don’t have their last name.
You say a quick ‘goodbye’, then walk out. Jin’s eyes follow you for a few seconds, before he sighs and turns around, already taking off his apron.
The boy is quick to appear again, scanning the shop for your presence.
“She’s gone?” he asks, and Jin gives a slap at the back of his employee's head with a groan. There’s no strength in it, though, and Jungkook barely reacts to it.
“How could you run away like that, you little—”
Jungkook easily avoids him when Jin tries to him it again, laughing at his outrage.
“We’re not going to be getting a lot more clients today, are we?” he asks, looking outside at the passers-by that don’t even spare a glance at the little shop.
“No,” Jin groans, letting himself fall on a chair.
The depressing calm that follows what is possibly the busiest day of the year for him is just one of the reasons why he absolutely despises Valentine’s Day.
February 22nd
When you show up at the bakery again, about a week later, you’re feeling surprisingly good about it. Last time went well, you decided, and the people were nice, so you’re not afraid to throw a quiet but polite “Hello!” when you walk in. It’s kind of funny — or is it sad — how it always surprises you when people are nice to you, much more used to passive disinterest at best.
There’s another man in the shop this time, with a laptop and a coffee in front of him, but he doesn’t look up at you. A head lifts up from behind the counter though. You feel vaguely embarrassed that you remember this one is Seokjin, and you only feel more awkward when he gives you a dazzling smile.
A glance at the display tells you that they have restocked on their strawberry-based pastries, and you happily pick a slice of cake for yourself.
“For here or to go?”
“I’ll have it here,” you say with a smile. You feel strangely proud of yourself for being able to say it spontaneously. He has no way of knowing it, but it’s quite the victory for you. Usually, you try to run from the presence of others as fast as you can, and it’s even worse those days. “And I’ll also have Darjeeling tea with it, please.”
“Coming right up, just take a seat and I’ll bring it to you,” he says, and then he winks. He doesn’t stick around to see the surprised look on your face, so you just do as he told you, wondering if he was flirting with you or if he’s just Like That. You think that second explanation might be the answer.
“It’s nice to see you again,” he says when he arrives with the cake and the tea. You’re pretty sure he can’t place you exactly, just thinks your face is familiar, but it still makes you happy.
He tells you he hopes you’ll come back when you leave, and you decide you want to believe it.
June 1st
You’re not sure when you become an official ‘regular’ at the bakery. Maybe it’s when you ask Jin if they even do scones, and he leans over the counter to tell you conspiratorially that he actually wanted to call the shop ‘bake it ’til you make it’, but was told it was too long. That elicits a brief burst of laughter from you, and Jungkook tells you to stop encouraging him, but Seokjin looks so happy with himself when you laugh that you decide not to listen to him. Jin has that way of breaking past your shyness that fascinates you. It might be what keeps you coming back, more than the delicious sweets and how beautiful the two workers look.
Or maybe it’s when Jin tells you that it’s not fair you know their names but they don’t know yours, and that he’d ask you for your ID before selling you stuff if you don't tell him. When you tell him, he repeats it a couple of times, like he’s tasting it, before nodding with satisfaction. After that, him and Jungkook start greeting you with it, and insist you do the same with them. You’re reluctant at first, feeling somewhat confused about the whole thing, but it turns out to feel… nice, to have people to greet, and who also know your name.
Maybe it’s when Jin tells you that you’re late when you come in, or complains when you don’t show up on one of your usual days because you had a meeting with your boss. He doesn’t say anything on the day where you take your pastries to go because you’re visiting a friend at the hospital, though, and you wonder if he can just tell. Regardless, you appreciate it.
You find out about other people who come here frequently, too, and especially the ones who are friends with Jin and Jungkook. Namjoon, who sits with his laptop at the opposite end of the café from you. Yoongi, who usually sits in the same spot as you, and eyes you threateningly when he comes in and you’re there the first time, until Seokjin tells him to knock it off. Taehyung and Jimin, who always come in together, and who Jungkook usually joins to bicker and laugh with them. Hoseok, who likes to waltz in at random times, and whose smile actually rivals Jin’s.
You yourself come in twice a week, getting to your usual place to work — except on the couple of occasions where Yoongi gets there before you and gives you a triumphant smile when he sees you. You enjoy the way you’re always greeted by Jungkook or Seokjin, like they’re genuinely happy to see you. You discover that the old ladies who come here to gossip love to flirt with Jin and that, even though he flirts back outrageously, much to their delight, his ears tend to turn a bright red when he does.
You even bring your friends on a couple of occasion, and Seokjin jokes that you’re responsible for half of his turnover at this point. Your friends enjoy the food, and the drinks, but they enjoy the handsome employees and customers a lot more.
“So this is where all the hot men were,” Hana marvels when you walk out, and you burst out laughing. You like that you’ve shared this place with her, because it’s something that makes you really happy these days, motivates you to come out of your bed, and even to talk to people, something you’ve never been good at.
When you walk into the shop and make small talk with the people you’ve come to know, something you used to consider yourself terrible at, it might be silly, but it kind of feels like home.
June 21st
You are pretty sure you know when you go from regular to friend, though. It’s a day like any other and you hum on your way to the shop. Instead of the joyful “Welcome back, (Y/N)!” that you’ve gotten used to hearing these past few weeks, however, you’re greeted with Seokjin shouting “(Y/N), my savior!”.
You freeze on the spot and give him a worried look. From his table, Namjoon looks up, just as puzzled.
“Is everything okay, Jin?” he asks.
“Jungkook isn’t there today,” Jin tells you. His voice doesn’t sound different from usual, but there is a glint of panic in his eyes.  “I need your help.”
Namjoon stands up.
“Why didn’t you ask me? I could—”
“Stay where you are and don’t even think of approaching my kitchen,” Jin says threateningly. “(Y/N)? Please?”
Well. You suppose your work can get done later. You’re more productive when you come here, so you have some advance on your usual deadlines these days. But you don’t know what Jin wants from you and you’ve never worked in a bakery.
“What do you want me to do?” you ask cautiously.
He grabs your shoulders and your eyes widen at the contact. Not that it’s unpleasant, just unexpected.
“I knew when you first walked in here that you were a godsend,” he tells you seriously, looking right into your eyes, and you tell yourself that if he’s that good of an actor, you should probably watch out. “We’re out of milk.”
You blink.
“Okay. Is there a specific type of milk you want?”
“Just, milk. Get me milk and I’ll worship the ground you walk on until the end of days.”
You roll your eyes at his dramatics, and take your bag off your shoulder, handing it to him.
“Look after that, okay? I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll protect it with my life,” he says solemnly. “Also paper napkins please!” he shouts as you’re already walking out.
“Will do!”
“Bake a leg!”
You want to protest the joke that even you find to be quite bad, but the door has already closed behind you, so you just shake your head at him, only to see him laughing with satisfaction through the glass, and head to the nearest supermarket.
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You come back with two big packs of milk and a lot of paper napkins, just as two men are exiting. You’ve seen them before, but they never stay to chat. Inside, Jin is juggling three women, and he looks more relieved than you’ve ever seen him when you walk in.
“I’ll help you with that,” Namjoon says immediately, bumping in the table as he gets up.
“If you break anything, I’ll kill you,” Jin warns him. He’s smiling like he’s joking, and his tone is light, like he doesn’t want to scare off his customers, but his eyes say he’s sincere.
You’re quick in the back, and Namjoon does drop the packs once, but nothing bad happens. He presses a finger against his lips to tell you to keep it a secret, and you grin without a word. Part of you is kind of wondering what you’re doing there, why Jin feels comfortable letting you in the back and why he asked you to do that, but you don’t have an issue with it, not by a long shot. This is… kind of fun, actually.
“Anything else you want me to do?” you ask Jin when you come out, and he looks at you in a pleading way.
“You don’t mind?”
Something tells you you shouldn’t accept too quickly, that you could end up in way over your head faster than you know. But his brown eyes are wide and desperate and you just can’t say no. So you smile and shake your head.
“Of course not. You look like you really need a hand here.”
“I do.”
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That’s how you find yourself in an apron, with the cute, black hat Jin and Jungkook always wear on your head. Jin mostly sends you in the back to pick up things he needs, or makes you bring the beverages to the customers, which you’re thankful for, because that way you don’t have to greet anyone. Time flies quickly, and you can barely find a second to breathe for the first few hours.
“Sorry, it’s lunch time,” Jin grimaces as he passes you by, and you think to yourself that at least, it will get better, but it takes a while even after that, and when it’s done, Jin sends you to buy some more stuff from the supermarket, because as it turns out, things go fast.
Before you know it, it’s closing time, and you look outside in disbelief. The sky is starting to turn a nice pink, and other shops are putting up their shutters.
“You can go, if you want,” Jin tells you. He sounds terribly sorry, and that makes you feel bad. It’s such an unusual tone for him to have.
His offer is tempting, of course. Your feet hurt, your head aches a little from all the noise that never bothered you before but turns out to be a lot when you’re there all day, you’ve burned your hand against an oven, and you’ve found out that carrying things ends up really hurting your back. But you know that he’s experiencing the same thing you do, and you just don’t have the heart to abandon him here. Also, you’ve already lost your day, so you might as well help him out now.
“It’s fine,” you sigh. “Do you want me to help with anything?”
Cleaning up goes quietly in the main shop, and that soothes you a little. You don’t mind the silence, even enjoy it, and find yourself relaxing for the first time today. Surprisingly, you’re feeling… satisfied. It’s not something you would particularly look forward to doing again, but you’re happy you did it, happy you helped Jin, and you feel like you’ve accomplished something today, which is always a good thing.
“You have flour everywhere,” he tells you bluntly when you walk in the back of the shop, and you laugh.
“Well, it got everywhere,” you reply, trying to rub some off your face, and it’s Jin’s turn to laugh when you fail miserably.
You know you shouldn’t do it, but you gather a small handful of flour from the table, and throw it at him. A good chunk hangs in the air and makes you cough, but the rest does land on his apron. His mouth falls open into an ‘o’ shape and you know you’ve messed up.
“Listen, I am so sorry—”
“No you’re not,” he says, taking a step towards you. His hand is on the table, which is covered with flour, and you swallow.
“Sure I am, Jin, please—”
But your pleas fall in deaf ears, and flour is soon flying your way. It’s your turn to stare at Jin in disbelief, and then you’re laughing, loud and clear.
Maybe that’s the exact moment when the two of you become friends — really friends.
Or maybe it’s seconds later, when the room you’re in turns into the scene for an all-out flour battle. Regardless, you’re laughing the whole way through, when you’re not choking on the flour hanging in the air. Jin’s laughter is quieter than yours, miles away from the booming and somewhat fake laugh you’re used to hearing from him.
The fight only escalates when Jin picks up an egg. You shake your head, mouth ‘no’, but he doesn’t listen, and after that, things get a lot messier. By the time the two of you, exhausted and bent in half because of how much you’ve been laughing, finally stop, you can feel yoke trickling down your back, and you know the sight can’t be pretty. Jin reaches out to you in a useless attempt to wipe some flour from your face, only to laugh more when it, of course, fails once more.
You try not to think about the jolt of electricity that ran through you when his fingers came in contact with your cheek.
“I’ll clean up in here,” he tells you, “but you should go take a shower upstairs.”
“Are you sure?” you ask, surprised. Suddenly, you’re very conscious of the fact that you don’t know him that well. In recent months, you’ve talked to him more than you do with your close friends, and you did just throw several eggs at him, but you don’t know him. You’re aware of the fact that he lives above the shop, but you’ve never been there. The two of you have never even exchanged numbers.
He makes dramatic hand gestures to signal you to get away, like you’re bothering him, and you leave with a last laugh. You don’t notice the way he looks up when you do, or the way it makes him smile. He can’t help it, he just loves that he makes you laugh.
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You’re relieved to step into the shower, both because you’re happy to clean up and because there was something really awkward about being in Seokjin’s apartment for the first time, alone. The place was not quite as decorated as the bakery was, with paler colors. Walking through it, you had noticed big speakers, some books in a shelf, and a couple of cute plushes that you had had to resist not to fawn over. The place worked for him, you had decided. It was more understated than you would have expected when you had just started to know him, but it doesn’t surprise you anymore. Jin tends to be quiet when he doesn’t have to be ‘on’, and it’s something he doesn’t seem to feel he has to do around you anymore.
You sigh in pleasure when the hot water hits you, close your eyes. You’ve been craving it for hours now — long before the food battle with Jin. It helps relax your aching muscles, washes away all the sweat from the day, and you have to resist not to just let yourself fall down onto the floor. Your back hurts, but the worst part has to be your feet. You feel yourself gaining a lot more appreciation for Jin and Jungkook, who are always kind, smiling and polite despite all of this. The only thing that kept you from biting someone’s head off tonight was your crippling anxiety when it comes to interacting with strangers.
It’s almost funny now to think you used to feel that way around Jin.
You look around for some soap you could use, and in your search, you’re surprised to find shampoo that was definitely intended for a woman. You don’t know why you’re surprised. It’s no wonder that Jin would have a girlfriend, really, it’s the opposite that should shock you, but you still didn’t expect it. You force away the pinch in your chest. Jin is a new friend, you can’t have your heart fluttering like that.
You consider using it for half a second, before deciding that it would be very awkward if you came out smelling like his girlfriend. Instead, you do your best to get rid of any egg, and tell yourself you’ll wash your hair at home. You barely hear the sound of the door opening and closing over the water, and you’re startled by Jin’s voice outside the bathroom.
“You can take a towel from the chest of drawers,” he tells you, “and I’ll leave a shirt outside, if you want it.”
“Thank you!” you shout back.
Seokjin stands there a few seconds, before quickly shaking his head and walking away. He knows his ears are turning red, and he hates himself for it, but is it his fault, really? Is he supposed not to think about you, right now, in his shower, water running down your body? He never even thought to pretend he was that innocent.
He occupies himself by preparing a drink for the two of you, and then by cleaning around. He’s not particularly messy, though, and there isn’t much to do, so he ends up sitting on his couch, feeling awkward in his own house, and scrolling aimlessly through his phone. He freezes again when he hears the bathroom door open and close, guessing you’re picking up his shirt. Which means you’re— God what is wrong with him tonight? When did he regress to the state of a hormonal teenager?
He hopes he looks natural when you come out, because he’s doing his best for that. The nervous way he’s running his hands over his thighs would probably give him out, though, if you weren’t feeling just as stressed as him.
“I’m done,” you mumble, your shyness coming back, which you decide is to be expected in that situation.
It vanishes the second Jin looks you over and snorts.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, glancing down, and immediately you know that you’re probably ridiculous in his black shirt. It looks like it’s swallowing you whole. “It’s not my fault if your shoulders are that broad,” you pout.
“You look so small,” Jin chuckles. He sounds endeared, and if you noticed that sort of things, you would absolutely realize that his eyes linger on you in his clothes fondly — and a little longer than necessary.
“Want something to drink?” he asks, gesturing at the stuff he got out of the fridge when he didn’t know what to do with himself.
“Sure,” you smile, letting yourself fall down on the couch next to him and pouring yourself a glass. The brief awkwardness that washed over you when you came in vanishes already, because of how comfortable you feel around Jin. He’s always been good at making you feel that way, and now he doesn’t even have to try.
“So, how did you find your day?” he asks you, and you look at him, surprised by his tone. He sounds quiet, cautious almost, like he’s worried about what your reaction might be, or that he could be bothering you.
“Fine,” you say with a shrug. “I can’t say I’d want to do it again— When is Jungkook coming back?”
Jin chuckles, and again, it takes you by surprise. It’s so… quiet. So discreet, compared to his usual attitude.
“He should be there tomorrow, don’t worry about it.” Then, he grimaces. “But seriously, thank you for helping out today. I owe you.”
“Yes you do,” you say with a grin, bumping your shoulder against his, trying to lift the mood a little, because he sounds genuinely worried. “Just offer me the tea next time, and I’ll consider us even.”
Finally, a smile forms on his lips, and he shakes his head dramatically, putting his hand over his heart.
“No, I don't think I could ever repay you,” he says, and you laugh at his antics, like you always do. He looks a little appeased by that, and that’s a relief. “Your back must hurt,” he says. “Turn around.”
You raise an eyebrow, but do as he says, startling when his hands fall on your shoulders. They’re large, engulfing you easily, but they also move gently as he slowly massages you.
“Oh,” you gasp, leaning back into him. This is— good. This is very very good. For a few minutes — or maybe much longer, you couldn’t tell — you just stay there, eyes closed, lips parted, focused on the delicious feelings of his hands gently rubbing all the pain and soreness of the day away. When he stops, it takes you a few seconds to come back down to reality, and maybe, just maybe you miss the feeling of his hands. “Oh,” you repeat, rolling your shoulders slowly. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Jin says. “It’s kind of my fault.”
You turn around, shaking your head.
“Seokjin,” you say. “It’s fine. I didn’t mind helping.”
“You’re too kind,” he frowns. “You shouldn’t let people take advantage of that.”
“I’m not!”
Then Jin smiles, in a way that only lifts one corner of his lips, and suddenly you feel— you’re not too sure. Something seems to melt inside you, something moves in your stomach like you’re free falling. You probably should recognize the feeling. It’s not like it’s anything new to you, and yet you miss it. You do something you almost never do in that situation, and you take a step back. You glance up from his lips, shoot him a smile, and get up from the couch.
“It’s getting late,” you comment. “I really need to go home.”
Jin is on his feet immediately.
“I’ll walk you back,” he says, concern flashing in his eyes.
“I’m good. It’s not that far and I need to clear my head after, you know, everything today.” You’re not sure you know, but Jin nods, though a little reluctantly.
“You’re sure?”
He sighs. He doesn’t seem too pleased about it, but you guess he doesn’t want to insist too much, either.
“Give me your phone,” he says, and when you hand it to him, he types his number in, pouting as he explains himself to you. “Text me when you get home, alright? Otherwise I’ll just worry all night, because everyone is so unreasonable, and just wants me to lose sleep, and—”
You take your phone back from him with a laugh.
“I’ll text you,” you promise, briefly putting your hand over his. That feels— normal, you decide. It’s not like your hands have never brushed in the months since you’ve started frequenting the bakery. It just feels fine, and whatever there was before could just be a false alert. But then Jin looks into your eyes, and the feeling comes back.
“You better.”
You practically flee the bakery. You’re trying to make sense of the whole thing in your head, and it doesn’t go over great. You let Jin know you got home safe, and then do your best to push the whole thing out of your mind when you go to bed. You refuse to think about it too much. Not because you don’t understand what’s going on, but because somewhere, deep down, you do. This isn’t— this isn’t something you do. You fall hard and fast, that’s— that’s your thing.
Sometimes it’s nice, others it’s disappointing, but most importantly, it means that when the relationship is over, your life just goes back to what it was before. It you ever had feelings for a friend, someone you’re so used to having around… You’re sure it would truly break your heart.
July 15th
Summer is horribly hot this year. Fortunately for you, your favorite bakery has started serving ice cream. There is air conditioning in the store, but with the door constantly opening and closing, gusts of hot air regularly reach even you. No one seems too happy with the situation, with Jungkook seeming to slowly come apart under the temperature. Even Namjoon has abandoned ship, leaving much earlier than usual today. He waved at you when he got out, and you waved back.
Who knew, maybe the two of you would actually talk next time.
Jin uses a lull in the otherwise busy afternoon to drop at your table, and you smile to him. You haven’t really gone through anything like that night ever since, and you decided it was just a one time thing. You were tired from the work, and you were touch-starved, and, surely, there was nothing there, other than you gaining a new friend.
Yup. Nothing to see at all. Even when he’s sitting next to you, trying to fan himself with one of the bakery’s menus, head thrown back in a way that makes his Adam’s apple even more prominent.
You never thought yourself as someone who particularly enjoyed necks, but it seems you were wrong.
Not that that has anything to do with feelings, of course. Jin’s just hot. You already knew that.
“Hey, (Y/N), what’s your favorite cake?” he asks you.
It takes you just a second too long to answer.
“Uh. Anything that has strawberries in it, I guess,” you say, and he nods, but he’s also frowning. “Are my tastes not up to par?” you grin, raising an eyebrow.
“Clearly, your tastes are great, since you keep coming back,” Jin answers immediately, with the confidence that you now know to be mostly facade, but that you’ve still come to love. “No, strawberries are good. I can work with strawberries.”
“I actually wanted strawberries the first time I came here,” you reminisce. “But there weren’t any left because that was after Valentine’s Day.”
Jin clicks his tongue in disgust.
“Worst day of the year,” he says, “though February is a bad month for strawberries in general.”
“You don’t like Valentine’s Day?” you ask, and if you were a dog, your ears would be perking up with interest. You’ve always loved to hear people’s opinion on the holiday, because it’s so divisive. “You guys must make quite a lot of money…”
“I’m wounded that you’d think money is all I care about,” Jin sighs dramatically, though the glint in his eyes lets you know that he’s only joking. “It’s just very busy,” he admits. “It’s a lot of work to prepare, people place a lot of orders, and we basically don’t get a minute to ourselves. Not to mention— do you know what it does to a person to know that the food he lovingly prepared is probably going to be eaten off someone’s body?”
You can’t help it. You burst out laughing. When you do, you’re completely unaware of the fond way Jin looks at you. He’s always liked that he made you laugh, from the very first day you came into the store.
“No,” you admit, “no, I haven’t thought about it.”
“Well I have to.”
“I’m so sorry for you.”
“I’m sorry for me too.”
Then Jimin practically waltzes in and energetically greets everyone in the room, including you, and Jin gets up to serve him and Taehyung because Jungkook looks like he’s about to collapse, and you don’t give much more thought to the conversation.
But Jin remembers that strawberry cake is your favorite.
September 18th
Somehow, you get roped into helping Jin with his grocery shopping. He sat at your table and complained about how Jungkook wouldn’t be able to help him that week, and you voiced your sympathy, and next thing you knew, you were in the supermarket with him.
Well, maybe you’d offered your help. Maybe you just didn’t want to admit it because of that time he’d told you you were too kind.
“You know, I thought I’d be helping you for the bakery,” you comment, “but this mostly looks like it’s for you.”
“I am the bakery,” Jin replies, and you grin.
You watch him as he carefully crosses item after item of his detailed list. You expected him to be messy, to grab whatever he wanted, but he is as meticulous with this as he is with the baking he does for his customers. Which is— strangely endearing to you.
“Most of what we get comes in bigger orders,” he explains to you once he’s done with that aisle. “Sometimes, we find ourselves missing some things…”
“Like milk.”
“It’s always the milk,” he sighs, shaking his head it brings back bad memories. “But that’s not an issue for a lot of thing, unless something very specific comes up. Like a customer wanting  a pineapple pie.”
You tilt your head as he cautiously picks pineapples. You’re not even sure how you can tell if a pineapple is ripe, but he looks like he knows what he’s doing.
“That sounds… interesting?”
“It’s going to sound very interesting when I’ll make you carry half the bags,” Jin says, and you roll your eyes. Does he think you’re going to bail on him? You would never do that.
Well. Until your eyes fall on Minho, standing there, like he hasn’t simply vanished from your life six months ago. There’s a woman with him, and she’s laughing at something he said. You suppose she was the one he met — or maybe another one, there’s no way of knowing, really. But they look like they’re getting along well, and it— it makes you happy. You think.
“Huh,” you mumble. “That’s my ex over there.”
Jin looks up so fast you worry he might hurt his neck.
“What? Where? Do you need me to insult him?”
You’re about to say no when Minho turns around, and his eyes meet yours. He gives you a hesitant nod, and you think that’s going to be it, but then, after a few seconds of obvious inner debate, he makes his way towards you.
“(Y/N),” he says, a bit awkwardly. “It’s good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you too,” you reply softly and, much to your surprise, you mean it. You did your best not to let yourself miss him, but you suppose you did. It’s been a long time since you last saw him.
“This is, erm, this is Lisa,” he says, gesturing at the woman, who gives you a polite smile. It looks like she knows exactly who you are, and you suppose it must be uncomfortable for her as well. “My girlfriend.”
Yeah. You’d pieced that together. But then, Minho’s eyes move to Jin, and he raises an eyebrow, and you realize what he’s thinking about.
“Oh, this is—”
“Seokjin,” Jin says, extending his hand. “I’m her boyfriend.”
You’re sure that anyone looking at you can tell from your expression, from the way your mouth falls open and from the incredulous way you shake your head that that’s not true, but both Minho and Lisa are looking at him, and miss it completely. When Jin looks at you, he gives an imperceptible nod and puts an arm around your shoulders.
The warmth is— kind of nice. Maybe it even sends a shiver down your back, but you’re sure it’s because you’re still quite touch-starved those days.
Nothing else here.
“That’s great,” Minho says, and he looks relieved. “It’s great that you’re with someone.”
“Isn’t it?” Jin says before you can think of anything to answer to that. “She walked into my bakery and I just knew she would become my favorite client. Basically love at first sight.”
“Love at first sale, maybe,” you can’t help but answer, even if you know, reasonably, that you shouldn’t entertain him. You’re pretty sure he’s trying to show off in front of the two, which is really unnecessary, but you appreciate the gesture. “Jin makes the best cakes you can find in the whole town,” you tell them. Not to show off, but because it’s true. There are a lot of good things you could tell them about Jin, come to think of it. A lot.
“Maybe we should try it then,” Lisa says, smiling. She looks more relaxed than earlier, though you suppose she could also just be trying to get out of this conversation.
“Oh, it’s a must,” you reply sincerely, and Jin laughs, pulling you against his chest a little.
“She’s too nice,” he says, and you immediately protest that no, definitely not, he does, and you’re sure you look like a very annoying couple, because it doesn’t take long for Minho to clear his throat.
“Well, we have to go but it was— it was nice catching up with you.”
“Same,” you nod, and when he leaves, you can’t help but watch him. You don’t really feel anything right now. You were sincerely happy to see him, but it felt like running into a childhood friend you haven’t seen in a long, long time, and now have nothing in common with outside of those memories. Except it hasn’t been a life time since you last met him. Just a little over six months. Soon, he’ll just be someone you used to know.
You wish you were more upset by this. You wish there was anything that told you that what you had with him actually mattered. Instead, this vague indifference lets you know that your paths had probably diverged before the two of you even broke up. And that makes you kind of sad.
“Are you okay?” Jin asks. He has that quiet voice you’ve heard a few times now.
“I’m fine,” you nod, “but you really didn’t have to do that. I wasn’t— Minho and I aren’t— there really was no need.”
“I was happy to do it,” Jin says, and you notice how petty he sounds. “It’s always a joy to let an ex see how much better than them you’re doing.”
You laugh. You probably agree with him on that, but you’re not going to help feed his ego even more. Jungkook would probably never forgive you for it.
“I don’t think your girlfriend would like you doing that,” you observe, and Jin answers that remark with a blank stare.
“When have I ever said anything about a girlfriend?”
“Well, there was a bottle of shampoo at your place that—”
“So a guy can’t like having his hair smell like fruit, huh?”
“That’s not what I—”
“Wow, way to reinforce stereotypes, (Y/N). I expected more of you.”
He ignores your attempts at protesting and strides away from you. It takes you a few moments to catch up, because of his stupid long legs of his.
“If I had a girlfriend, I would never stop talking about her,” he lets you know while you’re catching your breath. “So don’t worry. You’ll know about it.”
“Duly noted,” you say. You maybe feel a little too happy about that new information so, to distract yourself from it, you change the subject. “So I’m your favorite customer?”
He scoffs and glances away from you, refusing to meet your eyes. He thought you hadn’t picked up on that.
“You’re a strong contestant, I guess,” he says reluctantly, and you laugh, not pushing it further.
“Anyway— Minho broke up with me a week Valentine’s Day,” you say. You’re not sure why. Maybe to let Jin that you’ve been over it for a long time.
“That’s rude,” Jin comments with a disapproving click of his tongue.
“He probably wanted to spend it with her,” you shrug. “When we got together, he told me he didn’t cheat. He left. So— I guess that was it.” Then there’s a laugh, and you can’t tell if it sounds bitter. You hope not. “I’ve actually never had a boyfriend for Valentine’s Day,” you confess.
The silence that follows is unusual for Jin. When you glance up at him, he’s just looking at you, and for a second, you think it’s pity you find in his eyes. But, from the way he frowns, you realize it could just be genuine sympathy.
“Would it make you feel better if I tell you it’s a terrible holiday that’s just there to sell things?”
“I already know that,” you chuckle, even if it does make you feel a little better. “I just want someone to buy me roses once, you know?”
Jin doesn’t answer, just looks at you, and something about the intensity of his stare makes you feel— feel things you told yourself you weren’t feeling for him. But then, you just ran into Minho, didn’t you? It makes sense that you would be all over the place emotionally.
“Anything more on your list?” you ask, and Jin blinks.
“Yeah, that way,” he says, sounding a bit off, but then he adds “More things for you to carry,” and you decide to brush it off.
But he stores the information in his mind. Strawberry cake and roses. Duly noted.
October 31st
“So do you actually like Halloween, or is this just another shameless cash grab for you?” you ask Jin when he brings you your tea.
You have to admit, him and Jungkook truly went all out for this. They’ve decorated the shop with pumpkins, and there are fake bats hanging from the ceiling. There are also themed cakes and chocolates shaped like spiders. It’s spooky, and it delights the kids that come in and ask the parents about it. You definitely appreciate the atmosphere it creates — and you also appreciate the way Hoseok jumped when he walked in front of the witch that lets out an evil laugh when someone passes the movement detector.
“Halloween is not terrible, I guess,” Jin says, like him and Jungkook don’t take a full day out of their schedules and bring in some friends just to decorate the shop. “Do you like it?”
“I love it,” you answer sincerely, and Jin’s expression softens.
“Hey, we’re having a small get-together after closing tonight,” he tells you spontaneously. “Wanna join us?”
You take a second to answer. It’s not like you don’t want to — far from that — but there’s that voice inside of you that tells you that you’ve been weird around Jin, and you don’t want to be weird around him. You want to keep things as they are, because he’s such a wonderful friend to have around. You’d hate yourself if you changed that.
But if the point is to have him around, then surely, telling him no right now would be counter-productive, right?
“Absolutely,” you say with a smile, and Jin beams, and you feel all warmed-up inside.
You already know that you’ll have fun, and you’ll laugh, and he’ll insist on walking you him and you’ll tell him no. And it sounds exactly like how you want to spend your evening.
January 10th
You first meet Sungho on New Year’s Eve, at Hana’s party. The two of you click immediately, and you enjoy the familiar rush of feelings, the waiting for a text after you’ve given him your number, the anticipation of knowing where this is all leading, if everything goes right. After a week, you run into him at the bakery, or, well, you’re sitting in your usual corner when he comes in. He doesn’t see you immediately, but when he looks in your direction after a little while, you happily wave him over.
“You don’t usually come here, do you?” you ask him. “I would have seen you by now if you were a regular.”
He chuckles, flashes you a bright smile, and you smile in return. Sungho has a nice smile. He doesn’t laugh easily, though, from what you saw when you met him, which is a shame, but definitely not a dealbreaker, even if you love to hear people laugh.
“No, I saw you were talking about this place a lot online, and I figured I would come and check it out. Of course, seeing you here is the best part,” he adds with a wink, and he leans towards you a little. The obvious flirtation sends a wave of heat through your chest, and you don’t hesitate to lean forward as well, resting your elbow on the table and putting your chin on your hand. You enjoy the closeness, the proximity, the chase.
You pull away when Jin arrives with Sungho’s order.
“This looks great,” Sungho comments. “I’m glad (Y/N) advertised you so much.”
“Well, there’s a reason she’s our favorite customer,” Jin replies, smiling, and when you meet his eyes, they’re fond and— and something else that makes it hard to breathe for a second.
But the smile fades when Sungho takes a portion of his cake with the spoon and offers it to you.
“Wanna try it?” he asks, and you do, because you know everything Jin makes will be amazing. You’re not sure you love the gesture itself — it’s kind of cute, but you’ve also just met him and it feels a bit strange — but you still giggle and take the bite.
And all Jin can do is stand there, looking at the two of you. He feels something he has felt before, and it’s that he let something he wanted pass him by. He waited too long to make a move, once again, and once again, it’s cost him something he doesn’t know how he’ll live without, and now he’ll have no choice but to figure it out.
You glance up, and he catches himself, plastering a smile on his lips.
“Enjoy yourselves!” he says, a little too loudly, and he knows, from the way you blink and the puzzled look you give him, that you’ve noticed and it’s— it’s horrible. It’s horrible that you know him that well and that you’ve seen so many facets of him and you’ve chosen someone else. You don’t ask anything, though, and he’s quick to leave.
He’s also quick to ask Jungkook to replace him in the shop, and he, very deliberately, doesn’t ask anything about how things went. Doesn’t want to know if you kissed, or worse, if you left together.
He’ll be fine. It’s not like it’s anything he hasn’t been through before.
February 5th
You feel impossibly excited when Sungho asks you out for Valentine’s Day. You gush about it to your friends, a lot, and Hana is delighted for you — and very pleased that her circles of friends are meeting like that. Jungkook sounds happy, too, though slightly more reserved, but you get the type of enthusiasm you wanted from Jimin and Taehyung.
Jin gets quiet when you let him know, though. It’s not something you haven’t seen before, but it does take you off guard, because you’ve never seen it happen while in the shop, where he’s usually on top of his game.
“Are you okay?” you ask, worried, leaning over the counter to put a hand on his arm. “You look a little under the weather these days.”
He smiles, but it lacks his usual flamboyance.
“Valentine’s Day is coming,” he tells you. “The worst day of the year.”
You laugh at that, relax, and take your hand off. You miss the way his eyes fall on the place you were just touching.
“Well, not this year, hopefully. Not this year.”
Yeah. He’s not so sure about that.
February 14th
It’s your first time, ever, having a date on Valentine’s Day, and you’re determined to do everything right. Sungho is taking you to a fancy restaurant, so you decide there is no issue in going all out. You take the day to prepare yourself, enlist Hana to do your make-up and hair, and you use the opportunity to wear a lovely bright red dress that you had been saving for a special occasion.
Hana whistles when you come out of your room after you’ve also put on half-transparent black tights.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” she says with an appreciative nod.
You glance down at your body self-consciously and try to smooth the fabric of the dress. You do think it looks pretty good, but you could be wrong. Does it show too much of your legs? Does it hug your curves too tightly?
“You think he’s going to like it?” you ask, somewhat shyly.
“He should if he knows what’s good for him,” she replies, expression turning murderous, before softening. “Just… Are you sure you want to be doing that?”
You give her a confused look.
“What are you talking about?”
“You know, going out with Sungho,” she says with a vague hand gesture. “I just— I don’t know. Do you like him that much?”
It’s funny. You haven’t really asked yourself that question. You’ve just been going through all the usual motions — the flirting, the dates, and, inevitably, the start of the relationship, which is probably for tonight.
“We— we get along fine,” you answer. “I like him.”
You leave the words ‘well enough’ out of that sentence. You like Sungho well enough. But then, that’s always been good enough for you, so why should it change now?
Hana seems to think about it for a little while, then shrugs.
“Okay then. Do you need my help to walk to the cab? I would not trust these things.”
She’s pointing at your heels, and it makes you laugh. These aren’t even that high, and they’re pretty stable. You don’t think you’ll have any trouble walking in them. Hana wouldn’t abandon her flat shoes to save her life, though, so you suppose the question was to be expected.
“You can just tell me if you want to hold my arm,” you tease, and it seems to take her by surprise, before she chuckles.
“You’ve gotten a little too good at that. I don’t know if I like it.”
“Yeah, I’m afraid Jin has infected me.”
That gives her pause, and she shoots you a weird look, but you miss it. She opens her mouth to say something, then gives up. She could be wrong, after all.
She kind of hopes she’s wrong, or that if she’s right, you’ll realize it soon enough.
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The dinner is perfect. You’re dressed perfectly for the occasion, fitting right in the restaurant’s decor, Sungho complimented you when you walked in and you told him he looked great, which is true, the food is delicious, the conversation flows easily, and there are roses on the table. They’re not for you, part of the decoration, and it doesn’t look like Sungho’s gotten you any, which gives you just a little pinch of disappointment in your chest, but it’s also not a big deal. It’s fine. Everything is fine.
And you’re not happy with it.
You can’t place it, and it slowly drives you insane, as you and Sungho make your way through the meal. You try your best not to let it show, but you think he notices your increasing restlessness. You feel bad about it, because really, he hasn’t done anything wrong. You just— something’s not right.
Dammit. It’s your first time having a date on Valentine’s Day, and you can’t make it work.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” Sungho says while the two of you are waiting for your desert, and you do your best to snap out of whatever is going on in your head to focus on him.
“Tell me,” you smile, though the smile is polite, rather than genuine.
He takes a deep breath and reaches over the table to take your hand. It’s far from the first time the two of you make physical contact, you’ve even kissed a few times, and it was nice, but something makes you want to recoil, in that moment. You don’t, though. Why would you? It doesn’t make sense. Nothing about you makes sense right now.
“I like you,” he says, and you find the breath knocked out of you. It’s not unpleasant, though, it’s very nice in fact, and it almost completely dissipates your previous discomfort. “And I think— you know. We haven’t said anything about being exclusive yet, so I figured I’d— ask.”
He looks pretty confident, which you thought would put you off, but it doesn’t. The answer seems obvious to you. It’s been just a little over a year since you broke up with Minho, which is a reasonable time, so your lips part to let him know that you’d be happy to—
It’s then that you remember. You remember what you told yourself after that break-up, and what you thought after the break-up before that, and the time before as well. You remember you told yourself you wouldn’t settle for less than what you really wanted. You told yourself you wanted to love and be loved. You told yourself you wanted someone who’d remember how you liked your tea.
And, just like in a movie, Jin’s face appears in your mind. You almost dismiss it, tell yourself it’s just because of the tea, until you realize it’s not. It just isn’t. You should have noticed earlier, you know that, but you’ve never been friends with someone before developing feelings for them. You’ve always told yourself you were an ‘all or nothing’ kind of person, that you were the type to know immediately if things could happen. Maybe you didn’t quite believe in love at first sight, but you’d always thought that love didn’t wait.
Apparently you were wrong.
Jin’s the one who inadvertently makes you pulse rush, when his hand brushes against you. Jin’s the one who lifts your spirits, no matter what. Jin makes you happy, makes you want to get up in the morning, has done that for months now. Jin actually knows you. Jin looks at you like you’re precious to him. Maybe that doesn’t mean love, maybe to him, it’s all just friendship, but to you, it’s much more than that. And the feeling you get is so strong, so powerful, that you understand that you need to tell him. Need to tell him now.
“I’m sorry,” you say to Sungho, who’s been waiting for an answer all this time. “I’m really sorry, I don’t think that can work out.”
His face falls, but he looks far from heartbroken.
“Oh,” he says. “Um. That’s—”
“I’m sorry,” you repeat, already getting up from your chair. You’re buzzing with excitement, with feelings. “I have to go. I’ll pay for the meal, okay?”
“No, don’t—”
You stop at the counter briefly before rushing out into the night. You feel that you know exactly where you need to be.
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You get to the bakery minutes before closing time, which is exceptionally at 9 p.m. for the day. A couple is just coming out, and that leaves only Jungkook inside. There’s nothing left on display, and you know it’s been impossibly busy, which means Jin is probably in a bad mood, but you can’t wait until tomorrow. When you walk in, Jungkook looks up from behind the counter, clearly surprised by the sound of someone coming in that late, and a puzzled look settles on his face when he notices that you’re out of breath, your previously perfect make-up now looking a little worse for wear.
“Is everything alright?” he asks. He sounds worried, and any other day you would take the time to reassure him, but in that moment you’re pushed by an energy that can’t be stopped, so you just nod quickly as an answer.
“Is Jin here?”
“In the back,” he says, tilting his head in that direction, and you’re pretty sure a glint of understanding lights up in his eyes.
“Can I….?”
He nods, a grin on his lips, and now you’re sure he knows why you’re here. You don’t wait for him to tease you about it, quick to make your way past him.
You freeze the second you walk into the backroom, though. It’s not just because of Jin’s back, though that definitely has more of an effect on you than you’d like to admit — the broad shoulders, the muscular back, and inexplicably, the nape of his neck. It’s also because of the large bouquet of red roses, standing in a vase on the table next to him. Your breath catches in your throat as you look at them. They look beautiful, vibrant, their fragrance floating through the room, all the way to you.
“Who are the roses for?” you ask, making Jin jump.
Any other time, you would have been pleased to take him by surprise for once, but right now you’re hanging on his words, waiting for an answer. The air feels heavy between you, and it doesn’t help that he doesn’t answer immediately, swallowing silently as his eyes travel over your body. You had almost forgotten about the dress you were wearing, and, instead of making you feel comfortable and confident, like it had earlier, you feel naked and vulnerable under his gaze.
Finally, his eyes meet yours, mouth slightly open, and by that point your heart is hammering in your chest. You wonder if he has any idea of how you’re feeling right now. Had he noticed your feelings when even you weren’t aware of them?
“What?” he croaks, voice dry, like he’s forgotten what you said.
“The roses,” you repeat. “Who are they for?”
You need an answer. Desperately.
Jin’s eyes move to the roses, and his face falls. He turns his back to you again as he goes back to whatever he’s cleaning.
“Didn’t you have a date tonight?”
You shrug, though he can’t see it.
“I broke things off with him,” you say lightly, and you don’t miss the way his movements pause, or the way his shoulders tighten, for half a second, before he keeps moving. “Are you— are you meeting someone?”
“No,” he protests immediately. “You know I don’t believe in Valentine’s day.”
You do. You remember that. So you wait for an explanation. It takes a while, and you just wait silently behind him, suspecting that he’s waiting for you to go away. After a few minutes, though, he slams his hand on the table, still not looking at you.
“They’re for you, okay? You said you’d always wanted roses for Valentine’s Day, and I figured, maybe your stupid boyfriend didn’t know that yet, and that I could maybe just drop them off at your place, and—”
“You didn’t ask me why I broke up with him,” you interrupt him, cutting his rambling short, and he falls silent. You catch his eyes from over his shoulder. Finally, you’re feeling yourself calm down, and at the same time you’re practically shaking with anticipation. “I realized I had feelings for someone else,” you say when he still doesn’t ask, just watching you, lips tight.
“…You do?” he simply says in reply. He’s tense, guarded, and you take a careful step towards him.
“Yeah,” you nod. Your eyes aren’t leaving his, not even for a second. “He’s smart, and kind, and handsome.” You take a step for each description you give, and you can’t help but smile on the last word. But your smile doesn’t reach Jin’s lips, and he’s just looking at you like he’s expecting you to tell him someone else’s name, or to make fun of him. “And he makes me laugh,” you add quietly, as you get to him, leaning against the table. “A lot. Some have even said it was a little too much.”
“So who is he?” he asks, and you smile. It’s wild to you that you haven’t understood earlier how absolutely head over heels in love with him you are, especially right now, when you’re standing so close to him. It’s also wild that he can’t see it, because you feel as though you’re radiating with that emotion, feel that anyone should be able to tell.
“It’s you,” you breathe out. “It’s obviously you.”
Then you’re pushing yourself up against his mouth, soft and slow. One of his hands closes around your waist as he leans forward, towering over you. His eyes are shut, and you close your own, reveling in the feeling of his warm body pressed against your own. You feel his tongue darting out to brush against your lips, and they part to grant him access, eager to taste all of him and—
“Couldn’t you tell me that earlier?” Jin protests loudly, tearing himself away from you, and your eyes snap open. “I would have planned the best Valentine’s Day you’ve ever—”
You groan and cut him off with another kiss, faster and harder this time, grabbing his wrists to guide his hands to your hips. You moan in contentment into his mouth when he kisses you back and he swallows it eagerly, pressing you into the table, bodies meeting like they’ve been waiting for it for forever and you—
“I wanted to make you an amazing strawberry cake! Now I don’t have any strawberries left!”
“Jin, please,” you sigh, unable to tolerate any other interruption, “would you just shut up and kiss me?”
And, finally, he does. Holds you like he never wants to let you go, kisses you like there’s no tomorrow, and when the two of you part, he rests his forehead against yours like he can’t bear the thought of being away from you even for a second. The silent stretches, comfortable, only filled with your respirations, until someone clears their throat, and the two of you jump away from each other.
“Sorry,”Jungkook says with a shit-eating grin that tells you he’s not sorry at all, “but I was about to leave. Will the two of you be okay?”
“I’m sure we can work things out without you,” Jin says. “Goodbye!”
But Jungkook doesn’t leave right away, turning his smile to you. You would hide into Jin’s shoulder, but you feel so good you can’t be bothered right now.
“Goodbye (Y/N)!”
“Bye, Jungkook!”
“That kid, I swear,” Jin says, shaking his head, as Jungkook leaves, his laugh hanging in the air behind him for a few seconds.
“I quite like him,” you comment, fingers dancing down Jin’s neck to come trace the border of his shirt.
“Oh, you do?” There is a dangerous edge to his tone and you glance up, surprised.
“Are you jealous?” you ask. “I didn’t know you were the jealous type.”
“I’m not.”
“Because it’s not Jungkook I abandoned my date for.”
“Good that you did. I never liked him.”
“So you are jealous.”
Seokjin mumbles something incomprehensible and you laugh and hug him tighter. And when he asks you if you want to come upstairs, even if he doesn’t have the perfect Valentine’s Day dinner planned, even if really, all he has to offer is himself, you tell him yes, of course.
Because he’s all you want right now.
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It turns out, you wouldn’t have eaten the dinner anyway. The second the door closes behind you, you’re pulling him down against you for a kiss, and he doesn’t oppose any resistance, doesn’t protest like he did before, just lets out a moan into your mouth. He’s just as eager as you are to get rid of that tight dress.
“Careful with the tights,” you warn when his hands start roaming your thighs.
“Take them off then,” he groans.
You press a few kisses against his mouth, feeling delighted with the way he restrains himself, hands turning into fists against your hips as he stops himself from tearing off your closes. Finally, you pull away with a giggle. His eyes are wide and dark with desire, and they only get wider when you playfully slide off your dress’ strap.
“Don’t tease,” he says, practically growls, but you decide that you will. You guide him to his couch, push him down onto it, and evade him when he tries to pull you down with him, slipping out of his grasp. You stand just out of his reach, but more than close enough to be tantalizing, and you see in his eyes that it’s working just fine.
You take the time of making a show out of sliding down your dress down your body, letting it pool down at your feet before stepping out of it. The heels are the next thing to go, and then, finally, the offending tights. The second you’re out of those, Seokjin pounces, grabbing your hips and pulling you onto the couch.
“If you want us to move this to the bedroom, now would be a good time to say it,” he says as he kisses your neck, hands traveling up and down your body, large and calloused, but kind and gentle.
“I’m good here,” you say, arching your back to grant him better access — and to roll your hips against him. “Are you good here?”
You feel his breath catching in his throat when you move, as well as something hard pressing against you in his pants, and his voice is slightly choked when he answers.
“Yeah. This would happen at some point anyway.”
You laugh. You can’t wait to try this in all the places the two of you can think of in his apartment.
“Then let’s get to it, shall we?”
Jin doesn’t seem to have anything to answer to that, especially not when you hook your leg around his, using your heel to push him down on top of you. He’s still dressed, but you plan on rectifying that. You stop kissing him to work on the buttons of his shirt, and he lets you, breathing heavily. Your fingers explore the skin you reveal in the process, and you’re delighted when he shivers as you find out where his sensitive spots are — right under his collarbone, his nipples, his ribs.
Finally, the shirt joins your dress on the floor. You take a second to marvel at his body. His shoulders are even nicer to look at like that, you decide. You capture Jin’s mouth again, this time with your hands fisting his hair. You’re feeling yourself growing more impatient, wetter, and while your panties are the only thing still covering your body, he’s still wearing pants — which is far too much clothing.
“I want you so bad,” you whisper to him, and his breath catches in his throat.
“Fuck. You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”
That makes you grin, and you arch your back into him again, pressing yourself against his now rock hard crotch.
“Oh, I think I do,” you reply devilishly, and all Jin does is to bury his head into your neck. His fast breathing tickles your skin, and you love it. You love discovering that you have that effect on him, love how you can make him come undone. Another night, you might really, really enjoy teasing him about it, but you have something else on your mind tonight.
Your hand travels down his body to palm him through his pants, and he groans, bucking his hips against it involuntarily.
“Let me take care of that?” you offer, and he pulls away to raise an eyebrow at you.
Wordlessly, you guide him so he’s sitting on the couch, and then, without breaking eye contact, you drop to your knees. You watch as his eyes go wide and he swallows loudly. You don’t give him time to regain his composure, gently nudging his legs apart so you can place yourself there comfortably.
“Fuck,” he repeats as your hands travel over his thighs before unbuckling his belt.
He lifts himself off the couch so you can slide down his pants and underwear, and that leaves him in his naked glory. And boy, is he glorious, dick standing erect and proud, precum already dripping from the tip. You suppose it’s been a while since the last time he had any sort of intercourse, and so you decide that you will do everything that’s in your power to make it worth his while.
You do your best to maintain eye contact with him while you lean forward to gently take in the head of his cock, wrapping your red lips around it as your hand grips the base.
“Ah,” he gasps, and you wonder if he gets loud during sex.
You hope he does.
You mostly tease him at first, running your tongue over the tip, and you feel his hand grabbing the back of your head gently. He doesn’t try to control your pace or to push you down. He seems to just be anchoring himself as he lets you do whatever you want. Glancing up, you see that he’s thrown his head back and his mouth is hanging open, letting out quiet moans that sometimes get high-pitched.
For some reason, the sight of his exposed throat turns you on impossibly. You slide a hand down your body to try to get some relief as well, and you moan loudly when your fingers finally find your clit. The vibrations have Jin push his hips up as his hands tighten on you. A second later, his eyes snap open.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I—”
“It’s fine,” you reassure him, “I don’t mind but— Do you have a condom somewhere?”
He hesitates, then reaches for the coffee table. He opens the drawer, rummages through it quickly, and finds what he’s looking for.
“Taehyung said it was good to have them all over the house, just in case,” he feels obligated to explain to you, even while he struggles to open it and to put it on.
Well, you owe Taehyung one, you decide, but now really is not the time to discuss that, so you pull him down for quick kiss before he can lose himself in his ramble.
“Want you now,” you tell him, and it sounds like an order.
“Yes ma’am,” he mumbles, pulling you back up onto the couch.
Your panties are soon gone, and he spreads your legs open with utmost care. Even if you’re pretty sure he could just slide right in, with how wet you are, he pushes a long finger inside you, then another.
“You’re so wet for me,” he marvels. “So wet, and I haven’t even touched you.”
“Don’t flatter yourself too much yet,” you moan. “There’s still work to be done here.”
His eyes are full of love when he looks at you, taking in your body, now completely naked and offered. Just for him.
“Oh, I’ll do it. Don’t you worry about that.”
You’re about to call him out for his cockiness when he lines his cock with your entrance, tip rubbing against your folds, and you close your mouth instead, wisely choosing not to provoke him when he could so easily make you pay for it by making you wait. Except it seems he’s just as impatient as you, because he pushes himself inside you without pause.
You moan and shift to accommodate the stretch, and Seokjin goes still on top of you.
“Are you okay?” he asks. You’re satisfied with the strain in his voice, like knowing you’re not the only one to be so affected here.
“Hmm,” you hum. “Can you— move? A little?”
He pulls out a little, experimentally, and you moan louder than before. It takes you a few minutes to figure out the pace, as your hips keep moving, desperately searching for more friction, but they’re not unpleasant, filled with kisses, sweet nothings and the feeling of his warm skin against yours. In those moments, you feel like you’re discovering him all over again, and you find yourself enjoying that more than you can say.
Finally, you find yourselves, and the sound of skin against skin fills the room, along with your loud, high-pitches moans, and Seokjin’s — softer, quieter, but definitely there. You meet each of his thrusts, with one hand between the two of you to rub against your clit. When you first clench around him, he finally lets out a moan that’s as loud as yours.
“Fuck, fuck, fffuck,” he says, head falling against you, cheek pressed against your collarbone. “If you— If you do that again I’ll— Wait, please, wait, wanna— wanna cum with you—”
You arch your back, your nipples grazing against his chest, and force up the pace of your hips. Jin is moving incoherently, begging into your neck, and you want to give him exactly what he’s asking for. When you clench around him again, it’s with your orgasm. It’s all it takes to push him over the edge as well, but you barely feel his hips stutter into you, completely taken over by your own pleasure.
It takes you a little while to come back down from your high, and when you do, you meet his eyes. They’re soft and gentle, and, more than anything that’s happened until then, they make you melt.
“Hey,” he whispers, “you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, more than okay, in fact. You?”
“More than okay, too,” he says as a lazy smile spreads across his features.
“Good. That’s good.”
Pillow talk is not your forte.
“Hey,” Jin says, coming to rest his forehead against your shoulder.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
You chuckle.
“I think I’m in love with you too.”
“That’s good,” Jin says, but his voice sounds choked up, raspy, and you know he’s probably blushing. So you don’t add anything, just run your fingers over his scalp, the nape of his neck, down his back. Let him know you’re here, that you’ve got him, that you’re not going anywhere.
“Are you— are you staying the night?” he asks.
“Sure, unless you’re kicking me out.”
His arms tighten around you possessively.
“I would never.”
It takes a little longer before Jin manages to get the two of you off the couch to go get cleaned up, and then into bed, but of that night, there is not a second that you would call unnecessary or superfluous. Not one.
Every single one of them, every moment you spend with Jin on that first night, are essential, and you could not pick one of them to take back.
March 14th
The bell chimes happily when you walk into the shop, and even though Jin is busy with another customer, his eyes immediately find you. It’s something simple, yet it’s something you love about him. The way he always seems to find you, and the pleasant warmth that fills you without fail when you see him. You’ve been told that it was just the high of the first months of a relationship, not to get too used to it but you hope that, even if it dims, it won’t go away completely.
“Hey, Jin, your ears are turning really red. Why are your ears turning red?”
You laugh while your boyfriend turns to shoot a furious look at Yoongi. He’s sitting in your spot, in the back of the shop, and he’s looking smug. That comment of his has become a pretty common thing to hear whenever you walk in, or just when Jin and you are speaking. To be completely honest, you’re not too mad about it. Jin is good at acting like you have no effect on him, but the blush betrays him, and it’s been both cute and useful to see what actually gets to him, or bothers him sometimes.
“I’ll kick you out of my shop if you keep that up!” Jin shouts at him. “Don’t think I won’t!”
But Yoongi just chuckles into his mug, clearly not taking him seriously — and he’s probably right for that.
“So, do you know what today is?” Jin asks nonchalantly after he’s turned back to face you, gesturing for Jungkook take over with the other customer.
Your eyes widen in horror.
“Please don’t tell me you want us to celebrate our one month anniversary. I haven’t planned anything for that.”
Jin rolls his eyes.
“I would argue that our one-month anniversary is tomorrow, if we’re being precise, because that’s when we, um, really talked about it.”
He’s not wrong. It had been a pleasant thing, to wake up in his arms the morning after, to the sensation of his lips gently kissing your neck, and an even nicer thing to take your breakfast with him. You couldn’t pinpoint why exactly. It had just been what had absolutely and irrevocably sealed the  deal for you. You knew it hadn’t been a mistake. You wanted to be with him.
“Hmm, but there is still some sort of anniversary to be celebrated tonight then,” you say, leaning over the counter. “I’m sure I could prepare something for that.”
His ears and neck flush, and Yoongi has the delicacy of not pointing it out this time.
“That’s not— That’s not what I’m talking about! Today is the white day.”
You raise an eyebrow.
“That’s when boys are supposed to give chocolates back to the girls they like,” Jin elaborates.
“But I didn’t give you chocolates,” you say.
“No, but you’re still the one who— Yoongi, I swear to God— You know. You’re the one who took the first step.”
Despite his recent outburst, it’s obvious that he feels embarrassed and vulnerable in that moment. You’d kind of gathered that he really regretted not asking you out before Sungho had, but you had never thought that it was actually an issue.
“I’m really happy I did,” you tell him quietly. He’s not fond of PDA, but you still allow your fingers to brush against his. That feels discreet enough.
“I know,” he says, and there’s so much love in his eyes when he looks at you that it’s a real miracle that you don’t melt into a puddle right then and there. “But I still—” He sighs. “You’re really ruining my plans. This was meant to go over smoothly.”
“Sorry,” you apologize with a wide grin while he picks something up from behind the counter.
“There,” he mumbles, handing you the box.
You open it, genuinely curious. You feel the eyes of everyone else in the shop — Yoongi, Namjoon, Jungkook and, of course, Jin — on you, and you want to tell most of them off, but you suppose that since this is where most of your relationship development happened, they’re kind of part of the story too.
The box is filled with chocolates shaped like roses.
“I know it’s not much,” Jin is quick to say, “but I just wanted to—”
“Jin?” you interrupt him.
“I’m going to kiss you.”
His eyes go wide, and then he sighs, but he can’t force away the smile that’s forcefully making its way on his lips.
“Well, if you absolutely have to—”
But he doesn’t protest when you pull him over the counter to kiss him, hands gently closing over your shoulders. He even brings you back for a second, even briefer kiss, and there’s something fierce in his eyes then. He superbly ignores the cheers that come from your friends in the room.
“I have to warn you, you’re never getting rid of me now,” he says, and it’s light-hearted, but you know there’s a lot of truth behind those words.
“Good,” you simply reply. “I wouldn’t want that for the world.”
He looks like he wants to add something to that, but he chokes on the words, and he falls quiet instead. It’s just as good, really.
There are some things you don’t need words for.
Some things that can be expressed just as easily with a box full of rose-shaped chocolates.
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
Levi request where gf Petra(or anyone else? I love Petra) cheat on Levi and he turns to Reader for comfort?🥺 make it smutty if you want to!
Thank you❤️
“Lies and Affairs,” Levi x Reader
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Whew chile, this is gonna be a wild one. Buckle in, kids.
Summary: Levi finds out Petra has been lying and cheating so he goes to reader for comfort but it turns into a little more
Warnings: angst, alcohol intake, dirty talk, degradation, rough sex, smut smut smut
Levi has never felt this amount of betrayal lingering over his empty heart. He was always too careful on letting people in, he always made sure it was the right call to open up to people and here he was feeling stupid for letting himself open up once again just to be disappointed.
He was angry, he didn’t know what to do or where to unleash the anger he was feeling in the pit of his stomach but he had to handle his emotions and keep them in check.
It had been pouring down with rain when he came up to your place, banging on the wooden door so loud that it startled you from the kitchen. You made your way to the door, ready to chew out whoever was knocking that loud until your eyes met with your Captain’s sad ones.
He was soaked, not even bothering to wear the hood on his jacket while he walked over here. He didn’t care, he just stumbled in your place and grunted as he unzipped his wet boots and left them by the door.
“Levi? What’s going on?” You looked over at the clock, it was nearing ten at night and you were confused on why he was even here.
“Sorry, I just needed someone to talk to.” He muttered and you didn’t question him further, you rushed off to grab some towel and came back to help dry himself off.
“Do you need any spare clothes? Are you okay?” He grabbed the towels from your hands, shaking his head.
“Just need a drink, whiskey please.”
You tried not to spit out anymore questions as you poured two glasses, sitting down on the couch by the fireplace to somewhat warm his cold body while he drank. You grew more worried, Levi hardly drank and was never the type to normally drink alcohol like this.
“Petra has been... sleeping around with someone else.” He laughed about it, his teeth instantly latching onto his bottom lip wanting to punch a wall, anything to release the sadness he felt.
“Oh, I’m sorry.. if you need a place to stay, you’re more than welcomed to sleep here.” You tried to assure him, comfort him even and his dark eyes landed on yours.
“Just need someone. I have all this anger and I can’t do shit about it.” He was frustrated, you could tell that he was trapped and no one left to run to.
“If you want to punch me then I’m open to that too.” You teased, making him scoff under his breath. He didn’t even crack a smile at your joke, he was definitely upset.
He had continued to drink the whiskey, he went through a few more glasses and you just watched him, not really knowing what to say. You can’t just tell your Captain no? Or tell him to stop drinking? He was a grown adult and he clearly had his mind made up on what he wanted to do.
“How about I just fuck my anger out instead?” He abruptly said, making you choke on the drink you were sipping on and gave him a weird stare.
“Levi, you either had too much whiskey or you’re too mad to even think straight.”
“I didn’t come here for a lecture from my own Cadet.” He cut you off, setting the glass down and his eyes burned through you, making you grow nervous.
“Levi,” You started to say, watching his body move closer to yours and it just felt wrong but you didn’t bother to move or say anything.
“It’s Captain,” He grabbed a hold on your chin, forcing you to lock your eyes with his and the smirk grew on his face at your nervous state in front of him.
Your brain had repeatedly told you to move back, push him away and send him to bed. This wasn’t his usual self and the fact hours before he barely found out his partner had been cheating on him, he was spiraling before your eyes.
But your body said a completely different thing, the way his shirt was wet and stuck to his body, making his muscles more noticeable than before, and the way his eyes burned a hole right through you like he knew your exact thoughts. Everything about this was making you feel thousands of emotions.
You had opened your mouth to say something but his grip on your chin had tightened as if he didn’t even want you to speak, instead his lips smashed on top of yours. The kiss was soft at first, the taste of whiskey on his lips made it so much more intoxicating, you were addicted. It had taken you a moment to fully give in and fly your hands up to his hair.
The kiss starting getting more rough, his hand moving from your chin and grabbing a hold of your hips. Levi didn’t care about anything right now, it felt wrong to admit that he’s been wanting to do this to you for a while, since a few months ago when he felt his relationship crumbling beneath him and the more time he had spent around you, the more he drifted from Petra and finding out the lies she told, it just gave him a better excuse to go to your place and take you the way he wanted.
It had gotten heated in a matter of minutes, your fingers tugging at the ends of his hair, him grunting against your lips in response before his body had fully hovered over yours, pushing you down on the couch.
Finally his lips had broke away from yours, you could tell your lips were swollen already but it didn’t stay on your mind for long before you gripped at his damp shirt, tossing it to the side and seeing his bare chest for the first time had made you instantly gulp.
Levi didn’t hesitate to rip off all the clothing you two wore before his lips danced with yours again, he had became more rough as he easily slipped his tongue inside your mouth taking full control of the situation causing you to whine in his mouth, this just made him more confident. The sounds you gave off were feeding his ego and him wanting to take things further.
Soon his lips were down on your neck, biting, licking, sucking until multiple love bites were trailed from your neck and down your bare chest. He’s never felt this feeling in a long time, his stomach twisted and turned at the beautiful site before him, you.
“Levi..” You began to say, slowly growing impatient with his small actions that he was doing to purposely tease you but he quickly grabbed your hands and pinned them above your head, his lips inches away from yours.
“Who said you can speak, princess?” You can feel the venom dripping off his tongue, the low tone made chills run down your spine and even made you more wet just by how dominant he was being.
You shut your mouth, staring up at him with such lust and you can see how much he wanted this too. He craved you but he wanted to take his sweet time in devouring you bit by bit.
“Good girl,” He purred in your ear, his hand reaching down to wrap around your throat and you leaned your head back against the cushion.
Fuck, he knew what he was doing to you. He knew how badly he was torturing you as the seconds roll by. Your body was growing hot and you just wanted him to fully touch you and please you in places you craved his touch. You were desperate.
“Hm, tch, I can’t believe how needy you are already.” He clicked his tongue, the smirk on his face only growing wider as he dipped his fingers down, dancing them along your body and stopping right below your stomach, waiting for any sort of reaction from you.
You were so vulnerable, naked underneath him while his one hand was around your throat and the other teased you right above your core where you just wanted to shove his cocky head down.
“I want to hear how needy you are for your Captain,”
Your eyes had widen at his words, now you can see how much of a authority kink he has, he even liked being called Captain in bed. Your stomach did back flips as you made eye contact with him again, your throat becoming dry and your cheeks turning a light shade of red, this was so new to you, you were in shock.
He didn’t give you time to speak, his fingers had dipped between your legs and instantly swiped up your folds. You swore you saw a spark ignite in his eyes when he had felt how wet you were for him. He sunk his teeth into his bottom lip, his fingers running circles on your clit, teasing you as he watched the moans fall from your lips so effortlessly.
“I want to hear those words, princess.”
He continuously mumbled in your ear, his teeth digging into your neck, not even letting you stumble out a word as he slipped two fingers inside of your, not hesitating before pumping them in and out at a rapid pace.
“Oh, fuck,” You moaned out, your eyes falling shut at the intense pleasure you felt bottling inside of your body.
His eyes racked over you, watching every movement and listening to every sound you gave out, he was in awe with you. It didn’t take him long to grow impatient and wanting to completely ruin you into the couch, he wanted to make sure by the end of this you’ll remember his touches the next day and days after that.
He had pulled his fingers out, making you whine at the lost contact before he shoved his own fingers in his mouth in front of you, making your mouth part open at the sight. He hummed, the way you tasted on his fingers had definitely sent him over the edge.
He grabbed a hold of your hips, holding your body close as he grabbed a hold of his member with one hand, teasing your entrance just for a second as you squirmed beneath him.
“So fucking needy. Such a whore for daddy, hm?”
You thought you had nearly passed out from his words, you felt like you can cum then and there just by the way he was talking to you. Your breathing had gotten heavier, shit, you thought to yourself.
“Stop teasing,” You stuttered out, his eyes meeting yours and the amusement on his face had made you want to slap it off.
“Stop what?” He was pretending like he didn’t hear you, wanting to see how much he can truly edge you on just like this. You were weak.
“Just fuck me already, Captain.” The word slipped off your tongue so smoothly that it had changed Levi’s mind in an instant.
He wasn’t expecting the word to make him feel such intense feelings, he hears it everyday but this was different. The way it rolled off your tongue, the way you said it in a way where you knew it would make his body go weak and it did.
This made his head spin, his rough hands grabbing onto your hips as he fully filled you up to the brim and even more, perfectly hitting your spot in ways you never even felt before.
Levi didn’t take the time to let you adjust to his length, he was so desperate that his hips would rock into yours at such a rough pace that it had you seeing stars.
Your nails dragged down his back, sure that there would be marks later but it didn’t cross his mind. He kept his focus on you, panting and leaving sloppy kisses along your jawline.
The movements of his hips had only increased, you were sure the couch was going to give in and break at any given moment from how his body slammed into yours.
The endless moans slipping from both of your mouths, you had latched your lips together and heard his soft moans being muffled against your lips. Your bodies had grown sweaty and sticky the closer you had gotten to your orgasm.
Levi could tell you were about to unravel under him, your breaths were growing uneven and your moans were more frequent. This made him dip his fingers down to rub your clit, pushing you into wanting to cum in seconds.
“Cum for me,” He had muttered in your ear, the way his voice was deep and raspy had instantly sent you over the edge.
Your legs started to shake against his as you came harder than you have ever done, sending you into a full galaxy. You had moaned his name, your eyes on him once he had finished off shortly after you did, his body growing limp.
He had pulled apart from you, moving to where his body was pressed against yours as you both laid there trying to catch your breaths, the air thick and you had started to grow nervous again.
“I guess the next time I need to release anger, I know who to call.” Levi chuckled, making you gently punch his arm and he groaned quietly.
“Shut up.” You mumbled, feeling his arms around your small body as he held onto you tightly while peppering gentle kisses on your skin.
“You weren’t complaining a second ago.”
BRUUUH, I haven’t wrote smut in years so if this shit is awful. Pls this was never posted
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quillsanddaydreams · 3 years
puzzle dates
regulus black x reader
—author’s note: I adored writing this. Like a lot. Requested by an anon who wanted some Regulus fluff with a potter!reader. @scvrllet my dearest, gave in prompts for it and a message by @nuttytani darling inspired it. So what happens when you meet Regulus, your friend years after hogwarts? Happy reading ;)
—warning(s): mentions of food and drink. gender neutral!reader (pronouns aren’t used). reader is James's sibling but it's hardly there.
—word count: 1,546
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It was raining heavily. You had been out for about an hour, getting groceries for the week. Whispering a spell, making sure no one was viewing in your direction, you watched your wand transform into an umbrella and hurried away from the shop. Stalking towards your house, you tried to make sure not to let your bags get wet. You didn’t notice the man standing in your way.
“Ah, shit—” you began, not looking up far too busy to check whether or not something fell. “I’m so sorry sir, I didn’t notice where I was going—”
You gazed up meeting someone you hadn’t seen in a long time.
For a minute you two just stared at each other. He had changed. The thin, gaunt boy you saw as a child was replaced by a handsome man with the same striking eyes you used to know so well. You shook yourself.
“What— what are you doing here?” you said gesturing towards the damped hair and drenched clothes. Extending your umbrella over his head you continued, “You’ll get sick.”
“Worried about me, are you Potter?” he said, raising his eyebrows. “Why don’t you think the soaked-to-the-bone look works for me?”
You chuckled.
“You didn’t answer my question,”
“Ah, I was here on ministry business but I guess I won’t be able to get it done now,” he said slowly looking around. “Was trying to find a place I could apparate safely. Too many muggles around.”
You furrowed your eyebrows noticing your surroundings again.
“Come with me,” you suggested. “My apartment is nearby and you could dry off before leaving.”
Regulus looked like he wanted to refuse but you cut him off.
“You’ll only ruin your health here, come with me— also it’s been a long while since we talked,” you pointed out and Regulus looked at you curiously. His mouth quirked upwards and he nodded. The two of you moved to the quaint three-story building, climbing up the stairs before reaching your door. You muttered in some spells before hearing a click.
“Don’t trust muggle locks?” Regulus said smugly as you rolled your eyes.
Waving your wand, you started up the fire; the warmth tickling your skin. Regulus took to drying himself off— murmuring incantations. You took to keeping the bags in the kitchen, putting up a kettle for some tea. Taking off your scarf, you sighed and sneaked a glance at Regulus who was now standing awkwardly looking around the house.
“You know you can sit, right?” you asked him. Shaking his head a little, he went to sit down in front of the fireplace. You took out some cups and an assortment of tea bags placing them in a tray along with some cookies you had bought the same day. Regulus smiled as you came in.
“Which one will you have?” you inquired as he gently took the cup from your hand. “Ah, still can’t have tea made by anyone else?”
Regulus threw you a grin.
“It’s a disastrous habit.”
The two of you sat in silence for a while, the tea pleasantly hot against your throat. Rain thrummed at the roof, the noise filling up the place.
You laughed. Indicating at him to continue, you raised the cup to your lips again.
“So what have you been up to?”
“I’ve been managing dad’s business. Since James joined a quidditch team, there was no one to help so I stood up. I quite like it, it gives me enough room to be creative;” you said softly. “How about you? Tell me something other than your ministry job.”
“Well I tried my hand at painting,” Regulus said after thinking for a while. “Remember how you used to tell me to try it?”
“You had the most gorgeous handwriting and the diagrams you made were always so perfect. Could you blame me?”
Regulus rolled his eyes, smiling as dimples formed on his cheeks. He looked beautiful like that. Curls of hair falling over his forehead, relaxed and carefree. You missed it.
“What?” he asked his cheeks a rosy color. You shrugged.
“Nothing, it’s good to see you after all this time,” you said, ignoring how your stomach tickled. “Remember how we promised to stay in touch?”
“Oh yes,” Regulus said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Right after your brother glared at me and threatened to hex me if I don’t stop talking to you.”
You snickered.
“You know he is quite the idiot,” you countered. “And my parents would’ve been proud if I brought you home.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow.
“Brought me home, huh?” he said as you bit your tongue, looking away. “Did you fancy me, love?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, trying and failing to keep a straight face. It was something about the way he called you love that made you feel like a teenager with a crush again.
“The point is,” you pressed. “The point is that it never mattered what James did or said. He couldn’t do anything to keep us from being friends.”
“Yeah, friends.” Regulus breathed. You almost missed it.
The room fell silent again and you could hear the pitter-patter of the rain. Regulus picked up a cookie before speaking again.
“Do you still like doing puzzles?” he said as your eyes lit up.
“Yes, I do,” you said, reminding yourself of all the times the two of you spent together. “I never quite got over it after all the hours we spent together. Sirius used to mutter ‘mental’ whenever he saw us working over one. Especially since we always took up the one which seemed impossible to do.”
Regulus grinned, nodding.
“I don’t think he ever had the patience for it.”
“You know;” you said pondering. “I have bought a puzzle recently. Would you like to do it with me? For old time’s sake.”
“And here I thought it’s because you enjoy my company,” he said with a smug expression. Your heartbeat erratically and you found yourself hating how he still affected you.
“So that’s a yes?” you said, overlooking his jab. Regulus clicked his tongue accepting.
You got up slowly taking out the box you had bought a few days earlier. It was a fiery phoenix, looking at you intently. Regulus rubbed his hands and sat down on the floor beside you. He gasped a little when you put the box down.
“You know, I bought the exact same one about a week ago,” he said, helping you open the pack. “It’s missing a piece.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and Regulus shrugged.
“Should I bring another one? I have—”
“No no let’s do this one, it was fun.”
Folding your legs, you sat down beside him, your arms touching. Starting from the corner the two of you put together pieces. A sense of calm eloped you. The house and everything with it seemed to blur away. Just you, him, and the puzzle remained. It was different from your memories though, neither of you were children anymore. The adoration you had for him somehow hit harder now. Your hand touched his several times and you beamed at him as the puzzle came together.
“Aha!” you exclaimed putting the last piece in its place. It looked pretty. You looked over at Regulus, who was holding a stray piece in his hand, oblivious to what you said.
“Reg? Earth to Reg?” you called out as he finally looked over at you.
“I’m pretty sure you’re my soulmate,” he said as you felt your ears heat up.
“This,” he said, indicating the odd puzzle piece. “This is the exact piece my set was missing.”
You snorted trying to deflect how your chest was filled with butterflies.
“Oh? And that makes us soulmates?” you asked, amusedly. “Since when did you believe in soulmates even?”
Regulus had the decency to blush.
“Well didn’t you always say our lives were a big puzzle?” he started. “Right now, you have a portion of mine.”
You didn’t know whether to laugh at the cheesiness or pull him close at the very same moment.
“You’re a dork!” you said poking his head with your finger. The boy smiled but it was strained. His demeanor changed. You could practically see his walls building up. Did you say something wrong?
“Reg,” you said urgently. He hummed in response. “Was that soulmate thing a joke or you meant it? Even if a little?”
Regulus avoided your eyes.
“Does it matter?”
“Yes, yes it does.”
“Yeah well then I like you,” he said, looking down. “Always have. But I know you don’t and…”
You put a finger to his lips, stopping him.
“I do,” you said as his stormy grey eyes landed on your own. He cradled your cheek, leaning in tentatively, glancing at your lips. You heaved a sigh as his mouth finally met yours. Grabbing his collar, you kissed him softly. When you pulled back, you had a smile on your face.
“Now that wasn’t how I was expecting the day to go at all,” you commented, delighted. Regulus held your hand kissing the knuckles.
“We’re going to have more of these puzzle dates, aren’t we, love?” he said as you rested your head against his shoulder, interlinking your fingers with his.
“We are.”
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—as for the taglist: I don’t make taglists, I have a blog @from-my-quill ​ ​ which is updated whenever I post fanfiction. You could have the notifications on for it and it will work just like me tagging you
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thebonggirll · 2 years
chapter six
< previous: chapter five
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Y/N wanted to think that Percy took the news well, but his expression clearly defined his distaste for the situation.
The truth was, Percy wanted to strangle the Hunters of Artemis one eternal maiden at a time. The rest of the day he tried to keep busy but was worried sick about Annabeth. He kept messing up in any activity he joined.
At the top of Half-Blood Hill, Mr. D and Argus were feeding the baby dragon that guarded the Golden Fleece. Then it occurred to him: no one would be in the Big House. There was someone else...something else he could ask for guidance.
His blood was humming in his ears as he ran into the house and took the stairs. He'd only done this once before, and he still had nightmares about it. He opened the trap door and stepped into the attic.
Over by the window, sitting on a three-legged stool, was the shriveled-up mummy of an old lady in a tie-dyed hippie dress. The Oracle.
Percy made himself walk toward her. He waited for the green mist to billow from the mummy's mouth like it had before, but nothing happened.
"Hi," he said. "Uh, what's up?"
Percy winced at how stupid that sounded he said a little louder, "I have a question. I need to know about Annabeth. How can I save her?"
No answer. The sun slanted through the dirty attic window, lighting the dust motes dancing in the air.
He waited longer.
Soon he got angry and said, "All right, fine. I'll figure it out myself."
That night after dinner, Percy was seriously ready to beat the Hunters at capture the flag. It was going to be a small game: only thirteen Hunters, including Bianca di Angelo, and about the same number of campers.
Zoe Nightshade looked pretty upset. She kept glancing resentfully at Chiron like she couldn't believe he was making her do this. The other Hunters didn't look too happy, either. Unlike last night, they weren't laughing or joking around. They just huddled together in the dining pavilion, whispering nervously to each other as they strapped on their armor. Some of them even looked like they'd been crying. Maybe Zoe had told them about her nightmare.
One team had Percy, Y/N, Beckendorf, and two other Hephaestus guys, a few from the Ares cabin (though it still seemed strange that Clarisse wasn't around), the Stoll brothers, and Nico from Hermes cabin, and a few Aphrodite kids. It was weird that the Aphrodite cabin wanted to play. Usually, they sat on the sidelines, chatted, and checked their reflections in the river and stuff, but when they heard they were fighting the Hunters, they were raring to go.
"I'll show them 'love is worthless,'" Silena Beauregard grumbled as she strapped on her armor. "I'll pulverize them!"
That left Thalia and Percy.
"I'll take the offense," Thalia volunteered. "You and Y/N can take defense."
"Oh." Percy hesitated because he'd been about to say the exact same thing, only reversed. "Don't you think with your shield and all, you'd be better defense?"
"Well, I was thinking it would make better offense," Thalia said. "Besides, you've had more practice at defense."
"Yeah, no problem," he lied.
"Cool." Thalia turned to help some of the Aphrodite kids, who were having trouble suiting up their armor without breaking their nails.
"Wow, you gave in quick," Y/N chuckled, amused by their interaction. Although they weren't having long conversations as they did before, things were a bit calmer between them. Well, to be clear, Y/N wasn't seeking him out anymore. It became clearer than ever to Percy how exactly they'd been behaving with her as Annabeth went missing. Y/N was never there with them whenever they were having fun but was always there for them when they got into trouble. With Annabeth gone, and their little fight, he slowly began to understand why she preferred to spend time with Harris.
"Hey...you-" Percy got interrupted as  Chiron's hoof thundered on the pavilion floor.
Percy turned to look at her. Y/N's eyes looked dull. She looked like she didn't get much sleep. He should've asked how she was doing. But...her eyes were still really pretty.
He snapped out of his thoughts as Chiron started the announcement and said, "Nothing."
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"Percy!" Chiron pleaded.
Well, Camp-Half Blood lost and it was because of both Thalia and Percy. They had a little spat and were now ready to have a full-on fight. Y/N watched them from a distance. She didn't want to get in between their fight and look like some kind of messiah, saving the day by stopping her two friends' fight. They had some issues and they needed to sort it out - in what way was none of her concern. To be honest, her mind was too busy worrying about Annabeth. She already lost her aim a couple of times which made her mood bitter. She was in no mood to resolve the fight.
Percy was about to hurl it at Thalia when he saw something in the woods. He lost his anger and concentration all at once. The water splashed back into the creekbed. Thalia was so surprised that she turned to see what he was looking at.
Someone... something was approaching. It was shrouded in a murky green mist, but as it got closer, the campers and Hunters gasped.
"This is impossible," Chiron said. I'd never heard him sound so nervous. "It... she has never left the attic. Never."
And yet, the withered mummy that held the Oracle shuffled forward until she stood in the center of the group. Mist curled around their feet, turning the snow a sickly shade of green.
None of them dared to move. Then her voice hissed inside their head. Apparently, everyone could hear it, because several clutched their hands over their ears.
'I am the spirit of Delphi, the voice said. Speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python.'
The Oracle regarded him with its cold, dead eyes. Then she turned unmistakably toward Zoe Nightshade.
'Approach, Seeker, and ask.'
Zoe swallowed. "What must I do to help my goddess?"
The Oracle's mouth opened, and green mist poured out. They saw the vague image of a mountain, and a girl standing at the barren peak. It was Artemis, but she was wrapped in chains, fettered to the rocks. She was kneeling, her hands raised as if to fend off an attacker, and it looked like she was in pain. The Oracle spoke:
'Six shall go west to the goddess in chains, One shall be lost in the land without rain, The bane of Olympus shows the trail, Campers and Hunters combined prevail, The Titan's curse must one withstand, And one shall perish by a parent's hand.'
Then, as they were watching, the mist swirled and retreated like a great green serpent into the mummy's mouth. The Oracle sat down on a rock and became as still as she'd been in the attic as if she might sit by this creek for a hundred years.
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Dionysus later called the council of cabin leaders to discuss the prophecy. Since almost all of the Apollo cabin members were not in the camp, Thalia suggested that she should attend. As the meeting started, everyone started talking about the prophecy and its meaning. Y/N quietly observed everyone. She was just waiting for the right moment to talk, that is when the members would be selected - who should be out there to help.
She has been training a lot and her healing abilities improved a lot. She just knew, that whoever got selected, she has to be in there to act as a healer. That was what she was good at. Well, apart from that she also improved a lot on other grounds - practicing hymns, archery, shock waves, etc.
And as expected, she was included in it. Y/N could only feel pity for Percy. It must be killing him inside cause he was the only one who was thinking about Annabeth all the time. Currently, she was sitting along with Zoe and Bianca, trying to explain how Phoebe cannot be cured as quickly as they expected her.
"How are you going to heal us then if you can't even heal Phoebe?" Bianca asked.
Y/N sighed. This was the result of a foolish prank from the Stoll brothers. Centaur blood is like acid and they sprayed the inside of that Artemis Hunting Tour T-shirt with it. "Look, for the time being, I can make sure it's not so painful for her. But even to heal it with my power, it's gonna take weeks."
It's a lie.
At the most, she could heal Phoebe in two days. Of course, she would prepare everything to make sure Phoebe is healed within a week. With the members of Apollo cabin missing, no one is there to tell them the truth anyway. And no one knew to what extent she improved. This was the only chance to include Percy. Besides, she was sure that Zoe wouldn't wait to see how better Phoebe's condition gets after taking the medicine. Before they could realize it, they would already be out to help Annabeth.
She couldn't help but be selfish about it. If she knew Percy even a little bit, she was sure that he wasn't going to stay in the camp anyway. He would sneak out once again. God knows how, where and what he could be doing alone. It would be better to include him than to do nothing, knowing he was about to be kicked out of the camp again.
"She will live," Zoe said. "But she'll be bedridden for weeks with horrible hives. There is no way she can go. It's up to me... and thee."
"But the prophecy," Bianca said. "If Phoebe can't go, we only have five. We'll have to pick another."
"There is no time," Zoe said. "We must leave at first light. That's immediately. Besides, the prophecy said we would lose one."
"We can include Percy, you know. I swear you won't have to deal with him in any way."
"The prophecy said we will lose one," Zoe looked straight into her eyes and said, "We both know you don't want that."
"How are you even sure it's gonna be him?" Y/N asked in a tone filled with annoyance.
"No, I know that if six of us go, one is bound to..." she cleared her throat, "There's less chance of that if only five of us go."
Bianca was silent. "You should tell her the rest of your dream."
"What dream?" Y/N asked.
"No. It would not help."
"But if your suspicions are correct, about the General—"
"I have thy word not to talk about that," Zoe said. She sounded really anguished. "We will find out soon enough. Now come. Dawn is breaking."
As the girls sprinted down the steps, Y/N stopped and turned to her left. She could swear she heard someone breathe. Bianca yelled, "The lights of the Big House are on. Hurry!" And she followed her out of the pavilion.
Percy was almost caught. Y/N had a good sense of hearing. He almost made a sound when Y/N turned to look at him.
For a moment, he couldn't look away. They were standing so close to each other and her eyes...were glistening. Oh, she was trying her best to not cry on the spot. She tried her best for him, didn't she? His eyes couldn't help but go down to her lips.
Thankfully, Bianca called her at the right moment. He almost forgot the position he was standing in.
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next: chapter seven >
book three: the titan’s curse
percy jackson x reader series
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Tags: @the-natureofme @sly-prince @kookiedesi @instabull @jumpingtrainsandflyingskies @idk-bye-no @your-typical-giggle @fjschl​ @imuziawi​ @iamparou​ @marshmallow12435​
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bloodyhell-lucifer · 3 years
Daddy is the devil | Lucifer Morningstar
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x fem!reader
Summary: Reader is one of Chloe’s best friends and they haven't seen each other for a long time so the decision was made. Finally a sleepover at Chloe’s house since Chloe has a day off of work and Dan took Trixie with him to have some dad-daughter time. What they didn't know is that Lucifer will come with unexpected visit and reader’s shirt will cause such a mess.
Warning: language, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), praise kink, daddy kink, +18
Based on this request: Hello, I hope you are doing well, I would like to politely request a one shot (or more if it inspires you, you do you) from Lucifer, you can do whatever you want with it, reader insert, oc, smut, no smut, totally up to you but I would like it to involve Lucifer meeting/seeing the reader/character (preferably female, gender neutral is also fine) wearing that crop top from Blackcraft that says “Satan Is My Daddy” please and thank you
Thank you so much for this request sweet anon! I couldn’t wait to write it down because this idea was so cool.
To be honest it’s my first real one request so I’m pretty excited and also this is my first smut so I’m not so proud about it. I think I don’t know how to write them. Someone teach me?
If there are some mistakes let me know because English isn’t my first language so as soon as possible I’ll correct it.
If you would like to send me a message, ask me about something or send me a request about imagine then the link is in my bio so feel free to message me! I would like to know you better and read your ideas and write them down😄
If you guys like my shitty writings you can follow me for more. I’ll be posting new things sooner than you think and thanks for so much activity under my posts and all the follows, it means a lot and I love u so so much xx
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You and Chloe had everything planned for tonight. When you were talking on the phone to discuss the details you decided to have a movie night with some alcohol. You bought some wine, chips and sweets for you and your friend to have some snacks. Feeling of excitement was huge about finally seeing your friend after such a long time. You showed up at Chloe’s door about seven pm ringing a bell to her door. After few seconds the door were open and Chloe lean out from behind of it.
“Oh my god hi girl, so good to finally see you.” she enveloped you in a big hug wrapping her hands around your neck.
“Hi Chloe, long time no see.” you hugged her back. With a gesture of her hand she invited you inside and you stepped in.
After two hours you two were slightly drunk and making fun comments over character that was on the screen of tv during the movie.
“So tell me Chloe, some time ago you were taking to me on the phone about that guy you were working with that just have some attitude and always have something to tell and joke about. What was his name again? Lucian?” You asked her taking other sip from glass of wine.
“Lucifer to be exact. His name is Lucifer.” on her face appeared frown and she raised her brows. “Why you asking?”
“Just asking. You like him?” Hint of concern could be felt coming from your lips.
“Of course I like him. I work with him. He’s my partner.” she responded and nervously began to rub her hands against her thighs.
“You know that’s not what I meant. Is he that handsome that it’s bothering you?” you got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen to pour yourself another glass of wine since you finished the last one.
“Please stop. He’s definitely not my type. He’s arrogant, has got a big ego and always have that stupid smile on his face every time we go somewhere.” She folded her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes.
“Oh I hope I’ll meet him someday. I want to know who’s working with my best friend.” you winked at her and laughed along Chloe.
“Some day for sure.” Chloe was praying that this whole Lucifer topic will end with that. “Tell me you have someone?” She tried to change the topic of that conversation.
“Of course not. Some time ago I had a date with this guy named Brian but it didn’t go well and I lost hope for finding someone.” You said going back to couch and putting your glass on the coffee table that was in front of you. “Listen I’m gonna go and change because this jeans are so uncomfortable and I’m losing my shit with them” You grabbed your bag and went to bathroom to change. You picked your normal pjs which were just crop top with caption ‘Satan is my daddy’ on it and black bottoms.
“Oh Jesus Y/N what a shirt” Chloe blurted as soon as she saw you.
“It’s just a crop top Chloe. Can you just chill? We are already drinking a second bottle of wine and you still seem so stressed about something.” You declared after seeing her sitting so tense. One of the movies you’ve chosen was still playing in the room and none of you was watching it so Chloe switched it to music channel.
“Y/N I’m so sorry. I know I screwed this up. I’ve been stressed about work and Trixie and I don’t know what to do. I hoped I will invite you, we will have fun together after long time and this feelings would go away, but I guess it doesn’t go away and I can’t have fun. I messed up” she sighed and got up from the couch to just stand in front of you having her hands on your shoulder.
“We’re all humans after all, Chloe. I get it and I understand. You don’t have to worry. We can talk about it if you want and we still have time to make it fun. Go get change into your pj’s and and I’m expecting you turning back with a smile on your face.” You smirked to her and went up to set new snacks on coffee table.
When Chloe returned she didn’t have time to say anything because the bell from the door rang immediately.
“Did you invite anyone else?” You asked curiously.
“Of course not. Just you and me. No one else.” She added going to the door to check who was that. You were just standing right behind her.
She opened the door and Chloe saw the the last person she wanted to see today.
“What are you doing here?” She hissed and it was obvious that she didn’t want that person’s presence. You still couldn’t see who that person was.
“Oh don’t be so rude detective. I was in the neighbourhood and I thought that I’ll stop by with a visit.” You heard men’s strong deep voice with a British accent.
Chloe was so tired of this. She didn’t have strength to fight with that man and let him in and then you saw him. The man was a lot taller than you, shit he towered over you. You were so shock seeing that handsome man that you though that you were having a hallucinations seeing a Greek god. He had pitch black hair with little stubble. His hazel brown eyes were twisting into yours like he wanted to see every inch of your soul. Of course his devilish smile was there too to give him another hundred points to looking too fuckin’ good. He was dressed in fancy black suit and black button up that hugs his body so perfectly. You could see from distance that under all that suit he must be having a nice, trained body. Is that legal to look that handsome? You though to yourself.
“Bloody hell detective, I didn’t know you were having a company.” He sent you an evil grin and came into your way. Chloe stood there and she was about to say something when that man spoke to you.
“Hi, my name is Lucifer. Lucifer Morningstar.” He stepped closer to you and took your hand in his. He kissed the top of your hand.
“Like the devil?” You asked and you didn’t know if to laugh or to start panicking.
“Don’t bring my dad into this darlin’. Yeah, like the devil.” He still was having that smirk that could knock you off of your feet by any second. “And you are?”
“I’m Y/N” you gulped suddenly feeling naked under Lucifer’s gaze.
“Oh that’s a real beautiful one” he responded and lean in just to be few centimetres away from your figure. He took one of strands of your hair and put them behind your ear whispering to you. “I really like your shirt baby.”
You wanted to say something, anything but you just couldn’t. You didn’t want to believe that is was that guy Lucifer that you were asking Chloe about.
“Okey enough, Lucifer. Leave Y/N alone. What do you want?” Chloe closed the door behind him and asked Lucifer with frown on her face and furrowed brows. She had her hands on her hips and she really looked like she was not in the mood for such things.
“I said loud and clear I came just to check on you, but now as I see your friend I might want something.” He chuckled and looked at you again. You were so intimidated by his presence that you were looking down at the floor in that moment with blush creeping onto your cheeks.
“Can you stop being the perv that you actually are? If you don’t stop you’ll have to leave.” She urged staying in the hallway. Chloe really was pissed off.
“Okey dokey.” Lucifer raised his hands up in a gesture of surrender and he stepped back from you and went to the living room and you and Chloe follow along.
“Okey ladies, let’s start the night properly” Lucifer loud voice echoed through the room and you already had known that you gonna regret it later.
Chloe told you and Lucifer that she had enough of drinking and that’s it. She was not the one to convince so you and Lucifer were left to the alcohol that still was in the house. After another two bottles of wine and another two hours later in the night Chloe’s phone started buzzing and within moments she went to grab it and answered the call leaving the room. You knew you two were pretty drunk but you could still manage with yourself. Lucifer on the other hand after that two hours ended up with his shirt half unbuttoned and messed up hair after you challenged him to do so. You couldn’t get your eyes off of him sitting like that with his legs spread out and your whole body was screaming to straddle his lap. You though you were going to drool yourself at sight of his muscular torso. You felt pretty damn wet in your panties after sights like this.
“Guys I’m leaving for now. I’ll be right back but Dan called me saying that Trixie is burning up and probably having a fever. I’m going to pick her up. I have already ordered a taxi. Please don’t do something stupid. Y/N, I’m counting on you” Chloe shouted to you putting on her shoes, already changed and slumming her front door shut.
“Guess we have some time alone sweetheart.” Black-haired man said to you turning his head towards you. He put one of his massive hands on your thigh and you sighed after his touch touching your sensitive skin. Your knees were touching and you felt shiver running down your spine. His face was millimetres away from yours. The pad of his thumb running across your bottom lip making you tremble. Your breath hitched as Lucifer smirked at you.
“What do you say baby girl? I know you want me.” He seductively admitted. His deep voice echoing through your years. You felt like you were in trance. Thoughts and consequences be damned, you wanted him more than you’d ever wanted anything, and fuck anything that was in your way.
His thumb moving away from your lips as he was leaning in closer to you. His lips ghosting over yours. His hands cupped your face with his two hands caressing your cheeks. Both of you starred at each other. Your eyes fluttered closed as Lucifer laid his lips on yours. He kissed you passionately, your lips moving in sync. Lucifer’s eyes fluttering closed as well. He grabbed a hold of your hair pulling at them causing a moan felt from your lips as the kiss began to got deeper and needer. You decided to make a move and straddle his lap. His fingers moved from your jaw to your hips digging into them harshly. Your fingers quickly unbuttoned the rest of the buttons on his shirt. Your hands didn’t waste time to trail down his muscular torso what made him groan into the kiss. You broke the kiss first moving your head down towards his exposed chest, pressing your lips against it. You trailed wet, sloppy kisses down his chest, then down towards his stomach. Stopping above the waistline of his pants. Lucifer smirked down at you, as you got on your knees. Looking up at him, as you undid the button of his pants, then unzipped the zip pulling his pants down, as well as his boxers, you freed his growing bulge. Lucifer let out a hiss, as his cock sprang up, while you bit your lip. You stared at his big cock in awe making your way back to the couch to sit next to him.
“You like what you see baby girl? Would you like daddy’s cock in your tight, little pussy of yours? He asked grabbing a firm hold of your jaw making you look him straight into his eyes.
“Hell yes, please daddy” you said arching your back to get some friction from your actions.
Lucifer lowered you to the mattress, your back met the rough material of the living room’s couch. It felt so inviting, so intimidating. You wanted that so badly, your entire body screamed for pleasure. You felt air leave your lungs because of the handsome man has begun to kiss your neck. Your chest were heaving, you raised a hand to the base of his neck and held him there as he sucked strong marks onto your skin. Little moan left you, while your body began to surrender to him.
“You’ll be in hell soon darlin’. Sorry baby but this shirt needs to get out with rest of your clothes but it’s so beautiful and welcoming.” He quickly made you get rid of your clothes quickly. When Lucifer bended down while still keeping his brown eyes locked with yours his tongue swiped a lick atop your breast, then immediately took your stiffened tit in his mouth to suck. His other hand worked on massaging your other breast and you forgot about everything around you and let your body take over as your mouth produced another groan. That’s when he decided to pull your nipple lightly in between his teeth.
“Oh, fuck,” you exhaled the curse in ecstasy.
“Naughty girl aren’t you.” Lucifer grinned, but his tone suggested he’s aroused with your language. His hand ran down the plane of your stomach and slipped down to feel your pulsing desire. You could see it in his eyes how pleased he is at the amount of slickness he felt coating his fingers. He toyed with your clit in deliberately slow circles, and you whined at his touch while moving your hips to receive more stimulation. But Lucifer’s fingers went on to explore further inside you, and you couldn’t hold back the gasp that left your lips as he began to stretch you. He bended down again so that his face is above yours, cologne so strong yet soothing. Lucifer’s kisses were hot and needy. His tongue made a reappearance and became acquainted with yours. Your next gasp bled into a groan into his mouth when he added another finger.
“Yeah, please daddy, I want your cock so bad inside me.” you practically begged.
His fingers may be removed from your sopping heat, but in their place, Lucifer’s bending cock slided between your legs to coat it with your wet pussy. Dark haired man finally entered you. Your back lifted off the bed as you let out a lust-filled cry. It was a tight and delicious fit with your muscles constricting around his eager girth. The man’s lips twisted up at the sound and creates his own unbridled groan.
“Spread your legs wide, babydoll. Take the devil all in.” He was so big you didn’t even know how you can adjust, but your body found a way to relax enough for Lucifer to slide in deeper.
Your eyes squeezed shut at how he stretched you fully, but your voice begged him to move, to give you more. He went on to create a steady rhythm with his hips and all with that filthy comments on how tight and perfect you felt around him. You made another desperate noise as you continue your ascent, which prompts him to ask between grunts, “Speak, love. What do you need from daddy?”
“Your big hands with your fingers daddy” you somehow told with filling voice your need amidst your hedonistic sounds.
“It’s going to the direction I didn’t know it’s going” Lucifer laughed with devilish smirk upon his face.
It was what you need after all, the extra stimulation to bring you closer and closer to what could be the strongest orgasm of your life. In a series of ‘yes’s and curses, you reached another plane of existence. Flashes of white light grew behind your eyes while your mouth widened. Lucifer, in turn, exhaled a shaky and pleasurable moan as your body repeatedly constricted and pulled around his cock.
“Oh shit, doll, just right there.” He came inside you, hot and fast, and you feel the descent of your high flow through you. Every part of you was warm and exhilarated and thoroughly pleased. When Lucifer pulled out from you, he rolled over back onto the couch. His grin read that his own desires have been fulfilled. You knew you got yourself into a deep shit and there’s no way going back.
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ericspinkhair · 3 years
quarantine longings
pairing: best friend!kevin x fem!reader
word count: 3.2k
synopsis: you and your best friend have sex because quarantine made you horny
warnings: best friends to lovers, takes place during the pandemic, spoiler of 356 days (but not the end, just generally the plot), no use of condoms but only the pill, creampie, sexual fantasies, fingering, hand-job, sex, slight angst at the end if you squint
a/n: I would literally die for kevin, I love him so much. I'll be writing a multiple parts series about him after I'm done writing scenarios for every member first.
requests are open!
masterlist + requests
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you slammed your foot hard against the wall and cursed in pain. you hopped on one foot to your bed, holding your other leg in agony and tasted blood as you bit your lip to keep the volume of your suffering groans in check. someone knocked on the door.
'are you okay?' your roommate asked concerned.
'no, leave me alone, kevin,' you croaked out. you wanted to suffer by yourself.
there was an awkward silence and then you heard him sigh. soon after, the door next to your room closed shut.
why were you so frustrated, one might ask? well, the pandemic was kicking your butt and you just couldn't take it anymore. when the news of the virus had first spread, no one thought it would become this serious. but suddenly everyone was walking around with masks and spent most of their time staying at home.
after graduating high school, you and kevin had decided to move in together for college because both of you were broke and couldn't afford to live alone. you had been best friends since middle school and had been convinced that it was a smart idea at the time.
and everything went smoothly for the first one and a half years. however, after not seeing anyone else since the start of the pandemic over a year ago, it became increasingly difficult to share an apartment, but not in the way one might assume. you were neither sick of each other nor did you fight a lot. to tell the truth, it was quite the opposite.
earlier, before you had kicked the wall in anger, the two of you had painted together. kevin was majoring in art and, since you didn't have anything better to do, you joined him while he did projects for his classes. you might have been majoring in journalism but you had always liked drawing and painting, even though you weren't particularly skilled. you were a naturally clumsy person, always tripping over air and dropping things. today you were hecticly moving around your hands while telling him about a stupid video you had seen and you accidently let go of the brush in your hand. it hit the side of kevin's face, leaving a wide splodge of red paint on his right cheek.
to get back at you, he jerked his paint brush and splattered some green color on your white shirt. you saw this as a challenge and soon both of you were both drenched in the colors of the rainbow, laughing hysterically on the floor, not caring that you were spreading the paint on the poor carpet.
you turned your heads to look at each other and you felt absolutely in peace. you loved this man and couldn't be more glad that it was him and not anyone else you were stuck with inside of this apartment.
he stood up to take off his stained shirt and your smile quickly faded off your face. your lips slightly parted and you couldn't help but stare at his now exposed biceps and abs.
your mouth watered and you felt heat pooling between your legs as you took your time to study his architecture. thoughts about how badly you wanted him to thrust into you while his strong arms held you up invaded your mind. you tried to shake them off but it was impossible.
occasions like this were slowly becoming a common occurrence for you.
having mostly stayed inside for over a year, also meant that you didn't have sex for that long. it's not like you were the horniest person on the planet but you still had needs that were being neglected. with kevin being home all the time you didn't even dare to masturbate, scared that he would be able to hear you through the frustratingly thin walls. you must have gone insane with all the lust building up inside you and that's why you suddenly craved to have sex with your best friend. this whole thing was destroying everything. it was hard to act normal when he was making you this nervous and heated but you tried to pretend that everything was fine anyway for the sake of your friendship.
that was the reason why you were angry and had hurt yourself. you hated the way you felt about your best friend and you hated the pandemic for not giving you an outlet to escape so you could recollect yourself.
what you weren't aware of was that kevin was no stranger to the exact same frustration.
he would need more than his ten fingers and ten toes to be able to count the amount of times he had to run to the bathroom to hide his boner because he had done so much as look at you bend over or stretch. he didn't want to make you uncomfortable but it was a challenge to try and calm down his hormones.
whenever he jacked off, images of you flashed through his mind; your sweet curves and pink lips drove him insane.
last week, you two were cooking together and you had asked him to get the salt. he stood behind you to reach for it on the highest shelf. he was forced to press his crotch against your butt cheeks and his dick hardened against his will. he quickly handed you the salt, excused himself and ran off before you could figure out what had happened.
he might not have known the cause of your sudden outburst but he sympathized with your fury because he had a lot of pent up anger towards covid as well.
he lay in his bed and tried to focus on the book he was reading but he couldn't tune out the groans coming from the room next to his. he cursed.
'stop it!' he was panicking as he saw a familiar tent forming in his pants. your sounds triggered some weird perverted part of his brain that sent signals right to his genitals. his dick was hardening and he saw no other solution to his problem than to give in to his subconscious desires.
he pulled down his pants just far enough so that his cock had enough room to spring out. it only needed a few strokes before it stood tall and angry. kevin pressed his head into his pillow and moved his hand fast. he wanted to get over with it quickly. he emptied his cum on his stomach while imagining your greedy little mouth being stuffed by his cock. he lay there panting as yet another round of shame flushed over him.
'get yourself together,' he whispered, mentally slapping himself.
'do you want to order japanese or italian?' you asked kevin. today was friday which meant it was time for your weekly tradition of ordering take out and watching a movie.
'definitely italian. we've already had japanese for the past four days. I need something else for a change,' kevin complained and shuddered at the thought of having to eat sushi again. the japanese restaurant prepared absolutely delicious food but he just couldn't stand it anymore.
you laughed at his pained facial expression. 'fine, italian it is.'
within twenty minutes the doorbell rang and after about half a minute kevin came back with two huge boxes.
he opened them on the small table situated in front of your couch and the smell of freshly cooked pasta seasoned with basil made your stomach growl.
kevin wanted to dig in already but you stopped him. you had to choose a movie first.
'let's watch tall girl. I saw everyone hate on it on tiktok,' you suggested.
'I think we should watch 365 days, that was all over my for you page as well,' kevin argued. you hadn't heard of it so you weren't sure whether it would be the right movie for you. the rule was that it had to be as bad as possible.
'according to what I have heard, it's apparently even worse than 50 shades of grey,' kevin added which piqued your interest. the both of you had watched 50 shades about two months ago and you were honestly shocked by how awful it actually was. you couldn't understand why everyone had been so obsessed with it when it was first released. if 356 days was really worse, then you'd hit the jackpot. you clapped your hands.
'fine, you win. I swear if the movie isn't as horrible as you say it is then you owe me something!' he intertwined his pinky with yours to promise.
watching horrible movies was way better than watching good ones. making fun of bad storylines, stupid characters or horrible editing was one of your favorite past times.
'I guess I'll have to add are you lost, baby girl to the top 10 worst lines ever spoken. who thought ah yes this is sexy, let's have him repeat it over and over again', you complained, shoving some pasta into your mouth.
'so he's like I won't do anything without your permission while he is literally groping her boobs against her will, like make it make sense, massimo', added kevin, ruffling his hair in frustration. he almost completely forgot about the food.
'so let me get this straight: he drugged her, kidnapped her, tied her up, hung up a painting of her just because he saw her face when his dad was shot?'
'totally relatable.' both of you giggled.
you were enjoying complaining about the plot. it was horrible.
there were plenty of erotic scenes but they were honestly so funny and kinda gross that you could bare it without really being affected by them. kevin, on the other hand, had placed a pillow over his hard-on to hide the embarrassing fact that these terrible, smutty scenes had turned him on.
and then the infamous boat scene came.
massimo and laura had a huge fight, she fell of the boat, he saved her and now she was suddenly so in love with him that she begs him to fuck her. which he does.
you felt your panties become increasingly wet as the couple had steaming hot sex.
'this is embarrassing but I'm so horny,' you admitted but in a way that should have suggested that you meant it as a joke. something about this statement stirred something in kevin.
'well, what can I say?' he replied and lifted the pillow. your pupils widened at the sight of your best friend's bulge.
his eyes darkened and he looked at you with lust clearly written on his face. you reciprocated his stare with the same intensity. you tried to focus on his dark brown orbs instead of his boner but the image you had just seen was present in your mind.
his gaze shifted to your lips and, before you knew it, kevin climbed above you and pressed your back flat onto the couch.
your lips locked and you immediately buried your hands in his hair to pull him closer. you moved in sync, his lips fitting perfectly onto yours. you bucked your hips up against his crotch and earned a moan from kevin. he opened his eyes in shock as realization hit him. he quickly pulled away and jumped off the coach.
'I'm so sorry, y/n. I shouldn't have just done that. I don't know what came over me,' he apologized profusely, staring at his feet. did he really think that you didn't want this?
'give me your hand,' you told him and held out your hand.
'why?' he raised his eyebrows in confusion. you rolled your eyes.
'just do it.'
you took his hand and led it to your crotch.
'what are you- oh my god.' your juices had completely soaked through your panties and your sweatpants. 'you are so wet.'
'for you,' you added. 'there's no need to apologize. I'm literally begging you to continue.'
you didn't have to say that twice before he pulled you closer to him by your hips and engaged you in another desperate kiss. his hands were groping your butt while you let yours slide under his hoodie. you felt his naked skin and toned abs, as you rubbed his stomach. you lowered your hands and bravely palmed his boner through his clothes.
'y/n,' he hissed out against your lips. you hooked your thumbs in the elastic of his pants and underwear, and pushed the material down to his thighs. he struggled to get them off.
you stroked his hard dick as he slipped his hand into your panties to massage your pussy at the same time.
he slipped one finger inside and began working it in and out. you finally were getting the relief you had been desperately craving for for so long. kevin was skilled and your walls were trying to swallow his slim finger. you were quickly coming close to your orgasm after having abstained for more than a year. you pulled his hand out.
'I bet you can make me come even better with your dick,' you challenged kevin.
'you bet I will.' he was confident.
'let me just look for a condom.' he was already turning away to go search in his room but you held him back by the arm.
'forget about it. I'm on the pill and I want you raw. I want you to come inside me and not spill into a stupid condom.'
the idea of this sounded very tempting to kevin. he picked you up and threw you back onto the couch, drawing your hips closer to him so he could pull off all the pieces of clothing that were hindering him from accessing your pussy.
he propped up his arms next to your sides and spread your thighs apart. strings of arousal were hanging from your folds and he saw your hole desperately clench around nothing. his dick hurt from how much he wanted to finally be inside of you. he wanted to find out how close he had been able to imagine how you would feel around him.
your hole took him in easily, welcoming him happily by embracing it tightly. kevin swore he could've cum right here and there.
he went slow at first to give you a chance to adjust but you were already fully ready, rocking your hips forward to meet his thrusts.
he crashed your mouths together and you kissed him like he was oxygen and you were short of air. you smiled and your eyes rolled back, satisfied with how things had played out today and the prospects of coming looked fairly promising.
desperate for release, kevin picked up the pace, his eyes closed while fucking into you like a horny animal. he couldn't help himself and all the 'faster's and 'harder's spilling from your mouth only encouraged him to drive himself deeper into you.
you wrapped your legs around his torso in an attempt to regain the control you were losing.
'fuck fuck fuck,' you cursed, feeling your muscles starting to contract. kevin brushed away some hair that was stuck to your sweaty forehead.
'it's fine, I'm coming too,' he announced and it took only a few more thrusts before a body shaking orgasm flushed over you, making you see only white. this drove kevin over the edge too and he spilled inside you, filling you up with his hot cum. he continued to slowly ease his dick in and out of you, fucking his semen right back into you until you had ridden out both of your orgasms. he let himself fall onto the couch right next to you, panting hard.
'I very much needed this,' you sighed in content.
'same, I wasn't sure whether I could hold out any longer without having a proper orgasm.' he watched his cum drip out of you.
'we should've thought of this sooner,' you said. 'this was a great idea.'
kevin hummed in agreement.
so now you and kevin were having sex on a regular basis, your high score being five times in a day. it felt good to finally live out your sexuality and not having to restrict yourself. sure, you guys did it more than necessary but it was a great way to pass time and it felt fucking amazing.
today you had done it in the shower after waking up, then on the kitchen counter and you had just finished having sex in his bed.
he was spooning you from behind, his cock still placed inside of you. he nuzzled his nose into your neck.
'stop, that tickles,' you chuckled.
after a while of comfortable silence you heard him let out a big sigh.
'what's wrong?' you asked as he pulled out of you. you turned around to be able to look at him.
'I don't think I can do it like this anymore,' he confessed.
'what do you mean?' you asked. 'are you talking about us having sex?'
he nodded. your heart dropped and you started feeling dizzy. you tried to search for answers in his eyes but he avoided looking at you.
'w-why?' you stuttered, trying to hold back the tears that were welling up in your eyes.
'it was amazing at first,' he started and finally raised his head to meet your gaze, 'and I went into it without much thought. I went crazy during quarantine and began fantasizing about having sex with you. then it became reality but now I understand that was probably wrong of me. I've always thought of myself as a gentleman, yet I slept with you without much thought. you see, my issue is this…'
suspense hung in the air and you were impatiently waiting for him to get to the point.
'I like you.'
you quietly gasped in surprise. you had been expecting him to say you were bad at sex and that he regretted everything but not this.
'I shouldn't be sleeping with you unless you were my girlfriend,' he finished off his ramble. you felt immensely relieved.
'do you want me to?' you asked him.
'want you to what?' kevin was confused. he had been a hundred percent sure you'd immediately jump out of the bed in disgust when he confessed.
'be your girlfriend. after all, I like you too, you moron.' you realized that you had known this for a while. you might have even been crushing on your best friend since way before the pandemic struck but it was kind of hard to track your feelings. still, you were sure you liked him too. now that he had admitted his feelings, you were able to admit yours not only to him but to yourself as well.
'wow, I didn't expect this,' kevin confessed surprised. you laughed.
'yeah, we should've realized this sooner.' he pulled you closer and kissed you. it was different than the other times. his lips moved softly against yours, in contrast to all of your rough and passionate kisses you had exchanged these past few weeks. he conveyed his emotions through the kiss.
'you're ready again?' you groaned as you felt kevin's dick harden against your upper thigh. he chuckled.
'sorry, you just turn me on so much.'
so then you did it for the fourth time. that day, you set a new record of having sex six times. you might have been happy now but still just as horny.
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bnhabadass · 4 years
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Pairing: Shinsou x Reader Genre: Angst with happy ending, NSFW Word Count: 4,049 Synopsis: Shinsou is sick and tired of seeing you go out on all these disappointing Tinder hookups, especially when you always seem to ask him to satisfy you afterwards. But there must be a reason why you keep going on these dates, right? A/N: This is my piece for the bnharem roommates collab. I always forget how much I love writing Shinsou’s character but this definitely brought my spark with him back. Make sure to check out everyone else’s collab pieces on the masterlist!
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Another night of tinder swipes. Another night of late night walks through desolate and windy streets. Another night of sleepy dinner and listening to the same old boring stories that every date has to offer. Another night of disappointing sex as he can’t seem to find the hole and his finger nails are sharper than they need to be. Another night of two pump chumps who ask, “does that feel good baby?” and another night of lying through your teeth as you fake moans and count the seconds before you’re allowed to leave.
It’s just like any other Saturday night where your toes are crushed in the tips of your heels and you shiver as you walk back to your apartment, keys clutched between your fingers just in case someone tries to pull something and you need to think quickly. You have your routine ingrained in you, like second nature.
The walk back home is cold and clammy. You can’t shake the feeling of the little hairs on your arms and legs springing up like a cat in shock as the wind pushes right past you. The only thing you could think of to keep yourself from toppling over from exhaustion was the heat that would be coming from your room back home, the fuzzy blanket you’d lie under, and the man awaiting your return to greet you with surprises like no other.
When you did open the front door, heat wafted towards you and your achy muscles began to relax.
“Rough night?” The voice from inside cooed.
“‘Oh baby do you like that?’” you mocked. “‘Does that hurt so good?’”
The person sitting on the sofa with a book covering their face laughed. “Please tell me he did not say that.”
You kicked off your heels and rolled out your ankles. “Shinsou, I swear to god, you have to meet some of these people. This one guy was ridiculous. As I was sucking him off he told me I reminded him of his mother.”
The purple haired young man gagged. “And you still sucked his dick?”
“That’s the best part,” you laughed. “He finished right after he said that.”
Shinsou grimaced. “Why do you keep going on these dates when everyone you end up sleeping with sucks.”
You collapsed on the couch next to him. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s because a certain someone always ends up taking care of me after.” Laying your head in his lap, you smiled up at him.
Shinsou gave you a lazy smirk back. “So that’s it, huh? I actually know how to use my tongue so you’re purposefully coming home unsatisfied.”
“I wouldn’t say purposefully,” you said with a mock offended tone to your words. “If there ever is a man out there who did know how to please me then I can guarantee I wouldn’t be coming home every night I have a date.”
He propped his cheek up against the palm of his hand. “But that hasn’t happened yet, has it.”
You loved this, the flirty and dangerous aroma in the air. It was intoxicating and you craved every bit of it.
“So what are we going to do about it?”
You leaned up and kissed him, and then that kiss led to another. Soon you had gotten up and moved into Shinsou’s bedroom. Your tights had been stripped down and your dress was pulled up over your ass.
Getting onto his elbows and knees, Shinsou readied himself to lick his first stripe along your folds and make you melt beneath him.
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The week went by, like usual, and your relationship with Shinsou remained the same, just like usual. You’d each come home from work, him tired from training and patrols and you exhausted with paperwork and having to deal with bothersome coworkers taking up all your spare time.
Nothing happens during the week. The two of you laugh and joke around like best friends, like neither of you have seen each other naked, and you’re sure you’re happy this way. That’s what Shinsou keeps telling himself anyway.
You never seem to notice the way his eyes linger on you for a split second too long or the way he glares at your phone over your shoulder as you swipe left or right on dating apps. You’d think that if he was jealous he would try to distance himself, to back away from the trouble you might get in and the disappointment you’d find after each hookup. But no, Shinsou cares too much about you to let you go out on your own without knowing who, where and how you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
“Hey Shin,” you call from the couch on Thursday night. You’re lying down with your feet propped up against the arm rest. Shinsou has to move them out of the way before plopping down himself.
“What’s up.” His large palm rubbed up and down your legs as they rested on his lap.
“I think I matched with someone who won’t be horrible in bed.” You showed him your phone, and as he scrolled through his profile you could feel the itchy heat of embarrassment rising to your face.
Shinsou’s heart seemed to stop. His eyes widened when he read the words “pornstar” and “Onlyfans'' in the dude’s bio. Handing your phone back to you, he kept his eyes trained on the floor. “That’s great. He seems like he knows what he’s doing.”
“Yeah.” You took the phone back and resumed looking through his photos. “He messaged me earlier and we have a lot in common too.”
Shinsou nodded. Why did he feel so weird? He knew that not every guy you matched with would be a disappointment. He had been telling that to himself for months now, but watching the nervous smile that crept up your face as you received a new message from this guy made Shinsou want to scream. “I’m gonna go for a run,” he said, lifting up your legs to stand up from the couch.
“Really? It’s dark out. Are you sure you want to go running?” You didn’t look up from your phone.
“Yeah I’ll be fine.”
“Okay, stay safe. Oh! Did you still want to watch a movie tonight?”
Shinsou froze. “Um, maybe not tonight. I’m not sure. I’ll see if I’ve cooled down a bit after my run.”
You looked up from the screen, slightly deterred. “Oh, okay. Have a good run.” You weren’t exactly sure what he meant by that. He hadn’t seemed to be bothered by anything earlier, so why was he acting weird now? You were sure you hadn’t said anything to make him upset and when he told you about his day, he didn’t seem bothered by anything that happened at work.
Rolling over on your side, you continued texting this new guy, a new sense of nervousness clouding your vision.
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It’s Saturday night and you’re putting on your makeup. Your hands which have never been shaky before have fucked applying your eyeliner three times now. You’re not sure why you’re so nervous. You’ve met up with guys every weekend for months now. Could it be that this guy is different because he knows what he’s doing? Yeah, that must be it. You’re worried that you won’t be good enough for him, right?
Still, that didn’t seem like that was it. You were so excited talking to him at first. He made you laugh and you wanted to meet up with him so bad, to see his charm in person. But then you showed his profile to Shinsou and things started to feel different, like somehow they were falling apart.
You haven’t spoken to your roommate much in the last couple days. His usual pokes and prods at the men you tend to meet up with were replaced with silence. You haven’t joked around like usual or spent time together unwinding after work, and you were worried. It hadn’t been this distant between you since one of your female friends told you about a guy she knew who was looking for a roommate and the two of you met for the first time.
Since then, you haven't gotten anything but closer. You began your weekly rituals of getting takeout and watching movies and getting drunk after particularly rough days at work. Living with Shinsou was the happiest you have been in a long time. So why did that change?
Stepping out of your bedroom, makeup incomplete and dress unbuttoned, you peered into the living room where Shinsou was working.
He sat shirtless on the couch, legs propped up on the automen with his laptop balanced on his legs. His wild purple hair, which had gotten longer since the two of you met, was loosely tied back with a hair tie. His gray sweatpants were untied and you were sure that if he were to stand up they would ride low on his hips.
As you stared at his profile, you couldn’t help but admire how his chiseled face, adorning a pair of reading glasses, looked so serene as he stared at the work ahead of him. He looked calm, calmer than you’ve seen him in a while, and that made his face more youthful. Shinsou stretched out his arms and you could hear his corded back crack before he went back to typing away.
You ran back into your room and slammed the door. Your face was hot and flushed. Beads of sweat permeated on your temples. How could such a simple act of stretching make you feel so hot and bothered and worked up and oh no. How is it that you were so blind? You were in love with your roommate.
Shit shit shit shit shit.
You paced back and forth, rubbing all of the makeup off of your eyes in the process. You stared at your blackened fingers and rubbed them on your dress, not caring that it would dirty. Thinking back to all the moments you cuddled as “friends” and all the times you would lay together after a disappointing date, you were able to pinpoint each exact moment where your feelings grew.
You sat on your bed and watched as your hands shook. You couldn’t go on this date now. You don’t care about the guy, no matter how good at sex he might claim to be. The entire time, you’d just be wishing you were on a date with Shinsou. Granted, every date you’ve been on, a little part of you has wished it was with Shinsou. Every week you couldn’t wait until it was over so you could be enveloped yet again in his flirty aroma that was so, so addictive.
So that was it, you wouldn’t go on the date and things would go back to normal between the two of you. But would they really? What would you say if he asked why you cancelled? All you wanted were things to go back to the way they were. You wanted to bask in the flirty air and feel Shinsou hold you close and caress every curve of your body with so much love and tenderness.
You stood up and looked at your blotchy face in the mirror. Surrounding your eyes was a mix of black and shimmery gold swarming together. You wiped them off along with the rest of your makeup. You won’t be going out tonight so there’s no point of dolling up.
What am I going to do?
You slid off your dress and slipped into a pair of pajama bottoms and threw on a tank top. The least you could be is comfortable in such a stressful situation.
I can’t act the way I used to, knowing how I feel now.
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You may have been an idiot for this, but you decided to face your situation head on. Without doing so, who knows how you wouldn’t go crazy living under the same roof as the man you’re in love with.
You stepped into the living room. Shinsou was still typing away and looking over reports, so you cleared your throat to get his attention.
“Hey, you about to go out?” When you didn’t respond, he looked up and his face fell. “What’s wrong? Why aren’t you dressed?”
You couldn’t look him in the eye. As soon as you heard him speak and the amount of concern in his voice, you just wanted to cry. The sting of acidic tears and mucus welling in the back of your throat made you want to throw up.
“Did something happen?” He took off his reading glasses and scooched over, letting you take a seat beside him.
But you didn’t move, just kept staring at your cold feet against the hardwood floor.
“(Y/n), talk to me.”
You looked up at him and tears began rolling down your face. You felt so pathetic, that you would be crying over love of all things. Love was supposed to be magical, right? Not embarrassing and tear-ridden. “Can you,” you started, but you needed to take a step back when you heard your achy throat cracking as you spoke. “Can you give me a reason not to go?”
Shinsou adjusted himself. He was clearly trying to make out what you were saying. “What? If you don’t want to go then don’t. No one’s forcing you to go on this date.”
You couldn’t help crumble at what he said. If only he knew what you really looked forward to after each date and what you were really thinking about when you were out with these other guys.
Shinsou stood up as you crumbled to the ground and squatted down next to you, wrapping his arms around you. You sunk into his chest and sobbed against him. It felt so unfair that with his arms around you, you felt whole, like you were two pieces of a puzzle.
“Why do you need a reason not to go on this date? Is he pressuring you or something?”
You shook your head against his chest. “I don’t want to go on a date with him.” On one hand, you thought your subtle hints would get through Shinsou’s thick skull, but it seemed as though they were a paper plane trying to penetrate a brick wall.
“So find some other guy.”
Why was he being so dismissive? You didn’t want just some other guy, you wanted Shinsou.
“Look, you’ve found plenty of other dates in the past, just because you don’t want to go out with one guy doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.” He kept rubbing circles in your back. “Why don’t you call up a past hookup or something?”
You pushed away from him. “How could you say that,” you whispered. “I don’t want to go on a date with one of them.” Your voice began to raise. You had never raised your voice at Shinsou before. “I want to go out with you, you idiot.”
There was a moment where all you could hear were the little noises throughout the apartment like the ticking of the clock in the kitchen or a fly buzzing close by. Then, you slapped a hand over your mouth. You didn’t mean to say that outloud. You didn’t mean to raise your voice or push away from him. But you did blurt it out, and Shinsou looked at you with wide eyes and a slack jaw.
The hair on his arms and the back of his neck raised up like static. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know if he should look at you with shock or look away in embarrassment. He was completely and utterly confused.
“Shit,” you whined from behind your hand. “Forget it.” You rubbed the tears under your eyes away and went to stand up. “I’m gonna go to bed.”
“Wait.” Shinsou grabbed your hand before you could fully stand up. You had never realized how small your hands were compared to his until now. “You can’t just say that and then walk away.”
He was right. You sat back down on the ground, his hand still grabbing onto yours, playing with your fingers. “Okay,” you mouthed, knowing you wouldn’t be able to get any sound out if you tried.
“Why do you go on all of these dates?”
You thought about it for a moment. You were never really sure why you bothered hooking up with so many people, but sitting on the ground with him, you had a pretty good idea. “Because we’re roommates.”
You kept your eyes on your fingers intertwined with Shinsous. “Because realizing you’re in love with your roommate is shitty, so the least I could do is hope that after an unsatisfying night of sex, you’d be willing to provide.”
He stopped playing with your fingers and instead, squeezed your hand. “And I hated seeing you with these different men so much that any chance you gave me I ate up.”
You blinked once, twice in confusion before meeting Shinsou’s eyes. “You...”
“Mhm,” he nodded.
The heavy weight of tears on your chest finally lifted. You could finally breathe freely. There was silence among you before the two of you burst out laughing. You rested your head on his shoulder as your chests heaved up and down. When you took your head away to look him in the eyes, he leaned in and kissed you. You didn’t hesitate to kiss back and wrap your arms around his neck.
Shinsou dragged your body closer to him, so you were straddling his lap, and weaved his arms around your figure. He was a good kisser, which you already knew, but you had never taken the time to feel his passion until now. Shinsou made sure to tease you with a darting tongue and hands which traveled down your figure and stopped at the base of your hips.
You weaved your hands through his soft hair and pulled his hair tie out. His fluffy purple locks were so fun and tempting to tug on. Kissing him with this amount of love and emotion enthralled you, and you felt a little disappointed when he pulled away.
“Would you like to move this to my bedroom?”
And you bit your bottom lip before nodding, a smile creeping its way up along your face. You stood up and followed him into his bedroom eagerly.
After Shinsou closed the door behind you, he turned around and snaked his hands up your back. You giggled at the contact and let him pull the shirt over your head. You weren’t wearing a bra, so Shinsou immediately leaned over to take one of your nipples in his mouth. He sucked it until it puckered and let it go with a loud pop.
“You know,” he said, backing you against his bed. “I’ve never been able to say until now how truly beautiful you are.”
“Shinsou,” you sighed, taking a hold of his purple locks. You collapsed onto the bed and let him kiss his way down your front side. His kisses were rough but full of love, and you know they would leave bruises behind.
He slid your pajama bottoms and underwear down your thighs until they pooled on the floor at your ankles. “Everything you do is gorgeous, even the way you’re sprawled out under me, under my command just waiting for me to touch you.”
You could feel your pussy clench at his words and your thighs shook in waiting.
He kissed the top of your pussy and trailed kisses around your thighs. You watched as he hiked your legs over his well muscled shoulders while keeping eye contact. His long tongue darted out and he licked one long stripe between your folds and suckled on your little sweet bud.
You arched your back and let out a choked moan. Out of all the nights you’ve slept together, this was the first time you really saw him for all the love he gave you.
Shinsou kept his face right in front of your dripping hole just for a moment and let his hot breath tickle your needy clit. He chuckled at your squirming form and teased you even further with kitten licks and hands that reached up to squeeze your breasts as he dove in to lap up your juices.
Your hands grasped at his, keeping them firmly clenched onto your chest as he delved in deeper and deeper into your wonderful taste. You could feel your orgasm quickly building up. Your toes curled and knees jerked up, hips bucking your clit further up into Shinsou’s mouth. You let out a loud moan and sigh of relief and surprise when you could feel your juices spraying onto Shinsou’s face and watched as they dripped down his chin.
You had never squirted before. You could feel a calm wash over you as you settled down. Shinsou wiped his hand down his chin. “That was fucking sexy.”
He kissed your lower lips one last time before standing up and allowing you to scooch further up on the bed. You were exhausted but it didn’t matter. Watching Shinsou strip down and seeing his cock spring to life only made you want more of him.
He crawled over you and kissed your lips. He tasted like a mix of your juices and honey, probably from that tea you saw him drinking not too long ago. Whatever it was, it was addictive. “Are you ready?” he asked as he positioned the head of his cock in line with your opening.
You nodded, heaving up and down and running your hand along the side of his face. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
Shinsou was thicker than most of the people you had slept with, and you always felt the stretch of him penetrating you every time he pushed himself in.
Knowing that it probably hurt a little, the stretch of it all, he paused every so often and kissed your face, allowing you to warm up before he bottomed out inside of you. You were just so tight and welcoming, it took all his strength not to pound into you immediately, to take it nice and slow as he rubbed against your clit with his thumb.
Your face was hot. It was odd to you that it had never felt this way before, that until now you had never been this nervous to feel his cock pulsing inside of you and to feel his mouth nip at your clit and nipples. You had closed your eyes and focused on your breathing.
Shinsou reached over to tickle the palm of your hand. As you looked up at him, he cupped your face and smiled down at you before he started to thrust his hips.
You squirmed and writhed around as he bucked deeper in and out of the hole that seemed to suck him in further and further.
He felt it was so unfair because he never seemed to last as long as he wanted to when he was with you. The way your aching pussy clenched around him so tight was euphoric. He wanted to let his dick bask in your warm, gushing cavern forever.
“You’re beautiful,” you heard him whisper as he sped up, his orgasm fast approaching. “You’re perfect.”
And again, you squirmed around as that cord built up inside of you and snapped, leaving you gushing around Shinsou’s cock and heaving up and down underneath him.
Shinsou didn’t last much longer. He came almost immediately after you did, feeling your walls clench around him oh so tight. He rolled over next to you and laid his head in the crook of your neck. His hair tickled your nose as you nuzzled into him.
“We should clean up.”
“After snuggles,” he yawned.
You laughed. He’d never been this clingy until now. He had never praised you so much until now. “What does this mean?”
“For us?”
Shinsou rolled over to look at you. “It means you’re gonna sleep in this bed with me tonight, and tomorrow morning I’m waking up early to make my girlfriend a pancake breakfast. Okay, kitten?”
You had to keep yourself from squealing at the nickname. Instead, you closed your eyes with a goofy smile on your face. “Okay.”
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Character: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Summary: When Y/N fell in love with Jason Todd, she didn’t realize the normalcy she lost would become such a problem in their relationship. And she didn’t know how much pain it would cause to hide her boyfriend’s secrets. 
Word Count: 4,600 – One Shot
A/N: This is probably a really personal story. And you all might hate it or not relate to it. But oh well...
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Y/N had her music playing in her headphones just quietly enough so she could hear them announce when her plane was boarding.
Between corporate holidays and what was left of her vacation days for the year, she was able to go home for a week and a half.
Only, she was hoping that this year she wouldn’t be going home alone.
But when Jason got sucked into a case two weeks before their flight back to her hometown, she knew there was no way he’d be accompanying her.  
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I just–“ Jason had tried to tell her when she realized they weren’t going to be spending the holidays together.
“You don’t have to apologize. There are more important things right now than meeting my crazy family,” Y/N laughed lightly. “But they’ll be bummed.”
Jason still looked so down guiltily. He knew that Y/N had been downplaying how excited she was for her family to meet him.
Yeah, Y/N was upset, but her family was even more upset. Being in a different part of the country and them never putting in the effort to visit her, they had yet to meet Jason. Even when the two of them had been dating for 10 months.
Y/N had met all of Jason’s brothers, along with Bruce and Alfred. It had all been against his will, his family strategically running into them or invading his apartment when they knew Y/N would be there. Jason acted annoyed by it, but Y/N knew he was happy for her to meet them and without him having to act like he cared.
But Jason had only ever waved on FaceTime to her family or sometimes answered calls from them when Y/N left her phone next to him and went to another room.
It wasn’t like Y/N needed her family’s approval. She knew what she wanted and what was best for her. Their opinions didn’t hold as much weight with her as they thought.
But Y/N also had never introduced her family to a boyfriend before. Things either fizzled out before then or the relationship was so casual that the thought of even mentioning a boy-toy’s name in passing to her family made her want to jump out a window.
“So Jason couldn’t get out of work last minute?” Y/N’s older sister, Kate, asked as they drove to her house after picking her up from arrivals.
And so it began.
“No,” Y/N answered. “His boss is sort of an asshole. He’s a workaholic and can’t fathom why anyone else would ever be anything different.”
The truth was that Jason didn’t really have a job. When it came to income, Jason was resourceful. He was still a hitman for hire. But once the killing part of that job stopped – which was long before Y/N ever met him – it didn’t rake in as much money. Most of his money was either stolen from criminals or he would work odd jobs here and there.
However, the lie Jason and Y/N had agreed on was that he was a mechanic. And Jason did know absolutely everything there was to know about cars and motorcycles. He’d even promised Y/N that if she ever decided she wanted him to drop the vigilante life, he would do just that and start his own mechanic shop. But Y/N knew better than to ever ask that of him.
“Cars don’t stop breaking – even around the holidays,” Y/N joked darkly.
“Mhmm,” her sister answered.
Y/N already knew what her family thought of her boyfriend’s “job”: it wasn’t good enough for them.
The only reason they let it slide was because they knew Bruce Wayne was his adoptive father. Therefore they interpreted Jason’s ‘lack of ambition’ as his personal rebellion against his privilege and upbringing.
“Mom said he sent flowers and a bottle of wine to the house today and apologized for not being able to make it,” Kate added.
Y/N quickly looked at her in surprise.
“So I’m guessing from your reaction that it wasn’t your idea,” Kate teased.
“No,” Y/N shook her head. “He didn’t even tell me he did that.”
That was a Bruce Wayne move for sure. It didn’t matter that Jason had a rocky relationship with him, the Wayne charm and manners were deceivingly contagious.
Later that night, when everyone was in bed and Y/N decided to finally unpack. And she was surprised to find two of Jason’s t-shirts hidden in her bag. They were her favorites of his, always stealing them. Mostly she wore them to lounge around the apartment or to wear to bed. But her favoritism was in no way hidden.
Jason must’ve snuck them in her bag while she wasn’t looking.
Y/N smiled as she grabbed one of the shirts and raised it to her nose. It still smelled like him.
It was enough to make her feel guilty for not having called him yet. She’d texted him that she landed, but other than that, she’d been pretty silent.
She grabbed her cell and dialed.
“Hey, you.”
He always answered her calls as if they made his day, even if she’d called him multiple times that day already. His reaction to her calls never failed to make Y/N smile.
“I didn’t really expect you to pick up,” Y/N admitted.
“Always got time for you,” he answered lightly.
But then she heard background noise: wind blowing, distant sirens, people shouting at each other nearby.
Jason was on patrol. Or maybe he was doing some recon. 
But Y/N knew not to ask. 
“I see some of your clothes made the trip,” Y/N commented through a smile. Jason could hear the smile in her voice. “Those t-shirts have a mind of their own…”
“And my mom thought the flowers and card were sweet,” she added.
“I might not have met her yet, but I know that’s not gonna be enough to win her over,” Jason answered darkly.
Y/N didn’t say anything, because they both knew he was right.
“Flight was fine?” Jason asked, changing the subject.
“I miss you.”
Y/N shook her head and laughed. “No, you don’t. I’ve been gone for like 12 hours.”
“Doesn’t matter.”
She rolled her eyes. “Always the romantic.”
More sirens could be heard. They sounded closer this time. “Are you being careful?” All playfulness had disappeared from her voice.
“Of course.”
Y/N sighed. “Jason, I’m serious. Please, be safe.”
“I know. I know. Don’t worry about me.”
“You know that’s not gonna happen, J.”
He ignored her comment. “I love you.”
“Love you, too.”
To say Y/N’s time at home was rough…was an understatement.
If Y/N wasn’t being asked a million questions about Jason, she was being interrogated for why he wasn’t there. And if Jason wasn’t the subject of the conversation, people acted like she was single – some even talking about setting her up.
Y/N realized she preferred the former.
Every year, her family threw a giant party.
And for the past five years, Y/N had always been the only one that was single. All of her siblings, all of her cousins, all of their family friends, all of their neighbors…every single one of them had a significant other during those years. 
Everyone...except her. Now, this year, all of them had kids or were expecting.
It was exhausting. 
Sometimes Y/N felt like they were all robots programmed to do the exact same things at the exact same time –  no original thought to be had.
Y/N would be lying if she didn’t spend most of the party wishing Jason was at her side. He would make fun of awkward situations with her. And he would stick up for her when her family teased her a little too much.
The other thing Y/N wasn’t prepared for was unintentionally studying  her family’s boyfriends or husbands. She felt like she was watching everyone’s relationships through a different lens now that she herself had her own. And to put it as kindly as possible…she was not impressed.
Y/N noticed how none of the men offered to help in the kitchen, instead deciding to sit on the couch and watch football and scream at the television. Or how when her cousin handed her son to her husband, and he acted like he didn’t even know how to hold the one year old. And later, when his diaper needed to be changed, he handed him back to his wife as if he had no idea how to do it himself.
Yet her family was stuck on Jason not being able to visit or that he was a mechanic.
What did someone’s job matter if they treated her like she was their world and he the best thing to ever happen to her?
If Jason were here, he would be in the kitchen cooking. And if they had a kid, it would be a 50/50 job – not a burden only Y/N had to bare. He would try to get to know everyone because he would want to know the people who raised the woman he loved. He’d make sure to check in on Y/N every once in awhile, making sure she didn’t need anything. 
Thinking about it all made Y/N miss Jason even more.
Needing to get some air, she decided to go outside and let the winter chill refresh her. It had been getting too hot in the house.
Y/N pulled her phone out of her back pocket and tapped Jason’s name.
“Hey, you.”
“Hi,” she sighed.
Just hearing his voice made her feel a bit better and tension left her body.
“What’s wrong?” Jason quickly asked.
“Nothing. Just…wanted to check in.”
For a second, she was going to explain that she had the sudden realization that all the men connected to her family were trash. And witnessing it was making her miss him more. But she didn’t really want to waste her breath and she figured she’d just come off dramatic more than sincere.
“Are you at your apartment?” She asked quickly.
“Yeah, I’m gonna leave for patrol in a bit…”
Then Y/N’s mind suddenly thought, ‘Fuck it.’
“Yeah, kid?”
“If you were here…” She began softly.
“Mhmm,” he encouraged.
“What would you be doing?”
Jason was a bit confused by the question for a second. But he slowly got what she was asking.
“Well,” he took in a shallow breath. “I would’ve stolen Alfred’s famous chocolate chip cookie recipe and whipped up those bad boys to bring over. And I’d pretend to care about football with your dad.”
That made Y/N laugh.
“I’d help your mom in the kitchen, even when she pretended not to want it.”
“Really laying it on thick, huh?”
But Y/N knew he was right. Jason was the cook between the two of them – and a good one, too. He also was a helper. He couldn’t sit back and watch someone do something while he did nothing. No matter how big or small.
“Shhh,” Jason reprimanded and then continued. “But most importantly, I’d try to get as many embarrassing stories about you as I possibly could.”
“Well, thank goodness you’re not here then,” she teased with a roll of her eyes.
Jason was quiet a second before he asked, “Wanna tell me what’s wrong now?”
“Nothing’s wrong. Just miss you.”
“I miss you, too.”
“All my family’s boyfriends and husbands are losers. And I guess I’m just now realizing it.”
“Ahh,” Jason noted.
Now he really knew why she’d asked her question.
“It’s snowing here,” he told her as he looked out the window. “It’s almost making Gotham look pretty.”
“Are you going to the manor for Christmas?”
“Probably not,” Jason answered.
“Jason,” she grumbled. “What are you going to do instead? Sit in your apartment alone?”
“I’m gonna patrol. Crime doesn’t take holidays, Y/N.”
“Cheesy,” she pointed out. “Please be with your family, Jason. I don’t want you to be alone. OK?”
“I’ll think about it.”
Y/N knew that was as good as it was going to get.
Then she felt something on her cheek and she looked up. “Hey, it just started snowing here, too…” She told him with her head tilted back.
“I love you,” he sighed.
“I love you, too. Be careful tonight, Jason.”
Y/N gave herself a few more moments outside before returning to the party.
When she walked back inside, she immediately heard her name. But no one was calling to her. 
She was being talked about. 
She recognized her mom and sister’s voices, and then a couple of her aunts. They were talking around the corner, completely unaware that Y/N was in hearing distance.
So Y/N couldn’t help but linger.
“She says he works a lot. Every time I facetime her, he’s never there,” her sister Kate told the women. “I wouldn’t even really know what he looked like if it weren’t for her photos that she’s sent me. He doesn’t have any social media.”
“I just can’t believe he couldn’t get work off. Around the holidays?” Her mom added in utter disbelief. “Sounds like it won’t be surprising when she finds out he’s been unfaithful,” one her aunts commented.
The group hummed in agreement, but also disappointment. 
“He doesn’t even live in Metropolis. He lives in Gotham,” her mother supplied, only further backing the idea that Jason wasn’t committed. “God knows why. But I hate that Y/N is constantly going there. No good news comes from that city.”
Y/N clenched her teeth in anger.
If only they knew the truth about Jason. 
He was a hero and risked his life every night for an entire city – a city that had done nothing but hurt him. And he was 20 times the man than any of the men in their family.
She just wanted to scream at them for being so judgmental about a person they’d never even met.
But she couldn’t.
So Y/N stormed up to her childhood bedroom and decided she had enough of the party.
She shouldn’t have come home for the holidays. She would’ve rather waited for Jason to get back from his Red Hood work than listen to her family misjudge the first man she ever truly loved and wanted to share with them.
Y/N was so tired when she got off the plane.
She felt like a zombie as she walked to baggage claim to grab her duffle.
What she wasn’t expecting was to find her boyfriend waiting for her in arrivals.
Y/N had told him she would just get a car.
But Jason seemed to have other ideas.
Y/N’s entire face brightened at the sight of him.
She practically ran to him and jumped into his arms.
Jason chuckled at her enthusiasm.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, her words muffled by his body.
“I thought I’d surprise you,” Jason said through a smile before he kissed her head.
Y/N didn’t respond, just held him tightly.
“Come on. Let’s get your bag and head home,” he finally told her.
“So, how was it?” Jason asked once they got into his car. Y/N shrugged, “It was fine.”
Her lack of details and curt response was enough warning for Jason to realize things were not totally fine between them.
He didn’t bother asking for more details during the car ride home. Instead, he answered all her questions about what he had been up to, how the case was going, if his family was alright.
Once they got back to Y/N’s apartment in Metropolis, the grace period seemed to be over.
Y/N had grown quiet as she moved around her apartment, unpacking and putting all her things away.
Jason walked into her bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed as she folded clean clothes. “This might be a shot in the dark. But I can’t help but feel that you’re not happy with me,” he finally pointed out.
She didn’t answer or look at him, just kept folding.
“Did something happen while you were at home?” Jason pushed.
She still didn’t answer. So Jason reached for her hands, holding them gently.
“Hey, talk to me. What’s going on?”
“I just didn’t expect how hard it was going to be…” she finally whispered with a bowed head.
“What would be?”
“Just going home without you,” she explained.
“Did something happening?”
“I mean, kinda? Not really. They just…” she hesitated. Did she really want to confess all of this to him? She knew it would only hurt him. "They think you’re a bad boyfriend.”
Jason just nodded slowly.
He should’ve seen this coming. Of course her family didn’t think he was good enough. How could they think anything different?
“I’m just…fucking frustrated,” Y/n groaned. “I knew what I was getting into when you told me about your other life and who you really were. I was willing to keep your secret and protect it. I just never thought about how hard it would be keeping it from my family.”
She shook her head. “They think you’re not committed or something. And that…that you’re probably cheating on me.”
The idea of him ever doing that her made Jason sick to his stomach.
“I’m sorry,” Jason mumbled.
“What?” Y/N gasped. “You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“But I have,” he argued. “I put you in this position.”
“No, I did. I did when I fell in love with you,” she clarified.
“But I don’t want you lying to the people you love.”
“I’m not telling you this because I’m mad at you or blame you, Jason. I’m trying to tell you why I’m frustrated.”
She rubbed her face. “I just want them to know what an amazing person you are...and how brave and selfless. How you take care of me and love me and…and protect me.” Her eyes began to water. “They’re never gonna know the real you…even when they do meet you. And I fucking hate it.”
“So what if you told them?” Jason offered.
Her eyes widened at that. “Jason…”
“I’m serious. What if you told them?”
She thought about it. But she already knew the answer.
“It wouldn’t do any good. If I told them, then they’d be worried about me. Worried that your other life was putting me in danger. Worried that I would get pulled into it.”
Jason knew she was right.
Her family probably preferred an absentee boyfriend over a vigilante.
“But I see how the shitty men that have joined my family are. And you’re nothing like them. You’re so much better. And they’ll never even know.”
“Come here,” Jason muttered before he pulled her to him.
He let her body sink into his as he held her.
“I’ll do anything you want,” he whispered as he rubbed her back. “I just want you to be happy.”
“I always wondered what it would be like to finally been in a relationship – to just have someone on my team no matter what. I went to all those family gatherings thinking I’d never have it. And once I did, once I found you…” Her thoughts died out. “I just never expected it to be this way.”
“Do you regret it?” Jason asked as he pulled away to look in her eyes.
Her brow furrowed. “Regret what?”
“Being with me. Falling in love with me.”
Her heart broke at the question. “Oh, Jason. Of course not. Never.”
“What if I stopped?” He asked.
“No. I would never ask that of you,” she quickly shot down.
“I’d do it for you,” he tried to argue.
“I know you would. But I’m not asking. Because I know what it would do to you. Every time you’d see something in the news, you’d hate yourself. Because you would convince yourself that you could’ve stopped it. And maybe you would be right.” She took in a deep breath. “Red Hood isn’t just something you do. He’s a part of you. And even though I worry about you constantly, I’m never gonna tell you to stop.”
Jason took his time in reading her face.
“OK?” She pushed.
He nodded.
Then he embraced her once again.
“I’m sorry you have to keep my secrets,” he breathed into her hair.
Y/N walked into Jason’s apartment.
It was a Friday night and they agreed to have her come to his place this weekend.
Jason was always weary of her coming to Gotham, preferring her to stay in the safety of Metropolis.
He knew they couldn’t do the distance forever, and eventually they’d move into together. But he wasn’t ready to leave Gotham yet. And he didn’t want Y/N to lowering herself to such a city.
“J!” Y/N called when she walked in.
He had given her keys to his apartment quite early in their relationship, and told her she was welcome at his place any time. However, he wasn’t a fan of her getting there after dark. Gotham was Gotham, and he didn’t like her wandering around the city by herself just in order to give him a surprise visit.
An envelope on Jason’s kitchen counter caught her attention.
She nosily looked at it and saw that they were plane tickets to her hometown with both of their names on each of them.  
She heard Jason walk up behind her. “What’s this?”
“A surprise,” he shrugged.
“What do you mean?” She laughed.
“We’re gonna visit your family,” he explained casually. “I called your mom and sister to find a weekend that worked.”
Y/N was shocked to silence.
“I know I fucked up when I couldn’t go with you during the holidays. I know this isn’t gonna solve everything. But I figured…it’s start.” Before he could say more, Y/N threw her arms around him.
Jason Todd knew how to throw on the charm. And no matter how thick he laid it on, it always felt sincere.
Y/N smiled as she watched her boyfriend interacting with her family.
He knew so much about each of them already, that he knew exactly what to talk about with every one of them.
For their long-weekend visit, they had decided to stay with her sister.
Jason knew she would be the hardest to win over and was the most protective over Y/N. He made it his personal mission to befriend her and show her how much he loved her little sister.
Y/N never said so, but Jason knew how important it was to her that Kate approved of him.
However, Jason hadn’t been able to have a conversation alone with her all weekend.
Until their last morning there.
Y/N was still sleeping when Jason had made his way to the kitchen.
He figured he could make Kate and her husband breakfast after housing them for a long weekend. And he made sure to start a pot of coffee while he was at it.
Halfway through making his specialty waffles, Kate walked into the kitchen rubbing her eyes.
“Oh, hi,” she greeted, clearly surprised to find Jason cooking in her kitchen.
“Morning,” Jason greeted.
“This is a surprise,” she said as she looked around the kitchen.
“There’s coffee if you want some.”
“T-Thanks…” she managed to mutter. “Do you need some help?”
“Nope. I got it. You just relax.”
Kate seemed to be unsure of how to behave when she was alone with her little sister’s boyfriend, and eventually sat on the kitchen stool with her coffee.
“Do you cook a lot?” She finally broke the silence with her question.
“I enjoy it,” he answered with a shrug. “I figured it’s the least I can do for you guys putting us up.”
“That’s very sweet of you, Jason.”
He continued cooking.
Kate figured this was her opportunity to get to know Jason – and not just through Y/N’s eyes. So, she started asking him question after question, and he seemed happy to answer them. Kate was surprised to find out about Jason’s traumatic childhood, making him realize that Y/N must’ve only shared his relation to Bruce Wayne and nothing more about his life before becoming an adopted Wayne.
Jason wasn’t surprised Y/N kept that part of his life to herself. She was protective of him that way. She always felt like his past was his story to tell, not hers.
“I know missing the holidays didn’t leave the best impression,” Jason told her after they’d been talking for awhile.
“You really mean a lot to Y/N. And your opinion matters more to her than you might think,” he added as he crossed his arms.
Kate seemed a little taken aback by how unafraid he was of confrontation.
He seemed more mature for his age – maybe for hers, even.
“I know I’m not going to win any of you over from just a single trip,” Jason continued. “But I’m going to work my ass off to make sure I get there.”
Kate smiled at that.
“I love her,” he told her quietly, but with determination. “She’s…Well, she’s the best thing to ever happen to me.”
Then he smirked. “And I’m not dumb enough to do anything to fuck things up with her.”
He took in a shallow breath. “I just…I just needed you to know that.”
Kate’s heart swelled from hearing her little sister’s boyfriend confessing his love for Y/N.
“Thank you for telling me that,” she whispered, trying to stop herself from crying. “I worry about her. And I hate that she’s so far away sometimes. I miss her.”
“She misses you, too,” Jason assured her.
“Thank you for taking care of her. I’m suddenly realizing you’re the only reason she’s eating anything that’s not out of a takeout container.”
Jason laughed. “I plead the fifth.”
Before any more could be said, Y/N walked into the kitchen as if she was sleep walking.
“Well, look who it is…” Jason teased.
Y/N walked to him silently, clearly wanting cuddles.
Jason chuckled at her, but gave her what she wanted. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. He had kept the PDA at an absolute minimum while he had been around Y/N’s family. But he couldn’t help it when Y/N was her sleepy and adorable self.
“You sleep OK?” He tried to whisper to her.
But Kate still heard it and pretended to look down at her phone.
Y/N nodded into his neck, making him chuckle at her more.
This was new for Kate, seeing her sister being loved and loving someone. Her instinct was to say it made her uncomfortable. But it was just something she wasn’t used to.
Soon Kate’s husband woke up and they all ate breakfast together.
And a few hours later, Y/N and Jason were packed and their was a Lyft was waiting outside to take them to the airport.
Jason hugged Kate and her husband and thanked them for hosting them. Then he grabbed Y/N’s bags and gave her a moment alone with her sister as he took their stuff to the car.
“I think I owe the two of you an apology…” Kate told her little sister.
“You do?”
“I think I judged him a bit too much before really giving him a chance.”
Y/N winced, but nodded. “Yeah, you did, actually.”
“He really loves you.”
Y/N smiled. “He does.”
“I just want you to be happy, you know that right?”
“I know. But sometimes you think that what makes you happy is what would make me happy. Our lives are different. And we want different things. Just because my relationship looks different than yours doesn’t mean it’s worse in some way.”
Kate nodded sadly, knowing her sister was right. “I get that now.”
A/N: I was inspired to write this when I thought about how my own family would react to me having a boyfriend like Jason Todd: a man who was secretly a vigilante and had a past too hard for anyone to ever imagine. Hopefully, other people can relate to this and it wasn’t too personal. 😬
Let me know what you thought!!!
833 notes · View notes
alltooreid · 4 years
I Think He Knows
Y/N has a huge crush on Spencer Reid, so huge she embarrasses herself every time she tries to talk to him. She is convinced he is aware to all her pathetic attempts at flirting and just chooses to ignore it, but turns out Spencer may be a little more clueless than she thought.
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A/N: Hope yall enjoy this cute fluffy fic! I’ve been having a rough couple of days so writing a fun fluff like this was really comforting :) yes it is inspired by the t swift song, but you don’t need to know the song to read and enjoy! also my requests are open so let me know what you want to see! (also sorry if this is kind of short, but i’ve been super busy and wanted to put something out :)))
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Type: a cute pining fluff fic
Word Count: 2.3K
Content Warnings: mentions of alcohol, otherwise none.
“He got that boyish look that I like in a man I am an architect, I'm drawing up the plans It's like I'm seventeen, nobody understands No one understands”
“He has to know Penelope, I’m not exactly subtle.”
You and Penelope spent the majority of your lunch breaks in her office, discussing anything and everything. Recently however, the point of contention had been a certain young genius. One who you had a huge crush on.
“Spencer Reid may be a genius, and one of the best profilers I have ever seen but he most certainly does not know,” she said, as she drizzled more dressing on her salad.
“He has to, it feels like everyone knows. . . Do you think everyone knows?”
She shrugged, “They might, I know my Chocolate Thunder hasn’t picked up on it yet.”
“You haven’t told him? It’s already been a week since I’ve told you! How did you keep it a secret for so long?”
“You asked me very nicely not to tell anyone! Plus this one seems really important to you. I don’t want to go around telling people and for Reid to hear it in office gossip.”
You smiled, “Well you Penelope Garcia are the best, best friend ever.”
“You know it, now I know you desperately want to repay me for my services, and you can by giving me those exact ranch packets you have in your bag,” she said.
“They’re all yours, now let’s discuss something other than my pathetic schoolgirl crush. Like how stupid Kevin’s sweater was today.”
“Kevin? The other internal affairs technical analyst? Yeah what the heck was he wearing?”
“You know, I’m tired of having to carry the weight of the brains, looks and fashion sense out of the two of us,” you said. “Though, that is a good way to gather attention . . . I wonder if Spencer would actually hold a conversation with me if I wore something as ugly as that.”
She laughed, “You know I think that might send you backwards.”
You stabbed your lettuce, “At this point I’ll try anything.”
Before Penelope could respond, someone interrupted your lunch, your only other friend on the BAU team, Emily Prentiss.
“Oh hi Y/N! How are you!”
“I’m good Emily, what kind of gross things are you here to deliver today?” you and Emily joined the FBI at around the same time, and found comfort in the fact that you were both total try-hards. Emily was going to eat lunch with you and your fast friend Penelope, at least on days when she was in the office for lunch, but you and her both agreed that she should eat lunch with the team so that they can get used to having her around.
“Just some paperwork, no cases yet, knock on wood. Also I just wanted to say hello! What are you guys eating?” she asked, pulling up a chair.
“Some salads from that takeout veggie place PG is always talking about. I told you I was going vegetarian right?” “You did not! That’s great Y/N! We need to talk more, like we used to when we first started here,” she sighed, then perked up, “We should have girls night! Remember how fun it was that night at the bar? With Brad the real FBI agent?”
“Yes! We should! You know, Gideon’s replacement comes tomorrow, we should celebrate!” Garcia said.
“You know, I don’t know if the best way to celebrate a new agent is by drinking without them, but I’m down. We’ll toast our girls night to agent Rossi. Someone ask JJ if she’s busy.”
JJ was not busy, but when you and Emily asked, Morgan overheard.
“So am I not invited to the party?”
“Well it was supposed to be girls night . . . but I think PG would throw a fit if I turned down her 2nd favorite person in this building, so I guess you can come,” you teased. “You should come too Spencer!”
“I don’t know, that’s not really my thing . . “
“Oh come on! I know I would love to see you there,” you then realized that you were embarrassing yourself being so forward. “And I’m sure everyone else would too!”
“Alright, I’ll come, but I’m not drinking.” he said firmly. 
Before you could respond, Penelope magically appeared. “Good, you can be completely sober when Y/N gets wasted and embarrasses herself,” she said.
“PENELOPE! I’m not the light weight here! you’ll see Spencer, she’s actually awful. Two shots in and she’ll be on the floor,” this was apparently the wrong thing to say, because Spencer grimaced. “But it’ll be so much fun! You have to be there! You already said yes!”
“I just don’t know if seeing all of my coworkers get drunk while I watch is my idea of a fun evening. . .”
“Trust me! I’ll even stay sober with you, so we can judge them together. It’ll be a blast.”
“Ok, I’ll be there . . . but for now I need more coffee,” he pulled his chair out and walked towards the office kitchen. You silently cheered, forgetting how people were still standing around you.
“Well,” you awkwardly laughed, “um, I guess I better be getting back to my neck of the woods. I’m not a hot shot profiler like the rest of you guys . . . so see you all later!” You tried to escape before anyone interrogated you about your conversation with Spencer. However, a certain profiler followed quickly behind you. 
“So. . . you and pretty boy huh?”
“Shut it Morgan.”
{⋅. ♪ .⋅}
You stayed true to your word that night, Spencer stuck to water and you enjoyed a diet soda. The bartender, who you had grown fairly used to seeing on your many nights out, was shocked to hear you didn’t want any alcohol in it. 
It’s probably a good thing that you didn’t drink, you already embarrassed yourself enough in front of Spencer fully sober.
“So Spencer, you know that new bookstore you said you were going to go to after work a couple weeks ago?”
“New bookstore . . .? Oh yeah! What about it?”
“Well after I heard you talking about it I decided to check it out . . . It’s really nice there! I go like every other night now! We should totally go together sometime.” Luckily, you were sober enough to keep a secret: the fact you were only going so much in the hopes of running into him.
“Oh really? If I’m being honest I wasn’t super impressed with their selection, it was mostly contemporary fiction. And all in English . . . Not really my thing,” when he saw the way your face dropped he quickly changed his tone, “but it’s great if that’s your thing!”
This. Is. Humiliating. The amount of times you had gone and bought books from the bookstore, you were there almost every night hoping to run into him after work and start a conversation. You felt stupid, of course he wouldn’t want to go on a book store date with you. If Spencer Reid didn’t like you so much that he wouldn’t even go to a bookstore with you, there’s no chance at a relationship.
“Oh haha, yeah you’re right it’s totally lame. . .”
“Didn’t you just say you went there all the time?”
“No! When did I say that? You must be drinking Dr. Reid,” you said, quickly hopping off your bar stool, and running towards Morgan and Garcia, not turning around to see how confused Spencer was, but only being able to imagine him as relieved. Relieved he didn’t have to make conversation with you anymore.
“I’m blowing this PG, he totally hates me.”
Morgan laughed, “Y/N, you’re acting silly, this isn’t high school, we aren’t seventeen, stop dancing around it and just go ask him out.”
“Morgan, he doesn’t want to go to a bookstore with me, no way he’s agreeing to a date.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down, maybe he’s just not in the mood to go?”
“You go ask him then, 20 bucks he says yes.”
“You’re on Y/N/N.”
7 minutes later Morgan returned and without a word pulled a twenty dollar bill out of his wallet and deposited it into your hand. “Sorry, Y/N.”
Penelope then piped up, “I’m telling you Y/N, he just doesn’t know. That boy is clueless.”
You scoffed, “I think he knows Penelope. I’ve made it pretty clear.”
“Have you told him?”
You were thrown off, “Um, no but-”
“Well then you haven’t made it clear enough, have you sugar?”
You almost said something, but you couldn’t really think of a good rebuttal for the argument. So instead, you downed Penelope’s half dranken frozen margarita, and headed back over to Spencer.
“Hey!” he said as you made your way back over, “I was wondering where you went, after you left Derek came over and asked to go to that bookstore with me, isn’t that extraordinary. . .”
“Do you wanna go on a date with me?” you blurted out.
You sighed, “I’ve had a crush on you since like, forever, and I keep planning all these ways to ask you subtly but it’s just not working so I’m asking now. Do you want to go on a date with me?”
“You like me? I didn’t know that . . .”
“You’re joking.”
“No, I’m not, I thought you were just being nice. You’re nice to everyone and I didn’t want to get my hopes up.”
You smirked, “Get your hopes up? Does that mean you’re obsessed with me too Dr. Reid?”
He laughed in response, “Yeah, you could definitely say that.”
You dug through your purse and pulled out your keys, “Ok, then let’s get out of here.”
He paled, “And do what?”
“We’re going on our first date.”
He smiled, and you both got up off your bar stools and headed out the door, ignoring Morgan’s snide remarks as you passed. 
{⋅. ♪ .⋅}
You couldn’t help but smile as you drove. Every couple of seconds you couldn’t help but look over at Spencer, getting lost in his brownish hazel eyes, which looked indigo in the night. He would smile, the kind of smile people write silly little romance songs about and spend verses to describe, and tell you to pay attention to the road before you run off of it. You would laugh, tell him to calm down. Although originally you had an idea of where you were going, now you just wanted to drive in circles, to bask in this memory. 
“So where are we going?” he asked.
“Think about it Doctor Reid . . .” you replied, teasing him in the way you’ve imagined since you met him. 
You pulled up to that little bookstore on 16th avenue, the one you couldn’t stop going to out of the sheer chance Spencer might be there, the one that was obviously closed this late at night, but was too perfect not to spend your first date at. 
“Although this is beautifully symbolic, it’s almost 2 in the morning, this place closes at 8. We’re 5 hours, 49 minutes and 17 seconds late.”
You smiled and pulled out your ring of keys, “You know, when I spent hours a night hanging around here after work, hoping that you would happen to come shop for books and see me here too, the woman who owns this store got pretty curious. So I told her why I was here, and after she got done laughing at me she offered me a key, so that if I ever had the guts to ask you out, I could take you here no matter what.” You turned the key and swung the door open, gesturing him inside and locking the door behind you, “but we have to keep the lights off, so no one comes by and tries to get in.”
You and Spencer sit in the non-fiction section, and enjoy the silence for a few seconds before you have an idea, “Read me something Reid.”
He reached up, pulling a book off of the shelf without looking, “Are you sure, A Brief History of 1491: Life in America Before Columbus, is first date material?”
“Although that book is anything but brief, anything you read to me will sound stunning coming from your pretty mouth.”
So he begins to read, attempting to slow down to a reasonable pace but still going abnormally fast. You didn’t care though, more than you listened to the history of the late fifteenth century you watched Spencer’s hands. They’re really nice hands.
His right followed the words as he read aloud and his left helped hold the book. He wiggled the fingers on his left hand unconsciously as he spoke, getting into the words of the book. 
After about 25 pages he glanced over at you, and you could almost hear the gears turning in his head. After a second he went back to the page, and continued reading. You didn’t think anything of it until a couple minutes later, when his hand made its way to your left thigh.
He held it and you leaned into him, and you both stayed like that until you fell asleep hours later, with his head resting on top of yours. 
At 8:30 Mrs. Betts, the owner of the bookstore, found you and Spencer, arms around each other, the book thrown aside. She smiled, glad to know you had taken her up on her offer. She went to go wake you up but glanced at her watch. She didn’t have to officially open until 10. 
She could definitely spare a couple of minutes. 
“I want you, bless my soul I ain't gotta tell him I think he knows”
- Thank you for reading! Please reblog and let me know what you think :))
ATR’s tiny taglist: @reidingmelodies​
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silversatoru · 3 years
HOHO💖THANK YOU 💘 I was thinking one very Angst with Gojo, like.. He realizes he loves his best friend, but when he confesses they heavily reject him saying they could never trust him that way due to his womanizer self(?) and bc they love nanami,, like,, when they see him they're like 🎇💘MMHH YES, I feel awful but I love seeing gojo in pain for somewhat reason
Im so sorry😂🙏 if you don't want to write this, it's okay👌😌 thank you dear💖
too late
a/n: my past like 4 gojo asks have all been about him being a whore,,, y’all love to slander this man and see him in pain (me too)
synopsis: gojo loves you, you love nanami, things are messy 
t/w: angst, gojo is very sad
w/c: 1.4k
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you’ve been gojo satoru’s best friend for as long as you can remember — two brainless jujutsu sorcerers who could never take anything seriously. the two of you together were simultaneously the biggest annoyance and also quite a force to be reckoned with. your abilities were no where near those of satoru, but you complimented him perfectly and no one stood a chance if the two of you were together — and you were always together.
in fact you were together right now, grabbing some food after effortlessly taking out some curses a few cities over. satoru enjoyed the sweeter things in life, downing a package of powdered-coated dough balls while you stuck to your savory bowl of spicy rice cakes. this was tradition for the two of you, sitting on a random bench somewhere in a random city munching on snacks and debriefing on the mission you’d just completed.
you loved it, and you loved satoru — like a brother, like a best friend, like a favorite teammate. you loved satoru but not in the way he loved you.
it was a recent realization, that he loved you in a romantic kind of way. he’d always just seen you as his best friend, but recently your eyes have sparkled a little more, your skin glowed a little brighter, and your voice sounded a little smoother when it flowed into his ears. it was right now, while he watched your sauce-covered lips suck down another rice cake, that he realized he wanted nothing more than to kiss you — right here and right in front of everyone. 
the only problem was, he had quite the history of being a womanizer. satoru went through women as if they were a one-time-use disposable product, and you were very aware of this. but none of those women were you, and he promised himself that he’d give you everything you deserved when he finally confessed. 
“can i have one?” you pointed to his near empty package of sweets and shook him out of his thoughts.
satoru wasn’t much for sharing, especially his desserts, but you were an exception. he plucked out a powdery ball (one that he knew was your favorite flavor) and popped it into your mouth. him hand-feeding you should have been weird, but you’ve been friends for so long that you didn’t think twice about it. you bit the sticky dough down between your teeth, a cheesy smile stretching across your face when you noticed he got your flavor right. 
“th-aanks,” you mumbled, mouth stuffed full of sugary confection. 
in the midst of your chewing, you felt a napkin swipe across your mouth to remove the excess powdered sugar. you eyed satoru suspiciously, starting to catch on to how overly-touchy he was being today. but he just shrugged, making snarky comments about how messy of an eater you were.
it wasn’t until the two of you finished your snacks and were walking through the city that you finally questioned him. he’d wrapped his arm through yours, pulling you close so you were walking right next to his side — his weirdly intimate actions today were starting to stack up. 
“what are you doing?” you peered up at him, giving your arm a small yank as you attempted (and failed) to put some space between the two of you. 
“that guy over there was checking you out,” he shamelessly pointed to a dark-haired man further up the street, his voice defensive. 
“okay, and? that bothers you-?” you yanked again, finally pulling your arm free of his embrace.
“no, but he looks like a weirdo, you deserve someone better than that,” he insisted, an evil grin on his face as he turned his pointer finger so it was facing himself. 
“like me!”
“oh, like nanami” 
your voices came out at the exact same time, but the content of your words could not have been more different. 
the two of you froze in the middle of the street, faces covered in equal amounts of shock and confusion. satoru had finally confessed his feelings to, and you’d just accidentally and unintentionally shut him down with one word — nanami.
“nanami?” he repeated again, an edge to his voice as he tried to protect his ego and mask his jealousy. 
“yeah, i- uh, i planned to tell you soon that we’ve been seeing each other recently. i had no idea that you-” you scrambled to explain the situation, trying not to let the hurt on your friend’s face get to you, “you’re with other women all the time satoru, how was i supposed to know?”
he winced at the unintentional insult, his history with women weighing heavy on his shoulders as he realized it was a prominent factor in your rejection. 
“ah - it’s fine! nanami beat me to it i guess. i’m happy for you guys,” he attempted a genuine smile, and anyone else may have been fooled by it too, but you knew him better than to fall for his shitty façade. 
you noticed the tiniest twitch of his eyebrow, and the smallest quiver of his lip as he continued to hide and protect his true feelings. it broke your heart in half, having to watch him put on a show like this. 
“i’m sorry,” you let the apology spill from your lips a few times, but he was very quick to remind you that none of this was your fault. 
“we’ll still be friends, right? i don’t know what i’d do without you,” you gave him a somber look, imagining a future without him by your side. 
satoru and nanami were good friends as well, and you’d never forgive yourself if this tore their friendship apart. 
“of course,” he gave you a cheeky smile and then continued walking down the street with a quick wave of his hand, instructing you to follow him. 
you jogged a couple steps to catch up to him, and he immediately started making jokes about a weird-looking man who was selling street food to your left. in a matter of seconds he was back to his typical self — so much so that it seemed as if your conversation had never happened. 
and that's exactly how satoru tried to imagine his life — as if that conversation had never occurred. he knew how important he was to you, but he also saw the way you looked an nanami with stars in your eyes. he knew that you needed them both, and so he stayed and watched you fall in love with someone who wasn’t him. 
whenever you asked, he told you that it had been a weird one-time thing and that he didn’t feel that way towards you anymore. he’d listen to your stories about the ex-business man and force smiles and laughter to make you happy. because that was all he ever wanted, for you to be happy, and if that meant you had to be with someone else, so be it. 
you and satoru were one in the same, so incredibly alike that maybe you would never have worked out anyway. you were raging with energy, energy that satoru only fueled stronger — where as nanami was gentle, peaceful, the opposite of you and your silver-haired counterpart. nanami cooled you down and and kept you centered, and that was what you needed, but it was something satoru would never have been able to give you. 
so when years had gone by and nanami asked him to be the best man at your wedding, he was crippled. he knew how important it was to you but he could hardly stand the thought of watching you vow yourself to the blonde-man. but despite his feelings, he didn’t even hesitate to say yes. you’d be so disappointed if he hadn’t.
and so he threw on his mask one last time, standing tall in a sleek, black suit as he watch you spill your feelings to nanami in a beautiful vow. you looked perfect, so stunning, and it tore him up that he wasn’t the one standing across from you. 
but he laughed and smiled all night, because that’s who he was. gojo satoru was always expected to be the life the party, and it was a heavy burden to carry. he was so tired of keeping up an act for you and for everyone else; all he wanted was to bury his head into your neck and rest. but he’d never have that, he’d never have you, and tonight made it official. 
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