#I will be a Black stan until I die and even then will I be making posts about him from hell
I have been thinking about Black a lot again lately (who the fuck is suprised) and how he could have easily have become Todd. Because Black comes from money and his mom is a judge, with him seemingly studying law (basing this on the Rule of Law and Rule by Law convo in ep1) Black could have become a nepo baby. We see the same with White, how his dad makes sure he has connections the moment he lands in Thailand, how White gets brought to dinner with his dad's old students and their connections almost getting White a job within the first month maybe even less of being a Thai citizen again. Black could have been Todd, could have benifitted from a broken system, fly through law school straight to a well paying job. BUT HE DIDN'T!!! He saw it for what it was, a broken system that favours the rich and slows down the poor, saw a system in which big companies could do whatever the fuck they wanted because they have money and with that power, and Black cut ties with his upbringing and decided to fight it. He sought after people with the same ideals as him, who were also willing to fight for those ideals.
I just love him. I love Black with all my heart.
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the100isracist · 4 months
Idk if yall are still active but I just eagerly quit this show around early season two. I was kinda hate watching the whole way, but I started googling spoilers when I saw how fucked they were being to Lincoln and Raven (and more, but they’re my faves). Do you have any show recs that are similar with the shows “building a new civilization after tragedy” (minus the colonization and racism etc)
i actually binged the entire show recently and i can confidently say it was not as groundbreaking or cool as the showrunner believed. the first 2 seasons were incredible but it just devolved into a mess and the ending was so dark and horrifying. also the fandom was completely unhinged and did not need to act the way they did 😭
onto your question: yes!!!! battlestar galactica is what inspired me to watch the 100 in the first place. it very much shares the themes of mass tragedy, civilizational warfare, living in space, seeking a new home, and humanity fighting for survival without losing its soul. start with the 2003 miniseries (a three hour pilot) tho or it might be confusing. it also has diversity without the weird racist tones of the 100's diversity, although the cast is a lot whiter. the 100 has also obviously borrowed a lot of concepts and terms from it but i don't want to spoil you. all in all, it is one of the best shows i have ever watched and it delivers until its very last second.
lost in space is also quite cool. and i have heard good things about the expanse! another show that shares some themes (without the space element) is the society - very fascinating
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What's with this obsession of wanting the series to end with Aegon III and Jaehaera getting married? "It's the most neutral ending" Don't tell me that nonsense, nobody wants a neutral ending, they think jaehaera is a more important ending than aegon iii reuniting with his brother, the only green that I can see having relevance in the end is Alicent, she being depressed and paranoid and the only one left of the greens, always thinking about how all that left her with nothing until she died
TG stans are fundamentally contradictory given how almost all of them are Targaryen antis. They condemn and hate all Targaryens (especially Dany), yet stan the worst group of Targaryens and want their line to continue to their most hated Targaryen in ASOIAF (again, Dany).
They go on and on about how Rhaegar and Dany are evil and deserved to die, but are rooting for their favs to be their ancestors. So basically they want their favs' bloodline to continue but also be wiped out. The only time they want the line to continue is if they're jonsa shippers who want R+L=J.
Because TG stans want to win the war against Rhaenyra so badly, they behave as nonsensical hypocrites (even more than they already do). Jaehaera surviving and marrying Aegon III is the only way the greens could still "win". The only reason it's seen as a neutral outcome is because of people painting the Blacks and Greens as equally wrong. If Rhaenyra and Aegon are both in the wrong and dead, their child joining the houses seems like a good idea. Except there's a clear right side. GRRM killing off all Alicent's bloodline is karmic retribution for her actions and those of the rest of the Greens.
It's a tragedy that Jaehaera died, but it's a tragedy of her family's own making. If Alicent hadn't plotted to undermine Rhaenyra since Aegon's birth, her family would still be alive and well. If Aegon had bent the knee when Rhaenyra offered him mercy, he, his siblings, and his children would be safe and sound. If Aemond hadn't killed Luke, Rhaenyra and her faction would have been more merciful. GRRM has set a precedent of wiping out the bloodlines of traitors and usurpers, the Greens are no different. Anyone who rejects this fact is missing the point of the Dance.
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itscherrylipsforme · 3 months
🌹for gr!cedric and bc!gryffindor!reader please🤗🤗
Hi darling! Thanks for the request <3 Hope you like it!🥰
Romantic headcanons for Golden retriever!Cedric Diggory and Black cat!gryffindor!fem!reader
For sure Cedric is always the one who iniciates the pda gestures. No matter if it's a kiss, a side hug or a full cuddle session, he is the one who starts it. If bc!reader is in the mood for some affection she is always too shy to ask, but Cedric manages to pick the clue most of the time
As the relationship goes by reader starts becoming more confident when it comes to being lovey dovey with him (although always beind closed doors) and Cedric could not be more happy about it
With bc!reader he feels like he can be the goofiest person in this world. Most of the time he is pressured by everyone to be the perfect. Perfect quidditch player, perfect student, perfect son, perfect prefect (pun intended, sorry)... And the moment they are together he can just be Cedric and fool around
Probably has the stupidest and chessiest dates ideas of the world. Karaoke nights, watching silly romance movies (He is a Mama Mia stan and I will die on this hill), cuddle afternoons which turn into tickling competitions because he loves to hear reader's laugh... Bc!reader acts like it annoys her, but they both now she secretly adores it.
He is the most boyfriend material ever. He just "accidentaly" leaves his scarf or quidditch t-shirt on bc!reader's dorm so she will end up waring them (although she does not understand what he is doing and keeps giving him them back until Cedric explains it), asks her mother to teach him to cook your favourite meals, have their whole future planned out...
As bc!reader is more on the introvert side, she comes up with different ways to tell Cedric how much she loves him. Marking books and giving them to him because that quotes made her think of him, trying to bring herself to open up more often, being more affectionate when nobody is around or wearing his scarf to his quidditch matches and celebrate every time he scores (even if it's against gryffindor, her own team)
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littlemisssatanist · 2 months
can i ask for a small favor? can you rant about daemon targaryen please? i just re-read your team green 💚 post and i'm reminded of how much ick i feel towards that character, especially in the wake of the team trailers being released.
hiii!!! tysm for this ask i was super happy when i saw it in my inbox i'm flattered people want to hear my opinions lol
my thoughts about daemon are very convoluted. i think he has the potential to be a very interesting character but it's kinda canceled out by the incest and pedophilia thing.
like. i understand it's an incest dragon show but my main issue with team black when it comes to their criticisms. they love to spout endless words about how aegon is a rapist and how alicent is a rape apologist for not... idk slitting his throat i guess.
it's really ironic to me, because these same people will turn around and then yap about how daemyra is the perfect ship. they'll be aghast when you even slightly suggest you enjoy aegon's character in any way but be in an uproar if you dare bash their dashing and roguish prince daemon.
honestly, name one terrible thing aegon did and i'll be able to give you something daemon did that is arguably worse than that.
aegon - raping a servant girl in the show (which honestly i'm treating more as a fanfiction considering how terribly written both the greens and the blacks are).
daemon - uhmmmm probably the whole thing with nettles. you know. the sixteen year old girl he groomed and raped (yes raped because minors aren't able to consent). actually, now that i think of it, he did the exact same thing with rhaenyra too, huh? or does team black find the whole fleabottom episode to be hot and rhaenyra being sexually free? that seems like the sort of thing they'd take from that whole fiasco.
on the topic of blood & cheese: the way some people defend this is honestly sickening.
'but poor luke was killed by his terrible uncle aemond' he was an envoy of war (not to aemond, btw, he owed him no safe haven) and also he kinda. yk. took out his eye. i'm not saying luke deserved to die, but i'm going to be honest this is one of the more mild things that happened during the dance.
whether luke deserved to die (which i'd like to reiterate: i do not think he did. i can understand WHY aemond killed him, but that is not me EXCUSING him. this is for those of you who don't know how to read and will inevitably find a way to start putting words in my mouth) b&c is completely unexcusable.
it's team feminism until its a woman who doesn't fit your little box of badass hottie. it's team feminism until that woman doesn't bow down to rhae-rhae and betray her own family and children in order to join the 'good side.' it's team woman until you point out that rhaenyra was groomed by daemon and continues to make decisions that are decidedly anti-feminist.
this is why i can't stand team black stans who say things like 'i hate the greens except for helaena bc she didn't do anything wrong' because you quite literally cannot do that without admitting that helaena suffered because of the blacks NOT the greens.
helaena suffered bc of DAEMON not because of any actions taken by the greens. DAEMON was the one who orchestrated b&c, the one who sent men to terrorize her and kill her children.
daemon did that.
i have no problem with people who can admit that their faves have flaws. i admit aemond's flaws, daeron's flaws, aegon's flaws. the problem i have with daemon is that his stans are so insufferably annoying and they literally cannot do any of that.
my last thought about daemon (at the moment, at least) is his relationship with strong boys.
lots of tb likes to say that daemon loved those boys like his own and would never do anything to hurt them. and i... honestly find it a little strange, and also a little embarassing, because how am i going to have a better grasp on his character than those that love him most???
i genuinely believe that daemon, had rhaenyra ascended to the throne like viserys planned, he would have caused 'unfortunate accidents' for the strong boys in order to get his blood on the throne. which, btw, was one of the main reasons viserys named rhaenyra heir, to keep daemon from sitting on the throne.
i think it the succession crisis had been between daemon and rhaenyra instead, it would have been a much more interesting storyline.
then again grrm isn't that good at writing interesting storylines when it comes to daemon considering he's a self-insert. honestly i wouldn't be surprised if when he died it was found out that grrm had a fanfiction written somewhere where daemon survived the fight with aemond and got to live out the rest of his boring ass life grooming little girls. who knows.
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dannystheone · 1 year
hmmm maybe he’s tryna give one of his gay ass speeches and the 3 boys are fed up and want him to shush so ofc they use the most efficient method hehe
ugh i love you anon LMAKSSK PLEASE
So the summer vibes are PERFECT today so I thought we could have a pool fic!!
WARNINGS: Feet tickles and kids swearing! also kind of a long intro sorry
Kyle's New Pool! (Lee Kyle/Multiple Lers)
Kyle got a new pool installed for the summer in his backyard, but he needs to set some ground rules first!
I hope you like this! :) also I just re-read the whole thing and totally forgot Clyde existed AAA sorry he'll be in the next one
Energetic boys piled into the Broflovski's home, yelling and shouting with excitement. They were all eager to get a glimpse of what new installment was waiting in the backyard. Kyle had said his parents put something BIG for the summer back there, and to look for themselves to see he wasn't full of shit.
"Oh Gerald! There sure are a lot of them, I wasn't expecting so many guests!" Sheila Broflovski was pretty much plastered to her wall as boys from the fourth-grade class rumbled through her front door, including even a boy wheeling in on a motorized wheelchair.
"Just set out some more chips Sheila- OOF-" Gerald Broflovski was nearly run over by the entourage of shirtless boys as they threw open the sliding glass door in the kitchen and piled outside in the backyard.
"Look! There it is!" Craig Tucker called out. All the boys scrambled to the edge of the water. Kyle wasn't lying. His parents had installed a huge glistening pool in their backyard! The grass and playground they used to have were replaced with concrete, with pillowy lounging areas and table seating off to the sides.
"It's amazing! GAH! It's so hot out here! If I don't get in the water I'm gonna die!" Tweak Tweek winked an eye as Craig turned to him and started applying sunscreen to his shoulders, already blushing from the sun.
"Where the hell is Kyle?" Stan Marsh asked.
"Yeah, should we just get in without him?" Kenny McCormick questioned.
"TIMMEH!" Timmy answered.
"Guys! I'm right here! Isn't it cool?!" Kyle showed up behind the crowd of boys with a few boxes of Capri-Suns under his arms. The fourth-grade class cheered as Kyle set the boxes down on his patio table.
"Yeah, yeah, it's kewl, now let's get in the water already!" Eric Cartman pulled on his goggles and started pulling on his floaties to his upper arms. The boys followed suit by kicking off their flip-flops and throwing their shirts off.
"Woah, woah, woah, hang on fat-ass!" The fourth-grade boys froze and looked at Kyle quizzically. Kyle adjusted his green hat, despite wearing no shirt and green swim trunks.
"Before you get in the pool, there's some rules we have to follow! My dad said if we don't pay attention to the rules, he's not gonna let all of us use it anymore." Kyle explained. The boys looked at each other before they shrugged and continued taking their clothing items off.
"Okay well, what are the rules?" Tolkien Black asked. Kyle splayed his hands to get everyone's attention, but the boys chatted amongst themselves.
"Alright! Rule number one! ABSOLUTELY NO PEEING IN THE POOL! THAT'S DISGUSTING!! I'm looking at you, Cartman!" Cartman yelled out an "AYE!" before Kyle continued. "There is a bathroom located inside the house, first door on your right!"
Kyle looked around to see if he had everyone's attention. He had the attention of Butters, Jimmy, Timmy, and Tolkien, but everyone else was either setting up their toys in the pool or talking to other people.
"Guys! Don't put anything in the pool until I'm done saying the rules! This is important!" Kenny looked up from the pool as he slowly slid on a snorkel. Kyle sighed exasperated as he continued.
"Rule number two! No running around the edge of the pool or the pool area in general! It can get slippery and you don't want to fall! Rule number three! No diving headfirst into the pool, even in the deep area! You can hit your head and get hurt! Cannonballs are okay!" Cartman yawned loud and obnoxiously as the rest of the boys stood around and looked at their phones. Kyle could tell he was losing their attention already.
"Shut up Cartman! Rule number four! You have to put on sunscreen before you enter the pool! My mom is gonna set a timer for 80 minutes for everyone so we can get out of the pool, reapply our sunscreen, and then we can get back in!" The boys looked up at Kyle and groaned loudly.
"Dude we don't need sunscreen, the sun is good for you!" Stan complained. Craig was still helping Tweek apply his sunscreen across his back, so at least he was good. Kyle looked over at Stan with narrowed eyes.
"Dude do you have any idea how much cancer you can get from the sun?! Skin cancer is no joke! There was a study published just this year in 2023 stating that more than 2 people die of skin cancer every hour in the U.S.! 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70! Do you want that to be you?!" Kyle pointed at Stan. Tweek fidgeted as he yanked the sun tan lotion from Craig's hands and started rubbing generous amounts all over his front vigorously.
"GAHAH! THAT'S NOT GONNA BE ME! CRAIG, HELP ME!!" Craig took the bottle back from Tweek and gently started applying more lotion onto Tweek's back as he shot Kyle a venomous glance. Kyle swallowed as he looked back at the boys.
"Dude, we'll put the lotion on. But every 80 minutes is a little much, we'll be fine." Stan shrugged. The boys nodded in agreement.
"Guys you're acting like I'm making up the rules. It's my mom-" Eric rolled his eyes and walked up to stand next to Kyle.
"Kyle, buddy, hey there. Listen, you're talking waaaaay too damn much. Let us into the pool and we can start having fun, okay? I'll deal with your bitch of a mom if she decides to give us crap." Eric clapped Kyle on the back as Kyle stared dumbfounded at Cartman.
"Bitch of a-?! Cartman this is my parent's pool that YOU'RE using, fatass! The least you can do is listen!" Kyle said angrily.
"I think we should listen to Kyle's rules, very much. His p-p-p-pee-parents are nice enough to let us use it on such a hot day." Jimmy spoke up.
"Well, sure! My dad said if I don't put on my suntan lotion every 80 minutes and get skin cancer, he'd ground me for sure!" Butters fidgeted with his hands. Kyle smiled at them both and turned back to Cartman.
"There, you see fat-boy? That's why anyone who doesn't put on sunscreen BEFORE getting in the pool isn't getting in at all!" Kyle exclaimed. The boys all stopped what they were doing and stared at Kyle and Cartman silently. Cartman cupped his chin in thought while Kyle stood next to him with his arms crossed.
"Hmm...ah, I see what you're saying, Kyle. Loud and Clear." Kyle had a triumphant face on before Cartman pointed at Kyle.
"GRAB 'EM!" Cartman exclaimed. All the boys in the fourth-grade class rushed Kyle. Kyle yelped as he was scooped up by the boys, wriggling and fighting to no avail. The boys carried him above their heads to the edge of the pool.
"GUYS! PUT ME DOWN!!" Kyle yelled out. The boys looked at each other and shrugged.
"You wanna be put down?" Stan asked a squirming Kyle.
"YES!!" Kyle shouted. The fourth-grade boys unanimously decided to set Kyle down.
By throwing his ass in the pool.
Kyle hit the water with a huge splash, causing the water to be disturbed and rippled. The boys cheered as they started jumping in after him and cannonballing into the pool. Kyle resurfaced and spit water out from his mouth.
"Pfft- GUYS! We can't be in the pool yet, we need sunscreen!" Kyle complained. Cartman waded into the pool as the boys started splashing each other with water and putting floaties and toys in the pool.
"Uh oh, guys! Kyle's still whining about the sunscreen! We better fix that!" Cartman exclaimed. Kyle turned to yell at Cartman when he felt hands grabbing his arms. Kyle turned back to see that Craig, Tweek, and Kenny started putting their hands on him. More kids were advancing as well.
"Hey! What the hell are you doing?! Get off me!" Kyle squeaked as he splashed in the pool, more kids grabbing his legs and arms and wiggling fingers into his bare skin.
"You see Kyle, I knew you were gonna make a big gay ass speech about what we should and shouldn't do before we got into your pool. As you always do such faggoty things before we're allowed to have any fun, I took it upon myself to tell the guys that if you start going off on a tangent and we need a quick way to shut you up, this was the perfect way to get it done." Cartman watched with glory in his eyes as Kyle started wriggling and giggling in the fourth-grade class's grip.
"Guhuhuys! Guhuhuys stohohohop!" Kyle giggled as what felt like hungry invasive fingers squished, kneaded, prodded, poked, spidered, and scribbled his skin. Jimmy, Tolkien, Butters, Stan, Kenny, Craig, and Tweek all zipped and wriggled their fingers into Kyle's skin while keeping his limbs spread apart. Being in the pool didn't help Kyle fight them off, and the water made his skin slick. Timmy watched with Cartman with a frown on his face.
"Uh...Timmeh?" Timmy asked. Cartman turned to Timmy, Kyle splashing in the pool behind him.
"Yes, Timmy?" Cartman asked. Timmy pulled up his phone and started recording.
"Timmy Timmy." Timmy said with an evil glint in his eye. Cartman nodded approvingly as he turned back to Kyle.
Craig held Kyle's arm away from his side and scribbled his fingers in his underarm while Tweek scritched along his ribs. Tolkien and Butters held onto Kyle's ankle and entertained themselves by stroking one finger up his foot and watching his toes clamp up. They did this over and over as it was entertaining each time.
Stan and Kenny held apart Kyle's other arm as Kenny gave Kyle little nibbles on his side and blew raspberries in his belly, which made Kyle buck and squeal. Stan scritched in Kyle's armpit while making conversation with Craig. Jimmy had Kyle's other foot all to himself. He held his ankle in the crook between his arm and his side in a headlock as he scrubbed Kyle's foot up and down with one hand. Kyle was quickly going ballistic already as 70 fingers played him at once.
"GUHUHUYS PLEHEHEASE!! THIHIHIS IHIHIS CRAHAHAZY!!" Kyle yelled out, the water splashing all around them. Kyle was floating on his back in the water being held up by the guys holding his limbs apart, so he had no leverage to squirm or escape anywhere. Kyle's eyes screwed shut as he felt fingers squish the pudge on his belly, to which he gave a loud reaction.
"Wow Kenny, you really like Kyle's stomach huh," Stan commented. Kenny shrugged and scribbled his fingers all over Kyle's tummy, reaching from the bottom of his ribs to the tops of his hips with his hands.
"Oh hey, I wanna help! Let me try!" Butters left Tolkien at Kyle's foot and went up to the opposite side of Kenny to add another ten fingers to Kyle's midsection. Kenny started scribbling his fingers in Kyle's bottom ribs while Butters dipped his fingers in Kyle's belly button and pinched his hips.
"GAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOHO!! STOHOHOP PLEHEHEASE!!" Kyle pleaded, his body getting tired with all the exertion from trying to get away from so many fingers. He was gonna have a killer six-pack in the morning.
"Aww, well he's just ticklish everywhere, isn't he! That's so sweet!" Butters beamed at Kenny while Tolkien decided to experiment and scritched his fingers underneath Kyle's knee while still pulling his leg apart. Kyle let out a loud cackle as he tried pulling his leg back.
"Hey, how's that working for you, T-T-Tolkien?" Tolkien looked up at Jimmy with a smile on his face.
"Oh, it's working great! He gets really loud when I get right here. You wanna try?" Jimmy nodded and grabbed a better hold of Kyle's leg, and started scratching his fingers under Kyle's knee. Sure enough, Kyle started pulling on both legs trying to reclaim them with this new technique.
"Hahaha, awesome!" Tolkien gave Jimmy a thumbs-up as Craig halted his tickling for a moment to stretch his wrist. Cartman pointed a finger at Craig as he sat on the steps.
"Keep going, Craig! We gotta tire the Jew out so he doesn't bitch for the rest of the night!" Cartman demanded.
"NOHOHO YOU DOHOHON'T! JUHUHUST STOHOHOP!! I'M SORREHEHEE!!" Kyle yelled out, as Craig responded in his monotone voice.
"I'm doing the best that I can. His pulling is hard on my wrist." Craig rotated his wrist before holding onto Kyle's bicep and going back to a hidden gem he found. Between Kyle's middle ribs and back where the skin joined, Craig scribbled in that one spot to make Kyle scream a manly sound. Tweek winked as he kept his tickling confined to Kyle's side.
"So anyway, Red Racer reaches the finish line right as Blue Racer does, so the judges have to go back and watch the footage to see who actually won the race. It was a nail-biter." Craig explained to Stan. Stan nodded as he listened, but mostly looked down at his super best friend getting the shit tickled out of him. He had a forced smile plastered on his face with his eyes screwed shut tightly, with an occasional pull or tug of his limbs. Stan couldn't imagine being in this situation, but he wasn't gonna be the one to stop it. What if Cartman ordered they all go after him next? He couldn't handle that.
"...Yeah, so what did the judges say?" Stan asked as he scribbled his fingers in Kyle's underarm. He noticed he didn't have to try too hard to keep Kyle's arm away from his side to reach this spot.
"We won't know until next week. I can hardly wait. Red Racer always wins every race, but it's the season finale, so it could have a different ending." Craig discussed calmly as if he wasn't tickling a wildly splashing boy with six other boys.
"Timmy? Timmy Timmy?" Timmy asked Cartman, still recording on his phone. Cartman thought about it for a moment.
"Hmm, I'm not sure. Let's see." Cartman cupped his hands around his mouth and called out to Kyle. "How you doing Jew? Ready to give up the sunscreen?" He called out. Kyle shook his head bravely as he continued to laugh out.
"NOHOHOHO!! YOHOHOU STIHIHIHLL NEEHEHEHEED TO WEHEHEHEAR IT!!" Cartman shrugged as he went back to lounging in the pool.
"You heard him, boys! He wants more!" The fourth-grade class worked diligently, their fingers more energized than before.
"GAHAHAHAD!! I DOHOHOHON'T WAHAHANT MOHOHOHORE!! PLEHEHEHEASE!!" Kyle laughed out earnestly as more spots were found on him, to in-between his thighs, to his hands, to his inner elbows, and the skin above his knees. His thighs were a winner, however. Jimmy and Tolkien pulled apart his legs and hugged his knee to grip and scribble their fingers in his inner thigh, causing Kyle to squeal and cackle loudly.
Gerald and Sheila watched from the closed slider door, smiling gently. It was a rare sight to see Kyle acting like a kid for once with all his friends.
"He gets it from you, you know." Gerald held Sheila around her waist while they watched their son and pattered his fingers along her side. Sheila twitched as she bat Gerald's hand away with a blushing face.
"Oh stop it, Gerald!~ Save it for Saturday, honey~" Sheila cooed as the two shared a kiss, and turned for the living room as their son splashed in the water.
"CHRIHIST!! SOMEONE- *hic* so-SOHOHOHOMEONE HEHEHEHELP!!" Kyle cackled out as he felt Tolkien's fingers invade his toe spaces and Tweek and Kenny took turns blowing raspberries in his hip divets. They were having fun with this, actually.
"Wow, Kyle has a lot more endurance than I thought. If I had endurance like Kyle I would be so happy." Craig commented. Stan started to get uneasy. Kyle started hiccuping a second ago, and his red cheeks were concerning.
"Alright Cartman, that should be enough right? I mean, look at him." The boys stilled their fingers for a moment. Kyle still giggled to himself and twitched from the air moving around him.
"Aww, the poor guys all tickled out. Aren't you buddy?" Butters patted Kyle's stomach, which Kyle jerked away from reflexively.
"Buhuhutters- *hic* doho-dohon't touch me-" Kyle snickered as Butters fidgeted. Cartman stood up from the pool steps and looked down at Kyle. Kyle's eyes winced having to look up into the sun-filled sky.
"Well, Kyle? What do you say? Are we forgetting the sunscreen?" The boys waited intently for an answer; their arms still wrapped around Kyle's arms and legs while the water waved around them.
"Fuck no, fat-ass! We can't forget it, my parents will find out! Please, just put some on and we can start playing!" Kyle pleaded. Cartman sighed and gave the signal for the boys to start tickling again. Kyle felt the boys' hands around him shift and place themselves on his body.
"Wait wait WAIT! Okay okay! I'll forget it! I'll forget the sunscreen I swear!" Kyle yelled out. Cartman turned back and pointed a finger in Kyle's face.
"If I hear a single word about sunscreen or rules again from you Kyle, you're gonna get it! Alright, let him go." The fourth-graders slowly released Kyle. Kyle rubbed his wrists as the boys saw their fingers onslaught over Kyle's torso, the pink swipes and scratches on his white skin. Kyle looked to the side as he rubbed his shoulder silently.
"Well, I still need to put on my sunscreen, or I'll get grounded!" Butters announced. Kyle looked up at him.
"Yeah, I n-n-need to put on mine too, a comic always has to look his b-best!" Jimmy added.
"Hey honey, mind helping me put some sunscreen on my back? I could use it." Craig asked Tweek.
"GAH! O-Of course! Skin cancer is no joke!" Tweek winked as Craig smiled softly at him.
"We're all gonna put ours on, too." Tolkien, Stan and Kenny nodded in agreement.
"TIMMEH!!" Timmy smiled and exclaimed. All the boys started getting out of the pool to put their sunscreen on and made sure everyone was properly covered. Kyle had a huge smile on that wasn't forced on his face.
"Thanks you guys, you're the best! Now we can play all we want in the sun without getting hurt!" Kyle exclaimed. The boys all cheered and cannonballed back into the pool while Cartman rolled his eyes.
"Aw dude, sick!" Stan shouted upon seeing Cartman at the bus stop on Monday. Cartman's face was pink with white peelies all over his ears, neck, and cheeks. He had suffered bad sunburn from the pool with no sunscreen. He rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms in a huff.
"Whatever! Sunscreen is overrated and gay as hell! I don't peel, I'll just get tan after this!" Kenny and Kyle walked to the bus stop and stood next to Cartman. Kenny burst out laughing upon seeing Cartman, and Kyle let out a few sputters as well.
"AYE! You all better shut the fuck up! I don't need any damn sunscreen!" Cartman defended.
"HE LOOKS LIKE A FAT TOMATO!" Kenny cried out. Kyle and Stan both started laughing hysterically as Cartman yelled out at them.
"I'M NOT FAT! SHUT UP!" Cartman shouted.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it, you big baby." Stan rolled his eyes as he clapped Eric on the back. Eric yelped as the sunburn on his back stung from Stan's slap.
"ACK! Don't do that, retard! I got sunburn-" Cartman called out, but shut himself up as his friends leered at him.
"What was that you said, fat-ass? You got sunburn?" Kyle said with a shit-eating grin as he slapped Eric's back. Eric let out a screech as he started running down the road, away from the bus stop. Well, as well as he could run anyway. The three boys easily caught up to him and slapped all their hands across his sunburned back.
After this experience, Cartman learned his lesson. He was never caught without sunscreen again, and abided by all of Kyle's rules before entering his pool.
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agentravensong · 8 months
hello, fellow hatchetfield fans! here are my stray nerdy prudes must die thoughts, which i'm going to try to keep brief (she said, before spending an hour writing this)
the production level of the show as a whole really blew me away. the lighting; demon!max's costume and makeup; even the way it was shot and edited felt even more electric than past shows
this is the only one of the full-length hatchetfield musicals to have one consistent antagonist throughout (black friday has linda but half the leads don't know about her at all until the climax, plus there's wilbur and wiggly). and i gotta say, max's actor really killed it. hilarious, terrifying, and even with moments of nuance. he repeatedly stole the show.
some of the songs are already stuck in my head. off the top of my head i can't think of any that stood out in a bad/unmemorable way (though i could just be forgetting them, lol). ruth's song in particular i think is gonna really stick with me once i listen to it a few more times.
and i love the way the "i'm not a loser" motif gets used throughout the show. the closest any of the songs got me to having the visceral reaction i have to "did you know that i wanted to live with you" in "not your seed" and the bridge + ending of "let it out" ("i've never been happy...") was when richie sings that line right before... well.
speaking of richie: as a paul stan, what this show proved to me more than anything is that when jon matteson plays a sympathetic lead (or side character - hi daniel/stopwatch), he will always break my heart. he's just. really good.
thinking about how in the last of the originally planned 3 hatchetfield shows, initially conceptualized as the first, jon's character is the first one to sing, whereas in the first of those shows, conceptualized as the last, the whole crux of the musical is him refusing to sing, the audience essentially waiting for the moment he breaks and does it. thinking about how the opening of npmd tells us richie is going to die, already dying, already dead, while the opening number of tgwdlm tells us paul is the target, the Doomed Hero, the "star of the show" "destined to go viral" [read: get infected], whose story is going to be told, already written.
thinking about how singing dooms paul, and how richie singing "i'm not a loser", reigniting max's ire, is the final nail in his coffin.
...i'm normal.
there's a lot of meta jokes and nods of that sort throughout the show. maybe a few too many? like, at a certain point, as a fan, i do feel like i'm being pandered to a bit.
i liked the lords in black's scene, it was a lot of fun! it's always great to see jon get to let loose with crazy characters, and the others were great too. but i do wonder how it plays for people who haven't been following nightmare time stuff. like, i get that in one world this was our introduction to these characters, but even in that world, i wonder if including all five of them with their specific names and allusions to their individual deals is a bit too much for what the plot of this show needs. there's something to be said for not showing all your cards right away.
on the other hand, i feel like the paulkins coffee scene actually fully earned its inclusion: because when pete comes in asking for his hot chocolate, it reads differently when we're coming at it from having followed his perspective up to this point versus having been following paul in tgwdlm, in a way that strengthens both scenes. it's a nice reminder that emma and paul can be... rude, i guess. assholes, even (she really didn't need to spit in it). that idea of perspectives affecting how we categorize people arguably even plays into the themes of this show! how about that.
ah, yes, Themes. there are Themes to be drawn out of this show about the experience of high school, especially in an intertextual comparison to how tom and becky talk about their time in high school in black friday. something about how the two of them see it as this idealistic time they want to go back to, whereas the teens (the nerds/outcasts) in npmd sing that they'll "still despise it when [they're] gone". something about how in ruth's solo number, the fantasy future she imagines for herself (even in the context of it being a performance for an audience of no one) is of a standard, arguably dreary, middle-aged existence. there's definitely stuff there to be dissected.
and also there's arguably a theme of continuing cycles of cruelty, brought into focus by the ending, but also implied with the way the adults failed the kids (see max referencing his dad belittling him).
...but also, i feel like they could have done more with that.
that's my one big thing with this show, and it could very easily just be that the genre of this show isn't as much my jam, but i'll say it anyway: i wanted more from the characters, and more emotional weight in regards to certain things.
like, between this and tgwdlm, i think tgwdlm is still the better written show. there's just, a subtly to the characters there, a grounded human-ness, that i didn't quite get from all of the teens here.
as much as i clearly have a soft spot for richie, that's mostly on jon; as written, there really isn't much there, beyond "anime nerd" and "generally nice kid who wants to be liked". the scene right before he dies is comedic in how obvious it's setting things up, but its obvious-ness also makes it feel kind of cheap in terms of pulling on the heartstrings. similarly, ruth is initially just a gimmick (though hers at least ties into a deeper insecurity) and only gets her real moment of depth right before she dies. neither of them feel like they have much affect / haunting presence on the surviving teens once they're dead, past the initial shock of the reveals of their deaths.
and steph and pete are good, but... idk. i wanted a bit more from each of them. if they got to have a talk like paul and emma before "join us and die" - not even for the sake of the romance, but just for the sake of giving us more on each of them outside of their basic stereotypes and the romance - that would've helped, i think.
grace was great, though, no qualms. initially there was a part of me that was disappointed that the stereotype max was pushing on her about her being secretly repressed and horny was in fact true, but the way it gets used makes up for it, and in between max's death and when that specific thing comes up again in the climax, she gets to do a lot with the two conflicting sides of her personality, wanting to be good but having a capacity and arguable instinct for scheming and ruthlessness.
(also, as i mentioned earlier, max has a surprising amount going on, especially once you get into the Implications)
it could just be that i see those depths in the tgwdlm cast because i've had more time to chew on that cast, and that in time i'll see these teens in the same light. but i don't think it's just that.
i think part of it is how there are so many jokes about the teens being nerdy prudes (really, mostly just nerds). and like, that's part of the point, obviously, that they were being forced into those boxes and that they were still people with the potential to be more. but... i don't know if the show does enough to really make that point. again, richie doesn't really get to be more (and it's not for lack of time - there's a good amount of show before max comes back as the demon and kills for the first time).
in tgwdlm, the mains are all arguably based on stock characters, but they have more depth through their relationships. look at ted, the stock asshole sleazeball, who's shown to feel genuine remorse when he loses people he loves, in a way that contextualizes his bitterness. and there's a lot less highlighting of the stockness of them in their show than there is of the teens in npmd.
and the thing is, i think the cast of npmd at their foundations are more likable than the cast of tgwdlm (see the earlier point about emma and paul being assholes at times). they had a lot of potential. but i don't think enough of it is realized for the majority of them. the edges the tgwdlm cast has are part of what makes them compelling, and it's something the teens (minus grace) are largely missing.
the thing is, i know the fandom is going to see that potential and run with it. i know that they're gonna develop the teens' characterizations and relationships. i know they'll get into the trauma and the implications from everything that happened to them in the show. i know they'll get into... pete's survivor's guilt, and steph losing her dad(!!!), and what richie and ruth could have been, and all that. i know that they'll fill in the gaps. because that's what fans do. i guess i just wish there weren't so many gaps to fill. or, that the gaps wouldn't take so much effort from them to fill.
again, i acknowledge, maybe i'm expecting too much from the genre of show this is. it doesn't need to have A Point, i guess, it can just be fun, a comedic horror slasher in musical form. and it is fun, a lot of fun! ...but, tgwdlm was also a lot of fun. not as bombastic, for sure, but i'd say just as humorous. and it was also incredibly tightly written, and satisfying, with strong character arcs for multiple leads. it had commentary on musicals, on what makes a protagonist and what it means to be one, on conformity and institutions of authority, on romance even (you could do a very interesting aromantic reading of this show, trust me). and with a show that's titled nerdy prudes must die, that is About high school, there's, similarly, a lot you can do. and there's a fair amount of seeds planted there. but i don't think it all quite coheres. and it could've, if they really wanted it to.
...i did not keep that brief. ah well. i might disagree with half of this by the time i wake up tomorrow, i just needed to get it out of me. tl;dr, in my opinion, this show is stronger than black friday, but tgwdlm is still my favorite. all the cast and crew put a lot of love into this production and it really shows. i had a great time! :D but i'm always going to overanalyze things i care about as much as i care about the hatchetfield universe, and hence, here we are.
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skyewritesstuff · 7 months
all too well (stan's version)
my masterlist.
entry 3 in my (taylor’s version) songfic series.
summary:  you said if we had been closer in age maybe it would've been fine...and that made me want to die.
pairing: post-covid!stan marsh x younger!reader
fandom: south park
warnings:  oh god. toxic relationship. toxic age-gap relationship (20s/50s). domestic violence (throwing things). language. afab reader.
notes: based on all too well (10 minute version), the song and the short film, by taylor swift. this has been beta read, and fun fact, this is the first fic i've written that got a perfect score in grammarly. it has been beta read. :)
word count: 2.9k
“If we had been closer in age maybe it would’ve been fine.”
That was the moment that set you off. It was like a match was lit and dropped into a brush pile doused in kerosene. It simultaneously made you want to rip your skin from your bones and scream in agony, but also retaliate towards the older man standing in front of you…so that’s exactly what you did.
“You burned down your family’s farm. You killed your sister and your mom, and you ruined your own life just like you fucking ruined me! You told me you loved me. You took my virginity. You told me you wanted to marry me and now you’re saying our ages are a problem? That’s bullshit, Stan and you know it.”
“Fuck you. Fuck you. Get the fuck out of my house. We’re done. Go find you some guy your age that can drink to tolerate your batshit crazy ass, because my body has built too high of a tolerance to even be able to get buzzed enough to be around you. I’d rather go back to using my hand on the nightly basis than listen to you scream and cry at me like a fucking kid.”
You held it together despite internally wanting to crumble. You wanted to fall to your knees and sob and beg him to stay and beg him to love you, because despite everything, you still loved him.
“Fine.” You walked over to the counter and grabbed your belongings and your keys before turning to head out of the door. You then turned around and faced him, “That’s the funny part about all of this, Stan. My age is a problem now? Cool, fine, because you know what? Years will pass and I’ll get older…but your little girlfriends, side pieces, and fuckbuddies? They’ll all stay my age.”
With that, you walked out and slammed the door, heading to your car and exiting his driveway quicker than you’d ever pulled out of a location in your life. You tried to hold your tears in as you drove, but they started quickly pouring out and didn’t stop until you found yourself sitting on the floor of the shower in your apartment hours later
The water falling from the shower head had started running cold a long while ago. You couldn’t tell if you were still shaking from the tears or from the cold drops that fell onto your bare skin, but you pulled your knees in closer to your chest as you sat there overwhelmed by everything. This wasn’t your first fight with Stan. Things were never fully stable. He’d gotten mad at you when you asked him why he dropped your hand and stepped in front of you when a tall woman with black hair and glasses approached him at the class reunion that he’d invited you to.
“You dropped my fucking hand! What am I supposed to do with that?”
“I didn’t even fucking notice. What are you talking about I ‘dropped your hand’?” 
You shuddered again at the memory as it kept playing on in your mind as if you couldn’t shut it off even though you desperately wanted to.
“They are all older than me.”
“But like, what are you talking about?”
“I feel so out of place. You’re the only one that makes people comfortable.”
“You’re making this about you.”
“They won’t even look at me!”
You finally mustered up the strength to stand up, get out of the shower, and wrap yourself in a towel. It was removed the moment you dried off enough to put on your pajamas, consisting of one of Stan’s t-shirts and a pair of athletic shorts. Your heart ached as the cotton fabric went over your head and onto your body, hanging loosely on your frame.
You hadn’t even bothered to tell anyone what’d happened. You hadn’t from the start, so why start now. Your friends would be sympathetic and supportive, but you also knew of some friends, but more so family, that would be telling you ‘I told you so’. 
Your mother had warned you from the beginning, telling you that he had no business being with someone that was young enough to be his daughter regardless of whether or not you were both consenting adults, which had been your main defense all along. He was able to connect with your dad on sports, alcohol, and music and had even made the connection that they might have played each other in football in high school. That thought made you feel a little uncomfortable, but it wasn’t enough for you to see the concerns that even your dad silently harbored about this relationship.
You shook your head, drying the ends of your hair with a towel before curing up to lay down on your side, feeling ashamed and embarrassed that you’d even let this go on for as long as you had. There were so many signs and you’d missed them all, wearing what you could only describe as rose tinted glasses to see the world through the lens of the hope of true love.
You stayed on your side, curled up, until you glanced at the alarm clock to see the time. It was then that you were brought back to a few months prior, naked and curled up on your side in his bed as he pulled you into his chest. You felt dirty and ashamed. It was one thing for you to use your body to stop an argument and to pose a distraction from harsh words and glass bottles being thrown around, but it was another for him to go along with it. You wanted him to not take you up on your offer, coming to you with the proposition to talk about the problem at hand instead of just fucking to forget. The memory made you feel sick to your stomach…they all did.
The only thing that hurt worse than the bad memories were the ones that radiated any glimmer of hope into the spiral of your relationship. You baked cookies together at one in the morning all because you just wanted to. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you mixed the ingredients and got them prepared and hoisted you onto the counter to kiss you while you waited for the oven timer to go off. He told you all about his childhood…from his friends to the farm…information you’d never think of sharing, let alone weaponizing. You told him about yours and how you’d always dreamed of falling madly in love, getting married, and having children as to drop some kind of hint to him. He told you he loved you not even a week later when he’d come over to spend the evening with you, but the kiss that followed tasted of whiskey, planting the seed of doubt in your heart that you’d work hard to push back down every time you said those three words to him.
The good did not outweigh the bad, but your mind couldn’t wrap around the idea that someone could be that kind only to be so cruel. How could someone love you and then destroy you with such simplicity? Unless, they never loved you at all. You shook your head, trying to shake the thought out of the forefront of your mind. That could never be the case, but what if it was?
You were jarred from your thoughts by the sound of not knocking, but pounding on your door. You jumped, unsettled by the noise. You walked to the door, peering through the peephole only to see Stan standing on your doormat, partially slumped over on the door, using his closed fist to pound on the door. He apologized, begging you to answer the door through slurred words all because he loves you and he made a mistake.
You opened the door and Stan all but fell inside, stumbling and grabbing a hold of a coat rack and your arm. Several items fell off of the coat rack as he picked himself up. You rolled your eyes watching him scramble to pick them up out of the floor, almost falling again.
“Just leave it.” You replied coldly.
“N-No, I did this…I fucked it up like I fuck up everything else.” he handed you a beanie and a hoodie and you took it into your arms with a deep sigh of frustration.
His hand landed on a red knit infinity scarf. He picked it up and took a good look at it. “You had this on when we went to see Shelley and mom. I-It matched the flowers.”
You took a hard swallow, pursing your lips, “Yeah…” Your mind went back to the red carnations Stan placed on his sister and his mother’s graves that day. Regardless of his behavior, you couldn’t help but pity him when it came to his family. It was a tragedy and there wasn’t anyone that could deny that.
Once you hung the articles back on the rack, you turned to Stan, who was leaning on the wall for support. He was more than obviously drunk, per usual. You cursed the availability of self-driving cars, but you doubt deep-down that his drunken state would’ve kept him from getting behind the wheel to try and keep you entrapped considering it was something that would ultimately benefit him. Despite his self-deprecating behaviors, Stan was the love of his own life. He was his own number one and there was no one that could knock him out of that position short of the bottle.
You crossed your arms over your chest, “What do you want, Stanley? You told me to get out of your house and that we were done.”
“I-I know…but…I couldn’t…I couldn’t let you leave. I love you, Y/N. I love you and need you, baby.” he slurred, reaching for you. You took a step back and rolled your eyes as he continued, “Alexa told me I needed to stay away from you, but I just can’t. I can’t do that. She told me to stay away from ‘that little girl’ and to find someone my own age, but I told her that you’re a woman and you’re mature. It’s fine. You know that, right? I’m not…I’m not worried about your age.”
You blinked, perplexed by his statements considering what he’d said earlier, “I don’t even know how to respond to that.”
“Remember when Kyle said he didn’t know I had a daughter, but it wasn’t my daughter, it was you?”
“Yeah, and I remember your other friend stopping me at the bar telling me I needed to run too.”
The whole reunion felt like a fever dream, but the comments made by Kyle, as well as the man at the bar…a taller man with dark hair and tanned skin who was holding the hand of his husband who also looked at you with deep concern etched onto his features…stuck with you. You knew by their impact that you shouldn’t have let them go, but instead, you forced them to the back of your mind every time they’d reappear. You’d remind yourself that these people no longer knew Stan, because it’d been decades since their school years. The presence of a freshly twenty-something year old on the arm of a fifty-year old was everything an outsider needed to know about Stan Marsh.
“That’s a good idea…let’s run…let’s go to Vegas…let’s get married. I love you and I want you to stay with me.” he begged, this time dropping to his knees.
“Get up, Stan. This is ridiculous.” You said, extending a hand to help him up. He stood back up and walked closer towards you, putting his hands on your waist. Tears were welled up in his eyes and his face was flushed. You couldn’t tell if this was from the heat of the whiskey, emotion, or his history of having a sensitive stomach in times of high stress.
“I'm so sorry.” He leaned in and pressed his forehead to yours. His lips lingered near yours and your chest tightened. Your love for the man in front of you was doing its best to fight off the anger and sorrow you were feeling as if you hadn’t been down this road before. This was a normal occurrence even if it wasn’t in the presence of a potential break up. Every fight ended like this. He’d get drunk, apologize, kiss you, fuck you, and then wake up the next day hungover. The fight would be long since forgotten.
“I can’t do this, Stan.” Your voice cracked, “I love you, but I can’t do this.”
“But you love me.”
“Sometimes love isn’t enough.” You spoke plainly, gently putting your hands on his chest to slowly push him away. Your stomach turned a little, knowing his past history of violence. He’d never hit you, but any nearby object was fair game to be tossed through the air in your general direction. You didn’t trust him not to hit you, and that should’ve been another red flag, but it also went ignored.
“You took my virginity when we were both drunk. You lied about my age at the reunion until someone told you there was no way I was almost thirty. You’re basically unemployed. You drink all day and half-ass your job to the point where you lose clients quicker than you make money.” The more you spoke, the more the anger began to rise as you recalled all of the things you’d been ignoring for so long, “You’ve thrown full glass bottles of whiskey at me. You’ve thrown long neck bottles, shot glasses…basically anything you can drink your sorrows away in has been thrown my way on top of your phone, my fucking water bottle…anything with weight to it. You ruined my twenty-first by not showing up to my party and blacking out drunk in your own fucking bedroom, which made my parents hate you…”
“Your parents love me!” The rest of your points going ignored again.
“You really are oblivious as fuck, aren’t you? I’m dying inside, Stan. I can’t fucking doing this anymore. You have ruined me and I don’t know if I’ll ever be myself again. You said if we had been closer in age maybe it would’ve been fine…but I don’t even think you could hold a relationship with someone your own age. If Wendy wasn’t married, you would’ve left me that night and moved on to ruin her too…but I don’t think she would’ve given you the opportunity…because admittedly, she’s not young and fucking stupid like me.” You pursed your lips, taking a breath, “You couldn’t manipulate her the way you do me…the way you did me…because we’re done, Stanley.”
He looked at you, eyes glazed over, his brain taking longer to process what you’d said due to his state of intoxication.
“I loved you and I tried to be there for you. I tried to create a safe space, because fuck, no one’s done it for you for the last fifty some years and I thought you deserved it…but you just took advantage of it.” You said, shaking your head, “I hope one day you find everything you’re missing. I hope you go to rehab, because you need it. I hope you make peace with your father, because you need that too.”
“Fuck Randy. I fucking hate Randy. He’s…”
“He’s your dad and sure he’s fucked up over the years, but it’s not like you’re some saint either. You both have made mistakes. Go to therapy, get your shit together, and go find happiness…with someone who isn’t me…and is closer to your own age.” 
Tears had started to stream down your face rapidly and you hadn’t noticed. He stepped closer and reached up to wipe your tears away. You shook your head, reaching up to wipe them off yourself.
“I’ll go with you out to your car and program it to take you back home, but after that, I don’t want to see you ever again.”
“You don’t mean that.”
You nodded, “I do…and I’d normally say that I’m sorry, but I really don’t think I am.”
“I thought we were made for each other.” he paused, “Maybe another time…in another life?”
You shrugged. The sentiment was nice. It was pleasant to think about, but it was sadly not a reality. It was doubtful that your lives would ever cross again and it was unlikely that he’d change. In another life, maybe, but that wasn’t something you were even sure existed.
“I don’t know, Stan.” You said, wrapping your arms around your midriff.
“I love you.”
You didn’t say anything. You opened the door and motioned for him to follow you. On your way out, the red of the scarf hanging from the coat rack caught your eye. For a brief second, your hand reached up to take it, debating on dropping the knit accessory in the back seat of his car. You knew that this would just enable Stan to try and contact you again and begin this cycle in a never-ending loop like the article of clothing itself.
You wordlessly followed Stan to his car, programming it to drive him back to his home before helping him into his seat and closing the door. You backed up, watching the car start to pull out of the lot and head down the street as he exited your life for good.
It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well…
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midnightbabylon · 1 year
New Years Eve
Tumblr media
summary: Some time ago, you met Anthony Mackie on the set of a movie project. You two understood each other from the first second. Although you tend to avoid social contacts, he constantly invites you to his annual parties. At least five times a year, you’ll be in his house. Parties aren’t for you, but he always makes you laugh even though you don’t want to be there. And every time at those parties, you meet an incredibly handsome man. Will he and you finally get closer on New Year’s Eve?
pairing: Sebastian Stan x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
warnings: none I guess
You met Anthony on Set when you became a bit bigger in the scene. As a not over social person you often stayed in your trailer reading a book. You could say that Anthony adopted you when he found out that you were practically hiding to not talk with people. He took you out to eat lunch or you were just roaming around the city. He was making you feel all kinds of comfort. You had great chemistry and soon became friends. For New Years he wanted to throw a massive house party with all his friends, colleagues and family . You volunteered to help him with decorations etc. because you really liked organizing parties. At the time time you were damn nervous because you knew that Sebastian will come tonight. You were crushing hard on this men. On the other hand you met Sebastian a few times only. Every time you had great conversations for hours ongoing, you two laughed and smiled a lot but did this mean he liked you the way you liked him? Tonight you wanted to shoot your shot. A kiss after the New Years countdown sounded perfect to you. Mackie knew about your crush that is why he bought your outfit. “He’s gonna see u in this and man.” He chuckled and made an obscene pose. “I am so good at this.” As you looked in the bag you couldn’t believe your eyes. This little black dress was a tiny piece of clothing. “I am not gonna wear that. I’d rather die.” You shoved the bag right back into his arms. “What? No! You are gonna look sexy as hell. He will be head over heels for you.” “I doubt that. It’s barely covering my ass and tits.” You gestured up and down your body. “That’s the point darling. You have great tits and a bombastic ass. Show him.” You shook your head.
Because of his compliment, you still had to smile. "Okay I'll wear it, but only if I get to do my make up and hair by myself." He grinned widely and gave you a high five. "You got it." An hour later, the house was conspicuously decorated with all sorts of odds and ends and food was on the tables. The drinks were all set up in the kitchen, so everyone could help themselves. Now you could finally get ready, too. "What if he doesn't come at all today?" You called into the room while Anthony was putting on a shirt. "Oh he'll come, he promised me." You rolled your eyes. "Okay, and what if he comes with an escort or hooks up with a pretty girl at the party?" Anthony put his hands on your bare shoulders. "You worry too much. None of that is happening. In that outfit, he only has eyes for you. Just look at you. That dress is perfect for your body type. I've outdone myself." He laughed out loud. "Just get off your high horse," you smirked.
After a few more hours, the house gradually filled up. It was still exactly four hours until midnight and you already had a headache from the stuffy air and the loud music. You weren't really in the party mood for the new year yet, inside you were rather cleaning up after the guests who were making a mess. To clear your head, you went outside to the terrace. There, the lights danced across the pool and fewer people danced and wrestled around. Anthony you had lost in the crowd a while ago. Exhaling loudly, you leaned against the wall of the house and closed your eyes. Peace and quiet. "Y/N there you are!" Sounded Anthony's voice not two seconds later. "Look who I found!" he warbled. Sebastian stood beside him, a red cup in his hand. In the blue shirt, he looked simply gorgeous. Swallowing, you began to smile. "Hey, you made it." He stared at you for a few seconds and nodded. "Yeah wow ehm you look great. That dress suits you immensely." You noticed your cheeks turning red from the heat rising into them but still returned his hug. God he smelled so divine like a man, with a hint of sandalwood. "Thanks Seb."
You chatted a few minutes before someone called his name and he turned away from you to talk to the other person. Now was your chance to grab a water. A quick check to the clock told you there was only one and a half hour left till midnight. Your eyes wandered trough the crowd of people dancing when you caught the familiar color of his shirt. A really pretty redhead reached for a strand of hair and smiled widely at him. You couldn't hear what they were saying but she probably complimented him the way he smiled back at her. Your heart pounded faster than it should with the sting in your stomach. Jealousy creeped up your blood line. But you shouldn't be jealous, he's not even yours. Quickly you looked elsewhere.
At the same time Anthony watched your reaction intensely and started playing his role as wing man for the night.
"Hey man who you kissing tonight?" Sebastian looked at him in confusion "I am single why should I kiss someone?" Anthony put his arm around his shoulder. "Everybody kisses someone at midnight." Seb drew his eyebrows together. "Who are you kissing?" He laughed. "I am kissing that hot chic right over there." Sebastian laughed nervously. "Okay good for you. And who should I kiss?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Y/N." Mackie smiled at him. "Y/N?" "Trust me. Just kiss her and you'll see how she feels about you. You flirt at every one of my parties." He rolled his eyes. "Flirting doesn't mean we're going to be anything." Anthony grinned meaningfully. "Trust me. She wants to be kissed." Sebastian sighed. "You know I'm not the type to do that." "I know, I know, but it's either that or lock you in a closet for seven minutes like the teen parties used to be." Sebastian laughed softly and took a sip of the alcohol that was mixed with some soft drink. Maybe he needed this burning in his throat today to finally have the courage to take the first step. His eyes scanned your body with arousal. The way you leaned against the bar, at the other side of the room, lost in your own thoughts. Not seeing how many men are staring at you just in this second.
In a chorus, the last ten digits of the countdown sounded. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. You couldn't see Sebastian anywhere, how could you possibly make it to him by one? Yourself. Five. Four. You went around in circles but there were just too many people. Three. Two. Oh, God.
Before the one sounded, warm hands closed around your cheeks and soft lips touched yours. Surprised, you let your eyes open and looked into the face you just wanted to see all evening. "Kiss me Y/N." He murmured against your lips and you gave in. Sighing, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your body against his. You didn't even notice the cheers and lights around you. The kiss felt so real. You felt everything. You almost lost your mind when you felt his tongue exploring your mouth. It felt like hours before you broke away from each other. "That was…" He began and you finished the sentence. "Wow." While he added "Long overdue." You both had to laugh and looked deep into each other's eyes afterwards. "Do you feel like getting out of here and maybe going somewhere else for a bite to eat or a coffee?" He scratched the back of his head and you nodded happily. "I'd love to."
Permanent Bucky/Sebastian Taglist:
@aya-fay @glitterydeputyshepherdwagon @queenofkings1212 @lilya-petrichor @dexter99 @dystopian-dez382 @xoxoloverb @yougottalovefandoms @justalostgirl
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wendytestabrat · 8 months
kyle’s most toxic/chaotic episodes:
•ike’s wee wee - for harassing ike once he found out he was adopted and saying he’s not his real brother and then sending him on a train to nebraska
•cow days - for him being a spoiled materialistic brat and a jerk to cartman all for some terrance & phillip dolls; HE FUCKING THREATENS CARTMAN INTO RIDING A BULL AND THEN WHEN CARTMAN GETS HURT AND HAS TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL HE STILL MAKES CARTMAN GO BACK ON THE BULL
•douche & turd - for bullying and pressuring stan to vote for a giant douche, sending puff daddy after him, LITERALLY SPITTING ON HIM, and using kenny for his own benefit all so he could beat cartman. also the fact that he wanted a giant douche as the mascot was just immature af LOL
•cartman’s incredible gift - for jumping off a fucking roof because he couldn’t stand to see people taking cartman seriously as a psychic
•mr. garrison’s fancy new vagina - for his blatant racism (and internalized anti-semitism) assuming he would only be good at basketball if he was tall & black - basically he did blackface here LOL
•two days before the day after tomorrow - for hiding the jew gold
•ginger kids - for BREAKING AND ENTERING into cartman’s room to turn him into a ginger which caused cartman to go on an extermination against every non-ginger
•le petit tourette - for rounding up 47388392 pedophiles to shoot themselves on dateline because he was mad abt cartman pretending to have tourettes (even tho he was just jealous of cartman’s brilliant idea LOL)
•imaginationland - for being so fucking arrogant and sure that leprechauns aren’t real that he signed a legally binding contract to suck cartman’s balls (which wasn’t very smart) and then couldn’t honor his commitment when he was wrong. i’m sorry but like IDGAF what a bet is about you just don’t agree to suck someone’s balls idc how sure u are that you’re gonna win LOL.
•tonsil trouble - for making fun of cartman for having aids and then gets MAD at cartman for making aids jokes later on to stay positive smh
•britney’s new look - for coming up with the idea to get a paparazzi photo of britney for $$ - it was his fault that britney shot herself
•fatbeard - for purposely trying to get cartman sent off to somalia to die and inadvertently making his brother go there too
•you have 0 friends - for being an annoying social media prick and not leaving stan alone about facebook and doing dumbass shit to get more FB friends WHO GIVES A SHIT people who care too much abt their social media followers are losers
•it’s a jersey thing - yeah do i even need to explain this one?
•crack baby athletic association - for exploiting crack babies for money and acting selfish & greedy like cartman in the process
•a history channel thanksgiving - for throwing a hissy fit over cartman’s idea to use the history channel for their thanksgiving report and then getting all pouty later that he was wrong about aliens or whatever the fuck
•ginger cow - i don’t need to explain this one
•go fund yourself - for being all extra and causing drama by making his own startup company bc he was jealous of cartman for coming up with the name ‘washington redskins’
•stunning and brave - for encouraging cartman to stand up to PC principal and getting him sent to the hospital (AND BTW KYLE DIDN’T WANNA DO SHIT ABT PC PRINCIPAL UNTIL IT PERSONALLY AFFECTED HIM AND HE GOT IN TROUBLE FOR THE COMMENT HE MADE ABOUT CAITLYN JENNER)
•skank hunt - for accusing cartman of being the troll and getting everyone all riled up to break his shit
•wieners out - for him being salty when he found out cartman moved on with heidi, you know after he deadass broke all of cartman’s shit
•fort collins - for him threatening to expose cartman’s INTERNET HISTORY to heidi
•doubling down - for stealing heidi from cartman
•super hard PCness - for blowing up canada bc he was still pissed off about cartman & heidi LOL
•tegridy farms - for enabling cartman to sell vapes to kindergarteners (including his brother) despite his original stance of being against it, deadass almost giving up his entire birthday money for cartman, and then letting cartman beat up the drug dealer & helping him break into a vape shop 🙄
•south parq vaccination special - for trying to steal the vaccines for himself - yet bitching at stan & cartman that they were being selfish JFC
•south park post covid and the return of covid - for getting mad at cartman for being a rabbi and having a happy family and accusing him of stupid bullshit and cussing in front of his wife & kids (bringing up shit from 40 years ago) and then making cartman sacrifice his entire family to help him
•the streaming wars part 1 - for giving up all the money they earned on the streaming services to let cartman get tits LOL
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Causing Trouble | Black Noir x gn!reader
Anonymous asked: Hey, hope you’re doing okay, especially with the awful heat! If it’s not trouble, my I request “Just so you know, there's now a little bit of drama." "What the fuck did you do this time?" with Black Noir? Would be interesting seeing him with a chaotic superhero reader
summary: when reluctantly working for Vought, you know that a little bit of causing trouble and picking fights is worth it when you've got your boyfriend to back you up.
tws: swearing
You only worked for Vought because they threatened violence and misery if you didn't, they threatened your home, your family, your friends, your neighbours, your community - everyone and everything you ever cared about; you hated every second that they had you under their iron fist, and you yearned for the day you could slip away - you just had to figure out how to take Noir with you.
Office romances didn't often work out, but between you and Noir it did, to a certain agree, you just weren't allowed to be out about it; not enough marketability, not enough cash would come in if Vought decided to exploit your relationship. You really wanted to get away from them, from what they were doing to you and your boyfriend, but the company was one thing.
Homelander was another.
Everyone knew you were that little bit stronger, not enough to overpower him in any sense, but enough to make sure that he knew; and if you were going to be forced to work with him, the least you could do was to cause a little trouble for him.
Setting fire to any paperwork or documents he had lying around. Staining his capes. Filling his shoes with mustard or chunky peanut butter. Openly mocking him on social media. Sneaking up behind him and setting fire to his cape. Ripping a hole in his trousers. Putting zinc in his gloves.
You terrorised Homelander, with good reason. It was actually quite common for people to see him chasing you down the corridors at Vought headquarters, screaming and shouting about everything he would do to you, until Noir came to your defense; he would stand between you and Homelander, knowing that you were stronger but knowing that he had more influence, especially when it came to Stan Edgar. Noir could actually get you out of the trouble that you got into; and everyone knew it.
Even when The Deep tried to be an absolute cunt to you, the second Noir came into the picture, he soon shut his fucking trap; if he was honest, Noir kind of liked the fact that you were a bit of a troublemaker - it gave him something to do, and more often than not, the things that you did to piss people off were quite funny. Sometimes dangerous, sure, but usually funny. He liked that, even if it meant saving your ass every time.
It was a hot day when Deep started screaming and shouting, followed by the sound of harsh and rushed footsteps on the floors, and as Noir sat in his room with the fan on and the window open, watching Phantom Of the Opera as he waited for you to undoubtedly get yourself into trouble, he had a feeling he wouldn't make it to the next song before he was dragged out; so he clicked pause, and he put his helmet back on.
He found Deep in the corridor.
"Where the fuck is (y/n)?"
Noir shrugged, checking his phone and then shaking his head.
Deep sighed, clenching his jaw. "They fucking ordered sushi to my room! Sushi!"
Biting back a laugh, Noir nodded slowly.
"And they put salt in all of my water!" Deep ranted. "It's almost like they want me to die!"
Noir couldn't admit that you did, in fact, want Deep to die; by your own hand, by an accident, by someone else's hand, you didn't mind.
"Where the fuck are they, Noir?"
Noir turned his head when he heard your rushed footsteps coming down the hall, but before anyone could say anything, you practically tackled Noir into the room and locked the door, clearing your throat as you smiled.
"Just so you know, there's now a little bit of drama."
Noir grabbed his paper and pen, and quickly scribbled down his reply, "what the fuck did you do this time?"
"Well, I ordered Deep some sushi and put salt in all of his water," you started, "and I may or may not have let some dogs, uh, decorate Homelander's room."
He sighed, hanging his head and putting his hand to his eyes; he wanted to laugh, he really did, but he couldn't just yet. He needed to make sure you actually survived for the rest of the day, first. He grabbed the paper and pen again.
"Because it's Homelander and Kevin," you pointed out. "Two of the absolute most vile cunts here. Do you really think I'd let them have any peace?"
Sitting on the arm of the sofa, Noir gestured to the TV. "I was trying to watch."
"I'm sorry," you frowned. "But, uh, would you protect me again? Please?"
He nodded. "I'm your boyfriend, it's what I do."
"Thank you," you whispered. "I did do something good, though."
"I got your favourite for tea," you grinned. "And I rented us that film from nineteen-eighty."
"The one about the three girls who get kidnapped by two guys and their mum," you clarified, "y'know, the one that was put on the Video Nasties list?"
Noir nodded, finally daring to smile behind the mask as he gestured for you to step forward; he sank down against the cushions of the sofa, and quickly grabbed you when you were close enough, pulling you onto his lap with a final little note.
"My favourite troublemaker."
if you liked this fic, REBLOG IT - do not just leave a "like", REBLOG IT. you may also leave feedback in the form of asks, tags, etc which is greatly appreciated, but you SHOULD reblog it regardless.
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xflippinfrogx · 1 year
A/N~ Second post, I’m on a writing spree rn haha. I may even start another fic if I have time.. We’ll see. Anyways enjoy!!
James Potter
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•Like a good 7 on the ticklish scale. •Has an obnoxiously loud laugh when you get him in a good spot. •BIG SQUIRMER LIKE THIS MAN CANNOT STAY STILL ITS HILARIOUS. •His worst spots are his knees, back and feet. •His main lers are Sirius, Lily, Remus and Marlene. •He gets tickled a lot for being annoying or too excitable. •Him and Sirius get into tickle fights at least 3 times a week over the most ridiculous things like who gets to shower first and so on.. •Genuinely loves being tickled because it reminds him of when he was little and his parents would do the same. •He thinks he’s really subtle about it but all his friends know.
•Definitely the biggest tickle monster of the group because he LOVES making his friends smile. •His main lees are Sirius, Peter, Remus and (this next one depends on what your preferred ship is) Lily/Regulus •Would never tickle anyone that’s uncomfortable with it. •He was the first person to ever tickle Sirius and they had a cute lil brother bonding experience together. •Such a sweet ler, he’s like a real life teddy bear, but he can be ruthless when he wants to be. •He’s such a Dad when it comes to teasing. •He’d use teases like “I can’t stop my hands are stuck” “Aww are you ticklish??” “You’re laughing so you must be having fun!” •I love him so much ahh
Sirius Black
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•9.5 THE MOST TICKLISH OF THE MARAUDERS NO FURTHER QUESTIONS. •Loves being tickled so much he’ll literally full on spread himself out on top of you until you do something about it. •Has a really shrieky high pitched laugh it’s so funny •His worst spots are his ribs and under his arms. His thighs are pretty bad too. •Was never tickled before Hogwarts but now he’s practically tickled on a daily basis. •His main lers are James and Remus but sometimes Lily too.
•More Lee than ler but still enjoys tickling people cough Remus cough •The first time he realised he had a crush on Remus was during a tickle fight when Remus showed his full laugh for the first time. (Fic idea??🤔) •Loves sneak attacks especially on James because no matter how many time he does it James still never expects it. •That’s it for Sirius :)
Remus Lupin
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•I feel like he’d be really ticklish but very good at hiding it you know? •I’ll give him an 8 because come on we all know this man is super sensitive!! •Super contagious laugh he snorts •Sirius, James and Peter giving him cheer up tickles iS MY LIFE!!! •Imagine after a bad full moon his all sad but then the boys make sure to turn his frown upside down like UGH😭❤️ •I think his worst spots would have to be his neck, sides and hips. •Sirius would totally abuse his neck with tickly kisses all the time. •His main lers are Sirius, James, Peter and Lily. •(I love Remus if you can’t tell lol)
•Can be so mean when he wants to be, like genuinely such a teasy mf. •Sirius is such an attention seeking brat and Remus can’t resist •Has tickled the snot out of James on multiple occasions for being so annoying. •I feel like him and Pete would be a really good tagteam against the other two. • Loves to see his friends laugh but definitely loves being on the receiving end too
Peter Pettigrew
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(We stan young Peter in this house NOT older Peter. He has been exiled from my brain)
•The least ticklish of the four but still a solid 5 maybe a 6 it depends on the day?? •Has a squeaky laugh ifyaknowwhatimean. •Worst spot is under his arms •Tends to be more ler than lee but gets tickled alot by James and sometimes Remus. •Sirius is too scared to lay a finger on him because he knows he’ll get absolutely wrecked😃. •Doesn’t love being tickled but he genuinely doesn’t mind he just likes having fun with his friends. Definitely more comfortable as a ler though.
•You provoke him you die no further questions. •Despite what other people say I genuinely think he’d be an amazing ler like the boy grew up with THE JAMES POTTER AND SIRIUS BLACK •Come on you know he had to have some form of defense against those two. •Freakishly skilled at “worming” his hands into their sensitive spots (I didn’t make a pun nonono) •Rarely tickles Remus for fear of retaliation but has on a few occasions and it turned into the most intense showdown of all time Remus lost •Has never let him live it down EVER •Annnnd that’s it for him
A/N~ Thank you for reading my silly little headcanons for some dead gay wizards!! Hope you enjoyed and I’ll hopefully see y’all soon :)
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 9 months
Some of my Marauders era/Harry Potter Headcanons
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Professor McGonagall was considered a patient teacher until the Prewett twins and the Marauders, so when the Weasley twins and Prongslet started Hogwarts, she just knew it would be a chaotic repeat of events.
"Well, thank you for that assessment, Mr Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr Potter and yourself into a pocket watch? That way, one of you might be on time."
Of course, we can't forget Ron. He was just as much Gideon and Fabian as Fred and George, but to a lesser degree.
He's brilliant and gets a lot of hate for always making Hermione cry (which im totally not ignoring)
Ron is an important part of the trio, even if the movies do kinda portray him as a replaceable, dickish, himbo, carrot top cunt, who purposely hurts Hermione.
We respect him in this household, even if we sometimes wanna kick his ass so hard he begins to think he's Viktor Krum.
He did it as a child and a teenager, but he carried the habit into his adult life. It made him feel in control of something in his life.
James was Sirius's first kiss
Sirius was James's first kiss
Strictly platonic first kiss between a couple of bro's
It happened second year.
"Its not gay, Wormtail, we had socks on."
Peter was terrified of rats before he discovered his animagus was a rat
If Regulus Black was an animagus, he'd be a black cat, for obvious reasons
Speaking of Regulus Arcturus Black, we stan that dramatic emo bitch in this household <3
He was just like Sirius, but in his own way and he catches so much shit because he was a death eater and did bad things.
Before he was marked, he was a boy who wanted to make his family proud. After he was marked, he wanted to escape.
He defected to the good side, but he died before Sirius could know the good thing he had began. He was just a boy.
Draco heard stories from his mother about Regulus and based many of his best traits after his cousin.
He treated house elves with respect, mostly when Lucius wasn't around to influence him. When he had nothing to prove.
He didn't care if they were like Dobby or Kreacher
He simultaneously hated his father and wanted him to be proud, so he took the dark mark at sixteen
Much like Regulus did
He also wanted to defect. He didn't want to be a killer. He didn't want to die.
He was just a boy.
Hermione carried on the soul of Regulus
I will die on that hill.
She was born a few months after he died and they were very similar, except for the obvious differences (blood status, house, family life, you get the gist)
We all know about S.P.E.W.
Regulus would've been the FIRST official member if he had been alive
Lily introduced her pureblood friends to muggle fashion
In fifth year when she saw James in a pair of tight pants, she almost fell out right in the middle of Hogsmeade
After that, she forbade Sirius from letting James borrow his clothes ever again
For self-preservation purposes, I like to pretend THE prank never happened. If you know, you know. If you don't, I can't explain or I'll cry
Marlene McKinnon = blonde Sirius with boobs
Hermione, Remus, and Lily are the voices of reason amongst their friends, while also being just as bad as them in a more subtle way
"Now, if you two don't mind, I’m going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed or worse. . . Expelled!"
Snape on fire ring any bells?
I just know James was sitting in the clouds, laughing his ass off while Lily told him to hush
She was also fighting laughter
Revenge often came in the form of a brilliant muggleborn witch
Sirius craves violence. . . And chaos
He would love when witches or wizards got mad, especially at him.
That shit turned him on faster than Remus fresh out of the shower
Sirius and Marlene yelled at eachother like siblings
Meanwhile Remus and Lily were sipping tea like some high society in-laws at Sunday brunch
Sirius LOVED Abba, but refused to admit it, even after Lily caught him singing 'Mamma Mia' under his breath. . . In the middle of class.
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I SWEAR I had a point to this. I started writing HCs and then I started rambling??? I could ramble forever, honestly.
Send requests, I have some free time
Let me know if you want to be put on the tag list :)
It's currently empty, so it sure would be cool if I could make a list :)
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zanniscaramouche · 4 months
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Zanni WIPs of 2024
See what I'm working on under the cut ♡
Star Trek
❄️️ Fathom - Star Trek AOS - Jim Kirk/Spock + Jim Kirk/Bones
Jim raises his head and tries to stay on track of the conversation. “Always?”  And what he means is, ‘In every reality?’ Spock inclines his head in a subdued nod. “All that is, is yours.”  Est. 30k
❄️️ Wonderful Boy - Star Trek AOS - Jim Kirk/Spock + Jim Kirk/Bones
Jim wakes up in the new version of reality and he’s trying to find his place. Meanwhile, his relationships with Bones and Spock are strained as he works to reconcile the shift in status quo. Bones doesn’t stroke his hair back at night just to see his eyes better. Spock stands a little too close and keeps making abortive movements like he’s about to reach out. Jim can sympathise, but it’s still weird to have affection cut off from everyone but the one person who’s always given him a cold shoulder. OR AOS Jim wakes up in a world where his father didn't die on the Kelvin, his crew are polite but not personal, and he's never stepped foot on Tarsus IV. Oh, and he's got the wrong size science blues hanging up next to his gold shirts. Est. 60k
❄️️ Untitled - Star Trek AOS - Jim Kirk/Spock
A military AU set throughout the Bell Riots, Second Civil War, Eugenics War, and WWIII. Est. 200k
One Direction
❄️️ Cherry - One Direction- OT5 (starts off Nouis-centric) - ABO
Louis Tomlinson is probably the bureau's least impressive employee (and that's including janitor Stan 'the Man') but when an anonymous hook-up leaves him the best person to infiltrate a crime ring, he's forced into the field with a fake identity. Can he seduce the members of The Pack well enough to bring them down? And by the time he uncovers more than just their secrets, will he want to? Est. 45k
❄️️ If I Could Fly- Larry - Spiderman!Louis + Uni AU
Louis is busy coming to terms with being a superhero, but that doesn’t mean all the other responsibilities that come with being human are suddenly put on hold. The sanctuary of the education system won't last forever, and with Harry-- his lovely, beautiful, sex-god of a boyfriend-- a week from graduating with Masters, it's time to start thinking about the future. Their future. If only Louis could get his past to stay in the past. How long can Louis keep spinning lies until he’s caught in his own web? He's hoping at least a week. Est. 25k
❄️️ The Goodbye Scene- Larry - Authors AU + Enemies to Lovers
Louis and Harry are in the midst of co-writing a novel. Everything is fine, except for how they kind of can’t stand each other right now. Harry’s a romantic, wants everything to be perfect with the glossy sheen of pornography. Louis hates that. Things aren’t always perfect, and he wants to show how sex in reality can actually be kind of lack luster and awkward. He might be a bit sour since he’s still getting over his ex, but so sue him. He’s right on this, okay? It culminates in a heated debate as Harry insists the extravagant can be sexy and romantic when done right. Louis doesn’t believe him, and he’s not putting it in the book until Harry proves it to him. Which means Harry decides to prove it. Thus begins their trials to see who’s right: can sex be just as sexy and lust filled as the most harlequin romance novel out there, or will these grand ideas fall flat and lead more to injury than ecstacy? Est. 20k
❄️️ Black Silk - One Direction - Larry - ABO + Crime Thriller
Louis is a drug mule for designer narcotics that gets caught in a messy drop-off that leaves him on the wrong side of a corrupt deal. With nowhere to go and a city full of gang-lords and millionaires on his tail for the lost product, Louis seeks haven with the last person he even remembers having a conversation with. Only Niall the friendly omega is out of town, and in his place is a grumpy cat-sitter who doesn’t appreciate convicts bleeding on the rug. Est. 30k
❄️️ Ride or Die, Sweetheart - Larry - Bike Racer AU + Exes to Lovers
Harry bleeds diesel. He exhales red desert dirt and sweats motor oil. After twenty-six years he’s discovered two truths of life: He was born to race. He will love Louis Tomlinson until the day he dies. A case could be made to say there's a third fact: Louis’s hate for him burns hotter than an engine in the sun Est. 40k
❄️️ Who Hung the Moon - Larry - Time Travel + Exes to Lovers
After the second worst day of his life, Harry is sent back in time to the most horrible-terrible-no-good-very-bad week of his existence: The week Louis Tomlinson shattered every dream he had and broke his heart. Est. 25k
❄️️ Broken Wishbones - Larry + Narry - ABO + Accidental Bonding
It was Louis who spent Christmas morning with Harry, and it was Louis who received birthday blowjobs, and it was always going to be Louis who got on one knee with a ring. Niall didn’t have a part in any of that. Which is why it’s so fucked up that the teeth marks on Harry’s neck don’t match Louis’s mouth. Est. 20k
❄️️ Honeybee - Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll during glamorous 70's. Est. 200k
Teen Wolf
❄️️ Hope You Get This Message - Teen Wolf - Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale
Had anyone actually seen him recently? When was the last time you spoke to him? Did any of us really know him?  When the man known as Peter Hale disappears, Stiles is just one of a group of strangers that come together during the investigation. Pretty quickly it's clear that things don't quite match up to what everyone thought they knew about him. The one thing they can agree on is that everything they know about Peter might have been false, but there’s no way he’s guilty of what he’s being accused of. Right? The longer the case goes on, the more apparent it is that Peter wasn’t the only one with secrets. Est. 60k
See something you like? Want to read it sooner? Please send all encouragements and inquiries to my ask box! ♡ xoxo
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lananiscorner · 2 years
The Sandman rewatch - Calliope
So I like to do this thing where, if I didn’t consider a show a complete waste of time and if it does have an actual arc spanning the season, I watch the season twice–once as a binge watch and then once more episode by episode, because it helps me notice things I didn’t notice at first, especially in cases like this where I’m almost entirely unfamiliar with the source material.
I apologize that the second part of this episode is coming so late—I got a new PC and had to set everything up again properly, so I didn’t have time for it until now.
Trigger warnings: mentions of sexual abuse and rape beneath the cut.
Also, lots of swearing because this one… is kind of personal for me.
Well, we’re starting off with a statement that’s very relatable to any writer: the character comes first.
Wow, way to crush the soon-to-be doctor’s writing dreams, Richard.
Yeah, this Erasmus Fry guy is not suspicious and unlikable from the start AT ALL.
Ok, so Erasmus desperately wants a bezoar for it’s detoxing qualities. Can I infer that he’ll be dead soon? Good.
So not only does this old bastard keep a muse locked up against her will—he keeps her locked up in a dusty old storage room. The actual fuck.
Ah, the old “I’ll set you free before I die” promise. Yeah, I don’t think that one’s ever been upheld by anyone.
She is literally |this| close to decking him in the face. I wish she had, but there’s probably some kind of spell preventing her too.
And we can add “victim-blaming coward” to the list of descriptors for her captor. Fuck you, Erasmus Fry.
“But I must say I found force most efficacious.” Holy. Kangaroo. On. A. Pogostick!
Alright, so actual props to the writing team for saying “rape” without saying “rape”, but what the actual fuck… Erasmus deserves whatever nastiness is coming to him.
Oh, and we’re using the “she’s not human, so it’s ok” defense? Fuck you, Erasmus Fry.
That little smirk on Calliope’s face though, when he says that all his work is out of print now. We stan.
“Little cow”? What the actual hell…
Wow, this guy even negs his fellow writer. What a specimen.
Okay, Richard, this is where you say “you know what, I don’t like this, you can go”.
But nooo, instead we’re installing a second lock on the door! That will surely inspire trust and collaboration!
“Do you think you could… help me first?” Dude, you literally just took slave ownership of an immortal being AND INSTALLED A SECOND LOCK ON HER DOOR in a clear sign of your lack of trustworthiness, what the fuck do you think? Do you even have a brain?
Calliope’s not buying it. Good for her.
Blinking Cursor Of The Empty Page is honestly the most relatable character in this so far.
Yeah dude, don’t open Reddit, Twitter or Insta when you’re trying to write. That way lies the devil of distraction. You should know better.
Okay, so, I can’t believe I am writing this, but I will give him credit for making an ATTEMPT at the entire wooing thing at least. Should he have asked her first what “wooing” exactly means for a muse? Yes. But an attempt was made. He gets a D for effort.
“An artist prays to the muses. He offers vows of service and devotion to the goddesses in exchange for divine inspiration.” Memo to myself: build small altar to Calliope.
“You gave Erasmus Fry what he wanted.” DUDE… Which fucking part of of the word “force” do you not understand??
Dude… your lack of creativity and poor financial choices are NOT comparable to decades of captivity and sexual abuse. Get your head out of your fucking arse.
Daaaamn, Calliope all but saying “yeah, I hear you and I’ll help you, just free me”. She is way too good for this dude. I would have been like “fuck off back to your empty pages” already.
And fuck you too, Richard Madoc.
Once again, props to the writer and director for making very clear what’s happening without being gratuitous about it—that fade to black, the sound of the lock, Richard’s half-buttoned shirt and the scratch on his cheek are really all we need.
I love that they are referencing the 3 OG muses here in Calliope’s prayer (meditation, remembrance and song). They are so much less known than the 9 Calliope belongs to.
Oh hey, it’s the fates! Please don’t give her some cryptic bs advice that won’t help her at all. She’s already dealing with enough shit.
Alright, so I know that this exposition dialogue about Calliope’s relationship with Dream is supposed to be very tragic, but imo the real tragedy here is that Calliope and Morpheus had a son and named him… Orpheus. You are a literal muse and the king of dreams! You have literally endless inspiration and THAT is what you name your child? I can’t.
Well, at least the fates were not being super cryptic or vague this time.
“I think it probably speaks to the author’s pretension.” YOOOOOO! Go off, random lady!
“I do tend to regard myself as a feminist writer.” FUCK YOU, RICHARD MADOC!
Okay, but this line hits pretty hard upon rewatch, because in my current active franchise (FE3H), we literally just witnessed two users getting bullied off social media by a bunch of Reddit dudes who use their “defense of a feminist icon character” as a moral shield, painting themselves as feminists while harassing RL people, some of whom are women. Like, this is just so fucking vile.
“From the women in my life.” That’s a very nice way of putting “from the woman I am locking up and raping in the room upstairs”, Richard Madoc. God, I wanna strangle him and Erasmus.
And of course he’s now four successful novels into his career and STILL not letting her go.
“Can you not allow yourself to enjoy our success?” Oh, you mean “can you not allow yourself to enjoy me getting rich off of literally raping you for inspiration?” What a pretentious fucking prick.
That tiny smile of hers when she sees that the sleeping sickness is over and puts 1 and 2 together. <3
Ooh, and it’s the melody of the Dreaming making its comeback as she goes downstairs to look for pen and paper! <3
Bwahahaha, he said the name for her. Congrats, Richard, you just fucked yourself.
Richard about Erasmus: “He was… very kind.” As kind as a chain saw to the nuts, you mean.
Ahahaha, he poisoned himself! Serves him right, old bastard. Good fucking riddance, Erasmus Fry!
Alright, now this scene with Calliope and Dream… this fucking scene. There is so much goodness here, especially if you have personal experience with being an SA survivor, which I unfortunately do, so here’s a numbered list before I start screaming into the void:
Note how Dream, who was imprisoned for longer than Calliope, lost his beloved raven, and then had to deal with Joanna, Lucifer, John Dee, the Corinthian and a fucking Vortex to get any semblance of normalcy back into his life, instantly, and without hesitation, states that he thinks that what Calliope went through was worse. It is SO freaking common for men to not take SA seriously, so to hear someone who’s canonically a bit of an insensitive prick who went through plenty of trauma himself STILL acknowledge it for the absolute fate worse than death that it is is just so… validating? Tearjerkingly heartwarming?
“Comparing our suffering only compounds it.” What a raw line from Calliope! No, we’re not here to play Suffering Olympics. We both went through awful shit. The best we can do is try to move on.
Calliope, who said that she despises Dream, still acknowledging that what he went through was awful and she’s glad he’s free (even though she literally is not, right now). No jealousy, just relief. What a queen.
Calliope to Richard: Please free me? Richard: lol nope. Calliope to Dream: Please inspire him to free me? Dream: All that and more. -- Absolute legend.
Calliope pointing out that no punishment could be enough—and you can see in Dream’s face that she’s got a point that he hadn’t considered, because no matter how awful he thinks Richard treated her, at the end of the day, he knows nothing of her pain, her loss, and vengeance will not bring back what he took from her. I wonder if he thought back to his conversation with Death in that moment—about how all he had been able to think about during his own imprisonment was vengeance, but when he finally got it, it wasn’t satisfying at all.
Calliope: Why? Because I was once yours? Dream: Because he hurt you. -- Do I have to explain this one? Like, honestly, one of the worst things about SA is how demeaned and devalued it can make a person feel, and I could only imagine how sharply Calliope must have felt that, given that neither Erasmus nor Richard considered her worthy of being treated with humanity simply because she is more than human, and here is Dream saying “you are enough—I don’t need a selfish reason to want to hurt the bastard—he hurt YOU, and that’s more than enough.” ;_;
Dream asking PERMISSION from Calliope to let him help her. She is the one who called for him, so one could say consent is implied, but after 60 years of her consent being denied, Dream realizes “implied” no longer cuts it and instead asks for her EXPLICIT consent. With a “please” on top! I’m not sure we’ve even heard him use that word in any other episode. Absolute legend.
That look of ice cold murder when she asks him what he’ll do to Richard. CHILLS!!!
And one final word in this scene: note how Dream does not touch Calliope. They were married once. They had a kid. He’s made it clear he still has feelings for her even though it’s been thousands of years and she said she never wanted to see him again… but he does not touch her. It’s such a small detail, but from the perspective of an SA survivor, that’s HUGE.
I just love every second of this entire fucking scene. Brb, gotta find and murder whoever is cutting onions here.
“Be quiet.” Jesus… Tom Sturridge does “unnervingly polite, tranquil fury” so fucking well!
“I will not call any HUMAN agency.” And that is when it probably dawned on Richard that he had fucked up.
The way Dream rose without blinking when Richard tried to weasel his way out of this—perfection! The sheer disgust with which he spits the word “defiled” (for anyone who hadn’t put 1 and 2 together yet)--sublime!
Dream here with the classical punishments—like, this is the kind of stuff you’d legit see in ancient Greek myth. Oh, you wanna see the future? I’ll let you see the future, but I’ll also make sure no-one will ever believe you. You want ideas? I’ll give you too many to handle.
Calliope’s smile when Richard asks her if she’s giving him nightmares now. <3
That moment when he sees Dream in the audience—perfection.
Okay, but most of his ideas are actually rubbish, which is understandable, give whose brain they are springing from, except maybe for the one of a city where the streets are paved with time. I would read that.
Imagine you’re a woman attending a reading by your favorite author and then he starts scribbling stuff on the walls in blood and talking about how he’s keeping a woman locked up in his mansion—like, at that point I’d just leave. Maybe call 911/equivalent on my way out.
And just when you think Erasmus Fry cannot get any worse since he is… you know… dead for several months at this point, we find out that the book he was particularly proud of and wanted to go back into print, was the one with the byline “She was his muse… and the slave of his lust!” FUCK THIS ASSHOLE!
Awww, Calliope’s back in her normal clothes with her traditional hairdo!
And just in case we think Dream’s thoughtfulness was a fluke, when Calliope says she’ll work to rewrite the laws she was bound by, because neither she nor her sisters had any agency in those, Dream assures her he’ll make sure to make those changes in his realm as well. Legend!
“I will not forgive what he has done, but I must forgive the man. Not for him. For me.” Translation: “I do not want to spend the rest of my eternal life feeling angry and hurt every time I think of this dude—I want him to become worm food like he deserves and let his memory fade into the sunless lands.” Kudos, Calliope.
And again, Dream being like “I don’t get it, I think you’re too nice, but it’s not about me, it’s about YOU and if that’s what you want, sure I’ll let him go”.
Meanwhile, in a nice little parallel, Richard Madoc is STILL not listening to a thing the women in his life are saying (i.e. not bothering to answer Nora’s questions).
Also, on one hand, yes, it’s very… Dream… of Dream, to stop the punishment he inflicted, but to do so in a way that’s even more punishing, but I think there’s another reason he did it too: at the end, Richard doesn’t even remember anymore who the woman he kept locked up was, which means he won’t be able to go after her and try to capture her again, he won’t be able to publicize what he did to her as some kind of vengeful, victim-blaming BS (see Erasmus wanting that one particular book to go back into print), and he won’t be able to try to go after her sisters either. He will no longer be able to reap any further benefit of the “gifts” he already took from her either, because he’s in no further condition to coordinate sequels, adaptations, interviews, whatever. Dream has made sure that Richard no longer has any avenue to hurt Calliope further or get further gains from the hurt he already inflicted.
Dream be like: okay, that was enough of an emotional roller coaster for now—the talk about our dead son will have to wait.
And at the end of it all, it is Calliope who touches him, not the other way around. ;_;
Finally, I love that we end this episode not with Richard or Dream, but with Calliope, happy and free. Perfect place to end it.
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Tell me your hp hot takes I desperately need to know (and i am not a marauders stan so I won't care if you're negative)
i have a lot of takes so i’ll keep it to my top 10!
1) I cannot STAND regulus black. he’s barely an idea of a guy, his fanbase is a timothee chalamet circle jerk coated w the same milquetoast white sad boy w a heart of gold character they give to every run of the mill YA-male protagonist. y’all just want a pretty boy and i would respect it if y’all didn’t act like he was the messiah of the era, he fucked up his ONE moment of redemption and didn’t even do it right infact it just made Harry’s time trying to save the world harder than it had to be
2) majority of fans of the marauders just like them bc they’re aesthetics of vaguely gay best friends in a partially idealized 80s where they do not do anything but chain smoke, have relationship problems, and die. they are frat boys, they’re doing a lot of dumb shit constantly and very minor are their problems dating related
3) i don’t like the idea Sirius and Regulus were physically abused by their parents. i actually think until Sirius was placed in gryffindor he was the family golden child and relentlessly spoiled, in the same way dudley was but with his bitchy mom who was not loving but more.. like instigatey and let him get away w stuff? i do think Walburga was emotionally abusive and clearly unstable, but i cannot see her laying a hand on her precious heir to the family name, esp since we Know the black family held that in Very high regard. Sirius was different fundamentally from his family but not to the point Walburga was Beating it out of him, he was given just enough room to push until he actively chose to run away at 16
4) Pandora Lovegood Was A Ravenclaw. Only Ravenclaw Parents like That have a kid like Luna. Xenophilius also was a Malfoy, he was like Sirius and fundamentally different but only Kicked Out when he Chose to marry into the Lovegood family, taking her name. he and lucius LOOK like brothers like cmon
5) Moody is a hufflepuff that is just important to me, also i don’t think he’s that old tbh war just does that to you, but again that’s more for personal reasons
6) Peter loved his friends more than anything and never once WANTED to hurt them. him ratting out the potters was more him ratting out Harry and hoping that Voldemort would Only kill Harry, leaving Lily and James bc he couldn’t imagine a life without them, but they could Have another child (bit fucked up but he was also looking for the easy way out)
7) I think Narcissa and Sirius were the closest cousins besides Sirius and Andromeda. Narcissa was the clear favorite of her family branch and so was Sirius, they’re also the closest two in age, i think they’d get along well at least before hogwarts
8) The Black Family are BROKE as fuck! I’ve told you abt this but for the sake of the post: Grimmauld Place is Ratty and Dirty and Ugly in the middle of muggle row houses! Why would the MAIN family branch of the black family live there if they had a choice? they have no money (at least substantially) and they’re just kinda lying about it and hoping for the best, slowly becoming like the Gaunts
9) I don’t ship wolfstar bc i think Sirius is noncommittal and Remus is too depressed to do this shit rn but during hogwarts all the marauders did kiss a lil bit but in a bro way (also most marauders fans think sirius is bi and remus is gay, i see it the other way around, that’s just me tho. i feel like a lot of wolfstar fans shoehorn them into outdated mildly homophobic character types (the slutty bi, the inexperienced gay, etc)
10) James Potter is Indian and this isn’t so much a hot take as it is a fact bc Harry is brown in most fanon bc he kinda accidentally was written as brown-coded but not a lot of marauders fans seem to equate that with James. However i do think Harry is mixed in the way that he’s half indian, quarter east-asian, quarter white. (Lily is wasian and she and petunia are half sisters. you can guess what ethnicity Petunia is)
bonus: i cannot see Andrew Garfield as Remus in any context i think y’all are insane for that cus it looks nothing like him, just use his actual actor’s younger photos/movie clips??
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