#same with figuring out what kind of study Black actually did which I have not found more clearifcation in exept the Law of/by Rule line
I have been thinking about Black a lot again lately (who the fuck is suprised) and how he could have easily have become Todd. Because Black comes from money and his mom is a judge, with him seemingly studying law (basing this on the Rule of Law and Rule by Law convo in ep1) Black could have become a nepo baby. We see the same with White, how his dad makes sure he has connections the moment he lands in Thailand, how White gets brought to dinner with his dad's old students and their connections almost getting White a job within the first month maybe even less of being a Thai citizen again. Black could have been Todd, could have benifitted from a broken system, fly through law school straight to a well paying job. BUT HE DIDN'T!!! He saw it for what it was, a broken system that favours the rich and slows down the poor, saw a system in which big companies could do whatever the fuck they wanted because they have money and with that power, and Black cut ties with his upbringing and decided to fight it. He sought after people with the same ideals as him, who were also willing to fight for those ideals.
I just love him. I love Black with all my heart.
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empress-simps · 1 month
James Potter Dating Sirius’ Younger Sister (Head Canons)
Note: These are just random stuff, it has been sitting in my notes app for a month or so? Enjoyy
Oh boy, you are in for a wild ride; just imagine all the chaos this would bring. Best believe you always have a stupid prank to worry about around the corner when your brother and boyfriend are pranksters.
You were a year younger than Sirius, being the middle child, and Regulus the youngest, it wasn’t surprising that you were kind of shunned by Walburga and Orion. You’re a girl, you cannot pass the Black family name onto your children, you were also not the heir. Luckily, big brother Sirius quickly took you under his wing and became the parent figure in your life.
You were sorted into Slytherin, along with Regulus much to your older brother’s dismay.
He threw a fucking fit and practically felt his soul leave his body the first time you told him. Sirius even went as far as tearing up and looking out the window, defeated. (And quite dramatically)
“You should’ve been a Gryffindor, Y/n! I don’t even know why the sorting hat put you in that evil house!” Sirius huffed, pouting.
“Regulus is also in the same house as me, brother.”
“Well it was quite obvious that he was meant to be a Slytherin, Regulus has a stick up his a-“
Although the Marauders mainly pranks the Slytherin students, you were an exception. How could Sirius prank his adorable little sister? You don’t deserve it! (also because James is a tad bit overprotective when it comes to you, Sirius just chalks it up as James being respectful to his younger sibling.)
“Siri, please don’t make Reggie suffer too much.” You plead to your older brother, puppy eyes activating as you heard their plans to set a nasty prank to slytherin students earlier. Sirius’ features soften, “Alright, I’ll talk to James. He’ll be the one to decide.” He pats your head, already formulating an apology for the prank he’s sure will not be cancelled.
James has been harboring feelings ever since he saw you on the train ride to Hogwarts with Sirius in his second year, so it was quite obvious what his opinion is on the matter.
Sirius randomly starts later that evening, “Prongs, Y/n was asking if you could exempt Regulus in our prank-“
“Oh don’t worry I’ll cancel it.”
Peter sputters “You’ll what?”
James looked at them “What? Let’s give them a day off.” Remus did a double take and actually sets his book down after placing his book mark. Yeah, that's how you know it's serious.
“We’ve been planning this for months-“
“Did I stutter, Wormtail?”
The hold you had on James though, seriously.
James Potter is whipped for Y/n Black.
You want some food that the house elves didn't prepare for dinner? Don't worry, James is on the case! He will run to the kitchens and bribe the house elves to make you some of your favorite dishes and what you're craving.
“What’s with the long face, princess?” Sirius asks, seeing you slump down next to him, looking quite defeated.
“Just some housemates, I couldn’t study well because of them.” You grumbled, pulling out your Herbology textbook and trying to focus.
Prongs frowned, snapping him out of his daydreams (which were probably about you.)
James want names.
Who dared interrupt his sweet girl’s (still not his girl though but we don’t talk about that) study session?!
Remus, being the observant sod he is, looks at Prongs, amusement swimming in his eyes as he takes in James’ angry and protective form.
Remus and Peter already has a hunch that Prongs fancy Padfoot’s little sister like… about a few months or so?
James doesn’t really even try to hide it, although it was one of the greatest unsolved mysteries on how Sirius still hasn’t figured it out.
“You reckon Padfoot’s just playing dumb? Even an oaf could see Prongs making heart eyes at Y/n.” Peter stated, snacking on some chocolate frogs as he sat on his bed.
Remus rolled his eyes, also sitting in his bed at their dorm room. The boys in conversation were in their quidditch practice. “He’s quite thick, I bet he wouldn’t even know until they started dating.”
“But Y/n’s innocent- doesn’t even know how lovesick James is.”
Peter was utterly wrong about that part.
You know that James likes you, although you try to ignore it, you can’t.
Because you like him back.
“Go out with me?”
You felt yourself blanch, hearing the familiar cheeky voice behind you.
You nearly broke your neck as you spun around to see James holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers while sporting a nervous smile.
“Does my brother know this?”
“Do you think I’d still be here alive when I tell him I’m utterly in love with his younger sister?”
Sirius almost busted a blood vessel when he found out.
Remus had to physically restrain him from lunging at James.
Yea sure, Sirius views James as his brother from another mother BUT BROTHER-IN-LAW?
“Bloody hell, Pads! Calm your balls down!” Remus grunts, back hugging the boy as he desperately tries to wriggle out of his mate’s grasp.
“No! Let me go, Moony! I just want to have a chat with Prongs!”
“Chat my ass! You were about to bloody knock the living daylights out of him earlier!”
It took a while for Sirius to wrap his head around how one of his brother-from-another-mother fancies his younger sibling.
He won’t lie, he felt betrayed by James for a short amount of time. He distanced himself (for a day, lol) but of course, he couldn’t stay mad at James.
Realistically speaking? James and Remus are the ones who are good enough to date you for Sirius.
“Do you love him?”
Sirius approached you one time in a random hallway. Youwere caught off guard with his question. You never saw your brother serious like that before.
“Sirius, what are you talking about?” You tried to feign innocence, but Sirius saw through that.
“James. I know he fancies you. Have you been shagging-“
You quickly clamped Sirius’ mouth with your hand, looking at your surroundings to check if anyone heard what he said.
“Salazar’s balls, brother! I still have my virtue!” You hissed, “Besides, I’m saving it for marriage.” You told him, making his tense shoulders relax.
“Atleast there’s something good that came out of those boring lectures Walburga taught us.”
“I am not a whore like you, brother.” You snickered, a playful smirk present on your face as Sirius slowly processed what you said.
“Why you little-“
It would take some adjustments for Sirius as he slowly takes in the fact that you and James started dating.
It doesnt help the fact that James always proclaims his undying love for you every chance he gets, which is every time.
Although, before he even asks you to be his girl, he talked to Sirius first, asking for his blessing.
Who is Sirius to deny his little sister and Prong’s happiness?
“I just love her so much…” James sighs dreamily, watching you from the Gryffindor table as you ate in silence beside Regulus, who was uncomfortable and tries to shield you from James’ looks (which he finds creepy).
Sirius can feel his eye twitch.
“Can you stop that Prongs? Just say that to her when you’re alone in a room.”
James frowned, “But you don’t allow us to be alone-“
“Exactly, Prongs. I don’t care if she’s your girlfriend—wife even. She’s my younger sister.”
James perked up, “So you’re alright with her being my wife?!”
Hogsmeade dates with James always.
“Honey, you don’t have to get me that necklace.”
He would buy you anything and everything you land your eyes upon more than 1.5 seconds.
He frowns, looking like a kicked puppy. “But you were staring at it!”
“It just crossed my line of vision-“
James certainly went back and secretly bought it for you.
No one can stop him when it comes to spoiling you.
Effie and Fleamont absolutely adores you.
“So, when is the wedding?” Effie smiled, looking at you and James expectantly
Cue Sirius choking in the background.
You blushed as James cleared his throat awkardly, a beet red blush already dusting his cheeks. “Mum…”
Effie blinks, acting innocent. “What? You guys are about to graduate from Hogwarts in… three months or so!”
Your family found out about the relationship.
Walburga’s stinging slap was marked on your cheek. “Have we taught you nothing, girl?!”
Regulus watched worriedly from the side, feeling helpless as Walburga continued to shout and curse at you.
“You good for nothing brat! I should’ve married you off ages ago! To think you’d turn out to be your older brother… Leave! And never come back as you will be no longer welcomed in the house of black!”
Regulus begged to take him with you.
Having nowhere else to go, you knocked on the door of the Potter Manor tiredly, holding your suitcase and Regulus looking around nervously.
Sirius was the one who answered the door.
“she hit you…” James muttered lowly, softly placing his warm hands on your cheek.
“It’s nothing, James.” You shrugged.
“We’ve suffered worse. I’m sure you’ve known that by now.” Regulus told him quietly, not looking up from his cup of warm tea before his eyes flickered to Sirius.
From that moment on, everything seemed to be better.
You’re happy to get out of the abusive household. Bringing Regulus with you, being reunited with your older brother, and hanging out with your boyfriend anytime you want.
Finally graduated from Hogwarts, James decided to pop the question.
“Padfoot..? You in there?” James nervously knocked on Sirius’ bedroom door.
“In here, Prongs! Hold on.” James heard shuffling before the door opened to reveal Sirius rubbing his eyes, seemingly woken up from a nap. He opened the door to let James in his room.
Sirius eyes him, noticing how fidgety one of his best friends are, his mind assumed the worst.
“I swear to Merlin, Prongs. If you got her pregnant and don’t plan to be responsible for it I’ll-“
James sputters, “What?! No! No one’s having a baby!”
Sirius visibly relaxed, “Then what’s gotten you looking so troubled?”
James pulls out a velvet box from his pocket and opened it to reveal an engagement ring.
“Erm… I’m not Y/n, Prongs.”
Cue a face palm from James, “I’m planning to marry your sister, not you, Pads. I’m asking for your blessing.”
Sirius didn’t think twice before giving him his blessing.
Which was why he and Regulus were dragged alongside Remus and Peter to plan a prefect surprise proposal.
“No no, it’s a bit crooked on the right.” James told Regulus, who was setting up the picnic blanket.
“Sirius, remind me again why I have decided to help this stupidly nervous sod?” He deadpanned to his brother.
“It’s for Y/n, Reggie.”
Regulus frowns, scrunching up his nose as he watches James run around like a headless chicken who’s trying to oversee everything.
“Where’s the ring?!”
Regulus could only sigh as he watched James panicking and looking in every nook and cranny, searching for the velvet box with the ring inside— that was obvious in his back pocket, where he placed it five minutes ago.
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xomakara · 8 months
Inked By You
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SUMMARY |  You're best friends with Johnny and have had feelings for him for awhile. You think he's only attracted to you because of your tattoos but it's so much more. PAIRINGS | Johnny/Fem!Reader GENRE |  non-idol au, college au, friends to lovers, smut, unprotected sex, oral sex, dirty talk, fluff towards the end RATING |  Mature LENGTH |  10,114 words AUTHOR’S NOTE | This turned out longer than I expected LOL. So in this one, all the members I mentioned are the same age lolol. I hope it makes sense. Does it make sense?? I feel like my writing style has been wonky lately.
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“Those are real, aren’t they?” Johnny asked you as he leaned against your bedroom wall. Taeyong and Yuta were lounging on your bed before joining the party that was going on in your living room. Johnny was looking at the various tattoos that were on your left arm.
You and Johnny have been best friends since your freshman year of college. Although you both have very different personalities and interests, there was one thing that kept you close together: partying. It's your last year of college and despite all the stress from studying and taking exams, you still got together every now and again to do what you all did best.
Drink, dance, and make memories.
Johnny is wearing a silk button-down shirt and black slacks. And then there was you in a tight mini skirt and a one-shouldered top that accentuated your figure and showed off your tattoo sleeve.
You looked good.
Even though it wasn’t what most people would consider a typical Friday night out, you, Johnny and other mutual friends seemed happy enough as you stood in front of the mirror checking out each other.
That was until you caught Johnny staring at your body with an expression that suggested he wanted more than just a quick look. The silence between you both grew awkward and uncomfortable until you finally broke it by saying, “What? Are my tits distracting you or something?”
He snapped out of his trance with a surprised look on his face, causing you to smile. He quickly apologized for staring, but said that he was genuinely interested in your ink. You nodded in response, knowing exactly what he meant by that. There was no denying the amount of attention you always got when wearing a low-cut top or a revealing dress. Your tattoo sleeve was another story though. People either loved them or hated them.
Despite the interest from many men, you never really considered getting any more tattoos after you finished your sleeves because, frankly, your current ones turned heads even if you wore a burlap sack. It wasn't uncommon for you to get double takes from people you knew as well as complete strangers when walking around town. On top of that, you didn't want to mess up the awesome artwork that had already been drawn onto your skin. Your current sleeves represented some of your favorite memories, which you didn't ever want to lose. So while others spent thousands of dollars on inked bodies, you got yourself beautiful pieces of art that couldn't be taken away.
Still, you couldn't help but notice how excited Johnny appeared whenever he saw you in your sexy outfits. As far as you could tell, he never missed an opportunity to stare at your tattoos, or check you out whenever you walked by him. Sometimes you would catch him ogling you in such a way that you felt like he wanted to rip off your clothes right there in public. Of course, there was no way he'd actually do anything like that. He wasn't that kind of guy.
Besides, you knew for a fact that he had a girlfriend who also attended the same college as you. They had been dating for about a few months, so she was obviously important to him. Still, whenever he caught you wearing something tight or sexy, he couldn't help but show off those sinful eyes of his.
With everyone gathered in yours and Taeil's living room, you tried to ignore the eye candy standing across from you as you and your friends continued to talk about meaningless things, like where you should go for dinner later tonight. You weren't even sure why you brought it up. Maybe you were bored, maybe you were drunk, or maybe you just needed something to keep your mind occupied. But whatever the reason, somehow the conversation ended up on the topic of sexual partners. When it comes to sexual encounters, your friends tend to live by the motto: if you haven't had sex with anyone, then you're not having fun.
You hadn't given much thought to that phrase until Jaehyun wiggled his eyebrows at you. "We all know that Y/N has fun doesn't she?"
You rolled your eyes, a smirk on your lips. "I've been told I have a knack for keeping people entertained."
"She can entertain me anytime!" Ten shouted. "Have you seen her ass in that red dress she wears?"
You couldn't help but laugh. That comment got everybody else laughing too.
"Anyways," You muttered before clearing your throat and turning towards Taeyong, "How many women have you slept with?"
Taeyong glanced over at Yuta and grinned, "Four, but it's probably more. Do you need me to give you a count?"
Taeil let out a small laugh before replying, "Four isn't bad. Don't think I'll ever get that high, although the number would probably increase if Yuta would stop trying to fuck everything that moves. Especially anything that moves."
You burst out laughing, followed by Yuta who laughed even harder. Eventually Taeil joined in, as did Jaehyun, and everyone else that was listening.
“But back to the question at hand,” Taeyong spoke up once he was able to calm down. He looked over at you, “how many men have you slept with?”
Johnny grabbed a bottle of beer from the kitchen counter and took a swig of it. He looked at you curiously.
"Well...if we include Jaehyun, Doyoung, Mark, Hendery and Renjun..." You counted, the men you called out looking at you for a brief moment before going back to whatever they were doing. "Five. But hey, who's counting? Sex is sex."
That answer seemed to satisfy Johnny, although he continued to watch you carefully. You noticed that he was taking an interest in your tattoos again. You shrugged it off as you and your friends continued talking, however your heart began to beat faster when you realized that he was no longer looking at your tattoos. His eyes were locked on yours.
"Hey guys,” Jungwoo called out to the rest of your group, waving a hand in front of their faces. “Who wants to get more beer and food with me?"
Thank you Jungwoo, for your timely interruption. You weren't sure how long you could last with Johnny staring at you. In fact, your knees started to feel a little weak when he cleared his throat to gain your attention. It was almost like he was daring you to say something. Something inappropriate, to be exact. But you had to be strong. After all, he was with his girlfriend.
"Uh, yeah," You replied, forcing a smile onto your face. “Let's go get some food and drinks."
You turned around, ready to follow Jungwoo into the kitchen. You paused for a second to take one last look at Johnny, and saw him watching you intently. You smiled sheepishly before stepping inside the kitchen to join your friends.
You turned around to see Johnny coming towards you. He didn't speak for a minute, so you waited patiently. "So, have you had fun yet?"
Your brows furrowed. You expected him to ask you if you were enjoying yourself. Instead he was asking you a completely different question. You wondered what this was all about, so you replied, "Of course I'm having fun! Why wouldn't I be?"
Before he could respond, Xiaojun called out. "Yo, Johnny! Jieun is here."
Fuck. Johnny's girlfriend.
You sighed inwardly as you watched him walk away with Xiaojun to greet her. If only he wasn't dating someone you actually knew. Then maybe he'd pay you the proper amount of attention. 
Oh well. No use thinking about it. 
You shook your head and focused on your friends. You hadn't seen them in awhile, so you welcomed the chance to hang out with them again. Plus, the alcohol helped to loosen your tongue, which allowed you to ask some of the questions you had been wondering about for quite some time.
"So, guys," you said, pouring some vodka into a glass. "Is it true that Renjun hooked up with someone last week?"
Renjun choked on his beer. You covered your mouth to hide your laughter. Kun let out a loud groan. Haechan let out a loud chuckle. Even Taeyong chuckled quietly.
You couldn't believe that they were being so open with you. It was like you were part of the group, and you liked it. You weren't sure if they realized that, but you were grateful nonetheless.
As soon as you saw Renjun regaining his composure, you spoke up again. "So, how many girls have you banged so far?"
Mark snorted. "Including you? Like eight or nine."
Kun guffawed. "More like twenty."
A shocked expression formed on your face. It was funny to hear their numbers compared to yours, but even funnier was hearing their reactions. Their reactions made you realize just how ridiculous their answers were. For example, Kun's claim that he had fucked more than twenty women in his lifetime was preposterous. However, you didn't dare bring it up.
Renjun shrugged. "I dunno. A lot."
Mark nodded. "At least ten."
Jungwoo scoffed. "No fucking way. Five tops."
"Bet none of those girls were as good as Y/N." Jaehyun reminded them, giving you a look. You rolled your eyes as he continued to talk. "And to everyone at this party that had sex with her, admit that she was good."
"I admit, I'm a good fuck." You shrugged, a small smirk on your lips. You nudged Jaehyun's shoulder. "Now shut up."
You all stared at each other for a minute before bursting out laughing. The alcohol was definitely starting to hit you hard, making you forget all about Johnny and his girlfriend. All that mattered was that you were surrounded by friends, having a good time, and drinking.
It wasn't long before Ten, Taeil, Mark, Kun, Haechan, Taeyong and you were sitting on the floor, passing around beers and shots as you waited for Jungwoo and Yuta to return with the food. And even though you were tipsy, you managed to hold your liquor fairly well. Until you drank the tequila shot you took right before going to get more drinks.
“So, Y/N.” Haechan drawled out, looking at you intently. You glanced at the tequila in your hands, your vision getting hazy. How much have you actually drunk so far?
“What?” you asked, shrugging. “What are you talking about?”
Haechan frowned. "You okay? You look wasted."
"Yeah, you look wasted Y/N." Taeyong said, as he put his drink down.
Your vision was getting worse. You felt dizzy. Your body was hot, then cold, then hot again. Fuck, you were going to pass out if you kept this up. You reached for the bottle of water next to you, holding it tightly against your chest. You closed your eyes for a second, concentrating on slowing your breathing. You managed to slow it down a bit, but you still felt lightheaded. Before you knew it, your vision blurred again. When you opened your eyes, you found everyone staring at you. Except for Taeyong. He was standing in front of you, looking very concerned.
"Taeyong." You whispered, unable to form any words. He held out his arms, inviting you to step into them.
"Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you to bed." He said gently.
"Y/N." Johnny stepped forward, his face showing concern. His girlfriend laid a hand on his arm, suggesting that he stay put. "Are you okay?"
You nodded and stumbled, reaching for the couch, only to find it further away than you remembered. Without thinking, you leaned against Haechan instead. As you dozed off, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer.
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"Johnny, what's wrong?" The pretty girl next to him muttered. "Is everything alright?"
Johnny watched from the corner of his eyes as his friends helped Y/N up from her drunken stupor. Was she okay? "It's nothing, Jieun."
"I hope she's alright." Jieun muttered, arms still clinging to him. "She seems so drunk."
"Don't worry about her, babe." Johnny assured her. "Just relax and enjoy yourself."
"Why are you always protecting her?" Jieun released a soft sigh.
"Because she's special to me." Johnny answered simply. 
He gave her a small smile before turning his attention back to his friends. He really missed the opportunity to spend time with his friends and Y/N.
He sighed. Of course he missed her. Even though he hadn't been able to spend much time with her lately, whenever they were together, they always had fun. She was kind and caring. Whenever they hung out, he felt a sense of comfort wash over him. It wasn't until tonight that he realized how lucky he was to have her in his life.
In the beginning, it was all easy. They met at a party thrown by their classmates. Since Johnny had recently moved to Seoul, most of his friends struggled to communicate with him. So when his friend Jaehyun told him about the event being held by another foreign exchange student, he figured that it would be a good chance to meet new people. Little did he know that meeting Y/N would change his life forever.
They hit it off instantly, flirting shamelessly. They had no problem joking around and teasing each other. At first, it had been innocent, simple conversations, whether it was about the weather or their favorite movies. They stayed as friends since Y/N was currently in a relationship, but every once in a while, they still got together to hang out. On those occasions, they spent their time watching movies, going to karaoke bars, eating out, and shopping. They had mutual friends who always seemed to drag them along to the hottest clubs and parties.
Those times together were always memorable. He remembered the time when he helped Taeil and Y/N find an apartment together since they were going to be roommates. There were nights where Y/N had gotten sick from drinking too much, falling asleep on Johnny's chest. Or times when he found himself helplessly straddling Y/N as they snuck into his apartment. He never questioned the level of their intimacy; after all, Y/N was a beautiful, smart, and sweet girl. In return, Johnny was respectful of her relationships with other men.
But the thought of Y/N with anyone else made him physically ill.
For several months, things continued this way. Eventually, they both became more serious with their respective partners. When that happened, they had trouble finding time to see each other. The good news was that they'd grown closer, becoming each other's best friends. During those moments when they saw each other, they'd always make sure to give the other person plenty of affection. It was obvious that neither one of them wanted to lose their friendship. Still, it was difficult not to get hurt every now and again.
Johnny would often ask himself why he didn't act sooner.
What stopped him from telling Y/N how he truly felt? He knew that he was attracted to her, especially after seeing how they interacted together. She made him laugh, genuinely enjoying his humor. It was impossible not to notice how sexy she looked when she was laughing at his jokes. Plus, she smelled amazing. When he breathed in her scent, it reminded him of chocolate. Or strawberry ice cream. Something sweet and fruity that melted his heart every time he inhaled it. But still, he kept his feelings bottled up inside.
Today was no exception.
Seeing Y/N dress in that mini skirt and that top that accentuated her figure, he had to try hard to stop himself from kissing her senseless. Heck, he knew she had tattoos but at the time, there were only a few. Now she had a whole sleeve of them. All over her left arm. Most of them seemed quite intricate and detailed, depicting nature scenes, symbols, even people. She had an incredible eye for detail and, based on her art, Johnny guessed that she had a lot of patience. It was one of the many reasons why he loved hanging out with her. They could talk for hours, even if they had absolutely nothing in common. There was always an instant connection between them, almost as if they were two halves of a whole.
Johnny glanced over at Jieun, his current girlfriend.
Just the girl that he’s currently just sleeping with.
Jieun was pretty, don't get him wrong. She had short hair and bright brown eyes, delicate features and a slender frame. But when compared to Y/N, she didn't stand a chance. Compared to her, Y/N seemed like a goddess. Y/N was tall, slender, toned in all the right places. She was tan, and had long, black hair that she often ran her fingers through. Not only did she possess all of the qualities that Johnny desired, but she also had a personality that stole his heart. For years, he had been silently pining for her. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't deny the fact that she was perfect for him.
But no matter how much he liked Jieun, he could never forget Y/N. The truth was that Y/N was just so different from everyone else. She never hesitated to show her true self, whatever that meant. Whether she was crying over a sad movie or dancing ecstatically at a club, he knew that she wouldn't lie to him or hold anything back. Her honesty made her extremely endearing. She was funny and carefree, and unlike some girls, she had a positive outlook on life. If it wasn't for Y/N, Johnny doubted that he would've made it through all the crap he went through during college.
No doubt, Johnny had fallen for her. But he refused to act on those feelings. To do so would be unfair to Jieun, despite them not really dating. More importantly, Y/N deserved someone better than him. Someone who actually appreciated her beauty and unique traits. She deserved someone who loved her unconditionally and showed it in every aspect of their relationship.
Johnny watched as Jieun struck up a conversation with the other party-goers. His attention went back to Y/N and how drunk she looked earlier. He wished that he could've done something to prevent her from embarrassing herself. Y/N was the last person he wanted to hurt.
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The next thing you remember was waking up on the couch, your head resting on someone’s lap. Haechan was still sleeping soundly, and so were all of your friends except for Yuta. He was leaning against the wall, eyes closed. Everyone looked so peaceful.
"Ugh, my head." You moaned as you sat up. "This hangover is going to kill me."
"Can I get you anything?" Taeil asked, coming out of his bedroom. He looked around the living room, noticing that the people who didn't make it home last night, were all passed out on the floor or on the couch.
You rubbed your forehead, getting up and padding towards the kitchen. “Coffee, please.”
He handed you the mug and a pack of Advil. "Are you feeling better?"
"Just peachy." You replied sarcastically. "Not at all.”
Taeil laughed. "Don't worry, you'll feel better tomorrow."
As soon as he walked back into the living room to wake everyone up, you finished your mug of coffee and padded into your bedroom to freshen up. You went through your closet, trying to figure out what to wear. You needed to dress casual, since you planned on spending most of the day lounging around the house, drinking coffee and playing games. Unfortunately, you couldn't decide between wearing sweatpants or shorts. Finally, after much deliberation, you chose to pair leggings with a gray tank top. Once you were done, you wandered back into the living room to wait for everyone else to wake up.
You didn't need to wait too long. Before you knew it, Taeyong and Renjun joined you at the kitchen table with cups of coffee. Mark rubbed at his eyes, sitting up from the couch, Haechan stirred next to him.
“Where did you two sleep?” You asked Taeyong and Renjun, curious.
Taeyong gave you a pointed look. “Like on the floor. At least Yuta was against the wall.”
You grinned. "I'm surprised no one took over my bed."
"I'm surprised no one put you to bed," Yuta muttered as he joined the group.
"Haechan was hogging her on the couch." Mark sleepily muttered.
"I was going to help her to her room but then I got sleepy and she was sleepy," Haechan yawned. "So we both passed out on the couch."
"Who didn't go home last night?" You asked Taeil.
"Mark, Haechan, Renjun, Taeyong, and Yuta." Taeil replied. "Oh. Ten and Kun passed out on my bedroom floor."
“Haha. Let's go get breakfast once they wake up. What should we do today?” You asked the group of hungover men.
“Eat breakfast. Drink more coffee. Play video games. Whatever you want.” Kun shrugged, coming from Taeil's bedroom. He stretched and yawned loudly. “Today is a free day. We can do whatever you want."
“Okay, sounds good. Can I shower first?” You asked, rubbing your eyes.
“Of course. Don't take too long. We're waiting.” Taeyong smirked.
“Whatever.” You replied. You slowly trudged upstairs to your bedroom. Once you were inside, you stripped off your clothes, letting them fall to the floor. You slid under the warm spray of water and scrubbed your hair vigorously. Soon, you stepped out of the shower, toweling off your hair and wrapping the towel around your body. Then you pulled on a pair of black yoga pants and an old, faded red t-shirt. Once you were ready, you padded downstairs to grab your purse and keys.
Once you returned to the living room, you found everyone waiting for you. They all sat around the living room, sipping on their morning coffees.
"Alright, let's go get breakfast." You declared happily.
"Good idea." Yuta agreed, getting up from the couch. "Let's not waste another minute here."
"We don't need another minute." Mark commented, looking around the room.
When you arrived at your favorite restaurant, everyone piled out of the car, stretching and yawning. The restaurant was fairly empty, save for the employees. So, when the owner came up to greet you all, you smiled.
"Morning! Glad to see my favorite group of hungover college kids." She beamed, her arms wide opened.
You stepped into her arms. "Morning mom. Can you feed us now?"
"Anything for my favorite daughter." Your mom kissed your cheek, ignoring your comment that you were her only child. Your mom looked at the rest of the group. “Now what can I get for you hungover kids?”
“Your egg sandwiches, auntie.” Taeil muttered.
“Coffee.” Mark yawned. “Lots and lots of coffee.”
“Can I get toast, bacon, and fries, auntie?” Renjun asked.
"Oh, god, come on." Taeyong groaned, sitting down at a nearby table. "Just give me some coffee and bacon, I'll be fine. Please auntie."
After you placed your order, you settled down at the table, joining your friends.
"Why are we meeting here every morning?" Yuta yawned, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Because it's close to campus, you get free food and you know my mom loves you all." You shook your head, helping the staff pour everyone coffee or orange juice into their mugs and cups. You made your thanks, the staff smiling.
"One of the perks of being Y/N's friends," Kun laughed. "Free food from her mom's restaurant. Lucky us."
"True that." Taeil nodded, finishing off his egg sandwich. "Man, I love her mom's sandwiches."
"She makes the best ones." You agreed, stealing a fry from Renjun's plate.
A few minutes later, the rest of the food was delivered.
"Can I have your bacon and eggs?" Taeil asked, pointing at your plate.
You raised an eyebrow. "Do you really think you deserve to eat someone else's bacon?"
"Doesn't hurt to ask." He grinned, grabbing your plate. "But you can always share."
Everyone chuckled as you shoved a fry into Taeil's mouth.
"So where did Johnny end up going last night?" You asked suddenly. “I really didn’t see him last night. I mean I saw him before I passed out.”
"He didn't stay long." Mark answered. "Around midnight, he left with Jieun."
"Ah." You frowned. "Makes sense. They never stay long whenever I'm around."
"They probably just wanted to spend time together." Kun explained. "Jieun and Johnny were really cute together. She followed him everywhere he went."
"Did you ever tell him that you liked him?" Yuta asked you suddenly.
"What?" You blinked. How did Yuta know about that?
"You did flirt with him a little." Renjun reminded you. "At least, that's what I saw."
"Whatever." You rolled your eyes. "It was barely any flirting."
"Come on Y/N," Mark shook his head. "Johnny was staring at you the whole night before Jieun came."
"It's the tatts, Mark." You replied. "He was asking me about them earlier."
"Seriously though." Yuta continued. "If you like him, why didn't you ever say anything?"
"I thought he'd never notice me." You sighed, knowing that there was no way to escape the converstation. "I'm not the type of girl that guys usually like."
"Really?" Mark raised an eyebrow. "There's nothing wrong with you."
"It's the tatts, huh?" Taeyong muttered, looking at your tattooed arm. "I mean, I love a girl that has tatts."
"Guys will always find something to complain about." You nodded your head. “But thanks for that Taeyong.”
"Well," Renjun interrupted, chuckling slightly. "There's nothing wrong with your tattoos."
"Yeah." Haechan agreed. "They're pretty cool."
"I agree." Ten smiled. "And sexy as hell."
You blushed, ignoring everyone's laughter. But it wasn't long before you were in a conversation about your tattoos again. About how pretty you thought they were and about how unique each tattoo was. It felt good, having such amazing friends that were willing to talk about your ink. You knew it would probably never happen with other groups of guys you hung out with. Not because they didn't care, but because they were afraid to offend you. Which is why you weren't surprised when the subject turned to sex.
It was always sex with these guys.
Why were you friends with these sex-crazed guys?
"So..." Taeyong started, shooting a pointed glance at you. "Are there any guys here you want to bang?"
"Hear me out. I know he has a girl and I know someone's going to beat me up for saying it or even thinking of it," You decided to just tell the truth. You looked around biting your lip, making sure your mom didn’t hear you. "Johnny. He seems like a good fuck."
"Damn," Haechan raised his eyebrows. "Y/N and Johnny would be hot, to be honest."
"No shit." Renjun nodded. "They'd be the hottest couple on campus."
You rolled your eyes and laughed with the others. You and Johnny? If only that was possible.
He still has a girlfriend after all.
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The days passed quickly. After hanging out with the group for breakfast, you usually went off on your own, doing homework or just spending time alone in your room. But one day, after lunch, you decided to join your friends again. This time you met up with Taeyong, Doyoung, Winwin, Xiaojun, and Jaemin.
You sat at the table, eating as everyone told you stories about who they hooked up with last night. You rolled your eyes when Taeyong started telling you about his drunken hookup with a girl named Minah.
"Drunk sex?" You scoffed, giving him a look. "Really?"
"Don't act like you haven't done that." Taeyong narrowed his eyes. "With as many times as you had drunken sex with Doyoung."
"Please don't bring that up. Every time you guys mention it, I feel bad." You groaned as Doyoung sputtered on his food. You reached out and patted his back. “But admit it Doyoung, the sex was good.”
"We don't mention it!" Taeyong responded to you, rolling his eyes at Doyoung’s reaction. "It's not our fault you're always horny!"
"Shut up. Just shut up." You threw your napkin at him, the others laughing.
You were surprised when the next person you noticed looking at you wasn't Xiaojun or Doyoung or Jaemin or even Winwin. Instead, it was your very handsome friend, Johnny. You didn't even know he would be here. He was out with others that were in his classes.
His dark brown eyes met yours across the room. There was something about the way he stared at you that made you blush. Your cheeks were hot. Even your ears felt hot. Why was this guy looking at you so intensely? And so much?
“Is there a reason why you’re staring at Johnny so much?” Xiaojun asked, leaning back in his chair.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat. “Um…”
"She wants to fuck him." Jaemin muttered. "Renjun told me the other day."
"But then again, what girl doesn't want to fuck, Johnny?" You asked, shrugging your shoulders. "Jieun is one lucky bitch."
You tried not to look at him anymore. Because whenever you looked at him, your stomach would flip. He was just too beautiful. Too sexy. Too perfect. It didn't help that he was already famous for dating the popular girl. Not that you weren't popular.
No wonder every single girl kept trying to hit on him. You included. You've been fighting the urge to kiss him since you met him at that event you hosted with Mark for the foreign exchange students. But he still had a girlfriend. A serious girlfriend.
Yet, here you were, constantly looking at Johnny like he was a piece of candy that you desperately wanted. Or maybe like you were salivating at the sight of him. Yes, that sounded more appropriate.
Like you wanted to eat him alive.
You wanted to suck on his lips. Suck on his tongue. Slap his hard cock against your naked pussy.
God, you wish you could touch him. Touch his face. His arms. His chest. Hell, just touch his skin. To see if it was as soft as it looked.
Or if it was rough.
Maybe Johnny likes rougher sex than the girls he normally slept with. What do you know about him, huh? Nothing. And yet, you keep imagining yourself with him. Imagining how it would feel to lay beneath him, letting him fuck you from behind. Thinking about how incredible it would feel to take his load all over your face. Or maybe deep inside you. The possibilities were endless. You just couldn't seem to stop thinking about him.
Your friends didn't know about the way you fantasized about him.
At least, they hadn't said anything. Yet.
"Ah, fuck." You let out a sigh, running a hand through your hair. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Doyoung gave you a concerned look. “You okay, Y/N?”
You nodded in reply.
You were seriously losing control. That was a first. For as long as you could remember, you had been able to hold yourself back from acting on your urges. The fact that you had no self-control around him should've made you realize you shouldn't be with him. It should make you run away. But instead, your heart yearned to feel his body pressed against yours.
Why? You wondered. Why did you keep wanting him?
You took another bite of your salad, listening to your friends talking amongst themselves. And once again, Johnny’s name was brought up.
“Yeah, I heard he spent most of the weekend with Jieun.” Xiaojun said casually.
You sighed softly, hoping that he wouldn’t ask any questions about it.
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The next week was rather uneventful. Since it was your last year of college, you have stayed late almost every night studying or doing homework. Sometimes, if your apartment was occupied, you would go to Hendery’s, Jeno’s or Yangyang’s rooms and study there since they often partied, playing sports or going to the gym. So you were surprised when Wednesday afternoon found you walking back to your apartment alone.
As you approached your building, you noticed Johnny standing near the front doors. Of course he was there. No doubt he had been waiting for you.
His posture screamed 'alpha male'. All six feet one inch of him stood rigidly, like he was prepared to strike at any moment. And the muscles in his arms and chest were clearly defined under his tight black shirt. Damn. You wanted to get closer to him, to see if those bulging biceps were real.
You swallowed nervously. How does a girl like you even get a chance to meet the guy that every other girl wants? What makes you different from all the rest? You were one of his best friends that's for sure.
You watched as he began talking to someone. A girl. And she seemed to respond well to his attention. She smiled as he leaned down to speak to her. She giggled. She touched his arm lightly. She probably thinks she's special. Probably thinks that he's interested in her. As if.
But he looks happy. Smiling. Even talking to her. Ah, this must be Jieun, the girlfriend. She was actually really cute. Much prettier than you expected her to be. Short hair cut in a layered style. Brown eyes. And a small nose.
The way his gaze lingered on her for a few moments longer than necessary, she seemed to be flattered. She leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his waist and squeezing him tightly. Her head resting on his shoulder as she gazed at him with longing. It was then that you realized that he was completely oblivious to your presence.
What was wrong with you? Why are you watching them like that? Why can't you turn away? God damn it! Stop acting like some sort of pervert.
You cleared your throat. Maybe he won't notice you if you ignore him. It worked the last time. Didn't it?
But to your dismay, he did.
"Hi Y/N!" He said cheerfully, looking up and meeting your gaze. "I've been waiting for you."
Oh god.
"Hey Johnny," You forced yourself to say. Your voice came out low and shaky. You struggled to find your words. Suddenly, you felt like an awkward teenager again. Like your face was on fire.
Johnny nodded towards Jieun, causing her to frown slightly. Then he shot you a mischievous smile. "Let's go up."
It took everything you had to push past him and enter your building. Thankfully, Jieun left before you reached your apartment door. You were grateful. You didn't need her prying questions right now.
Inside your home, you stood in the living room, suddenly feeling extremely nervous. Taeil wasn’t home yet, so you felt a bit nervous that you were left alone with Johnny. This had never before. Why all of a sudden were you feeling nervous in front of your best friend?
"Do you want a drink?" You offered nervously. "A soda or water? Wine?"
"A glass of red wine sounds nice." He replied without hesitation.
Relief flooded you as you hurried to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Thankfully, you had stocked the fridge earlier that day.
When you returned to the living room, Johnny was sitting on the couch, sipping his wine and watching TV.
He's so gorgeous. Why does he have to be so goddamn beautiful?
"So..." You started awkwardly. "How have you been?"
"Same old, same old." He shrugged. "What about you?"
You frowned. "Nothing new. Apart from hanging with the guys.”
He glanced at you quickly. Something passed between the two of you. Something strange. Something exciting. You squirmed in your seat, trying to focus on anything else besides the way his eyes smoldered at you. You felt like your whole world was going crazy. Everything around you became fuzzy. The way his voice sounded. The way his muscles flexed underneath his clothes. The way he gazed at you. Oh god.
Stop it. You chided yourself. This isn’t happening. Don’t give in to him. This is bad. Really bad.
“I’m glad we finally got to hang out tonight.” He said after a few moments of silence.
“Me too.” You replied, trying to sound nonchalant. “I mean, I guess I haven’t seen you since you’ve been busy with Jieun.”
Johnny nodded thoughtfully. “True.”
"You never talked about her." You pointed out quietly.
He grimaced. "We don't really talk about her that often."
"Do you like her?"
You exhaled sharply. "Jieun. Do you like her?"
Johnny furrowed his brows. "Why do you ask?"
You hesitated, wishing you hadn't brought it up. "Well...you look pretty happy when you're with her."
He smiled briefly. "It's complicated."
"Are you two together?" You questioned. "Is that why you always sit with her during class?"
"Well, we're definitely close." He said simply.
And then, he was silent.
“Isn’t she your girlfriend?” You blurted out. “Shouldn’t you spend time with her instead of me?”
He cocked his head to the side. “No, we’re not together.”
“Really?” You felt relieved. Thank god.
Johnny laughed. “Of course. We aren’t dating. We’ve slept together a few times but we’re not dating.”
You breathed a sigh of relief. Good. At least he was being honest. You tried not to think about what kind of relationship they had. What kind of relationship they had had. But you couldn’t help but notice how they interacted with each other. The way they looked at each other. How they held hands.
“Was my best friend jealous?” Johnny peered at your face, a smile on his lips. “Because I could swear that you were staring at us.”
“I was not!” You denied. “There was nothing to stare at.”
He rolled his eyes. “Don’t try and deny it.”
“No, I’m telling the truth. There was nothing to stare at.” You insisted.
“Sure there was.” He grinned, taking another sip of his wine.
“Trust me. There was nothing.” You responded forcefully. “There was no reason for me to watch you and Jieun together. You weren’t kissing or anything.”
“Really?” His expression grew serious. “What if I asked you to kiss me right now? Would you?”
“Fuck, Suh.” You burst out. “That’s impossible. You know that, right?”
“But would you want to?” He persisted. “Would you kiss me right now if I asked you?”
“I…” You stopped.
How the hell was you supposed to answer that question?
This conversation was turning into something you never expected it to be. Was it really just a friendly request or something more?
And what would your friends say if they saw you two making out in the middle of the living room? If they saw you grinding against him on the couch?
“God dammit.” You groaned, slumping back onto the couch. “Johnny, what the fuck are you doing to me?”
“Hmmm?” He peered at you curiously.
“Why does this have to happen?” You groaned, trying hard not to panic. “What are you trying to do to me?”
He gave you a playful smile. “I'm not doing anything to you.”
Your shoulders slumped in defeat. “Then why am I feeling this way?”
“Because you want me.” He replied simply. “Because you’re attracted to me. Because you can’t resist me. Because you feel something when I look at you.”
His confession sent shockwaves through your body. You sat motionless on the couch. Unable to comprehend what he just told you. Unable to believe him.
“Are you attracted to me too?” You whispered. “Is that why you keep looking at me?”
Johnny stared at you silently for several seconds. Then he grabbed your hand and squeezed it gently.
“Yes. Yes, I am.” He confirmed.
You gaped at him.
“Really?” You repeated hesitantly.
“I'm not lying to you.” He assured you. “I want you. I want you so badly that I can barely breathe sometimes. But if I tell you that, will you run away? Will you break our friendship because of this?”
“No.” You answered instantly. “No. I’d never do that. I wouldn’t even be able to think straight. Not to mention the fact that the guys would kill me.”
He chuckled. “Why’s that?”
“They know that I have a thing for you.” You admitted. “They see the way I look at you. They tease me about it all the time. I guess it’s easier for them to accept it if they knew that I’m attracted to someone who likes me back. Someone who I can be myself around. That’s why they won’t mind if we date. As long as I’m with someone who accepts me.”
He grinned. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“So…what should we do?” You asked tentatively.
He raised his eyebrows. “About what?”
“Um…this.” You gestured towards yourself. “This attraction between us. It seems like we both want it. So…is it possible that maybe we could…I don’t know…do something about it? Maybe meet up somewhere private? Or at least have sex. In my bed? On your couch?”
Johnny’s eyes lit up. “You want to have sex with me?”
“Fuck, Johnny.” You ran your hand through your hair, noticing his eyes on your tatted arm. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?” He murmured huskily. “Like I'm going to take you upstairs and rip your clothes off? Like I'm going to shove my cock inside you and fuck you until you scream?”
You moaned. Fuck yes. That's exactly what you want.
“Don’t you want to?” He pressed. “Don’t you want me to make love to you? To touch every inch of your skin? To lick your nipples and suck on your breasts?”
You bit your lip.
“Fuck. Please stop talking. Just fucking fuck me already.” You moaned, unable to contain your arousal any longer.
He smirked. “All right. All right. But just to warn you. I plan on treating you like the goddess that you are. Every part of your body is going to feel good to me. I’ll make sure you come over and over again.”
A fire ignited within you. This is exactly what you needed. Exactly what you wanted. The idea of getting fucked by him sent a thrill throughout your body. You loved hearing him say those words to you. Words that only a man like him could utter. And knowing that you wanted to have sex with him didn’t hurt either. It made you feel incredibly desirable.
“Tell me. Tell me what you want me to do.” Johnny said softly.
“Do whatever you want.” You replied breathlessly. “Just please. Make me cum.”
He chuckled. “If that’s what you want.”
You nodded eagerly. A devilish grin formed on his lips.
He stood up from the couch. Grabbing your hand, he pulled you up from the sofa. With one swift move, he tossed you over his shoulder.
He strode quickly towards the staircase. You shrieked, clutching at his shirt tightly. You kicked your legs wildly, desperately trying to escape from his grip.
Johnny was much stronger than you realized. Within seconds, he had thrown you down onto your bed. With one quick movement, he jumped on top of you. Your heart thundered against your chest.
He leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours. Kissing you fiercely.
Your body responded instinctively. Your pussy throbbed, begging for attention. Your nipples hardened beneath your shirt, yearning for a hard squeeze.
As his tongue probed into your mouth, his hands slid underneath your shirt. Pushing it up and off your shoulders.
His warm fingers trailed over your skin. Sending chills throughout your entire body. His lips trailed down your neck, licking and sucking at your sensitive flesh. Every single movement was driving you wild.
Every stroke of his tongue and caress of his fingertips set you on fire. You were soaking wet, longing for him to take you. For him to fill you with his cock. To give you the pleasure you deserve.
The moment his fingers brushed against your nipple, you let out a moan.
You arched your back, thrusting your breast towards him.
He chuckled. “God, Y/N. Are you trying to kill me?”
He grasped your bra, tearing it apart with ease. Your nipples sprang free. He rubbed his thumb over them, sending shocks of pleasure coursing through your body.
“Oooohhhh, Johnny.” You moaned.
He grinned wickedly. “Does that feel good, baby? Do you like it when I play with your tits? When I suck on your nipples?”
“Yessss.” You gasped. “More. More. Fuck.”
“Oh god.” He groaned, biting down gently on your nipple.
He continued to flick his tongue across your other nipple, flicking harder each time. Your cries became louder. You felt like you were going to explode. It took everything in you not to reach down and unzip his pants.
Instead, you threw your head back and wrapped your arms around his neck. Tugging at his hair as he teased your nipples. Moaning loudly whenever he touched your skin.
Johnny smiled. He licked his lips hungrily, giving your breasts one last slow suck before letting go.
Leaving you panting for air.
“I've got to be honest with you, baby.” He breathed, pushing himself up onto his knees. “You taste amazing. Better than anything I've ever tasted before. And there's nothing else I'd rather do right now than to spend hours tasting every inch of your gorgeous body. Touching you. Kissing you. Licking you. And slowly entering you. Until I fill you with my cum.”
“Mmmmm. Fuck yes.” You whimpered, your voice sounding like an echo in the empty bedroom.
“Now where were we?” He asked slyly. “Ahh yes, your tits. Did you want me to suck on them some more? Maybe eat you out while I played with your tits?”
“Yes.” You breathed. “Please. Oh god, yes. Please.”
He chuckled. “Anything for you, baby. Anything.”
Slowly standing up, he began to strip off his shirt. Each piece of clothing was removed with great care. His tattoos were displayed prominently. They looked beautiful as always. The sight of them caused you to sigh in appreciation.
Once his shirt was completely gone, he leaned forward, placing a tender kiss on your stomach.
“That's better.” He whispered. “Now you're ready for me.”
His hands sliding your pants off. His lips kissing the insides of your thighs. Caressing your inner thigh with every kiss. Leaving you quivering with desire.
“Fuck!” You cried out. “Stop teasing me. Please. Just fuck me. Now!”
“Shhh.” He whispered. “Not yet. Not yet. There's still so much left to do first. Don't worry. You'll get what you need soon enough.”
Your hands dug into his hair, pulling his face closer to your pussy. You moaned loudly. The sounds of your pleasuring filling the room. His hot breath tickling your inner thighs. Your panties drenched with your juices.
Johnny looked up at you, his dark eyes darkened with lust.
“Look at me. Look how beautiful you are.” He said huskily. “Watch me taste you. Watch as I rub my tongue over your clit. See how good it feels. Know that I'm doing it to you. That I want to eat you out so badly.”
He gripped your hips, tugging you upwards. Opening his mouth wide. Licking your entire pussy, slowly spreading your juices.
Lapping at you slowly, teasingly. Going lower and lower until his tongue found your swollen clit. Pressing hard against it, rubbing his tongue in circles.
“Fuuuck.” You cried out. “Johnny! Johnny!”
“Such dirty talk, baby.” He said with a laugh. “Let me hear it. Let me hear you beg for me to make you cum. I want to hear you screaming for me.”
You clawed at his back, trying to pull his face deeper into your pussy. Screaming obscenities. Making animalistic sounds. Biting down on your pillow as he gave you all the pleasure you deserved.
Finally, his tongue plunged deep inside your pussy. Flicking over your clit in rapid succession. Sucking on it and flicking it. Pulling away occasionally to tease you. Tasting your juices. Giving you an extra burst of pleasure every time.
His pace increased rapidly. Pulling away for brief moments only to return immediately. Giving you even more pleasure than you expected. Soon you were trembling, nearing the point of no return.
It took everything you had not to lose control. Your entire body was consumed by ecstasy. Your pussy contracting rhythmically around his mouth. Pumping his tongue inside you, trying to keep yourself from coming. From exploding with orgasmic bliss.
But you couldn't hold it anymore. You began to cry out. Your body shuddered.
Sensing your impending climax, Johnny stopped sucking on your clit. He withdrew his tongue, but kept his lips firmly pressed against it. Keeping your orgasm contained.
His hands remained firmly on your hips. Tugging at your hips, forcing your body further upwards. You cried out as you tried to pull his face back into your pussy. Trying to force yourself to cum.
You came with a loud scream, your entire body tensing. Johnny followed your lead, groaning loudly as you pushed your pussy back into his face. Your thighs squeezing tight around his head, pulling him tighter against your clit. Your entire body trembling violently. Spasms racking your body. Bringing forth the most intense sensation you had ever experienced.
Suddenly, he stopped. Letting go of your hips. Sliding off your sweaty body. Standing up from the bed. Looking down at you.
“Baby, I know you came, but I'm not done yet.” He said quietly.
Looking down at your spread thighs, he smirked. He began to undo his pants.
You panted, waiting impatiently for him to reveal his erection. You knew what was coming next. You knew this would be the moment of truth. Would he be able to satisfy you? Would he actually be able to give you the satisfaction you were craving?
With one swift motion, his erect cock sprung free. Your eyes widened, almost as if you were surprised to see it. You hadn't been expecting it to be that big.
And you weren't wrong. His cock was absolutely enormous. Longer than any penis you had ever seen. Bulging with potential. You wondered if he could possibly fit inside you.
If he would hurt you.
But you know he wouldn't.
You stared at his cock hungrily, staring at it in disbelief. In awe. You reached out tentatively, touching it lightly. Fingers shaking slightly. Shaking as they traced their way along its length.
You felt the weight of it in your hand. Thicker than any cock you had ever felt. Fuller than any dick you had ever seen.
Before you could fully appreciate his massive erection, he grabbed hold of your wrist. Moving your hand to the tip of his cock.
“Just think about it.” He said quietly. “Imagine how amazing it will feel. Just imagine the sensations running through your body. Imagine how incredible it will feel to have this inside of you. How much more powerful it will be than any dick you've ever had before.”
Thinking about how large his dick would feel stretching your pussy open. Knowing that once he penetrated you, he would never leave. He would be inside you forever. Bringing you so much pleasure.
Giving you such pleasure. Satisfying you so deeply. Giving you what you needed. Allowing you to finally release all your pent up sexual tension. Giving you the ultimate sexual experience.
Feeling overwhelmed with emotion, you placed your lips against the head of his cock. Your tongue darting out. Drawing the warm liquid from his shaft. Overwhelmingly delicious.
Moving down, your lips parted. Your tongue sliding out of your mouth. Stretching out towards his cock. Swirling around it like a tiny tornado. Slickly coating his member with saliva. Getting him nice and wet. Allowing you to slide it further inside your mouth. Gently sucking on it, making sure to take it all in.
“Fuck.” He growled. “Oh fuck. You are so fucking sexy. So beautiful.”
Smiling brightly, you returned his compliment. Leaning forward, your tongue moved further into his crotch. Taking him even deeper inside your mouth. Tongue twirling around his thick base. Up and down the full length of his shaft. Playing with his balls. Feeling the resistance of his perineum.
Slowly moving back up to his tip. Taking him deeper inside your mouth again. Working your way down, taking him all the way to the bottom. Running your tongue along the underside of his shaft. As you slid back up to the tip, you sucked on it gently.
He groaned loudly, reaching out to grab hold of your head. Pushing you downwards so he could sink even deeper into your throat. Your nose pressed against his pubes, inhaling the musky scent. Sucking on his cock like it was a popsicle. Gagging a little bit. His thick length hitting the back of your throat with each movement.
Panting heavily, he held your head firmly in place. Gasping for air as he let out another moan. His dick pulsating wildly inside your mouth. Fluid seeping out of the end of his cock. Massaging your throat. Causing it to tingle pleasantly.
As he released his grip, you released his cock from your mouth. Pausing for a moment to catch your breath. Smiling happily at him. Proud of yourself for being able to handle his huge cock.
He smiled back at you. Reaching down, his fingers wrapping around your chin. Pulling you close to him. He kissed you passionately. Wrapping his arms around you. Holding you tightly. He tasted wonderful. His scent intoxicating. His warmth reassuring.
Gripping your ass tightly, he pulled you onto his lap. Sitting you down onto his hard cock. Watching as it filled your pussy. Slowly slipping inside of you.
Stopping halfway inside you, he gently lifted you up. Removing his erection from your pussy. Grinning as he laid you down on the bed. Positioning himself between your legs. His hard cock positioned at your entrance.
Pulling back slightly, he looked down at you. Seeing the desire in your eyes. Waiting for him to thrust his thick cock inside of you.
Taking a deep breath, he gripped your waist tightly. Slowly pushing forward. Delving inside of you. Feeling you wrap your legs around him. Tightening them around his body. Moaning loudly as he filled you completely.
Releasing his grip on your waist, he grabbed hold of your wrists. Placing them above your head. Hanging limply as he slowly fucked you. Gently pumping his cock into you.
Grinding your hips against him. Panting as you struggled to breathe properly. Wanting desperately to touch his cock, to stroke it. To watch it twitch in your hand. But he didn't allow you to do anything. He continued to thrust into you. Stroking his dick as fast as he could.
“Please.” You begged. “I need you to come inside of me. Please.”
Chuckling, he responded. “Not yet, sweetheart. Not just yet.”
His words spurred you on. Suddenly wanting nothing more than to feel his load splatter inside of you. Needing to feel his seed filling your pussy. Pouring into your body. And you would love every minute of it. Every single second.
He suddenly pulled out of you. Rolling over onto his back. “Climb on top of me. Put your tits in my face. I want to suck on them while you ride me.”
Lifting your ass, you quickly straddled his naked body. Hooking your fingers behind his neck. Settling yourself down onto his hard cock. You moaned loudly as you impaled yourself on him. Your hips bucking back and forth.
Johnny gripped your breasts, tugging on your nipples as you rode him. Squeezing your nipples hard. Twisting them as you slammed your pussy down on his dick. Slowly increasing the speed. Riding him faster and harder until he felt the familiar pressure building up inside of him.
“Hang on baby. Hang on. I'm going to come. Oh god.”
Moaning loudly, you brought yourself closer to climax. Johnny's dick pounding your walls relentlessly. Your whole body shuddering uncontrollably.
Feeling his climax building, Johnny wrapped his arms around you. Holding you tightly. Ensuring that you remain steady. Bringing you closer to release. Kneading your breasts, milking them roughly. Pleasuring them until you were completely overcome by pleasure.
Your orgasm ripping through your body. Crashing down upon you with relentless force. Sweeping you away into an ocean of pure bliss.
He moaned loudly, holding you tight. Panting heavily as he came inside of you. Your pussy gripping him tightly. Keep his semen within you. Silencing his lustful thoughts. Pushing them away, allowing him to rest peacefully.
Holding you closely, he watched as your climax slowly faded away. You lay on his chest, your breathing still erratic.
“So good.” You breathed softly.
“So fucking good.” He agreed. “That was the best. The absolute best."
"The best sex I've had in a long time." You let out a small laugh. You heard the front door of your apartment opening and closing, hearing voices talking about Johnny's coat and shoes. Someone, sounded like Taeyong, laughing at how you and Johnny finally fucked.
"I can hear you guys!" You yelled.
Johnny chuckled. "So I guess the guys are right outside, and they know exactly what happened."
Groaning, you buried your face into Johnny's shoulder. "I can hear Renjun and Haechan asking me all sorts of questions."
Smirking, Johnny spoke. "We can just tell them that the hot tattooed people are finally a couple."
"A couple?" You asked, lifting your head up. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"Well, I originally came to see you tonight because I was on a mission." He laughed. "Will you be my girlfriend, Y/N?"
Laughing loudly, you hugged him tightly. "I'd love to be your girlfriend, Johnny."
Letting out a sigh of relief, he relaxed against you. "Thank god."
He mumbled, resting his head against yours. Breathing in your lovely scent, he listened to the sound of your heart beating. "This is the first time I've been with someone I really care about. So I don't want to mess it up. It has to work."
Snuggling against him, you smiled. "Don't worry. We'll figure it out together."
"Can I tell you something?"
"Yes." You answered, curious to hear what he was going to say.
"I love you." He told you. "And you need to know that."
"I love you too." You mumbled, running your fingers through his messy hair. "Forever."
He closed his eyes, biting his lower lip. A mischievous smirk appeared on his lips. He looked down at your tattooed sleeve, running his finger over a sunflower one. "I really love this design. What does it mean?"
You chuckled. "Sunflowers remind me of you."
Johnny froze, looking down at your tattoo.
You were shocked to see tears forming in his eyes. But you didn't have time to worry about it because he immediately placed a tender kiss on your lips.
Your heart fluttered wildly at his actions. Never had you felt so alive.
So happy.
So loved.
You hugged him tightly.
"Remember when you used to tease me about getting tattoos?" He asked you, giving you a sheepish smile. He caressed your cheek. "Remember when I told you I wouldn't get another one unless you joined me?"
"Yup." You nodded. "What happened to getting one with me?"
"I eventually got it with Taeyong and Yuta since I wasn't sure whether you wanted one with me or not." Johnny explained. "I'm still waiting to get one with you."
"What if I gave you the tattoo?" You offered, tracing his shoulder tattoo. "One of my designs so it's like you're taking me with you anywhere you go."
"I would love to be inked by you." Johnny whispered, turning his gaze towards you. "Anywhere you want."
Your breath hitched. This is exactly what you wanted.
You could only imagine the gorgeous tattoos you would create together. They would be so incredibly beautiful. A masterpiece. You would cherish them forever.
It would also make you feel special. Knowing that no matter where you went, Johnny would always carry part of you with him. Always be thinking of you. Remembering you. Cherishing your creations.
You didn't know how you could express how grateful you were for his words. Or for him choosing you. Loving you. Being with you.
All you knew was that you were going to treasure these feelings for as long as possible.
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positivexcellence · 2 months
Is there garlic on this pizza? An oral history of Supernatural's 'Monster Movie' episode
What started as a simple enough idea — a black-and-white episode — was then put into the hands of writer Ben Edlund, who’d already crafted some of the show’s more creative hours, including “Hollywood Babylon,” which marked one of the series’ first meta episodes, and “Ghostfacers,” which was shot like a cheesy ghost-hunting reality show using handheld cameras. Alongside Edlund was director Robert Singer, an executive producer on the series and a massive movie fan himself.
ERIC KRIPKE (Creator): I was an obsessive fan of The X-Files and in their prime, they got really bold and adventurous with their format, and they had a black-and-white episode. I was always hoping that we could start taking those same kinds of swings. I remember saying, “I want to do a black-and-white episode where Sam and Dean are up against the classic movie monsters.” But I think Ben came up with the shapeshifter. We were trying to figure out: How do you get a mummy and a werewolf and a Frankenstein and a Dracula in the same episode? That makes no f---ing sense. So this idea of a shapeshifter who loved those movies and was ultimately just a fanboy was the secret to cracking that one open. 
ROBERT SINGER (Director): I think that script was Ben at his best. I was really happy that I was in line to direct because I really loved those old movies, so it was fortuitous that I got to do it. 
JENSEN ACKLES (Dean Winchester): It’s all just paying homage to the old-school ways of doing things, which having Bob at the helm, he’s seen all those movies time and time again, so he was the perfect guy to direct this episode. 
KRIPKE: Bob has an encyclopedic knowledge of movies, especially older films. He’s a classicist and his directing style is a lot of that kind of beautiful, elegant Hollywood style, and I think he just really relished it.
SINGER: I shot generally with wider lenses than I would normally do with Supernatural to try to give it some of that old-time feel. I really took pains to make it look as old fashioned as I possibly could. I’m a big fan of James Whale, who had done Frankenstein, and there are a lot of great crane shots in those movies, so I did a lot of crane work in this. We did a lot of shadow play. 
JARED PADALECKI (Sam Winchester): You put Ben Edlund on writing and Bob Singer on directing and magic is bound to happen.
But there was another piece of the puzzle that needed to come together for the magic to truly work: Who would play the shapeshifter (and therefore spend the episode doing their best Dracula)? The answer was Todd Stashwick.
TODD STASHWICK (Dracula): They wanted a full-on replication of Bela Lugosi’s performance. I had the DVD of the 1930’s Dracula, so I was watching that just to get the mannerisms and vocal intonation down so that I wasn’t doing a Xerox carbon copy but rather actually trying to get that Hungarian dialect that he has. I went in [to the audition] and just swung for the rafters.
SINGER: We had him do one of the Dracula scenes and then do the speech where he’s telling her how he became the way he became and Todd just killed it. That was an easy call to cast him.
STASHWICK: They wanted to know that you were going to be able to bring both sides to it, the full-on studied Dracula performance and then to let that mask drop and see the wounded man that is the monster. 
KRIPKE: We needed someone who could stick the landing on the Dracula part and that’s really hard. It’s hard to do it and have it not come off like a bit. Todd is a remarkable mimic of Bela Lugosi and brings humanity and soulfulness and depth to it. There’s something in his eyes that made it deeper and sadder than had you cast someone who was just going for an impersonation.
PADALECKI: That episode belongs to Todd Stashwick. He’s so damn good. 
Alongside Stashwick was Melinda Sward, whose character Jamie, a local waitress, caught Dean's eye and marked a first for the show. 
KRIPKE: At the time, there was a young female fan named Jamie. She and her mother would write us letters and they were super fans, and we were still early enough that we’re like, “I can’t believe there’s fans.” Jamie had medical issues, so when the season was coming up, I wrote her a response and said, “If you concentrate on getting better, we’ll name a character after you.” And she responded and said, “That’s amazing, but can you just do me a favor? Can you make sure it’s a character that doesn’t die?” So the female lead in this one we named Jamie. That was one of the only times we ever named a character after a real person and a fan. The happy ending is she was thrilled and she grew up healthy and now tours around with a replica of the Impala. 
ACKLES: Jamie was one of my favorite Dean Girls. Melinda was so good and so fun.
From the instant the episode began, fans knew they were in for something special as the old black-and-white WB logo kicked off a very old-school credits sequence.
SINGER: Right from the opening of the Warner Brothers shield, you know where you’re going. It set the tone perfectly.
KRIPKE: That and “Changing Channels” are the only two episodes where I’ll sit down and just watch the credit sequence. The font, the way you list every crew member, and it just goes on forever. And [composer Christopher] Lennertz wrote real orchestral music for it. I just love the opening of that episode and the way we did that title sequence. But changing subjects, what that reminds me of is the singular genius of Ben Edlund to set this episode during Oktoberfest. Suddenly everyone looks like European villagers and everything becomes a real monster movie.
SINGER: And that location was a party site, but it worked perfect for us. 
PADALECKI: It was like an amusement park in the outskirts of Vancouver that we rented out. It ended up unfortunately getting torn down and turned into condos or something.
With the setting and the cast locked, the brothers set out on their hunt, arriving at Oktoberfest to help solve a murder. And when the investigation made Dean late to his first date with Jamie, he found himself face-to-face with Dracula. So naturally, Dean punched the shapeshifter in the face. A fight ensued, one that ended with Dean holding an ear and Dracula ... riding a vespa?
ACKLES: I believe one of the many reasons this show lasted as long as it did is because it can be scary but then at the same time, you throw something like the scooter in and it layers in comedy with horror, with drama, with romance. It touches it all. Bob said it early on and it became a mantra of ours: “No joke is too cheap.” 
STASHWICK: That’s the infamous assault scene. I’m in full crazy mode and I’m supposed to clock Jensen in his beautiful face with my elbow, and for whatever reason in that moment — I perhaps leaned in, he perhaps leaned in — we closed that gap and I clocked him. So what you see on the DVD extras is me being all Dracula and then me being mortified that I just hit their billion dollar baby in the face.
ACKLES: He caught me with an elbow but he probably thought he hit me harder than he did. It was a mix between a good shot and a graze, but he immediately broke character. He was like, “Are you good?” And I was like, “Yeah, that one woke me up.” [Laughs]
Dean made it through that fight, but the shapeshifter had already planned its next move: While Sam checked out an eccentric local that they thought was the killer, Dean and Jamie shared a drink back at the bar where she worked. Her friend Lucy (Holly Elissa) then showed up just in time to spike their drinks. By the time Dean woke up, he was wearing Lederhosen while strapped to a table in a dungeon.
SINGER: Jensen was like, “Oh god do I have to wear this?” So to make him feel better, I put on the Lederhosen top. I didn’t go with the full shorts but I did direct that day in the Lederhosen top to take the edge off it a little bit for him.
ACKLES: I remember that! He directed in that shirt. [Laughs] Those were authentic leather Lederhosen from Bavaria. Only the best for Dean.
PADALECKI: When Jensen’s first getting strapped to the table, cause he’s a big guy, I remember them talking about how for the visual's sake, they wanted it to be like he’s a quote-unquote damsel in distress, so if they used a normal-sized platform, it would’ve looked comical, but not in a good way. So they had to make it a little bigger cause he’s kind of big.
Dean wasn’t in the dungeon long before Dracula left him to go answer the doorbell. It seemed the shapeshifter ordered a pizza … and he had a coupon.
KRIPKE: I just love how there’s the monster lab in the basement but then you go upstairs and it’s this mid-century ranch house. That’s almost a direct ripoff of the Steve Martin movie The Man with Two Brains.
SINGER: [Set designer] Jerry [Wanek] did a great job in building the dungeon set, and then when the doorbell rings, you realize it’s in the bottom of a suburban house with a pizza guy showing up at the door. 
KRIPKE: When Ben wrote the script, we talked about that scene more than any other scene in the episode. We were so specific about how we wanted the Dracula shapeshifter to react to the pizza guy and the way he’s scared when he says, “Is there garlic on the pizza?” And then the way the pizza guy’s so bored and over it: “Did you order garlic?” And then he says, “No!” It’s the way that he’s so bored of this Dracula at the door.
PADALECKI: I think Jensen and I must’ve watched this episode together in 2008 because I remember us looking at each other and going like, ”Oh my god, [the pizza guy] is way better than he needs to be!”
ACKLES: That line, because of the way that Todd delivered it, we used that line on set many, many times. Whenever somebody asked a question that had an obvious “no” to it, it’d be like, “Hey, did you want the big light on in the distance?” And Bob would be like, “Is there garlic on it?” So that became a little ism on set.
STASHWICK: I’m a Second City guy, so “yes, and” is drilled into my head and yet the two memes I’m most known for, I’m saying the word “no,” and that is Supernatural and Star Trek. I have the no's that are heard around the world. 
In the end, the brothers came out victorious and another monster was dead, but not before this one made you feel a little something (and gave one heck of a final monologue quoting King Kong). 
KRIPKE: Ben gets all the credit, and rightfully so, for writing the crazy episodes, but where I don’t think he gets enough credit is what a disciplined screenwriter he is in terms of character consistency and rule consistency and just the emotion and pathos he brings to every single story he does. No matter how crazy, he always has such a talent for capturing humanity. I wasn’t counting on the shapeshifter to have pathos but when he gives that speech at the end, it’s so sad. I give him all the credit in the world for that.
SINGER: Eric used to say, “Every villain is a hero of his own story,” so we always tried, as best we could, to give the villains something to do and learn more about them and give them full characters. So even with all this fun, we managed to give him something a little more to do. 
PADALECKI: He becomes an almost sympathetic character — I stress almost because he did kill a couple people — but what a great character arc all inside of one episode.
STASHWICK: Because this character wasn’t just a cartoon Dracula and he had that human moment, I think it made him stick in people’s minds more. This monster just really loved the movies. He was the ultimate cosplayer. It might be the thing I’m most known for outside of Star Trek, that one episode of TV.
Although Dracula didn’t make it out alive, the episode seemed to breathe new life into the series, marking perhaps its biggest risk yet, though not the biggest risk the show would ever take. 
SINGER: It kind of laid a template for other big swings that we took that were out of the ordinary, whether it was “Changing Channels” or “The French Mistake.” This was the first of our big swings of being totally different than what the show was generally week to week.
KRIPKE: I remember it getting a positive reception. I think people appreciated the swings we were starting to take. I just love that this small little supernatural show that’s arguably a Buffy ripoff on The CW got so experimental. I am really proud that we were doing legit avant-garde stuff, really experimental filmmaking, of which this was one, and then we just kept pushing it. 
PADALECKI: It’s such a great episode of television and I think we have a few in our 15 years that could stand alone as something fun to watch and out of the box, and it's certainly easy to argue "Monster Movie" is at the top.
ACKLES: This was really when we were hitting our stride. We were in the pocket with these characters, with the storytelling, with the writing. The first year was really finding our feet, the second was like, "Okay we somehow survived a network merge, let’s not mess this up." And then third season we started playing a little bit. So by the fourth season, we’re like, "Now we know where we need to be." This was the perfect time to do one of these outside-the-box episodes. This is definitely one of my top 10.
SINGER: I directed 48 episodes and if somebody asked me which is my favorite, I would probably say this one. I just had the best time doing it. 
Entertainment Weekly
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corleonewrites · 17 days
La Vérité
AU: Anatomy of a Fall (2023)
Vincent Renzi x Original Female Character fanfic.
Summary: Two people connected by the same past. Two lawyers. And one tangled case which brought them back together again, giving them the opportunity to sort out their feelings towards each other, no matter how painful memories are to both of them can be.
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Chapter 2. Nocturne No. 8 In D Flat Major
Underground train was running fast, taking me to my destination: to the café, which was situated in the heart of Paris, right in the Place Vendôme, to meet Vincent. Chopin’s compositions in headphones were passing my ears by without notification as memories started to pop up in my head. I didn’t want to fall into them, but I couldn’t help it just how couldn’t delete old conversation with Vincent from my messengers. It was a habit of mine to reread them from time to time, making me hurt once again.
“Have you heard that there’s going to be teachers exchange this year, Camille?” – Loise, a friend of mine when we studied at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
It was the final year of master’s studies. I just turned 24 and looked forward to finish studying and start new chapter in life after my graduation. At that time, I wanted to make a pause in studies after receiving my master’s diploma and return to them to get PhD in a couple of years later.
Nothing was extraordinary in exchanging teachers and tutors, as it happened during my BA studies and I myself had one year study exchange and lived in London for final year during receiving bachelor degree.
“And I’ve heard from Estella that he’s quite handsome”, continued Loise, “She saw him in the corridor, he was asking for our lecture room.”
“Oh, please, you’re only thinking about these kinds of things when our exams and degree essays are soon”, I rolled my eyes, taking pens and notebook with student book out from my bag. Sometimes it was pissing me off when everyone was talking only about boys. And yes, sometimes I was jealous for my friends who actually was in relationships, but at that time I concentrated only on my studies.
“And she’s not the only one who thinks the same way! Helene and Annie think that he’s handsome too!”, finished Loise when the door to the lecture’s room opened and the man entered the room: slim figure in grey jacket and black turtleneck, slightly tousled grey hair, and blue-green eyes which caught my attention. I must admit that he was handsome indeed, but at that time I just sat on my desk and opened the notebook, giving to the man zero cunning affair-like attention whatsoever.
Meanwhile, almost every girl in my group, and there weren’t many of them, got all their eyes on him and I felt embarrassed because of it.
“Good morning, class”, the man said and placed his bag on the desk’s chair, “My name is Vincent Renzi and I’ll be your tutor and mentor for this whole study year of your final studies.”, Vincent said and turned to the chalkboard to write his name on it.
I wrote his name in my copybook and looked at him once again, this time paying close attention to what he was about to say to us. How good was his handwriting. I could say it definitely when I looked at the chalkboard with Vincent Renzi name on it.
“I know that we don’t have a lot of time for fooling around, because your final essays are about to be written, but because I don’t know you at all I’m offering you one task for today’s class: take a piece of paper and write a small essay about you. It can be anything you like: why did you decide to study law, what was your favourite subject at school, what’s your favourite colour, just anything”, he smiled a little when he heard how students laughed at his offer cheerfully, “And if you don’t want to write about yourself – write an essay about something you like or want to discuss. Or don’t write at all, and do what you want, but just be quiet.”, he sat on his desk, “You can take your time, you have it until lunchbreak”, Vincent finished and opened his small red notebook and started making notes.
“I’ve told you he is cute”, Loise whispered to me, smirking, but I just rolled my eyes.
“Oh, stop it, Loise, and start writing”.
“Pyramides Station”, the voice of the underground train informed me. It was my stop.
Trying not to fall into the memories completely, I excited the underground. The street was quiet and snowy. Crossing through the traffic lights and crowds of people who were shopping gifts for Noёl, I was getting closer and closer to my final destination.
I asked myself all the time if I was sure that I wanted to take new case, believing ahead that it’d be as tough as my recent one was, when I promised myself to relax and have couple of days off before starting a new one. But at the same time some thoughts were eating me: that I would miss something very great but very emotional and life-changing if I wouldn’t agree.
This uncertainty was in the air when I finally reached the café and opened the door immediately finding a very familiar man, who was sitting in the left corner, near big windows: same slim figure, his same slightly tousled grey hair which now was covering his eyes a little as he was writing something in the small red book, a cup of black coffee was standing nearby. He heard the sound of my footsteps and raised his head up and smiled with a slightly surprised look on his face when I wanted to fall into the ground, and my legs felt like they weighed a ton.
“I’m so happy you could come, Camille”, - his voice was soft and soothing as it was when I’ve heard him for the first time, years ago.
“To be honest, I wasn’t sure that I’d be here at all”, I replied dryly and ordered the cup of coffee as the waiter approached our table, “I’m still thinking about your question and I need to know the details before I’ll make the final decision”
He paused a little, probably astonished by my reply. His gaze quickly ran from my eyes to my hands, which were lighting a cigarette in my mouth.
“Of course, I understand you”, he said and moved closer to me
“Also, I still have the question: why did you write me? You could pick someone else, your colleagues, or another student from my class if you’re this kind of a picky person”, I exhaled the smoke of my cigarette”
Vincent laughed a little, when my heart started to beat faster once again.
“But you’re one of the most successful lawyers in Paris, right? And you’re free”
“Free in what way?”
“I heard you’ve just won the hearing. Congratulations, by the way, I’ve heard it was a tough one”
I smirked “Ah, that’s what’re you talking about. I got you, Vincent. And thanks, it was indeed very hard. Anyways, we’re here not to discuss my successful work, right? What’s the case that you’re working on?”
And Vincent began his story about the tangled and strange case on which he just started to work on, when all the details were still unknown and complicated.
“What were you writing about?”, Vincent suddenly appeared behind my back when I just finished writing my essay about law in cinema.
He picked my paper, when I raised my glance at him looking unemotional.
“You told us to write about anything we like. Here’s my essay about law in cinematography”
“She’s François Truffaut of our class”, Jean-Louis, my classmate and future co-worker said out loud and some of students started to laugh. I just turned back and gave them the look, when Vincent looked at them, then back at me with cunning glance, and placed my papers back on the table.
“Well, at least I now know that with mademoiselle Cadieux I can talk about films and she has a very good taste in them”
I looked at my tutor once again, because I wasn’t sure if he was mocking me or talking seriously, but he wasn’t laughing at all. And in that exact moment I understood that it’d be a very unforgettable final year of my master studies.
“It sounds tricky”, I played with a spoon in my empty cup of coffee, trying to place all the information about the case in order inside my head, “It honestly looks very bad, especially with the fact that your client isn’t French. The law for foreigners is way harder and with the accusations that she has, it looks lost in advance”
The café started to be filled with people who came to have their weekend brunch or just a cup of coffee, couples and friends were laughing. Me and Vincent were still sitting at the same table near the big window. The snow just stopped.
“I know, but I’m sure that this case can be won and that she’s innocent. Well, at least she looks like one.”, sighed Vincent, finishing smoking his cigarette, “And the whole process is taking place in a town near Alps, I just got from there to take all papers and documents that I needed with me, I’m heading there tonight. So, if you make up your mind, Camille, I’ll help with you with accommodation”
“Many thanks, Vince, but I’m not a little girl, I can sort these kinds of things by myself”, it was really irritating sometimes when he was treating me like a small girl, he was always like that, “I’m not sure neither about the case nor about your client, but I love taking risks, so, I’m up for it”, and before Vincent tried to say something else, I finished, “And let’s just make it straight, I’ll help you out and this will be only work-related talks, nothing more than that”
Vincent looked straight into my eyes as he was trying to read my thoughts which were screaming for my loneliness and how much I missed him but hated him at the same time.
“You didn’t change a bit, Camille. You were always a cold-hearted strong and mysterious woman from when I saw you for the first time”, he tried to hide his little smile, but I saw it, pretending that I didn’t and smoked the rest of my cigarette.
For other people I looked serious and cold-hearted, and I tried to convinced myself the same way, and it worked really well during my work. But no one knew that sometimes I cried in the night when I couldn’t keep my emotions inside me no more. No one knew about my weakness. Not even Vincent and he was one of my closest people who I used to know.
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tenebraevesper · 6 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: Nothing Remains, Night 16: Beware Of Us
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''Recalibrate, the gears and wires. Illuminate, you cannot hide. Let's demonstrate, a new attire. Eradicate, what's left inside. Although you may deny me day, you know I'll find another way inside of you, don't even try to play with the demons inside us. Your time is now, to crawl again. Beware of the souls trapped inside us.''
 – Inside Us by GatoPaint ft. Chi-Chi (Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location)
Springtrap stared at the animatronics on the stage, Freddy, Bonnie and Chica, wondering if he could provoke some kind of reaction from them. After all, Puppet did act aggressive when Sam had approached her, with Springtrap figuring that the other animatronics might show some kind of reaction as well.
''Okay, I understand that you have been programmed to act like the Classics, but there is much more to that than just roaming around and murdering everyone you consider an intruder,'' Springtrap said. ''So, can someone explain me what's going on?''
Showtime Freddy, Bonnie and Chica remained standing there like statues, not reacting to his questions at all. Springtrap frowned, feeling annoyed.
''I know that you can hear me and that you understand what I'm saying,'' he grumbled, but once again, there was no reaction. He sighed. ''This feels stupid…''
''I don't think that they are going to do much unless something happens,'' Sam had approached him, having changed into the purple and black Fazbear uniform. ''Speaking of which, I'm surprised that they had lasted a week considering they are at a place where someone might break them, either unintentionally or on purpose. I mean, Mangle didn't even last a week.''
''Actually, Mangle didn't even last a few days. The kids absolutely hated the animatronic, as she replaced their beloved Foxy,'' Springtrap explained. ''It's kind of disappointing that Fazbear Entertainment gave up so soon on Mangle instead of trying to do something about it.'' He gave her a bitter smile. ''Not that I cared about it at the time.''
''I'm not surprised,'' Sam replied. ''After all, you were trying to survive the week there without any additional help. Although, tampering with the animatronics wasn't your best idea.''
''Well, it did work, at least for a while,'' Springtrap replied, with Sam rising an eyebrow.
''It only worked because you weren't the one dealing with them, leaving them to another night guard, as well as every adult they came across, so they would be the ones to handle them,'' Sam told him, with Springtrap giving her a sheepish look.
''I am aware of that,'' Springtrap said, then glanced back at the animatronics on the stage. ''Speaking of which, I'm certainly not done dealing with the Showtime Animatronics. I know that there is a lot more to them and I want to figure out what exactly is going on here and what Fazbear Entertainment had done with them.''
''Don't tell me that you're planning to take them apart to study every component of their endoskeletons,'' Sam said. Springtrap shook his head.
''I don't think that there is any need for that,'' Springtrap replied, remembering the immobile endoskeleton Connor had created. Even though it was just a machine, it looked as if it was suffering. He shuddered, knowing how that felt, as he spent about 30 years confined to a small room being unable to move. ''I know from experience that it would be better to treat them with a little more care than pretend that they're emotionless machines. Besides, we don't even know what they're capable of. I'd rather be careful around them, but that still doesn't mean that I won't continue questioning what's going on here or trying to get some kind of reaction. This whole thing just feels suspicious.''
''Hopefully, we'll get some kind of answer,'' Sam muttered. ''You know that that kid said that they felt something weird about the animatronics. Maybe you are having the same sensation?''
''It is possible, but this isn't just some kind of gut feeling,'' Springtrap explained. ''Every time I look at them, I feel as if they are aware of what is going on, as if they know who I am.''
''That's kind of scary, but you know that we've been talking about you the whole time, so it isn't that surprising that, if they were indeed aware of what was going on, they would know that you are a spirit haunting animatronic,'' Sam pointed out. She narrowed her eyes. ''However, if you are this worried, we are just going to stay careful. I mean, I'm not sure whether to trust those animatronics, especially after Puppet's reaction, but if they wanted to harm us, they would've already done it.''
''True,'' Springtrap replied, glancing back at the stage, with the animatronics still staring ahead blankly. He clenched his fist, staring at them, feeling uneasy. After what Anthelm had revealed to us about Fazbear Entertainment and the animatronics… While they might not be haunted, there certainly is something wrong about them, but what is it? Also, what was up with that re-used code that had been brought up in the documents? After all, Henry had destroyed every animatronic tied to Freddy's dark history, including me, Elizabeth, Molten Freddy and the animatronic his own daughter, Charlie, had possessed. Not to mention, even if Fazbear Entertainment got their hands on the Nightmare Animatronics, the only ones that had survived Henry's purge, I sincerely doubt that they would use their programming for the Showtime Animatronics. So, what exactly is going on?
He shook his head, with Sam giving him a concerned look.
''I know that I'm missing something,'' he said, only to feel Sam tugging his arm and noticed her holding her hand, giving him a confident look.
''We'll figure it out together,'' she told him. ''I'm sure that there is an answer to this mystery.''
''You're right,'' he replied, stroking her hair. ''Besides, we have other things to worry about, don't we?''
''Yeah, I know,'' Sam said. ''We need to deal with Connor, but aside from the fact that he was responsible for what happened at Ricky's, we have no idea where to search for him.''
''Either we will find him or he will find us,'' Springtrap said. ''Regardless of how things go, we need to put an end to him.'' Sam nodded, with Springtrap tilting his head. ''Is there something else that bothers you?''
''I know that it kind of sounds stupid, but there's what Tessa told me...'' Sam admitted. ''However, considering the current situation, I don't think-'' She stared at Springtrap in surprise when he grabbed her hands, giving her an intense and concerned look. ''I guess that I shouldn't just ignore my own problems.''
''Exactly,'' Springtrap replied. ''Now, what exactly had she told you?''
''Well, as I had already told you, she was angry that I had disregarded her feelings about the whole prank call, called me self-absorbed and demanded an apology for putting her through that,'' Sam said, feeling annoyed as she remembered the whole interaction. She sighed. ''However, what stuck with me was that she said that I was at fault here because I was being anti-social and that's why no one wants to be friends with me.''
''She's wrong, and you know it,'' Springtrap told her. ''You are a wonderful, caring person, who simply had the bad luck of being used by selfish people. I don't think that we would be here if you were really the person that Tessa describes you as.''
''Thanks,'' Sam replied, smiling. ''I simply told myself that I don't need to be around toxic people like her and that I already have a friend who cares about me – you.'' She hugged him. ''Honestly, I'm incredibly happy that you are here for me and I wouldn't change anything about this relationship.''
''Neither would I…'' Springtrap muttered as he hugged her back. However, the sting of guilt had returned, with him feeling that he could've done much more for her. It may have been partly because he cared a lot about Sam, but also partly because he had never done the same for Michael, Sammy and Elizabeth. If I could've just done something differently…
''Will?'' Sam was a little surprised when Springtrap put his hands on her shoulders, giving her a determined look.
''Everything will be fine, I promise,'' he told her, his eyes glowing in a faint purple.
''William, what's wrong?'' Sam asked him worriedly, with Springtrap lowering his head.
''I'm the one at fault and I honestly wish that there is a lot more that I could do than this,'' he admitted. ''Not only for you, but for Mike, Sammy and Lizzy as well.''
''I understand,'' Sam muttered. She knew that William was deeply regretting what he had done to his children and that he wanted to make amends, but was also aware that that wasn't possible. Even if he tried to hide how he felt about it, it became soon obvious what was going through his head. While Sam knew that it was up to Michael, Sammy and Elizabeth whether they would want to forgive their father or not, she couldn't help but feel sorry for him. She knew that he was quite desperate at this point, but he had no hope left for any redemption and had to accept that nothing he does would change anything. It was surprising that he didn't go insane from all that stress. ''Will, you know that I appreciate your efforts and I know that you're doing your best to make me happy. You may think that it's not enough, but you have done more for me than you think. I mean, just talking to me was enough, but you went beyond that. You genuinely care about my opinions, you put my desires above yours and you try to teach me new stuff. You were also completely honest with me about your past and your intentions. Aside from my parents, I couldn't imagine anyone else to act like that towards me. So, if you ever feel like this, as if you hadn't done everything you could for me, keep in mind what I had told you.''
''I will,'' Springtrap nodded, with Sam giving him a mischievous look and then booping his nose. Springtrap was startled at first, only to give her an annoyed look, but then he smiled. ''You really love doing that?''
''Obviously,'' Sam replied, chuckling.
Drawkill Freddy frowned, pointing his arms at the small dark figure in front of him. He could hear the gasoline rushing through the tubes connected to the tanks on his back. However, instead of using the flamethrower he was equipped with, he lowered his arms.
''What's wrong, Freddy?'' Drawkill Foxy asked. ''Aren't you going to burn her to a crisp?''
Drawkill Freddy shook his head.
''It wouldn't be worth it,'' he said, crossing his arms. ''Someone is going to notice the smoke and the smell. We should just leave before someone finds us.''
''If you say so, mate,'' Drawkill Foxy said, shrugging. ''You're in charge.''
''Yeah, but he's not the Boss, but Connor is,'' Drawkill Bonnie added in a sarcastic tone. The other three Drawkills groaned. None of them were happy about being reminded of that fact.
''In any case, Freddy is right,'' Drawkill Chica said. ''I don't think Connor would even care about what we do with with her. He just wanted her gone from the restaurant.''
''Well, then we are done,'' Drawkill Bonnie said. ''Someone will find her, they will search for the perpetrator, but will never figure out how that happened.''
''Yeah,'' Drawkill Freddy muttered, with his companions leaving. He was the last one to leave, staring at the little body of the girl who had been killed by Dahlia.
They didn't go inside previous night, in fear of the idea that the police would be patrolling outside, even though Connor told them that, while they might treat the case as an abduction, he had also overheard, via Dahlia's help, that they suspect that the girl had ran away as she had an argument with her brother, even though the parents insisted that she wouldn't do that. In the end, they decided to go there tonight.
Connor had taken control over Dahlia again, forcing her to unlock the restaurant and leave the girl's corpse at the back, with the Drawkills picking it up and taking it away. When they asked Connor what to do with it, he told them to dispose of it, with the Drawkills wondering whether they should burn their body, so they had figured to bring her as far away from the restaurant as possible, but eventually decided against it. It wasn't worth the hassle.
''So, what are we going to do now?'' Drawkill Bonnie asked Drawkill Freddy as he joined them.
''Obviously, we are going to search for Afton and that girl,'' Drawkill Chica replied instead. ''I mean we've been doing that the entire week, so don't ask stupid questions.''
''It wasn't a stupid question,'' Drawkill Bonnie said as he patted his head with his finger, with Drawkill Chica realizing what he meant.
Drawkill Freddy and Drawkill Foxy nodded, with all of them checking the communication device that allowed Connor to spy on them, turning it off. They stood there for a moment, waiting for Connor's response, as they knew that he would distort their system in case he didn't want them to sever their only communication method. Luckily, it seemed that he'd leave them alone this time.
''I hate this,'' Drawkill Chica muttered, still feeling anxious.
''All of us hate the fact that we had found ourselves in this situation,'' Drawkill Freddy told her. ''Anyways, let's move on.''
''Hello, hello? Well, it seems as if this is going to be my last message, for now.''
Sam and Springtrap exchanged looks, shrugging.
''You already know what to do and your tasks will remain the same – keeping an eye on the animatronics and repair them in case they break. If something goes wrong, you will report to me directly. Obviously, your animatronic friend is allowed to stay and what you do is not my concern, as long as you don't cause any trouble. If you have any concerns or questions, send me an e-mail or come to me during office hours. I wish you a good night.''
Along with Kylie's voicemail was also Sam's new schedule, which she had downloaded, figuring she'd check it once she returned home.
''I'm surprised that she had acknowledged my existence,'' Springtrap said.
''At least she didn't ask any further questions,'' Sam told him. ''I guess that her attitude towards the situation is that, if it works, leave it alone.''
The two fell silent for a little bit, knowing that they needed to plan their next move. Sam glanced at the stage, noticing the glassy-eyed stare the animatronics had. Even though they looked as if they were inactive, according to Springtrap, they were probably aware of what was going on around them. Rest assured, they were creepy.
''What are you doing?'' Springtrap asked when Sam suddenly got up, with her going towards the stage.
''Well, you wanted to provoke them to get some kind of reaction from them,'' Sam replied. ''Considering how Puppet acted around me, maybe they too are going to show some kind of reaction.''
''I don't think that you should get too close to them,'' Springtrap said, remembering how Puppet had lunged at Sam, grabbing her arm. However, Sam had already gotten on the stage.
''I'll be careful,'' Sam replied, with Springtrap being a bit doubtful. She then turned back towards Freddy, Bonnie and Chica. ''You know, something that makes me curious about the animatronics is the fact that, if they had been programmed them to act like the Classics, then why aren't they walking around, trying to find the night guard and murder him by stuffing him into a suit?''
''Maybe because they know that you aren't the night guard, but the animatronic technician,'' Springtrap replied sarcastically. ''Besides, we both know the actual reason those animatronics were going after the night guard. They were searching for me and, at some point, the spirits' minds had been too deteriorated to distinguish an innocent man from their murderer.''
''True, but nevertheless, wouldn't the animatronics here exhibit similar behavior if they were programmed to act like the Classics?'' Sam asked. ''If anything, they would at least roam through the restaurant at night.''
''I agree,'' Springtrap said. ''It is possible that they do roam through the restaurant when we aren't here.''
''I guess that you might be ri-AGH!'' Sam stepped back when Freddy suddenly lunged at her, screeching at her. Her stepping backwards caused her to trip on the edge of the stage and fall over.
''Sam!'' Springtrap rushed over, managing to catch her, only for the momentum to knock him to the ground while still holding Sam.
''Owww…'' Sam felt a sting of pain in her lower back, with her and Springtrap sitting on the floor. However, aside from the possible bruise, she was unharmed. She glared at the animatronic who had jumpscared her. ''What the hell was that for, Freddy?!'' The animatronic, however, returned to his usual position after jumpscaring her, acting as if nothing had happened. She and Springtrap exchanged glances. ''I have a feeling that this one was on purpose.''
''Well, I did tell you to not get too close to the animatronics,'' Springtrap told her sarcastically, with Sam taking his remark in stride. The two looked up at the animatronics, with Sam leaning back against Springtrap's chest, her eyes narrowing.
''I assume that this confirms that these animatronics are indeed individuals of their own,'' she said in a dry tone. ''Or at least, that there is indeed a lot more to their programming than it seems.''
''Maybe, but how this is possible remains a mystery,'' Springtrap added, his eyes glowing in a faint purple. ''Nevertheless, that doesn't mean that we won't figure it out, one way or another.''
The Drawkills stopped walking when they had suddenly heard police sirens. They all exchanged looks, aware of what was going on. Someone had probably find the girl's body, which meant that they didn't have to worry about her fate anymore. They also knew that they would have to stay clear of that area, as people would probably search for whoever dropped her off there.
''Should we go back?'' Drawkill Bonnie asked.
''We still should search this area through,'' Drawkill Freddy said. ''Besides, I don't really want to go back to deal with Connor.''
''Me neither,'' Drawkill Bonnie said, with Drawkill Chica and Drawkill Foxy shaking their heads.
''Then, let's go,'' Drawkill Freddy said, with his companions following him though the empty streets. They knew that they had to keep an eye out for anyone who might see them and that they couldn't just silence any witness forever as the bodies would draw attention. It was already enough that they had to clean up the mess Connor had left and they didn't want to deal with more.
''You know, we could go try to search at Freddy's,'' Drawkill Bonnie said at some point, causing everyone to turn towards him. He shrugged. ''What? It's just a suggestion.''
''We were just surprised that you suggested something sensible for once,'' Drawkill Chica said sarcastically, causing Drawkill Foxy to burst out laughing. Drawkill Freddy grinned too, but he was more reserved than Drawkill Foxy. Drawkill Bonnie groaned.
''Well, it's not my fault that nobody thought of that, not even you, smartass,'' he told Drawkill Chica, with the latter just glaring at him.
''In any case, we could take a look at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza,'' Drawkill Freddy interrupted. ''However, I doubt that we are going to find them there. Our main goal is to find that girl's house, which is where Afton is probably also residing.''
Drawkill Bonnie grinned, glad to hear that Drawkill Freddy accepted his idea. He gave Drawkill Chica a smug look, with the latter just ignoring him, annoyed. The four then went towards Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, making sure to not be seen, especially after they had almost exited into a street which had a police car passing through it. Eventually, they reached the restaurant, scattering around to find a way to see what was inside as there were shutters covering the windows. There was one window that was uncovered, showing them the area with the stage, but the room was pitch-black.
''No one's here, this place is abandoned,'' Drawkill Foxy scoffed, turning to Drawkill Freddy. ''This was just a waste of time, mate.''
''It wasn't really a waste of time,'' Drawkill Freddy told him, with Drawkill Chica and Drawkill Bonnie approaching them. ''Afton is connected to this place, at least according to Connor. So, it is possible that he would return he-aghr!''
He and his companions groaned in pain as they experienced a familiar irritating noise messing their system up, followed by static. They quickly turned their communication devices on.
''What in the hell were you thinking, cutting me off like that?!''
''We hoped that you wouldn't notice,'' Drawkill Bonnie muttered sarcastically, only to cry out in pain as there was another rush of static and noise. He noticed that his system even received an error warning, meaning that he might break down if this continued.
''Don't talk back to me like that,'' Connor replied angrily, only to continue in a calmer tone, ''So, what happened while I was forced to stay out of the loop?''
''Someone has found the body and called the police,'' Drawkill Freddy replied. ''We have also searched through tonight's area, but we haven't found anything.''
''We even checked at Freddy's, but there isn't anything there, Boss,'' Drawkill Foxy added.
''I see,'' Connor muttered. ''You better return back now and I will give you orders for tomorrow.''
The four heard a crackling, assuming that Connor had disconnected his communication device.
''Who wants to bet that he's going to give us the same boring task?'' Drawkill Bonnie asked, only to groan as there was a wave of static that briefly washed over him. He realized that Connor didn't completely disconnect any communication between himself and the Drawkills and that he wasn't tolerating any remarks about his leadership. The four sighed, feeling exhausted and completely done with this whole thing.
''Let's go,'' Drawkill Freddy said, with the rest following him.
Springtrap closed the door to Sam's room behind him, standing in the hallway. He and Sam had been talking about the animatronics, but they didn't feel as if their conversation was going anywhere, especially since they had no idea what to do about the animatronics unless the animatronics themselves did something. Freddy's jumpscare, while giving them an idea what they were dealing with, didn't really count and they couldn't get the animatronic to react again.
I guess that we will have to be patient about this issue.
He went back to his room, hoping to continue reading the Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince book and try to relax a little. However, before he could do any of that, he noticed Emma suddenly entering his room. He stared at her, surprised.
''What are you-'' he muttered, only to remember that Emma told him that she wanted to talk to him. ''So, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?''
''First of all, I want you to keep your voice down so Sam won't hear us,'' Emma told him, with Springtrap giving her an indifferent look.
''Why?'' he asked.
''Sam's 17th birthday is the day after tomorrow,'' Emma said. Springtrap was surprised.
''What?'' he asked. ''Sam didn't tell me anything about it. I mean, she did tell me that her birthday would be this summer, but she never elaborated on it.''
''Believe me, she wouldn't want to elaborate on it,'' Emma said. ''Sam doesn't really care about celebrating her birthday.''
''Why?'' Springtrap asked. ''After all, it is her birthday. Why wouldn't she want to celebrate it?''
''It's a bit of a long story-'' Emma said, only to get cut off by Springtrap.
''Well, I have time,'' he said, only to notice the annoyed look Emma gave him.
''In any case, I assume that you know about Sam's former friends. After all, Sam told me about the prank call,'' Emma said.
''Yeah, I do and trust me, it was just a threat to-'' Springtrap said, only to get cut off by Emma.
''Okay, I know,'' she said, with Springtrap giving her a weird look. ''Anyways, to cut the chase short, when she was still friends with them, she had invited them to her 15th birthday and the party was here at home.'' Emma shook her head. ''Honestly, they were a nightmare to deal with. Whenever Sam wasn't around, I would hear them complain about the food, music, entertainment, and overall, they acted like complete brats, saying how Sam wasn't a good host to them.''
''That's terrible,'' Springtrap said, frowning.
''As said, they never told her anything directly, but whenever I came close to them, they would stop talking and act as if everything was fine, which was really frustrating, especially since I was doing my best to make sure that the whole event wouldn't fall apart for Sam's sake,'' Emma added. ''I think they were trying to hijack the party, or something like that, but once they realized that I wouldn't let them do that, they decided to leave even before we got to cutting the cake.''
''Seriously? So, they basically decided to throw all courtesy out of the window,'' Springtrap said in a dry tone.
''Yes,'' Emma said. ''They claimed that they wanted to continue the party somewhere else and when Sam told them she would go with them, they said that she wasn't invited and left without giving any explanation. Sam was completely crushed.'' Emma sighed. ''Tessa was last to leave, but only because I had confronted her about taking the videogame Aaron had bought for Sam, with Tessa claiming that Sam agreed to borrow her that videogame. I'm pretty sure that, had she left with it, Sam wouldn't have seen her videogame ever again. I never told Sam about the confrontation though, as she already had enough on her mind. However, I'm sure that this is what had contributed to her trying to drop all contact with them.''
''That's just awful,'' Springtrap said, feeling the rage rising inside him. At first, he was shocked to hear that Sam had suffered from such abuse, even though he already knew that Sam's former friends were horrible people, but finding out about this was just the icing on this whole mess. ''The way they treated her is just incredibly messed up. Sam doesn't deserve this.''
''If anything, this was probably the reason why she refused to have a party for her 16th birthday. While I did make her a cake and Aaron had also visited her, she spent the whole day locked up in her room, playing videogames. She did come out in the evening, saying how she felt bad for acting like that, but she didn't feel as if it was necessary to celebrate anything.'' Emma sighed, grumbling. ''Honestly, I wish that I had a talk with those spoiled brats, especially Tessa. After all, she was Sam's childhood friend and they were incredibly close, and at that time, I just wanted to knock some sense into her. However, I guess it's too late for that.''
''So, what do you have in mind for this birthday?'' Springtrap asked. ''I know that you have planned something, and I'd like to know what this has to do with me.''
''Well, I had talked to Sam today and told her that we'd be having a birthday lunch and that Aaron is also going to join us, like every year,'' Emma said. ''What I didn't tell her was that I made a reservation at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.''
''I think she'll be really happy about it,'' Springtrap said, feeling a bit excited about the revelation. ''She loves spending time there, even though her reasons for it are different.''
''Yeah,'' Emma said, narrowing her eyes. ''Speaking of which, when I arranged this, I talked to the manager, Kylie Anthelm, and she was surprised to hear that Sam was my daughter and we had a bit of a talk, where she told me that she was actually happy with Sam's work, despite the circumstances during which she had hired her.''
''I see,'' Springtrap muttered, giving Emma a sheepish look. He really didn't want to know what exactly Anthelm and Emma were talking about. ''So, essentially, Sam's having a birthday lunch at Freddy's and it's a surprise for her, so I should keep quiet about it. Fine, but I have a feeling that there's something else you want to tell me.''
''Yeah, there is – it's about you, Afton,'' Emma said, taking a deep breath. Springtrap had a feeling that she was going to regret whatever she planned to say next. ''Aside from me and Aaron, you'll be also attending Sam's birthday. I mean, that is kind of obvious since she considers you her best friend, but I just wanted to make that clear.''
''So, am I supposed to put up an act as animatronic entertainer and bring her the birthday cake?'' Springtrap asked, grinning. ''I'd love to do that.''
''I have already assumed that you'd say that,'' Emma said, narrowing her eyes. ''There's one more thing that I need to warn you about, though. I won't be telling Aaron about who you really are, as I think that it's already enough that Sam and I know about your true identity. Therefore, you'll be using the same excuse as you did in Anthelm's case – that you are an incredibly advanced animatronic Sam had found.''
''Okay, I can work with that,'' Springtrap said, giving her a mischiveous look. ''So, essentially, I just need to keep up with the masquerade. Nevertheless, people might be still left wondering, considering the kind of awareness I have. No animatronic would act this way…''
''Afton,'' Emma snapped, frowning. ''I want you to be on your best behavior and I don't want to deal with any of your antics. You care about Sam, don't you?''
''Of course I do,'' Springtrap frowned.
''Then don't cause any trouble,'' Emma told him. Springtrap shook his head.
''Emma, you don't have to worry about me, as it is not my intention to ruin Sam's birthday,'' he told her. ''Besides, shouldn't I get her some kind of gift?''
''Trust me, I doubt that she would want any kind of gift from you,'' Emma replied, crossing her arms, with Springtrap giving her a confused look. ''Anyways, just keep in mind what I had told you and don't cause any trouble, because if you do, I will make your life here a complete nightmare.''
Emma then left, with Springtrap crossing his arms. When it came to it, Emma Blackburn was probably the only person alive capable of intimidating him, and he had a lot of respect for her, swearing to himself to never make this woman angry. That didn't mean that he didn't enjoy messing with her.
Nevertheless, this is all about making Sam happy, isn't it? He sighed, his ears lowering. As much as I have experience arranging birthday parties while I worked at Fredbear's and Freddy's, this doesn't mean that those always ended up well for the birthday kid.
There was mild static covering his eyes, with Raven blinking a few times, only to rise his head, noticing the Drawkills standing inside the room he was trapped in. He frowned, staring at them.
''What are you doing here?'' he asked.
''We live here,'' Drawkill Chica replied sarcastically, sitting on the nearby table, with her arms crossed.
''I wanted to know why you're in this room,'' Raven replied dryly. ''I'm sure that, whatever this place is, has other rooms for you to be in.''
''Considering how we're at an old warehouse owned by Ricky's, yeah, there are actually more rooms here,'' Drawkill Bonnie replied, his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall. ''However, your room is the nicest.''
''Exactly,'' Drawkill Foxy said, his fingers brushing across the hook-like sickle. ''You will have to deal with our presence, mate.''
''You're certainly a better conversation partner than Connor is,'' Drawkill Freddy said, stepping in front of Raven.
''You know, it would've been easier for me to hold a conversation if I weren't stabbed through my endoskeleton,'' Raven replied, with Drawkill Bonnie walking up to him, slamming his hand beside Raven's head.
''Meanwhile, we have a device implanted inside us that distorts our programming, to the point that we could completely break down if used too much,'' he said aggressively, then chuckled in a mocking manner. ''Of course, you have it much worse; I feel so sorry for you!''
''Mate, yelling at him won't help you,'' Drawkill Foxy said as he approached Drawkill Bonnie. He then rose his sickle, holding it with his other hand. He tilted his head, grinning like a maniac. ''On the other hand, taking your anger out on someone is something I will gladly help you with.''
''No one is going to tear anyone apart here, Foxy,'' Drawkill Freddy interrupted the two, with Drawkill Bonnie looking irritated, while Drawkill Foxy was merely disappointed. Drawkill Freddy payed no attention to the two, staring instead at Raven. ''As for you, sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut, unless you want to be turned into scrap metal.''
Raven snorted, shaking his head.
''Honestly, I don't care what happens to me as long as I get to eliminate Connor,'' he replied, staring at the four Drawkills intently. ''You guys know that Connor is just going to continue killing people because of his crazy beliefs, right?''
''Yeah, we are aware of that,'' Drawkill Chica said in a sarcastic tone. ''None of us are pleased that we're being used as the cleaning crew instead of doing something meaningful.''
''I assume that this purpose you believe to have is involving more murder,'' Raven told her. The Drawkills fell silent, just staring at him. Drawkill Freddy took a step back, clenching his fists.
''We may be at Connor's mercy now, but you should beware of us,'' he said. ''We are going to choose our own fate.''
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#Five Nights at Freddy's: The Untold Story (Masterlist)
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lion-hrt · 2 years
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Severus Snape x Reader (Fluff)
Summary: Professor Snape and reader have a bit of a misunderstanding about feelings...nothing a bit of liquid courage, or better yet, liquid luck, couldn’t solve.
I still couldn’t quite believe I was headed out the large double doors towards Hogsmeade on a date with Severus Snape. It had been about 6 months since I had taken up the position of Charms at Hogwarts while Professor Flitwick took a much-needed sabbatical. Since starting, I had befriended nearly all the faculty except for Professor Snape. It wasn’t even that he was unfriendly; he was perfectly polite, in fact, but there was no hint of warmth or camaraderie between us. 
Despite a dearth of friendship between us (or really anything beyond total neutrality), I couldn’t help but notice the small kindnesses he extended when he thought no one was looking. True, it would be unlikely for someone to be outside on a freezing winter morning watching the sunrise from the top of the astronomy tower which offered a wonderful view of the castle grounds and the lone figure in dressed head to toe in black on a brisk morning walk sweeping snow from sapling pine trees bent nearly to the ground with the weight. It would also be perfectly reasonable to assume the hospital wing were empty upon first glance at the rows of unoccupied beds, the shadows around the edges concealing not only a Charms professor on a mission to see if the rumors of a particularly bashful ghost were true, but also a man on his way to deliver a gentle sleeping potion to Madame Pomfrey who still suffered terrible nightmares about the Battle of Hogwarts only a few years prior. So, as these things happen, I developed something of a crush. 
As the months passed and the weather improved, I started to run into Professor Snape a bit more often on my jaunts around the grounds. At first they truly seemed to be coincidences but I started to feel a nagging suspicion that there was perhaps a bit more orchestration involved. Still, whenever I attempted conversation, I found myself rebuffed. I decided to turn over a new leaf and take matters into my own hands for once and just ask Professor Snape to have tea with me. After all, given how often he seemed to appear in the same vicinity as me when I went to visit the owls to say hello, or as I sat by the lake refining my sketches of the giant squid, we seemed to share some pretty similar interests. If he wasn’t interested, then he could come out and say so. 
One Saturday morning, I gathered up the nerve and left my chambers and set out to find Professor Snape. I had no idea where he was in the castle, but I trusted that I would simply run into him. Rounding the corner towards the library, I did run into Professor Snape, quite literally. I bounced off of his chest and nearly fell over backwards if it weren’t for him reaching out to catch me, holding tight to my upper arms. We both spoke at the same time: 
“Ah, uh, Professor [L/N], I was actually just looking for you I wanted to ask--”
“Professor Snape! Sorry, I’m sorry, I was just looking for you--” 
We both stopped mid-sentence to let the other continue. He stared at me quite severely so I decided to get it over with. I cleared my throat. “Yes, Professor Snape, I was just saying, I wondered if you might be interested in accompanying me to Hogsmeade for a cup of tea? If you’re not busy...” I trailed off. He was looking at me oddly, like he was trying to observe something. I shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. “Well,” I continued, “if you’ve already got plans then--”
“No,” he said quickly. “Tea would be, ah--tea would be lovely.”
“Oh!” I said, not really expecting to have gotten this far. “Great! Shall we?” 
Exiting the castle together, I wasn’t sure what to say, or how to even start a conversation. Thankfully, Professor Snape thought it his turn to be bold, and asked me more about my life before coming to teach at Hogwarts. As an American, I had not studied there myself, but I had heard a great deal about the castle growing up and had always been eager to visit. In no time at all we were standing outside of a garishly pink tea shop. Why on Earth Professor Snape chose this place, I couldn’t begin to imagine, but he led the way inside. Once we were seated with a teapot and plates of scones, clotted cream, and jam set in front of us, I looked up at Professor Snape and was struck by how relaxed he looked in comparison to how I normally saw him. His dark eyes met mine, and I glanced back down at my tea, feeling the beginnings of a blush warm my cheeks. We sat in companionable silence, watching the people bustling around us in the shop and outside on the street. 
After a time, I stood up to use the restroom. When I neared the table again, I saw Professor Snape withdraw his hand under the table and quickly tuck something into his pocket; the glint of glass caught my eye. 
“What was that?” I asked, sitting back down. I picked up my teacup and swirled the tea around, gazing into the milky brown liquid. 
“Are you implying I dosed your drink with something, Professor?” he retorted, the hint of sneer forming on his face. “If this is how you think I would act on a da-” he stopped himself, color beginning to creep into his cheeks. “I mean, maybe it’s for the best if I take my leave.” He stood up, and something small fell onto the ground. He must have missed his pocket in his hurry to stow the tiny vial. It rolled towards me, and I leaned over to pick it up from where it lay against my foot. Holding the dregs of the golden potion to the light, I laughed. “Is this...felix felicis? Why on Earth would you be taking this?” 
Professor Snape stood there, eyeing the door. He seemed to be deciding whether he should bolt or not. Instead, with a fortifying breath, he sat back down. He rubbed his eyes with thumb and forefinger of one hand for a moment, then looked up at me. “Look, Professor...” He shook his head slightly then continued, “[Y/N], I’m not the most...comfortable...in admitting how I feel, or when I’d like to get to know someone better. I owe you an apology. Earlier this morning, I drank the contents of that vial which you rightly pointed out to be a luck potion. I thought...I hoped...that with a bit of a nudge, I might be able to...oh, I don’t know what I had hoped. Catch you on your way to observe some rare animal in the forest, and get the chance to finally ask you on a date. Well, I did run into you, but I feel like perhaps I made a mistake with the potion. I thought it would be easier to talk with you if I weren’t so afraid of saying the wrong thing or putting you off. But then I couldn’t think what to say at all, and you were looking everywhere else but at me. If the potion had actually worked---” 
I couldn’t help it. I burst out laughing. Professor Snape’s eyes narrowed slightly. “If this is pity, I neither need nor want it.” His voice has gained an icy edge. 
“No, not pity! Not even close. This is just too much. Severus, I don’t think your potion malfunctioned. I think it didn’t know what else to do! When I bumped into you earlier, I was already looking for you to ask you out to tea. I haven’t been avoiding looking at you because I don’t want to be here; I can’t look at you too long because I was too self-conscious that you’d catch me blushing like a fool. I’ve been having a wonderful time, Severus, really!” 
He looked incredulous. “Wonderful?” He asked.
I nodded emphatically. “Yes, absolutely.”
Severus plucked the vial of luck potion from my fingers and vanished it. Then, his face broke into a tentative smile. “In that case, might you be inclined to join me for another round of tea?”
I smiled back. “Yes, gladly. And, if you’re lucky,” I winked, “I might be free for dinner as well.” 
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[Note]: These calls accompany Victor’s Transshipment Date, and they contain references from the date. So make sure to read the date first! ♡
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⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released in the global server! ⌚
✧ [1st Call] ✧
Victor: The problem you’ve been tangled with since last night, has it been untangled?
MC: Not at all! But this should be a problem in which you can’t help me make a choice...
Victor: Let’s hear it.
MC: Actually… the Chinese divination almanac says that I have the possibility of going out this weekend, and good things will happen.
MC: But again, my horoscope says that I am in danger of losing money and belongings this weekend, so I’m advised to stay at home.
MC: I’m a little a bit torn. Which one should I believe?
Victor: [sighs] …
Victor: You want to go out on the weekend but don’t feel like moving, so you found yourself a reason to be entangled?
MC: …this is a serious confusion regarding the issue of my fortune!
Victor: Then believe the one you feel is more accurate.
Victor: A certain someone has been studying horoscopes for more than a day or two and must have accumulated a lot of experience.
MC: Eh? I’m surprised you didn’t tease me this time for my dummy-style behavior!
Victor: [chuckles softly]  Since the dummy already has a clear-cut perception of herself, I don’t need to say much more.
MC: A little bit of correction. It’s an act of metaphysical romance. And also, I think they are both accurate.
Victor: I remember that last month, after reading your horoscope, you said with full confidence that your fortune will skyrocket recently.
Victor: In the end, on that same day, you forgot to bring the key before leaving home and your favorite cake also ran out of stock, and then came running to me crying.
MC: But that day, I was also taken in by the chef at Souvenir because I was “homeless,” and even got to have a lychee pudding.
MC: If you think of it that way, wasn’t I lucky~
Victor: I don’t think you need to read those transshipment tricks in the future.
Victor: Your this kind of dummy-style optimism is the biggest nemesis of bad luck.
Victor: Since you are torn, leave the choice to me.
Victor: I’m still able to guarantee that you will get through the weekend happily.
✧ [2nd Call] ✧
Starts at – 1:30
Victor: Did you randomly leave your facial masks in my suitcase when you were tidying up the house earlier?
MC: Why would I leave them randomly? I put them in there for you on purpose.
MC: They have hydrating and moisturizing factors, as well as revitalizing and collagen supplements to enhance the complexion.
MC: Won’t you get tired from the meetings during the day? So, at night you can enjoy a facial mask in bed. Aren’t I very thoughtful?
Victor: Black cat mask, panda mask, white bunny mask… there’s a wide variety of them.
Victor: Is a certain someone planning to “check up on” me every night during the video call to see if I’ve applied them or not?
MC: Ahh, so you’ve figured that out!
Victor: I see that some dummy is deliberately trying to lure me in.
MC: Don’t reject like this. Didn’t you enjoy it the last time I put it on for you?
Victor: You’ve already coaxed me into this once the last time, taking my pictures “conveniently” while telling me to relax and enjoy––
Victor: And you’ve also photoshopped those photos with a lot of emojis. You think I don’t know that?
MC: How did you know…
Victor: I wasn’t sure before, but now I know.
MC: …
Victor: Last time, it was because a certain dummy’s massaging technique was more spot on. It’s not that I liked putting on the facial mask.
Victor: I’m actually more interested in seeing the fancy cat face mask on a dummy.
MC: I’m going to use a super fierce tiger face next time! To protest a certain someone’s disobedience.
Victor: And what about when you’re happy? A giggling bunny facial mask?
MC: That sounds good. Then I’ll use a weeping sea otter face when I feel wronged.
Victor: You don’t let any opportunity of playing tricks slip by.
MC: In this way, all my emotions will really be written on my face. [mimics Victor’s MC imitation voice] Please CEO Victor “prescribe the right medicine for the illness!”~
Victor: No need to apply a mask. All your thoughts are written on your face too.
Victor: As for the approach of prescribing the right medicine––
Victor: Before a certain someone puts on the tiger mask, I’ll prepare a pudding well in advance.
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
(ch. 1) wild heart | bucky barnes x reader
dreams unwind
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
summary: bucky barnes isn’t sure what to think of you. all he knows is that he can’t stop thinking about you. his heart beats a little faster, his breathing does a double take, and he can’t resist the urge to flirt. still, he has to swallow down his nerves—a woman hasn’t made him nervous in years. now that you’re moving in, he’ll have much more time to figure out his feelings.
warnings: a few swears, bucky being an indecisive fuck, a lot of establishing storyline (i swear things pick up FAST after this and there’s so much more bucky x reader)
w/c: 2.3k
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all your life, you’ve never seen a woman
taken by the wind
would you stay if she promised you heaven?
will you ever win?
tony stark’s office was eccentric, to say the least. you’d walked in and seen him laying on his stomach atop an expensive looking rug, rubbing his temple and immediately after, downing a redbull. when he heard you and wanda enter, he jumped from his position to come shake your hand. he had a firm grip, the kind that only people who are completely assured in themselves have.
“so! you’ve made it to our abode without anybody dying!” tony threw up jazz hands. “yay!” wanda smiled awkwardly and patted your shoulder, whispering “good luck” before stranding you with the unpredictable billionaire. tony motioned to a couple of brightly colored beanbag chairs in a corner of the office, and you took a seat across from him. you wondered how much they cost.
“with all due respect—which i know sounds like i’m discrediting how much respect you deserve and that’s not my intention at all; i just can’t think of a better phrasing on the spot—” you fumbled, feeling a pit of anxiety building in your stomach as you looked past tony’s tinted glasses into his emotionless eyes. “why am i even here? i mean, your driver cheery-”
“-your driver happy kind of just told me to get in and then flashed me a business card and then i was semi-kidnapped to somewhere on the outskirts of the state and you have to admit, that’s pretty creepy.”
tony finally cracked a smile, pushing his glasses down his nose and making eye contact with you over the frames. “i see… yeah, i didn’t think about that one. FRIDAY! make a note that next time we try and contact someone, don’t have happy pick them up in a black limo. try… uh, an ice cream truck?” he looked back at you after finishing his request. “so yeah, about this whole thing.
“i’m not really sure why you’re here either. don’t get me wrong, i’m sure you’re super cool and stuff, and i’m already loving your vibes—nice shirt, by the way—but one of our agents noticed a strange pattern in… how should i say this… accidents, where the only constant factor was you. don’t worry, we weren’t stalking you or anything. i mean, we didn’t go as far as investigating your social security number, but yeah, we’ve got quite a bit of dirt on ‘ya.”
at the sight of your face and your slightly opened mouth, tony backtracked. “i’m kidding! totally joking. we did track your life all the way from your hometown, though. i’m sure you’re sick of people coming at you with stuff like this, but i promise you, we’re not here to interrogate or arrest you or anything like that. fuck the police.
you might know this guy, bruce banner? tall, green, the hulk?” you nodded, still shellshocked, and tony continued. “yeah, well sometimes he’s also dr. banner, a scrawny, nerdy dude with lab goggles. he’s actually been studying the balance of chance; why are some people born into power and some into poverty, or if somebody is predisposed to have a preference for pineapple on pizza, etc. to be honest, i don’t really get it, but he’s fascinated by your life. he said something like ‘genetically designed’ and then ‘reciprocity of circumstance’ and yada yada yada. so, what i’m trying to say is, do you want to stay with us for a bit? banner swears there’s something more to you than just ‘bad luck,’ and i’m inclined to believe the same. if you don’t have enough incentive, i can pay you! obviously, i wouldn’t make you pay rent, but i’m sure we could figure out an interest rate for some sort of allowance. or, if you’d prefer, i can do a single deposit, but i’m sure pepper can figure out a steady payment system or-”
“yes.” you interrupt. “yes, i’ll do it. you don’t have to convince me. it’s a win-win. i get to live in a billionaire-funded complex and you get to run your little theories by me. i do have one request though: can i have toasted almond ice cream? that’s my one demand. other than that, when can i move in?”
tony stares at you for half a second and blinks incredulously. then, he laughs. “i like you! oh, i like you a lot. everyone in this tower needs to loosen up a bit. it’s been forever since someone’s come to me with a demand like that. you know, the last person i spoke with tried to get me to sign a multi-million dollar contract? it was 8 in the morning! they scheduled to meet so early and then they expected me to read all those words? puh-lease. they’re already lucky i hit the snooze button once.”
tony cleared his throat, tapping around on his watch. he swiped until making a final definitive tap which called up a translucent projection in front of him. zooming in and reading and doing things outside of your technological understanding, he nodded with satisfaction.
“right! you can move in, like, right now if you want. i can send happy to get whatever stuff you want, and i’m sure wanda or someone else would be more than happy to give you a tour. FRIDAY? make sure wanda’s still available. if not, pester steve next.” tony tilted his head towards you, examining the newest resident of the avengers compound. “welcome home. we’re doing game night at 9 today, if you want to join. dress code is patterned pajama pants.”
with that, he ushered you out of his office towards the elevator that you had originally taken. wanda was nowhere in sight, and you cursed yourself for not establishing a clearer plan with her. where the fuck were you supposed to go? sure, you were technically part of the compound now, but nobody else knew that. you prayed that you wouldn’t be shot by some SHIELD agent or avenger who thought you were an intruder.
the elevator ride was much shorter than you had hoped, and once the doors opened, you were no longer safe and hidden in your bubble. the floor that you had been on previously, with the gym, was deserted. after exploring, you found that it was mostly comprised of spare training equipment, a couple of changing rooms and showers, and a kitchenette stocked with things like protein powder and kale and things you’d never eat.
the next few floors yielded little promise. there were a couple of trainees who looked at you funny and then a conference room where people in business clothes were aggressively “negotiating” across a table. it took four floors before you found wanda.
“wanda! holy shit, where were you? i just met tony and he’s… so wow, and i’m so confused and lost and-”
wanda flipped around, abandoning her conversation with a silver-haired man who looked at the new interrupter as well. she beamed at the sight of you.
“you’re back! FRIDAY told me how it went; i’m so happy for you! i wish—and i mean i really, really wish—i could finish that tour, but pietro and i—he’s my brother,” wanda stopped and shoved pietro’s head playfully. “—are going to pick up a present for steve. it’s his 108th birthday next week and we’re throwing him a surprise party, and now that you’re here, you can totally help out! it’ll be so great. don’t mention it to him, though!”
you chewed your lip nervously. knowing your luck, if the surprise party managed to stay a surprise at all, the candles would probably explode or the presents would go missing or some other very unfortunate event. you didn’t tell that to wanda though.
“anyways, steve knows you’re here and he’ll probably come around in a few min- oh, there he is!” wanda waved energetically to the smiling supersoldier, who stuck out a hand. unlike tony, steve’s handshake was strong, but it was a comforting squeeze as he shook your hand a few times with respect.
“hi. steve rogers. it’s nice to meet you; you’re our new resident, right?” steve’s smile was bright and comforting, and you quickly fell into a comfortable conversation with him.
“that’s me! honestly, i- well, this is all so… new? terrifying? potentially a horrible idea?” you shook your head with a breathless laugh. “but i’m so grateful for this opportunity. i’m not totally sure what opportunity that is, actually, but i figure there must be something special going on if i’ve been invited here.”
steve laughed. “you know, i think you’re going to fit right in. we could use a fresh face and some new perspective around here; there haven’t been many global level threats recently and we’re all getting bored.”
you looked at him, perplexed.
“just kidding.” he sighed, surveying the room before looking back at you. “i’m supposed to give you a tour, right? i’m thinking we can check out the rooms first, before everyone gets back from training and starts getting cranky.”
steve’s bedroom was one of the neatest you’d ever seen. well, it was pretty simple in the first place, but his sheets were well tucked and his desk organized, with small books lined neatly on the shelf above and paintbrushes displayed in an orderly fashion on the wall.
“i’m gonna be honest, it looks like a display house in here.” you took a couple tentative steps around the room as steve pointed out some of the standard amenities.
“we’ve all got these bathrooms; they’re not anything fancy, but there’s a shower—the water pressure’s good, if i do say so—and you can find bigger things on the 10th floor where the gym is; there’s a spa-like place there. it’s got a great hot tub.
“i get pretty good sunlight but most rooms have at least one window, and technically there’s ‘standard furniture’ but basically everyone replaces it with their own-”
a loud crashing of steve’s bedroom door made you jump and steve froze mid-monologue.
“it’s you!” you met the same blue eyes from the gym, the eyes that were full of apology after slamming you into a wall—which you were still sore from, thank you very much.
“me? what’s- oh. yeah, it’s me,” the man scratched his neck shyly. “yeah, i’m bucky. barnes. sorry about that, again.”
steve looked at bucky with a hint of annoyance, but couldn’t help but brighten at his friend’s appearance. “bucky, we’re kind of in the middle of something.”
bucky raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. he cracked his neck, and it was as if that flipped a switch into an entirely new persona. “is that so? you bringing home girls this early now?” bucky chuckled, a deep, rich sound. “i hope i didn’t interrupt anything… intimate.” he smirked, watching a sly stretch of pink paint itself across steve’s cheeks. that’s what you get for your comment at the gym.
“n-no, we’re not- no, i’m just giving a tour. this is our new compound resident, so behave yourself, buck.” steve shot bucky a warning look, not interested in throwing you headfirst into bucky’s antics after you’d just absorbed the news.
“can’t i tag along, stevie?” bucky drawled, stalking closer to you. far gone was the man you’d met at the gym, flustered and off-guard. this bucky barnes was cocky, seductive, and straightforward. his chest was only a few inches from yours and he looked down upon your confused expression with amusement. “i can’t let a pretty bird like this get away from me, can i?” bucky broke his gaze and his attention snapped back to steve, where they exchanged a silent conversation you couldn’t understand.
“alright, bucky. you can join us, but no distractions, okay? i want to be done before dinner.”
she is like a cat in the dark
and then she is the darkness
she rules her life like a fine skylark
when the sky is starless
“so what’s up with barnes?” natasha was leaned over the counter gossiping with steve.
“i don’t know, he’s been so out of sorts today. you know how he can be around women, but it’s kind of like whiplash. you should’ve seen him this morning, nat. he slammed the gym door on her and freaked out, but then all of a sudden he’s hitting on her in my own bedroom!” steve groaned, hiding his face in his hands. “i mean, she is quite attractive, but-”
“but what, steve?” bucky had snuck in just in time to hear the end of steve’s declaration. “but you want me to stop? you’re the one who encouraged this.”
steve sighed. “i wasn’t expecting you to go ‘all out.’ you seemed to like her, that’s all. but i don’t understand why you jump between personalities around her; it’s a little unnerving, buck.”
“i’m not- what are you talking about? she just caught me off guard a couple of times, that’s all. it’s not as if i like her, or anything. she’s just… interesting, that’s all. i mean, apart from tony, we know nothing about her. am i not allowed to be curious?”
natasha snorted. “you’re not curious, bucky. you’re into her. there’s a clear difference, and you know it. drop the whole ‘you’re so mysterious and i want to get to know you’ act. that’s you. she’s adjusting to living with the most infuriating people on this planet, and i don’t care if you’re going through a personality crisis right now, but she doesn’t need to be pestered by your womanizing.”
“natasha’s right, bucky. you have every right to feel how you do, but right now she needs consistency. you have to make up your mind about her. are you curious, or are you willing to commit to really liking her?”
bucky examined steve’s face but found no trace of humor. consistency? i can do consistency.
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
lyric explanation:
all your life, you’ve never seen a woman taken by the wind
the goddess rhiannon rides a white horse with such speed that nobody can catch up to her. a prince falls in love with her and chases her for days, before calling out and asking her to stop. rhiannon stops and tells him “gladly, and it would’ve been much easier if you had asked sooner.”
would you stay if she promised you heaven? will you ever win?
in celtic mythology, a god cannot marry a human or they will lose their supernatural powers. (will reader sacrifice her independence and comfort to embrace an unknown and a relationship with bucky?)
she is like a cat in the dark, and then she is the darkness
a black cat, associated with bad luck, is almost invisible in the dark. but black cats are not always a negative association; cats are also a symbol of the goddess and represent independence. the blackness of the cat bleeds into the darkness of the night; even unintentionally, the cat cannot help but influence the world around it.
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
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bugworld4ever · 2 years
Old Kings & Wedding Rings || Six
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Upon returning from her strange meeting, Matilda had found Tommy’s office empty. A fact that had only aggravated her; she had been hoping to interrupt whatever business he had been conducting with news of her success. She had no interest in leaving a message to be passed onto him, this was something she wanted to do herself.
Matilda had made it clear that morning that she did not intend to do any work further than the meeting that day. She had truthfully expected it to be more taxing.
No, it hadn't been what she was expecting at all.
Matilda found herself oddly looking forward to the dinner, a thought which she mentally scolded herself for. It wasn’t that she was looking forward to it in some lovesick way- she was fascinated by the man. She wanted to study him, get in his head and figure out what he wanted with her. She knew better than to trust his word, even if it sounded sweet. Especially if it sounded sweet.
Just as she was gathering her things to leave Matilda was suddenly distracted by someone calling her name. Glancing up she was met with an annoyed looking John Shelby. He wore a look that she knew very well; slight furrow in his brow, giving the annoyed look in his eyes a slightly worried edge. This was the look that asked what she was up to, what secrets she was hiding this time. Matilda never lied to John, it wasn’t a lie if you didn't mention it.
‘Where have you been all morning?’ John knew not to bother with small talk or warm up pleasantries, catching Matilda with a direct question always got the quickest answer.
‘I was meeting with some factory owner about some extra storage’ She kept her words guarded, gossip spread like wildfire around here and she doubted anyone would welcome this business becoming public information. Matilda swept a loose strand of auburn hair out of her eyes and stepped past John, heading for the door. He fell into step behind her and continued speaking.
‘Since when are you taking meetings alone?’ The question caught her off guard. It was true that Polly usually insisted she didn't go alone but it wasn't as if she couldn’t handle herself. Matilda snapped her head around to look at him, scowling.
‘What is it you mean by that John? In fact’ She stopped walking, turned to face him so abruptly that he nearly crashed into her. ‘ Why am I being interrogated for doing my job?’
He sighed in frustration and glanced briefly at the ceiling. Why he had chosen to befriend the most difficult girl in Small Heath was a complete mystery to him. She hadn’t been this cold when he met her, it had somehow crept in. Had it happened while he was in France? Before then? When did the odd little girl with a talent for theft become something far harsher and crueller?
‘What has he got you doing Matilda?’ John watched as her face somehow became angrier. Matilda crossed her arms, a small black handbag dangling from one elbow.
The implication sat between them, a third person in this argument. That she was just another one of the people Tommy Shelby controlled. That the meeting had been some other kind of business. Matilda could take the whispers, wondering how a young lady ended up like her. She couldn’t take this from John, who had for so long been her best friend but was acting like he didn't trust her.
‘Don’t play dumb matilda. You know who.’
Tommys name hung between them like smoke.
‘He’s never been able to control me before John, why would be able to now?’ She raised a finger and lightly jabbed it against his chest. ‘I can handle myself. I suggest that you do the same’ Her voice was scathing. Not the usual icy tone that portrayed her anger but something more volatile.
Matilda took the new silence in the room as an opportunity to leave, slamming the door behind her with enough force to rattle the walls.
John stood there for a moment before turning around and heading further into the building, noticing as he did that his argument with Matilda had drawn the attention of half the office.
That evening Matilda sat curled into an armchair in the living room of her flat, short glass of whiskey nestled between her hands. On the mismatched sofa opposite her sat Polly and Ada, both clutching their own glasses. Polly had quickly found out about Matilda's argument with John and had invited herself over to the flat, collecting Ada on her way. What had angered Polly most about the whole situation was that she had overheard one of the boys from the office telling another about the argument, laughing the whole time, she simply could not believe that neither John nor Matilda herself had come to her first. These were all thoughts that she voiced very clearly and abruptly as Matilda had opened the door and welcomed her into the flat.
The tone of the conversation had soon shifted away from anger as Ada had begun to enquire after the man Matilda had met that morning.
‘I'm just saying Matilda, he must have been something special for you to agree to a date with him,'' Ada pressed, teasing smirk plastered across her face.
‘Not a date’ Matilda replied, taking her eyes off the glass in her hand and looking at Ada from behind a strand of hair. Matilda looked very small like this; hair loose and brushed to a controlled shine, the thin strap of her nightgown sliding off one shoulder, barefoot and truly at ease. She looked like a young girl, cheeks flushed and a little vulnerable. She didn’t look like someone who had made the choices she had or did the business that she so loved. It was easy to look at this Matilda and forget that other one existed, it was even easier to look at that other Matilda and forget this one was real too.
‘Call it what you want but the point stands. You have never entertained someone who doesn't interest you in your whole life.’ Ada had always had a way of seeing straight into Matilda's head, zeroing in on that feminine part that Matilda so frequently kept hidden. If Matilda had a crush Ada would sniff it out like a bloodhound.
‘She’s right’ Polly laughed.
Matilda sighed and shifted in the chair, brushing her hair back behind her ear.
‘Fine. He’s interesting. I'm going because I want to figure him out. Him being easy on the eyes in just a bonus’
The other two women laughed, delight spread across Ada’s face.
‘And if it goes well’ Polly tiptoed towards a question. ‘Will you see him again?’ Polly couldn’t contain her smile. She’d worried when she had heard Tommy’s plan that morning but the idea of this working out in Matilda's favour sent a shock of almost maternal pride through her.
The question was one that Matilda had considered herself. Peter Ellis clearly respected her and he was absurdly charming, as well as attractive, if this dinner went well- Matilda supposed she had almost struck gold.
‘Who knows? Maybe.’ Matilda responded. Shrugging a smiling coyly.
Matilda may have been vying for power in a gang, ruthless and cunning. Known for her icy demeanour and cutthroat nature but she was still a woman. Part of her longed for the buzz of a torrid love affair, stolen kisses and secret smiles. These things did not negate the other- despite what some people might have come to expect from her.
Finally cooling back down from the laughter that had so shaken them, Polly spoke again.
‘I'm not surprised that John was so rattled earlier then. Christ I can only imagine what Tommy will say’. At the mention of Tommy’s name Matilda stilled slightly.
‘Why should he have anything to say about it?’ Matilda questioned, signature chill creeping back into her voice.
Ada scoffed a laugh and turned towards Polly. The two exchanged a look.
Matilda couldn’t help but feel she had missed some crucial element.
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I'm sorry you had a shit day 😭😭😭🖤🖤🖤 questions 4 (fic: Air Catcher) & 17 for the ask game!
Questions for fic writers
4. What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of? The flippant answer is that I'm really proud of Louis getting to do a that's what she said joke LMAO I think people sleep on Louis' humor but I'm not even mad about it because that's what makes it so great when he finally does get a really good joke in. Like, that's the same Louis who called vampire myths "bullshit" in his interview with Daniel. He's fucking funny! Even when he's mentally spiraling, he sees the chance to catch Lestat off-guard and make him laugh, and he takes it!
The serious answer is the detail included in the very first sentence that I wrote for the entire fic, which I ended up using as the summary: "Louis had read about it, too, in those little yellow books back in San Francisco." The little yellow book in question is The Joy of Gay Sex by Charles Silverstein and Felice Picano. I imagine this would've been something Louis had read when it was first published in the late 70's. Even though I've spoken a lot on my thoughts about Louis observing the gay scene in SF, it was much easier for him to read about it in books like this one. The way it's written is very straight-forward and informative, but also non-judgmental so I like to think Louis really did find it worth studying as like his own urban dictionary. That was actually kind of the jumping-off point for most of the fic, actually; this idea that in moments of high emotion Louis tends to try and lean on his analytical side, so he's constantly trying to sift through the catalogue of gay sex life readings in his head to figure out what the hell is wrong with him asdgfhjefbc ANYWAY yeah Louis definitely has a copy of The Joy of Gay Sex on his bookshelf.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it? asdfghjsbekfkndc GOD I'm sorry to give a boring answer but I really don't deal much in au's!! I love reading everyone else's au verses but idk man my brain isn't that imaginative lmfao I have a really hard time seeing the characters outside of canon.
I will say, very predictably, I've fallen back into the world of 70s punk (thanks spider-verse) and I've always loved the idea of Lestat somehow finding his way back to his music, and Louis getting to accompany him on the drums :) this may or may not also be influenced by måneskin's black haired drummer, Ethan Torchio. I just think it'd be a great Rage Outlet for him (lord knows he needs it) and it'd be perfect because he wouldn't really be too involved, he'd just sit in the back by his drum kit and look hot lmfao I think that would be fun
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
MAG 48 - apple cutting
Did someone say anchor statement???
"I’d pick up travelling companions for a few days here and there, but for the most part I would spend weeks without speaking my own language." - As someone from East/Central Europe with a bunch of US friends I talked about this a lot and how it affects us. Like the US is huge, but in every state they will speak your language. In Europe I can drive 100 north, boom, Czech. 250 km to the south, boom, Slovenian. 300 km south, Italian. 300 km east, Hungarian. 300 km southeast, Serbocroatian… Only big brother Germany is convenient xD And trust me, there are so, sooo many people who really can't speak English in Europe. There was a study not long ago which claimed that Austria was the second best European country regarding being able to speak English (Number 1 was the Netherlands, if I remember correctly) and I was shocked, like "How bad is it in other countries then because Austrians are shit when it comes to English."
"Obviously, I couldn’t do another four months, but I figured that just the one would let me revisit my favorite spots in the south – Slovenia, Switzerland, Bavaria, Italy, maybe Monaco or bits of southern France." - Wow, wonderfully left out the obvious space of Austria there, I'm heartbroken (jk, I know Austria gets full attention in two statements).
Somehow, now hearing a British person talking about travel in Italy I can't think of anything other than James May, our man in Italy! XD
Last year for vacation I was in Italy in September as well. It's really perfect, school has started again so you're off-season and the weather is still super warm or even hot.
"He was pale, scrawny almost, and looked utterly out of place. His loose, bright shirt was in stark contrast to his long, black hair." - Gerry!
"He was staring at me with an air of concentration. Like he was trying to read something written very small on my forehead." - Hahahaha, I imagine him squinting at Andrea Nuniz with a puzzled look on his face XD
"what he wanted was to have a nice holiday in peace. He said it in a really accusatory way, like I was ruining his holiday somehow, and I said so. He sighed and said that he wasn’t in the business of helping strays" - very subtle static there. Also I just wanna say that I love Gerry. Good-hearted characters are often described as Golden Retrievers, which doesn't really fit him very well, so I'd say he's that stray dog that pretends they don't care but is actually really friendly and kind.
"Was I married? Did I have a fiance, partner, friends? I told him no, not really. I was just about sick of his stupid questions, but he sounded oddly desperate. Siblings? No." - Desperately scrambling for an anchor to save that poor traveller's life.
"Mother? Of course I had a mother." - lol
"As I left, I heard him call after me, telling me to remember my mother, to keep her face in my mind." - anchor, anchor, anchor!
"My first move was to try and locate that street market he’d mentioned. Perhaps it wasn’t just hidden away, perhaps it had been actually illegal, and he’d gotten caught up in something he shouldn’t have." - Well good idea going to look for him on your own, I guess?…
"My first move was to try and locate that street market he’d mentioned. Perhaps it wasn’t just hidden away, perhaps it had been actually illegal, and he’d gotten caught up in something he shouldn’t have." - Good job, Jon!
"She’s been doing her work with the same diligence as before the Prentiss incident" - I think it's hilarious that the Not!Them had to work an office job for about 6 to 7 months XD
Oh yes, ending with a wonderful scene about evidence of Jon getting more and more unhinged. Great comedy! On my first listen I really didn't expect Elias to be the big bad at this point, just a normal corporate asshole. I actually thought Martin was kinda sus, disappearing into the tunnel during the Prentiss attack, finding Gertrude's body, the letter to his mother etc. Not in a bad way sus, I just thought he would definitely be more involved than it seems.
He was a lot more involved in the end
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p3rry-pi3 · 8 months
Pin pooooost!
Updated: 6/10/2024 :3
I cannot believe I didn’t bother making a proper one sooner
Anyways, info under the cut cause this thing is long as heck, and I didn’t mean to make it that way.
Uh. I shall give a gold star to whoever reads the whole thing, but DO NOT SKIP the DNI part.
I also want to clarify that I have a section with Palestine content, I know people aren’t willing to always look under the cut to actually look for that kind of stuff (I’m saying this as, most people not generally, but sometimes I do the same thing, as shitty as our attention spans are, I think it’s still important that you check these posts out and reblog them. I have been DEATHLY terrified to reblog and post on this account but that shouldn’t stop anyone from at least reblogging this stuff seeing as this stuff is 1000x more important.)
I’ve copy linked posts where you can find: journalists to support and follow, how you can help Palestine donations or not, what you can do to prevent the voting for more weapons in Israel <- this could be outdated!!, and what to boycott.
Do not, and I mean DO NOT skip that part. I can’t control your actions but YOU can control YOUR OWN. I trust you to reblog, like, and share the posts I link.
Let me know if I should make this a separate post for you to reblog, but I hope this makes it GLARINGLY CLEAR on where I stand.
TW; teeth as header in the start and end :]
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Main info
Hey! I’m Perry! Short for Peregrine :)!
I’m a minor (above 10+, I wanna keep this a 13+ space cause of the cussing and my interests in horror art and other scary games. You kind of have to be 13+ to be on here anyway.)
I’m pretty spiritual
I’m a 4w5 intp. Idk what this says about me to others but uhhhh yeah.
I study the Paranormal and psychology
I like making headcanons and theories :]
I genuinely enjoy character analyses and overall enjoy video essays on media like indie horror and video games
I love hardcore horror and gore arts of all sorts. So beware of some of that. Ofc I’ll put warnings, just lemme know if I missed something. I also cuss a lot on here! So beware of that :)!
It’s come to my attention people have been posting real life gore of stuff like hyenas and actual victims so…That’s not the gore I meant. Fictional gore; FICTIONAL!
I’m new to the tagging system even now, so figuring stuff out is hard, but I’m equipped with enough knowledge on it and will put warnings in tags and captions since I recently learned you can block tags. Which helps loads.
Please be patient with me!^^
I’m trans, transmasc, and genderfluid. My pronouns are he/they.
I’m also working on getting a career or two in film :)!
Extra info
My favorite colors are purple, red, black, white, and neon pink.
I’m multifandom
Reblogs are much more appreciated but I’m grateful for likes.
I like mixed media.
Pls use tone tags :]
Please reblog artwork! Shitposts are fine for just likes. Text posts to.
I usually stick to canon ships because certain fandoms make it weird, but I haven’t seen anything in the main fandom I’m in, so I like to ship some.
I’m a multishipper. (Again, this applies to certain fandoms.)
I’m generally inactive here and there, but I like posting most of my fanart here when I can or remember I also post stuff on here.
I cuss on here so beware of that ig
I have social anxiety and anxiety so posts can sometimes be slower than usual since I’m almost always on my own toes. And because I have anxiety, if I’m being awkward, it’s nothing you did or said, I’m just like that in general.
I have horrible memory so if I post twice on the same day or hour it’s prolly because I forgot about it.
I reference lots of lemon demon and jack stauber.
I blame the jack stauber fanbase for my lemon demon obsession.
I’m the oldest of two brothers so you might hear about them here and there but rarely so.
I’m kind of an idiot, so please be patient if I ask you a third time to repeat what you said.
I have ADHD took a lot out of me to confirm I do. So posts may come later or at the same time due to this.
Biiiggggg undertale and fnaf nerd.
I’m an over analyzer who loves theories. Did you know I’m also an overthinker? (<- sarcasm.)
I don’t dream. I have nightmares instead. That’s where I get most of my OCs.
None of my stuff has age ratings unless it’s like tough topics to touch on or something horrifying.
I ramble lots and ramble even more in tags, so there’ll be lots of tags of just me rambling
Free Palestine! 🇵🇸🍉
It’s a genocide not a war!!! Z//onists FUCK OFF!!!!!!
I tried to make little watermelon emoji borders so they wouldn’t be confusing, but idk lmk if the borders help section it
I will also continuously update it if needed, and I take constructive criticism if I need to change anything, and no, ‘the only criticism I have is the fact you support Palestine’, or something, isn’t valid criticism. I’ll block you, and it’s not even a funny thing to joke about.
Links I have so far (I wanna remind ppl that if you don’t like seeing your link here just lmk and I’ll take it down, I’m just tryna share the word and I’ll soon make a post on its own abt this cause I think it’d be really important to make a separate post on this)
(This one is sort of just based off someone else answering an ask but I wanted to copy link this one anyways since by the looks of it, they have a lot of pro-Palestine posts)
How YOU can help Palestine.
Palestinian journalists.
No more weapons for isntreal, ceasefire now.
This could be outdated or time sensitive.
What to boycott.
Pfp creds:
https://pin.it/1Jt3pb5eS on Pinterest :3
Tags I think u should check out on here!^^ /nf
Some doodles :) (doodles that are 9 times out of ten fandom related)
Bugsnax ramblings (I ramble about headcanons, theories, characters, in game stuff, etc.)
Mind rambles (theories, it’s a new tag I’m working on updating soon.)
Rambling about shit (shits and giggles at 3 AM)
Bugsnax shitpost (mother load of idiocy from yours truly)
Some doodles (not aware this existed prolly isn’t even from this blog, not used as much. At least I don’t think I dunno.)
Lemon demon
Jack stauber
Mother Mother
Indie horror art
Analog horror
Spiderverse ITSV & ATSV
Undertale AUs
Mr. Plant (from Ashur Gharavi)
CoD MW2, Cold War Black ops (18+ content CoD blogs DNI)
Venom (Mostly the movies, but I also enjoy the comics.)
TF2/Team Fortress 2
Death Note (pray for me…)
Furry haters/anti-furrys
MAP (not the art collab meaning, but the other meaning)
In terms of the fandoms Death Note and CoD, I’d like it if you’re not a 18+ CoD blog. I am a minor and since 18+ is unwelcoming to minors - pls do not interact. Mello x Near shippers are thin ice but it’s not like you can’t interact. They just make me uncomfortable when shipped together cause I view them as brothers more than anything and I see them as L’s little honorary brothers too. I also ALSO see them as like teenagers. They may be older in canon but just like the girls in DDL (doki doki literature), I see them as younger and it’s just my personal headcanon. So any Meronia shippers are not unwelcomed but I am hesitant to accept any interaction from them. Matt and Mello shippers are fine. Same with Matt and Near.
If you’re anything of the above, please get off my page/blog.
I don’t have much of a DNI, just be respectful and mindful.
Might expand if needed.
Did you read it?
Did you read the whole thing or at least the “DNI” parts?
Here’s a gold star, as promised: ⭐️
Alright. Go nuts. Be respectful.
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0 notes
cerezawrites · 9 months
3. Free Day
The golden hound landed Cereza near the downed satellite.  Once, it had been a part of the network of defense mechanisms keeping Dalamud in check, but now it lay half-buried in the gray moon-dust, surrounded by defense droids that it summoned from a hitherto undiscovered source - likely another Allagan wreckage somewhere else on the surface, or perhaps in orbit around the moon.  However, the latest batch of defense droids seemed to have been left as so much rubble, with only three figures standing.  
The first was clad in red armor, though Cereza suspected it would soon fade from a lack of power.  His hands held a massive gunhammer, steaming from use, and he watched as Cereza approached.  
The second figure was tall, lanky and wearing a black robe.  He was immersed in the study of some object, as if trying to tease out its secrets.  Alongside him stood the third, a small rabbit-like figure in a blue-and-white turban, taking a look at it as well, though more like an excited child - despite being by far the oldest of them by several millennia.  Cereza could hear her chatter way as Argos landed next to the man in the red armor.  
As she expected, the armor seemed to glow a blue white and faded away, as did the hammer, leaving a man in a white vest and otherwise clad in red, with a silver pearl in the middle of his forehead.  “Well well… a mystery appears, and so do does the one who tends to solve them.”  Nero smiled in his slimy way, shrugging.  “Had I known you were on your way I’d have saved a few droids for you to wipe out.  Alas… it’ll be several minutes at least before they can warp in another batch.”  
Cereza shook her head, smiling despite herself.  Rather than meet the barbs head on, she went for one of Nero’s weak points - inflating his ego.  “Got the armor tuned up more I see?  Is it still stored on the source, or did the loporrits let you hook it up to a power source here?”  
Nero smiled more genuinely at the notion that she had been paying attention to his efforts.  “Locally, actually.  Same operating limitations as in the Tower, but recharges ten times faster.  Anyways, why don’t you lend us an eye.  I’ve got something even my vaunted genius of magitek can’t work out - a mystery I don’t admit to lightly.”  
That DID catch her attention, and Cereza nodded, following Nero to where the other two stood.  The loporrit was chattering questions until Nero cleared his throat to get the pair’s attention.  “Looks like serendipity strikes again,” he said, motioning for Cereza to step forward.  
The tall man smiled at her presence.  “Ah, my friend, glad tidings upon this joyous reunion.  And yes, it is in fact naught but an act of providence that you should visit at this juncture.”  
The loporrit smiled.  “Ah, you must be Cereza!  I’m Diggingway, local archaeologist.  And, yes, we’ve got a doozy of a mystery to solve if you’re of a mind to help.”  
Nero joined them, and Cereza looked down at what they’d found.  Twelve stones, each bearing the symbols of the twelve, were held in an array made of Allagan materials.  The array was clearly part of the ship, but the stones seemed to be somehow integrated, despite clearly not matching the design.  “I’ll be honest.  I’ve studied Allagan Magitek going back to the rise of Xande, but nothing we’ve found describes this kind of system, and while they knew of the Twelve, I was under the impression they were at most something you paid lipservice too.  Any insights from your adventures?”  
Cereza studied the array, and reached for a line of aether leading to a green crystal, which she pulled forth from the air.  The irregularly shaped stone was emblazoned with a triangular symbol that terminated in a curve, representing both the horn of the summoners which allowed them to better control their creations as well as blast from Bahamut, the greatest conquest they ever made.  Ordinarily, this crystal would allow Cereza to manipulate Allagan magics designed to fight eikons, but it had another purpose she would put to use - it held memories.  
She reached through the crystal’s secrets.  This wasn’t a guarantee in every case - the crystals typically only were used to store techniques, spells, and the methods to unlock them.  But this kind of lore might well have touched on something related to gods of another sort…
As she went through the memories, she felt her mind drawn to a specific passage in a tome being read by her summoning precursor.  “These runestones, marked as they were in antiquity and worshiping the Twelve.  Strangely, they do bear unique aetherial signatures, but more importantly, their power supply is seemingly infinite.  These will make good starter batteries for the drones, possibly even for the satellite itself.”
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The Deities Project: Part 4
An early notion for the Keys & Kingdoms universe was to divide its world into sections ruled by three pantheons, and those would be the historical pantheons of Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology! As it turned out, the 3rd Edition D&D supplement “Deities & Demigods” included stats for those exact three pantheons, and I carefully studied that for guidance on how to reinterpret those legendary pantheons for use in a fantasy world.
And so began this project: drawing all 53 historical deities depicted in that book. Casey Gosselin drew their symbols and Stacy Lord drew the characters themselves. Neither saw the illustrations in the D&D book, but we stuck to what the book claimed as their symbol, their sacred weapon, and very general appearance. The big project lasted from October 2019 to August 2020. Since then, we’ve been putting more research into the real myths and other gods, but these will still form the foundation for the core members of the pantheons and what they’ll look like when the K&K universe begins.
This is an 11-part series presenting all the art anew and talking about the ideas behind it! Presented in the order in which they were done, which is approximately in the order of strongest to weakest according to their rankings in the D&D book. Don’t forget to check out Stacy and Casey’s own pages:
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Ptah was described in the D&D book as a member of a long-forgotten pantheon, who joined the Pharaonic pantheon by marriage. That’s a nice logical explanation for the presence of the handful of Egyptian gods who are not the direct descendants of Ra. I decided to call Ptah’s people the Ogdoad, which refers to an obscure handful of primordial Egyptian deities, while the aforementioned “Ra family” are the Ennead. Not a mythically-accurate use of the name Ogdoad, but… I figured things need names.
Ptah gave me the vibes of someone extremely powerful and mysterious; some say he’s more ancient than Ra himself, and hold him in higher regard than the pantheon itself. And I designed him accordingly: a tiny hairless guy with polished black skin, his eyes a sky full of stars, little to distinguish him but a tiny golden cloth to protect his modesty, and the awesome ferocious red bull symbol Casey designed tattooed all over his chest. And Stacy put it together brilliantly!
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While Apollo is of equal divine rank to his twin sister Artemis in the book (the rank of 15, the maximum rank for intermediate gods and the most common rank in the book), she has more hit points than him, so that’s why she’s a few spaces up from him in this collection. But as I said in her entry, I sought to make them actually look like twins, while family resemblance isn’t really a thing elsewhere. So he’s also beautiful, youthful, and slender. Stacy counted him among her favorites. I would have made his poetry-reading more bombastic, myself, but he certainly looks beautiful doing it like so; I intend to make his poetry book a prop in an upcoming pilot as an internal shout-out. His bow is pretty boring here, I figure I’ll invoke some synergy later on by making Apollo’s bow appear in Artemis’s symbol. And he probably carries that lyre around with him as well!
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This goddess is actually named Hel in mythology, but… I dunno, that makes for some awkward dialogue when you have a character whose name is pronounced “hell”, so, I’ve called her “Hela” even before I knew that Marvel Comics made the very same decision.
Casey put this on her short list of least-favorite symbols - I can’t imagine why! It made my top ten. I think Casey pulled off the two-faced thing. Don’t know what she thinks she did wrong. And putting that on Hela’s actual person, heck yeah, that’s amazing. So, there’s our queen of the dead, with her well-maintained mortal half and her undead half. Freakin’ sweet.
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Unlike the other pair of twins in the collection, Freya is lower-ranked than her brother Frey; simply less significant than him in the culture. He’s in charge of agriculture, that’s kind of a big deal. Once again, both take the form of an elf, among the few who don’t look human. Both Casey and I counted her symbol among our least-favorites - that striking falcon from the front just looks too much like an owl. It happens! Animals are hard when you’re practiced at drawing humans, that’s why Casey and Stacy are very proud of the creature work they did well throughout. We’re working on a system for mastering animals, because they’re fun and I want to see a lot of them in the stories. Regardless, I liked the use of a falcon as her symbol well enough that I wanted her to be falconing in her pose! Now, I’ve been researching the pantheons a bit. Not the Greeks so much because I read up on them a lot back in high school; mostly I’ve been focusing on the origin stories of each pantheon, and how to fit them all into a single origin story for the K&K universe. I think I’ve been quite successful in that! And more recently I’ve started looking into other myths to consider as events elsewhere in the Cosmos chronology. One thing I’ve noted with some amusement is that at least two stories involve some guy wanting to marry Freya and the rest of the gods scheming to make sure that doesn’t happen - though nothing, as far as I can tell, on what Freya thinks of the subject. That’s worth writing into those stories.
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I have a soft spot for this character, and in the future hope to give him a truly breathtaking design! Didn’t worry about it in the moment as, you know, there were over 50 of these, we were in a hurry, there wasn’t time for anything truly elaborate, but once we get to K&K canon, I definitely want to go all-out with Hephaestus: huge muscular bulk covered in all sorts of deformities, and a face that’s truly mangled. But through all of that, a pleasant and charismatic fellow whom everyone appreciates. I also like how his weapon is a humble sledgehammer rather than a fancier war hammer. Though the hammer in his symbol here is a bit too modern, gonna change that up.
0 notes
tommiruewrites · 2 years
⌜↳ enemies ˖⁺⌟
✩ pairing(s) - Harry Potter x slytherin!reader ✩ status - enemies to lovers (tame version bc i wrote this ages ago) ✩ requested? - no ✩ prompt(s) - none ✩ summary - you and Harry have been enemies for years, why are you suddenly helping him? ✩ tw/cw - like one curse word, angst, ends with fluff (this seems to be a trend) ✩ word count - 1.4k ✩ a/n - I wrote this one a long time ago so im not a huge fan of it but i never published it so i figured eh why not
you can also read this on ao3 ₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚
"Twenty house points from Gryffindor" Snape hollered, glaring at Harry who'd just now opened a folded note I passed him that I had enchanted to scream loud Slipknot music for two hours with no way to stop it even if you ripped it into shreds.
From the corners of my eyes, I could see his knuckles turning white as he gripped the desk, steam practically pouring out of his nostrils with the amount of sheer rage he was holding in.
I smirked to myself at the sight, knowing it was another win for me.
Harry and I have somewhat of a reputation around Hogwarts, and not the good kind. If you ask anyone in the castle they'll scoff and give you a three-page essay on how much we despise each other with countless stories to prove it.  For example, one time he pushed me into the black lake for no reason when I was studying astronomy with my friends, so I jinxed him and sent him to the hospital wing which cost Slytherin fifteen house points and caused me to get three weeks detention. What nobody tells is that I didn't mean to actually hit him with the jinx, it was supposed to be more of a threat than anything, but my wet hands caused the wand to slip. I tried apologizing the next day, but it seemed that he'd already made up his mind against me, so I didn't bother. Thats when the war really started. Another time, Harry tripped me when I was walking into potions, so I fell on my face in front of everyone, causing students to laugh and me to curse from the harsh impact. It cost me three house points. So, I slipped some extra ingredients into his cauldron to make it blow up in his face. It cost him ten house points. This time it wasn't a total accident, but I had only meant to make his potion change colors, I didn't expect it to explode. He was usually the one to start it, so I didn't feel guilty for returning the same treatment. Especially because I did it better. Now it's kind of turned into a free for all and things only escalated. Honestly, I don't even remember disliking him before all of it started. In fact, I thought he was a pretty nice boy. Oh, how wrong I clearly was. I see him walking down the hall as I'm headed to class with my friends, and I ignore him so I don't have to deal with an argument. Today had been a long day and I really wasn't in the mood to deal with him right now.
The next thing I know, the blonde boy beside me opens his mouth. "Oi Potter! Fan of metal, are we?"
You little shit.
Harry and his friends turned towards us groaning. I reluctantly turned to face them as well, hoping to not have to speak.
"Your house points are dropping like wildfire, Potter. Wonder if your little girlfriend can save your winning streak this time?" he said stupidly.
Pansy was about to speak up, but before I could process what was happening words were pouring out of my mouth with an alarming level of volume.
"Would you lay off him?"
My own eyes went wide as I processed what I'd just said. Harry and his friends snapped their heads in my direction, confusion written all over their faces. I had never been the one to start it, but I had also never been the one to stop it before. Even I was shocked at my actions.
My friends stared at me with pure confusion but didn't say another word as my feet quickly carried me away.
A week had passed since then and nobody had brought it up, nor have either of us taunted each other. Everyone in the school seemed to be skeptical of the sudden lack of chaos as if it were some kind of elaborate trick. Harry avoided me at all costs, and I was grateful that he was sparing me the embarrassment.
It's not like I ever really hated him, or even disliked him in the first place. I just couldn't bring myself let him win the stupid little competition we had created for ourselves. In fact, I actually had always found him quite cute but that had all gone out the window once my pride was brought into it. Now looking back on it, it all seems sort of silly.
As I was walking to my next class, I heard familiar laughter coming from outside. As I made my way towards the noise I saw that it was Draco and Harry bickering, per usual. They had a much more intense rivalry than he and I ever did.
Without thinking, I felt myself moving towards them. I started being able to hear what the argument was about.
"I don't have time for this today, Malfoy." Harry said, clearly irritated and tired
"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you were such a busy man Mr. Potter! You probably have interviews lined up all evening."
"Would you bugger off?" I said, again without thinking. I don't know what's gotten into me lately or why my friends seem to be getting especially on my nerves.
Draco's brows knitted together in confusion and Harry stared at me with a small smile and curious eyes. The blonde looked back and forth between us a few times before rolling his eyes so hard is whole head lolled back dramatically with the action.
He then started shuffling off towards the castle muttering things along the lines of, "She's mad, that one." and, "If I have to start hanging around Potter I might just pitch myself off the astronomy tower."
I couldn't quite make out what that meant at the time since I was still frozen in place after my little outburst. Harry caught my attention with a small cough. I looked over at him to see him still smiling at me, scratching the back of his neck.
"That was quite unexpected, coming from you." He started, almost anxious
I scoffed slightly, "You could say a 'thank you'." I quipped back, not really knowing why I felt the need.
He laughed a little, "That's more like it." he smiled, hands playing with the hem of his robes.
"Thank you."
My eyes snapped up to meet his smiling ones, not expecting him to actually say it. I was actually expecting something much less civil. I never noticed how pretty his eyes were until then, or how good he looked when his hair was all messy like that. I forced myself to look back down at the grass to avoid the slowly rising blush on my face.
What the hell is going on. This is Potter. Pull yourself together, I thought.
"I was just headed down to Hagrid's to meet my friends. You should come." he offered kindly
I looked back up to him, my face scrunched up in confusion.
"I don't know if that such a good idea."
"Why not?" he asked as if it wasn't obvious
"Well for starters, your friends don't like me very much-" I started before he cut in, "They don't know you yet, and to be fair, you didn't make the best first impression." he joked, and I laughed. I actually laughed.
That was the first time I hadn't gotten angry at him interrupting me or even speaking in my general direction.
"-and besides, I didn't think you liked me very much either." I finished quietly
He softly smiled at me again, "Well, I don't really know you yet either, but considering you've decided not to jinx me the past few times we've run into each other, I think maybe I'd like to."
I chuckled as smile crept up onto my face as I felt my stomach do a little flip. "Well in that case, I don't see why not." I said, following him down the hill to Hagrid's Hut.
That was the start of our friendship, and the beginning of what would be many more years together.  I soon found out that our whole rivalry was based off of a misunderstanding in the first place. He had never meant to push me into the black lake or trip me on my way into class at all, they were all just accidents that I had mistaken for cruel tricks. Draco did end up having to hang around Harry since I refused to choose between my friends and my boyfriend (because that would be pathetic), and he did not pitch himself off the astronomy tower.
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