#I will corrupt this wizard
homonculushound · 1 year
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I love it when my boyfriends want to become gods and the onky god in existence cause that will totally work out.
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messiahzzz · 3 months
it’s been almost a year now… is the bg3 fandom finally ready to talk about how gale’s “hubris” is the sole product of actively feeding his insecurities further and straight up denying him help & guidance when he was at his lowest and needed it most. it’s not one of his core traits and never was. he isn’t some closeted power hungry monster that is just waiting to be enabled. what he wants is admiration, recognition and acceptance. which is also what he sought from mystra before the orb disaster happened. he had no desire whatsoever to become a god himself or challenge her rule, he simply wanted to be seen as sufficient in her eyes (“to serve her better”). to be as equal as he could possibly be in a relationship with a literal deity. he has a deep passion for magic and knowledge that affects almost all areas of his life and enjoys the display thereof. he wants to be the smartest person in the room and enjoys when his work is recognized. he may be perceived as arrogant when it comes to his skill, but he IS NOT hubristic. it truly takes so little for him to be wholly content.
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foursidecity · 8 months
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Ducks from the past year!!
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seriousbrat · 8 days
How come do you think Snape never informed other order members about the Dark Mark? When Harry brings up to Sirius in GoF that Snape and Karkaroff were showing their arms to each other, Sirius has no idea what it means. Surely once Snape defected he could have made the Order aware that an easy way to spot a Death Eater is to check if they have a big spooky tattoo on their arm? Do you think he was embarrassed? Or he told Dumbledore and Dumbledore chose not to tell the rest? Is this another JKR hole that will leave us doing gymnastics to get around?
I believe it's implied that the Dark Marks basically vanished after Voldemort's downfall in 1981, and only started coming back during GoF, so it wouldn't have been a reliable way of identifying Death Eaters after the war. Snape only switched sides at the very end of the war, and Sirius and the Potters all went into hiding so I just don't think this information would be of use or relevant to them.
The other thing is that they likely didn't need it-- I'm sure the Order was aware of who many of the Death Eaters were, even the ones who escaped Azkaban at the end of the war, without having to check people for tattoos. Sirius lists Death Eaters like Lucius Malfoy and Avery who claimed they were under the influence of the imperius curse.
So Snape probably did tell Dumbledore about the Dark Marks, it's just that it wasn't particularly useful information at the time for the rest of the Order and especially not once Voldemort was defeated and the marks disappeared. The Ministry was in utter chaos at the end of the first war too, so even if Dumbledore did provide them with info about the Dark Marks they were already desperately scrambling to catch the Death Eaters they already knew about and I don't think it would have been of much use. That's not even considering that there are probably magical methods to conceal tattoos, since there are certainly muggle methods that are pretty effective. So I don't think it's a plot hole, no.
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americankimchi · 7 months
some days i think to myself about the wasted potential that was essek criticalrole and feel a headache form behind my eyes.
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zelreedsandwrites · 1 month
Alright i been seeing enough discourse and im painfully curious. No nuance, but please be encouraged to elaborate in tags/comments/reblogs etc.
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Im not saying the Wizard should totally become a full on villain or anything but it they ended up popping the fuck out of Ambrose or someone else after a passive aggressive/jealous/fearful comment or rumor about them, that would be Acceptable actually :)
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courtjester69420 · 8 months
You know I don’t like the “Gale was groomed by Mystra” fanon narrative for so many reasons I can’t even go through them all but let’s set those aside for now and say: there’s already a clear grooming narrative in BG3 canon and it’s WYLL’S STORYLINE… you don’t have to make shit up and actively take away from Gale’s character and story…
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sesamenom · 5 months
alright you’ve been extremely extremely kind and indulgent to me about my oc and i cannot possibly thank you enough <333333 so MY turn now to ask YOU about YOURS. please tell me about maglor’s distant granddaughter who is also your bbeg?? .w. or about the chatty hobbits i would very VERY much love to hear about both!!!
~ @nelyoslegalteam, reporting from main <3
(long post, sorry for the random people stumbling upon this lol)
so I'm the dm for the chatty hobbits campaign and essentially it's set in a beleriand-adjacent continent, but with a few extra races and stuff. of the founders of the original settlements, the king of elende (the elf kingdom) is Gil-galad's (invented for the campaign) twin brother Finellach/Finwain. originally he was inspired by the fact that gil galad has a ton of names but only uses ereinion/gil, so I just invented a new character and gave him half the names. I headcanon gil galad as maglor's son, so finwain is in universe maglor's son (left at the havens with gil bc his wife divorced him for kinslaying and his kingdom, being next door neighbors with morgoth, is far too dangerous for small children).
Anyways, his descendant Elinyel (also known as aramire or elinnor) is the current queen of Elende! she's an evil fire-themed bard who is extremely feanorian in all the worst ways - her actual kingdom prospered under her reign, but she just does not care about everyone else as long as she's protecting her people. There were some tensions with one of the major kingdoms to the north (conflict over unclaimed territory between the kingdoms and some tariff stuff), so instead of risking the other kingdom starting a war and hurting her people, she just preemptively invaded it and started burned all the border territories to the ground.
her actual coronation was pretty weird- so she's the second child, but her older sister was born in wartime and there's a general belief in elende that children of peacetime make better rulers, so Elinyel was chosen as her family's heir. her grandfather (the crown prince of his generation) died defending Elende in one of the major wars, but his younger brother and two young kids survived. there's a whole feud between their houses because the brother chose to retain the kingship even after the kids were old enough to take the throne. anyways, two generations later Elinyel killed her cousin Arendil (the previous king of Elende) over a dispute about the legitimacy of his house (and what she believed to be a dishonoring of her grandparents' sacrifice) and took the throne.
obviously she has many Issues. arendil also has two surviving kids who are now essentially trying to stop her from murdering all their neighbors in proactive defense of her people.
however, when she first ascended she recruited her friend group as her elite guard/vassals of the kingdom. (aka the other bosses in the storyline). so it escalated to a war between her forces and the children of arendil, which ultimately culminated in her beloved sister being killed by one of arendil's children. this in turn led to her having basically a massive mental breakdown and feeling like she failed to protect her loved ones (exacerbated by some of her other friends being killed in battles she led). a normal person might decide this is was kind of her fault for starting a war and putting her friends in charge of the army. instead she decided she needed to destroy everyone who could ever potentially pose a threat. which is, in her eyes, literally everyone on the continent (except for her kingdom, of course).
so now she is at war with absolutely everyone of all factions! She is also somehow winning by virtue of Song almost on the level of maglor himself, and ten (now six) also incredibly powerful friends. Anyways, she has decided that the best way to wipe out the continent (except her kingdom) and start fresh is to literally find an ancient lost stone that can break the Doors of Night, summon Morgoth himself, and start the Dagorath. obviously this will Not go well for anyone at all if she succeeds, but she is on a full-on rampage and genuinely believes she (plus friends) can protect her kingdom from Morgoth's army while he wipes out everyone else.
Here's some old art of her btw!
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And some slightly more recent unfinished art of her and the Evil Friend Group from when they were younger:
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and here's (L-R) her cousin who is the 3rd boss, Elinyel, and her sister from before the war!
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#asks#THANK YOU FOR THIS BTW#i only have 1 friend irl who plays dnd and is also not affiliated with the campaign#and they aren't a silm person#so i cannot talk w anyone irl about the Lore#one of the few kingdoms who could really oppose her is the magic one#bc max level wizards might as well be ainur and the monarch of the magic kingdom is Very Powerful#however. said monarch is also the twin sibling of one of elinyel's friends#(who is also an evil lich now and also maybe dating a diff friend who is an evil sorceror? not sure of details yet)#so the super powerful battlemage monarch is remaining Politically Neutral so they don't have to fight their literal evil twin#currently the party is level 6 and just defeated the very-weakened wraith of one of the friends#she was a druid but sort of decayed when she was corrupted and was kidnapping untrained/low level sorcs as servants to siphon power from#and also living in the Grove of Resurrection in order to stay intact#i forgot her dialogue while running the battle so while i looked through my docs i just had her say 'loading please wait' lol#also more chatty hobbit stuff#the grove is a huge grassy area with a walking tree in the middle#so the whole thing is constantly roaming aroudn#the wraith-druid had her castle built on it so she could have a moving castle that also heals her#the grassy part will resurrect any dead thing put on it#for the battle they had to drag her off the grass in order to kill her#technically shes been dead for some years but is surviving via constant contact w the grove#the hobbit (Shade) is from the Alder family who has historically been the guardians of the grove#he discovered he could talk to the tree in the middle and immediately started trying to figure out a way he could use the grove to#clone one of the party members#the tree does not approve of intentionally cutting off people's arms to see if it regenerates into a clone lol#oh! and they found anglachel in the grove. the dragonborn monk wants to keep it
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simminglytimeladies · 10 months
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A typical rogue and bard duo... What trouble would they cause next?
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liorlen · 11 months
I kinda like the whole sorcerer!gale idea. I don’t have it as a headcanon bc, personally, I just think he was a super fucking nerd as a kid and decided reading magic textbooks was fun so he ended up casting spells quite early and not by accident like a magical bloodline sorc would (I think??).
But I like thinking of a sorc!gale au. It’s really funny and even a bit sad. I genuinely don’t know how someone with a sorcerer bloodline who trains as a wizard would work. I’d think his bloodline would either be very weak or he simply doesn’t have the charisma to control the sorc magic (sorry gale. your charisma is NOT high enough to multiclass into sorc).
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justsalpals · 10 months
if I bat my eyelashes and ask real nicely can I pretty please have an Ame corruption arc?
come onnn, you've got the coven of the wicked right there and it would be such a shame not to use it 🥺
I just think she deserves to go a little batshit, as a treat
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messmers · 7 months
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tagged by @hawke to do this oc meme ^_^
sowwy im super super late to this, i'm very forgetful :&lt;
ty for tagging me though hehe <;3
this is basically my first time talking about an oc here so [sweats nervously] ignore the diff face lifts my girl has gone through, im still playing around with some concepts so nothing is set in stone......
name: lírica bloodsong!
nickname: none :( would u like to give her some?
gender: a menace...
star sign: ??? havent thought about this yet <3
height: 5'8 ish :)
orientation: bi/pan
race: asmodeous tiefling / bhaalspawn :3
romancing: 'tarion
fave fruit: berries or anything that'll have her looking like this 👇
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fave season: spring
fave flower: hmm... those oleanders in act 2... always picking them up and wandering into the shadows for them, getting herself into precarious situations lmao.
fave scent: the smell of chocolate. the smell of blood and the smell of astarion, bonus points if its combined. :p
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
average sleep hours: like 3. she doesn't sleep much.
dogs or cats: cats, but don't let scratch hear that.
dream trip: i don't have anything specific in mind for her yet, but she loves adventures so literally anything will have her over the moons<3
amount of blankets: 1 at most, preferably none.
random fact(s):
my little gorlfailure bard who accidentally killed an entire audience with one of her surges when she attempted using blood magic to enchant her music during one of her performances, hence bloodsong hehe <3 now she embraces her blood songs for papa bhaal... before the amnesia of course!
wherever her blood falls, lullaby-like flowers bloom. think of nirnroot because i love being cheesy like that💗 ^_^
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stormbreaker101 · 10 months
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Nothing, Something, Everything
Figured I'd finally figure out how the hell to draw Nora, Kiyom (the Nothing in my AU, it never got a chance to eat the Old One and become Dasein so it's an entirely new character now), and the Divine Paradox.
please don't ask me to draw the Paradox ever again. girl why are you so ARMOR.
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avirxy · 8 months
In Tulips of Time since Claire has the shard and she's not a troll, what will it do to her when they return to the future?
The shard preys on fear, it latches onto whoever it’s infecting’s insecurity and internalization, and in turn makes that worse, just a big bucket of dark magic poisoning, at least that’s what I’m going with and boy howdy does Claire have a lot of that.
While they’re in the past Claire’s biggest fear starts off as becoming Morgana, and worrying about the darkness taking over, because who she meets in the past is not the same woman that tried to literally tear apart the world for the Eternal night, if Morgana can fall that far who’s to say she can’t either or further? However by the time they get back to the future it has grown out of simply becoming Morgana, but I can’t spoil all the fun.
So what Claire becomes when she pushes the shard into her heart will be a-lot worse than just a human fueled by dark magic.
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rindemption · 1 year
oh I'm down bad
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Dexon; Dark Urge, Talos War Cleric with a chaotic streak that unfortunately feeds the impulses. Only keeps his party alive because they're more useful breathing. I don't think a romance would be good for anyone
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Therius; Vengeance Paladin, blunt and sometimes stern but with a soft spot for the little guys. Not above intimidating people to get the right thing done. Will eventually fall for Astarion once they both open up more
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Aava; College of Lore Bard, quick to soothe tempers but slow to trust. She's carrying more blackmail than she'll ever admit, and will use it to keep herself safe and alive. Somehow finds herself already crushing on Karlach despite her own innate paranoia
I do plan on making at least 2 more: a dragonborn Dark Urge who will actually fight to be good, and a gnome for the sake of doing the 12 multi-classes and all the silly/stupid options.
But now back to Elamrael!
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