#I wish you could see yourselves from my perspective
embersign · 1 year
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
Do you all have any proof that Invictus wants nothing to do with Harry or is it just a hunch based on narratives you’ve made up yourselves? Or maybe it is just wishful thinking on your part?
First off, reading and context is fundamental. No one has said Invictus wants nothing to do with Harry. We’re saying that it doesn’t make sense why Invictus keeps Harry around when he doesn’t appear to provide them any value. From a liability and risk management perspective, they have to be doing something to protect themselves from his lack of engagement.
And it is actually data-driven speculation. I don’t make stuff up here; I am always researching, I am always reading, I am always learning, and that is what informs my theories. There is very little I take at face-value.
But since your insult was polite, I’ll let you look at my homework instead of telling you to go figure it out yourself. Just this one time.
So this is the financial report from the UK charity registry:
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Expenses (money going out) and income (money coming in, i.e. the donations) are virtually the same. In other words: as of 2022, Invictus is barely breaking even. This is not good; it means, more or less, they're one crisis away from some serious problems.
It also means that their actual Games - which, in 2022 would have been The Hague/Dutch IG - are expensed entirely by the host city. So basically, the charity itself is nothing more than a glorified events planner spending someone else's money. That's...not exactly the mission we're told that Invictus Games is.
Now, that orange line there on the bottom is what the UK calls "governance." (In the US, we call it "administrative.") This is what it means, from IG's 2022 financial report:
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Note that this doesn't include salaries for the 12 (as of 12/31/2022) employees at IG. According to Giving is Great, a UK charity watchdog, senior staff costs (i.e. salaries and benefits) is 26%, or approximately £500,000. Add the governance/admin costs, and we're looking at £750,000 a year just to keep the charity's lights on. When your total budget is £2 million, that's a big chunk of change. 40%, in fact.
Second let's look at their income. The UK charity registry breaks the "gross income" down into several subcategories. For Invictus Games:
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(The column headers were cut off but from left to right it's 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.)
Meaning that in 2022, their income came from donations, trading, and charitable activities.
(Remember that in 2020, the Royal Foundation made a £1 million donation to Invictus Games, which I believe makes up the majority of that £1.4m donation. If that assumption is correct, then that means in 2020, Harry was only able to fundraise an additional £400,000 in donations. Now, 2020 was a very difficult year for a lot of charities and nonprofits so that steep dropoff isn't unusual to see in the financial reports.)
Now from the 2022 financial report, here's what these categories mean:
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So just really quick. Unrestricted means that the recipient chooses where/how to spend the money. Restricted means that the donor directs where/how the charity spends the money. So Invictus could spend £381K of the donations (Category #2) anywhere they wanted to, but for the remaining £700K of donations they received, they had to follow specific directions on how to use it.
What this is saying is that of the total income earned by Invictus Games in 2022, only £1.08 million came from donations.
Now, in my (volunteer) experience working in nonprofit fundraising most lay people (i.e. members of the general public who donate to charities) don't usually direct or designate their donation. So most of the regular donations are going into the unrestricted pot. Corporate donors, sponsors, or partners are more likely to give restricted gifts, where they direct how the money will be spent. So based on my experience, I feel comfortable assuming, or suggesting, that £231,447 received in unrestricted donations is people like, you, me, and Sussex Squad donating to Invictus out of pocket.
That's a pretty poor showing. And in my opinion, it's a direct reflection of Harry's leadership; he isn't inspiring people to donate to Invictus. Instead, the bulk of Invictus's income/donations is coming from corporate sponsorships.
Most charities cannot survive on corporate sponsorships and partnerships. It does not guarantee long-term survival. Long-term survival is predicated on investments, endowments, and contracts...which Invictus doesn't have, which means their patron isn't doing his share.
Third let's look at the actual Games themselves. The Hague/Dutch IG was given a budget of €15 million (~$16 million). According to this leaked letter from the Dusseldorf IG Committee, the Hague IG Games actually ended up costing €25 million (~$27 million). That's a 60% increase, and it's impossible for all of that to be due to COVID-related inflation.
Going backed to the leaked Dusseldorf IG letter, their budget was about €27 million (~$29 million). It's being reported that the Dusseldorf IG actually ended up costing closer to €37 million (~$40 million). This is a 37% increase; they were also very over budget.
And in March 2023, Invictus Games 2025 signed and published, to their website, a Contribution Agreement outlining that Canada's budget for the Vancouver IG is $30 million CAD (~$22 million USD); $15 million CAD (~$11 million USD) from the province of British Columbia and $15 million CAD from the government of Canada.
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So if I split the baby for budget overrun [(60% + 37%)/2=48.5%], we're looking at Vancouver IG to probably end up costing around $44.5 million CAD.
In other words...they're in trouble. Meaning that Invictus and its board should be working together with the local corporation(s) to cut costs and increase savings/get new sponsors and partners. Meaning that the patron should be out there campaigning and fundraising for money or figuring out how and where to cut costs...but he isn't.
Or those efforts aren't visible. Not when the competing PR is about Harry's attacks on the BRF, Spare, Meghan's merching, and stories like this one of key leaders being abruptly fired and whistleblowers leaking to the press.
Now why would someone be abruptly fired without notice? It's not for shock and awe. It's either for incredible malfeasance (like fraud and embezzlement) or because someone much higher up wanted it. Since there's no paper trail or proof of wrongdoing - which Vancouver IG would have leaked in some way, shape or form - all the evidence strongly suggests the two men were fired because someone else demanded it. Maybe, say, someone who costs so much more than he's actually worth, who causes more problems than solves, who has alienated a lot of public goodwill. Of course, that's just pure speculation. But it is strange. One person getting fired without notice, sure, not really worth paying attention. But two people? And two people who purportedly know a whole lot about what's happening behind closed doors? That's hinky.
Have I forgotten anything?
Oh, right. This: growing criticism and dissatisfaction from local host-nation communities, Invictus's competitors and their families, and social media over the Sussexes' inability (and disinterest) to promote anyone but themselves whilst attending events.
The last thing any brand wants (or needs) is an ambassador that alienates their core customer base and prospective supporters and dominates the news with controversy. Brands, including nonprofit organizations, rely pretty heavily on:
The goodwill and positive attention their ambassadors generate
The users, fans, supporters, customers, and consumers that follow their ambassadors and
The networks their ambassadors move in.
Harry doesn't do any of that either:
He loses public goodwill every time he opens his mouth and invites only criticism.
The customers (the veterans and their families) aren't happy that their efforts are overshadowed. The consumers (people at home following along) are unhappy and dissatisfied that they can't find information about the competitors or the Games themselves because the only press coverage is about Harry and Meghan.
Harry is completely excluded from the royal, military, international, and aristo networks that propped him up 10 years ago to launch this thing. Invictus can't tap into that anymore, so why should they keep him around?
Let's review.
Invictus's expenses and income barely break even. Further, their reserves allow them to operate for less than one whole year. That's a really uncomfortable place to be in. Where is their patron to help seek out income streams that would build up their reserves?
Based on donation data, they're wheezing along on spit and prayer. They rely almost exclusively on corporate sponsors/partners. There's no investments, no endowments, no contracts. Actual "from the people" donations is just paltry. Where is their patron to lead fundraising campaigns, recruit new sponsors, develop investment opportunities?
The costs to host the Games keeps ballooning. Some cost overrun is normal, expected, and even budgeted for, but not the amounts that Invictus keeps turning out. Where is their patron to help look for new partners or charm everyone over with budget cuts?
There was a personnel shakeup in the Vancouver 2025 leadership that caused a lot of questions and concerns about their readiness to host their events and revealed a lot of morale issues. Where was their patron to calm the chaos?
There's growing criticism over the patron's behavior that is reflecting badly on Invictus Games and their brand. Where is the patron changing his behavior, changing his attitude, changing his priority?
I'll tell you where the patron is. He and his wife are flying around the world to party at Soho Houses, whine about being cut off from his family after he spent 3 years attacking them, spending other people's money in ridiculous ways, and getting wastedly high after his wife and kids go to bed.
The longer Invictus Games is associated with that, the more it reflects on them and their brand. They can't afford that. Not when they're promoting themselves as "family friendly" or "family supporting" (which is how they've justified Meghan's involvement).
It doesn't make any sense for them to keep Harry on. He's not fundraising for them. He's not schmoozing. He costs more money than he brings in. The people they serve don't like him. He isn't bringing big donors in. He isn't speaking to or supporting his family.
And allllllllll this together is why I say "I wouldn't be surprised if Invictus is trying to phase Harry out." It's why I say "depending on how well Germany Invictys 2024 goes, that may be the proof they can survive without him."
It's data-driven speculation. Not something I've made up. The only thing that's made up is the speculation about why two senior leaders were so abruptly fired. But that isn't even part of the analysis or the calculation.
Next time, anon, you're doing your own fucking research.
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mollysolo · 1 year
can i pls request a song fic based off of seven by taylor swift with steve harrington x fem!reader?? congrats on 2.7k btw!
I Still Got Love For You
Pairing: Steve Harrington X fem!Reader
Summary: A love filled summer romance with Steve Harrington and its aftermath.
Warnings: Crying, mentions of Steve’s shitty dad + Steve’s trauma, the reader going to college, sadness, a breakup, angst with a happy ending
Word Count: 2k
a/n: i hope you like this !
My 2.7k follower celebration !
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Currently Steve was laying on his bed alone for once because you had to use your last night in town to pack up all of your things. You would be driving up to NYU first thing in the morning. Steve didn’t want you to leave but he also didn’t want to hold you back from your dreams. So he stayed silent on how much your approaching departure had started to hurt him.
You were all he had ever wanted and this love you two had shared seemed to be over before he knew it. And while he laid there, he began to reflect on your romance and picture the happy moments like you had asked him to.
He pictured that one day the two of you went swimming in lovers lake early into the summer.
Steve had climbed up a tree that hung over the lake just ten minutes ago, jumped in and he had somehow convinced you to try it not long after his head popped out of the water. But you were too scared to jump down.
“C’mon, (y/n)! It’s not that far! Hey, what about this? I’ll catch you!” he remembered yelling up at you, which eased some of your worries and moments later you jumped into his ready arms.
“See! I knew you could do it!” he had also said before kissing you for the first time while you two were still in the water.
You looked so beautiful that day and he wished that could live in that memory for the rest of time. That was one of the happiest day’s of his life.
And before he fell asleep that night, he pictured one of the more calm evenings you spent together almost a month and a half ago. You had been drinking iced tea together while cuddling on your porch swing and watching the sunset.
That was when you finally got the courage to tell him you loved him and he had said it back right away. “I think I’ve always loved you.” he had said afterwards, which made heat sprint to your cheeks.
He thought about the way you crossed over each others hearts and promised to not tell anyone about your love for a little while. You wanted to keep your loves to yourselves so that you could indulge each other a bit more.
The following morning, Steve didn’t come to see you off before you left. And though you expected this after how badly he reacted when you told him a couple weeks ago that you would be leaving for New York soon, you still wished that he would’ve shown up. You wished that you could’ve hugged and kissed him one more time, even though the two of you were now broken up.
But you still loved him with your entire being, even if he wasn’t there to hear you say it anymore.
The way he loved you this summer changed your whole perspective on the world and you would always be grateful for that. But you knew that all good things must come to an end at some point and for your relationship, now was that point.
And you couldn’t help but yearn for him as you drove away, almost considering driving to his his house. But you didn’t want to be late, so you continued on your way to New York.
It had now been a year since you had left for college and you were now back in town for the summer. And even though you didn’t think of or call Steve that often anymore as a result of your busy schedule, you still had love for him. You always would.
But you even with you back in town, you still didn’t call Steve. You were a little afraid that he’d be furious with you for not keeping in touch with him. When in reality, while he felt sad that the two of you no longer spoke, he was still happy for you and he still had love for you. He always would. That wasn’t something that would go away easily.
The love you shared was meant to last a lifetime, both of you were sure of it although you were still too nervous to speak to one another.
In the middle of one of the nights during your first week back in town, Steve called you and asked if he could come over. He said he wanted to talk and you said yes. How could you not when he sounded so sad and broken?
He arrived at your front door just fifteen minutes later, not using your bedroom window anymore. He wasn’t a teenager anymore after all and he wanted to seem more mature to you.
You let him in right away and tightly held his hand in yours. Once reaching your bedroom, you let go of his hand so that you could close the door and he hesitantly went over to sit on your bed. It was just as soft as he remembered it to be.
Your room looked a lot more bare than it did when he used to spend many nights here. But he assumed that was because you had taken most of your stuff with you to New York.
You then sat down next to him and took both of his hands in yours, “What is it you wanted to talk to me about?” you asked him, a look of concern on your face.
Tears began to well up in his eyes almost immediately, he looked so sad and that broke your heart. “I can’t take it anymore, sweetheart. I hate being so far away from you.” he told you while tears began to fall down his face.
You placed your dominant hand on his shoulder while you responded, “I know, I miss you too and I’m sorry that I didn’t call more or send a letter. I just got too busy. I still love you and I will always be yours, I hope you know that, Stevie.” you told him, making him smile for a second.
He then wrapped his arms around you and swiftly pulled you onto his lap so that he could hold you against his chest. “I still love you too, I never stopped. And I am still yours, I promise.” he replied, causing you to smile as well.
But although you two had resolved your problems and you were together again, his tears didn’t stop. You could practically see the gears in his head turning as he decided whether or not he was going to tell you what was on his mind.
You cupped his face in your hands and tipped his head up so that his eyes were looking into yours, his brown eyes looked so beautiful even as he cried. You pressed a light kiss to his lips before you spoke again.
“What’s on your mind, Steve? You can tell me, I promise. You’re safe here.” you said, encouraging him to get whatever was bothering him off of his chest.
He then buried his face into your shoulder, not having the confidence to look into your eyes while he told you what had been bothering him other than your relationship.
“My parents have been back in town for the past two months now.” he paused to let out a shaky breath, that was the longest they had ever been in town since Steve was 15, “And my dad is constantly on my ass about everything. He keeps telling me that he wishes I went college and became a real man instead of a failure. And whenever he talks to me, all he does is insult me and make me feel worthless. And sometimes I can’t help but believe him. I just don’t know what to do anymore.” he explained to you and you felt as though your heart had broken even more for him.
It didn’t surprise you that his father was still being horrible to him. Whenever you went over to his house last summer, it always seemed as though Steve’s house was haunted by his fathers violence and merciless screams.
You brought him closer to your body and began to rub his back in soothing circles, “First off, Steve I am glad that you felt like you could trust me enough to tell what’s been going on.” you paused to slowly pry Steve’s sad face from your shoulder, you wanted him to look at you while you said this next part, “And second, I need you to know that you don’t deserve to be spoken to that way. I don’t care what your father says or thinks, you are not a failure. You are more of a man than he could ever be. I mean, you’ve literally stepped in and saved my life multiple times. You are not worthless and even though we haven’t talked in a while, you are still my favorite person and you always will be. It’s okay to take things at your own pace, even if your father doesn’t think so.” you assured him, truly meaning every word you said to him.
He nodded once you finished speaking and gave you a tight hug, “Thanks, (y/n). That means a lot, coming from you.” he replied, still tightly hugging you as if his life depended on it.
“Anytime, pretty boy. I’ll always be here for you.” you said, making him chuckle at the sound of that sweet nickname you once had for him, causing you to chuckle with him.
Steve missed the sound of your laugh, it was like a beautiful symphony he wanted to listen to on repeat for the rest of his life. He could feel genuinely happy anytime he heard it and he adored you for that.
And while Steve got lost in the sound of your laugh, you started to think of a solution, when suddenly it hit you, “Steve, I have an idea. You could live here with me for the rest of the summer and in the fall, you could move back to New York with me. And you can even bring Robin along with us if you’d like to, I do have an extra room in my apartment after all. I don’t you want you to ever have to deal with your fathers anger again.” you suggested to him, hoping that he’d want to live with you.
He smiled up at you as these words fell from your lips, the first genuine smile that had appeared on his face since you left, “I’d like that.” he said, still smiling up at you.
“Good.” you replied, staring into his eyes for a moment before he closed the gap in between you two and kissed you. This kiss communicated all the love you felt for each other and how much you had missed one another during your time apart.
Steve pulled away from your lips a few minutes later, a certain set of questions now on his mind, “But what about your parents? Are you sure they’ll be okay with me living here for the summer?” he asked, a nervous tone to his voice.
You could sense his nervousness and pressed a quick kiss to his forehead then spoke again, “Don’t worry about that, Stevie. They adore you as if you were family. I told you, you’re safe here.” you answered, easily making all of Steve’s worries melt away again.
He nodded in response to your comforting words, “We’ll go over to your parents house tomorrow to pack up your things. But for now, I just want to cuddle with you and make up for all of that lost time.” you said, prompting Steve to scoop you into his arms and lay down with you on your bed.
And once the two of you were comfortable, you turned to face him and placed your hand on his cheek, “I love you, Steve.” you told him, a soft smile on your face.
He smiled back at you, “I love you even more.” he replied while he peppered kisses all over your face, making your smile even brighter than it was before.
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pardi-real · 3 months
Honeymoon Knight / Chapter 14 - Contest Winners
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~ Later ~
After leaving Maroota... We arrived in the city of Tisailles. The streets adorned with ribbons and frills were illuminated by the early summer light, enhancing their vividness.
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Flure: "Fufu… It's been a while since we've been to Tisailles, my lord."
> "Since the contest, right?"
Muu: "Mr. Flure, you were amazing in the contest! You looked so cool!"
Flure: "Come on, Muu, stop it."
Lato: "Kufufu... I've heard about Flure's triumph from the other butlers. He excelled as both a designer and a model, receiving great acclaim from the audience."
Miyaji: "Not aiming to win the contest… but crafting a performance that brings joy to the audience, all while enjoying it yourselves.  I found it truly wonderful. If only… I could have witnessed it firsthand."
Flure: "Thank you, Prof. Miyaji..."
Miyaji: "Oops, we've already talked about this many times in the mansion..."
Flure: "Y-yes, that's true."
Lato: "It's a shame we couldn't go together. I really wished to see Flure dance freely on the runway."
Muu: “It was really fantastic, right? My lord!"
> "It was incredibly cool"
Flure: "A-alright, that's enough. Let's put an end to this conversation about me."
Lato: "Flure is quite shy, isn't he?"
Flure: "You're being noisy, Lato."
Miyaji: "By the way... Although the result was a close runner-up… you received a prize from the winning team, didn't you?"
Flure: "Yes. The winning team's ‘Monsieur Chatnoir’ said, 'It's our loss,' and gave it to us."
Lato: "Chatnoir...? Hmm…… The name sounds familiar. Have I met this person somewhere?"
Miyaji: "It was the team that was the runner-up in the fashion contest four years ago. You participated in the previous contest, right, Lato?"
Lato: "Ah, yes. I remember now. Kufufu. That's when I participated with Mr. Zepal, Mr. Berrien, and Prof. Miyaji. How nostalgic."
Miyaji: “Yeah. But... I haven't told you about this yet, Flure, when I heard that you 'didn't aim to win’... I was honestly surprised. Zepal said the same thing back then."
Flure: "Huh? R-really? This is the first time I'm hearing this. I heard a lot about the contest from Mr. Zepal, but... he never mentioned that. Instead, it was more like he was aiming to win together."
Miyaji: "Well, Zepal probably said something like that."
Lato: “Yes, that's just like him.”
Flure: "So... Mr. Zepal intentionally lied to me?"
Miyaji: "Well, you know... He's very sociable... And a kind man who thinks about others' feelings.  He thought saying things like 'I didn't plan to win, but I ended up winning' would make others feel uncomfortable... so that's probably why he lied to you."
Flure: "I see."
> "It was a white lie"
Muu: "Even just from this talk, Mr. Zepal seems like a wonderful person! I wanted to actually talk to him."
> “Indeed” > "Me too..."
Flure: "Mr. Zepal… Like me... Fufu. So that's what happened.  Yeah... I think it was cool how he said, 'I went there to win,' but...  Mr. Zepal, who enjoyed fashion to the fullest... That's really him being himself.  Mr  Zepal is cool, after all... I wanted to be like Mr. Zepal, but... the result was runner-up and a special prize... I'm still no match for Mr. Zepal."
> "Flure..."
Miyaji: "Raise your head, Flure. There's no need to be so down. From my perspective, who spent a long time with Zepal... I don't see a clear difference between you and Zepal. Both of you love fashion... Enjoy it to the fullest... And you've polished your skills. This outfit is also very beautiful. Zepal would surely say the same."
Flure: "Prof. Miyaji... Thank you."
Lato: "Flure is an excellent outfit designer. To be honest... I prefer Flure's outfits over Zepal's."
Flure: "Fufu... You're exaggerating a bit, Lato."
Lato: "Oh? I don't think I'm exaggerating. Outfits made by Flure are particularly comfortable to wear."
Flure: "Geez... If you say more than that, Mr. Zepal might get angry, you know? But, thanks. I feel a little better now."
Lato: "That's good."
Muu: "By the way... Listening to everyone... Now I wanted to see the contest four years ago…!"
> "What kind of contest was it?"
Miyaji: "The theme was 'All Black.'"
> “All Black…” > "Sounds like a cool theme"
Miyaji: "At that time, elegant attire was the trend. Designs that emphasized elegance and luxury... were sought after, all unified in black."
Lato: "Hmm... It's starting to come back to me... That's right... At that time, exposing too much skin wasn't favored in the trends, right?"
> "So that's how it was"
Muu: "I don't know anything about outfits, but... it seems difficult to be unique that way."
> “I agree” > "Indeed... Barely any freedom of expression there"
Miyaji: "That's where Zepal... deliberately included designs that exposed the skin. Of course, while valuing elegant elements. I remember there was the use of translucent materials."
Muu: "I see...! He dared to enter the contest… by incorporating the parts that were limiting enjoyment of fashion! Truly, it's the same as Flure!"
Flure: "I also wanted to see Mr. Zepal and everyone's contest in person... It must have been incredibly cool."
Miyaji: "Just like how I wanted to see your contest in person. We think alike, Flure."
Flure: "That's true."
Muu: "Fufufu. It feels like we've learned a lot from this conversation! My lord!"
> “Yes” > "I'm glad we could learn from it"
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france-hater · 3 hours
[ sokolov was reading ( napping with a book on their face ) when an abrupt CRASH ! awoke them
snapping up from the hay that had been resting their head and disturbing bucephalus in the process , they clambered to their feet and whispered a quick " извини , буцефа́л ... " - to which the stallion responded with a flippant neigh and the theft of sokolov ' s spot of hay
locating the source of the sound was no tricky task ; the initial crash had been followed by groans and curses echoing through the previously empty halls . great . others were here
now far less enthusiastic about learning what on earth had occurred , sokolov trudged into the room of where they believed the intruders to be , and good lord ... what a scene ...
they gawked at the tangled limbs laying amidst the remains of what was bernadotte ' s dining table ; the candles and cutlery that once lined the glass , readily awaiting guests , now found themselves scattered and shattered beyond salvation
their open mouthed , open eyed expression followed the mess to the men and simply stared in silence
one wore the red of the british - between that and his streaky - but fluffy - brown hair , he was unmistakably wellesley ; the other , however , sokolov would have mistook bernadotte if it weren ' t for the russian green and blue he donned
as wellesley untangled himself from the man with the ebony curls and attempted to stand , they realised it was bagration who stay laid on the floor
wordlessly , sokolov extended a hand to the prince and pulled him to his feet as wellesley began to vocalise his complaints ]
how the devil did i end up here ? where even is here ?
[ the brit inquired , anger from being ripped away from his previous activities seeping its way into his question
sokolov gave him a look of something like " how on earth do you expect me to know ? " as they dusted off bagration , who in turn had his own queries ]
yes ... that . where are we ? who are you ?
[ they stepped back and assessed how best to answer questions of which they themself were asking too ... it appeared they had not intruded by choice and instead were some sort of teleported - similar to how bernadotte navigated his realm ... but ... could the realm teleport others ... ?? why these two ?? why when bernadotte was away ... ]
my name is karp sokolov [ they began quietly , bowing quickly ] i am an aide - de - camp of jean - baptiste bernadotte ' s , you are currently in what was his realm ' s dining room
[ after a moment , wellesley quirked a brow and raised his hands to his hips ]
well then , where is the lad ?
[ sokolov opened their mouth to speak again , though no noise was heard . they knew the words they wished to say would sound absurd ... it was absurd , really . this whole situation was absurd . perhaps with that in perspective , the likeliness of them believing them would be increased ... ]
... he ' s ...
... well he ' s out with davout
[ some audible representation of the men ' s flabbergasted reaction followed their words before they properly piped up ]
surely you jest ? [ bagration interjected , leaving wellesley looking at him in faux offense as he planned to say the same ]
well ... no ...
i do believe davout invited him to dinner , i haven ' t seen him since
it matters not , though . i ' m sure he shall return soon and be able to address ... this ...
... until then , i see no harm in you making yourselves at home
[ sokolov spoke swiftly , making no offer to the men to fetch them if they needed them . they had no interest in being forced to see others outside of necessity and were attempting to wrap this interaction up in favour of returning to their beloved stables
after a moment ' s pause - of which the other two were surely spending attempting to formulate responses - sokolov pounced on the opportunity to silently excuse themself and slip off to see their stallion
to this , bagration and wellesley exchanged lost looks
this was going to be ...
... interesting ]
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🐾 hai :3 update ! bagration of @god-of-the-army & wellesley of @wellingthighs are joining bernadotte on here for the time being xP
the blogs are still up but will not be used until i am ready & confident enough in my portrayals of the two to return them to their separate blogs
interaction with them will be all the same though ! please just specify whether your asks & such will be directed at bernadotte , sokolov , bagration , or wellesley :3 ( even if it ' s just colouring your ask their respective colour ! )
hopefully this ' ll allow me to put more practice into them
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Carla Dark [08]
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ー The scene starts in the Ghouls’ manor
Kino: You guys can make yourselves at home in this manor for a while. 
Also, leave the Ghouls up to me, okay? See you.
ー Kino leaves
Shin: ...I’m going to take a quick look around the house.
I’ll choose my own room, is that okay, Nii-san?
Carla: I do not mind. Be my guest.
Shin: Thanks, Nii-san.
ー Shin leaves
Yui: ...I’ll go have a look around as well.
Like it wouldn’t be bad to know what we have to work with in the kitchen and such.
Carla: Yes. 
ー Yui goes to the kitchen
Yui: ...Seems like we’ve got the basic cooking tools covered. There’s ingredients as well. 
I suppose we should be fine for a while with this much to our disposal...
( I don’t know for how long, but we’re going to live here. )
( I honestly did not even fathom we’d end up leaving Banmaden to live at a completely unfamiliar place. )
( Carla-san makes some incredibly rash decisions every now and then... )
( However, that might be characteristic of a King. )
???: Huh? So this is where you’ve been.
Yui: Shin-kun. I thought you were in your room.
Shin: I figured I’d have a drink. ...I mean, I guess I won’t really be able to enjoy it in a place as smelly as this.
Yui: But I believe the stench is much more manageable inside the house.
Shin: Don’t you think you’ve just grown used to it already?
Yui: ...You think so...?
Shin: To be honest, I don’t want to live at this place at all. I can’t wait to return to the Castle. 
But Nii-san’s thinking of taking those Ghouls along with us, right? 
I think he went too far by claiming that he’d protect them. I can’t imagine having to live under the same roof as those Ghouls.
ー Somebody approaches them
???: That is a statement unbefitting of a Founder.
Shin: Nii-san...
Carla: It is a King’s duty to protect his people. 
Shin: Haah!? You’re calling Ghouls our people...For real!?
Why would you go that far for people who don’t even have any magic...!? 
Carla: We are First Bloods. We should stand at the very top of the Demon World. 
All other individuals living in the Demon World aside from us Founders would be considered our people. 
Shin: ...I’m not saying you’re wrong, but...
Carla: Would you not agree that a King should not reign by installing fear in his subjects, but instead gain their trust and be respected instead? 
Shin: ...I feel like that’s a bit of an utopia.
I mean...I get the gist of how you feel about it.
Carla: So you are okay with it? 
Shin: Yeah, sure. As you wish. I can’t exactly go against the King’s orders.
ーー I’ll be going back to my room then. 
Yui: Eh? Um, Shin-kun, I thought you were thirsty...?
Shin: Changed my mind. See you.
ー Shin leaves
Yui: ...
Carla: ...Yui.
Yui: Yes? 
Carla: Do you also believe that I am tackling this the wrong way?
Yui: I mean, Shin-kun’s not really saying you’re wrong or anything...
Carla: His attitude says exactly that though. 
Yui: ...
I’m in no position to judge whether your decision is right or wrong.
However, I do believe that the conditions you are offering are very appealing to the opposing party. 
Now it is up to what they decide, since I have no idea what their actual response will be...
If the other party sees it as something positive, wouldn’t it make it a good deal...?
Carla: ...I see.
It would appear that Shin cannot even allow the idea of letting the Ghouls live alongside us at Banmaden, but how do you feel about that?
Yui: I wouldn’t mind.
Carla: It doesn’t concern you?
Yui: Not particularly.
Carla: ...Heh. You have a very big heart.
Yui: No, I don’t think that’s it.
Carla: Hm?
Yui: I’m not a Demon myself, and this is my first learning about the Ghouls.
Therefore, I have no assumptions or prejudices towards them. That’s all. 
Carla: ...I see. I suppose you could say that you provide a very objective perspective on the matter.
Yui: Fufu, I suppose so.
Carla: To have someone like that by my side. Heh. ...Not bad. 
Yui: ...
( I feel as if his expression softened a little... )
( I’m glad I was able to help him ease up a little. )
Carla: Yes? 
→ Worry about his health
Yui: Please take good care of your health, okay?
Carla: Hmph. Why bring that up all of a sudden?
Yui: No...I can imagine it must not have been easy for you...
Carla: ...You are worried about that? 
Yui: ...Are you upset?
Carla: No. I am not unaware that this is simply part of your personality.
However, worrying too much will have the opposite effect. Understand?
Yui: Y-Yes...
( I suppose he’s trying to tell me to mind my own business... II’ll try to be careful. )
→ Thank him (❦)
Yui: ...Thank you very much.
Carla: Hah. Why are you thaking me all of a sudden? I do not remember doing anything to warrant your gratitude. 
Yui: No, you asked for my opinion. That alone made me very happy.
Carla: ...
Yui: Because I initially assumed that my opinion did not matter.
But you’re taking me into consideration as well...
Carla: ...Hmph. I do believe you are an odd one for getting happy over such a trivial thing. 
I believe I made myself clear from the very start, that I would protect you. 
I would never disregard your opinion. Rest assured.
Yui: ...Okay.
( His words seem even warmer than usual... )
From what I’ve heard, Ghouls are the victim of discrimination (差別) in the Demon World,
because they do not possess any magic. 
In which case, Shin-kun’s reaction to the situation,
might only make sense. 
Even though we’ve come here to Rotigenberg,
I have yet to have any proper conversations with the Ghouls. 
That’s why I know close to nothing about them. 
If they were to come to Banmaden,
I hope I can get along with them,
and I simply hope that Carla-san’s wish (望み) can come to fruition. 
Please may this deal go smoothlyーー 
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threetangerines · 1 year
title: mornings
prompts: sunlight and sleep
summary: in which a morning spent with yoongi changes your perspective on mornings.
warnings: major major fluff🥺, a little ass grabbing, sexual undertones if you squint
word count: 783 words
note: this is my first time writing something like this, so i’m sorry if it’s awful:(( I TRIED MY BEST!! 3tan yoongi and oc have my heart entirely and i love fluffy moments between them. i also couldn’t sleep last night, so i wrote this at like 4am when i found myself thinking of them </3
Relief. That's how it felt to see Yoongi. 
Whether you had a long day at work, low energy from interacting with people, or just drained from life, Yoongi simply brought relief to your life. It's also relieving to see him sleeping next to you the next morning and glowing in the soft sunlight, because it means he’s still here. Here with you, next to you, and with you. Almost like he still wants you and still wants to be with you. 
In an attempt to not wake the sleeping beauty next to you, you slowly turn to your side to face him. As you lay there and admire him, the only word that comes into mind is ‘unfair.’ How can someone be so… pretty? How can someone look so attractive while they’re asleep? It's truly unfair. You’ll have to get him back for this someday.
Bringing a hand up to his cheek, you gently caress the soft skin as if you were touching porcelain. He truly is a work of art, and art should be treated with care and gentleness. You can’t help but smile to yourself because this moment is real. He's here with you, and he’s yours. After moving a small strand of hair away from his eyes, you slowly retract your hand away. 
“Why’d you stop?” Yoongi slowly opens his eyes while gently guiding your hand back to his cheek. Funny how he still manages to take your breath away after all this time. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” You murmur while avoiding his eyes to hide your embarrassment. 
You let out a yelp when you suddenly feel Yoongi's hand on your waist pull you closer to him, causing your hands fly out towards his chest to balance yourself. The very same hand moves down to the back of your knee and lifts it so that your leg is resting on top of his hip. Yoongi lets out a snicker at your flustered expression, “Cute.”
“Nuh uh.” You softly hit his chest. “You’re so unfair.” 
“What are you gonna do about it, doll?” He smirks. The same perpetrator of a hand moves down to grip your ass and pushes your pelvis towards his. 
Your jaw is absolutely unhinged at this point. How does he have the energy to tease you at the ass crack of dawn? Luckily, you’re not one to go down without a fight. Your hands push against his shoulders causing him to lay on his back while you move to straddle him. “Don’t push me, doll.” You playfully frown. 
Yoongi smirks in amusement. ‘Cute’ he thinks to himself.
After a moment of silence, he gently grabs your hands and intertwines his fingers with yours. His thumb mindlessly caresses yours as he thinks to himself how well your hands fit in his. He looks back up at you in admiration and stares at you in awe for what feels like eternity, almost like he’s trying to memorize all of your features. Wordless confessions spoken through each other’s eyes and this moment feels right. You feel as though a flower field is blooming inside you.
“Kiss me.”
Granting his wish, you lean down to connect your lips with his in a gentle kiss. He moves one of his hands to carress your cheek while the other is still holding onto yours and his thumb still caressing yours. 
“I could wake up like this forever.” He breathlessly says against your lips.
“Me too.” You smile while gently laying a kiss on his forehead. 
You lay down on top of him and rest your head against his chest. He rests his arm across your back, while you draw small patterns on his chest with your fingers. 
After a moment of comfortable silence, you both find yourselves dozing back to dreamland. Yoongi places a gentle kiss on the crown of your head before slightly tightening his hold on you. Peeking up at him, you find his eyes closed and smile to yourself before resting your head against his chest again. You think that his heart is beating a bit fast, but maybe you’re just imagining it. Closing your eyes, you begin to doze off too. 
Maybe mornings weren’t so bad afterall. Maybe mornings didn’t have to be so tiring and dreadful. Maybe mornings had the ability to be peaceful and joyful. To think that mornings could be something that you look forward to because of one person. If this was how all of your mornings were, you’re sure nothing could ruin your day. 
Mornings with Yoongi are gentle. Mornings with Yoongi made your heart flutter. Every morning spent together are what you both yearn for. Mornings together are a relief.
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lizardywizard · 1 year
non-rebloggable, just personal thoughts on the sub thing
so my perspective on this is very influenced by a buddhist view of death and reincarnation (their asses are Not permanently eliminated from the cycle) but. me personally? if i go down in something as stupid as oceangate? write fanfic. hell, if i die in a way that's a tenth as stupid as this, write fanfic. please. it's good for the spirit and for future generations that we can laugh about cautionary fables playing themselves out in front of us.
bonus if i died instantly bc dude my ass was Not suffering! that's the real tragedy here, like im sitting here going those men did Not process their karma! they are Not out of samsara! it's all going into the next life with you! and i hate that, i personally wish you could have died without this huge burden of shit that needs to be worked out in a future life, bc samsara is a fuck and i wanna see every last soul liberated! but you brought that on yourselves, you signed the damn waiver!
like, this whole thing brought up many complex feelings in me too. but the big one is i don't want to be treated like some untouchable martyr after my death. i did my time. i made stupid mistakes. laugh at them, it's okay. just wish me a healthier reincarnation, and don't go feeling too superior, we've all done stupid shit too.
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fingerless-glovez · 6 months
A Balm To My Shuddering Heart
Spoilers for Tino's route. Based on that one Tino perspective about why he loves Lynt so much. Lynt is five years old in this, and I put Tino at 12.
TW: Implied abuse and PTSD responses
“Good morning, Your Highness! Happy birthday!”
“Happy birthday, Young Master!”
“Hello, Your Highness! Are you excited for your party? I can’t wait to see you there. Happy birthday!”
These were just a few examples of the well-wishes of every maid, steward, and scullion little Prince Lynt Akedia passed in the hallway. He regarded each with a small wave or a nod, and a smile as he continued walking.
It’s true, today was his birthday. Come the afternoon, he would officially be five years old. However, even though everyone in the entire castle, and even in the entire kingdom of Akedia, was bustling with activity, eagerly preparing for the event, Lynt could barely muster up more than a yawn over the whole ordeal. He strode along in search of his father, King Liam, hoping they could slip away together and find a quiet spot to nap.
Lynt simply couldn’t understand what all the excitement was about. What was so special about him becoming one year older? Why did that require such extravagant celebration? He learned from his last birthday that he wouldn’t feel any different after the specific time of his birth passed, and he was still the same little boy he’d always been. Perhaps he could ask his father when he found him.
As Lynt’s sleepy hunt continued, a whole gaggle of older and taller boys clad in bright green eagerly approached him and stopped him in his tracks.
“Good morning, Your Highness! Where might you be going?” One greeted, only to be shoved backward by another in the group.
“Shall I accompany you?” The next boy inquired before he was pushed aside as well.
“Is there something you need? I can fetch it for you at once!”
“Hey, I asked him first!”
“Well, I saw him first!”
“I was the first to reach him. You two always try to hog the prince to yourselves!”
Lynt didn’t know all of their names, but he knew who they were and why they were so determined to mind him. They were from the House of Maes, a large and prestigious family that had served the Akedian royal family since the early years of its existence. Every child born into the Maes family is trained to become a valet from the moment they can walk, brought up the be the perfect model of Akedian citizenship. While it would already be a privilege to be part of such an esteemed household of people, the highest honor a Maes child can receive is the title of Primi Ordinis. The Primi Ordinis would not only be made the head of the entire House of Maes but they would also be selected valet to Akedia’s king, a goal that they all dreamed of achieving. These three boys were no exception.
Despite being aware of all this, however, Lynt was not thrilled with the three who had managed to catch him. They were all several heads taller than him, and they continued to crowd him as he tried to get by, as if to intentionally impede his progress. Lynt always felt the enthusiasm of the Maes children ranged from bothersome at best to suffocating at worst. This opinion was not limited to these three in particular; Every time he found himself within a Maes child’s field of vision, they would follow him around and essentially beg him to let them fuss over him. To make things worse, the only request they wouldn’t take him up on was leaving him alone to let him sleep, his singular favorite activity. To put it simply, Lynt was quite unhappy with the attention he was receiving.
“Why d’you frown so, Young Master?”
“It’s because you keep trying to monopolize him, you nincompoop!”
“I beg your very pardon?! I’m not nearly as stingy as you are with him!”
The bickering came to a screeching halt at the call of a stern voice no one could ignore. Said voice belonged to none other than the current Primi Ordinis himself: Styn Maes. And, more importantly to Lynt, his father’s valet. Just behind him was one of his nephews, a tall, polite boy named Daan.
“May I ask what reason you three could possibly have to be smothering the prince as you are?” The tall man asked. The boys shrunk under his steely green gaze.
“W-We’re sorry, sir!”
“We just wanted to make sure Young Master Lynt was being tended to properly…”
“These two keep trying to keep Young Master Lynt to themselves!”
“Don’t give him that unicorn dung! You’re no better than-”
Styn cleared his throat, cutting off the petty argument before it could escalate any further. Once again, all three boys drew back, standing shamefully at full attention.
“I believe we’ve had this discussion before. There is a difference between ‘tending to’ and ‘badgering’, and there is absolutely no excuse for you to fight over him. Besides, today is his birthday. Would it really do to overwhelm him now when he’s already going to be getting so much attention at his party?”
“No…” They unanimously conceded.
“And speaking of the party, have you completed the tasks I gave you to help with the arrangements?”
The boys hung their heads, looking everywhere but Styn’s eyes. The silence spoke for itself.
“I see,” The head valet said, “Perhaps instead of continuing this little quarrel, you ought to consider getting back to your chores. Am I understood?”
“Yes, sir…” They groaned, skulking away. Once they were gone, Styn took a moment to sigh, shake his head, and adjust his glasses. Then, he kneeled to address Lynt.
“My apologies, Young Master Lynt. It seems my nephews are a bit overzealous today. They didn’t trouble you too much, I hope?”
Lynt shook his head. “Master Styn, have you seen my father? I was hoping to take a nap with him.”
At the mention of his father, Styn’s poise and professionalism visibly slipped by a small amount, revealing the antsier side that Lynt was more familiar with. “Ah, yes. As it so happens, I was embroiled in a hunt for King Liam myself. Perhaps he had the same idea as you and saw fit to get a head start. However, he is presently needed in the ballroom to give his opinion on the arrangements of the venue, so I’m sorry to say that your nap with him shall have to wait.”
“Oh…” Lynt sighed, dejectedly. He knew his father would be busier than usual today, and had only wanted a small respite with him before the festivities started. Sadly, it appeared that wouldn’t be happening now.
Styn’s expression softened at the noticeable drop in his spirits. “I’m truly sorry, Young Master, but I’m sure you understand your father shares the responsibility to make sure you have the celebration you so deserve with everyone else in this castle. It will be worth the wait, I assure you. For now, if it is a rest you desire, the library is unoccupied. That should suit your needs nicely.”
“Sir, if I may,” Daan, who had been quietly waiting for his uncle to finish his reprimanding, piped up, “Might I escort His Highness to the library? It’s only a short ways away, and I believe seeing me with the prince will deter my siblings and cousins from swarming him as they just did.”
Styn hummed consideringly at the proposal before turning back to Lynt. “Would that be alright, Young Master?”
“Mm…” Lynt glanced at Daan, studying him for a moment, then shrugged, “... I suppose.”
“Very well,” Styn remarked, standing back to his full height and turning to his nephew, “Once His Highness has reached his destination safely, you are to return to your duties at once. Is that understood?”
“Yes, sir,” Daan replied with confidence. He held out his hand for Lynt to take, “Come along, Your Highness. I will see that you are undisturbed during our trip.”
Lynt only hummed his understanding before walking past him. He knew where the library was; He napped there often. He didn’t need his hand held to get there, even if Daan was going to be his temporary bodyguard.
Of all the Maes children of his generation, Daan was the closest to the model citizen they all strived to be. To anyone else, he was near perfect in every way. Composed, graceful, courteous, and always ready to do whatever is asked of him with uncanny accuracy, all the other children in his family gave him almost the same respect as Styn Maes himself. But to Lynt, he was simply a quieter version of almost every other Maes child, and the offer to escort Lynt to the library was a convenient excuse to be close to him. In his eyes, Daan was allowed more opportunities to shadow him due to his charm, skills, and popularity among his relatives and all of the adults in the castle. 
However, Lynt couldn’t shake the… strange feeling that swirled in his stomach whenever Daan was around him. He couldn’t put his finger on why, but this particular boy always made him feel like there was something very wrong.
But, as Daan said, the library was not far away, and his pushier relatives never bothered Lynt while he was around, so Lynt decided he could bear it until he was alone again.
Just as the clock struck noon, noblemen and women poured into the ballroom. Music drifted from the floor to the ceiling, just barely audible over the chatter of excited guests. The aroma of the banquet wafted over the room, enticing those nearby to sample the exquisite dishes the cooks had been wakeful since dawn to prepare. The atmosphere was so light, it was almost impossible not to partake in the frivolity.
And yet, there were two in attendance who weren’t feeling fit to revel. First, to the surprise of many, was Styn, who seemed to be in a frantic search of something. And second was the birthday boy, dressed to the nines in a formal outfit that many had already described as adorable. 
At first, Lynt truly was enjoying himself; The fact so many came just to say they were happy he was there and eager to see him grow and become his own person left him with a bubbly in his chest. He hadn’t realized just how much his subjects appreciated him for merely existing, and for the first time, he felt grateful for it. The food was also quite delicious.
But after a while of greeting guests and receiving many more wishes for a happy birthday, Lynt began to stifle yawns and rub his eyes to keep them open. The energy he had felt at the beginning of the party was stagnating, and people shifted their attention from him to each other, mingling and dancing and eating, which gave Lynt very little reason to stay and keep celebrating. As such, he felt the only thing left to do was to sneak off to find somewhere to take a nap…
“Oh, there you are, Your Highness. Are you enjoying your party? There’s more food for you to try this way.”
Dragon’s breath, Lynt thought as Daan whisked him away from one of the doors leading out of the venue. The Maes boy had been hovering around him more than usual since the party started, constantly checking in and diverting him away from any of the exits. Lynt supposed he was trying to impress Styn, who was still preoccupied with whatever it was he was looking for, by keeping an eye on him, and Lynt was starting to grow weary from it.
But since Daan’s only purpose of the night was to be his honorary valet, Lynt had no choice but to accept it. Or maybe…
“... Daan?”
The boy in question startled slightly; Lynt had not directly spoken to him all day, but he quickly regained his composure. “Yes, Your Highness?”
“I am feeling peckish.”
“Oh, I see. Would you like me to fetch you a plate of food?”
“Yes. I would like some bread rolls, potatoes, and a cup of fragipara juice, please.”
Daan nodded, “As you wish. Wait here for me, please. I will return shortly.”
Once he was a good distance away, Lynt ducked into the crowd and made his way toward the first door he could spot. However, the difficulty came with trying to navigate his way through all the big people occupying the space. It was hard to see past all the legs and ball gowns blocking his path, especially when they leaned down to say hello to him, and he managed to get turned around quite a few times, making him completely lost in the sea of nobility.
Finally, he found himself being hoisted up from the floor by a pair of large, familiar hands.
“Why, hello there, my son.”
“Father!” Lynt exclaimed as King Liam placed him on his hip. His emerald eyes were shining with affection.
“How are you, my son? Are you enjoying yourself?”
“Mm-hmm,” Lynt replied, only to be interrupted by a large yawn that made Liam giggle.
“Styn informed me that you sought a nap with me this morning. I’m sorry we didn’t get the chance to do so. I found the most wonderful spot in the garden. Perhaps we might sleep there after the party is over.”
“Mm… I’m quite sleepy now, as it so happens,” Lynt mumbled, swallowing another yawn.
“Yes, that I can see. Well, I’m sure it won’t be too much trouble to give you a brief respite from the merrymaking,” Liam supposed. With Lynt in his arms, he strode to the exit that Lynt had been aiming for, politely excusing himself as the guests made way for him to cross the room. Once he reached the door, he set his son down and pulled at the handle.
“Oh, how strange…” Liam uttered when the door stayed shut, “This door has been locked for some reason.” 
After unlocking and cracking the door open, Liam ushered Lynt out into the hallway. “When you get to the courtyard, look for the sky apple tree by the fountain. You’ll get a nice breeze and plenty of shade at this hour. Sleep well, my son.”
Lynt beamed up, grateful for the escape, “Mm-hmm. Thank you, Father.”
Liam gave him one last smile before shutting the door again.
The sun was high in the sky, and just as King Liam said, the breeze was pleasant to Lynt’s skin as he wandered about the castle’s central courtyard. His puffy, layered formal outfit did not combine well with the early summer weather, but the cool wind that swept by him counteracted the mild heat nicely. He allowed himself a long, drawn-out yawn, eager to find the bespoke fragipara tree and sleep under its shade.
“Father said it was near the fountain,” Lynt reminded himself. He didn’t normally nap near there, as the water was too loud to sleep right by it, but maybe it wouldn’t be too bad by the tree.
It took a couple of minutes of listening around for the fountain behind the tall, thick hedges, but at long last, he’d found it: A large tree of crimson bark, topped with red leaves and budding fragipara fruits. Just to the side of it was a shadow that seemed to call his name like a siren. The fountain could still be heard, but it was far enough away that he could regard it as soothing white noise. Lynt ambled closer to the shaded area, strangely giddy for a boy who planned to go right to sleep, the splashing of the water close by blanketing his mind with its constant, monotonous rhythm…
Then he heard a different sound. He stopped and listened for a moment. He heard it again. And again. Was that… sobbing? Even over the cacophony of rushing water, Lynt could hear the raspy breathing and high whimpers of someone who must’ve been relatively young.
Lynt was a kind soul. The only thing stronger than his desire for sleep was his hatred for the suffering of others. If someone was hurting, he would at least want to try and help. With this conviction in mind, he abandoned his objective and cautiously stepped closer to the fountain, rounding its circular base to find the source of the crying.
The weeping was coming from a blond boy in a bright green vest, and Lynt immediately recognized him as a Maes child. He looked to be around Daan’s age, and he looked more familiar than most of the other Maes children. A few questions arose in the prince’s mind: Who was he? Why wasn’t he in the castle? All of the Maes children were meant to be inside tending to the guests, and Lynt most importantly, so why would he be out here where no one else is? And, most importantly, why is he crying? Lynt didn’t know the answer to any of these questions, but he was sure the last one could be partially blamed on the red and purple marks that littered his bare right arm, only visible because his sleeve was rolled up past his elbow.
Lynt had never seen someone so distraught before. This boy sat hunched over on the edge of the fountain, elbows resting on his knees, and his hands tugged at his hair. Each sob racked his entire body. Every whimper was thick and hoarse as if they were being ripped from his throat. Any breath he tried to take was like a strangled wheeze, and Lynt wondered if he could even breathe at all.
Whatever was making this boy so upset, Lynt realized it must have been bad. Something worse than a scraped knee or watching two people fight. But he didn’t know what it could have been, and ultimately decided it wasn’t important. This boy was in clear distress, and he couldn’t take it anymore.
Upon hearing him speak, the Maes boy jolted upright with a rough gasp.
“Pardon?” His voice was almost too quiet to hear as he slowly turned to look at Lynt. Finally, Lynt could pinpoint which Maes child this was. His face was nearly identical to that of his father, Styn Maes. Lynt hadn’t been around him as often as Daan, but there was no mistaking the son of King Liam’s valet. If only he could remember his name…
… Chino?
If Chino was startled before, the sight of the young prince seemed to jar him into a state of mortification, evidenced by his bloodshot green eyes growing to the size of saucers. He hastily yanked down his sleeve and wiped his tearful face, scrambling for words.
“Y-Young Master Lynt! I-I-I apologize! Oh dear, I’m so sorry! You, you should never have had to see this! I shouldn’t… I shouldn’t be… Oh my stars…!” Despite his best efforts, Chino was simply too emotional to form his apology, and the more he tried to say, the more tears would roll down his beat-red face.
Lynt bit down a grimace. He may not have been fond of the overly-doting young members of the Maes family, but watching poor Chino choking on his own feelings yet being more concerned about what Lynt was thinking made his little heart ache. When Chino turned away again, likely from embarrassment, Lynt took the opportunity to sit down on the fountain next to him. Chino glanced over at him but made no attempt to move away other than putting his head down, breathing raggedly.
His face is still wet, Lynt noticed. He pulled his sleeve past his palm and gripped it in his fingers, then reached toward Chino’s cheek. He was still very puzzled about why Chino despaired so, and this was not remedied when he flinched and threw up his battered arm as if to shield his face from an attack. Neither of them moved for a few seconds, Too long, Lynt felt, until Chino finally looked at him again. He appeared to be genuinely seeing him for the first time. Lynt didn’t dwell on it, though, and slowly raised his sleeve to wipe the tears again. Chino allowed it this time, as his breathing began to take on a steadier rhythm and sounded less and less labored. No more tears escaped his eyes once he was done.
The two sat in silence for a short while, save for the occasional sniffle from the older boy. Lynt wanted to say something, but couldn’t decide on what to say. Should he ask him what was wrong? No, he’d probably brush it off as something the prince was too young to understand. Should he ask about the bruises? No, that might make him start crying again out of embarrassment, as Lynt did when was younger. Maybe it was best not to ask anything about it at all because he certainly didn’t know what Chino would say or what to do about it.
There must be something I can do to help him. But what… Oh!
Lynt gave Chino’s shirt a gentle tug to get his attention. “Nap with me?”
“W-What?” Chino asked quietly, gripping the edge of the fountain’s base, “I… I-I shouldn’t. It would be improper of me… Besides, you have already wasted enough of your precious time on me…”
Lynt frowned at the idea that someone in such clear pain would consider themselves a waste of time. That just wouldn’t do. To counteract that horrible notion, he took Chino’s considerably larger hand in his smaller one, hopped to his feet, and began walking. Chino stood and followed after him, very confused, but never once trying to pull away from the little prince. 
Lynt led him the short distance back to the shade of the fragipara tree he had intended to nap under and settled down against its trunk, keeping ahold of Chino’s hand to prompt him to sit, too. He looked around nervously before he did so, albeit still tense and uneasy. Once he was seated, Lynt slung Chino’s arm over his shoulder and cuddled up to his side, pleased to discover he was quite warm, if a bit stiff. It came as no surprise when he started to feel sleepy.
“Mm… Goodnight, Chino…” Lynt muttered as he got more comfortable, barely noticing the subtle quiver he felt after saying the other boy’s name before easily drifting off.
“Erm… It’s Tino, Young Master…”
Back inside, the celebration continued in the birthday boy’s absence. No one seemed to mind, as there was still plenty of food to go around, the band had struck up a waltz that many noble couples were keen to engage in, and all in attendance were enjoying being in the presence of King Liam.
Speaking of Liam, he had elected to take a break from entertaining his guests and was immersed in a lively conversation with his beloved wife, Queen Norah. They had finished their dance a while ago and now stood in a corner, chatting and giggling on any topic that came to mind.
“What a marvelous day this turned out to be,” Norah chirped, “Everyone has truly outdone themselves this year. I’m particularly impressed that you haven’t snuck away to go sleep somewhere yet!”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Liam said gleefully, “The banquet is divine, the music is gorgeous, and even the weather outside has remained agreeable. I daresay our son has yet to experience a more perfect birthday.”
“Hm. Incidentally, would you happen to know where Lynt’s scampered off to? It’s been some time since I saw him last.”
“Oh, a while ago he expressed to me that he fancied a nap, and I advised him of a wonderful place in the courtyard to rest his head for a spell.”
Norah looked thoughtful for a moment. “I see… Perhaps I ought to check on him. I’m sure he’s fine, but it would be best to make sure he’s well on his own, yes?”
Liam nodded, “Very well. I shall stay here and see the that guests are satisfied. Lynt should be sleeping under the fragipara tree near the fountain. Do hurry back, please and thank you.”
With another giggle, Norah placed a chaste kiss on her husband’s cheek. “I shall return anon. Don’t go slipping away for a nap of your own, alright?”
With the reassurance that he wouldn’t, Norah glided across the room to the door that led to the courtyard. She strode about the corridor at a leisurely pace, eager to see her child was alright but confident that he didn’t need immediate attention. As she rounded the corner, she caught sight of a familiar figure, one she was used to seeing pacing around anxiously and muttering to himself.
“Oh, stars above… Where could he be?”
It wasn’t unusual to see Styn engrossed in a frantic manhunt around the castle. It was unusual, however, knowing his charge wasn’t actually missing at the moment. Yet, here he was, wandering about the empty hallway and somehow looking more uptight than Norah had ever seen before.
“Styn?” She called, causing him to whirl around faster than what should be naturally possible.
“Oh! Queen Norah!” He squawked, “I-I’m dreadfully sorry for my unexcused absence at the party venue. Does His Majesty have any need of me?”
“Um, no…” Norah replied, “If it’s Liam you’re looking for, he hasn’t left the ballroom.”
“Erm, yes, I’m aware…” 
Styn lapsed into silence for several seconds as his eyes darted to look at everything except the queen. Norah was aware he’d be unwilling to thrust his personal troubles onto the people he was meant to be serving, but seeing him so distressed worried her, so she felt it necessary to press the issue. “Then may I ask what it is that troubles you so?”
“Ah… I don’t wish to be any bother to you, Your Majesty.”
“Styn, please. It bothers me more to see you in such a frenzy.”
Styn was quiet for a few more seconds, then sighed in defeat. “... Er, in truth, it is not King Liam who eludes me at this time… But rather, my son.”
“Indeed. I haven’t seen him since this morning and he’s nowhere to be found anywhere in the castle. I’ve asked almost all of his cousins and the staff, but no one has seen him at the party at all!”
“Hm, that is quite worrying,” Norah conceded, “I’m afraid to say I haven’t seen him around either.”
“I’ve been searching everywhere. The kitchen, the dining room, and even the library, and guest bedrooms. It’s as if he’s simply vanished into thin air!” Styn proclaimed, growing more fidgety by the second, “Oh, Tino… I am beginning to fear that something horrible may have become of him!”
“Styn!” Norah grasped his hands gently, but firmly, “Please contain yourself. I’m certain your son is perfectly safe wherever he might have gone. Have you checked the courtyard yet?”
Styn shook his head, “N-No… I was just on my way there now, in fact.”
“Well, as it so happens, my own son should be there napping. Perhaps Valentino is watching over him as we speak. Please, allow me to accompany you. We will only find him faster if we search together.”
Styn hesitated but quickly relented, the fear for his son’s wellbeing overpowering his interest in their difference in status, “Y-Yes. Thank you, Your Majesty. Your kindness has touched my very soul this day!”
“Tiiiiiinoooooo! If you are nearby, I would appreciate a response! Pleeeeeeaaaaase!”
Styn’s voice echoed throughout the vast space of hedges and flowers, but no reply came no matter how many times he called. The deeper he and Norah ventured, the stronger his anxiety gripped his heart.
“Styn…” Norah interjected after a while, “May I suggest that you cease your bellowing for a time? Your voice is growing hoarse and you look close to tears.”
Styn attempted to protest, but was swiftly disrupted by a long coughing fit, “Ugh… Perhaps… A quick breather is in order…”
Norah sighed; This poor man likely wouldn’t have his voice for several days after this ordeal, “Besides, we’ve almost reached the tree my husband spoke of. Lynt will likely still be asleep if he is there, and it wouldn’t do to wake him in such a manner.”
After a few more minutes of walking, the pair of worried parents finally came across the fountain, and the tree was just in sight. Norah insisted that Styn take a moment to catch his breath while she checked in on Lynt. As he huffed and puffed for air, she made her way around the trunk of the tree, only to pause at the sight before her.
“Styn!” She whisper-shouted, putting a finger over her lips and waving him over when he turned to her again. Styn’s brow furrowed as he slowly came closer, a mixture of curiosity and suspicion pooling in his stomach.
Resting with his back against the tree was none other than Tino. To Styn’s utter astonishment, he was fast asleep, breathing deeply and steadily with his mouth slightly open and his head slightly hung to the right. Nestled under his arm was little Prince Lynt, snoring away using Tino’s stomach as a comfortable pillow. It was truly a sight to behold.
“How darling,” Norah mused, “I believe this is the first time Lynt’s ever sought a nap with a child from your house. Valentino must be special.”
Styn’s head snapped to Norah, then back at the boys. He didn’t know what to say; He hadn’t seen Tino sleep this soundly since he started his valet training, nor had he ever seen him interact with the prince without being assigned to do something for him. And yet… Both things were happening right before his eyes.
Perhaps Norah was right, and there was something special here. Styn smiled at the thought.
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insaniquariumfish · 10 months
All rapists deserve the firing squad and your apologism for yours is pathetic. See a therapist.
Imagine having the gall to tell a rape victim that their feelings about their rapist are pathetic. What a disgusting thing to say. And your understanding of my post isn't even accurate. How did you interpret a mere lack of hatred as apologism? Where did I say that I was okay with what she did or that I thought she wasn't in the wrong or that I don't think that she should have faced consequences?
This kind of shit is honestly part of why I'm so disgusted by humans in general. The vast majority of people are like you. You cannot fathom the concept of a person considering someone to be evil without also lusting after their torment. You cannot imagine a person existing who condemns and abhors sadistic desire in all forms. Because you're all sadists yourselves, and you see nothing wrong with it. You get off on the idea of others' suffering, and you justify it by sublimating that desire and only focusing it on people you deem "derserving." Well guess what, rapists think their victims "deserve it," too. Personally I see no difference between someone who lusts for the pain of those they see as innocent and someone who lusts for the pain of those they see as guilty. Both are sadists, both believe that their sadism is justified, and both are equally as disgusting. There is no virtuous way to be a sadist.
Also, not that someone like you would respect such beliefs, but I see all suffering as inherently unjust, I don't believe in retributivism, and I don't believe in free will. So I do not believe that any person can ever "deserve" to suffer any more than the wind could deserve to suffer for causing a tornado. People being evil is just a natural phenomenon. We are not supernatural beings with the godlike power to transcend causality and be our own first causes. We are literally just animals. I do not live my life steeped in the delusion that my species's brains are fueled by magical spirit energy that grants them the unique ability to completely ignore all natural laws. The concept of free will is nonsense and we do nothing but waste energy and sicken ourselves by clinging to sadistic hatred for others who are just as much victims of their fate as we are.
We can acknowledge that someone has wrongfully caused harm, and identify people who are evil and dangerous, and wish for them take accountability and to see them prevented from causing further harm, and none of that requires a heart full of hatred and bloodlust or the sick desire to see others suffer. It truly saddens me that this is a perspective that eludes the vast majority of people.
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kneesntoess · 10 months
summer of the rec list 1: discworld
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part four was going to be the miscellaneous section, but then I realised I had more discworld recs than I thougt! so here it is
arranged in no particular order, and covering a range of pairings, genres and length.
1.where the streets have my name - trifles
general audiences, 3k, no warnings
It was midnight, and Samuel Vimes, Commander of the City Watch, was not comfortable on the Chalk.
absolutely one of my favourite Discworld ficlets, it's so fun to see Tiffany again & to see Vimes interact with her on, as it were, her home turf.
2. tea and conquest - icarus_chained
general audiences, 800 words, sybil/vimes/havelock, sexual references
"You know," Sybil commented mildly, "Rosie was asking me what it was like, to have the two most powerful men in Ankh-Morpork among my conquests." Sybil Vimes, Havelock Vetinari, and some mildly kinky flirting in his office.
This is so fun and sexy and sweet! A lovely little glimpse into their lives and dynamics, and on the precise nature of conquests. One of the original OT3s of my heart.
3. quantum - rain_sleet_snow
teen, 2k words, gen, Night Watch coda.
Immediately after the birth of Young Sam, Mossy Lawn eats lunch with Willikins and boggles at true love.
On the nature of destiny, love, and the right thing. Love an outsider POV on established events. Mild content warnings for childbirth and references to maternal/infant death
4. The Bog - hobbitdragon
teen, 2k words, sybil/vimes/havelock, pre-relationship, relationship negotiations, polygamy relationships
This was where things got sticky. Currently they were on solid ground, but if she said anything wrong now, they’d be right into a conversational bog, and both of them would end up soaked to the chin and covered in leeches. Nobody wanted conversational leeches or damp boots.
Sometimes you have to risk getting your feet wet in order to reach safer ground. Some wonderfully careful relationship negotiation so that everyone involved can get what they want.
5. a knife is a knife - shermanic
teen, 6k words, major character death (canonical). Night Watch coda.
Keel had taught him to like the rain.
Night Watch from the point of view of poor, doomed Ned Coates. I love the aching sadness and grief and desperation that permeates through the whole thing, and again - love to see an outside perspective on Vimes
6. polis lux - tacroy
explicit, 3k words, D/s elements, dom!Sybil and sub!Vimes, pegging, breathplay
Although the curtains were drawn, there was still faint light. She wished she could see more of him than an outline, wished he’d let her keep the candles burning, but this was all miracle enough—she wasn’t going to press the issue, not when it had taken so much to get him in front of her like this, his shoulders shaking, her hand stuck hot on the hollow of his back as her hips snapped into him.
You know that thing where sometimes the best way to explore a character or a relationship is through sex, because it's such a lovely vehicle for conveying intimacy and trust and fear? Yeah. This is that, rendered perfectly. Plus it includes some of my personal favourite things, like praise kink and Doms who needs aftercare.
7. blessed are the peace makers - postcardmystery
teen, 3k words, gen. content warnings for state violence, police violence, sexual assault, death, discussion of alcoholism
A Vimes has died for Anhk-Morpork before, and history, you see, likes patterns. Ankh-Morpork does not ask, but Sam Vimes pulls himself up by his bootstraps (up and up and up--) and draws himself to attention, answers.
Would you like some feelings about Vimes and what it means to serve a city and a people? To really love something you know will kill you? Here you go.
8. The Guarding Dark - cloudymagnolia
general, 600 words, post-Sam Vimes. Post Snuff
Mine sign isn't created. Mine sign is born.
This one makes me cry every time. And think about how the standards we hold yourselves to, the kind of watch we have to keep on ourselves.
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debunkingtherightwing · 7 months
Mission Statement
Hello, folks! How are you all doing? This is my first post on this blog, so I should explain what this is all about before we start—a sort of mission statement, if you will. I am a journalism student, and as such, I have been keeping an eye on the media sphere. In doing this, I have noticed a trend. While far-right grifters have existed for years (just look at Alex Jones; he's been around since the 90's), there has been a massive explosion in them and the influence they have. As a journalism student, I can say that these people ignore certain things that are key to good journalism—like ethics and actually verifying the claims you're making instead of just talking into a camera and posting it without bothering to check if you are correct or not. One of the main sources that has came out on top of this right-wing media sphere is "The Daily Wire".
(Edit: We now cover any and all far-right "journalists" that peddle in disinfo.)
I aim to hold these people accountable through analysis and fact-checking, as well as have a bit of fun along the way because let's face it, these guys are often completely ridiculous. While there are some people doing this very thing, I highly recommend the fantastic podcast Knowledge Fight, which covers the insanity of Alex Jones far better than I ever could. The number of people thoroughly analyzing the talking points these individuals put out into the world is next to none. I aim to analyze their talking points from the perspective of someone studying journalism. And I would like to state fully for the record that I don't wish to see any of these people taken down; they have a right to say what they say, even if it is oftentimes irresponsible. However, I also have the right to analyze details about the rhetoric they peddle. I do not aim to unfairly smear these people either and will write about what they say in context with timestamps, so you can all check out what the claims were yourselves, along with sources of my own to back up what I am saying.
The initial response that I believe a lot of these commentators would have to this is to state that they aren't journalists: "I'm just an opinion commentator stating my feelings!" While I fully agree that these people are far from journalists, at the end of the day, their glamorous studios and crisp production values present the appearance of legitimate journalism. Many people across the world believe every single word these guys say, something which often leads to real-world consequences. These people often hide behind terms like "commentator" to absolve themselves from the legal responsibilities of journalism. After all, if you're a commentator, you can say whatever the hell you want! This still doesn't stop people from taking them seriously as legitimate sources of news, so as a result, I feel it is appropriate to treat them like journalists.
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sincerely-krp · 7 months
hello. this is dahyun mun.
i don’t know where to begin, over the course of the past six months/+ having been faced with / had rumours about me brought to me personally, as i try to avoid gossip blogs, because what’s really being achieved through anonymity? no one has approached me and opened dialogue about issues that have been hurtful / harmful to them, and unfortunately, i’m merely human. i don’t possess the ability to read other’s minds.
i have avoided submitting anything, because what fuels these types of blogs is dialogue, whether truth or baseless hearsay, and what i want is peace. for myself, for mark mun, for the people who have been harmed through any of the things that have been said about me, specifically, or us, and i refuse to include other people by speaking on behalf of them without their direct consent. but i also realize that what continues to be submitted to these blogs will remain forever, as is, unless i speak up.
to beginㅡ currently, mark mun and i are not a couple, not that our personal lives outside of role-play are anyone’s business, but our status, unsurprisingly, has been dragged through the mud, and it’s been used as reason for someone feeling like they had been hurt / harmed through interactions with us. we know who you are. at the time, we were a couple. our relationship wasn’t the reason your ship with mark mun ended, however. the two of you spoke about it out of character and, ultimately, ended the ship.
yes, i am at hot sugar as taeyeon, for wondering minds. no, she isn’t flirting with other sm idols. currently, taeyeon isn’t flirting with anyone ㅡ shinee’s minho included. stop jumping to conclusions because two muses banter / speak through discourse that implies they’re close. this does not always equal romantic interest. please, remind yourselves that some of sm’s idols, taeyeon included, have known each other for 15+ years. this is also true for everyone. muses can be friends without romantic intent behind their words / actions. to address the whole “ most of bts had problems with jimin ”, no??? there was one in character situation that was, unfortunately, handled poorly, through multiple members’ involvement, however, whether through ic or ooc dialogue, it was spoken about. the drama was unplotted, it was heavy, and i only wish that those involved could have resolved it before jimin’s departure. bts at hot sugar are, in fact, kind and loving muses, and the times i have spoken to any of them ooc, it’s been the same. mark never dated jiwon. i don’t know where this rumour originated, but jiwon was in a long-standing relationship with another muse, and she and mark were just friends. as for a “ secret group for love letters ”, there was never one. a birthday letter was shared in a friends’ group ( again, it wasn’t a secret ), considering dahyun and mark were being targeted in character and hawk-eyed like they were under scrutiny based on factless suspicions by other muses. it began to affect mark mun out of character when she was accused of “ secretly ” being on hyperbeam ( the reality being that she, like myself, uses her account for real-life movie nights with her family ) i would also like to say that mark mun nor myself were ever members at kissland. i am not kissland’s dahyun. we do not know who those muns are nor do we wish to be associated with what happened.
i have been accused of many hurtful things through the past six months/+. people i care deeply for have been accused of hurtful things / mentioned when muses are “ lumped together ” to “ prove a point ”. those who know me behind my muses know i’m extremely approachable, even though i’m also an extremely anxious person, but i try to see situations from other people’s perspectives. i’m not a bad person, nor do i actively join collectives in order to ruin other’s lives. mark mun and i don’t write dahyun and mark anymore. this is how we have chosen to hold ourselves accountable for what happened, mind you, over a year ago. due to everything, this has also made us scared of reaching out too much and hindering our experiences at hot sugar. at hot sugar, we remain inclusive. we host games / hyperbeam streams and our invitations are always “ everyone is welcome ”. we care about this community a great deal and want everyone to feel warmly welcomed and included, thus, we do our parts. as much as our lives outside of role-play permit us to. what the people behind anonymity are failing to realize is that, when they post through gossip blogs, it’s more damaging than beneficial / healing. we are humans. we are genetically coded to fuck up, we aren’t designed perfect, and sometimes, life experiences need to happen in order for us to grow and become better versions of ourselves. i’m not the same person i was yesterday, last week or one year ago. neither is mark mun. we wish for peace. we want to move past this and be allowed for our histories to be left behind us.
we are two grown people with families, hobbies and careers outside of role-play. this is to say, neither of us are running more than our allotted number of accounts at hot sugar ( it’s two ). our real-life schedule don’t allow us to do this, nor would we break rules, as we respect the mods at hot sugar and have spoken to them ourselves.
what we want is to open a dialogue. if anyone is comfortable to approach me or mark mun, we encourage you to. there are two sides to every story. there are two perspectives. i would also like to take this opportunity to genuinely apologize for my past behaviours. i’ve been mindless and careless, i can admit when i’m wrong, but by holding myself accountable, i also want to make a point to say that i am actively more mindful of everyone. it’s never my intentions to hurt / harm anyone, and i always go into interactions, both with friends and new connections, with a tender heart and open perspective. i encourage you, please, to approach me when it does happen that, maybe, my muse hurts your muse’s feelings or something feels off. i’m always eager to resolves issues, and again, i’m not a mind-reader. this is, ultimately, a hobby. it’s intended to be fun. it’s intended to be a break from our lives. thank you.
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lovesick-level-up · 7 months
hey there, how are y'all doing! ^^ sorry this isn't a request ;;; but i've been SO into milgram recently & with the recent release of 'double' and everyone theorizing about mikoto, i was wondering if any of you had any thoughts on how mikoto and john are handled (especially as a system yourselves)? if y'all aren't comfortable sharing i totally understand, sorry for the sudden question ;; but i am genuinely curious to hear your perspectives on the topic, or even just on milgram in general !! yikes this got long lmao. but hope y'all are having a good day/night!
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yesssssss, anon. let's fucking go, we are totally fine with recieving asks like this, because Autism. i'm gonna put this under the cut, because it got long lmao. we hope you have a good day/night too, anon, and that you enjoy hearing our thoughts!
though there are definetly some stereotypes and stuff in how mikoto and john are written, we fucking adore them. especially me! how john is portrayed is something i love, mostly because i relate to him a lot. double is fantastic tbh, it reminds me so much of how i can feel handling the system as a whole. persecutors (and gatekeepers) are, at our cores, misguided protectors. and double shows that really well, and how it can feel to be villainised and misunderstood despite us trying to help. i'm also honestly still on the fence on whether or not john has ever actually killed people, or if its more of like. a metaphor? that's probably just wishful thinking though. i also really liked the little phone conversation we got to see mikoto have with their mom. that also reminded us of us a lot too. both the contents of the call, and also the fact it shows they are close with her. we're on good terms with our mom (though mostly out of necessity). i'd also like to see milgram hint more about what trauma they might have experienced to become a system. i know that's kinda bleak, but i think it could be really interesting. we have our own theories of course, as does a lot of the fandom lol. i want to see milgram hint more about what exactly made john be the way he is, and mikoto too. why did they have to be so covert? what drives john to hurt people? its pretty fascinating to think about. and obviously, the whole one alter is good, the other bad thing is a little. well, bad. but its also the case with a lot of systems to have an alter to blame bad stuff on. its not necessarily their fault, or the rest of the systems. but its pretty common. i'd also like to see hints to more alters than just mikoto and john (though obviously two people systems are very valid, that doesn't really fit with them much, it seems like there's two active fronter alters rather than two total).
we aren't super active in the milgram fandom outside of looking at the occassional fanart and reading youtube comments. we probably should interact more with it, but we're also a little scared lmao. we are very rarely in active fandoms while the thing is still going on, so it can be intimidating. if anyone has any suggestions for blogs or twitter accounts to follow that you like, do send them in. we'd appreciate them.
in terms of milgram in general, we fucking love it. cat is a fantastic song and made us fall for kazui. yuno is one of my favourite characters to have ever been made. we also relate a lot to fuuta. and in general, i think its such an interesting subject to make a series like this about. it really makes people think and that's always a good thing. it opens up conversations on morals, how ourselves would deal with certain situations, how our first reactions can be innacurate and damaging, how our actions can be damaging, and how we aren't always so different from the people we see as villains. its well written and so, so good. plus, the songs are catchy and the visuals gorgeous. what more could you want lmao. anyway, yeah. those are our (mostly my) thoughts on milgram lol. its just, really great.
~ moondust 😈🧷🎶
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victoria1676 · 2 years
(This is gonna be a long one so yeah, sorry—)
Aight, it's time for me to take this out or else I'll become a NO THOUGHTS, HEAD EMPTY. Anywho— got a scenario in my head that I laughed for a good solid 30 secs and such but, thinking about that one old(maybe?) clip of a stream where Tubbo and Ranboo are just doing their own respective shit and this is the clip btw; ya just incase if ya don't get what I mean hehe.. ("~ŪvŪ)~`` https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdPmHmyx/
(It's from Ranboo's perspective btw-)
And I just imagine Reader and Rubedo on this one, just her trying out flirting (didn't just suspiciously get any advice from Tommy or Wilbur oh no no no— _(-_-*)>)
Anyway, imagine this scenario in Mondstadt oh boy CHAT would just be vibing while Reader's trying her best to test her flirting skills/abbilities on Rubedo; keyword, *trying* gosh my man can't catch a break on any SAGAU shit huh
Rubedo: *just noticed reader sipping her tea at Hunter's and whatnot and approached (,,Ô-Ô,,)!*
Rubedo: Hey Y/N,
Y/N: *who noticed, and an evil smug grin grew on her face* Hey, seggsy~~
Rubedo: *who's now an utter stuttering messy bitch* H-how are- How a-are y- How are- H-
Y/N: PFFFFFFTTTTTTTTT— *now slowly dying. AGAIN and spitted her tea, what another way to waste some good hot tea ,(Ù-Ú*)
Rubedo: *flushed as a red as a certain red head's hair and now "tUrNInG aWaY" yeah right ya scaredy little shit (ō—ō)* I DoN't wANt tO Be hEre AnYMorE—..
Whilst in the very background:
Chat and the other acolytes (who tried to murder us, ofcourse):
Acolytes: ThAT ShOulD HaVe bEeN mE!! (Well, ya tried to kill her at first glance ya sacks of shits. Go deal w/ it yourselves gosh, annoying little fucks thinking so high and mighty eh?? (*,ÒAÓ),)
Chat: *just fucking vibing their asses off while some becoming a bunch of cawking teasing little shitty gremlins
- Man acolytes, no bitches??
- Maidenlesssssssss~~~
- Now where did I see that from tho-
- L
- Emetional damage, right there.
Y/N: *still amused and laughing her ass off til she pass out from lack of air flows*
Acolytes: *sUlIkiNg SO SadLy* (yeah right cry)
Rubedo: *just wants to crawl into a hole and die-
And that's their kids, is how the creator; their devine grace flirted for the first to their most devoted acolyte. And also remember kids, be BI and do CRIME—
(Thanks for reading this shitty rant of mine, and hope you have a good laugh as much as I did gosh- dont stress urself and have good day/noon/afternoon/night!)
Unfortunately Reader is actually good at flirting HHAHAHAHAHAHA
Quackity commented that the only bold woman in the Dream SMP is Reader he says that she has a huge dom aura around after he saw Sapnap got his ass kicked from reader and also flirt with him to catch the arson off guard-he also wished to be stepped on and flirted by her-Wilbur vouched him even Techno and Tommy agreed that their sister is actually a good filrt ('And better at getting girls then Wilbur' Tommy said before screaming as he saw the brunette running at him).
So Naturally it's quite hard to find reader to flirt sometimes as she can flirt when she's bored or she's just doing it to see the reactions. Considering she's always very calm, kind and chill until you piss her off and she'll go crazy or battle maniac on her enemies.
Childe fell in love with his God ever since he accidentally pissed off his god and wish to be stepped on by her//slapped.
So honestly everyone wouldn't think she could flirt until they saw her being very bold in flirting with one of the characters.
Kaeya is one of the victims and both of been at it to the point chat kept screaming to the whole nation with the word "DEFFO FLERTING!!"
So yeah there is a chance she could flirt with Rubedo in Soft Au or in Imposter AU and Villain Au.
Although she doesn't flirt that much in Imposter AU and Villain Au but she does flirt only in a rare time in that AU. Soft Au she would definitely flirt to catch them off guard 😂😂😂
Anyways Imma stop rambling and get on with what you asked XD
In imposter AU she would flirt with Rubedo onky because she's bored and doesn't care if the acolytes saw it.
And in fact this could happen in Angels share :3 Not in Good Hunter cause ImposterAu/VillainAu SAGAU Reader still holds a grudge on them for killing her in the execution of the totem didn't save her.
Also take note this is a What if and not canon in my story unfortunately 😭😂😂
"Ah there you are (Y/n)" Rubedo said seeing you sitting down and drinking your tea.
You saw and decided to see his reaction while pretending your taking a sip.
"Hello there sexy~"
Rubedo froze.
Chat is laughing there ass off but you could hear one of the crows already dying from their wheeze when they just saw Kaeya spitting out his wine while Venti accidentally smashed his drink over his face, Eula choked on her beer and Diluc dropped the glass he was cleaning.
Rosaria just snorted as she continued drinking her drink. Not even caring of the chaos.
You one the other hand was waiting for Rubedo to say anything so you could say more of your lines.
Instead you gotten a cute Rubedo who looked very adorable in red seeing his calm composure be ruined
(Note: A bit of Spoiler here about my version of Rubedo here is that this Rubedo hasn't gotten bold or fire back at reader yet since I can imagine reader meeting him or finding him when he didn't know how to flirt properly then in the canon of my story where he can fire back flirts and insults yet)
"How-a-are- H-How are you-…How a-are y-oh my god"
You cackled out as you dropped your tea on accident and started smacking the table seeing the your acolyte just speechless and couldn't reply to you properly as he had never knew you would flirt at him.
Meanwhile the chat…
"How…unexpected of our creator" Kaeya chuckled darkly with envy as he crushed his wine glasses.
Diluc tried to calm himself down as he almost burned the counter.
Eula looked liked she wanted to summon her claymore for Vengeance.
And Venti?
The crows in the tavern insulted the vision users who didn't care and continued glaring at the red Rubedo as you kept laughing and wheezing.
"And that right there folks" one of the chat said before pointing both wings at the jealous vision users, "Is Emotional Damage"
Welp I just wrote this at 12 midnight HAHHAHAHAHAHA
Anyways enjoy this one-shot ;3
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nothankyousirr · 3 years
my opinions on the different mbti types (from an intj)
enfp - you can be good to hang around in moderation. i appreciate your charitable nature; how you aren’t one to pass judgement, but that also leads to a lack in understanding one’s depth. i appreciate how easy it is to befriend you, you’re able to keep the conversation without any expectations on my part to contribute, and although you can be stupid and impulsive, it’s to a point where it’s almost fascinating, which makes it somehow nice to be in your presence. in moderation, of course. you can be very draining at some points.
entp - you’re funny to watch, but actually conversing with you can be...confusing? i do appreciate your ability to see things from other perspectives, but sometimes you need to take a step back and understand the overall reasons behind those perspectives. confidence is important, but don’t get too over zealous, we all have things to improve on.
enfj - i cannot understand you. at all. you’re so nice, it seems like you have some sort of ulterior motives. i do not trust you, you are just so warm i feel like i’m being judged every time i talk with you, or are even in the same room as you. your general demeanor is just so kind it’s threatening, you need to be less optimistic.
entj - a lot of people hate you, which i can understand on their part, but i appreciate your approach to things. with every entj i’ve met, no matter my friend’s/peer’s opinion, we’ve always had a mutual understanding of some sorts. although, i do see a lot of naivety; which i’m 99.9% sure none of you will ever admit. i admire your drive, your confidence, and things along those lines, but some words of advice; you can’t change anyone. as hard as you try, some people are just stuck the way they are, unfortunately. it’s something i’ve had to learn as well, but a lesson i think would do you well.
infp - you are adorably killing yourselves with every move; like small puppy who’s favorite toy just happens to be laid perfectly in the middle of ongoing traffic. your impulsivity hurts me deep inside. please, just try to be aware of your surroundings, at least a little. i know, ironic coming from me, but it’s all i could ask. think out your actions, just a bit. i know life may suck, but take it upon yourself to change that, instead of just falling victim to your own hurt. i wish i could just pick you up and live your life for you, it hurts to see you do these things.
intp - i like you. your humor is refreshing as well as your insight, you just cannot stay organized. you take pride in your discombobulation; your lack of care, which confuses me. because of that, it’s hard to empathize with you when you have troubles, because it could’ve been easily prevented. it makes me upset for you when i see you do this. it doesn’t come from a place of trying to overly pressure you, rather a place of care. i hope that can be acknowledged.
infj - i enjoy your presence, you are just are hard to get. i always seem to upset you in some way, so i implore you to be better at communicating those things. your productivity and insight is very much appreciated, i feel your anxiety is holding you back. we all experience anxiety, it’s a valid human emotion, of course, but don’t let it dictate your life. confidence is important, you’re allowed to acknowledge your accomplishments. also, i implore you to think deeper in terms of morality. why do you believe those things? what is the axiomatic rout of those morals? by understanding that, you gain a better understanding of the people around you. the people you deem to be bad, may think they’re good by their own definition.
intj - from one intj to another, i feel like there is a lot to grow on. we tend to be very book-smart, but oblivious when it comes to how people work, including ourselves, but just because those things are acknowledged from mbti posts and whatnot, that does not give any excuse to avoid improvement. knowledge is important if we ever want to achieve our goals, and having that insight can make things a lot easier. as much as it seems like time is easily slipping away from us, taking control and trying to pick up on those details we may normally be ignoring, may teach us something valuable. it’s also important to take care of ourselves. i find routines are an easy way to remember to do so. having designated times for everything helps maximize the amount of time to get things done, while also taking care of your needs. and give yourself breaks. having fun, relaxing, etc. can also be productive in itself. not everything that’s productive isn’t what’s directly seen as such.
esfp - you can be a lot. its very hard for me to truly understand you, and i get the impression that you feel the same about me. i feel like there’s a lot of miscommunication. we’re practically complete opposites, not just literally (intj-esfp) but in practice as well. what you find fun and what i find fun is so drastically different from one another, i feel like it’s impossible to truly have a meaningful time with each other. from both parties.
estp - i like your confidence. your humor as well. i feel like we get along quite well, although it can be hard at some points because i tend to live in the future a lot, while you’re the “go with the flow” type. that is appreciated, though, and i feel like there’s a lot to teach each other. that’s just a matter of taking the time to communicate with one-another and be understanding.
esfj - i like you, from the sidelines. i appreciate the way you think, i’m just not sure if that is reciprocated. i tend to come of very strong, which i think is quite anxiety inducing for you, but you’re very passionate about the things you enjoy. i do think it’s important for you to have more insight, though. the world is vast, and an understanding of it can be very beneficial to you. 
estj -  your drive is commendable. you’re very confident, know what you want, which i appreciate. i do think it’s important to take a step to think about things further to acknowledge the nuances in things, instead of dismissing them as confusing. not everything is as blunt as you’d like, and may take a bit of critical thinking to truly understand. things happen, yes, but why may they do that? is there anyway to prevent the things you don’t like from happening? those questions are something i think are important to keep in mind.
isfp - for lack of a more kinder way of saying this, i dislike you. i wouldn’t go as far as to say i hate you, but i am very frustrated with you. you tend to dismiss things for the main reason of someone just “being that way” without taking into account any other factors that may come into play for that behavior. with the isfps i’ve met, you’ve seen my behaviors as “trying too hard to be a certain way” or “pretentious” without truly understanding why i act the way i do. it gets frustrating. your very confident, but in thoughts that are lacking in insight. take a second to learn about what you’re talking about before you say things. for my own sanity.
istp - even though you seem like you’re about to kill yourself with your approach to things, you always some how get it done, which is respectable, yet fascinating. you’re surprisingly very fun, even though from the outside i wouldn’t think we’d be at all close friends. you’re not one for deep conversation, rather the kind of conversation that always leave’s me feeling refreshed. it’s important to sometimes take a break, and you’re the type of person that i can easily have that with.
isfj - you’re very adorable. your moral standpoint to most things can be a bit frustrating at some points, but you make up for it with your kind demeanor; a genuine kindness as well. your happiness and drive to help people is a commendable quality, just don’t let people walk all over you. you tend to be a bit too charitable, when sometimes it’s okay to recognize that people just aren’t the right match for you. it’s okay to take care of yourself. i know i come off strong and that can be a bit intimidating, but i promise that it comes from a place of care. be confident in yourself. to truly be able to take care of the people around you, you need to take care of yourself first.
istj - i respect you and your approach to things. i think there are a lot of things we can learn from one another. your ability to easily figure things out from your surroundings is admirable, and it’s interesting the way your mind works. i haven’t met many istjs (of my knowledge) but i think we’d get along quite well from the information given to me.
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