#I would be banned from the kitchen on day 1
teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
Imagine Chrollo finally lets you cook for him and it’s something that’s like. Yk. Not THAT spicy but his mouth is on fucking FIRE. He’s trying to be nice about it, like yeah it’s great! He says, while his whole face and neck are bright red and he’s on the verge of fainting from it. Idk you think the troupe might be able to handle it? I feel Phinks? Shalnark, and Nobunaga couldn’t handle spice.
There are many dishes that don't look spicy but are spicy. I don't eat spicy food but it's just in our cuisine. For someone who's used to salted boiled chicken with pepper kind of tastes, even the mildest flavour would be too much so imagine an actual dish. Maybe the salted boiled chicken with pepper is an exaggeration but still. I have seen many brave soldiers fall in the face of innocent rice dishes such as biryani only to be saved by milkshakes. Chrollo is no different.
Saving face backfires because even though he's able to push through and eat, the red face and neck give everything away. Take that you pale nihilist.
I'm not sure about the other troupe members but Feitan, Nobunaga and Shalnark strike me as people who can't handle spice at all. Especially the discount samurai.
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Of Oblivious Minds (3)
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Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: You're positive Azriel is in love with Elain. It seems so obvious. But Cassian is laughing at you and suddenly nothing makes quite so much sense anymore.
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: Azriel's POV (it's a warning here), angst
a/n: I am blown away by all of you and your support!! I really love writing for this fandom omg. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy ♡ Let me know what you think!! I'll get the next update up soon!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
Azriel was losing his ever-loving mind. 
A few weeks ago, everything was fine. Not optimal, but fine. 
He knew his mate, and that was more than could be said for most of Prythian. But even more than that, he could love her from afar. He could make small remarks and catch the smiles they would elicit. He could send his shadows after her on her walks home, protecting her even though she had the entire Inner Circle looking out for her wellbeing. He could buy the ridiculously expensive pastries she loved and stock the kitchens with them, listening for the small gasps she let out each time she found them.
He could talk to you, listen to you, love you in his small ways, even if it wasn’t the ways in which he longed for. 
Because it wasn’t the right time yet. You hadn’t felt the bond for yourself. 
So, yes—admittedly, Azriel had not been in the most optimal position with you. But it was leaps and bounds better than the purgatory you were subjecting him to now. 
He mulled over his current reality as he sat opposite to you at the dining table. He had had to snag the seat from Mor, ripping the chair from her hand in an uncharacteristic show of aggression, and you hadn’t so much as looked up from your plate. He would’ve rather fought for the seats beside you, but Rhys and Cassian had been sitting before he even entered the room. So now he fought for your eyes and was too far away to offer any lingering, accidental touches. 
Not that you would reciprocate either. 
You were avoiding him, and Azriel was at his wit's end trying to decipher why. 
His shadows had relayed dismal reports, only whispering the words sad and alone and contemplative into his ears each morning. He could have guessed as much, if the display of emotions he had tried to comfort you through all those days ago told him anything. 
But Gods, did they really tell him nothing, because you hadn’t spoken to him since. 
“—that is certainly something to consider. Y/n, would you be open to the job?” 
“Hm?” you hummed, and Azriel watched as your eyes flickered over to Rhys in one abrupt movement. “Sorry, what?” 
Rhys raised a brow lined with humor, and Azriel realized he hadn’t been listening to the conversation either. “Helion has extended an invitation to the Night Court—for diplomatic relations and all. It’s mostly a weekend stay for show, but he has quite an extensive library. Feyre and I went last time so it would only be fair if—” 
“Yes,” you nodded, the most emotion Azriel had seen on your face in days blooming into a joyous array. “Of course, I would love to go. Are you kidding?” 
Rhys chuckled. “I figured. Helion has been quite eager to get you to come as well. Seemed like the perfect time.” 
Azriel didn’t miss the way the High Lord’s eyes shone with something other than mirth as he looked closer at the scholar… as he inspected your facade the same way Azriel had been for the past week. 
“When can I leave?” 
Something in Azriel scratched to a halt. “She’s to go alone?” 
Feyre offered the spymaster a soft smile from the other side of the table. “If she wishes. Helion’s invitation was open-ended.” 
“Take the vacation, I say,” Mor piped in, wine glass raised in a solitary toast. 
“Or… you could take me,” Cassian grinned beside you, jostling you in a playful grip. 
You sent a scoff his way. “Aren’t you banned?” 
“No, actually. I’m banned from Summer Court, which is completely unrelated.” 
A short laugh trickled from your lips. It wasn’t a full one, not like the ones Azriel was so used to—the ones he basked in—but it was a laugh, nonetheless.
He felt the way his eyes seemed to follow the crescendo of it, his blinks in time with the sweet sound. 
He committed it to memory. 
“Right, well let’s keep you away from neighboring courts as much as possible so we can avoid a repeat of that, okay?” 
Something like a grin fought at the side of Azriel’s mouth at your quip. 
Cassian prattled on. Something about unjust rules or ridiculous high lords—Azriel wasn’t paying attention. He was too caught up in you and the way you were so close to meeting his gaze. 
“Perhaps she shouldn’t go alone,” Azriel spoke up, interrupting his brother’s spiel. You still didn’t look at him, instead turning to catch Rhys’s response. 
“Azriel, I can assure you this is a safe visit,” Rhys offered. He knew. Everyone seemed to know but you. “It’s hardly even business. It’s more of a vacation. I’ve been shoving century-old relics in her face for the past few months. She deserves time to herself, don’t you think?” 
His High Lord was speaking in code. A terrible, frustrating code that really meant, “give her some distance.” 
Azriel had had enough of distance. 
He nodded his head all the same. 
And then, despite all odds, you looked at him. 
You looked at him and it was as if the air had been knocked from his lungs. As if he had been wrung out and stretched thin and every bone in his body forced him to sit up straighter. You were looking at him and Azriel couldn’t conceptualize the way the spectrum in his chest moved so quickly from utter relief to the brink of desolation. 
Because you looked at him as if you were broken. A sad—such a sad—smile graced your face, one he had never had the displeasure of seeing before, and he wanted to wipe it away. He wanted to kiss it from your face with soft touches and reassuring whispers and that was startling for Azriel because he usually kept his overwhelming urge to kiss you at bay. 
“I’ll bring you back a souvenir,” is all you said. Such simple words to accompany an expression that sent him reeling. 
“Thank you,” he replied, with the most sincerity he could muster. 
And then he held your gaze as it became downcast. He craned his neck to catch every last second of your eyes as they turned back down to the table.
It was hours later that Azriel found himself in the townhouse, boots creating an indent in the office carpet. Rhys sat just feet away from him, leaning back against the desk, waiting for the Shadowsinger to erupt. 
“I would like for you to position your spies further into Autumn. I know you have a few that have integrated into the court, but I need more intel on Eris and his plans.” 
“Of course.” 
“You can take out any currently residing in Day. Just for the next week or so. With y/n going, she can report any happenings.” 
A muscle in Azriel’s jaw jumped. “Would that be wise?” 
Rhys stared back at his brother, expression giving nothing away. “Why wouldn’t it be? Do you not trust y/n’s word?” 
Azriel’s wings were taut against his back. In truth, he hadn’t felt relaxed in days. With you leaving, that tension would surely pull him into thin compliance. 
“Obviously I trust her word, Rhysand.” 
“Rhysand? What have I done to earn your grievance?” the High Lord asked, crossing his arms over his chest, still the perfect picture of calm. 
Azriel was a juxtaposition before him as he clenched his hands and replied, “You already know.” 
“Do I know? I’m not sure you’ve been clear or honest with anyone. Y/n especially.” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
Rhys bent at the elbow and rubbed a restless hand across his jaw. Azriel ignored the movement in favor of holding eye contact with the High Lord. Azriel was being stubborn, he knew that, but there was no other way to be. 
He needed to be consistent and reliable. He needed to be a pillar for his family to lean on, and you were part of that. He wasn’t going to take that away from you—to be selfish and call upon a mating bond you hadn't even been made aware of yet. 
He wasn’t going to squander your friendship in the hopes of something more. 
There was a chance, no matter how much the prospect pained him to consider, that you wouldn’t want the bond. You had never hinted at wanting more with the spymaster, so there was no telling how you might react to the cauldron blessing you with a union. You could reject it, and with it would go your friendship. 
Just the thought sent ice through Azriel’s veins. 
Truth be told, he had never shown you many signs either. When the bond snapped months ago, it had taken time for Azriel to come to terms with the truth. He had ruminated on it amidst many sleepless nights, watched you from a new perspective over many dinners, and contemplated the path that had led him to you. 
And then he had regretted. Cauldron had he regretted. 
The feeling still lingered, a reminder of each woman he had taken to his bed before you. All of the fae that had meant nothing, and even the ones that had boarded on something, he wished he could do away with.
Because you had been privy to them all. He knew you had witnessed a few late-night trysts, and even worse, that you had watched him pine after Mor for a century. It all seemed so frivolous now; it all paled in comparison to you. 
And the absolute worst part of it all is that he knew. 
He knew how easy it would be to fall in love with you from the start, so he pretended not to notice. 
He threw himself into impractical longing and meaningless lovers and he pretended that it didn’t hurt to look at you. 
The bond had only cemented his foolishness. 
He hardly had a chance with you by the time it snapped. 
“Late night then, Az?” 
You had teased him over breakfast just days before the bond had snapped for him, a small smile on your face as you lounged at the table early in the morning. At the time, Azriel had bit the inside of his cheek and reeled in his snarkiness. He had avoided your gaze, avoided the robe that barely covered your nightgown, and made himself toast in silence. He had already coaxed the blonde fae out of his bed, and he hadn’t needed a reminder of the woman he had been imagining all throughout the night. 
Because that had been something else he opted to ignore—that he pictured you, imagined you, at all times. 
It snapped three days later. He had been accompanying you through Velaris. “Shopping for fun,” you had said, “and I hate to go alone.”
The only thing Azriel had taken home that day was a gaping hole in his chest and the knowledge that lying to himself had brought him nothing but pain. 
The months following were different. 
Everything was different. 
But for you, he had come to the grim realization, nothing was different at all. He was still Azriel, your friend Azriel, who was secretive and private and cared from afar. You still pictured him as a man who chose his lovers based on convenience and quick practicality even though he hadn’t so much as looked at another woman since your emotions began flowing through his chest. 
Gods, your emotions. They were so positive, so addicting, he could sit back and live his days through you until the end of time. You had so much unrestricted joy coursing through you—so much curiosity and delight. Part of Azriel dreaded the day you did recognize the bond; it would dim the connection to you.
That day in the library had been the first time the bond had chafed against his lungs. He had felt the earthquake beneath his feet and thought nothing of it, but then your fear punctured his being and he had run so fast his wings ached. 
And then you started having nightmares, ones he couldn’t fix, and Azriel began to feel like he was losing you. Like the bond was withering and eroding within him and you along with it. 
“How long, Azriel?” Rhys’s voice cut through the air with a harshness. 
The shadowsinger breathed through his nose, jaw tight. 
“Tell me. Tell me how long you’re going to keep this up for.” 
“You don’t understand, Rhys,” came Azriel’s low reply. “None of you do.” 
The High Lord scoffed. “Right, because I had it so easy with Feyre. Az, mates are complicated—” 
“Don’t,” Azriel breathed. A dangerous shakiness accompanied the word.
“Explain it to me. Help me to understand how—” 
“There was nothing for you to lose!” The rise of the shadowsinger’s voice sent Rhys into silence. “There was nothing! You hadn’t known Feyre for three centuries—hadn’t known what it was like to see her cry over worthless males or laugh until she was doubled over. You didn’t have time to memorize the sound of her voice or understand how it felt to lose that small piece of her. Because she won’t even talk to me anymore and—” 
Azriel cut himself off, moving for the first time since he entered office. He paced, the motion of his feet doing little to dispel the tension from the air or from his body. Azriel tugged a hand through his hair, his shadows following the aggressive pull and weaving through the strands. 
“How long?” Rhys asked again, but this time, Azriel knew that he was asking a different question. One that even he himself had avoided answering. 
The shadowsinger paused. His next words were tainted and his voice cracked. 
“I think forever.”
Part 4
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haniebabes · 2 months
⋅˚₊‧ 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ - Seventeen getting sex-ban
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GENRE fluff, smut
PAIRING Seventeen x reader
S.Coups (에스쿱스)
Who would laugh at you thinking that you were joking, but his smile, will eventually go away realizing that you were serious
"But Angel, how long are you gonna put me on sex ban?" He would ask you whining, "1 week", "Angel, you know I cant last not having sex with you for a week, please, Im sorry okay, Im sorry I will never tease you like that again" he would kneel infront of you with his palms together, begging you to forgive him, he would look up at you with a pout, you were trying to hold yourself together, but seeing him infront of you like that, but you couldnt keep it up anymore, "okay, okay, fine, I'll forgive you", he would immediately stand up and carry you to the bedroom, "cheol, cheolie w-what are you doing", "shush, I'll give you a punishment for trying to sex ban me", he threw you onto the bed while starting to remove his clothes and yours "your gonna regret putting me on sex ban". Next thing you know, you couldnt walk properly the next day.
Jeonghan would act calm outside but deep inside he was very devastated
You would bake brownies that day using some chocolate you saw in the cabinet, with a note saying "dont touch!!" Probably from Jeonghan but you thought nothing of it thinking it was just a silly note from him, after you baked the cookies you went out of the house to buy something you needed, and at that time also Jeonghan woke up from his nap, going to the kitchen just to see thst you left some brownies on the counter, "aw thats sweet of her" it was perfect timing because he was hungry, he decided to eat 3 pieces of the brownies, he felt satisfied when he ate the brownies. Then after a few minutes he felt like it was getting hotter and hotter at that moment, he kept thinking why he was feeling this then it clicked, he quickly looked at the cabinet to find his chocolate was gone, his chocolate with aphrodisiac, it explained why he was feeling hot and needy, which was not helping him being already pent up with being on sex ban, he would curse himself for leaving it there. You would come home to see Jeonghan on the couch palming himself over his pants, "please give me a hand here love". You would help him by you know, fucking him, but after that moment he explajned to you what happened and you and he would just laugh about it later.
Joshua (조슈아)
Would agree and not say anything about but deep inside he was devestated
Joshua took you on a date to the newly opened cafe nearby your house. He texted you that he was gonna pick you up at 3, so you decided to do your make up and pick an outfit to wear, you decided to wear a dress for the date. When the clock hit 3, your doorbell rang, you opened the door to see joshua with a smile on his face and some flowers "for you babe" you would accept the flowers with a smile, "lets go?" He lend his hand out, and you nodded and held his hand. Even though its nearby its still much better if the two of you rode his car instead. He led you to the passenger seat, he would open the door for you, he would go to the dribers seat afterwards, the ride was silent and peacefull but not akward. Once you reached the cafe, Joshua parked the care close by the cafe, and you and him went out of the car. He would ooen the cafe door for you, he was always like that ever since you met him, it was actually funny how you guys went from bestfriends to lovers, he would get a table for the two of you. He would insist that he will go to the cashier instead but he always goes to the cashier, so you thought why not try it yourself for s change, he eventually gives in and lets you but not with your card, with his card. It was going well until, he saw the male cashier hitting you up. After you ordered the foods and drinks, he immediately pulls you to the bathroom of the cafe glaring at the cashier, bringing you to one of the stalls. "Do you expect me to just sit there and do nothing while that man is basically undressing you with his eyes? Putting me on sex ban to flirt with other boys, huh?". He turned you around, and lifted your dress up "getting all wet, seeing me bothered and pent up by that stupid sex ban?". You and him are for sure never gonna go back there.
Jun (文俊辉)
Would be so hurt when you said that, and worried
(Note: This is going to be a actor!Jun and actor!reader)
Jun was worried with this sex ban you gave him, because both of you have sex scene in your new series together, of course you guys are not gonna really fuck in the scene, but still, he doesnt know if he could hold back not fucking you when you guys go home. "1.. 2.. 3..... action!", "love.... are you sure you want me to do this.", you nodded. As Jun was fake fucking you and kissing you all over your body, he tried his best not get turned on by it, but who couldnt get turned on when you lover is just below you. "Cut!", "thank you everyone!!" The director said, the staff came up to you and Jun to give your guys robes to cover both of your body, the other staff came up also to give water bottles. You and Jun filmed more scenes before finally going home. Right after both of you went home and put your bags down, Jun came up to you and kissed you "please forgive, Im gonna break this shitty agreement about the sex ban" he would start undressing you right there and then in the living room, he fucked you in the living room couch, because he couldnt wait until the both of you went to your shared bedroom.
Hoshi (호시)
Hoshi would be devastated when you said that to him, will sulk when you said that, he would have a pout on his face ALL day long
After an exhausting day of work, you were so happy to finally go home. As you were infront of your and hoshis apartment, you reached into you pocket to get the keys to unlock the door, as soon as you opened the door you shouted "im home!" But as soon as you were walking near your shared room with hoshi you hear bed sheets being rustled, and someone who was moaning and whimpering your name, as you opened the door gently, you see hoshi humping on a pillow from your side of the bed, while only having his shirt on, he seems as if he didnt hear go inside the room still humping on your pillow moaning with his eyes closed, "having fun there babe?", hoshi would look at you as if he got caught doing a crime, "Im so sorry babe, I was just so pent up, and I couldnt fuck you because im on sex ban" he would look down as his face was red from embarrassment, "I guess I should teach you a lesson, hm?" You say as you come up to him and hold his chin to make him look at you. You overstimulated him until he was begging for forgiveness.
Wonwoo (원우)
He would act so pouty around you always asking, how many more days is left of the sex ban
Wonwoo and you started playing mario kart while streaming as requested by the viewers of the stream, it started out as a wholesome stream, you where on Wonwoos lap. Wonwoo started to get pouty when you kep winning, he would even pout more when the chat is teasing him, after playing you and Wonwoo always did a q and a before ending the stream, somebody asked "how tall is y/n?", which Wonwoo replied with "shes veryyyy small" you hit Wonwoo lightly on his chest, "Im not!" He laughed at you when you said that. As yoh were trying to defend yourself because the viewers in the chat are teasing you, you kept moving on Wonwoos lap. Wonwoo tried to keep himself composed from you wiggling on his lap, but he couldnt help it. He went red when he felt his dick twitch under you, and when that happened you looked back at him because the chat kept saying he was red, "are you okay babe?" You said still not noticing his hard dick under you, you shifted from your position again to look at him better, and thats when you felt it under. You kept yourself composed, giving Wonwoo a glare before you turned back to the stream as a sign to behave. There was only a few minutes left from the stream, but somehow the viewers still caught up on whats happening between the two of you "WHY DOES WONWOO BLUSH EVERYTIME Y/N MOVES" "IS IT WHAT IM THINKING!?". "U-uh its nothing, oh look at the time, its time for us to go, bye guys" he said before closing the live. "Wonwoo, are you really that pent up? So nasty for you to get hard on live, really?" He looked away embarrased "I-Im sorry", "Im only gonna forgive you this time because I actually want you also right now, but dont you dare repeat what happened earlier." He nodded.
Woozi (우지)
First off all, we all know Woozi got big dick🙏, so his world was shattered to hear that he wont be able to touch you
You decided to suprize Woozi a visit to his recording studio with a homemade meal for lunch. You were so excited to see him in his studio, that while you were making his lunch you were daydreaming of just sitting there watching your boyfriend work. You made extra effort to make yourself pretty for Woozi. You were already infront of his studio, you decided not to knock, because you thought he would be suprised, but instead of seeing him working you saw him, jerking off his dick, which was so hard, the tip of it was so angry, it was red, the scenery infront of you was making you drool, so you decided to put the lunch on a nearby table, Woozi only realized that you were there when you putting down the lunch box made noise, "w-what are you doing here, arent you supposed to beat home?", "I was going to suprise you with lunch, but instead I was suprised with a meal...", he would scratch his neck and say "heh... Can you help me please, I know im on sex ban but please", lets just say he got what he asked for.
Dk (이석민)
We be so overly exaggerated when you said that, gasping loudly, while holding his chest
Would be able to last a day, so he kept on begging you to not put him sex ban, clinging on you all day long to make you remove the sex ban, "please y/n, pleaseeee" he would go as far as acting cute infront of you, but will eventually give up, and ignore you for the rest of the day not speaking a word to you, he would just be sulking in the corner, waiting for you to forgive him, which you eventually do. Right after he was forgiven, he carried you bridal style to the bedroom. "I miss you so muchhh honeyy", "dk its only been 7 hours", "I dont care" he says as he starts to kiss you. "Ride my face, would you? I miss your scent"
Mingyu (민규)
Who would literally look like a lost puppy when you said that to him
Mingyu would ask you to work out with him, you and him where actually lucky when you went to the gym there were only few working out that time. Mingyu cursed himself when you wore tight leggings, while he was working out, he kept on glancing on you while your exercising, he would look how you would squat, his eyes go up and down following your movements. He would eventually give an excuse that your doing your work out "wrong", but its actually just a reason to press his erection on your ass. "Mingyu, I know what your doing" you warned him, he would just smile and say "I do too, lets take this to somewhere private", he would lead you to the back of the locker room, pinning you against the wall "you dont know how pent up I am", he would start kissing you, going down to your chest, you would moan when he gropped your boobs, "be quiet baby, you dont want anybody to hear you, dont you?" He would start removing his clothes and start stripping you too, we both all know what happened next, you and him were just glad that no one caught you guys.
Would be calm about it thinking your the one who wouldnt be able to last
Minghao who would forget to meditate one day and went absolutely feral when he saw you in shorts, and a tight white tank top, with no bra on, so your nipples were seen by him, he would drool seeing your nipples like that. "Love, lets eat!" You called him to the dining table to eat lunch, while you to were eating, Minghao couldnt take his eyes off your boobs and how the tank top shows your curves, he was basically drooling, not paying any attention to the food, because there was a full on mesl infront of him. "Minghao, are you okay?" He would snap out of his illusions, "u-uh no, oh I meant yes sorry" you would just smile at him and he would laugh akwardly. He completely lost it when, the water you were drinking spilt all over you, making your boobs visible. His eyes almost fell from its sockets when he looked at your boobs, "enjoying the view love?", "u-uh" he would stutter realizing he got caught looking at you. You went closer to him to sit on his lap "Aww is my love, already so pent up, I thought you were calm about it huh?", "p-please help me y/n". Both of your lunch was long frogotten.
He would be very pouty and sulky the moment you said that
He would gets so fucking jealous when he is hanging out with you and his other friends, and he noticed that you kept laughing at everything hoshi says, hes basically burning a hole through you, he would send you a text saying to stop talking with hoshi. But you didnt listen to him, until he stood up, and went to you and hoshi, and said thst both of you are gonna go home now. The ride home was a bit akward. When both went home he pulled you to the bedroom and push you on the bed to pin you, "such a slut, acting cute with hoshi in front of me, are you teasing me because im on sex ban?" He asked, and you would shake your head as a sign of no. "Tsk I dont belive you" he started kissig you roughly, "love, slow down please", "shut up, you deserve this you basically asked for this when you laughed at hoshis jokes".
Vernon (버논)
Vernon would be calm the first few days, but after a few more days he felt soooo pent up like someone in heat
"Babeeee, please buy me a popsicle" you would say to him with puppy eyes begging him to buy you one. Vernon who decided to satisfy your cravings by buying you a popsicle because you kept begging him to buy you one for days, who would come home with your popsicls and a few snacks for him and you would greet him when he got home with a face that looks like you just won the lottery and a hug as a thanks for buying you a popsicle, "thanks babee!", he would smile at you and pet you on the head "your so cute, eat the popsicle before it melts", you took the popsicle and opened it, you started eating it, savoring the flavor of the popsicle. At first it was just a wholesome moment between the two of you, but when vernon looked at you sucking on the popsicle, he felt like the room was getting hotter and hotter, it even got more hot when the juices on the popsicle you were eating dripped down from your mouth, he was practically drooling from the sight, you would finish the popsicle, then you looked at vernon and you would notice thst he was acting weird and say "are you okay babe?" You say as you scan his body, "u-um dont you think its getting hot here" he says, "vernon.. dont tell me you were turned on by me sucking on a popsicle?" You pointed on his erection his face turned red when you mentioned that, you would giggle "your so cute", you say as you climbed your way to his lap, and started kissing him. Its safe to say you sucked on a different popsicle that day
Dino (디노)
Dino will be unconcerned with the sutuation thinking he would be able to last without having sex with you
(Note:I really want this to be a Idol!dinoand Idol!readerfic so bear with me)
Dino was at your home, alone because you were out for an event with other kpop idols who were also your friends, it wasnt a big event, it was just a event for close friends, dino didnt come to the event because earlier in the mornjng he wasnt feeling well, he was just scrolling on his social media, but he was shocked to see you in another idols post, you were with Jake, he didnt feel too bothered with it but he would be lying if he didnt get jealous, as he scrolled more he saw a vid of you doing a challenge with one of your close friends which was julie, you were dancing with her with their new release "sticky", he would palm himself, when you get to that part of the dance where you turn around, looking at the way your body moves, the days of not having sex with you is finally catching up to him, he was feeling so needy at that moment. You were infront of the door of your house, once you opened the door, dino came running to you closing the door, snd pinning you to closed door, "your such a slut, posting pics with other guys, and moving your body like that on camera", he says as he kissed your neck, "fuck this sex ban" he said as he carried you to the bedroom. He fucked something else that night.
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(Also the scoups where he kneel and puts his palms together its a reference from the sorry edit of scoups😝)
Reblogs and likes are appreciated
@haniebabes work
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cozage · 1 year
Omg what the heck 2k!?! I’m so happy for you like I remember when you started this blog some time ago, and you blew up fast 😭 also that era when you got shadow banned. I wanted to request the monster trio with option 1. So how about a meeting their S/O after the 2 year gap but they ended on argument so now what would they say after not seeing them for two years.
A/N:😭😭i forgot about the shadowbanned era omg. I almost stopped writing completely then. That was a CRAZY time. Thank you for reminding me of that LOL 
Characters: gn reader x Sanji, Zoro, Luffy Total word count: 750
A Postponed Apology
“My love! You’re safe!” Sanji tackled you, both of you falling to the ground entangled in one another. 
He pushed back the hair from your face and covered you with kisses in between his words. “You’re here! I missed you so much!”
“Sanji,” you laughed, trying to push him off. “You’re smothering me!”
“I’ll smother you forever!” He pressed his head against your chest, humming pleasantly as he listened to your heartbeat. “I’ll never leave your side ever again!”
Your fingers ran through his hair as tears filled your eyes. You hadn’t expected this reunion to go so smoothly. You had expected Sanji to never speak to you again, maybe even come back with a new crew member recruit. You wouldn’t have blamed him, not after all the horrible things you said to him. 
“You’re not mad?” you whispered softly, afraid your voice would betray you. 
“Why would I be mad?” he asked, still listening to your heart beat in your chest. “I’m just grateful you’re okay.”
“But our fight…” Tears spilled out of the corner of your eyes and down your cheeks.
“Our fight?” he asked, clearly confused. He pulled his head away from your chest to look you in the eyes, and you could see his soul shatter at the fact he was making you cry. 
“Do you mean the one from two years ago?” he asked. “Darling, don’t even worry about that. All that matters is that we are here together now, and I’m never letting you go again.”
It took your eyes a second to adjust to the darkened room, but Zoro’s voice rang out. 
“So, you’re the second one to arrive, huh?”
You hadn’t expected Zoro to be there. He was always getting so lost, you had assumed it would be anyone but him. 
“Nobody else is here yet?” you asked, joining him at the bar. 
“Just you and me.”
Silence filled the air, the heaviness of your last conversation still weighing on your shoulders. 
“Don’t apologize,” he said. “It was two years ago. It’s not a big deal.”
“No.” You shook your head, finally turning to look at him. “I should’ve never said those things. If I had known-”
“But you didn’t know.” He sighed, picking his beer up and taking a long drink. “Are you still upset about it? Do you even remember what we were fighting about?”
“Well no, but-”
“Then it doesn’t matter. We’re together now. Let’s make up for lost time instead, okay?”
You smiled, relieved at his words. He had never been one to hold a grudge. 
You kept your distance from Luffy until everyone went to sleep. It had been a long day full of emotions, and he was busy enough with his captain duties. The last thing you wanted to do was inconvenience him any further. 
“Sanji!” Luffy called, entering the kitchen. “I’m-oh! Hey!”
Your heart quickened at his voice. You weren’t ready to face him yet. Even if you knew you had to. 
“Hey Luffy,” you whispered. “Sanji went to bed, but he made this ice cream sundae. You want it?”
Luffy’s mouth grew into a big smile, his eyes growing wide. He grabbed a spoon and slid into the booth next to you. “You’re the best! You know that, right?” 
You gave an awkward laugh. “I guess we need to talk, huh?”
Luffy looked at you, a blank and confused look on his face. “Talk about what?”
It was hard to look at him, but you forced yourself to. “Our last conversation?”
He was trying to remember, you could see his brain going into overdrive as he recalled your last moments together on Sabaody. Finally, he shrugged and shoveled a scoop of ice cream into his mouth. 
“I don’t remember our last conversation,” he admitted. 
You raised an eyebrow. “The fight? Because if you want to break up-”
“Why would I want to break up with you?” Luffy asked. “That’s the last thing I want.”
“Well, I said some pretty harsh things, Lu.”
He knitted his eyebrows in concentration, trying to remember. For a minute you watched him, and you could’ve sworn steam was coming out of his ears. But he shook his head. “Sorry, I don't remember that at all.”
You laughed. You should be surprised or offended. But that was just Luffy. “So we’re good?” you asked.
“Of course,” he said, offering you a bite. “Why wouldn’t we be?”
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fictionalgap · 10 months
Roommate: Too sick (chapter 1)
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Pairing: Hazel Callahan x Reader
Summary: Hazel, you, PJ and Josie got accepted in the same college and were living together. You didn't know that Hazel was such a mother hen till you became roommates. You tried not to get too flustered while she took care of you.
Warning: 18+ Themes
Warning: Swearing. Mentions of vibrators and alcohol. This fic most likely contain smut scenes in later chapters.
Other Chapters: Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5
Song Recommendation: Crush - Tessa Violet
PJ, Josie, Hazel and you all wanted to go to same college and accepted which you all were super excited about. It has been months since you share the same place. Four rooms, living room and kitchen are combined and two bathrooms. Of course only one has a shower. But still thank god It's two bathrooms.
It has been a real experience living with them for you.
It's usually Josie and you who cooks. PJ and Hazel were officially banned from the kitchen. Well, not the fridge. But you know, the stove…
It was decided by Josie and you when Hazel and PJ tried to make Hazel's grandmother's recipe. They were alone at home when it happened. PJ wanted to help Hazel to cook, for the first time in forever and it did not end well. You were the first one who found out this incident. You were going to a friend's to study but you realized you forgot your phone at your guys place so you went back and saw the the huge ass smoke and firefighters and a frantic Hazel and PJ on the street.
Sundays were cleaning days. Everyone cleaned their own room, except PJ. Her room was the messiest and most dust producing room which made the whole place worse. All of you argued with her regularly about this but she swore that she cleaned it regularly.
One time she took Hazel's shirt to wear it for a date which she never asked Hazel If she could take it and of course PJ being PJ, forgot to give her shirt back.
"Ugh, I couldn't find it, okay. Just look into my room."
"What do you mean look into your room? If I go there, I don't know If I will be able to come back! Have you seen your room?"
"It's literally a black hole that is disguised as a pile of stuff." You stated with a smirk.
"It's a PJ hol-" Josie was about to smugly say,
"Okay! That's enough! I got it, okay!" until PJ interrupted Josie.
You told Hazel you would help her looking for her shirt which was an encouragement for her cause God knows, It takes lots of courage to go in that room.
You and Hazel started to look for the shirt in PJ's room.
"Oh…Oh my god! OH MY GOD!" Hazel shouted. Hazel put her hands onto her head and moved backwards with worried eyes.
"What? You found i-, Oh my god! What is this!" Hazel gagged as she sat down on the floor and you looked at the thing for a while, not believing what you see.
You snorted and laughed hysterically. "Josie! Josie, come here!" You screamed and held your stomach as Hazel groaned as she was in pain.
"What? Guys, why are you-, Hazel are you okay?" Josie kneeled down next to Hazel.
"I wish I never came here." Hazel's bottom lip quiverred as her eyes got teary. She layed on the floor in fetal position, color drenched out her skin.
Josie left Hazel's side to see what you were trying to show her and she saw the 'thing' and froze in her place like three minutes then PJ came into the room.
The 'thing' was a vibrator. A baby blue vibrator with a silicone layer which was covered a mild green to a dark green mold. Plus tiny flies were on it. You didn't know how many.
"What's this all fuss about, huh? My room's messy I got i-. Hey, I was looking for this… I guess I have to get a new one." she sighed and got out of the room with a moldy vibrator.
"You guess?" you aand Hazel shouted at the same time.
We all got out of her room. Hazel recovered from this incident once she calmed down. As for Josie, we all knew she would never be the same after this incident. Except PJ, who thinks vibrators getting moldy is only natural so she didin't understand the trauma she caused.
Hazel never found her shirt as PJ never cleaned her room. You thought she wouldn't want it back anyways.
You would still laugh whenever you remembered this.
College was never really boring with your roommates. You thought your friends at college were cool but your roommates were TRULY one in a million.
For you, Hazel was one of a kind.
You knew you needed to wear something more suitable for autumn but you didn't want to look like a buritto, going to the parties. It had a cost.
You coughed and it sounded like as If you were an animal who's in pain and about to die. You sneezed into the poor napkin as you layed down on your bed. 'How It was possible to be tired while you were laying down all day?' you thought as you sneezed again. You got up and opened the window. It was cold but you needed fresh air too.
You were upset that you missed your classes. You mailed your professors and they let you know It's okay. You would take your notes from your friends anyway.
You thought of last night. PJ interrupted Hazel's studying last evening, again. You were glad that you studied at library earlier. It was quiet and PJ-free. You liked your friend but she usually would convince you all to watch a movie, play a board game or go to a party. Or she would simply talk to you not caring If you listen or not.
"Come on! Barry is giving a huge ass party. There is booze, there are girls, there are-"
"PJ, you are with Brittany. You remember, right? " Josie interrupted.
"Yeah…but no one says you can't look. I am not gonna eat them. I'll just… observe them. Just a small feast for my eyes since she decided to went to a college far away." PJ crossed her arms with a frown.
"You can always video chat with her." Hazel pouted.
"It's not the same thing, Hazel!" PJ yelled, frustrated.
"Yeah but what would she feel If one of us accidentally told her what you have said about party and girls and observing them…" you said with a playful smirk.
PJ raised her brows. "I'd probably beat the shit out of you."
"Ugh, that's harsh." you scoffed.
"Anyways, we should get ready. Move your asses, now!" PJ said as she walked to her room to get ready for the party.
"Are you going, Y/N?" she looked at you with puppy eyes.
"Yeah… I would try to convince you to come but I don't want to interrupt your studying." you said with sad eyes.
Hazel played with her rings. " I had swimming practice. If I wouldn't, I could study with you earlier."
"Study with me?" You raised brow. How did she knew you studied? Did she saw you?
"Yeah…library is on the way to pool so… a-and you always study on the same corner next to window." She played with her rings nervously.
'She saw me all the times...' you gulped to the thought. You looked at her hands, not being able to face her. She was playing with her rings nervously until she catched you watching them. Three, maybe four seconds passed when you realized she saw that you were looking at her hands. It could be just because you liked her rings.
In a totally straight way, obviously.
You averted your gaze and got up from your seat. "I didn't realize you saw me." you chuckled nervously.
"Yeah…I never told you and you look very focused during studying so…" she nodded her head to herself.
"Hm…we can always study another time If you'd like… Well, not here though, cause-"
"PJ?" she smiled widely.
"Yeah." You answered her smile with yours.
"I am going to change now. Have a good study session." you said and walked to your room to change your clothes.
You walked to your room and after spending five minutes in front of your wardrobe, you wore a white crop top, black baggy jeans, black converse and a black denim jacket. You left your hair down.
"Nice…" PJ said with a smirk.
"Thanks. You too." You checked her clothes.
"Isn't that a little bit thin though? You might get cold." Hazel said pointing your crop top. You blushed at what she said.
She was changed her clothes as well.
Josie pointed at Hazel. "Are you coming?"
PJ smirked coyly." That's the spirit!"
"Weren't you going to study?" you raised a brow.
"I'll study tomorrow. I'm not gonna drink much tonight, anyways." she said, looking at your clothes. "Really, Y/N, you'll get sick. "
"It's fine… We have a ride." you sighed.
"Even I don't worry that much for my girlfriend, Hazel." PJ wiggled her brows playfully with a smirk.
You couldn't help but blushed at what PJ said. You saw Hazel was looking down at her shoes and Josie was smiling at both of you.
Josie's smile ended with her phone ring. "Our ride is here. Let's go."
End of the flashback
You didn't know If this was cold or flu but Hazel was right.
You got sick and everything hurt. Moving hurt. Your head hurt. Your eyes felt like they were pierced. Your ears hurt. You could hardly breathe. Whatever this was, It was draining the shit out of you. You hated that you were wrong but you loved that Hazel was all around you. You also felt guilty about it cause she was interrupting her studying by checking up on you, getting you water, food, making you herbal teas every half an hour…
The thing about Hazel, she turns into a mother hen whenever someone gets sick. Especially when you were sick. You thought it was because you were closer with her than PJ and Josie.
You still rememeber the first week of moving here, you had a migraine attack. She went to the pharmacy without anyone noticing and came back with painkillers and a migraine stick.
And she massaged your temple till you fell aslept. You didn't know If you imagined something touching on your forehead. Preferably her lips. But you thought It was probably a fantasy of yours or a dream.
Of course, you were very pleased with her taking care of you. So you didn't mind getting sick. Maybe even It led you to wear thinner clothes. Not on purpose though.
You didn't really wanted to admit it but the idea of someone taking care of you, turned you on a little bit.
The idea of Hazel taking care of you, burned and twisted the parts of you, which you never knew that existed because you had a slight crush on her.
Just a tiny one…
Hazel knocked the door three times.
"Come in." your voice came out shaky.
Hazel came into your room with a smile.
"Hazel you don't have to check up on me every hour." you coughed as you said.
Hazel grabbed a chair with her one hand and placed it next your bed with a smile. She became more musclar and the veins on her arms looked like they were going to pop since she decided to join the college's swimming team. You were very enthusiastic about her decision.
She had a bowl in her hand. You looked up to her and saw her pouting.
"I'm so close thinking you don't want me here, Y/N."
'Well, fuck me!' you cursed to yourself for making her think that. You didn't think she was joking.
"Of course I want you here, Haze. It's just you couldn't study last night and now you can't study because of me." you explained quickly.
She grinned. "I know you do. And I am studying very well and I need breaks too, you know."
She usually took things at face value so It made you shocked to see her saying something without meaning it.
"Well you said it seriously so I thought-"
"I was joking." She took the strand of hair which was front of your nose and placed it behind your ear.
She beamed at you for a half a minute. You felt your heart beating very fast.
"Yeah… What's that?" you pointed to the bowl in her hand.
You noticed a spoon in Hazel's hand and the bowl was smelling really good.
"Chicken soup. I squeezed some lemon in it too."
Your eyes widen at what she has just said.
"No, no, no! I didn't make it! I ordered it. Don't worry. I made a promise to you and Josie and I remember." Her eyes widened as well.
You chuckled. "Okay. Cool. Uhm,… thank you Hazel." You sit up staright in your bed and you were going to took the bowl from Hazel's hand but she didn't give it to you.
"Ugh…?" You have her a confusing look.
"Let me feed you, please. " She made a puppy face.
"Y-you don't have to." you stuttered. Honestly, even your arms hurt when you moved them. And you would definitely not mind her feeding you. It was just you were afraid to make a fool of yourself.
"You seem really tired. Come on. " She pouted again.
"Ugh…okay but stop making that face." you said you averted your gaze.
"What face?" she grinned. Maybe she actually knew what she was doing.
"You know what you're doing, don't you?" She ignored your question and sighed as she blew the soup little to make it colder.
"Open up." she smiled as she held the spoon full of soup to you.
You drinked the soup and It was delicious. You would drink whatever she gave anyway.
"Thank you Hazel. Soup felt really good." you smiled gratefully to her. Your cheeks burned but It was okay that your cheeks were pink because you were sick so she wouldn't think it that way.
"Of course. Least I can do." She smiled at you for a moment as you held eye contact with her. "Oh, I forgot the vitamin!" she said as she got up and left your room.
"What? You ordered vitamin too?" you yelled for her to hear you from the other room.
She came back with a vitamin c supplement in her hand.
"No, I went to the pharmacy."
"Hazel you spent too much time. You go study now!" You scolded her.
"Okay, okay! And It was a ten minute walk. It's not much. Plus walking in fresh air is a good break time."
"Here." She held the vitamin your lips and you felt bold and took it with your lips while keeping eye contact with her.
It was awkward.
In a sexy way.
Her body froze except her eyelids, they blinked a couple of times until she gave you a glass of water to swallow the pill.
She cleared her throat. "So, I'll go study now. If there is anything you need-"
"I'll tell you. I know."
"Okay." she said as she rushed out of the room.
'Fuck.' you told yourself and laid down on your back as you wait for sleep.
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imaginesmai · 1 year
Right around the corner (3) - Azriel
LISTEN I CAN EXPLAIN if you've been here for a while now, you can expect this part. If not, may I present myself - hi, I'm Mai and I'm an angst queen bitch. Fourth part already on the way, don't worry!
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5)
Plot: the turth comes out, but in a way Azriel didn't expect.
Warnings: prepare tissues.
Azriel had taken his time to process the words, and in the meanwhile, he had received so many notes from his family that he had his hands full of small paper balls.
There were notes from Feyre updating him of the screaming match between Cassian and Rhysand, long texts from Mor promising him the house was a safe place for you and that he better hurry to bring you out. Even Amren had written a brief ‘I knew it, boy’ that had him more worried than before.
It wasn’t as if he didn’t want you to meet them. He loved his family like nothing else, and knew they would only be supportive and kind to his new status. Him being mated or not didn’t change the way they saw him, but part of him – the part that had felt rejection from his mother and his blood-family, was scared.
Azriel ended up sitting in the kitchen counter in front of you with a frown and a growing headache. Even though it was late and you had had a long day, you instantly noticed his mood.
“What’s wrong?”
It wasn’t unusual for Azriel to go quiet in your presence. You had learned by then that it didn’t mean you did something wrong. Most of the times, it was his insecurities popping up randomly in his mind, the troubles of the day dragging him away from you.
And through the years, you had learned that there was nothing else to do but to stay close to him and remind him that he was there. Right with you, and that you loved him.
Still, as you stared at him that night, you noticed it wasn’t the usual frown. He snuck glances at you and moved from the couch, where he was banned, to the kitchen. You left the bowl aside and stood in front of him, one arm extended so he could hold your hand.
“How do you know Feyre?” he asked, not taking your hand.
“Feyre as… the high lady?”
“Yeah. You greeted her the other day. You two know each other?”
“Guess so. She has her art study right in front of my bakery, haven’t you noticed?” you answered, not understanding the nature of the question. “When she moved in, I baked her a welcome to the neighborhood pie and she has actually painted two of the pictures I hang on the wall”
“Feyre painted pictures for you?” Azriel raised an eyebrow. “Are you two friends?”
“Well, not friends per say, but we know each other. That’s what usually happens when you work in front of someone else’s work” you shrugged, you open hand still empty. “Why?”
“I didn’t know you knew her”
“Should you know I know her? For any specific reason?”
“It would have been nice to know you know my high lady. My brother’s mate”
“Now you know. What’s with all this ‘you know I know’? Why does it matter?”
You didn’t understand why but there was an annoyed edge on his voice that you didn’t like. As a morning person, you usually went to bed early, and any minute past midnight was a minute you were supposed to be asleep. No matter how nice it was to spend time with Azriel and how good he had made you feel an hour ago, now you were annoyed.
The male stared at you, still not answering your silent call for his hand. One of his many shadows crossed the table and jumped at the chance of tangling between your fingers. That would have been enough to make you laugh any other day.
That night, you just stared at each other.
“Az, why are you so – “
“Because you should have told me, Y/N” he cut you off. “You know how important my family is to me, and I think it’s fair to ask that if you know any of them you should tell me. So I’m prepared for this”
“What’s this exactly? Late night discoveries about my neighbors?”
Azriel was quiet for a moment, frustration clear in his features. It was a stupid argument over a stupid situation, and Azriel being on his underwear and you only on his t-shirt without panties didn’t make it any less stupid. You rarely argued, and when you did, it was you who had the pointless argument and Azriel the calm one.
His shadows moved behind the couch and dumped in front of you a bunch of papers. They were all wrinkled and Azriel didn’t have time to hide them or think about how to approach the situation before a new one popped out of thin air. It landed next to your open hand, his shadow catching it and unfolding the content.
Does she eat cereal straight from the box? Is it why you’re hiding her?
You didn’t need to think hard to know it was talking about you, and who the note belonged to. In the past, Rhysand had sent notes to Azriel while you were having a shower together, in bed together, and one had even appeared inside your oven while he was helping you around.
“Feyre told them about you” Azriel explained, having read the note upside down. “And because I didn’t know you knew her, now they are deeply offended and want to meet you”
It took you a while to make sense to his words, because you couldn’t find the problem past you not telling him about Feyre. Quickly, you read some of the notes where Cassian threatened Azriel and Rhysand demanded his presence. They were friendly notes, no harm in them. Still, you couldn’t understand the utter sadness until you realized the meaning behind his annoyance.
Finally, you pulled your hand back to your side, not with little resistance from the shadow. You must have opened the bond channel because Azriel frowned, hit with sadness instead of the usual love.
The first note, where Rhysand explained that Feyre had told him, was what brought it all together.
“You haven’t told them you have a mate”
It occurred to you that you had believed it done with no proofs. You didn’t mind Azriel being at your house, living in your apartment. You didn’t mind having separate Starfall and lives. You didn’t mind either when he left for a family dinner and kissed you goodbye, because you understood his need of privacy, of having something that was just his.
What you didn’t understand until that moment that he hadn’t even told them you existed. And through all the reasons that ran to your mind at his silence, you couldn’t pick just one.
“It’s not that they don’t know me. They don’t know you’re mated”
“You agreed when I said I need to take things slowly. That I needed time” he blurted out suddenly, your sadness making space for his annoyance. “The bond was a surprise for me. I didn’t want to rush things”
“Azriel it’s been six years. Six! It’s not a casual fling or a one-night stand” you tried to voice your hurt, your sadness. “It’s not the same not meeting them that being a secret”
“It’s not like I keep you a secret. They haven’t asked and I haven’t – “
“Because you haven’t told them! What – How do you explain the days you spend here? And the… I – Azriel, we’ve been dating for six years and they haven’t asked?”
“They’re used to me sneaking around”
“For months?” you chuckled. “We were locked here for months after we mated. How did you explain that?”
His words were background noise because, above his absences, there was something you realized they should have noticed. Something anyone noticed from mated pairs as soon as they left the house. White noise filled your ears as he tried to excuse himself by talking about missions.
About your safety, about the worry of something happening to you if they discovered you were his mate.
Azriel blurred in front of you as realization hit you and tears filled your eyes. You could barely hold it together as you spoke.
“You’ve been hiding the mating bond” your breath hitched, because if there was something more important than your bakery, it was your bond. “They should have smelt it. But you’ve been hiding it”
“I didn’t hide it, please, don’t say it like that” his voice broke at the end, willing you to listen to him.
“Right. Because you can’t hide the bond from them unless you don’t accept it” you saw the moment your words hit him, the guilt in the way his shadows almost clouded your vision and his wings flared. “You didn’t accept the bond”
Azriel didn’t answer and, worse than any other betrayal or pain, it broke your heart. You remembered offering him the lemon pie, him tearing up and eating. Accepting the bond was an individual decision, one he should have made years ago – just like you did.
You still shared it; you still were mates. The only difference was that, while you proudly loved him and adored each part of his body and soul, he had rejected your smell on him, your imprint on his own.
An invisible hand cut off your air supply and your breath hitched. You covered your mouth with your hand and muffled the sob, but he felt the exact moment your heart broke. Even if he didn’t show it to the world, he could still feel you. Your feelings, your essence. His own eyes teared up and now he extended his hand forward.
A silent invitation, the same you had given him so many times when he was in need of comfort, of love.
But that time, you didn’t reach forward nor acknowledge the shadows that tried to pull you closer to him.
“Get out”
“Get out” you pointed a shaky finger towards the door.
“Y/N, please. It’s not what you’re thinking” he tried to explain, his voice broken by his sorrow. “I accepted the bond. I just – “
“Get the fuck out now!”
The bowl that you had been filling with lettuce, salmon and other vegetables flew from the desk to where he was standing. His shadows, by their own consciousness or his master’s, didn’t stop it as it crashed against his chest. It spilled all over his naked chest, and before he could clean it, there was another tray with grilled pork on your hand.
Azriel’s last look to you was of pure despair and sorrow. He winnowed away before the second tray could hit him, leaving you with his shadows already cleaning up the mess.
As soon as he was out of sight, you fell down to your knees and sobbed.
He didn’t have a plan, and when he winnowed away, the last thing on his mind was the sound of your heart breaking. There was no way he would go to his house and face his family, not when he wasn’t even sure what had happened in your apartment. Couldn’t start to comprehend the pain he had caused you and how much he hated himself for it.
So, without planning to, he ended up in the cabin.
The old wooden walls and ceiling greeted him, different from the ones he remembered from his past. Feyre had added drawings everywhere, there were clothes scattered around, and food that was still edible.
No matter how familiar the sight was, it offered him no comfort.
Azriel dragged his wings through the floor and sat on the couch. Propping his elbows on his knees, he hid his face as the first tear rolled down. Followed by many more.
He replayed your hurt voice once more, your face. It hadn’t been his intention to reject the bond, not really. But he hadn’t run away from it.
It took him two weeks of uncertainty to know that he hadn’t taken it the way you had. While you radiated with his scent, people didn’t ask him. He walked past Cassian during training and his friend just teased him for being disappeared for a month. Rhysand commented about having to report to him every now and then, and Amren didn’t even acknowledge his presence.
That was how he discovered that he had to accept his part of the mating process. He had to be proud, to want it, in order to complete it.
But you had been so happy, so full of joy and love, that Azriel had feared that telling you about it would make you sad. Eventually, he had learned how he should have done it – but at that moment, he didn’t know. Besides, he could still sneak whenever he wanted to without explanations. So he hadn’t said anything.
The first year rolled by, and he spent a good amount of days panicking about how to deal with the situation. The second year passed and you didn’t ask about it, neither did his family. By the fourth year, he had almost forgotten about it.
Azriel’s loud sob broke the silence of the cabin. His chest contracted and his body shock. It was different from any type of suffering, of pain, he had ever felt. He could still feel the echo of your own through the bond, could hear your cries in the distance.
In the lonely cabin, under the moon light, the shadowsinger sobbed and cried until his voice was raw. He was angry at himself, at his past and his traumas, even angry at you. Because now that he knew what it felt to be complete, to be happy and safe in someone’s love, he couldn’t bear the thought of not having it.
His body gravitated to the side and he curled himself in a ball, still in his underwear. It reminded him of when he was a kid and would try to hide himself in the dark cell, cowering in his fear and desperation.
As if he was a kid all over again, Azriel let his wings cover his body and cried. Cried until he couldn’t remember his name, until he was begging the Cauldron to turn back time and let him accept the bond. Carry you on his arm around Velaris and don’t let the fear take control of his life.
He felt like punching a hole through the wall. Like flying thousand feet up and letting go in free fall. Maybe get into a bar fight and let everything out. But his body was anchored to that couch, to that pain. Azriel pressed his closed fists into his chest, trying to relief some of the pressure.
While he wondered if that was what having his heart ripped from his chest fell, he forgot to keep his mental shields up.
Letting Rhysand in.
The house of wind had been chaos for a few hours.
Rhysand had tried to manage the situation by himself, wide awake in bed while processing Feyre’s words. He willed himself to sleep, to rest and leave the pondering for the morning. But when he tried to close his eyes, he could see Azriel covered in blood and killing an entire camp because an illegal wing clipping. He could notice the faint, new smell in the house that he hadn’t noticed.
If he had his eyes open, he couldn’t help but look at Nyx’s new toy.
So, Rhysand had woken up Cassian, after Azriel hadn’t answered his notes. And Cassian had been mad. Angry, furious, raging. The general had talked nonsense about berries for a while and then he begged Rhysand to wake up Feyre and find Azriel to interrogate them.
And, who was the high lord to deny a late-night gossiping session?
Feyre had been mad but she had told them that Azriel had a mate that worked in front of her art studio, in a bakery. That you were nice and cheerful, that you had been mated for six years.
That was when Cassian lost it and woke up the whole house.
Now, all the members of the inner circle had gathered in the council room with their pajamas on.
“Maybe it’s not true. Feyre, you might have had imagined it”
“Are you calling me a liar?” Feyre raised her eyebrows at Cassian.
“I’m just saying he would have told me! We’re brothers. And we don’t keep secrets in this house. Never.”
“You don’t keep secrets” Amren cut him off, not looking at him. “Your bean brain is too simple to keep any type of secrets from us, but that doesn’t mean all of us are exhibitionist”
“I’m not – “
“You are an exhibitionist. You announce everything, Cas. Even a fart” Mor corrected him before he could defend himself.
“Sorry for being kind enough to not keep secrets from my family” he frowned, turning to look at Rhys. “You keep secrets from me?”
“I don’t keep secrets from you” Rhys assured him, half a smile.
“He threw the sword you gifted Nyx for his birth and told you Bryaxis took it so you wouldn’t look for it”
Feyre looked at her mate with a raised eyebrow, daring him to say anything else. With a wide-awake Nyx in her arms, she looked at threatening as the Hybern army. She had yet to talk to him privately, but Rhysand knew he was up for a long talk. So he bit his lip and turned to Cassian. Who, of course, looked completely broken and defeated.
The rest of the group was silent, barely keeping their smiles to themselves. Even Nesta, who had a hand on his shoulder, was looking at Feyre with approval. Cassian stared at Rhysand for a long second before he talked.
“It was a nice sword”
“For a teenager, maybe. For a baby, not” Feyre answered again. “Weren’t you just talking about Azriel’s betrayal and secrets?”
“I, for one, knew he was hiding something” Amren commented for the third time. “Just saying I noticed. And you didn’t”
“Not all of us are creeps that stare and don’t talk. We have social lives to take care of” Mor said.
“Some of you do talk. Maybe too much”
Rhysand tuned out Amren and Mor argument when he felt a crack through Azriel’s mental barriers. He had been tugging at them softly to know where his brother was. Feyre had talked him out of the idea of barging in uninvited and demanding answers – at least, he had talked Amren and Mor out of it. Rhysand and Cassian were still unconvinced.
That was why he had kept a talon poking at his mental barriers since the argument started, thinking it wouldn’t be successful.
But then, Azriel opened it unconsciously and Rhysand brought a hand up to his chest.
Everyone fell quiet as the high lord scrunched his eyebrows and pressed his lips together, not ready for the wave of emotions and pain Azriel was feeling at the moment.
Feyre’s hand was instantly on him, Nyx looking up to his father with a pout that would surely turn into a crying session soon. Before the baby could start crying or any of his friends could ask him about it, Rhysand accepted Feyre’s help and got up from his chair.
“He’s at the cabin” he announced, already summoning his darkness to swallow Cassian and him there. “We’ll keep you updated”
Nyx’s loud cry was the last thing they heard as they winnowed away. And the first one they heard from the cabin, was Azriel’s broken one.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
Right around the corner taglist:
@lesliemurillo @impossibelle @polli05927 @florencemtrash @going-through-shit @minakay @setayeshmohseni @torchbearerkyle @esposadomd @amysangel @kennedy-brooke @originalcrusadetrash @luvmoo @historygeekqueen @marriedtolike18fictionalmen @wallacewillow0773638 @tothestarsandwhateverend @kristalhi @knmendiola @nikt-wazny-y
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
When Yelena invites you to go home with her for the weekend, you spend some time with Natasha. She finds out you haven’t been with anyone before and offers to be your first
Warnings: Smut! 18+ please! Kissing, cursing, innocent reader, oral (R receiving), hot older Natasha
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
When your friend Yelena asked you to go home with her for the weekend, you agreed easily. It sounded like a fun time to spend with her and meet her family and friends back home.
But something else was motivating you too. Her very attractive older sister.
You’ve met Natasha before. She helped move Yelena in along with their parents. The redhead was nice to you that say. You’ve seen her countless more times through the phone while she’s FaceTimed Yelena.
So, there’s no denying you have a crush on her. Especially not when you enter the home and she’s standing in the kitchen with very little clothes on.
“We’re here!” Yelena calls out.
“Good to see you, sestra,” Natasha says, coming to the foyer. “I was just coming in from the pool.” She hugs her sister and kisses her cheek. “And it’s y/n, right?”
“Yeah, it’s nice to see you again,” you say.
Natasha smiles in agreement. It’s nice for her to see you again too. She turns back towards the kitchen and you can’t help but watch her body as she does so. The bikini bottoms she’s wearing leaves you able to see most of her.
“Hey, eyes off,” Yelena snaps at you.
“Sorry,” you reply.
You two go up the stairs and put your bags in Yelena’s room. She gives you a quick tour of the house before you two decide to go get lunch.
“We’re going to the diner, Nat. Do you want anything?” Yelena asks.
“No thanks. But hey, Mama is cooking dinner so eat a lot now,” Natasha says.
“Is she not a good cook?” You ask. Both of the girls chuckle. You’ll take that as a yes.
“Come on.” Yelena pulls you outside to her car.
You listen to the usual music as you drive there. Inside, you find a bustling group of tables and food that smells delicious.
Yelena knows a few people and they call her over to their table. You follow quietly.
“Yelena, you’re back in town!” A boy says excitedly. He stands up to hug her.
“Yes, yes Peter. The life of the party has returned,” Yelena says.
“Welcome back,” a girl speaks up this time. You recognize her from photos. She glances at you. “I’m Wanda.”
“Y/n,” you supply. “I’m Yelena’s roommate.”
The table greets you and you two sit down with them. Yelena orders you way too much food. The conversation is easy to join in on even though the friends have known each other forever.
They tell you about a party later tonight and Yelena says you’ll be there. When you go back to her house, Natasha is dressed in a cropped tank top and blue jean shorts.
“Yelena, malyshka!” Melina greets her. She hugs her even when Yelena protests it.
“My girls back in the same home!” Alexei adds in. He hugs Yelena too.
You politely greet them and ask if they need any help with dinner. They sho you away from the kitchen.
Yelena goes up to her room to change so that leaves you in the dining room with Natasha.
“So, how’s school going?” Nat asks.
“It’s going well. Not as hard as I thought it would be,” you say.
“You must be one smart girl then,” Natasha says.
“I’d like to think so.”
“And how’s Yelena doing? She doesn’t ever have much to say about it all.”
Natasha looks genuinely concerned about her sister.
“Yeah she’s good too. I make her get up for class most days,” you say. That makes Nat chuckle.
“Thank you for looking out for her,” Natasha says. She stands from her seat and places a hand on your shoulder. Her grip is strong as she looks into your eyes. “I owe you. If you need anything, let me know, okay?”
“Oh- okay,” you say. Something about her words seem loaded with meaning.
Yelena comes back downstairs and the rest of the family comes into the dining room. Dinner goes well. You enjoy the banter of the group. Soon, you head off to the party.
It’s fun for a while. You meet some more of Yelena’s friends and have a few drinks. Nothing crazy. But when you’re ready to leave, Yelena has her eyes on taking someone home.
“Yelena, let’s go,” you say. The girl is drunk, you can tell that much.
“Kate is coming with me!” She says. You know they have a history, so you don’t even question it.
“Okay. Come on, lovebirds.”
You get back to the house okay and Yelena runs off with Kate to her bedroom. You figure that leaves you with the couch and no clothes to change into.
You’ve only been sitting on it for a few minutes when Natasha comes down the stairs. She catches sight of you.
“My sister kick you out?” She asks.
“She’s having her own sleepover,” you say with a dry chuckle.
“Brutal,” Nat teases. “Come with me.”
She doesn’t reply, but you follow her anyways. Upstairs, she directs you into her bedroom.
“You’re not sleeping on the couch, y/n,” Nat says. She opens her drawers and takes out a shirt and shorts for you. “And you’re not sleeping in those clothes.”
You don’t argue with her. You only go down the hallway and change into the clothes. Natasha likes the way you look in her clothes.
She pulls down the sheets next to her and gestures for you get in. You slip under them, enjoying the feeling of a real bed under you.
“Thank you, Natasha,” you say.
“Of course. Sorry my sister is a shitty host,” Nat says.
You lie back on the pillows. Nat turns to look at you. You hold eye contact with her.
“It’s okay. She’s all tied up in that girl.”
“I know. Surely, someone is all tied up in you too,” Natasha says.
“Nope,” you say dryly.
“No? Why not?” Nat asks.
“It’s just not really happened for me yet,” you admit.
“That’s okay,” Natasha assures you.
“What does it feel like?” You ask. It’s somewhat rhetorical but you also want to know Nat’s answer.
“To be in love? Or to have sex? It’s not the same thing,” Nat says.
“Hm, well what about kissing someone? Have you done that?”
You shake your head and turn away shyly. She reaches her hand out to turn your face back towards her.
“Do you want to?” She asks.
“I- um-“
“We don’t have to,” Nat says. “But I thought maybe this is how I could repay you for looking after my sister.”
“Yes,” you say.
“Please yes,” you say.
Natasha smirks and leans in. She stops a couple inches from your lips. Your heart beats so fast in your chest.
She closes the distance and kisses your lips. You barely move, not really knowing what to do or how to kiss her back. But Natasha doesn’t mind. She deepens the kiss.
And you pick up on how to do it quickly. She grins against your lips. Your hands move across her chest to grab her breasts.
“I’m sorry,” you say when she pulls away.
“No, don’t apologize. I’m willing to go as far as you want, y/n,” Natasha says.
“Then keep kissing me,” you say, already feeling addicted to her lips on yours.
Natasha obliges and kisses you again and again and again. Soon, both of your shirts are discarded. Natasha isn’t wearing a bra and the sight of her above you makes you stop in place.
“You’re so beautiful,” you say, admiring her perfect body.
“Thank you, detka,” the Russian falls off her tongue. “Let me show you how beautiful you are too.”
Nat slips your bra off and immediately takes one of your nipples in her mouth. It’s a new sensation. One that you absolutely love. She listens for every sound you make to see what she wants to do more of.
You moan out loudly when she moves her hand down your abdomen and under your shorts. Her hand brushes against your folds and your body jerks in reaction.
“Is this okay?” Natasha asks. Her voice is deep, breathy.
“Yes please, I want you,” you say.
“Okay, baby. Lay back and relax. I’ll take care of you,” Natasha says.
She kisses down your body as she moves to lay between your legs. Your shorts come off along with your panties. You’re self conscious about no one ever seeing you like this before, but you feel better when Natasha dives in.
Nat places kisses around your center and her tongue moves through your folds. She takes her time worshipping you. You try to lean up on your elbows to watch but the pleasure is so strong that you have to stay on your back.
“Fuck Nat. That feels so good,” you say when her thumb brushes over your clit.
“I know, sweetheart. Be a good girl and tell me more,” Natasha says. Her voice vibrates against you.
“I want to come for you to Natasha. I want you to be the first person to make me come,” you say.
“Fuck,” Nat mumbles against you. She grinds her own pussy against the bed.
It’s only a few more minutes before you’re getting a feeling like you’re about to come for Natasha.
“I think- Nat- I’m going to- fuck,” you mumble as your hips move erratically.
“Come for me, y/n. You can do it,” Natasha says.
And you do. For the first time, you understand what it feels like to be taken care of.
“So fucking good,” Natasha says as she cleans you up.
She moves up your body and kisses your lips again. Her tongue moves against yours as you continue to get the hang of it.
Natasha lays next to you to catch her breath and let you catch your own. Her hand intertwines with yours.
“That’s what it feels like,” Natasha says.
“Every time?” You ask. You can’t help the grin on your face.
“No, not every time. But when you really like someone, yes.”
“You- um- you like me?”
“Yes, y/n,” Natasha says. “I really like you.”
You whisper a small yes and Natasha chuckles. She kisses your cheek.
“Can I- um-“
“I’d love for you too, but you don’t have to, babe. I’m okay with just pleasing you,” Natasha says.
“No, no. I want you to feel good too.”
“I already do,” Nat says. “But yeah if you want to, go ahead.”
You smile and shift to lay over Natasha. She kisses you deeply before you move down her body.
Natasha helps you please her in all of the ways she likes. By the end of the night, you’re both exhausted but so happy.
You fall asleep in her arms and wake up to the beautiful sight of her sleeping. She wakes up and snuggles further into you.
After a few good morning kisses, you get dressed and go downstairs together. Yelena notices you wearing Nat’s clothes and the two of you sharing secret glances.
But she only smiles. She always knew you two would find your way together.
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muffinlovingbirb · 2 months
Ranking the Cooking Abilities of Team Laios
Senshi: need I say more? Senshi dedicated his life to food and cuisine.
Falin: Due to how conservative the Touden mom can be, Falin was taught from when she was young how to cook and clean so she can be a good housewife. Because of this, Falin is one of the best chef and often volunteers for cooking duties. Falin's food is very tasty, but no one can replicate her food since she describes her recipes like a grandma (one pinch of salt, etc)
Laios: He feels bad making Falin cook all the time, so he learned how to cook, especially during his military days. Laios can cook nearly anything he found and it'll generally taste good.
Chilchuck: chilchuck is the dad who never cooks at home, but makes the most bombass food whenever he got the chance. His daughters goes wild when he got the time to cook.
Toshiro: he never cooks cause his vassals makes all the food for him, but he's a sensible chef. He carries a cookbook that he follow to the letter. Absolutely struggles if he lacks an ingridient.
Izutsumi: absolutely horrible cook but her biology allows her to eat raw fish and meat. Izutsumi would eventually learn how to cure and prepare different types of meat, but she would not have the patience to cook a lot of food.
Namari: she can't cook. Namari pretty much lives off tavern food and whatever the other cooks for her. Namari mostly helps in prep work like slicing vegetables. Can make instant noodles.
Marcille: Marcille is the type that believed she can bake cookies in 1 minute if she manages to increase the temperature to 5000°f. Banned from the kitchen for absolutely destroying any non-mythril cookwares. Every single pots and pans Marcille owned in scratched to hell and Falin suffers for it (all her eggs is stuck on the pan)
Kabru: grillmaster. Believes that grills and barbecues are great places to bond and chat, so he takes the time to learn how to grill. Kabru owns his own charcoal grill and makes the best burgers and steaks.
Edit: I forgot the kitbty, added izutsumi.
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Rating Avisos nobles on how eatable is their cooking
Naberius follows the instructions religiously which makes his food the perfect mix between taste and lack of side effects. He's very humble about his skills, but he's very willing to cook for you and his tail would be wagging as he accepts your praise with a blush. 10/10 would eat his pasta
Stolas only bakes and he rarely does that. His sweets are nice, he clearly has some culinary talent and you won't be getting any nasty side effects. He only cooks for people he's very close to and he expects you do the same for him. He might have trust issues with food, but he'll trust you once. 9/10 very good especially if you have a sweet tooth.
Beelzebub is a great cook, his food is adictively tasty and he's willing to share it with anyone, it's just that the side effects are varied and plentiful. And you know that if you refuse his cooking he'll start pouting and giving you puppy eyes while saying some shit like "But I cooked it just for you...". 7/10 I would never trust this man with my diet.
Amon doesn't cook often and when he does the kitchen ends up a mess. He likes messing up recipes, sometimes just because he forgot to add an ingredient, other times just so he can annoy Naberius. He loves cooking with his s/o because it's a bonding activity that ends with a nice meal and the both of you covered in flour with small burns on your hands. He gets horny from seeing the scene and he's so glad that after the sex you have food to munch on. Best day of his life. Either 4/10 if you're the one cleaning the kitchen after him or 10/10 if you're cooking with him.
Bael... he made Stolas hiccup bubbles from one of his meals... 1/10 ban this man from the kitchen. At least Beelzebub's cooking tastes nice.
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joedirtymadre · 6 months
Sandwiches - Part 1
LAW X READER. FLUFF. (Taking requests 📲 pls send em 🧎‍♀️)
It’s been a few weeks since the captain of the Heart Pirates came aboard. However… I never really thought that this would be the result of the alliance. I’ve noticed that Law really likes hanging around me, not sure why… but as soon as we boarded he seemed to have liked being alone or unbothered.
Then one day…
“Hey (Y/N)!” Luffy called out as I had just finished creating some new outfits for the crew. “What’s up?” I asked. “Can you ask Sanji for some food? He banned me from the kitchen because the other night I raided the pantry,” Luffy said with a defeated look. “And I’m so hungry,” he whined. “Hmmm… I’ll try my best, but you know if I ask for too much food he’ll get suspicious,” I smiled. “Alright!” Luffy cheered and ran off to hide, in case Sanji caught him scheming a mission.
I walked into the kitchen, “Hi Sanji,” I smiled and waved. “(Y/N)-chwann~” he cooed as he was chopping some ingredients. “Hi Sanji, mind if I make something? Just some sandwiches,” I said. “Sure, but if you want I can make you one real quick,” he said as he placed the knife down. “No! It’s ok, I got it. Plus… Law asked me for one so I wouldn’t want to interrupt you,” I said the first thing that I could think of. “Him?!” He said angrily. “Don’t be angry Sanji, plus I’d hate for you to stop the meal you’re preparing. I’m really excited to try it for dinner,” I smiled and grabbed the objects from the fridge. “You’re so sweet (Y/N)~! I’ll make this one of the best dinners ever,” he said and continued preparing the dish. Phew… anyways, now let’s make some sandwiches.
I made enough sandwiches for each crewmate, except for Sanji- he said he’d rather wait until dinner. I began passing a wrapped sandwich with a glass of juice to everyone. Everyone said thanks and happily took the sandwich and juice from me. I then sneakily walked over to Luffy who was hiding in a barrel, “Hey Luffy! Made you some sandwiches,” I smiled. “How many?” He drooled. “5 of them, I hope that’s enough until dinner,” I said and handed them the wrapped sandwiches. “Wow thanks, ok now can you cover the barrel again? Before Sanji sees me eating?” He asked, I laughed and quickly covered the barrel. I had 2 more sandwiches, and decided to go find the mysterious doctor.
I found him in the library, leaning back in a sofa chair asleep. I quietly placed the sandwiches and a glass of juice on the coffee table next to him. I was about to walk away before my curiosity peaked. I looked over at the large fluffy hat that was covering his eyes, “Just one touch…” I whispered. I slowly walked over and stood in front of the sleeping doctor. I gulped as my hand slowly crept closer and closer to the fluffy white hat. So close… and finally contact! “So soft…” I smiled. “So cute,” I said. “So you think I’m cute, huh (Y/N)-ya?” Law asked as he tilted his head up to look at me. I stood there frozen, then felt my face burn up to a billion degrees. “N-No I was j-just-“ I stuttered as I backed away. “Wow, all shy and flustered, huh? Guess you must really like me?” He smirked. My face felt like it was on fire, and my head started spinning. “W-Wait hear m-me out- Ah!” I slipped while taking a step back, but instead of hitting the floor I felt an arm snake around and caught me. My eyes opened and were faced with a very muscular torso… they then lingered up to see a smirking man. “Falling for me now, are we?” He smirked. “I-I-I-I,” I blushed, and my head went back to spinning in circles. “I think she busted a fuse,” I heard him chuckle. I pushed him back, “I made you some sandwiches, I hope you like them!” I yelled and ran out of the library or else I’m gonna explode.
Back to now…
Ever since that day he hasn’t left me alone… and it’s honestly not too good for my health. I never realized how flirty he is… he’s almost as bad as Sanji, but more bolder. It’s dangerous… So dangerous that I have decided to hide from him or else my heart might actually explode. Now I'm under the dining table, hoping he won’t find me. I’ve been here for 30 minutes, so I think I’m in the clear… I finally let out a sigh of relief. Then suddenly I see a blue color surrounding me, “Room,” I hear and before I know it the captain of the Heart Pirates is over me, his frame pinning me to the floor. “Really (Y/N)-ya? Hiding under the table now?” He chuckles. “It’s cause you-!” I immediately shut my mouth. I hear footsteps, a couple of them. I look over and see Luffy’s, Usopp’s, Chopper’s, and Sanji’s shoes. I look up to Law who is staring back at me with a smirk, I frown angrily in return. “What’s up with that look, (Y/N)-ya?” He whispered in my ear, making my body fill up with goosebumps. “You! You keep-!” I stopped once I heard. “Did you hear that?” I Usopp asked. “Huh?” Sanji asked, annoyed. “Anyways, hurry up and help me move these food items to the pantry,” he said and showed them some boxes. “Roger!” The 3 said and began moving the boxes. “You should really whisper, unless you wanna get caught,” he whispered. “Fine, you just don’t know when to stop teasing people!” I whispered angrily. “What are you talking about? You’re the one that called me cute,” he smirked. “I meant the hat!” I whispered. “Then why do you get so flustered around me?” He asked. “I-I… I don’t know…” I blushed and avoided his eyes. “Come on, just say you like me,” he smirked as he noticed the goosebumps on my skin. “You’re just teasing me,” I frowned. “And? It’s cute seeing how flustered you get,” he says softly. “C-Cute?” I asked, feeling my face heating up. “Yeah, and it looks like you like being teased,” he said as he analyzed my face. “I do not!” I whispered. “You’re just a bully,” I huffed. “Yeah, but only to you. I like your reactions,” he replied as he leaned down and I could feel his breath hitting my neck. “I bet you wouldn’t like it, if I teased you back,” I frowned. “You? Tease and bully me? That’d be a funny sight to see, (Y/N)-ya,” he chuckled softly. “Oh yeah? Well then…” I blushed, as I cupped his face and forced him to face me. He had a surprised look on his face, for only a second, “Well th-“ I interrupted him. I pulled him into a deep kiss, I felt as he tensed up from the sudden contact, but quickly relaxed into it. After a few more seconds we finally pulled away from each other. “I told ya,” I smirked. “Man you sure like to rile people up, don’t you (Y/N)-ya?” He smirked. I don’t think that was a good idea… I looked over and realized the boys were gone. I took this opportunity to snake out of Law’s grasp and jump out from under the table. “Hey!” I heard him say, and heard a hard THUMP come from under the table. “Oh no, are you ok?” I asked, being a habit of mine. He peered out from under the table and looked devilish. “You look fine!” I said and quickly ran off. While running off, I realized something… it is kind of fun to tease him back.
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Fantasy high headcanons let’s gooooo
Fhjy spoilers, long post so it goes ✨under the cut✨
Weekly sleepovers but that’s a given
Somewhere in one of the rooms in Mordred the Bad Kids all carved their names somewhere
Kristen and Fig have an entire corner of the Mordred living room designated as the ‘Secret Service Corner’
Riz is so good at shoplifting to the point that every time they go shopping Sklonda just keeps shooting glances at Riz’s hands to make sure he isn’t taking something or thinking about taking something
She has an entire pocket of her purse dedicated to distraction fidget toys because he can’t shoplifting if he doesn’t have anything to shoplift with
Fig perfected her screamo voice over the summer before freshman year (yknow the one where she was really pissed at her mom. Yeah that summer)
If Fabian ever needs advice on anything his go tos are Riz and Cathilda
Anytime one of the Bad Kids get a call in the middle of the night they just assume it’s Riz
Adaine is the only one allowed to ignore texts and calls and that’s only because she just uses the Message spell to respond to people
Kristen learned Morse code to talk to Fig in class
Fig does not know Morse code but by Cass she can pretend she does
After dropping out Fig will occasionally just shift into different fake students and drop by the others classes
The party always knows its her but nobody else ever does
The freshman thinks it’s a myth (legendary rockstar who dropped out of the school and is being hunted by the school just randomly shows up to classes she has never been enrolled in even when she did go there) but the seniors keep being like “no I swear to god I saw her at lunch earlier she’s gonna be in my class today I know it”
Agent Clark is always hunting her
Kristen Applebees has POTS and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome because I said so she my special girl
Gorgug has made each of the Bad Kids a playlist
And now for a list of things the party has banned Kristen “dex score of 3” Applebees from doing
Playing on Fabian’s DDR machine
Baking (cooking is fine though)
Anything involving putting her on wheels
Juggling (you’d think this wouldn’t be a problem but she did try to once. It did not go well)
Any type of stitches that Riz would be capable of
A lot of Wii games
Just Dance
She also sucks at fantasy Mario Kart but nobody can figure out if it’s the low dex or if she’s just bad at the game
The story of the DDR machine is that once Fig and Kristen challenged each other to a DDR battle to the death and Kristen danced so hard she broke an arm
That was a fun call to Jawbone /s
Adaine once gave Gorgug one of those motivational cat posters except she changed the words to say it’s Gorgug keep going
He genuinely loves it it was one of the things he took with him when he went to go live with Fabian
They’re all neurodivergent because I’m neurodivergent and I said so
Adaine weekly has to take another pair of noise cancelling headphones out of her jacket because Kristen keeps losing hers
Kristen and Adaine are the only two who know how to properly cook
Gorgug is decent at it but he mainly just follows recipes
Riz and Fabian are banned from the kitchen
Fig hasn’t even tried to cook ever everyone knows it wouldn’t end well
Kristen swears she figured out how to make cottage cheese ice cream
She just froze cottage cheese and called it a day
Riz is constantly on hire by Fig to find Bobby Dawn
He found him like a day after he was hired (Bobby Dawn really isn’t that smart) and he told Fig exactly where he was but she just keeps vaguely bothering him
Her goal is to make him think he’s haunted
Riz refuses to take free money from Fabian so Fabian just keeps paying him insane amounts to do the easiest things
1000 gold pieces to make him 1 cup of coffee
Adaine figured out how to do the whole eyes rolling back and glowing thing on command so when someone pisses her off she just casts fly on herself does that says random words and then casts scatter on the person who pissed her off
They all love shrimp and they all love cottage cheese but they absolutely resolutely agree that combined they are fucking terrible
Aguefort does an “everyone gets a a familiar” day
Riz picks a fox
Kristen gets 5 snakes. People try to tell her she only gets one familiar but who is going to argue with the most talented cleric like ever wielding 5 snakes
Fabian picks a parrot and gives him a little eyepatch
Gorgug picks a straight up fucking bear
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miloformula123fan · 8 months
Hi I love you,
the story now has a conclusion but I will be happy to go back to it for some small snippets of their life if people want - just send me a message in my inbox
lmk if you want to be added to the taglist for anything created in this universe
Please keep requesting - y'all have awesome ideas we agree on a lot of stuff :) - my guidelines are here, and if you want some prompts, they are here.
also feel free to come in and start chatting to me in my asks, would love to get to know y'all better
part 1 is here, part 2 is here
george russell x sargeant!reader
He’d started with flowers. He remembered that she liked orange, so he had gifted her some orange lilies, yellow carnations and tiger lilies. The florist had looked at him very weird when he’d asked for those 3 flowers, but wrapped it nonetheless. He’d had no response after leaving them at Logan’s front door, despite the note also left. Lily had looked at him like he was an idiot when he told her what he did.
Then there were some bad jokes sent to her phone. All left on read. Okay maybe sending her some jokes from a book titled ‘bad dad jokes for dads’ was a bad idea but he had just hoped that they would make her laugh. Lily once again looked at him like he was stupid and Alex had also laughed at him when he told them.
He was never taking relationship advice from then.
He started talking to Logan again. It had been a little awkward because he had been broken up with by his sister, but they managed. He was a good running partner and seemed to be able to differentiate between George, his friend, and George, his sister’s ex boyfriend. Alex had smiled and Oscar had winked when they all went out for dinner together. Lewis just waggled his eyebrows.
He googled the flowers. Okay, maybe sending her a bouquet full of hateful flowers was a bad idea. He made sure to actually consult the florist and instead gave her some orange roses, frangipanis and alstroemerias. She answered the door this time and smiled when she saw the flowers.
She invited him in. Talked to him at the kitchen table where he’d made her pancakes on one of the few cheat days that lined up together. She put the flowers in a vase on the table. He could see the old flowers chucked in the bin. She gave a sheepish smile when she followed his gaze to the bin. He couldn't remember what exactly she said, but he left with tickets for her next Arsenal game in his coat pocket.
He went for another jog with Logan that week. Then joined him in the friends and family box for the Arsenal game. Then he went to the Paris Olympics to cheer her on for her second place medal. In return she had come to Miami and cheered him on from the Williams garage. Then she had come to COTA and cheered her brother on from the Mercedes garage. George and Logan had laughed about that.
“Well, now that I’m banned from the Williams and Mercedes garage, I guess it is time to finally time to say, I love you Russel George.”
“Does this mean I'm forgiven?”
“I suppose so.”
“Love you too Y/N Sargeant.”
taglist: @folklorsweet @the-untamed-soul @thatgirlmj @cstads-blog @sinofwriting
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On My Mama Pt. 6
Tags: @mixedfandxms @shurislover @lppriceisright @sweetalittleselfish-honey @desswright29 @cutttteeee @onyxstones-world @katymae12344 @doramilaj233 @sweetalittleselfish-honey @6-noir @khara876 @she-is-my-unrequited-love34 @teadah18 @un-deniable-me3 @goolishh @anayaperry @undercover-introvert @delightreadsfics
“Yo, ya’ll be doing too much.” Riri grumbled to Shuri as she sat at the kitchen island; eating a bowl of cereal. She looked exhausted. Shuri chuckled, as she drank the last of the orange juice straight out of the carton.
“My bad, Ri.” Shuri clasped a hand on Riri’s shoulder. It had been two days since the diner scene and She’d finally unlocked the lab. You and Shuri had returned back to the apartment the night before and had spent the entire night fucking.
Shuri had energy that never seemed to go down whilst you were running on the power of pure pettiness. Your moans, cries and screams the work of Shuri’s talented tongue, lips, hands and strap. You didn’t have to fake shit, Shuri worked the sounds out of your throat with little effort.
“When the fuck did this even happen? How?” Riri asked, she wanted to know how you came to fuck Shuri.
“We just talked everything out and then it just happened and kept happening.” Shuri shrugs. She tossed the empty carton in the trash before grabbing some fruit. She rinsed them and started to peel and cut them before placing them into a bowl.
She’d watched you enough to know you loved fruits. Your main favorites being mangoes, pomegranates, pineapples, kiwis, peaches, grapes, tangerines, oranges, and berries.
“Why did you lock me out of the lab?” Riri asked, still pissed about that.
“Riri. I locked everyone out of the lab. Y/n and I were fucking all over the place, why would I keep the lab open to everyone including you?” Shuri raised a brow, as she stared at the smaller girl.
“You’ve never banned me from the lab before.” Riri had a look in her eye.
“I didn’t ban you. I shut the lab down for a few days. Y/n is entitled to privacy. You may like exhibitionism but she doesn’t.” Shuri’s tone was very matter of fact and the look she gave Riri, had her realizing that Y/n had told her everything that had transpired between them fully.
“I wasn’t thinking. I was angry and hurt and…” Riri bit her lip as she felt the overwhelming urge to cry. She’d never felt this out of control and lost before. She didn’t know what to do or how to fix what she’d done.
Shuri frowned. Riri had never in all the time she’d known her been so emotional. Yes, Riri had her moments where she was angry and let her temper tule her but she’d never been so sad. She wasn’t used to seeing this side of Riri.
“I hurt Y/n and it’s killing me because she didn’t deserve that. She’s so sweet and kind and full of love underneath that bitchy, tough demeanor she has going on.” Riri sighed in frustration. “I care about her, more than I thought I ever would care about anyone let alone her. She hates me and I deserve that. I fucked up.”
“I’m not going to lie to you. What you did was fucked. However, I know you. You don’t have a malicious bone in your body. You were wrong and you did hurt Y/n but you can’t wallow in pity. You want her forgiveness, earn it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, it won’t fix anything.” Shuri insisted, before grabbing the bowl of fruits and a bottled water. She headed for her bedroom, to see you seated on the bed.
She’d heard you run from the door to the bed as she came over. You were eavesdropping. She closed the room door behind her, and walked the items over to you. You have her a small smile in thanks before placing the food on the nightstand.
What Riri had said struck you. You hated the fact you felt bad. Why should you feel bad? She’d done something so fucked up and now she was sorry? She should have thought of this before she did what she did.
You felt a pang of guilt at the thoughts that ran through your head.
The next few weeks passed with you having very few interactions with Riri. She went back to her same old song and dance of ordering you food, leaving out notes for your classes, doing your laundry and leaving notes.
Each note was heartfelt and full of remorse but you hated them. You felt torn between forgiveness and resentment. She made herself scarce whenever you were around, locking up in her room or heading to the lab. The longer you went without seeing her, the more you felt bad.
You hated how much you liked the girl who'd disrespected you in a way you'd never been disrespected. Were you a glutton for punishment?
After a while fucking Shuri got to be draining. While you loved fucking her, you had no feelings for her and it felt passionless despite her setting your body on fire each time. You needed feelings and fucking, not just one but both.
You still slept in Shuri's room despite not having sex, liking her company. You both talked and it was eye opening because you learned so much about her. She told you about her family; her father, brother and mother.
Things many people didn't know and you were shocked she was so candid with you. She told you about how she'd met Riri, and the events leading up to the loss of her mother. Why she'd bonded with Riri as much as she had and why she felt she was cursed or paying for sins she was unaware of.
The more Shuri expressed herself, the more you realized just why she was the way that she was. She'd lost so much so young and it made your heart ache. You felt like your world had ended when you lost your father but Shuri had lost her whole family, a whole support system of people that loved and cared for her no matter what.
You'd only ever had your father once your mother decided your sexuality was something she couldn't look past, the hypocritical bitch. The more you hung out and talked, the less Shuri partied, drunk or smoked. She was laser focused on her goals, whilst turning to exercising for an outlet.
You were proud of her, seeing her get herself together and let go of her demons. She'd recently enrolled in therapy virtually with a Wakandan Doctor and made plans to visit her brother's ex lover. You knew both were big steps for her as she'd never taken mental health seriously before, and she hadn't seen her brother's ex lover since shortly after the death of her mother.
Whilst the two of you formed a friendship, you were forced to watch Shuri get her shit together. You realized you no longer had a choice to wallow in self pity or be drowned with your anger, bitterness and resentment.
Shuri helped you sign up with a Wakandan Doctor separate from her own, but you'd bailed each time the appointment was set and the call came through.
You were scared. You could admit that. You didn't want to have to dive through the several layers of fuckery that plagued your mind and your heart.
"Hey..." You looked up to see Riri standing in the entry way of the kitchen as you did your homework at the kitchen island.
"Hi." You said, dryly.
"How are you?" Riri asked, her body language showing just how uncomfortable she was.
"Peachy." You responded, looking back down at your notebook before continuing your writing.
"I um... I've been meaning to talk to you--"
"To apologize?" You snorted before looking up at her. "I don't need another apology, I've had plenty. You showed me exactly who you are and what you're capable of. I'm not even mad anymore, it was my mistake to think you were someone I could trust."
"Y/n..." Riri sighed, running her hands over her freshly done marley twists.
"Is that all you needed?" You asked.
"I... yeah." She looks down before turning around, defeated. Your attention went back to your homework, frustrated at the smallest tinge of excitement you got from seeing her. It'd been weeks since you'd seen her face to face.
"No." You hear and frown as you look up. "I was wrong, I admit that. I can't say anything that could ever take away what I did, I know that but I like you and I know you like me too. I can't pretend like these feelings don't exist, I've never cared about someone the way I care about you and it's killing me knowing I hurt you the way that I have, Ma..."
Your breath hitched as you listened to what she said. Each word making you more confused.
"Tell me you don't like me, look me in the eyes right now and tell me that you don't care about me..." Riri said, her eyes locked with yours as she walked towards you.
"You don't get to---"
"Shut. Up." Riri growled, her eyes hooded as she pulled you to face her and kissed you. Her hands gripping your face as she tried to convey the way she felt in the kiss.
"Stop." You fought against her, hating how your body was melting into her touch.
"I'm sorry, Ma." She whispered against your lips. "I'm so fucking sorry."
She continued apologizing between kisses, while holding you close to her. You felt your resolve growing weak as you moaned into her mouth. This kiss was unlike any kiss you'd ever had before and it made you angry.
"Ya'll gonna fuck in the kitchen?" You hear and Riri reluctantly moves away and you both take breaths.
"And if we were?" Riri asked her, raising a brow.
"Odd considering you know me and Y/n are kicking it." Shuri huffs.
“I didn’t realize you two were exclusive.” Riri raised a brow though it was clear the statement was a dig at Shuri.
“At the very least we’re closer than the two of you.” Shuri responded, and even though she was wearing shades it was obvious she was glaring at Riri.
“Hi, Hey, Hello?!” You wave a hand at the pair. “I’m single and can very much do whatever the fuck I want.”
“And Riri, it’ll take more than an apology and some kisses to get in my good graces. I’m tolerating you, don’t get cocky.” You level her with a stare that you hope conveys how much you did NOT like her at the moment.
Shuri smirked, and you rolled your eyes. They were acting like children. You weren’t some shiny new toy they could play with and fight over. You were a human being with real needs and emotions. It was pissing you off that they seemed to think they could do whatever to you and you’d allow it.
Forgiveness didn’t mean letting either of them continue to play you for a fool. You used Shuri for sex, and she was great to talk to but that’s as far as things went in your head. Your heart was a different story, you had a soft spot for the both of them in different ways but you refused to ever become vulnerable with either of them because you had not faith or trust in them.
Sex was simple. Fun, addicting. But anything else was just not happening. You weren’t ever going there again. Love was bullshit, and while you didn’t think you ever loved anyone before you could admit Riri made you feel things that made you second think that thought. While you could admit you were growing to like their ex, she played you worse than either of them. And to add insult to injury she never even liked you. Just used you.
“If this is going to be a problem, I can easily go back to fucking the bartender.” You say to Shuri, and the both of them glare at you. You smile, turning to head to your room. “Maybe I should hit her up again.”
A hand snatches your hips quickly, stopping you in place.
“No one can compare to me, and you know that.” Shuri says as she kisses your neck. Her hands grip your hips possessively.
“True.” You agree, holding back a moan as she sucked on your spot. Out of any one you’d fucked, Shuri had been the best and you were certain of that.
Riri scoffs to herself as Shuri turned you and lifted you up with ease and you wrapped your legs around her. A small part of you relished how uncomfortable and envious Riri felt. You knew she was pissed and the mere satisfaction of her feeling some of the hurt you felt, seemed to boost your eagerness as you moaned out.
A knock sounds at the door, and you hear Riri heading for the door as Shuri bit down on your pulse point. Your clit throbbed as she pressed you tighter against her.
“Well, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Does it love ?” A familiar voice says and you freeze as Shuri’s head whips up to look towards the door.
“It’s like looking in a mirror….” Riri whispered to herself, as she stared at the woman that resembled an older, taller you.
You turned slowly and stared.
“Well aren’t you going to invite your mother in?” She questions, looking between you, Riri and Shuri.
Just a short little update to shake things up a bit 😉
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Dancing On Your Heartstrings
Chapter 1
Ranveer POV
"Ranveer Kashyap. Sweet name, by the way."
Ranveer turned to face the boy -the eternally exhausting, exasperating boy- and said, "Hindi bol le, angrez ki aulad."
Raghav put down his coke and feigned hurt, placing a hand above his heart. "Aap mujhe aisa kaise keh sakte hain?" he said in a dramatically British accent. 
For the nth time that day, Ranveer sighed. Why did he ever think this could work out? No- Why did the principal think this could work out. He and Raghav could never work together. The boy was simply too… draining. He was a goddamned vampire dressed in neon jackets that sucked your life force out of you. Two days with him and Ranveer was already thinking of getting a prescription of migraine meds. 
"The competition is in two weeks, Raghav. And we haven't even choreographed yet!" 
Raghav, however, didn't seem the slightest bit pressed. "So? We can choreograph in two days, practice for ten days, rehearse on the last two days. Easy."
Ranveer wanted to grab him by the neck and shove his face into chullu bhar paani. "Easy? Easy!? Easy hogi meri chappal. Tu do minute cooperate to kar. Main akela thodi kar lunga ham dono ka dance choreograph?"
"Arey bas, yaar. Chill kar na thoda. See, main kathak se related kuch choreograph karta hu, tu hip hop jaisa kuch dhundh. Dono ke genres intermix to karke kuch dynamic banate hai."
"Dynamic to apna ban jayega. Pata bhi hai BCPA ki team ne kab ki preparations shuru kar di? Aur tune aaj ka pura din waste karwa diya. Na kuch kiya na karne diya," Ranveer grumbled, shoving his feet into his shoes. He shouldered his bag and walked out of the practice room. After waiting for a while, he noticed Raghav was still in the room. "Chaliye, maharaj. Mujhe is room ko lock karke warden ko keys bhi deni hai."
Raghav was rooted in his place. This guy was just one weird thing after another. His coffee-brown curls really looked like a bird's nest after a whole another day of goofing around and doing no real practice. His face had a thoughtful expression, eyes squinting, gazing into the distance. "Oye!" Ranveer called out to him. Then, he seemed to come back to his senses. 
For some reason, there was a slight tint of redness on his cheeks. Perhaps from exhaustion. Maybe being stupid did make you tired, Ranveer had thought idiots never ran out of energy. 
"Listen," Raghav called out. Ranveer quirked up an eyebrow. "You want to practise right? Come to my house. I don't have any siblings, to koi pareshan bhi nahi karega. We can look up dance moves and choreograph together."
Ranveer wanted to refuse, but when he actually considered it, it wasn't that bad of an idea. Begrudgingly, he replied, "Okay."
Raghav flashed him a grin, showing his pretty teeth that Ranveer was always so tempted to break. 
Once again, Ranveer sighed. "Ab maharaj baahar aayenge ya aapke liye paalki bulai jaae?"
• • • 
It was five pm when the bell to the patil household rang.
"Aati hu!" chimed in a woman's voice from inside the house. Not long after, the door opened. 
It was Mrs Patil, Raghav's mother, probably. She looked at him, head to toe, from his sleek black hair, to the slight stubble on the dark skin of his face. Shit, should he have shaved? Was she judging him? He was already going mad overthinking. But then Mrs Patil tilted her head and asked, "Ranveer?" 
Oh, she has never seen me before. That's why. Ranveer smiled and nodded, earning a warm smile from Mrs Patil too. She had benevolent-looking eyes and deep dimples. So that's where Raghav got them from. Ranveer had always thought he got them from his father, since he looked so much like the man. 
"Arey, andar aao na, beta. Raghav told me you would come today. Do you want chai?"
Ranveer took the corner seat of the sofa and looked around. Mrs Patil hadn't waited for his answer and was already pouring a cup of chai for him. "Thank you," he said and took the cup she handed him.
"If you need anything, I'll be in the kitchen, beta. Raghav bhi aata hi hoga."
With that, she disappeared into the kitchen. Ranveer sipped on his chai and cursed himself for not asking her for her name. Now he'll have to be stuck calling her "Mrs Patil" or "Aunty".
Thought the word aunty wouldn't suit her. Despite her age, she had the sort of radiance in her that many women seemed to lack. Until now, Ranveer couldn't place a name on it, but now he realised that he had seen the same untiring energy in Raghav. He had only met Raghav's father, because he also taught at their college. So he had connected all the dots about him to his father and filled in the blank spaces, the things he didn't know about them, with his imagination. 
It had been easy, both him and his father were equally energetic. Though the teacher knew how to keep a class in check, and Raghav didn't even know how to keep himself in check.
But now he realised, Raghav was much more like his mother than his father. In only a few seconds, his mother had made Ranveer recall Raghav so many times you'd think he was in love with him, thinking of him every few seconds and all.
Ranveer pushed the intrusive thought out of his mind. Phew, his mind could be a weird place. Especially when he was drinking chai with this much masala. He was pretty sure he was tasting mulethi, and he'd never had mulethi in chai before. Weird, weird family and their weird, weird chai habits. 
He was finished with his cup when the door sprung open. Raghav, who didn't even have the common sense of not calling someone to his home when he's not even at home himself, grinned at him and threw his bag beside him. "I'll go wash my face. You can wait for me in my room."
Ranveer went to put his cup in the kitchen sink, but he couldn't stop the heat in his cheeks from seeing the grin on Raghav's face. One look at him and Ranveer's own brain betrayed him, replaying that same intrusive thought for some reason. 
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qwerty019283ytrewq · 7 days
You're not a honey badger...
Max is standing in the doorway watching Daniel dancing to the music in the kitchen and trying to cook them breakfast. The Australian shakes his hips and shakes his head to the beat. He has not noticed the Dutch yet, although he only needs to raise his head. Max quietly approaches him, trying to walk slowly and carefully, but the whole idea is interrupted when Daniel still looks at him. He tries so hard there that he abruptly lets go of the knife, jumps away from the table, and raises his hands.
"What the hell?!"
The red panda. Yes, he looks like a red panda.
Shooting another stupid Youtube video. Max finishes his second Red Bull of the day and tries to listen to a bunch of people who say what he will have to do for filming.
All their words pass Max by because he is focused on Daniel. Dan is chewing on the laces of his hoodie. Dan walks around the set. Dan makes faces at the camera, which doesn't work. Dan claps his hands, ruffles Yuki's hair, dodges Yuki's punches, giggles, jumps...Right now he's standing behind Max and pointing in his back.
Max turns around, puts his hands on the Australian's shoulders and makes eye contact.
"Sit down!" Max presses on Daniel's shoulders and Daniel sits down on a chair that is conveniently right behind him.
Max returns to the group of people responsible for this shooting and hears Dan's foot beating a familiar rhythm only to him. "He's like a restless puppy", Max thinks.
There are good days, and there are not so good days. Daniel's car couldn't get into the points again, and Max's car turned into a lawn mower. Reporters were asking them the same questions again, about Daniel's resignation and Max's move to Mercedes. They were both exhausted over the weekend and were just enjoying the peace of their apartment.
They have been lying on the couch in the living room for five hours now and watching a documentary about some kind of jungle. Max is awake and asleep, but what remains constant is Dan's hugs. All the time they were lying on the couch, Daniel hugged Max with all his limbs, and when the Dutch was about to go to the toilet, Dan whimpered and refused to let him go. Only the reminder that they would have to throw out Daniel's favorite couch if the Australian didn't let Max take a leak made Dan unclench his hands. But he stuck back as soon as Max returned. He hugged his koala back tightly and kissed his curls. This is definitely one of the best days in recent months.
They rarely go anywhere other than racing and their factories. But they were going to the club that day, Martin refused to be friends with them anymore if they didn't go.
Max was standing in front of the mirror and straightening his hair when Daniel's strong arms wrapped around his waist. The Australian rested his head on Max's shoulder and looked at him through the mirror.
"Hi, beauty, you're resting here alone?" Daniel said in a low voice and pushed his hips forward.
"Daniel, we're going to be late."
"It's not my fault that you look so beautiful. You should be banned from wearing that fucking T-shirt. It's hugging your torso too tight, everyone's going to stare at you."
Max pulled away from Dan's embrace and looked at his outfit appraisingly. Black skinny jeans, a black shirt with two buttons unbuttoned, a chain accentuating Daniel's strong neck.
"If anyone is going to be stared at, it's you."
"They'll stare at you, they'll stare at me, they won't let us rest." Dan hugged Max again and said in a low and drawling voice
"Imagine how great we can spend time at home. I'll make you a Gin and tonic, I can do anything else. Hmm?"
"You're snake tempter, Ricciardo. Your words are sweet, but the taxi is already waiting for us."
Someone started this conversation again. Max is already used to it. Both, he and Daniel know that it's better not to get involved in something like this, but Daniel has already drunk three shops and two cocktails, so he took part in the dispute no matter what.
"Come on, buddy, your self-driving car is no longer a self-driving car, so you can't win anymore. Admit it, you're not as legendary as you want to seem."
Max wasn't going to be legendary, he just liked racing, he liked winning and he was good at it... until recently. Daniel, who had been laughing at some stupid joke before, suddenly became serious. His smile disappeared, his brows furrowed, and he could be seen clenching his teeth. Max lazily noted that it was worth reminding the Australian about the health of his teeth.
"Listen, buddy. You don't go there, you don't sit in the car, you don't accelerate it to such a speed that the stands merge into one line. His car may be crap right now, but he drives it well enough to lose only 2-3 points in the race. Others would have lost their hopes for the title two races ago, but he is still in the fight. 2-3 points, on at least the third, or even the fourth car in speed. So cover your mouth and drink your cocktail."
Angry, aggressive, ready to grab his opponent by the throat...hot...sexy. "Still the same honey badger." Max thought lazily and squeezed Daniel's thigh tightly.
Daniel pulled back the curtains and turned at the movement in the bed.
Max has never been an early riser, especially after a night at the club. Daniel walks over to the bed and carefully lies down next to the Dutch. Max winces at the sun, pulls the blanket higher and buries his face in the pillow. He probably has a headache, but he will endure it until the last moment. Daniel reaches out and starts to sort through Max's hair, as he likes. The pain will subside a little and Max will finally be able to open his eyes.
The ping of the phone distracts Dan from his occupation. He takes his phone to the bedside tables and checks mail. It takes about two minutes before Max pushes his head into Daniel's shoulder.
"Why did you stop?" Max speaks hoarsely and looks at Dan with one single open eye.
Daniel chuckles softly and returns his hand to the hair of the Dutch, who buries his head in Dan's palm and exhales with relief.
"If he could, he would purr like a real cat." Daniel thinks with a gentle smile on his lips.
I may not be a honey badger, but you're not a lion either.
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justtwotired · 6 months
Whispers of the night Lloyd G. X F!reader
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Part 1 - previous - next
Warning: slight sexual content
Tag list: @cipheress-to-k-pop @whore-of-many-hot-men @bodieohbo @anyth1ngfor0urmoony @luvizuku @viannasthings
Your pov:
I closed the door behind me and waved at Luna who was serving tables. It was a day before Christmas Eve and it was rather busy today.
Normally I don’t work on Wednesday’s, but Luna, who stood alone today, called me as there was an unexpected crowd.
Quickly, I dumped my jacket in the kitchen and headed out to help the people at the counter.
“Are you guys open tomorrow?” The woman asked me and I shook my head.
“Uh no, seeing it’s Christmas Eve tomorrow we are closed, I’m sorry,” I apologised and the woman frowned for a second.
“But I really need a cake tomorrow,” she said and I internally groaned, how did I manage to be here for five minutes and there was already someone being annoying?
“Do you have an order?” I asked, and took the map where we managed the orders from the shelf.
“No? I just thought to swoop by tomorrow and grab a cake,” she said and I let out a sigh.
“Then I am sorry to say that that is not possible, we do not have the time to make a cake on such short notice,” I said and she looked like she wanted to argue but decided against it.
The woman walked out, without any goodbyes and I turned to the young couple who had stood behind her.
“Can I help you two?” I asked, exchanging looks with poor Luna who was stuck talking to one of our regulars. That woman never shut up about herself and escaping was not an option really.
“Yes, please, is there still room for us to sit?” The girl asked and I nodded.
“Uh yeah, at the window over there I think, other than that we’re completely full,” I said and they exchanged happy looks.
“Great, can we get two cappuccino’s then?” She asked and I nodded again.
“Yes, of course,” I quickly wrote it down together with the place they would be sitting. “Please take a seat, I’ll bring it in a second,” I gestured to the spot and they thanked me and walked off.
I quickly headed for the espresso machine and started two cappuccino’s along with a latte, spotting the small sticky note that still stuck to the counter, an order Luna probably hadn’t been able to fit onto her tray.
As I was steaming the milk, she joined me and quickly started arranging a tray for the two yet to be made orders.
“Can you also make a double espresso and a normal coffee for table four?” She asked and I nodded.
“Finally escaped uphill?” I asked amused as I poured the steamed milk into the two cappuccino cups, only to steam milk again for the latte macchiato.
“God, that woman is insufferable,” Luna shook her head and took the two cappuccinos. “Honestly, can’t we just ban her from the shop? If I hear something about her dog one more time I’m going to barf,” she said, walking off as I laughed.
Half an hour later, most people where gone, only three teenage girls and an older couple who regularly came for just two coffee where seated.
“Thank you so much for helping me out here, you are an angel,” Luna came to stand next to me and handed me some coffee, which I found out contained a pump of caramel, when I took a sip.
“Oh I know,” I grinned, watching the rain outside. “I don’t think we’ll be getting a white Christmas,” I pointed out a tat disappointed.
“Oh god, you don’t have to walk home trough this rain right?” Luna asked, giving me a pitying look, making me chuckle.
“Nah, I already managed to get a personal taxi,” I winked and as if on cue, greenie walked trough the door, surprising even me.
I had called Lloyd, but I didn’t know he’d show up like this.
“You called an uber?” He asked amused and Luna laughed next to me.
“Of course,” she said shaking her head, “when one needs a ride home, call the green ninja,” she gave me a look and I shrugged.
“Hey, Lloyd was busy, and I needed a ride, if you have the privilege, you should use it,” I said and headed into the kitchen to grab my jacket.
“Ready to go?” Greenie asked and I nodded.
“Jup, ready as can be, what are we taking? Motorcycle or the dragon?” I asked him, before he could answer, the door opened and the earth ninja also joined us.
“Can you two hurry up? Red is loosing his mind waiting for N/n,” he said and both me and greenie chuckled.
“Yes, coming,” I quickly walked towards the door and followed Greenie out.
“Bye, Lu!” I waved and she smiled and waved aswel.
“O-oh, bye Luna,” Cole noticed her and also waved, making her chuckle shyly and waved back, her cheeks tinted a bit red.
“I will never get over the fact that you have the hots for one of my best friends,” I said when the door was closed, making Cole shush me as if Luna would be able to hear.
Both me and Lloyd laughed at him while he rolled his eyes and flew off on his dragon.
“Trouble!” Kai flew into my side, hugging me making me laugh. “Finally you’re here, these guys where getting boring,” he waved a hand at the others who made offended noises.
“Awe, I missed you too,” I said with a small smile before it fell, “but uh, can we get going? I’m getting drenched and I would appreciate some warmth,” I said making the others chuckle, before calling upon their elemental dragons.
Lloyd held out a hand for me to take, and so I did, before he too, summoned his dragon and we flew off.
“You’ve got to teach me how to do that some day soon,” I said, making him look back at me, “my father never learned me, he never knew how to do it himself,” I explained further and his eyebrows rose.
“I’ll teach you, but let’s get you home first,” he said before pausing, “you can come to the monastery to if you want,” he suggested and a smile grew on my face.
“Yes!” I said excitedly and he chuckled before saluting and taking a turn, changing the course to the monastery instead of my house.
At the monastery, he led me trough the garden, which he hadn’t showed me yet. It was beautiful, all kinds of plants grew everywhere and Lloyd promised that in the spring, the first flowers would start to grow and the whole garden would be full off colour.
I beamed at him and looked back at the garden, imagining it with flowers and other kinds of plants.
The breeze picked up and I shivered, pulling my coat tighter around myself in hopes of warming myself up.
An arm was put around me and Lloyd leaned in close, “let’s get you inside,” he whispered right next to my ear, causing my cheeks to heat up.
Inside, he lead me towards his room and we bumped into Koko along the way.
“Y/n, you’re here, how good to see you,” she pulled me into a hug and I smiled, hugging her back. She put me at arms length and smiled at me, “has Lloyd asked you to spent new years here yet?” She asked and my eyes widened slightly, I looked back at Lloyd who gave me a sheepish grin.
“I was planning on doing that later!” He insisted when he caught his mothers scolding glare. I chuckled at the exchanged while Lloyd crossed his arms and Koko shook her head before giving me an expecting look.
“Uhm, I’ll have to talk to my parents about that first, but I really love the idea, thank you so much for inviting me,” I wasn’t shy in showing my excitement and the woman beamed at me.
“Let us know, I’d love for you to be there,” she insisted before pulling me into one final hug and walking past us, giving Lloyd an affectionate pat on the shoulder before turning the corner.
He took my hand and lead me towards his room, closing the door behind him while I went and took a seat on his desk chair, turning it around so I had my back turned to the desk.
“What are we going to do?” I asked, glancing around the rather empty room.
“Well, I was planning to ask you to join us for new years here, but that plan is ruined,” he hugged and I giggled.
He looked at me and his gaze softened. I sent him a smug smile back and leaned back against the chair a bit more. “What’s the new plan?” I asked, looking up at him and he huffed a small laugh, taking a few steps towards me.
“What do you want it to be?” He shot back and placed both his hands on the desk behind me, causing me to be trapped between his arms, making me look up at him, probably an absolute blushing mess.
“Take a guess,” I breathed out and he looked thoughtfully for a moment.
“Hm, I don’t know, maybe we can watch a movie or something,” he teased and I groaned.
“Oh shut up and kiss me already,” I said and with a chuckle he leaned down and caught my lips in a soft kiss.
My hands clasped around his neck, pulling him into me even more. One of his hands slipped from the desk to my waist, making me softly gasp, he grasped the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, making me absolutely melt.
We parted and he pulled me up to stand, and if it wasn’t for his hands on my waist, I bet my knees would have buckled.
He didn’t waist time to kiss me again and I couldn’t help but softly chuckle at his eagerness, he deepened the kiss and I pressed my body against him as much as I could, if I was able to mold into him I would.
He pulled away and took my hand slowly walking backwards and I followed without much thought, when he sat down on the bed, I softly kissed his lips again before sitting down to straddle him. He moved his hands to my hips while mine were tangled in his soft hair.
Pulling away from me, he started trailing kisses from my jaw down to my neck. I sucked in a sharp breath when he placed and open mouthed kiss on my neck and I completely lost my breath when he carefully nipped at my skin.
I had a complete error at that, it took a moment for me to start breathing again and gave me an amused smirk before pecking my lips again.
“Hm?” He hummed teasingly and I let out an airy laugh.
“God, you’re irresistible,” I said breathlessly causing his cocky smirk to grow before placing another open mouthed kiss on my neck and I couldn’t help but let a whimper escape me at the feeling of bliss.
It only caused him to chuckle in amusement before pulling his head back and kissing my lips again.
Suddenly there was rapid knocking on the door and it flew open a second later.
“Are you two joining us- HOLY FUCK!” Kai covered his eyes in horror. “Damn you two horny ass teenagers, at least lock the fucking door!” He yelled and left the room, shutting the door behind him, his yelling voice disappearing into the hallway.
I met Lloyds eyes and he snorted, covering his mouth with his hand and I followed. We silently giggled and I leaned my head on his shoulder.
“Let’s go see what he was going to ask us,” I suggested with a grin and he nodded and stood up, still holding my waist to put me back on my feet.
He pressed one last kiss to my forehead before taking my hands and walking out of the room. I followed wordlessly, looking at him with adoration, I loved this man so much it hurt.
I spent Christmas Eve the next day at James’ house, just like every year. After eating a delicious meal and finishing dessert, the both of us left our parents and my siblings at the dinner table and head up to his room where we could watch a movie.
“So… are we going to talk about it?” He asked smugly making my eyebrows rise I confusion. Nothing remotely interesting happened at the dinner table today and as far as I knew, there was no drama in either our friendgroup or anyone else at school.
“Talk about what?” I asked, crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes while he just sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Listen here, ma’am,” he pointed at me accusingly, “that makeup on your neck might fool your parents but it ain’t fooling me- now tell me, did you get laid?” He asked and my eyes widened.
I spluttered while my cheeks grew bright red. My hand instinctively shot up to my neck where Lloyd had left hickeys the day before. I had covered them up with makeup so my parents wouldn’t start asking questions.
“James!” I shrieked when I managed to compose myself and went to whack his shoulder while he jumped back, laughing.
“What!?” He called out trough huffs of laughter, “it’s a genuine question- you’ve never done it before, I just want to know how it went!” He insisted before turning serious. “How was he? Was he big? He didn’t hurt you right? How was the experience? Did he take good care of you after?” He shot question after question and my face grew even hotter if that was even possible.
“James!” I interrupted him, “I didn’t not get laid!” His eyes widened at this and than he groaned.
“Still not?” He shook his head and rolled his eyes, “give me his number, I’ll tell him you want to get laid or at least suck his dick or whatever,” he held out his hands as if I would ever give him my phone voluntarily.
“What- no!” I took a few protective paces back, hugging my phone to my chest, “you aren’t telling him that,” I hissed. Even if it’s true.
He huffed and crossed his arms. “Hey- if you want to get laid, you hint to that boy you want to get laid, that’s how simple it is,” he insisted and I dropped my head into my hands.
“God- James stop,” I cried out and he laughed at my misery, making me pick up one of his hoodies that hung over his chair and chug it at him, making him try to dodge it but it went straight into his face, causing me to laugh instead while he gave me an unamused look.
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