#I’d still be an animator
bakudekublogblog · 2 months
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god izuku is so real for being insane and obsessed with him. “kacchan and the others” is so reasonable and understandable actually. it really is kacchan and everyone else
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narratorsandall · 8 months
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Imagine if AvA 5 was just a dream and Dark ends up waking up to Chosen and them living peacefully in their house together and nothing was wrong ever and they were wives and they apologized and-
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foldingfittedsheets · 7 months
My parents decided to just roam for the month of December. Who knows why. They said they didn’t want to do holiday stuff until the new year. Found out later they’d had thanksgiving with my nana. Honestly it woulda been fine if they’d just said they didn’t want the kids over? But instead mom decided lying that they weren’t doing it at all was easier.
My transphobic sister is having a baby so they decided to drive down to her state to see her, after telling me they’d come to my choir concert. And again. That’s fine, I get that the baby is a bigger deal.
But mom asked me to look after her chickens while they’re gone. I dragged myself over aching in every bone from overexertion yesterday, including the concert. When I called concerned about one of her hens dragging a lame foot around she told me that’s just how that chickens always been and not to worry about it. Didn’t ask me how the concert had been.
When my betrothed got home I was deep in sadness pits. I told them, “I feel like that chicken. Hobbling around receiving inferior care and attention from my mom.”
They baked cookies and we cuddled about it.
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ssruis · 1 month
Really funny that tsukasa will be like “I’m so talented and great everyone praise me” & then when people try to thank him for something big outside of like. Acting or producing something. He’s like “I didn’t really do that much though”
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(Specific context bc I’m not taking screenshots of two entire card stories: toya is thanking him for bringing him out w saki to the mall/arcade to cheer him up after main story akitoya divorce)
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knackeredforever · 3 months
Anytime someone complains about a lack of diverse body types and character designs in anime and manga a person materialises in front of them to recommend dungeon meshi.
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a-cha0tic-intr0v3rt · 22 days
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ok probably not funni but i had to
i just LOVE osomatsu san and these “wE aRe GoInG tO BeAt YoU tO dEaTh” memes
as an edgy kid i honestly love them so much
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teabiscs · 1 month
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Mayblade 2024: Day 20 - Horizon
Some fun lighting and a bitbeast.
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 month
So about last night...
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I'm still not over it.
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I decided to gather up some of my favorite anime art styles for funsies, and tried to order them from oldest to newsest. I’ll be listing them in order in the tags, incase anyone is curious which anime they are from. Here they are:
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Ranma 1/2 art style in the anime changes pretty drastically. Tbh I prefer how the characters look in season 1 - 5 vs the later seasons. Specifically I like when the characters have bigger eyes, but still have a dog nose, like in this image I used. I would have put Urusei Yatsura, but I thought I’d just say that Rumiko Takahashi’s art in general is one of my favorite art styles, and most anime adaptations of her works would be here too..
I put the Ocarina of Time manga here, but I do mean all the TLoZ mangas by Akira Himekawa. Heck her art in general is beautiful!
There’s definitely other art styles out there too, but these usually come to my mind. Doing this made me realize that I like early 2000s anime art styles more than I realized.
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keirankane · 9 months
This might be kinda niche but does anyone remember how Kaiba was straight up being blamed for what happened to Gozoboro??? Like he literally had someone run up to him and start yelling saying he, a child, killed Gozoboro… like that’s so insane to me
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With the Dr. Scraptrap AU, I started thinking about what he and Henry would have done together when they were still working together—before certain things happened.
I didn’t think that Fredbear’s Family Diner would have been able to happen—neither of them made Spring Bonnie and Fredbear, and neither of them met the two until much later (when Scraptrap chose Spring Bon as an assistant).
Instead of a restaurant... I think the two would actually just make a show—one involving the Funtimes. And maybe actually making the group, and a location, was on their minds, but it never actually occurred.
Even if in the AU, it was only the show they did, both Scraptrap and Henry still worked on and created things separately and together. Scraptrap especially—he’d just always been creating things.
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interstate35south · 2 months
i love when people draw all the mxtx protagonists together but i’ll be real the generic anime boy face curse is alive and well
more often than not the art itself is fantastic it just takes me like a solid minute to figure out who’s who. bonus points if lbh is robbed of his wavy hair and the only way i can tell him apart from wwx is his forehead
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Is Adam Ugly?
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I’ve seen some folks saying that there’s a subset of the Hazbin Hotel fanbase that is fairly vocal about how they don’t like what Adam looks like under his helmet. As an idiot who didn’t know THIS:
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Wasn’t his real face, I think this is a repeat of the Adam situation in Beauty & the Beast 1991.
It’s not that Adam’s real face is ugly (the design is fine - I still don’t see much of Alex Brightman in him, but he looks good considering he’s throwing a temper tantrum & just got his ass kicked by Lucifer) - we spent 8 episodes getting attached to Exorcist Adam, not Human Adam. They could’ve put ANY face under that mask, and the reaction would probably be the same.
For what it’s worth, Adam looks good with or without the mask, and I love how he’s still got exaggerated expressions no matter which side of him we see.
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tariah23 · 11 months
Ohhh, the animated trailer for the Remnant game is gorgeous!???
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Old man Li Shuwen, Circe…. The blue haired servant has a really nice design as well.
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gnarlycrys · 1 year
I’ve been gate keeping this drawing lmao, but only because I don’t like her 👁️.
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