#I’ll die on that hill
themetalhiro · 8 months
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Its a short walk back to the ship,, if you have to walk at all. 🍻
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season 1 Jamie Tartt being the funny babe he is
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queenpanpan · 8 months
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Guys I’m so normal abt them (lying)
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icetobes · 2 months
i wrote this to be silly !!
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fatestouch · 10 months
listen for those of us who love spicy food, you have not LIVED until you’ve had wendy’s spicy nuggets
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
I was rewatching CW Clone Cadet arc (Domino Squad/Rishi Moon/Attack on Kamino) and thought I’d share some of my Rancor Battalion headcanons (I’ve been working on my Halloween costume and haven’t had the time to work on any fics—sorry)
*All clones are alive and live happily here*
Warnings—Not a fic, headcanons for Rancor Battalion, spoilers for CW, part 1?
Members—Havoc, Blitz, Colt, Hammer
—Colt is the oldest followed by Blitz then Hammer and finally Havoc
—They all have a ❤️MOM tattoo on their shoulder/biceps in honor of Master Shaak Ti, since they all view her as their ‘mom’
—BFFs with 99 obviously
—Defended 99 from Brick the bounty hunter guy who trained Domino Squad
—When 99 says “I’m a soldier! Like you!” I wholly believe that Rancor Battalion taught him all the classic soldier-y things like disarming a bomb, learning ship specs, and how to shoot. I can just see Colt adjusting 99’s grip and aim while Hammer gives advice on his stance. Havoc shares helpful advice about the recoil and safety while Blitz looks on silently with a ‘proud older brother’ look.
—Because Rancor Battalion trains cadets in all stages, if they have a problem, they go to 99, who gives Uncle Iroh-advice lol
—Colt is the squad leader. Strong, slightly assertive type that follows the rules
—Blitz is the medic. Quiet, smart and a gentle soul
—Hammer is the weapons expert. Hammer is a secret artist. Like this man can draw! Think Meelo from Legend of Korra lol
—Havoc is the pilot and the squad joker/fun-loving one
—Havoc is an animal lover and loves hanging with Sergeant Hound and Grizzer, Hound’s tracking massiff
—Blitz loves plants and gardening, especially when it comes to vegetation with medicinal properties
—You wouldn’t know it but Colt’s superstitious
—No one believes Havoc, Hammer or Blitz when they explain why Colt avoids stepping on lines/cracks between floor plates, and keeps a 7-leaf clover Blitz grew in one of his utility belt pockets. Only Shaak Ti knows/believes them.
—They’re all great with the young cadets (the kids)
—Preferring to keep to their squad, they often have 99 join them whenever they have free time/during meals
—All of them are fiercely protective of Shaak Ti and 99.
—They once heard Lama Su speak ill of Shaak Ti and the Jedi. They refused to take orders from him for weeks until they all got court marshaled and Shaak Ti had a talk with them.
—They also overheard Lama Su and Nala Se discuss whether or not to terminate 99 and boy it was a good thing Shaak Ti was there when they confronted the Kaminoans. Cuz they were all ready to kill Lama Su and Nala Se. Shaak Ti talked with them, learned what was going to happen and ordered that 99 be kept.
—*Big bro mode* activates any time a clone makes fun of 99.
—*Big bro mode* also activates any time Shaak Ti brings a jedi youngling/padawan to observe and train a bit. They love all ‘little jedi babies’.
—They also love getting together with Delta Squad for drinks (is the clone bar called 79’s? For some reason I thought that’s the name)
—The kid cadets all aspire ‘to be like Rancor Battalion’
I think that’s all I can think of for now, but am definitely wanting to continue. I also have HCs for the 501st boys, the 212th boys, Delta Squad, Bad Batch, 99, Jango/Boba/Omega, the Wolffepack and a few specific clones like Monnk and Bly.
I’m almost done with my Halloween costume and only have a few accessory pieces to sew. I’m not a seamstress or anything (I just found out about patterns which are like tracers to cut fabric—would’ve been helpful when I was putting my shirts/shorts together) so it’s taking a lot longer than usual, but I’m happy with what I have. I don’t think I’ve said what I’ll be so I want to keep it a surprise until I finish everything. Thanks for being patient with me Readers. I’ll post more once Halloween’s over.
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dont-call-me-william · 11 months
So who pitches and who catches ?
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What do you think? ~Billy
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fruitageoforanges · 2 years
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a little rhaegar i doodled today on my lecture handout (earrings inspired by @saurongirlboss)
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gourdgon · 10 months
Dbd Fans will be Like “this ship is so underrated!” And it’s pedophilic. Like i wonder why honey!!!
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sarcastic-clapping · 2 years
love that wwdits posts are still showing up in my recommended but they’re exclusively about laszlo and sean. those are the only wwdits posts tumblr sees and goes “oh yeah. this is right up that guy’s alley.” and they’re right.
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Australians be like my name is Fred and I’m like oh? can you spell that? and they’re like yeah sure it’s F-R-A-N-Z-I-S-C-A
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zambiescooby · 2 years
also penelope. like fucking eloise goes on and on in s1 about how lady whistledown must be someone no one notices but is everywhere. and it pisses me off because like ELOISE, YOU ARE NOT noticing her. she is right in front of you. and i guess you could make the argument she couldn’t believe she would ever do it because that’s her best friend but i think that’s only part of it. like eloise is up on her high horse and how she wants to *choose* to be independent and never ever seems to acknowledge how penelope is treated the way she is. “you’re penelope you don’t count”.
idk i think eloise never considered penelope because she didn’t truly notice her either.
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tearsofastraeax · 4 months
simon is the type of guy to come up behind you while you're standing in the kitchen, his hands traveling over your hips right to your ass, his hands grabbing your cheeks and giving them a squeeze
"hmmmm, that ass," he sighs into your neck.
"simon....", you chastise him, clearly busy, your hands full, the water nearly overcooking, and the heat from the stove making you sweat.
you notice him step away a bit, but his hands don't leave your ass, giving it a little jiggle instead.
you hear his breathy laugh behind you, "sorry, babe, but these cheeks were calling to me, they miss me"
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releaseholiday · 2 years
courage of you to assume that they thought of something smart from the beginning, when I saw that cover I felt in my heart that this era was going to be messy (sorry who liked it lol
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shallowrambles · 2 years
I still think about Cas’s description of Heaven to Jack, that every angel has a different idea of right and wrong.
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questforgalas · 2 months
Other people: Wow, I never realized how soft Crosshair could be or how in synch with his brothers he is
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