#I’ll throw this in the tag I think
chipgan · 1 month
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💕💕My fucking HUSBAND!!!
Little project I’ve been working on for a bit lol! Custom Chip MH doll!!! Base is a g3 Heath Burns (specifically from scaradaise island)
He’s a little wonky (I’m not the best with physical painting and tiny details) but I think that just makes him way more endearing and I’m very happy with how he came out!!
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quirinah · 2 months
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oomfs started playing a certain visual novel recently
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nox-sssscraps · 6 months
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February + March unfinished/unposted art
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rottin6 · 2 months
layla beloved your frat initiation bartylily chasing-in-the-woods concept is something that i think about…. so frequently. haunts me. i don’t even need you write it atp i just need more THOUGHTS 😭
stopppp it i'm giggling at the thought of them 'cause they're so nasty @sommerregenjuniluft is wholly partly to blame
like picture it, frat boy barty daddy issues barty n trust fund barty all in one, like my guy has issues on top of issues. he's made to go to uni by his dad and (idk how frats work i am british) he's in his third and final year of his degree, and he's the president of the frat obviously cause so was his dad and so was his dad and so on
lily, however, loathes him. she thinks the absolute worst of him but she's never even spoken to him. she just hates what he comes from and all that stuff. she's doing a journalism degree and writes for the college paper, like she's on her grind trying to get through uni
one day lily gets some inside scoop that barty's frat is hosting an initiation ritual that apparently happens every night but no one actually knows what goes down so she makes it her mission to get in so she can publish it in the paper and ruin his image and all that jazz
AND THEN she gets there the night of the ritual and barty sees her and he knows who she is cause she hates him that much and and the ritual basically
the existing frat boys are recruiting the new year boys and as part of the initiation they get chased in the woods and the older years wear masks n shit and it’s fucked up in every sense, like they get their chase and it’s perverted and just so…barty if that makes sense
but it’s just an initiation for the boys, no one else at all so lily has to sneak in and she thinks she’s all slick hiding behind trees n stuff but then
barty creeps up behind her, an ache in the pit of his stomach. even in the night, he hates how he can recognise her by her stupid red hair. there’s an animalistic urge to pull on it, to yank her back into him, but instead he snakes his arm around her throat, his bicep pressing on her pulse. his other hand covers her mouth and he can feel the way her body shakes, how it squirms against him, and he tuts, shaking his head.
now obviously lily fights back, she hits her head back into his face and his lip’s bleeding and all but my barty’s huge, like this guy is built so he’s stronger than her and he’s had enough—he tightens his hold on her, pinning her against the tree and he’s pissed as fuck. he’s pressing his body against hers so she can’t move, also holding her by her throat cause he likes the feel of her panicking and how she gulps. he’s grinning like a madman, wiping the blood off his lip with his thumb and he’s all like “you can’t come and not play the game, doll.” and she’s crying, shaking her head and she’s begging him to stop but but
he lifts a leg up, pushing his knee on her stomach and he begins to undo his belt with one hand, the other stroking the side of her face. it’d be romantic in any other situation if not for the fact that lily thinks she’s well and truly going to die. he spits on the ground to the side of them, his thick cock pulsing at the sight of her tears. he relishes in the view, at her lips quivering and the way she still begs him to stop. it’s cute, he thinks.
and then at some other point
“are you—are you getting off on this?” barty snickers, his fingers trailing across the dampness on her panties. he watches the way she closes her eyes tight, her lips parting slightly. “you’re a sick bitch, y’know that, doll? a pretty fuckin whore, coming out here, thinkin’—thinkin’ you can just do what you want, hm?”
but she still struggles against him, trying to fight cause that’s just lily evans but he’s licking his lips, shaking his head and the next thing she knows is he’s taking out a gun from the waistband of his jeans, he’s got it to the bottom of her chin, murmuring, “i really wish you wouldn’t do that,” but she doesn’t care, she tries to wriggle out of his hold and he tightens his grip on her, moving the gun to her forehead, “don’t fuckin move. you move and i’ll fuckin shoot you, okay? you got it?”
“barty, please...” lily pleads with him, as he yanks her by her hair.
“barty, please,” he mocks. “jesus, you're fucking pathetic. you’re lucky that i haven't put a bullet in that pretty fucking skull of yours yet.”
and at some point she’s running again, after kicking him in the groin obviously and he’s chasing after her, he’s in love with the chase, getting so high off it and then he’s tackling her to the ground, mud over the both of them. he’s on top of her, gripping her by both her dimples and pushing her face down into the ground
“i know the shit you say about me, what you write about me in that—in that little paper of yours.” he’s breathing heavily, pulling the zipper down on his jeans as he mounts over her. “i should kill you right now,” he whispers heavily against her ear. “but that's not what you want, is it? you want me to fuck you, right here on the dirty fucking ground, don’t you?” he smiles, demented. and he moves the gun down to her mouth. "just a dirty little whore that wants to get filled with dick, right?"
and then they have hot steamy sex in the middle of the woods 🏌🏽‍♀️
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fortifice · 1 month
still on the agenda that earthwork is heavy and that Gepard is 100000 strong so he could absolutely lift your muse with one arm that is all.
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simcardiac-arrested · 9 months
there's a pipebomb in your mailbox
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starbritez · 7 months
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(Hiiii y’alllll <333)
Are you having issues with interacting in the fandom?? Has tumblr been giving you a hard time??? Or do you just wanna meet some new people and bond over a shared interest???
..If any of these things resonate with you, then @heruluna and I have something that’ll definitely pique your interest!
It’s just a little something called Baki artists unite! That’s right— we’ve made a Baki discord server! (Woohoo!) Isn’t that cool?
We’ve noticed that it’s kinda hard to just… talk to/met new people on here tumblr… ((it’s kinda intimidating and a tad bit inconvenient)) so we’re hoping a discord server could maybe help with that! It’s really just a big fancy group chat anyways….fun!
So feel free to check it out if you’re an artist, writer, or even just some dude— you’re all welcome to join! Seriously, just feel free to like mingle n shit. The whole point is to meet people, talk, n have fun!
….Annnnnd that’s pretty much it for now. We can’t wait to see y’all there ^^! 🌟
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jackmischief · 8 months
shoutout to the Spideypool shipper I briefly met in the wild (read: at BoxLunch) on Tuesday. i was the one in a relevant outfit and got relevant Pop merch. you named-dropped the fabulous @thefuzzyaya and made my day
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sparky-is-spiders · 7 months
Normally meh about soulmate aus but I think a Jonsasha au where they aren’t originally each other’s soulmates until they both start becoming the Archivist. They make themselves the other’s soulmate without even meaning to. There is no one else who could understand them. Soulmates because they are two halves of one monster. The Archivist is only complete when they work together. When they become one mind in two bodies. By the time the world ends their soulmate marks have already been warped beyond anything that could be understood as a soulmate mark by most.
#although honestly you don’t even need a soulmate au for most of this#just the marks I think#watching your mark change and knowing that what’s happening to you isn’t the machinations of fate#or a predestined occurrence#but a CHOICE#if you were meant for each other then maybe becoming a monster was just what was meant for you#but that’s not what happened. the marks changed. you chose to become this and you chose each other#normally I’m not super big on soulmate aus?#like I’ll read them if I like the ship or the premise catches my eye#but I don’t often think about them or seek them out unless I can find something to chew on#and I like the idea of jonsasha as eldritch soulmates#warping each other’s fates with the weight of their choices#I’m not even hyper fixated that much on tma anymore but I still love this ship so much#so much potential I love to chew on Them#jonsasha#since this’ll probably show up in the tma tag:#please no j//mart or martin#I don’t like the ship and I don’t like him#I’m not sure how many people will read this far into the tags#but I always feel like I’m throwing a fit over nothing putting my ‘no martin’ request in the actual post itself#tma enjoyed unfamiliar with my martinhate I am going to trust you to either read the tags or to not see any reason to bring martin into#*enjoyers#my nice wholesome eldritch soul-warping jonsasha au#do not let me down#jonshipping#<- tag for putting jon into relationships so that I can rotate him like the pretzel#also also not mentioned in this post but jonsasha are t4t#ok that’s all thank you#goodnight tristate area
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thisearthycat · 10 months
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some limbus company sketches
(idk why the quality is so ass sorry abt that )
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the-l-spacer · 10 months
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vigilskeep · 1 year
watched a couple animated movies recently while throwing around my oc designs and its bleeding through, by which i mean that keir’s fangs are getting bigger every day and arthur turns more into a pathetic cartoon character with big ole eyes and also a terrifying supervillain mode (affectionate)
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fourth-act · 8 months
Ok so this isn’t art or tsp related, but there’s something that I just remembered, but I can’t tell if it’s real or a dream and I can’t think of a good way to look it up that doesn’t get unrelated results.
Rant Explanation under read more (it’s about an Undertale (and Deltarune? Maybe?) au but it’s not a weird one from what I think I remember) (If it’s real I need to find it, nostalgia and my persisting identity/memory crisis are calling)
So basically I think I remember that a while ago (I think back around 2017-2019) I stumbled upon a really complex Undertale au (likely including Deltarune though I’m not sure). It was this really detailed, plot heavy, overarching comic (I’m pretty sure it was a comic), but the thing is I can’t tell if it was even a real au or just some dream I had, both seem pretty plausible.
Of what I can remember of the au, it completely rewrote the cannon lore, introducing a new species, angels (possibly another but again I’m not sure). The new lore was very centred around the meaning of the Delta Rune symbol (image below just in case), and I think angels still existing was a secret, possibly comparable to like ancient Greek mythology in Percy Jackson. The angels were divine beings that took part in the Human/Monster war, though I’m pretty sure the entire war was rewritten, I can’t remember how though. They existed on their own plane of reality, I think it had heavenly symbolism like living in clouds or marble pillars, etc. I’m pretty sure they were very big beings, I don’t think building tall but pretty up there.
As for the comic (or possibly just illustrations) itself, I remember the art being detailed and skilled, with a lot of intense scenes. Strong inks, I’m pretty sure, though I could be entirely wrong about the art since I was young and stupid at the time. The writing was extremely lore and angst heavy, I can’t remember anything lighthearted but then again I barely remember any specifics. I also wouldn’t know the specific characters featured in the comic, due to the fact that if this comic/general au was real, I wouldn’t have known much about cannon Undertale or Deltarune due to not having access. Despite that fact, it still would make sense for me to be at least exposed to this comic due to the fact my only friend at the time was really into utdr aus and generally introduced me to fandom culture, so it would check out (around the time I remember seeing it I could’ve very well been learning about other ut aus so I would recognise it as Undertale without immediately recognising anyone, especially since I don’t think I read it too much at the time).
There’s not much else that I remember about the au, but if anyone has any idea what I’m talking about, please let me know! I don’t have notifications for tumblr, so I may not see it immediately, but dms, asks, comments, reblogs, all are ok with me, and I check them regularly anyway! Also, if you have any clarifying questions, don’t be afraid to ask, there very well could be things I’m missing in this description ^^ /gen /pos
(The Delta Rune just in case it’s not as mainstream in the fandom, idk it’s been a while since I’ve thought about specifically Undertale stuff (mostly been Deltarune or through that lens) /gen /lh)
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spoluk · 2 years
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He’s hungry
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dontwanderoff · 9 months
the domesticity of the scene in the kitchen with dale doing the dishes as helen sips wine and rips charles a new one is everything to me
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Question to the SM fandom (sorry to keep posting) but this is about my series that I’ll be restarting (The First):
If people do read it, would you prefer a prequel chapter (or a few) so I can explain some characters and their backgrounds (the parents and such) OR would you rather it be sprinkled in the main series? Bc I have a whole background for the parents to show how they become to be.
And who Michaela’s and Lily’s (the sister) mother’s mother and father are!!! Which are important details and it’s why I’m asking it people would prefer a prequel or sprinkles in the main series?
I’m down for either, I just want to see if anyone would like otherwise :).
If I get even one comment for prequel chapter(s) I will make it happen bc oh boy😭.
EDIT: I’m doing some prequel chapters >:).
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