#I’m a little bit obsessed with omega James
jmeslovr · 4 months
Omega James snippet <3
NSFW, smut, omega james & alpha regulus, spit
Without much warning Regulus sticks a finger into James’ hole, and James cries out, the pain slowly replaced by pleasure. Regulus works his finger in and out with one hand as he starts to stroke James cock with the other. All James can do is writhe under him, begging for more.
Regulus stops his strokes to hold James down by his hip while keeps working his finger into him. “Stay still for me, James,” he murmurs.
James immediately does his best to try and be still, but it’s difficult when all he’s giving him is a shell of what he wants. “Please, just– I need more.”
Regulus slips a second finger in, then a third, and it has James arching, chanting “yes, yesyesyes,” his mind going to static. James screws his eyes shut, unable ot focus with the feeling of Regulus slowly opening him up. Its simultaneously too much and not enough.
After what feels like an eternity, James opens his eyes, tears threatening to spill. He feels like a livewire exposed to the elements. “Please, Reg, I just– I need you, need to feel you, m’ so empty, baby, please,” he starts babbling, not even sure what he’s saying, just hoping anything he says will get Regulus to give in.
Regulus lines himself up with James’ hole, and it causes James to let out a sound closer to a whimper. Regulus tuts. “Look at you, my needy omega, so desperate for my knot. Is that what you want? Me to fill you up so full? Knot you?”
“Yes, please, I– i need it, need your knot, will do anything,” James croaks out, bordering on a sob. He tries to push himself down on Regulus’ cock, but his hand on James’ hip stops him. James whines at the denial.
Regulus slowly pushes himself in, stopping as the head slips in. As soon as James feels Regulus inside he lets out a drawn out moan, vision going white at the edges. His brain is a mess of more and need you and fill me up and breed me and I'll be so good for you and bite me, mate me, make me yours. Something in Regulus’ expression shifts, and James wonders if Regulus can read his thoughts, or if he’s saying it all out loud, or both.
Regulus finally bottoms out, and its just the two of them, skin on skin, wet slick and sweat making it a slippery mess. Regulus is panting when he leans down, putting all of his weight on James to kiss him open mouthed. Its more of their tongues fighting than proper kissing, but its maddening.
Regulus pulls away, and James wines at the loss. He misses the taste of him. He wants Regulus to spit in his mouth. Regulus freezes, and oh, he must’ve said that one out loud too.
Regulus grabs his jaw rough, pushes his thumb to open up his swollen lips, slips it in. James lets him. He’d let him do anything. Without warning, he spits into his open mouth, and James groans. He might come from this alone. Regulus is splitting him open, and drowning his mouth, but he needs more. He must somehow know because he reaches down below them and sticks a finger in along with his cock, stretching James out even further. James lets out a sound he’s never heard before at the sensation.
Maintaining eye contact, Regulus brings his slick covered finger up to his mouth and licks, his finger coming out of his mouth with a loud pop. Regulus wastes no time before spitting into his still open mouth again, and the mixture of their two scents on his tongue causes James to lose control of his mind. He just dumbly stares up at Regulus, mouth still open.
Regulus’ pupils are blown out as he watches James, enraptured. “Swallow.”
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catierambles · 3 years
Pack Mentality Ch.10
@vorchagirl because I know how much you like this verse
James stood outside the barebones infirmary while they worked on her. The clothes he wore were borrowed, the shirt just a little too small, stretching over his shoulders and straining at his biceps.
“She’s going to be in there for a while,” It was the guy from before, “You should get something to eat, you went back and forth a few times.”
“I’m fine.” James said, even though his stomach burned with hunger. “I never got your name.”
“Ethan.” He said, “You’re...James?”
“Lieutenant James Vega, Alliance Marines.”
“Alliance, damn.” Ethan said, “Didn’t know there were any of us in the Alliance.”
“You know who she is?” James asked, moving his head at the operating room and Ethan shook his head. “Commander Shepard.”
“Are you fucking--” He went to the window, looking in on the room. “Holy shit! That’s fucking Commander Shepard.”
“Tone it down, kid.” James said and Ethan gave him an apologetic look.
“Sorry.” He said, “I didn't know she was one of us.”
“To be honest, vato, we had no idea there were others like us. We thought it was just the three of us.” James said.
“Damn.” Ethan said, “We saw her a few times, never in her skin form, obviously. She never let us get close enough. We thought maybe she was a feral, or her pack was killed off in a raid, or she was simply abandoned. We left food out for her, supplies, but she never…” He stopped, trailing off. “Our Alpha, Greg, he got a little obsessed with finding her, bringing her into the pack.”
“He knows she's here now?” James asked, pushing away from the wall.
“By now probably, yeah.”
“Well, he can stay away from her.” He said, crossing his arms over his chest, “She's my mate.”
“He's probably not going to like having another Alpha in the compound, he can be a bit territorial.” Ethan said, “Don't be surprised he tries to start something.”
“If he has to whip it out just to show he's top dog, then he's not doing it right. Kaidan’s a Major, he outranks me in the Alliance, but he does what I tell him to. He may not like it sometimes, but he does it.” James said and Ethan nodded.
“I could tell you were Alpha just by looking at you. Your fur form is…” He gave a low whistle, “Impressive.”
“We call it the ‘Other’.” James said and Ethan thought about it.
“Other. I like it, lot less awkward to say than ‘fur form’.”
“In the meantime, Greg can unbunch his panties because we’re just here getting Sarah medical attention, then we’ll be on our way.” James said.
“He's not going to like that. Another Alpha in his territory.”
“He can take it up with the Alliance. We're stationed here until shit gets up and running again.” It was then that his stomach decided to give out a rather large growl and Ethan gave a snort.
“Let’s go get you something to eat.”
“I said I’m fine.”
“Listen to the Unranked and do as I say.”
“Unranked?” James asked with an arched brow.
“Yeah, I’m not ranked in the pack hierarchy. Not a beta, not an Alpha obviously, and I’m not an Omega. I’m just...here.”
“You’re okay with that?” He asked and Ethan gave a shrug.
“It means I stay out of all the political bullshit. Greg doesn’t see me as a threat and the she-wolves don’t want to mate with me simply because of my standing.” He said, “Life is uncomplicated.”
“I hear that.” He said and cast a look at the operating room before sighing, “Okay, let’s go. Then you can explain some things to me. This is all new to me.”
The compound was more like a large cabin than anything else. He caught sight of a couple family units, kids among them, as Ethan lead the way. He also didn’t fail to notice the curious looks he was getting from the others. Ethan introduced him to a couple people in the large kitchen and James was given a plate almost overflowing with rich, hearty foods. Meats of a couple different kinds, potatoes in a few different ways, and vegetables, the whole thing covered in dark gravy. Ethan snagged a roll on their way out of the kitchen.
“The Omegas take care of us.” He said as he chewed on it, “They’re doctors and cooks, and they keep the place clean. Not servants, more like pack moms. I’ve been chewed out more than a few times about leaving my stuff all over the floor.” James gave a small laugh at that. The young wolf reminded him of a kid he went through basic with, barely out of his teens and brimming with energy.
They sat down at a table and James dug into the plate. He must have made a face because Ethan let out a snort.
“Vato, I’ve been eating nothing but emergency rations for almost a year.” James said, “I missed real food.”
“I bet.”
“So tell me more about how you guys operate. You explained the Omegas.”
“Yeah, pack moms.” Ethan said, “There’s usually more than a few in a pack, and then there’s the betas. Betas are more…I don’t know, advisors than anything else. They step in if the Alpha isn’t around, make decisions on their behalf. There’s usually three or four in a pack. Then there’s the Unranked, like me. We just kind of hang out, help out the pack whether it be hunting for food or working to bring in credits.”
“And Alphas?”
“Alpha. Singular. Never more than one in a pack, tends to cause problems when there is. They’re the leader, the guide, they make decisions that benefit the pack and they protect us.” Ethan said, “I think it’s why Greg wanted to bring in Commander Shepard so badly. Lone she-wolf.” He shook his head, “Not the safest thing in the world. There a lot of ferals out there that would take advantage of that.”
“You mentioned those before. Ferals.”
“They let their...Other take over. They’re more beast than man and are incredibly dangerous. They won’t hesitate to attack and kill humans, or other wolves.” He said.
“Well, fuck.” James said.
“Yeah.” Ethan said, “You going to eat those steak fries?”
“Help yourself.”
“Sweet.” He said and snagged a potato wedge off the plate. They continued to talk while James ate, but he started to pick up bits of conversation around him.
“Who’s the Alpha sitting with Ethan?” This was from a group of women across the room and he honed in on them, filtering out all other noises.
“He’s handsome. And big.”
“You see those biceps? And those shoulders?”
“He has nice tattoos, too. I want to lick the one on his neck.”
“You’re terrible! Still, can’t you just imagine what it would be like to be claimed by him? All that power directed at you?”
“You should offer yourself to him! And share all the details.”
“Okay, well.” James muttered and Ethan bit back a laugh.
“You heard that too?” He asked and James nodded. “Figured you’d be popular with the she-wolves.”
“I already have a mate.”
“So? I say go for it.” Ethan said, “Alpha males can have more than one, they usually do.”
“I thought wolves mate for life.”
“We do, but it’s not unheard of for an Alpha male to have a harem, a group of women that he keeps for life.” Ethan said, “I mean, don’t get me wrong! She-wolves are treated very well! They’re not degraded or anything! Even if it’s an Alpha, they have every right to turn down mating requests. They pick their mates.”
There was a tugging at his shirt and he looked over seeing a female child, maybe six or seven years of age standing there.
“Hi.” James said.
“Hi.” She said, “Can I sit on your lap?” She asked and James thought for a moment, looking at Ethan who merely shrugged in return.
“Yeah, sure why not.” He said and picked her up, plopping her down on his thigh. He moved around her to eat, smiling to himself as she kept stealing bits of food from his plate. James avoided the pieces she seemed to favor the most, letting her have them without actually saying the words.
“I’m going to go play now.” She said after she had finished.
“Okay, have fun.”
“Bye.” She said and pressed a tiny kiss to his cheek.
“Bye.” He said and she ducked under his arm, running off to join the others.
“I think every she-wolf in here just shed an egg.” Ethan said and James set his fork down, shoulders shaking as he held in his laughter. The mood of the room suddenly changed and James’ hackles rose, Ethan looking over his shoulder as color drained from his face. The Other snarled in the back of his mind and he knew without looking that another Alpha male had walked into the room. “James.”
“Easy there, kid.” James said, putting his hands flat on the table. A heavy hand landed on his shoulder and his jaw clenched.
“You’re eating my food, boy.”
“Greg, he was just…”
“Shut the fuck up, Ethan. You brought another Alpha into my house without telling me. You’ll be lucky if I don’t make you into a carpet.”
“My mate is in the infirmary getting worked on.” James said and the hand on his shoulder squeezed.
“It was the blonde she-wolf, Greg, she got tagged by a hunter.” Ethan said.
“The she-wolf is your mate?”
“Yes, she is.” James said, hands curling on the table top.
“Get this, she’s Commander Shepard. The savior of the whole galaxy is one of us!” Ethan said.
“And why weren’t you taking care of her?” Greg asked, “Why was your mate left to wander my territory alone?”
“Not that it’s any of your fucking business, but I was light years away on the Normandy, limping my way back to Earth.” James said, “Now take your hand off of me.”
“Or else you’ll what, boy?”
“The only reason why you’re not eating table right now is because I’m a guest here.” James said, “Now take. Your hand. Off of me.”
“You think you can threaten me? In my house?”
“Take your hand off of me.” The Other started pushing to the surface and he rolled his shoulders. An invisible pulse swept over the room and everyone started paying rapt attention to what was unfolding. The hand left his shoulder and Ethan let out a sigh.
“Greg, he's just here until his mate gets patched up, and that's it, they're both gone.” He said and James stood from the table, rising to his full height before turning around. The Alpha was rather average looking, to be honest. Wide through the chest and shoulders, but otherwise unremarkable. The power in the aura he gave off though would have been intimidating, if James hadn't felt stronger.
“You're a big son of a bitch, aren't you?” Greg pointed out as they squared off.
“I like to keep active.” He said simply and Greg gave him another once over.
“Get the fuck out of my territory at first chance.” He said and went to push around him.
“Take that up with the Alliance.” James said and he stopped, “Lieutenant James Vega of the SSV Normandy. I'm stationed here until the higher ups say otherwise.”
“Alliance. Great. Request a transfer.”
“You under the impression you can tell me what to do?” James said, giving him amused look. “I'm not a member of your pack, you can't order me to do dick.”
“You're right, I can't.” Greg said as he walked around the table, “I can't touch you without starting shit, and for the sake of cooperation, I won't. But I can touch him.” He reached up, grabbing a handful of Ethan's hair and pulled his head back sharply. “You brought an Alpha into my house!”
“Greg, please!” His face was twisted in pain and he hissed as Greg jerked his hair sharply. “His mate was going to die! We had to do something!”
“You thinking about leaving, boy? Throwing in with this lot?”
“No, please, I wasn't--” Greg was suddenly ripped away from him, thrown back onto the floor. James felt the Other bleed into his eyes as he stood over him.
“Ethan, you okay?” He asked, not taking his eyes off the other Alpha.
“I'm fine, a little bald, but fine.” Ethan said, “You shouldn't have done that, he was within his rights to--”
“To what? Be a bully?” James asked, “No, he came here looking for a fight and I'll give him one.”
“You challenging me?” Greg asked, getting to his feet, eyes dancing at the idea.
“You're fuckin right I am.”
“Let's take this outside.”
“After you.” James said and Greg moved off, leaving James to follow. Ethan came up alongside him as they walked and he cast him a quick look. “Anything I should know about how this is going to go down?”
“Bare handed combat, no Other allowed. It's a fight to submission or death and Greg doesn't accept surrender.” He said, “James, if you lose I’ll get her out of here, he won't touch her.”
“Thanks vato, but I didn't survive the Reaper War just to get taken down by this pendejo.” James said, holding his shoulder. Rotating his head, he popped his neck, moving off and pulling the shirt over his head, throwing it aside as he and Greg stepped into a ring of some kind, an outline scratched into the dirt.
He stood there, watching the other Alpha carefully, letting the Other bleed into his eyes, the hazel color sharpening. James would keep to the rules and not shift completely, no matter how much the Other in his head was trying to push forward. The dirt was cool under his feet and he let the feeling ground him, focusing on his breathing and the sound of his heart beat in his ears as he tracked Greg around the ring. He finally moved and James moved to meet him.
They connected hard, fighting to kill. This wasn't the fight for dominance he had with Kaidan, this was a fight for blood. James got a few good hits in, but Greg unbalanced him with a kick to the chest, driving the air from his lungs. Before he could collect himself, Greg’s fist slammed across his face and he tasted blood. An arm came across his throat, cutting off his air and he grasped at it.
“When you're dead,” Greg whispered in his ear, “I'm going to take your woman, I'm going to make her beg for me, she'll know what a real Alpha is when I'm done with her.”
James couldn't help himself: he started to laugh. The grip on his throat loosened with Greg’s confusion and James fell to the ground, still laughing even as he dragged air into his lungs.
“What--what's so funny?” He asked.
“You stupid son of a bitch!” James said, tears running down his face from the hilarity of it. “You think--you think I'm the Alpha? I'm not. I'm an Alpha, but I'm not the Alpha.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh, you are so fucked.” James said and a wave passed over the group of people standing around the ring. They parted on instinct, shrinking away from the raw authority that came off her as she made her way through them. Moving faster than should be possible, she struck, driving Greg to the ground hard and James took her hand when she offered it. “Shouldn't you be healing?”
“I'm healed.” Sarah said with a shrug and reached up, her thumb moving over the cut on his cheek.
“He started it.” James said and she gave him a look.
“That's not--” Greg said, getting to his feet unsteadily, reeling slightly from the hit she gave him, “How--”
“He doesn't get it.” Sarah said.
“Poor bastard.” James said and pulled her into his arms, stooping at the shoulders to press his lips to hers on a deep kiss, his arms tightening as she opened her mouth to him, pulling her against him.
“They're an Alpha mated pair.” He heard but paid them no mind. She was okay, she was alive.
"You need to stop almost dying on me.” He said as he pulled away, resting his forehead against hers.
“I’ll make it up to you later.” She said with a small smile and he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Now, down to business.” Sarah turned her attention to Greg who looking at them as if wondering what they were going to do next. “You’re in my territory. Get out.”
“You can’t just…” He started.
“I just did.” She said, a growl leaking into her voice. “Anyone who wants to stay, can, but you leave and soon. You tried to capture me on multiple occasions and you injured my mate. Get. Out. Of my territory.”
“This is my…”
“Not anymore.” She said and advanced him, making him back up at the dominance emanating from her. “I won’t say it again.”
“Fine.” He spat finally, trying to gain some of his dignity back. “It’s yours. Everyone, pack your shit, we’re leaving.” No one moved.
“Um, yeah, about that.” Ethan said, “They’re an alpha mated pair. Do you know how rare that is? How strong packs are when they have one? I don’t know about y’all, but I’m with them.” He said, jutting his thumbs at them. “You were always a dick to the Unranked, anyway.”
“And the Betas.” Someone said.
“And the She-Wolves.” Came a feminine voice from the crowd.
“Ooh,” James said, “Someone’s unpopular.”
“So, will you have us?” Ethan asked, looking over at Sarah and she thought for a moment, giving a sigh.
“I expect you to pull your weight.” She said and he smiled.
“I always do.” He said and she nodded.
“Then yeah, welcome to the team.” A skycar took that time to land just outside the compound, but didn’t open for a few moments before the door slid open and two sleek black wolves came darting out, cutting easily through the crowd. “Oh, for fucks sake, Kaidan!”
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debbiechanclub · 4 years
Best Two Out of Three, Part 8
@what-does-mine-say and I just keep cranking these out because we’re a tad bit obsessed XD. I’m a little nervous about this part? And I don’t know why? Everyone is mad at each other so brace yourselves.
Also: thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support for this fic. My only hope is to make y’all happy with my words.
Best Two Out of Three
Part: 8/26
Pairing: Kenny Omega x OFC and Adam Page x OFC
Warnings: Alcohol use, language, angst
Word Count: 3.3k
Catch up on previous parts here.
Alex pushed her way back into the Best Friends’ locker room. James sent her a look from where he sat on the couch, watching the monitor in the corner. “Well. You won, at least,” he commented.
She completely ignored him as she crossed the room and sat down in her cubby. She was not in the mood—and it was obvious. He gave an apologetic sigh. “I’m sure Adam didn’t mean to do what he did,” he said. “Things happen in the heat of the moment.”
She continued to ignore him as she rifled through her suitcase. All she wanted was to get changed and leave—
“What?” She glared at him. He frowned.
“Are you okay?”
The genuine look of concern on his face made her stop. No, she wasn’t okay. But before she could say so, Chuck and Trent came through the door. Neither of them so much as looked at Alex as they walked into the room. She grabbed her clothes and started for the bathroom—but then Trent said something that made her stop dead in her tracks.
“Are you fucking Kenny again?”
Chuck let out a frustrated breath. “Dude, come on,” he said; but Alex spoke over him.
“What?” Her voice came out in a hiss, full of venom. She couldn’t believe the nerve of him, asking her a question like that in front of Chuck and James. It wasn’t any of his business.
But he didn’t really care. “Chuck told me what happened before we left the hotel last week. And after what just happened out there… it sure seems like there’s something you need to come clean about, Alex.”
Alex took a step closer. “That’s not any of your fucking business, Trent.”
He scoffed. “That’s a yes.”
“Dude, lay off!” Chuck unexpectedly burst. “You’re being a total dick right now!”
Trent’s eyebrows arched. “I’m being a dick? She’s the one who’s been toying with your emotions for the last year!”
“WHAT?” Alex exclaimed. She was incensed. It took all of her not to throw her clothes in Trent’s face. Chuck must have thought she might because he jumped up and stood between them.
“Alex, I don’t think that, I swear,” he said. But Trent wasn’t done.
“Oh, don’t play dumb,” he spat. “You flirted with Chuck all the time while you were fucking Kenny last year because you knew he’d give you the attention you wanted but weren’t getting from Kenny. You take advantage of his feelings for you, Alex.”
“TRENT, SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Chuck whirled around to glare at him. James jumped up and stood between them.
“Okay, now’s probably not the best time for this,” he implored. But Alex had heard enough.
“Fuck you, Trent,” she spat. “And get off your high horse before you break your neck. It’s not like you’ve never tried it with me despite anyone’s feelings.”
She threw her clothes forcefully across the room and started toward the exit. Chuck’s shoulders slumped. “Alex, he’s not speaking for me!” he called. But she was already halfway out the door, trying to ignore the tears stinging at the back of her eyes.
* * * * * * * * * *
“I told you he couldn’t be trusted!”
Callie burst into The Elite’s dressing room. She half-hoped Kenny would be there so she could tell him exactly what she thought of him—but he wasn’t. Honestly, it was probably for the best.
“I know,” Adam breathed. He was still heated from his interaction with Kenny at ringside. He didn’t understand it. “I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt… but he acted like a fucking asshole out there.”
He sat down on the sofa at the far end of the room and ran a frustrated hand through his hair. He couldn’t stop thinking about what Kenny had said to him before he’d left. Question me all you want, but this one’s on you. And the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.
Callie rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re sleeping with each other again,” she muttered.
Adam bit down on his jaw. As angry as he was with the situation, Alex was still his friend and that wasn’t his business to tell. So, he changed the subject. “I’m sorry, Cal. I’m sorry I got you disqualified. I just felt like I was the only person in your corner out there, and it pissed me off. It shouldn’t have been that way.”
Callie moved to sit beside him. “No, don’t apologize.” She placed one hand on his arm and the other on his back as she rested her head on his shoulder. “I love you even more for sticking up for me out there. Even though Alex is your friend, I never doubted you. I knew you had my back.”
Adam squeezed her hand on his arm and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Of course I did.”
Callie leaned into his touch; but then she winced. “Ow.” She reached up to rub the back of her neck; that running knee Alex hit her with had done a number on more than just her mouth.
Adam’s brow furrowed. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” she breathed. “Just sore.”
“Here.” He adjusted so that he could massage her neck, rubbing his thumbs in firm circles over the muscle. He leaned forward and placed feather-light kisses on her skin, moving down her neck to her upper back and across her shoulders. Callie let out a contented hum as she placed her hand on his thigh. He growled lowly in her ear. “You know what that noise does to me.”
Callie raised her eyebrows and sent him an innocent smirk. “Do I?” She turned and leaned toward him. “I think I might go take a hot shower; see if that helps ease some of the pain.”
Adam didn’t need to be told twice. He stood from the couch and pulled her to her feet, into his body. “Is that an invitation?”
She didn’t say anything. She just reached up and pressed her lips against his—right as Kenny walked through the door.
He froze like a deer in headlights when he saw them. “I’m just getting my phone,” he said. He moved across the room toward his bag, trying to get in and out as quickly as possible; but Callie cut her eyes at him.
“Thanks for having my back out there.”
Kenny bit down on his jaw. “I’m not the one who cost you the match.”
“Oh, fuck you, Kenny!” Adam erupted. He took a step toward him. “I saw that little smirk on your face when Alex hit Callie with that running knee. You weren’t in her corner any more than Chuck and Trent were.”
Kenny put his hands on his hips and looked up at the ceiling. He knew he and Adam needed to talk, but not right now. It wouldn’t solve anything right now. He took a breath and looked him in the eye. “You’re upset, and I get it. But I’m not doing this right now.”
He grabbed his phone and started toward the door. Adam yelled after him. “Oh yeah, walk away. Alex knows what that’s like.”
Kenny paused, his hand white-knuckled on the doorknob. He had half a mind to turn back around and punch Adam. But he just sent him a hard look over his shoulder and went out the door to find Alex.
He typed up a text to her as he walked down the hall, but he didn’t need to send it. He found her as he rounded a corner; and as soon as she saw him, her face crumpled up and she started to cry.
He rushed toward her. “Baby, what’s wrong?” He took her face in his hands and looked down at her with concern in his eyes. “Why are you crying?”
That was all she said before she buried her face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “What did he do?”
Her words came out muffled and tear-ridden. “He asked about us… and then we got in a fight and—”
A choked sob interrupted her. Kenny pulled back and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Come on, let’s find somewhere we can talk.”
He took her by the hand and led her down the hall until they found an empty room. He brought her over to the couch and sat her down, rubbing soothing circles over her back. “Tell me what happened,” he gently said.
Her shoulders shook as she spoke. ��Trent and Chuck hate me.”
His brow furrowed with confusion. “What? No. They’re your best friends. Why would they hate you?”
She looked back up at him, her eyes watery and red. And then she said, “I think Chuck’s in love with me.”
That only confused Kenny further. “What?”
Alex buried her face in her hands. Kenny wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into him. And then, for better or worse, she let it all out.
“When we were in Vegas for Double or Nothing last year we all got really drunk and Chuck told me he loved me. But I didn’t think anything of it, and it became like a running joke and Trent and James always make fun of him for it and Chuck always denies it. But in the locker room just now Trent flat-out asked if I was fucking you again and then he accused me of toying with Chuck’s emotions because I flirt with him and—and now I feel like I’ve just been hu-hurting Chuck this whole time and like I’m a te-terrible fucking per-person…”
Her body wracked with sobs and she couldn’t speak anymore. Kenny hugged her as tight as he could. “You’re not a terrible person,” he assured. “And they don’t hate you; I promise. Trent’s just an asshole.”
She pulled back and looked up at him. “Are you upset?”
“What?” he repeated. “No! Absolutely not! Why would I be upset?”
“Because we just worked things out and now I’m telling you I think my best friend is in love with me,” her words broke as she finished; but Kenny adamantly shook his head.
“No. How Chuck might feel doesn’t change anything about how I feel, Alex. We worked things out and that’s all that matters.”
Alex’s lip trembled again, and she reached up and wrapped her arms tight around his neck, clinging to him as if he were the only thing that mattered in the world. Kenny returned her embrace, squeezing her tight. Telling her without words that she had nothing to worry about.
She sniffled as she pulled back so she could look at him again. “I just want to go back to the hotel with you and forget about all this.”
He frowned as he wiped her cheeks dry again. “I wish we could. But you know I can’t leave yet, baby. We’ll go as soon as we can, alright?”
She just nodded, tears in her eyes.
He kissed her forehead. “How about we just stay here for a while?”
She nodded again. He leaned back against the couch, bringing her with him. She pulled her feet up as he drew her into his side, tucking her underneath his arm. And as she snuggled against him, Alex felt like Kenny was the only thing that made sense.
* * * * * * * * * *
Later that night, Alex rested with her head on Kenny’s bare chest as they laid together on the bed in his hotel room. In the interest of taking things slow, she hadn’t planned on sleeping in his room that night—but that had been before the fight with Trent. It had been awful telling Chuck that she was staying with Kenny; she’d barely been able to look at him. Eventually, they would have to talk about what Trent had said. But not tonight. She couldn’t handle having that conversation tonight.
“How’re you feeling?” Kenny traced his fingers over her skin as he held her. It sent a pleasant tingle up her spine.
“Better,” she said. “But I’m dreading having to face Chuck and Trent tomorrow.”
He let out an agitated breath. “Yeah, I want to talk to Trent.”
She pushed herself up to look at him in surprise. “Why?”
“Because I don’t like what he said to you, Alex. Our relationship is our business, and I’m not just gonna let him get away with speaking to you the way he did.”
Alex bit her lip as he looked into her eyes. It turned her on more than she’d expected it would, hearing how protective he was. But it also worried her. “You can talk to Trent; I actually wouldn’t mind seeing you put him in his place,” she said. “But I would appreciate if you left Chuck out of it. He actually stuck up for me against Trent tonight.”
Kenny nodded. “Of course. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”
She smiled and placed her head back on his chest, content.
“I need to talk to Adam, too.”
Alex’s brow furrowed. “About what he did during the match?”
She felt him shake his head. “No. I didn’t like how he put his hands on you, but that’s not it.” He paused. And then he said, “He said something to me back in the locker room that really pissed me off.”
Alex sat up to look at him again. “What did he say?”
Kenny’s face fell. “It was a low-blow comment about how I treated you before. He implied I walked away from you.” He shook his head. “It took all of me not to haul off and punch him.”
Alex frowned at the remorse in his eyes. And suddenly, she felt protective of him.
She moved so that she straddled his lap. He ran his hands up her thighs as she leaned toward him. “Fuck what Adam or anyone else thinks. We worked things out and that’s all that matters,” she said; and she kissed him.
Kenny grabbed her hips, eagerly deepening the kiss as she moved against him. She nipped his bottom lip as she moved her mouth to his neck. He let out a growl. “I thought you wanted to take things slow?”
“Tonight’s a special circumstance,” she purred. “You’re upset, and I want to make you feel better.”
He emitted another satisfied groan and leaned back against the pillows as she kissed her way across his chest and down his abdomen, moving lower and lower. She reached the waistband of his shorts—and her phone vibrated loudly from the nightstand.
Kenny leaned up. “Was that yours?”
“Yeah,” she breathed in annoyance. She reached for her phone, intending to silence it and carry on; but her brow furrowed when she saw the screen. It was a text from Adam.
“What is it?” Kenny asked.
She pursed her lips as she picked up the phone and unlocked it. She read the message silently to herself before answering Kenny. “It’s Adam. He wants me to meet him at the bar.”
Kenny rolled his eyes. “Of course,” he said as he flopped back down against the pillows.
Alex frowned, still straddling him. “I don’t have to go.”
“No; I know, baby,” he apologetically returned. “I’m sorry. You just got me all worked up.” He drew in a deep breath. “I actually think you should go talk to him.”
That surprised her. “You do?”
He nodded. “Yeah. He’s your friend, and I know what happened during the match is weighing on you. If you can work it out with him tonight, it’ll be one less thing worrying you tomorrow.”
Alex bit her lip. He made a compelling argument. But the thought of talking to Adam made her suddenly nervous—especially after what Kenny had just told her he’d said.
“Go,” Kenny gently encouraged. He gave her smirk. “I’ll be here when you get back.”
She gave him a small smile. He was right; it would be one less thing weighing on her if she and Adam could make amends tonight.
She climbed off him and changed into a pair of jeans. Once she’d pulled on her shoes, she gave Kenny a kiss. “I’ll try to make it quick.”
“Please,” he breathed, and she hurried out the door.
She made it down to the bar in two minutes. Adam was already there, sitting at the bar with two glasses of whiskey in front him. Alex arched a brow as she walked over.
“Rough night?”
He pursed his lips. “One of them is yours.” He slid a glass toward her. “It’s a peace offering.”
She eyed the drink as she slid onto the stool next to him. “Is it the cheap shit?”
He smirked. “Maker’s Mark.”
She bobbled her head. “That works.” She took the glass—but then she paused. “Does Callie know about this?”
He rolled his eyes. “Yes,” he assured. “I figured it’d be better to meet you in neutral territory than go up to your room.”
Alex took a sip of the whiskey. It burned on the way down. “Well, you wouldn’t have found me there anyway. I’m actually staying with Kenny tonight.”
Adam’s eyebrows arched when he heard that. “So I guess you two talked, then?”
She nodded. “Yeah. We’re taking things slow.”
He laughed lightly to himself as he brought his glass to his lips. “Sleeping in his room doesn’t sound like taking things slow.”
“Well, I wasn’t planning on it,” she shot. “But Trent and I got in a huge fucking fight in the locker room after the match, so I’d rather just keep my distance for now.”
Adam’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Why did you and Trent get in a fight?”
Alex let out a breath. “Kenny,” she simply answered. And then she added, “Speaking of fights, Kenny told me you had something smart to say to him in the locker room.”
She sent him a sidelong glance. She could tell by the look on his face that she didn’t need to clarify what she meant. “Well, it’s like I said when we talked, Alex. I don’t want you to get hurt again.”
Alex looked away again and took another drink. She understood his concern, but she was over listening to other people’s opinions about her personal life. It must have been obvious, too, because Adam changed the subject.  
“I’m sorry for what I did during the match tonight,” he said. “I let my emotions get the best of me.”
Alex scoffed. “Well there’s one thing you and Callie have in common.”
“Alex, come on,” Adam returned. “I don’t want to fight with you.”
She frowned down into her glass. “I don’t want to fight with you, either.” She gripped the glass harder. There was something on the tip of her tongue, and she wasn’t sure if she should say it. But she couldn’t bottle it up any longer. “I miss the way things used to be, Adam,” she said. “Before you started dating Callie. I miss my drinking buddy.”
She turned and looked him in the eye. Adam’s face fell. “I can still be your drinking buddy, Alex. That doesn’t have to change.”
His eyes were so sincere; so sad. And even though Alex desperately wanted to believe him, she just couldn’t. “I’m gonna go. Thanks for the drink.” She downed the rest of the whiskey and grimaced as she stood from the bar. Adam didn’t try to stop her as she left. He didn’t know what to say.
45 notes · View notes
otomescriptdoctor · 3 years
Masking - Chapter 4
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27939147/chapters/68499806 Kei’s voice breaks your concentration. “I couldn’t help but overhear some of the things you were saying. I was a bit surprised at the breadth of your knowledge.” Your throat is almost painfully dry, being so affected by his scent just being everywhere around you.
Just have to keep calm, you tell yourself. You turn around to face him, saying, “What a lovely place.” Your eyes flit to a keypad on this side of the door, including a motion sensor. The lock must have been automatic. That’s a rather serious setup, and you realize that you likely have no escape route here. This is the top floor after all. And you’re not exactly equipped to break out of plate glass windows and rappel down a building. This means you’re at Kei’s mercy. Shit. Shit. Shit.
It takes everything to keep your face a neutral slate, and you watch him as he goes to casually grab a glass from his cabinet, filling it with water and taking a drink. Kei watches you in turn, with amusement. You know your face hasn’t broken out in panic, but wonder if perhaps he’s figured it out some other way.
“You can’t be too careful about security in my line of work. Sorry to scare you.” He almost sounded apologetic. Almost.
“Scare me? You’re… not going to lock me up in here, are you?” Fear creeps into your voice, despite your best efforts.
Kei laughs, “Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it.”
“This is a lot of space for just one person.”
“Well, I invite my close friends, Kazuomi and Yuzu, sometimes. But...I don’t often have women over.”
“You know, no one believes men when they say things like that.” You keep walking around the lounge, looking for any other paths of escape. Kei laughs, “You’re surprisingly...Actually, nevermind, it’s not that much of a surprise.” His piercing, darkened gaze grips you. “You’re tough.”
You daintily sit down on the large sofa, and watch Kei for a while instead. He returns to the kitchen area, and grabs two small glasses, a tall green bottle, and brings over a tray with an odd spoon and a sugar bowl.
Kei sighs, as he sets the tray down on the coffee table and sits on the adjacent loveseat. He loosens his scarf just a bit, and runs his hands through his hair.
“I wish I could hire a full staff for afternoon tea, but… with so many people discussing possible investments, I can’t hire just anyone. It’s all about...trust.”
This was not what you’d expected. “I’m sure,” you offer sympathetically.
“I’m always understaffed when I host afternoon tea outside of England. You ended up helping me out this time around, but I really ought to come up with a better solution.”
He picks up the unfamiliar deep green bottle. You’ve never seen this before.
“What’s this?” you ask.
“Absinthe. It’s an anise-flavored spirit. It’s very well known in Europe. It has a distinctive taste. People either like it or they hate it.” He continues, in a lower tone, as he swirls the liquid in the bottle meditatively, “I chose it for you because you have piqued my curiosity. To tell you the truth, I only bring out the absinthe if I’m with someone I’m certain will enjoy it.”
Anise-flavored? Oh, the madeleines were anise-flavored, weren’t they, you think. Licorice is a very polarizing flavor. That explains why the bottle is nearly full, then. Your heart flutters at his gesture, even knowing it’s likely a ploy just to make you feel special.
“There’s something very appealing about a man who can sate a woman’s curiosity.”
You’ve never had absinthe before. You remember hearing about it when studying abroad. The green fairy. Rumored to be hallucinogenic, but it’s probably just a strong liquor. Made with wormwood, you think. You don’t typically accept drinks from targets while on the job, and there’s no telling what he could slip in there. ‘Never accept drinks from the bad guy,’ that’s literally secret agent 101.
Alpha wouldn’t do that to us.
Kei places the curious spoon on his glass. It’s shaped like a leaf, and perforated with tiny holes.
“And what’s that?” Curiosity is getting the better of you tonight. “Les cuilleries, an absinthe spoon essentially. You use it when drinking absinthe for the preparation. You place a cube of sugar on the spoon and pour the absinthe over it.” He cracks open the lid and the licorice-y scent wafts out, intermingling with his natural Alpha scent. He pours a little absinthe into both glasses. He opens the pewter sugar bowl, and delicately uses the tongs to dip a sugar cube into the green liquid before setting it on top of the pierced area of the spoon. Then he strikes a match to light it on fire. You both watch the flame flicker and caramelize the sugar for a few moments before he dips the spoon into the absinthe and swirls it, starting a controlled burn inside the glass. He repeats this process for your glass. His eyes are so dark, with the flames twinkling like small torches in a deep dark cavern. Threatening to swallow you whole. He then pours ice cold water carefully into both glasses to extinguish the flame and cause it to cloud over.
“So, this is how you’re supposed to drink absinthe?” you ask.
“Well, I’m being a bit showy about it, but I like to play with fire, a little. I find it makes quite the impression, don’t you?”
The flames could also have been seen as a little romantic, but you want to perish that intrusive thought. Kei is a little too much of a smooth operator, you realize.
“Absinthe has been called ‘forbidden nectar’, ‘the devil’s drink’, and--”
“La fée verte,” you offer a little too quickly. Oops.
“The green fairy, yes. But I thought you’ve never had Absinthe?”
“I’ve never seen it before in the flesh, but I’ve at least heard of it.”
Kei continues on his lecture, “Well, it has had a long history with connections to a number of cultures. Medieval Europe, ancient Greece, the middle east...” His voice trails off as you both realize you’re staring at each other. You look away and he clears his throat, continuing, “Absinthe preparation had been poisonous due to adulterants like copper sulfate, or antimony, and was rumored to cause hallucinations so it was banned for a time. That’s how this infamous liquor earned its nicknames, but the modern day product is perfectly safe.”
Sensing my unease at him being so close, with his scent growing stronger, he softens his tone. “It’s captured the likes of Van Gogh and Toulouse-Lautrec among its fair share of hearts… making it the perfect drink for you.”
“Just who is capturing whom?” you murmur softly. Oh no, that was out loud.
He just smiles, and offers you a glass.
“We won’t find out until after we drink.”
You take the glass of green liquid, gone somewhat milky with the swirled, burnt sugar.
“I hope you like it.”
He sips at his glass and watches you. You bring the glass up to your nose to sniff at the interesting olfactory bouquet.
“It smells very strongly of licorice, I can see how this is an acquired taste.” You make no move to drink, however.
Kei leans forward in his seat, grinning. “Well...why don’t you tell me a little about yourself, Nagisa Mikami? Or...would you prefer I called you by another name?”
Your heart hammers away ominously in your chest. Your mind empties itself, trying to think of what to do. You think of the cyanide capsule in your clutch. You foolishly thought you were holding your ground with this unreadable man, but now you’re the one caught in the honey trap. You curse at yourself for not being able to resist your own biology. You don’t dare let this show on your face.
Kei notices your loss for words, and his grin becomes a triumphant smirk. You’re not sure if it’s just his face, or the affect his scent is having on you, but you find it dangerously alluring. Just the notion sends a chill racing down your spine. You’re intent on calmly meeting his gaze directly, even as you’re feeling like your heart might stop at any moment.
So he thinks you’re possibly using a fake name. Still have no reason to give him the satisfaction of being right. You allow your face to settle into a sultry sneer, “Another name? Whatever do you mean? Is that absinthe getting to you already?” You giggle before continuing, “Do you have me confused for another woman? I thought you were better than that.” You pointedly cross your legs, intending to take back control of this situation by using your Omega’s desire to appeal to his Alpha, exuding an unflappable, purposeful confidence.
“Drunk? Maybe.”
He sips a little more of his drink before leaning toward you.
“But I think I was right to seek you out. You’re perfect.”
His cool fingers reach out toward your cheek. His elegant fingers are perfectly manicured, and make contact with your skin, drawing away some of the heat flushing there.
Alpha is curious about us.
“So, what name will I call you by?” His hand cups the side of your face. You’re already feeling that uncomfortable dampness that you thought was over for this month.
“Nagisa Mikami is just fine. Why are you so eager to give me a nickname already?”
Kei continues to smile, touching his forehead to yours. “James Bond...MI6...The Secret Intelligence Service...England is obsessed with spies. So when a beautiful woman -- an unmated omega, no less -- appears in front of me, out of nowhere...” He flicks his eyes’ focus into yours. “I have got to assume she is either a spy or an assassin.”
You protest, “Are those the only two options, then? That’s not terribly creative. That doesn’t sound like the educated, intelligent Kei I met downstairs.”
“You think you know me pretty well, hmm?” Kei regards you with fascination twinkling in his eyes.
You continue, “If you were trying to hide your intelligence, you really messed that up for yourself with the way you were talking at afternoon tea.” You’re flying by the seat of your pants, scrambling through anything that might be used to bolster your confidence. It looks bad at the moment. You feel like your own bravado might have finally failed you this time when thinking about getting alone with an Alpha who affected you this deeply. You regret not handing this off and removing yourself from this mission sooner.
But, Kei must have known this would happen. Curiosity killed the cat, and you were very curious. Maybe, just maybe you can simply charm your way out of this.
“Last I checked, James Bond is fictional.”
“I know, but 007 jokes aside...I’m on an unofficial visit to Japan. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the government took the precaution of putting me under surveillance. The British government takes those kinds of measures when other countries’ diplomats start acting strangely.”
What a fortuitous turn! At least he doesn’t know where you’re from. “You mean...You think I’m a spy sent by the government?”
“Or maybe an assassin,” his smile is cold, and his face settles once again into a sharp glare as his grip tightens into your hair.
The crushing anxiety you were feeling at being caught in a trap evaporates. Maybe you can salvage this. He still essentially knows nothing. Not your real name, not your agency. He may be moving me into check, but he hasn’t clinched the checkmate yet. You refocus your alias in your mind. He should believe you are a government spy, cleverly caught out by him. This is your last chance to catch him unguarded.
You speak, but with the air of neither confirming nor denying his suspicions. “You must like spy movies. I do too, but it’s important to distinguish fiction from reality. If what you’re suggesting is true, Kei...Why not shoot me dead right now?”
“That kind of thing happens in movies all the time… I’m not a huge fan of guns, though.” He releases his hold on your hair, trailing his fingers downward until they rest on your neck, his elegant fingers on both sides of your throat. Your heart is racing again. His hand is large enough to crush your windpipe.
Kei moves his head close to your ear. “If all you want to do is watch me, I don’t mind. You can watch me all you like.” His voice somehow reminds you of some lovers’ pillow talk. But that may just be your Omega reacting.
“What...what do you mean?” That comes out a little breathier than you expected.
“In exchange...I’d like for you to be my accomplice.”
Something tells you this isn’t just picking up the slack on his afternoon tea duties.
“I’ll tell you more once you’ve signed a contract. You don’t have to worry. It won’t be anything illegal.” You look at him curiously, but he continues, “There’s something I need to take care of, and I could use the talents of a capable woman like yourself.”
You think, this could work out well, you’d definitely find out why he’s in Japan. And he wouldn’t think to look further to find out your real identity. That’s a risk you’re willing to take to get out of this. May as well play a little though, flirting is the fun part, after all.
“And if I refuse?”
Kei frowns a little, furrowing his brow. “That would be a problem. I hadn’t considered that possibility. What should I do if you tell me no…?” You feel his grip on your neck pressing ever so slightly into your skin. No one ever said Alphas were normal.
“...Fine, I’ll indulge your little fantasy. After what’s happened today, it would probably even be educational.” You make a big show out of being ‘found out,’ lowering your eyes in resignation. You submissively meet his gaze again to look at his triumphant expression. At last, his hand pulls away from your neck.
“Well then, it’s a deal. Let’s drink on it.” Kei pushes your glass of absinthe towards you.
You reach for it, bringing it up to your lips; aware of Kei’s steady gaze trained on you the whole time.
“You actually have to drink this time. No pretending like you did last time.”
Guilty. You steel your nerves. Is there still some way to avoid drinking with him? If the final nail in your coffin before was your refusal to drink, maybe you should refuse again? As long as I can keep him on his toes, I can regain the advantage. “You want me to drink something this strong all alone with a man I just met…? I’d have to have a death wish.” You craft your expression into something innocent.
Kei smiles at you, cheerful in reply, “We’re no longer two people you ‘just met.’ If you’re going to be my accomplice, you’ve got to trust me.” He picks up the glass, pressing it into your hand. He then grazes his fingers along your lip, to show you he is watching this very closely.
You take a single sip of the absinthe. Licorice flavor is awash over your taste buds, and you hesitate to swallow. Kei’s fingers trail back down your face, along your neck as you involuntarily swallow. You feel a trickle of the cocktail dripping out of the corner of your mouth. That sneak is looking so smug, and self satisfied. You’re wondering how you ever thought he looked like a fairy tale prince.
“What do you think of the flavor?”
“It’s.. a lot to take. Like you, in a way. You and the way you do things.”
Kei lowers his voice once again and brings his face into your neck, breathing deeply, “I’ve just been captivated by your beauty, that’s all. The way your veins show ever so slightly under your delicate skin… makes me want to kiss them.” You feel his lips move downwards along those very spots and you shudder. Controlling someone like this is playing with fire, you think.
He moans into your neck, “Mmm, yes I definitely like you better without the mask. I want to see all of the different sides of you.” His voice tickles your rapidly heating skin.
Alpha wants us.
“...You just might get the chance. If you play your cards right, that is.” When did your voice become so breathy? Your throat is so dry.
Kei pulls his face up to look back into your eyes in response, “Sounds like a challenge has been issued. I’ll have you show you what I’m made of.” He punctuates his comment by licking the remaining absinthe from your lips. His tongue sends arcs of pleasure thrilling through your every breath.
You’re frozen, staring at Kei. He leans back, smiling.
“Well then, I suppose it’s now my turn…” Kei picks up his glass and knocks back the whole thing in one go.
“That seals our deal.”
“If you say so.” You feel your confident Nagisa mask slipping. What was that feeling? Logically this is still going your way but… as you look at his confident smirk, worry starts melting into an impending sense of anxiety and doom.
8 notes · View notes
blouisparadise · 4 years
Tumblr media
Here is a list of amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of January. Between the second month of the Bottom Louis Fic Fest and all the other fics that authors posted throughout the month, it’s clear that this was a great way to start off the year of bottom Louis fics!  Happy reading!
1) You Can Be The Boss Daddy | Explicit | 1641 words
This is just Louis being used and humiliated by his strong Daddy
2) Don't Pretend That I Don't Entice You | Explicit | 2086 words
“Speaking of which, he couldn't wait to get home to see him. They both worked long days and most of the time their days off didn't line up. But they made up for things like that when they could, spending hours cuddling in bed and talking about the randomest of things or ya know, having mind-blowing sex that left them sated and panting, heated limbs tangled together and breaths and scents mingling. Harry enjoyed those moments quite a bit, if he was going to be at all honest.”
3) The Sound Of Music | Explicit | 2602 words
Harry quietly makes his way down the stairs and into the large foyer, the marble floors are cold against his bare feet and he regrets not taking his slippers.
The tinkling of piano keys flirts its way to his ears and he turns his head in the direction of their living room. His mouth quirks sideways with a smile and he makes his way towards the music.
4) Letters From Boston | Explicit | 3316 words
Louis’s standing in the kitchen when he opens the first letter.
5) Starlight In Your Eyes Of Blue | Mature | 4434 words
Harry is in New York while Louis is back home at London waiting for Harry’s return. Unfortunately, Harry may be unable to come back home in time for Christmas and most importantly—Louis’ birthday. Louis can’t wait any longer to be in a bed that’s no longer empty but in the end it changes.
6) I Couldn’t Get Away From You | Mature | 5185 words
Suddenly in the heat of the moment, Harry’s eyes turned darker as he pushed Louis’ back more and more towards the wall. “Fine.” He plants his lips on Louis’ and begins to roughly kiss him, soon enough turning it into a make-out session.
“Fuck you, Styles,” Louis moans and grips onto Harry’s shoulders, hands trailing up to the taller’s hair and gripping that as well.
“We’ll see about that.”
7) My Kingdom for Your Graces | Explicit | 5257 words
Louis gets a last minute day off and Harry decides to surprise him with a visit. They proceed to do what lovers do.
8) I Think I'm In Love | Mature | 6019 words
Louis' a young man looking for love. Harry's a sugar daddy looking for a new sub. They meet through a dating app and decide to try out a relationship.
9) Daddy's Little Kitty | Mature | 7224 words
Harry Styles is a gentle master. But what happens when Louis pushes him to his limits?
10) There's More Than One Place To Call Home | Explicit | 8416 words
Harry never asked for much from his neighbors - he didn't care about barking animals during the day or loud talking during the night.
The only thing he needed was silence when he was writing. And that was the only thing his new neighbor wouldn't give him.
Deciding to confront the loud guy who lived next door, Harry found himself ringing his doorbell one night. And that decision just may be the best thing that's ever happened to Harry.
11) Cooking With Styles | Explicit | 9119 words
Anyone can cook— or so they say.
12) Watching The World Fall | Explicit | 11777 words
This segment has been going on long enough that Louis knows what’s coming before James starts in on it, trying to sell him on something he knows that Louis wouldn’t normally be buying. But there’s four cameras surrounding him, and an audience watching him expectantly, so if Louis wants to continue convincing people that he’s doing just fine, he’s going to have to go along with it.
“We have a whole host of single men backstage waiting to meet you, Louis,” James tells him. “We want to help you find love tonight, on Late Late Live Tinder. Is this okay? Do you want to play?”
It actually kind of makes sense that his first date after the break-up is going to be just as public as said break-up. Something like coming full circle.
“Alright, James,” Louis agrees, hopping down off his stool.
“Okay, come down to the stage,” James says. Louis can’t even tell whether the excitement in his voice is genuine or not. “Right now, come on down!”
13) We'll Be the Fine Line | Not Rated | 13443 words
Louis listens to Fine Line, and, drunk, he leaves a voicemail for Harry after months of not speaking. This reminds Harry of a time before everything fell apart, slowly, painfully, a time when the two of them were still in love. And he desperately wants to go back.
14) (You're Gonna See Me In A) New Light | Mature | 13631 words
A fake relationship au where everyone knows it's real but Louis.
15) Don't Know If I Could Ever Go Without | Explicit | 14140 words
“We’ve come up with a solid solution. You’re not going to like it.”
“What is it?” Louis narrows his eyes suspiciously, glancing at a visibly enthusiastic Liam.
“What if you pretended to be an Alpha?” Zayn suggests.
16) Something Wicked This Way Comes | Explicit | 16526 words
A regency murder mystery au where Louis is married to an earl and Harry is a detective. Hatchets are buried but not everyone is as they seem.
17) Keep It Sweet In Your Memory | Explicit | 17039 words
'How'd it go?' Harry pushes them into Niall's room and shuts the door behind him, so Georgia doesn't overhear.
'It was good. We just caught up, mostly... I may have done something a little stupid, though.'
And Niall's eyebrows are in his hairline at that.
'I mean. Okay, so I invited Louis out on Saturday.'
'Saturday? Your--'
'Yes, my bachelor party...' and then Harry has to explain himself, 'I just felt guilty. I think. He was like. Telling me he wanted to hook up.'
'He WHAT!?'
'No. I mean, not with me. Like. He wants to go out and meet people.'
'He'll hate that. He's too much of a romantic.'
'Yeah, well. Whatever his name was messed him up a little, it would seem.'
18) UN(RE)SOLVED | Explicit | 20873 words
The ghoul boys are back, but this time around there are some unresolved feelings involved. Harry is a skeptic, Louis is not. Watch them go on their ongoing investigation into the question: are ghosts real?
Or, BuzzFeed Unsolved AU.
19) The Way The Storms Blow | Explicit | 21649 words
Louis doesn’t have a habit of thinking about Harry’s dick.
That would be weird, seeing as they’re best mates, and they share a flat, and they’ve spent holidays at each other’s family homes. Their friendship hasn’t ever risen to a point where Louis should want to see his mate’s dick, and he’s happy to keep it that way.
Except, all that Louis can think about is exactly that. The size of it. The shape. The amount of people it’s been in.
Maybe it’s the tequila talking, or the fact that Louis’ just recently walked in to an eyeful of Harry taking turns on some slags that he’s never seen before, but. Louis’ mind can’t stop obsessing over the idea.
20) Hold Onto This Heaven (Of Yours) | Explicit | 25213 words
an ode to being too young, too sad, and too in love.
(aka: a college au, harry is a frat boy, and louis wants to know all of his secrets.)
21) Weightless | Explicit | 25330 words
He hopes that Harry still thinks of him. God knows Louis thinks of him every day.
Or: Harry is the best dragon racer the world has ever seen and Louis is an almost-vet who feels like he is carrying the weight of the world.
22) Creep | Explicit | 26092 words
Harry is a wallflower, louis is a sophomore brat with a heart of gold no one seems to notice, harry, a senior, is a musician in disguise. louis finds him in the music room, Harry performing his self written song Creep on a talent show. he steals Louis' heart and begins to stalk Harry on social media, finding out the boy is gorgeous inside and out, tattoos popping against his milky skin, unashamed of his amazing body.
a story of a boy with dark thoughts finding his way through the dark with his light guiding him.
23) Blue Lotus | Explicit | 29815 words
Note: This fic is Louis/OMC.
After the Second Rebellion and the dismantling of President Cowell’s regime, Louis struggles to make sense of life.
A post-Hunger Games AU.
24) You Contain In Your Eyes The Sunset And The Dawn | Mature | 38152 
Harry Styles was to spend six months at AT&T Inc. of all telecommunications companies in the world, also known as the largest one in its field. This was the biggest deal of his life; it will both improve his expertise in the domain and maybe secure the job of his dreams. There was only one problem standing in the way, and it came in the form of a stunning, irresistible and intimidating cat hybrid of the name Louis Tomlinson. In other words, his boss.words
25) We Can Go On Forever (When Everything’s Gone Forever) | Mature | 39421
Harry spent most of his adult life focused on either his studies or his books - 5 of which he has already had published before he was 30. Immediately after completing his dissertation, he was offered a lectureship at Cambridge University where he’s been for 2 years now.
This wasn’t the first time in his life that he had felt the incessant itch to know more about a subject by any means. However, this was the first time the subject had been an Omega.
26) Canyon Moon | Explicit | 40895 words
For as long as Louis has remembered, he has been promised to be mated to Harry, his best friend and the future pack alpha. But Louis’s heart belonged to the forest and to the hunt more than he could ever imagine it belonging to Harry.
Then Harry’s father dies in a violent accident, and Louis’s future alpha disappears on the wind.
An A/B/O Lion King AU
27) Strangers In Love | Explicit | 42207 words
Louis wakes up to find himself in a marriage with the last man he thought he'd ever end up with.
28) If You're Out There (I'll Find You Somehow) | Explicit | 55916 words
Harry looks so intensely into Louis’ eyes it’s as though he’s reaching in and touching his very soul. “I never thought… I never… I’ve been searching for so long, Louis, but I never gave up. I couldn’t stop, wouldn’t stop trying,” Harry says, bottom lip trembling as he strokes the backs of Louis’ knuckles. “I just knew that if you were out there, I’d find you somehow.”
OR the story of how one man’s love changed the world.
29) “If I Cut Out a Heart...” | Explicit | 66225 words
Stripper au! louis is a stripper who’s known for his huge ass. he works at a club owned by harry and everyone wants to fuck him. eventually louis has sex with each of the boys, separately and perhaps eventually all together in a big gang bang. lots of focus on louis’s big bum (even twerking, jiggling, etc.)
30) You Smell Like | Explicit | 185369 words
The one where Louis is the Alpha’s mate and everyone is aware of it except for Louis and Harry. Go figure!
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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iphoenixrising · 4 years
I love your writing so much. It brings me so much joy. I recently re-read your Omega!tony fanfic and I fell in love again. do you plan to continue? Maybe where you left of on part 3? I don’t want to pressure you to write, but your writing gives me life. College is huge pain in my ass and your writing just brings me back to life. BTW quick question, are you familiar with Detroit become human. Because it is amazing and I highly recommend.
Hi babe
I have not watched Detroit become Human, but I will try to check it out after Znation on Netflix lol.
Ah, you have always been so wonderfully supportive of the AOB stuff, and I appreciate you. I’ll be totally honest here when I say I have a Google Doc of like WIPs that I come back to once and a while, and crazily enough, the Marvel AOB thing is something I’d started at some point at least, so I have a bit of content. 
I’m going to throw down a cut and put what I’ve got down there so you can check it out if you want. I mean, it’s not too much, but better than nothing? Lol maybe I’ll throw down what I’ve got of the Sentinel / Guide thing next ;)
There may have been things. Like this one first, this one second, and this one third. They’re from a bit ago, so probably more angst than you’ll see here, but I do love writing about WinterIronShield so there’s that. But, I do have a bit of an accent kink when it comes to the Brooklyn Boys, like how Steve kind of slips into it when he’s trying to talk Bucky down or soothe Tony’s anxieties. I just ah, well, yeahhhh.
Tony is writhing under that mouth, back arching helplessly. His inner Omega, now that he knows Jim and Steve wanted him before the truth ever came out, is right on board the care for the Alpha you’re been smitten with train. 
Because it’s safe. It’s safe to finally, finally give in.
And Tony Stark never does anything half-way.
He faintly hears Steve make a choked noise when he wraps his legs around Jim’s waist and wiggles his wrists in the unforgiving metal hand pinning them to the bed.
He moans in Jim’s mouth and pushes back a little.
“A-Alpha,” is something he never thought he’d hear himself say again, not after everything, not after Obie pulled him out of Ty’s grip the first time (and again the second).  But when Jim’s eyes dilate, when he purrs low, chest vibrating against Tony’s, the engineer feels the long trapped Omega deep in his belly start to unwind, the instincts take on a more powerful grip. 
It’s easier to leans up gingerly to nose and nuzzle, fingers straining to rub at the metal wrist, knowing where the pressure sensors are, where Jim can feel it.
“So pretty,” and those winter grey eyes focus on his red mouth, “gonna take care a’ ya, sweet little ‘Mega.”
Tony tightens his thighs, hitches his hips so he rubs against Jim’s big Alpha cock, “I want– Alpha, I want–”
But he gasps when James Barnes meets his thrusts, helps work them both up to panting. 
“Tell Alpha, Baby. Whadda ya need?”
And Tony’s eyes slide over to Steve, the other Alpha biting his bottom lip while he watches them together, takes in their scents, the sweetness of Tony now that the scent blockers are gone, Bucky’s musk even thicker with arousal. 
They smell like heaven.
(They smell like his.)
“Steve, let me...Fuck yes, like that…” his hips twitch and jerk, “let me...let me–”
The Captain has to breathe through his mouth, try to keep them all somewhat sane here, make sure it isn’t just instincts and pheromones, needs to make sure Tony won’t regret this later, won’t run later–
(and God, Steve can just image if he lets them service him during his Heat, has to bite down on his lip hard enough to hurt, to clench his fists to keep from reaching out just by thinking of Tony wet and open for them, moaning and screaming for them, coming on their knots over and over until he can’t even move and has to let them take care of him…)
“Anything you want, Tony,” Steve tries to make it gentle, but his tone has already dropped, has the edges of a growl, “tell Bucky what you need.”
The metal hand unlocks, freeing Tony’s wrist, and the mechanic can grip the Alpha’s forearms with trembling hands since he’s already shaky with the surge of arousal, of adrenaline, of instincts long, long denied.
“Don’t–don’t bite me, don’t mate me, but I...I–”
The bitter edge to his scent, the fear of being mated against his will is enough for Jim to unceremoniously flop down on him, pin him, and nuzzle against his throat, to lick over his pulse without teeth. The nail in Tony’s coffin is when Jim moves just enough to nuzzle against his jaw and lick.
It’s a submissive move, Jim trying to ease his fear, trying to show him they won’t hurt him, won’t do something so heinous as to try and mark an unwilling Omega.
“Shhh, shhh. None a’ that. Ain’t gonna do that ta ya, Tones. Never gonna do that.”
It might be this, the way Jim’s scent gets calmer, muskier, deeper, that makes Tony’s body start warming up, getting slick, opening up to be taken, riding the instincts he’s been suppressing for so long. And he revels in it a little, shifting his hips while he stares up at Jim’s face looming over him, those winter grey eyes serious and sincere, just like when he’s settled in a perch, at peace every time he fires a weapon in the name of the Avengers.
It’s the same look when Tony’s been hurt and tries to hide away in the lab, the look when Wanda’s eyes are glazed over with old pain, and Clint gets too twitchy, too quiet. It’s the look when Steve shivers even in summer or Bruce has to back away a step, an automatic hand out to stop anyone from coming closer.
It’s not Rut or Alpha. It’s all Mother-Hen James Barnes.
And when he sees it, Tony wants too badly to trust, wants too badly to have this with an Alpha he cares about (or more, but this isn’t the time or place for all of that), an Alpha he’s wanted and denied himself over and over.
The residual fear from earlier, the panic at his long-kept secret coming out fades a little when the proof is right here on top of him, more evidence next to him sneaking a hand over the blankets to weave their fingers together.
“We won’t let that happen, Tony. I swear,” and Steve’s eyes are just as serious, squeezing Tony’s hand gently. “You don’t have to do this. It’s okay if you don’t want this, you understand that right?”
Jim leans up a little to nuzzle their faces together, “s’ good ta us, Doll. Ain’t gonna hurt ‘cha. Ain’t gonna do nothin’ ya don’t want.”
“Are you going to let me up if I panic, James? Would you let me walk out of this room right now?” It’s a terrifying thing to ask, something Tiberius would have punished him for, would have fastened his wrists and ankles with restraints, would have kept him tied to the bed for days just to make a fucking point.
Gently, Bucky Barnes rises up slowly, shaggy hair in front of his eyes, making him look like a predator backing off the hunt. He doesn’t move any further back, doesn’t get up from between Tony’s thighs, doesn’t even look away from the bare span of chest, or the curve of Tony’s cock pressing against his zipper, making both Alphas’ mouths water.
“That’s...unexpected. Nice,” the engineer babbles a little to soothe himself, “good to know that’s a possibility. But it’s not what I want–”
“Plain English for us, sweetheart,” Steve slide only close enough to press Tony’s wrist to his mouth, to roll his blue eyes up, half-mast with pupils blown, to watch the Omega while he does it.
And oh, endearing pet names? 
That’s cheating.
“I haven’t had an Alpha in...years,” he rolls his eyes from one Alpha to the other, “I’m never going to talk about it, but it didn’t–there’s a reason I’ve kept it hidden. You get what I’m saying?” His hands automatically tighten down on Jim’s forearm and Steve’s hand.
“Tony,” is the rumble against his throat, gentle kisses along the tendon, the memory of their engineer’s terrified stance in the workshop.
Steve responds by standing, leaning over with his heart in his eyes, mind working at the implications, that he’d been right. Some Alpha hurt him, did awful things to make Tony this terrified for the world to know his orientation, to just let people assume he was an Alpha or a Beta. And in the years they’d been teammates and friends, all the years he’s had Iron Man at his back and Tony at Movie Nights or sparring practice, post-mission meals and impromptu picnics on the roof. So he knows, one of the few things Tony Stark respects more than smooth words and sentiments– 
–is action. 
He makes it clearer with the press of his mouth gently against Tony’s, gentle licks to entice him to open up, to let himself be had.
“You don’t have to hide from us anymore,” between submissive kisses.
“Gonna let us take care a’ ya instead, ain’t cha? Gonna let us be good Alphas ta ya?” And Jim leans up to watch Stevie at Tony’s mouth, the sight, the scent, bringing all his Rut symptoms closer to the surface, makes it so fucking hard to fight. 
He’d had to suppress everything as The Asset, had been trained to ignore those desperate wants, had been put on suppressants to control his cycle for as long as he’d been under their control. 
With the freedom to let it out, to be with his Alpha partner, to be completely open and possessive, marking what’s his.
After this, Tony Stark is going to be another thing his to add to the list. Another one he’s going to protect with his life, one his Alpha would scent mark obsessively, one his inner Winter Soldier would seek out first whenever there was trouble. 
Tony turns enough to be able to talk, giving more of his throat for both Alphas. “Yes,” he pants out, even though this is a terrible idea. “I want it, want you. Both of you if I can have it.”
He closes his eyes, feels Steve nibble at his jaw, under his ear, while Jim is moving along his collarbone. 
“Keep talkin’,” is lower, deeper from Steve, a hint of the Brooklyn Boy breaking lose. “How d’ya want us, Tony? Like this?” And a mouth slides lower, latches on to the tight nub on his chest, hot mouth sealing to suck.
“Maybe like this,” and Jim pulls off long enough to talk, to slide a hand in, fist the Omega’s cock at the base again while the metal one grips the back of a thigh, ruts against it with a groan.
And now it’s Steve’s scent getting heady, getting muskier, invading his senses, calling to the Omega in him, making him weave his fingers through the Alpha’s hair and hold him in place so he can arch into the sweet, sweet torture while his hips work against Jim’s hand.
“A-all of it. I want all of it,” is broken with a whine when his jeans and boxers are finally shoved down his legs, tossed carelessly away.
Both Alphas pull off him, pull away to sit back and look their fill.
It makes him squirm under their intense gazes, makes him turn away, his face getting warm.
“Sssh, sssh,” Steve come close enough to palm his face and turn him back, to make him look at them looking at him, “that’s it. We need to see you, Tony. We need to make sure you want this, so no looking away.”
“Be good fer us, Doll,” Jim moans, panting, running his hand up, up, up until he can feel the wetness, can open his palm to cup Tony’s balls, slide his other hand up to the base of their Omega’s cock, give him a few easy tugs. “That’s right, getting nice n’ wet. Betcha gonna be so tight f’ me, betcha I can make ya keen.”
“Yes, fuck, please,” Tony pants, trying so hard to be still when they’re still touching him, looking at him with heat and fondness. “I...I’ll be good.”
Steve leans in to nuzzle at his nose, being tender about it when his chest starts rumbling, a gentle purr while he makes his way to the engineer’s mouth. “If something isn’t right, what’s your safe word, Sweetheart?”
“I–” but his hips jerk uncontrollably when the first touch to his opening is so much and still moremoremore. He shudders, just tries to breathe out.
“Easy, Buck. This first,” and the smaller Alpha growls a little and shifts down to bury his mouth against Tony’s thighs instead.
“That’s it. Come back, Tony,” more nuzzles that feel nice and safe, slick tongue sliding over his femoral, kiss of teeth still making him breathless.
Jim keeps two fingers moving through his slick, teasing him with every pass over his opening despite the Captain’s orders.
“Color system,” helplessly, he pushes his hips into the touch, trying to get what’s just a promise with fingertips barely breaching him.
Steve gives him a dazzling smile, rewards him for being somewhat lucid with a thumb swirling over his nipple, teasing it into a peak.
“Red, Yellow, Green, Doll?” But Bucky doesn’t look away from the sight. Their pretty Omega laying out with Steve blanketing him, keeping him calm so Bucky can work him nice n’ dirty. He gets to move up and mouth at the Omega’s broad curve, running his tongue up the vein until he’s sucking at the head, teasing the slit to get a taste.
“Buck!” Steve reprimands half-heartedly when Tony cries out against his throat arching up into Steve’s hand.
“Yesyesyes fine, red, yellow, green, got it!” Tony manages to grit out between his teeth when warm and wet slides over him, and it’s a struggle whether to bury himself in Jim’s mouth or push back against those fingers, to get something deeper, closer to where he’s starting to need it.
His scent gets stronger, his arousal adding another layer of spicy sweet. Steve shamelessly buries his face in the side of Tony’s throat and breathes deep, a groan making his chest rumble. 
“Come on already,” he pants, “isn’t there an Alpha in Rut somewhere around here?”
“Shh, Tony. It’s okay. Your pheromones are keeping him under control until we get you ready,” the blond licks over his throbbing pulse, shamelessly groaning when he gets to scent-mark their engineer. 
“Are you kidding me? I’m ready, like yesterday kind of ready–”
Steve catches his mouth a second after a bite to his thigh in admonishment makes him jump.
“If you want Bucky’s cock, then you’re going to have to wait until he preps you,” is that Captain America giving an order kind of tone.
“This is such bullshit,” he whines, helplessly pinned by two beautiful Alphas. 
“Don’t worry, Doll. We’re gonna take good care a’ ya.”
The next roll of his hips and the fingers catch on his rim, burying themselves deep. The noise is obscene, but Steve won’t let him turn away, licks at his mouth until he opens up.
His noises are muffled, his fists clenching when the slow slide starts, Jim trying to be easy with him, gentle. 
Which is absolutely not what he needs, not after so long, not with how good they smell, how heady their combined musk is making him, how much he suddenly needs to take care of Jim’s Rut, help him sate the biological imperative.  
He doesn’t realize Steve’s trying to worm his fingers between Tony’s still clenched in the bedding, just squeezes when longer fingers interlace. It’s as much holding him still as comforting him while he groans around Steve’s tongue at the quickening thrusts.
The low growl becomes a rolling purr, is James Buchannon Barnes sinking deeper into his inner Alpha, the instincts he doesn’t have to suppress, and that could be why he isn’t a raging animal right now – almost seventy years without a Rut notwithstanding. 
By all rights, if he was a normal Alpha hitting Rut, he should be throwing Steve right the hell off his Omega and fucking into the engineer immediately to sate the growing need.
If he hadn’t been tortured out of his Alpha instincts by Hydra, if he hadn’t been on and off deep freeze, if it wasn’t Tony under him, he might have gone into a Rage and fucked the Omega until he screamed for it.
He adds another finger, mouth watering at the scent of Tony’s slick, the wet squelch telling him the Omega wanted this, wanted him, wanted them.
“Pleasepleaseplease,” said against Steve’s mouth when the thrust of fingers gets faster, harder, and he arches his back up into them. 
“So good for us, Tony,” Steve noses his face to the side to lick over his pulse again, set his teeth in the meat of their mechanic’s shoulder. “Just a little more. How’s he doing, Buck?”
“Fucking beautiful, Stevie,” and Jim licks his lips, eyes all for the show, “he’s so ready, so wet. Gonna work ‘im a lil’ more, get ‘im crying for it.”
Steve looks over his shoulder and grins shamelessly at the expression on Bucky’s face, the one that’s completely focused on what he’s doing.
That’s when Tony gets with the program because he’s just about done being tortured. All it takes is for a hand to wiggle in front of Steve’s crotch and palm him through his pants, give a few squeezing strokes. It makes Steve rear up, gasping in pleasure as Tony planned, so he can move his other hand to Jim and pull those fingers out of his wet ass.  It’s more instinct that guides him to rise to his knees and face the Alphas head on.
“Let me service you through your Rut, Alpha,” is all Jim needs to hear from the beautiful Omega, naked on his knees, smelling like ready, willing, and waiting. He’s flushed with pleasure, with their marks on his skin, and he’s–
It’s something so terribly traditional as Tony turns around and lowers his chest to the bed, spreading his knees to offer himself.
Jim’s mouth falls open in soft awe, and Steve makes a noise that sounds painful.
But Tony turns his face to the side, looking back, mouth open and kiss-swollen, pink down to his chest, and his hands move up the back of his thighs until he spreads himself, giving them the show of a lifetime.
“Alpha...take me.” 
Is really James Buchannon Barnes’ undoing.
“S-Stevie,” is a low growl, the Alpha in him hitting some hard limits. “He yelps, ya pull me back, no matter what.”
Breathing in through his mouth, Steve moves off the bed with one last shuffle of fingers through Tony’s sweaty hair, “don’t worry, Buck, I won’t let cha hurt ‘im. You hear that, sweetheart? You’re gonna check in, okay?”
“Mmm,” Tony braces his elbows and lowers his back on instinct, feeling the muscles stretch, “green. Green, Alpha.”
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sherrybaby14 · 5 years
Who Am I Chapter 20
Summary:  You believe your Alphas rejected you, while they believe you no longer want them.
Warnings: Angst, smut.  This is a non-con/rape story. Please do not read if this offends you.  A/B/O Dynamics
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You sat at your lab station and tried to look busy, but you kept glancing toward the door.  It had been a week since you laid eyes on another soul and were eager for Bruce’s arrival.  
Imagination and wishes were starting to blend.  It was easy to view the door opening and it not being Bruce.
“Hey Doll.” Bucky struggled to keep the smile off his face. 
“What’s wrong?” Steve stood behind him, never trying to hide the look of concern. 
“I’m sorry.” You couldn’t get the words out before you ran over to them and jumped in their arms. “I’m so sorry.” 
You blinked and the images vanished.  What would happen if you did apologize? You never really got the chance.  Maybe they would forgive you?  But that would mean risking rejection, and even though you tried to fight it, their lack of contact with you was not normal for an Alpha. It wasn’t normal for your Alphas either.  
They were staying away because they wanted to because they didn’t want you.   “Stop.” You yelled at your brain.  This was why you needed to keep busy or else this was all that filled your head. 
  Finally, the sound of keys made you rise from your workbench.  The door was locked on the outside, but you could push it open from the inside if you wanted.   You smiled as Bruce walked into the room carrying shopping bags. It was nice to see him, but the fact it wasn’t Bucky and Steve reminded you how silly your fantasies were becoming.  
“Been keeping busy?” Bruce’s voice echoed across the space. “It’s sort of creepy down here.” 
“I hadn’t noticed.” You looked around and saw most of the area was dark. “Did you bring me the chemicals?” 
“Yes, Ma’am.” Bruce dropped some bags by the fridge. “And some food too.” You frowned, carrying more about your cell splicing theory than the bland groceries.
“Your list was a little strange.  How would bromine help with your pills?” Bruce set the other bags on your work table. “I’d love to hear your theories on its impact.”
Of course, Bruce would try and interpret your list of requests. 
“Maybe someday.” You tried to shake it off. “Once I’m finished.”
  “Right.” Bruce nodded. “You probably don’t have time for scientific discussion.  I know you Y/N, eager to get back to work.” 
“Yep.” You nodded your head in agreement. At least the old you was obsessed with work.  The new one still valued science but was starting to seek more of a balanced life. 
“So any breakthroughs? Anything I can help with?” Bruce looked down at your lab space.
“I don’t think so.” You didn’t want him checking out your set up and asking questions. “What’s going on in the outside world?” 
“You haven’t searched google?” Bruce raised an eyebrow. “Are you working non-stop?  Two minds are always better than one.  Why don’t you walk me through what you’ve done so far?” 
“I meant how are Steve and James?” You blurted out the first question that popped in your head and cringed, immediately regretting it. 
Bruce’s brow smoothed and his lips parts, softening his features.  At least his eyes were on you and not the table.
“I haven’t seen them.” He tilted his head. “Do you want to see them? Send a message? Anything?”  
“No.” You dropped your gaze. “Just making conversation.” 
“Y/N. I guess we’ve never really talked personal before.” Bruce scratched his head. “I know I’m a little awkward with this stuff, but I’m here if you need to talk.” Bruce tried to sound sweet, but you knew he would rather discuss particles than romance.  Your relationship had always been professional.  When he came to see you after your heat he couldn’t even say the word.
You shook your head.
“When you broke up with them they were pretty devastated.” Bruce pulled out a chair and sat down. “I brought you back here because you needed an Alpha, I didn’t know any others and I figured with your past they were the best bet.”
“And I thanked you.” You put on a fake smile, wanting this conversation to end. “But I should get back to work.” 
“Look, I don’t know much about this Alpha-Omega stuff.” Bruce held his hands up. “But based on what I know, I would say the ball is in your court.”
“Excuse me?” You knew that Bruce was missing a lot of details about how things went down with Bucky and Steve, but in what world could he think that?
“You broke up with them.  Being with an Avenger was too dangerous, right? I realize that it never occurred to me, do you want to go back to them? Because I can ask.” 
“Don’t.” You squinted your eyes shut and put your hands on the counter. 
  The last thing you wanted was to explain to Bruce about your detoxing situation with your Alphas, or how you told Loki and Tony. Plus there was no way he could comprehend their absence after your heat.  It was too much. 
“You’ve done enough, really.” You put on the fake smile again.  “But, I am eager to get back to it.” 
“Alright.” Bruce stood up. “And you’re sure you don’t want any help?”
“I’ve got this.” You went to the bags and started unpacking. “I’m fine.  Really.” “Not to add pressure, but how much longer are you thinking?” He glanced at your workspace.
“No clue.” You shook your head. “I’m trying my best, but nowhere near figuring out the compound.” 
“Well, keep e-mailing me. Call if you need anything.  I’ll check on you next week?” Bruce gave a half smile. 
“Uh-huh.” You tried to keep moving your hands to stop any sort of shake from showing.
“Okay then.” Bruce let out a loud breath and stuck his hands in his pockets. “Good thing you’re not scared of the dark.”
He walked away, his footsteps echoing.  You glanced up at him as he left, then looked around the giant empty floor.  It was pretty dark, but you’d never noticed.
  You shut your eyes and threw your head back, feeling guilty for lying and endangering him and Tony about the pills and some relief that you’d bought yourself another week. 
~~~ “Ugh.” There was a poke in Steve’s shoulder. 
“See. He’s alive.” Tony sounded far away.
Steve blinked a few times and was met with a splitting headache. He groaned and sat up, pulling his head into his arms.
“What the hell did you two do?” Tony’s voice cleared. 
Steve dropped his hands and glanced at the mess.  The brand new table was splintered, there were pieces of drywall on the floor along with human-sized dents in the wall.  
Bucky let out a groan and rolled to his side.  
A light flashed in Steve’s eye and he brought up his arms, shielding the flash and seeing Bruce with a doctor’s pen aimed at him. 
“I don’t need a check-up.” Steve started to stand. “Enhanced remember? I’ll be fine in a few hours.”
“Oh, I walked in and saw this mess, ran and got Bruce.” Tony took Steve’s arm and helped him up. “But not because you needed a doctor, because I wanted someone else to witness this scene to prove I wasn’t dreaming.” 
Steve steadied himself as Bruce helped Bucky to his feet.
“Just so we’re on the same page, you two did this to each other right?” Tony pointed back and forth. “There’s not another villain on the loose in my tower?” 
“It’s nothing.” Bucky walked towards the kitchen. “We needed to let off some steam.” 
Steve heard the water going and walked over to the sink.  Bucky placed a glass out for him and he took it, slamming the entire thing. 
“Is this about Y/N?” Bruce looked shocked. 
“It’s private,” Bucky answered. 
Steve leaned against the counter. 
“I’m guessing ten thousand in damages?” Tony held his arms up. “You do realize a large chunk of the building is currently under construction?  You two are paying for this.”
“A bunch of stubborn morons.” Bruce shook his head. “Do you guys want to see her? I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.  Maybe communicating with words is better than kicking the crap out of each other?”
Steve looked to Bucky.  He’d taken the lead on things and they ended up here.  His best friend locked eyes with him and Steve dipped his chin.
“Like I said.” Bucky took another drink of water. “It’s private.”
Bruce’s mouth hung open and he slapped Tony’s arm.  Steve knew Bruce didn’t have the entire story and was certain if he heard it they would be dealing with the Hulk in a manner of seconds.  
“Well like I said.” Tony pointed at them. “You two are paying for this. Hire your own contractors.”
Tony turned and Bruce followed him.  The two of them started whispering and Steve knew it was about him, Bucky, and Y/N.  Betas could never understand.   Bucky came up and leaned on the other side of the counter. 
“You said no?” Steve knew Buck was the more sensitive one, for those few seconds he held out hope his friend would follow his heart and they would be reunited with their girl.
“You were right. I don’t want to force anything on her again.” Bucky sighed. “She had a choice, and she didn’t pick us.”
Steve stared at the ground. The feeling of dread worked its way into his bones.  If Bucky felt that way too he knew what was coming soon: acceptance.  It terrified him to let her go. ~~~     This time you were prepared.  Your chemicals were set out exactly on the counter and you had a story for Bruce regarding your lack of progress. 
Unfortunately this week you had a bit of a breakthrough on your side experiments and wished you could run your theories by him, but there was no way you could explain why you were working on that and not rediscovering your pills.  
“Hey.”  Bruce didn’t have any bags with him. 
“Hi.” You stood up straight, trying not to look nervous. 
“Make any progress?” Bruce came to your table.
“Yeah, actually.” You looked down. “I think I have it narrowed down to twelve isolated variables.”
“Good.” Bruce nodded and leaned against the table. 
“Do you want me to walk you through them?” You had spent yesterday practicing. 
In reality, you spent your week YouTubing hobbies some more. Meditation was never something you could master, but you were getting braiding your hair down.  Your favorite had been the scientific stuff, but again you needed more supplies.  
“I can’t stay long.” He stuck his hands in his pockets. “Y/N, are you sure this is what you want?”
“Yes.” You gave a nervous laugh. “Why?”
“You seem…happy? Not being on the pills I mean.  Are you sure you don’t want to head to an Omega home?” Bruce was trying so hard to seem relaxed you saw right through it. “No offense, but you’re living alone in a dank dark basement without going crazy.  You used to be a little more uptight?” 
“No. Not an option.  I’m sorry it’s taking so long.  I’ll try to hurry it up.” Adrenaline flared.
Creepy basement or not, this was the first time you’d ever gotten to know yourself without any outside influence.  Besides that, if they forced you out of here before your heat hit you would never get a chance to see Steve and James again.
“Did you bring what I asked for? I think the acidic base could create an entirely new component.”  You needed to change the subject.
“Right.” Bruce nodded. “Actually I had another idea. It’s Tony’s birthday this weekend.  We’re all going to celebrate in Napa.”
“You’re joking right?” This was a trick. “I can’t leave the tower.”
Were they going to drag you away?  Your heart raced so hard it felt like it was going to beat out of your chest.
“Oh no.” Bruce held a hand up and waved it. “I meant, his penthouse will be empty. I thought you could use a few days of sunlight, even if its through windows. Take the weekend off.  Refresh.”  
“Are you sure?  I thought isolation was best?  What if someone sees me?” This still felt like a setup.  
You glanced towards the door and wondered if authorities were on the other side.
“It’s the weekend, most employees are gone.  All of the Avengers and close SHIELD agents are leaving for the party. I think you’ll be safe. You can trust me Y/N.” Bruce stood up straight. “A lot of them left already. My flight is in thirty minutes so I can take you up now or you can stay down here and I’ll bring your stuff on Sunday.” 
“Should I change?” You had on a pair of yoga pants and a white tank.  It was your uniform since that was all that was in the bag of clothing provided to you. Twenty pieces of the same clothing and undergarments.  “Or bring anything?”
“No. Tony knows you’re coming. It was his idea.” Bruce waved his hand over his shoulder. “Sort of a mea culpa.” 
Bruce started walking and you followed.  This was happening too fast.  You stopped.  
“Y/N, you have nothing to worry about.” Bruce kept moving when he got to the door. “But remember Tony has a pool. Live a little, take a few days off.”
You were too familiar with Tony’s pool.  After spending time with Bucky in there you assumed you were on the banned list for not following his rules.  
Analyzing every situation was how you’d always operated. Bruce was operating too fast. 
“Or stay down here, alone.  It’s up to you.” Bruce held open the door. 
Your heart lurched and stomach knotted.  Bruce dipped his chin. 
“Come on Y/N.  Let’s go.”  
Even though it didn’t compel you it was easier to listen to him and leave the basement than let your mind run over every option known to man.  
You walked down the long hallway to the elevator.  The box was waiting and both of you headed inside.  
“I wasn’t expecting this.” You didn’t want a silent elevator ride to fall back into your thoughts. “Why didn’t you mention it over e-mail?” 
“Spur of the moment.” Bruce shrugged. 
“So I’ll be all alone?” You weren’t sure if you were making small talk or trying to find out if two other people were going to be in the building.
“Steve and Bucky are coming to Tony’s party.” Bruce glanced at you. “Sure you don’t want to talk to them?”
You hated it that he went there.  This small talk needed to drop.  You looked forward and nodded.  
“I know I said you looked happy down in that basement, but there was one other time I saw you happier.” Bruce kept his eyes straight ahead. 
The memory made you cringe.  You were wearing Bucky’s clothes and probably looked freshly fucked in front of a colleague.  
Your reaction reminded you of what you had come to know though.  You weren’t you on the pills and you weren’t you after being intimate with your Alphas.  
There was more you cared about than pleasing them or focusing on your job.  Omega or not, you were a person. You’d learned more about yourself in two weeks than you had in your entire life.
The elevator came to a stop and you braced yourself, still scared this was a trick.  Instead, it opened up to Tony’s plush apartment.  
“Loki.” You said the name as you walked out, remembering the last time you were here.
God of mischief was an appropriate title for him since he started this whole thing.   “You don’t have to worry about him.” Bruce was a few feet in front of you and pointed up to the balcony. “Upstairs on the left is Tony’s room.  Stay out of there.  The right has two guest rooms.  Pick whichever you like.  Otherwise, you’re on your own.” 
“Just like that?”  The ceiling was at least sixty feet high. The huge windows showed the dark blue skyline, skyscrapers starting to light up. “You’re leaving?”
“I’ve got a flight to catch.” Bruce put his hands on your shoulders and leaned in, placing a kiss on your cheek. “Enjoy yourself.”
The gesture was uncharacteristic of your fellow scientist.  But the touch almost made you cry.  You were enjoying getting to know yourself, but that didn’t make you any less lonely.  
Lonely.  Even thinking the word made you gasp.  You could lie to a lot of people, but when the truth slipped out in your mind it was hard to deny.
Bruce walked back to the elevator. You were still processing your thoughts. 
 Maybe you should call out, stop him, have him take you to Bucky and Steve.  Maybe they would forgive you, maybe the three of you could find a way to work.  Maybe it was worth a shot.  
Before you could raise your concerns the ding sounded and Bruce disappeared, leaving you alone in the giant apartment.  
You deserved solitude, but at least your Alphas had each other and we're going to have their friends this weekend.  You could take some solace in that fact.   The window called to you and you walked over to it, pressing your hand against the pane.  You were about to lose yourself in your min when another ding sounded.  
Bruce came back.  You looked over your shoulder, unsure if you should tell him to get your Alphas or keep with the plan.  
When you opened your mouth to speak you froze. It wasn’t Bruce.
  Steve stepped out first. He had on dress pants and a blue button down. Bucky was right behind him dressed all in black. 
“Are we the first ones?” Steve glanced around the apartment, his eyes stopped moving as soon as they landed on you. 
You looked to Bucky who had also spotted you and was now staring. The dark-haired Alpha’s lips parted in shock.  Steve’s eyebrows were raised too.  Neither of them expected to see you.  
They were about twenty feet away from you, but it felt like there was a thick ocean separating them.  A small gasp escaped your throat and you shut your mouth, not realizing it had been hanging open.  
“Y/N.” The sound of Steve’s voice was stronger than you remembered and it made your knees start to buckle. 
This was too hard, you missed them and seeing them without being in their arms, without knowing everything was alright was too much. Even though you didn’t want to look away you had no chance of keeping it together if you kept looking at them. 
It was too late though.  Your legs gave out and you crumbled to the floor as a sob escaped your lips.  
“Y/N, you have to calm down,” Steve spoke through gritted teeth.
  The harshness of his voice made you look up.  Twilight was setting in, but you saw it clear as day, his pupils starting to turn black.  
Would that be so bad? Triggering their Alpha to take care of you?  Like the first time.  If that was going to happen you wanted to get a chance to apologize before they vanished again. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” You blurted out between sobs. “Forgive me. I’m so sorry for what I did to you two.” 
“What?” Bucky stepped forward. 
“I should never have left. I should never have involved Tony. I understand why you hate me, but you’re still so good you helped me and I didn’t deserve it.” You were still on your feet but needed to put your hands on the floor before you fell. “I’m so sorry. I’d give anything to take it back.” 
“Hey.” There were hands on your back and under your knees, scooping you in the air.  
Immediately you hands went behind Bucky’s neck as he carried you over to the couch. Feeling his body next to yours was making you melt even more.  When he left this time it was going to be harder.
  He walked you over to Steve, who also had his arms out. When you reached him you stretched and pulled him close and his hands went to carry you as well.  Both of them leaned their heads towards you as the held you in the middle of the apartment.  
“I’m so sorry.” You sniffled.  
“It’s alright Doll.” Steve kissed the top of your head. “We’re sorry too.” 
“Why?  You didn’t do anything wrong.” You lifted your chin and glanced between the two of them.  “All you did was try to help me.” 
“I think we should all sit down.” Bucky kept you close as he pulled you away from Steve. 
The two of them walked over to a couch and set you so you were half on each of their laps, both of them twisted slightly toward you.  Steve took one of your hands in his and brought it to his lips, giving your knuckles a light kiss.  
“We thought you didn’t want us.” Bucky’s metal arm snaked around your waist pulling you further onto his lap, but twisting you so you both faced Steve. “Especially after you didn’t ask for us.”
“What do you mean?” You looked over your shoulder at him. “You mean when you helped me through my heat? I thought since you weren’t there when I woke up, you were just doing your duty to help an Omega.”
“Never Doll.” Steve kissed your hand again, making you look towards him. “We gave you a choice. We wanted you to make it without any influences.  I told you before we left, all you had to do was ask and we would come running.”
“I don’t remember.” You glanced between the two of them. “I didn’t remember anything from my heat. Only flashes, and feelings. I knew you were there, I knew it was you, but I was like an animal. I don’t remember any conversations at all.” 
Bucky let out a small grunt and Steve went from looking shocked to sheepish.  You couldn’t help but giggle. 
“What?” Steve tilted his head. “How is this funny?”
“We’ve all spent the last two weeks without each other for no reason.”  You shut your eyes and felt like the weight of the world was lifting off your shoulders. “So you want me?” 
“More than anything.” Bucky kissed your head. 
“Always.” Steve’s other hand squeezed your knee. “And you?  You want us?” The warm tears formed as you tried to think of what to say, but there weren’t words so instead, you nodded furiously.  
“Yes.”  You kept nodding and took a breath. “I love both of you. I love you so much it hurts.” 
Steve broke out in a smile and Bucky pulled you even tighter.  
“Can we go home now?” You looked over your shoulder. 
Bucky was smiling and he stood up, pivoting you so he was cradling you once again.  
“Let’s get out of here before the rest of Tony’s guests show up.” Steve held your hand as he rose from the couch. “I want it just us for the next few days.” 
“You mean the people going to Napa?” You asked. “Bruce was leaving for the plane. He told me I would be alone here all weekend.”
“Clever Betas.” Bucky laughed.  
You smirked. A few minutes ago you were certain this was a setup, and it was.  You rested your head on Bucky’s shoulder as you walked into the elevator.   Steve hit the down button and the doors shut.  
“Good evening Mr. Rogers, Mr. Barnes, Dr. Y/L/N.  I have a message from Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner.  They say: ‘all three of you are stubborn idiots and you’re welcome.’” The AI’s voice filled the elevator.  
You pinched your eyes shut with embarrassment as Steve and Bucky laughed.   “I hate it that I’m putting them in danger by being here.  Unmated Omega.” You wished they had claimed you during your heat. 
“We’ll take care of it during your next cycle.” Steve rubbed your back. “We promise.”
“Who knows when that will be.” You wanted it now. 
It was worth the wait though, trying when you weren’t in your heat would make it next to impossible for them both to claim you. 
“We have plenty of time to practice.” Bucky’s eyes danced down your face.  
He steadied his gaze on your lips and licked his own. Your body flashed with lust at the simple gesture.  A purr came from Steve, who continued to rub your back.   There was no way it was going to be anyone but the three of you for the next several days.   ~~~ You were carried up the stairs, still cradled to Bucky’s chest with Steve walking in front of you. You had never felt safer in your entire life.  A warmth was spreading through your body. You were home.  Not because you were back in the apartment, but because you were with the two of them.  
Steve opened the door to his room and all three of you went inside.  The anticipation of what was to come made wetness pool at your core.  You pressed your legs together, aware that the scent was making its way to your Alphas. 
Even though you knew you were protected there was a slight shake to your body when Bucky set you down on the edge of the bed.  
“Are you scared?” Steve knelt in front of you placing his hand on your knee, while Bucky took a seat, putting his arm around your shoulder.   
“No.” You lied and shut your eyes. 
Both Alphas let out low growls and you popped your lids open. They knew you were lying. 
“Yes.” You let out a whimper.  
“Why?” Steve leaned down and kissed your knee at the same time Bucky kissed your shoulder. “We’d never hurt you.”
“We can tell you're getting excited.” Bucky kissed down your arm, lifting it in the air to meet his lips. 
“In a way, this feels like the first time.” Your legs parted as Steve kissed down your thigh. 
“Relax Doll,” Steve spoke between light kisses. “Let us take care of you.”  
“There’s nothing we want more in the world.”  Bucky reached your wrist at the same moment Steve came to your apex. 
You gasped as Bucky lifted your arm in the air and Steve rose your behind from the bed.  Both of them worked quick. Bucky pulled your tank top over your head at the same time Steve pulled off your pants and panties. Bucky’s hands went to your back and unclasped your bra right when Steve tugged off the bottoms, making you fall back into the bed, completely nude. 
Both of your Alpha’s rose and looked down at your naked form.  Instinct made you move to cover yourself but again they each growled. 
“So beautiful Doll.” Bucky started unbuttoning his shirt. 
“Our perfect Omega.”  Steve untucked his and ripped it over his head. 
The sight of his body rippling with the motion made you moan and even more slick gather between your legs. 
Steve leaned down and grabbed one of your ankles.  You pointed your toes as he lifted your leg to his mouth and started kissing.  His lips felt like they were burning your skin and comforting it at the same time. The position made you fall back on your elbows, with your other knee bent on the bed and legs slightly parted. 
“I bet you taste better than you smell.” Bucky’s voice made you look towards him. 
You got a glimpse of his equally perfect bare torso before he fell forward, his head landing right between your legs. 
“Ah!” You let out a small noise when his tongue ran up your slit.  
Steve kissed down your calf, before dipping your leg and wrapping it around Bucky’s shoulder. His tongue flickered against your clit making you moan.  He kept the light pressure, and you found yourself trying to use your heel to pull him closer.
“Patience Doll.” Bucky chuckled. 
The bed dipped and your eyes snapped back to Steve.  He came down over you and pressed his mouth to yours.  You did not hesitate to open your lips and take his tongue against yours.  At the same time, Bucky pressed himself harder against your pearl and you moaned even louder into Steve’s mouth.  
It was like the two of them were aware of exactly what the other was doing.  Steve’s tongue rolled against yours in a deep wave while Bucky used his to bring your body to life.  
Steve’s hand went to your stomach while Bucky repositioned himself so that each of his arms wrapped around your thighs.  You brought your other leg around his shoulder and put your arms around Steve’s neck as you fell completely back into the bed.  
Fingertips ran up your stomach and the same time as another set loosened its grip on your thigh.  Steve’s traced upward until they reached the bottom of your breast while Bucky’s swooped down until they lightly glazed your entrance. “Mmmm.” You whimpered into Steve’s mouth.  
You found yourself trying to arch your back into Steve’s touch and flex your pelvis into Bucky’s finger at the same time. The movement was impossible and resulted in receiving either touch further while lessening the other. “Mmmmppph!” You cried out again, but Steve only deepened the kiss.  
Both of them touching you, but neither giving you exactly what you wanted was driving your crazy, making you wiggle underneath them in a constant, erratic movement.  Finally, you couldn’t take it anymore and flipped your head to the side, ending the kiss.
Before you could speak you started to pant. 
“Please.” You panted again. “Please. I need more.” 
A hand was on your chin, whipping your head back towards Steve.  You gasped and another wave of excitement shook your body when black eyes looked down at you.
“That’s what you want.” His fingertips applied more pressure and started to work up your breast.
“We know what you need.” Bucky looked up from between your legs.  
His eyes were just as black as Steve’s.  Seeing them like this made you moan and drop your head back.  It was you causing this.  The first time you were so scared, but now you understood the control you had over them, your body forcing each of them into the Alpha state.  It sent a surge of power through you.   Right when Steve’s fingertips reached your nipple Bucky’s finger slid into your canal.  Steve pinched while Bucky filled and you squealed, arching your back.   Steve leaned over you and started to kiss your neck while Bucky’s wet tongue pressed against your clit again.  You dropped one hand and ran it through his hair while you brought the other to Steve and did the same.  
Bucky’s tongue pulsed, while Steve rolled your bud into a hard pebble.  Then Bucky started to curl his finger and your legs shook.  Steve used the opportunity to kiss down your clavicle until his mouth replaced his fingers.  
He sucked your nipple into his mouth and began teasing it with his teeth, alternating between biting and lightly grinding the nerve center.  His other hand went to your neglected tit and began giving it the same amount of attention with his fingertips.  
Bucky clicked his fingers inside of you, bringing your fleshy patch to life while his mouth sucked your bundle on nerves to the point it was almost too much.   The attention began to gather at your core.  Everything they were doing to you traveled to the single place and piled up.  Each of their motions made you climb higher and higher.  It was tightening, to the point, you were a moaning mess on the bed, incapable of focusing on anything but the release that loomed over you. Steve sucked harder and Bucky clicked faster. The buildup scattered as you through your head back, the orgasm sending the pile of pleasure through your entire body. 
“MmmmmMmMM!” You tossed your head to the side, certain that you were going to lose consciousness.  
All the nights you missed this, missed them only intensified the orgasm.  Your body craved your Alphas and you had been denying yourself far too much.   Bucky’s finger slid out and Steve’s head disappeared.  You curled on your side, unsure if you wanted to ecstasy to carry you into sleep or try to fight it down for more.  
“We’re just getting started Doll.”  The mattress dipped and hands were on your hips. “I missed you.”  
You forced your eyes open as you were lifted in the air.  Bucky position you so you were straddling him.  He bent his knees and set your back against them, giving you the support you needed since you were still reeling from the orgasm.   His hand went between the two of you, while the metal one stayed on your hip and lifted you.  His cock was at your pussy, pressing against your hole.  You closed your eyes as his head pushed inside of you.  
“AH!” You almost fell forward, forgetting how large he was.  
“So beautiful Doll.”  His metal hand pushed you down. 
You were soaked from the previous attention, but still felt every bit of him as your pussy stretched down.  He was thick and your walls started to convulse.  You whined, unsure if him filling you was causing a residual orgasm or you were struggling to accommodate him.
“Eeeee!” Either way, you let out a screech.  
Your thighs slid apart as you were impaled. All of your nerves were scrambled, but there was no doubt the sensation was amazing.  
His other hand returned to your opposite hip and held you upright while you settled.  
Even though he was holding you up, your shoulders started to slouch.  You expected to keel over, but a hand touched your chin.  
You opened your eyes and looked to see Steve kneeling next to Bucky.  His cock was rock hard, and right in front of your mouth.
   You barely had a chance to lick your lips before he pulled your head forward.  You opened your mouth and tried to relax your jaw while he pressed against your tongue. 
“Good Omega.” Steve purred.  
Bucky’s fingers dug into your hips and he flexed up, making you pop and take Steve further into your mouth.  When the dark hair soldier lowered you back down he didn’t give you a second to recover before he lifted you up again.   This time Steve’s cock went even deeper, you had to press your tongue down or risk gagging.  You brought your hands to Steve’s thighs to brace yourself and moaned.  
Bucky slid you up and down his pole, and every inch that left your pussy an inch of Steve entered your mouth.  The taste of Steve’s precum was more delicious than you remembered and you found yourself hungry for more. 
It was enough motivation to start flicking your tongue.  Bucky must have sensed the eagerness return and began bouncing you faster.  The stuffed feeling was sending you into overdrive and you started to rock your hips, making his cock bump into your G-spot with each thrust.  
You continued working your tongue against Steve, wanting to taste all of him.  The thought of his cum hitting the back of your throat, floating down into your belly made you whimper.  You needed that.  
So you began bobbing your head faster, desperate for all of him.  Saliva started to pool at the corners of your mouth.  You were desperate to taste him. “Ahhh.” Steve let out a groan.  
Then you felt it.  Your eyes popped open and you almost fell over, taking Steve down your throat in the process, as Bucky’s metal finger pressed against your clit.  
You had been so focused on getting Steve off you forgot about the giant cock spearing you.  Bucky’s finger brought you back to your own pleasure as he began rubbing circles.  
The attention was too much and you cried out, trying to jerk your hips backward.  You were met with Bucky’s knees, keeping you from getting away from his touch.  
You jerked your head back to drop Steve from your mouth and tell Bucky you were too sensitive, but Steve’s hand grabbed your skull before his tip fell.  You looked up at him with pleading eyes but were meant with the black ones staring back at you.  
“Remember.  We know what you need.” Steve’s voice carried a warning.  
They were the Alphas.  They would never hurt you.  You gave your head a nod and Steve lessened his grip.  
“Good Omega.” Bucky purred this time. 
Your body shook in response to the praise. Bucky flexed his hips up again as his finger pushed even harder and your eyes rolled into the back of your head. 
“That’s it Doll.  Give yourself to us.”  Steve rubbed your head, his cock still in your mouth. 
  Bucky was working your body too much and you could no longer concentrate on blowing Steve, instead, the only movement from your mouth was the result of Bucky lifting and dropping you
   The coil of pleasure began to form again.  This time you didn’t try to meet it.  You let Bucky remain in control, guiding your body to its release. 
  Whines and moans left your lips, but they were all stifled by Steve’s cock pressing against your tongue.  
“That’s feels so good baby girl.” Steve ran his hands over your hair.  
“Mmmmph.” You didn’t even know what you were trying to say.  
“So good Omega.” Bucky chimed in and pressed down hard.
His finger was torturing your clit at the same time he was sliding you up and down his shaft.  When their praise mixed in you couldn’t take it any longer.  The coil burst free and euphoria spread over your entire body.  
It felt like you were falling and gasping for breath at the same time as you were flying and exploding.  You had no control over your body whatsoever. And you were grateful if it meant feeling this way.  
Suddenly your lungs burned and the passion continued to works its way through your veins, but it brought on the blackness as you gave over completely to the orgasm.  
A hand was rubbing your back.  Your breathing was heavy. You struggled to open your eyes, but the chest underneath your started to vibrate.  You were cocooned by two arms, pressed tight against your Alpha. 
“Such a perfect Omega.”  Bucky’s voice calmed you.  
Your senses started to return and you lifted your head.  His hands left your back and went to your cheeks and he pulled you down for a kiss. 
His tongue slid into your mouth and you barely had control of your jaw as he started to kiss you.  You sighed, but he kept at it, coaxing you into action.   The rest of the world started to settle in and you realized he was still buried deep inside of you, his cock slowly pulsing while his tongue moved.  Your body was still tingling with pleasure.  
Hands were on your hips, urging you to start to rock yourself.  They must have been Steves. You whined in protest.
“You can handle more Baby Doll.” Steve encouraged you. “Trust me.” 
His encouragement made you lift your hips slightly and then slide back down. You’d already cum twice and neither of them had.  Even if you couldn’t take anymore you were not going to leave them wanting.  
“That’s it.” Steve’s hands vanished. “Doing so well. Our good girl.”
You moaned and started moving faster. You wanted that: to be their good girl.  You slid up Bucky further before impaling yourself again.  Every nerve in your pussy was fried and you felt every inch of him.  It was almost Utopia.  
Bucky continued to kiss you, holding your face to his as your body was bent over him.  There was a movement behind you and Steve’s hands slid up your thighs to your ass.  He caressed your cheeks before spreading them apart. 
Panic filled you as you sucked in a breath and tried to pull away from Bucky.  He responded with a low growl. 
“Do you trust us Y/N?” Steve situated himself behind him and you felt a coolness at your rear.  “You need to relax.  We only want to give you what you need.”  
The adrenaline had brought you back to life, but the panic was starting to fade.  You responded by returning Bucky’s kiss.  
“What a good girl.” Steve’s voice was so commanding it made you relax even more. “That’s it Doll.” 
You didn’t tense when you felt his head press into your passage.  He pressed forward and you groaned into Bucky’s mouth.  It wasn’t the first time you’d taken both of them, but it was the first time you were this aware.  
Every push of Steve’s cock into your ass only made your body more aware of Bucky in your pussy.  Your groan turned into a moan.  It felt like your entire body was alive, even places you never knew existed anymore. 
Steve kept his descent slow. You knew it was for your benefit, but it made a slow pleasure pop through you. Igniting something you weren’t sure you could handle.  You tried to sit back, wanting him to enter faster.  
“Grr.” Bucky pulled his tongue out and brought a hand to your side as he sat up, pushing you down with him. 
“AHHHH!” You didn’t hide the scream as your through your head back. 
Bucky’s movement had set Steve’s entire cock in your ass.  The blond Alpha adjusted himself so his arm was on your other hip. 
All three of you sat upright, with you sandwiched between them.  You’d never felt this full in your life, literally or figuratively.  
You reached behind you and pulled Steve’s head forward. His mouth went to your neck, just like you wanted.  You moaned when Bucky dipped his head to your chest and started kissing and licking at your breasts.  
Both of them were moving their cocks too slowly. You lifted yourself and them dropped back down, getting moans out of both of them.  You repeated the action still feeling completely stuffed, but it didn’t stop the ache from forming.
“Ohhhh!” Your head dropped to Steve’s shoulder as you got into a rhythm. You were the one guiding it, but your Alphas worked together. Diving at the same rate. Your bodies were being guided by instinct and all they needed was each other.  
“Eeeeeemmmm!” You weren’t even making coherent noises.  
It was pure passion driving your beings. You were going to cum. They were going to cum.  Bucky lifted his head at the same time as Steve and you lowered yourself one final time, exploding. 
Before any of the sensations could be comprehended both of their mouths hit your neck again and teeth sunk in. 
“AHHHHH!” You let out a blood-curdling scream. 
They both hit your bonding marks at the exact time your body shook from the orgasm.  Their cocks pulsed inside of you filling both of your wholes as their claim spread through your body.  It was indescribable, but you tumbled over and over again into pleasure.  
At that moment you sunk down and rocketed away.  Pure love was filling every atom in your body, heart, and soul.  
You weren’t capable of forming a coherent thought and didn’t care if you were ever able to have one again.  
Pressure fell on your back and you collapsed, welcoming the free fall. ~~~ When you woke up your head was heavy.  Your neck ached and your hands pulled in and touched both sides.  Your fingertips ran over teeth marks.  Claimed. Bonded. Mated.  
Your eyes popped open.  You were being cuddled by two Alphas.  No, by YOUR two Alphas.  It worked.  You weren’t in your heat and it worked.  
They said it was a one in a million chance, but you were a one in a million couple.  Both of them were fast asleep as their arms draped over you, chests moving with deep sleep.  You wouldn’t wake them.  
All this time you were so concerned with who you were, trying to define yourself in any way possible.  But now that you accepted your make up you realized that was never a question.  
Every mistake you had ever made, every choice had led you to this point. And it was all worth it.  You were an Omega, you were a scientist, you were smart, you were emotional, you were loved, you were in love, you were safe, you were protected, you were cherished, and you had a long, happy life ahead of you with two truly beautiful Alphas.  
You were you. And that was all you hoped to ever be. 
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! This was my first Marvel story so it really brought me into the fandom.  I am so grateful to have people reading my stories, it means the world to me.  Thank you again! Xoxo 
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bluestm · 5 years
                *     𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘   .    y’all  ever  wondered  what  an  actual  angel  looks  like ?  lemme  point  y’all  in  the  direction  of  oNE  zendaya  coleman ,  blessing  to  humans  everywhere . i’m  taking  the  torch  from  ares  n  her  beautiful  rendition  to  try  and  keep  this  lil  goddess  on  the  dash  in  the  form  of  my  darling  soft  sarcastic  fool , 𝒃𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝒔𝒕 . 𝒋𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔 !  
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  ⋆  ╰  another   year  at  hollingsworth  ,  another  year  of  the  big  six rivalry  .  i  hear  that  BLUE  ST.  JAMES is  ensuring  CHI MU OMEGA  gets  a  solid  pledge  class  and  stays  at  the  top  of  the  ranks  .  oh  ,  you’re  not  familiar  with  HER  ?  BLUE  is  the  ZENDAYA  look  alike  from  SEATTLE , WASHINGTON  .  a part  of  PC  ‘16  ,  she  is  majoring  in  HISTORY  and  has  plans  to  AUDITION  FOR  THE  AMERICAN  BALLET  THEATER  AND  REBUILD  HER  CRUMBLING  DANCE  CAREER after  undergrad  .  it  makes  sense  they  pledged  their  house  ,  their  SHARP-WITTED  &  ASSIDUOUS   attributes  make  them  perfect  matches  .  however  ,  their  ACQUIESCENT  &  OBSESSIVE  attributes  keep  their  name  alive  on  greek  rank  .  if  you  don’t  catch  them  dancing  to  SUPERMODEL  -  SZA  at  a  fraternity  band  party  this  year  ,  you’ll  be  sure  to  catch  them  nursing  their  morning  hangover  at  THE  CHI O  HOUSE  .  cheers  to  another  wild  semester !
⋆  ╰    𝑺  𝑻  𝑨  𝑻  𝑰  𝑺  𝑻  𝑰  𝑪  𝑺   .
𝒇𝒖𝒍𝒍        𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 :         blue    ocean    st . james   𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬         :        i  applaud  u  if  u  can  make  a  nickname  out  of  “ blue “ 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆        /        𝒂𝒈𝒆 :        september    3rd  ,    twenty  -  one  𝒛𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒄         :        virgo 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓        𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚        /        𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒔         :         cisfemale    identifying        with        she   /  her   /   hers    pronouns           𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏         :         openly    pansexual    ,  panromantic 𝒐𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏        :           student   at   hworth   majoring    in    history     (   with   a   focus   in   the  history   of   art    and    literature    )  and    minoring   in    african  -  american  studies   ,    aspiring    pro   ballerina   𝒉𝒐𝒈𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔        𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆        :        hufflepuff 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏        𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅        𝒃𝒚         :       amy   from  booksmart   (  !!!!  ) ,  rory   gilmore    from  gilmore   girls   ,    stiles   stilinski   from  teen  wolf    (  !!!!!!!!! )   ,  grace  cardinal  &   cam  saunders  from  degrassi .       𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒔      :        -        melancholic  ,    overly-critical   ,    obsessive   , neurotic ,  teeteringly  non-confrontational   ,    astray   , acquiescent  ,  craven
         +                benevolent    , magnanimous    ,  tactful ,  inventive   ,   perfectionist ,   steadfast ,  sharp-witted   ,   rigorous  ,  assiduous  , sympathetic  
⋆  ╰      𝑨  𝑵  𝑻  𝑬  𝑪  𝑬  𝑫  𝑬  𝑵  𝑻 .
my  concept  was  that  her  mom  ,  sonya  ackerman  ,  was  a  world-renowned  ballerina  ,  like  one  of  the  first  on  the  east  coast  and  had  a  massive  studio  that  took  off  in  seattle  as  one  of  the  premier  ballet  academies  for  dancers  of  color !her  dad  ,  theodore  st.  james  ,  was  a  criminal  prosecutor  training  to  become  an  assistant  district  attorney  in  georgia  ,   but  would  commute  out  to  washington  bc  obv  blue’s  mom  isn’t  gonna  just  abandon  what  she  worked  so  hard  to  build  .  her  parents  were  a  rather  stable  couple  ,  but  blue  can  easily  admit  what  a  piece  of  work  her  mom  was  and  the  fucking  number  she  did  on  those  around  her
part  of  pushing  so  hard  for  success  meant  having  a  lot  to  lose  ,  and  sonya  made  that  the  driving  point  of  not  just  her  life  ,  but  her  only  child’s  ,  a  bright-eyed  baby  girl  with  a  gaze  as  pensive  and  thought-provoking  as  the  color  she  was  named  after  .  blue  ocean  was  a  miracle  ,  a  gentle (  but  rather  prone  to fixating  )  soul  from  the  moment  her  curls  came  into  the  light  of  this  world  ,  and  was  her  father’s  pride  since  the  moment  he  held  her  .  suddenly  commutes  were  that  much  harder  ,  the  tension  of  having  a  marriage  and  a  daughter  only  on  the  weekends  and  being  left  a  stranger  to  your  own  child  all  because  of  your  wife’s  unyielding  stubbornness  really  did  a  number  on  theodore  which  led  to  the  eventual  demise  of  their  marriage  :/
blue  doesn’t  remember  much  leading  up  to  the  divorce  ,  but  she’s  smart  enough  to  recognize  her  dad  didn’t  just  up  and  leave  out  of  nowhere  .  he  later  tells  her  he  was  sure  he’d  get  at  least  shared  custody  ,  but  the  courts  surprisingly  ruled  in  sonya’s  favor  with  no  rational  logic  behind  it  other  than  her  claim  of  motherhood  .  being  raised  with  the  world’s  weight  on  her  shoulders  hugely  influenced  blue’s  personality  ,  ballet  being  the  only  thing  she  remembers  as  a  constant  in  her  life  .  never  one  to  lash  out  ,  blue  took  the  oppressive  upbringing  as  an  opportunity  to  prove  herself  —  maybe  this  wasn’t  her  dream  ,  but  she  was  a  perfectionist  obsessed  with  control  ,  and  she’d  take  whatever  path  her  mother  put  her  on  and  do  a  damn  good  job  at  it .
highschool  was  highschool  and  she  was  gone  almost  as  soon  as  she  had  arrived  ,  graduating  with  only  enough  friends  that  she  could  count  on  her  hand  ,  and  whisked  off  to  the  city  in  which  she  had  heard  in  countless  of  her  mother’s  nostalgic  throw-back  stories  growing  up  ,  attending  julliard’s  prestigious  ballet  program  as  if  to  honor  her  late  mother’s  legacy  at  her  alma  mater .  
excelling  through  classes  ,  nailing  audition  after  audition  for  a  coups  de  ballet  role  but  never  a  principal  ,  blue  builds  her  reputation  among  the  new  york  dance  scene  with  grace  and  humility  ,  inching  her  way  towards  her  ultimate  goal  of  the  american  ballet  theater  as  paved  by  misty  copeland  ,  the  only  hero  who  even  compares  to  her  mother  in  blue’s  eyes  .  she’s  just  a  few  more  well-timed  performances  away  from  the  life  she’s  always  envisioned  ,  until  a  sudden  phone  call  flips  her  life  on  it’s  head  .  she  hasn’t  addressed  her  mother’s  passing  ,  nor  its  details  ,  and  it’s  unlikely  a  person  with  such  an  emotionally  reserved  disposition  such  as  herself  will  ever  really  come  around  to  processing  it  out  loud  .  the  news  hits  halfway  through  sophomore  year  and  she  makes  it  until  finals  week  before  she  spends  a  week  in  the  hospital  ,  unravelled  and  unhinged  ,  dehydrated  from  her  sobs  and  weak  from  her  inability  to  keep  food  down  due  to  an  unrelenting  anxiety  she’s  never  known  quite  like  this  .  this  subtle  childhood  nature  of  fixation  and  perfection  manifests  as  a  full  blown  obsessive  compulsive  disorder  diagnosed  during  her  psych  eval  ,  releasing  her  with  a  script  and  a  recommendation  to  go  somewhere  where  she’s  got  a  support  system  .
hu  ,  only  a  half  hour  drive  from  her  father’s  firm  and  the  current  school  of  her  childhood  best  friend  ,  receives  an  application  days  later  ,  declaring  an  interest  in “ a  change  of  pace  from  the  world  of  ballet  and  an  interest  in  their  world-renowned  history  program .  ” she  gets  sucked  into  the  greek  world  without  truly  meaning  to  ,  wandering  aimlessly  through  her  new  life  as  she  auditions  for  different  ballet  troupes  and  bombs  each  attempt  .  feeling  empty  ,  distant  ,  and  the  impending  sense  of  personal  failure  ,  her  new  sisters  in  chi  mu  omega  give  her  a  constant  push  of  go-go-go  to  fill  her  days  with  a  distraction  from  her  thoughts  .  senior  year  rounds  its  head  ,  and  blue  wants  to  spend  it  pushing  herself  to  return  to  her  former  glory  ,  eyeing  the  next  year’s  productions  at  the  american  ballet  theater  and  her  dream  to  once  again  reach  the  point  she  receives  an  invitation  to  audition  .  she’s  not  quite  sure  if  this  will  fill  the  void  in  her  heart  ,  a  void  she’s  sure  she’s  known  nearly  her  whole  life  ,  but  she’s  got  nothing  prepared  in  her  back  pocket  ,  so  it’s  really  ,  at  this  point  ,  all  she  has  left  .
⋆  ╰      𝑨  𝑵  𝑨  𝑳  𝒀  𝑺  𝑰  𝑺  .
for  a  lil  personality  blurb  ,  my  renditions  of  blue  have  always  been  really  soft  and  nuturing  and  i  want  to  keep  an  element  of  that  ? she’s  a  gentle  soul  and  part  of  that  absolutely  stems  from  her  upbringing  bc  her  mom  was  ..  .  .  .  not  a  nice  lady  lmao  .  but  somehow  ,  between  her  mom  at  home  and  then  her  mom  in  the  ballet  studio  ,  it  just  made  blue  more  compassionate  ?  she’s  admittedly  a  little  intimidating  ,  and  her  defense  mechanism  has  become  a quick  wit  that  manifests  most  amusingly  in  her  sarcasm  .  the  world  can’t  hurt  u  if  u  make  fun  of  it  first  ,  right ! i  also  wanted  to  sprinkle  in  a  little  bit  of  doe-eyed  buffoon  which  i  think  fits  in  well  with  her  whole  quiet  type  persona  ,  so  her  humor  deviates  into  goofiness  that  also  occasionally  manifests  as  an  awkward  as  shit  interaction  if  she’s  feeling  a  little  off ( as  in  :  the  bitch  has  a 50/50  shot  of  delivering  a  SEARING  burn  or  stammering  so  hard  she  ends  up  rlly  just  roasting  herself  :/  it’s  a  mystery  to  see  what  u’ll  end  up  w  when  it  comes  to  blue  ,  sigh )
delving  in  a  little  deeper  ,  even  if  she  seems  like  this  sarcastic  scattered lowkey  dork ,  who  gives  the  illusion  she’s  mellow  and  unbothered  ,  she’s  a  severe  overthinker  and  any  convo  longer  than  about  10  minutes  will  yield  to  the  fact  that  blue  is  constantly  stressed  the  FUCK  out about  the  smallest  things  .  she’s  really  observant  and  has  an  uncanny  ability  to  clock  ppl  ,  which  would  make  her  QUITE  the  devilish  fiend  to  exploit  ppl’s  weaknesses  but  alas  ,  for  a.  she  does  not  give  a  shit  abt  anything  enough  to  treat  people  cruelly  and b.  does  not  have  enough  braincells  to  spare  from  her  stress  and  misery  to  be  fiendish  and  manipulative  KSDJFKJSDHF  this  makes  her  a  really  great  person  to  tell  secrets  to  bc  literally  who  the  FUCK  is  she  gonna  tell ?  is  her  argument  n  lowkey !  she  right ! SDFHSKDHF  
contrary  to  what  her  performance  background  may  lead  many  to  believe  ,  she  really  is  not  fond  of  being  at  the  forefront  of  attention  and  feels  more  comfortable  lingering  in  the  background  ,  minding  her  own  business ,  and  staying  in  her  lane  so  catch  her  being  all  but  INVISIBLE  to  the  greek  rank  blog  !  her  critical  struggle  in  life  is  her  obsessive  personality  ,  deeply  rooted  in  the  trauma  of  being  riased  with  the  unyielding  expectation  for  absolute  perfection  .  she  has  a  hard  time  letting  go  and  comes  close  to  having  a  meltdown  if  things  in  her  world  arent  completely  under  her  control  (  as  exemplified  by  the  mental  breakdown  faced  during  the  most  stressful  time  in  her  life  .  )  she’s  incredibly  hard  on  herself  and  really  ,  truly  is  lost  as  to  who  she  is  without  the  fixation  of  perfection  in  her  life  .  this  is  incredibly  curious  due  to  her  selective  nature  —  in  terms  of  grades  ,  she’s  only  slightly  above  average  ,  and  is  rarely  interested  in  being  competitive  with  other  people  .  it’s  almost  exclusively  a  competition  with  herself  regarding  the  most  interesting  and  unassuming  things  : especially  considering  that  ballet  ,  her  whole  life’s  work  and  effort  ,  isn’t  even  her  PASSION  .  on  the  low  ,  she  kinda  hates  dance  culture  ,  especially  the  ridigity  of  ballet  !  like  bitch  wha t  the  FU C K  are  u  working  so  hard  on  it  for  ?  n  that’s  one  of  her  major  fears  ,  deviating  from  what  she  knows  and  pursing  her  true  passions  ,  because  at  least  with  ballet  ,  she  knows  it  and  she  knows  she’s  naturally  exceptional  — something  she  can’t  guarantee  with  her  true  passions  ( yet  tbd  but  have  something  to  do  with  art  history    !  ) and  would  rather  not  pursue  if  the  option  of  failure  ,  aka non-perfection ,  is  something  she’d  have  to  face  .
hcs  : she  doesn’t  drive  bc  she  doesn’t  have  her  license  as  she  has  rlly  bad  test  anxiety  and  ate  shit  all  4  times  she  tried  to  take  it  (  suffice  the  implication  of  her  failure  rests  in  the  sulking  pout  she  wore  for  about  2  weeks  straight  as  she  refused  to  try  again  a  5th  time )  ,  is  an  on  and  off  vegetarian  and  HATES  herself  for  it  ,  usually  that  friend  who’s  goin  “  i’m  not  sure  about  this  guys  ..  .  ..  ”    while  still  allowing  herself  to  get  dragged  into  shenanigans  ,  hates  her  own  drama  n  avoids  it  but  wants  to  BATHE  in  the  tea  of  those  goin  on  around  her  sdfsdfs  ,  goes  to  bed  at  9:30  on  the  dot  so  parties  are  oft  a  STRUGGLE  ,  has  strong  mom  friend  energy  despite  barely  being  able  to  manage  herself  ,  is  a  nerd  n  knows  it  yet  uses  nerd  as  an  insult  ,  cannot  cook  for  her  LIFE  ,  and  a  lil  pinterest  board  is     here   ! oh  !  and  she  does  NOT   fuck  w   being  touched  unless  u  get  her  express  approval !!!
plots  :  i  didnt  think  i  would  get  this  far  in  one  go  so  hit  me  up  on  dis/cord  for  my  list  of  plots  that  im  abt  to  pull  out  of  my  ass  ;))))
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Psycho Analysis: Team Rocket
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
“Prepare for trouble! And make it double!”
I feel like there are few anime villains who are quite as iconic and memorable to the current generation than the bumbling trio of Team Rocket: Jessie, James, and Meowth (that’s right!). These three have appeared in nearly every single episode of the anime, indisputably being main characters on the level of Ash and his pals. Hell, they actually have more of a right to being main characters than franchise staples like Brock, Misty, or whatever girl of the season Ash has tagging along. Team Rocket are pretty omnipresent.
Of course, they’ve had many ups and downs over the years. From some poor showings to voice actor changes to being so overexposed it’s hard not to get tired of them to some absolutely awful decisions the characters make, Team Rocket are just as imperfect creations as most of the other characters in the show. Still, I find Team Rocket to be more consistently enjoyable and even for the most part more compelling than Ash Ketchum. It helps that, unlike him, they have rather interesting backstories and characterization.
Actor: Originally, the trio were voiced by Rachel Lillis (Jessie), Eric Stuart (James), and Maddie Blaustein (Meowth), though in the case of Blaustein and Stuart they actually weren’t the first in their respective roles; Nathan Price and Ted Lewis were the first to voice their characters. Blaustein and Stuart are easily the more iconic voices, however, so I’m going to focus on them.
Lillis is also the original voice of Misty, as well as Jigglypuff, though she has a pretty prolific career in anime voice acting outside of Pokemon; her performance of Jessie really cements her as an abrasive, stuck-up witch who constantly sounds like she’s talking down to everyone; you can practically hear the sneer in her voice, it really is something.
Eric Stuart you may know as Brock or perhaps Seto Kaiba, or perhaps as Meta Knight from Kirby: Right Back at Ya! Or maybe you know him from his music career. Either way, you know that he gave James that sissy, foppish charm that we all know and love.
Maddie Blaustein… She was easily the most talented of the bunch here, and that’s really saying something. She was a woman of a thousand voices, to the e point where you’d never know she was voicing someone unless you saw her name in the credits. Like, can you believe she was Solomon Moto and Sartorious in the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise? Or Omega in Sonic 06? She was one of the greats, and as such is it any shock she delivered the best performance possible to the sneaky little wise guy mascot of the bumbling trio? Her presence is definitely sorely missed even today.
Of course, these three really made the characters who they were, but they did eventually get replaced, and while I don’t think Michele Knotz as Jessie, Jimmy Zoppi as James, or Carter Cathcart as Mewoth are bad by any means – they still manage to give great performances and keep the characters lovable  as ever – I do think that it really is hard to live up to the iconic originals, especially in Blaustein’s case.
Motivation/Goals: Team Rocket are introduced as menacing, competent criminals very early on in the anime, with the same goal as any Team Rocket member would have: stealing Pokemon. Of course, after their fated encounter with Ash and the witnessing of his Pikachu’s incredible power, they become single-mindedly obsessed with nabbing Ash’s Pokemon pal and using him for their own nefarious purposes, and the rest is history. Of course, Team Rocket occasionally finds time to look for other goals, such as getting food or money, but most of the time they just try and find new ways to steal Pikachu and fail at doing it.
Personality: Their personalities are really what sets them apart and makes them so interesting. Jessie, for instance, is definitely the more evil of the three; she’s willing to keep going at Team Rocket goals even when there’s no need, while her teammates are far more willing to just abandon stealing Pokemon if better opportunities arrive. Jessie can be callous and cruel, she has an extremely short temper, she’s loud and brash, but even with all that she truly does love her teammates. Even Wobbuffett. Jessie really epitomizes “jerk with a heart of gold.”
James is flamboyant and just as willing to take part in evil schemes to steal Pokemon, but out of everyone in Team Rocket James is easily the nicest guy. He’s sweet and doting to his Pokemon, he has quite a few morals, and he has a lot of the more genuinely compelling emotional moments. All of this also leads into him being probably the smartest and most level-headed of the group, for what that’s worth anyway.
Meowth is snarky and loud, but he has a lot of depths, much like his colleagues. I mean, this guy taught himself how to talk (at the cost of being able to learn moves like Pay Day), so he’s gotta be at least a little smart, right? WELL… while Meowth does have some smarts, especially street smarts since he grew up on the mean streets of Hollywood, Meowth is also the looniest of the three if you can believe that. Have you perhaps seen the numerous fantasies of Giovanni doing something ludicrous with some random Pokemon? Guess who is the person responsible for thinking most of those up. Go on, guess.
There are things all three members of the group share: all three are incredibly friendly to the point where they’re only villains because of their loyalty to Giovanni; they’re as likely to be friendly with Ash and the gang as to be trying to steal his Pokemon, o the point where they’ve not only helped him, but have directly had a hand in saving the world on quite a few occasions. All three are pretty hilarious in their ineptitude as well, and all three are actually very competent at disguising themselves. They all tend to be pretty hammy as well. All in all, the three are really enjoyable and fun for what they are.
Final Fate: Whenever these three do evil, there is only one fate in store for them: blasting off. Still, they always end up somehow coming back in the next episode to cause a ruckus.
Best Scene: In a series as long as this, it’s hard to single out one scene among the hundreds of thousands of scenes they’ve had. Still, the entirety of “Go West, Young Meowth” counts as one for Meowth, culminating with him taking out a Persian by himself, as well as Jessie and James coming to Meowth’s aid before said duel.
Best Quote: I hardly think it is possible to overstate how good their original motto is:
Jessie: Prepare for trouble!
James: And make it double!
Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.
James: To unite all people within our nation.
Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
James: To extend our reach to the stars above!
Jessie: Jessie!
James: James!
Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!
James: Surrender now, or prepare to fight. note
Meowth: Meowth, that's right!
From 1998 to 2006, this was how they announced their arrival on the scene, and while they’d go through other mottos and songs and whatnot over the years, nothing can top the original.
Final Thoughts & Score: Team Rocket are some of the most memorable antagonists in all of anime, despite amounting to what would just be nameless, faceless mooks in the game series the anime is based on. Honestly, it’s hard to imagine the anime without them involved, and even when they introduce more serious villains they rarely ever match up to Team Rocket. Hell, even other members of Team Rocket fail to live up to their entertaining standard; does anyone remember Atilla and Hun, does anyone actually care about Butch and Cassidy?
In fact, it’s pretty easy to say that in many ways these three are even more interesting than Ash. You see, we know from the start Team Rocket is going to fail in whatever evil schemes they have going on in any given episode, so unlike when Ash inevitably loses the championship, Team Rocket losing is expected, making their victories sweeter as opposed to Ash’s victories feeling like inevitable buildup to failure. It also helps that unlike Ash, all three have pretty interesting, compelling, and even tragic backstories, with Jessie following in her mother’s footsteps as a Rocket grunt, James fleeing from an abusive arranged marriage and tossing aside a life of riches for crime, and Meowth learning how to talk by itself and growing up on the streets. Team Rocket just ends up feeling so much more interesting and fleshed out than the main character of the show, though considering the amount of screentime they get they easily could be considered main characters.
Jessie, James, and Meowth across the board get 8/10. I’d definitely say it’s the high end of 8, but they are held back a bit by some truly dumb decisions they’ve made over the years, dumb decisions to rival Ash’s, such as the frequent letting go of Pokemon the audience has likely grown to know and love, with Arbok and Weezing being the most offensively egregious example. Still, this gang has stuck around for over 20 years, and the show and series at large just wouldn’t feel the same without their continued presence. Good, bad, it doesn’t matter; Team Rocket’s iconic trio is a core part of the franchise, and their impact can’t be ignored.
“Meowth, that’s right!”
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fade-touched-eezo · 7 years
Mass Effect: Initiation is a fucking gift and you need to read it: an essay/liveblog in bullet points.
(Minor spoilers follow)
Cora Harper is a gift
There are some hella excellent nods to the Expanse, and if you haven’t read that get the fuck on it, why are you reading my trash?
“Right about the same time she started to suspect the ‘shrimp’ were actually a variety of Horizonian insects that tasted great, but had a mild laxative effect” STOP EATING THE SANDWICH BABE, also you know that poor Virmire found this out the hard way.
Turians clack their mandibles when they’re super angry
Baby SAM is hilarious, and really, really goddamn bad at pretending to be a VI: but that’s okay, Cora is super bad at adding two and two together
There’s actually a lot of really useful shit regarding biotics and their implants for the fic minded among us. Where the implant is, what it feels like, what it looks like etc, plus what the abilities feel like being used
TINY krogan pilot/drone expert oh my God I love him and his custom labeled ‘KILL ‘EM ALL’ drone button.
TIMELINES oh my god there’s actually a solid timeline for where this thing fits in the whole ME story — Shepard’s sighted on Omega as of the 15th of  February 2185 (oh god does that mean they find Garrus around/on the 14th of Feb? Throw me a bone Bioware)
“Earthborn Australians enjoyed tormenting outsiders with fanciful tales of ‘dropbears’” oh my fucking god my future countryfolk I SALUTE YOU and never change
“I do not believe Lieutenant Harper is an asshole,” ilu SAM
“What’s Wrong With Your Children, Version 7.12” - “I haven’t bitched about my children in months” “You haven’t seen your children in months” Alec buddy you gotta do better
“Can we get an actor that looks like Shepard? Will Shepard’s estate sue us?” JFC
SAM admires the Rachni, Cora is a little bit disturbed by this.
Cora’s dad read her stories about cats when she was a kid, and she was ‘a little obsessed’
Imagine a mission that’s between that creepy rogue VI in ME2, and the Adujcant mission from Omega in ME3. That’s the middle half of this book
REAPERS or rather not-reapers that are suspiciously fucking Reaper like.
Proto-SAM: Hey Cora, you ever wanted literally hulk out? No? Well the situation kind of calls for it rn
This is all happening at the same time Vega is doing his thing on Fehl Prime
SAM is 100% done with Alec’s shit and we haven’t even left the Milky Way
Hulk Cora: “Not so psychotic”  beat “Maybe a *little* homicidal”
Interlude: apparently half the galaxy finds James Vega hot, and he’s responsible for making neck tattoos sexy again. I shit you not.
We get to see Cora with some of her squad! They’re actually less dickish than they sound in game, and the sniper has a major thing for her.
Cora: “Just say I was FUBAR, SAM” SAM: “The anti-FUBAR treatment was a success”
Matriach Nisira? Has two husbands, a krogan and a turian.
There are BAD THINGS afoot in the Initiative (as we knew, BUT)
Interesting shit on the Hyperion: important shit, like the medical facilities, Pathfinder team and other critical personal housed on the ring part, while Joe Colonist is on one of two ark-holds that can be jettisoned independently if needed.
Alec Ryder, you goddamn asshole.
Alec, man vs superheated plasma is not going to go in man’s favour.
This (nearly) kills the man
Jian Garson is canonically Asian
This book is making me rewrite SO MUCH thanks Mass Effect
I’m pretty sure this book just implied that Alec Ryder doesn’t wear underwear? Cora accidentally sees more than she bargained for; mocks Earthborn modesty standards
Confirmed: SAM can only go to another *genetic* Ryder, so Cora could never have been Pathfinder, it always had to have been one of the twins. Cora does not know; Alec’s …. kind of not okay about it
Cora Harper is a goddamned snarky bad-not-shrimp eating gift and I love her
This book is like $5 AUD on the Kindle store and y’all need to get on this shit pronto. It’s like Mass Effect meets Leviathan Wakes, and it actually feels like part of the Mass Effect universe, way more than Nexus Uprising did. There’s some handy little mentions of some OT friends (go home Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani, and quit (inadvertently) fucking up people’s heists) some excellent timeline information, A LOT of handy hints for writing biotic characters (so many suspicions confirmed) and apart from all the sneaky hints for Andromeda stuff I wish we’d gotten to play, it was a shitload of fun. 
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chicleeblair · 7 years
Dear Yuletide Writer
Dear Yuletide Author,
EDIT: I am not able to participate in Yuletide this year--I had to forfeit in 2016 due to being unexpectedly hospitalized in Nov/Dec after poorly managing my time, and misreading the rules--I thought the ban could be cleared by submitting a treat OR waiting a year, turns out I have to complete a finished story to be cleared, which I will this year.
All that said, I spent quite a bit of time on this and since I could manage to pinch hint and get to make my requests I’m going to leave my DYW letter here. If anyone feels like writing to these prompts, feel free. I’ll probably reuse them last year, depending on what is written for other people, but I already have plans to nominate a few newer fandoms next year.
Fandoms included: Newsflesh (incl Feedback), 
Hi! I’m incredibly excited about Yuletide this year, and I’ve been considering my requests and offers with more thought than I should be willing to admit to this week. There are so many fandoms that I love nominated, and though I’ve learned to be careful about what I offer to write for, I’ve still found myself making detailed mentao pro-con lists, especially since I try not to request fic from the same fandoms I offer to write in. Still, I’ve been surprised by some of the nominations—I only finished The Lonliest Girl in the Universe a week ago, and Lauren James isn’t well-known in the States, despite being one of my favorite authors. Anyway, I think I’ve got my lists figured out now, so the time has come to tell you what it is I love about my favorite pieces of underappreciated media. What an easy project /sarcasm.
 DISLIKES Before I get into the fandoms individually, I suppose I should let you know what my squicks are (you know you’ve been in fandom too long when you’re shocked Word doesn’t recognize the word ‘squicks.) None of these are triggers in particular, I’ve got depression, but it’s managed, and I don’t have any major traumas to worry about in particular. I don’t mine NSFW/explicit fic, but it’s also not often my reason for reading. That said, the following tags make me likely to hit the back button: watersports, alpha/omega, knotting, feces, mpreg. I’m not particularly fond of girl!penis as a kink, though it’s different if the character is actually dealing with being trans or intersex.
 LIKES One thing I do like that a lot of people don’t is bloodplay, though as there aren’t any vampire stories in my requests it probably won’t be a Thing this year, and I’m good with consensual BDSM.
 I’m sure it’s obvious from my reqs that I’m into zombie fiction, though it’s the human side of it I like, whether that’s humans dealing with zombies, or zombies attempting to deal with their humanity. One thing I will say is that I’ve chosen fandoms that all rest on detailed world-building, and if you want to write a fic that explores the edges of these universes without necessarily including the listed characters, I’m happy with that. Anything that explores how the world has changed/how a certain person has been affected by the big change is fine with me!
 I’m bi, with a deeply abiding love for f/f fic. I definitely have het ships that I’ll fill you in on, but I still love stories where those ladies interact with their female friends. I’m very pro kid!fic, I adore time stamps, alternate POVs, epistolary fic, social media fic, anything that explores the world that an author has already built. I wasn’t ever the kid simply rubbing their Barbies together, I acted out Barbie and Ken meeting while they babysat Kelly and Tommy. (True story: these stories were also written down in a notebook I carried around at school. Basically, I started writing Barbie fanfic at the age of eight.)  
 I’ve received some great Yuletide gifts via letters where I’ve spelled out specific desires, but this year I don’t have specific stories I want written so much as worlds I’d like to see explored further. What are they? Glad you asked, friend!
 Newsflesh (Feed, Deadline, Blackout, Rise, & Feedback)
 This isn’t the most obscure fandom in the world, by any means, since it’s written by Seanann McGuiare under her Mira Grant penname, and because Mark Oshiro of Mark Does Stuff chronicled his journey through the original trilogy. That said, I’m pretty obsessed with the world of these books, and have read and reread all the books and novellas, and I’m not as into the main ship as most readers seem to be. I’m adopted, so the relationship between Georgia and Shaun I don’t love incest in general, though a high school obsession with Life with Derek means I can’t cast stones. However, I nominated this fandom in the first place, and I picked the character pool especially so that even if I didn’t end up requesting it, other participants might take the chance to explore other characters, specifically the characters introduced in Feedback. Their story takes place parallel to Feed; while the Masons are covering the Ryman campaign, Aislinn North, the Irwin who adores chasing zombies, and her companions are on the election trail with Senator Shannon Kilbourne. I like Feedback due to the diversity of its cast—Mat, the teams’ techie and makeup blogger, is nonbinary, and Ash is married to Ben, the Newsie, on paper, but really in a relationship with the final member of their team, fiction-writer Audrey). But another feature I love about this book? Unlike the original trilogy, it was written after the date when Grant sets the Rising—July 2014. Because of this, the book contains some amazing pop cultural nuggets that just make the whole thing seem more real, for instance Ash mentions that Frozen merchandise is a rarity, since the Rising happened mid-PR campaign, and Taylor Swift’s pre-2013 music is “before she turned political.” (If only. Tay and JLaw disappointed me last year.) Like I said, I’m not married to you using these characters. Heck, if you want to explore Taylor Swift’s life, post-Rising, that’d be cool with me. That said, I chose Ash, Emily Ryman, Maggie, and Georgia because they are awesome female characters, and I’d love to see them interact. I can see Ash and Maggie having known each other/dated at some point—though post-canon I am pro-Maggie/Alaric, though less crazy about Ash’s girlfriend—and any situation where they could meet would make a great fic, especially if both Georgia and Ash have to deal with their prejudices towards each other. Also, in regards to Maggie, I wouldn’t mind knowing more about Alisa, Alaric’s sister, especially because the Masons take her in from a shelter in Ferry Pass, which is part of my hometown of Pensacola. Emily is painfully underused, being born pre-Rising and developing retinal KA, and all of them are just badasses. Basically, this world is awesome and I think more people need to be exposed to Feedback, and it’s Irish spitfire of a POV-Irwin. Another feature of this universe I’m interested in is the kids who grow up post-Rising. Grant looks into this with blog posts and flashbacks, but even the description of the post-Rising orphanages in the “All the Pretty Little Horses” short story from Rise makes me want more.
 Parasitology Parasite, Symbiont, Chimera
 Another Mira Grant, another apocalypse. People have accused her of revamping the same story again, but in spite of having some similar characters and circumstances Sal’s story is nothing like Georgia or Ash’s. Of course, I adore the similarities in story-telling—ephemera is my kryptonite—but Sal’s development is unique to Mira Grant books, if not to books in general, and her relationship to her own humanity/lack thereof is fascinating. I especially love that she spends the whole series in a committed relationship, one that she is confident of, and that in spite of only technically having existed for six years she is incredibly sure of herself. I nominated this one as well, and chose Sal, Juniper, Doctor Cale, and Tansy because they are strong ladies with complex stories that have lots of room to be explored. Dr. Cale, Tansy, and Sal to a degree, deal with disability—and this is particular interesting for Tansy & Sal, since they are aware of the fact that they are making a choice to keep this malfunctioning human body. Juniper is a little girl, yet she and Tansy are learning to be people together, Sal is learning to be a mother, and in a way so is Dr. Cale. Also, eventually Juniper will have to decide whether or not to engage with the humans of her generation, and that could be fascinating. That said, Grant hasn’t told nearly as many stories in this universe, since the trilogy relies far more on Sal herself than Newsflesh relies on the Masons, so I’d love to see an exploration of how the parasites and chimeras affected other parts of the world. I think the fact that the symbiotes have brought humanity so close to eradicating illness is something that could be explored further, too, especially when you consider that the parasites disabled their inventor, and that if the Mitchells hadn’t been attempting to hide Sally’s epilepsy, Sal might not have been born. There’s also the fact that the other doctor who is close to Sal—Cale’s son, Nathan—does not use the implants at all, suggesting that at their core physicians with their hearts in the right place know that there is a line that shouldn’t be crossed, that maybe humans need illness and disability to thrive.
 In the Flesh
I really debated requesting this, since it’s a fandom I think I could write in, but I liked the idea of letting my requests adhere to a theme, and this series was the first piece of zombie media I ever consumed (pun intended). There have been many great fics in this fandom, they are often AU and revolve around Kieren’s relationships—I’m all for people celebrating canonically queer characters, but to me neither of those ships were what drew me into the series. I didn’t nominate ItF myself, and I wish I had because I would have included Amy Dyer. As it is, I don’t mind if you mention either of Kieren’s relationships, but I only asked for Kieren and Jem because they’re the characters I care most about, truly. Honestly, I actually care the most about Jem, because I think she’s an incredible character who went through so much to protect her family and is forced to face her fears every day in order to have a relationship with the brother who made her who she is—in so many ways. I am also fascinated by the idea of a world that has faced the apocalypse and is having to move forward. The little details that serve to remind us that society had to hit the pause button, such as the lack of cell phones, are really intriguing to me, as well as the issues students like Jem face having to return to school after war. This world also opens the door for an exploration of what life might be like for children&teens who came back—Henry was a missed opportunity IMO—and while I don’t mind if you don’t bother incorporating the storylines Dominic Mitchell has said he would include in a season three, the idea of Jem making a friend with PDS (as opposed to PTSD, that acronym similarity needs mentioning) would be so great. Again, though, feel free to take this world and run with it, no need to stay in Roarton—I wonder what adulthood for Jem would be like, with Kieren never having aged, for instance?
 World War Z
Another of my nominations. I don’t know why, but I am obsessed with this book, specifically the audiobook. Max Brooks has talked about how he based this book on an oral history of WWII, and I think the parallels between the two wars are deep if you look closely—the idea of total war, the amount of work on the home-front, the inefficiency of assuming what won against one enemy will suffice against another, children escaping unimaginable violence, the nuclear bomb survivor, so much more—but what I really loved is how Brooks really fills in the details from each POV he uses. Without naming celebrities, Brooks clearly sets it in the Bush-era, which is interesting to me but probably not affect fic, but shows how well the world is crafted. The imagery that comes from the Australian astronaut who spent the war on the ISS is particularly poignant to me, especially the way he describes them discovering the burrowing zombies. I also get chills from Jessica’s story, the girl whose parents dragged her up to Canada, and when she discovers the Spongebob sleepover, because it’s a mark of how bizarre our culture and entertainment would seem, and how our comforts could disappear in the blink of an eye. I do think that this book is lacking in female POVs, particular ladies who might not be soldiers but were fighting the war in their own way. I loved Joe Mohammad’s POV, too, but not everyone would need to be part of a patrol group or militia to survive. I’d love to see what the situation was like for city-dwellers, or people who were in the areas not getting supplies due to the Reddecker plan. What about the Israelis, what was it like in the country during this isolated period? There have been some great fics exploring issues like euthanasia and abortion in that period, and I’d love to see an issue like that expanded. On the other hand, there is a lot that could come from looking into the world post-war, describing what the Narrator goes through to get these stories, or what kinds of stories he might hear after the initial book is published—a history of the rebuilding would be interesting since in this world the threat isn’t completely gone. Brooks has written two short stories that are explicitly in this world (a couple that are borderline) and one of them, Closure LtD, and I don’t want to spoil it, but it really makes me wonder what other kinds of industries would emerge in a post-zombie war world.
 Inhuman Condition
Also my nomination, this is a webseries that did not get NEARLY the amount of viewers or fans it deserved. The author has created this incredibly interesting alternative history, and I don’t think everyone who watched even knows how much detail was put into it. For instance, I discovered a blog (https://angrydeadgirl.wordpress.com) written from the POV of Clara—my favorite character—wherein she analyzes TV shows such as Grey’s Anatomy, except it’s Grey’s Anatomy reimagined through the lens of this world, and there is NOTHING I love more than inter-textual references like that. There are other in-universe shows that I have honestly begged to see for real, and via the show we only get a taste of these details. I’d also love to know more about how the existence of zombies and lycans affected history aside from the terror attacks we know of from the series. I’d also love to see more about Kessler, what got her into working with other-humans, whether there is a personal connection that we’re not told, more about her daughter, Mira, who has grown up in a world where the truth is known, there’s so much in there to mine. I didn’t nominate Tamar, the character who seems more superhero than supernatural, because to me her story seems to fit into this world less than Clara and Linc. Not that I don’t like her, I did, but while I totally believe they could all exist in one universe—I read Marvel, after all—her condition doesn’t seem to be in the same category, so the backstory would be different. Lycanthropy and Clara’s form of zombiism both seem to be medical conditions, to a degree, and while Tamar’s issues definitely parallel mental illness, it’s a different issue. I wouldn’t mind seeing her or others like her, just that I think the dynamics of lycan/walker-type conditions. I really appreciate how, like In the Flesh, this series allows the conditions to be a metaphor for real life issues, without erasing those issues. One of Clara’s blog entries, for instance, mentions that there are cases of people being killed for not informing sexual partners of their condition, and this is explicitly related to people with HIV who have faced similar violence. Also, Linc and Kessler are both explicitly bisexual, and in my mind Clara is non-straight, too, and that’s a reason I included Mira because WHY NOT? I nominated Frank because after seeing a fic that shipped him and Clara I got interested in what it would be like to have to spend all your time with this vibrant girl who is so afraid of becoming a monster, I don’t ship them necessarily, but I am interested in knowing more about him. This is the one fandom where I am kind of tied to having the canon characters front and center, but if you want to explore this world through a different lens, I’m open to it.
 The Loneliest Girl in the Universe
 I really, really thought about using this slot for iZombie, because it’s one of my favorite things and fits the theme, but I read The Loneliest Girl in the Universe a few weeks ago, and am THRILLED with the idea of finding other people who love it. I also considered offering to write for it, but I do not have confidence in my ability to calculate transmission delays or describe space physics. I mean, it’s basically a YA version of The Martian featuring an MC with anxiety who writes fanfic. WHAT MORE DO ANY OF US WANT? Throughout this book I was terrified that J would turn out to be an AI, but his actual backstory basically broke my heart, as did the reveal of Romy’s history. I really wish her mother had survived, and I would like to see more of her in Romy’s memories or maybe in the logs/archives now that Romy might be open to looking into them. I would love to see her asking Molly about them, or reading/watching her parents’ reports or journals as she builds a new world with Issac. I also want to know about Issac Evans. Who is he? What happened with him and J? Will he and Romy be MFEO, or simply besties who raise babies? What are the other adults on the ship like? Does Romy find a different person to love? Is it a girl? I’d also LOVE LOVE LOVE to see Romy’s life from the POV of an Earth dweller. You see, DYW, I am a huge fan of several family vlogs; there are babies I have watched grow up via the internet, and I am DEEPLY invested in their lives. NASA would be crazy not to have gotten the world to rally around baby Romy, and some of them probably still read her fics. That’s the thing, though, this book includes her fic, and imaging fic from 2067 makes me want to see more of their social media, and to know how it affected this next group of astronauts. Also, since it turns out that J lied about the war and the collapse of the world’s governments, I’d love to see what the world is actually like. What else is NASA doing? Does the entire world freak out when they find out what happened with Romy and J, or only Molly? Who is Molly? Did she suspect J based on how well she knows Romy? I have a need to know.
 That is it, oh Yuletide Author, way too many of my thoughts about Alternate Worlds, most of them infested by the undead. As I’ve said, I would be happy with stories that feature the characters I requested, or that don’t at all, but unless mentioned I’m not crazy about canon-alternatives.
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