#I’m a reputation apologist
thetrashqueeeen · 2 years
the hunger games is having a resurgence and i’m back on my bullshit so i thought i would post what i always imagined the rest of effie’s life looked like
she stays in the capitol to begin with. katniss was shocked when she saw them kiss, but was hastily shut up by haymitch when she teased him and they never really spoke about effie much after that. effie called haymitch once a week, filling him in on the rebuilding efforts, her rapidly blooming social life, new fashion trends, inter-district moving and the latest in geese rearing tips(i’m a goose apologist here he keeps geese ok). he can tell something is off but he doesn’t realise how much of it is outright lies
effie wakes in the mornings screaming, the pain of whatever torture she was reliving rapidly dissolving as her bedroom sharpened into focus. She rarely leaves her apartment. she watches them rebuild from her window, her heart racing when unexpected bangs and crashes come from construction sites. she gets up later and later each day, sometimes not bothering to get out of bed at all. when she can’t face the nightmares, she goes to the roof of her building and screams off the edge until her voice is hoarse. she tells haymitch that she’s been out partying when she calls. her neighbourhood gets a reputation for being haunted, people say you can still hear the rebels screaming at night. her old friends are mostly dead and the ones that aren’t can’t face the memory of her as much as she can’t face the memory of them. they do try for a while, pretending that everything is fine for as long as they can ignore the frenzied fear right under the surface. the cocoon her life has become feels suffocating but ultimately comforting. she tells herself she’s fine, that this is fine. she doesn’t know why she lies to him when she calls.
she lasts a year. one afternoon, she’s on the phone with haymitch and he’s telling her about katniss and peeta. they’ve just gotten engaged for real and he’s chattering on about them in the way he does when he lets his guard down. his voice is so comforting and so nice and so homely that her heart clenches and her hand grips the phone so tightly the plastic nearly buckles in her grip. she closes her eyes so the only thing entering her brain is his voice. when they get off the phone she throws her favourite things into a suitcase, showers and gets dressed in actual clothes for the first time all week and walks to the train station before she can think about it too hard. the days she spends on the train pass quickly and she steps onto the platform at 12 in the middle of a deluge. she trudges over to victors village, her suitcase clattering over muddy paving stones. she steps into the square of victors village in the pouring rain, looking sullen, tired and thinner than when anyone last saw her. she’s filled with sudden unease, and stands still, not sure she has the nerve to go and bash on his door. she feels much too old for this, much to old to run away from her life without telling anyone, for a man who didn’t even invite her. she’s freezing. peeta notices her and goes to invite her in, but katniss stops him, seeing haymitch has set out to meet her in the square. as he gets closer he notices she looks like shit. she’s not dressed for the rain and her clothes cling to her depressingly, her hair is plastered to her face and she looks about as tired as he feels. she’s stood with her arms crossed tightly, looking like she might cry. he wraps his arms around her cold, sodden frame and it takes her a second, but she wriggles her arms out from between them and wraps her arms around his neck, stepping closer. they might be too old for this, but she can’t deny this is better than whatever she was doing before. he doesn’t kiss her there; it still feels too alien to not hide.
the next morning, effie pulls one of haymitch’s porch chairs to the edge of the veranda and basks in the rising sun, allowing it to warm her all the way through. he comes out with coffee an hour or so later, remembering she missed it in 13. peeta comes over to say hello and effie finally feels her heart slow down.
she gets used to the rhythms of 12. she did worry that too much time had passed for them, but they fall back together as they’re meant to. they bicker and debate through barely suppressed smiles and finally offer the overt support the other has always needed. when haymitch gets up to feed the geese at first light, he leaves her in bed alone and she rolls into the warm spot he leaves. he makes her coffee when he’s done and says it’s because he’d never hear the end of it if he didn’t. in reality he just can’t imagine not getting to see her lift her bleary head off the pillow, her blonde hair mused and her eyes flickering open. her hair is one of the things he loves the most. he teases her about her ‘lotions and potions’ but he spends hours running his hands through her hay-coloured waves. she lets it grow down to her shoulders for the first time since her baby hair was chopped off for wigs. she starts growing produce in the back garden. the first time katniss sees her, hair tied back with a patterned scarf, wearing dungarees and chunky boots, she laughs out loud so hard that effie’s in a huff with her for a whole week. she offers an apology only because her wedding simply will not happen without effie planning it.
one day, she gets up as soon as she hears haymitch go out the back door in the morning. she dresses in a baggy t-shirt and bright dungarees (she tries her best not to link the bright dungarees that being her so much joy to grey jumpsuits) and makes coffee for them both. he startles when he finds her at the kitchen table, but she just asks him if he knew she had a degree from capitol university. he didn’t. she tells him she wants to teach children in the school house and expects him to laugh. he does a little bit, but then tells he she’ll be fantastic and admired her as she marched out the door to go and talk to the head teacher. they start her out easy, but the children adore her funny accent, soft hair and bright clothes. she adores them all right back. effie has a gaggle of small children running around her for all of the wedding and katniss looks over her the entire day, smiling at her and haymitch playing with them all. peeta had been slowly beginning to raise the idea of a family, but katniss had been shutting it down forcibly every time. she walks over to peeta at the reception and draws his attention to the large game of tag effie was participating in. as haymitch starts hefting kids over his shoulder shouting ‘the monster’s coming’ katniss tells him she wants their first daughter to be called primrose, not prim- never prim, but primrose. they’ll be great surrogate grandparents, she tells him.
effie adores little Finnick from the moment he’s born. haymitch also adores the baby, but is much less willing to show it. katniss pretends to not notice he still shakes sometimes and he pretends he doesn’t only hold him when he’s sat down. a few years later, finnick is joined by primrose who is just as beautiful as her namesake. as soon as finnick is old enough to go to school, effie insists on teaching his class every year. once primrose is old enough she trades off each year, trying (and failing) to pretend they’re not her favourite. finnick trains as a carpenter and every time effie so much as mentions something that needs fixing in the house finnick is there with a toolbox and his father’s smile. primrose grows up in awe of her big brother, the boy who calls her pipsqueak, shared every glass of orange juice he’s ever drunk with her and copies her maths homework every days she can remember. when he starts his own business, she starts to keep his accounts. it’s the summer she turns 15. she carries on absorbing knowledge like a sponge, retaining every fact, theorem and topic effie gifts her with. effie is the first person she tells when she applies for a scholarship at capitol university. her mother is the first person she tells when she gets it. katniss cries soft, bittersweet tears when primrose tells her she’s going to study medicine at the big university in the capitol. effie hugs her so hard on the platform as she gets the train that she thinks she might snap. katniss is so happy that her children are no longer the children of the last victors. they are the carpenter and the doctor. they have never once chopped their dreams off at the knees just in case they get reaped. katniss and peeta cry at her loss, sure she will only return to visit. finnick and effie do not cry, they know she’s coming back. she comes back with a woman in tow, but she comes back none the less. effie plans her marriage to the woman they come to know as Evie. finnick gets married just a year after they do, and he and his wife have so many children, haymitch jokes they should start a football team.
effie and haymitch don’t get anywhere near as long as they deserve, but they do get 25 good years. haymitch is older than she is, and his body has been through a lot. when she pleads with him to go to the capitol for treatment, he begs her to understand why he can never go back there, and she finds she does. he passes in his own bed, with his wife laying next to him, stroking his hair with quiet reverence. the last thing he hears is her whispering quietly that she loves him more than anything. that she would go through all of it again for just one more day.
when haymitch is gone, effie retires from the school house and spends as much time as she can with katniss, peeta, finnick, primrose and their various broods. she fully expects to die of a broken heart, she considers it only right. she thinks often of the tired, scared woman who stood in the rain waiting for him. she does not die of a broken heart, much to her annoyance. she doesn’t even grow much weaker with age. she keeps the geese until the last one dies and never stops growing food in her garden. one hot day in summer, the whole family go down to the meadow to bask in the heat and watch the children play. ‘this is the life a victor deserves’ she tells katniss as they watch finnick and primrose play with the children. she lays down in the sun to have a nap, resting her head on katniss’s lap. she hears the children screech with laughter, she feels the warm sun on her skin and she passes quickly, her last breathe quiet and unnoticed. haymitch is waiting for her when she gets there.
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bengiyo · 1 year
The Knowing: Being Queer in BL
I’ve been talking about The Knowing a lot lately with @lurkingshan @waitmyturtles @ginnymoonbeam and @shortpplfedup and so I felt it was time to gather all those thoughts into one place.
I define The Knowing as “growing up and suffering with the knowledge that you are queer (specifically that you are not like other kids) and understanding that you must keep that knowledge to yourself.”
Part of what initially drew me to BL was how often many of these shows took place in what @absolutebl calls “The Bubble” where cultural and structural homophobia is less prevalent or nonexistent. Many of these stories are about guys learning something about themselves for the first time when it comes to being attracted to other men. However, I always find myself drawn to the characters that clearly Knew who they were a long time ago. What’s interesting about these characters is that many of them carry an intense sadness and loneliness that plagues them and their relationships.
I am in my mid-30s. I’ve had to unlearn a lot of language over the decades. When I first realized I was different from other kids I was eight years old. I was a lot like Chiron in Moonlight (2016) asking the question, “What’s a faggot?” I wish I’d had someone like Juan around to say, “A faggot is a word used to make gay people feel bad.” To which Chiron asked, “Am I a faggot?” and Juan quickly corrected. “Nah. You can be gay, but you ain’t gotta let nobody call you no faggot.” I know it’s hard for some of you to read slurs written out so plainly, but I grew up with them being part of the day-to-day language used by kids around me. If you instinctively recoiled at me typing the word four times, imagine experiencing that constantly for your entire adolescence while also fearing the consequences of being discovered by your peers. That’s what I survived. That’s what some of these boys survived.
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Before I learned other words, I thought I was weird or broken. I knew I was drawn to boys before I even hit puberty, but I didn’t have language for existing on the ace-spectrum until I joined Tumblr in the early 2010s. Before that I just thought there was something wrong with me. When we see a character in BL who has clearly been gay for a long time, I find myself examining the environment around them to see if they suffered The Knowing.
The worst part of The Knowing is for the boys who can pass as straight if they try hard enough. I always talk about how I think femmes are stronger than those of us (like me) who can pass. They face the public scrutiny of being queer and the danger of that constantly. People like me often go unnoticed unless we’re amongst our peers or explicitly tell people who we are.
I’m writing this post as a love letter to the boys who suffered the Knowing. Sometimes these characters get a bad reputation in fandom for being boring or sad sacks, but they are the characters I love the most. I’d like to talk about some of my favorite boys who Knew. Unsurprisingly, the exact kind of melancholy Japan is willing to play with means they have strong presence on this list.
Korn (Until We Meet Again)
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Korn is the character who began my discussion about this in a conversation with @wen-kexing-apologist about Kao’s acting. I pointed out that the saddest thing about Korn in Until We Meet Again is that he knew what he was going to do the entire time. The tragedy of UWMA is that Korn loved Intouch and let him in, and unfortunately learned that Intouch’s love couldn’t fix the horrors that plagued him. You can see it in Kao’s eyes for the entire show whenever we see the In and Korn flashbacks. He suffers under the weight of masculine expectation and crumbles.
The Entire Cast of What Did You Eat Yesterday?
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WDYEY is all about characters who Knew. Kenji and Wataru may have been unable to pass and have chosen to accept who they are, but we know Wataru suffered for it because of his feelings about family. Shiro hid who he was for a very long time, and still hides it from most people. His trauma from The Knowing regularly threatens his relationship with Kenji. Kohinata also clearly knew who he was the entire time, and works diligently for the life he’s built for himself. So much of this show is about being gay in a world that does not value us.
Book, Christina, and Yok (Make It Right)
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Book is actively victimized because of The Knowing. He left his previous school and doesn’t live with his family because he was outed by a past boyfriend, and is disowned after revenge porn of him is posted.
Both Chrstina and Yok are femme and cannot pass. Unlike many of the boys in this show figuring out who they are, they are trying to survive without losing themselves.
Li Ming (Moonlight Chicken)
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Li Ming has a gay uncle and still suffers The Knowing. He is hiding his attraction from everyone until he develops feelings for Heart.
Itou Akira (Life: Love on the Line)
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We experienced the entire arc of this man’s life and how much The Knowing crushed him. This is probably the most The Knowing character on the list.
Oumi Mitsuru (Eternal Yesterday)
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Oumi has such a frank expression of The Knowing and how much it hurts that he likes Koichi but feels like he can’t express it.
Takahashi Satoru (Koisenu Futari)
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The man literally blogs about The Knowing, and it’s how Sakuko began to understand herself. He has a questionnaire prepared to help you figure out how long you’ve Known.
Ren (Tokyo in April Is…)
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I wrote multiple posts about Ren and his experience with The Knowing. So much of what goes wrong for them is because Ren couldn’t believe that Kazuma could like him, too, and he knowingly faced the consequences of being discovered to save Kazuma’s life.
Pete (Love by Chance)
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Pete knows who he is and can’t change it. Trump uses this against him. Pete doesn’t want Ae to be gay like him and suffer with the realities of being a Known Gay. Pete has one of the first coming out scenes in BL that I really enjoyed.
Cairo (Gameboys)
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Cairo was clearly struggling with Knowing, and his close friend took his coming out from him. Cairo is a brat, but goddamn do I appreciate some of his angst.
See-eiw (My Only 12%)
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He watched The Love of Siam (2007) and had a complete emotional breakdown as he was finally able to name his feelings for Cake. Top-tier expression of The Knowing.
Shin (3 Will Be Free)
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I mean, we don’t have to look much further than his entire sad existence and being pushed into sex with a prostitute in the first episode. Also there’s, “It wasn’t that you didn’t like boys. You just didn’t like me.” Shin is the only boy in BL-adjacent media to suffer a specific version of The Knowing: being rejected and discarded by your own people in a homophobic way so they could stay closeted.
Phupha (A Tale of Thousand Stars)
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Phupha’s entire romantic angst is built around The Knowing and what others seeing him for who he is will do for him.
Pran (Bad Buddy)
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Though Bad Buddy exists in The Bubble, Pran has one of the most painful versions of The Knowing I’ve ever experienced because his is wrapped up in family angst and an unrequited crush.
Lee Wan (Our Dating Sim)
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Lee Wan suffered The Knowing and broke things with his best friend after confessing. The Knowing destroyed his ability to see a version of his life where he and Shin Kitae overcame the upcoming challenges together and so he takes that choice from Kitae. Crushing.
Ueda Minoru (Our Dining Table)
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Minoru is so familiar with The Knowing that he preemptively breaks up with Yutaka after kissing him.
Kiyoi (My Beautiful Man)
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The reveal that Kiyoi already knew who he was and noticed Hira the entire time? Beautiful. One of the best reveals in J-BL history.
Minato (Minato’s Laundromat)
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This man is one of the sadder examples of The Knowing because he’s in a place where he understands who he is now, but the internalized homophobia cripples almost all of his romantic and closer relationships.
Han Baram (Sing My Crush)
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This boy is suffering so much from The Knowing that his love confession song is literally titled “Letter of Apology.”
Oh-aew (I Told Sunset About You)
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He Knew. “Are you proud of me?”
Noh Shinwoo and Shin Daon (Light On Me)
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Noh Shinwoo clearly suffered The Knowing and was discovered. His bullies still plague him on the streets when they see him. Shin Daon was not surprised by his attraction to Woo Taekyung; he struggled with his parents expectations.
Nagisa (His: I Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love)
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Nagisa definitely Knew who he was and was probably going to stay quiet about it until Shun showed up in his life. What upsets me so much about Nagisa is that he is the one who leaves Shun later in the movie after pulling queerness out of Shun.
The Secret Crush on You Quartet
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All four of them get a spot on this list for The Knowing. Toh, Kaojao, and Daisy clearly suffered The Knowing, and Som has clearly taken care of them for a long time.
Rocky and Judah (Quaranthings)
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I love that these two explore The Knowing from a class perspective. Judah is wealthier and eventually comes out, but Rocky is poor and struggles with it a lot longer.
Han Tae Joo and Kang Gook (Where Your Eyes Linger)
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The Knowing, bodyguard edition. The yearning between the two of these is palpable. It hurts that they can’t even talk to each other about it.
Mafuyu (Given)
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He Knew and lost his boyfriend to The Knowing.
Kim Dong Hee (Unintentional Love Story)
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He won’t acknowledge Go Ho Tae’s feelings because he feels a sense of loyalty to Ho Tae’s mom for taking care of him after his parents disowned him over the gay thing. Huge case of The Knowing.
Edit: New Additions October 7, 2023.
Nekoyashiki Mamoru (Kabe-Koji Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized)
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He describes a textbook case of the Knowing and finding community at the convention.
Zo (Hidden Agenda)
He definitely Knew, and got messed over by his friends badly for it.
Yuuki (Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend)
We almost lost Yuuki to the Knowing.
All of the Eclipse Gays
Literally all of them. The entire show is about how fascism turns queer people into agents working against their own community.
Joe (The Warp Effect)
He clearly Knew before his encounter with Army, and he also suffered for being outed.
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shitswiftiessay · 10 months
so taylor has put out another hit piece against joe (who’s surprised)
after buying winning the TIME person of the year award 2023, and having a gushing puff piece that’s supposed to paint her as this trailblazer for women and feminist icon…
she made sure to dedicate a significant portion of it to talking about her boyfriends. 🙄
so here are the cringeworthy excerpts where she’s talking about her latest victim boyfriend.
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“Football is awesome, it turns out. I’ve been missing out my whole life.”
I love how she single handedly debunked the claim that swifties have been making, that taylor ALWAYS loved football and was a huge eagle fan (just bc she had an eagles shirt). now it’s basically confirmed that this football shit is just taylor’s newest PERSONALITY that she’s gonna wear for a few months, until she gets bored of it, and then she’ll throw travis under the bus and she’ll start siccing her fans against him.
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“This all started when Travis very adorably put me on blast on his podcast, which I thought was metal as hell.”
god, someone bring me a BARF BUCKET please. 🪣 🤮 and since when is it “adorable” for a guy to PUT YOU ON BLAST because you wouldn’t go out with him or take his number?? that’s… very weird. i’m sure she wouldn’t find it “adorable” if she wasn’t interested in the guy. but anyway, i’m pretty sure she just saw an opportunity here and she took it. she can’t handle being single for more than a month, she needed a new man to make people forget about her matty healy era. and she’s LOVING the good press she’s getting for being “America’s royal couple” as her fans are calling them. but does she actually LOVE HIM? that, I remain yet to be convinced about.
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and I love this part. “We would never be psychotic enough to hard-launch a first date.”
yeah, taylor’s not CRAZY you guys, it’s not like she said “I love you” to matty healy on stage back in may before breaking up with him 2 weeks later. nah. it’s not like she immediately bought a house next to her teenage boyfriend connor kennedy who was STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL when she started dating him. nah. that would be CRAZY. PSYCHOTIC even!!
and here comes the part where she starts passive aggressively smearing joe and we all know she’s on a smear campaign against joe now but it’s kind of pathetic that even while winning PERSON OF THE YEAR she has to make it about that.
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so taylor obviously has a lot to say about her new relationship, and how proud they are of each other. but you know what I DON’T hear her saying? “I’m in love” or “I’m happy with him.”
and personally, i think that speaks volumes. if she was truly HAPPY with her new man she wouldn’t be doing all this shit. if you were around when taylor broke up with calvin and then immediately started hard-launching hiddleswift, taking pap photo after pap photo and being extremely “happy” she was and meeting his mom and all that shit…. and if you don’t see the parallels between what she’s doing NOW with travis, you’re either a blind fan or just flat out stupid.
because at least when she started dating joe she actually left her exes alone (at least for a little while), she was like “I forget their names now.” and you can tell she was happy without having to make a big show of it- “nobody’s heard from me for months, I’m doing better than I ever was.”
but now she’s acting like it’s the worst thing ever that she was “locking herself in her house for a lot of years,” and she KNOWS that her fans are going to take that and blame joe for it.
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JUST LOOK at the quotes and replies of this tweet and this tweet to see how those insane fucking swifties are acting over this. EVERYTHING she does now is an incitement against joe and she knows it, it’s deliberate, it’s calculated.
and i guess she’s gotta bury him while she continues hanging out with a sexual abuse apologist so she can look like she has some kind of moral high ground.
also, the way she’s trying to erase the fact that 11 of the 15 songs on reputation were LOVE SONGS about joe, not “a goth-punk moment of female rage at being gaslit by an entire social structure.”
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this woman is just narcissistic and straight up DELUSIONAL at this point. she’s so far up her own ass it’s nauseating. but i really hope that she keeps on talking. because the more she talks, the more people realise what a narcissistic clown she is. 🤡
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joesalw · 10 months
Honestly I wish Joe would speak out against Taylor now, like he’s never said one unkind word against her, he’s left her alone and let her and her little friends shit talk him again and again and she’s using her huge platform and her Swifties who cling onto her every word to basically I’m going to say it, abuse Joe.
Like Taylor did you forgot that you went to London to hide out with Joe and others when everyone was tearing down your reputation? Did you forget about the multiple songs you made about him, staring how amazing he was to you (one’s that we’re not written by Joe)? Did you forget that two years of your relationship that you were locked in a house that there was a global pandemic? Are you saying that you didn’t give a shit if people lived or died due to your negligence, because you didn’t want to be stuck in that house to protect others due to Covid? That it was Joe that actually cared about others, and you’re admitting how much of a self centered person you actually are? And if you didn’t want to be stuck in the house all the time because Joe is obviously an extreme introvert who doesn’t like going out, again why didn’t you just break it off with him? You were a multimillionaire with plenty of friends, resources, status, and privilege to get away from that situation while other women have no choice but to stay with their abusers due to unfortunate circumstances.
Like I’ve never been more livid in my life, she uses terms so loosely and basically takes serious issues like Sexual assault, misogyny, abuse, and discrimination and centers herself in all of them. She says she wants to speak out on all these important issues without taking time to acknowledge how she herself contributes to these issues. (Working with r*pist, being seen so to an SA’er and SA apologist, being silent when her Swifties attack WOC or other women in her name, writing a song for someone’s book to movie adaptation who is wanted in another country for literal murder, and not speaking about about any issues that she claims that she believes in). And what boils my blood the most is the fact that there are real life victims of this sort of abuse out here, victims of abuse whose spouses actually due this to them and now a celebrity is using it to trash on her ex she seems to have a vendetta against. Hell she’s even daring to do this amongst Brittany Spears releasing her book where her family literally stripped away every bit of autonomy that she ever had, but sure Taylor use something so serious to finally burry your ex because you know that they’ll never not believe you even though there’s evidence against the contrary and I hope Joe doesn’t harm himself because of this, I hope that your words don’t put him in a position where he’s in danger because you don’t grasp the impact of them, and I hope your white woman tears about serious issues will come back to bite you in the ass someday, because any shred of respect I have for you (what little was left of it) is gone.
i don’t even have any words left to say
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 7 months
by Dion J. Pierre
Columbia University professor Shai Davidai, a Jewish Israeli, defended his right to condemn Hamas’ atrocities on Thursday after learning that an anonymous group of graduate students has accused him of anti-Palestinian racism and demanded a professional association of which he is a member publicly censure him.
Anti-Zionist TikTok influencer Jessica Burbank first reported the accusations the graduate students lodged in a letter to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), an organization founded in 1974 to promote the social psychology field and its usefulness to society. Comprising over 7,500 student and faculty members, it provides invaluable funding and networking opportunities.
Accusing Davidai of “targeting individuals — especially Palestinians and students of color,” the students’ letter describes his efforts to hold pro-Hamas student groups accountable for harassing Jewish students and defending terror as “decolonization” as “blatant dereliction of duty with respect to his responsibilities and ethical standards as a professor and faculty member of SPSP.” The students additionally accused him of promoting “doxxing” and “misrepresenting” the views of pro-Hamas groups, all of whom have defended Hamas’ atrocities on Oct. 7 while calling for a ceasefire, a strategy they have employed to portray themselves as a pro-peace movement.
On Thursday, Professor Davidai told The Algemeiner that the man depicted in the letter is not someone his community, students, and peers would recognize, and he accepts that enduring assaults on his character is a consequence of defending the Jewish people wherever they are, be it Israel or New York City.
“Look, I’m speaking up against evil, and against the support of evil,” he said. “I’m willing to take the reputational hits because people that won’t like me for saying what I’m saying — I don’t need them to like me. This isn’t about the performative virtue signaling that is en vogue right now. This is about having a moral compass and standing up for what’s right.”
Davidai went on to express concern that his colleagues in the field have not defended him, a silence which suggests that incriminating pro-Israel activists with baseless accusations will not be denounced or resisted even by moderates holding nuanced views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Israel’s war against Hamas.
“If I have to pay the price, I’ll pay the price. Thousands and thousands of Jews and non-Jews contact me to say that calling out pro-Hamas support on US college campuses is the right thing to do,” he continued. “And the irony is that I won’t be silenced. They might take away my reputation. They might take away my job and my career. But I’m not the kind of person who will be quiet now that there’s a personal cost for telling the truth. They’re just proving my point.”
Davidai first achieved national notoriety after delivering a thunderous speech before a crowd of students and others gathered on campus in which he called the school’s president a “coward” for refusing to condemn Hamas apologists and anti-Zionist demonstrations on campus.
“I’m talking to you as a dad, and I want you to know we cannot protect your children from pro-terror student organizations, because the president of Columbia University will not speak out,” Davidai said to the students, whom he asked to film and send the remarks to their parents. “Citizens of the US are right now kidnapped in Gaza, and yet the president of the university is allowing — is giving — her support to pro-terror student organizations.”
In many ways, becoming a public figure has been a detriment, Davidai said. His email is flooded daily with notes from antisemites accusing him of being an “Elder of Zion” and a “genocidal baby killer.”
His colleagues, furious that his exposing antisemitism and left-wing radicalism at Columbia University has caused important donors to pull their support from the school, have never commented on the hate mail even though they are always copied as recipients of it, he alleged.
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queer-ragnelle · 10 months
i’m just astonished there are people out there hating on gawain for violence against other knights and lancelot for committing adultery with guinevere when geraint/erec is right there abusing his wife and killing women on purpose.
characters are narrative tools and in a time when these knights were used to express opinions about the world the author lived in, it made sense gawain would be engineered to enact mindless cruelty against his fellows to comment on the cycle of violence or for lancelot’s role as the queen’s lover to indicate how unfaithfulness (ie going against the king and church/sanctity of marriage) has the power to corrupt entire kingdoms. it’s not about agreeing or disagreeing with their actions, it’s not about condoning anything. it’s a narrative constructed to illustrate the author’s viewpoint.
to what end is geraint’s verbal assault against his wife and physically driving her into dangerous situations and murdering his sister on a double dog dare conveying anything at all? like we can plainly see that gawain’s vendetta against pellinore and sons in the blood feud stems from toxic loyalty and the patriarchal societal expectation of masculinity expressed through violence. the narrative surrounding this does not condone gawain’s behavior. he “gets away with it” in his lack of punishment, but that in and of itself is commentary on arthur’s short comings in his sentimental treatment of his nephew. but the author’s omnipresent voice favors the victims and gawain’s reputation is ruined by this behavior. other knights know him for what he is, dinadan dies simply bc he won’t stop talking about lamorak’s murder and is thus murdered himself. lancelot suffers greatly for his affair with guinevere, if not only driven to madness by desperation and guilt, then by his continuous trial along the grail quest resulting in failure and the eventual loss of his son. he loved his king and is devastated when the kingdom crumbles as a result of his actions, whether that be the affair itself or killing to survive in the aftermath of that discovery, nobody can say he ends up happy with the situation. he lost galehaut, guinevere, galahad, arthur, and even had to kill gawain with his own hands. nothing in the narrative favors him.
geraint….is not punished. not narratively nor subtextually. even if we assume he never again forces enid to ride around while exposed to bandits while he forces her into silence and yells at her when she disobeys, that still happened, and his sister is still dead. but in the end he isn’t reprimanded for any of that and continues his marriage to enid in the end. she forgives him. did he atone? can he atone for something like that well enough to deserve keeping all his privileges? he is not stripped of titles or rights or anything. even the narrative frames the event as if love triumphed, the strength of their marriage carried them through a hard time. a hard time! as if abuse can turn off at the drop of a hat.
anyway this is a gawain and lancelot apologist blog that hates geraint and thinks he should explode and die.
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myfairkatiecat · 6 months
Kate Wetherall, Katherine Pulitzer, and your Keefe boy :)
Aaaaaahh yes yes yes these are really good ones ahdkdhsnbdjshssj
Kate Wetherall:
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Ok so. The reason I say she works best as a part of a dynamic is because while she’s awesome on her own, she is MOST compelling with the rest of the mysterious Benedict society!!!the four of them together are so special to me
Also I’m a Kate apologist, she’s never done anything wrong and I stand by it :)
(And yeah if you see the way I write Kate you may see me projecting. It might have something to do with me being in sixth grade when I first read the books and going “omg we have the same name!!!”)
Katherine Pulitzer:
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Look I relate to this girl SO MUCH you don’t even understand 😭
And the fandom has a tendency to villainize her or make her seem problematic simply for being complex, which… is a problem I’ve been seeing a lot of lately, actually.
I love her SO MUCH. She’s kinda scary but also she’s me
Keefe Sencen:
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Once again flattered by your interest in hearing me talk abut my interests that you don’t share 🥹
Okay look. I LOVE KEEFE. And I initially colored in “they’ve never done anything wrong” cause I have tendency to be a Keefe apologist, but if I’m being real here he’s definitely done stuff wrong 😭 @phtalogreenpoison has heard me talk about his character in detail and knows EXACTLY what I’m talking about.
Why the tiny scribble on “too much screen time”? Well…….it’s technically true. He does get too much screen time, and for not being the MC, he’s started getting a lot of his POV in Sophie’s story. However, I EAT IT UP cause I’m a pretty standard basic Keefe girlie. So while I understand the side of the fandom that’s beginning to want more of some other characters, and I think that’s soooo valid, I also am totally eating up all the Keefe screen time. SO EXCITED for the Keefe book that’s coming out this fall. I love this boy. So much.
Also would I marry him irl?? uhhhhhhh if Sophie didn’t exist then YES he’s mine. But I’m a girl’s girl and he belongs to Sophie <3 they’re so cute together, too!!
Somebody is gonna come at me for saying he’s deeper than he seems cause we actually get quite a bit of insight into his character depth, but I think even what we do see doesn’t fully cover it. Keefe is more open with his friends than he’s ever been with anyone else… but he definitely has a LOT of defense mechanisms in place, which is why he has that cool-kid-doesn’t-care-doesn’t-work-only-flirts vibe going on in the first book, and the first time we REALLY get slapped in the face with “haha you knew he had a facade but here have a GUT PUNCH” is the quote in the beginning of book three when Sophie suggests they stop by Keefe’s house and he just sorta looks down and says “I…don’t bring friends home.”
Like. We knew his parents sucked. But something about seeing him vulnerable like that. Ahdkfhdjshdjdshs
I think the mischief making and flirting is also a real aspect of his personality, but a lot of the sorta bad-boy-ish reputation he’s got going on at school in the beginning books is a front to cover his ✨issues✨ and I don’t think we even see the full depth of how much the reveal of his mother as a villain and her constant attempts to make him “embrace the change” and have a “legacy” tied to her evil thoughts impact him. We know it’s hard for him and we totally see that, but even in Keefe’s POV he avoids thinking about it, and… honestly it’s up to us fanfic writers to really delve into that angst. Shannon sorta tells us it sucks for him, but doesn’t really show us (not fully, at least) cause Sophie is the main character, not him.
And do I project my issues on him? …maybe a little…his particular brand of the “using humor to cover up my problems” trope hits very close to home for me. I deflect with humor in the exact same flippant way, and just like with Keefe, sometimes it works and sometimes it gets me in trouble with my friends when I need to be serious.
(Yes I want to carry Keefe in a hand a like a tiny dog. Not elaborating.)
Wasn’t sure whether or not to say he gets done dirty by the fans. Historically, this fandom is head over heels in love with him, but right now there’s been a bit of a turn towards combating Fitz hate (another character that often gets pitted against Keefe unjustly bc of shipping discourse) with Keefe hate and saying he’s problematic when he’s really just complex.
So yeah I’m not normal about Keefe at all, if you couldn’t tell.
I managed to talk for a very long time about him
You can tell where the brain bees are buzzing rn can’t you
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By: Dion J. Pierre
Published: Feb 6, 2024
Columbia University professor Shai Davidai, a Jewish Israeli, defended his right to condemn Hamas’ atrocities on Thursday after learning that an anonymous group of graduate students has accused him of anti-Palestinian racism and demanded that a professional association of which he is a member publicly censure him.
Anti-Zionist TikTok influencer Jessica Burbank first reported the accusations the graduate students lodged in a letter to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), an organization founded in 1974 to promote the social psychology field and its usefulness to society. Comprising over 7,500 student and faculty members, it provides invaluable funding and networking opportunities.
Accusing Davidai of “targeting individuals — especially Palestinians and students of color,” the students’ letter describes his efforts to hold pro-Hamas student groups accountable for harassing Jewish students and defending terror as “decolonization” as “blatant dereliction of duty with respect to his responsibilities and ethical standards as a professor and faculty member of SPSP.” The students additionally accused him of promoting “doxxing” and “misrepresenting” the views of pro-Hamas groups, all of whom have defended Hamas’ atrocities on Oct. 7 while calling for a ceasefire, a strategy they have employed to portray themselves as a pro-peace movement.
On Thursday, Professor Davidai told The Algemeiner that the man depicted in the letter is not someone his community, students, and peers would recognize, and he accepts that enduring assaults on his character is a consequence of defending the Jewish people wherever they are, be it Israel or New York City.
“Look, I’m speaking up against evil, and against the support of evil,” he said. “I’m willing to take the reputational hits because people that won’t like me for saying what I’m saying — I don’t need them to like me. This isn’t about the performative virtue signaling that is en vogue right now. This is about having a moral compass and standing up for what’s right.”
Davidai went on to express concern that his colleagues in the field have not defended him, a silence which suggests that incriminating pro-Israel activists with baseless accusations will not be denounced or resisted even by moderates holding nuanced views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Israel’s war against Hamas.
“If I have to pay the price, I’ll pay the price. Thousands and thousands of Jews and non-Jews contact me to say that calling out pro-Hamas support on US college campuses is the right thing to do,” he continued. “And the irony is that I won’t be silenced. They might take away my reputation. They might take away my job and my career. But I’m not the kind of person who will be quiet now that there’s a personal cost for telling the truth. They’re just proving my point.”
Davidai first achieved national notoriety after delivering a thunderous speech before a crowd of students and others gathered on campus in which he called the school’s president a “coward” for refusing to condemn Hamas apologists and anti-Zionist demonstrations on campus.
“I’m talking to you as a dad, and I want you to know we cannot protect your children from pro-terror student organizations, because the president of Columbia University will not speak out,” Davidai said to the students, whom he asked to film and send the remarks to their parents. “Citizens of the US are right now kidnapped in Gaza, and yet the president of the university is allowing — is giving — her support to pro-terror student organizations.”
In many ways, becoming a public figure has been a detriment, Davidai said. His email is flooded daily with notes from antisemites accusing him of being an “Elder of Zion” and a “genocidal baby killer.”
His colleagues, furious that his exposing antisemitism and left-wing radicalism at Columbia University has caused important donors to pull their support from the school, have never commented on the hate mail even though they are always copied as recipients of it, he alleged.
"One of the things that is a classic trope of the religious bigot, is while they're denying people their rights, they claim that their rights are being denied. While they are persecuting people, they claim to be persecuted. While they are behaving colossally offensively, they claim to be the offended party. It's upside-down world." -- Salman Rushdie
The people chanting for the extermination of Jews and the destruction of Israel, supporting a Jihadist terrorist organization, and demanding Israel not be allowed to defend itself, are pretending they're the victims and filing spurious claims to silence dissenters.
This is how you tell who really holds the power. No matter what their stupid slogans and fraudulent scholarship say. You're not supposed to notice it because of the victimhood language they use, but they're aggressive authoritarians who have seized institutional power. The fact that Davidai's career is at risk for a completely reasonable position, while the students' enrolments are not, demonstrates this.
The sets of pro-Hamas people and pro-Palestine people are a single circle. They are not a peace movement; they are a violence movement. Like Islam itself, watch what happens when you don't submit to its demands.
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iguessricciardo · 1 year
You’re one of the few Daniel blogs I follow who also don’t like MV so I feel I can tell you this.
I was watching that Aussie quiz video and realised Christian really knew what he was doing. He knew putting Daniel next to him will make his racist apologist ass palatable to the rest of us because why am I turning into a maxiel supporter? 😭
Also if Horner really wanted to give rbr a more positive image he should just have put both Daniel and Seb in the cars and problem solved
i mean daniel is there to “polish” their reputation lol but what I’m seeing a lot on my tl how people are like “now you like redbull and horner etc etc” and im just???? y’all need to know that all the teams and their team principles suck and they’ll ALWAYS do things that will work for them only. so yeah i do hate redbull but will i enjoy them treating my favorite driver good after what he’s been through? absolutely. this doesn’t mean i suddenly see them as a good team who only have daniel’s best interest at heart bc they don’t. they get benefits from having daniel with them and we saw that this weekend. so please, this entire sport is corrupt and there’s no good or bad team bc they’re all bad!!
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Is It Really That Bad?
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I don’t think anyone would call 2006’s Silent Hill the greatest horror film ever, but it’s hard to deny that it is one of the better early attempts at a video game adaptation. The film has some really baffling changes to the plot, sure, but it’s honestly pretty faithful in regards to the visuals and the atmosphere. Sure, some of the symbolism is thrown in to look cool—what the fuck is Pyramid Head doing here, for one—but it’s readily apparent that this film was made by someone who gets the games, who understands the appeal. The result is a film that, again, isn’t beloved like some video game adaptations but most definitely commands a lot of respect and has a respectable fanbase in and of itself.
The same cannot be said for the 2012 sequel, Silent Hill: Revelation.
This movie killed the career of director MJ Bassett, relegating her to television work since then with her only upcoming project the eternally-stuck-in-development-hell reboot of Red Sonja. It also killed any momentum the franchise had, with it taking 11 years for another film to begin development, and who knows if Return to Silent Hill will even come out (I’d love for it to, especially if it really is adapting the second game).
On top of all that, fans weren’t exactly receptive to it. In fact, they were so unperceptive that this film barely registers in discussions of bad movies at all; if I wasn’t a big Silent Hill fan I probably wouldn’t remember it even exists. But maybe people were too harsh on this film; maybe it’s yet another hidden gem among video game movies. Something you may not know about me is I am a huge video game movie apologist; aside from enjoying the obvious stuff like the recent Sonic and Mario movies, I also enjoy the 90s Mario movie, Street Fighter, both takes on Mortal Kombat… Sure, I’ve seen some garbage like Max Payne and Doom, but the reputation of video game movies as unwatchable garbage is greatly exaggerated in my opinion.
So with all that said, I promised to take you to that town I see in my restless dreams and figure out if Revelation is really that bad, or if the hole of negative reception for this movie is gone now.
Well, the practical effects are all still pretty good, with some really creative monsters. And there are a few scenes here and there with cool and creative imagery. 
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What else... oh! Adelaide Clemens is actually genuinely good as Heather. I mean, the writing for her is as bad as the writing for everyone else, but by god is Clemens really giving it her all. She manages to outshine veteran actors like Malcolm McDowell, Sean Bean, and Carrie-Anne Moss. So props to her!
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The soundtrack is pretty decent… No complaints there. Fuck guys, I’m really trying... Hm... Oh yeah! Pyramid Head is here for some fucking reason! It makes no goddamn sense, but I’m ultimately a simple man. I see Pyramid Head, I am happy.
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Yeah okay I’m done trying to be nice.
This film is just ass from start to finish.
Here’s something a lot of people don’t understand when it comes to adaptations: Sometimes it’s best not to be completely accurate to what you’re adapting. The first film has the respect it does because it’s a loose adaptation that tells a familiar story with unique elements to it while keeping the core elements that make the series so beloved—the emotional moments, the horror, the atmosphere, the visuals. This film, on the other hand, swings into being way too faithful and trying to shoehorn the plot of Silent Hill 3 into the continuity of the films, which does nothing but rip a dozen plot holes open and comes off as desperate course correction that wasn’t needed at all. I’ll give it this—the movie is putting in a lot of effort to keeping this movement towards accuracy to the games from feeling too contrived.
Unfortunately, it’s hard to appreciate the efforts the film is going to due to how legitimately bad everything is. The acting is undeniably worse all across the board, even from legendary actors like Malcolm McDowell; the script is amateurish and ludicrous, with stupid twists and unbearably bland or bad dialogue in nearly every scene; and the CGI is just not up to the standard the first film set. In a way, this film is the original The Rise of Skywalker in how it dumped everything from the contentious film before it and tried way too hard to course correct to disastrous results, all while the previous film began to get a second look due to the catastrophic failure of the newer one.
The director said she wanted to deliver a continuation of the first film first, and an adaptation of the third game second, but with all the clunky retcons in a desperate attempt to emulate the game we’re left with a poorly-paced mess of a movie that is cramming way too much into a 90 minute runtime. The film is just a fifty car pileup of bad ideas, and genuinely there’s not much else to say. Revelation is so bereft of anything resembling good ideas that there is so little I could say that was positive and everything bad about it is so broad that it’s just not enjoyable to talk about, since what’s the point of singling out a bad element when all the other elements around it suck ass too?
This is genuinely, truly a bad movie, but honestly? It wasn’t a painful experience.
Like this movie pretty obviously sucks. It’s an abject failure at portraying the story of the game it is ostensibly adapting to the silver screen, it has terrible dialogue, it wastes its actors, and it seems more focused on gory visuals and cheap jumpscares than actually trying to be atmospheric or engaging. I don’t know if you noticed, but there wasn’t a lot for me to talk about here, and that’s because this film is so dull and unoriginal that there’s really not much to say. I hate that I couldn’t really dive deeper into how much it sucks, but it just sucks in the most tepid, uninspired ways, ways that don’t invoke much besides an annoyed eyeroll from me. It is genuinely like if Michael Bay tried to make a horror film.
Ultimately, though, that’s the very thing that “saves” this; it is just so dumb that I can easily see how someone could mine entertainment from this in a “so bad it’s good” way. Sure, I didn’t like this film and was bored watching it, but I didn’t feel vitriolic hate for it or anything. I just thought it was a subpar horror film that can’t live up to the games or the previous movie, which is a tall order to begin with. And really, is being a subpar horror film that much of a crime? I’d say it’s better than being as dogshit as Slender Man, Smiley, The Bye Bye Man, or any of the other genuinely abysmal horror films I’ve had to sit through. Horror is a genre of extremes, where typically you’ll either see one of the best and scariest films of your life or the most tedious waste of time imaginable that will have you calling for the director’s head. To find a horror film that’s just perfectly and stupidly mediocre is genuinely impressive. I’m gonna say that 4.9 score is entirely completely fair; the movie is just below average, and while it’s certainly shitty there’s no denying that it has some value as mindless entertainment.
Again, this is a bad film. I am not in any way recommending watching this, especially when you could watch the first film (or better yet just play the games). But when you consider some of the crap I’ve had to sit through for this show, I’ll take a bad movie that only gets me mildly annoyed over a bad movie that makes me legitimately angry or offended like Land of the Lost. And as piss-poor as this film is, it’s still a better adaptation than Ratchet & Clank was!
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allamericansbitch · 10 months
taylor never has issues working with problematic/controversial people. I get in part it's because she herself was considered "controversial" in 2016 so she wants to give people the benefit of the doubt and not just listen to what people say about them. Maybe it's just me but sexual assault is kinda of a big deal and maybe if someone has bad "reputation" because of it you should probably look into it.
I know a few games ago she was celebrating with Jackson himself, I only know this because tiktok Swifties were calling for someone to protect Taylor from him. Someone pointed out Taylor wasn't seating in the Kelce balcony thing, she chose to sit in the Mahome balcony with Brittany and Jackson, meaning she put herself in that situation. It's not like Jackson is a real threat to Taylor (other than to her image), it's incredibly annoying how there's a real victim and they still manage to make it about how Taylor could be potentially hurt.
As an SA victim myself it's hurtful to see another victim (specially one that was so vocal about her story and how hard ir was to not be believed) standing and celebrating next to an abuser and his apologist.
There’s a huge difference in giving some people the benefit of the doubt based on baseless rumors or opinions…. vs people who have hurt others and it’s a fact, in this case people who have assaulted other people and it’s a known, google-able thing. It’s not ‘I heard he was a little mean to someone’. It’s assault, it’s serious and should not be a gray area for people. And I’m sorry but I’m so sick of the ‘im giving her the benefit of the doubt’ people. They said that when she was with Matty and she literally said publicly she didn’t care he was racist and knew beforehand. There’s no benefit to be had there. They said that when she did the Crawdads movie, with the DOR movie, now with this…. How many other people does she have to affiliate with for those fans to realize she might know and just not care.
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silver-tangent · 4 months
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“Staff at La Vernia ISD are legally armed and trained. We will use whatever force necessary to protect our students.”
In 2019 Four former La Vernia students (Alejandro Ibarra, Colton Weidner, Christian Roberts and Dustin Norman) were indicted by a grand jury in Wilson County on charges of engaging in organized criminal activity after previously being arrested in 2017.
This sparked an outcry of allegations dating back to 2014. It was stated that at least one coach knew.
The boys named never faced jail time. They got community service and probation. That’s it.
While the allegations were only dated back to 2014, I was also the victim of sexual harassment and “hazing” in this school between 2005 and 2011, when I was promptly pulled out.
I was touched, humped, and groped because boys thought I was gay and thought it was funny to harass me. One girl had her shirt pulled down against her will to “prove I was gay.”
My bullies learned I liked swords tried to encourage me to bring a sword to school and try to kill them.
They tried to instigate fights, tried to get me to punch my own ticket, and threatened to come to my house and harm me. They threatened to do sexual acts to me to “make me into a girl,” and to “beat me until I was straight.”
I was told that God made me for their entertainment…
In all this time, the staff of La Vernia were only ever worried about me shooting up the school. They called my parents in because they were scared by my outbursts… my outbursts because they did nothing. Because they never believed any of my proof was good enough, because they chose to ignore my bullying.
When my mother tried to force them to do something, they would tell her that it was “just boys being boys.”
“They’re just hazing him.”
“He’s bringing it on himself by acting out.”
At least one the vice principal (now gone) said that I SHOULD beat up my abusers my selves, and it would solve the issue… before promptly admitting he would send me to alternative school afterwards.
I was the problem to them. Their solution was that I needed to suck it up, act normal, and stop bothering people.
I was socially awkward. I’m possibly autistic. I have adhd, and I had no friends. I don’t endorse gun violence… but I was never the problem. Nothing I did could possibly justify being SA’d.
Since 2020… I have heard nothing. NOTHING about the civil lawsuits… they swept all of this under the rug.
And I can tell you first hand, their idea of a threat is me… the rape victim. They were afraid that I would take matters into my own hands.
Many of the adults in this town have openly admitted to wanting trouble. They WANT someone to pull a gun so they can put a bullet in someone.
They’ve openly fantasized about beating up trans women in bathrooms…
“We will use whatever force necessary to protect our students?”
They will use whatever force necessary to protect their small towns reputation.
They expect a school shooter to be someone like me, someone like the victims in those locker rooms…
And they would not hesitate to shoot them… but they will hesitate to protect SA victims.
These aren’t good guys with guns. These are violent right wing SA apologists looking for an excuse to shoot the weird kid, because that’s who they think active shooters are…
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I’m feeling the need to be a Grace apologist today, so I’m going to defend her with my life as I go through the reasons I see most people dislike her for and argue against them:
What she did to James: What happened to James was terrible, there’s no denying that. But I’d argue that the blame for it doesn’t rest on Grace, but on Tatiana, at the very least in the beginning. Grace was a child, a child who wanted to belong in her new family, so of course she did what Tatiana told her to do, even after she realizes that Tatiana was being abusive toward her and what she was doing was wrong. The idea that she understands what she’s doing is wrong is sort of amazing to me; she didn’t have much of a reference as to wrong and right, but she still had some sort of instinct anyway. That’s hard for anyone in an abusive relation, let alone a child. But she knows, and she lives with that situation, thinking there’s not much choice in the matter, at least not if she wanted to stay with Jesse, her one good and healthy connection. And with that relation with James already established, Grace probably grew used to it in a way. Terrible, maybe, but perhaps the only way to cope with it. 
Her continued manipulation outside of her mother: She did do manipulative things outside of her mother’s orders, as a way to break away from her mother and all. But she is 16 years old, still a child, and still going off the knowledge of what she’d been taught by the adults around her. And yes, as mentioned before she understands what she’s doing is wrong, but she doesn't have the knowledge of knowing who else to be, just trying to save herself and Jesse in the only way she knew how. And she was given the power of this manipulation by Tatiana, and she mentions how much she hates it. She was given it young, and from a young age she would magically seduce men, older men, into liking her. That would be a terrible feeling to have so young, referring to herself as ‘her mother’s blade’. That’s dehumanizing, and when you feel less then human, it’s all the easier to do awful things, thinking you’re already at that level. Strangely enough though, she’s shown to have a level of honesty outside of this magically manipulation, such as when she told Malcolm about what happened to his lover. She could have lied, she could have told him something else, something that would have made him more likely to get him to help her, but she didn’t. I think, outside of the power’s Tatiana gave her, that Grace is a naturally honest person. She only knows how to ‘lie’ to others via her powers, and without that, she’s actually very blunt. Perhaps this is because Tatiana never really taught her to lie on her own, only to use the powers on men and such. I find this to be rather interesting, making me wonder who she could become as she got older. I wonder if when they all grow to be adults Grace will form a reputation of always telling someone the truth of the matter. It would be ironic for sure, and maybe Grace will find a sort of peace in it. But even if she keeps a form of manipulation with her, that wouldn’t be a bad thing either. She just needs to learn how to use it for good, for her allies, for the right people that would treat her well. It’s already shown how loyal she can be to Jesse, literally challenging death itself to save him, so imagine what lengths she would go if she actually made genuine connections with the right people.
Never contributing to the fight: Yes, she is rather weak and useless in a fighting scenario, and she shows no desire to learn. But first of all, she was never taught to fight, in fact, it was sort of discouraged in a way. Tatiana, with her hatred of Shadowhunter's and such, didn’t want either of her children to fight, going as far as what she did to Jesse. So of course she would naturally be against fighting on her own. If she ever got over that mindset and trained, then I believe she would be able to fight on her own just as well as any other Shadowhunter. And second of all, even if in the end she still holds no desire to fight, that won’t necessary make her wrong or a weak character. There are other things one could do to prove themselves useful; she’s already shown an interest in science. And if she has that level of knowledge in the scientific field despite Tatiana never encouraging it, then imagine what she could accomplish if she was allowed to pursue it in full. 
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menalez · 7 months
thank you for pointing out (in the "regret is not rape" ugh post) that it is possible to regret genuinely consensual activity. I get what the other person is trying to say but I have had a lot of sex I regretted (fully consensual, often initiated by me) and obvi the line "regret is not rape" is misogynistic and victim blaming but suggesting the only reason a woman would regret sex is thay she didn't consent enthusiastically goes too far in the other direction. consensual sex is a human activity and it's possible to regret it just like any other human activity. that doesn't mean that women who have been raped just "regretted" the sex; those are obviously two different categories and rape apologists are just trying to obfuscate things. I just don't think it is a good response to "regret is not rape" to be like "well if it was consensual then why would the woman regret it? clearly the regret is an indicator that consent was lacking" because that just joins in the obfuscation.
anyway. sorry that you have to deal with all this shit. clearly a few someone's just hate you personally and completely lack human decency. so what if you are bi and lying? (I don't think you are to be clear) harassing you isn't helping lesbians anywhere and is just deliberate, targeted hatred. literally who gaf if someone is wrong about their sexuality on the internet. and what kind of loser cares that much about something an internet stranger did however many years ago that abusive relationship was.
feel free not to publish, I don't want to stir any more bs up for you. just wanted to say you had a good point and people are cray cray. I hope things improve for you
i do get where she is coming from & she’s right in that sometimes the “regret” is an outcome of having been coerced or pushed into sex acts u didn’t want to partake in. or being drunk n doing sth u wouldn’t actually do which is also rape in certain cases. my disagreement was mostly bc she said it’s rape 99% of the time which, i do think a lot of cases of “regret” were bc it was literal rape but idk how to quantify that. idk which phenomena is more common. but i know for example many ppl might’ve wanted to wait to have sex but a moment of passion got in the way of those plans & therefore they might regret. or feeling regret bc it’s sex out of marriage which can harm the woman’s reputation. or bc u realise the person u had sex with is a horrible person. or the sex was awful n not worth it. or u realised u don’t like casual sex and wish u hadn’t done it. there’s many scenarios that might involve feelings of regret but not rape.
the problem is the saying “regret is not rape” is very often based on misconstruing rape victims as just women that can’t make up their minds and had totally consensual sex then claimed it was rape later bc they’re just soooo crazy and want to get a poor innocent man in trouble. the reality is we know that simply regretting something does not make it rape. as u said, they say this bc they want to obfuscate things.
also literally… idk who they think they’re helping when they act like this. frankly it’s obvious they’re simply pretending it’s somehow for the sake of lesbians that they’re doing this as a way to justify their behaviour. i cant imagine someone actually being helped by these ppl harassing a traumatised woman about her trauma lmao. best case scenario for them is that their assumptions and stories are all true & i’m lying about everything. their worst case scenario is that i’m actually telling my truth and they’re actively harassing me about it and intentionally triggering me repeatedly for years while calling a rape victim they don’t even know a liar about her trauma. none of them seem to care about the very likely latter possibility.
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foundress0fnothing · 2 years
Your secret Santa here! Busy tinkering away on your fic (that I’m very excited for you to read)!!
Just to know a bit more about your preferences, do you have any specific tropes that you like? Any favourite fanfics? So far the fic is quite fluffy - is there anything specific you like in terms of fluff?
Lastly, I know you said you love Christmas carols. Do you have a favourite? 🎄🎁
Santa cutie! I hope the end of November is treating you swimmingly. I cannot wait to read what you're writing <3
Tropes I like...! How to choose? I love one bed, fake dating, and enemies/idiots to lovers the most, I think, but I also enjoy a lot that fall outside of those categories.
My favorite thing in fluff pieces is when there's a little loving sass thrown back and forth between the characters; affectionate antagonism is my love language.
My top five favorite carols (because I love too many to pick just one)(in no particular order): "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"--the Nora Jones version is ~spectacular~; "Carol of the Bells"--'cause what's Christmas without a little chaos??; "Jesus Christ the Apple Tree"--the melody is so beautiful and so hard to sing well; "Merry Christmas Darling"--Karen Carpenter is a goddess; and "The holly and the ivy"--specifically, John Rutter's arrangement.
And finally, for favorite fanfics: It's hard to pick just a few (a theme apparently of this answer, sorry...), but here are some of my current favorites, again in no particular order (sorry in advance to everyone who gets tagged in this, but I want to give credit where credit is due <3)
I will read literally anything @separatist-apologist writes; ghost eris is going to be my bedtime story tonight.
The same is true for @the-lonelybarricade; I am counting down the days until Feysand month like a greedy goblin.
Favorite Gwynriel fics: Things You Can't Have (@damedechance); His Sleeping Vixen (@eeereee); A Court of Scars and Shadows (@beaumaismortel); For Research Purposes Only (@shadowriel); and Synchronicity (@ofduskanddreams)
Others I love deeply: AU Where We Pretend ACOSF Didn't Happen and A Court of Tangled Flames--if I'm ever struck by the urge to reread ACOSF, I turn here tbh (@theladyofbloodshed); A Court of Rage and Fire (@ekileh); our bodies, possessed by light (@iftheshoef1tz); Reputation (flamesandshadows on AO3); I Believe the Word You're Looking for is "Friends" and Alpha Sigma Phi (@kingofsummer93); Sometime Around Midnight and Deadliest Nightshade (@ultadverb); and Of the Archer and the Dark (@thesistersarcheron).
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biceratops7 · 2 years
Finally posting my gosh damn ofmd fic recs:
“Waltz of the Imbeciles” by unclejesse
- This fic is so friggin’ weird… which is high praise cause Ed and Stede are friggin’ weird. The premise is that they start wrestling, decide to get naked, there’s a tickle fight in there somewhere, then horniness ensues. The set up alone is hilarious, but the characterization is what really makes it. This really does match the absurdity of the show, and is incredibly sweet!
“The legendary Blackbeard (and guest)” by foxy_mulder
- Such an adorable and unique concept! Ed and Stede have a nice night out at a bar that caters to pirates, but it’s told through the eyes of the increasingly confused patrons. I’m such a sucker for “outsider perspective” fics, especially for a story in which the character’s reputations are a huge honking theme. Just the juxtaposition of everyone scrambling to figure out “what the fuck is up with Blackbeard” and Ed happily sharing drinks with his partner is great 😂
“Let Me See What Spring is Like” by MenaceAnon
- AAAH I wanna kiss this fic I love it so much! It’s just a short little thing about Ed contemplating being in love after the moonlight scene. Not even contemplating, just feeling it. The writing is beautiful, it perfectly captures the giddy ridiculousness of falling for someone. Seriously some of the loveliest few hundred words you can read.
“In So Many Words” by Parrlen
- Holy shit this is so hard cause there’s so much to love. In the first half, a slight misunderstanding leads to Stede reading Ed stories every night, sweetness and hilarity ensues. And the second half is literally the best kraken era Ed fic I’ve read in my life. Guys just- just read this, especially if you’re tired of fics that just make Ed a ball of rage that has to be emotionally saved by Stede. The literarure theme throughout is beautiful, Ed, Jim, Lucius, and Frenchie are the die hard dream team friend group I didn’t know I needed, and I haven’t read something simply this loving and thoughtful in a while. This fic has the BIGGEST chokehold on me and it deserves to be WAAAY more well known. (Although disclaimer: if you’re a hardcore Izzy fan or apologist maybe steer clear, the narrative doesn’t treat him nicely)
“You’ve Got Matelotage” by HopelessScribe
- yup, basically what it says on the tin. Ed thinks it’s finally time to propose matelotage! This fic takes such a simple premise and really does as much as it can with it, from the team effort of planning the perfect date, to misunderstandings, to aspects of queer life and hardships I don’t see often explored in fic. …Ed and company rob a homophobic jeweler and the crew goes to a ye old gay bar, what else could you want? 😂 On a more serious note Stede’s reaction to this even being an option is what really got me
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