#I’m about 130 chapters in and I love them so much
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So I started reading TWSB
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jays-therapist · 9 months
So much of who Yukio is stems from his self-hatred.
He wants to be an exorcist because he hates how weak he is. A lot of the contempt he holds for his brother derives from a desire to be like Rin, and not like himself. The way he remembers his own childhood is distorted by his self-hatred, as he struggles to focus on memories where he isn't inadequate.
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I think the reason he hates who he was as a child is because he’s associated all of his worst traits to "Pre-Exorcist Training" Yukio, where he felt truly helpless and unable to do anything about his fear. Becoming an exorcist kind of gave him a sense of power? By learning about what he’s afraid of and how to deal with it, he now has control. At least, I think that was the idea behind it. What he doesn’t understand (and what Shirou probably didn’t consider when he gave his baby a gun) is that he’s not really overcoming his fear of demons. He’s just compensating for it, and clinging tight to any source of control he can get. Deep down, the fear remains; he still feels helpless, with a whole bunch of terrible coping mechanisms as a bonus.
(I also think this is one of the reasons he has such violent reactions to losing control, specifically towards his own body, like when he stabbed his arm to prevent himself from panicking in the Kyoto Arc.)
And he gets worse, because as he reasses the goals he had when he was a child (partly due to Toudou’s influence), he can only focus on all the ways they are selfish. A seven year old becoming an exorcist because he wants to be stronger only reinforces Yukio’s self-hatred, because it’s a self-oriented goal. Rin wants to be an exorcist so no one has to die for him like Shirou did. Shiemi wants to be an exorcist so she can protect others the way they’ve protected her. Bon wants revenge for the Blue Night and how it affected his family, and on and on and on. Yukio is surrounded by people who have experienced incredible pain, but focus on those around them. More and more, Yukio is seeing himself as the outlier, whose selfishness only serves to build upon itself. As he says, “I’m so obsessed with myself I can’t see anyone else!”
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And like, that’s why I think the line “I’m strong because I had you!” holds so much weight, for both Rin and Yukio. For Yukio, it’s a realization that he loves his brother more than he hates himself, you know? He didn’t just want to be strong so he could surpass his brother. He wanted to be strong for his brother, and was inspired by him. It was that love that pushed him forward, and it’s that love that allows him to heal, a little bit.
This is best shown in the flashback he has later in Chapter 130 when they’re getting ready to square up with Satan. Earlier, I said that Yukio’s memories are distorted by self-hatred. Here, in this scene, we see a memory free of that bias, where Yukio, once shaking in fear, takes Rin’s hand. Yukio is brave, and able to overcome his fears with support, it just took him awhile to realize this.
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Therefore, even though so much of Yukio is built upon hatred, he’s slowly recognizing just how much he loves and has loved.
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bnhaobservation · 3 months
My two cents about Episode 146 (with spoilers about scenes which will appear in future episodes)
So I’ve watched episode 146 and I won’t lie, I was really anxious to see how they would transpose chap 350/352.
Some things are definitely great some… not so much so I'm gonna list here all I've loved and all I wasn't so fond about. Keep in mind it's just my opinion, if you loved it all that's good.
So, the last episode ended with Shouto asking Touya why he didn’t come home and Touya answering he’ll tell him.
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When I watched the manga I got the impression that Touya’s answer included also what happened to him on Sekoto Peak, how he woke up in All for One’s orphanage and how he escaped until he finally told Shouto he came home but what he saw lead him to leave home.
I don’t quite get the same feeling from the anime.
The cut between an episode and the other is long, with this episode beginning with the police station. True, the same can be said for chap 350 but in it the scene moving from Ujiko to Touya and Shouto was smoother so that I could assume it was transition to go back to Touya and Shouto talking.
Here instead we move from Ujiko to Touya and Shouto but it seems more we do so because Ujiko is thinking to them than because we go back to them (there’s zero audio from what’s going on with Touya and Shouto, and we can only hear Ujiko’s words, giving more of a thought feeling than a transitioning feeling) and then the scene is interrupted because the opening starts.
When the episode resumes Touya made a weird sound of… excitement I guess, and Shouto’s group prepares for the battle, Shouto even starting to prepare phosphor in a way that doesn’t seem to imply they’re waiting for an answer but for an attack (even though Touya said he would tell Shouto in the past episode) and then Touya’s voice is very calm as it goes back to what happened to him, how he was waiting at Sekoto Peak, crying because his father wasn’t coming.
It seems, more than him telling Shouto about it, him just thinking back at it. This is not a complain, it can be that the scene was actually not meant to represent Touya telling all that to Shouto but just that he came back home, so Shouto has no idea of what happened to Touya from Sekoto Peak to him coming back home. If this is true, Enji is the only one who will know that Touya was actually taken by All for One.
I’m not going to complain on this, I’m just curious to see if future manga developments will dig on this since in the next chapter we’ll have a Todoroki confrontation.
Now… this episode redraw part of Touya asking Enji to go see him and the scene of him burning.
I’m all for redrawing scenes better the problem is… episode 130 was more compliant with what we see in the manga in chap 302 than episode 146 is while the redrawing doesn’t add much to the plot.
To compare.
In Ep 130, like in chap 302, Touya looked normal as he asked his father to come see him, to grow distressed only when Enji discovers his burns and gets angry, while here, Touya seems already on point of a psychological break down while Enji just stands there with an angry expression (honestly his body language in ep 130 was better).
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(oh and yes, although they kept the final scene, the line of dialogue spoken there is different)
By the end of the scene we get Touya is deeply distressed even in ep 130/chap 302 without Touya needing to look like that from the start and the redrawing doesn’t answer instead to something that could have been interesting, where Touya was when Enji beat his mother over Rei not looking at him.
In ep 130/chap 302 it’s clear that Touya began to overheat, his body starting to slowly radiate heat... then the fire started from Touya’s eyes and, while he quickly start to completely burn, he’s not immediately looking like a human torch, which makes sense as although Touya had low fire resistance Horikoshi himself said he had some.
In Ep 146 the fire starts from Touya’s eyes so fast it’s hard to notice, and he’s immediately a human torch.
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They also added a line about Touya asking his father why won't he come, which I honestly love.
I guess liking the changes is a matter of personal preference (I've mixed feelings on the changes for this bit), but the truth is… there was no real need for them. Chap 350 didn’t go back to all those scenes, it just jumps to Touya being having reached the point of being a human torch and goes on from here.
Sure, a summary of what happened to Touya could be useful to viewers who missed/forgot episode 130 and the change make Touya's situation even more dramatic but again, why change things that happened in the previous season, that were presented like the manga did and that many can remember?
Whatever, it’s not really a big complain.
What I’ve really liked is how the anime showed Touya tossing himself in the water as in the manga it was implied by the splash sound (as well as showing the steam) but it wasn’t that clear.
Now… although the anime shows it less clearly than the manga (but I would say clearly enough)… after this Touya’s body is COMPLETELY burned and he’s jawless.
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In the manga when he wakes up at the orphanage he has two very clear scars on his cheeks that go to his mouth to his ears, a scar that goes through all his kin, some dark yet tiny scarring under his eyes and some minor additional lines on his jaw, neck, hands and feet which imply that he had skin grafts basically everywhere (as all his skin got burned down) but, except for the spot just below his eyes, the skin doesn’t look burnt, there’s not the usual dark shading Dabi has nor all the lines Dabi has on the burnt skin.
The anime instead decided that all the skin on his kin and on his neck needed to look burnt. Yes, there are less lines than Dabi usually has, but apparently they decided that in that area they would give him skin graft with a skin that was already looking burnt which… makes no sense, it looks as if All for One and Ujiko did it deliberately to make him look even worse than they could make him look like.
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On another side I liked how they made the writing the kids left him more visible (in the manga it’s attached to the wall behind Touya… it makes it visible for the readers but he would need to get up and turn to see it…)
I loved the choice of using Touya’s younger voice for Touya’s thoughts… and how when he speaks he does so with Shimono Hiro’s voice but here Shimono Hiro manages to make him still sound so young…
I also liked how they got the girl to stand up and get close to talk with Touya, it’s so much better than how she remains sit in the manga.
Something that might get lost to English only speakers is that the girls talk of a ‘sensei’ (先生). The English version of the manga decides to translate this as “doctor” while the subbed anime goes with a “Mr. Sunny” as ‘sensei’ can mean both “doctor” and “teacher”.
Very likely the children are talking about their teacher, not of a doctor, so this would make the anime right… but the teacher’s name was Sun-Sun Haruaki (スンスン 晴明), not Sunny. I get they might have wanted to go with “Sunny” because he has the habit to end his sentences with ‘sun’, which the English sub translated as “sunny” but I’m not overly fond of changing names.
The anime tries to clarify which are the ‘horrible things’ Touya did by adding a flashback of him calling his father Endeavor and attacking Shouto when he was 8 and of him telling his mother “what do you know?” when they argued which is nice and underlines how Touya still felt regret for all that.
I also liked how they added Touya trying to say he was going to become a Hero only to get interrupted by All for One. The horror of Touya as he learns the truth is very well depicted.
We kind of lose the scene in which Touya connected the word ‘failed’ with how his hair started to turn white which was what caused him to become a ‘failed creation’ to get a series of images from his past, shown as if they were on a poorly working tv, starting with All Might on tv, him leaving after arguing with Fuyumi, Natsuo being born and him watching him, Shouto being born and him watching him, him training as he cries and begs his father to look at him, he and his father talking with him being desperate (it’s the scene before he’ll attack Shouto).
I guess they decided to show his misery through his life, as if to say all that was for nothing, instead than showing how the word failure triggered him into thinking back at when he began a ‘failed creation’ which is a choice, but one that gives a different flavor to the scene.
Despite this I liked how they added Touya saying ‘the only one who can teach me is my dad’. A nice addition is also how he tossed the keyboard against the pc and how Sun-Sun Haruaki grabbed him and tried to stop him… and it’s fine how Touya tried to use his fire the first time as it’s just a tiny, warning flame… the problem is when he does so the second time.
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For start it seems it completely set Sun-Sun Haruaki on fire (which would have normally killed him but okay, Hawks could witstand for a longer time a much hotter fire so maybe Sun-Sun Haruaki got away with few minor burns) and what’s worse is how they show the orphanage is completely on fire.
Horikoshi in his notes said the fire wasn’t big, that no one died, that it was immediately shut down otherwise the Heroes would have been alerted… In the manga the fire seems to be solely in the garden, which would mean Touya tried to get out and, when he did so, Sun-Sun Haruaki attempted to stop him and that’s when Touya used his fire. With the garden taking fire it would make sense Sun-Sun Haruaki would focus on stopping it and let Touya go and nobody died in the fire.
The anime instead went overboard, the whole building is burning, and only Touya is escaping so the impression we have is that everyone inside the building died in the fire.
For comparison's sake I've coloured the fire in the manga... which fits the note Horikoshi wrote... and then look at the fire in the anime and tell me that fire didn't burn the place to the ground... especially since we know it started from the inside, which means in order to come out so much it needed to spread through all the building. Honestly I doubt such a big fire was 'put down easily'.
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I really don’t like this change as Horikoshi himself remarked if the orphanage had really took fire like that, the Heroes would have been involved so that couldn’t take place and the choice to disregard Horikoshi’s words seems done purposely to place on Touya’s back more deaths.
I like instead how the anime showed Touya wandering through the city, trying to get back home, which seems a call back to how Shigaraki also wandered through the city, no one helping him. Touya looks worn out and in shock as he repeats he has to go back home… even though they cut the scene in which he actually ran back home… which is a pity.
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I like how they showed Touya standing in front of his home, getting inside...
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...peeking on Endeavor and Shouto training…
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I like how they added tears in Touya’s eyes as he watches, though in the manga his expression is more one of shock than one of just pain (his eyes have plenty swirling lines inside... to be honest there are in the anime too but they're hardly visible).
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I… find a little odd how they’ve placed Touya’s fire when he's fighting with Shouto but whatever. No big.
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I like the scene showing how Touya burns his body further.
I do like how they showed Touya watching Enji on a video...
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...though I’m not sure how he basically managed to take residence in such a huge abandoned house, how he got himself a pc and how he charged it (as I would expect energy would be turned off in such place).
I do hope they aren’t trying to tell me he went back to the orphanage which, in the anime, he previously set on fire. I hope not as not only the place still has wooden furniture which should have burned but it would have made even easier for him to get discovered.
But well, the floor is different so I wanna believe it's not the orphanage.
Still I was more expecting him to go to internet café and libraries to watch Enji on pc than him to own a pc and watch Enji on it, especially since they show him still wearing the same pajamas he was wearing when he escaped. LOL, the video Touya is watching being called Endeavor’s all special moves.
Now… I’m aware it was always Present Mic who did the narrator… but his cheerful voice to me didn’t really feel fitting for the moment as he explains flashfire fist.
Also this is me nitpicking but Enji in that scene is supposed to be around 20 as that’s the age he discovered he couldn’t surpass All Might. Instead, even though they remembered giving him his old Hero costume… he doesn’t really look like a young Endeavor.
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When Shouto discovers Touya is faster at raising the temperature and doesn’t hesitate in the manga he look surprised. Here he’s just determinate, giving him a lower range of expressions/emotions (he’s been looking determinate by a while).
I do like how they showed him trying to get his fire back… though I do think they should have shown him in clothes different than those pajamas by this point… so as to imply he didn’t manage to recover his blue flames at the first try.
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I do find ludicrous the pajamas take fire but, this time, Touya doesn’t roast himself even though the fire should have spread.
Now… I’m not a fan of the battle. It has some pretty art but the pace doesn’t seem to work for me as it’s too slow on some spots just to allow the characters to say their pieces and some choices as they fight are not so great.
I’ll clarify.
The scene in which Touya gets behind Shouto is too slow, in the manga I got the feeling he used Hell’s spider like a curtain and so they didn’t realize he moved there but in the anime it seems he remained where he was until Shouto said he was ready. Then sure, he was extremely fast to move behind him, but Touya is not Hawks and it feels as if he’d just stalled only to abruptly move at the speed of light… and… he actually jumped way too far from Shouto… and waits too much to move.
I mean, in the manga it seems he jumped behind Shouto and then used that to catch him on surprise and punch him… but here he waits too much before moving. It makes no sense Shouto remains with his back to Touya for so long, to the point Touya easily punches him.
The whole punching match actually feels more like a punching match than Touya using his fire against his brother. Now… part of the problem is that the manga can comfortably use space to fill it with text without showing us what’s going on. We picture the scene with few clues and who cares if it’s slower or faster than the time those words would need to be said. The anime doesn’t have the same luxury. It can’t show us frames filled with text, it has to show us action and that action needs to take place for all the time the characters need to talk their piece.
But having Shouto just lay there while, at a certain point, Touya doesn’t even seem to hit him and everyone talks about the heat but too little fire hitting Shouto is shown… well, it feels like something is going wrong here. It would have been better if they had moved more, Shouto maybe ending on the ground more than once than Shouto just lie down and take it.
Also… in the manga Touya kicks Shouto, that’s what sends Shouto flying… while here it seems as if it’s Touya’s fire which somehow went below Shouto and pushed him up?
And since the scene last too long Endeavor’s helpers seem to just waste time doing nothing to help Shouto.
I do liked how Touya looked at his hand as he realized Shouto neutralized his heat.
I love how they depicted Shouto preparing for phosphor, though I think they could have made his expression better (his eyes are just too open or his irises are just too small).
I find deliciously ironic that they chose to show a scene in which Touya burns people and it’s… the scene in which he burns the Villains that wanted to join the league… but the problem is the story has a huge problem in showing Touya burning people because… apart for Snatch (and that dead was also caused by Compress which compressed Snatch with Touya’s flames leaving him no way out) in the manga Touya is never shown murdering innocent people.
During the Forest Training Camp arc he didn’t kill anyone and the same applies to the Hideout Raid Arc. During the Meta Liberation Army Arc he considers killing people but before he could do it Geten attacks so he doesn’t do it. During the Paranormal Liberation War Arc again he fails to kill people.
In the manga the only ones he successfully murdered are the over mentioned Snatch and the wanna be future members of the league… which likely don’t qualify for the 30 innocent people he mentions in his video… but the Heroes might not know about this as their bodies might have ended up as unrecognizable.
Now, no, I don’t want to say it’s fine to kill Villains but it makes a completely different impression to say in a video transmitted nationwide ‘oh, I killed 30 innocent people’ and ‘oh, I murdered 30 Villains who wanted to join the League and wretch more havoc on the society’.
The anime could have used the kids at the orphanage since the anime actually have Touya indirectly kill them (since no one else was shown escaping to that devastating fire) but the manga doesn’t have them and Shouto doesn’t know about them since in the anime Touya didn’t tell him about it so… they went for Touya killing Villains and Shouto… scolding him for that.
Personally I just think either were using Snatch’s death or they would have done better not show anything.
What instead was good was to move here the flashback with the talk between Shouto and Midoriya so that the action scene can then run smoothly.
Again the fight slow down, with Touya taking the hit without doing anything for all the time Shouto needs to say his piece.
I do found interesting how they added Shouto seeing his family when he turns back… as if to say he’s chained and held back by it… though I’ve mixed feelings on this choice but I still find interesting.
Lastly, I think they found a really good way to portray child Touya and child Shouto when Shouto hit Touya with his ultimate move.
So... for me it's an episode which has a cool graphic and many good ideas but also some bad spot... which is a pity. But well, we can't have everything.
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 168. brb x oc
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a/n: sometimes all we need is something cute. that's all <3 i hope you all had a good day today and i hope you remember how loved you are(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!! <3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fLUFF AAAAA
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @genius2050
The days do go by fast, if she had to admit. Sometimes the pain gets worse and she does cry, quietly, into her pillow. She knows he’s fine, he’s been messaging her about it, trying his best to keep her updated while he’s away.
And yet she still worries.
She just has to wait a little bit more, after all they’d talk in a few hours. And she decided that cleaning the house and giving herself a more organized backdrop would work…as in she was cleaning the whole house. And was now in the kitchen.
She was cleaning the floor.
He wasn’t going to see the floor.
But here she was.
She sits on her knees with a heavy sigh leaving her lip, “I need to focus.” she tells herself, looking at the living room where Nicole is, sitting on the floor with the three dogs surrounding her so she doesn’t move forward nor backwards, she’s incredibly entertained by Dr.Chimp so she will never move.
Beatrice smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she looks at Nicole, she is looking more and more like Bradley every day. These past days she did see his baby pictures, because she couldn’t help herself, and noticed how the two of them were similar. Both of them have the angel like features that she adored so much, her smile widening as she remembers how they still have to take more pictures when he returns.
They just…want to be safe when sharing about Nicole, every picture they posted of her online she had her back turned or was bundled up.
Call them paranoid.
Beatrice hums, sighing again before leaning her head back,looking up to the ceiling and then frowning, “What am I doing?” she gestures to her head in exasperation, “Jesus Christ,I think I’m losing it.” Jolene is the only dog that trots over curiously when she hears Beatrice’s monologue, tilting her head at her owner. ‘Am I losing it Jojo?” she gets a whine in response, “Yeah,I’m losing it…I’m okay. Hah,I’m okay.” 
She cleaned the whole floor and stands to her feet, rubbing the back of her hand against her temples before looking around the kitchen with her lips pursed, trying to see if there was anything else she could do until it was time to talk to Rooster.
Beatrice surveys the kitchen as if she’s trying to figure out a crime, her eyes scanning the countertops and cabinets for any remaining tasks. She notices a few dishes in the sink and decides to tackle them, there weren’t a lot of them - honestly it was just stuff from lunch but it’d do. Grabbing a sponge and some dish soap she starts washing the dishes, her mind begins to wander, thoughts of Rooster and their life together swirling in her head.
She can't help but feel a mix of emotions—pride, worry, longing. Pride for Rooster and his dedication to his mission, worry for his safety and the unknowns that come with military deployments, and longing for his presence, his touch, his warm embrace. 
Rooster always thinks of himself like he’s not…a lot, he knows he’s good, but he gets bashful when it comes to certain compliments still. She gets it, she does, but it was true.
Her husband - God, her husband, it still made her giddy- was…the best change in her life. Who knew that she’d end up marrying the hunky, handsome, charming pilot who always seemed to have the world looking at him? Who knew he’d love her back, if not more than she did love him? Sometimes she still remembers the first months, she remembers the times they spent together…knowing each other.
He was so careful and he was so sweet and polite, he never wanted to make her uncomfortable and he’s still like that even if he knows Beatrice like the back of his hand now. Her smile only widens and her cheeks turn red as she recalls their very first date…and looking back, she could see thing she hadn’t before.
Like how he looked at her. It was…new, it was too new. She wasn’t used in being looked like she was the only girl in the room nor thinking she could take someone’s breath away. Hell she was wearing shorts and a crop top, with her combat boots and some stockings, there was nothing sexy about it but she was too nervous to use something too risqué.
He didn’t care. Honestly, he was too busy staring into her eyes to probably notice her own fears…and that kiss, God, that kiss. The fact he initiated, so smoothly too - because he is extremely smooth, sometimes painfully so- while keeping his eyes on her mouth and asking if she was okay with it.
“Ugh.” she is smiling with her cheeks burning up, bouncing a bit on the kitchen mat as she giggles, “He’s so cute.” and he still made her feel like they are dating. That’s what a good healthy relationship was, Rooster was the best thing that ever happened in her life and she was so happy of everything they built together.
She was scared she’d mess up a bit, more than once, in fact several times, in their relationship. And trying to break what she knew of a relationship was hard, because all she knew then was…Eric. Her brain was downright bamboozled because he was genuinely like a dream, he surprised her every step of the way and she loved it.
And he  could read her emotions, he could figure her out easily. He still does…
She missed him.
Beatrice takes a deep breath, trying to center herself in the present moment. She focuses on the rhythmic motion of washing the dishes, finding solace in the mundane task. It provides a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of their current situation. “It’s fine.” she tells herself,looking back at the clock on the wall with her lips parted,”We’ll talk in a couple hours, it’s fine.”
His last message reassured her raging heart, which she was extremely thankful for, but hearing from him would help a lot more. She sets the clean and dried dishes back into the cabinets, fixing each one of them so everything was perfectly aligned before closing the doors, holding onto the handles for a little while longer.
After a soft sigh, Beatrice wipes her hands on a kitchen towel and takes a moment to appreciate her surroundings. The clean kitchen, the comfortable home they've built together—it's a testament to their love and commitment. She reminds herself that their separation is temporary, and they will be reunited soon.
“Alright, now,” she clicks her tongue, pointing to her hair, “I need to get ready.” She walks out of the kitchen to the living room, eyes directing themselves to Nicole who is just giggling and hugging her tiny feet as she sits up on the colorful mat, Eleanor and Jack on either side of her and Jolene standing next to Bea.
Nicole looks away from the tv towards her mother, gurgling happily - her tiny teeth were more visible now which was adorable - “Mama!” she coos, pointing her little hand to the screen, “Ooo!”
Beatrice turns her head just in time to see what she was looking at, then laughs because it was a pilot lion getting treated, “Yep, looks like daddy doesn’t it?” she asks her daughter, gently settling next to her and deciding to give herself a five minute break before taking her shower,knowing she’d have to take Nikki with her upstairs. Nicole bounces a bit on the mat, the little pigtails on her head moving and she points even more to the tv, “What?”
“Yeah, it looks like dada.”
Nicole laughs, clapping her hand excitedly, the noises making Jack lift his head sleepily only to lie back down, turning his face away from the commotion, “Dada!”
Beatrice smiles, watching Nicole's excitement and hearing her adorable babbling. It warms her heart to see their daughter's love for Rooster, even at such a young age. Hard to believe she was only seven months old considering how active and alert she was.
One of the last times she took Nikki to the clinic - for a check up more than anything - the doctor was so surprised at how much Nikki was able to do already. The fact she was expanding her words was enough to make the doctor smile and tell Beatrice that “she’s a smart little girl already,huh?”
As Nicole continues to point at the TV and exclaim "Dada," Beatrice can't help but feel a pang of longing. She wishes Rooster could be here, witnessing these precious moments with their daughter firsthand. But she knows that he is doing important work, and their call later will bridge the gap, at least temporarily.
She leans closer to Nicole, pressing a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Yes, birdie, dada." Beatrice speaks softly, her eyes welling up with emotion. She takes a moment to collect herself before continuing, clearing her throat "We miss him a lot, don't we? But he'll be home soon, and we'll have lots of fun together."
Nicole giggles, grabbing one of her toys and waving it in the air. Beatrice joins in the laughter, allowing herself to be fully present in this moment. As the minutes tick by, she savors the simple pleasure of being with her little girl, actually enjoying this Dr.Chimp episode and thinking that kids tv nowadays was so much better than when she was a child.
Well to be fair she only watched Sesame Street for a long while, and it was still good so maybe it wasn’t all bad.
Eventually, Beatrice sighs, “Alright.” gently lifts Nicole into her arms, cradling her against her chest. "Alright, my little angel, it's time for Mama to get ready. You're coming with me, okay?" Nicole takes a while to reply because her head is still turned to the tv, little mouth open in amazement.
Beatrice chuckles, gently tickling Nicole’s tummy only for her daughter to squeal in response, curling away from her mother and grabbing onto her hand now instead of the toy, “It’ll be fast, cutie. I just need to keep my eyes on you while I shower, is that fair?”
“I knew you’d agree.”
She was so used on picking Nicole from the floor that she could stand up one handed, without letting her go…well, that is until the twins are bigger and then she couldn’t…but until then! She could manage, “Alright, guys,” she turns to the dogs, “Keep an eye on the door, yeah? We’ll be right back.” Jolene answers for her kids with a gentle ‘boof’ and Eleanor immediately scurries off to keep her nose pressed against the glass…while Jack remains asleep.
Beatrice walks up the stairs with Nicole in her arms, carefully navigating each step as she heads towards the bathroom. The soft sound of Nicole's coos and giggles fill the air, bringing a smile to Beatrice's face.
Once they reach the bathroom, Beatrice sets Nicole down on her bouncer - which she did bring over by her foot -, giving her chicken toy so she distracts herself, which is immediate. Those plasticky cries are loud and make her ears hurt but every sacrifice is worth it.
She ensures the bathroom is safe, removing any hazards and checking if she got everything - she did place all her clothes there prior from her cleaning spree downstairs - Before adjusting the water temperature and turning her hand back and forth to make sure it was just right for her to shower, “Alright. Now,Nikki,” her daughter is currently chewing the chicken while looking at her, “Mama is going to keep te door just a little bit open so I can see your pretty face,alright?”
“Yeah, your pretty face!” she says while undressing, kicking the used clothes aside and hurriedly making her way into the shower. The warm water cascades over her, soothing her tired muscles and providing a moment of relaxation.
As Beatrice showers, she keeps a watchful eye on Nicole, who happily plays with her chicken and babbles to herself, sometimes meeting her mother’s similar green colored eyes.. Occasionally, Beatrice leans out of the shower to engage with her daughter, exchanging smiles and playful words.  She knows Nikki will be fine, she knows she’s safe and whenever she feels her daughter is distressed, she pops her head out to make her grin.
The sound of the water drowns out the noise from the rest of the house, allowing Beatrice to immerse herself in the solitude of the moment. She takes this time to reflect, to gather her thoughts and emotions. It's during these moments alone that she allows herself to acknowledge the weight of her worries, her longing for Rooster's presence, and the uncertainties that lie ahead.
But Beatrice doesn't dwell on those thoughts for long. She slaps her cheeks to break off the anxiety, “I’m fine.” She knows she must stay strong for herself and for Nicole and the twins. She focuses on being pretty today, it’s been a while since she used make up and why not do that today? It’d not only make her feel good but so would her husband.
Who would either be shocked and stare at her for a few seconds or he’s going to immediately curse at her and say he wished he was home.
Since she washed her hair yesterday, all she does is take a refreshing shower, and she does feel much better afterwards. She glances over at Nicole, who is still happily occupied with her toys while sliding on her robe and tightening it around her waist so she can walk out of the bathroom, “Alright, see!” she spreads her arms so Nikki looks up at her, “Was that long? No,right?” 
Nicole giggles sweetly, clapping her hands, “Alright, now,” Beatrice points to the cabinet where she kept all her makeup - God bless Rooster because he never complained, “Mama is going to use some makeup, alright? But I won’t take long.” she says, “I’ll just dress up first.”
She quickly dries herself off and dresses up, humming a lullaby softly as she does. She adjusts the dress - maybe she just wanted to make him feel just a little bit more because it is a bit…sexy. It was a mossy green haltertop dress that hugged her curves just right, including the baby bump and she’d gladly show him once he shows up.
 Beatrice looks down at her phone to check the time, ‘Alright, a few more minutes,” she says as she opens her makeup drawer, grabbing everything she needed while Nicole stares, completely stunned by the activity. Beatrice flicks her gaze towards the baby girl with a gentle laugh, “I know right? If you feel into getting makeup when you are older, you can always ask me things.” Nicole especially liked the red lipstick her mother got, ‘ooo’ing the second she pulled out the tube, “And you love bold colors too,so…”
Nicole just gasped happily, watching completely mesmerized as her mother spread the creamy substance over her lips, covering the once pink surface with a burnt red, “There.” she smacks her lips a few times before clicking the tube closed, “Oh, wait, what if.” she rummages through the drawers after tossing her lipstick aside, letting out an ‘aha!’ when she finds a scrunchie. It’s small enough so she could hide in her hair, which she does once she pulls it all up in a bun, tugging only her bangs down so it framed her face.
Honestly she just stared at herself for a few seconds, she was…looking good. And her mind needed this break, she needed to feel like this considering how the past weeks were. “Alright! Now I’m done!”
She turns her attention back to Nicole, who is still captivated by her mother's transformation. Beatrice chuckles and walks over to her daughter, picking her up and giving her a gentle squeeze. "Look, birdie, Mama got all pretty for dada. Do you think he'll like it?" Nicole responds with a toothy grin, clapping her hands in delight. gently playing with the bangs that frame her face.
“Now, for the final touch,” she bought something this week, frivolous but very cute…she got herself shark slippers. It was so cute! She couldn’t deny herself that! And it was so comfortable, she knew she’d need something like that when the twins get bigger and it was so very soft. Nicole looks at her mother’s feet once the slippers slide on before smiling at Beatrice “I know right? We might need one for you, they have crocs like these, for those tiny baby feet.” and she tickles her daughter’s feet as well, it doesn’t make her laugh as when she did with her stomach but it was still adorable.
She carries Nicole downstairs, where the dogs eagerly greet them, tails wagging and sniffing curiously at her freshly done appearance. She giggles and shoos them away gently, making her way to the living room. With a quick glance at the clock, she realizes it's almost time for their call.
She settles down on the couch, cradling Nicole in her arms as they wait for Rooster's call, opening the laptop so the camera can take all of them.She runs her fingers on Nicole’s strawberry themed top, gently fixing her collar, “Do you want to click it?” she moves them closer to the laptop, the loading symbol still going which means he wasn’t there yet, “Here, to answer daddy’s call you press this-” she moves Nicole’s tiny hand to the mouse, “Then here,” and her daughter was amazed by the cursor.
“Oh to be a kid again and just think everything is wonderful.” she giggles, kissing Nicole’s head before leaning back on the couch. The anticipation fills the air, and Beatrice can feel her heart racing. She takes a deep breath, reminding herself to stay calm and composed, smell the flower, blow the candle. 
Repeat. As many times as necessary.
“Why am I nervous?” she mutters to herself, facing her own reflection on the dark screen,”It’s not like he doesn’t know me.” but she does fix her hair for a few seconds, licking her lips only to give herself a weird look, “Calm down, Jesus. It’ll be fine.”
He will be fine.
“Yeah, he will.”
As the minutes tick by, Beatrice entertains Nicole with gentle whispers and silly faces which distracts her as well. She talks about how excited they are to see Rooster soon, how they've missed him and all the adventures they'll have together and Nicole babbles in response, her eyes sparkling with joy, adding some of her last known words to the mix.
That’s when she hears the connected sound and immediately straightens up.
And her heart just exploded because how can someone look so good all the time. He is wearing his usual black top and his hair is so glossy…she wants to touch it…and his neck looks so nice too but he’s looking away, he hasn’t noticed he's connected yet. That is, until he hears Nicole’s soft gasp, “Dada!”
Rooster’s eyes snap to the screen, Beatrice is holding Nicole up to her face to hide herself at first, knowing their little girl’s reactions was absolutely too precious to pass,”Hi birdie!” his voice gets high and his smile widens, “Oh my Gosh, look at you! You look so big! And you are dressed with strawberries? Oh you look so pretty!”
Nicole giggles, bouncing on Beatrice’s lap, leaning closer to touch the screen with her tiny hands, letting out a confused whine when she couldn’t feel her father’s face, “I know honey,I wish I was there too.” he flicks his gaze towards Bea, “Are you hiding from me?”
“I’m not.”
“Kinda looks like it.” he pauses, “Are you wearing makeup?”
Well, now she just had to show him,didn’t she, “Well,” she moves Nicole out of the way a bit - she was still on her lap but no longer hiding her mother’s face- “I wanted to doll up a bit,” she shrugs innocently, “What do you think?”
And he’s quiet.
So quiet she thinks his connection is bad, but she could see him blinking. In fact she could see his brown eyes drag down her body then back up to her face “...holy fuck.” well, she was right about both of his reactions, apparently “Gorgeous…what the hell.”
“Do you like it?”
“Do I like it? I love it. You look even more beautiful than you already are, my god.” and he keeps moving his eyes, not knowing where to look anymore “...you look stunning. Are you going somewhere?”
“No,I’m just feeling pretty today.”
“You are always pretty.”
Her cheeks heat up and her smile turns shy,”Roos…I…” she giggles,covering her face, “You are too smooth.”
Rooster's words make Beatrice's heart flutter, it's amazing how his words have the power to make her feel so special.
She lowers her hand, revealing her smile once again, and playfully teases, "Smooth talker, huh? You always know the right things to say." Beatrice leans closer to the screen, her voice filled with affection, "But I’m glad you like it.”
Rooster's gaze softens, his expression filled with love and adoration, one of his hands coming up to hold his head upright. "Hmhm…” his eyes drop down again, his smile a bit dopey, “...fuck you look so good. Kinda wish I was there to admire it closer." and the innuendo isn’t lost by her, who clears her throat in hopes to keep herself in check.
“Well…when you come back you can…see it.”
“I’m counting on it.” The connection crackles for a moment, making her stomach drop briefly only for his face to appear clearer than before “--but that’s for another time.”
She blinks in confusion,”Huh? Sorry Roos, your audio cut for a second there.”
“Ah…well,” he smirks, “That’s fine, adds to the mystery.”
She shifts Nicole on her lap, while staring at him - narrowing her eyes playfully before shaking her head. She moves closer allowing her daughter to reach out and touch the screen. Nicole giggles and babbles, Beatrice has to gently hold her hand so she doesn’t slap the screen too hard, “How’s everything there?”
He sighs heavily, running his hands through his hair and interlacing them on his nape, the movement makes his biceps bulge and she has to remember to keep herself together. “Honestly,it’s…tiring, always is. It’s a lot of paperwork, a lot of things to check.”
“Are you managing though?” she asks cautiously, “Are all of you?”
‘Oh yeah, it’s been going fine. It’s just we are also helping the new recruits, but besides that,” he flaps his hand,”It’s fine. This place is just cold.”
“Are you complaining about the cold?”
“This ain’t Virginia,gorgeous.” he smirks, “But I’ll live…how are you though, are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I’ve been keeping myself busy, I’m uh, going to buy some stuff for Evelyn’s gender reveal party and then I’ll get some stuff for the sleepover.” Rooster arches his brow in confusion,”Oh,Shells is throwing a sleepover for us, and for Nikki too.” she leans down to kiss her daughter’s cheek, earning a soft giggle, “And I’m going to take some snacks and- oh!” she moves a bit on the screen, scooting to the side while carrying Nicole before stretching her leg, ‘Look!”
She flaps the shark slipper, angling her foot this way and that so he can see all the details, “Is that a shark?”
“Yes!Isn’t it adorable?”
“Yeah…just like you.” she sputters embarrassedly, appearing back on the scene with Nicole still laughing, “You look really good, you know? I mean, you always do…but I think because you dressed up, so nicely for our call I’m just,” again his eyes trail down,”Admiring everything.”
Beatrice's cheeks flush at Rooster's words yet again. She can feel her heart racing, his compliments filling her with warmth and affection. 
"Thank you, Roos," she says, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "Your words mean the world to me. I wanted to make this call special, just for you."
Rooster's gaze intensifies, "And you succeeded, gorgeous. You always know how to make me feel special, even from miles away. Are you…going to do that in the next calls?."
“I mean…yes, sure.”she looks down at her stomach, “It’s also up to these guys but…yeah. Sure.”
She watches as Rooster runs his hand through his hair again, his eyes filled with mirth and adoration, a mix only he could have, “I know. Are they okay?”  she nods, giving him a short explanation from her last time at the clinic “And your dad?”
“He’s just as fine, he’s still taking some meds but he’s much better than before.” she explains, playing with Nicole’s hands. “And he’s needing some help so Michael is staying over for a little while.”
“That’s great to hear, gorgeous. I’ll let everyone else know and-” he looks beyond the screen, his eyebrows furrowing “Yes,McAllister I’m talking to my wife.” followed by a less than impressed expression, “Yes.McAllister…do you mind? Right now?” a soft apology followed by a ‘goodbye sir!’ was heard. Rooster sighed, rubbing his forehead with his fingertips.
Beatrice chuckles, shifting Nicole's hand gently so she doesn't harm the screen. "So your fanboys are there,huh?”
Rooster is now supporting his chin on his hand, shaking his head “Yep. They are…they are good kids, just all over the place.” he explains “McAllister has a crush on Jessie.”
Beatrice’s mouth drops open, “Shut up. Are you serious?”
“You know I don’t lie.” he smirks, “He asked me to keep quiet but I had to share this with you so…eh,he’ll forgive me.”
‘Oh that’s so cute–a Rooster and Bea 2.0! Like we talked about.”
His smile widens because he couldn’t help himself. 
"Yeah, it's pretty adorable," he says, his voice filled with a bit of pride. "I can't help but feel a sense of joy knowing that our fans have connected with each other. It's like our love story has inspired them in their own lives."
Beatrice's eyes sparkle with excitement as she leans in closer to the screen. "That’s so romantic,Lt.Bradshaw.”
Rooster nods, his gaze never leaving Beatrice's eyes dark and directly looking into hers "Thank you…Mrs.Bradshaw. You are too sweet." They shared a few more snippets of their separate journeys for a little while, thankfully they never ran out of things to talk about. 
When the time comes for him to go back to the grind, he stops then looks into her eyes again
"I'm proud of us, Bea," Rooster says, his voice filled with sincerity. "I really am."
Beatrice's eyes well up with tears of joy, a gentle gasp escaping her lips. "I'm proud of us too.”
Rooster's smile softens, his voice filled with tenderness. "And I'm proud to be your husband, Bea.” oh that’s just dirty. “You have no idea how much.
“You are going to make me cry.”
“Good tears?”
She smiles sweetly, her cheeks hurting from smiling so much ,”...the best.” she whispers, “With you is always the best kind.”
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fragilecapric0rnn · 2 years
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I posted 4,202 times in 2022
That's 4,182 more posts than 2021!
125 posts created (3%)
4,077 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,123 of my posts in 2022
Only 49% of my posts had no tags
#stranger things - 323 posts
#steddie - 297 posts
#fanart - 130 posts
#steve harrington - 84 posts
#eddie munson - 65 posts
#fic - 62 posts
#sen writes - 54 posts
#writing - 45 posts
#steddie fic rec - 41 posts
#steddie fic - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#obviously so i can send them a quick lil ‘ur story ruined me thank you’ message but to also rb their posts abt it/rec their fics on my blog
My Top Posts in 2022:
you can take your heart from your chest to use as a compass when you are lost
The Steddie Missed Connections AU || Chapters: 6/6 || Complete 
Thanksgiving 2009.
Steve, who is about to host the brood of children (who somehow aren't children anymore) in a cabin for the long weekend, after a semi-bad week, all while batting off Dustin's attempts at playing matchmaker and dodging phone calls from his mother. And at some point some strange man on the internet broadcasts his worst public moment for the other Craigslist freaks to see.
What could go wrong? Or right?
Steve is finding his life to be very different than he thought it would be. He’s also finding that maybe that’s okay.
59 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
It’s Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day and there happen to be some writers that I appreciate and want to show my love to them for sharing their talents with us! 
(Steddie Edition bc they are on the mind 24/7)
The Steddie brainrot has led me to reading a TON of fic. So, I am finally making a rec list of all of the fics that have not been able to leave my brain since they walked into my life. 
As I was compiling this list I noticed a running theme and that is that these are all future fics and what can I say? I’m just a simple girl who’s a sucker for Steve/Eddie in the 90s/early 2000s. I think it has something to do with my love for romcoms from this era and thinking of them as older just makes me want to fall to the floor. 
So here they are, in no particular order: 
1. the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it’s you by @greatunironic; 
Sixteen years after the world didn't end for the last time, Max Mayfield showed up on Steve’s doorstep and said, “You gonna walk me down the aisle in May or what?” 
Or, it’s 2002 and Steve Harrington attends a wedding, a funeral, and a birth. (Word Count: 34,990)
The way that this fic bore into my soul, I seriously can’t think about it for too long without getting emotional. This one feels like a given considering the fact that I am now getting TikToks my fyp of people out of context referring to this fic, which is how I stumbled upon a recommendation of it. If you haven’t read it yet, PLEASE DO. It’s a national treasure at this point. 
2. Let us Dwell in Fair Ithilien and There Make a Garden series by @sparklyslug and @greenlikethesea (Word Count: 61,151) (Description from Three Weddings and a Funeral) 
Steve Harrington falls in love and gets married. Not in that order. Some other stuff happens along the way too. But those are the two big things. That first one especially.
(Or: celebrations of life)
This series, much like aforementioned most remarkable thing, is set mostly in the future with the gang as adults, and Steve and Eddie dancing around their feelings for each other for nearly 15 years. That is a gross oversimplification in my opinion because it is honestly so much more than that! Like, it’s set in the future, but there is time jumping, and references to previous parts of the series, its just it’s own universe within the ST universe! Ugh, I got flustered trying to put coherent thoughts to how much I fucking love this series and the way that these two have crafted am entirely new canon for me to latch onto. Go read this. Like right now. I also suggest reading it in the writers’ suggested hard mode! 
3. Keep It for Me by @stereobone; 
It's 1993, and Steve is attending Lucas and Max's wedding. It's 1993, and no one has seen Eddie Munson in seven years. (Word Count: 9,741)
For one thing, the little NorCal girl in me was foaming at the mouth at the thought of a chunk of the party living in The Bay Area as adults. This one has the meeting again years later element, which is just so good! This also has writer!Eddie which made my heart burst, and the pining and reunification of it all. Again, I have a hard time putting words to how much this fic has nestled its way into my heart! Repeat: GO READ IT!!!
4. alone again, or by @pizzaqueen; 
It’s 1991 and Steve is still in Hawkins, still living with his mother, still single, and still working at Family Video. At least he’s the manager now, for whatever that’s worth. But he’s stuck here while Robin and Dustin and everyone else have moved away. Moved on.
Well, everyone except for Eddie.
They're best friends, spend most of their time together, and it's nice to have a friend like that. But Steve is still looking for love with a capital "L". At least, he thinks he is. (Word Count: 20,765)
This one is definitely different than the ones I talked about above. But, this one is still fucking fantastic! More of a coming-of-age vibe in a we’re twenty somethings and life looks a lot different than we thought it would and I think thats okay kind of way. Which spoke to me in a way that I also kind of need right now as a twenty something who feels just like that :’) Also love the character of Steve’s mom, which is something we don’t see a lot of, Steve having a supportive parent, and it is very sweetly written. This fic felt like a popsicle on a warm day. READ! IT!
Again, happy Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day! Let’s keep showing our favorite writers love every day of the year! 
107 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
Steddie Fic Rec #2
Like most, the Steddie brainrot is still very much active. I’ve also discovered that I love making rec lists, so here is another! There’s not much cohesion to these ones other than the fact that I just really enjoyed them, so you should enjoy them too!  
In order by word count:  
Up the Punks by @sparklyslug 
Steve has good intentions, but does not realize that punks and metalheads are natural enemies
Explicit. Completed. (Word Count: 5,505)
Oh, sparklyslug, how you’ve managed to steal my heart with your Steve and Eddie in only five thousand-ish words. As if I could expect anything less from ½ of the brains behind the Fair Ithilien series, it makes perfect sense for their solo work to be fantastic! 
This fic is perfect if you’re looking for something short, sweet, and hilarious. Like the dialogue and characterization is just so *chefs kiss* I could basically see the interactions very clearly in my head and it’s just too good too perfect. 
the boys of summer by steveharringtoned
(Steve knows Eddie’s alive. Wayne’s the only one who believes him. So they team up to save him.)
Not Rated. Completed. (Word Count: 19,926) 
A very creative fix-it fic and like a very interesting and creative way in which Eddie is saved. I am honestly such a sucker for Uncle Wayne being included in the plot of fics, especially in the context of him being like ok sure there’s another dimension being hidden by the government, so how the hell do we save my boy. And Steve. He is just so stupidly brave and the characterization of him and his grief in this fic is just so good and different than what we typically see in fics from his POV. The dude is hurting and sometimes being hurt can be ugly and the way the writer shows that is just sooooo gooooood. 
all the missing girls are hanging out without us by @greatunironic 
“Here is a riddle: the answer is one.” Eddie Munson lives, and dies, and lives again.
Mature. Completed. (Word Count: 20,761) 
Another instance in which greatunironic does THAT. I have seen people call this a kind of feminist take on the ways in which the D*ffer Bros treat their women characters as plot devices and dispose of them at ease for the sake of the plot, and I couldn’t agree more. I don’t want to give too much away in this, but I will say this: Eddie’s characterization in this is SO GOOD. He spends the first chunk convincing himself that he’s tripping balls and if that isn’t an Eddie mood than idk what is. 
Quick note: the Steddie in this fic is more implied and is not the central focus of this fic. 
Not Exactly Napa Valley by @twiceasfar
The fake relationship AU that literally no one asked for. Featuring Steve and Robin as platonic soulmates, a destination wedding to a winery, and a thrilling quest to piss off Steve’s parents.
Robin lets out an exasperated sigh. “Eddie would be the perfect date for the wedding!”
Steve freezes.
“Whose wedding?” Eddie asks.
Mature. Completed. (Word Count: 28,900)  
This fic reminded my how much I love the fake dating trope. I always find it interesting to see everybody’s different takes on what Steve’s parents are like, and how we just all agree that they’re awful. Despite that, this fic was very fluffy and had me blushing and giggling like a child. The buildup was so good and the pace was perfect and I honestly love this fic so much. 
The Spaces In Between by @indibdraws
Steve Harrington, ex-lifeguard and babysitter extraordinaire, happens to be blessed with knowledge of first aid. Eddie is the recipient of this aid, and as he recovers he must learn to live with the fact that he owes his life to a prom-king with a 12 step haircare routine. This would be easier if he didn’t find said prom king so uncomfortably attractive.
And if the world would stop ending for five minutes.
Explicit. Not Complete. (Word Count: 80,210) 
Typically, I try not to read fics that are unfinished, but this one ended up on my dashboard 5 times in the span of an hour and my impulse control is bad and THANK GOD IT IS BECAUSE HOLY HELL. THIS FIC. This writer should be in the writer’s room for s5 and it is honestly a crime that they aren’t. Like yes, this is a Steve/Eddie fic, but it is also SO much more. The use of canon to create an ending that was satisfying to the store and gave the characters their justice. I cannot explain how much this fic has ended up imbedding its way into my heart and soul. As soon as it's completed, I'm going to reread it again and again and even when s5 premieres I am probably going to prefer this over canon until the day that I die.
See the full post
150 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
How it feels when I see new photos of Joe Keery
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332 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
LISTEN. I was ready to ride the Steve Becomes A Teacher train all the way home. It’s in my fics, it’s in my planned fics. But but but LISTEN. 
Steve becoming a first responder? 
A little bit post-S4, Steve is driving home to Hawkins after moving to Indy/Chicago/a major city that’s still within reasonable driving distance for him to come see the kids. Eddie is in the passenger seat and they’re zooming down the highway, one of those picture perfect moments where they’re singing along to a Madonna song, that Eddie was complaining about just moments ago. 
Steve, always striving to be the safest driver on the road, mostly because he is almost always transporting precious cargo in the form of his loved ones, isn’t the one who sees it at first. It isn’t until Eddie loudly gasps and points out a pretty horrific car accident unfolding before their eyes in the next lane over. 
Steve pulls off to the side, a fair distance behind wreck. One of the cars is turned completely around in the other direction, the front smashed in. The other cars are also damaged, but the passengers are getting out. No one has gotten out of the turned around car. 
Without a word, without questions from either of them, the two get out of the Beamer. Eddie goes up to the other cars, a woman who’s crying her eyes out and a young family all looking spooked out of their minds, but all seemingly alright. All of this is happening in Steve’s peripheral because he is now sprinting toward the car that no one has gotten out of. He sees the shape of the driver, head laid back on the headrest, unconscious. 
“Don’t move her!” “We need to wait for help!” Bystanders yell at him. Steve doesn’t respond, the driver door now open, as he checks the girl, who looks so young that mental images of one of his kids being in her place flash across his brain, tug at his heart. 
“Eddie!” He yells past the lump in his throat, but it looks like his boyfriend was already reading his mind, as he runs over with the first aid kit that’s always stationed in the trunk of his car. 
He finds her pulse as Eddie settles beside him. He’s checking for broken bones as the girl comes to. He’s telling her to sit back and that everything is okay as Eddie is yelling at the crowd forming around them to back up, he knows what he’s doing. 
Steve gets the flashlight out of the kit, shining it in her eyes, asking her what her name is, what day it is, who the president is, she hesitates to answer but answers all the questions. 
Eddie isn’t sure if this first aid knowledge is from all the times Steve’s been assessed after all the Upside Down shit or if it’s because of his own research, though he realizes as watches Steve keep the girl calm and gently keep her from moving around at all, it’s both. 
Eddie continues to watch when the ambulance gets to the scene. He watches Steve tell the EMTs that the girl is concussed and has no other visible injuries. He watches as they assess her themselves and as they ask Steve if he’s off duty, motioning to his extensive first aid kit. Steve just says he’s had his fair share of emergencies and he knows what he’s doing. 
After the ambulance leaves, Steve and Eddie walking back to their car, even though traffic is backed up all the way to their apartment it seems, Eddie can’t stop thinking about how easily Steve fit into the “hero” role. How, sure, it’s residual Savior Of The World shit, but can’t it also be more now that the world is saved? 
When they’re back on the road, hours later, and close to home, Eddie asks, 
“Have you ever thought about becoming a paramedic?” 
Steve doesn’t say anything. But he’s thinking. No, he hasn’t thought about it. But maybe he should start thinking about it. 
738 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
4, 7, and 8
[Current Ask meme]
How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
In terms of unpublished works I don't really talk about, I have at least 27 named FOP stories [as in, I'm not counting anything that already has at least one chapter posted and not counting any 130 Prompts]. Not all of them are winners and some are currently being recycled into 130 Prompts. Some I'm looking forward to writing, but am reluctant to start when I have so many other unfinished projects that are public.
Case in point, I have a draft for a 10-chapter AJ-centric fic called Pulling Your Puzzles Apart. It's an AU where Timmy considered A.J. his best friend instead of Chester, so AJ ended up with Norm's lamp and Norm has to go to college with him while AJ scrambles to keep him under control.
I'd like to post this one, but I also want to wrap up Come With May and maybe Pink and Gray before I open a new story. I keep going back and forth, trying to decide if it's better to have lots of projects that I'm having fun with at my own pace or if it's just better to tackle them one at a time.
(More answers under the cut)
I know I had two unfinished Danny Phantom pieces (plus No Anesthetic which did have one chapter up). Lots of Mario world drafts that I'm never satisfied with. Two TUFF Puppy pieces I started but couldn't put a plot together for, at least two Lilo and Stitch stories and some Bunsen Is a Beast pieces I stopped for the same reason.
I keep meaning to go back to that, they were fun. I love "town that sits on a portal to Beast World" and "Official welcome committee boy who has to take charge of the new fuzzy transfer student despite being descended from a guy who used to hunt his kind," it's such a cruel vibe... It was fun, but I felt weird being super dark for such a goofy show.
I have a stack of WordGirl ideas I've been toying with over the years and I'm looking forward to sharing some of those <3 The one I'm posting on Friday is something I've wanted to write for over 10 years so it's very cathartic and I hope people like it as much as I do.
My favorite Lilo and Stitch story was a Jumba backstory with lots of experiments scuttling around his lab. I've perma-shelved it since it has a similar vibe to Origin of the Pixies and I don't have it in me to write something so similar (nor create all the unique experiments), but Slick (020) was always a favorite. Here's my favorite snippet from that story, and I think you can see a lot of Sanderson's personality in how I wrote him (2016 or 2017):
“That’s all you are! Big talk, big guts, but puny muscles and punier brains. I mean, you’re programmed to sell stuff. How bright can you be?”
020 plucked 322 up by the scruff and set one hand to his hip. “Aw shucks, that’s real cute and flattering, partner. Now, you’re new here, so I’m gonna cut you a special offer free of extra charge.”
“If it’s anything like the way you cut cheese, count me out of here. If you’re some major room-clearing experiment, you deserve a raise.”
“Name’s 020.” He tipped his hat, and then one of the claws on that hand came down to prod 322 in the bowtie marking. “And I’m Jumba’s number one.”
“Number one what? Back-scratching errand boy?” 322 tipped his voice into a high falsetto. “‘Jumba, I finished all your paperwork. You got mail’.”
I picked up spray bottle and splashed it across back of 020’s head. “Ah-ah! Whoever said you were alpha on block anyway? Please to be giving me 322 now.”
Seething through his teeth, 020 placed 322 in my large palm and crossed his arms.
Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
One of my favorite sections of prose is the way Foop speaks about Anti-Sanderson in "You'll Never Know." This story was written with Foop as an incredibly unreliable narrator who dodges questions, is unfaithful with his answers, and skirts around his emotions.
In this story, we hit the 77,777-year anniversary of Anti-Cosmo's mysterious disappearance and Anti-Fairy politics demand Anti-Wanda take a new ruling partner. Anti-Wanda proposes to the Head Anti-Pixie (Anti-Sanderson) and Foop (mentally 11) is dealing with a lot of complicated emotions. He feels abandoned by Anti-Cosmo, fiercely protective towards his mother, cowed into submission by the people who have always see him as reckless, and he struggles with a lot of guilt over the fact that he actually admires Anti-Sanderson.
Two weeks before the wedding, I ask Hap the same question I asked Mother, following it with, "Do you even know which kids are yours?"
He points down at my head with two fingers. "DNA test, sucker!"
"No you can't."
"Oh fudge, you're right. I didn't think this through. Eh, weh, meh." Shrug. "I'll draw straws. Now, where should I put the maps I brought? I also have questions about my wrapping paper collection, but I do not have answers."
"The High Count's office, I suppose."
Hap doesn't move, hands still templed before his chest. "Does anyone else have an opinion?"
The only other person in the room is Klangfar, so no. I lean back on my heels in the air. "Nothing's going to bite you. I store all my junk in there." Hap still twitches, so I shrug. "It hasn't been Father's office in a long time."
"It's still a 'Yikes' from me."
And… that's why I didn't hate my step-father. I could have stopped the wedding. Easily, with just a twist of my hand. But I didn't. Because Hap might have overthrown his own father to seize the Head Anti-Pixie title, but I'd seen him tone down his playful teasing during the points in Council meeting discussions he was most passionate about. When he first showed up at the Blue Castle with a backpack containing his favorite valuables and three anti-pixie kids behind him, I watched from the stairs as he looked around the entry hall, gripping those backpack straps and looking absolutely overwhelmed. It took a few weeks before he could remember how to fly after being deprived of clean magic for so long, and Hap didn't scream or cry every time he got upset. He would chuckle and, sheepish and bruised, ask the next person he saw for a lesson. Something about his laughter stopped my cheeks from burning with secondhand embarrassment. He felt no shame.
"I don't like this," Hiccup murmured.
Hap had skittish feet outside his own territory. I noticed early on that he followed my mother whenever he thought it wasn't weird. His whole presence was weird. He always stood crookedly with wings slightly open in a way that drew attention, but he didn't force himself into the centre of a room. He spoke when he wanted to and didn't when he didn't. For someone who wore bold red and yellow, he could certainly melt into the background when he wanted to. He walked the halls sometimes at night, hands clasped behind his back, and… not a single gram of anxiety shot through me if our paths crossed while I snuck midnight snacks upstairs.
"Take a scoop of vegetables with you," he said the first time he saw me, and I stopped dead.
"Veggies," he said, walking right past me. "They're good for you. If you don't eat them tonight, get a lot tomorrow, yeah?"
"You're hardly the boss of me, Head Anti-Pixie."
"You got me there," he laughed. Never stopped. Never tried to push it. I saw the way he coloured pictures with his anti-pixies and listened in while Smoky played piano, offering advice and critiquing the bends of his claws. I saw how he spoke to my mother, keeping a respectful difference and trying not to overstep. I saw him stare some nights at the portraits of Anti-Cosmo on the walls, copying his posture for a few seconds before drawing a cloth from his pocket and wiping a bit of grime from the frame. He didn't try to take those pictures down. I saw him hesitate to seize my father's office, balancing on the heels of his feet. And that's why I don't stop the wedding.
"Can I have this?" I ask Hap three days after his coronation, pointing to a silver wand sheath lying on the High Count's desk. My father's own, if I'm not mistaken. Hap barely glances up from the weird golden bridle he pulled from the closet.
I buckle the sheath on. My ba-ba won't fit, but just wearing it makes me feel more like an adult. "Could I also get a little spending money for a camping trip with my friend Kelsia?"
"Mm, depends. Are you on a healthy diet?"
"Then you sure can, pudding tin."
"Does pudding even come in tins?"
Hap points two fingers at me. "It does if we make some tonight!"
We do. Me and Smoky and Hap and the three anti-pixie children I keep not learning the names of since they rotate between the Castle and Isle every week. And it's fun. It's a lot of fun.
I fall in my coffin that evening without bothering to unclip the wand sheath, hands folded behind my head and feet kicked in the air. "Ah… Now this is the way a prince should be treated."
"Foop," Hiccup whines.
"What? You know I'm right. A father who respects Mother and gives Smoky and I anything we want is way better than a father who runs off with other lovers behind his family's back. Mother deserved better than him. We all did."
"This isn't fair to Daddy."
"What do you want me to do about that?"
"Are we ever going to tell Mum about the fight?"
"Why should we?"
"I don't know… I just don't like doing this."
I snort. "Nothing's ever good enough for you, Puck. I spent my formative years under so much distress that our mind split apart. All these years later, we're finally getting a normal childhood. For once, can you be happy for us?"
Of course it wouldn't last. Hap disappears five years later. Hiccup has the decency not to say I told you so.
It's not the most melodic prose voice, but I feel like it fits the vibe of "Foop being curious and not as judgmental as he expected to be." I really like the way I showed Anti-Sanderson's awkward adjustment to his new role as High Count (and Foop's temporary step-father). Anti-Sanderson is very unstable (as you'll see in the snippet after this one), and I love touching in on these moments where you see him out of his element, feeling self-conscious.
I love the parallels between how uncomfortable Anti-Sanderson is to be filling Anti-Cosmo's shoes and how Foop feels out of place and "never good enough" for his role as prince. I love how Foop sees beauty and strength where Anti-Sanderson sees his faults. I love this fragile, human side of Anti-Sanderson that shows how he's trying to do his best and find his way in the world.
Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
I wrote the 130 Prompt "Look At That!" in 2016, and it'll still be a bit before we get to the Cavatina arc of the 130 Prompts... This is a spoiler, but it's still a dear favorite of mine. The Cavatina arc has its dark moments but it's a lot of angsty fun. This scene is one of my favorite dialogue exchanges...
“What about your son?”
“What about my son?”
That wasn’t the answer Sanderson had been expecting. “They’re synced up, same as you and me? If my son dies in that fall, yours will go down with him? That’s Anti-Entities 101.”
Anti-Sanderson tapped his right temple as he pushed himself back up to his feet with the leg of the barstool. “There are nine hundred ninety-nine more on the way genetically identical to him. I’ll probably let one of them live. Get yourselves a long running start, team. Draw on that sugar rush. Give it all you’ve got.”
That small voice belonged to Anti-Cavatina. As before, as soon as someone asked him to, Anti-Sanderson made the signal for his followers to stop what they were doing. Still leaning on his makeshift cane, Anti-Sanderson turned himself around and squatted.
“Come here to talk to Daddy, wrigglepie. Come, come- don’t be shy. Won’t you give your old man a hug?” In slow motion, the little anti-pixie did. His father ruffled his star-blond hair. “Oh, yes, that’s the way you do it. What’s the matter, kiddo?”
“You…” Anti-Cavatina, not removing his arms, shot a puzzled glance in his counterpart’s direction. “You said you wouldn’t hurt him if I got the watch.”
Anti-Sanderson sucked air through his teeth. He nodded two or three times. “Ooh, that’s right. Thaaat’s right. Rats- I knew I was forgetting something. I did promise you that, didn’t I? Well.” Flipping back into a smile, “Change of plans, peachcake. Can’t be helped.”
“But I got the watch!”
“I know you did. You’re my big bwave boy.” Briefly releasing his cane, Anti-Sanderson took his son’s cheeks in both hands and squashed them inward. “And I wuv you so much, yes I do, you’re just adowable, oh yes you are.” He kissed Anti-Cavatina on the forehead, then patted him between the wings and pointed up the street. “Go tell Uncle Anti-Wosencwantz all about it. Daddy’s busy wight now.”
I love Anti-Sanderson as an antagonist because he's absolutely feral. His morals are extremely fluid and you can't even trust him to take care of his own son... I love this scene because I feel like even without context, it still gives off a chilling and villainous vibe. I love how poisonous and dangerous Anti-Sanderson can be. He's horrible but I also find him hilarious... Just a horrid man.
Thanks for your interest!
[Current Ask meme]
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coyotesamachado · 2 years
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I posted 1,917 times in 2022
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#hangman rec - 215 posts
#jake hangman seresin - 171 posts
#rooster rec - 166 posts
#bradley rooster bradshaw - 130 posts
#stardust reblog challenge - 124 posts
#sarah speaks - 90 posts
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#bob rec - 66 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
if it's worth your time masterlist.
Javy "Coyote" Machado x Female!Reader
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It has been a little over two years since the Uranium Plant Mission, when Omaha needs to recuse himself from the specialized squadron created after it's success. You're called back to replace him, packing up your two year old daughter, and heading back to Top Gun. You know you're heading back to work with old friends, ones you haven't seen in years. What you don't expect is there's someone else waiting there for you, too.
Considering this will be multiple parts, I thought I'd throw up a masterlist for it. I'm really excited to be writing this. It's based off a line from the song "Chelsea" by The Summer Set, and Bozer and Riley's interactions in the first season of the 2016 Macgyver. Chapter titles are from the original Macgyver, for no reason other than I love Richard Dean Anderson and wanted to tie it all together nicely.
Two times the trouble - Prologue. High control. The road not taken. Every time she smiles. For love or money. The black corsage. Ten percent solution. Split decisions. On a wing and a prayer. The gauntlet. Unfinished business. Three for the road - Epilogue.
I'm going to have a separate taglist for this, so let me know if you'd like to be added.
207 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
I’m feeling like a winner
Robert “Bob” Floyd x Female!Reader
By the time the night is ending, you’re happily wrapped up in his arms, leaning up against him, smiling at the group of people surrounding them. Bob is whispering sweet nothings in your ear, at least, that’s what you happily let people think. Instead, he’s whispering filthy little things, causing a blush to bloom across your chest and up your neck.
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This is a three shot based on the song Blow by Ed Sheeran, Chris Stapleton, and Bruno Mars. Each shot is based on a different verse of the song and will have a different lead. This came about thanks to @notroosterbradshaw reminding me how freaking good this song is and I have listened to it far too often in the last 24 hours. 
WC: 722
Warnings: Allusion to sex, drinking. No use of Y/N, no physical description other than a dress. Under cut because Reader discretion is still advised.
Hangman. Rooster.
He watches you carefully from his perch by the bar, the two of you are very much polar opposites when it comes to being out and about in a crowd. Where Bob is happy to sit on the side of the action, observing what’s going on, you much prefer being the center of attention, running around and talking to anyone and everyone. To anyone who doesn’t know the two of you, it would be strange that it’s your engagement party and he’s not by your side, but to the people who do, they recognize that it’s a part of the reason the two of you work so well.  
You talk to everyone with a bright smile on your face, the shiny ring on your finger a happy distraction for all your guests. Bob watches as you hug his parents, a thank you for throwing this party for them. You hug your own parents, grateful that they had been able to fly out and be there. You even hug Hangman, a surprised expression on his face when you fling yourself at him in your champagne haze, but you thank him for coming with a bright smile before turning around to find someone else to hug. This is one of the reason’s Bob loves you so much, why he can’t imagine spending his life with anyone else. Even when he’s supposed to be the person receiving the attention, you’re more than happy to take all of it, give him a chance to breathe.
By the time the night is ending, you’re happily wrapped up in his arms, leaning up against him, smiling at the group of people surrounding them. Bob is whispering sweet nothings in your ear, at least, that’s what you happily let people think. Instead, he’s whispering filthy little things, causing a blush to bloom across your chest and up your neck. You’re able to pass it off as warmth from the champagne you’ve been drinking all evening when Phoenix asks if you’re feeling okay. Honestly, you’ve never felt better. He presses a kiss to your naked shoulder, the tulle of your strapless dress scratching at his hands where he has the fabric balled in them. You turn your head towards him, smiling sweetly.
“Think we can leave now?” you ask, desperate for something more than just his words.
He lets go of you, finishing off his drink and pushes you forward gently so he can stand behind you. The movement interrupts the conversation happening around you.
“Well, everyone, I think it’s about time I got my wonderful fiancé home, feel free to stay and keep drinking,” he says, wrapping an arm around you as everyone shares a look.
The two of you make one last round, saying goodbye to everyone before finally making it out of the venue.
“I thought we’d never get out of there,” you muse as the two of you take the short walk back to your hotel. “And Jesus, Bobby, did you have to start talking like that in front of everyone?” Your tone is teasing, but he can hear the frustration in your voice as well.
“I don’t know, baby. Your mom asked me when we were gonna start giving her grand-babies, and seeing you in that dress, it just got me thinking babies aren’t all that far away...” He trails off, looking down at his phone to make sure they’re still going the right way.
“What are you saying Bobby?”
“I’m saying I want to make a baby with you.”
You stop in the middle of the sidewalk and he only notices when he feels your hand pull from his. He turns back around to see you taking off your heels, and looks up at you confused.
"Well, what are you waiting for Mr? We might as well start practicing,” you say and he’s holding out his hand to take your heels, a dumbfounded expression because he wasn’t expecting that reaction from you. Instead, you take his hand in your own, and start moving on quicker feet than before.
Your laughter rings out in the streets, and the person at the front desk of your hotel smiles knowingly when the two of you run past her in a daze. The elevator doesn’t even begin to close before the two of you are on one another.
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226 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
Wouldn’t you love to love her? 1/3
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw and Original Female Character
Then Hangman is telling him to follow her, and it takes a moment for him to blink out of his reverie. He scrambles out his seat and Phoenix barks out a laugh. No one knows who else is going on the mission, but they all know that Mac will be one of those pilots. A lot of them would be lying if they said that they hadn’t known that from the minute she walked into the Hard Deck that first night. While all of them were cocky pilots, outwardly so, Mac was just confident. The rest of them were quick to try and discredit each other's abilities, trying to make themselves seem bigger and badder, but she just simply let her flying do the talking. However, with her being a guarantee to fly, it means there’s a guarantee that she might not come back, so maybe that affords her a few little luxuries.
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Long time reader, first time publishing something for other people to read. This was heavily inspired, loosely based on "Rhiannon" by Fleetwood Mac. Apparently there's just something about Fleetwood Mac and shirtless men with a 80's editing wash that just gets to me. I say semi-reader insert because the main character is never identified by anything other than her callsign.
Callsign is "Mac". I know I'm so creative.
It has been about two weeks since I saw the movie so if anything is out of whack in terms of sequencing, I apologize. I also want to apologize if there's any mistakes in Americanisms. I am Australian, and though I have been writing for very long time as American characters, sometimes the Australian still peeks through.
This is cross posted from my AO3, link in the source.
WC: 5560.
Warnings: eventual smut, explicit language, explicit sexual content, drinking, safety first, gratuitous use of commas. Under the cut because it is 18+ Reader discretion is advised.
Part two. Part Three.
Who will be her lover?
They watch her take off, can hear the smile on her face when she speaks over the comms.
They were brought back to Top Gun because they were the best of the best, as Phoenix reminded them the night before, but when Mac takes to the air with a lightness and grace, even Hangman has to admit that she’s the best among them. She has this air of coolness that when she’s in the air, nothing phases her. She deals with the g-force amazingly and her breath control is insane. Hangman would make a comment about it if he wasn’t so impressed. She breathes out slowly as she pulls the F-18 into a straight climb, narrowly missing being “shot down” by Maverick. She barely makes a sound over the comms as she shoots through the sky, where they could hear everyone else’s heavy breaths, snide comments, and quick rebuffs. She flips her plane easily, dropping down behind Maverick in their dogfight exercise, her sight set on him as she aims, but he drops out quickly before the kill tone can sound.
They fly around for what feels like hours before Maverick’s breathing heavy and Mac’s hands are shaking. He tells her to land her plane, calling it a draw, and the rest of the class are looking at one another wondering what that means for her push-ups. She has sweat dripping down the back of her neck, the tank underneath her flight suit heavily drenched. Her breathing finally seems heavy, her chest heaving despite the broad grin on her face. She grips Maverick’s hand in a firm shake, and he’s shaking his head at her with a laugh. She passes him her helmet and walks back into the hanger to the slow clap from the rest of the team with the exception of Rooster who is still completing his push-ups.
She waits there while everyone else is showering and when he doesn’t come back once the hanger is cleared, she goes in search of him. Hondo isn’t out there anymore, but Rooster is still doing his push-ups.
“They’re all gone Rooster, you can stop,” she says as she approaches, but he only gives her a grunt in reply and continues.
She goes to walk away when she hears the choked-out sob. She doesn’t turn to stare, instead she sits down on the tarmac looking out over the runways. She’s not too far away but she’s close enough that he knows she’s there if he needs her.
She moves easily through the crowd, spinning and ducking and weaving through the hands and voices trying to capture her attention. Her feet move with the agility of a dancer, and she supposes that she was in another life. In another life, she was dancing on the stages of the world, high on tip toe, graceful and delicate. But it’s not another life, it’s this one so she’s dancing through the crowded bar, four beer bottles dangling from her nimble fingers.
“MAA-AAAC!!!!” rings through her ears in a singsong fashion and she grins as she approaches her new friends. Rooster’s voice is loud over the noise in The Hard Deck and it only makes her chuckle. Passing out the beers to Bob and Phoenix, she holds Rooster’s just out of reach, teasing it back and forth, frustration etched in his forehead until she holds it out a little too long and he’s able to grasp it, snatching it from her. Her laughter rings out loudly, and Bob’s and Phoenix's joins it until after Rooster has swallowed his first mouthful and gets over it.
She sits with them and brings her own bottle to her lips, tipping her head back for a moment, and Rooster can’t help but stare for a moment as her throat bobs when she swallows. Phoenix coughs when she catches him, and Mac opens her eyes glancing at the woman she considers her closest friend here as she continues to down her beer. She misses the way Rooster’s eyes darken, but Phoenix and Bob don’t. A look is shared between them before Rooster blinks and brings his eyes to anywhere but her.
“You look like you need a dance partner, Mac.”
Hangman’s in her ear, and her hips stutter from their swaying movement, the skirt of her dress still moving despite the sudden stop.
“And you think that’s going to be you?” she asks, a smirk appearing on her lips. She twirls away from him, her laughter following as she sways her way over to the bar and parks herself next to Bob.
“How many times do men need to hear the word no?” she asks him with a sigh before picking out a peanut from his bowl.
“Some men, only once,” he states factually, “But men like Hangman, probably another dozen.”
Mac smiles at the smirk on his face, happy to see him enjoying himself. Anything to bring Hangman down a peg and prop Bob up just a little more. His quiet demeanor reminds her of her own. She appreciates having him at Top Gun, a grounding force when it should be so easy to fall into a cocky stride alongside the other pilots.
“Do you need another drink?” she asks him, turning back to the bar to get Penny’s attention. He barely has a chance to answer before she’s ordering two beers on her tab and passing one over to Bob. Then she’s standing up again and dancing away. He can’t help but be impressed that she’s the same on the ground as she is in the air. She’s calm, cool and collected, never staying in one place too long and constantly dancing away from scenarios. He admires that about her.
She finds her way over to Phoenix, her eyes fixating on the other woman from the moment they land on her. She takes a swig of beer as she shimmies over to her. When she reaches her, her beer is thrust into Rooster’s hand without a sideways glance before she extends her other hand to Phoenix.
See the full post
231 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
if it's worth your time - prologue
Javy "Coyote" Machado x Female!Reader
“Are they a thing?” Javy leans in, talking to Jake quietly so no one else can hear him, watching you and Bob interact. 
“No, they’re just really close. Have been since Top Gun. You’ve heard us talking about Mercy before,” he says, throwing a questioning glance at his friend. 
“Yeah, but I didn’t think she was going to look like that,” he looks you up and down, your attention directed at Bob so you can’t see them. 
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I wasn't expecting to hit 300 quite that quickly, but here we are. Welcome new followers and hello again to all of you. I am very excited to be sharing this fic with you, it's been my little brain baby for the last two or three weeks. I planned something out for the first time ever and I'm really hoping that you all enjoy it. The plan had been to write the next part before posting, but I am incredibly impatient and excitable. This whole fic takes place two years after the events of Top Gun: Maverick, so I will be taking liberties as I please, but it is based on the thought that the twelve of them stick together as Dagger Squad. Feedback is very welcome, but I hope you end up loving this whole series as much as I do.
callsign: Mercy, it will be explained at some point in this story.
WC: 1.5k
series warnings: eventual smut, swearing, drinking, reader is a mom!, 18+ only. More warnings in each chapter.
chapter warnings: drinking, swearing, protective!Bob and Hangman.
series masterlist | my masterlist | next chapter
taglist: @notroosterbradshaw @writercole @lj13oct @creativitybeware @jakexfmc @stargurl-battleship @peachiicherries 
Two Times the Trouble
Walking back into the Hard Deck was a sentimental experience for you. You’d been stationed out at Lemoore for the last three years, and since the Navy had built their specialized team based on the Uranium Plant Mission, you had thought that was pretty much it for you. It was nice, having the stability and being close to your parents, but that hadn’t stopped the envy and disappointment you had felt when you couldn’t be selected to go back to Top Gun. 
You had no intention of making an entrance, but that wasn’t to be the case when your name rings loud and clear across the music of the bar. 
“Mercy! Is that you?”  
Phoenix’s voice makes you laugh, because you’d only told Bob that you were coming back to town, namely because your daughter wanted to call and let him know that she’d see him soon, in her two-year-old, babbling manner. 
Eyes flick towards you as you walk through the crowded bar, throwing a quick wave towards Penny. Phoenix moves quicker than you, throwing elbows to get people out of the way so she can wrap her arms around you in a tight hug. 
“Missed you, Mercy,” she says softly so no one but you can hear her. 
“You too Nix, missed you too,” you reply. Emotions are not something either of you really like to display in front of others, but there were moments, like now, that while you’d prefer your privacy, it’s been too long to not let emotions get the best of you. 
You let go after a moment, eyes scanning the other pilots she was with for your best friend. 
“He’s in the toilet,” she explains, and you laugh. 
“Alright then, come and introduce to everyone I don’t know.” 
Phoenix wraps a hand around your wrist, like you’re easily lost in the crowd. You do that to your daughter but never really think of people to doing the same to you. You’re then thrust into the center of the of a group of pilots, some familiar, others not. You wrap your arms around Hangman. The two of you had a small detachment together a few years ago and fell into a quick and easy friendship, based solely on your own determination that he had people he could call friends. You grin at Rooster, Jake’s arm still around you. You pull away from Jake and walk over to Fritz, falling into his hug quickly, a grin on your face at getting to see him again. Then you’re introduced to everyone else. Halo (who Fritz has told you about), Fanboy and Payback (clearly a package deal the way Phoenix has spoken about them), Yale and Harvard, and Coyote. You smile brightly at him but then your attention is brought right back away from him when Bob comes walking in from the back. 
“You came?” He calls out excitedly, and you push between Jake and Coyote to get to him. 
“Robby!” falls affectionately from your lips as you wrap your arms around him and he swings you around, pulling your feet just off the floor. 
The rest of the group look away for a moment, like this is a moment just meant for the two of you. 
“Where’s my favorite girl?” He asks when your feet land on the ground again. 
“She’s right in front of you, Rob.” You smack his chest lightly and he grins at you. “She’s with Amelia,” you continue throwing a nod in Penny’s direction.  
See the full post
280 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Picture Perfect Porcelain
Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader/Original Female Character
Her arm curls around the door so it’s lined up along the edge of it, Bob thinks he sees a droplet of water track from her wrist back down to her elbow, but his glasses are back in his locker and he really wishes they weren’t right now. He swallows thickly, because it’s different when he knows she’s naked behind there as opposed to it being salt water after she had been thrown into the ocean by Coyote during dogfight football.
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Basically, I love hot showers.
Title is from Ever After by Marianas Trench.
Callsign is Mist.
This is cross posted from my AO3, link in the source.
WC: 2907.
Warnings: 18+, smut, hot showers, girl can’t deep throat, oral (male receiving), vaginal fingering, rooster is a menace.
Walking into the shower room, Bob could kick himself. She always waits until everyone else is finished with their showers, because she likes to have hot showers, the kind of ones that turn the room into a sauna, and leave no hot water for anyone else. Apparently, he hadn’t been fast enough though, because Mist is in here and he still hasn’t had a shower.
The door closes behind him and he flinches as the resounding bang echoes around the room. He hears her gasp, and she’s opening the door to her stall and peaking her head out.
“Bob! Shit, sorry, I was told everyone had been through already, I’ll finish up,” she rushes out.
“No, no, it’s fine, I’ll just have a cold one. I don’t mind,” he says quickly, trying to placate the situation because he doesn’t want to take away her shower time. His own are a moment to decompress from the day, and since she tends to take the longest and the hottest whenever she has the chance, he can only imagine that it’s the same for Mist. Her arm curls around the door so it’s lined up along the edge of it, Bob thinks he sees a droplet of water track from her wrist back down to her elbow, but his glasses are back in his locker and he really wishes they weren’t right now. He swallows thickly, because it’s different when he knows she’s naked behind there as opposed to it being salt water after she had been thrown into the ocean by Coyote during dogfight football.
“No seriously, just give me a minute and I'll wash all this soap off and then it’s all yours, plenty of water left.”
She pulls her arm back and goes to lock the door behind her when Bob speaks again, it’s so soft that she can barely hear him.
“What was that?” she calls out, her voice singing out over the noise of the shower.
Bob rubs the back of his neck, wondering whether he should repeat himself or just let those words disappear with the steam.
This was going to end badly, he could tell.
“What if...”
The door opens again, her head and shoulder appear before him. While he wishes he had the kind of easy assurance that Hangman does to ask for what he wants, he doesn’t. It deflates him a little and he sighs.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll be out in the locker room when you’re done,” he says, turning away from her and going to walk out.
“Wait! Were you... Are you... Will you...” she stutters, and she wishes she had the kind confidence that Phoenix has, to say what she wants without stuttering over it.
The steam is still thick around them, but it feels thicker than it had a minute ago.
“Bob, what if you just joined me, instead of waiting or...” she trails off again, and it’s so difficult to just put herself out there.
He turns back to her, and the door is open a little more, her collarbone now in his line of sight and he feels ridiculously overdressed. He stands there staring at her a beat too long and she breaths a long sigh.
“Sorry Bob, I just, I promise I’m nearly done, just forget what I said.”
It’s the door closing again that pulls Bob from his head and he’s dragging his shirt over his head, and unbuttoning his pants as he walks over. The shower turns off before he can knock or speak again. He feels like his lost his shot, but for once, he doesn’t want to walk away from it without trying.
“Turn it back on,” there’s a demand in his voice, and it kind of shocks him because he only really talks like that when he’s in the plane and needs Phoenix to do something in particular. He hears the gasp behind the door, and he smirks to himself. But her shower is back on and he feels the steam where he’s standing. The snick of the lock opening again captures his attention, and his heart is beating an unhealthy rhythm. Her hand is darting out like she’s trying to grab his shirt and pull him in, but when she only meets the smooth skin of his chest, there’s a choked off groan hitting the back of her throat.
She pulls open the door and steps back into the heat of the water, hoping the steam gives her a little bit of modesty. For the fact that Bob isn’t wearing his glasses, he really wishes she was closer right now. He drops his shirt on the little bench seat next to him, and turns to lock the door behind him. He takes in a deep breath, it’s all humid air at this point, and tells himself he can do this. She’s watching him carefully from where she’s near pressed up against the back corner. She feels like she should look away, but he’s bending down to shed himself of his pants and she can’t take her eyes off him. He folds both his pants and underwear neatly and puts them with his shirt, and her eyes are glued to the curve of ass down to the muscle of his thighs. When he turns, she’s suddenly very interested in the tile beneath her feet.
See the full post
573 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
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viterbofangirl · 2 years
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I posted 3,877 times in 2022
11 posts created (0%)
3,866 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,870 of my posts in 2022
#fanart - 278 posts
#star wars - 165 posts
#heaven's official blessing - 157 posts
#tgcf - 157 posts
#the daily adventures of viterbofangirl - 131 posts
#*undignified giggle-snort* - 130 posts
#dracula daily - 128 posts
#this blue hellsite - 126 posts
#just for fun - 122 posts
#somedays i love this website - 95 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#every scene with renner and johannson together is played as a huge unspoken 'fuck you' to brucenat and the farm family and bless them for it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hey I don't have links myself but re: that post about DuckDuckGo: I've seen a different version of the post with links to the CEO's Twitter where he refuted that (and explained why independent outlets fall lower in results) and I don't think it's true. There are a few reblogs in the notes with links. Also many of the alternatives in that list are Google or Bing clones posing as "independent" search engines to lure in people who are cautious about the big names.
Thank you so much for this info! TBH it's a relief because I've been quite happy with DDG, and I will now be on the watch for poser search engines!
4 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
Tag game!
Thanks to the ever-lovely @akamarykate​ for tagging me! <3 
Rules: Tag nine people you want to know better.
Three ships: Most recently, Jiang Cheng/Wen Qing from The Untamed, but I gotta go with Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade from the Star Wars EU, and Gary Hobson/Toni Brigatti for the longest-lasting ships!
First ever ship: See the above two! They were going on around the same time. L/M probably predates G/T by a year or two, but G/T was more viciously shipped (at first).
Last song: “Queen” by Loren Gray
Last film: Film? Ah geez. I honestly don’t know. I’m going to cheat a little and say “Frozen II” not because I recently watched it, but I’ve had a strong hankering for it so it’s got a 99% chance of being the next movie I watch!
Currently reading: I’m technically in the middle of “Because Internet” by Gretchen McCulloch, but tbh I’ve been reading a metric shitton of MDZS fanfic on my Kindle.
Currently watching: I’m taking a very brief hiatus from The Untamed and just finished up rewatching BBC’s The Musketeers, a.k.a. Man Candy the Series.
Currently consuming: Alyssa’s Healthy Chocobites
Currently craving: Reaching That Point In My Life Where I Regain A Smidgen Of Energy. And also the inspiration to continue some WIP fics!
Tagging: @themoonstarwarrior, @cat-a-holic, @fallynleaf, @threadsketchier, @squirrelasinthewoodlandanimal, @pityen81, @shaelit, @lucife56, @ancientstone but seriously no pressure on the above and loads of encouragement to participate to anyone else! To anyone who wants to play, please just tag me so I can see your answers! <3
5 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
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5 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love! 💖
My sideblog was tagged by @ancientstone and so I decided to post there AND on my regular blog!
Okay, so, I've been writing and not completing fandom stuff since I was at LEAST 16 which means over twenty years now, but I looked through my folder and I *think* these are my faves in no particular order:
1) Sinbad and the Garden of the Hesperides: a Proteus-heavy sequel to Dreamworks' animated "Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas" because Proteus deserves ALL THE LOVE dammit! >:[  (currently over 41k words and unposted but stay tuned because I know the first 4-5 chapters are done at least...)
2) The Sense of Her: a FMA Royai one-shot taking place over multiple points in the series, each scene focused on one of the five senses (currently on AO3)
3) Gunslinger: written in a different narrative style than my usual (Old-West stylized omniscient present vs alternating third-person POV) it's a retelling of Roger Corman's (yes, I know) movie "Gunslinger" starring Beverly Garland that is one of my favorite MST3Ks (yes, I know) but still has really good bones to the story (unposted and honestly barely started but still has some damned good lines if I do say so myself)
4) No Miracle for the Likes of Us/Rebirth/Codename:Teen Idol 'Dite: *CHEATER ALERT!* These are _three_ Venus/Kunzite-centric Sailor Moon fics, but are set in the same no-Stars-AU, with the first detailing the fall of Silver Millennium, the second beginning with the Shitennou being revived immediately after the manga's SuperS arc, and the third being a plot line so heavily intertwined with Rebirth that I haven't decided whether or not to make them one big fic featuring Codename as specified interludes o_O;;; (overall size: *drops face into hands* it... it just keeps GROWING... *sobs*)
5) She-Ra: Princess of Power: a massive retelling of the original She-Ra series as a continuation of the Mike Young 200X animated He-Man and the Masters of the Universe series, with each chapter an "episode" (currently a highly disjointed >57k monster, but the first two "episodes” are on AO3)
Tagging @akamarykate @fallynleaf @rhysiana @threadsketchier @adriannasharp and anyone else who wants to participate! Tag me if you reply so that I might properly appreciate your efforts and genius! <3
7 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Offered Up
Abel you placed the stone in my hands Told me that God prefers innocent lambs Strike hard strike true my own my brother Then He’ll prefer you favored over another
Offer me up
Don’t worry don’t worry my own my brother I’m happy I’m happy my own my brother Release me release me my own my brother
Offer me up
The stone sat heavy and thick in my hands The blood ran heavy and slick on my hands This murder it seemed like a trick on my hands
Who is the victim? Who was the victim?
(inspired by @zelkam’s gifset)
22 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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percontaion-points · 1 year
Covet chapters 128-131
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 128
And even as the pleasure swamps me, engulfs me, there’s a tiny part of me that understands: Hudson has taken too much blood.
Chapter 128 summary: After Grace makes herself known to Hudson, she allows him to drink from her in an effort to force him to snap out of it. But he goes a little too far, and Grace thinks that he’s taken too much. 
Chapter 129
“I forgave you. I know I yelled at you about it when we were in New York, but I forgave you a long time ago. And I think if you want to beat this prison, then you have to do what you just did. You have to acknowledge your actions and why you did them. But you also have to forgive yourself. If you do that, this shithole can’t torture you anymore.”
She says all of this, yet she’s the only one who hasn’t been directly tortured by the chamber yet. 
Like wow! Forgiving myself and my past transgressions! Why didn’t I think of that! /sarcasm
“Hold on to your money and your magic, boys and girls, because we have finally made it. Welcome to the Pit.”
Chapter 129 summary: Grace remains still as Hudson continues to drain her blood. The only thing that’s keeping her still is the knowledge that murdering people isn’t like Hudson. Especially not somebody that he loves. He does eventually stop, and she tells him that his shitty dad forcing him to kill wasn’t his fault. 
They break out from the nightmare, where Remy yells at Grace for having kicked him out of Hudson’s mind. She apologises over the entire thing, but she doesn’t exactly sound that sorry. 
They sit around and wait for Flint and Calder to wake up. When they do, Grace tells Flint “You have to forgive yourself!” As if it was somehow that easy. 
They rest for a while before the lights in the room turn purple. Remy says that they’ve finally made it to the pit. 
Chapter 130
Lester must figure out that Remy’s not going to answer, because eventually he turns back to me and says, “There is only one path for you, my queen.”
Chapter 130 summary: Remy warns them that they’ve got to either escape prison in the next 12 hours, or they’ll have to return to their cell. Anybody who tries to stay out past those 12 hours will be punished with the chamber for a month. 
Grace is somehow surprised that the pit is nothing more than an underground, supernatural marketplace. But now she understands why Remy and Calder were intent on raising as much money before their trip down there. 
They follow Remy around as he collects packages, and delivers them to others. Grace eventually thinks to ask who the merchants are, and why their magic isn’t bound. Remy has to spell it out for her like she’s five: obviously the merchants are not prisoners. They’re capitalists. They don’t care about serving prisoners, only making money. Grace then begins to think about how if the vendors can get in and out of the pit, then there must be some way for them to leave as well. 
One of the merchants then hounds Grace until she agrees to do a tarot reading with him. He pulls the Tower card first, and then realises who she is. 
Chapter 131
It isn’t long before he turns us down a narrow, dark alley and then past two massive windigos. I expect them to stop us, but one nods while the other pats Remy on the head. And I’m reminded, once again, that these people—these creatures—raised Remy after his mother died when he was five years old. That this place is as much a home for him as it is a prison. 
I’m still livid that literally not one of them said “Hey man, it’s fucked up that a 5 year old orphan has to spend his life in prison.”
His face is crisscrossed from forehead to chin with the most brutal scars I have ever seen.
Chapter 131 summary: The guy continues on and gives Grace some of the most useless advice imaginable. Remy teases Grace that the guy was literally a troll, so what did she expect?
They stop for tacos, much to Grace’s delight. She’s from southern California, and likely hasn’t had a decent taco in Alaska. As they eat, they discuss Remy’s visions in regards to them getting out of the prison. 
Remy says that there’s no way that the prison would ever let the blacksmith go; he’s too useful for them. So he gets a flower. As does Remy himself. But he continues on and says that the future is too hazy to make any decisions about how everybody else gets out. Calder tries to cheer them up by suggesting that maybe Flint and Hudson have been rehabilitated enough to be let go?
With ten hours remaining, Remy finally takes them to the blacksmith. 
0 notes
queen-of-voltronian · 2 years
Call for beta!
Hi all! I’m looking for a beta for the Klance WIP I mention in this post. More info below the cut!
Do you like slow burn? Pinefest galore? Absolute ridiculous, tear-your-hair-out levels of obliviousness? Unrequited feelings that have actually been requited the whole time, the characters are just idiots? Langst that turns into Lance receiving all the recognition and love he deserves? Then this fic will surely be right up your alley!
Currently, the fic is 130+k words, and around 14-15 chapters. I’ve got most of the fic all written out except for some scenes in later chapters, and I’ve gotten through the solo editing process up to chapter 12. I’m hoping for help in catching typos and grammatical mistakes, but the main reason I’m looking for a beta is find someone who’s interested in the premise of the fic that can help me in talking over story decisions to help the story flow the best it can.
This is a season 7 canon divergence AU that takes place right after the Garfle Warfle Snick episode. The premise is that Lance drinks something he isn’t supposed to and must kiss the person his heart most desires in order to avoid being bound to a planet’s deity that would force Lance to never leave the planet again. He gives the whole team a kiss on the hand to avoid revealing he’s actually in love with Keith, and it sets off a chain of events that of course eventually ends with Keith and Lance revealing their feelings and getting together! It just takes them a lil bit to get there lol.
If this sounds like something you’d be at all interested in, please don’t hesitate to shoot me an ask or a message for more info! Thanks for reading!
Edit: I should probably mention that this is my first time dedicatedly writing fanfic, and so I’m going into all this with only the vague understandings I’ve gained from being a non-creating fan. If I’m making a misstep or breaching an unwritten rule in the beta-author relationship, please let me know! If there’s a different/better way to go about asking for a beta, I’d like to hear about that too! Thanks so much in advance!
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johnsbleu · 2 years
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 130
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warnings: none, just a few mentions of blood hmh masterlist
It's almost 4 in the morning, and your bladder is going to explode at any minute if you don’t get up and go to the bathroom. Carefully getting up from the bed, you tiptoe your way past John, who is fast asleep in the chair, and Ronan, who is swaddled up in her bassinet. A nurse has been coming in every so often to check on you but John finally fell asleep, so you don’t want to wake him up to help you.
Usually John sleeps light as a feather, but he's probably only been asleep for a little bit now. He has his head tilted back on the chair and his hands are clasped in his lap, and he just looks so uncomfortable.
It took quite a bit of convincing for him to finally just sit down and relax, but he was so worried about you if he fell asleep. You told him that you’d be fine and if you needed anything, you can just ring a nurse--that’s what they’re here for. He fought sleep for about an hour and a half, but while watching some TV, you looked over to see that he finally fell asleep.
This is the first time you've used the bathroom alone since you've had Ronan, and you're a little nervous since you have no idea what it looks like 'down there'. You know you’ll have some bleeding, you just hope it’s not too bad. Thankfully everything seems to be okay, so you quickly finish up in the bathroom and head back out to see Ronan moving around a little.
“Hi, baby girl.” you whisper to her, then you look up to see a nurse coming into the room to check on you.
“Feeding time?” your nurse asks, and you nod your head when you look at her.
Taking Ronan out of the bassinet, you sit down on the bed and get comfortable while you feed Ronan. “Hi, baby. How are you feeling? You're almost 12 hours old. Can you believe that? I can't, and I'm sure daddy can't either. He's probably going to be so upset that he missed out on this feeding, but he needs to get the rest; he’s gonna have two pretty girls bossing him around soon.”
You look at John and smile when you see he's still knocked out cold. His head is still tilted back over the chair, and you can tell he's not very comfortable. Once you get done feeding Ronan, you're definitely going to get him to lay down on the couch. Looking back down at Ronan, you watch her as she eats and every now and again, she lets out a little grunt.
“Gosh, you look just like daddy.” you whisper, leaning down to kiss her forehead. “You’re going to be so beautiful and so, so kind and precious. Our little angel.”
Ronan is a pretty chunky baby. She has the chunkiest cheeks and the most beautiful brown eyes, and what little hair she has is brown like John’s. You have a few freckles on your face but John has so many on his arms and even on his face, so you hope Ronan gets some too.
“I can’t believe I’m finally holding you.” you whisper as you smile at her, “I can’t believe you’re here. You’re so perfect. Momma was so worried for no reason. I love you so much, there’s nothing to be worried about--not that I was worried about not loving you--I was just a little stressed. I’ve never been a momma before. I’ve been waiting so long to finally meet you, and we’re gonna be best friends.”
You swaddle Ronan back up after you burp her, then you carefully place her in the bassinet near the left side of the bed since you're going to pull the couch out for John to lay down. You grab John's pillow and blanket and place them on the couch, then you walk over to wake John up.
“Baby,” you whisper, rubbing his cheek with your thumb to wake him up. You've been with John for two years now, and you know just how to wake him up without completely startling him–rubbing his cheek and talking softly to him usually does the trick. “Jonathan, baby, wake up.”
John slowly opens his eyes as he stretches, then he widens his eyes and sits up straight, frantically looking around the room, “What's wrong?”
“Nothing,” you whisper, still rubbing his cheek, “I want you to lay down on the couch, I got it all set up for you.”
John looks over to see Ronan sleeping, then he looks at you to make sure you're okay. He finally relaxes a little and nods his head as he sits back, “Okay.”
“You're not comfortable in this chair, so I want you to lay on the couch. It seems pretty comfy.” you say, reaching for his hand to pull him up.
“Yeah,” John says softly as he finally kicks his shoes off, “What time is it?”
You look at the clock on the wall, then look at John as he pulls off his pants to change into his pajama pants, “A little after 4.”
John sighs a little as he stands up, and you smile at him as he looks at you. You're both exhausted beyond belief, and you're starting to wonder if you'll ever actually be a functioning human being again even though you haven’t been parents for 24 hours.
Placing his hand on your lower back, John helps you back into bed, then he pulls the blankets over you and tucks you in. He presses a kiss to your cheek, then he walks over to kiss Ronan once more before he lays down.
“I just fed her. She should be good for a few more hours now.” you say, watching John walk back to the other side of the bed.
John leans down to kiss you again, then he smiles as he lays down on the couch. You watch as he tries to get comfortable, but his legs dangle off the end of the couch no matter how he tries to lay. He doesn’t seem to mind, but you know it’s not going to comfortable.
“John,” you whisper to him, then you pat the bed, “Just come lay with me. There’s plenty of room.”
“No,” he shakes his head, then he lets out a small laugh when you cock up your eyebrow. You scoot over so John can lay with you, and since your bed is fairly big, he’s able to lay down with you--he’ll just have to hold you, which isn’t anything out of the ordinary. “Much better. Gotta keep an eye on my girls too.”
You chuckle as you snuggle into the crook of John’s neck, then you feel him kiss the top of your head. He whispers something so quietly that you almost think you made it up, but you tilt your head back and see him looking at you.
“Thank you,” he whispers, and you furrow your brow as you get ready to laugh since he doesn’t need to thank you for letting him lay in bed with you. “For giving me a family. Thank you. I have a family now because of you.”
“Of course you do,” you whisper back as you lean up to kiss him, “We’re a family and we all love you. You don’t need to thank me for that.”
John closes his eyes as a tear slips past and slides down his cheek, “I do, so thank you so much.”
“Well, if you get to thank me, then I get to thank you. Without you, I wouldn’t have my baby girl.” you whisper, wiping the tear off his cheek, “So, thank you so much.”
John chuckles as he nuzzles closer and inhales the scent of your shampoo, “Get some rest now, baby.”
You open your eyes a little to see John holding Ronan and looking out the window as he whispers quietly to her and points, and you smile as you watch them.
John has slipped so naturally into his new role as a dad, it’s genuinely so heartwarming. He holds her and rocks her so gently in his arms, and he’s so soft spoken and careful with her too. Being able to watch him as a dad is going to be the best thing ever.
“We live all the way over there, and you’re going to love your bedroom. Momma worked so hard on it. You’re gonna sleep with mom and dad for a while though,” John smiles, then presses a kiss to Ronan’s head, “We gotta keep an eye on you.”
You laugh quietly to yourself, then you sit up a little when a nurse walks in and asks how you’re doing. John turns around, his face lighting up as if he hasn’t seen you in years, and you smile as you look at him holding tight to Ronan.
“Getting hungry?”
John looks down at Ronan, then up at you, “I just fed her.”
“I meant you, John.” you laugh, then you look over at the door when Tess walks in, “Hey.”
Tess smiles as she walks over to hug John, then she leans down to kiss Ronan’s cheek, “Aunt Tess is here for her first babysitting duty.”
John looks over at you as you furrow your brow a little, and you smile when he gently hands Ronan over to Tess. She walks over to the window with Ronan in her arms and bounces her as she whispers like they’re already sharing secrets.
“I thought we could get you up and showered.” John smiles as he sits down on the bed next to you, “It’ll make you feel better too. I called Tess a little bit ago to ask her to come up here a little early before everyone hovers all over us for the rest of the afternoon.”
You smile softly as you cup his cheek, “Thank you.”
“Let’s get you showered.”
John reaches for your hands and helps you up from the bed, and he smiles when you walk over to see Ronan. You lean down to kiss her cheek as she sleeps in Tess’ arms, and you wipe away sliding down your face.
“She’s so cute,” you laugh, looking over at John, “I can’t believe she’s finally here.”
“And we get to keep her forever.” John smiles, then he reaches for your hand, “Come on, baby. You need to shower.”
You laugh as you look at Tess, “He knows he needs to be persistent because I don’t want to leave her.”
“I don’t blame you.” Tess says, snuggling Ronan, “But we’re just right here when you get out. Take a few moments for yourself, mom and dad.”
You hold John’s hand as you walk to the bathroom, then you shut the door and watch as he starts the shower for you. He tests the water out and turns around to look at you, then he helps you get your robe off and get in the shower.
Closing your eyes and tilting your head back to wet your hair, you let out a delighted moan as the water runs down your body. You hear John let out a small laugh, and you immediately cover your body as best as you can.
John laughs a little louder, “Don’t be so shy. I just watched you give birth to our baby.”
“Yeah, about that. John, I begged you not to look and you, of course, didn’t listen to me.”
You peek through a slit in the shower curtain and watch John as he pulls his shirt over his head, then unbuckles his pants and slides them off along with his boxers.
Opening the shower curtain, you smile and reach out for John, “You’re not going to say anything?”
“Baby, I have seen every inch of you. Literally every inch of you.” he says, and your cheeks begin to burn when John smiles. “And that was before you had a baby.”
“I know, it’s just…weird. To just look down at something that you usually…you know, enjoy and instead you just see a baby coming out.” you say, laughing a little, “I saw it. It was pretty…uh, you know, weird.”
“It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. Your body is…incredible.” he adds soap to a washcloth and gently wipes down your arms and legs, and he carefully wipes around your thighs and between your legs, being extra gentle since you’re so sore. “I always think it’s incredible, but after seeing what your body can do, you’re like a superhero to me. You just gave birth to our daughter. You deserve a medal.”
You let out a laugh, “I still have a little belly.”
“Well, you just had a human living in your stomach for nine months.” he says, and you chuckle, “I'm gonna miss it. I loved your belly.”
“That’s because she was in my belly. She’s here now. I feel...empty.” you say, looking at John. “Like not in a bad way, but I just looked down at my belly and I'm so used to having a baby in there, and now there's nothing. It like...messes with your head.”
“I'm gonna miss your belly so much, can't wait for you to get pregnant again so you can get a belly again. You were a very sexy pregnant woman, you know?” he says as you laugh, then he grabs the shampoo. He turns you around so your back is to him and he begins massaging your scalp. “You did amazing, baby. I’ll never be able to say that enough. You blew my mind last night. I’m so proud to be your husband.”
You tilt your head back further and look at John, “Thanks for being my biggest fan, and thanks for being be my side the whole time.”
“Of course.” he says and leans down to kiss you, and his arms wrap around your shoulders to pull you closer to him, “I love you so much, peach.”
You close your eyes, feeling John’s chest against your back; his skin is always so soft and warm. You turn around to wash the shampoo from your hair, then lean against John’s chest as he lathers the conditioner in it. He quickly rinses it out, then wraps his arms around you.
“Momma and daddy skin-to-skin.” John whispers, and you let out a laugh as you look up at him.
“Yeah, well, momma and daddy won’t be having skin-to-skin for quite some time now.” you frown and lean up to kiss John.
John chuckles as he smooths your hair back, “There’s no rush, baby.”
You shake your head and stand on your tiptoes to kiss him again, “I know, but I won’t lie, dads are hot!”
John laughs loudly and it echoes throughout the bathroom, “Well, thank you.”
“It’s going to be so hard for me to keep my hands to myself.” you wrap your arms around John’s neck and press your lips to his, “I love you so much, John.”
“I love you too, sweetheart,” he whispers softly against your forehead.
Swaying back and forth with John, you hate for the moment to end, but you’re already missing Ronan terribly, and you don’t want Tess to be overwhelmed by a newborn. You inhale deeply as you lean back and look at John, then you smile at him.
“Don’t leave.” John whispers, pulling you in closer. “Stay for a minute longer.”
You smile as you fit back into John’s arms, deciding to not put up too much of a fight, “Fine.”
Ronan is laying on the bed in front of you, and she’s swaddled up in her new blanket that John had bought for her four months ago. It’s covered in peaches, and John thought it was the funniest thing he’s ever bought. She’s also wearing a onesie that says ‘Daddy’s girl’ on it that John packed.
John is currently eating his breakfast and drinking a large cup of coffee as he watches the news and checks the weather. You’re being discharged later this evening, so he’s just checking the weather to make sure it won’t be pouring down rain when the two of you head home. It is a bit cloudy out, and there is a pretty high chance of a thunderstorm tonight, so you’ll definitely end up getting wet.
“Okay, Ronan, let’s try this again.” you cradle her in your arms and pull your robe open a little in hopes that she’ll latch. After a few moments of awkwardly fumbling to get Ronan on your breast, she finally latches on, and you look up at John with tears in your eyes as he smiles at you.
“I told you that it’d work.” he says, moving closer to sit down next to you on the bed. “Wow, look at her go.”
Earlier this morning, you tried to breastfeed Ronan, but she was having none of it. She refused to latch on and only cried the more desperate you got, and she finally took a bottle instead. It’s safe to say you were a little hurt that she doesn’t seem to be latching as much as you’d like. You didn’t think breastfeeding was really something that you wanted to do, but now that it might not be an option, you’re a little bummed.
Chuckling softly, you look down at Ronan as she continues to eat, and you reach up to wipe away the tear on your cheek. Ronan wraps her tiny hand around John’s finger and grunts a little as she eats, and John rubs your back before he gets up.
“There’s the new mom,” John says as he holds up the camera, and you smile at him. “Look at how gorgeous she is.”
“Oh, zip it.” you laugh, then you look down at Ronan, “Here’s our beautiful little Ronan. I’ve had a hard time getting her to latch, but she’s just eating away right now.”
John sits down on the bed as he moves the camera closer, then he laughs when Ronan grunts a little, “She’s a very hungry little bug. How are you feeling, mom?”
You look at the camera as John turns it to face the two of you, then you lean your head against his shoulder, “Pretty good. A little bit sleepy still and incredibly hungry. I could eat a whole buffet and still be hungry, I think.”
“You deserve so much sleep and food, peach.” John smiles softly, and you smile when he leans over to kiss you, “You did so well. So proud of you.”
You smile softly, “Thank you. How about you, dad? How are you feeling?”
“I’m great.” John nods as he looks over at you, then he leans down to kiss you again, “So in love with my girls and so happy that Ronan is finally here with us.”
“She was probably sick of hearing us talk all the time, so she decided she wanted out so she can sleep in her room and be left alone.” you joke as you look down at her precious little face, “She’s just a dream though. Ronan, if you watch this in 18 years, I just want you to know that your daddy has been obsessed with you since day one.”
John chuckles as he nods, “That’s very true. You also have the smelliest diapers imaginable, so hopefully you grow out of that.”
“What if she watches this when she’s older?” you look down at Ronan as you tear up, then you laugh when you look up at John, “I’m crying just thinking about her being older. She hasn’t even been here for 24 hours yet.”
“Your mom is a very emotional woman,” John laughs, then he wraps his arm around your shoulder and kisses your temple, “And I love it.”
You inhale deeply and look down at her, “If she watches this in 18 years, she’s gonna see how crazy we’ve always been about her. Baby girl, I hope you still like me when you’re a teenager.”
“She will,” John laughs as he looks at you, “You two are gonna be best friends. Hey, do you think we’ll have another baby by the time she’s 18?”
“I hope we have at least two by the time she’s 18, and I hope we’re done having kids by then.” you laugh, then you shrug, “We have a long way to go.”
John nods, “We do.”
Ronan yawns as she kicks her legs a little since she’s done eating, and you carefully hand her over to John so he can burp her. You place a burping cloth on his shoulder and take the camera from him, then you smile as John lightly pats Ronan’s back.
“He’s got the burping technique down already.” you laugh, and John smiles at you before he leans his head against Ronan’s and closes his eyes, “Ro, you’re so lucky that you got a dad like him. Some people aren’t so lucky to get someone who loves them unconditionally, but I can tell you right now, you have a really big fan. Two big fans actually. You know, I’m pretty obsessed as well.”
John widens his eyes when Ronan burps, “Did you throw up on me?”
You let out a small laugh when you see Ronan has a little spit-up on her mouth, so you reach over and wipe it off with a cloth, “You’re all good. She just had a little spit-up on her mouth, but she’s all good now.”
“She probably needs a nap now, huh?”
“Yeah, you can just hold her. You don’t have to put her in her bed.” you say, and John smiles as he sits back in the chair with Ronan on his chest, “You could do skin to skin. Sorry if I’m pushing it and you’re uncomfortable about it.”
John laughs as he lays Ronan down on the bed, then he looks at you, “I’m not uncomfortable, I just don’t know what to do.”
“Take your shirt off and put her on your chest, that’s it. There’s so many benefits to it too. Calms and soothes baby, helps brain development and immune system, all kinds of stuff. Plus it’s just super cute to see your husband with your tiny baby on his chest.”
You smile as you watch John pull his shirt off, and you playfully wiggle your eyebrows at him. He sits back down in the chair and gets comfortable as you get Ronan undressed so you can place her on his chest, then he smiles and points at Ronan’s little diaper since it’s so tiny and cute. You get a blanket for John and cover the two of them up as he gently rubs her back, then you sit down on the bed and cry.
“Daddy and his best girl.” you say as you hold up the camera, then you walk over to get a shot of Ronan’s face, “Look at her, just so smitten with her daddy.”
“What’s she doing?”
You smile as you lean down to look at her, “Just lookin’ around.”
John gestures to the bed and looks at you, “Lay down, mouse.”
Setting the camera aside, you watch John as he gently rubs Ronan’s back and whispers quietly to her. He glances up at you and smiles when you wipe away the tear on your cheek, then he reaches over for your hand.
“I like this.”
You laugh as you nod, “It’s super cute.”
“How are you feeling, baby?” John whispers, “Do you need anything?”
“I’m tired, hungry, and I have some cramps.”
John holds Ronan tight and sits up a little as he furrows his brow, “Cramps?”
“Just a little bit.” you say, watching as John sits up more, “No, no, stop! Just stay there, babe. She likes laying with you.”
“Call a nurse.” John says, then you look over when the door opens as a nurse comes in on cue. “Excuse me, my wife says she’s having cramps.”
“I am,” you say, waving it off as she looks at you, “I know it’s normal.”
“Ibuprofen or a heating pad can help with it. Try to use the bathroom as often as you can as well.” she looks at you and leans closer, “Have you had your first bowel movement?”
You look down as your cheeks turn red, “Not yet.”
“Well, that could also be causing your cramping. We’ll keep an eye on you.” she says, then she smiles at you before she leaves the room.
You still have your head down since your cheeks are red and warm from embarrassment, and John leans down a little so he can see your face.
“Peach?” he nudges you a little to get you to look up, then he laughs when you make eye contact with him, “Don’t be embarrassed.”
“I have to use the bathroom.” you say quietly, then you look up at him and narrow your eyes a little, “I have to pee.”
John laughs quietly as he places Ronan in her bassinet, “Okay. Let me help you though.”
As you get off the bed, your leg doesn’t quite move with you and you trip a little, falling into John’s arms. He holds you up, and the look of concern on his face nearly makes you sob.
“Are you okay?”
You laugh a little, “I’m fine. My leg is asleep.”
“Gonna cause me to have a heart attack, Mrs. Wick.”
“Well, good thing we’re in a hospital.”
John follows behind you into the bathroom and keeps his back to you while you use the bathroom, but when you gasp loudly, he immediately turns around and widens his eyes in horror -- the color has drained from his face as he looks at you.
“Holy shit.” you whisper as you look at the blood in your underwear. You’ve been wearing mesh underwear that the hospital provided, but your bleeding is so bad today that you’ve bled through the pad and the diaper, and it’s soaked into your underwear. There’s a few traces of it on your sweatpants, and you sigh as you look up at John, “We’re getting much closer, aren’t we?”
John gets another mesh diaper for you, then he carefully places a new pad in it and turns around to set it on the counter before he reaches for a washcloth, “Let’s get you cleaned off first.”
“Is Ronan okay?” you ask, and John sits up a little, looking out at Ronan in the bassinet. He nods his head and you exhale in relief. “Okay.”
“Come on, baby.” John says softly, helping you up from the toilet so you can stand in the shower. He pulls your robe off and puts the washcloth under the faucet to wet it. Carefully wiping between your legs, John sighs a little when he sees the washcloth already covered in blood.
“I’m sorry.” you whisper, a little embarrassed.
John rinses the cloth out and gets it wet again, “Don’t be sorry, this isn’t your fault. I just want to help you.”
You reach out and touch John’s cheek as he looks up at you, “Thank you, baby.”
“It’s nothing.” he says, then he focuses back on getting you cleaned up. He washes away the blood, then he grabs a dry towel to dry you off. Taking your hands, he helps you out of the shower and kisses your cheek before he helps you get back into your hideous and embarrassing diaper. “Are you good?”
“Uh,” you shrug a little, keeping your head down and avoiding John’s gaze, “Just…embarrassed. What’s new?”
John chuckles a little as he puts your robe back on, “Hey, we’ve done this before.”
“That’s true.” you nod as you walk back out to Ronan, then your wrap your robe around yourself.
Walking over to Ronan’s bassinet, you smile as you look down at your sweet little girl just looking around the room with her big brown eyes. John wraps his arms around your waist and hugs you close to his chest, then he reaches out and place his hand on Ronan’s tummy.
“My girls.”
The rumors are true: babies do smell good! She smells like baby shampoo and milk. You want to drink in this moment as much as you can; your tiny daughter in your arms. Finally! Ronan’s sweet little brown eyes are darting around the room until you talk to her, then her gaze is on you. She obviously can’t quite see you yet, but you like to think she can. She knows who her mom is, that’s for sure.
Ronan is grunting and snorting a little as she wiggles around in your arms, and you smile to yourself as you look at her, “Oh, baby, you’re going to be just like your daddy. He never stops moving.”
Your mom and dad came up to see you again, but they didn’t stay for long since they knew you were getting a little tired. Tess is still here, but she and Jimmy brought Finn down to the cafeteria to grab some food while you took a short nap, and John is on his way back up from walking your parents to their car.
You hear his footsteps getting closer and look up just as he walks into the room, “There’s daddy.”
John puts his hand over his heart and smiles, “Best sight I’ve ever seen.”
“I can’t wait to go home.” you laugh, “Bleu is going to be so excited to meet his little sister.”
John sits down on the bed next to you then he wraps his arm around your shoulder and pulls you into his arms, looking down at Ronan, “He was pretty calm around Finn, but I think he’s gonna know that this was the baby that was in your stomach. Dogs are smart.”
“Oh, he’ll know,” you bounce Ronan a little and she wiggles around, “They’re going to be best friends. He’s gonna protect her too, I just know it.”
Finn is giggling loudly as he runs into the room and he trips over his feet, nearly landing on his face, but thankfully John is close enough and he catches him right before his face hits the floor. John picks him up and tosses him in the air, and Finn laughs loudly.
“Finny James,” you look up at him and smile, “Hi, buddy. Do you want to meet your cousin?”
Finn has no idea what’s he saying yes to, but he nods his head anyway. John sits at the foot of the bed, and you scoot closer to them. Finn sees Ronan in your arms and leans over, almost in her face.
“Baby.” he says, and without any influence from anyone in the room, he leans over and kisses her on the cheek.
Tess kneels down next to the bed and looks at Finn, “That’s Ronan, your cousin. Uncle John and Aunt Goose had a baby.”
“Okay, first of all, Aunt Goose has got to go.” you laugh, shoving Tess’ shoulder a little.
“Baby, baby, baby…” Finn says, repeatedly, then he reaches out for Jimmy when he sees him, “Dada.”
“Wide vocabulary as you can see.” Tess laughs as she stands up, “When can you two leave?”
John presses a kiss to Ronan’s cheek, then kisses you as he stands up, “We just need to get her first tests done, then we can leave after the results. Should be home by this evening.”
“I won’t lie though, I’m a little nervous. My bleeding is pretty bad and my cramps are too.”
Tess gasps as she pulls something out of her purse, “Oh, that reminds me. Here. Put some drops into your water and it’ll help ease the pain.”
You take the bottle from her and hand it to John to put your bag, “Thank you. I’ll try anything at this point.”
“Well, we’ll get out of your way since you’re heading home soon. Call me if you need anything at all, I’d be more than happy to run out and get anything.” Tess says as she leans down to hug you, “Bye, Miss Ronan.”
You hold up Ronan a little and grab her little arm to make her wave, “Bye.”
Thankfully Ronan passed all of her newborn tests, so you were discharged a little earlier than you though you’d be. She was so good during all of her tests but of course you and John were a little nervous. But she’s good, which was such a relief to hear!
John is carrying Ronan in her car seat and smiling proudly every time someone sees her. You’ve already received several compliments and you’re not even out of the hospital yet. John is holding Ronan in one hand and about three bags in the other, and he’s walking as slowly as he can alongside you, which you know he’s dying to pick up the pace.
“You’re an angel, Jonathan.”
John scoffs, “No, I’m being a decent person and walking next to my wife who just had a baby.”
The nurse who is pushing you in the wheelchair lets out a small laugh, and you shake your head a little. They all think John is just the sweetest man to ever come into the hospital, which you have to admit, he is. Even your nurse this morning told you how some guys come in with their wives and act like it’s such an inconvenience to be there. She said it’s refreshing to see how involved some dads are getting nowadays. John was very happy with that compliment.
A young nurse in mint green scrubs holds the elevator for you and John, and she smiles when you look up at her. She notices Ronan in her car seat and she waves at her, “Hi. Oh, she’s beautiful.”
“Thank you.” you and John say, and John smiles proudly as he looks over you.
“First one?” she laughs, “I can see the joy and fear on your faces. Congratulations.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” John smiles.
John presses a kiss to the top of your head, then tilts his head back against the elevator. He’s exhausted, but he’d never say anything. You’re already putting together a plan in your head to get John to fall asleep once you’re home.
When the elevator dings, John slings a bag over his shoulder and grabs the other two to carry, but you take one from him instead and place it in your lap. You give him a reassuring smile when you look at him and he nods. He picks up the car seat, and the two of you make your way to the car, which is parked out front. The nurse carefully helps you out of the wheelchair, then she places her hand on your back to make sure that you're okay to stand on your own.
You look over your shoulder at her and smile, “Thank you so much.”
“You three take care.” she says, then she watches as John gets Ronan in the car.
John is focusing hard as he buckles Ronan in, and he smiles when he sees her fast asleep. After he gets her all buckled in, he walks over to the passenger’s side and helps you into the backseat.
“Oh, good.” you laugh, “I was hoping you knew I wanted to sit back here with her. Just for the first car ride. I won’t always be back here.”
John chuckles and helps you get buckled, then he leans up to kiss you, “Let’s go home.”
“Actually…” you perk up, “I was hoping you’d stop and pick up some food for us.”
“Okay, we’ll get something to eat…” John laughs, “Then let’s go home.”
Walking into the house feels so different now that you’re walking in with a newborn baby. John is carrying her in, of course, but it’s so weird. You both laugh when you realize it’s the first time home with a newborn, but there is a little part of you that is sad over the fact that it’s the last time you and John will ever just be you and John. It’s right though. Having a baby with him, it’s everything you wanted.
You set your bag down and smile as you look back at John, then you head into the kitchen and gasp when you see the ‘welcome home Ronan’ sign, the flowers and balloons, along with food and treats your family has made for you and even some cards and gifts. You walk over and read the small blue tupperware that has a note from Amanda on it, and you open it to find some delicious looking brownies.
“This will last for two days,” you whisper, then you take one out and close your eyes as the chocolate melts in your mouth. “Mm…”
“You eatin’ treats without us?” John ask as he walks in with Ronan in his arms, then he takes a bite of your brownie when you offer it to him, “Oh, that’s good.”
You smile as you look down at Ronan, then you kiss her head, “She’s so perfect.”
“She is,” John nods, then he kisses your forehead, “Why don’t we just relax for a little bit?”
“Sounds good.” you make your way out to the living room, then you sit down and smile when John hands Ronan to you since she’s probably getting hungry.
John sits down next to you while you get Ronan ready to eat, then you look over at him and laugh when he leans down to kiss her cheek and your boob since it’s right there. You close your eyes and hum as you relax back on the couch, then you look down at Ronan and smile when you see her eating away.
“Feels right, doesn’t it?” John asks, and you look at him, “Us with a baby, it feels right.”
“It does,” you nod as you lean over to kiss him, then you rest with your head against his shoulder. “How many nights did we sit here and say that we can’t wait for a night like this? A night where we just sit on the couch and watch a movie with our little girl in our arms. This house was always meant to be for us three.”
John runs his fingers through your hair and kisses your temple, “Yes, it was.”
Bleu has been staying with Jimmy and Tess all last night and all today, and John said he wanted to get you and Ronan settled before he let Bleu into the house since he knows Bleu won’t be able to contain himself when he sees you.
John left about 20 minutes ago to get him, and you’ve been left alone with Ronan. It’s nice to spend time with her, but you really do miss John. Having him and Ronan in your arms is a feeling you never knew existed. Everything feels right when you’re all together.
Ronan is laying in her bassinet, and she’s been nearly silent the whole time. She finally lets out one big cry and whimpers a little, which you’ve learned is her way of telling you that she either needs to be fed or changed. You lean closer to see what’s going on with her, and you instantly smell it: a dirty diaper.
Quickly changing Ronan, you put her little outfit back on and walk to the window with her in your arms when you see John and Bleu on their way up the driveway. Bleu is happily wagging his tail, and when John sees you in the window, he waves and smiles.
“Okay, baby girl, you’re gonna meet your big brother now.” you say as you sit down with Ronan on the couch, placing her next to you in her dock-a-tot.
John pokes his head in the door and looks at you, “Ready?”
As soon as Bleu sees you, he wags his tail fast and starts to run over to you, but John grabs his collar and holds tight to it, hoping it’ll help him be a little calmer. It’s a little flattering how much Bleu loves you.
“I don’t want him to jump on you and hurt you.” John walks closer to you, still holding Bleu by his collar. He kneels in front of the couch, and you reach out to pet Bleu. “He missed you.”
“Hi, baby.” you place a kiss on his snout and rub his ears. He’s trying to crawl into your lap, but his attention turns to Ronan when he notices her.
Bleu sniffs her cautiously, then whimpers a little as he sniffs her face. When Ronan makes a little noise, Bleu perks up and tilts his head to the side like he’s so perplexed by this tiny little human, and he carefully crawls onto the couch on the other side of Ronan and immediately lays down by her with his head next to hers.
“Well…” John laughs and sits on the coffee table, “That was better than I expected.”
You nod as you wipe away a tear on your cheek, “Yeah.”
“Why are you crying?” John asks as he sits between you and Ronan. He pulls your legs over his lap and wraps his left arm around your back to pull you closer, “Are you okay? Are you happy?”
“Yes! I am so happy.” you laugh, cupping John’s face, “We’re just…we’re a little family now. I’ve always felt like you and I were already a family, but…”
“We have a daughter now.”
You nod, “Yeah. We made a freaking human being.”
John presses his lips to yours, savoring the taste for a moment. He looks down at Ronan and reaches out to rub her belly, and Bleu scoots closer, waiting for John to pet him.
“Uh oh, sibling rivalry.” you laugh.
Ronan begins to wiggle around, and Bleu instantly freezes as he looks down at her. He sniffs her face, then gives her a tiny little kiss that makes you and John nearly melt. He’s absolutely amazing with Ronan--just like you know he’d be.
You get off the couch and pick up Ronan to put her in the bassinet next to the couch. You already tried to get up the stairs when you get home and it’s just too painful right now, so John insisted that the two of you sleep in the guest bedroom.
John snaps his fingers, then gets off the couch and runs up the stairs. You hear him shuffling around some paper as you get Ronan situated, and you look up at John as he walks back down the stairs with a small gift bag in his hand.
“Oh, yes, my anniversary gift.” you laugh as you sit back on the couch, reaching out for it, “I almost forgot.”
John sits next to you on the couch and hands you the bag, then presses a kiss to your cheek, “I got you two things, but I want you to open this one first. You’re going to love this.”
You pull out a card and cover your face with your hand, “I’m going to cry, aren’t I?”
John smiles smugly, “Probably.”
Taking a deep breath, you open the card and a folded up letter falls out, and you reach for John’s hand as you unfold it and read it:
Peach, I never knew what I was missing in my life until I laid eyes on you. I knew instantly that you were going to be the one to change my entire life, and I was perfectly fine with that. I wanted it. I wanted you. I have always craved this sense of normalcy and I am so lucky to have found you. Because you gave it to me. You give me everything I want and more. You’re pregnant with our first child right now, and as I’m writing this letter, you’re fast asleep next to me on the couch. You are an absolute angel.
Your eyes are blurred from the tears, so you put the letter down for a moment so you can wipe them away. John presses a kiss to your shoulder, then leans his head against it.
Baby, you are everything to me, and not a day goes by where I don’t thank my lucky stars that you walked into my life. I love you more than I could ever put into words, but I hope you know it and I hope you feel it when we’re together. I can’t wait to start this next chapter in our lives, and I can’t wait to see you being a mom. I love you so much, mouse. Happy anniversary, baby. Yours always, Jonathan.
You’re trying to be as quiet as you can since Ronan is falling asleep, and you bury your face in John’s chest as you start to cry. John is pressing kisses to your head and he tilts your head back to look at you, and he has tears in his eyes when your gazes meet. The perfect man.
“I love you so much. I hope you know it and feel it when we’re together.” you whisper against his lips, “I love you so much, Jonathan. You’re my everything.”
After taking a few moments to calm down, you hold up the bag and smile as John laughs.
“I really think you’re going to love this. It’s not your anniversary gift really, more like a push present.”
You reach your hand into the bag and pull out a small navy blue box, then you pop it open to find a silver ring inside, engraved with a J and an R.
“Look, it’s got a J and a heart, then an R. Jonathan and Ronan.” he says, and you smile as you slide it onto your finger, then you press a kiss to it. John cups your face and laughs, “I love you.”
“I love you!” you smile, then you scoot off the couch and walk over to the guest bedroom.
“Still hiding my presents in there?”
You laugh as you come back to the living room, “Yeah. Mostly because you’re too good of a man to try and sneak a peek of what I’m hiding.”
John chuckles, “Pretty much.”
Sitting back down on the couch, you hand John a small wooden box and raise your eyebrows, “One year wedding anniversary theme is paper, so…I mean, technically it’s not paper, but it kind of is. You’ll see.”
You watch as John carefully opens the wooden box, then he reaches in and pulls out a stack of photos. He furrows his brow as he looks at you, then he looks through them and holds them tight to his chest as his cheeks turn red.
You laugh, “Like them?”
“Peach!” he looks at you and laughs a little, then he looks down at the pictures, “You got…”
“Boudoir photos done, yeah.” you laugh, leaning over to look at the sexy pictures of yourself lounged in various positions in lingerie. “Do you like them?”
John holds up a shot of you laying on your stomach as you ‘pull’ your underwear down, “Holy shit.”
“Yeah, there’s some pretty…spicy ones in there,” you say as John sifts through them, then he gasps when he sees one of your bare breasts behind a wet window, “The woman who took them was really nice and made me feel really comfortable too, and I had Tess with me, which is kind of weird, seeing as what I’m doing and how I’m posing, but she hyped me up too. They both made me feel really comfortable.”
“Wow…” John chuckles as he looks over at you, “You are a very sexy woman. I gotta stop looking at these. My jeans are getting tight.”
You shrug bashfully, “Thought you’d like them. I wasn’t pregnant at the time. I didn’t know when we’d be pregnant. These were from last fall, like shortly after we got married. I knew I wanted to do that for our first anniversary. I wanted to do something out of my comfort zone, and this most certainly was.”
John sifts through the pictures again and picks a new favorite one every time he looks through them, then he shakes his head, “I love this one.”
“Yeah, I knew you would.” you smile as you look at the picture of yourself laying on stomach and smiling softly at the camera.
“It’s the dimple.” you both say at the same time, and John laughs.
John holds up the picture and kisses it, then he puts it aside and sets the box on the table, “This one is tame. I want it in the frame on my nightstand. Definitely putting those others in the safe.”
“Yeah, for sure.”
“And one last present for my girl. Happy anniversary.”
You take the small box from John and pop it open, and your gaze lands on a delicate silver necklace with a paper crane on it.
“Paper,” he smiles, taking it out of the box to put it around your neck. “They say that paper cranes are a symbol of good luck.”
“I’ve only had good luck since we met,” you whisper as you turn around to look at him. “Sorry, I didn’t get you more stuff. I gave you a baby yesterday on our anniversary, so that should be enough for the rest of our lives, right? I’m off the hook for anniversary gifts forever!”
John chuckles as he shifts in place a little to face you, “Being back in a hospital is not somewhere I ever pictured myself being again. I mean, we were when you had your hemorrhage, but…”
You cover your mouth with your hand and gasp, “Jonathan, I didn’t even think about that.”
“One of the last times I was in a hospital, I said goodbye to a life; a life that I so badly wanted. But this time…” John smiles, “This time I welcomed a new life. I watched my favorite person in the world bring my other favorite person into this world. You and Ronan are the best gifts I’ve ever received. Happy anniversary, peach.”
A smile quickly spreads across your face, and you laugh quietly as you lean closer to John’s face to kiss him. John pulls Ronan’s bassinet closer, then he presses a kiss to your cheek.
“This is all I want for the rest of my life.”
You scoot away from John a little and pat your lap, “Come here.”
John grabs the remote off the table before he lays his head in your lap, and he turns on the show the two of you were planning on watching before you went into labor. You lean down to kiss John’s forehead, and you move his hair out of his face and slowly scratch his scalp. Smiling to yourself, you relax on the couch and within minutes, you hear John snoring softly as your eyes flicker shut.
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taglist: @aragornswife | @angie-20000 | @youusunshineyoutemptress | @possum-named-rats | @n0ffitar | @purrrple-cat | @callmeglenncoco | @ficsnroses @that-one-writer | @tnu-ree | @midnightwhirlpool | @star017 | @sakurachan-9​
hi! if you’re reading this, uh let me know if you want to be added onto my new taglist. i feel like i need to update it, so let me know! just shoot me a message or just reply (i’ll probably post about it before i update next too!)
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bthump · 2 years
This is the first time I ask something, but I love your takes on Griffith and every griffguts related analysis soo I was wondering, what would you like to see in berserk’s next chapters? Ever since it was announced the manga was going to continue I felt morbid to see Casca taking lead of the whole plot because of her hatred towards Griffith, but I’m not sure if that’s something I’d really like, nor how it’d go, neither if Casca even will feel such an intense hate for Griffith (sorry if there are grammatical mistakes, English isn’t my first language)
Thank you very much!
My biggest hope and dream is that Casca will use the behelit, sacrifice moonbaby - possibly along with Griffith as a package deal, which presumably wouldn't kill Griff but may inconvenience him - and become an apostle out for revenge.
I think it would be a perfect way to turn the story dark again, incite Guts to lose it himself and be taken over by the armour, give Casca something active to do, and demonstrate her trauma in an epic, story-altering way.
I don't think Casca is going to take over as protagonist though - she'll still be a secondary character no matter what happens, I'm sure. But I do hope that she does something major that drives the plot forward and changes things up, and I can't imagine anything more fitting.
Like if the only payoff to twenty years of regression thanks to demon rape trauma is that she yells at Griffith and cries I will be thoroughly unimpressed lol. I can't imagine a moment we've been building toward for 200 chapters in a story all about revenge and despair coming down to an exchange of words, you know? This is exactly the type of feeling Miura invented behelits to express.
Plus it's a perfect way to give Casca's trauma the significance it deserves without actually having to write a realistically traumatized woman lol, which Miura seemed pretty averse to doing.
And I do definitely think that she will hate Griffith. I don't think forgiveness is on the table, I don't think she'll want to move on and live her life in peace away from him, I don't think "Your wish may not be her wish" refers to Casca wanting to settle down and raise a family and Guts wanting revenge, or Casca wanting to rejoin Griffith, or anything like that.
Like, maybe that's wishful thinking lol because I would hate any of those things, but I genuinely do think that the idea with Skull Knight's warning there is that Guts is the one who wants to be able to move on when he restores Casca's mind but Casca is not going to be his nostalgic comfort object. We already saw hints of that with the way she can't look at him, frustrating Guts ("What the hell am I going to do now?") and I think it's going to come to a head in the next few chapters.
Plus the way Casca was more readily able to blame Griffith during the Eclipse, expresing anger while Guts only expressed sad resignation... I can easily see Casca actually wanting revenge more than Guts ever did. And man there's something nicely poetic about Griffith having originally been the one to show her that she can fight back and kill the men who want to hurt her, and Casca describing herself as his sword back in the day, if now she's the one after revenge. And then you have Guts' musing in the cave in chapter 130 that he doesn't deserve to get revenge on behalf of the Hawks since he abandoned them - compare that to Judeau and Pippin saving Casca, demanding that she survive because she represents the Hawks. I would love to see her take over the revenge aspect of the story.
tbh though I don't really know what Casca might do in detail if she does become an apostle - it couldn't just be Ganishka 2.0. I think that Skull Knight and Danann are planning for this to happen so I guess maybe I see her becoming a weapon for them? Yk they can give her magic power ups or whatever and aim her at Falconia and see what happens. I envision this as negative, like Elfhelm/SK essentially turns out to be an antagonistic force here using Guts and Casca for their own ends. But that's about all the detail I got for this theory.
Thanks for the ask!
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pastafossa · 3 years
Can I ask what you used to learn & practice to write the way you do because a) I'd also like to improve my writing and b) because you are one of the most talented & extraordinary writer I've EVER come across on A03
Thank you so, so much, I'm honored! 😭 I can, absolutely!
So a big thing I used to learn writing is, I read a ton (had way more time for it a few years ago, but that's where a lot of the foundation was). And one of my English professors once told me, 'if you want to write a novel or story, go back and read your favorite books, but read them as a writer and not just as a reader'. And once I did, I understood what she meant. I'd read back over these books I loved, only now I was looking for why I loved them so much (and I still do this some when reading). If something hit me emotionally hard, why? Was it the body language? Their emphasis on description? If they set up an elaborate, 'SURPRISE!', how was it done? How did they lay clues? How did the author write this out? It helps a ton to look at the structural framework of something you love, and so one of the things you can easily use, that I used, is literally just your favorite books. My favorite series is Dresden Files, for example, and that's where I learned a lot about how one can write internal dialogue, action scenes, and laying clues. I also try to read books by popular authors (that I enjoy, don't get me wrong) so I can look at their techniques and hunt down new things to try. <3
Second, I'm going to rec one of my favorite books that helped me with learning to write emotions (which anyone who's read TRT knows I focus on fairly regularly). I literally always write with this nearby: The Emotion Thesaurus. The 1st edition I have has 75 emotions, and each has a connected list of physical body language signals, internal sensations, mental responses, cues of acute or long-term feeling of that emotion, and cues of suppression of that emotion. The 2nd edition now has 130 emotions (haven't had a chance to look through that one yet). That book helped teach me about linking emotion to sensory descriptions - physical, mental, internal, and then with time or suppression.
Third: if anywhere near you or online has a free class on creative writing and you have the time, I'd give it a shot! I took a fair amount of English classes in college, admittedly, but even once I was done, I kept an eye out and I've managed to get into some free or cheap classes. Some are pretty terrible, a lot are just middle of the road, and then every once in a while you get an amazing one where you hear hysterical gems like, "your job as an author is to cause pain. Embrace it! You're a sadist now," and then you learn how to torment characters with unique acts of suffering. So there's always something to learn, even in the terrible classes (it's sometimes just, 'don't do this one thing').
Writers Groups! I have had some very kind and very honest writers groups over the years that have helped me learn where my weaknesses were as a writer. One of my biggest issues used to be overdescription of everything (I wish I was joking, RIP to my early readers), and I didn't even realize it was a problem until I joined a writers group and they pointed out that things were a bit unnecessarily wordy.
Grammarly is something I use for every chapter. I generally edit my chapter, paste it into Grammarly, and then it hits me with a newspaper points out politely where I can take out some unnecessary commas. Grammarly reminds me not to get cocky. Grammarly humbles us all.
Those have been my biggest resources on learning over the years: published books I loved, books like The Emotion Thesaurus, taking writing classes whenever I could, writers groups, and Grammarly. I try to consider myself a constant student, always learning! After that, it's just practice-practice-practice. Pastafossa is, I think my third pseudonym over ohgodtoomanyyears of writing fanfic and original stories on and off. In the beginning, my fanfiction was terrible (seriously, I found some the other day on an old hard drive and, good god 😂). I've tried my hand at one-shots, parody (I wrote a bad smut fic for Dragon Age a while back and LORD that was wild), humor, prompt challenges. Try everything! Some of it will fail miserably, but much like the terrible writing classes, at least you learn something, and then you use that for next time. ❤️
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 157. brb x oc
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a/n: 😬 well, it was getting too fluffy anyway (reblogs and comments are super encouraged <3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fluff then um...well!
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @genius2050
He was a bit wrong.
Mav didn’t faint but he did cry. Quite a lot, he stood up and hugged both of them while crying, literally sobbing. He was happy, very happy by the new pregnancy. Was it a bit shocking? Of course it was, but Maverick didn’t complain about it, he just said they’d do a great job…and that bring them back to the conversation Bradley wanted to have with Bea.
With Pete back home and the three of them alone, Rooster sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed with Nicole, Beatrice walking away to take her shower and get ready for the night, “Gorgeous.”
“I was thinking,” he begins, playing with Nicole’s tiny hands and smiling as she gurgles at him and he leans back on the bed to keep her on his chest, letting his daughter sit on his stomach and hold onto his fingers, “Since I’ll…leave soon…we should go out. You know, on a date.”
There’s a sudden stop of any movement from the bathroom, Beatrice comes out wearing only her robe and with her clothes for the night in her hold, “Oh?”
“Yeah, it’s been a while since we did that.”
She chuckled in confusion, “So, the one week in Virginia wasn’t a date?”
“No, it was family time.”
“Hmmmm…” she squints her eyes suspiciously at him, ‘Do you have anything in mind then? Anything I should think about?”
“Not yet,since I don’t know when I’m going, only that’ll be soon.” he explains, watching her go back into the bathroom, leaving him and Nicole, ‘I want us to have some time with Nikki,” his daughter smiles, maybe she already knows her name? “And then I’ll spend time with you.”
“Aw,Brad, you are so sweet.” she says as the doors close just enough to leave a creak open so they could speak to one another “...well,okay, if it works for you. I don’t want you to worry about it, you know I’d love anything you give me.”
“I know.” he says, gently swaying Nicole side to side, as if she was on a beat and his little girl laughs harder, “But…let me pamper my wife.”
“As if you don’t do it already.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
There’s a pause. “...no.”
He smirks as he kisses Nicole on the cheek. Maybe this was a bit too much, but he couldn’t really deny he wouldn’t like it. The idea of spending time with his girls was too much for him to ignore, he loved them, desperately so and all he wanted was to have it, this moment, with them without worries.
So yeah, he can do that. Even better, he will do that. “Come on Nikki, let’s get you covered up.” he sits on the bed in one swift movement that makes her laugh even more. He smiles, nuzzling her neck as he takes her out of the master bedroom, ‘God I’ll miss that giggle.”
“Yes, dada will miss you a lot.” he coos as he kisses her hands, then her little nose, “Dada will never forget you when he’s away, you’ll never forget daddy either,right?” Nicole gurgles, hugging his face and giving the ‘gummy kisses’ she’s so used to doing, making the pilot laugh as he brings her closer to his chest.
He opens one of her dresser’s drawers, pulling out a small seafoam colored coat with tiny ducks on it, “Are we feeling ducks?” he holds for her to see, making Nicole turn towards the garment and reach for it, grabbing it tightly in her small hand, “We are feeling ducks. Good.” he places Nicole on the changing table, his little girl already knowing how to sit was a feat he never grew tired of, in fact he loved how she had both of her hands on top of her lap like a little lady, watching him move around.
He slides the coat on her little arms, fixing the collar and rubbing his hand on the soft duck patches on the fabric, ‘There we go.” he smirks, keeping eye to eye contact with Nicole, ‘You look absolutely perfect.” she giggles in a high pitched tone, clapping her little hands and letting him pick her up one more time, “You know, I think I’m gonna surprise mama tonight, what do you think?”
“Since we are both staying, hm? We can go get her a little something.”
“Yes,I knew you’d like that.” he comes back to their bedroom only to find Beatrice already had her pants on and was currently putting on her earrings, muttering to herself as she walks around the room. She does notice them, giving the two a brief smile and then tugs the sneakers from under the bed, “Look.” he holds Nicole in front of him like she’s Simba, “Doesn’t she look adorable?”
Beatrice looks up from sliding her shoe and smiles, “She does,Roos.” she says, “Are you sure it’ll be okay for you to stay tonight?’
“I am sure.” he says, “Are you sure you will be okay?”
“I am.” she smiles even more, “Believe me,I have to tell Penny about it and tonight is the only night I can do so.” she explains as she’s finished, pulling her hair up in a ponytail, “Then, well, I think she’ll let me work until I reach…five months? Pretty much? Or less, last time it was like that, so…”
“As long you don’t get hurt or worry too much about it.”
Beatrice tilts her head at him, adoration on her face as she turns her body partially towards him, one hand on her hip, “You are too sweet.”
“I have to be.” he smirks, “Cause so are you.”
“If we continue with this I might never leave, so,” she grabs her bag to slide the strap over her shoulder, “Shall we?”
Nicole was sitting on the couch next to Rooster and the dogs, he was actually finishing some reports he chose to do when he got home since it wasn’t that hard to finish it up. He did flick his eyes from the paper to Nicole from time to time, her eyes locked on Dr.Chimp’s colorful episode, her little mouth slack as she supported her body on Eleanor’s large canine head, the white dog didn’t seem to care.
Rooster smirks, checking his phone briefly to see if Beatrice was alright - she hadn’t sent him any messages yet so he assumed the bar was full and she had no time…and he shouldn’t worry, that was going to be okay. He was going to be okay,right? He was, he had Nicole, he had the tv and the dogs and he had…a few reports to finish, so he should do it now. 
“Someone told me the amount of reports you did while in the Navy,” he mutters, “And I was dumb enough to not believe them.” he turns to Nikki who just looks back at him with her large green eyes, “You should always believe in people Nikki…well not always, but when it comes to a job you want, you should trust the ones who’ve been there longer, you hear?”
“Damn right, baby girl.” he taps her nose with his index finger, “Damn right.”
Rooster returns his attention to the reports, focusing on the task at hand. The soft glow of the lamp casts a warm ambiance in the room, and the dogs curl up at his feet, providing a sense of companionship. As he delves into his work, his mind wanders to the upcoming deployment and the challenges that lie ahead.
He knows that being away from Beatrice and Nicole will be difficult. The thought of leaving them behind fills him with a mixture of pride and anxiety. But he's determined to fulfill his duty and return to them safely. They are his motivation to persevere through any obstacles that may come his way.
Was it going to be extremely hard no matter how often he thinks about it?
Was he going to manage it?
He frowns a bit, tapping the end of his pen against the pile of papers, rubbing his chin with his free hand. This…deployment seemed different, not only there were the new pilots and the seasoned ones, but everything was so hush-hush that Rooster didn’t know what to expect. The uncertainty gnawed at him, adding an extra weight to his already heavy heart. He knew he couldn't control the circumstances or the challenges that awaited him, but he could control how he approached them.
Rooster took a deep breath, pursing his lips as he taps the pen against the paper one more time. He glanced over at the wedding photos on the nearby shelf—the moments frozen in time, filled with love and laughter, he remembers that day vividly, and next to it were the newborn pictures of Nicole. She looked like a tiny little burrito…in fact, one of his favorite photos was exactly like that. 
He should know more about this mission, if he was to lead a team, he had to know more. He tried asking others about it, but they were as much in the dark as he was. He knew that the younger pilots’ presence could only mean that they were also there to learn…so would it really be that dangerous? 
As he closed his eyes, memories flashed through his mind—training exercises, difficult missions, moments of triumph and moments of loss. 
It could be very dangerous.
“Aaa.Dada.” Nicole’s gentle voice breaks him out of his thoughts, her tiny hand holding onto his shirt and her big green eyes focused on him, “Buh buh, aa?”
“...what? Oh,” he checks the time, “Oh shit,we gotta eat,Nikki.” he was glad there was an excuse for him to stop filling those reports right now, picking Nicole up and taking her to the kitchen.
Rooster carries Nicole into the kitchen, a smile playing on his lips as she babbles and points at various objects around the room, she has no idea what they are but seeing them makes her very vocal. He sets her down in her high chair, making sure she's secure before starting to prepare their meal.
He decides that cooking tonight could be an even better distraction. As he rummages through the fridge, searching for ingredients, Nicole watches him with wide-eyed curiosity. She claps her hands and babbles excitedly, eager to participate in whatever her dada is doing. 
Rooster chuckles and hands her a plastic spoon to play with, knowing it will keep her entertained while he cooks. “You can’t help me yet, baby girl, but,” he leans down to meet her eyes, “When you are older, we can work on it.”
Nicole giggles as she shakes her spoon happily, bouncing a bit on the chair as Rooster goes back to the task at hand.
He begins chopping vegetables, the rhythmic sound of the knife against the cutting board filling the air and the lovely sound of Nicole babbling. It was just going to be a stir fry, because it was quick and he could have it with Nicole…and Beatrice loved it. The familiar scent of spices and herbs wafts through the kitchen, creating an atmosphere of comfort.
He needed that, just so he could push the thoughts aside, just for a second.Cooking has always been a way for him to find solace, he got that from his mother. During college he mainly lived off Cup Noodles and fast food. “...because I was heavily depressed.” he muttered to himself arching his brows up high, “Fuckin’ bad,I swear. Don’t eat noodles like that Nikki, it’s bad for you.”
“Yes, bad for you…but they do taste good sometimes.” he is just trying to ease his mind…who else would wonder what this mission was about? Maybe…Jake? No, he doesn’t know. Payback? Nah…neither does Maverick, “I hate being kept in the dark like that, it doesn’t help during the mission.” he says, glancing over at his daughter, who is now happily banging the spoon against her high chair tray, "I know honey, it sucks.”
“Anyway, while this cooks, what are you feeling tonight? How about,” he opens the fridge, looking around the space for a few seconds, “How about some…uhhhh carrot and sweet potato?’ he grabs the container and checks the label, “Seems nice,I think your nonna made this one, it’s…heavy.” God bless Beatrice’s parents because even like that they always wanted to help.
Rooster chuckles at Nicole's enthusiastic babbling, amused by her antics. He takes the container of carrot and sweet potato baby food from the fridge, inspecting it and reading the label before he heats it up in the microwave. He appreciates the effort put in by Beatrice's parents to help out, even if it means sometimes the food can be a bit heavy for his taste.
But it is pretty good, he did try it a few times with Beatrice.
He keeps an eye on the stove and on the microwave, obviously the microwave is faster and he’s able to grab it to take it towards Nicole"Well, Nikki, let's give it a try, shall we?" he says, scooping a small portion of the carrot and sweet potato mash onto a spoon. He blows on it gently to cool it down before bringing it towards Nicole's waiting mouth.
Nicole opens her mouth eagerly, her eyes fixated on the spoon, eyes crossed and little hands on the tray. Rooster carefully feeds her the first spoonful, watching her reaction closely. As she tastes the new flavor, her face goes from ‘what the hell is this’ to ‘oh this is not so bad!’. She smacks her lips and babbles happily, clearly enjoying the combination of carrots and sweet potatoes.
"Looks like we have a winner!" Rooster exclaims, smiling at his daughter's enthusiastic response. He continues feeding her, making sure to go at a pace that she's comfortable with, allowing her to explore and savor each spoonful. “You are just such a fancy little girl,huh? When your mom and I were kids? The shit we had should’ve been radioactive, but here we are.”
His own food is done by the time he’s still feeding Nicole and he can, amazingly, multitask. He does pause every now and again to make sure Nikki was enjoying herself - okay he does get one bite and blinks hard ‘holy shit, this shouldn’t be so good’. His brain is now less worried, the thought was still there but there was no way he was going to let it ruin his night with Nicole.
Maybe he could get some of the flowers from their garden and set it for Beatrice, “She’d hate it though, so maybe not.”
“I know honey,I know.” he gives her another spoonful just as he takes another bite.Rooster continues to feed Nicole, savoring the taste of his own meal in between.
Rooster finishes feeding Nicole and sets aside her empty bowl alongside his in the sink, before coming back to wipe her mouth and hands with a cloth. He scoops her up once she’s clean and carries her with him out of the kitchen just after he turns the dishwasher on.
“There we go.” he sets her down back on her spot on the couch, surrounded by the dogs and he goes back to his reports, turning the tv back to Dr.Chimp. He sighs, continuing to file his reports with his head much lighter and his stomach fuller, thinking how he could surprise Beatrice when she gets home.
She needs something good, that’s for sure.
His line of thought stops when the phone rings, luckily it was close enough for him to reach it. It was strange to receive a call so late at night, but he does pick it up, ‘Bradshaw household, Bradley speaking.”
“Leo,hi. What a surprise.”
“...i-is my sister home?”
“Bea? No she’s working tonight, why?”
“Fuck,I forgot she had work! Shit!Fuck–”
He had never heard Leonardo so…distraught, almost in tears. He stands up straighter on the couch, ‘What’s going on?”
“Fuck.Brad…it’s dad. Our dad, he–h-he’s in the hospital.”
Rooster's heart drops at Leonardo's words, an unbearable silence taking over. The news about Rafael being in the hospital catches him completely off guard, so much he loses his voice for a few seconds. He struggles to find the right words to respond, his voice filled with genuine concern.
"What? Leo, slow down. What happened to him? Is he okay?" Rooster asks, his voice laced with urgency.
Leonardo takes a shaky breath on the other end of the line before responding. "I...I don't know all the details yet. Mom found him unconscious at home. She called an ambulance, and they rushed him to the hospital. They think it might be a heart attack or something... I'm on my way there now. I-I wanted to let Bea know,I contacted Mike and Mari, but…"
Rooster's mind whirls as he tries to process the news. Concern for his father-in-law floods his thoughts, and he can't help but feel a sense of helplessness being so far away.
As he stands there, alone in the living room, Rooster's mind goes back to the romantic evening he had planned for Beatrice. But now, everything feels different. His focus shifts to how he’ll break the news to her…and…during her delicate state, “....fffuck…fuck.”
“...do you want me to take Bea there?”
“...i…yeah, it’d be nice. She…well, if– I can call-”
“No,no, no it’s fine. I’ll give her a call.” fuck how is he going to break that up to her? She was pregnant. How is he going to tell her that her father is in the hospital?? And while she’s at work? “Fuck-fuck, no it’s,I can call her.”
“...thanks Brad.I-I’ll keep you updated,okay?”
“Yeah,yeah sure. Thanks Leo…bye.” his hand feels heavy as he sets the phone down, keeping his palm on top as his eyes clench and his entire body feels heavy. This was not the surprise he was hoping to give Bea.
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Recount of April
Hey, folks! Here comes a summary of the things I did in April, let’s do this!
The Soul Stone War 2: Chapter 7 completed!
Wrote 1 story (4€ and up) from Morkai’s POV about the MC’s abduction by Mornie!
Posted the portrait of an NPC (Ilya) that was featured in the Morkai and Straasa paint war story (she will play a big part in the next book~) (8.5€ and up).
Chapter 5 went live for the early access tiers! (10€, 14€, 17€, 37€, 130€) Ch6 is coming on May 15th AND THERE’S SO MUCH HAPPENING! I had been looking forward to writing this chapter for so looooong! SO MANY VARIATIONS, AAAAA, IT’S ALL COMING TOGETHER!!!
Wrote a Manerkol/MC NSFW story
Wrote a Eledwen/M!MC NSFW story (First time of Elly NSFW!)
Wrote a Morkai/MC/Straasa SFW Fluff story!
Uploaded Bain’s Character Portrait!
Accidentally accepted 7 commissions LMAO! This month slew me...
Super tired this time around, I had to take a 4-day break, but now I’m already back at it! Already 10k into Chapter 8!
All in all, an amazingly productive month once more!
Thanks again for all your heartwarming support, either through KoFi or Patreon, or by sending me the lovely, encouraging messages that you have! I read every ask, even if I don’t have the time to answer them atm, and each and every one gives me the strength to forge on!
Like I said, I’m already halfway through Ch8, I’m hoping to have it finished by the 15th (or thereabout)! Once Ch8 is done, I will commission the new cover for the book! Omggggggg, it’s really happening, I’m almost done~
[internal squealing and panicking]
PLEASE SEND POSITIVE VIBES MY WAY! And take care of yourselves, all you awesome people! Love you!
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Assuage: Chapter 8
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: Brief mention of a miscarriage (nothing detailed or graphic, though)
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“You’re looking good Hyo,” you muttered as you ran the ultrasound wand over Hyorin’s baby bump. Since Hyorin was only a few weeks out from delivery, you had been having doctor’s appointments with her more and more lately.
“The heartbeat?” She questioned softly and you smiled as you reached over and pressed a button on the ultrasound machine, a loud whooshing sound filling the room moments later.
“130 beats per minute,” you smiled as you looked up at her. “You’re fine and they’re fine.”
“Good,” she sighed in relief. “I’m just so close to the finish line, I don’t want anything to happen.”
“Hey, we talked about this,” you said as you set the ultrasound wand aside, handing Hyorin a few sheets of paper towel to wipe the gel off of her stomach. “Just because you miscarried last year, that doesn’t mean that you can’t go on to have completely healthy pregnancies.”
“I know, I’ll just feel so bad if I can’t give Joon the family that he wants,” she huffed, grabbing onto your hand and sitting up straight. 
“I told you before, screw my brother,” you smiled, making Hyorin giggle. “He’d love you even if you two never had pups so you don’t need to worry about disappointing him.”
“You’re right,” Hyorin smiled. “But speaking of love, what’s going on with you and the lone wolf?”
“Nothing,” you shrugged as you cleaned off the wand, setting it back into its’ holder next to the machine. 
“With all of the time that you two have been spending together since the full moon party, I know you don’t expect me to actually believe that,” Hyorin snickered. 
“It’s only been a week,” you chuckled.
“And you two have eaten at least one meal together every day in that week,” she shot back.
“How did you know that?”
“Tae told me,” she shrugged. 
“Well, you can tell Tae that we aren’t like that,” you told her. “He’s cool and all, and we do get along better than we did when he first got here but that’s all there is to it. It’s only friendship.”
“If it means anything to you, Joon told me that Yoongi has been settling into the pack seamlessly and that you two would be a good match,” Hyorin revealed. “Especially given your position within the pack and him being Prime.”
“Hyo, when have I ever cared about either of my brother’s opinions?” You wondered and she just shook her head as she laughed.
“Exactly, so I’m not about to start now,” you smiled. 
“Alright alright, I’m not gonna badger you about it like I know Taehyung does,” Hyorin said as she held her hands up in mock surrender. “I just want you to be happy Y/N-ah.”
“I am,” you assured her. “I don’t need an Alpha to make me happy though.”
“No I know, but it’s more than that,” she sighed. “Having someone to love, it’s an amazing feeling. Joon and I have it, Tae and Kook have it, hell even Jimin and Hobi have it so I want you to have it too.”
“And I will, but I’m not gonna rush it,” you replied.
“Alright,” she relented. “Do you wanna come back to our cabin and look at some of the baby clothes that the elders gave me?”
“Sure, I don’t have any other patients schdeuled today,” you nodded with a smile. After telling the receptionist where you would be in case of an emergency, you left the infirmary with Hyorin. However, you didn’t make it far before you were stopped in your tracks.
“Hello Y/N-ah,” Sehun, an Alpha, greeted you, turning towards Hyorin afterwards. “Hello Pack Omega.”
“Hello,” Hyorin smiled.
“Hi,” you said slowly.
“How has your day been going?” Sehun asked you.
“Good,” you nodded. “Is there something that I can help you with?”
“Well, as I’m sure you know, I work in agriculture,” he began. “Growing crops and things of that sort. Well, I wanted to offer you a gift even though you probably have gotten better offers from others.”
“Oh, I don’t think,-” you started to say but you were cut off by Sehun extending his hands to you, a small bracelet sat in his palms. The bracelet was made with blue beads (your favorite color) and white thread, with small pictures of ocean waves craved into the beads.
“Oh, that’s stunning,” Hyorin whispered as she leaned over to get a better look.
“Y/N-ah?” Sehun called and you reached out to touch the bracelet, marveling at how well made it seemed to be.
“It is very nice,” you admitted and Sehun let out a breath of relief. Before you even knew what was happening, Sehun slid the bracelet onto your right wrist. 
“I hope you’ll be able to keep it safe for me,” he smiled. “Have a good rest of your day.” He then turned around and walked away, all while you were still in shock at what he had just done.
“Well, that was bold,” Hyorin noted. 
“It’s pretty but just sliding it onto my wrist without even asking for express permission first,” you scoffed, reaching down and pulling the bracelet off and sliding it into your pocket. “That’s the type of shit I hate.”
“Yeah, like that’s the only reason,” she muttered.
“Nothing,” Hyorin smiled, reaching out and looping her arm around yours. “Come on, let’s go.”
Once you and Hyorin made it to her and Namjoon’s cabin and walked inside, you both were immediately greeted with the sound of loud arguing.
“I really think having the crib below the window is the better idea,” Namjoon stated firmly.
“Spoken just like a pup who knows nothing about decorating,” Kibum muttered.
“I’m not a pup!” Namjoon shot back.
“What is going on in here?” Hyorin chuckled as the both of you stood in the doorway of what was slowly becoming the nursery. Namjoon, Kibum, and Yoongi all looked towards the doorway, and you couldn’t help but to notice the smell of irritation in their scents.
“Baby,” Namjoon whined as he walked over towards the door. “Kibum won’t listen to me and put the crib where I want him to.”
“The only reason I even asked you was because I thought you’d have more sense,” Kibum interjected before looking at Hyorin. “He wants to put the crib underneath the window.”
“What?” Hyorin said as she looked up at Namjoon. “Why?”
“I was thinking that some sunlight would be good for them,” Namjoon shrugged.
“Oh baby, your heart’s in the right place but it’s not a good idea,” she giggled. “Even though you built this house good, it’s still noticeably colder by the window than anywhere else in this room. We should put it against the wall by the door, that way it’ll be easier for us to hear them.”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking,” Kibum smiled triumphantly.
“But for some reason, it sounded so much better coming from my mate,” Namjoon glared at him, and Kibum just rolled his eyes in response before turning to look at Yoongi. 
“Can you move the crib while I go get the rattle and stuff?” He asked and Yoongi nodded his head.
“Yeah, go ahead,” Yoongi replied. As Kibum walked out of the room, you turned your head and saw Namjoon already looking at you. 
“How’d the appointment go?” He asked you.
“Everything looks good,” you smiled. “Strong heartbeat and everything’s right on schedule.”
“Great,” he grinned widely. “Baby, one of the elders heard about your craving for chicken soup and brought some over.”
“Yes!” Hyorin whispered excitedly, reaching down and grabbing Namjoon’s hand. “Let’s go get some.”
“Why do I have to,-” Namjoon started to ask but Hyorin just pulled him behind her out of the room, and you rolled your eyes at how non-subtle she was being. 
“Hey Yoongi,” you greeted him and he looked up at you as he moved the crib, nodding his head at you once before looking down again. 
“Ok,” you said slowly, not really liking the fact that he didn’t verbally reply to you. “How’s your day been?” You waited until Yoongi had pushed the crib against the wall that Hyorin said, turning around to face you and only giving you a shrug in response. 
“Oh, well the crib turned out nice,” you tried to compliment but when he only gave you another small shrug, you snapped. “Damn, what the hell did I do to you for you to go back to being a complete dickhead?”
“....Nothing,” he muttered and you rolled your eyes.
“Bullshit. I thought we were cool now,” you said. 
“We are.”
“Then why aren’t you acting like it?” You questioned.
“It’s....your scent,” he started.
“My scent?” You repeated with wide eyes. “I thought you liked my scent.”
“I do...when it smells like you,” he replied. 
“Huh?” You wondered, completely confused as to what he was getting at. 
“You smell like another Alpha,” he admitted, and your eyes widened in realization. “And it’s bothering me.”
“Oh, it must be Sehun’s scent from the bracelet,” you murmured, moreso to yourself but Yoongi heard you.
“Bracelet? What bracelet?” He asked.
“On our way over here, Sehun stopped Hyo and I and tried to offer me a gift, which was a bracelet,” you explained. “I didn’t even accept it though, he just slid it onto my wrist with no warning and he must’ve touched my scent gland when he did.”
“So you didn’t accept it?” Yoongi checked and you shook your head, holding up your wrists for him to see. 
“I told you, I rarely accept gifts,” you joked, making him smile lightly. “I didn’t even notice that his scent was on me though. I feel a little creeped out if I’m being honest.”
“Can I....scent you, then?” Yoongi wondered and your eyebrows rose in surprise.
“You want to?” You wondered.
“To help you get the scent off, yeah,” he nodded 
“Are you helping me, or you?” You teased him as you held your wrist out to him.
“Both, if I’m honest,” he chuckled, taking ahold of your wrist in both of his hands and rubbing the pads of his thumbs against your scent gland that sat right beneath your palm. His familiar scent of freshwater wafted over you and with him purposefully scenting you, you even smelt undertones of citrus and mango. 
“Better?” He checked, noticing how you had relaxed.
“Better,” you nodded. “Your scent’s nice. I’ve never smelled mangos on an Alpha before.”
“Well, I’m not just any Alpha,” he smirked, yelping when you reached out and smacked him lightly on the arm. The two of you continued to stand there together, Yoongi still scenting your wrist and you knew that Sehun’s scent was more than gone by now and that you were probably drowning in Yoongi’s scent now but you found that you didn’t really care. In fact, you kind of liked the thought of that.
“Hey!” Hyorin’s voice rung out, making you jump up slightly. “I can smell you both from the kitchen! Get out of my baby’s room with your scents! The only scents I want in there are mine and Joon’s!”
“Sorry!” You yelled back, smiling when you heard Yoongi laughing. “Well, you heard her.”
“I have to get back to the hardware shop anyways,” he said. “Can I see you later?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, a large grin on your face. “You definitely can.”
Tag List:  @jikook-enthusiasts​ @veryuniquenamegoeshere​
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