#I’m actually so annoyed
kentopedia · 3 months
someone is making my life very difficult bc i cannot focus on anyone else long enough to write
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choicesuponchoices · 1 year
Got the neutral/bad ending of Theo bc I can’t consistently choose an attitude 😭😭😭
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saintlike78 · 2 years
It’s my roommates birthday tomorrow and I took the day off work because she said that she wanted to do something for it with me.
She’s going on a whole day trip to an aquarium with her boyfriend… without me
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maybeyazz · 8 months
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sharkbaitouhaha · 2 months
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hello and good morning to my new favourite article headline. i need this game injected directly into my veins, i cannot wait any longer
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pinkarry · 1 year
just realised if you make a secondary blog you can’t reply using that!! not ignoring anyone who replies-I swear- I just want some sort of separation between blogs! :((
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nbadenverweeders · 1 year
Sending a political canvasser to my house to bother me about whether or not I’m voting for your guy is the absolute best way to ensure that I never ever fucking vote for your guy in my entire life
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i need this more than oxygen
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queuetae · 2 years
when you can’t disassociate inside your fantasy world cause that’s what’s triggering your depression. Thanks brain. Our happy place hates us too.
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theamazingian · 25 days
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Go to your local comic book shop and ask for Sonic comic #69 today for
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bluegiragi · 7 months
kinda random but erm this fandom had genuinely changed my life and I’ll never be able to properly express how grateful I am that you guys like and support my art 😭
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I think that the one thing that I will always absolutely loathe the movies for (other than single handedly screwing up the whole plot of the story) is for making up that bullshit rule about Zeus declaring that no god can have any kind of contact with their children. That’s completely not true but now a huge chunk of people in the fandom believe that rule as canon( because most like to pick and chose what is canon and what is not, and sell head canons as being canon to the books ).
The only rules that are stated in the books relating to demigods and their parents is that 1). Gods cannot blatantly and outwardly help their demigod children during a basic quest (such as help them fight monsters or help them travel somewhere for the quest). 2). That as of the time right after WW2 the big 3 gods are not to sire any demigod children as part of their oath that they made on the River Styx (which Zeus and Poseidon definitely didn’t break ). Gods are still able to spend time with their demigod children and mortal lovers on times out side of quests. However, it’s seen as taboo mainly because the other gods use them having to much to do, and too many demigod children as an excuse to just not do anything for them. Not send them a birthday card, not a visit, and not even being claimed in most cases.
That’s giving the gods too much slack! People like to say "well, they’re gods. They’re trying their best." No they’re not! And this is what Luke’s character blatantly points out!
Hermes not even bothering to visit every once and a while? Hermes not trying to help in even any little way with Luke and May's situation? It’s a main reason why Luke becomes so angry at the gods and even thinks about saying yes to Kronos’ proposal.
And who is the example of what could’ve happened if Hermes would’ve done literally anything? Anything at all? Percy.
Percy didn’t like the gods and Poseidon very much in the beginning ( he doesn’t really like them much now but, you know) but Poseidon at least helps Percy in little ways that can fly under the radar of Zeus and the others. The Pearls to help Percy escape from the underworld? Tyson? Poseidon even crashes Percy’s birthday party ffs! Sure Poseidon isn’t there every time Percy scrapes his knee or fights a monster, but he still shows Percy that he somewhat cares about him.
All Hermes does is tell others how much he cares for Luke and "really truly loves him", but does nothing to prove to Luke that he truly cares. But it’s not just Hermes who does this, almost all of the gods do this! Why? Because they know that they can just say "oh, well I was busy and I tried my best" and others will just believe them and carry on. Or worse, they’ll take what the gods say to heart and demonize anyone who would try to oppose the gods so that it’s seen as a bad thing to hold the Gods accountable for the way they act.
And this is a clear example of the overarching theme that the gods are actually just an oppressive establishment that won’t ever really change unless it’s destroyed or overthrown.
In this essay I will…
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frm9pm · 11 months
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Time traveling Draco who was thrown into the past and trying not to mess anything up
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communistkenobi · 7 months
saw someone argue that the central defining feature of fanfiction is its attention to proper characterisation. man I don’t think you’ve read very much fanfiction
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flying-ham · 2 months
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“It was a hair net of fine-spun silver, the strands so thin and delicate the net seemed to weigh no more than a breath of air when Sansa took it in her fingers. Small gems were set wherever two strands crossed,”
- Sansa VIII, A Clash of Kings
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drenched-in-sunlight · 8 months
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just get the job done, 621
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