#I’m an early ‘80s baby so I am pretty sure these all happened to me at some point in my childhood.
summerreign4077 · 7 months
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lushlagoon · 2 months
today i saw my grandpa cry for the first time ever im pretty sure. he used to be a gruff family man, saying he would work until he died. the smoothest dancer on the dance floor even at 80. he was getting old and the beginnings of dementia i thought were the worst of it. not noticing the little things like running a red light. i worry that him stopping working made his brain deteriorate more, during covid he would just sit and stare sometimes.
he started crying because he kept saying he could not see. it wasn’t so much that he couldn’t see, but that he couldn’t think or hear because he doesn’t wear his hearing aids anymore. i thought seeing him cry would look different, like something so foreign. maybe i saw him cry when his sister died so it looked familiar. but it looked normal. it didn’t upset me when this was happening. it’s just part of it. everything is just part of it and i’m ok with that and i try to help and be gentle and nice and cheery. i worry that i do not feel enough for him. i want to spend more time thinking. i came and sat behind him and he told me he was ok, and put his hand on my shoulder and i gave him a banana.
i’m crying thinking about this as i’m writing and i hope i don’t get my period tomorrow, so i can know i am real and sympathetic. i feel so fleabag sometimes.
when my other grandma started to forget me, i didn’t care. it’s all part of it. maybe i care so little because ive never experienced loss, i don’t see this as a beginning of loss but just part of life. im not too close to granny. but if papa forgets me, it will break me. i’m his baby girl.
a friend told me in high school that because i hadn’t experienced loss, something really bad is gonna happen to me later in life. it’s been 5 years since that conversation, am i accumulating more “bad things”? i don’t like her
i used to not want to spend time with my grandma, i would spend too much time with her and all her talking would annoy me. all i wanted to do was watch gilmore girls with her in silence. now i enjoy it, we went to the doctor together today, and she is maybe the one that is easier to talk to now. she also doesn’t judge me like my parents do. it’s also weird that i perceive her as physically stronger now. maybe she is rallying for my grandpa, or it’s just perception. i used to see her as frail and weak and incapable of understanding things. now she seems strong, independent, well versed.
When do you have time for your family? I wish I hadn’t been so serious about school in middle and high school. what a dumbass. i wish somebody had told me that i shouldn’t spend entire nights doing homework. now i’m graduating college early, but for what. what am i moving into next even. Anyway. Family.
I know I’ve spent much more genuine time with my family than most. but when do i actually really get to be with them. i’m home for one week at a time every few months. i wish i wasn’t so quiet and inside myself all the time. i wish i was happy at home, maybe i will move home to tennessee if things get worse with papa.
i remembered this jello cool whip thing my mom used to make and i realized i can just go downstairs and make it so i just did that. i look forward to meeting it again tomorrow.
i was watching high maintenance and there was an episode where trump got elected and everyone is acting like it’s the apocalypse. that was about 8 years ago which is crazy. the episode was hitting too close to home so i turned it off and did some drawing. it’s crazy how it’s been 8 years since i was going into 8th grade, and when i was 8 years old i had only lived as much life as the time between now and 8th grade.
i love you! (to me)
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believeitseeitdoit · 3 years
Legos and Language
Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
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Summary: All bets are off when it comes to a Lego mishap in the Rogers-Barnes home 
Rating: Y'all shouldn’t be reading the filthy things if youre under 18 anyways but this one is pretty PG (but language is the exception)
Warnings: Domestic stucky, suggested and slight smutty times, 90% fluffy, some foul language, talk of murder and destruction of legos forever, feel good shit, Steve, Bucky and their girl have babies
don’t steal my little munchkin oc names please, I like them 
This is written from each lover’s POV, marked by ******** this 
This is a work of love and hated of legos, solely to be read for a smile and maybe some happiness, be kind or go away
        “Sonofabitch!” Your hushed curse rattles through the house as you stomp barefoot through your son’s pile of a semi built lego creation. With a few breathy “fuck’s,'' you hop over to the nearest chair to rub the new soreness out. Sharp indentations litter the underside of your arch, and you peel off a flat piece from your toe then mentally plot unmonitored use of the quantum realm to murder the creator of legos before they can cause any harm to you again.
       Continuing your muttering, you delicately set your foot down and turn to the mess. You sigh in relief that you didn’t destroy any of the built chunk, you were only subjected to the ultimate test of parenthood, the loose pieces.
     “Back to our regularly scheduled morning, coffee.” You say to the empty room, narrating your routine as if you were running a sitcom. Once in the kitchen, you set about making a hefty pot of coffee for you and your husbands, humming an 80s rock tune and letting your open robe swish around you loosely in the process.
      They both notice you slide out of bed, a super spy and a retired Avenger don’t miss much in their own home. But rather than follow you down to the kitchen to disrupt your morning ritual, Steve pulls his husband against him and nuzzles his hair so they could get some quiet time of their own. A few moments later, Bucky is softly snoring against Steve’s arm, and Steve is on the brink of sleep when he hears a barely audible string of curses and the unbalanced thunking of feet along the hardwood. Bucky seems undeterred, so Steve leaves him be and slips out of the bed to investigate what caused the early use of language, not that he’s surprised considering their wife’s colorful vocabulary when the kids aren’t listening.
       Pulling his discarded boxers back on from the night before, Steve saunters out of the master suite silently toward the staircase. He pokes his head into the nursery to check on the sleeping infant twins, and heads down the old hardwood steps, praying for them not to creak with every step. Halfway down the stairs, he hears you filling the coffee pot under the tap and the chorus to a White Snake ballad quietly playing from the speakers while you hum along. With a smile and a small head bob as he catches the tune, Steve steps across the threshold of the stairs toward the living room and kitchen, unaware of the torture devices scattered on the floor.
      Steve intends to follow the wall to get to the kitchen without his presence known, until you hear a series of words that would make Tony blush and an unfortunate crunching sound of your son’s creation being smashed to bits.
     In his fresh misery, he misses you quickly dropping the coffee grounds onto the counter top and hustling toward him to make sure his verbatim doesn’t wake the twins. As you begin shushing him from a few steps away, Steve hobbles blindly toward your voice and you see it happen before you can say anything. Your big clutz of a husband smashes his un-assaulted foot through your son’s Legos, only this time Captain America is not the star spangled man with a plan. He has absolutely destroyed the near complete firetruck and you can only stand in awe at his ability to hit each remaining chunk of the build before he finally makes it to the couch.
     “Fuck fuck fuck fuck, why the fucking legos? FUCK!” His wailing is not going to gain any sympathies from you, only entertainment at the weaknesses of men.
     “Steven Grant, you shut the hell up before you wake my babies or I WILL send Bucky to the store and you can have twin duty alone.” Sitting down at his feet to pull the pieces off his skin, you scold him lightly but without any venom or intention. He hisses as you pull the flat plastic off his big toe, and you chuckle as his pathetic whimpers cease.
     “So, coffee?” You stand and pull him up with you toward the kitchen, letting his calloused hands and leftover cologne embrace you like a blanket as he leans down to caress your cheek. He kisses your forehead and softly brushes hair behind your ear with one hand while the other grips your plush hip under the loose robe.
     “Maybe something sweeter to distract me first? This robe is teasing me.” His lips ghost down your neck and he nips at your collarbone while pulling the thin silk off your shoulders.
     “You kept me up late, baby. I need coffee before anything today.” You whisper breathily against his tanned, thick chest, whimpering and shivering as you feel him trace the marks littering your skin and gently squeezing the flesh he is so obsessed with.
     He allows you to pull away only after you shudder again, but he stands behind you, hands locked onto your hips as you pour the bitter amber liquid into 3 mugs. Steve’s love bites on your neck keep you distracted long enough for Bucky to come down the stairs without being noticed.
     “I thought we agreed there was no third wheeling in this family, and yet here we are.” Your bonus husband is perched against the refrigerator offering your favorite coffee creamer and his signature pout.
     Bucky is roused by his husband rolling out of bed and the accompanying coolness that surrounds him as the sheets flutter back down against the mattress. He listens to Steve pad lightly down the hall to check in on the kids, Hudson in his room first, then Charlotte and Talia in the nursery.  As the footsteps recede down the stairwell, Bucky lets his body sink into the bed and the scents of his partners surround him and lull him back to sleep.
     Until he hears a string of words leave his husband’s mouth, and a series of crunches and shattering sounds buried under more very inappropriate words. Now wide awake, Bucky shoves himself from bed and puts a loose sweatshirt over his head while he walks toward the stairs. He is halted by a whimper from one of his little twins in the nursery, but his ever present super senses note that both babes are still firmly asleep so he continues down the steps.
       Not sure of the state of things on the main floor, Bucky alertly scopes the space and finds their son’s legos strewn about the floor. With a sigh, Bucky steps around them and shakes his head as he follows the sounds of his husband and wife to the kitchen. He is met with tangled hair and soft pants, an open robed woman more stunning than Aphrodite, and a man barely containing his impressive erection in his low hanging boxers. Bucky can feel the energy in the room, can practically taste the arousal on them, and his subconscious stirs awake, begging to join like a wolf waiting for the hunt.
      “And who plans on fixing our son’s firetruck creation? Because it sure as hell won’t be me, I will be taking care of our little girls where I am wanted.”
     Steve is the first to respond, an arm opens toward Bucky in the same moment. “Honey we didn’t mean to leave you out, c’mon over here let us show you how much better it is with you.” 
      As Bucky steps into Steve’s reach, you push off the counter and into the thick warmth of your husbands. Their desire envelops you as kisses are peppered on skin and fingers prod at bits of flesh for a better grip on reality. The moment is nearly bursting with love and lust, blinding both man’s super senses of their incoming visitor.
        “Who da hell bwoke my WEGOS!!!!????? MOMMYYYYY!” Hudson screeches from the bottom of the stairs and you’re running for him in an instant.
        “Hudson Anthony! You do not speak like that. You know better young man.” Steve and Bucky hiss at the use of their boy’s middle name, knowing how he feels in both respects.
       “Baby boy, I’m so sorry about the Legos, but you cannot use that language. No naughty words right?” You hate scolding him when you completely understand his frustrations, but heavens forbid he say any of that in public, the boy would be shamed and sent to his principal so fast even the Daily Bugle couldn’t catch it first. 
      Hudson sniffles and rubs his nose, trying to fight off tears of frustration in front of his daddy and papa, but quickly fails.
“But, is bwoken mommy. I woked so hawd on it! Wuh happened?” He begins wailing and stuttering breaths, and you pull him into your arms to hug and comfort him gently.
       “Shh, handsome, it was an accident. See, they were left too close to the stairs and mommy stepped on some, then daddy heard her yelp and ran through them too. Papa moved them out of the way and reminded daddy that he needs to help fix it with you baby.” You bounce him on your hip, trying to push the sadness away like you did when he was a small tike.
       Bucky and Steve step closer, each wrapping an arm around you and Hudson to initiate a bear hug. Hudson whimpers a bit longer then picks his head up from your shoulder and leans toward Steve, signaling he wants his daddy to hold him next. Steve pulls him close and whispers apologies only audible to his boy, but you and Bucky smile knowingly. They head to the far corner of the couch where they can have a quiet cuddle and talk about how Hudson can teach his daddy to rebuild the LEGO vehicle. 
      You lean against Bucky, enjoying the moment until he turns to the stairs.
       “Time for round 2 with some sleepy babies?” You tie your robe closed and head up the walk way, stubbing your toe on the first step.
       “Mother fu—dge on toast that was unpleasant.” You yelp and grip tightly onto Bucky’s vibranium arm. He chuckles and scoops you into his arms, carrying you up the remaining steps.
     “Careful, I don’t want to use your middle name today too darling.” He winks, setting you down at the doorway of the nursery. With a huff, you begin fluttering about the room, softly waking your girls and beginning their morning routine.
    “My sweet little Charlotte Ann, and my lovely Natalia Rose, you two are the most precious angels in this world. But for the love of all things holy, no Legos when you’re older ok?”
Tagging those who may appreciate this or can give me a helpful bit of advice on my writing : @bxccxdxll​ @iraot​ @sagechanoafterdark​ @tuiccim​  @thebescht​ @makbarnes​
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saintorchid · 3 years
2:37 am
Lately, your dreams have been…interesting. Usually, they would be about getting a new promotion at your job or going on vacation with your lover, Nanami Kento. Right now, sleeping right next to Nanami, your current dream is getting hotter.  
A/N: It’s Nanami Kento brainrot time. As always...minors DNI!!! 
Warnings: sex 
Lately, your dreams have been…interesting. Usually, they would be about getting a new promotion at your job or going on vacation with your lover, Nanami Kento. Right now, sleeping right next to Nanami, your current dream is getting hotter.  
Nanami slides his hands under your shirt, softly caressing the flesh beneath him. In slow circles making sure to feel every inch of your skin. His hands travel to your budding breasts, pinching your nipples them making them even harder. You softly moan, feeling yourself getting even more aroused.
You feel Nanami nibbling your ear and whisper sweet nothings, which illicit quite a reaction from you.
"Do you like it when I touch your breasts?”
"You acting like this makes me want you even more.”
"Is my baby needy? Do you need to see stars, Don't worry, baby, I'll make you see stars.”
You feel his hands slowly making his way down to the place that has been aching for his touch. He cups your pussy slowly, using his fingers to rub up and down your folds. You feel him slowly dip his finger inside, hitting that spot that makes your toes curl, but it's not enough. 
In a desperate voice, you plead to him, "Nanami, please, I need you."
You rub your ass against his hardened member, trying to beg him to relieve some of the tension building up in your lower stomach. 
He groans in your ear, letting you know that he is also needy for you. The way you are squirming and writhing under his touch makes him feel like he is on top of the world. Only he can do this to you and only you. 
His touches, the way that he smells stills like his cologne, and his voice, oh god, his voice. 
His voice lights up your body in ways you never knew. He could tell you what happened in the news, and you'll find it to be the sexiest thing on the planet to the point where you could come to only listening to his voice.
 He adds another finger hitting that spongy spot that makes your eyes water. You ride against his fingers, trying to reach nirvana. He continues, you start breathing heavily, "Nanami, I'm almost there, please." 
He takes out his fingers covered in your slick juices and uses them to turn your head towards his face. He commands you to lift your leg; you follow his order and lift your leg into the air. 
You soon felt his member slide on top of your leg, touching your desperate pussy. He slowly puts your other leg down on top of his hardened member. He was now sandwiched between your thighs. You enjoy the feeling of him between your thighs, but your thoughts are interrupted by his sudden powerful thrusts. Pre-cum starts leaking on your thigh then falling onto the bed. His hands squeeze your thighs, giving them a nice pleasurable pain. You start touching your clit, which immediately makes you squeeze your thighs even harder. Nanami thrusts faster, and you rub your clit with more pressure. Both of you were about to chase your high, but as soon as you were about to orgasm, something shook your body awake. 
You whine at the sudden loss of your dream. You blinked your tiredness away and asking yourself, "Huh wh-what time is it?" 
"It's 2:37 in the morning," said Nanami while tugging your body closer to his like two puzzle pieces that fit snugly together. 
Now wide awake, you immediately apologized to your boyfriend, who was also awake. Usually, he sleeps like a rock due to his job as a sorcerer, but something was up. 
"Honey, what were you dreaming about?" 
You answered timidly, "Oh, you know mundane things like doing groceries and folding laundry."
Lie. Nanami knew what you were dreaming about. How? Because you kept rubbing against his cock, moaning his name like a mantra, "Nanami, Nanami, Nanami," each one becoming more breathless than the other. 
How can he sleep when his baby has been denied pleasure for so long that you dream about him to compensate? He mentally scolds himself but immediately realizes that right now, he can make it up to you. 
You were about to apologize for waking him up so early in the morning, but before you could do that, he attacks your neck in sloppy kisses. 
You throw your head back, allowing him more access to your neck. He sucks your supple skin making sure to leave a hickey. You usually tell him to put it somewhere where people don't see, but this was your punishment for lying to him. He wants the world to know that you are his. 
"Na-Nanami, don't ah ahhh," you tried to stop him from leaving a mark on your neck, but it was too late. It may not show now but give it time, and a purple patch will appear on your skin. 
He continues to another spot on your neck, sucking harshly. He stops for a moment leaning his lips right next to your ear. In a hushed voice, he says, "I'll stop unless you tell me what your dream was about.”
You were so embarrassed, but you were extremely desperate for him. You needed him like the flowers needed water to bloom, and you were more than ready to bloom. You told him everything, not leaving any details. You told him how he pinched your nipples until they became hard and sensitive to his touch. You told him how he inserted his fingers, hitting that spot that made your toes curl. You told him how he was fucking your thighs till his pre-cum leaked onto you and the bed. 
He stops kissing your neck and whispers in a sultry voice, "I did all of that in your dream? Well, I better turn your dream into a reality then." He puts on a devilish smile and looks up at your body up and down. The moonlight shines through the window encasing you in a light so soft that it looks like you were sent from the heavens. He probably believes that you were sent from heaven. His life as a sorcerer isn't easy, but knowing that you will be here with him now and in the years to come makes him so happy words can't describe it. Instead, he shows you how much you mean to him. 
You turn your head to kiss him, and he kisses you hungrily. Both of you were moaning in each other's mouths. His hand gropes your breasts, flicking your nipple until it hardens under his touch. Everything feels so good. Nanami pulls away, seeing that there is a string of saliva connecting your mouths. 
You look into his eyes with a burning passion. "Nanami, I want you now.”
As soon as that last word left your mouth, he lifts your leg and places his member between your thighs. You were in total bliss feeling his hot breath tickle your neck. Knowing that you make him feel this way fills you with joy. 
"Baby, I'm gonna need you to touch your pretty little pussy. Can you do that for me?"
You whine out your answer, "Yes, yes, I'll do anything for you, Nanami.”
"Anything? You are so needy, aren't you? Good, because you belong to me. Now scream my name until our neighbors wake up.”
You mentally battled with yourself. There were two choices: wake up your 80-year-old neighbor and her husband or scream Nanami's name until your neighbor scolds you for having sex so early in the morning. Every thrust was making your mind go blank. And you decided to hell with it. You start rubbing your clit now, feeling that pressure builds in your lower stomach. You squeeze your thighs, making Nanami grunt into your ear. You screamed his name with every thrust.
Everything was becoming unbearable. The sounds of sex and moans filled the quiet bedroom. Your orgasm was almost here. "Nanami, I'm so close, so so close." You felt like you were going to explode. 
"Cum for me, baby, let me see you drown in pleasure.”
You rub your clit harder, and all of a sudden, your mind went blank. Riding out your orgasm, Nanami's thrusts become erratic. Everything that he feels becomes so overwhelming he indulges in the feeling. His balls tighten, and with one last thrust, he cums all over your thighs. 
He pulls out and lays right next to you. Both of you heavily breathing, feeling satisfied. He turns to you, planting a kiss on your forehead and lips. 
Both of you were quiet for a few moments until Nanami broke the silence. 
"Let me know when you have dreams like that. I would love to recreate them with you."
You let out a laugh while snuggling into his chest. Tiredness crept onto the both of you. You both whispered good night and exchanged 'I love you’s' to each other. Falling asleep in each other's arms for the rest of the night. 
It was now 3:24 am. 
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emma-d-klutz · 4 years
IF I were to write a Maribat fic
It would be mostly a played for comedy and drama take on “Marinette picked up this whole Bat thing way too quickly.”
Like, post Miracle Queen, Marinette is just overtaken with so much guilt about Master Fu and is also desperate for a new mentor to be a replacement and a distraction from the blame she puts on herself and the burden of being the new Guardian. She is absolutely sure she is not ready to be in charge.
She calls Damian and asks for an audience with Batman. Damian is like, “Oh, isn’t this the girl who kicked me out of Paris? What was it you said? ‘No Gothamites in my city.’ Isn’t that what you said? Didn’t you say you can’t have our “type” of vigilante in Paris, because we’re too, what was it, overemotional? Is this that girl who is on my com right now? The one who rejected joining the Teen Titans? That’s you? You want me to TALK to my FATHER? I would barely ask him a favor for someone I actually LIKE.” Except then she kind of blows up at him and tells him the situation, and Damian gets real quiet and listens, and he feels a little sick because he’s remembering the Ric Grayson situation and also Alfred’s most recent death, which he ALSO blames himself for, so like... they got shit in common. He says he’ll talk to Batman about a video call.
Cut to three months later, Marinette has just THROWN HERSELF into being Batman’s disciple. She calls him Master. She practices fighting day and night out of the suit, and IN the suit she uses her powers for training and is often seen sprinting for miles or scaling the Eiffel Tower with only her upper body strength. She comes to school covered in bruises and with the darkest circles under her eyes, and her friends are WORRIED, they really are, but she’s like 80% less bubbly then usual, so no one is really confronting her and are just silently wondering what the heck happened. Most people assume that this has something to do with her taking Adrien and Kagami being an official couple really hard. 
For fashion design, well. Marinette has gotten really into armor lately.... huh.  (It’s because the Batfam encourages her to not rely on a magic suit that can turn off at the worse time, and she is convinced she must be prepared to be Ladybug at any and all times. If anything, she’s lamenting that she doesn’t know how to make weapons.) (She got a grappling hook styled like a yo yo as a present from Master Bat.) 
She texts Kagami out of the blue one day like,  >>Hey. Come over. I am in the process of making my masterwork >>Oh and bring a sword >>A sharpened one, not a training sword And Kagami comes over to see a twitchy (”ok that’s pretty normal”) super serious (”well that’s not. she’s usually so flighty and indecisive”) Marinette. And in the place where there was once an Adrian shrine and stalking schedule is now what seems to be a Hawkmoth shrine and stalking schedule. Marinette brings out what looks sort of like shiny silk with jewels woven in, and Kagami’s assumption is corrected. No. It’s a polymerized titanium she synthesized herself with light elemental defense crystals woven in by hand. Marinette is very proud. It’s a prototype. She plans on making a material that can be beautiful formalwear and as stab-proof as any kevlar. But it’s still a prototype so Kagami can you pretty please do some slashing and stabbing on it pretty please? See she wants it to be really good before giving it to her other Sword Friend, because Dami is a really harsh judge, and her motivation just won’t be able to take it if she gets notes from him this early on in the process. Kagami is actually really on board and helpful in this venture. 
She does like indirectly ask Marinette if she’s heartbroken of if she’s with Luka or what have you, and Marinette just gets really harsh and says she has other priorities. She also makes some grandiose proclamation that neither of them are good enough for Adrien, because Adrien is pure goodness, he’s kindness and forgiveness personified, and it’s just... it’s just... it would be really clear to anyone who has ever heard Batman wax poetic about Superman where she is getting this highkey cringe behavior.
She’s on video calls with Batman all the time. They definitely have a conversation that goes something like this:
“I am certain the mean girl from my school is working for my main supervillain.” “Good. You can find him through her.” “Yess! I have been looking forward to the chance. I am going to interrogate her.” “Ladybug, no.” “I am going to tie her up with my yoyo and dangle her over the highest skyscraper in Paris and tell her I’ll drop her if she doesn’t tell me the identity and location of Hawkmoth.” “Befriend her at school and track her movements.” “Ok but wouldn’t it be quicker to dangle her off a building?” “You’re letting your emotions about someone from your civilian life interfere with your judgement and letting yourself act hastily and with negligence, which is exactly how you lost your first mentor.” “Ah....... you’re right. I’m sorry, Master. I won’t be reckless.” “Good. Tap her cell phone.”
As for Chat Noir, he is FREAKED OUT by her change and all the secrets she’s keeping now. And her behavior towards him has REALLY changed. Well not too much, but it’s noticeable in a way that unnerves him sometimes. Like she’s become a super serious workaholic, but she’s also insanely protective of him, to the point where he feels a bit resentful that he’s not being treated as a competent partner. He’s really trying to get Ladybug to talk out what she’s going through, and he’s anxious all the time that she’s on the cusp of becoming akumatized. Honestly, he’s not wrong on that part. He knows that this is all because she blames herself for Master Fu, and he is also aware that she is spending much more time in contact with that Robin from Gotham who they met once or twice, and he knows she’s keeping some secrets, but NO he is not aware for at least half of the story that she is being remotely trained by Batman. She’s telling him to shut up a lot more and bossing him around more and seems to know way more about Hawkmoth’s movements than him and it feels like he’s out of the loop, but she’s also, like, often spewing out how important he is to her as her partner and keeps giving him handmade pastries and saying, “An army crawls on its stomache,” so like honestly wtf mixed signals much
Batman agreed to mentor her temporarily and has been trying to find someone else from JL to take over, preferably Wonder Woman or Flash, because he agrees with Ladybug’s assessment that to be a hero in Paris it is necessary to have weaponized optimism, or Zatanna or Shazaam, because they could train Ladybug in her magic hopefully. He is told several times that it would be easier to get her mentorship if she agreed to join Teen Titans or Young Justice, which of course they all know, so thanks, but Ladybug would def refuse to leave Paris and her partner, so her joining YJ isn’t really up for discussion. 
Flash said that she’s great but that, “She’s SUCH a Bat,” and that clearly she’s so attached to him that she should just stay one of his. Batman asserts that she is only being like this because she is desperate for a mentor, and if someone else took her on, she’d probably/hopefully change again just as fast. Flash says he isn’t so sure, and that at this delicate point in time, being handed off to someone else might, like, retraumatize her or smth. 
Ladybug literally started breaking fingers interrogating someone.
It is on camera.
The LadyBlog is in SHOCK.
No one knows what to do.
Even Hawkmoth sees the video footage and is like, “Jeez, am I... Mayura, are we in over our heads here? Did we break the teen hero? Is this our fault?”
Anyway, those are all my favorite ideas of the ones I’ve daydreamed so far. There is also stuff about how she interacts with the other members of the Batfam and that she uses the Horse Miraculous to travel to Gotham to be trained in hand-to-hand and also to just sob for hours and scream at things because she CAN’T let her emotions out like that in Paris and the bafflement of the Batkids like “you... came to GOTHAM... to NOT repress your emotions. um, k.” And Cass loves her and thinks she is Baby Sister and if someone is mean to baby sister in front of her she will stare into your soul until you are quiet ect ect many ideas. 
The reason this is an IF and not a WHEN:
dudes I have no plot
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retroellie · 4 years
The Last of Us Headcannons
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Summary: Headcannons about TLOU2 characters 
A/N: I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a bit, I’ve ben stressed so I thought I’d write for my comfort characters lmao 
Warnings: Slight NSFW mentions, TLOU2 spoilers 
Word count: 2.4K
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-This girl is the best girlfriend i swear
-She will always tell you she loves you when she leaves or even if she goes into the other room
-She’s lost a lot of people so she’s always telling you how much she loves you just in case
-Helping her when she has nightmares, especially after joel's death
-”Please don’t leave me.”
-“Ellie, I’m not going anywhere.” 
-She’s definitely a lover of old music
-80s and early 90s was definitely her favorite eras music and movies wise
-Gifting her records you found in abandoned buildings
-She draws you a lot, especially when you aren’t paying attention
-One time she couldn’t sleep so she drew you, she thought you looked peaceful asleep. That drawing is probably her favorite she’s ever done.
-You basically live with her in the garage she lives in
-Winters are always cold in the garage so y’all are basically attached to each other
-You both are cuddled up watching movies with tons of blankets on
-This girl is horny all the time, like if yall are alone she’s on top of you
-Dancing together at the dances
-This girl is so clingy omfg
-Ellie worries about the looks and comment yall get when showing affection in public so she tends to tone down her clinginess
-Joel loves you, point blank period
-When ellie tells you what joel did for her, you didn’t know if you should be happy or sad
-They were gonna take ellie away from you, you probably would've done the same
-”My life would have mattered.”
-”Your life matters to me.”
-You tried to make her feel better about it though, telling her that there would still be bad people and infected in the world
-Neck kisses from the back, my heart is melting holy shit
-She asks maria to put you on routes with her cause mama you are not going without her
-Puns, just puns all the time and you love it
-Definitely calls you babe and baby, you always make fun of her for it but she knows you loves it
-Yall make fun of each other but it’s all in good fun she will never take it too far
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-You’re this mans baby idc
-No one hurts you or they will get tracked down and their knee caps will be gone
-Joel knows full well you can take care of yourself but he just gets so mad
-This man is so soft for you
-He tries to spoil you the best way he can, going out of his way to get you presents from abandon stores
-Teaches you how to play guitar
-He will have you sit in his lap and play the chords
-”Is it sounding better?”
-He just nods and kisses along your back
-He will sing you to sleep if you ask him
-This man has shown you some good ass music, yall sometimes just lay in bed and listen to old records
-He loves the way you look in his shirts, this man melts or bends you over the kitchen table
-He doesn’t cry often but this man is hurt
-The first time you saw him cry was when he broke down to you about ellie and the fireflies and what he did
-It hurt him a lot to admit it but he was so relieved that he could let go and someone be on his side for once
-Tells you all about sarah and how she would like you
-”She would’ve loved you.”
-”Yeah, casue i’m the coolest.”
-”You're a nerd.” He chuckled out
-He would happily tell you about life before the infection, what it was like to not have to look over your shoulder all the time
-He would never tell you about his time in boston
-He didn’t want to scare you, so you never asked but you had a good idea of what happened because of tommy
-Slow dancing in the kitchen while dinner is on the stove
-Forehead kisses in the morning when he has to leave for rounds and your dead to the world
-Calls you Babygirl and princess, IDK HE JUST SEEMS LIKE THE TYPE OKAY
-His voice in the morning>>>>>>
-Will watch you dance from a far while at dances
-Takes you out on little dates, he doesn’t even care about the stares yall (The age gap)
-He is prepared for anything to happen so he loves you like it’s his last day
-Talks about having kids with you but is okay if you don’t want them, i mean he’s not sure if he wants another one but hell, He said he wasn’t going to date anymore but here we are
-If you want kids he doesn't care hold old he is, he will try and try and try to give you a child 
-”Damn it i got my period.” 
-”Well then I reckon we gotta try again, huh baby girl.” He says with a smirk 
-This man has a daddy kink and that’s all i gotta say about that umm anyways
-He is madly in love with you and he shows it, he has lost too many people and he has the mindset of “Good things don’t last forever”
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-I love this man with all my heart, he’s my baby
-He’s very caring and will hold you anytime you need to be held
-He just wants to help people and make the world a little easier for them so he overworks himself to the max trying to keep everything in jackson in order
-”Tommy, it’s 3 am and you got rounds in the morning. Come to bed.”
-”Yeah i'll be in there in a minute, i just gotta figure out the food supply situation.”
-Having to drag his ass to bed
-He loves cuddling, he loves feeling close to you
- Your the fighter of the relationship, tommy doesn’t like to fight if he doesn’t have too so he lets you deal with the violent stuff
-Although tommy loves his brother, he has a hard time forgiving him for the violence he exposed him too
-He feels very undeserving of you and everything good in his life., you have to constantly reassure him that he is a good person and is doing a great job
-He does have nightmares of being in Boston but you were always there for him, he was so thankful for you.
-He loves your cooking, like it can be the most simple thing ever and he’d be like 
-”This is the best Cereal i have ever had, who taught you to cook like this?”
-He has mommy issues, like his mother wasn’t really around so he has a lot of issues with that ig
-He is the best kisser i said what i said
-He’s very passionate and possessive, it’s cute
-He gives you his jackets all the time, he thinks you look so cute in them
- This man is literally the softest i can’t
-He doesn’t cut his hair just because one time you told him you liked it long
-”Jeez honey, your hair is getting pretty long.”
-”Shoot, do I need to cut it again.”
-”No...I like it long, it flatters your face.”
-”I will literally never touch my hair again ever again now that you said that, Okay”
-You have expanded this mans music taste
-He only ever listened to country cause i mean he’s a simple man but then you came along
-You got him a walkman just so he can listen to the music you recommend him
-He tells ellie all about you and asks her for help because he doesn’t want to mess up anything
-He’s not good in relationships and he believes he’s not a very attractive man so he doesn’t really try but he sees himself marrying you
-Spoiler he asks you to marry him because he can’t see himself without you, he doesn’t want to imagine how the world would be so dark without you in it
-He’s not into cute nicknames so he’ll just call you honey
-After joel's death, he was broken and you didn’t think you can even put him back together, but your willing to try
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-I think you would be dina’s first girlfriend but she would love you with all her heart 
-She kissed you at the dance and everything kinda clicked from there 
-She would sneak over to you house in the middle of the night 
-”Jesus, i could've killed you.”
-”But you didn’t silly, come on i’m cold lemme in.” 
-”You're gonna be the death of me dina.” 
-Your rounds with her were never boring, it was always an adventure with her 
-Making out behind building because she couldn’t wait till yall got home 
-This girl will tease you until your bright read in the face
-She will definitely love kissing you, like she will just randomly kiss you 
-She will try to smash you literally anywhere, when she’s wanting to do the nasty it doesn’t matter where you are she will pull you into a random room or bathroom
-She never bores you in bed too, she’s always up to do new things especially since your her first girlfriend 
-When she found out she was pregnant she wanted to give this child the best life so yall decided to move out into a farmhouse 
- Having a kid didn’t really change how she loves you
-She’s still crazy and wild but now she just has a kid on her hip
-You guys were co parents so you both would hunt and take care of JJ 
-You guys would do almost anything to make that kid laugh even if that was dancing like lunatics for an hour straight 
-You guys almost never get alone time so just laying in bed without the kid felt nice 
-Yall are cottagecore lesbians idc, yall are the best parents and i said what i said 
-From behind hugs and kisses, she will grab your hips and kiss your neck until you have no choice but to rip her clothes off 
-Vintage records and slow dancing with JJ 
-I feel like being in a relationship with dina feels like a vintage song about love 
-There's lots of dancing in this relationship because dina loves dancing 
-She’s always afraid that you will feel left out in the family though since your not JJs real parent but you always tell her you don’t mind and you love JJ just like how Jesse would 
-She finds it so hot when your all protective parent when it comes to JJ, as soon as he falls asleep mama yall wont get any sleep 
-Yall are the best parents, dina will fight anyone who hurts JJ and you make him feel loved 
-When he gets older you guys try to tell him about Jesse without making you seem like the outsider of the family if that makes sense 
-Taking care of the animals and plants as a family and reading books about how to while laying in bed 
-Dina makes the best food and she tries to teach you but it just doesn’t add up to what she does 
-Okay we don’t know much about her sister but by the picture we saw she looks hella cool and i think you would be like best friends with her 
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- yall sleep on this man i swear, so this one is to all my jesse stans are there 
-He’s kinky, that’s all 
-He knows he’s hot and he’s super cocky about it 
-He’s not much of a cuddler ngl but he will fall asleep and wake up spooning you 
-Your really close to his mom, like she loves you so much 
-He’s very reckless and your kinda the opposite so you kinda tone him down abit so you think that’s why his mom likes you so much 
-Jesse isn’t much of a dancer and he doesn’t really listen to music but he does like to play video games 
-You always pick him up video games randomly and gets so excited 
-You force him to dance with you at dances and he’s so awkward about it 
-”I hate this.” 
-”Awe you love it.” 
-Always trying to grope you while dancing, like will have his hands on your ass and theres kids behind you like sir stoppp but like keep going 
-”Hey! watch those hands.” 
-”I have no idea what your talking about”
-You and dina are pretty good friends like even after their weird relationship, she’s happy for the both of you 
-Okay so let's pretend jesse didn’t die and he is alive and well 
-When he finds out dina is pregnant he freaks out, he’s still pretty young so he’s terrified he won’t be good enough 
-When the baby comes though he’s so excited, when he’s in the infirmary with dina your happy for him but you can’t help but feel an outsider 
-Dina is so sweet and tries to make you feel better 
-”You're gonna be the coolest step parent ever. I’m glad my son gets such a badass step mom damn.” 
-Dina does move out of jackson still though so yall only get JJ every other week, that was the agreement 
-He cooks in the morning for you and JJ while yall are laying in bed 
-I’m sorry but he’s literally the coolest dad, his entire life changes because of that kid 
-When JJ leaves to go over to his moms house Jesse won’t let you get out of bed, this mf hasn’t got any in a week
-He gets a bunch of cook books so he can better his ability to cook for little JJ 
-You guys decorate JJs room together and it’s the cutest thing ever 
-He takes you to romantic places in the abandon city when yall are on rounds together 
-Jesse has a lot of friends but he would much rather hang out with you 
-Yall call each other stupid and dumb a lot but it’s never used as an insult its just for fun 
-”Damn it, why do i always get the nasty ones.” 
-”Because your stupid, dummy.” 
-”That’s right, i forgot.” 
-Your guys bed is never made, you guys don’t even bother at this point. Like either the kid messes it up or you guys mess it up so what's the point 
-He picks you up when he hugs you, literally pick you up from the waist and lift you up 
!Credits to gif owners!
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scxrsgxrd · 3 years
please write that crossover between True Blood and Hemlock Grove, queen
GLAAAAADLY. I hope you enjoy it!!
18+ mentions of death, blood and violence.
“Oooo, really? That dress with those shoes?”
Unfortunately for Pam, her extremely vivid dream about her baby brother meeting a grisly and utterly painful true death at her own hands had turned out to be just that, a dream. She openly cursed her subconscious for once again getting her hopes up, and out of the corner of her eye noticed Eric cock an eyebrow from his position on his throne, silently cautioning her to play nicely with his younger progeny. He new exactly what Pam would be capable of when it came to her brother, and didn’t have the time to spend half of his evening cleaning baby vamp remains off his bar.
The little cunt of a baby vamp whose name was even more pretentious than he was had been the by-product of Eric’s schmoozing of a wealthy American senator and his family back in the early 80s. Pam was never usually unsure of Eric’s motives when it came to humans, for there was always one common goal: gain. Whether it be social or economic, Eric always had to be top of the pile, and he had a particular dislike for self-important politicians. It was one of the things Pam admired most about Eric, his ambition, but it was impossible for her to hide her disdain at the fateful decision he had made back on a sweltering, sticky evening during the summer of ‘82 which Pam, unfortunately, remembered very clearly.
“Eric, you fucked his wife. Isn’t that enough?” Pam had spent the best part of an hour protesting his decision and insisting that they leave the drained body of Roman on a roadside to rot.
“Nope.” His reply was short, but full of mischief. It had been a while since Pam had seen Eric like this, he was almost like an excited puppy as he gripped the shovel and aimed the pointed end at the ground, pushing down with his foot on the metallic head as he began to dig a shallow pit for his night’s slumber.
Pam scoffed, eyes flitting down to Eric as her expression perfectly reflected the distaste she had for her maker’s most recent idea.
“Don’t look at me like that, Pam. By this time tomorrow you’ll have a new baby brother.” Eric’s smirk was wide as he looked over at her, starting to loosen his tie and unbutton the crisp, white shirt she had carefully picked out for him for that evening’s dinner.
“Lucky fuckin’ me.”
When Eric turned his attention back to his digging, Pam glanced over at the lifeless body of Roman Godfrey, son of Theodore Godfrey, a prominent Republican politician and personal friend of Reagan, whom Eric had insisted deserved to suffer in the worst way possible. Roman was Theodore’s only son, his pride and joy, and a carbon copy of his obnoxious and spoiled father, both of them sharing the same nauseatingly entitled traits. Pam didn’t disagree, she despised the man even more than Eric did, but thought that there were better ways to fuck with him. Specifically ways that didn’t involve spending an eternity with his bratty and insufferable offspring.
Pam had lost count of the times Roman had shamelessly tried to hit on her at his father’s dinner parties; tactfully placing a hand on her knee under the dinner table or trying to ply her with a seemingly never-ending stream of champagne. But she had bitten her tongue for Eric’s sake, allowing the little shit to boost his ego while she envisioned all of the different ways she’d like to make him to squeal like a pig. And it was for Eric’s sake that she began to pile the soil over him and Roman after he had pulled the body into the shallow grave next to him, watching as Eric gave her a wink before his face disappeared under the dirt.
“You know what I like about you, Pam?” Pam was grateful that was snapped out of that shitty memory until she realised who the whiny voice coming from behind her belonged to.
“What?” Pam turned around to set her glare on Roman and thrust a crate of true blood against his chest, catching him off guard as he had to take a step backwards to regain his balance, the sly smirk never leaving his lips.
“You’re walking evidence that you really can’t polish a turd. But hey, you know what they say, you can roll it in glitter. Lucky for you, I guess.”
Lucky for Pam indeed, as Eric had left the room to recline in his office before the nightly opening of Fangtasia, meaning Pam finally had her chance.
In an instant Roman was pinned against the bar with Pam’s hand coiled around his throat, her newly manicured nails making crescent shapes on his porcelain skin as she pictured herself removing his head entirely and making it into a decorative piece for outside her coffin. For a second she thought she heard a small squeak escape him as he realised that Eric was nowhere to be seen, and that his enraged older sister now had free reign over him.
“Now that daddy isn’t here to save you I’m gonna rip you several new assholes, starting with at least three on your pretty little face.” Pam ran a nail down his cheek, pressing down onto the flesh hard enough to make a small nick, causing a small trail of blood to run down past his plump lips and onto his chin.
“Aw, you think I’m pretty.” That smirk was back as Roman struggled against her grip, but his attempts to escape from Pam’s fury were futile. His expression turned from one of overarched confidence to one of pure horror as he watched Pam’s fangs appear, her upper body angling to the left slightly so she had perfect access to his neck.
“Pamela Swynford De Beaufort, as your maker I command you to release your brother.” Two fists suddenly slammed onto the bar next to Roman’s head as a familiar voice boomed, and Pam knew she had no other option but to obey. A low growl left her as she took a step back, allowing Roman to scramble up and cower behind their maker.
“Oh come on, Eric. He’s a fuckin’ liability, I’d be doin’ us both a service by gettin’ rid of him.” Pam’s own voice was now raised, her fangs gleaming against the bright lights of the bar as she folded her arms.
Pam’s statement brought back unwanted memories for the three of them. When Roman had become Eric’s progeny, all of his human qualities had been amplified. His cunningness, his selfishness, and worst of all: his complete lack of respect for human life.
Roman’s disregard for the consequences of his newly acquired set of capabilities had come to a head when the trio had visited London two months after Roman’s turning and were in a club to scope out the nightlife. Busy nightclubs were almost the perfect feeding ground, the hedonistic atmosphere offering a perfect distraction for the people who were crammed together in the small space, heads tilted backwards as they laughed and yelled along to the lyrics of whatever song the DJ had begun to spin.
Pam had been pressed up against a young woman, her fist in the woman’s hair as they were leant against a wall, slowly driving her tongue up the woman’s salty tasting neck. Pam felt the urge inside her begin to become overwhelming as the woman let out a long moan and rolled her pelvis forward. Pam snaked a hand up the woman’s skirt, resting it on the inside of her knee and was about to start feeding when a strangled shriek ripped her away from her meal.
In the middle of the dancefloor Roman’s hands were clamped on the waist of a woman wearing a short white dress, trickles of blood staining the formerly pristine garment as Roman sunk his teeth into her throat once more, severing her carotid artery as she let out another scream, the music dampening out her cries as her blood began to pool on the floor between her and Roman.
Once he had finished he simply let go of her body, stepping over as she fell to the ground and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, winking at Pam as he made his way over to the bar.
In all of her years with Eric, Pam had never seen him as seething as he was when they had returned to their sleeping quarters, and she was so sure (and hopeful) that would be the night where Roman met his true death. But her hopes were soon dashed when Eric simply returned to his coffin and warned that he was not to be disturbed.
“Oh please, like you’re so perfect. At least I had dignity and respect for myself when I was human.” Roman snarled, peeking out his head from behind Eric’s shoulder to deliver his insult.
“That’s enough.” Eric roared, rubbing his temples as he closed his eyes, his chest heaving as he could no longer deal with the bickering between his progenies.
“Pam, you will not try to decapitate your brother tonight and Roman you will not disrespect your sister again. Am I clear?”
There was silence as all three took it in turns to exchange irate glances with each other.
“I said, am I clear?” Eric’s tone was more assertive this time, resulting in a reluctant nod from both progenies as they made their way to opposite ends of the bar, every so often casting unimpressed, disgusted glances at each other.
As Fangtasia began to fill with regulars, Pam continued to fantasize about what would have happened earlier if Eric hadn’t caught her, a smile appearing on her face as she imagined the tranquillity of eternal life without the presence of her brother. Maybe one day she would get lucky. Maybe one day.
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somerpmemes · 4 years
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist S1 Starters
Change as needed. More under the cut.
“Quick question: do you always have to play and sing your music that loud?”
“Why are you up so early anyways?”
“Oh, I didn’t go to bed.”
“So, you’re ready for this?”
“I just really don’t wanna screw this up.”
“Keeping it lean for the ladies.”
“I need to expand my horizons.”
“It was literally all you.”
“Now is not the time to be modest.”
“Let’s face it, the woman’s a narcissist.”
“Work your magic, feel the glory, in it to win it.”
“Well I’m not really comfortable with anything.”
“Alright, who wants some freshly delivered, slightly cold, mediocre pizza!”
“Could we maybe open a window or something?”
“They’re not that scary.”
“Are you sure this isn’t an elaborate teleportation device that will take me to an alternate universe?”
“I just wanna get this over with.���
“Is this supposed to be happening?”
“That sounds really sad.”
“Why are you singing right now?”
“Why would I sing to you? You don’t even like me.”
“Can I get you anything? Water? Vodka? Xanax?”
“Quick question: did you recently imbibe or inject anything that came from a “medicinal” type shop?”
“But I’m an open-minded person, I’m willing to roll with this.”
“Maybe you’re operating on a higher plane than the rest of us.”
“Child, I’m completely baked. Ain’t nothing going on in my head right now.”
“This is the first thing that I find remotely interesting about you.”
“Will we ever have joie de vivre?”
“My mom left me when I was young and my whole life has been a series of rejections from the opposite sex.”
“You sure you don’t hear that?”
“Let’s party like it’s 1978!”
“And you should really take everything I say when I’m high with a grain of salt.”
“That song is real dark.”
“Good music can make you feel things you can’t express in words.”
“Hey, not that I’m keeping tabs or anything but that’s like your fourth cup of coffee today.”
“That’s a whole lot of tmi I just spewed on you.”
“Who knows what other people are really thinking, right?”
“I’ve found in general death and dying tend not to be the best conversation starters.”
“If I show you something can you promise to keep it only between us?”
“This is the only thing that I can hold onto.”
“I’ve become a real expert on bottling my shame and pain and hiding it from the world.”
“Listen, I’m not an expert on this or anything but you can't just keep it in.”
“I should’ve been the one this happened to.”
“I think we’re just gonna have to stumble through it together. The blind leading the blind.”
“If you had the power to know what was going on in other people’s heads, do you think you’d feel guilty?”
“I’m going to be uncharacteristically honest with you so don’t get used to it.”
“I notice everything.”
“I just feel like everyone’s against me.”
“Two more hours and I would’ve gotten it, just saying.”
“There’s gonna be good days and bad days, remember? Let’s chalk this up to one of the good ones.”
“Mama needs an update.”
“No, no, don’t be flattered.”
“I view you more as a social experiment, like a rat running through a maze.”
“Sounds bougie, I’m in.”
“I'm not in trouble, am I?”
“Bottom line, please?”
“You’re yelling, bro.”
“I’m acting weirder than normal?”
“Believe it or not I didn’t really play any sports growing up.”
“This power is wasted on you!”
“Is this weird? This feels weird.”
“I gotta say, I am loving the energy.”
“I’m pretty sure nobody cares.”
“Any desire to tell me what this is all about?”
“Of course I know that song, it’s a very famous song. Do YOU know that song?”
“With great power comes a lot of nasty stuff don’t nobody wanna do.”
“I’m not NOT mortified right now.”
“Please tell me your day was better than mine.”
“Do I need to hide all of my breakables?”
“I can’t cook. You should see the inside of my fridge.”
“I guess we’ve just breezed right past the whole “knocking-and-waiting-for-the-other-person-to-answer” phase.”
“When I get inspired no doors will stand in my way.”
“Creative. Absolutely terrifying..”
“Could be cool. Could be confusing. Could be both. Let’s see.”
“And I’m kinda obsessed with you.”
“Door’s always open, honey.”
“So could everyone please act as if they care?”
“I haven’t breathed outside air in over forty-three hours.”
“Why did we come up with this stupid, stupid plan?”
“Dolly Parton is my spirit animal.”
“There are lots of reasons why people are unsatisfied, ___. 80% of it is sex related.”
“Do you just make these statistics up?”
“I’m gonna keep this one simple.”
“The only place I’m comfortable dancing is in my bedroom… closet.”
“Don’t ever say that again.”
“First of all, that’s terrible grammar.”
“I was a drum major in high school and that mess would not have been tolerated.”
“I have always found it helpful to vent when I’m feeling dissatisfied.”
“I don’t vent, I scream into a pillow.”
“You dress like a docent at a folk art museum.”
“Wow, we’re still talking about this?”
“___, are you growing as a person?”
“And the good news is I’ve been banned from the grocery store.”
“There’s been a radical shift in the way I perceive the world, you wouldn’t understand.”
“There is nothing in the world that I love more than your smile. But not if it isn’t real.”
“Don’t make this into a thing right now.”
“That term hasn’t been used in well over a decade.”
“I can see your side eye.”
“You can take the fifth and stop telling me about it.”
“Do you know anything about faith at all?”
“I think we might be vibing again.”
“Are you sure that everything’s okay with you because I feel like maybe it’s not.”
“See, that whole “leap of faith” thing really doesn’t work for me.”
“Empathy is a wonderful gift to have.”
“I have faith. You should too.”
“I recognize your tiny footsteps.”
“Okay, that’s enough gaping at the shut in for one day.”
“I swear this is the last one.”
“Why so secretive?”
“I am very aware of what a duet is.”
“Why do I even answer the phone this early?”
“My brain does not like functioning until night o’clock.”
“What’s the good of bad news if you can’t share it?”
“I love barely meeting expectations!”
“Is it great? Feels not so great.”
“I think you’re crushing it, that’s all that matters.”
“You two would be great in a female cop show.”
“Something’s going on with you, I can tell.”
“How do you do that? Really see me. No one else has the ability.”
“I’m just not used to negative feedback.”
“Care to tell me what the hell is going on?”
“Can I take a picture? I’m gonna take a picture.”
“Uh oh. Don’t tell me you’re depressed too.”
“My body’s doing all sorts of disgusting things to me like making liquid appear in my eyes.”
“It’s too gutless, it’s too passive-aggressive. I like aggressive-aggressive.”
“I just feel like I’m failing.”
“Why do you put so much pressure on yourself?”
“Wow. I just got a window into your soul and, baby, it is not a place I wanna visit.”
“Did you know I once stared at the ocean for literally seven hours?”
“How about you lead the way and I’ll just holler if I need any medical assistance?”
“You’d tell me if you weren’t good, right?”
“So, tell me some good news please.”
“Thank you for not trying to fix me or make me feel better. Thanks for just being real.”
“Why are you smirking?”
“Sometimes I just feel like I can’t do anything right.”
“Someone sounds like they’re in a good mood.”
“The world is waiting, so am I.”
“I have no interest in hanging around a bunch of 20-somethings talking about artisanal beer all night.”
“___, this is a classy affair. Of course they’ll be pigs in a blanket.”
“Now it’s time for a makeover which is literally my favorite thing to do.”
“No matter how hard I try I just never say the right thing.”
“At least let me help you accessorize.”
“I gotta admit this is kinda fun.”
“Now they just taste like water.”
“Who do we know with a hot tub?”
“You are super fun. Like sloppy, dance on a bar fun.”
“I might also be drunk.”
“I’m a mess… and emotional… also vodka.”
“Life doesn’t always go as planned. It just doesn’t.”
“Is it weird that I want one of those?”
“Yeah, nothing good happens after someone sings that song.”
“I hate when people assume I know their names.”
“So, you’re attractive and talented.”
“I can’t believe that happened, and how quickly…”
“If there’s something going on I’d love all our friends to hear about it.”
“You should probably leave this party before you burn something else down.”
“That’s almost funny.”
“I need that thing more than you’ve ever needed anything in your entire life and I’m ready to fight you for it if you make me.”
“I wouldn’t trust myself to ride that thing sober let alone now still halfway drunk.”
“The last thing I want to hear from you is another apology.”
“I really need to be mad at you right now.”
“Are you crying?”
“What? I’m not allowed to get emotional at a superhero movie? Lives were lost, ___. Ethical questions were raised!”
“He only responds in one letter. ‘K’? Who does that?”
“Just— let’s talk about you.”
“It’s hard to accept that I can’t do this all on my own anymore.”
“Wouldn’t peg you for a food court guy.”
“We are gonna be ultra professional from now on.”
“What’s the crisis? Did I cause it?”
“Can you believe it?! ...apparently you can and perhaps already knew?”
“___, are you okay? You look paler than usual.”
“You okay? You look shaken.”
“But I feel great and I’m gonna be totally fine.”
“Can you google that for me?”
“Are you seriously hiding from me?”
“I listen to true crime to calm myself.”
“Look, we both know I’m not good with feelings or emotions.”
“Mad respect for your pun game.”
“Men don’t check on men in bathrooms, it’s not a thing.”
“Well now I know you’re telling the truth because no one would ever lie about doing something that heartless.”
“Were we ever even friends at all?”
“Real friends have hard conversations. They owe it to each other.”
“I’m gonna get deep for a hot second so bear with me.”
“Stuff like this has been going on for a while now. You wanna tell me what’s up?”
“You’re starting to seem like a liability, man.”
“What’s the point of rising if we can’t do it together?”
“Here to pour salt on my wounds?”
“It’s all coming from a place of love.”
“It is not exactly what I expected but I’m rolling with it.”
“Watch how fast I nail this.”
“Are we talking witchcraft or just shameless career advancing?”
“I’ve got a super chill brain that never needs calming, so…”
“Was I just singing out loud?”
“Am I going crazy? I feel like I am. I mean, I don’t know what crazy feels like but I feel like this is it.”
“That’s… bad.”
“Are you fine? I mean, I know you’re not fine but…”
“Can you schedule your nervous breakdown for another day?”
“In solving one problem I’ve created another.”
“I… I don’t know why that happened.”
“Okay, yes, I’ll admit I’m in a good mood but it’s for completely unrelated reasons.”
“Okay, this is getting worse by the second.”
“I apologize in advance for whatever’s about to come out of mouth.”
“I'm really sorry. Just know, it’s not me, it’s my body.”
“That’s such a strange way to phrase that.”
“There you go, now you know. Hey, that rhymed.”
“I will go to the supermarket… one day.”
“I ruined my entire life yesterday.”
“I just call that uninspired.”
“Honestly, I think I’m broken.”
“What exactly is going on here? A creative inspiration or a massive cry for help?”
“I’m broken and I’m gonna die alone.”
“How do you go through all that suffering and not let it break you?”
“I don’t know what to do. And it’s tearing me up inside.”
“Hurt people hurt people.”
“I think it’s best if you don’t look at me or worry about and focus on what I’m thinking or feeling.”
“It can be challenging sometimes, knowing the right way and the wrong way to care for somebody.”
“Well, it’s the almost-thought that counts.”
“That’s a terrible surprise face.”
“I think it’s finally time I focus on my own happiness for a change.”
“I don’t want to talk. Lord knows that we’ve done enough talking.”
“I’m exhausted. And exhilarated. And thoroughly depleted.”
“Stay aloof, reveal nothing, keep small talk down to a minimum.”
“You’ve been there for me, I wanna be there for you.”
“Don’t smile at me, I don’t wanna look at your sad, appreciative eyes.”
“What? He’s hot, I’m weak, you do the math.”
“That might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a hoodie before.”
“This would be a great place to murder someone, huh?”
“So, who’s ready to talk about death?”
“It doesn’t have to go down like this, ___.”
“You can only postpone the inevitable for so long.”
“In moments like these sometimes you have to haul out the big guns.”
“Someone better be dead or dying, I’m not in the mood.”
“I am worried. This is how I compensate.”
“I find you charming and disturbing, like a Pomeranian wearing a tutu.”
“I go big or go home.”
“Death is hideous and ugly and grotesque and wildly, wildly unfair.”
“Believe me, I’m not doing well but I’m not doing that badly either.”
“I guess we gotta face the music sometime, right?”
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marauders70s · 4 years
a collection of dumb hp-p&r text memes
dumbledore, gesturing: could a depressed person make this???
mcgonagall: your hand is literally rotting off
harry: sometimes I feel like arguing with you is like arguing with the sun.
pansy: you look awful
draco: what up bitch i just ran a 5k
pansy: really?
draco: no i threw up blood in the shower
pansy: that fight with potter really got ya down huh
harry: hey ron are you okay
ron, wearing the locket, staring straight ahead at a tree: yeah i'm fine it's just that life is pointless and nothing matters and I'm always tired.
harry: hermione it's your turn
sirius, at any minor convenience: everything hurts and i'm dying
goyle: I once knew a guy for seven years and never learned his name. best friend i ever had. we still never talk sometimes, because he's dead.
oliver: sometimes you gotta do a little work so you can ball a lot.
mcgonagall: that is incorrect
james, during house arrest: If I keep my body moving, and my mind occupied at all times, I will avoid falling into a bottomless pit of despair.
lily, from the couch: oops
snape, at a christmas dinner: I can still smell her hair at night
dumbledore, pouring a generous amount of mulled wine: Put some alcohol in your mouth to block the words from coming out.
ron: hermione, i'm not using your color coded talking planner
hermione: we need to get good grades on our OWLs!
ron: there's nothing that could motivate me to use it
hermione: well, there's nothing we can't do if we work work hard, never sleep, and shirk from all other responsibilities in our lives.
harry: Professor, I wanna go home early. Ooh, hold on actually, hang on. Yeah, no, I wanna quit and never come here again.
ron: i'm going to tell you all my secrets
hermione: you don't have to do that
ron: I once forgot to brush my teeth for five weeks
ron: I didn't actually break charlie's wand all the way I just hid it and forgot where
ron: I don't know who scrimgeour is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.
ron: when they have 2 sickles a scoop on salamander eyes i'm not sure where the rest of the salamander goes
ron: when i was a baby fred turned my teddy into a spider and i got so scared my mum took me to a mindhealer and they wrote a textbook about me
ron: i once threw a garden gnome so hard that it hit my sister in the face and began attacking her
hermione, looking up from her book: what did ginny do?
ron: she bit it and it ran off.
hermione: classic
severus: no matter what i do nothing bad can happen to me. i'm like a white wizengamot official who pretended they were mind-controlled after the fall of the dark lord
lucius: I resent that
sirius: thank merlin my great uncle alphard just died so I am fluuuuusheeeeeed with galleeeeooonsss
remus: I'm going to regret this flatshare
seamus: i passed up a gay halloween party to see this troll. Do you know how much fun gay Halloween parties are? Last year I saw three Peverell Brothers make out with three Viktor Krums. It was amazing.
luna: We need to remember what's important in life. Friends, unpredictable creatures, and school. Or unpredictable creatures, friends, school. It doesn't matter. But school is third.
tom riddle: I totally hear you, but I also don't like what you're saying. So if you say no, I will release a giant snake in the bathroom
luna: would you like some -
hermione: no! I am going to run for minister of magic someday, so no, thank you. I mean, not that I haven't - I ate a brownie once at quidditch cup party. It was intense. It was kind of indescribable, actually. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any potions in the brownie, it was just an insanely good brownie.
sirius: do i look like the kind of person who drinks water
neville: flying is the worst. I know it keeps you healthy, but merlin, at what cost?
ron: okay, you don't have to join the pick up game -
neville: no no i want to be included. i'll come
james: What I hear when I’m being yelled at is people caring really loudly at me.
sirius: that's not right
mcgongall: I think you’ve got several options. They’re all terrible…but you have them.
peter: this career counseling session is getting a bit intense
neville: how are you handling the...breakup...
ginny: I’m gonna buy some sweat pants and a Gilderoy Lockhart novel. Might as well lean into it.
dumbledore, in the staff room, extremely intoxicated: Who hasn’t had gay thoughts?
james: Goodbye, Lily Evans, my head girl partner. Hello, Lily Potter, my fallopian princess.
lily: i should have never married you. or at least made you wear a condom
james: what's a-
sprout: I’m a simple lesbian. I like pretty, dark-haired women, and man-killing plants.
sirius: A couple more rules: if you ever read a sad book, you have to wear mascara so we can see whether or not you’ve been crying. There’s no noise allowed on Mondays. And no magic after breakfast.
peter: er i'm sorry this was the dorm assigned to me...
remus: Hogwarts Library is headed by the most diabolical, ruthless bureaucrat I’ve ever seen. She's like a death eater but instead of avada kedavra and crucio she uses shame and shhhing.
james: she wouldn't let him into the restricted section without a note
remus, choking back tears: I AM A PREFECT
pansy: I have never flown the high road. But I tell other people to ‘cause then there’s more room for me on the low road.
hermione: If I had a stripper’s name, it would be Equality. for house elves and all beings.
ron: if i had a stripper's name it would be sugar striped candy pole for my -
harry: hermione, DON'T -
sir cadogen: You know, in the 1880’s, there were a few years that were pretty rough and tumble here at Hogwarts. This depicts kind of a famous fight between Morpheus Rane, a prefect in Slytherin house, and Wilhemena Batlock, a Hufflepuff seventh year. The original title of this painting was ‘A Lively Fisting.’ But y’know, they had to change it for…obvious reasons.
bellatrix, in the afterlife: i regret nothing. the end.
harry: I don’t want to be overdramatic, but today felt like a hundred years in hell and the absolute worst day of my life.
tofty: I'm sorry but you WILL have to repeat your history of magic OWL
james: Lucky for me, I’ve processed all my feelings. And I’ve gone through the five stages of grief - Denial, anger, picking on Peter, cat adoption, reckless dueling, cat returning to the adoption place, reading all Martin Miggs books in the series (what i was picking on peter for actually), and not giving a flying fuck.
remus: you can't say fuck
james: oh great i'm going to have to start the process all over again.
remus: peter, you'd better run
dudley: I’m allergic to magic candy. Every time I eat more than 80 sweeties I barf.
fred: how about...81
sirius: I’ll have a glass of your most expensive red wine mixed with a glass of your cheapest white wine served in a dog bowl. Silly straws all around, please.
remus: this is why we can't date in public
neville: I’m gonna get drunk and then I’m gonna order a three course meal where each course is made of dessert.
arthur: I promised myself I was not going to cry tonight, and I’ve already broken that promise five times. But I will not break it a sixth.
bill: dad maybe you shouldn't give a toast while fleur's family is still here
gilderoy: I have no idea what I’m doing, but I know I’m doing it really, really well.
pansy: Use him. Abuse him. Lose him. That’s the Parkinson motto.
draco: I thought the Parkinson motto is don't look at me you whore.
pansy: the motto is really more like a chapter book.
harry: You’re ridiculous and pureblood rights is nothing.
voldemort: wow
tonks: I would like a glass of red wine and I’ll take the cheapest one you have because I can’t tell the difference.
sirius: cheers i'll drink to that
remus: put. the bowl. down.
eh, and just one for the road: “I wonder who else was born in Eagleton. Voldemort, probably.” – Leslie Knope
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secretshinigami · 4 years
An Unexpected Reencounter
Author: Daniel Funke (@danthegeek) For: @its-canon-and-im-feral Pairings/Characters: L/Light, Lawlight Ratings/Warnings: Smoking cigarettes, Slight homophobia(internalized), Slight Swearing Prompt: L and Light as renowned musicians Author’s notes: It’s the 80s Baby! L and Light reencounter each other when they are both invited to take part in the most spectacular musical event of the 20th century: Live Aid. Wordcount: 2784.
13th of July 1985. The day of Live Aid. L was hunched over his bathroom sink and took a deep breath. This was going to be fine. He looked into the mirror, meeting his own nervous looking expression written all over his pale face. He took another deep breath. Alright, let’s do this. L ran his finger through his messy black hair and glanced into the mirror for the last time. Baggy jeans hanging loose on his skinny frame. A black leather jacket over a white T- Shirt – his band members made him wear the leather jacket.  “It’s the 80s dude, don’t you wanna look cool?” L rolled his big grey eyes that looked even darker because of the black eyeliner framing them. Yeah you look like a rock star. Strange.
L jumped when he heard his phone ringing in the hall. He hurried to pick up the call. “Hey buddy!”, a loud voice greeted L. He wanted to answer but the voice interrupted “So how excited is my favourite, favourite bass player?” L replied: “I’m fine, Eric”. “Of course you’re fine, L. It’s the biggest gig of our life. Can you even comprehend who we are gonna meet? The bands we are gonna share a stage with?” L smiled a bit at Eric’s enthusiasm. Then he frowned, remembering exactly whom he was going to share the stage with. “Yeah… I can’t comprehend, Eric.” “Well anyways buddy, we are gonna pick you up at 10 alright? Be ready. And put on some shoes, will you?” L rolled his eyes again. “Sure, Eric.”, he said and hung up. He looked down at his naked feet and sighed.
“Dylan if you don’t stop doing that—“, L said, annoyed. Dylan grinned at L and continued to spin his drumsticks around in his fingers. They were backstage now, although L did not really understand why they had to be at Wembley 5 hours early. He was mindlessly strumming around on his bass, imitating the melody of Another One Bites The Dust.
“Oi L, you think they will play that in their set?”, Nate asked. He was the lead singer and guitarist of their band. “I doubt it”, L said. “They are probably going to play more cheerful songs to animate the crowd. Like, you know, Radio Gaga or We Will Rock You.”
“Hey L, wanna bet?”, Dylan asked. He had finally stopped spinning around his drumsticks and grinned at L. “Ohhh Dylan, don’t do that”, Nate said and chuckled. “You know L has a sixth sense. You can only loose mate.”
Dylan sighed and pointed one of his drumsticks at L. “You’re right. The bastard ‘s like goddamn Sherlock Holmes.” L shrugged and continued to play on his bass guitar. “Anyways, who are you excited for, the most?”, Nate asked Dylan.
They were just as excited about Live Aid as Eric, and L had to admit that they could not be blamed for it. It was after all the biggest event that had ever been broadcasted on Television so far. A concert, that would host the most renowned musicians of the last decades. Anybody who is anybody is doing this concert.
“Okay so obviouslyMadonna”, Dylan declared, a dreamy expression in his eyes. “Obviously”, Nate repeated and cracked a smile. “And also, you know, U2”, Dylan continued. Nate nodded. In this moment, Eric joined them, as always a big smile on his face. He took a pull on his cigarette and put on a haughty expression.
“Guess where I’ve been?”, he said, looking at his three band members. Dylan rolled his eyes. “You’ve been making out with a groupie in our tour bus, am I right?” Eric blew out a wisp of smoke and laughed, obviously pleased with himself. “Anyways, what have you guys been up to?”, Eric asked and sat down with them. “We were just discussing which acts we are most excited for”, Nate said. “Oh that’s cool. Well Nate, I guess you wanna see Bowie?” “Oh Bowie is exceptional! But I’m actually more excited for KIRA’s act.”
L winced at the mention of this name but tried to remain still and unimpressed. Not one of his band members seemed to have noticed the sudden reaction of L. He stared at his bass and had clasped his fingers around it. From the outside he seemed normal, cold, a bit nervous at most. But inside, L was burning. A hot sensation burned itself through his entire body, starting from his head. He wasn’t even certain of his exact emotion. Was it rage? Embarrassment? Definitely a bit of acrimony.
“You’re right, KIRA totally rocks”, Eric agreed. “Their lead singer is so cool…”
“Quite literally”, Nate said. “I once met him backstage briefly, after a concert. I tell you, if looks could kill – his eyes have this…glistening glare.” “Oh come on, Nate. He just one of those guys who don’t wanna bother with anyone. You almost make him sound like he is evil or something. Eric and Dylan laughed.
L had followed the conversation, still feeling that storm of emotions inside him. He fetched a pack of anxiety pills out of his jeans pockets and took a couple. “Yo L, you alright mate?”, Nate asked. He looked at L a bit worried. “I’m just a bit nervous, it’s nothing. It’s still some time until sound check right?”, L asked and tried to sound casual.
“Yeah it’s like one and a half hours left”, Dylan said. “Alright.” L put his bass in its case and stood up. “Does anyone mind if I take a look around? I think I really need to stretch my legs out a little bit.” “Sure, go ahead. But please, please be on time for the sound check, yeah?”, Eric urged. “I will, don’t worry.” L tried to smile, although he wasn’t sure if he managed to make it seem genuine. Then he took off.
Light. Light Yagami. L could pull out his hair thinking about him. He leaned against the back door of the stadium and took a deep pull from his cigarette. If I were to meet this asshole ever again… He clenched his fist and tried to calm down. Somebody knocked against the door he was leaning at. L was startled and jumped back. The door opened and a young man looked at L, curiously.
“Do you mind?”, he asked and lit up a cigarette. “No, it’s alright”, L mumbled. He was not sure if he had seen this guy before. He had blond hair at shoulder length, wore a black blazer and pants. L noticed that he had been staring at the guy and quickly looked at the ground. “It’s alright, you don’t have to know me”, the guy chuckled. He offered his hand and L shook it. “I’m Deezer Dwight”, he introduced himself. “I’m L”, L said, smiling nervously. “Oh right, you’re with The Investigators, right? I gotta tell you I think it’s kind of a bummer that you aren’t gonna collaborate with The Police.” He grinned about his own joke. “Yeah, we really missed a chance there”, L said. “I’m sorry Deezer, I think I should know which band you belong to, but I haven’t seen you before.”
“That’s alright, I’m new. I just replaced the drummer of KIRA.”
Shivers were running down L’s spine. He threw his cigarette to the ground and put it out with his shoe. For once he was glad that he was not running around barefoot. “What happened to the old one”, L asked, again trying to sound casual. Deezer shrugged and sighed.
“Our lead singer didn’t get along with him anymore. He is…complicated sometimes.” “So what your lead singer says, goes?”, L inquired. “You know, Light… he has no sense of humour. He can be very cold. It’s not easy to work with him sometimes.” “I heard he could be a bit…ruthless sometimes.” Deezer laughed and lit on another cigarette. “That’s a nice way to put it. You should hear his real spicy stories. I swear you wouldn’t believe half of it.” L was intrigued. He knew at least one of these spicy stories really well. “Try me”, L said, trying to sound relaxed.
“Well some of the stories are more rumours…”, Deezer seemingly enjoyed sharing stories like this and his eyes lit up. “What I know for sure is that half of his money comes from people he sued for defamation of character. It was always about some affair he had, affairs that he denied happened. But I would put my both my hands in the fire, right here and right now that every one of these incidents happened and Light was just caring about his reputation too much. So he would threaten to press charges against those who would try to contact him after their…rendezvouses or whatever.”
L gulped and tried to process this information. “That’s… pretty messed up”, was all L could respond. But Deezer didn’t seem to mind his poor conversation skills. “Yeah, honestly it is. And I don’t even get why he cares so much what people think about him. So he does it with women and men, it’s the 80s for god’s sake. Elton does it, Freddie Mercury does it, I’m pretty sure Bowie is also in their club… like it’s alright to be… queer or whatever when you’re a rock star, you get me?” L nodded and looked at Deezer. He really did not seem to mind nor understand the fuzz about it.
“So you think Light Yagami is gay”, L asked Deezer, shoving his hands deep down his pockets. “No man he is just getting at it with everyone he finds attractive. I swear he is like all night out, every night, having someone sleeping over who then sneaks out at the break of dawn.” “Mhh.” L pressed his lips together and looked down at his feet. Well if that doesn’t feel all too familiar to you.
Suddenly Deezer jumped and they booth looked up as they heard an imperious voice calling Deezer’s name. “Oh man…”, he sighed.
“Seriously, how long is this smoke break going to take? Do you realize that we are on stage at Live Aid in two hours? Can’t I expect a little more reliability from my band members?”
Deezer and L both froze at that all too familiar voice, but because of very different reasons. “Sorry man”, Deezer whispered and threw his cigarette butt on the ground. I gotta go. It was nice meeting you! See you later maybe, good luck for your set.” He patted L’s shoulder and hurried through the backdoor.
L took his hands out of his pockets and stretched his arms above his head. Maybe it was time to go back to his band members as well. He reached for the doorknob, when once again someone tried to open the door from the opposite side. L took a step back and the door flung open.
L’s face turned white as he saw that he had just ran right into Light Yagami.
A couple seconds, nobody spoke or moved. Light looked at L, eyebrows raised. L couldn’t even determine whether Light recognized him or was just surprised to meet someone out here. He didn’t look embarrassed or guilty. L was still very pale and his big eyes stared at Light’s face.
He probably doesn’t even remember me. If he really has someone new every other night, how should he know who I was?
Light cleared his voice. He closed the door and leaned against the doorframe. “It’s you”, he said calmly. “Oh. So you do remember me”, L replied coldly. “I do. How could I forget that pretty face of yours?” Light smiled.
L pressed his lips together and took one step forward. “Don’t you dare, Light Yamagi. You know exactly what you did to me.” L felt the rage building up inside him. The humiliation. 
Never call me again. I’m not a “fairy” like you. Those were his words.
“Listen, L. I’m really sorry. I was a jerk back then. But I swear, I’ve changed.” “I don’t believe you”, L simply said and came even nearer onto Light. He stared at his face, holding his breath, mesmerized by his appearance. Light Yagami was beautiful. His skin was light and flawless. His brown hair framed his handsome defined face. Light brown eyes were looking at him. He wore an open jacket with nothing underneath and white leather pants. Light kept a straight face, only looking at L without retreating. “Don’t believe me, then”, Light said calmly. The corners of his mouth twitched a little.
“It’s all just a big game for you, isn’t it Light?”, L said and glared at him. “You just like to play with people, pretend they’re something special, pretend you actually feel something for them when in reality you are not even capable of real feelings. So you push everyone away and stomp on their hearts.”
L had got himself into a rage and was breathing heavily. Light didn’t respond for a couple seconds, but he didn’t smile anymore. “Listen, L… I know I’m messed up. But you have to understand that I can’t take the risk of ruining my reputation. I had to threaten you to keep quiet about what we had. I really liked you, you know. But my career is everything to me.”
L looked at him, frowning. Light Yagami lies as soon as he opens his sweet mouth. As if that cheap apology could fool me. As much as L wanted to believe him, he could not help to still suspect him of being a notorious liar. He wanted to believe him so much. Wanted to believe he had changed.
“Will you forgive me L?”, Light asked softly and raised his hand to gently stroke across his cheek.
L felt a burning sensation rising up inside him again, only this time it was not fuelled by rage or anger. It was pure desire that poured through his body. “I–“, L stuttered and couldn’t close his mouth, “I…don’t know…” L was completely entranced by Light’s flawless features, his hot breath that he could now feel on his skin, his glowing eyes looking at L in a way that made him feel weak in his knees.
“What is it, L?”, Light asked smiling. L knew that Light was winning. He knew that Light was already in triumph, knowing that L couldn’t resist him no matter how hard he tried. L took a deep breath. “I don’t think I will…forgive you”, L breathed and took Light’s hand to put it away from his face. When he touched Light’s skin, it was like he was struck by lightning, like an electrical shock flashed right through him. He immediately let go of Light’s hand, but he couldn’t stop staring at him.
“That’s…a shame”, Light said in a low voice and casted down his eyes.
L was trembling. He was fighting every fibre in his body, because all he wanted was to diminish every distance between him and Light, to press his body against Light’s. He hesitantly took Light’s hand again and felt this overwhelming electrical sensation again. When he did that, Light looked up and smiled. At this moment, L knew that he had inevitably subjected himself to him. And Light knew that as well. He smiled, smugly, his eyes glistening with the certainty of victory.
He grabbed L by his waist and spun him around so L was pressed against the back door. He rested his hand next to L’s shoulder, pressing it against the doorframe. With the other hand, he slowly caressed L’s face. He went on to fondle with his hair and then he brought his mouth very close to L’s ear and whispered.
“Are you sure, that you don’t want to forgive me?”
L let out a moan, almost whimpering. He grabbed Light’s face and looked him in the eyes. He drew Light’s face even closer and then pressed his lips onto his own. Light sighed and buried his hands into L’s hair, messing it up even more and pulling on it as to elicit another moan. L could not believe how he could have forgot about the sweet taste of Light’s lips, the feeling of his body against his own, the irresistible smell he emanated. L never wanted to end this kiss but he needed to catch his breath. He gently pulled Light away from his face, breathing heavily and gazing at Light with his big grey eyes. Light smiled again, his lips red and slightly swollen from the kiss.
“I still don’t forgive you”, L whispered and smiled back at him.
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Okay, I’ve been putting it off, but it’s finally here. My KazuMaji playlist, which I have titled “Mad Dragon” because I think that’s a much cooler ship name : | This is informed mainly by whatever I’ve heard lately on FM radio and I’ll probably add to this as I go, but this hit my metric for being complete enough to post ^^;
Mad Dragon Playlist via youtube (I can also probably put this together via spotify if needed) 
“Van Horn” - Saint Motel 
Well, tell me do you me hate me? Or do you wanna date me? It's kinda hard to tell 'cause your eyes are looking crazy So why you coming over? Anything but sober? Looking like it's time tonight For fight or flight in Van Horn
I thought this would nicely start us off at the beginning of Kiwami 1. Like, look at those words and tell me you don’t INSTANTLY think of Kiryu. I sure as fuck did when I heard this song for the first time. This is defs Kiryu’s first impression of Majima and not knowing what in fuck’s name just happened. The eternal “Are we supposed to be fighting or fucking right now?”
“Take Me Home Tonight” - Eddie Money 
Take me home tonight I don't wanna let you go 'til you see the light Take me home tonight Listen, honey, just like Ronnie sang, Be my little baby!
Ah, and with that, we enter what I like to call the Horny section. And nothing more appropriate than an egregiously horny 80s ballad. Really sets the scene I think. And an excellent counterpoint to “Van Horn’s” confusion is the absolute certainty of Majima’s first impression here. His entire goal since meeting Kiryu is, well... to make him take him home ^^; Let’s be real. Absolutely no confusion about what he wants out of this. Horny, but also very sweet, just like our boy ❤
“Faith” - George Michael 
Well, I guess it would be nice if I could touch your body I know not everybody has got a body like you But I gotta think twice before I give my heart away And I know all the games you play because I played them, too
I would be truly remiss to write a queer playlist from the 80s without doing credit to our king, George Michael. So, continuing the Horny theme, but also, as you all might recall, the leaping directly into Kiryu’s lap gambit didn’t quite work out. And this is about that nervousness, that hesitation. And if Kiryu’s not going to put out, so to speak, then Majima’s better off holding back a bit. This is a reaction to Kiryu’s, well, rejection would be a strong word, but at least lack of reciprocation. Majima still wants him, clearly, but he’s reconsidering his strategy. Perhaps an early Kiwami 2 vibe. 
“It Will Come Back” - Hozier 
I know who I am when I'm alone! Something else when I see you, You don't understand, you should never know, How easy you are to need...
Don't let me in with with no intention to keep me! Jesus Christ! Don't be kind to me! Honey, don't feed me, I will come back
And so ends our Horny arc. The longing of this, the pining. As much as Majima knows he shouldn’t, Kiryu’s so... nice. He’s sweet, he’s tender. He’s so unbearably easy to fall for. He’s such a fucking good guy, it’s just... His helpless desire to be a part of that. Mmmm. This is a motif that stretches the whole of their relationship, but is certainly pronounced in 2 and 3. Hell, there’s even howling for fuck’s sake. 
“Dragging Me Down” - Travis Love Benson & Yo! The Moon 
Oh, this feels like a misstep, oh what a mistake! But I’ve fallen in with feelings that I cannot shake, The darkness that pulls me is dragging me down! And I think that I might be willing to drown
Ah, that inevitable horror. You’ve tried to resist, you’ve tried talking yourself down, you’ve spent time away and... yep, no, you’re good and in love. You’re fucked. This is a special kind of feeling, after the resistance, after the pining, the terrible realization that you’d give your life for this and there’s absolutely nothing you can do. Arguably, Majima’s felt like this the whole time as he’s always been afraid of what being in love with Kiryu will mean. But this is ESPECIALLY a game 4 feel. When there’s absolutely nothing you’re getting out of this, less than nothing, but you just can’t break with the feelings. You’re gonna die like this and tehre’s nothing you can do about it. Kiryu spends a bigger portion of his life than he would like to admit fighting against realizing this.
“Running Up That Hill” - Meg Myers 
It doesn't hurt me, Do you want to feel how it feels? Do you want to know? Know that it doesn't hurt me Do you want to hear about the deal that I'm making? You, it's you and me
What comes after the terrible realization that you’ll die like this? The dedication. The resignation. If you’re gonna die like this, may as well make it worth something. BIG game 4 energy here. You may as well be playing this over the arrest scene. “Running Up That Hill” is a classic for any love story where some dumbfuck is stupid enough to be self-sacrificing and oh, look at that, we have two of them. “Running Up That Hill” is so gutting though because it doesn’t assume a happy ending. It assumes that if the trade works, this still all ends in tragedy. But it’ll be worth it. Make that big Game 5 energy as well.
“King and Lionheart” - Of Monsters and Men 
Howling ghost they reappear In mountains that are stacked with fear But you're a king and I'm a lion-heart
And in the sea that's painted black Creatures lurk below the deck But you're a king and I'm a lion-heart
And as the world comes to an end I'll be here to hold your hand 'Cause you're my king and I'm your lion-heart 
Another absolute classic. I think it’s illegal anymore to make a shipping playlist without “King and Lionheart.” I certainly have more ships than I can shake a stick at that fit this song. But it’s a classic for a reason. This takes all the dedication we developed in “Running Up That Hill” and argues that it doesn’t have to be tragedy. See, the problem with the previous is the sacrifice is one-sided and unacknowledged. “King and Lionheart” says what if we both knew? What if you let me do this for you? What if these were our roles and we were happy? It doesn’t all have to end in tragedy if we just... know. And that’s the real dream isn’t it? Be my king, let me be your lionheart. *stares helplessly at Kiryu Should Have Been Chairman AU*
“I Want You to Want Me” - Letters to Cleo 
Didn’t I, didn’t I, didn’t I see you crying? Didn’t I, didn’t I, didn’t I see you crying?!   Feeling all alone without a friend, you know you feel like dying! Didn’t I, didn’t I, didn’t I see you crying? 
It was hard for me to decide where to put this, but I do feel it belongs on this list. “I Want You to Want Me” on surface level expresses a fairly typical expression of infatuated puppy love. But it’s the above, this part, that really strikes me. Because that isn’t just the adoring desperation of courtship. Didn’t I see you crying, didn’t I see you vulnerable, didn’t I see you broken, and didn’t I love you anyway? Didn’t I see you crying and didn’t it do something to me to see you like that? That isn’t just blind desire. I’m still not sure where this should go and I may find a better spot for it eventually, but this is about the fact that they get each other’s broken pieces. That there’s some deep, vulnerable shit to work through and... seeing it and still wanting to be a part of things, fuck, even still feeling that blind puppy love is... really something. This is certainly part of Kiryu’s love language. He never sees ugliness in people and he has a profound propensity to take care of others. This is a thing he wants to say.
“I Still Ain’t Over You” - Augustana 
Hey, I'm the blood in your veins, I'm the cold when it rains, And I'm your heart when it breaks- Time, no it ain't on our side, I'm the truth to your lies, And I’m your tear, when you cry
This is a different kind of pining. This is that post-break up pining, the know-I-should-get-over-it pining. It’s not the pining you get when your courting. It’s not even the resigned to rejection pining. It’s that important part of getting over a break up where you’re still dealing with what it was you had or wanted and can’t let go of yet. Big Game 3 energy, but also Game 6. Because this also has a little hope for what still might be. There’s longing for what was, but also the possibility of the future. That’s what’s so confusing about it. Not knowing how to let go or what to let go of. I also just really like this song and I’m also just physically incapable of not putting Augustana in my playlists. You can really tell me generation there. 
“With or Without You” - U2
And you give yourself away, and you give yourself away! And you give! And you give! And you give yourself away! With or without you! With or without you, I can’t live... with or without you...
To be honest, this song basically makes no damn sense. Because it’s not asking for anything, like... it has no solution. But it perfectly encapsulates the heartbreak of being in love with something that can never happen. Game 5/Game 6 energy if I ever saw it. Just... the rawness... the desperation. It’s a classic for a reason.
“Needing/Getting” - Ok GO 
So I been sitting around, wasting my time, Wondering what you been doing. Aw, and it ain't real forgiving, it ain't real forgiving, Sitting here picturing someone else living. And I, yeah I still need you, But what good's that gonna do? Needing is one thing, and getting, Getting's another.
So we’ve had the break up. We’ve had the heartbreaking realization that what we wanted can never happen. And now... we’re finally coming to terms with that a little bit. Finally going, y’know what? I may never be over this, but I should probably try to move on with my life anyway. “Needing/Getting” is at least admitting that this is a losing proposition. We may not be all the way to healing and, heaven forbid, getting over it. But we’ve gotten as far as... this is pretty dumb.
“My Love” - Sia
My love, leave yourself behind Beat inside me, leave you blind My love, look what you can do I am mending, I'll be with you
So... after you realize that this isn’t going to get any better and, maybe, you don’t like being heartbroken all the time... sometimes you try to let things go. Big Game 6 energy. There’s a lot to love, there’s a lot to appreciate. And letting go doesn’t mean letting it all go, it doesn’t mean forgetting or regretting. But it can mean... moving on. Taking all you loved and learned with you, but moving on. To not give up on yourself, to keep doing what you promised you’d do, sometimes you gotta. There’s a lot of endings in Yakuza and a lot we may have to accept. “My Love” is about honoring that and keeping that love strong.
“Somewhere Only We Know” - Lily Allen
And if you have a minute, why don't we go Talk about it somewhere only we know? This could be the end of everything So why don't we go? So why don't we go?
But, then again, who says we can’t try again? After we’ve accepted our loss, our endings, who says we can’t be close to the people we love when we still love them? This is how I tend to favor post-5 and even post-6 thoughts. Why can’t we just have nice things? I mean... jeez, c’mon. Please. I like to think that after all the pining and regret, we could still come to terms. We could realize how silly we’re being and just... it’s as easy as just asking for a little time. 
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever felt a baby kick? Yeah, when my mom was pregnant with my brother.
What color pants/shorts are you wearing? I have red shorts on at the moment.
When is the last time you did something truly fun, and what was it? Last Friday, I’d say? Hahaha. Counted down the hours and minutes before the Butter MV drop, celebrating and freaking out with Army when it finally came out, watched the OT7 VLive that happened that afternoon, and streamed the video for nearly 24 hours straight so we could break some records, all of which we ended up achieving. It feels great to stan a group again after being out of the loop for so long lol.
What was the scariest moment of your life? A few men have lunged towards me - just to get attention, I guess? - in the past, while I was just peacefully walking. I always hear them snickering once I’ve flinched, and I always ended up crying once I’ve processed the situation.
Have you ever heard of Leonard Cohen? I know of the name, but I have no clue who he is or what he does (did?).
Pancakes or flapjacks? I don’t even know what flapjacks are, so let’s go with pancakes.
What kind of computer are you on? I’m using a Macbook Air.
Do you eat Chinese food? If so, what's your favorite dish? Yes. Minced pork with eggplant.
What are you usually doing at midnight? On weekdays, I spend it in bed, either watching videos or already reading fanfics to get ready to turn in. On Friday nights and weekends, I will usually be found on the rooftop taking a survey or two.
Have you ever developed feelings for a friend, but you were already with someone? No, I’ve never developed feelings for another person while in a relationship.
If so, how did it turn out?
Give me your brief definition of love. I will always stick by this quote, “Love never says, ‘I have done enough.’”
What is the most beautiful part of the human body, male or female? This is subjective, of course, but personally I find it to be thighs.
What kind of shoes do you wear? I’m not wearing any at the moment; but in general, I like to wear sneakers.
What is the worst thing you've ever done when you were really angry? Physical violence.
Are there any pills you take on a daily basis? If so, what? Nope.
Do you like the smell of coconuts? Not so much. I like coconut milk, though.
What is the heaviest you think you can lift? I think my personal best was like 60 or 70 lbs, back when I had weight training classes for PE in college. I remember being in so much pain once I gave the 80 lbs barbell a shot.
Do you take Tums? No.
Have you ever walked on a pier at the beach? ...Ugh. I’m pretty sure I’ve taken this survey very recently but I might as well just take it again because I don’t feel like searching for another. Anyway, I haven’t... at least not that I can remember.
How about under one? Definitely not.
At what age do you first remember feeling butterflies in your stomach around someone? I was around 12 when I was starting to feel confused about getting nervous around Andi.
Do you feel that way around anyone now? I don’t.
Do you ever talk to yourself or think deep thoughts while on the toilet? No haha but I usually bring my phone with me to keep me company.
Do you ever sing to yourself? Pretty often.
What is a sound that relaxes you? Ocean waves.
How hard has it been to reach your main goal in life? I don’t have a main goal set in life. I just live in the now and try to do things or make decisions that would keep me consistently happy.
Do you remember the song about hoes in different area codes? HAHAHAHAHA definitely took this recently; this is so embarassing. No, I still don’t know about this song.
What is your main heritage? Filipino.
What kind of pickles do you prefer, if you like pickles? I hate pickles and I find them absolutely nasty, but there are other pickled things I like, like radishes.
What kind of cheese do you prefer, if you like cheese? Mozzarella and feta.
If you could have a sea creature as a pet, what would you want? No thanks. I’m not capable of providing them proper care.
How about a farm animal? I would just stick to dogs.
So, do you have hoes in different area codes?
What is the most annoying song you can think of that came out recently? I’ve been in a BTS bubble for a solid month or so and I honestly can’t tell you my opinion about songs that have recently come out, because I literally don’t know any.
What is a song that you hate to admit you like? There isn’t any I’m guilty about.
What inspires you to get off your bum and do something productive? Knowing I’ll feel accomplished once I do it.
Do you ever use Urban Dictionary? Never anymore. I used to browse through it only when I was a lot younger.
Do you find the definitions on there to be generally funny or stupid? Both.
What comes to your mind when you hear the word 'transformation'? The Transformers series, lol.
What was something you regularly played with as a child? I always liked clay and I never really graduated from that interest, since I find the texture fascinating and fun to play with.
Have you ever given in to peer pressure? Sure.
If so, what did you do? I had my first sip of alcohol at Kaira’s 18th birthday and I was feeling left out since literally everyone else was drinking. For vaping, Gabie introduced it to me; and for smoking, it was another case of FOMO that made me want to try it out.
What part of your body have you had the most problems with in your life? My back.
Do a lot of people check you out when you're in public? Idk? I don’t take note of that kind of attention, anyway; I would find it creepy.
How many people do you know for sure to be interested in you right now? Zero.
What is a good name for a turtle? I think it would be the same process as the way I think it would be for any other pet; it would depend on their personality, their aura, etc. 
Can you imitate any accents well? If so, which one(s)? Not really. I can read Hangul and am familiar with the different tonalities used in Korean but I wouldn’t say my imitation would be considered spot-on.
Do you like having your ear nibbled on? Yes.
What makes a good kisser a good kisser? When they know how to use their tongue in a teasing way, for one. Eugh it’s too early for this lol
How many times a year do you have a family thing? What even is a family thing?
What are the best things to put in a smoothie? I don’t like smoothies.
Do you ever eat with your eyes closed and just focus on the taste? Yup, especially when I’m either eating somewhere pricey or when I’m eating at one of my favorite restaurants.
What do you dislike most about where you live right now? It’s a pretty uneventful city, and if I want to have some fun I always have to go to Manila.
Has anyone ever given you a rose/roses? Yup.
Are you watching your weight? No.
Have you ever became really good friends with someone you found online? Yes. Aliyah and I are still friends and I’m glad we’ve been able to maintain our friendship even after mine and Gab’s falling out. It’s a shame the three of us didn’t get to meet in real life though, and it will 100% never happen now. I also used to have a group of Twitter friends back in my wrestling stan days but it’s been a very long time since we’ve gone our separate ways. I have yet to find friends on Army Twitter but I really doubt I would get to build established friendships any time soon because EVERYONE IS SO YOUNG OVER THERE
What makes your best friend your best friend? They understand me better than anyone else does.
Do you have a drunk uncle? I have a couple of them.
Do you hear weird noises in your house at night? Nope.
What is something you do that is generally more like something the opposite sex does? Ignoring this question.
What is the girliest thing you do, if you're a girl? Also ignoring this.
What is the coolest tattoo you've ever seen? I find line tattoos to be pretty cool and beautiful in general. The minimalist look it goes for works really well.
Have you ever created anything artistic that you're proud of? If so, what? That vase I molded during my Vigan trip :) It was the first (and so far) only thing I’ve made from scratch, and even though I didn’t get to take it home, I’m still glad I had the opportunity to try pottery.
Do you only eat the middle of the oreo, if you eat oreos? No? That’s pretty wasteful. I eat the whole cookie.
Do you know anyone with a huge ego? Hahahahaha. Yes.
If so, is there anything else about them you actually like? Not anymore, no.
Have you ever used a racial slur, even jokingly? Most likely as a stupid teenager when I didn’t know any better.
Do you have any friends who are more like siblings to you? Angela and Laurice.
If so, what about them do you like most? They’re very easy to talk to, and they’re both selfless and generous.
What is everyone else in your house doing right now? My mom is making dinner while I believe everyone else is just on their phones waiting for the dish to be made.
What is the most money you've ever had at one time? I don’t remember the exact amounts anymore but my mom used to hand me cheques and regularly assign me to pay for me and my sister’s tuition back in grade school and high school, since she had work during the day and didn’t have time to stop by the school herself.
How long do you think it would take you to run a mile? I don’t know but definitely longer than what would be considered a decent duration for a fit person.
Look down. What do you see? I can see my legs but just barely since it’s dark out.
What is a subject that makes you uncomfortable? Topics I don’t know too much about.
What is a subject you can talk on and on about and not get sick of it? BTS, my field, and history.
What kind of mood were you in most of today? Comfortable. We had the aircon on all day and I just watched BTS MVs and live performances, and I don’t really feel bad about being unproductive for once.
Has anyone ever walked in on you naked? Just once or twice.
Tell me an inside joke you have with someone. Togepi.
What is the worst thing someone could do to you emotionally? Tell me hurtful words.
What is the worst thing you've ever done to someone emotionally? Idk...maybe cut them off unexpectedly? I'll usually have no problem doing this with people who make me uncomfortable.
How do you feel now about the first person you ever dated? Nothing. She’s not in my life.
How about the last person (your last ex)? She’s the same person.
What is the best invention ever invented? The internet.
What is something that needs to be invented? Not a completely new invention but I wish programs that can identify songs for you, like Siri, can be more improved to be able to recognize songs just by humming the tone. So far they can only name songs if you play it clearly for a few seconds, but it can be a hassle if I wanna have access to a certain song but only remember the melody and otherwise have no idea what the lyrics are or who sang them.
Describe your eyes. I don’t think they’re anything special. I don’t count them as a striking feature of mine.
What always makes you burp? Eating quickly. And beer.
What is something you hate doing that most couples do? There isn’t anything.
What's your astrological sign? Taurus.
What are you doing tomorrow? I wanna finally watch the Friends reunion special since I didn’t feel like watching it today. I also have a press release to write for one of my clients – they requested for it Friday and want it by Monday :(
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365days365movies · 4 years
February 1, 2021: Dirty Dancing (1987)
There are two people to credit for the beginning of this month. The first is my girlfriend, who asked that I represent her with this GIF.
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Thank you, dear. Anyway, this is one of her favorite romance films, and she’s also not a big romance movie person. She was shocked that I hadn’t seen it, and that’s because of the second person to credit here: my Mom.
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That is my Mom in the late ‘80s with her Pomeranian, Pugsley. Yup. This is just the GODDAMN SURFACE of my Mom, who’s quirky as shit. Love her for it, though. But, OK, why is my Mom involved here? Because this is also one of her favorite films. My Dad’s, too, but I’ll talk more about him in April.
However, if you read the Romance February introduction from yesterday, you might be wondering something. If my Mom’s taste in romance movies was so prevalent in my early life, how in the hell have I never seen this movie, one of her favorites? Especially considering the fact that, TMI here, but I WAS BORN TO THE FILM’S SOUNDTRACK. YES. REALLY. HOW HAVE I ESCAPED THIS MOVIE?
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Yup. No clue. Shall we remedy that? SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
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It’s 1963 in the Catskills, where Frances “Baby” Houseman (Jennifer Grey), a politically conscious young woman on her way into the Peace Corps, is going on vacation with her parents, Jake and Majorie Houseman (Jerry Orbach and Kelly Bishop), and her sister, Lisa (Jane Brucker). The owner, Max Kellerman (Jack Weston), who’s a friend of the Housemans, welcomes them to the resort.
Later that night, Max is briefing the young male waiters and entertainment, all of whom are hired from Ivy League universities. Well...except for the intriguing young dance instructor in the sunglasses. THAT...would be Johnny Castle (Patrick Swayze).
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I wanna just say before I forget, I miss Patrick Swayze. He’s awesome, and he left far too soon.
The next night, during dinner, Max introduces Baby to his grandson, Neil (Lonny Price), who’s just graduated from Cornell’s Hotel Management school. A school which, for the record, is the best hotel school in the USA, and second or third in the world. Also, hotelies (that’s what we called them) are CRAZY. They’re an interesting...bunch...
I, uh... I went to CornellMOVING ON
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As Neil awkwardly hits on Baby, everybody encourages them having a relationship, despite her CLEARLY not wanting any of this. She instead watches Johnny skillfully mambo with another girl on center floor. After being roped into a magic act by Neil, and given a chicken by Stan (Wayne Knight, which I’m a fan of), she leaves, annoyed and irritated.
On her way back, she sees Johnny’s cousin, Billy (Neal Jones) struggling with a few GIGANTIC watermelons. She offers to help him, and he brings her to a secret house party, where some dancing’s happening. Some...dirty dancing.
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Interesting side note here: racial integration! In 1963, remember, so that’s interesting. I mean, if anybody’s a fan of that, it’s gonna be me. At the party, Johnny arrives with Penny Johnson (Cynthia Rhodes), his dance partner from the mambo floor. Johnny sees her there, and questions her presence, to which she makes an adorably awkward comment. And then...they do a dance of their own.
The next day, Lisa makes a love connection with one of the waiters, and asks Baby to cover for her. Baby also speaks to Penny, who doesn’t come from the best background. That night, Penny’s missing, and Neil gives Cornell students just the WORST goddamn name as he very awkwardly hits on Baby. He takes her to the kitchen, and that’s where Baby sees Penny.
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Yeah, Penny’s not OK. Baby goes to Billy and Johnny, who go to get her. Turns out Penny’s pregnant, but Johnny’s not the father. They’re obviously quite close, although they aren’t romantically tangled. Baby, coming from a place of much higher privilege, doesn’t quite understand how difficult this is. Penny berates her for this, and it’s revealed that the father is Robbie Gould (Max Cantor), one of the waiters, who’s also the guy that’s been hanging around Lisa.
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Baby confronts him the following day, where he states that “Some people count, some people don’t.” He also offers her a copy of The Fountainhead, a well-known book for complete and utter douchenozzles. She warns him to stay away from her sister, then goes to ask her father for money for the abortion. Which, by the way, was very illegal in 1963. She gets the money from her dad, who gives it without asking many questions.
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However, there’s an issue; Johnny and Penny have to dance on the only night she can get the abortion. And there’s nobody to replace her...except maybe Baby? Johnny’s entirely against it, they end up convincing him, for Penny’s sake. And now, we get a hallmark of ‘80s cinema: the training montage.
This is a pretty good time to note three things. One, Jennifer Grey is the daughter of Joel Grey, one of the GREATEST actor/dancers ever to grace Hollywood and Broadway. Dude was one of the main characters in Cabaret, for which he won an Oscar, and originated the role of the Wizard of Oz in Wicked. So, yeah, she’s got dancing blood. Secondly, Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey apparently HATED each other. Yeah, kind of a bummer. But their chemistry was SO GODDAMN POWERFUL, that they were able to push through their feelings and do this as well as they are. And third...THIS SOUNDTRACK BOPS. 
I get it. I GET IT.
Something else I get, too. The chemistry between Grey and Swayze really does sizzle, GODDAMN. Over the course of the montage, they clearly get closer emotionally...and physically. And yeah, it’s definitely there. Although, given the fact that they’re from different class backgrounds, it’s probably gonna be one of those stories. Well, OK. Let’s do it.
After a little too much time practicing, the two take a break. And yet, while on a nature excursion, they continue their training in different environments. Most iconically, they practice lifts in the lake.
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Yeah...yeah, I get it.
The day approaches, and Baby and Penny have a bit of a heart-to-heart. Penny asks Lisa to cover for her (and I’m betting that she won’t, LIKE AN ASSHOLE), and she heads to the dance gig. It mostly goes OK, but the lift is aborted at the last second. However, the performance is still received well. They leave JUST before an elderly couple from the resort sees them. 
Johnny gives her a pep-talk, telling her that she did well, and the music on the car radio hints at their growing mutual attraction. But once they get there, tragedy’s struck. Turns out that the abortion doctor was a dangerous quack, and Penny’s now dangerous injured, in pain and possibly dying. Panicking, Baby does THE RIGHT THING, I can’t stress that enough, THE RIGHT GODDAMN THING, and gets her doctor father.
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Understandably upset (and yeah, it is understandable, all things considered), Dr. Houseman forbids Baby from seeing Johnny or any of the others ever again. This situation...sucks. Damn. And Baby agrees, as she sneaks off to see Johnny anyway. She apologizes to Johnny for how her father treated her, but Johnny blames his own social status for it, rather than her father.
Their conversation becomes very real, and eventually turns into Baby declaring her love for Johnny. As a song comes on the radio, she asks him to dance with her. Giving in to his own feelings, he agrees. And together they engage in some...Dirty Dancing.
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As the two dirty dance horizontally, the night turns to day. That morning, things are definitely awkward between Baby and her father, who almost takes his family away that night. But, his wife and Lisa convince him to stay. He even comes back to visit Penny, checking in to make sure she’s alright, which Baby finds out once she does the same.
Things are also a little awkward between Baby and Johnny, interestingly. Wonder how last night ended. Well, Penny figures it out, and warns Johnny about the risks off getting involved with the upper class. Which, remember, is how she ended up this way. The two have a tense-but-intimate exchange. Which just preludes this IMMEDIATELY happening.
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Yeah, that’s not a surprise. Well, more heart-to-heart proceeds, and they continue to learn about each other’s lives. That night, Lisa tells Baby that she wants to go all the way with Robbie. Despite Baby’s warnings, Lisa simply tells her off, and is generally, I’ll be honest, a bitch. The next morning, though, Baby and Johnny have another dance session. And it’s THAT session. You know the one.
Neil interrupts, and proceeds to give a bad name to Cornellians everywhere (I’m not like that putz, I SWEAR), and pisses off Johnny in the process. She asks why he didn’t stand up for himself, and then immediately hides Johnny from her father, who’s walking with Robbie and Lisa. Rightfully calling her a hypocrite, he storms off.
And then they immediately resolve it. Which, GODDAMN, do I appreciate. Robbie strolls by, makes a typical crass comment about Baby, and then Johnny BEATS THE EVER-LOVING SHIT OUT OF HIM
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OH FUCK YES. And if that wasn’t enough catharsis, Lisa catches Robbie with one of the high society wives from earlier, as they sleep together in a cabin. OH. YES. THAT’S SOME GOOOOOOOOOOOOD SHIT.
Baby and Johnny, in the actual good and fully-developed relationship of this movie, spend the night together. And are seen the next morning by the high society wife, who had the hots for Johnny.
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The wife, Vivian (Miranda Garrison), implicates Johnny in stealing a wallet. Johnny’s about to be fired, and then BABY ADMITS THAT THEY WERE TOGETHER IN FRONT OF HER FATHER HOLY FUCK
She did it. She actually did it. Goddamn. And then, AND THEN, she TELLS HER FATHER OFF AND CALLS HER OUT FOR HIS ELITISM HOLY FUCKING SHIT I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS MOVIE. And then, Jerry Orbach fuckin’ starts tearing up, and I AM SHOOK MOTHERFUCKER
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And yet, even though the wallets were actually stolen by an elderly couple that Baby actually implicated, Johnny gets fired anyway. GODDAMN. After Baby completely loses heart, Johnny confronts her father, and learns that he believes that he was the one who got Penny pregnant. Johnny semi-tells him off, then walks away.
At his car, Johnny and Baby say goodbye with a kiss, and Johnny heads off forever. I mean, probably not, there’s a good 16 minutes left, and we haven’t gotten to the most iconic scene of the film yet. But anyway, Baby mourns her lost relationship, and her sister actually bonds with her over this whole thing. Hot damn.
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I want to punch Neil in the goddamn face. Mostly just because he’s on screen, but also because he LITERALLY ruins the goddamn anthem of Cornell University, by setting the anthem for the resort against its melody. Goddamn you, Neil. GODDAMN YOU. Also, fuck Robbie, because he LITERALLY OUTS HIMSELF to Dr. Houseman as Penny’s former deadbeat partner. As the anthem continues (to my rage), who shows up but Johnny, who comes to stick up for Baby and all she’s done.
He brings her up on stage, and interrupts the anthem (THANK YOU CHRIST) to perform the last dance of the season, as he always does. Despite Dr. Houseman’s would-be objections (prevented by his wife, who has moved up on my list of favorite characters), the two are left alone on stage. And that...is when the song plays. YOU KNOW THE GODDAMN SONG
Y’know, it’s funny, because this song is definitely an ‘80s song, making this whole sequence pretty goddamn anachronistic, but WHO CARES!? It’s one of the most iconic sequences in film history, especially of the era, and I love the hell out of it. The crowd cheers, the rest of the kids join in, the lift happens, father and daughter make up, everybody dances, I dance with my girlfriend, I LOVE IT! They kiss, they dance and the film fades to black.
Dirty Dancing! See you in the Review! Oh, I’m changing the name of that section, by the way. Alongside a few more things. You’ll see.
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faerune · 4 years
💘 + leon and cassie 🔫 now
also asked by @ottobooty!
where they first met and how hot local racoon city survivors in YOUR area want to fuck! no for real, cassie had holed up in a diner with a group of other survivors and prior to leon getting to the police station he helps cassie fix/find parts to load up an old delivery truck in the back alley to get them all to safety. when leon leaves cassie promises to come back and make sure he + claire have a ride out of town and she does appear in that last shot in her shitty little happy dairy truck like hey you guys look like you need a ride.
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved cassie has always been kinda of a flirt just offhandedly and i feel like leon is kinda of the same way just he’s cheesy and awkward about it when he’s a little younger. they flirt during the couple months they’re all trying to get their bearings after racoon city and then don’t really stay in touch much until the gov drags them both in separately. 
after that more flirting, some undercover missions and zombies and leon finally asks her to dinner. cassie teases ‘don’t expect me to put out on the first date just because you saved my ass today’ pft.
who fell for who first cassie will never ever admit it but it was her. like hard. she fell for leon like she was carrying a drink carrier full of hot coffee across a busy intersection in new york, tripped off the curb in front of hundreds of people and slammed her knee into the pavement.
where their first date was and what it was like dinner and a movie! cassie loves film but also is not a snob and adores laughably bad movies so they went and saw a goofy ass B action movie and then went to a late dinner at a diner that they always eat at after work.
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? ) leon just pretty simply says let me take you to dinner and cassie teases ‘oh are you asking me on a date kennedy?’ and he just shrugs and goes ‘yeah. i am’ cassie admittedly gets like flustered for half a second and she’s like. okay cool fine.
who proposes first cassie. she’s been so weird and avoidant about getting married so leon has always let her bring it up. when they get back together a few months later they’re laying in bed together and cassie is like can you propose to me now? and leon is like well do you wanna be surprised or do you want the ring now? and cassie just smiles and plops her head on his chest and is like ‘surprise is okay’.
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away due to their jobs and them being afraid of having each other just be another thing people hold over their heads to keep them working there, they keep it really quiet at the beginning. everyone on their team kinda knows but they aren’t announcing it everywhere.
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? ) leon takes her out to dinner and then they take a walk in the park! they sit on a little bench all lit up by the winter christmas lights and he gets down on one knee :’)
if they adopt any pets together absolutely! i just have not figured out what kind yet! probably a cat because cassie has cat person energy.
who’s more dominant it kinda flip flops. cassie is more dominant in terms of talking to people, making decisions but in terms of progressing the relationship that’s definitely leon. in terms of some more ahem other times cassie’s a brat and leon just wants to give her whatever she wants.
where their first kiss was and what it was like they’ve kissed on undercover missions before but i’m not sure if it really “counts”. their first kiss as just leon and cassie was when leon dropped her off at her place after their date and cassie pulled him down for a kiss. after they finished leon was smiling all dopey and still kind of leaning down to her and she just smirked at him and wished him a good night.
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? ) sdgjksdg i can see them at the most having like a set of cute matching mugs but that’s about it. cassie would die before wearing matching sweaters with him no matter how much she loves him.
how into pda they are they hand hold/give each other pecks/leon throws his arm around her shoulders while they walk but they’re not too obnoxious about it! cassie likes it but if he tries to do anything else she gets flustered. admittedly, leon kinda loves when she does so he’s always whispering sweet stuff in her ears while she tries to elbow him in the stomach sdklgsdg.
who holds the umbrella when it rains leon!! he’s taller so it just makes sense.
where their usual ‘date spot’ is the diner where they just always got dinner cause it was near the facility where they worked together for so long! they both have never been to DC so they just went to the nearest place after their first day and they were like so this is OUR diner.
who’s more protective leon. cassie is very annoyed by it pft. especially when she pops up during the civil war. ya know. in the middle of an actual warzone with possible biological weapons. cassie: :) im here to cause problems on purpose. leon: why in the FUCK is my ex here armed with a thousand dollar camera and a tiny pistol.
how long it is before they sleep together they almost sleep together the day before their second date, making out on leon’s desk but they get interrupted and they’re like okay we gotta chill. leon arrives to pick her up for their date and cassie yanks him into her bedroom. needless to say they miss their movie.
if they argue about anything they bicker playfully but also cassie accuses leon of not treating her like an adult who can make her own decisions because he’s so fucking overprotective. leon accuses cassie of being careless with her life. they have i guess..not arguments but debates over morals?
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. ) leon leaves hickeys like he’s a teenager but he’s usually good about keeping them in places that can’t be seen. cassie wears red lipstick a lot so leon has to pay extra attention if they sneak away at work to make sure he doesn’t have it smeared all over his lips. she likes to kiss his cheek and leave a big mark too.
who steals whose clothes and how often cassie: not your hoodies babe, our hoodies.
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? ) they are spooners through and through. cassie needs to be held and leon is happy to do it. 
what their favourite nonsexual activity is watching movies together! leon is happy that cassie wants to share all her favorites with him and they have movie nights.
how long they stay mad at each other leon normally just needs a second to cool down normally but cassie holds a grudge for a day or maybe two then she’s ready to talk. but uh...in terms of big betrayals leon gives off the im not angry im disappointed and betrayed and you hurt me energy loud and clear and takes a long time to forgive and settle. it’s the worst cassie has ever felt.
what their usual coffee / tea orders are cassie gets a tall black coffee (iced or hot depending on the season) and leon likes lattes with whipped cream and carmel.
if they ever have any children together yes absolutely! i haven’t decided on names or anything yet but they definitely have two little boys just because that tweet that’s about that dad and two lil boys getting out of the car and the dad goes “who can go hug mom the fastest?!” is THEM.
if they have any special pet names for each other pretty normal ones! baby, babe are the most common. cassie likes to say honey and dear sarcastically because she thinks those make her sound like she’s a 50s housewife but secretly kinda likes calling him honey.
if they ever split up and / or get back together hah UH yeah. cassie leaks information about completed STRATCOM ops and leon eventually finds out and they have a huge fight. leon leaves the next morning and they end their relationship. he doesn’t turn her in because he still loves her and knows she did it with goodness in her heart but he’s just so conflicted. he just basically says turn in your resignation and leaves. they do eventually get back together! they break up early 2004, see each other in 2006 when cassie reaches out to him for his contacts to help her father who gets sick and then in 2011 they’re present in the civil war in the east and they get together after reconnecting through that.
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like they meet each other’s parents for the first time! they invite them over for dinner along with cassie’s sisters and nieces and nephews. it’s VERY chaotic but it goes really well. leon’s mom loves cassie. uhh cassie’s dad scares the shit out of leon just because he’s a Jokester and lives for freaking leon out because he’s so obviously very nervous lmao.
what their names are in each other’s phones leon’s phone has cassie as “cassidy 🖤”. cassie has him in her phone just as “baby”. bonus she has his name in her phone the few days after they decide to have a kid as “sperm donor”. leon goes “cassie” in his disappointed voice and she rolls her eyes and finally changes it.
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? ) at the moment just their friday movie nights and whenever they go out of country on a mission they buy a magnet for their fridge!
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first leon usually falls asleep first and wakes up first. cassie usually stays up late on her laptop researching and writing.
who’s the big spoon / little spoon leon is big spoon 80% of the time but he likes to be jetpacked too!
who hogs the bathroom leon after he gets back from a really gross ass mission takes hours but cassie usually hogs it day to day.
who kills the spiders / takes them outside cassie flips out and leon gets a cup and a piece of paper, puts the little guy outside. there have been multiple occasions where it sounded like cassie was in legit danger and leon came skidding into the bathroom only to find cassie standing on the toilet.
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Loser Like Me - Intern!Nolan Sorrento x Reader (Ready Player One)
GIF Credit: X @crawlingmist @mandy23b  @wltz-bby @happyskywhale​ #MendoTagSquad
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Babe you’re platinum all the way
Author’s Note: Before we even begin - Mini Series for sure!  Also I’ve never seen anyone do this before me, so here we are!
I know by now if you’ve been following this blog for any length of time you know how much I love this man. With my heart and soul. However - there’s a particular scene in the movie I just... really don’t like. It’s the Intern scene. I won’t go into a whole lot of detail, but it hits me deep on a personal level, and I hate that it’s played for laughs. I thought it needed some ‘rectifying’! And came up with this little series. 😊 I really hope you enjoy taking this journey with Nolan, as much as you have my others!
Disclaimer: RPO characters/storyline not mine / whilst following what they did with him in the movie, some of this will be influenced by Lacero (because of course it will!)
I wanted to write a quick note about his age! I headcanon every Mendo that does not have a canon age as the same age Ben was when the movie was shot. So... For RPO that’s about 46/47. Making Nolan 47 in 2045. The intern scene takes place in 2025. Making Nolan, as stated in the fic, 27.
Premise: Nolan Sorrento has a head full of dreams that he’s sure will be actioned by the OASIS creators any day now. But fetching coffee is all anyone at Gregarious Games thinks Nolan is good at. Lucky for him, you see things a little differently...
Words: 6397
Warnings: In general - people being douches to Interns. / swearing
Yeah, you may think that I'm a zero But hey, everyone you wanna be Probably started off like me You may say that I'm a freak show But hey, give it just a little time I bet you're gonna change your mind
All of the dirt you've been throwin' my way It ain't so hard to take, that's right 'Cause I know one day you'll be screaming my name And I'll just look away, that's right
Push me up against the locker And hey, all I do is shake it off I'll get you back when I'm your boss I'm not thinkin' 'bout you haters 'Cause, hey, I could be a superstar I'll see you when you wash my car
Just go ahead and hate on me and run your mouth So everyone can hear Hit me with the worst you've got and knock me down Baby, I don't care Keep it up and soon enough you'll figure out You wanna be, You wanna be A loser like me
The alarm went off at 6:40am. As it did every day – but Nolan Sorrento was already half way ready, and had to skid out of the bathroom to snap it off, before any of his neighbours complained again. Sometimes he just couldn’t sleep – and he felt it probably wiser to just get up and get on. Sorrento’s head was full of ideas, ideas that he knew would help him make it big someday. Hopefully right here where he worked, at Gregarious Games… once he got a job that wasn’t an internship, that was. And - when he wasn’t fetching coffee, or running papers, or trying to book meeting rooms and call other people that worked around the company as requested by those higher up - Nolan would sit with his notebook and plot out what his future would look like, and the tech he would use to get there, whether it be available right now, just within reach, or something that one day he’d be at the forefront of making. He dreamed, because right now that was all he could do. Nolan had a job and that was enough to be thankful for, he had his life… which was more than could be said for some people. Sweeping back into the bathroom he studied himself in the mirror for a moment with a small sigh. He liked to give himself a daily pep-talk, because there wasn’t anyone else that was going to do that for him either. ‘Okay, Nolan, you got this. For real this time – they’ll ask you to fetch coffee and then you can walk in and be like… Guys! Your OASIS project – what about if you did this-!? How can they not love it? Maybe they’ll bump you to tech? Maybe they’ll make you a partner!’ It hadn’t worked out for him so far, but he could dream – maybe today was the day! He gave himself a firm nod, running his hand through his thick dark blonde hair to neaten it (at least the highlights were going to look good once he got into proper lighting!) and then dashed from the bathroom again; throwing a suit jacket on – that didn’t match his outfit but was good enough – he looped his pass around his neck, grabbed his keys and his satchel before heading out of the door. No time for breakfast, he’d think about that later! First things first; getting into the office. It was still nerve wreaking for him to walk up to that office with coffee; it used to give him shakes just thinking about maybe getting the coffee order wrong, but now he knew he had that down. Nolan knew that Gregarious Games was on the verge of something not just great, but phenomenal. People all around the company treated it’s two founders like Gods, and Nolan knew exactly why – he was doing the same. They were creating the seemingly impossible; giving people an escape from the hell that everyone was living. The longer he was here, the more Nolan gained confidence – Morrow at least knew his name now, and he was also privy to the fact that not everyone got to interact with these two as much as he did. It came to the point where he actually liked being asked to fetch coffee for them, because he’d get to try out a new idea. “-What about this-?” “Maybe later, Nolan, thanks for the coffee…” “But I really think the OASIS could just use-” “Thanks, Nolan. Really, but it’s a busy time.” “Well maybe-” “Nolan…” Then he had to walk from the room with a deep breath and try not to get so disheartened. No matter, there would always be tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that… on into infinity. But Sorrento smiled gently, one day he’d come up with something that would be so mind-blowing they would have to listen to him! And he was getting close, he was sure of it. With that thought, he jogged back down the stairs, confidence sky high. “Oh-! Nolan-!” He turned to the voice calling him, “Yes?” “Could you come help me with something… I’m not exactly sure what I’ve done wrong on this presentation… I just can’t fix it…” “Sure-!” “OH. And, whilst you’re at it, would you mind picking up my printing? Thanks, Nolan!” He blinked several times watching them walk away passed the printer, and then sighed again – well, he still had a ways to go yet…
Nolan was aware that there were people in this company who didn’t like him, that thought he was strange. The pop culture he consumed was obscure at best, or... not obscure enough at worst. Nolan liked the modern stuff, the early millennium. The remnants of Y2K... where everyone lost their heads thinking computers and clocks would all stop working. Apparently, that wasn’t highly valued, and everyone thought that the 80s was where it was at. Nolan wasn’t sure of that himself, and thought maybe most of them were just posturing because that was the era that Halliday and Morrow were obsessed with. It made sense; they’d grown up in that time. Nolan was just far more nostalgic for things he’d grown up with - than a time he didn’t even really know.
Other people he figured didn’t like him for other reasons, but he’d never quite got the opportunity to find out what those were. Only that it felt a lot like being shoved up against a high school locker again. And he was 27. There were a couple in particular that liked to get physical; only this time they decided to do it when he was carrying two full cups of coffee. “Whoops-” “Shit! Sorry-!” As if he sounded anywhere near it. “It’s okay though right, that’s your job, you can just make more.” If he wasn’t already on a time limit, “And clear that up whilst you’re at it.” “What do you get a full employee badge for making coffee anyway?” “Oh no-! You read that wrong mate, it’s just an intern one.” “Ah-! Not permanent then? Coffee can’t be that good-!” “Less permanent now-!!!” Nolan bit his lips together, because he knew what would happen if he retaliated, these two were full time employees that (probably) had way more important jobs than he did. He knew which one of them was more likely to be walked out of the door after a confrontation, and he needed this.
“Do you two assholes want to leave him the fuck alone-!?” They all turned, to an impatient looking woman standing with her arms crossed. And this would be a moment that, although he didn’t know it yet, would go down in history in Nolan Sorrento’s life. For this was the moment he met you. You could not have been glaring at them both harder - and felt that for the man stuck in the middle, it was pretty fortunate that you walked by. “Y-Y/N-!” “Don’t give me that, why don’t you go bother someone else-!?” “But he-!” “Is trying to get coffee from point A to point B, I didn’t realise Gregarious games hired children these days that would be such a hindrance. Why don’t you get back to your desks and do your jobs-!?” They didn’t dare argue with you – skulking off, although muttering profusely. And Nolan was nearly speechless, but also realised there was coffee all over the floor: “Ah-! Ahhh-! Shoot-!” “No, no, no...!!” You moved towards him, hands gently pushing him back to standing; “I got this, you go make them again...!” “No, no, I can’t leave you to-” “Nolan, it’s okay... I got this...”  He stopped suddenly; now he would know if he’d seen you before. He would. Nolan was good with things like that. He opened his mouth, but you ushered him back towards the kitchen; “I’ll help in a moment, just let me do this!”
Sorrento didn’t know what else to do but wait for you in the kitchen, by now he probably could have gone outside and got a coffee order, but in you walked, throwing away whatever you’d used to tidy up the spillage. “Good thing I like the smell of coffee...” You wiped your hands and turned to him, with a gentle smile; “Sorry about those guys. They’re self-entitled assholes who shouldn’t have the jobs that they do. Alas, I am not a hiring manager... are you alright?” “Oh, it’s nothing I can’t handle.” You nodded, “I can see that.” “F-forgive me, Y/N...” that is what they’d called you, “but...” “Oh; I’ve heard all about you - Nolan Sorrento. And your ideas!” He looked away for a moment, aware that he was blushing, “But also that you make one hell of a cup of coffee...” that just made him blush harder. “You also do a little bit of work in my department, so I’ve seen you around. I could use a mind like yours, y’know? Maybe I’ll have to get you in for experience...” You nodded to the half-made coffee; “I’ll help, if you teach me how the boys upstairs like it.” “Oh... y-yeah sure...” Nolan moved aside as you crossed the kitchen, “What’s your department?” “Technology. So, they do all the ideas and spec and testing, and my team codes it. We also run all diagnostics on errors, though the less we see of those the better!” “Your team-!?” “I like manage like 2 people, it’s nothing.” But Nolan was staring at you like all his wildest dreams had come true. “...Wow. That’s... that’s incredible-!” “If I could get the right people in my team, it’d be more so...” You eyed him curiously, “And somehow you’re only an intern?” “I’ll take what I can get.” You giggled “Until one of the big plans comes off?” “Yeah I guess...” That faint shade of pink was back “I admire that.” “What?” “The confidence to tell Halliday and Morrow your thoughts. The imagination it takes to have ideas like that. It’s cutting edge stuff, Nolan. I couldn’t do that - I am more... the girl who executes the idea. And turns your dream into a virtual reality... but I don’t have such a knack for original content.” You gave him another sweet smile that had him turning quickly back to the coffee; “Now why don’t you teach me how to do this - and I’ll explain why it’s a little late.” “Y-yeah... lets... do that!” ***
Overall Nolan was pretty harmless, he kept himself to himself and did every task that was asked of him. You made a point of finding him to say hello, and chat to him for a few minutes every time you passed his desk. And you noticed that when you approached him he always looked quiet and subdued, but by the time you moved on he was joyful and animated and it always hurt you to have to move on. Still the smile on his face didn’t fade after that. He was full of endless enthusiasm, and more importantly than that – something you felt Gregarious aught to be paying attention to – he was hungry, if work didn’t come to him he’d seek it out, Nolan certainly wasn’t afraid of doing that. Every so often he’d be walking by with someone and you’d catch a snippet of another great idea that filled his head – but more often than not was met with “That’s great, Nolan, but…” You were amazed to see this didn’t deter him; sure he’d look disappointed, but he didn’t give up. Sorrento’s attitude and personality intrigued you, and one afternoon when he was leaving for another coffee run, you made a point of walking with him. That soon became habit, as did joining him for lunch. It didn’t win you a lot of friends, and more often than not you’d be asked ‘What the hell are you thinking!?’ ‘Yeah, Y/N! You actually have talent!’ ‘Nolan Sorrento is never gonna amount to anything. He’s pushing 30 and all he does is make coffee.’ You didn’t understand why, or how, anyone in this office could pick on him. And why everyone just let them get away with it. Your defence of him was ruthless. “He’s a fucking INTERN, not a coffee boy – oh my god! It’s about time someone actually taught him something about the business. Nolan’s got a head full of ideas and if no one else is gonna utilize him, I fucking will – because it only takes one job ad or someone to recognise what he has and he’ll be off to IOI!” “They can have him.” “You know what, screw all of you! When Nolan’s running this place and you’re all begging for jobs, I hope to God he remembers what you did to him.”
Nolan was wasted here. But you didn’t want him to be wasted here; he was at times a little too unconventional for your game makers, given his little corner of pop culture (not that he’d opened up to you a lot about that, but occasionally you got a glimpse of it by what he referenced and laughed at), or a little too ‘business’ for your co-founders - monetization was practically a curse word… Yet Nolan had a mix of talent that barely anyone else in this company did, and no one was giving him a chance to use it. Worse still to you – an Intern, who should be learning everything the business has to offer and be given every opportunity to get stuck into it, was doing not a lot more than fetching and filing paperwork. And sure, you were younger than him, but you wanted to take this into your own hands.
“Hey!” A smile was already present on his face before he looked up; “Hey!” “You busy today?” You folded your arms on top of his desk divider; Nolan looked a little shifty; suspicious of you for a minute. “I mean, I got plenty to be getting on with…” You gave a disappointed sigh; “Aw, see I really needed your help with something.” “…Really!?” He wasn’t about to hide that shock – Nolan hadn’t done anything directly tech related for your department before, and that was your exact remit. “Yeah, but if you-” “No, no!” He stood, “I’d love to help, that’s what I’m here for, right?” You couldn’t help yourself, and giggled, “Did you just become un-busy?” “…Yeah. Yes, I think so.” Nolan placed his hands in his pockets with a grin, and waited for you to tell him what to do; “Awesome, let me show you around tech central!” You beckoned him to walk with you, “And for the record, no, I was pretty sure intern meant you were also here to learn, and I’ll be damned if I don’t teach you something. How’s your coding?” “Not a strong suit.” “What did you study?” “Uh… Business and economics… just touching on computing as a minor… why?” You turned back to him very nearly shocked; “At College!?” “Uhm. Yes?” He’s a College grad and we have him paper pushing, my God, no one is ever hearing the end of this! But you just nodded, “What’s the dream Nolan?” He became bashful, looking away from your face for a moment, as if he didn’t dream – or as if every dream he’d been working for was suddenly stupid; “Uh. I…” “C’mon, everyone has one…” You touched his arm delicately, “Hand on heart, ten years from now, when you’re close to 40, where do you wanna be?” Sorrento looked a little affronted by your close to 40 remark but held his tongue; “Uh. I guess, I’d like to be in charge of a company like this one.” “Good man, right answer.” You swept him into another room – a neat row of 5 desks on one side, and one on the other – no barriers between you – the single desk was covered with paperwork; in the centre a flashing image, highlighting what various coding pieces were about to address in game. You indicated for him to sit at a desk in the row of five, and joined him. “And you?” “None of my dreams are really to do with work…” You shook your head, “I mean, sure I’d like a couple of promotions but I’m kinda okay where I am – as long as I still love what I’m doing. I’d just like to help people, you know? And the OASIS might help people… So,” you breathed, “I’d like to make people happy, and I don’t know how measurable that is, but I think I’d feel pretty good in ten years’ time if I managed that!” Nolan watched you for a second, and your gentle smile, and wondered if you’d even realised that for him at least you’d already completed that goal. Maybe he’d keep that back, for now – but he knew that in ten years’ time he wanted to look back on this moment with you and say “I was your first! You might not know, but it was me!” *** You set him a series of tasks and challenges and, as you did so, explained his way through them, who they were for and the effect that doing them would have on the business or the OASIS itself. Your team kept to themselves but you’d let them do that for now, the group was a little insular and he was an outsider right now, they’d warm to him; you worked with nice guys – not like the assholes who behaved like grade schoolers. Every so often, performing your own tasks, you would ping Nolan a calendar invite. “…What’s that?” He would ask you, and you would tell him “Oh! That’s a meeting with the Head of Marketing… Finance… Engineering… PR and Communications… HR…”, the list was endless – but if you had to create an intern program for him for yourself, you damn well would. You were a little more social and a little more pushy, so you knew you could get him working in all the teams and on projects that actually meant something – starting with your own, then he’d have something to show for it. All he needed was a little boost and a shot to his confidence and Nolan would be away; it was already obvious that he believed in his ideas enough – now you wanted to give him the knowledge to back it all up, and finally let him use what he already knew.
 By the end of the first day Nolan was a little worried that he hadn’t finished all the tasks you had set, and as your team packed up and left for the night, he looked nervous. “Nolan, you okay?” “…I mean I… I still have a few things to do- I-I’ll finish them, I guess I might just be a little late.” You sighed; “Nolan, you’re an intern, honey – you don’t get paid overtime, just finish them tomorrow – It’s fine.” “…T…Tomorrow.” He swivelled his chair to you but didn’t dare look hopeful, “You want me back?” “Yes, of course I want you back, I told you I need you right now! With all that’s going on so close to launch we’re getting stretched pretty thin, and what better place for you to get stuck in than the midst of all this! I mean you’re getting coffee for ‘em, might as well get your line of code in the finished product too, right?” You stood, slipping your jacket on, “That desk is empty, by the way. I don’t really like the idea of you sitting alone out there…” Blush dusted his cheeks again, “You sure they won’t mind?” You scoffed; “Nolan, by the end of the first week they won’t even notice you didn’t sit there before today! Now come on! Go home!” You were right of course, and by day three your team of two were saying good morning to him, and asking how his evening had been. It took Nolan a little while to answer, because he just wasn’t used to it. By the end of the first week it was ’We’re just heading out for coffee, would either of you like anything-!?’ which you liked, because yes, someone should be asking him which coffee he wanted instead of him fetching it. And by the end of week two you were all sitting together at lunch, and when everyone took a five-minute break, Nolan got to participate in office banter and shit talking. “Guys! May I remind you that our office doesn’t have a door-!” “Oh come on, Y/N! You out of all of us are the one most likely to go off on these idiots!” Nolan turned to you, “You do have a tendency to come back from meetings, throw your notebook down and proceed to tell us how much you hate everyone.” “OHHH!!” The other two started howling with laugher, “OH! He’s got ya, Y/N!” “First off I hate all of you! Second, I also hate that you’re all right-!” But you liked this, and you already knew it was doing wonders for him. Sure, from time to time people would swing by and ask if they could take him off you for a second, and he did still do the infamous coffee run; but you let him go at his own discretion. What you were happy to see, was that his old desk started clearing, and Nolan’s files and notes, and everything he’d had on it managed to find its way into your little side room. That’s when coffee started appearing on your desk every morning. Nolan was always in before you, and had clearly expertly memorised your coffee order. At first you thought it was a simple and sweet one off, but it kept happening. Upon telling him he really didn’t have to do it for you, Nolan would smile and say; “Oh! It’s really the least I can do. After all, look at all you’ve already done for me…” Still, you became grateful to see the cups, and as you sat contentedly with them before you started the day you always noticed him beaming out of the corner of your eye; you only liked to pretend you didn’t. About three weeks into Nolan’s stint with you, the project you had him working on was nearing completion, and your intern was fretting about if you’d have him move. “Nolan, you don’t need to panic – you can still sit with us, there’ll still be plenty for you to do here. Besides like I say, once we finish this everyone is going to want to work with you anyway – and seen as you’ve had most of the introductions, there will be things from them to work on – so you can get your holistic business overview!” He’d been through most of the meetings that you’d set up – and as you suspected, some of them weren’t even aware there was an intern to give any work to, leaving the program entirely in your hands. Your boss didn’t seem to mind too much, and it wasn’t interfering with what you were doing otherwise. Eventually you just let Nolan get on with the meetings himself, and given his background all you seemed to gain from it was positive feedback. ‘He’s great!’ ‘I know. But tell him that!’ You thought he was ready for his big break; and breaks didn’t come much bigger than this one; “Hey, Nolan, you’re on first name basis’ with Halliday and Morrow right?” He raised an eyebrow curiously, “Yeah, I guess.” “I got a feeling you know this project pretty damn well by now.” The two in the corner turned to give positive affirmation to this statement. “Uh huh?” He tipped his head, intrigued as to where this might be going – although the looks on their faces told you they already knew; “How’d you like to help me present it to them next week?” ***
If this was the chance that he had been waiting for, then it was huge. Nolan didn’t show it, not on his face, nor in his stance. He was two steps ahead of you on the presentation but he always asked if what he’d done was okay, and everything you told him to add or take out he considered very carefully. “You didn’t have to do this all yourself, you know.” “I just wanted to take pressure off the team. I dunno, if one person works on it, I guess it also looks a little more polished.” You let him have that, and what he created in the end was one of the best presentations you’d ever seen. Using space effectively, but also very minimalist. “Slides don’t matter so long as you explain them, that’s the backing. You’re the draw.” “Someone paid attention in class-!” He beamed at your recognition, “Yeah. I did.” So it was no surprise to you that he presented well. Except Nolan didn’t just present well, he presented to Halliday and Morrow like a professional – and at every moment you got, you allowed yourself to simply be in awe of him. Where was this man when everyone else was being a total jerk? The different between Nolan now commanding the room, and the soft-spoken intern who liked to float his ideas around desperately when given even the smallest margin of opportunity was staggering – they were poles apart and even his smile was confident. If this was a technique Sorrento had perfected, he was damn good at it – but part of you wanted to steal a little of that confidence and inject it into his personality. The presentation ended, and you both took questions; the more technical they became the further you were in your element, and you got to close out by yourself. It would have all been perfect, had someone not thrown in a comment about Nolan finally talking about someone elses ideas. You decided to let it go just this once, because you probably couldn’t have been prouder of him. Nolan had done much the same to you as you had been doing to him when it was your turn to do the talking – and with all your focus elsewhere he couldn’t help but stare at you. He could do it for an elongated period of time when he was standing here; with the type of smile on his face that he assumed you only saw in really sappy old movies. At first he thought it was just nerves, you were kind and sweet and friendly and for the first time since Nolan had started he felt really included in Gregarious. That was before you dragged him into your team, and he knew that from this project alone – and the way you continually alluded to his work even through this presentation – that you were getting him all the exposure he would need. But it wasn’t just a nervous disposition, it wasn’t just because you saw him and what he was capable of, but you made him smile. Really smile. And that smile was on his face from the minute he set about getting ready for work, to late at night as he was falling into bed. Even just looking at you now Nolan consciously realised how much he did think about you – how much more you made him enjoy work. You’d done so much for him and he realised he wasn’t even sure the right way to go about thanking you. Still, Nolan wasn’t so sure he just wanted to thank you. Would you even be interested in being anything more than friends with him? – that just came with the risk of losing you completely. And for a second that hurt, because Nolan couldn’t. He couldn’t risk it. Not even when he felt this strongly; saying anything jeopardised his happiness. Right now, he couldn’t afford that. Even if you said ‘just friends’ - surely things could never be the same… It made his question answering a little distracted, but then, even you seemed a little unfocused until you got into your stride; then his smile came back, and Nolan got to watch you do what you did best. *** You left the room and immediately punched the air “YES! YES! NOLAN! YOU DID IT!!!” You shook his arm, “Oh my god-! You were so good!” You were elated; not only had he been particularly commended on his effort, but several people in the room had already asked if he could help them in their areas. Nolan accepted them all, of course, because he knew as well as you did that once he had all the tools and proved himself, those ideas in his head were one step closer to being a reality. And then maybe Halliday and Morrow would finally put them to use in the OASIS. One step at a time Nolan – he breathed – you made it this far but you have a little while to go. Your dreams have to wait a little longer, but… she gets it, finally someone gets it! Nolan laughed nervously, “Yeah it… it was pretty great-! It felt good, for sure. And you were impeccable, I need to brush up on my technicalities.” “You’ll get there. But you-! Where did that come from? How do you even present like that!? You gotta teach me, I’m not a natural presenter at all.” Nolan wasn’t one for letting you compliment him without continuously fielding them back. You both had to compromise and take credit here-! “WHAT-!? No, no, you present really well… I just… I dunno I guess I kinda find standing up there and throwing a project out to a waiting world kinda… easy.” You couldn’t help but agree with him, thinking on it for a moment, maybe that’s why he was known so much for ideas around here. For the way Nolan would always pitch them; even though his personality would make him out to be a quiet wallflower who did as he was told. Your team were waiting for you when you got back, and seeing you both joking together made them look at one another with knowing smiles. They wondered if you even realised it yourselves yet. You’d been oblivious before, they’d seen it – but Nolan was positively swooning. Yet, you were giving off vibes like you were interested. They’d grabbed a spare packet of confetti from the last time one of the team had a birthday, and as you both entered the room laughing they were staring you down. “I feel like we don’t need to ask, but how did the presentation go-!?” “Well, really… REALLY well!” Nolan flashed a grin, causing them to give each other the same knowing look before laughing themselves and throwing confetti everywhere. “Congratulations-! We knew it!!” For a minute he looked at a loss and you were laughing, quickly explaining the significance of throwing confetti whenever anyone did a good job – although you also had black confetti tucked somewhere for a slightly more ironic version of the celebration. It just made things in the team a little more fun. “OH.” He said, as if he immediately understood and ‘of course how could it be anything else? Teams always do this!’ - but Nolan did smile. “I guess it’s back to it now, right?” “OH NO!” Sorrento also noted your team had their coats on, “You don’t think you’re getting away with just confetti – do ya Nolan-!? It’s celebration time-! We’re going to the BAR!” “Oh?” He wanted to say the bar wasn’t really him, that he was a one drink and go kinda guy, and that really he ought to be saving any money he made and not drinking it… But you were pulling your jacket on too and that made him torn. Again they turned to each other, and they almost wanted to lock the both of you in here until you figured it out yourselves, so they did the next best thing. “Well, you two come when you’re ready.” “Guys, it’s gonna take us like five seconds…” You scanned your emails quickly, but as nothing was urgent opted to sign off. “No, no! Take your time!” “Besides, you know how crowded it gets down at Campari’s, Y/N, we’ll get a table!” “First rounds on me!” You shook your head after them, and turned back to Nolan, tentatively pulling on his coat. “You know, you don’t have to come.” “No- I- It’s for us right, I feel like I should.” “Nolan, it’s alright, really – I’m not the greatest drinker, I’ll have one and head home. Okay, maybe I’ll get a round, it’s my team but… honestly, if bars aren’t your scene.” Nolan shook his head vigorously, blonde hair flying for a moment, meaning he had to scrape it back off his face, slight blush maintained; “No. I want to come. Maybe we can leave together and just have one, right?” “That’s good with me.” You smiled, “But trust me, you do not have to stay.” By the time you got outside they were long gone, and you debated for a moment calling a taxi, before you decided it was better to just walk it and use the exercise. “Man-! I forgot something-!” Nolan turned to you as you suddenly stood stock still on the pavement, “Do you wanna go back?” “No.” You shook your head turning to him, “I forgot to tell you something.” His face immediately turned puzzled, and he straightened before leaning slightly away from you; “What?” You took a deep breath, before beaming, “How proud I am of you. And what you’ve achieved. That I’m just… lucky to have a friend like you… really lucky. We’re pretty like-minded, but different enough for it to work. And I really like being with you Nolan, it makes me happy. I’m probably the happiest I’ve been in a long time and… relaxed and… wow… oh my god…” Your smile faded slowly and your eyes widened, you weren’t looking at his face, or in fact anything at all and you could forget about talking. All you’d succeeded in doing was confusing him; his heart did nothing but sink at the word friend, and for a minute Nolan decided he would have to accept defeat… But suddenly you were talking like him – like the way he felt about you – and it was pouring, until you stopped. Why had you stopped when there was so much more to say? Or Nolan hoped there was – but then did he dare even hope-!? He didn’t hold his breath. You pulled your eyes back to him, and suddenly everything made sense. EVERYTHING made sense, and maybe you were trying to repress it, or you didn’t want to see what you thought you saw. Perhaps you just thought it’d be inappropriate considering, and you didn’t want people thinking you were helping him because of your feelings – but because Nolan Sorrento was worth helping. Now you were standing on a street in the middle of Columbus, Ohio, staring at each other and one thing was clear to you; Nolan projected his feelings. But Nolan wasn’t acting on them. No matter.
You stepped forward, minimal gap though there was between you - because of the way you walked together, shoulders almost always brushing - closing instantly as you pulled him into you. Pushing up on your toes your lips touched his. Nolan froze – he wasn’t even sure of the way he should react. Well – in his head he knew plenty, hold you, pull you closer, kiss you back at the very least!, but his brain would not compute the actions to the rest of his body; he was shocked. Because this was really happening. Nolan could count the number of girlfriends he’d had on one hand, one finger even and it’d never been serious. He also didn’t need both hands to count the number of kisses he’d received – and if he was honest, how many of those were real? How many of them were dares the other party never really wanted to be involved with in the first place? Sorrento didn’t want to dwell on that, and closed his eyes, but if he didn’t do something you would let him go and all too soon. That thought compelled him to wind his arms around you. His kiss back was tentative, as he made sure that was okay to do, but you didn’t pull away from him – encouraged Nolan held you a little tighter. His stomach was full of butterflies and when he thought on it later, all his dreaming didn’t even come close to this feeling – more nervous and more confident than he’d ever been in his entire life. Part of him wanted to go back to his apartment, slam the door and scream in joy (perhaps not, though, that’d only have the neighbours threatening him again) – maybe he could just do that in his head. But right now, Nolan was holding you, and that was all that really mattered. You let each other go gently, both a little breathless, both a little blushy, and both with no idea what to say next. “N… Nolan?” “Yeah?” “I…” “I know…” but his voice pitched, “Me too.” You giggled, finally stealing a look back to his face; “But I meant it.” He nodded, blush rising, “I-I know that too. You said… everything I’ve… wanted to say.” You nodded along, and both of you laughed as conversation became silence once more. Nolan took a deep breath; “Let’s… uh… they, they’re probably waiting for us.” “Yeah. Yeah, good shout!” But as you continued to walk, this time Nolan held his hand out for yours, and felt elated as you took it, entwining your fingers with his. He knew he would have to take this one step at a time – but his confidence was suddenly sky high, and Nolan felt about ready to take on the world. You watched him walk for a moment, how he even seemed to hold himself better – strides giving him the look of a man on a mission. You couldn’t help but smile as you watched Nolan Sorrento literally change in front of your eyes. You’d been in relationships before, and although that wasn’t what this was yet, you knew that you were in for a wild ride no matter where it headed. But one thing was for sure, you were going to give him the adorably sweet picture-perfect romance that he deserved.
--- Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed! 😊💜
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honeytea8 · 4 years
AAH OMG! 🥺❤️
When I made this blog back in May, it was for pure self-indulgence. I just wanted a free space to let the brainrot flow, but somewhere along the way I made so many friends (😢😢)
Big shoutout to the 120 peeps following me rn 🥳✊🏾 I honestly don’t know how to honor this, so I’ll just go with this cool idea I saw recently: Under the cut are some prompts, send me a number/prompt with your JoJo character of choice (from parts 1–6) and I’ll write a lil something for ya 😜
Here are about 80 prompts I’ve stockpiled from tumblr/pinterest; it’s a healthy mix of fluff, humor, angst, and smut (only because I need the practice lol)
"Were they worth it?"
“Will you just hold me?”
“Listen, I enjoy this hug and all, but can you stop?”
"Wake up, please wake up!"
"Can I ask you something?"
"I can't sleep, I can't eat, I feel like I can't even breathe without you!"
"Where have you been?"
"Why are you following me?"
"Pushing back against my fingers already? How pathetic."
"If you keep making those sounds I'm not going to be able to stop myself."
"You'd better watch your fucking mouth."
"You lied to me. I trusted you and you lied to me."
“I feel like I can't breathe when I’m around you.”
“Life isn’t so bad now that you’re around.”
“I don’t like people, but you’re an exception.”
“Not to toot my own horn or anything, but the dog loves me more.”
“I’m going to marry you one day.”
"They know we're here."
"Take it off. Slowly."
“I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.”
"Such a needy little thing, aren't you?"
"Do you even care anymore?"
"Does this help?"
"Please don't go."
“No, I'm not letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed.”
“Please, stop smiling at me like that. I’m not sure what will happen if you keep doing that.”
“You’re the only one who gets to call me that, you know.”
"Do you hate me?"
“I just wanna keep you safe.”
"Isn't that weird?"
“What do you have behind your back?”
“Hey, stop looking at me like that– I don’t like how cute you look.”
“What are you doing here? It’s late.”
"I know I shouldn't still want you but I do, I want you so bad it hurts."
"How long was I asleep?"
“It was a joke, baby. I swear.”
“Give me a minute, I’m going to tickle the shit out of you.”
"Maybe I should get you a collar so you don't forget who you belong to."
"In case you haven't heard, there is a bounty on your head."
“You know we’re meant to be.”
"Kitten, don't make me tell you twice."
“You look really good in my sweater.”
"Stay very still, okay? They'll see you if you move."
“Wow. you look stunning.”
“I hate you for leaving me!”
“How many times have I told you already?! Sit still!”
"Behind you."
"Don't breathe, be very quiet."
"I missed you so much."
"Do not make a sound."
“You’re seriously like a man-child.”
"I need you, I can't do this without you."
"If we die just know I love you."
"Did I say you could stop?"
"Is something bothering you?"
“Why are you being nice to me?”
“Stop being so cute.”
“You make my cold, dead heart…less cold and dead.”
"You brought me food?"
“The thought of losing you scares me.”
"I'm so sick of your voice. Why don't you come over here and put your mouth to better use?"
“You can't banish me! This is my bed/bedroom too!”
“You’re staring again.”
“Are you seriously giving me the silent treatment?”
"Oh honey, you know, you really shouldn't tease me."
"You can't take back what you did."
“Don’t smile at me like that. You know it drives me crazy.”
“I’m stuck. While everybody else moves on, I’m just stuck here. Without anyone.”
"You did all of this for me?"
“Welcome back home, my love.”
"I love the sounds you make when you come undone."
“Would you just shut up and kiss me already?”
"I don't want to go, please don't make me go."
“Am I supposed to be okay?”
“I missed you so much.”
"What do you mean?"
"I need you. Now!"
"I've loved you since the day we met."
"Why don't you go put on something pretty for me?"
“Move out of my way before I make you.”
"Sometimes you just gotta dance."
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