#I’m emo okay
yunarim · 1 year
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did i just wake up to the most inspiring info EVERR???
as a HUGE sanrio enjoyer since 2005 the news about their new project made me SO HAPPY 😭💔
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mildgendercrisis · 1 year
Listening to Nothing New (ft. Phoebe Bridgers) and thinking desperately about the Barbie movie and trying not try cry about the collective death of girlhood that we all silently experienced without voicing our deep despair and grief during the process
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chrissy-kaos · 2 months
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Gripping the razor blade, I swear I'd never love again
I'll keep that promise, trust me I won't break it
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mochabeanzz · 5 months
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“You make me feel like I’m not a mistake at all. Like I’m better for being different.”
This line haunts me in the best way possible. It’s one of the most beautiful, romantic, and heartfelt lines in the show for me. I know we were all pissed when Volume 2 dropped, but looking back, this scene and the painting plot were genius. I cannot wait for when it all comes undone in season 5 and everything is laid bare.
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nostalgicish · 3 months
in a hater mood rn !! i don’t like the fanon portrayal of the vld team !! the fanon versions of them just boil them down to one or two overarching personality traits and ignores the rest of the character yk
like for example, people making hunk’s entire thing Nice Guy Who Likes To Cook yes ofc hunk is friendly and loves to cook and enjoys food but those aren’t the ONLY things about him
he’s also incredibly intelligent, and brave despite being afraid, and sometimes he’d rather stay home instead of fight but he’s got a strong sense of morality that overpowers that !!! he’s a talker, just loves to chat and doesn’t know when to stop ! and he thinks potty jokes are funny (that time with the olkari recording cube things he made a fart noise just so the cubes would play that back!!! he’s a loser!!!!! affectionately)
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flowercrowngods · 7 months
they tell you about school and they tell you about work and they tell you about taxes and responsibilities and ideals you have to reach. they don’t tell you about baking chocolate cookies from scratch at the ungodly hours of 11 at night and sitting on your kitchen floor while watching a home decor competition show while you get to munch on a cookie that tastes like the hot chocolate you used to make when you needed a reason to live as a teenager. they don’t tell you about getting to eat another cookie while you think about capturing this moment in a mason jar and shipping it through time to your younger self who gets scared so easily by school and work and taxes and responsibilities and ideals. your younger self who wonders if there’s still comfort, still good things, and if you get to claim them for yourself at some point or if comfort is always a question of dependence. they don’t tell you about that, when for years we do nothing but dream about moments like these
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shima-draws · 5 months
Reiju saying don’t ever let him (Luffy) go to Sanji…she knows. She KNOWS
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lunar-years · 1 year
Thinking about Jamie having his dad in his phone as “Dad” with quotations because he knows he’s never been much of a father and about him watching as Sam talks to his own dad on the phone and Sam is grinning so wide because his Dad is praising him and loving on him and Jamie stands there and knows he’s never, ever going to get that from James. Thinking about how he still goes to Higgins and asks him about his relationship with his own father. Thinking about “I try to love him for who he is and forgive him for who he isn’t.” Thinking about “look Jamie, whoever he may be, he’s your father, and that makes him a VIP!” Thinking that Jamie probably thinks of Higgins as a fundamentally Good Person and he’s trying and clawing so desperately to be a good person, too. Thinking about him wondering if the reason his Dad doesn’t love him is because he’s not a good person. Wondering if he’s incapable of being a good person. Wondering if it’s his dad that’s the problem or him, if it’s really been him along. Thinking about Jamie immediately searching out his father when he steps onto the pitch at Wembley, and letting him into the dressing room afterwards. How probably Higgins’ words are the ones in his head as he nods him in. How James lets Jamie down again–now always forever. How James rags on him in front of the entire team and questions his loyalty to Richmond in front of the entire team and shoves him when his back is turned in front of the entire team. Thinking about Jamie, who fights back and then is visibly shaking in terror afterward. How everyone is so thrown and no one knows what to do with that and so no one does anything except for Beard and Roy. Beard, who tosses James out only to be punished for it after, nearly killed. Roy, who hugs Jamie like he’s maybe understanding him for the first time. Like he can finally, finally see him, only this is the part of himself Jamie never wanted anyone to see. Even Roy. Especially Roy. Thinking about how Jamie hugs him back anyway. Desperately. Like Roy’s the only solid body left on earth. Thinking about how the show moves on and we don’t get to see if Roy took him home after and we don’t get to see how their relationship changed after, if at all, and we don’t get to see anyone–not Ted or the team or Keeley or Higgins or Roy–ask him if he’s okay. How the next time we see Roy with him Roys back to fighting with him and headbutting him. How the narrative moves on like James didn’t come into that locker room and change everything. How James disappears from the story entirely after that until he reappears somewhere in Amsterdam a season later as a phantom still hovering over the scene, over everything. Still haunting Jamie. How Jamie still looks for him in the stands when he walks onto the pitch in Manchester during Mom City. How Jamie can’t shake him and can’t be made free of him and how Higgins’ advice turns into Ted’s advice turns into a voice in Jamie’s head telling him to forgive. “Dad” becomes Dad, no quotations. “Hey. It’s been awhile. I hope you’re okay.” Jamie who tries forgiveness. Jamie who visits his father in rehab. Jamie who’s still trying to be a Good Person and wondering if he’s finally doing it right—
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polyamorouspunk · 3 months
The two genders are wanting to learn pop punk/emo vocal styles (transfemme) and wanting to learn metal/unclean vocal styles (transmasc).
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
For the Royal AU Twinyard backstory... Maybe Andrew, as a second son, was sent away for study? He could have become an apprentice to a knight or a scholar when he was young, maybe even with the Spears, and that's where Bad Shit Happened. And then he could have returned when he became of age, or when their last parent dies and Aaron needs a familiar (ha!) face around
*excited* okay okay this has been brought up a few times now and every time I read it the idea grows on me more, you’re all so smart for it
(I was gonna put the art at the end but this got a lot longer and sadder than I anticipated so. Sometimes Andrew likes to do stuff like this when they’re stuck talking to important boring dignitaries)
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(It’s the main reason Aaron develops an incredible poker face)
tws this time are all canon compliant
Honestly yeah! I do think this is great because I want the twins’ father to be around after birth and for a while, because the whole point of Andrew being sent elsewhere is probably so they can give that extra attention to Aaron and raise him as the heir to the throne. So it’s a perfect balance, in my mind, of a family that cares enough to get Andrew an education/proper upbringing and a father that doesn’t care enough to spend time on a second son.
In my head the Spears would be almost always overbearing, partly because Andrew is the prince and they Do Not want to disappoint the royal family and partly because Andrew is the prince and they immediately assume this little five year old they get on their doorstep is going to be a spoiled brat. Even though he isn’t. And, as you may guess, the only thing they turn a blind eye to is Drake. Drake, their own son, probably the real spoiled brat that gets his way in all things, even with the young prince. Faces no consequences, even when Andrew tries to tell someone. It’s probably his governess or nanny at first (either way, it’s not really important what the role is, just that she’s there). And this woman has been Andrew’s biggest advocate since he arrived, she genuinely cares about and is worried for the little prince with his bruises and fear. She cares enough to bring this up to Duke Spear - maybe he really is dumb enough to just be unaware, she hopes - and confront him about Andrew’s treatment. But of course the duke doesn’t do anything to discipline his son. Instead, the governess is fired and a new woman takes her place, a woman that isn’t as outspoken and won’t ever question the authority of the Spear family. Andrew learns soon enough that trying to tell someone or speak out only makes things worse for himself. Sometimes he still wonders where that first governess is, if she’s doing well.
Meanwhile at the castle, Aaron is going through his own rigorous training. A lot of the same stuff as Andrew is learning, honestly, with a few added duties and lessons and a lot more official meetings he attends with King Minyard. It’s a pretty average upbringing for an heir, I think.
Then maybe when Aaron is around the age of ten or so, King Minyard passes. This wouldn’t normally be a political issue, since it’s expected of the Queen to take over and divide the king’s half of the duties as she sees fit until either she remarries or has an heir become old enough to take the throne, at which time she may pass it to the child or continue to reign until she either passes or is deemed unfit. And, politically, this is exactly what happens. What most don’t see is how grief stricken she becomes and then remains. She can’t pull herself from her grieving, and instead of passing duties to more fitting people, Queen Tilda simply lets young Prince Aaron take on as many duties as he can without breaking down. (Though he has, before. Likely a few times. A kid being pushed past his limit again and again.) Aaron grows up so much faster than he ever should have. He’s thirteen now and sometimes he shakes with stress.
Then the queen finally gives into her grief and passes as well. If it weren’t for Katelyn, Abigail, and Betsy, Aaron might have been next to lose his mind, leaving the throne empty. As things are, Aaron swallows everything down just long enough have word sent to the Spear family. He wants his brother back. A familiar face and his quiet, desperate hope: someone to just help.
And return him they do. Andrew’s been perfectly competent with all his studies, they say, they’d even managed to break that stubborn streak. (They didn’t like he wouldn’t speak or shake hands when instructed. They didn’t like being told no.) And yes, it’s a familiar face. Aaron sees the carriage door open, sees his twin for the first time in eight years, but he isn’t sure he recognizes Andrew. Andrew isn’t supposed to have bags under his eyes like this. Andrew didn’t hold his jaw so tightly. And Andrew certainly didn’t answer questions like some kind of unthinking, unfeeling shell.
The first thing Andrew says to Aaron getting off that carriage is “No.” It’s quiet, but he does say it. Aaron is confused - he’d thought they’d still be allowed to hug each other, or shake hands at least - but he does step back and instead ask if Andrew wants to see his room. He can see Andrew relax.
It might hurt Aaron a little when he watches the Spear boy get a hug with no protest, or how Andrew quietly addresses the duke with more than a one word sentence. But he’s not going to ask about it for a while. He’s the stranger to Andrew here, after all.
(I think Andrew does let him ask. The most he tells Aaron about it - maybe as much as a year later - is that the younger Spear had been much worse at listening than Aaron ever is. It is much better here. At least you and Nicky understand the meaning of ‘no’. Leave it at that. And after that Aaron is even more supportive of Andrew’s wide bubble than he was before. He enforces it himself when he has to. And growing up together for longer, with no looming secrets or much reason for animosity between them - it isn’t Aaron’s fault King Minyard decided to hand Andrew off and the twins are both mature enough even at that age to know it - means the twins are much closer than in canon. I don’t think it would be a typically ‘fond’ relationship, because they’ve both still been through it. But they support each other in all things, no questions asked, and always get through problems together.
It doesn’t take much longer than that first year for Aaron to earn the right to touch Andrew, even if he does need to give or show warning before he does. Andrew never says it, but he’s grateful that Aaron is generous with his shoulder pats. It feels a little like the validation he never got anywhere else. And Aaron never says it, but he’s grateful that Andrew is always at his side to tell people ‘no’ when Aaron is technically not allowed to.)
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thankyouforthev3n0m · 3 months
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starfallkaz · 1 year
Never realised how important feeling seen in a book was to me, until I read books with black main characters. I’ve always read books with white protagonists, with people who didn’t sound like me or look like me, or act like me. Different family dynamics, different histories.
Then I read about black characters written by black people for black people and it sounds silly but I’m getting emotional thinking about it. it felt like coming home after a long time away. We all deserve to have our stories told in the fiction we love.
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tenaciouslyobsessed · 14 days
Chat, I crave violence
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theplanetsalign · 3 months
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i just woke up omfg (feral breakdown noises)
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