#I’m feeling nostalgic leave me alone
simply-smitten · 1 month
In my missing the drullet era
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roturo · 10 months
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SUMMARY: meeting up with your old friends sounded like a good idea, turns out lying and saying you and your ex ended up as a friends would include him there, so that was a bad idea of yours.
WARNINGS: unprotected sex, subspace, exes!to lovers, use of curse energy for sex, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, squirting, use of sign language, almost caught, after care, dacryphilia.
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Life has been great.
Ever since you broke up with Inumaki things have been just fine. Both of you decided to end up as friends. Which might be awkward between the both of you but when you’re together around other people it wasn’t that bad.
You decided to focus on your training, even though it became a little bit too much to be at the same place with your ex… so you decided to live alone and start a new life. College is a new experience and it has been really fun! Training at home wasn’t as effective and efficient as training with Gojo-sensei and your friends… but, you felt more comfortable this way.
Some days you felt like exorcizing some curse and just walked through the city and found one.
Just for fun.
That’s what Maki told you. ‘Let’s hang out all of us together like the old times! Just for some fun!’
And everything was going great! But you never expected Yuuji to enter next to Inumaki into Maki’s room. You haven’t seen him in like four? six months? It’s been a while…
And to say he looked even more handsome than last time is understandable. Half a year and he grew up. He seemed taller than last time, his shoulders broader, and his hands…
You scold yourself for staring too long at him. His eyes locked with yours and a small awkward silence was in the room. But thankfully, Yuuji couldn’t tolerate silence and proposed to order some pizza and talk about how things have been.
You told them about your new friends at college, how you've been auto-training yourself, and how you felt like a new person.
Inumaki felt nostalgic. Watching you grow up and create a life without him made him sad. Thinking about the old times and how you talked to him for hours about having a family. How you stayed with him even if he couldn’t communicate himself like others, he loved you, and he missed you.
You missed him too, and when Maki asked if you were comfortable right now, even if your ex is literally like less than two meters in front of you, you said, ‘yeah! why not, we didn’t end on bad terms! can’t do people reconnect? I only see him as a friend.’
The biggest lie you ever said.
But the both of you knew those glance you gave each other, you needed the other… So when Maki accompanied Yuuji for the pizza you couldn’t control yourself.
And I mean like you couldn’t control yourself literally, he controlled you. He took his hands off.
‘Follow me.’
Your body was moving without your permission. Following Inumaki to what you assumed was his room. A tingly feeling dressed as nervousness was appearing in the low part of your tummy.
You felt anxious? excited? euphoric?
You missed him so much it was hurting, so when you got inside his room, thinking about if what’s going to occur was correct, you stared at your phone for some second before murmuring to yourself ‘fuck it, it’s fine’ —the first thing you did when you had control back was send a text to Maki.
‘I’m sleeping in another place.’ Maybe she’ll think you didn’t feel comfortable enough and needed to leave.
But maybe that’s not the case. You might sleep on someone else's sheets.
‘Shh… Undress yourself.’— You wanted to first kiss him, but he seemed eager to have you— and how could you say no? Maybe he wasn’t even controlling you and you were doing it for your own taste.
Feeling vulnerable in front of him— he grabbed you by the waist pulling you closer to his clothes body and started kissing you like a hungry man— You missed his touch and he missed yours.
Coming here wasn’t a bad idea… right?
Your body was sore and twitching of how many times he has made you cum. He’s been eating you out for hours now— with just one word making you cut whenever he felt like it. Making symbols on your pussy of what you suppose it’s his curse marks— Your eyes were full of tears, vision blurry and feeling dizzy.
‘N-no more ‘Inu..’
‘Osaka ‘ Was all he said, keeping a straight face before watching you before continuing eating you out— ‘Squirt.’ Your body shook before your vision turned black and everything felt a thousand times more— his fingers inside of you, slurping your fluids out of you. It was a disgusting mess— but he loved watching you turn into a mess thanks to him. It was his mess.
He never abused so much of his power on you, but this time it was different. He needed you, he wanted you.
Once he felt he got enough of your poor and used pussy, he got up— Watching you trying to keep your eyes open. Makeup ruined, hair tangled and tears coming down your eyes. You felt fucked out— feeling sore on parts of your body you never thought could get sore. Trying to plead for your sanity was met with deaf ears.
He started unbuckling his belt, and turned his middle and ring finger down, making the sign ‘I love you’ before signaling he missed you so much and needed you. Sign language was a common thing between the both of you because of his cursed technique. Just a few words, because it’s like destiny brought the two of you together because in some ways you always knew what the other needed.
He teased your cunt with his dick before inserting it in. You were on missionary, him on top of you while he admired the mess you became. He thrusted inside of you with no warning, your fucked up pussy with no need to make it even more sensitive for you to cum, he just started searching for his release.
When he watched you not even being able to say coherent words, tears just streaming down your face, your eyes almost closed and moans coming out of your mouth was enough for him to cum inside of you. The fucked up image of you— thanks to him— will be forever engraved in his mind. He needs you, he needs to be back together.
He groaned at the feeling of your cunt hugging his cock once he came, his body shaking before laying down beside you. Heavy breathings filling the room, he looked back at you and found you staring at him too. A smile adorned his face, moving his body so he could hug yours— playing with your hair and giving you small pecks he heard a knock on his door. 
He supposed you’re still in a subspace and grabbed his boxers, slightly opening the door so only his face was visible— a confused blushed Yuuji was in front of his door. ‘Inumaki, the pizza is here. We can’t find Y/N though… Do you know where she is?…’
‘Go with Maki.’ Were the words he let out, Yuuji’s body moved without his permission, leaving him alone. 
He looked behind and saw you taking small breaths, your chest going up and down— He smiled to himself, before he grabbed a warm cloth and and started cleaning you up— He searched for some candy he used to have in his room since you were always craving them, he grabbed one water bottle too and repositioned you so your now resting on his pillows. He sat next to you, playing with your hair, waiting till you came back to reality.
Once you opened your eyes, the first thing you saw was Inumaki staring at you— Eyes full of love while he played with your hair. You moved so your body was not sitting on his bed, you noticed you’re wearing one of his t-shirts and your panties— You supposed he put them on, he touched your arm and gave you some water and your favorite candy. You looked back at him— surprised he still had some of them here, you smiled at him and drank some water.
You didn’t notice he grabbed a notebook and was writing something until he gave it to you.
‘Can we get back together? You’re all I need, all I love. I would kill any curse, person, thing who tries to hurt you, everything… just to have you back in my arms.’
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kinopio-writes · 3 months
Hello dearie!!
How are you? I hope you're doing well!
I saw that your asks were open,and your content is really cool and silly,So I decided to leave you a nice ask to enjoy!
Could I have a headcanon platonic! Alastor,Vox and Husk finding a random child next to their dead mother, except that they don't really understand that she's dead and think she's sleeping,so they pity the child and take them in?
The child is really polite and nice,pretty calm,too. Sure,they do child stuff,like running around,being excited,etc,but they still are more calm than others.
They always talk about their mother,how she's the only one left,and how they love her.
Would the characters say the truth? Would they lie?
I just love hurt/comfort and platonic relationships so :3
Anyways,I hope that's not too much,and that you enjoy writing this!
Have a really nice day,don't forget to drink and take breaks!
Stay proud!
-Nina <33
A/N: Thank you for the reminders, heh. Btw, I’m going to have to change the reasons as to why they took you in because I just don’t see characters like Alastor and Vox taking you in because of pity. Sorry about that. The rest is untouched. You’ll still get a bit of that hurt/comfort (mostly from Husk, lol. Both Alastor and Vox are non-existent, but Alastor is somehow better than Vox).
Warnings: Mentions of death
Alastor, Husk, and Vox adopting a deceased mom’s child
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• Alastor paid no mind to the dead corpse
• it didn’t really look that appetizing anyway
• “How unfortunate.” You heard a weird voice from behind you as a hand was placed on your shoulder. “A child mourning in the demise of its mother. Tragic, really. You have my condolences.”
• “What are you talking about, mister?” You stared up at the mysterious man, watching his eyes flick from your left to right eye while his grin only grew as the seconds went by
• “I think you’ve just found yourself the perfect dwelling,” he abruptly said, letting go of your shoulder to fix his bowtie as he sprung back to life. “Why don’t you come with me?”
• “But what about my mother?”
• “She is in good hands, I can assure you.” He offered his hand to you. “Come along, now. Children shouldn’t dwell long in places like these.”
• and so he took you in to be a patron at his hotel
• I mean, what’s more easier to redeem than a child? (assuming you’re a sinner. I don’t know if it’s canon anymore that only hellborns can reproduce. Look at Cannibal Town’s people)
• he intended to leave you in the rest of the residents’ care while they could only guess what his actual motivation was for taking you in
• but it seemed you ended up favoring him more than the rest
• you’d follow him around like a duckling—a lost puppy—you’re attached to him like a leech
• and you’re so well-behaved, too
• up until he leaves your sight
• he actually leaves the hotel a lot more often now because of that
• he finds you wrecking chaos in the hotel entertaining as hell
• and the fact that the others beg him to come back to calm you down
• I don’t think you would ever know what happened to your mother
• even when you talk about her a lot
• those rambles never really prompt him to say anything
• well, it’s not as if he knew what happened to her
• but, hey, at least he listens!
• maybe it’s because he feels a little nostalgic hearing the way you talk about her…
• Husk was fucking spooked when he found you lying beside your dead mother
• not because of the corpse, but because of the way you were staring at him
• with eyes dull and wide open, just like your mother
• while Husk wouldn’t have given two shits if it was a grown-ass adult, you were a child
• so he took you in
• “But what about my mother?”
• “Shi—I, uh—your momma will tag along soon. Now c’mon. She wouldn’t want you out here alone.”
• since Husk is constantly around the hotel, there were never really instances where you wreaked havoc
• you just silently watch him tend the bar and sometimes talk about your mother
• your talks about how much you love her make him feel pretty guilty for some reason
• but he’d probably tell you when you’re older enough
• only if you were asking him about her though
• he wouldn’t want to have to sit you down and tell you something that sensitive of a topic when you didn’t even ask
• “Why don’t I have a mother?” you would suddenly ask when you turned 18
• today was your birthday. Charlie insisted on having a little party for you just like every year. But you didn’t want one; you wanted to be with Husk for the day
• the man in question sighed
• he knew you were building up the courage to ask all day
• “I’m gonna give it to you straight, kid, I don’t know what exactly happened to her. All I know is that she’s in a better place.”
• “Oh…”
• “Do you…wanna talk about it?” He continued, voice a little unsure, “Not as a bartender…but as a dad.”
• you smiled, grateful. “I think I’ve already said plenty when I was younger. But thanks, Dad.”
• he smiled back
• you two would then sit in silence together, basking in each other’s presence
• so, uh, I’m going to have to completely skip the taking you in part with Vox because I genuinely cannot see him adopting a random child (unless he could gain something, but, like, you’re just a kid)
• so you’ll just get the aftermath of it (hope that’s okay)
• based on the way he handled Val’s tantrum, I think it’s safe to assume that he’s somewhat good with children
• but he’s a pretty busy guy
• he doesn’t have the time to take care of a random child, so he’d make sure to keep an eye on you on his cameras
• but despite that, your existence in the tower warrants his
• as you’re too chaotic whenever he isn’t around
• but only around the other expendable employees
• you’re relatively well-behaved when Velvette and Valentino are with you
• but he doesn’t exactly trust them to take care of you
• they aren’t exactly good with children
• so he tried doing video calls
• you will definitely grow up as an iPad kid
• he’d hear you talk about your mom during those calls
• he’d let you go on and on, but it’s not guaranteed that he’ll listen
• I don’t think he would ever tell you what happened to her (he doesn’t know, anyway)
• he won’t lie, he’d just work around your question
• skillfully
• like, extremely so
• even if you ask him directly, he still manages to dodge the question somehow
• I don’t know what else to say, he’s gonna be a pretty distant father—
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darkbluekies · 1 year
The witty & uncanny pt 3 (finale)
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Doctor!yandere OC x reader x mafia!yandere OC
Summary: Stuck with two yanderes, your life is now turned upside down. You're kept asleep and your body is breaking down. The yanderes have won.
Warnings: yandere duo, drugs/medicine, kidnapping, restraints, bruises, blood, "humiliation", “infantilization”, mentions of sexual intimacy, changing readers clothes when they're unconscious, throwing up, following reader to bathroom, washing reader, open ending, indication of reader dying(?), unhealthy behavior, toxicity, reader breaking(?), indication of Stockholm syndrome/giving in.
Word count: 5.8k
Part 2 the outtakes
You run the quickest you can, only hearing your own heartbeat in your own ears. You’ve never been this terrified in your entire life. The gun is still safely tucked away into the pocket of your black hoodie. Your legs are aching badly by now and soon enough, you have to stop to rest. Despite all the adrenaline you’re pumping in your veins, you’re still human. With a quick look around to make sure that you’re alone, you sink down with your back against a tree. You feel for the gun and sigh out, relieved that it's still there. You’re unsure if it is going to help you in this twisted situation, but you’re going to try your best. You can’t do more than that. 
“Y/N!” Silas says. 
You look around, seeing him stand a few meters away. In panic, you shoot up on your feet, but your legs refuse to move further. All you want is to run away, but the sight of him scares you to your core. But you know you have to flee before he wins again. He can’t win again, can’t get what he want. You pick up the gun in a shaking hand, hoping to see him scared … but all he does is smile. A nostalgic, almost fatherly smile. 
“My favorite gun, I’ve missed it”, he says calmly and lifts his dark eyes to you. “But I’ve missed its new owner even more.”
“Leave me alone”, you warn him with make believe courage, “or else I’m going to shoot you.”
Silas lifts a black eyebrow. “Shoot me?”
“I shot the doctor.”
Silas smiles wider and takes a step forward. You force yourself to stand still with your head high. You can’t show how terrified you really are. He’s like a demon, he feeds of off your fear. 
“I must be a bad influence on you, my little thing”, he snickers, putting his hand over his heart. “I never wanted you to take after me. It’s not safe for you. You’re my precious little darling, you shouldn’t run around with a gun. Give it to me and I will take you home safely.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“You really think that? You don’t think I have taken measures to make sure that you’re leaving with me?”
You're about to turn around and run when someone comes up behind you locks their arm around your waist. With a surprised yelp, your back gets pressed into a taller man's build. You squirm around and manage to catch a glimpse of the blonde doctor’s face behind you. You freeze and look back at Silas who’s grinning ear to ear. Less than a second later, a sharp pain from a needle shoots through your neck. 
"Sleep tight", Dr Kry whispers. 
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You wake up in the same room you escaped from weeks ago. The only difference? Both your wrists are secured to the railings of the metallic bed by what looks like belt buckles. You start to wiggle your hands in hope of them slipping out, but whoever’s tied you has made sure that you’re not going anywhere. 
The room is foggy no matter how much you blink. You wish you could rub your eyes, but your hands won’t move. 
You try to speak, but you break out in coughs. Your throat is drier than a desert. 
“They’re awake”, Silas says. 
“Good”, Dr Kry answers. 
“They don’t sound too good.”
“Just a side effect from the drug. They need to drink some water.”
You gasp, seeing the doctor move towards you with a paper mug in his hands. The closer he comes, the more you fight against the restraints. If he put drugs in your neck that easily, who knows what he could have put in the water?
“Be careful”, Dr Kry whispers and sits down on a rolling stool next to your bed. He helps you sit up before placing the paper mug to your lips. “Drink a little.”
You shake your head frantically. 
“It’s just water, Y/N”, Dr Kry reassures you and takes a sip himself. “See? Harmless.”
"I don't want anything from you."
You start to squirm against the restraints again. You start to move your legs and manage to kick the paper mug out of his hands. The water splashes over his legs and your blanket. Dr Kry sighs heavily and for a second you’re scared that he’s going to do something to you. You shouldn't have acted so impulsive. Instead, he stands up and wipes his blue overalls. 
“Seems like you have everything in control”, Silas snorts. 
“As if you could do this better”, Dr Kry says and rolls his eyes. 
“Oh, I know I can.”
Silas picks up the paper cup, walks into the bathroom and returns. You watch him carefully, studying his every step as you involuntarily shrink. You know very well what Silas is capable of and what he does when he’s denied anything.
Silas walks over to you, standing right beside your body. You force yourself to keep your eyes on the clock on the wall, to ignore his presence. Silas leans down to your ear.
“Either you drink this voluntarily or I’m forcing you to”, he whispers. 
His hot breath fans your ear in an uncomfortable, animalistic manner. You shrink and swallow, nodding unnoticeably. Silas holds the cup to your lips gently and you open your mouth, letting the water in. Dr Kry watches in amazement how you swallow every single drop of the water. Silas smiles smugly and throws the paper cup in the trash. 
“See, doc?” he purrs and puts his hand on your head, scratching your scalp. “I know how to control our little beast here.” 
"Unbelievable", Dr Kry scoffs. 
You finally turn your head away, being done with his embarrassment. You look down, noticing something.
"Where are my clothes?" you ask in horror.
Sometime during your involuntary nap, at least one of them changed you out of your black hoodie and jeans to a flimsy hospital gown.
"Your clothes are in the backseat of my car", Silas answers calmly. "Since you like to run around the town like a madman, I thought that if you want to do it again, you'll have to look like one as well." 
Your mouth falls open "I-I want my clothes! You're striping me off of my individuality!"
"We're keeping you safe", Dr Kry says and grabs his keys. "Now, I'm going down to the cafeteria to get you something to eat. Any requests?"
"If you think I'm stupid enough to eat it-"
"I take that as a 'no', then."
With that said, Dr Kry leaves the room, locking the door behind him. Silas chuckles.
"That cheeky little bastard doesn't trust me", he says, eyes on the door. "He thinks I'm going to steal you away the very second I get you alone."
"Why wouldn't you?" you question.
Silas turns his dark eyes to you. "Because I gave my word to him. Unfortunately."
"So? You haven't kept your word earlier."
"Of course I have."
You scoff. "Like what? Name one time."
"I swore that I'd get you back." He tilts his head. "Didn't I hold that promise very well?"
You don't answer. You have to physically bite your tongue from spitting something out that you'll have to pay for dearly later on.  
Dr Kry returns with a paper container.
"I got you meatballs", he says. "I hope that's fine."
"I'm not eating that", you mutter. 
"I think you are. I don't think you've forgotten that your hands are a bit occupied — because those restraints seem to hurt — and if you want something, we have to do it for you … which means that we decide if you eat or not. Not you.” He holds the fork to your lips. “Now, open your mouth.”
You turn your head away. 
“Don’t be a brat”, Dr Kry says. 
“I don’t want to eat that!” you whine. “I don’t trust you!”
“I haven’t done anything to it, Y/N. Open up, please.”
Your stomach growls and you sigh, giving in. You open your mouth slightly, just enough to let the food in. Dr Kry smiles proudly. A string of brown sauce runs down your lips and he catches it with the fork before gently placing it into your mouth again, just like one would do with a baby. You cringe. 
“I think our drooly baby here needs a bib”, Silas chuckles from his chair. 
His embarrassing comments always ruins the mood. You pull yourself away form the food again and Dr Kry sighs, turning his head to the gang leader. 
“Are you serious?” he hisses. “I just made them eat. You’re no help.”
Silas holds up his hands in front of him innocently, but his eyes sparkle with mischief. Dr Kry turns back to you and picks up a new spoonful of mashed potatoes and meatballs. You hesitate while glancing at Silas, waiting for him to make another comment.
“Don’t mind him”, Dr Kry says. “Just focus on me, okay?”
You move your eyes to the doctor. He sighs at your teary eyes. 
“Does the restraint hurt?” he asks softly, caressing your left wrist over the belt-looking thing. 
You have barely been able to feel the pain from the leather bands holding you down, but they do sting. You nod to his question, although it’s not the reason why you’re crying. 
“I will remove them”, Dr Kry promises. “But I’ll have to do something else instead. We don’t quite trust you yet.”
“What are you going to do?” you whisper resentfully. 
“I’m not sure yet. I’ll see.” He holds the fork to your lips again. “Open up again, please.”
You comply this time. In silence, you manage to eat the entire container full of food. 
“Now you should take an afternoon nap”, Dr Kry says.
“I’m not a child”, you spit. 
“You sure do act like one”, Silas says, raising one of his dark eyebrows. “Running away, throwing temper tantrums … shooting people.” He stands up from his chair. “If you want to act like one, we’ll treat you like one.”
“Until you start to act like an adult”, Dr Kry adds. “Until then, you better believe that we’ll keep on treating you like you’re five. Now, time for a nap.”
He helps you lie down again. You refuse to close your eyes, refuse to let them out of your sight. They don’t talk much to each other. Silas is sitting in his chair with his phone out and Doctor Kry is by his desk, filing paperwork. 
You want to scream when you feel the need to go to the bathroom. For thirty minutes, you try suppressing it. Asking to go feels more humiliating than Silas wanting to give you a baby bib.
“I need to go to the bathroom”, you say lowly. 
The two of them look up immediately. 
“What did you say?” Dr Kry asks. 
“Bathroom”, you repeat shortly.
“Absolutely. I'll help you.”
He stands up and walks over to the bed. You breathe out a sigh of relief as the restraints disappear from your arms. Quickly, you sit up and massage your sore wrists. There’s clear marks after the leather bands, a bit of blood as well. Dr Kry takes your hands in his, inspecting. He hisses. 
“We’ll have to put bandage on that”, he says. “You shouldn’t have moved too much.”
Silas walks over to you to inspect your wrists. He twists and turns to see every angle before placing a kiss on both marks. You flinch, ripping your arms back in shock. 
“Come now, Y/N”, Dr Kry says and puts his hand on your back. “Let’s go to the bathroom.”
“T-Together?” you question. 
“You could hurt yourself. There are things in there you could use to harm yourself with. Im not letting that happen.”
Damn him and his professionalism. 
You sigh heavily, giving up, silently relieved that it’s not Silas. Dr Kry follows you into the bathroom, standing by in silence. He doesn't give you a spare glance, staying as professional as he is. You wash your hands and sigh at the marks in your wrists.
"Let's get that patched up", he smiles.
"This is humiliating", you say weakly. 
"It's just a precaution. I can't let you hurt yourself."
You show your wrists to him, eyebrows raised. 
"That is a different case", he says.
A harsh knock can be heard on the door.
"Don't try anything, doc", Silas warns on the other side. "When are you coming out?"
Dr Kry massages his nose bridge with his index finger and thumb, sighing heavily. He unlocks the door and walks you out. While Dr Kry walks over to his desk, Silas walks back to his chair with his phone. You glance towards the door. Whatever Dr Kry had in mind to give you to substitute for the restraints will be sure to keep you bedridden. This is your only chance. None of their eyes are on you. Quickly, you shoot towards the door with all the power you have in your body. As on demand, the two men let go of their things and hurry after. You manage to grab the door handle before Silas has grabbed your shoulders and Dr Kry your arm.
"Where do you think you're going?" Silas asks, pulling you back. 
"Let go of me!" you shout.
"Doc, whatever you had planned you better use it now."
Doctor Kry jogs over to his desk again and grabs a needle. You squirm in Silas’s grip and plead the doctor to put the syringe away.
"Stay still and it won't hurt as much", Dr Kry says, holding his hand on the base of your throat. "Deep breaths, count backwards from ten."
"No, please!" you scream desperately. 
Silas covers your mouth with his rough hand and in the next second, the needle penetrates your skin. What feels like a stinging, burning sensation spirals through your body, effectively numbing it.
"Good job, almost there", Dr Kry praises. "Keep on breathing, you're doing great."
You feel your body growing weak in Silas embrace. He tightens his arms to keep you held up. You eventually stop fighting.
"Good job, Y/N, you did so well", Dr Kry smiles, removing the needle from your neck. "Silas, put them into bed."
Silas scoops you up like a bride on the wedding night and carries you back to your bed. Dr Kry starts to take care of your wrists and soon they're wrapped in white, comfy bandage. 
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After dinner — which consists of another meatball meal — they decide that you should go to sleep. But you refuse. They could do anything to you when you’re asleep. You don’t want to be moved again, you don’t want to be acknowledged. 
“Y/N, close your eyes”, Silas says. “You’re just torturing yourself by being awake.”
“I don’t want to sleep!” you whine. 
You wish that you could do something, but your body is feeling heavy and numb. You’re not sure where your limbs are or if they're held by one of the two men. Your body is already asleep, you should be too according to Silas and Dr Kry.
"Alright, I'm done with this", Dr Kry says after a long silence.
He stands up and walks over to the machines by your bed. You scurry to the other side of the bed with the little power you have left in your body.
"What are you doing?" Silas asks. "Don't do something without my approval."
"If Y/N won't sleep voluntarily, I'm going to help them", Dr Kry answers and lifts down a plastic mask connected to one of the machines by a tube. He pulls out a rubber band thats supposed to hold the mask latched onto the face. "Here, let me just put this over your nose and mouth-"
You cover the lower part of your face with your shaking hands. Your eyes glow with fear. They can numb your body until it's unmovable, but your eyes will always stay alert and alive. 
"Y/N, please", Dr Kry sighs, putting his free hand over yours, about to pry yours off your face. "Just let me-"
You hide your face down in your arm. He stops and looks at you. Your body is trembling like a leaf swirling in the wind. 
"Y/N, it's just anesthesia", he says comfortingly. "It'll help your mind relax so you can sleep. It's not going to hurt you."
He tries to move close again, but your crying halts his movements.
"Please …", you whisper weakly, shaking your head. "Please don't …"
Dr Kry sighs heavily, looks at Silas and then places the plastic mask on your stomach in defeat.
"Alright", he says. "I'm not going to force you. If you want to use it, just hold it over your mouth and inhale the gas."
He returns to his desk. Silas is about to stand up, but a particular strict gaze from the doctor makes him sit down again. He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. Sometimes you wonder if Silas is the one behaving like a child. After all, he throws tantrums, runs away from problems and shoots people. But if you said that out loud, you'd spend a month in his basement.
You stay awake for another hour out of spite, but you can feel how your body wants the sweet prize of sleep. You try to shut your eyes and drift of to sleep, but all the worries and thoughts about what they could do to you when you're out is stopping you from actually falling asleep. Your head is pounding with fear and minute by minute, you're slowly drifting to insanity. 
You glance at the mask and hesitantly lift it to your face, making sure to cover both nose and mouth. Carefully, you give in and breathe the strong gas into your lungs. It doesn't take long until your head clouds up. The mask slips out of your hands and your head rests against the pillow.
Dr Kry looks up from his papers and sighs out in relief. Quietly, he moves over to you and picks up the mask, pulling out the rubber band to wrap around your head. The mask stays in place over your face.
"How long will that work?" Silas asks and stands up.
"It'll work for as long as we keep the mask on them", Dr Kry says. "We can make them sleep for as long as we want."
Silas fixes a strand of your hair that has been caught by the rubber band with a gentle smile. 
"Are they usually this difficult?" Dr Kry wonders, raising a blonde eyebrow.
"Yes", Silas says. "That's why I've managed to develop a technique. You can't be soft with them, you have to be strict and force them. Otherwise they'll refuse and fight. Like today."
"No wonder they hate you."
Silas picks up the gun he stole back from you, placing it under Dr Kry’s chin. The blonde man doesn't react.
"They don't hate me", Silas growls. "Don't make me fucking shoot you."
"Are we back to this?" Dr Kry sighs, nodding his chin down on the gun testingly. "I have told you were to happen if you shoot me here. I wouldn't test my luck if I were you."
"You're such a clever thing, aren't you? God, you piss me off." 
Nonetheless, Silas puts the gun back in his waistband. Dr Kry looks down at his phone, looking annoyed.
"I have to go help another doctor with a surgery, can you watch Y/N?" he asks. "Don't leave the room unless necessary and don't touch anything. Wrong button and you've hurt them."
"What will stop me from going through your drawers?"
"Your morality, I hope. I'll see you later."
With that said, he walks out and locks the door.
“‘Don't leave’, he said”, Silas scoffs and strolls over to your bed, lying down beside you. “How the fuck did he think I'd do that if he locks the door? My pretty baby, you are so precious, that pesky doctor doesn't know how to handle you.”
He knows you can’t hear him, but he finds it nicely to talk to you without you cursing at him in return. Silas smiles at you and pulls you closer to his body, hiding your face into his chest. He secures the rubber band in the back of your head with a small smile.
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“Get the fuck of out the bed”, Dr Kry sighs as he enters the room two hours later. “You’ll break it.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time I broke a bed”, Silas grins, pulling you closer to his chest. 
Dr Kry grimaces. “Oh my God, be quiet, that’s disgusting.”
“Why? You’re a doctor, shouldn’t you be able to talk about those kind of things?”
“Do you ever just keep your mouth shut?”
“I could, but why not use my mouth for the greater good?”
“You’re not Superman, now get out of the bed.”
Silas sighs heavily and rolls his eyes. He starts to move out of the bed gently, making sure that you won’t get hurt. Before walking to the chair, he places a kiss on your forehead. With a smirk, he pets Dr Kry on the shoulder.
“Why so stiff, doc?” he asks amusingly, raising his eyebrows. “Haven’t you gotten laid in a while?”
“My sexlife is none of your business and yours is none of mine, so be quiet”, Dr Kry answers murderously cold and turns to his desk. 
Silas smiles widely, almost like a school boy. 
“You really like getting on people’s nerves, don’t you?” Dr Kry asks over his shoulder. 
“No, just yours”, Silas smiles and sits down in his chair. 
Dr Kry grits his teeth. “What an honor.”
Silas looks down at his phone, noticing a new message from his right hand man. 
“Those stupid- … I have to go”, he growls and stands up, grabbing his coat. “Seems like I have to do everything myself! I’ll be back in an hour, don’t do anything to Y/N without my approval, got it?”
“Yeah, yeah, just go”, Dr Kry says. “If it’s urgent, take the back door, there’s a special elevator for that.”
“Thanks, doc.”
With that said, he runs out. Dr Kry decides to sneak over to you and fix your blanket and mask. He caresses your cheek and sighs out in satisfaction. You look so sweet. So innocent. He touches the bandage on your wrists. Why did you have to fight so harshly? He doesn’t like seeing you hurt. 
Dr Kry sits by his desk until Silas is back, an hour later, blood covering his clothes. 
“What happened?” Dr Kry gasps. 
“Shit happened”, Silas mutters. “Can I take a shower or something?”
“Yeah, sure. There are a towel in the bathroom and a bathrobe for patients. Wash the clothes in the sink and hang them somewhere.”
Silas walks into the bathroom and undresses. He thinks about you and the hospital. There’s nothing he’d like more than to bring you home and keep you in his bedroom again, but it’s not safe for you. It never was, but he had nowhere else to keep you. Here, you have doctor Kry to keep an eye on you when he has to work … and no one knows you’re here. Maybe he should keep you here? The doctor has everything necessary to keep you where they want you. Silas sighs and runs his hand through his wet, black hair. The water is hitting him in the face, but there’s something comforting about it. 
He returns ten minutes later, wearing the white bathrobe. 
“Do you think Y/N could stay here long term?” Silas asks. 
“Yes, of course”, Dr Kry answers. “This room is mine, I can keep whoever I want in here for as long as I want.”
“Perfect.” He sits down by your bed, lifting your hand and giving it a gentle kiss. “Doc, if I pay for every medicine you need, could you keep Y/N safe while I’m working?”
“I’d do it even if you didn’t pay me.”
Silas smiles slightly.
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Days go by, turning into weeks. You’re kept asleep for the most part, only woken up to use the bathroom, eat and wash yourself. You’re too drowsy and confused to do anything yourself. The two men take turns in helping your limp body. It’s an exhausting, dissociation feeling. You don’t know what time nor day it is when you wake up, and you certainly don’t know how long they’ve kept you asleep. You barely feel real. You’re starting to wonder if the real you is a small spider in the corner of the room, looking at the half dead human in the bed.
You’re sitting completely bare in the bathtub, hugging your knees close to your chest as Silas washes your hair. You don’t care about neither Silas or Dr Kry seeing your most vulnerable areas anymore. They’ve seen it all by now and you’re too gone to care. They’re keeping you alive, you’re grateful for that. Almost … a little too grateful. A guilty, shameful gratefulness. You should take care of your own body, two men shouldn’t have to do it for you! You’re ashamed of letting your life be controlled by them, but you’re happy that they’re taking care of your basic needs — at least. You sigh. You have to get a grip of yourself before it’s too late. 
There’s a heavy feeling that has started eating you up from the inside. Something is building up in your stomach and is resting in the bottom of your throat. You want to burp, but you’re not able to, it keeps getting stuck. Every part of your body is aching, everything is wrong and on edge. You can’t take it anymore and finally allow yourself to break down in tears. Silas is quick to turn off the shower and turn your body to him. 
“What’s wrong, little thing?” he asks worriedly, fixing your wet hair. 
“I feel so sick”, you sob. 
“It’s okay, it’s just the medicine. It’ll go away.”
He holds your wet face between his hands and kisses your forehead. 
“I know it’s hard”, he says. "But you're my little champion, aren't you?"
Through your tears, you manage to nod. You have to be some kind of champion after everything you’ve been through. 
Silas smiles reaches for the shower handle. "Are you doing fine? Should I continue?"
You nod, feeling completely out of it. Is this state making you lose your mind? Why did you kiss him back? Why are you answering him at all? Why are you taking his words to heart? Get a grip on yourself. He continues to wash your hair, now more touchy after your accidental affection. You curl up, sighing. Get a grip.
You're lifted out of the tub in a towel. Silas helps you dress in the bathrobe and makes you stay in front of the mirror while he dries your hair with the towel. 
"Look at yourself, look how pretty you are", he smiles, placing a kiss in the top of your head.
You shiver and shake your head. After these last couple of weeks in a make believe coma and being stuck with these men you can no longer feel any empathy towards you. You’re disappointed in yourself for starting to cave in and you look half dead. How can you be pretty?
“You don’t think you’re pretty?” Silas gasps and hugs you from behind. “Nonsense, baby. You’re the most beautiful thing on this wretched planet. I wish you could let me show you how much I adore you.” He kisses your neck. “I’d make you feel so good, make you feel like the only person in the world. You’d never doubt yourself again, I promise. Please, will you let me take care of you?”
You shake your head. If you give yourself to him, you’ll never get out of his grip again and you know that very well. The very thought of it makes you sick to your stomach once again. You hold your hand over your weirdly aching stomach, frowning. Something’s creeping up your throat.
“What’s wrong?” Silas asks. 
“I still feel sick”, you whisper. “I think I’m going to throw up.”
Silas acts quickly. He pushes you towards the toilet, forces you down on your knees and opens the lid and pulls your hair out of your face. 
“Go for it, I got you”, he says. 
As if on commando — and maybe his rough actions — you empty everything Dr Kry’s forced down your throat the last few days. Your body hasn’t been able to digest much correctly when you’ve been forced to sleep for hours on end. You’re not sure much in your body is working right for the moment being. 
“What’s going on?” Dr Kry asks worriedly and enters the bathroom. “What’s wrong, Y/N?”
“You’re the doctor!” Silas says. “Shouldn’t you know?”
“I’ll do an examination. When they’re done, take them out to the bed and I’ll take a look.”
Silas nods and turns to you, helping you.
“You’re doing good, Y/N”, Silas says. “Get it out.”
“It smells”, you whine with a grimace.
“You’re a champion, baby, aren’t you? You can push through.”
You whine tiredly. After a few more minutes of pure hell, you’re finally empty. Silas wipes your mouth with some paper and flushes the toilet. He carries you back to the bed where Dr Kry is waiting. You’re sat down. 
“Okay, Y/N”, Dr Kry says. “I have some suspicions, but I need to test you.”
He performs a medical test on you to make sure that his medicine hasn't had too bad of an effect on you. He's counted on you feeling weak and heavy, but he couldn't have prepared himself for your digestion giving up.
"What's wrong with me?" you ask carefully, fearing the worst. 
"I'm afraid that your digestion might need some help." Dr Kry reaches for the oxygen mask. "I'll figure something out while-"
"No, please don't make me sleep again!"
Dr Kry halts with the mask in hand. 
“I think it’s the gas making me like this …”, you say. “Doctor, please don’t make me sleep again, I’ll be quiet and let you work.”
“I’ll keep an eye on them, doc”, Silas says, moving closer to the bed. “Just work.”
Silas sits beside you and lets you play games on his phone. He smiles gently everytime you manage to win a round of Candy Crush. Dr Kry smiles from his desk at your focused facial expressions. The two men relax, finally you’re showing some signs of giving it. You’re not crying, not fighting, just enjoying the moment by distracting yourself. They hope it can stay like this, but they both know all of this is on borrowed time. 
“Do you still feel sick?” Dr Kry asks after a while. 
“I’m feeling weird, but I’m not sure how to describe it”, you say quietly, suddenly shrinking again when remembering your awful situation. “It’s a bit better after I got to throw up … but I’m scared to eat. I don’t want to feel like that again.”
“I’m going to go get some tea for you to see if it can help your digestion. After that, I think you should go back to sleep.”
Dr Kry leaves the room. You turn to Silas with pleading eyes. 
“Why do I have to sleep?” you ask carefully. “I don't want to. It’s so terrifying waking up and not knowing how much time has passed. I’m missing out on life …”
“When you’re asleep, you don’t have to feel any of the bad feelings or see what a horrible place we live in”, Silas answers, fixing your hair. “You’re safe from everything.”
You look down in your lap to get away from those dark, lovesick eyes of his. Silas slides over his phone to you again. 
“Distract yourself, baby”, he says. “You’ll soon get some tea and then you’ll be feeling better. Keep on playing your little games. You look so cute when you focus.”
You decide to keep your mouth shut and do what he says. You manage to do two rounds of Subway Surfers before Dr Kry is back with a steaming cup in his hand.
“Here, Y/N”, he says and gives you the cup. “This should get your organs up and running.”
“I won’t throw up again, right?” you ask carefully. 
“No, you won’t.”
You sip on it, taking your sweet time with a glance towards the oxygen mask. Will this be your life from now on? Kept asleep and only awoken when someone else wants you to be?
“Are you done?” Dr Kry asks after a while. 
You look down in the cup. Empty. You gulp. 
“No …”, you lie and pretend to take another sip. 
“You’ve been sitting with that for ten minutes now. If you’re not done with it, it’s mostly likely ice cold by now.”
“When I’m done, you’ll make me sleep …”, you say. “So if i don’t finish it you can’t make me.”
“You little brat”, Silas laughs. “You’re so cute.”
“Why don’t you want to sleep, Y/N?” Dr Kry asks. “You’re not having to worry about anything, you can just relax. We’re waking you up when there’s nothing bad happening.”
“It’s not fair”, you whisper, shaking your head.
“Life’s not fair, peach”, Silas says and stands up, grabbing the mask. “Time to nap, little thing. Don’t worry, we will be here to protect you.”
You want to fight back, want to protest, but your body has given up. You know that there’s no use. They’ll get their way no matter how much you disagree. The mask gets once again placed over your face.
“Such a good patient”, Dr Kry praises as if he’s read your thoughts. “Letting us do whatever we want to you.”
You send him a gaze you intend to be a glare, but your head has already fogged up. Silas helps you lay down and the last thing you feel before everything turns into that familiar yet terrifying pitch blackness, is the soft pillow against your back. Silas tucks you in, making sure that none of your limbs are in any uncomfortable position. He sighs, stepping back. The two men look at each other with fear in their eyes, both knowing that this won’t work forever. Today was only one sign of the damage they do to you. Your body will fully break down someday, and that day might be the day they’ll lose you forever. But for now, they’ll keep you in the land of dreams where nothing can hurt you — not even you.
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lunajay33 · 2 months
Summary: Carl Grimes was your best friend since birth, when he died the world turns grey, he was your partner in crime so you shut yourself off from the world, no one could get through, until one day you’re wondering Alexandria seeing Negan in his cell, maybe he could be the one to break you out of this hell
Pairing: Negan Smith x f!reader
Content: Age gap, Depressing themes, Consoling, Spicy themes later on, breeding kink, character development
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I’ve been working around Hilltop helping out Maggie with what I could just for the week, Carl convinced me to come even though I really wanted to stay with in back in Alexandria, I just have this gut feeling for some reason, I work on cleaning up the garden thinking about the memories Carl and I shared, the first day of kindergarten when we were terrified of meeting other kids but he assured me he wouldn’t leave my side, or in grade 3 when boys would pick on me and he’d come to my rescue just like I did for him, then the world went to hell and everything happened so fast, I was out at the park with my parents, Carl and his mom and uncle Shane when crowds of walkers entered the park, screams erupted and blood went everywhere, Carl grabbed my hand and brought me back to his mom and Shane, I looked for my parents seeing them limp and covered in blood on the ground, I couldn’t mover until Carl snapped me out of it, Shane got us out of town, from then on Carl and I made sure to be eachothers safety net, partner in crime
We looked out for eachother after the farm fell, cuddling together on the road during cold nights, bunking together when we found the prison, I cared for him when his mother passed and did everything I could to help out with Judith, then the prison fell and I thought I’d never see him again, I found Carol, Tyrese and Judith on the road after a few days of being alone, everything happened at terminus and when I came out of the cabin and saw him again everything felt whole again like I had been missing a piece of me, on the road he kept me sane and grounded and I loved him for everything he’s given me, he’s my best friend, my brother even and no matter what this crazy screwed up world threw at us, we are there for eachother to support and love and comfort
I’m broken out of my thoughts when Maggie crouches beside me, plucking some berries that have ripened
“What’re you thinking about sweetie?” She asked nudging my arm
“Just all the moments I’ve shared with Carl, I guess I’ve just been feeling nostalgic today” I hear the gates open behind us, I turn excited to see if it might be Carl, he said he’d come pick me up at the end of this week here at Hilltop
I rush over to see Daryl enter first on his bike, I keep searching looking around for any sign of Carl, I look at Daryl confused when I find no sign of him
“Daryl, where’s Carl? He said he’d come”
He got off his bike clutching the strap of his crossbow, what he usually did when he was anxious
“Daryl?” My stomach feel sick somethings happened
“He tried…..tried to save some guy, nobody knew, not until he got worse” he grumbled out
“What…..what do you mean he got worse? Daryl? Daryl please tell me he didn’t……” I could feel my throat tighten my chest aches
“He got bit, he’s gone kid, I’m so sorry” he pulled me into his chest when I felt my knees weaken
I don’t know what to do, this pain is all consuming, that part of me that felt whole and complete with him just got ripped away in seconds, I feel so hollow and angry
“No no no no, he can’t be gone, please Daryl say you’re lying, just say this is a nightmare and I just need to wake up” I scream pushing back but seeing that defeated look on his face made it all real, he’s really gone, my best friend is dead
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The drive on the back of Daryl’s motorcycle on the way back to Alexandria passed in a blur, there was no thoughts except Carl, nothing else just him and the way I loved him and the way he loved me, and I hate that I have to think “loved” and not “love” everything about him will be in the past now and it hurt, it hurts so damn bad, I don’t even know how to process this
The gates of Alexandria opened and Daryl drove in parking his bike infront of our house, it was just me Daryl, Rick Michonne, Judith and…….Carl
“Come on, get ya something to eat” Daryl said guiding me up the stairs, Daryl and Maggie always felt like more than just members of the group to me, they were more involved in my life than the others, they cared and noticed when I needed something, anything, but usually Carl would be the one to help me out
We got inside nothing has changed but it feels empty and lifeless, Daryl tried to get me to eat something but I just can’t, I go into my room downstairs across from Daryl’s and change into some sweats and one of Carls hoodies he gave me, it still smells like him, I can feel the tears run down my face all over again, when others died it still hurt but this is completely different, I’ve never felt like this before
I walk upstairs past everyone and go straight to Carls room, old comic books on his nightstand, some mess clothes strung over his floor, I laid on his bed when I feel something under his pillow, pulling it out it’s a letter with my name on it, I suck in a deep breath not feeling ready yet, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to read this, I tuck it into my hoodie pocket wishing I never had to get a letter
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2 months have past and it’s been complete hell, I thought it was bad when I first found out, that maybe with some time I’d be able to grieve and try and find another hope to live, that’s what everyone tried to say at least, Daryl and Maggie kept checking on me every so often, telling me about what’s been happening trying to obviously distract me, Maggie was happy that they took down the saviours but livid that Rick let Negan live who now supposedly was a prisoner in a cell somewhere in Alexandria, Daryl would sit with me in silence sometimes just his presence sometimes helped, but only for a moment until Carl entered my thoughts again
I haven’t been able to eat, only if Daryl forced me to eat but I’ve only been able to keep down a little bit at a time, an apple, some water, but that feeling of hunger just never came, and I haven’t been able to sleep right either, I stay up all night just watching the stars thinking of all the times Carl and I would star gaze, he’d point out every constellation making me feel like an idiot but it was fun……..was
I get up from Carls bed changing into a fresh hoodie scared I’ll forget his smell, I walk to the mirror noticing the deep dark circles under my eyes and how my cheeks have sunken, my eyes blood shot, the hoodie is completely baggy on me now, freshening my hair into a less ratty ponytail and left the house, it’s late at night and the only people out are the people guarding the wall
I wander around until I’m sick of walking sitting on some steps that led down to some underground basement but it feels more private than just sitting on the street, feeling the cool night air it helps calm me down a bit, I push my hands into my pocket feeling the letter, I’ve kept it with me this whole time just waiting for the moment I get enough courage to read it, it’s time
I pull it out and unfold it looking at his familiar handwriting
“Y/n, my dearest friend, my best friend, the girl I’ve loved my whole life, I’m sorry have to write this, I’m gonna miss you and everything we could’ve done, but i don’t want you to wallow because I know if I lost you I’d be a wreck so please, don’t waste your life of precious moments on thinking about me, about reminiscing on every single detail of this pain, I love you more than anything so please for me…….live, find someone who will love you, find peace in the fact that I’m somewhere watching over you, because if anyone deserves the best in this screwed up world it’s you, I’ll always be there y/n just be happy”
But I don’t know how to be happy anymore, I’m glad it’s night time because I’m crying so hard I can’t breath, I feel sick, I feel like I need Carl
“Hey, you okay?” I hiccup and wipe my tears looking down the steps to the barred whole in the bricks where Negan stood looking up at me
“Sorry, I thought I was alone” I fold back up the letter and place it back in my pocket, I know the things Negan has done, but when I first met him when he visited Alexandria I felt oddly calm around him, un like everyone else
“You look like shit honey” usually when he said remarks like that he’d laugh in the persons face but he sounded genuine, if that was possible for Negan
“This about Carl?” I go stiff hating enough that it plagued my mind but when others talked about it it just makes everything worse
“I don’t know what to do, how to live without him” I say feeling my lip tremble as I lean back against the brick wall next to the stair case
“I know how you feel, lost my wife at the start, the pain doesn’t go away, you just gotta learn to live with it” this side of Negan was really shocking me
“Carl was my best friend, he was there since day 1, I don’t know how to move on, how to deal with the pain, I feel like I’m dying, I look like I’m dying…..apparently” I look at him at the last comment
“Damn, I always thought you were his girl, he was pretty protective of you”
“He always did that, another thing I’ll miss…….how did you move on, after your wife, how do I sleep again, how do I eat, how do I not wanna die and be with Carl again, how do I…..be whole again” I wrap my arms around myself as if it would fix this feeling
“Don’t stop, Carl was a good kid and if you’re anything like him he’d want you to smile again, no one can fix how you feel, you have to find a reason to live, live for his memory”
“I’m scared” I whine sitting right infront of the bars of the “window”
“Of what?”
“That I’ll forget what he sounds like, that I’ll eventually forget what he looks like”
“You’ll be okay darlin, I promise you that”
I wipe more tears letting out a little embarrassed laugh
“Prisons really changed you”
“It’s given me plenty time to think, gets boring in here”
“I can……I can come visit you sometimes if you’d like?”
“Anytime darling I’m not going anywhere soon”
“Thanks for talking to me, I know I’ve been pretty much a mess”
“You’ve always been easy talking to you, only one to not seem scared”
“You don’t scare me Negan”
“Good, now go back home, take a shower and sleep” I nod before getting up to head home, when I get through the door about to head upstairs to Carls room but stop thinking about the letter, about what Negan said, I turn to go downstairs back to my room I haven’t slept in for 2 months, I shower and change into my own clothes, and for the first time in a long time I actually was able to sleep through the night
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The sun shines through my window waking me up, I groan feeling my stomach grumble, after my talk with Negan last night it actual helped a bit, maybe its because he’s not family like everyone else that’s been trying to help me but he’s given me some umph to work on myself
I freshen up before going upstairs and grab some toast to eat
“Hey kid yer up early” Daryl says as he leans against the counter across from me
“Yeah, I finally got to sleep last night” I mumble
“Well good, I’m going out on a run today ya need anything?”
“Ummm….if you come across any foundation or something my color could you pick it up?”
“Why would ya need that?” He asked obviously confused since I never wear makeup
“Never mind it’s nothing, be safe on the run” I say quickly picking up an apple and leaving the house
In all honestly after finally looking in the mirror and seeing the damage I’ve done to myself, seeing how sickly and sunken my features have become it’s gotten under my skin and made me feel a bit self conscious
I walk down the streets seeing Michonne walking towards Negan cell, I catch up with her before she gets there
“Hey sweetie it’s nice to see you out” we were stopped right before the stairs down to Negans cell
“Yeah I needed some air, what’re you doing?”
“My turn to watch over Negan, worst part of my day” she groaned
“Ummm I can take your watch, I’m not doing anything else”
“You sure?”
I nod feeling my social battery already dwindle from this conversation, nothing against Michonne, I love her it’s just all new again still, everything didn’t get fixed over night
“Okay but if you get sick of him come get me” she said before she left back to the direction of our house, I walk down the stairs and actual get into the basement this time, seeing him laid on his little bed in his cell, I pull a chair up closer to his cell and he finally noticed me
“Back for more darlin?” He asks sitting up
“Is it a crime to come visit you?”
“Nah, I’d rather have you sit and talk then some guard glare daggers at me all day”
“You can’t blame them but……but someone should give you a chance” I say as I keep my eyes focused on the apple I brought
“You eat today?” He asks changing the subject
“Yeah…….here I brought this for you” I say holding the apple through the cell bars
“You eat it, you need it”
“Don’t push me, I already ate and I know they probably feed you crappy food so please take it” he looked me over and it feels like my skin is on fire like there’s a thousand eyes on me
He stood up coming over to take it, his fingers graze my hands sending little shivers up my arms
“So how’d you become the “all terrifying” Negan?”
“Told you last night about my wife, after she passed I couldn’t take it I became angry at everything and took my rage out on everyone, hell I was a gym teacher before now look at me, I had everything when I ran the saviours, still hard to let go of this anger sometimes” he groaned as he bite the apple
“I understand that anger, my parents died right at the start and Carl was there for me through everything, he never left my side, I told him I’d stay here with him that I didn’t wanna leave him just even for a week but he said…..he said he’d be fine and he’d come pick me up, now I regret I couldn’t even get to see him in his last moments, just to be there to comfort him”
“Oh kid, have you spoken to anyone about this? Someone you’re more close to than a prisoner?”
“I can’t, they’re already worried enough and Maggie has her son and Daryl had the town to deal with, and I don’t know it’s easier to talk to you” I bit my lip trying to keep the tears at bay
“When does it stop hurting?” I ask looking at him for some guidance
“I don’t know darlin, might be awhile”
“I wish I could be angry, take out all this pain and turn it into rage so I could deal with it some how instead of wasting away”
“Damn hun you need some comfort from someone” I sighed looking at the keys dangling on the hook on the wall for his cell
“Will you?”
“You’re not worried about me holding you hostage so they let me out of this damn hellhole”
“Well are you going to?” I ask pushing the key into the lock waiting for his answer
“I’m not that much of a prick” I unlocked the door and entered as he patted the bed next to him, I sit next to him feeling his arm wrap around my shoulders
“Left the door open and everything” he laughed as I rest my head against his chest
“If you wanna go I won’t stop you, you did awful things but I don’t think you should be locked up like some wild animal”
“You’re too sweet for this world, probably haven’t been able to even experience anything you should have by now, what are you 20?”
“22, and no I haven’t experienced anything really, not like there was any time or opportunities”
“You didn’t even experiment with Carl even if he was your friend?”
“We had little pecks but that’s all we wanted, he’s like…….he was like my brother” I say sitting up to look at him, his hand slides from my shoulders down to my thigh
“Haven’t even tested the waters with yourself?” He asks as his voice gets deeper my heart racing
“A little but…..” his hand slid higher up my thigh
“But what darling?” His gaze was intimidating but I also can’t look away
“But I don’t know what to do” I feel extremely turned on but also really embarrassed, either way it feels better than a shell of who I am
“Tell me what you’ve tried” I go to tell him how I touch myself when the door to the basement slams open and there stands Michonne, she comes in squeezing my arm tight and drags me out of the cell locking it behind her
“Michonne you’re hurting me” I whine from her grip
“What the hell were you thinking he could’ve hurt you” she yelled, she’s never yelled at me before and it’s terrifying
“I…….he wasn’t going to hurt me” I have to look away, her gaze was intimidate too but not in the way I like, her stare makes me feel small and weak bringing me back to this empty feeling again
“You’re an idiot if you think he wouldn’t use you, let’s go” she pushes me out the door and up the stairs, I see Negan through the window, he looked almost defeated as me, but what shon in his eyes ignited a little fire in the pit of my stomach
I’m definitely coming back here to finish that conversation
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Part 2
Taglist: @lanadelnegan @lvrgirl6999 @aubiewabie33 @negandevotee @mordilwen-of-mirkwood @sweetbutpsychobutsweet @heidiland05 @sadgenderfluidmaniac
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mayu-otome · 2 months
William Rex 2nd Birthday Epilogue
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These translations are solely for entertainment and not profit. Accuracy is not 100% guaranteed.
(quick note that English and Japanese are not my native language and there might be some errors and mistakes in my grammar and wording in the translation)
This story is in William’s POV
From time to time, I recall the sincerity Kate had when she held my hand and made the decision to live with me.
I have no regrets about taking everything in her life with these hands.
That's why, in this moment, I’ll sing my ultimate love for you.
William: Victor, a fine red wine for you.
Victor: Vintage red wine... oh, is this to thank me for giving you a day off after your birthday?
William: It's for giving you extra work even though you're already a very busy man.
Victor: I don't mind it at all! I find it rewarding to work for you and Kate.
Victor: But I shall accept this, still. Let's have a drink with Kate later.
(As generous as ever, aren't you?)
Victor accepted the bottle of wine in high spirits, his gaze focused onto my hands.
Victor: What's that, William?
William: Oh, I just went to receive the photograph I took with Kate on my birthday.
Victor: A photograph of you and Kate? Let me see it too...
William: Certainly.
Victor: ... Ah, how nice. This is a very nice photograph.
Victor: I'm sure the future generations will remember you two as the self-righteous king and his partner.
William: I hope that Kate won't be criticized as a princess who was tempted by evil and driven mad.
Victor: Even if she were to be called that, I think that girl would laugh and be happy about it.
William: Yeah, without a doubt.
Victor: ……
Victor: ... Will. Most things are imaginable to me.
William: You're rather confident in yourself, aren't you, Vic?
Victor: I don't mean to say that I'm special.
Victor: Humans have fates.
Victor: Life gets branched out into countless different paths, but fate guides us to where we ultimately belong.
Victor: Much like how a river will eventually reach the sea.
William: Like how my fate is for my own ferocity to destroy me?
Victor: Yes, it may feel much firmer to the Cursed.
Victor: Humans are creatures that will resist their predetermined fates, seeking freedom.
Victor: But you, William, accepted and loved your fate.
Victor: Ever since I met you for the first time in the palace.
(... Ahh, this feels nostalgic.)
William: To me, letting fate lead me by the nose is no different from being unable to be the master of my own life.
William: That's why I chose to accept and love it.
Victor: I understand that's the kind of person you are. It's just, I feel a little bit of loneliness.
William: Lonely, hmm? Why so?
Victor: That's…
Victor: That's because you are beautiful, self-righteous, and — there didn't seem to be an end to your loneliness.
Victor: That's why I'm glad that there's someone who will share this fate with you.
Victor: ... It must've been so unbearable.
As I left the office after my conversation with Victor, I couldn't help but smile.
(... I've been alone for the longest time, huh.)
Those words from my longtime friend were rather difficult to ignore.
(I never meant to be alone.)
I love humans, and I love watching them living freely more than anything.
Yet, I knew that the closer I got to them, the more likely they would be dragged into my own destruction.
(That's why I chose to be self-righteous.)
(Like rainfall after a drought that will leave when the time comes)
(I never thought of it to be lonely or inconvenient.)
Kate: Sometimes… I wonder…What kind of facial expression will I be wearing when my ultimate destruction comes?
Kate: I think… I’ll surely be smiling happily.
William: … And when I’m holding your happily smiling dead body in my arms, your poison will spread and stop my breathing too.
Kate: … At that point of time, shall we go to sleep together at the finishing line?
<flashback ends>
(Meeting Kate made me conscious of it.)
(Living with Kate has made me even freer.)
Just like I became free by living with Kate,
I feel that Kate has also become free in every way by living with me.
It was only the two of us, but we were as free as we could be.
(I want to see Kate's face......Let's go see her)
I left the palace and passed through the dense forest until the faint sound of the piano could be heard.
Drawn to the melody, I headed toward the grand hall.
There sat the person I expected to see, her fingers dancing across the black and white keys of the piano.
William: Kate
Kate: ……Will!
Kate: Hehe, I knew you would come.
William: You knew?
Kate: I couldn't find you anywhere, so I thought that you'd notice if I played the piano.
William: How does it feel to have lured the self-righting king into the palms of your hands?
Kate: You make me sound like a supervillain…
William: Ahahaha!
Kate: Oh, Will, you went to pick up the photograph right?
William: Yeah, you too?
Kate: Yes, but you beat me to it.
Kate turned her eyes onto the photograph in my hand
Her gaze contained both anticipation and excitement, she looked as though unable to wait any longer to see it.
I sat next to her on the stool and handed Kate the photograph; and she got so absorbed in staring at it, as though she had lost track of time.
There we were, smiling while cuddled together.
William: What do you think?
Kate: .... We look very happy.
William: Yeah, you're right.
Kate: ... But my heart was even happier.
Kate looked up from the photo and turned her gaze to me.
Kate's eyes contained a beautiful light, burning with life.
(What’s in your heart can never be seen by others)
Therefore, no one will know what the two people in this photograph were really thinking.
(But only I know what’s inside Kate’s heart)
(And only Kate knows what’s inside my heart)
(That's fine, because that's the truth.)
William: Speaking of which, what was the song you were playing earlier?
Kate: It's K.265 by Mozart in C Major.
William: It's become your signature song, hasn't it?
Kate: I practiced a lot because I wanted you to hear it.
William: Did u know, Kate? This piano variation has a theme and 12 variations.
William: It was originally a song about the sweet pain of falling in love after making a wrong step.
Kate: ….. I see
Kate's fingertips caress the keyboard tenderly.
Kate: Hey, Will. If only there were no such thing as suffering.
Kate: But, to me, this is a happy song about loving someone so much that it hurts.
Kate: It's strange how the pain you go through in order to love someone sometimes enriches your life.
Kate smiled as she said that, looking as beautiful as a flower blooming in spring
By my side, she becomes more free and beautiful day by day
I found that incredibly endearing.
William: I'd like to hear the rest. You stopped playing in the middle of the second variation.
Kate: Yes, of course Will.
Kate: Okay, let’s continue.
Kate's fingers danced over the keys, a beautiful melody echoed through the air.
I wanted to make this sound, this sight, and this sparkle of life named Kate mine.
An impulse that contradicts freedom wells up, and I smiled inside.
(I love this moment when I'm living with you)
I placed kisses on Kate's hair, neck, and cheek.
Kate: .. W-Will
William: Go on
Kate: But…..
William: I want you and the music you're playing. I can't help it, you know?
Kate: ... Jeez…
The music started to lose a little tempo as it approached the ending.
The moment Kate's fingers stopped playing, I would steal her lips.
The kiss awaiting her at the end was sure to be the best and the most sinful.
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Life in the City 1
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bad friends, creep behaviour, abuse of power dynamics, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You move to the big city and find yourself swallowed up by its chaos.
Characters: Clark Kent, Thor Odinson, short!reader
Note: Probably calling in today. Also will hopefully be working on more Dirty Work for tomorrow.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You’ve been waiting for Friday all week. You need this. A girl’s night, just you and Melanie, a bottle of wine, a bowl of popcorn, and your favourite nostalgic blockbuster. You even got a brand new pair of cozy jammies for the occasion.
And it’s your first official get together at your new apartment. Your very own. No more roommates, no more arguments over dishes and dust and a shared bathroom. It’s all yours! It’s almost like a housewarming, even if it is just a bachelor suite.
A new home, a new city, and an old friend. You haven't seen Melanie in years. You keep in touch here and there but she always seems to have so much going on. Now you're in the same place, it won't be so hard.
You bounce in the door, excited to get started on your prep. You leave your work bag in the entryway beside your shoes as your mind runs a mile ahead of you. You’ll fold out the futon couch and throw all your pillows on it. And the extra comforter can go on top. And you’ll put a scarf over the lamp, oh, and you got some candy for the spread. 
It’s a bit childish but it’s been so long since you could just throw away your daily toil and forget. No overtime, no grind, just a night to reconnect and refresh. You grab your bag from the short hallway and take out the clay masks you bought at the drugstore on your way home, you thought that would be so cute!
You pull out your phone and search for the digital rental on your account, wanting it ready to cast as soon as Melanie’s there. Your screen suddenly lights up with an incoming call, interrupting your browsing. You answer, excitedly greeting your best friend.
“Melly Bean,” you chime, “I was just getting everything ready–”
“Oh, really?” Her voice is willowy, “that’s… I’m sorry.”
“What?” You clutch your hand in front of your stomach, your chest filling with dread. You know that tone.
“I totally forgot and I made other plans–”
“Yeah, I know, it’s shitty but I really can’t cancel and we can do it next week, right? I’ll host. I have a bottle of rose here, or I could make some sangria–”
“Uh, yeah,” you feel like you’ve been punched, “yeah, sure, that’s… that’s fine. Things happen.” You shake your head at yourself as you try to stem your disappointment, “good thing I didn’t even get started…” You look at the futon, covered in pillows and the fluffy pink duvet, “I actually just got in the door, long day at work–”
“You ready?” A distant, deep voice creeps under your rambling from the speaker.
“Sorry, I gotta go,” she interrupts, “I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? Again, I’m sorry. I’m so stupid. I should’ve put it in my calendar.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” you assure her softly, “call me. Talk later, Mel–”
The line dies before you can finish your sentence. You pull the phone away and frown at the timed out call. You sniff and toss it onto the futon. Well, you can still have a good night. Alone. Catch up on a show and pamper yourself. Your skin is getting a bit patchy.
Or just lay here and watch the same thing you watch every night. Suddenly, you have no energy. You flop onto the mattress, the metal frame creaking loudly, and sigh. Another lazy night, all by yourself.
Melanie doesn't answer your call on Saturday. You try not to dwell on it but you know she's not working. Her nine-to-five keeps her planted at her desk Monday to Friday, just like you. Well, you can't be mad at her for having a life.
She texts on Sunday. Just a short but sweet confirmation for next Friday. A heart emoji along with a promise that you'll see each other then. You can bring all your snacks and the face masks, and even your cute new pajamas. Her place must be a lot nicer than yours on her executive assistant salary.
A new week begins but Monday isn't as difficult as usual. You have something to look forward to. Again. This time, it will actually happen.
You spend your days with the spreadsheets and menial reports. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday all blend together into an endless slog but Friday comes around with a special shine. It's the day. 
You breeze through the day, lighter than usual. You even packed everything up so you could commute straight to Melanie's place. She's been texting, saying she's excited. Well, she sent a message at 10:38am. 
It'll be just like in high school, when you sat up all night and giggled. Except this time, you're not too young for the movie you're watching. No, you'll be just like the metropolitan women you watched on the screen, gal pals!
You take the twelve out towards the east side of the city and get off a few blocks from her building, at least according to your GPS. You walk in a full circle before you get your bearings and end up just outside the grated door. You tap the small button to buzz her number and wait. It's a lot fancier than your apartments.
You ring several times without answer, your stomach swimming with nerves. What if she got caught up in something? Could she forget in the  eight hours since her last message? Are you in the wrong place? You check the address again.
You hear someone come up the walkway and sidle aside to let them in. You consider sneaking in after them but you don't know if you should. They might not like that or you might get in trouble. You stand back as the man glances at you and gives a nod. He keys in a code and buzzes himself in. You scrunch your lips, helplessly floundering on the edge of the steps.
"Coming in?" He holds the door.
"Oh, uh," you catch the handle, "sure, I just... my friend wasn't answering."
"No worries, don't look like much of a criminal to me," he kids.
You chuckle quietly, forcing it out nervously as you follow him inside. The entryway is white with silver trimmings and the lobby opens up to a set of two elevators. You look at your phone again, confirming Melanie's apartment number. The man strides on confidently and hits the button, the doors dinging and sliding apart.
"Going up?" He prompts as he puts his hand in front of the censor.
"Uh, sure," you scurry forward. You suppose taking the stairs might be a lot with all the weight in your knapsack.
"Floor?" He trails you into the elevator.
"Um, seventh."
"Ah, what a coincidence," he taps seven and the doors close.
You bring up your chat with Melanie and text her. Hopefully, you're not too early. You don't want to surprise her. You key in that you're there and on your way up.
The door open again and the stranger once more lets you through first. You check the numbers on the plates on the wall; 700 - 710 to the right. You turn and the man heads in the same direction. How awkward. You hold the door to the hallway for him and he catches it, not far behind you. You count the doors until you find 704. 
You stop and knock, stepping closer to let the stranger pass. He doesn't. He stops and laughs as he rubs his palms together. You peek over at him. Oh shoot, you have to be in the wrong place. It explains the no answer and you're standing at his door knocking. You must seem like a crazy person--
The door opens before you can figure out what's going on and Melanie's 'hello' goes from a high squeal to dull disappointment. You look at her as her eyes flit between you and the stranger at your shoulder. She laughs and tosses her hair back.
"Oh, uh, come in," she waves you inside, "movie night, right?"
She rubs her neck as she steps aside, your stomach flipping entirely. Did she forget? Really?
"Um, I forgot to mention..." she says slowly, "Clark's joining us. He's never seen the movie before so I thought..."
"That's fine, but er, I can... just go. I thought..."
"I didn't forget," she insists as the man enters with hesitation, "promise, I just... invited my boyfriend."
"Right, boyfriend," you turn to the stranger, Clark, she said his name is, "hi."
You introduce yourself and he repeats his name. He's handsome and tall. As far as you can tell, he's nice too. The cleft in his chin gives him a rugged handsome news and his eyes a bright and blue. He fits Melanie perfectly. She's changed a lot more than you knew.
You give a strained smile and look around. Her apartment is so nice. You're happy she hadn't seen yours after all. As you try to figure out what to do, she approaches Clark and stands on her toes to kiss him. You keep your eyes on the floor and turn, distracting yourself with your shoes as you peel them off.
"I brought snacks," you say as you unhook your bag from one shoulder, "for the movie--"
"Oh, I'm on a diet. No carbs, no sugar... mostly water and lettuce," she trills, "sorry."
"I...It's okay," you try not to wince as you struggle to free yourself of the heavy bag.
"Here," Clark startles you as he grabs your bag by the handle on top and helps lift it off your left shoulder. You pull your arms free and he carries it to the table, planting it on top beside the tall vase of white orchids. 
"Thanks," you say as you inch forward, anxious about messing up the unlivable pristine apartment, "you can share the snacks... if you're not on a diet."
"I'd love to," he accepts, "should I make up the couch?"
"Uh, sure," Melanie flutters her fingers at him, "I guess that makes sense."
You notice how she bites into her glossy lower lip and looks around desperately. She's wearing a pretty black dress and there's a sparkly clutch on the half-circle table by the wall. You thought Melanie would be your one piece of home in the city but now you feel even more out of place. Uninvited.
"If it's a bad time," you begin.
"I told you," she snips, "I didn't forget. Duh, you think I'm an airhead or something?"
"I know you went and got your fancy degrees," she sniffs, "but I don't need paper to tell me I have a brain."
"I didn't mean--"
"Mel, cool it," Clark chuckles lightly, "no biggie. I like a night in," he shrugs, "I'll grab some blankets and pillows. We can have a sleepover."
"Sleepover?" She nearly hisses at him, "well, tomorrow--"
"We'll all sleep in and I'll take you ladies to breakfast. Or brunch," he unzips your knapsack and takes out the tall bottle of wine, "depending on how much you indulge." 
"Oh, I can take care of all that," you offer as you near the table.
"You're our guest," he insists as he holds onto the bottle, "hon, you wanna get some glasses?"
You hear the gentle sigh escape Melanie before she replies, "fine."
You wring your hands in front of your chest and hover by the table. You hate this. You feel like you've intruded on their night but you thought...
Your heart sinks as you think of the message; 'looking forward to tonight'. She sent it to the wrong person. She must realise that too.
"Mel will pour us some wine," Clark says loudly, "did you wanna help my grab some blankets and stuff?"
You just nod, thankful for his diversion. Anything to keep you from wallowing in your embarrassment. Everyone there knows you're not supposed to be there. You must seem pathetic.
You follow him down the hall and wait on the other side of the closet door as he opens it. He hands you a folded down duvet. He sends you back to the living room as he goes to grab pillows from the bedroom. You get a glance of the sleek white vanity just as he opens the door.
You turn and traipse back to the front room. You go to the couch and shake out the blanket. You glance over as Melanie slurps loudly from a stemmed glass, the other two are unpoured.
"Really, Mel, I can just go--"
"No, it's fine," she huffs, "I don't want him to think I'm some sort of bitch."
"Oh, I wasn't--"
"You don't call to confirm?" She accuses.
"I texted and I buzzed--"
She shushes you as she hears Clark coming back down the hall. You leave the blanket across the sofa and go to the table. You pour the other two glasses and step back, too uneasy to claim one of your own. Instead, you busy yourself unpacking the snacks but you don't even know if you'll have any yourself.
"You girls sit," Clark insists as he drops the pillows on the sofa, "I'll get everything ready. Oh, hon, you should go put some pajamas on, get in the spirit. You could lend some to your friend too."
"Erm, I brought my own," you offer, "just... thought they were cute."
"Amazing, you two get changed, get cozy, and get the movie going," he grabs the bag of chips from your hands, "oh, and I'll get those kernels popping."
You nod and swallow as Melanie struts out without looking back. You retrieve your pajamas from your bag, brushing close to Clark by accident, and apologise. You quickly flit away to follow her, chasing after her right before she can close you out. You need to find an excuse to get out. Then you can think of how to say sorry for spoiling her date,
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luvjunie · 9 months
i was wondering if you can do some miles earth 1610 and earth 42 miles head canons if they were your older brother??
btw I love ur work <333
in which miles is your older brother and your favorite hobby is annoying the shit out of him
the brief mention of Jeff can be present or past, meaning this can be interpreted as 1610 or 42. don’t think it needs to be mentioned but y’all are siblings in this au so it’s obviously platonic lmfao
“Miles!” you sang delightfully on your way to his room, nearly skipping with the excitement of aggravating your older sibling. “Dear, sweet ‘ole brother of mine~”
“Nope, leave me alone.”
His voice, sounding just a tad deeper than it did last week, echoed from down the hall as you approached.
Miles was already up from his bed and on the way to close his door, but you somehow beat him there and leaned your shoulder against the frame. A proposition was eminent in your demeanor, and it made his top lip turn up in distaste.
“Hey Milesy. What’s up?”
He crossed his arms. “You stopped calling me that when you were six.”
Perhaps you were laying it on a little thick, but you’d already gotten this far, so you played on.
“And? Maybe… I’m feeling… nostalgic.” you shrugged.
“Spell nostalgic.” He challenged smugly.
“Anyways!” You abruptly changed the subject with a cheeky grin, the dissimilarity in your expressions comical. “Wanna do me a teeny-tiny favor?”
He couldn’t have shot you down faster.
“Absolutely not. I’d rather use the bathroom after Dad.”
You cringed at the thought. Was he that unwilling?
“Why not?”
“Are you crazy?” Miles gawked. “I got my door taken off the hinges the last time you asked for a ‘teeny-tiny favor’,” he quoted the words with his fingers. “Get somebody else to do it—“
“Wait!” You foiled his sudden attempt to shut his door by using your right foot to stop it— the foot in question, currently clad in a fuzzy, christmas themed sock.
It was the middle of April. But that wasn’t important.
Miles’ hazel eyes agitatedly narrowed at you between the small gap you’d managed to keep open. You both knew he could easily close his door if he really tried, but he didn’t want to hurt you. Though he was considering it.
“Pleaaaseee?” Hands clasped to accompany your begging, you whined at him in a tone that made him grimace.
“Y/n, what did I just say?” He grumbled. “No escuchas. (you don’t listen). It’s like you were born without ears or something.”
“You don’t even know what I’m going to ask you for!”
He shook his head, “I don’t need to!Knowing you, it’s something stupid.”
Making his way to the kitchen, Miles immediately recognized the scent on the hoodie you were wearing when he brushed past your shoulder.
It was the one you’d bought him last year as a birthday gift. He hadn’t noticed it was missing until now, and after it being in your possession for God knows how long, the remnants of his cologne were now drowned out by some tooty-fruity ass body spritz that had his head hurting.
“And stop wearing my clothes, dude. You always give ‘em back smelling like Victoria Body Works and argon oil. That’s if you even give them back.”
Yeah, ‘Victoria Body Works’ was definitely not a thing.
Hot on his heels like a cold that medicine just couldn’t kick, your brows pinched together while you accompanied him through the empty apartment on what you assumed was a search for food.
“It’s Victoria’s secret, dumbass. This how I know you ain’t got hoes.”
“Who?” Miles quirked a brow as he sifted through the snack cupboard for a box of something to demolish in an hour.
“—Asked. Bozo.”
“Wow,” you scoffed, a deadpan look on your face when you went to rest your elbows on the granite counter top. “You’re actually ancient.”
Miles was only two years your senior, but he acted like an old head, and that was probably the fault of your Uncle Aaron. He’d spent more time with that man than he did in his own room, which was shocking to say the least.
Miles’ eyes lit up when he discovered a hidden gem tucked into a back corner. “Yo, you gonna eat these honeybuns?”
“You gonna do me a favor?” you shot back, head tilted with the confidence of your incredible advantage over him.
Miles kissed his teeth. He had an immense sweet tooth, and you of all people knew he could never deny sugar.
“Dude, this same box has been sitting in here since last month. Which I know personally, because mom sent me out to get them. Meaning your tubby-ass forgot about these at least two weeks ago!”
Your jaw dropped in shock. “I am not tubby!”
“Tubby is a mindset. Now can I have ‘em or nah?”
You paused to think. “Depends.”
“On?” he encouraged impatiently as you toyed with the hemming of your sleeve.
“When asked where I’m at, around…Let’s say,” you chewed on your thoughts. “Six pm tomorrow— and I know you’ll be asked— say I’m at Isabella’s.”
Miles gave you a skeptical look. “And where are you really gonna be?”
He doubted he wanted to know the specifics on why he needed to lie for you, but he thought to ask anyway. You were his little sister after all, at least one person needed to know where you were.
“Nunya.” you mumbled.
“It’s a boy, isn’t it?” Miles squinted, fingers pinching either side of the honey bun’s plastic in preparation to open it.
Rolling your lips under your teeth, you awkwardly shifted your position so your back was leaned on the counter instead, and spoke cautiously as you ogled the lifting of a few floorboards.
“Maybe… But we’re just gonna-“
“Alright, alright. I got you. I’on need details.” Miles scooped the entire box of his well-earned treats into the cradle of his arm, then reached the other over your head to close all the cupboards he’d previously opened.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
You stole the opportunity to trap Miles in a quick hug, tightly squeezing your arms around his torso on purpose because you knew how much it annoyed him. He never did grow out of being ticklish.
“Yeah, yeah. Move,” voice muffled as he was mid-bite, Miles separated you from him with two, rudely-stiff fingers to the middle of your forehead, then started back to the room he rarely left, somehow grabbing the entire jug of apple juice off the counter on his way.
He called out to you without turning back around.
“But if you not back by 9, I swear I’m snitching. I need my door, trust.”
Your face screwed into one of disgust at the implication. “Ewww bro, you’re gross!”
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r0ttenhearts · 10 months
cold greetings
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cheater! scaramouche x reader
sypnosis: after taking scaramouche back from a nasty breakup-situationship he isn’t the same
warnings: cheating, angst, mean scara
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“scara?” your voice almost trembled, seeing him standing on your doorstep. his cheeks and nose were reddened from the cold but a sorrowed look graced his features. he looked as if he had been crying, dark streaks down his cheeks as his cold hand gripped onto the hand you held against the door.
“(y/n)..” he whispered, gaze onto the snowy white carpet of snow on your steps. the lingering resentment held awkwardly in the air. it was almost like an unspoken promise.
the anger and resentment you still held for him kept you guarded. his tears wouldn’t sway you. not this time.
“i just, i wanna talk to you. you don’t have to say anything but i have to say this to you, or i’m afraid i’ll never get a chance to again.” he spoke softly, almost tenderly. it was as if the cruelty he had hurled towards you not too long ago never happened.
“okay. talk, but then you’re out.” you hesitantly stood aside and let his shaking figure inside. it almost felt nostalgic to see him sitting at your kitchen table again. the pink on his cheeks and the thick scarf around his neck did nothing to hide the feeling you got seeing him like this, once again.
taking a seat in front of him, you noticed the way he wouldn’t meet your gaze. his focus on his fingernails, lap, the salt shaker, anything but you.
he let out a heavy sigh before looking up at you. his eye bags seemed darker than they were the last time you saw him.
“i know i have no excuse to be here. i shouldn’t be, i know that. i hate how we ended things (y/n). it’s been you and i for years, and i miss you. i miss having you around, i miss seeing your face and hearing your voice.” a shake exhale left his lips as he sat there. guilt written all across his face. “i shouldn’t have left you that way (y/n). not when you needed me the most.” he whispered the last part, knowing how much he had hurt you.
how much he had fucked up.
memories of that night flashed back to your mind. his anger, that glare he held as he tormented you with the details of the new girl that occupied his mind. his loud laughs at your feeble attempt to show him that you didn’t need him.
it still hurt, even now. you shook your head, feeling that familiar pain again. “i can’t just forgive you scara. that was really fucked up.”
“i know (y/n), and i’m sorry. i really am. it’s just.. i’ve been thinking about it more with the holiday’s coming up. i don’t want to start a year without you in my life.”
you bit your lip back at that. your sense of nostalgia was something that kept you with him for as long as you did. you yearned for the comfort of the past, begged for it. it was the one thing that felt safe, memories.
with some reluctance, you let him back into your life. he seemed different. he was more willing to do activities with you, things he had refused to do once before. some of his belongings had found a place in your home. it felt good to be around him. almost as if you two were young again, discovering the deeper parts of your relationship together as foolish teens.
but.. if it felt so good why was he so distant now? you paused, standing in the doorway of his bedroom. it was dark except for the bright game on his monitor illuminating a corner of his room, headset on his ears as he clicked away. not paying you any mind.
“hey, scara? you said tonight we could watch—“
“i do not care (y/n). let me play my damn game, won’t you? i have more important things to do than watch something i don’t care about because of your whining.”
oh. oh. without another word you slipped away, quietly leaving his apartment. if he wanted to be alone so bad he could have his alone time. to hell with him! you thought to yourself. you wouldn’t spill any tears, not this time.
you went to bed alone that night. hugging yourself and wondering why he had to repeat history, once again. you had lost count of how many times this had happened before. he would always come crawling back to you once his life fell apart, using your weakness for the bittersweet past you’d longed for.
sighing, you rolled over on your side. you wouldn’t bother him anymore, not with how things were going. you were done with him. done!
you tensed at the feeling of cold hands around your waist, warm breath hitting the nape of your neck as your bed dipped slightly behind you. “i’m sorry (y/n).. that was a dick move.”
you scoffed, shrugging his hand off of your shoulder as best as you could. “i’m tired of this scara.” you said quietly. “i’m tired of you doing this to me. it’s been years, and you never stay the same.” you say with a sigh.
scaramouche muttered apologies as he kissed along your neck. his cold hands finding a place on your stomach now as he caressed you. “i’m sorry (y/n). i’ll be better.”
a small smile flashed across your face once he turned you onto your back, leaning down to meet your lips. the kiss felt warm, unlike the cold indifferent kisses you would press against his chapped lips.
he spent the night in your bed, holding you and reminding you of the promise you had made to each other as kids. “i will always stick with you, despite who i meet along the way.”
you woke up groggy the next day, reaching out to the space next to you only to find it empty. with a yawn you made your way to your bedroom door, opening it but pausing once you heard scaramouche’s voice. he was talking to someone, but who?
“yeah i know babe. i’ll be over by tonight. i’m just busy with work stuff, you know how it is. don’t let childe come. alright bye, see you later. i love you.”
you didn’t think as you walked up to him, grabbing his phone out of his hand and slamming it onto the table next to him. “what the fuck? are you fucking serious?”
“what (y/n)? she’s just a friend. don’t get so bitchy.”
you scoffed, shoving him back as hard as you could. your hands trembled with anger. he had betrayed you again. you stupidly believed he had learned.
“fuck you. i’m done, done with this game. get the fuck out and never come back.” he didn’t say a word as he went back into your room, grabbing his jacket and leaving you there. alone.
you didn’t cry, not at first. you were too angry to cry, all you wanted to do was scream. it seemed so good while it lasted. you believed it was the last time, the last time of being apart and being no contact for months until things would fall apart for him. the way it always did.
it took months to rebuild your life without him. he hadnt reached out, not once. but inbetween drinks with kazuha you would hear about him. his new relationship, how nice his new girlfriend was. it made the drinks taste more bitter as you’d gulp them down.
once it was june you’d find yourself with kazuha on most days. your shared laughs throughout the night turned into interlocked fingers on the sheets of your bed. it was the first time in a long time that you felt good about having a relationship with someone. like a new phase of your life had begun.
a knock on your door one stormy night brought all of this to a halt. you half expected to see kazuha there as you swung open the door. “kazu- oh.” your smile fell seeing who it was. it wasn’t your white haired lover, but your ex situationship from what seemed to be forever ago. the rain slid down his dark hair as his hand went to touch yours, but you retracted it just as fast. it was just like that day in december.
“can we talk, (y/n)?”
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taglist: @whorerificstuff @sakiimeo @astrolomona @dearsumire @saeism @shoheartluv @0kauy @lelemnh @aqualesha @msdevilis @linkookie197 @berriiov @xiaonscaraswife @foxlover1144 @reblog-crazily @samarill
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joeys-babe · 4 months
Joey B Blurbs: The Real MVP
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Summary: Flashforward. Joe wins MVP after an amazing comeback in the ‘24-25 season. In his speech, he has to thank the person who supports him like no other, the real MVP.
Warnings: Fluff
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Into The Mystic
*NFL Honors for ‘24-’25 season*
After a hectic day of running the household alone, I settled on the couch with Tyson and Miles to watch the NFL Honors ceremony.
Joe had his name in the MVP running, and I couldn't be more proud of him.
Last season was less than stellar, with his calf strain causing him to miss camp and his season-ending injury serving unfinished business on a silver platter.
This season he showed the world who the fuck Joe Burrow was.
Not that he felt the need to, but Joe showed NFL viewers that he was worth every penny of his contract extension.
Throughout the ceremony, Tyson and Miles were scanning the audience for their Dad. They'd “helped” Joe pick out his outfit just a few days ago and were so excited to see him in it.
When it got to the MVP category, I held my breath and closed my eyes.
And the 2024 Most Valuable Player is…
My heart was beating out of my chest.
Joe Burrow!
Tyson and Miles stood up on the couch and started jumping up and down, and for once, I didn't get onto them about it.
“Daddy won!” - Tyson
“Daddy won!” - you repeated
My heart soared when Joe walked to the stage, feeling slightly nostalgic when I got deja vu about when he won the Heisman in college.
Joe started his speech by thanking his coaches, coordinators, and trainers before he began tearing up thanking his family.
My eyes matched Joe’s misty ones, just like they did at the Heisman years ago.
“But- I uhm need to thank the real MVP.” - Joe
When Joe said those words, I shook my head, thinking he was going to mention Kid Cudi or Spongebob.
“She wasn't able to be here tonight because she's too busy in Cincinnati being the best mom ever, but I would like to mention my wife. Thank you for always being my biggest cheerleader, y/n. You've been one of my biggest support systems since I was a scrawny senior in high school. I will always be grateful for everything you’ve done and continue to do that has made me the man and player that I am today. I'll admit, I was super nervous for tonight, and I called y/n in the bathroom. Her voice alone calmed me down, but the words gave me enough confidence to leave my hiding spot in the bathroom stall. Thank you for being my best friend, y/n. I love you more than life.” - Joe
Tears streamed down my face as I listened to his sweet words.
“Oh, and thanks for this award. Who Dey!” - Joe
With that, Joe left the stage and walked back to his seat, more in love than ever.
He'd never felt so happy.
When I heard my phone ding, I thought it would be Robin to point out Joe’s sweet words, but instead, it was Mr. MVP himself.
Did you watch my speech? :)
Yes. Currently crying. I love you so much, Mr. MVP.
I'll only be Mr. MVP if you'll be Mrs. MVP.
I’m not a player, though. 🤨
His next text gave me butterflies, it amazes me that his effect on me hasn't changed even after all of our years together.
Most valuable person, baby. 😁
Authors note: short as heck but whatever
Request for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed!
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sanspuppet · 5 months
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Stranger!Yunho x afab!reader
Summary: weeks after breaking up with your ex, you finally try to enjoy yourself and spend the evening at a club. There, a tall, handsome man approaches you… thanks to him you have the best night you’ve ever had in your entire life.
W/T: alcohol, quick foreplay (in public), hotel sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, big dick Yunho cuz it’s him c’mon
please reblog if you enjoyed :3
- not already proofread
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Your body shivered at the feel of the freezing wind, you tried to keep your warmth by crossing your arms around your waist. Wearing a short dress on a cold night of autumn wasn’t a good idea after all… You pulled the door of the club, the smell of alcohol instantly hit your nostrils, it passed so much time since you’ve smelled it, and somehow was nostalgic, too. You took off your leather jacket and layed it out on the stool, before sitting on it.
When the bartender handed you the drink you ordered, you took a long sip, squeezing your throat at the burning feel of the high alcohol degree.
“I hope getting drunk will help me forget all this shit” Even though it was supposed to be whispered to yourself, the loud lounge music tricked you ears, making you say it out loud.
“Forget what, Miss? Wanna share your story? Seems that both of us have came alone here.” You turned your head towards the voice, your eyes widened at the sight of a tall, handsome man approaching you. He sat down next to you, ordering quickly a drink before having all of his attention back to you.
“What’s your name, beautiful lady?”
“Uhm… y/n” He smiled, you shook hands.
“Mine’s Yunho, Jeong Yunho. So, what’s going on?”
Honestly, talking to a man was the last thing you wanted to do, maybe having sex with someone should have helped but you haven’t thought about having to approach them first.
“I broke up with my boyfriend, i mean…ex now.”
His mouth hung open slightly, not sure what to reply.
“Oh, i’m so sorry… should i leave you alone then? It must be painful for you” He brought his hands on the counter, ready to stand up.
“Nah… he’s a dumbass. Actually i’m happy to not see him anymore, i’m just… kinda annoyed.”
His hands slipped off the marble, resting then on his lap. He giggled, before taking another sip of his drink. You talked for what seemed to be a couple hours, telling short stories about your lives, until your cheeks became red after all the drinks and you were a laughing mess.
“Y/n, you’re such a nice person… and very good looking”If it wasn’t already for the all the amount of alcohol in your body, you’d have surely blushed, because somehow that man attracted you, in all the ways possible. “What a blessing that you’re not taken, no longer at least.” He sighed, turning his head away from you. “But i imagine you have no intention of spending the rest of your night together, neither saving my phone number, having just broke up with your ex”
“What do you mean for the rest of the night?” You leaned forward to see his face better.
“Oh… uhm, never mind.” He shook his head, as if he wanted to throw away his previous thought.
“If you mean by sleeping together, i’m up for it. But we seriously need to call for an Uber after all the tequila we’ve drank.” you giggled, barely standing up straight.
“Yeah i agree, my place?” The man walks behind you, grabbing softly your waist to help you walking.
“I-i don’t know, maybe it’s better if we book an hotel room. You get what i mean.”
He was still a stranger after all.
You squeeze yourself against his warm body as soon as you left the local, the night breeze froze your cheeks, which he cupped in between his hands. “Can i kiss you?”
You didn’t even know why your body reacted a little too critically to him, your legs went shut, your core felt like burning, internally melting at the image of you kissing each other. You leaned forward and planted your lips on his, the warmth of his breath and his arms wrapped around your waist got butterflies in your stomach, this man had a whole new effect on you.
The kiss started a little shyly and hesitantly, but it didn’t took long before you two were tongues deep into your mouths, biting softly on the other’s lips. It was passionate yet still had a hint of neediness from the both of you. The tall man pulled away once he noticed the white car waiting for someone in front of you two.
“Pretty, we’ll have time later to kiss. The uber’s here”
You nodded, moving his hand away from your cheek before carding your fingers through it. He opened the car door for you to enter first, then joined you in after a few seconds. You asked for the nearest hotel, then called the reception to book a room. The journey lasted about 20 minutes, in the first half the mood was pretty tense, the driver turned on the radio to cut off the embarrassing silence. Yunho turned his head to look at your side profile, you were so fucking cute but so damn fuckable. His hand was resting on the seat, before doing so on your inner thigh instead. You had a pretty tight dress and your ass was barely covered, he could feel the warmth of your skin, the hotness of his palm near your weakest core was about to drive you crazy. He got closer to you ear, enough for you to hear what he was whispering despite the loud music:
“What are your intentions for later, beautiful?”
His hand was dangerously close to your cunt, you could already feel a wet slick inside your panties. How could he turn you on with just a light touch? Was it the alcohol? Well, however, you were now sure that the only thing you’d want him to do to you once you get to be alone is to fuck all the stress out of your body.
“Yunho, we already know, right?” You moved your hand under his chin, your noses were a mere inch distant, he could feel your unstable breath, struggling already to contain yourself.
“I want to be sure about that, say it. Let me hear you say it, gorgeous.” his grip on your inner thigh got tighter, his eyes were sparkling with the lush lights coming from the palaces of your city.
“I want you to fuck with me, how about this?” The other hand that wasn’t occupied, quickly ran onto his lap until you were palming the bulge on his pants.
“Fuck” you whispered, more to yourself.
“Shush… i know i’m pretty big, but also pretty impatient.” He forced you to stay still, pressing your shoulders against the backrest. “I need to prep you, now. So as soon as we enter the bedroom i can fuck you with my huge cock” He rubbed your plush lips with his thumb. “You have to be quiet though, can you do it for me?”
“Yeah… yes, Yunho”
“Good girl, i’ll use two fingers. Be ready.”
His slender finger sinked into your panties, rubbing instantly against your aroused bud. It was hard to hold back any whimper, because fuck if time had passed from the last time you felt like this. Yunho was close to your ear, sweet praises were leaking out of his plump lips as he started to rub faster. “Mmh just like that, don’t make any sound or the driver will know how much of a needy slut you are.” You bit your cheeks, forcing you to keep your mouth shut. On the other side, you were trying to spread your legs as wide as possible for his big hand to dive better into your soaked hole. You rolled your eyes back when the two long fingers slided between your folds, pushing them deeper with every little thrust “What a warm and wet pussy… can’t wait to have my dick inside you.” The more he talked dirty to you, the more you felt intimate. His fingers were stretching you out so perfectly that if he would have had better access, he would surely reach your g-spot. “Yes baby, take it… a few more minutes and we’ll arrive. Don’t cum, i want you to do so on my cock, got it?” You nodded quietly, biting forcefully on your lip. After less than a dozen of seconds your legs started to shake slightly, the knot inside your stomach intensified as Yunho’s fingertips were rubbing every sweet spot of your walls. “Y-Yunho… pull out- or else ‘m gonna cum-“
The radio turned off. “Here we are. It’s $70”
Yunho slided out of you at light speed, searching for his wallet. He handed the money to the driver, before motioning you to get out. You could barely stand on your jelly legs, still trying to recover from the previous mind blowing stimulation.
It took you a few minutes to reach the door of your room, his hand never left your waist, gripping at it tightly because of the rush that kept flowing in his veins. Your chest expanded widely with each heavy breath, your heartbeat was racing at a seemingly racing pace. He opened it quickly, running towards the bed as he threw you on it. He pinned your wrists above your head with just on hand, the other one dived back into your panties, giving a quick rub to your clit before tugging on the fabric of your underwear and drugging it off your body.
“Fuck… i need this pussy so bad.” he murmured while watching the tension of his pants between his legs. He then looked at you with hooded eyes. “i don’t have condoms here with me, darling. Dammit i just remembered it, but i’m clean.” You giggled at his frustrated look. “Don’t worry, i am on a birth control.”
Yunho smirked at you, he immediately hooked up your dress. His hands groped every part of your soft body, before focusing particularly on your breast. He seemed on the verge of drooling from just the sight of them.
“Fuck… those are some perfect tits. You’re almost too pretty to be ruined by my big dick…. almost” He sucked on your hard nipple, tugging at the other one at the same time. His tongue swirled around the hot bud, his bulge was becoming painful as he kept getting harder with every moan escaping your mouth.
“Mmmh i wish i could fuck them… maybe later. Now i need you go on all fours for me, gotta fuck your pretty cunt first.”
You immediately turned around, burying your face in the soft mattress as you raised your ass up. The night lights coming from the big window were accentuating the wetness leaking out of your folds.
“So pretty and ready for me.” You heard him unzipping his jeans from behind, then unbuttoning his shirt. A few seconds after hearing the sound of the belt hitting harshly the floor, you felt his warm tip brushing against the entrance of your throbbing hole.
“Good… now take it, i know you can do it.”
“F-fuck! Y-Yunho!” You moaned loudly when his cock slided inside of you. Despite your pussy was a literal river from how wet you were, his girthy length was painful to take for the first seconds. You unconsciously grabbed your ass, moving your cheeks apart and widening your legs more, trying helplessly to give him more space inside you.
“You’re doing great baby, taking me so well…” he waited a few seconds for you to adjust yourself to his hugeness. When he felt like you were ready, he leaned over your back, and sucked on your earlob. “Mmh… so tight, i love it. ‘M gonna start fucking you now. Are you ready babe?”
“Y-yes… Fuck! So big…”
You couldn’t help but moan with every single twitch and stroke of his dick. His hands were groping at your ass, forcing your hips to stay still while he pushed himself even deeper. “Good girl, just like that. I need to go faster” As he said that, he was now completely sank into your pussy, his cockhead hit pleasantly your g-spot, making you yelp out. His hips started to move backwards and forth, sliding continuously his length into you. You mewled out loud with every thrust, the pleasure became more powerful with the seconds passing.
“Yeah? Right there baby? Feels good? I bet it feels amazing…ah” his low groans were music to your ears, the intense knot was building up again in your stomach as he started to fuck you even faster.
“Y-Yunho- please… fuck!” By now you didn’t even know what you were begging for, you were mumbling incoherent words as your mind went quickly blank with every pound.
“Yes pretty, i know you want to cum… i’m close. Will you take all of my precious sperm inside your wet little pussy?” His thrusts grew more decisive but still became sloppier than before. You were about to reach your orgasm, you felt it so close… you just needed that little more friction and you were sure that you would experience pure abyss of pleasure, something that could never feel more amazing and arousing. He knew that, he could tell it. His thumb pressed quickly against your clit, rubbing it in fast circles, enough for your climax to hit you after a few seconds.
Your lower body felt like falling, Yunho quickly grabbed your waist, keeping you still. A tight squeeze of yours around his dick and you got him over the edge. His cum was leaking out of your folds as they were already filled by his huge length.
“Fuck… i wish you could look at you right now. So beautifully fucked out and bred with my babies.”
He layed next to you, a hand caressing softly your bare back and drawing invisible lines with his fingertips. Without even realizing it you both collapsed in a deep sleep, locked in each other’s arms.
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harmonysanreads · 11 months
giving many kisses to 🕯️anon for their neuvillette masterpiece xx If 🕯️anon has anymore thoughts on yan!neuvillette, I’m begging for more. please allow me to add my own brainrots in the conversation <3
Imagine if neuvillette put on trial someone from a foreign nation. Maybe a sumeru scholar traveling to fontaine for their thesis or a liyuean opera trope performer recently gifted a trip to fontaine. someone deeply engrained with their nation’s culture.
Only to be imprisoned under false charges all under neuvillette’s direction. Once under false charges, they’ll never be allowed to leave fontaine again, either imprisoned and under guard or in debt in neuvillette and reliant on his word to maintain their innocence.
Imagine being forced into a perpetual cycle of Fontaine’s latest fashion trends, their old thin silky robes being traded for layers and layers of billowy skirts. To engage in daily rigid suffocating etiquette every second rather than the causal and loose atmosphere of their home. Listening to fontaine’s ballet and opera rather than Nilou’s free spirited dancing or traditional Liyuean opera.
All the cultural whiplash and rigid etiquette of both neuvillette and the public watching their every move with no support, no family would break anyone.
Perhaps while they feel as if they are alone, burning the midnight oil to polish over a mistake neuvillette harshly critiqued earlier, they hum a little melody. Something reminiscent of their homeland, a lullaby passed down from parent to child. Humming turns into small sobs until their tune is a cohesion of broken choking and nostalgic memories, crumbling under the weight of neuvillette’s now very present shadow next to their desk.
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They say, home is where the heart is and you've never resonated with a sentence more in your life.
Before, the meaning of home used to be simple, mundane, something you wouldn't even consider that gravely. Home used to be the buzzing of the busy populace at the ports and streets, it used to be dishes dashed with spices of all kinds, it used to be the reassurance of familiar faces. These blurs of happenstances once made your heart flutter with solace, solace that home was at your fingertips. Now, they only torment you with regret for not cherishing them more — because as it is, humans only understand the value of something once that has been snatched away.
Your ears almost don't pick up the soothing hushes leaving Neuvillette's lips, his arms pressing you further in his embrace. Your tears stain his night-robe but he doesn't seem to mind. You allow it as well, your mind too broken to think, your body too numb to push and your being too desperate to let go of this gesture of affection. You should be furious at him for the things he's done, you should scream, kick, curse, hit —and he'd agree that you wouldn't be guilty of that. Normally, he'd take initiatives to harshly criticize this ungraceful behavior and then the lengthy programs to correct it and it'd go on and on til one of you broke (it's always you).
Even when Neuvillette initiates affection, it's never to actually comfort you. They're delivered as rewards because you followed his wishes. But at this night while the rest of Fontaine slumbers and you break, his arms feel secure for once. So you don't struggle and let him coo and hold you tight, you wonder if he adjusts his intentions precisely because you offer no resistance.
Your words sink in his clothes, only a ‘I want to go home’ escapes with enough coherence for it to catch the judge's attention. He lifts your face up to meet his gaze, fingers brushing away stray tears.
“You are at home, this is your home now.” you expected the words to be plain and stern, but they come off as whispers as well. You would've known even if he didn't bother to say, because he's inscribed them in your heart time and time again and tonight, at last, you've accepted it.
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honeypiehotchner · 1 year
baby, please come home (Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- one shot
Merry early Christmas! It’s becoming a little tradition for me to write a Christmas one shot with Hotch every year. This year it’s smutty! (You’re welcome) If you don’t celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays! And enjoy this one shot full of filth to get you through the end of the year. Love y’all mwah 
Summary: Hotch has been overseas for three months and counting, and now it looks like he won’t be home in time for Christmas.
Warnings: beard!Hotch (yes that’s a warning), mention of marriage, Hotch is a (playful) asshole, smut 18+ only pls minors dni!!!, unprotected p in v (wrap it irl pls i beg), oral (m and f receiving), sleepy sex, cockwarming, lots of teasing, Hotch being pussy whipped as one of y’all said on one of my other fics 🤪
WC: ~3k
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Christmas is your favorite time of year.
You have no idea why, since all your family did on Christmas was bicker and fight when you were younger. You received presents that confused you, like chocolate “coal” in your stocking and underwear under the tree (because you didn’t “believe” enough, apparently).
Somehow, through it all, you made it your own. The twinkling lights, the fun decorations, the music that you can’t ever get enough of. It’s nostalgic, for a time you never really experienced, but wanted to so badly. The happy holidays. The happy family around a warm fire.
Now that you’re older and on your own, you make it perfectly catered to you because that’s what you deserve.
This year, that means decking the hell out of the apartment. Especially since it looks like you’ll be spending it alone.
Your boyfriend — well, fiancé, except he refused to corner you into a decision right before he left to go overseas, even though you told him you didn’t feel cornered at all — can’t be here, not like he hoped. He went overseas three months ago, expecting to be back after only three weeks. But his assignment is taking longer than he expected.
Much longer, because now he won’t be here for Christmas. You’re trying not to let it tear you up inside.
It’s not like he can control his assignment. And he’s apologized — profusely — multiple times. So much so that you’ve told him to stop. He’s forgiven. It’s alright. You understand. Christmas can wait. You’ll leave the decorations up (which you do anyway) and Christmas can happen once he’s stateside again. No worries.
It does hurt, but you can’t tell him that. Again, not his fault. And he’s already worrying about so much over there. Not to mention, you only get to speak to him once a week. You’d rather spend that time focusing on good things.
You head downstairs to pick up your package, which is another box of lights. You want lights around every doorway, and around the ceiling in the living room. And a few more strands on the tree. Okay, maybe you should’ve ordered another box.
As you ascend the stairs to get back to your apartment, you think of Aaron’s face, how he’d look at you if he saw these lights. How he’d shake his head with a smile, quietly take everything from you, and hang up the lights exactly where you want them.
You wipe away a stray tear as the elevator doors open on your floor. Unlocking the apartment door, you decide the best way to get through this is blast your favorite Christmas music and put on your comfiest pajamas. Maybe some hot chocolate, too. Maybe a Christmas movie on the TV instead of music. You’re pulling out all the stops.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas plays on the TV while you sip your hot chocolate, gazing around the room. You’ll need to find a chair tall enough so you can reach the ceiling.
God, if Aaron saw you standing on a chair, he’d kill you. One time, you were standing on your desk chair to reach the top shelf of your bookcase, and when Aaron walked in, he promptly wrapped his arms around your body and hoisted you down.
“This is why I’m here,” he had said. “I’m tall enough to reach these things so you don’t have to hurt yourself.”
“Yeah, but you were busy!” you argued.
“Never too busy for you, honey,” he said, grinning as he kissed you, then reached for the exact book you needed.
Before you realize it, you’re grinning too, thinking of this memory. You wish he was here. You know he wishes he could be here, too.
Sometimes you wish he wasn’t so damn important. You wish you could talk to him more than once a week, and at least Skype with him or something. All you’ve been able to do is talk to him on the satellite phone, only when he calls you, because the number changes every so often. And sometimes the calls end unexpectedly, other times he has to go (but at least gets to say goodbye), but regardless, they’re never long enough.
It’s unfair. It sounds childish, but it’s true. It’s fucking unfair.
“Ugh,” you groan, wiping angrily at your cheeks. Get it together. It’s time to decorate. Aaron will be home soon.
You have no idea when. But soon sounds better than eventually.
You set your hot chocolate down and grab the lights, getting ready to turn this place into a damn Winter Wonderland.
Halfway through the movie, you have the lights around the ceiling and are working on tearing open the next box. Next on the list are the doorways. You should have enough for the bedroom, bathroom, office, and spare room doorways. Not sure about the kitchen, though. You might need another box. Damn.
“Damn,” you say out loud when you find a knot in the strand. Huffing, you sit down on the couch to begin the detailing process. It’s always a hassle.
Especially when you have your favorite movie playing, so you keep getting distracted. Eventually, you resign to watching the screen and detangling later. You probably won’t sleep tonight anyway, so you have all night to keep decorating.
Right as your favorite part is on, there’s a knock on the front door.
You’re not expecting anyone, so you ignore it, hoping whoever it was will leave. Or got the wrong apartment, maybe.
But they knock again. Jesus. Fine.
You leave your (second) mug of hot chocolate on the kitchen counter as you make your way to the front door. You lift onto the balls of your feet, looking through the peephole, and—
“What?” you whisper to yourself, fumbling with the deadbolt and yanking the door open. “What? Aaron?”
You leap into his arms, not caring that he’s in the hallway. Who cares? He’s here. He’s home. Finally.
“Hi honey,” he whispers, close to your ear. “I missed you.”
“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you,” you murmur, tears springing to your eyes and flowing freely. You sniffle into his neck, inhaling sharply. It’s really him.
He carries you just inside the door and shuts it, giving you both some privacy. He wraps his arms around you even tightly, exhaling. He’s needed this hug badly for weeks. Ever since he landed over there, really.
You lift your head to look at him, eyesight still blurry with tears. “You’re really you? I’m not dreaming?”
“You’re not dreaming, honey,” he says, then kisses you sweetly. “I’m here.”
“Thank god,” you breathe, pulling him back in for another kiss.
Here is when you notice his face. It’s not clean shaven like it usually is — which you understand. There isn’t exactly time for shaving overseas or even razors available to shave with, you imagine. But it’s…different.
The last time you saw him with a beard is when he had a few days off, and he didn’t shave. But that was a few days. This is…almost three months worth.
“You okay?” Aaron chuckles. You’ve just been staring at his face, with your palms cupping his cheeks.
“You have a beard.”
“I do,” he grins. “Do you like it?”
“Still deciding,” you admit. “I’m so used to you with a clean face.”
“Me too,” he says. “I’m ready to shave, if I’m honest.”
You shake your head slowly.
“No?” he raises an eyebrow. “Why?”
“Mm,” you pause, your mind running wild. It’s been so long since you’ve hugged him, felt him. Who can blame you for your mind venturing to…other activities. “Reasons.”
“Oh?” he bites back a smile, adjusting his arms around you, widening his legs. He knows what he’s doing. He knows what you’re doing. “What are these reasons?”
“I think you know,” you tease.
“I think you’re being shy,” he teases you right back. “C’mon,” he nods, his jaw moving underneath your palms. “What is it?”
“Just…” you pause, burying your face in his shoulder. You’re still too shy to ask for what you want, especially something like this. It feels so embarrassing.
“Take your time,” he coos. “You know you need to ask for what you want.”
“Can’t you just read my mind this once? Profile me?”
“It doesn’t work that way, sweet girl,” he says. “What is it?”
“I just missed you,” you deflect with a shrug, but nothing can hide the temperature your body has risen to. “That’s all.”
“Mhm,” he hums. “And how did you miss me?”
He’s relentless, and you hate him for it, but you love his shit-eating grin just as much.
“I missed you being inside me,” you admit. “And…” you trail away, chewing on the inside of your cheek.
“And?” he presses, though he knows exactly what you mean.
“And…” you try again. “And, I missed it when you— you know. Put your…yeah.”
He laughs, fingers squeezing your hips, massaging soothing circles. “What are we going to do about you being so shy?”
“I’m trying!” you protest. You’ve never been good at wording these things. He knows you so well that you’re used to just letting him take the reins. “Don’t laugh at me.”
“I’m not laughing at you, honey, I’m sorry,” he calms down, moving his hands to rub up and down on your arms. “Let’s go to bed.”
You deflate, thinking you’ve ruined the moment. “Bed?”
“Unless you’d rather I eat you out right here, yes,” he says.
You gasp. “Aaron!”
“What?” he laughs. “Come on. I’m not teasing you anymore, let’s go.”
He takes your hand and guides you down the hall to the bedroom. You sulk the entire way.
“You’re an asshole sometimes, you know,” you mutter.
He spins around and scoops you up in one swift movement, plopping you down on the bed just as quick. You squeal once you land, all of it happening so fast. He grabs a pillow and places it under your hips, and you just know this is going to be a long night.
You squirm, though, not uncomfortable by him but impatient. And awkward. It always feels weird after it’s been so long, but only because you get in your head about it. Aaron doesn’t ever make it awkward or uncomfortable. He does the opposite.
He kneels before you, tugging your pajama pants down, taking your underwear with them. He leaves gentle kisses in his wake, covering every inch of your skin until you’re practically on fire.
It’s different with the beard, obviously. A little scratchy, but good. Soft. Arousing in a way you didn’t think about.
“God, I missed this,” he says, mostly to himself as he spreads your legs.
His lips travel further, to your inner thighs and over your mound, but not where you need him. Until he covers you with his mouth in a sudden movement.
You squeak and he hisses, pulling back. “Sorry, honey, I’m— Fuck. Okay.”
“Are you okay?” you ask, mistaking his words for something else.
But when he looks up at you, your stomach flips.
“I’m okay, I’m—” he pauses to smile. “You’re so beautiful, I just— It always gets me.”
“Aaron…” you pout. How is he so sweet when he’s between your legs, with a mouth that sinful? How can honey and desire drip from the same tongue so effortlessly?
“You tell me if it’s too much,” he says. He looks wild, like he’s holding himself back with everything he’s got. “I know you’re sensitive and I might get a little carried away.”
You reach your hand down to ruffle his hair, smoothing it out before messing it up again. And tugging, pulling his head closer to your core. He smirks.
“Go ahead,” you tell him. “Please.”
He doesn’t need to be asked twice. Ever.
He dips his head and covers you with his mouth, his tongue delving inside of you immediately, his favorite thing to do. It’s different with his beard, but the sensation is far more arousing than it is anything else. Your grip tightens in his hair and he groans into you. He loves it when you do that, as if you have a choice. It’s almost always an involuntary reaction to his actions. He knows your body so well, even after time away.
He barely comes up for air before returning, wrapping his arms around your thighs, keeping them open. You buck your hips further into his mouth, crying out when he sucks on your clit. Your toys can’t compare to him. They’ll never measure up to his tongue. Or the way his stubble feels.
One orgasm down and he’s already chasing you toward another. Both of your hands are in his hair, holding on for dear life, and he’s nearly incoherent. Another orgasm rips through your body, leaving your legs shaking as he soothes you with gentle touches.
But it’s still not enough.
You claw at his shoulders until he gets the message and crawls up your body, face to face with you, his beard shiny with the remnants of your climax. His hair is everywhere, all your doing, and his grin is wild as he leans in to kiss you.
“Inside me,” you whine, working on kicking his pants down his legs.
He laughs as he helps you, unbuttoning his pants and shoving them down. He barely has time to kick them off with his boxers before you’re gripping his hips, pulling him in. You hook your legs around him and pull him closer, making his arms falter. He feels his head brush against your core and he cusses, leaning his forehead on the bed next to you.
“Come on,” you murmur, still impatient. “I’ve missed you, please, I need you—”
“I know, I know,” he coos, lifting his head to kiss you. “I know. Let me get a—”
“We don’t have time for a damn condom, Aaron, get inside me now.”
“Are you sure?” he asks, and if he wasn’t so sweet, you’d slap the shit out of him.
“Yes, please, I’m serious, can you just— Fuck.” He pushes inside of you in one motion, giving you everything like you’ve asked, knocking the breath out of your lungs.
“Better?” he asks, smirking into your neck.
You nod, whimpering, rocking your hips already, begging him to move. So he does.
There’s a certain way that Aaron moves that in unlike any other experiences you’ve had. And maybe it’s simply because he took the time — and wanted to take the time to get to know your body. Now he knows exactly what rhythm you need, whenever you need it, without you having to ask.
Though, sometimes you are impatient and you try to speed things up, the way you hook your heels together and lock him in. His only response is to do as you wish, and wrap his arms around you, between your body and the mattress, to keep you as close to his chest as possible.
“There you go,” he whispers, mouthing at your neck. In between his own heavy breaths, he quietly coaxes you toward another edge. “Let me feel you, honey, let go. You can let go.”
You’re a whimpering mess as you nod, the sensations too much after time away, and yet exactly what you needed. It isn’t long before he works you to your third orgasm, and you cling to his shoulders as you ride out the high.
You always know when he’s about to cum, the way he presses his hips impossibly close to yours, holding himself inside of you as deep as he can. You feel the telltale twitch, his breath hitches, and he collapses.
It’s been a while since he’s let go inside of you, and the consequences will be dealt with in the morning, but right now, it soothes you. Right now, it’s the warmth that you need.
You fall asleep in each other’s embrace, Aaron behind you with his arm draped over you. But it isn’t long before you’re waking up to movement in the bed.
“Sorry,” he whispers into the dark. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“What’s the matter?” you ask, rolling toward him, and when you do, you feel the issue. You can’t help but giggle.
“Sorry,” Aaron sounds embarrassed. “I was just gonna get up, you go back to sleep.” He tries to move out of bed, but you grab onto his arms, pulling him back down.
You shake your head, even though he can’t see. “You’re not going anywhere when I’m right here.” Fully awake now, hungry even. You snake your hand down to his erection, smirking when he hisses as you wrap your hand around him. “I’ve missed this,” you say, moving gently. “Can I?” you don’t need to clarify what you want.
“You’re not too tired?” he asks, but you’re already pushing the covers back.
“Never,” you murmur, stretching out, your mouth now even with his pelvis. You take him into your mouth, humming contentedly. You never thought you’d miss something like this, but you missed everything about Aaron.
His moans are quiet and his hands are gentle against the back of your head, slightly pressing you down further. You don’t mind. If anything, if you were both more awake, you’d want him to hold you down.
Just when you think he’s almost reached his peak, he pulls you off of him. He says he wants to be inside you. You couldn’t think of any place better.
Slowly, with pauses to kiss you because he can’t help himself, he maneuvers you until you’re back the way you were sleeping. With him behind you, he pulls your leg up, placing a kiss behind your ear as he enters you once more.
It’s blissful. He holds you tenderly, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you against him as he rocks into you.
After you both reach your highs once again, you fall asleep with Aaron still inside you. Normally he tries to move, but you know he missed you, because this time he only moves closer.
As he kisses your temple, he whispers, “Merry Christmas, baby.”
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ametrictonofaudacity · 6 months
Bonds 2
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Yandere Platonic Batfam x Trans!Masc Reader
Warnings: mentions of kidnapping/captivity, manipulation, non-consensual touching (cuddles), general yandere themes. Reader has been pretty thoroughly conditioned in this, posted non-chronologically.
There is the soft sound of cracking flames and breathing filling the room, a thick, almost heavy heat that sinks into your bones and makes it hard to think. The logs had long since almost burned themselves out, casting a low, red light over the entire room, a far cry from the cheery yellow it had been not three hours before. Everything is dim and soft, the shadows jumping and dancing when the flames sputter and lick up the logs, refusing to die out.
You hum, sleepy and tired, and turn your head. It’s late, late enough that you wonder when the grandfather clock was going to swing open and let your siblings back into the Manor. Soon, you think. You hoped. It was exhausting, waiting up for them when you didn’t operate on the same schedule they did, unused to pulling long nights without rest and the intense exhaustion that came with what they did.
You huff, pushing the blanket off yourself. The heat was almost stifling, almost uncomfortable, and you lament the fact that you were allowed to open the windows. One gust of Gotham’s wind, biting and chilling and so very dangerous to those who either didn’t know to get out of it in the winter months or couldn’t, would bring relief right away, cool the room down instantly. It used to do the same to your old apartment, even if you hadn’t wanted it to. Wormed it’s way into the cracks and crevices around the windows, whistled loudly as it battered against the door.
Wayne Manor didn’t have that issue. You’re still adjusting to it.
The clock dongs, and you groan, turning your head over to look at it. Fuck, it was late. Late enough you should have gone to bed hours ago, but the silent Manor was almost eerie, the lack of your siblings or Father almost disturbing. Alfred was in the Cave, where you weren’t allowed anyways, monitoring the comms. And you, most likely, now that you thought about it.
The grandfather clock swings open.
You push yourself up, and there’s a strange mix of relief and anxiety in your chest. While you hadn’t, technically, been breaking any rules, you weren’t supposed to be up this late.
It’s Bruce who comes through the entrance first. There’s a heavy exhaustion written all over him, a tiredness that makes your chest twist with something that feels like worry and just might be. Your eyes skim him for injury, for blood, whether it was his or someone else’s.
“You’re not supposed to be up this late.” He frowns, all severe lines and frowns.
“It’s too quite. I couldn’t sleep.” You say, and that makes his shoulders soften, the sternness melting away into something softer, more sympathetic. He sighs, then pulls back his cowl.
“Right. I’m sorry we had to leave you home alone, it was all hands on deck tonight.” He apologizes, like leaving you home alone in the Manor is some great sin he had committed. It was fine. You just weren’t used to the quiet.
“It’s fine, Dad.”
You assure, and he hums. He doesn’t believe you, you know, but he doesn’t press.
The shadows in entrance to the cave shift, just slightly, and Cass melts into your view. You had never figured out how your older sister did that, melted in and out shadow like she belonged in them, but she had startled you more times than you could count doing that. Part of you thought she found it funny.
“Why don’t you let me put a movie on?” You offer, tilting your head. They were always exhausted after patrol, nearly always put on some nostalgic, gentle movie after a long night. You were pretty sure it helped them unwind after a harsh night. It would help you. It had helped you, after fights with them over things that weren’t important and nights when you hadn’t been able to think about anything other than freedom.
“Did you stay up for us? You know you have a bed time, yeah, baby bat?” Dick teases, and you hadn’t even seen him come up, too focused on Cass and Bruce.
“I do not, actually. Y’all just worry I don’t sleep enough.” You huff, batting his hand away gently. He grins, dragging you towards him. It’s not careful, there’s strength behind it, but not enough to hurt.
“That’s because you take after the old man and don’t sleep damn near enough.” Jason scoffs, coming up the stairs and into the room. Tim follows, then Steph and Damian. The only person missing was Duke, but Duke was at his uncles, out of state.
“Okay, well, do you want this stupid movie on or not?” You huff, annoyed. Dick still had you trapped against him, and you knew that wasn’t changing any time soon, so you resign yourself to another night of being forcibly cuddled until you fell asleep. If you were particularly unlucky Tim would manage to cling to you like an octopus and fall asleep, in which case you wouldn’t be able to move for the next day without fear of disclosing him, because any time Tim fell asleep he suddenly developed a death grip and a complete inability to wake up unless a bomb goes off.
“I’ll put it on! It was my turn to pick anyway, no matter what Jason says.” Steph volunteers, flicking the tv on and scrolling through the movies so quickly you barely even have time to look at the titles.
“Slow down, Blondie, fuck.” Jason grumbles, squinting at the screen in annoyance. “My concussion may be gone but that shits annoying.”
“You got a concussion?” You can’t help the barely hidden alarm in your voice. You can’t help it. It wasn’t like Jason had any brain cells he could risk losing, for one, with all the extensive head trauma he had already gotten, and for two, you were ninety percent sure he wasn’t supposed to be looking at a screen after getting one.
“Minor concussion. Practically babies first concussion. ‘Sides, Alfie already checked me out and deemed me a-okay.”
“He’s also benched for the next two days.” Bruce tells you dryly, and you snort.
“You’re as bad as Tim.” The puffed up offense is entirely warranted, and you laugh as he drags you against him, tugging you out of Dick’s grip. Dick pouts, predictably, and you snort, amused. Sometimes your older brother was just a little pathetic.
“Oh, bullshit.”
He snorts, settling into the couch. You end up curled between him and Bruce, and Dick pouts again, before he crawls across the top of the couch, splaying himself out to be in contact with all three of you. It’s borderline uncomfortable to look at, a delicate balancing act that came so naturally to him.
“We’re watching The Devil Wears Prada.” Steph announces. “Because we haven’t seen it in forever.”
“We watched it just the other night!” Jason argues, even as the movie starts to play. You settle further into Bruce’s side, who curls an arm around you lightly as he watches your siblings bicker.
“Fuck you, you don’t hear me complaining everytime you want to watch Little Women!” Steph shoots back, and you laugh.
“That is a goddamn masterpiece, you shut the fuck up. It’s way better than fucking- this shit!” Jason argues, almost genuinely offended.
“Shouldn’t you be intervening?” You stage whisper to Bruce, who shoots you an almost conspiratorial look.
“They don’t listen to me anyways.” You laugh, and it’s nice. Happy.
The sound of the movie and bickering and bodies shifting around each other is calming. Familiar. At some point you drift off, and you wake up to the familiar sensation of being carried in warm arms, safe and secure.
You hum, letting them tuck you in carefully, press a kiss to your forehead. You wouldn’t have, months ago, but now it was something long familiar. Welcomed, even.
You can’t remember what changed. You think you were glad it did.
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starlostseungmin · 4 months
thirteen, hjs.
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✰ notes: hi i know it’s been a while! i hope you’re still here waiting for me but i get that you’re not since i was long gone and didn’t say anything TT y’all i’m not officially back but here’s a short drabble i made after hearing han’s 13. the man made me bawl my eyes out. don’t forget to reblog, leave tags and comment! — i wrote this drabble a few minutes after i heard the song mehehe
✰ tags: @felixglow , @soonyoungblr , @awkwardnesshabitat , @lix-ables , @skzfelixlove , @zoe8stay , @seungly , @ppiri-bahng , @sleepyleeji , @l3visbby , @ohish , @comet-falls , @mrswolfiechan , @rachabreathing , @iadorethemskz , @minluvly , @dreamingsmile , @flirtyskzbutterfly , @tangylemonade , @gwynsapphire , @annispamz , @surefornext , @seungincore , @skz1-4-3 , @hanjingin , @hyunverse , @hwaberryjuice , @3rachasbby , @reignessance , @alicedawitchbish , @ameliesaysshoo ( refer to my navi to be tagged )
masterlist. song inspo.
(paragraphs/sentences with * and italized are han’s memories.)
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han sat alone at the back of the bus with his headphones on. the sceneries that passed by made him fall into his thoughts about what happened to the both of you. his elbow rested on the armseat with his lips placed at the back of his palm, eyes filled with sadness and love, but he didn’t have a choice back then. those happiness he felt wasn’t his in the first place. 
* it was the season of spring, the cherry blossom petals danced with the wind and some fell on your hair. you heard han laugh as he brushed them away one by one. 
“it’s cute,” he said and the way you giggled made his heart melt. “finish that up before it melts,” 
“okay,” you answered, linking your other arm with his while eating the chocolate ice cream he bought for you on the other hand. 
* it became a habit of his to annoy you as you study for your finals. the way he makes your long hair as a fake mustache or pokes your cheek out of nowhere borrows an extra pen from your pen case, and writes a funny note on your paper with his quokka doodles and if you choose to stop him, he’d place a kiss on your cheek which would distract you from it. 
“you can’t do that,” you said. 
“why not?” he asked, pouting his lips but then you gave them a peck. 
“because i’m studying, that’s why,” you answered, going back to reading your textbook, leaving him flustered and dumbfounded, making you smirk in secret. 
han arrived at the beach early in the morning. the cold wind brushed his hair as he walked slowly toward the shore, hands in his pockets while feeling the breeze and the gentle waves. he closed his eyes and yet another nostalgic memory flashed in his mind, remembering how his heart would go crazy every time you were with him. 
* in the same season of spring, the night he walked you home as you held each other’s hands, he hated the fact that this would end your moment for the day and had to see you tomorrow again. he would whine about it making you laugh and share a kiss to say good night. 
“i’ll see you in the morning,” he said as you gave him a nod. 
“get home safely,” you answered as he started to take his way, waving at you before turning his back after you entered the dorms. the smile he has on his face will last a while. you made him so happy. 
* there are times that han wouldn’t let you go home when you visit him and you didn’t have a choice but to do a sleepover. it’s either you both sit on the couch while watching your favorite movies and when you fall asleep on his shoulder as he caresses your hair, he plants a kiss on the crown of your head, whispering millions of “i love you”. 
or when you would lay down beside each other on his bed while you’re fast asleep, he’d stare at you with a lovesick smile on his face while caressing your cheek. he’d admire how beautiful you were and thought about how lucky he was to have you in his life. 
but both of you knew that this love wouldn’t last longer than expected. 
* misunderstandings came by, and immature and irrational reasons started to spoil the relationship, saying both of you are too young to commit and understand the deeper meaning of being in love. time is one of the reasons, as well as different tastes and opposite perspectives. fights started to be serious until the breakup happened. 
you two stood face-to-face in front of your doorstep as han tried to fix the broken pieces of the puzzle you were making but you decided not to pursue it. at first, he didn’t want it, but you were consistent to stop and so, he fell into despair. 
han sat down on the sand, remembering how you used to visit this beach during high school and play tag, he would often carry you to the water as you squealed in laughter, arms locked around your waist 一giving you a tight hug. laughs were shared, and the smiles you showed, it was all pure. but the pain you left, he’s the only one who bears it. 
* with those times that you and han played at the arcade, he remembers them all, the plushie he won for you from that damn claw machine cost him a lot, or those shooting games that he lets you win every time and you thought he sucked at it, then those kids getting annoyed about how you take too long playing tetris. 
* “i’m sorry,” you told him. 
there’s nothing to be sorry for, it was all done. 
han broke down in tears with the sun shining bright and the sky was clear, it was a good day to be heartbroken. he couldn’t do anything now, he had to let you go and let the waves wash his pain away even if it was hard to do it. 
and there, he left. 
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feedbacks and reblogs are highly appreciated.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
So, do you remember that you once wrote about reader!Goddess who was humiliated and therefore manipulated both sides to bring about Ragnarok? It occurred to me that in this continuation type scenario (taking into account the plot of the "main God" that they want to revive in the manga) they need the reader's help to search for information or something.
And though she first mocks them for needing her after they metaphorically kicked her out (more like isolating her) she eventually agrees to help. At one point in the trip she feels nostalgic because she hasn't lived with someone for so long in eons and she feels warmth from being with them, even though she knows that they only tolerate her. And talking to someone (Maybe Sasaki my Sun I love him) tell him;
- "They think I like to fight but... it's not true, sometimes I lose my patience and vent but... I've never enjoyed it. I'm not bad, I don't know why I bite..."
(God those dialogues make me cry, I took that phrase from the movie Isle of Dogs) And they can hear. What would be your reactions/thoughts? I want some angst and comfort!
PS: I read that you liked Hogwarts Mystery, do you write for that fandom too?
-With the looming threat of an old deity trying to be resurrected, the warriors of Valhalla needed to do something before they were all wiped out.
-Any information they could find, they gathered, trying to get any scrap they could, to not only prevent the resurrection, but what to do if it were to happen.
-Hermes hummed quietly into his hand that was covering his mouth, “You’re not going to like this.” Eyes, gods and humans, turned to him as Hermes was looking between two different papers, “There is one who knows more about this threat, as she was one who helped defeat it last time… Y/N.”
-Eyes went wide, hearing that you, the Great Manipulator, that many were calling you, despite others being sympathetic towards you, were the key to preventing Valhalla from being destroyed.
-Many voiced their opinion on not relying on you, not willing to trust you, but both Brunnhilde and Zeus agreed that you were their only hope, and if you didn’t want to risk your home being destroyed by this threat, you would help.
-You were stunned to see all of them at your door when you went to answer the knock, your eyes quickly narrowing, preparing for a fight, thinking they were there for revenge, even after they all but isolated you from everyone else, leaving and abandoning you, “And what do you all want? Come to laugh at me before being alone again?” your bite was deserved, but when they didn’t respond, you calmed, curious as to their reasoning to being at your home.
-Brunnhilde’s eyes were focused, serious, “Y/N, we need your help.” You were cautious, but you agreed to hear them out and you heard the name of a deity you had even forgotten about, your eyes going wide, “Someone is trying to bring that bastard back?”
-The venom in your voice was surprising, hearing your anger, as Hades nodded, “Yes, and we’ve learned you were one of the gods who helped defeat him last time. We need your help.”
-You inhaled deeply, your hands coming to your hips before you nodded softly, “Follow me.”
-You led the group of warriors down deep into Helheim, where this beast was sealed as you spoke with Odin and Hades, “If the seal is weak then this is a serious threat, but if it is weak, we can strengthen it now and make is impossible for it to break out or for anyone to break it free.”
-This did make sense, and you heard a few behind you, Poseidon being the most vocal, “And how can we trust you on this?”
-You turned your head, your eye piercing into him as you saw other gazes, many filled with the same anger and distrust, not believing you, “Because I’m the only one here who fought it, I helped seal it, and I’m the only chance you have to protect your precious Valhalla.”
-You didn’t even try to hide the venom in your voice, as you were still bitter yourself for what they did to you all those years ago and here recently, turning you into the bad guy. Many flinched at your tone, something you didn’t see as you turned back around, hearing your anger.
-Many felt guilty, now, for what they did to you, seeing you being so bitter and guarded, as they were the ones who made you like that, and those who sympathized with you, believed you weren’t in the wrong, as you were just a heartbroken woman.
-The staircase winded down and down, going deep into the underworld, and soon you found yourself walking next to one of the humans, Kojiro, the first who managed to defeat a god, “Lady Y/N… I-” you turned your heard to smile softly up at him, showing him that you were a soft and gentle person, “Don’t- you don’t need to apologize for something you didn’t do.”
-He sighed softly, looking defeated before he tried again, not willing to give up just yet and he went to speak, but you beat him to the punch, surprising him with your words, like you had read his mind, which you hadn’t, he was just a little easy to read with things like this, “I don’t like being like this- I don’t like being mean. I’m not a bad person, but this is the only way I feel safe.”
-Eyes went wide as heads turned to you, the gods around you, hearing this, hearing how broken and soft you sounded.
-They remembered when you used to be so happy, overflowing with natural beauty as you smiled, spreading joy wherever you went.
-Then they remembered how you wept at the altar, being left alone, collapsing to your knees, sobbing into your hands after the love of your life had run off, abandoning you.
-The anger you showed, once they told you what they had done, trying to play it off as a harmless joke, was a dark day in Valhalla, as while you were always happy and sweet, you were just as vengeful and cruel, and that day many of them knew your fury.
-There were many regretful glances sent around amongst the gods, they were the ones who made you like this. If they hadn’t been jealous of the human who took your heart, if you would have been happy, would you still be like you were before, happy?
-As you reached the bottom of the stairs, you saw the thrashing beast of a deity, trying to get free of its shackles, the magical seals were faded and barely glowing.
-Many were stunned to see the beast right there and some of the humans went to attack, thinking it was about to break free. You held an arm up, keeping them back, “Don’t waste your energy. It’s unkillable.”
-You lifted a hand and snapped your fingers, and a rush of energy left your body, flowing over all of them as the seals started glowing brightly, being renewed, and strengthened.
-The beast roared loudly, “LET ME FREE!! I will have my revenge on you damn gods!!” you weren’t impressed, your hands coming to your hips as you started over, your heels clicking beneath you.
-It looked up at you, snarling darkly before you kicked him hard, stepping on his head with your heel, grinding down only slightly as you looked down at him, a dark, intimidating aura surrounding you, “I made you my bitch once. I’ll do it again. Do not try me.”
-Now whining like a kicked puppy, comical tears in his eyes, he backed off and you turned to the gods, “Nobody will be able to free him- why are you all staring at me?”
-Loki immediately was on his knees before you, holding one of your hands, “Step on me like that too!” you rolled your eyes, a sound of disgust leaving you, as you walked past him and the other, muttering under your breath, “Why do men keep asking me that?”
-Loki was quick to chase after you, begging you and you called over your shoulder, “If someone doesn’t come get him, I’m going to hurt him!” which caused a scramble to get to Loki, many of them not wanting to incur your wrath.
-They needed to fix things with you, because they wanted you on their side, know how powerful you were- they made an enemy with you once, there wouldn’t be a second time.
And to answer your question, not so much Hogwarts Mystery, but I've been playing Hogwarts Legacy, and while I haven't written anything for that fandom, I don't mind doing so.
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