#I’m going to try to catch up on what I missed XD
secretmellowblog · 2 years
I love the @lesmisletters email subscription thing, so I decided to track when major characters will appear for the first time! : D If I did my math right— feel free to correct me— the dates should be:
January 1st: Bishop Myriel
January 15th: Jean Valjean
January 29th: Fantine
February 6th: Cosette, Madame Thenardier, Monsieur Thenardier, Eponine, and Azelma
February 13th: Inspector Javert
February 14th: Pere Fauchelevent
April 3rd: Gavroche
June 9th: Gillenormand
June 14th: the Momes
June 16th: Marius Pontmercy, Mademoiselle Gillenormand, Theodule Gillenormand, Georges Pontmercy (by implication—he is mentioned in more detail in the following chapter)
June 18th: Father Mabeuf
June 25th: Enjolras, Grantaire, Combeferre, Courfeyrac, Bahorel, Feuilly, Bossuet, Joly, Jehan Prouvaire (yeah it’s That Chapter(tm))
One interesting thing I noticed is that— I’d always felt that Les Mis kept introducing major characters all the way through the novel, but that’s not true? All the major players have been introduced by the midpoint of the book (with Les Amis’s intro chapter coming as chapter 176 out of 365). From that point on many bit characters are introduced, but the primary drama of the story is the complex changing relationships between the core cast introduced in the first half.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
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XD @flurraz that's brilliant- clothing montage at the Carmine Compound!!!!
but it’s just Clara and Odette holding various weapons up next to Vaggie while their new adopted little sister scowls at her reflection and repeatedly says “NO” to the even more scowling reflection of their mom behind her
Vaggie: “Yeah no. I’m not wielding that.”
Clara: “It has spikes!”
Odette: “And hand protection.”
Clara: “And SPIKES.”
Vaggie: “Great, I could stab myself while swinging it around.”
Carmilla: “Only if you are terrible at it.”
Vaggie: (glaring) “Well I already know I’m not terrible with my spear, so I’m sticking with that.”
Carmilla: (Glowers) (goes back to pretending to check weapon schematics)
Odette: (ticks off failure on clipboard) “Sticking... or skewering?”
Vaggie: “Ha ha, very funny.”
Odette: (ticks off another point for herself on a little odette vs sisters score board)  
Clara: (rummaging in crate) “This isn’t funny and you guys shouldn’t be laughing.” (holds up new weapon) “Now THIS goes with your hair.”
Vaggie: “You’re kidding.”
Clara: “No kiddo, you’re kidding yourself if you think the long-ass shaft of a spear makes sense with a do that lovely and flowing.”
Vaggie: “What the fuck does that-”
Odette: “She’s right.” (makes new score board clara vs vaggie with one point to clara)
Clara: “No wonder you had trouble sparring with mom. Like, more that you would’ve had normally.”
Vaggie: “I haven’t been in a real fight in years okay!”
Carmilla: “It shows.”
Vaggie: “I’m. Working on it. I was one of that asshole’s best Exorcists once, I can-”
Carmilla: “Be better than that, hopefully.”
Vaggie: “Thanks.” (GLARES)
Clara: “All I’m saying is- no point fighting against yourself too, right? How hard did you have to focus to keep the stupid butt end from tangling in your hair?”
Vaggie: “I’m NOT cutting it.”
Clara: “Who’s asking?” (dangles weapon enticingly) “Look! Your new best friend!”
Vaggie: “A gun.”
Clara: “I know I know- you like sharp things and staby stuff, but look!”
Clara: (twirls gun dramatically)
Clara: “It has a knife on iiiiiit~”
Odette: “It would also not interfere with your hair.”
Vaggie: “I don’t know shit about guns.”
Clara: “What’s to know? Point and shoot. AND it’s got more reach than a spear! Which is good ‘cause you’re hair might be long, but the rest of you?” (rests elbow on vaggie’s shoulder) “Rest of you kinda comes up short.”
Vaggie: (grinding her teeth) “THANKS.”
Odette: (ticks another point for clara)
Clara: “Wait- You’ll take it!?”
Vaggie: “No.”
Odette: (ticks another failure) “Why not.”
Vaggie: "Oh wow I don't know maybe because-"
Vaggie: (ticks off reason on hand) “With a spear I have to choose every skewering I do and it’s a lot harder to miss and stick the wrong person. Even if I throw it it's only gonna go so far or through so many people. A bullet can go anywhere once it’s loose. If your aim is off by a centimeter that little thing goes wide. Maybe don't give the gun to the woman with a missing eye??? Definitely not when there are moving targets and things around she ISN'T supposed to shoot?"
Clara: "Oh riiiiight." (looks from gun to vaggie's eyepatch) "Huh."
Carmilla: (not looking up) "You were very accurate during our little play fight."
Odette: "I confirm. I've watched the security footage. I'm sure you could compensate."
Vaggie: "Well I'm not. I’m trying to protect my girlfriend and our friends and kill angels. I'm not not in this fight to ACCIDENTALLY kill someone.”
Carmilla: (smiles)
Clara: “Uh-huh. You like being close enough to catch all that blood splatter, don’t you.”
Vaggie: “…it’s just a perk.”
Carmilla: (smiles wider)
Clara: “Ew.”
Odette: “Impractical.” (adds ‘deranged’ to list of new sister’s traits, right under ‘gay’) “Mother, tell her she’s being weird.”
Carmilla: “I fight people with ballet, I’m afraid the toe of judgement I’m balanced upon is rather precarious.”
Vaggie: (SMIRKS) “Pretty badass though.”
Carmilla: “I know.”
Clara: “OH-!”
Clara: (disassembles gun) (chucks it) (claps hands) “I GOT IT!”
Vaggie: “What now.”
Odette: “Nothing good, statistically.”
Clara: “MOM! Mom- maybe she needs- You know!” (GRINNING EVILLY) “If the shoe fits….?”
Carmilla: “….Hmm.”
Vaggie: “What.”
Carmilla: (standing up and prowling around vaggie thoughtfully)
Vaggie: “…seriously, what?”
Carmilla: “Would you spin, please.”
Vaggie: (gracefully turns) “You know what I look like, miss Carmine.” (glares at clara) “There’s not much of me to look at anyway.”
Clara: “There’s enough, don’t worry~”
Vaggie: (rolls eye) “Wow. Such praise.”
Carmilla: “Can you stand on one leg without falling, or does the loss of your eye-”
Vaggie: “That’s more distance and depth and stuff.” (tucks one leg) “I’ve figured it out, kinda.”
Odette: “Yes? Constant assessment of changes in size and angle of objects?”
Vaggie: “You got it.”
Odette: “Seems rather strenuous for daily life.”
Clara: “Aww you get headaches or shit?”
Vaggie: “More like just tired. Keeping things in the same place when I can manage it helps a lot. Or it does when no one’s moving the lobby chairs around and then LEAVING them messed up like that anyway, for ME to clean up…”
Clara: “Or stumble into?”
Vaggie: “Whichever comes first.”
Clara: "Ow."
Odette: “So tidiness helps.”
Vaggie: “Yep.”
Odette: “Noted.” (notes it)
Carmilla: “Well you certainly are steady. Excellent posture.”
Carmilla: (leans in)
Vaggie: (leans back to maintain distance) (still on one leg)“Don’t forget confused and slowly losing patience, ma’am.”
Carmilla: “Mm? What? Oh sorry.” (leans back)
Carmilla: “You are a dancer, aren’t you.”
Odette: “...Oh no.”
Clara: “Oh YESSSSS.”
Vaggie: “Yes? Why the- why the fuck is she hiding behind her clip board-”
Odette: “I don’t want to relive my trauma.”
Clara: “I DO!”
Vaggie: “What the fuck does that have to do with me!?”
Clara: “Everything~”
Odette: “It’s about to be YOUR trauma.”
Vaggie: “What does THAT m-”
Clara: “Welcome to the family!”
Vaggie: “I- wh- why’re you making it sound like a THREAT!?”
Carmilla: “Our family is a threat. Now.” (taps heavenly steel ballet slippers together so they chime) “Can you stand en pointe?”
Vaggie: “….”
Vaggie: “….oh HELL no-”
Carmilla: “You already use your training as a dancer in battle. Weaponizing it fully is merely the next step.”
Clara: “Heheh. Step.”
Odette: (marks a point for mom)
Vaggie: “En pointe?” (clutching her spear) “THIS IS THE ONLY POINT I NEED!”
Carmilla: “Clara, fetch the practice slippers.”
Clara: (salutes) “Yes mom!”
Vaggie: “CLARA WAIT!”
Odette: “May mother have mercy on you.” (follows clara towards door)
Vaggie: “NO HEY- pendejo- WHY ARE YOU LEAVING TOO???”
Odette: “I will oversee the rest of the weapon loading. Also, I do not want to witness this, and am escaping.”
Carmilla: (sighs) “Dancing is a passion that is not always passed down from mother to child…”
Odette: “Not willingly anyway. Much like trauma.”
Clara: (out of sight) “I liked my trauma!”
Vaggie: “I’ve already got some, I don’t need more!”
Carmilla: “But you do not have your order of weapons yet. It will take half an hour to finish bringing out stock, checking each weapon for readiness, and crating them up again. Plenty of time for a little… assessment.”
Vaggie: (folds wings around herself) (backs away) “I’ve- dancing’s just a hobby, I’m, not even that good-”
Carmilla: “Your lies are terrible. Your form is perfect.”
Vaggie: “I’ve only danced for FUN!”
Carmilla: “And is not battle fun for you? The rush, the deadly interplay of partners you know so briefly and so intimately, to move in response and shape their own movements with yours?”
Vaggie: “…. I also like stabbing people!”
Carmilla: “Choreography for a spear. An interesting challenge.”
Vaggie: “Is this part of the deal for getting weapons from you, or-”
Carmilla: “Yes.”
Vaggie: “-en la madre…. fiiiiine.”
Carmilla: “You will submit to a small rehearsal?”
Vaggie: “Whatever.”
Carmilla: “Good. Now tuck those wings away.”
Vaggie: “Won’t I do better with-”
Carmilla: “You are more used to moving without them now, they're very nearly throwing off your balance. That, on top of your long hair, we do not have time to contend with.”
Vaggie: “But-”
Carmilla: “Fight without wings and keep them in reserve or cut your hair. Your choice.”
Vaggie: “…I guess.. keeping them as a surprise makes sense…”
Carmilla: “And you like having long hair, I know.”
Vaggie: “It’s whooshy.”
Carmilla: “Regardless, you will also at least be tying it back.”
Vaggie: (glowering) “Yes mom.”
Carmilla: “….”
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “Ma’am I said ma’am.”
Carmilla: “I’m sure you did.” (turning away) (hiding smile) "Now. What always comes first?"
Vaggie: (sighing) (resigned) "Stretches..."
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guilty-pleasures21 · 2 months
i love the neighbour's son AU already!! THE YEARNING!!!? Can't wait for them to speak! Thank you!!
Also Gabriel's imitation of Miguel was so funny. Really enjoyed it, for some reason I could hear it in my head as like, the highest falsetto he can muster and Miguel's like When have I ever sounded like that also YOU SAID WHAT TO HER??! I hope he continues Gabriel O'Hara-ing everywhere he can xD
Neighbour's son Miguel
Ahh! Thank you! I will make a note to try to include more Gabriel content in part 4. For now, please enjoy!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Warnings: None.
Neighbour's son!Miguel who towers over you, his hair dark and wavy, his smile soft and sweet. Your stomach flips as you gaze up at him, your heart fluttering at the happiness seeping through his whispered greeting. You brush your hair behind your ear and lower her head as your lips stretch into a wide smile. Then you glance up at him again from beneath your eyelashes. “Hi.” 
Neighbour's son!Miguel who swears the entire neighbourhood can hear his heart beating as he gazes down at you; your dark and silky curls, your wide and pretty eyes, your sweet and rosy smile. Dios, you were beautiful. “Um, how was your flight, jelly?” His heart leaps into his throat at the familiar nickname - at the sound of it in your voice. “It was fine, bombón.” He clenches his fists, his fingers aching to reach out and feel how soft you are. Finally, he stretches his arms wide. “Aren't you gonna give your jellito a hug?” 
Neighbour's son!Miguel whose strong arms wrap around you as you take a careful step forward. You sink into his chest immediately and just like always, everything in the world seemed right again. “I hardly think you're small anymore, Miguel.” He bends over and your hands slide up his chest in response, wrapping themselves around the back of his neck. “I’m not, bonita,” he murmurs in your ear, his warm breath causing a soft giggle to escape your mouth. His heart thumps at the sound and he keeps his hands around your waist as he straightens to look at you. “Ey, hermano!” Gabe calls out, poking his head into the kitchen to look for his brother. He walks over to greet Miguel and the two of you quickly pull apart from one another. “I see the two childhood sweethearts have reunited,” Gabe teases you, flashing you a mischievous grin. “So what do you think, X? I promise, he's not all brawns and muscles. Apparently he's actually got a lot going on up there.” You roll your eyes good-naturedly, folding your arms across your chest. “Is that another ‘Gabriel O'Hara promise’?” Gabe pats his brother on the shoulder, a sneaky expression on his face. “For my brother's little bombón? Always!” Miguel lets out an exasperated sigh, but his eyes slide over to you to gauge your reaction to being called his. His heart starts beating excitedly when he sees you trying to hide that cute little smile again. “Um, so … We should probably go outside! Everyone will be so excited to see you, jelly!” You wrap your arms around his - just like you always used to do - and lead him outside, updating him on everything he’d missed out on in the time he’d been away. And just like that, he was finally home again. 
Neighbour's son!Miguel who stays glued to your side the entire night, his gaze fixed on you in the same way you remain fixed around his arm. He makes polite conversation with all your old neighbours and classmates, catching up with them and regaling them with tales of his life overseas. But his favourite part of the night was when you snuck him away to a corner to have drinks with both your siblings, the five of you giggling and laughing over childhood memories. He gazes around at the familiar faces surrounding him and his heart swells with happiness and relief.
Neighbour's son!Miguel who proudly shows you the new motorbike he bought after settling in back home. You snicker at the sight of the red and black vehicle, so much larger and sleeker than the one he’d owned as a child. “Are you going to make me sit on the back of this one too, jellito?” you ask jokingly, sauntering over to take the spare helmet he holds out to you. Miguel’s stomach flips at the sight of the smirk you give him and he raises an eyebrow at you as he leans against his bike. “Do you have a motorbike licence, bonita?” You glance away, your cheeks heating up at the new nickname. He’d been calling you that ever since he’d gotten back two weeks ago and you still couldn’t tell whether he meant it as what it meant - beautiful - or just as a shortened version of your previous nickname - bombónita. 
Neighbour's son!Miguel who gives you an expectant look after he puts on his helmet and gets on his motorcycle. He looked so handsome, his lips curled into a mischievous smirk, his suede jacket stretched over his broad shoulders, his thigh muscles rippling beneath his dark jeans. You squeeze your legs together as your stomach flips at the sight, then climb onto the seat behind him. 
Neighbour's son!Miguel who chuckles at the way you curl your fingers around his shoulders - just like you’d done when you were kids. He covers your hands with his and gently lowers them to his sides. “This isn’t a toy, bonita. Like this.” He guides your hands around his waist and sucks in a breath as he slides them up his chest, his insides tingling at the feeling of your warm palms gliding up his body. He inhales deeply, trying to regain control of his thoughts, then notices the way your heart pounds in your chest. “¿Bombón?” he asks, twisting around in concern. “¿Estás bien, cariño? You know I’ll keep you safe.” He curls his fingers around your thigh and gives it a reassuring squeeze. “I know,” you respond, snuggling up against his back. He can practically hear the smile in your voice as you say it and he realises then that your heart isn’t thudding out of fear - it’s thudding out of excitement. He grins as his own heart begins speeding up, matching the beat of yours, then he starts his bike and zooms off into the night. 
Neighbour's son!Miguel who smiles at you as you sit side by side on a bench by the beach, completely oblivious to the dot of ice cream on the tip of his nose. You snicker at the sight and reach up to point it out to him. “You have …” You trail off as you swipe the cream away with your thumb, then you lick it up without a second thought. Miguel’s breath catches in his throat at the way you suck the ice cream off your thumb - the ice cream that had just been on his nose, so close to his mouth. He swallows hard, then reaches his own hand up to your face. “My turn, princesa.” 
Neighbour's son!Miguel who runs his thumb across your lips, scooping up the dollop of ice cream on your cupid’s bow. Your heart speeds up as he leans into you, his warm, copper eyes darkening as they fix on your lips. You swallow hard as his eyelids grow heavy, then gasp when he brings his thumb to his mouth and sucks the cream off. Your eyes trace the curve of his lips and you lick yours as you wonder how soft they would feel. You startle at the inappropriate thought and drag your gaze up to his, then quickly turn away when you find him already looking at you. “Um, thank you.” 
Neighbour's son!Miguel whose core continues to burn as you brush your hair behind your ear, your lips curling into that adorable little smile that makes his insides tingle with delight. “De nada, bonita.” He lifts his arm as you shuffle closer to him, then wraps it around you when you snuggle into his side, your body slotting so perfectly against his. 
Neighbour's son!Miguel whose hand bumps against yours as you walk along the beach. You inch closer to him and he twines his fingers with yours. You talk about his life; his father and how he and Gabe finally convinced their mother to divorce him. Then you stroll in silence as you work up the nerve to ask him the question. “Do you ever think about what your life would have been like if you’d stayed?” He stops in his tracks, his hand tugging on yours to get you to face him. You look up at him in question and he pulls you closer to him. “All the time, bombón.” He brushes your hair behind your ear and you lower your head, breaking his gaze. “Did you?” You look up again, your eyes travelling over his sharp features as you consider your response. “I think my life would have been better … but yours would have been worse.” He cups your face in his hand and brushes his thumb across your cheek, admiring the way your eyes sparkle in the moonlight. “Can I kiss you?”
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jackdaniel69nice · 1 month
Tokoyami and dark shadow have loved all might from a young age as most children have although their reasoning is a bit different from others. All Might is completely terrifying. He sends fear into hearts of villains and is like a god amongst men, a creature of vengeance and justice. His devastating power holds the potential for great destruction but he wields it with such precision and control that he can use it help others. He also has a good sense of humor XD When tokoyami says all might is “like a god” he means it literally and thinks of him as a god and treats him as such. His opinion changed after seeing him in person and realized he’s just a guy but for a long time he was a really big inspiration for tokoyami and shadow for what kind of hero they want to be. He is like their second favorite hero after dark crystal.
Due to this hero/god worship they were very nervous about talking with him one on one just because they didn’t want to make a fool of themselves. When all might gave them that hug during the sports festival it meant a lot and they were secretly fanboying I’m sure of it. Obviously he also gave tokoyami the advice to train his body as well and I mean if all might was the one telling him to do it he sure as hell isn’t going to let him down.
Tokoyami was obviously shown to be very animated when All Might was fighting AFO. He has a great deal of faith in the symbol of peace that it broke his usual emotional composure, he must have been very worried about him.
While all might is definitely focused on Midoriya and needs to learn more teaching skills he’s definitely good at being uplifting and encouraging to his students. Most people forget all might made midoriya a personalized work out plan so he actually knows a lot about how to help other people train their bodies. He probably made work out routines for all of his classes best suited for their fighting style and matching their quirks abilities. Tokoyami definitely focuses on core and leg workouts because he fights with his legs and needs to hold himself up when shadow is carrying him.
You would have to be completely blind to miss the power dark shadow has. Toshinori certainly catches on and is very interested in Tokoyami’s potential, the more he watches though the more interested he becomes by picking up on dark shadows behavior as well. Dark Shadow acts very different from Tokoyami, they laugh at his puns and jokes, they are playful and energetic while tokoyami is serious and refined. Sentient quirks are quite rare, especially not when he was born since only 50% of the population had quirks at all back then, but dark shadow is on a whole other level of “alive”. While most people his age would laugh off the idea of a truly sapient quirk toshinori isn’t your average man and takes it in stride. He awkwardly goes about trying to bond with these strange birds (including embarrassing himself with misconceptions but he is really trying) and dark shadow is delighted to have THE All Might’s attention.
I don’t think there is anything monumental about their relationship, it’s just all might being a true hero to everyone he meets and inspiring them. He talks to tokoyami about his health at one point and how it’s important to take care of his emotional and physical needs. If he keeps pushing himself too hard, he will just burn himself out. Tokoyami was so determined to become faster (like hawks) he forgot to slow down and prioritize himself over his work. He will do well to remember this from now on.
I really love All Might and I want tokoyami to interact with him more so much! I want to see him and shadow making dad jokes and tokoyami suffering from them.
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(All Might offers tokoyami some water while he sits in the shade to let shadow recharge)
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anon-e-miss · 1 year
This goes back to 2020. It's old as fuck. I don't expect anyone to remember or to find the original parts so, here, I dug through my archive on your behalf. XD
Considering the trauma Bluestreak had undergone, he was holding up incredibly well. It was Prowl, Jazz thought, that that was the reason for this. There were other Praxians in Iacon and even among the Autobots but there was only one Prowl. He was wholly unique. Many of the Autobots that served under the SIC called him cold and unfeeling and many more called him a drone. They sneered at the joors he spent glued to his desk never bothering to consider that he spent those joors trying to keep their ungrateful afts alive. Prowl care more carefully than any mechanism Jazz had ever met. Despite Prowl’s huff at Jazz’s observation that he was good with sparklings, it had not come out of left field. Jazz was not in denial, he knew his twins were scamps but Prowl endured their antics with a beatific grace and even encouraged their hobbies with little gifts, not only for holidays but just because.
“So Blue,” Jazz said as he set up the Tilting Tower for their next game. “‘M thinking wit the help Prowl is gonna need for the next bit, ‘m gonna need to move’m in wit me. What do ya think ‘bout joinin’ us? I got two mechlings yer age. They got lots o’ toys to share.”
“I don’t have to go into an orphanage?” Bluestreak asked, optics bright and hopeful.
“Not a chance,” Jazz replied. “Prowl would scrap anyone who suggested it, ‘n I’d scrap what was left. If ya got kin that weren’t in Praxus, Sweetspark, we’ll find’em. Otherwise or until then, ya got a home wit Prowl.”
“I don’t have kin,” Bluestreak said. He made a face and Jazz frowned. It was not the grief Jazz knew would haunt him on some level for the rest of his cycles. It was different.
“Is there somethin’ Bitty Blue?” Jazz asked. “That maybe ya outta tell me?”
“It was always just me and Origin,” Bluestreak explained, he turned one of the blocks over in his servos. “I’m a bastard.”
“No, Sweetspark,” Jazz crooned. “Never say that ‘bout yerself.”
“Origin wasn’t bonded when I emerged,” Bluestreak said. “The mech that sired me didn’t want me and my grandprocreators disowned Origin when he wouldn’t leave me at the orphanage. It was always just us. Forever.”
“That’s heavy, Bitty Blue,” Jazz said. “Y’re progenitor missed out on ya. Y’re a great little mech. But what ya aren’t is a bastard. Y’re illegitimate, okay, Sweetspark? That glyph, bastard, is meant to tear ya down ‘n make ya think y’re less ‘n ya ain’t.”
“Thanks Jazz,” Bluestreak sniffled. He knocked the blocks over as he came in and wrapped his arms around Jazz’s waist in a fierce hug as he cried against his plating. Jazz stroked his back.
“Been happenin’ all yer life, h’uh?” Jazz asked. “Mechanisms treatin’ ya ‘n yer origin like ya was less?”
“Mhm,” Bluestreak replied.
“Not gonna happen here,” Jazz promised. “They wouldn’t dare.”
“Why not?” Bluestreak asked.
“Only Bot got more power here than Prowl is Prime, Blue,” Jazz said. “He’s Second in Command. When Bots fall outta line, it’s Prowl that puts them back into place ‘n no Bot tests him twice.”
“That makes him sound mean,” Bluestreak complained. “Prowl’s not mean!”
“Prowl ain’t mean at all,” Jazz promised. “He’s firm ‘n he’s fair. Mecha don’t like gettin’ embarrassed ‘n Prowl’s real good at findin’ punishments that put the nastiest sorts o’ bullies in their place. Only mecha to razz ‘m on the regular are my twins ‘n he gives ‘em presents ‘cause he knows they’re playin’.”
“Will they razz me?” Bluestreak asked.
“I hope so,” Jazz replied. “It’d mean they like ya. That’s why they razz Prowler as much as they do.”
“Okay,” Bluestreak said. “Prowl’s a good mech. Isn’t he?”
“One o’ the best I ever met.”
Prowl was alert when Ratchet wheeled him back in, as if he had not just undergone six joors of surgery. That was a quirk of Prowl’s Jazz was familiar with, he brushed off anaesthetics and painkillers quick. Bluestreak sat back with Jazz as Ratchet saw Prowl transferred from the gurney to the berth. As soon as Prowl was settled, Bluestreak scrambled up onto the berth with him and cuddled in close as he dared. Prowl rumbled his engine and ruffled Bluestreak’s helm. As important for Bluestreak’s recovery as Prowl was, Jazz thought Bluestreak was for Prowl’s. Of course, Prowl was not showing it, but Jazz knew the slaughter of his home state weighed heavy on him. He had not stopped to rest at all after he had landed in Praxus. It had taken him a long time, longer than it ever would have a drone, to conclude there would be no survivors. A drone would then have left the dead where they have been laid out but Prowl had ordered the grave be dug.
Jazz did not know what it was about that spot that had made Prowl choose it for the grave site, but he believed it was not simple luck that had made the Autobots dig so deep in just that one perfect spot. Neither did he believe it was just bad luck that had made the ground and the window give way under Prowl, leading him to fall into the catacombs and to ultimately find Bluestreak. Jazz believed a power beyond them, the will Bluestreak’s origin, the will of their ancestors, that had lured Prowl to just that spot. Prowl had been meant to find Bluestreak and Prowl alone. This, Jazz believed deep in his spoke.
“How long does Ratchet wanna keep ya?” Jazz asked.
“Just a mega-cycle,” Prowl replied.
“He’s gonna want someone lookin’ out for ya so ya can rest those new treads,” Jazz declared.
“Yes,” Prowl replied. “I know you have assigned yourself that role.”
“Natch. I been gone more than a bit,” Jazz said. “I cleared it wit Blue. While y’re healin’ the pair o’ ya can move in wit me so ya can take it easy.”
“Jazz...” It was a coolly yet quickly spoken glyph, an anxious warning Jazz had heard before. He smiled and squeezed Prowl’s leg.
“It’d be dicey for me to run back ‘n forth between y’re sweet ‘n mine nonstop ‘n I gotta think o’ the Twins too,” Jazz replied. “It just makes sense for the mechs that care ‘bout ya to take care o’ ya, Prowler.”
“Your originator is already living with you,” Prowl argued. “You cannot have the space.”
“It’ll be a lil cozy but I know I done worse,” Jazz declared. “We all have. Ain’t a burden, Prowl. Don’t think I don’t know exactly what y’re thinkin’.”
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vivispec · 6 months
happy friday!! for garret and mariam from the sibling prompts:
"Do you ever want to talk about that childhood event that fundamentally shaped us as people?" "No."
happy writing!!
Thank you!! A bit of post getting-Marian-out-of-the-Fade conversation between the twins, after three years of avoiding one another. And thank you to @nirikeehan for asking for it as well, right as I was about to post this one xD
@dadrunkwriting Marian & Garrett words: 647
“You promised you’d catch me up with what you’ve been up to, once I made it out,” Marian pressed as her drink met the bartop, warmth blooming down her throat to tingle the tips of her fingers. “Well, here I am, brother. I’m listening.”
Garrett squirmed on his stool, as if one of its legs were uneven. “Do I have to? It’s not like I’ve done much, really.”
“Bullshit, I don’t believe that for a second.”
“Why not?” His words held no heat, only cool resignation. He lifted his own mug to his lips, muttering into it. “Doing fuck-all was always my specialty. You were the wave-maker, you know that.” 
A guilty pang ran through her, familiar and bitter tasting. “You were the Champion as much as I was, what I did was just…above-ground, is all. That doesn’t mean you weren’t fighting just as hard, for things that were just as important.” Between her fingers wrapping tight the dented metal, she watched flickering light play off amber drink, as if dancing to Maryden’s tune. It was familiar, something she’d heard in Lothering what seemed a lifetime ago, before…everything. All of it. “...I wonder if Father knew just what it was he was setting us up for.”
“I’m afraid I haven’t the foggiest what you mean, sister.”
“Establishing me as the head to our merry crew of siblings,” she clarified. “It made sense back then, asking me to look out for you three when we were kids, and I was the ‘mostly responsible’ one—dragging you back for supper, stopping you and Bethany from teasing Carver too much—but once we got older, and he passed…” She mulled over her thoughts, trying to form words from them. They didn’t give in easily. “We should’ve been on equal grounds from the start, you and I, and maybe if we had been…do you think things could’ve gone differently?”
“What I think is that that’s quite the heavy topic for our first flagon.” Without missing a beat her mug slid across the grain, tinking gently as it bumped into his own. “Ah, lovely,” he sighed, “Well, that solves that, doesn’t it?”
“You can’t get out of it that easily.” Pausing just long enough for him to down the entire pint, she thought about letting the question pass; but then, there was so much they’d lost in letting their feelings fester. Looking back to her thumbs as they turned over one another, she pushed herself to continue past the hesitance. “I don’t know. Me taking on too much, you feeling worthless—I can’t help but think there might’ve been a better way, had he treated us the same. Maybe we could have stood together and not apart, if we’d felt on equal footing.”
“Maybe. Or, we could’ve been just as miserable, but in different ways,” he sniffed, studying the dregs of his drink to no doubt save himself from eye contact. “Look, it’s the kind of problem you can’t just throw a fireball at, which means I’m bloody useless with it, but…it’s not all terrible, is it? We found each other again, and I’m quite fond of the little family we patched together along the way.” Then, he shrugged, gesturing his mug towards her. “Whatever the case, I’m too drunk now to think about it. Whoever was it that thought drinking an entire flagon in one go was a good way to loosen up for a deep discussion on our shared trauma, sister?”
She snorted, and shoved his shoulder. “Ass.” As he splayed his hands in mock defeat, she shook her head, smiling. “Well, what does ‘not terrible’ look like for you, then? Daring rebel mage rescues? Battles with droves of rogue templars?”
“And we’re back to the top,” he noted. “Somehow, I feel as though I’ve been tricked.” 
“It’s one or the other, brother,” she said as Cabot served them another round. “Your choice.”
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skylarmoon71 · 2 months
Matt Murdock (Daredevil) - Chapter 12
Longer Post: 2K+ Words (With a little bit of spicy). You have been warned XD. Enjoy!
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“Matt, I got a 93 on my final!” 
You were dancing the second you stepped into his dorm and he lifted his head from the seat on his bed. Foggy looked like he was getting ready to head out. 
“What a shock, the nerd got an A. I'm stunned.” Foggy says sarcastically. 
“I think it’s great. Good job (Y/N).” 
“Thank you Matt, it’s nice to be appreciated. I get that not all of us can be geniuses.” You elbowed Foggy and he just laughed pushing at your forehead. The force caused you to fall back onto his bed. 
“You punk!” 
He was already hightailing out of the room. When you finally got up, he’d already dashed out the door. 
“One of these days I’ll take him out with my muscular physique.” 
Matt is smiling from his spot. 
“I think you did that last time with the John Cena move. “ 
“Hah, you’re right. He was sore for days.” 
The memory is a nice one. You walk over to see what Matt’s doing. There’s a book in front of him and you stare as he runs his fingers along the pages. You’ve seen him study many times, but it’s always amazing to you. You know it’s a bit impolite to stare, but you can’t help it. 
“I can feel you staring.” 
You straighten in your spot, not moving a muscle. Matt just leans his head to one side. 
“Did you just freeze in place?” 
“If I don’t move, you can’t hear me.” 
He starts laughing and you join in when he closes the book, placing it on the desk next to his bed. 
“Come here.” 
He opens his arms and you trot over. Dropping right onto the bed, you hug him. Matt places a kiss on your cheek and you flush, smiling. No matter how many kisses you shared, you still became bashful being close to him like this. 
“Summer break is coming up, do you know what you’re going to do?” 
Matt nods. 
“There’s a job opening at the library for summer tutoring. I’m a pretty good teacher so I figured I’d put it to use. What about you?” 
“I’ll be in the Dean’s office. I’ll go home for a week when finals are done, but then I’ll come back. My dad misses treating me like a wounded kitten and my mom keeps cooking like I'm still at home.” 
“Sounds like they’ll be happy to see you.” 
“Mhmmm. I just need to make sure they don’t try to keep me there longer than I intended to like last time. My dad is pretty good at bribes.” 
“I bet.” 
You lay back against his chest, just enjoying the feel of him. 
“Wait, where did Foggy go?” You ask. 
“To see his girlfriend, I think.” 
“Wow, that guy is obsessed, I swear.” 
“I don’t know, if she’s half as amazing as mine, then I can fully understand it.” 
His smooth words have you blushing. You pull back just a little, and you can already see that little smirk on his lips.
“You’re really good at sweet talking me Murdock.” 
“I’d hope so, I wouldn’t be much of a boyfriend if I wasn’t.” 
You giggle, pressing a kiss to his lips and he leans in. Matt shifts on the bed, and soon you’re on your back. He parts for a second, giving you a chance to catch your breath and him an opportunity to remove his glasses. Once it’s gone, he turns back to you and you swallow, right before your lips rejoin.
You’ve become a lot more comfortable since the little make out session on your couch. Even so, there’s still a bit of hesitation. His kisses are deep, passionate. You can feel that he wants more. You push lightly against his chest and Matt pulls back. 
“What’s wrong?” 
It’s a whisper, and when he brushes your cheek, you can spot the worry. You hate that you’re making him feel like he’s done something wrong. Truthfully you should have told him about your lack of experience. Maybe you wouldn’t feel so uneasy about the whole thing. 
“It’s nothing you did, I just..” 
You’re not sure how to word it without sounding like a prude. Matt just offers a smile. 
“It’s okay if you’ve never done this before. We can wait until you’re ready.” 
You’ll never understand how he so easily reads you, but you’re more than grateful. You press your hands over your eyes, thoroughly embarrassed. 
“I-I’m sorry. I-I should have said something I just really didn’t want to mess this up.” 
Matt shakes his head, pulling your hands away softly as he leaves a kiss on your forehead. When he pulls back, that smile is so bright. 
“You’re not going to mess up anything. I like this, the way that we are. I’m not planning on going anywhere anytime soon, are you?” 
You shook your head. 
“Then we’ll both be fine. We have all the time in the world.”
How you snagged someone like Matt is still a mystery to you. He leaves one more kiss on the top of your head before he moves to straighten, but you grab his arm, halting him. 
He pauses, still somewhat leaned over you. Elbows against the mattress, he just waits. 
“I-Is there something else..that we can do?” 
Your voice is soft, almost a whisper. He can spot the embarrassment behind the question and he easily picks up on the way your heart rate has doubled as you await his reply. Your innocence when it comes to the topic is very endearing. You turn your head.
“I-I read somewhere that there are other ways for two people to..y-you know. Without t-that stuff..” 
The more you speak the cuter you seem to get. He has to stop himself from laughing. He doesn’t want you to think that he’s mocking you. The entire situation is just adorable. He wishes he could see just how red your face is right now. 
“You’ll have to be very specific, tell me what you want me to do.” 
He knows exactly what you’re asking, but he wants to hear you say it. As naive as you are about this, to some extent you must know what you want. 
You gulp, eyes moving from his lips, then down to his hands. You feel like a mouse under him. Completely captured. 
“I..I want you to touch me Matt. D-Down there..” 
You’re not sure why it sounds ten times dirtier out loud. 
The smile makes its way back onto his face and he adjusts his position to become a bit more comfortable at your side. You’re not really sure what to expect. You’re just glad that you’re wearing a decent pair of underwear today. You had a tendency to sport boxer shorts. Today you’re indeed wearing panties and a pair of shorts. You’ve never been more grateful, because if this was going to happen, you’d prefer it to be at least a bit sexy. 
“If you change your mind, I’ll stop immediately, okay?” 
You nod, and Matt brushes your hair away from your eyes as he leaves another encouraging kiss on your cheek. Your heart is still hammering, because all of his movements feel so slow. His hand starts from your cheek. He smiles and you return it when he slowly goes down your body. It feels like he’s trying to appreciate every inch of you. Your shoulder, arm, finger tips, breast, torso, hip..
You close your eyes when his fingers slide under the waistband of your shorts. 
“What color are your panties?” 
It’s a whisper in your ear. 
He smirks, nipping at your ear and you bite down on your lip. 
“That’s my favorite color.” 
You can’t stop the moan that escapes, he just chuckles and when his hand finally makes it where you need it to most, your eyes shoot open. His fingers have stopped right at your entrance and you reach over, grabbing at the front of his shirt as you lean into him. He welcomes it, expects it. 
He strokes, slowly, he wants you to get used to the feeling. Your body quivering against his hand is all the confirmation he needs. You’re letting out soft sounds. A moan, a gasp, a whimper. It all sounds so delicious. He wonders if it’s possible that his heightened senses have enhanced all the sounds, because it’s like music to his ears. 
The friction of his fingers is starting to cause a reaction. There’s a subtle wetness that’s beginning to become present. He licks his lips and you seem unprepared when he kisses you deeply. You let out another moan and he holds in one himself. He lectured himself not to get too worked up. 
He didn’t want to scare you, but now it seems almost impossible because he’s already started to stiffen in his pants. Your closeness doesn’t really help. He pulls back when your hips grind into him. With a gasp he withdraws his hand. Your lips are still parted and you look at him with a mix or arousal and confusion. 
“D-Did I do something wrong?” 
He shook his head, swallowing as he tried his best to cover the bulge that was now throbbing between his groin. The covers were a nice barrier, but you were still impossibly close. 
“No..y-you didn’t do anything wrong I just need a minute.” 
He was trying to find a way to slip away into the bathroom without you seeing his problem. 
“Matt just tell me what’s-” 
Your words stopped and he heard the shift against the covers. Your eyes were aimed right at his crotch.
“Oh wow..” 
He grimaced, with every intention to just dive off the bed, but you grabbed his arm, stopping all movement.
“W-Wait where are you going?” 
“I..I need to handle this before we continue.” 
As in he was going to..
Your cheeks warmed. When you started this, you had every intention of letting him take the lead. But now, you sort of want to know what it’s like. He’d only been touching you for maybe three minutes at most, but you were sure you were about to lose your mind. You can’t help but wonder what Matt would look like in such a state. 
“C-Can I do it?” 
You saw the way his brows furrowed, like he was trying to make sense of what you were asking. He must have settled on a solution, because the crease evened out. 
“You don’t have too.” 
His voice sounded deeper, heavy, like just the conversation was a task for him. He tried to move away again, but you gripped a bit tighter. 
“I want to. I do. Please Matt.” 
His head sank into the pillow at the plea. How was he supposed to say no to that? Just the thought of your hand wrapped around his length had his gut tightening with anticipation. 
He nodded, letting out a breath. 
He sounded a bit more calm now, and you smile, releasing him now that he didn’t look like he was going to make a run for it. His body relaxed and you just stared as his hand moved to the button of his jeans. Your eyes were strictly focused on his crotch and Matt chuckled under his breath. 
“It’s a bit daunting if you’re staring so intensely.” 
You flinch. 
“O-Oh! Sorry.” 
You looked up and Matt laughed again. You could still hear the rustling of his clothing against the sheets. The little sound he let out under his breath must have meant that he’d gotten just a bit off relief from his restricting clothing. 
He reached for your hand, and when he placed it carefully along his length, your mouth fell open. You kept your eyes focused on him. His breathing had picked up a little, hand over yours, guiding you. 
“Just stroke it like this.” 
He made slow gestures and you followed each action, every instruction. 
“Just like that..” He hummed. 
His eyes closed and you took in the way he seemed to melt against the bed. He pulled his hand away when he felt comfortable with your actions. His lips were slightly parted and you could feel yourself becoming wet just at the sight of him. 
The pleasure was written so clearly across his face. It was better than you expected. You’re so used to the smug or smiling Matt. This expression on his face was exquisite. Your motions only slowed when you felt something begin to drip on your hand. You looked down, eyes taking in everything. His length, girth, it was all so arousing. 
“A little came out…” 
Matt nodded, and you loosened your hold to stare at the liquid now coating your fingers. You were distracted, and you weren’t sure why, but your lips twitched at the sight. Your pause caught Matt’s attention. 
You hadn’t said anything, and he heard your hand lift. For a moment he wasn’t sure what happened. But the sound of your tongue brushing against the skin of your fingers had his eyebrows lifting in surprise. 
“Did you just-” 
“You taste good Matt.” 
Your words were like a jolt. He almost came right there and then. He didn’t expect it when your hands reached over and pushed him flat onto his back. He was practically gaping and when you started kissing your way down his body, he was almost convinced that he’d taken one too many punches to the head and the effects were starting to set in. One of your hands pushed up his shirt and when he felt your lips on his chest, he held back a shiver. 
“(Y-Y/N) w-wait you..” 
He couldn’t get the words out. The lower you got, the less he felt the need to stop you. His mind was clouded by pleasure. He knew he should have been stopping you. At least that’s what he told himself. This was supposed to be your experience, not his. Your tongue circled a pattern right on his hip and he gripped at the sheets, breathing labored. He was responding to everything, reacting to everything. 
Your hand finally took a hold of him, soft, almost tentative. Clearly due to your inexperience, you weren’t trying to hurt him. Your touches were careful. He had a second to recall what he’d planned to say. Before he could form the words, your mouth covered over the tip of him and he all but lost his mind. Your tongue ran over the slit and he moaned, louder than he intended too. You hummed at the sound, clearly satisfied with his reaction. Your tongue was tracing patterns over the tip of him as your hand started to pump slowly. 
He hadn’t intended to curse, it just slipped out and when he heard the sound that you released, the vibrations traveled throughout his body. He had to physically force himself not to jerk into your mouth. For someone with no experience, you were doing great. 
You couldn’t take the full length of him into your mouth, and he found himself a bit grateful because if you did, he was concerned that his senses might go into overdrive and shut down. His entire body was a trembling mess as you increase your pace. You were bobbing your head slowly against him, while you continued your careful pumps. 
The simultaneous action felt like too much. He wouldn’t last long like this. He was already at his limit. Maybe you knew, because you drew him in maybe just an inch deeper than the last and his hand moved to the back of your head. He gripped your tresses when his releases came. His intention had been to pull you back, but you offered resistance. 
He couldn’t stop it, he came, emptying himself into your mouth. His hand dropped and you finally pulled back with a soft pop. His body sagged against the covers, chest still rising a bit quicker than normal. When he turned his head, all he caught was the sound of you swallowing. He groaned at the realization that you’d just swallowed every last drop. 
You licked the edge of your lips, admiring his disheveled form. His hair was a beautiful mess, shirt partially covering his chest, pants and briefs settled around his mid thigh. His muscles were relaxing and contracting with each breath he took. 
You couldn’t recall ever seeing anything so breathtaking in your life. 
“I came.” You confessed. 
Your shorts had been discarded, but your underwear now had a significant wet spot at the center. Matt pressed a hand over his eyes, still fighting to gather his bearings. It’s like you’d just deliver one surprise attack right after the other. 
He underestimated you, that was for sure.
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moonspirit · 1 month
Oh damn it’s me again… ANYWAY
Here’s what i think vbeow’s characters’ fav Lana song would be(plus some lyrics):
Armin: “lust for life” feat The Weeknd
“We’re the masters of our own fate, we’re the captains of our own souls, so there’s no need for us to hesitate……and a lust for life keeps us alive”
Annie: “video games” (yeah she’s that girl)
“It’s all for you everything i do, I tell you all the time heaven is a place on earth with you, tell me all the things you wanna do, i heard that you like the bad girls, honey is that true?”
Pieck: “Salvatore”
“Catch me if you can, working on my tan, Salvatore, dying by the hand of a foreign man happily, calling out my name in the summer rain, ciao amore, Salvatore can wait, now it’s time to eat soft ice cream” (said foreign man being Jean)
Jean: “ride”
“I hear the birds on a summer breeze, i drive fast, I am alone at midnight, been trying hard not to get into trouble but i got a war in my mind, so i just ride”
Connie: “dark paradise”
“Every time i close my eyes it’s like a dark paradise, no one compares to you, I’m scared that you won’t be waiting on the other side”
Reiner: “summertime sadness”
“Kiss me hard before you go summertime sadness, i just wanted you to know that baby you’re the best”
Bonus: Annie and pieck also really love “national anthem” and “born to die”
These fit so much in my opinion!
Hello again!
Omg tho I reaaaaaally like Lust for Life??? It has suuuuch a good melody and build-up!!! I can really see Armin standing on the hilltop to this music, wind ruffling his hair as the sun sets T^T 10/10!
And Annie... oh she's melancholic isn't she xD She's got everything going for that vibe too - I love it! But... what I love most about this song is how well it goes with the previous one? They fit together like a glove, and I listened one after another xD Man, they're a match made in heaven even through Lana songs.
Ride for Jean goes sooo well with his image lmao xD He wants to be that impeccably dressed bad boy (well, kinda) and the beat of the song gives it to him! But the slightly sentimental melodies are true to his "actually-I'm-just-a-soft-guy-pretending-to-be-tough" thing.
The real star in this list is Pieck! Salvatore is soooo glitzy and extra! Of course she'd listen to this lmao, in her extra personality and extra dress xD RIP Jean.
Connie's actually makes me think of when he misses Sasha and his family :< Esp "there's no remedy for memory, your face is like a melody" argh... aaaargghhhh poor boy T^T His pain is easily overlooked.
And Reiner...
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Yeah. Checks out.
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vinsmokewife · 1 month
misery / chapter one
Sequel to Who Is This Person Nine months after the catfishing incident and Sanji still can't catch a break. After a major arguement with Zoro on the night of his birthday, Zoro breaks it off entirely claiming to have found someone new. Sanji moves on and meets Charlotte Pudding, a popular food infulencer, whom he develops a superficial but pleasant relationship with. However, news gets around that Zoro goes missing and Sanji can't help but dig into what happened. read on ao3
authors note: Well shit. After my much-needed hiatus, I am back with a sequel to Who Is This Person? Sorry for the delay in this story, I tend to have a relationship with One Piece where I binge 200 episodes then don’t watch it for a year. A lot has happened recently. I had a mental breakdown, it was incredibly suicidal and I'm currently in recovery from that. The Counseller I'm seeing while I’m waiting for a diagnosis said I should go back to writing fanfiction (as my last happy period was when I started this account) I was also really into JJK for a while but I’m dwindling back into One Piece. Sorry, this is who I am XD Anyway, all that aside, I’m so excited to be working on this story again. I really enjoyed writing Who Is This Person so I’m here to give you all Misery.
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The buzzing of his phone brought Sanji into alertness. He had been pulling an all nighter studying for his exams and only the incessant beeping of his mobile device could bring him out of it. He looked at the clock seeing that it was two in the afternoon. He had slept in quite significantly. 
A lot had happened since the so called ‘Zoey incident’. That was nearly a year ago now. Nine months exactly. In the aftermath, Sanji tried to move on with his life. He had a renewed sense of vigor about his ambitions and wanted to climb higher. Sanji had been nonstop pestering Zeff about being made a sous chef. See, he was fine with just being a regular chef, but he saw himself aiming a bit higher. Zeff...as always said no. The old man never directly said any of this, but he didn’t want Sanji to become tied down the Baratie. Again, Zeff never said this but always seemed to push Sanji to explore more options. He wanted him to aim higher than being here.  
Culinary School seemed like the next step which...had kept him busy. Enrolling had kept him busy. Classes, assignments and then the practical tests seemed to consume his time more than working at the Baratie ever had. He sometimes almost forgot about nine months ago. 
It took Sanji a few moments to wake up fully as he sat up in his bedroom. He still lived in the same place. He looked out of the window from where he was sitting. He didn’t intend on leaving his room today. But once he felt ready to see the message, he grabbed his yawn and with a big yawn and a stretch, he was ready to open the message. It was from Luffy. It had been a few days since he had seen Luffy.  He hadn’t been working nights, so he didn’t even get to see Luffy that way. Every now and then, Luffy will send messages begging for Sanji to close so he can come and take the food he used to almost a year ago. 
L: angryface angryface 
And the rest of the messages were angry gifs and angry faces. Sanji watched them roll in. It seemed that Luffy had been trying to get a hold of him. It wasn’t long before Sanji replied. 
S: Sorry I was asleep. 
S: What do you want? 
L: LMAO were you sleeping during the day? 
S: Some of us are busy and work.  
S: Bothering Shanks at his job doesn’t count as work. 
L: > : ( 
S: Okay. What did you message me for? 
L: I need you at the Baratie! Tonight. 7. 
S: I’m not working at 7 just for you to get freebies. 
L: No no as like a not work thing? 
L Is what I’m tryingt o say 
L: *trying to say* 
Sanji frowned, rubbing his eyes of the sleep that was still there. What did Luffy have to message him about a surprise for. He didn’t respond just yet. He stretched his muscles feeling all the tension in his back from sitting at the desk all night. Then, he replied. 
S: Fine. I’ll be there. 
Sanji tossed his phone to the side and then stood up. He shook off the remnants of sleep. Seeing as his plans of lazing were finished, he decided to have a shower. Just a quick shower before getting stressed and going into the kitchen where he made himself a strong cup of coffee. As the coffee machine hummed and the smell of Arabic coffee roamed in the kitchen, his mind began to drift as it often did when he was alone. 
Zeff was right. He often was about these things. Going to school had broadened his horizons.  It challenged him on the way he thought about food. It had been good for him.  
However, his mind often went back to one person and no matter how much he tried to forget, he still thought about him.  
He made his cup of coffee and sat down at the table. 
Zoro. Even just thinking about him made his stomach turn. Zoro and he had been incredibly rocky recently. From the outside, it looked as if Sanji and Zoro got on a lot more than they used to. They hung out alone. They went out for dinner. They would go home and hook up then Zoro would leave. However, Sanji still held him at arm's length. Any attempt Zoro made at deepening their relationship was batted away. Sanji didn’t want to deepen their relationship. They were friends with benefits and nothing more.  
As much as he tried to, Sanji found it difficult to move past what happened. Nine months later. Sanji gripped his cup as resentment and confusion pinged inside of him. He took a long sip of his coffee as he felt brewed. As much as he tried to shake these thoughts, they always go back to the same thing. It bothered him – the fact that Zoro seemed to take up so much space in his mind.  Not even his exams took up this much space. The boundaries had been made clear; at least that was what Sanji told himself anyway. They were just friends with benefits. A little friendlier than before. A lot more complicated. The lines blurred in a way that Sanji couldn’t control. He hated it. Truely and utterly hated it. 
Nine months. Nine months really should have been enough time to move on. However, whenever he closed his eyes at night. All he saw was Zoro. 
With a frustrated sigh, Sanji put his cup on the table a little too forcefully, the clatter of porcelain and the glass table jarring him out of his thoughts. He needed to clear his head. Thinking about Zoro wasn’t helping. He had to figure out why Luffy was insistent on meeting up tonight but if he knew Luffy, it would be chaos which was very much a welcomed distraction. 
As the day went on, Sanji decided to push the thoughts away and not acknowledge them anymore. He instead focused on trying to play a guessing game about what Luffy is planning. He laid out an outfit, opting into going for something that is casual but put together. After all, this was his home turf, the Baratie, even if he wasn’t working tonight. Old habits die hard. 
As the day went on, the idea of Luffy planning a surprise took up his mind and he wasn’t thinking about Zoro anymore. It could be something endearing to outright disastrous, both ends of the spectrum Sanji had experienced time after another. By the time the evening rolled around, Sanji made his way down the stairs and there he was, standing in front of the restaurant. He pushed the doors open and noticed the quiet atmosphere. The evening rush had obviously not happened yet...which was weird for it being 7. He looked towards the kitchen and seen Zeff there, barking orders at the other chefs with his usual gruff demeanor.  
“Oi. Old man,” Sanji called out as he looked through into the kitchen. Zeff glanced up, a brief look of surprise but then went to his usual gruff nature. 
“Thought you were taking the night off, eggplant?”  
“I was. Luffy said I needed to come by 7,” Sanji said, leaning against the counter. 
“Oh. If it’s Luffy you are looking for, he’s around the corner,”  
Sanji nodded before continuing to go around that way. However, once he got around the corner, he was meant by thunderous yelling.  
Oh yeah. It was his birthday today.  
He was so busy with school that he must have...forgot. No, he didn’t forget. Who forgot their birthday? No, he just wanted to wait until he was a little less busy to celebrate his birthday. So, up till this point, he didn’t make too much of a big deal about it. He didn’t know how this translated into him getting a surprise birthday. 
Sanji’s eyes scanned his friends. Nami, Usopp, Robin, Franky and of course, Luffy standing there. Luffy was grinning widely and bouncing with his usual excitement. A large cake decorated with bright icing. He recognized the cake; he had seen Zeff making it, but he had insisted it was an order for someone else. So, Zeff was also in on it. Huh. 
“Luffy...” Sanji looked away, trying not so subtly to mask his embarrassment. When he looked elsewhere, he was Zoro. He was drinking a beer, as always. The sight of him made Sanji’s heart do weird shit so he looked back at Luffy, “You know I didn’t want to celebrate until I finished my exams...” 
“Nonsense!” Luffy said, grabbing Sanji by the arm and pulling him towards his friends, “Everyone needs to celebrate their birthday properly,” 
Sanji was pulled over to the table by Luffy who was determined to make sure that Sanji enjoyed his birthday with his friends surrounding him. 
“You didn’t have to go all out,” 
“This isn’t all out.” Luffy waved off his concerns with an infectious laughter. 
Sanji couldn’t help but smile at Luffy’s infectious energy. He glanced at Zoro, still drinking beer pretending he was too cool for his birthday party.  
Luffy’s excitement was appreciated though. He took a seat between Robin and Usopp. The cake was nearby. He couldn’t help but appreciate the effort. 
“Still, you didn’t have to-” 
“It’s not all out,” Luffy insisted with a grin, his eyes sparkling with that usual excitement. “We wanted to do something nice for you. Nami and Zoro helped quite a bit,” 
Once again, his gaze went back to Zoro who was now avoiding his gaze. The mention of Zoro helping plan this seemed to catch Sanji off guard. He had to wonder how much Zoro contributed to the arrangement of this part. It made his chest feel rather tight which...was problematic to say the least. 
He could not. He could not let his emotions ruin the night. 
“I find it hard to believe that Zoro actually helped...” Sanji rolled his eyes, sitting back in his chair trying to give off an impression that he didn’t care, “It actually is thoughtful which makes me doubt it,” 
Zoro shot him a look, still nursing his bear as his scowl deepened, “Yeah, well, don’t get used to it,” He muttered, although looking closely there could have been something of the smallest hint of a small very small smile, something soft that almost felt like fondness. 
Even if Sanji tried to be indifferent, his mind felt like it was racing. Honestly, he didn’t know why but inside it felt like it pissed him off. These little, small meaningful gestures made it incredibly hard for Sanji to separate himself from Zoro. It made it easier to...forget about what happened. Sometimes, it felt like he could maybe ease up around Zoro. 
Maybe...just maybe. 
“Maybe next time, stick to what you are good at,” Sanji shook his head, “You know, heavy lifting and lack of direction,”  
In front of everyone, their banter felt normal. It felt like things had never changed. It felt as if they had just moved on from their lives. However, Sanji felt a weird edge right now. Tension with unresolved feelings between them as he tries to still be indifferent. 
Luffy, obviously oblivious to everything that was going on, laughed, “You two never change!” He said before grabbing another slice of cake. “But hey! At least the gang is here!” 
Breaking eye contact with Zoro, his attention was back on Luffy. Luffy was right. This was a nice gesture from all three of them. It would be a shame to have it ruined by his own racing mind. He looked at Zoro who avoided his eyes. 
“Yeah, you are right,” Sanji smiled, “I appreciate it...thank you,” 
The rest of the evening passed in a blur of laughter, jokes and the comfort of being surrounded by friends. What Sanji didn’t know was that Zeff had closed the whole restaurant so that they could focus on Sanji’s surprise party. Amazing food came out as well as drinks and desserts. Luffy definitely had his fair share of food and Zoro had his fair share of drinks. 
When desserts came out, Sanji excused himself and went outside. He needed to...collect his thoughts. He needed to think about things outside. When he was outside, he sat on the step of the door and lit up a cigarette. He was lost in his thoughts outside when the door opened. 
“Are you okay?”  
Thankfully, it wasn’t Zoro. It was Robin. Sanji exhaled a long plume of smoke. The orange glow of his cigarette lit up his face in the darkness. He didn’t immediately respond. He just let the silence speak for itself. Robin was...for better or worse, incredibly perceptive. She always had been. Sanji had heard that Robin had been...somewhat involved in the club that Zoro frequented...or used to.  
“Yeah,” He said, although he wasn’t sure if he believed that and his voice lacked the conviction for her to believe him too, “Just needed a breather...” 
Robin didn’t say anything immediately, but she did sit next to him. She allowed him another puff of his cigarette before speaking. 
“It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, Sanji,” She said, her voice understanding but cautious as she didn’t wish to overstep, “Especially on nights like this. Birthdays can be...a time of reflection,” 
Sanji took another drag as he watched the smoke curled into the night air, “I guess. I’m certainly in a reflective mood tonight,” 
Robin nodded as she watched the smoke dissipate into the night air, “It’s understandable,” She said as her tone was gentle, “A lot has happened recently. It’s only human to be affected by what happened,” 
Sanji shook his head with a very bitter chuckle, “I thought I moved on. I feel terrible... Luffy, Nami and... Zoro put a lot of effort into this and I... well, can’t help but think about things,” 
Robin decided to let him talk rather than inject her own thoughts as her hands rested on her lap, looking out into the air. Her presence felt...so warming that he couldn’t help but talking even more. 
“It’s like...you know, I tell myself that it doesn’t matter. I’m better off just focusing on my career and future but then,” Sanji gestured animatedly in the direction of the restaurant, “Zoro does something...stupidly kind... and I feel like those walls I’m trying to build up around him just...”  
He realizes how it sounds and retracts slightly. Robin didn’t need to know every single detail of what was going on. He retracts and takes another puff of smoke, feeling even more bitter than he had done. 
“It’s clear that Zoro has some sort of effect on you. It’s not easy to let events go...” Robin responded. 
Sanji frowned. It wasn’t what he wanted to hear. He wanted her to call him a jerk but then again, that wasn’t like Robin. Robin was...perspective.  
“Nine months. I’m still stuck,” 
Robin turned her head slightly, “Moving on isn’t a linear process. Sometimes, it’s two steps forward and one step back,” 
Sanji let out a sigh, running his hand through his hair. “But I don’t want to have these feelings. Zoro did the worst thing he could have done to be me ever and I can’t let it go. I just...want to let it go...” He clenched his fists, the frustration and bitterness simmering inside, “I hate him. I really really hate him but sometimes I don’t,” There was a beat of silence before Robin spoke up. 
“Then, you need to talk to him about it. Make those boundaries clear or forgive him. Either way, holding onto it and hoping that it will go away, will only hurt yourself,” 
His jaw tightened. He wanted to reject her advice and brush her off. He had gone for the past nine months without talking to him about it, but he knew that she was right. Holding onto this anger, this bitterness and it was bothering him. The truth was sinking in. Maybe it was time to decide. The thought made his stomach do funny things, but Robin was right; he couldn’t keep running from it forever. He had to face this head on. 
“Thank you, Robin,” His voice softer, more sincere than it had been before, “I’ll think about what you’ve said,” 
She gave a small nod before standing up. 
“One step at a time,”  
Sanji watched her get up and go back inside. Despite her being gone, her words echoed in his mind. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do now but for the first time in these past nine months, he felt like he had direction...he knew what he had to do. 
He took the final drag of his cigarette before stubbing it out. With a deep breath, he stood up and turned back towards the door. The night was still young. His journey was not yet over, and it was like Robin said... 
One step at a time. 
The night went on for a couple more hours, nearly approaching midnight.  Everyone had a great time. The evening continued with laughter and conversation. Thankfully, Sanji’s mind felt more at ease as he joined the rest. Even if he had to decide what to do, it was enough peace to let him enjoy the rest of the night. As it approached a new day, the group's energy began to wane, and people began to leave. Robin and Franky, who were still a steadfast couple left together, Luffy and Usopp left with intentions of going back to Luffy’s and Nami left with the intention of spending the night with Vivi who she was still very much dating. As Sanji began to watch everyone leave, it left him alone...well...not exactly.  
Sanji was assured by Zeff that he would handle the mess in the morning which had Sanji having his last cigarette of the night outside. He looked towards the stairs leading up to his apartment. He was about to turn and leave when he heard someone else leave the restaurant. 
It was Zoro and they both looked at each other. Sanji continued to smoke, and Zoro watched him as if he wanted to say something, but didn’t so Sanji was the first one to speak. 
“Wanna come up stairs? It’s a long way home,”  
It was the nicest way of asking Zoro if he wanted to stay the night. Now that everyone else was gone, Sanji and Zoro could drop the acting.  
“Sure. I didn’t want to walk home anyway,” 
Sanji shook his head with a humorless laugh. His reply was gruff as usual but there was some warmth behind it. They stood there for a moment, the silence between them was thick with words they couldn’t say then.  It was tension that in the past nine months had become very familiar. It had begun to define their relationship...their very complicated relationship. 
Once he was ready, he stubbed out his cigarette as his mind reeled from the advice he had been given by Robin. It couldn’t be put off any longer. Sanji had to do something about what was on his mind.  
“Come on. Let’s go then,”  
Zoro followed Sanji without a word. The quiet footsteps on the stairs were the only sound as they made their way up to Sanji’s apartment. 
When they were inside, Sanji flickered on the light. There was a soft glow in a familiar space. Zoro looked around. He was unreadable. Maybe he could tell that change needed to happen too.  
Sanji busied himself to begin with. He kicked his shoes off, tidied up a few items and the like as if to avoid talking to him. As normal, Zoro helped himself to a beer from the fridge and sat on the sofa, watching Sanji clean up.  
“Are you okay?” 
Sanji stopped what he was doing and looked at Zoro strangely. Was it that obvious? 
“I’ve been in a reflective mood...” Sanji muttered, thinking about the conversation he had with Robin recently. 
“Yeah?” Zoro said but more to prod more of an answer as if wanting to know Sanji’s thoughts but all it did was bring hesitation to the blond who stopped what he was doing and sat on the chair across from the sofa, away from Zoro. The familiar tension felt strange. 
“Yeah...” Sanji’s voice was low as he leaned back in his chair. 
Zoro’s expression remained stoic but there was a flicker of something on his face, but it was unreadable. Sanji didn’t know whether Zoro was also feeling reflective or if he had no idea what he was talking about. Either way, Sanji leaned forward. 
“I keep telling myself that I hate you. I really do hate you. Yet, when you do things like what you did tonight with Nami and Luffy...” Sanji ran his hand through his hair, “It pisses me off because you do these kind decent little things and then I don’t know how I feel...” 
Zoro didn’t say anything. What could he say? They’ve been over this countless times. No matter how many times they ended up in each other's room or have these little meet ups, they still go around in circles talking about nine months ago. Neither of them was over it nor honestly, no one could be blamed. 
“I hate you for this. I really do...” 
Zoro looked directly at Sanji, “I don’t blame you,” 
Sanji’s breath caught. That was it. Zoro accepted it with bluntness, and it caught him off guard entirely. He had expected an argument, maybe a gruff retort but instead, Zoro accepted it. 
And that just annoyed him even more. It was suffocating and yet, this was the most honest that they had been with each other this whole time. 
“I don’t want to keep going around in these circles,” Sanji’s voice was strained, “But I don’t think I can move forward...the way that things are going,” 
“You think I haven’t tried? That I don’t want to try and move on?” Zoro responded, clutching his beer like an anchor, “Do you think I haven’t suffered from this too? I know nothing I can say will make you accept what’s going on...” 
“Then why do we keep doing this? Why help with the party? Why do you keep coming back to my place? Why?” 
There was a beat of silence. Sanji had clenched his fists so hard that specs of blood appeared on the palm of his hand, but it didn’t hurt. He had bigger fish to fry right now, and it was all about Zoro. 
And Zoro just continued to stare at him. He settled his beer down on the table and leaned forward, as if trying to close the distance between them, “Because...” He began, his voice lower and more measured than normal, “No matter how much we hate each other and no matter how much we hurt each other, I cannot stay away from you. You think I enjoy this? That I love how much of a mess we are?” 
And that felt like an honest admission from Zoro. Something that Sanji could not honor in return as he scowled, “Then why the hell are we doing this? If you can’t stay away and I can’t let it go, then what the hell are we doing here?” 
And there it was again. That silence showed that neither of them knew the answer. Those raw feelings just bubbled below the surface. 
“I don’t know,” Zoro sighed, “I don’t know okay,” His voice low and rough, “I don’t have the answer, but I wish I did but I don’t,” 
Sanji scowled and pinched the bridge of his nose, “I can’t keep doing this with you,” 
“You don’t have to,” Zoro said, standing up as if something finally snapped, “No one is forcing you to do this. Maybe we should stop seeing each other,” Sanji’s heart clenched at those words even though a part of him had been expecting this conclusion. He had thought about this countless times before, about what it meant if they did cut ties and moved on. Yet, hearing Zoro vocalize it, made it real. 
“Is that what you want?” Sanji didn’t stand up. He looked up at Zoro who looked as if he was about to leave, as if he’d had enough. 
Zoro hesitated but the tension in the room pushed him to talk about it, “You’ve made it clear. You can’t do this anymore. So, you don’t have to. I’m giving you an out,” 
Sanji took a deep breath as if trying to steady himself. Everything felt as if it was crumbling around him, and he was grasping to give himself some normality. But maybe it was too late. Maybe this was the new normal. Everything felt already broken.  A wave of emotions crashed around him as a mix of anger and sadness. Zoro’s words were logical and to the point. He was giving Sanji an out and that was logical, but it was a punch in the gut after everything they had been through.  
This was the exact moment he had feared and wanted. 
“You are giving me an out?” Sanji stood up, shaking his head in disbelief and frustration, “Like it’s that simple? Like walking away will finish all of this?” 
Zoro clenched his jaw, “Maybe it is that simple, Sanji. Maybe we are making it more difficult than it had to be,”  
It was the moment he had to decide. Sanji’s heart raced and for a moment, he just couldn’t find the words. What did he want? 
“I think you are right,” Sanji said. Maybe he was right. Maybe they needed to stop. “Maybe walking away will help,” 
Zoro nodded, his face unreadable but he looked towards the door and then back to him, “I agree. I will leave you alone then...” His words hung in the air, heavy and final. The silence that followed it was suffocating and filled with things that they didn’t even get a chance to say. Finally, there was an end to this unrelenting cycle. 
For a moment, time stopped. By the time that Sanji realized that time’s arrow marched forward, Zoro opened the door and was gone. The blonde stood there frozen. So that was it. Zoro had walked out of his life as if it was nothing. He had wanted this – to end this cycle but now that it had happened, Sanji felt hollow. He clenched his fists again, realizing the pain of cuts on his hand but it was nothing compared to the pain in his chesrt. Nine months. He’d put up with this for nine months and for what? What did he have to show for it? 
Instead of relief, he felt loss.  
He sat on the sofa, the exhaustion of the night caught up on him. He rubbed his face, noticing the wetness on his cheeks. 
One step at a time. 
But what was the next step? What did he do next? How did you move on now? 
Sanji leaned back on the sofa, reaching for his lighter and cigarettes. He lit one up and stared at the ceiling. He had made his choice, now he had to live with it. Maybe that’s how it was supposed to end.  
One step at a time. 
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Hello~~ your Micah stuff keeps me coming back!
It’s so good!!
Can I please request GN or F s/o taking care of micah after he wakes up from a nightmare with prompt #52 “The nightmares can’t get you when I’m here.” I think micah would be a little fussy after waking up, because he doesn’t wanna seem all WEAK but his S/O calms him down and gets him to go back to sleep!
Thank yoooou🖤
Thank you!! I'm glad you like Micah stuff XD my friend wonders how I can write for him. Hope you enjoy!💖
Nightmares Are For The Weak
No one can control their dreams. Or nightmares. But Micah Bell can sure as hell try.
#52 “The nightmares can’t get you when I’m here.”
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There was a reason that Micah doesn't sleep.
It brought him to a place where he was vulnerable and faced with things that he couldn't fight no matter how hard he tried. After all, no one can control their dreams.
Or their nightmares.
Micah is stubborn though and tries to control his horrible sleep experiences by not sleeping. It's why everyone sees him up and about even in the darkest hours of the night. People thought he was just being creepy, but they didn't understand how much he was secretly suffering.
Somedays his body just forces himself to sleep. And that's exactly what happens now.
He can't exactly recall what the nightmare was about. All he could remember was that he woke sweaty with quick breaths, tears were nearly falling from his eyes.
Absolutely unacceptable for Micah Bell.
Of course, he was quick to get to his feet and move away from whatever tree he was laying against. Perhaps some movement will get him back in touch with reality. Micah ran a hand over his face, trying to get his normal personality back on his features and wipe this childish one away.
His heart told him to go to you, but his head told him otherwise. However, in the end, it mattered not. You found him anyway.
"Micah? I shouldn't be surprised that you're still awake." Your soft voice frightened him in this vulnerable state. But he didn't let you notice that.
"But I am that you are. Why are you still up?" He asked gruffly, masking his emotions in what he thought was perfection.
"Miss Grimshaw put us ladies through a lot of work today. I guess it's made me not tired." You said with a shrug, eyeing him. Micah didn't look like himself. Sure, he puts up a good act because that's so him. But when you've known him for as long as you have, you can see through the cracks in his mask.
Something happened.
"Have you slept at all tonight?" You asked him, and he was too quick to respond.
"No." He muttered, rubbing another hand over his face.
"Got ya." You said with a slight smile, and Micah groaned. He hated that you knew him well enough that you could catch him lying.
"So, you actually slept, but something happened, didn't it?" You pressed and Micah began to walk away. It was the only way to escape your questions, but you simply followed, causing him to curse under his breath.
"Nothing happened." He guarded himself, still walking away.
"Did something wake you? A nightmare maybe?" You said, causing him to pause his walking. You hit the nail right on the head, but Micah was too stubborn to admit that to you right now.
"What is this? An interrogation?" He asked, turning to look at you. You simply nodded, a look of concern on your face. Micah won't admit it, but he softened slightly. You never looked to prod him or tease him like the other camp members did. Perhaps it was one of the many reasons he loved you. So, eventually, you broke him.
"Yeah...I guess I did have a bit of a nightmare." He mumbled, face burning in shame as he avoided your eyes. Instead of pressing any further, you moved in to hug him. Micah has allowed you to do this without much complaint, but you felt it was the right thing to do.
You got the answer you wanted.
"I think there may be something I can do to help." You told him, moving away from the hug.
"Y/N, I don't need-"
"Come along."
You dragged him towards your tent, curtesy of Hosea's prodding at Dutch. Once in its privacy, you pulled him to lay with you. You could feel him tense up, obviously fearful of the thought of going back to sleep, but you won in the end.
"I don't need this, Y/N. Just let me be." Micah pushed, but you shook your head.
"There's nothing you need to feel shameful of." You told him.
"I ain't ashamed of anything, dammit. I shouldn't get nightmares. I ain't a child." He protested, crossing his arms over his chest as he laid beside you on the ground.
"Everyone gets nightmares, Micah. It doesn't stop when you get older. With lives like ours, the mind will always find a way to try and scare us. That's why we have each other." You informed him, pulling him closer so that his head rested over your bosom. Now, as much as Micah would like the proximity, he couldn't help but get a bit embarrassed.
“The nightmares can’t get you when I’m here.” You promised while stroking his hair, not realizing that he was rather red in the face.
"I feel like a child." He mumbled.
"Shut up and let me try to help you." You ordered and you could hear him chuckle a bit despite the awkwardness that he felt.
"Yes ma'am." He said and you look pleased with yourself, smiling.
"That's what I thought. Now, you better be here when I wake up." You told him, a maternal tone in your voice. Micah smiled in spite of himself.
He did see you as a blessing in his life that he didn't think he deserved. You were able to sleep peacefully with him there, so Micah could only hope that he would find some peace in it as well. His heart raced a bit more, and he could feel that childlike fear entering his mind. The fear of the unknown that might creep up in his dreams.
However, the feeling of your hand in his hair and on his back brought him some peace. Your heartbeat and breathing reminding him of a place of safety.
So, with new courage, he found the strength to close his eyes and fall asleep.
66 notes · View notes
tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: “Brothers of the Broken Horn”
Hooooooondoooooooooooooo! :D
When we open we see that Phoenix Cell has temporarily taken to port at Garel.
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Which is looking as lovely as ever.
We pan down with a pleasant musical cue to see that Rex has set Ezra up with some blaster training, enlisting Chopper as a moving target.
Ezra’s already clearly frustrated and grows moreso when Kanan shows up and tells him he’s missing a Jedi training session.  His discouraged, “What if I don’t want to be either [a soldier or a Jedi]?” surprises Rex but alarms Kanan, who knows how desperately Ezra wants to be a Jedi in normal circumstances.
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Neither man can figure out the reason why Ezra’s upset though (really guys? y’all be dense), and they’re interrupted by Sabine calling them in for a briefing.
The mission is honestly a little bit incidental to the plot, only really there to establish the MacGuffin that people will be wrestling over trying to possess this episode.  Ezra doesn’t get to participate as now Hera is on him also, to scrub the Phantom.
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So many “teenager whines about chores to parents” vibes in this scene, especially when Hera chides Chopper for laughing about it and makes him help too lol.
Ezra is understandably feeling overwhelmed by the myriad pressures that are colliding over him right now, complaining to Chopper about it.  Kanan and Rex are pulling him in opposite directions and fighting with each other over it every step of the way, and this has made him discouraged, unsure of his path forward, and missing the simplicity of his life before the Ghost, as rough as it was.
So of course he jumps at the opportunity to distract himself from everything when Chopper picks up a distress signal from Vizago’s ship.
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Borrowing Mom’s van to make a wellness check on your old criminal fencing friends lol.
Yes, this is super irresponsible and dangerous but also Ezra really needed this little day trip to clear his head and remind himself how much he’s changed from the kind of person who would’ve jumped at Hondo’s offer.
So this episode is mostly character building/character renewal for Ezra and also a Friendship Fetch Quest that nets us Hondo Ohnaka.  After Rex, he’s one of the most important allies we gain this season.
But I’m getting a little ahead of myself.  Back to Ezra doing things that absolutely got him grounded after this episode. XD
(Lol at Ezra’s defensive little, “I know how to fly.” towards Chopper, immediately belied by him scraping the Phantom on its hooks.)
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Garel be pretty, what can I say?
Hilarious that the ship got stuck in Garel airspace, I have to assume Hondo and Vizago met with their, ah, “disagreement” literally almost as soon as they took off lolol.
Fyrnock cue coming back here, I guess we’re using it as shorthand for uncertain perilous situations now.
The similarities to the previous episode in the creepy seemingly abandoned nature of the ship I’m going to assume were deliberate in order to catch us off guard when it was all subverted and Hondo was introduced, instead of some horrible danger.
And yeah, Hondo is a bit “defanged” from his Clone Wars incarnation but I think it kinda fits, you know, the all-consuming overwhelming evil of the Empire is such that mundane run-of-the-mill pirates and criminal overlords are simply just not as frightening or dangerous anymore.  The Empire ruins everything, even the lives of outliers who used to just fly under the radar.
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Ezra keeps darting glances at Hondo’s arm around his shoulder like he’s not entirely comfortable with it being there, lol.
I mentioned that Ezra’s mechanical skills sort of fall by the wayside as he grows into his role as Jedi so it’s nice that he gets to use them here.
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“This was such a bad idea, Hera’s going to kill me when if I get back.”
Ah man, Ezra continues to have just such a look of regretting all of the decisions that led him to this point, poor bby.
He slips pretty naturally back into his street orphan trickster/swindler/pickpocket persona though, smoothly bargaining with Hondo to distract from his swiping the sentry droid control.
Frynock cue transmuted to strings instead of brass as we descend.
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Nice to see a moon that looks like an actual moon.  This is a pretty unique location and I’m glad we get to visit it again later in the season.
Ezra planning ahead for trouble because he remembers how this kind of thing can easily go down, kind of a subtle hint at how familiar he is with the workings of the criminal underground.
And it’s a good thing he did because it’s Azmorigan that we’re meeting.  Love Ezra’s immediate look of, “Ah hell.” and hiding his face.
“I don’t deal with washed-up old relics!” “Come now, let’s leave your wife out of this.” PFFFKJHGKH HONDO PLZ.
This brief comedic exchange actually kind of gives some insight into Hondo’s changed circumstances.  The current criminal overlords consider him outdated, washed up, from a bygone era, an old fool desperately clinging to relevance.  It fits because Hondo is a bit of a classic romantic at heart, fond of what we would call “swashbuckling adventure”.  It’s the reason he loves the Jedi and thinks back on them wistfully and nostalgically, they represent the kind of dramatic tales and bold feats of a golden era full of opportunity for reward and glory.  But there’s no more room for that kind of frivolous excitement under the iron oppressive hand of the Empire, you adapt or you die out, and Hondo refuses to do either.
...Right, now that I’ve given myself feels over a comedic side character let’s move on.
The light woodwind ditties in the soundtrack belie the actual tension of this scene, especially when Ezra has his helmet pulled off.  (The cadet helmet he had Sabine paint for him, which he keeps retreating into when he feels unsafe in this episode, the biased shipper in me would like to point out.)
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You can practically hear the string of curses inside his head as he tries to hide his face here.
No dice, Azmorigan recognizes him, cue Big Damn Heroes moment from the orange tin can murderhobo himself and a decent little action setpiece.  What I’m most impressed with/interested in in this sequence is Ezra himself, how he moves with such skill and finesse.
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Also catch me crying remembering when he was tiny enough to hop over his own bound hands like a jumprope.  I don’t think that trick would work as well post growth spurt.
An impulsive and genuinely selfless move from Hondo as he pushes Ezra out of the way of the cargo ladder Azmorigan sent rolling at him.  And this is before he knows Ezra’s a Jedi so Hondo really basically just took one look at this kid and decided he’d die for him.  Which, you know, valid.
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This droid is a menace lol.
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Ezra takes a risk by using his Force abilities.  Fortunately Azmorigan is too busy fleeing for his life from Chopper to see, and Hondo loves Jedi.  (See again: classic romanticist at heart.)
“You must have many responsibilities.”  “Yeah.  Too many at the moment.”
This kid. :((((  He’s under such pressure.
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Ezra’s little “Wait a minute.” side look here lol.
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And he continues not to enjoy Hondo’s affection ha ha.
It’s cute but also my brain is wandering to the fridge on this one because:
A) Ezra is now comfortable with all the casual touches and gestures of physical affection from the Ghost crew, which mirrors how he’s found a new home with them and no longer belongs in Hondo’s world.
And B) given the events of last episode it’s not surprising Ezra is a bit touchy about weird strangers violating his personal boundaries.
“Maybe I would make a pretty good pirate.  Inquisitors don’t hunt them do they?”  Honey you are Force Sensitive and already on their radar, hanging out with Hondo would only hide you for so long.
(Yet another thing that’s apparently been on his mind and adding to his anxieties.  In light of that his initial refusal to help Vizago makes more sense, the kid has so much on his plate already and just does not want to deal with anything else.)
Lol Ezra talking to Vizago like Vizago’s a problem child he’s babysitting.
Right, this whole scene right here is why I don’t do stories with casts of morally gray protagonists, the constant backstabbing and side-switching are exhausting.
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Look, even Ezra’s exhausted.  Poor kid needs a nap he looks so tired.
Fortunately for Ezra, Chopper has his back, having put the Phantom on autopilot beforehand.  So he winds up not losing the Phantom (this time) and actually accomplishing the mission without really trying.
I do wanna see that missing scene where the Phantom returns to the Ghost and Hera’s all ready to let Ezra have it and then this weird Weequay pops out lolol.
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They look so proud, like, “Awww that’s our little gremlin child.”
Aaaaand this little heartwarming look from Hondo is getting to me a bit this time around.
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He’s so fond of Ezra ajkhaksfjfh.
Hera’s taking the whole “running off with the Phantom instead of doing his chores” thing remarkably well all things considered.  I guess it helps that he lucked into finding some generators.
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There is no reason for this shot to be this pretty this is just a hanger.
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*sobbing forever about how Hondo functions as narrative foil for how Ezra could have turned out if not for his Found Family and how that’s acknowledged in-text*
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I caught a lot of unexpected feels rewatching this episode, I’ve always liked it for being a fun Ezra-focused episode but I’m seeing just how it fits neatly into his character journey.  Things got hairy last episode, the stressors and pressure points (Rex and Kanan’s bickering) continue to increase and he got understandably overwhelmed.
The growing pains in his self-identity, questioning whether or not he even wants to be a Jedi at this point, just to get granted a glimpse of what his life might have looked like if he had continued on that self-serving path and realizing how much he’s changed... aaaaaaah I love it!
Another successful Friendship Fetch Quest accomplished.
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candycryptids · 15 days
17. What patch did you start in, anyway?
29. What's one feature/content you want to see added to the game?
I started playing like JUST a little before Shadowbringers officially released I’m pretty sure! I remember I was sprinting through the story to catch up so I could run the last Nier Raid with the FC my friends were all in when it released at like 5 am or something nuts xndjfjrfkrks …. And still somehow found time to get told “being a dragoon for Heavensward is rly rewarding actually you should level Dragoon” (and then I DID. Cried and screamed the whole time got it to 50 and hated the class for a YEAR….. I’ve come around again though it’s a fun class but Man The burnout was intense XD do not power level things you want to enjoy from 1-50)
And I kinda regret sprinting as hard as I did through ARR! I make SO many alts because I’m trying to recapture all the emotions and experiences I missed the first time while trying to catch up to everybody and being told “ARR is the worst part” (it isn’t, don’t listen to the haters, listen to me. Go in with open eyes and a willingness to be obsessed with your Character and immerse yourself in the story you’ll have a better time. Stop looking ahead to level 100 and look to your left and right. Sniff the Azeyma Roses. The Althyk Lavender. You only do the story the first time once.)
As for content I’d like to see added….. Let Viera and Hrothgar wear hats Square I’m shaking you by the shoulders pleasepleaseplease- uhm…. I know there’s talk of 24 man savages being implemented but I’m hearing it’ll be it’s own separate thing or somethin? I want Crystal Tower Raids as a Savage. And the God raids…. Just, general Savage varieties of the raids we already have but ESPECIALLY the ARR ones because I think it would be fun. Also to maybe please add the Bahamut raids to the normal roulettes??? It’s a cool story/series and it gets missed because it’s kinda hard to get done normally since it’s not in the roulettes and you gotta either Unsync it or Party Finder for it….
Oh or maybe just an update to the Hall of The Novice Tutorial thing, last time I did it it felt kinda out of date with some of the changes implemented and the way players tend to play 🤔 …. 🫣 this is another brick wall but you must understand; I’m very normal about FFXIV.
[Get-To-Know-Me-FFXIV Ask Game]
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indigoraysoflight · 2 years
43. "I don't want to argue with you." for Caryl, please! (and probably more to come xD)
Okay, this is a tough read. I'm sorry IDK why my brain does these things. I've tried to stay true to Carol's headspace post 'Find Me'. And I tried to frame this as sort of an anticaryllel to the scene in the dumb arc following this episode where L3ah betrays him making him realize he fucked up. Aka some people are worth saving and others aren't. Hopefully, it's worth the wait. Thanks for the prompt! (psst I'll share a new list soon lol)
Missing scene from 11x01 / Acheron I
From the Ashes
The walk back from the military base was quiet. Carol looked down at the extra MREs she’d grabbed and realized what a close call it had been for her. Doesn’t matter. I need to fix this.
She felt his eyes on her as he trailed behind on their way back. 
His gaze seared into her skin from the moment he locked eyes with her on the roof – and it followed her everywhere. He's watching me like a hawk, so I don’t run away. She had to bite back her frustrated sigh. But she made no attempt to hide her stiff, angry stride since he was so interested in watching her.
You wanna run? RUN. I won’t stop you this time. 
His words at the cabin echoed so fast and cut through her so quickly that her breathing got harsh, and her gait faltered.
Maggie gave her a concerned look. Carol shook her head and smiled. “Just a little winded; I’ll be fine.” Thankfully her voice was steady because her eyes had already started burning. Maggie nodded, glanced behind Carol, and turned away.
“Here, let me carry the bag.”
His voice was so earnest that it rumbled through her – summoning tears to her eyes. But she held on to her anger. Anger was better, safer. It reminded her that their luck had run out. It kept the hope out and held her walls strong. It kept her heart from breaking again. 
“I’m fine,” she responded coolly without glancing at him because she absolutely did not want him to see her cry. 
The steady growling that emerged from their right was a welcome distraction. Aiming her bow, she shot the walker right between its vacant eyes and noticed a crossbow bolt embedded next to her arrow in its head before it collapsed. 
Carol's eyes locked with Daryl's for a moment before they made their way to it. She didn’t have to wonder where his mind was because hers went there too.
I had that one!
He slowly inched towards her. Trying to close the distance between them.
Well, you’re supposed to call it.
Carol inched away.
You didn’t call it.
Daryl’s speed faltered in her periphery as a response to her.
I don’t wanna play with you anymore if you cheat all the time.
She heard her chuckle echo from that sunny day at Oceanside as a wayward tear ran down her cheek. 
I’m not cheating!
They were in lockstep again, and she realized she’d unconsciously readjusted her pace to match his. Carol wanted to laugh despite the grimness of the situation. After years of walking with him, her body protested to leaving him behind.
“We’ll catch up,” he called out to the rest. Carol wondered if she imagined the slight hoarseness in his voice as she yanked the arrow and the bolt out of the walker's head. When the silence grew heavy, she sensed what was coming, and she really wasn’t in the mood for it. With a quick glance, Carol returned the bolt to him and started walking away. Daryl bristled in her periphery.  
“Why would you do that?”
And there it was. 
“Why’d I do what?” Carol evaded and kept walking.
“You know what,” The sharpness in his voice took her back to the cabin.
And that's what matters. You bein' right.
She stopped. Her heart started pounding. A heavy rock settled into the pit of her stomach, but she still turned to meet his eyes.
"I don't want to argue with you."
She was tired. She didn't want to fight with him anymore. Didn't want to watch what was left of their dreams burn, wither, and turn into nothing right in front of her eyes. 
“I ain’t arguing.” 
“Then what are we doing, Daryl?”
“Why’d you go back for the MREs?”
Carol furrowed her brow. “We need all the food we can find.”
She glanced in the direction of the group. “And even that won’t be enough to feed everyone for long.” They had more mouths to feed, and the idea of Alexandria falling terrified her.
“I couldn’t get 'em all. They were herding. They almost got you.” His voice cracked.
She looked into his eyes and remembered – the sounds of his bolts clearing a path for her, his eyes heavy on her trail, and the sharp whistles of his knives as they saved her life at the right moment. Reaching for him when they reeled her up as his steady arms clutched her and held her close, his eyes raking over her desperately to check for injuries.
The fear and exasperation she saw in his eyes when she handed him the knives reflected back at her now. 
You couldn't handle the guilt. So you made it my problem.
Guilt seeped into her veins when she realized why she felt confident about going back for the MREs. Daryl always had her back. She knew he would try to keep her safe. Somehow, she'd managed to make her decisions his problem again after he’d told her off about it. 
“I didn’t mean to make it your problem,” Carol managed to whisper before walking away – eager to get away from him now. 
“It ain’t that-” Daryl sighed, and her pace quickened. “Carol, could ya stop runnin’ for one fuckin’ minute and talk.” 
She stopped, flipped around, and met his gaze levelly. Her eyes welled up, but she didn't care.
I stopped ya from runnin', and I shouldna.
The words lodged in her throat since the cabin now ached to break free.
“If I wanted to run, Daryl, I would’ve done it at the cabin.” She kept her voice even. “I intend to stay and fix what I broke. Because I do know where I belong.”
Daryl looked stricken but met her gaze with shimmering blue eyes. “Going back for a couple of MREs and almost gettin' yourself killed ain’t fixing it. They ain’t gonna make that much of a difference.”
Daryl stepped forward, closing the distance between them. A small part of her thought – wished – he would hold her hand and pull her into his arms. Hold her, let her breathe him in, and forget about their fight. Forget that their luck had run out – their bond severed, and their dreams withered to ashes.  
“Every bit counts.” Carol met his gaze, but her voice shook.  
“Not if it costs your life, it don’t.”
His words were a balm to her soul but her past actions still weighed heavily on her, and she struggled to believe him.
“I’d do anything to protect our family. If it fed the kids, if it fed everyone, it would..." Carol sighed and looked down. "It would be worth-” 
“No,” Daryl interrupted. His voice was so firm and strong that it pulled her eyes back to his. “No, it wouldn't," he reaffirmed softly.
The conviction in his voice washed over her, and she let herself believe him. Let herself hope that they could salvage what they had. It carried her to that sunny day at Oceanside when they wove dreams of New Mexico as he wove her a bracelet. When they got lost in the idea of just the two of them running away together. An endless road ahead of them, sun kissing their face, wind sifting through their hair, her arms wrapped around his waist, his warmth pressed against her heart. 
And for a moment, as they gazed at each other, she felt like she always did. Safe, seen, held, warm…loved. She let herself see him – his fringe wasn’t covering his face, his eyes were soft blue and glassy, and his lips were chapped. His eyes lingered on her lips and then flicked to her wrist. She realized she was fiddling with her bracelet and dropped her hand. 
"Better get back," she said quietly, peeling her eyes away.
He walked to the front of the group – his gait heavy and shoulders slumped. Her heart ached to reach out to him, to hold his head to her shoulder, but she stopped herself. 
Daryl turned back one last time, and their eyes locked again. He chewed his lip and stroked his chest pocket unconsciously before looking away. 
We got luck on our side, right? 
His voice resonated in her heart and her eyes locked on him as he went up to lead the group. And just like that, her anger dissolved, and her resolve crumbled. I broke it, I'll fix it, Carol thought as she clung to the ashes of their withered dreams greedily and held them close to her heart.
“Everythin’ ok?” Maggie asked softly when she fell into step beside her.
Carol nodded, never taking her eyes off Daryl, who was a few steps ahead of them.
“We got luck on our side," she whispered.
When Daryl’s shoulders relaxed and he lifted his head, Carol felt something new sprout from the ashes of their withered dreams. 
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Word Find Tag
Catch up p8, June edition. Thanks for the tag Elli 💜 (@i-can-even-burn-salad)
My words: cruel, chain, cloth and color
Your words: burn, bleed, bother, and broken
Gently tagging: @little-peril-stories, @menagerie-of-monsters, @dont-touch-my-soup, and You, if you'd like :D (Open Tag)
To repay you for your patience, I am going to attempt to pull these words from the two Nykim chapters I have lol
I feel like I should just blanket CW for captivity, restraints, and torture (whipping, aftermath of whipping, broken bones) XD
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Cruel Riah
Resignation flashed in Nykim’s eyes, there and then gone. His eyes fluttered closed as he chewed and swallowed, the pink tip of his fox tongue darting out to capture a stray crumb.  “Thank you,” he whispered, letting his chin drop to his chest. Gods, he looked so tired. Riah stared at him, trying to figure him out. His reputation wasn’t exactly matching up to the man in front of her. Maybe it was situational, but all he had done was tease her when he could’ve been demanding, demeaning, or downright cruel.   He might be the world’s best con man, but her heart twinged nonetheless. Watching people suffer had never been her favorite past-time. And it would be unfair if she offered food only to take it away after one bite.   
Chain Nykim
“Answer, please answer!”  She wasn’t supposed to say that part, maybe, because it sounded like she was shoved into the table for it, based on the thud and clatter of whatever was on the damned thing.  The effort wasn’t worth whatever price she would pay for that. He wouldn’t.  Not that it mattered because the whip came down again and again in quick succession, giving him no time. The shock of the blows reverberated in his bones, the barbs rending his flesh with each strike.   Air hissed between his teeth, chain links embedded in his palms, sweat slickened his forehead, and the whip kept coming down.  Leather met lacerated skin with a sickeningly wet slap. The woman didn’t appear accustomed to witnessing torture because her breath kept hitching in the background. At least she couldn’t see–fuck! 
Cloth Riah
One look, and she’d had to walk straight back out. Merrick had turned and raised one eyebrow. Pushing past the rush of anxiety that look provoked, Riah’d told him she needed to clean Nykim’s back, or she wouldn’t be able to see to judge if he healed himself or not.  Now, a cold sweat prickled her brow as she pressed a cloth that was no longer white to Nykim’s shoulder. She dunked it in water that was no longer clear, rung it out, and went back for another pass.  The bleeding had slowed. Riah couldn’t say if that was a good thing or not. Couldn’t say if her stomach churned more from the crimson-soaked fabric in her hands or the clearly visible ruin of this man’s back.
Color Riah
“Like what… you see?”  “Yes,” she snapped, “I like seeing horrible people like you in the position you’re currently in.”  The smirk didn’t fall from his face, but the laughter left his eyes. “Yes, of course. I deserve–”  Something shifted in his arm, something that made that awful bone-on-bone sound she was so familiar with from her hip, and he cut off, pursing his lips as his face lost all color.  It wasn’t until then that she noticed the other signs of pain she’d conveniently missed before. The tension in his thighs, evident through the tight black material of his pants. The way his chest rose and fell just a bit too fast. The barely visible sheen of sweat coating his skin.  This man was in agony, but instead of moaning or screaming or even yelling at her to help, he was sitting there on shattered knees, hanging from broken arms, conversing with her. Oh yeah, and couldn’t forget his shredded back.  Gods, she was a terrible person. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t. I didn’t mean that.”   “Yeah, you did,” Nykim panted. “Which–fuck–which is curious, considering the shit company you keep.”  Riah winced. 
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 156 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: baking something in the kitchen, most likely with apples again... xD
MARTIN: "You know, I- I’ve been wondering about your batteries. Like, could I just take the batteries out each time one of you appears, and just- have an infinite supply of batteries?" Lol, I wonder if this was just Jonny and Alex joking around about the tape recorders and then decided to put it into the podcast...
MARTIN: "Also, I know there’s every chance that you don’t even have any, and it’s just empty, and, well… I’m not really sure that’s something I want to confirm. Or, I open up your compartment and it’s like- meat, or maggots, or something." There's probably a little spider in there running inside a hamster wheel to get the power going xD
MARTIN: "I guess I technically have the power to make it not quiet, to, to talk to people, but like- you know, I, I also have the power to clean out the fridge, and it’s still a mess." Executive function is a bitch, isn't it?
There doesn't seem to be a Bright Lake amusement park in "our" Colorado... I looked for the name online, nothing. I looked for abandoned amusement parks in Colorado, also nothing that sounds similar or would have a similar closing year. Hm, idk, did I miss something?
"You will forgive me if I withhold his name, as I have all the verification I need to be sure he’s telling the truth, and I find it hard to believe any followup you would be interested in doing would be beneficial for him. He’s earned his anonymity." So is Adelard protecting the statement giver from getting the Archivist nightmares? “earned his anonymity” doesn’t sound like this is necessary about him still being followed by this manifestation.
"Based on his description, I would have called it a rave… but when I said so, he looked at me like I didn’t understand what he was talking about." Okay boomer xD
Hmm, there was only one other instance of starvation being addressed, right (MAG 58)? It is rather rare in our privileged first world, but there are so many countries were this is a very real threat to the people. Let alone that this is very real in the animal kingdom as well and fear of all living creatures counts. Adelard seems to be contributing all of this to the Flesh, but is a bit surprised by the level of famine itself...
"It was a scream from the roller coaster, but not the joyful cry of adrenaline and mock terror, but a dreadful, piercing wail, flying through the air. It seemed one of the riders, unable to properly benefit from the safety bar, had been thrown from the height of a loop, and was sailing through the air, landing on the unforgiving ground of the main avenue with a horrendous crunch." Oh no, Martin of all people has to read this when just a few weeks ago Simon playfully threatened him to throw him off a roller coaster...
"Our interloper had to look away, or risk being sick at the sight of so many spindly bodies swarming, biting, rotten teeth and swollen gums tearing at the still-twitching body of the unfortunate soul from the roller coaster." Oh that sounds horrifying...
"He tells me he was suddenly very aware of just how much flesh was on his body." Meat is me!
"If you do try to follow up with my source- and I know you have your own ways of finding him, should you wish- please be careful. He told me, near the end, that he had recently been worried he’s being followed. He keeps catching glimpses of a thin figure in the distance, or disappearing around a corner, and I can’t quite get past the detail that there was no reflection at all in the mirror he used to return." Ah, the same as in MAG 134 though. The statement giver has seemingly escaped, yet there's still a lingering manifestation following them.
Peter seems so cheery joyful and Martin only sounds tired, annoyed and resigned :/
MARTIN: (more subdued) "Right." (beat) "Will I be coming back?" PETER: "You’re not going to die, if that’s what you’re asking, but- no. If all goes well, you won’t be." So if Martin would have gone through with this, taken Jonah's place, he would have been tied to the Panopticon I guess. Like Jon in MAG 200 when he took his place as pupil of the Eye.
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nightglider124 · 1 year
Titans: Season 4 - Ep7 & Ep8 - Thoughts
Okay, now that I have watched the episodes multiple times (actually just the good bits tehe), I have overall thoughts and I thought I would share them!
I’m gonna try and focus on the stuff non dickkory related buuut if you catch me slipping, soz. I have always been very vocal about my priorities in this show and they are in the main three.
Episode 7: Caul’s Folly
The bit at the beginning where they like said bye to Jinx, I found kinda sweet. I still feel like she is going to pop up again. I don’t feel like she is proper dead... Maybe I am wrong but I haven’t seen anything to say the actress wasn’t returning for part 2 or anything. I would personally prefer if they kept her dead moreso cos I don’t feel she has any more of a part to play in the rest of it but yeah. At first, I didn’t think they were even gonna mention her and then Rachel did and I was like lmao okay cool. Glad that was cleared up. XD
Honestly, they’ve done such a good job of getting the vibe of bonkers cult for the Church of Blood like it’s so full of whackos but it all feels so believable tbh. I like Sebastian; he’s an interesting character and villain. I’ve always liked the Brother Blood storyline in all media forms through the years and this is no different.
I AM MISSING GAR TERRIBLY ALREADY. I proper felt his absence and I HATED IT. Like I get it, we’re gonna be getting a whole ep for my boy but like I miss his cute little face. Gar woulda been a mood if he was in the town with them. GOD. I can’t wait to see him again soon.
Conner... my guy. I fucking hate you this season. I get the Lex thing and what they’re going for and Joshua Orpin does phenomonelly as he makes it believable but FUCK ME. I am tired of his superieor bullshit XD. Like when he started blaming Dick for the plan going south, I was like are you for real and then Dick being like well fuckface we had a good plan but it went to shit cos of your dumb ass. I was like FUCK YEAH, TELL HIM DICK! I need Conner to not be a douche for much longer cos it’s grating af.
In addition to that, it was cool to see Mercy again. I was surprised since I don’t think anything had mentioned her making an appearance. Still hate her character but it was a cool little moment.
MY GOD. The whole interaction with Roberta was my absolute favourite. When she like inhaled Kory, I was cracking up and I peeped Dick’s smiling eyes ever so slightly when she did it. Hilarious. I loved it and I loved Roberta. 
I really REALLY love the clothing department for all the outfits but... my baby girl. Every outfit was a slay. OH! AND THE FUCKING JACKET!! IT SAYS WE <3 GAR AND OBVS THATS A NUDGE TO THE ICONIC SHIRT?? I really adored that little easter egg to the comics. Muchos appreciated.
I LOVE TIM AND BERNARD. They’re little idiots trying to figure shit out and I’m a sap for it tbh. AND GUUURL, they gots their own motel scene. I was like Yaaas TIM, go get your boo. I really like their relationship tbf. I was smiling through like all their scenes, especially at the motel.
Dick getting the shit kicked out of him in the police station made me physically wince; the fight-acting was amazeballs but ugh my boy, I was like bro, you’re getting fucked up. I get he obviously does not have the Nightwing suit with him but dang man, you got knocked about like a ragdoll.
I like the pace in this first episode; it brought me straight back into the flow and action of the season rather than acting as filler bs, at least I felt. 
Episode 8: Dick & Carol & Ted & Kory
This episode killed me dead because of the dickkory; I just wanna get that out straight away cos... my god. It was glorious. These thoughts will be including DK cos how can I not; half the episode was them.
That frickin bedroom scene... them freaking and then Kory being like did we sleep together? And Dick is like NO. No? It was so funny; I was cackling. The comedic and the seriousness and the romance as well... it all worked surprisingly very well? Like it felt in the middle of chaos but it works?? I loved this episode more than maybe any other episode in the show. 
THE WEDDING RINGSSS. I just wanna say, they got changed. They didn’t need to keep them on. Maybe yes because they’re keeping up the appearances but PLS they both looked real comfy with wedding rings js. Some of the shots also really felt like they were intentionally showing them off. Maybe I was imagining it but some of the shots felt very pointed. Loved it.
Their outfits. THE OUTFITS. Barbieland could never. I just... they were so opposite to Dick and Kory but they looked so fucking cute. I wanted to die. It was the best thing ever. 
OH! THE MUSIC IN BOTH EPISODES FUCKING SLAPPED. The town knows how to do a playlist, ite? I was vibing for a lot of the time to the point I had to rewind bits cos I wasn’t paying attention. 
The scene with Sebastian cutting Rachel had me raging. Like, bitch lemme cut you and see what you think. Step away from my GURL. 
The scene where Dick has bought the recorders... I found Kory hilarious with her ‘Peak daddy bullshit’ line but aw, omg I felt bad for Dick like his poor face he was like, I’m just trying to save us :( It’s rare Kory proper loses her shit with him so I was like oh, this is not nice. I got her but also like he trying. 
Inhale... guys... them recording their memories... Kory’s had me sad. Anna’s voice was so sad like it was great. 
In addition to that... my poor heart when Dick came downstairs and Kory had turned into Carol like full pelt... I was like noooo. His face is like no.... no no no. Brenton does Dick’s facial expression just so damn well. 
POOR CAROL!KORY. She was so fragile all like oh im sorry, did I do something wrong. And, I really love how Dick went from yelling at her cos boy is frightened and frustrated but then softens and is like no, it’s not your fault, its mine. And yes, I adored the hand holding and promising not to leave her, even if it was her Carol self. But, I agree with others on that; Dick’s face was sad cos he knows its not Kory doing it.
KORY HEARING WHAT DICK SAID ON THE TAPE AHHHHHHHH. Im so mad tho. Like he loved her since season 1 what the actual fuck man. Which, actually makes sense why he backed off in s2 and s3 cos like Kory was the one who put it out there about them figuring themselves out before they attempted anything romantic so maybe Dick took that as she wasn’t into it as well as like the not going to San Fran with them? Which makes me sadder. Like giving her space and time but really being like i luv you Kory. UGH. IM SICK.
The radio room was grim; Dick just walking around in these blood pipes like its nothing like even Rachel was like gross dude. Dick just walks out after like nah its fine; I’m covered in some randos blood but its all good.
TEHE the last bit where Kory says about it not being the painful memories. He 10000% now knows she listened to his tape and knows he loves her. Like pls.
Ugh Conner... what are you doing and why do I feel like you’re gonna fuck shit up again, ya little douche. He best not cause any harm to the other Titans with his stupid ass antics. I swear to Jesus. 
That’s all of my long winded thoughts for both episodes! Can’t wait for next weeks and we get to see baby Gaaar!!
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