#I’m project hopping too much and its killing me
synthwayve · 8 months
Animating/storyboarding like 4 things at once Kos save me. Save me Kos. Mother Kosm save me. Here’s some wips for those
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Will any of them get done. We will see.
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starfallforest · 26 days
Stop putting 'Too Sweet' by Hozier in your Sylus playlists
I am sorry—this was clickbait. I don’t actually care what you do with your life. But I need you to hear me out for just a second, okay? I am extremely not neurotypical about two things: Love and Deepspace, and Andrew John Hozier-Byrne. And I have seen more than one person in the tags talk about "Too Sweet" by Hozier being a perfect song for Sylus and MC. My only discourse about this is that Too Sweet is a song about a man who makes continuous self-sabotaging life decisions being incompatible with a partner who has her life put together. In my humble opinion, both Sylus and MC are hot messes of people in completely different ways. Anyway, it’s a good song so I don’t blame you for putting it in every playlist ever. In fact, you should. But if you're into this song, I want to show you a couple more pls pls pls 🙏​
I might just be autistic, but both Hozier's music and Love and Deepspace have something extremely important in common… and that’s BEAUTIFUL MEN YEARNING!!!1 And that’s not even to mention the haunting, raw sexuality we can project onto the stories that each of these things feeds to us. That's why I needed to make this post on the 1% chance that someone might hop on this brainrot train with me. So let me present, for just a moment of your time (if you're willing): other Hozier songs that fit Sylus so well I want to combust about it.
De Selby (Parts 1 & 2):
“At last, when all of the world is asleep You take in the blackness of air The likes of a darkness so deep That God—at the start—couldn't bear.” [azlyrics] [gaelic translation]
Imagine just casually writing THE love song that so beautifully says, “Before you were in my life, I kinda understood how God felt before he created the universe.” Excuse me? Andrew just dropped this stanza on us without so much as a cw: fuck you. And if that sickening portrait of gnawing loneliness isn’t enough, we have all the Genesis God references. Since all the LIs in the game are at some point likened to gods or rivaling gods with their power, then add the reverberating instrumentals and chillingly slow vocals in this 2-minute killer, tell me how this song does not fit Sylus. Not only that, but we also have imagery of his lover descending upon him like the night (which is invoked during Part 1 in the Gaelic verse), and I know that’s on the nose for Sylus but come on. I need you guys writing smut to have an orgasm during De Selby (at least Part 2) because it might change ur brain chemistry I'm just saying.
“When you fall on me like night—I wanna kill the lights.” [azlyrics]
This song still rules irt its playing with darkness symbolism, but it also refers to the darkness in the singer’s lover—which in Sylus’ case is MC and we all were there when she shot the guy in the heart like his freaky eye was telling her: “And your heart, love, has such darkness—I feel it in the corners of the room…” my goddddddd stop right there I can’t handle the METAPHORrrr. You think Sylus gives a flying fuck about MC’s frivolous morality bullshit? No he wants her to embrace her own darkness, sit under the blankies with him and cuddle after doing crimes and a beat poetry session. This is some fucking Hannibal Lecter beyond-dark-romance shit. I’m not even trying to write a dissertation here (and yet…)
Talk (from Wasteland, Baby!):
“I'd be the sweet feeling of release mankind now dreams of, That's found in the last witness before the wave hits, marveling at God… Imagine being loved by me.” [azlyrics]
Not only does this song utilize insane Greek mythology metaphor and Biblical comparison but the overall meaning of it is, “I want you so bad, I need to speak poetically to hide how down bad I am for you.” That sounds kinda like Old World Sylus and all his pretty nicknames to me.
“If I was born as a black thorn tree, I'd wanna be felled by you, held by you, Fuel the pyre of your enemies… Ain't it warming you, the world going up in flames?” [azlyrics]
This whole song just some hard, deep and steady yearning for 4 and a half minutes. Are you kidding? The acronym in the title stands for Nothing Fucks With My Baby, which is sung in the chorus like some quietly violent war chant—soft, dark, and powerful. Anyway don’t tell me Mr. Sylus “Give me a list and then go to bed. I’ll take care of it” Loveanddeepspace wouldn’t scorch the earth for the love of his life—or do one better and stand by her side while she scorches the earth herself; here’s the protective/supportive mans anthem you ordered babes.
It Will Come Back:
“I know who I am when I'm alone—I'm something else when I see you. You don't understand, you should never know How easy you are to need.” [azlyrics]
This song has repeated imagery that warns of the dangers of taking care of a feral animal, and then compares the feral animal to the singer as a lover. Like fuck off, that’s sexy and haunted. And we know that not only does Sylus love animals more than people, but he’s pretty animalistic himself if we are to believe that maybe he’s secretly a demon or something.
Arsonist’s Lullaby:
“Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep them on a leash.” [azlyrics]
Remember in Lost Oasis when MC goes on some tangent wondering what Sylus' past was like? Well it was this song. It's about troubled youth and learning to grow in your darkness. Also how cool is that imagery of demons? Hey Sylus, what do you have to say about demons? I'll wait. In the meantime I'm tattooing this shit on my clavicle
“Everytime I’d burn through the world, I’d see that the world—it burns through me.”
We got a man and we got some fire allusions so there ya go.
Blood Upon the Snow:
“To all things housed in her silence, Nature offers a violence.”
Blood upon the snow—it's red and white! Red!! And white!!! Also kind of a Sylus x Zayne anthem lbr
Ok I hope you found another song that inspires you to make Sylus art or fanfic with!! And before you ask, yes I've already assigned Hozier songs to every other love interest in the game. Ok thanks for reading!!! 🏃‍♀️​💨​
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ariadosanon · 8 days
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[A video is attached. The image of a vaguely nervous Rotom sits in the corner of the recording, a frown on his face. Nictoria is being recorded again, and the content seems... deeply personal.]
The video opened on Nictoria in her living room. The young woman was sitting on her couch, facing a holographic screen projection from her P ★ DA. Her expression was hard to read, as she kept lowering her head to her knees. A man with similar facial features, and white hair is looking back at her. From the image of him, it was clear he was wearing a Pokémon Ranger uniform, minus the usual hat. He looked disappointed, or maybe even a bit angry with Nictoria. Before the viewer could assume anything else about the situation, Nic spoke up. 
“Wes, I swear on my time that I am doing my fucking best.” She said, visibly clenching her jaw. 
“I know this can’t be your best.” Wes replied instantly. “Because I’ve seen your best, and killing at least two Pokémon in one night isn’t that.” 
“They attacked me, first.” She finally snarled out, a clear excuse. She looked away from the screen, unable to make digital eye contact with the man. She ran her clawed hands down her face.
“Those Pokémon were not guilty of their trainers' sins. They didn’t deserve to die— and especially not in the way you murdered them.”
“I have a right to fuckin’ defend myself!”
Wes shook his head vigorously, crossing his arms and glaring at Nictoria. A scarred, yet regal Umbreon hopped onto his shoulder, staring into the camera with its trainer's same intensity.
“Just because they worked for Rocket doesn’t mean you can maim them and then kill their Pokémon.” He said sternly. He paused, hesitating before his next words. “Listen. I could tell that, despite everything, you showed restraint during that battle,” Wes said, his tone softer. “But what’s less for you is still too much for everyone else, Little Shadow.” He grimaced. “You still need to change.”
Nictoria immediately stood up at that comment, startling the Spinarak on the couch with her. She bared her teeth like a wild animal as she shouted at the man on the screen. 
“I’ve been fucking changing! I haven’t stolen or bought a stolen Pokémon in a whole YEAR! I’ve only got ONE Shadow Pokémon in my possession that isn’t a NAT— I even started keeping my useless feeder Pokémon in better living conditions! They have fresh fucking leaves, Wes! FRESH FUCKING LEAVES!” She screamed, clapping her hands between words for emphasis. “What more do you fucking WANT from me!” 
Wes didn’t react to the violent outburst, seemingly used to it from her. Umbreon, however, bristled, snarling at Nictoria from his trainer’s shoulder. 
“It’s not about what I want from you.” He said, still calm. “I’m your brother, not your Interpol agent. I’m just worried that you’re relapsing.” 
“Well I’m not,” She snapped. “And you can tell that brat, Chrono. I’m fine.” She insisted. “All these stupid motherf—”
“Victoria, listen to me.” He interrupted, quieting his sister down. 
“Interpol may be letting this incident go, but I can’t. I’m not going to let Tegan play games with you, or video call you on the weekends anymore.” Nictoria’s face fell, her anger immediately evaporating into pure panic. “You— Why the Cel not!?”
Wes dragged his hand down his face again, looking away from the screen and his sister. This part seemed to be genuinely distressing for him. Umbreon rubbed his head against his trainer’s cheek, nudging him on.
“Rui and I got called into a parent teacher conference. He’s been mimicking your speech patterns— He’s been saying things to the other kids— and he’s been hitting the other kids.” 
“Well- the hitting isn’t so great,” she chuckled nervously, sitting back down. Nictoria began hitting her hand against her thigh rhythmically, perhaps an attempt to calm down
“But sure he can mimic me, that's fine— I’m his aunt— what’s wrong with a kid looking up to his aunt?” She desperately pleaded, “Maybe he’s just having a bit of a rough phase— You know I never talk about— My past around him!”
“Vicky— I don’t think either of us are buying that Neo-Snagem or your ‘streams’ are fully in your past,” Wes said sincerely. “Today he’s telling other kids their partner Pokémon are ‘dumb’ and pushing them over, tomorrow, then what? He joins up with Rocket? He starts a Team like you or Da did?”
“There’s a big fucking difference between the two!” She shouted in disbelief, spreading her arms out. “I’m doing better, Wesley, I’m doing my best—!“
“I can’t believe you yet.” He said honestly. Umbreon nodded in agreement with its trainer, staring down Nictoria like a hawk. 
“Maybe in another year or so we can revisit the idea.”
“A year!?”
“A year.” He said sternly, holding up his hand. “And that’s the best offer you’ll be getting. Rui didn’t want you to see him again at all.”
She swallowed hard, but nodded to the projection of her brother. 
“Okay.” Was all she said. 
“… I love you, Vicky.” He replied, “I know you can get better. I’ll call you again next week? Okay?”
“Okay. I love you…”
“Okay.” She grunted back, before adding a hesitant: “Love you.” 
As soon as Wes hung up the phone, Victoria slowly stood from her spot on the couch. She took a deep breath… 
And smashed the coffee table with her bare hands, screaming at the top of her lungs. 
[The video is abruptly cut off here.]
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aquarium-ina-bag · 1 year
Where Danger Finds Me, it Follows with Tides - 5
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Where ever you go I won't be far to follow ch.5
Word count: 1.7k
Relationships: Wednesday x Reader
Warnings: Threats, blood, mentions of killing
A/N: Sorry about that long wait and it being a short word count, I might start the next chapter tonight if I get ideas. Also should I longer word count ( takes more time but more info in one chapter), or keep it like this (the chapter is put out faster, less info)? Anyways enjoy.
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The sounds of boots echoed down the spiral staircase. The two of you continued to walk until you were in the woods, looking for anything that might be part of this beast's diet.
"Hey Wednesday, its diet was livestock; remember? We should find farmland because all  we’re going to find are deer here, and that’s later at night." You advised.
"That is true; do you know where a farm is?" She looked around for some sort of direction. You did the same, looking up at the sun and your emotions lighting up like you had an idea.
"Let’s head east." Your voice was confident.
Wednesday turned to look at you with a somewhat confused face. 
"Farmers have been using solar panels more; they’re positioned to get the strongest amount of heat." You turned to start walking, and she followed.
"Do stars interest you?" Why is she asking? She wanted to take it back. 
"Of course! It’s the root of technology, used for mapping; it’s a way finder; it's a clock; day or night, it’s useful; it’s gorgeous when you’re all alone when there aren’t towns, cities, or lights; you can see everything; it’s like it pours all its secrets to you." 
Wednesday liked when you rambled; you were vibrant and radiant, and you being happy made her…. sick. The way you spoke, like you strived to be a poet, made her sick. How you showed how smart you are made her sick.
"Interesting." Her voice seemed a little grimmer; you noticed but didn’t pinch for an explanation. 
"You seem like you’d like it since you don’t use soul-sucking technology, as you put it." 
"I know enough to survive." 
You chuckled, "Someone could never hold enough knowledge." Again, you laughed. 
For the rest of the walk, you continued in silence. Wednesday enjoyed the way you looked around when you heard an animal, and when you found it, you kept your eyes on it while walking till it was out of your view or it left. You slightly smiled when it stared back. Again, she felt sick, so she looked only dead ahead.
It was a little past midday when you guys reached a pasture. There were different livestock around, but you landed on the sheep. Wednesday went ahead of you, quickly hopping the wooden fence, and so did you. The sheep got startled, taking their time observing these new inhabitants in their space. 
"We can shear one or steal one." You spoke up.
Wednesday barely weighed her options and slightly grinned, "Steal it." 
"Steal a whole sheep?" 
"You set the cards," she barely shrugged. "I chose what was given, and I chose to steal. If the obstacle is that it's too heavy. Then we can cut it up." 
You quickly protested. "We are not killing a sheep for some project. Now pick one out." 
The sheep started to warm up, scattering around to their food patches, and eating away. One walked towards Wednesday and started chewing at her shoelaces, she kept moving backward just for it to keep munching. You just laughed, clearly not helping the situation. The raven did admire the sheep, which had a black face, white, curly, fluffy hair, and twisted horns. It was moderately taller than her hips.
"This one, so I can use it for mutton pie." Wednesday’s tone was sinister 
"We aren’t killing it, I’m going to bring it back once we get this A." You reprimanded. "Try making it follow you since it likes your shoelaces so much." 
She complied, walking back towards the fence, and well enough, the sheep followed. When Wednesday jumped back over the fence, the sheep struggled to do it himself. You picked it up with ease and set it back down, and it started hopping to catch up to the evil girl. You chuckled. The trio continued to walk; soon it was going to become dusk, maybe in an hour. The walk was in silence, but something broke it. Growls, low husk growls, and both of you paused, and the sheep was finally able to chew on those black shoelaces. You looked around for anything. Crushing and wet sounds follow. Finally, you clicked towards the sound, and Wednesday looked towards you; your face looked locked onto the area like a hunter finally finding its prey. The silence was cut by a bah from the sheep below her; Wednesday looked down at it, a bit in shock, and the growling got louder. 
You didn’t move; your eyes were still locked on. The sound of thumping got closer, as did the growls. Where was it? It wasn’t even dark, so why couldn’t she see anything? Finally, a husk of something tall and gray peaked behind a large tree. Its eyes looked like, No, he was taken away. There’s no way he could have gotten out. Finally, it revealed itself: that stupid bug-eyed Hyde. It roared at them, but why wasn’t it launching an attack?
"Addams, don’t keep your eyes off of it." You whispered 
She didn’t look away, but it wasn’t looking at her; it was looking dead at you, almost in fear. It took a couple of steps before letting out a roaring shriek and fleeing away. You jogged towards the area it ran from, and Wednesday followed at her own pace. She found you sitting down next to a dead steer.
There was blood on your hands. She inspected the cattle, claw and bite marks on its body, blood on it, clearly Ty- this Hyde was eating away at it; there was a small puncture in the temple of it; its eyelids were shut, blood on them; did you shut them? That puncture wasn’t as big as the claw marks on the body; it was just a simple hole almost surgically placed to get a swift kill. Did you do that?
Her thinking was disrupted when you got back up. "Let’s go now before it gets too dark, we might be lucky enough to see a black wolf though." You laughed, but it wasn’t your true laugh, Wednesday noticed. But she and the sheep continued to follow you until you reached the large stone brick school.
"Where shall we keep the sheep," Wednesday questioned.
"Keep it in your dorm, duh." 
"Excuse me?"
"Keep. It. In. Your. Dorm. Duh."
"You have a dorm to yourself; it’s going to eat my stuff; haven’t you seen what it’s been doing to my shoes? You have plants that can be eaten."
"Those are expensive plants." You continued to walk to find a more secluded route to Wednesday's shared dorm. 
"My stuff isn’t?"
"I doubt he’s going to take a bite out of a cello, plus he likes you."
"The sheep is too big."
"So is your room; stop trying to get out of this; I’m just going to contradict each argument you have." Finally, you found the route and picked up the sheep to avoid the clicking it would make. You carried it up the stairs and through the halls till you reached her door. You nudged your head, requesting she opens the door, but she refused. You rolled your eyes and opened it yourself. Enid watched the door open and viewed you, a sheep, and her roommate with a pissed-off face. 
"NO WEDNESDAY, WE AREN’T TRYING THE SACRIFICE," Enid yelled. You looked at the shorter girl next to you in shock. She pushed you and the goat inside and shut the door. 
"This isn’t for sacrifices," Wednesday replied 
"What’s with the dried blood on her and the sheep?" Enid pointed at you.
"It’s for that project," Wednesday said while guiding you to the bathroom.
"When in the project did it say you have to get a full sheep?" Enid asked
"It was Wednesday's idea to bring the whole sheep." You called out from the bathroom.
"You said we couldn’t kill it." Wednesday mumbled 
"Anyways, have fun with the boy." You said you walked out with clean hands. 
"I said I didn’t want him."
"Wednesday, he’s already here; just keep him for the night." You groaned out.
"You didn’t leave room for discussion." She protested. Enid sat with the sheep and Thing and watched. 
"As I said, I would be able to shoot down each argument you give." 
"Baby daddy and baby momma drama, am I right?" Enid nudged Thing. Both of you stared at her with looks that could kill. The now scared wolf chuckled and shut up. You started to make your way to the door.
"If you leave without this sheep, I will make sure you don’t ever see the light of day again." Wednesday threatened 
"Please, Wends, not in front of your child!" Enid mocked.
"I saved you and our child today from that Hyde." you snickered. Enid laughed, then paused; by the time you left the room, she had finally understood. 
"TYLERS BACK?!" Enid’s voice could be heard outside the door. 
"We don’t even know if it is Tyler," Wednesday reassured.
"Okay, but still! There’s a Hyde on the loose! You remember how many people it killed; hell, it almost killed us." Enid started petting the sheep for comfort. "And you said you saw it?! And it almost killed you?" 
"It barely did anything, Y/n stared it down and it left; that puzzles me though." 
"Oh, the fact your ex is back or the parent of your new child—oh my gosh, they’re going to be fighting for your love—how romantic." Enid joked. 
"Quit with the raillery, or next time you wolf out, you’ll be a rug. But I'm confused with how it just ran away with one stare down; that’s not how it works."
"Maybe Tyler saw something you didn’t." 
"We don’t know it’s Tyler." 
"Whatever I say, it’s Tyler. Anyway,  do you even know what Y/n’s ability is?"
Wednesday paused "No, I don’t."
"We’ll make that your priority; mission: get Y/n’s ability information!" Enid deepened her voice to make it more dramatic. "Also kill the Hyde." She added silently. 
Wednesday nodded and headed for her typewriter. "Wends, before you drown yourself in writing, what color should I paint Skate's hooves?" She brought up the options for nail paint. 
"None, don’t name it, don’t get attached; Y/n is putting it back once we get the grade." 
"More like you want it gone, I’m going to ask her if we can keep him; isn’t that right, Skate?" Wednesday grimaced at the baby talk 
"Skate isn’t even a good name."
"For him it is! He’s a Valais Blacknose sheep, and the little black spots on his knee make him look like a skater with knee pads."
Wednesday rolled her eyes and went to write for the night. As Enid painted her new nephew’s hooves.
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Canis Drainem Edit - Epilogue
I’ve been working on this project for over 2 years, and it was def what you would call a labor of love. I have been excited to work on it and am excited to be done with it. Hope you all enjoyed it. Now let’s take a look at the aftermath of Cecil’s device and his last ditch effort to save Wash. 
[First Chapter] || [Previous Chapter] ||
“Ok. Ok. I see him! I see him!” Cecil shouted excitedly.
Through the lens of the microscope, Harvey could see the miniscule form of the formerly massive bully. Wash was now wandering through the dense brush of Harvey’s bush. Each pube towered over him like a palm tree. It was hard to believe that the once towering bully had been reduced to less than a louse. He was lost in a forest of another man’s bush.
As Wash wandered, he marveled at his surroundings. On some level he knew where he was. He knew that these towering tree-like objects were hairs sprouting from the base of Harvey’s cock. Yet, despite knowing this, Wash felt like he was lost on an alien planet. Above him towered Harvy’s soft cock which looked to be the size of a mountain. The air was damp and humid. With each breath, the smell and taste of cock flooded his lungs. The ground beneath him was too soft to be dirt or rock but too hard to be the human flesh that he knew it to be, but he knew that it wasn’t Harvey’s skin that was firm, it was just that Wash didn’t weigh enough to even cause the surface to bow.
“Vital signs… normal… atomic structure… stable…” Cecil narrated as he looked over the readings. “We did it! The transfusion was a success!”
Cecil hopped down from his perch atop the microscope and almost fell over in the process. Operating this apparatus was proving to be a huge challenge when he wasn’t even a third of its height. Cecil was now so small that he had to clamber over the equipment on his desk like a kid running through a McDonald’s play area. Even just climbing to the top of the microscope so he could look through the lens was like climbing up onto the high dive at the pool.
Still… Cecil had fared much better than his friend. As Cecil glanced over towards the glass slide, he could see the tiny figure that sat beneath the lens of the microscope. Cecil was so small that he had trouble getting onto the microscope, but Harvey was so small that he could go under it!
Cecil trekked the rest of the way towards the glass slide. Cecil was now so short that the slide itself came up to his chest, but he was less interested in the slide than what sat upon it.
Harvey, now shy of a centimeter high, was seated cross-legged atop the slide. The lens of the device focused intently on his crotch. Somewhere in his tangle of his pubes wandered their former tormentor. Wash was now so tiny that he couldn’t even be measured with standard equipment. He couldn’t even be seen with the naked eye. He was so tiny that even the three-inch tall Cecil couldn’t really make out the shape of the tiny guy – it just looked like a moving speck to him. Like one of those cartoon flees that’s just a pixel the bounces around. Even Harvey had a hard time seeing the guy. Wash was so small that he was less than a gnat to the already insect-sized Harvey!
“Jesus fuck. How did I let you talk me into this!?” Cecil said excitedly towards the tiny figure on the glass slide under the microscope. As tiny as Cecil was, his friend wouldn’t have even reached halfway up his shin. Harvey was shorter than a Ken doll in Comparison to Cecil.
Harvey cupped both hands to his mouth and shouted up towards his comparatively massive friend. “You said there wasn’t enough of me to save him, so you offered yourself!”
“Damn fuck right I did!” Cecil shouted back. “You woulda killed yourself to save him!”
“Hey! All’s well that ends well!” Harvey shouted back.
“All’s well that- Oh, for fucks sake. I’m THREE INCHES TALL! How is this ending well!?” Cecil cried.
“We can grow back!” Harvey shouted.
“We can gro- Like fuck we can!” Cecil roared. He slammed both hands down on the glass slide of the microscope as if it was the defense podium in a cheesy lawyer video game. “Do you have any idea how terrible the exchange rate is? It took BOTH of us to save your crotch mite from oblivion!”
Harvey merely shrugged and stuck a finger down into his bush. After a moment of rummaging around, he pulled his finger back up with a tiny passenger standing atop it.
Wash was so tiny that even just the tip of Harvey’s pointer finger was as wide as a kiddie pool. He shouted up at the miniature giant, but it was obvious that Harvey could not hear him. He’d have to crawl into Harvey’s earlobe if he ever wanted to be heard, but he was fine where he was for now. Somehow, Wash didn’t mind his new size or his new station. It was hard for him to even imagine what it would be like to be normal sized, let alone being larger than your average person, and he felt safe and secure in the hands of his towering protector.
Harvey had to lift his fingertip up to his eye to get a good look at the microscopic stud that was perched atop it. It was hard to believe that the massive, muscular terror that had given him so many bruises was now so tiny that he could effortlessly squish the guy between his fingers. Somehow, seeing how small and powerless Wash had become made Harvey even more keen to protect the guy.
Harvey wasn’t sure how small he had become. The only frame of reference he had was the microscope he was positioned under, and even that loomed over him like a skyscraper. Harvey had to measure in centimeters, if not millimeters, but he knew that it was up to him to protect the tiny figure on his finger… He just wasn’t entirely sure how since he was now bite-sized to a dormouse.
Harvey gave the spec that Wash had become another glance before looking up and directing his attention to the now towering Cecil. “So, what now?” Harvey shouted up at his friend.
“For now? We wait for my brother to get here. I hate to say it, but he’s almost as smart as I am. If nothing else, we need someone large enough to handle the equipment as I continue my research, and I’m like 87% sure he won’t keep us as pets,” Cecil explained.
As he said this, the sound of a deadbolt unlatching and the door creaking open erupted from somewhere seemingly miles away.
[First Chapter] || [Previous Chapter] ||
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sassylady1103 · 1 year
Colleen wanted to get to AVR as soon as we could so I could be vaccinated against what the former Responders called the Scorched Plague. We woke up, however, to a very stormy day, so we decided to put it off until the weather improved and set about doing some cleaning in Colleen’s Charleston loft.
I love this space! With all the windows, there’s such a great view of Charleston’s business district. Well, what was the business district from what I can tell. There are buildings taller than any I’ve seen outside the Vault. Colleen said one is the headquarters of the local newspaper and another is headquarters of a mining company from before the war. She pointed at yet another and said it was apartments. This was how they housed a lot of people before the war in cities. Of course, I want to explore!
We started cleaning in the kitchen area. It’s not as large as the kitchen at home, but has everything you need in a very compact space. We cleaned the stove so we could use it to make some tato soup for lunch. Our next project was the fireplace in the living room. Once it was clean and we felt certain it wouldn’t smoke up the room, we lit a small fire to help fight the damp and chill from the storm. Just those two things helped made this space so cozy! We continued to putter throughout the day and had a list of items to bring from home next trip and parts we’d need to fix the generator and fridge.
There’s some wild tatos and corn growing at the base of the stairs, so we didn’t have to go far to gather some fresh food. We’re both a little wary of all the Salisbury steak and InstaMash we’ve been eating. There has to be some powerful chemicals in those things to keep them edible after a quarter century….
The next day the sun was out, and all those windows helped announce its presence much earlier than I expected. I stayed up a little too late perusing one of my new books next to the fire. I thought about rolling over and trying to sleep longer, but I was too excited about getting to see the city some more. I crept up the stairs to the bathroom. Colleen’s bed was behind a half wall that blocked the sunrise, so she wasn’t awake yet. I decided I’d have to try to fix something for breakfast so we could get an early start.
Once I started cooking, Colleen came down the stairs, ready to go for the day. She seems older to me, now that we’ve left the vault…more like Mama than my sister. I guess it’s been a harder 6 months for her. I wonder if she notices changes in me?
“AVR is just down the road over the bridge. I guess there used to be a river running through Charleston to Summerville Lake…at least until the dam collapsed. Anyway, we should be able to get in and out, then maybe do some sight seeing.” Colleen winked at me. She knew I was always up for that!
AVR was the hospital in Charleston before the war. It was still in pretty good shape, and was used by Responders and other groups who helped those not fortunate enough to have been chosen for a Vault. Until the Scorched overwhelmed and killed them all. After seeing some Scorched on our trip to Charleston, I guess I’m glad I’m going to be protected from becoming one.
We pushed the door open and entered a dark lobby space. I could make out a seating area and a desk with some smashed terminals. There was a hallway beyond the desk and Colleen headed that way. I followed her through to a larger area, like a cafeteria. It reminded me of the atrium in the Vault. Open to the ceiling with balconies off the upper floors looking down. I could see shadows moving along the walls and the sounds the Scorched made seemed to float down from everywhere. Colleen crouched and moved to an opening in the floor. She glanced around, and satisfied it was safe, motioned me over.
“We can hop down through that hole in the wall. It’s like a shortcut.” Colleen hopped down through the floor. It was too dark to see well, but I could tell it wasn’t a far drop. I followed her down, wiggled through the wall and found myself in a lab. There was a workbench, a desk with a terminal and an auto doc.
Colleen went to the terminal and started pulling up menus and making selections, then she walked to the auto doc. “All set? Just hop in and it does the rest.” I shrugged. I gingerly climbed into the auto doc. The door closed behind me and soon robotic arms with needles were injecting both my arms with some sort of fluid. It was over in seconds and the door whooshed open. “You feel okay?” Colleen asked when I stepped out.
“Sure. So that’s it?” I asked. “Yep” Colleen answered “just the injections. Your body will build up antibodies now.”
We managed to get out of the medical center without incident. As we were closing the door behind us, Colleen turned to me “Did you know Mom worked here when I was younger? While Dad was still in the service. When he retired and got the job at VTU, we moved to Morgantown and she started working for Arktos.” She stopped and looked up at the facade, her hand shading her eyes. “It seems smaller than I remember. Come on. Let’s go back to the loft and you can rest a bit while we decide what’s next.”
I wanted to ask Colleen more about she remembered about what life was like before our family was driven underground by nuclear attack, but I was also feeling a little fatigued. Colleen had warned that could happen after the inoculation. Heading back to her cozy loft and my books was a great idea. We’re thinking of heading west of Charleston tomorrow. I’ll write more then.
Your newest vaccinated Wastelander,
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peoplelascl · 2 years
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He has won numerous awards from his previous songs and with the cooperation of his fans. Wale has shown that music just got better.
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In the meantime, we’re left with a quality album, and I get to say that far too rarely to take it for granted. Want More Album,Beyonce,Music,THE LION KING THE GIFT,zip, Shatta Wale.among other interInternat Act like her almighty Lord Jay-Z, Childish Gambino. Wale Folarin 2 Album Zip File Mp3 Rar Download Wale comes through with a new album studio project titled Folarin 2 and all Tracks are available here on FreshMediaRecord for your free and fast download. But if he wants to go down as one of the GOATs, he still needs that classic album, that Ready to Die, that GKMC.
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You can Easily Stream & listen to this new FULL ALBUM: Wale Folarin II Zip File. .The Gifted, Kid Ink feat Tyga feat Yg feat Wale feat Rich Homie Quan - Ride Out Furious 7 Soundtrack, Waptrick Olamide Ft Wale - Make Us Proud. If Wale goes down in hip-hop history as a gifted emcee who also made some hit songs, there are a million rappers who would kill for those stats. DOWNLOAD Wale Folarin II ZIP & MP3 File Ever Trending Star drops this amazing song titled Wale Folarin II Album, its available for your listening pleasure and freeload to your mobile devices or computer. The Gifted is a collection of tracks from an unarguably talented emcee, but the point at which a collection of music becomes an album, a singular work with a focus and unity strong enough to truly make an impact, Wale still hasn't reached that point. Zip Lock Bag (bag color code: blue) Catalog Number Catalog Size. But the cost of that versatility is focus. When you’re dope enough to sound dope rhyming on everything, you end up rhyming over everything. Call it the blessing and curse of true talent. Cole, Kendrick, etc.-Wale doesn't have a distinctive sound. Ultimately though, as much as I try to focus on the present and forget about the past, listening to The Gifted sounds like listening to an artist who still doesn't really know who they are as an artist. Since hearing the Wale album last week I’m going to make a bold statement and say that so far it’s album of the year.
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duckugou · 3 years
What if y/n was having a girls night and they started talking about lewd stuff or kinks (maybe they were playing T or D? Idk) and the mha guys they liked or are in a relationship with BUTTT it turns out they boys were eavesdropping ANDD THEY GOT ALL HOT AND BOTHERED AND WANTED TO FULFILL Y/ns FANTASY💘💦 you can pick which one ends up with y/n……….I’m not super sure how your requests work (I didn’t find your rules) uh so if it doesn’t work like this please ignore this 🙈😳🤭 thank you 
skrtttt my first request! I made a rule page after seeing this bc i realized that i didnt have one- but YES okay onward-
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sleepover fantasies
bakugou x fem!reader
aged up! american college AU
I made some changes but kept the basic idea of the request! I hope you enjoyyy!
cw: SMUT, Nosy ass boys, sex toys, discussion about fantasies and kinks, choking mentioned, impact play mentioned, choking, face fucking mentioned, the name princess used, oral (fem recieving), unprotected sex, gagging on fingers, cream pie, small aftercare, the whole fic is sexual, not proofread
!!come to my asks to be a part of my taglist! just let me know what kinds of fics/ what fandom/ what characters/ etc you want to be tagged in! Requests are open!!!!
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Being in college meant more work and less time with friends. Obviously, this takes a toll on a whole group of friends that have been together for years. So, naturally, Mina and Kirishima decide to plan a once a month group sleepover at their shared apartment just off campus.
A lot of the time, it started with everyone- Denki, Bakugou, Sero, Kirishima, Deku, Todoroki, Mina, Y/n, Ochako, Jirou, Asui, and Momo- in the living room lightly drinking, smoking, playing Mario Kart, debating random shit that didn't matter, and ordering food. It would always end with the guys in the living room and the girls in Mina and Kirishima's shared bedroom.
And thats exactly how tonight went.
Tossing their bags in various spots around the room, Jirou found herself sat on the floor next to Momo- who was half asleep. Ochako and Asui sat on bean bags they dragged in from the living room. Mina and Y/n flopped themselves on the bed. A collective sigh rang through the room as the girls were all relieved to be away from the guys for the time being.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP- YOU CHEATED SPARKY." Bakugou's voice was loud enough to boom through the shut bedroom door.
"I DID NOT- AND EVEN IF I DID YOU CANT KILL ME-" Denki sounded panicked.
"LIKE HELL I CANT-" Bakugou shouted back, the sound of Kirishima trying to calm the angrier of the blondes down made the girls laugh.
"God- how do they have so much energy still?" Momo asked, leaning her head on Jirous shoulder with her eyes closed.
"How are you so tired? Its like- 10 pm." Mina asked, laying on her stomach facing the girl in question.
"This week sucked- too many tests and projects all at once." Momo responded with closed eyes.
"Oh my god- me too! Why do all professors plan this shit in the same week?" Ochako piped in, earning a nod of agreement from Asui.
"They're all in on it together Im convinced." Asui added, making Jirou giggle.
"Just wanna see us fail-" Jirous thought was interrupted.
"YOU FUCKIN NASTY BITCH." Y/n yelled, hopping up from the bed, pink vibrator and a pair of keys in hand.
"OH MY GOD NO-" Mina tried to get the pink toy out of Y/ns hand to no avail as she jumped on the bed away from her.
"What the hell?!" Ochako asked, marveling at the scene playing out in front of her.
"ITS CLEAN I SWEAR- IT NEEDED TO DRY OFF FROM BEING CLEANED OFF." Mina exclaimed, snatching the toy from Y/n's hand.
"What the hell are these for?" Y/n asked, flopping back down onto the bed, dangling the keys in front of her face.
"I think I could tell ya-" Jirou said, pointing to the headboard where one end of a pair of cuffs was locked.
"YOU DIRTY BITCH-" Y/n started laughing.
"Oh shut up, he looked fuckin good today and I couldn't wait until everyone left tomorrow." Mina laughed with her, taking the keys from her and unlocking the cuffs from the bed.
Mina crouched down under next to the bed, pulling out a big black box.
"You're fuckin kidding me." Jirou said.
"No way!" Ochako leaned forward to see what was in the box.
"Oh my god youre all children!" Mina yelled, opening the box of sex toys and putting the toy, cuffs, and keys back where they belong.
The unusually high amount of commotion coming from the room where the girls were got all of the guys' attention.
"Theyre loud tonight." Kirishima said, starting the obvious.
"Thanks captain obvious." Bakugou scoffed.
"Shut up!" Kirishima said, throwing a pillow at Bakugous head.
"I wonder what the commotion is." Sero said, thinking out loud.
"Wanna find out?" Denki asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
"What, just go in and ask why theyre being loud? Thats rude." Todoroki inquired.
"No, you simple minded man. We eavesdrop!" Denki exclaimed as if it were obvious.
"No! We cant- thats invading their privacy!" Deku's face reddened.
"You're such a pussy." Bakugou said to the green haired boy, throwing the pillow at him instead of back at Kiri.
"C'monnnn they HAVE to be talking about something good- we never know what they do in there!" Denki said, thinking of his deepest fantasies.
"Oh god- what are you thinking about in that tiny brain?" Sero asked, tapping Denki's forehead.
"C'mon! I'm going- it's gotta be interesting." Denki said, walking towards the room.
The remaining boys sat in silence until Sero stood and followed Denki. "He has a point- they could be talking shit."
"It could be something embarrassing and funny! I could always use more ammo against Mina. C'mon." Kirishima said, Standing, dragging Bakugou with him.
The remaining boys followed, not wanting to be left out, Deku muttering to himself about privacy.
Leaned up against the door, Denki signaled the guys to be silent.
"NO WHAT IS THAT ONE-" Y/n yelled, lunging forward to the box, reaching in. She and Mina were always closer than the rest of the girls, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. They invaded each others personal space and belongings on the daily.
She pulled out an O gag, holding it up in awe.
"It's to keep my mouth open." Mina explained simply with a small smirk.
"Oh my god." Y/n felt like she discovered the secrets of the world in this box. "What about this?" She asked, the rest of the girls gathering around, Momo suddenly more awake than ever.
"That one-" Mina took the toy from Y/n. "-is a vibrating butt plug."
"Holy shit." Y/n sat back on her butt, wanting to learn what everything was.
"Is that a fucking whip?" Momo asked.
"Sure is- I like that shit." Mina said plainly, holding the small whip in her hand.
"Like...being hit is a turn on for you?" Ochako asked, sitting next to Y/n.
"Only with consent and in a certain setting. Its just harder spanking." Mina explained.
"Spanking?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah- the basics. Spanking, hair pulling-" Mina started.
"Have you never done that stuff, Y/n?" Jirou asked.
"No. I mean nobody has ever like...Its always been quick hook ups ya know?" Y/n explained.
"I havent either... I'm too nervous." Ochako admitted.
"Oh my god! Ladies! You should experience your fantasies! You deserve it!" Mina exclaimed.
"You really should be able to, but with someone you trust." Asui added.
"I dont know if Izuku would be into it...I'd love for him to pull my hair sometimes though..." Ochako blushed.
"Never know till you ask!" Mina said.
"God- I want to know what it all feels like. I need to get laid." Y/n sighed.
"Aw baby! What are your fantasies? We can find ya someone!" Mina offered, sitting with the rest of the girls.
"Damn Kirishima!" Denki whisper yelled to the blushing red head.
"Didn't know you two got down like that man." Sero whispered. "Props."
"What does- Ochako wants me to- what!?" Deku whisper yelled.
Bakugou didn't respond. He was too tuned into the girls' conversation, wanting to hear with his crush would say about her fantasies. He had been pining over Y/n for years from a distance, admiring her courage, her humor, her talent, and her ass- sorry boobs- sorry hips- sorry intelligence.
"Shut up, you idiots." He finally whispered, making the boys lean back in to the door.
"Well, I mean hair pulling and spanking is a given- but like. I want the whole uh- calling someone daddy. Being called names maybe? I dont know, I've seen some stuff in porn too- like being bent over a counter? Or do shit in public even? God that sounds weird when I say it out loud-" Y/n said, shaking her head, trying to laugh it off.
"It isnt weird!" Asui reassured her.
"Babe, you just saw my gags, cuffs, and dildos. You're not weird." Mina giggled.
"Oh the gags too!" Ochako piped in. "I love that idea."
"I wanna be gagged with fingers not a ball." Y/n admitted.
"Oh my god- you would love being face fucked." Jirou chuckled.
"Face fucked?" Y/n asked.
"Like when a guy pretty much uses your mouth to get off." Mina explained.
"Oh... yeah... thats-" Y/n blushed and laughed, the entire group of girls laughing.
"You're a subby bitch, huh?" Mina asked.
"Guess so!" Y/n replied, laughing further.
"You need to be tied up and fucked-" Mina started, Y/n stopping her by yelling.
"STOPPP Oh my god SHUT UP." Y/n was red and warm.
"Who would it be?" Ochako asked.
"What?" Y/n replied.
"Who do you want to fuck you?" Jirou asked, catching on.
"Oh my god yeah!" Asui leaned in.
"Who who who!" Mina shook the girl's shoulders.
"IM NOT GONNA JUST SAY IT WHEN HES LITERALLY IN THE SAME APARTMENT-" Y/n admitted, shaking Mina shoulders as well.
"Oh fuck." Denki muttered.
Bakugou's face was red and he was thinking about all of the things he wanted to do to the seemingly innocent girl on the other side of the door.
"I bet its Sero." Denki whispered.
"Nah, I'm betting Todoroki." Sero replied.
"Totally not me." Todoroki whispered.
"Shut. Up." Bakugou seethed.
The guys all shut their mouths, realizing Bakugou wanted his name to come out of her mouth.
"Oh shit-" Denki started.
"Dont." Kirishima warned.
Denki chuckled and leaned back in to the door.
"No- I'm not saying. It would NEVER happen anyways." Y/n said, blushing and looking to the floor.
"Is it Todoroki?!" Ochako asked.
"No its totally Sero." Jirou said.
"No no no it HAS to be Denki-" Momo started, the girls all debating with each other, except for Y/n and Mina.
"Oh my god." Mina said quietly, realization hitting her. "OH my GOD." She said again, louder, making everyone silently look at her.
"It's fucking Bakugou." Mina said, sure that she was right.
"No way." Asui said, convinced otherwise.
"Its absolutely Bakugou isn't it?" Mina asked her best friend with a smirk.
"FUCK OFF- oh my god- its not like- he wouldnt even- he wouldnt look in my direction- its not a big deal!" Y/n stuttered around her words, hating that she was found out.
"HOLY SHIT." Jirou yelled in shock.
"You really must want degradation." Momo chuckled.
"Shut up- he's literally the hottest guy I've ever met." Y/n stated, crossing her arms.
"OH MY GOD!" Ochako squealed.
"No- like- and his voice?! God, call me princess and choke me OUT." Y/n said, full thirst mode activated.
"No because like- I want Todoroki to ruin me." Momo admitted, taking the pressure off of Y/n.
"Seriously- I want Denki to live his nasty fantasies out with me." Jirou said, joining in.
"Sero could bound me up any day." Asui added.
"I need Izu to be mean to me so bad." Ochako groaned.
"Kirishima is so fucking good- guys. Last night, he ate my ass and I couldve died happy right there."
"The way I need Bakugou to touch me literally all over- his hands are so hot." Y/n continued.
"OH dont even get me started on hands." Ochoko laughed.
"Get Bakugou to like.. hang out with you. One on one." Jirou suggested.
"No no no, I've come to terms with that never happening, He would never go for me- I'm sure he barely knows I exist." Y/n said, waving her hands in front of her.
"That's so not true- youre so hot!" Mina said, smacking her hands down.
"If he doesn't want you, hes insane." Jirou added.
"Gah- whatever. It's not like its gonna happen tonight or whatever- just. Can we drop it?" Y/n asked, feeling the insecurities creeping in.
"Yeah- no problem babes. Oh! Wanna watch New Girl?" Ochako suggested.
"Yes!" Asui, Mina, and Momo said in unison.
"Momo... wants me to ruin her? What's that even mean?" Todoroki wondered out loud as the guys walked back out to the living room.
"I can pull Ochakos hair lightly. And be like moderately mean-" Deku thought out loud as well.
"Shut up- JIROU WANTS ME!" Denki jumped around the living room.
"And Asui wants me!!" Sero joined the blonde in jumping around.
"Dude..." Kirishima sat down next to a blushing Bakugou.
"What, shitty hair?"
"You're into Y/n arent you?" He asked, making the remaiining guys stop and look at them.
"No!" Bakugou got even redder.
"Oh my god. And she wants your fingers down her throat!" Denki celebrated.
"Shut up!" Bakugou said, putting a pillow over his lap.
"Make a move!" Sero said, patting his friends shoulder.
"I know I'm gonna make a move on Jirou tomorrow-" Denki said, settling down.
"I'm going to ask Momo out." Todoroki confirmed with himself.
"Can we just- turn something on." Bakugou said, throwing the remote at Deku, making him come back to earth.
"O-oh yeah. Sorry Kacchan."
Y/n woke up around 3 am, the need to pee stronger than any thought in her mind. Getting up, she stepped over her friends on the floor, all asleep.
Meanwhile, Bakugou was awake getting water from the kitchen, noting mentally that all of the guys were passed out.
Hearing light footsteps, he turned his head to see Y/ns figure walking to the bathroom, light turning on as she disappeared into the bathroom, shutting the door.
His hands shook a little as he remembered all the things she said about him that night, the blood rushing to his dick.
"Tch." He scoffed, trying to shake the thoughts from his head as he heard the toilet flush.
She... wanted to fuck him, right?
So why not... now?
His mind raced as his feet took him closer to the bathroom door, brain full of images of what she might look like naked, what sounds she might make.
He stood in front of the door, hearing the sink turn off. He could turn around right now. But what if she noticed him walking away?
His thoughts were stopped by the door opening, his eyes greeted by the sight of Y/n in a long t-shirt looking startled by his presence.
He pushed her back into the bathroom, covering her mouth to make sure nobody woke up.
Shutting the door behind them, he pushed Y/n against the wall opposite the door, looking into her eyes.
"B-Bakugou. What are you doing?" She whisper-yelled, catching her breath from being scared.
"We- I heard you." He said, staring at the most perfect lips he'd seen.
"Heard me? Heard me wh- no. Nonononono." She whispered, panicking, hiding her face in her hands.
"Shhhh." He shushed her, moving her hands from her face, holding them. "Were you telling the truth, princess?" He asked, whispering, breath ghosting her face.
"Y-yeah. I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable-" She was interrupted by lips against hers.
His kiss was harsh and urgent, yet it made Y/n's panties soaked.
Y/n felt her hands get pressed against the wall above her, whimpering into Bakugou's mouth at feeling of the cold wall.
Pulling away, he attached his lips to her neck, nipping lightly.
"You never had someone take care 'a ya right, princess?" He asked between nips.
"N-no, just quickies." She admitted, biting back moans.
"Let me take care 'a ya. I'll let ya live out those fantasies" Bakugou demanded, earning a whimper and a nod from Y/n.
Letting go of her hands, Bakugou was pleased to see she kept them up. Obedient, he thought.
He lifted her shirt up and off of her body, revealing her tits. Groaning, he dove into the mounds in front of him, sucking both nipples individually, making her moan.
"Shit, baby. Been hidin these from me?" He asked.
"Ba-bakugou~" She moaned out.
"Katsuki. Call me Katsuki." He demanded, dropping to his knees.
"Katsuki-" She moaned out as he rid her of her panties, spreading her legs, admiring her glistening cunt.
"Damn. You are gorgeous." He praised, fingers starting to toy with her lips.
"Oh my god."
"You really thought I didn't know you existed, princess?" He asked, looking up at her and maintaining eye contact.
"Yeah- you never talk to me-" She muttered, trying to grind her hips against his hand, being stopped by his left hand holding her hips against the tile wall.
"Doesn't mean I havent fucked my fist thinkin about the noises you might make. I watch you- I see how fuckin smart and skilled you are. Not to mention sexy as hell." He admitted, touching Y/n's clit lightly, watching her squirm and gasp.
"P-please, Katsuki." She whined.
"What, princess? Tell me what ya need." He teased her clit more, her hips jerking against his left hand in response.
"Touch me-"
"Touch me what?" He asked, chuckling.
Not knowing what he wanted her to say more, Y/n decided to loop two words into the sentence.
"Please touch me daddy."
With that, Bakugou was holding her hip up with his left hand still, lifting her leg over his shoulder to give him easier access to her wet pussy. He licked a stripe up the center, tasting her slowly. Her hands flew to his hair to stabilize herself.
"Shit, daddy!" She whispered, head pushed against the tile wall as she started to grind her core against his face.
Pushing a finger in, Bakugou felt her pulling his hair lightly, making him moan into her.
"M-moreee." Y/n moaned, feeling her climax already creeping up on her. He added another finger, giving her what she needed.
"Gimme it- cum for me princess- oh fuck-" He went her faster, feeling her walls clench around his fingers. Licking her cum from her pussy, Bakugou was in absolute heaven.
"Pleasepleaseplease-" She whined, feeling him pull away from her and move her foot back to the floor, standing up.
He kissed her, making her taste her own essence, both moaning into the kiss.
"You need to be quiet, princess. Gonna wake everyone up." He whispered into her ear, moving her body to be in front of the counter and mirror. He turned her around, letting her watch the way he played with her nipples for a moment before he couldn't take it anymore.
Taking his shirt off and pushing his pants down, Bakugou knew he needed to be inside of her.
He pushed her shoulders lightly, making her bend over.
"Aint this what you wanted? Hmm? To be bent over a counter and fucked?" He asked, rubbing his dick along her center.
"Y-yes. Need it so bad." She whimpered.
"Your wish is my command." He stated, pushing his cock into her pussy slowly.
She moaned quietly as he bottomed out inside of her, his balls resting against her pussy.
"M-move. Please daddy move- fuck me- god-" She blabbered, hands gripping the marble counter.
Without a word, Bakugou pulled her hair lightly, making her watch them both in the mirror as he began fucking her.
Thrust after thrust, she got louder and louder.
He pulled her hair harder, making her arch up into his chest.
Putting his fingers in her mouth, he whispered in her ear. "Guess ill have to shove my fuckin fingers down your throat to keep ya quiet, hah?"
She gagged as he pushed his fingers further, moaning lightly as her eyes rolled back.
"Gonna cum again, princess? Aw, thats it, cum for daddy." He teased, whispering becoming more horse as he felt his own climax nearing.
"Shit baby- gonna cum- can I- in ya?" He grunted out, feeling her walls tighten around his dick as she drooled around his fingers, letting it drip down his hand. She nodded the best she could as she came, legs twitching, screams of pleasure caught in her throat.
He painted her walls with his cum, grunting with each weak thrust.
As the two came down from their highs, he pulled out, turning and lifting her to sit on the counter, making a mess.
He watched as she leaned her head against the mirror, catching her breath and gripping the counter still as after shock like waves of pleasure ripped through her weakly.
He grabbed a wash cloth from the closet, knowing where everything is as he helped Mina and Kirishima move in and unpack a few months ago.
Wetting it, Bakugou checked on Y/n, seeing that her eyes were shut and her body was calming.
He cleaned Y/n up, starting with her thighs and center, moving down her legs. He got a separate wash cloth to wet with cold water and set on her forehead.
Putting his own underwear and sweat pants on, he gathered her shirt and panties, handing them to her as she came back to planet earth and gave him the cold wash cloth.
"Thank you, Bakugou." She muttered, smiling as she got dressed.
"Hey, I told ya. Katsuki." He reminded her, tilting her chin up and giving her a kiss. This kiss was much softer in comparison to the one earlier.
Pulling away, she blushed.
"Thank you, Katsuki."
"Thank you, Y/n. Hope we can uh- ya know. Do it again?" He asked, not sure how to go about this.
"Absolutely. And maybe I can even hold your hand now and then." She giggled.
"Maybe I'll take ya on a date then, how's that sound princess?" He asked, unsure of where the confidence came from.
"Perfect." She smiled, kissing him one last time before they walked out of the bathroom. "Sleep well, Katsuki."
"You too, princess."
Walking back into the bedroom and laying next to Mina, Y/n was spooked by Mina asking "What the hell took so long? I got cold."
"Oh uh- just had too pee."
"That was a long pee." Mina said, cuddling up to Y/n's side.
"Yeah- Bakugou needed some help." She suggested, hinting a little.
"You fucked Bakugou in my bathroom, didn't you?" Mina asked, yawning.
"Nahhh. He fucked me." The two laughed lightly, falling back asleep.
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againstacecilia · 2 years
Wonderful Tonight
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Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader, modern!AU (part of the No More Wasted Time universe)
Word Count: 1.4k
Rating: Teen and up (BLOG IS 18+, THOUGH, MINORS DNI)
Excerpt: “You’re washing your hands at the yellowed and cracked sink as you hear the DJ call for Poe. A slow guitar melody weaves its way through the walls and your hands stop. Of course he picked this one, you think, finishing up and drying your hands. He’s probably trying to impress that girl he’s been flirting with at the bar. You don’t think too much about why that makes you jealous. You don’t think too much about how your heart, and the world around you, seems to stop as he starts singing.”
Warnings: Alcohol, angst, fluff, it’s a pretty light chapter.
Summary: The night before you move away for school, everyone gets together for a big send off party. Everyone, including Poe. 
A/N: This is a flashback from a memory mentioned in the very first story in this crazy little world. The song Poe sings in this fic is Wonderful Tonight, by Eric Clapton. I love this little blurb, and I hope you do too. 💖 As always, asks are always open. LOVE YOU ALL SO SO MUCH. 
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What am I thinking?
Grad school started next week and tonight was your final night in town before leaving to go get settled in. You knew this was right; your decision to do a couple more years of school was the right move for your career and you were one of the lucky ones that didn’t hate what you were studying after 4 years of it. 2 more years weren’t going to kill you. 
But leaving town again might. 
Your parents were throwing you a party since this school was farther away than undergrad had been. You’d really only be able to come home for big breaks instead of whatever weekend you wanted to like the last 4 years. You were looking forward to the send-off and starting this new chapter, but you hated saying goodbye to people. It was one of the reasons you had chosen a college so close to home the first time around. But it was time to move forward and it was only for a couple more years. 
Dinner at your favorite restaurant turned into drinks at your favorite karaoke dive bar downtown. Everyone was there: your parents, your college friends, even some high school friends you’d stayed in touch with after graduating. The bartenders even got involved and had secretly helped pay for a couple of rounds for everyone before you all even got there. And then Poe walked in. 
The heat of August lingered into the night, even when the sun had set and the stars were glimmering above the bar, the sidewalks and buildings seemed to take over radiating the heat of the day. Mid-song, some pop-y number that was really taking over, you glance at the opening door from the stage; your heart stops and your face heats in a way that has nothing to do with the time of year. He looks gorgeous, dark curls cut close to his head, dark eyes already full of laughter as he greets the bouncer. You may have shown off a little more wrapping up the song. 
“Give her a hand, folks, that was incredible!” the DJ says as you give a cheeky bow and hand the mic back to him. You hop off the platform as he calls another patron to the stage and you angle your way towards Poe.
“You missed dinner, asshole,” you say, poking his side as you sneak up behind him. 
He hands you a drink and says, “My boss gave me a project that just had to be done today, I’m eternally sorry your Highness.” 
You stick your tongue out at him. He laughs and clinks his glass against yours before taking a drink.
“I guess I’ll forgive you this time. I’m just happy you could make it out at all.”
“I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” he says, eyes never leaving yours. “Gotta remind you who really is the better karaoke star between us.”
You feel the flush creep back up your neck and turn to face the stage, sipping your own drink. “Keep dreaming, flyboy, you heard how good I sound tonight.”
He gives you a wink before sauntering through the high tables to where your party has taken over a section of booths. It gives you enough time to take a breath before you’re following. 
The night progresses like any other Friday night. Poe really does bring his A-game, earning thunderous applause after each song. A couple of duets happen between the two of you, making up harmonies and lyrics to songs you’d been singing together since you were kids. Before you knew it, it was 1:00 am and most people had called it a night. 
There was a growing part of you that didn’t want the night to end. Didn’t want to have to go home to a packed-up apartment, even if you had to be up early to start your 8-hour drive North to school. The end of tonight really was the end of this chapter in your life, and you wanted to hang on to every second as long as you could. 
“Alright folks, let's give it up for Henry! Henry, please come up to the stage, you’re up next!” the DJ called for your friend and you cheer with the rest of your dwindling group as the intro to Bon Jovi’s Runaway begins to pump through the speakers. A collective groan sighs through all of you, this was about to be terrible in the best way. Henry gives you all a loving middle finger before posing and begins singing. 
“This seems like a good time to use the bathroom,” you laugh to your friends. You make your way across the bar to the bathrooms and wait in a short line before it’s your turn. 
You’re washing your hands at the yellowed and cracked sink as you hear the DJ call for Poe. A slow guitar melody weaves its way through the walls and your hands stop. Of course he picked this one, you think, finishing up and drying your hands. He’s probably trying to impress that girl he’s been flirting with at the bar. 
You don’t think too much about why that makes you jealous. You don’t think too much about how your heart, and the world around you, seems to stop as he starts singing. All you think about as you leave the bathroom and walk back is the way his voice skitters across your bones. The way you’ve heard him sing this song your whole life but how it feels completely new. 
You make your way to a pillar holding one of the tvs and stop to watch him sing. His eyes are closed, hands gently cradling the mic near his full lips as he croons,
I feel wonderful, because I see the love light your eyes,
Then the wonder of it all is that you just don’t realize
How much I love you…
And his eyes open, gaze immediately locking with yours, world coming to a screeching halt. He looks at you, looks into your soul, and there’s no one else. The room seems to empty as the song draws to a close…
And then I tell her, as I turn out the light,
I say, “My darling, you were wonderful tonight.”
“Oh, my darling, you were wonderful tonight.”
The applause from the bar brings you back and you somehow manage to clap along with them. Somehow manage to remember to breathe as Poe quietly hands the mic to the DJ without breaking eye contact with you. He nods his head toward the door to the patio and slips away, you follow. 
Those stars are still twinkling away as you step through the door onto the empty patio. Poe is leaning against the rail surrounding the concrete slab with his back to you, face tilted toward the sky. The soft glow of the moon caresses the angles of his face. 
“Hey,” you whisper as you come to his side and lean against the wood. “That was great.”
A small smile lights his face. “Had to pull out a classic, you were on fire tonight. Couldn’t let you show me up.” He nudges you with his shoulder. 
You chuckle. “Well you sealed your victory with that one, Poe.”
Companionable silence surrounds you as you both look again at the sky. Dawn is still hours away, but the full moon lights the night enough to make out every emotion you see on Poe’s face out of the corner of your eye. What they mean, you can’t tell, but his normally controlled mask is long gone. 
Finally, he turns his body to face you. He opens his mouth like he’s going to say something, before closing it again and looking at his feet. You’d never seen him at a loss for words.
“You okay?” You ask, turning your head towards him. He takes a steadying breath before looking back up at you. The vulnerability in his eyes knocks the breath from your lungs. 
“I…” He closes his mouth again, shaking his head. “I gotta go. Drive safe tomorrow. Er, today.” He presses a kiss to the top of your head and leaves, flagging down one of the taxis parked along Main Street. 
You watch as the taxi pulls away, hand on your chest. You shake off the feeling of his lips on your hair and step back into the bar. 
After you get home that night, your phone lights up. You open the message from Poe that says:
“You really were wonderful tonight.”
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the-phoenix-heart · 3 years
10 Amazing Futurama Comics
There is a severe lack of Futurama content on this and other sites (seriously, the Night at the Museum movies have more fics than Futurama). And, nobody posts about the Futurama comics. So I’m posting 10 of my favorites.
10. Attack of the 50-Foot Amy (Issue #33)
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It’s actually not as sexual as the cover makes it out to be. The basic premise is that Amy mistakes the can of growth spray (that Cubert and Dwight want to use for their science fair project) for hair spray and sprays waaaay too much before her anniversary date with Kif. Meanwhile, Bender teaches Fry the wonders of video piracy, but after he gets scared by a movie home alone style he eats his disc of pirated movies and starts uncontrollably acting them out. You can probably guess how these two plots connect.
While I do list this one as one of my favorites, it’s far from perfect. The artwork is good, but the scaling on Amy is very wonky so she looks more like a twenty-foot Amy (also Dwight’s eyes are drawn weird in this comic, he looks blazed out the entire time). But I cannot help but be charmed by this comic. It’s got some sweet Bender and Fry friendship moments and actually makes me believe Kif and Amy’s relationship for a little bit. They are very sweet in this comic, although Kif does go through some pain in this comic.
Best moments: They way they resolve the plot is actually pretty funny and clever, plus Bender hopped up on pirated movies is a joy. At one point Fry gets shoved by Steven Spielbot (don’t ask) and Bender goes all Rocky on his ass saying “No one talks to my gal, Adrian, like that!” It’s very sweet and...subtextual if you understand my meaning. This one also has anti comic book piracy message at the end which was ironic for me to read.
9. Doctor What (Issue #32)
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The Professor creates a time traveling port-a-potty so that you can pee in whatever time and space you want, although it’s completely random. However, Zoidberg accidentally breaks the potty, so him, Leela, Fry, and Bender have to keep randomly flushing to get back home. On each of these new worlds Zoidberg keeps accidentally saving the citizens, getting medals, and ends up becoming addicted to the fame he keeps winning. Which leads to them getting stuck in a post apocalyptic New New York.
This is the infamous Leela-Bender-Fry fusion comic, Leelan von Fry-Bot. His backstory is actually a little sad, but I won’t spoil it here. This one is pretty good, because it has Zoidberg as the hero. Actually quite a few of these feature Zoidberg as a fourth member of the delivery crew which is weird, but not entirely unwelcome. It’s also fun to see these other worlds, and now that I think about it it’s actually a little similar to The Late Phillip J. Fry, what with the time travel to different interesting worlds.
Best Moments: I actually liked Leelan’s backstory, and his interactions with his “parents” (you’ll understand when you read it) are actually pretty funny and a little cute. Fry really wants to be a dad you can tell.
8. The Simpsons Futurama Crossover Crisis II
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The professor creates a device that takes characters out of their stories into the real world. Trouble is, he tells the mayor that this invention is useful because you can get slave labor out of the characters because they technically have no constitutional rights. The Simpsons end up working with the Planet Express crew, but an accident leads to the release of ALL FICTIONAL CHARACTERS EVER.
This is a sequel comic to the Futurama Simpsons Infinitely Secret Crossover Crisis (fun fact: a reference to several famous comic book arcs). I chose this one above it though because I think it understood the assignment better. The original is funny, but I just don’t think that Springfield is a good setting for a Futurama crossover. Springfield for all its zaniness, is not the future. New New York, however, is great for this crossover. We get several scenes where we see the Simpsons going through space and fighting off monsters. We even get to see the other residents of Springfield in the future, Mr. Smithers becomes a space pirate and Mr. Burns falls in love with Mom, it’s great.
Best Moments: Some of them I already mentioned, but I cannot stress enough how hilarious the Burns-Mom romance is, it’s especially good when you can hear their voices in your head. I also like the friendship the Simpsons have with the Planet Express crew.
7. Six Characters in Search of a Story (Issue #14)
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This is a very interesting comic. The Professor falls asleep, so to pass the time the crew decides to look through his old failed inventions, and well, that’s a very bad idea. The most interesting thing about this comic is it’s designed so that if you want you can only read certain panels to follow one person’s story. The Futurama comics do this a lot of the time and it’s always interesting.
The shenanigans that occur in this one are really funny, and there are some great looking pages in this. Also the Futurama crew clearly took ideas from the comics, and this is one of them. You can tell from the cover art that this does have elements of “Benderama” in it, what with Bender cloning himself ad infinitum. I also really like the climax, it’s a little schmultz-y for Futurama, but I don’t mind.
Best Moments: Fry gets stuck with a Spanish speaking Bender and I don’t know why but it’s really funny to me. The professor also gets some funny moments in this one. And Scruffy. Scruffy is always a delight.
6. Igner-ance is Bliss! (Issue #63)
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Yeah this is the infamous robot Leela and Fry comic. Don’t worry, like the cover says, it’s not as dramatic as it looks. The crew has to go to a world that’s too dangerous for humans, so Fry, Leela, and Zoidberg all have their consciousnesses put into robot doubles so they can make the delivery. However, it turns out this planet is a sort of getaway spa for robots, and the crew decides to party it up there, at least until Bender discovers that this is a front for an evil plot by Mom. The subplot is mostly about how Igner is not respected by his brothers.
This one is fun, and I love a comic where Bender has to be the voice of reason. It is clearly killing him to be the responsible one, but I love it. Also, I have a soft spot for Igner, so it’s nice to see him get thrown a bone for once. This also has some really fun jokes with everyone, but Zoidberg in particular gets some bangers. I think my only problem is it ISN’T as cool as the cover makes it out, but like I’m happy with what it is.
Best Moments: Fry beats up Bender at one point and wins, I think he deserved it. Also, y’all know Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars? He makes some cameos in this one. Also all the robots (sans Bender) make a Japanese style mecha and it’s the coolest thing ever. Plus everything I’ve said about Igner I love in this one. Oh also Fry beats Calculon at poker and I really love that.
5. Who’s Dying to be a Gazillionaire? (Issue #5)
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This one is sweet. The IRS is threatening to bankrupt Planet Express, and if they can’t think of a way to make a million dollars they will go out of business. No one really has any ideas and doesn’t even really care, except for Fry who is determined to save Planet Express. He gets the idea to go onto Who Wants to be a Gazillionaire to make the money, even though it’s a trivia show and if he loses he will die.
This one really warms my heart, it’s Fry at his best, just doing what he can for the people he loves. Even the professor is great in this one. I don’t want to spoil it, but trust me when I say it’s good (god I hope I’m not building this up too much).
Best moments: The end panel. But also the resolution of the story is great, and I really appreciate this comic for Fry as a character.
4. Rumble in the Jungle (Issue #38)
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This is a fine comic. Leela is mad that she’s not being respected by Fry and Bender, and it’s bad enough that they don’t believe her when she says they’re going to crash into a planet. They end up parachuting down and getting separated. Leela ends up as queen of some workers in the “Amazon,” meanwhile Fry finds Bender’s corpse and goes off to avenge him.
This one is fun, and another fun one for Fry, because he’s determined to avenge Bender and works hard for it. This also includes the original Frender, not the ship but fusion. Leela and Fry even have a fight scene against each other and it’s honestly great.
Best Moments: Fry is great throughout the entire comic, and Leela spends most of her time beating up random animals. Bender also using a lead parachute he made out of toys he stole from children is funny, especially because I’m always a sucker for Bender doing dumb shit.
3. Don’t Go Taking My Heart! (Issue #69) (nice)
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Mom only has a couple weeks to live, unless she can get a heart transplant. It’s revealed that Mom uses the cryogenics lab to get new body parts for herself, and that Fry was supposed to be her heart donor! Unfortunately, because he was unfrozen she now has to get him to work for Mom Corp to make sure his heart stays intact for the procedure.
If you can’t tell I love the Fry-centric comics, and I also like the comics where Mom is the villain. Of course this comic doesn’t go completely how you expect it to go, it’s actually REALLY sweet. I also love the fact that in this comic Fry actually makes a great intern. He basically has the job of a secretary and he’s GOOD at it. And I love seeing when Fry is good at things. The reason why I put this at only 3 is because it doesn’t really have a subplot. Bender gets a job at mom corp to but it’s only there for a couple pages, and Leela’s new crew gets two panels and that’s it.
Best Moments: The moments with Mom and Fry, but also guess who Mom’s doctor is? I’m actually not going to reveal it because it’s so random but also hilarious.
2. Boomsday! (Issue #58)
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The Professor builds Bender his own parents, as a way to placate/discipline Bender. However, these parents decide that Fry is a bad influence on Bender, leading to them kicking him out. Meanwhile, the Professor’s doomsday devices are all stolen, and he has to go find them.
Both of these plots are funny and good. Bender’s plot is also really sweet what with his friendship with Fry, and his wish for parents. Meanwhile the Professor’s plot is just really funny and I do love seeing the Professor in his element. The ending is mostly heartwarming.
Best Moments: Everything with Fry and Bender, and Bender has a sweet relationship with his fake parents. Also, the Professor uses Issac Asimov candles on the robot mafia which I found a great joke. Oh, and the Professor’s first doomsday device was made when he was four years old and I love that. The end of the comic also has very nice message.
1. Rotten to the Core (Issue #27)
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The world’s weather has gone kerflooey, and the Professor has figured out that his invention that can drill into the center of the Earth has been used. It conspires that Bender sold it at a yard sale to some aliens call the magmoids. The magmoids are trying to steal magma from the Earth’s core and the crew has to go and stop them.
This is my favorite because it’s a great character comic. All of the main three have great moments, and it’s also a great science comic. The Earth’s core is incredibly magnetic so of course Bender starts spouting out folk songs, and also SECRETS. I can’t believe no one has used the fact that canonically magnets make Bender incapable of telling lies. Anyway, it’s just really fun.
Best Moments: Way too many to count. Bender and Fry are told to cut out the “Brokeback Moanin,’“ Leela and Fry are bitter at the end, Fry tells story about his childhood, Bender has some great secrets to tell, the Professor gets a really fun ending, Bender has a rare moment of generosity, and the entirety of the climax is all kinds of fun and sweet.
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neon--nightmare · 2 years
How can a parasite devoid of all true emotions, only capable of emitting false personas taken from culture, consider themselves any gender identity?
Just because he has been called a he, and they have been called they, it doesn't define any gender. Sure, he can mean male, but they is used to define when you're unaware of someone's gender, so you use it to be respectful; it does not denote gender.
It is actually kind of disrespectful to people who are transgender, given that a "funky colourful skeleton" suddenly meaning transgender is rather offensive.
b. bro. I’M trans. i’m literally transgender, nonbinary transmasc, and have identified as such since i was ten or eleven? i’ve been diagnosed w gender dysphoria, i’ve been on T, and i plan to get top surgery in the future! I’m trans. (ofc those things aren’t necessary to be trans, but this is for my credibility on your end)
i say fresh is trans because he’s a very personal character to me, so i project that on him, and it makes me happy. i wasn’t born yesterday, man, i know the issue w the entire ‘nonhuman = nonbinary’ thing, bc, again, i’ve IDed as nb for almost ten years, and i would have when i was even younger if i knew the label existed! i wasn’t the one that created fresh or made the decision for him to be explicitly NB/agender, but it’s very personal to me as someone with the same label, so i’m reclaiming it. putting the rest under a readmore bc its long, and this ^ was the most important part imo
to me, it’s like someone who very closely identifies with mewtwo talking abt mewtwo being nonbinary. is mewtwo completely nonhuman and divorced from the human concept of gender? yes! but actual nonbinary people can see themselves in him, even with the negative connotations (that, again, has been a big issue in media for decades,) and reclaim it for themselves. it’s different than someone who isn’t trans or nb calling an alien or robot character nb, because we have the genuine lived experience, and if it makes us happy to do so, especially with such few nb characters in non-niche media that ARE actually human/aren’t some boy/girl fusion, i, personally, don’t see much of a problem with it.
i don’t joke about fresh being nonbinary because he’s a ‘funky colorful skeleton,’ i do it because 1. he’s a character that’s been explicitly identified as agender, 2. i’m agender and 3. he’s a character that’s very, very very personal to me, and it makes me happy to project my experience on him. obviously, he’s not trans, he’s a body-hopping parasite. but it’s something that brings me comfort and makes me happy, man, and that’s why i talk abt it, not bc hes the pinnacle of agender or aroace representation. (which, im also aroace! triple a, etc.)
it’s like how i personally project a lot of my autistic experiences on him, because even though he was never designed as autistic and it would be very harmful if he WAS, i see a lot of myself and my own experiences of completely missing social cues, not being able to truly understand or guess why others react the way they do to things so you come up w 1000 scenarios in your mind to ‘prepare’ before every conversation, and how once hes able to feel it leads to immense constant anxiety, the way letting urself actually feel is so so overwhelming and even tho it’s not healthy its easier to just bottle! was it intended to be that deep? no, but i still reclaim it, bc im just some guy on the internet who likes fresh way too much.
(I’m assuming you came here from my dumb fresh iceberg post, he is actually capable of more than anger and fear after loveball, he can feel joy, love, sadness, but he crushes all of it down because 1. allowing himself to feel those things will get him killed and replaced! by someone better. 2. he has extremely negative connotations with letting himself feel after a series of extremely traumatic events, (somethin else that’s also very very personal to me, and why loveball has been so important to me for years, but that’s another story i’m not goin to go into, esp not here!) especially since it would just lead to a future of horrible breakdowns and 3. his lifestyle and sense of purpose relies on not feeling. on convincing himself he’s still a hollow shell. in his mind, it’s his purpose, it’s the reason he was created. and if he ‘falls’ to the level of all the people he mocks and manipulates for feeling, than what is he?) fresh presents himself as an empty shell, even to himself, but after loveball, he isn’t. but he needs to be, so he lies to himself and tells himself that he’s fine. fresh doesn’t believe he deserves any kind of kindness or redemption. he can’t understand any of it directed at him. hes not just an empty shell or reflection of his surroundings, but he WANTS to be. bc its easier man! it’s less painful! but he cant go back to what he was!
ironically, to me, hes a very human character, while also being so fundamentally alien, he makes sense to me. ofc im not sadistic and i dont purposefully torture people for a living, but! hopefully this makes any sense. i didn’t pull any of this out of nowhere, and i can grab receipts off the top of my head if u need them bc i have so much pointless fresh lore memorized down to the wording (like how i remembered the wording for one of the asks was agendered instead of agender, it’s that bad. i have the Burden of knowledge)
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hangovercurse · 4 years
Wanna Help You Relax
You’ve been working really hard this week, and Colson wants to help you relax.
Request: “Hey I just saw that ur requests were on and I wanted to know if you could possibly write a cute little fluff/smit piece?”
Colson x Reader
Warnings: Smut (18+), cursing
A/N: I didn’t know who you wanted so I just wrote about Colson, lmk if you want someone else! 
Word Count: 2143
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You were startled out of your work by the sound of your phone buzzing with a text message. You unlocked your phone to read the text from your boyfriend of 2 years, Colson, catching the time as you did. 7:30.
Will u be home 4 dinner?
“Shit.” You muttered under your breath, looking at the unfinished document in front of you. You sighed, trying to figure out what to do.
I just saw the time. I still have some work to do but I can bring it home
From his position on the couch in your house, Colson groaned.
You’ve been working on this all week, babe. You can take a break for a day
You rolled your eyes at his text. Somewhere inside of you knew that he was right. You hadn’t done much of anything except work for the past week, which has been the cause of tension in your relationship. But you knew if you didn’t finish this project by Friday that you definitely would not get the promotion you were up for.
I promise I’ll be done with it Friday, then I’ll take a break. I’m on my way
Honestly, he was lucky you were making it home for dinner, which was not something you had been able to do in the past three days. Instead, you had been opting to stay at the office late and skip dinner.
You threw the papers on your desk into their folder and the folder into your bag, along with your laptop and anything else you thought you might need.
 Colson had been trying not to get frustrated with your absence, but after being at home 24/7 with you and Casie, being without you was difficult. You would get home late, only to tell him you needed to work more. And anytime he tried to get you to sleep or eat or do anything else, you shut down, telling him “It’ll be done on Friday.”
And he knew he had no place to talk, he had left you for months at a time while he was touring sometimes, but at least he tried to call you as much as he could. Now it was just like you weren’t there at all.
You both tried to ignore the tension at dinner, focusing instead on light conversation, mostly facilitated by Casie, and the food. After you had all finished, Colson asked, “Case, could you do the dishes tonight?” The girl happily obliged, hopping around the table and picking up yours and Colson’s plates.
You thanked her, watching her leave into the kitchen before turning your eyes to Colson, only to find him already looking at you.  “I’m gonna go get some work done, babe.” You stood up, watching his eyes follow you slowly. You knew he wanted to say something, but you really appreciated that he didn’t. Instead, he just nodded, letting out a small sigh.
You walked into the office he had set up just for you when you moved in, placing your bag on the desk. You smiled at the picture of him that sat on the desk, the same one on your desk at your workplace. You sat down, pulling your laptop and papers out of the bag, and setting up your space.
After about an hour and a half of you working, Colson decided you needed a break. It was almost 10 pm and he just wanted to hold you for the next few hours before you both fell asleep. All of his friends made fun of him for it, but he turned into the softest person ever around you. It was the biggest reason he’d fallen in love with you, you made him a better person.
So, he walked into your office, quietly, smiling as he saw you typing away at the desk. He always thought you were prettiest when you looked like this, focused and determined. He walked up behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders and massaging gently. You jumped a little when his hand first made contact, but quickly relaxed at his touch.
“Hi baby.” You smiled, looking up to him with a soft smile on your face.
He leaned down to press a soft kiss to your forehead, “Hi babe. How’s it goin?” He nodded towards the screen in front of you.
You sighed, turning to look towards the screen with a frown. “It’s getting there. I keep looking at these notes that my co-worker took but they aren’t quite fitting into what I already had, so I’ve been rearranging everything to see if I can incorporate both. It’s a bit frustrating but I think if I get this done by like noon tomorrow then I can finish everything by Friday morning and then polish everything up and turn it in.”
Colson let out a breath, resting his chin on your head. “You’re way too smart for me sometimes.” He chuckled.
You looked back up to him, a confused expression on your face. “That’s a lie and you know it. You’re a fucking musical genius.” You leaned up to press a quick kiss to his lips, but Colson had another idea.
As soon as your lips met his, he placed a hand on your cheek, deepening the kiss. He hadn’t felt your lips in almost a week, and it had been killing him. Truthfully, you had missed it too. You wanted nothing more than to have his lips roaming your body, but you knew if you let that happen you wouldn’t get your project done.
You pulled away and turned back towards your screen, a soft smile on your lips. “C’mon baby.” He mumbled, “just take a break with me.” His hands returned to massaging your shoulders, his mouth moving down to your ear, pressing a kiss to the sweet spot just behind it. “I’ll make it worth your while.” He whispered, biting your earlobe lightly.
“Cols,” You whined, hating that he knew exactly what to do and say to turn you on. “I can’t.”
He kissed down your neck, nipping at the skin occasionally. “Yes, you can.” He moved up to your jaw, one hand turning your head back to face him. “You’ve been working so hard lately.” He mumbled, “I wanna help you relax.”
You hummed at the feeling of his lips on your hot skin. His lips hovered over yours, his hands traveling all over your body. “Wanna make you feel good.” He murmured before pressing his lips to yours.
Instinct took over you and you turned fully around in the chair, sitting on your knees and wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands went to your waist, running up and down your sides. He took your lower lip between his teeth, nibbling on the skin. His hands reached the bottom of your blouse, playing with it before pulling it up. You disconnected your lips to bring the shirt over your head, and Colson threw it across the room. You stood fully from the chair, hands running up his chest as his lips went to your neck, sucking the skin again as he traveled down to your collar bone and chest. His hands reached behind you, fiddling with the clasp of your bra before removing it.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful.” Colson muttered, eyes travelling your chest. You blushed slightly, reaching to take his shirt off, which he gladly obliged to. His mouth moved back to your skin, taking one of your tits in his mouth, sucking gently on the nib in the center. You moaned as his hand came up to massage the other. The hands in his hair pulled gently on the blond strands, causing groans of pleasure from the tattooed man.
He pushed you backwards softly so you were leaning against the desk, his lips travelling down your stomach until they reached the waistline of your pants. He pressed small kisses over the area as he slowly unclasped the black material, pulling it down your legs to reveal your red underwear.
A smirk made its way to his face, kissing your heat through the material. You took in a breath through your teeth at the contact, realizing how long it had been since he’d made you cum.
He moved the material to the side, licking a slow stripe up your slit and watching your reaction. Your hold on his hair tightened and he chuckled, the vibrations shooting through your heat. His tongue dipped into your folds, collecting the wetness that had already been forming. He then moved up to your clit, taking the sensitive bud between his lips, sucking softly.
“Mmmm Colson that feels so fucking food.” You moaned softly. He looked up at you, watching your face as he worked on your clit. His hands travelled up your thighs, pulling the red fabric down your legs. Two fingers found their way to your folds and pressed gently into them.
You moaned out as he began to pump his long digits in and out of you, his mouth still working on your clit. You looked down, meeting his eyes that were darkened with lust. The sight of him alone almost made you fall off the edge, but his motions stopped as he felt you start to clench around him. He pulled his fingers out of you, standing up slowly and licking them clean. You whined at the loss of contact, to which he chuckled and moved closer to you.
“I’m gonna take you on this desk, baby girl.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. So, you simply nodded your head, closing your laptop and placing it and everything else onto the chair. Colson smiled at your obedience, pressing a small kiss to your lips and moving down to your jaw. His hands gripped your hips and slowly made their way down to your thighs, stopping right below your ass. He squeezed the skin and you lifted your legs up, wrapping them around his waist as he held you, leaning you against the small desk.
Your hands moved to the button of his pants, pulling them down with his boxers to release his member. You gripped it softly, running your hand up and down its length as Colson continued his attack on your jaw. He groaned against your skin at the feeling, quickly removing his lips from you to line himself up.
“You’ve been taking your pills, right?” He asked, softly.
You giggled, “Yes, babe, I’ve been taking my pills now will you please fuck me.”
Colson looked at you with a smile, eyes gazing deep into yours as he pushed himself into you. You threw your head back at the feeling, his cock spreading you out, grazing every inch of your pussy. He took that as his cue to press kisses to your neck and shoulders, slowly pulling himself out of you and thrusting back in. “You feel so good around me baby, shit.” He moaned, stabilizing you on the desk before moving his hands to your lower thighs.
You moaned as his thrusts got faster until he found a steady pace. It felt like his cock was made for you, hitting every spot that drove you wild. Every time he hit that one spot, you moaned out, causing Colson to thrust harder.
His head had found its place resting on your shoulder lips near your neck. He whispered, breath hitting your ear, “Wanna feel you cum around me, can you do that baby?”
You nodded slightly, moans still falling from your mouth. His pace picked up even more, and you could feel your orgasm approaching. His lips returned to your neck, biting and sucking at your sweet spots, enough to send you over the edge.
“Fuck I’m gonna-“
“Cum for me baby.” His voice pushed you over the edge, euphoria taking over your body in waves. The feeling of you clenching around him prompting his climax. You felt his cock twitch as his hot seed entered you, his thrusts slowing down as you both moaned in pleasure.
You both stayed in that position for a while, his hot breath hitting your neck as you tried to slow your breaths. Finally, Colson pulled out of you, setting your legs onto the ground.
“Honestly, I’ve been thinking about fucking you on this desk since you moved in.” He chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
You smiled, “guess we need to do it again at some point.” You hopped of the desk, grabbing his shirt from the floor, not feeling like putting your pants on. “You wanna grab a shower with me?”
“That is the most ridiculous question I’ve ever heard. Of course I do.” He buttoned his jeans, grabbing your clothes from the floor. He took your hand in his, leading you to your shared bathroom.
Safe to say that you were definitely more relaxed.
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Irresistible Danger - Part 59
Synopsis:  After being caught outside the compound on your own, Negan decides to punish you in the best way possible ;)
Words: 4,078
Warnings: nsfw, smut, swearing
ID Masterlist can be found HERE
Masterlist of all my fics can be found HERE
This will be my last chapter update until the end of July or very beginning of August, due to me joining Camp Nano. If people are interested, I can link my nano page HERE if you want to see what progress I make. I haven’t created a Camp project goal yet, but I’ll be adding it soon. 
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Clearing the Board
You stared at Negan in shock for a long moment, your brain’s frantic whirring grinding to a screeching halt as the subconscious watched with mouth so agape that the gum it had been chewing fell unnoticed to the floor. 
Had he been thinking the same questions as you the entire dinner? Part of you wanted to bolt, terrified to know what was on his mind. Was this where he pulled the rug out from under you and said things were getting too cozy, that he wanted to back track? Did he want to go back to his wives? Or maybe he wanted to try and make you into another one of them? 
Breathe. Just breathe and see what he has to say, before you start hyperventilating. 
Clearing your throat and licking suddenly dry lips, you hoarsely said, “Uh...yeah...we do.” 
As if this was the permission he was waiting for, he gave a curt nod and started talking. He was so focused and straight to the point that you wondered if he had rehearsed this prior to you showing up. If so, he had done a much better job of preparing than you had. 
“I wanted to apologize for last night. Not just for the way I attacked you, though I do fucking apologize for that, but for how I acted after.”
At this, he paused and ran a hand slowly down over his mouth and beard, and you realized how difficult this conversation was for him, how much he still struggled to be open and honest and sincere with another human when he’d had to learn the hard way to be tough and mean and impenetrable. It made you feel validated regarding your own struggles, as well as grateful that both of you were stepping outside your comfort zones and trying to communicate. 
“Doll, there’s just some shit that I don’t like to fucking relive. It has to happen, whether I fucking want it to or not, and once it’s done, it’s done. I don’t always want to rehash events, or talk about how I feel, because the answer is probably that I feel like fucking horse shit. It’s nothing personal against you, it’s just me wanting to fucking move on. The same way you told me the other night that I gotta trust you not to always give me all the fucking details? Well, same goes when the shoe’s on the other fucking foot.”
You sat there and took this in, brain having pulled out a tablet to take frantic notes, and subconscious still staring in shock with its foot unknowingly stepping right in the middle of the dropped gum wad. Of all the ways for tonight’s conversation to go, no part of you had expected Negan to not only take the lead, but go in the correct direction needed to pulverize one of the newly-created questions you had thrown into the padlocked box. 
Once he said the words out loud, it did make a lot of sense. You had seen it as wanting to connect with him and support him, if he would just explain what had happened on the run to upset him. However, some things might be better left unsaid, so as not to make the person relive the events and the emotions tied to them. What you had seen as him shutting you down was actually him trying to move on from unsavory events (and actions he’d had to complete in his role as leader). Add to that his comparison to your conversation the other night, where you had expected him to be okay with you not giving all details about certain events, and you couldn’t believe how much you had blown his recent actions out of proportion.
You had been quiet for a few long moments, during which he was watching you closely. He tried to make his expression neutral, but the unnatural stillness of his tensed body and the focused intensity of his hazel gaze gave away how much weight he was putting on what your response might be.
 Picking your words carefully, you broke the silence. “Thank you for explaining that, because I did wonder why you turned down my offer to talk last night. I respect your right to not tell me everything about what you have to do in order to keep control of the Sanctuary and other communities. However,” you held his gaze, making sure he saw your sincerity. “I want you to know that I’m always here for when and if you do want to talk about it. Any of it.” 
He was unresponsive for a few seconds, as if the tables had turned and now he was the one a bit surprised at how calm and clearly you had voiced your agreement. Then, a soft smile broke across his face, and he said, “I know you are, doll.”
You gave a small smile, beyond relieved to have that topic discussed and out of the way. Your brain was proud of the two of you for talking it out, while the subconscious was preoccupied with cursing and hopping around on one foot while frantically trying to use a stick to scrape the smeared gum off the bottom of its shoe. Like it, you now flailed about for how to move on to other concerns. The door of communication had been opened, and you didn’t want him to slam it shut now that the thing he’d wanted to get off his chest was done. 
“There’s some other things I think we need to talk about,” you said. When his eyebrows raised in a nonverbal for you to continue, you started nervously fidgeting with your dinner napkin.
Shit, where did you even start? How to accurately say what you were thinking and feeling about this relationship with him. He had obviously noticed you pulling back that day in the woods, and while you had been quick to start blurting your feelings when in a post-orgasmic haze, the words now stuck in your throat and refused to come out. 
That ball of self-doubt was creeping in, telling you to shut the box back up and get out of there. It whispered how maybe now that Negan had fucked you, the “game” was almost over and he wouldn’t be as interested. That the moment you started placing expectations on the two of you, he’d tell you to leave his rooms and not come back. 
Looking down at the napkin, which was now twisted and crumpled from anxious hands, you tossed it down on the table and abruptly stood up, unable to continue the farce of sitting still. You pushed the chair into the table and stood there for a few seconds before giving a frustrated groan and pacing over to his armoire and back. 
It was quite the role reversal, you pacing back and forth while he sat there, silently watching. Your hands gestured wildly in front of you, as if trying to act out what you couldn’t say. You started to talk a few times, but it came out as a sputter of nothingness, causing you to pace back and forth yet again. After a couple rounds of this, you finally stopped behind the dinner chair, hands gripping the back of it until your knuckles turned white. The two of you stared at one another, his forehead furrowed in concern at your mini meltdown.
“Doll,” he said, voice low and calming. “Tell me.” 
Just say it. Tell him you’ve fallen for him. 
But you couldn’t. The emotions were right there, but it didn’t feel right to just blurt them out. Three little words that some people tossed around like pennies, and you couldn’t say them when it mattered. 
You looked at him desperately, willing him to throw a lifeline and take back over the conversation, to tell you to forget it and act like this moment had never happened. Instead, he finally moved into action, standing from his own chair and rounding the small table to stand in front of you. 
He didn’t reach out, didn’t try to hold you, as if he knew that the slightest touch would cause your taut as a bowstring form to burst into a million pieces. His hands instead clenched at his sides in a nonverbal show of restraint. He knew that whatever you were struggling with was important, while at the same time realizing he couldn’t force it, and that the direction of the conversation depended entirely on you. 
“Tell me what’s wrong.” 
There was more authority to his tone this time, but it was the slight hint of worry making it go up in pitch at the end that propelled your own voice to finally get its shit together and start working. 
“There’s nothing wrong, I just…I don’t know how to say it.”
“Fucking say what? You’re killing me here, doll.” 
You looked at him, took in this strong and seemingly impenetrable, yet surprisingly caring and passionate man who had shattered all of the emotional defenses you had strategically built in order to keep yourself safe. And suddenly, you knew exactly how to tell him in a way that he, and only he, would understand. 
“Remember when you said that the game is over when the king is captured?”
Surprise flickered in his gaze, as he obviously wasn’t expecting that to come out of your mouth. However, he quickly caught up, giving a curt nod. 
“I know technically the queen is expendable, and the game can continue on without her, but-” voice cracking a bit, you paused to take a deep breath before continuing. “What the hell does one do when the opposite happens?” 
You saw the moment the realization hit, making him go completely still. Saw the moment he pieced everything together but still held back, as if afraid maybe he was misinterpreting it. 
His face looked wrecked when he husked, “What are you saying, doll?”
Emotion welled in your eyes as you verbally let go, whispering the confession that had been held in for long enough. 
“The king’s captured me.”
He broke the physical distance then, his eyes bright with emotion as he wrapped one arm around your waist and cupped your face with a warm palm. Leaning down, he placed a kiss on your lips that was so soft and gentle you almost wanted to cry. When he lifted his head, you felt overwhelmed by the adoration in his gaze, but that was nothing compared to the words he then spoke.
“Well doll, I’d say that’s only fucking fair, since the queen’s captured me too.”
Shock coursed through you, followed by a rush of emotion so strong it would’ve knocked you on your ass if he wasn’t there to clutch onto. 
He feels the same! Holy fuck, not only did he understand, but he also feels the same!
The two of you kissed again, long and slow, until your surroundings faded away and there was only him. It could’ve been mere moments or long minutes before your lips parted from his, as time currently had no meaning outside the count of his breaths on your face and beat of his heart under your palm flattened on his chest. 
You felt dizzyingly happy, and the padlocked box was tons of pounds lighter. However, there were still a few spiky balls of questions sitting in the bottom of it, and it was time to empty them out. All of them. 
“So,” you said, fingers tracing up over his exposed collarbone and strong throat. “What happens next, after the king and queen capture each other?”
Giving a much softer version of his usual devilish smirk, he replied, “They lay down their weapons, recall their fucking armies, and rule the board together.” 
Grinning like a fool at that, you wound your arms up around his neck and murmured hesitantly, “So what does that mean for the others? What does the king do with the five of them?”
Once again, the metaphor was not lost on him, and you felt the slightest stiffening of his body against yours as he pulled his lips from where they had been tracing along your ear lobe and looked down at you. 
Shit, did you go too far? Maybe you should’ve just stopped while you were ahead and not crossed into that topic of conversation just yet…
“What do you want me to do with them, doll?” 
You definitely weren’t expecting that as a response, as shown by your staring blankly up at him for a few seconds before saying, “Isn’t that your choice?”
He gave an amused tsk of disapproval. “No, that’s not how it works when we both rule the board. Each partner gets a say, and then we figure it out together.”
Did he just...call you… “Is that what I am?” you asked, heart inflating like a bubble at the possibility. 
“I mean, we can stick with just calling you my queen, if that’s what you want, but I think partner also has a nice fucking ring to it.” 
His partner. Not his wife, or girlfriend. Partner. 
Stretching up to give him a kiss of approval, you said, “Partner is perfect.” 
Deciding to go all in, you added, “And I only want you, no one else. I want you to be the person I snuggle up against each night, and the one whose bed I wake up in each morning knowing that I belong there. I want to walk proudly beside you and know that you’re mine, as much as I’m yours.” You hesitated, a small dart of worry at the brutally honest words making you feel the need to ask, “But what do you want?”
The playful light was back in his eyes, that sinful tongue running over his bottom lip. “I thought I already made that fucking obvious, doll. But if I didn’t, then listen very closely.” 
His lips traced over your face, leaving butterfly kisses on your cheeks and nose and forehead as he spoke the words. “I want you. Fucking simple as that. I’ve wanted you, and only you, since the day you fucking kicked my ass at chess.” 
This was technically information you already knew, thanks to Trixie, but hearing it from him made it that much more real. It was as if even though all the signs were there, you still didn’t want to fully believe you were the reason for his change in behavior with the wives, not until he confirmed it himself. 
Trying to add a bit of lightness, you hummed in pleasure at his lips kissing the sensitive spot on the curve of your neck and quipped, “Who knew all it would take was a game of chess for me to stand out.”
Giving a huffed laugh, he said against your skin, “If you think that’s the only way you fucking stand out, you’re even more oblivious then I fucking thought.” 
“Hey! Are you telling me I’m weird or something?” you laughed, playfully tugging at his hair so that he raised his head to look at you. 
“Wellllll…” he joked, smiling broadly before his expression got a bit more serious. “In all honesty, doll, I’ve respected the hell out of you since the moment you arrived here.”
Eyebrows raising, you said, “Oh? Do go on.”
His eyes danced with mirth, but his words were uncharacteristically sincere. “Despite being scared shitless when my men first found your little group, you never fully submitted or lost your fight. You marched right into the Sanctuary like you were gonna own the whole fucking place, or at least own the kitchen, which you did in a ridiculously short amount of fucking time, I might add. I felt like a fool for asking you to be another wife and expecting you’d be happy just sitting around looking pretty.”
You gave a haughty grin, but let him continue, knowing that confessions such as this were few and far between with Negan. And you were going to soak in every affectionate word like a desert does the rain, because as much as the actions and nonverbals fed your heart, his words were what now fed your soul. 
“I knew you’d be trouble the the first time I walked in the kitchen to check on things and you refused to fucking kneel with the others, staring me down in a way that said you were demanding to be treated at my equal, and just daring me to try and fucking do something about it. It was that same daring each time we were alone that drew me in like fucking catnip, and while the smart thing would’ve been to stay away, when I found you out in the fucking woods about to be walker chow and totally going against my orders, it gave me the perfect opportunity to force you closer. I knew I should stop sending for you, stop finding reasons to visit the kitchen or order you to bring me trays, but damn doll, you were too fucking exciting to walk away from.
“The day you beat me at chess, you were so fucking proud of yourself, and I realized that instead of being pissed, I was proud of you too. I knew I had a spitfire on my hands, and damn if that didn’t make my dick hard.” His voice lowered a bit, so that you held your breath in order not to miss a single word. “But it wasn’t until that first outing together in the woods, when you killed that walker and saved my fucking hide, that I realized I was done for. That I might as well throw down my crown because the king had been captured, and the game was over.”
You thought back to that day, to the kiss and the look in his eyes afterward. Had you known back then? Possibly, but you never would’ve admitted it to yourself, not at that point. You felt a lump start to form in your throat, eyes blinking rapidly in an effort not to tear up. And you would have succeeded, damn it, if not for his next words.
“I tried to fight it, to fight you. Hell I almost got you fucking killed by chasing you out of here, and all because of my own fucking stubborn pride. I’d never hated myself as much as I did in that moment, when we found you lying injured in the fucking woods. I’ve loved and lost, more than any man should, but...the thought of losing you was what almost ruined me.”
Tears trickled down your cheeks in cool rivulets. “Why didn’t you tell me?” you whispered. Hell, if you had known all of this a bit earlier, maybe you wouldn’t have hesitated to talk things out. Wouldn’t have held back as much as you did. 
Giving a self-deprecating smile, he said, “Because I’m a fucking idiot. But also because every time I considered it, you’d fucking pull away. I would’ve claimed you publicly as mine weeks ago, but you about had a god damn heart attack anytime there was a chance someone might see us getting fucking cozy together. I could practically hear the fears and doubts whirring around in your head the last few days, so I took the coward’s way out and tried to halt those thoughts by repeatedly fucking you any chance I got, until you were too exhausted to overthink.” 
He had meant the words to make you laugh, but instead you suddenly felt overwhelmed. Your stupid eyes wouldn’t stop watering, and if you weren’t careful your nose would start clogging up too. You had always been jealous as hell of women who could cry prettily, because you definitely weren’t one of them. 
You tried to school your features, tried to put on at least a thin mask of “I’m fine, totally fine” but more tears followed by a hiccuped sob escaping your lips said otherwise. You unwrapped your arms from his neck in order to press a hand to your mouth in an effort to try and stifle the emotions leaking out. 
“No,” he said, stern enough to jolt you out of the overanalyzing spiral your brain wanted to jump down. 
Pulling your hand away from your mouth with a gentle but firm grip, he clasped it between his own hands. “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?” you asked. 
Lifting one hand, he used his thumb to brush away the tear sitting stubbornly on the middle of your cheek. “Don’t do what you did last time. Don’t hide from me again.” 
Sighing, you nodded in agreement. “Fine, but it would be nice if one of these times it was you crying and not me.” 
Humor was a mask of its own, one both of you used to cover up emotions. However, since you were standing there with red-rimmed eyes and he had just verbally confessed his emotions more in the last few minutes than he probably had during the rest of the apocalypse combined, you both deserved a bit of humor. 
“The day that happens, I might as well just chop off my dick and fucking hand that over as well,” he joked back, causing you to smile and shove at him playfully. 
Giving an exasperated sigh, you said “I can’t believe I’ve been so dumb about all of this, thinking...well, assuming totally incorrect things. Guess that’s what I get for not trying to just talk it out.” 
He gave you a mock-stern expression and said, “Well, then let this be a fucking lesson.” He used two fingers to point at your eyes and then at his own, and back to yours. “Partners, remember.”
God, you loved the way that word rolled off his tongue. It was exactly what you had always secretly hoped to find with a man: an equal partnership. Sure, Negan was still the leader of the Sanctuary and had the role of badass motherfucker to uphold, but at the heart of things you stood on equal ground, and your thoughts and feelings and opinions mattered just as much as his own. Not to mention, you would dare him to deny that you were the leader of the kitchen staff. And hey, there was a lot of power in being the one in charge of making sure the entire community was fed. And the fact that he didn’t want to take any of that away from you, that he was proud of your accomplishments, made you fall for him even more. 
“Partners,” you agreed with a nod, running a hand up over his chest. Fingers traced his strong, masculine features before running up into his hair to map the streaks of salt among the pepper. 
Eyes brightening with desire, he stared with laser focus down at your mouth, his nostrils flaring as he watched your teeth subconsciously nibble on your lower lip as you took in this handsome man who was yours. All yours. Seeing the intent in his gaze and knowing where this was about to go by the sudden tensing of his muscles for action, you pressed your other hand against his chest lightly and said, “Wait, one more thing. I have a request.”
“Name it,” he said without hesitation.
“Um...this might seem a bit random, but is there any way you could bump Simon up to having a single room?” When Negan looked at you in slight bewilderment, you continued, “That way Ben can visit whenever he wants.”
His brows lowered, and you were afraid he was going to dismiss the issue as not important, so you pressed on. “In all honesty, it was Ben’s insistence that I be honest and talk things out with you that helped push me to say what I did tonight. I kinda owe him.”
The unspoken words were that Negan kinda owed him too, and his scowl said that he heard them loud and clear. With a slight huff, he grumbled, “I’ll see what I can fucking do.”
Giving a wide smile, you stood up on tiptoe and planted a very grateful kiss on his lips, with tongue included. Pulling back a bit, you whispered against his mouth, “I’d love to see what you can fucking do.”
At that, he scooped you up into his arms with a growl and strode into the bedroom, where he then proceeded to spend a good portion of the night showing you just how thoroughly captured the king really was.
~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
Extra Author’s Note: Holy crap, was I nervous af to post this chapter. I feel like so much has been building to this conversation between You and Negan, and I wasn’t sure how readers were going to feel about it. I know some people were expecting more drama and angst, especially since this is about the time that romance novels usually throw in the so-called “third act conflict”. However, I personally find it pretty annoying when that conflict is some form of unneeded miscommunication or lack of communication, followed by the characters being apart for a period of time and then coming back together in one grand gesture before bam, an abrupt ending where you’re to expect them to live happily ever after with no more issues. 
Instead, I had You and Negan do that earlier in the fic, with the “Confrontation” chapter where they royally fucked up and had to stumble their way back together, followed later by the pregnancy test argument where they started to fuck up but then both broke their unhealthy fight cycle (You did this by walking away and Negan did it by going after her and deciding to actually listen). And now, with this chapter I wanted to showcase their growth and how they’ve learned enough from past mistakes to move forward. Some people might see this chapter as too fluffy, but I saw it as a way to show two grown ass adults finally laying down their emotional shields and communicating in an open and healthy manner. At this point, I thought Negan and You deserved that, and I hope y’all agree. 
Whether you loved it, hated it, didn’t care, all of the above, etc, please feel free to let me know. I’m so so curious to hear what people thought of this chapter, and if what I was hoping to showcase came across in a satisfying way. Thanks for reading! I’ll be back with more updates after Camp Nano! <3
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
Do You Want the Knife You Left In My Back, or Can I Keep It?
Rating: Teen and up, Gen
An injured Hunter wanders into Hexside. What was Luz supposed to do, just let him bleed out on the floor?
Ch 2/5: Settling In
Ch 1
Hunter woke up facedown on a couch. His back ached and throbbed, and he felt weak all over. Ugh—
Hunter yelped as a bird—worm—thing—stuck its head in his face.
“Luuuuuuuz, he’s uuuuuuuup!”
The human shooed the bird-worm-thing out of Hunter’s face. “Hey! Get out of his personal space, Hooty!”
Hunter groaned, putting his face back in the couch. “Where am I?”
“The owl house,” Luz replied casually.
Hunter yelped again, rolling off of the couch. “I can’t be—” the movement sent spikes of pain hammering through his nerves, and his vision went spotty. His stomach heaved, and he retched, shaking. “Hngh—”
“Whoa, hey!” Luz knelt next to him. “You can’t be moving around! You just got stabbed, for titan’s sake, Hunter!”
“Remember!” the owl lady’s voice called from another room, “You’re cleaning up after him, Luz!”
Hunter’s face heated up. “I don’t—need—to be taken care of—”
He tried to push himself up, but another wave of pain swept over him, and everything went black for a minute. When he woke up again, he was back on the couch, Luz crouching next to him.
“You really shouldn’t move. Viney said it’s going to take time for your back to heal, and it would be… really bad… if you ripped out your stitches.”
“Take me back to the Emperor’s palace. Now.”
“See?” the owl lady said, poking her head in, “He agrees! Take the twerp back.”
“I’m not taking him back,” Luz said, exasperated, as if they’d been having this argument for a while. She turned back to Hunter. “I’m not taking you back. I’m going to keep you here, where you’re safe, until you’re better. Kikimora has it out for you, and you’re in no state to fight her off.”
“What else is new—I can handle Kikimora, I just—”
Luz pressed down on his shoulders as he tried to get up again. “Quit being so stubborn! You can’t handle her right now, you can’t even walk! What was the point of coming to me for help if you won’t let me help you!”
“I didn’t go to you for help, I went to you because if I didn’t warn you, Kikimora would have killed both of us and gotten the Emperor’s sole attention!”
Luz leaned back. “The emperor… isn’t a good guy, Hunter.”
Hunter looked away. “You wouldn’t get it.”
“No, I don’t.” Luz sighed. “Why did the emperor send you after me?”
Right. There it was. The real reason she’d saved him. “’m not telling.”
“What?! Seriously?! I saved your life!”
“I didn’t ask you to.”
“You were bleeding out in front of me! What was I supposed to do, just let you die?!”
Luz paused and stared at him. “Wait, what?”
Hunter looked away, a sick feeling churning in his stomach. “I failed, again—you’re free, and I’m not even close to getting you back to the emperor. My own coven member tried to kill me outright—no subtlety, no monster attacks, just stabbed me in the back and planned to pin it on you. And now I’ve been captured by the person who I was supposed to be capturing.” He buried his face in the couch. “You should have just let me die,” he mumbled, muffled by the couch.
Luz didn’t say anything for a minute, and then gently touched his shoulder. “Hunter? I wasn’t ever going to let you die.”
“No, because you’re ‘too nice,’” he grumbled, “I get it. Fine. You’re the good guy, I’m the bad guy, is that what you want to hear? Just… leave me alone. Please.”
“Okay,” Luz said quietly, “if that’s what you really want.”
Her footsteps padded away, and Hunter tried one more time to get up, but a wave of dizzy exhaustion swept over him, and he flopped back down.
The owl lady came through, making an “I’m watching you,” gesture as she left, and he sighed. Okay. He just had to be patient. He could ride this out, pretend to be helpless longer than he really was, nab the human, expose Kikimora, bada-bing, bada-boom, everything would be perfect.
A bolt of panic shot through Hunter, and he rolled off of the couch, adrenaline battling exhaustion and pain.
“Whoa, hey, there, you can’t—” Hooty started, but Hunter shoved the bird’s face away with a groan, stumbling towards the door.
“I have—to go—back—”
“Luz!” the house demon called, “Your sad friend is trying to escape!”
“I KNEW it!” the owl lady’s voice yowled, and Hunter was on the ground in two seconds flat. He screamed as she put pressure on his back, his vision wavering out. “You were just pretending to be hurt to get in here!” the owl lady continued, “And you were planning to—oh, beans, you weren’t pretending, you just have no sense of self-preservation, titan, kid, what were you thinking, I coulda killed you!”
Hunter whimpered, blinking spots out of his eyes as she climbed off of him. He retched at the pain, his back screaming in agony.
Luz came tearing down the stairs two at a time, skidding to a halt next to them. “Edaaaa! What happened?!”
“He was making a break for it!” Eda replied defensively, “He is a quick little bugger when he wants to be!”
“Huuuunteeeer!” Luz groaned, “You can’t go anywhere, how did you even get off of the couch, you literally got stabbed today!”
“My palisman,” Hunter gasped, “It’s—all alone—” he struggled to get back up, blinking back tears. “I have—to go back—for—”
Luz grabbed his shoulders. “No. Your palisman wouldn’t want you hurting yourself. It’ll be fine for a while.”
Hunter shook his head. “No—have to—”
“You’re not going anywhere, Hunter, you wouldn’t even make it to Bonesborough.”
“It’s true,” Hooty chimed in, “The funny little demon lady is lurking out there. She isn’t getting any closer right now, but if you go out there… you’re toast!”
Hunter clutched Luz’s arm, barely holding back tears. She didn’t get it! “I can’t—leave it—”
Luz put a hand on his arm. “Okay. If it really means that much to you… I’ll go get it.”
Eda shook her head. “Absolutely not, Luz, that creep is out for you, too!”
Right. That was it, then. Luz wouldn’t let him leave to get his palisman, and Eda wouldn’t let Luz leave.
Then Luz did a. Thing. With her face. A strange pouty thing, where she made her eyes really big at Eda. The owl lady sighed.
“Oh, geeze, don’t make that—ahhhh, Luz. Okay. Here’s the deal. I will send Owlbert to check on the palisman. If it’s safe enough, Owlbert will tell the Golden Dork’s palisman what’s going on and where he is. Everyone okay with that?”
Luz threw her arms around Eda. “You’re the best!”
“I know,” Eda grumbled, “Now take care of your dumb Belos-ite, he looks like he’s going to pass out.”
Hunter was drifting off to sleep when it happened.
Kikimora appeared in front of him. “There you are.”
He yelped, struggling up, but his back throbbed and he fell back down.
“Consorting with traitors now, are we? I never thought you’d stoop this low.”
“Bold—words—coming from a backstabber,” Hunter gritted out, “Just—finish it—then.”
Kikimora swiped her claws at him, but they went right through. “I’m not really here, or you’d be dead already. You’re a persistent little worm, though, aren’t you?”
“That’s my middle name. Persistent little worm.”
Kikimora traced one translucent claw in a circle. “I haven’t figured out how to get past the house demon yet. But I will. And when I do, you are a sitting duck, and your little human friend will be next. Look at you. You’re pathetic. You can’t even move.”
Hunter swiped a hand through the illusion, gritting his teeth as the movement made his back throb.
“Hunter?” Luz was standing in the doorway, holding a bowl of something steaming and a juicebox. “Is… everything okay?”
Hunter gestured to the air where Kikimora had just been. “Didn’t you see her?!”
“See who, Hunter?”
“Kikimora! Or—a projection of her! She was right there!”
Luz set down the bowl and felt his forehead with the back of her hand. “Uh-oh. Feels like a fever.”
“She was there, I saw her, I talked to her—”
“Hunter, I didn’t see anyone.”
“I’m not crazy!”
She sat down next to him. “I didn’t say you were. But you do have a fever, and you lost a lot of blood, and you haven’t eaten, and you’re probably tired, and you’re in a new place—”
“Don’t patronize me! I know what I saw!”
To his surprise, Luz nodded. “Okay. I’ll have Hooty check the perimeter, and I’ll call Gus—he’d know more about illusion magic than I would.”
“Of course.” Luz patted his head as she got up, ignoring his growl. “I said you’d be safe here, Hunter. If you saw Kikimora, if she projected herself in here, then I’ll look into it.”
He eyed her. “This doesn’t change anything. I’m still not going to tell you any information.”
“I know. And… that’s okay.” Luz took in a deep breath. “As much as I’d like to know what Belos is up to, it wouldn’t be fair to put you in that position. I decided to help you because it was the right thing to do, not because of any information you could give me. This isn’t a business transaction—you don’t owe me anything.” She gave his head another pat, and walked off.
She was making it really hard to want to capture her and bring her to Belos.
No. What was he thinking?! After the disaster this had been so far? There was a snowball’s chance that he’d be going back empty handed.
You don’t have to go back at all, a tiny, treacherous voice whispered in the back of his head. He squashed the idea. Of course he was going back! The only reason he’d thought that was because Kikimora would be there. And… he didn’t want to see her again, not the least because she’d attempted to kill him twice. Three times if you counted Eclipse Lake. Yes. That was it. Plus, he had to go back for his palisman, anyway. It might be okay hiding out on its own for a bit until he healed, but he certainly didn’t want to abandon it there forever.
He heard a low, worried warble, and Owlbert flew in, his own cardinal right behind him. Hunter sort of hated how much relief and happiness swept over him when he saw the bird, but he lifted one hand for the palisman to perch on anyway.
The cardinal hopped up his arm, and nestled into his hair with a chirp that Hunter took to mean ‘Hi.’
“Hey, there.”
The palisman snuggled down, gripping his scalp with its tiny claws. Hunter winced.
“Hey, ow!”
It chirped fiercely at him about how he needed to be more careful.
“I got stabbed in the back by my coworker, there wasn’t much I could do about it!”
“Awwww, that’s adorable!”
Hunter groaned as Luz came back in, fawning over the palisman. “What do you want?”
“Just checking in.” She made kissy faces at Hunter’s palisman. “Awwww, he’s curled up in your hair like a blonde nest, that’s so cuuuuuuuuuute!” She pulled out a rectangle and pointed it at him, tapping her side of it. “Say cheese!”
“Hey—heyyyyy, what was that? What was that?”
Luz made another kissy face at his palisman, and turned the rectangle around to show him an image of himself, his palisman firmly rooted in his hair. Wow, he looked awful. “Look how cute the two of you are—best buddies for life! I’m gonna show Amity! She can’t possibly still think you’re going to kill me in my sleep after she sees this!”
“Do not—don’t you dare show Blight that picture!” Hunter swiped at the phone, yelping as his back throbbed.
Luz skipped backwards. “Ehehehe, still too slow!” She grabbed her cloak, heading for the door. “Edaaaa, I’m going to the library, don’t kill Hunter while I’m gooooone!”
“No proooooomiseeeees,” Eda called back, “Have fun, watch out for Kikimora!”
Luz ran out the door. Hunter put his face back in the couch while his palisman chirped comfortingly, wiggling down further into his hair. Never mind. He wouldn’t regret turning that human in to Belos one bit.
Ch 3
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baepsaesbae · 4 years
Personal Galaxy
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Pairing—  Jungkook x female reader
Genre—  SMUT, Fluff, Established relationship au
Warnings— Explicit unprotected sex, slight exhibitionism (they’re outside), oral (m receiving), mild swearing, fluffy boyfriend vibes that will make you love Jungkook even more 
Word count—  ~4.1k
About—  You and your boyfriend, Jungkook, decide to go stargazing as a special treat for your anniversary. 
A/N— Happy Birthday Jungkook! This was a collab with @goldenclosetnetwork for their Golden Closet Net Jungkook Birthday Project. I hope you guys like it, please let me know what ya think! (also this beautiful banner was whipped up in record time by the marvelous @kimtaehyunq)
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After college starts, summer is no longer a relaxing season dedicated to lounging around and goofing off with friends. Unfortunately, now summers were filled with internships or temporary summer jobs. You got the short end of the stick though, as your summer was going to be filled with summer classes. Along with taking summer classes, you had to deal with the grueling heat. Walking back and forth from your classes to your dorm was quite an ordeal, as the sun drained you of all your energy. 
Your only solace of not going home was that you were close to your boyfriend, Jungkook. You guys started dating towards the end of the spring semester, so the relationship was somewhat new. He was nothing but incredibly sweet to you, and you honestly could not believe you were dating him. From what you observed, he was basically perfect. 
At first you thought he was a little shy, but when you got to know him, you soon realized he’s just a huge lovable dork. He loved gaming, and bragged about what his rank in League of Legends used to be (platinum, he was in the top 8% of all people who played). You tried to take him seriously, but you couldn’t help but laugh. You didn’t laugh because you were making fun of him, you laughed because he was just too cute. You adored the way his eyes twinkled when he talked about what he was passionate about. He would get lost in his own world and ramble on before he realized you were still there. At that point he would reach out and pull you into a hug and ask about your day.
After a long day of listening to a boring chemistry lecture, you finally got back to your dorm. You freshened up with a quick shower and collapsed into your bed. You were about to drift off when your phone starts to buzz. It was a video call from Jungkook.
“Hey baby what’s up?” Jungkook beamed on the other end. It looked like he just got out of the shower too.
“Hey Kookie. I’m done with class for the day. Have I told you how much I hate chemistry?” you groaned in response.
“Plenty of times. In fact, multiple times a day. Can’t blame you though. You can relax when I come see you this weekend,” Jungkook tried to cheer you up. 
Jungkook lived about an hour away from campus, so he stayed in a dorm during the school year. However, he went home during the summer break. With that being said, he insisted on coming down to see you every weekend. At first you protested, arguing that gas was too expensive and the commute would take too much time. But he simply said, “I just want to see my girl. What’s so wrong with that? It’s no one’s decision but mine.” You couldn’t argue with him after that.
“Why don’t we do something different this weekend?” you asked. This weekend would mark your 3 month anniversary. 
“Yeah? Like in the bedroom?” he was intrigued. 
“No! I mean...sure? Wait no that’s not what I’m talking about right now, you dingus. Why don’t we get away or something? There’s a park about an hour away that is known for stargazing! They have their own observatory and all that. Would you wanna--”
“Yes. Let’s do it.” Jungkook didn’t even let you finish. You knew he’d be excited. Along with videogames, anything pertaining to outer space had his heart. He loved reading about various stars, and was always hypothesizing how space travel would work.
The weekend couldn’t come fast enough. You spaced out in lecture often, but now you definitely couldn’t focus. The thought of being hand in hand with Jungkook while traversing the trails together was enough to make your heart flutter. That, coupled with the fact that you two would be under the stars without any air pollution, really had you on Cloud 9. 
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You gleefully hopped into Jungkook’s car in the late afternoon. Jungkook was wearing his favorite bucket hat with his usual casual clothes. 
“Hello beautiful,” Jungkook leaned over to kiss you, “Let’s go get our dinner. How do ready made sandwiches sound?”
“Sounds perfect! Why don’t we get some fruit too?” you sat back in your seat.
“Ohhh healthy. Yes ma’am we can do that.” he drove to the closest supermarket. 
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“Hey babe, let’s get this bread,” Jungkook joked as he picked up a sandwich. You couldn’t help but laugh at his little one-liner. You both love that meme. You guys strolled over to the fruits section. Of course, there had to be a debate over which fruits to get.
“It’s hot outside so why don’t we get watermelon?” you suggested.
“Mm that’s a good point. But watermelons are basically just water. Why don’t we get pineapples instead? We can see if that myth really is true?” Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows at you. 
“You dog!” you playfully slap his arm, “Let’s get both then. The more the merrier.”
“Okiedokie. Don’t act like you don’t wanna try the pineapple trick though,” he teased.
“Maybe I do. What of it?” you retorted.
“Nothing. That’s perfect for me,” he winked as you guys went to checkout.
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The drive to the park was relaxing. Jungkook played his music and sang along to all the songs. You occasionally chimed in whenever you knew the lyrics, but you preferred to listen to him instead. Even when he was messing around, his angelic voice was still euphoric. You were pleasantly surprised when he first sang in front of you. You didn’t think it was possible to hear an angel up close. 
Getting away from the city was something you needed. As the tall buildings faded in the background, a more sparse landscape came into view. You loved the open road. Sure, the neverending grass and scattered trees weren’t the most breathtaking view, but it was pleasant nonetheless. You saw the occasional cow or horse, and never failed to point them out to Jungkook. He would always respond with a “wow!” or a “so cute!” and chuckle at you. Everything you did was so adorable to him, though he wasn’t the most vocal about all that mushy stuff. He was sure he had already fallen in love with you, but he wasn’t sure if you felt the same yet. He’d keep that to himself for a little bit longer.
The park itself was nothing grand. It being closer to the coast meant that it was a little on the swampy side. After several attempts to make sense of the provided park map, Jungkook finally found a parking lot.
“Okay according to the map, this is the closest parking lot to the observatory. I think there’s a trail nearby too,” you say as you hand him the map.
“Let’s go!” Jungkook leapt out of the car before he could even see you trying to give him the map.
Jungkook grabbed the food from the backseat as you got out of the car. Sadly, neither of you had a stereotypical picnic wicker basket, so everything was just in the plastic shopping bag from the store. That didn’t make it any less charming when Jungkook started swinging the bag back and forth in one hand while doing the same thing to your hand on his other side. 
The sun was beginning to set, but you could still feel its warmth in the breaks between the shady parts of the trail Jungkook led you on. The trail itself was basically a small gravel path that led from the parking lot to a picnic site overlooking a swampy lake. The trees that grew in the open grove by the picnic tables were extremely old, as they loomed high overhead. 
Neither of you had spoken since you left the car. You were both enjoying the fresh air and new sights. The candid sounds of nature filled the air. From the buzzing of the cicadas, to the occasional whooping of unseen birds, the authenticity of it all had you in a trance. Jungkook squeezed your hand and you snapped back to reality. Your eyes wandered back to him to see a soft smile on his face. 
“Is this table okay, baby?” he looked at you with his doe eyes.
“Yeah it’s good. Do you like this place so far?” you asked as you started to get the food out.
“I do. It’s beautiful. Everything is just so...natural. Obviously,” he chuckled, “The scenery is the second most beautiful thing here.”
“Mm okay I’ll bite. What’s the first most beautiful thing here?” you cocked your head in amusement.
“Me, of course! Why would you even ask that when you already know the answer?” he laughed. 
“Oh you’re so right. How silly of me. I have your food here, you dork. Do you wanna start with the pineapples or watermelons first?”
“Let’s open the watermelons since it’s still kinda hot out,” he plopped down beside you.
You foolishly skipped lunch, so your stomach was killing you. Jungkook joked that it sounded like a dying cat during the car ride. Sometimes it got so loud that he could hear it over his music. He wanted you to eat while he drove, but you refused because you wanted to eat together. Thinking back, you realized you could have fed him while he was driving. It’s not an issue anymore though, not when you’re both wolfing down your sandwiches. The watermelon was definitely a good choice, as it was a perfect weapon to combat the heat. 
There was a gazebo next to the water that allowed visitors to get a better view of the swampy environment. You led Jungkook over to it after packing up the leftovers (only a few pineapples were left). The water was murky, most of the vegetation that surfaced looked dead, and everything put together made the place seem perfect for filming a swamp horror film. Despite all of that, you couldn’t help but think it was still beautiful. Upon a closer look, you spotted some small turtles on the closest log by the gazebo. Of course you excitedly pointed them out to Jungkook, who cooed at how cute they were. Jungkook brought you closer to him so he could hug you from behind and rested his chin atop your head. He loved the height difference between you two, it always made him feel like that much more of YOUR man. He also mercilessly teased you for being short, but that was just an added bonus. 
“Do you feel relaxed?” he whispered in your ear before nibbling it.
“I feel so relaxed, darling,” you say, leaning into him, “The sunset is gorgeous out here. Even if it feels like we’re about to get attacked by a swamp creature at any second.”
“Yeah, instead we’re being attacked by a billion fucking mosquitoes. Babe, I don’t think your bug spray is working,” Jungkook swatted away the hovering pests.
“But my mom got it for me! It’s supposed to be a more organic and natural spray,” you pout.
“Well, I’m sorry but your mom’s organic bug spray isn’t doing shit. In fact, I feel like it’s attracting them,” his swatting became more forceful. 
“Oh, you’re not even getting bit. They’re all over ME,” you say as you started to feel insanely itchy all over your arms and legs, “Let’s go to the observatory, the sun has already begun to set. Also there are probably more mosquitoes here by the water, so let’s get the hell away from that.” 
“There’s still about half an hour of sunlight left,” Jungkook observed after checking his phone, “We have some time to kill. Wanna check out more of this trail?”
“Sure. As long as it leads away from the water,” you shrugged as you followed Jungkook into the forested area.
Golden hour shone down through the trees. The rays made Jungkook glow and look even more ethereal. He rubbed his thumb over your hand as he led you down the trail. You absentmindedly brought his hand up to your mouth to plant a soft kiss on the back of it. 
“I haven’t seen anyone on this trail the entire time we’ve been here,” Jungkook observed.
“It’s nice. It’s like our own little sanctuary,” you agreed.
“And you look so cute in that outfit of yours,” Jungkook’s voice lowered.
“What are you suggesting, Jungkook?” you played along, caressing his bicep. 
Jungkook abruptly led you off the beaten path, into a more heavily wooded area. He spun you around into a deep kiss, backing you up against a tree. You palmed him through his pants, finding him already half hard.
“What if we get caught?” you huffed into his mouth.
“Doesn’t that make it more exciting?” he said as he nipped at your neck while fondling your breasts. 
“I’m gonna have bug bites on my ass,” you laughed.
“I’ll bite your ass when we get back to even it out,” he chuckled into another kiss.
You forcefully switched positions with Jungkook as you tugged off his pants. You kissed along his jawline and down his neck before sinking to your knees in front of him. His erection bulged in his underwear, begging to be set free.  
You teasingly licked him over his underwear, making him groan. As much as you wanted to continue teasing him, you didn’t want to get caught before he actually had the chance to fuck you.
You pulled off his underwear, leaving him fully exposed. You delicately kissed the tip of his penis like it was some sort of polite greeting. Then, you lewdly flattened your tongue on the base of his cock and licked a long stripe upwards and finished at the top with a swirl. You hollowed out your cheeks as you sucked him off at a repetitive pace. 
“Do you want me to fuck you here, baby?” Jungkook huffed above you.
You looked up at him with innocent eyes as you deepthroated him. Saliva dripped off his cock and down your chin, a sight that would make any man sweat. You nodded and released him with a satisfying *pop*. 
“You’re so fucking sexy. Switch places with me and face the tree,” he commanded. 
You did as he said, bending over at the waist. He tugged off your bottoms, revealing your dripping core. He tantalizingly ran his tip along your folds.
“Hurry up! I don’t wanna get caught,” you complained as you wiggled your butt at him.
“So impatient,” Jungkook admonished as he slapped your ass.
You didn’t have time to complain because he jammed his dick into you immediately after his slap. You instinctively covered your mouth to suppress your moans. Your free hand toyed with your clit, rubbing it intensely. The thought of being caught at any second had you even more wet than usual. Jungkook noticed.
“You’re so wet. I’m gonna cum in no time,” Jungkook groaned as he thrust deeper into you. 
Jungkook released his load into you. You moaned as you felt his hot juices fill you up, mixing with your own mess as it dribbled down your legs. Jungkook gave your ass one last slap before rummaging for a spare napkin in the picnic bag. He cleaned you up as best as he could, but you desperately needed a shower. That’ll have to wait.
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Retracing your steps, you both wound up back at the parking lot, which was perfect because the trail to the observatory was just on the other side. The once empty parking lot was now nearly full as the new arrivals made their way towards the observatory. The sun was almost fully set at this point, so it was getting a little hard to see.
“Babe look!” Jungkook shouted as he pointed to a little creature that scurried in front of you. You jump back from his sudden yell, and then lock eyes with the possum that stood in your path.
“I don’t know whether to be scared or to call it cute,” you say, clinging tightly onto Jungkook’s arm as the possum lost interest in your staring contest and continued on its journey. 
“I would say it’s cute. As long as it doesn’t attack you. Oh holy SHIT babe don’t look up!” Jungkook found himself frozen in place. 
“Huh why-- OH MY FUCKIN GOD!” you neglected to heed his warning. Looming about two feet above Jungkook’s head was a gigantic spider. The web it was dangling from was enormous. You hate all kinds of insects (yes a spider isn’t an insect, but it falls under the creepy crawly category so you hate it too) but spiders are by far the scariest to you. After you screamed you clutched Jungkook’s arm tighter, probably cutting off his circulation. 
“Okay okay just close your eyes and keep close to me. It seems like those guys are strung along the entire path,” Jungkook kept you by his side as you guys progressed past the trees. You helplessly kept your eyes closed and completely relied on Jungkook to guide you. Thankfully, it only took about three minutes to get past all the trees; the observatory was in an open clearing. Jungkook gave you the ok to open your eyes again.
“Thank you Kookie, you’re so sweet to me,” you kissed Jungkook softly on the cheek.
“Usually I’d make fun of you, but those things kinda freaked me out. So I could only imagine how scared you’d be of them. Don’t worry baby, I’ll protect you,” Jungkook returned your affection with a kiss on the forehead. 
The line for the main telescope was already long, so you guys ventured off to one of the smaller ones instead. There were three big telescopes in the overall observatory. Amateur stargazers were scattered around the deck with their personal telescopes. You saw them letting other people see through them, so you made a mental note to check them out after the main telescopes. The sun had finally set, and now the dark sky was illuminated with shining stars. 
As you waited in line, you looked back at Jungkook, who hadn’t let go of your hand this entire time. His eyes were glued to the wonders above him. His doe eyes were wide and twinkled more than you’ve ever seen before. His mouth was agape and you were amused by how captivated he was; everything about this boy was so pure. It was in that moment that you realized you had fallen head over heels for him. You wanted to tell him you loved him right then and there, but you held your tongue. You were worried that he didn’t feel the same way. Hopefully one day he could return the sentiment, but for now you will keep those three words to yourself. 
“You lot are pretty lucky! It had been cloudy for the past week. Tonight’s the first night that the sky’s been clear. It’s also the perfect night to view Saturn!” the telescope’s attendant informed the people in line.
You and Jungkook were the next people to go. You were amazed at how big the telescope was, and this wasn’t even the big main one yet. You went first. You climbed up a small step stool to get to the eye piece. You peered into it and was amazed by what you saw. The image was not the clearest, but it was pretty evident that you were looking at Saturn because of the iconic rings. Of course you could look up better pictures of Saturn online, but seeing it for yourself made it more special. Experiencing it all with Jungkook was something you would not trade for the world. You waited for Jungkook outside after you finished.
“Wasn’t that incredible ___?! We actually saw all the rings! And it’s a pretty color! I mean it’s like a reddish brown. We can call it a rusty color because that sounds cooler...ah I can’t wait to go to the main telescope,” Jungkook grabbed your hand and bounded to the next line. Watching him get so excited was enough to make getting eaten alive by mosquitoes worth it (yeah, they never ceased their attack on you).
“Is this the best date you’ve ever been on then?” you squeezed his hand as he continued to bounce up and down. His abundant energy always amazed you, and certainly came in handy in certain situations *wink wink*. 
“Oh is this a date? What? Do you like me or something, ___?” he teased, looking down at you, “Yes, this is hands down the best date I have ever been on. Thank you for suggesting this babe,” he grabbed your other hand and pulled you in for a kiss. You weren’t fond of PDA, but you’re willing to make an exception for Jungkook. 
The wait in line lasted for about half an hour, and you wondered which celestial being this telescope was being focused on. Everything around the observing deck was kept dark to make it easier to see through the telescopes. It was also advised to not look at any phone screens because your eyes would have to readjust to the darkness afterward. You and Jungkook complied with the tip for the optimal viewing experience. Jungkook was rambling about UFO conspiracy theories when you interrupted him by pointing out the fireflies behind him. They danced in the darkness of the open air, and it was your turn to be captivated. Yes, you hated insects, but fireflies had a special place in your heart. You thought they were fairies when you were younger, and you would spend hours playing with them. Your parents would even help you catch them. The nostalgia that hit automatically put a smile on your face. 
“You’re adorable, you know that ___?” Jungkook smiled as he wrapped his arms around you, “I wish you’d look at me that way,” he pouted.
“Oh shut up Kookie. I do look at you that way, but you never notice,” you stuck your tongue at him. Jungkook laughed in response. His laughter stopped and his eyes widened when he realized you guys were next in line.
“What is this one looking at?” Jungkook asked the telescope attendant. 
“Oh, all three of these are pointed at Saturn,” he replied.
“Oh no, we waited in line for so long just to look at the same thing,” you said, shoulders sagging.
“Awesome! Since this one is the biggest, does that mean that we’ll get a better view than the other two telescopes?” Jungkook asked, his eyes twinkling once again.
“Uh, technically yes. But only slightly better, you probably wouldn’t be able to tell the difference,” the attendant replied as he let Jungkook enter.
From the way he asked, it probably didn’t bother Jungkook that he’d be seeing the same thing again. Once it was your turn, you realized the attendant was right. There wasn’t much of a difference in the quality of the image you were seeing, but it didn’t make personally seeing Saturn any less magical. 
“Seeing it a second time was super cool. Can you believe it? People a hundred years ago would have never thought they’d see Saturn with their own eyes!” Jungkook greeted you when you came out. 
“Yeah that’s all pretty dope, but I kinda wanted to see something else. Maybe some of the people who brought their own telescopes are looking at other things,” you took Jungkook’s hand and made a beeline to the amateur stargazers.
There was an interesting assortment of telescopes there. Some were big and bulky, some were sleek and aesthetically pleasing, and some just straight up looked like weapons. Multiple people were willing to let you both look through their telescopes. You both saw an additional two stars whose names you will never remember, along with seeing Saturn one last time. 
You and Jungkook stood in the middle of the deck, gazing upwards to soak in the clarity of the stars before your departure. As if the night couldn’t get any more magical, a shooting star streaked across the sky. Oohs and aahs were heard from people in the general vicinity when they saw it too. Jungkook pulled you close to him, his face inches from yours.
“You know, maybe we were lovers in a past life, because I feel like I’ve known you forever. I think you’re the most special thing in this universe. Thank you for today,” Jungkook said tenderly. 
“You’re welcome, darling. I would give you the whole world if I could,” you smiled, slowly leaning closer to him.
“For you, my dear, I’ll give you your own personal galaxy,” Jungkook practically whispered as he cupped your face and brought you in for a kiss. The kiss was the epitome of sweet, as his soft lips brushed against yours without much force. You swear you’ve never been happier in your life. Thank the stars for Jeon Jungkook.
Published September 4th, 2020. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2020 Baepsaesbae.
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miss-tc-nova · 3 years
Events Unchanged - Xehanort x Eraqus
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So THIS is my final piece for the @checkmate-zine. I had a blast writing it and it’s probably one of my favorite pieces I’ve ever written. Please check out the other creators on this project because they are all absolutely amazing.​
Music Inspiration: End In Tragedy and MIssing You by Set It Off
Art by my queen @kingdomcarrots​
               The castle looms over the young man. This being his first stop, he’s not entirely sure he’s in the right place, or rather, the right time. The description of the place matches up, but he could be anywhere from minutes to decades off with no idea how to tell. Additionally, if he’s jumped even a minute too far, that complicates the whole plan.
               With really no other choice, he climbs the steps to the front door, letting himself in. He’d heard a little of this place, seen a few paragraphs in books, but the Land of Departure is such a small world compared to Scala Ad Caelum. However, this is very obviously an off-shoot of the Scala training school; the only real difference lies in the missing inhabitants. Such spacious halls lack the chatter of students and staff despite the well-kept appearance.
               “Identify yourself.”
               He stops. That gruff voice rumbles with the faintest hint of familiarity. Curiosity piqued, the young man turns back.
               It has to be him; it couldn’t be anyone else. Aside from that traditional style and the Master’s Defender prepared to strike, Xehanort could never mistake those eyes and no amount of hostility could mislead him. There’s no doubt now that Xehanort is far into the future, not while he stares at the aged face of the man Eraqus is to become.
               He looks worn, as if the years have been long and hard and those scars prove nearly as much. That welcoming cheer from their very first meeting has been replaced by sheer apprehension, likely caused by his arduous life. It seems he’s become the soldier his parents always pushed him to be; and yet, surely, he can’t have forgotten his beloved.
               Cautious hands lift to push the hood back and reveal the face hiding beneath.
               Shock takes over the old warrior’s expression. “Xehanort?!”
               “Eraqus.” It’s all Xehanort can come up with in his uncertainty.  
               “How is this possible?!” Resumed suspicion reaffirms that fighting stance.
               First and foremost, Xehanort has a mission, one that could potentially fix everything that went wrong in their lives. They could have everything they lost, including the happiness stripped from them far too soon. Additionally, this is Eraqus, the one who saved Xehanort from self-destruction and gave him the motivation to do all these incredible things. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do to ensure Eraqus’s happiness. However, the stubborn blueblood often disapproved of Xehanort’s methods as of late and perhaps that’s only gotten worse as the years passed—perhaps plans should be kept quite even from one’s most precious. Having been caught here in the future, Young Xehanort must pick carefully which truths to divulge.
               A soft exhale calms the nerves. “I’m from the past,” the traveler confesses. “Brought here by the version of me from this time.”
               “How? What for?” Eraqus demands. “What proof do you have for any of this?”
               “I can’t say how or why but…”
               A well-seasoned Master Eraqus is probably not a fight Xehanort wants to pick, but he’ll need something personal to convince this man of the truth. He knows just the memory, but it’s not pleasant.
               Xehanort’s gaze drops to the floor. “You once caught me on the roof of the citadel. You told me…that if I couldn’t find a reason not to step off, then you would make one.”
               Eraqus’s mouth presses into a thin line; they never told anyone of that incident.
               “So what are you doing here?”
               Shaking off morbid memories, Xehanort replies, “Like I said, I can’t tell you that, but I need to find myself from this time. Is he here?”
               Eraqus wears a heavy pity that agitates Xehanort—he may still be young with much to learn, but he’s never taken kindly to pity.
               “You don’t know anything. You just left, didn’t you…”
               “I left Scala several hours ago,” the youth says. That empathy grows. “Why?”
               “You…Your older self doesn’t come by often.”
               This is unexpected. Even as he left, Xehanort fully intended to visit his significant other once he got things set in motion. Besides, Xehanort is greedy—he knows it. He’s got only the sparsest restraint when it comes to indulging in his partner’s presence, so this statement by the man at the heart of that avarice makes no sense.
               “Why not?” Xehanort is not going to remain calm if that look of condolence continues. “When does he come by?”
               There’s a solemn shake of the old man’s head. “He doesn’t.”
               “What do you mean he doesn’t?!” Xehanort barks, leather creaking with tightened fists. “He has to come visit you! He wouldn’t leave forever—not when you’re the person most important to him!”
               The outburst does nothing against Eraqus’s empathy. “I’m sorry. Once you left, we started to view things differently. There were things we simply couldn’t agree on.”
               “Then why didn’t you stop me?!”
               “Nothing I said would’ve convinced you to stay.”
               “No!” he shouts. “There’s no excuse! You should have stopped me! If me leaving made you so miserable, you shouldn’t have let me go! You should have cried or begged or even beat me over the head—whatever it took to make me stay!”
               Tears form in the man’s eyes and that unwanted compassion pushes Xehanort past his threshold. With renewed determination, he stalks past the elder to resume the search for his future self.
               A strong fist catches around the young man’s wrist. “Where are you going?”
               His answer is short, sharp. “To do what I came here to do.”
               For the third time, Eraqus presses, “And what would that be?”
               Xehanort glowers. With a vague restraint in his voice, he spits, “I’m a time traveler; what do you think I’m doing here?”
               “You can’t do that! There must be consequences to meddling with the timeline!” protests the elder.
               “YOU THINK I DON’T KNOW THAT?!” the young man roars. “YOU THINK THIS IS JUST SOME STROLL IN THE PARK FOR ME?! OF COURSE I’M TRYING TO CHANGE WHAT HAPPENED AND I DON’T GIVE A FUCK WHAT IT COSTS! IT COULD COST MY LIFE AND I WOULDN’T GIVE A DAMN! THEY DESERVED BETTER! YOU—” Fury falters as the words catch in his throat and the edges of his vision blurs. “You deserve better.”
               Guilt resonates on that marred face; this is why Xehanort never told him. Eraqus had said a million times over that what happened wasn’t Xehanort’s fault, but a deep sadness settled in Eraqus’s heart that was clear to the Seeker. For Xehanort, the loss of his friends was already unbearable enough, but to have the love of his life stuffing down his turmoil behind a flighty façade tipped the scales. So now he’s here.
               With a look of defeat, Eraqus pleads, “Don’t do this. Please.”
               “I’m doing this for you.” Again, the older master begins to argue, but the younger has had enough and pulls away. “You couldn’t stop me then, and based on what I’ve seen today, you can’t stop me now. Take care of yourself.”
               With that, Xehanort leaves.
                 It’s been a few hours since the confrontation, but Xehanort still hasn’t found a single clue to the whereabouts of his present self. He’s hopped a few worlds and even double checked those he’d been drawn to in the past, but nothing comes up. Worst of all, something is pulling him back to the Land of Departure. He can’t shake the feeling that, no matter what Eraqus says, Xehanort would return to him eventually. They must still love each other or else he wouldn’t be here.
               His arrival is noiseless and unnoticed, but with each step closer to the castle, he hears the escalating sounds of a battle. Peering around a pillar across from the castle steps, Xehanort sees Eraqus squaring off with a young, brunette man.
               As he watches, Xehanort notices enough between the two to speculate that there’s a clearly straining relationship. Considering the use of darkness by the younger man and Eraqus’s violent abhorrence of it, Xehanort assumes that’s the cause of the clash. The winner would be an easy call if it were a simple fight, but that boost of darkness significantly closes the gap; so it comes as a surprise when the younger warrior rushes past Eraqus, causing him to stumble. It takes every bit of self-control Xehanort has not to act on protective urges as the Master’s Defender falls from its wielder’s hand.
               Terra, as named by Eraqus, is upset with his success. He cries over it, but his master is the one to apologize, admitting that his own heart is full of darkness. That declaration plays in the gray area of Xehanort’s mind. He already knows Eraqus is a good man with his heart bound to the light. What he doesn’t understand is that light, too, can make mistakes—mistakes which may beget darkness. Xehanort has tried explaining this before, but the noble would have none of it.
               A dark figure at the top of the stairs catches Young Xehanort’s eye too late. A blaring ring fills his ears seeing that man aim a familiar weapon. There’s no time to react; he’s too far away to do anything. Before Xehanort’s very eyes, the man he loves, and should have always loved, fades.
               With the reality of what happened beginning to sink in, his eyes focus on the man strolling down the steps. Anger ignites in his heart until he hears Terra question the stranger.
               “Master Xehanort! Why?”
               Master Xehanort—that man, the very person who killed his beloved Eraqus, is Xehanort himself.
               A dark storm swallows the sky, mirroring the wrath churning in the young man’s chest. With nothing but that rage guiding him, he rushes after the assassin into the dark portal. This new land is empty and barren save the mass of foreboding keyblades strewn about, but Xehanort has other concerns right now. Waiting just outside his attack range is the murderer.
               That man’s voice is filled with the gravel of age, but no remorse can be detected. “I wondered when you would arrive.”
               “You killed Eraqus.” Fists tremble at the young man’s sides, that quivering creeping into his chest.
               “I did.” Only a man scorned like Young Xehanort could withstand those chilling yellow eyes.
               Furious, he yells back, “That’s it?! That’s all you have to say?! How could you?! He was the only reason I didn’t throw myself off the citadel! HE’S THE REASON YOU STILL EXIST!”
               “Ah, the foolishness of my youth.” His casual dismissal drives the young Seeker’s heart rate up.  “It’s true he’s the reason I exist today, but Eraqus’s departure was necessary. You know firsthand how loyal his heart is to the light.”
               The response tears from his throat. “AND THAT’S JUSTIFICATION TO MURDER HIM?!”
               “He just didn’t understand that this is all for him, to create the life that he should’ve had. You knew there were consequences to meddling with time.”
               With no comeback, the young adult sneers, but the old master has one last remark that cuts to the quick.
               “As you said: they deserved better—he deserves better.”
               The words spoken just hours ago, shoved back in his face, incite the anguish burning in his heart. Rationality devolves and Young Xehanort charges his future self.
               All his life, Xehanort let his mind dictate his path. Moves were not made without thought to the consequences, but this—this is something beyond even the purpose of this mission and everything in him is screaming for revenge. Grief and anger cloud his judgement and spur attacks too straightforward to connect, however, that sloppiness doesn’t discourage him.
               Old Xehanort swipes, successfully disarming his younger self, and with the same ruthlessness shown to his former love, he eliminates the man from the past.
               Golden eyes meet gold; even as he’s being dragged back into his own time, the young man emanates his fury.
               Unbothered by the turn of events, the victor simply states, “One day, you will understand.”
               The elder watches his past self disappear among the shadows. It’s unfortunate how naïve he was, but this was to be expected—he and Eraqus had been so in love. Xehanort still possesses those feelings, which is why the decision had been so difficult. There’s a hole in his heart but he understands that sometimes things must be broken for them to become better and that’s the sort of thing the Seeker is betting on.
               In lieu of these unfortunate circumstances, he’s going to have to prepare a backup—to persuade his young self into venturing into the future a second time.
               As the thought occurs, darkness flares from the ground, creating a portal from which steps the young man that just tried to smite him. He’s more prepared than he gave himself credit for. He beckons the young man to follow to discuss the details of their plan. Even as they speak, the senior can see a spark in the new master’s eyes. There’s a curiosity that he will no doubt seek answers for.
               “How is Eraqus?”
               He should’ve known.
               Enacting his hard-earned skill of smothering his emotions, the old man answers, “Eraqus is dead.”
               The youth freezes, clearly distraught. “How?”
               A deep breath conveys true sorrow while concealing the lie. “The same as the others.”
               Hard determination grows on the young man’s face. Knowing that look and knowing himself, old Master Xehanort has ensured his ignorant self’s unquestionable devotion to the mission.
               Despair shakes his heart, waking the young man. Opening heavy eyelids, Young Xehanort finds a room illuminated with soft moonlight. Although this is not his room, it’s still familiar. Normally this place would bring him some solace but the discomfort he feels is intense.
               Whatever this is, it’s akin to a nightmare, slipping from his grasp as he tries to remember; it’s confusing and upsetting and damn near painful. Xehanort has had days where getting up for training was hard, he’s been injured so badly he’s been unable to stand, and he’s suffered unending fatigue at the hands of depression; but none of that compares to the sheer heartache of this moment and he doesn’t even understand why.
               Gentle humming draws his gaze lower and he immediately chokes down a whimper. Pressed flush against him is the love of his life, peacefully snoring away. Even with his messy hair and a little drool, he’s absolutely beautiful. No sight could be more stunning and yet, it’s also the most painful. Whatever vice is clenching down on Xehanort’s heart has to do with Eraqus.
               Of course, Xehanort’s always had those fears that maybe he can’t make Eraqus happy or that maybe he’s not good enough—as quoted by the noble’s parents—but even those feel so trivial compared to this dread. It breaks him more than anything ever has.
               His quivering is impossible to stifle and sniffles begin sneaking past his defense. To make matters worse, his sleeping partner stirs.
               “Xehanort?” Such a sweet sound worsens the turmoil. “Xe, what’s wrong?”
               There it is: the first hiccup that destroys the weary dam holding everything in and he breaks down right there.
               Eraqus doesn’t press for an answer but instead holds his sweetheart tightly. With the unknown sorrow flooding his system, Xehanort sobs into his boyfriend’s chest, desperately hoping to get this misery under control before he has to say goodbye to Eraqus in the morning.
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