#I’m still doing double takes cuz HELLO??????
biantianyang · 1 year
xiao kaizhong’s latest douyin with cai yao!!!
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pengold · 2 months
Okay, so this is the anon that pointed out the gloria name (if its okay i just wanna refer to myself as "💚 anon")
I wanted to ask if you are comfortable with us asking questions regarding the AU? Like- The whole thing with Steven having "nothing to do" with Nacha's husband's death. Especially since said husband was his father's right hand man- does his father know? I'd imagine if he did, it was because of some double crossing or something, but then why would Nacha still be under protection? Would she ever find out? Would his father be upset if he didn't know and found out?
Thats just the first thing i wanted to ask. There's some thoughts/questions I've been thinking about regarding Angus, Izaack, Doppelgangers, and the Doctor. As i said. Your AU is tickling my brain in such good ways, but i want to know if asking is okay
And also, thank you so much for the Angus love- i feel the characters are so underrated compared to the milkman (still love him tho)
Hello 💚 anon and yes you can tots ask questions about the Au (and that goes for everybody)!! Angus and the Selenne are my 2 favs and I love that people like me drawing the “less” popular characters!
As to Steven and the situation with Nacha’s husband: he died in a police sting and Rudboys Sr. thinks there is a rat in his organization. He doesn’t know that it was Steven as he was the one that told the org what went down and he barely made it out. So Steven was put on task of finding the mole while hiding himself. He has seen that he has fooled his dad so he is seeing how he could take over sooner.
He is a naughty boy who is trying to get both the girl and the job.
This is were Izaack comes in, he knows something more went down at that sting and is trying to investigate it. He was best friends with Nacha’s husband when they were younger. Even though they went separate ways and didn’t agree with each others career choices, they kept an eye on each other.
So plan is Steven makes his move on Rudboys Sr., ppl think he does but Nacha saves him and brings him to Dr Afton. Nacha was starting to like Steven, thought him a gentleman and was there for her after her husband’s death. It’s her daughter who doesn’t like him that makes her keep a friendly distance from him. She stumbles upon the confrontation between the Rudboys and learns what happens. She goes to Izaack with the info cuz her husband always talked about him.
That’s all I’ll say on this for now but loving the questions makes me think more about it!!
((Also pls excuse and spelling and grammar errors. English is my only language and I’m bad at it))
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silverzoomies · 9 months
peter maximoff x reader smut drabble
warnings: smut, kissing, vaginal fingering, trans male character, trans!peter, drabble, short one shot, clunky writing
word count: 2,066
a/n: just a little drabble i deleted, then rewrote. wasn't happy with it before. it's nothin' special! just some words about him, as usual,, ,
“Mmmm …listen, I’m gonna be upfront with you. ‘Cuz I like you and stuff…” He stops in the midst of kissing you, his smirk a tad mischievous, “...I’m pretty hard right now.”
Peter says this, and you want to feel flattered. But when you glance curiously down at his jeans for confirmation, you don’t see much of anything. The glimmering denim of his silver pants is arched with a slight, barely noticeable bulge. Puzzled, you do a double take between his lidded eyes, and his crotch.
You’re caught in the middle of two possibilities here. Either he’s messing with you for some dumb reason. Maybe to get a rise out of you. Or, your speedy, silver boy toy’s got a small dick. Not that you’d ridicule him for something as trivial as his size. You like Peter enough, and you’d have no problem overlooking it. There’s plenty of fun to be had without the addition of an enormous Johnson.
Naturally, still, you’re a little intrigued.
You pull the speedster a touch closer, pressing your body against his more strong, masculine form. Feeling adventurous - you usually are in his presence, if only because his reckless nature is so infectious - you reach down to palm at the crotch of his jeans. Your suspicions are confirmed then, when you don’t feel much in your grasp.
Well, that’s not really fair to say. You definitely feel something. But it's not the shape or size you’re used to. Creasing your brows, you find your curiosity piqued. Peter breathes a soft moan, signaling you must be doing something right. He drops his silver head onto your shoulder, goggles nudging your chin, and rolls his hips to meet your touch.
“Keep doin’ that, please?” He begs, “Don’t stop. I really need you.”
Sliding one of his big hands up your skirt, he returns your gesture of intimacy. His fingers caress your clit over the thin fabric of your panties. Astounding, how he found his way there so fast. The men you knew in the past always fumbled for a few seconds before falling on target. But not Peter.
You’d chalk it up to superspeed alone. If it weren’t for the fact that he seems to know exactly how to touch you. Not like any man you’ve ever fooled around with in your life. Was it talent? Maybe he’s just that much of a natural.
He moans your name, kneading your clit over your panties with a small tease of vibrating fingertips. You follow suit, whimpering quietly. Palming his crotch with added pressure. For a few moments longer, the pair of you fondle each other in hushed silence. Exchanging soft sighs of pleasure. Before Peter pulls back, his hand traveling to the button of his jeans.
“Uhhh…I-I’m gonna-uhm…yeah.” He stutters, a little more nervous than you’d normally expect from him, “Is this all cool with you?”
You’re nonplussed that he’d even bother asking. Peter seems to go about this in such a careful way. Instead of just whipping it out, he takes it slow. Uncharacteristically slow. Again, a little different than the men you’ve bedded prior.
You give him a nod, and he breathes deeply. Peter avoids your eyes as he undoes his jeans. Sliding them down his lean hips, he lets the waistband fall past his delectable v-line. You’re surprised to see how hairy he is underneath. Curls of silver cover the skin of his pelvis, all the way to his crotch. Even his thighs are generously decorated in hairs. More than you imagined, anyway.
You blink, parting your lips with a sudden intake of breath.
“Oh…hello!” You chime in a cute, astonished tone.
His cock isn’t at all what you expect. But it reveals something of importance about Peter. Something he’s kept buried from you - and everyone else, you guess - since the moment the two of you met. Your eyes widen, and you tilt your head up. Meeting his pitch black gaze, burning with lust, but riddled with anxious uncertainty.
You reassure him everything’s okay. Not with words, but a gentle kiss to his lips. From here on, everything else is simple, unspoken understanding.
Angling your head down, you watch as he toys with himself. Peter’s dick seems small under the touch of his large fingers, visibly twitching. He rubs the swollen bud and silently curses, biting his lip between his teeth.
“You look gorgeous like this.” You grin, looking into his hooded, tired eyes, “Do you-uhm…” You start, almost too shy to continue. This is all so new to you, “Do you mind if I try?”
Peter hesitates, but nods, moving his hand to give you access. You try to mimic his previous motions, rubbing his pulsating cock between your fingers. Your digits are smaller than his, making his dick look bigger by comparison. Pressing your body into his, you rest your head against his own. Your eyes lock on his dick, fingers sliding along its short length. Rolling in quick motions and pulling husky whimpers from him.
“Oh fuck-” He whines, his hips arching forward, “Legit, that feels so much better when you do it.”
He drives his cock through the firm grip of your little fingers. With each thrust, the hood of his dick pulls back, revealing a smooth, pinkish tip in full. As he moves, you can feel him getting wetter. A slick heat seeps from his front slit, leaking onto your fingertips. You ease your digits near his entrance, stopping before exploring the territory any further.
“Can I touch you here? Or is that-uh…is that, like…a no-no zone?” You ask, awkwardly giggling. With his head still pressed to yours, he nods. Chuckling, “Y-Yeah. Yeah, it’s fine. Just…uh…i-it doesn’t feel as good as it used to? It’s not the same, so…maybe don’t-uhm…y’know…fingerblast me.”
More playful snickers ring out between the two of you, and you nod.
“Okie dokie. I’ll be quick then, ‘kay?” You confirm, before finally pressing your fingers inside.
Tight walls constrict around even the small size of your fingers. You don’t linger for too long, instead gathering what wetness you can. Returning to his sensitive cock, you tease Peter for a minute longer. Rolling his dick with your fingers. Testing different angles for whatever makes him moan the loudest. You’re especially fond of the way his voice breaks when you curl your digits just right.
Finding yourself even more curious, you pull from his fluffy patch of silver hairs. Bringing your hand all the way up to guide him into a heated kiss. Wet fingertips graze his scruffy jawline, as you slide your tongue in sync with his own. Peter hums, kissing you like he never wants to stop.
“I’m gonna ask you a really weird question. So, like-” You mutter into his lips, and Peter leans forward. Chasing your lips and chuckling, “Hey, don’t laugh at me! I’m really tryin’ here!” You giggle, bashful and barely above a whisper.
He can’t help but find your naivety a bit silly. And you can’t help but find his laughs endearing, even if they come at your expense.
“Sorry! Sorry. Yeah, yer right. Go for it.” Peter stifles another chuckle, throwing you a nod of his head, “Shoot yer shot. I’ll answer what I can.”
Replacing your giggly shyness with playful seduction, you drop your hand to his crotch again. Once your fingers find his cock, you slowly tease the twitching bud. Eliciting more of the speedster’s delicious moans.
“As I was saying…” You flutter your lashes, nibbling your lip, “Can you fuck me with it, Peter?”
This instantly flusters him. His dick quivers against your fingers, and Peter swallows a whine. Turning pink around the ears, he curls his nails into your hips. His forehead touches yours, hot breath mingling wih your own.
“Is that what you want, babe?” Peter brings a vascular hand to your cunt, fingers pressing roughly into your clit, “If you want me to? Yeah. I can get down.”
His wording breaks your lustful demeanor. As you erupt into giggles again, you cut yourself off with a needy whimper. Burning fingers slip past the hem of your panties, connecting with your clit. Peter teases you in expert circles, smirking through an aloof expression.
“You gotta ask me nicely, though.” He adds, and you groan. Rolling your eyes.
“Can you please fuck me?” You whine. But he persists, pushing a thick digit through your slit.
“...Please fuck meeeee…?” Peter does a sing-song voice.
Another digit finds its way between your walls. He curls his fingers into a sensitive, squishy spot inside you. Your core tightens.
“Are you fucking se-oh my god!” You groan, feigning annoyance, though your impatience is undeniably real, “Please fuck me, Peter?”
“I was kinda goin’ fer Quicksilver. But, hey, I’ll take it.” Peter jokes, and you fix him with a faux, furious look.
His jeans hang loose around his thighs, but he leaves them there. You don’t mind so much, because he looks pretty hot semi dressed in his Soft Cell t-shirt. Peter retracts his hand as you make a move to shed your skirt and panties. Watching you, he rubs his sensitive cock. Hissing under his breath once you’re bare before him. He moves forward, and again, your foreheads meet.
The two of you keep your lustful gazes cast down, while Peter angles his hips. Guiding his wet, swollen cock to your slick entrance. There’s barely any breach, and it feels more like grinding than full penetration. However, the emptiness doesn’t faze you. It’s the connection between you both that floods you with aching desire.
You angle your hips, rolling your heat onto Peter’s dick. Watching him squirm. His thighs quiver as he fucks you, his strong hands clenching your hips. Overstimulated by the scorching wetness surrounding his cock, Peter gasps strangled whines.
“Ohhh, babe. Baby-” His breath hitches, “Just like that, baby. Fuck. C’mere-”
Peter pulls you even closer, wrapping a muscular arm around your middle and jerking you forward. He speeds his motions to an impossible degree, humping into your cunt at incomprehensible speed. Never once do you protest, no matter how rough his thrusts become. Instead, you let the speedster set his own pace. Until his budding cock literally buzzes between your folds, making you squeal.
Gently grabbing his cheeks, you angle his head so the tips of your noses touch. And you puff short breaths, whimpering for him to keep going. Begging for him to fuck you faster. Your lips meet again then, uncoordinated and desperate.
You keep imagining the way the speedster would look, if you took him home one night and shoved him into bed. You wonder how he’d react if you crawled over him and sucked that perfect cock. Edging him to the point of squirting. If Peter let you, you’d play around with him for hours on end. And maybe shower him in endless kisses and praises after.
Peter squeezes your ass for leverage, driving his dick into your pretty cunt. Reverberating buzzes emanate from his cock, vibrating at a rate so strong; you can feel the tremors reach your core. They shake through your clit. The sensation unexpected, but ethereal. You clutch tightly onto his broad shoulders over his shirt.
“P-Peter, wait-” The dull pleasure drolls on, making you tear up, “I think-...I think I’m gonna cum.”
“Yeah? Me too, babe. Fuck. Me too, me too, me too-” His words spill out in a rushed flurry. Peter moans, guttural and ragged, “Fuckin’ cumming!” He chases your lips, “Kiss me, please, babe. Please?"
You’re eager to comply with his request, capturing Peter in an obscene, wet kiss. Your squeals and moans intertwine with his own in a lewd chorus. Hips rolling as rumbling vibrations and slick heat scorch your veins. Orgasm tears through your core, tightening your cunt and leaking all over his cock. Peter’s dick pulsates between your folds. He makes a mess of himself, squirting and soaking his inner thighs. Staining his boxers and jeans.
Breathless and trembling, he shies away from your lips. A few beats of silence and many, labored breaths later; Peter snorts, gushing with lighthearted laughter. Goofy as anything, always a doofus.
“What’s so funny?” You ask him, hands pressed to his chest. “It’s nothin’. Really.” He shrugs, a handsome smile dawning his flushed face. Dimples present, “Yer just really fuckin’ cute.”
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
let’s talk about that: female ocs.
Anyways, unfiltered Ren speaking hours. I probably should read this over, but it’s late night and I have a lot of emotions/words to speak about this. Purely personal thoughts and advice. You do NOT have to take my advice ofc lmao it’s just smth that works for me. THIS POST WON’T BE CUT, BLOCK ‘LONG POST //’ FOR NOW.
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Hello-hello, my sweetest and most amazing women/female oc writers! My cis women muses, my transwomen muses, my non-binary ladies, all muses who identity as a woman. Also, please correct me if I referred to anyone incorrectly; English is not my first language. I want to make sure it’s about ALL muses who identify as a woman. I’ll correct myself immediately! 
Let’s talk about the state of the RPC towards women muses as I’ve seen it in the recent two-three years and just tell this without any wool over eyes to anyone who would like to write a gorgeous female character of their own creation on Tumblr Dot Com. Let me tell you that this is an arduous road, truly filled to the brim with hardships but the moment you find your niche and your happy place - it’s a delight, it’s heaven, it’s precious. 
I’ll be honest, these are biased from my perspective and may not be agreed on with other people.
How is it being a female oc writer? Let me tell you, who reads this and writes a female character you created from nothing be it for the original lore or for an existing fandom: You’ve got nerves of steel and patience of a saint if you keep up your lady’s blog for longer than a year in this community! It is a slow, tough and hard process to go through but you CAN do it, you fucking can. You can, you will, and you’ll rule. Pick up your crowns for writing such amazing women, you deserve it. You’re doing enough. Don’t give up. I’m sorry things are hard and I’m sorry you might feel unseen or ignored, but know that I may not reach out as a potato or get awkward or just sit in my corner lurking but I SEE you, I SEE how much you put into your amazing woman and I APPLAUD you with such RESPECT. 
What are the most important things when you write a female character on Tumblr to know about?
1) IT’S HARD. It’s very fucking hard. I don’t want to start off this talk with such a low note, but it isn’t easy to be a female original character writer on this website. Some people don’t think it’s this bad until they start to write a female oc because they either have written a canon female character or didn’t see the troubles that the RPC has against originally created ladies. Listen, canon female characters struggle too, either from oversexualization or flat character description/personality that the writers make beautiful on their own or because their character stands between a popular m/m ship and ‘she must die to make this special m/m ship canon or she’s ruining it all!1111!’ (please know it’s very sarcastic but I see this still happen). 
Honestly, any originally created woman in any fandom (and gods, imagine have an ORIGINAL lore) can be looked down at for the sole reason of the stupid ‘shipping’, and yeah, I know, this is 2022 but it’s still prevalent. People may not be aggressive about it but they are very passive aggressive about it in many, many fandoms (As in: remember how we all heard about how shipping with male muses happens vs female muses happens? The way FEM OCs are seen as attention seekers while it’s totally ok for a male character to have like 10+ ships. Or how the double standard of real life goes: a guy slept with many people and he’s a cool dude but if a woman has the same sex life then she’s called all nasty words). But know one thing: It doesn’t matter what you do, some people will fucking judge and come at you because they’re dumb and they’re miserable; stand tall, fuck those people 'cuz they don’t deserve your bright mind and sexy power of creativity. 
THE DOUBLE STANDARDS ARE REAL AND, SADLY, THEY’RE STILL GOING VERY STRONG. You will have to remind YOURSELF how double standards work to also keep yourself sane. Listen, I do that all the time. With my character, to ease my anxiety, I sometimes ask myself: if Zarina were a man, would people be acting weird / angry / accusatory about it? Honestly, helped me see so much clownery in the RPC with that tactic alone. Fuck double standards. 
2) YOU WILL MOST LIKELY REACH OUT FIRST FOR 95% OF INTERACTIONS IN THE BEGINNING. Listen, talking to people is exhausting irl and your social battery will struggle here (I know mine does and then I feel anxious/scared I’m not doing well enough in reaching out lmao so I overcompensate by oversharing and overflowing ppl with info/plots/screams). It’s just a fact, not many people would reach out first in the beginning if you don’t have an awesome group of friends who will support you from the get go. I am blessed with my friends who were the reason I never gave up on Zarina and continued to push and write her. Even today, I still have fear and worry that I don’t offer enough as a female oc when I write lore, extra detailed verses, and try to come up with a ton of plots. Sadly, it is... just how things are sometimes. 
Not many people will dedicate their time in reading the whole about page or they may not remember everything or they may be just confused or something else. It’s heavy, it gets tiring, it’s awful when your ghosted or brushed off because you’re a female oc. It happens. You have to be prepared for that. It does feel like a damn battlefield out here sometimes to get interactions. I - personally - had a strong start thanks to so, so many wonderful people surrounding me and I continue to thank everyone for being supportive. However, not many female oc writers are as lucky as I was when I started, and even then, the death threats/blocks/passive aggressive comments I had witnessed? Yikes. Thankfully, now that I started to keep my boundaries, it’s been a much smoother process.
3) SOME PEOPLE MAY JUST NOT BE INTERESTED AT ALL. And you know? That’s ok. It’s not about you as a writer or a person. It happens. They are not your people. Breathe in, breathe out, and forget about them, move forward. 
4) MY POWERFUL AND VILLANOUS WOMEN, you might be hard pressed by some people aggressively or passively. Sadly, the RPC doesn’t take kindly to a woman who is just as powerful as idk Sosuke Aizen. Like, I kid you not. But also: DO NOT PUT DOWN YOUR WOMEN, WRITE THEM POWERFUL AND FUCK THE SOCIETY FOR TRYING TO DOWNPLAY ‘EM. GIVE THEM A MIDDLE FINGER AND WRITE. I won’t lie, I say this, but I’m still traumatized over my own experience so I fight with worrying over making Zarina too strong... when I made her the most OP creature in her own lore, like the fuck is my anxiety doing to me. I also have to keep reminding myself to stop being a coward when writing dark content that I never romanticize and always make sure everyone knows is fucked up because Zarina is fucked up.
So what is important to keep super close to your heart as an oc lady writer in the rpc?
1) BOUNDARIES. BOUNDARIES. BOUNDARIES. My sweetest writers, I suffer from the intense trauma of how female characters are treated in the RPC: I fight with trying to stop pleasing people, to stop apologizing for my character, to stop feeling like my oc is an overpowered character no one will care about. You might subconsciously bend your character’s abilities or personality so you could get interactions, but do NOT do that. Do NOT allow others tell you how to play YOUR woman. Is she into feminine things? Gorgeous. Is she into masculine things? Gorgeous. Is she into something that others may find weird? Gorgeous. DO NOT CHANGE YOUR LADY TO FIT THE STANDARDS OF OTHERS. Yes, it will cut off some people who might ‘expect a specific type of a female oc to fit their wants’ (which is like wtf) but you’ll cut off weeds which you don’t need OR you will also be able to see people who simply aren’t interested or in some cases are uncomfortable with your type of female muse. It’s fine. You’ll find your people. Be true to yourself, be true to your character, be unapologetic about this because there is nothing to be apologetic about. This is your Queen/Monarch, this is your Goddess/Divinity. You are the creator, it’s YOUR beloved lady and don’t let ANYONE tell you how to write her. 
1.5) PEOPLE MIGHT TRY TO PUSH YOUR BOUNDARIES. It’s rare but it happened to me and several people I know in the past. IT’S OK TO SAY NO, IT’S OK TO DENY A PLOT, IT’S OK TO DENY A DYNAMIC THAT DOESN’T MAKE YOU COMFORTABLE OR GOES AGAINST YOUR CHARACTER’S VIEWS. I’ve had people who tried to write my character’s reactions in a very wrong way since they expected her to be ‘nicer’ in the past or her act ‘nicer’ to other character who she wouldn’t act nice towards. I had to put my hands down and say ‘this isn’t going to happen’. People who refuse to listen to you are not worth it. All of the people I’m surrounding myself with right now (sweet moots I love you) are people who understand Zarina’s personality/views because I explain them and they do not try to change her. Gorgeous. You’re champions. However, NEVER allow another person to walk all over you and your woman. YOUR opinion matters, YOUR character is not just a shipping fodder or their fantasy’s outlet, YOUR character is YOUR treasure so you DO NOT FEEL BAD FOR PROTECTING YOUR TREASURED CREATION. Don’t be afraid to correct people, don’t be afraid to tell the correct way, don’t feel bad for disagreeing with someone. Anyone who makes you feel about about it through writing is a bastard and should be kicked out of your IMs/DMs/Followers’ List. BOUNDARIES ARE A MUST.
2) KEEP YOUR ANON CLOSED. Fools aren’t powerful enough to handle a complicated woman, honestly. It doesn’t matter to those anons what type of a woman you write: powerful, meek, feminine, masculine, etc. Anons will get on your nerves constantly. Imagine writing a morally grey woman who is comfortable with her sexuality and uses her sexuality as a tool while being a cold-hearted bitch? Yes, I’m talking about my character rn because it’s the best example. Do you know how many death threats I received in the beginning for writing an unapologetic woman like Zarina? There wouldn’t be a WEEK without getting those little shits in my askbox calling my muse all sorts of slur, calling me an attention seeker, etc. Like damn some of them were creative in their insults, I was almost impressed if not for my mental health suffering despite ‘not caring’ about others’ opinions but my anxiety sure did and does sometimes because mental health be like that. Yes, there are some nice anons around, but it’s too detrimental for your drive and your mental health to keep those anons on. For your own sake, close that anon and don’t open it at all. Tumblr hate anons have a vendetta against female characters and honestly sounds like an incel problem to me. 
3) THE RIGHT PEOPLE WILL COME, BE PATIENT WITH /YOURSELF/. It’s discouraging, it’s hard, it’s tough, I know, but believe me, there is light at the end of all this struggle. Continue to expand your OC’s story, personality, writing. You are wonderful for what you are doing and you are gorgeous. You are doing so much. Some people won’t interact with you and that’s ok, it’s not your fault and you are beautiful, so is your fantastic lady. Continue ruling with your queen and don’t let anyone ever tell you anything different. 
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white-eden · 2 months
Your brain is so wrinkly ??
Like Your and tumblr posts about Jinwoo and Ha-Neul are so cute?? Jinah is so real for everything she’s doing and saying. I too squealed at the rom-com moment Smol boi jinwoo- who’s got an unknowing crush right now I see you- and best girl Ha-neul were having in chapter 5. I agree with Jinah btw she gives bunny vibes frfr
I want to put them both in my pocket bc I love them so much.
Thanks for writing this fic. I think it’s super neat that you’re writing it two years before jinwoo goes from “hello sir I’ll have her home by 11” to “your girl calls me daddy too.” I don’t think I’ve seen a fic thats really explored that like this just yet so I think it’s awesome and I think you’re doing a great job ♥️
Thank you!!! Gosh this game me a mini heart attack cuz I didn’t get at first the “your brain is so wrinkly?” (Sorry English is my second language 🙇🏻‍♀️) but as I continue reading this I couldn’t help but feel so happy and fuzzy!
Because I’m still nervous by writing this fic but at the same time I can’t help the need to give smol jinwoo his happy moments! 💕 he deserves a break and someone who can pamper him and give him lots of hugs and kisses!! 💕💞
I’m still working on chapter 6 probably halfway? (It’s already done but that’s the first draft) I take time to double check in both languages, and ended up adding more or fixing before posting! But I’m almost there 💕 then again thank you!! I love this comments! It really gives me lots of joy and a big boost of energy!
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trenchcoatsbi · 3 months
*kicks open door, holding a bag of stuff. I have serveral new features added to whatever form that my almalgmation of kintypes is and have somehow obtained glowing eyes*
Hi :D
Haha I'vee been taking a small mental health break (and honestly still on it but i miss you guys :( ) and wanted to check in :D
some Fun things that have happened: - pokemon hyperfix go brrrr - danganronpa hyperfix go brrrrr (do not ask. i do not know how. i am in hell /vvpos) - hi hello remembered that I have a batim kintype and I am going to make it everyone's problem (it's your favorite musician who was very gay for the projectionist (remember my holw 'fuck the 18/1900s' bout racer? yeah. double it)) - um. might be kinsidering a danganronpa AU I made. this is a very small potental but hey constelic is rarely normal /lh - following that. the following stels have been added to The Horde: Prune juice cookie, candy diver cooker, molten freddy, the puppet, my other smp character, allister (from pokemon) & Angel (from a pkm au i created). Don't know how long these'll stick around but at this point i'm just *head in hands* - I joined a small origins SMP!!! I'm a starborn and vibing!!! I made a friend who's collectivly a sculk origin and we live on a mountain together and curse the sun :D - my entire jazz/hiphop class is being very malocually compliant bc we have no free will /dramatic (really we just can't dive into the more hiphop parts & we didnt have theme/song/outfit choice. hey the teacher is in the same boat so-) - i found a new love for writing and drawing!! i'm just vibing and living my life :3
so yeah, not a whole lot has happened but i wanted to update you guys cuz i miss you :( - Voidling Anon
ahwhaghg I’ve missed you too Voidling! ‘m really glad to hear from you!!! hope your mental health break is treating you well!
-> Yoo hyperfixations go brrrr! I know nothing of danganronpa beyond jokes my friends make abt it but I’m a pokemon guy. It rarely hits nowadays but I can watch people play or talk abt pokemon all the time!!!
-> Ooo new kintypes revealed let’s go!! those are all so cool!
-> Aww that’s nice :]! I love playing MC with friends and the origins mod is so fun ajslkfs
-> ooo that sounds rlly interesting! jazz/hiphop class sounds hella interestin. hope thats fun!
-> And raghgg writing/drawing my beloved! I’ve been drawing alot more again too! Vibing and making fanart for my blorbos :]
thanks for the update!! I would update u on me but i have nothing going on lmao it’s just me sitting around watching streams and drawin and stuff lol
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dr-aphelion-flight · 2 years
Chapter 1 | Accomplice Reveal 1.2
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Done by: Anya
Rolling his shoulders, he does his best to hold onto that aura of calm and cool. This was what he expected. This was all apart of the plan, down to giving himself up. He doesn’t shy away from the scorn thrown his way- if anything, his attitude invites it. They still don’t know who he is, and that is just how he likes it.
Carefully, Kojo rolls some unspoken words over his tongue. Weighing his options.
“Lot’s wrong with me! Maybe I like a little drama, maybe I like a little chaos. That’s what Gekko thought, anyway, n’ he was damn right.” As if he’s just remembered something, he unfolds his arm and reaches between the cuffs of his layered sleeves. “Wasn’t really an impression until a little while ago, smalls. The guy was a damn good hypnotist— he was helpin’ me even after death! I only knew him well enough to keep up the act during the trial.”
A piece of paper falls out of his sleeve. To his credit, Kojo unrolls it delicately. “Gekko n’ Sviatlana had their own lil’ plan to save the Earth, so their double-death was none of my business. I made those blueprints, yeah, but I’m only wearing’ this stupid outfit cuz Gekko asked me if I wanted to trick Malican. N’ I said hell yeah to it all, cuz’…” Nobody can see the way he glances to the side. He elects not to finish that thought, and presents the sheet of paper — which, at long last, has the handwriting to match the post-it notes.
“Why don’t’cha hear it from the man himself, huh?” The note goes as follows:
Hello, my friends!
Ah, I imagine some of you might not be so happy about my little trick. I will take full responsible for both my and Svi's deaths; and I will admit, that they weren't as gung-ho over the initial concept as I was, aha. But...all parties involved, were entirely willing. Sacrifice is important sometimes, no?
When I heard the threat we all did...I wanted to do everything I could, to prevent one of us from taking another's life. At least...in the way that our horrible host intended! Threats of punishment, of betrayal, of something that could very well cause the death of our home, as well--
I wouldn't have it. And I realize that's selfish of me! Ha, aha...I don't mean to be a hero. Svi was willing to take the fall with me, as well. I felt as if...for something to test the rules of the game. To see how much, or how little, our host really new....we needed numbers, on our side. I wanted to see if we could fool our host! I wanted to...avoid, a true killer. To put off worse punishment, as long as we possibly could. I wanted t see what sort of trick we could pull, indeed.
And that includes dear Kojo, as well.
I told you this before, as well, my good friend! I believe in EVERYONE! You, included.
And you going along with this game, trying to prove our trick...shows that faith was not misplaced. You're a good fellow. Better than you'd have others believe!!
I'm sorry, everyone, if I've disappointed you. I'm sure you'll find my final logs, soon! And...a tag, for my cat. Her new collar, if someone could get that back for me, aha.
Well. I needn't waste your time, any longer.I say it, in earnest. Thank you, everyone.
And that's....my final, FAREWELL!!
0 notes
celamoon · 3 years
Hello! I’m not sure if you still write for saiki but can I request Kusuo with a s/o or crush that has adhd. Like their mind works faster than they can speak so sometimes they have days where they can speak normally and other days where they sound like they’re having a stroke (the sentence they form in their head sounds fine but when they’re speaking it comes out completely different to what they actually wanted to say), they unintentionally space out a lot or get distracted easily, they can remember random or unimportant details, but can’t remember important things like answers for a test or something (For example I can remember what my friends interests or a random conversation I had 5 years ago, but I have to write down my own address cuz I still can’t remember it completely even tho I’ve lived there for over a year🥲), they hyper fixated on random things or subjects, etc. I hope it’s not too much or anything, if it’s something you’re not comfortable with it’s fine. Have a nice day!❤️
ty for the request love! I'm not too familiar with writing for ADHD but I'll try my best! Lmk if anything is icky <3
Tumblr media
Pronouns: They/them
So let's establish smth rlly quick
Saiki falling in love with you caught both of you off guard
Your mind? A work of art
Saiki's hooked
And you're incredible
A jack of all trades thanks to your hyperfixations
Also, you can't remember what the formula for a triangle is but you can somehow recite Newton's third law of gravity?????
Or how you know it takes 30 minutes to bleed out and not know what a^2 + b^2 = c^2 is
Like Y/n you work of art I love you
Saiki probably read your mind on accident at first while you were "cAn wE preTeND thAt AirPLaNEs In thE nIGht SkY" internally and rick-rolling the life out of him
"NeVEr gONnA GiVe You UP" or something and Saiki's like did I just get rick-rolled-
Let's be honest, you were probably the one who confessed to Saiki
Your mind runs faster than your mouth so you probably went "oh by the way I really like you- OH and then my cat George nearly choked me to death the other day"
and Saiki does a double take and you're like Oh shit I said that on accident-
Saiki and you just start dating from there on
Saiki loves it when you hyperfixate!!
he could listen to you ramble about the new hyper fixations for hours
headcanon that Saiki is rlly clingy in private
so you'll be rambling about your new hyper fixation, stumbling over your words every now and then but Saiki won't have any trouble keeping up since he's reading your mind
ehem back on topic
And when you space out with Saiki, he keeps an eye (keeps his attention) on you
Just in case you get isekaied or fall head first down the stairs
I have a feeling that once Saiki gets reaaallly comfortable with you he straight up starts listening in on your inner narrative
like "Then John fell off a kiwi"
"John fell off a what-"
And you probably found out he could read your mind like that
you prolly cried bc you were scared or insecure and Saiki was so ready to fight whoever made you cry.
Making his little one cry??? I hope you're ready to taste lava-
Have fun bleeding out of every single pore in 3 months <3
All in all, Saiki loves you more than... more than coffee jelly-
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widow-maximov · 2 years
Sorry to double send, I realized my ask probably may not have been detailed enough
I imagine like reader works at a bookstore or library or cool store of some kind. And Wanda walks in lookin Daddy af but is polite and kind of a gentleman ya know? Like she’s confident and definitely flirting with reader but in a gentle kinda soft not to forward way. But reader is just fumbling anyway cuz hello Wanda Maximoff is in front of her smiling at her.
Also picturing Wanda like wearing a short sleeve shirt that’s like tight on the sleeves or something OR she’s wearing a button up with the sleeves rolled up (AHHH) and yes so I’m imagining her leaning on the counter just casually flexing and her shirt already shows off her biceps but reader (me) is trying not to faint
Also picturing Wanda genuinely wants to get a book or whatever thing she decides to buy if not a bookstore and it’s like a cool af book. And reader is like 😍 —-If you need book ideas you could do Kindred by Octavia Butler or Beloved by Toni Morrison (ik those two are intense) you could also do How Long til Black Future Month By NK Jemisin..(that one is sort of less intense anyways I love all those books and they’re really good).
Evening Shift
Pairing: Wanda x Reader
Warning: Language, angst, fluff
Summary: Regular day working at a book store, you wouldn't think that someone as famous as Wanda Maximoff takes a trip to where you work, how will your gay heart react?
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: I would just like to say that I prefer detailed requests but I don't mind those who send some what detailed, thank you for this request, it was quite fun writing it.
My requests are always open so feel more than welcome to pop in a suggestion for the next story :3
You always would recall messy interactions with girls that you met, it was horrible. You could never keep your cool around women, especially ones that just look so fucking hot.
The reason you took the job at the book store, it was because not many people nowadays like books and that just gives you some peace with yourself whilst you're stacking books.
Plus it's a way for you to be yourself and not fall over every word at a sight of a woman, it was a perk that not many young women came in here, but mostly elderly who are just looking to stay somewhere quiet.
This bookstore was known to have every book that has ever been published, some are in the storage room and some are out on display, you really loved it especially when you would have your breaks, you would just sit and read.
It was one of the things that came with the job, unlimited amounts of books and it was the best feeling in the world, day after day went by and yet you were still stunned by how many people were tempted to walk into the store.
Your colleague Mike, recently joined the store as an employee as one of the girls who worked on evening shifts left, so he was hired to replace her but since evening shift didn't have many people, you offered to do it as well.
Since then, you were promoted, it was a feeling of reward for you really, I mean you worked here for sometime and dedicated a lot of time to make sure everything was in order.
As time came to slowly start closing the story, you and Mike were managing the books that were left in places that didn't belong, you heard the door bell as if someone walked in.
You knew that Mike was here so you didn't bother going over to the counter until he ran over to you with his eyes widen "What's wrong?"
"Wanda Maximoff is here" That was his only words.
Your eyes widen at what came out from his mouth "W-what?"
It wasn't the first time she stopped by just never when you were at work but not many people knew who she was, but not you, you knew about her. God of course you knew, you adored her, the way she left everything behind with no one to trust and her brother dead.
It must've done a lot to her and now that she is here, you couldn't face her, you knew you would just make a whole ass mess out of this so you stood glued to your spot "W-well go!"
He whispered "No, you go"
You pushed him slightly "Are you crazy! I'm not going"
He pushed you back "I'm not talking to her, you're the supervisor here!"
Before you could try to send him again, her voice echoed "Hello?"
You gulped, as this time he pushed you out so she could actually see you, you sheepishly smiled at her as you made your way towards the counter.
"Ah, I thought it was closed" She spoke when you were closer.
You smiled at her "N-no, we are soon though"
Her smile dropped "What? Oh silly me I didn't think it was this late"
Your eyes dropped to what she was wearing, a button up shirt with rolled up sleeves with jeans that complimented her figure really well, that shirt fit her perfectly, showing off everything that she wanted to.
How her muscles would flex and teasingly just enough of her cleavage to make you weak in the knees but it all tied together with the most softest smile anyone could pull off.
"Is it okay if I quickly take a look around?" She asked as she noticed your eyes travelling down her body.
You met her eyes, feeling the sudden butterflies hit your stomach "Yes!" You answered quite too loudly and quickly for your own liking
"Check me-" Your eyed widen at your words but quickly tried to cover it up "Check whatever you need" You chuckled nervously in hopes it worked.
Wanda forced the most innocent smile anyone could plaster across their face "With pleasure" she answered as she walked off and a small smirk replaced the smile within seconds.
Your heart hammering in your chest, not quite registering what she said yet, your head whipped to Mike who appeared next to you with a shocked face "That was-"
"Insane!" You whispered, as excitement coursed through you.
He stood next to you as he slightly leaned with his hip on the counter "But you girl are a mess"
You rolled your eyes, knowing that from the start "Yeah no shit"
You didn't even had the time to calm your nervous down before she appeared back by the counter "I'm so sorry to bother, but I can't see the book I am looking for"
Your breath hitched as if she just walked in but this time you actually held onto the counter, trying very hard to not just faint "What book are you looking for?"
Mike asked before any words left your mouth, she smiled at him "Beloved by Toni Morrison"
He smiled slightly "Let me check if I can find it for you"
Now that he was gone, her attention was pulled back to you but your eyes never left her face, who would've believed that the Wanda Maximoff would step into some corner book store at night.
"Very good taste in books" You spoke up, quite surprising yourself when you didn't stutter.
She raised her brow perfectly "Coming from someone who works at a book store it must be true then"
You laugh slightly at her as you nod "Not many people come here and ask for books from the 80s"
She leaned on the counter "They are fascinating, wouldn't you say?"
You nodded with a slight smile across your lips but before you could say anything, she fired another question towards you "I haven't seen you before here, are you new?"
You shook your head "Uh, no, I have worked here for 3 years"
Her brows shot up in shock "Wow, and I haven't had the pleasure to meet you"
Your heart picked up again "Well at least you did now"
Her eyed dropped down to your hands after giving you a nod, her hands reached out to it as she grabbed it and looked at the ring on your finger "That's a really nice ring."
You swallowed down your dry throat "T-thank you, my ex girlfriend bought it"
For some reason you felt the need to point out the gender that you dated, causing her to look up at you "So you're into girls?"
The grip on the counter definitely tighten, trying very hard to keep yourself in balance as you smiled and just nodded "Good to know"
Mike's head appeared with a little smile "Uh Y/n could you come for a second"
His eyes never failed to notice that your hand was held by Wanda, her eyes only left you when she looked at him but they were solely focused on you.
You looked back at her with a nervous smile as you slowly slid by your hand "Excuse me"
She nodded as she turned around to take a double look at the empty room whilst you went to sort out whatever he needed.
"What?" You asked slightly worried.
"You see I can't find out box with the books from the 80s" He confessed with anxiety.
You sighed as you let your eyes close for a second before opening them, you pointed in the direction of a box that was well hidden "They should be there"
He nodded as he walked over to where you pointed and pulled out the box where, you were correct, the books were. He quickly found the book that Wanda needed and handed it to you.
"Here, you can take it to your new girlfriend" He smirked as you took the book from him.
"Not my girlfriend" You whispered as you walked out with a slightly glare at him.
You walked back, a little bit less nervous this time, you held the book out for her to see if it was 100% this one "We had the last one"
She sighed with relief "Thank god I got here when I did because not only I would miss my chance to meet you but also buy this book"
Your cheeks flush a red colour and she noticed, causing slight giggle to escape from you, she smirked as she takes the book but doesn't pull it out of your hands.
Her hands touch yours but her eyes are glued to your face as if to search for some sort of conformation, when you looked into her eyes so quickly at the interaction, letting your breath hitch in your throat at the direct contact.
She knew exactly what she was doing "Thank you little one"
You let go of the book when you realised that you had to calm yourself otherwise you would just trip over your words again, you looked over at the monitor which displayed the price.
"You know, have the book, it's on the house" You offered it as you knew this was once in the life time opportunity.
The corner of her lips tugged upwards at your words "I can't let you do that"
You waved your hands to dismiss her "Nonsense, it's yours"
"Plus when have you ever gotten a free book after walking in near closing" You joked causing her to let out the most cutest giggle you ever heard.
"True" She replied simply, you knew it was the end of this moment, that this was probably the last time you'll see her.
She was close to turning around and walked out but something was stopping her "This could go two ways"
You looked at her a little confused and just let her continue "I could walk out and there could be a possibility of never meeting again or I ask you out to a date and you agree and we see where this goes"
Now your throat was dry, was she really just suggesting a date, it was as if the time has stopped as you stared into her eyes. They felt warm and you without a doubt knew she was that warmth you needed in your life.
"I could give you a choice but I think I already know your answer" She smiled widely as your shocked face made her giggle.
"I'll be back tomorrow by 7pm before the closing for our date, what you say?" She asked as she stood straight with the book held to her body with one hand.
You swallowed down the dry throat, realising you haven't said anything "Y-yeah okay, I will be ready"
But were you? How could anyone be ready for a date with the Wanda who looked like she could grab you by your throat and you would only encourage her to proceed.
As she walked towards the exit, she stood by the door as she looked at you once again and just send one of her winks towards you with a wide smile, all you could do is just blush a deep red colour and try your best to return a smile.
She disappeared and you almost immediately fell to the floor as your knees gave in on you as Mike appeared with a simple "Whoa"
You nodded with your eyes focused on the shelf in front of you, trying to process what just happened "I have a date with Wanda Maximoff.."
He smirked "Now aren't you glad you did evening shifts, little one?"
You finally looked at him with a simple eye roll "At least I got a date"
He opened his mouth in shock "Shut uppp"
You giggled as you finally stood up and looked at the clock "Okay, let close up and head home, I need to pick an outfit"
He laughed as the two of you worked your way through the book store and closed within couple of minutes. As you walked home a smile never left your lips.
It was a very good day, the best day you ever could wish for, you met someone who you adored and now she is here, asking you out like you were the only person in the world.
The next day came quickly and before you knew, even though you felt like it was longer than it was, you stood anxiously as you waited for her.
Mike has gone home as you waited in the book store, the only thing you had to do was close the door and enjoy the rest of the day with your date.
As excitement slowly leaves you and disappointment starts to flood in, a sad realisation hits you, maybe she wont come? Maybe she forgot or maybe it was only false hope..
As time starts to drag with the anticipation of her arrival, you stared at the clock on the wall with a sad smile, maybe it was too good to be truth.
You took a deep breath trying the best to hold back your tears as you closed the door, just as you turned around there she stood, breathing heavily with a smile.
It was as if she read your mind "I'm sorry, the meeting was longer than I expected"
You gave her a smile of relief, she didn't bail, she looked like she ran here, you walked towards her as her eyes finally took you in "Even more beautiful than I remember"
Even though the air was cold, it was easy to tell that her comment made you blush "Good save"
"You look- very hot" Your words left your mouth as you looked up and down at her, she smiled at you as a giggle left her soon after when your eyes took her in.
She laughed as she extended her arm towards you "Ready?"
You smiled at her laughter, taking her hand, taking a second to answer "Always"
Her smile widen and her eyes shined with excitement and a familiar warmth that engulfed the two of you, good you were holding onto her because you were sure you would faint.
If this was your chance at happiness, you took it with a smile and followed it with ease, her eyes were more beautiful with the street lights shining and the most beautiful smile.
This was the start of a beautiful story...
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ramzawrites · 3 years
I've always liked the idea of eastern dragons, long bodied and often aquatic in nature. And ever since the movie Raya and the Last Dragon came out, I've only grown more enamored with them.
Then came the idea of the Sleepy Bois with a water dragon hybrid reader. I don't know, I just thought it'd be fun to see Phil freak out about a mystical dragon hybrid, Techno chilling out with another hybrid friend, and Tommy challenging this water dragon warrior to a fight. It could just be me, but I thought it would make a fun request.
And for fun, this water dragon hybrid wields a trident for a weapon, cuz you know, ocean n stuff.
A Dragon Friend - Reader and SBI
Pairings: None
Characters included: Philza, Wilbur Soot, Technoblade, Tommyinnit
Warnings: none
Series: a request :)
Summary: Wilbur brings home a new friend so his family can meet them. To Phil’s shock it is a Dragon Hybrid, just one of the rarest kind of people out there that tend to stay away from society. No big deal really. Then again of course Wilbur managed to befriend them.
Words count:
Authors Note: I am not too knowledgeable on easter Dragons so I generalized it more into the Dragons I know of, I hope this is fine :0
Wilbur threw open the gate that led into the front yard of his home.
Philza was currently kneeling in the dirt as he took care of the growing vegetables and other plants. It was his little hobby to take care of these plants, though he isn’t the only one who took care of them. Technoblade, the oldest child of his, begun taking interest in this little hobby of his as well. Though right now Philza was working alone. His clothes covered in dirt but still wearing gloves that protected his hands from it.
As he looked up, curious why suddenly the gate crashed shut, he could see an incredibly happy looking Wilbur standing in front of another teen.
He had to do a double take as he realizes who was standing next to him. Blue scales were growing along their jawline, sneaking at times into the face and going down their throat and arms. Ending at their fingertips. Philza also managed to spot unmistakably gills at the side of their throat, now closed shut due to them being in the air.
Though the thing that was probably the biggest give away to their nature was the long, elegant tail behind their legs. Swishing around nervously in the air. It was mesmerizing to see the scales moving around and glinting in the sun.
On their back was a shining and sharp looking Trident. The bright and colorful shine alone gave him idea enough of how incredibly well enchanted the weapon must be.
Philza threw his gloves off and walked closer to Wilbur, his face contorted into a mix of shock and worry while Wilbur looked like he just had the best day in a long while. For some reason he couldn’t help but suspect that Wilbur must have done something.
“Hey, dad! I wanna show you my new friend!”
“Friend? What do you mean friend?”
He needed to know more. During his travels he has only met a few Dragon Hybrids since they liked to keep to themselves. It was rare to meet one and he was pretty sure it was near to impossible to get them to leave their clan to follow someone else around like this. Knowing Wilbur something must have happened, then again, he was quite charismatic and has surprised Philza before with his people skills.
Wilbur nodded enthusiastically “Yes! This is Y/N and they are my cool friend! We met a few weeks ago.”
Well, that explained why he suddenly visited the ocean so often.
Y/N took a step forward and gave Phil a quick nod as a greeting “Hello, I hope this isn’t a bad time. Wilbur just told me so much about his family that I couldn’t help but be curious. He just wanted to help me satisfy my own curiosity towards people on the outside.”
And here was the explanation why they just followed Wilbur like this. They were curios and not afraid enough to follow up on it.
“Ah, okay. It’s, uh, fine. My name is Philza. Nice to meet you Y/N.”
It was obvious that Phil was still trying to wrap his head around this situation. It just kind of felt unreal and yet it just made sense. This family and the world were already so Ender damned weird, this might as well happen.
Wilbur didn’t seem to be bothered by his father’s clear confusion “Where are Techno and Tommy, by the way? Are they home?”
Phil slowly nodded “Yeah. Both should be in the house.”
“Thanks, Dad. Let’s go Y/N! You have to meet my brothers as well!”
He then grabbed Y/N’s hand and pulled them along towards the old but sturdy wooden door that led into their home.
Before Wilbur could open it though Phil yelled out one more thing towards Y/N “If any of my sons are too much or just generally annoying don’t hesitate to get me, I also give you full permission to just tell them off.”
Y/N couldn’t give him an answer though since Wilbur just opened up the door and dragged them in but at this point they were used to Wilbur and taking the charge like this at times so all they did was follow along.
“Your father seems nice, even if a bit sur-“ but Y/N couldn’t finish the sentence. Wilbur pressed his finger against his lips, giving them the sign to be quiet. They were confused but begun following Wilbur as he slowly opened up a door to what Y/N assumed to be the living room.
In the middle of a couch, with his back turned towards the door, sat another teenager with pink hair and pink ears poking out of it.
They might have never met him, but Y/N could immediately tell that this must be Technoblade. The older one between the twins. Even if only by two minutes according to Wil.
Now, Y/N was very interested in meeting Technoblade as well since he too was a Hybrid and they had only been in contact with fellow Dragon Hybrids.
Though right now, Y/N was just watching.
Watching Wilbur who was sneaking up on his brother. His hands out, obviously he planned on somehow scaring him by suddenly touching his shoulder. And just as he got close enough to slam his hands down, Techno loudly shut his book.
The next thing Y/N heard was a bang and saw that Wilbur sank down to the ground, holding his nose and crying out in pain. Techno’s hand with the book in the air.
He slammed the book into Wilbur’s face.
Y/N let out a chuckle but more out of surprise than anything. They knew from Wilbur that Techno was an incredible fighter and had amazing reflexes but somehow they didn’t expect this.
“What the hell, Y/N. Here I am on the ground dying and all you do is laugh?”
They just rolled their eyes and helped Wilbur back up. His nose was a bit red but nothing more, he probably reacted more out of shock than anything.
Technoblade stood up with a sigh and turned around “You really think I couldn’t hear you? I knew as soon as I heard your sneaking steps what you were planning, nerd.”
With Techno now turned around Y/N couldn’t help but be amazed by his Hybrid features. Two huge tusk decorated his face, bristle like fur growing along his arms and now they could see that the ears were definitely that of a pig.
As Y/N stared at him and Wilbur was still cursing his brother out, Techno noticed how Y/N’s gaze was transfixed on him in awe.
He raised one of his eyebrows “Uh, hi?”
Y/N’s eyes widened “Oh! Sorry! My name is Y/N! Wilbur was so nice to show me around since I usually stay with my own clan.”
His own gaze fell then onto his brother who just nodded to show that this was indeed the truth “Mhm, yeah. Pretty much, also, I was so quiet! How did you hear me?”
As an answer Techno just pointed at one of his animal ears “I have better hearing, remember?”
Wilbur scoffed “Yeah, yeah. You are so much better than us. Better hearing, better nose and even better eyes, but we non-Hybrids are pretty cool too.” He then looked at Y/N expectantly as if to wait for them to support his statement.
But Y/N just squinted their eyes and took a good second to stare Wilbur down “Are you- You know who you are talking to, right? I can breathe under water, my eyes are better as well and I have a Ender damned tail.”
“Okay, maybe I talked to the wrong person.” He admitted.
Techno chuckled and moved next to Y/N and held his hand up, palm towards them. It took them a small moment to understand but their own palm soon clapped together with Techno’s.
“Hybrid Buddies?” he asked.
“Hybrid Buddies.” Y/N confirmed.
They might only really know Techno now for about a minute, but they could tell he mostly did this to infuriate Wilbur even more.
Wilbur just sighed and cupped his hands around his mouth “Tommy? Get to the living room for a sec!”
“Oh, are you getting backup?” Techno mused.
At this point Wilbur just looked unamused, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he waited for the youngest brother to react.
The sudden sound of rumbling and loud steps from above seemed to be this answer.
“What do you want Wil! I was working on something! Wait, who is that?” Tommy begun yelling out as soon as he arrived at the stairs only to stop once he walked into the room properly to see Y/N who greeted him with a little wave.
“This is Y/N. I met them a while ago and wanted to show them where we live.” Wilbur put his arm around his younger brother as he begun explaining.
Tommy seemed to be incredibly confused but nonetheless intrigued. His eyes darting from Y/N to Wilbur and only for a split second jumping to Techno “Okay? Hello, Y/N. I’m Tommy.” He then squirmed away from beneath Wilbur’s arm, taking a closer look at them “Woah! What are you? You look awesome! Is that a trident? I thought they were super rare! It’s also enchanted! I mean… you seem to be alright, I guess.”
Y/N laughed, more at the reactions of both Wilbur and Techno who seemed to grow incredibly tired as Tommy went along with his usual spiel “Oh! I’m a Water Dragon Hybrid! Also, yeah, I got that trident from my parents as a way to protect myself. We primarily live in or close of water, so, tridents are incredibly useful to us. Also, they mean a lot to us as well.”
They then got the trident off their back to let Tommy have a better look at it. He looked awestruck. Not only at the revelation that Y/N was a Dragon Hybrid but that weapon seemed to really have enamored him somehow.
A dangerous glint appeared in his eyes as he looked back up “This is cool but nothing against me and my sword.”
Technoblade seemed to be bewildered at that “You just have an iron sword what are you talking about?”
But Wilbur put his hand on Techno’s shoulder “No, no. Let him. Let’s just watch.” It was clearly Wilbur’s chaos was getting the better of him and Techno was too tired to deal with that.
“Your sword? Are you sure? Even if you have an enchanted iron sword, I’m pretty sure it would be nothing against a trident, especially since I am very well trained with this weapon.” Y/N seemed almost smug.
Tommy puffed up his chest and placed his hands at his sides “But my father is the one and only Philza and he taught me everything! There is no way you even stand a chance against me! Fight me and I’ll prove it to you!”
Y/N rolled their shoulders “Okay, little one, let’s get outside and fight! I’ll show you.”
“Little one? Little one?!” Tommy repeated flabbergasted. How dare they call him little.
The sound of the closing front door rung out through the house which was soon followed by an annoyed groan “I swear by Ender. I leave you alone for a few minutes and I already hear Tommy screaming about wanting to fight our guest. Amazing first impression for Y/N.”
He appeared at the door, gloves still on this time. His expression pulled down into a strict frown as he looked around at the scene in front of him.
Both Tommy and Y/N were standing in the middle of the room, turned towards each other due to their bickering while Techno and Wilbur stood to the side. Techno had a skeptical look about him while Wilbur couldn’t help but smirk at the argument of the two.
He purposefully didn’t say it, but Y/N was being trained as a full-fledged warrior of their clan. It was their job to keep off mobs and unwanted guests away from their family. Tommy would have no chance against them, but he couldn’t help but still wanting to see it. Besides Y/N wouldn’t seriously hurt him.
Honestly if anything Wilbur really wanted to see Techno and Y/N fight. In Wilbur’s eyes Techno was definitely the best fighter he knew but Y/N was a close second and while he couldn’t understand it, he also knew that those two would probably bond over fighting each other.
Tommy pointed at Y/N “Well, they started it! Just strutting in here with a weapon! I have to protect our home!”
Philza shook his head, already done with his mischief “Is that right?” He directed that question towards the other teens.
Wilbur just continued smiling while Y/N and Techno just shook their heads.
“Alright. Tommy, stop lying and no fighting. How about you guys just help me make food, at least then I know what you guys are up to.”
This seemed to pull Wilbur back out of his chaotic loving thoughts “Oh! That reminds me! Can we make cookies? Y/N never had any.”
Even Techno, who acted calm and collected, looked shocked towards Y/N. They lived for this long with never eating any cookies? Now that just seemed wrong.
“Sure. Let’s make some cookies then. Is that alright Y/N?”
Y/N’s eyes widened “Oh? Uh, yes! I would love to! It seems to be a big thing that I never had any so I really want to try them!”
Excited Tommy threw his arms in the air “Cookies!”
Laughing at his little brothers’ antics, Wilbur joined in and cheered as well “Cookies!” He then followed said brother and his father out the living room and into the kitchen. Leaving Y/N and Techno behind.
While Y/N was excited as well they were still a bit overwhelmed with this sudden reaction right after being threatened by Tommy. Techno seemed to notice this and put one of his hands on their shoulder “Don’t worry too much about what Tommy said. He was seriously impressed by you, but he unfortunately has an incredibly huge ego with nothing to back it, hence the insults and threats. So don’t worry too much about it. Wilbur seems to really enjoy your company and I too think you are… interesting company. Yes, let’s say that. If you are really such a great fighter, we definitely have to spar at some point though. I rarely get the chance to test my skills against other people besides my family and mobs.”
“I would love that.”
“Nice. Let’s join the others. Seriously, you have never eaten any cookies? How is that possible?”
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the-purity-pen · 3 years
One Temptation
Pairing: Benny Miller x Will Miller x Santiago Garcia x Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
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gif is not my own. credit to the creator [ if you know who made this, please tell me so i can credit them, thanks! ]
Rating: EXPLICIT (18+ ONLY!) Warnings: Sex Pollen, Group sex, Double Penetration, Unprotected PIV (please be safe irl), cum eating, fingering, oral (f & m receiving), Anal, Shower sex, let me know if i missed anything! Word Count: 5,818 Notes: This has been in the works for MONTHS at this point and I finally feel okay releasing it to the hellsite. It’s filthy, it’s probably not perfectly canon but I love these boys and this was such an adventure to write. Please let me know what you think!
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You were nervous as hell to walk into the conference room. The first day on any job is nerve wracking but even after a few weeks, you found yourself feeling like the outsider still. It wasn’t anyone’s direct fault, per say. Just a feeling you had from being the new one on the team.
The team you had been assigned to was a tight knit one. The four of them having been through all kinds of combat and missions together. Their previous team leader had gone off the rails and was forced to retire early. 
Your debriefing hadn't gone into a lot of details but the remaining men on the team seemed friendly enough. Benny and Will Miller, the brothers were such polar opposites that their interactions were always entertaining. And Frankie Morales seemed like a pretty sensible one, a lovable man with a mean streak when needed. 
And then there was Santiago Garcia. The man was generally more observant but when he spoke, he attracted the attention of an entire room. His personality was electric in a way. The way his scruff would sound as his hand ran over his jaw, deep in thought at whatever mission was being described as one that the team would be taking.
A new drug lord was suspected in Miami, carting drugs from Colombia and Bolivia. The trail had led to many dead ends but there was one loose end that your new team would be able to solve. A nightclub had been staked out and found to be smuggling drugs through some warehouse-like door in the basement. There wasn’t enough to get full intel and they needed a team to infiltrate and go undercover to gain more information.
Part of the plan was to have you, of course, dress up and play flirty with some of the bouncers and bodyguards of the club. You were extremely nervous and it apparently showed through because as much you knew these guys were good, you couldn’t help but feel like trusting them with an assignment like this was a big ask.
When the assigning officer heard your concerns, he offered up a serotonin-inducing serum. It was new on the market but was studied to have helped with team building. At least that’s what he told you. After having a short conversation with the team, you agree to all take the serum.
After taking the sticky sweet green drink, you were informed that it could take a full 24 hours for the full effect to take place. "Why don't we throw a party?" Benny chimed in with the boyish grin plastered on his face.
You stifled a laugh and shook your head. "I'm not exactly the party type," you admitted as your eyes scanned from Benny to Santi who spoke up next.
"What about just a night of beers and cheesy movies?" he offered to which all heads started nodding. "My place. Tomorrow night. Eight o clock," he added after the consensus was made.
Walking up to Santiago's door had your heart thundering so loud in your ears, you were sure you wouldn't be able to hear him when he greeted you. Your hands twisted around the case of beers, hoping you had picked the right kind. You knew how these military types were picky about their booze.
"Hey! You made it!" Santi exclaimed as he opened the door and let you walk in. Your eyes took in the small apartment and noticed that you were the first to arrive.
"Am I early?" You turned around to face him as he closed the door. He shook his head with a chuckle as he moved closer to take the case of beer from you and move it to the fridge.
"Nah, they're just always late. Good choice by the way," he mentioned as he held up the case and nodded to it just before placing it in the fridge. Your arms weakly rubbed at each other, crossed over your chest.
When Santi turned back towards you, he chuckled. "You can take your jacket off, you know. I mean if you plan on staying," he cracked which made you smile. After your jacket slipped off and was placed on the back of a nearby chair, Santi held an open beer out to you.
"Thanks," you told him softly before there were more knocks on the door. The other three piled in, Will followed by Benny with Frankie bringing up the rear. Benny was already slurring and jolly, Will was just shaking his head at his brother as he greeted you. Frankie came up, adjusting the ball cap that he always seemed to wear and said hello.
"Truth or Dare!" Benny cried out when a suggestion pool had started of what they should play.
Handfuls of beers had been consumed by this point and you were starting to feel more comfortable. It was also becoming apparent as you watched each of them how attractive they really were in this laid back setting.
The entire group groaned but Benny pushed forward on the couch so his elbows were on his knees. Santi had actually been oddly quiet, chewing on his lower lip as he was watching you interact.
"Alright Pope. You first," Benny held up a hand loosely gesturing at the man sitting across from him. Santi rolled his eyes and shook his head but grinned at the same time.
Will tapped Benny on the shoulder and whispered some idea into his brother's head that apparently made Benny very excited. "Ooh! Ooh! Okay okay," Benny adjusted his shoulders, shooting you a quick glance before looking back to Santi.
"Have you ever thought about-" 
"I didn't even choose which one asshole!" Santi replied with a loud laugh. Seeing his smile that wide was uncommon and you felt a small knot form in your chest at it but you stifled a snort in response.
Frankie and Will also broke out into laughter as Benny conceded. "Alright alright fine. Choose, motherfucker," he narrowed his eyes at Santi before cracking a grin himself.
"Truth cuz I'm too old and lazy to do any stupid stunts you could come up," Santi chided at his brother in arms before taking a long swig of his beer, one of the bottles of the kind that you had brought.
Benny rubbed his hands together like he was concocting some evil plan. "Alright then back to what I was asking before you so -rudely- interrupted. Have you," he paused to glance over at you, his gaze unashamedly running over your body, making you curl into yourself a bit more on the big armchair you were seated in. "Ever thought about fucking her?" He nodded his head in your direction when his gaze came back to Santi.
Your heart was back to racing in your chest as you turned your attention to Santi. Without missing a beat, Santi answered. "Abso-fucking-lutely."
You were ninety percent sure that you stopped breathing. Your eyes blinked only out of automation as your mouth became a small o shape. Your entire body felt like it was heating up in the few moments that passed.
Santi then looked at you and your entire body felt ablaze again. "Uh, what? What did I just say?" Santi seemed to have come-to from a small spell he was under. Your gaze was so focused on his face you didn't see the way the other three shifted in their seats or the way that Frankie palmed himself lightly to adjust his growing erection at the thought.
"Y-you…" Words were hard to come by and your face felt like fire and your heartbeat whooshed into your ears. Your chest heaved lightly at the sudden panting you seemed to be doing.
"Well fuck me!" Benny cried out as he laughed nervously. Will punched his brother in the arm and that's when your eyes shifted to the rest of the guys, noticing that their gazes were locked on you. It was as if you held some sort of magical answer to a question you didn't have any clue of.
Your mouth opened and closed a few times before you cleared your throat and took a nervous sip of your beer. There was only a drop. You huffed nervously. "Oh, look, I need another beer," you quickly and quietly said before pushing up out of the chair and practically running over to the kitchen.
You could hear their low murmurs, chattering amongst themselves as you rinsed the empty bottle in the sink. Your hands were a shaking mess as thoughts swirled in your mind. You squeezed your eyes shut for a second before bending to grab another beer from the fridge.
A presence against your backside made you gasp. Hands came to your hips as you slowly stood up, swallowing the large lump that had formed in your throat. You tried to clear it as you closed the fridge but the presence behind you kept their grip on your hips.
Your nose finally picked up the scent of the cologne. Santi. He leaned forward, pressing his chest to your back as one finger came up to trace a line down your neck. Instinctively your head rolled to the other side to open for his soft touch.
Your breathing was ragged and you immediately mewled when his lips took over for his hand against your neck. "I want you hermosa," his voice grumbled against your skin and you immediately felt weak. Your hands tried to focus on the beer bottle but you were slipping into euphoria.
"Santi," you heard Benny's voice come from across the kitchen. Both you and Santi turned to see all three of them moving closer. "We all want her," Benny admitted and you saw the way his tongue peeked out between his lips to wet then as his eyes seared into you.
"Guys." Your voice was weak and shaky. "I- I can't do this. It's-" your words were cut off by Santi's lips attaching to your neck again and the bottle you held was slammed down onto the counter as you gripped the edge to steady yourself.
One of his hands worked around to the front of your blouse and tugged at the buttons. You could feel the weight of him pressing against your ass and your entire body buzzed with lust. That familiar heat was starting to grow in the pit of your stomach and you knew the booze was partially to blame.
But only partially.
When your eyes fluttered open as Santi slowed his assault on your neck, you saw Benny standing so much closer. "Seriously," he said, his hand coming up to let a finger trace along your collarbone. "We want you," he told you in an uncharacteristically quiet voice before leaning in to capture your lips.
You moaned quietly against his lips, having not been kissed in far too long. You finally pushed against him and he pulled away from the kiss. "Seriously," you sloppily repeated back his words as you scooted to the side out of Santi's grasp.
A piece of paper was on the island counter that caught your attention. The red lettering at the bottom looked familiar. Your curiosity piqued and you moved closer to pick up the paper to read it.
Known side effects include but are not limited to: sudden panting, decreased morality judgement, increased appetite, increased sexual desire and libido…
You blinked as Santi rounded the corner of the counter to you. "Fuck," you muttered quietly to yourself as you noticed his movements and came around the other side to only be greeted by Frankie, who's tanned skin on his cheeks was flushing slightly.
"Did anyone read this?!" You asked, panicked and looked at all of them one by one.
"What is it?" Benny asked, not fully caring what it was.
You moved closer to Frankie to hold it up. His eyes tried hard to focus on the words as he took the paper from you. "It's the fucking side effects to the serum, man," Frankie spoke aloud as he too paused at the one about sexual desire. "Shit," he muttered as a hand came down to his crotch to adjust himself.
"Well what are they?" Benny asked impatiently as he eyed you walking across the floor to the living room. Santi moved over to Frankie to take the paper and read it over. Will was watching you along with his brother as your hips swayed as you paced the living room floor.
"Fuckin' increased sexual desire? What the shit is that? Why would they give this to us?!" Santi yelled but realized that all eyes were on you as you breathed heavily. Your arms were crossed over your chest and one hand was at your lips, tugging at them, trying everything in your power to keep yourself distracted from looking over at your team.
“Hey,” Santi called your name with furrowed brows. “You alright?” he questioned as he moved closer. Your mind was reeling but your body was convulsing with need, with want. It felt like a fire had been lit from deep within your belly and no amount of pacing or trying to think straight was going to smother it.
Santi’s hand on your shoulder made you jump, too wrapped up in your own body and thoughts to notice how close he had gotten. He was standing directly in front of you and your eyes were darting around his features. Your nose flaring with each pant of a breath you tried to take. His own eyes were trying to take in every movement of your face to see what was going on but he was far too distracted by the parting of your lips.
“Santi.” His name came out as a breathless whimper as you looked at him. Within a moment his hand was on the back of your head and his lips were pressing hungrily into yours.
You heard movement in the kitchen and into the living room but Santi’s lips had moved to your neck and all thoughts were gone. The burn in your body was glowing brighter, threatening to combust when he bit down on the conjunction of your neck and shoulder.
Suddenly another pair of hands were groping at the globes of your ass through your jeans. A groan in your ear that wasn’t Santi had your eyes fluttering. One of your hands was holding the back of Santi’s head, scratching his scalp lightly. Your other hand dipped behind your back and down, groping at what you found to be a very hard cock in someone’s jeans.
Benny’s groan came clear into your ears. “God, you’re so hot,” he muttered which made you release a small shuddering breath. Benny pressed against your back, his hands roaming over your body wherever Santi’s wasn’t.
Your body was already feeling on fire, like every touch was electric. The way Benny’s lips moved over the shell of your ear as Santi worked your clothes off. You were turned into Benny’s arms. He chuckled as he looked down at your wrecked face. “You look absolutely amazing,” he cooed softly, something you didn’t know he was capable of.
Your head turned as Benny kissed along your neck and you saw Will standing with his pants pulled down to his knees and cock in hand. You swallowed thickly as Santi kissed up your thighs and over your mound, his fingers tracing lines up your legs.
“Fuck I need to taste you,” Santi mumured as he pushed your hips a bit wider. You groaned and leaned back against Benny who held you up and slid his hands up under your shirt to grope at your breasts. You turned to see Will still stroking himself quietly at the sight before him. Watching you become totally undone was intoxicating.
Another pair of hands were on your body, taking over groping your breasts as Benny pulled your shirt up over your head. You could barely register that you were completely nude in front of your team as Santi’s tongue ran over your folds, groaning at the taste. When his lips wrapped around your bundle of nerves, the third pair of hands were gently caressing and rolling your nipples.
A blinding hot streak ran through your body, straight down to your toes. The way Santi licked into you causing your thighs to tremble. You managed to look down just in time to see Frankie’s head kissing at the swell of your breast.
The more their hands were on you, the faster their movements became, the needier they seemed. The burning ache in your body only seemed to grow as Benny gently guided you backward until you fell onto his lap. At some point he had released his erection. Santi crawled to try to reattach his lips to your core but Benny was quicker and slipped himself into your soaking folds with barely any hesitation.
You cried out as Benny filled you and started to thrust up into you, his hips snapping against your ass. Santi groaned. “Benny you fuckin’ cabron,” Santi muttered and Benny just chuckled in your ear as he nibbled on it. 
“Babygirl, what feels better, Santi’s mouth or my cock? Hm?” Benny asked as his eyes bore into Santi who glared at him but palmed his own length anyways. Frankie moved closer and tried to kiss the other side of your face.
Your mouth was flopping like a fish and you couldn’t create enough saliva to speak. Instead you whined as Santi kissed at the inside of your knee, his hand more furious on his cock now. Will was standing close by, just watching everything but focusing on how wrecked your face was as his brother pounded into you.
Frankie was gentle but groaning against your skin as he tried to capture your mouth into a heated kiss. You kissed him wantonly, your moans filling his mouth and he greedily swallowed every sound. “Hermosa, please take my cock,” Frankie moaned into your mouth and without opening your eyes you nodded.
Benny continued to thrust up into you in haste as Frankie climbed over the arm of the couch and stood so that he could line his cock up. He ran it along your bottom lip, soaking him in your saliva and waiting for you to open before thrusting into you tentatively. You swallowed around him and he groaned at the sensation of your warmth around him.
Benny kept at you, thrusting harder and faster until you were crying out around Frankie’s cock. Frankie and Benny released their loads into you at the same time and you were close to your own but Benny softened and you lost the peak that was building.
You whined and Santi slapped Benny’s thigh. “Let me at her,” he said while standing up. Benny gently lifted you off of him and you whined at the loss of contact. You let go of Frankie’s cock with your mouth after you had cleaned him of all of his cum. He leaned down and gave you a soft kiss, licking into your mouth slowly and groaning at the taste of himself before he was helping you lie down on the couch. Frankie moved himself off the couch as Santi moved to hover over you and plunged his cock right into you.
Your back arched off the couch as you reached up and grabbed at Santi’s shoulders. “Fuck!” you cried out as Santi fucked into you with reckless abandon. You were soaked between your arousal and Benny’s cum and it made Santi twitch hard as he fucked you mercilessly into the couch. The girth of him stretched you differently than Benny had and you mewled and moaned at the sensations, letting Santi’s name fall from your lips like a chant.
“Please! I need to cum!” you screamed as a burning heat grew in the pit of your stomach and threatened to overtake your entire body. Your begging encouraged Santi as the other three looked on. Benny was already hard and leaking again and when your eyes met his, his hand stroked so hard he came all over the floor with a loud moan. Santi leaned over and bit at your collarbone, causing you to cry out as you clenched down around him, hard.
Your entire body was writhing and pulsating as you came harder than you had in a long time around Santi. That put him over the edge and with a few more solid, hard thrusts into you, he stilled and pushed further into you to spill into you. Within moments you felt the dripping between your thighs and you moaned quietly.
Santi leaned down to capture your moan and his lips slid against yours as he thrusted carefully into you, the burn in his body already growing again. “Pope c’mon man,” Frankie said quietly as he moved to pull Santi off of you. “Gotta give someone else a turn,” Frankie patted Santi’s shoulder firmly as you tried to catch your breath. Santi leaned down for another soft kiss before pulling slowly out of you.
Your body jolted at the sudden loss and both men stopped to stare. “Fuck,” Frankie muttered, causing both Benny and Will to move around to see their view. The cum was dripping steadily from your still fluttering cunt and every pair of eyes was mesmerized by the sight.
“Baby you are making a mess,” Santi said, wanting to lean in and clean you up but you put your hand out as a gesture for all of them to give you a minute. Your breath finally calmed down enough for you to be able to respond.
“I…. did…. nothing,” you panted and chuckled but the laugh made the cum dribble out of you even more and you moaned quietly at the sensation of two of your teammates cum dripping from you. Will’s nose twitched as his hand continued to slowly work his cock. The burn inside him was growing but he was a patient man. Always had been.
You lifted your head to look at them and gave a weak smile. They all looked at you with lust-blown eyes but Santi and Frankie were the ones to give you a smile back. “You okay?” Santi asked, his hand gently grazing your ankle in a caressing motion.
You nodded and looked at him. “Yeah. I think. For now,” you chuckled but soon felt your body heat up again. It was a dull ache but you tried to sit up to quelch it. Santi and Frankie both reached out for your arms to help you sit up. “I think maybe I should go shower,” you mentioned and they both nodded before standing up. Their cocks were at eye level for a moment and you felt your mouth water and wanting them both in your mouth at the same time.
They helped you up and your legs definitely felt like jello. You nearly crumbled and Santi and Frankie looked at each other with worry then looked at you as they tried to hold you up. “I got her,” a stoic low voice came from beside you as Will moved closer. He leaned over and wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you up with ease.
You giggled quietly but having his warm body pressed against your was making the fire within you grow again. You tucked your head into his neck and breathed in his scent. You couldn’t help the way your lips pouted and you kissed gently along the skin of his neck. He groaned low in his throat.
“Sweetheart, please,” his voice pleaded before he was in the hall and pressing your back up against the wall slowly. His hands grabbed at you to hold you better as his hips pressed into you.
“Will, please,” you whimpered when his teeth found the side of your neck and sank in. You felt the way he growled against your skin and the fire was spreading wildly through your veins again.
Will grunted as he pulled himself back just enough to stroke as his cock and line himself up. With a slow and steady push, he impaled you and filled you. The girth of him stretched you but the slight sting of pain gave way to even more pleasure as he started to thrust.
Each thrust earned him a soft moan from your lips and he couldn’t help but kiss you. His hands were pawing at your chest, twisting your nipples and he watched as your face contorted in pleasure and you cried out against him. “Fuck! Please! Harder!” you begged and didn’t care who heard you. Besides, it was high time it was Will’s turn. The man was the quiet type, strong and sturdy but with his lack of talking in many of the group settings, you weren’t sure of his opinion of you.
But as he pistoned in and out of him, faster and harder with each snap of his hips up into you, you were pretty sure you knew where he stood in his opinion on you. “Fuck, so tight,” he muttered against your lips as he kissed you bruisingly. A clash of teeth and tongues and lips. It was messy and needy but you wanted more.
Will grabbed at your back, his large hands splayed over your now hot skin as he pulled you away from the wall. He stood in the middle of the hall, his shoulders pulled back as his hands snuck down to try holding you under your legs. You held him around the neck until he had a good hold of you again and it was then that he rocked your world even harder.
He fucked up into you with a relentless pace, hitting that spot within you with ease, his cock moving along the shared juices of yours, his brother’s and Santi’s. But all he could focus on was how wrecked your face looked. Your jaw was slack, seemingly permanently so, your eyes rolling back as your head lolled back in pleasure.
Wanton cries were ripped from your chest as he grunted and held you up. Suddenly you felt a second pair of hands come to your ass and massage the flesh. A scratchy beard appeared at your back as sloppy kisses were given to the skin there. “Que linda,” Santi’s voice came in a growl as he watched you get fucked by Will.
“Santi,” you said breathlessly and Will fucked you harder to get your focus back on him. He captured your lips in a heavy kiss, one that forced your mouth into an “o” shape around his tongue as he greedily licked into you.
Santi was busy watching Will’s cock pump in and out of you, his hands still massaging at your ass. His thumb rimmed the hole of tight muscle, moving with each movement that Will was forcing on your body and you moaned a bit louder. Santi looked up at you. “Do you want to be filled, querida?” he asked and he waited until you nodded.
When you did, you mewled as his thumb pressed against the tight hole, slipping one knuckle in. You cried out even at the small intrusion, the way even just that little motion filled you even more. “More!” you cried out and you heard both men curse under their breaths.
Will fucked you relentlessly still as Santi pulled his thumb out, to which you whined in protest, just so he could spit all over his hand. He used his free hand to try to spread your ass cheeks a bit. “Will, man, stop for a second,” Santi commanded and Will obeyed, holding you down onto his cock.
Santi moved one finger into you and you couldn’t help the pained groan that came from you. “Good?” Santi checked in and when you nodded and bit your lip, he started moving his finger within you. He looked over your shoulder at Will and nodded and Will resumed moving.
You choked out a sound as your entire lower body started to clench up. “Oh, she’s close,” Santi praised, his smirk so evident just in the tone of his voice. He leaned down and bit at the soft flesh of your ass at the same that Will leaned into to bite at your collarbone. The dual biting did you in.
You cried out as they fucked you through your orgasm, both sets of muscles clenching down around them. Your lower stomach fluttered and your chest heaved as your mouth lay open in a pant, your eyes screwed shut. Will was close behind and fucked you through your high until he reached his own. When he pushed up into you, stilled with a groan, Santi stopped moving too.
You finally caught your breath and felt yourself come back to reality. Your body was spent, completely but also completely sated. Will carefully pulled you off of his softening cock and the moment your feet hit the ground, all you could feel was all of their cum slipping down your thighs.
Santi moved with you both and released his hand from you and saw you dripping. “Fuck, you’re a mess,” he muttered in a groan. You nodded, your arms still wrapped around Will’s shoulders. Will grunted and wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you to your tiptoes so he could walk you back towards the bathroom.
Once in the room, Will and Santi worked together to strip you down, one moving and the other acting as your balancing stabilizer. Your eyes were heavy and your body felt like it was made of jello as you attempted coherent thoughts. You were naked, in a room with two men who you found extremely attractive. One of whom was leading you into the shower that had at some point been turned on.
“You got it?” Will asked softly as his hand lingered on your lower back as you held yourself up with your arm against the shower wall. You nodded slowly, your head feeling heavy. You let the warmth of the water just cascade over your back and tried to let it soothe you.
You tried to let your mind relax but there was a burning ache that felt it was far off in the distance. You could hear Santi and Will talking quietly but the roar of your heart in your ears combined with the water rushing over you made them also seem far away.
As you slowly started to wash up, your soapy hand brushing over your very sensitive clit, you yelped as a bright flame lit within you. “Fuck!”
Will and Santi immediately rushed up and opened the curtain to see you rubbing at your clit furiously. “What is it?! Are you okay?!” Santi asked in a hurried, worried tone.
“I need - fuck! - I need,” you whined as you squeezed your breast with your other soapy hand and felt your nipple immediately stiffen. Will was first to step into the shower behind you. His large hands came over your breasts as he held you against him.
“What do you need? Tell me. We’re here,” he spoke lowly in your ear, nibbling at the flesh as Santi pulled the curtain a bit on the opposite side to watch. 
“I need to cum!” you screamed as one of Will’s hands came down behind you and his thick fingers ran through your folds. The fire within you was burning brighter by the second and it was almost painful.
“How do you want to cum? On my fingers or my cock?” Will asked and Santi chewed his lip as he watched you writhe against Will.
“Your face. I need your tongue on me. Now!” With your command, Will turned you and dropped to his knees without hesitation. Santi reached out and put his arm up behind your back so you wouldn’t fall.
Will shoved his face against your cunt, licked a broad stripe through your folds before his mouth closed over your clit. You whined out and Santi quickly slipped himself into the shower behind you. His hands wrapped around your breasts and tweaked your nipples. Your head fell back against his shoulder as the warm water cascaded over your chest and stomach.
Your hips moved against Will’s face as his mouth attached to your clit, his tongue licking and flicking as if you were a hard candy. His hands remained on your hips and he used just his tongue to work you up and within a minute there was a gush coming from you and spilling all over his face.
Santi peeked over your shoulder. “Holy shit baby. You just soaked him and not from the shower water,” Santi told you and turned to kiss your cheek. He was oddly proud and smirked against your wet skin as he whispered more praises into your ear, letting your body come back.
Will stood up and let his face get wet from the shower before he held onto your hips and kissed your chest softly, letting the water run down his face. He stood up and wiped the water off with one hand before looking at your blissed out face. “Are you back?” he asked and when you nodded slowly, both men looked at each other and chuckled. “Are you good? Like do you need more or-?”
You shook your head with a blissed out smile on your face. “I think it’s gone,” you told him and you felt Santi kiss along your cheek and down to your neck. “Though if you keep doing that Santi, I might not ever want you to stop,” you laughed weakly and moved your head to the side to allow him more room.
“Who says I want to stop querida?” he mumbled against your skin and you hummed contentedly. Will took the opportunity to actually wash your body with soft, gentle touches. He washed his own face then looked at you and Santi together and felt a new kind of pull in his chest.
“We could do this again… right?” Will asked softly and both you and Santi opened your eyes and straightened up to look at him. You chewed your lower lip and your head turned to look between the two men as the shower continuously rained down on all of you.
When you didn’t speak, mostly from not being able to find the words, Santi spoke instead. “Yeah man. I mean, if she’s down for it, then I’m down for it. I like you Will, you know that. And you,” he turned to lean in to kiss your cheek again. “I don’t think I could get enough of you now that I’ve had you,” he told you and nuzzled into your neck as his arms wrapped around you again. Will stepped forward and wrapped his arms around both your and Santi’s shoulders together and the three of you sat like that until the water ran cold.
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palettepainter · 3 years
How the teachers play favourites
We all know Aizawa and All Might have their favourite UA child, Shinsou and Midoryia. And yeah I know Bakugo and Todoroki are also their UA kids but shhh, Midoryia and Shinsou where the first UA kids they adopted. 
And you can’t tell me Aizawa and All Might play favourites with them, All makes Deku lunch like..hello?? Aizawa gave Shinsou his capture weapon, HELLO?? 
So here are some dumb headcannons for how the other teachers play favourites to their UA kids
Ectoplasm and his UA kid Jiro:
-When he gives back marked tests he’ll sometimes write small encouraging notes for his students to read, he does this to some students when he feels they need a pick up but he always leaves a positive one on Jiro’s 
-During lessons where students are allowed to study in the lesson Ectoplasm lets them listen to music on their phones, everyone thought he would say no so everyone - mostly Kaminari and Mineta - peer pressured Jiro to ask. To no ones shock except Jiro’s Ectoplasm replied with a calm “Sure, but only if you use your headphones”
-Jiro talks about new songs that have been released and Ectoplasm will listen to her geek out about music
-Sometimes Jiro will tell Ectoplasm what her and the rest of the band (herself, Kaminari, Momo, Tokoyami and Bakugo) have been doing and if they’re working on any new songs in-between their studies. Jiro jokes that Ectoplasm is their biggest fan but Ecto is genuinely supportive of their band and admires their creativity
-Jiro once entered maths class and said “Hey miter Ecto, what’s shakin’ bacon?” and while the whole class was stood there in silence thinking Ectoplasm wouldn’t reply he said “Not much double dutch” and then Jiro went to her desk as thought nothing out of the ordinary happened. Kaminari tried to do the same thing to him and Ectoplasm just went “Kaminari your shoe lace is undone-” Jiro was very amused
Powerloader and Hatsume:
-This one started out more like this - Powerloader: Who’s idiot kid is that?....*realises it’s Hatsume* Oh shit- THAT’S MY IDIOT KID-
-Hatsume showed up at the design studio and never left basically, so Powerloader got used to her. He knows Hatsume overworkers herself so he keeps spare energy bars, fruit and bags of crisps in the design studio. He brought a small microwave and kettle for the winter so Hatsume could make hot drinks and food since she insisted on finishing her ‘babies’
-Say’s he doesn’t worry but still insists she goes to recovery girl when she gets a scratch or blows up the studio, sometimes dragging her there himself, ranting all the way about how she’s an idiot. One day Hatsume ended up breaking her leg during a bad explosion and Powerloader very nearly had a heart attack-
He kept a close eye on her while she worked from a wheelchair at her desk
-Makes her wear a god forsaken jumper in the winter when the design studio is freezing, stupid dumb teenager you’ll catch your death of cold
Present Mic and Kaminari:
-This man is shameless with playing favourites
-He greets Kaminari with his signature finger guns and an enthusiastic “AAAYYYY KAMINARI!” Kaminari shoots finger guns back with an “Ayyyyy teach hozit hanging?!” Everyone in class knows Kaminari is a teachers pet despite how Kaminari insists he’s not
-Mic knows Kaminari has a crush on Jiro and Kaminari is an embaressed child who is like “omg msiter Mic STOP-” while Present Mic is coeing and being all like “Aw that’s adorable!”. He always puts Jiro and Kaminari together in group projects, Kaminari shoots him a flustered glare cuz Present Mic knows what he’s doing 
-Kaminari teaches him meme/slang language for laughs and everyone in class hates it, Kaminari finds it hilarious. Eventually Mic gets the hang of it but he sucked at using the language correctly at first 
-Calls him lil listener and Kaminari calls him loud mouth 
Midnight and Yaoyorozu
-Another teacher who is shameless with playing favourites
-Midnight being a teacher does have to enforce the dress code if she sees a student wearing their uniform incorrectly - loose tie, untucked shirt, odd brightly coloured socks, chockes, etc. Midnight really doesn’t care all that much if a student’s socks aren’t the sae colour as their shoes...buuut she’s a teacher so she has to enforce it. Except when it comes to Yaoyorozu. Yaoyorozu one day had to wear light blue socks into UA as her tights where damaged, and she was worried she’d be called out for not following the dress code. Midnight saw, and turned a blind eye. She was in the middle of telling someone off for not dressing correctly, saw Yaoyorozu with the odd coloured socks and went “-Oh hello Yaoyorozu you have a good day sweetheart! ^^”
-Always complients Yaoyorozu when she comes into class. Oooo did you try a new hair style? Honey it suits you! New note book, such cursive hand writting! Glad to see you got those new pair of shoes, trying a different shoe brand this time? Very stylish!
-Had been tempted to kick Mineta like a beech ball on more then one occasion when he wouldn’t back off from Yaoyorozu
-The kind of teacher to say “I taught her that~” when Yaoyorozu uses one of her combat techniques
-Girl gossip. She tries to guess who Yaoyorozu will get with, meanwhile Momo is just blushing and blabbering because that isn’t very appropriate for history work. Midnight bats a hand is like “Pft I’m the teacher I can gossip in my own lesson”. Puts her with Todoroki during group projects and she, like Mic, 100% knows what she’s doing
Hounddog and Shishida
-Hounddog: I am not soft....*holds up Shishida* EXCEPT FOR MY 1B CHILD WHO IS VERY STRONG AND HE’S GOING TO BE A HERO DON’T @ ME HE’S AMAZING-
-Encourages Shishida to let loose with his beast form, with his rish upbringing Shishida isn’t used to embracing his more wild and uncaring side, having been raised to always be propper and polite when not in combat. Hounddog geuenily puts in effort to be a little less grumbly around Shishida cuz he doesn’t wanna peer pressure him, he’s giving him time
-Keeps a spare cloth so Shishida can clean his glasses off when and if they get dirty from training
-I imagine Shishida having a quirk called beast and having a more posh upbringing prolly has a little bit of anxiety, having to always be polite and propper even with a quirk called Beast. Sometimes he vents to Hounddog about this and he listens, insisting that it’s better Shishida get it off his chest when he apologises for drowning on
-During training Hounddog basically throws him about like a beanie bag at first, Shishida was still a kid and Hounddog had years of experience. The day Shishida finally knocked him down with a hard punch to the side of Hounddog’s face he felt...bad. But Hounddog was beaming! Shishida may have cried a little bit
Snipe and Hagakure (picked hagakure inspired by a suggestion @snipe-enthusiast made a while ago)
- Protective af
-Hagakure screams the innocent dorky girl of 1A, and thought Snipe makes sure none of the girls deal with Mineta’s bull while he’s around he’s especially protective of Hagakure just cuz...well, have you seen the way she acts? She’s innocent, peppy, happy, cheerful, and Snipe does not want that tainted by Mineta’s preverted ways
-After the exam with Hagakure and Shoji Snipe apologized for what happened and so did Hagakure, admitting that she over-reacted. 
-Hagakure admits one day to Snipe that she’s worried she won’t make it as a hero cuz her quirk isn’t flashy like her classmates. Snipe reassures her by saying that no one thought he could be a hero when he was little (this headcannon was inspired by @frelmidja and a post this did with Snipe) - guns weren’t exactly considered heroic and he got teased in the beginning when his quirk first activated. He told Hagakure to keep working hard and that she had the potential and the drive to be a hero, Hagakure was very thankful for the reassurance
-Hagakure really wants to see what Snipe’s face is like and constantly asks him if he could take his mask off and show them, Snipe has yet to break and take off his mask but Hagakure is very persistant 
Cementoss and Bondo
-Chill babies, they sit and have tea together. 
-I imagine Bondo to be the kind of person to accidentally call Cementoss dad, it happened once during one on one training and he got so embarrassed. Cementoss kept telling him it was fine but Bondo left in a hurry after
-Bondo tried to make certian shapes out of his glue one time but ended up getting himself stuck, Cementoss helped him out and reassured a disheartened Bondo that everyone makes mistakes and that he was progressing well 
-Being one of the taller boys in 1B he often has to hold back Monoma from going over to 1A when Kendo isn’t around, often tries to diffuse conflict before it gets worse, Cementoss is very proud
-After one on one training the two go to the lunch hall to get a hot drink after cleaning themselves up, Bondo tries to bring a different type of tea sweet each time - something like biscuits or chocolate. Cementoss returns the favour by bringing Bondo manju to have after his training
Thirteen + Gunhead and Uraraka
-Proud mum and dad because I couldn’t decide between the two
-Uraraka researches into the affects of zero gravity and how to better use her power, due to this she’s become a bit of a space nut and enjoys thinks like star gazing. When she was a kid and saw Pro Hro Thirteen on the TV she was ecstatic! Her parents brought her a Pro Hero Thirteen plush on her seventh birthday, Uraraka still has that toy. One day the toy got misplaced in the students washing and got mixed up with the teachers, Thirteen was a bit confused why a plush of her - and a well loved one by how old it looked - ended up in the wash. Uraraka hurridly rushes over to explain when Thirteen comes into the students dorms asking if it belonged to anyone. When Uraraka explained she got it when she was younger cuz she’s a big fan of Thirteen...heart squeeze
-Asked Uraraka if she could teach her the gunhead martial arts move, Uraraka was so honored she got to teach one of her idols a combat move! Through the gunhead martial arts move Thirteen met Gunhead and the two become good friends
-One day when Gunhead is teaching Thirteen the martial arts move with Uraraka to help demonstrate Uraraka wanted to take a picture of them all together. Gunhead was too tall to fit into the picture so he kneeled down to be at the same height as Thirteen and Uraraka (he did bunny ears behind Thirteen’s head and Uraraka thought it was adorable)
-Gunhead pretty much puts two and two together with Uraraka having a crush on Midoryia, so one day when Thirteen mentions in passing conversation how giddy Uraraka gets when she’s around this one green haired kid Gunhead just chuckles behind his hand. Thirteen and Gunhead think it’s very sweet how Uraraka totally has a crush on him (unlike Mic and Midnight thoug they don’t force anything and let Uraraka figure things out on her own)
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o-pandora-o · 3 years
Brothers in the Human Realm
No one was a demon to begin with (maybe luci though but-). You meet the brothers as human in the human realm. How would you meet them?
Apparently some schoolmate of yours have done some violations in the school grounds and they used your name
You were sent to the Principal's office where you were questioned by Principal Diavolo about your wrong doings
You were trying to defend your innocence, but it was no avail
Coincidentally Lucifer was just dropping paperwork to Diavolo
Lucifer is your strict and scary and handsome college professor
He overheard the conversation and he defended you since he knew that you weren't lying
"Mr. Diavolo I must say, MC is one of my exceptional students, they would not do something as idiotic as that, and I clearly observe the behavior of my students"
Your H E R O
The next day, someone gave Principal Diavolo evidence of those who did wrong
Your name was cleared
Apparently you saw Lucifer giving those schoolmates detention, threat, and punishment. You may or may not seen a hint of killing intent in his eyes
You decided to thank Lucifer
"No worries, I just clearly observe the actions of what is mine"
"Wha-" you replied
"Ah MC I have to go to my next class, take care"
Is a famous model, often the cover and centerfold of the monthly Majolish
For you Mammon was okay? I mean he is famous and many people likes his face
You were going to buy a limited edition  sunglasses that have hint of yellow and orange
You went to a sunglass store and asked the attendant if they they still have it but apparently the one on the display is their only stock
You decided to buy it
Apparently, Mammon also came to that specific sunglasses store looking for sunglasses that is the same as the one you bought
"I'm sorry sir, but apparently it was already bought and we have no stock" the attendant said
"Who bought it?"
"They did, sir" the attendant said as they point to you
"Oi! Can I buy the sunglasses from you? I'll pay double, no one can refuse the great Mammon"
"I'm sorry but I have to refuse. I really wanted it." you said
"Don't you know who I am? I'm-"
"The Great MAMMON, who is a famous model and often seen on Majolish magazine" you cut him off. "R-right! Now can i buy-"
"Nope sorry" you replied as you rushed to the exit
"Oi! What's your name? And contact details" he asked
"the name is MC, thats all you can get from me" you said as you rushed to the crowd
He was swarmed by the number of fans who saw him
He managed to find you and he chats you "Can I buy the sunglasses now?"
In the end it wasn't just sunglasses you talked about, you also talked about his struggle of being a model and your life
Your username DestructoSheep is well known in the realms of Obey them
You always rank 2nd in pop quizzes
However no matter what you try, you can never beat your enemy, L3v1
Today, you got a letter from obey them, acknowledging the top players and giving them limited edition items
Ofc you have to go (there are limited items after all)
So you arrived early at the meetup place, no one was there yet so you played some obey them
A purple haired male entered the room, he looked fidgety, nervous, and he was mumbling something about normies
Cue giving of merch
The purple haired male tripped on the tiles and he dropped his phone in front of you
You helped him up and picked up his phone only to see his player name is L3v1.
"You.... You are L3v1." you sai
"Y-Yeah?W-Why?" he said as he was going to grab his phone away from you
"Waaaah! I'm DestructoSheep nice to meet you, oh but you can call me MC" you said as you reached his hand for a handshake
"I-uhhh I'm sorry I'm not used to touching, thats very normie-ish" he said as he averted his eyes
"My name is Leviathan, levi for short"
"I've always thought that the top player is always prideful and such but here he is being shy" you said as you chuckled
"H-hey! I'm still the best one in obey them mind you! I got every event cards at lvl 150 and skill lvl 10 and-"
"Yeah yeah I know" you said
After both of you received the merch, you both talked nonstop about obey them, other games, and anime
It was more like Levi bragging the amount of games and anime he played and watched
It was almost dusk till both of you notice the time
"Ah i got to go early, need to cook dinner. Chat me sometime!!!" you said as you gave him your contact details
Expect no sleep cuz both of you kept chatting till dawn
He saw a kitty in a box in an alleyway near his apartment
Everyday, he often stops by to give the kitty enough food for the day
Is often disgusted by the fact that most people dump their pets in trash because they don't have anything to feed it
Saw you going to the alleyway
He suspected the worst and he thought that you were gonna harm the kitty he was feeding
"Hey don't harm-" he stopped
He saw you feeding the kitty
"Ah I assume you thought that I was gonna harm it?" you asked
"Well I thought the worst, humans are naturally scum anyways, but even so I do apologize"
"Ah it's alright, it's not a big deal anyways" you replied
"You come here often? I mean to feed the kitten that is" he asked
"You can say that, but not as often as you do" you said
"How did you know?did you perhaps-"
"Ah I happened to saw you feeding the kitten, I was just shy to approach you" you said
"Well I come to believe that people who are close to cats are not necessarily bad"
"I have to say I have to agree" you replied
"Ah I have to go, let's chat here again next time" you added
The alleyway became your meeting place to chitchat about cats
The famous M.A.D. Company released a new and limited edition Devil Set makeup and you were dying to get a hold of one
You spent a day looking at different stores but it was either unavailable or sold out. However, you were lucky to find another store that has one last stock.
You didn't notice someone else was also going to get it and so both of you grabbed the last set
"Uh... I'm sorry I have been looking this for the whole day, may I have it?" you politely asked
"Awww sweetie, I have been doing the same thing! Can you be a dear and let go of it?" the male with champagne-colored hair replied
Cue 1 hour of both of you saying "let go" or "it's mine"
"I have an idea! Let's just buy the set and divide it" you said
"Ohh! Good thinking! I will take the lippies, Devil shadow palette and the foundation!"
"That's literally EVERYTHING IN THE SET"
Cue two more hours of bickering.
Both of you didn't notice someone took it while the two of you are bickering
You noticed that it was gone
"Um... Someone already bought it while you two were... fighting" the saleslady explained
Both of you left the store empty handed and sad and you decided to break the atmosphere
"Pffft I'm sorry for fighting because of a Makeup set, btw my name is MC" you said
"I'm also sorry dear, although I wanted it I still didn't get it. I even missed my appointment to the salon!"
"And my name is Asmodeus, perfect name for a perfect being!" Asmo added
"Alright Mr 'Perfect' " you rolled your eyes
Let's just say that both of you talked about makeups on your way home.
Beel is your classmate during Physical Education class at college
Is a famous football player in your campus and he is also known for his handsomeness
His practice hours were often morning to late lunch and late lunch til dusk
During late lunch you saw him in the cashier by the cafeteria, asking if they still have cheeseburger available
But to his dismay, the cashier said "I'm sorry you already bought the last cheeseburger, and that's the last quota for the day"
He seemed sad and still hungry
You still have a cheeseburger to eat, but when you saw the time you knew you weren't gonna make it on your next class
When no one was looking, you decided to approach Beel and gave him your cheeseburger
"Are you giving this to me?"
"Yeah, I was going to eat it but I don't have much time for my next class" you replied
"Thanks, I owe you one"
You saw how happy he was when he got the cheeseburger
You were shocked how fast he ate it
Did he like inhale it or something
After your class, you noticed that he texted you saying "Thanks for the cheeseburger, I'll repay you next time you get hungry"
Let's just say you both got closer after that
It's your first day of online class, and your first subject has a 4 hour lecture
You forgot to disconnect your meeting link and you didn't notice until you were about to do homework
As you were about to disconnect, you saw that you weren't alone and you're classmate is still connected
You didnt want to leave him so you tried your best for your classmate to notice you. You tried spamming and saying " hello"
After 1234 attempts he finally noticed you
"Ah I'm sorry I slept during the boring lecture, thanks for waking me up"
"Ah it's no problem" you replied
"My name is Belphegor as you can see, but you can call me Belphie"
"My name is MC" you replied
"Say... How are you still here after hours after the lecture?"
"I forgot to disconnect" you replied
"Uh idk if this is too much of a favor to ask, can you wake me up again next time? After lecture that is, I don't want to be late for other classes"
"Sure, I don't mind I guess" you replied
After that, both of you got to know each other and you forgot to do your homework and you became a personal alarm clock
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Hello. What about a villain SO who adores animals for Captain Hook, Hades, Dr. Facilier, Bill Cipher, Beetlejuice, and Jafar? Thank you hun😊🍯
Hope you like these ^^
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·         I wouldn’t put it past him to make one or two beastiality jokes…
·         But apart from that, he doesn’t half mind animals either! (And he finds it endearing to see you playing with them, not that he cares to identify at all the warm, soothing feeling in his chest when he sees you boop your nose against a tortoise’s.) He’d love a dog, or… a tiger. A dinosaur would be ideal.
·         But actually, its animals that tend to have a problem with him.
·         Cuz of course animals are a lot more sensitive than humans tend to be to ghosts, and demons, and souls. And his soul is pretty damn mucky. BJ has met exactly zero animal’s so far (Since his death) that haven’t taken an immediate dislike of him. They hiss at him, or growl, or try to wriggle away even if they aren’t being held by him; Just nearby to him.
·         He scares them because they can feel his evil and want nothing to do with it.
·         So your dreams of adopting a dog with your new ghostie bf will need to be put on a back burner. Maybe he can lasso a sandworm and y’all can name her Rose and she can be your pet? He absolutely does not want you to be sad because of him!!
Bill Cipher:
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·         “ooOOH, what kind? Anglerfish? Clown fish? Sharks? Lobsters? Giant Squid? Wolffish? The Textile Cone Snail’s native to the Red Sea, Indian Ocean and Oceania waters? Octopus? Lock Ness Monster? Mermaids? Shrimp? Koi? M E G A L A D O N S? OH OH- THE KRAKEN?”
·         “Wow, that was a lotta underwater stuff. I mean, yeah, they’re all great but also land animals and birds… And I don’t think all those are actually real?”
·         “Heheh, that’s what you think… “His body loses its colour and becomes like a Bill Shaped screen, like he does sometimes when he’s brainstorming, and you just catch a picture of somewhere under the ocean and a beautiful, purple tale flapping out of the picture and a flash of soft, human skin just above it. Your eyes blow wide open. “Y/N, remember 80 percent of the ocean is unexplored.”
·         SO, yeah. Bill’s really into underwater creatures. It is the most mysterious part of earth and in it lives some of the world’s freakiest creatures.
·         He’ll install a whole aquarium in your house out of excitement, and inside? Nothing but angler fish, giant squids to watch you while you sleep and beautifully coloured sea snails climbing up the glass walls.
·         Land animals though and birds? Very little interest. Birds get points only for being close to dinosaurs (You ask about reptiles in that case and his eye inverts in its colouring. His ‘skin’ goes red. “Those jerks know what they did.”), but still he’d much rather talk about star fish! Get ready to be more educated about the ocean’s weirdest creatures and mysterious happenings then you ever wanted to be.
Captain Hook:
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·         He has very confused feelings about this- especially when you act so chummy with Tik Tok who, naturally, loves you and your T-Bone steak snacks.
·         On one hand, if you’re feeding Tik Tok then Tik Tok probably won’t feel the need or be able, to eat him.
·         But on the other- bEtrAyER! How could you feed and love that monster, that has plagued his life for years and made his existence a living hell?
·         But then again, the fact that Tik Tok is now often too full to bother with him rears its head again and he calms down.
·         Because of this, its typical that he says nothing when you have animals around (Any animal. They all remind him of Tik Tok. Scales, fur, or feather). He’ll want to. Gosh, the need to speak will overflow in his throat and he’ll take a deep breath- … but then no words come out. He forces it down. Because he can’t mention his dislike without mentioning his relief also, so speaking at all would really just make you confused and feel bad and leave him frustrated because he doesn’t know how either of you could change to make this better for anyone, so its just not worth it.  
·         So then he just walks away.
·         Its pretty humorous to see, actually. Because he’s just all grumpy and slouching off, maybe shaking his head and muttering, and you’re all wide eyed and confused. Holding, like, a budgie or a snake or something.
·         The other pirates are keeping a tally.
·         Bonus point: He’s not scared (Or allergic) of any other animals apart from Tik Tok, so you don’t have to worry about him being skittish or anything.
Dr Facilier:
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·         Frogs are a difficult subject for him so enjoy amphibian cuties somewhere that he is not, please. Also rabbits- there was an incident before you came along that he does not speak of.
·         Other then that, Facilier is basically a normal person about animals. He can appreciate a nice zoo visit every now and then and pet the odd dog or cat but with you in his life he never wants to go to a zoo again. And he’s bored as hell by everyday pets.
·         But he won’t tell you he’s sick of all the animals. Nay, nay. Its one of those things where you love the person, so you put up with the crazy/annoying shit they love. Like ‘Yes, yes. Very interesting, cher… ‘ when you talk about it, while he’s actually reading the newspaper and he hasn’t heard anything you said. After all, you stay quiet when he’s plotting or cackling over something he did to a victim that day. Its only fair.
·         He is fascinated, though, when he’s just watching you (Sometimes he just sits back and observes you doing your thing. Its relaxing for him) and he notices little quirks you’ve picked up from various creatures. Like the way you curl up when you’re lying down on the couch and how you shrink back from things that happened to surprise you, similar to a big cat. Your eyes are focused like a wild animal, too. Very cute.
·         Lots of animal-themed nicknames.
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·         “You know, some tell me I’m a kinda animal, babe… “He wiggles his eyebrows at you over his mug of whatever-he-drinks (You fear asking, after watching him eat a bowl of worms), offering his best (And funniest) bedroom eyes to you.
·         “Yes, but are you as cute as this snake Hades?? Are you?? Look into these eyes and tell me this snek is not as cute as you are.” You lift the little grass snake gently from the table and onto your arm, letting him wrap its body around you and lift his head to look around; Checking out what’s up. He was getting his scales stroked good; Why has it stopped?  
·         “Pfft,” Hades rolls his eyes, returning to the chess board in front of him (He likes to play both sides and challenge himself).
·         Okay so, Hades can take or leave most animals. But it’s so cute that you love them, so he lets you keep them around. Whatever animals you like (Don’t worry, you also have the proper equipment and enclosures for them, and Hades makes another God, who is an expert on all things animals, come by whenever you have a question), and however many you like. I mean, what’s the good of being a God if you can’t spoil yourself and your preciously excited, human significant other?
·         So you have, like, Reptiles at the west end of his underworld castle, nocturnal animals on the east, more pet-type animals like dogs and cats and rabbits in the living area part of the castle, etc.
·         The animals give Pain and Panic a hugely hard time, which Hades thinks is a great bonus to doing this for you.
·         He really loves it when you call him and yourself the animal’s parents. Yes, call me Daddy, babes. Its fine by me!
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·         Oh my god, the disdain in his voice when he looks from you, practically bouncing on the heels of your feet and to the fluffy white kitty you’ve gently shoved in his hands- which he holds at nearly a full arm’s length away from him. “Eugh. Really?”
·         “What’s wrong! ? Isn’t she the cutest?”
·         “She’ll get fur everywhere.”
·         “Oh, that’s rich… “You say, side eye-ing Iago, who’s making a face at the cat from Jafar’s other shoulder. “Iago stress moults- and you stress him out all the time!”
·         A dramatic, offended gasp erupts from one of the two males (Not gonna tell you who). “It is aesthetically pleasing mess!”
·         So basically if the animal doesn’t speak a language he understands, he doesn’t care for it. You’re going to be fighting him on this for the rest of your life, Y/N. (Or his. I mean, I heard evil double crossing sorcerer vizier’s are dying at an accelerated rate these days. Hm, mysterious.).
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izur-x · 3 years
Can i get shower sex what nagito 🤨
And no i am not horn-
Anyways yeah ❤️
Pairing ~ nagito/fem!reader.
Genre + warning ~ nsfw, shower sex, uh idk, groping, self degrading, uh dom!nagito cuz i can't write a dom reader.
Summary ~ wanting a wholesome shower ended up with steamy shower.
Note ~ say cheese!
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❛h-huh? You want to do— WHAT- u-umh...❜
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"oh? What's this?"
You pick up a letter on the table.
Dear s/o.
Hello s/o! I'm have to work early...sorry s/o!. But don't worry! I will work faster so that i don't missed dinner with youᕙ(@°▽°@)ᕗ.
Also! Don't forget to eat breakfast that i prepare, it's not burned like usual, hopes it's good! Stay safe please :'), i love you!
Your trashy dearest husband, nagito.
You laugh at the end of the letter, seems that he correct himself, good for him. You were doing chores, like washing clothing, sweeping the floor, mob it, everything like usual.
The breakfast was good! It was perfect. You tired from all the work you do, so you sit in the couch watching TV, waiting for lunch.
As you watching the TV, your ring... Got your attention, you keep looking at it, and smiled to yourself, you could not believe it that you married, it's almost like a dream.
Push everything aside, and look at the time, it was lunch! You prepare everything and eat, it was lonely without nagito, but he's an CEO, what can you do.
You sigh, and keep eating.
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It was nighttime, which is dinner, but nagito haven't comeback, so you eat alone again..., As you prepare for shower, the ring bell suddenly ring.
You were going to take a bath, you pouted. "I'm coming!" As you open the door and getting hug, your heart stopped. As soon you realize it, it was nagito.
"n-nagito! Don't scares me like that..." He nervously chuckle "sorry s/o, but i really miss you.." you playfully slap his arms, "i miss you too, welcome back." Kissed his cheeks.
Nagito nodded and get inside. "Hey nagito, you already have dinner?" "Oh, yeah i already had dinner..." "Oh! I'm glad." You two stayed silent for a bit.
"oh yeah! i prepare for shower—"
"wanna go shower together—"
You both...look at each other and the look away in embarrassment. "S-sure.." you were trying to not stuttering, but failed. He laugh, kissed you cheeks and go to the bathroom.
You were trying to process and then follow him. Nagito was already...naked. you trying to not look down. As you got completely naked, joins nagito into the shower.
It was awkward, concidering it was you two first time, you trying to break the awkwardness with talk. "So...nagito how was work?" While washing your body.
"oh, work are alright, nothing really interesting." You hummed, "hey s/o?" "Yes nagito." "Can you shampoo my hair? Of course if you agree—" you nodded with a big smile and over nagito to sit on the chair.
The chair was short. So you need to kneels down and shampoo his hair's, it was wholesome, until your breasts accident touches his back.
He obviously froze, kinda make his boner hard, "u-uhm, should i s-stop?" "O-oh, it's fine! J-just forget about it and continue..." You nodded and continue.
He couldn't help it but... Getting horny. He was trying, trying his best to not railed you, he doesn't deserve it if you agree.
And yet again, he couldn't handle it. "U-umh s/o?" "Yes nagito, What's wrong?" He rethink his choice, "forgive me what I'm about to do."
"h-huh?" Nagito turn around and grab your hands, kissed you. He put you into his lap, and grab your waist, trying to break free, but it's useless now, all you do now is give him a consent.
You warped your arms around his neck and get closer to him, the sound of water showering both of you making it a bit romantic. You realize that something pocking your cvnt.
You grip onto his shoulder, making nagito to whines, he let go of the kiss and attack your neck, "a-ah! N-nagito—" "shh." You were practically drooling from his touch.
"love, can i?" "Y-you already have my consent.." "yeah just to make sure, if it's hurt, please tell me to stop." You nodded, nagito with hair down, plus, his hair's are wet.
He never leave your eyes, always make a contact, leaving you a little bit nervous, "okay, I think I'm ready now." Nagito nodded and pin you backwards into the wall.
Locking your both arms up with his one hands and then slowly slide into your hole. "A-ah!" "W-whats wrong, i-is it hurt?" "N-no, j-just keep going–"
"l-love your so tight.." he let go of your arms and goes to your breasts and play it, double pleasure, cause why not?. "S/o." "Hah...y-yes nagito?" "I'm going to move, again, let me know if it's hurt." You nodded.
He slowly thrusts you, rubbing your inside with his cock, "ah... your so warm and tight.." "p-please..." You were begging him to go faster for some reason.
"'please' what my love?" He knows what you want, but decided to tease you. "G-go faster pleaseee–" you gasp because nagito suddenly goes fast with the thrusts.
"y-you hah... Didn't w-warn me-!" He just hummed and keep thrusting you, he still playing with your breasts, maybe mark you too. "N-nagito!" Without any warning, you tighten up due to you cumming.
"ng-ngh! S/o.." his thrusts become sloppy, eventually stopped. You both were panting, exhausted with the activity that you both do. "W-we should stop now, and sleep.." he suggests, and you agree.
He pull out his cock from you, obviously you whine. After that, you both fall asleep, in each other arms.
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Side note ~ sorry if i took too long, my motivation goes up and down, also i was writing this while i was sick, hope you like this
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toosicktoocare · 3 years
AU where the Avengers don’t know that Spider-Man is Peter Parker just cuz
inspired by a fantastic ask about concussions from @carley-carley-carley (hope it’s okay that I tagged you!)
“Young man? Young man, are you alright?” 
Grunting, Peter drags his head away from the insistent tapping against his cheek, an almost rhythmic, steady pressure that jerks up his temple to spread across his forehead. The pressure isolates to the base of his skull, where the pounding seems to be at it’s worst, and it holds ground there, pulsing uncomfortably. 
“Young man, you fell from a four-story apartment building.” 
Peter’s brows furrow at this. He wants to object because he’s Spider-Man, and a fall like that is minor compared to the novel of inuries he’s suffered alongside the Avengers. He opens his mouth to do just that, to explain to this woman that this is nothing, that he’ll walk it off, but a pricking senstation hot against the back of his neck hotwires to his eyelids, forcing them open. 
He’s aware of two things: One, the woman leaning over him is far too close, and she’s doubling and tripling before him, going in out of focus against his blurry eyes. Despite hazy around the edges, she looks concerned, if the deep-set wrinkles etched into her forehead are anything to go by. Two, there’s a small crowd surrounding him, and while Peter’s not particularly claustrophobic, right now, it feels like each body is pushing against his lungs, and his stomach. When the hell did he start feeling so nauseous? 
“Young man, do you know what day it is?” 
No, Peter thinks flatly to himself. He really doesn’t. He could dig through his mind, eager to push out logic, work through his mental calendar that operates soley around when homework assignments are due, but there’s a solid rock of pulsing pain blocking all normal, brain functioning. “Monday?” he tries weakly. He’s faintly aware that his own voice sounds hollow and distant, but more so, he’s distinctly aware of the saliva pooling in his mouth, a copper taste that coats against his tongue. 
Peter didn’t think it was possible, but the woman somehow frowns deeper at him, and she climbs to her feet, body rigid. He supposes it’s not Monday after all. 
“Call an ambulance! He’s concussed.” 
Peter shoots forward into a sitting position, and the pain in his head bursts like a balloon. The redistributed pressure is blinding, and Peter drops his face into his cupped hands with a low groan that threatens to bring more than just air up his throat. 
He wants to assure them that a hospital isn’t necessary, that his enhanced healing defies medical science, but when the white light coating his vision dies down to an unsteady sway of darker, blurring colors, he only sees scraped up palms before him, not gloves. He rips his hands away, and one, quick look down shows that he’s sporting a blue NASA hoodie and blue jeans and that he’s definitely not wearing his signature red and blue Spider-Man suit he thought he had on. 
The hell? 
He glances to see his backpack beside him, thankfully still zipped up and intact. He tries to wrack his brain, briefly craning his neck up toward the rooftop he assumes he fell from, only to quickly jerk his gaze back down when the setting sun seems to shine past his eyes to burn at his skull. He can’t remember why he was up there in the first place, especially since he’s in civilian clothing. He can’t remember much of anything, now that he dwells on it. 
“Young man, by all accounts, you should be dead.” 
Peter makes to reply, his clenched jaw unhinging almost painfully, but a different, probing jolt sparks up his spine to the back of his neck, and he’s climbing to his feet, pale, wobbly, just as two, new voices somehow carry over the wall of chatter around him. 
“What’s going on?”
“Make way. Crowds typically mean one of two things: some weird alien contraption that equals bad news or a dead body, either of which I can’t really fit into today’s schedule.”
Even if Peter didn’t have the two voices memorized, down to the timbre, the sudden, loud squealing from the crowd of “Tony Stark!” and “Captain America!” is enough to have him eyeing for a quick exit, determining if he can duck his way through the pressing bodies. 
“This young man fell from the roof!” 
“So,” Tony draws out, his voice growing closer. “Dead body it...” He trails off as he nudges around a few people until he’s breaking into the center of the circle with Steve hot on his heels. 
“Well, hello there, not dead person.” 
Peter wants to shrink away from Tony’s gaze. He wants the ground to crumble and break and swallow him hole, to rid himself of the awkward fear and warm embarrasment that flushes his cheeks. He can feel a thick, lukewarm liquid dripping down his neck, and he doesn’t want to look down to see the concerning pool of blood at his feet. 
“Son, are you alright?” Steve shoves forward, and on instinct, Peter backs away and brings a hand to the back of his neck, a nervous tick, but he pulls it back almost immediately, faintly frowning at the splattered red coloring his palm. 
“You fell,” Tony starts, and Peter knows this tone well as it’s Tony’s signature speculation tone, where he dissects the situation around clipped, short sentences. 
“From up there?” 
Leveling his gaze, Peter huffs out a shaky sigh, wincing slightly as Steve prods lightly at the back of his head. 
“Um, yeah. I guess?” 
“You guess?” 
“I don’t really remember,” Peter laughs awkwardly, clears his throat. He can sense the tension that builds behind him, can almost feel the way Steve’s muslces grow rigid. 
“He’s concussed, Tony. Maybe save the interrogation for another time?” 
“Sure,” Tony says, and he steps forward, carefully avoiding the puddle of blood. “But, you can’t blame me for finding this entire situation unsettling, Steve. This kid fell from the roof of a four-story building, landed on his back, and now he’s standing, and aside from the fact that he looks a tad worse for wear, he’s alive?” 
“I’m right here,” Peter mutters under his breath, and Tony nods and crowds too close to him. 
“You are. Standing. Speaking. Alive. Three things that don’t exactly pair well with falling off a roof.” 
Peter’s head hurts, bad. Deflect, he thinks. But how? “I’ve always been told I come from a family of hard heads,” he mumbles around a hollow laugh, and, he thinks, it definitely sounds as stupid out loud as it did in his head. 
Tony’s gaze, in response, his sharp, and narrow, and Peter unconsciously closes his eyes. He can feel the ground rippling below his feet, and he sways, steadying only when Steve wraps an arm around his shoulders. 
“Enough, Tony.” 
“How much would it take to get you to come back to our labs so I can run some tests-”
“-Enough, Tony.”
Steve’s voice vibrates all across Peter’s body. It’s a powerful yet familiar feeling that makes him shudder slightly. 
“What’s your name, son?” 
Peter contemplates lying, maybe even using Ned’s name. But, he’s been careful as Spider-Man thus far, so, he thinks, he’s not at risk by sharing his real name. Besides, it’s not like it’s uncommon. “Peter,” he says after a moment. 
He could hear Steve talking beside him, but an unannounced rush of blood in his ears begisn to drown out close sounds. He grows hot suddenly, or maybe, he’s been getting steadily hotter this entire time and he couldn’t fully realize. His body’s shaking a little harder now, inconsistent trembles jerking his limbs. His throat’s tightening, and when he realizes what the hell is happening, he’s shoving away from Steve and hunching over to vomit. 
He feels worse when he finishes. He’s exhausted, and his head is positively throbbing. Yet, there’s a color of clarity flicking across his mind. Through the thick pain, he can think a little clearer, see a little clearer. 
“Gross, kid. Time to go to the hospital.” 
“No!” Peter whips around, staggers, and unconsciously reaches out to Steve’s arm for support. “I mean, that’s not necessary,” he clarifies at the two, wide expressions looking at him expectantly. “Really. I’m already feeling better.” To punctuate his point, he lets go of Steve’s arm and bends down to snag his backpack, clutching it close to his chest. “See, totally fine. No passing out or anything.” 
On the back of his head, he can already feel his broken skin moving, closing torn gaps, slowing the bloodflow. He figures he’s got about an hour until it’s completely healed, and he’d rather not be around two Avengers when it happens. 
“I’ll just go home and... rest! I’ll rest. Scout’s honor.” He mock salutes, and then he spins on his heel and starts pushing his way out of the crowd, missing the furrowed gaze from Tony. He swallows thickly when he hears two sets of heavy footsteps behind him. 
“Peter, wait!”
“I’m with Steve on this one, kid. I can’t, in good conscience, let you disappear in this condition. I can see the headlines now. Iron Man Abandons Helpless Teen.” 
Peter keeps walking ahead, keeps his gaze locked to the sidewalk below him as Tony and Steve take either side of him. “My apartment’s just a few blocks from here,” he mumbles, focusing on the rhythmic pound of his shoes on concrete and not on the hot pain pushing all across his head or on the fact that he can’t shake a couple of Avengers, something he’d never consider as Spider-Man. 
“Do you not like hospitals, Peter?” 
Steve’s question is a gentle prod, and Peter goes with it, shrugging. 
“Not really,” he offers, keeping his voice low, indicating he doesn’t want to pursue the conversation, and luckily, Steve takes the bait and drops it. At least, Peter thinks, they’ll stop insisting he seek out medical assistance now. Though, he does feel a little bad lying to Steve; he doesn’t like lying, unless it’s to egg on Tony’s nerves as Spider-Man. But to Steve? It feels morally wrong, and he thinks he should seek out a confessional for his sins later. 
“Not interested in having a bunch of doctors deem you a medical miracle?” 
“Definitely not,” Peter groans, finally dragging his gaze up until he’s looking forward and not at the scuff marks on his shoes. His memories, though fuzzy, are filtering through cracks in the thick mud that’s currently his mind. He can remember standing atop the roof, maybe a little too close to the edge. He was getting ready to rip open his backpack for his suit, and then he remembers losing his footing. He remembers the back of his foot hitting the edge of the roof, and everything goes dark after that. 
Embarrassing, he thinks. He’s the only super hero he knows clumsier than a newborn deer. Lost in his thoughts, he doesn’t realize he’s reached his apartment until his leg muscles are dragging to a stop on habit. He looks up, craning his neck, and sighs. “Well, this is me. I appreciate the escort, but I’m good now.” He starts up the steps, sighing louder when he hears the two follow. 
He makes it all the way up the steps to his apartment door and unlocks it before he spins on his heel, a second, longer sigh pushing past his lips. “Look, I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but don’t you both have... bigger things to do? Iron Man and Captain America things?” 
“You busy, Steve?” Tony asks, and Steve mutely shakes his head before following Tony into the apartment. 
Groaning, Peter rubs at his forehead and shuffles inside, knowing full and well that both are incredibly busy on an hour-to-hour basis. He’s quick to slip his bacpack into his bedroom and close the door before he steps back out into the living room to see Steve motioning toward the couch with a pack of frozen peas in hand. 
“It’s all you had.” 
Shrugging, Peter drops down flat onto the couch, sitting up briefly so Steve can slip the bag of frozen peas behind his head. He shivers on contact because shit, it’s freezing, and Steve’s reaching over him to snag the blanket draped behind the couch. He hums absently when Steve tucks it around him, and then he cracks an eye open to see Tony staring down childhood pictures with a familair set of glasses on. 
“Mr. Stark?” 
“Huh?” Tony whips around, already plucking the glasses from his face. 
“Really, Tony? How much info is FRIDAY feeding you right now?” 
“What?” Tony drags out, both hands raised in defense. “Kid fell off a roof and walked away. Sue me.” 
“I promise, Mr. Stark, I’m not even remotely interesting,” Peter tries, and Tony raises a single brow his way. 
“I’ll be the judge of that.” 
Peter’s kept his identity tightly under wraps thus far, and he knows childhood pictures or pictures with May aren’t going to reveal that he’s Spider-Man. Still, it’s annoyingly intrusive, and he sits up with a groan. 
“If I swear on my best friend’s lego model death star that I’ll stay put, rest, and wake up every few hours to monitor my condition, will you both please leave? You really don’t need to hang around here; I know you both have to be really busy.” 
“Your best friend has a lego model death star?” Tony starts, isolating that one fact. “Is your best friend in second grade?” 
Peter clambers to his feet, stalks over to his door, and yanks it open. “We’re the same age, and I happily helped him with it,” he challenges, motioning toward the doorway. 
“Easy, champ,” Tony says around a laugh as he and Steve start toward the door. “If you and your friend want to play with legos, that’s none of my business. Just try not to fall off any more roofs because, unfortunately, that is my business.” 
“Yes, sir,” Peter says, offering a nod as the two step out. 
“Consider going to a hospital, Peter,” Steve adds. “Maybe take your friend with you for comfort.” 
Yeah right, Peter thinks. Ned can’t even handle the thought of a needle without feeling faint. Still, he nods, if only to appease Steve, and then he’s closing the door and sinking against it with a low sigh. He listens for a long time until he can no longer make out their footsteps, and then he’s ignoring the pressure in his head and running to his room to don his suit. 
Concussion or not, Queens still needs the friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man.
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