#I’m tired of picking
edandstede · 9 months
they were going to get married. we were going to see them struggle with the inn, and grow together, and overcome new obstacles. we were going to see how the crew’s journey came to a close, where the revenge ended up, what happened with their plans for prince ricky. we were going to see them fight for each other one last time. we got a happy ending in case this very thing happened, but we didn’t get THE happy ending - the one david jenkins has had in mind the whole time. ed and stede weren’t finished, the crew weren’t finished, their stories hadn’t truly concluded and i am so sad.
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timethehobo · 3 months
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He’s got a lil something for you. Will you accept?
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medievalthymes · 4 months
wow i love books. would sure love to read one some day.
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qc-wiggles · 7 months
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average hours of sleep per weeknight of an oiar employee is 4
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sipsoftea · 4 months
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Since I did one for my first farmer, I obviously had to do one for my second. We don’t play favorites in this house (except we totally do, I love her sm)
Her name is Jeannie, and she’s a half vampire on her dad’s side. Other than her appearance, vampirism hasn’t really affected her life that much, she just has to deal with a mild garlic allergy and getting sunburnt real easy. She also ages a tad slower than a normal person, but she does still age
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sacriou · 12 days
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Having a favorite professor layton character is impossible because Emmy is right there. She wins.
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spinjitsuburst · 7 months
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am i funny yet
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wandalives · 1 month
Tired of the “people who don’t want to rule make the best leaders” bullshit that Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon both try to sell. Every single person we’ve seen who doesn’t want to rule that ends up in power is absolutely terrible at it. What about Robert Baratheon and Viserys I’s reigns am I supposed to find appealing? They both fractured the kingdom and had wars break out as soon as they died because they did such a terrible job keeping the kingdoms together.
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foldingfittedsheets · 1 month
I am too small to survive the world today. I ended up helping three guests simultaneously with no one to help me with processes I don’t know yet like picking up a bed in another state while I try to juggle three people and the phones all at once.
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queer-reader-07 · 1 year
the fact that crowley stopped jim from jumping out the window the moment it was clear that jim was not just gabriel fucking with everyone is so personal to me. because:
“okay, i know you’re testing them, you said you were going to be testing them. you shouldn’t test them to destruction.”
crowley was never going to let him jump out that window, he just needed to push him far enough to be sure it wasn’t gabriel.
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Tim Drake is a coffee gremlin who solely survives on excess amounts of caffeine to get through cases: not entirely backed up by canon characterization but overall harmless
But consider! Tim Drake is an AuDHD king and caffeine has a paradoxical effect on him. It’s the hyperfixation of it all that keeps him going
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tariah23 · 1 month
It’s crazy because I can count on my fingers the amount of times I’d been in that girls car, man. 4 times. The first time was when we first hung out and met each other back in February. We met on tumblr but she lived in Chicago so we just decided to meet in person. We went to the movies, saw Paprika, and she took me home. Second time was a while later back when I was still working as a concierge at my last job. This was probably in June since before we went him, she stopped somewhere to eat and then she took me home and stayed for a while. She was trying to teach me bout to drive and stuff and helped me set up my snap online and all that. She heavily insisted on picking me up from work even though I’d told her that it was fine multiple times because the train station was literally 4 minutes or so away from me in walking distance. It was raining and she was getting all frantic and freaking out like she usually does and I just gave in and said told her “sure.” The third time I was in her car was months later, which was at least 2 weeks ago? She took my sister and I grocery shopping (helped us out with grocery’s since it was taking forever for my snap to come) and my mom even tried to giver her almost 80 back but she ended up taking the $25 offered to her after my mom insisted. Last time I was in her car was last Friday when all of that shit went down lmfao. It’s funny since throughout all this time of knowing her, she’s always ask to hang out/pick me up and I’d always tell her that I was busy, too lazy, or tired since I was and she’d be super PUSHY about it but I know that she just wanted to be friendly and hang out and would always say stuff like “I’m good at breaking ppl down! I’m gonna get you one of these days,” but I really just never felt like it. I’m a homebody at heart 🚶🏾‍♀️. And I’m LAZY. Even hanging out one day takes a lot of energy out of me and it takes me days to recover from that, I’m not used to hanging out and seeing ppl everyday. I don’t even like talking to ppl over the phone everyday fr. But she’d always call because she knew that 9 times out of 10, I’d usually pick up anyway (that’s usually the only way to get me to respond immediately if you’re reaching out to me since I might read your texts or messages but I probably won’t respond right away since I be lazy or not charged up mentally 😭. But if I’m called, l’ll most likely pick up tbh) but the whole “well, you’re gonna have to send me some gas money or meet me somewhere-“ shit was funny since her ass never had a problem coming all this way because she was lonely or whatever tf on her own. Why should I give you gave money to pick up your own shit that you kept on forgetting to take back home with you? On Friday, my mom had even tried to get her to take her bag back with her but she was all like “no, we’re coming back anyway!” So girl, this is on your dumbass. Before I’d even had the chance to fully respond back to her, she blocked me on everything and threatened to take me to small claims court over her bag that she could’ve been picked up 😭. No one wants tour shit, trust me. It’s safe and sound here.
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simstoyourdismay · 5 months
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“belle of the ball” met gala hosted by @havenroyals ❤���‍🔥
this post is so ass i’m so sorry i’ll fix it after i take a nap.. anyways YAY met gala!! i’ve always seen these on simstagram and wanted to participate in one so bad. small issue tho i forgot that i keep refusing to update my game so i had to build a makeshift lot really quick. that’s why you can barely see any of it lol
now i have celebrity ocs (the ngo family) so i can send them here 😛 i considered sending the arias family here as well but they’re not really celebrities, they’re just really rich? like sure, owning a huge conglomerate will make you known but it won’t have you trending on social media constantly. i was gonna go in about how they actually don’t care about that but this post isn’t even about them ahrhrhghghf.. uhhh quick rundown. shōichi is a big actor and he’s currently working for a highly anticipated film. it’s the rumored last film from a really talented director yada yada. he’s the type to lay reallyyy low when he’s filming so this appearance had people stirring. dawn is his wife and she’s a critically acclaimed pianist. was really big in vietnam when she was first starting out and garnered global attention fairly quickly. injured her hand a few years down the line and had to give up playing professionally, but her talent is still recognized today. she’s less popular in the states in comparison to shōichi but she’s known amongst the younger crowd online. you know celebrity crushes everyone can agree on? she’s one of those. uhhh what else oh they have two kids (they’re the twins) and they kept them out of the public eye for years. didn’t want to expose them to all that so early. the twins first appeared in the media when they were preteens, their choice. people were surprised to learn ezra was talented in his own regard (he paints) and the general public agreed that he’d be successful even without famous parents. talia didn’t really have a specific talent so she got dragged pretty often for being so lackluster in comparison to her family. this whole thing made talia fearful of the media so she took a step back from it all and ezra was scared of falling from their good graces. oh i just realized i’m rambling sorry i do that when talking about any of my ocs uhh if i delete this later when i’m fixing it you know why 💔 would also like to clarify that this makes them seem so cookie cutter but i promise they’re complex characters that i’ve fleshed out..
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fumifooms · 2 months
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I’m tired of being nice I want to go apeshit
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imthursdaysyme · 10 months
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stali ft. anger issues
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the-crimson · 1 year
I have so many thoughts on the vote today because there are so many layers. All talk about the characters not the creators obviously :D
First off, I’m wanna say that Forever is literally doing his best XD he is trying to give the islanders say in the mods/rules etc and wanted this to be a silly test run just to wet everyone’s feet with the concept. There is no way he could have prepared or predicted how it would turn out.
Now, from Bad’s pov, it is very important that he started criticizing the way the vote was set up before people started voting. The only reason he got so angry is because no one was taking him seriously and so many people chose to punish him specifically for something harmless ie stealing furniture instead of removing an item that is a danger to the eggs and is 10x more destructive towards peoples builds. Yea replacing furniture is annoying but not nearly as annoying as having to replace roads constantly or rebuilding parts of ur base. The school was literally just destroyed due to mines and yet everyone is complaining about their furniture.
Then, on top of all these people - who Bad has given items to without question and dropped everything for to help in the past - dog piling on him, Roier gets to vote three times. This is what pushed Bad over the edge because at that point, this wasn’t a democracy anymore. Roier was literally rigging the votes in his favor.
The reason Forever’s current system is flawed is because you give the voters 5 options to give them the illusion of choice but if all the options are bad and they can’t choose to vote for these things to not happen, then they don’t actually have a choice. They are being complicit in their own oppression. Bad’s example was extreme but it gets the point across.
Does Bad blow up Cellbit’s base or Forever’s base? He’s giving you a choice so it’s democratic. It’s an extreme example but this is a method of slowly poisoning the people so they are complicit. If you give them four options that are obviously bad so everyone votes for the fifth then that wasn’t democracy. That was the illusion of choice.
That is a terrible system! I trust forever not to abuse it but Forever is a puppet for the federation! Do you know how easily they could manipulate this voting system? Very. Very easily.
So, going into Bad and Forever’s conversation, Bad was already flabbergasted at how bad this voting system was in addition to blatant voter fraud and the pain of a bunch of his friends betraying him. Bad is a powder keg ready to explode.
Forever comes over and they try to talk it out at first but it quickly becomes evident that neither of them are listening. Forever thinks Bad is upset because of the furniture thing and that’s why he’s against the voting system but that’s not the case! These two have completely different methods of approaching a council/democratic system and neither is willing to listen. Once Forever brought up meta reasons for shooting down Bad’s ideas, the conversation was effectively over.
And what I think people forget is that Bad has been an anarchist since day one. The only reason he ran for President was so he could dismantle the office aka so there wouldn’t be a President. He is willing to work with forever to try and make it work but Bad is constantly fighting his desire to dismantle it entirely - and that has nothing to do with Forever.
I see a lot of people taking it personally and acting like Bad has a grudge against Forever but that isn’t the case. He doesn’t want a president. The fact Bad hasn’t demolished the fed presidential office is a testament to his and Forever’s relationship. Bad knows and is trusting Forever that he is doing his genuine best for the people… the problem is is that Forever is a federation puppet whether he likes it or not.
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The QSMP made the no stealing furniture law an actual law against Forever’s wishes and behind his back. My guess is they wanted to drive a wedge between Forever and Bad, a known anarchist and #1 federation hater. That’s why they made it law even though Forever thinks it’s still a joke.
Bad was the only one taking this vote seriously and actually thinking about the consequences because - on one hand - he was literally the only person who would be directly negatively impacted by this vote - and on the other hand - he wants what is best for the island as well and he immediately saw how this voting system could very easily be turned into a method of oppression by the federation. Unfortunately, no one else approached it with the same level of seriousness and when Forever talked with Bad, Forever was primed to assume Bad’s grievances were because he was being punished. They were set up to fail and the feds took advantage of that by making the law a Law.
Tomorrow(or whenever they meet next), after they both have time to cool off and gather their thoughts, they might be able to talk it out. This is communication smp after all. But there is no right answer here. This is politics and in politics, you will never make everyone happy.
People in the fandom are always gonna hate but if both Forever and Bad decide to go on opposed villain arcs, I will be sitting on the side lines munching popcorn and having a blast. They both deserve to go ape shit and I, for one, am looking forwards to the drama ;D
Just stay off Twitter maybe cuz everyone over there is insane…
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