#I’m very gay and would like a few dollars
neon-danger · 2 years
I really fucking wish I was in Baltimore this week 😢
What’s happening in Baltimore
That one set at the bar place?
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ingydar-g-phan · 13 days
Happy birthday Dan. I found you at a very, very low point in my life. It’s funny, because that point was only a few months ago. March 3rd. March 3rd. Jesus Christ. I was dealing with severe bullying, depression, hopelessness, isolation, gender dysphoria (i have been out/socially transitioned for like 5 years), and most of all, loneliness. I had a circle of about 3 friends who i talked to regularly, but only 1 i even saw in person more than once per year. Then, two of those 3 people began having relationship issues and were on the verge of breaking up. I felt like i was a bother, a burden to their already existing issues. Every single day I’d walk into school, put my headphones on, and not talk to a single person. I’d read, sleep, listen to music, dissociate, and sleep some more throughout the day just to distract myself from everything. From class, from parents, from the outside, everything. I fully and truly believed everyone besides those 3 people hated me. They found me disgusting, annoying, taking up space, and simply didn’t want me there. I think that is true to an extent, but i don’t like how i was just letting that be how it is. My dad was genuinely hopeless, he told me to just ride it out and if i could try to be just a little bit normal-er, maybe i wouldn’t be ignored by every person every day. That didn’t work. Instead, i decided to do some self work. Or rather, my dad stopped intruding on my free time which allowed me to still be awake and do things i wanted to do in peace. I thought, “Dan and Phil….those two emo guys with the cat whiskers….i have such a vague memory of a friend mentioning them or scrolling across a post of them, who even are they?”. I typed into the YouTube search bar “Dan and Phil”. A gaming channel? Are these people streamers? Oh god (i did not know you were one of us 🏳️‍🌈….or british…..). I watched one video. Now, ACCORDING TO YOUTUBE HISTORY, i somehow watched What Dan And Phil Text Each Other 4 as my first video. Not even the gaming channel, i don’t know how this happened maybe YouTube is lying to me. Whatever. Ok so which ones Dan and which ones Phil? Why do they look SO different? They’re British? I started watching Dan and Phil edits on TikTok. Ok, i know who you are, i get the vibes. Oh, coming out timeline? Gaming channel timeline and hiatus? Reacting to PINOF? On March 13, i watched Basically I’m Gay and Coming Out To You. It took me an entire month from then to watch Why I Quit YouTube. By late April, i was in it. I was watching Dan or Phil every day. Before, during, and/or after school. Since then, I’ve purchased YWGTTN (limited edition signed updated paperback). It was 38 fucking dollars in USD but it was worth it. I also now own TATINOF and DAPGO, one of which is signed by Phil, i bought second hand. So yes, now this is my new thing. But you know what else? I was getting happier. I was going to more concerts. I was doing my schoolwork, or at least trying to. I was reading!!!! I’ve since finished The Secret History. I made a friend; reconnected with an old childhood friend and started eating lunch together and hanging out and having shared trauma dump sessions, and we are so so close now. My two friends broke up, but it’s ok. I’m best friends with one of them and he’s so much better off, and the other and i are still casual friends!! I value them both for the multiple years I’ve known them. I’ve taken family vacations and done religious holidays with genuine care while getting to reconnect with my family. I’ve very passionately finished acting in a musical that I’ve put so much care into for about 5 months. I’m graduating tomorrow!!! And me and my close friend will be going to a concert tomorrow night afterwards, and I’m going to have a great summer where i see my close friend who i haven’t seen IRL since March of 2023. I’m getting closer with my dad and seeing a new therapist. I am having medical problems as of right now, but i would 100% be lying in bed crying and skipping graduation had i not found a reason to enjoy my days.
Did i just take one sentence referencing Dan to write a whole autobiography on tumblr? Yes, but also no. Dan and Phil are real people. They really do rescue pigeons named Steve and getting 10 sauces for their pizza and say hi across the city with binoculars. But they also genuinely have an impact on people, and they see that, and they LIKE to see that. I don’t think Dan will see this post. But I’m making it anyway. For me.
I love Dan so much. I cried twice while watching We’re All Doomed in my kitchen. I have actively watched Dan and Phil videos while crying at school. Once, in my bedroom, i was having a panic attack. I had an overwhelming rush of thoughts around 10 or 11 at night about how worthless i am and how terrible everything was going. I opened my tiktok, and there was THE edit that saved me. It was a video of fetus Dan on YouNow talking about his dream home. And then it was cutting back and forth to the Phouse. Then, Dans hopeful monologue in Basically I’m Gay. Finally, Dans hopeful monologue in We’re All Doomed. All of this in a softly shaky screen with sad music behind it. I cried a lot. This aspect of my life means so much to me. I think about the Halloween 2023 baking video at least 5 times a day (and sister Daniel’s….uhm….legs…). I am still so mad i did not buy the satanic Craft shirts. I just rewatched Dans interview last year with Anthony Padilla just because of how goddamn much I’m obsessed with that angle of Dan with his cute chin and cheeks and fucking dimple. I think about Dans bluntness in his defined-self and truly feel inspired to be like him. I look at his change over the years, his comfortability in his body, seeing that his face and neck are shaped like my face and neck, and he’s fucking beautiful. I don’t think I’d feel comfortable in my weight if not for Dan Howell, and i mean that so insanely sincerely. I read Dans book whenever I’m feeling hopeless and need a soft sexy British man to tell me the scientific reasoning behind why i feel this way and to assure me he’s felt worse. I’m so serious when i say i cannot imagine a day of my life without Dan and Phil. I truly don’t understand how i lived before or how I’d expect to live without it. “Live”, in the sense of find a way of life, not as in “stay alive.” I can’t imagine a day without those big brown boba eyes and that cute dimple and mainly that calming voice that reminds me someone else has felt this way. That reminds me love is possible. That reminds me i have so much ahead of me, so much life and love and joy.
Phil’s birthday stream may be my favorite piece of Dan and Phil media, or at least one of them. I find it so comforting and wholesome and beautiful and hilarious. I have such high hopes for Dans birthday stream. Until then, I’ll be working on my long-awaited (still very very unfinished) 2009!Dan and Phil art piece within my art initiative (pinned on my profile) (just for funsies, no money or anything involved). I’m going to sit there at 3pm (my time) and watch with a huge smile on my face to see my amazing dads spend the time of their lives being sexy and old and happy and disgustingly homosexual while i just embrace all you’ve done for me.
Happy birthday Dan
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aniwahstan · 21 days
Marauders + Jegulus: Pride Fest 1999
Art by the lovely @juksuart
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Regulus wanders back into James’ room just as he’s come from the shower, towel wrapped around himself. Glistening from head to toe. Regulus takes his turn to wash-up, and by the time he gets back to the room, James is already sporting a neon outfit of golds and reds.
Regulus sighs - already knowing he won’t have anything appropriate to wear today.
“I don’t have any flashy clothes for today.”
James freezes and looks at Regulus from the other side of the bed. “Who said you have to look flashy? Wear whatever makes you feel best. That’s the whole point.”
Regulus lets James help with putting together an outfit. High-waisted corduroys, and a white shirt tucked in. Converse and a brown belt. ‘A classic look’, James called it as he kissed him on the cheek with his hands looped into Regulus’ belt.
The train toward San Francisco is packed with people in rainbow and glitter and neon. There are drag queens to the left, sweet young high schoolers who look nervous in their rainbow shirts to the right. There’s an old woman by the door who looks like she’s about to open the train doors and throw herself out to get away from the gay army surrounding her.
James calls over a young girl who’s offering face paint and whispers into her ear. She smiles and hovers over Regulus, paintbrush in hand.
Regulus almost protests, but who is he to deny James or this young girl the pleasure of giving him a new look? So he tilts his head up and lets her get to work. Sirius lets the girl's friend braid his dark waves into two braids, sticking tiny flowers into each weave as she goes. When Regulus’ face is done, James hands both girls a few dollars while Regulus stares at the train window trying to catch his reflection. Green and yellow and black glittered stars mark both of his cheeks. Not too flashy, but something to show he’s celebrating. He loves it.
A brief flash of his mother’s face passes through his thoughts. What she would say if she could see her sons, covered in flowers and glitter. Soft and sparkly and so very much alive. He leans his back head against the seat and closes his eyes at the thought. That in their battle for the life the Black sons will live, Walburga has lost. Regulus doesn’t normally think of his life as a game, but as he sits on this train surrounded by the revelry, he feels like he’s won something.
They take the stairs out of the station and appear on a street that looks like a rainbow has thrown-up all over it. There are streamers floating in the sky. Balloon arches. Floats moving by over a sea of bodies cheering. A huge, hairy man in nothing more than biker shorts passes by them with a small man on his shoulders. A waterfall of glitter cascades over them as the man from above tosses handfuls of gold and pink from his palm. “Happy Pride!”
They all wave and return the sentiment as he’s carried away by his man-carriage. James puts an arm around Regulus as they start to move through the crowds. It’s the first time they’ve touched like this. Publicly. In front of everyone. Sirius shoots James a bullying look briefly before softening and pecking James on the cheek. “I’m heartbroken you’ve left me for the shorter version of me. Just so you know.”
James chuckles as his arm tightens around Regulus. “Your boyfriend is literally standing right there.”
Remus looks over at the two of them. “You can have him anytime, James. He’s a menace.”
Sirius takes a sharp inhale in at the comment, faking shock and awe. “Come on, we have like twenty blocks to where Marlene told us to meet her.”
It’s difficult for Regulus not to stop every few minutes and stare at one thing or another. He silently blesses Peter when he forces them all to stop so they can each get a hot dog from a stand whose owner is wearing a speedo that has a hotdog print all over it. Madness. Beautiful, strange madness.
Peter hands one to Regulus, then to everyone else in a line. “You all have to promise this will not be your last meal of the day. I’m looking at you, Sirius.”
Sirius is mid-swig of a water bottle filled to the brim with tequila. He puts the bottle down and takes a big bite. “Happy?”
James pulls Regulus through the crowd, past drag queens dancing to Cher, and hordes of couples making out in the middle of the street. Regulus stops to stare at a young couple dancing forehead to forehead as more floats pass behind them in the parade. They don’t even seem to notice. They’re lost in each other. Regulus’ chest feels like it’s going to burst out of nowhere. His cheeks feel tight, and he doesn’t quite understand why, but he feels tears threatening to fall.
James approaches behind him, lacing his arms around his waist and burying his nose into Regulus’ neck. “Is it too much?”
There it is. An actual fucking tear falling from his eye. He turns to look at James, shaking his head, embarrassed at his emotional reaction to the scene around them. “It’s not too much. It’s incredible.”
James grins down at him and kisses him. In public. Like it’s a normal thing to do. He had no idea. That kissing a boy could ever feel like that. Normal. Just a faceless couple in the crowd
Regulus takes the water bottle from James’ hand and takes a sip of the burning alcohol. He coughs a bit before going for a second one.
On their way to search for Marlene, they pass sponsored business floats and dykes on bikes. AIDS activists and anti-animal testing banners. Purple lowriders carrying men in their sixties. Dogs with rainbow collars. Men with rainbow collars. Everything.
They finally find Marlene in the waves of moving crowds. She’s wrapped under the arm of a tall Black woman with an afro, who’s wearing an entire bodysuit of white fishnet that contrasts perfectly against her skin. Go Marlene.
“Mary,” she says as she shakes each of their hands individually. “Are you all ready?”
They all eye each other, not a clue what she’s talking about.
Remus steps up for all of them. “Ready for what?”
Marlene snickers behind Mary and turns her gaze toward a small set of stairs leading up to a float that looks halfway between a disco club and punk club. Bright pinks and skulls, painted black exes next to golden unicorns. There’s a huge banner at the back that reads 'Amoeba Music'.
Marlene puts a hand on Peter and Sirius’ shoulders. “We used the money from open mic night to pay for the parade slot.”
James’ mouth falls open next to Regulus. “No fucking way.”
Sirius is the first to sprint up the stairs, herding them all from the top of the float once he gets to the rail.
They all climb up as Mary and Marlene are passing around bottles of cold water and beer from a cooler. They all drink at least half a bottle of water at Peter’s demand before moving to the beer.
Marlene moves to the sound system and looks over at their little group. “I think this parade could use some real music. Agreed?”
She presses play as Sirius cheers and chugs the rest of the beer in his hand. Buddy Holly by Weezer starts blaring through the entire float. Half of the crowd erupts around them just as the float starts to move to join the procession of the parade.
They all find a spot against the rail so they can witness the sea of people as far as the eye can see. Regulus can hardly believe a celebration of queer joy this big is even legal. He’s never felt so right. So safe, in a crowd of humans he’s never met. All here for the same reason - to find acceptance. To know that not only are they not alone, but they are surrounded by others like them. Fuck, it is brilliant.
The music shifts to No Doubt’s Don’t Speak, which drives everyone on the float and within earshot of the speakers into a frenzy. Arms are thrown in the air. Cheers erupt from all sides. No Doubt is perhaps one of the only pop bands that Regulus agrees deserves the hype. James pulls him in as Gwen’s voice starts over the speakers. He puts his hands where they belong. One on each side of Regulus’ neck.
He pulls Regulus in and kisses him shamelessly, with thousands of people below them still cheering and hollering. Regulus knows it’s for the parade. For the song. But it doesn’t matter. As they stand there, tongue tied on top of the world, he lets the cheers be for him. For James. For how they found each other in the shuffle of a world that aims to beat them down and pretend they’ll go away some day. But nothing has ever felt so solid to Regulus as James’ hands on him. Displaying what they have to every person who matters in the entire Bay Area.
The music suddenly gets extremely loud, distracting both of them from their heated embrace. Show Me Love by Robyn begins just as they both turn to see Marlene and Peter cheering and clapping, witnessing their public display. Marlene winks at them while James shakes his head at the cheesy pop song she’s chosen as the soundtrack for their pillar of unashamed affection.
Regulus doesn’t care what’s playing. He grabs James’ hands and brings them back to his neck.
Let them watch. He’s proud of what holds him.
Excerpt from fic: Meet On Telegraph Avenue
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hollywoodsargeant · 10 months
Wait I just read your tag - what college au wip do you have 👀
AGH. i haven't posted about it in a while (bc i've really only been working on boyish lol) but it's loscar (obviously) and logan is in a frat and has pictures of himself holding fish on his tinder. also he's an aviation major. and oscar throws an egg at him. really it's just more of me projecting my american college experience onto them bc it amuses me. perhaps i will finish it one of these days but boyish is very distracting...
however i will leave a snippet because i can
“Oscar!” And Oscar whips his head around, because there are only, like, a few people on campus who would be calling his name to get his attention, and none of them sound like that; all-American and a bit annoying. It makes a bit more sense when Oscar turns and finds Logan, standing near a shoddy white tent with the Alpha-Sig letters leaning up against a fold-out table, and he’s— covered in egg. It’s in his hair. He seems very unbothered, smiling with all his teeth, so big it’s making his eyes crinkle up small. He gestures for Oscar to come closer. Oscar, who has turned himself into a roadblock in one of the busiest parts of campus he was caught so off-guard. With one fleeting look over his shoulder, Oscar steps closer, to where Logan is still smiling, even as there’s bits of eggshell stuck to his shirt. Oscar doesn’t come too close. “I’ve been meaning to ask you out, actually,” Logan says, like that’s the fucking easiest thing in the entire world to admit and doesn’t make the back of Oscar’s neck hot. He even checks Oscar out in the most non-subtle way imaginable, and Oscar wants to kill himself, he’s so flustered in front of a guy who is covered in egg. “You’re even cuter in person.” “Will you shut up,” Oscar mutters, a bit through his teeth. He has half the mind to think that’s the first thing he’s said to Logan out loud since Halloween, which is a great follow-up to I’m gay, or whatever the hell it was he said after that. Maybe he should start feeling humiliated. “What the hell are you— why are you covered in egg?” And Logan looks down at himself, as if this might be news. “Fundraiser,” he says, like that will answer every single question. It does not. “You wanna throw one at me? It’s only a dollar.”
if i already posted this one it was like 84 years ago and i forgot. my bad
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alexissara · 7 months
Upcoming Sapphic Games "Goddess List" Part 2.
I’m back with a new Sapphic Games Goddess List this list will mostly not be touching on any game I mentioned on the previous list so do check that out for even more upcoming sapphic games. A lot of the games from the previous list have now been released but plenty are yet to see their day in the sun yet so do give it some love, I am giving a forecast of what I see in the horizon for 2024 and beyond. I will likely make a new one of these lists when I think I have enough games to talk about. If you know about any games coming with any significant Sapphic parts of their narrative or gameplay please let me know and I will happily include them in the next list. 
I am just making these lists because for me, at this point I mostly want to play games I feel represented by so I am doing this research anyway, I may as well share with you all. That said this research is hard and long, I play every demo I can for games labeled LGBT that have a shot of being sapphic, I try asking devs if their game has sapphic content, I try to find every single place the games been spoken about, not to mention actually hunting down these games. It is a big process and if you would like to support me doing this research over on Pateron or Ko-fi that would be amazing, plus you’d be helping me make more sapphic art like my work  in the TTRPG space but also I am low key working very slowly on a video game because it’s something I always wanted to do. Could be 25 years for now but every dollar makes it more possible for me to make more polished art from comics to games but anyway, let’s move on from asking for cash to tempting you with things to spend cash on with the list. 
Non VNs
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Sunnyside is boasting a large as hell roster of romanceable characters with 24 characters being boasted to be on release. Like most farming sims you pick from the fabled three pronouns She/He/They and customize their character. You pick your gender on a slider from Female to Male so you describe your gender through the place in the slider you picked and characters have a preference inside of that. They said on a live stream that the minimum options you should have is 4 which I took to mean maybe if your gay or a lesbian you might only have 4 of those 24 options to romance which is not great really to know the game has so few options for you out of all the options in the game but we'll have to wait and see on how it plays out. There is also no polyamory in the game, you can be dating a few characters at a time but there is a lock in point where you must be monogamous. It's one I am keeping my eyes on but has it's ups and downs in it's approach to gender and sexuality. I do really appreciate it boldly moving outside of the norm though and actually standing out in the crowd of dating sims.
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Witch and Lillies 
A dungeon crawler all about forming relationships between women and killing monsters in a dungeon. Characters form relationships and can even have stumbles in them similar to a game like Miitopia but a bigger focus is put on romance and all the characters you can generate are women. This game does not seem to have a focus on narrative even below the degrees of something like Etrian Odyssey but if you just want the story to be the mechanics that are in play and the building relationships of these women you create then it’s gonna be a really perfect game.  
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A tactical RPG with a cyberpunk flare and a built in relationship system. This game is a really flavourful game that just has an art direction that just totally captures the kind grim but with a sliver of hope cyberpunk it wants to capture. 
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Dustborn labels itself as LGBT on steam, it says you can shape relationships, the main girl looks gay, I am gonna put it here and not in speculation despite it technically being speculation. Some people say this game looks cringe but honestly, I am cringe and I am free, I think it looks stupid in a fun way but we’ll see how it is when it comes out. 
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Izrand allure
Izrand Allure is a game set in the world of one of the creators previous games Luxarane Allure, like that game this game will feature an all WLW cast giving us plenty of good sapphics, lesbians, yuri, etc. This game will be a complete standalone RPG with no need to have played the previous game and promises some evolved mechanics job system and a much larger cast too with 7 party members. If you were ever like I wish there was a game like Final Fantasy but lesbians were in it then I suggest you keep your eye on this one [and go download Luxarane Allure, it’s free and if you like it you could give the dev money].
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Rouge Labyrinth
Rouge Labyrinth will contain romantic epilogues with characters including a poly option. There will be sapphic romance included within these although idk if the poly option is multiple women + Non Binary people or if it is as it is in the majority of poly representation in games one man and one woman. Time will tell on that but what I can say is this Rougelike game looks really fucking cool, fighting colonisim is an all time hobby and this is a game I am really keeping my eye on. The game has a demo so I for sure recommend you check it out and see how it feels for you. 
Narrative Games 
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Living the Dream
While the game failed it’s kickstarter goal the developer hasn’t given up in fact the game’s scope is being increased. The game is a very queer game in general but when talking to the developer I did get it confirmed that this body swap adventure has sapphic romances inside of it and the designs are super cute. 
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Renai Bakudan
Can love bloom in a love hotel, probably, ya, almost certainly.  Coming from the developers of Good Lucky Baby! and LOVE BAKUDAN comes Renai Bakudan an 18+ Yuri game all about lesbians [and probably other sapphics] lesbianing it up in a love hotel. Inside of this game is even more gayness with unlockable gay erotic written by sapphic erotica writers. You play as Ex-yakuza Juri Kido who know is a cleric at a Love Hotel and ends up meeting lots of hot women. There is 7 whole romance routes with one that’s going to be voted for because it hit the stretch goal. It’s an impressive piece of sexy accomplishment and one you should keep your eyes in. 
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Lock and Key
A married couple of magical girls are having a pretty nice life. Only issue is magical girls lose their power at 30 and a murder mystery is brewing. Can they figure out what the hells going on while they still have their powers? While I don’t love the lose your powers when you turn 30 plot point I do think murder mystery and magical girls and lesbians is like a ton of good shit all backed into one good package. The demo is really solid and I think it’s a game you really should check out.
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Our Home, My Keeper 
A writer goes to the countryside and finds love, a classic. That writer falls for a fairy in a really sweet little lesbian romance game. It’s not a dating sim where you're going to be picking between love interests but it’s a narrative adventure where you’ll learn about these characters and their world.
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Summer At The Edge Of The Universe
A solar punk game with a bigger edge towards the scifi then the majority of Solar Punk. The game has two romances one with a non binary character and one with a woman. In addition there is an aro woman who you can make out with but is not interested in a romantic relationship, just friendship. 
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The Phantom of the Black Rose Revue
Capturing a clearly classic manga style, The Phantom of the Black Rose Revue is the most aesthetically unique VN I’ve seen in a long time with a bold black and white take. You play as Chihiro Sato who has a dream of being famous for her acting in her all female theater troupe. She starts getting obsessive letters and mystery, romance, and more begin to take this story in all sorts of fun directions. Act 1 is all up for playing but there is more to come in the future. 
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Read Only Memories: NEURODIVER
Midboss are one of the biggest people in Gayming. A sequel to Read Only Memories, a very classic VN in the indie scene, brings us more gay adventures with our sapphic lead who was a character from the previous game elevated to main character. This game gives a stunning cyber punk vibe that is a visual treat and delight. 
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Call Me Cera
I got like a tiny bias in this in that they have made a little spinoff game and in it the characters play Thirsty Sword Lesbians which I worked on but they didn’t even mention any of the stuff I made for TSL in it and I also do not make royalties on TSL but I wanted to mention that the creator has great taste I guess. The game is focused on making meaningful connections and an attempt to move these games into a place where you make healthy decisions for you not just the right options to win someone's affection.
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Skate & Date
Roller Derby is for the sapphic, we know this to be true and yet there is such a lack of Roller Derby sapphic romance games but what’s this on the horizon a derby filled game about girls who are gonna do a kiss. This game sounds really cute and it’s one I have had my eyes on for a while. 
Decent Gay Potential 
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Project L
While project L does not currently have any of the many canon queer characters in the LoL universe as playable it is very likely that at least one of the canon sapphic characters are included in the roster of the game just given their popularity and that they are compatible with this kind of fighting game. If the roster leak is accurate we’ll have Vi in the game, which makes sense, big fists, in Arcane, one of the most popular characters, and just so happens to be a lesbian. Even if the leak was totally wrong, Vi feels fairly likely even with the already existing inclusion of Jinx and Ekko just because Piltover and Zaun in the Runeterra universe are probably the most popular region. 
Outside of Vi at present Nekko, Diana, Leona, Caitlyn and Nidalee are all canon sapphic women who could end up in the game as playable characters. Riot likes to reveal about 3 gays a year as has been the pattern since 2021, 2 at pride and 1 randomly in the year so it is possible 3 more women are added to this list before Project L’s release if it came out in 2024 and 6 are possible if it comes out in 2025.There will probably be some queer men, maybe they’ll finally say the one obvious trans woman is trans, we can’t know for sure but of the many characters in the their world I do think at least one of these women have a shot at making it in the starting roster. 
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SaGa Emerald Beyond
There is a pair of bonnie and clyde styled cops and while ewww pigs they do seem kinda gay so I gotta mention it here it’s possible is all I am saying. The Saga series way back in the day had a Lesbian main character, it really wouldn’t be out of the blue for the game to include a new set of sapphic women. Especially given in the gacha game it is very clear that the sapphic women are two of the most popular characters given they have been given many alts and they would only get alts if those alts sold. 
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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes 
This game is called 100 heroes, if they are gonna have 100 characters there should at least be one lesbian and 1 bi woman and they should get together. I think it could happen.  There is nothing to say for sure but I believe.
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Mahou Senshi Cosplay Club
It’s listed under LGBT games and their previous game Chroma Squad had optional sapphic romance depending on what characters of what gender you put in what role in the game. There was no real way to know you were gonna end up with that but since then they know that they have a decent queer fan base so I think it is very possible to get some sapphic fun even if it’s chose your own gay style. 
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Double Shake  Loam and Dinx seem to be intended to get together and the game is listed as LGBT+ so I am gonna go out on a limb here and say, probably sapphic. It could be that idk Loam is trans or Dinx is Ace/Aro idk for sure but I think sapphic. 
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It’s a gay furry game, these things tend to lean towards men but it is possible that this is a gay fury game with some goodies for the Lesbians. 
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Spirit City: Lo-fi Sessions
This game probably doesn’t include proper sapphic representation but it’s kinda just a playlist and screen filter idling game to have on as you do work. What it does promise is some pride flags and maybe there will be some other queer things inside of it.
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cookinguptales · 2 years
veggiesforpresident said: wait whats up with irl cult deprogramming?
*long sigh* 
Okay, to preface all this, here’s a massive content warning for pretty much everything you can think of. I’m happy to talk more about this subject, but it gets very heinous very fast.
The main issue with the actual IRL cult deprogramming movement was that it was headed up by fundie Christians, and they were the ones who were allowed to decide what constituted a cult and what measures were necessary to get someone out of one.
I think people have this mental image of a bunch of trained professionals using therapy to convince someone to not be in a cult anymore, but that’s... not what it was.
The fact of the matter is that cult deprogrammers used and abused laws designed to protect the mentally ill in order to strip healthy, able-bodied adults of their legal rights. Think about Britney Spears for a few minutes and you’ll start to see how this became very dangerous very fast.
Parents of adult children in New Religious Movements (NRMs, the less-loaded academic term for “cults”) would often lobby judges to have their children labeled as legally incompetent and incapable of making their own decisions so they could get them out of these groups. The problem was, the only evidence you really needed of your child’s “insanity” was that they’d joined the group to start with.
And people always imagine... you know, Jonestown. Children of God. Truly heinous, dangerous groups. But if we’ll all kindly remember the Satanic Panic, the fact of the matter was that anything non-mainstream conservative Christian could be considered a cult.
Sure, it’s imperative to get someone out of something like The Family. But like... what if your kid is just kind of a hippie? What if they’ve joined some kind of pseudo-Buddhist New Age group? What if they’ve joined a socialist club at their university? What if they’re just kinda goth?
What if they’re gay?
Once these adults were stripped of their legal rights, their parents could do pretty much anything to them. That usually involved hiring a deprogrammer. That deprogrammer would then literally kidnap them (I’m talking throwing people in vans) and then drive them to an isolated location. They would then do anything they could to “break” the person. The goal was to break them so they could then build them back up the “right” way -- in other words, using the exact same tactics as the most dangerous NRMs.
These were not trained professionals, mind. These weren’t social workers or something. These were just random assholes who had the stomach for it. We have records of brutal beatings. Tying people up and denying them food, water, and sleep for days. Extreme emotional and physical abuse. Rape.
The worst case I can think of is that of Stephanie Riethmiller. She was a 19-20yo woman who had distanced herself from her parents after she left home for college, for reasons which I think will become immediately apparent. Her parents believed it was because she’d entered into a lesbian relationship with her roommate and had been led astray. So they hired cult deprogrammers to “fix” her. Stephanie was maced and thrown into a van and driven to another state, where she was chained up, beaten, and “correctively raped” for five days straight. Her parents were there in the house and approved of all of it.
After Stephanie was released, she attempted to bring charges against her parents and the people who had abused her, but the courts basically argued that any means were necessary when it came to deprogramming a lesbian. Despite not denying what they did, all parties got away with it. No jail time was served. This happened in 1982 in my hometown of Hamilton County, Ohio. 🙃
Ted Patrick, the quintessential cult deprogrammer, was involved in all of this. He didn’t do this deprogramming himself, but when her parents reached out to him with thousands of dollars, he recommended the people who did, helped make arrangements, and was paid for it.
They made a Drunk History episode about him calling him a hero and I just about threw up.
I guess the thing about cult deprogramming is... again. Who’s deciding what is and isn’t a cult? Who’s deciding what “deprogramming” looks like? Who’s deciding how far you can legally go? Who’s deciding what “normal” is?
I’ll leave you with this. Think about Fox News. Think about these fucking Republicans getting all het up over ~your children~ going to college. Learning new things. Becoming socialists. Becoming atheists. Becoming “brainwashed” by the libs.
Think about all this rhetoric about “groomers”.
Then think about a court system that will allow your insane, weirdo QAnon parents that you’ve gone no contact with to track you down and “reverse” all that by any means necessary.
Think about how terrifying that concept is if you’re part of literally any marginalized group.
And that was just... the late 70s through early 90s. People were so whipped up by things like the Mansons in 1969 and Jonestown in 1978 and the Satanic Panic of the 80s that they would allow people to do anything if they said it was going to be protecting people from cults.
And they did.
And that’s why I fully believe that, as dangerous as some NRMs truly are, as vile and abusive and life-ruining? Yeah. The deprogrammers were often just as bad.
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physiqueandfantasy · 8 months
So I sorta stumble into this very part time gig where I’m helping a older guy to clean out an over stuffed office/commercial space in a nice neighborhood in San Francisco. He wants to convert it into a gallery and I am obviously highly interested. But now it’s been a few months and it’s become clear that he’s actually got some serious hoarding problems. His original explanation was that he has outlived most of his friends and inherited many many peoples stuff, which is true. But, like, he really really can’t slow himself to throw anything out, decades old medications, junk mailers, random broken things.
I’m at an impasse. I really want to help him. I get paid to be there and help him. I would love to be able to help him run a gallery space where we don’t have to worry about paying the rent. AND! Among all his junk, he has tons of extremely rare gay magazines and books. Like I’m a freak and I can immediately spot a gay book and know that it’s worth hundreds of dollars, (because I’ve been hunting for them online)
there’s also another weird element where helping him is working almost like aversion therapy for myself. I am no stranger to hoarding behavior, and every time I finish a work day with him I’m compelled to go to my studio and throw out a bouncy of art supplies that I have not touched in years.
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tolkpopfan · 2 months
ooohhh because you asked me sth similar before i'm curious on what got you into OnlyOneOf (and or the whole story of what made you a lyOn~)? [but i can say that last line is exactly how i felt about tbz- that they mean a lot to me more than i ever expected- isn't it funny how that happens?]
Ok. Out of all my stanning stories, this may be the weirdest one. Brace yourself this will be long.
Stress has been making me feel like crap this semester and when I saw Oneus in March I instantly felt better for a little while. I lamented to my educational therapist that the Oneus concert may be my last concert in a long time since I’m going to uni soon so she encouraged me to just go to another concert, any concert.
I decided to research who would be touring soon and there were Enhypen and TXT that I could buy tickets for but I know barely anything about them so I’m not gonna spend hundreds of dollars on shitty seats. I knew probably just as much about OnlyOneOf but they had the perk of being in a small venue with way less expensive tix so I decided to give them a listen before making any decisions.
I liked what I heard and desperately craved to see pretty boys up close again, so I bought VIP tix because I experience catharsis through seeing pretty boys in person. This was all a few weeks ago.
I get bored with certain variety shows easily these days so I made a post asking for fun recommendations to help me learn more about OnlyOneOf. So I checked out the recommendations and all the music videos.
I liked that they had some really sexy concepts and were somewhat reminiscent of Gen 2. But what really made them special for me was not just their UndergrOund idOl project but their attitudes to it as well. It was professional but not at all detached. They were invested, very much cared, and were not uncomfortable but were also not overly excited about it or too proud of themselves for it. I watched the behind the scenes for all those music videos and really appreciated how natural they all were about it.
They seemed to recognize that by depicting explicitly gay relationships they were doing something different but they themselves didn’t treat gay relationships as alien or different. As a queer person, this resonated with me deeply, especially considering that they live in a much more socially and legally restricted society than I do as an American.
And of course they’re attractive and have good teamwork and seem really funny, but if it was only that, they wouldn’t be so meaningful to me.
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hasufin · 1 year
On justice, and how it can be killed
I’d like to point out that there’s a much more insidious endgame to the current round of astonishingly evil anti-trans, anti-women, anti-freedom laws coming out of America’s rightwing authoritarians.
I’m talking about the ones where someone might be executed for seeking an abortion. The anti-drag laws which are so vague they might be applied to a woman wearing jeans. That kind of thing.
Now, you might be inclined to believe that this is because they hate, well, women, gays, people who do drag, people who have any form of gender presentation other than what conservatives imagine is normal, and so on.
And I do not want to discount that. This is very thoroughly leavened with the standard RWA aggression against the Other. And it’s very important for them to constantly vent that aggression, to always have a target, lest they turn on each other.
But there is more, and it is so much worse.
There are two important features of these laws:
1) They are exceptionally broad and vague. They may be applied to any of a number of activities which we would consider perfectly normal. Things like telling another person who they might go about getting an abortion, or wearing the wrong clothes, could be considered criminal. And whether that is considered criminal largely depends on the police and courts, not the letter of the law.
2) The potential punishment can be incredibly draconian. Giving someone a ride to a polling place can potentially lead to jail time. Telling a child that someone else has two dads may carry a fine of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The goal here is a set of laws for the authoritarian toolbox. Laws which can be interpreted in a very limited manner if the target is someone who might be in favor, or simply not prosecuted at all.
But if the target is out of favor, the law might be interpreted very broadly - so broadly that anyone might find themselves facing charges.
Of course, the harshest punishments won’t ever be employed - in this way, they can make a show of their “mercy” by dint of “merely” imprisoning a raped teenager for a few years rather than executing her. Of - if the father is sufficiently contrite, and makes the right campaign contributions for someone to call the judge - giving him nothing but a criminal record and community service.
With such a legal framework, any dissident can face charges, and if that person is uncooperative, can face permanent incarceration, or be required to publicly abase themselves. And this, entirely under the color of law.
Yes, to be sure, they enjoy hurting people. But what their real goal is to undermine the very concept of rights. To have a society where “freedom” is a boon offered by the powerful, to be rescinded should we displease them.
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jodilin65 · 4 months
When I look at the comments on some of the IVF articles it amazes me how more and more people are anti-abortion and just how conservative this country is getting.
When I asked myself who I would vote for if I was going to vote, not that I’m going to vote for real of course, saying I would vote for Trump may be stretching it a bit but the little bastard may actually be better than Biden for a few reasons. First, the attack on gays and women is going to continue no matter who gets elected. That’s just something that’s going to get worse and worse probably for decades before it gradually gets better if it does. I think it will fluctuate over the decades and even centuries where sometimes women will have more rights and other times they won’t.
But Biden got absolutely nothing done but invited tens of thousands of people into the country to hog our resources and give billions of dollars to other countries. Yes, Trump is a misogynist who’s probably a closet case who can’t deal with his feelings and will take his frustration out on gays and women any chance he gets. And yes, it was horrible that he appointed bigoted justices and all that but what’s done is done and like I said, things are only going to get worse before they get better.
So maybe it would actually be better to have a president who’s going to staunch the flow of migrants from taking jobs away from Americans and calling for longer waiting times getting into doctors and adding to the overcrowding. And maybe he won’t be as quick to give as much of our money away. Just something to think about unless he plans to target older people next. The guy’s amount of popularity and supporters really stuns me. He is definitely the most talked about and the most popular president we ever had next to Obama.
I try to remind myself that if the masses believe, think, or do something, it’s usually for a reason yet I’m still not seeing the “human” in embryos or fetuses. I see the potential human but it’s kind of like a seed versus a tree. Well, a seed isn’t a tree. I also don’t see the sin in two consenting adults in love just because they may have the same body parts. Sometimes I wish I could see it their way because it’s the norm and following norms is always easier but I just can’t and I don’t.
In the latest episode of my show, they talked about how some scientists believe they have proof that some of the disasters mentioned in the Bible actually happened because the people living there pissed God off. Well, I still say there likely is no God and that the Bible is simply stories, but if they’re right, then we have a very evil, spiteful God who doesn’t love everybody unconditionally as many people claim. Besides, if that was the case, why isn’t he wiping us all out right now with the way things are so fucked up in the world?
I keep going back and forth in my mind as to whether or not my TSH is getting too low for comfort. My dry skin and hair and the way I feel cold say it’s not but I also could be cold from not eating much. Tom thanks my weight is down because I haven’t eaten much but with the way I’ve been feeling tonight, I think it’s down because my TSH is dropping. I tell you, I know my body and I don’t lose weight no matter how sick I get. In my twenties and even my thirties I may have but certainly not now. I know the drill and what to do about it if it is, though, and that’s to simply cut my waiting time a bit before food and drink and that will back it off. If I ignore it, the anxiety and the blah moods will intensify.
I still wish I was more connected at times. Being on nights half of my life doesn’t help but even if I was always on days I still wouldn’t have the friends and family I sometimes wish I had. Sometimes I wish I was surrounded by parents, siblings, cousins, and close friends who were totally supportive, accepting, non-judgmental, and not the least bit toxic in any way. But then I remind myself that things could be much worse like if I was alone with absolutely no one. I really believe that if I hadn’t met Tom I wouldn’t be alive. I also try to keep in mind that more people means more trouble. There are too many bad people out there. Too many backstabbing, lying phony people who just want to use you, judge you and try to change and control you.
I’ll still be doing a little socializing because I’m now signed up for the painting class on the 21st. I’m also going to get a pedicure sometime while Tom checks out a nearby store he wants to check out, so we do have some fun things to look forward to other than doctor’s appointments and labs.
We got bombs ready now that creepy crawlies are waking up, so we’ll be out for at least a couple of hours that day.
I want to go down to the beach but I don’t want to have to race against time to find the nearest charger that isn’t broken, in use, or taking a year to give us enough of a charge to get to our next destination.
In today’s junk mail came a postcard for looking up information to donate blood. I guess they do this all over town. They give you a T-shirt and a $20 gift certificate.
For just a buck I got frosty light pink lipstick with our last Walmart order and it looks nice. It’s noticeable but doesn’t stand out a mile away.
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dlnj · 4 months
Oh my I cannot wait for my Make to Female trans body suit to be ordered and to arrive. I’ve been very encouraged by my wife to be who I am , which she has always known me to be gay (well bi but I love being called gay, she called me fluid) she has also known that I give off much more of a female energy which makes sense because I have always felt a few things. First that I belong in diapers 24/7 and should have been all my life, two that I am into both woman and men and that I am a bottom when with men, more recently I have accepted that I am probably also a trans girl and have with the blessing of my wife who is also fluid and is in love with the fact that I’m gay , a bottom and probably a trans girl meant to have been born a woman, she has even told me even I completely transitioned she would stay with me even though she would prefer a bottom surgery never take place (but would support it if I absolutely felt I would never be happy as a man and had to go all the way) she is excited about the idea of me having a potential too surgery. Anyway we have decided to get me a male to female body suit so I can life have my life as a woman . An incontinent woman (she’s even ready to switch roles half the time ) totally diaper dependent, she even picked out my female name that I’m going to use MJ. We have good reason for it and that’s going to be me at least half the time. Anyway can’t wait for my body suit but in the mean time she’s going to get a surprise this weekend and my wife is going to meet her wife and see what MJ can look like . I won’t have my breasts or artificial vagina yet but I’ll get as close to what I plan to look like as possible without it. I’m trying to find a short mini skirt and a nice sexy top, I very much want my diaper showing as a woman, and I’m hitting up dollar tree for some make up to test the waters , I’ll get better make up when my body suit gets here. I plan to go out as a possible diaper girl. This weekend MJ will be born finally , she’s already all shaved up , arm pits for the first time in my life are shaved and I feel wicked sexy , legs I’ve always loved shaving so I’m feeling really sexy all smooth , will do the rest of my face this weekend because I’m doing all the make up and really trying to pass as a woman , get my wife all hot and bothered over her new sexy diaper girl wifey . So excited to be becoming who I was meant to be, a sexy diaper dependent woman. Who’s also gay lol well bi but we all know how much I love being called gay. Still can’t wait to hook up with a guy for real. Very much need me a permanent diapered boyfriend to make me feel like to woman I am deep inside. Maybe I’ll feel brave this weekend and post some Diapered Teams girl MJ pictures , depends on how well the makeup does to cover . Wish this girl luck .
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qnewslgbtiqa · 5 months
Tainted Love: and the best version is?
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/tainted-love-and-the-best-version-is/
Tainted Love: and the best version is?
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Did any song ever sound so gay? Soft Cell’s Tainted Love hit the airwaves in 1981 when music remained, for the most part, on its own shelf in the closet. 
Broadcasters banned lyrics with even the most obscure references to same-sex love.
Humans could love anything but a person of the same-sex. Michael Jackson achieved his first #1 singing a love song to a rat.
Ben, most people would turn you away (turn you away) I don’t listen to a word they say (a word they say) They don’t see you as I do I wish they would try to I’m sure they’d think again If they had a friend like Ben.
Yep. Beautiful earnest lyrics sung to a pesky rodent at a time when the love that dared not speak its name sure weren’t gunna sing it.
But then the unmistakeably gay Tainted Love blared out from radios across the land, Mark Almond’s vocals oozed with sleaze and sexual transgression in every note.
Once I ran to you (I ran) Now I run from you This tainted love you’ve given I give you all a boy could give you Take my tears and that’s not nearly all Tainted love (oh-oh-oh-oh) Tainted love
But Tainted Love was not actually a ‘gay’ song. The lyrics referenced a toxic relationship. Writer Ed Cobb said “I had a lover for whom you could say wasn’t a good individual. I tried to go into her head and write a song from her standpoint. Once the word ‘tainted’ had popped into my head, the song was written very quickly, probably 15 minutes.”
Recorded by American Gloria Jones in 1964, the song went nowhere. But years later, her boyfriend Mark Bolan produced a new version for her. Soft Cell heard the record and recorded the slightly sinister and sleazy version we’re so familiar with today.
A few years later at the height of the AIDS crisis, Coil recorded a more harrowing version, reflecting the despair of the time.
Finally, if there’s a dollar to be made — Marilyn Manson.
Gloria Jones
Soft Cell
Marilyn Manson
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pixelrhys-ocs · 1 year
Tyler: Hey, would you help me out? I’m very gay, I’d like a few dollars
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hazeofhearts · 2 years
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smokeybrandreviews · 2 years
I find the discourse around why Billy Eicher's Bros failed, absolutely fascinating. Both sides of the aisle are going hard in their respective ideologies and it's ridiculous. I'm no fence-sitter, if you've followed this blog long enough then you know I'm a borderline anarchist with common sense social views, but I feel like a lot of the very vocal dissenters in this argument, are missing the point. The Conservative Right would lead you to believe it failed because no one wants to be preached to, that Bros was Hollyweird politics being forced on people and the populace voted with their dollars. The Progressive Left would lead you to believe it failed because of homophobia. This feels like spin to cover up the abject failure of a gay film, a sentiment validated by a Rolling Stone puff piece claiming it's one of the greatest comedies of all-time. In its first week of release. Because, gay. While both are true in very small doses, the resounding truth in a Bros failure is the fact there's no audience for this thing.
Bros reads as a derivative, rom-com, cashgrab. It can effectively be Cliche Romantic Comedy number 12345, but gay. That's it. Bros feels like a movie we've seen before, but done much, much, better. Now, I say read because I haven't seen Bros. I have read various reviews and even a plot synopsis or two, and I just feel no desire to partake in this sh*t. Don't misunderstand me, I love rom-coms. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is a romantic comedy and it's top twenty for me. I adore that film. Eternal Sunshine is another that really left an impression, as did the likes of Moonstruck, The Princess Bride, Kissing Jessica Stein, over Linings Playback, and As Good As It Gets. I'm sure I'm missing a few but those immediately come to mind. I am absolutely receptive to a gay rom-com (see Jessica Stein) but Bros came across as a movie i wouldn't care to see. Twenty dollars and two hours of my time is a huge commitment in this post-Pandemic age of recession. I'm even debating whether to see Black Adam in a theater and I f*cking love both The Rock and Capeflicks for these exact reasons! Do I really want to gamble on is Bros will be a fun watch knowing it's going to hit digitalis a ton of bricks because of all this controversy over its theatrical run.
At the end of the day, no one saw this film, gay or not. Like, the demo Bros was made for, didn't even show up. This movie appeared to no one. Cis men were driven away after the ridiculous straight hate campaign from Eicher and his production stooges, after it stumbled in its opening weekend. Women didn't go see it because why would they? They can't project themselves onto to, male, gay, leads and accept the fantasy enough to be immersed in escapism. The guys might have showed up but not nearly enough of them did and here we are. Bros might very well be excellent. They may have done some fun, interesting sh*t, with the rather uninspired Rom-com tropes we all already know. Hell, I may see it when it drops on streaming but asking for people to brave the theater when gas is forty-seven dollars a gallon feels extreme. Admittedly, this is all the opinion of a straight black dude who loves boobs so I might not be an authority on the nuance of this moment but I kind of feel like the vast majority of the movie going audience probably feels the same. Minus the very loud extreme ends of both sides. Those cats are all assholes, just in different ways.
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smokeybrand · 2 years
I find the discourse around why Billy Eicher's Bros failed, absolutely fascinating. Both sides of the aisle are going hard in their respective ideologies and it's ridiculous. I'm no fence-sitter, if you've followed this blog long enough then you know I'm a borderline anarchist with common sense social views, but I feel like a lot of the very vocal dissenters in this argument, are missing the point. The Conservative Right would lead you to believe it failed because no one wants to be preached to, that Bros was Hollyweird politics being forced on people and the populace voted with their dollars. The Progressive Left would lead you to believe it failed because of homophobia. This feels like spin to cover up the abject failure of a gay film, a sentiment validated by a Rolling Stone puff piece claiming it's one of the greatest comedies of all-time. In its first week of release. Because, gay. While both are true in very small doses, the resounding truth in a Bros failure is the fact there's no audience for this thing.
Bros reads as a derivative, rom-com, cashgrab. It can effectively be Cliche Romantic Comedy number 12345, but gay. That's it. Bros feels like a movie we've seen before, but done much, much, better. Now, I say read because I haven't seen Bros. I have read various reviews and even a plot synopsis or two, and I just feel no desire to partake in this sh*t. Don't misunderstand me, I love rom-coms. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is a romantic comedy and it's top twenty for me. I adore that film. Eternal Sunshine is another that really left an impression, as did the likes of Moonstruck, The Princess Bride, Kissing Jessica Stein, over Linings Playback, and As Good As It Gets. I'm sure I'm missing a few but those immediately come to mind. I am absolutely receptive to a gay rom-com (see Jessica Stein) but Bros came across as a movie i wouldn't care to see. Twenty dollars and two hours of my time is a huge commitment in this post-Pandemic age of recession. I'm even debating whether to see Black Adam in a theater and I f*cking love both The Rock and Capeflicks for these exact reasons! Do I really want to gamble on is Bros will be a fun watch knowing it's going to hit digitalis a ton of bricks because of all this controversy over its theatrical run.
At the end of the day, no one saw this film, gay or not. Like, the demo Bros was made for, didn't even show up. This movie appeared to no one. Cis men were driven away after the ridiculous straight hate campaign from Eicher and his production stooges, after it stumbled in its opening weekend. Women didn't go see it because why would they? They can't project themselves onto to, male, gay, leads and accept the fantasy enough to be immersed in escapism. The guys might have showed up but not nearly enough of them did and here we are. Bros might very well be excellent. They may have done some fun, interesting sh*t, with the rather uninspired Rom-com tropes we all already know. Hell, I may see it when it drops on streaming but asking for people to brave the theater when gas is forty-seven dollars a gallon feels extreme. Admittedly, this is all the opinion of a straight black dude who loves boobs so I might not be an authority on the nuance of this moment but I kind of feel like the vast majority of the movie going audience probably feels the same. Minus the very loud extreme ends of both sides. Those cats are all assholes, just in different ways.
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