#I’ve always said that idol soo is my favorite
ayoyoungg · 2 years
We get to see idol!Sooyoung back on stage in a few days 🥹
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sketchguk · 3 years
I loved evrything you wrote about football boyfriend seungcheol omg 😭😭 the yearning!! gaaah the thought of waiting on the side for hik to finish practice..... Then he carries the backpack ssksksskskksk I'm screaming! Pls feel free to share any other headcanons anytime 👉🏼👈🏼 I don't think I will write , my language will not be proper for to express what I want to say? But maybe later I can try! I was thinking about a soonyoung f2l fic coz he's my biaswrecker 🙈😭 in that fic also like oc will get into a relationship and it will be with someone she was crushing for a long time. And he somehow notices her and asks her out. But seokmin and oc are friends now even though soonyoung feels more! And he sometimes thinks there can smntg between them but suddenly she dates her crush! So he's a little offended coz he's always flirting with her and saying he like her but she didn't even take him seriously? Did she think he was just joking like always? Coz u know sometimes ppl see soonyoung as smne who jokes around a lot and little crazy 🙈🙈 but then we see behind the scenes and performances and realise he's so strict and serious 🙈🙈 Maybe this can be gryffindor soonyoung too! If you like 👉🏼👈🏼 we can talk about it ! gryffindor soonyoung and football boyfriend seungcheol our muse 🙈👉🏼👈🏼 I have thought more abt soonyoung fic than seokmin fic 🙈😭 it's what biaswreckers do - 🌴
Please don't worry about your English, you're doing great !! I find that reading and writing are amazing ways to help improve language skills though !! I'm soo far from being a good writer, although I'd like to think that I've improved in the 2 years I've been writing fics !!
My English is still lacking, and I don't know how to express myself very easily (I feel youuu!) ;n; Notice how long it takes me to finish a story? aklsdja. But it makes me really happy when someone reads my fanfics or praises a story of mine because I've never excelled in English, especially not at school. I've felt discouraged from a young age because my teachers saw me as the perpetual foreigner, and therefore I was never fairly assessed based on their bias >.<
I swear by this one rule though: anyone can be a writer !!! There's so much freedom with fanfiction, and you can write it however you want !! The important thing is that your stories make YOU happy !! It's a fun hobby, and it's serotonin inducing !!
Absolutely noooo pressure thoughhh. We're just here to have fun and talk about our favorite idols !! I swear I'll be here to hype you up no matter whatt. It could be bulletpoint story or a giant rambling of words, and I will EAT IT UP!!! Nothing would make me happier than talking about bestie seokmin and soonyoung !!!
By the way, I THINK I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS SOONYOUNG YOU'VE CREATED?!! BFF SOONYOUNG? HE SOUNDS WONDERFUL 😭 I'm prepared for all the angst !! My heart is hurting at the sound of it. It makes me even more emotional thinking about Soonyoung's personality irl. You're totally right about people seeing him as the jokester. So to have mc not take him seriously?? OUCH. That really hurts. Not to mention, you said he's ALWAYS flirting with mc??? I'm blushing already. When the climax of the plot hits, I'm gonna be absolutely heartbroken. WHO IS THE CRUSH THOUGH ?!?!? I NEED TO KNOW !!! I'M EMOTIONALLY INVESTED
Football boyfriend Seungcheol lives in my head rent free !!!! As he should !!! I've thought about him and Gryffindor Soonyoung way more than my fictional Junhui and Shua characters aksdjakl. You're so right about the bias wreckers !!
Omg side note while I mention Shua's name, HE WAS IN MY DREAM ! For literally the last 2 seconds and then I woke up ahah. We were walking down opposite ends of a hall when we encountered something really weird (my guy friend from middle school was wearing a maid costume?? LOL). So then Shua and I saw and bursted into laughter, collapsing to the ground aklsjdk. We had a soulmate connection even in those 2 seconds
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snowstorm808 · 4 years
More than Friends review eps 9-16
I previously posted my review of the first half of the series because I could not contain what I felt. It was quite impulsive of me but I wanted to let out everything I thought and felt for this drama. It is becoming better every time in such a way that I see the little creative ideas the writer or director is putting into each episode along with the development of the story. Familiar yet refreshing. I decided to create a new post because I saw that the first half recap was way too long if I would still add the remaining episode reviews because I just could not help it. I do understand that the length could be frustrating but I want my words to be read too, so thank you for everyone patient enough to read my words.
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Episode 9 - Watching this episode made me realize a double standard I never really noticed before but I guess drama watchers would be able to relate to; the difference of pitiful and pathetic for female and male leads. I’m not yet certain if it’s deliberate but female characters locked in one sided love often seem pathetic but when it’s a male character they seem pitiful? Woo Yeon did seem pathetic in her one sided love in the earlier episodes so why does Soo get to be pitiful? It’s the same for the past dramas I’ve watched too. It’s just a food for thought. Based on last week’s preview, I really thought Joon Soo would punch Lee Soo after the drunk call but he held back so good job, Joon Soo. Honestly, I thought he wouldn’t be able to hold back because not only was he angry of the fact that Woo Yeon was getting swayed by Soo, but also because he knew how much it hurt, and hates the fact that she would still be hurt over the latter after a decade. This is why I keep wanting Joon Soo because he never thought selfishly when it came to Woo Yeon. I also love the fact that his character is being shown as someone seemingly perfect with a lot of flaws too. I love seeing his flaws and even relating to them! Being used to holding back is probably the reason why I write so much because I swear I can’t talk this much at all. I really hope he would stop holding back for his own sake. I think the most favorable Soo I have ever seen was him drunk calling his dad. I love the fact his parents went to his house to talk and console him. I also realized that Soo really closed himself up enough to have no one but his dad to drunk call. That was sad because the high school gang never really shunned him but he was the one who kept his heart closed. I half expected his folks to announce that hey would be back together because I feel that’s where those two are headed to eventually. As for Woo Yeon, I’m somehow glad she mustered up the courage to break up with Joon Soo after everything. As much as I was dreading it, I also felt that it was the right decision. She knew that it was too cruel to let him hurt quietly so I’m glad she had that decency; I could see that she was doing her best to be firm with her resolve. On her behalf, I get it why it’s difficult for her to let go of her feelings for Soo so I do not think she’s a weird one for that. I know that this is where my ship stops its sail but I’m satisfied that it’s not as I feared it would. The fight scene was reminiscent of Jealousy Incarnate, I just hope Dong Jun faked the punch because I know how athletic he has been from his Idol days which is enough for me to be scared for Seung Woo. Conveniently, it was only after this that Soo decides to take a break from pursuing Woo Yeon after ruining her chance to start anew with someone. Eventually, I know that Woo Yeon would not be able to defy the flow of her feelings towards Soo but I hope he can also grow up more because right now, I can still see him being selfish and self centered in his approach.
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Episode 10 - How can one episode contain so much emotions? And it was all types of emotions at that! I mean one moment it’s awkward, cute, upsetting, lovely, funny then sad and even more! This episode was a roller coaster of emotions in my opinion. First thing’s first, the younger guy Jinju dated is a total loser and a scumbag. Good thing Sang-hyeok was there to the rescue. I feel so bad for Young-hee because every time she takes a step forward, she’s always dragged two steps back. She has a strong personality but it does not mean her situation does not wear her down too. So here comes the roller coaster because Lee Soo and On Joon Soo drinking together and ending up at Woo Yeon’s place is super cute. That includes her parents’ “interview” with the two men while they try to show off their “qualities”. I literally said “boom” when Joon Soo “let slipped” that Soo was the jerk Woo Yeon’s parents have been hunting for. That was really petty but I guess it’s his little revenge on Soo for interrupting their relationship when he used to date Woo Yeon. I am not going to lie about not loving the misunderstanding Soo had when he saw them together in the restaurant while he was with his parents. He tends to act so victimized which I really dislike then he readily blows up at Woo Yeon. But then again, it makes these characters more human then the usual kdrama characters I watched in the past. Lee Soo should really learn to express things more clearly so Woo Yeon would stop thinking that he’s simply bored or fooling around. As for Joon Soo, it’s a lost battle and I feel bad for him because he has become a masochist which is why I need to take care of him. I need Woo Yeon’s cooperation for this...
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Episode 11 - Soo is finally given the chance he keeps on missing. As much as I am sad for my ship, I’m happy Woo Yeon and Soo are coming around although it isn’t the full circle yet. I do feel really bad for Joon Soo but it has always been clear how strong Woo Yeon’s feelings have been for Soo. I like how she at long last clearly stated that she will always give Soo the chance whatever he does because it has been evidently true for the past episodes. I guess that’s enough proof that feelings can’t be controlled easily. My favorite part in this episode would be her giving Soo an ultimatum because I always had a feeling he thought of her as a port always there for him. My second favorite in this episode would be Sang Hyuk and Jinju! He’s so sweet and caring which is exactly what she needs. Will they be my favorite couple? Hehe. I just want to take a bit of time to swoon over Joon Soo because he cares a lot for Woo Yeon though it isn’t returned, I appreciate him wishing her well. I can’t help but wonder if there will be another drama between Woo Yeon and Soo, because if he hurts her one more time then I would prefer her to be alone (I’ll be taking Joon Soo.)
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Episode 12 - I never thought Soo and Woo Yeon together would be this mushy haha. They are making up for the lost time and I like seeing them happy and somewhat letting go of the inhibitions they had. And for the first time, I think I want to scold the writer for adding a character like Yura because seriously, those two no longer need another person to interrupt them. I suppose it’s to make up for the remining episodes? But then it could be expound on things like commitment issues for Woo Yeon and Soo, and taking the next step for their relationship. I do secretly hope for Joon Soo to make a comeback but not necessarily in a romantic light. Obviously, Soo is the one being careful now when it comes to dealing with Woo Yeon. I like seeing him nervous of losing her because it keeps him on his toes though I hope he would be more direct about it instead of acting cool so she won’t misunderstand anymore. I remember him saying he dated around too but Woo Yeon seems more like the one used to dating. I guess he never really thought of the other party when dating. I can sort of imagine his ex-girlfriends putting more effort than him.
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Episode 13 - Lol, Soo should’ve been more sensitive when Woo Yeon insisted on going home by herself. I find it so cute when she defended Soo from her parents, she was so cheeky to point out her dad’s faults. After everything they have been through I hope they can do well from now on but something tells me otherwise. At least Woo Yeon finally said the magic words Soo has been so anxious to hear. It seems she was too nervous and being careful to say it though I had the initial impression that she must’ve had a stigma of some sort to those three words. I somehow feel nervous about Soo’s job offer from the airline because it might lead to a fight or even a break up. Speaking of a break up, I’m sad Hyun-jae and Young-hee had to part ways though it was one-sided. I do get the pov of his family but I can’t relate to the pressure of marriage. By the way, am I the only one who thinks Kwon Yura’s character is waste? I mean I don’t see much purpose for her character because she does not threaten the main lead’s relationship other than making Woo Yeon want to doll up herself. I must say one of my favorite scenes in this episode is when Woo Yeon went to the salon and told the staff she’s meeting with her boyfriend’s woman. I love how the customers and salon staff reacted even calling in their boss to style her. Was it a parody? I’m not sure because I have sworn to lay my hands and eyes off all dramas that deal with a husband’s mistress. Nevertheless, it was super witty and I had a lot of fun watching that scene including the one where she deliberately posed further behind Yura to make her face look smaller. Lastly, Sang-hyeok and Jinju are finally together! They look so cute together and make the perfect couple. In fact, all three couples seem to be perfect for each other because they complement each others’ personalities well. 
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Episode 14 - This must be the episode where everyone breaks up or gets rejected. But before that, I can’t get over the expression Woo Yeon’s mom wore when she said to pack up contraception for her trip with Soo. One minute they were having a lovely mother-daughter moment then she suddenly brings that up. As much as most people would find it awkward, I think it was so funnily straightforward. Her mom cares which suddenly reminds me of the reaction of Young-hee’s mom when she found tons of condoms in her drawer. Another reaction I really enjoyed was when Woo Yeon and Soo found out Jinju and Sang-hyeok are dating! The way she splashed water out of shock really showed how it was the farthest thing in her mind. From the time Soo’s work offer came, it already seemed ominous along with Woo Yeon’s offer so I was not surprised with the break up. Maybe it was for the better; I have been mulling over Woo Yeon’s reasoning that she might end up hating Soo if they stayed together. The loneliness was eating her up which I believe is realistic in a long distance relationship like theirs. Soo shouldn’t have readily agreed regardless if he was thinking of her or not. Considering these two pursued their careers, I think this would leave less regrets in their hearts because they were able to fulfill the dreams they had. Their feelings for each other will always be there because they are Soo and Woo Yeon. I just need to wait how they will get back to each other.
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Episode 15 - While watching this episode, I couldn’t stop thinking that this is the episode I finally see Lee Soo as someone heartbroken and not self centered, also, am I the only one who thinks his hair styled up is way better than his hair down? At last, I got to see Soo’s feelings of longing for Woo Yeon instead of his attitude of forcing his feelings like earlier into the series. I think it’s his maturity plus his sincerity in wanting her back because he now knows how it is to lose her. Their break up might just seem like another ploy by the writer to extend the series but I also think it was helpful to both Woo Yeon and Soo. In the first place, they decided to be apart so their careers could flourish which made them busy and drift apart. It also brought to light the insecurities they had especially Woo Yeon who had been so used to be the only one who in love. I think her fears of having the person she loved and wanted the most surfaced which keeps her from returning to him even if he’s practically begging her back. I just hope Soo would’ve made efforts to contact Woo Yeon or get her back after that break up call just as he was when he was courting her instead of stepping back. I guess it was partly a good thing because they were able to achieve certain things for their careers during that time too. Meanwhile Young-hee’s mom’s death was inevitable but at least they got to resolve the hard feelings and she was able to convey her love for her children. I think among the deaths I’ve seen in kdramas, this is the most touching for me. I must really be getting old to be sentimental like this. I also felt envious of the leads’ friendship. This episode showcased it the most especially how they supported Young-hee through the most difficult time in her life. I also love how they quietly support the complicated relationship of Soo and Woo Yeon. They have never attempted to kill him so yup they are good people.
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Episode 16 - Loose strings are tied up in a pretty bow as the friends gear up for each of their happy endings. Joon Soo decides to let go of his feelings for Woo Yeon (he’s finally free to walk towards me! Yay!) I really like their hug because it sums up the affections and friendship they had. Good thing Soo wasn’t there to tear them apart. I also like that Soo is still a bit jealous of Joon Soo because whenever I remember how arrogant he was about stealing Woo Yeon away, I still want to punch him. His mom’s pushing aka guilting Woo Yeon was indeed effective, heh. Seriously though, it seems to me that his mom did it because she did not want him to end up like his parents and perhaps it was her way of making up for their negligence and mistreatment of him. I love the fact that Soo and Woo Yeon continued to fight and make up even after getting back together, it was very much in their character. It’s also nice that Soo’s parents decided to give their relationship another shot. It makes me think that they too learned from their son. Jinju’s and Sang-hyeok’s wedding pictorial was super lovely, it was very smart of them to trick Soo into it haha. Young-hee and Hyun-jae are finally back together too! Thank goodness, they’re getting married instead of returning to dating. As much as I cringed with their cheesiness, it was very much welcome and cute to watch. All six of them had their own cringey and cheesy way of saying and doing things. I think this drama has one of the most satisfactory endings ever, now, if only On Joon Soo can find his way to me...
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More than Friends has met the amount of romance and tension that I always look for yet refreshing and not too cliché. I love the little details and the way it explored different types and stages of relationships including of different age groups. I hope other viewers would also get to see how the writer tried to portray these in the drama. Watching the ending made me realize the drama’s title was probably referred to these couples because they started as friends and became more than just that. Honestly, their situation is quite idealistic but I think it’s so cute if it does happen in real life. I’m happy I watched this even if it was mainly for Kim Dong Jun. Literally before watching this, I watched Moment of Eighteen then even prior to that, I watched Meow, The Secret Boy. MoE was sad because Junwoo had to put off his dreams and relationship to help out his mom. I initially wanted to skip or wait till later to watch it but ended up being hooked to it. Hehe.
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One of the things I find fascinating in this drama is the casting! Shin Ye Eun’s step mom in MTSB became her actual mom while her dad became Lee Soo’s dad this time. There lots of familiar faces which made me like the drama even more. 
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missaureus · 4 years
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Number of Episodes: 16
Genre: Romance, Drama
Rating: 10/10
I actually finished this series prior to the quarantine season but let me just include it to the list because I invested so much emotions to it, to the point it left me handicapped.
Crash Landing on You has so much on its plate! Not to mention the controversy it faced, being criticized by the liberal party for romanticizing not their own kind. I truly appreciate how this production served something new to the audience! The disclaimer being rolled before each episode is a reminder how a vast mind can offer so much - a window to let us visually access how the life is in the world's most secretive country, North Korea. Sure, there are already dramas with North Korea as a setting but the overall portrayal of CLoY makes it loved by the general public.
Apart from the reason of casting big actors as leads, how the supporting roles in CLoY are being painted give a big impact to the whole canvas, even the hostiles and the helpless. The side stories are definitely not something to be skipped. Surprisingly, my favorite character is Seo Dan's mom. She exudes peak mom level! Actually, all mother figures radiate strong personalities! Among all, I appreciate Seo Dan's character development the most! She is definitely a revolution herself. Thank you for empowering women on screen! Lastly, the backbone of the story are the best squads in the history of kdrama, the soldier squad and the mom squad ㅋㅋThey are just pure and fun to watch, even their chemistry with Seri is good~
I honestly ran out of expectations from this drama. I was afraid how it is going to end but the greatest takeaway is that, each character reached their own resolution. Probably some might disagree re: Seo Dan and Seung Jun's tragedy. But the second male lead saying: I was wrong. When I die, there’s someone who will cry for me. The fact that it’s you makes me sad and happy. I guess that resolved his own conflict. *criii*
I have so much to say, to be honest because this drama is generous enough with insights. Highly recommended~ People saying this is too overrated need to sit down and repent lol!
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Number of Episodes: 16
Genre: Drama, Revenge
Rating: 9/10
First episode and it was already dark and bold. The plot caters a pool of societal issues such as class differences, abuse of power/injustices, transgender discrimination, and racism. This drama has a different aura compared to previous works of Park Seo Joon. Even the love story of the leads is not the typical lovey dovey~
The main character's determination to avenge his father's death is scalding hot throughout the episodes. It was as consistent as his hairstyle for years istg. Hard work does not betray, indeed. What struck me the most is when one character, Seung Kwon, who used to be Saeroyi jailmate, crossed paths again after years in the outer world. He narrated how everyone is given the same amount of time but the depth of time one spends is completely different compared to someone who does not set goals and persevere through time to get it.
No wonder how the rating of the show did good since the characters are effectively pulled off despite how tacky each personality is.
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Number of Episodes: 16
Genre: Drama, Fantasy
Rating: 10/10
This series stirred the general public for a fact that the one portraying Seo Woo is actually a boy. The enormous attention it absorbed was also due to its heartbreaking storyline. It is not even an exaggeration that there is no episode that would not let you cry. It will give your tear ducts so much work.
It reflects a pool of family values and love. It will make you realize even more no matter what age you have, you will still need your mom. It will make you ponder how death can rob you in an instant. Midong, a shaman in the drama, once said: A woman who lost her husband is called a widow. A man who lost his wife is called a widower. And a kid who lost his parents is called an orphan. But there’s no word for a parent who lost their kid. Know why? It’s because no word can describe it. There’s no word in this world that can describe the excruciating pain. That is too devastating, I can't digest it.
I want to commend the three main characters so much! They deserve a round of applause each. Both Seowoo's moms deserve her. Yuri and Minjung are both selfless and strong, as mothers should be. It's true that being aggressive with their respective decision against the other without feeling sorry could have been done if one is mean towards the other. This drama has no antagonist and it is frustrating that no one can take the blame. Sadly, one mom must be hurt deeply in order to save the other mom. Shoutout to all stepmoms! Not all are evil, stop labeling them as one. Seowoo's dad, Kanghwa, for me, has the hardest character. He has been walking on eggshells. All his life, his shoulders are heavy. He endured so much and embraced unnecessary guilt. His walls are too high that made his relationship with others shaky. He is afraid for people to get hurt to the point being too considerate does not help him at all, making himself his own punching bag.
Hitting the resolution of the story is a painful process but it is the kind of hurt that liberated all characters involved. To be able to point out what went wrong and ungrasping it--- Yuri boldy telling his used-to-be husband "I am not yours anymore. You can let me go now." opened the door to silence the conflicts. Acceptance.
Literally, I cried how the epilogue gave a glimpse of the couple's life if Yuri was able to escape his death note. It only takes a second to change a life-changing event. But reaching the final episode was the real deal for my tear ducts ㅠ I seriously cried 90 minutes straight! I am so satisfied how it is wrapped up. No better ending no matter heartbreaking it is!
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Number of Episodes: 16
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Fantasy, Thriller
Rating: 9/10
Why did I just watch it noW? ㅠ Wow, this is a masterpiece! The plot twist is insane! I love how the truth was unfold throughout the story. It was helluva stressful hahaha. Dark enough. Since I was hungry for an answer, I finished this one almost straight 16 hours!!! If you have watched While You Were Sleeping, which was about someone who can dream about the future, this series is a counterpart. The main lead can see the past by touching a person or object. This unique ability helped him solve cases, especially the event the greatly involved him in the past.
I commend Jinyoung for crying that much! Crazy he has lots of frame that in need of crying ㅋㅋㅋ Rise the flag of actor-idol! He is a natural, to be honest. His character, Ahn's funny antics always got me~ The female lead, Ye Eun has an uncanning resemblance of Yerim, hahaha it awed me while watching~
I am satisfied how it ended. Although I would to see more of their love story but in totality it is a must-watch definitely!
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Number of Episodes: 40
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Thriller
Rating: 9/10
I love how this is filtered ♡ Very aesthetic that I want to live in Ongsan too! Life for the female lead is too complex. The plot revolves around straightening the strands of conflicts of her life. Dealing with her son who does not want her to have a boyfriend, who is short-tempered and acts maturely to protect her mom; dealing with her boyfriend who loves her unconditionally, who always believes in her and brings out the best of her; dealing with her ex husband, who wants to stand as a father to his child and fill in those years he missed to take care of him; dealing with her neighbors, who speak ill and put her in a bad light at first; dealing with her mother who made her an orphan and came back to her sick; dealing with her secret killer...
This runs for 20 hours and I could not remember the last drama I've watched this long but I savored it without any hint boredom. It ended but I still want mooore. I love how every character is given ample amount of screen time in the last episode. Everyone ended up happily. The went through so much, a happy ending is deserved by all. I was moved. I learned so much about life which is too complex to be completely understood.
Props to Haneul! His loud and vibrant acting is commendable!!! And the post-credit is so heartwarming ㅠㅠ I had a fair share of tears for this drama ㅠㅠ
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Number of Episodes: 16
Genre: Drama, Romance
Rating: 9/10
I had two attempts to successfully finish this series and what a shame it took me this long? This series also moved me so much. It talks about views and opinion about living independently and marriage. Throughout, I was also questioning my decisions in life and effectively made me reflect.
Ji Ho who is 30, who is jobless, who is homeless. and Se Hee holds the answer to her problems. Se Hee who only loves his cat, who only values his house. Apart from having the same interest in beer and soccer, they mutually signed a contract that both benefitted them. Weird. How can you marry someone without involving emotions?
I also love the opposite personalities of the female lead's friends. Soo Ji who does not believe in marriage and described it as a tomb of a relationship. She is strong and independent. She does not take any guy seriously until Sang Goo happened. Ho Rang who dreams of being a housewife and a mother. She desperately wanted to marry his long-term partner because she is already hitting three decades. Sadly, his partner, Wonseok, expressed how he is not that ready yet and still starting to get a stable job.
I love how this drama ended! Heartwarming~
Part 1 | https://daisy-illusive.tumblr.com/post/162383689643
Part 2 | https://daisy-illusive.tumblr.com/post/169033240193
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baby-hyena · 4 years
You’re Beautiful | a KHSxJJH Fanfiction
Note: Here's the 2nd part of JJH's point of view. If you haven't read the 1st part, here's the link 😊 https://baby-hyena.tumblr.com/post/616744455208353792/tenerife-sea-khsxjjh-fanfic
 Song used: You're Beautiful cover by Ju Ji Hoon
My life is brilliant
Ji Hoon couldn't sleep that night. He's been rolling over his bed to find a comfy position but he still couldn't sleep. The filming finished late. He decided to workout a bit. He thought that maybe exhausting himself will put him to sleep. But he's still wide awake. When he lay down on his bed to try to sleep again, a small voice speaks at the back of his mind. Go to her, he blinks at that thought. He reaches for his phone to check the time and it's midnight. He sends her a text asking if she's still awake. But 10 minutes later, he got no response. He gets up and decided to go to her house.
My life is brilliant
When he arrived at her house, the lights were off. She's asleep, he thought. He was hesitant to go inside. It's not the first time though, it's just that he still fears that she might not want him to be there. He shook his head and exhaled, then he went inside. Good thing he knows her passcode. When she gave him that, he was over the moon. He knows it's such a small thing but it made him so happy. It made him so happy because that means she trusts him and it was enough to make all of his hesitations disappeared.
My love is pure
He took off his shoes and went straight to the couch. Strangely, he suddenly felt exhausted. But before he lies down, her book shelf caught his eyes. He went near it and there he saw her pictures. She has kept her favorite photos from her different photoshoots. He smiled when he saw the different sides of her. He saw her versatility in acting, but he was amazed that she can do the same in her photoshoots. She's truly an icon, he thought. One photo caught his attention. He didn't recognize her because she's wearing sunglasses and has really long hair. But he recognized the place. It was that place.
I saw an angel
It was August 2013 when he went to Segovia, Spain. He wanted to see the world, to wander, to explore. He wanted to experience different cultures. Besides, he's been working for his two upcoming movies that year. So he took a break for a month to travel. He was enjoying the view and taking pictures when he heard something familiar, "Okay, that's a good pose. Keep it up." It was spoken in Hangul. He looked around to find the voice. There he saw a photographer, taking pictures of a beautiful woman. He was stunned.
Of that I'm sure
She has long hair, a body to die for, long legs and everything that made Ji Hoon swallowed. The way she poses makes him hold his breath. He's been modelling for a long time but he's never seen a model as beautiful as her. He couldn't help but to steal a picture of her using his camera. He went near the site, enough to see her face but also enough to hide if ever he gets caught. When the photographer shouts, "Cut! Let's have a break." Ji Hoon got the chance to see her face when she took off her sunglasses. His heart skipped a beat when their eyes met.
She smiled at me on the subway
The woman smiled at Ji Hoon and his world stopped. He smiled back at her, shyly and awkwardly as he turns his back to leave. That day and that trip became memorable to him. And when he came back to Seoul, he gets to know who the woman was when the news article came out. It was the actress Kim Hye Soo. She was on a photoshoot that day in Spain for Cosmopolitan. Knowing this, he bought the magazine and watched her drama Queen of the Office. This was when he started admiring her because he noticed how good she is as an actress. He watched every movie and drama she's in and he became her fanboy.
She was with another man
Ji Hoon worked hard on his career. He wanted to start again after being in a controversy. But more than this, at the back of his head, he wanted to be that good of an actor so when he'll be given the opportunity to act with Kim Hyesoo, he'd never fail. And he never did. He was always jealous of the actors that gets to act with her. He'd always wish that one project with her would land onto his hands and he'll never waste that chance. That's why when he got Hyena; he didn't decline, even when he also had events for Kingdom 2, even when he didn't get any rest. It's because he didn't want to miss this chance. With her.
But I won't lose no sleep on that
Whenever Hyesoo compliments him for his acting, it feels like an achievement. It's not the awards and nominations that made him feel successful, it was her. He feels like his years of acting finally pays off just because he was finally recognized by his idol. He was inspired by her, in every set, in every scene, he gave his all. And now he's finally here, this close to her. Who would've thought that he'll ever get this lucky? He yawned then smiled. He'll finally get some sleep that night.
'Cause I've got a plan
Ji Hoon is having a bad dream. He's dreaming of Hyesoo pushing him away, cutting him off from her life. When he wakes up, he found her beside him looking for something under the couch. His heart was relieved when he saw her. "What are you doing?" He asks her. She looks at him while showing him what she's holding, "Oh, I dropped my airpods." Ji Hoon stares at her and thinks; I'd like to wake up to this face for the rest of my life. He'd notice her feeling conscious because of his stare. He'd smile. "Why are you staring?" She'd ask him. He'll smile at her with his dreamy eyes. I don't mind staring at you all my life, a voice in his mind speaks but he utters, "Nothing."
You're beautiful, you're beautiful
They say, the right one will not make you nervous or shake you on your knees. When you found the right one, you'll feel calm and comfortable. That's what Ji Hoon feels as they eat breakfast together. He's calm and comfortable. Yes, he can feel his heart pounding because of happiness; because he's with her. But he's never felt this calm before, as if he has everything he needs; as if everything in his life was already fulfilled. And in that moment he knew, the feeling of being home; of being with the love of his life. I hope this lasts, his heart whispers.
You're beautiful, it's true
Ji Hoon knows how much Hyesoo loves taking pictures. It's one of the things he learned about her. He saw her gigantic lenses in her house. And because he also loves being in front of cameras, he'd always pose for her. Or perhaps, he just loves catching her attention. "Let me see." He says to her after she took a photo of him. "Here." She shows him a picture she already edited with her mischievous smile. He'd frown then pout, "I wanna see my face." Then they'll run and play around the set like two little kids teasing each other. Ji Hoon has never been so happy.
I saw your face in a crowded place and I don't know what to do
Days passed and Ji Hoon slowly notices her cold feet. She won't let him drive her home anymore. He noticed how she makes up excuses so he won't be able to drive her home. Whenever he texts her to bring her food, she'll always say she's not in her house or that she already ate and stops him from coming. He'd let her, thinking he should give her time. But he's starting to be afraid. Did I make a mistake? Did I make her feel uncomfortable? Am I annoying her too much?, all of these thoughts are keeping him awake in that 2 days of not being with Hyesoo. But this question almost broke his heart; What if she doesn't feel the same way?
'Cause I'll never be with you
After that 2 days, another day came and they finished filming early. Ji Hoon sensed that Hyesoo's going home already so he went to her. Please, let me drive you home today, please let me be with you today, his heart has been wishing that all throughout their filming. He's crossing his fingers behind his back as he asks her to let him drive her home. When he knew he's about to get rejected again, he cuts her off, "Please, pleaase? I won't talk, I promise. Just let me be with you today. Please." He's that desperate, thinking that she probably don't want a talkative person. Maybe she's fed up with me, he thought. That thought hurts, but when he heard Hyesoo says, "Okay, just for today." his heart jumped and he couldn't hide his smile.
Yes, she caught my eye, as we walked on by
Ji Hoon would steal glances over Hyesoo all throughout the drive. He's not talking, just like he promised. He'd sigh, he didn't know he'd miss her in those 2 days. When they arrived at her house, he wanted to ask her if he can stay, but he stopped himself. Instead he just smiled at her and said, "Nothing, go inside. It's cold." He doesn't know if his desperation to be with her shows but that's what he feels. Hell, he's willing to risk everything. Just to be with you, his heart speaks. He watched her go inside her house as he feels his heart breaks little by little.
She could see from my face that I was flying high
Ji Hoon leans on his car and crosses his arms to keep his hands warm. He just stood there outside her house. He's thinking of how to tell her how he feels. He plans to tell her after Hyena ends. He knows if he tells her now, it could affect their work. He smiles at his thoughts. He recalled his first confession, he was in middle school. He was so nervous but his friends were supportive and they helped him. Too bad he got rejected. After that, he focused in his studies then his modelling career. And when he started acting, that's when he became famous among women. He didn't have problems confessing then since it’s the other way around.
And I don’t think that I’ll see her again
Ji Hoon never thought he had to confess again after a very long time. He never thought he'd meet someone who'd make him fall head over heels. He smiles at that thought. He once said he's scared of marriage because it never turns out well. So he promised himself, he'll never get married for convenience, unless it's true love. Unless it's true love, he whispers as he looks at Hye Soo's house. He shivers when the wind blows.
But we shared a moment that will last ‘til the end
He knew he found the one. He knows his heart so well; he's never felt this way. His train of thoughts stopped when he couldn't take the cold any longer. So he opens his car's compartment for some hot packs. He gets three packs, but he thought he'll stay there for a while so he gets it all. He inserted it in his coat, and he closes the buttons so it won't fall out. Then he puts his hands in his pockets. He leans on his car again to stare at Hye Soo's house. Just for today, he thought and smiled.
You’re beautiful, you’re beautiful
Ji Hoon never thought he’d get this close to Hye Soo. He never thought he’d see her as a woman; more than just his sunbae or co-worker. Everyday he’s with her, every moment they shared, even the littlest moment, he will never forget. It’s like his life has been dull and bland, until he met Hye Soo, then he began seeing things differently. He’s known for being quirky and goofy in his interviews and filming set, but it’s all because he wanted to diminish the awkwardness between him and his co-workers. But with Hye Soo, he’s quirky and goofy, but mature and serious at the same time. He wanted her to feel comfortable around him, but more than that, he wanted to make her happy.
You’re beautiful, it’s true
He doesn’t plan on leaving anytime soon. He plans to stay, to be with her for a very long time. He plans to choose her over everything else; even his career. He lets out a deep breath as he shivers. He gets cold easily, it’s his weakness. But for some reason today, he feels stronger. He has never stood outside in the cold before. But standing there, in front of Hye Soo’s house, made him feel like he can stand there forever.
Yeah, I saw your face in a crowded place and I don’t know what to do
He was looking down at his shoes because he feels something tingly somewhere in his ankle. Then he heard Hye Soo’s gate opens. He lifts his head and there she is, in front of him. “Hey! What are you doing out here?” He’s startled a little, but he smiled sweetly at her. “Nothing, I just wanted to be here.” He answers her but his heart speaks otherwise, I just wanted to be with you. She asks him how long he has been there; he opens his coat to show her the hot patches. Suddenly, he felt the cold all over his body. “I never left since I drove you home.” He smiled faintly.
‘Cause I’ll never be with you
Worry is written all over Hye Soo’s face and Ji Hoon can see it. He knew he’s crazy when that made him a bit happy. She’s worried about me, he smiled at that thought. And when she pulls him inside, he feels like he could die of happiness any moment. Before, he’ll feel guilty for worrying his mom whenever he gets sick because of the cold. But now, it’s different, of course he still feels guilty for worrying Hye Soo and bothering her. But thinking that she’ll take care of him and he’ll get to be with her, makes him like the cold a little more than before.
You’re beautiful, you’re beautiful
When they’re finally inside her house, his guilt started eating him up. He looks at Hye Soo and he realized she’s going somewhere because of her outfit. I’m such a bother to her, he thought. So he draws back and pulls his hand from her, “I’m sorry, I’m such a bother. I’m okay now, I’ll go home.” He said to her while smiling. He tried to hide his faintness from her; he doesn’t want to think that he’s forcing her to take care of him. So he’ll just leave. I’m okay, now that I saw you, he thought.
You’re beautiful, it’s true
Hye Soo blinks when he pulls back his hand, but she grabs it again. “Stay. I’ll make some soup.” She said to him while pulling him. She made him sit on the couch and he lets out a deep sigh. Hye soo went to her kitchen. Ji Hoon lies down; he never thought he could miss a couch like this. This is crazy. Crazy but comfy, he chuckles at that thought. He stares at the ceiling then he crosses his hands on his chest. He’s still freezing.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face
He feels dizzy so he closed his eyes. His mind and his heart are all over the place. He can’t help but to be happy at the moment. He’s cold but he feels warm. If it takes him to stand in the cold that long just to be with Hye Soo, he’ll gladly do so. If it takes him to give up his career and live his life with Hye Soo, he’ll drop everything for her. Even if he’s so afraid of commitment, responsibility and marriage life, he’s more than willing to face his fears head on. Hell, he will gladly risk everything just to be with Hye Soo; even if it’s his health or his career. A lifetime with her doesn’t compare to everything he has now.
When she thought up that I should be with you
He’ll plan his confession after the filming ends. He knows they can’t have a normal date outside so he’ll just show up in her house and just like the usual; they’ll eat together and drink their coffee. They’ll watch her favourite indie movies and listen to David Bowie’s songs. Imagining these things feels therapeutic for him. He smiles at his thoughts. He’s excited to tell her how he feels; to tell her how much he loves her.
But it’s time to face the truth
Of course, Ji Hoon would naturally feel afraid of the consequences. He’ll think how hurt he’ll be when Hye Soo doesn’t feel the same way as him. He has to be ready in case Hye Soo rejects him. It’ll be hell for him, but he won’t force her into something she doesn’t really want. If ever Hye Soo rejects him, he’s willing to let her go. He’ll still love her though, in a distance. He probably won’t be able to get over her forever. Ji Hoon will always be her fanboy. And he’ll remember every memory he had with her. He’s about to tear up when he heard Hye Soo’s steps coming over. He kept his eyes closed.
I will never be with you
“Ji Hoon-ssi, here’s—“ he heard her say. Ji Hoon doesn’t know why he kept his eyes closed when his mind is wide awake. He felt her presence, beside him. Ji Hoon’s heart is pounding hard, as if he’s having palpitations. But he’s not; it’s because of his excitement and anticipation. What is she doing? he asks in his mind. She puts a blanket on him and he felt her hand gently massaging and running her fingers through his head. It’s relaxing so Ji Hoon felt his heart calm a bit, but the next thing he knew, his world stops because he’d hear Hye Soo whispers, “I love you.”
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thbn-anything · 4 years
What other way is better than to begin this blog with a kdrama tag?
1. Favourite drama of all the time?
2. Top 5 actors?
Park Seo Joon, Ji Chang Wook, Park Hyung Sik, Seo Kang Joon, Nam Joo Hyuk
3. Top 5 actresses?
Kim Ji Won, Kim Go Eun, Song Ji Hyo, Lee Sung Kyung, Son Ye Jin
4. Favourite idol actor?
Park Hyung Sikk
5. Favourite idol actress?
6. Favourite genre of dramas?
7. Do you watch other dramas beside korean dramas?
Nope, although I’m trying to consider watching chinese dramas
8. Favourite OST of all the time?
There are soo manyyy, but rn I’d probably have to choose ‘I will go to you like the first snow’ by Ailee
9. Drama with the best ost?
Definitely Crash Landing On You, followed by Goblin, Hotel Del Luna, Descendants of The Sun, and Hwarang
10. Top 5 OSTs?
I will go to you like the first snow (Ailee), All about you (Taeyeon), Here I am again (Yerin Baek), First love (Sondia), Once again (Mad Clown)
11. Top 5 OST singers?
IU, Taeyeon, Yoon Mirae, Yerin Baek, Davichi
12. Favourite villain in dramas?
Oof, tbh I’ve never really paid much attention to the villains but if I hv to pick one it’s probably Han Sang Hoon from W (yes I had to search his name bcs I’m really bad at remembering characters’ names)
13. Top 5 OTPs?
Ri Jeong Hyeok-Yoon Se Ri (Crash Landing On You), Ko Dong Man-Choi Ae Ra (Fight For My Way), Kim Bok Joo-Jung Joon Hyung (Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo), Do Bong Soon-Ahn Min Hyuk (Strong Woman Do Bong Soon), Oh Jin Shin-Kwon Jung Rok (Touch Your Heart) (for that last one Wang Yeo and Kim Sun ship also works teehee)
14. Favourite celebrity couple of real life?
Well they’re not together anymore but Lee Sung Kyung & Nam Joo Hyuk ((:
15. Which actor or actress you want as your bestfriend,older sister,older brother,boyfriend /girlfriend?
Oooo it’ll be nice to be friends with them all but for my best friend, prolly Kim Go Eun. I want Kim Ji Won as my noona and Ji Chang Wook as my oppa (I heard he has great manners :D). And maybe I’m the only one but I would feel extremely uncomfortable to date my bias so I’mma hv to skip that last one lol
16. Who is your favourite kdrama male character?
Again, I never really think about these but the one and only dokkaebi will get points for how hilarious his character is as a whole
17. Who is your favourite kdrama female character?
Literally just finished watching Revolutionary Love, and Byun Hyuk is not the only one that fell in love with Baek Joon’s strong personality. Totally love this girl!!!
18. What is your least favourite drama?
There were several kdramas that I discontinued because I was bored and just sorta disliked it (like it’s not my type). Most of these are action-genred dramas and the ones that are political and pretty heavy (like I didn’t finish vagabond and k2 although they are actually really good ones, I just don’t really like the genres that’s all), but out of all of these I’d probably hv to choose Abyss (stopped watching it after only 2 episodes) or Cheese In The Trap (THE ENDING OMGG I WANNA CRY 😭😭 CITT IS LITERALLY MY FAV WEBTOON AND THE DRAMA’S ENDING RUINED THE WHOLE THING)
19. How were you introduced to kdrama?
Well I’ve known kdramas ever since I was little (I used to join my cousins sometimes while they were watching them) but as a summary, I liked dramas because of webtoon (like drama genre yk) and at that time my cousins and one of my aunt who were at my house at the time were binge-watching CLOY so I sorta joined and watched like half of it, and when it was done there were other kdrama reccs there (we were watching it on netflix) and one of them was WWWSK and I was sorta interested and curious so I decided to watch it with my aunt. Ever since then I’ve been obsessed with kdramas that I binge-watch them everyday lol
20. What was your first drama?
Technically the first drama I’ve finished was What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim (step one on being a PSJ fan woohoooo), but back then when I was little I sometimes joined my cousins when they were watching The Heirs and My Love From The Star
21. Who is your least favourite drama character?
Ooh, the Jang family from Itaewon Class got me on my nerves but both psychopaths from Strong Woman Do Bong Soon and Suspicious Partner are definitely really annoying like why would u kill people for no reason you 미친 사이코 또라이
22. Who is your least favourite actor or actress?
I don’t have a least fave bcs personally I think all of these actors and actresses are talented so like 🤷🏻‍♀️
23. Which actor or actress you want to marry?
As I said before, I would feel extremely uncomfortable if I’m dating my bias, so don’t even think about how I would feel if I married them
24. Is there a drama you wished that drama is your real life?
Wow okay but like EXO Next Door would be incredible lmfaooo (although I’m not rlly a fan of kpop but imagine being friends with all of the members of a popular kpop group like wow)
25. Which drama character you wished to have as your real life girlfriend or boyfriend?
Omg just a clueless romantic like Haru would be adorableee, or someone who is crazy over their gf like Ahn Min Hyuk would be amazhangg
26. Is there a drama character you wished that is you?
Wow I mean like being Do Bong Soon is great bcs 1. You hv superpowers and that’s already amazing on its own but then 2. Legit two handsome guys like you and just AAAA (also 3. She doesn’t hv any past traumas or somn and her relationship with everyone is alright)
27. Do you like noona romances?
Wow tbh nope, I never really liked noona romances, I mean like I’m already sorta uncomfortable when the lead man is older than the lead woman by like a decade or somn (like goblin omg), so like imagine if the woman is now older than the man by a decade (I mean like tbh I don’t rlly like it whenever the girl is older than the guys but eh whatevs)
28. What is your favourite sismance and bromance?
Sismance: Fight For My Way’s Choi Ae Ra and Baek Seol Hee, I mean like,, friendship goals. Periodt.
29. Do you get second lead syndrome for both actors and actresses both?
Yesss, but I tend not to ship them and get too attached to them too much bcs ik they would never be endgame so like T.T
30. In which drama you had the worst second lead syndrome?
LITERALLY WATCHING IT RN AND I FEEL SO BAD FOR KIM SHIN HYUK OMGG 😭😭 (oh and also CITT’s Baek In Ho, like I didn’t ship them at all in the webtoon but their chemistry in the drama is urghhh I feel so bad for my babyy 😭 that’s also how I became a Seo Kang Joon fan YASSS)
31. What is your favourite drama in this year?
Well if you’re talking about drama that I watched this year, it’ll be too many as I’ve only just started watching kdramas literally March this year, so I’ll only perceive this as my favorite drama that was released in 2020, which is Backstreet Rookie although a lot of ppl actually hated it. Personally I disagree with those points too (adult webtoon, prostitution, underaged kissing, etc) but I really like how it’s such a funny comical drama, like those types of dramas are my favorite
32. Can you understand korean without subtitles?
Definitely not but that is indeed my goal yeeyee
33. What is your message to your favourite actor and actress?
You guys are amazing and all of us in the kdrama community will always support all of you, so HWAITING!! 💜
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fmdjaewonarchive · 4 years
► ‘our songs’ audition.
date(s): 20 july 2020 mentions of: jiah, ash, andy & sooyeon (all briefly namedropped) word count: 1617 warnings: n/a details: jaewon decides to audition for ‘our songs’ and somehow, manages to already stress himself out before the show has even begun. he also covers ‘q’ by onewe (note: the original version of the song features hwasa but this stage was my main reference point for this)
it’s not that jaewon has been putting this off but that’s exactly what he has been doing. which, truly, is stupid. he’s the one that decided he wanted to sign himself up from this, it’s one of the very few things in his idol schedule that he gets to weigh in on.
unlike his own music these days.
oh right, that’s why he’s been so stressed about this. dimensions entertainment had kickstarted his 2020 with a big fuck you and the announcement that they’d be taking away his creative freedom for something that would hopefully be more… lucrative than his own work. and their strategy had been proven effective, the sheer commercial success of fiancé has been a thorn in his side, a constant mocking reminder that maybe, jaewon doesn’t know shit about making music after all.
it has also only solidified dimensions position meaning that truly, jaewon could write any creative freedom apart from the odd co-writing jobs for unity and songs he featured on goodbye.
until our songs came along.
sure, the company hasn’t said it in that many words, nowhere has jaewon actually gotten the confirmation that maybe, if he does well on this, they’ll consider letting him weigh in on his own solo work again. but hey, there surely is no harm in taking some initiative right?
which circles right back to where jaewon is right now, in the home studio of his and soo’s apartment at some awfully late hour at night -because apparently his brain does not function during common office hours- to sit down and record this video for once and for all.
(for the 5th time this week but really, who is keeping count).
jaewon is glad he’s in a space so familiar to him as his own home, it takes away just a little bit of the stress and if he tries hard enough, he might even be able to forget just how much he has riding on this already, a pressure that for some forsaken reason he’s put on this all by himself.
he turns on the camera before leaning back into the office chair. it might look relaxed almost but anyone that knows jaewon also knows that the pen he’s twirling in his left hand is to keep the nerves at bay. luckily enough he can pass it off as a means of concentration for now.
the questions are displayed on the monitor of his computer in such way that jaewon can read them without having to make an obvious effort to lean forward. he has no answers written down but truly, he has mulled over these questions for so long by now that there is no need for that anyway. jaewon knows what he wants to say and he knows himself well enough that he can’t truly rehearse those words without sounding stiff and insincere.
“what inspires me to write songs?” he allows a brief silence to settle, a light frown on his face. “i’m not the best with words, not when i have to say them at least. i’ve always had struggles communicating, i just kinda… froze up. writing has helped a lot with that, it’s made it easier for me to put my feelings into words and to get messages across i wouldn’t have been able to get past my lips otherwise. i’ve written songs about difficult subjects in the past and hearing back from people that those resonate with them has really been keeping me motivated to keep pushing the bar further for myself, even if it’s a little hard sometimes.”
“what is my favorite song that i worked on... that’s kinda impossible to answer. i’ve been very fortunate to release quite some music already and to work with a lot of really talented artists. they’re all very different songs too so it’s hard to compare them so i don’t think there is really one ultimate favorite. if i had to name a few though-” he let his voice trail off for a second. “i collab earlier this year on we don’t talk together, i really enjoyed that song and working on that, i think it turned out well. oh and i got to feature and work on jiah-sunbaenim’s easy which has been released recently. i don’t get to take too much credit for that one though, taeyong-sunbaenim worked on that too.” his free hand moved to rest under his chin. “if i’m thinking about my solo work though i’d probably have to say am 4.44 and rebirth, both from my biorhythm album.” jaewon didn’t know if it was necessary to name what album they were from, especially since he hadn’t gotten to write a single word on love language but it would have to do for now. “i think those two are kinda a package deal for me? am 4.44 is about a pretty low point in my life, just mentally and all and rebirth is kind of the process of recovery from that.”
“songwriters i look up to? i worked with a lot of people and they all brought their own strengths to the table, all of those experiences have been very useful and incredibly pleasant.” he nods absent-mindedly. “i’d say i look up andy-sunbaenim, i got to work with him twice, on both bermuda triangle and on his latest album, i really like his style, i feel like it’s a bit different from my own but i do think they go well together. i also admire sooyeon from wish a lot, she’s very talented at a very young age. she balances both wish’ style and her own very well i think, i have a lot of respect for that.”
“my goals as a songwriter? i think to continue to grow till i can hold my ground by myself amongst other songwriters. i’ve learned a lot from all the people i already worked like i said before but i don’t think i’m near their level yet. i want to reach the point where i can continuously put out high-quality songs for other artists. like, i know my own sound and songs that work well for me but i think the real skill is being able to write well for someone other people. i want to be able to do that someday.”
“what do i hope to achieve by participating on this show?” to tell dimensions to go fuck themselves, jaewon thinks bitterly. but he can’t say that, not now he’s supposed to be all camera friendly. “i want to prove myself. towards other people on the one hand of course, you know, get my name out there and show everything i’ve learned up until this point, show that i know what i’m doing.” and yes, of course, other people in this case could just as easily be replaced with dimensions entertainment but there was no hard evidence for that. not like anyone was aware of jaewon challenging his label, not even dimensions itself. “but also to prove myself towards me. i’ve been writing for a while now, mostly when i felt like it or when i had an idea stuck in my head. i want to push those boundaries, to write specific themes within specific timeframes instead of just on a whim. i think that’s an important step i have to take for myself.” jaewon nods firmly. if he didn’t know himself so well he could believe it looks confident even.
after he pauses the recording, the first thing jaewon does is roll his shoulders and let out a deep sigh. he’s definitely not an interview person he can’t help but think to himself, at least the worst part is over now.he takes a sip from the water bottle on his desk, letting his eyes fall shut for a second as he leans against his seat. just a brief moment of recovery before he forces himself back into action.
the interview might have been the worst part but he still has a cover to record.
first he gets up to retrieve the electric guitar they keep in their home studio, getting it plugged in and getting the microphone all set up, before pulling up the audio file from his desktop and hitting record on his camera.
there are some changes to the original song. after all, onewe is a band and q is not a rap song but jaewon toyed around with audio some, emphasizing on electronics of the backing track rather than the instruments. he has taken some liberties on expanding on the rap parts in the verses and together with the monotone, repetitive chorus it makes it sound so much more like a laidback hiphop song rather than the band song it was before.
another big change is made to the bridge. jaewon has taken out the vocals at the beginning of the instead opting to extend the guitar solo that follows. which is where the electric guitar on his lap comes in. admittedly, it’s a risky choice because while jaewon doesn’t have to worry about hitting notes he can’t reach, he also isn’t as gifted of a guitar player as he pretends to be.  it works though, maybe it’s because he’s been practicing this particular riff until he could barely move his fingers and he has to admit, it sounds pretty good.
he finishes recording, switching the camera off nearly immediately after and then spends another hour rewatching both videos -the interview and the song cover- fixated on finding a fatal flaw, any reason to tank this whole idea and just not send in his audition for the show.
he doesn’t find it.
so instead he sends it in before finally calling it a night.
 here goes nothing.
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kmseokjins · 5 years
Thunderlight (Chapter 3)
Fandom: BTS Pairing: BTS x Reader / OT7 x Reader Warnings: n/a in this chapter Summary: You get a little visit from two of the maknae line and find yourself being roped into working with the boys again.
Thunderlight (n): Lightning; a bolt or flash of lightning. 
Archive Of Our Own || Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Weeks passed.
The day after you’d been dragged from your usual routine, you returned to your little corner, back to the quiet existence you were so used to. It was partly a relief, glad to be back to your usual routine, and not worry about keeping up with Iseul’s high standards. She’d made sure you knew that your “little adventure” had been a fluke; whatever you’d done to piss her off was lost on you. On the other hand, you felt oddly...empty. It was a nagging feeling, like you’d forgotten something, but couldn’t quite figure out what it was.
Chan-ri had been completely ecstatic when you’d met up with her that day, demanding to know every single detail about your interaction with the Idols. She’d invited you over to her apartment that evening, ordering takeout and even breaking out a bottle from her wine collection.
“Okay, okay, tell me everything!” Chan-ri reminded you of a school girl, eager to hear the latest gossip about her crush.
“There isn’t much to tell,” You’d mumbled around a mouthful of food, rolling your eyes as she glared at you.
“Oh please! Who did you work on? Was it Namjoon? Jimin? YOONGI!?” She leaned forwards, hands grabbing your knees as she got progressively louder.
“How much wine did you drink before I got here?” You, in turn, leaned away from her, attempting to stuff more food in your face to avoid answering her.
“It doesn’t matter, [Name]! C’mon, tell me! I have to live vicariously through you!” Chan-ri whines, releasing you and snatching up her half glass of wine and taking a big sip.
“Jungkook.” You sighed, setting down your box of takeout, “I think I might have upset him. He seemed upset that Eun-Min wasn’t there and that it was me. He couldn’t even make eye contact, and the boy couldn’t get away from me fast enough.”
Chan-ri blinked several times, “So he’s a shy kid, [Name]. That doesn’t mean he was upset.”
“Well....he did apologize. I think that was mostly Namjoon’s doing though…”
“Did you meet Namjoon?” Chan-ri’s voice rose in pitch on the leader’s name.
“Yeah, he was nice, but a little ...standoffish.” You tossed back rest of your wine, and your eyes widened when Chan-ri immediately filled it back up. “You weren’t kidding about his dimples though.”
“Right!? I’ve been trying to tell you! You think you’ll be on the stylist team if Eun-Min doesn’t come back?”
“Doubtful, Iseul has it out for me for some reason.” You snort, taking a sip of your wine. “It was just a fluke in the system, but at least I can say I got to meet and talk to 2 members of BTS.”
“Giirl, you got to touch Jeon Jungkook, the Golden Maknae! You know how lucky you are?”
“Very much so. Maybe you’ll get to work with them again.”
Everyday since then, Chan-ri always met up with you to ask if you’d seen or spoken to BTS again. You hadn’t exactly, but you swore you’d seen the retreating back of Jungkook or a glimpse of a head of silver hair like Namjoon’s over the past couple weeks since then. You could never catch a definitive look, so you’d chalked it up to your brain playing tricks on you.
That’s probably why you didn’t react right away to the two members of said group standing in front of your workstation. You’d merely glanced up, your brain briefly registering that two people who looked a lot like Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook stood there, before you’d returned to attaching a button to the shirt you were working on.
It’s a laugh that actually gets your attention. You freeze immediately, eyes darting up to rest on the two men standing in front of your workstation. They’re more breathtaking up close than they had ever been in pictures or videos, you decide. You’d been thrown by Jungkook’s good looks in person all those weeks ago, and it was a double whammy when Park Jimin was involved. You didn’t feel worthy to be in their presence, much less actually look at them to take in their handsome features.
“Oh.” You breathe out (once you can actually breathe), looking from Jimin to Jungkook and back again. “Oh!” In the next moment, you’re jumping to your feet, sending your chair wheeling backwards away from you. You bow quickly, attempting to keep yourself from face planting right onto your desk. “I’m sorry, I-I didn’t see you!”
“It’s alright,” Jimin waves his hand as if to brush off your apology, “We saw you were busy and didn’t want to interrupt,” The dancer grins at you, gesturing towards the shirt laying where you’d dropped it on your desk.
You follow his gesture, nodding silently before you look back up at the two, “Um...can I help you with something?” You tilt your head, shifting your attention to the maknae before back to Jimin.
“We wanted to bring this shirt to you,” Jimin lifts his hand to show you a dark grey tank top, and you note the rip in it along the bottom.
“Oh, what happened to it?” You lean forwards slightly before offering out your hand towards Jimin for the shirt, which he places in your hand. You yanked your hand (and the shirt) away when his fingers brush yours, sending a tingle up your arm.
“Nothing is safe from Namjoon-Hyung,” Jungkook answers, a grin quirking his lips, “He’s ripped many shirts.”
“I’d say. This is....” You trail off, a little taken back by the fact that shirt is ripped quite a bit. If you thought about it more, you might have come to the conclusion that it’d been done deliberately. “I’m not even sure I can save this…”
“T-that’s fine! No big deal if you can’t!” Jungkook blurts, “It’s just...it’s one of my favorite shirts..”
You hum in response, inspecting the ripped material carefully. You miss the “ seriously!? ” look that Jimin shoots Jungkook. “I’ll see what I can do,” You raise your attention back to the two, “Do you need it back by a certain day or..?”
“No, no! Whenever is fine,” Jungkook reaches up to rub at the back of his neck, immediately focusing on the shirt in your hands. He opens his mouth to speak again, but the ringing of Jimin’s phone makes him snap his mouth shut, watching Jimin step away to mutter into the phone.
Jimin returns a moment later, grabbing Jungkook’s arm and tugging the maknae away from you, “Hyung is looking for us,” He tells Jungkook before he settles his gaze on you, “We’ll see you later, [Name].” Jungkook manages a half wave before Jimin practically drags the maknae out of sight.
You glance down at the shirt you’d been handed before looking up to where they disappeared.
“Strange…” You mutter, before you flop back into your chair.
Only, your chair isn’t quite there anymore, and you end up landing right on your ass on the floor. You groan in pain before sighing.
The two had definitely distracted you.
“There you are,” Soo Jin’s voice greets you no sooner than you’ve sat down at your desk. You blink as you turn in your chair to look at her, eyes widening when she comes around the desk, beckoning you to your feet. “You’re being stolen away from your dark and lonesome world of yours.”
You let her pull you out of the chair, blinking rapidly as she practically drags you. “What’s the occasion?” You ask curiously, noting that she’s headed out towards the parking lot.
“The boys have a photoshoot today and you’re our only hope to help.” She answers with a grin, fussing at you as you apparently take too long to climb into the van she’s brought you to. You comply, sliding over to make room for her. “With Eun-Min missing…”
Eun-Min still hadn’t returned to work, and it had been well over a month; Eun-Min had been officially declared a missing person. It’d been a ripple of shock throughout BigHit when the news first came to light. As far as you knew, there hadn’t been any strong leads as to where the young woman disappeared to. It was like she’d vanished into thin air.
“Oh,” You say, not quite sure how you felt about being thrust back into the situation you’d been in a month ago. You’d seen Jungkook and Jimin several times since they’d dropped off that ripped shirt a week ago; you hadn’t really been able to save the shirt, but Jungkook had been tickled you had even tried when you presented the shirt back to him days ago. Jimin and Jungkook had made a habit of showing up unannounced at your desk, only to rush off several minutes later, or in the case of yesterday, been literally dragged off by their eldest Hyung, Jin. ( “Have they been bothering you? They know better, I swear!”)
“I swear, we’re all working on trying to get you officially on board!” Soo Jin breaks through your thoughts, “I know Jungkook and Jimin seem to like you,” She grins at you, nudging you with her elbow gently, “I’ve seen them coming in the past week almost every day!”
Your eyes widen at her suggestion, “Wha-what? I….They brought me a ripped shirt and wanted to see if I could fix it..” You trail off as she laughs, reaching over to pat your shoulder.
“I’m mostly teasing….but I’m pretty sure the maknae’s got a crush. He’s never been like that to any of us, not even Eun-Min when she worked with him a lot.”
The maknae with a crush? Pfft. You gape at her for several moments, turning away to watch the scenery pass by when she gets distracted by her phone.
Sure, Jungkook talked to you, but he barely had the courage to make eye contact with you. Jimin, on the other hand, was more than happy to steer the conversation, casually asking you this and that, and when he flashed that grin, you couldn’t help but answer him. Whenever the two scampered off, you couldn’t help but stare wistfully after them.
When you’d finally come back to your senses, you’d chastised yourself for looking like a dumbstruck fool in front of them.
Park Jimin was sitting in your chair. You had just finished setting your station up when you’d turned around and there he was.
You’d sucked in a surprised breath at the sight of the man, one foot firmly on the floor as he twisted it slightly to make the chair sway back and forth lazily. As soon as your eyes met his, he released his bottom lip from between his teeth and grinned widely up at you.
“[Name]-ah,” Your name is almost like a musical note from his lips, the sound so soft and delicate that you literally feel your heart stutter in response. The dancer stops the swaying of the chair, head tilted as he leans forwards towards you, “Miss me?”
Sea. The distinctive smell of the ocean envelopes you, and you swear you can hear the crash of waves as they desperate reach for the sand. You sway for a moment on your feet, not able to help yourself when your eyes flutter shut. It’s calming and you can feel yourself more than content to drift into the feeling, into the sea.
Your whole body stiffens at the sharp, commanding growl that jerks you back to the present, wide eyes settling on Jimin, who is no longer looking at you, but at the floor, head slightly bowed. You glance up to lock eyes with Namjoon at the station across from you and Jimin. The silver haired man breaks eye contact first, settling an unamused look at the back of Jimin’s head before he’s turning away to put his back to you both.
As soon as he does so, you release the breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding and the whole room swells with the usual soft chatter like nothing had happened. You absently reach up to rub at your temple, brain clouded in slight confusion. What just happened?
“[Name]-ah,” Jimin’s voice draws you to him again, and you straighten immediately when you realize you’ve been slacking. You can feel his eyes on your back as you turn away from him, grabbing the things you need to begin your work.
When you turn back to face him and close the distance between you both, you peer down at him curiously, “Shouldn’t I be working on Jungkook?”
His eyebrows raise briefly before he frowns, lips pouting with a whine, “Do you not like me?” Jimin asks, searching your face carefully.
You shift in place under his gaze as the ocean smell returns, but it’s faint, almost like a distant memory. “I..” You grasp at words, but utterly fail.
Jimin laughs suddenly at your flustering, “I’m kidding,” His wide grin is back, “We can pick and choose whichever stylist we like best.”
You slowly nod in response as you begin your work, hoping the slight tremor in your hands doesn’t affect your ability. “Oh, I see.”
The silence between you and Jimin stretches as you work on him, relieved to find that, despite your late start, you aren’t the last stylist getting their charge done. You step out of his way so he can have a clear view of himself in the mirror. You smile as Jimin praises you almost immediately before he’s standing and tugging you along with him towards the racks of clothing for wardrobe in the far corner.
You don’t take long to pick out his first outfit, already having been briefed about what styles they wanted for the photoshoot. Once Jimin has the articles of clothing draped over his arm, you’re ushering him towards the “dressing rooms” to change.
“If you need help, let me know, okay?” Jimin nods at you in answer as he closes the door behind him. You turn around to observe the happenings going on around you while you wait for Jimin to emerge back out. All of the boys are finished with make-up, and several are already finished with wardrobe.
A dramatic sigh from behind you has you turning, quickly covering your mouth with your hand to stifle a laugh at Jimin. He’s dressed, but the jacket he’s got on is actually inside out. Surely the dancer isn’t that uncoordinated to make sure he’s dressed properly. You could see something like that happening to Jungkook, maybe.
Shaking your thoughts away, you step towards Jimin, trying to suppress your giggle, “The jacket is inside out,” You point out.
Jimin’s eyes widen, before he’s attempting to peer down at the jacket, “What? Is it?”
You nod, helping him slip it off before you quickly fix it before you hold it up and out towards him in a signal that you’ll help him. He complies immediately, adjusting it slightly once he’s slipped his arms through the sleeves and turning back to you.
“What do you think?” He asks, putting his arms out to the side for you to get another look.
You can’t help but admire his ability to pull anything off. You wished you could do so. Realizing you’re staring, you rapidly nod, reaching out to fix the collar of the jacket “Perfect.” It slips out before you can correct yourself.
The smile that curves Jimin’s lips at the word can only be described as sinful . Even more so because you’re standing only inches from him, the distinctive smell of the ocean curling around you. You suck in a breath at the feel of cool fingertips against your jaw, eyes fluttering shut at the sensation, before the fleeting touch is gone as quickly as it came.
When your eyes flutter open, Jimin is already halfway across the floor towards his bandmates. You watch his retreating figure, fingers reaching up to brush against your jaw. You shiver slightly at the contact, wondering if you’d just imagined his fingertips on your skin. Surely you had. Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you made your way back towards the make-up area.
You’d ponder about it later, when you could actually think clearly. You had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to do that until you reached the quiet confinement of your apartment later.
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kaisooficrec · 5 years
Hi mods, thanks for opening up the Ask box! It's my first time doing this :/ hope I do it right… Can I ask for recs of long fics (say more than 50k? can be chaptered/one-shot) that the mods like but think are underrated? They can be any genre, and they can be from any writers (even some of the older ones who wrote more before 2017?) Thank you!!
Hi lovely anon! You rang the right bell because we have TONS of long fics to rec!! There are old fics but also a lot of recent ones, many different AUs and they’re all above 50k! ! we also made sure to rec fics that are underrated and need more recognition. It will probably take a long time to read all of those so TAKE YOUR TIME AND ENJOY
Amuse-Bouche - hehe this was recced not too long ago but its place on this list still stands! Chefs AU, very unique fic and extremely realistic! a true gem. (139k words)
Legends: The Chosen Twelve - this is an oldie! it was recced back in 2014 but still is pretty underrated and such an amazing fic! it’s ot12, MAMA AU. enjoy ^^ (151k words)
All is Said and Done - another oldie! BFFs!kaisoo that fall in love. it’s angsty c: (70k words)
Common Ground - also from 2014, this is a fantasy/ghost AU that doesn’t disappoint! (84k words)
Start Over - High School AU, lots of drama :’) originally posted in 2012, deserves so much more recognition! (65k words)
Lapis Lazuli - Fantasy + (School of) Magic AU, originally written for the exordium fest in 2015! ot12 although Kaisoo are one of the main pairings. There are adventures and action, it’s very entertaining, a good read c: (55k words)
If Only for Tonight - College AU, pretty angsty (warnings: violence, character death). Police officer Kyungsoo meets gangster jongin :-) (56k words)
French Lilac - Artist AU, jongin loves kyungsoo’s voice, but he’s already married. angst + smut. (50k words)
Trust You The Most - Cat Hybrids AU!! we need more of those . Soo ran a shelter for hybrids and he ends up (accidentally) keeping one for himself. (52k words)
Dear You - Kyungsoo really, really tries to get over Jongin. It’s not that easy. (sorry for all the angst o/) (59k words)
EXODUS - Supernatural AU, Kyungsoo meets a creature that makes him feel safe and cherished (55k words)
Beautiful Butterfly - CEO!Jongin and HS student!Soo, nini tries dealing with all the confessions thrown his way. Read on AFF. (63k words)
hearts and bones - High School AU, swimmer!jongin and photographer!soo meet, and the unexpected happens. (68k words)
Mixed Feelings - College AU, soo has a crush on his straight roommate jongin. pretty fluffy (50k words)
Fly With Me - Fantasy and Fae AU, jongin wanted an escape from reality but he didn’t intend to meet a bunch of men with wings on their backs. (warnings: slight gore, character death) (50k words)
Moon-Child - Fantasy AU, Kaisoo find themselves caught in a fairy tale. (warnings: character death). smutty too (51k words)
Save Yourself - Fantasy & Magic AU, Hybrids AU, War AU. Jongin is a cat hybrid and Kyungsoo’s just trying to make the spell that could save them all work. (68k)
The Stars, Our Saviour - Space AU (+ Royalty AU) + Bounty Hunter AU. Very impressive and unique fic! also smutty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (77k words)
Close To Home - a kai-centric fic, kaixeveryone but mainly/endgame kaisoo. Soulmates AU + Aliens AU. very smutty. (warnings: alien dicks?? alien sex, tentacles and knotting) (53k words)
Across - Assasins + Hitman AU, dark themes. (WARNINGS!: mental illness, mental instability, blood, violence, gore, murder, unhealthy relationship, mental and physical abuse.) Jongin has a crush on hitman!soo. Things don’t turn out as he planned. If you like freaky stuff, this is for you. (69k words)
Ghost of You - Future + Robots AU. Robots VS Humans. Kaisoo. A love story. (59k words)
Monster - VAMPIRE AU YES!!!! I can’t believe this isn’t as popular as it should be! one of my absolute favorites, it’s vampires VS vampire hunters, a fic where jongin realizes vampires aren’t all bad (especially kyungsoo). OT12 and definitely underrated. (115k words) (warnings: unhealthy to healthy relationships, blood (obviously), murder, psychopath killer, attempted rape)
Bugs and Space Elves - LOVE LOVE LOVE! !! this was originally posted for the happyendingexo fest, but the author decided to rewrite some old parts and continue with the story and i’ve never been more thankful. IT’S SO UNIQUE AND WELL WRITTEN AND MINDBLOWING! i really love this. Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Space AU, human kyungsoo helps elf jongin on his quest to save the universe! worth the read, i promise. (96k words)
The Gates of Horn and Ivory - married!kaisoo are taken into a world of darkness that they probably should’ve avoided. Dark fairy tale elements. (135k words)
The Boy Next Door - kyungsoo finds out his neighbour is a pornstar ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) very funny, fluffy and smutty. PERFECT TRIO! (53k words)
The War. (226k words) + The One After Ten Years. (149k words, on-going) (sequel) - WHERE DO I EVEN START? these are MONSTER fics! OT12, High School AU and Slice of Life AU in the sequel, but also includes their powers from MAMA era. Kaisoo is one of the two main pairings and honestly, these two fics gave me so much feels. It’s not underrated per se but has been only recced once on the blog and i wanted to fix this! 
Kim Jongin’s Must Kiss List - College AU, kyungsoo embarrassed himself in front of nini a few years back and he’s still bitter and hateful about it, but jongin won’t stop running after him. (66k words)
2088 - Sci-Fi + Dystopia AU, kyungsoo has a mission to find a mutant boy after the war, but he realizes too late that they’re all just pawns part of a bigger plan. THIS IS HIGHLY UNDERRATED! (122k words)
I Feel Awake (This Time) - Hotel manager jongin and detective kyungsoo : truly a concept! the story of how jongin did his best to win the love of do kyungsoo. THIS FIC DESERVES SO MUCH LOVE! (57k words)
Being Brave - Non AU + Slice of Life AU. cute and smutty stories of kaisoo :-) (95k words)
Perfection - College AU, ballet dancer!jongin is going through a rough time. will singer!kyungsoo be able to save him and give him hope? (53k words)
Through Fire and Ashes - this was originally posted for the exoggedon fest but deserves so much more recognition!! Post-apocalyptic AU + Zombies AU. Basically humans VS zombies, established!kaisoo are ready to help defend their town. (warnings: blood, gore, side character death, PTSD) - ALSO MY FAVE - J
BITE - Vampire + Werewolf AU, both species are rivals (kind of like a twilight parody). Kaisoo and Chanbaek are both the main pairings, Baeksoo are vampires who find their soulmates in werewolves Chankai. Very interesting story! ! worth a shot :D (50k words, on-going)
Admin Macaroon at your service 💜
Mirrors - Youtuber AU, College AU, 132k and ongoing!!! kyungsoo makes covers a popular songs on yt and his fans get into a fight with fans of an idol named kai. it’s minty-pixie whew!
Horizon - 63k. one of the less known works of jongnugget imo! they have soo many fics over 50k wow :’) jongin is a new student at his hs and meets boy that changes his life
Kiss and Cry - 93k, figure skating au. jongnugget did it again
Enamoured - 96k. age gap with teacher soo and bad boy jongin, who is a lot younger than soo. soo always helps him and jongin likes him but they can’t be together for many reasons obvi. happy ending!
Bus Rides & Sleepy Misses - 133k, ot12 with main kaisoo ;) both meet on a bus ride and immediately catch each other’s attention! soft and fluffy :) 
Two Sugars / AO3 - 57k, ongoing jfjsjf this is so good ;) a lot of smut, fluff, comfort a bit drama whew! fashion editor soo falls in love with a cute barista by day, sexy dancer by night jongin and when they are together it’s very…cute and sexy :p
Lackadaisical Blue + White Night of Silence- 53k and 61k, kingsman au, with spy exo, also ofc there’s kaisoo too, and this is absolutely well-written!!! if you know And the Rose Said to Me, you’ll understand the quality of these stories!!
Growing Seasons: A Universe of Us - Farmer AU, farmer jongin finds an unknown bloodied man passed out in his cabbage field and decides to take care of him, not knowing this man will change his life forever. (warnings: blood, PTSD, mentions of murder) (77k words) - Adm. Ginger
- Admin J
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theswiftarmy · 5 years
#19 - 6000 Headphones, 12 Mobile Phones, SOO Many Shoes, And An Earworm Inside The Biebs’ Head
What better way to fight a war than with love?  And what better way to rule the world than with love?  Because how do you fight back against love?  How do you?  What’s that lawn sign?  Love trumps hate—Or, what did Taylor say?  Hater’s gonna hate (hate x3), is my math right on that?  How many times does Taylor say the word hate in Shake It Off?  Or, if you live in the south, Gators gonna gait….  Get it?  Because there are gators always walking around in the south and the word gait is another word for how a person walks, although, I don’t know if it can be applied to an alligator walking around because I’m pretty sure they crawl instead of walk.  Although, perhaps one might describe alligators as slithering around like snakes, then again, if you ask a snake, they’ll be like… WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?  Alligators don’t slither, don’t even try to steal my mode of mobility, they saunter, and maybe alligators do saunter about.  But, let’s just pretend alligators gait, because it rhymes with haters gonna hate.  There’s a lot of pretending going on in this story.  Just remember that, play pretend and you’ll follow along just fine.
           Stay with me here for a quick second and a hot minute before I get back to the story—suppose that this Elvis sound were real, obviously it’s not because it’s just a story and not real, remember we’re just playing pretend, unless… it IS real and I’m coincidentally writing fiction about something that DOES happens to be real, I just don’t happen to know that it is real, I suppose there’s always that highly unlikely scenario—but just for a moment, let your imagination run wild and really think about it.  Back in the day when Rock and Roll first came into existence it changed the world, or so I’ve been told, it changed everyone who encountered it, again, not from personal experience, just what I’ve been told, the groove made you move, brought people together in a new and different way.  It’s hard to know what that experience was like if you didn’t live through it, especially since it’s all part of our society and history nowadays.  But, there was a time before it existed when no one even knew something like it could exist, and then ears at the time were infected with infectious melodies that they couldn’t get enough of, they hungered for more of this new and incredible musical genre, of course it wouldn’t be the last time a new genre was created and ears hungered for more.
But an interesting side effect of it all was that it created cultural icons, as the new genres continue to do.  It created idols, you know, like those with the first name of Billy, it created nice days for white weddings, and to start again.  And of course, these days there’s a new Billie in idol town, but I’ll get to why I bring her up later on.
Early rock stars and pop icons became immortalized, living on long after death, they’re gods and goddesses, a new era of decorated war heros or royals, as Lorde so eloquently put it, the weapon of choice a microphone or a guitar, or maybe both, or sometimes a keyboard, or a plethora of other instruments, insert instrument of choice here, maybe even a ukulele!  Mostly, though, early on the rock and roll army was a guitarmy.
These rock gods and goddesses all image and no human being, especially true of those who are no longer with us, the human being may be gone, but the image lives on, and we still look up to those who can sing and dance and gel their hair back in slick new ways.  Fantastic fashion abound, and the preferred weapons around, like I said, musical instruments, maybe some guitars, and guitar solos the ammunition.  Some would argue, not me, but some would say that’s what has gone wrong in our modern society, we mourn the loss of great guitar solos from these songs at the top of the charts.  
Could one correlate a graph with a rise in violence directly inversely correlated with solos in rock music?  Maybe.  But anyone can correlate anything if you tried hard enough, which is the point here, like fictionally connecting modern day Billy Porter in Taylor Swift’s music video for You Need To Calm Down, to back in the day Bill Porter, the sound engineer with the golden ear that recorded with Elvis in The Sixties.  But it does seem as though the guitar solo has been quietly replaced, those wailing solos instead becoming a bank of samples on which most music is now based.  Samples upon samples spliced in and layered over top of loops and mashed together with other samples and loops, but where did the samples originate?  So many musicians use samples in music without knowing anything about their origin.  It’s the wild west of sampling.  Anything that sounds good can be put in a beat or a hook.  And of course top it off with “The Drop”.  Ah yes, The Drop—the silence before a storm of melody, and perhaps that silence is what does it, what makes you anticipate the hook, what makes you addicted to the noise.  It sucks you in, and holds your ears hostage, note after note after note.  Making it so hard to turn the song off, we simply can’t get enough of the stuff.
           Suppose the sound were real though, go all in with suspension of disbelief, and samples upon samples of it were layered into songs you listen to, some of your favorite songs of all time, the ones you can’t get enough of and press repeat again, and again, exposing your ears over and over to the sound… Changing your brainwaves and playing with your mind and emotions… each new track artists put out an even more potent version to pull fans in, the only choice the fans have is to follow, unable to break away from the influence of our favorite icons and idols as we hang on their every word.  I mean, is it so absurd?  We continue to break streaming records, sell out stadiums, and fans are willing to fight for the right for their favorite artist to part ways with a record label, if you were an artist or a band, and in the market for fans, wouldn’t you sign up for it too?  What’s the harm in a little bit of sugar and spice to make everything already nice… Well, even more so, maybe twice or thrice that spice?  
And is it really all that hard to believe?  How many times have you pushed the back button on a song and listened to it again, a third time, a fifth time in a row?  How many times have you done something you wouldn’t normally have done because of a song?  How many times have you turned yourself around because a song changed your mood or mind, or your heart, asked someone to dance, or texted someone you probably wouldn’t have texted because of a tune you heard playing out on the town, or while shopping, or a song playing in a movie or TV show—how many times was just hearing the slightest snippet of a certain song taken as a sign and changed the course of your entire life?  I’m willing to bet more than a few of you out there just raised your hand.
Oak Felder finished making another point, “…but all that is lost to history and now pop stars are using it to control their fans.”
“Lure them in with love.”  Ariana said smiling.  “I mean, it works!”
“This is like, really blowing my mind right now.”  Scooter said.  “This just keeps getting even crazier!  It’s like, be careful what music you listen to because you have no idea what might happen to your mind…”
Scott reminded Scooter.  “And especially in Justin’s case, yeah—because his mind could be wiped if he hears the wrong song while he’s earwormed.”
Oak looked over at Pop, “Well, hold on to your seat, Scooter, because I found something else noteworthy!  We took Ariana’s suggestion to Shazam the sound, and—though I didn’t exactly do that—while we were analyzing it last night I did extract the sonic footprint of it, and Pop here was able to cross reference the footprint against the Shazam database in its entirety.”
“Yeah?”  Scooter responded, bracing for something extremely mind numbing.
“It seems as though Scott’s mystery Porter Pyramid noise, AKA ‘The Elvis Egg’ sound, may be in a lot more music than we thought.  It seems to show up across the Shazam library as small bits and pieces, or as these small pieces of music are more commonly referred to as, samples.”
“Wait, you mean sampling?”  Justin said, sitting again beside Ariana Grande but this time in a small but fun looking and colorfully designed IKEA-esk chair right beside the oversized beanbag chair, since Ariana had already called perpetual fivesies on the bean chair Justin had to find a new seat from the last time the group was in the studio.  Fivesies, for those not in the loop mean you have a claim to your seat after getting up, but that claim lasts for no more and no less than five minutes.  Although some people don’t always adhere to the rule, I won’t name names, but you know who you are.  Was that ten years ago?  Yes.  Am I still bitter?  That was my seat and you know it—Whatever, I’m allowed to be upset, how could anyone reading this possibly know what it’s like to have something that used to be yours suddenly in the possession of someone else.  It was mine, and then all of a sudden someone else is sitting on it, and wouldn’t let me have what was rightfully mine—even after I called fivesies!  It’s frustrating when someone takes something that was yours.  I mean, Taylor gets it, she called Fivesies on her back catalog of recordings and someone else, I won’t name names, totally took it from her.  Sorry, I digress, I’ll get back to the story—I’m in one of those writer’s moods, if you couldn’t tell.
Oak responded very matter-of-factly.  “That’s right Justin, sampling.  You know it as beats, grooves, drum breaks, horn sounds, and guitar riffs, just to name a few examples.  Most listeners have no idea that the original source of the sounds isn’t a direct recording, but a mashed up copy of a copy of a copy, sometimes many times over.”
“So, does that mean there are bad samples in music?” Ariana said swooping in and stealing the response directed at Justin—maybe you should have called fivesies on the convo, Justin.
Scooter scooted into the conversation too, taking some response time as well, being that it was there for the taking, like how Taylor’s masters were, so why not?  Why buy a vowel when you can buy an entire sentence in the form of a question, “What, like, you’re telling me that music is infected?  How?  Is it all music?”
That was three questions Scooter; you were only supposed to have asked one, you only bought one question, not three.
“No, not all music.  Just certain samples—“ Pop Wansel replied very Goldblum-y.  It was his turn to be Jeff.  Everyone gets to be Jeff Goldblum at least once and you can’t call fivesies on being Jeff Goldblum, only Jeff himself can do that.
Oak leaned forward in his Spaceship command chair.  “What’s the most sampled song of all time?  Does anyone know?”
“Umm…”  They all unknowingly blinked their eyes in the same cadence of the Capitol Records light and shook their heads and shrugged their shoulders, Justin’s cats moved their tails back and forth as they sat sleepily on the laps of two humans in the room, I’m not at liberty to disclose which two laps the cats sat upon, but they sat on two laps.  No fivesies were called, cats don’t need fivesies, they just sit wherever they please.
“No one knows the answer?  Well, the year was 1969.  A funk soul band named The Winstons released a single called ‘Color Him Father’.  The B side of that record contained a funked up version of a gospel song named ‘Amen, Brother’.  Now, of course, Color Him Father would win a Grammy for best R and B song after hitting number seven on the Billboard hot 100 charts, but the B side to that record?  Well, no one really paid it much attention for years… Eventually it would become the most sampled drum break in all music, it’s called the ‘Amen Break’.  It was first added to a compilation named Ultimate Breaks and Beats, which was popular with Hip Hop producers and DJs during the early days of Hip Hop.  The breakthrough hit Straight Outta Compton by N.W.A. most likely propelled it into the mainstream, Straight Outta Compton contained a slowed down looped version of the Amen Break in its entirety, although it was used on other songs at the time as well.  I believe the first track to sample it was I Desire by Salt-N-Pepa.  Eventually it was broken apart, spliced up, and bits and piece of it were used in thousands of songs.”
“So, are you saying sampling is bad?”  The lawyer asked, his red pen poised and ready to make a new note on his notepad.
“No.  Oh, of course not.  There are a lot of great songs that contain samples, but as with any tool, or invention, it’s in the way that you use it, like Eric Clapton says.  Same is true with any sign, or symbol, or any product of a culture, or subculture, it’s the way you use it, or more importantly, what meaning becomes attached.  Musically speaking, it’s about what hooks on to those catchy hooks.  Brands are a whole other ballgame and a conversation for another time—Sometimes just by wearing a certain brand, or putting a sticker on the bumper of your car, you can say a lot about what you stand for, without using any words at all.  Without going really deep into the meaning of life, for whatever reason we humans have a way of creating things that represent the good in the world, the bad in the world, and additionally, the indifferent—or one point of view over another—like I said, conversation for another time.  But the meanings shift, something that had absolutely no real meaning can become a symbol of power, or a movement.  A heart symbol could say love, but it could be a declaration of war depending on the context and who sends it to you.  How many individuals took a knee before Colin Kaepernick did?  Did the gesture of taking a knee change in its meaning after Colin did it?  How about when Nike made a deal with Colin, how did that change the meaning of the Nike symbol?  I’m going to let you think about the answers to those questions.  Music, brands, gestures, bumper stickers are simply what they are, but in the context of society and culture in a specific place and time the meaning can be so much more.  Music isn’t just music, it’s so much more.  Every person will tell you his or her personal attachment to any song, and it can be a shared experience, or a singular one.  I’m sure we can all think of a song that takes us back in time, and maybe it’s a memory you share with millions, or an experience only you know about.  Humans have a tendency not to start out making anything to be a symbol of a moment, that usually happens later on, we make things, usually with the best of intentions, but sometimes just because it’s something that we are passionate about, what starts out as innocent, or cool, or just something to do, can become a beacon of hope, in the right hands, or a nightmare down the road should it fall into the wrong hands.  The future of anything can’t be predicted.  Rock and Roll had a start with a small group of musicians who probably didn’t even know it was Rock and Roll at the time, and that it would eventually spread through the entire world.  The Amen Break started with one single drummer Gregory C. Coleman, and later would be used in thousands of songs.”
“And that’s causing this war with the Swifities?  The war with Taylor?”  An Arianator asked.
“We aren’t at war with Taylor…” Oak replied, his tone of voice turning very serious, “We’re at war with an unfortunate scenario.  Taylor isn’t fighting a war because she wants to, she’s fighting it because she needs to.  It’s not her fault, she’s a victim of circumstance... as so many other innocent people on this planet have been and continue to be.”
Scott grabbed his share of the conversation as well, “Trouble’s gonna follow where she goes…”
Oak took it back, “Trouble follows us all, we are all victims of circumstance.  And we’re all fighting wars made of personal battles.  Just some of us more than others.”
“She’s a victim of her own music holding her hostage, like how I’m a victim of this earworm in my head.”  Justin said solemnly.
Ariana turned to Justin sitting beside her, “Since you don’t want to talk about what happened, I may be out of place by saying this, and I hate to have to say this Justin, but if you hadn’t broken up with Selena like twenty times, you might not have her earworm in your head right now.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”  Justin said back.
Ariana stifled a growl of frustration with her hands, turning her attention to Oak instead.  “So we’re fighting to free Taylor from her old masters?  Or specifically, from that egg sound—from samples used… We’re fighting for her, not against her?”  Ariana asked for clarification.  She reached for her phone in her pocket and gave it a squeeze.  With the masters tracks back in Taylor’s hands, she now held the only recording of the easter egg track should they need it.  She decided to keep its existence a secret.  If they found out they may take it from her.  For a minute she felt a rush of power wash over her, like some energy from the past or another dimension was trying to come to her and take over.  The power pulsed through her for a brief moment, chills down her spine, before she was able to push back against whatever it was creating the rush inside her.
“As long as I still get to own her.” Scooter said, “I mean, own her old masters, sorry, that’s what I meant.  A deal is a deal and I bought them fair and square.”
Everyone glowered at Scooter.
“What?  I mean, after this is all over of course.”
Everyone continued to glower.
“Why am I the bad guy in this?”
Flower power was big in the 60s, but in these modern times glower power is where it is at.
“Okay FINE, once this is over I’ll work with her to figure out a way for her to buy back her masters, or something.”
Glower power for the win.
Scooter uncrossed his fingers from behind his back.  You sly devil you.
“The Elvis egg sound isn’t good or bad in itself, just like The Amen Break isn’t good or bad, Rock and Roll and Hip Hop are music, but to paraphrase Clapton, it’s in the way that she’s using it.  See the egg sound in itself makes you feel trippy; Which makes sense, it’s from the 60s.  The Elvis egg sound is from the start of the decade, and the Amen Break is from the end of the decade.  The egg sound makes you feel good.  But, as we’ve come to learn, when it interacts with specific sound samples, such as The Amen Break—that’s when you get… Well, it seems you get side effects.  But those side effects used in a specific manner, like what was done to Justin here, can be used as a weapon—” Oak told them as much as they needed to know.  It’s a bit like when scientists first invented the atom bomb, too much knowledge about something with that much power can be dangerous.  Musical genres have more power and are more influential than anyone could possibly fathom.  “It’s a weapon of war.”  He said plainly.
“That’s where the earworm came from.  You combine specific samples together… and anything is possible.  It can be used to push viral content, or addict and hook fans, or you can disarm your opponents, make them unable to fight back.”  Pop clarified for the ears in the room.  “When you combine new and old samples, things get really tricky.  Take, umm… Old Town Road, for example, that song took off seemingly overnight, but why?”
“Well it obviously took off because of me when I shared it on social media for all my Beliebers.”  Justin said. He tried to sing the song and do the dance… “Gonna take my love to the love love road to love love, I needed to lose you to love me… “  He stopped trying and sat there lost inside his head again.
“That’s not quite how it goes, but I’m fascinated by the mashup of music going on in your head.  Does anyone else want to comment on the song, does anyone know the origin of the track used behind the vocals?”  Oak asked.
“Didn’t he just find it online, Soundcloud, or YouTube or something, and then… Lay down his vocals over it?”  One of the Arianators offered.
“No, I think he bought it from a beats site for 30 bucks.  Wait, let me Google it.  Okay, it says here ‘The hook was originally purchased for $30 on BeatStars, a rap-focused beats marketplace.’ That’s cool.”  The other Arianator replied back.
           Oak stepped in, his voice soothing and constructive, “Well, so the original sample in Old Town Road is actually a Nine Inch Nails song named 34 Ghosts IV.  And it was placed over a trap beat and posted online for sale by a Dutch teenager Kiowa Roukema, who also goes by ‘Young Kio’.  Now, when you consider the entire Old Town Road song together in final form you have various tracks recorded at various times and places using various microphones and instruments, and other recording equipment including effects processors and such.  Each individual sound recording and sample was layered on top of one another, even the original sound sample from Nine Inch Nails had already been mastered, yet it was mastered again when it was posted for sale as a beat, and then mastered another time when Lil Nas X posted his version online, then the remix was mastered yet again.  It’s like Scooter said, an omlette of eggs.  If any piece of it contains the egg sound, you have a very complex variation of the original sounds that has been manipulated and mangled many times over with every sub master, the same has happened over the years with The Amen Break.  For all we know the Amen Break could be in that song, as there isn’t a clear source of every sample used to make the trap beat.  It’s a potent mix that when played into someone’s ear can have some very strange effects—”
           “Love love… To love love… I needed to lose you to love me… Dammit Selena!  Get out of my head!”  Justin erupted cutting off the conversation.  “It’s GETTING WORSE!”  He shouted then kneeled down on the floor holding his head between his hands he hummed Selena Gomez’s song Lose You To Love Me, softly at first, then yelled out, “GET OUT OF MY HEAD!”  He started to cry, just for a few tears, before wiping them away and sprawling out on the floor looking up at the ceiling fan.  His tears of anguish continued, flowing from his eyes and running down his cheeks.  “I give up.” He said quietly, his lower lip quivering.  “I can’t stop hearing it.  It’s just there on repeat—over and over again.  I just give up.  I want it to stop.  Make it stop.  I can’t take it anymore!  I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!  SELINA GOMEZ MAKE IT STOP!!!  I WANT OUT OF THIS!  I DON’T WANT YOU IN MY HEAD ANYMORE!!!”
“Oak you gotta help him.  Can’t you do anything?”  Ariana begged rushing to Justin’s side.
           Oak looked over at Pop.  They nodded to one another.  Justin couldn’t wait any longer.
           Pop got up and walked over to a Star Wars movie poster on the wall.  He turned around and held his hand out, Oak tossed the replica light saber at him, Pop caught it without flinching and then stood in front of the poster mimicking the stance of Skywalker.
           The poster began to roll up revealing a door.
           “No way!”  Scooter gasped.  “What the?”
           Oak smiled.  “Shall we?”
           Ariana helped Justin up and walked with him.  Her two Arianators rushed over to help carry him.
           Everyone walked over to the doorway previously hidden behind the poster and one by one they walked through it.
           The doorway led into a passageway that resembled the engine room of a spaceship—It was something out of every movie you’ve ever seen that takes place in space.  Hidden LED lights glowed spreading a soft even light, a blue hue that matched a humming sound, the engines of the spaceship.
           Oak Felder and Pop Wansel piloted the crew through the copious amount of twists and turns.  Several times forks in the tunnel shot off to the left or right of them.
           “How much money did it cost you to build this?”  The lawyer asked at one point.  Oak didn’t answer until they reached their final destination.
           “I didn’t build it for me, it was initially my wife’s extended shoe closet for shoe’s she refused to throw out, even though she knew she would never wear them again.”
           Scooter laughed.  “My wife would be jealous, her shoe collection is taking over the house!  I used to think ‘why would you keep shoes if you’re never going to wear them again?’  Ah, I was so young and naive.  I know better now.  But why?  Why so many shoes!”
Ariana responded “It’s just a thing.  It’s like keeping photos, memories of the past.  Also, you never know, there MIGHT be an occasion when you need that EXACT shoe!  And then if you had previously owned that pair and thrown them out you’d be kicking yourself.  Also, if you can afford that many shoes, why not spoil yourself? Whoever said money can't solve your problems, must not have had enough money to solve 'em, they say, ‘Which one?’ I say, ‘Nah, I want all of 'em’, happiness is the same price as red-bottoms.”
Oak stopped the group at a large door.  The door glowed amber around the edges outlining its silhouette.  He pulled out a key.  He inserted the key and turned the key clockwise.  While still holding the key in its turned position he pressed a large button, the first few seconds of a song began to play then it stopped.  He named the artist and the song.  Another song played, then stopped, again he named the artist and the song speaking out loud towards the door.  This continued for three more songs, after which a sixth and final song played for a little longer than the first five.  It played long enough for a few song lyrics to be heard before stopping, he continued singing the next line picking up where the song left off.
A small display beside the key and button read, “You win this round of trivia tunes!”
With that the door opened.
“SO that’s how you’re soo good at the audio round when we go to trivia night.”  Ariana said jokingly.
“You got me.”
With that Oak ushered everyone through the door.
“Whoa!” Scott shouted out after the motion sensor lights turned from a low amber glow to a bright and cheerful yellow, fully illuminating the room.
Half the room was filled with rows upon rows of headphones—All different kinds, vintage, modern, big clunky over ear headphones, sleek new sport Bluetooth ear buds that slipped inside the ear, every different type anyone could possibly imagine, there were thousands upon thousands of headphones, the collection seemed to go on forever, endlessly.  The other half of the room was filled with an equal amount of shoes, which also seemed to go on forever.
“Yeah, my wife really likes shoes.  What’s that phrase?  Happy wife, happy life.  All those songwriter royalty checks mostly go to two things, new toys for the studio, and my wife.”
“Oak, I was saying whoa about the headphone collection, but the shoe collection is equally as impressive as well.” Scott scanned the room with his eyes. “How many headphones are in here Oak?”  Scott asked out of curiosity.
“Hmm, I’d say at least six thousand.  I’ve lost count.”
“Six thousand headphones!”
“I had more, but my wife made me get rid of some to make space to move more shoes in.”  He shrugged as if to silently say, what are you gonna do about it?  Nothing.  “Okay, let’s see what we can do for Justin.”
Oak held his finger in the air and wiggled it towards him indicating for the group to follow.  They walked down a few rows of headphones as though they were walking through the aisles in a headphone only thrift shop.  Headphones clung neatly to hooks as low as a few inches off the floor all the way to the ceiling three stories up.  Ladders like one might find in an old bookstore ran along the shelves for access to the upper levels.
Oak picked up one pair and handed the headphones to Justin.  They were super vintage, 70s or 80s maybe? Well worn, large and clunky.  He plugged the audio cable into the same device he had used to diagnose the earworm playing a sound through the headphones.  “How about that?”
Justin stood for a minute with the headphones on his head then shook his head no indicating that the worm was stronger than ever.  Taking the headphones off he handed them back to Oak.  They walked a to the end of an aisle then down another, “AH HAH!”  He took another pair off a hook.  This time the pair was Bluetooth capable modern and flashy, customizable and comfortable with an over the ear fit.  He carefully placed the headphones over Justin’s ears and tapped on the digital touch screen of the earworm device after syncing the Bluetooth connection. He cycled through various settings.
“Anything yet?”
“No.  I don’t think so.”  Justin shook his head, and then shifted the headphones to fit better.  Oak continued to tap through various settings.
“Wait!”  Justin smiled slightly.  “Go back!”
Oak tapped the screen again.
“There!  I mean, I can still hear it slightly, but it’s barely even noticeable just soft background music.  I can deal with it like this.  Whatever these headphones do, keep doing it.”
Oak searched for the right response, “Umm, well it’s complicated science, let’s just say they’re emitting a phase cancelation noise that is close to what the earworm sound is.”
“Works for me!”  Justin said in an upbeat voice.
Ariana high fived Oak and then low fived Justin.
           Just then the lawyer’s phone rang.  He walked away for privacy.  “Uh huh… Oh, interesting…”
           “That’s not good.”  Scott said staring at the lawyer.
           “How do you know?”  Scooter asked.
           Scott shook his head.  “He only says ‘oh, interesting…’ when it’s something bad.  He’ll never say anything is bad, just ‘interesting’.”
           “How does he get cell service down here?”  Oak asked.  “Even I don’t get cell service!”
           “With him, it’s better not to question such things, just accepted it.”  Scott replied.
           “Okay then.”  Oak said, backing off the subject.
           After the call ended Carl, the lawyer walked back over to the group.
“What is it?” Scott asked.
“Just got off the phone with… Well, I’m not at liberty to disclose who the caller was… but let’s just say they had an interesting piece of information.”
“And that information is?”  Scott said in a coaxing voice.
“Taylor is going to place the porter egg sound behind her song Lover during her performance tonight at the American Music Awards, she’s using the string arrangement as a guise.”
“She can’t do that, we have to stop that!”  Scooter screamed out.  The room fell silent aside from the humming of a few air ventilation fans.
“There may be a way.” Oak finally said, breaking the silence.  “It would require getting two specific individuals to join with us—we’ll need someone on the inside who can get access to the equipment in order to swap the sound a second time with a placebo track, and we need someone to interrupt Taylor Swift right before her speech, long enough to swap out that backing track she’s going to play during Lover.”
“I can think of two people who might be perfect.” Justin’s spirits were picking back up, he seemed to be closer to his old self and less distant.
“Who?”  Scott asked.
“Well, the insider will already be there… Billie Eilish.  We’ve been chill ever since Coachella, you remember, Ariana,” Ariana nodded, how could she forget Coachella.  Justin continued, “and of course more recently she let me record a vocal track on another version of her ‘Bad Guy’ single.  I’m pretty sure she hasn’t made an alliance with Taylor yet.  I know, I KNOW, I was wrong about Ed Sheeran, but I think we can trust Billie.”
“Okay, that would work.  What about the other person?  We need someone to interrupt Taylor before the song, we need someone who has experience, who can get it right, we’ll only get one shot at this…”
They glanced at each other, not saying a word.
Scooter smiled, “Anyone else thinking what I’m thinking?  There’s only one person with the skill and experience to interrupt Taylor Swift at precisely the right moment.”
“KANYE WEST!”  Everyone yelled together.
The helicopter blades spun up as the group climbed through the open doors.  Scott told his ‘Where we’re going we don’t need roads, because we’re in a helicopter!’ joke again.  Oak laughed.
“See, Oak gets my humor.”  Scott said, satisfied that his joke was finally a hit.
Sushi and Tuna could be seen sitting in a window of the house looking out.  They were to stay at the spaceship studio in the care of the Defenders just in case Taylor tried to make any further kitty cat kidnapping attempts.
Pop was the last to climb on board, a Defender handed him a large black duffle bag after he was safely inside the helicopter.  He then handed the bag to Oak.  Oak unzipped the bag to make sure the contents were all there, enough gold headphone cases for each one of them.  He passed the cases out.  “Don’t lose these.”  Oak instructed them.  “There’s a set of over ear Beats by Dre headphones, special grade custom made Solo Pro with Active Noise Cancelling technology.  They’re linked with an integrated communication system so we can communicate with each other.  Works up to five miles away in a mesh network, so as long as each one of us is within at least five miles of another person, we can all talk.  Battery runs off kinetic energy, as long as you’re breathing, the headphones will work.  Unfold them to turn on, fold them to turn off.  There’s one mode for active cancelation with communication and another pre programed mode matching Justin’s frequency in case you get earwormed.  We don’t know if they have one strain of the Gomez earworm, or multiple, but right now, it’s the best we have.  This does mean Justin won’t have communication with us through the headphones, someone’s going to have to stay with him should the need arise for us to use these.”
“What are these little ones?” Scooter asked picking a smaller set of ear buds from perfectly cut-to-shape spaces within the foam.  They sat snuggly inside the case beside the Beats Solo Pro headphones.
“Lookalike AirPods—although, they aren’t Apple, Taylor’s been handing out some kind of custom set to her Swifties, they call them SwiftPods.  These will work in a pinch to protect you from both the Swift sound, and possible exposure to an earworm, but they contain no communication and it’s hard to hear anyone trying to talk to you, the noise cancelation is complete and contains no filters.  They basically work like earplugs, but they look like SwiftPods so you won’t blow your cover in close proximity to a Swiftie.”
“We won’t be needing these,” Ariana grabbed Scooter’s case out of his hands and handed it back along with her own case.  “Can you drop Scooter and I off at LAX before we stop at Kanye’s house?  My private jet is waiting—we’ve got a show to make…”  She looked over at Scooter disapprovingly.
“Better do as she asks.”  Scooter said to everyone.
“But that’s out of the way!”  Scott exclaimed.  Ariana stared at him, her eyes piercing through him.  He quickly backtracked,  “Yeah, we can do that.  Sure thing, not a problem Ms. Grande.”  Scott said to her after looking to the lawyer and getting a nod of approval from the lawyer.
           “Will you two be alright out there?”  Oak asked.
           Scooter shrugged.
           “We’ll be fine.”  Ariana said in a decisively powerful tone.  “My Arianators will protect us from any Swifties if they try anything tricky, it’s Justin that you need to look out for, they’ve already used him twice in this war game, first with the kittynapping and then the earworm weapon, they’re likely to strike again to get to Scooter.”
           The helicopter lifted into the air headed first for LAX and then to Kanye West’s house.
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jincentvangogh · 5 years
Five things tag
I was tagged by Queen @jingertonic thanx babe
5 things you’ll find in my bag:
My Mobile - I’m a millennial... Who leaves home WITHOUT one nowadays. It’s a Samsung S9 and I love it and cherish it cuz It’s the last phone my mother will get me so you bet your ass I take care of it like my baby... OH, I also carry my old phone cuz I find it a bit easier to play BTS superstar with that model. The edge screen of the S9 makes it a PAIN to play that game. 
My earphones - When I had a job I used to carry two, one Bluetooth and the other wired BUT now my jobless ass just carries the wired one... also because the Bluetooth earplugs broke(?) and I patch them together with scotch tape and now it itches whenever I used them but MY JOBLESS ASS has no money for new Bluetooth earplugs. The bright side is that I prefer to use the wired earplugs when I work out cuz they don't fall.
My keys - both car keys and house keys. Each has a really cute panda keychain (I love pandas). I hate my house keys cuz they’re so many and bulky, also my mum bought me this whistle ( I call it the rape whistle and she says is for emergencies in general) that BY THE WAY doesn’t work that well but I can’t find myself throwing it away anytime soon... My car keys are a whole different story, I keep losing them every year and when I replace them I FIND THEM SOMEWHERE IN MY ROOM.
My goodie bag - Tampons, pads, eye drops, my Eucerin (OG) lip balm, my tinted lip balm, lighter, period painkillers, antibacterial gel, band-aids, Advil and a spare hair tie (YES I’M THE MUM FRIEND).
My wallet ofc - I have this really cute wallet (it’s really Gucci) but I usually just use my card holder cuz that’s the one I take to uni.
5 things you’ll find in my room:
My bed - This is a big deal, mainly because I am V E R Y specific with home decor (I still have boxes for years later because I haven’t found the perfect shelf) I spent like a year with only a mattress until I found T H E perfect bed in this antique shop, I restored it and its now the centrepiece of my room and yes, I do take people to see my room and lay on it cuz the mattress is all I ever dreamed of. 
My desk, I spend a lot of time there and it's from this indie designer that works with recycled wood and I travel to another city to buy it. I honestly love it, it’s not even a desk but a dining table and it’s so big and smooth ugh I love it.
Books - I love books, most of them are uni books because I just give books I don’t want to read again away (stuff like the hunger games, divergent, teen shit) I also have many old books cuz my uncle’s father in law studied the same thing I did and when he passed he left me ALL of his books.
Goodies - I have little decorations from all over the globe (My mum travelled a lot and bought me stuff) so I have a shelf with most things (including my country’s flag) also I have these cushions that are a mix of collages and handpainted things of different writers or painters ( I have one that’s Van Gogh's starry night, Dali’s melting clocks and Klimt’s the kiss) I found them at this street market and made my friend buy some too!! so we all have at least one. Let’s not forget my barroque looking chair gracing the corner of my room.
My T.V - I am, above all, a T.V enthusiast hahahahaha and even though I have a T.V five steps away in my family room I have one in my room too... I spend a lot of time on my own since I was little and having the T.V on made me feel less lonely (?) also when I was a kid my mum put a T.V in my room so my nanny and I could watch Telenovelas hahahaha... yeah a T.V is a big part of my room. 
5 of my favorite things
FOOD!!! I’m not even kidding, without food I AM NOTHING, A NOBODY, I WOULDN’T HAVE A PURPOSE IN LIFE. When I was a kid I Idolized Anthony Bourdain to the point that I made my life mission to be him, I had this mental breakdown when he died (I'm crying right now writing this) cuz he was honestly MY ROLE MODEL. I study Food science and engineering, my friends keep asking me to make a blog about food and I want to have a brand of both food products and restaurants or bistros when I’m older... so yeah food Is everything I am.
Cheesy T.V shows - There is nothing I love more than cliché, cheesy, romance shows.. hence my obsession with kdramas and Telenovelas when I was a kid. I love shows like strong woman do bong soon, fairy weightlifting kim bok joo, age of youth... it’s always so nice to see happy endings, especially when they’re a bit realistic?? 
Bullet journals!! - I love drawing, arts and craft; painting... all those things and a bullet journal is just the perfect way to express yourself. I might suck at actually keeping track of things but best believe I make the most of it. 
Walking - like not as in exercise but I live for strolls around the city 
Coffee shops... I want to own one in the future and spend most of my free time discovering new coffee shops.
5 things I’m into right now
Telling people I love them
bullet journaling 
Excersising - Like I used to be this active bitch who worked out for like 3-4 hrs a day, played tennis, golf, pole danced, practiced yoga, did muay thai, kickbox, went swiming, played basket, baseball... YOU NAME IT BUT I was really deppressed for like almost three years and while working at a brewing company drank beer EVERY SINGLE DAY and a bitch gain soo much weight literally my clothes dont fit me anymore soo I said TO HELL WITH IT I miss being active and yeah  
enyoing the things I love with no regret... like... I listen to kpop SO WHAT, I watch kdramas and animes SO WHAT, I’ll dress this way SO WHAT, I like being choked SO WHAT... It doesnt sound like much but I’ve seen so many friends hiding who they are to fit in and they’re so frustrated right now
5 things on my to-do list:
Plan my trip to Japan and Korea
Save money for my trip to Japan and Korea
Study for my national exam!! - the government has this exam for my career and we have to pass it if we want to graduate.
Ace my thesis and work on my scientific article
Get my body back... It’s not just vanity, I was happy when I was slim cuz I was so active and had a lot of energy and felt pretty and I’ve treated my body like shit for the past years (not eating right, drinkning too much... smoking even) I just want to get my shit together before I face this new stage in my life.
I tag: @floralseokjin, @marshyoongs, @namjoonchronicles, @honeyminyoongi and anyone who feels like doing this.
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channimagine · 6 years
Chanyeol x Reader
Request by a lovely anon: “Hi! Would mind writing a scenario with chanyeol where he falls in love/has a crush on an author after reading her novel. He talks about & posts a lot on his social media about her. You could maybe have her doing a book signing in Seoul? Or have her be invited to their concert/dinner by the other members as a birthday surprise for him. Thank you!”
It’s such a cute idea I like it so much~ Thanks for sharing it :3 Let’s do iiiiii
It was about 8 pm, and Chanyeol was sitting in the sofa in the dorm’s living room, reading the same book for the hundredth time. He had a soft smile on his lips, and his eyes was getting wider from time to time, or suddenly teary, or shiny…
“Hey Chanyeol, what are you read- Wait aren’t you reading the same book you’ve just red yesterday??” asked Sehun, sighing. Chanyeol looked up at him, feeling guilty.
“… Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Well I know reading isn’t bad for your health but like… How can you read the same book every day??”
“But it’s so good! The author is so talented, I’m such a fan…”
“Well this author has more than one book, right?”
“Actually, she doesn’t…”
“So, it’s a woman?”
“YES! Her name is Y/N and she- … I’m sorry I don’t want to bother you.”
Sehun sighed again and sat next to him. He softly punched his arms with a smile and looked at him.
“You’re not. I’m not bothered. It’s cool to see you being happy like that. But aren’t you becoming obsessed or anything?”
“No, I’m not! You don’t have to worry or anything I’m fine. I’m just… In love with the way she writes stories.” Chanyeol looked at his friends, wondering if what he just said was weird or not. But Sehun was staring at him, looking extremely concentrated and focused. “The way she explains her characters’ feelings, the emotions, but also sceneries’ description… I feel like everything is perfect.”
“Did she have a prize for her book, or anything?”
“She did! She won something, last month! I was so proud for her…”
“You should tell her!”
“Wait- what?”
“You should send her a message!”
“I can’t do that! That’s not appropriate…”
“… Come one man, you’re Park Chanyeol, you’re a member of one of the most popular group in the country, you’re not just a student or anything! Send her a text!”
“I won’t do that!”
Chanyeol stood up, trying to hide his red cheeks behind his book. Sehun was looking at his best friend, feeling jaded.
“Are you serious, right now?” he asked, staring at Chanyeol.
“What… Wait don’t make that smile. Don’t look at me like that!”
”But you’re funny.”
“You’re so ridiculous, dude. Usually, you’re not like that with girls! And you’re not doing that to flirt with her. …am I right?”
Chanyeol looked at Sehun and then his feet, clearing his throat and hiding his red cheeks. Sehun covered his mouth with his hand.
“You wanna date her?”
“What? Are you crazy? She doesn’t even know my name!”
“Actually, I think she does. You know, you are…”
“An idol, yes I know. What if she… she doesn’t like EXO?”
“Everyone loves us, don’t be stupid.”
“What if she… she doesn’t like me then?”
“Well the only way to know is to send her a message, Chan.”
Sehun pointed Chanyeol’s mobile phone with his finger, and looked at his friend picking it up, in silence. Chanyeol sighed and was about to turn on his phone.
“Alright, kids! Lunch’s ready!” shouted Junmyeon in the kitchen. “I need help to set the table, now!”
“We’re coming!” said Chanyeol and Sehun together.
“Guess we have to talk about that later.” Whispered Sehun, smiling to his older friend. “I’m not forgetting anything you’ve just said, understood?”
“Stop it…”
After dinner, Chanyeol went to his room to start reading again. Between each chapter, he was updating his Instagram with a picture of his favorite quote in the chapter he just red, feeling like he was in the most amazing mood in the entire world, and that sharing it to his followers was like a duty, a mission for him.
At the same time, Sehun was checking his older friend’s Instagram in his own bed, thinking of many things.
“Guess I have to act fast.” He said to himself.
One week later, the members were on the dorms, all chilling in the living room, playing video games together. It was Chanyeol’s birthday soon but nothing was planned yet. Chanyeol said he just wanted some chill time with his friends at the dorm; but Sehun had a little idea of how to spend the day…
“Hey guys” Sehun said, entering the living room. “What about a little dinner outside, tomorrow evening?” The younger boy was looking at his friend with an intense look, discretely winking at them and avoiding Chanyeol’s look.
“Oh, sounds like a wonderful idea~” replied Jondgae.
“What do you think, Chanyeol? Asked Jongin, trying to hide his smile.
“Where do you want to go?”
“I have my little idea. Let’s say it’s a birthday surprise.”
“But Sehun, if you’re telling me this, it’s not a surprise anymore…”
Sehun sighted and pat his friend’s head, with a smile. 
“Don’t worry, buddy. You gonna LOVE it.”
Confused, Chanyeol looked back at the TV, trying to focus on the fight he was having with Baekhyun on the video game. At the same moment, Kyungsoo was discretely getting closer to Sehun and whispered to him.
“Is everything ready?”
“Yup. Just as planned…” He replied with a wink.
The two men were looking at Chanyeol with a weird smile on their faces, arms crossed, standing right behind him.
“…you guys look creepy, staring at us like that.” Yixing said.
The next day, Chanyeol spent hours replying to texts or calls from friends and family, all wishing him an amazing birthday. The tall man was actually in a very good mood and didn’t stop smiling the entire day.
It was now around 8pm, and the group was getting ready to go out.
“Okay kids, are you ready?” asked Junmyeon.
After a moment, they were all in the van, Junmyeon driving them to a cozy restaurant in Seoul. Chanyeol was happy, but a little worried and confused.
“Hum… Guys?”
“Yep?” replied Sehun.
“Isn’t this restaurant a little too small. I mean we are nine, you know? And I don’t think they have one table for nine people.”
“Don’t worry about that buddy, and let’s go.”
They entered the small restaurant, and the waiter led the boys to a little room at the back. Chanyeol pushed the door and discovered a huge table, and a woman, seated at the very end of the table. Chanyeol considered her for a moment, confused and looked back at his friends.
“Hum… There’s… A woman, here.” He whispered, discretely pointing the girl with his finger. Jongdae laughed a little, and made him look back at the girl.
She gave Chanyeol a look and walked to him. Suddenly, Chanyeol made a little surprised noise and put his hand on his mouth, shocked.
“Are you…”
“Happy birthday, Chanyeol!” said the members behind him.
“Oh my god… Yeah it’s you! You’re Y/N! My famous author!” Chanyeol smiling like a kid and took the author’s hands to shake them gently. “I’m- well hum… Wait, what are you doing here?”
“Your friends invited me here.” She said, smiling softly.
“What…?” Chanyeol turned over and looked at his friends, confused. “You mean… You did that?”
“Well you wanted to meet your idol, right? Guess what? You’re her idol too! It was easier than we thought!”
The tall man turned on himself once again and looked at the small girl in front of him. She was looking at her feet, trying to hide her red cheeks behind her hair.
“Is this real?” he asked to her, smiling and blushing like a high school girl. “Am I your idol?”
“Hmm yeah… I’ve always wanted to meet you. I love your songs!”
“T-thank you! I love your book! And your writing! And the way you describe everything! And your characters!”
Behind them, the other boys, smiling, were finally taking a seat and enjoying the view. Chanyeol and the young author sat next to each other and talked together the entire dinner about everything and anything, as if they were old friends. 
“Looks like they’re getting along quite well.” Said Junmyeon with a soft smile on his face.
“Indeed. They’re kinda cute, I’m not gonna lie.”
“Wow if Kyungsoo says that, it might be true!”
“Shut up maknae.”
“Soo’s right.” Added Yixing. “But… What if he invites her at the dorm after dinner?”
“Oh my god, gross.”
“Nope he’ll go to HER place, not the opposite.”
“Oh, thank god, Jun. She can’t be at the dorm tonight; my room is a mess.”
“You know Baekhyun, she probably won’t go in YOUR room if she goes to our place.”
At the opposite of the huge table, Chanyeol was still talking with the author. He was looking at her as if she was one of the Seven Wonders of the world, and was so interested about everything she was saying.
“So, tell me” she asked him with a cute smile. “Who’s your favorite character, in my book? I’m curious.”
Chanyeol took his glass of wine and drank a little, thinking carefully.
“Hmm… I would say the hero.”
“Yeah. I like how you described it. And his past is so interesting. And his personality… To be honest, when I was reading I was like “oh my god I can relate so much, this guy is so like me bla-bla-bla”. And he’s so cool, I have to say it.”
“Hm funny.”
“What? Why?” Chanyeol smiled to her.
“Actually…” she started blushing a little. “You were my inspiration for the main character.”
“…oh.” Chanyeol looked away, a little embarrassed. “T-Thank you, I guess? I’m flattered.”
“Well thank you; thanks to you, I was able to write the best story of my entire life.”
“Does it mean you have other stories?”
“A lot, to be honest.” She looked at him in silence, and almost whispered to him. “Would you like to read one of my stories, one day?”
“I’d love to. I’d be an honor, for me.” He smiled and gently took her hand under the table. “If you want, he can go and have some coffee together in town next week or something… To discuss about this. What do you think?” he winked and giggled, and she smiled back, blushing.
“I’d love to. I’d be an honor, for me.” She giggled as well, looking at him with the softest gaze.
“Are you… Making fun of me right now?” Chanyeol laughed and gently popped her nose.
“No, I don’t do that, I’m mature~”
“Oh well I see that!”
Sehun was looking at the two love birds flirting with a disgusted look on his face. Jongdae laughed a little and gently punch his arm.
“Sehun are you jealous?”
“What? No, not at all.”
“Why are you looking at them with this look, then.”
“They are gross. Look at them. They’re all pink and lovely and cute and…ew. Disgusting.”
“…you definitely should get a girlfriend, dude.”
Ta-dah I’m finally done with this one :3 If you like it, please let me know, I’d be very happy~
And if you have any suggestions, you can tell me, I’d be happy to write something for you~ Thank yoooou
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dancingbaek · 6 years
EXO Fic Recs
(a) = angst, (f) = fluff, (m) = mature/smut, (s) = series bolded = my favorite! Italicized = taken straight from the author 
If we’re being honest most of this is going to be smut, keep in mind every recommendation will only be memberxOC/You
Good Luck, With Liquor, For Love: You could have sworn you’d seen this particular handsome stranger before, there was just something about him that seemed familiar. Eventually, you’d figure it out. (a)(f)(m) By @3kpop2jagi1
2AM: You have been continuing a secret friends-with-benefits relationship with your best friends older brother Minseok, who is idol group EXO’s Xiumin, for two years now, while secretly concealing the very real growing feelings you’ve always had for him. A sudden blind date for you and for him suddenly forces you to face those feelings or end the relationship entirely. (AAA)(m)(s) This is just pure perfection, made me cry multiple times. By soobadnoonecanstopher
Into It: Suho is the mysterious new kid on campus. No one knows much about him, except that he seems to have a certain attraction to you. (a)(m)(s) By @kpopfanfictrash
Higher: Your ex boyfriend needs you to pretend to be his girlfriend to get out of marrying another woman. (a)(f)(m)(s) By 3kpop2jagi1
A World, Coloured by You: At first you thought it began with a pact, to marry one another if you hadn’t discovered your soulmates by the time Sehun had his first kid. But as you uncovered more, you realized that it had begun – and would end – with Junmyeon. (f) By j-pping
Sovereign: Two kingdoms are at war with another, and being the illegitimate warrior, wildcard princess, you’re appointed to the war council - along with the youngest prince of your allied country, Prince Yixing. He’s too liberal, too idealistic, believes he knows best no matter what - but you’re exactly the same. (a)(f)(s) By yeolology
The Boxer: You make your way into a local boxing gym, looking for someone who is willing to teach you self defense. The quiet man who runs the gym is unwilling to take you on as a student and you are forced to prove yourself worthy of his instruction. (a)(f)(m)(s) By soobadnoonecanstopher
Broken: This takes place a few months after the last chapter of Strangers. All Yixing here guys, with occasional Broken One and Baekhyun. Pretending to be content with his love for Broken One, it slowly destroys him until he meets you. (a)(s) By looking-for-my-seoulmate
All’s Fair: Your panties lying in the living room starts an accidently war between you and Baekhyun. (a)(f)(m)(s) By 3kpop2jagi1
I Give Up: so Baekhyun comes into your parents dry cleaning shop. You were just trying to live. But Baekhyun is Baekhyun. (a)(f)(m)(s) By soobadnoonecanstopher
Strangers: For the past two years, you and Baekhyun have been dating. But for the past six months, he’s treated you like a stranger. Tight schedules and different careers drive the two of you apart from each other. What happens when you decide you’re no longer happy and enough is enough? (a)(s) By @looking-for-my-seoulmate
Before We Hit the Bottom: You graduate and run from your abusive home, only to come to a town to that offers a lot more than you bargained for. (a)(f)(s) By @fullbyuntale
Loyal: A year ago, you landed your dream job and made your move to the city. Not knowing anyone, you moved into the spare room of coworker’s beautiful apartment, and quickly became close friends. Her loyal social circle quickly adopted you as one of their own, giving you some of the best friends you’ve ever known. You have it all. There’s only one problem: Byun Baekhyun. Not only your friend via your roommate, but her longtime crush. Completely off-limits to you, as she’s made it very clear. But when love interferes with the life you worked so hard to build, who do you stay loyal to? (a)(s)(m)(f) by @charmedbaek
The Butterfly Effect: You don’t know when you started fantasizing about your math tutor a little too much. You just suddenly desired him in more than ways than one. So when you tumble down a forbidden, dangerous path, you don’t realize that in the midst of all this, there was chaos. Perfect, sweet, chaos in the form of Byun Baekhyun. (a)(s)(m) by @blackberrykai
Of Firewhiskey and Exams: Somewhere in all the years I spent avoiding him, I started to admire him. I thought he was just everything I’m not and everything I don’t understand, but maybe he’s everything I’ve always needed. (f)(a) By @hkynm
Caffeine: You meet Jongdae in the cafe you work at after you and your boyfriend break up. (a)(f)(m)(s) By 3kpop2jagi1
I Hate You: Here’s a sweet hate turned love one- shot for Jongdae. You two just can’t get along. He teases and criticizes you too much. You tease him back. Sometimes you’re downright mean to him. But he holds a secret behind his actions and one night when he unintentionally makes you cry he can’t keep it a secret any longer. (a)(m) By soobadnoonecanstopher
A Decade of Midnights: Broken by the loss of his fiancee, Inspector Kim Jongdae of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency starts hunting down justice in increasingly rule-breaking ways. Ten years later, when a lead on a case threatens to unravel ghosts from the past, he is assigned a new partner to supervise his methods: you. (a)(m)(f)(s) By j-ppng
Chanyeol in a Cafe: A girl has a rotten run of luck which all seems to stem from her chance encounter with a mysterious guy in her cafe. (m)(f) By kpopfanfictrash
Make Me Feel It: You have a voice lesson with Chanyeol to help with your confidence. One thing leads to another… (m) By soobadnoonecanstopher
Just Give In: Years of working in SM’s production strategy department made you immune to handsome faces – but not to beautiful souls. A week long company offsite tells all. (f) By @j-pping
Roommates: You’re sick of the tenants of your apartment coming and doing what they want with the place and disregarding you - the ghost who also lives there. So far, driving them out’s been easy. Until Kyungsoo moves in. (a)(f)(s) By @yeolology
All His: You are hired as an interpreter for a tour in Europe where you join forces with EXO and soon grow closer to one member in particular, Do Kyungsoo. (f)(m)(s) By @soobadnoonecanstopher
By Heart: Getting over him was the most impossible thing in the world because part of you couldn’t believe it was really finished. (a)(f)(s) By @peachykaix
Dittany: broken bones and a tedious detention - can I still say that this is the best christmas i’ve ever had? it’s because I found magic in him - the big eyed, dark haired, hufflepuff boy. funny I say that as a witch! but sadly, good things don’t last forever. (f)(a) by @soos-goddess
Addewid: You’ve always known you were different. You’re able to see them, after all, able to see the Others. You’ve also always ignored them. Until the day comes where you’re forced to make a choice - one that throws your world into chaos. And sends you down a path you might never return from. (a)(m?)(s) By kpopfanfictrash
99 and Marlowe: Soulmate AU. (a) By kpopfanfictrash
The Magic Inside You: In between subtle glances, potion-making, and journal pages, I realized I found a home in a certain Gryffindor boy with starry brown eyes and little crescent smiles. (f)(s) by @blackberrykai
Painted Hearts:  A chance meeting between two lonely hearts sends sparks flying. But can love be enough when greater forces loom over you and threaten the new happiness in your life? (a)(f)(m)(s) By @pebble-xo
Pink: You run into your attractive neighbor in an unexpected place. (f)(m) By soobadnoonecanstopher
Scars: Everyone is born with a soul mark somewhere on their body. Their soulmate has the same mark. New technology has been developed that can remove the mark, but at great cost. (a) By @forexcapism
Wands, Wings, and Wizengamot: Some distractions are absolutely necessary. (f)(a) By @j-pping
Multiple Members
Guardian: (Jongdae/Reader/Baekhyun) You keep seeing the same guy everywhere you go. In the coffee shop, on the streets, in your philosophy class. It’s getting to the point where you think he’s stalking you - only to realize that maybe there’s something much more mysterious at play. (m)(s) By kpopfanfictrash
Ascension: continuation of Guardian. The weight of humanity rests on Y/N’s shoulders. In Ascension, enemies must come together, lines must be drawn and the question of good and evil itself must be raised. As Y/N’s power strengthens and more players reveal themselves, the only thing obvious is that nothing in this world is black and white. (a)(m)(s) By kpopfanfictrash
Exordia Academy:  It’s 1980′s middle-of-nowhere, and Exordia Academy is full of its most talented class of students yet. Whether you’re looking for a place to hone your skills, develop or just fit in – there’s something for everyone within our hallowed halls. Class is in session. (a)(f)(m)(s) Okay, read every fic listed here because they’re all fucking amazing. It’s a collaboration between kpopfanfictrash and knockknocksoosthere
Heist Society: You only told yourself it wasn’t easy to make yourself feel better about it all, but no matter what you said to yourself while his mouth pressed hot kisses against your skin, you felt guilty. You felt guilty because you felt good. His lips felt good, his hands felt good, he felt good- He wasn’t supposed to feel this good. (a)(m)(s) By 3kpop2jagi1
Exodus Mall: The Kingdome still stands and Ken Griffey Jr. knocks out home runs night after night. Bill Clinton enters his second term as President. Pop music is edging out the grunge scene. The technology boom is taking over. And for the employees of the Exodus Mall, it’s a year of romance, longing, and misconceptions in the Emerald City. (a)(f)(m)(s) This is pure art. By @yehet-me-up
Three: Threesome between you, Sehun, and Jongin. (m) By soobadnoonecanstopher
sEX tOy: (all members) An alternative universe where big idols can secretly hire so called ‘’sex toys’’ for their personal pleasure. (pure smut)(s) By @heart-karisoo
Half Love: (Kai/Reader/Sehun)  You lived a seemingly normal life, growing up with only your father and attending school. However, you had a secret, something you had tried to suppress ever since your mother died. It was something you avoided so you could continue living as a normal human being. Then he turned up and showed you a different side to your life. But were you willing to accept it? (f)(a) By forexcapism
Updated 6/17/20, let me know if anything is fucked up
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junmail · 3 years
i got really scared bc i couldn't find my last message 💀💀😭 but again im sorry for being such a sporadic anon😭😭 thank you sOO much for the playlist ive been listening to it and listening to it while I pack haha
my moods been really ¿? lately and ive been a little stressed about my move 🙃 but im finally going this weekend and as nervous as i am, im also excited!
i think the only movies of the ones you mentioned that I've watched are jaws and enchanted. I have definitely been meaning to watch the other ones tho!
"fighting for their lives against their vocals cords and they're losing" HELP thats literally how it is for some idols and people will go and call them the vocal King of the generation and im like???? are we hearing the same thing rn? 😂😂😂 like supporting someone's effort and growth is one thing but don't lie to them please <3 even sometimes I'll hear my ults and im like.. babe i love you but that wasn't your best 💀💀
i swear juyeon has everyone in a vice grip 😂😂
how have you been? i'll reveal myself soon but i just wanted to send at least one more anon message! hope you're doing well 🥰❤❤❤
omg I’m sorry , I use the tag ‘p’ for like everything I post lol and I’m so glad !! I hope you find some new songs that become favorites !!!
awe I hope everything falls back together and become stress free ! I’m always here if you ever want to talk !!
like people , ur favs need singing lessons !! screeching into the mic should not win 50 daesangs but I guess some people will just listen to anything and force themselves to like it lol
brooooooo I went into stanning tbz like omg sangyeon 😍 then took one look at juyeon with his undercut and I was instantly whipped . like I said I liked him as a JOKE but who’s the clown now 🤡
I’ve been good, just been working a lot so I’m tired :/ but like what’s new . wbu ?
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exowolf-reactions · 6 years
Idk if anyone has ever asked but, how'd ksoo become your bias?
By denial. I think I’ve talked about this. meh idk either xD but Ksoo ain’t my bias, ain’t my favorite, he’s the man I love. Idk for me love ain’t the same as someone being your bias… but that’s me :p
Anyways it all started the moment his teaser came out (teaser era) my whole world crumbled. For the first time I was attracted to someone, or more than that? It’s like he turned the lights on of my life filled with darkness. But I denied it. I kept denying it. I didn’t want to admit I loved someone. (you can say it was like love at fist sight-ish) so the more I denied it the more I loved him.I remember I chose Luhan as my bias, but Luhan was always for me an idol crush, I looked up at him and respected him but it’s not the romantic love you have for someone. But Luhan was my excuse to say I didn’t like Soo. Funny thing I always looked at Soo instead of the others. I noticed things. I connected. Felt identified. But I was never conscious of it. Until Myun and Liz (Myun is a former admin and we are great friends. So is Liz my baby) kinda opened my eyes? They knew nothing and I remember that when I met them they were like “you are going to marry him one day”. I was so confused because why would I stranger say that. Of course it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen but my point here is that two strangers, who didn’t know each other by the way, said the same thing to me. That’s when it hit me. And when I realized, everything went to hell xD I realized he was more than just my favorite idol. I realized with time that what I feel is what they call true love. Meh I’m so fucked up. Xo, Ara~
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sunyoonandstars · 6 years
BTS scenario: Taehyung x You (Maor) - You Meet For The First Time (Chapter 3, FINAL Chapter)
So, this is Part 2, Chapter 3, the final chapter of the personal request made by @its-metafroyical aka Maor. Make sure to check out Part 1, Part 2, Chapter 1 and Part 2, Chapter 2 before diving right into this one, though! They’re not exactly in chronological order, but still connected.
I hope you enjoy it, especially you, Maor! 😊
Scenario (Part 1)
Taehyung is sick in bed and home alone and you, his long-term girlfriend, Maor, decide to stop by and comfort him … The situation takes quite an unexpected, pleasant turn, though …
Part 2
... is a flashback, telling the story of your first, fateful meeting with Taehyung and the events following.
FLUFF, hints of angst
Part 2, Chapter 3, FINAL CHAPTER
Days pass and turn into weeks without Kim Taehyung showing himself on campus again. You can't deny the fact that you are disappointed, part of you having hoped to stumble upon him again and maybe get a chance to explain the way you behaved towards him that night in the library. As if he’d care, you scold yourself for getting all worked up about nothing. But whenever you listen to BTS’ songs or watch their music videos, your thoughts stray, always coming back to that one night and the way he looked at you when your hands touched, when you snapped at him … Ultimately, you end up avoiding your favorite band altogether, whenever one of their songs pops up in your playlist skipping it without hesitating. You have to get him out of your head. Kim Taehyung is a stranger to you and that’s all he’ll ever be. Even though you couldn’t help but notice a certain spark between you two, you are not one of those delusional fans. You know that, in reality, there’s no future for the two of you. Kim Taehyung will just end up dating another idol, perfect just like him, if he gets to date at all. In his life there is no room for a girl like you. And that’s okay. You’ll eventually forget about him just like he did about you. However, in late November, all of your efforts to clear your heart and mind of him are suddenly rendered void when you see him pass by in the corridor, his figure, clothed in a dark grey coat and wide trousers, seemingly having gotten even more slender, shoulders hunched and head hanging low, a black mask covering half his face, two bodyguards by his side.   You pause in the middle of your step, stunned, Hye-soo inevitably running right into you. „Yah, Maor-ah! What’s wrong with you!? This blouse is brand-new and I almost ripped it on your zipper! You can’t —“ Her voice trails off as she recognizes the reason of your behavior. Cherry red lips forming a silent ‚Ohhh‘, she knowingly raises her perfectly traced eyebrows, pulling you to the side so Kim Taehyung’s bodyguard won’t jostle you. You are almost sure that Kim Taehyung shortly looks up, right at you, however, avert your eyes too quickly to be sure, cheeks instantly flushed. „Come on, let’s go“, Hye-soo hisses. You’re grateful she takes you by the elbow, pulling you away. In the course of the following weeks you spot Kim Taehyung on campus more often, especially around your building and the library, leading you to wonder if him constantly showing up around you is actually to be attributed to coincidence. However, the two of you never really interact. A few times it seems as if he’s hesitating to approach you, but you try your best not to look his way, not to cross his path, not so much as to breathe in his direction. Maybe he noticed, because after a while the smile that used to light up his face whenever he saw you fades, gradually disappearing and turning into a sullen frown instead. But you’re sure it’s not because of you. Or so you try to convince yourself. One morning, you can’t hold back a gasp of surprise as you enter the room and discover Kim Taehyung sitting in the front row of your photography class. As you enter, he lifts his gaze from the analogue camera sitting on his desk, staring right at you. You force a polite smile, nodding at him sharply, frantically looking for a free chair. However, the only one is the one right next to his, a bag placed on it. „I saved you a seat“, he greets you, his voice flat, facing the blackboard in front of him now, taking his bag off the seat. „Thank you“, you barely manage to reply, hesitantly sitting down beside him, so close you can even smell his subtle perfume. You spend the ninety minutes in class sitting up straight, tense, basically in stasis, eyes intently fixed on the professor, trying to focus on him and him only, not hearing a word he says while pretending to take notes and repeatedly feeling Kim Taehyung’s gaze linger on you. A soon as the docent has said his goodbyes, you get up and leave, your chest so tight you can hardly breathe. „Yah, Maor!“, you can hear him call after you, his strong baritone voice echoing in the almost empty hallway. „Wait up! Where are you going?“ Reluctantly, you stop and turn around, figuring he can only be talking to you, so there’s really no way to get out of this, you probably being the only person named Maor in this whole goddamn university. Your eyebrows raised questioningly, you look at Kim Taehyung as he approaches. „What is it?“ „Well, good day to you, too“, he retorts, one corner of his mouth raised in a stiff half smile. „I’m sorry. Hello. So, what do you want? I have to be some place, so make it quick, please“, you say, trying not to sound too friendly, afraid he might notice how glad, even excited, you actually are that he’s talking to you right now, shocked at the result however. You sound indifferent, cold, almost vile, your voice strange to your own ears. „I just don’t know anyone here, since I’ve never really attended any classes before that required physical presence, so I thought maybe you could give me the tour or at least some helpful tips as to where the cool people hang and stuff like that.“ You know his last remark is supposed to be a joke, to lighten the mood, break the ice, but you’re too anxious to muster a smile, his face falling in obvious disappointment at your absent reaction. „I’m sorry, Kim Taehyung, I’m afraid I can’t help you. I’m not one of the ‚cool people‘. And I don’t think you will have any trouble getting in touch with them. You’re, without doubt, the most popular kid in school.“ He just looks down at you, brows furrowed, his dark eyes serious, searching. „Yah, what’s up with the attitude? Why so cold? You were different before, or around around other people.“ You shrug your shoulders, feeling the well-known heat creep up your neck towards your cheeks again. Stupid face, always blushing. „I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m always like this.“ „No, you’re not“, Kim Taehyung disagrees, a curious spark suddenly gleaming in his deep, dark eyes.   „How do you know?“ „Oh, I know things. I see things.“ „You sound like a freaking creep“, you scoff, unable to hold back a short, dry laugh now, at which his face brightens again. „See, you can laugh.“ Damn. „Obviously.“ You turn away, avoiding his intense stare. „I thought you had to be someplace?“, he reminds you, his pretty face still plastered with a goofy grin. „Indeed, I do.“ „Where might that be?“ „At a group meeting. For volunteer work.“ „Volunteer work?“, he echoes, surprised, this expressive brows of his raised in curiosity. „Yes, volunteer work.“ „What kind?“ „We give free tutoring to children from poor backgrounds whose parents can’t afford to pay a tutor or help them with school because they have to work all the time to keep them afloat. It's more fun than it sounds, very rewarding. The kids are lovely, some of them difficult, but still just kids. It's incredible to see them make progress.“ Your cheeks turn an even brighter pink as you realize how your voice has grown all high pitched in excitement when you told him about your project. „That sounds wonderful, Maor! Can I come with? Please?“
There it is again, the fuzzy warmth taking up Kim Taehyung’s chest, as he watches your face light up, words tumbling from your lips, their pace quickening and your voice growing higher as you go on enthusing about the children you’d been working with. He can clearly picture you with them, being a completely different person than you are with him. Candid, affectionate, smiling, natural. „That sounds wonderful, Maor!“, he exclaims truthfully. „Can I come with? Please?“ Expectantly, he looks at you, literally able to watch your brain work, pondering the pros and cons of succumbing to his plea. „Alright. But you’ll only be allowed to observe, since — apart from heaving a  … passable singing voice — I don’t know if you have any competence“, you shrug, obviously stifling a grin. „Yah! Passable!? Were you just teasing me, Maor?“ You bite your lower lip in response, again shrugging your shoulders tauntingly, already turning on your heels and indicating him to follow you. „Woah, we’re making progress. I believe it’s suddenly getting warmer around here!“, Taehyung jokes, going along with you, having no trouble to keep up with your fast pace, your strides unusually long for your short legs. „I can feel the ice bergs melting already. Drip, drop. Drip, drop.“ „Yah, Kim Taehyung, stop it already, or I might change my mind!“ He spends the following two hours watching you and your fellow students practice English and maths with attentive, young pupils from the ages six to sixteen. Smiling to himself, Taehyung observes how you interact with them, handling the children with kindness and warmth, yet firmly, a smile on your face that even reaches your bright green-blue eyes, only from time to time making room for an adorable frown whenever one of the students throws a fit or has trouble with an assignment. You look so comfortable with the kids, Taehyung can very well picture you caring for your siblings or, some day, for children of your own, the notion bringing a glow to his features … When the tutoring session is over, he accompanies you to the building’s exit, his bodyguards discreetly tailing the both of you in a three meter distance. „Are you leaving for today?“, you ask, seeming indifferent. You had stayed quiet until now, immediately having turned back to the cautious, distanced you again as soon as the kids had left. „Hmm-hmm“, Taehyung affirms, watching you from the side. „Good night, then.“ You quickly bow your head and turn to go, giving him one last shy smile. „Yah, Maor, are you not going home?“, he calls after you, his deep, full voice resonating in the empty foyer. You shake your head, neither slowing down nor looking back, your wavy hair flying. „But it’s long past eight! Are you staying late again!?“ „What must be, must be!“, you reply, your voice carrying a smile if he isn't mistaken, throwing your arms up in resignation. „Alright. But don’t stay up too long! Sleep is important and you’re working so hard, Maor!“ But you already turned the next corner …
You had talked to your professor that morning and he’d gladly offered to leave a room unlocked for you to practice for your presentation the next day, you being one of his most promising and hardworking students. After having gone over your presentation several times, you sit down to listen to the recordings you made of the different run-throughs, trying to make out mistakes and judge your speed and weak spots. Hye-soo texts you several times, inquiring what takes you so long and repeatedly reminding you that it’s almost midnight again. Damn, Maor, you curse at yourself, your eyes tired, aching. Yet again, you won’t be able to get much more than three hours of sleep, having to get up early for your part-time job at a local bakery before your first class in the morning. You should really head home … Yawning, subconsciously clutching your paining, empty stomach, you pack up your things and leave, following your professors instructions to lock the door behind you. Your steps echoe loudly in the empty stairway on your way down, the lights dim, mostly tuned off already, the atmosphere heavy, somber. Tightly clutching your bag and books in your arms, you carefully take one step after the other, walking slowly, ever since your childhood naturally terrified of stairs, knowing how clumsy you are. However, a sudden dizzy spell overtakes you now, your vision blurred, your knees buckling. Helplessly, powerlessly, you watch the stairs rapidly come towards you, having lost your footing, unable to regain your balance, gravity getting the better of you …
Kim Taehyung had felt an inexplicable pull. Back towards the university. Back to you. He couldn't quite point a finger at it, but something, a vague feeling, had just told him that he should return, that you’d be in some kind of trouble. And right now he is beyond glad he’d listened to his gut feeling, just having turned a corner and being faced with a view that freezes the blood in his veins. „Maor! Watch out!“ Calling out your name once more Taehyung bolts forward in your direction, you having lost your footing. Eyes wide in horror he watches you fall down the stairs as if in slow-motion. Instinctively, he catches you in his arms at the very last second before your body can hit the ground, headfirst. „Yah, Maor! Are you crazy, being this reckless!?“, he involuntarily shouts at you, his voice cracking, his heart pounding heavily, fueled by adrenaline. You just lie in his arms, paralyzed by shock, limbs tense, face pale, motionless. „Maor, are you alright!? Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?“ Carefully, he holds you at an arm’s length distance to get a better look at your face, only new noticing a stream of dark red blood running down its side, originating from your temple. „Yah, Maor! You’re bleeding! Did you hit your head? Do you hear me?“ You merely blink at him, still perplexed. „My — my arm. My elbow. I — I think it — Aahh“, you hiss, taking in a sharp breath. „I think something is wrong with it!“ In panic you look down at your elbow which is twisted in an unnatural angle. „It hurts. It really hurts, Taehyung!“ „Alright, alright, Maor. It’s gonna be okay. I’m taking you to a hospital. Right now. Just stay calm. Take deep breaths. Everything is gonna be okay, alright?“ You nod automatically, still in horror at the sight of your contorted arm. „Shh, it’s alright“, Taehyung hums in his deep, low voice, gently pressing your head against his chest, careful as not to touch your broken arm and cause you any more pain. „Come on, the van is parked right out front.“
For hours Taehyung paces up and down the crowded waiting area in front of the emergency room, Jimin by his side now. He’d hurried here as soon as Taehyung had called him, shaken up about what had happened to you, worried sick. „Yah, Taehyung-ah, calm down. She's gonna be fine. I’m sure she isn’t hurt too badly. The worst could be avoided, thanks to you.“ „Exactly, Jimin!“, he snaps at his friend, agitated, jaw clenched. „Just imagine I wouldn't have been there right that instant! She would’ve fallen to her death and I, being the stupid idiot I am, would have never —“ Taehyung stops in the middle of his sentence, running a shaking hand through his soft hair. „You would have never … what?“, Jimin carefully asks, unaffected by Taehyung’s harsh tone, knowing better than to take it personally in a situation like this. „I would have never gotten to know her and never have gotten a chance to tell her how I feel about her, that I saw the kindness and warmth inside of her she so carefully tries to hide. That I consider her the most beautiful human being in this entire world, that I admire the way she cares for others and that I can’t stand to watch her treat herself so carelessly in turn. That I want to get to know her better, to understand her. That I want us to take care of each other. And that I want to protect her and make her laugh.“ Wide-eyed and frozen in place in the middle of the waiting room, Jimin stares at his friend, Taehyung’s raucous confession having turned heads all around. „Alriiiiight, Taehyungie…“, he drawls, stifling a chuckle, perplexed at Taehyung’s sudden outburst. „That’s great. I’m happy you realized that now.“ Jimin gently pats him on the shoulder, taking him aside. „Really, I’m happy for you, Taehyung“, Jimin then continues in a lower voice, smiling. „Judging by what you've told me about her, Maor must be lovely. But … let’s keep it down a little from now on. There are sick and grieving people around here, remember?“ „Alright. Yeah, sorry, you’re right“, Taehyung agrees, shaking his head at his own carelessness. „But, I’m telling you, Jimin-ah. Maor — She’s the one. I know it already, without doubt. Maor is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.“
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Thanks for reading and staying with this story till the end! 🙏🏻💜 This kind of pure fluff is usually not my area of expertise, so I hope it was bearable 😅
I hope you enjoyed this little story of mine and had a lovely day! Take care! 💜
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