#I’ve been on this app BEGGING for this day to come!!!
whatsk-poppinhomies · 7 months
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Pairing : Dad!Lee Minho x F!Reader TW : pregnant reader ; one child ; just fluff ; the fluffiest fluff ; Word Count : 2.3k Request : Anonny : Can we have more dad lee know 🥹 after the newest skz family ep dad lee know has taken over me A/N : Gonna make this in headcanon mode so that I can give multiple examples, I can't focus on just one. The Minho brainrot has gotten to me!
Dad Lee Know who announced your pregnancy through bubble and took an hour and half a bag of kitty treats just to line Soonie, Doongie, and Dori up around your positive pregnancy test. The only caption was “I’ve been promoted from cat dad to real dad.” 
Dad Lee Know who keeps the pregnancy tracker app on his phone because he wants you to have enough storage on your phone to take constant pictures of belly updates. He sends you a text every time a week passes letting you know what the baby is the size of. Your favorite text was probably the random “BASEBALL!!!” text, it took you a good five minutes to understand what it meant since he didn’t elaborate. 
Dad Lee Know who comes home from work every day and gives your belly kisses, telling his little baseball sized baby that he missed them dearly. He says it’s so that they get used to hearing it already and they’ll know what it means when they come out. 
Dad Lee Know who plans his entire schedule around your doctors appointments, making sure that he’s able to make it to each and every one of them. He and Chan almost got into a fight because Chan accidentally said the wrong date for practice. He even wrote the appointment dates on the staff calendar so they knew not to schedule anything for those days. 
Dad Lee Know who had playfully made a bet with the guys about the gender of his child. He said he had thought it was, and he had wanted a boy, but when it was revealed that he was having a daughter he had cried tears of joy and excitedly wrote in the group chat that he’d give the guys the money he owed them for the bet after he took you out to eat. 
Dad Lee Know who started decorating the nursery for his daughter the day after the appointment, declaring that the nursery would be fit for a princess… And then proudly stating that his daughter is a princess already. She was going to be spoiled beyond belief. 
Dad Lee Know who had bought a heart doppler just so that he could lay in bed at night beside you with his headphones on listening to the sound of his daughter's rapid heartbeat. (He had also googled on the first night if it was normal for a baby's heartbeat to be almost 170bpm in the womb… It is normal.) 
Dad Lee Know who took paternity leave 3 weeks before your due date because he had read that by that time the baby could come at any point and he didn’t want to take any chances of missing the moment. 
Dad Lee Know who put on a strong face when your water broke while you both were out shopping for more baby clothes. On the inside he was freaking out, but he was staying calm for you. 
Dad Lee Know who held your hand on the ride to the hospital, tears already pricking his eyes knowing that his baby girl would soon enter this world and he’d be able to hold her. 
Dad Lee Know who freaked out a little bit (a lot) when he saw his daughter's head crowning, he was about to faint, so he opted to stay up close to your head through the rest of the delivery because he wanted to be conscious when she fully came out. 
Dad Lee Know who told you that you were doing amazing and how proud he was of you even though you were being so mean during the delivery. He understood though, it looked like it hurted a lot. He was so proud to call you his wife. 
Dad Lee Know who’s hand was shaking as he cut the umbilical cord, his breath was held, but that was the moment that he truly felt like a dad, like a father. He finally let the breath out when the cord was cut. 
Dad Lee Know who cried harder than you when he heard his daughter’s first cries. 
Dad Lee Know who begged you to let him hold her first, and you were honestly so tired that you didn’t even have the energy to say no. 
Dad Lee Know who almost filled up his phone storage completely on his daughter's first day on earth because he couldn’t stop taking pictures of her. She was so beautiful, he had hearts in his eyes the moment he laid them on her. She was precious to him and he let the world know it. 
Dad Lee Know who sent a picture of her to the group chat with the caption “I made this! So did Y/N, but look at her! Look what we made!” In that moment he had created a team of uncles that would promise to protect her just as much as Minho would. 
Dad Lee Know who woke up every night with his daughter because he didn’t want to miss a moment with her. He also knew that you needed your sleep, you had done all of the hard work, the least he could do is let you get some rest. 
Dad Lee Know who introduced his daughter to his cats as their new sister. “She’s not old enough to play yet, so be nice. You can look, but don’t touch. Okay?” It seemed like they understood him though, they would sit around her swing and stare at her, almost like they were guarding her or watching out for her, and they would only move away when you or Minho picked her up. 
Dad Lee Know who would get slightly sad when you would breastfeed his daughter because it was one of the things he couldn’t do. He surprised you with a breast pump because he wanted her to know he could give the milk too, just… In bottle form. 
Dad Lee Know who immediately felt guilty about the breast pump because it looked painful and he didn’t want you to be sore. The only time you did it now was when you knew you were going out and you wanted to have the milk ready. 
Dad Lee Know who almost threw up the first time he changed her diaper. After he was done it looked like he had lost about 20 years which was hysterical to you. All of the guys heard about it and they clowned him for it for a good bit. 
Dad Lee Know who cried his eyes out the night before his paternity leave was over. He didn’t want to go back to work, he didn’t want to spend a single moment away from you or his daughter, the thought that he might miss something was devastating to him. 
Dad Lee Know who had attempted to sneak his daughter to work with him in the baby wrap carrier, and then crying even more when you caught him and told him he couldn’t, at least not until she was a couple months older. 
Dad Lee Know who refused to believe that his daughter was already five months old when the day came around. He was a softie and he didn’t like to think that his baby girl was growing already, he wanted her to stay little forever. 
Dad Lee Knowwho brought home a “Baby’s First Christmas” ornament when he came home from work and then proceeded to cry his eyes out because “where did the time go? Tell her to stop growing.” 
Dad Lee Know who went all out for her first birthday party which he wanted to be princess themed because, alas, she was his princess. He took pictures and videos all day, and then that night when she was fast asleep, he laid in bed beside you, choked up and sniffling as he told you that he felt like he was missing too much of her life because of his job. 
Dad Lee Know who had been the one to see her take her first steps and jokingly flaunted that you had missed it… But then quickly apologized when he saw that it upset you and pulled out his phone because he had managed to record it. The group chat also got the video, they were constantly in the loop about everything that she did. 
Dad Lee Know who demanded that you and his daughter be allowed to go on tour with him and the guys, and then giving management the ultimatum that it was the three of you, or none of you at all. That was his daughter's first plane trip. 
Dad Lee Know who death stared at anyone that even looked slightly annoyed when your daughter got a little cranky on the plane. He kept her on his lap the whole time and bounced her and sang to her so that you’d have a comfortable flight. 
Dad Lee Know who talked only about you and his daughter when he had the chance to during concerts. If fans had a problem with it, he didn’t really care. You and his baby were the most important things in his life right now, and you always would be. If the fans didn’t like hearing about it, they could leave. 
Dad Lee Know who personally wrote a song about you and his daughter, and with the help of Chan, Changbin, and Jisung, he was able to have it finished just in time for your anniversary. 
Dad Lee Know who woke up every morning to make breakfast for his daughter and pack her lunch when she was old enough to go to school. 
Dad Lee Know who was the only father crying in a sea of mothers (including you) when it was her first day of kindergarten. He didn’t want to let go of her hand, and you had to practically pry his fingers off. 
Dad Lee Know who took an entire day off work that day just so he could cuddle up with you and cry to you about how empty and quiet the house felt without her there. 
Dad Lee Know who was the first parent up at the school every single day, waiting a whole hour out on the bench in front of her classroom door with a snack and a brand new stuffed animal. That’s how her stuffed animal collection began. 
Dad Lee Know who would sit on the floor next to his daughter's bed and read her bedtime stories, acting out parts of the stories with her stuffed animals because he knew it made her smile. 
Dad Lee Know who fell asleep one night in the middle of reading the bedtime stories, his head resting on the edge of his daughters mattress, and when he woke up she was sitting on his lap and sleeping as well. He didn’t move that night and he didn’t mind the backache that came along with sleeping that way either. 
Dad Lee Know who was the loudest person in the crowd when his daughter walked across the stage for her little award for perfect grades. “THAT'S MY BABY! YES! DADDY IS SO PROUD OF YOU PRINCESS!” 
Dad Lee Know who stayed up all night to help his 6th grade daughter with her science fair project, even after she headed off to bed, he continued to work on it just to make sure she got first place. 
Dad Lee Know who about lost his shit when she got second place, you and his daughter had to usher him out of the gymnasium where everything was set up so that he wouldn’t embarrass her. 
Dad Lee Know who took you and his daughter out to dinner after the science fair mishap and told his daughter that “it doesn't matter whether you got second place or first place, you’ll always be number one to me. You’re the smartest girl I know and I’m so proud of you.” 
Dad Lee Know who would help his daughter with her homework every night, even if he spent all day practicing or recording, he was never too tired to help her. 
Dad Lee Know who would still tuck his daughter in at night and make sure her closet was shut and her night light was on when she would fall asleep no matter how old she got. 
Dad Lee Know who got choked up when his daughter graduated high school, his voice cracking when she walked across the stage and hiding his face in your shoulder so that no one would see him crying. 
Dad Lee Knowwho you had to give a speech to when his daughter said that she wanted to bring her boyfriend over to meet you and Minho. “Don’t look at him like you want to kill him, Minho.” “But what if I want to kill him? He’s trying to take my baby girl away.” “Baby, she’s 19…” “Blah blah blah I don’t want to hear it! She’s a baby!” 
Dad Lee Know who threw a massive party when his daughter got accepted into SNU. He tried to uninvite his daughter’s boyfriend, but she insisted that he come or she wouldn’t show up. 
Dad Lee Know who taught his daughter to drive. He was terrified, and she almost crashed into the curb, but he told her she was doing a great job regardless so that he didn’t break her spirits. 
Dad Lee Know who would do anything for his daughter, she is his entire life, his whole world. He loved her with his entire heart. He’s the best father in the universe, he would lay down his life for her, he would give up everything for her. She’s the greatest thing to ever happen to him, and watching her grow has been bittersweet, sad but rewarding. He wanted nothing but the best for her, and he’d make sure that no matter how old he got, or how old she got, he’d always be there for her. 
Perm Tags :
@whatudowhennooneseesyou @duchesskaren @mytherapisttoldmenotto @lovesunshinefelix @moon0fthenight @kurolils @maruskz @hello-2-u-from-me @mrswolfiechan @bunnychangbin
@his-angell @if-spearb @yomomma104 @lanatheawesome @facelesswrittes @grannyindehouse @cutie-wooyo @felixmainacc @syuuji @jiisungllvr @yukichan67
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@syuuji @moonlight-the-writer @smutdumpskz @extrhotjne @manuosorioh @yeonjunsfox @jazziwritesthings @itshannjisung
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salemlunaa · 3 months
ᥫ᭡Well then you need to listen to this…
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When it comes to loa, specifically the void/“I AM”, reality shifting, permashifting and especially respawning, this is a topic that i feel very very very strongly about because i’ve been there, a lot of us have. Now im not here to give you some “magical method” that will get you to the void in the next nanosecond, because you know how to get to the void, i know you know how to get to the void.But here’s the problem:
You’re fucking wavering. That’s it. That’s the only reason
You come here for the thousandth time, read a million and one posts say “okay i get it, im REALLY gonna apply now”. You don’t see results in a day and then you come back to the app, asking why nothing is working. But please, please, please never give up, you can rage, scream, cry, but out of everything you can do never do that please. The fact that i’m begging you guys even when i don’t know you is saying enough, it pains me when i see you guys give up on the void/“I AM”. You were meant for this and you know it, why are you here? in this community reading this right now, because you knew you were meant for more, you knew there was more out there for you. Yeah a lot of people are coming to know about manifesting, but the void/“I AM”, not even 2% of the world knows about it, not to be so tough, but there are some people who don’t even have the access to even learn about this shit. YOURE HERE FOR A REASON, and i’ll be dammed if you give up because you keep going around this cycle.
You see those success stories you read a million times for motivation, do you wanna know where they come from, they come from people who have been kicked while they were down millions of times and decided "enough is enough", they've had enough of the world treating them this way, had enough of looking at other peoples lives with jealousy and they finally decided that they are doing this forreal and will not take no for an answer!!
You were meant for this, you’re a god and you can change your circumstances and situations in seconds, you can change the way you feel about the void/“I AM”. Though if you feel like you’re developing a toxic relationship with the void and reality shifting, i encourage you to take a break, as much as i want you guys to keep pushing, a deteriorating mental health state is not what i want for you guys. But please know that taking a break shouldn’t mean you putting your dream in a box and choosing to surrender to your shitty lives, moving through it like a zombie.
I will say this till i die: loa is a LAW, not a belief that can be speculated against or a superstition that can be doubted or proved wrong, it is LAW meaning it can never ever ever fail. everrr how many times do i have to say this, stand firm in the reality where you are a void master and there is nothing NOTHING that can stop it from coming into fruition because it is law.
Do i need to remind you guys who you are?? You WILL make it, i don’t think so, i KNOW so. Because you’re a god and whatever you say is law. Again, don’t make yourself a slave to your shitty situation. It’s not your reality because it isn’t real.
Hang in there love, your dream life isn’t far, don’t turn back now ☄️🌊💋💋
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mountsmase · 3 months
a/n: hi!! it’s been a little while but I’m back! (I think?) I’ve had the worst writers block ever and I didn’t think I’d have anything to post anytime soon but this is a very little, very unedited something that I wrote yesterday after we got this pic 🤭 like I said it’s unedited and I’m posting it before I have a chance to talk myself out of it so please excuse any mistakes, this definitely isn’t amazing but I’m still really happy with it so I hope you enjoy 🫶🏻💖
word count: 2k
genre: fluff and smut without actually being smut
Summer Loving - MM7
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Laughter, chatter, and the sound of the waves crashing are the only things that can be heard as you sit on a rather large boat in the middle of the greek ocean.
You’re 3 days in to your holiday with Mason and his family, and it’s safe to say that you’re having the time of your life. When you first met Mason a couple of years ago, they immediately welcomed you and took you in as though you were one of their own, and you’ll forever be grateful that they continue to invite you on these amazing holidays with them.
The trip this year has been a little busier than the last couple you have done together, with his eldest sister and her family flying in to join you from Australia. All fifteen of you are staying in one big villa together and you’ve been having the time of your lives, playing in the pool all day before dressing up and going out for meals in the evening, but today has been a little different.
You all decided to rent out a boat for the day, wanting a change of scenery. The plan being to do some snorkelling and sail to different spots around the coast to give you a different view of the island, so that’s where you are now, up on the top deck of the yacht you’ve rented and sat around the large table after enjoying some lunch and a bit of time out of the sun.
You’ve been making some friendship bracelets with Summer and Poppy for the last hour or so, giving them your full attention and listening to their instructions as they show you all of their favourite beads and tell you how to use each one.
You hadn’t been paying much attention to anything else that was going on around you, which is why it takes you a few moments to realise that Mason is missing from the group after you finish tying the final knot on your last bracelet, placing it to the side for safe keeping.
“Has anyone seen Mase?” You ask, looking around again to make sure he’s not just hiding in plain sight.
The group answer with collective no’s, Lewis letting you know that he disappeared about 5 mins ago but he just assumed he was going to use the loo, so you give it another couple of minuets, waiting to see if he comes back before deciding to go and look for him.
You excuse your self from the table, heading downstairs to look inside first before making your way to the back decking when you have no luck. It takes you a few more moments to spot him, but your heart warms when you do.
He’s sitting at the back of the boat, on the lowest deck with his legs dangling in the water, his back facing you as he looks out into the distance. His tanned skin glows under the sun, decorated with his tattoos which are just begging to be touched and your skin heats at the sight of his toned arms and back, a result of the extra gym sessions he’s been fitting in.
You gravitate towards him, careful not to make too much noise as you don’t want to startle him, but as you get closer you open the camera app on your phone, wanting to take a photo of him so that you can remember the sight forever.
It’s the camera sound affect that grabs his attention, giving away your presence as he turns around to find your bikini clad body stood on the deck above him, his smile growing as he motions for you to join him.
“I was hoping you’d come and find me” he speaks, voice soft as you take the few steps down to the lower deck and walk the short distance to where he’s sitting, your phone now discarded on the side as you sit your self down behind him.
You wrap your legs around him, arms circling his waist and you both know that it’s a little too hot to be this close, but you can’t bring yourselves to care as he leans back into you, his back pressed to your front as he rests most of his weight onto you.
“What are you doing over here all alone?” You wonder, peaking at him over his shoulder.
His cheeks are flushed, and you know it’s not because of the sun when he drops his head as if he’s trying to hide from you.
“Go on, tell me” you encourage, pressing your lips to his shoulder to coax the answer from him, wondering what’s gotten him so shy all of a sudden.
“Just wanted some time alone with you, and I know it sounds bad but I knew that sneaking away would be the only way I’d get it”
He wants time alone with you and he knew you’d come looking for him.
The usual butterflies that you get around him are released from their cage as his words sink in, your own cheeks now heating up as you rest one against his shoulder blade, feeling the need to be even closer.
“All you had to do was ask me to come with you, bubs. I’m sure no one would mind”
“I know, but I didn’t want to pull you away from your bracelet making. It looked like pretty intense stuff” He laughs, remembering back to an hour ago when Summer was giving you strict instructions on how to make your bracelets and telling you what beads to use.
“Well, I’m here now.” You sit up a little straighter, hands moving to his shoulders and massaging into skin. He tilts his head, placing a kiss to the back of your hand in acknowledgment before allowing himself to relax into you again.
You sit in a comfortable silence for a while, enjoying the view and each others company as you continue your touches, running your hands up and over his shoulder blades, down his back, and over every other inch of his skin that you can reach. Your lips follow their path and you revel in the soft hums that leave his lips every so often, his relaxed sighs letting you know that he’s enjoying himself so you can’t find it in you to stop.
His hands rest against your legs that are still wrapped around his waist, sitting just below your knees and tracing patterns into your skin until he decides that he wants you even closer.
“C’mere” he mumbles, patting the decking beside him and you shuffle around so that you’re sat at his side, legs now dangling into the water next to his and his arm wraps around you, holding you to him.
His other hand lands on your thigh as you lean into him and rest your head against his shoulder, his once innocent touches now growing a little more risky and you can feel his mood shift as they become more deliberate. His expression remains innocent, but the gentle circles he was once tracing become firmer as he creeps his way higher up, getting dangerously close to the hem on your bikini bottoms and you struggle to ignore the wave of heat that rushes to your centre as he tickles along the inside of your thigh.
“Mason” you warn, though you don’t put up much of a fight as his hand moves and instead finds its way up to your waist, tugging you closer towards him until your legs are thrown over his and your body suddenly craves for more.
“They can’t see us down here, Y/N. We’re hidden” he mumbles, and you feel the sensible part of your brain slowly giving into him as he checks once more for any hesitation, connecting his lips to yours when he doesn’t find any.
He keeps one hand against your waist, tightening his grip and digging his fingertips into your skin as his other finds its way to the back of your head, tangling his fingers into your hair and tilting your head slightly to give himself more control over the kiss. He tugs gently on your locks, your quiet gasp allowing him to slip his tongue between your lips.
You moan into his mouth, tasting the fruity cocktail that he’s been drinking on his tongue and feeling intoxicated as he steals every last breath from your lungs. You suddenly can’t get any closer to him, your hands everywhere as you scoot further into his lap and wrap your arms around his shoulders, digging your fingers into the firm muscles and lightly scratching your nails over his skin.
A deep sigh slips between his lips at the feeling of your hands against him, separating his lips from yours so that you can take a breath but your touch only encourages him to continue.
His hand drifts down your side, fingertips teasing over your hip and fiddling with the bows that hold your bikini bottoms together, threatening to dip under the fabric as he trails his kisses down your neck and to your shoulder, his beard scratching against your delicate skin and causing goosebumps to follow in his path.
“Mase,” you breath, getting lost in the feeling of his lips against your skin as he scatters a line of kisses alongside the strap of your top, but you’re quickly brought back to reality at the sound of giggling coming from the deck above you.
The realisation that one of his family members could come and find you at any given moment snaps you out of your Mason induced daze, and you rush to move away from him but don’t get far as he tightens his hold on your hip, not letting you go anywhere. You glance around, relieved to find that no one has followed you to this area of the boat yet, but that’s not to say that someone won’t eventually come looking for you.
“We shouldn’t” You tell Mason, bringing a hand to the back of his neck and gently trying to pry him away from you, but he doesn’t go down without a fight, groaning in protest and placing a few more kisses to your skin before eventually giving in and sitting back to look at you.
“This sucks” he pouts, resembling a child that just had their favourite toy taken away from them as he leans back against the decking, making sure to not break any physical contact as he moves his hand to instead rest against your thigh again.
You understand why he’s frustrated. The last few days that you’ve been away haven’t necessarily been easy, having to watch each other walk around in minimal clothing all day, and not being able to spend any alone time together besides the quick shower fuck yesterday morning, which definitely scratched the itch but has only left you both craving more.
“I know, Masey. But just think about next week” You hold his gaze, watching as he instantly perks up at the mention of your next trip together.
As much as you’re loving your time away with his family, you can’t help but look forward to your next getaway. After arriving back home from Mykonos in a few days time, you’ll be in Manchester for not even 48 hours before jetting back off to Portugal for another week in the sun. But you’ll be alone that time, a week of each others undisturbed company before you’re both thrown back into busy work and training schedules. And it’s safe to say that it can’t come soon enough, the both of you in desperate need of some long anticipated time alone.
“Can’t fucking wait” Leaning forward, he presses his lips to yours once, twice, and a third time just for good measure.
“C’mon” he mumbles, standing up and reaching out to take your hand, tricking you into thinking that you’re just heading back to the top deck to join his family again but you’re caught of guard when he suddenly pulls you into the water with him.
The water is a refreshing surprise as it surrounds you and you can only laugh as your head pokes back up above the surface, one of your hands still securely held by Mason’s but you’re sure to use the other to splash him as he resurfaces next to you. Your sudden playful mood attracts the attention of his nieces and nephew, all of them coming around to your side of the boat and jumping in to join you, the rest of his family following soon after.
You spend the last few hours of the afternoon making the most of your remaining time on the boat, soaking up the sun and enjoying your time with his family, all while looking forward everything that awaits you in Portugal.
a/n: thank you so much for reading! feedback is appreciated as always 💖
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megumishotgf · 11 months
more jjk + mha fic recs !! ˖ ࣪࿐ྂ
in my unemployed era so i have hours to scroll on this damn app... here are more fics that i loved!! featuring: megumi, satoru, nanami, toji, yuuji, yuuta, katsuki, izuku, shouto (whew there's a lot of them today. your girl has been READING) credits to all these talented writers!! pls check them out!! masterlist more fic recs pt. i pt. iii
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: ̗̀➛ megumi fushiguro x reader
you and gumi bond over books (he reads a book you're interested in just so you have someone to discuss it with. bawling)
multiple-part enemies to lovers smau!! (this is SO FUNNY. i cried from laughter more than once)
more enemies to lovers (lengthier fic, so so good + smutty)
you give megumi valentines day chocolates (so so cute he just loves u so much)
secret relationship trope + poor yuuji walks in on you making out (poor baby is traumatised)
more secret relationship + getting caught (i love this one so much)
your silly tired bf just wants kisses
it's late, you're wandering in your ducky slippers and see megumi patching himself up
megumi falls in love with milf! reader (omfg... i love this sm. i've never considered being a cougar until now)
friends to lovers with megumi (high school a.u + gumi buys reader sanrio)
thinking about megumi's hands (i js know they are pretty. thinking of all the unspeakable things they can do)
comforting insecure megumi (my poor baby. a lil angst but dw there's a happy ending)
: ̗̀➛ kento nanami x reader
kento comes home early (so cute and precious. im crying i need him to be real so bad)
he gets hurt bad and you can't stop crying (angsty but also fluffy don't worry this doesn't end like shibuya)
: ̗̀➛ toji fushiguro x reader
riding toji until he whimpers omfg (he gets embarrassed and teaches you a lesson ahhh)
your fiancee toji finally gets freed from prison (they finally freed my man anyway you suck him off while he drives omfg)
sex as payback for your noisy ass neighbours (im losing it)
really cute dating headcanons
more on toji being a simp for you (HES SOOO)
: ̗̀➛ satoru gojo x reader
"my girl is mad at me i hope i die" that's it
y/n + satoru being stupidly in love (now this one has a kick to it.i'm crying)
satoru is obsessed with you but you're oblivious (pining satoru)
boyfriend texts w/ satoru
fucking satoru in the prison realm (AHHHH)
satoru begs to fuck you at some high profile event (u js look so cunty in that outfit and it drives him crazy)
car sex with satoru AHHH
satoru lets u try on his blindfold (hes such so :( so so adorable)
you get hurt and satoru is worried (wow this is so well written. happy ending + gojo centric)
: ̗̀➛ yuuji itadori x reader
fucking ur friend yuuji in a club bathroom (this is so so good)
"if we had a baby would it be mine or sukuna's" (this is hilarious)
yuuji comforts his gf who's not his 'usual type' (its me im the short gf with a big chest) (i’ve been coming back to reread this daily)
: ̗̀➛ yuuta okkotsu x reader
blowing ur big dick bf yuuta (canon)
really really romantic sex w/ yuuta (straight up making love)
: ̗̀➛ katsuki bakugo x reader
domestic headcanons (i love them and i love him. help)
more cute relationship headcanons
katsuki is obsessed with gossiping and eavesdropping when you and your friends spill the tea (this is so funny i love it sm)
dragging katsuki to the club bathroom because u love him (this is so wholesome im crying)
kiri notices how whipped katsuki is for you
guard dog katsuki is jealous
: ̗̀➛ izuku midoriya x reader
mating press with izuku (this actually drives me crazy. written so well and in character)
izuku is just so fucking precious (i can't take it anymore)
: ̗̀➛ shouto todoroki x reader
shouto gets halved by a quirk but not like gojo, there's js two of him (there is one obvious thing to do now)
dr. todoroki promises to breed you properly (i'm convulsing)
you're insecure after giving birth and shouto comforts you (with loving words and his dick)
resolving an argument w/ ur bf shouto (so cute!!)
eating u out in the kitchen (omfg)
there is an overwhelming amount of smut i'm sorry this is kind of embarrassing i'm just super horny lmao
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thinking about homelander and tracking his s/o’s cycle… 18+
definitely don’t think he’d have an app or anything like his partner would, he’d just know. he’d know exactly when your emotions are high, the moment the bleeding begins– and he’d definitely know when you were ovulating.
in fact i think knowing your ovulation window is one of the things he’s the most knowledgeable about. he dreams about fucking you every single night that you’re in that time period, and you’d be stupid to think you were getting away with getting pumped full of his cum just once in a day.
you see, homelander’s biggest desire– after reforming america to his image, that is– is seeing your belly swollen with his offspring. if there’s anything that could excite him more than the reflection of himself in the mirror, it would be the physical embodiment of himself in your arms.
so when you’re home one night, windows open and fans blaring, your sticky body sprawled out on the bed wearing practically nothing trying to escape the heat, you weren’t surprised when your lovers footsteps were faster and more eager to get to you than normal.
he could see you from a mile away in just a small tank top and panties– could smell the sweat on your body, the heat between your legs especially. his silhouette stood in the doorway, wind from the outside messing up his hair from the day. he looked animalistic with his lips thinned down into a frown and his eyes slightly crimson.
the two of you exchanged no words, only sounds. sounds of skin colliding, the bed creaking underneath his weight, and homelander finding his head between your thighs before you could blink. he relished in the way your cunt was already sopping for him before you even saw him, as if your body knew he was coming.
your head fell back against the headboard with a small thud, but all you could worry about was how sensitive your clit was versus how it normally is, and how when his gloved fingers slipped inside you thought you were going to cum right then and there.
and honestly, you would, and you did. usually he’d force you to beg to even become deserving of such a reward, but tonight all he craved was forming you into his perfect image of a mother. he felt your walls clamp tightly around his fingers, and he thought right then and there you were the woman he was destined to be with.
when he came back up your lips collided feverishly, teeth almost clanging together with how eager the two of you were. the heat had ramped up, but all you could complain about now was the clothes separating the two of you from being skin to skin.
the fat tip of his cock rubbed teasingly against your clit, “could smell her aching for me from the elevator, fuck..” you knew he couldn’t tease you for much longer, it only took a moment for him to push past your opening and stretch you apart. your cunt had become accustomed to the burn that accompanied him, but instead of pain it always brought you pleasure.
“i– fuck– i’ve been in this fucking apartment all day just needing you, craving you.” you whined, hands reaching out to grab at his hair. homelander said nothing, instead laughing in response, because he’d be a fool if he didn’t already know.
“i know baby, i can tell by the way your pussy is gripping me, shit, it’s like you haven’t been fucked in weeks,” he grabbed your jaw, forcing you to make eye contact with him, “but we both know i’d never let you go that long without getting fucked like the whore you are.”
your walls clamped around him at his words of degradation, your fists tightening in his scalp. he laughed at your reaction again because he just knew this would happen, he’d been waiting for it for days.
“you want me to cum inside this pretty little pussy? huh?” his grip on your jaw is steadfast, his speed in which he thrusted into you only increasing as he got closer to his release.
“yes, please homelander,” he loved when you used his supe name during rough sex, “need you to cum inside..”
his breath hitched at your own admittance, thrusts slowing for a moment before catching their original speed again. “if you want it so bad, cum then. cum on my dick like i know you fucking want to, you little slut.” his tone was harsh and demanding, and you felt your stomach warm with some kind of sick butterflies.
your thighs began to shake underneath him, and with a couple more thrusts you gave in to the white light begging to shroud your vision. your walls clenched and signaled your orgasm, thought it was quite obvious from the gush of fluid that coated his pelvis.
homelander came right then and there, finally allowing the load he'd been holding in to coat your insides, fulfilling the silent promise that he'd get you pregnant.
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multi-fxndom446 · 11 months
Through your phone
Johnny ‘Soap’ Mactavish x Reader
Summary: johnny 100% is the type to let his s/o go through his phone whenever they wanted.
Warning: angst at the beginning, cheating not from soap or reader, hurt/comfort, fluffy ending.
Word count: 2.4K
Just something short and sweet. I’ve been really into call of duty recently and I think Soap deserves more love that’s all. Kyle too so expect stuff for him. Horrible attempt at writing for someone who has a Scottish accent
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It first started slow. Practically unnoticeable.
Your boyfriend would still wake up, still give you a kiss on the head when he woke up, still eat whatever small breakfast you prepared for him and still would tell you he loves you as he rushed out the door.
But he stopped kissing you goodbye.
You didn’t think anything of it at first because he still kissed your head when he woke up and the kiss goodbye seemed so insignificant in the grand scheme of things because he loved you.
Then he stopped kissing your head in the morning and was on his phone more often.
Again you thought it was strange but not enough to have you questioning his love for you. Maybe he was just stressed out? You hoped that was the reason.
But then he started setting his phone face down anytime you got near him. He was getting distant but still had date nights with you, still cuddled with you..until he didn’t.
One night after a day of practically not saying anything to each other at all, he went to bed and turned his back to you. You watched from your side of the bed as his phone lit up a few more times before dying out yet you still couldn’t bring yourself to look through it. Even if your entire body was begging you too.
Then the days would pass where he was out the door before you even woke up or if you woke up at the same time he’d be tying his shoes already with a quick, “I’ll be working late tonight.” As the door shut behind him, leaving you feeling suddenly cold in the place you once called home.
He grew cold and distant, there always seemed to be a space between the two of you wherever you went all the while he was on his stupid phone for “work related” issues.
On those nights he was gone for hours on end you would be talking with Johnny on the phone while you cleaned the apartment that seemed darker and darker every day. Johnny had begged you on multiple occasions to leave him, that you deserved better but you dismissed him because he loved you…right?
That night when for the upteenth time of him returning home at an ungodly hour just to crash into bed, faced away from you. This time though he seemed intoxicated and he fell asleep before he could even change and that’s when you noticed the girly perfume coming from his clothes.
Your stomach churned as you sat there staring at the man you once thought you loved and after a moment you leaned over quietly and took his phone before hurrying to the bathroom and locking the door.
When you sat on the edge of the bath you noticed he changed his lock screen from a picture of the two of you to some random Lock Screen. It made you pause to take a deep breath to try and control the tears threatening to spill.
Finally, you unlocked his phone. You were surprised it was still the same. As you looked through his apps you weren’t even sure where to start when someone labeled at ‘work’ texted.
“Had fun tonight😘 same time tomorrow?”
You honestly couldn’t even say that your heart was broken. You prepared yourself for this for way too long, endured his distance for far too long. You couldn’t feel heartbroken. You just felt numb.
Even when you went through the hundreds of text messages between him and his so-called work. It wasn’t until you hit the end and saw the date of when they first started texting each other that you realized just how done you were with this relationship.
They started texting a day after your 3 year anniversary. Everything was gone, all the feelings, all the promises..gone.
You walked back into your shared bedroom to where he was still faced away from you completely oblivious to your findings but you also had a feeling he wouldn’t feel too sorry about it.
How could he sleep so peacefully knowing he was willingly destroying your relationship this entire time.
You watched him while you picked up your phone. You brought it to your ear as it rang softly. “Hello?” You felt the sudden heartbreak hit you as Johnny's Scottish voice came through. “Lass?”
“Johnny.” You whispered and you could hear rustling on his end like he was getting out of bed. “Can you pick me up?”
That whole situation was what was playing through your head as you sat on the barstool in yours and johnnys shared apartment while you watched his phone light up every few minutes next to you.
Johnny was running around the kitchen preparing a dinner he had begged you to let him make when he finally took notice of his phone blowing up. “Can you check my phone fer’ me?” Your eyes shot up towards him but his back was turned towards you.
You felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest. You didn’t want to be heartbroken again not after you got over that stupid ex boyfriend. Hell it took you almost a year later for you to give Johnny a chance, you loved him you did but the wounds were still deep.
You knew he would never cheat on you. You knew it the moment he came to get you in the middle of the night, not trying to be quiet at all as he helped you pack as much as you could and loaded it into his car. You knew he wouldn’t the moment he had brought Ghost with him to take you back to said apartment for the rest of your things the next morning and they stood by like two brooding bodyguards while your ex tried to beg for you to listen, which surprised you.
You knew he wouldn’t cheat on you when he waited patiently for you to be ready to go out with someone again.
So why was your heart in your throat?
You grabbed his phone softly, his phone lighting up again and you were greeted with your two smiling faces and an onslaught of texts from his group chat with Kyle and Simon, whom after a year and a half of dating Johnny you finally just started to call them by their real names.
“Anythin’ important?” He asked after a moment of silence. His back was still turned to you.
“It looks like it’s from Kyle and Simon.” He hummed in response before asking you to read through to see what they needed. “Apparently your captain is planning to make you all do drills when he sees you next.”
At this Johnny turned quickly, a look of disbelief on his face while he held a spoon in one hand. You almost wanted to laugh, he looked like a real housewife with the apron and all. “No bloody way. For what?!”
“Ah,” you looked back at his phone hesitating for a moment before you started scrolling further up. “Something about a prank that was pulled and now he can’t find his cigars. Simon said ‘soap fix this’”
You looked up at Johnny again to see him visibly wince. “I thought he woulda found them by now! Bloody hell, can you text back and say I’ll figure it out?”
“You want me to text them back?” He nodded like it was the simplest thing he’s asked you to do and turned back to the stove. “Are you sure?”
“Yer just replying to them before they come murder me, no pressure.” He laughed before noticing your silence and you couldn’t see the way his smile fell a little bit when he realized why you were so tense. “I’m sure.”
After a moment He heard the click of his phone shutting off and being set on the counter before he asked you to do another thing. “Can you see if there’s anythin’ else I forgot to respond to?” In all honesty he really just wanted you to look through his phone, to show you you could still trust him and that he was head over heels for you.
“Uh, another group chat with Price included sent something. Can I check?” He hummed in response and you started scrolling through to see if there was anything important. You knew any mission details are on a completely separate phone that quite literally cannot be used for anything other than talking to his task force so you never felt inclined to even ask.
“Dinners almost ready, I’ll be right back just gotta change.” He told you before running to the bedroom while you scrolled.
Anytime your name got mentioned you felt your heart clench until you read them and it was just the boys asking how you were doing. It made you feel nice. Just knowing his friends cared about you.
You’ve only known them about the year and a half you and Johnny have been dating but you’ve heard of them on multiple occasions from when you first met Johnny almost seven years ago, a year before you started dating your ex.
You couldn’t help but smile at the goofy text messages they would send back and forth until you came across a few that had you frozen to your spot.
‘Have you asked her yet?’
‘Hop to it Johnny, I’m surprised you didn’t ask her long ago.’
‘Will you tell us what she says?’ That one was price and it was followed up by a quick “of course” from Johnny before they all texted him good luck.
That was about a week ago.
Almost as if sensing your silence, Johnny came out of the room quietly. He noticed the way your mouth was agape in shock while your eyes scanned the messages over and over. And it took him a moment to realize why.
“No! Ya weren’t supposed to see that part yet!” Johnny called exasperated as he ran to you, scaring the crap out of you as you dropped his phone like it was a hot potato. “Didja read everything?” He asked after a moment of stunned silence.
He sighed when you wouldn’t even answer him and walked over to a drawer in his kitchen where he pulled out a small velvet box. “I was gonna ask ya tonight.” He mumbled softly, opening the box to reveal the most gorgeous ring you’ve ever seen.
Upon seeing the shock on your face his blood suddenly ran cold. “I didn’t just spoil it myself did I?! You did get to that conversation right?!” He was frantic but you were still frozen to your spot. It wasn’t until he brought his hands to your cheeks that you realized you were crying. “Why’re you crying Bonnie? Is it something I said? Is it too soon?”
You just shook your head as tears fell harder. “Are you serious? You want to marry me?” His eyes softened instantly and he brought you into one of his famous hugs. “Are you sure?” You whispered
“Lass, I’ve been sure I was gonna marry ya when I met ya seven years ago.” He muttered and you almost wondered if he could feel your heart skip a beat. He pulled back after a moment and picked his phone up off the floor. “Let me show ya somethin’”
You watched as he typed in a few words in the search bar of his message app and pulled up messages he still had saved between him, simon and Kyle seven years ago.
‘I swear on my mother, I’m gonna marry this girl’
‘Johnny don’t you think that’s a little soon?’ Kyle had asked him but Johnny seemed to ignore him as he sent multiple pictures of rings next.
‘Which one do ya think she’d like?’
‘Couldn’t tell you we don’t know anything about the girl.’ Ghost replied.
‘You sorry lads are gonna regret this when I force ya both to be in my wedding when I marry the love of my life’
The other two just disliked the message and that was the end.
You looked up at him in shock. “For seven years?” You whispered and he nodded softly. “Even while I was-?”
“Especially when ya were with that prick. I wasn’t gonna leave ya hangin’ to spend the rest of yer days with ‘im.” He scoffed as if thinking back to those three long years where you were in someone else’s arms.
It made you cry harder. “You waited for me?”
“Of course I did.”
“He never let me look through his phone.” You sobbed out and Johnny brought you into another hug. You felt silly, like this was such a childish thing to cry over but it just plucked all the right heartstrings for you.
“You can look through everything on my phone. I waited this long to finally be able to call ya mine. Why in the bloody hell would I screw that up?” He held on tighter. “You can even check my Snapchat, Gaz says I might have something called a snap score? Whatever the hell that means.”
He let a relieved smile come out when he heard you laugh softly before he pulled away from you and held the box back up to you. “We found each other, you just took the scenic route and that’s okay ya can make up for it by sayin’ yes.”
His eyes held so much hope in them especially when a big smile finally broke out on your face and you nodded softly, uttering a quiet ‘yes’
He felt like he could cry, “yeah?” When you nodded again he grabbed the ring and softly put it onto your ring finger, kissing your knuckles right after. “I love you.” He said pulling you into a kiss.
“I love you too.” You replied when you pulled away before a teasing smirk crossed your face. “Now let’s see what that snap score is.”
He laughed loudly as he pulled up the app, “I only really talk to Gaz and my family on there.”
“Not ghost?”
“Christ no. I’m surprised the man even has a phone.” He joked while watching you click your way through to his snapscore.
“Barely 1,000?!” You barked out laughing and he was frantic as he took the phone back. Looking between you leaned over laughing and his phone.
“What does that mean?!” He asked frantically he almost thought it was a bad thing until he noticed the way you clutched your side from laughing so hard. “Is that low?”
“So low Johnny.” You finally calmed down as you hopped off the stool. You kissed his cheek as you passed him. “God I love you. Now let’s try this dinner!”
He looked between you and his phone again before muttering, “Steamin Jesus.” To himself.
Yeah, you loved him.
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highvern · 10 months
Teach Me III
gold star
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Pairing: Lee Dokyeom (Seokmin) x fem!reader
Genre: smut, humor, college au, frat!svt
Warnings: cream pie, unprotected sex, cowgirl, squirting, inexperience!dk, experienced!reader, mentions of drug use (weed) and alcohol , oral (f. receiving), cum swallowing, spitting, fingering, making out, strength kink bc he's hot, minor overstim at the end but he's just enthusiastic, fwb, DK is a munch pt 2
Length: ~4.1k
Note: finally done! I’ve been working so much and this has been like the boogie man lmao part 4 is outlined so it'll probably be another week or two? lemme know what y'all think!!
read more here
[Thursday 10:26AM]
Lee Sock-mint: Did you get your exam back yet 👀👀👀
You: yep
You: you?
Lee Sock-mint: Yep
You: what’d you get
Lee Sock-mint: What’d YOU get
You: i asked first
Lee Sock-mint: Well I asked second
Lee Sock-mint: I got an A tho
You: twinsies ♥️
Lee Sock-mint: HELL YEAHHHHHH 🔥🔥🔥🔥
That Night Approx. 8:27PM, Dokyeom’s bedroom
“Ohhh—-just like that!”
Obscene echoes of your sopping pussy fill the room as Dokyeom stuffs you with two long fingers, curling them upward searching for the spot he found a few days ago that had you crying. Bent between your spread legs, he’s praying at the altar of your body; tongue tracing along the inside of your thigh where it lays over his shoulder, biting a bruise into the delicate flesh. The hand not gloved in your cunt squeezes the plush flesh of your opposite leg, using the leverage to spread you out. A choked moan from your body bends your back as you attempt to suffocate him in your thighs.
In the few weeks you’ve been hooking up, Dokyeom has proven to be nothing less than a model student.
Even your first “tutoring session” had been incredibly fruitful. After you sucked out his soul through his dick, he spent an hour learning the ins and outs of your pussy. 
The next few times Dokyeom begged you to show him exactly what you liked; quickly acclimating to him staring at your folds while you touched yourself, making yourself come before giving him time to mimic and perfect his technique. Once he gained enough confidence to start experimenting on his own, his progress soared beyond your expectations.
Despite earning the right to brag, he didn’t; still sheepish around the entire arrangement. But even with his shy demeanor, you knew he was incredibly happy with himself due to the one piece of evidence he allowed to exist. On his phone, hidden in a secret locked notes app, Dokyeom recorded his best times like a leader board.
From fingers: 10.33 
From mouth: 7.57
From DK Jr. : 15.23 missionary, 11.57 doggy, 9.48 on top
The first time he showed you, you almost smothered him with his own pillow. The fact he was timing your hookups striking a cord in your gut that you couldn’t name; along with the knowledge that he refers to his dick as DK Jr.. But he managed to sooth your irritation with sheepish smiles and flattering praises.
Since then you’ve begun to find it endearing, especially when he shows you the other note that has all the things he wants to try with you. Positions, places, activities; tiny check markets dotting across the list they’re knocked out one by one. Your favorite so far was his desire to fuck you with other people nearby; fulfilled by Dokyeom pulling you into a cramped bathroom at another on one of his frat parties, flipping up your skirt and pushing aside your panties as he bent you over the sink to stretch you full of his cock. It was a testament of your will power to be quiet enough that no one from the party heard how good he gave it to you; aided by the same fingers currently in your cunt being shoved in your mouth to quiet your moans.
But tonight you’re pulling from your own perverted bucket list. As his reward for doing so well on the exam, you’re planning to let him fuck you raw; the vision of him spilling inside your cunt making you vibrate with excitement. 
Nothing like a little positive reinforcement for the both of you.
“Taste so good,” he mumbles against your folds, entranced by how you squeeze around his fingers.
Dokyeom doesn’t know what you have planned yet, simply agreeing to your request for a post-study session hookup; but, imagining the look on his face after he finds out makes you gush against his tongue.
“Need more,” you whine, nails raking against his scalp as your hips roll against his mouth.
His fingers pick up their tempo as his mouth latches to your nub. Unlike the first time, he gently sucks it between his lips, focusing on allowing the tip of his tongue to coax against the bundle nerves.
“Don’t stop,” you sob, flailing on the mattress. “please! Gonna cum—“
Eyes crossing at the scorching slide of Dokyeom’s tongue against your clit, his hand pushes deeper before spreading his fingers apart. He finally catches the spongy patch of flash he’s been searching for, curling the tips of his middle finger against it rapidly.
“Fuck— I’m gonna, I–” you choke words catching in your throat as you snap.
Dokyeom doesn’t stop, doesn’t alter a thing except for opening his eyes to watch you come alive above him. His absolute favorite part of your frequent hookups is watching you; the way can’t hide how much you like this; how much you like him doing this. 
Head dipped forward to your chest, eyes sealed shut, brow pinched tight, nose wrinkled, and jaw dropped in a long ‘O’ as you sing your pleasure. It’s permanently etched into the back of his eyelids since the first time he witnessed it but he never tires of watching it happen in real time. On the rare occasion he’s alone and you’re busy, it’s all he needs to think about to get himself off with record speed.
Dokyeom really really really loves making you come. 
And after the semester you’ve had, he revels in the fact he can take your mind off everything; if only for a little while. You work harder than anyone he knows, balancing academics, extracurriculars, a social life, and a million other things. The admiration he feels deep in his chest, suspiciously close to his heart, drives him to pamper you. 
And tonight, courtesy of your high marks, he plans to have you come till tears run down your face. 
When your tremors subside, he licks a fat strip up your slit, tongue flat and firm before focusing on your clit once again as he sinks a third finger into your cunt.
“Minnie please!” you beg, the breathless crack of your voice an empty plea he can’t find himself caring about.
A swat against the meat of your thigh is his only warning for you to hold still, “You can take one more.”
“Too much.” 
“Come on pretty girl, give me another. You deserve it.” Dokyeom replaces his mouth with his hand, fingers rubbing harshly at the raised nub as he pins you with a look. Your hips buck once again as he spits on his fingers curling into you, adding to the vulgar mess.
“I can’t!”
“Yes. You. Can.” each word punctuated with a drive of his fingers, coaxing more of your essence out of your leaking hole, coating his hand and dripping down his wrist to the sheets.
The gleam in Dokyeom’s eyes when he’s like this is unlike the usual persona he embodies. Demanding and expectant, because of course you’ll come for him again. Why wouldn’t you? He happily gives you exactly what you need to keep wallowing in mind numbing pleasure for as long as you like. Who are you to say no to such generosity?
“Oh fuck, fuck, I’m—”
Your hands nearly rip the bed spread underneath you, feet kicking out as your eyes squeeze tight against the fireworks erupting across the darkness. It's unlike any orgasm you’ve ever experienced. Stomach tightening, a thin sheen of sweat breaks along your exposed skin. Squeezing around the repeated press of his hand, a renewed gush of arousal coats his fingers. Everything is hotter. Wetter. 
The spray of liquid against mouth shocks him for a moment, but as Dokyeom realizes what he’s done he turns feral.
“Holy shit.” he whines, lapping up everything you’re giving him, tongue wild and desperate. His own hips rock into the bed, curling his cock against the friction of his boxer in search of relief. You're both soaked, your essence and his spit dripping from his chin to his chest as he drools into the mess. Dokyeom planned to give you a breather after you came again but now nothing exists outside of your wrecked pussy and the smear of your arousal coating his face.
Nose scrunched against the over stimulation, tears sting your eyes. Sobbing for him to give you a moment, a second, to collect your thoughts. You're floating, barely tethered to the bed where his digits curl. But Dokyeom doesn’t listen. Tongue splitting your folds, tracing around his fingers still plunged inside your pussy.
Tangling your hands in his hair, you give a firm tug to disconnect him from your worn cunt. Despite the shortcircuiting pleasure still flooding your veins, the vision of your fuck buddy, pink tongue licking his lips, chin dripping and eyes hooded, awakes a hunger deep in your soul.
“My turn.” you growl.
Pulling him up your body, you waste no time connecting your lips. The heady taste of yourself infiltrates your mouth as you pant into his mouth, but you don’t mind as you continue to tease, the erotic slide of muscle against muscle consuming your focus.
Without disconnecting your lips, you push him until his back meets the sheets; pinning him in place once his boxers are gone, settling over his thighs. Urgently collaring his stiff length in your hand, the rigid velvet sits hot and heavy, head flushed and damp. You skim the tip through your folds, collecting the combination of juices, his own pre-cum adding to the mix before spreading it down his shaft. You gasp into Dokyeom’s mouth when the puffy head grazes your clit, giving a firm squeeze before letting go. Allowing it to slap against his belly before planting yourself on top, grinding against the underside of his cock; the red tip visible at the top of your folds, pearly beads of his cum dripping onto his abdomen with each desperate lerch.
“Oh fuck—” he whimpers.
Propped on his elbows, all Dokyeom can do is watch the hand you’d been using to play with him move to your mouth, sucking your dripping fingers into your mouth, moaning at the taste. He pulls you by the back of your neck to his mouth, echoing your whimper as he tastes the erotic mix himself. Your hips continue to grind against him, tilting yourself forward to force the tip of his cock to snare against the ring of muscle at your entrance. Barely an inch enters you before Dokyeom curls his hips away, smacked in the face by the realization of what you’re about to do.
He looks at you with furrowed eyebrows, mouth parted around stuttered breaths. An expectant look greets him, hunger flashing like lightning in your eyes. Dokyeom swallows thickly, mouthwatering at the very real chance of seeing your cunt coated in his seed. Filled to the brim, leaking down your thighs.
The fantasy is short lived as a rush of fear zips down his spine. He’s about to fuck you raw. In his favorite position. After you squirted on his face. If he can last more than a few strokes it’ll be a miracle. 
Never able to hide his emotions, you catch the worry clouding his face, eclipsing the lust present seconds ago.
“You okay?” you breath, pausing to give him a reprieve.
“s fine.” He mumbles words under his breath.
You dodge his attempt at reconnecting your lips, refusing to let him distract you from whatever popped into his head. Shuffling back, you move further down his thighs and away from his crotch. You don’t understand the sudden shift in his demeanor but going any further seems like a mistake. 
Dokyeom’s shoulders meet the bed as his elbows give out. Staring at the tiles of the ceiling, he tries to find the right words to tell you what he’s thinking. Shame thickens his throat like wet sand, preventing him from speaking but you just wait above him patiently. The comforting sensation of your fingers gently tracing the back of his hand gives him focus.
Closing his eyes, Dokyeom steels himself with a breath.
“Just need a second.” He whispers.
“Okay,” you whisper back. 
Only the humming fan in the corner fills the silence between you. Dokyeom knows you’re watching him, cataloging every twitch of his lips and fully bellied breath. The skin of your thigh is soft under his palm, the warmth calming his nerves as he gently traces shapes into the dip above your knee with the pads of his fingers. The gentle press of your lips on his cheekbone startles him before your nose brushes against his own. 
“What’s going on up there?” You gently ask, one of your fingers brushing his temple.
Eyes fluttering open, he’s met with the endless depths of your as you lean back a few inches to meet his gaze. The fondness softening your face reminds him that of all people, you’re the last that would laugh at him about this. You’ve literally seen him at his lowest, yet look what came out of that? If there’s one person he can be honest with, it's you.
“Might come.” Dokyeom sighs, looking at you with nervous eyes.
You’re dumbfounded. Utterly, and truly shocked. He just made you come twice, and he’s anxious that getting some satisfaction himself will somehow disappoint you. You want to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation but you know your first hookup is still a sore subject for him. 
Ducking back down to leave a reassuring peck on his lips, you grin at him. 
“That’s okay. Take all the time you need.” Leaning back up you see the embarrassment still clouding his features, racking your brain for a way to cut the tension. “I’ll just keep myself occupied.”
Dokyeom’s eyes flash at your words, curious at their meaning. Pushing up on your knees, one of your hands moves back to the apex of your thighs. You don’t grab for his cock still nudging you; instead, you collect the sticky mess smeared between your legs, middle finger dipping inside just a hair before coming back to your clit. Teasing gentle circles around it, your breath grows uneven, hips stuttering forward in search of more.
Dokyeom is lost in a daze; licking his lips as you touch yourself, eyes glued to the digits swiping across your cunt. He’s still heavy and hard, the flared head of his cock glistening from its brief plunge in your depths. You can’t take your eyes off it, nearly drooling from desire to have him split you open.
“Fuck.” you whine, wishing the calloused pads of his fingers were working you instead. Ever since your little arrangement started, your fingers have become a distant second to his slender ones.
Your show isn’t helping stave the rising orgasm building in Dokyeom’s core. The exact opposite really, fanning the flame to a near inferno. The sight of you getting off, the sounds of your soaking cunt, the taste still on his tongue, the feel of you dripping on his muscular thighs. Even the smell of sex permeates through his tiny bedroom, clogging his nose like a musky perfume.
Fuck it. He thinks. If he blows his load before making you come again he’ll just have to make it up to you. How awful. 
Dokyeom’s hand brushes yours away, thumbing your clit as two fingers stretch to prod your entrance again. If he can work you up enough before he’s inside you he’ll at least have a fighting chance. 
“Wanna feel you inside me, Minnie.” You demand, using both hands to squeeze your breast. Dokyeom pants at the sight of your nipples peeking out between your fingers, bruised from his teeth.
Maybe you’re playing it up for his ego but you've truly never been so desperate. Greedy for pleasure even with the orgasms he’s already coaxed out of you, and on the horizon is the promise of a third. Being so close to getting railed the way you need but just out of reach is sending your mind into a tailspin. To make matters worse, Dokyeom seems just as eager to give it to you.
“Yeah? Want me to stuff you with my cum?”
“Yes! Need it.”
Shuffling back into Dokyeom’s lap, you sink down onto his cock in one motion, pushing the air from your lungs as he threatens to tear you in half. The burn from his girth races up your spine to add to the mind numbing sensations consuming you.
Tangling his arms behind you back, Dokyeom plants his feet on the bed to fuck up into you at a brutal pace. He’d never complain about fucking you with a condom but with out one? The silky stretch of your pussy, sweltering and soaked, is the closest to heaven Dokyeom’s ever been. Every squeeze around him pulls him in further, the head of his cock fitting snugly against your walls.
Your own hands find wobbly purchase beside his head, your chest aligns perfectly with his mouth to suck and lick against your breasts. Desperate pleas rushing to fill join the mess of noises rising from your bodies. 
Your essence coats his cock, dripping down his balls as the clap of skin echoes in the room. Each thrust forces another whimper from your throat, the vulgar thought of your cunt dripping with evidence of him racing you to another orgasm. 
“Gonna cum,” Dokyeom groans beneath you. The rasp of his voice sends your hips to meet him thrust for thrust.
“Please! Want it—” you bawl. “Want your cum.”
His head lulls back as you beg, fingers digging into the soft flesh of your sides to lock you in place. His thighs burn from exertion but he keeps going, the familiar twitch in his gut telling him to go deeper, harder. Something primal whispering in his brain to brand you with his seed, mark you as his. The way you clench around him adding to the call.
“Fuck, just like that.” You keen when he thumbs your worn clit. His other hand wraps in your hair, pulling to bare your neck for his mouth. 
You feel the twitch of his cock deep inside you, and he gives you a few more thrusts before painting your insides. The sharp sting of teeth ripping the wind out of your lungs, pulling you down with him.
Using his chest for leverage, you lean back and ride him through it, reveling in satisfying fullness. Dokyeom’s eyes fall to your tits, pressed alluringly between your arms and swaying with each bounce on his sputtering length.
Gasping in each other's arms, Dokyeom keeps curling into you till he’s spent. Cracking open his eyes to take in the bliss painting your face before sneaking a peak to where you’re connected. A ring of white coats his length where he enters you, trickling down to the smattering of curly hair at his base. His cock gives a pathetic twitch of interest but that's all it manages with how hard he just came.
Collapsing onto his chest, you nuzzle against his neck. “That was…” 
Great, wonderful, spectacular, best orgasm he’s ever had in his life. But no word seems to fit exactly how Dokyeom is feeling right now. When he finally can feel his body again, wraps his arms around you to keep you firmly planted against his chest, one hand moving to scratch your back soothingly. When you clench around him, Dokyeom realizes he’s still inside, softening length allowing a flood of cum to trickle out.
“Are you staying tonight?”
“Nah,” you roll off him to stretch, letting the satisfaction only a good fuck can bring settle in your muscles. “Gotta be up early.”
“I can walk you home.” He offers over his shoulder, shuffling to his closet to dress for the night.
“It’s only like nine, I’ll make it home just fine.”
“My mom would kill me if she found out I let you walk alone this late.”
Rolling to your stomach, you watch him pull on a hoodie. “Wow so it's not even you being considerate, just wanna hypothetically save your own skin.”
“I’d be worried too.”
“Fine, but at least put on some real pants.”
“What's wrong with my pants?”
The pointed look at the flannel Simpson pajama pants says it all.
In true Seokmin fashion, the next five minutes are spent huffing and puffing as he digs for a suitable pair of sweatpants to wear for the short walk to your dorm. You receive several pointed looks and a final “hmph!” as he finds a pair he deems worthy. At least he makes good use of his theater classes.
“Alright, let's go!”
The walk to your dorm zigzags through the busiest parts of campus, and as such despite the late hour, you and Doekyeom run into friend after friend. Most are headed off campus to take part in thirsty Thursdays at the bars just blocks away. A few scampering home from the library, surrendering to the exhaustion that comes post-midterms. 
Of course, Dokyeom’s roommate is in the mix.
“Hey! What are you guys doing out?” Soonyoung’s question is innocent but the way he yells it across the courtyard you're currently passing through snags the attention of a few other students.
“Just walking her home.”
“How sweet.” The older man coos. “By the way, what’d you get on the practical?”
“One hundred.”
“No shit!” Soonyoung high fives you. “So did Dokyeom. Wait…are you guys going to celebrate?”
The wiggle of Soonyoung’s eyebrows make him look like he’s having a stroke.
“We already did.” You smirk as Dokyeom gapes like a fish, red as a tomato. 
All you can do is shrug. It's crazy the same man next to you was drilling your guts less than an hour ago, but the proof is still pooled in your panties.
“Anyway! What are you doing out?” Dokyeom asks, eager for a subject change.
“Didn’t do too hot but the TA said I can get half credit back if I do test corrections.”
“Ahh. So it doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that the girl you have a crush on has a shift in the tutoring labs on Thursdays?”
“You told her?” Soonyoung turns on Dokyeom, eyes wide.
“You told me, idiot.” You cut in.
“Oh! Well maybe that's part of the reason but Minhyuk said he’ll only give me till Monday morning so it's a happy coincidence.”
“Well good luck!” You call, taking a step in the direction of the dorms.
Soonyoung calls you back before your foot hits the sidewalk. 
“Oh, by the way, are you coming to the cabin with us next week? We’re trying to figure out cars right now and need a headcount.”
“What cabin?”
“It's SBT’s mountain weekend!” He announces before turning to DK. “You didn’t tell her?”
“Ugh,” the still blushing man chokes.
“Well, this is awkward.” Soonyoung winces, slowly backing away.  “I’ll see you guys later.” 
Discomfort swirls around you and Dokyeom as you return to your original path. You’d spent enough time around frats to know they spent a weekend at some old cabin deep in the mountains each fall, drinking and smoking in excess. Traditionally, its invite only, a plus one for each fraternity brother. An upperclassman in MX, Jooheon, had brought you to his own your freshman year. The shiny allure of spending a weekend with a hot guy quickly dulled by the reality of fifty plus people cramming into a shoddy building to fuck and get drunk wasn’t as fun as it sounded on paper. To this day, you still can’t get the horrible wails of the girl Minhyuk had brought. It's why Soonyoung and DK attend the lecture he TA’d at a normal hour and you braved the horrors of an eight AM.
It shouldn’t matter that Dokyeom hadn’t asked you, or how he didn’t even bother to mention it in passing. The relationship between you is nothing more than two acquaintances who hook up. Frequently. At its core, you’re his friend who occasionally tutors him in anatomy. Why would he ask you to stay with him for a weekend? Why would you be upset if he didn’t?
And yet…
“I completely forgot it was even happening.” Dokyeom shares quietly.
“It’s really fine!”
“I mean if you wanted, you could come with?”
“Already have plans. Sorry.”
“Oh, that’s cool.” 
Fortunately the awkward conversation is cut short as you approach the lobby of your dorm. You’ve never been happier to see the tacky green walls beyond the glass door lined with old campus flyers. 
“Thanks for walking with me.”
Dokyeom looks like he wants to say more but before he can speak you’re turning around and marching inside. You don’t catch the way he stares at your retreating figure, only leaving the way he came once you're firmly out of sight.
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angelkissiies · 2 years
pancakes for dinner
abby anderson x reader
cw : love confessions , anxiety , hockey!abby , girly!reader (glitter n pink fan) , modern!au
a / n : i never meant for this to be so long but i adore a love confession n hockey!abby ,, anyways ! enjoy ! also if you see grammatical issues SQUINT i didnt proofread this !!!
based off of emotions i get from THIS song ,, and some ugly dude being mean to abs on twitter ..
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You stared down at the blank sheets of paper, fluffy fountain pen twirling in between your fingers as you let your playlist restart. You had so much to say, that you almost didn’t couldn’t find a way to say it, the itching anxiety pulling at your heart as you glanced at the clock. ‘7:38 PM’. Her flight was landing in a couple hours, you internally kicked yourself for waiting so long, but finally made the first move to start writing. 
‘Bee, Abby, 
This seems extremely silly right now and I kinda want to throw up at the idea of you actually seeing this’ 
You let out a sigh, striking out the line before continuing. 
‘I need you to know some things, some things I've been meaning to tell you for, well, forever. We’ve been friends for as long as I can remember and as much as I don't want to risk losing that, I can’t not tell you. I’ve been very clear about my sexuality and you’ve been so supportive of me– but I can't let you set me up with any more of your hockey friends (you’re probably wondering why this is soo important but just keep reading.)
Don’t get me wrong, Nora was a lovely date– opened the car door for me and everything, but it just wasn’t right. I know you and as you’re reading this you’re probably shaking your head and muttering something about ‘you just didn’t give her a chance,’ but just stay with me here. 
I have gone on dates and I have tried all the dating apps, I’ve even had my fair share of hookups–
but Abby, I can’t stop thinking about you. 
From the day I met you, I think I've always known. You have been all I've wanted and I really understood that this year, I mean seeing you hooking up with all of those girls made me jealous– as stupid as it sounds, and no, It wasn’t because they were prettier than me or something, but it was because they had you.’ 
Your stomach churned as you halted, taking an unsteady breath, your finger moving to skip the song that had come on– ‘Heather’ by Conan Gray being in bad taste for the moment. You had the urge to rip the paper apart, hiding all evidence of the confession of your love, and nestle into your bunk bed– waiting for the inevitable knock on your door when she arrived back, begging to chat about her travels. Though, you remained still– chewing on the flesh of your lip before forcing yourself to continue. 
‘I’m saying this now because I fear, if not now then never. Your absence gave me a chance to figure out my feelings about you without worrying about you accidentally finding out. I needed to overcome my fear of losing you and came to realize that I can't, so writing this all out is seriously freaking me out. ‘ 
A ringing from your phone made you jump, the music pausing briefly as you checked the caller ID, the air caught in your lungs as you realized who it was. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.” You chanted, staring at the little picture of her that accompanied the tense ringing in the now quiet room. ‘Shit!” You huffed, at last, letting your finger swipe across the screen to accept before placing her on speaker. 
“Hey!” Her groggy voice rang out, accompanied by the loud bustle of what sounded like a crowd. “Did I wake you up or something?” 
You let out a small, confused noise before answering– hand shaking slightly. “No, no. Just doing some work. What about you, you sound like shit.” You teased, taking a deep breath to gain your composure. The last thing you needed was to queue her on to anything, letting her remain clueless for as long as you possibly could. 
Abby snorted, rolling her eyes as she pulled her heavy suitcase behind her through the crowds of people. “No, just tired, they managed to get us on an earlier plane at the last minute– I had planned to sleep all day before the flight but surprise, surprise.” She hummed, watching as her team slowly began to disappear out of the double doors. “Anyways, because I'm getting back so early, I wanted to see if you’d be up for a movie tonight.” 
You felt time slow down, eyes shooting to the unfinished letter on your desk, you could barely find it in yourself to respond– feeling borderline dizzy at the rapid thumping of your heart, “Y-yeah, that sounds great. What are we watching?” She wasn’t supposed to be back for hours, and now you're getting told that she was already here? That you had to finish your declaration of love, now?! 
“I was thinking we could see that new avatar movie, what was it called?” 
“Way of water.” You spoke quietly, putting your pen down so hard on the sheet of paper– you were almost sure it was gonna rip. “That sounds great, when will you be here? I need to get ready.” Your pen began scribbling down the rest of your thoughts, handwriting less neat than it had been before. You didn’t know if you cared though, the thought of being caught in the middle of doing this was more mortifying than being articulate. 
“Say..” Abby trailed off, pulling up her hoodie sleeve to peer at her watch. 8:20 PM. “Does 8:45 sound good? Airports not far from campus.” 
You could’ve choked, forcing yourself to nod– even though she couldn’t see you. “Yeah, perfect. I’ll meet you downstairs, I’m sure you wanna change.” 
“Finally, a girl who gets me.” She joked, pushing the double doors open, and glancing around for the team bus. A chill rolled down her spine as she pushed the varsity jacket closed, blocking any more chill. “I've gotta go, I'm getting on the bus– but I’ll see you soon.” 
“See you soon!” 
You practically threw the pen down, doing a quick once over of the letter before folding it neatly– placing it inside its designated pink envelope. Your heart was racing, making you sweat slightly, as you slid out from your chair. You’d planned this all out so perfectly, yet, here you were– sliding on your crocs as you exited your dorm in an attempt to make this confession as seamless as possible. You were terrified of the possibility of her saying she didn’t feel the same, terrified that she wouldn't want to be friends anymore, terrified that she was still in love with her ex. Just terrified. 
The hallway passed in flashes, your mind too preoccupied to take in anything else as you speed walked to her door. It was as it usually was, empty, with the exception that her roommate had drawn a little moth in the corner of the whiteboard next to the number indicator. She was a neat girl, Ellie, but it always confused you at how they’d come to be assigned together– seeing as Abby was majoring in sports medicine and Ellie in physics. You shook the thoughts away, practically beating down the door with how hard you knocked. 
A few moments passed and you heard the soft pattering of feet on the carpet before the door swung open, a very disgruntled girl standing before you. “Dude, I literally have an exam tomorrow, what do you want?” She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. From all the times she'd met you, she was used to the intrusion– almost finding it funny how often you came by. “Abby isn’t here.” 
You nodded, pushing the envelope forward, watching as she looked at it and then back at you. “Can you put this on her bed? Just leave it there, that's all.” You gushed, glancing at the digital clock on her desk before dropping it into her now outstretched hand. 8:33 PM. “I have to go, so just please make sure she gets it okay?” Your feet were already moving, taking large backward steps into the hall before turning on your heel– leaving a slightly confused, slightly curious Ellie peering down the hall as you disappeared around the corner. 
The door to your dorm was still slightly ajar, making it easier for you to slip back in and begin changing out of your – what you’d begun to call – lesbian pajamas. The reason was that they had little hearts in varying shades of pink and orange dotting the fabric. By the time you’d had a chance to even pull on your shoes, It was already pushing 8:40PM– meaning that any second Abby would be passing your dorm to go change and you’d be practically bouncing off the walls with pent-up anxiety. 
Abby trudged up the stairwell, making a mental note to email the maintenance guys about the elevator, her suitcase hovering just above to not smack against the concrete. She tossed her braid over her shoulder, using her free hand to push the metal door open, stepping out into the warmth of the hallway. A soft sigh left her mouth as she paused, eyes fluttering to the door that bore your name in glitter peel-and-stick letters, a small smile pulling at her chapped lips– internally debating on stopping to talk to you, but coming to the conclusion that she’d just come back in a couple minutes. It always popped into her mind, upon thinking about you, she practically had to drag herself away from you to get anything done. 
As she passed by your door, she heard soft music– particularly a song she’d heard many, many times before. It made her heart skip slightly, upon the realization that you’d actually started listening to the songs she recommended, that being more than a small victory in her books. She glanced up at your whiteboard, it being pretty empty besides the few hearts you’d forgotten to erase from valentines day, before uncapping a marker to leave a tiny drawing of two girl stick figures in the mass of hearts. 
You were lying face down on your pillows, biting back the screams that tempted your lips as you waited for the alarm on your phone to sound– the idea of seeing Abby making your stomach twist into uncomfortable knots. The words of ‘Pancakes for Dinner’ by Lizzy Mcalpine permeated your thoughts, making you sigh aloud, she made it seem so easy. Too easy. You just wanted to say all of what you were feeling to her, see her face when she realized, and know instantly whether or not your friendship was over. The waiting made it all so much worse. You sat up, lifting your phone just as the annoying beeping started, making you groan. 
The music stopped as you swiped off of the app, pulling yourself up to sit on the edge of your bed– sliding your crocs over the pink fluffy socks you’d slipped on in spite of the dropping temperatures. “You can do this. You can definitely do this.” You whispered, coming to stand before grabbing the dorm keys from your bedside table. You couldn’t back out now, though you desperately wanted to, shuffling out of your room and into the hallway– already missing the comfort of your room. 
Ellie had greeted Abby at the door, the realization of the letter finally clicking in her head, an annoying smug grin on her lips. It was beyond confusing for the blonde, giving her an odd look as she let her suitcase fall on the floor in front of her bed. “What is wrong with you?” She finally asked, digging through her drawer, feeling the auburns eyes burning a hole into the back of her head. “You’re being weird, er, weirder than usual.” 
“Nothing, nothing. You have, uh, mail.” She coughed, covering a small chuckle, turning back to her computer as she sat down– keeping an eye on the pink envelope sitting perfectly on the dark surface of her bedspread. 
Abby knitted her brows together, following the girl's gaze to an envelope she automatically recognized as yours. How did she know? Well, you were the only girl on campus who used pink envelopes and she didn’t think that another could have manifested in the short time she was away. She instantly lost all interest in what she was doing, practically tripping over her bags to get to it. “Did she say what it was about?” She asked, turning the little thing in her hands, noticing the little star sticker you’d used to seal the envelope. 
Ellie shook her head, putting her hands up as if to say ‘i dunno’ before looking back down to her work– leaving Abby to tear open the pink paper hastily. 
You sat outside on the bench, tapping the toes of your shoe onto the pavement as you waited, jumping at every noise of the door– hoping, praying, that she even came. It had been so long since you’d felt this kind of scared, less schoolgirl more double homicide, as you pondered what could possibly come of this. The best case scenario being she felt the same way, and the worst case scenario was that she hated your guts and went around telling everyone that you were just some weird girl with a crush on her– that wasn’t likely though, seeing as that wasn't Abby. She’d never be so harsh. The reality was that she’d let you down easy, slowly but surely ghosting you in the process. You didn’t know what scared you more, good or bad news. 
The loud squeaking of the hinges drove you from your thoughts, making you glance behind you, a strained breath catching in your throat as you saw her– glancing around before she saw you. “Abby, hey,--” You began, standing to meet her in the middle, hands wringing nervously behind you. 
The blonde didn’t speak, her hands coming up to cup your cheeks, dipping down to press a needy kiss to your lips. Nothing had ever been so important, the letter being more than enough to send her practically flying out of her dorm to find you, she’d been waiting for the day she’d come to admit her feelings out loud– though as she felt you melt into her, hands now bunched in her jacket, she knew words were unnecessary. You’d been what she wanted this entire time, all the girls and the parties and the one-night stands being in spite of her budding feelings. She’d been trying to get you off her mind, protecting the friendship that meant more than anything to her. Your words flashed through her mind, making her smile slightly against your lips. 
You pulled away, taking a much-needed gulp of air, before looking up at the burly woman. The light was blocked out by her head, making a kind of halo around her. She looked beautiful, she always looked beautiful, but this was different. “Abby..” You breathed, eyes meeting her own. “Are you–?” 
Abby nodded, using her thumbs to caress the blushed flesh of your cheeks. “I am.” 
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lemons4u · 11 months
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒┊i’ve left you guys w nothing for so long 💔 so take this small series (multiple chapters) as a apology, hopefully you guys will forgive meeee— AND i’d like to add the kazuha smut isn’t gonna come out till the end of november or thee begging of december, anddd expect a albedo smau ❤️
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒┊fluff, suggestive (ofc, it’s written by pri, what else do u expect?), fem! reader, modern au, somewhat ooc alhaitham not rly though, AND CUTIE PATOOTIE READER… w a little attitude
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“ come on alhaitham! it can’t hurt to try dating someone… ” kaveh tried to reason with him— claiming that he’d been single long enough and needed a relationship. ( also he is very attractive, and has chicks swarming all around him… you’d think he’d make the effort to start something with one of them… but! guess not! )
“ kaveh, i said no. i’m in no need of a reltionship— plus all these.. girls. ” he hesitated— thinking of a proper way to describe them.
“ their annoying, and clearly don’t care much for their studies.. i need a partner who actually has a brain. ” alhaitham said sourly.
“ ugh… ” kaveh pouted, “ brains aren’t everything, you know? if i were you i would’ve got a girlfriend already!! ”
“ i hope one day these girls realize you’ve got no personality and are rude and— and well, you know!”
“then they’ll realize what a true man is… ” he grinned. “ aka, me. ”
“ brains aren’t everything? i disagree… a persons brain is—”
“ shush! i don’t need one of your lectures about how blah blah means blah blah. ” kaveh scoffed, frowning once more.
“ one day you’re going to end up dating a no brainer, just because their pretty. ” alhaitham murmured, closing his book and leaning his head back on his seat.
“ and you’re gonna end up dating no one. ” kaveh snapped back.
“ fine by me. ” alhaitham said stoically, but to be honest… he did want to love someone eventually, but he wouldn’t admit that to kaveh.
“ you know what? if you can’t find anyone you like here at our uni… why not get a dating app! there’s plenty of smart people on those! ” kaveh exclaimed excitedly, desperate to get his “lonely” roommate a partner.
“ and get catfished? no thank you. ” alhaitham declined quickly… but seriously, a dating app might be a good idea— maybe he could meet someone at his intellectual level.. not some dumbass like all the girls here.
“ not everyone on dating apps are catfishers, come on! please try one! and i’ll pay you a visit to the library…!! ” kaveh pleaded. “ you don’t even have to date… you can just make a friend! ”
friend….? well he certainly needed more of those— as well as new books.
“ a visit to the bookstore, not library, and you have a deal. ” alhaitham tilted his head up at kaveh.
“ ugh… fine. just don’t buy too many books! or else i’ll never be able to afford supplies for my project. ”
alhaitham hummed. “ alright, i’ll limit myself to… eh, three books. ”
from the most expensive section too…
“ three?! come on make it at least two… ” kaveh pouted. “ you always get the most expensive books, so two! ”
alhaitham sighed, “ fine, two books, and i’ll try that stupid dating app. ”
“ bet! ” kaveh gleamed, picking up alhaitham’s phone which made alhaitham jolt up a bit.
“ hey what are you— ” kaveh shushed him.
“ getting you the app, obviously!! ” kaveh chuckled, flashing the phone over to alhaitham’s face for face-id.
poor alhaitham couldn’t even snatch it back.
kaveh was typing away on alhaithams phone ( without alhaitham’s consent too! how rude! )
“ here! now you can set up your profile. ” kaveh handed alhaitham back the phone.
“ okay, okay. ” alhaitham muttered, sounding unhappy… but in reality he was a little bit excited.
“ kaveh. why do you even want me to date someone….? ”
“ because haitham, your 23 and haven’t even gotten a peck on the lips— and your like, i dunno, attractive? i have no idea i just wanna help you live a little… ”
alhaitham blinked at his friend a couple of times… live a little? he was already living his life the best he could.
well actually, that was debatable.
“ yeah, okay. ” alhaitham clicked on the profile… he needed a profile picture and bio..
“ use the photo from the festival! you know, the one with the glasses and you actually smiling! ” kaveh suggested.
“ that one…? okay. ” alhaitham scrolled through his gallery, which was mostly just photos of kaveh making faces, books, and some things he found appealing (aesthetic sunsets, and photos of trees and plants).
“ what about for my bio? ” alhaitham asked kaveh, who seemed to already be conducting something “good”.
“ say your name, age, mbti, zodiac, and major! and whatever else you think is important for your soulmate to know. ” kaveh nodded proudly.
“ soulmate? you make me laugh. there’s no such things as soulmates. ” alhaitham scoffed. “ people fall in love and that’s it, there’s no mystical soulmate thing behind it— think realistically kaveh. ”
“ i am thinking realistically! ” kaveh snapped back, brows furrowing. “ your so ungrateful. ”
“ and my zodiac? the fuck does that have to do with anything? ” alhaitham raised a eyebrow, but typed it down anyways.
“ i thought you believed in astrology! ”
kaveh sighed, trying to calm himself down— screaming wasn’t going to help him. he couldn’t get a another sore throat from alhaitham.
“ whatever, just put anything down at this point…”
“ i should write down ‘ lover has to be smart ’… ” alhaitham said with the faintest smile.
kaveh gave him a look.
“ it’s a joke dumb ass. ” or was it?
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( 2 days later ) it was about 1:24 a.m— and for some reason alhaitham was awake watching tiktok.
i mean he couldn’t sleep because of kaveh’s loud snoring.. and he has finished his books— and didn’t exactly want to binge on his new ones all in one night.
and that’s when he got it— a silly little notification.
‘ you matched with… [ name ], [ last name ] ! congratulations!! ’
“ the fuck… ” alhaitham squinted, clicking on the notification to be brought to your profile.
he examined it for a moment, you took the same major as him and were fairly… pretty.
he stared at it for a moment longer before receiving another notification.
‘ [ name ], [ last name ] would like to chat with you! ’
of course, he quickly clicked the approve button.
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abbyshands · 8 months
hey, everyone. i needed to come on here and make a more serious post, because i can’t just not address this when it’s killing me to see it all over my timeline. some of the things i’ve seen in regards to what is happening to the people of palestine, is horrific. some of the responses i’ve seen that were replying to this app’s writers who went on the global strike, is repulsive. crying over people not making content for a week over shedding light on a fucking genocide. it’s fucking repulsive, and there’s no other word for it.
i’m very sorry i didn’t join in on the strike. i joined tumblr the day that it began and didn’t even know it was a thing until today (i never went on my tl, etc as i was very new to the app, so i didn’t know). i think my timing was just awful in that sense. but that doesn’t mean i won’t talk about this ongoing issue. there’s no way in hell i can turn a blind eye to what’s so heavily clear in front of me: that palestine is bleeding.
it baffles me how some people value reading new fanfiction as if there isn’t MILLIONS of it on this app already, over an actual fucking genocide. how heartless can you be? how senseless can you be to not put yourself in the shoes of a people who are being murdered—men, women, and children alike? how can you be so devoid of any compassion when it comes to innocent individuals being killed before your eyes?
please take the time to look at this link here. embedded are several ways that YOU can help palestine, some of which are fully free. i’m begging you to at least glance, leave a like on the post so you can come back to it later, repost it. speak up.
it’s not too late to care. it’s not too late to speak up and say something, or do something. there is no shame in reading content on tumblr as a general hobby. but if you are capable of reading hundreds of fics, you are able to repost things about palestine, you are able to send emails demanding for a ceasefire, and you are beyond capable of showing a little empathy. a little humanity.
this is one more link. if you are uneducated on the ongoing conflict, take the time to look at it to understand that this genocide didn’t just begin in october. it’s been going on for years. embedded are also more links for you to aid the people in gaza.
please speak up. please don’t bury this away. i’m begging you to post about this and educate yourselves. i’m begging you to care.
free palestine 🍉🍉🍉
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ysljoon · 1 year
Hey savvvv<3 So i have a request, can you write like a established relationship smut of like simon (from cod) going absolutely feral while you ride his face? Thank youuu love you pookie🤍🤍
riding simon 'ghost' riley's face
warnings: oral (f receiving), use of pet names (lovie, sweetheart), afab reader (no use of y/n), overstimulation a/n: jay i really hope you like this im sorry for the delay oh em gee <3 MINORS DNI (have your age in your bio or you're getting blocked)
Simon had been gone on an operation for two months and you were counting down the days until he was home. Today was the day and you were sitting on the couch busily scrolling through different apps to keep yourself occupied. You couldn’t tell if it was minutes or hours until you heard the lock to the door turn and squeak on its hinges. You jumped up from your seat and scampered to see Simon placing his duffel bags on the floor and starting to take off the balaclava. Once the mask was off he met your eyes and and you couldn’t contain yourself you leapt yourself on to him and he caught you with ease. You planted kisses on every corner of his face you could reach, not even caring about the residual paint around his eyes.
“Simon, I missed you so much.” You tucked your head into his neck muffling your words a little.
“I missed you too lovie.” He traveled through the home with you still clinging on to him and once he found the bedroom he positioned you on the edge and started to kiss you with more passion and hunger. You loved when Simon used his height to dominate you and having him looming over you right now is all you dreamed about while he was away. Your hands roamed around all over his body and you felt some relief when you didn’t feel any new wounds on his torso and only the old scars you have become acquainted with over the years. 
You moved your hands down to his belt buckle and he stopped you by grabbing your wrists while not even pulling away from your lips. His reflexes never failed to leave you in awe. “You don’t hafta do anythin’ for me tonight. I’m gonna make up for all the time I left you alone. Gonna make my girl feel so good.” Hearing his gruff voice mixed with the intentions he had for you had you clenching your thighs together to get some relief for yourself. This action did not go missed by Simon. “Aw my poor girl needs to get off so bad. Let me help you sweetheart.” He crawled on to the bad so he was right above you and slid your pants fully off till you were only left in your shirt (its his shirt actually but that's neither here nor there) and panties. He pressed a thumb to your aching clit and rubbed small and slow circles but it was enough to already have you twitching. He was teasing your covered cunt and you let out whiny little whimpers hoping that was enough to give Simon enough of a hint that you need more. Simon usually would make you use your words to beg for what you need from him, but he was already mean enough for having to leave you for months. He doesn't want to make this harder for you tonight knowing how needy both you and him are.
He moved his face in between your legs and nipped the waistband of your panties and dragged them down to your ankles. He released the cloth from between his teeth and placed a gentle kiss on your very sensitive bud. “Come sit on my face lovie I need to taste you so bad. I’ve thought about your delicious fuckin’ cunt day in and day out while I was gone I need it.” You positioned yourself over his lips and while you had planned to only hover he wrapped his arms around your thighs and dragged you down till your fully bodyweight sank down on him. His lips wrapped around your clit and he sucked with so much force it had your back arching and you were crying out. Your hands tried to find purchase and clutched onto his shoulders. “C-Christ Simon. I won’t last at all if you keep it up.” “Just keep takin’ it sweetheart.” He punctuated his sentence with a nibble on your thigh and swiped his tongue along your soaked slit and inserted it inside. He hungrily ate you out and you felt an impending orgasm coming and you grinded against his tongue for extra pressure.
Your orgasm consumed your whole body and your thighs trembled around SImon’s head. You thought he would give you a small break before continuing, but he kept going and the overstimulation had you trying to pry yourself off of Simon’s face but his muscular arms gripped you in place and you couldn’t escape. “No use running from me lovie, I’m a man starved. Hope you get comfortable because you’re gonna be here for a long while.” You looked down and saw his smirk with your essence dripping down his chin.
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marigoos · 7 months
I’ve been so ill this past few weeks and been hospitalized because of medical concerns. Found out that I have a tumor and it was already malignant. I have a Stage 2A Cervical Cancer and needs help ASAP. 🥺
GOAL: $1800
Oh this is gonna be so fun. Buckle up, children, time for
Someone you don't know sends you an ask and asks for money
This in itself is an alarm bell. Maybe you're used to it if you're a big account, but if you're a smaller one that alone should make you suspicious af. This user does not follow me nor do I follow them. The only case in which this is acceptable is if you're running a donations blog (you know, the ones who collect people in need and make periodic posts to boost them? Which are way more expert in checking for possible frauds, or so one hopes)
If you scroll down their blog, they're very recent
This is their first ever post, notice the time stamp. If it's still active when you're reading this, you can check yourself.
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It's even worse because, while it makes sense for someone very desperate to open accounts on any social media that comes to mind and start begging, you scroll down their blog and their posts are mostly untagged gifs of popular shows and scantily clothed women. Which in itself is not a crime, I often do it too (though I don't go around asking money to strangers) but when you've known for weeks (see pinned post) that you were sick, and your blog is only 5 days old, I would expect at least one post about it other than the pinned one, no? Or even just one single original posts instead of only reblogs and one answered ask to another 6-days-old account
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Also I'm not one to judge others' sexual preferences but if you're a mom I would expect at least one of the thirsty posts to be about a man, but oh well. Definitely not enough
Check for others' warnings
There's a whole blog dedicated to listing all the scammers here in Tumblr, but I can't fucking member I should follow them if and when I remember
The fastest way is to search for their PayPal account name. First, though, you have to be CAREFUL about clicking suspicious links - always copy the link and paste it in the url bar to quickly check where it redirects you. In this case I saw It did redirect me to PayPal, and I did load it only because I don't have any PayPal app or credentials saved on my phone, so I don't risk payments or credentials getting sent automatically.
Unfortunately this must be quite recent, because searching for Christine Owaga (this guy^'s PayPal) only got me some Facebook accounts, and I don't remember my password so I'm not gonna check those.
However, since this is an ask on Tumblr, I looked on Tumblr for terms like "scam alert", "scam warning", "donation scam" and so on, and I did find something interesting:
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Same exact message several times, more than one account, only one of which is still active.
Then I scrolled a bit more and found this one with a sliiiightly modified text, gonna bet that it's because that was when the victim brought a link to someone with a much bigger collection of receipts lmao just gonna link it here
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The PayPal account name is different tbh, which means this dude is at least a bit smarter than an actual bot and knows how to spam semi-efficiently. Kudos!
This is not how a legit ill person should behave. Not even trying to bring some evidence, just leaving a trail of deleted accounts.
Gonna tag everyone I saw reblogging the scammer's pinned post so that they can delete it and maybe warn their followers (assuming they're not bots themselves)
@thecherry95 @back-in-19something @underthewingsofthblackeagle @fantasticcollectorkitten @takineko @razzgamer5 @jacks-ace @windywillows-world @aurelia-which-means-sunrise @comradesmooches @loch-tess-monster @urazayt @boodubious07 @satinfables @rateater69 @irontyphoonobject @blackfairyemoji @dannyfoggings @helloparzival13 @rusalkascave
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3-2-whump · 5 days
Mistaken Accusation
Well, let's get into it. Beginning of the end. Special thanks to my beta readers @whumped-by-glitter and @generic-whumperz ! Do mind the tags, and enjoy
This chapter does reference The Hit, so please skim that first if you are not already familiar with it
Author's Note: This is where shit gets real (more real, that is), and where the author may make some decisions that might not vibe with the readers. To those readers, all I will say is fanfiction is a thing, canon divergence is a thing, and I will honestly be more intrigued than mad if you end up scrapping this part and writing your own version! (Just lmk, like tag me or dm me so I can see?) But, um, yeah, onto the chapter!
TW/CW: description and mention of STD, prostitution whump, mock execution, gun violence (brief, but there), collared whumpee, bound and blindfolded whumpee, shock, emotional whump, fear of death, pissing oneself out of fear, emotional angst, degrading language, toxic relationship, manipulative whumper, possessive whumper, intimate whumper
As Khaled relieved himself in the office bathrooms near the end of the day, he hissed under his breath at the burning sensation coming out of him. That can’t be good, he thought. What would make it feel like he was passing acid or fire down there? He looked down at his dick, eyes widening a little as he saw how inflamed his urethra looked. Khaled let out a mortified little squeak. What’s wrong with my penis?
Should I tell Master? Telling his master that he suspected he’d caught something would only lead to probing questions about Khaled’s sex life, even though he wasn’t the one who had visited every whorehouse within the tristate area. Probing questions about his sex life would mean admitting that he was sleeping with Julio, and admitting that he was sleeping with Julio would only fuel his master’s possessive side and make things far worse for him. Khaled could imagine no situation in which he would come out unscathed if he told Thomas about it. So, he decided not to tell him.
He didn’t have to endure his secret for long though, because as soon as he came back into his master’s office, he could sense the energy had changed. 
“Is there something wrong, Boss?” Khaled asked nervously.
“I have just received information from our foot soldiers and informants that the motorcycle that my would-be assassin rode when he got away came from Alvarez Auto and Motorcycles, a known front of Juicio Divino,” Thomas gritted out.
Khaled’s jaw dropped as his mind slowly put together the pieces that he had in his hands all along. Of course, it was Julio, how could I be so blind?! he thought. Just over a year ago, Khaled himself approached the scrapyard assassin asking him to teach him how to kill, and had been crawling back to him in various states of distress ever since. Julio was one of two people on earth who knew how badly Thomas actually treated him, and, combined with his overprotective tendencies, Khaled mentally beat himself up for not suspecting his boyfriend sooner. 
His master’s stormy gray eyes narrowed at Khaled in a piercing glare as he pushed his tablet across the desk. “Incidentally, you have been visiting Alvarez Auto pretty frequently over the past year, haven’t you?”
Khaled’s stomach twisted in dread as he leaned in closer to read it. There, opened on his slave tracking app, was a map with pins of most-frequently visited locations he had been tracked to, and there was a damning bright red pin at the address of Julio’s garage. His mouth went dry as he opened and closed it in shock, trying to collect the right words to say as the opportunity to beg for mercy slipped through his fingers like sand. “I- Master, I- it’s not what you think-”
The older man disdainfully held up a hand, a nonverbal cue that he didn’t want to hear it. Khaled shrank in on himself. “How did you even pay for a hit against me, huh?” the boss asked. “I know you haven’t made that much money since I’ve started paying you! How could you afford to put out a hit?” His voice lowered to a growl. “Did you bend over for that cholo son of a bitch? Did you let him fuck you like I fuck you? Is that why you’ve got an infection –don’t deny it, Khaled, it hurt when I pissed this morning!”
The world seemed to stop as the air quickly left Khaled’s lungs. Wait, what? He was being accused of conspiring against his master, then of being a whore within the same breath? And to make matters worse, he somehow gave his owner an STD before he realized he had one himself? His breaths came out shallow as his body began trembling in fear. What does this mean for me? What’s going to happen to me? He nearly passed out as his imagination went wild with how severe his punishment would be. “Master, please, I had no idea-”
“Shut up!”
Khaled ceased his begging instantly, a nauseous wave of dread coiling in his stomach as he waited for his master to dole out his sentence. “You will never see anybody besides me again,” his master said, glowering at him in contempt as Khaled’s eyes widened in horror. He got up from his chair and circled around Khaled, with a familiar black shock collar and a length of chain in hand. “I’ll give you a chance to say your goodbyes before we leave.”
Khaled regained enough of his senses to shake his head and back away from the man approaching him. “But, Master, I didn’t-”
The world snapped to the right in a stinging blow as Thomas backhanded him. Khaled rubbed his sore cheek and winced in pain. “You’re lucky I don’t outright kill you, though I still might, if you keep whining like that!” he yelled. Khaled turned silent and sullen, still cradling his sore cheek as the collar tightened like a noose around his throat. “Now, come on, let’s make your final goodbyes count.” His master attached the chain leash to a notch in the shock collar and pulled Khaled towards the exit.
Khaled was pulled through the whole office and out to the guard shack like that, stopping periodically as his master made him explain what was going on and why he was leaving to everyone they met. Khaled’s voice was shaking like a leaf the first stop they made; by the time they made it to the guard shack, he was unable to utter anything intelligible past his tears. Nico’s jaw dropped as Thomas explained what had happened and why Khaled was never going to see him again.
“But, he didn’t do it, sir!” he objected, pushing himself out of his desk chair and standing up to face him. “He had no part in it! I can prove it, just listen to me!”
As much as Khaled wanted to interrogate that ‘I can prove it’ claim just a little more, Tom ignored him. He pulled the leash taut and yanked Khaled away. Khaled frantically pulled at the collar around his neck, emitting choked gasps as he stumbled along and struggled to keep up.
They ended up back at the car, where Tom unclipped his leash and pushed the button on the key fob to unlock the trunk of the car. Khaled was shoved up roughly against the side of the car as his hands were gathered behind his back and bound tightly by a soft and silky material, most likely a necktie. “Master, please, please, hear me out –I didn’t put a hit on you, I swear!” he once again tried to explain through a mess of snot and tears. “I don’t want to kill you, why would I want to kill you? Please –listen to me! I don’t want to kill you; I swear I didn’t know!” Thomas dragged him to the back of the car, where he stared down at him in cold fury. He took out a dark cloth from his pocket and unfolded it. Khaled preemptively opened his mouth to receive it, but then the man tied the cloth around his eyes to blind him. He quietly shut his mouth as the blindfold was tied tight enough to catch his hair. He heard the trunk of the car quietly whoosh open before he was picked up and shoved inside. The door of the trunk slammed shut, sealing him in an extra layer of darkness.
The ride seemed to stretch on forever as Khaled shivered in the darkness. It was still far too cold to be riding back there without anything to keep him warm. Throughout the darkness he begged, then screamed, then cried, then sniffled, knowing damn well his master couldn’t hear him.
Time seemed to work differently in the dark, cramped confines of a car trunk. Khaled was unsure of how much time had passed since he was shoved in the trunk, but he was more than concerned that they seemed to keep driving far longer than it usually took to get back to the apartments. He’s never going to forgive me, he realized as he rested his head onto the floor of the trunk. He really thinks I planned to kill him, and now he’s going to take me out into the woods and kill me, or do something so horrific it will make me wish I had died. A fresh round of tears soaked into his blindfold as Khaled whimpered pathetically. I don’t want to die, not like this.
Goddamnit, Julio, you tried to be the hero, and now I’m gonna end up dead in a ditch somewhere, Khaled cursed in his head.
The car rolling to a stop and faint click that preceded the trunk unlocking made Khaled’s heartrate speed up. A new wave of anxiety hit him much like the blast of midwinter air when the trunk was opened and he was pulled out. He didn’t feel concrete underneath his shoes, and the fresh icy chill of the air around him told him they weren’t in the parking garage. We really are in the woods somewhere, he thought, his hopes sinking like lead as his master’s hand gripped his elbow and steered him along to an unknown destination. He’s really driven me out to the woods somewhere to kill me. Khaled stumbled as his foot hit an unseen obstruction, but his master dragged him along regardless. This is it. I’m gonna die. His breaths started picking up, heart racing as that last thought worked him up into another nervous state. His owner stopped and threw him forward onto the ground. Khaled landed face first into a cold and wet patch of snow, judging on how it felt when it absorbed his impact. “Get up and kneel.” Khaled’s breaths stopped in his throat. There was no room in his master’s frigid tone for argument. He pushed himself up the best he could with his hands bound behind his back, shivering not just from the cold as he assumed a kneeling position.
A cold, metallic object pressed against the back of the young man’s skull. “If you’ve got anything to say, say it now,” his master’s voice said behind him. A wet and warm spot began to soak his pants in the front. Khaled’s mind went blank. He was so scared he nearly forgot his owner had asked for his last words. He caught his trembling lip between his teeth before shaking his head. Whatever he could say for his last words would go unheeded anyway, lost in the winter’s chill and the indifferent New England woods. He hung his head in resignation, ready for the explosive pain followed by sudden oblivion and nothingness, or whatever it was that lie ahead.
He had at least hoped he would see his father’s face before the end. But the only image his shielded eyes could conjure up before he died was a pair of sharp, steel gray eyes.
Nothing happened.
The gun lowered, and heavy footsteps crunched in the snow as his would-be executioner walked around to the front of him.
Khaled was still alive. Somehow, he was still alive. There was a light brush of hands reaching behind his head before the blindfold fell away, revealing a familiar face staring down at him with those same steel gray eyes. Khaled’s breath shimmered in the cold moonlit night. He was alive. He wasn’t going to die. He was alive.
All the fear and tension left his body like his vaporous breath in the night as he slumped forward, crying tears of relief into his master’s shoulder as he caught him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,” he sobbed between each breath.
“Shhh, shhh, it’s alright, it’s alright,” Thomas soothed as he reached behind Khaled to untie his hands. “I believe you for now, it’s alright.” As soon as his hands were free, Khaled wrapped them around the older man’s neck, hugging him close as he bawled into his shoulder. “I thought about it, but there is no way I can definitively prove it was you.” A muscular pair of arms wrapped around him and held him close, drawing him into the warmth. “And besides, my favorite fuck toy, plotting to kill me?” His master laughed. “No way you’re smart enough for that! I didn’t buy you for your brains, you know!”
“Yes, yes, I’m stupid, I am so fucking stupid, thank you!” Khaled cried. He nuzzled his cold wet face into Tom’s warm neck and peppered the man’s jawline with kisses, murmuring his gratitude between every kiss. He was alive, he didn’t die, and that was the only thing that mattered in that moment.
“Let’s go home,” Thomas said, hoisting Khaled onto his feet. “The takeout I bought is getting cold, and you need a change of pants.”
He led the young man through the woods back to side of the road where he had parked his car. “I was completely serious about you never seeing anybody else again, by the way,” he reminded him as he opened the passenger side door. Khaled slid gratefully inside, happy to be in the heated part of the car. “You are relieved of your duties to the organization from now on,” Tom continued as he joined him on the driver’s side, “You are demoted to domestic service. You will stay at home and keep the penthouse spotless, welcoming me to it every evening with warm food and your warmer body. You will stay in the apartment and not leave for anything unless it is with me or a trusted associate. You will never see anybody again. That’ll keep you from conspiring to kill me, or from spreading your legs for anyone else but me, and only I will decide when it’s time to bring you back out again.” He pushed the button and started up the vehicle, setting the heaters to full blast.
Khaled nodded. What did he care about being stuck at home and never seeing anybody again? He was alive, and right now, as he held his freezing fingers close to the vents, that was all that mattered.
Le Tag List: @kabie-whump @rainydaywhump @whumped-by-glitter @skittles-the-whumpee @generic-whumperz @bamber344 @there-will-always-be-blood @morning-star-whump @a-la-whump @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @defire
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
week 5 - day 19 - kinktober - voyeurism, degradation, praising, daddy kink, sharing kink, cuckolding, fingerfucking, group sex, facefucking, overstimulation, spanking, breeding kink, dirty talk, oral sex, hair pulling, deep throating, cock and ball worship, cum eating, aftercare, teasing, spit kink, semi-public sex, begging, and exhibitionism. - stepdad steve rogers, step-uncle bucky barnes, stepbrother jake jensen, his best friend johnny storm, neighbours ari levinson, andy barber, and their brothers curtis everett and frank adler.
warning - voyeurism, degradation, praising, daddy kink, sharing kink, cuckolding, fingerfucking, group sex, facefucking, overstimulation, spanking, breeding kink, dirty talk, oral sex, hair pulling, deep throating, cock and ball worship, cum eating, aftercare, teasing, spit kink, semi-public sex, begging, and exhibitionism.
kinktober masterlist - part 1
18+ only please, the gifs and headers aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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I skip down the stairs in the swimsuit my Uncle Bucky got me, loving the feel and the tiny little roses decorating the material. I follow the sounds of where everyone is and exit to the backyard. A booming smile graces my face as my eyes land on all eight men. “Daddy! Look at what Uncle Bucky got me!” I jog over, not noticing how their eyes focus on my bouncing plump breasts. When I get close, I jump in my stepdad’s arms, wrapping my tiny legs around his broad form.
Steve’s eyes trail down, his pants tightening as my cunt sits directly against his bulge. “Well, don’t you look pretty, bunny. Bucky picked good.” His eyes connect with his friend’s, and he nods in acknowledgment. “Why don’t you show our guests how pretty you look, bunny.” Steve regretfully puts me down as I beam at him and turn to show our neighbours my new outfit.
“Don’t I look pretty? Daddy says I do!” I giggle, twirling as I show them my swimsuit, their eyes trailing down my small body as their pants tighten. Ari leans back, clearing his throat as his cock strains against his trunks.
“Your daddy is right, Princess. You look so pretty.” He beckons me over, and I squeal as he pulls me down onto his lap. My core brushes against his bulge, causing a soft moan to fall from my lips. “Doesn’t she look pretty, guys?” He looks over to Andy, Curtis and Frank. The sounds of them agreeing causes my face to flush, cheeks becoming a rosy pink as I hide my face into Ari’s chest. “Aww, we’re embarrassing the little princess. Don’t you like when we praise you?” His hand comes up, tilting my head back to make me look at him as he raises a brow. 
“I like it, Mr Levinson! Thank you for the compliment!” I giggle, kissing his cheek, not noticing how I gently rock my core against the giant bulge in his pants. I look down, my brows furrowed. “Mr Levinson, what’s in your shorts?” My eyes are wide as I look back up. Ari holds back a groan at my question. 
“It’s a present for you, Princess.” My face lights up, hands reach down to grab my present but stopping as he grabs my wrist. “Nah, uh, you can’t have it just yet. Your daddy said you have to wait.” 
My brows furrow before turning my head to look at my stepdad, lips pouting as frustration spreads through me. “Please, daddy! I’ve been good, can I please have my present?!” 
All the men groan at my question, some reaching down to squeeze their stiff cocks. Steve walks forward. His hand comes up and grips my chin as he leans forward. His minty breath causes my cunt to throb, “are you sure about being a good girl, bunny? You got on another man's lap straight away without my permission.” His brows furrow as he pretends to think. “I don’t think you deserve your present, bunny.”
Tears prick my eyes as I stare up at him, “please, daddy! Please let me have my present! Please, I–I’ll be so good!” I continue to babble as a small cry escapes my lips. My hips begin to move as whines leave me, “please! I want my present!” A yank of my hair causes my head to be thrown back and a yelp to come out.
“Stop being a little fucking brat. You’re such a fucking whore, bunny. You want your present so bad? Fine.” He looks at Ari and nods, a dark glint in their eyes. A squeal leaves my lips as I’m suddenly moved, my hips lifting until my clothed core is directly in front of Ari’s face. “How does she look?” 
Ari groans. His hand comes up and rubs me through my bikini bottoms. My mouth hangs open as I moan. “You like this, Princess? You like when older men touch your princess parts?” His piercing blue eyes connect with mine from beneath me. My cunt pulsates at his words, enjoying the attention from his words and the looks of the men around us. 
I nod, whimpering as his thick fingers rub my swollen button. My eyes roll into the back of my head as Ari’s tongue flicks against my little clit. “D–Daddy, feels good!” Steve strokes my cheek. My half-lidded eyes stare up at him. A soft whimper leaves my lips as Ari pokes my entrance with his thick fingers. 
“I’m glad, bunny. Wanna open up for Daddy? I wanna fill your pretty little mouth with my cream.” The sight of his thick member causes my walls to tighten around Ari’s fingers. I open my mouth wide, moaning when his throbbing length slides inside, wrapping my lips around the base as I begin to suck on it like a lollipop. “That’s a good girl, Ari. Hurry up and get inside her.” 
I squeal around my stepdad’s cock as Ari thrusts deep inside my tight cunt, their groans making my insides feel funny. “What a good princess, letting me experience your cute little cunt.” Both men begin to thrust in and out of my holes, enjoying the feel of me. My small hand comes up and starts to tug on Steve’s balls, loving how heavy they are, full of his special cream. The sound of skin slapping fills the backyard, Ari’s thick member sliding in and out of my small slick hole as Steve thrusts deep into my throat, causing me to gag.
The men around us are either tugging on their hard, throbbing cocks or watching intently. 
“Fucking hell, bunny. Being so good for us.” Steve groans, his eyes were rolling to the back of his head as he feels his balls tighten. “You want my cream? Gonna be a good girl and swallow it all?” I suck harder at the thought of him filling my mouth with his delicious cream. My hands continue to massage his balls as his hips stutter, balls tightening, and his warm cum fills my mouth. Causing my eyes to roll to the back of my head as his taste explodes on my tastebuds. 
Once I’ve sucked Steve clean, he pulls out of my mouth with a pop. I let out a pleased moan as I swallowed all of him, never tiring from his taste. A squeal leaves my lips as I feel Ari thrust deep inside me. My walls clench tightly around him as he continues to hit my sweet spot. I make grabby hands toward my stepdad, looking up at him with doe-eyes, and a dazed smile graces my face as his hands slip into mine.
My eyes begin to cross as Ari’s thrusts go harder and faster, his grunts filling the backyard. His long hair sticks to him as sweat gathers around his god-like body, I look at him, and the sight causes my back to arch as I cum around his thick member. “Mr Levinson! Feels so good, please!” The older man above groans, his lust-filled eyes focused on my fucked out face as his hips begin to stutter and his balls tighten. With one last thrust, he groans, and his warm cum spurts out of his swollen cockhead deep inside my cunt. 
I whine as I’m lifted before a sigh leaves my lips as I’m laid on the wooden table, my eyes closed as exhaustion sets in my bones. I huff leaves my lips as a hand starts to stroke my hair, “Don’t worry, doll. We’re gonna take good care of you.” The sound of Bucky’s voice soothes me. 
My eyes stay closed as I’m lifted again. Bucky’s cold metal arm against my warm flesh feels nice, and my head rests against his shoulder. “Where we going, Uncle Bucky?” I can feel him lie me down on top of someone causing my brows to furrow before I slowly open my eyes, blinking away the blurriness. Curtis gives me a dark smile as he strokes my hair out of my face. 
“Hi, Kitten.” 
Bucky walks around, making me look up, our eyes connecting. A hand behind me comes around, untying my bikini and slipping my bikini bottoms off. I turn my head and notice Andy smiling at me. 
“Don’t worry, doll. We’re just going to play with you. Be a good girl for us, and we might spoil you later.” I nod, my brain becoming fuzzy with anticipation. The men begin to get into position. Steve and Ari sit off to the side with a cold beer in their grasp, eyes intently watching the scene unfold.
Bucky stands in front of me, his throbbing member in his hand, slowly jerking himself off as he waits. Jake, Johnny and Frank stand on either side of my awaiting body with their hands pumping their thick cocks. Andy lifts me, allowing Curtis to take himself out of his shorts before placing my legs on either side of him. My dripping cunt rests atop his mushroom tip as Andy slowly pulls his trunks down and lines his cock with my entrance. 
Soft whimpers escape my lips as I sink down onto Curtis’s cock. My eyes roll to the back of my head as Andy pushes in alongside him. I gasp as I’m pulled down, and Bucky shoves his throbbing member into my mouth. Vibrations are sent through his thick base when Andy strikes. A slap fills the yard as his hand slams down onto my plump cheeks. 
“Aww, Honey. You feel so fucking good, so tight, even though your being passed around like some cheap whore.” Andy’s voice sends chills throughout my body. His thrusts alongside Curtis’s cause my mind to go dumb, eyes crossing as I suck hard on my Uncle Bucky’s cock. Loving the feel of his flesh on my tongue, I try to babble as someone grabs my hands and places them onto their cocks. Wrapping their larger ones around mine as they use me to jerk them off. 
“You should’ve seen her take Jake and me as she fell asleep. She was such a good little slut, the way she tightened around us– FUCK.” Johnny groans, feeling his end approaching too soon as he pictures the week before. He grunts as his cum shoots out of him and covers my used body. His eyes cross before he shakes his head, looking down at the masterpiece before walking over to where Steve and Ari sit, deciding to watch the show.
Jake chuckles, and soft moans fall from his lips as he feels my grip tighten around his base. “Poor, Johnny finished too soon. You like the effect you have on us, Bunny Baby? Like bringing all of us to our knees?” He grunts, hips thrust into my hand as he watches the other three men destroy my insides. The sight of me being used, covered in his best friend’s cum causes his balls to tighten as his breath hitches. “Fuck! Fuck! Shit, I’m fucking cumming!” White shoots out of him, mixing in with Johnny’s before he sags, growling when he hears his best friend laughing in the background. Jake leans down, scooping up the cum before moving next to Bucky.
His fingers slither in beside Bucky’s cock, letting the taste of his and Johnny’s cum mix with the musk of Bucky’s cock. Jake’s cock twitches when a moan falls from your lips at the taste before he walks over to join the others. 
Frank moves to stand next to Bucky, his throbbing member in his grasp as Bucky hooks his thumb in my mouth. Opening it up for the other man, my cunt pulsates around Curtis and Andy’s cocks, causing them to groan at the tightness. Every pair of eyes are focused on my body, watching as Frank slides his cock in alongside Buckys.
The four men begin to pick up their pace, their hands gripping my small form as they take turns thrusting into my holes. When one pulls out, the other thrusts in. From the corner of my blurry eyes, I see Johnny bringing my bikini bottoms to his face. His eyes roll back as he sniffs them, a smirk gracing his face as our eyes connect before he places a long, wet lick along the material.
Bucky’s hand strikes, slapping my ass as he growls. “Eyes on us, doll. Stop being an attention whore.” 
Frank groans and a dark chuckle leaves his lips. “He’s right, sweetheart. You should be worshipping us.” He grabs my hands, directing them to their heavy sacks. Grunting when I begin to tug, hallowing my cheeks as I suck. Feeling my core tighten as I’m about to cum, my eyes watering as both older men hit my special spot.
“Aww, our little kitten is gonna cum. Go on, baby. Milk our cocks.” As the words leave Curtis’s lips, my vision goes white, juices squirting out and covering the two. They groan as they feel my juices drip down to their balls. Their thrusts pick up, holding me down as I feel how sensitive my little cunt is. “You're not going anywhere, kitten. We’re going to fill you up, and you'll take it like the good little whore you are.” As he says this, Curtis feels his balls tightening and his cock twitches before he lets out a loud groan, releasing his cum deep inside my womb. 
He slips out, and Andy quickly thrusts in, stopping the cum from leaking out, his hands gripping tight on my hips before his hips stutter, burying himself deep inside my cunt and cumming.
Andy groans before pulling out. His hands stroke and massage my back as I focus on sucking and jerking Bucky and Frank off. My doe-eyes stare up at them, tugging on their balls as I moan around them. Loving the way they shudder from my touch, I take Bucky’s cock into my mouth, and my tiny hands wrap around Frank’s base. 
I suck hard, bobbing my head up and down as I become desperate for his cream. My tongue swirls around his swollen head, flicking the slit as I watch his hip jerk. Bucky’s hands rest on the back of my head, pushing me down and causing me to gag. “There you go, doll. Ready for my cream?” I nod, tears brimming my eyes as I choke on his cock. A happy sound escapes me when his cream fills my mouth, lapping it up until he’s completely clean. 
As Bucky pulls out, I turn my attention to Frank and attach my lips to his cock. Devouring the monstrous cock, sucking hard and fast, my hand that’s wrapped around it begins to twist as I bob up and down. His grunts fill the air as his hips stutter, balls tightening before he cums deep into my mouth. All men watch as I happily swallow everything, pulling away with a happy, fucked out smile. 
Steve stands and walks over before picking me up and holding me against his chest. Going back to his chair and sitting down, his hand comes up and strokes my wet hair out of my face. “What do you say, bunny?” He tilts my head up, squeezing my cheeks until my mouth opens and then spits directly inside, his cock twitching as I lazily swallow.
Resting my head back on Steve’s chest, I tiredly look up at him. “Thank you, daddy.” He smiles, slowly cleaning me up and taking care of me, feeling pride bloom in his chest at my manners.
My head tiredly turns, “thank you, uncle Bucky.” 
“Thank you, Jakey.” Jake softly smiles.
“Thank you, Johnny.” Johnny continues to play with the bikini bottoms.
“Thank you, Mr Levinson.” Ari nods, lifting the beer to his lips as he takes a sip.
“Thank you, Mr Barber.” Andy softly strokes my arm.
“Thank you, Mr Everett.” Curtis palms his slowly hardening cock.
“And thank you, Mr Adler.” Frank smiles.
I slowly turn my head back to Steve. “Can I sleep now, Daddy?” 
“Of course, you can, Bunny.” He looks around at the others with a dark look. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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lgbtsana · 9 months
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you’ve been chatting with an online friend for about 2 years, you knew them as their alias ‘ahnz’, they never posted their face but you knew almost everything about them. but, did you really know what they were saying was true?
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it’s been about two years since you turned to online friends instead of real life ones. the ones you made offline were just complete assholes. it was always when you needed your real life friends the most is when you realized how fake they were.
you’d call one of your friends, lim dahye, sobbing uncontrollably, begging for her to distract you from your parents fighting. yet, all you got on response from her, “sorry, who are you again?” while you heard giggles in the background. you had considered her a closest friend, but all you received was humiliation.
the closest friend you made throughout the two years online was ahnz. the only thing you knew about them was they were a year older than you and that they, or well she, was a girl.
you had given her a nickname “hannie” and you were happy to know that she thought the nickname was cute and that she liked it.
the more the two of you talked, the closer you two got. you felt like you could trust her, although, you hadn’t met her in person. she just seemed different, not like the other people you had trusted before.
there was one night that your parents started to fight when you received a text from ahnz, you had nicknamed her in your phone as ‘hannie’ since the app you used, let you.
she had sent you a link to a girl group performance, the thumbnail had a girl with short hair poking her cheek. “she’s so pretty, her makeup looks amazing...” you spoke in awe.
you stood up to grab your wired earbuds, since you couldn’t afford wireless ones, and watched the performance. it was a very useful distraction from the fighting going on.
hannie: y/n, check out this video :o [link]
y/n: omg, they’re amazing performers!!
y/n: wish i was that good lol
hannie: don’t say that! i’m sure you’re amazing at it :(
y/n: i see their group name is ive, how do you pronounce that? like i’ve?
hannie: i hear people pronouncing it ivy or i’ve, i guess it’s a matter of preference? idk though
hannie: which member caught your eye?
y/n: hmm, the one with the short hair with bangs. she had so much charisma and just looked fierce! she’s so pretty~
after you’d sent that message, you realized ahnz went quiet. so, while you waited for a response, you decided to watch some more videos of the group she had sent you.
the next day, during class, you received a call from hannie. your teacher, mrs. lee, gave a stern look towards you. “no phone calls during class, miss seo.”
you nodded before answering the call, “sorry, mrs. lee. it’s... an emergency.” your quick answer made her give you a nod, “go out in the hall then, y/n.”
“hannie, what’s going on?” your concerned tone rung in her ears, “y/n, are you able to... meet up...?” she asked, her voice quiet.
“are you able to meet up with me?”
the question hung on a string. a string that was about to snap clean in half. you felt your heartbeat increase as you weren’t sure what to answer. sure, you’ve talked to her for two years, but you’ve only thought about meeting up once.
you weren’t sure if you were ready to meet her.
“y/n?” her voice entered your senses again, making you gasp softly.
“ah, sorry-” you barely let out a whisper as you apologize quietly. “y/n, if you’re able to meet up, please come to 4-5, samseong-ro 146-gil, gangnam-gu, seoul. it should be nearby you, yeah?” you hum giving her the confirmation she needed.
“see you then, hannie.”
you walked back into class and all eyes were on you, “so?” your teacher stares you down, waiting for some kind of response.
your teacher huffs in annoyance, “what was so important?” your thoughts quickly scramble to make up an excuse, “ah- my grandmother passed away.” you give off a weak smile to keep your act straight as your teachers eyebrows narrow.
“i thought your grandmother passed last year?” it was true, but you had an excuse up your sleeve, “that was on my mother’s side, the recent one is on my father’s.”
mrs. lee quickly gave an apology, which you accepted. she didn’t know it was a lie after all.
after your classes came to an end, you found yourself in front of the building that hannie suggest you meet up in. but, it was starship entertainment? you weren’t sure why she’d ask to meet up here.
you shrugged before hitting an intercom, that looked very high-tec. you watched as it lit up and noticed a very small camera, recording your presence outside.
“come in,” a female voice is heard thru the intercom as the fancy doors opened to let you in.
“oh- t-thank you...?” you struggled to sound genuine as you were still, very confused. just why did hannie want to meet here?
you hesitantly entered the tall building and nervously looked around. you felt you stood out against the rest, but not in a good way.
you felt very underdressed, everyone else looked as if they were wearing designer clothes (they probably were), you didn’t feel like you fit in.
a taller figure was approaching you with a smile and it felt like time slowed down as you took in their physique. she was nearly 6-feet tall, her smile was very charming, alluring. her hair was on the shorter side, seemed to be a wolfcut. she has a leather jacket on, seemed to be in the middle of recording something, but you weren’t totally sure.
she looked exactly like the female from the fancan video hannie had sent you. just what was hannie playing at?
“hello, are you y/n?” the tall female looked at you with the same charming smile she approached with. with a slow nod, you gave her the confirmation she needed.
“i can’t believe we’re finally meeting each other! my name is ahn yujin,” she leaned in to whisper in your ear, “you know me as hannie~” the teasing tone of her voice made you jolt back, surprised that the female was actually hannie.
“h-hannie?” your voice was failing you. the sudden surprise of learning she’s your closest online friend was big, you could barely let out your voice.
she gave a simple nod before saying, “you can call me yujin now!”. she reached for your wrist, making your pull it back without thinking.
her eyebrows furrowed and yujin looked down at the ground, “ah, i’m sorry. this must be a shock..”
you nodded, “very shocking, i mean i was just watching a fancam of you a few days ago.”
yujin let out a giggle, “i wanted to know your thoughts~” she lightly punched your arm with that same smile.
faking hurt, you grabbed your arm and yelped in pain, “you pain me, yujin!” you laughed, before noticing yujin was looking at you with wide-eyes.
“you called me yujin this time,” her voice seemed filled with emotion. what emotion? you couldn’t read it.
you shrugged “you told me i could.”
yujin pulled you in for a tight bear hug, “this makes me so happy! i can’t wait to introduce you to the others~”
you smiled as you gave the same amount of strength into the hug, “already? we just met~” you teased as you received a pinch in response.
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A/N: maybe there will be a part two? we shall find out in the future. i do like how this turned out, did you guys enjoy?
TAGS... idol!yujin x fan!reader, tooth-rotting fluff, light angst, online friends to irl friends to lovers, friends to lovers, reader becomes a fan of yujin after she introduces ive to them.
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setsugekka · 1 year
『paradise lost』 ; 07
❝ nobody has to know ❞  
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↳ an old acquaintance comes back around at a time when you’re even more in relationship limbo than usual, you know your actions will have consequences should they ever be found out, but maybe the risk is worth the reward.
⎯ ୨previous୧ ⎯  ○  ⎯ ୨series mlist୧ ⎯ ○ ⎯ ୨next୧ ⎯
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『 pairing 』 : park seonghwa x fem!reader
『 genre 』 : romance, angst, explicit sexual content.
『 rating 』 : mature
『 word count 』 : 9.2k
『 warnings 』 : really poor decision making probably, rough sex, consensually recorded sexual acts, oral sex (m), penetrative sex, dirty talking etc they are pretty emotionally careless with one another, horror scene of a twist ending (angst)
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“hey lol”
When the text comes through, past the jarring initial response of hopefulness and wishful thinking of who it could be, your next immediate reaction is to hide the screen...turn it the other way, from potentially prying, curious eyes on the other side of the bed.
The problem with that being: you are alone, in your own apartment, not at Hongjoong's as was once common place.
Rolling over in bed and lying on your back, still staring at the screen — reading the time, 2:45am, you hate the fact that you're awake, struggling to sleep these past few nights now on your own, but even more than that, why was he texting you this late, and after so long.
Realistically, it hadn't been that long since your first contact with the man, though. A year or so back at a mutual friend’s graduation party — the tall, pretty guy with the long black hair in the front, sides and back shaven short — you recall being wholly unsurprised when he tells you that he does some modeling, far more so when he tells you that he's pre-med. Not that a gorgeous man can't be both, of course.
Hitting it off, you exchanged numbers and texted occasionally, but with busy schedules (mostly on his end) it was next to impossible to meet up, and as a result, texting would die off as well.
You hadn't expected to hear from him again; ever, really.
>you: don't think I know you well enough for you to be booty call texting me at 3am
A playful response back, but also testing his motives. The typing bubble pops up almost immediately, and a reply comes through just as quickly.
>Seonghwa: very funny. what a warm welcome. 'wow Seonghwa so great to hear from you it's been so long!' awww thanks, it's nice to hear from you, too.
You roll your eyes at the conversation he begins having with himself, already beginning to type back to him.
>you: men usually text this late for one thing, you know that as well as I do.
>Seonghwa: well I hope that 'thing' is picking out an outfit for a thing I have coming up because that's actually what i'm texting you for. I need your assistance tomorrow.
>you: tomorrow? thanks for the heads up dude...what if I have stuff going on?
>Seonghwa: i'm not above begging. I just got back in town like 45 minutes ago okay i'm working with the best that i've got. we can use the time to catch up. plsplspls.
Rolling your eyes again, you confirm a time and a place with him, receiving numerous different heart and smiley emojis back in response before shutting your phone off and setting it back down on the empty bed space next to you.
Being back in your own place feeling so foreign to you now.
Your mind wanders back to Hongjoong and what it is that he could possibly be up to at this time of night; no doubt out with friends, drinking, smoking, partying — dealing with his emotions the one way he knows best — not. Almost certainly drunk past the point of making good choices and quite probably bringing someone back to the very place you had made yourself so comfortable only days ago.
Screwing your eyes shut tightly, you try to force back the mental image of exactly how your best friend likes to deal with his problems — a couple of stiff drinks and being over, or under, someone else.
Grabbing your phone again, you shuffle through your texting app to bring back up your conversation with Hongjoong, last message sent four days ago — four days since that conversation in his kitchen, him disappearing off to who knows where in a huff after the fact and you texting him that you're taking some of your things and spending some time back at your place.
With no response from him, of course.
“hey lol”
You chuckle at yourself lightly at the fact that you're really considering sending him the same thoughtless text that Seonghwa had just sent you minutes ago, before backspacing it all entirely and locking your phone again, gently tossing it off and towards your side in a hearty exhale of desperation, exasperation...
Missing him.
And of course you know, you've known that you're in love with Hongjoong. You're in tune enough with your feelings to know it, despite being entirely unwilling to admit it to him — not without something more concrete, not without him giving up and giving in just a little. You don't think it's a lot to ask of him, to put his hurt, and his worry, and whatever it is that clings to and harms him so deeply — to take a leap of faith and just say the words, the words that are so painfully obvious to the both of you.
That maybe he isn't necessarily in love with you, not yet — but he wants you, wants you all for himself. To be had and held by no one else. Is it too much to ask, to hear the words from his mouth without using them as a means to an end to make the both of you come?
A man so aware and enlightened, only willing to use his words when he knows he can take them back — not completely, but any deeper meaning behind them.
‘All talk, of course, it doesn't mean anything.’
Much like the first time.
And in spite of conversation number one not going according to plan, you find your chest empty at the loss of him next to you — wherever it may be that Hongjoong finds himself on this night, it's with your heart alongside, tightly in hand.
You only hope that he's thoughtful enough to be aware of it, to not make any rash decisions; for all intents and purposes perhaps—
For him to be better than you.
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“So, what are you looking for, exactly?”
Stepping through the large, perfectly polished glass doors just behind the man that you've met with, you look around momentarily — luxury brands and department stores far from something that you're uncomfortable or unfamiliar with, it's not all that often that you find yourself shopping about in such places, given Hongjoong's interest in the more 'far out' of fashion trends, as it were — this, a place for people with money, and who want to look like they have money.
It reminds you of Wooyoung, mostly. Expensive, untouchable. The opposite of Hongjoong in every way.
“Not a suit but,” he slowly answers, head only slightly turning back and looking as if he's even more out of his depth than you are. “Something...nice.”
“Not giving me much to work with, here.”
Seonghwa stops in the middle of the fragrance department, you nearly bumping into him from behind at the abrupt halt — looking around, you watch him intently, as if awaiting his next command on where it is that the two of you should head off to.
Hair still the same, black and swept off to the side of his face, sides shaved and neat — you take a second to enjoy the view, beautifully effeminate features, perfect teeth, and when he opens his mouth, such a deceptively heavy, deep voice.
Enough to knock anyone off their game, even just a little bit.
But the truth was, that Park Seonghwa was kind of a fucking nerd.
Not in the typical way, perhaps like Yunho — ex-pro gamer, but more in the sense of being a little awkward in a way that one might not expect upon laying eyes on him. Easy to assume a cold, tough personality to the man, but not so much the case at all.
He was awkward. Sexy, but definitely awkward.
“Is just a button down shirt nice?” he finally asks, making eye contact with you again after scanning the expanse of the room.
“It really depends on where you're going, was there no dress code?”
“Business casual, I think it said.”
“Oh!” you chime, all of the day's problems solved with ease at the description. “That's easy then, yes, you can get away with a nice button down. See? When you give me information to work with...”
A few strides into the direction of the men’s section, the both of you fanning through different colors and brands of shirts, Seonghwa finally pipes up in a lull of quiet from the typical, dull small talk.
“So,” he says plainly. “Are you seeing anyone?”
You're thankful for the way that he cannot see nor hear the way your heart drops at the question alone.
Swallowing hard, eyebrows furrowing just for a moment as if to collect your thoughts, you finally reply. “Um, yeah. I guess. It's kind of complicated, though.”
“What does that mean?”
And in most situations, you wouldn't want to open up about the situation. Still too new and raw and painful to the touch, but the lack of the ability to do so eating you up inside in such a way that the pain drawls on endlessly — Seonghwa probably isn't the right person for this discussion, but frankly, you're not really sure who would be.
You just know that right now you're dying inside, so it has to be somebody, and well...he's offering.
“I've been seeing this guy for the past bunch of months, we're actually best friends, or were— before all of this,” you begin, sighing between the statements and emotional exhaustion from it all evident. “He's obviously into me, just like I am into him, I'd love to just...be in a relationship with him but he can't...talk, say the words. Be vulnerable.”
“Real tough guy, huh?” Seonghwa quips as he pulls a navy blue shirt off of the rack to check the size and fit against himself.
“Not really, that's what really gets me,” you start again. “He's really not that sort of macho, out of touch with his feelings kind of stereotype dude that you'd expect, but I guess anyone can have their problems with intimacy.”
“You're sure he wants what you want?”
The question comes out of left field, especially from the man just across the rack from you — and despite not needing it, you do take a moment of pause to think the question over before giving the same answer you would have either way.
“Yeah, I'm sure.”
Seonghwa sets the shirt back onto the metal tubing from where it came before leaning forward onto it with arms crossed and chin pressed against them to look at you.
“Then he kinda needs to shit or get off the pot, ya know? Tell him to grow up.”
“I don't think it's that easy. If it were that easy I think he would have by now, there's something else there holding him back.”
“Are you fuckin' other people still?”
The question gives you whiplash, the velocity at which it leaves Seonghwa's mouth and proverbially slaps you right across the face something you never could have expected — paired with the fact that yes, it was something you had considered...
But coming from someone with completely fresh insight on the situation—
Perhaps you hadn't been as safe and accommodating as you could have been, after all.
“I mean,” you stutter out, eyes darting away from his own and back down into the slew of button down shirts before you. “Yeah, we're not exclusive or anything, so...”
Who is it that you're trying to convince, anyways? That everything that you do is okay.
The idea that right and wrong can coexist simultaneously. That someone's right is someone else's wrong, or someone's right and wrong all at once.
Of course you are allowed to do that, and shoulder the consequences of your actions, you shall. Not a punishment, merely a result.
Choose wisely.
“Obviously,” Seonghwa says, pulling back to stand straight again. “But if he has feelings for you and you know that, and he knows that you know that, and yet he knows you're fuckin' other people still...I mean, I can only speak for myself I guess, but I would not be jumping to bare my soul to someone who's probably got a date to get her back blown out twenty minutes after, ya know?”
It's funny in delivery. The truth behind it making you wince all the same.
“You told him?” Seonghwa asks, shortly after amending the question. “That you have feelings for him? Want to be with him?”
You nod silently, carding through a rack of shirts that you've long since stopped paying attention to.
“Then I maintain my stance that he's gotta get a grip,” he says with a shrug, finally settling on an item and holding it up with confirmation. You smile gently at him.
“You threw yourself into the fire, he's gotta meet you there eventually.”
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Stepping into the apartment and gently shutting the door behind you as you kick your shoes off, you hear the sound of Seonghwa casually tossing his keys onto the kitchen counter only a few feet away as he steps further ahead, bags set down behind the couch on the opposite end.
You stop and take it in for a moment — another new place, new sights, new smells, a new man.
And sure, Seonghwa wasn't new. Not in the typical sense of the word. He wasn't a random guy that you had just picked up that evening with every intention of drowning your worries in anything that he was willing to give you to help you forget, if even for a moment, but he wasn't...well...
He wasn't comfort. He wasn't home.
He wasn't Hongjoong.
Checking the screen of your phone again for notifications — notifications that you know have not arrived, for if they had, you would have felt them, you attempt to swallow down the knot in your throat. The feeling of being forgotten, of potentially being moved on from.
Did he even care anymore? Was it too little, too late, before you had even known it?
Vaguely, you can hear Seonghwa's deep voice ring out towards you, but the words fail to make their way to you. Not in any real, meaningful way — instead, past words spit like venom once again swim around and consume your memories, making their bed in your mind like a disease you may never find yourself rid of.
‘After all, you didn't know I was going to be there that night.’
“Hey,” you hear, Seonghwa finally breaking through the heavy thought clouding your mind. “What is going on up there?”
Lightly tapping the top of your head with his index finger, you lightly swat his hand away, awkwardly laughing and trying to shake off the way the memory makes you feel even now — the same way it felt then. As if no time had passed between at all.
“I'm fine.”
“Thinking about him?” Seonghwa chimes, teasingly mocking you like you're a girl with a crush.
It's not wrong, but hurts far more than he seems to be aware of, even in spite of the conversation earlier. You're unsurprised by this, as he never had come off as one quick on the emotional uptake of others.
A little self-centered, and a lot into himself. Med student, model — you figure it just sort of comes with the territory, perhaps, and truly — you had known him not to be the one to confide one's deepest, most vulnerable thoughts and feelings in, for those hands however skilled they may be, know not what to do with such items.
Opting to ignore the comment for as long as you can, instead eyes trailing along the medical books, papers, diagrams strewn about on the coffee table in front of the couch...only a few feet away from a few rather expensive looking garments carefully laid out across the top of a lounge chair — you find it charming, in some bizarre way — the juxtaposition of Seonghwa's lives carefully balanced on a thread via a man with no time to spare, and seemingly little knowledge about anything else.
You wonder if there's anything there, really, beyond medicine and beauty. Albeit, the path of medicine such a selfless act in and of itself, almost jarring in comparison to knowing the man; barely able to carry on a serious conversation, or offer a consoling word.
And hilariously, through all of the split second introspection, you come to the ultimate conclusion that you're not even all that sure you even like him that much.
“No,” you eventually answer, shuffling the thoughts from your head with finality. “Thinking about what we should eat.”
“What are you in the mood for?” he hurriedly responds, jumping up and into one of the stools next to the counter, phone in hand. “I'll order whatever.”
“Kind of want a pizza, actually.”
You find this to be the easiest conversation that you've ever had with the man, relief washing over you a bit and, for once, not feeling an undercurrent of battle with every word that is exchanged between the two of you, but you remember after all — you're there for a reason.
“By the way,” you say suddenly. “Need a tape measure, do you have one?”
“Ummmm, yeah, should be in my bedroom. The big white dresser? Not sure which drawer. You can go in there though, don't worry, won't find anything crazy.”
The words aren't all that comforting, you find, in spite of the fact that he's quite evidently trying to be. The promise of not finding whatever insanity the man may have hidden somewhere in the apartment something that you are thankful for, but as you step into his bedroom, the looming feeling of alarm washes over you just as quickly — that previously mentioned undercurrent of battle, now replaced with uncertainty. Not worry, so much, but with the crashing acknowledgement that perhaps you don't really know this man at all.
And you know that it's really none of your business. Not even a little bit, but he had you go in there, and knew what you would find—
—It seems only fair.
“Uh, Seonghwa?”
Long eyes looking up from his phone and straight towards you, dark hair dangling at one side of his face, it takes a long moment for the realization to hit him — so used to his version of normal, that you realize then and there, he had not actually thought about what it was he had been sending you off and into upon informing you where to find the tape measure.
That he obviously should have gotten off of his ass and retrieved himself.
“Oh, oh God,” he groans, eyes darting side to side and most importantly, far away from your own. His discomfort adds to your comfort instead, finding pleasure in the way that he is for once the one in the compromised situation between the two of you.
He was always awkward, but this was way better.
“Okay, ummm, I guess—“ he pauses, eyes screwing shut as if immediately trying to disappear himself from his own apartment, only opening them again upon accepting his failure in doing so and with lips forming a straight line, Seonghwa exhales heavily from his nostrils.
“—It's kinda...what it looks like.”
“The camera,” you plainly state, thumb over your shoulder and pointing back from where you had come from. “Want to tell me about that?”
Sighing, Seonghwa simply slumps forward with his head buried in crossed arms on the counter in front of him, words muffled. “No, but I guess I'm going to.”
“I mean, I won't say anything,” you comfort, shrugging and setting yourself down on the couch behind him. “I'm just already in here so if you're going to like, murder me for the dark web or something then I'd like to know ahead of time.”
You hear Seonghwa chuckle in response, probably thankful for the lighthearted banter in response to your findings. “Okay well, if that's what it looks like then it's not that.”
“What are you, a camboy or something?”
The chuckle in your voice as the words exit your mouth are evidence enough of the fact that you're still trying to make banter of the situation.
Seonghwa's silence in reaction, however, tells you that you're right on the money with your guess.
“Oh my God,” you chime out, a bit louder than you had anticipated. “You are.”
“Can you keep your voice down,” he hurriedly replies, pulling himself up and around to face you with the utmost urgency across his features. “These walls are paper thin, God.”
“Sorry, just—“ you pause, still taken aback by the discovery. “I was joking, I didn't think you really were. Not that there's anything wrong with that.”
With a heavy inhale, and equally heavy exhale, Seonghwa groans in anticipation of having to explain himself even further.
“It's good money, and it's fun,” he explains, standing up and heading over towards you on the couch so that the two of you can finish up the reason that you had gone over there to begin with. “The modeling is good but sometimes I don't take jobs because the travel just takes up so much time, it's hard to juggle with being a med student, so camming sort of supplements my income when I don't take jobs.”
Watching Seonghwa's face as he explains — cheeks and ears flushed red and the complete inability to make eye contact with you as he talks about it, laughing through it awkwardly even though nothing humorous is being said — you hate to admit the way that you find it charming, that perhaps in all of the ways that he is unattractive to you, there's still this. Goofy, uncomfortable, incredibly regular, like a little kid entirely too big physically and especially in life to handle all of the things being thrown his way.
An incredible juggling act, perhaps shocking that he didn't turn out worse.
So awkward, for a guy that jerks off on camera for who knows how many strangers.
“I think it's kind of cool.”
And for the first time since the conversation topic had been breached, Seonghwa's eyes meet your own, albeit briefly. A silent thankfulness for your understanding, for your willingness to accept him.
“You want to get into it? I'll fuck you on camera, we'll make a killing.”
Ah, right, there he is. Spoken like a truly insufferable prick.
“You wish, moron,” you say, flat in tone and forcing him to spin so that he faces away from you. “Get down on your knees so I can measure you out and get this fit right, and if you don't behave I'll have you out there looking ridiculous on purpose.”
Tape measure in hand, you extend the length enough to cross the width of the man's shoulders, making note of the number and dialing it in on your phone laid just next to you on the couch cushion, Seonghwa's head turns just slightly as if in attempt to look back at you, despite not having the range of motion to do so to any reasonable amount.
“Are my shoulders wide?”
You roll your eyes.
“They're a perfectly normal width, Hwa.”
“Wider than What's-his-face's?”
There's that burn in your chest again, and you can't tell if Seonghwa just doesn't get it or doesn't care, at this point.
Swallowing hard at the question, hoping and praying that your voice doesn't break as you force out a light response to an absolutely painful topic, you manage well enough.
“Yes, he's not a model.”
“He's short? Small?”
At this point, you're glad that Seonghwa can't see you — the way that you chew on the inside of your cheek or lip at the mere mention of Hongjoong, and now especially at this bizarrely competitive way that Seonghwa seems to be...having a go at him, despite not even knowing him, it's unappealing, unattractive, and downright right fucking annoying.
“Yes, he's small,” you answer, this time with far less effort to conceal your irritation at the line of questioning. “What does it matter to you, anyways?”
Shrugging suddenly as you continue on with what you had gone there to do to begin with, he sighs. “Just trying to lighten the mood, surely this guy isn't all that, and especially not if he can't even tell a girl he likes her.”
You kind of wish you could disagree.
Appreciating Seonghwa's mismanaged attempt at making you feel better in some way, you allow yourself to let the anger fall to the wayside a bit. The man just before you clearly only good at so many things — matters of other people's hearts, maybe not so much.
Which you sort of knew already.
Silence finally taking the room as you move to measure the length of his right arm, you're delighted by it. The fact that no words are currently exiting his beautiful mouth. You consider for a moment that perhaps beautiful men are far more often better off not using their words.
Wooyoung sort of springs to mind.
Paradise crashes down pretty quickly, though.
“He got a small dick?”
Swatting the back of his head gently, the man chuckles at your response. “What!? I find it admirable that you love him despite his flaws if that's the case.”
“You have got to shut up before I walk out of here.”
“Okay, okay, I was just jokin’—“
It's an almost pleasant bit in the evening, interrupted by the sound of a notification coming through on your phone, and as the screen illuminates, you only have to glance at it for a second to recognize the length of text — the name — that comes through on the screen.
You take pause, not only due to the unexpected nature of it, but given your current circumstances and just — everything. The feelings all rushing back to your chest, throat tightening in an instant, heart feeling as though it could beat straight through your rib cage at any given moment, you can only assume that Seonghwa doesn't hear the sound, or thinks nothing of it at first, before taking notice of the way that you freeze behind him, arms stuck in statuesque figure as you stare down at the device next to you with thoughts racing a mile a minute.
“What?” he finally questions, moving to turn more and take in the scene behind him, first looking to you, but following your eyes down to the object as the screen dulls again only seconds later. “Oh, is it him?”
You nod, slowly allowing your arms down and swallowing down a dry throat.
“Just ignore him, come on, we're having fun,” the man with you insists, grabbing you playfully by the arms and flailing them about for you. “He can wait a few hours more, don't let him ruin your night.”
Snapping back to reality, you blink, then turning your attention to Seonghwa — eyes bright and eyebrows down turned as if pleading for you not to ruin his good time, you take control of your arms once again as you reach towards your phone.
“I'm just...surprised, he's texting me—“ you say, inhaling deeply before unlocking the screen. “I can't ignore him.”
“You can, come on, we're having a good night!”
>Hongjoong: hey. i'm sorry. we should talk. I want to talk. about the conversation we had a few days ago. when you have time, obviously.
The message hits you in the chest like a freight train, for so many reasons, but the pointed willingness of the apology quite possibly being the most gutting of all.
Hongjoong, a man never above an apology, so you're unsure why it is that this one in particular hits you in such a special way — that he leads with it, that it feels so strong, so meaningful, so much.
And the acknowledgment of the failed conversation, of course.
Looking up from your phone, you meet the sad, puppy dog eyes of Seonghwa — pouty and evidently beyond bummed at the inevitability of the way the night will end — a child starved of play dates, his one moment cut short just like that.
You flash back to the night that you met Seonghwa, and how sexy you thought he was. The reason that you exchanged numbers with him to begin with. Truthfully? A quick fuck was ideally in the cards.
How unfortunate now that you've gotten to know him.
“Nah, I don't think so!”
Before the words really register to you, Seonghwa has your phone swiped from your hands, pulling it from your reach and back behind him — holding it far and away from your own as you attempt to swiftly grab it back from him but with no avail. Repeatedly calling his name to give it back, the man only laughs as you try to best his long limbs without closing too much of the space between the two of you — something that you would like to avoid.
And that he would not.
Pulling forward and nearly off of the couch entirely with Seonghwa leaned back and away, you attempt to reach behind him for your device, still far out of reach, but it's when the man quickly leans back in again without your ready — lips firm against your own and free hand cupping the side of your face to pull your further into it that you find it so easy to melt into the feeling without so much as a second thought; the warmth, the inviting plush of his mouth with a kiss not rushed, or needy, but passionate and soft.
You meet his motions briefly, before pulling back and away from him entirely.
Hand still gently pressed into the side of your head, fingers lightly curling into the hair that resides there, you take in the way that Seonghwa's features soften so much just in that moment — as if a man now knelt before you that you'd never met before. A new man.
He delicately pulls your face back towards him, and you hate the way you allow him to.
Only centimeters from your lips, Seonghwa whispers into you, voice heavy and laden with obvious desire that, if laid dormant all of this time, you had not noticed it until only now.
“If you're really gonna give the fun up for this guy,” he begins, pressing his lips to your own again and so gently that you almost couldn't even feel it. “Then what's wrong with one last one for the road, huh?”
Another kiss.
You're melting into it far too quickly, so easy for Seonghwa to lull you into this sort of comfort that only minutes prior you never would have thought him capable of — a new side of himself, so sensual and inviting and deeply, you wished you weren't curious about what else there was that he had to offer you.
“—He'll never have to find out.”
Okay, fuck it.
Scooting backwards on the couch a bit further, parting your legs to allow room for him in between them, Seonghwa leans into you even more, mouth heavier against your own, with more intent now. Your eyes dart down, in view of the hand clasping your phone still — the buzz of another notification ringing through your ears, knowing precisely who it is that's attempting to contact you — it takes everything in you to muster up the courage to ignore it, cast it aside.
Cast Hongjoong aside.
Seonghwa stands, carding his fingers through long, black hair as he does so before reaching for his belt buckle and beginning to undo it right in front of your face — your eyes fixated on the obvious tenting in the front of his pants at the promise of a fuck that neither of you should particularly be indulging in, but especially not you.
You can. You're allowed.
“Have you thought about this before?” you ask, curiosity getting the best of you and desperately needing to cut through the silence of only your thoughts.
Seonghwa chuckles, still looking down upon your features as he pulls the leather apart, fingers then moving to the button — it's happening a little faster than you needed right now, but also, perhaps that's exactly what you need.
“Of course, every guy thinks about fucking every attractive, female friend they have — at least a little bit.”
An unfortunate byproduct — everything reminds you of him.
Pressing his jeans down slightly and pulling himself from the black fabric of his briefs, he strokes himself slowly, gently, for your viewing pleasure — only inches from your face, eyes still engrossed and watching you as you watch him.
You wonder if this is how he does it for however many viewers he brings in.
“Don't think about him,” he says, bringing the hand up that still clasps your phone and turning the screen towards your face. “Unlock it, just for a little fun.”
“Are you crazy?” you bite back, leaning away from him altogether, but the man before you still lazily pumping himself only snorts a bit and shrugs before answering you back.
“It's your phone, think of it as a bachelorette gift from me.”
The confidence in his tone, while irritating, is intriguing — you wonder briefly who and what he's done to make himself believe that video recollection of you sucking him off could be something that you'd watch back later, holed up in the bathroom late at night with nothing or no one better to do and only a fond memory of something that you had no business partaking in to begin with.
Though, come to think of it; when you put it like that, the appeal was certainly beginning to present itself.
You snatch the phone from him and plug in your pass code, handing it back to him just as quickly — as if the faster it's done the less either of you will have to acknowledge the acceptance, but the grin on Seonghwa's face says everything as he evidently pulls up the camera app and angles your phones lens down and towards your face.
“Lemmie see you work, baby.”
You're certainly not proud of the way the sentence is felt straight between your legs — not entirely sure if it's the words themselves, the man, the camera, or the deviousness of the act as a whole — taking him into your dominant hand and replacing his as he pulls away and instead runs fingertips through the hair at the top of your head, you carry on with the work that he had started on himself. Heavy and warm, long, thick enough but not anything that would take any exceptional prep to work up to, you quickly (and unfortunately) have to settle on the fact that the guilty fuck is doing more for you now, in this moment, than you'd ever really like to admit to yourself.
Pulling yourself forward on the couch more to situate yourself best for taking him, you angle your head down as to run your tongue against the tip of his cock — wet, showy circles across it and looking up to see the effect on him — bottom corner of his lip pulled between his teeth and slightly hooded, brown eyes gazing down upon you.
And the camera, of course. You're making a show of it.
Moving upwards again, you take Seonghwa fuller into your mouth, properly for sucking him off — too big to take the entirety of but you're thankful that he doesn't seem stuck on the necessity of it, hands in your hair and on your head for the sake of being there rather than with intent to guide or pull you onto him, he allows you the ability to take him at your own pace and depth, languidly bobbing along his cock with wet, swollen lips as airy, devilishly sexy groans topple from the beautifully plump ones that had just been kissing you only moments before.
Kisses testing the waters: ‘How horrible are you, really?’
Even with cock in mouth, or especially with cock in mouth, you can't help but have the thoughts spring to mind — how wrong it is, how fucked up it is.
How you're only doing this with promise that Hongjoong will never know, because if he were to, you wouldn't.
But the knowledge of it devastating him not enough to stop you from pulling the trigger on the act, either.
Is this love?
“Feel so good, look so pretty like this,” Seonghwa says, the words nearly startling you from your thoughts despite the act still taking place. “Like a big dick? Hm? Mouth looks so small around me.”
You know he's playing it up for the camera, likely because it's what he's used to doing — talking the viewer through to their finish — he's assuming that someday you will, in all actuality, make yourself come to this little snippet in time at some point in the future.
Depending on how it turns out, you can't really promise that you won't, either.
Picking up your speed along him, hand following suit to make up for the amount of him that you can't fit into your mouth, Seonghwa groans at the extra friction, head falling back briefly to take in the feeling of you swallowing him whole, as best you can.
“God.” And it's nearly a whisper, eyes falling back down to yours once again. “Wanna come all over that pretty face of yours.”
Arousal pooling between your legs much quicker than you'd have ever hoped, the promise of him emptying on your face — while enticing — not exactly the finish you were looking for, but just as you pull off of him slowly to voice the concern, Seonghwa locks your phone screen with an audible click and tosses the device to a plush chair sitting adjacent to the two of you.
“Kinda short but should do the trick if you're hard up for time, here, stand up.”
Somewhat confused but following the man's lead all the same, Seonghwa pulls you up and off the couch before seating himself down where you had just been, cock still hard and all present — you finally come to realize that it was all for show, that he had no intention of finishing then and there.
What a magnificent actor, you think to yourself.
“Take your pants off,” he then instructs, sitting with his back against the couch and hand around himself as he resumes stroking himself at the visual, you wasting no time shimmying out of your clothing for him to watch — lips slightly parted and eyes so strong and intensely situated on your body and all of its movements. Once down to your panties, you look at him again, unsure if meant to strip in totality.
“Should I...?”
“Up to you,” he says, suddenly grabbing towards you and pulling your hips forward and against his face as fingers quickly make their way between your legs and into the sides of the fabric there — but pausing to look up at you again, the dastardly grin is really what sends home the words themselves, thereafter.
“Depends how dirty of a fuck you want it to be, the more clothes the better then.”
And you don't really have time to answer the question, had there ever even been one, before his lips press hard against your pussy and tongue making quick work of the quest for your clit — nearly toppling forward, hands falling to his shoulders for leverage as your knees just about give out from the sudden contact, lewd, slurping and sucking sounds resonating through the apartment as Seonghwa wastes no time tasting you — and just as quickly, the feeling of a single finger slowly pressing into you as you stand before him.
“God, fuck, Seonghwa—“
He hums in acknowledgment of the name, two, three slow pumps of the digit, you feel him add a second. Delicate hands, but by no means dainty — fingers with thickness to them and the feeling of fullness is immediate as he continues the suction on your clit with earnest.
Your own fingers digging into his shirt and the flesh beneath it, head falling back and feeling almost dizzy at the onslaught of sensations, clenching your eyes shut, he pulls his head back from you to look at your features. “Good?”
“Yes,” you whimper out, heavy and barely audible at all. Seonghwa chuckles at the scene before him.
And you know he's being annoying when he does it, the words paired with the curl of his fingers deep inside you as he ushers you forward, pressing hard against your g-spot as he does and it's everything you have, all of the strength in your legs to not completely fall forward and against him — but slowly pulling his fingers from you, he instead brings his hands to your waist, steadying you to ease you down and into his lap. Another kiss, this time much heavier and needy and messy from both sides — panties slick and wet and pulled apart messily, allowing you to feel the faint press of his bare shaft against you as the two of you pant and bite at each other's mouths, you want him, and you want him bad.
The coming to a head of so many different thoughts and feelings all at once: the longing, the missing, the sadness, the desire. The allure of being in places and arms where you shouldn't dare be, all the while wishing you were in the ones that you should.
It was good, he made me come, I prefer you.
I prefer you.
You want Seonghwa to fuck you raw.
And you know that the strongest factor in favor of it is the fact that it would be so easy. That the both of you are already right there, so simple, and you shouldn't, and all the while knowing it's sort of why you want to.
Maybe somehow you can undo all of the work that Hongjoong's done if only you allow someone else to do it all over again.
“Seonghwa,” you whisper against his mouth, hips pressing forward and against him, swallowing up the hiss that escapes his lips as a result of it and loving every second of it.
Nodding, the man reaches down and into his pants’ pocket — still conveniently wrapped around his thighs and pulls for his wallet, metallic package quickly found and ripping it open with his teeth, he nods for you to pull back a little off of him to grant him room to roll it on — watching intently as he does. Settling back comfortably, large hands finding their way up and around your waist again to lift you gently, to hover over him before your descent down — the two of you make eye contact only briefly as one of his hands edges down and between your legs to pull the side of your panties away just as before.
‘Depends how dirty of a fuck you want it to be.’
You quickly dart your eyes away from him, opting to close them instead as you sink down along his length — faster than you might normally and barely allowing yourself any time to adjust, you wince at the stretch, the length, the pull of him against your insides — not completely ready to take him yet.
But ready to get it over with, get out of there, and carry on like this never happened.
Rocking your hips against him, you start out at a relatively quick pace, one hand on his shoulder and the other between your legs to rub you into your orgasm as fast as possible, not even wanting to leave it up to him to get you there — screwing your eyes shut tighter, allowing yourself to feel the way he pulls you down to take his cock; a little hard, a little rough — but it's kind of what you want, what you need, given the circumstances.
In some ways, Seonghwa may as well not be there at all.
“H—harder—“ you whisper, desperately trying to get the friction you need from him out of the position but being starkly limited in availability, you only hear Seonghwa laugh at first, in response to your demand, before stopping the both of you altogether and nearly pushing you off of him.
Your first thought, is that he's pissed. You're not sure why, or what happened, and before being able to get the question out of your mouth, you find yourself face first into the couch cushion and lengthwise on the couch, with Seonghwa already pressing back into you from behind.
Moaning out at the new, different kind of intrusion, Seonghwa leans forward and over your back, hand nestled in your hair before tightening only enough to get your attention.
You said 'harder,' not 'rougher,' — 'rougher' was the next command on the agenda, though.
With a hard, sudden snap of his hips into you, you whine out loudly in response. Then another, and another following — crying out at the feeling, just teetering on the edge of being too much, too painful, you finally hear the words from behind you through gritted teeth.
“I'm fine with being your guilty little fuck,” he says, still snapping his hips harshly between every few words. “Use me to forget him? I can do that.”
Hand still pressed against your head, Seonghwa adjusts his positioning behind you just enough that it gives him better, easier access to continue his relentless drives into you — hard and fast — your hand once again buried between your legs and now orgasm much faster in its approach, you whine out with every full thrust of himself, nearly pulling all of the way from you before plunging back in.
“Feel good? You like that?” he asks, breath heavy and husky and sounding almost bitter in the exchange.
It almost turns you on more, knowing that he's angry with you for this, hates you for it.
“Yeah? My cock feel good to you, baby?”
So vulgar and with a tone so hateful, you know he's trying to make a point. The reminder that it's him and not Hongjoong. Making you pay attention to it. Not letting you disassociate from the fact. Forcing you to be present and in the moment no matter how much you don't want to be — not entirely, at least.
“Say it,” he adds with a particularly harsh thrust, and you give in right away. “Yes, yes, fuck, Seonghwa—“
“That's right, good girl. Close? Wanna come around my cock for me?”
A moan first ripping through your lips, fingers desperately attempting to grip into unrelenting cushions, you feel Seonghwa's own curl harder into the skin of your hips with every second that you don't answer him.
“Yes, I do, fuck, please I'm close—“
Continuing into you, he quiets long enough to focus on getting you there; fucking into you hard and fast and all of the way through it as you cry out at the way your orgasm finally takes you, you barely even notice as Seonghwa suddenly exits from you, pulling the condom free of himself and stroking himself through his own orgasm — translucent white strings of his cum painting your already stained panties and backside.
A fitting end — filthy and used and an amalgamation of things that never quite should have taken place to begin with.
Slowly, tiredly flipping back over to face him, Seonghwa avoids eye contact at first — the easy excuse of needing to toss the condom away in a rush able to pull him from the situation long enough to steady himself and his feelings before coming back — pants now pulled back up and into place before sitting down on the couch next to you again, eyes away from you as you awkwardly reach for the garments you had left on the floor onto ten or so minutes prior to now.
And then, your phone.
Buzzing lightly against the plush of the chair, you can't help but allow your attention to draw to Seonghwa in light of it all — but the man turns his head from you gently, instead opting to reach for the device as the one closest to it and handing it to you without ever making eye contact.
Talk about guilty fuck.
And of course it's Hongjoong. It's always Hongjoong. The vibrancy of the name on the screen in juxtaposition to the scenario that you just took part in and the way Seonghwa isn't helping in making it feel okay, feels like a knife to the chest.
Maybe, just maybe, it's not okay. Maybe it hasn't been for a while.
“I need to get—“ you quietly clamor out, your existence feeling like a disturbance in the man's home, but unable to leave until you wash the remainder of him off of you. Seonghwa turns his head to you briefly, finally realizing the situation and quickly — awkwardly, pointing you into the direction of his bathroom.
And it's unfortunate the ways that hurt people sometimes expel that pain. For Hongjoong, it's a spitfire tongue and thoughtless words — precisely as he thinks and feels in the moment but with every intention to hurt the recipient just as much as he, himself hurts.
For Yunho, it's repetition — the starry-eyed hope that if given the ability to go back in time, do the same thing over again, maybe do something differently, that he can forge a different outcome of the same situation.
For you, it's actions — thoughtless and selfish and entirely self-absorbed. Desperate for the acknowledgment that the choices one makes along the way are good and right, objectively so, even if at the expense of the ones we love around us.
And for Seonghwa, it's revenge.
Coming back from the bathroom, as best cleaned up as you can manage, you find Seonghwa standing in the kitchen — arms crossed with a glass of unknown liquid in hand as his eyes coldly fall over your figure. A far cry from the man you had arrived there with, but knowing all the same when you had worn out your welcome — you certainly don't feel bad about being kicked out after the sex, truthfully, you couldn't get out of there faster if you had tried to.
“I'm gonna get out of he—“
The sound of your phone vibrating stealing your attention away, but not because of a message notification.
Rather, a phone call.
Phone on the glass coffee table, face up, and not where you had left it when you went off to the bathroom — glancing down at the phone call as the tail end of it comes through, only to find it add itself to a slew of three other missed call notifications.
And all from Hongjoong.
You slowly look back up and towards Seonghwa, still silently perched in the kitchen — watching you, but with nothing to say. Slowly, he brings his hand from the side of his arm to take a sip of the beverage...
But not before ever so gently tipping it towards you.
Cheers, indeed. And 'fuck you, too.'
Panic setting in immediately, before you even have a chance to call Hongjoong back, another call rings through, and gathering your things, shuffling towards the door with little else on your mind beyond getting the fuck out of that apartment and away from that man, you pick up the call finally.
“Hongjoong, I— hold on, just—“
You haven't even heard a word from him yet, pulling the phone back down from your face to swipe through your apps at lightning quick speed, desperate to locate your texting app but not all that ready to lay eyes on precisely what it is that you expect to find.
And you do, of course.
The last thing in your messaging conversation with Hongjoong, the video Seonghwa took of you with him less than an hour earlier.
Not even bothering to acknowledge Seonghwa further as you leave the apartment, barreling down the staircase as quickly as possible with your bag slung over your shoulder, you're finally able to situate yourself enough to bring the phone back to your face.
Inhaling deeply, pausing from exhaustion and pressing your back against one of the concrete walls, you huff out his name. “Hongjoong—“
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
But the tone on the other line isn't angry, not in the way that you had anticipated. It's not a man furious, violent, aggressive in any sense of the imagination — but rather, a tone dripping with desperation, with tragedy, with pain. This question posed, to avoid the other, obvious question that lied bare and rubbed raw behind it: Why would you do this to me? Why would you hurt me like this?
“Look, I didn't send—“ you pause the line of thought, realizing that the details of who or why it was sent to him mean little, and truly the only thing that matters is why were you with him.
And why does Hongjoong mean that little to you.
“Hongjoong, I'm sorry, it was a mistake, I fucked up—“
“I've been texting you all night, is that why I couldn't get a hold of you?”
“Look, please, we should talk—“
“We should talk? I've been trying to get a hold of you all night to talk!”
“I know,” voice breaking with the words, the burning creeping up quickly and pulling yourself together again enough to continue down the stairs and out of the building and in a ride share towards Hongjoong's place, you continue to plead with him. “Please, Joong, I'm coming over. Please, let's talk about this.”
‘About this.’ The concept of ‘this.’
The unmatched, unswallowable feeling of impending nothingness. The loss of something — someone so great.
Everyone has a breaking point.
When silence greets you on the other line for far too long as your car carries you towards his home, a home that the two of you not too long ago once shared, you can almost hear the way that Hongjoong has to swallow down his feelings, the gut-wrenching twist of the dagger that you so ceremoniously planted directly into his chest.
“I don't know why you're tormenting me,” he whispers through broken voice, otherwise calm words falling onto your ears like death itself.
“So fucking jealous when I slept with your friend, before we even started getting involved—“
“I know, Hongjoong, I know please—“
His voice turning whiny, more broken and pointed. “—It was fucked up then, and it's so fucked up now.”
Throat burning, ears on fire, you know it's on the tip of his tongue if he can muster up the courage to do it, to say the words, to do the deed himself.
I don't love you anymore, goodbye.
But he doesn't, and in an effort to cut him off before he can, you make the quick decision that it's enough with the bullshit, and enough with the games. Emotions have been worn and dragged through the mud enough up until this point for the both of you — and for no reason at all. You know what you want, and you've always known what you wanted.
“You can come to the apartment to get your shit but I won't be there—“
He silences, you await the inquiry that apparently won't ever come, and it gives you pause again. Veins running ice cold and breath thin, you figure now more than ever before;
It's now or never.
“I love you.”
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