#I’ve recovered so much since then tho
macrotiis · 2 years
Tbh if I ever end up in a ward again I will have to try make friends with my inmates. Last time I didn’t bc I had extremely debilitating anxiety/agoraphobia & that made the whole situation so much worse.
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scribbiesan · 6 months
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Gotta love this blocky life
Just wanted to share some more Herobrine blurbs. This funky little dude just won’t get out of my head. Don’t mind the scratchiness, was in the mood to make something rough and just drop it off here.
I’m basing some of these ideas off the From the Fog mod, mainly the tamed wolves growling at Herobrine when he’s stalking the player, and how everything else ignores him. Herobrine being able to trade with Villagers is my own thing tho, as well as cats liking him.
I also have this idea that when Hero teleports around and shit, either bc of boredom or bc he has specific places around the World that are important or interesting to him, he makes the chances of a Zombie Siege much higher than normal. Like, if the normal chance of a Siege happening is 10% a week, then him teleporting from a Village or near one bumps it up to a 30% chance. The more he teleports to and from an area, the higher it rises, until it’s a guarantee that a Siege will occur that night in that Village. It’s caused some… issues during his existence when trying to socialize.
To make friends.
Not many Villagers know that Herobrine has something to do with more Sieges occuring to Villages, but those who survive and find their way to a new Village to recover? They remember him showing up, messing around and pulling pranks, before vanishing without a trace. To a Villager, Herobrine is an outsider, a traveler with no place to call his own. And his appearance and subsequent disappearance, and a Zombie Siege happening shortly after? Many begin to see Herobrine as a dark omen, bad luck, a Bringer of Death in a way. The survivors travel, and so does word of a strange man in bright clothes, with white, glowing eyes and odd behaviors. Who shows up to cause mischief, only to lead death to their doorsteps.
Hero doesn’t mean for these things to happen. Doesn’t even realize he’s the one causing them. He’s not Mortal, he’s not Human. His understanding of passive and hostile Mobs is heavily skewed bc most ignore him. He believes the Villagers he’s pranked and traded with are safe and sound (as much as they can be with Pillagers skulking around), and he’s just bringing some harmless fun to these grouchy, tired, overly stressed people. He didn’t know…..
If he comes across a Village who has survivors from Sieges he’s accidentally caused, and is seen by them, he’s run out of the Village. With fire and blade and pitchfork, sometimes an Iron Golem or two if the Village is wealthy/large enough to afford some. Since he doesn’t interact with Humans much, he’ll panic and run. Why are they being so mean? What did I do?
I just wanted to play…
Anywho, hope y’all enjoy this little mess. I’ve got more shit to work on, so hopefully that’ll be out eventually.
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whiscey · 3 months
drop your devastating banana fish fanfics list bestie 🙇🏻‍♀️
AHSHWJEVJ YES OMG thank you so much for this ask!!! i have a very very long list of fanfics that i love so im not gonna put every single one here, but here’s a list of my favorites :)
note: 1) of course please be mindful of the tws— most of these have the usual list of the tws associated with ash’s trauma; 2) i don’t read anything that complies with the canonical ending cause i cannot handle that lol; 3) the first half of this list is just purely devastating, and then the second half is mostly just hurt/comfort; 4) the order in this doesn’t mean anything
I fell in love with a war and nobody told me it ended (by ihavenomorals): very shorter-centric; retells the canon events in his perspective (with it being heavily implied that he’s in love with ash); definitely very devastating, i cried multiple times while reading it
dead birds and bloodhounds (by ihavenomorals): also very shorter-centric lol; incredibly devastating for similar reasons as the last one (i also really really loved the ending of this one)
Streetlight angel. (by chaos101): this one’s also shorter-centric; a lot of pre-canon shorter’s thoughts about ash; i do not have words to describe how much i loved the whole “streetlight angel” thing
New York, New York 1980 (by wbss21): ash-centric; talks about precanon ash living on the streets (no shorter); genuinely so so heartbreaking
Just offscreen. (by chaos101): focuses on ash; please be very very careful with the warnings, this really graphic and can be very triggering; i almost feel weird recommending this one cause it’s not really meant to be read for enjoyment, but it’s very well-written and really really impactful so i do want to include it; almost threw up the first time i read this (and i mean that as a compliment to the writing, not in the sense that i personally found it triggering), it was so incredibly devastating and gut-punching
how strong the blood (by ihavenomorals): nadia-centric; it’s about nadia’s experience raising shorter on her own; one of the only fanfics i’ve read that focuses on nadia and i loved it so so much
Odour of Chrysanthemums (by nyanja14): eiji’s-mom-centric; eiji’s mom’s perspective on ash and his relationship with eiji after they move to japan; this was so cool ahdhwje, i loved how much depth and backstory they gave to eiji’s mom; one of the less devastating ones on this list, but it’s still so sad in its own right
like a peach (by Quintessence): asheijiii; eiji takes care of ash’s wounds (canon-compliant, takes place around when they rescue ash from dino) and they talk about how he sees himself; definitely a lot more hurt/comfort than pure devastation but the way ash sees himself is so heartbreaking :(
Hydrangea (by Bleed_Peroxide): jessica-centric; first half is jessica’s thoughts as she gets to know more about ash and then second half is an expansion on that one scene where jessica asks ash about what foxx did to him; also more hurt/comfort lol, but i love found family sooo much
Even that could be forgiven. Even Ash. (by chaos101): focuses on max and ash; obviously had to include this since i literally requested it lmao (don’t get me wrong tho– that’s not the only reason why it’s here; it’s here cause i love this fic a lot :3); ash thinks max is going to punish him for talking back to him and max comforts him; hurt/comfort
You’ve paid this world more than enough. (by chaos101): also focuses on max and ash; pretty similar to the last one but i just had to include this cause i love it so so much; hurt/comfort
Safe and Sound (by Dodici): focuses on shorter and ash; pretty short but so so impactful (literally took my breath away ahdvwjeh)
I wish that things had been different. (by chaos101): focuses on ash and griffin; it’s about ash’s reunion with griffin after he starts recovering from the effects of banana fish; this was so emotional and well-written abdvwjbd
Down toward the Healing (by Dodici): asheiji; part of a series (i recommend the series as a whole honestly, but definitely this fanfic in particular) called Eight Million Gods; it’s about ash struggling to find a therapist who works for him; the writing is so beautiful in this and i personally find it somewhat devastating in the sense that it’s a big reminder that healing takes time and a lot of effort
Feed My Body. Feed My Soul (by Wings_and_Feet): asheiji; it does have one (consensual) explicit scene, which is important to the plot but can also probably be skipped over if you’re not comfortable reading that; talks about ash’s relationship with food through eiji’s perspective (please be careful with the trigger warnings)
To Sleep; Perchance to Dream (by Wings_and_Feet): asheiji; it’s about ash and eiji’s post-canon life in japan and eiji’s family’s reactions to eiji being ash back home; literally one of my favorite post-canon japan fics ever, it’s soooo good; a lot of hurt/comfort
Pain Management (by Wings_and_Feet): asheiji; discusses ash’s struggles with addiction as a result of his experiences at Club Cod (not elaborating on this cause of the triggering content); i haven’t read many fics that talk about this, so i thought this was really interesting lol (and also it was very well-written)
Just because I love you. (by chaos101): asheiji; ash sickfic combined with ash and eiji talking about the horrible “he’s not your salvation” stuff blanca said to ash; genuinely one of my favorite sickfics ever (although that’s not really entirely the focus of the fanfic but like still)
How to love someone back. (by chaos101): asheiji; i saved the best for last :3; this is a character study of ash and it’s literally one of my favorite fanfics ever – please go read it, it’s so good aksjdke
bonuses :D (these count as bonuses since you requested devastating fics and these are pretty fluffy lol):
What you’ve been waiting for. (by chaos101): professor ash!! this fic is so sweet 🥹 i love it so much, it’s one of my comfort fics
the Childhood at Eighteen series (by armjail): asheiji; these are my other two comfort fics, they’re both so incredibly wholesome 🥹🥹
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hinamie · 23 days
hi hina!! i'm still not over your gojo megumi piece........that one really really got me like i don't think i have adequate words to express my sheer depth of feeling. the tenderness in gojo's eyes.....i am never recovering. amazing job as always <3 and not to drastically change the vibe but i was wondering what you think of mappa’s 'twinkification' of gojo and whether you prefer the manga or anime version (insofar as you prefer anything gojo hgkshfjd but like, design-wise).
HIIII MARIAM <3333 thank u so much i'm happy it struck such a chord fr u !! u know me i always have a blast with megumi angst and i admittedly have a History with father/father-esque figures in media.....smiles.....anyway
re: the actual question part of your ask i'm crying it’s actually so funny u ask this bc sam and i had a conversation literally yesterday about where gojo falls on the muscle tone spectrum of jjk characters and how different fanartists interpret him. personally i like it best when he’s in like. a middle ground between the fushiguros — not as sinewy as megumi but not as yolked as toji. he’s very obviously muscular but i like it when most of that is confined 2 the torso, with everywhere else being lankier muscle . he is long in the limbs and SHARP ik this bitch got elbows tht could take an eye out.
since now u know my Gojo Muscle Tone Preferences it shld come as no surprise tht i’m rly not mad about his twinkification. i /vastly/ prefer it to the alternate timeline where they lean harder into making him super bulky,,, i think his design n the way gege draws him combined with. gestures. u know. Everything About Him personality-wise makes him very twink-friendly what can i say :/ . in the wise words of 2020 hina, ‘he’s a bastard and would benefit from being called a little bitch’. ik gojo is canonically muscular but I’m just very happy that (so far) mappa has generally tried to keep him lean and lanky i think it suits him so much better :’> i’ve accepted that this will likely change when they have 2 animate him and his 24 inch waist in that slutty fucking skin-tight black t shirt takes an extended drag n exhales wearily
putting anime gojo aside tho bc the REAL star of the show is mr gege akutami n manga gojo listen ok listen. even as a certified gojohater i am not immune to how fucking POINTY gege draws him it’s such good food the shapes the lines i want to put them in my mOUTH. he looks like tv static. he looks like chewed wires. he looks sharp n lethal and it’s SO GOOD. although i have nothing but respect fr animators and mappa does amazing work, there’s almost always so much more personality in the source material that does not and cannot translate to animation. I will admit s2 teen gojo comes close 2 getting that Razor Blade vibe right but nothing will ever hold a candle to the manga in my eyes. 
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throwing-in-the-towel · 2 months
I don’t wanna speculate too hard because frankly it’s no one’s business but I think Brody might be out just cause he’s exhausted-on Melody’s live she said he was in Alaska or something and honestly he did a show the night he got back (I think at least-I don’t keep up w/this much ) and also if he did a show yesterday after CD signings and a show on Wednesday that not a lot of time to recover from jet lag. So I honestly just think he’s tired. Props to him for listening to his body tho.
Brent apparently put his dog down today-I feel awful for him. Hope he’s doing well at least. (You don’t have to post this if you don’t want-I dunno if it crosses any boundaries and I’m SO sorry if it does-honestly just speculation, though it’s not something I wish to really delve into due to it being nobody’s business but the actors. But a lot of people get upset when Brody isn’t there and if he doesn’t have a record with missing evening performances I just figured it could be a reason.
I was at the show tonight-Trevor did SO incredible and Dan gave me SHIVERS-but people were uber upset Brody wasn’t there and it was kinda sad to see them be upset as if it’s Trevis fault. Grown woman next to me was on the brink of tears over it I believe-while I was a tad disappointed I was BLOWN AWAY by Trevi. He seriously did incredible. Again, no need to post this if it isn’t in your comfort zone and if it isn’t I’m so sorry for violating any boundaries-just figured I’d add in for people who may have been upset with the outcome.
yeah, i expect brent to continue being out for the week since he has been thus far. feel for his family right now <3
and as for brody, i often post about how he takes off to take care of himself, so it’s not a surprise to me when he’s absent. i absolutely adore trevor as pony so i always love to see him!
interesting u mention a lady almost crying…i recently posted a story about how a grown woman was crying over jason being absent in may. people need to control themselves and reactions like that in public. i’ve also talked about how trevor himself has told me he feels bad when he’s on for brody b/c he knows the audience is upset. breaks my heart!!! glad to hear you enjoyed dan as well, he’s phenomenal as darrel!
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hausofmamadas · 2 months
FRENCHIE | Queer!Mode, Detected
The Boys, Season 1, Ep 2 - Cherry | Season 2, Ep 3 - Over The Hill With the Swords of A 1000 Men, 6 - The Bloody Door’s Off, 8 - What I Know | Season 3, Ep 3 - Barbary Coast
I’ve seen a lotta chatter in The Boys fandom (mostly on Reddit but also TikTok. Appropriately this take wasn’t on Tumblr much) that ppl were mad at Kripke and Co for taking an unforeseen “gay turn” with Frenchie’s character in S4 ..? And I’m over here with my Sherlock Holmes cap and pipe and tiny detective notebook just
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trying to understand how these ppl didn’t pick up on the bipan vibes from this beautiful, majestic, so-French-he-can't-help-it butterfly.
(Also all this hand wringing about Frenchie "turning gay," te lo juro me esta eloqueciendo alaverga. Like canwenot with the bi-erasure, it’s giving Ashley telling Maeve she’s a lesbian bc is more “clear-cut” and easier to sell than bi. It’s just as insulting to call a bipan person gay as it is to call them straight. And I don’t mean like the use of gay as a catch all that a lotta us queers use sometimes interchangeably for queer, I talkin ppl acting as tho bipan isn't real and/or thinking Frenchie jumped out the closet as a gay man 3/4 of the way thru the show.)
And their confusion over this has got me confused. Like I didn’t even realize it was such a plot twist until I got on Reddit and a lotta ppl were screaming like Ned Stark's head just got cut off, or like it's some wild-ass writer's room shenanigans where the character is suddenly a diff person for no discernible reason. Like have you seen this man? Do you know where you are? Bc they’ve been dropping hints throughout the show. Case in point:
a) Little Nina and all that talk about her Sergei ahem it's Serge and his overwhelming enthusiasm for butt stuff and Vincent Cassel try to convince me Sr. Cassel wasn’t a childhood crush of Frenchie’s or someth and that’s why it’s his safe word. You can’t
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b) this time he planted a fat smooch on Hughie’s face after finding out he leaked the compound V tip to the press (bonus points for his attempt to make out with mm before getting a no-homo hard pass)
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c) this deep, abiding love of The Golden Girls this is unequivocally the gayest thing on the list
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d) how he turned tricks in mad NYC before Little Nina locked that mf in a chastity belt and held him hostage by his penis he went to ‘work’ for Nina. -> Disclaimer: this is not to imply that queer ppl’s participation in sex work is bc they’re hypersexual. This is here to point out queer coding, as lgbtqia+ ppl are more at-risk for mental health issues stemming from severe trauma, food and housing insecurity, and addiction, often without access to the care they need to recover. So sex work becomes a viable vocation to survive bc unlike a regular 9-5, it’s more conducive to untreated mental health issues and substance use also it’s an easier market to get into than arms dealing or contract killing
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e) this throuple arrangement btwn him, Cherie and Justin
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f) His attempts to…er broaden mm’s horizons ?
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g) the evident lack of knowledge or interest or acumen for this mysterious sportsball of which mm speaks of but he’ll still go on that dumb golf bachelor trip bc he loves his fraaand
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h) this fondness for Eurotrash raves and dancing
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And look, I might get it if they sprung it on us. But this shit has been since the beginning. The earliest indicator being ep 2 of S1 — THE FIRST EP HE’S IN. Hughie asks what it’s like to kill someone and Frenchie waxes poetic about his first hit (just before ominously dropping, "I carry them all with me" buried the lead on that one to Hughie's horror but to the delight of bbygirllovers like myself everywhere) and well, I think the evidence here speaks for itself
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Like the dichot— nay, Bichotomy of talking about how mindblowingly hot this chick is whilst, in the same breath, gushing over her outfit. Okay I’m sure there’s a token straightmale who can id high-end designer brands on sight. I’m sure that unicorn exists somewhere, right, cuz humans contain multitudes. But this man? He just a bipan butterfly. So those who felt blindsided by Frenchie gettin’ dicked down, oh you beautiful, naive, sophisticated newborn babies. If not spelled out, it was so heavily implied, I saw the fling with whatshisname with the murdered fam whose name I’m too lazy to Goog and was like, “hm yes, the math is indeed mathing, these calculayshuns are correct”
Like u thot a mf dressed like this??? was straight ?
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Mans is in a scoopneck bunny crop top that looks straighr from the juniors section of Forever21 with plaid pants and fuckingsjs suspenders iconic so to think he'd nary tarried in sausage-central before, well ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
taglist: @drabbles-mc, @complete-nonsequitur, @rerorero-my-cherry, @ladygoatee, @tofuwildcard, @tinylittleobsessions
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hotchs-big-hands · 2 months
A lil update
Ion know if anyone rly has noticed, which is fine, but I’ve not been on here much at all recently. I am struggling to get back into writing, I really want to. I have part 4 of my series nearly finished but I just… can’t finish it. It’s been a year since I posted a proper fic, which was part three of that series. I’m also trying to do a oneshot idea but I’ve honestly got no drive to write, even tho I rly want to.
Tw: medical stuff/mental health stuff
On top of that, in my personal life I’ve dropped out of university because it was killing my enjoyment of art and affecting my wellbeing, and I’m still struggling with art now. I’ve also got a bunch of medical stuff happening, including having to return about my ear that I had surgery on because it just isn’t recovering and actually now it’s really bad. Sound is pitching my eardrum and it is very uncomfortable. So I’m going back to the hospital about that. The last resort for that ear, if this surgery hasn’t worked once again, is to seal the ear permanently. Which means I’ll be completely deaf in that ear.
Basically, I’ve just been pretty depressed for a while and it kinda boiled over the other night and yeah. I miss creating, I miss writing and interacting with ppl on here. I miss posting abt Aaron. Idk what to do honestly.
Anyway if you somehow read this stuff, thank you. I hope you have a wonderful day 💖
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year
Optima’s x fem Organic alien
Maybe she’s got liquid energon for blood.. small fangs and by average roughly 13 feet tall in her true form.. with slight electromagnetic psychic abilities.. but can’t use them often or for long periods of time, as she’ll pas out from exhaustion. And her species can camouflage into the main Organic Alien of whatever planet they reside in as a means to blend in.
but cannot keep up the form for long either.. she still Looks like herself, just as she would be if she were the native species of the world..
perhaps she gets rescued from being experimented on by a corrupt splinter group of the government, and just ends up Staying with the Atobots..
growing attached to them quite quickly, and even protective.. basically “mother hens” the whole lot of’em.. especially the humans in the team.. what she struggles with tho??
Her clear and obvious growing attraction to the ever serious Prime.. perhaps she questions how the whole team actually feels about her even being there to begin with.. especially with her jumping at every shadow that reminds her of her capture..
comfort, fluff & awkward Aliens feeling the feels.
TFP Optimus x alien!reader
Heya! Thanks for requesting. I had some trouble with this bc it’s a little too specific, but I’ve done a bit of a drabble for you, hope that’s ok. In future, if you’d like a longer scenario, just send in a more generalised ask :)
(and yes I saw your other ask! you can go by 🎃 as anon so I know who you are !)
Warnings: SFW/Fluff, mentions of trauma, non-human reader.
Word count: 372
- It had already taken you some time to get accustomed to Earth’s strange yet fascinatingly beautiful environment, and it had taken you even more time to learn how to blend in with the planet's indigenous population. You thought you were sneaky, blissfully unaware that a sinister organisation known as MECH had been eyeing you off.
- They had been spying on you ever since you landed and had set up a trap for you, a beacon that mimics the exact electromagnetic pulses of your species. And you, of course, being desperate and alone, fall for it.
- Luckily for you, MECH couldn’t contain you for very long, as you sent tidal waves of electricity through their security systems, rendering them useless. You had escaped, thank the deities, but not without severe trauma from ruthless experimentation. Thankfully, you ran into a group of Cybertronians infiltrating the base, investigating the sudden burst of energy.
- You were initially hesitant, receiving strange looks at your ‘not so human features’. At some point, you had revealed your proper form, and these bots instantly took you in as one of their own. You especially loved the humans, enjoying their questions and gleefully answering them. From then on, you had sworn to protect these creatures with your life, despite gaining some trust issues with the rest of their species.
- The kids weren’t the only thing you had become fascinated with. Optimus, the leader of these Autobots you’ve only heard legends of, was as stoic as he is gentle. You fell in love with him and your shared experiences with being a stranger on this alluring planet. And he, too, had begun to share the same enthusiasm for you.
- He’d talk to you about being captured and help you recover from your fears, gently holding you as if he was protecting you.
- If you ever got scared of shadows that reminded you of Silas creeping around every corner, Optimus would remove any light sources to distract you from painful memories. He’d keep you in his lap as well, reading Cybertronian poems for you. He’ll do everything he can to keep you safe until you find a way home, as much as that hurts his spark.
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pizzaprompts · 7 months
Kinky Text Prompts
A series of prompts surrounding texting about sex and kink. Some prompts are relative to specific body parts, so it's on the sender to make sure they consider the correct prompt. Gender can be changed up easily.
All prompts are 18+
[text] New kink unlocked!
[text] You can't send me pictures like that when I'm in a meeting that's not fair.
[text] The toy's okay but I'd rather that you were here doing this!
[text] I exchanged a blowjob for a ride to work today
[text] shit i think i left my underwear in the uber
[text] can you stop at the toy store and pick up another crop?
[text] No one ever talks about how annoying installing anchors is istg
[text] I tried on the new harness today and I could use a second opinion ;)
[text] okay I tried to show up at your place and surprise you with a sexy outfit but your roommate just answered and I'm only wearing a trenchcoat so uh... sorry for whatever conversations you might have later.
[text] thinking that maybe the whip was a little much for a night before work. Sitting is agony.
[text] His dick was big but he had no clue how to use it. What a waste.
[text] Want to come shopping with me tomorrow? I need new whips and you know about horses. The last time I went alone the clerk was traumatised.
[text] tbh tho the threesome was more awkward than sexy.
[text] I’ve agreed to send my gay coworker a dick pic. I need to research it now. Don’t want to look like an amateur.
[text] since I've been extra good this year can I get extra birthday beatings?
[text] I have rope burn on top of my sunburn and I am feeling miserable and need to be kissed better
[text] he called me baby girl in the middle of it and i thought id hate it but actually it was kinda hot???
[text] yeah so it turns out I'm allergic to the lube we were using
[text] frankly i think a lot of my problems would be solved if someone could just flog me for an hour. i dont think im asking for a lot
[text] Alright so I did a bit more research on it and the answer is yes. I think I'd be interested in trying that sometime. Maybe Friday so you have the weekend to recover?
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ariicandy · 2 years
Hi :D
I saw your requests were open and that you needed some so I had a little thing i was wondering if you could do👀 no pressure tho!
Hanako and Tsukasa (tbhk) with a S/O who wears a mask every day because they dislike how their face looks, maybe one day they take their mask off or they forgot to bring it and they are just on the brim of having a panic attack-
Again no pressure! Hope you have an amazing day/night! <3
Hii! I wear a mask everyday where ever I go so I kinda relate to this a bit! I really like your request feel free to send another one btw! Hope you enjoy! <3
So sorry this took forever I’ve been lacking motivation and need something to help recover motivation for writing😞 this also might be ooc from lack of motivation
Tsukasa/Hanako With An S/O Who Wears a Mask Everyday
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* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *
✧. ┊ 1. If you forgot to bring your mask to school and scared people will judge you, you’ll be surprised when I say tsukasa might’ve not recognize you at first until your signature voice or (whatever you wear on the daily) .
✧. ┊ 2. The first thing he did was squeeze your cheeks on your face because you hid them so long like they haven’t got any air!(waited to add this cause my mom tells me this lol) if you don’t like when people squish your cheeks, he’ll hug you seeing your face fully without the mask and ask you why you hid it when you look pretty/handsome?
✧. ┊ 3. If you take off your mask to fix it or felt something in your mask, he’ll be surprised at first seeing your face but then ask you to show your face more since you look pretty showing off your beauty! He might snatch your mask and make you chase him to get it back..but don’t worry! It’s all cause he wants to show people your beauty!
✧. ┊ 4. Overall, he would super surprised why you hide your face within a mask, minus the times you do actually get sick like a cough/really bad coughing, he thinks you shouldn’t be hiding something that is you! He might encourage you to take the mask time to time mainly in the broadcasting room first then out in the open he’ll ask you to take it off.
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✧. ┊ 1. When you forgot about your mask he was astonished that the other half of your face was pure beauty. If you came to look for him he wouldn’t recognize you at first until you started speaking again or yashiro/teru would have to tell that was you!
✧. ┊ 2. He would stare at you from hiding your face, forgetting you left your mask instead of just wearing like you always do or just generally sick sometimes, he would stare at you until you had to snap him out of it. He just loves this whole new you he now finally saw!
✧. ┊ 3. He would ask you to show your face because he quotes “misses it so much and want to squish your cute face” end quote. He might take your mask similar to tsukasa, kinda steal it and try to hide it(keeping it in his pocket) and you’ll have to chase him or trade him donuts and he’ll give it back.
✧. ┊ overall, he’s surprised to see you without a mask and wants to see more without it! He might help you if you get anxious when you need to take off in public in the school or try teaching you methods to calm down if you panic about it. He’s very supportive on helping you and wants to see you confident with your face cause it’s the true beauty of your look <3
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odetodilfs · 2 years
omg thank u for doing my request (the sza song)🫶🫶🫶. i loved it.
do u think u could do like a part 2? kinda. based on the same song but a different section of the lyrics. the lyrics are
‘Just tryna be your everything
Main one ridin'
How you frontin' on me and I'm the main one tryin'?
How you blame it on me and you the main one lyin'?
How you threatenin' to leave and I'm the main one cryin'?
I can't lose when I'm with you (Like you, like you)
How can I snooze and miss the moment? (Like you)
You just too important
Nobody do body like you do’
if you do decide to do this i was thinking it could be a part 2 and be what happens when javi and reader actually go out on their public date. this part of the song is more angst tho so if u follow the song it wouldn’t be as fluffy.
again thank u for doing my first request 🫶
I try to make an effort
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Heyyy!! I loved writing this part 2!! It's my first time writing angst though, so my apologies if it's not good enough!
Pairing: Javier Peña x m!reader
Warnings: F slur in spanish, NSFW mentions
Pure angst and fluff but ending is mentioning NSFW Link to part one
Spanish spoken so translations are at the bottom!!
It had been a week by now and Javi’s eye had almost fully recovered, yet he had been showing less affection to you, you noticed he was no longer as clingy and complimenting you that much, in general: it felt like he didn’t love you anymore. “Mi amor, have you booked the table at the restaurant?” you asked him, you wanted him to say yes but he just said, “Sorry, uh- I’ll do it later okay?” he said as he returned back to his police business, you stormed off the room and started to sob on the way to your room. Javier had honestly been a bit of a dick to you all week and this was just the outbreak of your rage, you lay in bed and hugged the pillow as you started to cry, but not before making the door slam loudly. You waited for what felt like an eternity but Javier still didn’t come: you were convinced he didn’t care about you anymore. You really did try to be the perfect boyfriend for him, you tried to have his clothes always carefully laid out for the next day. He had also started being distant towards you then when you pointed it out he always would say how he was just stressed and that you were overexaggerating everything, that he was okay.
You kept thinking about all the sweet memories you two had until the doorknob turned, “Mi amor...” he said, sitting on the bed with you, “Go away, please, I know you don’t want to be near me,” you said
“No, I want to be close to you-” he started telling you “You don’t you keep saying I exaggerate when I worry about you, I keep trying to be perfect for you and this week you’ve done nothing but ignore me, if you don’t want me anymore that’s fine!! I can just get another man” you shouted, Javier stood up, “Si piensas que soy así de reemplazable, no te equivocas” he said, walking out of the room. 
You felt guilty, you had been way overboard with this one, with that last comment, you were considering letting him go, that comment clearly hurt him, of course it did, he had been living on just hookups for years, countless women comparing him to other men they’d slept with, you fucked it up big time. But you had to try something, he was too important for you, you loved him too much. So you stood up and got out of the room to try and find him.
You found him in the living room, tears down his face as well, “You don’t need to apologize” he said, “I do, I’m just… I just wanna know why you suddenly grew so distant from me, Javier, I love you more than anything in the world” you said, “If you really want to know, then let me tell you” he started, “I was just speaking with a bunch of colleagues the other day and talked about women, and obviously since I’ve dated you I’ve been quiet on that topic, so one of them nudged me and said, “Oye Javier, ya no hablas tanto de mujeres, ¿te nos volviste maricón?” and so I just have been feeling so paranoid, I’m sorry, I realize I should’ve told you” he apologized profusely.
You went in and kissed him tenderly on the lips, both of you spilling even more tears, “Oh Javier, that must’ve been so hard, I get what you did now,” you held him to you, “I’m so fucking sorry” he said, crying and holding your face in his hands,
“I just wanted to say, you’re not replaceable” you said, “I don’t know how I could live without looking at those pretty eyes of yours every day, or the way you hug me from behind when I’m doing anything” you said as you held his hand, “Te amo, Javier, más que nada en el mundo” you said as you kissed him again, 
“Yo también te adoro” he said as he kissed you sweetly then picked up the telephone, “What are you doing?” you asked, “Booking the table, for tonight” he said, you felt immense happiness wash over you, he started speaking, “Hola, si, buenas tardes” he greeted, then waited for an answer, “Llamo para una reserva para dos, a nombre de Javier” he explained, “Ah okay, muchas gracias, ahí estaremos, adiós” he hung up, “We’ve got ourselves a table at 8pm” he said excitedly, “That 's… in half an hour!” you exclaimed, “Take your time baby, make yourself look pretty, not that there’s much of an effort to be put, you fine ass man” he complimented you and kissed you on the lips, you both when in the room to change, goddamn it, if you didn’t have the date you would’ve pleasured this man so good.
You were both a little late to the restaurant but it wasn’t too late, so they still let you in, you noticed a lot of couples, and the fact that it looked more like a bar, there were lots of men and women sat together in pairs… hold the fuck up… had Javier taken you to a gay bar? “¿Amor, es esto un…?” he nodded with a smile and you immediately went in and kissed him, in front of everyone, you didn’t care, in fact, one or two couples smiled as they saw you kissing, they were happy to see more like them. You were sure a lot of people were wondering why Agent Peña was in a gay bar kissing you, but you figured they’d let it pass as he’s obviously not gonna give them away. You sat down on a table and a waiter took your order, he held your hand and looked you in the eye, “¿Te gusta mi amor?” he asked with a smile across his eyes, “I love it, Javier” you squeezed his hand, “I know you don’t want me to risk myself, so I went ahead and looked for places like this, we can love each other freely here” he said, “Gracias, de verdad” you smiled, “It’s nothing my love, and the fun doesn’t end here, just wait till we go home after dinner, you’re gonna have a very good time before we sleep” he smirked. This was definitely getting better, and you couldn’t be happier than now, he was the one for you, and no matter how many risks that implied, you were going to stick with him till the end.
"Si crees que soy así de reemplazable, no te equivocas" - "If you think I'm that replaceable, you're not wrong"
“Oye Javier, ya no hablas tanto de mujeres, ¿te nos volviste maricón?” - "Hey Javier, you don't talk much about women anymore- did you turn into a (f slur)?"
"Te amo Javier, mas que nada en el mundo" - "I love you Javier, more than anything in the world"
"Yo también te adoro" - "I adore you too" “Hola, si, buenas tardes” - "Hello, good afternoon" “Llamo para una reserva para dos, a nombre de Javier” - "I'm calling to reserve a table for 2 for Javier" “Ah okay, muchas gracias, ahí estaremos, adiós” - "Okay, thanks, we'll be there, goodbye" ¿Amor, esto es un...?" - "My love... is this a...?"
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snailvibes · 10 months
How about some angst. After seeing how skilled Agent 4 is in defeating him, DJ Octavio has Maya kidnapped and uses his hypnoshades(he makes them harder to take/shoot off) to turn her into his perfect soldier. How would the squidbeak splatoon react.
Very funny fact I actually had a plot line like this in a splatoon fic I had YEARRSS ago like in my wattpad days😭 (it’s deleted on there now tho lol). I’ve also kinda made art for this idea with that one bad end agents piece I did ages ago but I never put more thought into it aside from drawing it.
Obviously this would be pre splat3 considering Octavio wouldn’t do this splat3 - post splat 3 cus busy in the desert and then redemption arc, so tldr this won’t include neo 3 or deep cut.
Most prominently Marie would fucking FREAK out. Since you word it as it’s after he sees how skilled she is at defeating him and we can see he’s obviously capable of getting out again, this would probably not be long after the end of splat2’s storymode and Marie who is still coping with losing Callie and just now getting her back would NOT handle this well, like even just realizing Maya is missing and Octavio’s out would completely set her off. Callie would be panicking almost as much as she’s also very much still recovering and now has to deal with facing Octavio all over again because there’s no way she’d let Marie get her back alone. Add Craig Eight and Three into the mix with them coming back from octo expansion; Ashley is essentially just like “oh wow cool new agent- anddd already a new member of the brainwashed club got it.” Lucky I think would choose not to get involved and leave it to the others and Craig is essentially just “WTF happened while I was gone.”
Going into a scenario where it’s farther in the future though so everyone’s already built connections: Ashley is PISSED more than anything because of her already strained and broken relationship with Octavio and this would make it a million times worse, along with being angry that their girlfriend has to go through another thing in her life. Seeing her actually brainwashed and being that perfect soldier would be what gets that anger to turn into just fear, because it’s a similar reflection of herself under Tartar’s control.
Lucky knows Maya can handle herself, but she’s more scared for her than she’s willing to admit, considering she has no memories of her former leader and only has the stories everyone else has shared of what he’s done, and she’s never gone out of her way to interact with him. Similar to Ashley, seeing her brainwashed from the glasses just reminds her of her fight with three in the elevator, but similar to then she’s more willing than the others to fight her to try and yank those glasses off her face.
I don’t think Marie would be able to even properly fight her. I think she’d still feel guilty about shooting Callie in the face even though it needed to be done, so having to actually go outright fight her daughter would be way too much to the point that I don’t think she could even bring herself to do it. Her focus would be more on trying to snipe down Octavio in the background of the fight if he’s there, and if not, letting the others handle Maya so she can go hunt him down while his “perfect soldier” is distracted, mostly because she can’t even stand to stay there and see her like that and she’d want to still be useful. Callie I think would be in a similar situation with Marie, but staying behind anyways. She knows how disorienting it is to come down from being brainwashed and I think she’d focus on that and staying behind at the fight to be there for Maya when they get the glasses off to keep herself distracted from how horrible she feels about this even happening to her.
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aeryssickfics · 6 months
Same anon as yesterday — I’m so hype to see there’s somewhat a Sickfic community again 🥺 I will 100 percent be writing something as soon as I’ve got time!! Probably a Kaeya Sickfic as he is my favorite!!
Anyways — have you ever considered writing something that involves Tighnari’s lightening scars? I think about the fact he was struck a lot… or did I make that up? I can’t remember hahaha
Welcome back Nonny <3
Oh Im excited :eyes: I love Kaeya and I've inhaled almost every (sick)fic on ao3 at this point (I need to comb through again in case I missed one but you know- lmao) The needing Time thing is So valid tho I feel you. Life is a Whole Thing and ofc must come first.
I have thought a lot about Tighnari's lightning strike injury! We don't know if he scarred or not but I DO love the idea of the fractal scars bc hoooly wow they're pretty but also ;~; I haven't thought much about writing for it specifically since I've only dipped my toes into genshin via sickfic but I could easily get into the idea of like, as soon as a lil of the dust settled Cyno going to Tighnari's side to find out how bad the injury was and help him as much as possible and just phantom pain and other issues with it- we discussed that a little over on.... I'm pretty sure it was @caspersickfanfics's blog! I am getting ready for work so I don't have time to look up the exact convo but I'll prolly hunt it down and reblog it if I haven't already Later:tm:
I may write something to that end eventually! Nari frustrated because there's so little he can Do while recovering. Dropping things, muscle weakness. Pain. He's used to being independent and he feels bad bc he Knows cyno is needed elsewhere... by Cyno doesn't want to leave him Like This:tm: ... well now lookit what you've done nonny [/joking
ig it's getting added to The List:tm: for later. hopefully this weekend I can finish up Here For You and maybe knock out another easier prompt! we'll see!
its (probably) only a matter of time before I start writing straight up plots in addition to sickfic scenes but I have to decide how I want to do that, like if I want them on my main profile or if I want to just create a psudonym on ao3 under this account's profile. buhdunuh for now I have Plenty of sickfic fuel and not enough time so we'll see if that ever materializes.
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seavoice · 1 year
the olympians generational trauma is so so important to me. rick focused a lot on trauma and abuse in toa but he never focused on the fact that for apollo its inherited. he never focused on how it was a cycle and how it all started with ouranos and fathers and sons and wanting to do better and end up succumbing and and and
cruelest thing is that he was so close to touching on it too. in THO, there’s a paragraph about rachel saying they can choose their fate and apollo thinking “i’ve seen thats not possible, i’ve seen people repeat patterns thinking they’re doing something different when they’re just retracing the same paths previous generations took, but there’s something admirable about human persistence.” in TON there was a whole page about how “there never were any good old days since the problems never change as mortals and gods alike carrying their own baggage with them, but we should overcome it and move forward.” like you want to talk about the generational trauma so bad PLEASE DO IT OLD MAN. im on my hands and knees FUCKING DO IT. i don’t believe in the olympian revolution i believe in the olympian revelation PLEASE let them see the pattern and realize they have to change, not so that they can avoid the threat of war, but so they can heal and recover from the trauma they inherited from those that came before them.
SAY that anon!! It's all inherited. They want to change, but no God believes they can! Percy tries to have faith at the end of Last Olympian (a lesson he is quite literally pushed to the edge by Echidna to learn in Lightning Thief), despite Hermes shutting him down, and is paid dust for it. They don't believe it themselves. They don't believe in themselves. Hermes says he doesn't believe they can change. So does Apollo. So do Hades and Zeus and Poseidon and Athena and everyone else -- and even if they do change, it's so small and over so long that they find the world has moved under their feet again. And a lot of it is because they believe they're destined for the same vicious cycle. They wouldn't try so hard to avoid it (and fail) if they didn't.
Riordan really had the bones of a very interesting family story in PJO; clearly by the time he hit ToA he was AWARE that there was a scope for some commentary of generational trauma. He does make allusions to it in Apollo's POV, he's always going on about family therapists and how fear motivates them over love, the whole tyrants are insurmountable monologue. I wish I could quote certain passages because they are certainly...present, but my brain is just too fried at the moment to go searching for them.  But I think at the end of the day, he either felt he didn't want to tackle it overtly or change up the structure of his world building by so much. I think it's a poorer series for not doing so, although at the same time I appreciate that we do not look at the morality of these gods or their (for lack of a nuanced term) trauma, and their familial bonds through an entirely "mortal" perspective. I would rather not have a book long therapy session about this. We had TSATS, and I will do anything to avoid that kind of story LMAO.
I think it's also frustrating that Riordan (despite his many many flaws) comes so close to giving a genuinely fascinating reimagining of godly familial dynamics in a middle grade/YA series. That's why when he falls short of the natural conclusion of like... acknowledging conversations about generational wounds it grates doubly so. That's the great thing about the mythology premise -- it's fertile soil for a fun, monster-fighting series for kids, but it also comes with a meaty backstory to exploit, so to speak!  PJO is about family, over everything -- your chosen one, your lost one, your immortal, messy one. It's about never escaping your shadow, it's about seeing your father's eyes in your son's.
Personally I find it SO great that Zeus kills and entraps and tries to snuff out the prophecy (and the prophecy kids!) because he's scared, he's so paralyzed by fear of destruction and then the real threat is his own bloodthirsty father who hated them. That scene at the beginning of The Lightning Thief when Zeus and Poseidon are fighting and Percy tries to stop them but there's a voice--Kronos!--goading them on? Metaphor city. I wish we kept that energy consistently. It's all in the family, baby!
It's all about the cycles of inescapable tragedy. When you build a kingdom on the ruins of your father who wants to kill you...and instead of breaking the cycle, power and paranoia corrodes you until you propagate it to the extent that you end up afraid not of yourself becoming your father, but of your son becoming YOU. When you've lost the plot so so bad.
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newtstesco · 1 year
FightingMario54321 and Meggy- they were both cops and have penchant for fighting, what more do i have to say? they set up play dates between Loaf and Cube
Luigi and SMG0- they both are so chill, and they’d probably discuss gardening and their favorite teas and have little tea parties and talk abt how chaotic Mario and Fred are
Niles and Kaizo- both have felt betrayed by someone they care about, and they’re both the bad boy trope fr fr, would listen to rob zombie together
Mario, Fred, and Spudnick- they are all super chaotic and love running around and causing problems on purpose, they’re not allowed to hang out a lot since they destroy so much when they’re together, but once a year the guardians allow a play date
Tari and EpicYoshiFan- i’ve always thought EYF was bit quieter and shyer than the other recolors, so i think he and Tari would get long great, talking about music and video games and staying up way too late doing things
XboxGamer997 and Melony- they both have this sort of main character energy with X’s omen sense and Melony’s fierce deity side, i also think X gets pretty tired frequently so they’ll just have lil sleepovers :3
Ruffman8890 and Boopkins- they’re both very high energy, and RM would love to watch anime with Boopkins because i said so fuck you
Karen, Toad, and Peach- tired of Mario’s shit and definitely need a break, they go drinking together sometimes
Jeeves and Toadsworth- weird old men gang! i am specifically thinking abt the 2018 video where Jeeves and Toadsworth were hanging out, they definitely would discuss like the weather and what the princess has been up to and how the milk is selling fr fr
Shroomy and Swag- once again, i am referencing a Christmas special, the 2021 one to be exact, they love going demon hunting on the weekends and blowing things up
Whimpu and Tari- they both like doing quieter activities and nerdy shit, so they’d definitely play pokémon together, Whimpu is a nuzlock GOD
Enzo and The Villager- they both recovered after the christmas crazies episode (a lot of christmas episodes, you can tell they’re some of my favorites) and now The Villager directs a children’s TV show (seen in the 10 year anniversary movie) and Enzo runs a birthday supplies store in bloopersville (source: my brain) and they have the same parole officer, and no one really understands what they’ve been through so they’re pretty tight
SMG3, Xboxfan996, and OiramOiram12345- evil dopple gang! they’ve mostly mellowed out tho, and 96 and OO live in bloopersville but come by the internet graveyard sometimes to get a coffee and talk about what’s new with them
SMG4, SLG4, and Minion- THEY ARE A FAMILY YOUR HONOR AND YOU CAN RIP THIS FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS! Minion and SLG4 live in bloopersville, and since they’re all sorta related to SMG4, they’re like “yeah we’re family lol” so SMG4 sometimes shows up at bloopersville for their birthdays
Desti and Saiko- they would have been BESTIES you can’t change my mind, Desti would totally go to Saiko for help with asking out Meggy
MCGustavo and Bob- i can’t explain this but just trust me they’d be best friends they’d smoke together lol
Chris and Belle- they both want to smack the shit out of their former bosses (Sergeant Mark and SMG3, respectively), they both get a little tired of the chaos and just wanna talk to someone who’s also tired of it for once
Jub Jub, Frankie, and the Weegee doll- they play roblox together :D
Mario and Ruffman8890- they are both so chaotic and love running around and pissing off Toad lmaooo
Waluigi and Tari- after the whole T-pose virus thing, they both see each other at a rubber duck store and hit it off immediately, they love hanging out and playing with their ducks
those are all the ones i can think of rn but this is so real and you will agree with me now
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greaterspawnislands · 1 month
Got really into a mcrp server over the summer that ended kinda recently so jusy been. Recovering and tryna get my schedule together I actually have ti be a real human and fill out forms and stuff. Fucked upppp BUUTTTT :D am very excited to finally do new things I wanna make oc's again!!! And color!!! \o/ ans watch movies!!! Since I have a fuck tonne more free time
Also wanna start learning how to cook more but it's. Hard to get a starting point or simple recipes that aren't like Peanut butter sandwich tier ygm? Such is life...
BEEN DOING SO WELL THO!!! I hope you and your friend are having a lovely visit!!
i despise peanut butter sandwiches (most cold sandwiches rly) so i can’t say i agree with you there However hell yes learning to cook more that’s a consistent goal of mine as well..my instant pot was a game changer for me in that field tho idk what i would do without her
so glad u had fun on the mcrp server!! was it the qsmpblr server i saw goin around or smth else :o im rly missing minecraft these days i should get back to my friend’s server since i think its updated recently…hm…but on the other hand i’ve been getting really back into reading recently i downloaded a whole app to keep better track of my TBR list and it’s been so dangerous poke i just keep adding more all the time. i’m up to like 100 now idk what im gonna do.
and yess me and my friend have had so much fun !!! i missed them so much and i will miss them terribly when they leave tomorrow :(
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