gentlebeardgifs · 1 year
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OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH | Season 2 Teaser
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awkwardlyflustered · 5 months
Best Babysitter Ever
A/N: I have been watching too much Criminal Minds recently, I just started it over for like the 5th time. I love the BAU so goddamn much, and I specifically love Reid (he’s just a lil guy) so y’all better get so ready for so much lee Reid in the upcoming weeks. For now though, Reid and Hotch interacting has my entire soul and being so here’s a quick little story for the two of them. 
“Hotch, I promise you everything will be okay, I read five parenting books on the way here just to prepare.”
“I know, I trust you’re gonna be fine, you’ve just never babysat by yourself before, and JJ was supposed to come over and help…” Hotch trailed off, unable to keep the overprotective dad side from surfacing. 
“We’ll be fine! I’m great with kids,” Reid continued to argue, “We’ll have so much fun, isn’t that right Jack?” Both men turned their eyes over to the small six year old playing with his trucks in the corner. Jack agreed enthusiastically and ran over to hug Spencer’s leg. 
“Alright, I’m sure you guys will be fine,” Hotch finally relented. “Reid, call me if you need anything at all, and Jack, be good for Spencer” Spencer gave a salute towards his boss as Jack ran to hug his dad goodbye. 
A few hours later, Hotch walked back into his house and was immediately greeted by the loud screams of laughter from Jack. Smiling, he made his way towards the two, not saying anything. 
“SPEHEHENCEHEHER!” Jack squealed as Reid’s fingers scribbled across his belly. 
“Spencer? Who’s Spencer, I’m the tickle monster!” The curly haired boy announced, scooping up the small kid’s wrists in one hand, and drilling into his underarms with the other. Jack kicked out and tried to squirm away from the intruding hands, finally noticing his dad standing over the two of them. 
“You can scream all you want, no one can save you from the tickle monster!” Reid called out with a grin taking over his face as he turned to Hotch as a greeting. 
“You heard him Jack, I can’t save you, there’s nothing I can do.” Hotch had a soft grin taking over his face as well, though not quite as smug as Spencer’s. 
“PLEHEHEASE,” Jack whined out, obviously enjoying himself. 
“Hmm alright fine, I’ll do my best but no promises.” Hotch threw his coat that he had just taken off onto the couch and crouched down by the two of them. “Let’s see here…” he muttered out, taking a hold of Jack’s arms and pretending to pull as hard as he could. 
“You’re no match for my incredible strength!” Spencer continued in character, vibrating his fingers into Jack’s ribs causing a whole new round of laughter. 
“Hmm I have an idea,” Hotch thought aloud as he stalked towards Spencer. 
“You’ll never beat me! Jack will be mine forever,” the so-called tickle monster called out yet again, too busy with his charade to pay any attention to the older man getting closer and closer to him. Without warning, Hotch practically tackled Spencer and started digging into his ribs. Spencer squealed and kicked his feet, completely caught
off guard by the attack. Jack quickly stood up from his position on the floor cheering and encouraging the attack. 
“Well well well, looks like the tickle monster is ticklish.”
“Nohohoho” Reid giggled out, weakly swatting at the offending hands currently wracking his nerves. Hotch grabbed Spencer arms and held them above his head, waiting while Reid panted beneath him.
“Hey Jack, come here,” the father beckoned his son over, and started pointing along Reid’s torso. “You know if you poke him right here he makes a really silly noise.” Jack, excited he got to play too began poking his little fingers along Spencer’s tummy. With every poke Spencer gave a hiccupy squeal, that quickly advanced into hiccupy giggles when Hotch’s fingers found their way to his upper ribs. 
“Wahahahait guhuhuys,” he pleaded, being careful with his squirming to not hurt Jack. 
“This is only fair after you tickled Jack for so long, what do you think buddy?”
“Yeah! You did this to me, you deserve it!” Reid just squeezed his eyes shut, threw his head back, and gave into the ticklish sensations. 
The Hotchner duo continued their attack for a few more minutes, making sure to get thorough revenge on the tickle monster before letting him up. Spencer sat up panting, with slight tears in the corners of his eyes. 
“The tickle monster isn’t gonna forget this, you better watch out,” he teased Jack, reaching out to pinch his side. 
“My dad will rescue me every time!” Jack replied indignantly, clinging to his dad’s leg. 
“I absolutely will,” Hotch reassured, ruffling his son’s hair, “But until you need more rescuing, it looks like it’s time for bed. Go start getting ready.” With that, Jack starting running off to get ready for bed, but quickly back tracked to give a crashing hug to Reid.
“Goodnight Spencer, thank you for playing with me.”
“Of course kid,” Reid replied, hugging Jack tightly. “I had fun playing with you.”
“Are you gonna come back tomorrow?” Hotch interrupted the interaction before Reid could be put on the spot.
“No buddy, not tomorrow, but you’ll see Spencer again soon.” Jack just nodded and finally left the two to begin getting ready for bed. Spencer stood up from the floor to stand next to Hotch.
“So I take it the babysitting went well?” Hotch asked with a slight smirk. Spencer nodded happily.
“Yeah, Jack is great. We had a lot of fun together.”
“I could see that. Do you maybe want to come back next week to babysit some more?” Spencer nodded again, much more enthusiastically. “And I take it the tickle monster will be making another appearance?” Spencer blushed out to his ears at the mention of the silly character. 
“Maybe he will.”
“Well then it looks like I’ll have some more rescuing to do, won’t I?” Reid just smiled and looked down at the ground, too sheepish to continue meeting Hotch’s eye. Hotch smiled warmly, remembering just how young Reid actually is despite his age. He quickly pulled Reid in for a hug.
“Thank you again Spencer.” 
“You’re welcome, it was nice getting to feel like an older brother for a little while.” Spencer’s eyes widened and he pulled away from the hug as he realized what he just said. “Not like that I just meant-”
“You’re the best big brother Jack could ask for,” Hotch assured the genius, clapping him on the shoulder. Spencer smiled an almost cheshire grin as the pink tint returned once again to his cheeks. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” he called out, slinging his bag over his shoulder. 
“Yep, and I can’t wait to see the rest of the team and inform them of what a great babysitter the tickle monster is,” Hotch teased, a smirk taking over his features. Reid froze, his hand on the doorknob. 
“Hotch you can tell anyone and everyone you want, but don’t tell Morgan I’m ticklish, he’ll never let me live it down.”
“I don’t know, I think Morgan would really like to know…”
“Alright alright, I’ll keep it to myself, for now anyways.” Spencer breathed a quick sigh of relief and waved goodbye before leaving the house. 
Hotch smiled fondly, and pulled out his phone to text Derek. 
Tomorrow morning you should ask Reid how babysitting went. He has a really funny secret to tell you
“Technically, I’m not gonna tell him anything,” Hotch muttered to himself, smiling. “Plus what fun is having this information if I’m just gonna keep it to myself?” With that, he walked towards Jack’s room ready to tuck him into bed. His heart was full between his son and his work family, he couldn’t be any happier. 
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the-badger-mole · 4 days
Uncharted Waters: All the Things Between
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The Big Bang, and summer are over 😭 It's a bittersweet moment, but that means that I'm officially back on Uncharted! 🥳🎈🎉🪅 I'm still getting back into the groove with this story, so please be patient with me. I'm going to try to keep to 2 chapters a month, though. Gonna do my best. Anyway, without further ado, the continuation of...Uncharted Waters:
Katara waited until the door was closed, at least. Zuko had to give her that much. As soon as the lock had clicked into place, though, he turned to find her waiting, arms folded and searching eyes sweeping over him clinically.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong now?” she asked. It was almost funny. Had Zuko’s mind not been so full, he may have even managed a chuckled.
“If I say I don’t want to talk about it?” he challenged her. Katara’s face fell.
“I won’t push,” she promised. “But, Zuko, if something’s bothering you, you can tell me. I wish you would tell me. You’re…distracting when you’re upset.”
“Yeah,” Katara huffed. “You think so loud, but you don’t say anything. You completely disappear into your head. It’s like you’re here, but you’re not. It’s…unsettling. And we’re friends! We’ve saved each other’s lives. You’ve puked on my feet. I would think you could tell me when something is bothering you so much you can’t think about anything else. Don’t you trust me yet?”
That startled Zuko. He trusted her, of course he did. This though…
“It’s about my uncle,” he told her haltingly. “And…and about the…before when I was still hunting the Avatar.”
“Oh.” Katara dropped her gaze to the floor and sank to the bed. Zuko was about to forget the whole thing. She didn’t want to hear about that. But then she cleared her throat and looked up at him. “Okay. Do you want to tell me what’s bothering you?”
He did, Zuko was surprised to realize. He wanted to tell her. Maybe it was exhaustion or maybe it was just that he was tired of his own loud thoughts.
Read the rest of the chapter here
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Hey hope ur well! I was wondering if u had any hcs about Freed being ticklish?
Ticklish Freed is now one of my new fav headcanons...
It is his deepest, darkest secret. That man planned to take it to his grave
He was so good at hiding it. Like even if someone did try to tickle him, he would be able to keep a straight face for long enough for them to give up
That was until Bickslow refused to stop. Freed broke and giggled, which turned Bix into a monster
Freed tried bribing Bickslow into silence but very slowly everyone found out (Bix blames his babies for snitching but Freed beat the shit outta him anyway)
Tickling Freed is a very dangerous activity. Any attempts usually end in being locked in some type of rune (usually trapped in a box)
But there are some members who are willing to take the risk
Mirajane is too scary for Freed to attack so he mostly just runs from her. There's been several instances of Freed sprinting out of the guild terrified and a giggling Mira running after him
Drunk Cana is all over him. Freed's tried using his magic on her, but drunk Cana is a different breed and somehow gets passed all the magic he uses on her
Wendy tries to tickle him and Freed usually lets her and will give a giggle pretty early on to make her happy
Laxus openly says it's stupid that everyone is obsessed with tickling Freed so Freed make the foolish mistake of thinking Laxus would not tickle him
It's very rare that Laxus will but it's always at the most random times. Like talking to a client, Laxus will give him a couple pokes. Or during training. Freed lets him do it
You'd think Bix is the worst with it, but it's Evergreen. She's always sneaking up behind him and catching him off guard. She's one of the few people that can surprise him and because of it Freed rarely has the time to defend himself. Evergreen sneak attacks him and leaves before the man can react
Also Lisanna is an absolute demon. Freed is too scared to even stand next to her now
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heyacris · 4 months
Quote the magpie
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shapesintheklouds · 23 days
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Pim expressions #2
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saiyan-druid-art · 1 year
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Clemens Point at Sunset 🌅
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kelsonius · 2 months
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Hazbin Hotel | 1x7 - “Hello Rosie”
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8thparadox · 3 months
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Drew an orc girl inspired by the orcs in LOTR movies Her name is Gul Gotta
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I'm Back
Hello, yes I disappeared for a while and I know that, but baby I am back! And now I'm free to go after people because Manson deleted her blog (and so did Phantom's clone).
So let's talk theories.
There are more halfa's out there then just Phantom and his clone.
For example, the Wisconsin Ghost, aka Vlad Plasmius. I'm pretty sure he's a half ghost.
Human side?
Billionaire Vlad Masters.
Now, I suppose I don't have that much proof on it yet besides the name thing (and Wisconsin thing) but I'll be collecting it.
Anyway, besides that... I'm always right.
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aberooski · 9 months
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A redraw of one of my favorite Cloti moments in FF7R with the boyfriends 😌
Tumblr has it out for me so click for better quality 💕
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“Luisa...” He looked up and, all at once, the obvious hit Bruno. Luisa was panicking and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, let alone one above her head. No cold breezes, no rain or thunder. The weather outside stayed sunny and the spot above Luisa’s head remained cloud free. There was no snow coating her shoulders, no ice beneath her feet.
Oh Dios mio. The cracks...The Gifts!
“T-Tio,” Luisa gasped. She looked at him with big wet eyes and grabbed his hand in a vice-like grip. “Tio, I’m losing my Gift!”
When Luisa's Gift begins to fade, Bruno makes an important decision: no more running.
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smilesthroughfandoms · 2 months
A Bone to Pick (Chapter Preview)
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Did you miss me? Admit it, you missed me! The chapter is well over halfway done, and I got some other stuff cooking, so probably at the end of September, everything will be out.
With Macaque doing most of the work, the two trudged out of the wire work, past the main hub, and past the chain link fence that surrounded the building. Once they were past the fence, Macaque set PB down, propping her into a sitting position against the fence before giving her another look over. 
“Eyes focused, good. Breathing, a little labored but steady, you know your name so we can rule out concussion. Mmm, you look a little pale. You sure you feel ok?”
“I’m fine, really.” PB assured him. “This just takes a lot out of me to do, lot of energy…”
“You sound like you’ve done this before.”
“Once or twice… Or maybe more, I don’t really know how often I did it.”
Macaque stared at her with wide eyes… before he started to laugh. He laughed and laughed so hard he fell back onto his rear, before looking at PB. “You’re nuts, Pops. Has anyone ever told you that before?”
“A few times yeah,” PB smiled tiredly at him. “But when you say it, it sounds nice. Like your giving me a compliment.”
“Yeah, well… don’t go spreading that around, ok? I can’t let people know I care, I got a reputation to maintain here.”
“Your secret is safe with me.” Macaque smiled, and then his ears twitched again. PB saw it, and the pensive look on his face. “What is it?”
“Lemme see your wrist real quick, ok?” PB complied, tiredly handing him one of her arms. Macaque pressed a couple fingers there and then waited, patiently listening. “Your pulse is insanely fast.”
“Oh, yeah. That’s all the extra electrical energy running through my body. It won’t kill me, but I’m gonna have a hard time falling asleep later.”
Macaque nodded along. Finding that, while rapid, her pulse was steady. She did say she’s done this before, Macaque thought. Probably better to just take her word for it. Worse case scenario, he knew there was at least one other hospital in this city she wasn’t banned from. 
The shadow monkey was about to let go when he noticed the scars on PB’s arms. Criss-crossing this way and that, covering just about every inch of skin that was visible. Macaque frowned, “This wasn’t from today, was it? I thought I saw these earlier in the cave.”
PB frowned, turning her head away. “You got me… Could you maybe not tell anyone else, though, please? I mean, MK, Mei, and Bai He know, but… but please don’t say anything. I… I don’t like thinking or talking about them if I don’t have too.”
“Ok, I won’t.” Macaque paused, not releasing her wrist. “… you want me to cover them up for you?”
“How… how could you do that?”
“With a glamor. I have a few different ones going right now. Heck, I usually don’t leave the house without at least three on. I’ve gotten pretty good at them over the years, so covering your arms and legs shouldn’t be difficult.”
“You would… you would do that for me?”
“Yeah, if you want me too.”
“… Why would you want to do that for me?”
Macaque stared at her incredulously. “Pops… you just turned yourself into solid gold to strangle and electrocute the man who has been tormenting us for the last twenty four hours, because he threatened the safety and well being of people you have known for maybe two days. Not to mention I really care about and don’t want at least two of those people to not get hurt. Putting a glamor on you so you can feel a little more comfortable in your own skin is the least I can do.”
PB stated at the mystic monkey as if she didn’t want to believe him. She shook her head, “I-I couldn’t possibly—”
“Let’s look at it this way,” Macaque held up a hand to shush her. “We’ll call it a favor returned.”
“Favor returned?”
“Yeah! You did me a favor by… getting rid of the fake mayor guy and protecting Bai He when I wasn’t around. So, me doing this is just me returning the favor. No debts to settle, no deals to make, nothing to worry about.”
Macaque watched as PB turned the words over in her head. Slowly, she began to smile, liking the idea. “How… how long does it last?”
“Either until you tell me to stop or something happens to me and I gotta recall my magic.” Macaque shrugged. 
“So, like when you fall asleep?”
“No, not even then. I keep all my glamours in my sleep. Easier that way.”
“O-ok then, let’s do it!”
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crackinglamb · 1 year
Chapters: 142/? Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Female Inquisitor/Solas (Dragon Age), Solas (Dragon Age)/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Solas|Fen'Harel, Rogue Inquisitor, Varric Tethras, Cassandra Pentaghast, Vivienne (Dragon Age), Sera (Dragon Age), Gereon Alexius, Dorian Pavus, The Iron Bull (Dragon Age), Blackwall (Dragon Age), Leliana (Dragon Age), Cullen Rutherford, Josephine Montilyet, Lace Harding, Cole (Dragon Age), Sky Watcher (Dragon Age), Wisdom (Dragon Age), Female Hawke (Dragon Age), Male Mahariel (Dragon Age), Morrigan (Dragon Age), Ameridan (Dragon Age), Felassan (Dragon Age) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Modern Girl in Thedas, not a self-insert, Non-Canon Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Diary/Journal, Alcohol, Swearing, Snark, Pining, Emotional Slow Burn, Explicit Sexual Content, Friends With Benefits To Lovers, Solas Being Solas (Dragon Age), Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Additional Characters to Be Added As They Show Up, NOW WITH VISUALS, Pro-Elf, Pro-Mage, Anti-Orlais Series: Part 1 of Wicked Things Summary:
Imogen McLean is glad she's played the series before. She's read the novels, she's flipped through the comics. She knows what's going to happen. She's got secrets to spill and canon to break. Now if she could just keep her hands off the Dread Wolf, this might all go a bit easier. Besides, he's got plans of his own. He's not the staying kind, and she knows better than to get attached.
You hear that, Thedas? She's not going to get attached. She's not.
 Beta'd by Iron_Angel. NSFW will be marked with **. Updates on (sporadic) Wednesdays.
*This fic now has embedded images. More will be added as I take/receive them. Most chapters have something in them, some have several. Screenshots were taken by me, any art is credited to its artist.*
Chapter 142 - Cranes, Serpents and Wolves
Seronna smirked.  “There are more mysteries to ponder upon this earth than can be found in ages wandering through the Lady's Sky. Some remain so, some do not.  I will not pressure you to answer, daughter of Stone-Bear Hold.  But I would offer wisdom, if you will hear it.”
Across the hut, Solas stiffened.  His spine went very straight and his head turned just slightly, one pointed ear and the gleam of his side-eye landing on them.  Seronna noticed as soon as Imogen did, her smirk folding her cheek as it spread.  
“There is a tale,” she said, still speaking to Imogen but keeping Solas in view, “an old tale from before the sundering of the Alamarri into their separate tribes.  A great serpent circled the base of Korth's mighty mountain, lying in wait to attack or defend, depending on who's telling it.  Here in the south, we say that a bird descended to devour it.  It is why I bear the mark of the crane upon my door.  For cranes are well known to hunt snakes, to stamp them out until no threat remains.  Do you know this tale?”
“I know a version of it,” Imogen said.
DAFF Crew Tags
@warpedlegacy, @rakshadow, @rosella-writes, @effelants, @bluewren, @breninarthur, @ar-lath-ma-cully, @dreadfutures, @ir0n-angel, @theluckywizard, @nirikeehan, @oxygenforthewicked, @exalted-dawn-drabbles, @mogwaei, @melisusthewee, @blarrghe and @agentkatie
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a-storm-of-roses · 1 year
Autumn Prompts - The Remix
As it turns out, I am alive and well and trying to claw my way out of my writing rut.
Two years ago, I wrote a short fic for each day of October, using Halloween and Autumn prompts. I've decided to revisit those prompts in hopes that this'll get the writing juices flowing again!
So I've shuffled those prompts, and chosen 31 popular tags/tropes, and randomly assigned those. I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do with some of them and I'm very excited for the challenge!
Prompts below - if anyone else is inspired by them, feel free to use!
Forest + Domestic
Costumes + Post-Canon
Cider + Angst
Orange + AU
Bonfire + Bed Sharing
Magic + Hurt/Comfort
Candles + Friendship
Ghosts + Friends to Lovers
Orchard + Found Family
Trick or Treat + 5+1
Candy + Fuck or Die
Black cat + Pre-Canon
Soup + Mpreg
Halloween + Whump
Spice + Smut
Souls + Genderswap
Witches + Slow Burn
Full Moon + Supernatural
Spooky + Injury
Pumpkins + Romance
Bats + Family
Leaves + Humor
Decorative Gourds + Fluff
Monsters + Pining
Cobwebs + Kink
Jack O’Lantern + Episode Tag
Scary Movie + Fake Dating
Sweater + First Time
Cozy + Soulmates
Baking + Aliens Made Them Do It
Tea + Established Relationship
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aroyaltailor · 5 months
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Gonna do that finite math final online, and then get to work. I'll work on these from top to bottom, just wrote this from memory so don't worry if you were left out. Feel free to poke me about it. Keenie comes first, I've put them off long enough
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