#I'd like you to call me Hu Tao
brayneworms · 1 year
shoot it up (straight to the heart).
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featuring. childe/reader
word count. 5.7k
content. merc!reader, drinking, kissing, masochist!childe because i am not immune to that agenda, sparring, gender neutral reader, childe is a little shit, blood, finger sucking, biting, handjobs, hair pulling, one instance of degradation (whore), light begging and light crying.
synopsis. childe has always found you fascinating; now that his stint in liyue is up and he's scheduled to return to snezhnaya, he takes the opportunity to get something from you he's wanted for months.
notes. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, i check the notes and you will be blocked.
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"Ahh, the scourge of the complacent! Fancy seeing you here on a night like tonight."
You tip your eyes up to the ceiling of the inn; his voice rings out clear as bells over the chatter and rowdiness, and maybe it's a mark of your attunement to his specific brand of irksomeness that you hear the bounce of his footsteps approach over the general cacophony of laughter and drinks slamming.
There are four empty stools at the bar. He takes the one right next to you, sliding home with a boyish grin. You scratch at your forehead with all the fatigue of a working mother-of-five, catch the bartender's eye, and silently flag down another drink.
Tartaglia whistles as you raise the cup to your lips, making you pause; mead sops against your mouth, burning against raw picked skin. "I see even the alcohol of Liyue is no match for you, scourge."
"Don't call me that," you say flatly, and knock the cup back. There isn't enough booze in this whole tavern to make this a bearable conversation, but at least you could soften the edges. If you got drunk enough, you might be able to pretend he was nothing more than a lurid ginger mosquito buzzing around your head for attention.
Attention you always seemed to grant, no matter how much you swear you'll ignore him.
"Your lovely friend at the funeral parlour told me I might find you here," Tartaglia continues talking even though you're staring at the ceiling praying for patience. "She's pretty fond of you, huh? Can't imagine why, with your prickly attitude—oh, barkeep, I'll have what they're having, please." He flashes a pearly grin at the bartender, who pours him a cup of mead.
"Did you come here just to bother me?" you grit out, staring at the dregs in your cup; it sloshes darkly amongst the dull silver, and you can see a glimmer of a reflection, your eye staring back at you.
"What an ego you sport!" Tartaglia sounds righteously offended. "I came here to drink." And as if to prove his point, he raises his cup to his lips and takes a deep gulp. You can see his pale throat flex as he swallows, the bob of bones beneath papery skin.
He coughs a little as he sets the cup back down, empty. You try not to let your surprise show on your face.
"Liyue mead has quite the burn," Tartaglia comments. "You'd think I'd be used to it after being weaned on that Snezhnyan paint-thinner, but what can I say? This place has a kick."
He leans back on his barstool, a vaguely soft, wistful look passing over his features. Then he says, "I'll certainly miss it."
The cup slips from your fingers, and you curse yourself. "You're leaving?"
Tartaglia smiles, a little sadly. "The Tsaritsa summoned me back. I'll have to take off by the end of the week."
"No shit?" Tartaglia's been posted here and bothering you for way longer than you arrived to act as a temporary guard for the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour. You weren't sure why such a place needed extra beef with security, but it paid well, and Hu Tao and Zhongli were well-meaning employers and good company, so you could hardly complain. That was the beauty of freelance, after all.
"Oh? You sound disappointed." Tartaglia leans forward, cupping his chin in his hand; his eyes find yours, gleaming in the low light. "What? Don't tell me you're going to miss me?"
You glare at him. "Do people miss the mosquitoes they swat when they're buzzing around their head?"
"You always act like I'm vermin," Tartaglia pouts. "Still, you're having a drink with me—I consider that a victory."
"One of your few," you toast, raising your cup, and Tartaglia's playful expression sullens a touch, like a cloud covering up the sun. "Oh, don't get all kicked-puppy on me. Thought you could take a little pain."
"Better than you know," Tartaglia says with a stunning return to form and a coy grin. You must be just tipsy enough to entertain him, because you don't seize a handful of his bright hair and ram his face into the bar like you briefly consider doing. There wouldn't be much in it for you beyond the satisfying crack of bone and yelp of pain. As for Tartaglia, he'd probably get off on it.
You both down another cup, and now the lines that make up the tavern are starting to blur pleasantly. There's a soft, fuzzy feeling filling you up, like you're made of cotton instead of flesh and blood and magic. A faint flush has made itself known on Tartaglia's cheekbones, lurid against his hair, illuminating the scatter of freckles across the bridge of his nose. He's surprisingly lightweight, for as hard as you known Snezhnayan liquor to be.
"Would you walk with me?" Tartaglia holds your eye like he's making a promise, though not to you. He says half the things he says like he's talking to someone else, someone you cannot see. He holds out a gloved hand, grinning. "C'mon. I want to show you something."
Your brows knit up, suspicious. "Why me?"
"I'm currently not speaking to any of my other friends," Tartaglia says haughtily. "Sneaks and liars, all of 'em. As, uh, disarming as you are, scourge, at least you're honest. So... c'mon. Humour a man's last wish."
"You're not dying," you say acidly, but you get up. Tartaglia grins, delighted, sweeping up his coat from the barstool and paying out. You follow him out of the tavern; Liyue comes alive at night, you think, the harbour glimmering with a thousand lights, the water lapping at the chalky walls. Tartaglia takes your hand as the tavern door swings shut behind you. He runs warm, and you can see freckles spiralling up his wrist, and before you can protest he's started a brisk pace away from the water.
"The hell?" you mutter, making a weak attempt at taking your arm back. "Hey. Tartaglia. Where are we going?"
"So formal," he calls over his shoulder. "You can call me Childe, you know."
"Like that's even your real name," you roll your eyes. "What difference does it make?"
"Hm. Tartaglia feels more like a title. It's the name I use when I want to intimidate, you know?" He looks over his shoulder at you, the dull blue of his eyes catching in the moonlight. "I'm not foolish enough to think I could ever intimidate you, of all people."
And when he says that, it feels like a compliment. You curse the hot prickling you can feel at the backs of your ears as he leads you through town, up near where the mountains crest. It's all rickety ladders and bridges for a while before you come to a plane nestled between two great rocks. Grass and gravel spill out beneath your feet; in the middle of the wobbly circle is a wooden training dummy with chunks carved out of it. Torches bracket the space, filling the night with shifting bronze light.
It occurs to you briefly that Childe could be luring you out here to kill you, but just as easily the notion flees. He might be Fatui, and he might be insufferable, but the two of you have no real grievances as far as you know.
Besides—you're stronger. And the both of you know it.
You sweep a flat look around the circle and raise a brow. “Homey.”
Childe giggles. “You���re always so sharp-tongued, scourge. I’ve been reflecting on my stint in Liyue in light of everything, you know? What with my leaving so soon. I remembered the first time I saw you fight.”
Your brows draw up, taken aback; this is not a sentiment he has shared with you before. He paces as he talks, starts gesticulating like he’s trying to stir up a wind, though the night is virtually breezeless. Warm and damp and encapsulating. A line of sweat encroaches under your collar. 
“Some treasure-hoarders, they made a chokepoint out in the Guili Planes to intercept traders going down the road,” he tells you, as if this is news. “Zhongli asked me to deal with them myself, ‘cause they were stopping import to the city. But as soon as I got up there to scout it out, I saw you. What you’d left, anyway. This… trail. Like this—this big patch of carnage and you just in the middle of it, going blade-to-blade with this monster of a thief twice your size. Would you believe I was almost arrogant enough to think you needed my help?” His eyes shine feverishly, the moonlight catching off dead-fish-blue. “You brought him to heel like a misbehaving dog. He gave you a bloody nose and you just—just wiped at it like it was nothing. Didn’t it hurt? Always wanted to know if it hurt.”
“It hurt,” you manage, frozen with shock. He’s getting entirely too het-up too quickly, feverish in his excitement, pale cheeks flushed wine-red, and he moves closer as he waves his hands, eyes locked onto you like he’s a dog and you’re his master. It makes your blood feel too thick and too hot in your veins. 
“Thought so,” he breathes. “Thought it must’ve. It kinda… it sings, though. Doesn’t it?”
Stuck, you nod, though you only half understand what he’s talking about. 
Apparently satiated, Childe rubs the back of his neck bashfully. "Hah, sorry. You really get me talking, scourge."
"Don't give me the credit," you mumble. "It's one of your natural talents."
"Wanna see another one of my natural talents?" Childe grins; at your sharp look, he raises his hands placatingly, smile stretching ever wider. "I meant fighting, of course. C'mon. Truthfully, I've been thinking about it ever since that day. Fighting you."
He says that—fighting you—with the same sort of soft reverence one might reserve for making love or worshipping a deity. Like it's the centre of his world, the cell his heart was born from. You wonder how long it's been since Childe's days were anything but fighting, then reckon that that's probably a deliberate choice.
When he holds out a blunt wooden training staff out to you, his hands are perfectly steady. You heft it in your grip, getting used to the weight and balance. You're more accustomed to knives and swords, and small blades you can slip into your boot or belts, but you're not unfamiliar with polearms, exactly.
"Feel good?"
You jump; Childe's pressed closer to you in the time it took to examine your new weapon, and his words are accompanied with a brush of warm air across the back of your ear. "It's okay."
"Good! I want you at top form for this." He slopes off, twirling his own staff between gloved fingers obnoxiously. It makes a faint whistling sound against the warm night air. "Think you're ready?"
"Ready?" You can't help but sneer. "I don't need to be ready to fight a pest. I just do it."
Childe's grin is so wide that the flushed apples of his cheeks turn pointy. "Alright, killer. I've been looking forward to this for a while, and, y'know, I dunno when the next time is I'll meet someone as interesting as you... so don't disappoint me, yeah?"
The first crack of your staffs together sings.
It's an old melody, one you're attuned to, one you think you were born with. Impact shivers up your bones, disturbs the skin in a railroad of gooseflesh, sets your teeth on edge. There's the anticipation, the moment right before the new sensation turns uncomfortable or painful, like pressing down on a bruise, the moment before it starts hurting. The staffs gnash together like wooden teeth.
"You're quick," Childe says approvingly as you draw your arm back to your side, circling him in short steps. His eyes follow the lines of your body like he's trying to set you alight. You're not sure why you're doing this, actually—your relationship with Childe has been nothing but tepid the whole time he's been stinted in Liyue. From your end, anyways. He tends to sort of follow you around like a lost puppy when he has free time. No matter how many times you smack him and send him reeling, he always comes back with a bone clamped between his teeth, looking for fun.
A drink, a fuck. A fight. Maybe it's all sort of the same to him.
Your fight is a dance; Childe is undeniably skilled, and polearms aren't your first choice of weapon, so it's a fairly even fight despite your strength. Several times he moves far too quickly for you to comprehend—like you blink and he's shifted with the moonlight, gone from in front to behind you in a second. Laughing, poking, teasing until your blood is boiling despite the cold.
When you finally land a hit on him, it's sweet. Your staff cracks across his jaw with all the force of his annoyance to you over the last months, and Childe barely has time to widen his eyes before he crashes to the dirt. He lets out a pained grunt as he plants into the earth, and just as you're opening your mouth to gloat—
It cracks into the night air like the crash of your staff against his jaw, pursed between wheezing breaths. His voice sings like cut piano strings, dissonant against what is happening. You stand over him, breathing hard, brow cinched as he sprawls in the dirt.
He's got chalky soil all over his pretty light uniform. He doesn't seem to care. Dull blue eyes blink up at you, round as pennies; you can see an angry welt raising on his jaw where your blow had made contact, flaring up scarlet against the pale skin. No doubt it will have flowered into a nasty bruise tomorrow, something the colour of overripe lavender melon.
But Childe grins.
You stumble back, frowning hard, and Childe makes a noise at the back of his throat as he sees you retreat. He scrambles messily to his feet, brushing dirt carelessly from his clothes.
Childe cradles his jaw with a hiss. "You pack a punch. But I'm not done yet."
"You said again." You eye him warily, arms still not raised. "What did you..."
He huffs a laugh with a return of that boyish grin. "Ah, caught that, did you? I guess you could say I have a certain admiration for people who can land a hit on me. It's impressive. You're impressive."
Before you can decide whether he's swelteringly egotistical or just a pervert who gets off on pain, Childe lunges, swinging his sparring spear overhead; you shriek and parry it last-minute, your grip faltering enough that the wooden shafts collide with a harsh thwack; you don't fend the blow off completely thanks to your shoddy reaction time, but you manage to avoid getting struck in the head.
"Asshole," you grit out, stumbling left a few paces to get your bearings again; Childe circles you, twirling his spear between deft fingers with a sharp grin.
"I sensed your attention wandering," he shrugs. "You think you can hit me again?"
Your chin juts out, indignant. "Yeah. I'm stronger."
Beneath his lurid red hair, Childe's cheeks colour faintly. "Prove it, killer. Lemme feel it. Hit me—"
And he lunges, spear cracking through the air; this time, you're ready for it, seeing the telltale twitches of his body getting into formation before the pounce. You dodge his first hit, sending the tip of his spear sinking into the dirt, and whilst he's distracted with pulling it out you sweep the shaft of your own against the back of his knees. He buckles with a grunt, staggering, and you use his surprise to barrel your full body weight into his side.
He slips into the dirt, head thudding against the packed earth with a dull thud, and in your momentum you follow. By the time he's blinked the stars out of his eyes, your dagger is pressed up against his throat, nestled amongst the pale skin.
He breathes fast and sharp, a distinct contrast to his general collectedness. Your thighs cage his hips, and even from here you can feel his strength; his skin is shot through with sinew and iron. He could reach up, tussle, throw you off, put up a good fight. But he doesn't. He lays limp like a puppet with its strings cut, looking up at you with big, starry eyes—waiting for you to make the next move.
You come to a rather grim hypothesis.
The blunt tip of the dagger encroaches his skin, pushing in hard enough for blood to bead around it. Childe draws in a ragged gasp.
"Gonna kill me?" His tongue flicks out to wet his bottom lip. He says that like it's an act of worship, like carving his throat out with a cinquedea is akin to leaving incense at a shrine for a far-flung god. Like his blood would be spattered amongst the stars if only you spilled it. Your breath catches; you hadn't been ready for the rush of power Childe's perversion would give you. You can feel it nestling under your skin like a heartbeat.
"I think you could, if you wanted," Childe whispers, and then he shudders at the thought, pretty eyes fluttering closed. He looks like he isn't sparing two thoughts to your hand holding a knife to his throat; skin breaks, and blood makes a thin rivulet down his pale skin. "Mm. Maybe I'd—I'd even let you. You could ask real nice."
"You're hardly in a position to be making demands," you murmur, feeling quite frozen. "Why don't you just be quiet for once?"
At once, Childe falls silent.
His bottom lip has split; probably why he was tonguing at it earlier. Now, with nothing to stop it, blood makes a languid trail down the slope of his chin. With your free hand, with the curiosity of a child petting a stray animal for the first time, you swipe at the trail with the pad of your thumb. You track it up to the seam, the cut, the split, press down hard until the surrounding skin of his lip turns white. You can feel the short, hot shocks of his quick breath against the skin of your nail.
The flash of his tongue surprises you, sliding over the bloody pad of your thumb, cleaning up his mess. A dog licking at its own wounds. Your breath catches, but you've never known when you're wading too deep. It's your one weakness as a fighter. You always think you can take more than you can.
So you press deeper. Your thumb sinks into his mouth up to the knuckle, and Childe lets out a faint groan. There's the ghostly scrape of teeth before his lips close over the skin, tongue swirling over the mess of blood and chalky dirt on the blunt tip of the digit.
Somewhere in the back of your head, you register faintly that this is not normal. Your interactions with Childe have been limited, so far, to snarky deadpans, irritable smacks, and the occasional drink. If you have occasionally caught his eyes lingering on the collar of your shirt, or following you when you enter a room soaked in hilichurl gore, you've made no comment. You'd assumed it would fizzle out, anyway. He's Fatui. They're hardly known for staying in one place a significant portion of time—they're dark-dressed ravens, flocking from place to place and bringing suspicion and misery for a while before taking to the sky again.
But Childe is not scoring the horizon. He's in the dirt with your finger in his mouth, and it looks like he's right at home there.
He releases you with a wet pop. Saliva and blood make a diluted trail down to his chin, and his eyes have peeled open again—heavy and half-lidded, blue slate stone, scoring deep into you. Your body feels hot and too full.
He cracks a lazy smile. "Never seen you speechless before, scourge. Does this mean I win?"
And something snaps.
In a fluid movement, you grab both of his wrists and pin them to the ground beside his head. Childe grunts a sound of surprise as your fingers tighten on his wrists, back instinctively arching from the sudden pressure; one of his legs slips in the earth and knocks against your ankle. He blinks up at you, eyes practically bioluminescent in the night.
"You don't look much like a winner," you snarl.
"Depends on your position."
"You're the Tsaritsa's bitch," you spit. "And if not hers, Zhongli's, or was it Signora who was the last one to get one up on you? Really, you've been failing upwards so much lately it's getting hard to keep count."
Childe's eyes narrow, the first glimmer of defiance sparking in the blue. For the first time you feel him throw his weight behind his halfhearted squirming—he raises his hips to try and buck you off, tugs at your grip on his wrists with renewed vigour. His fighting back shouldn't spark something in you—it shouldn't—but you can feel yourself growing excited.
The thing is, you sort of like killing. People don't get into your line of work if they don't. There's something about holding something down and winning through nothing but sheer strength that makes you feel strong, like you've earned a place on this earth. Watching Childe's jaw tick in frustration the longer he goes without unseating you is making all sorts of dangerous ideas brew in your head.
It's just—maybe it's the drink, or the fight, but the world is still pleasantly pretty and still. And Childe looks sort of gorgeous with his brow all scrunched up like that, the hint of icy anger in his eyes, the gritted teeth. His neck is strained in such a way that bares every jut and bone to you, and you can see his pulse fluttering away under the taut skin, the bob of his adam's apple.
You want to bite it.
Some sort of magnetism pulls you down, nosing at the skin of his neck. Childe grunts, half-frustrated and half-confused when he feels your lips brush over his throat. He smells like salt and mead and copper, labour smells, but his skin here is smooth like it's never seen a day of wear.
"What're you—" Childe huffs out, but his mouth drops open with a choked noise when you seal your teeth in a ring over his neck and bite down. Not quite enough to hurt, you don't think, just enough to satisfy the weird part of you that's sparking for the urge to maim. "Archons, scourge."
Oh dear. His voice has gone all strangled and weak. You dare to release one of his wrists to cup the back of his neck, holding him still, brushing the feathery down of hair on his nape. Automatically, his free hand flies for you, but it stops short, hovering as if unsure.
You can almost feel him weighing his choices in his mind. He has a hand free, and you're not even looking at him. Even if he can't beat you outright, he'd do alright with the element of surprise. He could definitely knock you spinning and flee before you get your bearings.
You wait. Count the fast thuds of Childe's pulse against his neck. The muscles in his free arm go limp, and he wraps it around your waist to pull you closer.
Figuring you're done pretending, you skim your lips up his neck and jaw before catching his mouth in a hard, bruising kiss. Childe moans, softly, into your mouth, hand clenching hard over the fabric of your waist before sliding under. His fingers span out over the small of your back, worn leather and warm flesh, and you shudder despite yourself.
His lips are chapped, and you can taste blood still oozing from the split in the plush lower one. "Someone's sensitive," you gloat, and he huffs. "Not had time to get laid here?"
"What can I say?" Childe's breezy tone would be more believable it it wasn't coming out so strangled. "Been a busy guy. Don't seem to have time for m-many... simple pleasures."
"You always seemed to find time to annoy me, though," you say darkly.
"Less of a luxury, more of a need," Childe breathes. "You make just the most interesting faces when you're irritated."
"Yeah? That get you all wet?"
Childe laughs weakly. "Scourge, please. I'm but a blushing virgin. You'll burn my poor ears off."
You shoot an obvious glance down to the tent straining against Childe's slacks. "I can well believe that."
He squirms in embarrassment, the tips of his ears lighting up scarlet. His eyes blink up at you, the usual lusterless blue fleeing in wake of reflecting the thousands of stars above you, and he seems to glow from the inside out, for a moment. The coppery blood on his face catches the moonlight.
A tongue flicks out to wet his lips, a dog wetting its snout. "Won't you take pity, scourge?" he pleads. "You got me well and truly at your mercy. You win. So..."
Before you can stop to consider the ramifications of your actions, your free hand has already scrambled to his belt buckle. Childe's breath catches, eyes widening as he registers your movements as the brass clinks in the silence. For a moment there's nothing but the hasty shuffling of clothing as you shuck Childe's dirt-streaked trousers down his thighs, his hips lifting to assist. There's a small furrow between his brows, his cheeks alight with a blush that makes his freckles sing against his skin.
The skin of his thighs catches, milk-white in the moonlight. Even here, scars have made their home, pink or bruise-dark, crisscrossing over the flesh in railroads. You get his trousers down past his knees before you stop bothering; he's left in dark underclothes, erection so stiff it's pulling the thin fabric taut, and the slit in his shirt that you've always found obscene betrays the quick, shallow bursts of his breath.
His throat flexes when he swallows. "Are you really going to—mmmgh!"
Childe sputters to a halt with a rather embarrassing high-pitched noise as you cup him through his boxers. You roll your palm experimentally over the tip of the tent, and his eyes flutter shut, rolling back against his skull with a pretty, desperate noise. This side of him is so foreign, but so familiar, so obvious, you wonder why you didn't think of it before.
"Ah, fuck," Childe swears, already sounding breathless. With how obvious he's always been, the lazy slide of his eyes, you'd assumed he had at least some experience—but maybe your teasing just a moment ago was a little more on the nose than you'd anticipated. He's unusually sensitive. "Scourge, I don't—"
"Stop calling me that," you mutter, pulling the fabric of his underwear till it strains against his cock, and he swallows back a gasp, spine arching against the dirt. "Did you want something?"
"You're so cruel," he whines. "Y/n, Archons, please—"
"Alright, alright, you big baby," you sigh, shedding his soaked underwear. Childe shudders, thighs tightening under you as he hits the cold air. The strain of his arousal and the chafing fabric is obvious; pre drips eagerly from the reddish tip, and he fits neatly into your palm when you swipe over the leaking hands before wrapping your fingers around him. Childe jolts into the touch, cursing under his breath, and as you start to jerk him off his lashes flutter. His blue eyes roll to the heavens and his head thumps against the earth with a long, shaky moan.
The night fills with noise, somewhere between what you find obscene and what sends heat rushing between your own legs as your fist pumps lazily up his length. Childe is more receptive than you would've put money on, gasping and swearing, hiccuping small, wounded noises in the back of his throat. His brow is scrunched, lips slack and wet with saliva, eyes screwed shut. His hips jump like they have a brain of their own.
You squeeze, prompting a panicked noise; Childe's eyes fly open and find your sly smile. "You look pretty," you tell him. Childe goes scarlet.
"W-wha?" he dredges up intelligently, frowning. "Why'd you—what?"
You find it funny that you've literally got your hand around his cock, but calling him pretty is apparently what crosses the line in flustering him. You cock your head, grinning.
"You don't think?" you coo. "I think you're lovely like this. I never realised how attractive you'd be once you shut your mouth. Maybe I should beat you in a fight more often."
"W-wouldn't complain," Childe pants, still alight with a feverish blush.
"I'm sure," you say noncommitally. "You fucking whore."
Childe moans, loud and shameless, and his free hand flails to scratch his nails down his own skin. "D-don't stop, fuck, don't stop—"
You stare at the scarlet railroads left on the pale skin of his stomach, and with your free hand yank up his shirt to his chest. Childe lets out a startled sound, looking at you with round, surprised eyes. His torso is littered with scars, raised and pale and dark against freckled skin. He is pretty. You love the marks of his exertions and pains, a history of his losses mapped out over his body. One of his nipple has a healed slash running right through it; when you reach up and tweak it, Childe shudders.
"Anyone would think you like losing," you murmur.
Childe looks at you weakly, crying out when your hand resumes at a faster pace. "Like it when—hnn—when it's real. I like it when they don't hold back. 'S why I'm just—hah!—e-enamoured with you, I guess."
"'Cause I'm ruthless?" you quip.
Childe flutters his lashes. "Nice enough to let me come, I hope," he says sweetly, and it makes your cheeks burn momentarily with embarrassment, the brazenness of his statement. "I'm not above begging."
"I liked you better when you were quiet," you mutter, and swipe your thumb hard over the slit. Childe yelps, muscles melting like butter, and when you start rubbing cruelly like you've found some sort of button his face flames, his mouth drops open, and he lets out a wailing noise, legs thrashing.
"Archons," he keens, but with your free hand you seize and handful of his hair and pull, hard.
"No Archons," you snarl. "Just me."
Tears prick at the corners of Childe's eyes as he rolls his hips to meet your unrelenting strokes, whimpering. "Y-yes, yeah, just you, just you, do that again."
You oblige, dig your fingers into the red hair so deep your nails scrape his scalp, and tug. The tears spill over Childe's lashline as he chokes on the moan that bursts from him at the movement.
"Keep it there," he begs, thighs shaking. "Pleasepleaseplease—"
"You close?" you ask innocently. "Already?"
There's no more pretence; the fine line of pleasure and pain seems to have wrought Childe down to only basic instincts, as his hips roll against your hand as you fist his length rough and quick, head tipped right back against the ground, exposing the heaving column of his throat. The toned concave of his stomach flexes with each punched-out breath, the scars coiling and elongating respectively.
"Please," Childe sobs in answer. "I'll be good, be real good, I'm close..."
You surge forward, digging your face into Childe's neck as you speed up your pace, and sink your teeth into the soft skin at the junction of his neck and shoulder. Hard enough for blood to bubble under your lips, hard enough for Childe to let out a strangled scream as he comes all over your hand, spilling over your fingers and his stomach in pearly arcs.
He's panting when you pull back, winces as you dislodge your teeth and unwind your fingers from his hair. He touches the bite mark with a wince and hiss, examining the blood on his fingers with light interest. It really shouldn't surprise or arouse you nearly as much when he dips them into his mouth and licks them clean.
"Degenerate," you tell him. Childe smiles crookedly, the flush on his face still stark red.
"There's this old saying about a pot and a kettle," he says, voice still weak and shaky.
The bite mark is leaking. As he reaches for you, you get the fleeting thought that it will leave another scar to add to his masses, another permanent trophy of another loss.
A loss to you.
And you smile.
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giamee · 4 months
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"HI i'm y/n, i'm 21 and from teyvat. i'm a student, so yay summer break!"
"i'm here for what i hope is a good time. i've had a couple boyfriends before, in fact i broke up with my last one just a few months ago, so i'm really just looking to get out there again and what's a better way than to be here with all the hottest guys in teyvat?"
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"hey, i'm ganyu!! i work as a secretary and i'm 21, i live in liyue!!"
"i've never really had a boyfriend before haha, but maybe i'll find one here! my friends say that i'm a workaholic, and i feel like if i were to have a boyfriend he'll have to be able to handle the fact that i have a busy work life, or maybe just have one of his own."
"i'm not really the type to go out much, i definitely prefer a night in haha."
"my type? i like sweet guys, sort of a classic romantic type of guy who will make me feel special and understands my needs. that's all."
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"yo, i'm hu tao, my friends call me tao! i'm from liyue, i'm 19, and i'm a funeral director. didn't expect that one did you? you ever had someone on the show with that job before? yeaahhhh, thought not."
"one thing about me is i love a good prank. i've always kind of been a trouble child, ever since primary school. nothing too crazy, just enough to keep people on their toes."
"i like people that are funny, can match my vibe. i don't like boring people. we're here to have fun, aren't we!?"
"one ick i have? to begin with, people who call them icks. and uhh... i also hate when guys make it a point to say how strong they are by comparing my own strength?? like yes, you can curl my bench, i'd hope so or otherwise we'd both be weak as shit."
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"hey, i'm rosaria, i'm from mondstadt. i'm 26, and... well i've had a lot of jobs over the years. it's a bit of a funny story, actually, i used to be a nun. clearly that was meant to last 'cos i'm on this show now. right now, i work as a bartender. it's quite fun, getting to know the regulars. i can do most of their orders off the top of my head now."
"one of my icks in a guy? i don't think this really counts, but you won't believe the amount of guys i've met who are just... can't get over the fact that i used to be a nun. it's not that serious, like? i get it, but this isn't a porno."
"my type? good question. i don't know. but the last guy i was talking to had a bunch of tattoos and this really hot beard so, maybe that."
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"so... i just talk into this mic? okay."
"hello.. everyone! i'm jean, i'm 26, and i'm an office worker. nothing too glamorous, haha. oh yeah, and i'm from mondstadt"
"my type in a guy is someone who's a bit more mature, you know? i'm not a teenager any more, i don't have the patience to date around with idiots anymore!" (chuckles)
"growing up, my dad and my brothers always made sure to treat me really well so that when i'm older i'll know how a guy should treat me. i guess you could say that my standards are pretty high, yeah"
"ooh, an ick? if a guy wants to go 50/50 with me. if you're broke, just say that"
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𝜗𝜚 gia's notes :: the banners r kinda ugly o well. graphic design is my passion 🤓 also i left the y/n bio kinda blank so it's not too specific :)
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Hello! I'd like to request Eula, Hu Tao, and Rosaria's s/o getting super shy/flustered about asking to hold their hand
Even tho its super cheesey i have an absolute soft spot for the trope or whatever you call that tbh
I can't believe this is what I'm using my education for...
Eula and Hu Tao with a reader that get's shy when asking to hold their hand
Characters: Hu Tao / Eula x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: none
a/n: I have to admit that I have absolutely no idea how to write for Rosaria. I came up with something, but it would have literally been something like 2 sentences. So I'm really sorry.
I'm just happy that I got to write for my two favourite's again. it's been so long
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Hu Tao 
Hu Tao never had, isn’t currently in the possession of, and never will grow a sense of shame, so while that meant that getting her to be embarrassed by something she did was almost an impossibility, it didn’t need a genius detective to notice that the people she surrounded herself with, with the exception of Zhongli and Xingqiu, although she was sure she’d get to him someday, didn’t exactly fit the same criteria.
So while her heart did skip a beat whenever you asked her anything that made your face turn red, she couldn’t help but use the chance to get a bit of fun out of your nervousness.
You should have known that no good was going to come out of agreeing to Hu Tao’s request to go somewhere together, but your stupid brain couldn’t help but accept when she asked, too excited when she took the word “date” in her mouth.
Unluckily for you however, the funeral parlor’s director’s definition of a date was taking a trip to wuwang hill and hunting for any lost souls.
“I… don’t know if it's such a good idea to go there. It seems pretty dark”, you voiced your concerns upon seeing where she was going to take you, only for Hu Tao to turn around quickly enough for you to nearly get a heart attack when you were suddenly greeted with her face mere inches away from yours, and summoning her weapon before triumphantly showing it off.
“If it’s too dark for you, I can light my weapon. We might start a small wildfire, but it’s not like the ghosts will care too much”, she suggested with her typical smile, making sure to pronounce the word “ghosts” in as unsettling of a voice she could muster.
It didn’t do much, but coupled with the already sinistre energy the hills gave off and the small, transparent children you could swear you saw running around from the corner of your eyes, only for them to vanish once you took a closer look, made the king of all shivers run down your spine.
“...or”, she began talking once again, causing you to look up at her, anticipating her next words, “you could hold my hand if you’re scared.”
It didn’t take you long to shake your head and stutter out a responce as your face turned hot, only for Hu Tao to laugh and turn back around, ready to lead you farther into the forest. Or at least she would have, if the sound of something stepping on a branch behind a nearby bush hadn’t caused you to nearly fall over dead. And while she wouldn’t complain about receiving a new customer, business could wait for a little longer.
“Y- you know what? I- is the offer still available?”, you asked slowly, the shame and nervousness openly displayed in your voice, as you looked to the ground, too scared of what you might see if you looked up at her..
“Sure, if you buy a casket from me? They’re surprisingly affordable… most of them at least”, Hu Tao joked, only to shut up for a second when she realized you were too occupied with fearing for your life to notice her genius joke.
In one quick motion, she grabbed your hand before moving to your side so the two of you stood shoulder to shoulder, before suddenly intertwining her fingers with yours.
“But since it’s you this should suffice.”
And while you spent the rest of the trip too embarrassed and deafened by the internal screaming to feel frightened by the dark hills that made you nervous from just thinking about them not long ago, Hu Tao happily skipped by your side while humming her favorite tunes.
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Eula, being born and raised as an aristocrat, had been taught how to do anything with elegance and dignity, from chuckling, to getting out of what would otherwise become an awkward scene. All of which was to say that something like holding another person’s hand was no problem to her either, having to have done so at many balls and other events in her past. So as long as you remained at least somewhat calm when asking to hold her hand, it should be no problem at all.
…so why was asking this difficult?
With every minute that your date drew nearer to a close, you became less and less talkative, eventually coming to a point where you silently sat and ate your food while remaining completely silent. If it hadn’t been for the hundreds of quick glances you took at her, only to immediately look back down when your eyes crossed, Eula would have simply assumed you were getting tired. It was pretty late after all and as she knew you, you’d probably spent most of last night awake, overthinking what you would do the next day. But now, she couldn’t help but worry about other motives.
Was there something on her face? Eula quickly wiped the corners of her mouth with ner napkin, trying to play it off as casual as possible.
There it was again! You were still glancing at her, somehow seeming even more nervous than before. If it wasn’t any food, what was it? Was there someone behind her you didn’t exactly have fond memories of? Would it be weird to take a look? Or was it her after all that caused you to act this way? Did she say something hurtful before? No wait, did you take her joke too literally? Maybe she should work on her communication skills after all?
“caniholdyourhand?”, the words shot out of your mouth, as you nervously looked around, your cheeks having turned a deep shade of red.
“What?” Eula asked, more in confusion than in anything else. Was this what you were acting all nervous about? A part of her felt relief wash over her, and yet your shyness began rubbing off on her more than she’d like.
“Can I- you know… uhm. Hold your hand?”, you asked once again, a lot slower this time but in turn much more quiet than before.
Before long, Eula reached out her hand for yours before grabbing it. There was no need to act all shy about something like hand holding, afterall, especially for an aristocrat like her. But then again, you had never been too confident about things like this, so she might as well give you a hand and help you out a bit.
Or so she’d like to, if her face wasn’t in the process of matching yours in the color department.
…Why was this so much more difficult with you?
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bera-post-things · 2 years
If your open could you do a continuation of "Genshin Sagau drabble 2# When you say “bye love you!” To them"? Because LISTEN I am guilty of saying that to Kaeya in my teapot. And if you have the time I'd think it would be great to hear how he's think of that.
Genshin sagau drabble 2# Continued… When you say “bye love you!” To them
Sure! Of course I have time!
A/N: Thanks for being my first request! :D
A/N: I hope you liked the Kaeya one I tried to put his personality into this one and some slight changes here and there but here you go!
Feat: Yoimiya,Kaeya,Hu Tao,(might add more people)
She would be embarrassed and happy at the same time mostly happy how can she not be happy? “the creator the almighty one just said they love me!” She thought as she watched you walk away “wait!” She said catching your attention from walking down the stairs leading away from nagahora Fireworks “huh? Yes Yoimiya?” You said smiling “do you mean it?” She said to you making you think back on your words “yes I meant it why?” You answered back to her seemly forgetting what you said only remembering saying that you’ll meet her at the shores of Ritou torrmrow saying makinh the poor girl very flustered and joyful that she was basically jumping up and down in glee “oh it’s nothing I’ll see you torrrmrow Y/N!” She was going to make the biggest firework ever to show her her gratitude to you at the beach torrrmrow! She couldn’t wait!
The devious Calvary captain the usually sly one always with a smirk on his face on that delectable face of his this would be the only time where you would see him lower his guard and turn his face turn a dark shade of red you would be drinking with him at a bar with diluc intenty watching you in case his brother would try nothing to the creator which you assured was fine but he cotinued to watch you hike his brother just laughed and talked with you occansially taking big sips of exspensive wine in the end he would surely be a bit wobbly his words slurring and his face with just a tint of blush he looked like he wouldn’t be able to walk straight which you would be right it but back on topic as you toke a few sips of your grape juice that diluc served you cause he refused to serve you anything else you looked to your side, seeing the drunken gaze of the Calvary captain he still looks sharp as ever even when intoxicated you thought to yourself but you unknowingly spoke it out loud with out you even realizing it Kaeya now had a smirk on his devious face now sitting up straight with his arms now laying against the bar looking down at you “what was that dear creator I didn’t hear you can you please repeat that?” He said slyly as your eyes widened now realizing what you said stuttering from his intoxicated gaze and the situation as Diluc only raised an eyebrow at this waiting for your response “oh um..Sorry I have to go mabye we can hangout later?” You didn’t wait for a response and just said “bye love you” you again unknowingly said as you went to close the door of the tavern before hearing him say “oh so now you love me now? I’m so happy about that creator” he said chuckling deeply to him self “I didn’t know that you had these type of feelings for me but now that I know…” he cotinued saying making you pause at the door “wha-what no!” You siad before quickly walking out of the tavern and leaving you with a huge permanent blush on your face even the cool night breeze couldnt cool your heated cheeks it felt like your body tempurture was hot as the sun as you called your cheeks how would you talk to him now?” You thought embarrassed you looked like a school girl who had just gotten to interact with their senpai the very first time which earned you looks from other people but you didn’t care you stood there at the entrance of the taverns door hands one the knob on the door before retracting your hand, you cannot go back in there not After that you’ll leave it all for tomorrow you all you wanted to do was sleep… and that’s what you did that night
Hu Tao
I would see her as being happy and glad it was mid afternoon you two would be coming acbk from your walk around Liyue harbor going around as pranking people and scaring people for the most of afternoon until the sun was setting and you had to go as you two walked back to the funerual parlor ready to say your good byes you where ready to go you where about to wave good bye to hu Tao until you suddenly siad the words “bye love you!” After she would turn around and walk back inside the Funeral parlor but  hearing this She woukd turn around and smirk before saying “oh where did this come from suddenly confessing your love to me like this?” She said softly laughing to herself behind her hand(forgive me again I don’t really know how write for Hu Tao also lol)
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lustylcve · 7 months
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★ — 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐍 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐓, mondstadt
last updated, 021924
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BAIZHU. 𝖽𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗋𝗈.
──── "i've always been
healthy, took care of myself,
took care of others even, yet
my heart aches when i see you
with someone else." (ooc?)
BEIDOU. 𝖾𝗅𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗋𝗈.
──── "i've always helpe
guide others, especially if they
board my ship, but for once,
i'd like for you to guide my heart."
GA-MING. 𝗉𝗒𝗋𝗈.
──── "something i look
for in a partner is how humble they
are. especially if they are grounded to
the earth, which makes everything so
much more beautiful to see a world
from someone who has a different view
than myself."
GANYU. 𝖼𝗋𝗒𝗈.
──── "i don't really like her.."
HU TAO. 𝗉𝗒𝗋𝗈.
──── "i always like the feeling
i got when i seen people get spooked,
though when i think about you running
away from me, i can only frown."
KEQING. 𝖾𝗅𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗋𝗈.
──── "her too 🧍‍♀️"
──── "i was always busy, never having
much time for me, or for us. so the effort
you put into us, makes me love you more."
SHENHE. 𝖼𝗋𝗒𝗈.
──── "..feelings are things i can't
completely comprehend, but your
slow process helps me learn more
and more everyday."
XIANYUN. 𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗆𝗈.
──── "one appreciates the
same perspective on knowledge,
your crave for it never ceasing."
XIAO. 𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗆𝗈.
──── "..you may be irritating from
time to time.. but i enjoy the moments
when you don't fear me and rush off.
although, i still want you to be safe, so
call out my name."
OO1. smau
YANFEI. 𝗉𝗒𝗋𝗈.
──── "to be made."
YELAN. 𝗁𝗒𝖽𝗋𝗈.
──── "to be made."
YUN JIN. 𝗀𝖾𝗈.
──── "to be made."
──── "to be made."
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genshinemblem564 · 1 year
Chapter 4: New Friends
After you and the traveler turned in the imposter, the two of you are met with a hefty reward and due to it being a wide spread crime the reward was handled by the Adventurer's Guild and Katherine seems to be back at it again
Katherine: Rebooting.
(Y/N): (thoughts) Why does she say that all the time?
Traveler: Hello Katherine
Katherine: Ah, Traveler and Paimon, I assume you're here for the reward?
Paimon: Eh!? How'd you know?
Katherine: Half of Liyue has already heard the wonderful news. Hm? And this is?
Paimon: Oh this is one of Liyue's special guests, something to do with summoning.
(Y/N): I'm the tactician of Askr's Order of Heroes.
Traveler: They're the one who helped bring down the imposter.
Katherine: I see, so the reward will be split between you, then may I ask for your name for proper documentation?
(Y/N): It's (Y/N) (L/N).
Paimon: EH!? That's your name!?
(Y/N): (stern) Is that a problem?
Traveler: Oh right you wouldn't know being from another world, that's the name of the deity that criminal was trying to impersonate, even before their grace was rediscovered their name was quite common, so there was no law put in place about it, however after the imposter appeared everyone with that name was kept under serious restraint, so I guess you could call this poetic justice.
Paimon: Sorry if you were worried, Paimon was just surprised is all.
(Y/N): It's alright, thanks for the explanation.
As the Traveler was speaking, Katherine had returned with two small chests.
Katherine: Here you go.
Traveler: Thanks Katherine.
(Y/N): How much is this by the way?
Katherine: Due to just how elusive this particular criminal was combined with the crime committed, the initial reward was five million mora.
(Y/N): Huh? S-So this is t-two and a half million!?
You felt like you'd faint from the shock, but you were shaken from your thoughts by some new voice entering the conversation.
Hu Tao: Ah ha! There they are, the Traveler and Paimon.
Zhongli: It's been some time.
Paimon: Ah, Zhongli, Hu Tao.
Traveler Long time no see.
Hu Tao: Too true, well are you going to introduce us?
One explanation later
Zhongli: I see, I must apologize, you were meant to be Liyue's guest and ended up wrapped up in our affairs.
(Y/N): It's no trouble, they attacked me after all, I just acted in self defense.
Hu Tao: Even still this calls for celebration, why don't you join us for dinner my treat.
Traveler: Best just give in now, once Hu Tao has made up her mind you're going along for the ride.
You were about to contest this until you remembered this girl managed to convince Adeptus Xiao to attend the Lantern Rite festival, and so you gave in as you were walking with the group you couldn't help but notice a few scenarios. Xingqiu and Chongyun watching stunned as Raphael wolfs down even the strangest dishes made by Xiangling, Annette and Dorothea listening intently to Xinyan's rehearsal, Hilda being upset because she can't go on a shopping spree as gold and mora, while similar, are not the same, and Ashe listening intently to one of Liyue's storytellers. Halfway to the restaurant something catches your eye, this doesn't go unnoticed by Hu Tao.
Hu Tao: Ah, has that Casket of Tomes caught your eye
Feigning ignorance you give a confused look and Hu Tao gives an explanation.
(Y/N): So it's for a card game
Paimon: Yeah! It's really fun you should learn how to play.
(Y/N): I'd like to, but we're only in Liyue for a few days and this game doesn't exist in Askr.
Balthus: Yo, Summoner, what's up
You fill Balthus in on the card game.
Balthus: so you're in need of an opponent, then you're in luck, you won't find a finer card duelist than Leicester's King of Grappling.
(Y/N): Says the man who's lost every bet he's placed.
Balthus: HEY! They don't need to know that.
Paimon: Why does this feel familiar.
Hu Tao: Well, you have your opponent. Shopkeeper, two Casket of Tomes please.
You receive your card case and arrive at the restaurant you all place your orders and decide to play a match while waiting for the food. Hu Tao explains the rules and you and Balthus get cracking, and, unsurprisingly, Balthus loses, again.
Balthus: Oof, you're something else summoner, leave it to you to have a strategy for this already.
Traveler: Just out of curiosity, does he really lose all the time?
(Y/N): Not all the time, in combat he's matched only by his closest friend, when it comes to using his head however.
Balthus: Hey, I can use my head just fine, it's just that people around tend to be more adept with their head than I am.
Your food arrives and you all dig in, and have many energetic conversations, soon everyone has eaten their fill.
(Y/N): Thanks for this Hu Tao, that was great.
Hu Tao: No problem.
Balthus: Just out of curiosity, this was a thanks to the summoner am I right?
Paimon: Eh? How'd you know?
Balthus: Heh, the summoner's always getting into trouble whether they look fo it or not, trouble just seems to find them, anyways I'm not too keen on owing anyone.
(Y/N): Except for everyone you lost a bet to.
Balthus: ANYWAY, if we ever run into each other again, just remember you've got a favor you can call in.
Hu Tao: I'll be sure to remember that.
With that you leave the restaurant and bid your new friends farewell.
(Y/N): Hmm, a lot has happened today, I should probably find Sharena and Alfonse and fill them in.
Hey sorry this took so long to post, the weather has been crazy over here and I've also been dealing with family matters recently, so needless to say things have been pretty hectic.
Note: I don't hate Balthus I just felt like making (Y/N) a menace
I feel bad for Zhongli I introduced him and did nothing with him, the next chapter or the one after will have to focus on him in some way
Also I'm considering turning asks on, I want know my followers better without stalking their pages
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter
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imjustabeanie · 8 months
hi hi star!! [this is gongeous-maker's main account dfjhjk] i'd like to request a genshin and honkai star rail matchup (plus i'd like to know whether i'd get a vision or not and what locality i'd be from!).
mbti: infp-a height: 161 cm (5 feet 3 inches) hobbies: writing, listening to music, visiting markets interests: history, archaeology, and literature future job: archaeologist, teacher, or diplomat culture: indian ^-^ personality: likes making dirty jokes, but also appreciates someone who'll listen when times get tough (frequent). struggles socially and appreciates people speaking for them :") struggles with emotionally connecting, prefers to help friends and family from the shadows and give the spotlight to other people. easily jealous and understands how toxic that can get, spends time sulking with music to cope.
[i got your request, so i'll get started on that as well!! thank you so much <3333]
Hello! Thank you for trusting me! Here is your matchup!
Genshin Impact :
I had some other options like albedo and even ayaka but then….kazuha just clicked. He’s a poet, a brave soul and a good friend. Kazuha will always listen to you and pay attention. He seems to just…know what you think. He has a lot of stories to tell which makes him the perfect partner for someone like you in my humble opinion.
First of all, your interest in archeology, history and diplomacy definitely made me think of Liyue. You’d be someone from the land of contracts, rich of history and undiscovered mysteries just waiting for you. I can see you getting along with Hu tao, Beidou and Baizhu. (also ayaka and yoimiya later and albedo, navia, cyno and tighnari who suffers from jokes lol)
How you met: I like to think of you as a friend of beidou. She always share stories with you and even lets you join her when you want to explore a specific place or get a specific book. So….obviously you’ll meet kazuha. A fugitive from the closed nation of inazuma. Beidou would have a report to make and will ask you to please show him around the market. You shared Liyue culture and he shared what he knew of inazuma. Before you knew it, it was getting late and both of you were still talking. You’d help him out in this new place and he’d share his adventures and sometimes even troubles. He’s always willing to listen and play a piece or poem to cheer you up. Kazuha will help you out when you’re too shy but will also encourage you to speak for yourself. I’m not gonna lie, in the pre archon quest contest, forming a relationship with him is thought. He’d probably ask you out after the archon quest. When he realizes that life is too short for regrets. This time, he’d be the one to show you around inazuma.
In the relationship: As I said before, Kazuha would encourage your interests greatly. He’d even travel around teyvat with you as home is where you are. He’s a great listener and will help you out with all his problems just like you help him out with his trauma. Unfortunately, both of you don’t often take the spotlight lol so I think beidou and yoimiya will teach you how to be more extraverted. Also, yoimiya is your biggest shipper after Beidou, she’d be the one making your X year anniversary fireworks. I can see kazuha joining you in your jokes lol and coming with your comfort food when you’re sulking. When he sees you becoming jealous, he’d compliment you near the people who you’re jealous of and softly kiss your hand. After the tragedy, Kazuha is protective of you. He doesn’t want to lose you and can even get nightmares from it. He often writes poems about you or play you a song. He calls you his muse or his hope. He’s pretty down to earth and will help you out with your emotions. For the negative sides, he’s a nomade. He loves travelling. And also, him asking you out is the most difficult before the archon quest. He’s a fugitive and if it put you in danger, he’d sacrifice himself.
For the vision, I can see you having an anemo or cryo vision (more cryo in my opinion). I think you’d gain them after self-improvement. A serious resolution that you took like imposing yourself or getting involved in the inazuma war.
Little bonus: If it was fatui only, I’d have chosen capitano or arlecchino
The Belobog mechanic, a fierce and stubborn soul who ears for freedom and justice. It’s easy to befriend her but difficult to get her to open up given her trust issues. She’s rebellious and….blunt. But still I think she’d be the best match for you.
First of all, I think you’d be from the Xianzhou Luofu given their rich past. A true heaven for an archeologist or diplomat.
How you met: After the aeons problems in Belobog and the Xianzhou Luofu got solved, you decided to visit Belobog. And that’s how two curious souls bonded. You visited her store and you two spent hours describing your two worlds. She even proposed to let you visit the underground with her guiding you. She listens to you and give her honest opinion. You can even expect her to bust out some music pieces so you can learn about belobog music. She’s a scholar, so she’d go in deep about Belobog history (and when you get closer she’d tell you the full truth about it). You two are known for being a dynamic duo (even when she’s the one leading the conversations). You’d definitely become more outgoing when you get comfortable with her as she’s good to bring you out of your comfort zone. Now for becoming an item….I think it’s after you went back to your planet. The distance made you earn for each others. I can totally see both of you going to surprise the other on their planet and completely missing each other. And then you’d laugh about it on call and you’d join her on your planet to show her around. That’s where she confessed and you got together.
In a relationship: You’re gonna have to face Gepard. I don’t make the rules sorry. Serval is a beloved figure so you’re definitely gonna have to get some approvals. After you pass this traumatic and building event, it’s gonna get better. You’ll be welcomed by her family who won’t hesitate to give embarrassing stories. When you help out people, you can expect serval to be loud and clear that you helped out so you’d get the reconnaissance you deserve. When you get jealous, it might take her some time to notice but then she’d stop what she’s doing to stay with you. Serval is spontaneous. She can come at the middle of the night to you because she just had an idea or the sky is beautiful. With her, you also have access to a lot of artifacts that you can study. She’d even get you unrestricted access to Belobog main library with some help lol. Of course, she’d play the guitar for your and even try to teach you. A relationship with her takes time and trust. She suffered from a big betrayal and after some time, she’d definitely open up to you for support. Both of you would support each other a lot through trauma or emotions. The only problem I can see is that it will take A LOT of convincing for her to leave her planet and travel with you or settle with you because her family is very important. You’ll have to reach a compromise for this.
Concerning your path, I hesitated between harmony (a little), preservation and abundance before finally choosing abundance! You’re selfless and is willing to heal and help people that’s why I’d give you this path. I can see you get along with March, himeko, Pela, tingyun, topaz, huohuo, argenti and silver wolf.
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amber-main · 2 years
i've seen many comments about people complaining about dehya's reception, saying that she's "fine" or "good as-is" because they don't really care about "the meta"
and i'd like to ask you, reader, to ponder the following... what is there to be gained if people accept dehya's kit as it is right now? call it a write-off and sit happily wondering when their favourite character is going to release, fully expecting Hoyoverse Almighty to not make them an even worse, less-useful character than dehya at release (pinky promise?)
because dehya Has Problems. a lot of them.
like jump-cancelling her burst ("why are you jumping during her burst?" why do YOU care???? i'm sure you've encountered terrain in your genshin overworld? or perhaps an enemy that freezes you and mandates you mash the jump button to get out of it?)
or her skill uptime, which makes her basically inferior to any shielder at providing interruption resistance for extended periods of time. not to mention that her dmg mitigation still means your characters take damage... just less of it than before ("wow so it's just like beidou or xingqiu, except they also can provide meaningful amounts of damage too?")
or her damage. which is just not good at all compared to basically any character made to Actually Deal Damage. putting aside your hu tao or raiden or ganyu, she does not out-dps a xinyan with similar investment... not to mention that xinyan can actually perform a useful role in other teams without being as clunky as dehya is
and then people say "well the damage is good enough for me, and i really like the way she looks, so i'm fine with it"
okay??? well consider the following.... what if.... What If she was just as pretty and, oh i don't know, Also Did Damage. Or A Useful Role... wouldn't that be nice?
the raiden and alhaitham simps have it nice, 'cause their waifu/husband totally looks amazing and OH WAIT, also does considerable amounts of damage WHILE ALSO contributing to their team.
given the choice, wouldn't you also want your favourite character to be the coolest, most overpowered character in the game?
wouldn't you like it if the way that they're talked about in the story, being a fierce fighter with formidable skills and lots of experience, be reflected in the gameplay?
wouldn't you love it if the character you like was not getting doomposted over by other players? as in... wouldn't there just be MORE to enjoy about dehya if she did do Actual Damage, or provide Meaninful Amounts of Utility to her team?
so what's the point of bootlicking a multi-billion-dollar corporation's crappy decisions, and telling them it doesn't matter if a character is almost entirely useless as long as you think they're pretty?
because other people DO care whether their favourite character does damage, or provide some tangible benefits in gameplay, and who's to say they don't deserve a likeable character with damage and utility?
because that's what the kazuha mains have. that's what the zhongli mains got.
and you should deserve that too.
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zevlors-tail · 2 years
Thanks, Dad
Muse: Oh hey Zhongli, did you receive the paperwork for that client I was working with?
Zhongli: Yes. I've already looked it over. You did a nice job.
Muse, who's still new to the business: Oh good! Thanks, dad!
Childe, Hu Tao, and Beidou: *absolutely silent, staring in Muse's direction*
Muse: ... Why is everyone staring at me?
Hu Tao: You just called Mr. Zhongli dad. You said, "Thanks, dad."
Muse, turning red in embarrassment: What? No I didn't, I said, "Thanks, man."
Zhongli, softly: Do you... see me as a father figure, Muse?
Muse: N-No!
Zhongli: It's quite alright, my dear. I take it as a compliment.
Beidou: It's not a big deal. I called Lady Ningguang 'mom' once!
Muse: Um, hello!? Why is no one talking about that!?
Childe, laughing: That's old news! But you, calling Zhongli daddy?
Muse, indignantly: WHOAH. OKAY. That is NOT what I said.
A Client who happened to be standing in the parlor at the time: But... you did call him dad.
Muse, glaring: You shut up or you're gonna need our services a LOT sooner than you think-
Childe: *laughing hysterically*
Client: But it did happen-
Muse: I didn't call him dad!
Zhongli: I believe you...
Zhongli: ...kiddo.
Muse: !?
Zhongli: Would you like to talk about this later over dinner? My treat; think of it as a reward for all the hard work you've put into the funeral parlor so far. You've made me proud.
Muse, quietly: ... I'd like that a lot.
Original Quote from Brooklyn Nine-Nine
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aetheternity · 2 years
Hello! I’ve seen your LR vent with anon; I’m a new genshin player, which means I’ve never seen the lantern rite until this update and I have enjoyed most of it except for the interactions when they were eating?
It just felt so OOC for some, namely Venti? Why was he even there?? And for the music festival? He wasn’t even there for when it happened! When he first appeared I was literally like “Tf you doing here??”
Also, the way they pretend to not know each other?? Maybe I missed something but why did they do that? I though it was funny but actually why did they need to do that?
Also, I found Hu Tao really annoying… I’m sorry for saying that but it felt like my middle school bully trying to be nice to me after she was reprimanded by teachers?? Maybe it’s just me.
I felt bad for Xiao to just be there without knowing what to do… pretending like he doesn’t know Zhongli? I though people knew that they know each other? Could be I’m wrong…
The singing with Xingyan and Hu Tao… oh archons… why?? It was a nice thing to include but it was just so bad?? Not anything specific about it, just overall…
Also I didn’t get why Zhongli kinda ‘demanded’ Xiao to call him Zhongli? I get its his new identity or whatever but it seemed a bit cold to me? It could be I missed something or the reason why he asked but it still seemed cold to me…
Back to Venti, I do really like him! He was the first character I liked when I got into Genshin! They just did him so wrong here… it’s like Venti was there and not Barbatos if that makes any sense? It’s just fannon Venti like it was said beforehand… I was happy to see him but he has no place to be there?? It made no sense for him to appear he was just like “Yah y’all eat here? Great imma join in! Btw, who tf are you?? I know 3 people here but oh well!” I was kinda upset by that…
Also Zhongli kinda passed me off? I really like him as a character but he felt so off to me… like he slept on the wrong side of the bed…
This doesn’t make me like them less of course, it just makes me mad they were written that way…
Also, where was Kazuha?? He should have been there! And Beidou and so many other people! It’s like they took the chargers in the LR and were like “Yeah just put them there” “But how boss?” “I don’t fucking know! You want to sit here and come up with ideas all day? Just do something!”
As a new Genshin player, I did like the vibe of the LR and the banter between characters but it was kinda akward…
Also, in the trailer for it when Aether joined Xiao to watch the fireworks; Cyno and Tighnari, for example, appeared but I have not seen them anywhere!
Regardless, I hope the next festival of whatever want make me feel this way…
About why Venti and Zhongli act like they don't know each other and why Xiao acts like he doesn't know Zhongli. Xiao is out as an adeptus everyone knows him by face and they know how old he is because he doesn't hide his identity. Meanwhile Zhongli and Venti want to live peacefully around humans so they keep their identities as archons private. None of the human characters at the table know about Zhongli and Venti being archons so they have to find some reason for them to talk without spilling the beans.
I feel like the only person on Earth that didn't find Hu Tao annoying at the dinner table.
Though the song with her and Xinyan was a choice for sure. I wish they'd just kinda had music play and then not had the two of them singing. Plus their stage name?? The Blaze Lilies?? Pft wow super original how long did it take to pick that corny ass name 🙄
I didn't like how Zhongli told Xiao he should be calling him Zhongli either. Like he's not comfortable with the informal name. Also love how they were having that conversation on the street for any random person to overhear. Great job protecting your old identity Zhongli.
I'd be nice if badly characterized Venti is just a clone or something that came to take the real Venti's place while he slept to avoid suspicion from the Traveler. But idk Venti felt like Venti in the trailer sooo.
If you haven't seen Cyno and Tighnari around it means you probably haven't played through the Sumeru archon quest.
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kenjiajax · 1 year
[Day 4]
Maybe if I hadn't ran away that day I wouldn't be here. I'm aware it's been seven years since the incident but still. Perhaps I'm a bit too reckless too. I wonder how long until I come back home.

Did I tell you about the food goo? Disgusting really, no taste, nothing. Absolutely bluegh.

[Day 21]
I miss home, if I can call it home at least. Everyone have been really nice and welcoming, really. It's just a bummer that we can't find home... I miss everyone. I miss normal food too, like wtf, I know it's been 21 days but seriously! Still disgusting!

[Day 56]
I just got to know this gigantic castle have a training area! I mean, for real it should be understandable. The paladins fighting have to be able to train somewhere that isn't the living room. It still never occurred to me I guess. I'm gonna go and train!

[Day 98]
Hunk got the food goo to taste... decent actually. Also hi, it's day 98. I don't have much to say. My daily routine is wake up, eat decent food goo, train and then Keith joins me, find Pidge and stare at their smarts stuff, find Shiro and Allura and see how it's going in getting me home, help Coran clean while some times being joined by Lance, train some more, more food goo as dinner and then sleep, repeat.

[Day 176]
It's gone too long, I don't think I'm getting home...

[Day 364]
Tomorrow it's been a year... I've been gone from home for a year. I mean I am helping the Paladins! They managed to get home and save everyone, but we still haven't found my home...

[Day ?]
I don't know what date it is anymore... I just know it's been forever... we still don't know my way home. If I never can go home, know I love my family, I forgive he who betrayed me, I mourn for the loss from our rank, I praise the ones above me, I wish well to they who travel the continents, I hope to you who's in search of your sibling, and I believe in peace over Teyvat.


I close the book and looks at the cover signed by the recognizable hand writing and signature. Childe, Tartaglia. I look up at the black and white armored man with white hair, a soft sad gentle smile plastered on my face, the white haired man looked at me in sympathy. "I'm sorry-" he starts but I cut him off. "Thank you, Shiro, I am indeed sad about the loss and wish I could see him again..." I say, looking down, caressing the book's cover made out of leather. "He died a hero" Shiro said. "I bet space was a wonderful experience for him, while I'd like to experience it myself, I'm afraid I am needed in Teyvat."

"I understand, is there anything we can do?" Shiro asked looking at me. "If you would allow me to, I remember you telling me you had his body? I'd like to plan a proper Liyuen funeral, fully compensated by the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, do not worry about compensation. I'll make sure my director, Director Hu Tao knows of this, she will surely agree."
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milksnake-tea · 1 year
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-> illu / lui (illu is more of a casual name, lui is more professional) -> i'm fine with she/they/he pronouns, with a preference to she/they ! -> been breathing for 18 long years -> i'm vietnamese american! don't ask me to talk to you in viet, i can only do it verbally and i don't want my voice on the internet -> pst timezone
❀ ˎˊ- manwhas and mangas !! i haven't been that into anime for a while, but i still adore manwhas such as omniscent reader, villains are destined to die, etc . ❀ ˎˊ- genshin impact, honkai star rail, twisted wonderland, vanitas no carte, persona 5, bungo stray dogs, are all fandoms i'm still apart in! (for fandoms i write for, check out my request rules!) ❀ ˎˊ- i have a lot of favorite characters, but if i had to pick only a few, i'd say sunday, luocha, aventurine, sparkle, venti, tighnari, hu tao, kaeya, penelope eckart, and kim dokja! it looks like a lot but it isnt. trust me. ❀ ˎˊ- my hobbies include writing, listening to either depressing or upbeat music, yapping with my friends (i love yall sm btw <3), playing very specific video games, and reading other people's fics when i should really be writing my own ❀ ˎˊ- other likes include cities, warm colors, nighttime, men with long hair, dogs, coffee, and ofc milk tea <33
coughs OKAY SO. I SWEAR IM NOT USUALLY THIS FORMAL, THIS IS HOW I USUALLY TYPE im only typing in lowercase for the aesthetics,,, lowkey missing hu tao rn bc unlike luocha i didnt have to be pretty with her smh. anyways, i'm actually kind of outgoing ish and although i can be a prude with sticking with canon (i'm really bad at crack because i can't stand going too out of character), i promise im not that bad. like i'm actually stupid sometimes (like you will see me calling gepard gerald unironically because homegirl accidentally misread his name once and it stuck in her mind). anywho, hope you enjoy your time here, and just have fun!! you can talk to me in my inbox any time you'd like, i'm just dumb and will forget to reply so apologies in advance
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kaneaken · 2 years
hello nene! it's been a while since i visited your ask box, so i hope you're doing well!
anyways, remember when i had promised i would send in a request for your 35+ followers event? well guess what! i finally have something i'd like to see you write!
can i have zhongli, childe + another genshin boy of your choice reacting to you giving them flowers (romantically)? it can be a drabble/headcanon, and any genre of your choosing :3 also i'd like if the characters and reader are in an established relationship!
thank you!! <333 i know you'll do a great job with this one!
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author's note; hi, evie, thanks for the request <3 new banner for my followers event so its easier to distinguish :D i'm a big sucker for flowers, so this was fun to write. i tried switching around the scenarios for each character, so nothing got repetitive. childe's actually got pretty long ^^;; reminder that requests are open! anyways enjoy <3
content notes; gender neutral! reader (they/them pronouns used), use of (name) for reader, reader actually talks here (can that count as a warning?), established relationship, high school au (childe), modern au (diluc, zhongli), husband!zhongli, kinda hurt/comfort (diluc), fluff
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your beloved boyfriend, captain of the football team, and star player was having his final game of the season
you tried to attend his games to the best of your ability and he hoped you'd appear for this one
however he couldn't spot you at the beginning of the game or during half time
his sulking caught the team's attention and they tried their best to cheer him up
" maybe they're just late "
" or you just can't see them with all the people "
" or, oh wait, wait! i see (name) over there! hey, (name)! (NAME)! "
childe raised his gaze from his helmet to see you, sweating and holding something behind your back. you gave him a small wave with one hand while keeping the other behind your back to conceal your surprise.
" you ready to go now, captain? " itto asks, patting childe on the back, " (name)'s here, so you've gotta give 'em your best! "
childe chuckles before gesturing for the team to gather.
" let's give 'em our best, team! "
you knew your boyfriend was good, but it seemed like he was doing his absolute best now
victory came for his team and the game ended
before everyone was able to leave, keqing called for everyone's attention
guess there's no backing out of your surprise now
" if everyone could please give us a few minutes of your time! "
you made your way down to the field and you took your place next to keqing. you fiddled with the roll of paper in your arms as you waited for keqing to hand you the microphone
" as you all know, our homecoming is slowly approaching and homecoming proposals are quite common. well, today, our football captain's significant other had something they would like to ask of him "
you took the microphone out of keqing's hands and gave her your rolled up banner. yanfei and hu tao came over from their positions to help hold the banner and hand you the flowers you had picked.
you turned to make eye contact with childe. seeing his surprised face made you smile before you spoke into the mic
" childe, will you go to homecoming with me? "
" go get 'em, lover boy, " itto teased, pushing childe in your direction. childe stumbled, but steadied himself to run in your direction
once he reached you, he gave a tight hug before kissing you one the cheek. you laughed before handing him the flowers in your hands
" what do you say? "
" i'd be honored, sweetheart "
diluc was a busy man
so much so he'd often run late for your dates
you held no anger towards him though, you knew him well
he didn't want to miss your dates, but there are things to be done
he was late. he knew that. he also knew you wouldn't be mad.
sighing, he opened the door of the restaurant and told the host the name the reservation was under
" you're first to arrive, sir. i'll take you to your table "
that had definitely surprised him
you had always been first to arrive or you'd arrive together
only on a few occasions has he ever arrived before you
he took his seat and waited for you
" sorry, i'm late "
diluc raised his gaze to meet yours and was instead met with a bouquet
" i wanted to get you some flowers, but i wasn't sure which ones would fit best. i had to ask the clerk and all of the ones he showed me were so pretty... "
diluc could only stare at the flowers as you rambled about your experience at the flower shop
" anyways, here you go, " you placed the flowers in diluc's arms, " i hope these were the right choice. the clerk said they mean unconditional love "
" they're perfect. thank you, my love. if i may, why did you buy the flowers? "
you take your seat as diluc puts the flowers on the table
" i just wanted to make sure you knew how much i love you. i know you beat yourself up sometimes about being late, so i just wanted to remind that it's okay. i love you unconditionally, diluc ragnvindr "
there was something zhongli's students had always wanted to know
who married him?
they don't mean it in any bad way
they believe that mr. zhongli was one of their favorite and best teachers
they'd caught glances at the ring on his finger and the small smiles he had while looking at his phone
their curiosity was heavy in regards to mr. zhongli's unknown spouse
they never really knew how to bring it up casually, so they never received their answer
that was until today
mr. zhongli was always kind with his students.
so, when he saw a few struggle on the lesson, he decided to open up tutoring during lunch
" thank you again for helping us out, mr. zhongli! " xiangling said, taking a seat and pulling out her lunch. xingqiu and chongyun took seats next to the girl, pulling out their own lunches
" it's my pleasure, " zhongli took his seat in the front of the class, " eat your lunches and once you're all done, we can begin tutoring "
" yes, sir! "
" how exciting. would you be willing to teach me too? "
startled by the sudden voice, the trio turned their heads and spotted you, holding a bouquet of flowers in your arms
" ah, dear, i didn't realize you'd be dropping by today "
zhongli stood from his seat to greet you
" sorry for not telling you. i wanted it to be a surprise. speaking of surprises, " you hand him the bouquet, " i got some flowers from the shop down the street. you work so hard, so here's a little something from me "
" thank you, " zhongli says, giving you a peck on the cheek and setting the flowers down
the trio was in shock to say the least
you and mr. zhongli looked so good together
you guys were like a power couple
they were SO going to tell everyone
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tihgnari · 3 years
๑ [ 09 ] he'll take her side
word count: 934 / tw: angst, manipulation, toxic behavior
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your eyes were unfocused, right palm still smarting and tingling as you eye izumi's reddened cheek courtesy of your hit.
you shouldn't have gave in. shouldn't have given her what she wanted. shouldn't have lost control. you shouldn't have.
because you know he'll take her side.
xiao reaches out for her, seeming as if he'd materialized in thin air. his brows furrow, concern written clear as day in his cat-like features, hands moving with feather-like tenderness as he tilts his girlfriend's face up to assess the area you assaulted.
your stomach sinks and your nails dig deeper into the palms of your hand.
you never did forget how he looked at you when you were still together. it was as if you hung the stars in the night sky.
so vulnerable. so raw. so in love.
but xiao's amber-brown eyes aren't looking at you anymore.
"no. xiao don't touch her that way. don't look at her that way… izumi, she… she ruined…"
words you wanted to say but couldn't, stuck in your throat as the frustration and hurt manifest as salty tears swamping your eyes.
you inch away from the couple as if scared and invading an intimate moment while messily wiping the tears slowly tracking down your face.
of all the places you can cry? how cruel.
someone grabs your shoulders.
they're yelling and it's grabbing every student's attention but your eyes remain unseeing of what's in front of you, lost in your thoughts. the exact words izumi said mere seconds ago echoing throughout your whole being.
"xiao never trusted you during your relationship with him, did he? even after doing everything for him. all you got in return were baseless accusations and doubts until eventually, he got sick of you and looked for another girl. i'd call him a hypocrite if i didn't love him."
"what… what are you talking about? how do you know what happened to us?"
"well, princess, who do you think planted the seeds of doubt in his mind? who do you think warmed his bed that night?"
you think it's xiao that's yelling.
he never yelled, but you guess for his izumi, he would, wouldn't he?
you could barely hear him. too lost in the gravity of what you had found out. stuck in a daze filled with memories of sleepless nights, bloodshot eyes, empty beer cans, and hu tao's own tears of desperation and quavering voice.
"please, yn! you need to eat!" "i'm right here, yn! i'm right here! you're never alone. please– please stop crying–" "you can't continue living like this!"
all this time, you thought him despicable for leaving you the way he did.
sucking out all the warmth and life in you for himself and leaving nothing to you because you were never anything to him.
"it was you… it was…"
you couldn't breathe, dots forming around your vision. it was downright suffocating.
"yup! poor boy came to depend on me because he knew i'm the only one he can trust. did you know he never doubted me the way he did to you? xiao always believes what i say. maybe because he learned from mistakes – well, not that i'm calling you a mistake but hey! his words not mine. he even said he'll pick me over his friends if circumstances arise, how sweet, right?"
you came here to talk about some stupid paper, not to reminisce the horrible, terrible memories of your relationship's downfall.
you should tell xiao. you need to tell him. he deserves nothing but the truth! he's being manipulated!
"lay a hand on her again, and i swear–"
"she's lying to you."
that served to rile him up more. you can feel it in the way he went from gripping your shoulders to fisting the collars of your shirt.
you would've felt scared but all you felt was pity as you gazed at his frantic, lost eyes.
"no! she'll never do that to me. izumi would never do that to me. she cares about me. she won't hurt me like that. you should know firsthand what trust means to me. no… izumi isn't like that! fucking shut up, yn!"
but you forgot all he ever believed was izumi. he did it before when you were still dating, what more now?
"xiao, that's enough!"
a certain light-haired boy appears in your line of sight, successfully prying xiao's death grip on your shirt.
kazuha shoves him away from you. gone is the gentle baritone of his voice as he looks at xiao with contained anger.
"what were you thinking?! grabbing a girl's collar like that, are you fucking crazy?! get your shit together!"
instead of the rough carpet, someone catches you mid-fall.
"well, good thing i skipped my classes, right?"
there's a tinge of sadness in xingqiu's voice.
the sympathy in his eyes made you want to curl up in his chest and cry your eyes out 'til kingdom come. judging by the gentle yet firm arm he has wrapped around you, xingqiu knew, too.
after all, he's secunde only to hu tao in regards to reading you so well.
"come on, let's get you out of here before the librarian comes, yeah?"
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GOOD 4 U » previous : masterlist : next
a xiao! genshin impact social media au!
๑ summary — lesson learned! never challenge hu tao when you're drunk bc you'll just lose and now you have to post a thread of all your exes as songs from olivia rodrigo's hit debut album sour … or: "yn desperate much!" "yn still loves xiao? yikes! doesn't he already have someone new?" "stop ruining my relationship u bitch!"
๑ note — excuse me while i go cri for a bit + just wanted to say thank you for all the support good 4 u's been getting. i really didn't expect it HAHAHA so here's a special treat from me! <3 also bc the angst is too good to pass up
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chocoenvy · 3 years
Lmao I saw the "When reader likes to sing but is shy about it" Imagine the part where they were listening to the door and then suddenly the door opens making them fall down the room...
What would be Reader's reaction?
this is so cute thank you for the ask :D! i don't think this is that good but it's the thought that counts and my golly gosh is the idea so adorable.
warnings: cult-ish behavior, fluff!
You were singing as usual, left suspiciously alone in the room.
That's right, you had caught onto the fact that something was up. Was there a problem they didn't want you to know about? Were they convinced you weren't their god? Did they think you were an imposter?
Despite you wanting to sing a bit more, you decided to let go of it. Especially if it was as important as them thinking you were an imposter. Or maybe even something happening outside of your teapot home.
So when you were left alone, you waited a bit before singing. Just humming and mumbling words.
Then you quietly got up and walked to door silently.
The last thing you expected when you opened the door was a pile of bodies falling on top of you.
"Your grace!" At least a dozen voices cried out in shame and worry.
You blinked at the faces staring back at you, a few pairs of hands helped you out.
"What..?" You stared helpessly confused at all of them.
"We're sorry your grace!" Hu Tao shouted, bowing down low.
"Sorry your grace!" Voices echoed after her, bowing as well.
You blinked confused, your eyes shifting between the dozen of acolytes before you, "What... what were you doing?" Your voice was strained, the confusion of just... whatever this was... it was too much to process.
They all hesitated. None of them wanted to be the one to tell you.
Like children, they elbowed Zhongli to the front. "You do it." They hissed, "You're oldest."
Zhongli lowered his head like an ashamed child, "We... we were listening to you sing your grace."
After a moment of silence, your face lit up in flames. Turning a bright red, burning with heat. "Y-you were... li-listening to me sing?" You muttered, barely stuttering it out.
Shamefully, they nodded their heads.
"I- I'm- it's- so- I-" You struggled before burying your head in your hands and groaning. "It's-" You couldn't put your thoughts into words.
"Sorry, but your voice is really pretty!" Venti smiled sweetly.
You shook your head, burying it further in your hands. "T-thanks..." You muttered, your voice barely audible.
You doubted your voice for quite a bit after that despite the constant and loving praise you recieved. Your acolytes weren't sure if they were dissapointed in themselves for listening to you sing without you knowing, or for being caught. Because for quite a while afterwards you outright refused to sing unless you were 100% sure that no one was around. Which you never were.
That is until one day, Klee and you were in Springvale. You had caught a bunch of fish and were munching on it. Absentmindedly, you started humming.
Klee immediately quieted down which caused you to stop.
She looked at you with adoration sparkling in her eyes. "Please continue your grace!"
"Ah..." Your face heated up at the fact that she had heard you, "Uhm... okay... it's a song I think you'll like." You smiled nervously.
It was just Klee, you reminded yourself, she'd never hurt or make fun of you.
You hummed the rest of the song, singing the chorus out loud.
Klee started humming some parts with you once she got the hang of it. You smiled brightly at how cute she was singing.
"That's called Let the Wind Tell You*." You said with a wide smile, "I like it a lot."
Klee nodded enthusiastically, "Klee likes it a lot too! Thank you for singing and teaching me the song your grace!"
"Please Klee," You sighed, still smiling, "You don't have to call me your grace. I have a name."
Klee's smile faltered, "But Albedo said to always call you that."
You huffed, "Of course he did. Well, you're just a kid. It's good that you're listening to him but I'd like you to call me by my name instead of titles. If you want to of course." You smiled softly.
Klee grinned brightly, jumped up, and wrapped her tiny arms around your neck.
"If you want me to call you by your name I will!" Klee said, "And I'll sing with you and listen to you sing anytime! Thank you so much for this...!"
"(y/n)" You smiled.
"Thank you (y/n)!"
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Me in SAGAU (Villain Edition)
looking at my wanted posters: "at least i'm wanted"
staring down the entire cast: "still better than america"
"person of interest is almost too flattering"
"like the knights or the milileth could show up at my campsite and be like "we're searching for the imposter(tm) and you're a person of interest." and i'd just be like "moi? now do go on""
"my life isn’t as glamorous as my wanted poster makes it look like"
laughing at the guards/bounty hunters: "you really think i give a fuck? i can't even read"
after 0hp and revive: [puts on cowboy hat] "died and came back as a cowboy, I call that reintarnation"
"worth it just for that"
xiao, figuring things out: well, well, well... if it isn’t my old friend: the dawning realization that i fucked up bad
staring down three mad archons: "i’ve come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than fuck"
strolling into liyue in disguise: "if you can’t beat them, dress better than them"
when everyone tries to apologize: "BEHOLD, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!"
someone approaches
"you look familiar... have you tried to kill me before?"
walking into a city, after the whole realization bit, dressed like i'm going to a funeral
someone (maybe Hu Tao) asks who's funeral the Divine One would attend
i look around "i haven't decided yet"
some brave soul: remember when you didn't solve your problems with murder
"stop romanticizing the past"
ningguang: i'm sorry it took so long to get you out of jail, your grace. I'll have the guards who failed to recognize you executed.
"lol dw I shouldn't have used my one message to prank them"
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