#I'll finish it when im older. do it part time and get that good feeling of completeing something
dianagj-art · 6 days
Is there Oneion facts we can know about?
(the baby boy in question is ten years older than me)
I'm gonna go canon stuff first, then some fun crossover stuff:
The version that I'm using is 35-ish years old (a few years before the movie events), he's been the leader of the resistance for around a decade
He still has all his brothers and loves them very much, would kill and die for them
Way more chill than One is right now, still a beast on combat
One can manipulate vines only using the seeds Draxum makes, Oneion can summon them at will from the ground with little issue
In the story he mostly goes by Leo now, very few people call him One (but lets keep calling him Oneion to avoid confusion)
The protesis he uses is an old one from Raph, but he outgrew it and gave it to Oneion when he lost his arm. It was a bit ridiculously big for him at the time, it's still a *little* too big for Oneion, but by the time he's 40-something (movie events) its gonna fit right in
The scarf he has is not the same One has, but as One's it was a gift from Draxum, he has carry the same scarf the whole apocalypse
Still has a lot of gold accents on his clothes
He's still the best fighter out of the four turtles
He loves being around kids but doesn't, he's afraid of hurting them. He knows he didn't had a normal childhood but is not 100% aware of what part was normal and ok and what part is not, and he rathers not take a chance and do something wrong.
He ends up enjoying teaching martial arts, tho he doesn't like being called sensei, and he wont spar with anyone bellow his level (again, being afraid of hurting them)
Casey Jr becomes the exception to these
Crossover stuff!
he can and will beat the shit out of One, he knows how much One can take so he's not really worried about that
when the apocalypse started he basically lost contact with the multiverse, so no fun crossovers for him. Until by the power of "@intotheelliwoods started doing fanart of Oneion before I even had finished his design" he had access to the multiverse again!
First of his "old frieds" he saw was Poptart and Sprout (2al huggy leos) and first thing he did was to hug Sprout<3 (well, he first kinda yelled at him but I'll draw that some day)
I don't think he has met again with the rest of the separated council? I don't remember if I've stick him in any crossover situations
he loves hugging Poptart, he's teddy bear size<3 and he'll never get tired of calling him his friend and loving him "the way he deserves" because he still hasn't forgive himself for the shitty way he treated Poptart (dont worry about it)
he fucking destroyed the attempt of a slau/2al crossover time line
he says he's fine by it but he keeps bringing up the "jawbreaker" incident, I dont think he got over it, actually
he hangs out with Sprout a lot
something something, being with Sprout makes him feel like a kid again, and it makes Sprout feel like a kid again because Oneion reminds him of Big Leo
Sprout and Oneion have a spa day, they deserve it<3 they also go shopping together. Also, they are not exactly good at cooking but they try and they love working together on the kitchen
Oneion got the "Oneion" nickname by Sprout and Poptart
he stronk. he can lift Sprout with no problem, and even Toast
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if you wanna have a good time scroll down the besties tag on ell's blog or mine (2)
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wanderingblindly · 5 days
as i've gotten three different choscar kiss prompts (are yall. ok?), and idk when I'll get to them, i figured i could split the difference by sharing some of my choscar wip. is that a fair exchange? choscar anons pls love me premise is: charles as the "childhood best friend's older brother". oscar as the long-term down-bad idiot. charles is now -- surprise! -- oscar's boss at his new job.
Mr. To You
Is he allowed to use his phone? How often is too often to get up and wander towards the café? Is it weird to explore the floor a bit? Maybe introduce himself to his new coworkers?
He looks over at Max – sat in a different row, the middle desk – and notes the distinct lack of cell on his desk. That probably settles at least one question, doesn't it? Movement from the corner of his eye catches his attention; he shifts to take a not-so-subtle look, face freezing between two expressions: shock and abject terror.
Walking down their half of the hallway, waving good morning to a man that Oscar can't see, is a ghost from Oscar's past.
Or rather, a ghost from his entire childhood, teenagehood, and adolescence.
His shoes, light brown Italian leather, perfectly elegant and perfectly on trend, tap against the short-pile carpet as he draws closer – flashing another smile towards Max, whose shoulders visibly tense from behind.
Oscar feels the hairs on the back of his neck prickle, red-hot heat rushing under his skin like he's been doused in boiling water. Time seems to move in slow motion as he takes another step closer, as his hand – adorned with an oversized watch that should look horrendously gaudy, but rather highlights the span of his palm – moves to undo the button of his navy blazer.
And his chin turns, pink lips parted to flash yet another smile.
At him.
Charles Leclerc, the object of his hormone-fueled fixations since before he even had hormones to blame, looks at him – brilliant green eyes catching his with ease, dimple starting to show as he mouths 'good mor–'
Before he can finish, Oscar bolts; he scrambles to his feet and dashes towards the glass door a few steps behind him.
He's moving before he even realizes it, storming out onto the small balcony and stumbling over the wrought-iron seating set. He nearly falls flat on his face, which – at this point – may have been a mercy. Maybe if he punches in his nose and knocks out his teeth, Charles Leclerc won't even remember who he is – maybe he'll get to go home and quit over the phone, and no one would ever need to know.
The beating sun feels like ice compared to the blood pressing up against his skin, painting him a frantic, alarming shade of pink.
Not even taking a moment to calm his racing heart, Oscar pulls out his phone.
Oscar Piastri
What the fuck did you do
yes yes good morning
im good! how are you???
Oscar Piastri
so polite, i am always saying this
why is it always me thats doing something??????
what the fuck did YOU do?? huh???
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tswwwit · 6 months
(sorry, this got way long, and maybe a little sappy, but i didn't want to spam with multiple asks)
so i just finished reading the most recent chapter of the cultist reincarnation au, and i love it so so much.
my personal fave part is bills little rivalry with the mini bill plush. bill waited for so long to see his husband again, and this little plush is getting all of the affection bill wants, i love it. i hope dipper keeps it around after getting all his memories back, because it is a wonderful way to tease bill. just 'fine, i'll just go hug and kiss my new, better husband!' said as dipper walks off with mini bill just to annoy bill.
after reading that chapter i started rereading the entire familiar au (or like 95% of everything that was written for it including snippits, pov changes, and multipart stories, thanks to weirdeggi's masterpost) and its so so fun and interesting seeing bill go from a demonic jackass who barely tolerates his human, to seeing him put so much time, care, and patience into making sure the cultist reincarnation of dipper feels comfortable and relaxed around him. while seeing dipper go from timid and ignorant in the beginning to confident and knowledgeable with the ability to handle all of bills tricks easily.
it's just all so good and you write the characters so so well, i love them so much. i love seeing how much they've grown and drove each other insane/sane. the world building is so well done, especially with how the magic works and affects things. i've read these stories so many times over the years and as they come out, and each new one is always a delight. no pressure on you to rush of course, please take your time, but know that any new fic or chapter you post has at least one person eager to read and enjoy it.
(the rest of this is just going to be fun questions that popped up while rereading, no pressure on answering them, i just thought of them while reading and thought they'd be fun to ask and share)
I am curious about how bill views or thinks about his 'sickness' after the events of confessing it, and if that's different from several reincarnations later. cause i know in the bill v bill fic the other bill still calls it a sickness, and while i know our bill is happy as hell, i do wonder if he still thinks its a sickness or a curse, even if its the best thing to ever happen to him.
i'd also be interested to know if dipper ever makes friends with any demons, cause like i know in confessing it he meets pyronica and she reminds him of mabel, and he kinda got along with the spider centaur demon, but it would be neat to know if he ever makes actual friends with any demons, and if those friendships 1) make bill jealous 2) last over several reincarnations
speaking of the reincarnation, i'm curious when in their relationship that those two put that plan into action. like if it was still early into their relationship or if it was as dipper got older and his days got more numbered. i know bill thinks of it kind of early on while they're together, but that doesn't mean it's put into action right away.
it would be neat to see how all bills henchmen eventually see the whole bond too. i know in confessing it they see bill acting all weird with dipper, and how much his human affects bills mood, so im sure they know its better to have him around even if for a little while. but its fun to think that later down the line when the reincarnations pop up its viewed more as 'vacation time' when the henchmen don't have to take over reality and can relax while bills off smooching his mortal.
Thanks so much; I'm really glad you've enjoyed the fic! If it's been half as fun to read as it's been to write I'll have accomplished a ton.
Okay, onto the questions:
1: Bill likely still considers it a sort of sickness/curse, but like. Not a bad one, necessarily. While his relationship is way weird for a demon, that's actually great! He's the master of weirdness! If it weirds out other beings or confuses the hell out of them, that's proof that he's the best in the biz, baby. And he's very, very happy.
2: Dipper probably does make some demon friends/acquaintances. It's only natural after multiple lifetimes running in the same circles with eternal beings. Given a friendship in one lifetime, it's likely the demons' assumption that they'll just pick back up where they left off! Neat new body, how's it suiting you? (The familiarity weirds out Dipper incarnations until they get their memories back.)
I don't think Bill's jealous of them, though. Hanging out with buddies doesn't register as 'competition' for Dipper's affections, in the same way that Dipper's not jealous of the henchmaniacs.
3: I haven't decided exactly when they settle on the reincarnation thing, but likely it's after a near-death experience. Maybe even post-whump!
4: Speaking of those henchmen! They're eventually gonna get used to Bill being hitched. Not like they have a choice in the matter; Dipper's not going anywhere.
The new status quo is pretty weird, but they knew what they were getting into in regards to 'weird' - and frankly, Bill's in a vastly better mood whenever his husband's home. Something that puts the Boss in a cheerful Fun Times Interdimensional Crimes Party mood? When he gets pissy there's a human who deals with it, rather than Bill lashing out and picking on whoever's closest? Absolutely! They're all for it! Once those Big Upsides become apparent, they're gonna be pleased to see Dipper hanging around.
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crescentblossom66 · 8 days
First Train on the Moon Part 1
I know it's late and only half finished so far, but I'll write part 2 as soon as I'm able. Enjoy this late birthday present, @nasubeenwithcat I hope you like more conductor brother content. Conductor (Connor) is back to being the nice version of him from the beta of Train Rush, by the way. Just wanted to point that out so that him being OOC is explained. I guess he's closer to Japanese Conductor that way :)
The sun was up high already causing the sand that it shone on to sparkle and glitter, sometimes he wondered if it would turn to glass if the desert he and his brothers called their home would get any hotter. Unlike him, the passengers on the train likely were more than glad about the AC on that was keeping the compartments from turning into blazing ovens with stagnant air. Connor was snapped out of his thoughts by the crying of a young boy that caught his attention immediately. Not wasting a single moment, he went over to the boy that the boy's mother was trying to comfort to the best of her ability. “Everythin' alright here, lil' guy?” He bent down to boy's level, giving him a soft smile which caused the cries to die down and be replaced by quiet sobs instead. That easy smile and his good nature was exactly why Connor of all four of them was the one taking care of the needs of the passengers. People liked how approachable and kindhearted he was.
“I-I lost my toy...I can't find him. Now Tricie's all alone. This placed is scary.” The young boy lamented, wiping away tears with his sleeve.
The black-suited conductor looked at the boy with sympathy. “Oh dear, ye're best friend got lost on the train, eh? I know this here train better than anyone else, I'm sure that I can find yer wee buddy. What does Tricie look like?”
“He's a green triceratops with a cool yellow hat and a cape. He's a superhero.” Through his tears, the young child gave a proud smile.
“Then I'm sure ye needn't worry about 'im till I find 'im. He's strong and not afraid.” A small nod came from the boy, and he realized that he was feeling scared without his toy. The yellow owl checked his pockets for something that could cheer the boy up, but found nothing. “You know who else isnae scared of anyhing'? A train conductor like me. We get protected by our hats. They may look silly, but they ward off scary things like bad guys and protect from scary placed.-” The boy glanced at the black cap that the owl held in his wings. “-It will be hard fer me ta not be scared with it gone, buy it will protect ye until I find yer superhero friend.” He gently placed the cap on the head of the boy for whom the accessory was way too big, so it almost obscured his eyes. For a moment, the older bird cringed internally, thinking that his little temporary gift hadn't done the trick, he was more than happy when the boy smiled.
“Mom, do I look cool?” With a new gleam in his eyes, the young bird turned to his mother who chuckled and gave a silent thanks to Connor by looking at him with a small smile. Having done his job, the yellow bird walked through the compartment, keeping an eye open for the toy of the boy.
He stepped out of the passenger cart and out to the caboose where he found his rust-red-feathered younger brother Redd who sitting on the ground, leaning against the railing with his hat dipped low and his hands behind his head. Connor shook his head at his slacker of a brother and gave the offending bird's foot a light kick which startled the red bird. Redd awkwardly flailed around briefly, being startled awake and torn out of his brief slumber. “What the peck, Con! I was having such a nice dream!” He crossed his wings as if his older sibling was the one who did something wrong. “I was winning big time in the casino on the other side of town, got a couple of pretty girls next ta me and...” He trailed off once he realized that the other was having none of it.
“Listen here, Redd. This lovely train doesnae run itself. All o' us need ta do our parts and ye slackin' off his ain't helpin' any o' us.”
The red bird dusted off his light brown suit and straightened his tie. “Don't be a stick in the mud too, Con. Why can't we ever enjoy life a bit? Ye sound like Walter.”
“Don't ye try and guilt-trip me, Redd. I wouldnae yell at ye if ye did this once or twice, but yer doin this all the time!” The yellow owl sighed. “Look, have ye seen a small toy, looks like a dinosaur, a triceratops ta be more precise.” The other bird shook his head, still looking rather annoyed.
“Nae, I was out here the whole day, saw nothin'” With a nod and slightly disappointed expression, the older brother left the caboose and went the other way instead, walking through the passenger cart. As he walked past the compartment with the science owls that Redd was supposed to tend to, he saw them standing around in a circle in awe of the strange machine that they had presumably just finished. Considering that he couldn't make heads or tails of the strange inventions of the owls, he dismissed it and just kept walking to the machine room. Once he opened the door, he slipped and nearly fell on an oil stain. “Greg, ye here?” He could see light green feathers and a bit of yellow under the engine.
“Please donnae tell me that we just lost oil, Connor, Walter is going to kill me! I heard a splat while I was working on fixin' a pipe down 'ere and, and I'm afraid that somethin' spilled.” His brother's feathers were raised and the green bird was shaking.
Greg had always been a nervous wreck. He was amazing at fixing machines, but he was very prone to being make a big deal out of small issues. Knowing this, Connor found it best to not tell Greg about the oil stain. “Nae, nothing wrong out here.” He instead grabbed a mop to clean the small oil stain that had nearly caused his face to make unwanted contract with the cold, hard iron floor of the machine room. “By the way, ye haven't seen a wee dinosaur toy by chance?” A small yelp of pain that echoed a little came from the green bird as he hit his head trying to reach his wrench.
“Cannae say that I have seen something like that. I was mostly in here, trying to fix one of our engines. I tell ye if I spot something like that.” Connor was about to leave when his brother spoke up again. “Wait, did a wee one lose their toy?! Oh no, they probably are scared that they willnae see that precious toy again! Maybe it's their support toy and they need to help them with anxiety, or, or maybe that toy is their best friend!” Connor sighed, his brother breaking into hysterics over something as trivial as a lost toy. It was kind of nice of Greg to worry about the boy, but having a second-hand panic attack in kid's stead won't help anyone.
“I gave the wee lad me hat, Greg, he's doin' fine. Just worry 'bout the engine, I'll find it.” The black-suited owl pushed the wrench within reach of his brother, who picked it up and visibly relaxed at the reassurance.
“O-Okay, Connor. I'll leave that matter ta ye for now.” With the green-feathered mass of anxiety tamed, the yellow owl entered the control room. Focused and stiff as a statue, he found Walter, who made sure that the train was keeping it's schedule and ran smoothly.
The yellow-feathered bird closed the door behind himself and watched as his brother opened the window, looking down at the item that he was searching for all this time. “Wait, Walter, donnae throw it out!” He sprinted over to his white-feathered brother who jolted and nearly dropped the triceratops toy.
“Goodness gracious, Connor! Ye nearly gave me a heart attack! I was just opening the window ta let some air in.” The yellow feathers on the younger owl flattened down after the initial shock. The white owl in a deep blue suit wondered why exactly all his brothers thought that he was some kind of cruel villain.
“I really thought ye were gonna throw the wee thing out. I've been lookin' fer that toy everywhere, a young lad lost it.” Walter nodded and handed the superhero dinosaur to his younger brother.
“Take it back to that wee child, I'm sure they miss it. Also, inform him that he should take better care of his belongings. Maybe no one can find his toy next time. Leaving an precious item at the train station could result in it bein' lost forever. ” Walter gave his signature strict glare which was aimed at the young owner of the action figure rather than his brother he was actually staring at. If only Walter knew how scary and downright threatening that expression looked, he'd understand just why small children cry every time he's around them. His regular rather stoic and cold appearance and demeanor didn't help that matter either.
“So that's where it was. I'll take the wee thing back to its owner.” His older brother looked him over, his face hardening further.
“Where's your cap, Connor? Ye know that we have a ta look proper at all cost, I thought ye of all people listened ta pa's teachings.”
Connor weakly chuckled. “Sorry, Walter. Me hat's currently on a mission ta protect the wee lad who this dino belongs ta. On that note, I really should return it soon.”As he did so, the boy jumped out of his seat the moment the yellow owl returned with the beloved green triceratops.
“You found him!” Connor got tackled into a hug and felt a sense of accomplishment after returning the lost item. The mother of the young passenger looked relieved as well, probably because her son was so distressed after losing the small object.
Connor was about to retrieve his hat, but stopped midway. He didn't have the heart to take the cap away, especially not now that he could see the joy in the face of the young bird.
As he watched the family sit down again, he got torn out of his thoughts of endearment by a large rumble and a strange feeling that he could only describe as falling, yet somehow not at the same time. His confusion was soon replaced by panic. “What's happenin'!”
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celestial-sapphicss · 2 years
i have finally finished my only 12% and if you saw me curled up crying on the floor no you didn't. some of the choices made in the show were so absolutely phenomenal i just have to talk about them (no matter how incoherent i may be)
i loved that the storytelling wasn't rushed. like desis like to say, itmenaan se batao, tell it with patience! it's very easy to make the show dragged out, especially when it's a slowburn romance, but i was still at the edge of my seat all the time! (except maybe last 2 eps but that says more about me than the show lol, if i start to rant about the father I'll never really stop)
in continuation of the above point, the choice to let the scenes linger a little bit longer after the plot point/conversation was over was so good! for example, literally every scene with the friends doing their basic kids nonsense! (bestest friend groups really <3)
that terrifying Eminem poster that gave me a jump scare everytime it was in shot ☠️ also the fleabag poster for some reason, in a show set in late 2000s/early 2010s!!! (i.e. make a show so good that even bizzare mistakes seem negligible)
speaking of the show's setting, oh such a core memory to see MSN, the flip phones, skype, that box windows computer, adding relationship statuses on Facebook, peak 2012. (im a sucker for nostalgia!)
i don't think i have to talk about how beautifully written CakeEiw's friendship was! them cuddling to sleep and Cake just spreading his arms for 'HUG! 😁', yeah. adorable
Eiw's discovery of his sexuality (with Love of Siam) and Hom being so supportive of him! im so glad Eiw had such a supportive family and friends! no matter how much of an 'other' Eiw felt like, no one near & dear to him let him feel like that and its SO important (snickering at the fact that Earth is older than Prem).
the entire America plot, omg, bawling. who hasn't had that friend who moved away, or who hasn't been the one to move away at some point? it was so well done, and all the scenes between CakeEiw post Cake telling Eiw that he's moving had such a bittersweetness to it, especially on the last day when they're promising each other sweet nothings! (kudos to the actors!)
Eiw saying that he's sad that he discovered his love for Cake but now he has to move away? KNIFE IN MY HEART! Eiw sniff kissing Cake and Cake coming back from the car to hug Eiw even tighter? NO PAIN
the letter/email style story telling in ep9 🤌 i love that they didn't go for the "they grew apart in the 3 years" or "one of them isn't replying" etc etc tropes because not only i don't like them but also it would be so out of character for them! and correct use of emerging tech!
love the confidence and the glow up for Eiw! he joined so many activities, making new friends, becoming part of the drama club, dresses like a fkn model, also got his hair dyed, GOOD FOR HIM
Cake in Blonde™! Him immediately begging his mum to let him see Eiw after getting back (in the middle of the night!). him crying and wiping his tears when Eiw hugged him at the bus stop. he's everything to me. Eiw repeating Cake's name on repeat and asking him to always respond? 😭
the enitre subplot of Pu & Tal wanting to be with Eiw was so funny to me skskskskks because have they seen CakeEiw together? one could be with their partners but would still feel like a third wheel in front of them. (and that's BEOFRE they officially got together) INSUFFERABLE
oh the post-show CakeEiw fight, & Eiw saying "Have you ever had to be the one who waits?" holt saying PAIN.gif. that entire confrontation/confession was so intense that i understand the choice to spread it out in between two episodes. and finally Cake saying "then i will be gay with you" had me laughing in the middle of all these tears he's such a best boy i love him dearly. (i was lowkey scared of the 'im not gay i just like you' making a comeback lol)
CakeEiw's relationship being written just as good (if not better) than their friendship!!!! the scene with "i love everything about you"? crying screaming shaking. Cake being basically a puppy? love that for Eiw
in conclusion, CakeEiw best boys and i miss them dearly and i want them back already
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kairiscorner · 1 year
HI ATE!! (idk if ur older LMAO) im planning to write a fanfic! slayyyy, ive never wrote anything before, im an artist, i draw stuff, but my artworks arent that entertaining to post i guess? so i wanted to know if you had any writing tips that you could give! ty if you ever decide to reply to this!
HI OMG I'M SO PROUD <:DDD i'm looking forward to your fics, and as for tips, here's some i hope would be helpful :DD
write what you know/are familiar with most to start. writing can start to feel more fun, in my experience, when you're writing about things you understand or (also like me) are delulu and imagine a lot about :D
don't hinder your imagination if it serves the plot. fantasizing about where your plot will go is actually super helpful, and very fun! i do recommend not to add fillers though if they don't have any impact on the story, like side plots that go nowhere or random dialogue that doesn't serve any purpose to further the story or the characters' motivations ^^
liven your vocabulary. like many other authors here, i find it generally more pleasing to have more unique and plentiful ways on how to describe a characters' actions or thoughts, even describing parts on a character can be worded in longer or more unique ways! don't confuse it too much though, and i suggest not to use the same word twice when it's just been mentioned--maybe after a paragraph or two can you mention it again ^^
develop your style. like in art, writers have their own styles of writing, for example, mine is usually very descriptive and thought-provoking (wow ang yabang ni ate girl) and usually, i'll focus on the dialogue and description of the situation and story, so generally, my works are a little longer than i expect them to be ^^ you don't have to copy other writers' styles to get better though, what you can do is draw inspiration from them and ask yourself 'what is it i want my story to have?' you can try experimenting with dialogue, scenery descriptions, character descriptions, flashbacks, narration--keep trying, and you'll get to where you want to be eventually :DD
ask for feedback. this is one of the most important tips i have, because reaching out to a bigger audience about your work will help you see where your strengths and weaknesses lie. getting opinions from other people can help you accommodate many others into your works, too, through their suggestions and criticisms ^^
take breaks. this, i struggle with, so i'm kind of hypocritical for suggesting this :'D but if you ever feel like you're stuck in a certain point in the story or that you have to rush to post a story, please don't force yourself to finish it and rush, you might have a lot of regrets about the final product 😭😭😭take time to think about yourself first, then your story <:)
that's all i can think of right now, i'm really hoping your fic comes out well! i'm sure it will >:)) good luck !!
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vulpiximisa · 8 months
kono oto tomare part 1
i dont have strong feelings about the first part of Kono Oto Tomare but i'll just note the things
i can't stop comparing it to chihayafuru, so that might get brought up alot 😅
i was really rooting for takezo and chika, and they really do have good interactions and a good bond but i guess as for ship i was expecting (hoping for) more. maybe because takezo isn't an entire wimp (i guess i was expecting sakamichi yowapeda) and is also a year older than most of the club that i dont think they'll ever be as tight as i would like.
one of my least favorite things that happen in "sports” series is when they need a large cast so they bring in a group (usually 3 or more) and then they never really develope the group as individuals. So im talking about kota, saneyasu and michitaka. They do get individual lines here and there but aside from Kota who got a few stand out moments, they generally are always just “the gang that came with chika”. Eventually they are part of the group but i wish they’d spread out a little more, give them something different.
I guess i was also projecting because i wanted to like kurusu so much, i love gyaru characters in settings they shouldn’t be in and i was hoping for something like hanano in chihayafuru, but kurusu’s character/story just really felt like they added a girl just to have another girl in the group. Unfortunately it looks like shes also there to be takezo’s love interest, but i'm not huge on. 
If it wasn't already obvious by my tastes, im hard passing on chika/houzuki. Not because they are the ship that is being pushed on me, i dont mind the main het ship sometimes (kyo/tohru), but because i guess i dont like their dynamic. If its the rough ice queen type girl, i personally would prefer her to be with someone on the cheery side (could be another girlfriend, i was rooting for kota/houzuki when he glomped her that time). Its because theyre the bickering type too, the exact type of ship i dislike. 
I  dont dislike houzuki tho. Shes a fine character and necessary in their group. I want to say theyre a good trio but i think that takezo’s kind of lacking sometimes. Maybe id like to see more houzuki and takezo interactions, maybe i though takezo’s trauma was rather weak. 
Chika (i dont want to say unfortunately because its not a bad thing) steals most of the show, and i actually really love is story with is grandfather. The amount of times i cried 😭
I am also pretty interested in Takinami. It’s not the first time seeing this kind of character, and im lowkey mad i spoiled myself by looking at his profile on MAL before i got his backstory, but i love seeing characters who lost their passion/never had one/became apathetic but then found it (again), and found something to love and care about. Also his interactions with takezo
Im not going to be a stickler for animation because you can see them trying to get away with not actually animating the koto playing until ep13. I mean i wouldn’t know anything, but i think ep13 was really impressive so im not going to complain. 
Anyway, i only finished the first part, so i’m looking forward to the rest of it, considering we didnt even get the competition results yet.
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sweetbydarkness · 1 year
I hated this but i'll post It anyway
Mammon, satan, fem!MC, all platonic, probably with a Lot of errors and very ooc, i didn't know How i would write this.
It's been a while since i got here in the Devildom and started living with the brothers, and It serem that they've gotten a liking for me. Which is good, because i've gotten a liking for them too, and that helps after all that passed. But i can't say exactly how they feel towards me, since im way younger than them.
When Diavolo made the list of possible human students he mistook my age for somebody older, and when Lucifer choose the papers he let that slide, so the second exchenge student is a 15 year old girl. All of the demons were extremely surprised at that news and they were a little uncorfortable with my presente for some time, but eventualy everybody got accustomed, and even started to take more of a protective atitude, which took a longe time until i proved It wasn't necessary. Now i just lived in HoL trying not to get arrested after being part of their "adventures".
"Hey mc!"
"Oh, hey Mammon"
"Where are you going?"
"Satan's room, i wanted to see If he got the book i wanted. Wanna come?"
"Yeah sure"
And we walked away. Earlier that month i asked Satan to buy i book for me with the money Diavolo gave me as a present, It was the last book of a series of cursed books that i was super interested and i really wanted to finish, like REALLY wanted.
When we got to satan's room i knocked on his door with a little rhythm and waited him to open his door.
"Who's there- oh hey mc, and Mammon"
"Hi satan"
"What do you need?"
"Remember the book i asked you to find for me? Did you get It?"
"Oh... Sorry, but while i was looking for It i found out that is a extremely rare book, and all the copies have owners"
"Are you serious?"
"Sadly yes."
"Oh...okay then"
"Hey! Dont worry we'll find a copy for you!"
"But satan Just said that all the copies have owners"
"Are you doubting your big brother?"
"Yes of cour- wait, my what?"
"Her what Mammon?"
"Ah.. um... Hmm-"
"Mammon, i know all of us have gotten a affection for her but you dont know If she see us that way too, pra If she is confortable with us referring ourselfs as hers 'big brothers' "
"I wasn't referring myself as her big brother It was Just a way of-"
"I dont mind"
"You dont?"
"No i dont! I even find a bit comforting really"
"Ah- see Satan! She dosen't mind!"
"Well, in that case that's good, but even still you should be more careful, stupid mammon"
"Just... This isn't a Lilith related thing, right?"
Mammon put his hands on my shoulders, in a way to Reinforce what he was going to say
"It is not. You're note Lilith and we dont see you that way. That...." He seemed to consider If he would really say what he was thinking "what i Said wasn't in a bit related to that, dont you worry."
Satan sighed "i know i can't say much but i can say that nobody here see you that way. You're you, and that's enough."
Mammon let go of my shoulder after giving It a reassuring squeeze
"How about we alredy go looking for It hm? Maybe that Will lift your mood!"
"With what money hm?"
"Oh! Erm..... "
"I Will Go with you both, you would need my help to find It anyway."
"Thanks Satan"
"No problem Darling"
"Okay, lets Go!"
And the tree of us left to search for the book. Ata that moment i knew i had another family, one that loved me Just as much i loved them. That made me happy, i wasn't alone, not anymore.
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wally-franks · 1 year
hiii hi im here with my liddol hcs for u... looks up at u with my big sad wet eyes. this is my silly little au ,,, i love urs tho n would love to hear the angst bcos. theres so much angst i left out too fjrjfhie
ok so WALLY- little guy but absolutely not stupid. like he knows whats going on BUT hes just. a little silly sometimes. low braincells but can piece stuff together and is careful. carries a knife with him. does not want to get into trouble (excluding pranks ofc. loves them) uh. 147cm, transmasc, and pan. his hat is very important. i actually just finished making his hat but thats a different thing fhjrjf
talks a LOT and has a gossip group with norman n susie. but its all in good fun. n u know thomas is him boyfriend. they pretend to be Mortal Enemies but at home they r so so soft... they must put up a front at work because they are scared of how they'll look in front of other ppl. if only they knew that probably like 2 ppl total in jds were cishet fbjrj,, he has that audhd and his silly little catchphrase is everything ok.
thomas- too tall bites him. i mean. ahem. 183cm and bisexual. very closed off from people but will not hesitate to confront people. very touchy about the machine cos its his "best creation" or whatever. ok stupid college boy but go off ig. (i love him sm)
basically just there to get work done. he acts smart, looks smart, but hes "stupid"... not in the way of logically stupid, he is just very silly sometimes. also he smokes. i mean have u HEARD his voice (affectionate) he has 5 older brothers n his family is very sweet i think. gnaws on the thomas plush part twenty million
and finally SAMMY- very very stressed so he yells a lot BUT he does a softer side in private. he just needs to front as mean and irritating with everyone to keep his image up :(( grr squishes him very hard. transmasc and gay bc. he just is. does not like joey but then again in my au nobody really does but thats ok<3 back to sammy the babygirl. he is 168cm and his "partner" is jack... but we all know... the silly... also probably helped johnny learn the organ/piano. because it needs to happen
if u want 2 know more or have any questions my dms are open >:3c sorry for th ramble!!! fjrjeh
Hii!!  I'm so sorry this took so long to get toooooo. I had to inhale this text for a bit and let it sog into my brain xD I always need a bit to take in muchhhhooss information (nothing bad btw just me being me hehe)
AND YEAHHH.. I should maybe talk more about angst. But at the same time I'm like. Naurrrr... Naurrrr... I really live by "there's always so much negativity and sadness in this world, no need to add more to it" SO I ALWAYS HESITATE SHARING ANGST AND SAD THINGS!! CUZ I'M LIKE!!  WHY BE SAD IF I CAN HAVE FUN STUFF WITH STUFF THAT MAKES ME HAPPY </3 + most of it is just killing and torture anyway and euhm. Those tend to trigger ehm negative stuffs in me anyway :') Mostly just hallucinations and shit thoughts but!! You know, when there's a good time to share some of that stuff, I will!! :3 or maybe I share more about my toon Alice. She's a bit more tame about with that stuff. Anyhow. This is about YOU and not me. Soooo I'll go now through your stuff >:)
Wally being like that is true, that really fits to him!! He's just a silly that takes his his time to piece stuff together and that is okay :3
And OMG, mine also carries a knife around :D I just think it makes so much sense for hi to do so.... He's encountered moving ink puddles before, might just aswell carry a knife til. I feel like it also makes more sense after we saw his hat and a knife at artists rests (+ the April fools video hehe). Also, him being transmasc and pan is so funny because my old version of wally used to be exactly that aswell!!  :D I changed that though, but again something very fitting for him. I loev your wally. He's so silly. AND SMALL!!!???  like damn OMG I didn't expect him to be that tiny. I could just launch him /lh
(Wally being a little gossip girly pop is so funny and real HAHAHA )
Thomas's and Wally,s relationship being like that is exactly how I envisioned it xD I love that for them so much.
And.. DAMN!! IM ALMOST AS TALL AS THOMAS BOY!! I thought yours would have been MUCH taller. Guess I was wrong. That's so interesting.
Also yeah... He definitely smokes. He smokes so damn much, probably several packs a day LMFOA. It's not to miss with a voice like that xD. You'd have to be insane to not think that.
SAMMY BOY!!! SAMMY BOY!! I've been so keen on hearing about him!!!!! Wa'hh!!  We love publicly intimidating and soft at home Sammy I love that so so so so so much waghahahhhh!! And he's also way smaller than I thought,!! Another suprise here :D but nothing bad. Just me being like woah??  In taller than him. ALSO, HIM AND JACK BEING A THING?? YAY!! I LOVE SAMMY AND JACK TOGEZHER WJAJAJAJ AND OHOHOHH JOHNNY MOMENT. JOHNNY MENTIONED *POINTSSS*
AND YEAH I'LL LET YOU KNOW IF I WANNA KNOW MORE. AND DON'T BE SORRY I LOVED THIS SO MUCH.. ERMMMM. IF YOU EVER WANNA TALK MORE ABOUT YOUR JOHNNY *twirls hair* I'd love to know what he's up to in your AU. Where he's mostly at!! Mine is first at the music department but then gets moved down to lacie and Bertrum, so I'd love to know where yours at!! And his personality too. That's the thing that interests me the most!!! Giving a character who has no info at all jngame a personality is always so cool and interesting to see :D everyone has like their own way of seeing and imagining characters.. I'd die to know how yours is!!!!
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waterparksdrama · 2 years
man i know yallre just worried for them and it comes from deep appreciation for what the band has done up until this point but, why all of the nihilism??
sure funeral grey and fuck about it are.. pretty vapid in a few ways but, they each have a least a lyric or two worth something and sound generally catchy? rsd and self sabotage are pretty good imo, and seem genuine/vunerable even if they showcase Bad Stuff for awsten. and we havent got to see really *any* of the record thusfar because theyve been so busy, so there can be hidden gems. no ones gotta deny the clear appeal to general audiences, but i dont think we have to shit on it *so* heavily. ultimately they seem to want to keep growing and making music. they are probably pretty wealthy but its likely not enough to drop everything after one last poorly performing album. i especially can’t imagine that awsten would want to “let Them win” by leaving from feeling miserable due to ending up the same as every other artist or “failing” to play the industry game.
it would be ideal if they took these next few months before ymas tour to take a genuine break (minimal writing, no studio, nothing) and let fans know a vague release date but that its for the best so that they can put their all into it. i know realistically that probably wont be how it goes, but i trust them to recognize their own burnout and take *somewhat* of a break before their art suffers for it. even if they were planning on this being the last album before a hiatus, i cannot imagine theyd want to flop hard instead of going out on a bang. this doesnt have to be “the end of a good band” etc, awsten has openly talked about how much criticism theyve gotten from the start even on black light.
how hard is it to take the bands experimentation at face value or at least give awsten the credit of knowing when enoughs enough?
wow this is long and im not even sure if my response will encompass all of this but i'll try
i think the nihilism is reasonable tbh. it's not like awsten changes his bad habits online and it's not like this fanbase gets any less annoying and the songs don't get stupider etc etc. everything and nothing ever changes with this band at the same time. they get older, but habits still stay and never leave.
i think the new songs for the most part are passable but aren't really "parx songs" in the classic sense meaning "playful, but with some serious passion entwined in it that really gets you hooked". it just feels really edgy yet somehow generic when he tries to push some of these sex lyrics in and it just feels awkward especially coming from him of all people. and the complaining songs (as i call them) about shit he always complains about (fans, music critics, being a d list internet celebrity at best) is so fucking tired and also some of the things he complains about are usually his fault and something he can stop.
i do think they want to keep growing and making music but i also feel like they're trying to convince themselves that they are in the first place bc things just don't flow the same anymore especially now that they don't even all live in the same place. i don't think they're sticking to whatever plan awsten had in his head for this album from the looks of it bc i have a feeling it's been reworked a lot and he's kind of stalling its official announcement to rework it in the first place.
as of taking a break, while that is a good idea and you know they probably won't anyways, have you seen awsten? he barely takes breaks and even when he says he does, it just means he's lurking without saying anything because he doesn't wanna say shit. he legit has not taken a real break since goddamn 2010 because even after he finishes something, he's always onto something else. in fact, i'm pretty sure the only reason there's such big gaps between the eps was just to gather the resources and promo they needed to record them in the first place bc they're always making some shit no matter what. i don't trust him to take a break even if they're burned out bc he'll always have something to say and write as stupid as he manages it.
it's ironic you use the term experimentation considering they're really just relapsing into that modern distilled pop punk sound when their last album was experimental one. i feel like if awsten's trying to go mainstream on the radio, let him; it won't necessarily mean it's the best they've put out. and awsten never knows when enough's enough; he'll take things too far every time (love, internet jokes, etc etc) and won't jump back until he stops posting (only for a little while of course and he'll still lurk himself in that time) and come back so that everyone tells him they love him and he'll believe it until he takes things too far again and the cycle repeats like it always does - iz
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what-if-nct · 2 years
describe ur most interesting irl love story as if u were making a genre for a fic
tagged by: @theficblog, thank you so much for tagging me 💕💕(and you will get that love story one day!!!)
And hmm, so all of my actual relationships have been complete disasters and all of the guys sucked from start to finish and I didn't love myself at the time. but there's one experience I think gave me actual hope, Im pretty sure I've mentioned it before but last year, I went out with just the sweetest guy, he was cute and sweet and kept suggesting he buy something for me, which I never feel comfortable doing but he was sweet. We were just hanging out and talking at the mall.
Then we went to dinner and cause every restaurant was full like we went to three restaurants and there was a long wait. So we walked all the way to the front of the parking lot and while we where walking, I would walk on the curb of the road islands and jump off, and every time he'd hold my hand as I jumped off till he just held my hand the entire time I was hopping around. Then we went to dinner, this is the part I keep bringing up cause it has never happened to me but while we were talking he started crying and saying how happy he was that he met me, it was so sweet. I didn't know what to say so I just got up to hug him and hugged him till he let go which was a while.
We finished dinner and I was doing the same thing I did before cause I'm a child who has to always balance on the curb and he held my hand the entire even when we we're just walking. And cause I never let go he said "Does this make us boyfriend and girlfriend' which was adorable, I have mixed feelings about what I said but I'll get to that later. Then he drove me and we hugged and he kissed my cheek before I got out the car and he did something no other boy has done and actually wait for me to get in the house before driving away, most of them practically almost run me over with how fast they drove away.
Now, he was 19 at the time, I thought he was a little older till he was signing up for a rewards account at hottopic and he said 2002 and I was like, oh you're actually a baby, and I was 28 at the time. So when he said does this make us boyfriend and girlfriend, I said well, we'll have to see. So to me he was just too young for me, I cut it off at 2000. even that's pushing it but 1990 to 2000 feels like a good range. But then I don't know we stopped talking and seeing each other, and he was really great and near the end I knew my constant fawning over kpop boys made him feel kind of bad so, he'd kind of get sad when he saw my phone wallpaper and ask about it in a weird way.
Also I could tell we're just kind of in different places in our life, and it's for the best but he was so great and I did raise my standards a bunch and I'm kind of hanging out with a cool guy now, who's like an appropriate age at 25 going on 26 but it's still at like the just physical stage so I dunno. But I do hold that experience close. they both have the same name. but go by different variations of it which is interesting as is. but the 19 year old was Johnathan and the current one goes my just John. Maybe next is a Johnny, maybe Johnny's the one.
I tag @farraige25 @hopeticket @simply-elegantly-kai @hyuckieslove @karetahana @jonghyuns-husband and anyone else who wants to do it.
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aamethyst000 · 2 days
feeling so blue right now, i feel kind of stupid about it lmao - july 2,24 - 7:12pm
Dude, my 3DS fricken broke a couple of days ago and ive been sad about it ever since lmao i was almost done with my master quest on OoT!! how abosultely frusturatingg is THAT?! i was at the last temple, getting to the very last sage before finding out who sheik's other identity is. i didnt even get to start over on majoras mask or kirby. Now im on the look out for a new DS, whether it be a 2DS or a 3DS again i'll decide that when i know i have enough money for it. which will take a long while because i still dont have a goddamn job EVEN THOUGH ive applied to 3!!!! other jobs this year but absolutley no one has answered me. i fucking hate it when they just ghost me like that. i'd rather have them telll me striaght up that im not "fit" for the position i apllied for, or simply just not hired. that's all i want! not this no answer IS an answer bullshit. anyway, hired or not, im still going to be without a handheld concol for a good couple of months. maybe. it depends. i Just started decorating my 3ds with pretty stickers :( i literally wanted to go cry about it, only to be slapped with reality, about how old my 3ds is, that just made me mad lmao because my older brother's dsi is lasting LONGER and it is F I V E years OLDER than my 3ds!!! like, fuck off xD oh well, nothing i can do about it now, considering i dont even have enough money for just the repairs alone. so, im just going to buy a new ds instead. i know that is not any cheaper, but i'm impatient and i really want to finish my file on the master quest!! dammit!!
9;25pm - i just found out i cant play any gamecube games on my laptop :( the emulator is slow and laggy which kind of sucks but i am able to play them on my phone! ive finished twilight princess three times now and im on my way to finish wind waker now, which is taking a bit but only because this is my firdt time finishing on my own with out my older brother lol its okie, im an adult (with a short temper but thats besides the point) i can do this just by looking up the quest part on either youtube or wikihow, ive done it for the heart collections on twilight. i can do it for the wind waker playthrough. which i have about 3 times so far. and i think i am doing pretty well! for my first play through by myself. i can see why i had little to no interest in it when my family actually owned the game. i only remember my older brother playing WW, the others played mario sunshine or smash bros (both are the best btw). so, i dont blame younger me for not having too much interest.
july 5,24 1:11am - SSOOOOOOO UUUUHHHHHH.......shit just got a bit chaotic today! we just found out that my brothers school isnt going to continue high school classes. so they will have to go sign up for another school, IN ANOTHER TOWN BY THE WAY. my mother and i have been mulling it over almost all day today, she says that she doesnt want my younger brother to be staying with any of our family members and i agree with her. lemme explain, one aunty of mine tends to be agressive, some times downright abusive, another aunty, emotions fly like a humming bird who drank nothing but espresso, on of my cousin has a child of her own to look after, same with my cousins sister and she has two kids, all of which my brother does not know very well and will be shy like me and not talk for a long while. make him feel like being comfortable but shy and quiet about it is bad. anyway, my mother is very iffy about sending him into town for his last year of school and i get it. the last time she did that with my older brother and shit hit the roof with him. he moved in with one of our aunty's place, stayed for a few months before finally moving out because said aunty was trying to take advantage of my brother temporarily looking after our spoilt ass nephew who looked and treated his cousins as literal maids. not only that, she tried to start a fight with him and our cousin fucking did nothing but make it worse. so yeah, i get why my mother doesn't want to send my little brother into town. why is my little brother's high school life so chaotic and none of it is even HIS fault?? like DAMN universe!! fucking take a goddamn chill pill when handling my litlle brother THANK YOU!! and for my older brother, FUCKING LEAVE HIM ALONE HE HAS BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH ALREADY OR I IWLL THROW HANDS
anyway, this year has been one fckn crazy year for us, thats for goddamn sure.
july 8,24 6:35pm - i keep trying to play on the family dsi, i cant seem to stay on it long like i did with my 3ds. and i really miss my 3ds, i cant believe i have to buy another one and fucking save up for that. im planning on getting a screen protector, case and a little game case for the handheld consol. be more prepared this time and all. im just so mad the dsi is lasting longer than my fckn 3ds!! lmao just fckn RUDE! anyway, what i have in my little cart on ali express says it costs up to 205 for those things all together, i was going to look on amazon but i have doubt with their electronics and such, and it is more expensive as hell. so no thanks. i think i can wait until i have enough to buy those things for my new 3ds. i just keep onn looking at my old 3ds all sad that i cant play on it for all hours of my day. oh well, i can save up money for myself, so i can save up to get a replacement and possibly other accescories for my new ds kekekeke
i forgot to mention that i went to go hang out with my friends the other day, we had shrooms and edibles for the night, it was fckn fun and kind of upsetting lmao there were certain situations where i was questioning a lot, and other situation i just straight up did not like. other than that it was quite fun tripping pretty hard like that, however sleeping was freaking difficult lmao i was literally arguing with myself in my own head about getting to bed and sleep, i just flopped around and fucking giggled at myselef like, what the hell lmao
11:23pm - good this i double checked the 3ds for anything else that i am missing and now that ive done that, it wont turn on at all, itll just lightly beep at me almost like a whisper and then itll just shut off without the screen turning on. im even more sad lmao i cant wait till i have enough for the 3ds and the cases, i really want to finish my master quest on ocorina of time. this itch wont go away until i do. i should clean my room and start on the towels soon. the house is starting to look like a tornado went into our house and i so can tell that none of us are liking it so i am hoping that one or all of us finall gather our energy to clean up the house again. we need it and the pets really need it too. i know that the messyness is affecting us all to the point we \re getting cranky. so, yeah, we need to clean up. this will help my brain get over the guiltiness of buying myself this new handheld consol and the fact that i am using a little bit of my savings. i already have cashed out a couple moolas from the band office but no more than that. i still do not trust my little brother around my savings still. so ill be keeping some in my bank while slowly cashing them out when he doesnt know that i am going there or why. to which i only go to the band office during school days. speaking of, i still dont think that he wont be able to go and graduate on time unless i move to rupert. and if i do that, that may mean that ill have to talk to my alchoholic "dad" about helping me move to an apartment and then sign my little brother up to the highschool but the thing is, the school education there is way different than the one he is used to and grew up in. which sucks cause i was excited for him to gradutate. he only has one more year to go too! it sucks so much i wish the school is starting to get their shit together during this summer cause MY GOD!! this is ridiculous. almost no teachers in highschool? i stilll cant get over that!!! any way this will be the last journal entry for a bit, good night/day readers!
0 notes
Hello!! I interrupt your scheduled programing with "Kate tells Meg about the book she is reading because she is bored and reading is fun!" time!
Okay - so, I finished the Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty on audio, and wow! I really liked it! I found the writing to be subtle, and the narrators did such a great job with the emotions the book had. The plot was almost like peeling back a layer on something, finding more and more behind the walls. It starts out one way, and then the adventure starts and pulls you along for the ride. The characters were lovable, and it was so nice to read a book that had Middle-aged adults at the helm. They felt real and I rooted for them! Very excited for the next book when it comes out! Highly recommend for audio!
Up next for audio: I am about 25% of the way through Thistlefoot by GennaRose Nethercott! I've picked this book up a couple of times, only to turn around and set it down for whatever reason. This time, second time trying on audio, I managed to push through the part that kept stumping me, and I like it so far! I am interested! I like Bellatine a lot, but still trying to find some connection to Issac. I am curious to see how this will all intertwine with each other because right now it feels like there's a lot trying to happen. However, the setting is dreamy and lush with imagery and fall vibes, so it's doing a great job for healing my heart, as I ache for the cooler weather, spookier vibes, and dreamy colors.
For physical books, I managed to get about 50 pages through Immortal Longings this weekend, and I wish I could find some more time to sit and read because I like it! The setting is gritty, the vibes are mysterious and what can I say, I love a good trial setting. Still getting to know the main characters, but I am rooting for them! Has the classic Chole Gong imagery, but a lot less dense, and I think the New Adult setting for her works well! I think it allows her to actually tell the story she wants to tell without being worried about it being too much for a younger audience. Hope she considers sticking in the genre!
Other fun news, we adopted our new kitten on Monday! He is about 5 months old, black short hair and the sweetest little guy. He's snoozing in his carrier while I work right now :D His name is BMO from Adventure Time! We're still a bit away from introducing him to our older cat Suki (from Avatar the Last Airbender!) but hopes are high and we are so happy :D
Anyways, thanks for tuning in! Back to your scheduled programming with Meg talking about Kendall Roy :D (Long asks for the win!)
OH HELL YEAH it's been a long time coming!! This makes me instantly want to pick up immortal longings, but I need to finish my current read first haha! Lovely to hear about Adventures of Amina al-sarafi, I bet audiobooks add a whole new dimension to the genre (I've heard so much about how yellowface would work best w a narrator, looking forward to try that out) and BMO 🥺 i hope he gets along well with suki, always ALWAYS a pleasure to hear about cats!! Im currently reading siren queen by nghi vo, I guess I'm still chasing the do tell vibes and so far it has been promising so let's see how that fares! A friend also highly recommended Naomi's Room and I think this is the perfect time to delve into horror so maybe I'll check it out soon, Still trying to convince myself to get started w house of leaves but for some reason I keep saving it for later lmao!
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thedarkmistress16 · 1 year
please gush about your passions and pastimes!!! I would love to hear about them
ack- im happy you want to hear about them!
obvs as y'all know recently and just in gen., i guess, writing- i love crafting worlds and stories where anything can happen and just creating scenes above all else, like getting lost in the details of everything. I love getting lost in my own world and making myself happy as most self-indulgent writers do (and showing off my legitimate skill in a proper form of writing after doing shitpost-y things for so long is pretty rejuvenating, XD). And upon going back to some of my older, posted works and wips, I still laugh at the dumb shit I thought was the best stuff ever and now find myself giving those ideas a refresher like my last writing update, because it's still a legitimately enjoyable read.
i love sketching for similar reasons, but more so to visualize a fuzzy, almost-there idea, usually about fashion. Like recently I re-drafted some outfits for a fic idea I had, in order to make the world and designs make sense in my head. And I redesigned an existing outfit, running with certain themes and embellishments in design. I'm so happy I can churn out simple sketches like that when i really put my mind to it and feel content with the finished product nowadays. I feel accomplished as a hobby artist now and it's all thanks to heavy online research, a few how-to books, and putting effort into one art class. It's the second hobby of mine that I want to be good at, almost as much as my writing. Speaking of, I sometimes draw what I write or dream about because it's that prominent in my head.
Wow i love music guys- ha, but you already knew that *lenny face*
Past times:
I really like playing the simpler games in life- not as much in the vein of it being less difficult or busy, but more so with fewer controls, interesting mechanics, and a captivating style that I can easily fuck around in or beat some levels for a few hours. Bring on the (spider) solitare (only 4 suit sucks ass why do i do this to myself), jewel quest (FUCK YOU CROWS), barbie's fashion show (SINGLE DREAM-), zoo tycoon (fuck guest happiness), and sonic adventure or x-men of course.
MMD vids are v neat, like I know a handful of choreos that are fun as past midnight exercises to get my blood pumping and i get to discover new songs and learn more about other languages at the same time! Also the aph as mmd crack vids are the best whether its them making 'i hate this' or 'yeah im hot shit' faces or being completely into it as they're forced to dance or simply copying a vine. Like, they give me brainrot and serotonin at the same time its so fun. I love seeing all the different outfits for mmd vids in general, too, on top of new covers i never would've known about.
I really love analyzing things in general, actually. It's how I learn most of the things I do and know now, even though it technically causes me to lose large chunks of time because all i'm doing is staring at the damn thing, XD. Sometimes (all the time) I'll look at a gif or vid of a character changing their facial expression as they do/say something and I'll be completely enthralled by it. Something similar happens when I stare at REALLY GOOD artwork. I think it's the technical part of my brain trying to figure out the individual elements which make up whatever that thing is, like what facial muscles are being used to convey that emotion or mix of them, what the character is feeling, how the lighting or shading of the environment or extra details in editing affects said expression, etc. And for art, I'm thinking of the lines, posture, composition, object placement, color palette, negative space, tone, and all that jazz you learn from studying art.
Scrapbooking is a fun pastime for me that's extended from celebratory cards to actual gifts to my personal sketchbooks. It's part of the "creating something out of nothing/seeing what you can create with some basic templates and decorations" kind of mindset. And it makes me happy because I get to be creative and my family members and friends (even my employer) love them as part of their gifts every time and come to expect it from me each holiday, so I'm constantly encouraged to do it in the best way. I've recently kinda gone overboard on using ribbons and charms for the spiral and stickers and washi tape for the actual book itself on my sketchbooks, but I find myself wanting to draw in it more because I did that, lol.
I love rewatching the things I love. I usually have the same commentary about it, but its nonetheless enjoyable. And I never know what new thing I'll discover about it next, even if i've seen it over 50 times and only have it on as background noise and don't actually watch it. And yes, I will easily let something play on repeat at least that many times in my lifespan as well (like, a full day of it, at least).
wow i love staring at characters im attracted to for hours on end can i get a HUYEA-
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hoshiuwa · 3 years
you can find ‘your’ things back, but they'll never be the same
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# fic...?. 
# make an ask please! im runnng out of ideas D: HERE YOU CAN ASK <3.
# warnings. angst, fluff, teen pregnancy, she / her pronouns used and thats it! message me if i missed something..?
# info.  i started at 4:00pm 27/oct/2021 and finished at 11:44pm 27/oct/2021
# info 2. 
y/n = your name
d/n = daughter´s name
h/c = hair color
Weird but xD kenma is at the same year as you (even if he's older but we do not care here!!)
At the end you are a 3rd year and kuroo is still at school XDXD
# summary. you and tsukishima are a couple during your first year in karasuno, you get pregnant and well... kei doesn't react as expected
# character. Tsukishima x reader, kenma x reader.
# author’s note. hello everyone, this is my first post (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) and its also the first time i write so (゚ω゚;) ,,, i hope its good (feel free to message me if u see something that dosn't make sense) also!!!! my english is not the best... so im sorry if it has some grammar mistakes... or something like that, anyways, enjoy!!, btw im accepting requests and stuff... sooo ask me smt if you want. I accept any type of "feedback" I really want to improve my writing and English and this is one of the best ways I can find!
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it was your first day as a freshman at karasuno high school, you were in class  1-4 with your boyfriend tsukishima and his best friend yamaguchi, you and tsukishima have been friends since you were kids, you were introduced by your mothers and since that you got along, a few years ago (exactly 3) you decided to tell tsukishima the truth, you were in love with him and you would do everything for him, even if he didn't accept your confession, but surprisingly he did, he accepted how much he loved you and that he would love you always and forever. Your relationship was the best, even if he was rude or salty to others he would always keep a soft spot for you and only you.
It was a friday night, you and tsuki decided to watch a movie at your house it took you guys a while to finally choose one so you ended up watching “the orphan”, while the time passes you start to feel how tsukishima keeps his gaze on you.
“like what you see kei?” you ask him with a smirk on your face.
he rolls his eyes and starts saying “mhm… but you know iveen thinking…” he said while turning his face to you. “You would look better without that clothes you are wearing” says tsuki while looking at you and smirking.
it took you a moment to realize what he was saying but when you did a scarlet blush made presence in your face and you turned your gaze to the other way “TSUKISHIMA, YOU IDIOT DON'T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT!” you yelled while he was laughing.
“What's the matter honey? don't you think i would look pretty without them too?” he says while grabbing your chin and turning it to face his way.
“i-... i do think you would look good without them” you answer making a little pout.
“i thought so” says tsuki while he starts kissing you
   * ok we know what they do rn right? so ill leave it to your imagination or                    idk maybe i'll make another part but with the smut *
Weeks have passed since the night you and tsuki slept together and every time you remember a little blush forms on your face. You were at your desk between yamaguchi and kei, while you were taking notes you began to have a strange sensation in your stomach, as time passes this sensation begins to get worse to the point where you are about to puke, and before you notice, you are running  to the bathrooms, you get into one of them and you start to puke, this was not the first time that happened, since previous days the same thing had happened, you began to think about the night that you and Tsuki were together.
"Maybe I'm ... preg-, no, it can't be, I hope it's just some kind of flu" you thought as you washed your mouth and went back to class.
The day continued quiet, except for lunchtime, you were on the roof of the school together with Tsukishima eating the bentos you prepared.
"What was that when we were in class? Are you feeling okay y / n?”
You started to think about what to answer thinking about the multiple answers and possible reasons, your mind began to wander and you thought if you were really pregnant...
"y / n"
"Y / n!" with that last call you snapped out of your thoughts  and turned your face to meet his eyes "are you really okay? you're starting to worry me"
"I... um, yeah! I've been feeling a little sick lately, I hope it's just the flu."
"Well, do you want me to go to the doctor with you after school?"
"Nono kei its fine, I'll call yachi to see if she can go with me"
    * little timeskip until classes finish and reader goes to her house*
You started pacing back and forth in your room thinking iwhat might be causing your sicknes, you heard a knock on your front door and ran downstairs to meet a yachi holding some bags.
"Y / n... I brought what you asked for ... are you sure it's a possibility?" Yachi said while she hugged you
"I hope not, but with the time that has passed it is possible that if" you said while hugging Yachi tighter.
"Well... let's go inside and find out once" she said as she released you and gave a reassuring smile.
you both entered the house and while yachi was going to your room you walked to the bathroom, with fear you did the tests, you didn’t want to see them, you were too scared, so you decided to give them to yachi and ask her to see them for you.
yachi took the test with fear and watched it for a few moments, turned to look at you and then looked down at the test once more
"Yachi! hurry up, you're scaring me" " y/n I-... I'm sorry they are both positive" she said while looking at you with sadness and fear, she couldn't help but feel concern, the affection that yachi felt for you was almost as if you were her sister. Tears began to form in your eyes, a little sob escaped your lips before you fell to the ground, your hands covering your face as you cried uncontrollably.
"y-yachi what am i supposed to do now? kei will hate me! We are still very young... he surely has so many dreams and I... ruined them" "No, no... come here y/n, you didn't screw it up, it was something you both did, it definitely won't be easy but surely Kei won't be upset with you and he'll understand "
Another week passed after you found out you were pregnant, every day yachi asked you when you plan to tell tsukishima the news and you decided it would be today. At the end of classes while he was going to the club, you took him by the wrist and asked him
"k-kei" you swallowed the lump that was forming in your throat
"Do you think we can talk before you enter the club? It's something very important, I can't spend more time without telling you" as soon as you said those words you regretted it, you knew that this was not a good time, they had a tournament around the corner and kei had been ignoring you for days, but it had to be now or never.
"Can't you wait? I have to practice" Kei said as he huffed, you shaked your  head from side to side.
 "no tsuki, it has to be now or I'll never be able to tell you"
"Ugh, okay, but hurry, I don't have that much time" he said, you could feel the annoyance in his voice, you nodded "yeah, it won't take more than five minutes", you  both walked towards the back of the gym.
"ok, here we are, tell me what's up"
"Mhm, well kei do you remember that night when we were both in my room and you and I... you know?" Kei nodded, you could see the fear in his eyes.
"Well, since that day I... I've been feeling bad, and a week ago I took a test... kei, I'm pregnant..."
"Are you serious y/n? It must be some of your stupid jokes, right? I'm done with them right now, I'm going to practice, talk to me when you stop trying to make a 'joke'" he said as he turned to head the gym
"Kei, wait!" you said and took his wrist "I'm not kidding, I even have the tests at my house, I can show you"
"Y / n, stop, I said I'm not in the mood for a joke" he said trying to leave "kei is not a joke, you can't take me seriously for a moment, I'm trying to-" "Are you serious? Are you fucking dumb y/n? I'm not the idiot who is joking about being pregnant, God, sometimes you are so annoying," he snapped, you let go of his wrist, you  blinked in surprise "Besides, it is impossible that You're pregnant, I would never make such a mistake with someone like you, now get out of my way and find the father of that child, I bet he's not even mine” you blinked again, tears forming in your eyes “but... kei you were my first all... how can you say something like that? I thought you loved me, I came to tell you, I wanted you to comfort me and find a solution together, but the only thing I get is this?”
"Well y/n it's not my fault that you can't take care of yourself, even if the child is mine I don't want to have anything to do with him, I still have dreams and a future, see you later"
With that last saying, kei left and along with him he took your shared feelings and dreams, years had passed since that day, now you were a 3rd year student at nekoma, after the incident with kei your parents (who supported you as much as possible)  decided to move to Tokyo, you never believed that you would get involved with someone lovingly again, not only because kei´s reaction shattered your heart, but because now you had a little daughter, whom you decided to call "d/n", she was the light in your life, you would give everything for her, but your thought that you would never be loved again would change when you met "him", kozume kenma, a classmate with whom you surprisingly managed to make friends , Kenma accepted you and your daughter, you could see it every time Kenma saw her, the affection with which he saw d/n was the same with which you saw her, Kenma never left your side and even your daughter's first word was "daddy", you still remembered, it was summer and you, kenma and your daughter were on the couch watching a movie, kenma had d/n sitting on his lap, while you had your head resting on his shoulder, at that moment she turned around to see kenma and he looked at her
"What's up little one?" he asked
"dada" said d/n with a smile
You and Kenma turned to see each other with surprise, you smiled as tears began to form in Kenma's eyes, he hugged you both while crying and that's when you knew that Kenma was the one with whom you wanted to spend the rest of your life, And you hoped he thought the same.
it was a normal day, you were walking to nekoma's gym with d/n in his stroller, they were about to have a match against a rival school, you opened the gym doors and found kuroo scolding kenma for playing instead of practicing, Kenma's gaze moved to you and d/n, he ran to meet you and left Kuroo speaking alone.
"Hi honey" he said as he lifted d/n and kissed you on the cheek.
"Hi baby" you answered with a smile "do you already know which school you will have the match against today?"
"no, coach wants to keep it as a surprise" he said while tickling d/n making her laugh
"ohhh I see" you said and you went with kenma to sit in the stands, time passed and you started to get thirsty
"KENMA!" shouted kuroo "HURRY, WE HAVE TO PRACTICE, THE RIVAL TEAM WILL  ARRIVE SOON" Kenma groaned, you took d/n from his arms and said "don't worry, I'll go with d/n to the vending machine, I'm thirsty" Kenma nodded and walked towards Kuroo, you got up and left the gym, you were waiting in front of the vending machine trying to think about what drink u would buy.
                                            * tsuki's point of view *
I walked to the gym until I saw it ... well, I saw her, was it really her? "It's been a while since the last time but ... who is she? The girl in her arms ... maybe it's ... no, it can't be, surely it's not even y/n" I thought, but . Fuck, they look too alike, and that h/c hair, yeah, it's definitely her.
                                        * readers point of view again *
i was about to bend down to get my drink until I heard someone say
"Y/n ..?" It was him, it was definitely him, even with all the time that had passed i could recognize him, how could i not?
"Y / n, is it you?" I turned my back and looked at the tall blonde.
"Tsukishima ... hello"
"Y / n hi ... I ... uhm sorry but ... is that ..."
"our daughter?" I said and Tsukishima nodded "yes, her name is d / n, she's already 2 years old" Tsukishima looked d / n, he felt dumb for doubting about getting you pregnant, I mean look at her, she has your hair color but those eyes and gestures were the same as him.
"y / n ... im ... sor-" before he could finish you heard someone yell "y / nnnn, where are you? The game is about to start ... oh, there you are'' said Kenma turning towards you, at the sound of Kenma's voice, d / n turned her head towards him "dada !!" the little girl said.
 "d/n, sweetie", Kenma replied as he lifted her from your arms and hugged her.
Tsukishima's eyes widened, "Dad?" he thought.
"Uhm, y / n ...?" he asked you
"oh... yes tsukishima, sorry um ... kenma, this is tsuki” “it's d / n's father" you whispered to kenma, Kenma's mouth opened a bit and things got a little awkward "Kenma, can you head to the gym with d / n? I would like to have a word with  tsuki "
"Mhm" kenma said and left with d / n in his arms.
"I suppose you wonder why d / n calls Kenma dad if you're supposed to be ... but as you know you didn’t want to take responsibility and my family and I decided to move here and well ... Kenma and I started dating, he was the father that d / n never had, so that's why she started calling him that, and she also thinks that he is her real father, you can't blame her, he is the only father figure she knows. " 
tsuki’s hearth droped and hesitated for a moment but he finally told you "y / n, i wanted to tell you this ... i know you are with kenma now but, since the day i treated you so bad i'veen feeling bad, i shouldn't had said such a harsh words, im sorry, y / n .. i want to be d/n's father, i want to be with you again, please give me another chanc- "
"no" , you answered sharply, he blinked in surprice "im sorry tsukishima, i can't leave kenma for you, especially after everything you told me... you can see d / n if you wish, but I don't want you to think that you can have a chance with me "
"y/n i-"
"Sorry tsuki, I have to go" you said walking towards the gym.
The match went smoothly, but you can feel the tension between Kenma and Tsukishima, they couldn't help but look at each other with hate gazes, the game ended with nekoma winning, you approached kenma and hugged him
"Congratulations sweetie!" you shouted.
on the other side of the court you could feel someones gaze, it had to be from tsuki, he saw how you hugged kenma, the loving eyes that you looked at him, how your daughter looked at him and laughed while calling him dad, and that's when he he realized the opportunity he once had with you... maybe and just maybe if he wouldn't have responded in such a stupid way and supported you... would he be the one you would be hugging?  Would he be the one d / n would call daddy? Would you look at it with those same eyes? Was he the one whould had won the game? A few tears escaped his eyes, he had to accept it, he lost his opportunity and now it was Kenma's turn, he turned around and left the gym and again together with him his hopes of having you in his arms again vanished.
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browneyes-issac · 2 years
Memphis pt 2: Breakfast
Frankie Morales x f!reader
Warnings: None.. Just cuteness. 🤗
Word count: 1576
Summary: What happened at breakfast.
AN: So this got away from me fasttttt! 🙈😆 I had another plan for how this part was gonna go.. But I really love how this ended up turning out. 🥰💞
Thank you soooooo much @stxrrylunatic for being so sweet and amazing. 🤗💞 And reading through this for me. 🥰
Some keynotes/translations: When there is words in this font and have (") it is internal thoughts. When it is the font by itself it's me describing what the setting looks like, more in depth of what's going in their head, stuff like that. 😊
All translation is from Spanish. I just went to Google and asked what it was in Spanish, lol. If I got it wrong shot me an ask or a DM. 🤗💞
hermano - brother
te amo hermano - I love you brother
yo también te amo - I love you too
Memphis masterlist
Main masterlist
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You guys stayed at Ms Polly's until about 3pm talking like old friends. Didn't even realize it was that late until your alarm to call your mom to check in that you got there safe went off. You quickly texted her that you'd call in a few that you were busy.
Little did she know you met this adorable handsome guy.
Some of the things that were discussed during breakfast:
Where are you from?
What brought you to Memphis. You were pretty shy with telling him, but said maybe someday I'll tell you. With a cherry cheeks out of being nervous of saying that you guys will still be in touch later down the road. Frankie of course had an adorable smile on his face and the cutest genuine laugh. Frankie was pretty much the same why, he was scared telling you would scare you away. So he'll save that conversation for a later date.
Favorite types of movies. Yours: pretty much any movie, but older movies have your heart. ( like early 90's and before) Frankie: The same but definitely more to the side of any movie before the 2000s he loves.
Both of you had such a cute smile on your face when each of you were saying that, but were hiding the smile from each other. And failing of course, so it ignited even bigger smiles and butterflies in your stomachs.
Just all around the basics of getting to know each other. You both had a blast. Definitely were nervous at first but it went away completely after time went on.
In the first like hour you thought to yourself " how is this man so amazing? Im definitely going to keep in touch with him. And then a little later you thought.. My goodness, I feel like I've known him forever, I feel so comfortable talking and being here with him."
Frankie, oh sweet nervous Frankie. He was a perfect mixture of completly calm ( that's mostly from the army, had to be calm a lot of the time) and so damn nervous. But just like Y/N, he was content and not nervous once time went on. One of the many times he had an Internal conversation with himself, he said " This has to be a dream.. She is so beautiful and perfect. I have to keep in touch with her.. I know it's really early but I think I love her already. She is just so... " He never finished that thought because she said she had to get some fried green tomatoes to take home because she fell in love with them. Frankie couldn't hide his smile, that is one of his comfort foods.
" what is that smile for? " Y/N said while also smiling and giggling a little out of being embarrassed a bit. " Oh nothing.. Just that I was planning on doing the same because they are one of my comfort foods. " Frankie said with biggest but shy smiles.
" Oh my goodness!! We got so many things in common, I can't believe that, but I love it." She said the I love it part kind of quietly because she didn't want to scare him off or anything from saying she loves something about him. Frankie just about fell out of his chair when she said that. Because he was thinking that too and hearing her say that she loves something about him. He was speechless from that, Y/N nudged him making sure he was ok. " You ok Frankie? " she said. Frankie shook his head a bit and took his hat off, and ran his hand through his curls. " Uh.. Yeah yes I'm all good just was thinking pretty much the samething you said. " he said while looking at the ground nervously.
Y/N was 😍 and just in a trance while he ran his hand through those gorgeous curls. "Oh my lanta, what I would give to be the one doing that right now." She said to herself while interally melting at how handsome he is and how attractive what he was. But she caught herself and stopped before Frankie could see her. Little did she know he caught her looking all lovingly at him doing it out of the corner of his eye.. Mental check mark to do that again around her to get her to look all beautiful and adorable like that.
You guys decide it's probably time to leave. Frankie walks you to your car and is the most cutest gentleman ever with opening your door for you while saying; " m'lady. " in a giggling voice with such a beautiful smile. "Why thank you kind sir." You say while getting in your car, but before you do you kiss him on his cheek.
Frankie freezes for a second, brings his hand up to where you kissed and smiles so big while turning so red. While you have a hugeee proud smile and blushing as well because you made him speechless once again.
" Hey before you go, I have a question.. " Frankie says while shifting from foot to foot nervously with his hands in his pockets. " Shoot. " Y/N said while smile and looking into his gorgeous brown eyes.
" Do you wanna come to my place some day after you settle in? I can teach you my family recipe for fried green tomatoes and we can cook whatever else you'd like to go with it. " He says looking at you, while smiling and rubbing the back of his neck out of nervousness. " please don't be weirded out I am asking you out on a date and to my house for it. " he thinks to himself while mentally crossing his fingers.
Y/N's face lights up and she smiles so darn big, Frankie thinks she is the most beautiful precious women he's ever seen. " Oh my goodness, that sounds absolutely amazing! I would love to Frankie! I think I'll at least have the essentials unpacked and set up by Friday. Is that day good for you? " she says with that beautiful smile still.
Frankie let's out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding and smiles, then says " yes that is perfect. How about around four? I'll give you my number and address. I'd offer to come pick you up, but I don't want to seem like a creep. " he says the last part with a nervous laugh while looking across the street. " Sounds perfect to me. And just so you know I wouldn't have thought you were a creep if you'd offer to pick me up. I already know just from today you aren't a weirdo or something; you're really sweet. But I do appreciate you letting me take my car, because it'll give me some practice with driving around town. " she says while grabbing Frankie's arm and giving it a squeeze for being so sweet & saying thank you.
He blushes some more and waves good bye. After he knows she can't see him, he does a goofy happy dance while walking to his car.
On the ride home he calls Santi and tells him all about Y/N. He is rambling on so happily, while Santi just sits on the other end listening to his best friend sounding all in love while having a huge smile on his face. Once Frankie is done talking, Santi says; " Well my hermano, I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to meet her. She sounds amazing. You deserve this more then anyone I know. " Frankie gets the cry thing in his throat because he agrees and it means so much to him hearing Santi say that because he looks up to him, even though Santi is younger then him. " Te amo hermano. " Frankie says. " Yo también te amo, Frank. " Santi says. And the both hang up.
When Y/N is around the block she pulls over to do a happy dance in the car and calls her best friend Ashlyn so she can tell her all about Frankie while she drives to her place. She is rambling on the whole ride to her place, Ashlyn says a few things here and there, but Y/N is talking the most because she's so excited and everything. Ashlyn finally gets to talk; " Babes I'm so freaking happy for you!! I had a good feeling about you moving to Memphis. And I did keep it to myself but, I did have some gut feeling you'd meet someone there. She said with a teasing laugh. He sounds so so amazing and really handsome. I can't wait to meet him. Send me pictures when you are with him again!! " You guys say your I love yous and hang up.
You get out of the car and start take everything into your new home. It is super cute, perfect size. It's already furnished, so that is really nice. Takes that headache off your shoulders.
You get everything in the house and crash on the sofa. Don't even make it to the bed. You end up dreaming of Frankie..
The dream~~ he has you in his arms while you guys are cuddled up ready for bed. You guys are talking about how much you love each other, you drift off while Frankie is telling you about something that you don't quit make out.. But you know it's the sweetest thing ever.
If someone were to see you sleeping, you have the biggest smile on your face.
The end for now..💞
AN after the read: I hope you liked this part of Memphis! 🤗 I really loved writing this part once I got the ideas working and coming together, lol. I think I am going to do one to three more parts before I get to the whole reason I came up with this idea. That doesn't mean this is almost over, we are just getting started! 💞🤗 But the next part will be the date they planned at Frankie's, idk about the other one or two parts. Then we are on to my therapeutic chapter, lol. I just wanted to give a lil update with this chapter since we got to know them a bit more and a date planned, and I wanted to share my plan with ya guys. No official dates when they will come out, but got some previews for ya. 💞
Taglist: @supernaturalgirl20 @heythere-mel @prolix-yuy
If you would like to be added to the taglist, shot me an ask or a dm and I'll get you added! 🤗💗
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