#I'll gladly throw my muse your way
fighting-shadows · 2 years
Since I have multiple muses I just wanted to make it clear to everyone that you are more than welcome to let me know if there are any in particular you’d like me to use in interactions, even if we’ve never spoke before :) I’ll use them for sending you IC asks, memes or interacting with your posts using the favoured muse <3
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honeybewrites · 2 months
Writerly Questionnaire
Thank you @paeliae-occasionally for the tag, @harmonic-melodii for the tag, @the-golden-comet for the tag, @sableglass for the tag, @the-letterbox-archives for the tag,
@ominous-feychild for the tag and @willtheweaver for the tag!! Also thanks to @davycoquette for creating the game!!
About You
When did you start writing?
Hmm, that shouldn't be a hard question and yet here we are. Honestly, I don't know. I have a really shitty memory, especially when it comes to my childhood. I think I might have been around ten when I first started?
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
No, I definitely like writing the same stuff I read. Fantasy and sci-fi is my jam! Throw in some massive world building, some angst and whump and you've got me hooked.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
I definitely haven't been compared to anyone. I would like to emulate Brandon Sanderson in the sense of his massive world building and phenomenal magic systems.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
I don't really have a set space. I often write on the living room couch because it's the most comfortable. I do have a desk that I will occasionally write at, but it's pretty uncomfortable after a short while, and I mostly use it for other work instead.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
The car or the bathroom. I know it's sounds super strange, but driving without any music, or better yet riding with it, often gets my brain thinking. And wether I'm showering or just washing my face, a lot of my best ideas come to me in the bathroom.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
I really don't know, but I doubt it. Like I said, my memory is shitty. We had moved about five or six times by the time I graduated high school. It was all in the same city at least, but different parts of it. As for people, I was a hermit. I didn't have any friends or hardly ever talk to people my age.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Does whump count? On a more serious note, I haven't done what I call a deep edit in years. I think, just off the top of my head, trauma and abuse are pretty reoccurring, along with internal emotional issues like trust.
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
That's a tough one! I love my babies! I think my current favorite would be 703. She's been around the longest and honestly, she'd helped me through some bad times and I'm not sure I would be here without her.
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
As much as I love her, 703 and I would not get along. She's a little too trigger happy and I'm a little too non confrontational. I think Rage and I would hit it off pretty well though. Maybe Fres too if I could break through their barriers.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
I have said this before and I'll say it again, Master Gerd. That man is a straight up bastard and I would gladly choke the life out of him if ever given the chance. He just makes me so angry.
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
It's pretty different for each one. Sometimes they start with a name, other times they don't. It is pretty consistent that I just start writing them into the story before coming up with all the details. If the character sticks around and starts to have a more predominant role, that's generally when I'll go into detail about their backstory and they get their own file in my doc. But this isn't always the case. Sometimes, I just already know all this information from the start and I can write it all down. 703 was like that. Sometimes things come up along the way slowly. But for the most part, I just start writing and everything else works out fine.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
Trauma!! Gotta have the dark backstory haha! Most of my OCs have very unhappy and traumatic childhoods/young adult lives 😈. Protectiveness also comes up quite a lot along with being physically strong. I mean, most of my OCs are in a "cult" of some kind that generally goes around fighting things... okay maybe cult is a theme too now that I'm thinking about it. I've got the Mors (bad cult) Oraniz (morally gray cult) Ryuk's pack (wholesome cult) and mafia like organizations in Rune Storm (also bad/morally gray cults)... yeah I think that might be a theme.
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.)
Animation style. I've always wanted, especially when I was younger and life hadn't taught me anything yet, to have my work turned into an animated series. Even now, that little dream, that I realize is very unlikely, stays the same. I think you can do a lot more with animation than you can live action, and it's always how I've imagined my OCs. Albeit it is a little more "realistic" animation, like Dreamworks, Disney, those kinds of things.
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
If I don't write down my OCs and world, I'm pretty sure I'll go mad. I love sharing my writing, but I write for myself first and foremost. And writing has gotten me through a lot of really hard times in my life. It's something I can always turn to and it helps me express and process things. I can't imagine my life without it. It's just a part of me.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
Honestly, just saying you enjoyed it is more than enough. I never thought I'd have anyone that would be interested in my writing enough to leave comments on it. Every time I get one on anything I post, it always makes me smile.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
I think I’d like to be seen as just a really good world builder and nice writer in general. I don’t really have any expectations 😂
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Um world building maybe? I’m not really sure I’ve got any greatest strengths deal when it comes to writing. I don’t think I’m horrible, but I’m certainly not great or anything.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Uh, no. This is the only place I’ve ever talked about my writing. Don’t exactly have any irl to discuss it with or anything I trust to read it. That would get me in a less than ideal situation pretty fast.
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
I think it could use a lot of work if I ever want to publish it. I definitely enjoy doing it, but I don’t think it’s all that great.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Yes. Honestly, I never thought anyone would be interested in my writing anyway. Plus, if I’m the last human, I need some form of entertainment haha
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
I’d like to say it’s pretty much for my enjoyment, but I’m sure there’s some influence of what other people might like too. I’m a chronic people pleaser unfortunately
Tagging @yourpenpaldee @fractured-shield @anaisbebe @aalinaaaaaa @nczaversnick
@kaylinalexanderbooks @wyked-ao3 @diabolical-blue and anyone else who wants to hop on!! Seriously, everyone should do this tag game, it's super fun and insightful!
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faerunsfinestmisfits · 3 months
For my new followers!
~MUSES~, Starter Calls and Memes
I'm looking to start new things for my Tavs and Durge, I've been playing their various campaigns today so the muse is high, but I'll gladly throw any of my Origins your way as well!
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offurandfeathers · 11 months
📝 -- a rule you think is important when it comes to roleplaying 💘 -- your policy on shipping with your muse 💞 -- your policy on pre-established relationships with your muse
(First of all: Thank you for the ask ! Can't wait to interact with Dammon! ) 📝 -- a rule you think is important when it comes to roleplaying The most important rule of all, in my mind, is that all involved parties are respectful, and enjoy themselves. I don't mind having my muses trashed, gored or maimed, or doing the same to someone else's muse. But it needs to be consensual. As long as it has been discussed beforehand (especially if we've never roleplayed together before), I have no issues. Boundaries need to be set and respected, and that goes both ways.
💘 -- your policy on shipping with your muse I'll gladly throw Halsin your way, be it for a platonic ship or a one-night affair, or something more serious. But before the shipping can happen, there needs to be a chemistry between our muses, which requires character development and bonding.
💞 -- your policy on pre-established relationships with your muse I like pre-established relationships! In my honest opinion, it can make things easier, from a storytelling point of view, and maybe even more interesting since we can define exactly what is the nature of the relationship between our muses and what are their stances on so many things. Pre-established relationship, in my mind, comes hand in hand with plotting, especially if our muses don't have history together according to the lore (ie : context). (example: I can totally see a natural bond with a Nettie or Dammon muse since they're both living in the same grove prior to the events of the game and would likely know each other; the contrary could apply to Tav or any other Origin character, since they most likely never set foot in the Emerald Grove. ) Plotting is key.
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stardustedstories · 10 months
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Send me a ⭐ and I’ll tell you muses I want to throw your way! // Pretty much always accepting, tbh!
@voidfell asked: ⭐ gently slides
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Listen, I'm stupidly excited about a lot of your muses, but I'll list a few that I thought of off the top of my head!
Obviously, I want Stan and Dipper to interact. He loves his great-nephew dearly, even if he doesn't always show it in the best ways. He's learning and growing, which is a lot for an old man!
And I definitely want to throw my Owl House muses your way (plus, I think Dipper would get a kick out of them, too). Tom Lucitor is included in this number because he also has an Owl House verse, and I think he and Hunter could get along quite well!
I have have a stupid number of Miraculous muses, too, and will happily throw them in your direction.
Any M.arvel/DC muses can interact with Jan and Remy, though I'll gladly toss them in other directions too.
And as always, I have to say "throw your OCs at me!" because YES. Give them to me and let me love them, let me hype them up, and let me hype YOU up for having created them!
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thr0whands · 1 month
i have more starters to write for post summerslam but i will finish them tomorrow. my dom dom muse is through the roof, so if anyone else wants one from him, i'll gladly throw one your way tomorrow, too. <3
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Give random Quirks and habits to your muse/ocs! It dose not need to be canon it can be just for fun
//I'm sorry if I do this incorrectly, I don't catch up with this kind of stuff. For now I'll give these quirks to characters which are available in the blog rn
(Canon) Logan is definitely the type of guy to date or have a crush on people who look older than him.... (*Horrible parents issues, especially father issues*)
(Canon) Mateo/Timey loves to take naps and be at peace for a while unlike Logan (who btw cannot catch a glimpse of good slumber because of his night terrors and hallucinations), he often snores a little when he naps inside of shadows.
(kind of canon) Oh Logan.... That man cannot stand chocolate UNLESS. It has some kind of nuts in it. If his friends offer it to him though, he will eat it gladly before throwing up somewhere outside.
(Canon) Mateo/Timey is an old guy... He grumbles a lot but he's even more wise, though it's more in a nerdy way rather than philosophical. Don't get me wrong, he can and will be extremely serious when needed but in most situations? He's a mix of a stubborn rabbit and a lazy cat.
(Canon) Logan is very hygienic despite his busy schedule. For me... I always imagined him to smell like mango with fresh ice (he was born in July, I smell like ice and watermelon during summer due to me consuming those like a drug, especially during July since it's my birth month) He doesn't get disgusted by low hygienic people, but it will take him quite some time to get used to it and will rather avoid touching in the most respectful way possible.
(kind of canon??) Mateo/Timey had a boyfriend when he was a mortal, but completely forgot the identity of the man because of his memory loss.
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saltsays · 1 year
hi salt! just wanted to check in on you and ask if you're currently writing anything/how's it going? or maybe if i'm lucky you might have any future wips that you want to tease (maybe)?
greatly miss your presence, so any content you can throw at me i'll gladly take 🧎🏽‍♀️🤲🏽
Hello!! I am doing good, but I have been very busy with the start of my last year of university, so that is why I have been absent and I hope to return properly soon!
As for if I am writing anything rn, I am not! Yet! I have some musings that I am currently trying to make some sense of before I start to write. One of them is an au in the vein of Dirty Feet and Cigarette Burns, and what is cooking in my head about that is...interesting to say the least. I am trying to finish the last chapter of Meandering, but inspiration on that side is evading me sadly.
Though I will be posting some moodboards soon regarding my unfinished musings. And who knows I might send some teasers your way soon 👀
Sorry that I can't give anything specific, but I promise I'll be back soon! Thanks for checking in with me though, it brought a smile to my face to see this in my box!
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angstama · 3 years
cigarettes | rindou.h
pairing:  rindou haitani x reader , mitsuya takashi x reader
genre: angst, fluff, romance
warnings: alcohol, smoking, cursing, suggestive, rejection!
✧. "hey, wanna smoke cigarettes together with me till the day we die?"
this is the alternate ending to mardy bum! where reader chooses executive rindou haitani instead of our dear mitsuya takashi :-)
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : cigarettes and feelings - the haunt
"for the love of god rin, you're so fucking slow!"
you gently tugged your cream coloured cardigan against your skin, pulling it close to shield you from the cooling air in the open as you excitedly roamed the streets of prague.
you were currently on the Europe leg of tour for your latest art series exhibition and finally had the day off to explore the little capital city with your lover and hopefully check off some of your bucket lists if rindou could only increase his pace just a little bit more.
you watched rindou roll his eyes, tapping the excess ash on his cigarette before stuffing his other hand into his pocket. "but you love it when i go slow and steady." he muses, a smug grin etched to the corner of his lips. your eyes widened, quickly looking around to see if anyone heard the suggestive comment that your boyfriend had made before shooting him a glare, "i swear rin, if you keep saying shit like this in public, i'll literally never let you fuck me again." you deadpanned.
rindou doesn't say anything but only slowly made his way towards where you've stopped to wait for him, eyes never leaving yours once. you raised your brows when he leans in to your ear, "i'd love to see you try darling." he whispers, voice husky from the lingering warm air of nicotine in his throat which only sent you squealing on the inside.
"whatever." you huffed, walking away to which rindou hastily grabs your wrist, stopping you from getting any further away from him. "cigarettes doesn't keep hands warm you know?" he says, intertwining your hands together before pulling you with him to visit the places you had in mind.
"man, i could sure do this everyday." you stretched your arms above your head and bending your body sideways before turning to face rindou and stealing the lighted cigarette in between his lips to place in yours. you allowed your lungs to inhale the ever so addictive nicotine into your system, mind slightly clouded which made the spectacular view of the cathedral in front of you even much more beautiful than it already was.
you were in awe. you've always wanted to come here and you remembered ever wanting to visit this very cathedral with your first love, mitsuya takashi. yet here you are right now with someone else who isn't him. someone else who held your hair back when you threw up from the excessive drinking in hopes to get rid of the aching feeling in your heart. someone else who would let you paint their body like a canvas when you were bored. someone else who would go on to make you forget that you've ever loved mitusya takashi.
the two of you sat in silence, both basking in the breathtaking view of the cathedral. it was peaceful and everything was perfect. the way the colours of red and orange skies blended together as the sun begins to set, the way your beloved cigarettes tasted almost sweet this very evening and the way rindou's warm hand was intertwined in yours, you never want this moment to end.
"hey," rindou whispered softly as you pried your gaze away from the view and to your man. "wanna smoke cigarettes together with me till the day we die?"
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3 y e a r s a g o
you carefully lowered the needle on your spinning vinyl, gently swaying to the tune as you started to prep yourself for your very own art exhibition that would be showcasing tonight.
it had been almost three months since you had last seen mitsuya takashi and during these three months, you had resorted to throwing yourself into paintings after paintings while rindou had stayed by your side, supporting you through every step of the way wether you’re high or not and you were absolutely grateful for that.
your heard that mitsuya takashi had gone on to continue excelling in the fashion industry and you were genuinely happy for him. though a part of you still wished that you were the one who helped him make it through.
“how do i look today tiger?” you gently rubbed your cat’s tummy, a soft smile tugging at the corner of your lips. you hear him meow a response as you unclipped the claw clip that held your hair together, letting your hair down on your shoulders.
your doorbell suddenly rang, catching you off guard. you weren’t expecting any visitors today you were sure of it. “rindou? is that you?” you called out, opening the doors only to be met with a pair of familiar lavender orbs staring back at you.
it was mitsuya takashi.
your breath hitched upon seeing the familiar face that you missed oh so very much. “ta-takashi? why are you here?” you stammered nervously when mitsuya leaned in closely towards you, causing you to stumble back slightly. “yours. i’ll always be yours if you want me to be.” mitsuya breathed. crashing his lips onto yours before you could say anything.
your eyes widened when rindou's face flashes at the back of your head which caused you to roughly pushed mitsuya away. "wh-what?" you stumbled back. oh how you've waited so long for the day that mitsuya would declare himself to be yours. you've dreamt of the day that mitsuya would finally kiss you with those pretty soft lips that often utter words of affirmation to you so why did you think of another man when he kisses you?
"you've got to be kidding me right?" your lips trembled, staring wide eyed at mitsuya who reached out to your arms. "i'm not y/n. i love you y/n. i've always did and i'm sorry it took this long for me to say it to you." he looked at you with pleading eyes.
this isn't right. it can't be.
"you're fucking kidding me takashi?" you laughed hysterically when you felt your legs give up, the cold tiles hitting your bare legs. "you can't do this takashi. you can't!" you ran your fingers through your hair frustratedly.
why does he always have the right to hurt you like this?
"you can't just disappear for months and then come knocking on my door saying that you love me! that's so fucking unfair!" mitsuya lowered his gaze, he knew he had messed up and was now paying for all the times he had broken your heart.
you loved mitsuya takashi you were sure of it, but you remembered that mitsuya takashi only loved you when you were sober while rindou haitani had willingly accompanied you through your highs and lows without you even begging for it. and so, you had unconsciously decided that you wanted rindou to stay in your life.
perhaps maybe it was your fight or flight instincts. no, scratch that, you have to look for rindou. you wanted to tell him that mitsuya takashi isn't that great of a kisser than you had imagined.
"i- i have to go." you stammered, anxiously getting up and dashing out of your apartment and leaving mitsuya behind. you have to see rindou.
and so, after running out of your own place with half your make up done and getting on a cab, you finally arrived at the haitani's penthouse. you knew this place at the back of your head, often spending your weekends spinning and dancing with rindou.
you impatiently knocked on the door when the electronic door finally unlocked, revealing the man you've been dying to see for almost half an hour who's now looking at you, mouth slightly gaped.
"darling? thought i said i'll pick you up at your place?"
you wiped the sweat of your forehead with your knuckles, letting out a small exhale before taking rindou's hand in yours and grabbing his neck to pull him towards you which allowed you to finally crash your lips into his.
it wasn't your first time kissing rindou. but kissing him now felt right and it completely knocked the air out of your lungs when you could taste the lingering taste of strawberries and cigarettes on his lips and you loved it. "what's going on darling?" rindou asks when you pull away to look at him with the biggest grin on your face. "i realised i only wanna smoke cigarettes with you." you breathed.
it was a weird analogy. but rindou knows. rindou knew that it was your way of saying the words of "i love you". smoking was more than just an addiction to you, it was your only constant since you were sixteen and you'd never give that up despite the health consequences for you were perfectly okay with dying earlier.
rindou only pulls you into his chest, a hand resting on your head when you hear him mumble, voice muffled. "i'd gladly smoke with you everyday."
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you felt the bustling street of prague slowly fade away in the background, leaving just the two of you and the enormous cathedral standing tall in front of you.
"w-what?" you stared at him, eyes wide and searching for any hint of joke or literally whatever that prompts an attempt to prank you in his eyes only to finally realise that he wasn't joking when he remained unfazed. "now?" you gasped.
rindou nods, "yeah. why not?" he squeezes your hand, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "unless you don't want to marry me?" he joked, raising a brow.
your brain finally fully processed what he had just said. rindou haitani wants to marry you. he wants to be yours till your last breath.
you shook your head frantically, "fuck rin- no! of course i want to marry you!"
"okay, then let's get married now." rindou stood up, dragging you along with him towards the cathedral that you love so very much where the two of you exchanged your vows that very day.
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taglist: @theresapancakes <3
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baeklination · 3 years
diversion sans coercion
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Date: 220201
Warnings: SMUT 🔞, fingering, fucking, gen.expl.lang
Pairing: Baekhyun x F. Reader
WC: 980
NOTE: Prosecutor Baekhyun again (not to be confused with lawyer Baek). A year - to the day - since my last with him.
"Eh...am I about to miss a meeting I didn't know we had..?", Kerri asks hesitantly.
"No", you assure her, pulling up the strap on your heels. "It's take your wife to work- day. I'm going over to Baekhyun's for an hour."
Kerri cocks her head and squints.
"Your husband and mine work at the same place… Why haven't I heard about this?"
"Relax, Kerr. It's a special invitation."
"Ah, I see. Shimmy, shimmy ya..."
You smile and knock twice on the desk before getting up.
"Eloquent as ever. Back in an hour."
"You should get a new assistant, he lets anyone just walk right in…"
"Well, if the anyones all look like you I should give him a raise", Baekhyun muses as you sit down in his lap. "What are you doing here?"
"Like I told Kerr, it's take your wife to work- day."
"To work or at..?", he chuckles in his kiss, letting you loosen his tie.
"How long do you have?"
"How long do you want?"
"An hour?"
Scooting forward, he presses the intercom:
"You can go grab lunch, Pete. I'll be busy."
Letting go of the button, he redirects his attention to his clothes, pulling them to his knees before sitting down again, letting his cock rest against his stomach as he waits. Baekhyun's good - excellent - at that. He's not the instant gratification type that has to have his cock tended to the minute he gets hard; no, he'll gladly drag it out until the suspense wets the head of his twitching length, his knuckles turn white over his clenched fists (or in this case your shirt), his breath is nothing but warm moans and whines in your mouth.
"This would be seen as indecent exposure, you know..."
"So you better hope no one comes in."
"Did you lock the door?"
"Mm, honey…", he moans, lifting his hips.
You grab his hand and pull it between your legs, but he resists, teasing.
"What are you wearing?"
"Find out, will you."
He bites his lip and leans back, slowly releasing it while he watches you - the beat between your legs gets stronger. His eyes flutter when you put your fingers on his cock, his hands go up your thighs.
"Get over here…"
Even through the light pressure you feel how hard he is, so you grip him lower and pump, grinning with delight when he groans over your lips and pulls you closer.
Like a soft whisper his fingertips brush between your legs, touching to see how wet you are. You roll your hips harder, grabbing tighter on his knees when they reach your clit. He lets you indulge, but then holds your waist still while the other hand flicks back-and-forth over your swollen clit, up and down across your entrance. Spreading your folds for him you open your mouth when he presses harder and you feel the deep stir of your orgasm rising; higher and closer it comes.
"Shh, honey..."
The choppier your breathing gets, the more turned on he gets.
"Shit, ride me. Ride me."
Without a skip you lift your body and sink all the way down on his cock, your slick walls guiding him to your sweet spot. Coming down on his thighs with quick, sharp moves, the buzzing inside gets stronger until he groans "oh, baby" in your ear, pushing you over the edge in spasms and desperate moans into his neck.
"Shh!", he warns again, but he loves it since he keeps bouncing you slowly up and down his cock. "Shh, honey…"
"Ah…", you grunt and rip your shirt off, still working him under you. "I don't think they heard…"
His hands are soft on your body, in your face, just like his kisses, but his chest is rising high in front of you:
"Couch. Now."
He flips the lock on the door, throws his shirt on the end of the sofa and gets on top of you without a word. The thick head of his cock feels around your entrance while he aligns himself then smoothly slides in, filling you up again. With his grip on the armrest above and your waist he repeatedly rams into you, groaning and breathing heavily, swearing from satisfaction under his breath.
"Ahh...fuck…", he moans, burying his head next to yours, clutching your neck.
The leather underneath sticks to your dampened back, pulls at your hair as you go back and forth, forced by Baekhyun's zealotic thrusts threatening to crack your bones from your pelvis. It nonetheless feels good and your faint yelp of pleasure draws out a sweet snort from him just before he clamps down his teeth and violently sucks in air, releasing it over your ear, over and over until he comes; pushing his balls against your skin when he rolls his hips deep, letting a wail slip out before muting himself, shutting his eyes tight.
"You're too hot", you sigh, meaning for him to get up.
"Mm, thank you." His kisses are slow yet cute. "You're not so bad yourself…", he replies, laughing at his own joke, but gets to his knees to let you cool off.
"Hm, did you put the dishes in?", he asks, kissing you foot.
"Ok, good. Did you start it..?"
"Are you working late tonight?"
He laughs and shakes his head.
"So that's a no."
"I totally forgot, I-"
A jerk on the door handle gives you a jolt - then you sigh in relief, remembering Baekhyun locked it.
"I brought a sandwich back, figured you wouldn't have time before the deposition…", you hear Pete through the door.
"Ah, thanks Pete..!" Putting his shirt back on he smiled at you. "Wanna share? It'll be like a picnic."
"And you'll be deadly hungry all day if I take half…"
"No, I'll be fine. Come on."
"I'm sure. What's mine is yours."
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failedintsave · 3 years
"Love" for S/T please 💛💙
Ahahahaha yessss an entire section, GLADLY! I'll throw on a cut so my ramblings don't block out everyone's dash with a wall of text. Let's get sappy
[Ship Questions]
Who said “I love you” first?
I like this either way, but I lean towards Toki. The words came easily and fairly early on and he says it all the time. It took longer for Skwisgaar to verbalize despite knowing it almost all along, but he tried his best to show it in other ways until he scraped together the nerve.
What are their primary love languages?
For Skwisgaar it's acts of service; with their lifestyle, surrounded by servants, what's a more heartfelt expression of your affection than to go out of your way to do something for the ones you love? Growing up having to be so self-sufficient means that being on the receiving end of this treatment is very meaningful to him as well.
For Toki it's gifts; handmade or handpicked, the idea of finding an item and immediately thinking of someone, or creating something with them in mind is the ultimate expression of love in his book. Some of his endeavors are a bit misguided but always well-intentioned. He's responsible for Skwisgaar's growing collection of arctic animal tchotchkes...it all started with a tiny ceramic wolf and spiraled from there.
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Skwisgaar, but it seldom lands because Toki takes everything too literally. ("Hej handsome, comes here often?"/"...we lives here? For like. Ten years?")
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Constantly but they're not gross about it. Lots of leaning on each other or using the other as a pillow while they go about their separate activities, gaming or running finger drills.
Who initiates kisses?
Usually Skwisgaar since he expresses himself physically more often than verbally. Alternative answer: whoever is feeling like they aren't currently getting the attention they deserve.
Who’s the big and little spoon?
Skwisgaar Little Spoon 5ever. Not even specific to this ship. Hold the baby.
What are their favorite things to do together?
They really enjoy just spending quiet time in each other's orbit and relaxing away from the demands of celebrity life, sharing their hobbies or bingeing shows. Skwisgaar takes Toki on YouTube deep dives about space, Toki chatters for hours about the vehicles his models are based on. They also like to get outside frequently and explore the grounds, especially when the weather cools. They've taken up running! Skwisgaar can't match Toki's mileage but he's getting there.
Who’s better at comforting the other?
Skwisgaar has had years of practice bringing Toki out of the Punishment Hole and has mastered the art of soothing him and making him feel safe. Toki can get a little overwhelmed trying to return the favor, only because Skwisgaar bottles everything up until he's practically at his breaking point before seeking comfort. He's learned that a weighted blanket and a hairbrush are essential tools.
Who’s more protective?
Skwisgaar has been looking out for Toki since day one, but if we're talking about extremes, Toki would knock a man's head off if Skwisgaar was threatened.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
They both thrive on physical affection. Skwisgaar likes the feeling of being close and intimate without expectation of more, and Toki can't get enough of someone touching him lovingly rather than with intent to harm. It's why they're constantly in contact, grounding each other and affirming their devotion for one another.
Also, Toki has a praise kink byeeeee
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
I'm terrible at this so I'll just share a few from my skwistok playlist. Flowers on the Grave by The Maine, Walk You Home by Karmina, Undisclosed Desires by Muse
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Dildoes They're not that big on pet names, outside of älskling/elskede, though Toki might sneak a 'babe' in sometimes.
Who remembers the little things?
Toki is more sentimental and probably has lots of tiny anniversaries marked out. First time holding hands, first time they watched Skwisgaar's favorite movie together (it was a marathon of all three Lord of the Rings), first time Skwisgaar let him use some of his boutique hair treatments instead of his own Pert Plus. He makes cards for each occasion. Skwisgaar keeps them all.
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
If you could have muse for your art from the idols, who are 5 people in men and women you would choos and why
ANON!!!! oh man ok. lemme put my thinking brain in.
ok let's talk some basic logistics. muse implies using the idol themselves as inspiration, which is not something i normally do in my personal practice but i will gladly indulge for this thought experiment. the way that makes the most sense for me to approach this like brainstorming concepts/projects that i would like to use these particular idols for, if i had infinite money/opportunity yadda yadda.
ok ok ok. let's go:
taemin - this one was probably a no brainer, but i have a theoretical taemin comeback that i'd love to be the creative director for and it lives rent free in my brain all day every day. as for why; i think he'd be a really interesting collaborator and he's very versatile as a performer no matter what people have said about his acting (final life was a bad script ok, it wasn't all him!). we have very similar ideas and interests and i think it would be fun.
woodz - i would kill to work on a comeback with him because same reasons as taemin, he's smart and talented and has a very clear confidence in performing and i want to push that as far as it can go. but really what i want to do is shoot and style like a dozen different magazine spreads of him. so badly. he models so well.
hongjoong - please refer to this post that is sort of a joke but also absolutely not a joke one day i am going to direct this kid in a play and then you will all SEE
ten - baby you are WASTED as a boy group member. his skill in contemporary and urban choreo are rare for an idol and he's already got the theatricality; i wanna do a series of installation performances with him about identity + presentation because i think he could really deliver on how he shows conflict and that slippage between performer and person and audience. also he speaks what? four languages? more great material.
san - i think he has soooooooo much potential and he's worked so hard to improve since debut and i want to throw him in more stuff that pushes his limits since he's also interested in acting. see in aforementioned hongjoong post that i'm casting him as guildenstern in rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead, but also yea i'm gonna shoot like a dozen magazine spreads of him too. including one that's an unrealistic glamourization of college house parties in the mid 2010s. just because.
sunmi - also a no brainer, she's smart and beautiful and has a very good understanding and depth of theme in her work. would absolutely die to shoot an mv styled like that 17th/18th century revival that happened in the 80s; i'm talking draughtsman's contract/dangerous liaisons/amadeus but reintroduce some 80s aesthetics into it. we're gonna use some stuff from the thom browne ready to wear spring 2020 collection and it's gonna be insane. i can think about theme later. i'll come up with something.
cl - the alpha performance video bit me in the fucking ass. she and her stylist were on something for most of those mvs for that ep and i want to push the pseudo art deco thing they gestured vaguely at even further. i love that she understands fashion and how to actually use it (see her appearance at the met gala) and i wanna get in there and play. doesn't have to be a whole comeback specifically but at least a performance video for sure.
sunye - not ashamed to admit this choice is mostly because she is SO beautiful, but i really want to blow her hair out to full farrah fawcett and shoot a summer 70s themed magazine spread. she's got the face and the presence and i think it would be really cute to put her in some british mod/twiggy type mini jumpsuits and have her zip around on a penny board at the beach.
hyolyn - i loved her coming of age ceremony stage with junsu and this hit me like a bolt from the blue and it doesn't have much more justification than 'she's got a bigass cross tattooed on her abs' but i would LOVE do to some borderline blasphemous catholic inspired styling. or just use her for an incarnation for one of my passion projects about christian iconography.
boa - please queen i would do anything for you just ask. blank cheque no questions.
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Yo, lads upstairs—can one of y’all grab like a bunch of Jackie’s clothes and things, throw it in a suitcase, and then all of you come downstairs? Max is here, and for both their sakes, I think Jackie needs to go with him. Jackie’s never going to be able to just grow out of his codependency—he going to need concrete, non-hypothetical proof that even if something does happen, you all can work through it like adults. He needs to go be something other than Big Brother, and he can’t do that around a bunch of Little Brothers, no matter how capable they may be.
"Oh?" says Marvin, perking up in the living room of the apartment. "What's going on?"
The message is immediately passed around between the four of them, and before even thinking to comply Schneep and Chase are both hurrying out onto the balcony of the apartment and looking down the stairs.
"Oh! It is Max, that must be him!"
"Oooh, so handsome," giggles Chase. "Yeah, Jackie, you can go have a vacation!"
Jackie and Max both look up. Jackie looks exasperated, but Max - Max looks terrified.
"No, Jackie, don't go," he cries, reaching out to grab his hoodie again. "Don't go, please, I can't - "
"Max, I'm okay, I'm okay! I swear, I'm here, I'm right here..."
Schneep and Chase slink back guiltily. "Whoops."
"What's going on?" asks JJ. "I don't get it."
"I think Jackie's friend is scared Anti is still here," says Henrik. "He wants Jackie to come stay with him. Yeah?"
"Well, he could do that," muses Marvin, peeking out over the ledge. "JJ, you said Max is trustworthy, right?"
JJ nods, although he doesn't look quite as enthusiastic as Marvin.
"And if it would help, I would gladly pack him a bag," chuckles Marvin. "But I think that needs to be Jackie's choice."
"Jackie doesn't want to go with him?" asks Chase. "Why not? I thought they were kind of in love."
Marvin shrugs. "I don't know. He's definitely always been very taken with him. But if he doesn't want to go with him, well... he doesn't want to go with him. I think it would be a bad choice, but it is Jackie's to make."
They hear crying and talking from down the stairs of the apartment. Max begs with Jackie. Jackie tries to reassure him. His voice is torn.
"I'll tell you one thing," says Chase, "if my kids hadn't been able to come visit me for so long, you bet your ass I would have gone all the way to fucking Sweden to see them. I guess it's not the same if he isn't in love with Max. But that's all I have to compare it to, and I'd go, even if I... even if maybe Schneep couldn't come or something."
Henrik grins at him. "I know. And that would be okay. But maybe Max is just asking too much of him. Jackie hasn't been away from us in a long time."
"Not wanting to go is a different issue than not being able to let us go," says Marvin.
Jackie appears in the apartment a couple minutes later, looking pale.
"He's just waiting for me downstairs," he says. "I don't know what to do."
"What do you want to do?" asks Henrik.
Jackie's mouth opens and closes. He looks down at the floor and doesn't answer.
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