#I'll probably make more stuff about my design for them in the future
transbeamrooikat · 1 year
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party poison doodle from earlier :3
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cyclorose · 6 months
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more info below !! (I'm still developing them so stuff may change in the future ^^)
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• original oliver
- he's just Oliver, nothing changes about him
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• him.
- I don't wanna make him fully introverted, so I chose a more ambivert personality for him, with awkward moments
- if I am not mistaken this is kinda Randy?? like in this alternative version they do swap roles, but I decided not to make him fully 'Randy'
(I'll have to watch a playthru about that part again. But for now he's a mixture of them both)
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• swap oliver
- this one's personality is Randy's. I wanna keep his slang so there's some resemblance of the og one, aside form the head, and maybe some traits of his, but I am not so sure atm ^^'
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• alpha oliver
- this guy at first seems really off and kinda distant, but doesn't mean ill. He probably doesn't have a good relationship with ppl and tries his best, but society seems to be against him in some way
- once u get to know him, he's the sweetest guy ever, he's just a bit silly. He keeps the same interests as og oliver and is a little more introverted
- I also remembered a comparison for him: that one kid in a bullies group that doesn't really wanna be there, but stays for reputation or for benefits. But I am debating on making him the weird kid in class type too- or both
(someone on pinterest said he looked like he'd say slurs LMAO. In my notes app I wrote and I quote: 'he seems like he bullies kids on Roblox or Minecraft, but doesn't know any better')
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• P L U S H
- he talks, but only the Olivers can hear him, no one else can
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• olipin
- he doesn't talk 💔 some may say he is cursed, but who knows, heehee
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I didn't add a flesh head version because the design is subjective, but if I do add him it'll be something like in chapter 3 where they showed ppl with a black cloud thingy
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lara-cairncross · 2 months
masterpost weewoo ✨✨
general art tag general ask tag
🧚hidden hollow au / rottmnt fairy au stuff:
au tag fanart/fanwriting tag "ask mikey" tag
original designs (this is kinda outdated now lmao)
brief intro comic
april -> leo size comparison
mini lore comic 1
info about mikey's talent
general idea for wings + shell anatomy
mini lore comic 2
info about leo's talent
mini lore comic 2.5??? (not important just funny to me personally)
shelldon exists. kinda.
thingy about their fangs (good color ref)
usagi intro!
raph shell ref
mini lore comic 3
ref for donnie's markings (kinda)
ao3 fanfics (from most recently updated to oldest)
link to my Ao3 page
are you lonely yet?
-> 6/? chapters, 11k words, english, Donnie- and- Mikey-centric.
notes: uhhhhh mikey gets hurt in a very damaging way. donnie blames himself big-time. they both think the other is mad at them. emotional angst woo hoo, but also kinda fluffy i think? also pretty heavy on disaster twins stuff
now it's red, now it's dead, now it's--
-> 1/2 chapters, 5k words, english, Mikey-centric.
notes: set in the Bad Future timeline! follows mikey's slow ascent into becoming something Other. lots of angst-- depression, disassociation, suicidal ideation, major character death, etc etc. probably my favorite fic that i've written? idk I love writing OP mikey!
the sun is a dying star
-> 3/? chapters, 10k words, english, mikey-centric but bounces between POVs
notes: started off as a one-shot but i got too ambitious for my own good. mikey is not having a good time. blah blah blah turtle-gets-kidnapped-by-scientists-or-something, but i wanted to focus more on like, psychological damage than physical damage. not sure when/if this one will get an update.
pizza bagels, communication, and other life-changing novelties
-> 1/3 chapters, 3.4k words, english, Miles- and- Mikey-centric.
notes: SHELLSHOCKED FIC WOOHOO !! THE ONE AND ONLY TIME I WILL WILLINGLY WRITE ROMANCE! uhhhh two teenagers pining for each other and doing dumb shit together and angsting about being children with the weight of the world on their shoulders. IT'S FLUFFY AND CUTE I PROMISE
it's golden hour somewhere
-> 1/1 chapters (completed), 7.4k words, english, Mikey- and- Karai-centric.
notes: one-shot. Karai POV, but focuses on turtle tot Mikey. basically the Hamato Sacrifice isn't the only curse that plagues the clan, and Mikey is the most recent Hamato to come under fire. predetermined fate and all that shit. fluff and angst. this one's kinda weird ngl I remember nothing about writing it or getting inspiration for it lmao
the icarus complex
-> 2/2 chapters (completed), 10k words, english, Raph-centric (and also kinda Leo-centric in second chapter).
notes: deals with Raph's PTSD following the Kraang invasion, and one possible coping mechanism he could fall back on. spoiler alert it's NOT a healthy one lmao. definitely one of the more interesting fics I've written in my opinion; I did a lot of research for this one to make it as realistic and respectful as I could. another personal fav :)
equivalent exchange (and other things that give Leo a headache)
-> 1/? chapters, 2.5k words, english, Future!Leo- and- Mikey-centric.
notes: another Bad Future timeline fic, this time with Present Mikey accidentally ending up with Future Leo. follows the two of them trying to figure out how to get Mikey back to his timeline. I still love this concept, but idk when I'll get around to updating it tho lmao
that's where the blood's supposed to be!
-> 2/2 chapters (completed), english, Mikey-centric.
notes: Mikey gets hit hard during a fight but brushes it off, and it comes back to bite him later. takes place after the show, but before the movie-- right when the whole Leo vs Raph kerfuffle is at its peak. questionable medical information but I did my best lmao. this one's kinda old and cringey atp but whatever
other stuff
fanart for 3 months au tag
fanart for golden future au tag
glass turtle keychains example
College Fund (aka my Ko-fi page :>)
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canadianno · 1 month
TCOLC AU Bishop refs!
They're done holy FUCK. The art here is kind of old, so some of the proportions are a little wrong, but I don't really mind all that much. 15 hours and 89 layers later, all 5 bishops are done. On one canvas because... I didn't wanna make new ones I'm ngl.
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Each bishop has an everyday outfit and a crusade outfit! If you're drawing them at any point (now or in the future) and you have questions about the designs, don't be scared to send an ask my way, I'm always happy to clarify stuff.
(Note: I would greatly appreciate it if people didn't make suggestive jokes surrounding any of the designs, I'm not comfortable with them! Love yall <3)
Ramblings below! Edited note: tumblr likes to completely break my posts when I add a cut sometimes, which happened here, so I'm not gonna put one in hopes that it doesn't kill my formatting again. Hopefully it automatically "read more"s this post. If it doesn't I'm very sorry 🙏
🌿 Leshy: It's to be noted that my Leshy is transmasc, literally just because I think he deserves it, it's cool as fuck. I really wanted to give him the classic top-surgery scars because, I'll be honest, they're fun to draw, but I had to find a reasonable explanation for it because he's not a mammal. Anyway that's how I ended up with an entire evolutionary explanation for why he would have those. I will never be given the chance to explain it in the fic ever, so it shall just be random information I have forever. I love him he's silly.
🍄 Heket: While I am a big supporter of tomboy Heket, I also think she deserves to be cool and wear pretty frills whenever the fuck she wants. She's awesome and her shirt is supposed to look like a mushroom. It's also worth noting that the crosses on the bishops heads are specific, with Heket having two crosses with double prongs. She has them like this in-game and there's probably a cooler explanation for it but. I have my own silly headcanons bc I do what I want! Also, since I can't decide for the fucking life of me if she's a toad or a frog, I've decided she's just. Both. Both of them. Her mom was a frog her dad was a toad. Is this possible irl? No but COTL is a fantasy world I do whatever the fuck I want.
🌑 Narinder: Main thing I note for Narinder is that he has distinct facial markings, you just have to look closely. Another note is that his clothes have a repeating cloud motif because of the fog in the gateway- which, trust, it was his own idea. Lamb doesn't know why he chose it but they're not gonna argue. Narinders' main robes are made of wool, but his crusade outfit is made of cotton so it's easier to repair if damaged. His crusade outfit has the Big Pants because he's mostly gotta fight with his feet now, since most of the time his hands don't function reliably enough to hold a weapon.
🪸 Kallamar: Kallamar is funny to me because he's the only one here who's plantigrade, meaning he's got human-esque legs. Another notable design aspect is that he has a tail, when squids do Not Normally Have Those. That's because my Kallamar isn't fully a squid, and you can kinda sorta blame my mutual for that. Not really it's me who gave him the tail. Anyway, no matter how you draw him or what outfit he's in those 3 dark red jewels on the golden chain thing gotta be on him somewhere- they're sentimental to him. He usually wears them as a crown, but in the crusade outfit they're around his neck to be safer. Also, on the crusade outfit, he has stolen a set of Shamuras gloves. Brat little brother <3
🔮 Shamura: Their main outfit really closely resembles their bishop robes and that is intentional! They made the robes themselves, and it would've been close to an exact match had the Lamb banned them from using golden colored cloth. This is only partially because Lamb doesn't like them, but also because they don't want the bishops trying to start a mutiny, and walking around in bishop robes is a pretty easy way to collect weaker followers like flies. Shamuras' crusade outfit is also pretty unique compared to the others, and one of two reasons is that it's meant to resemble their old crusade outfits when they were younger. The second reason is that they look really cool. The outfit is designed for mobility, mostly, and before you say anything, the hip windows are because Shamura usually holds close range weaponry in the second set of arms and hates the way they snag on fabric when its there.
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silverstar-8 · 8 months
Lucifer's Headcanons!
I decided to write some headcanons for Luci. There will be sfw as well as nsfw ones! I'll might create more, but for now there will be only one part.
Also, I think you could say Lucifer x Reader, because I'm talking about "you" while describing some of his interactions. But most of the time, I think about my self-insert. Just letting you know!
SFW (Some random, but also romantic ones. They are NOT in the order):
Of course, he loves making his little ducks in his workshop, but he can create other things too! I have a feeling that he would make toys for Charlie and also jewellery. He is really creative with them.
He moved in to the hotel and the apple tower is his. I know it's more like prediction for a future season, but it isn't 100% confirmed, so still counts as a headcanon.
He is autistic. Yes, I know he has depression, but for me he is depressed autistic.
If he is around someone he loves (romantically) his tail shows up. It might even wag! Really fast!
And also, his tail would totally hug his lover's leg. And he wouldn't even notice.
He is a little bit more social than he was before. He's still struggling, but visiting more Charlie and helping her with a lot of stuff is still a big step!
When he's sad and alone, he is hugging himself with his wings. He's in wings' town. It's his way to comfort himself.
About wings, he can also do this if his loved one feel sad. He will literally hug with arms and wings. Really comfy.
Also, his feathers are really, REALLY soft. Great for petting. (He loves when someone is petting them)
If you feel sad, he would probably hum a melody or even literally sing for you. As well as playing an instrument, because why not. He can do all of this.
When he was alone, he talked with his clones. They are connected to his thought, so the conversations were interesting. He still sometimes talks with them, but most of the time he's using them for helping him with stuff, like makeup.
He likes to jump in the pile of rubber ducks. It is comforting for him.
He's pansexual. I don't have an explanation for this, I just feel he's so fruity XD
He has dark gray arms AND legs.
He has also hooves.
He is that short, because he actually like this height. He was like that since he was created and it would be really weird for him to change height.
But also! He loves to be carried!
And carry others!
NSFW below! (Time to be more wild, hehe)
First, I want to share my personal favourite nsfw headcanon I created. I've seen that most people assume that he has a dick. And of course, it's valid! Everyone can have their own headcanons, but I decided to think more about his design and what he is. So, he is an angel. Fallen, but still an angel. And he looks like a doll. What I mean to say is that he isn't human. He might look like one, but he doesn't even have ears or nose. So after this analysis, I've thought to give him... nothing! Yes! He is like a doll! He has nothing down here. No dick, no anus, none. BUT, remember everyone that he is a shapeshifter! He can adjust! So even if he doesn't have anything down here, he can create anything he or his partner wants. Dick? Sure! Pussy? Of course! Both? Why not?! Maybe something more crazy, like tentacles? We can go wild as fuck! I love inhuman characters like Lucifer, because you can actually create something really crazy like that! And it makes sense! I mean, think about it! Why angels would need anything down here? It just makes sense that they don't have anything here!
So, as I said, he can create anything he wants, but what is happening with him when he doesn't have anything? I've thought about this too! So, when he doesn't have reproductive organs, few spots on his body are becoming more sensitive when he's horny. They are: Hands, hooves, tail, around his horns, few spots on his wings. If you massage those places, he can have orgasm. It is a little different experience than what we, human can achieve, but it's as intense, if not even more sometimes, as our orgasm.
About horns... if you pull them during sex, he can come just from this. But you have to do this strong! Don't worry, you won't hurt him.
He fucked with his clones for sure. He is the fucking sin of Pride, of course he had to have fun time with himself. But it is kinda like advanced masturbation, because he controls them.
But it also means, that with a partner, he could use his clones, so you could have a literal gangbang with just Lucifer.
He prefers folks with pussies. It is just his personal favourite, but he wouldn't mind if his loved one had different thing! He would eat you anyway.
He is a total switch. He is the literal definition of this. He feels comfortable in being sub, dom, top and bottom.
As a power bottom, he is a little shit, because he is challenging your dominance. He loves it.
I can imagine that in dominant role, he would be really caring or more aggressive, depending what you wanted.
He talks a lot during sex. He would say a lot of dirty things with his deep voice.
He can growl when he is close to the climax.
He has totally a kink that is connected to him being a king.
And also daddy kink. I can totally imagine that he would have this.
His demonic side might appear during sex. He thinks that it's too scary, but if he sees that you like it, he will show it more.
For now it's all! Those are my headcanons, so I hope you had fun reading them!
See ya! ~ Silver
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fanofthelamb · 3 months
lovely art you make please never stop!!!
WAAA TOO SWEET. thats it. MOREEEEEEE ART DUMP!!!!!!!! im not sure how many of these i posted but!! i think mostly it's all new!!!!!!!
I wonder if this'll become a thing for me. BAHAHAH
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scrapped ref page i've made before ^^^^^ it was similar to nari's except it turns out the red's color jitter was too extreme.... the grren was AMAZING tho. Comments with the pieces btw!! and 30+ pics I think?! So expect a long ass post. :) this isn't even all the unposted art, just the stuff I thought was good enough to post!
First thing's first! How about a comic I never posted? I was kinda embarrassed by the writing of it, but this WAS just something to help Rue. (You might notice a lot of the art in this thread was sent to Rue and never posted. Sorry Rue. little of this is new for you. sone is tho. orzzzzz)
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Woah? The lamb has feelings? The lamb has bad feelings about their past?? Who knew. Shocker. (also LMFAO AT NARI IN THIS HE REALLY SAID "oh ur crying? I'll give you a reason to cry")
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something to kind of help storyboard out the animation i'm tryna work on. its not going well. turns out that shit is hard.
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and some beyond the grove narinder. yall eat BTG nari UPPPPPP.
speaking of BTG? how about some panels of a future page? Chapter 1 still. feel free to laugh at how strangely i draw the draft. ti works for me!
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back to normal nari. IN PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!
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THIS isnt actually a drawing it's a real image taken of me and rue
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i dont know if i posted this or not, actually. i am not a big fan of it, though.
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i need to draw leshy and val more </3
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idk if i posted kalladad either BAHAHAHAHA
also, i dont know if i posted THIS either. i dont SEE it but i could be wrong ?
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now how about a couple of kissing booth scraps?
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long with the scrapped comic where narinder kills and eats the face of the goat. </3 rip that thing (the goat LOVES fighting and LOVES someome who can beat thier ass almost as much)
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and some heket bullying her brother (she wuvs him tho)
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i dont know which acc i posted this to, actually. i drew this bc rick kept reposting halflife shit BAHAHAHH
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oh and here's a vent piece or two i made with annona. they seem harmless enough to post i guess? i wish i made more content with them.
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i jsut wanna chew them between my molars like a marshmallow.
this si also sometihng i made for rue BAHAHAHAHAH HAVE I POSTED IT? IDK.
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and of course, the least toxic totally-not-abusive-as-fuck pairing of lamb and the red crown. this isnt exclusively BTG related but I dont know how much interest people would have with him being a character on FOTL? he is 1000% having his own role as his own charavter in BTG though.
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oh, and this guy i wanted to post forever ago, but i needed time to adjust to his design. this is the best i have made of him and it might be what sticks. he's leshy's uncle. (took worm baby in after both his siblings went missing)
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more nari, because he's my most popular scrumplie. probably bc i draw him the most and a lot of my stuff is nari centric. nude nari because i literally couldn't think up what i wanted to draw on him. i was gonna edit clothes on later and forgor BAHAHAHA
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i actually dont know if i posted this too? this is tyar and baal <3 baal was pretty shocked to have learned vitas was tyar's spouse. he's still not ready to talk about it, but he does want to ask the lamb about it one day.
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and some childhood memories i never finished.
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i MIGHT have posted this one ?
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i posted pieces of this page but here's the full:
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1000sunnygo · 2 months
Hi, I'm the asker with the SJ magazines. I do have those bonus pages! I uploaded them here (tinyurl/3w5ssa3b) & on imgur (/a/EUYFaMt). They're part of a bonus segment included in the volumes - I wrote about it on the wiki (/One_Piece_School#Bartolomeo's_New_Wo_Student_List), but it's pretty short since I can't read it. And no need to force yourself for other chapters! I'm happy for anything OP to be translated, no matter the amount. Similarly, would you want any future Law/School stuff?
😭😭😭😭 THANK YOU!!!!
woah these are some great details??
Longpost ahead, here's a summary of Bartolomeo's New World Middle investigation notes!
SH and friends' favorite school subjects
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Luffy and Zoro: Physical education
Nami: Science, Maths, Geography
Sanji: Physical education, Home economics
Usopp: Art
Chopper: Science (Health)
Robin: History, Linguistics
Franky: Chemistry, Engineering
Brook: Music
Vivi: Japanese language and literature
Coby: (Currently improving in) all subjects
(Buggy is mad about not being included ha)
Classroom Layout
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The four free seats are for students who randomly join from other grades and classes (ie. Hancock). Upper left features a special corner for Uta to join virtually. (She can also sit beside everyone randomly and make friends, as shown at the bottom)
Yamato is contemplating about where to seat after transferring to NW Middle, Luffy says "come join us ASAP and let's have fun at school!*
Luffy senpai's relationship chart
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Other than ones I've previously translated, here are the rest:
Luffy -> Barto: "Do you know me?"
Croc -> Luffy: "I can take you on a great adventure. So come to my side."
Luffy -> Croc: "You come to MY class! (?)"
Kaido -> Luffy: "I'll push you down the pits of hell."
Luffy -> "Try me whenever you want!"
Kaido -> Yamato: "Become Oni Middle's representative!"
Yamato -> Kaido: "I've joined Straw hat Luffy's class!"
Yamato -> Luffy: "I'll stop Oni Middle and then get to your class!"
Luffy -> Yamato: "I'll wait for you in the class!"
Luffy -> Sabo: "A really kind big brother!"
Sabo -> Luffy: "Take good care of your friends!"
Ace -> Sabo: "You coddle Luffy too much, man!"
Sabo -> Ace: "And you worry about Luffy just as much, don't you?"
Luffy -> Ace: "Ace is strong!"
Ace -> Luffy: "Huff.. what a high maintenance little brother!"
Lucci -> Luffy: Don't violate school rules!
Luffy -> What is 'school rules'?
Smoker -> Luffy: "All you do is stir more trouble!"
Luffy -> Smoker: "I enjoy the school more than anyone!"
Garp -> Luffy: "I trained your ass off to make you a strong teacher!"
Luffy -> Garp: "I don't wanna be a teacher!"
Luffy -> Aokiji: "He's a cool teacher! Probably!"
Aokiji -> Luffy: "Well.. try to get along with everyone, would you.."
Backpack Sneak peek
Doing the entire page for this one.
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Uniforms, emblems
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NWS has relaxed rulings on uniforms. Boys are allowed to wear whichever shirt they want under their gakuran, girls can choose the color of their scarves. Teachers have their uniform too but Aokiji (probably all teachers) don't really care.
The section below are rejected school emblems proposed by students. Aokiji was lazily okaying all of them but Smoker kept him in line lol
Luffy's Design
Luffy: The meat turned out lookin' really tasty, right?
Coby: Isn't it an assortment of Luffy san's treasures?
Usopp's Design (the Kanji says "New")
Usopp: Well, this is how it'll turn out if it's Me to decide.
Nami: Great drawing but too self-assertive!
Robin's Design (She wrote "New" and drew a world. Perfect)
Chopper: Scary! What's this? Why a face??
Robin: It's cuter like that.
Chatroom photos
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Lowkey contemplating about lettering all of them but I think I've kept the ask hanging long enough 🙈 These are adorable!
Lack of source has always been frustrating, but I don't think Law has a lot of extra contents to miss out on 😩 If I find something I'd like to source-check, I'll make sure to knock you, so thanks again! ❤️❤️
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creaturefeaster · 22 days
what would ids in stolla look like? i wanted to make some for ocs and was wondering if you had an idea for them
I think this is a really cool question, because it's not something I've ever considered in detail before until now.
Graphically, the background would probably be a little more interesting, but I made this quickly on my laptop so I was artistically limited-- here:
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IDs of the Talpian Dominion, as well as Sunkeep, would vary from this design as they are sovereign to Stolla, but still function independently. I can try and make IDs for them in the future if it interests, but for now I figure this ID is pretty catch-all otherwise.
So a (mostly) filled out ID would look like this:
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There's probably some stuff I'd tack on if I had more time to design this, such as a blood type identifier, and personally I'd find it cooler if it wasn't a standard rectangle shape, but this design was based on real world IDs, and I think this still gets most of what you'd need to know across for now.
If you're curious about the exact details on how an ID is produced, I'll explain below the readmore.
DI: Date Issued. Looking back on this, there should probably be an expiration date, perhaps on the lower right corner. ^^
SEX: Dependent on race. Many races have dimorphism similar to humans... more or less, though some (Vixen, Normals, etc.) have a wider range of sexes and are labeled as such.
The most common identifiers you would see on an ID would be: X(nondescript), F(female), M(male), MX(monolex, for some plant people).
EYES: No. of eyes, and color
HAIR: Natural hair color
HGT: Height on record
WGT: Weight on record
ELMT: Whether or not this person has elemental capabilities.
X is the lack of the elemental method, E/A/W/F are indicators of Earthen, Air, Water, and Fire elemental individuals. Typically you would only see this on races that are in touch with a certain element. For instance, many plant people are elementally inclined towards earth, and therefore would be labeled as E if they are found to have this connection.
RC: Residential ID code, has 18 to 19 digits, and can be decoded as such:
00 , 0000, 00.00.0000 , 00, 00.0
TR: Territory.
Each territory is labeled 00 through 14, the Talpian Dominon & Sunkeep are not in the registry.
NEID: Name Entry in Database.
Number of people active and registered with this exact name to date, within the territory.
DDMMYYYY: Birthdate.
DI: Day of the month this card was issued (Ignore the fact that I entered this part of April's ID incorrectly ._.)
RI(A): Racial identity marker, and affliction if applicable.
Races are listed from 11 through 28, noting 18 recognized races within Stolla. (A) is marked as a 0 unless afflicted as a vampire, zombie, or were-animal. It is very rare to see IDs with positive affliction markers, as very few are able to achieve legality. I probably don't need to mention that it's telling enough on it's own that there's a marker for affliction at all.
Each territory has it's own emblem, but I don't really have those fleshed out right now so it stays blank for now, haha.
Date of birth is listed under the emblem on the right side, and beneath that is their race in print.
Markers are for things like you would see on our cards in real life. Donors, veterans, notable allergies, etc.
Like I said, this isn't something I've thought about really until I read this ask this morning, so it's not what I would call a finalized version, but you can assume the data entry would all work the same, even if I did adjust the design a bit down the line.
Thanks for this question 🖤
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cetaceacyberia · 4 months
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even MORE sillies from @superxstarzz's classpect fusions!! this time with a wee bit of analysis below the cut because i have the evil homestuck autism that makes me go crazy about this stuff. also the reason these guys look freaky is because theyre a human+troll fusion
OKAY SO generally i imagine fusedtiers would naturally be far stronger than a regular tier, though not quite as strong as a master class, at least depending on the development of each. They are also, of course, far more specific in nature, leading to highly specialized roles. Anywho, here's my interpretation of the classes featured here. I'll probably end up doing more later. Apologies in advance for my wordiness. I know there's a lot of speculation about the role mages play, so I'll provide a brief explanation of how I interpret them first.
Mages, in my opinion, are the active counterpart to seers, being able to take the knowledge they gain through or recieve from their aspect and put it into action. For an example, a Mage of Space as is a component here would be able to take the knowlege of the behaviors of elements and atoms, and be able to manipulate them at their will, provided they know what they're doing, and it's physically possible, alongside being able to ascertain. This can be seen with Meulins ability to form relationships out of seemingly nothing and Sollux's pension for causing doomsday esque events (aradia, sgrub, the like)
Prophet of Design
Prophets, in my opinion, would take the prediction abilities of the seer and the active knowledge mages can use and be able to speak events into reality.
Prophets tend to be extremely high strung people. The suffering that comes with being a mage and the all-consuming knowledge that comes so easily to seers create a scenario in which it's very common for them to slip into anxiety about the events they cause. The butterfly effect, if you will. Prophets do not use their powers carelessly, each move is thought out and incredibly calculated. Prophets are, naturally, blindingly intelligent, being the fusion of the two knowing classes. This can manifest itself in many ways, though the shortcomings mages often experience in relation to their aspect can often cut down their confidence, leading to a prophet underestimating themselves constantly. Despite their anxious tendencies and low self-conciousness, prophets can also be very snarky and sarcastic, when not gleefully oversharing about whatever piques their interest at the moment.
Design would be the merging of the concepts of fate and inevitability with the universe, creation and physics. Design players have domain over the physical outcomes of things. Reactions, from chemical to physical, even quantum at a higher level, all of that is within the control of a Design player. So!! i think a Prophet of Design would be able to speak into reality the outcomes of reactions they create or observe. For example, prophet would be able to do something like say "when i take a step forward, I will actually be twelve feet ahead of where i would have been" and just have that shit happen. As they get stronger, their prophecies can becomem more long term and more drastic, from being able to speak into reality an event that will happen some time in the future to prediting events that might not even be physically possible normally. Beholder of Birth
A beholder, a class that combines the insane growth potential of a page and the mage's expansive knowledge to produce a role of one that is able to expotentially build on the knowledge they have of their aspect. To create entire knowledge trees given the smallest bit of information. From a basic fact to the most niche, minute detail, none of it can escape the gaze of a Beholder. A fully realized Beholder would know, quite literally, everything there is to know when it comes to their aspect, which can be an enormously vast amount when it comes to Space or Time players.
Beholders are natural detectives, though it never comes easy. It starts as the beholder starts to make connections, faint at first but with a sure sign there's something more. Often ones to second-guess their findings, but once they dig deeper, and their ideas are validated, there's nothing stopping a beholder from uncovering everything there is to know from that one initial spark. For lack of a better word, beholders are quirky people, kind but stubborn, and their ascenion often is hindered by that trait due to the help they might need at first. They might get knocked down easily at first, but are wickedly determined, and bounce back quickly and eagerly learn from their mistakes, often brute-forcing their way out of problems. Thanks to the manipulation of knowledge that comes with their Mage counterpart, rising the ranks is far easier for a Beholder than a Page, though roadblocks are to be expected with their headstrong attitude towards growth.
Birth is the merging of creation, physics and the universe with the mind, logic and raw information. I think these would blend into birth players being in control of the inception of very nearly anything. How exactly they can control this depends on the class, of course, but birth players hold the essence of creation in their very soul,
A Beholder of Birth would have the ability to hold an object and see everything that lead up to its creation, how it was created, and everything that happened to it. Not just objects either, but people and other living things. A fully realized Beholder of Birth could potentially have the full knowledge of everything that has ever happened in the universe, from before the big bang to the very end of it that was no doubt caused by the activation of SBURB and everything in between.
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myunghology · 1 year
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XIAO , SCARAMOUCHE , KAZUHA general relationship headcanons.
!! gender neutral reader, completely sfw, fluff. tw ? ; none ( song reco )
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you guys are definitely taking it slow, he still has to adjust y'know. even if he's over 2,000 years old, i doubt he's ever been in a romantic relationship. ( is that an insult ? ; maybe )
overprotective, doesn't care who it is, he just is. the only exception is probably zhongli and ganyu. still unsure about traveler, but i'm leaning to maybe yes.
"who's that? why are you acting so close with them? do i know them? have you mentioned them before?" "....xiao that's one of my family members." "oh."
easily flustered. he can either cover it up easily, or he can't. there's no in between, or that's up to you if you want to decide.
can't express his feeling's properly. this ones a little bit toxic, but if you didn't want accurate headcanons then i think you came to the wrong blog.
but you cant really blame him, he's naturally like that. and it's probably gonna take him a long time to actually open up about his feelings, but if you're an understanding and patient person, then that's better.
he'll probably ignore you if he's jealous, but i guess that's how he copes dawg
he'd want you to come to him first more than him actually confronting you.
but put all that aside- he gives you little things that reminded him of you whenever he goes somewhere. he would sometimes give you a random cute hairpin and said that it'd suit you, which it did.
that's what makes your relationship so cute, he does these little things that make you smile, like taking you out to places where he thinks it's pretty, just like you. he thinks. he does this because he doesn't know how else to express it. ( shakespeare could never amirite )
it's ironic enough that him and xiao are similar in relationships, more so that they absolutely can't express their feelings properly.
but what's different is that he expresses it more aggressive about it. more passive-aggressive probably.
buys you stuff you want without even asking, if he sees you looking at it then he buys it for you the next day, maybe even something better, but still the same design.
you tell him to stop spending his money on you when you don't even need it, but he tells you to just be good and take it. you give in, because it'd be a waste if he bought it and he'd just give it right back after.
but if you like it that way, then he's your personal sugar daddy now congratulations
denies it whenever you call him out when he's being shy, especially when you flirt back, this guy is a hard flirt, only to you of course.
there may be tons of women or men who are into him, but he's only looking at you, if he wanted to cheat, he can. but he doesn't.
"i don't understand why you're so worried about that, you know i'll only always be with you." ( AGOI )
but then again, he also says straight forward about problems into a relationship, because he wants to avoid them in the future.
you guys fight sometimes, and i mean teasing by the way, not an actual fight. but fights aren't really rare when you're with him.
it's usually caused because of a misunderstanding.
they do say you fight with the people you love the most
probably the most normal one out of all of them here i fear. sweetest boyfriend ever
bros the whole package
he says whatever's making him uncomfortable in a relationship and he encourages you to do the same and not be ashamed, probably because you two have already been through everything together once you've even started dating.
also he's a very understanding person, and he's willing to listen to you no matter what situation it is.
his love language is probably words of affirmation, saying he loves you out of the blue is his favorite part of the day.
"i love you so much" "..h..huh..?"
10x more soft spoken to you than he is to other people, i know his voice is naturally like that, but he can't help but treat you like your fragile, especially if you're emotional. but if you don't want him to, then he won't push it. especially if you don't like feeling belittled.
closeted sadist
won't force you to do things you don't want to do, but he definitely encourages you.
never and i mean never comments anything rude or disrespectful at you, especially about your appearance. the only things he comments are compliments.
but if you truly want advice for your looks then he'll recommend a hair, clothing switch or something like that, "maybe that would look better, but you really suit anything and everything" he says.
gives you love letters whenever he's away, probably once a week so you don't go overthinking. you don't have to worry about him cheating either, beidou has promised you that she'd tell you if he cheats ( and crush his testicles ) , and obviously, kazuha isn't that type of person, you'd know for sure.
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ray-is-they · 1 year
[I love them both and I'll try my best to explain whats in it from this au]
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This whole au lore is gonna take longer than you expect so try well- take notes or try not to get your eyes sore while reading-
Let's talk about:
REDSON- So in that wedding- Redson wears a dress and that necklace she's wearing is his mother's ancestory necklace that was passed down on every person that is getting married.
The dress is color white [theres also shades of red ofcourse]
Mei is the one who braided redson's hair
There is a wedding ring from redson's left hand ring finger (not entirely shown because they have ofc lego hands.)
MK- wears a suit that has the color of black
That bandana's design- instead of red from pigsys he's having the color of orange and the two trail colors of green and red that symbolizes the traffic light trio which is mei and redson-
The flower ring he's wearing at his right hand middle finger is mei's promise. It's the promise they both kept about sticking to each other even if they are faraway.
The left hand from him is the wedding ring and the other ring Redson gave him as proposal.
JUST A LITTLE BACKSTORY: The Engagement ring was spoiled from a demon attack that yin and jin have been messing with them. The engagement ring is shown after the box flew off redson's pocket, when Mk saw the box he came into a big realisation that the whole date that was set up was for redson to propose to him.
But now it was accidentally spoiled and ruined redson's whole plan and it made them very upset to the point they almost got out of control with their own power.
When Yin and Jin apologized, Mk let redson propose properly since a while ago was an accident- Mei had to take care of yin and jin (not harmful way she just- took them out on like a snack and released em-) yin and jin had NO idea that redson was planning this.
(Mei talked out the stuff about this to yin and jin to make it clear)
MEI- Mei is known in the wedding as the 'best woman/man' one of those groom's right hand
Her bun tied hair has a trail of red that is aka Redson's color
And on her front bangs were mk's that are orange
At the back of her hair on lose it's supposed to be purple because it's macaque's since he and Mei bonded together like uncle and niece- but i lost my purple marker right there- the earrings designed that were supposed to be green- it was redesigned of having Mk's color since he was marked as the side who never left her
Mei wears a suit [thats already cleared because who does NOT want mei wearing one am i right? She's so girl boss hehe]
Married [future au]
Redson in the future au- the samadhi fire is now back to his control than having Mei control over it because [I really thought it would be interesting since Mei already has her dragon ancestry powers so redson had his fire ability] there was quite alot of adventure the traffic light trio went through ever since before mk and red got married.
There was a power so strong that could transfer back his samadhi fire and almost took out half of Mei's consciousness thankfully she recovered fast.
Redson can now have full control from his powers now that the samadhi fire is in his control he's more stronger now.
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In original human form for redson- he sometimes feel like insides of him are hurting and kinda really itchy for keeping his form in- and he was sometimes shy and thought it would be embarrassing to show his form out to them but when he got too comfortable he shows it- he fully shows the form when his own powers completely lost its temper while fighting a demon.
At the current future au- mk's design is human form when he's outside- and he has the monkey form when inside the fortress
Mk and redson have their own fortress than dbk's because it was their time to move out and probably take care one another-
Mk's bandana is dark red [than the red bandana he originally has from pigsy] and it has the samadhi fire symbol stamped orange color on the left side [my right] and the demon bull horns fused with a monkey logo stamped black on his right [my left]
Mk- The one he's wearing is a plain shirt and a red robe- an extra one for redson's red coat where he usually wears is now attached to his back.
Mk has a permanent black tattoo of a heart on his right arm
Redson has theirs on his left arm.
The two of them made swore to each other that their love is strong and will never give up that easily. And marking by words- this is carved on their arms.
[Love the idea of matching tattoos]
Red's hair is cut short [mk's choice of picking-]
He doesn't wear the usual pants that were violets but it's red and there is orange patterns down.
His horns are grown out not the usually small ones since his powers gotten stronger and the samadhi fire he created that was given to mei was returned to his posession now- he has that cracked [chip?] On his left horn because of a demon attack.
[this was the proposal thing i explained back there- jin accidentally knocked redson off with a strong hit and chipped his horn that he did not meant to do it on purpose]
Redson has that samadhi fire permanently marked red on his right arm- to symbolize that him. Redson is the one who created it.
By the way redson sometimes wears mk's bandana when he tries to train himself for a fight [cuz his hair is on the way lol-]
Mei's design isn't shown on the future au yet but can be shown soon tho- her appearance is fully changed than her personality.
She's still the usual Mei as she was in the past but with memories and experiences of course.
She talks with Pif and Macaque [a headcanon that her and pif were setting on the wedding plan once they agreed to get married]
Mei and macaque talk about how strong mk and redson would be and their child at the future- and not only that- Mei sometimes teases macaque by actually marrying swk lmao-
Mei's hair is longer now- [s3 redson's hair limit when down] but she does a bun and half down hair- her dragon scales is shown from her cheeks and other parts of her body but not much- her outfit that she's wearing is her green jacket [not the one from the show but with the traffic light trio colors] pants are grey than white-
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Anyway the future au kai-
Kai- well we're unsure the fact of wether he's adopted or not that came out of Mk's thing but uh we stuck with not adopted-
Kai shows his true form when in the fortress but not outside where he trains with the rest of his friends [lloyd and the others except nya and master fu]
They both know about him and his parents so he couldnt hide this.
Nya [sister] isn't exactly part of the demonbullkey family but she's shown as a half/step sibling with kai when she comes to his fortress to play games and stuff like how mei and mk normally would do on arcades or monkey king games stuff.
So they stuck up with nya and kai pretending to be actual siblings from the group which master fu also sticked in,
Mk sees nya as mei to him because seeing how nya and kai get together in a platonic sibling like way- shows to him like he was seeing himself and mei in the past.
Redson-on the other- sees Nya [not a distraction] but a strong soldier like- that he would definitely want to adopt lmao but he doesn't say it because he and mk know that nya has parents and they would never adopt her without the parents's approval-
Nya's parents doesn't know about kai's parents but kai's parents knows them- but they never say or talk to her parents because of personal reasons- and especially being the known Monkey Successor and the Dbk's son aka the one who created the samadhi fire.
Redson and Mk talked to Master fu right after kai got in the group and accidentally showed his true form to the master- he was shocked at first- so kai told him that he'll bring his parents to understand some things-
In the end of the conversation masterfu will pretend that kai's parents are normal just like the rest of the groups parents and that him and Nya are siblings.
They didnt manipulate him or anything- masterfu has known the tales and gossips about jttw, the great sage sun wukong, and the new successor, hell even the samadhi fire- redson was the one who created the samadhi fire and samadhi's have many elements which include FIRE written down and there was no way he missed that.
What he didn't know was that the successor and the demon bull prince were courting and got engaged-
Because as far as he knew- sun wukong and Dbk fought before and used to be allies from the brotherhood now that it has been broken- turns out after hearing redson and mk speak about swk and dbk they both made peace and truce allies again- after years of separation since they still consider together as allies-
master fu was still kind of a fan but he doesnt show his energy, he covered up kai's secret and talked things out to them.
One of those- speeches where "ninjas are meant to fight enemies and yada yada stuff" "evil demons such as mortal beings who threats the whole world" which redson sarcastically points to himself saying that he USED to take over the world after freeing his father dbk out- and mk just chuckled-
Master fu arranged his own tone trying not to show that he felt like he offended redson. As he was saying- if kai doesn't do anything such as hurting the group physically meaning it to them then there is no biggie.
Kai clarified to himself that he wanted to join as a ninja to be part of a purpose and be stronger like his parents for the next generation.
This really made a big chance for his life to change and it did. Mk and redson are proud of him honestly.
Like Red was- "my son is grown up and he's stronger than me I'm tearing up" mk in the other is like "we're proud parents, we raised him well"
Kai's demon form:
He shows his true demon form at their fortress, since he's part of the DemonBullKey family he pays his own respect.
Kai has small horns [it was ok since redson used to have small horns as well]
He has bull ears, a monkey mark thing on his face, and a monkey tail.
His power has fire powers. And the other half is Mk's.
Kai has longer hair when he shows his true form.
Now some people question me alot from tiktok about some things:
Why is Nya not part of the DemonBullKey family?
Who is the top or bottom?
Why is it called Demon Bull Key family?
How is SWK and DBK handling this engagement with Mk and Redson?
Are SWK and DBK good with terms now that their sons are both married?
How is Pigsy and Tang?
What about Macaque and Swk's relationship from the future au?
How is Mei since she doesn't have those fun bonds or hang outs with Mk now that the two lives in a fortress and taking care of things?
Is Mei upset?
Is Mei overprotective?
How did she know that they both ended up like this?
Did Macaque knew?
Why headcanon PIF and Mei knowing about Redson and Mk's relationship?
Any reactions when Kai is borned?
Does Kai have a nanny or a babysitter when he was a little baby?
What about bai?
Did redson actually grew a beared?
Do they sometimes get into a fight?
What does redson and mk do now that they live together?
What job does mk work in?
Does he still work as a noodleboy?
Does redson still call him Noodleboy?
Do they both live the same room?
Do the two of them share the same bed?
What answer did mk or redson give to kai when he asked how they both met?
What did mk or redson wear on their first date?
Where was their first date?
How many dates did they take before redson's proposal?
Where did they go on their first date?
Who confessed?
When was the time did redson and mk told the squad that they were both officially dating?
Did the squad and the db family get to eat together while talking about it?
When and where was their first kiss?
Nya isn't part of the DBKey family [in my opinion] because I dont find something that would fit on her but just as a step sibling to kai [she has water powers and the dbkey family uses fire and strength]
Mk is mainly top, Redson is bottom. Either of it. Depending on both of their moods- sometimes Red is top and Mk is bottom- theres even times they're both bottoms and both tops at the same time- [doesn't matter]
The reason why it's called DemonBullKey family is because Redson takes the name of their 'Demon Bull' family that was passed down to him. And mk as a 'great successor' of swk he also takes half of the name. [I didnt find the 'monkey' fitting so it's short for Monkey that's why it's called 'Key' only]
Since swk and dbk still stick with eachother they may be sworn brothers but they still treat themselves some respect. It was honestly shocking for them because neither of them knew that they were courting. But at the end they're good and talked things out.
Swk and dbk are in good terms, they promised their sons that they stay strong in the future.
Pigsy and Tang [are married before Redson proposed to Mk btw] they both used to hate redson because back in the days he was trying to KILL Mk for that staff now that redson doesn't want it anymore and helped them with things about defeating lbd or spiderqueen, not to mention when mk told them both about how he saved his, Mei, and Sandy's life from that desert. They approved their courting on one condition, it is to NEVER hurt Mk's life. Redson accepts and said he would protect Mk from his life.
Macaque and Swk's relationship are both taking it slow. They don't want to move fast or anything- so it's better if slow.
Mei is alright, she may not have seen or talked much with mk these days but they both still remember eachother from time to time. Mei has alot of things to do while Mk does to. But she oftenly visits the fortress occassionally or even when they're not doing anything important.
Mei is upset, not to the point that Mk got married and that they both dont see eachother often now. She's upset that things will never be the same again like how it used to be. But she lives on with it.
Back when Redson and Mk officially announced to them that they both are in a relationship, Mei squeals from excitement. She has their full support and warned Redson not to hurt him at all or anything in the future. He has her words.
If you guys remembered S3 and looked back- the first ring of the samadhi fire episode. Seeing the part where mei takes photos of mk hugging redson while he pushes him. And also S2 when Mei heared that he helped mk beat his dad with a smirk. I bet she knew right there that there was a part of redson that she didn't know but have this- chemistry going on with mk all along and continued to develop without them knowing.
Macaque surely knew about this, takes place after S3 Macaque and Mei have their own conversations and said also stuff about mk and redson would possibly get married in the future [which they did] Macaque just smiled knowing that they both will soon.
Theres a reason why. Back in S2 The Skeleton Key episode is the part Redson revealed where Mk lives, and on that location that was shown. I had a hunch Pif suddenly knew because Redson is having an obsession with Mk (based on how much he mentions 'noodleboy' heheh) in S4 at the end of the episode where the Db family and the Mkid Squad are at the beach. Mei and Pif both get to talk about redson and mk's status now, theres also Macaque on the other side who placed bets.
When Kai is born, his form is shown to have monkey tail and small bull ears.
Redson- he got too worried that mk wouldnt make it after he gives birth with kai, but after looking at the baby, he was really really happy and wanted to hug mk so much. [Also kiss him hehe]
Pigsy- he saw the beautiful baby sweet angel and is happy that Kai was born [like any other grandpa who wants grand children-]
Tang- he was glad that Mk didn't pass out- god it took longer. And the baby is adorable for him to look at.
Sandy- he gets to be the one giving the baby some baby bottles for milk because baby kai is just- CUTE
Mei- when mei first carried baby kai in her arms she was in tears of joy and really happy that kai was born in this world, she's proud of her bestfriend.
Swk- swk is shocked [how the baby has mk's features and redson's as well] he is really happy for mk
Dbk- the happier kai was born he wanted to cook meals for kai when redson and mk drops off at the demonbullking fortress. (Like any other grandfather what does to their grandchildren they give them really delicious meal 😋)
Pif- pif's reaction when kai was born, she's like any other bossy mothers who gives anything for her child.
Macaque- his reaction shows less but does enjoy keeping mk company. Even tho mk didnt want macaque here but he did apologize to him a bunch of times.
Nezha- His reaction shows that he is also happy and excited that this would include kai's celebration
Bai- since bai is mk's [lil step sister] bai doesn't see mk much but she talks to them over the phone, she's out for family vacation with her parents and well- doesn't get to visit them much. But bai still considers mk as her big brother, she hopes that baby kai would grow into a strong and a nice person.
And yes! Kai has a babysitter! He has three actually- theres Sandy, then there Mei, but if both of them are busy then theres Tang or Macaque- (honestly who even put Macaque incharge?)
Bai in the future au she's gotten older now and her long hair is still there, she still wears the same headband. When she has free time she goes to Pigsys Noodles to visit, or even talk to Macaque again about how things are going.
Yes, redson grew a beared. It was the part where i posted about- <Me and My Husband> after a few months has passed since the wedding and he started regretting his life decisions. But now him and mk are together everything just- changed. Mk and red had their little talks and they both smiled trying to carry the future on.
They both do get into little fights (not an actual problems) like- "hey im supposed to be the one to cook! Thank you honey" "You're cheating at this game" they sometimes have bigger problems but they still worked it out. It's not good if one of them handles it too much.
Mk does- well- help gardening with Redson, they both share moments and memories together and other stuff. Like a family.
For mk I'm still not sure what job he'd have now that he quit from pigsys noodles.
And no, he doesn't work as a noodleboy not after him and red are married now and moved out from the apartment.
Redson calls him Noodleboy sometimes but mainly he calls them by their real name now that Mk told him his name is Qi Xiaotian. (Sometimes red doesnt feel much of calling mk honey or babe since he doesn't find it soothing to him)
YES they both live in the same room. With a big bed! Theres a side from Mk's and the other side is redson's. There are also pictures of Mk and Redson at the wedding day, and also the day they both were officially dating.
The two of them share the same bed! Who doesnt? Married couples do!
This is actually hilarious, kai asked Mk how him and redson first met. They were at the dining table and redson spat out his drink after he asked that. Mk's reply was also funny! "Well- your dad and I met when I accidentally fell from the top- thats the part where i got the staff and well-' "we both used to be enemies- and that i-" "tried to kill me?" Kai's eye just widened and he was so speechless regretting that question he asked..
Mk and redson were wearing the same outfit that they both wore in s3
Lets say they both took 3-4 dates until redson proposed
The first date is took place on the arcade, mk told redson it was a 'hangout without mei' without him knowing it was a date. Next thing mk told him after was that- it wasn't a hang out and it was a date. This made redson thought about it and he was so dumbfounded.
The second date is before redson confessed his feelings to mk (not the 'i like you' part yet) but he told him how much he felt inside of him from. A long time now, and mk told him he felt rhe same as well.
It was after the second date, when Pigsy asked redson what he has been up to. Taking mk spending his own time with him- pigsy wanted to beat him up. Until mk gathered the squad around together. Mk slowly told them about him and redson's relationship while holding redson's hand. Telling them that they are both in a relationship now. Pigsy is in lost of words he almost fainted, Tang is supportive and also cares about mk's decision. Sandy is highly supportive and mei as well. 'Just dont hurt the lil guy'
Yes, the dinner is held at the demon bull fortress where pigsy and dbk both cook for each others taste. The feast and the conversations were great! And even dbk and pigsy talked about chang e's cooks.
For when, it was at the last episode of S4 where they both were in the beach. Redson and Mk were both playing on the sea until a big wave hit mk and accidentally put force from his whole body into moving towards redson. And then shwala they kissed
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I think thats all of the questions, I tried to answer it (not good with grammar but I'm still trying)
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reasonsmandy · 7 months
You matter to me
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by @itzajeanspears — Hi!!! Love your writing so much!! Not sure if you’re still doing requests lol, butttt I have a really specific one so if you’d be able to do this I’d like actually die omg. Okay so I’m a fashion student from LA and I was thinking, the reader is like basically siblings with billy and Graham, (her dad and their mom started dating when they were kids so they were practically raised together) but she’s closest with Eddie in particular. They’re best friends. They’ve basically been attached at the hip since they were kids. They’re both secretly harboring feelings for each other and everyone knows it but themselves. She’s been there for them since the band started, like Camilla, making them outfits for gigs and stuff. and Eddie even takes her to prom when her date ends up being a jerk to her. Butttt the reader ends up moving to LA to go to fashion school (maybe eventually she can be their costume designer for the aurora tour 🙏) and Eddie slowly stops talking to her god knows why. Fast forward- The band moves out to LA and they stay with her until they’re stable enough to be out on their own. The tension is super high between her and Eddie and EVERYONE notices. Super Angsty. Ends in fluff and love confessions 🫶 maybe angry billy lol. AGAIN THANK YOU!!! I know that was super complicated. YOUR WRITING AND EDITS ARE AMAZINGGGG !!
✧.* you're reading part two, here's the part one — A letter?
✧.* summary — Eddie was waiting for your response, and when it never came... A wall was built between you.
✧.* warnings — none.
✧.* word count — 3.5k
✧.* 🎸 — Eddie's masterlist
✧.* mandy's notes — I know it took me forever!!! I'm so sorry, please enjoy! And let me know your thoughts about it :)
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I have no idea how to start this, my head has been a mess since our last conversation. I'm sorry for the way I left, I should've been more polite involving all we've been through in the last couple of months. I confess that I don't understand why you thought I couldn't support you in this situation, I've seen you dreaming about this day since I was ten years old, where we chatted about school and unattainable plans for the future… Seeing you achieve everything you dreamed of is like being hit by a ray of sunshine, I am deeply proud of you.
I wish you all the best on this new journey in your life, you are great and your talent is not left behind! Know that you wouldn't be there if it weren't for all your extraordinary talent. There is something in everything you do that exudes originality and no one can take that away or dispute it from you.
I decided to respect your choice and not go to see you on the day of your departure, I confess that this is demanding a lot from me, but I do everything to see you well. I hope you have a great trip and a great life there too.
I don't want to lie to you, I really hope you write me back, I have a huge hope that you'll give me another chance and we can work things out... I'll understand if you don't want that, I just want you to keep in mind that I love you. Fly towards your dream, and when you miss home, maybe my words will warm your heart.
Yours, Eddie Roundtree.
The bassist seals the letter with trembling fingers, he knew you would leave tomorrow and he still had his doubts about what he was going to do.He wanted to come see you before the match, kiss you gently, hug you as if you were going to escape at any moment... But he couldn't, if that was your choice he would respect that.
He knocks on the Dunne house three times, his hands trembling as he waited impatiently with the letter in hand.
"Eddie? What are you doing here so early my dear?" Mrs Dunne's sweet voice asks, she was quiet, probably because she was the only one awake in the house.
"I— I came to give this to Y/N." He extends the paper to her, confused, the older girl takes the object.
"Do you want to come in?" She asks, opening the door for him.
"No no, thank you." He seemed nervous, afraid that you would show up at any moment. "I really just came to leave this"
The madness was crazy the morning you were going to leave, you waited in secret for Eddie, a hope that he would appear was growing in you even though you wanted to kill it. Everyone else had made a point of saying goodbye, even Warren had stopped by to leave you some chocolate for the flight, but nothing from your boyfriend.
That's what you were, right? After all, there was no ending, not formally in so many words... Anxiety made you fear that when he left that had been your final point.
You open your arms to hug your considerate mother, Mrs. Dunne had been very present to you since she came into your life and saying goodbye was harder than you thought.
"I'll miss you so much." Her choked voice says, and you hold her closer.
"Oh honey, I'll miss you too." She answers, still holding you. "Anytime you need us, you just have to call. You have a family here."
At this point you were already in tears, and you let the hug go to wipe them away.
"Look." She starts to say, opening her bag to hand you something. "Eddie asked me to give you this."
Your eyes widen, you take the letter in your hands and leave for your new life.
You open the drawer of the nightstand next to your bed and return the letter to the place it always rests still not being able to open it, a sigh leaves you as you relive the night you had just had. Now that you were in the same city everything was more vivid, it was like living your teenage years again and it was frustrating. Of course you missed your friends and your brothers, but feeling Eddie's look at the back of your head was a huge distraction that kept increasing many questions in the same.
Eddie let the air out of his lungs as his body collapsed onto the bed he had fought for hours with Warren for, He lights a cigarette while staring at the ceiling and gradually sees the smoke draw your face, He hated how all the feelings he had put so much effort into hiding returned like the tide flooding over him, it was frustrating how you could make his heart race in a way no drug could ever manege to.
He knew that maybe all he had to do was just get over it, and that's all he was trying to do since you left Pittsburgh and him. Eddie was never the kind to get attached to relationships easily, he was used to having one night stands or just casual dating, so when his heart was captured by your gaze and the funny feeling of falling in love... He didn't know what to do.
The cigarette had come to an end and sleep had not even threatened to arrive, Roundtree sits on the bed regretting it before even finishing what he planned to do. He might not have talked to you during the party, but he was a good listener, something he didn't know if it was a blessing or curse until then.
He puts his leather jacket over the blouse he had worn to the party he attended hours ago, also grabbing some cigarettes before going down the stairs of the new house towards the keys to Rojas' van. He considers going to the drummer's room to tell him that he had borrowed the vehicle, but settles for writing a note in letters large enough for him to notice while he looks for it.
He let in his breath once again, shaking his head as he starts the van and heads towards what haunts his mind.
The three rings on the door make you lazily get out of bed, your arms go to the blouse thrown on the table before answering.
"Eddie?" You say between shock and yawn, your hands fix your hair automatically.
He avoids your gaze, looking directly at the ground as if he is very anxious. You wait for an answer, but nothing comes out of his mouth, you take a step forward taking his hand and leading him inside.
"Is everything okay?" You ask, after you both sit at the table in your living room.
"I don't know." He lets it out, wondering if he should actually do what he had planned. "I wanted to talk to you about everything."
"In the middle of the night?" You let out a weak laugh, trying to lighten the mood.
"I couldn't sleep, sorry I woke you up." He looked embarrassed, but it was as if being there was more comfortable than anything he had been doing before knocking on the door.
"We can talk, no problem.”
"With us moving here I imagine we'll see each other more often than we have over the years." He looks you in the eyes, the red of the cigarette in them. "And I don't want there to be a fight between us, I don't want there to be things that aren't clear."
You let the air out, trying to look as if you were mature for this situation. "What do you mean by that?"
"Even with our history, is everything ok between us?" He wanted to tell you that the answer was no, that he hadn't forgotten you, but it stayed in his throat just like the growing knot.
"For me yes, but for you I'm not sure." You are honest, letting the frustration go with your words. "You were the one who ignored me the whole party, I felt seventeen again."
"You don't need to be sarcastic." He says rolling his eyes.
"Since when do you call the truth sarcasm?" He arches his eyebrows at your response, you click your tongue against the roof of your mouth. "What I meant is that I'm over it, I just don't know if you are."
"You know what..." He gets up, adjusting his jacket on himself. "I think we've cleared that up, let's just be polite to each other and that's it. I see you around."
"You're kidding right?" A mocking laugh is let out by you, disbelief shines through. "Is that what you consider resolution?”
"I'll see you around." He says, you get ready to close the door. "Let's just keep things between us, like before."
Your eyes roll back and you slam the door shut, anger and confusion rising in your chest. How can he just show up in the middle of the night to turn your life around like that? You only feel the tears when they fall on your arm, was it frustration? You preferred to believe so, but seeing him treat you with so much indifference was painful.
Still angry, you go to the nightstands and open the drawer to take the letter in hand. Your vision blurred with emotions growing, you tear it apart and as soon as the first cut is made the rest are just a trigger for the pieces on the floor. You cry, regretting it and at the same time wanting to disappear... It hadn't even been twenty four hours since he had returned to your life and everything was chaos.
You collect the pieces and place them inside the box you found, trying your best not to glue the pieces together to read something that could be your answer.
You had done a good job of trying to forget about Eddie Roundtree, you had gone out with a few people and avoided running into him as much as possible when you met the band. But that became impossible when his brother went to rehab and his niece was born.
You moved into their house to help with the baby, Camila had never been so vulnerable and you couldn't feel more angry at Billy than in those first few months. Of course, you knew he wasn't one hundred percent to blame, addiction wasn't easy and it made you very sad to know he was like this.
Your move wasn't complete, you slept there some nights and other nights you went back to your house or studio to create some pieces of clothing. It was hard to face Eddie every day, but you two made a point of avoiding each other as much as possible.
It was hard to remember why you didn't like Eddie much when he was being so kind every day by your side, you start to remember why you fell in love with him in the first place. He was kind, funny, he helped everyone, but he was still the one that left you. And that was certainly the impasse for you to sympathize with him once again.
Night fell on the horizon as you leaned over the counter, a cigarette between your lips as you thought about everything at the same time.
"I see you still like the sunset, sunshine." The nickname makes your spine shiver, you don't turn around, you just let him get closer to you. "It always reminds me of you."
The chill comes to your belly, you turn away in disbelief. "What are you doing?"
He rolls his eyes, “Trying to get along with you, is it that hard?"
You let out a sigh, avoiding his eyes. "You want us to be friends?"
"What's the harm on that?" he asks, resting himself.
You shrug, trying your best not to ask every single question that haunted you over the years.
"You made yourself pretty clear that day in my place." That's all you say.
"Why are you acting like I'm a bad guy?" He's confused, upset in his eyes.
"You can't just keep doing this to me, appearing in my life and just leaving me!" You let out your frustrations, he looks at you without understanding. His gaze fixed on your eyes was overwhelming.
"What do you mean?" His voice was trembling, he took a deep breath. "Look, I know I acted childish that night, I shouldn't have just popped at your place and said those things. But I mean what I'm doing right now, I made one mistake... You're really going to blame me for the rest of my life?"
"One mistake?" You tried your best to hold back your urge to cry. "Look Eddie, it's been a long time. I understand if you forgot everything we've been through, I don't want to..."
"You're acting like I didn't care for you. Like I don't care." His voice was calm, it left you disconcerted.
"How can you say that you care for me if you haven't even reached for me all these years?" You turn to face the sky, trying to keep calm.
"I was respecting you!" He avoided coming closer, even though he wanted to take your hand in his. "I told you that! I—...
He stops when he sees your confused eyes, concern takes over his.
"You didn't read the letter, did you?"
You swallow hard, he waits for your answer but you open your mouth and close it without saying anything.
"Did you receive it?" He asks, you nod your head. "I don't understand..."
"I never read it." You confess, looking at your feet.
"Why?" He felt exposed, hurt.
You don't answer, he seems devastated.
"Fuck." He says passing his hands through his hair. "I can't believe this."
He left, leaving you alone with the sunset.
You made a point of coming home that day, there was no way you wouldn't go back to read that letter, your heart was aching with all the emotions that came up this afternoon. You were overwhelmed and feeling guilty, but at the same time confused... You needed answers.
When you managed to put the pieces together it was difficult to tell what was there, but your body softened and your heart tightened. There was your answer.
Daisy Jones was responsible for the band's growth after Billy's relapse, 'Honeycomb' was a masterpiece and the whole world knew it when those chords sounded on the radio. You were happy and proud for all of them, it was great to see them all achieving a dream that you followed from the beginning.
You were really excited to go on tour with them, You had already made many different pieces and I'm really looking forward to seeing them using what you created for them from the beginning. Today was the day of the first show, if you weren't even going to be on stage, you were nervous, you couldn't imagine how they were.
You couldn't contain the tears of emotion when you saw them there, the fans screaming excitedly and a long-time dream coming true, it was an amazing feeling and you were so happy to be part of this somehow.
It wasn't easy to deal with the information about the last situation you had with Eddie, of course, Billy had returned and you had spent less time together but that whole scene never left your mind. You tried to expel the flashes as much as possible while pretending to listen to what Camila was saying.
"Swetie, are you paying attention to me?" She says between a laugh, the music from the celebration party made it hard to hear her.
"Aham." You lie, watching Eddie talk to Warren and another girl you didn't know a few steps away. Camila follows your gaze, and turns with an arched eyebrow.
"What's going on?" She asks, her voice softly.
"I feel like I'll never be able to leave what we had behind me." You felt the words leave your mouth with honesty for the first time in a while.
"Have you told him that?" She asks, looking between you and him.
"I'm pretty sure he hates me, so..." You let out a breath, trying to hold back your tears.
"Eddie could never hate you Y/N."
"How can you be so sure?" You take a sip of your beer, avoiding looking at the distant group.
"Oh honey, if you only knew how many times he told me how he felt... How many songs I heard—
"Songs?" You cut her off, holding her arm. "He wrote songs about me?"
"Many." She responds, stroking his hand with a motherly affection. "You should talk to him."
You gather all your strength to follow her advice, and little by little you get closer to them. Warren is the first to notice you, waving in a comical way for you to come closer, Eddie avoids your eyes, the girl greets you with a small smile.
"Hey guys, the show was amazing." They smile at your congratulations. "I'm really proud of you guys."
"Thank you sunshine." Eddie says, almost regretting using the nickname. "I'm sorry..."
"It's okay." You say under your breath. "Look, can we talk alone for a second?"
"Sure." He turns to Rojas and the curly-haired woman. "I'll be right back."
Automatically you take his hand and guide him to a more private place, it's a few seconds of silence before you know how to start. He doesn't rush you, he just waits for you to feel good to begin with what you had planned.
"I read your letter." That's all you can say, he swallows hard. "I'm sorry it took me so long..."
"It's okay, it doesn't matter anymore." He tries to say, but you cut him off.
"It does! It matters and you know it." Tears manage to fill your eyes. "We matter for each other, you matter to me... And I don't know about you, and I know it's probably too late but I can't forget you."
He takes a step closer to you, never taking his eyes off of you. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying I love you." A choked laugh comes out of you, it was impossible to contain it all longer.
"Fuck." He holds your face in his hands, touching your foreheads together. "Please, don't mess with me." He jokes.
"I'm done building this wall between us." Her voice was honest, her eyes never stopped staring into his. "I just want to be with you."
He kisses you, a kiss you've missed for years, a connection of souls, an inexplicable feeling. His hands cupped your cheeks and caressed your skin, you pulled him close to feel him after so long. He would always be your point of comfort.
"I love you too." He whispers against your lips, your eyes closed. "I love you so fucking much."
"I know it took a while but I kind of want to stay with you." You joke, he lets out a laugh.
"We can tell our children that we've been dating all this time, they don't need to know about this hiatus" He says while caressing your hair.
"Children?" Rojas' voice made you jump in fright. "Damn, you guys are emotional, huh?"
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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late-draft · 4 months
Thoughts on Toph, Jet and Suki? For these last two the question is more about potential or what you'd like from them, more than about canon.
I'm curious about how you feel about some of my favourites. Don't feel pressured to reply and have a nice day. Love your art!
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Hello! Thank you!! I'm gonna try to formulate my thoughts here, but I'll definitely have to expand on these in the future.
I think all of these three are strong, quality characters. Toph has most characterization and she and Katara share an aggressive temper, something I always thunderously cheer for; yet, they're vastly different despite that. The way I see it, Toph's situation is probably happier because the type of pain she carries is a feeling of betrayal and loneliness as she was restrained and oppressed by her parents and had no friends up until recently. She broke free. The writers said they wished there was more time to conclude Toph's struggle with her parents because it's an obvious pain point for her, for which she expressed several times a desire to fix. Fortunately for her, and unlike Katara whose pain comes additionally from traumatic loss which cannot be reversed, Toph's problems mostly can be solved relatively quickly by getting in her life what she was missing. She really is one of the best benders in the world and I was saying "Holy sh*t!" every time she fought because of the stuff she was able to pull off. She has a great dynamic with all characters from the gaang. Her animations of movement and bending are incredible - her character design, clothes and outer shape contribute to this (as shape and movement of clothes affect how animation feels a lot!)
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(There's more movement in the lower part that emphasises groundedness?)
I think her discovery of metalbending has been undercut because she probably wasn't in actual danger, she was being brought to her parents who as it turns out, wanted her unharmed. If I had been writing, I would have had her be in a more dire situation which would have then made her discovery and subsequent victory all the more amazing.
She's a character who I think couldn't be stopped by any obstacle. That's literally how she's constructed as an archetype, compared to Katara who might face much more moral/emotional dilemmas or unsolvable situations rather than just challenging obstacles. But I should never say never; Toph did show a vulnerability in the form of (unfounded) guilt when Appa was taken. The narrative correctly found one of her character vulnerabilities because she's someone who theoretically "can't lose" so what happens when she lets her (only) friends down by failing? She didn't solve this guilt last time. It would most likely show up again later if similar situations happen. She's a very compassionate person who cares very deeply about people important to her. (I vaguely hearing about her dealing with guilt about her daughters in LoK, but I've only briefly watched LoK, I have no idea how that could have happened and I'm no longer sure how "canon" that show is considered to be, due to vastly different characterizations of many old characters…) Also her disability is never erased, neither does it make her helpless and her parents wrongfully use it as an excuse to restrain her. It's a part of her that isn't just a cosmetic character trait. She's perfectly capable on her own (if we ignore specific circumstances like being in the air), and I like how the show, instead of having her learn this, skips that part and advances onto Iroh helping her through anxiety and assuring her that it's also okay to accept help from friends in general, unrelated to her disability. Because she expanded this stress due to her parents' treatment onto thinking she should refuse all help in order to stay strong.
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Suki is also one of my favourites. It's unfortunately clear that she doesn't have much characterization besides being a badass (which is spectacular, it's so cool that she's such a skilled fighter as a non-bender!) and a kind, no-bullshit person. These traits she has are very strongly repeated. Suki to me feels like someone who wouldn't suffer from social anxiety in the slightest. She could be the boldest in social situations alongside Aang, a confident extrovert. However, she feels like too stable of a character with no visible obstacles for her to overcome. I was disappointed by the Boiling Rock episode - yeah, a lot of things happened but it felt like nothing there affected the characters. Like in Toph's situation, what if it was tougher on them? The narrative did say Suki was Azula's favourite prisoner?! As much as I dislike torture, and this was a children's cartoon, imagine how strong Suki could have been to not break under worse conditions? But more importantly, I feel like she might have been really shaken from losing to Azula. How much would this harm her confidence in her skills, and how would she recover from this? Another one is how she might feel about Sokka's brief relationship with Yue, considering Suki had met him first. It would hurt her, and perhaps some feeling of guilt would arise because, how could she feel bad when Yue was no longer in the mortal realm? How would she deal with this? And maybe she could have an inverse parallel in Mai - if both of them had beef with benders, they might have different ways of overcoming this (Suki's being a healthy one). This thread would clearly be connected to the defeat to Azula, the prodigy bender. Because inversely, the narrative currently has Suki not feel anything from losing to Azula, not feel any envy towards benders in the series - that's kind of healthy for her, but boring to the audience. Plus, envy is one strong motivator to improve oneself. If not envy, then anxiety. Her and Kyoshi warriors' fight animations are also spectacular, I love the movement in the specific clothing they wear because you can't really see their legs. It's different from other characters and I heard their fighting style is inspired by aikido? The variety in combat styles is amazing! I think Suki could be additionally developed as one of the characters who puts the most focus on raw, physical prowess. So not just agility like Ty Lee, but strength and stamina too. Maybe Aang and Zuko don't have to be the only characters to push through sustaining scars from difficult wounds (if the show really doesn't want Katara to keep scars on her hands). Boiling Rock anyone? She and Sokka could match in this in the end when he hurts his leg in the final confrontation.
Jet is also a very strong character as he has a clearly defined role. He fulfils his purpose well. I really do have a feeling that he is sort of an inverse-Zuko: this doesn't mean I think he couldn't exist as a character on his own if Zuko didn't. But considering who ends up as part of the hero group, Jet additionally fills the role of showing something inverse of Zuko through the form he takes because he's a side-character (two birds with one stone). An Earth Kingdom character (Ally). Nonbender (masculine even without bending). No mercy for enemies. Successful and respected leader (of kids, but still) unlike Zuko who strained to get adults on the ship to respect him (loser). Jet's character design even has the more extreme version of Zuko's type of eyebrows!
This next part touches on shipping which can be skipped: ~ Most likely it's one of the integral parts he was created with. I'm not sure if I read this correctly, but I guess it's possible that Jet's character, which was made to fulfil the narrative purpose of showing a possible bad side to Allies who take things too far and kill innocents, in the visual and behavioural FORM he takes, was subsequently designed to also be someone Katara could project her forbidden interest in Zuko onto, but this time in a "justified" and "good" way, since Jet appears as a good guy freedom fighter. Then reality turns upside down at the end of the episode. (Narrative was planning to redeem Zuko since the beginning, so this was taken into consideration even while making S1. Katara gets a random FN crown in S1E13.) There is no hard evidence in the TEXT of the show for this, but to me it feels like this is what the narrative was doing. Thus there would be a high chance the narrative could force the two to clash in the future; and they do - I guess this is part of the reason why Jet physically fights Zuko. That fight grabs a bunch of threads: Zuko and Iroh are not safe/hidden even in Ba Sing Se, Jet was unable to overcome his visceral hatred for firebenders, Jet needed to be put in the brainwashing machine for some crime, the narrative needs a way to show that Zuko ISN'T integrating in the society outside of FN so it does it by having him refuse to join the freedom fighters gang, AND the two boys inevitably have to clash. I guess this might prove my suspicion, since the two had no interaction in S1 at all.
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However, when the show implied that Jet had died, I was literally shocked. Mostly because it was Zuko who kept giving off the vibes of "dies in the end" type of character, so I was stunned to see this transferred onto Jet. (My bro was convinced Zuko was gonna die right up until the end when Katara healed him. Then we were both staring at the screen and I said "I thought you said he was gonna die?" anyway) I feel like Jet did manage to speedrun a sort of redemption arc though. The narrative COULD have pushed him more into "refuses to redeem himself" path if he had ended his run still fully obsessed with killing any firebender he comes across. That was one option. But the story decided to pivot into him managing to overcome brainwashing in order to save the heroes, this is what his arc ends on. I feel like both situations of him dying or surviving were fitting and satisfying. If Jet had survived, maybe I'd push him into an even more morally ambiguous spot, something pretty tangled in which he'd be an ally to the gaang but still antagonistic to Zuko in some way. Or some sort of indescribable negative tension existing there, with no easy or clear explanation Zuko could point to when confronted by someone from the gaang defending Jet. Then what if there was a plot by Ozai's supporters to secretly get the Earth Kingdom to attack the Fire Nation, which would then have Jet be tempted in aiding this. Secretly? Openly? Or not at all.
How cool his animations with hook swords are? They're that good that it feels like his weapons are extensions of his arms. It looks very believable and makes it seem like he's on an equal power level with benders. References used in animation definitely paid off. I'm sad his fight against Zuko didn't last longer or gotten a rematch! But I'm a simple person, I love watching energetic fights.
Now in terms of animation of ATLA in general, I was surprised to see that it's actually spectacular in many parts, even if it's not constantly as high as the one in LOK (whose S1 I watched first.) Before watching ATLA, I had the wrong impression that the story was childish, with continuous annoying tea jokes and the like, and thought "well the animation is worse than LOK, so why should I even bother." Then many times during my watch I had to gasp how skilled the animations were! Also, references for fights - amazing, I'll always support this. The fact that I'm now attempting to match ATLA's animation should be telling!
I'm not sure if I replied along the vectors of your interests, feel free to ask additional questions if you'd like.
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #29
Jumping off from my previous and pending liveblogs through The Battle of Big Wand -> but this is mostly me talking about Dale headcanons and 'fics
Partway through my next liveblog post, I started rambling about Dale and doodled a joke, and... it got really long, so now it's in its own post.
I'm sorry you have to see this, SDKFLJ...
Mildly suggestive stick figure honeymoon doodles - #ScarletPenguin
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why does he still look anxious and pathetic even when he's plotting a takeover... he's the goofiest guy. I love him.
Liveblog Notes
As far as me loving characters with traumatic backstories goes, I do enjoy Peri, but he has way too many blank spots in his lore and things that are making me look at him sideways, waiting for him to say something I can work with.
I would've liked to see more of his backstory come into play... I feel like that would've been a great episode theme focused on the Peri-Dev dynamic (Them figuring each other out, uncovering bits and pieces, struggling to find areas where they relate until they do... like the clinginess or abandonment issues). Hopefully we get that in the future.
- Don't get me wrong- I'm really enjoying Peri, but from a fanfic perspective, I don't have enough breadcrumbs that don't come from the OG series I based my aged-up Poof on anyway. - That said, still love the implication that he brought Dev to his parents' house while he ate too much sugar and Jorgen almost caught him, and I'm deeply interested in his many layers of trauma. No notes.
I can make up stuff for Peri, but... I've already been making up his story beats for 8 years, so I'm personally not excited at the thought of designing a new backstory from scratch if I don't have any springboards like his friends, school life, where he's been living, or what he did while his parents were gone for 10,000 years. The OG series gave me Sammy Sweetsparkle, Goldie, and Spellementary and Steve, my beloathed. I don't have much to go off here.
We don't even know what his relationship with Irep is, like if "Best of Luck" was the first time they'd seen each other since Spellementary and/or if Irep was banned from continuing his schooling. I mean... one would have to assume Irep has his godparenting license if he's allowed to jump in on Dev, but who knows...
Me just now blinking in confusion that Da Rules allow Irep to yoink Dev as a godkid when Irep blatantly disregards all the other Rules. Cherrypicker...
And yes, I can work with it if I want to, but I already write a bunch about their dynamic, teen, and adult years in Cloudlands AU, so... I'm fine letting other people deep-dive into him; I'll probably be surface level on my end <3
So... That's all set-up for why I think Dale is my favorite in this show... He captivates me by having this clearly defined mess I can pick at. Locked up and forced to make lemonade for 7 years? wild. We know what it was like, where he was, how old he was when it started, who did it, for how long, how he escaped, what his family situation was, and we saw Doug's estate in "Engine Blocked," so we have a decent idea of where he lived and how he grew up.
We've seen a lot of clues about how his trauma lingers around him today, how he forbids his son from drinking lemonade around him, he seems to be withholding details from Dev (who has no clue who Vicky is and seemed grumpy that lemonade is presumably a trigger for his dad and thus he's not allowed to have it). We also know how his young self ended up as an adult... We know he has meltdowns when he loses money and he doesn't bat an eye about stalking or hurting children...
We've got a partner missing from his life, so he's got single dad stress in there somewhere unless the O-pairs were there from the day Dev was born... potentially divorce or widower baggage and either of those is funny... I still think Doug might be dead in New Wish and that becomes increasingly likely the more I look at my age timeline compared to how old Doug was when he struck gold, which is canon in New Wish rather than given to us by the OG...
And if he and Vicky are the same age, were they friends when his torment started? You can even mess around with vibes like "Did Dale get a fairy?" or alternatively, "Why WASN'T he miserable enough to qualify for a fairy?" because that gets really dark if you start thinking about Vicky yo-yoing his emotions to keep him on the line above misery. What was she doing to him...
Like ??? unfortunately, the most obvious thing I can think of is that Dale was so blinded by his vision of Vicky being his friend (and/or crush?? idk) that he kept forgiving her, which is... awful.
We never got a confirmed reason why Tootie didn't have a godparent despite Vicky tormenting her daily, though I always felt like age or her blabbermouth tendencies might play into it (or she clung to Timmy for stability and thus wasn't miserable enough so long as Timmy was there to "support and comfort her" (her perspective). ?? Did Fairy World think it wasn't worth the paperwork to assign someone to Dale because they assumed he'd just make a single wish to free himself and then be fine? skdljf... I just can't stop thinking about it. It's not like his father's wealth disqualified him; Remy and Dev both had godparents assigned. Idk! I think about it a lot. Fascinating.
AND you're telling me this kid grew up with the OG cast after his escape?? There's a LOT there I can play with. Did he have to go to high school with Vicky? I want to believe he was homeschooled, but we never see Doug with a partner AND Doug is a busy person running a ton of businesses. The logical assumptions here would be either "Dale went to public high school" or "Dale was shipped off to boarding school" or something like that. Each of those comes with its own implications, which excites me.
As a bonus, this guy's severe trauma is connected to lemonade?? A drink that shows up a bunch of times throughout the OG series because it's just casual and everywhere? That's so funny...
Insert joke about how it's smart to give your protags weaknesses or fears that are commonplace so they'll run into them in a casual adventure or everyday life
And YET... Despite everything we know about him, there's still plenty of wiggle room for me to play with. I like that.
Honestly, I love the entire Dimmadome household... Dale and Dev and the O-pairs and Peri and the weight of absence of whomever else was in Dale's life once upon a time. Dev is a cool character at all, but at the end of the day, he's a 10-year-old bratty bully who's neglected and lonely. I appreciate him dearly, but it's nothing I haven't seen before.
Dale is my favorite. His utterly bizarre backstory has captivated me. I can make him worse <3
I did have a role planned for him in my Cloudlands AU 'fics - have since 2018 - but I was gonna play him as quiet and jumpy... Curious, easily excited, but not as fingers-in-every-pie as his father. But nowhere would I have guessed 7 years of trauma. And that changes everything. I'm extremely excited to play with that.
He's been on my backburner for ages as "one of those characters I want to delve into when Timmy's older and has a reason to cross paths with him, such as in the working world as Dale becomes more involved with the Dimmadome businesses." My plan's always been to make a funny trio of Dale, Remy, and Dale's wife [my very first FOP OC, Hadley] (whom I've been slowly setting up to become Remy's close friend in the 130 Prompts series when they're kids) and they're just... laid-back rich people who hang out and go on silly rich adventures.
Here's a fun Hadley profile, finally digital since I've only drawn her in colored pencils up 'til now!
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In spite of me repeatedly mentioning her in my New Wish liveblogs, words cannot express how shocked I've been to see Dale, who was a tiny mention in the OG series, come back as a critical character...
My girl's shy husband in Cloudlands AU canon, whom she was betrothed to when neither loved the other, turned out to be a horrible person in A New Wish who's 99% likely to have divorced her, and I could NOT be more ecstatic to work with that in 'fic. It's like this was set up just for me! :D
- How funny would it be if they had a Season 2 arc where Dev disappears for a while because he's staying with his mom? lol. - If Dev's mom suddenly showed up because she'd just left for an extended work trip or something, would that be silly'd up or what?
Bonus Hadley Facts!
- She's 12 & 13 around Timmy's time period and attends middle school with Remy. They went to a dance together.
- She and Timmy are briefly in middle school together. They vaguely knew each other in elementary school before either had a fairy- I like to think they had multi-grade gym classes, field day, lunch, and stuff like that and sometimes saw each other.
- Never had Crocker as a teacher, but has crossed his path at the grocery store and stuff. She skirts around him.
- Her mom is a professional painter. She also has a blood blossom garden. Leadly keeps making Hadley give them to people he's trying to sus out as witches.
- Very aware of her dad's horrible dating life. Unfortunately knows he's chasing magical creatures because he's getting desperate for "idk, something new and fun" at this point. Bribes Cupid on the regular. Unclear if Cupid is screwing her dad's life up on purpose to keep the money coming in.
- Has been to Texas a bunch of times (Pencil Nexus has a branch there - "The Boss of Me").
- She hums the Pencil Nexus theme a lot, especially if she's waiting in a line or doing chores. She's bad at sneaking around because she'll forget she shouldn't hum.
- At the time of posting this, her two speaking appearances are in the 130 Prompts "Back In Action," where she's at the Jimmy-Timmy Power Hour dance chasing squirrels, and "Trying Too Hard," where Ed Leadly brings her along when he tries shaking Gary and Betty down for the Learnatorium (again); Hadley's very embarrassed.
- Although offscreen, she was heavily mentioned in "End of the World" when Timmy led Remy to her house so she could help with the cure for Juandissimo's fairy flu. She was briefly mentioned in "Opportunity" when Leadly put the pieces together and realized his daughter has a fairy godparent.
- Her surname was dropped in "Entire World," "Solo," and "Looking Back," confirming her as on the Pixies' radar & as a member of Gary and Crocker's Fairy World invasion team.
- I designed her in December 2015! Nearly 9 years ago now :'D
So, there ya go... That's Hadley.
Basically, instead of meddling and buying buildings and stuff, my vision of the future "rich kids" generation is that they're "supposed" to be in the city like their parents raised them to be, but they blow it off to hang with friends. This whole generation is rebelling against their parents. Are they making things worse for the city? I don't know.
My rough plan was Dale and Hadley bringing their kid [His planned name was Dave] on ski trips and yacht adventures and world travels, with Remy and Juandissimo being bonus parents as the kid grows up :) Aroace Remy making peace with living mostly alone, my beloved... BFF Hadley ensuring he's not ignored when she gets a partner, my beloved... And my main idea here was "Their kid is so spoiled, but he's also getting incredible amounts of attention and love... It's the first time in AGES Dimmsdale has broken its "miserable rich kid" curse, and Remy and Juandissimo couldn't be happier. I just realized that probably doesn't make sense out of context- but yes, in Cloudlands AU, Juandissimo and Remy are still together when Remy's an adult. But it was always my "Eh, I'll think about it later" arc, and Dale a "think about him later" character. And now ?? I just want oodles of him... He's so funny. I've already got a whole sketchpage of him on my desk... I probably won't scan it because it's messy as I'm exploring him in my style, but I really like drawing his hair <3
Dale had a bad week or two with Vicky in my head, but he was gonna grow up fine and live with his friends :) Or... Hadley's friends. Unclear. This doesn't really work with the New Wish canon, but I still think it's funny. I think in some way, this still happened in my canon, but only during Dale's early adulthood. He and Hadley split, orz...
Like... I can't even be mad, because in my canon, they were arranged (upper class kids; Doug cared more than Remy's parents) and in Cloudlands AU, they're affectionate but not in love until they slowly grow on each other while raising their kid, but... GURL, you were supposed to carry this for me, SKDLFJ...
Hang on, I gotta draw exactly what I mean by "Hadley didn't ignore her BFF when she started a romantic relationship..."
Bonus context for Remy's arm for anyone curious & here's him in color
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They're just so funny to me... Dale and Hadley are each other's comedic straightman somehow. My favorite thing is Remy being a good friend despite actively trying not to be.
There's a secret joke here about how Remy's dad is also aroace in Cloudlands AU, but his whole thing was being repulsed to the point that he was relieved every time his wife had affairs :'D Fortunately, Remy's glad Hadley found someone else to bother and never got him involved in that drama. Remy still doesn't know what's up with his parents' love life or lack thereof, but... he knows what he himself wants (Peace & quiet and 2 hang out with Juandissimo).
tl;dr - I like what A New Wish has done with Dale specifically. It's definitely wowed me, it's way more captivating than anything I'd loosely planned for him, and his layers of trauma, wealth, and negligence really take me back to the OG series vibes, so I like that!
I can't wait to do 'fics with this fascinating, traumatized loser... but Hadley is definitely his wife and/or ex in my works <3 b/c I set my plot up for this 6 years ago and it would make me sad to "boot" her from my Along the Cherry Lane 'fic plans lmao. I will never experience this oddly specific situation ever again; you gotta give this to me.
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He done goofed...
I couldn't decide on dialogue, but I was thinking "In my defense, I never had a health class and I didn't know babies came that fast." (She was there for many hours btw).
Bonus honeymoon panel ft. (/checks notes) - mildly suggestive stick figures (again)
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Other secret bonus ending: "Wait a minute, if Hadley's been to Texas a lot because of Pencil Nexus, does she ALSO have fun cosplaying in boots?"
...... :)
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snapscube · 1 year
hey big fan of your channel and art!! was wondering if for the midnight snap series what kind of sound design you were doing it rlly sounds nice!! (also smth that could be nice with it is maybe a little bit of like tape saturation or something might be able to make the audio sound "warmer" if youre like not already doing something like that already, but you probably know better than me!!) feel free to ignore that, but wanted to say in general its so well done and sounds so good!!! its really cozy and nice!!
hey thank you!!! yeah i'd.... genuinely LOVE to talk about my thinking and approach behind the sound design, i'm actually so happy you asked me this LOL this is the kind of shit i live for.
you might assume that it's just me recording the game audio and talking quietly with my normal stream settings, and that is kinda how it STARTS, but there's actually a bit more i've been doing behind the scenes :) nothing too crazy just yet but a little goes a long way when it comes to sound! i'm hoping to really nail down the soundscape and increase the quality over time and specifically up the soothing vibes by a lot. as well as get a little better about mic etiquette and my style of speech. BUT in terms of what i'm doing in post:
the first piece of the puzzle and definitely one of the most important sauces in the whole mix is the Hard Limiter. it does what you might imagine it does, basically just places a hard barrier and says "any sounds that exceed this volume.... no you don't", sort of like a much more intense compressor. currently i have a Hard Limiter on both my commentary AND the game audio, commentary i have set to peak at around -15 to -12 db, whereas game audio is more around the -23 to -20 range. in my more polished audio from later in the AC episode it's enough difference that one doesn't drown the other out in most cases, but not a wide enough gulf that people are struggling to pay attention to one in particular or have to frequently change volume (preferably they don't have to change it at all!). i took this screenshot of the episode's complete waveform when rendering out the audio-only version of AC part 1 and it was super satisfying cause like.... yeah. this is exactly the kind of waveform read i was going for. just super even and smooth across the board, save for a couple anomalies i'll buff out over time.
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the next thing i do to both my own commentary and the game audio is actually just cutting down on harsher, higher frequencies with an EQ and just upping the bassier, warmer tones. i started with something super small in the first couple of episodes, i'm probably gonna go a bit harder on it for future stuff though. i wanna find a balance that doesn't make the game sound unrecognizable or anything but is noticeably easier on the ears and sounds more like a nice rolling wave rather than beep boop pac-man time.
past this i have a couple more things added to the commentary track:
to intensify the previous effect mentioned and cut down on harsh frequencies in my speech, i actually have a dedicated de-esser on my voice as well as my usual warmer EQ. i have the de-esser going pretty hard too, you might hear the difference from my usual stream commentary if you were to listen closely. really just taking those harsh t's and s's in my speech and making them sound more like a nice "shhhh", this one is super important i think
last thing i have to speak on otherwise is actually a plugin i found and bought specifically for this show and ends up being subtle but i think SUUUPER helpful in the long run, and that's this plugin called "spiff". spiff is a plugin by oeksound and i guess it's referred to as like, a transient editor? i'm actually not sure how it works at all on the nitty gritty level BUT the important thing is that they have a very important preset in the software, and that is a preset specifically designed to lessen and/or remove like... mouth sounds. yknow like lip smacks and the like. just kinda the gross smacks and clicks you don't hear as much in normal speech but can come through really intensely on a recording and kinda make ya uncomfortable. it obviously doesn't remove a lot of the more intense stuff, it's not a magic wand in my experience. but listening to the output of what it's removing on its own makes it REALLY clear there's a lot of little things it picks up and just kinda makes speech more soothing to listen to. not something i'm racing to apply to my normal streams, BUT for a sleep aid series where good audio is key????? 100% worth it, i like it a lot.
anyway yeah that's about it for now! a lot of it is pretty simple in and of itself but it's stuff i've been working at and experimenting with since i first started doing tests for the show and it's gonna be real nice to keep honing this stuff in. also cool suggestion with the tape saturation idea, i might look into something like that! once i nail stuff like leveling and frequency tuning for this show, i wanna look into some fancier ways of making the soundscape unique to this show compared to my normal streams so ideas like that are super helpful!
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e-vay · 3 months
Evay QA Bulk Post 5
Here we go again! These do not include Domino or Phlox questions as I plan on addressing those in a separate post. I couldn't get through as many questions this time around but I did what I could. I'm sorry, I'm just a little mentally and emotionally overwhelmed right now so I can only respond to so many at a time.
Thank you all for reaching out ☺️ Despite my brain, I am always very appreciative to hear from you!
sayain-princess-vegenta asked: What is some original artwork or stories you've been working on lately? I know you probably get a bunch of questions for established fandoms but spoil us with your own thoughts! 😇
A: Well that's very kind of you to ask! To be perfectly honest, I mostly stick to fan art or creating original characters that exist in an already established world. I only have one personal project that is completely original, but so far it's only character designs. I don't have a full story or world built yet. I'm not sure if I'll ever share it on here.
Anon asked: Who or what made you wanted to do art?
A: There wasn't anyone or any particular thing that made me want to draw. I've just been drawing since I was able to grasp a pencil (or crayon) in my hand and I've never stopped! 🥰
Anon asked: Have you ever caught someone stealing or drawing your art?
A: Ohohoho, allllll the time
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Anon asked: Do you still like sonic boom or are you over it?
A: My love is everlasting!
Anon asked: Hello Evay_art I always wonder have you always thought doing Amy Rose game???
A: Hi! Do you mean for me to make an Amy Rose game? I don't have the talent to do that, but gosh do I want there to be an Amy game so badly! ☺️ She deserves it! I would love to play a game devoted to her. I thought The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog was especially great because she was a major character in it!
Anon asked: What is your opinion of Sally Acorn? Do you like the idea of her and Sonic have had a relationship? In fact, something I never got an answer for, is she considered canonical?
A: I'm not a fan. Plenty of people can argue for or against Archie characters, but Archie is not considered part of the game canon like IDW is.
Anon asked: I keep on hearing everyone talk about Hell Hath No Fury, so I finally got curious enough to read it! I have to say that it was coming out really good! Do you plan on working on it again any time soon?
A: Thank you for checking it out! I'm glad you were enjoying it. Yes I do plan on picking it back up eventually.
Anon asked: Does HHNF take place in Sonic Boom(Sorry if this is a stupid question)
A: It's not a stupid question at all. HHNF is a Modern Sonic story, not Sonic Boom. Also, it is not part of my AU. It's a completely separate story 🖤
fungus101 asked: Can you do more Werehog stuff
A: Oh I plan on it! I love drawing werehogs!
Anon asked: I have a question since sonic boom has been over for a while now. Do you still like the designs from it or have you moved on? Cause I know the sonic boom designs are somewhat of a future designs for some of your comics. I was just wondering if it would be Recon at this point
A: I still love the Sonic Boom designs and they're still part of my canon. I try to draw more than just Boom (I've been especially neglectful of the Modern designs and I need to do a better job of that), but the Boom designs are still my most favorite to draw.
sonicx1027 asked: Hey Evay, I’m curious if you are going to make another comic in the future, especially with the new Sonic Characters being added from the IDW series. If you are, have a story in mind?
A: I definitely plan on including IDW characters in future comics! I need to catch up on the IDW comics before I feel comfortable enough to write anything. I want to make sure I keep them as in-character as possible. But in the meantime I do have plans of having them make little appearances.
itsyourboysworld asked: on a scale of one - ten how made are you that we still don’t have a trailer for sonic the hedgehog 3 because for me it’s infinite
A: WHY ARE THEY TORTURING US?! GIVE US A TRAILER!!!! I am sure it will be worth the wait but it's killing me.
Anon asked: How do you feel about Mighty the armadillo?
A: It's funny because I think one of the Tailstube videos (or perhaps it was one of the Twitter takeovers) made the point that Mighty is basically just a more mellow version of Sonic and I do agree, I've always thought that. I actually think he's like a fusion of Sonic and Knuckles, but super chill.
emceevoices asked: In Boom Baby, what was the movie Sonic, Amy, and Eggman were watching? In my dub, I had them watch the 93 Super Mario Bros movie, but did you have any specific movie in mind?
A: I believe you're talking about Chapter 5.1 of My Gal. They are watching my own make-believe Overwatch movie lol I just wanted an excuse to draw Mercy as a Mobian
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toonfan91 asked: Oh my gosh I thought your tumblr was dead, as a fan of your work it is stellar seeing new Sonic art from you again, or art at all really. I do have one question, if you were to have the time and willingness to, would you draw designs for the Freedom Fighters (Sally, Bunnie, Antoine, Rotor and Nyx) that fit in your AU and try to work them subtly into it?
A: I'm still alive! Haha 😄 Thank you so much, I'm really glad you are enjoying my new work! I'm sorry to disappoint but I was never a fan of the Archie comics or characters, so no I do not include them in my AU. Sorry!
milangakokoros asked: Has pensado dibujar a whisper y tangle como si fueran parte del AU donde Aurora existe? Como serian sus vidas? Dime que estarian casadas jajsjj
A: I do plan on adding Tangle and Whisper 🥰 I need to get caught up on the IDW comics to make sure I'm writing them in-character, but they will make an appearance in the near future.
furrylovergril495 asked: Also how old is Aurora? Ps I think she one of the nicest fan kids I ever since
A: Thank you so much, I'm so glad you like her! 💗 I don't like to include exact ages because I don't think Mobians age the same way humans do. Especially since SEGA has redacted the Sonic characters' ages. But for majority of my drawings, Aurora is the human-equivalent of about 20-23 years old.
Anon asked: can you draw super Aurora and tell me what abilities she has
A: 😊 I've drawn Super Aurora (aka "Aurora Borealis") quite a few times! [x] [x] [x]. She has all the standard Super Hedgehog powers (Flight, strength, invincibility, etc.)
thechosenflow asked: How does Metal sonic interact with Aurora? Are they friends or does Metal act as a guardian?
A: I've only drawn the two crossing paths once. I like to think that Metal Sonic is secretly in love with Amy, and so when Amy and Sonic get married he is pretty devastated. Maybe he gets his own Metal Amy and has his own Metal family??? 👀
Anon asked: So we know that Sage is best friends with Aurora but how is she with Rouge and Knuckles son's? I forgot their names😭
A: That's okay, I have a lot of characters. You're asking about Ruff & Tumble! Honestly I don't see her having much of a relationship with them. They are quite a bit younger than Aurora so I don't think Sage would have much reason to be around them often. HOWEVER! I do write Sage to have a friendly-competitive relationship with CC, and since CC does not care much for the hyena boys, that means Sage automatically gets a kick out of them.
antooogamer asked: What happened to Sonic's scarf? Do you keep it or when you retire will you give it to one of your grandchildren?
A: With how much danger that hedgehog gets in to, that scarf would have been ripped to shreds! No way it survived long enough for his grandkids to have it 😆
Anon asked: Have Aurora ever met Blaze, Sliver, and Amy's parents?
A: Blaze and Silver are friends with Sonic and Amy so she definitely would have met them at some point. I originally wrote Amy's parents as having passed away before she and Sonic got married, but I recently decided to change that! The Rose 'rents will be alive in my canon! So yes she'd have met them, too!
cyberdiesel asked: What is Aurora's relationship with the Gogobas and Froglodytes (including Og) like?
A: Aurora does not have any relationship with them (I did not care for them so I don't plan on ever drawing them haha)
Anon asked: What did Sonic and Aurora do for Amy on Mother's Day?
A: They spoiled her rotten by making her the most delicious, sweet, unhealthy breakfast imaginable with pancakes and ice cream and all the flavor syrups! Sonic even cleaned up after!
Anon asked: Does Aurora loves Chillidogs like his father?
A: Nobody loves chilidogs as much as Sonic haha But she does enjoy them. She kinda has to, chili dogs are a staple in the Rose household!
medi0creartz asked: There’s something I’ve been thinking for a long time. I don’t know if someone asked you this but has Cream and her Mom Vanilla ever meet Aurora?
A: Of course! Cream is Amy's best friend. Aurora absolutely would have met her!
echidnapower asked: So, difficult philosophical lore math question for you. 👀 Aurora and Sage are besties. Aurora is the daughter of Sonic the Hedgehog. Sage is Dr. Eggman’s daughter. Dr. Eggman wants to destroy Sonic and take over the world. Sage never wants to hurt Aurora. Eggman hurting Sonic would hurt Aurora. Sage is "presumably" loyal to Eggman. Solve for X, if you know what I mean. >:)
A: echidnapower you always ask the tough questions! It might not be very exciting, but Eggman mellows out in my AU as he gets older and he even adores Aurora, so he has no intention of hurting her. Sage does want to rule the world and make the Eggman Empire reign supreme, but she wants to do it passively and by intelligent means, not through destruction ;) Sorry that's a boring answer for you!
km0901 asked: Hi again! A question that's been on my mind lately comes from your "Time travel" comic. In it, we know that Aroura goes back in time to save Shadow, but from what? I first thought it might be DR. Eggman, but he has seemingly moved on with his life along with everyone else. This leads to the big question, who or what is this new menace?
A: I know this is a disappointing answer, but I can't reveal what the threat behind that storyline is yet! You'll have to wait when I can finally write that story out as a fic. All I can confirm is that the threat is invented by me. It is not an antagonist from the game canon. I'm so sorry I can't share more!
Anon asked: will you ever draw your human AUs for sonic again sense you have a newer art style ( btw speaking of art style i Love it and absolutely adore everything you post)
A: You are such a sweetheart, thank you! I'm really happy to hear that. I'll draw human Sonic characters again, just not sure when :) Some people really hate the way I draw the gijinka Sonic characters so that's why I don't do it much. But whatever, it is what it is. It's not going to stop me forever lol I'm happy you like it!
Anon asked: I love the design for Movie Aurora!! Since Tom and Maddie are like Sonic's adopted parents (if Aurora lives on earth), would you see Tom and Maddie show her tons of affection like grandparents?
A: Thank you so much! Yes I'm sure Tom and Maddie would be over the moon to have a grandbaby! I have the cutest vision in my head of them having to buy doll clothes for her since she's so little.
*The next question is a Shadora Ask. Skip if you don’t like Shadora
Anon asked: Now that i thought, have the Shadora Offspring ever met Black Doom? If they did what's their relationship with him?
A: The Shadora Horde are aware of their lineage [x] [x], but no they don't have a relationship with Black Doom at all. If Black Doom were alive, Shadow definitely wouldn't let him anywhere near his kids.
aeroranger100 asked: What inspired you to make My Gal? Or maybe I should ask, what got you on board the SonAmy ship in the first place? 💙🩷
A: My Gal came about simply because I thought, if Sonic were to ask Amy out, how would it go? Although I love sappy romance and angst, I actually prefer writing comedies so I put it in the Sonic Boom universe because I could go super silly with it! Though, I still think their date might go sort of like the events of My Gal no matter what universe it takes place in 😉 As far as why I first started shipping Sonamy, it was simply by learning who Amy was in the first place! The moment I saw her and got to know her character I thought, oh, this girl is the one. I wrote a very detailed post about it a long time ago if you'd like to read it! It wasn't meant to persuade anyone, it was just meant to illustrate why I'm so passionate about those two!
Anon asked: Your Sonamy art always gives me life and I love whenever you draw them smooching😘😘 Question: Do you have any art of Sonamy making out? Or if you know of another artists could you point me to them? I'm having cravings!!
A: Thank you so much! Honestly I feel like I draw them making out all the time 🤣 The entire ending and Epilogue of My Gal is just them kissing constantly haha! I'm working on some birthday drawings that should satisfy that craving of yours 👀
Anon asked: Hope I’m not annoying but what are Shadow’s, Sonic’s and Amy’s orientations(sexualities)? I know you answered What are shadora children sexualities but I really am curious about this. Also,love your art💜🙌
A: You're not annoying and thank you for the compliment! Honestly I can only answer for my own characters because they are 100% made by me. Unless SEGA officially confirms what Sonic, Shadow, and Amy's preferences are then I can't say for certain. We can all just imagine what we want.
Anon asked: Are Sonic and Amy still an active couple when their grandparents? And what do you mean by active e-vay? 😏Plz explain if you want😊…. I’m very curious 😂
A: Anon, you are too funny. You can't ask me a question and then follow it up by "what do you mean" when it was your question! 🤣 Yes they're still very active, however you mean it to mean! 😜
Anon asked: Do you think boom sonic has feelings for amy as well?
A: Absolutely I do! He was so sweet on her in that show!
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Anon asked: What if sonamy was a same gender couple?
A: I've said it before but I'll say it again: As long as they're together and they're happy, I'm happy!
Anon asked: hi e-vay what's ur fav sonamy universe?? (boom, prime, etc.)
A: Hi! Wow, that's really difficult for me to pick. Boom was definitely the most fun for me. That show made me laugh so hard and Sonic and Amy were both so handsome and pretty, and they were so funny the way they interacted. I am still 100% of the belief that they were secretly dating during that show!!! But Modern has the most potential. It can be fun and it can be serious, so if they ever wanted to take Sonic down a romantic path I think it would be more meaningful in the Modern context.
Anon asked: desearía tener más contenido tails x cc realmente los amo!!
and makarov asked: More cc x tails comics pleeeaseeee🥺? And will you do an cc x tails animation?
A: I'm so happy you like the LoveBytes (TailsXCC) ship! I promise I'll draw more in the future 💛 I'm sorry for the wait. I don't know about an animation but definitely more drawings to come.
nightfurylover31 asked: I’ve been listening to Backstreet Boys again to relive my childhood, and the songs “Shape of My Heart” and “I Don’t Wanna Lose You Know” feel like perfect Sonamy songs! 🥰💙🥰🩷
A: Backstreet Boys! Talk about ROMANCE! I love those and of course now I will associate them with Sonamy 🥰 Thank you for sharing!
blueberryydraw asked: hey e-vay! I love your works and I'm a big fan of Sonic. Would it be possible for you to make a Sonamy movie? :)
A: Thank you so very much! Are you asking if I could make a sonamy animation some time? If so, I can't say much about it but there is a very special project I'm working on! It won't be ready for a very long time, but when I can talk about it, I will!
ultimate-guardian asked: What do you say about Knuckles x Mighty?
A: I don't personally ship the two of them together
*The next question is a Shadora Ask. Skip if you don’t like Shadora
Anon asked: Sonic does not want Shadow to date Aurora cause he thinks he might hurt her or is it because they don't like each other?
A: It wouldn't matter if it was Shadow or not, Sonic doesn't want Aurora dating anyone. He doesn't think anyone is 'good enough' for his daughter.
Thank you all for the questions!
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