#I'm 100% sure it's going to be a terrible adaption because no way do we have the skill and cgi to pull off the world building in xixingji
Alright, thoughts on Kaos, after watching the first three episodes. I'm going to try to keep this more organized than it's gonna wanna come out, but no promises lmao.
I REALLY want to like the show. In fact, I don't hate it, strictly speaking. It's... interesting? But it's also a really frustrating watch, for me. I guess the biggest problem for me is that it very much feels like a show that would have worked better if it was made 15 years ago. Like, it's a very late 2000s, early 2010s show. Which isn't terrible, but compared to other recent shows in the fantasy genre, it just feels like... something that would've been edgy and boundary-pushing in like 2009, but falls flat in 2024.
And I hate to do a lot of comparing, but as a creator, as a writer, as a show runner, they needed to expect comparison to happen. Especially when they're dealing with figures from one of the most studied, most read, and most adapted mythologies in human history. And like, yes, please do your own take on Greek gods-- on Greek myth in general. I am not expecting a 1 to 1 interpretation, and the fact that the show is doing it's own thing with these figures is not a problem for me. It's just not hitting. And in a time when there are VERY POPULAR books, movies, shows, and plays using these same characters and telling versions of these same stories, like... you gotta compete. You gotta pay attention to what others have recently and popularly done with the stories, and yours has to be as good or better or it's just going to fall short. And for me, that's what's happened, here, with Kaos. I'm going to try to go into detail about what I think works well and what I think isn't working, so be mindful of spoilers.
Their version of Zeus... I dunno. I like him, I guess? But I'm not sure if that's just because Jeff Goldblum is very interesting to watch or not. I think the thing they got really right about Zeus, and many of the other gods depicted here, is the casual cruelty and indifference. A lot of shows and movies about these Greek deities are either afraid to depict them as too cruel (making them Good Guys TM), or make them just villains-- rarely is the balance met well. And, well, I think that's one of the things that this show does best. When Hera disguises herself as Zeus and fucks Zeus's little human lover, then makes the girl go through a full pregnancy in seconds and turns her into a bee and makes Zeus kill the baby-- that was GREAT. I hated it and loved it because it was so mean and cruel and Zeus just snapped the baby's neck like it was nothing, because it was nothing to him. A very good depiction, in my opinion, of how cruel these gods can be without even an ounce of remorse for the mortal they're being cruel to.
But, again, I dunno if I like what the show is doing with Zeus, in particular, or if I'd just enjoy watching Jeff Goldblum read the phonebook for 9 hours straight, you know?
Hera? She's wonderful. 10/10, no notes. I love this Janet McTeer as Hera, I love the way Hera is depicted, I love the way she looks. She eats.
Now, to my biggest problems with the series, and I apologize in advance because I have A LOT OF FEELINGS about it. I've been ranting about it every time I try to sit through episodes.
Let's start with my beloved Dionysus. Now, I want to be clear: Nabhaan Rizwan is great as Dionysus. He is giving such a good performance, it's just... something is lacking. Which makes me feel like it's on the creative side. Like, it's the direction or the writing or something that is off. So, they're obviously going for this... like... youthful boredom, with Dionysus. Dionysus is often depicted as, like, one of the youngest gods, and his whole thing is theatre, wine, debauchery, pleasure... so, yeah, having him be this kinda youthful party boy is perfect. I get it 100%. I just think the idea they had is SO GOOD and wasn't well executed at all. Here is where comparison is going to come in, so I apologize in advance if this is a problem for you--
We live in a time of very good television. Okay? And the trope they're going for with Dionysus is something we have seen done extremely well. Even, like... Klaus from Umbrella Academy fits that trope, and was done extremely well. The way they're trying to depict Dionysus is very pansexual, very life of the party, very "knows everyone who is anyone at all the spots", very "casual sex just because." And like, we LOVE those characters. Bratty disasters who live in the moment and are perpetually into some shit. And we've seen so many versions of them on recent television shows that, while ALL different, were all executed way better than this version of Dionysus. Lestat on AMC's Interview With The Vampire. Blackbeard on Our Flag Means Death. Klaus, as I mentioned before. The whole disaster bi/pan dude thing.
Dio, in comparison, seems very half-baked. Very 2009. I think out of all of the characters, he feels the most 2009, you know? Like, back when making a bi/pan character was edgy, and even then, it wasn't explicit or was even played for laughs. I know this is a comedy, but so is Our Flag Means Death, you know? And even when the whole Blackbeard/Stede thing was funny, it was never because being queer is funny. And like... this show DID THAT with Dionysus. There's a moment where he goes into The Cave with Orpheus and he casually orders drinks from the (male) bartender, and the bartender flips him off-- implying some prior knowledge of each other-- and then Dio goes off to have a quickie with the bartender. And like... he's getting fucked by the man, and in that moment it didn't feel like... like a male character having desire for a man and having a sexual tryst with him. It felt like "isn't it funny that Dionysus is getting FUCKED in the ASS?!" Which, like... no? Like, that's so 2009. It's so passe to play the gay for laughs. Like, even in other fantasy comedies, like What We Do in the Shadows and Our Flag Means Death-- the CHARACTERS are funny, but their same-sex attraction never is. It's not funny that Stede and Blackbeard fall for each other-- it's lovely.
And let's be clear-- I'm not expecting Dio to "fall for" the bartender or anything, but it's clear that they were going for "Dio is a fuckboy who has probably had casual sex with this man before, and probably scorned him in some way, and so he uses the casual quickie to make up with the guy and possibly get free drinks." Cute, fun, I like that. I don't like HOW they did that idea. Like, Dio did not react like someone who enjoys getting fucked. He reacted like a straight boy playing getting fucked in the ass for laughs. IDK.
To be fair, this version of Dionysus is very bored with his whole debauchery schtick and we do see him boredly getting his cock sucked by a girl in a club in an early scene, too. But even that looked more like someone who enjoys getting their cock sucked but is just bored, and less just... "it's funny because of what it is." Does that make sense? IDK.
Like, it feels like a direction problem. Because this Dionysus seems to work very well on paper, and the actor doesn't seem poorly cast, to me. It just seems... executed like it's directed by a dudebro older man who was very cool in the 2000s and still thinks the way dude filmmakers thought in the 2000s.
Then there's the Orpheus.
2/10. I do not... like him. And like, not because of the story-- we all know Orpheus and Eurydice. (Which is part of the problem.)
I think it's because he very much gives CHRIS MARTIN, gives COLDPLAY, and not in a good way. Like, yeah, I like Coldplay alright. They're fine. But for ORPHEUS? Orpheus' whole thing is that his music is supposed to be... extremely special. Like, nobody is touching him. His music is so beautiful it can like... literally change the world. Move the gods. All of that.
And they chose to make him... COLDPLAY? This man whose music is the most special, beautiful thing anyone has ever heard. Like, I don't understand that music direction choice. At all. Who... decided that this was the move? I need something otherworldly. Something ethereal. Like, when he's playing the piano at The Cave for the fates in an attempt to get them to allow him to go into the underworld to retrieve Eurydice's soul... as soon as he started, I was like "This basic ass piano." Like, THAT IS NOT "the greatest, most beautiful music-- music that breaks your heart so much that you'd let him defy the gods and get his lost love back." It sounded like he was playing Christmas hymns at the Christmas morning service. Basic as fuck.
And again, I hate, hate that I have to compare, but YOU CANNOT GIVE SUCH A MEDIOCRE MUSICAL PERFORMANCE IN A WORLD WHERE HADESTOWN EXISTS. Like, we cannot hear Reeve Carney give the most beautiful performances of the most heartwrenching songs in a hit Broadway musical as the same character, and then you give us Chris Martin playing Christmas hymns.
Again, you are allowed to make your own interpretations, and the showrunner did not need to try to copy Hadestown. That is not what I mean. But you need to pay attention to what perhaps the most popular telling of that myth OF ALL TIME did, and you need to try to match or exceed it. Why even both with Orpheus and Eurydice if you're not going to slay us with the music? YOU NEED TO SLAY US WITH THE MUSIC! THAT'S ORPHEUS' WHOLE THING!
Honestly, full stop, even though they have every right to tell their own versions of these stories and create their own versions of these characters, you're fighting an uphill battle when AMERICAN GODS, PERCY JACKSON, and HADESTOWN exist and have done EXTREMELY WELL and been EXTREMELY POPULAR touching this same mythology. You have to MATCH OR EXCEED. Because why would I want to sit through your mediocre Orpheus when I could listen to Hadestown and hear a far superior Orpheus?
Now, their Eurydice? She is beautiful. She is fierce. She is heartbreaking. I love her. Hera and Eurydice are the best characters on the show, and the only ones I just full-on like without much complaint.
And maybe the point is that the men suck? IDK. Like, I don't give a fuck about this Orpheus. I'm not sad for him. His reaction to Eurydice's death is selfish and not at all heartbreaking. I don't even believe him that he wants to go into the underworld to retrieve her. I feel like Dionysus wants it more than he does. But Euridyce. I feel so sad for her. She lost her mother to Hera's cult. She dies tragically. Her stupid husband took her coin, so she can't even pass through to be Renewed and have a new life. She wasn't happy in her marriage, and she isn't happy in her death, and all I want is for her to succeed.
IDK if their goal was for us to dislike Orpheus, but if that is the goal, they've succeeded. Like, I want my heart to break for Orpheus. But I just feel like he's shitty. And I don't care about him at all.
And the other thing was small, but Theseus and Nax being in love was brushed over and not fully explicit and the Nax actor didn't play it well enough. Theseus actor was believably in love and heartbroken that Nax might die at Minos' hands, but Nax was almost playful, like his whole purpose was to reveal that Theseus was not for Ariadne rather than to truly be Theseus' lover. Which, again, feels like a director problem. They WROTE "Theseus is revealed to be gay and in love with Nax, the secret prince of Troy". He DIRECTED "and then we learn that Theseus is actually gay and Nax sassily reveals it to Ariadne because lol they're gay and she doesn't get the man isn't that amusing?" Which, again, is very 2009. Very "see? It's EDGY, the character is GAY! But not too gay, because eww, amirite?" And like, again, in a decade in which we have OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH and INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE, that just doesn't work anymore. We have pirates and vampires being openly gay and kissing and being casual about how in love they are with their partners... and you play your gay Theseus as if it's edgy just to imply he's in love with this prince and that you don't need to show us that he is because you let the prince call him "babe" and let their hands touch a bit and let Theseus cry for him. Like? Coward shit, man, it's so outdated. I don't know how else to say it. Like, even having Nax just show an ounce of empathy for his partner who is terrified that he is going to be executed would have been enough, but Nax was just sassy and smirking and resigned to his fate as if it was just words on a script. Even a man who knew he was probably going to die because of his actions to save his people should have more emotion and conflict than just "Oh well, I'm not afraid to die, lol, Theseus babe stop crying omg lol"
Anyway, I think this was more negative than positive. But... I like the modern setting. I think it's fun. Very "Romeo + Juliet", which is I think what they were actually going for. I love the Fates and the Furies. I think they look so cool, and I think the gnc Fates was a great choice. I liked their Poseidon. Didn't like their Hades and Persephone, but there's nothing wrong with them, actually. I just don't like what they did with them personally.
I like Prometheus, and I like that he's serving as the narrator. I think that's interesting. I like that Zeus keeps summoning him and sending him back-- again, that casual cruelty thing that the show does so well. (Also, when Poseidon drowns the servant girl for no reason. That was very fun. Just, perfect Poseidon behavior-- he's such a piece of shit, and I love that this show decided to show us that.)
I also like the story it's trying to tell, with the three humans who are prophesized to bring down Zeus/the gods. I'm interested in seeing how that works out, and especially in seeing Eurydice's role in it. The show has a REALLY good premise, and has some REALLY nice elements. It's just, honestly, the execution that leaves something to be desired. Like, I feel like I'm pulling my hair out every time I try to watch an episode. Like, I pause every few minutes just to rant about something.
And to be fair, I'm a mythology girlie. I read a lot of mythology. I watch a lot of mythology shows and movies. I listen to mythology podcasts. Like, it's my special interest. But also, I understand completely when people adapt these myths to tell their own versions, or use these characters in their stories in ways that don't match the mythologies. I understand, and I've even done it myself. And so does the mythology. There are so many different versions of these gods, of their myths, so many different ways they were worshipped and things they were worshipped for-- it's perfectly on-brand to change them in your own ways for your own purposes. I don't think that's my problem with Kaos. I just think... I don't like how it was executed. It's a very "sounds good on paper" show, at this point. And I feel for the cast, because they're not doing a terrible job. It really feels like the problems are on the director/producer side. I even think what the writers wrote sounds better than what the creative team did with it.
And... that's all I'll say. I'm still going to finish the season. Maybe I'll give final thoughts after I finish the season. Sometimes things that you think are problems are there to pay something off in the end. But some of these things, IDK, I just think they're problems in general. And, like... I'm kinda disappointed, because I really want to like this show, and right now, I can't say that I do.
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another-clive-blog · 10 months
uhh okay I just have to get this out before i explode because it has been bouncing around my head so uh um what if Professor Layton was French and took place in France? Please please please dump everything on us I want to hear the lore and nuance of French Layton; whose names change, what are they like now, how does the story change because it’s Paris and not London (assuming because capital cities), that kind of stuff.
Maybe change Luke’s name to Luc or something. Not sure about Hershel Layton, though. Speaking of which I know Layton always says things remind him of a puzzle so I’d imagine he instead says ce me rappelle un puzzle and then when Luc solves a puzzle he says je l‘ai résolu, professeur!!!
Then there’s Clive “je préfère y penser comme la justice” Colombe (changed his surname there) because Guilluame Faucons blew up his parents or whatever
Rereading this I asked for the nuances of French Layton and then thought too much into it myself. whoops.
this started because i was thinking about slavic professor layton and somehow moved from prague to paris lol
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!!! Alright I'll try to calm it with the maj and the exclamation points lol, but I want you to know I am very very happy and excited about this !! Professeur Layton woohoo !! And I am repeating myself but your French is amazing, Luke DOES say that kfjbhefhkb (Also you found such great names so fast how did you do that ??) I am going to focus on the French Adaptation idea (hence the screenshot) ! =) I think I will talk about actual French Unwound Future eventually, but it'll be its own separate post. I simply MUST focus on this first, like the potential and sheer fun of it ? I have IDEAS.
Names and setting (Oh yes we are going there) under the cut !!
Starting with the names !!
Hershel Layton : Definitely changing Layton, I guess Léton could work ? (Little reference to French BD Les Légendaires lol) Landon is very cool tho, it reminds me of London too ! For the first name you and a friend of mine suggested Herbert, which is a great idea but I'm not too sure about losing the Yiddish etymology :( Hershel could stay I guess. I did play with Léon Léton for a moment (Léon is French equivalent for Yiddish name Lejb + we keep the animal etymology) but it sounds really terrible lol, so up to you !!
Luke Triton : You're absolutely right he would be Luc Triton !! Middle name is most definitely something like Richard lol
Flora Reinhold : Definitely agree with Flore ! Reinhold is hard because it's Renaud in French but like,,, Renaud has CONNOTATIONS. (There is a French singer called that way and people often make fun of him). Soooo same friend came up with Flore de Raynald. Looking back, I'm not sure about the "ay" ? Anyway, I added the "de" because French people used to have one in their names if they were rich/noble !!
Clive Dove : Okay. Bear with me. Bear with me please. But Nicolas Colombe. Like you said, Dove = Colombe. But Clive doesn't have any equivalent in French : you suggested Clovis and I think it really is the best, most logical option (it does make him look like a 5th century king but also Clive is like that lol) !! However I did remember that Clive's Japanese name is Klaus, and Klaus is strictly equal to Nicolas in French. So yeah idk, Nicolas Colombe sounds like a Miraculous Ladybug name lol
Bill Hawks : You're 100% right, this is our premier ministre Guillaume Faucon. =)
Dimitri Allen : We had also come up with Dimitri Alain (it's either that or pronouncing it Allant, which is just ugly lol) so perfect !!
Claire Foley : I'll be honest I don't even know how Foley is supposed to be pronounced…? But it has something to do with sound in filmmaking apparently, so you know. Claire Echo or something
That's it for the names !! Now I simply NEED to talk about something really really cool- the setting. Why that you may ask ? Because there actually are caves underneath Paris, and they're not just any caves. (They're magic caves- alright sorry ijfginknf)
So yeah the caves under Paris are not huge oval caves like the one in Unwound Future, it's more like a series of corridors that go deep under the whole city. Also it is HUGE, like only 0,5% is open to visitors and this is already 1,7km/1,1 mile !! The best part ?? This 0,5%. It's actually an ossuary (Known as Les Catacombes de Paris). This place is very popular, people love to go there, and it's already been the setting of many many books- so why not you know ? Even though I know you couldn't/shouldn't build a mecha there (no room for it and you'd be destroying a real 18th century monument) + this doesn't really look like the future lol
But you could TOTALLY adapt the story so that Layton and Luc have to go to the Catacombs and then you have a sick setting and you could have booby traps, a not-so-subtle-but-very-cool life or death mood, and above all. You can have Clive being a madman spending all of his time six feet under in the catacombs. Gloomy. Upsetting ? Fun !!
Also the mecha should totally be on that stupid island in the middle of Paris. That or you replace the lighthouse by the Eiffel Tower.
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mysticwolfshadows · 1 year
Watching the Miraculous movie, and I have some notes.
So, I haven't been keeping up with the show since... the end of season 3? But from what I remember, I have issues.
First of all: Master Fu. They did him dirty. He comes off as a crazy old man. From what I remember, he was a bit... uninformed in places, but he was the guardian. He had at least a little info and kind of knew what he was doing.
Second: they did Plagg SOOO dirty. Rather than be a kinda lazy goof off sort, he's a fart joke. He's 'gassy' all the time, and he eats literal garbage. He liked a cheese that was rather smelly. Not rotten trash. And, also, after Ladybug rejects Chat Noir? "You know what else is empty? My stomach!" WTF. I know Plagg was very... food oriented in the show, but I don't remember him ever being... that apathetic.
Third: Tikki is kinda turned up to 11. Like, she's super intense, and the pressure she puts on Marinette is way more than I remember. From what I remember, Tikki was a calm and reassuring presence. She helped keep Marinette on track, but she was all... "you have to save the world! So here's a list of 100 things to do!"
Fourth: the music is... fine. Like, its fine. But at the same time, it kinda sounds like the singers aren't the same as the voice actors. Like, Tikki actually sounds great. But the others, ESPECIALLY Marinette doesn't sound the same. And it's kinda off putting? Why would they bother getting the original cast if they aren't gonna work?
Fifth: as much as it hindered the progression of character dynamics in the show, where the hell was Adrien's bodyguard? The fact that Adrien is able to just go to the fair, and that one of the first scenes we have of him is him leaving the house, in the middle of the night, to go hang out in an abandoned building? Like, the reason he had a bodyguard and was constantly being monitored was because Gabriel at least had enough care to make sure he could keep Adrien out of danger if he had to. But, nope. Who cares if Adrien goes out to abandoned buildings in the middle of the night. Thats totally fine! And, oh yeah, I'm gonna destroy all of Paris, but I'm not gonna make sure my son is safe before hand, and then almost kill him!
Finally: The final battle? Fine for a from scratch movie. But, you know, with it being an adaptation, there's some rules. The world they're building from already has lore, and rules, and that means they don't have to work as hard to come up with an explanation for things. Except, the threw that out the window. How do Akuma's work? Not with drong emotions, just hate. What is Hawkmoth's powerset? Whatever we say it is! I don't mind the "love beats hate" ending to the battle. I've even used a VERY similar ending in my own writing. But seriously. What are the rules for how all that works?
Like, its not totally bad. It could have been worse, when condensing the history of movies that are supposed to cover the entirety of a series. And, like I said, I actually like the family love, parent realizes that they're hurting their child, and that's what makes them stop. It wasn't terrible for a movie. But it was definitely a not great adaptation.
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solomonish · 3 years
Dork Solomon Agenda
You say sexy shady sorcerer I say nerd and love of my life
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Solomon is a sad lonely little man why just wants a genuine connection us that so much to ask???
No but seriously like. It's totally fine if you hc Solomon as this man-turned-lowkey-sex-god with a million succubi and more at his whim whenever he wants and would be a tough one to put the ol' ball and chain on like to each their own for sure! But that's not MY hc
(Thats not to say my hc means he doesn't ever engage in casual sex like that and wanting a genuine long term relationship at some point [or finding out thats what you want when you meet someone] are not mutually exclusive yknow)
So like Solomon isn't the type to be short with you or keep you at an arm's length (i mean...u get what I mean. Once you're close enough and all that jazz) or get annoyed by you wanting to be affectionate?? Hello??
He LOVES the little things you do (some on accident tbh). You feeling affectionate today and give him a kiss or three on his face before you leave to go to your separate classes? Adorable, he's fallen in love again. You do that thing where you like.. forget how to walk straight and just accidentally bump into him? No come back he likes being close to you :( He doesn't SAY these things but there's a light, airy laugh he has that gives him away.
If you're ever facetiming he will say "boo!" when you connect instead of just. Greeting you like a normal person.
His fuckin. His devilgram name is monSOLO. My mans is a star wars fan!!! I dont know any of The Discourse bc I'm not super into star wars myself but he has IN DEPTH opinions about the movies. Seriously rivals Levi in this aspect. Please make time for movie nights where you watch the movies together 🥺 especially if you haven't seen them before he'd love to convert you 🥺
Didn't Solomon also have a thing for TSL??? Or am I just imagining it??
I feel like his ideal date would be exploring something new, whether its this new spooky forest or "hey have we been down this alley before? Let's check it out!" but ideal date number TWO is movie night. Even if it isn't Star Wars. He likes to sit on opposite ends of the couch throwing popcorn into each other's mouths (and big candies like peanut m&ms where you both have almost choked before) and maybe a footsie war if he's feeling real devious. Then at some point you grab a blanket and snuggle up to him and you both fall asleep on the couch
Simeon yells at him when you leave because there's popcorn EVERYWHERE
LOVES when you laugh super loud. Idk man he just thinks its great when you have such unbridled joy and then he laughs too 😊 not as loud though he's more of a quiet chuckle kind of guy (most of the time).
Is friends with Asmo so is extremely great at slumber party gossip. Catch him in his pajamas, cross-legged on the floor while clutching a pillow to his chest and listening intently to you rant about the brothers.
"Come here I have a secret to tell you" (blows air in your ear) "okay okay I'm sorry but come here again" (blows air on your neck) "okay okay last time! I actually have something to tell you. Please? Its important...." (kisses ur cheek) "like u a lil bit xo"
Never the type to send "good morning beautiful" or "good night 💞" texts. Instead he'll send you something at 4 am like "the infinite cosmos will eventually swallow whole all familiarity and life as it is now presently known and despite the adaptations humans or demons or angels could make i will still have to adapt and face the world as an alien in the realm I love so dearly. Funny how the strongest of beings bow to the whim of space and time. But sometimes my eternal journey doesn't seem so daunting when I realize that with my everlasting life will be the memory of you no matter how distant and the survival of the vessel you loved...."
And then at lunch that day when the brothers pull you away he'll send you a picture of the lasagna they're serving with "this kinda looks like you? Don't worry I'd still hit it" and then two minutes later "you not the pasta"
Is the type to think randomly "oh damn I love you so much" but has an impressive filter about it. Or he thinks he does until Luke grumbles "ugh get a room thats the fifth time you've seen that since monday" ok, sometimes he has a good filter about it
He can't help it! Sometimes you just say something really smart (or something SPECTACULARLY dumb) or you do something cute like lean on him or smile a specific way or-
Sir.....you're head over heels sir :/
The type who would go to a playground at night with you and just swing on the swings talking about life
Wants to have a secret handshake with you!!
If you're ever on a road trip with just the two of you, you can get him to join in on the terrible singing but he'll be a lot quieter than you
Also will only join in if he isn't driving. If he is and you aren't talking, he's just humming underneath his breath. Will drum on the steering wheel though
(Yes, it gets its own section because MAYBE I'm obsessed with the idea of MC teaching Solomon to cook and the food still turning out terrible but at least it isn't a void when MC is helping)
The type to flick water at you every time he washes his hands. Will chase you down just to do it.
"Hey, tilt your head back and open your mouth MC" (proceeds to dump too big a handful of shredded cheese in your mouth)
100% the type to lean over you just to hinder your cooking abilities. Who cares if the sauce splashes he's tiiiired.... you'd let belphie do it :(
Puts a hand on your lower back when he passes behind you. Hopes you'll lean into it/step back and offer him a kiss 🥺
Believes in always having a proper table setting. Prepare for whatever juice they have (or water) in wine glasses if you're having a nice-er meal
Under the assumption that a spell ruined his sense of taste (and not that he's just bad at cooking) he hates spicy food. He can feel the burn but he gets none of the flavor??? Wack. Don't hurt him like that MC. If you do because its hilarious to watch him try to be cool about it he will pout
Gets cheesy aprons. He just likes them.
Will hit you on the top of your head with a whisk to hear the noise it makes
Will buy every kitchen hack tool there is. A ketchup dispenser that looks like a gun? He's got it. A fish that helps you squeeze out the egg yolks? Yes! A dinosaur soup ladle? You bet! Pizza scissors? A tool that makes hard boiled eggs into cubes? Something that's gotta be like 200 years old and no discernable purpose? Absolutely! He wants a hot dog toaster. Do they even have hot dogs in the devildom?
Will sneak bites just because it bothers you
Look at him. He hasn't had friends in centuries. He's playful!
His funky little WAND
This is a man who is a huge nerd, thrives off of cliches and just wants to have a good time. So let him! Its mentally exhausting having those pretenses up all the time.
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earl-of-221b · 7 years
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@dorkshadows and everyone I’m sorry about spamming but I’m losing my mind over this apparently it was just announced that xixingji/西行记 is going to be made into a live action series and effing Crystal Liu 刘亦菲 is going to be in it
first of all I doubt they can ever live up to the pencil drawings in xixingji and it’s going to be crap. Secondly I can’t believe they got Crystal in this, how????????Thirdly, I’m so pumped for this bullshit unadaptable version of xixingji to be made I bet Crystal is 小羽 xiao yu. 
update: I just figured out what Kris Wu’s chinese name is it’s 吴亦凡 and surprise he’s in this too. 
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waru-chan8 · 3 years
If motogp riders were Disney princesses, which one would they be and why? + add their prince charming and animal sidekicks if you want ✨✨✨
(I hope this will help to stay awake but I'm not sure 😅)
You have decided that if Waru is the one sending the weird questions, then we'll send them back. I love it.
So my brain, as you imagine, refuses to collaborate (specially after a24 hours race), so I'll go down the list of Disney princes and then assign them to any rider because reason.
Cele is Snow white, just look at him. Dark hair check, pale skin check (and after a race his check are red just like Snow White) and his lips are also reddish. Also, Andy ( @stingerheart ) put that idea in my mind, it refuses to go away.
Pecco would be Happy (dwarf from Snow White) because I've never seen him unhappy.
Dani as Mulan because she's one of the bravest girls in the whole franchise (I know Mulan is not technically a Disney prince, but it was my favourite film). He also also as clever as Mulan to use the weapon at his disposal when he has to fight (on track) with people who are better adapted and bigger.
Jorge Lorenzo as Shang because he acts all macho, 'I'm the best' and 'I'm superior' but then we all know he's a giant Marshmello. He also is terrible at picking up girls as Shang and because Shang marries Mulan in Mulan 2 and Jorge and Dani are married.
Luca Marini as Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), both blondes and from the VR46Academy Luca is the one who goes MIA most of the time, just like a 100-years sleeping princes.
Miguel is Belle (from Belle and the Beast) because, among the riders he's the smartest one (his word, not mine).
Jorge Martín as Lumier or his cocky activated, but at the end he gave Zarco the victory at Qatar 2.
Iker Lecuona as Dora the Explorer Chip because both of them are the younger and happier characters.
Maverick as Tiana, just for the affinity for the food. Maverick seems to enjoy when he's in the kitchen, so does Tiana (I haven't seen the film, just the Once Upon a Time reference).
I want to say that Zarco is Ariel because sometimes he lives in his own bubble, but Ariel does understand what's going on at the end, so Zarco is Flounders because he's like that all the time.
Remy as Ariel because as the mermaid he has let the flow guide him into MotoGP. He also seems to be in his own bubble.
Vale would be Triton (you didn't see that one coming) because he only wants to do what is best for their daughters, even if sometimes he's too strict.
Fabio as Cinderella because he wasn't having a good day until a fairy (Petronas) come to save the day. Just for reference, the shoe will be last year's bike and the prince the Factory seat.
Raúl Fernández as Jasmine because he's been, an exotic discovery.
Pedro Acosta as the Genie because he has done magic in his own way.
Deniz Öncü as Aladdin because he has managed to sneak and surprise people even with Acosta around.
KTM management would be Jafar because they are greedy and want power.
Pol as Rapunzel because he has the same chaotic vibe.
Aleix would be the horse because he is equally loyal and self-righteous, even if sometimes the forms are not the best ones.
Danilo can be King Fergus from Brave because both of them seem to not see what's happening around them.
I have no explanation for this one, but Mir as Merida.
Álex M. as one of his brothers (they are chaos, the same as Álex in the minion costume).
Marc would be Megara, because at the end of the day he kind of saved Honda. He is just in waiting for Honda to pick her from that giant toilet with souls.
Yeah, that's all I could come up in such short notice. It actually was fun to do.
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cor-ardens-archive · 3 years
hey mari have you ever seen Do Começo ao Fim? I'm not sure if it's 100% your style but i saw it years ago and, well, it sure was a gay incest movie. thoughts if you have seen it?
I HAVE and I actually have so much to say about this movie. You asked for this...
[CW for discussions of incest, of course.]
[This is long. Spoiler: I didn’t like it.]
Mostly I did not enjoy it at all, and it felt really off to me the way it just... glosses over the incest? For a movie that is supposedly about an incestuous relationship there was very little conflict about it, which is a choice I do not understand. I’m about to be a little harsh, so I’ll say what I did like about it first. So, the good: Júlia Lemmertz did a fine job as their mother, and their relationship with her is quite beautiful. The actors who play Francisco and Tomaz aren’t very good, but they do have chemistry together, and the love between them was evident in the way they talked, touched and looked at one another - although to be honest, that got very weird and cheesy too (I cringed every time Francisco said “irmãozinho”). Other than that, it was just bland, and I didn't think about it for years.
But then, years later, I read The Carnivorous Lamb by Agustín Gómez-Arcos, which is also about a gay incestuous relationship between two brothers, only it's set in Spain, and the whole thing is an extremely obvious metaphor for the civil war. There are a lot of similarities that made me think Do Começo Ao Fim was inspired by this book, but what really sealed it for me is that in The Carnivorous Lamb, Ignacio, the younger brother, is born with his eyes closed and remains that way for sixteen days:
“Sixteen days!” she exclaimed. “Can you believe it? He waited sixteen days to open his eyes! We were all standing around his cradle, and do you know what he did? Without hesitating, he looked straight at his brother, staring at him as if he were trying to hypnotize him. My dear, you can’t imagine how upset I was. Never, but never, will I forget those eyes, opening to the light for the first time, already full of shadows picked up God knows where. What infernal whirlwind was he riding during those sixteen days of my torment? What brought him to such a state? I never knew. He never looked at me. Or at his father either. His unblinking eyes were still locked on his brother’s.
So on the sixteenth day after my birth, I opened my eyes and unhesitatingly looked straight at my brother Antonio.
The exact same thing happens to Tomaz in Do Começo Ao Fim - he's born with his eyes closed and remains that way for weeks until he opens them and looks straight at his brother. There's a major difference, though, in how their mothers react. In The Carnivorous Lamb, the mother is selfish and oppressive. She makes a spectacle of her son's blindness, and is extremely disappointed when he opens his eyes because it ruins her plans of turning herself into some kind of martyr. In fact, she resents Ignacio for everything from the moment he is born, perhaps because she already senses they're the same.
In Do Começo Ao Fim, Tomaz's mother is not at all worried about his closed eyes because she knows he'll open them when he's ready. Tomaz says that's how he learned free will, which also puts him in direct opposition to Ignacio, who spends his childhood locked inside his own home and who never develops a sense of self outside of his relationship with his brother. Whereas in The Carnivorous Lamb incest is the product of a dysfunctional, abusive and unhappy family life, it’s framed as something natural and even healthy in Do Começo Ao Fim.
Of course, the movie is not an adaptation of Gómez-Arcos’s book, it’s just somewhat inspired by it. But it invited the comparison, and I think it’s curious how absolutely different they are, and how much the contrast sheds light in the blandness of the film.
The Carnivorous Lamb is theatrical to point of being ridiculous - entirely on purpose, because the characters know they’re playing their parts in a spectacle. Do Começo Ao Fim is also ridiculous, but I don’t think it’s on purpose, and it has nothing to say - and yet it manages to be preachy, what with the terrible, pointless voice-over of Tomaz telling us the themes of the movie, like “This is how I learned free will” and “I’ll never let them lock us in a cage”. Geez.
But for all that, it almost entirely skirts around the issue of incest. In fact, it doesn’t feel a narrative of incest at all, because that’s never a source of conflict. Not only Tomaz and Francisco happy together, they seem to be in a very healthy relationship, and everyone in their life loves and supports them. They even get their mother’s blessing (who is like a divine figure for them, so it’s like God is saying it’s all fine).
I suppose that’s because incest in this movie is a romantic fantasy and not reflective of how sibling incest actually happens in real life. But even then, it doesn’t actually explore, like, the consequences of violating this taboo out of love. It doesn’t explore anything, because there’s never any real conflict. Everything is bland, uninteresting, out of touch and sanitized to death, which is actually what I find most offensive about it.
It’s not just the fact of the incest, the film just refuses to deal with anything, which means there’s barely a story. The major conflict in the movie is that Tomaz and Francisco are going to need to spend some time apart in different countries because of their respective careers. This is understandably difficult for them because they haven’t spent any time apart since Tomaz was born. However, they quickly and efficiently solve this issue by communicating with each other with love and respect, making the choice together, parting ways and eventually reuniting. So even though everything points to a codependent relationship, they’re actually able to solve their problem like any normal, healthy couple would, because the writer hates me personally and doesn’t want to make anything even remotely interesting.
It’s a very curious movie in that way, because it’s like the writer was trying very hard to not tell a story. And he succeeded.
(Also, it’s interesting that you’ve seen this movie, I actually don’t know anyone else who has, except my mom. She also didn’t like it, she said it was boring.)
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motsimages · 3 years
I am 100% sure I am not autistic nor ADHD, but I am very sensitive and every time someone autistic or with ADHD speak about sensitive issues I'm like "yep, I got it, same here". Sometimes not as much or as heavily, but I do see myself there.
Now, I don't think I need a diagnosis, it wouldn't solve, explain or change anything to me. I have my own adaptations, I know how to deal with it and I have always known what to do. Both my parents are sensitive people too and they never really cared for making me fit socially (they are quite original people too), so I had my own space to take things at my own pace, and they also gave ideas on how to because that is what they do themselves.
I wonder if children of autistic parents will "look less" autistic (I know, a terrible thing to say) to society because they are born with adaptations. Like, their parents will allow them to explore what they need, will not force them to fit into the social expectations. Weird parents of weird kids giving them space to calibrate and recover.
Over the past couple of years, some of my friends got diagnosed as autistic and they seem to have been implementing more autistic solutions into their daily life. They allow themselves to stim (even bought some toys), take the breaks they need and organise their life otherwise. I think some adaptations were there before, maybe changing the lights on their house to be lower and warmer at night, for instance. But it still surprises me how they didn't come up with some of these things until they got their diagnosis. Nobody was going to stop them from stimming at home when they are alone, yet they didn't think of doing it. I get family pressures, social pressures, etc make it so that you don't think of it, but as someone who is weird constantly, and especially when I am alone, it still surprises me that they didn't find more adaptations until they got diagnosed when their difficulties were there all the same.
I guess, what I want to say is that you don't need a diagnostic to adapt life around you and make it more comfortable. I'm saying this because I just saw a post about how sometimes autistic people see ADHD relatable post but don't reblog because they don't have ADHD. I reblog almost anything disability/neurodivergent/mental illness related that comes with adaptations because many people can benefit from it.
ADHD strategies to organise your home and your life have helped me when I had so much anxiety that it took me half an hour to even stand up from the sofa. I couldn't have managed this pandemic without them. Low spoon ideas for taking care of your personal hygiene, like showering while sitting, have also helped me a great deal when I had lumbalgia or a fever. Even when I just didn't want to stand up in the shower. We bought LED lights for the house so we can change the intensity of the light and make it darker at night or when we have a headache.
Reading all the "weird" ways to do things that many people have to do has allowed me to try those ways and change things around me. My life is better because all of you, because all of your weirdness that is now also mine. So I invite you to find solutions that work for you regardless on the possible diagnosis you may or may not have. You don't have to wait to be validated by physicians to improve your life. Be weird and be happy.
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
So. Chapter 11. I have many thoughts.
First things first, absolutely amazing, every interaction the characters had felt so natural and fit together so well, and gosh I just...do not have the words to describe how much I adore your writing.
Now time for what I'm here for: you've got me all fired up again! It's been quite a hell of a while since I've done any real theory or predictions, so I might be slightly out of practice, forgive me if I get any details wrong!
And I don’t really know what all of it means yet, but let’s try to get the simple facts laid out first:
Bronte and Oralie send cryptic messages.
Sophie finds a dragon scale in a random desk.
Linh has a connection to the dragons, like Marella.
Dragons are connected with thunderstorms.
So, are we getting dragon!Linh? Because I am so here for dragon!Linh. At the very least, there’s some connection between them. But there’s…something else.
So, the messages from Oralie and Bronte are absurdly cryptic, and that’s so fucking cool and I love it, but I really really want to dig into what they’re saying now. So that’s what I’m gonna do!
Bronte’s message: Secrecy and redundancy compose the toolkit of those trying to hide. It takes a special someone to see the darkness in the world and not participate. Your infectious light is spreading.
Oralie’s message: Secrecy and redundancy compose the toolkit of those trying to hide. Play a melody for me, and tell me what it says. History will have something sweet to say about you.
And you (via Sophie) put a special focus on the words “infectious light” and “history”.
And I will eat my boots if that is not connected to some grand underlying secret underneath the entire story. Now, given that these two are Councillors and have access to confidential files, and Bronte as old as dirt, and the focus on the word history, I’m willing to bet there’s some dark secret within elven history (shocker, I know) that somehow relates to all this monster business. Cause like…it’s hard to make monsters! It’s crazy that the Neverseen and whatever the new group is called have managed to make so many!
(And I haven't figure out the Secrecy and Redundancy part yet, but I will tell you when I think I may have understood it.)
And what’s even weirder is how easy it was for Sophie and the rest of the kids to develop specific monster traits instead of just. Literally dying. And from weird potion mist, too.
Is there something about elves that allows them to turn into monsters? We know the monsters are unnatural, and when I’ve brought up the idea that elves are being turned into monsters you haven’t really denied or confirmed it, just kind of skirted around the topic. And this could also be the reason the humans haven’t been attacked by the monsters- the monsters are made of elves because elves are…somehow compatible with whatever the Neverseen are doing, and they attack other mythical creatures because I’m assuming they share traits similar enough to elves that the monsters have an interest in them.
But it’s also weird how Bronte’s letter (while actually being kind of a compliment, which I find so funny because it absolutely does not read like it, 100/10 characterization points) implies Sophie is spreading something, something infectious, and I’m sure the usage of the word “light” isn’t coincidence either.
Light is really important to elves, like really important, and it doesn’t seem like something Bronte would say, either, what with his…seeming respect for it (from how he acted when at the Point of Purity and journey back). He’d more likely say something like “bravery” or “strength”, given that (iirc) he’s even used those words to describe Sophie before. So there’s something about the word light specifically that was important, and something about the light being infectous.
And now, elves are living underground. And the monsters were said to appear out of nowhere, too, just…out of the blue. Are the Neverseen using the light to create more monsters? What are the monsters for? Can they turn whatever they’re doing off? Are the Council somehow aware of what the Neverseen is doing because they have access to lots of knowledge the main crew don’t, and that’s part of why they fled underground?
And what’s the connection with the dragons?
(I nearly forgot about the dragons.)
From what you’ve posted, you seem to really enjoy the part of dragons that is unknowable and out-of-reach, so much greater than pretty much every other creature in the world. And that also sounds like a way you could describe the void!
And if dragons could access the void, then that would explain how they appear and disappear so fast, and if they control weather that would be how the thunderstorms don’t come in over the horizon, and simply just happen.
But what does it mean? Why did Marella go to them in…what chapter was it again? I can’t remember. Why did Linh react to strongly to the dragon scales?
And Marella may have the wings, but Linh has the scales on her face (although iirc they’re a different color to the one Sophie picked up, so I don’t think it’s hers and I don’t see why she’d attack if it was), so is she a dragon as well? And if they are, are they different kinds of dragons? And since dragons are extremely territorial (from what we’ve seen and can infer so far) is that going to create problems? Linh already reacted terribly to another scale, so if her and Marella’s dragon instincts get worse, I can see how that would go terribly. Or is Linh a different kind of creature?
There’s just…so many thoughts. I barely got into any actual theories here, oops. But that’s…most of my thoughts for now. Hope you enjoyed? I know I personally enjoyed Chapter 11 immensely, thank you for this wonderful AU!
- pyro
woa this is a lot!! pyro!! i am speechless!! I am. I am ahhh!!! I'm glad the interactions felt natural, I was a little worried they'd feel too out of character but sometimes my need to let them mess around with each other takes over
those first four facts you've laid out do seem to be what I'm hinting at--whether you're correct though, I'll let you find out in later chapters. I have more to say about Bronte and Oralie's messages but I'll get to that later. also, I do have more planned for the dragons, which will be fun!!
will be entirely honest i forgot you all don't know what wings Linh has--but!! her connection to the dragons may be related to her wings! everyone has a pair of wings unique to them, so how that translates to her remains to be seen. Marella with the dragon wings and the interests may seem more obvious, but I think Linh is gonna have a lot more mysterious, confusing connection to the way everything works.
Now! onto Bronte and Oralie's messages!! these stumped me for a while because I needed them to be cryptic, but also riddle-like with some kind of meaning that sophie could figure out if she gave it enough thought. of course, as of chapter 11 she hasn't even tried to figure it out, but it's planted that seed in her mind
a cool thing that I just want to point out: there are a few lines throughout the au that i have taken the structure of directly of from the books and altered their wording. One of those was in a previous chapter where I took the "but her mind was stronger than her body" from book one and changed it. I don't remember exactly what i changed it into as it's been a while, but I know that's one of them. and i did it again in this chapter! if you remember the message Bronte had Mr. Forkle give Sophie, "It takes a special someone to see darkness inside of someone and not condemn them," that's the quote I based his unique portion of the message off of. Oralie's also has a meaning tied to an interaction with her, but it's not tied to a specific quote.
for the "infectious light," you are right, that does have a meaning, and it was important it was those exact words. what it turns out to be, however, may not be entirely what you're expecting. and then there's the "history will have something sweet to say about you" which is a little hint to Sophie, whenever she figures that one out. they are trying to send her a message but she needs to figure out what they're trying to say first!! also, the secrecy and redundancy part does have something more to it, but I'll let you continue theorizing about that one.
my apologies if i'm focusing on this part for too long, but I legit spent like half an hour trying to figure out how to word this to set up future scenes and reveals, so I want to share some of that process!
and it is curious how the elven world is the only one affected...
there's a lot of theories for why it was so easy for them to develop those features, maybe their minds adapt to abilities so suddenly that they're predisposed to other changes as well, or they go quicker. maybe it's fragile, guilty minds that enable them to be taken over by horrors like these, whereas humans are exposed to violence and guilt and grief on a daily basis. I might touch on this later in the chapters, so I don't want to spoil anything, but there so many possibilities!!
moving on to the dragons!! you're right, i do think very highly of dragons and like the inachievability of them in this context. they're not just mindless creatures, they're a lot more complex, as we saw with them having abilities like elves. Sophie doesn't know exactly what it was, but she thinks it was tied to the explosive sounds she heard and the change in the weather. and I could tie them to the void! if we going with intelligent creatures having access to the void (like silveny, though her intelligence is very different) then it would make sense to continue that pattern. and it could explain a few of the mysteries left behind after chapter 7 (6? i forget which one)
like i mentioned before, I do have more planned for the dragons, and that does involve both Linh and Marella specifically. so!! I think some of your questions will be answered in the upcoming chapters, but for now I can't exactly answer without spoiling. but! you are asking the right questions!! you are on the right track!!
and it wasn’t exactly scales on linhs face, more they had they same pattern (the iridescent one) but I might've worded it weird so I can see where that came from. as for whether or not she's a dragon, the only thing I can tell you right now is that she doesn't have the exactly same wings as Marella, and i told you in chapter 9 (i think?) that she could easily hide them like Sophie, Wylie, and Biana. The whole mystery with the scale, however, is one of the things that i can't answer without spoiling, so I guess that tells you there's a lot more to that too.
i also have so many thoughts about the au and !! I loved reading all of yours!! I enjoyed it thoroughly!! chapter 11 may seem slower than some of the more action packed chapters, but it sets up a lot of the lore and background we'll need for future endeavors, so i'm glad you liked it!! I think i introduced a lot of questions in this one too...
I might've missed some of your points (there were a lot, which is excellent!!), so if there was something important I glossed over feel free to send another ask so I can go back over it!!
but thank you for reading this au!! talking about it motivates me to write more and make it more complex!! I mean, we're about 84,000 words in and I'm still going, so. there's a lot more to come!!
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festivecuriosity · 4 years
[October 13, 2020]
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♡ Mercury retrograde in Scorpio is happening tonight. I can already feel/see it's influence. It also doesn't help matters that my current household is primarily made up of Scorpios or Plutonian individuals (most of my roommates are "essential workers" like EMTs or caretakers). Brad (the most Scorpio of the house) has called for a rare consideration; that there be silence in the living room (communal space) when he comes home. He's never asked for that before. This feels very symbolic of Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio. A moment of silence in our otherwise very talkative household. Besides that, he's coming home right around the time MRX/Scorpio would be officially beginning.
♤ Identifying omens is part of my practice. It's one of my oldest, foundational, cornerstones of how I communicate with the Universe and my guides. When you notice something (really notice it) to the point that it stands out in your mind and you end up thinking on it all day, it is an "omen". A symbolic representation of the message the Universe is sending you. I was given an omen by the Universe yesterday as to the immediate future/Mercury RX in Scorpio. I was outside (smoking) when I saw a hawk soaring in the air, being pursued by two black crows, and navigating around their assaults. The hawk (personally) represents my spiritual vision/focus/accuracy. The two crows, I believe, represented thoughts that attack my focus. I.e. Huginn and Muninn, thought and memory. Although, Huginn and Muninn are technically ravens. Not crows. I still think the message from the Universe is to tame my PTSD/where my mind goes/stay focused on my goals instead of letting my negative thoughts pick at me.
Also kind of reminds me of the qliphothic sphere/inverted sphere of Netzach. Where the "crows" pick at the beauty of Source. Another reminder to keep my inner criticism from attacking my spiritual focus/my ability to see the beauty in my life and self.
Two other people in the household got omens on the same day as me. One person got a vulture eating roadkill on the side of the road, the other got a brown cricket. Since the vulture means rebirth and ressurection through shadow work, I think the household is going through a transitional phase (what affects one person in the house typically touches all of us). I am not certain on the brown cricket, however. Good luck? What struck me the most about it was that my roommate was trying to catch it...and it always knew when to hop away just in the nick of time.
♧ I've been rearranging/unpacking my boxes from Seattle finally. For a long time now, I've just been living out of boxes, and refusing to do much magic. I didn't even set up my altar when I got all my stuff back from [Redacted abuser]. It's taken awhile to even get myself back to directly communicating with my guides...much less the Universe/Source. Anyways, I'm finally going through my boxes, and setting up an official altar area. When I was getting into my old rock and crystal collection (I was into that stuff way back before I realized how harmful the crystal/gemstone trend is for Earth's environment), I found an old piece of Mookaite that I friend gave me. And I shit you not, the thing physically vibrated in my hand when I touched it.
I've been holding it ever since. Have totally and honestly forgotten all the exact properties of the stones I own. It's been such a long time. I was also practicing "crystal/crystal energy psychicism" when I was homeless as a means to survive the streets so...I'm pretty sure my PTSD is blocking a lot of that information out.
I guess it's time to rediscover crystals again? Not buying any new ones. Just utilizing the ones I already have to the best of my ability. I feel like it was wrong that so many of them were taken from the ground to be pretty baubles for people. I might as well make it worth something by using them to help myself/others/incorporate them into my active life so they hold meaning.
Mookaite feels very grounding and soothing already. It feels like a very receptive stone, inviting energy into it much like organic pearls do. I also notice that it has almost a dream/trance-like affect to it's grounding energy. I think maybe I'll take time to meditate with it tomorrow.
◇ Brad pretty much runs the household that I live in. Further details; I live in a BDSM polycule, Brad is one of the doms. One of Brad's relationships was very close to being homeless recently. While normally, being homeless is... [redacted PTSD disassociating moment] being non-binary and homeless during COVID-19 is even worse. So we took them in. Inevitably, we had to make some major adjustments (about space, because technically we're fitting 9 people in a 2 bedroom house). It's been a test of adaptability through chaos for everyone. One of the major areas of contention is that everything inside the house is getting moved, rearranged, or tossed. And some people (mainly [redacted name]) is absolutely 100% terrible at adapting to change, unless someone is literally dying. Also, while I get that none of this can really be helped, I'm also a bit annoyed by the sudden introduction of someone new.
But even if I'm annoyed by it, I wasn't about to say "no" when Brad told us what was going on. I'm not a monster. I was homeless too and Brad helped me get off the streets. This person, while I don't know them well enough to make a judgement, deserves the same chance that I did to get stable in an era where stability is a pipe dream.
I'm actually not the one having the hardest problem. Surprising, it's the spirit of the house that's having the hardest problem. Our house is an old 1950's model built at the corner of a crossroads. Technically the house kinda exists as a liminal space. And there's so much stuffed inside of it that theoretically anything *could exist* in the house. Sometimes weird shit pops up and then disappears. It's very similar to the Seattle house I lived in when I was with [KILL BILL SIRENS] but has less of a metaphorical underworld cave vibe and more of a Howl's Moving Castle vibe. Anyways, the house itself is having a bad time adjusting to all the change/cleaning that the new roommate is doing...because it keeps hiding and moving (specifically) all the stuff that the new roommate has. They're not a stoner. They have a decently good memory. And I know that nobody in the house would do something like that. Plus, they apparently heard disembodied laughter right after discovering something was missing. The genuis locci (house spirit) is fucking with 'em hard.
I've never seen the genius locci do this before. The worst it ever did to me was hide a really expensive Egyptian cotton pillow case once. It eventually spat it back out after cuddling with it, I imagine. Seriously; Egyptian cotton sheets. Get you some.
So after the 100× time today that the new roommate was swearing about their missing things, I suggested that maybe they need to butter up the genius locci with gifts. Kinda romance the house a bit. Give it something so that it builds a relationship with the spirits that live here. They're a (self-professed) baby witch whose background is Jewish. They mostly excel at kitchen witchery (for now) and incorporating the works and wisdom of the Torah into their life. So they weren't too certain on ritualistic offerings to a house spirit. But with some suggestions from me and listening to their own intuition, they were able to put something quick together. It's nice to see people using magic around the house and learning new skills. And to their benefit, I felt the house chill out a bit after the ritual/gift giving was done.
I have been giving the house/my guides a portion of my nightly tea every now and then. It's honestly nothing fancy but I figure small gifts count for something right?
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shinra-makonoid · 2 years
Im disabled and I wish my mom had aborted me. I love how people with disabilities and disorders who are happy to be alive think they speak for all of us. Esp the ones who are like "Im not disabled, society is just not accessible to me uwu" Ok? Good for you, I wish I was never born. If that means I have ~internalized~ ableism or w/e idgaf, my disability has made me miserable af.
We all didn't ask to be alive and you can feel resentment for the people that forced you to live.
I don't think it's especially tied to disability tho, I've seen someone having the same kind of thoughts and he wasn't disabled.
I'm sorry you feel that way tho, I'm not sure what I could say. Being disabled is difficult, and I hope you can find the support to make it more bearable for you. I think that if disabled people had more help in general with their issues, the way people would look at disability would change (normalizing it) and also the way we look on it would change. Normalize having a helper at home. Normalize people needing tools to move around or do stuff. Normalize meds. Normalize having a good support system in society. Normalize getting appropriate healthcare for your specific needs. All of this will make the life of disabled people easier, and by extent of that, will also make abortion less interesting. It won't make disability disappear (I'm not a fan of the "society is just not adapted to you" thing either) but it will make it easier to deal with and maybe less unbearable.
Consider like... Glasses. I have glasses, I cannot see without them, I have a terrible eyesigh (I cannot see shit past 10 cm). I have been in dangerous situations where I lost my glasses and couldn't find them and there were sharp stuff around me that I couldn't see. Still most people today wouldn't say that I'm disabled for that, because glasses are normalized. People would probably not abort children who may have a bad eyesight either. It's a hassle and it's not easy to live with because most things are not adapted for people with glasses (and it's expensive tbh) but it's not something that parents will cry about or felt like they failed somehow. I think if people changed their view regarding disability to think about it more like that it would help so much more than just forbidding it altogether.
I hope one day you'll feel less like you should have been aborted. Maybe it won't disappear, after all living with a disability everyday is difficult and it's a noise in your life that will never go away, but you don't have to fight it either. I'm in a period in which I'm a bit like "fuck getting better" "fuck pressuring myself into thinking my mental health issues could get better if I gave more or my time/energy/money" and because of that, for the first time in my life, I let it go. I don't control it, and somedays I will be useless (like today I was pretty useless tbh), but I'm done feeling bad about it. I'm sick, and I hate it, I wish I was "normal" and I wish I was "better", but it'll never happen, and that should be okay. The goal of life isn't to "be better" or "be happy" or "existing" or "growing". The goal of life is whatever the fuck you want, and if what you want is being a blob, then be a blob. Do things that make your existence to suck a little less until you return back to non existence.
Not sure it'll help but in any case even if I'm 100% completely out of it, I sympathize with you.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Damn I forgot to reply, I came back from a party and everything hurts. How are you?
I saw you only watched Bridget Jones now?! I used to love it even read the book, the movie has three parts actually. The last one came out in 2016 and it was...hm it wasn't good, but better than expected. But yeah some shit didn't age well. The fact it was pretty much inspired by Pride and Prejudice and Colin Firth literally played Darcy in one of the adaptations just to play Mark DARCY in BJ was a genius move, lololol
Jonghwa belly dancers when?! I mean Jongho's body ody dance was something else. Seonghwa will 100% embarrass himself but in a hot way.
If Taeyong releases a sexy sultry sensual album I'm buying all the 84738 versions SM will probably come up with, just saying
Didn't get any pc dupes, because they're all different versions 😭 I'm really not sure what to do with Joshua's photocards because do I need all of them??? They're not the same, but similar, maybe I could leave the ones I like the most and sell/trade the others? Idk yet. Okay but what the fuck is JYPE doing with Itzy, apparently you can only buy members albums for their upcoming comeback, no regular version?!
I don't know I don't think I ever drank a lot of water? I was brought up drinking tea and juice and fizzy drinks 😬 not very healthy I know, but like I said I also rarely feel thirsty so I genuinely forget about hydration
I wish I knew what was up with my dream image of Hwa, but something's definitely wrong. I had nice dreams about him too, but... delulu </3 pls I hope you dream about him soon, so you can share it with the rest of the class. Shit went down in that bank as well, but idk what happened. Jongho said "a banker during the day, a belly dancer at night" duality man!
Omg, so I think I told you about the game called The Arcana there's a character called Lucio, he's literally the devil and a goat and a capricorn, no wonder I'm in love with this bitch... I'm in love with myself? Shit that San Bridgerton AU, I don't really read for him but for you I MIGHT 👀
Excuseeee me, send that teacher assistant thing my way. I'm a master of putting things into people's head it seems 😈
Someone in my GC Seonghwa's taste in shoes is questionable, he and Taeyong should be friends then.
Uhm so who's choking who in the villain Y/N fic?!
I'm sorry but what the fuck does Seonghwa's shirt even mean. Also Wave Hwa was the Hwa I met at a fan sign, I cannot believe, I'm sorry I'm going through it 💔💔💔 it's HIM
I do be yelling while playing games or watching football, but I will NOT tolerate some guys yelling, sorry! We can yell together but when I'm working or resting the mouths need to be shut. I love coats so I would steal Jongho's for sure. Wooyoung is like my younger brother I never had nor wanted 😅 nooooo lovers please. If I had dreams about Seonghwa and then had to face him in the morning 🥴 I'm sure that wouldn't happen because I rarely dream of my friends like that, but what if... awkward - DV 💖
hi hello!!!
Damn I forgot to reply, I came back from a party and everything hurts. How are you?
omg hello don’t worry abt it!! reply when u can!! OHOHOHO DV ANON YN ERA EVERYTHING HURTS HUH 👁👄👁 I WONDER WHY MAYBE ITS THE LACK OF WATER FBWNBDWK i an extremely good bestie writing mr bodyguard atm <3 terrible but i keep getting swayed by the series 😭😭 pls also eat medicine 😭😭
I saw you only watched Bridget Jones now?! I used to love it even read the book, the movie has three parts actually. The last one came out in 2016 and it was...hm it wasn't good, but better than expected. But yeah some shit didn't age well. The fact it was pretty much inspired by Pride and Prejudice and Colin Firth literally played Darcy in one of the adaptations just to play Mark DARCY in BJ was a genius move, lololol
BESTIE I DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT EXISTED FBDB 😭😭 yeah…im def not watching the 2016 one bc the jokes in it must be 😭🔫 NFBWNDSM HE ISNT LEAVING THE ETL TROPE BEHIND AT ALL 😭😭 no bc pride and prejudice was so good, started my etl era forever ☺️☺️ omg what are ur top 5 favourite romcoms ever!
Jonghwa belly dancers when?! I mean Jongho's body ody dance was something else. Seonghwa will 100% embarrass himself but in a hot way.
YEAH JONGHO HABIBI ERA WHEN 😭😭😭 seonghwa would do the dance and then hide his face in his hands and immediately sub mode on JFBQKDJWL
If Taeyong releases a sexy sultry sensual album I'm buying all the 84738 versions SM will probably come up with, just saying
IM RIGHT BEHIND U ME TOO IDC IDC HIS SOLO ALBUM ABT TO BE AMAZING IF HE FEATURES OTHER ARTISTS TOO ID LITERALLY PASS AWAY his theme would be so interesting and similar to taemin’s lore god when is our turn 😩😩🤲🏼
Didn't get any pc dupes, because they're all different versions 😭 I'm really not sure what to do with Joshua's photocards because do I need all of them??? They're not the same, but similar, maybe I could leave the ones I like the most and sell/trade the others? Idk yet. Okay but what the fuck is JYPE doing with Itzy, apparently you can only buy members albums for their upcoming comeback, no regular version?!
OHHHHHHH IM JUST DUMB SORRY I DIDNT GET THATD HEHDS yeah!! keep the expensive looking ones jvbwmd investment ✨✨ NO BUT THE REAL QUESTION IS HOW MANY HIGHLIGHTERS DID U GET 🔫 WAIT WHAT??? ARE U FR?? 😭😭😭 JYPE GOING DOWN HILL 😭😭😭 hate it when companies do this bc in the member version there’s like 2-4 pictures of the group altogether but it’s better to get the regular ones bc u get all of them combined??? JYP??? 😭😭😭
I don't know I don't think I ever drank a lot of water? I was brought up drinking tea and juice and fizzy drinks 😬 not very healthy I know, but like I said I also rarely feel thirsty so I genuinely forget about hydration
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“GREW UP ON TEA” that’s very bri’ish of you mate 🔫
I wish I knew what was up with my dream image of Hwa, but something's definitely wrong. I had nice dreams about him too, but... delulu </3 pls I hope you dream about him soon, so you can share it with the rest of the class. Shit went down in that bank as well, but idk what happened. Jongho said "a banker during the day, a belly dancer at night" duality man!
LMFAOOOO NO IT IS BC WHYS HE CRYING OR SULKING 😭😭 WHAT DID U DO TO HIM IN THE DREAMS POOR BOY no bc. last night. im literally so mental abt it. but last night i saw one. o n e. photo of mr zayn and i had a FULL BLOWN DREAM, THE PERFECT PACE. LIKE IT WOULD LET ME REWIND IT WAS CRAZY I WAS ABT TO GET MARRIED WE HAD OUTFITS CHOSEN IT WAS CRAZY I RMR EVERYTHING and yet the man named seonghwa who i pray to never ever comes 🔫 😭😭😭 LMFAOOOO STOP IT EHWNHFKW JONGHO STRIPPER AU WHEN 😭😭😭
Omg, so I think I told you about the game called The Arcana there's a character called Lucio, he's literally the devil and a goat and a capricorn, no wonder I'm in love with this bitch... I'm in love with myself? Shit that San Bridgerton AU, I don't really read for him but for you I MIGHT 👀
also what is this choi san. pls also imagine this as the yn in the villain fic but a diff scenario <33
Excuseeee me, send that teacher assistant thing my way. I'm a master of putting things into people's head it seems 😈
Someone in my GC Seonghwa's taste in shoes is questionable, he and Taeyong should be friends then.
Uhm so who's choking who in the villain Y/N fic?!
take a very wild guess bestie <3 JCBWKDH 😶😶😶 i 100% volunteer seonghwa but our yn is gonna be so normal about it “do it harder, i can still breathe very well” BRWKHDKW
I'm sorry but what the fuck does Seonghwa's shirt even mean. Also Wave Hwa was the Hwa I met at a fan sign, I cannot believe, I'm sorry I'm going through it 💔💔💔 it's HIM
I do be yelling while playing games or watching football, but I will NOT tolerate some guys yelling, sorry! We can yell together but when I'm working or resting the mouths need to be shut. I love coats so I would steal Jongho's for sure. Wooyoung is like my younger brother I never had nor wanted 😅 nooooo lovers please. If I had dreams about Seonghwa and then had to face him in the morning 🥴 I'm sure that wouldn't happen because I rarely dream of my friends like that, but what if... awkward - DV 💖
NO FR SOME GUYS GO CRAZY i just know ateez does too, afterall, men. hongjoong vibrating like a nokia 😭😭😭😔 JONGHO DEF HAS SOME EXPENSIVE ASS COATS would 100% rob his louis vuitton bag 🔫 LMFAOOOO FBWMHDKWBDKW WOOYOUNG AS UR YOUNGER BROTHER I CAN JUST IMAGINE THE BANTER AND THE DYNAMIC YOUD HAVE maybe u will like a fic where woo is ur younger brother and ur in love with his best friend choi san <3 but he’s ur boss now <3 but u used to tease him as kids <3 now he does the same <3 but ☺️ DBWKBDWK YEAH WHAT IF ESP AFTER THOSE ASMR VIDEOS U WOULD WATCH 🔫🔫😭😭😭😭
consulting u on the matter of the series mood board colour, would u prefer black and white or dark red almost maroon-ish gold
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ecsundance · 3 years
Multiverse film festival? - A review
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Multiverse film festival? - A review
No, I am not talking about the Marvel multiverse but it sure did feel like I was put in different universes because each film I've seen so far is completely different and placed in different worlds. From a college dorm to a small town in Norway and then to a bank in Atlanta, I’ve had the chance to immerse myself in many different perspectives. In fact, that's what I'm enjoying most about Sundance this year. Most of these films take place in the same year except one (892) which further proves my multiverse theory. So far I've seen about 4 feature films and here are my thoughts:
1. The Worst Person in the World
Directed by Joachim Trier, this film follows the story of Julie (Renate Reinsve) as she tries to figure out what she wants in her love life and career. The first portion of the film is dedicated to her experience with the love of her life but it shifts when she meets a new guy. The film then follows her as she decides who she wants to commit to. I don't want to spoil anything so I'm just going to say this: This film challenges our own morals. It's not just a film about a lady looking for love, but a story about finding yourself. The pacing is quite interesting because it breaks it into chapters and forces us to experience (or for others, re-experience) a chunk of our 20’s with Julie. We get to witness the pros and cons of being in love and experience personal *growth*. This was my first Norweigian film and I am very excited to watch the recording of the Q&A with the filmmakers to see how they made this film and their thought process for the story.
2. 892
Based on a true story, 892 follows the story of former U.S Marine Brian Easly as he attempts to rob a bank in Atlanta and hold workers hostage with a bomb. However, the twist lies in why he is trying to rob the bank. I typically prefer to not watch bank robbery movies but director Abi Demaris Corbin does a fantastic job at turning a robbery film into a dramatic yet emotional film that makes me have some empathy for the “villain”. Not to mention John Boyega’s performance is outstanding and the ending just makes me hate the police department even more. The use of dark color was a smart choice to help create a serious tone. Overall, great movie!
3. Alice
To be honest, I was very disappointed in this film. The best part was KeKe Palmer’s acting. Alice is about a young woman named Alice trapped enslaved in a rural part of Georgia but escapes to find out it's actually the year 1973. This film had so much potential but the pacing was too fast and all over the place. The way Alice adapted to the year was just a bit too unrealistic for me. Although I do appreciate the creativity, it lacked depth and true character development.
4. Emergency
This is by far my favorite film that I have seen so far. Long story short, it's about two black best friends whose original plan to party all night goes wrong after they find a passed-out white girl in their dorm. It follows them as they try to figure out what to do. Not only is this film funny and entertaining but it challenges racism in America. I was hesitant because I have a strong biased opinion towards thriller, comedic, racial films ever since Get Out (which also premiered at Sundance in 2017) premiered. However, this film is great because it addresses common adolescent themes such as friendship except it's with black characters, which is not often seen in film. This film could have had a terrible ending or a good one, and luckily the director was smart enough to have a positive one. Most importantly, it seems to please who I think’s reaction is most important: black audiences. Emergency is 100% getting my audience's vote.
Chow for now
Mara Knight
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bookishandthetea · 3 years
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Birthday Q&A (forgot to post this yesterday)
What’s your favorite series?
What’s your favorite genre?
My favorite genre would have to be Mystery/Crime/Murder Mystery/Detective/Thriller
How did you get into reading?
I guess because my parents read to me.
Fantasy or sci-fi?
I dont  really read either but Fantasy.
How do you choose your next read?
Lately I have this list cause Im doing the popsugar challenge and ill do a number generator so that but also if I’m just scrolling through bookstagram and ill add a book to the list and do a random number generator to choose.
Reading outside or inside?
Inside most definitely.
Series or standalones?
Series, I like to see how the character’s lives ended. I’m invested.
Hardcover or paperback?
Hardcover maybe? Though I do love paperback books as well.
Where does your current read take place?
I’m reading The Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants which takes place in different places. Oia, Greece. Baja California, Mexico. South Carolina, and Bethesda, Maryland.
Favorite book-to-movie adaptations?
The Fault In Our Stars by John Green hands down which is funny cause I’ve only seen scenes from it.
Favorite Harry Potter character (/spell/class/pet, etc.)?
My favorite would have to be Fred & George probably or maybe Sirius. I don’t really know.
When did you join Bookstagram?
June 17.
What do you love about reading?
I love being able to be transported into another world, to live through the character to the point its like I am them. I love living their life, going on adventures I would never go on in real life. I like seeing the interactions, development, and overall life of characters. I like to develop relationships with them because you get to escape reality for just a little while.
Do you DNF books or read all the way through?
There are a few times, once or twice, that I DNFd a book which is ok. Maybe ill come back to it later and love it but it is ok to DNF a book.
Would you rather be a librarian or a bookseller?
Librarian. You get to interact/people watch. It’s peaceful, quiet. People are always coming back. You could witness so many things as well. The start of a friendship, a courtship,a family. The library tells stories. It welcomes all that enter to come back, to check out more books. It is also the safe haven for so many kids.
What’s your reading goal for this year?
50 books which I am not pressuring myself to reach.
Do you reread books?
All the time.
Describe how you’re feeling in emojis.
Describe your current read in emojis.
👖➡️👧+👦🏻[👴🏼👵🏼👧]➡️👧🏻💼 👧🏼📹➡️👧🏽 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦➡️➡👧🏼💘👦🏕️
What was your last five-star read?
100 Days of Sunlight by Abbie Emmons
What’s your favorite season?
What’s your favorite non fiction book?
Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
Do you prefer tea or coffee?
Tea, I don’t like coffee.
Do you like music while reading or silence?
I like listening to music/sound but I also like to read in silence.
Do you prefer books with one POV or multiple POVs?
Multiple povs though one pov is still good because I like seeing what is going on in everyone’s heads.
What is the most quote worthy book?
Well a book I always quote is TFIOS. Book series is ASOUE.
Dream career?
I believe I want to major in English in college, so maybe something to do with that though idk. Not writing as full time though.
Your star sign?
Favorite binge-worthy tv shows.
Favorite shows are Psych, Criminal Minds, SVU, and the netflix adaptation of ASOUE. Also HIMYM.
What song is stuck in your head?
Like My Father by Jax.
Favorite Disney Princess?
Tiana most definitely.
Favorite book to show adaptations?
The netflix adaptation of A Series of Unfortunate Events hands down.
If you owned a book shop what would you call it?
 Top Five OTPs?
Everlark- Katniss Everdeen + Peeta Mellark(THG)
Gaze?- Hazel Grace Lancaster + Augustus Waters(TFIOS)
Dunlet- Violet Baudelaire + Duncan Quagmire(ASOUE)
Kladora- Isadora Quagmire + Klaus Baudelaire(ASOUE)
Pavi/Rippa/Sarge?-Pippa Fitz-Amobi + Ravi Singh(AGGGTM)
A book series you deem terribly underrated? 
The Lawless Trilogy by Jeffrey Salane. I’m on the 2nd book and they are awesome.
Do you own a library card? How much do you use it?
Yes. I don’t currently know where it is but yeah. I dont use it too often.
Do you buy bookish merch?
Yes, I’m the youngest of 3 girls. A sister who is 16, 17 on Halloween(2 yrs older)(going to be in junior year of hs) and one who is 18, 19 in August(4 yrs older)(going to be in sophomore year of college)
If you have multiple instagram accounts what are they?
I have this bookstagram @bookishandthetea, my writing instagram @_thatsthetea.books_, and my character’s accounts, @nakhalacarter, @kamleyhernandezz @asaadsanchez and @mahlikwalkerr.
 Did your middle school do reading levels? What was yours?
Yes they did and I was level Z+
What author/s do you love for writing their books but hate for the pain and heartbreak they caused you?
Suzanne Collins and John Green above all.
Do you write in your books?
No, but I may start.
 A tv show(s) that you hate/ just really don’t like?
Attaway General, General Hospital, The Bachelor series
 What are some of your favorite quotes?
“Grief does not change you, Hazel. It reveals you.”
“That’s the thing about pain, it demands to be felt.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t mind, Hazel Grace. It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.”
“As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”
“But the sad truth is that the truth is sad, and that what you want does not matter. A series of unfortunate events can happen to anyone, no matter what they want.
“The world is quiet here.”
“They're book addicts.”
“If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.”
“Never been better.”
“Besides, no one has ever seen the light by being told there are darker places out there.”
“I love you and your broken wings.”
“The hard thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same.”
“But sometimes remembering isn’t for yourself, sometimes you do it just to make someone else smile. Those lies were allowed.”
“Pip wished she was strong enough, but she’d learned that she wasn’t invincible; she too could break.”
“I'm not sure I'm the good girl i once thought i was . I've lost her along the way”
“I’ve already learned my lesson here: when you catch someone lying about a murdered girl, you go ask them why.”
Do you wear glasses?
Do you love to write?
What’s your favorite movie?
I don’t really watch movies but maybe the TFIOS movie and the barbie movies which are actually really good.
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kurogoesinthedas · 7 years
hi there!! i just wanted to say i really love your art and your art style! i'm trying to get a similar style myself (semi-realistic?? i guess???) and i'm struggling terribly with faces and general anatomy. do you have any tips? i really respect you as an artist so i hope this doesn't come off as creepy or rude! you do great work
Hi nonnie! First of all, thank you so much ♥ Second, I’m definitely not an authority on the subject, but I can share what I’ve learned in school the past couple of years (which isn’t of course the Truth™, I’m sure others will say different things and there isn’t a “right one”, but you asked me so I’m gonna share my experience).
Under the cut because it got… long
The first thing I’d tell you to improve your human figure drawing skills is to study anatomy (of course). But when I say anatomy, I don’t mean the general, proportion-blocks-curves kind of thing. I mean study anatomy. The bones of the body, their most prominent feature and how they appear on the surface. The skulls and its parts, you’d be surprised how easier it becomes to place the facial features once you know what lies beneath. Also studying the muscles and how they move and overlap, in terms of groups or one by one, that’s your choice, is extremely important. And I’m about to tell you why. 
This is an example of the kind of study I did. Every muscle is on a separate layer with its name, and I did the same for all the body districts 
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If you have a very basic knowledge of anatomy, you’ll look at a reference and copy it for what is it, without really thinking. Which is good and all, but then you’re using the reference as a crutch, and not as a learning tool to become better. I mean, you can become better using this method, but it’d probably take more time. And since I tend to favor an analytical approach to things (and honestly I have no patience for searching for the right reference all the time), I use what I’ve learnt to basically dissect the body part I’m looking at on the reference. This allows you to actually understand what’s going on beneath the surface of the skin, and eventually also adapt it to your needs. And the next time you’ll need to draw the same pose, you might be able to do it without looking at an exact reference. How useful is that? And so, for example, you draw the ridges and cavities in the collarbone area not because “I think there’s a hole here”, but because “there are specific muscles here and skin dips between them.”(note: I’m not trying to say drawing without references is a good thing. It’s not. But I’m lazy, so I try to make the best of it when I use them). 
Now, as for the semi-realism part of it. There’s a whole discussion on what to call realism and what not (I got into some myself with my teachers, with one saying I draw cartoony and the other one saying I draw realistic… and of course each one wanted the other thing lmao) but, what I wanted to say is that after you learn the “scientific reality” part of it, you gotta actually apply that to drawings. And unless you’re an insane genius, you’re not going to draw skulls and muscles and bones every single time. And that’s when the stylization, and the shapes, proportions and such come to play. One thing my teacher used to tell us is that you need to ingrain the shapes into the muscle memory of your hand. 
And so we drew 100 head structures (the old “circle cross triangle” thing that you find in every anatomy tutorial ever existed) copying from photographs and paintings. Same with torsos, and arms. and legs. An endless stream of naked bodies on my screen. 
(not kidding)
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(I’m actually realizing I should do more of these lol)And the same thing applies to the features! Dissect them in shapes, and find a way to make it simple.
so…. in the endtl;dr: study anatomy. draw a lot. (don’t shoot me)  Practice. And find a way to have fun!
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wisestydia14-blog · 8 years
I'M IN COMMAND - Bellamy Blake x reader
I was seventeen, and he was twenty-three. He was the love of my life, but he wasn’t going to know that. When we came to the earth from the Ark, I felt relief to the fact that I wouldn’t see him every day for the rest of my life. We were going to get out of the ship when someone held my arm and stopped me. “what the fuck…” I murmured when I saw Bellamy Blake’s face. He couldn’t be here. He was an adult and he wasn’t a delinquent, so the real question was, how and why he was there? Thirty seconds later, the second part of the question solved in a word. Octavia. I was the only one who knew Octavia,apart from her brother. I was her best friend. I was adapting to the Earth very well. I was a survivor. And Bellamy, since was the oldest of us, took control with the “princess”. Yeah, Clarke Griffin wasn’t my favorite person. And it wasn’t because of the way Bellamy look at her. I knew she was beautiful, and I knew Bellamy was out of my league. But she treated everyone like she was above them. Specially with me and Octavia. But then she told Bellamy he was a jerk and an asshole. She was very hypocrite. I thought that if I had to see Bellamy, it would be less hurting if I treat him the worst way possible. That caused me lots of problems with Clarke. But for some reason, Bellamy had to be kind with me. Maybe for Octavia. I was her first real friend. So I forgot about the plan and began to live in pain, focusing on my survive. Bellamy had become in a better leader day after day. “Y/n!” Bellamy shouted jogging. “hey I need to talk with you.” I thought it was for Octavia. She always listened to me. I rolled my eyes and let out a sight. “what happened to Octavia?” I asked and keep working without looking at him. “it’s about you.” he told me. I didn’t see that coming. Obviously, Bellamy took care of all of us, but he never took special care with me or anyone but his sister before. “so? What do you want?” I looked at his face for the first time and I saw he was firm, he didn’t denote emotions. “Harper has told me that you will go to spy the grounders” I nodded and motioned him to keep talking. “you’re not going.” I was speechless. “what? Of course I’m going.” I replied hitting the table where I was working. Bellamy looked at my hands and, taking a deep breath return to talking. “you can’t go. End of the discussion.” he turned to leave me there. “this wasn’t even a reason!!” I groaned loudly for Bellamy to hear me. But everyone heard me. Bellamy lost the patience. “I’m in command!” he shouted. “and you’re not going!” “who told you you are in command? The princess?” I asked sarcastically. I knew his blood was boiling. “well you obviously aren’t able to lead them so-” I hit him on the face. He looked at my eyes, but he didn’t hit me back. I was going to hit him again when Octavia stopped me. “what the hell are you two doing?” she asked. Bellamy went away looking to the floor. “what happened?” “I really don’t know. But he isn’t going to allow me to leave the camp.” Octavia looked confused. “don’t ask.” I told her. I began to step into Bellamy tent. “Bellamy tell me why…” but the anger in my voice disappeared when I saw Bellamy with eyes looking silently to the floor with clenched teeth. I stayed there in silence. I didn’t know what to do. In fact I was waiting for him to say I should get out. But he said nothing. He had noticed me. But I didn’t know what was happening. “you’re right.” he whispered breaking the silence “I can’t do it.” I had screwed it up. He was a mess right now because of my fault. Octavia was going to kill me. If Clarke didn’t do it before. I sat down besides him. It was the first time in years we were that close. “I’m an idiot, Bellamy.” I told him. “you’re not perfect leading us, but… You are doing it pretty well.” he shooked his head tired. “no. Clarke is right. I’m an asshole. I’m selfish. I’m partial.” he mumbled. “fuck Clarke!” I groaned “fuck the world! You saved us too many times. You have even risked your life for ours. And you have just saved me from a sure death.” he looked at me and I smiled. I wanted to kissed him. But I just smiled. “Y/n?” he asked, now looking at the tent. “Uh?” “do you think Octavia loves me yet?” “she will die for you.” I told him. “I think she’s punishing you.” he looked at his hands. “do you think I deserve it?” he asked and his voice cracked. “you told her terrible things, Bellamy.” I replied, not sure if he wanted the truth. I heard a weak sob. “you’re right… But-” he stopped. “sorry, I was thinking out loud.” he gave me a weak smile and I held his hand. “don’t worry. Oh, and… I’m sorry about… Before.” he remembered it and touched his cheek. “it’s okay.” I was going to get out when I noticed Bellamy grabbing my arm, making me turn around. He crushed his lips against mines. I didn’t know if he was sad. I didn’t know if he was mad. I just wanted that. He let go my arm and grabbed my waist. He wasn’t slow. He was fast. He pulled me closer to him and lowed his hand to grab my ass. I gasped and let his tongue enter into my mouth. I snaked my arms around his neck without breaking the kiss. He lowed his other hand and pulled me up. He laid me down and laid above me, finally braking the kiss. “Y/n…” he murmured. “I don’t want to keep going if you don’t want to.” “take off your shirt and let’s not talk to much.” I hushed him. He smirked while he began to take of his clothes and then mines. I was on my bra by now. He stopped to observed me. Me arms crossed automatically to cover my bra. Bellamy noticed that I was ashamed and got up then he helped me to sit down. I had my arms still crossed. “hey” he called me, but I didn’t answer, so he kneeled down in front of me. “you don’t have to do anything okay? But don’t do that. You’re beautiful” he cooed me planting kisses on my face. I looked at him and smiled. And this time, I wanted to smile. Suddenly the tent opened and Finn, Clarke and Monty stormed into the tent. “okay, Bellamy stop it’s not her fa-” Finn began to say, but then he noticed how we were. “guys don’t enter into t-” But Octavia and Jasper were already in. “what happened, is she okay?” Octavia asked and I saw how pain crossed Bellamy’s face. “what the hell…?” We stood up rapidly and separated from each other. But when Bellamy noticed I wasn’t covering myself, he embraced me. “could you all get out, please?!” Bellamy ordered loudly and embarrassed and I giggled. “not funny, Y/n.” he murmured, but he smiled. “yeah… We’re leaving” Monty said laughing. He and Finn exited. “fuck, now I have to pay Raven.” Jasper muttered. “did you guys made a bet?!” Clarke exclaimed getting out with Jasper and grabbing Octavia’s arm “come on” “okay I should’ve told you.” I looked at him. “but I love you.” he said. “Yeah, I have noticed that.” I told him. ________________________________________ FIRST OF ALL, I WANNA TELL YOU GUYS THAT CLARKE IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTERS IN THE SHOW AND I APPRECIATE HER SO MUCH. AND NOW, THIS IS MY FIRST THE 100 IMAGINE, AND ALSO MY FIRST BELLAMY BLAKE IMAGINE.
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