#I'm 100% sure someone's done this before but I couldn't find it so I made my own
cinnabunwanda · 1 month
Cloaked heart ✰ Natasha Ramnoff ⌇DRABBLES
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content warning — fluff only! :))
pairing — fem reader x Natasha Ramnoff
summary — Logan Smith, injured in Natasha's bedroom, confesses to a crime and promises to find the perpetrator. Natasha comforts her, reminding her of her lucky person.
word count — 563
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You stumbled towards her room, trying to hide the limp in your step. Your room was located on the 6th floor, and with the elevator out of order, you had no choice but to take the stairs. The alcohol coursing through your veins only added to the difficulty of your journey. As you climbed each step, pain shot through your injured leg, causing you to nearly give up by the third floor. But then, relief washed over you as you realized that Natasha's bedroom was also on this floor.
With a quiet determination, you made your way to her door and knocked softly. Within seconds, she opened it and her expression quickly changed from irritation to concern as she took in your appearance. Your split lip grimaced as you tried to smile at her. She gently touched your jaw and turned your face so she could see your injuries better. Her anger grew as she noticed the split lip, the black eye forming, and the red handprint on your cheek. Without a word, she wiped away the blood from the corner of your mouth. Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked up at her.
"Who did this?" Her voice was low and dangerous, filled with barely contained rage.
You hesitated before answering, "I...uh...I don't remember his name."
Natasha narrowed her eyes at you, seeing right through your lie. "Why are you lying?"
"I'm no-" However, just one look at her face made you drop your feeble attempt at hiding the truth.
"It's not worth it," you mumbled, trying to speak clearly but failing due to your drunken state.
"It will be worth it if it means getting justice for what was done to you," she said firmly.
You gave in and told her, "His name is Logan Smith."
As you started to lose balance again, Natasha caught you and helped you back onto your feet. Her features softened as she held you close. She slid her arm under yours and guided you into her bedroom, where she helped you onto the edge of her bed. You sat there, exhausted and in pain.
"Are you okay, Princess?" Natasha asked, using your affectionate nickname.
You nodded but she didn't believe you for a second. "Can you tell me where it hurts the most?"
"My ankle," you admitted, wincing as she gently felt around the injured area.
"It's just a sprain, nothing that can't wait until morning," she reassured you, although her expression showed concern. She then made the decision to deal with your other injuries tomorrow.
"Come closer, Princess." You shifted closer to her and she scooped you up in her arms like a princess, laying you down on the bed and covering you with a blanket. As soon as your head hit the pillow, exhaustion overtook you and you fell asleep. Natasha watched over you for a few moments, making sure your breathing was steady before giving you a soft kiss on your forehead. She tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear and whispered, "I'm going to find the bastard that hurt you and make them pay 100 times worse. I promise."
She pressed another kiss to your ear before quietly slipping out of the room. As she walked away, she couldn't help but think about how lucky she was to have someone like you in her life.
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©Elena do not copy, edit, or translate my works.
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Hello! I saw your yandere!Loki, can I request something similar for Buddha? Hopefully it’s ok! :)
Hello! I'm assuming that you mean something that has to do with a love potion! I might not be able to write a one shot but hopefully headcanons and a drabble are okay!
This is the same reader from the Yandere! Loki one shot and the same general concept of: the reader will only fall for someone who manages to beat her in a fight.
Yandere Buddha + Love Potions
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- You truly embodied what it meant to be a champion of humanity in Buddha's eyes; determined, resilient, and hard to keep down.
-Buddha would realize instantly that he adored you and would try to get close to you, courting you the proper way and making his interest known.
- However, if you weren't interested in him then he'd suddenly have no idea how to pick up social cues.
- You step away from him when he puts his hand on your back? That's cool, he totally gets not being in the mood for physical touches today.
- You laugh uncomfortably with his flirty words? Aw, you're so adorably shy♥️
- But for the sake of the story, let's say that you were either truly unaware of his feelings or knew about them and waited for him to challenge you.
- When you were chosen to fight with a God before Tameemon Raiden, Buddha actually offered that instead of the Valkyries, he would perform Samavadhāna with you.
- And it felt amazing.
- He got to be one with you, he got to be close to you in a way no OTHER person, God or mortal, could ever hope to be.
- He thought his soul was already complete but when the battle was done and he separated from you, it felt like some part of him stayed with you. As if it didn't want to leave.
- He had given up all earthly desires in his life as a mortal, but a mortal he was no longer so surely...surely it wouldn't be wrong if let his feelings grow, right?
- So he did, he let his thoughts run wild with images of you and him together in his head. His calm and chill demeanor masking the burning obsession that told him he HAD to have you, he must claim you as his and he has to hear him call you yours. Please, it's all he could ever want.
- While Buddha is a god infatuated, he was not stupid. The length of his feelings was intense and he knew it wasn't right and thats why he tried to hide them.
- However, that resolve breaks when he finds out that you had fallen in love with someone else. Someone who was less deserving of your feelings, nevermind having your love in general was maddening to the Buddha.
- But Loki had challenged you to a battle and won. Buddha knew that this was how you always wanted to chose your lover.
- Yet, while you accepted the results of the battle and welcomed Loki with loving arms, the God who couldn't stand seeing the mortal whom he connected with would not stand for it.
"It's for their own good." He reminds him as he watches Aphrodite work. His blue eyes glinting when the pink light reflected from the heart shaped vial Aphrodite had put the potion in.
Yes...that's why he was doing this. It was for you, for your own best interest. The God of Deciet was not to be trusted, in fact, Buddha was more than 100% sure that Loki must have cheated during your battle with him and that is why you lost. Perhaps he didn't have any proof but he didn't need it given Loki's reputation. But he knew well enough that you were a stubborn human, something he still loved dearly about you. He could not let that green-haired punk ruin all that made you good, all that made Buddha love about you.
Aphrodite worked in silence, wondering to herself if this was real. If Buddha, the God who was once a mortal and gave up every desire in his body, was truly making her create a love potion for someone who already promised themselves to another. She wasn't aware Buddha had this side to him, it scared her, so she kept her mouth closed and didn't dare to say a word because if he was willing to do all this scheming over a measly mortal...what else would he be willing to do.
"Her love for you will be false." Aphrodite warned him, handing him the finished vial.
Buddha stared at the potion before nodding his head in acknowledgment of her words. Yes, he knew very well that there was going to be a catch...but it was better for you to be in love with him under the guidance of the love potion than for you to make the wrong choice of your volition.
"We were never here." He says lowly to Aphrodite, his tone of voice was casual as usual but he needed no words to convey that he was threatening her to stay silent unless she wanted to piss him off.
Yes, this was for you. Buddha was just concerned for you, that's why he had to do this. If you had realized during your time together when you were both bonded that you were both meant to be, he wouldn't have had to do this, but humans were often foolish.
This is why they needed Gods. Kind gods, who'd offer them a path to a better and more happier life.
This is why you needed him.
It was honestly too easy to get you to take the potion, after all, you had no reason to distrust the man with two hair colors. Buddha was your ally, who you fought as one with and who wanted to celebrate your newfound relationship. He watches eagerly as you accept the drink from him, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as you down the entire cup. You then talk to him a little longer before looking at the time.
"I have to go but thank you!" You say cheerily, standing up to go meet up with your lover.
Buddha nods his head towards you, pouring himself a cup of tea and watching you from his peripheral. You walk only four steps before you feel yourself get dizzy, your feet stumbling before you. You were about to fall but one strong arm wraps around your waist and you feel a pair of lips on yours. Your half-lidded eyes slightly went wide with panic when you realized it was Buddha himself who was kissing you, but then that panic went away instantly.
Your eyes became softer, more docile, and before he knew it, you closed them completely and kissed him back with as much passion as he had kissed you.
He would deal with temper tantrums that your now forgotten lover would give him, he'd make sure you never see Loki again so he couldn't poison your mind with the false promises you two made to each other after your fight.
For you belonged to Buddha, you bonded with him, and he knew he couldn't live without you. He was willing to play every sneaky underhanded trick to have you in his arms because it was what was best for you. Or maybe it was because even after all those years of reaching enlightment, some part of him was still human...and you, unfortunately, just brought out the worst side of that humanity.
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the-au-collector · 1 month
Ok so I've decided to do some digging to try to figure out who the other Mystery Link is. I couldn't find a full version of the LU banner but I did find screenshots from this ask that Jojo answered all the way back in 2018. Idk if she cropped the picture after that, but the banner is still the same picture, just cropped.
I decided to start with the first unconfirmed(?) Link, First, since we already know that's who it is. Idk if anyone's done this before but here is my breakdown:
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Mystery Link 1 (First) pretty closely matches with the depiction of him from the Manga. The hair matches, you can see the scarf, his pauldron, his belt, his double-crossing straps. It all matches pretty perfectly, so obviously this is First. We already know that this is First.
The question is who is this guy:
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He's very confusing.
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So we know he has short hair, wears a strap across his chest, has this weird item on his belt, and wears a split tunic. His boots also come up to about his knees. He looks pretty tall, too. His collar is what I would describe as Legend-esque. It's very similar to Legend's collar. He shirt almost reminds me of Wild? IDK why
I'm going to immediately cross out Spirit and Age as candidates since Jojo has already confirmed they're part of Wind and Wild respectively. I also want to cross off Shadow here too. Mr. Mystery is too tall to be Shadow. I'm also quasi-crossing out Cadence of Hyrule Link since I don't think that game was released when jojo was plotting Linked Universe, but I'm not 100% sure about that so it's open I'm just not considering it for this.
So my thoughts immediately go to four other characters. My immediate thought was CDI Link. I also remembered that cartoon Link exists. And upon closer inspection, I'm not unconvinced Mr. Mystery isn't Time.
So let's go through all 3:
CDI Link
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Okay he doesn't really match... at all. At the same time, I want to take this moment to take another look at Legend's design since that deviates quite a lot from his canon designs in the series (so does Four's design) so I'm not going to completely dismiss CDI Link's potential. The item on the hip especially seems to match the compasses from Zelda's adventure. But CDI Link himself...
No. His hair is long. His boots kind of match, but he isn't wearing any outward straps and those compasses are also from a game where the protagonist is Zelda not him. Mostly his hair and simplistic design is the main thing throwing me off. Especially the hair.
Likelihood: ehhh we'll go 6/10.
Cartoon Link
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I'm going to be honest I forgot he existed.
Anyways he does have the low-cut neck and the short hair and the thing on his belt. But, like every Link, he has the Default Link Outfit which doesn't really say much since (like we see with Legend and Four especially) jojo will change designs to make the Links more distinct. Someone could theoretically argue she wouldn't change Cartoon much since his hair is already brown instead of blonde...
Honestly for being a Link not included in LU, I'd say he matches pretty close to Mr. Mystery. Closer than CDI anyways.
Likelihood: 7/10. Depends on how different Jojo would be willing to make his design for the comic (he could also be combined with CDI Link too, which would up it to 8/10)
But I noticed something else. Mr. Mystery's outfit and face look a little familiar...
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Young Time perhaps?
They have the strap, the belt, the low-cut shirt, the short hair. Mr. Mystery's face literally lines up to Time's chin. I feel like that's significant since jojo made all the Links' face and eye shapes distinct.
The only thing I can't think of is why we would have an alternate version of Time. Maybe we'll see Downfall Time? Maybe Time is Sir Raven after all?
Idk, the more I looked at Mr. Mystery the more I realized he looked a lot like Time.
Likelihood: 4/10. It would be cool, but idk why Jojo would make 2 Times join the party.
Also something very interesting from the banner image:
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Ravio's included!
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taffycandyqt · 8 months
heyyy again, can i request the rise turtles reacting to reader deciding they want to pierce them-selfs but too lazy to go get them professionally done so they just walk in on the reader half-way piercing them-selfs and freak out cuz they just have a needle in them and reader is laughing their ass off at their face.
(the piercing can be anywhere an there face)
remember to drink lots of water as well and take care of yourself <3
Your literally so sweet! Thank you! <3 and right back at you, take good care!
Also I got to like the middle of Mikey's and then Tumblr deleted the whole thing so I just kinda🥲
TW: Mentions of blood (nothing gross), mentions of needles and needles piercing skin
Notes: GN reader
You decided that getting piercings was too much effort and too expensive. So why not do it yourself?
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Boi is the epitome of terrified
And look, he knows piercings are a thing and that people get them but like he isn't surrounded by many people with them and he always thought it was supposed to be done professionally.
So, safe to say when he comes to your place to hang and finds you in the bathroom with blood dripping from your ear and a needle in it, broski SCREECHED.
Legit worried someone straight up tried to stabb you with a needle.
Tonight was the night! You finally decided to suck it up and get that double piercing you've always wanted. However, you were poor.
So! DIY it is! People do it all the time so it couldn't be that hard right?
At least you think so. You didn't really do any research before hand so you aren't 100% sure the bleeding is bad. But at the same time you don't think bleeding is normal in this kind of situation. Or at least not the desired result.
Admist the chaos of you trying to control the bleeding Raph texts you that he dropped by for a short visit. You figured that the calming presence of your boyfriend would help lift you mood and keep you from freaking out. So after telling him where to find you, you sat down on the toilet lid to actually search up how to to pierce yourself. (And if bleeding is normal). However before you could get to any useful information you hear the surprised screech of your boyfriend.
"Oh, Raph this is jus-"
"WOW thatsalotofblood...COTTON BALLS! or gauze?? You have those right? How did this happen?? WAIT! We need to remove the needle first! Did someone do this to you??? Was it an accident? How do you accidental-"
"PFFFFFFFTTT! HAHAHehehehehe!" You practically cackled.
"w- ... what ...?" Raph said, no less panicked, just a little more confused.
"Raph. Sweetheart, hehe," you couldn't help but giggle. "Love of my life, I'm fine, I'm just piercing my ears."
"Oh. So the bleeding is normal then?"
"Oh, no. I'm pretty sure that's a bad thing."
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You cannot tell me this boy has not thought about getting piercings before.
They're just so pretty and cool, and he is all for them! (Low-key upset he doesn't have ears because of all the cool ear piercings out there)
Even with that though, when you show up with needles sticking out of each side of you bottom lip, bro is a little scared.
Like wtf are you doing??
When you tell him though, he is HAPPY to help.
He will even get a piercing with you!
Splinter will make him take it out later buuuuuut, it's about the couple bondinggg!!
On a high of boredom and internet envy (a.k.a, seeing tons of pics of hot ppl with snake bite piercings) you began to prepare needles to give yourself some dope piercings. After expertly pushing the needles through both ends of your bottom lip you were reminded of your 'bi-weekly mandatory art and cuddle couple bonding date' (Mikey's name for it). You couldn't just take the needles out so after some thought you just decided, screw it, it's not like I'm bleeding. It hurt a little though.
After slipping under the man hole cover and navigating the nasty sewer you made it to the lair. Voicing a quick hello to Splinter as you passed through he living room he met you with a swift wave, still thoroughly invested in his l show.
Making your way to Mikey's room you speak a quick 'knock knock' to get his attention, seeing as you couldn't really knock on a curtain. As the turtle of the hour excitedly pushed open the curtain he was more than a little surprised upon seeing you.
You couldn't help it okay?? You didn't know what reaction you were expecting from him but it definitely wasn't 'EEP!'. Eventually you both calmed down enough to talk.
"Angle, what did you do?"
"I'm getting snake bites! Did it myself, what do you think??"
"That's so COOL! Can I get a piercing too!!?"
"I'm pretty sure that's up to your dad hun."
"He'll be fineeeeeee! Come on! This can be the art portion of the 'art and cuddle' date.
"But daaaaaaad!"
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If you thought Raph's screeching was bad, Leo's is worse.
My guy just wanted to see you and just so happens to portal to you right as the needle goes STRAIGHT through your septum.
When he sees this he FREAKS TF OUT then slips and eats bathroom tile right after.
You'll laugh but he will be so shook
Like he saw the needle GO THROUGH YOU!
Mans is high-key traumatized.
It doesn't help that he probably forgot that piercings were a thing and is just like, wth would you put a needle in YOUR FACE.
When you tell him you're just getting a piercing he will get pouty about you laughing at him (and embarrassed that that wasn't his first thought) and you'll basically have to baby him the rest of the time he's there.
"Oh y/nnnnn-"
Needle successfully through the septum.
"HOLY! LEO! WTF you scared the crap out of me! Are you okay?!"
"Wha- eeh- THERES A NEEDLE IN YOUR NOSE!" He yelled pointing a finger at your face.
"Sksksksksk," you snickered. "Yeah, Leo, I put it there."
You had always wanted a septum piercing, but you just couldn't bring yourself to actually go and get it done so you figured the only way to get it is to do it yourself. Your just lucky Leo scared you after it was through rather than before, who knows the kind of bloody nose you would have gotten.
"Uuuh, cuz septum piercings are cool?"
"So how'd the floor taste bud?"
"I-! Hey! Why don't you try seeing someone STAB a NEEDLE through there face. I SAW I GO THROUGH!" He gestured dramatically before folding his arms and facing away from you.
"Awww, come on now handsome. Don't be like that. Tell you what, why don't we make some hot coco and we can watch whatever movie you want"
"Mmmhmmhmhm" he grumped but complied as you led him to the kitchen.
He clung to you the rest of the evening and consistently snuggled his face into your neck during the movie.
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Low-key grossed out by the idea of a needle going through someone.
Even more grossed out that you decided to #1. Do it yourself, and #2. Pierce your tongue.
Just, ewww.
But then you had the GALL to ask him if he could help you and he's just like, with what??
I'm not touching your tongue and I am sure not stabbing it with a needle, so what do you want from me??
Will tell you about the multitude of mouth infections you could get from a tongue piercing
Will be there the entire time to make sure you don't hurt yourself, though he has to look away when you actually put the needle through.
Again, ew.
Even though he finds the whole idea gross, he will admit that when all was said and done, it looked good on you.
Your probably the only person he thinks looks good with one.
"I'm sure Mikey would be more than happy to help you."
"No Donnie! I asked YOU cuz I want YOUR help!"
You told Donnie all the time how you wanted a tongue piercing. You were just to lazy to get it done professionally and frankly, you don't want a stranger prodding your mouth. When you realized you could do it yourself, you were so excited. Donnie helping you would just make it all that much better!
"Y/n, while I am happy to assist you in any matter and am glad you came to me for such, I'm afraid I cannot help you in this matter."
"Why not? Your smart, with your help my piercing will be perfect!"
"Dearest. You are correct, I am smart. However, I am a man if science and my talents lie outside the realm of bodily piercings. Besides, are you aware of the sheer amount of infections a piercing give you? Mouth piercings especially cause quite grotesque infections, and that's not even to mention the damage it can cause to your teeth."
"Awwww." You sighed in disappointment.
"Though... I suppose nothing stops me from making sure you follow the instructions correctly."
-a couple minutes later-
"Okay, dear, let's go over one more time. Gauze?"
"Yes!" You replied.
Donnie looked at you for a moment and raised an eyebrow at that response, but kept going regardless.
"Lighter and ice cubes?"
"Okay. The first step is to heat the needle."
After carefully going through the instructions you finally got your long awaited tongue piercing! However Donnie didn't think you had started to pierce your tongue and saw you with a needle halfway through your tongue before looking away and gaging, which you couldn't help but laugh at. That was until Donnie told you to stop before you hurt yourself. Overall, he did make the whole experience, so much better.
I hope that was good! Sorry if there are any inaccuracies. I am literally going off of what I saw in the parent trap soooooo. Yeah. There's my first fic.
Imma go to bed now🥱😵
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pillsandumbrellas · 4 months
Could you extend on the fat/water for fuel thing you said while fasting please?? Also, some tips? Like you've done this for such a long time it's so impressive
I'm not 100% sure what you're referring to. I'm assuming you're asking about what your body requires to function while still fasting. I'll go into a lot of detail regarding this since I feel like it's important. First of all I'd like to preface this by stating that everyone is different. Some people have deficiencies or immune issues or blood pressure.. the list goes on issues. Before even considering a fast, know your body and it's requirements. I would hate for someone to read anything I write and take my word for it and do something that harms them. I couldn't live that, so please do your research. Regarding what your body needs; if you're already a very thin person, don't fast. You have to understand that when you're eating, your body is burning calories for fuel. When you're not eating, it switches to burning fat. This is ketosis. A lot of the goal of a ketogenic diet is to switch the body over to burning fat for fuel. This is the biggest reason for why people have a really goddamn hard time the first few days of fasting or even starting keto. What people refer to as "keto-flu." It's your body protesting against your switching over to burning fat, when burning calories is so much easier and it's instant energy. Burning fat is a lot more work. So, if you're already thin, your body won't have much fat to burn through. What your body will do instead if burn through muscle and organ tissue. You REALLY do not want that. Bear in mind that even if you have fat deposits, muscle loss is likely to occur anyway, as your body may burn through muscle it thinks you don't necessarily have use for. If you go past a 36h fast, autophagy also begins to occur where your body starts to heal itself. I personally love this and have healed my acne scars through this. I had really bad acne scars and now I have maybe a couple I can see if I look reaaally closely. Putting that aside. You need hydration A LOT of water, and you need fasting minerals (electrolytes). These are mainly sodium, magnesium, and potassium. Now I personally just make snake juice at home, because I like control over what I put inside myself. Water=2L | Potassium chloride =1 tsp | Sodium chloride = 1/2 tsp | Sodium Bicarbonate = 1 tsp Magnesium Sulphate = 1/2 tsp Now it's up to a person to know how long they can fast and how long they should fast, however if you're planning an extended fast. I cannot stress enough to get a general check-up, get professional help during your fast if you can, and monitor your blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Some things I experienced through my many fasts has been throwing up by the way. Usually around day 7-14. I was able to fix this with a mixture of a table spoon of apple cider vinegar and pickle juice. I couldn't drink snake juice anymore, because it was too concentrated it made me feel ill. However the pickle juice had enough minerals to keep me satiated without being overwhelming and the apple cider vinegar balanced me out. No these do not break the fast. This is medically proven to aid with fasting, I didn't just come up with this btw. Also you may find yourself bloated with water as you lose weight and your body decides that it wants to fill the fat you lost with water. Potassium supplements can help with this. Just be careful with your dosage. Little goes a long way. You will pee A LOT. This is normal. You'll pee a lot in the beginning of your fast, as you drop water weight, especially when you got to bed. It slows down towards the middle when your body starts packing on the water. Potassium makes you start the hose again though. Anyway I hope this helps some people, gives some insight. Be careful. Take care of your bodies. Don't be stupid. I can do stupid things, but I try to be a self-aware and well informed idiot. That way I don't have anyone but myself to blame, because I know better.
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beefrobeefcal · 6 months
fic author self rec
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rules: when you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
thank you @iamasaddie & @sydneyinacoma for the tag! 💜🥩💜
it's hard as hell for me to choose but i will do my darndiddily arndest! None of these will be surprising... 👌🥩💜
so here it is in no particular order:
The Catfish & The Mouse - Chubby!Frankie Morales & F!Reader
The thing that started it all! I have a soft spot for this bc it's what thrust me from being a spectator to an active participant in the fic writing world. Even though I have my wish list for changes I would make to this, I don't think I will touch it (at least for the foreseeable future) bc it's so dear to me.
Baby's Got a Temper - Chubby!Frankie Morales & F!Reader One Shot
This def takes the top spot for my fav C!FxM one shots. This one was the first one I had a lot of fun writing. I loved the prompt, I loved the way it fell out of me, I loved the reception. I feel like I hit a good groove with this piece.
The Way to a Man's Heart - Chubby!Joel Miller & F!Reader
I have said this before, but I was so nervous about this one. Joel already has a heavy duty, ironclad canon with a fairly solid reputation in the fic world for being a dom!daddy big meanie pants (sometimes with a heart of gold) that can leave little to find new grounds in. While I don't think that I broke new ground with a softer Jackson-era Joel, I was pleased with how Chubby!Joel rolled out. Credit to Hozier’s newest album that I played on repeat while writing this for the softy Joel vibes.
An HR Nightmare - Chubby!Javier Peña x F!Reader
What else is there to say about the Bistro's gumpy done-with-this-shit narco buster? i loved writing this. And being a Peña girlie, when the prompts rolled in, I couldn't deny the call. Even though I wasn't 100% sure the fic would fly, the response warmed my cold beef heart and made me feel more confident in my choices. Also, the request fom @toxicanonymity for an In Between the Scenes made it even more fun for me.
On the Waterfront - Dark!Frankie Morales x F!Reader (ongoing)
Truthfully, if you put me in a room with all my children fics and said to choose one, I'd choose OTWF. Couple of reasons: 1. I'm super proud of it. I felt like all the confidence and skill I had building up came to fruition in this one. While I would happily read all my fics if someone else wrote them, this is the one that I would be keeping calendar on for the updates (apologies to those keeping calendar for the updates). 2. (and arguably the more important one) @neverwheremoonchild -I have such admiration for them & feel so delighted for the brainstorming sessions we have had conjuring the plot. From the we-need-jesus all caps chats to the feral livedocs with endless notes & cry-laugh inducing comments... let's just say that OTWF is not about the journey, it's about the friends we make along the way.
NO PRESSURE TAGLIST: @theywhowriteandknowthings @neverwheremoonchild @rebel-held @xdaddysprincessxx @albertasunrise @avastrasposts @ghosmooth-operator ... and anyone else who wants to get in on it!
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reel-fear · 3 months
Honestly, every single time the whole 'poppy playtime is a bendy rip-off' stuff ever shows up I find it all extremely unconvincing and silly.
For one thing, rip-off usually is meant to imply that it's a cheap lazy copy of a better more polished thing, and uh. Sorry but even from chapter 1? Poppy Playtime is a better game than Bendy, it has a simple but understandable story, the game manages to be thrilling, creepy, and very intense at times... I mean that Huggy chase in the vents ALONE puts it way above Batim for me.
I mean BATDR had the most slow stupid chase I've ever seen [and every other encounter with the ink demon is text telling u he's there and then a timer goes down and u get jumpscared] and batim's chases were either silly or just not nearly as theatric or terrifying as that.
When making the vent sequence I mean not only is it absolutely horrifying to realize how fast Huggy is in there but also it's so theatric and cool? The fact that you round a corner after thinking you escaped only to see a terrifying animation of that thing crawling toward you is awesome! I wish Bendy had stuff like that!
And all the stuff it shares with Bendy are generic things Bendy ripped from other horror games/media anyways. I'm not saying Poppy Playtime isn't inspired by Bendy I for sure think it is but Bendy is such a generic story that somehow fails to do tropes 100 other horror games have done any comparison only makes Poppy Playtime look better.
"It has employees being sacrificed for their company" That is not a concept Bendy invented, literally look at any of the sci-fi horror series Bendy is very inspired by. This is literally a twist in the original Alien.
"It has a scary woman forcing you to do tasks for her" Once again, not a concept Bendy invented, a scary mysterious person forcing you to do fetch-quests is a concept found in tons of horror media. And at least Poppy Playtime gave you a chase with her and let you defeat her, look at poor malice. She's barely on screen for more than 10 minutes before she gets stabbed.
"It has a cult worshipping the monster" This is something tons of horror games and media have done too. I mean In The Tall Grass has a guy who worships a giant magical rock in the middle of a grass maze, Bioshock [which Bendy has only been taking more and more direct inspiration from while failing to grab any of the compelling parts] also had a lot of themes of religion and cult-ish behavior, almost every horror media franchise has at one point done a cult thing.
Bendy couldn't even come up with a reason Sammy worships the ink demon, the best motivation we've ever gotten is just that 'he's crazzyyyy the ink made him insaneeee'. Who is the cheap rip-off here?
At least Poppy Playtime gave their cultist a motive for worshipping the monster + a proper boss fight that feels intense and looks awesome! Bendy didn't even let you kill Malice [she got stabbed in front of you and then just collapsed on the floor how thrilling] meanwhile you get to kill three of the villains in Poppy Playtime and the gameplay and action in those scenes have only gotten better as the game went on.
I mean Sammy walks into a room and goes "AAA SCARY I'M BEING MURDERED" then later shows up and for NO REASON sees a normal human man and assumes it's the ink demon before once again someone else kills him for you. In Poppy Playtime you defeat Catnap as he floods the world with this horrible nightmare-inducing gas that intensifies the color palette and his design. Fight off versions of him that are illusions that you need your flare gun for, then watch in a wonderful animation as he mistakes the monster for his savior before getting killed by it, in a brutal way I might add, which game are we accusing of being cheap, lazy garbage again?
I just find this argument to be people who Really Really need to find a reason to hate Poppy Playtime which I think is silly. The devs being weird, shady people is already enough reason to dislike the game, you don't need to invent reasons why secretly every part of the game is malicious or bad. But esp when I see Bendy fans saying they don't support Poppy Playtime or dislike it bc of its devs or even saying its cringe ummmm.
I have bad news about the fact Bendy's devs are worse and it took not one, but TWO over an hour long videos to cover it all. Plus the Bendy games are just the worse games in every aspect, if I could sell my batim copy for a copy of Poppy Playtime I wouldn't hesitate at all.
Saying this as a bendy fan, we have no right to be super judgy towards Poppy Playtime. If Poppy Playtime is embarrassing cringe, Bendy is too and is way more embarrassing of an interest. We shouldn't spread misinformation just because we all want to hate Poppy Playtime, you can dislike Poppy Playtime without making up a bunch of nonsense to justify it.
Honestly seeing people just blatantly be unfairly mean to Poppy Playtime only makes its critics look worse and makes it hard to take any backlash to the games seriously. Because surprise surprise if you spread misinformation to make a point people will quickly stop listening to Anything you have to say bc they won't trust you're telling the truth anymore.
#feel free to reblog but Im not gonna tag this its way too rambley at least for my taste to go in the main tags#ramblez#also man can I say I didnt want to make this post super long but theres so many other points I could make in poppys favor#the fact we got to see the hour of joy and it was terrifying we dont even know if joey actually killed anyone anymore#the gameplay itself is more diverse and fun then batim which is a walking simulator that pretends to have fighting n stealth mechanics#at least Poppy n Missys friendship gives u a reason to care for missys safety before shes put in danger#Missy can actually express unlike Boris who sits there looking cute with no proper expressions until he gets yoinked and ur supposed to car#bc he was uh adorable? And therefore you spend an entire chapter tryna get him and get an extremely bad boss fight in return-#also soundtrack wise I like poppys tracks more theyre unique and fun and you can tell which part of the game they come from#bendy has so many dramatic reveal stingers and tracks that are really hard to tell which part of the game they come from#bertrums boss fight has my favorite theme bc its so specifically crafted for him and unique and meanwhile Norman has one of the worst imo#a lot of Bendys soundtrack if I played it for you right now it would be hard to guess where its from bc it all kinda sounds the same#the reveal music for the machine for bendy land for heavenly toys for alices domain all sound the same x_x#its just so frustrating but yeah my point is can we all stop making up new reasons to shit on poppy playtime its just kinda dumb#it feels less like actual criticism and at this point just feels like elaborate justification for cringe culture which I hate#okay thats it bye sorry this is 10 pages long-
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lordcatwich · 2 months
The crimes of the headspace sillies
all of my headspace sillies are in the wrong but they all have justifications and I wanna rant about em now so GATHER AROUND FOLLOWERS
Carly and Finn were friends for a really long time. Finn showed up LONG after Carly, but they didn't think anything of it- they considered themselves equals and worked together because Finn's... Tendencies... Didn't show up until a couple years after he appeared, and when he showed them, it was REALLY alarming to Carly. Like, "has my friend been possessed by a demon, I know we're gods but are there demons that can possess us?" alarming. Of course, this caused her great distress. She panicked about the possibility that her friend could've been replaced by something bad, and when she accepted the fact that he was still him but he'd changed and was now causing harm to her creations, she was scared. So of course she locked him in the basement! How else was she supposed to stop him? She couldn't think of anything else. Even when Finn was still locked in the basement, she came down and talked to him. Even when he didn't want to, she'd still try. She wasn't heartless. Her decision to isekai herself without telling Finn? She trusted him to understand and not interfere with her story (kinda an. Overestimation but we'll talk about that later.). She didn't even tell Benji what she thought of Finn. She didn't want him to have a bias against him.
Carly had her reasons. But what about
Benji spawned in and was immediately told to be nice to the characters. The first person he ever met told him to keep them safe and trust her words. Carly didn't tell him about Finn, but she sure as fuck told Benji to be his antithesis. Benji trusted her. So when Finn said "Carly was a bitch who didn't like me because she thought I was bad", he immediately took Finn to be a little bit untrustworthy. This is why he didn't let Finn near the control panel for very long at first. And when he saw what Finn did, it made him physically hurt. The day he saw Finn doing angsty stuff with the characters, he started planning to lock him in the basement, taking out everything Finn could possibly use to escape, unknowingly laying the groundwork for his own imprisonment. He was %100 gonna do it if Finn hadn't first. I'm not saying he had it coming, but.... Well, he did. But he was, unfortunately, a little bit justified.
Finn, Finn, Finn. He had the most justification out of all of them. Imagine that one day you're doing something you've done every day for years, but you do it differently. And suddenly, just for doing the thing differently, people think you're dangerous. So you resolve to do the thing normally the next day.
But you find that you can't.
You've forgotten how.
You try desperately to do it like normal, but the way you're doing it now suddenly feels more normal, more natural, and you can't stop. You can't quite tell what's wrong about it, either, so you just give in and do it in the new normal way. You apologize profusely, but you can't stop doing it. It's all you know.
And then someone throws you in jail for doing it.
They won't let you do the thing, and you start slipping. You rely on the thing. You need it.
Then they, maybe without knowing it, taunt you by showing you how free they are, how normal they are. And maybe it isn't intentional, but you grow to hate them nonetheless. Even if they are the only one who will interact with you.
Then they abandon you without telling you they're going anywhere, and that scares you for reasons you can't comprehend.
Then someone rescues you!
Good, right?
You try to go back to doing the thing, but they won't let you.
And when you finally do the thing again, they have the same reaction as the person who threw you in jail. And you see signs of them preparing to do it again the next day.
Wouldn't you snap?
Of course you would.
It's only natural that you'd lock them up before you could be isolated again.
It's only natural that you'd go overboard when you could finally do the thing you loved again.......
Thanks for listening to this mess lol
@littlebookworm69 tagging u because i think you'll like it
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I have a gift for you...even though you love to complain and whine about factual things 🤣
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You never thought you'd be in this position, but life has a way of doing that, throwing you curve balls. Which is how you found yourself in the dive at the highway rest stop, watching the big rigs come in.
You hadn't done it before and it terrified you.
You had seen him shuffle in the diner, grabbing a quick bite before heading out again. He was dirty, soot taunting his strong forearms as if he was elbow deep under the hood for hours. He barely spared a glance in your direction as he walked by, but it was enough to catch his attention.
You were nervous, that much he could tell. He was a week in on a long haul and hadn't had sex in months - work taking over his life. But Ari could feel his cock twitch in his pants.
Sighing deeply, he took a step over to you. He had never paid for sex before, but damn if he wasn't already hard at the thought of the seediness of it all.
"How much?"
It was so quiet you could barely hear him. But you responded with a number. Lower than what you needed to make your rent this month, but enough to put a dent in it.
Ari nodded, "Follow me."
His rig was huge and its colour a brilliant shade of deep sea blue - matching his eyes, you absently thought.
He helped you climb up, making sure you didn't fall back before he climbed in after you. You pulled yourself to the passenger side as he settled in. He wouldn't look over, both of you shy.
"What's your name?"
You smiled, and answered. He smiled back. "I'm Ari."
"Hi, Ari."
"Oh," he suddenly remembered and pulled out his wallet, handing you some bills.
You tucked the money in your bra and leaned over, eyes on his,, seductively, as you lowered his zipper. There was a hitch in his breath as you pulled his cock from his pants, fisting him.
He was huge in your hands and despite your nervousness, could feel yourself grow wet beneath your skirt.
Ari leaned in to you, capturing your lips with his, sliding his tongue easily in your mouth. You hummed appreciatively.
If this were anywhere else, your stomach would be fluttering at the soft sounds he was making. His scent was all grease and filth and 100% testosterone.
Ari tugged you over his lap, your skirt hiking up around your waist. You rubbed his fat head between your lips, soaking him in your juices as he made love to your mouth.
Ari couldn't take the teasing anymore, finally reaching around you and impaling you on his cock.
It was immediate - the overwhelming passion between you both. Your lips parted briefly to exclaim the sheer eroticism of the moment as your body got used to the size of him.
He gave you a moment - not a second longer.
Ari wrapped his arms tightly around your waist as he devoured your mouth and your cunt devoured him, slamming up into you in a frenzied pace.
Ari broke the kiss, burying his head in your neck as he succumbed to your body. You fingers dug into his Jean shirt, clawing at him - desperate for skin. With one arm still around your waist, he moved his other between your bodies, thumbing and rubbing against your clit.
You came fiercely, teeth claiming his naked and thick neck. You pierced his skin and Ari cried out - spilling his seed deep inside you, painting your walls a glorious shade of pearly white.
You relaxed in his arms, a shiver running up your back and through the sweat that pooled there. As you both came to, you pulled away, remembering your place, but Ari kept you close, mumbling into your lips which he swept his tongue over.
"Do you need to go? Meet someone?"
"No," you breathed. "This was the first time I've done this."
Ari pulled back, searching your eyes for the truth. Finding it there, he smiled, brushing his fingers through your hair. "I wouldn't mind company on the road if you have no place to be."
"I think I'd like that," you said, smiling.
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HOW THE FUCK I AM SUPPOSED TO RESPOND????!?!?!? 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🥵🥵🥵🥵🥴🥴🥴😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵
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Why would you do that to me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😣😣😣😣🤤🤤🤤😵😵😵🥴🤯🥴🤯🤯🥴🥴😵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
I am staring at the wall . Dumb. No thoughts. Head empty .
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chidoroki · 10 months
182 Days of TPN - Day 123
Chapter 123: "An Important Choice"
Yesterday I mentioned that if I was reading the manga around the time the previous ch was released that I would be so eager for Ray's answer, but I would've never imagined him to be so blunt and admitting his uncertainty like this. It's hilarious to me now of course but I wonder if I would've been let down initially if I had patiently waited a whole week just to hear him be like "eh, I dunno."
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I'm always so harsh on Norman's plan and how it'll result it wiping out all the demons when I forget that the promise Emma has in mind will essentially have the same effect.. oops. With all the children raised in farms crossing over to the human world with no more traveling between worlds, the demons would've just degenerated on their own. Although, would that really knock them out? Surely they can eat other things aside from humans to stay alive right? They would just revert back to a more wild state of mind. I dunno. No need to wonder about it too hard with evil blood ex machina.
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Ray throws me through a total loop with his honesty, like yeah he's typically the one who has no issue telling the truth to others, but it's done in such comedic and unexpected ways during this chapter that I can't help but love him more because of it.
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Thank you anime for being faithful with the above mentioned panels.
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Poor Emma is completely caught off guard by his answers too. She was expecting Ray to give her some clarity as usual and yet he's giving us a whole lot of nothing. In his defense though, it is quite the troublesome problem to find a reasonable solution to that would please Emma's standards. Both sub & dub are fun in this little bit too, especially with Ray's "nopes." (I'm adding the scene here again, for funsies.)
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To this day I still believe Emma listened to his advice a bit too well here and that's how she was able to keep her emotions and the consequences of the reward so well hidden whenever it was brought up after the new promise was made and when it was time to cross over to the human world.
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I'm fairy certain I brought this up last chapter (I dunno, it's been a long day when I'm actually writing this out and I'm lazy to check myself), but I still love the dark shadows that Ray has during half of this conversation. It's kinda ironic because it's not like he's trying to lead Emma to make some grave mistake or persuade her into choosing something she's not 100% okay with; he's genuinely trying to help her make the right choice, so despite shadows typically being used to show ill intent, evil or make us suspicious about something or someone, it couldn't be farther from the truth here and I kinda like it.
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Naturally I love that he even admits to knowing her so well, and yet despite Emma's no-violence-please-only-happiness wish requiring more brain power to figure out they could even accomplish both sides coexisting, he still wants to help find a solution for her to ease the burden in her heart and mind. And I love that about him. I love many things about Ray. Is it obvious yet?
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His has own opinion but respects hers so much more and that fills me with many soft feelings. Also, YES! The head pat! Still kinda sad the anime left it out but I still love their version of this scene very much.
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Bro the fire and determination came back into her eyes instantly.
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At this point of the anime train-wreck, I'll take any moment that resembles the manga, even with simple actions like this.
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Anime missed this small, surprised Emma though and that's a bummer for me personally. She's cute.
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I know Emma's ideals and doubts made her hesitate in voicing her refusal of Norman's plan the day before, but I also wanna believe another part of it wasn't because it was concerning Norman, but because her entire family was in the room at the time and they all seemed to be thrilled with the idea, so she opted to stay quiet to not ruin the mood. And I gotta say, I prefer that second panel of Ray in manga as well. He just looks real good there.
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Anime gets a win for the way Ray looks at her here though. I have a love-dislike relationship with the adaption if you couldn't already tell. It's amusing to witness.
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Ray's had one too many parents lie to him, so thankfully the demon parents are spared from being added to that list.
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Oh honey, do I have some great news for you!
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The way Emma gets so excited over him considering her plan is so precious! And Ray better play the lotto when he gets to the human world because that one in a billion chance eventually becomes a reality.
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And yet regardless of the incredibly low chances and all the dangers that may come along with going against the annihilation, he still chooses to put his trust into Emma for her and their demon parents. He's amazing. He deserves many head pats.
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With all the RE focus during this chapter, I often forget these three show up towards the very end. My bad.
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Such a proper introduction. What lovely adult raised them so wonderfully, hm? And yes I appreciate that the anime remembered to include Barbara's little slip up and Vincent correcting her as well.
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Let the interrogation begin! Ray has already resigned to his fate. Another detail I tend to forget is Cislo's piercings. I wonder why that's so uncommon with the kids. Probably because they've been living att the farms for the majority of their lives, but I definitely feel like a handful of them would at least enjoy having earrings now that their sorta kinda free. (I fully support the idea of the fullscore trio getting a matching set.)
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Favorite panel/moment:
With how much I rambled on, you can imagine just how much I enjoy this entire chapter. I could literally pick out almost any panel and declare it my favorite, but OF COURSE these lines of Ray's live rent free in my head. Even the light banter at the end to close out the balcony scene is adorable. He just has so much trust, faith and respect for Emma that I honestly will never get over it. Everyone deserves someone who supports you in life to such a great extent!!
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The biggest change of this scene is obviously the location but I can never be mad about that when I absolutely LOVE how it allowed us to get this beautiful sunrise!
"Here we have our girl lost within her own mind and feeling completely alone due to her ideals, then BAM! Ray listens to her concerns, lends his assistance by thinking through a different course of action that would ease her wavering heart and restores some of her usual optimistic attitude. My boy literally helps our girl out of the dark and shined light on her mood/plan and that’s absolute perfection." - me freaking out during s2ep6.
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It was such a genius addition and I will always get super emotional whenever I watch this scene back, like how perfectly poetic could you possibly get??
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minty-marshmallow · 2 months
Physical 100: S2: Ep 9
Last episode!
I know I'm a bit late and behind but I'm super excited to find out who wins. I've done well avoiding spoilers.
Okay last team, final two to determine who the final 4 are. Honestly, I feel like these 2 are the best of the whole 100 contestants. They went hard from the first round and still going! I thought for sure they'd at least have slowed down. Crossfit is insane!
It's so sad to watch such great players have to break their busts but that's the game. Its nice hearing them just talk about the challenges and stuff. Bro, Amotti said he can't use his ankle like he used to after breaking but dude look at what you just did to win that roller competition in the last episode!! My dude!!
Honestly, most of the top ones seemed very genuine, good people. These 4 especially. Now, it could all just be for cameras because you never really know these people. However, I'd like to think they are good people.
Ah, so the first round is that game from season 1 where they had to hold their busts up the longest. Man people can really hold out, I wonder how long it will go on for? Ah, poor Justin. I mean someone had to lose but still. Why did it look like he wasn't trying to get his grip back though and just let it go? Maybe he was just that tired. "Both 4th place and 100th place are losers" I mean he's not wrong. I still think he shouldn't have any regrets though he really did his best.
Ahhh, this second game is grueling omg! Oh wow, the one thing that Hong doesn't do lol. I'm amazed at their stamina for this. Lol I struggle just doing like 20 body squats. Amotti is really stone-faced, like you can't tell if he is tired or not. Poor Andre, his back is hurting.
Omg so they're increasing the weight and the number of reps? This is insane! I think Amotti and Hong are going to pass to the final 2. I'm pretty sure Andre will get eliminated. He's already struggling a lot. They all have people cheering for them. I mean I wish they all 3 could win but that's not the case. It's crazy to me that they push themselves until their body just gives up basically. I feel like if they hadn't gotten to rest Andre would have went on a little bit longer. That wasn't the case though. So, resting made it to where he couldn't lift the next round. He really gave it everything he had though and was still trying.
And then there were two!
I feel like it's really hard to tell who will win. They are both really good sportsman, they even hugged each other before beginning. Yeah, it isn't going to end until one of them gets tired lol. Hong won the first round, but I feel like he expended all his energy. So if he doesn't win the next one he might actually lose.
Ah, Amotti won the second round. Dang, so it's tied. It's really nerve-wracking lol, who will win? One last round to go. HONG FELL OVER OMG!
So that's that then, Amotti won! That's right, you did your best so don't have any regrets. Ah, it's so sad to watch him smash it. I think this is the most upsetting one.
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enha-doodles · 2 years
⌦ Pairing : Heeseungxreader!
⌦ Genre : yandere
⌦ Warning : yandere behaviour , toxicity , cursing and stalking
⌦ Disclaimer : I don't support any yandere behaviours . This is all a work of fiction and my imagination . Credits of the GIFs to the owners . None of the members have the same personality or resonate the traits mentioned below .
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You were at the police station . No , you didn't commit a crime instead you are the victim . You've been feeling like someone was following you since a month . Sure you could be paranoid because you walk alone but your doubt was proved right when you saw a quick flash outside your room's window . Yep that was definitely a camera and now you were sure you are getting stalked so you wasted no time and went to the police the next day . They asked for proof which you didn't have . No notes , no gifts , no alibi so they told you they'll look into it which offcourse meant that they had no intention of helping you . You argued with them but sadly they couldn't act without atleast 1 proof . It's been a week since the visit to the station and now you're coming across more flashes that leads you to the fact that he might have 100 pictures of you . You were fucking scared because all this was way too creepy and you didn't have anyone to rely on . Your parents live in a different city and your bestfriend has gone to a vacation . She'll be returning soon but what will you do till then ?! You started carrying pepper spray and wore a mask at all times . Maybe then he won't take your pictures . Sitting on your sofa , you were trying so hard to think what proof can you get so that you can finally get rid of this freak who's stalking you that you didn't notice the figure behind you . He was admiring you whole you were in deep thought . To Heeseung you were his world , that he met 2 months ago . You were playing with some kids and he was starstruck when his eyes landed on you . You were pretty , sweet and kind . What else could he need ?! Seeing you with kids made him fantasize about having a family with you . Yeah its definitely not love at first sight . His thoughts were filled with you and after 1 month of stopping himself from doing anything to get to you , to meet you he decided stalking you was the best idea . His bedroom had your pictures all over and although he was happy with stalking you , having you beside him could make him happier . He was amused when you figured out he was staking you and you went to the police . Funny of you to assume they can stop him . He saw how you were starting to be more cautious of your surroundings and he thought that it's time . Time to have you by his side and live with you forever . So he sneaked into your house , something he has done countless times before and came up behind you . He took out his special camera and clicked a pic of you . Hearing the sound and blinded by the flash you turned around horrified coming face to face with him . Your stalker . You backed up and made a run for the door just to find it locked from outside . He was chuckling while nearing you . You started banging on the door hoping your neighbors would hear but he yanked you back to his chest . He grabbed your tear filled face and made you look at him while you were thrashing in his hold . "shhh , don't cry . It's all okay , I'm finally here and we can finally be together . I'll be the best boyfriend and husband so don't you worry sweetheart" with that he knocked you out .
Taglist : @axartia @nikipedia07 @lovesickxmina
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theowritesfiction · 1 year
‘Sozin’s Comet, Part 1: The Phoenix King’
Okay, it's a bit weird for the final set of episodes to start with a beach party, but making fun of Sokka's artistic expression is always fun. Suki thinking the blob was cute is a sign of true love. Also, I know people like to hold it against Zuko, but I actually loved him breaking up the party. After the previous episode, watching someone chase Aang and throw fire at him felt cathartic.
Also, actually watching this scene vs. reading Azula stans arguing with antis definitely puts things in perspective. Zuko says that the people of the Earth Kingdom will resist until they have hope. Ozai immediately latches on to his words, muttering about hope and looking approving. What do you expect Azula to say in this situation? She obviously wants Ozai's approval for herself, so she takes the whole 'hope' thing and runs with it. The claim that Azula herself was interested in genocide is extremely weak. But for escalating Azula's idea to a totally new, genocidal level, Ozai gets 200 Jerk Points.
Still, the idea that Ozai and the Fire Nation army could completely burn the Earth Kingdom during the comet is... such a ridiculous plan. Shame nobody dared to explain Ozai how geography works.
I feel like Zuko and Sokka are framing the whole 'you will HAVE to kill the Fire Lord, Aang' premise a bit wrong. I'm not surprised that when put it like that, Aang is having some issues with it. Why didn't they approach it from the point of view that Aang needs to be prepared to kill in order not to be killed? Because he's done that before.
I like where the Ozai's baby picture and the ensuing discussion leads to. However, I also think that Aang is wrong to accuse the others of not understanding his position and snapping at Katara. Actually... the others made perfectly valid points to remind Aang what it means to be the Avatar. And that means to put the needs of the world above his own narrow and restrictive moral code. Sure, if Aang can find ways to reconcile the two - that's brilliant. But you have to be prepared to do things that go against your own personal credo, and Aang refuses because he wants to have his cake and eat it too. And maybe I'm a bit too harsh because of Ember Island Players, but... 40 Jerk Points Aang.
I thought that the failed Toph and Zuko field trip was actually seriously mean. After Toph was so nice and understanding of Zuko in the previous episode, Zuko really couldn't bother to indulge Toph a little bit? Aww come on Zuko, you can do better than that. 20 Jerk Points.
Okay the scene with Azula and Ozai... enough has been said about it already. Spending too much time thinking about it is depressing me, so I'm just going to quickly slap Ozai with 250 Jerk Points for making Azula sad and move on. Also, can I just say that the entire Phoenix King aesthetic is a perfect example of small dick energy? There I said that about Ozai.
Jerk Points for Book 3:
Zuko - 720 Ozai - 700 Aang - 660 Yon Rha - 400  Sokka - 110 Roku - 100 Hide - 80 King Kuei - 60 Toph - 50 Haru - 30
Look at Ozai, the big earner coming back with a vengeance.
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creations-by-chaosfay · 8 months
My husband just finished his phone court trial regarding what he received from Unemployment. In 2020, he had given a two week notice, and two days later the new manager fired him. Three years and three moves later, he received notice he was going to be taken to court regarding this. Basically, they wanted all the money back. It took a few weeks and an extension for us to prepare and for me to find someone to represent him.
So, some fun and very satisfying facts. Under a read more because it's lengthy and because of language. I know some of my followers are uncomfortable with cussing, but it absolutely applies.
Shortly before his two week notice, the king of assholes got promoted to the kitchen manager job. Not a single person in that kitchen like him. He's a white supremacist, sexist to the max, played music with racist and sexist themes in the kitchen and played it loudly, told people to hurt themselves, told women what he wanted to do to them, that sort of stuff. But! He had his nose so far up the restaurant owner's ass he was breathing only the gases found up there. The owner had no idea any of this was happening. Whenever he came to the restaurant, this guy would completely change his behavior. It didn't matter how many complaints people filed, nothing changed.
The folks working in that kitchen wanted my husband promoted. The other guy was severely unqualified as well as all the things mentioned above. My husband had 30+ years experience and worked every position except owner in that time.
My husband was the ninth person to quit/get fired within a week of this guy getting the promotion. The reason for firing? He had suggested he train someone to work his position. He was the only one who knew how to do the stuff he was doing, and when he left there would be no one with the skills or knowledge to work his position. I'm not sure what it was he was doing aside from the catering part of the business. He had been hired because of his experience in catering, and worked there for six years doing that. There had been someone else who worked it as well, but they left a few years prior to the new manager getting promoted. The guy disagreed with the training (for reasons I can't fathom other than being stupid). He didn't feel any training was necessary! Catering is complicated work with a lot of details. Ask anyone who has worked in catering, and they can explain it to you better than I could.
We found out today there has been a 100% staffing turnover. Here's what I think what happened:
The guy wasn't getting his way and people quit or he fired them.
Guests complained about the noise and music.
He hired people who were unqualified.
He's extremely cheap and had started ordering kitchen supplies that were below the standards guests were used to.
The five star rating had dropped to three stars in less than a year (I checked periodically because I predicted this would happen).
The catering was disastrous and they may have lost their contracts. This was at least half the business!
The owner got tired of all this and fired the guy.
The owner's accountant was the one representing the owner. Because of court rules or something going on with the business, the owner wasn't present for the trial. The accountant had never been the restaurant while my husband was working there, and therefore couldn't serve as a witness. This worked in my husband's favor.
We'll find out by the end of next week, but his representative said they've pretty much got this and there's nothing we need to worry about. During the cross examination, he asked my husband questions neither the judge nor the accountant had asked, which brought some other details to light.
Oh, and the owner didn't contest my husband's unemployment claim. In fact, he supported it. This entire thing was done up by the Unemployment department, and they've started doing this to a lot of people who made unemployment claims in 2020-2021.
I wasn't present, and all this is what my husband has told me. Currently he's shaking because of the adrenaline rush and how much stress and anxiety this has caused him. Now it's over, and all we can do is wait.
I'll be getting back to sewing probably tomorrow. The stress from all this has made it significantly more difficult for me to focus. Not so much now that the slow moving tiger has come and gone (this is reference to another post regarding stress and anxiety).
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juiceastronaut · 9 months
The thing is. I think Aziraphales motivation changed as soon as Crowley said "no," or at the very least when the Metatron(?) started talking about the second coming.
Like. We visibly see Aziraphale scrapping himself together enough to mask how he was feeling once Meta came back in, we see the "Just so polite and happy to be here" facade click into place.
His talk about Crowley being an angel again, being happy, that was 100% driven from pure emotion, he had just gotten the offer and the deal that he could bring Crowley with him and he's too ecstatic to think about the implications. To him this is the best of both worlds, he can have heaven and he can have Crowley.
But then Crowley tells him no, and he gets reality checked a bit. He's still trying to convince him to go, trying to hang on to the fantasy, but as Crowley talks more he's remembering why they've had to hide for so long. Why they couldn't be together in the open. He's remembering the eggshells he had to tread around the others in heaven for 6,000 years. He's in denial, yes, but also I think being cut out from heaven for four years made him forget the politics a bit, leaving a more idealized version of it in his head. He's no longer reporting his good deeds to heaven, only to Crowley. I think even with him being distinctly seperate from other angels, I think he missed talking to others in heaven.
I'm..not actually sure what replaces his motivations after Meta comes back, but it's no longer for Crowley, or even for solely "fixing" what went wrong specifically, though that's definitely a part of it. I think the need to *know* what's happening after being cut off has something to do with it. With the cut off, he was no longer able to go in and ask what heaven was doing or why they were doing it. I think he knew something big was coming, or at least had the knowledge that something *could* be coming, and it scared him that he couldn't find out what. It must've been on the back of his mind the whole time, only somewhat pushed away with the offer Meta gives him. He still thinks heaven is "good" but that doesn't mean he thinks they always act in the best interest of earth, a point I think we've clearly seen in the last season.
He asks Meta about the second coming, but he's using the "mask" voice, which I think you can only tell it's a mask in this scene alone, after hearing him speak so raw to Crowley back in the shop. He's playing dumb to get information, something he's done multiple times before, the only difference was the audience was able to see that he was doing it, and now we can't (because from our point of view he was doing it badly).
He's acting carefully, not trying to turn too much when he's looking at Crowley, doesn't want to give himself away too much. Because whatever he's going into now he's doing it to protect him. He's steeling himself, keeping his face neutral as he goes forward. Whatever's coming he needs to know what it is, and if that means being in control of it then so be it, maybe he could curb it if he were at the helm.
Aziraphale doesn't react to Metas comment about Crowley "always asking damn fooled questions." When Crowley was an angel, Aziraphale was *visibly* frightened for him when he was talking about putting in suggestions, looking around to make sure no one overheard him. Crowleys comment about Job was "but to at least be able to ask the question."
Aziraphale is at least somewhat aware that the questions were the reason Crowley fell. And he also fundamentally thinks of Crowley as a good person, that's why he wants him back in heaven. He didn't think of the questions as a problem, but knew that someone else would, lest they overheard him. But he *doesn't* react to Meta's comment. Because he knows he needs to tread carefully right now, no matter what he personally thinks. There's only one other point where he doesn't react to something that he really should've, and that's when Crowley spoke about living in his car. The camera even panes to him but there's no reaction.
Both of those things touch very close to his real thoughts, and there's too many people (angels) there to speak freely. The *only* time we see Aziraphale express his emotions clearly is to Crowley, when there was no one else in the room. And that's even with 6000 years of keeping his walls up even around him, it only happened because he was afraid of losing him.
To keep himself safe he's closed off his real thoughts and emotions, keeping them in so tightly that he's physically incapable of unlocking them consciously. Crowleys the only one that's seen any authentic version of himself, any version with free joy and inhibition. Crowley has been the one to encourage that side of him, whether it was food, his magic act, or just existing in the same space as it without judgement like his bookshop. He's the *only* person that would be able to know Aziraphales true self, and even he's locked out.
Crowley is the only person that can shatter the act completely, to leave Aziraphale almost physically having to put it back together before he gets hurt. When Meta comes in he has to act like nothing happened for his own safety. We've always been able to see Aziraphales motivation, because we've seen the juxtaposition of himself on Earth (with Crowley), versus with heaven. Now that he's chosen heaven both the Audience and Crowley are cut off from seeing his thought process. We're no longer in on it.
In conclusion (?) I think it's going to be a lot harder in season three to guess what Aziraphales doing/thinking, because now we're not in on the act. We're the onlookers. I think the climax for the next season is to see that persona properly shatter, probably in front of everyone, or at least in front of Crowley before they can move to make amends.
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annieintheaair · 3 months
Love is everything it's cracked up to be.
Greeting passengers just might be my least favorite part of my job. Usually, I’m ignored. People don’t say hi back, smile, or even acknowledge me. That is unless I’m flying to Oklahoma. Tulsa people especially reply and even ask how you are. Most of the time, I reply saying I’m good or alright but what if I said fine or worse, “I could be better.” I mean, how would anyone respond? Sometimes I feel like this job makes me a liar, constantly leading people to believe that I’m doing well when I’m not. I hate having to put on a face when inside I'm hurting.
Last night, I even put on red lipstick, thinking that if I felt like I looked put together, maybe I'd feel put together. In all truth though, it didn't really work but I was happy to be working with my friend, Jackie.
While passengers boarded and deplaned last night and this morning, I tried to hand out compliments. Maybe one complement would make their day better; maybe they were hurting inside too and a few kind words made them feel better.
One of the maintenance guys in Tulsa always meets our flights when we arrive at night. In the morning, even if we don't see him, he has a pot of coffee brewed and a sweet note letting us know what time he brewed the coffee and wishing us a good day. The back of the card says something about kindness and passing it on. Last night, when I was chatting with him during deplaning, I made sure to let him know how much we appreciate what he does and I think it made his night. His face lit up and I felt for a moment that even if I couldn't make my own day better, maybe I could make someone else's.
There was an elderly couple in my cabin on one of my flights during my trip and I looked at them, holding hands, wondering how long they had been together. Had they faced issues before? Or was their relationship smooth sailing? Do you ever get to the point in a relationship, even when you're married, where you no longer fear the other person leaving you? After 50 years or so together, do you just know that they'll never desert you? I'm not sure that I'll ever find out the answer to those questions for myself.
I was home by 7am this morning, which was nice since it was much earlier than normal. There wasn't even traffic. I did some work for my side job and then laid on the couch with the dogs to take a nap and watch TV before yoga. I even read some of my devotionals.
Yoga today was better than yesterday. Stephanie always does a good restorative class and it was just what I needed. Even though I was annoyed with the parking situation, I was glad I went. I thought about going to Trader Joe's or Costco afterward but then realized that the crowds would likely be bad and decided it was better to just go home.
I haven't felt good all week. I felt crappy on Saturday morning and have been worse since. I tried to eat yogurt this morning and even that made me feel nauseous. It has been a week mostly spent on my couch napping. I'm trying to tell myself that that's ok because sometimes that's what we need but I'm not 100% sure right now.
Breakups are hard, especially when you know you loved (and still love) the other person so much. How do you get to 50 years or so with someone, like the couple on my flight, and still want to be with them and fight for the relationship every day? I remember with other guys I've dated in the past that I'd get annoyed at them being there too much.
As much as I enjoyed my time with James, I remember one fight we had where I finally told him that I needed him to go work somewhere else on Tuesdays and Wednesdays when I was off because he was in the way of me getting things done. It was kind of nice when he would venture out to play golf with his friends or take a weekend trip down to San Antonio to visit his parents.
Of course, I don't always talk about the shitty times with him, because I think in the end we like to see things with rose-colored glasses, but ironically, it was Halloween weekend that year when we got into a fight on our way to San Antonio to visit his parents. He wouldn't stop for breakfast tacos before leaving Dallas and I was so hungry. We stopped for gas and I was so mad that I said I didn't even want to go on the trip and he offered to turn around and go back home. We ended up going anyway and eventually stopped at Jersey Mike's in Waco. It turned out to be a great weekend but I probably would have enjoyed a weekend at home without him. The ironic part of this is that yes, I do get hangry when I want to eat and am denied food.
Even with Dan, we knew that we both needed space from time to time. We'd hang out with our own friends separately sometimes and it just worked for us.
This time felt different for me. I felt like even though we had the weekends, it was never enough. I hated when Monday came and I had to go home and be away from him for days again. I was really looking forward to moving back up there to be able to be with him more often. My whole week felt sad and lonely without him and I literally lived for Fridays. This Friday just feels extra sad and lonely.
Years ago, when I was hanging out with Joe (we weren't dating), I remember telling Dan about him and he was immediately like, "Nope nope nope. You deserve better. He's not good enough and he's too old." As it turned out, Dan was right. Joe was never someone I could be with and I wasn't even upset when we stopped hanging out because I just knew he was so self-absorbed. Sometimes, I wish Dan could call me on the phone and tell me those things again to make me feel better. He always wanted the best for me.
During the years after Dan and I broke up (and even the times between our relationships in college), we'd be texting or he would call me and he would say, "So, you're saying there's still a chance?" At the time, I laughed and told him absolutely not. Sometimes, I wish I had given him one more chance before he died because, after nearly 15 years, he was the one person who never gave up. Deep down, I know that it never would have worked with him, and sadly, the only way I was ever able to move on was because I had no other choice when he passed away. I had so much guilt and regret in my heart from letting go of someone who cared so much. We had been through a lot together but always forgave each other and realized that even if in the end, all we could be was friends, at least we knew that we had that one person in our lives who really knew us -- each other.
After he passed away, I felt like I'd never be able to even consider meeting anyone or putting myself out there again. The pain of losing him from this earth ripped my heart apart.
Nearly a full year after Dan died though, I thought I had finally found happiness again, and I was so sure that I did. While the love I had for Dan would never go away completely, the love I grew for this new person was something that just felt so much better and different. I felt like I had finally found my new best friend and every day felt better with them in it. I loved the good morning and goodnight texts and the check-ins throughout the day. I loved how he was there for me, made me laugh, and was always down to check out all of the new places and events that we found. I loved having that person for all of the adventures and was looking forward to so many more.
To say my heart is broken now is the understatement of the century.
I'm not sure if I've ever posted it here before but my favorite quote, by Erica Jong, which I actually made my high school yearbook quote was this:
Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more.
I remember discovering that quote when I was younger, and clearly knew nothing about love. While I'm no love expert now, I still really believe in that quote. Love is hard work and it's a choice that you make every day. The couple on my flight clearly makes that choice every morning when they wake up and with whatever fights they may have.
The thing is, I know I made some mistakes and I think there was a lot of misunderstanding due to communication issues but I know I love him and I'd do anything to be able to fix it at this point. And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more. I feel like not taking the risk of working through it at this point is the bigger risk. While losing Dan was hard, it's even harder to lose someone that's still here. Love is effort and commitment, and it is 100% hard work. What I wrote on Facebook may have been unintentionally hurtful, but I do believe that it's important to be with someone who means it when they say they love you. I don't know about him but I do know that I meant every word I said-- I did, and still do, love him.
Erica Jong was right-- if you don't take that risk for love, you risk even more.
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