#I'm a nurse
tilliwriteapine · 8 months
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Ah, a selfie. only because I felt like re-introducing myself to whoever may be listening on tumblr.
Hi, I’m Danielle (my real name is Leslie).
I’m 31, she/they/them, biromantic asexual. I live in Oregon (born and raised), but I have lived in Washington state, North Dakota, and Colorado. I have 3 ridiculous cats (Tiberius, Princess, and Lucy). I live with my sister, her dog, and her five cats. I have two tattoos: one on my posterior left forearm that says "T'hy'la", and one on my anterior right forearm that is the Star Trek emblem and says "Anton" and "K.O."
I’ve been an RN for over ten years and am a chronic student - I have a master's degree and have held three professional nursing certifications at one time - oncology, blood and marrow transplant, hospice & palliative (I had to drop my palliative/hospice certification due to time and money - 100 continuing education credits are no joke!). I am in graduate school for the second time (grad school 2.0!), aiming to become an oncology/hematology nurse practitioner while obtaining my doctorate (Acute Care NP program, DNP). My passion is curing cancer. I want to work with blood cancers/stem cell transplantation. I currently work as needed as an Infusion RN, giving chemotherapy/immunotherapy to cancer patients.
I have anxiety, depression, and pre-diabetes with a side of hypothyroidism and acid reflux.
I love Star Wars, Star Trek, and MacGyver. I am obsessed with books, cats, Adam Driver, Chris Pine, and Lucas Till. I love to write fanfiction. I secretly (or not-so-secretly) want to marry Richard Maxwell (from AIO).
I am a non-practicing Seventh-Day Adventist who believes God is very real. I am a raging liberal, believe abortion is a fundamental right, along with freedom of ALL religions, let people marry whoever they love, and FFS end systemic racism and fight for equity for all. End the death penalty, utilize hospice and palliative care more, and embrace a culture of respect, understanding, and open-mindedness.
My favorite flower is a red rose. I am horrendously single. I spent $300 for a VIP ticket to see/meet NeedToBreathe this coming May (and don’t effing regret it!).
Favorite movies (in no specific order): Monster Trucks, Paterson, Star Wars the Last Jedi, Logan Lucky, Star Trek 2009, Star Trek Beyond, Tangled, Sailor Moon R the movie, Rise of the Guardians, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Thor, Third Star, Hell or High Water, Big Hero 6, and The Martian.
Favorite TV shows (in no specific order): MacGyver (2016), Star Trek Strange New Worlds, Star Trek Lower Decks, Firefly, Avatar the Last Airbender, Firefly, Brooklyn 99, Bob's Burgers, Prison Break, Leverage, Mythbusters, Pushing Daisies, and Chuck. Honorable mentions go to Star Trek TOS, CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI NY.
I am ever-evolving.
I am - a bit insane, a bit crazy, and always self-conscious and lack self-esteem. I have ridiculous social anxiety. I'm - me.
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I did a thing today.
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Listen, you should never film strangers in public without their consent, but I swear there need to be fines or something for people who do that shit in some spaces. For example: I had to go to the ER last night, and some jerk filmed a woman who just came in and was clearly having an asthma attack. She immediately got to go back, and he was unhappy about that. Believe me, I get that it sucks having to wait when you're in pain, but you don't get to pick who deserves care when. The medical system in the US is a nightmare, and the ER could be the worst moment of someone's life. No one deserves to be recorded because some jack ass believes someone doesn't look like they need care.
This is fine to reblog. People who film strangers should be shamed if nothing else.
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zuzu-draws · 10 months
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[Impulsive Decisions]
"Tobi didn't have to save Kakashi, he was just..bored! That's right! Tobi was bored."
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moderndaypandora · 4 months
i recognize that simon and edwin meeting and parting in hell is narratively very good and provides closure for all. but imagine if simon had agreed to try and escape with edwin. and charles doesn't have time to really question it, because anybody who likes edwin is aces in his book and it's hell, they need to leave. (edwin, out of courtesy to their third companion, puts his plan to confess on hold until they've escaped.)
suddenly the edwin harem of "supernatural boys who all hate each other but are attracted to that negative rizz" gains another member, and at some point edwin is going to have to mention that simon was the boy who sacrificed him to hell.
the chaos. crystal's bitchy commentary. charles going from friendly smiling to clutching his cricket bat. niko's whispering "200k slow burn schoolboy rivals to lovers" with heart eyes. it'd be chef's kiss good. edwin fleeing to his books and praying that nobody, but especially not the cat king, finds him because there has been SO MUCH emotion already. hysterical.
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nix-nihili · 15 days
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the usual multi-parter:
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dead boy detectives textposts as starboarded (and other) messages from the dead gay detectives server part thirteen!!!
1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10
6, 7, 11, 12 by @idliketobeatree
8 by @aletterinthenameofsanity
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humming-fly · 5 months
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It's dark Arthur, pull out your lighter.
(practically I know john is most easily portrayed as a normal hooded guy with a mask but deep down my heart of hearts still belongs to mergo's wet nurse)
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mspaint-flower · 1 month
hi all!! first of all i wanted to give huge thanks to everyone who helped me and my family, whether it be through comms or donations! it means so, so much to all of us!! secondly, unfortunately we still are in urgent need of help: my mom got a terrible job that barely gives any payment as she's still looking for better jobs, and we're still full of debts while we're also trying to sustain food for both us and the animals we rescued from terrible conditions (such as chickens). this was my first post about it if you want to check it out, i'm willing to explain our situation better if needed!
my and my brother's comms are still open and i remade my sheet with more info and examples!
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you can contact me through here or discord (sleepy_nurse), any amount seriously helps!! we're so grateful for everybody who helped us out 🥹🙏
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alltimefail · 2 months
Okay gang, I noticed something super intriguing in my recent weekend rewatch of Dead Boy Detectives!
In Episode 4 when the night nurse goes into Charles' mind there's a consistent detail in his memories that I haven't seen anyone point out: not all of Charles' five schoolmates throw stones at him when he's in the lake.
Two boys are positioned slightly off to the left side of the screen, watching and making no move to stop the others, but they do not directly harm Charles at any point.
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I know this doesn't seem particularly interesting in and of itself, but it quickly becomes more interesting when the Night Nurse asks Charles "What could possibly have made [his] friends turn on [him] like this," and we flash forward to the next memory, a visual response to her question. In this memory, we see Charles standing up to all of his so-called "friends" who are senselessly beating up on a boy from Pakistan and...
Wait - actually, no - not all of his friends...
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Yet again, two boys have been intentionally set apart from the group and yes, it is the same two boys who stood off to the side and watched Charles be harmed (ultimately killed) in the previous scene. The juxtaposition of these scenes begins to feel even more intentional when the perspective flips and we see the scene how Charles was seeing it, with the passive boys on the left and the boys engaging in violence on the right.
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This scene is much brighter so we get a really good look at their faces here, but both of them go through a myriad of facial expressions/reactions in quick succession that are challenging to discern with 100% certainty. But with the blocking for the group being the same in both shots and the roles the boys play being the same in both shots, I feel like this had to be an intentional choice made to convey something implicitly to the audience.
That leaves me to wonder - did these boys know, deep down, that what was happening was wrong? Did they want to resist, walk away, or try to stop the violence like Charles did earlier but felt powerless to do so? It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge how one of the two "passive" boys was black: did that otherness, the same otherness that Charles felt and that boy from Pakistan surely felt, keep him from speaking up out of fear for his own safety (a valid fear, considering what we know).
Whatever the purpose, it's a really sad detail to me. Heartbreaking, actually. Edwin is 100% right when he says that the living are messy, and Crystal is right when she says that she and the boys lost their lives to boys who went too far (hers temporarily in the form of her memories, the boys completely in the form of their literal lives) because that's just it, isn't it? This show is full of moral and ethical conversations surrounding the limitations of labels like "good" and "bad" people; about capability and willingness to change; and about how our actions, whether rooted in good or bad intentions, can lead to unintended or undesired outcomes. Perhaps none of Charles' "friends" believed they would kill Charles that night; perhaps they just wanted to "rough him up" or "teach him a lesson." Perhaps none of Edwin's bullies could have anticipated that the ritual sacrifice "prank" would do anything more than scare a boy they perceived as different, effeminate ("Mary Ann"), and they certainly couldn't have known it would lead to years of torture and suffering in hell for not just Edwin, but for themselves as well. But it doesn't matter, and it doesn't excuse what they did. The boys who stood to the side and watched Charles die, and who watched their fellow "mates" beat on another boy prior to that, may not have thrown a single punch, but it didn't matter - the damage was done. They still were complicit in that violence, and therefore played just as much a role in Charles' death as the boys who were throwing stones and punches. To be alive is to deal with mess, complications, baggage...to insinuate otherwise is to diminish the nuance and intention put into every choice not only in this show, but in some ways, the world at large as well. It may be a small moment, but it struck me as something that said so much without having to explicitly say anything at all. Art is a good mirror on society in this way; it makes us face the reflections of messy, complex characters and situations that we could just as likely find ourselves a part of (maybe as the "good" guy, the vicim; maybe as the "bad" guy, the bully; or maybe as the guys who just... did nothing at all. The ones who watched, who were complicit in the suffering of others for what could be a multitude of selfish or self-preserving reasons).
All that being said, the TLDR here is: considering it's the same two boys who behave the same way in both instances it feels like an intentional detail. I wonder if there's potential for one (or both) of these boys to reappear in Charles' (after)life in the future? They are likely both still alive today, in their 50s, just as Charles would be had he not been murdered. Perhaps one of these boys could die and come to the agency with regrets or unfinished business (directly involving Charles or regarding something unrelated). Maybe Charles will run into them, alive, through a different case or just on the streets of London and be overwhelmed with a sense of "That should be me, too. I should have gotten to live." I imagine he would recognize them, even in older bodies, and it would understandably affect him to have to face anyone who played a role in his death, whether they threw stones or just watched.
Orrrrrrer it could be a totally pointless detail! 😂 I'm always open-minded to the fact that after 30+ rewatches I could be overanalyzing at this point. Either way, it confounds me nonetheless and I so desperately hope we will get to explore Charles' trauma more in season 2 (🤞)... so I thought I would share my thoughts! 🖤
(Last note: please excuse the bad photo quality!! I searched meticulously for the exact screencaps I needed but couldn't find anything, so I just took pictures of my tv screen with my phone lol.)
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shaylogic · 4 months
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S1E6 The Case of the Creeping Forest
We got canon height/weight/build/complexion/nationality/etc stats!
Also a list of coordinates, outfits (Edwin's constant waistcoats cracked me up), "known by"?
"Slight" and "Medium Slight" = Twinks confirmed?
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andhumanslovedstories · 2 months
I am so absolutely infuriated and frustrated by the process of actually getting my disability payments. I had no problem getting approved to not work, but god fuckin forbid I get the money I'm supposed to get so I don't need to work. I have savings, I have a steady home, I have a safety net, I have so many things that are making this unpaid time possible how the fuck is anyone supposed to do this. I'm burning through my money and also burning through my good will with my workplace and how it has decided to handle this. My workplace completely handed the process over to the state, and the state is so overwhelmed with applications they don't even take phone calls on Mondays so they can work on the backlog. Literally, my workplace was like, "your letter from the state says you'll get the full payment for disability so we aren't going to cover any of it," and I'm like, "did you see the part of the letter that explicitly says that I'm not yet approved for benefits and thus are not receiving them," and my workplace is like " :) don't message back "
I'm probably (HOPEFULLY) going to get a big lump sum in like August which does me absolutely no good now. I'm so frustrated. I'm mad because I'm not at my best--hence the disability benefits I'm trying to access--and the whole process has been so opaque and complicated at every step with every person involved telling me that this isn't their job, go speak to someone else. And I'm SO MAD for everyone else who goes through this. The process sucks. I feel like the people I'm talking to are treating this like I'm trying to return an amazon purchase. Everyone is polite and no one is helping. My insomnia is so bad I can barely even nap, it's so hot, I have to coordinate my stupid treatment stuff as well so I can, yknow, get better, my cat won't stop biting my face anytime I try to sleep, my psych wants to change my meds AGAIN, and if I have to hear hold music one more goddamn time I'll do absolutely nothing because what choice do I have.
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answermywearyquery · 2 months
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nurse bee and dr. den in episode one of 4 minutes
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ghostscrown · 4 months
Dead Boy Detectives characters are such icons fr. We got :
Ghost boy who thinks he's good at hiding his gayness but everyone in town spots him immediately, who's unintentionally rizzing up every single man he meets (EXCEPT his crush) because his charisma is so far in the negative it has the opposite effect, who ran away from literal hell because a spider demon made of dolls is after him, who genuinely thinks hysteria is a very real serious medical thing, and who becomes friends with the fujoshi who introduced him to yaoi
Ghost boy number two with eyeliner and severely repressed anger issues, who beats villains with a cricket bat despite owning a sword, who's completely CLUELESS about his best friend of 3 decades having a crush on him despite literally everyone else knowing the second they meet them, who's running away from the afterlife just because he doesn't want his friend to go to hell, who owns a magic hammerspace bag, and who's in a situationship with a medium
Local fujoshi whose hair became naturally bleached after she was infected by some psychedelic dandelion sprites she's now keeping as pets in a jar in her room, who avoids her problems by running away to another country and watching Scooby-Doo as she ignores her mom's letters, and who organizes dates for her landlord (gone wrong)
Medium girl who can read in your mind but whose memory was stolen by a demon named David who also happens to be her toxic ex, who's haunted by said toxic ex, who was apparently a total bully before she lost memory, who has a black women exclusive meeting happening somewhere in her subconscious, who's full last name is "Palace Surname-Von Hoverkraft" and who violently scares homophobes with the help of her two ghost friends, one of which she's in a situationship with
Blonde witch who bargained immortality to a goddess but forgot to mention she wanted eternal youth too, who kidnaps little girls at night to feed the giant snake she keeps in her basement, who has a personnal beef with some kids, who brutal pipe murders people, and whose ultimate goal is to become the goddess of one town
Goth lesbian butcher landlord constantly covered in blood, who's also a true crime fan, whose crush was actually a stalker and tried to kill her at the first date, and who accepts to rent rooms to suspicious kids talking to themselves and probably in a runaway no questions asked
Crow familiar of the witch, astrology fan who was made human in the sole purpose of seducing the gay ghost to trick him, but it didn't work and he was the one falling in love and being pathetically rejected instead
Catman who wears skirts and eats people, who curses the repressed gay ghost to either sleep with him or count every cat in town like he's a whimsy fantasy creature, in the sole purpose of exposing his gayness, but who becomes more and more of a pathetic wet cat as the ghost keeps rejecting him again and again
Dude who's not a dude but actually a cursed walrus, who was changed into a human and is now owning a magic shop and desperate to traumadump every single person in his field of view
Transdimensional being who uses the power of triggerring PTSD to chase troubled teens in a runaway and take them back to hell, got eaten by a fish and can fit her whole body in a mail package
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sparklychimecho · 3 months
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I image a herd of them just follow him around because they constantly sense that he's sad and they keep trying to heal him. Do you see my vision here?
I love the blissey line so much, they're perfect.
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dionysism · 1 month
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frederick s. church's circe (1910)
one of my favorite circe paintings look at her & her lions
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mayhaps-a-blog · 4 months
Something about how few of the conflicts in Dead Boy Detectives are solved by violence. Something about how the few times it is, it's presented as weird, wrong, extreme. Something about Jenny and her cleavers, Charles and his cricket bat, Crystal and the knife.
The first fight, against the WW1 ghost, Charles has a knife - an iron knife, that would hurt the ghost. And even when he's pinned down, all he goes for is the mask - even when he could use it to get the ghost off of him.
And Esther? Sure, they try - Charles with his knife, Edwin with his fists. And fail immediately, instantly. It's Crystal who holds her back, with her memories - it's Esther who swings around her cane, just because she can.
Charles throws a pot at a zombie, and breaks the magic vessel. Charles tries to hit Brandon Devlin, and gets trapped. They can't kill Angie, just put her to sleep. Jenny runs from Maxine - despite being tough, and strong, she hides rather than attacks. The Night Nurse hits Angie, but is only freed when Kashi asks, instead. Crystal punches Esther, but Tooth Face isn't defeated until she frees him. Charles throws a bomb at the demon, but it's still coming - they win by running, not by fighting. Jenny brings a cleaver to a demon fight, but instead is possessed, her weapons turned against her. And in the end? Esther isn't defeated by fighting her, by Crystal stealing her knife or her power - she's defeated when her power is broken, by Crystal crying out for justice.
The most violent scene, from the protagonists, is when Charles attacks the Night Nurse. It's brutal, it's violent, and it's wrong. The others are left staring, shocked, at a loss. It's extreme, Edwin says. It was a lot, Crystal says. And you know what? It didn't work. It inconvenienced her, sure - but she came right back, once she was free.
What does work? The good they did coming back around. Kindness, friendship, reaching out to others - that's what keeps them winning.
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