#I'm going for night creatures
karlydraws · 4 months
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Do not wander off too far on the beach at night
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sunburstkisser · 11 months
To selfshippers who constantly change your self inserts; IT'S OKAY!! Just because you change your sona, tweak their design, shift their species, swap their clothing, completely redo them from the ground up, that doesn't mean you're indecisive or some other mean-sounding word. You're just exploring what fits you, and your FO(s), best.
There's nothing wrong with feeling fickle over a design for your self insert, I don't think anyone has ever made any kind of original character and stuck with their design forever. Designs change and grow as you change and grow, and that's beautiful to me :] Don't feel bad that you change your self insert the second an idea strikes, or inspiration smacks you upside the head, you can change your self insert however you'd like and whenever you'd like!
[Pr*shippers and the like; do NOT touch. This is not for you, and never will be for you. You can disrespectfully fuck off.]
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hephaestn · 1 month
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All Creatures Great and Small (2020) — Season 1, Episode 6: A Cure for All Ills
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
I LOVE when a character is at least 200-300 hundreds old and they TALK like one, too. Thinking of Astarion, Halsin, Dracula (in all media, but I am especially fond of Castlevania and Penny Dreadful ones), Alucard, The Outsider (yes, hi, he's 1500 years old God). My fav pals.
All of them coming up with such exquisite compliments, insults, and general comments. L O V E that.
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satans-knitwear · 5 months
It has been 5 days and I have forgotten how to speak in my normal human voice.
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softquietsteadylove · 4 months
Hello. I would kindly request something for the Pokémon AU please. Gil still recovering from the whole poison thing and everyone there is helping him whenever they can, even Thenas most stubborn Pokémon. Thank you!
Gil stumbled, nearly toppling all the way over before a psychic aura caught his fall. He blinked as he floated upright again. He would have expected Ninetales or even Froslass to be responsible for it, but it was neither. "Uh, th-thanks."
Gallade just glared at him, picking up one of the bags and walking out of the room.
It had been a harrowing week, Gil had learned. He was only leaving their room in the pokemon centre because they needed it for more critical patients. He wouldn't be cleared to work again for a while. He wanted to insist that he was fine, but he felt weak. And he had put Thena and Teddiursa - and poor Dragonite - through enough.
Thena looked like she hadn't slept all week. And she and their little cub wouldn't let go of each other for anything--it was like when he was a baby all over again. He kept catching them staring at him, like they were expecting him to get worse again.
The Audino and Chansey had looked him over and given him a full pass if he rested. Even the human doctors and nurses agreed he could be released.
"Hey, move slowly," Thena whispered as she came over to him. She tucked herself under his arm as if he had been limping and needed a crutch. "You're coming straight home, anyway."
Gil eyed the doorway where Gallade had all but stomped away with his stuff. "He doesn't seem too happy with me."
Thena's eyes drifted away. "It's been a tough week--on all of us."
That implied that Gallade had been worried for him too. But Gil thought it was much more likely that the Blade Pokemon was frustrated with him purely for the stress he had caused Thena.
Gil paused, making Thena halt with him. He raised his hand to her cheek. He knew it was impossible, but he could swear she had lost weight in the week he'd spent in bed. "Are you sure you're okay?"
She smiled for him, at least. But it really only served to emphasize that she had dark circles under her eyes, her cheeks felt sunken and she was lacking the usual sparkle she had. Naturally, her eyes were as vibrant as a dawn stone, but now they just seemed...sad. "I'm happy you're on your feet."
He sighed as she leaned up to kiss his cheek. "I really put you through hell and Hoenn water, huh?"
She didn't disagree with him, but she patted his chest. "You're coming home, that's all that matters."
"Has Dragonite been staying with you?"
"Yes, although I fear we'll need more room," she lamented in good humour as she helped him drag himself out of the room and from the poison ward all together. She gave him a poke, "no more big pokemon."
"So I shouldn't come home with a Tyrannitar or a Snorlax, you mean?"
She laughed, and he felt better as soon as he heard it. "Absolutely not--keep it small. No bigger than a Munchlax."
Even young Munchlax could be hundreds of kilos in weight, so that really wasn't an option for their little house on the hill either.
"Hey, I'm okay," he smiled at the ice/ghost type hovering close. He must have really scared them all if she was floating around completely visible. "I'll get some rest and be good as new."
Dragonite gave him the biggest, saddest eyes a dragon could muster.
"Oh, come on buddy," Gil chided lightly. Dragonite leaned down to let his snout be petted gently. "Don't look at me like that. You can come and see me as soon as you're done work."
Ah, their sweet little bear cub, growing up so fast. Gil patted between his ears, finally in good proportion with his head. "You too, buddy. You can't skip work to stay home with me."
Teddiursa pouted a little, but Thena nuzzled the crescent moon in his fur and pressed a kiss there. "You are a junior ranger, my Luvdisc, you have responsibilities."
The pressure from his Mama made him pout even more, even cross his little arms. But he agreed, "Ted-Teddi."
"You sit," Thena helped him into one of the seats in the main waiting area. She set Teddiursa in his arms as well, "I'll get your ride ready."
He figured it would be Dragonite, like always. But Dragonite's harness did require some holding, even with the safety buckle. Maybe she'd called a pokemon taxi. He sighed.
Gil blinked as Gallade set his bag down at his feet and sat next to him. He leaned forward, resting his weight on his knees(?) in a way that would have Thena scolding him to sit up straight. "Thanks."
Gil idly rubbed Teddiursa's back, seated on his knee. He looked at Gallade. "Sorry, for all this, I mean. I'm sure it hasn't been easy on you."
Gallade looked towards the front doors of the pokemon centre. His concern wasn't really for himself, but for his trainer. "Gallade."
Gil winced. Thena had been through too much because of this. Gallade was right to be angry with him. "I'll make it up to her."
"Lade," he scoffed. Gallade was a pokemon of few words, especially when he had to listen to them.
Gil ruffled his hair, a subconscious move in substitute of reaching for his ranger hat. "I didn't mean to get poisoned, y'know."
Oh, now it was the silent treatment.
Gil rolled his eyes. Gallade had been increasingly hostile since the beginnings of his and Thena's relationship turning romantic. He sighed, "look, I'll take care of her. These things...just happen."
Gil startled, as did a few other patrons. He hadn't expected such a strong rebuttal about taking care of himself. "Uh, I usually take care of himself-"
"Gal-Gallade, Gal," the pokemon rolled its eyes. He even crossed his arms and rested one of his feet(?) on his knee(???).
"I do," Gil scowled at the childish feeling argument--and with his girlfriend's pokemon, no less. But he watched Gallade's annoyed eyes and shifty body language. He sat back again. "These are the risks of the job, bud. I know that, and Thena does too."
Gallade said nothing.
Gil moved a little in his seat. Gallade was far past the age when it wanted to be petted like a Skitty. But he tried to catch its eye, "I am sorry, though. I know I worried you all."
Gallade had been worried about him. And now that he was better, he could experience the fighting/psychic's full annoyance as a result. "Gallade."
"I know." Gil had heard all about the pokemon's care of him. Gallade had used hypnosis to put him in a state even the pain killers and sedatives couldn't achieve.
Gallade eyed the door again before looking at him, and then swatting at him. "Gallade-Gal!"
"Okay, geez," Gil held up his hands before Gallade stood and walked outside, presumably sensing the return of its trainer. Gil looked around sheepishly at the guests. He cleared his throat, "sorry."
An older woman smiled in her seat, her Pansage on her lap. "Teenagers--he'll grow out of it."
"Hope so," Gil sighed. He looked down at Teddiursa, who hadn't spoken a word in his defense. "You were no help."
"Ted," the little bear turned his head. He was a little upset too, it seemed. Although Gil got the feeling he was mostly copying his big brother, more than anything.
"Okay, come on," Thena came back in, holding out her hand. Gallade left her side to - still scowling at him! - offer his support.
"Thanks," he sighed, standing with a heavy groan. He looked at Gallade, offering its blade like it was assisting an old man. "I can walk, y'know."
"Gal." It wasn't the first time Gallade had told him to shut up, and it probably wouldn't be the last either.
"Excuse me?" The stern words from his trainer did make the Blade Pokemon stand up a little straighter and lower his tone. She put her hands on her hips, "that's what I thought."
Gil just chuckled. He was plenty used to it, and he had somewhat missed the chaos of his usual life in the silence of his private room. "None taken, buddy."
"Okay, let's go."
"Whoa," Gil blinked and smiled, dragging his feet over to his chauffeur. "It's been a while--how are you?"
"Altar," the Humming Pokemon cooed, letting Gil bend its long neck around to receive some head scratches. It no longer possessed the little antennae on top of its head but now had long, flowing ones. "Altaria!"
"Thanks, I guess I've been better, but it's good to see you," Gil grinned. It had been a long time since he had last seen the Swablu-turned-Altaria of Thena's. "You're my ride home?"
"I called," Thena confessed, also receiving some affection as Altaria leaned its head down to nuzzle her. "I know Dragonite can carry you, but the news of your condition brought him home anyway."
It was very sweet of the retired and technically freed pokemon to return to check on him. The dragon type passed through regularly of course, always checking up on Thena.
It nodded to Gallade, who nodded back. The two original party members of her team in this region conveyed an understanding that even the rest of her team lacked. Gallade offered a wave, which Altaria met with a slap of one of its antennae.
"Come on, then," Thena said gently, helping Gil ease onto Altaria's back.
"Thena, really, I'm-" his mouth shut as he sank into the sheer plushness of Altaria's downy feathers. It really was like sleeping on a cloud. "Wow."
Thena had on a smirk. She knew that he wouldn't be able to resist the offer of an Altaria, no matter how much he insisted he was well. "We'll meet you at home."
She gave him a last kiss on the cheek before asking Altaria ever so gently to fly him home slowly and smoothly. She gave her old pokemon a kiss on the tip of his beak, their foreheads pressed together before the flying pokemon took off lightly and smoothly.
He had never flown on an Altaria before, but wow it was luxurious. It would probably be more common if they weren't so tough to actually train, let alone evolve. Only the most ambitious trainers would go through the work of evolving a Swablu that wasn't purebred.
That was his Thena, though.
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So I’m sitting downstairs minding my own business. I hear unholy screams that might be one of our cats fighting with another cat so I frantically shoo the inside cats upstairs so they don’t run outside and scramble out the door armed with my phone flashlight and my walking stick. (remember that flashlight)
I walk out and start calling for Sid who, once and a blue moon, gets into fights with other cats. Nothing. Not a sign of him. Knowing I won’t be able to rest until I look around, I start walking down the driveway.
Now, I live in the country. My house is hemmed in by fields, bushes and trees on all sides. We also have a bunch of outbuildings from when it was a proper farm. So I walk around one of these buildings, calling for Sid, and hear something scrabbling in the bushes. I stand still and listen as things settle, then call a couple more times.
SUDDENLY in the light of my phone flashlight I see GLOWING EYES staring out at me from the bushes. I am startled. The logical part of my brain knows this is probably a raccoon. The illogical part of my brain is certain this is a Beast or possibly a Fae and it is going to eat or abduct me.
I tentatively call for Sid again, hoping that perhaps that’s him in the bushes, confused as to why I’m out here at night (the poor boy has terrible eyesight so he frequently mistakes my family for Strangers from a certain distance).
The eyes continue to stare at me, unblinking and unnervingly bright. I slowly start to back away, stick firmly in hand. I walk back to my porch, my other cat Tansy following quickly beside me, looking over my shoulder all the way lest those eyes jump out and follow me.
I regain the porch and call for Sid a few more times. Tansy seems relieved I am in this safe, well lit place again. I hear a small noise and Sid runs out of the darkness, looking nervous. He is unharmed and I tell him he is a good boy and pet both cats thoroughly. Sid keeps starting anxiously in the direction I saw the Eyes. I do not like it.
With my cats’ safety assured I come back inside, not entirely sure what fate I just escaped, but unnerved nonetheless.
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ereborne · 7 months
Song of the Day: February 20
“Run Away” by Sarah Jarosz
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the-shy-artisan · 5 months
omg after like a week and a half of struggling, i finally got some of my second beastos's face embroidered on ;;
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boobchuy · 2 years
I remember thinking Tumblr would love the wacky, found family shenanigans Anne and the planters get into, and being surprised at seeing mostly ship art of the girls. Thought it would be an equal balance, tbh
I'm here to fight the allegations, I actually hate the found fam and am a sashannarcy shipper first and foremost human second
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gl1tched-g0th · 8 months
no bc yeah we were horrible to each other and shit but honestly I miss playing Minecraft on call till 4am and laughing for so long that both of us are lightheaded and crying by the end of it and we went to bed with smiles on our faces.
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moe-broey · 2 years
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Hot girl who's a goofy guy and goofy guy who's a hot girl. You get me?
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winepresswrath · 11 months
drusilla's canon grandma kink is a thing that can be so charming & unhinged.
#do i empathize with darla not being into it. yes. 100% it is horrible#but come onnn it's so funny and endearing that drusilla wants to go there#sexually and also emotionally she's making it uncomfortable for everyone. if she wanted to play nuclear family & iirc sometimes she does#they'd role with it because they're creatures of the night perverting wholesome domesticity is their jam. but no.#drusilla says this is an intergenerational household of cringe and i want a boyfriendson just like grandma#spike when drusilla is like you're the knight and i'm the princess: overjoyed. honoured. so turned on and blissed out he could die (again)#spike when drusilla is like i want to show grandmother my new baby: incest is just a very touchy topic for me right now babe#you can't cancel her she's just processing her trauma!!#incidentally i think it's also interesting that william the bloody awful poet does not have daddy issues at all as far as we see.#very much unlike angel and also penn! angelus has so many daddy issues he actually sought out another human with daddy issues to turn#so he could play vampire daddy about the art of murdering your family. like a full 2/3 vamps we know for sure he turned (i think??) call hi#dad. only partially as a sex thing. yikes!!! this manpire is so unwell on the dad front#but it looks like william's father predeceased him#and he had time to process and come to terms with that before he got vamped#if he had a bad relationship with him he doesn't think about it unless i'm misremembering season 7 which is very possible#but spike the vampire is so daddy issues flavoured and it's just. it's just angelus issues like imagine you're 27 years old reborn#to eternal night and your girlfriend's other boyfriend she calls daddy fucks you up like that. there's so much oof in that relationship#no wonder he's mad. that is just embarrassing. like yes obviously the backdoor of his mommy issues provided an opening but still. still!!!#press says btvs#cw: incest#cw:drusilla
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earthworms-worm · 1 year
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Imagine being the size of a bug, I wonder what that would be like...
Another Hollow Dweller drawing! This time featuring a person with their arm freshly bitten off! (These guys can and will grow up to unimaginable sizes).
While Hollow Dwellers aren't normally hostile, it is easy to make yourself look like a threat (or a tasty snack).
I had no idea what to do for the background, so I just went with whatever this ended up being!
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sysig · 1 year
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TMP 1 Adventures (Patreon)
#Doodles#Tamagotchi#Yaaay I can share them! My Tamas! ♥#It's been a fun experience to play with Tamagotchis for the first time haha - it's a much slower burn than I could've expected!#I only ever got to even hold a Gotch for maybe twenty minutes up til this point? Lol - not very long at all!#As you can imagine I only got to play with the Egg Hatching/Baby stage which is very chaotic and needy so that's what I had to go off of#It's different! Not Super different in certain ways lol ♪ But different!#Smol very graciously agreed to play with me since I got both a Mesu and Osu :D She got the Mesu and named her Honey#And I kept the Osu and named him Bee! :D#I'm still in a little bit of conflict as to whether the Device (Gotchi) is named Bee or if the Creature (Tama) is named Bee lol#I think I've decided that the Device /and/ the first generation of Tama is named Bee and then all subsequent generations are puns on Bee lol#So for Bee's child I named him Bay - BayBee lol#Bee was a cute little lad <3 I miss him a bit :') But he was a good father as well! Fed little BayBee haha#It was sooo cute to see their futons next to each other and then a little bittersweet to see little Bay's all alone one night :'''D#Other fun little things like smol raising Honey differently than I raised Bee so we ended up with non-counterparts lol#If you know anything about Osutchi raising yes you are allowed to judge me on my competency lol#I still think he's cute! He was almost half Honey's size tho which I found funny haha#I love my very big wife#There was also the fun of having a somewhat scuffed sleep schedule but them always waking me up Earlier than necessary thanks guys#They were mostly good! Bee was awful for naps tho lol - and I watched both of them at night since smol was scared she'd miss Honey's wake up#We also discussed the implications of the babies being twins but also....growing up to be.........partners? Uhm#My personal headcanon was something akin to parthenogenesis and non-mutating identical genes leading to identical babies-#Look they're code as far as I'm aware virtual pets don't suffer from inbreeding lol#And if they do well darn oh gosh oh no I guess I'll just have to get more lol ♪#They are hecka cute <3 They quite literally grow up so fast! I'm glad I get to play :D
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