#I'm gonna have so much trouble fighting Passenger after this
balis77 · 5 months
Ok so the new event for Wayward Passenger doesn't result in you fighting it like the others (That was moved to the second one) but like
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He just wants to help you get out of the fuckin warp dimension. He knows exactly where the exit is and stays to make sure people can find it. Hell, this even implies the only reason he attacks if you stand still is because he wants to mercy kill the group before they become Love Town abominations like he did.
Actual best boy confirmed.
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emyladia · 4 months
Winter Break... | L. Nr
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pairing : lando norris x f!reader
summary : Booking a cottage in the moutains for winter break wih your friends sounds like a good idea. I mean it could have been, but with lando around this was meant for trouble.
genre : fluff, slightly suggestive
warning : cursing, pretty sure that's all
a/n : This was just so fun to write, great request I hope this is what was expected and that you'll all enjoy it. Loving the winter vibe even close to the summer. The end is kinda shitty but don't mind it please. 'So american' is totally an alternative title.
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Pietra's idea of booking a cottage sounded so great at first. This was a great way to spend time with your closest friends and enjoy winter holliday.
Until you realised what it actually meant, that meant close proximity h24 with Lando Norris.
You were Pietra's bestfriend and he was Max's bestfriend so you were used to spend time together, but if it wasn't for your friends you would already have ripped his head off of his body.
The guy was everything you hate, cocky, provoking, immature.
Saying he was not a big fan of yours was an euphemism. He hated you just as much as you hated him.
You were always trying to put on the best behavior when you were hanging out the four of you but a whole week ? Lost in the woods in the same house as him ?
Now that was something else.
But you couldn't say no.
Not when you had already agreed, and certainly not when Pietra was looking so happy and excited about it.
So here you were, at the back of the car singing to 'So American' by Olivia Rodrigo with your bestfriend, on your way to the mountains, regretting your life choices.
Max was driving, and Lando at the passenger seat was sighing heavily, making well known his annoyment at the two of you.
"What don't you like Olivia Rodrigo ?" Pietra asked Lando when the song was over.
"The problem isn't the song, it's the singers" He answered chuckling a bit.
God you were even hating the sound of his voice at this point. You rolled your eyes and stared at the window.
After a few more time you were finally all at the cottage. It was so lovely, big, all in wood, surrounded by a forest, and it was snowing.
You eyes were shining like a five years old girl, those hollidays were gonna be great with or without Lando.
"Finally smiling ?" The blond girl mocked you nudging your shoulder.
You let out a soft smile. "Sorry, I was just tired, those vacance are gonna be so cool"
She nodded widely at you before running towards the door where Max and Lando were already.
The inside of the house was even better, if it's possible. Every space was huge but yet cosy.
"I love it already" You exclamed happily. You could see that Pietra was as excited as you if it's not more.
"I'm gona check the bedrooms" She clasped her hand at this statement and went immediatly upsatairs.
You followed her letting the lungages to the boys.
When you were finally just on your owns Pietra took a serious face and spoke :
"Let's spend a great time okay ? Please don't fight with Lando"
You rolled your eyes at her comment, but she grabbed your hands insisting.
"Fine" You conceed, it's not like you could ever told her no anyways.
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You were laying on your bed, scrolling through instagram when you heard a knock on your door.
"Come in" You shouted, too lazy to actually move your ass and opened the door yourself.
The door creacked opened to a loving blond head.
"Hey Pietra what do you want ?" You questionned her putting your phone down?
"Max and I are going to town, I just wanted to let you know." She told you smiling.
"To town ?" You furrowed your eyebrow "But the closest town is one hour away from here"
"Yeah I know but we don't have marshmallows, how am I supposed to ugly cry on rom-coms without a hot chocolate with marshmallows ??" She said acting like a total drama.
You laughed loudly at her childlish behavior. "You're seriously making a two hours trip for marshmallows ?"
"Yes and ?"
"And Max is coming with you ? Dang, that boy is in love" You joked.
"I know right ? Anyways try not to fight too much with Lando" She warned you before exiting the room, letting you alone with your thoughts again.
They had left about twenty minutes ago when you decided to went downstairs.
You were still in the stairs when you noticed him, he was on the couch watching some emission about food on the TV.
Be friendly you remembered yourself, as you put on a smile and sat on the couch too (but the farther away possible from him).
"What you're watching ?" You asked him, trying to make conversation.
"Don't really know... Something about food" He replied not looking away from the screen.
Well this was starting well... Why was everything so awkward between the two of you, you couldn't help but thought.
He clearly wasn't in a mood to talk to you, not that he ever had been, so you just kept it shut and watched the TV too.
The silence between you and Lando was deafening, each passing moment filled with an uncomfortable tension that seemed to hang in the air like a heavy cloud.
You couldn't shake the feeling of unease, the knowledge that you were alone with the one person you couldn't stand.
As you watched the TV together in silence, you couldn't help but steal glances at Lando out of the corner of your eye.
Despite your animosity towards him, you couldn't deny that there was something undeniably attractive about him, from the way his jawline was perfectly chiseled to the way his eyes sparkled with mischief.
But as quickly as those thoughts entered your mind, you pushed them aside, reminding yourself of all the reasons why you couldn't stand him : He was arrogant, cocky, and infuriatingly immature, and the last thing you wanted was to be alone with him in the middle of nowhere.
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When you opened your eyes, the sky was already dark. You had fell asleep while watching the TV.
You rubbed your eyes and blinked a few time trying to adjust to the sudden light.
Lando wasn't on the couch and the TV was now off but you were hearing some noise coming from the kitchen so it was probably him.
You checked your phone, it was past 8 P.M.
Have you really slept that much ? You couldn't believe it, but the dark sky out there was telling you otherwise.
You headed to the kitchen to find Lando cooking something, you couldn't help but notice that you didn't knew that he was able to cook.
"Hey, have you seen Pietra ?" You asked him.
He turned away from the fryin pan to look at you right in the eyes. You hated it, or you were loving it, you didn't know, god what were you even thinking at this point ?!
There was just something about his eyes, they seemed so truthfull and yet full of mischief.
"They haven't come back yet" He answered before turning back again focusing on his recipe.
You frown immediatly "What do you mean they haven't come back ?"
He sigh visibly annoyed to be cut off again in the middle of cooking esoecially for a stupid question like that.
"I mean they're not home"
"But they have to be" You insisted and it seems to pissed him off even more.
"They are not. What is so wrong with your brain that you can't understand a simple sentence ?" He said harshly.
You got a bit taken aback by his behavior, you still haven't fight yet and it was kinda nice for once to just discuss like normal people. But it looks like it's done now.
"Cmon it's past 8, they should be here since at least one hour" You continued cause you were getting worried now.
"It's already 8 ?!" He was looking confused now, and a bit worried too.
You ran toward the entrance while dialing Pietra's number. Outside the parking area was still empty, but where the hell where they ?
And of course she wasn't answering the damn phone. You called again, but max this time, one ring... two... three...
"Yes ?"
You sighed from relief. "Where are you it's already past 8, did something happened ?"
Max stayed silent for a few second... "Well you should talk with Pietra, I swear it wasn't my idea" He told you, and you could heard that he was feeling sorry in his voice.
But what the hell was he sorry for ? And what the hell was he talking about ?
"Heyyyy Y/n !" Your bestfriend told you in an awkward manner. And suddenly you weren't worry at all anymore, you were even starting to be a little pissed off... Something wasn't clear.
"P ? What have you done ?" You snapped at her.
"I'm sorry" She immediatly blurted out. "I know you'll be mad but it's gonna be good for the two of you staying a bit together. You'll see you'll even grew closer maybe ? And I know that you're acting like you hate him but you most definitly don't hate him at all-"
What. The. Hell.
Between the blond saying nonsense and Lando now standing in front of you in the hallway waiting for news, you were feeling overwhelmed.
"Pietra what the fuck are you talking about ? When are you coming back ?" You cut her off.
"We're not"
"What ?"
"We're not coming back, it's you and him, cmon I know for sure you think he's cute. You can lie to yourself but not to me I have seen the way you look at him when you think no one is looking"
"No it's not, if you could just consider it you would se-" You hang up on the phone too nagry to continue talking to her anymore.
She had trapped you, into being locked up with goddamn Lando cause she thought you had a crush on him ???
Life is not a damn rom-com.
"Should've have known fucking marshmallows were bullshit" You mumbled.
You stormed out off the room, going upstairs to your room when Lando stopped you midtrack. Like it was not already shitty, he was the last person you wanted to see right now.
"So ?" He questionned you. Your brow furrowed.
"What ?"
"When are they coming back ? Are they alright ? And what about marshmallows ?"
"Well they're totally fine yeah and no they're not coming back, cause we're apparently two fools locked up in a nice cottage in the middle of nowhere" You immediatly escaped him and throw yourself on your bed after that.
Lando wasn't stupid, he would probably understand by himself wha was happening.
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You hadn't left your room since the call, and it was probably pretty late now.
Now that you were less angry, you had thought about it, maybe it could be okay all you had to do was keep ignoring Lando like you had done this evening.
The house was nice and the landscaped was beautiful, nothing shoudl stopped you from enjoying it.
You were still thinking about your little scheme to avoid Lando as much as possible when you heard a knock on your door.
You got up and opened it, without much suprised Lando was standing in front of it, a plate in his hands.
"Can I come in ?"
"Oh yeah sure" Mission avoid Lando : end now.
He smiled, visibly relieved that didn't slam the door on his face and entered the room. He put the plate on the desk before turning towards you.
The room was only lit up by your the lamp on your nighstand, and the little golden reflection on his face was making his skin glow.
He was pretty for sure. Saying otherwise would be lying.
"I made dinner but you kinda looked like you needed a bit of space so here it is" He told you pointing towards the plate.
"Since when are so nice ? It's not poisoned it is ?" You looked at him suspicioulsy.
He chuckled at your comment and god you just wanted to took that sound and keep it close to you forever. What the hell were you even thinking, what Pietra had said was really starting to get to your head now.
"I'm not always the bastard you try to make me look like" He just answered, that damn smile still plastered on his face.
"Whatever" I shrugged.
"So you're gonna eat or what" He asked you cocking an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah right I'm starving. What about you ?" It was all so strange, talking to Lando like that, like you were actually friends... You were kinda liking the sound of it.
"Well, I've already eat, it's pretty late you know" You glanced at your phone and it was past 10 P.M.
"Oh right... Yeah" And awkward silence fell between the two of you as you took your plate and sat on your bed to eat.
He started to move towards the door to let you eat in peace, and probably head to his bedroom. Perfect everything was coming to sense again maybe the mission : avoid Lando wasn't a lost cause after all.
"Could you stay ?" Who had said that ? Cause that could not be you, not in a million time in the world you could have possibly asked Lando to stay with you willingly.
He froze so you added immediatly "If you want cause I mean if you dan't want to it's okay, like I would understand. I mean we're really that close so maybe that's weird but it's I thought maybe you know. And eating alone is really sad but like you don't actually have to stay if you don't want. I don't want to force you-"
"Woaw slow down there" He chuckled a bit. You sigehd of frustration, now you were rambling. Just what was wring with you ?
He was probably thinking that you were completly crazy now.
But Lando wasn't looking at you like someone who's crazy, his eyes were soft and he was smiling fondly at you.
He sat down next to you and you both talked while you eat, actually even after. You have never talked so long with Lando, but everything just looked so easy.
When he finally left to get to his room you find yourself replying the evening and smiling like an idiot.
No. Absolutly no way.
You slapped yourself mentally, you couldn't have a crush on Lando that was ridiculous. You were hating him.
Okay maybe not anymore but you two could never be more than friends. Not possibly he was a lady's man, no string attached, f1 driver, flying acroos the world.
And you were... You. Hopeless romantic, who spended her night reading and listening to Olivia Rodrigo.
You and Lando was a total nonsense, and would never happened.
When you woke up the next morning and in the process of going downstairs bumped into a shirtless Lando mumbling a "Morning" with a sleepy voice you undertood that you were screwed.
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You had spend the next day ignoring him as much as you can. You couldn't let yourself fell for him like that.
So everytime he wanted to talked to you or spent time with you, you were making excuses.
And here you were again, pretending to be too focused on your book to joined him watching a movie. Actually that was half true, cause your book was really good.
The two protagonists were about to kiss for the first time when Lando bursted into your room. You nearly jumped out of your bed.
"What happened to knocking ?"
He completly ignored your remark and throw himself on your bed.
"Did I do something ?"
"What no ?"
"What are you avoiding me then?"
"I am not" You lied, and he gave a look, the you-don't-fool-me-with-your-bullshit look.
You avoid his gaze feeling a bit guilty, he sighed and dropped the subject but he was looking... Almost hurt ?
"What are you reading" He asked poiting toward the book you were still holding.
A blushed crept to you cheeks, you knew their was nothing to be ashamed about reading romance novel but still. "Nothing" You hid your book in your back.
"Cmon" He smirked trying to get the book from behind you.
Dammit that stupid man that has way more strenght than you. He eventually ended up catching it and start reading the page where your bookmark was.
"Her eyes were shining with desire as he was pinning her against the wall. He wanted her so bad and deep down he knew that she wanted him just as much..."
"Oh my god stop" You shouted basically jumping on the bed to get your book back but Lando rolled on the other side of the bed.
"But they couldn't get lost in their desire, they were enemies, people who despised each other. And yet the only thought that crossed their minds at the moment was one lustfull" He continued to read out loud.
"Okay really stop that is embarassing" You finally managed to take the book back.
He pouted as you closed the novel and put it on your nightstand.
"Hey, I want to know if they kiss" The curly haired boy spoke.
"Stop mocking me" You hid your fac efrom embarassment.
"I'm serious" You were expecting a laugh, that you could've handled. Mockery, and snarky remarks, that was somethong you knew and you could support.
But him, with that serious look, truly interessed in your stupid romance novel. No that was too much for your heart.
"Really ?" You finally met his eyes, so sincere in that exact moment. He simply nodded.
You sighed before taking the book back. "Okay but don't read at loud please, let's read it... Together ? Just tell me when you've finished the page"
He smiled brightly and sat next to you as you both started reading.
At first it was uncomfortable and awkward to read like that but as time pass you both grew more comfortable and it wasn't so bad reading with him.
It felt so intimate... Being pressed next to Lando so you can both look at the pages, but yet you weren't hating it. Not at all actually, and that was kinda scaring you.
When the dark had became too dark for you to read, you decided that it was time to stopped. Lando groaned about it, he only shut up when you promised him that you could read again the next day.
"I don't know about you but I start getting hungry" He told you.
"Hmmm... I can cook tonight but I can only make grilled cheese sandwich" You laughed a little.
"Like in 'anyone but you'" He commented and you turned to faced him.
"You know the movie ?" Your eyes were wide.
"There's a lot you don't know about me" He winked at you before rolling out of bed and heading towards the kitchen.
You followed him still confused. He was right, there was so much you didn't knew about him, he was nothing like you thought he would be.
You cooked and then you ate together and he burned himself cause he didn't wait to eat. And you laughed, you laughed so much this evening your cheeks were hurting.
When you got to bed you were more confused than te night before but you were sure of one thing : Lando Norris was bad for your heart.
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You hadn't answered any text from Pietra since the call, you weren't mad anymore but she gad tricked you, so you could at least do that to get back on her.
The location was for a week, you had been there for now 6 days and your little crush for Lando hadn't stop growing.
You had both read, a lot actually, played chess, throew snowballs at each other, watched movies, talked and more.
You knew that when you were gonna leave this cottage everything will became like before, but just thinking about it was hurting you. You weren't sure you were able to hate him anymore.
Being now Lando's friend also means discovered a whole new side of him, like the fact that he was extremely touchy-feely. It's not that you were hating it, in fact you were loving it a bit too much.
"What are you thinking about ?" The boy asked you, you were reading and you haven't turned a single page in 10 minutes.
"Nothing much just got lost in my thought" You answered him smiling weakly.
He looked at you like he didn't believed a single you said, but he did'nt push it more and simply nodded.
"Wanna see something fun ?" You turned to him intrigued.
"What are you thinking about ?"
"Do you trust me?" He looked at you straight into your eyes.
You nodded. He smiled and took your hand leading you downstairs. His warm hand in yours felt so great, you wished you could kept the feeling forever.
It was already dark oustide so when he told you put on your shoes and coat as he did the same you hesitated a second. Maybe he was about to murder you in that dark forest.
A bit dramatic maybe.
But you never know.
After coming to the conclusion that the idea was ridiculous and that he could've had killed you countless times if he wants, you did as he told you.
"Okay close your eyes" You frown but he only waited for you to do so, so you finally closed your eyes.
He led you outside, you heard the snow creacked under your footsteps. After a few more steps and spoke again :
"Okay opened them now"
As you were looking around you, you realised that you were right in front of the cottage in the middle of the snow, you looked at him confused.
"Up" He told you pointing towards the stars.
And that's when your jaw dropped, the sky was fulled of stars, so bright, that was the prettiest things you ahd ever seen in your life.
"Woaw" Was all you managed to say you were like a child in front of christmas present.
"This is beautiful" You murmured amazed.
"Yes it is" He said looking right at you.
You couldn't helped but laughed "God lando that line is old like the world, you can do better than that" He laughed with you.
You both sat on the porch to looked at the stars comfortably.
"What do you see?" He said poiting towards the sky.
You thought a little bit before answering. "Right there you can clearly see a gun, and those stars here 15 feet away are forming Mcdonald's logo"
"God you're so american" He chuckled. At those words your heart beat a little faster, you were getting stupid, no he wasn't quoting...
"And before you ask, yes I'm quoting Olivia Rodrigo"
Oh god you cheeks were on fire now, actually no, your whole body.
"I thought you hated her" You said him clearing your throat that was suddenly really dry.
"Wrong she's kinda right, I do laugh at all your jokes and I would like if you'd come everywhere I'd go" He confessed.
Now quoting the whole chorus, you were melting right in front of him, how could he said such things this easily ?
"Don't do that" You warned him, it was snowing, how could you be so hot right now ?
"That what ?"
"You know what I mean"
He smiled fondly at you before getting up.
"Alright american girl, let's go to sleep"
You both head back inside and as he deposed you to your room, you realised you didn't want him to go, not now. Not when tomorrow you would had to leave this place and all the moments you shared behind.
"You want to come inside ? To... Chat a bit ?" You sugggested to him visibly embarassed.
His eyes widened and you wonder if maybe you shouldn't have said that but he smiled and agreed.
You were both sitting on your bed, the room deadly silent, none of you daring to speak first.
"I've wanted to-"
"You go first" He told you.
"No you really, please"
"Okay, so... What did I need to do?"
"Sorry ?" You where caught off guard by his question.
"What can I do for you to finally look at me like i look at you?"
He was supposed to clarified himself with that sentence but you were just even more confused.
He groaned in front of your lack of reaction "Cmon, don't get me wrong I enjoyed it, but why do you think I would read romance and watched rom-com everyday ?? And actually learned lyrics of an Olivia Rodrigo song ?"
"Cause you liked them ?" He gave you a look that really said "Seriously ?"
"I don't know cause of your really sensible heart ?"
"Y/n..." He sighed at how clueless you were acting.
"I just don't know !" You shouted feeling lost and overwhelmed.
"You do know, you just don't want to admit it" He shouted back and you hated how right he was just now.
You send a death glare at him and as you were both staring at each other pupils you were hating so much. Oh god so much, he was freaking annoying.
How could you've had forgotten that.
That's why when he put a hand on your cheek and crahsed his lips on yours you put your arms around his neck and pulled him even closer.
Wait... What ?
You were kissing Lando. Everything was perfectly fine you were kissing Lando. OH. MY. GOD.
The kiss was rough and hungry, like he had wait for so long to do just that. Lando's lips were moving against yours but you wanted so much more.
Apparently him too, because at the second you opened your mouth a bit to gave him access he deepened the kiss. After what felt like an eternity but yet not enough he backed away a little from the kiss to breathed.
"Well..." He started but you cut him off. "Shut up"
You pulled him back into another kiss and god he wasn't complaining at all. Your lips were feeling so great against his, right were they belong.
His eyes widened when you pulled on the hem of his shirt. "Are you sure ?"
"Never been surer in my life" You replied tossing his shirt away in the room. He didn't waste anymore time "Can I ?" he asked his hands on the hem of your shirt.
"Sure, do whatever you want" He took off your shirt of you and started roaming your body with his hands.
"You really shouldn't say things like this."
Before you could replied his lips collapsed again with yours. That was a feeling he could never get used to, his favorite in the world, his lips on your lips.
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When you opened your eyes the next morning you're welcolmed by two eyes, and what beatiful eyes, staring at you.
"You're creepy" You chuckled while hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
"And you're gorgeous, morning beautiful" He told you with a sleepy voice, and you were loving that voice. This was definitly the best night you've ever had in your life.
"Morning" You said back snuggling a bit closer to him.
"I love you"
You're sleepiness disappear instantly at his words and you pushed yourslef on your elbows to look at him eyes widened.
"I'm sorry, that was really fast and-" He started apologizing, but you cut him with a chast kiss.
"I love you too Lan" You whispered like it was a secret.
And he smiled, the brightess smile you've had ever seen on his face.
"We should probably get up and make our suitcase" He suggested, and got you just wanted to stay all day long in this bed with him, but he was right.
Max and Pietra woulod probably came soon.
When their car parked on the driveway Lando and you were already in front of the cottage your suitcases in hand. You both seat in the back of the car.
As you and Lando gave your heart out on 'So american' by Olivia Rodrigo, Pietra and Max exchange a look.
"Looks like it works out at the end" She said and he just smiled at her agreeing.
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lostfirefly · 7 months
Life Must Have It's Mysteries (Ch.1)
Nobody asked me, but the thought of sending my beloved couple on a new journey didn't let me go. Welcome to a new adventure! No idea how many chapters there will be :)
English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) Masterlist is here.
Description: Catherine returns to Cairo after a short trip to her sister. One evening she had dinner with her childhood friend, her sister, and her boyfriend, who told her about the legend of a blue diamond hidden in the Egyptian pyramids..
Warnings: Fun, fluff.
Words: 2195
Buggy x OC from my “You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me” series.
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots (if you want to be added on the list, feel free to lmk!)
The title is taken from "Life Must Have It's Mysteries" by Hans Zimmer (OST Inferno).
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Ladies and gentlemen, the Loguetown-Cairo flight has landed at the international airport of Cairo. Thank you for choosing our airlines. 
Catherine quickly got up from her seat, picked up her bag and was about to run out the plane, but an old lady in front of her was extremely slow in getting ready to leave. 
"Excuse me, mam, maybe I can help you?" Catherine gently tapped the woman's back with her finger.
"No thank you, sweetheart, I'm used to doing everything myself." In a polite but slightly husky voice the woman replied. 
"I just really need to go. Let me help you!" She grabbed the woman's bag.
"I said I'll do it myself!"
"Fuck!" Catherine saw that the front row of passengers had already gotten off.
“Alright!” She slung her bag over her shoulder, climbed over the seat that was next to the woman and quickly rushed to the exit. “Sorry-y-y-y!”
Catherine tried to walk through the airport pavilion calmly but she was having trouble doing it. She also tried to hide her happy face and not to push everyone away with her hands. 
"God, why are you all walking so slowly!!" She muttered.
The door to the arrival hall opened and after that Catherine didn’t remember anything else. She only remembered how she threw her bag on the floor and rushed towards her beloved clown. Waving her arms happily above her head, squealing “my Buggy Be-e-a-ar”, with a big smile on her face, she jumped on him and hugged him with her legs and arms.
"Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!" She pecked him on the lips several times.
"Cotton candy, you're gonna suffocate me." Buggy wrapped his hands around her waist. 
"I don't care!" Smack. Smack. Smack. “I was gone for four whole days!” Smack. Smack. Smack. “I won't go anywhere without you again.” Smack. Smack. Smack.
“I hope you missed it too. Because you're all covered with my lipstick again.” He started laughing. 
“Shit!” Catherine wiped her lips with her palm. “It's time for me to get used to this.”
She hugged him tightly, kissed his temple three times and looked into his eyes. "My silly clown..." 
"I'm listening, my Cathie-pie." 
"Take me home, please."
While they were driving home, Catherine could not calm down. Actively gesturing she told him the latest news, asked how Buggy lived without her, whether he missed her, how his circus was and what was new in Cairo.
"So what happened with your sister?" Buggy asked as he carried Catherine's bag home.
“It turned out that she just had a fight with Ethan. Honestly, I thought there was some kind of tragedy when she called me in tears. But they made up pretty quickly, so my trip to her turned out to be almost pointless.” 
Catherine walked up to Buggy and hugged him tightly. "I missed you so much, my Buggy Bear."
“No. I can't. It's still a terrible terrible nickname, my Cathie-pie.” He hugged her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. 
Catherine heard him barely say, "I missed you too."
"I still don't care. I’m not gonna change it.” Catherine pecked him in his lips and pulled his cheeks. “By the way, we spoke about you too. Everyone was curious about our relationship. But don’t be afraid, I said only good things. And my sister and I also had a girl talk about you.”
“I’m flattered by such a high assessment of my person.” He took and kissed her hand, and led Catherine into the living room.
“Jackass. Let me quickly take a shower and then I’ll cook us something to eat. You’re probably hungry.”
"Actually, I bought us Chinese food and your favorite wine."
“Wow! I’m impressed, Buggy the Clown! You're growing! You’re learning to take care of yourself.” She giggled and pressed her head against his chest. 
“Oh, screw you! I lived somehow before you. But I have to admit, you take care of me much better, you know.” 
She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. “I have no doubt about that. You would probably be dead without me. At least now you've learned how to wash your socks.” 
“Little shit.” 
“Did I tell you that you are my best and I love you so so much?”
"Nope. Hear it for the first time."
Catherine quickly showered and returned to the living room. Chilled wine and packages of Chinese food were already waiting for her on the table. 
“God! It's so great to be back home.” She looked at Buggy. “Why are you smiling?”
"I really missed your ass, but I also really missed your funny pajama pants. Dinosaurs? Seriously?" He pointed at her new pants.
"Oh, shut up! I liked them. By the way, I brought you a gift." 
“The gift? For me?" 
"Of course! Why are you so surprised? I couldn't leave my Buggy Bear without the gift." She ran to the bedroom and returned with some sheets, a bottle and a box in her hands. "The best whiskey from Loguetown and a box of chocolates for my sweet tooth." She gave him a few pecks on the lips and plopped down on the sofa. 
"Wow! Thanks, my cotton candy!” He kissed her cheek. “I've never gotten the present before..”
"What? This is terrible!" She knelt on the couch and kissed him on the cheek. "Well, now you have me, lucky bastard."
“What's that in your hands?" He pointed at the sheets of paper as he opened a bottle of whiskey.
“Oh, this... Yes, it’s nonsense. Or maybe it’s not nonsense. Well, we went to dinner with my sister, Ethan and one of my childhood friends. We met him suddenly.” She glanced at Buggy and noticed how his face changed.
"Friend? Male? Did you go out.. with.. him...?"
"What do you mean? A date? Yes, I did."
"Okay..." Buggy tried to appear as calm as possible.
“Once we went to an ice cream cafe and he also brought me dandelions.”
She run her hand through Buggy's hair.
"Someone is jealo-o-ous!" She kissed him on the cheek.
"I'm not jealous!"
"Before you run to strangle this poor guy, I can tell you that when he asked me out we were seven years old. So, back to the sheets. My sister and I talked about our fun trip. And while we were talking that friend and Ethan mentioned a myth or rumor.. I don't actually know.. about some kind of treasure, hidden somewhere in the Egyptian pyramids. I was interested in this and the next day I went to my old job in the library and rummaged a little in the archives. I made copies but there is no direct evidence in them that anything exists at all. And.. Why are you smiling again, clown? "
“I just can’t believe it. My little Cathie-pie is rummaging through the archives and looking for information about treasures. You really liked our previous adventure, right? Admit it!”
"Go fuck yourself, asshole. I'm not telling you anything else." Catherine took the wine and turned away. 
"Come on! Come here, baby. Tell me more." Buggy put his arm around her shoulders and cuddled closer. 
"I won't, you're mocking me." 
"I'm not mocking you. I find it very sexy, by the way.” He kissed her temple. 
“I hate you. So.. I studied the copies all the way on the plane, but I can’t definitely confirm whether there’s something in these places or not.” She fiddled with the sheets of paper in her hands and put them aside on the couch. "I think maybe I'll go to the local library tomorrow. Just for fun."
"You know, I know another way to have fun and you don't have to wait until tomorrow!" Buggy stood up from the couch, grabbed Catherine in his arms and carried her into the bedroom.
“What are you doing?! Let me go!!” She slapped his hands.
“Baby, I’m going to do what I haven’t done with you for four whole days. I hope you survive until the morning.” He laughed like a maniac.
"Damn you and your chop chop abilities!"
"You're going to make me lose the ability to walk someday, fucking clown." Catherine woke up in the morning and put her head on his chest. She took one of the strands of his hair and began to twirl it around her finger. “Do me a favor, send your hand for your t-shirt, because I can't get out from under the blanket naked."
"Who told you that? I'll be glad to see you like this." Buggy began to move his hands down to her buttocks.
"Go to hell, honestly! First, I have manners! Second, stop grabbing my ass, Buggy!” Catherine looked at her hands and shoulders. “Fuck, I need to take a shower. Because someone left red lipstick marks all over my body and even... God, I can’t even talk about it. You've completely ruined me.” 
“You didn’t complain throughout the night, cotton candy. And especially those three times when my tongue was between your..” Buggy ran his hand in circles on her back. 
“Ts!” She covered his mouth with her hand and glanced at him with squinted eyes.  
“That was re-e-a-ally good, right?” He muttered into her palm and winked.
“I hate you!”
Catherine barely fought off Buggy, who seemed to want to give her another hot round, grabbed his t-shirt and ran into the bathroom. 
After breakfast she changed into jeans and a t-shirt, grabbed her crossbody bag, accompanied Buggy to the circus, kissed him on his lips and went to the library.
Catherine sat in the library for half a day, sorting through old dusty books and papers. She asked the library employee what other materials she could read. The gray-haired woman sincerely did not understand why Catherine was interested in this story. She mentioned that she had heard something, but she assured her that it was just a myth that was invented for fools who were simply thirsty for adventure.
"Why do you need this, dear girl?" The woman asked her while Catherine was copying some notes. "You don't look like the kind of person who leaves everything behind to go somewhere far away to find something."
Catherine didn't know how not to laugh, remembering how she once left everything behind to go in search of her sister and how that search ended.
"I just love reading books. Myths, legends. All this is terribly fascinating." Catherine shrugged and smiled.
“You should get married, not read books!” The woman rasped in her voice.
"Thanks for your advice, I'll definitely use it!"
Catherine put the papers in her bag and went home. On the way, she stopped at a couple of bakeries, muttering under her breath that "it will be better if Buggy fill his mouth with donuts and fucking Cinnabons. Otherwise I'm done."
She returned home when no one was there yet. Catherine was drinking coffee when she heard the keys jingle in the keyhole.
She jumped up and ran to the front door.
"Finally, you're home! I went to the library and..."
Buggy shut Catherine up with a kiss. "First of all, hi!"
"Hi!" She kissed him on the nose and dragged him into the living room. "So, I went to the library..."
"Baby, give it back."
Catherine heard Buggy's voice behind her.
"Give.. what?" She looked at him blankly.
He pointed his finger at her hand. Catherine looked down and started laughing. She held his hand in hers.
"Damn, sorry! Take it." 
“Thank God you didn’t pull me for something else.” He laughed loudly and pointed at his pants.
"Oh my god! You're disgusting!"
Catherine led Buggy into the living room and quickly ran to the kitchen to grab whiskey, dinner and donuts.
“Anyway, I dug through the papers at the library here and found out that all this history I've been told about and written about in some of the books I looked at today lead back to the story of some blue diamond." She walked from side to side, actively gesticulating. 
Buggy moved his head after Catherine.
“It doesn’t give you superpowers, of course. But we can get good money for it. But there’s no map. Everywhere it’s indicated that it’s somewhere in a pyramid. But there are a thousand pyramids in Egypt. It would take us our whole lives to double-check them all." She sat down on the floor, crossing her legs.
“Theoretically, I know one person who can tell us the way. Or maybe even knows where we can get the map.” Buggy said, taking a sip of his whiskey and leaning back on the couch.
“Is this your gray-haired man from the desert?” She mumbled, placing her hands on her leg and her chin on her palms. "Wait. What do you mean “tell”? And what do you mean “us”?" She bulged her eyes at him.
"Well, let's try!" Buggy shrugged.
"Are you serious?" 
"Yeah. Why not?” He leaned towards Catherine while sitting on the couch.
"Just you and me?" Catherine pointed at them both.
"Just you and me."
"This means…?"
"This means, baby, that we are going to look for the blue diamond!"
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flower1622 · 7 months
"Weasley Potter Family"
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"La Rue Jackson Family"
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12 years after the last battle:
The scene opens with a sunny day, showing the ocean, the city and cars moving. Then, it focus on a specific blue car travelling trought the places. Inside were four people: A woman driving, a man at the passenger seat, a little girl at the back of the passenger seat and another girl looking at the window.
- Life is a Higway ... - The woman starts singing while the man stares at her. He changes the music and starts singing and moving a little bit on his seat along with the song. Everyone looks at him.
The woman changes the song back to the one she was listening. The man, frustated, changes the music back. They both start a fight by changing the song many times. The oldest girl loses her patience and says:
- Stop! Both of you! You guys are acting like kids! 
- Sorry! - The man and woman say at the same time
--Uhh ... Clarisse, if you want, you can change back to your music - The man says
- No, we can listen to yours - Clarisse says
- But, I insist - The man says
- No, I insist, Percy! - Clarisse says. She and Percy start fighting about music again. The oldest girl can't stand it anymore.
- Enough, both of you! Just choose a song that everyone will like - The girl says. Clarisse and Percy only look at each other and do nothing. So, the oldest girl comes between them and changes the song, again. It starts playing "Burning Love" by Elvis Presley.
- Happy now, guys? - she asks while coming back to her seat, behind Clarisse.
- Yes! And sorry for the fight, Selena! Sometimes we can't handle it - Percy says while Clarisse only rolls her eyes.
- It's okay! We all know how much you guys fight over everything, literally - Selena says
- So, uhh...Clarisse? - Percy asks while turning to look at Clarisse
- What? - Clarisse asks
- Do you think your father will be there? - Percy asks
- I really doubt it! He never visits my mother. But, don't worry, we are just staying at my mother's house for the weekend to celebrate Chloe's birthday - Clarisse says
- It's easy to say when everyone in your family likes you ... - Percy mumbles
- Oh, don't be like that, Jackson! They like you! They just show it in a different way. It doesn't mean that they hate you. My family was never one to show many emotions. We just show it by the only way we can. But, don't worry, if someone gives you any trouble, you can tell me and I'm gonna kick the mothetfuck...I mean...the stupid's ass.
- Thanks, Clarisse! - Percy says while smiling at her.
- Don't get too happy, Sea Man! Because if you give trouble to my family, I'm gonna kick your ass - Clarisse says
- As if you could - Percy says while laughing
- Do you wanna bet? - Clarisse tries to challenge Percy with a big smile on her face.
- Bet? Are you sure, Clarisse? From I remember, you always lost to me - Percy says
- Lost to you?! Sure, if you are a Poseidon's son and has water powers to attack someone that doesn't have any powers, you win easily... - Clarisse says sarcastically 
- Come on! Don't be like that, Clari! I won our duels even without powers. I only used when it was really necessary like the first time we met. You bullied me. I just defended myself - Percy says
- I'm sorry.....I was very immature at that time....and a little jealous of you.... - Clarisse starts saying
- A little?! - Percy jokes and Clarisse punches him in the shoulder 
- Okay! Fine! I was very jealous of you, alright?......I knew that you could be the chosen one......I didn't want to admit it.....I always felt excluded from the rest of the camp....you, Annabeth, Luke, Thalia....you guys were always the best....the heroes....and me....I was just Clarisse...daughter of Ares....defensor of traitors....I wanted to have what you guys had....adoration and fame...but people hated and feared me....so, not to show any weakness....I let my temper and arrogance take control over me....I didn't want to look weak for my father....another thing I felt envious about you Percy Jackson....is that....your father cared about you...and still helped you and talked to you when he could.....not every camper's father did that.......mine didn't.....when he appeared....he just put more pression on me....just like the rest did....Chiron....the campers....my cabin...I rarely spent time with my family....I was always on Camp....to help the other campers....be a leader for them....my only attention had to be on them.....and I couldn't use a phone to contact my mother....and I couldn't afford many dracmas....I was just....a lonely girl that had to look strong for others.... - Clarisse says while everyone was looking sad at her
- I'm sorry, Clarisse! I didn't know you felt that way...when we first met, I hated you for being a brute girl who bullied people, but then.....you matured a lot since the monster's sea. I saw a side of you that few had the chance...just a vunerable girl...and I like it. About your dad...you know what I already think about him....If can't appreciate an awesome daughter like you, he is a jerk as his father Ze...- Percy starts saying
- Percy! - Clarisse interrupts Percy while pointing with her eyes to the girls behind them
- Alright...sorry! But it's the thruth, Clarisse! You are more than just an Ares' daughter. I saw the way you treated Chris, Silena and other campers when nobody was looking....you took care of them as a great leader would....even though Silena and Chris had betrayed the camp, you still wanted to give them a second chance. If it makes you feel better, people only adored me because of my powers....you were the only person, as ironically it may sounds, that saw me as a normal person...not as a seaweed brain or a big hero. Even though sometimes you too put some pression on me to be the hero...I understand why you did that...if people couldn't see your potential to be a leader, somebody had to...you and me were the people who most had pression from the camp. If we had had a great first meeting, we could have been a great duo at the camp. You weren't just Clarisse, af least for me.....you are the great dragon killer...you are a great mother to our daughters, an incredible person and a loyal friend....if you think hard, you would notice that we have many things similar to each other.....what I'm saying is....just be yourself and don't let other things put you down, okay? - Percy asks
- Okay! Thanks, Percy! - Clarisse says with a small smile
- We love you mother! - Melissa and Chloe say at the same time and both hug their mother!
- And I love you three! - Clarisse says while smiling at her daughter before looking at Percy. She noticed he seemed uncomfortable after she said the word "love". Her smile disappears and she starts thinking that maybe he still isn't ready to say the word to her. 
"What if I'm just a substitute for Annabeth? What if he just wanted to marry me because of our daughters?"- Clarisse asks herself
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y'all wearing me down bc it's gonna get even better (very humble, donna. thank you donna)
|remember to leave feedback and i love all you heathens|
~Part I , Part II~
'The Very First Night: Part III' Angelo Parker (Jeff) x fem!reader
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gif: @junglehooks
^james seems to be growing more and more suspicious about his best friend's behavior^
-Wheeler Yuta (James) and i tossed julia hart in there - I/N - instagram name -CW: mentions of smoking
3rd Person POV
After the match, Y/N decided to change and she made her way to her truck. She got that little pack of cigarettes from the glove compartment and lit up, "Since when do you smoke?" James' voice scared her a bit. "Fucking hell. It's an occasional thing; I'm not proud of it but-" He got in the passenger seat and looked at her. He wasn't stupid, he knew something was on her mind. "What the hell happened between you and Parker in the ring? The way he looked at you? The way you looked at him?!" "James, I don't know. Those guys are unpredictable. I guess I reacted like that because I was caught off guard. They may be scum, but I doubt he would've hurt me." She took a drag from the little cancer stick and looked to see if he bought the answer. Before he could press the issue any further, "Alright kids, Y/N, what's this diner you went to?" "Two Whales. I'll call Joyce and tell her she's got five coming. Don't worry Bryan, there's stuff for you. They made menu additions after an influx of tourists." Or to tell her not to bring up her little secret. She got out of the truck to make the call as the rest of the guys piled in. "Hey honey." "Hey Joyce, you guys got room for five?" "Of course Y/N. Does one of them happen to be that Jeff guy?" "No, uh, could you actually do me a solid and not mention him? It's kind of a secret. Say I was with an old friend from high school." "I don't like that sneaking around game; but I'll go with it. We will discuss it before you leave on Sunday." Y/N put the cigarette out, "Yes, mother. See you soon." Bryan decided to ask as she got back in the truck "Why are there no seatbelts?" "Because I normally never had more than two other people in this truck."
"There they are!" "Boys, this is Joyce. Joyce, this is Jon, Bryan, Claudio, and James." Y/N introduced as she pointed to each man. "Yes, the Blackpool Combat Club. I hope my Y/N hasn't been too much trouble for you." "Is this your mother?" Claudio asked. "Like one, but no. Her daughter is one of my closest friends." "Why don't you bring them to your booth and I'll get some menus." She nodded and motioned for them to follow her. As they walked past, a few of the older truckers and bikers whistled at her. Jon was about to say something to him when she stepped in "Can it, Mark." She spat. "I don't need these guys to put you in your place; I did it all throughout high school, and I'll do it again." They all sat in the booth and Joyce came over with menus. "Y/N L/N; always biting the heads off these old guys. Never backing down from a fight." She looked at James, who was sat next to her, "You were out there with her tonight, correct?" He smiled "Yes ma'am. You watched the show?" "Baby, any friend of my Y/N is a friend of mine; you all call me Joyce. Of course I did. I had to watch her keep that belt." Once everyone had decided on what they wanted, Joyce took it down and went to the counter. The four of them had been looking at all the vandalism on the table and leather seats that Y/N got to check her phone for the first time. Messages from her friends, social media but two things stood out;
J🤫 - we need to talk
Instagram: theangeloparker tagged you in their story
She texted him back that they would talk when she got to the hotel, but the Instagram thing had to wait. She was pulled out of her phone when Jon asked "This town seems kinda, quiet. How did you get to be so rowdy?" "You have to know the right places. The old mill by the railroad and junkyard held many bonfire parties and concerts. Where I got some of my scars, at that mill." She pulled the neck of her shirt to show the scar on her shoulder, "Went to see Firewalk in 2010, some prick gashed me with a broken beer bottle." "Pretty gnarly. Hate to see what you did to him." James joked. They had been eating for a while when Joyce came over with a camera, "Mind if I get a photo for our board?" All five agreed and Joyce snapped with the polaroid camera; something the girls gave her for mother's day one year.
The group finished eating and Y/N sent the guys to the truck so she could talk to Joyce. "I hope you aren't staying behind to try and pay. Hometown hero and company eat free. Or is there something else?" Y/N leaned over the counter and sighed "Joyce, James is on to me and I can't tell them." "Explain to me why. Why can't you?" Joyce knew what storylines in this industry were, but this one ran deeper than scripts. "Jeff is a part of the 'Jericho Appreciation Society', I'm part of the Blackpool Combat Club, they've been at eachother's throats for months now. Yeah, kayfabe and storylines but this rivalry runs years deep." "Baby, I know how you feel about him. You've never looked at a man the way you looked at him. You fought tooth and nail to get to where you are. You are one of the strongest women I know, you have a world title belt, and you made your dream a reality. Don't let this stop you from the one thing you always denied yourself." Y/N knew she was right. "Okay. I'll think of something. I'm not fucking this up." "Language. Now go on now, you're probably tired and we can talk more before you leave the Bay."
~Back at the Hotel~
Once she got into her hotel room, she immediately checked that Instagram notification. He can't be that foolish; can he? She thought. She opened it and saw he reposted a shot of their stand off in the ring, but the song is what caught her attention.
I can wait for you at the bottom I can stay away if you want me to I could wait for years if I gotta Heaven knows I ain't getting over you
She went to text him immediately. She sent him her room number and waited. Not even ten minutes later, he did that stupid knock they had. When she opened the door, he had a smirk on his face but it soon disappeared as she dragged him in the room quickly. "Are you out of your mind?!" She questioned him. "I don't see what the problem is-" "Let's see; you get in the ring after my match, act like you're concerned about me rather than your little friend, then you post that picture with that song. We are supposed to hate each other remember?" He understood why she felt this way: it was a little reckless to do, all things considered. "Jeff, we have to find a way to end this feud. James is on to us and Joyce is mothering me about this." "I know, I know. What do you propose we do?" They both thought for a second until a light bulb went off over her, "Gauntlet match. I'll take on all of you. Or you all decided who will be the breaker. I just want this to stop. If we aren't feuding anymore, we can act normal." He knew she was serious "Doll, I can't let you do that. There's seven of us and you can get seriously hurt." "I'm doing it. I'm calling Tony tomorrow." Jeff sighed knowing how stubborn she was, so they decided to drop it and go to bed.
Y/N woke up to the sound of Jeff's voice on the phone with someone; someone that sounded like Matt. "Jeff, you're too loud." "Who was that?" Jeff panicked, "Met her at the bar." Matt knew that voice, There's no way. he thought about his friend. "Is that who I think it is?" "Matt, we'll talk about it later." And hung up. "Hmm so now I'm 'met her at the bar'?" "Don't be like that, baby." She pulled him back down to her, "I'm calling Tony later." "I know I can't stop you, but I don't want to hurt you. Ask to fight Hager or Chris; I can't do that to you after all this. I want this to work between us." His words were sweet as he brushed a piece of hair out of her face. "That's why I'm doing this. But if us getting in that ring is what ends this bullshit, we have to. It'll be a funny story." The phone call to Tony went well. She has to run through three members of JAS and everything will be over. Though, he said they were to decide amongst themselves who she'd face.
Jeff's POV
I had met Matt at the hotel's gym and I knew walking in that he was going to interrogate me about the phone call this morning. "Wanna tell me 'bout this girl you met?" "No. I don't think I will." Matt rolled his eyes, "Nah, you're not getting off that easy. If it was Y/N, just tell me." I couldn't lie to him. We've known each other for God knows. "Yeah, it was. But yo-" "I knew it! Anna and I had a feeling since the lipstick thing. You never really got over her, did you?" Shake of the head 'no'. "Listen, your secret is safe. But I know after your stunt after the title match, Chris is gonna put you in that gauntlet." "I know," I just sighed, "We both had a feeling. I just can't hurt her again. What if I threw the match?" "Well you'll have hell to pay but these battles will be put behind us. I'm on your side with this one, buddy."
"Ready to get your ass kicked, James?" "Y/N, you need to tell me the truth." Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. "About what?" James groans, "You and Parker. I know you've been sneaking around with him." We sat in the ring and I got ready to spill. "We had a thing, a number of years ago and I guess it started back up. I know we're supposed to despise them, but Jeff is different." "Why didn't you tell me before?" he moved closer to me. "Considering you all fight at any given chance; I thought it was a good idea to keep it secret. I didn't know what you'd think." "I'm not mad; if that's what you thought. In the short time we've known each other, you've become my best friend and I want you to be happy. I do think you should avoid telling the others." Grateful was an understatement to describe how I feel to have James. "Hey, I have a great idea to help me win against them." He looked at me and I told him my plan. I had asked Julia to take pictures of James and I for Instagram. I settled on posting five: me on James' back, wearing each other's titles, us facing the other way so the backs of our team jackets are showing, us hanging upside down from the ropes, and me kissing his cheek: I/N: partner in honor, partner in combat
3rd Person POV:
The gauntlet match was to be announced tonight on Dynamite. Y/N and James were to interrupt the JAS during their promo about Anna's loss. Right as Chris was yapping, 'For it is just an Illusion' "Yowza, you guys need to have a promo every time you lose?" She and James got in the ring as Chris spoke "What, you need your guard dog with you at all times?" She turned her head, "Yuta? Oh don't worry, he doesn't bite; but I do." "Listen girly, if you wanna come out here and take up the Jericho Appreciation Society's TV time, make it useful; how about explain what happened in the ring with Cool Hand last week?" Daniel said, trying to act tough. Y/N laughed, "First, back off kid, the adults are talking." Jeff had moved past Daniel to come face to face with Y/N "Second, c'mon Parker, you're seriously gonna act like you don't know me? If memory serves me right, you and I had a lot of fun together, back on the indie scene." 'Y/N, stop.' he mouthed to her. "What? You don't want your pretentious little friends to know about our-" His hand found its way around her throat. Not tight, just enough to end her talking as he saw her bite her lip, "I said, stop, Y/N." She smirked as he let go, "Well, look at that everyone: pretty boy does remember a thing or two about me. Now, I made a call to Tony Khan and requested a gauntlet to put all this nonsense to rest. Next week on Dynamite, the Blackpool Combat Club's 'Illusion', Y/N vs three of what you consider the best in your little, marching band of morons. I beat all three of Chris' picks and we end this feud; deal?" She stuck her hand out to Chris and he took it. He knew exactly who she'd face.
Once Rampage that week came, the promo Y/N and James shot as phase two of her little plan aired. After winning their trios tag match, Jeff, Matt, and Daniel were interrupted by: Y/N was humming a song that Jeff knew very well. One they considered theirs. He was so focused on the song that he didn't even realize she was wearing his merch shirt. "Oh I'm sorry. Am I interrupting your little celebration? Don't worry, I won't be long. Just wanted to remind everyone that on Dynamite, you get to watch me beat some JASholes. I know everyone watching is sick of this feud. See you Wednesday." She then blew a kiss and winked at the camera.
"I'm so fucking screwed." Jeff whispered to Matt. "Ya think?"
lovely taglist babes (pinned post for form) @josiewrites @wwenhlimagines @plentyoffandoms @auburnwrites @1rsolideranna @sunshinevirus @sultryfandoms @alexisquinnlee-bc @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @eddiefrickenmunson @taterthetronado @summertimefun1982 @niknakbucks92 @roseflowerbed12
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jji-lee · 1 month
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you had gone a tiny bit too hard pregaming cause after a couple shots with renjun, he had to help you button up your shirt, carefully taking the time to tuck it back into your skirt claiming:
"nobody likes a messy secretary, they only wanna fuck them cause they're neat."
before brushing your hair out of your face and planting a kiss on your cheek, quickly dragging you outside to meet jaemin and chenle.
as you shut your front door you heard whistling behind you,
"oh wow you look even better in person."
jaemin grabbed your hand to spin you around, getting a full view of your outfit. you gave them a cheeky smile as chenle nodded his head in agreement, giving you a light pat on your butt.
the drive to the party was relaxed. there was occasional bickering between chenle and renjun about the test results of their most recent patient, while you and jaemin laughed as they switched between languages, making sure to use every insult they knew. your buzz was starting to fog your mind, a small smile permanently plastered on your face as you made yourself more comfortable in your seat. jaemin looked at you through the rear view mirror,
"how we feeling back there baby? you're not gonna flash anyone tonight right?"
you nodded slowly as you smiled wide, holding up both of your thumbs for extra confirmation. chenle turned around in the passenger seat to pat your knee,
"you better, cause we're all gonna do our own thing tonight, we can't babysit you, okay?"
you stuck your tongue out at him,
"as if you ever watch me zhong chenle, you always disappear as soon as they give out jello shots."
"chenle don't try to pick a fight with her, we just got here."
jaemin unbuckled his seat belt before nudging chenle to get out of the car. renjun stepped out, extending his hand to help you. as you stepped out and straightened your skirt your eyes met mark's. it was hard to miss him, right at the entrance of the house, bright blonde hair standing out in the crowd. he raised the drink in his hand, greeting you. you quickly turned back to renjun,
"if you guys leave me alone tonight i'm going to get into so much trouble"
"dude did she just ignore you?"
haechan let you a loud laugh next to mark, reaching out to grab his arm for support.
"shut up, maybe she didn't see me."
jeno downed the rest of his drink, reaching forward to rip haechan off of mark,
"it's getting cold, lets go in, we finally saw her arrive, happy mark?"
mark let out a sigh before going in, turning his head back one last time to catch a glimpse of you greeting some party guests.
as expected, inside the party was insane, the neo theta phi house was notorious for throwing the best parties on campus. free drinks, chicks, and dicks to go around. but tonight mark only had one thing in mind. he'd barely drank the mystery liquid haechan had concocted for him before he set out into the party to find you. hopefully you weren't actually avoiding him, there was no way in hell you were that much of a virgin that some male moaning scared you away.
when mark found you he felt a sour taste build up in his mouth. there you were, hot as ever, sitting comfortably on the leather couch as jaehyun leaned over you, whispering in your ear. he was too close for mark's taste.
mark flinched as someone grabbed his shoulders from behind, slightly shaking him.
"mark, buddy, if that's your girl, now she's not. you know how quick jae is."
mark turned around and was greeted by johnny's lazy smile.
"didn't know you went looking for girls, they usually come to you."
johnny questioned, raising a brow, before briefly looking over mark's shoulder to eye you.
"she's hot dude."
mark moved his shoulders, squirming out of johnny's grasp.
"how much have you had to drink?"
johnny pinched his fingers together, putting them up to his lips pretending to inhale,
"i'm 100% sober, if we're talking about alcohol that is, but we got real good stuff in the back if you want markie."
johnny gave him a sly grin before grabbing his shoulders again, turning him back around to face jaehyun.
goosebump's rose on mark's skin as he felt him whisper in his ear,
"but i think that can wait, cause it seems jae's already pulling the moves on your girl."
jaehyun was no longer leaning over you, but sitting right next to you, hand on your thigh, playfully pulling at your stockings.
mark's feet were already on the move before he processed was he was doing, now standing in front of you and jaehyun as you both eyed him. he saw your teeth shine as you broke out in a smile, getting up to wrap your arm around mark's shoulders, tippy toeing so you could reach.
"jae, this is mark, mark lee, we go wayyyy back, we've been neighbors for yearsss!"
mark could smell the liquor of your breath, as he looked over at you, smiling warmly at the silly grin on your face. jaehyun stood up, grabbing mark's hand to shake it.
"of course i know mark lee, silly girl."
he booped your nose with his free hand, mark felt sick as you giggled. he finished jaehyun's thought,
"we're frat brothers, actually."
he ripped his hand away from jaehyun's feeling a sudden distaste for his so called brother. jaehyun raised a brow at mark's sudden cold tone, biting back a smile as he realized what was going on.
thankfully haechan came to the rescue breaking the tension.
"there you are! i was just looking for you! we're playing a game, come on. oh! and you're definitely coming too"
haechan pulled your arm away from mark, tightly gripping your hand as he dragged you towards the circle of expectant party guests. mark followed after you two, wondering what haechan was possibly up to now.
haechan sat you down on the couch next to him before introducing the game,
"tonight to celebrate two very hot people who had sex to make my very beautiful friend right here-"
he gestured towards jeno that sat on the opposite side of you.
"we will be playing 7 minutes in heaven, or what i like to call.... closet quickies! someone will spin the bottle and whoever it lands on has to go with them and spend 7 minutes locked up in a tight space together, soooo sexy. y/n first!"
you sat up quickly, surprised that your name was called. the initial shock killed your buzz, the relaxation quickly leaving your body as you looked around the circle. your eyes landed on mark's as he gave you an apologetic smile for his friend's actions. you smiled back feeling silly for even considering avoiding him tonight, he was just a friend like jaemin or chenle.
you looked towards haechan now, his hand pointing towards the bottle on the floor
"okay, yeah sure."
you leaned forward towards the bottle using your hand to turn it. the crowd watched as the bottle spun and spun, excited to see who the lucky player would be. as the spinning came to a halt it landed directly in front of haechan. you slowly turned to face him fighting the urge to strangle yourself, he smirked at you,
"oh! so lucky baby! but since i'm the host, i'm not playing, so you know what they say! next player is to the right of the dealer!"
he turned to look at his right, already knowing mark was sitting next to him. mark's eye's widened as he realized what haechan meant.
"anyone else on my right markie?"
mark felt a blush creep past his neck as haechan nudged him suggestively.
"so our first pair for tonight is y/n and mark! lets give a round of applause to give our couple some strength!"
you got up and stood in front of mark, placing your hand out in front of him,
"come on mark, we've spent longer than just 7 minutes together."
the crowd ooo'd and aaa'd at your words, only making mark blush harder. he took your hand and followed behind you as you led him to the closet nearby.
when you opened the door, the closet was smaller than you imagined, like a lot smaller. it was full with coats and sweaters, the floor space limited by the boxes that covered it. you pushed some of the hangers back making some space for you and mark, before stepping in and closing the door. you heard haechan from outside,
"okay guys! the timer just started, be careful not to dirty anything in there!"
you both rolled your eyes at his words, laughing awkwardly at the situation you found yourselves in. you and mark lee were chest to chest in a frat house closet, breaths heating up the tight area.
"sorry, my friends kind of an ass, we don't have to do this is you don't want to."
he turned slightly to reach for the door but you grabbed his shoulders to stop him,
"it's fine mark, really, it's just 7 minutes, we can't let donghyuck think we're wimps."
he nodded his head in agreement, big mistake. as he nodded downward his eye's landed on your cleavage. your breasts were plump and shiny, and now that he was conscious of how close you both were he realized how good you smelled right now. he shifted uncomfortably feeling his pants tighten. you moved your hands from his shoulders to his chest, pulling back as he flinched away from your touch letting out a little groan.
"mark are you okay? you look kinda red."
he coughed, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth,
"uh, yeah, yeah, just hot in here."
you let out an airy laugh,
"oh yeah, it is hot in here."
you had just realized the heat that had built up in the closet, bringing you hands up to move your hair from you chest and push it back, revealing more of your cleavage. mark thought he could faint right now. he didn't know if he should be happy or mad at haechan for putting him in this closet with you. he reached forward to help you move some hair from your face, trying to do anything to ignore what was growing in his pants. you smiled at him, lightly patting his chest as a thank you. mark was lost in your eyes, well, not just your eyes, your lips, your smile, your tits. think of haechan lap dancing a pillow, think of haechan lap dancing a pillow, think of haechan-
"do you wanna kiss?"
he would've missed the question if you both weren't literally 5 inches away from each other. it was almost a soft whisper that left your lips.
"we don't have to but, that's the point of the game, and your boner's kinda poking me so-"
"yes, yes, fuckk, yes, lets kiss."
he didn't care if he sounded desperate, you asked to kiss him and his dick was about to fall off he didn't at least get some type of action. he'd deal with the consequences later, he gets to kiss you. he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you impossibly closer, lips just a breath away from yours,
"are you sure, you're not drunk are you?"
damn that question just made you wanna kiss him more. you didn't know what had come over you. maybe it was mark's new blonde hair, or the spit filling your mouth as you felt mark growing in his pants. or maybe it was heatstroke, but right now mark looked so damn good you couldn't miss this opportunity to kiss him. after hearing all that moaning last night, maybe just one kiss would tame your dirty thoughts.
"just had a couple shots before coming."
he brought his hands up to cup your face, stopping to brush some hair behind your ear. he chuckled,
"how many is a couple pretty girl?"
you let out a sigh,
"are you gonna kiss me or-"
he pressed his lips softly into yours, melting into the kiss. you placed your hands on his chest, pulling his tie. he turned his head deepening the kiss, poking your lips with his tongue, asking for permission. you pulled away from the kiss giggling softly. he chased after your lips.
"don't tease me brat."
his hand went up to the back of your head, pulling you back into the kiss. this time you let his tongue roam your mouth, moaning softly at the warmth spreading through your body. you traced your fingers down his body, stopping at the tent that had formed in his pants, lightly squeezing him. he released your lips, pressing his forehead into yours, letting out a deep groan,
"shit, don't do that, we don't have enough time"
and just like that you heard banging from the other side of the door, you both jumped, backing away from each other like you'd just been burnt. haechan yelled,
"are you both decent, times up, you can come out nowwww!"
you looked at mark, both of your cheeks flushed.
"uh you go first, i gotta get this-"
he pointed at his pants,
"to go down."
you nodded quickly, hand already reaching for the door knob.
"yeah yeah, i'll go ahead."
you turned the knob but stopped yourself, turning back to mark. you reached towards him to straighten his tie, using your fingers to wipe away the gloss that had transferred onto his lips.
"there, that's better."
mark could've melted at the smile you gave him.
"the blonde looks good on you by the way."
he reached up to touch his hair, but you had already walked out of the closet, leaving him to wonder, what the hell just happened?
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𖦹 .ᐣ.ᐟ₊ ⊹ cryptic crush — [24] brat
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notes : i wasn't gonna make this kiss but the kitty wants what it wants ifyk what i mean ☝️🙂‍↕️. enjoy this before y/n's intense panic on what the hell is going on between her and mark hahaha
taglist : @sunghoonsgfreal , @dalsosapple , @nanaxwi , @neverbeurs , @miichellehciim , @h-aechanie , @hizhu , @mystverse , @ppeachyttae , @jae-n0 , @onlyhyunjin , @alethea-moon , @onyourmark-99 , @sunnystarred , @p-d1ddy , @hisrkive , @flwrs4marklee , @haechskiss , @rutheaflowers , @busy-daydreaming02 , @byeonwooseokabs , @bunniin , @odxrilove , @injunnie-lemon , @sunflowerhae , @nosungluv , @222brainrot , @vklve , @aerivrs , @slayhaechan , @aek1ra , @honeynanamin , @roseangelxfuma , @starfilledgaze , @meowtella , @grassbutneo , @hyuck-me , @lovm4rk , @minkyuncutie , @babystrlla , @tynlvr , @jakesbubu , @yutasputa69 , @mrkleelvr , @spiderm444rk , @zzurao , @haechoshi , @brii-sunwoos-version , @nneteyamss , @blxcknwhite-lady , @nessaassen02 , @jkslvsnella , @donghyucksslut , @urlocalbeaner5
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rthoughtscollected · 3 months
To Carve, To Care chp. 2
Vi, age 17
She crushed and flattered the butt of her cigarette onto the parking lot floor under her boot.
"C'mon, get in." Benzo grunted through the open car window as he pulled up.
Vi yanked the car door open and flopped into the front passenger seat. "It wasn't my fault this time."
Benzo chuckled. "Some fucker egg you on?"
Sighing, Vi stared out the car window as they made their way to the foster house. This wasn't the first time Benzo had had to pick her up early from high school after she had got involved in some sort fight.
The rest of the car ride was silent. When they arrived at the foster house, Vi chucked her scuffed up school bag in the corridor and stomped to her room.
Her room was small, the ends of her single bed touching either ends of the wall. The mattress was thin - so thin she was able to feel the bed frame underneath it as she collapsed onto it.
Despite Benzo's loud footsteps, the house was too quiet. Vi had been used to a load, chatter filled house for so many years - back when Claggor, Miles and Pow- Jinx - were around.
Vi wondered what Vander would think of her now. Knowing him, he would have been disappointed that Vi picked up smoking - even though he smoked heavily when he was alive. Vi imagined he'd likely tell her off for constantly getting in trouble in school - even though he was who she learnt it from.
Vi clutched the blue lighter in her bandaged up hands. God she wanted a change in her life.
Caitlyn, present
She looked at the message her mother had sent her.
Do bring your tennis shoes tonight - Jayce will be joining us tonight.
Caitlyn put her phone back down on the bedside table and sat up. She looked down at herself in the baggy shirt. She hoped she would be able to see Vi again. A small part of her was disappointed Vi didn't stay till the morning.
But more than that, she wanted to respect Vi's boundaries, not wanting to come off too strong. Caitlyn already felt like she'd come off too strong already.
Caitlyn got up, hoping this evening with her patents (and now Jayce) would distract her a bit.
Hours later, Caitlyn found herself buzzing thr intercom of her family home.
There was a crackling then a voice from the intercom: "Hello?"
"It's Caitlyn."
A moment later, the metallic gates began creaking open. Caitlyn walked up the short stone drive and greeted her parents, who were waiting by the door.
"It's wonderful to see you, dear." Her mother said, embracing her.
"We are so glad you could make time for us." Her father cooed.
As much as Caitlyn often felt overwhelmed by her parents, she had missed them since starring university. Before recently, Caitlyn had the privilege of seeing her parents almost everyday.
As they stepped further into the house, Caitlyn could smell the sour scent of orange juice.
"Have you much work to do? Are you finding the material interesting?" Her father asked
Caitlyn knew her parents were eager to see their only child go into the same career field as them. "It's a manageable amount, don't you worry. Is Jatye here yet?"
"He's out on the court already." Her mother answered. "Feel free to head on out - we'll let you know when dinner is ready."
Caitlyn made her way to the back door through the kitchen and spotted Jayce stretching on the small tennis court. She crossed the small grassy area and waved at her family friend.
"Caitlyn!" He called when he saw her stepping onto the court.
The two of them hugged tightly, having not seen each other in a while. They'd been friends since they were younger, Caitlyn viewing him as an older brother sort of figure.
Jayce handed Caitlyn a racquet. "How has university been so far?"
Caitlyn spun the equipment in her hand. "It's been interesting, fun."
Just then, her phone buzzed. She glanced at her phone- it was Vi. It was an image.
"I'm not gonna wait up for you, Caitlyn." Jayce called, jogging to his side of the court.
Caitlyn quickly closed her phone, his voice snapping her back to focus. She'd look at it later.
A while later, the 2 of them sat on the edge of the court as the sun set around them.
"You haven't got rusty." Jayce observed.
Caitlyn chugged from one of the waterbottles that was waiting for her. "Perhaps you've also got worse. How's the firm going?"
"Good, really good. We're starring to expand to another branch." He answered.
This news didn't surprise Caitlyn. The Kirammans and Jayce had meet through the law field, the young man being wildly successful and someone Caitlyn's parents admired.
Caitlyn was about to congratulate Jayce but he continued first. "Listen Caitlyn, when you finish university, I could get you a receptionist position at my firm-"
"Pardon? Would that lead to an apprenticeship position?"
Jayce was silent.
Hot anger clamped down on Caitlyn's throat. "Jayce, why would I go to university just to do something I don't want to do? Something I didn't study for?"
"It would be a safe, stable position. This industry can be tough-"
"And you don't think I know that? That I can't handle it?" She stood up. "Did my parents set you up to this?"
Jayce pursed his lips. "No, I swear."
Caitlyn didn't want to hear this anymore. "I don't want to be a bloody private attorney anyway." And she stomped off the court, on her way to the house.
Caitlyn got her phone out in a huff. She opened the message from Vi. It was a picture of one the pages of Vi's sketchbook. It waa two drawings - one was of a blue haired cat and the other was a blue haired dog. There was writing between the animals:
Wasn't sure if you preferred dogs or cats so I drew both just in case
Caitlyn couldn't help but smile. She wasn't sure what she was expecting but this was even better than what she could have pictured.
This assured Caitlyn that they'd hopefully see and spend time together again. it helped her feel a tad better form the conversation with Jayce too.
Vi was relieved to see that Caitlyn seemed to like the drawing she'd done. She had been worried she'd left things off on the wrong foot with last night.
Yet Vi had a feeling she would have felt worse if she had stayed the night. Vi had been struggling with nightmares and overall poor sleep. She know this would ultimately keep Caitlyn up.
Vi rocked in her chair. She'd been at her desk for pretty much the whole day, bent over her sketchbook.
She'd been wanting to sketch and draw something related to Caitlyn. Yet Vi couldn't help but feel like that would be crossing a boundary. For a long time, Vi had been so cautious and fearful of anything she may do that may cause people harm.
For years, Vi had been drawing women and feminine figures. Though they were just faces and bodies she had come up with on her own.
Long lasting relationships had been the last thing on Vi's mind for a long time. Her mind had been stuck on Jinx and her own survival. But now, Caitlyn was all Vi had on her mind.
The two of them were far apart in class and how they grew up. Because of that, Vi had a sort of sixith when if came to spotting the snobby, bigoted upper class folk. And Caitlyn didn't signal any alarm bells. Caitlyn's humble yet strong willed nature was just one of the many things Vi liked about her.
Vi's phone buzzed with a response from Caitlyn to the cat and dog drawing:
I think both are wonderful.
Vi chuckled - of course Caitlyn would use a word like wonderful. She could picture saying this with her distinct accent.
She sighed as she braced herself to type a response.
would you mind if drew you? not as a dog or cat, just you as you are
Vi held her breath unconsciously as she read Caitlyn's response.
I would appreciate that <3
Only if you show the work as it's in progress (:
Smiling instinctively, Vi was relieved by the response. She opened a new page in the sketchbook and got to work immediately.
About 45 minutes later, Caitlyn got another picture from Vi. Thankfully, her family dinner was over and she was waiting for the Uber so she was able to look at it.
The main focus of the picture was a couple of different angles of Caitlyn's face, drawn roughly with measurement lines. In the background, Caitlyn could see other sketchbook books open and scattered over the desk.
She zoomed in and saw a drawing of a brown haired woman who looked vaguely familiar.
I'm mote confused about the other drawing
Are you two-timing me? :/
Caitlyn jokingly replied.
Vi responded a couple minutes later.
thats bella swan from the twilight movies. used to draw her for practice when i was younger. dug them out to jog some techniques
Huffing and smiling as she got in the Uber, Caitlyn typed her reply
Not that I've seen those movies myself, but I did not take you for the type of person to enjoy such films.
"such films", "type of person" tf you mean by that??
i kid i kid
we're watching these movies, you have no choice
Caitlyn blinked at Vi's messages. She had been concerned Vi wouldn't want to spend time again. The two of them got to work figuring out a date and time for watching the Twilight Movies.
They settled on 2 days later and decided it would be more casual and relaxed. Despite that, Vi was still incredibly nervous. She spent most of that morning cleaning her dorm room finally. She opened the window and made sure it smelt okay.
Vi dug through her drawers to figure out what to wear. "What the hell do you wear for a 'casual' movie date?" She muttered to herself. She eventually found a pair of comfortable black jeans and her classic red hoodie.
Vi nearly jumped when she heard Caitlyn knock on the door. She gave herself one more glance over in the mirror on the back of the door before she opened it.
And there Caitlyn stood, in grey leggings and a dark blue cardigan. Her long hair was tied into a neat braid and her arms were clutching some snacks.
"I hope you're not allergic to any of this." Caitlyn observed, stepping in. She gazed around the small dorm room that had sketches and prints stuck all over the walls wardrobe.
She was surprised the whole room didn't smell like cigarettes. Vi had never smoked around her so she figured she did it in private.
"Feel free to sit on the bed," Vi said, gesturing to her single bed. She opened the laptop that was on her desk. "I suppose I owe you some context." She started. "I didn't grow up with much money so I got the movie box set from the bargain bin and it kept me entertained for a while. And yes I'm completely aware these movies aren't fucking great."
Caitlyn kicked off her shoes and got comfortable on the bed, her back leaning against the wall. "I haven't heard the best about the movies if I'm being honest."
She watched Vi open a scratched up DVD box set and put the first disc in the DVD slot of the laptop.
As the screen was loading up, Vi did more explaining. "There's always been this debate between Edward and Jacob - they're the main guys in the movies - like who was hotter or better or whatever." Vi dragged her chair to the side of the bed and placed the laptop on the chair. "I was never able to pick between either of them because I was subconsciously ogling at Kristen Stewart."
"I see." Caitlyn nods as Vi sat down next to her. There was a small space between the two of them, both unsure of what to do.
The movie started but Caitlyn kept getting distracted, finding herself watching Vi instead. Vi could be tough on the outside, but in this relaxed moment, Caitlyn could see a softness upon Vi's face. She watched the small tattoos on her cheeks move as Vi explained things throughout the movie.
"I used to rewind and watch this scene so often." Admitted Vi as Bella and Edward kissed in a dark bedroom on the screen. "At the time I didn't realise it's because I wanted to be kissing her."
Laughing quietly, Caitlyn asked. "When did you actually realise?"
Vi pursed her lips to think about the question. "Must have been about 14, 15? What about you?"
"I waa 16 when I realised. Some of the girls at my high school. . . It just felt different when I was around them." She opened one of the packets of candy. "My parents don't know I'm bisexual though. Not that I think they'd be against it . . . I just. I think they just would prefer I focus on academics rather than relationships."
Vi raises her eyebrows. "They sound like a handful."
Shrugging, Caitlyn answered. "I know they mean well, in their own strange manner."
There was another moment of silence as they continued the movie. Vi took this opportunity to attempt to smoothly sling her arm around Caitlyn.
"Was wondering when you were gonna do that." Caitlyn responded jokingly. She slid her arm around Vi' waist as Vi slipped her arm around her shoulders.
Vi tried not to gulp too audibly as she felt Caitlyn's hand on her waist or sniff too loudly when Caitlyn leaned her head against her shoulder, able to smell a fruity shampoo in her hair.
When the movie came to an end, Caitlyn looked at Vi, somewhat confused. "That's it? Edward doesn't turn her?"
Vi chuckled. "Oh they drag out that plot line for far too long - fourth movie."
"Fourth film? How many are there?" Caitlyn wanted to know.
Vi leaned forward and picked up the box set. "There's five movies based on four books."
Caitlyn was silent for a second, glancing from the box set to Vi. "And you've watched them all?"
"You got a problem with that, Cupcake?"
"No no, I just mean-"
Vi squeezed Caitlyn's shoulder reassuringly. "I'm kidding, don't you worry. I'm fully aware they're not masterpieces.
The credits came to an end and the two of them sat in silence, staring at the dark screen.
"As of now, I'm trying to think up a Twilight related pick up line-"
"I beg you do not." Caitlyn joked.
Vi pursed her lips and tried to appear cool and confident. "Then should I cut straight go the point and ask if you want to make out."
"I'll take you up on the offer."
Caitlyn leaned over and pressed her lips to Vi's, who's hands ran to Caitlyn's sides. Caitlyn laced her hands into Vi's short hair, pulling her as close as she possibly could.
She soon chambered onto Vi's lap, her legs around Vi's waist.
Vi gently squeezed Caitlyn's thighs and pulled her lips away gently. "Caitlyn, I wanna stay - I wanna stay this time."
"I'd like that, Vi." Caitlyn kissed her back harder. That's what she wanted, to have Vi as much as she could. She knew it was selfish but she just adored her so much that she wanted to get to know every part of Vi. "Do you have a strap on?"
Vi had to stop herself from gulping loudly. "God, you just keep getting better and better Cupcake." She gestured for Caitlyn to get off and she did.
The pink haired woman got off the bed and got a box from out under the bed. Just as Vi was about to open it, Caitlyn gently stopped her.
"Vi, will you let me undress you?"
She stood quiet for a moment and then nodded. Caitlyn moved closer and unzipped Vi's jeans, gently pulling them down. She stepped out of the jeans, now pooled at her ankles.
Caitlyn caressed her fingers over Vi's stomach as she pulled up her red hoodie, feeling strong, taught muscles. When the hoodie was dropped to the floor and Vi just stood in a white sports bra and grey boxers, she wrapped her arms around her torso.
"Can. . . Can I keep this on?" Vi gingerly asked, referring to her sports bra.
"Of course." replied Caitlyn. In return, she took her blue sweater off and pulled down her grey sweats so she was just in a white tank top and underwear.
Vi opened the box and unpacked a bottle of lube, a folded up material harness and a dildo in a silk bag.
Caitlyn reached out and opened the bottle of lube. She watched Vi pull on the harness and then flop into the chair. Caitlyn began lathering her fingers in lube as she watched Vi produce the dark purple silicone dildo. Caitlyn could feel she was wet before she even slid her fingers into her underwear.
The cold lube against her warm throbbing labia made her tremble. She pushed two fingers inside herself as she studied Vi securing the dildo into the harness.
God, her veiny hands securing all the straps. . . The material of her boxers stretching against her muscular thighs. . .
Her legs were dotted with other tattoos and all Caitlyn wanted to see was the tattoos on Vi's back warping and stretching as her muscles moved.
Vi stood up then, stepping over to the bed. She was transfixed on the way Caitlyn looked up at her, touching herself slowly.
She leaned down and kissed Caitlyn eagerly.
"Vi. . . You don't have to be too gentle with me." Caitlyn said quietly. She moved onto the middle of the bed after kicking aside her soaked undewear to the side, Vi climbing onto the bed as well, kneeling behind her.
Vi felt like she could spend hours just admiring Caitlyn like this; back curved and slender, hair still in a neat ponytail and on her hands and knees. Vi pressed her thumb into Caitlyn's slick vagina, the skin swollen with arousal.
"Vi, please - I want you inside me now." Caitlyn gruffed.
She wrapped her other hand around her the dildo. "Yes Caitlyn." God, this girl was absolutely perfect. She loved seeing Caitlyn get flustered but also loved it when Caitlyn told her what to do.
Vi held the tip against Caitlyn's pussy. She began sliding it in further, the lube creating less resistance. Caitlyn sighed deeply , her fingers clutching at Vi's duvet.
With the length fully inside, Vi placed her hand on the small of Caitlyn's back. "You okay, Cupcake?"
Caitlyn gulped as she got used to the sensation of the dildo inside of her, assured by Vi's rough hand on her back. "Yeah, yeah."
Slowly, Vi moved her hips back and forth, the creaking of a bed matching in rhythm. Caitlyn's eyes nearly rolled back from feeling the dildo sliding in and out. But she needed more. She turned her hair to look back at Vi. "I'm-I'm not made of glass," she huffed, "Be a little rougher please."
Vi leaned down, pushing up Caitlyn's white tank top so she could kiss her shoulder. "Can do, Cupcake." She breathed against her skin.
She leaned back up straight, her hands gripping Caitlyn's waist, her fingers pressed into her skin. Vi's pelvis slammed against Caitlyn's thighs and ass cheeks.
Caitlyn moaned everytime Vi thrusted hard into her. Vi wanted to close her eyes to focus only on the slick sound of the dildo inside Caitlyn's pussy and the whimpers from Caitlyn's lips. But she also wanted to keep her eyes open to watch Caitlyn claw at the duvet and the recoil of her ass checks against Vi's hips.
"Ha-ah, G-God, Vi- " Caitlyn reached out and snatched up one Vi's pillow so she could bury her face in the material, biting down on the cover.
She then felt Vi's hand twist into her hair so she could lift Caitlyn's head up. "I wanna be able to hear you, Cupcake."
Spit began to pool from Caitlyn's open mouth. Vi was doing the job perfectly, so well that Caitlyn was struggling to keep herself up. Right now the only thing keeping her up was Vi's grip.
Vi could tell Caitlyn was close, from the twitching and moans. So she held Caitlyn tighter so Caitlyn could take all of it.
"Agh!" Caitlyn spluttered suddenly, her knees buckling out from underneath her.
As Caitlyn came, Vi held her down against the bed. "There we go, just like that."
Caitlyn lost focus on her surroundings, so overwhelmed with euphoria. But Vi's hand on her back keep her feeling grounded, safe.
A minute or so later, Vi was laying next to Caitlyn, watching her gently. "You doing okay there?"
Her eyes fluttered open to look back at Vi. "More than okay."
Vi reached to the floor and handed Caitlyn her grey sweats. "Here ya go." Vi wanted Caitlyn to feel welcome this time, to truly show just how much she adored Caitlyn.
Vi did feel guilty about leaving Caitlyn that night and wanted to make up for it.
Caitlyn carefully put the sweats on and straightened out her hair.
"Do you need some water? I've got some." Vi asked
Caitlyn nodded. "I'd like that." She accepted the unopened plastic waterbottle and opened it. As she did so, she gazed properly around Vi's room. On the desk, she spotted a frame picture propped up against the wall. "Is that your family?"
Gulping quietly, Vi sat down on the bed. "Um yeah, that's my dad - adoptive dad." She ran her hands up and down her thighs nervously. "And my younger sister, Jinx."
Caitlyn closed the waterbottle. "Do they live close by?"
She knew about and had seen Vi's art, heard her laugh and smile, had Vi touch her body. But there were still things she didn't know about Vi.
Vi didn't look at the picture or Caitlyn. She just stared at her own knees. "Vander, ny father, he passed away."
Reaching out, Caitlyn but her hand on Vi's leg. Caitlyn had a feeling that Vi's childhood wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, but even this made her heart sink. "I'm sorry about that, Vi."
Vi stared at Caitlyn's hand on her thigh. It caught her off guard at first, but it soon became comforting. And as much as she appreciated Caitlyn's sympathise, she didn't want to talk about this any further. "Nothing to say sorry about, Cupcake - you didn't kill him." She joked.
Her mouth dropped agap, shocked by the joke. "Vi, I didn't mean-"
Vi chuckled, patting Caitlyn's hand. "That one always gets people." She got onto the bed properly and invited Caitlyn to sit next to her. "Shall we continue this marathon?"
Caitlyn rolled her eyes. "You are allowed to admit you enjoy these movies."
She settled next to Vi and they continued onto the next movie. Vi's shoulder was comfortable, strong to rest her head on. Vi was shorter than her, so Caitlyn admittedly did have to slump down a bit to be comfortable. But it was entirely worth it.
Vi's nightmares were never cohesive - more so sharp fragments, flashes.
Crunching of metal, screeching tires, blaring car alarms.
Flashing images of blood on her hands and scattered glass on a tar road.
She woke with a flinch, hands clutching at the duvet. Vi flinched again when she saw someone next to her.
"Vi, it's me, Caitlyn." The person said. The bedside lamp flicked on and she finally saw it was Caitlyn.
Vi brushed her hand through her hair, feeling her heaving chest slow down. The bed beneath felt solid and stable now and the early morning and lamp glow was soft around Caitlyn.
Caitlyn reached out a hand slowly. "You fell asleep while we were watching the movies so I switched the light off."
"Oh shit - okay, I'm sorry-"
"There's nothing to be sorry about, Vi. It can be a bit disorientating to have someone new in your space." Caitlyn said gently.
She took a deep breath. "Trust me, I want you around - it's just, quite new to me, ya know."
Vi looked at the imprint Caitlyn's head had made on the pillow, at Caitlyn's phone on her bedside table and her shoes by the door. It felt new. . . but not completely out of place.
"Vi, do you want me to stay?"
She thought about the question aa she glanced at the window. It waa morning. "I think I'll be okay. I don't wanna keep you from getting ready."
Caitlyn's hand lingered on her leg before she got up and picked up her sweater off the dorm room floor. "I must admit, the 3rd movie waa the most boring."
Vi watched Caitlyn pull on the sweater. She wondered if she was still asleep and dreaming - it felt unreal to have Caitlyn Standing in her room.
"I agree," she responded.
Caitlyn packed up her few belongings in per pockets. But looked back before she opened the door. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?"
Vi stepped towards her and gently took Caitlyn's hand. "Super sure." Vi's eyes widened as Caitlyn leaned up and kissed the top of her head.
"I had a good time tonight." She said as she opened the door. "I'll text you."
A day later
Vi took a deep breath before she shouldered her way into the bar, following behind some of the other art students she had just been in class with.
The bar was already bustling with patrons chit-chatting and getting their drinks. Vi was still somewhat surprised she had agreed to go out with other people.
She'd agreed to go out with some people from her art class because spending time with Caitlyn had helped her realise she deserved to relax and go out and enjoy herself. Of course, Vi would love to be spending time with Caitlyn right now, but memories of their time together in the last couple of days kept her happy.
After ordering their drinks, Vi and the others sat down at a table.
"Hey Vi," Skyler, one of the art class students at the table, started. "That bar tender has had her eye on you since the moment you got here."
The other people looked over at the bar where one of the bar tenders was glancing back at Vi and smiling.
Vi smirked and picked up her glass. "I mean, she's pretty but, I. . ." Her shoulders relaxed. "I'm seeing another girl at the moment."
The other art students cheered playfully. "Aw, why don't you invite her out with us?" Skyler asked.
"She's studying for a law exam tonight." Vi found herself smiling proudly. Her chest felt warm, warm with pride that she was seeing an incredibly clever woman studying law. She glanced down at her tattooed hands holding her glsss. Vi still couldn't quite believe she was seeing Caitlyn.
A while later, Vi found herself walking out the bar, following Skyler. As they stepped into the cool night air, most of the hustle and bustle of the bar stayed behind them. There were a couple patrons of the bar standing along the wall smoking and vaping and chatting amongst each other.
"You want one, Vi?" Skyler asked, gesturing to her open pack of cigarettes.
Vi stared at the box for couple moments, with all it's warnings and small logo. And like second nature, she reached our and pulled one out. It rested perfectly between her fingers, like it belonged there. The breeze blew some smoke past Vi's face. She closed her eyes, taking in the familiar smell.
Even the second hand smoke overtook Vi with a misty euphoria. She wouldn't be surprised if there was drool dripping from her lips, like a starving dog.
The snap of Skyler's lighter made Vi's eyes fly back open.
No. No. You've come too far.
Vi glanced at the time on her phone. "I think I'm gonna head back."
"Oh?" Skyler held her cigarette down beside her. "You sure?"
Vi put on a false but reassuring smile. "Totally sure. I'll see you in class, Sky." And she handed the cigarette back. But as Skyler took it back, it felt like a scab was being ripped from Vi's finger, the cigarette trying to make it's home against Vi's skin.
She turned on her way home before she could submit to her second thoughts. She pulled her hood over her head, trying to block out the lingering smell of tobacco.
Vi's hands trembled. Her toes were clenched in her boots. Now a while away from the bar, Vi plopped herself on the steps of a dark doorway, head in her hands.
Quitting was difficult. Vi hadn't seen anyone in her life successfully quit. She wondered what Jinx would think of her now. Vi figured that the younger Jinx wouldn't like seeing Vi like this, that her big blue eyes would probably tear up and beg her not to.
She knitted her fingers together, biting the Inside of her cheek. Vi needed to distract herself.
Vi got her phone out of her pocket and called Caitlyn without second thought.
She answered after a few rings. "Vi?"
And suddenly Vi didn't know what to say. "Hi. . . Hey Caitlyn."
"Is everything alright, Vi?"
The worry in Caitlyn's voice made Vi stand up. "Yeah, yeah. . . I'm, uh. . . Just walking home." Vi hoped that if she walked fast enough the wave of embarrassment she felt would fade. "Shit, am I interrupting your studying. I can g-"
"Stay on the phone, Vi. I want you to stay on the phone." Caitlyn said with firm reassurance.
Vi briskly crossed the street, now able to spot the dorm buildings. "I will." She signed, her chest heavy. "I'm trying to quit smoking."
"Oh yeah?" There was no judgement in Caitlyn's voice. "How long? I mean like how many days - or hours - are you clean?"
"16. 16 days."
Caitlyn's voice sweetened with a smile. "Just over 2 weeks - well done, Vi. I'm proud of you."
Vi froze in her tracks right near the dorm building.
I'm proud of you.
She hadn't heard that in a while. So much so that she didn't quite know what to say. "I'll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight Cupcake."
"I've been waiting this whole phone call for you to call me that."
With a tight throat, Vi made her way to her dorm room where a sketchbook lay open. Vi sank onto her bed and paged through it for the thousandth time. The most recent pages were filled with sketches of Caitlyn - of her facial features, her hands, her blue hair in different styles, and the intimate features of her body.
Even though Vi had only seen Caitlyn's naked body a few times, she remembered every detail like the back of her own tattooed hand.
Vi's current work in progress was of Caitlyn's face, surrounded by butterflies and flowers, in a traditional tattoo style. She just needed to finish the blue of her hair.
Sighing in a joyful bliss, Vi lay back down on the bed, images of Caitlyn's face filling her mind.
The next day waa a easygoing day for Vi. Her classes ended early so she spent a couple hours in the gym.
As much as Vi wasn't fully sold on the idea of university, she did appreciate the on-campus gym. It was above the on-campus coffee shop and the large windows let her view students walking around. This also let Vi have the the opportunity to spot a familiar blue ponytail and a blue jumper walk towards the coffee shop.
A moment or so later, Vi's phone buzzed. She gently slowed down her sit ups and opened the message.
It was from Caitlyn:
I just saw you through the window - do you want something to drink?
Vi chuckled to herself happily and replied that she would be done in a bit.
Caitlyn was in the cafe waiting for her when Vi came down, dressed in a lightweight hoodie and a tad sweaty.
"I am a bit gross right now." Vi advised when Caitlyn leaned in for a hug. But she did so anyway. This surprised Vi - hugs felt so intimate, so personal. Sure enough, they'd had sex but this felt so personal.
"I don't mind." Caitlyn said, pulling away from a tight hug. She handed her the cold smoothie that Vi asked for. "I'm glad I spotted you."
Vi took a grateful sip as the two of them strolled out the cafe. "What's up, Cupcake?"
In truth, Caitlyn was finding it difficult to concentrate. Vi was in tight gym shorts and her tattooed legs were glistening with sweat. "My parents are out of town on business next week and they asked me to house sit over the weekend." Caitlyn started. "I was wondering if you would like to join me."
Vi fiddled with the straw of her smoothie. "Oh. . . as in stay over at the house?"
"Yeah," Caitlyn noticed the unsure expression on Vi's face. "I mean only if you want to. My parents obviously wouldn't be there and you can leave whenever you want - it's close to campus."
They began to approach the accommodation buildings. "Woah, Cupcake, you tryna wisk me away for a whole weekend. I see what you're trying to-"
Caitlyn's cheeks flushed. "No that's not-"
"Honesty is important, Cupcake." She chuckled. "Seriously though, that does sound appealing." Though one thing did linger on Vi's mind. "Do. . . um, your parents know. . ."
Caitlyn raised her eyebrows. "They don't know I'm bisexual - I imagine they'd be supportive. Truthfully, my relationships weren't always their first priority."
"I see," Vi nodded. "Relationship, huh? I suppose the 'what are we?' conversation is next?"
Caitlyn just realised now what she had said. The two of them veered off the path and sat down on a bench. "I'm not seeing anyone else." Caitlyn admitted.
Vi sat ankles legged, looking at her own knees. "I'm not either. Just you." No one caught her eye. Caitlyn was enough- far more than enough.
Caitlyn nearly sighed with relief. Selfishly, she wanted Vi all to herself. "I like that. . . I like being with just you."
Vi pursed her lips but put on a smile. "Is that your way of asking me to be your girlfriend? Put a swing seat and a see-saw next to us and I'd think this was me being asked out on the school playground-"
"Have you noticed you make jokes when you're nervous?"
"Who says I'm nervous?" She was very nervous but didn't want to show it. But Vi knew this was an important conversation. "I . . . I'd like to be your girlfriend as well but, um . . ."
But? God, Caitlyn waa dreading this now.
Vi tried her best to look Caitlyn in the eye. "I'm worried I won't be able to be the best girlfriend - I don't have alot of money to take you on dates. . . You won't be able to meet my family-"
"Those are things you can't control and things that aren't at the forefront of my mind." Caitlyn observed.
She thought about Caitlyn's words, mulled them over in her head. "I don't want you to throw yourself into this and get hurt."
"You're a good person, Vi. I know you don't want to hurt me." Caitlyn placed her hand on Vi's knee.
Staring at Caitlyn's hand for a moment, Vi nodded. "And I really don't want to. I'll be happy to housesit with you."
0 notes
mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Seeing Red | bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x actress!reader (part 4)
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
series summary: bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself.  except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.  
word count: 5.3k
warnings: smut!!, overstimulation, oral f receiving, lots of dirty talk and begging, very very subtle d/s dynamics if you squint, slight angst??, awkwardness, pining 
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Bucky’s heart was racing as he tried to prepare himself for what was coming.  It was never easy to watch that scene of you being fucked by somebody else— even if it wasn’t real, and even if it was technically your character that was getting fucked— but it was going to be an entirely new struggle with you a foot away, laying next to him on your bed.
“We only did two takes of this,” you remembered, talking over the conversation on-screen.  The smash cut to you being shoved against a wall, lips fighting for dominance in a searing kiss, made you chuckle.  “This we had to do, like, a million takes.”
Bucky’s hand tightened into a fist at the idea of you kissing this guy over and over.  “I’m sure he was real broken up about that,” he grumbled sardonically.
“No, I promise he actually was,” you defended, “I was terrible.  I kept laughing and ruining it, and it meant we had to keep starting over.”
That relieved some of his jealousy, hopeful that laughing meant you weren’t attracted to your co-star or turned on by filming a love scene.  He still felt his heart clench as he watched your shirt get pushed up and two hands (both flesh, like he was showing off or something) grab at your breasts.  Sooner than he was prepared for it, you were being thrown down onto the bed and moaning loudly, nails digging into his back as he stared down at you.
“I can’t even imagine how many guys have gotten off to this scene,” you shuddered.
I can’t believe I’m one of them, Bucky thought as he swallowed dryly.  “What about the guys on set?” he wondered aloud.  “Do they ever, you know, get…” he whistled and pointed his finger up straight, hoping it was enough to get the idea across.
You laughed, playfully shoving him on the shoulder.  “They have tape for that, to keep everything down in case they get a little too into it.”
Glancing to the screen, he wondered how this guy didn’t pop the tape right off.
“Have you ever…?” Bucky pressed, heart rate picking up as he pushed the boundaries a little bit.
“Have I ever… been turned on, while filming?” you finished his question.  “No,” you scoffed, sounding bemused and taking another swig of your drink.
“Why not?”
“I guess they’re just not my type,” you shrugged.
“Movie stars aren’t your type?” Bucky joked, but your answer was completely serious.
He nodded slowly as he contemplated that, taking a moment to build up the courage to ask his next question.  “What is your type?”
You smirked a little, and he wasn’t sure at all what it meant aside from the fact that he was done for.  Whatever you were gonna say was sure to break his heart.  “Tall, dark, not famous…”
He could so picture you picking up fans at bars; you must have no trouble at all finding guys to mess around with.  Yep, totally heartbreaking.
“Good driver…” you continued, voice a little quieter and a little deeper.
Bucky cleared his throat anxiously.  “I guess that rules me out.”
“What?  You’re great; haven’t even blown any red lights or made illegal U-turns.”
“I mean, good drivers don’t eavesdrop on their passengers,” he explained, “especially when they’re with tall, dark, not-famous friends of theirs in the back.”
You laughed a little, half-lidded eyes looking him up and down.  He felt very exposed under your gaze.  “I didn’t mind,” you shrugged.
Oh god, oh fuck, Bucky’s mind raced, we’re talking about it.  All this time and we’re finally talking about it.  What the fuck do I say?  “I still shouldn’t have—” he began.
“I wanted you to,” you interrupted firmly.
“You… wanted me to look?”
“Wanted you to do a lot more than that,” you admitted.
He looked back at you with wide eyes, entirely devoid of thoughts or words or ideas on what to do in the moment.  Sure, it was pretty heavy flirting, but it wasn’t necessarily an invitation.  You said wanted, past tense, it didn’t mean you wanted him now.  Maybe you were just letting him know he missed his chance.  If he did the wrong thing and upset you, he’d never forgive himself.
“Seemed like you were pretty satisfied with what he was doing,” he remembered, hearing the waver in his voice and cringing.
“Only cause I was thinking about you,” you grinned.  “I do that a lot, actually.  I’m just usually alone when I do it…”
He shivered as you shifted onto your side and leaned towards him, reaching across his body to set your beer down on the bedside table next to him; with you so close, he feared his heart would beat out of his chest.  With the beer set aside, all you had to do was let your hand pull back to rest on his chest, and lift your leg up to rest on his, and you were straddling his side like it was the most simple, casual thing in the world.
But it wasn’t.  It was the most insane thing that had ever happened to him.  He looked down at you and blinked a few times, confident the hallucation would end but nope, he could feel the warmth of you radiating through his clothes, threatening to burn him alive.
“I’m usually in this bed, right here,” you continued slowly, and he had trouble keeping track of what you were saying with your finger trailing along his chest through his shirt, “warm under the covers, wearing a lot less than this, knowing you’re just a few rooms away and wishing you would come in here and touch me…”
"I’m here now,” he replied, just louder than a whisper.  “Can I touch you?" 
“Take off the gloves,” you requested softly.  He was quick with the right one, but hesitated before removing the left— the moment of truth.  Your breath hitched as the light caught the golden and black metal, and he winced.
“That bad?”
“No, no,” you denied, “it’s… sort of beautiful, actually.”
With you wrapped around his left side, it was natural for his right hand to move up your thigh.  His left hand brushing against your face seemed to surprise you, though.
"I'm sorry, is it cold?" he asked gently.
"A little," you giggled, "but I don't mind."
Demonstrating how little you minded, in fact, you slowly kissed the tips of his bionic fingers, getting more and more adventurous until you were suddenly slipping two of them into your mouth and down past your throat.
"Fuck," he shivered, silently thanking whatever gods were out there that technology made him capable of feeling the wet warmth of your mouth on his fingers.
"Just skin everywhere else, right?" you smirked.  "It's not a Swiss army knife down there?"
"Nope," he laughed, "flesh an' blood."
The blood aspect was especially salient as his cock filled so fast he thought he might pass out.  Your hand slipped down and started to ghost over the front of his jeans, and he fought every instinct to keep from bucking up into your hand.  You started to go for his belt but he sat up a bit.
“Wait,” he requested, clutching your shoulders a little; as soon as you looked back at him, he pulled you into a kiss, probably a little too aggressively but he was too pent up to care.  After all this waiting, he actually had to hold himself back a bit compared to how he really wanted to kiss you.  He moved his lips against yours slowly but with determination— and it was you, in the end, that started to slide your tongue along his lips until he opened them, giving him a chance to taste your mouth like he’d dreamed of for so long.  Past the beer was the unmistakable flavor of you, and he was instantly addicted to it.  His arms wrapped around you and held you close, one hand tangling in your hair a bit as you started to lean into his palm.  Your hands clutched at his shirt, the warmth of your touch managing to permeate through to his skin, and he heard the softest moan from you right against his lips.  It was perfection, and he would’ve been happy to stay like that forever if it weren’t for you sitting up to straddle him.  He couldn’t decide if it was the sight of you on top of him, or the weight of your body on his, or the feeling of your thighs clenching a bit just above his throbbing cock— it was probably all three, but he suddenly became so needy for you that his head was spinning.
Still absorbed in the kiss, he reached down and gently pulled at the knot holding your robe shut, letting it fall open before pushing it off your shoulders slowly.  You smiled against his lips and sat up, taking it off the rest of the way to reveal your entire nudity underneath.  You’d think that he would’ve wished to be naked with you, and that certainly would’ve made a few of his ideas a lot easier to act upon, but something about your bare body compared to his covered one— something about your mound grinding on his jeans like that— drove him fucking wild.
“God, baby,” he praised with a purr, running his hands all over whatever he could reach.  A movie could never do a body like this justice.  It deserved to be appreciated and worshipped in person, which was exactly what he planned to do.
“Your turn,” you giggled as you leaned down, unbuttoning his shirt hastily.  He was proud of the way you bit down on your lip as his skin was exposed, though he was also a bit embarrassed to reveal he was wearing his dog tags underneath.  “A little more metal under here than I was expecting,” you smirked, trailing an errant finger over the silver chain.  “There’s always more to you than meets the eye… what other secrets are you hiding, hm?”
Right now, he wanted you to have all his secrets.  He wanted to give you everything.  “I’ve wanted this for so long,” he admitted first.
“I don’t think that’s that much of a secret,” you smirked as you finished the last button. 
He sat up to help you discard the shirt, shivering as your touch trailed over his chest, his abs; then his scars, and the rest of the arm.  He used it to pull you down by your neck for another kiss, testing the waters by getting a touch rougher and letting more of his desperation seep through.  You responded very well, your moans gliding from your tongue onto his as your hips started to rock on top of his.  “Needy little thing, aren’t ya?” he gently mocked, smiling as he started to kiss down your neck and onto your shoulder.  “Ridin’ me through my jeans, like a damn teenager dry-humping after prom.”
“Hnng, Bucky,” you choked, slowing down.
He grabbed your hips with both hands.  “Hey, I didn’t say to stop.”  
With a moan and renewed vigor, you moved faster on top of him, the rough denim clearly a bit too much for your sensitive clit as your thighs began to quiver where they were clamped down around his.  The stimulation on his cock, alternatively, was rather dulled through such thick clothing— it was just enough to keep him desperate, but not enough to get him too near coming, which was the way he wanted it at the moment.  If anything, it was the sight of you rubbing yourself on him desperately that put his restraint at risk.
“Can you feel how hard I am, baby?” he growled a little.  “Can you feel how hard you make me?”
You nodded with a little gasp.  "God, Bucky, I want it in me now."
"Not yet, pretty girl,” he soothed with a smirk.  “I need to taste you first."
He flipped you onto your back and settled on top of you between your legs; he kissed you one more time, resisting the urge to rub his hips on yours again before heading down south to suck your nipple between his lips.  You were so sensitive, moaning loudly each time his tongue circled the bud, and he moaned at the feeling of the skin hardening against his tongue.  He made sure to give some attention to the other one before making a show of kissing down your chest and stomach, looking back up at you with a stare that he could only hope carried all the weight that he was feeling.
"I get it," you grinned down at him, "this is how you reclaim your territory.  You're gonna do what he did to me, but so much better until I can't even remember his name, right?"
"Sweetheart, you didn't even remember his name thirty seconds after it happened,” he reminded you between kisses, moving lower and lower on the bed.
"So you're not trying to assert dominance over sexual competition?" you pressed with a gleam of challenge in your eyes.
"You need to stop reading those evolutionary biology books," he laughed, but then got a bit more stern. "Think of it this way: I don't see any of those stupid boys as competition.  They're nothing.  It's you who needs to know that nobody can make you feel as good as I can."
That seemed to shut you up for the moment, and he smirked before getting back to work kissing along your spread thighs and shaking hips.  He could already smell your need in the air, intoxicating to the point that he struggled to stay focused on mercilessly teasing you.  He wanted to taste you so bad, but he needed to hear you beg him for it.  He started with one finger gently exploring your folds, slow and light, until he felt your hips trying to push up into him for more stimulation.  Then all he had to do was kiss that spot right on the inside of your thigh that wasn’t quite where you wanted him, and you arched your back with a desperate whine.  “Bucky, please,” you whimpered. 
He laughed a little, amused by your little sobs and the way your hands clutched at the comforter beneath you.  “Tell me what you need, sweetheart.”
“Your mouth,” you gasped.
“Where do you want it?” he asked innocently.
You snarled with irritation but answered anyway.  “My pussy.”
“I don’t think I understand,” he encouraged, voice getting deeper on accident as his own arousal became too intense to ignore.
You growled frustratedly but got what he was getting at.  “I need your mouth on my pussy, Bucky, please…”
“Well, why didn’t you say so, darlin’?  All you had to do was ask,” he grinned as he roughly grabbed your thighs and buried his face in between them, sloppily exploring you with his tongue until your taste coated his mouth and overwhelmed all his senses.
“Fuck!” you yelped, shivering against him.  “Oh god, yes, Bucky, oh my god…”
“Is this what you wanted, pretty girl?” he asked, pulling back just as much as he needed to to speak.
“Yes, Bucky, just like that,” you nodded wildly, “feels so good, don’t fucking stop, please—”
He dove in again, finding a pattern that allowed him to suck on your clit and push his tongue inside you simultaneously.  That was the combination that seemed to rile you up most, your hands searching for something to hold on to until they suddenly found purchase gripping his hair, guiding him as your hips bucked against his face.  That was fine with him— more than that, in fact, cause he thought it was so sexy when you demanded control like that— until you switched from pulling him in to pushing him away.  That wouldn’t do at all; with a growl, he grabbed your wrists and forced them down beside you, holding them firm as he licked at you rougher and faster.
“Fuck, Bucky,” you sobbed, back arching so much that he had to fight to keep you in his mouth, “right there, right there— oh fuck, I’m gonna come.”
He nodded, but it wasn’t permission; it was ‘of course you are.’
Your walls clenched so hard that your entire sex was pulsing in his mouth, your taste getting stronger in the same way your moans got louder.  He wanted to hold you there as long as you could, and that turned out to be quite a while; he stopped when your screams of pleasure started to push too far into pain, finally letting you rest… for a moment, that is.
He watched your panting breaths catch as he slowly pushed a finger into your hole; it was still pulsing a little bit from the orgasm, and was unbearably hot and wet.
"Fuck, this pretty little pussy is tryin' to suck me in, you see that?  Wants me so bad…"
"M-more, Bucky, please," you whispered.  He obeyed and slipped in a second finger, slowly twisting and trying to open you up for him.
"You like that, pretty girl?" he asked with a smile as he watched your back arch, returning to suck on your clit without waiting for an answer.  He relished the weight of your thighs on his shoulders, taking mental note of where he had to touch you to make them clench around his head.  You kept repeating 'yes' but he didn't think it was intended as an answer to his question because he was pretty sure you hadn't even heard the question.  Still, it was answer enough nonetheless.
He could tell it wouldn't take that long to get you there again, with your g-spot all swollen from the last one.  He didn't push too hard on it yet, just letting his fingers curl ever so slightly to apply a teasing amount of pressure.  
"Don't you wanna fuck me?" you moaned between sobs.
His cock seemed to process that question before his brain did.   "Yes," he answered quickly, even though he thought it was rude to talk with his mouth full.
"Then get on with it," you suggested desperately.  "Come on up here and fuck me."
"I'm not done with this yet," he insisted.
Your head fell back as you hissed frustratedly through your teeth.  "Damn you and your… thoroughness."
"No point in doing anything if you're not gonna do it right," he laughed.  "Besides, I couldn't stop now when you're about to come."
You looked back at him for a second like you didn't agree with that assessment, until he curled his fingers again and your walls rippled erratically around him.  "Fuck," you shuddered.  “Please fuck me, please fuck me, please,” you sobbed, “I need it so bad, I need you inside me— Bucky, pleasepleaseplease—”
He growled against your skin, struggling to resist that but desperate to make you come just one more time before he gave in.  His cock really hated that he wasn’t giving you what you wanted, throbbing and weeping another drop of precum just to remind him of his own desperation.  But he stayed strong, focusing on his task as he felt your walls tighten around him with another orgasm.
You nearly screamed with this one, your voice breaking as your nails dug into the bed beneath you.  You looked fucking perfect with your head thrown back in pleasure like that— and you tasted even better as a gush of your arousal coated his tongue.  
He kept circling your bud with his tongue until you started to sob a little and try to push him off of you, “can’t take anymore, please—”
And he took pity on you, for once— or maybe it was moreso pity on himself as he sat up and palmed himself through his jeans.  He was so hard it hurt, and you looked like you could tell by the way you looked up at him: a glimmer of mischief in your eyes, still, even with the way they’d glazed over a bit from coming so hard.  “Get over here,” you purred as you sat up and pulled him down on top of you, kissing him again as your hands slipped down to clutch at his chest.
Of everything he’d imagined, he had never even thought to consider what it would be like to be undressed by you.  Those nimble fingers fiddling with his belt, working open his fly and zipper with such unabashed desperation, like you needed him more than you’d ever needed anything… truly, it was intoxicating.
Then again, it was nothing compared to your hand slipping into his boxers and wrapping around his cock.  He was sure he’d never gotten so much out of just one touch before, and he had to fight off the moan bubbling in his throat.  Your hands were so soft as they started to gently stroke him; his hips moved of their own accord as they started to thrust into your grasp.
“God, I need you to fuck me,” you groaned, “please, Bucky, need it so bad.”
Entirely speechless as this point, all he could do was nod as he pushed your hands off of him, pushing his jeans off quickly so as to be away from you as briefly as he could manage— and then he was on you again, kissing you everywhere he could reach, moaning when he finally let his cock brush between your legs for a moment.  Even just that and he was already coated in your slick: the rewards of demanding to be thorough, clearly.
“Please,” you sobbed, “put it in me, can’t wait any more, I’ve waited so long…”
It almost made him stop to think, because it was ambiguous if you just meant tonight or more.  But you were begging him for his cock so he wasn’t really in any position to think.
So many times he had wondered if your real moans sounded anything like your fake ones from the movie.  He fantasized for months about a chance to make the comparison.  But with you in front of him, under him, biting down on your lip as he pushed into your perfect warmth, he couldn’t even remember that you’d ever been in a movie.  He couldn’t think about anything else but this moment, right now, and he didn’t want to.
“God, Bucky,” you sighed, as if the two were being regarded at the same level in your mind— and he wasn't even halfway in yet.
Equal parts of him wanted to ease you into it and to tear you in half.  You'd always ignited this paradox in him, this instinct to protect and to destroy, this desire to cherish you and dominate you, but it was most apparent now.  It made him worry that he could never really give you what you deserved, but naturally, he was at his most selfish in this moment.  He had only just begun to push himself into you and he was ready to justify anything to get the rest of the way and bury himself to the hilt.
Your body opened up to him slightly, enough that he felt mostly right about going a little deeper; you gasped and clutched at his forearm, and that was only just barely enough to stop him as a sick pressure of arousal made his gut twist.  Oddly enough, your nails biting into his skin did more to egg him on than it did to slow him down.
He kept his eyes trained on where your bodies were joined, watching in awe at the way you looked stretched out around him; he could feel your struggle to take him in the way your walls quivered and quaked, but he could hear how much you enjoyed it as you moaned and gasped beneath him.
"I want it all, Bucky, please," you begged.  Just because he needed to, he was rough with the last inch— not enough for it to be really brutal, but plenty to elicit a precious little sob from you.
It felt so good to be all the way in you that it nearly made him dizzy.  
"Baby," you whispered, and it sounded just like the way you'd said it in the back of the car, just like the way he'd committed to memory and stowed away in his mind to visit whenever he needed to feed his addiction.
How could his chest not burn with jealousy when he remembered that night?  How could he cope with that jealousy with anything but pinning you down and fucking you hard and fast like it was the end of the goddamn world?
You all but screamed as he did it, your whole body shaking as he pounded into you.  He feared it would be more than you could handle but you went from wet to dripping in an instant, your moans loud and hoarse but undeniably a sound of pleasure.  It turned him on even more to know that you liked getting fucked this hard; maybe he didn't need to worry so much about holding back, if this was gonna make you bite your lip and look up at him like that.
"Bucky, oh my god," you sighed, a hint of disbelief in your tone, "it's so good, fuck, you feel so good…"
He wanted to hear more, but he couldn't resist capturing your lips in a kiss first, sloppy and aggressive and needy but overall perfect.  It was almost like he could taste your moans as they vibrated over his tongue, until he could barely tell his apart from yours anymore.  Pulling back, his dog tags were dangling over your face, and you looked so damn good with his name tickling your skin.  
When he lifted your legs and pushed them back up into your chest, you snarled and clutched at the sheets beneath you.  "Too deep?" he asked, not sure himself if it was concern or taunting or somewhere in the middle.
"So fucking deep," you answered, "but not too deep."
"Then maybe I'm not deep enough," he smirked, and you laughed.
"You're trying to ruin me, is that it?" you pressed.
He was afraid to be entirely honest, but your tone wasn't one of fear.  "Something like that," he admitted after a moment.
"It's working," you sighed as you pulled him down by the chain of his tags, kissing him again as your arms slipped around his neck and held him close.
His hands squeezed your thighs, before taking a detour to run up and down your legs.  It made you shiver, and he felt it from inside you which was overwhelmingly erotic.  The time he’d spent making you come so many times was paying off: for one, you were so wet it made him feel a little-lightheaded, but also it meant that he felt familiar with your body now.  He knew what it meant when your walls tightened just so, when you bit your lip that way, when your moans sounded all breathy and strained.  That being, of course, that you were about to come— and he couldn’t wait for you to come just from being fucked, make a mess all over his cock.
And yet, there was still so much more to discover: like how it felt when your legs wrapped around his hips to keep him inside, or when your fingers dug into his shoulders as you looked up at him.
“Gonna come,” you warned him with half-lidded eyes and your mouth fallen slack, “oh my god, Bucky, you’re gonna make me come.”
He growled and tightened his grip on your thigh— something to stabilize him as he fought so hard to stave off his own orgasm.  You felt so good and he could probably come just from the sight of you like this anyways, let alone being inside you right now.  Think about baseball think about baseball think about baseball—
“Yes!” you screamed.  “Right there, oh fuck, Buckyyyyy!” 
“Fuck,” he hissed, completely unable to think about anything but you, lost in the way you cried out his name as your walls fluttered and pulsed around him so perfectly.  
Maybe he was disturbed for thinking you looked pretty with your eyes filling with tears.  He was definitely disturbed for taking some pride in making you cry.  Of course, only because he was making you cry from this.  If he had it his way, Bucky would make you cry in only this way, every day, forever— and make sure nobody made you cry in any other way, while he was at it.  You hiccuped your sob as he continued to pound into you, refusing to let up even as he leaned down to kiss away your tears.  “S-so good,” you mumbled weakly, “Bucky… please…”
"Fuck, gonna come— I'm gonna come," he stammered his warning.
"Inside me, please," you whimpered, "I want it inside me."
"Jesus Christ," he hissed, shaking his head in some form of exhausted shock.  You grinned, wrapping your hands around his neck and pulling him closer to you until your lips brushed against his ear.
"Bucky, I want you to come inside me," you repeated in a slow whisper.  "I want every drop of your come in my pussy, I wanna be so full of you, I wanna feel it leaking out all night, I want you to make me yours."
How was he supposed to hold back anymore, with you talking like that?  With you weaving your fingers into his hair and tightening your legs around his hips, with you kissing him deeply and suddenly?  A weak moan was lost to your lips as he filled you, warmth washing over every part of him until he thought he might just melt.  You smiled against him, and he summoned just enough strength to not collapse on top of you and surely crush you with his weight.  Instead, he gave you one last kiss before burying his face in your neck, laughing exhaustedly.  
"Mine, huh?” he remembered.  “You really mean it?"
You hummed quietly, holding him tightly.  "I probably shouldn't answer that question just after you made me come a dozen times."
"No no, you should,” he pressed as he pushed up to hover over you.
You smiled and looked back up at him.  "I'm yours, Bucky."
He growled, leaning down to give your neck light teasing kisses.  "Fuck, keep talkin' like that and I'll double that dozen."
"My body couldn't take it," you asserted.
"I'd make you take it," he promised.
You bit down on your lip, and he couldn't help but chuckle a little.  You weren't as good at feigning innocence as you seemed to think.
"Oh, you like that," he posited.  "Maybe someday I'll tie you down and make you come until all you know how to do is say my name, hm?"
"Bet it wouldn't even take you that long," you admitted.  "I already feel pretty braindead."
Testing that theory, he reached down and drew light circles over your swollen clit with his thumb, even just that subtle touch making your legs and inner walls quiver as your back arched.
"Bucky," you whimpered as you tried to push his hand away, "s'too much, please…"
"Nuh uh, pretty girl, I wanna see you fall apart again.  You know how many times I dreamed of making you come?"
You shook your head.
"Me either, but I wanna keep doing it until I feel like I've reached a number that at least comes close.  I've finally got you in my arms and I won't let you go until I've made up for all the time I wasted."
Notably, his cock which had begun to soften inside you was now getting hard again, from some combination of watching you and feeling you in this moment.
“How do you feel about a second round?” he suggested with a smirk, even as his muscles ached already.  Your eyes went wide but your walls clenched, too.  That was answer enough for him.  “I might break you,” he warned.
“Promise?” you smirked.
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Little Lie
Summary: You just wanted to go to a party, but Jimin is determined to make sure everyone knows you are his.
Trigger warning: Smut, yandere themes, non-con, abuse, facial.
Yandere! Jimin Playboy! Jimin
"Jimin," you whine, both from pleasure and from frustration. You were trying to be mad at him, but right now you were struggling to remember your own name.
You had been getting ready to go to your friend's party this afternoon. It would be the first time in months you'd be going out without him because he has a family event tonight that you were not invited to. He wasn't thrilled about the idea but after much convincing, he agreed to let you go.
While you were almost ready to leave, Jimin had started pawing at you, groping you. You had dealt with this mood of his 100 times before and it was always easier and quicker just to give him what he wanted than to argue with him.
Soon, he was rocking his hips against you, pressing you hard into the kitchen table. You were moaning and moving with him. The both of you pushing the other to climax. Crying his name and clinging to him as he filled you.
As he pulls out of you you need to clamp your thighs shut. He came so much that you can feel it flowing down your thighs and onto the table in an instant. Kissing you again and again he stretches your dress lower, helping you back onto the floor. The movement further making his release drip from inside you, the top of your thighs becoming slick.
Noting your discomfort, he has a striking grin plastered on his face, looking calmed and euphoric in the afterglow while he watches you run your hands down your outfit.
"Come on, let's go.  I'll take you to see your ex-boyfriend." He suddenly says taking your hand.
"What?" you mutter, looking across his face for an explanation.
"He's going to be there, right?" he smirks.
"Ah," you stutter, searching for a response.
Of course, you knew your ex would be going, but you had decided it was best to lie just a little to avoid any conflict or trouble. Not even really a lie, just omitting certain facts. Plus, it's not like you had feelings for your ex anymore. You more than likely wouldn't even talk to him during the night. But you knew Jimin wouldn't like it and you didn't want to risk not being allowed to go tonight.
Unfortunately for you, since your friends had started getting ready early, they were already posting pictures online. Whether it was out of curiosity, boredom, or because he was checking up on you, while you were showering Jimin was scrolling through their feed when he saw your ex-boyfriend in a few of the pictures.
And as he often did, Jimin pushed rational thinking aside and assumed that you were lying to him because you had feelings for this other man.
"Let's go. I'll drop you off," he says again. Nervously you accept his hand, unable to read his mood under the bright smile he has on. Right away he starts leading you towards the front of the house.
"I'm not going to talk to him. I'm going for everyone else, not him." You try to reassure him.
"Okay," he unexpectedly shrugs it off. Sounding unbothered.
"You're not mad?" You ask tepidly receiving a shake of the head.
"Nope. I want you to have fun, Y/n." 
You can't believe how decent he is being. You were certain the night was about to be ruined for you. But here he is adverting your expectations. Letting you go off by yourself, even after everything.
Stopping at the entrance toilet, you pull from him only to have your arm snatched back and to be held in place.
"Nuh-uh." he draws you towards the front door again.
"Huh?" you tug back fighting through your confusion. Forcing a small smile to match his energy. "Jimin, I need to clean up," you explain with a small glow of embarrassment on your cheeks.
"No, you don't. You're perfect like this." he chuckles, leaning into you kissing you softly.
"But," You look up at him with a pout and furrowed brows. "there is cum running down my legs," you whisper.
"Good." His arms wrap around you tightly, his fingers digging into your skin. He kisses you again, grinning with a chuckle.
"What?" You're sure he can't be serious. There has to be some kind of misunderstanding.  "No, I'm going to get cum on my dress, and it's too short. People will see." you try again to clarify, looking up at him utterly puzzled.
"Good," he repeats.
You're flustered. You don't want to go out like this. There is no way he can mean it. It would be so embarrassing if anyone noticed.
"Stop! I know you're just trying to make me stay home." You scold.
Out of space to resist, you reluctantly let him push his tongue into your mouth. You're certain Jimin has to be angry. He is being so stubborn and crude right now. However, he is also being very affectionate and bubbly. Which is not just making you confused but also frustrated by his unreasonableness.
Breaking the kiss, he keeps peppering small ones along your jaw until his mouth comes to your ear. "No, I'm not. I'll take you there right now."
"Jimin. I'm not going there like this!" you yell, shaking your head trying to make him listen to you.
Laughing, he ignores you, only continuing to yanks you and drag you out the front door, crushing your hand and forcing you to take large steps to keep pace with him.
By the time he shoves you into the passenger side, your dress, thighs, and now his car seat are a sticky mess. You yank on the door handle as soon as it shuts, but it doesn't open. Jimin had flicked on the child lock when he pushed you in.
You're starting to panic. You have to get him to stop. He is going to humiliate you. And on top of everything you haven't even got your jacket, purse, shoes, or underwear. It's just you and your thigh-high black dress. He is really about to put you out there, in front of all of your friends, while you're exposed like this. Even if you were to rush to the bathroom right away, you'd have to get there first. Which means there is too high a risk that someone would notice.
"Jimin! Stop being a dick!" you snap as soon as he opens his door, trying to sound authoritative. "Let me out. I am not playing anymore."
He slides in beside you, slamming his door loudly, smacking his hands against the steering wheel. Remaining determined, you do your best not to let his aggressive movements intimidate you.  Honestly, you'd almost rather he hit you right now because you know he wouldn't let you go out with a black eye.
"You wanted to sneak out and see your ex, Angel. So let's go see him." the smile in his eyes goes cold. His tone becoming distant.
"Oh for the love of-" you roll your eyes. "So what? Your plan is to mark your territory by making me see him with your cum all over me? Stop being pathetic!"
"Pathetic?!" he hisses.
His eyes go dark as he lunges at you across the centre console. You jerk back, banging into the door and window to try to avoid him. But you don't have a chance. Pressing his body weight into you, he keeps you trapped in the corner by digging his forearms across your throat. You thump your palms into his side, into his face, hoping to get him off you but no amount of struggling seems to phase him.
Prying his free hand between your thighs, he forces his fingers into you roughly, pushing them deep, curling them inside you.
"Ji-" you gasp from pain as Jimin pumps a third finger inside you. "Stop, it hurts!" you scream.
"Let's see," he pauses, pulling out of you. "if any of them," he brings his wet hand up and smacks it to your cheek, rubbing and smothering his cum over all your face. "want you after this."
Finally, he lets loose your throat, dropping back into his seat with a snicker.
Frozen, panting in the corner, you're staring straight ahead in shock at what he just did. At what he just said. Tears spring to your eyes, horrified by his plan.
He can't make you go out like this.
Yanking on the handle again, trying to lower the power windows, you have no better luck than before.
He starts the car, pulling on the road. A satisfied smirk smile on his face.
You wipe at your cheeks, your lips, your forehead. But the more you try to clear, the more it spreads and drys on your skin.
You had been trying so hard to hide from your friends how badly Jimin treats you. You'd gotten questions here and there about some of the bruises you had on your arms and legs, but you'd always managed to explain them away. But after this. After he kicks you out of the car looking like some kind of abuse victim, they'll never look at you the same.
"Jimin." You cry. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry baby." you lean over the seat stroking his arm, trying to get him to lighten up. To change his mind. "Please. Please don't make me go. Please." you beg, tears pouring out of you. 
But your pleas fall on deaf ears.
"Don't worry Angel," he turns to you, once more with a dazzling smile on his face. "we're just gonna show you around for a little bit. Then I'll bring you home."
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luv-eddiediaz · 3 years
Just like Buck and Eddie are having a hard time talking, I'm having a hard time making then talk. It's supposed to happen after this, but I've just stressing at a blinking cursor. I would blame my current cold, but, no, I think it's the boys.
Anyway, little treat!
God, Buck was tired. 
Not just deep in his bones, but his mind too. He was absolutely exhausted trying to keep it all together, hold himself upright; steady on. 
It wasn't just the shift, although that had been a literal day from hell, but it was the last 10 months piled on top.of the last 30 years. 
It would be his birthday soon, but he hadn't even given it much thought. He heard Taylor whispering into the phone about a party one night, but that was before Maddie left, before Chim hated him, before he realized that Eddie was slipping away from him too. 
He was losing everybody, but he had her. He had Taylor all over - her sports bras in his drawers, her toothbrush in the bathroom, orange juice with extra calcium in the fridge. He wasn't sure he'd even asked her to move in with him, she just sort of did. 
And, yea, it was nice. It was nice to come home to someone even when that someone wasn't always actually there, but sometimes, in those moments when Taylor was tucked perfectly underneath his chin, Buck felt like he was standing in a void of loneliness. 
"You're here," Buck wasn't sure why he didn't say 'home' when he walked through the door and saw Taylor, tucking her phone away.
"So are you," she crossed the room and pressed his cheeks between her hands, "you've gotta stop getting yourself in all this trouble. It worries me." 
"Yea, I know, but I'm fine. I don't think he was ever really going to hurt anyone but himself." 
Taylor's fingers ghosted over the red gash on his forehead, "looks like he wasn't opposed to a little bit of hurt," she said and Buck took her wrist in his hand.
"I'm fine. I'll be even better once I sleep for the next twenty hours." 
"Hmmm, not sure that's entirely healthy."
"But entirely necessary." 
"How about we compromise with ten hours, and I'll wake you up really, really nicely when I get home?"
"You're leaving?"
"Yea. I've got some meetings. But, you're just gonna be sleeping anyway."
"Right. I'll uh - I'll see you when you get back then."
Taylor kissed him and grabbed her coat and purse from the dining room table. Had Buck come home ten minutes later would she have even been there? Would she have waited to make sure he was okay? Was that what their five minute exchange was? 
Buck didn't want to think about it. He didn't want to think about anything, so he tossed his bag on the floor and dragged himself up the stairs. A shower would have done him good, but he fell face first into the bed instead. 
Sleep overtook him so quickly, his feet hung off the bed, the blankets wrinkled underneath him rather than covering him with warmth and comfort. 
It was somewhere between hour six and seven that the synapses in his brain started to wake up, and the last thirty hours of his life replayed like a movie behind his eyelids. Not just the terrible parts, but when he got into the Jeep that morning and found Chris's flash cards in the back seat, Eddie's sweater on the passenger side. He remembered pouring Eddie a cup of coffee when he got to the station, and Eddie rolling his eyes at Buck as he counted out each of the seven packets of sugar he stirred in. Eddie laughing at something Hen said, Eddie reassuring the young girl from their first call, Eddie carrying the med bag, running his fingers through his hair, smiling, resting his eyes…
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. Fuck! It was always Eddie back there in his brain. 
Blood on the street; so far away.
Eddie, calm under pressure when Buck was ready to burst at the seams with all the anger bubbling inside of him, the twitch of his finger after Buck's head met with the back end of a pistol, the way Eddie said his name demanding Buck stay with him - not to go to a place at least one of them couldn't fight their way out of, because someone had to go home.
Buck's heart, and how it stopped when that gun shot cracked through the night air and Buck thought…
Buried beneath the earth; so far away. 
Buck woke with a scream strangled in his throat, covered in cold sweat, his heart pounding. He found his bearings in the note dark loft, and reached for his phone still in his pocket to check the time.
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softsebnbuckystan · 3 years
Soul ties - Part 13/Finale (Bucky Barnes au)
“I've hungered for your touch
A long, lonely time”
Soul ties playlist : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/054hHxpYJ2rIluevfSaGRK?si=w1JkdfFwTjuXZMegQd9WHw
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Waking up from your first night with Bucky was a feeling you would make sure you'd never forget. You knew he didn't get much sleep : you'd only  been to his room once, but you'd noticed the single blanket on the floor, which somehow reminded you of Steve's bed in the early years of your friendship.
"You didn't even move," you said as you woke up with his arm around you. "I feel bad I kept you in an uncomfortable position."
"Don't. I couldn't wake you up for anything in the world," he joked. "Even when you snored."
"Lord, take me out of this misery," you complained as you got up from your bed, escaping Bucky's embrace.  "You were joking, right?"
He grinned and shook his head no. Damn. You ran your brush through your hair and picked up  your phone on your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth. Checking your messages, you noticed a text from Steve.
"Tony dropped off some papers for you. Didn't want to wake you guys up."
Your heart jumped as you realised what papers Steve was talking about. Divorce papers. You rinsed your mouth, put on some jeans and a T-shirt before telling Bucky about the special delivery.
"All I have to do is sign them, then drop them off at Darren's," you explained. "Best case scenario : he signs them right away and I get to go back with them."
Bucky was already seated and he was getting ready to go change as well. "And worst case scenario would be...?"
"He doesn't sign them at all, and I have to go through the court system," – you sighed – "which I really don't want to."
"It's not gonna happen," he assured you. "I'm coming with you to make sure of it."
"You don't have to do that, you know?"
"I want to."
You slowly sat on his lap, wrapping your hands around his neck. "I'm a really lucky woman." You couldn't help but smile before kissing him quickly. "Okay. I gotta go read and sign those papers. If you want to make some coffee while I do so..."
"Oh, I see, already taking advantage of my soft spot for you," he said. "I didn't think-"
"So you have a soft spot for me, huh?" you teased, a nervous laugh escaping your mouth.
"Did I say that?"
"Maybe. I guess we're even, then. Soft spots for each other sounds good."
You got up and put on your shoes.
"It does," he agreed. "Alright, I gotta make some coffee now."
"I didn't think I'd see you this soon."
"Well, I'm full of surprises," you snapped at your future ex-husband as you handed him a small stack of paper. "I need you to sign this."
Darren's eyes kept going from you and Bucky to the papers. He grabbed the divorce agreement hesitantly and read the title.
"What if I don't?"
"You will."
Bucky's low and stern voice had unsettled your interlocutor so bad he opened his mouth without  saying anything.
"If you don't mind, we'll come in and make sure you sign these," you said as you made  your way through the hallway of the building. "I also have some stuff I want back."
"Fine," Darren agreed  grudgingly. "It's not like I have a choice anyway. I don't want your new pet boyfriend to attack me."
"He's not-"
"Let him," Bucky told you. "Please, let him give me an easy excuse to do it."
You held back a laugh : you knew Bucky didn't want to be involved in a meaningless fight. On the other hand, letting Darren believe this was a possibility seemed like a fun taste of payback.
"C'mon, Buck. He's not worth the trouble."
You grabbed his hand as you preceded Darren in the staircase that led to your former apartment. You took him to the bedroom you and Darren once shared ; you could see his face changing at the sight of the bed and decoration that still bore your mark.
"Are you okay?" you asked.
You got away  from the wardrobe you were about to open and walked up to him.
"No you're not. Talk to me," you said as you stroked his cheek.
"This room is filled with memories," he whispered. "Memories that are his."
"And that's all he's got," you retorted. "Memories. That's the only thing he can cling to from now on, assuming that even means something to him."
"But it means something to you, and I don't want you to erase all that," he confessed.
"Bucky... I'm not erasing anything," you promised, knowing how hard it was for him to think he was stripping someone from their memories. "Life is about learning. If I hadn't been married to him in the first place, I probably wouldn't have met you. See? Learning from past experiences is not erasing said experiences. I know you're feeling like the bad guy here, but you're not."
"He looks miserable. That's kinda my fault."
"You didn't let me blame myself for this, and I'm sure as hell not gonna let you blame yourself either."
You smiled and kissed him on the cheek before going back to the wardrobe. Grabbing a bag and filling it with your remaining clothes didn't feel as heavy as it did when you'd last been here. Your chest felt ten times lighter, and you were convinced Bucky's presence had something to do with it.
"I'm good," you said. "Those are the only things I couldn't bring last time."
You left the bedroom and found Darren sitting at the kitchen table, his pen hovering over the divorce agreement.
"Could you get done with this already?" you asked softly. "I'm kind of in a hurry."
"You're so eager to leave me, aren't you?" Darren scoffed. "I thought..."
"I thought you could make this work for us."
You let  out a long, disappointed sight. "The very  fact you think it's my job and mine only to make this marriage work is another sign of why it didn't," you pointed out. "I shouldn't have lied to you about my tattoo in the first place," you admitted, "but the way you treated me all those years was far from right."
"But I was good to you."
"No, you weren't."
Darren lowered his eyes and signed the final page. With a single hand, he slid the agreement towards you.
"Thank you," you told him. "I'm glad we could end this the nice way."
"It's really over, huh? You're just gonna leave with a guy you've known for a couple of months."
For once,  there was no animosity in his voice. He sounded resigned more than he sounded sad.
"Yes. I might not have known Bucky for long, but he treated me the way I know I deserve. I'm not sorry you couldn't be that person, because there is someone out there waiting to meet you as well."
"Yeah, maybe."
You picked up the papers and went for the door, Bucky following you.
"Goodbye, Darren."
You didn't get an answer, as you'd expected. You went down the stairs silently and dropped your bag on the backseat of the car before sitting behind the wheel. Bucky sat in the passenger's seat, unsure of what he should say.
"Thanks for coming along," you ended up saying. "I think it helped me stay calm."
Bucky squeezed your knee gently as you started the engine : his  hand didn't leave  your leg for the rest of the trip, and you'd  never been more thankful  for automatic cars.
"Surprise," Natasha told  you as she greeted you with a glass of champagne. "Steve told me the news."
"What is it we're celebrating, exactly?" you asked with a chuckle.
"Your divorce, of course! I couldn't make it to the wedding, might as well celebrate its ending."
"I'm-, oh god." Keeping things serious was impossible and the light-hearted feeling in  your chest resurfaced. You thought you'd feel more guilt over divorcing Darren, but you knew now that it was the best thing to do.
Bucky laid a hand on your waist  even though there were a few people around, and Nat handed him a glass as well. Wanda, Steve and Sam ended up drinking with you, and even Tony made an appearance. Laughing, talking and chilling with your family felt like an enormous relief after the past few weeks. Despite your surroundings, Bucky's hand couldn't seem to leave your body : your shoulder, thigh or arm or even your back... Maybe you weren't the only one who felt freed by signing those papers. You stayed up late that night, and Natasha was the last one to leave.
"Big day, huh?"
You nodded and snuggled up to Bucky on the couch. "About what you said earlier-"
"It's okay," he said. "I just...you have memories with him. I cannot pretend they don't exist, and-"
"Don't. They're not relevant," you said, cutting him off before cupping his face. "It's you and me now, Buck. Every moment in my life, every choice I ever made led me to you. So yeah, Darren and I share memories. Some of them are good. Some aren't. So what? You and I will make new ones, and that's what matters to me."
You  pressed your forehead against his and closed your eyes.
"I'm in love with you," you confessed. "I'm in love with you and I've never felt it this strong, ever, and it's scary but it's also the most exciting thing-"
His lips crashing on yours interrupted your whole speech. His hand found the skin on your waist as he laid you down on the couch and kissed you with passion, enjoying the fact that the room was all yours. He pulled back, leaving you out of breath. He got up abruptly and extended his hand, grabbing yours and putting you back on your feet. Pulling you into a tight hug, he kissed your cheek and your neck.
"I love you,"  he whispered in your ear.
"I love you too," you said. You grabbed his hand on your waist and led  him through the compound. You stopped in front of his bedroom and stood  on tiptoe to plant a kiss on his nose. "Let's go make new memories now."
the end.
this is officially it guys, soul ties is a finished story! sorry the finale took so long to be posted but i've barely had time for myself with exams coming soon. i hope this story made its way to your heart like it did mine. :)
tag list : @ginger-swag-rapunzel @joscelyn02 @writehistorynotthegrocerylist @bluemoon-icecream @lady-loki-ren @simplybombshell @lizajane3 @livingonkpop @kaitieskidmore1
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silksandcravats · 4 years
Well well well... you're just in time Zimmermansbrat... Morby is sending out asks tonight...
You are a new follower and dont know me perhaps very well, but sometimes I like to send out litte challenges and stuff to you writers out there, and I have one you may like to sink your teeth into...
Use the following to write a story...
https://youtu.be/Tk46D1eFXZo "Dont Wanna Go The Other Way" by Cody Chesnut.
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Yep I know, this looks totally nuts right?
It's a technique my mums writing group use to create new stories, or perhaps brain storm around problems in their work.
There are rules... you can add whatever you like, but you have to use the song and at least three pictures.
I'm gonna do one myself, so I can see if it works as a new idea to get out of my writers block.
Please dont feel obliged to answer, it's totally up to you if you'd like to participate... but it would be awesome if you did!
Have Fun and Thanks for the follow
Morby! So nice to hear from you again, thank you for this wonderful ask! This collage just seems so Sackler to me so I had to, lol. I feel like the final product ended up being a bit jumpy, I had a bit of trouble smoothly stringing along the different aspects into one imagine plotline, but I had so much fun with this challenge! I hope I did it justice!
summary: y/n spends the day with her weirdo neighbour and nobody could have predicted how things pan out.
warnings: swearing, a poor understanding of New York geography
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You stood by your front door, jaw clenched, keys gripped tightly in hand, ear pressed against the wood as you listened as closely as you could for the telltale sign of your weirdo neighbour across the hall retreating into his room. 
“Oh shit, fuck are you going speedy?” 
“Oh shit, fuck are you going speedy?” 
“Oh shit, fuck are you going speedy?” 
Your eyes squeezed shut and you cursed silently. You didn’t have to look up to know who was speaking, the booming, goofy, tone. You took a deep breath to compose yourself before pulling backwards, at least as much as you could with his vice rip on your arms still present.
“Hey Adam, ugh, I was just going to run some errands I-”
“I was wondering what the fuck everyone’s been up to? It’s been quiet as shit down this whole hallway, felt like I was in a ghost town or some shit.” He interrupted you.
“That’s great um.” You tugged your arms slightly and he got the message, he released your arms finally with a quick ‘sorry’. “Anyways, um I was just headed out, I’ve got some shopping to do so.”
“Yeah so do I, that’s just where I was headed we can be like shopping buddies or whatever.” He offered, showing off a toothy grin, big eyes meeting yours. He was attractive, with his big strong nose and his long floppy black hair, you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t. You’d found yourself rather drawn to him in the beginning, but that had only lasted until the first few times he had opened his mouth. He turned out to be rather strange and awkward and it just wasn’t something you could get past, and so you had begun avoiding the pretty weirdo at all costs. 
You were ready to turn him down and be on your merry way but you were tired of avoiding him and you didn’t know how much fight you had left in you. Not to mention it was well into winter now, which meant the sun would only be up for another hour or so, and you never fancied walking through your part of New York alone after dark. And so you found yourself agreeing, how long could a few groceries take after all?
“Great but you’ve gotta come along to some to do some of my errands too.” He said, turning and walking ahead, making it halfway down the hallway in just a few long strides.
“What like drycleaning?” you asked, trotting along to catch up with him. 
“No, not really.” He answered vaguely, hurrying down the steps two at a time. 
You started with your shopping, which he let you get through without too much trouble. In fact, the whole ordeal had been almost pleasant, you were trying to pick out an onion when you looked over to see him holding two different zucchinis in his hand.
“Hey y/n. Do you think I’m more like this one or this one?” He asked rather loudly through the store, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
“I think,” you paused, settling on one of the freshest looking onions near the top of the stack, “that it’s a wonder you’re still allowed out in public.” 
“Oh shit,” his expression shifted, his grin deepened and he looked somewhat surprised by you, “You’re a little feisty after all.” he sounded impressed, “Well if you can guess which one is right, I’ll buy all your groceries.” 
“Ok fine.” You crossed your arms, pretending to seriously contemplate the vegetables, you decided to be generous, opting for the slightly larger one. “Left.”
“Actually the answer was neither, it’s bigger than both of these.” He winked, tossing the vegetables down and circling around to your side of the display.
“Oh, I’m sure that’s true.” You jabbed sarcastically.
“I can show you later if you’d like.” he teased, walking into your space.
“Shut up let’s go.” you tried to be serious but a little giggle slipped out anyway as you playfully pushed him forward towards the checkout. 
Adam’s errands turned out to be a somewhat chaotic stroll through a small corner park. You must have spent much longer in that little park then either of you had been expecting, you sat on a little bench for a while just talking. You told him about the work you had been up, and he turned out to be an actor, telling you about an audition he had recently been to, and how he thought he did really well but honestly he didn’t really like the movie’s concept so if he didn’t make the role then it was no big deal.
Never being one for small talk, you were sure that your little day out with Adam would slowly trudge by, loaded with plenty of awkward silences, but it turned out being with Adam was easy. He had no trouble keeping the conversation going, and he always managed to bring up things you actually wanted to talk about. And he was so funny, you’d be willing to listen to his jokes all day except that at one point he made you laugh so hard your stomach began to hurt and you couldn’t get a full gulp of air down your lungs for almost a minute straight.
It wasn’t until the sky began to turn a pinky-orange that you realised what time it was and suggested to head back. You had wound up rather far from your apartment complex so you both made the decision to take the subway home. It was rush hour by now so you had to push and shove a bit to get down the stairs and over to the platform you needed, and it was an even tighter squeeze when you got onto your actual train. You ended up shoved tightly against him for the first few stops, it was silly, but you tried not to let yourself dwell on the giddy feeling you got being so close to him.
As you made your way out of midtown, the car cleared out some, and Adam appeared to be growing restless, surveying his surroundings to find something to occupy himself before settling on the fire extinguisher by the door. He played with the features of it for a moment before pulling it off the wall to examine it closer.
“Adam, put it back.” you quickly scolded when you caught wind of what he was doing.
“Relax I’m just looking at it.” 
“You’re not supposed to touch it!” You insisted.
“If I wasn’t supposed to be touching it then they should have attached it to the wall better.” He continued playing with the extinguisher, pulling the tiny safety bar out, dropping it carelessly, letting it rattle against the floor.
“They can’t do that, what if someone needs it, Adam, please put it down,” you begged, trying to grab it from him, but he pulled it away quickly.
“Oh come on, this thing’s probably been in here like a kajillion years, shit wouldn’t even work anymore.” He continued, twisting it in his hands.
“Yes, it does! Now leave it alone, I’m serious.” You begin to panic at the thought of him doing something dumb.
“Wanna bet?” You could see the mischief practically glittering in his eyes as he suddenly mounted the extinguisher. You felt the blood drain from your face.
“Adam I swear to God if you-” 
But you were too late, suddenly a thick cloud of fire retardant burst through the canister filling the car with smoke and panic, the force sending Adam a few feet forward before his weight pulled him back to the ground and he toppled over in a fit of laughter.
“Adam!” You screeched humiliated as the car erupted in coughing fits and a few swears. You glared straight at the floor as you marched over to him, avoiding the heated glares and shouting, as you pulled him up quickly.
“Come on this is our stop.” You announced sharply, pulling him towards the doors as the train came to a stop.
“No, it’s not.” He looked at you confused, still halfway smiling, proud of his own stunt.
“Yes. it. is.” You say through gritted teeth, pulling him onto the platform. 
Of course, it wasn’t really your stop, and you could’ve saved yourself quite a few blocks of travelling time by staying on, but the thought of carrying on with those passengers, after what Adam had done, for even a second longer was too much to bear. It wasn’t until you were nearly at your building that Adam seemed to pick up on just how upset the whole thing had made you. 
“Hey look I didn’t know it’d be such a big deal to you.” He offers, kicking a small rock along the pavement as he trudged on.
“That was so embarrassing, you can’t do shit like that Adam.” You grumble, not willing to forgive him.
“It’s New York, people do fucking weird shit here every day,”
“This is the worst apology I’ve ever heard.” You stopped on the first step of the building, turning to look at him.
“I’m sorry? Ok? I won’t do shit like that ever again when we’re out together? Happy?” He said, moving onto your step next to you.
“When are we going out together again?” You asked, cocking your head slightly. 
“Have you ever been on the roof?” He asked back, ignoring your question entirely, backing up the steps.
“No? Wait I don’t think we’re allowed on the roof!” You followed him up into the building.
“Drop your shit off and meet me in the hallway, I’ll make things up to you I promise.” He winked.
“Do you keep your bike up here?” You tried and failed to hide a smile at the sight in front of you. Adam was in front of you twisting and turning his handlebar, trying to show you how he could lean back and balance on the back wheel.
“Sometimes I do, no assholes have tried to steal it yet so,” his speech comes out almost in grunts, as he focused intently on performing his trick for you.
“You wanna try it?” He asks, dismounting and moving some of his hair out of his face.
“That’s ok, I’m not a stunt master like you,” you excused, “besides, I’m not sure my feet would even reach the pedals, that thing’s huge.”
“Hey look at this!” He dropped the bike, moving to the ledge of the roof, “you can see for fucking miles up here.” You followed him over, pulling the hoodie you had grabbed from your place tighter against you as a cool gust of wind flew by. It was pretty much dark now, and you could see the lights of your city clearly from here. It wasn’t a particularly tall building you lived in, there was bigger on either side and across the way, but you could see clearly down both sides of the street. New York felt bigger with all the lights on if that was even possible. There was something about the bright city lights that set off curiosity in you. People really lived in every single one of those windows, they had a whole life, and family and friends and jobs and dreams and you’ll never know most of them.
“It’s amazing isn’t it.” you sighed, staring at as much of the world as you could possibly see from your little perch.
“Yeah, it is.” He said, watching you watch your city.
You really had meant to go back to your place after that, but Adam had coaxed you into coming into his apartment instead, insisting that it was only fair for you to see his place after the day you had together.
“Do you want like juice or anything?” He offered, trying to be hospitable as he closed the door behind you. 
“No thank you.” you smiled, taking in the place. It was messy for sure, but you’d seen worse, there was a lot of open space in the middle of the room, there was a couch at the far end of the room, but it was covered with clothes and things at the moment.
“You like music?” He asked, messing with something that must be sitting on a small table by his front door, he moved slightly and you could see the device he was hiding.
“You have an actual record player? That’s crazy, I didn’t know people still had those.” Your feet were ready to give out after the day you’d had, so you decided to sit down on the floor, watching him shuffle through records before settling on one and moving to put it in place on the player.
“You know what they say, no music, no life.” He moved the needle, letting it drop near the edge of the vinyl. An R&B artist you vaguely recognised began playing through the apartment. 
“You listen to this stuff?” You asked, watching him sit next to you on the floor, moving directly to a lying position on the floor.
“Come on, it sounds better down here.” he insisted, patting the empty wooden panels next to him. You obliged, leaning back against the hardwood, shuffling slightly to get more comfortable. 
“I really am sorry,” he added after a while, another apology filling pushing into the brief silence of the room as you both waited for the next track on the record to begin. You kept your eyes trained on the ceiling, but you could feel his gaze move to you. “Guess I’m just a shit flirt.” Your eyes grew as you took in the weight of his words as if on cue the opening lines of the next song began softly through the apartment. You held off on laughing at him for the song choice, focusing on holding onto the words which had just come out of his mouth.
“You’ve been flirting with me all day?” You ask, turning on your side, propping yourself up on your elbow, staring at him.
“Oh fuuuck yeah,” he shrugged, turning to look at the ceiling again. “I flirt with you all the time kid,” he added casually, tapping his foot against the wood as the chorus began to pick up. 
“W-what?” you asked, dumbfounded. “You were flirting… with me?”
“Of course I was, you’re funny and I think you’re pretty smart.” he listed off easily, still staring at the ceiling, “ also you’re fucking so hot, I fucking just wanna look at your face all day.”
“Why didn’t you ask me out of something?” You hummed, looking down at the floor.
“I guess I thought that was kinda what today was.” He rolled over, suddenly his face was only an inch or so from yours.
“It can’t be a date if I don’t know it is, it only counts if we both agree that-”
“Can I kiss you?” he cut you off, eyes darting between your eyes and your lips. 
“O-okay.” your face suddenly felt hot, but you had little time to dwell on it before he leaned in, kissing you eagerly, nose prodding against yours, his hand coming up to cup the side of your face. He nipped and nibbled at your bottom lip for a moment before wiggling his tongue into your mouth, kissing you more eagerly. His other hand came up to your side, and in one swift motion, he tugged you on top of him. 
You got lost in kissing him for the tiniest moment before you mentally re-entered the room, ears perking up at the sound of the song entering its second chorus. 
“Can we redo all of this in about 2 minutes?” You giggled, pulling yourself off his mouth slightly to stare down at him.
“What? Why?” his face scrunched up in confusion and then he gripped your face, pulling you down again.
“Becaaaauuussse,” you groan, pulling back again. “Don’t wanna go the other way by Cody Chesnutt cannot be our song.”
“Too late now kid,” He hummed pulling all of your weight down to him, tucking you into his chest. “Too late now.”
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vs-redemption · 3 years
I love Soft Saturday/Sunday! :3 I remember you posted a selfship of yourself and I wanted to try one for me lol so, here goes! It was a bit hard/weird because I don't think any of these wonderful guys would be with me ^^U It was still fun to do though!
1.) Belle x Todoroki, Shouto (Bellouto? Shoutelle? Belloroki?)
- I'd probably be very distant with Todoroki at first because of his cold demeanor. It would have to be Midoriya who would get us together.
- We would end up sitting together at the same lunch table, chatting with our group of friends. Eventually our love for noodles would bring us closer. I would buy him some different types of cold soba or even show him unique recipes to try out. If I ever see anything soba related, I'd text him and say "Look! I thought of you! It's your fave ^^"
- Once he opens up about his past, I'd probably get teary eyed and give him a big hug. I'd thank him for trusting me enough with his childhood memories and I'd also eventually open up to him about my own hardships.
- I would give him all my love without smothering him. I'd just want to show him the love and care he deserves especially since he didn't have much of it growing up.
- I think it's the little things that might make Todoroki fall for me. Things like bringing him tea when he's studying late, if he fell asleep before setting up his alarm, I'd put one on his phone and on my own just to make sure he'd wake up on time, praising/acknowledging all of his big and small accomplishments, getting his favorite food when he's sad/had a rough day, sending him cute text messages like "Good morning, handsome!" or even doing something like this:
Me and Todoroki: *studying intensely*
Me: *gasps loudly* OMG
Todoroki: What? O_O
Me: I love you. (´,,•ω•,,)♡
2.) Belle x Miya, Atsumu (Bellumu? Biya? Atsubelle?)
- I'd have to have known him for a long time before we'd date. Kind of like childhood friends to lovers? If I met him at an older age, I might think he was a jerk and wouldn't want to go out with him.
- I wouldn't be afraid to call him out. Like when Atsumu is having his "if you can't hit my toss then you shouldn't be on the team" moment, I'd probably punch his arm and scold him.
- I'd have to turn it around and tell him "what if someone told you that?" or "treat others the way you want to be treated". I think he'd like that I don't treat him any different or baby him.
- Since we're childhood friends, we're already comfortable with each other. We've also seen, heard, and been through a lot together. We'd know silly small things about each other like "Atsumu always listens to this song right before a game" or "His right eye always twitches 3 times before he sneezes"
- He's seen me go through some relationships and has seen how I've acted/treated the person I'm dating. Atsumu would see that I put in a lot of effort and the stuff I'd do for my previous boyfriends. I think that would eventually make him want to ask me out. It'd be something that he might want to experience, too. Like how it would feel to hold my hand or share a loving embrace.
- When we'd get angry at each other, it could get a bit loud, but we would resolve things quickly.
- Our relationship would also be fun and full of silliness and lovely surprises. He'd do something like honk the horn right when I'm passing in front of his car to get to the passenger side. Atsumu would also surprise me with a gift that I've been eyeing or even a spontaneous trip to somewhere!
3.) Belle x Kageyama, Tobio (Bellayama? Tobelle? Kagelle?)
- We met at a mutual friend's party in college. We'd probably talk about how we were basically dragged there.
-I love to party/hang out, but when I have something to do/ a goal, I strive hard to accomplish it. (ugh, getting some PTSD from nursing school lol)
-We would end up talking about our ambitions and what we hope to end up doing in our lives. After becoming friends for a while, we'd get on the topic of relationships. We'd both want someone who is patient and understands that when we're busy, we're not ignoring them. We're studying/practicing.
-I think that is what convinces both of us to start a relationship.
-We're both busy and can get stressed out easily, but we'd know what to do to ease the stress a little. Like giving Kageyama different flavored milk cartons.
-It would look like we don't spend much time together/don't really act like a couple, but when we have free time, we'd be spending it with each other.
-We'd get our nails done together. (〃・ω・〃)
-We'd both have to think about how great it would be when we get settled with our careers and that we'd have more time to spend together. Planning future adventures/vacations is our motivation.
-Even though I'd miss Kageyama dearly, I totally understand how it feels like when you have other obligations. I'd never want to get in the way of his goal so I would do my best to support him and show my love in any way that I can and that would be something he might love about me.
First off, all three of these amazing boys would love you to pieces! You are so thoughtful and kind and they'd be foolish not to fall for you! I accept no arguments about this. 😊 This got way out of hand so... gonna put my rambling below a cut.
Send me some soft headcanons
Let's talk Todoroki! Gonna be honest... I don't know if I trust Midoriya to play cupid 😂 Of course, meeting Todoroki through him makes sense, but you know who zeros in on how cute you two look together immediately? Yes, it's Mina! Thankfully she's not obnoxious about it, but she does have your back. She expertly manipulates every situation to give you and Todoroki a chance to interact. Somehow, thanks to her, he always ends up sitting/standing right next to you in class, at lunch, in training, on the bus, on the sofa in the common room... EVERYWHERE.
Poor boy would be so confused at first by your attention. Like, of course he doesn't mind being your friend, but nobody else texts or talks to him about his interests outside of hero stuff. He didn't even know anyone noticed he liked soba that much. And all the little things you do for him like bringing him tea or setting an alarm, he's not used to it. He doesn't hate it though. Actually, he kind of likes it. And I just want you to prepare yourself for the day when he takes the initiative and your phones lights up with a message from him for the first time with a picture of some random thing that made him think of you. *my heart would explode*
It's all downhill after that because he really likes the way you respond when he reciprocates your kindness. The flustered look on your face when he brings you some of his sister's homemade soba noodles for lunch, the cute emojis you use in your texts when he messages you first in the morning, and the shy smile you give him when he finds the courage to compliment you. He's never wanted to take care of someone the way he wants to take care of you before.
ATSUMU. You're totally right. I'm the same as you in that I would not trust this little shit for a while after meeting him. Childhood friends to lovers is nice because you there's no way you wouldn't know the real Atsumu. The idea of you knowing little personal things about each other is so cute too. Atsumu takes advantage of this and always gives the best gifts for birthdays and holidays. And he's always so excited to watch you open what he got because he KNOWS you'll love it because he knows YOU.
I'd like to say that he'd be into the fact that you treat him normally like anyone else, but something tells me he would actually expect special treatment since you two are close friends. It would surprise him a little every time you reprimand him for being rude to his teammates or fighting with his brother. He respects you more than anyone else in his life though, so he always straightens up his act just as soon as you give him that look. He hates when you're angry or annoyed at him, so of course he'll be on his best behavior for you. Honestly, he'd do anything to get positive attention from you. (He's already such a simp for you and he doesn't even realize)
He thinks he's just being a protective friend when he criticizes all your previous boyfriends. None of them are even that terrible but in his eyes, nobody treats you the way you should be treated and nobody would ever be good enough. He puts you on a pedestal to be honest. And yes, once you're together it would be full of teasing and giggles and he would absolutely take it too far and overdo it sometimes and get himself into trouble, but it's okay because you know he never means to upset you. He's just so excited and in love with you.
Kageyama's turn. Oh my god! This boy would be so awkward at a college party. He'd probably just be all tall and weird standing in the corner like 😳 what's happening? Thank goodness for you, coming over to talk to him ... but wait... you're so cute... WHY are you talking to him? Now he's flustered for a different reason and he tries his best to have a normal casual conversation with you but he stumbles over his words a bit but bless your heart, you pretend not to notice and continue smiling at him. He thinks you are SO PRETTY!! omg😭
A huge weight lifts off his chest when you start talking about your goals. He knows about goals. That's easy. The look on his face is kind of scary at first because it looks like he's scowling, but he is just listening very intently to you and absorbing every single word. He almost seems like a different person when you let him talk to you about volleyball. His whole face lights up and he's talking very enthusiastically with his hands. He apologizes for ranting at you afterwards, but is also amazed that you'd stayed and let him talk so long.
Being around you IS a huge stress relief. At first he's worried about not spending enough time with you or making you think he's not interested because of his awkward mannerisms. But you're always super understanding and patient with him. Plus, you're just as busy working towards your own dreams. He supports you as much as he can just as you do for him and falling into a relationship is just really easy and natural for the two of you.
Kageyama doesn't really know how to do big extravagant dates, so just being able to take walks with you, or do activities like doing your nails together is enough to make him happy. He WANTS to do more for you though. He would never admit to this, but he actually has a small list of things he plans to do once you both have more time. He pays attention to what you might even consider silly throwaway comments like "One day we should...." or "Sometime I'd like to...." He writes it all down because even if they aren't career goals, those are still things you want which makes them very important to him.
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Sharing Is Caring
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Request: Yes or No
Summary: (Y/N) Keller never believed in true love. He did hookups but nothing serious. It broke Betty's heart since she had fallen for him the moment she met him. Her hurt and jealousy intensifies when Veronica Lodge joins the picture but Veronica has the perfect idea.
Betty turned the page of the book, feeling the edge of the paper as she read the lines. Her line of thought was disrupted as someone put their book down infront of her. She looked up, seeing light green eyes and slicked-back hair. She smiled gently.
"Kev.." She greeted softly. Kevin grinned in return, sitting across from her.
“You won’t believe who asked me out on a date!” Kevin took off his bag, placing it on the table. Betty giggled at his excitement, feeling happy for her friend.
“Remember Joaquin?” Betty nodded. “Well, he said that he’s free later tonight and asked if I was up for a date at Pop’s and added that I could bring a friend and their partner as like a double date type of thing. So... I was wondering if-”
“Kev, I don’t have a boyfriend.” Betty reminded. Kevin pouted, nodding.
“I know, Betty, but you can always come with a friend. Maybe Archie?”
“I don’t think Valerie would like that.”
“Jug doesn’t do ‘dates’.” Betty closed her book, sliding it into her bag. “Why don’t you ask Arch? He’ll happily help.” 
“Yeah but I want my bestie to be there.” Kevin placed his head on his fist, eyes distant as he tried to come up with something. Betty watched his eyes light up and a grin spread across his face. She frowned. That grin brought nothing but trouble.
“Hey, (N/N)!” Kevin called out. Betty straightened her back and quickly smoothed out her pink sweater. Kevin chuckled quietly, watching his friend silently freak out.
“What’s up, Kev?” (Y/N) asked, hand gripping his backpack strap. The hood of his jacket was up, making his face pop out more. His lips were stretched out into a smile, showing off his pearly whites. 
“I’m going on a double date and Betty here needs someone to go with her. I was wondering if you could tag along? Unless you have practice?” Kevin stared up at his brother with puppy eyes. (Y/N) rolled his eyes.
“Please?” With a defeated sigh, (Y/N) nodded.
“Okay, fine. I’ll go on this.. double date with you. I’ll finish practice early, alright?” (Y/N) ruffled up his brother’s hair, glancing at Veronica as she sat down. 
“Sorry, I’m late! Mrs. Jefferson held me back.” She explained, giving them all smiles. Her eyes landed on (Y/N) and her smile grew wider. She stuck her hand out.
“Veronica Lodge, pleasure meeting you, handsome.” She purred. Betty dug her nails into her palm, watching them shake hands.
“(Y/N) Keller.”
“Kevin’s brother? I’ve heard so much about you!” Veronica tucked a strand of her black hair behind her ear. 
“All good things I hope..” (Y/N) glanced at his brother with a cocked brow. Veronica giggled, nodding.
“He brags about you a lot. I see why now.” She said, finger toying with her pearl necklace. Betty licked her lips, heartbeat picking up. Of course, Veronica just had to come along and insert herself. Kevin cleared his throat.
“As much as I’d like to see where this goes, I’m afraid my brother has things he needs to do,” Kevin said. (Y/N) rolled his eyes, saluting them as he walked away.
“He’s a walking snack. The genes in your family are crazy.” Veronica said, watching him. Kevin chuckled, nodding.
“We get that a lot. But in other news, (Y/N) does not care about love. He wants to focus on his grades and ice skating. He does hookups but absolutely nothing serious. He’s a notorious heartbreaker, even though he doesn’t mean it.” Kevin told her, glancing at Betty. Veronica hummed, picking up the green apple.
“There’s nothing a Lodge can’t fix.” She smiled, biting into the apple. Kevin swallowed.
“Uh, another thing is... Betty has had the biggest crush on him.” 
“Oh..” Veronica chewed on the apple piece in her mouth, nodding slowly. Betty shifted her gaze onto the table.
“It’s not a big deal or anything... If you like him, you should go for it. I won’t stop you.” Betty mumbled. Veronica reached over, hand grabbing her wrist gently.
“I’m not gonna fight with my new bestie over a guy! We can... Share. After all, sharing is caring.” 
“You guys do know I’m still here, right?” Kevin questioned playfully. Betty gave a small smile. 
“And where are you going, young lady?” Alice questioned, arms crossed as she watched her daughter get ready. Betty glanced at her as she tied her hair back.
"I'm going to Pop's with Kev."
"Just Kevin?"
"And his brother." Betty stared at her reflection, fixing her off-shoulder navy blue sweater and jean skirt. Alice raised an eyebrow.
"(Y/N)? Hmph." She tapped her finger against her arm. Betty looked at her mom.
"What?" She asked softly.
"Nothing, Betty, I just think it'd be better if it was you and Kevin alone-"
"Kevin's boyfriend's gonna be there and he didn't want me to feel like the thirdwheel so he invited his brother. Plus, mom, you know (Y/N) is more focused on skating and school." Betty said, pulling two strands out of the ponytail to complete the look. Alice sighed, nodding.
"But I want you home by 11. Sharp." Betty nodded, watching her mom walk away. Betty put on some gloss before grabbing her bag and flats. She put the flats on and headed downstairs. Betty opened the door, closing it behind her once she stepped outside. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.
"Betty!" She opened her eyes, looking at the boys. She smiled, getting off her porch and approaching the car. (Y/N) was driving, considering it was his precious car, while Kevin was in the passenger seat.
"Hey, Cooper." Joaquin greeted.
"Hey, Joaquin." Betty gave him a smile.
"Oh, wow, I think this is the first double date I've ever gone on with my brother." Kevin said.
"And it's gonna be the last." (Y/N) replied playfully, smiling at his brother. Betty giggled, glancing out the window. Her eyes slowly moved from the passing trees to (Y/N). He kept his gaze on the road as Kevin quietly hummed along to the music. Joaquin gazed lovingly at Kevin making Betty smile. They were total opposites yet the perfect couple. Betty thought about her and (Y/N). He was the nice, sporty guy while she was the sweet cheerleader. A typical couple but everyone loved it. Betty blinked as the car stopped and everyone began to get out. She got out of the (F/C) car, watching as Kevin and Joaquin held hands when they entered Pop's.
"How are we gonna compete against that?" (Y/N) joked, locking the car. Betty smiled.
"I don't think anyone can beat them." She replied, walking with him. Pop's was a bit empty, a few couples and random people sitting around, some working while others chatted. Betty slid into the booth Kevin and Joaquin were in, (Y/N) following. Betty stayed mostly silent, listening to Kevin tell funny stories. All throughout, (Y/N) would chime in while Joaquin just watched Kevin, pecking his cheek and causing the bubbly boy to swoon. Betty flushed when (Y/N) propped his arm around her casually but she told herself that it wasn't romantic. (Y/N) was just comfortable around her.
"So, how long have you two been together?" Joaquin asked. Betty felt her ears heating up.
"We're not a couple." She said with a shy smile.
"We're friends." (Y/N) removed his arm from around her, leaning forward and drinking from his milkshake.
"Oh, well, you two would make a cute couple." Joaquin said. Betty shrugged.
"(Y/N) is keen on not finding love until high school's over." Betty said. Joaquin cocked a brow.
"You only experience-"
"High school once.. Yeah I know. Everybody tells me that. I mean, I have my whole life to find love, why start now?"
"Why not? At this rate, you'll join the Olympics and that'll take up all your time." Joaquin wrapped an arm around Kevin.
"I don't mind. I'll probably leave this town after high school... Go off and compete professionally... Probably find a girl and marry her-"
"Have kids and come back to this tiny town to live off the rest of your years." Joaquin finished for him.
"Happens to the best of us." (Y/N) shrugged.
"What about you, Betty?" The blonde played with the sleeve of her sweater.
"I'll probably stay here.. Take up a job as a reporter or teacher." Betty replied, swirling her straw around the glass, watching the milkshake mix together.
"I always saw you as a housewife." Joaquin said.
"Everyone seems to think that." Betty watched as Kevin and Joaquin paid the bill before getting up. They left the diner, going over to (Y/N)'s car. Kevin and Joaquin got in the back, making Betty sit in the front.
"Keep your pants on until I drop you off, alright?" (Y/N) huffed at the couple making out. Betty laughed softly, staring out the window as (Y/N) turned up the music. He dropped Kevin and Joaquin off at the trailer park.
"What time do you have to be home?"
"It's only 9, mind if I stop by the rink?" (Y/N) asked. Betty shook her head.
"Course not." She smiled. (Y/N) hummed, driving to the ice rink. He parked the car, getting his skates and entering the cold building. Betty followed him, looking around the empty building, apart from the man renting out the skates. (Y/N) changed his shoes into the skates, getting on the ice and skating around. Betty watched him, noting how graceful and concentrated he was. She had seen him compete a few times before. He was definitely going places. Betty stood, going over to the shoe area and renting a pair. She slid them on and wobbled onto the rink.
"Ever skated before?" (Y/N) asked. Betty shook her head, stepping onto the ice. She grabbed onto his shoulders and tried balancing herself.
"The key is not to freak out." He cooed, hands grabbing her waist. Betty smiled nervously, gripping his jacket as she stood straight. (Y/N) slowly skated backwards, pulling Betty along.
"I've rollerskated before but never skated on ice." Betty said, moving her hands from his shoulders to his arms.
"Then you'll learn quickly." He assured, grabbing her hand and slowly skating. Betty eventually relaxed and let go of his hand, skating by herself. Nothing impressive but at least she hadn't fallen yet. (Y/N) smiled, reaching out and grabbing her hand.
"It's relaxing.. Keeps your mind off things." (Y/N) said, tilting his head up and sighing. Betty held both of his hands, the cold and fear of falling long gone.
"Yeah.." (Y/N) looked down at her. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her up. Betty laughed softly, placing her hands on his shoulders. She let out a soft sigh as he placed her back on the ice.
"I see why you like it so much." She said, slowly realizing how close they were.
"Alright, lovebirds! We're closing." (Y/N) chuckled, looking at the man.
"Alright, Tom, we'll be out of your hair soon!" (Y/N) called back. He led them to the exit and got out. They changed out of the skates, Betty returning the ones she rented. They left the building, heading back to the car and getting in. The drive was silent but peaceful.
"Right on time." (Y/N) smiled, watching the time turn to 11:00 PM. Betty chuckled, getting out of the car.
"I'll see you on Monday, (N/N)." She said.
"Mhm, see you later, Bets." He replied. Betty closed the door, heading up to her porch and unlocking the door as she heard the car drive off.
"How was it?" Alice asked, approaching her as she cleaned her hands with a rag.
"Jesus, Betty, you're freezing!" Alice said, touching her daughters face.
"We went to the ice rink, mom." Betty chuckled, taking her hands off. Alice sighed, watching her head upstairs. Betty entered her room and collapsed on the bed. So close. She heard a buzz and picked up her phone, looking at the screen.
"Heard about the date! How was it? Remember I only want to share, not compete! Xoxo"
Betty sighed, wondering how to respond to Veronica.
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iwantutobehapppier · 5 years
Nobody Loves No One (2/?)
Pairing: Bucky x Female Reader
Summary: You know one thing, James Buchanan Barnes was trustworthy and you weren't. When he inserts himself into your family drama and past can you show you're worthy of his trust or deign to hurt him as most of life has?
Word Count: 4,219
Warnings: Eventual Smut, night terrors, angst, canon typical violence, implied child abuse and cursing. 18 and older only
A/N: Hey guys! Thank you for coming back for chapter two! 💖 I am trying to get these out weekly and I don’t see that being an issue. Things are still building and the smut is coming. Hahah If you’re holding out hold out just a smidge longer. 😘
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The drive should have been short but Bucky got a bit turned around or at least that's what he claimed, blaming the change in road names from his more formative years. Though you doubted that had truly changed.
"Your dad gets into trouble often?" Bucky's casual tone did little to hide his curiosity. He had always prided himself on being shrouded in mystery but you were just a mystery.
"Not lately but the old man seems to think to make deals with the local gang is better than taking money from his Avenger daughter." You miss Bucky's eyebrows raising, you weren’t kidding on having father issues. “Even if they’ll kill him when he fails to pay back.”
"Too much pride?" You remain silent, "too much guilt then?" You feel a stab in your chest, Bucky was too observant and it was impacting your ability to keep your private life just that, private. You couldn’t find it in yourself to be upset over it, after all, if you trusted anyone to know these parts of you it’s him. However, you weren’t going to be forthcoming.
"Listen Bucky I'm all for team building and such but this isn't a ‘let's get to know the weird father-daughter relationship’ moment." You look out the passenger window making air quotes, the familiar run-down buildings setting you on edge for the second time tonight.
"This is a ‘help your teammate kill a bunch of local thugs from killing her lousy excuse of a father’ moment." When Bucky stops the car he turns his head towards you as you continue. 
"And then maybe," you emphasized by pushing your pointer finger in his chest and he had to hold back the smile that would certainly piss you off, "Maybe we can talk about aforementioned fucked up relationship."
"Annoyed always looks good on you," Bucky steps out of the car missing the way you ground your teeth together at his smart ass response. Stepping out of the car you mutter, "I will not kill my teammate, I will not kill my teammate."
"What was that Toots?" Bucky calls out setting Betsy’s barrel upside down on his shoulder. 
"Nothing," Bucky smirks, able to hear you clear as day but to miss an opportunity to tease you wasn’t in Bucky. 
Rolling the silencer on your handgun you make your way around the corner to the front of a building you had thought left in your past. The double doors had one guy with a bat in his hand guarding. You held back a scoff if they knew you were coming clearly they forgot how you took care of business. Though back then your business was taking care of their issues, not them.
Walking up to the man before he could raise his bat you shot him dead center in the forehead. Bucky whistled as the body slumped to the ground.
Opening the double doors you took out two more mob thugs while Bucky pulls the bat-wielding thug into the building by his metal arm. 
“This is gonna get messy huh?” Bucky trusted you wouldn’t kill an innocent or lure him to do the same but he had to express his concerns.
“Anyone in here would shoot you and your family before you could ask for mercy.” Bucky signaled towards the hallway on your right, his hearing picking up the sound of oncoming footsteps.
“You used to do the killing for us.” A short older man pointed a machine gun at you three others behind him. Without a response, you shot him in the chest and then in the head as Bucky’s gun went off three times in a row taking care of the gentlemen’s back up. 
You didn’t dare look at Bucky, not wanting to answer the questions he probably had until this was all over.
After plenty of bullets, snapped necks and broken limbs you cracked your knuckles at the "final boss" door. This door was familiar though, you had spent a good portion of your youth protecting the people behind it and fighting their battles for them all at the expense of your humanity just to pay your father's debts. 
"I'd rather you stay out here Bucky." He chortled and shook his head in disbelief.
"Not gonna happen." He stepped up next to you bumping his shoulder against yours. You sighed, your shoulders raising at the growing anxiety of what Bucky may hear. Turning your head towards him he looked at you from the corner of his eyes then turns at his waist.
Reaching over with his metal hand he wiped away blood splattered on your cheek once again. If he were being honest with himself he'd tell you he hated seeing that crimson red stain your beautiful face. But he wasn't always good at being honest with himself.
You study his face trying to get a read on him after so much shared carnage. There's a softness in his eyes that's misplaced in a room full of death.
"Just remember I never said I was always a good person." Before Bucky could ask any follow-up questions you kicked the steel-reinforced door in, watching it fall down.
A smile played at the corner of your lip hearing the cry of a man being crushed under the weight of the door and the following crunching coupled with a pain-filled groan as you both stepped on top of the door making your way into the room.
Bucky checked the magazine in Betsy as you survey the remaining five thugs and a weathered senior man sitting at a desk center of the room. His hand resting on a firearm laid on top of the desk. No one appeared to be making the first move.
"Well well." The old man's voice nails on a chalkboard, just like all those years ago. You had to stop yourself from charging at him when he spoke your name with fondness.
"Keep my name out of your mouth!" You command.
"Come on now, you can't be mad at me after everything?" His sun leathered hand patting the handgun still resting on the desk. Your eyes cut to the worn corner where the wood was lighter with indents from your head being slammed against it when you failed as a teenager and young adult.
"After all your father is the one who brought you into this," his other hand waved around the room, "Only fitting this world be the reason for his demise?" You curled your fingers into fists at your side. Bucky glances down with a creased brow, standing up a bit straighter in reaction.
"Whatever he owes, whatever he did isn't worth his life Marco." Marco chuckled. "Either I kill you or you let me pay what he owes, with interest."
Marco stands up slamming both hands on the desk yelling out in Italian, Bucky aims Betsy dead center in Marco’s chest. You catch the movement out of the corner of your eye satisfied at his reflexes. Always nice to have a super-soldier master assassin on your side.
"He is bad man,” his voice thick with broken English with his growing ire “You know better than any.”
“He lives?" Marco raises his hands up as he speaks. "No, no. That's not the code you swore to when you left me." He smiles keeping eye contact. You nod to Bucky and he lowers his gun, confused but trusting you.
"Badman is a dead man, no? Tesoro,” his works eerily soft causing you to flinch, “he deserves to pay for what he made you do."
"What you made me do." You gritted out between clenched teeth. Your hands flexed open and closed along your pant legs.
"A-ah. He brought you to me, a gift, a debt paid. He is just as guilty if not more." His voice was full of the condescension you were much too familiar with. It was like stepping back in time except you knew this old decrepit man held no fear over you and could do nothing in retaliation, nothing long-lasting at least.
"Just think about it, Tesoro.” the nickname rolling off your tongue makes you want to wretch. “I know he is your father but what would your sweet moth-" before he could finish a knife flew from your hand, planting firmly between his eyes. Not missing a moment Bucky fired in quick succession laying waste to remaining thugs in the room before they even knew their boss was dead.
Marco's voice cracks as if still trying to finish the word before going silent and crumpling across the ornate desk chair. Walking up to Marco's corpse you pulled the knife out wiping the blood on his shirt before putting it away.
Pulling out your phone you went to recent and waited for an answer.
"You did it, shithead?" Bucky could hear over the phone, his brow still furrowed. He had to wonder what kind of man was your father? If this was any glimpse, none at all.
"It's done, send the cleanup.” You pause watching the color drain from Macro’s body. “Don't ever call me again." You assert before hanging up still looking at Marco's face. Bucky took a step towards you. He stretches his arm out to place his hand on your shoulder but stilled when you spat in Marco's face.
Bucky caught the small tremors in your hands as you placed your phone back in your pocket. The ragged breath you pulled in left an ache in his chest. He was overwhelmed by the need to hold you in his embrace until you feel safe. Have you ever felt safe?
Even with everything he had done in the war and as a brainwashed HYDRA assassin he could still remember feeling loved and safe. The way his mother would card her fingers through his hair when he couldn't sleep as a child. Or how it felt when his sisters would dogpile on him. He felt safe. 
He had to wonder once more did you ever feel safe? He wasn't so sure.
"Fucking hated this place. Let's go!" You extolled, turning around to face Bucky with a haunting smile. 
This was different than his beloved murder smile. Whatever this was, he knew it was a front. It reminded him of all those smiles Steve would give him after army rejections. A smile to hide the pain.
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The ride back to your car in front of your father’s shop was silent. Which between the two of you wasn't uncharacteristic but there was a newfound tension like static in the air.
What could you share with him that could ease his mind? What parts of you were left to give? Your train of thought was halted as Bucky pulled up next to your parked car.
"See you back at the compound." Bucky's grip on the steering wheel tightened as he spoke. You opened the car door, the smell of the incoming dawn wafting into the small confines of the car. You started to leave the car but paused
"I-uh," Bucky watched you from the corner of his eyes. His fingers relax their hold on the steering wheel waiting for what you had to say. "I have a place not far from here," Bucky raises an eyebrow and you grunted.
"After all that happened tonight, I'd much rather lay in bed than drive all the way upstate." Bucky nodded in agreement.
"I'll see you when you get back then Toots." You sighed, rather dramatically Bucky let out a soft chuckle.
"I'm inviting you to join you, idiot." His eyes narrowed at the name-calling. After tonight he didn't want to hear another disparaging word out of your mouth for a while, if ever. It only reminded him of how you have been treated.
"I'll come with but don't talk to me like you do your father." His tone clipped but you simply smiled back at him as you stepped out of the car texting Bucky the address.
"Thought you wanted to be my Daddy, Barnes?" He didn't miss the coquettish tone and smile but failed to reciprocate. 
"From what I can tell that man was no dad." Bucky looked down at his phone surprised how close the address was. "See you there." He finalized and you shut the door making your way to your own vehicle. 
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When Bucky entered your fifth-floor apartment he wasn't sure what he'd find in a space that was entirely your own. At the compound you kept things pretty minimal, some jewelry on a dresser, clothes organized, a black and white poster of some European city during the day but no real personal effects. Hell outside of a photo Wanda gave you from a team outing there was nothing in your room that showed who it belonged to.
Bucky found it odd at first however if anyone came into his room he wasn't sure there'd be terribly too much to indicate it was his either outside. Maybe the workout bench and weights he kept when he didn't want to be in the gym with others. There was also that vintage New York Dodgers poster you bought for him, similar to the one you got for Steve. 
Seeing your apartment, it made sense to him now, you kept yourself here. The living room was full of warm tones, throw blankets that looked dangerously soft, two giant filled bookcases and photos all over the place. Soft lighting encasing the room in comfort.
"It's not much," your voice pulling him from his analysis, "but it's mine." The soft ending in your tone warmed him, it was clear you were trusting him with something no one else had seen. 
The pile of mail on the other side of the door you picked up along with dust he could see on the bookcases alluded to it being a place you hadn't seen in a while. Sensing his scrutiny you felt the need to justify yourself.
"I used to stay here more often but the compound is easier for missions," You set the pile of mail on the old writing desk across from a small kitchen. Bucky's eyes caught on a framed photo next to the mail. A young woman is holding a toddler in front of your father's butchery, the building looks newer than it does now and the woman in clothes not of a recent style.
"Who's that?" Bucky looks up to catch you stretching your arms above you with your back facing him. Watching the small of your back slowly be revealed as the shirt rises, he licks his lips rapidly losing interest in the photo. But when you turned around and caught sight of what he was referring to you wrapped your arms around yourself. 
"That's me and Mom," you turn back around. Only then does he realize she does look an awful lot like you or was it you looked like her? The stark difference was her face, it appeared softer. 
Your face often held hard lines that Bucky wanted to soften with his hands. Your edges so jagged, he longed to cut himself on them. Know you intimately, deeper levels you rarely showed. The times your face would soften the most recently have been over the past few months with him. A small part of him hoping it meant you were opening up to him in ways he could burrow inside and never leave.
Bucky set his duffle back containing Betsy and gear on the floor next to the one you had set down before grabbing the mail.
"Where your ma'?" Bucky trailed his fingers on the desk as he followed behind you slowly. You turn your head and he sees your side profile, the soft lights do little to hide the pain in your eyes.
"Same place as yours." He inhales quickly at your response. "Shower down the way there," you gesture towards a cracked open door. "Bed is that way." You gestured to the hallway opposite of bathroom door and make your way down the same hallway as he heads towards the bathroom. A good scrubbing sounded nice.
When Bucky stepped out of the shower he noticed the dark blue sweatpants and a grey shirt laying on the bathroom counter that were certainly not there before. A soft blush covered his cheeks at the thought of you walking in on him showering. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about you and the past few hours. Had he been so distracted in the shower that he missed you coming in? That wasn’t like him at all. 
However, he left his guard down around you more so than he should, at least that’s what Steve had expressed concern over. Bucky shook his head, what did that punk know anyway? He couldn’t even talk to women.
After drying his hair until slightly damp he pulled the sweatpants on. They were almost too snug on him but clearly too big for you. The thought that someone else, a guy particularly, leaving them here caused an unsettling burn in his chest. He knew you weren't his but he'd be lying if he didn't relish the thought of you being so one day. Pushing the burning sensation down he made his way to the hallway you had mentioned he could find a bed.
Finding the first door he came across open he felt his jaw slide open. Your hair was down damp, wearing obscenely short sleep shorts and a tank top that strained against pebbled nipples. Swallowing away the dryness in his throat Bucky looked towards the ceiling before clearing his throat. 
"Where's the guest room?" You tilted your head at him in confusion. Turning down the sheets you crawled into the bed.
"What guest room?" Bucky eyes stopped tracing patterns in the ceiling design to look back at you in equal confusion.
"You said a bed was down the hall." Your hand gestured to the bed in reply as you lay on your side. You tried and failed to cover the smile as Bucky became flustered with realization.
"I'll take the couch." You frowned at him and patted the open space next to you.
"Don't be silly, the bed is big enough for both of us," you couldn't help the coquettish smile that pulls on your lips, "Unless you're scared of sleeping next to me."
Bucky swallows the growing lump in his throat. He wasn't scared of you, never had been regardless of some teammates’ concerns. His main concern lay with the ever-growing attraction he felt toward you. 
Bucky felt himself caving, the last time the two of you shared a bed it was after rather traumatic night terror this was different. This wasn’t comfort-based. 
"I won't bite you Bucky," bending your arm and resting the side of your head on the palm of your hand, you watch with growing interest at what the super soldier will do.
Laying down next to you Bucky folds his arms under his head and turns his head towards you with that beautiful smile that took your breath away more often than not.
"That's a shame Toots." You sputter at his response and turn towards the side table under the guise of turning the light off to hide your embarrassment, feeling the warmth in your cheeks and moving down to your chest.
With your back to him, you lay down and close your eyes, trying to push down the desire to curl up to the warmth radiating off his body. Bucky let out a huff hot air pushing against your back, he wraps his metal arm over your stomach, warm flesh arm snaking under you to pull your back to his chest.
Before you can start verbal spar over his actions he locks his arms around you, fingers curling into the softness of your abdomen. The intimacy of the touch taking away any thoughts you tried to voice. There was unfamiliar security in his touch that left you wearisome. Resigning that you wouldn’t be able to stop this, and honestly not wanting to you close your eyes once more. 
Bucky satisfied at your body relaxing into his hold he smiles against the top of your head.
“So is this a get to know the weird father-daughter relationship moment?” Bucky teased into your ear.
You groan a hand flying back to smack him in the head but he grabs it pulling it down to rest on your abdomen encased by his arm. You could practically hear your heartbeat thudding in your chest as his fingers intertwined with yours. Certain his superhuman hearing picking up on it.
“This is a go-to-sleep moment,” you hiss out. Trying to quell the fluttering in your chest.
“I’m not tired though.” Bucky whines in your ear, “Tell me a story,” his fingers curling into your palm between your fingers. Looking down at where he held your hand you could feel yourself giving in. Oh, how easy it would be to just fall for Bucky Barnes.
“There once was a little girl,” Bucky pulls you flush to him, leaning his head down to nuzzle into your neck inhaling deep. You were fairly certain he could feel the increasing pace of your pulse at the touch.
“Things were good for her, for a while,” closing your eyes you continue, letting his embrace soothe your growing unease at opening up. “She had a father who would pat her head sometimes but outside of that he had no love to give her but that was okay because her mother who loved her so much made up for the loss,”
“Sounds like a great mom,” Bucky whispers against your neck, his lips resting against your pulse.
“She was, she tried so hard to make her little girl happy,” you paused “But they knew something was different about their little girl. She broke bottles, toys, and cribs with the slightest grip of her fingers. One time she held a glass too tight and it shattered,” You smirked recalling the panic in your mother and father, time having a way to make the most macabre funny.
“That was the only time the little girl saw her mother cry.”  Though remembering your mother’s fear was not all that funny.
“After that, her mother kept smiling and telling her how special and wonderful she was. Neither of them knew what to do with their child. As the little girl grew her mother taught her to be cautious of pressure, always guiding the little girl’s tiny but powerful hands.” Bucky pulled your hand from against your stomach eyes peering from your neck. He notices the faint scars on the palms of your hand.
“Gentle hands like your holding an egg,” you mused, “That’s what her mom would say.” 
“What happened to her,” Bucky’s face so close to your neck you could feel the heat and moisture.
“She was murdered,” Bucky’s body tensed around you, your monotone recount of her death chilling. “Someone tried to rob the butchery, she stood up against them and paid the ultimate price.” 
“There were no more gentle hands, just the overwhelming drive of vengeance and a cold distant father.” You felt Bucky slowly relax around you, his head nuzzling into your neck once more. “He asked the mob for help in getting the person who did it in exchange for services. I was 11 at the time and Marco was just a business associate of my dad’s to me.”
“Then I killed that man who touched my friend I held worth to my father for once, he made a trade.” You trembled at the memory of being handed off to the mob, you could almost hear your cries at your father’s retreating figure. Bucky cocoons you with his warmth and the feel of his chest even breathing slowly reeling you back to the present.
He turns you in his embrace, laying you flat on the bed as he remains on his side. You didn’t know you had been crying until the cool pad of his metal fingers and warmth of his flesh thumb wipe them from your cheeks.
“You didn’t have a choice Toots, you were their weapon.” You shake your head in his hands.
“No you didn’t have a choice, I did. I could have left,” Bucky’s lips downturn at the omission. “I choose to kill those people for them and I will work until my dying breath to kill the right ones from now on.” Not wanting to talk about it anymore, you bury your face into his chest and sigh with content at the feel of Bucky’s embrace and smell surrounding you. 
“I’m not saying we had the same choices or the same circumstances that led us to do what we did but I will say,” Bucky pauses lifting your chin up but you keep your eyes closed.
“Don't ever tame your demons Toots, they keep you alive.” Opening your eyes you hold your breath at the sight of moonlight illuminating his face. You knew Bucky was handsome but coupled with his words and gentle touch you never believed a human being could be so beautiful to you.  It scared you. 
Burrowing your face back into his chest he lets out a soft chuckle. He wraps his arms around you, dipping his face down into your hair, inhaling deep. The two of you slowly drift to sleep. 
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iamknicole · 4 years
Just the Two of Us (15)
Lainey worked half the day then let her stylists know she was leaving and her parents would be there sometime before closing to lock up. Figuring the ride to see Marcie was a good time, Lainey decided to tell them about her plans.
They'd taken Cam's Tahoe since Cam wanted to drive. Benny made sure both his brother's cars were taken care of and ready for them because he just honestly didn't want them driving his. Benny and Lainey say in the middle row and Zion in the passenger seat.
"Hey, can you turn that down for a second?" Lainey asked over the music.
Cam turned the music down, glancong at his sister in the rear view mirror. "I'm going the wrong way or something?"
"No, I just wanna talk."
Benny was silently praying that it wasn't another sex question. After the two hour talk he had with her, he didn't think he could take any more torture.
Zion turned in his seat to look at her. "Whats up?"
"Sooo I'm gonna be gone from Friday night till Monday night."
Benny let go a sigh of relief. "Where you goin?"
"Charles invited me to stay the weekend with him in Atlanta at his house. And I told him I would." She said with a smile.
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"You might as well call him and tell him you can't go," Cam fussed. "Must be out ya mind if you think you going 6 hours away with some man we don't know."
Lainey huffed. "He's a freaking governor, he's not gonna do anything to ne and ruin his career."
"Why can't he come here like he been doing?" Benny asked rubbing his beard.
"Because he has stuff to do there. He wants to but he can't keep. So I'm gonna go."
Zion shook his head, "We appreciate the honesty this time around but Lainey, you sure about this? You don't know this cat."
"No, yall don't know him," She smiled, "I know him and I like him. Can yall please be supportive?"
Benny adjusted in his seat thinking everything over. He waved his sister to live her life but he wanted her to be careful. "Listen, you can go under one condition."
"What's that?"
"We take you down there and stay for a little while."
"I'll take it! But please don't threaten him and not longer than two hours."
Cam chuckled, "That's fine but an hour of that is just us and him."
Lainey knew not to argue, she would take what she would get.
Lainey jumped out as soon as Cam put it in park and crossed the street. She had to pee and they were taking too long. Jogging across the pretty much empty street, she got to Marcie's porch and rung the doorbell a few times. She bounced from foot to foot waiting on her friend.
"Hey, girl," Marcie laughed opening the door. "Whats wrong?"
Lainey invited herself in, "They wouldn't stop to let me pee. I gotta go, they coming."
With that, Lainey ran upstairs the bathroom and Marcie stood at the door waiting. She watched the brothers walk across the street and waved. They waved back politely.
"Damn," Cam cussed under his breath.
Benny shook his head laughing, "She married man."
Cam laughed, "So is Melissa."
Benny shrugged playfully, "You got me there."
Marcie let them into her house and to the livong room area. She walked over to the kitchen.
"Thank yall so much for coming here. I have water, juice, and tea. What would yall like? We're gonna be here for a little second."
"Water is fine, Marcie," Benny answered, "Did you get to meet my brothers at the party?"
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Marcie shook her head getting the food together she made for them.
"No, I didn't. Melissa and Lainey hogged me to themselves most if the night. Lainey talks about yall a lot though so I feel like I have." She picked up the platter and walked it over sitting it down on the table in front of them. "I made some chicken, potatoes and broccoli for lunch since yall were coming."
Zion smiled, "You aint have to but we glad you did."
Marcie laughed, "You're welcome. You must be Zion and you must be Cameron. Its nice to actually meet you guys."
"Just Cam is fine, my mama is the only that calls me that and it's only when I'm in trouble."
Benny and Zion laughed under their breath as they fixed their plates. Their older brother was the biggest flirt between the three of them.
"Cam it is then. I'm gonna go grab the papers really quick."
Cam nodded watching her leave the room and whistled lowly. "The Lord is testing me and my patience."
Benny scoffed, "You wouldn't know what patience was if it fell in your lap."
Lainey beat Marcie back to the living room. She sat on the sofa across from them, eyeing them wearily. They laughed when they noticed her looking at them.
"I don't know what yall doin or was talkin about but nip it." She warned in a whisper.
Zion sucked his teeth. "We ain't did shit yet."
"Uhuh, yet. I know yall."
Marcie came back with the papers, as she crossed the room Lainey watched her brothers then realized it was mostly Cameron.
After four hours the papers were finally done. Lainey helped Marcie clean up their mess. They sat around talking for a little while until Randall walked in. He smiled politely as he spoke to each of them.
"Lainey, always nice to see you. You look nice." He said politely.
"Thanks, Randall. We were just leaving."
Randall stuffed his hands in his pockets, "Oh no, don't leave on my account. I'm just gonna get changed and go work on my boat."
Lainey hummed, "You're always working on that thing. Either you don't know what you're doing or its junk."
Randall have a stiff laugh. "I'm putting my father's boat back together actually. It got badly damaged during a storm."
Marcie bumped her friend's shoulder, "Its sentimental. He loves that thing. Go ahead, Randall."
Randall nodded and bowed out heading upstairs. The men didn't miss the way he looked back on his way upstairs but they didnt want to say anything without knowing.
"Well since Turbo is home, we're gonna go." Lainey huffed getting her purse.
Marcie laughed, "Hush before he hears you calling him that. But don't go, stay a little longer."
"I'd love to but I gotta get back home. We promised our nephew we'd spend time with him and I need to start packing."
"Ooh yeees, I almost forgot about your lil sleep away trip with your boo," Marcie grinned, "You excited?"
"She bet not be too damn excited," Cam fussed.
Marcie waved him off. "She can be excited. That's her man and she finally gets alone time with him away from you three. Uhuh, she told me about yall."
"I dont care what her lil sassy self said."
Marcie laughed and turned back to her friend, "Anyway, I hope you have fun and I got you something to take with you."
Lainey laughed at her brothers' expressions. "Go wait in the car, I'm coming."
"Nope, we wanna see what she got you." Cam said getting comfortable.
Marcie rolled hwr eyes playfully and got up then pulled her froend up from the sofa. Lainey grabbed her purse and followed her friend.
"You jist can't help yourself, can you," Zion asked laughing. "Fighting counts as flirting. And you know that."
Cam laughed, "Give me some credit at least I don't have her legs on my shoulder."
"Chill," Benny laughed, "She sat her ass on my desk, aight. Damn."
Randall came back downstairs in lounging clothes. He stared the three men down then went to the kitchen to grab water and went out the back door.
"Who the fuck was he staring at?" Zion asked sitting up. "Fuck is his problem?"
Benny shrugged adjusting his hat, "Must know competition when he sees it."
The women came back whispering with each other. They all said their goodbyes and Marcie walked them out to their car. She waved to her neighbors then rolled her eyes making Lainey laugh.
"Ooh that reminds me," Marcie huffed, "I gotta text Melissa."
"About what?" Lainey asked.
"Well she needs to get her mind off of a certain someone," Marcie said looking briefly at Benny, "And out of that apartment I'm gonna get her to come to this dinner party Friday."
"She better stop thinking about Benny."
Marcie laughed, "You know, I know and he knows that she thinks he's cute. But I need a friend at this stupid dinner party Alex is throwing. I don't wanna go but Randall's always so excited to go hang out with Brad."
"Mmhm," Lainey said hugging her, "Well yall have fun. Ima call yall later while I'm packing. And thank you again for this. I dunno if I'll use it but at least I'll have it."
"Trust me, you will." Marcie moved to hug her brothers, lingering in Cameron's arms before walking back across the street to her house.
Lainey smacked the back of his head snapping him from his thoughts. He flies ched hard and stared at her.
"And yall talking about me being a hot ass. You get your hot ass in the car and stop looking at my friend. You too Benny. I don't know what happened but it better not happen again."
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