#I'm honestly excited to write it
izzydaninja · 7 months
Sonic Frontiers - Rewrite (Preview)
With one more push forward, he’s engulfed by blinding white everywhere, and soon the static starts to retreat, and his body starts to wake up: feeling a more natural coolness rush over him with a breeze.
“Mmmhh…” He groans aloud, and being able to audibly hear his voice around himself was enough of a relief. Then he forces his hands under himself and pushes off the grass.
His surroundings felt like a dizzying swarm of overwhelming sounds and feelings all at once, he almost wished he was back in that dream-realm.
Bracing himself on a knee as the fog in his head receded: he was steady enough; he opened his eyes. The brightness of daylight breaking through the cloudy view overhead sent him reeling all over again. He had to blink a few times: shaking the headache away as best he could, before he got to his feet.
“Ngh–Guys..?” He groaned, searching his surroundings.
There were no signs of his friends or the Tornado anywhere, and that was–to say the least–alarming.
“Amy? Tails?” He called, cupping his hands around his mouth. He waited for a response, but none came.
With a jolt, he tensed and searched the skies, expecting to see someone or something overhead, but there was nothing. With a quick glance around him, he asks: “..Who? Me?”
“You have done the impossible. You have escaped Cyber Space through your own power.”
He slowly loosened his stance, keeping his guard up, looking along the rocky walls, and cloudy sky overhead: rain falling all around.
“You.. are the key.”
He stood; fists ready on either side of him as he glared at the sky. This whole thing was beyond fishy to him. Just the starting phrase: “mortal,” was an easy indicator to not trust them.
He waited a moment longer, arms crossing with a huff as he taps his foot.
“Find the Chaos Emeralds. Destroy the Titans. Tear down the walls between Dimensions.”
His arms tighten. This voice was being strangely vague. “Yeah, no thanks. I’ll do my own thing.” He points to himself with a bit of a smile before zipping off through the little cavern and straight for more open space.
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ACT 2 "You're... me?" "That's right, stardust!"
You know I've been drawing Loop as their Siffrin form so much that it's got me thinking. I've read and seen so many fics and artworks of Loop eventually getting back to looking like their old self, but I don't think I've seen any so far of Loop already being a mirror copy of Siffrin. So uh, yoink?
ISAT AU where the game plays out the same way (plot-wise at least) but Loop looks like Siffrin the whole time and while Siffrin is extremely perplexed that there's another him, he's still gotta accept their help because how else are they supposed to escape the loops? Good ol' Loop is here to help, helpful friendly Loop!
Siffrin is going through it still but Differently.
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mothwingwritings · 4 months
Animal Magnetism
F!Reader X Yujiro Hanma (Omegaverse AU)
Well folks, here is my first ever attempt at a true Omegaverse fic. I wanted to start out with something little to get a feel for it, but since I don’t know how to chill it ended up being a bit longer than anticipated. ^^; I’m still getting the hang of it all, but I hope you enjoy it regardless! Thank you so much for reading!!!
Also, I have a rather busy end of May-June coming up, so I’m not sure how much I will be able to write and update during that time. I apologize in advance. That being said, I wrote this pretty fast and edited it even faster so that I could get it out before I get swamped, so I apologize if it reads a bit rushed. (シ_ _)シ
WARNINGS: Noncon/dubcon, yandere vibes, ABO/Omegaverse AU (reader is the omega ofc), death, strangulation, brief mentions of stalking, reader is degraded and treated like an object by Yujiro Hanma. You know how it is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
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You considered yourself lucky to have found the love of your life.
That wasn’t always the case for Omegas. Since your childhood, you’d heard countless horror stories from your parents and friends, tragedies and cautionary tales of the horrors Omega’s faced when looking for a mate. Many of your kind faced dismal futures as breeding factories or were forgotten and neglected by their partners whenever they weren’t in heat. It was a lonely, painful, and unfulfilling existence, but a sad reality that many Omega’s endured nonetheless.
Because of this your parents sheltered you, doing their best to keep you from the cruel power imbalance of the outside world. Your father made sure he was the only alpha allowed near you on the property, the rest of your friends and acquaintances consisting of either other Omega’s or Beta’s. Not that you much minded, after all the negativity you heard surrounding Alpha’s you figured this was for the best. You weren’t missing out on anything, and as long as you took your suppressors accordingly, you were sure you could live out the rest of your life just fine without Alpha influence and still feel completely fulfilled.
That was to say, until a certain bodyguard was hired as the family escort, specifically YOUR escort. You had heard he was an Alpha and were quite shocked that your father would allow such a person so close to you, especially with all his previous warnings. But as time passed and your curiosity grew, you would eventually introduce yourself to the man of your own accord, excited and nervous to see what manner of individual he truly was. At the time, you would have never ended up guessing that one meeting would end up turning your entire world on its head, bringing more joy to your life than you could have ever imagined.
You were smitten the moment your hands joined in the initial shake, taken in by his easy smile and sparkling eyes. He had respectfully kept his distance from you at your father’s request, but you could tell he was elated to finally speak with you, a small blush gracing his cheeks as soon as you said ‘hello’. He was a kindly man, mild mannered and soft spoken, but strong where it mattered and protective to a fault. Were it not for the unmistakable scent that exuded from him, you wouldn’t guess he was an Alpha at all, or at least he certainly didn’t fit the description of most of the Alpha’s your father warned you about-all full of machismo and brutality, ready at a moment’s notice to tear you apart to satisfy their own base urges.
This man was the opposite of that, and when you fell for him, you fell hard.
Years past in a whirlwind, from the initial awkward first dates, to buying your own place together, to his heartfelt proposal to you. Through it all he always remained respectful, giving you all the space and time you needed to adjust to your life with him, never pushing his boundaries or showing any untoward aggression or advances.  Because of this, even after spending years together, you were able to remain pure, saving yourself for the day the two of you would join as one, marking each other to truly solidify your union.
And so time marched on, moving so fast that on more than one occasion you wished you could stop the clock altogether, just to steal a few more moments with him.
But now, you would never enjoy his company ever again.
His corpse had been tossed aside, discarded several feet from where you lay. It was so bloodied and broken you could barely recognize it as human, let alone as someone you once loved. Your chest rose and fell with erratic breaths punctuated by fear, the desire welling inside of you momentarily quelled by this sudden nightmare.
Minutes ago he was atop you, peeling the clothing from your aching, hot body. Moving painfully slow, he took his time enjoying your first heat with him, no longer constrained by the suppressors you had taken your whole life. You were scared of the process, worried about losing control of yourself and becoming mindless, driven by only your base needs. Not to mention the pain it would entail, the endless torture of emptiness, and the desperation you would experience relying solely on him for release from your torment.
But he had been patient and understanding through the whole process, explaining how it would all go down and how he would help you through it, alleviating any rogue fears that still remained. He even went so far as to help you prepare your nest, purchasing you any and everything you may need to make it comforting and inviting for when the time finally arrived. Meticulously helping you arrange everything while gushing about how excited he was, how lucky he felt having you as his mate, the one he would be eternally bonded too. He seemed more into the prep work than even you did.
Now, the nest that was to be used to consummate your love was stained in crimson, his blood splashing across it in vibrant streaks the moment he was knocked off you, flung across the room like a rag doll. No matter how badly you wanted to, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the lifeless body that used to be your beloved. Everything that had made him shine had been stolen in the blink of an eye, leaving only a husk remaining.
Above him stood his murderer, Yujiro Hanma, looming with a bestial sort of feral energy as he stared at the carcass by his feet.  Before this moment, you had never interacted with the man they called ‘The Ogre’, but that didn’t mean you didn’t know all about him. It was hard not to-the strongest man in the world was a celebrity in his own right, renowned the world over for his ferocity and ruthless nature. He had started and ended wars by simply existing, going wherever he pleased and doing whatever he wanted because there was no one who could stop him. He ruled countries from the shadows, amassed wealth and respect from the most influential men in the world. Truly, he was not a person to be reckoned with.
All that aside, you knew him best as the man your father despised the most. A once respected comrade from your father’s military days, you were aware that Yujiro had done something unspeakable to your father in the past, therefore disgracing him from your entire family. Your father had always been an amicable and fair man, someone that you couldn’t imagine having any enemies (even with his military background), let alone ones that used to be dear friends. And while the mystery of what Yujiro may have done to your father to receive this treatment gnawed incessantly at your brain, you kept your questions to yourself, not wanting to open any old wounds that may hurt him in the process.
Now you wished you had pressed the issue more, maybe then you would have a clue as to why this mythical family villain had abruptly entered the scene, irrevocably changing your life in the process.
The slaughter happened so quickly that Yujiro didn’t even break a sweat. Not that he would have anyway-the differences in ability were clear as day, you didn’t need any fighting prowess to realize that. Your mate never stood a chance.
The ogre’s fiery hair danced wildly around his head like a halo as he turned his attention your way, his figure both terrifying and awe inspiring as he took his time stalking towards your vulnerable form. There was no need for him to rush- the power of his presence alone was enough to root you in place.
Splayed out in your nest, you were completely exposed. Your nude chest heaving as a thin layer of sweat coated you, anxiety and confusion mingling with the raging heat your body was going through. Even after watching the execution of your mate before your very eyes, your body was still yearning, causing a horrible, all-encompassing burning that scalded you from the inside out. It made you desperate for release as your mate was in the process of marking you, taking his time exploring the body of the woman with whom he was destined to spend the rest of his life with before carrying out the duty.
And while his drawn out advance was driving you to the point of madness, amplifying the throbbing ache in your core with each teasing touch of his hands and sensual kiss of his lips, you knew the sluggish pace was for your benefit-to prepare you properly. It was your first time, the start of your forever with him. He wanted to make it special, for your pleasure to be immeasurable when he finally entered you, making you feel so good that when he bit down to mark you as his, the pain would be nothing in comparison, if felt at all. You had a life time of love ahead of you, but that was no excuse for him to give in to his desire and rush your first union.
But he was gone now, and his kindness had left you feverish and wanting-so desperately wanting- release. Craving your alpha, needing him so badly you could barely stand it, you writhed pathetically on the ground, whimpering in agony at the absence of fulfillment. Unable to control yourself, your hand traveled to your privates, tears flooding your eyes when stuffing your fingers deep inside of yourself only seemed to hurt you more. It was hollow and empty, not what you needed, not what you craved.
Were you in your normal mindset, revulsion would have washed over you at your actions-the love of your life had just been slain and here you were making a sorry attempt at masturbation while his body lay decomposing beside you. What kind of woman does that? How could you live with yourself after this? How could you tell yourself you truly love him, when now that he’s gone the only feeling your addled brain can conjure is disappointment over the fact that you won’t get the fucking you have become so desperate for?
How had you become so disgusting? You lightly shook your head, trying to dispel the thoughts of self-loathing. Perhaps the blame did not lie fully on your shoulders, but to another culprit, one who was stalking his way closer and closer to you with each passing moment, hunting you as a wolf does livestock.
In any other scenario, this heart-rending moment would have been enough to crack the shell of haze your heat had left you in, no matter how worked up you had become. But the man who was now standing above you, Yujiro Hanma, was dangerous in ways you hadn’t even begun to fathom. His smell of his musk was so overbearing you nearly choked on it, the lust it sent coursing through your body turning you into something unrecognizable. You honed in on Yujiros scent long before his arrival, at first mistaking it for your own mate’s scent that had been amplified by your combined heats. And while it disgusted you to admit it, this new, intoxicating scent excited you far more than your own lover’s ever had, turning your mind to mush the longer you inhaled its aroma.
Yujiro’s cruel eyes bore down upon you, a look of mild amusement displayed on his face as he took in your weakened state. The smirk he wore as he killed your lover began to grow, his lips spreading into a full on smile, baring his teeth in a look that could only be considered as malicious.
“Well what do we have here,” he leered, the mere sound of his husky voice enough to make you moan, “Feeling a bit neglected, are we?”
He bent down on his knee, kneeling beside you as his eyes flicked across your body. After a brief once over, his large hand reached out towards your head, thick fingers knotting themselves into a fist as they gripped your hair. Roughly he yanked you up, dangling you mere inches from his face as he continued to stare at you with his horrible, ravenous eyes.
You scrambled to get your bearings, perching yourself on your knees to help alleviate the pressure on your scalp. Positioned so closely to him, his pheromones became even more intense, slick starting to seep from inside you from the proximity alone. Bright red bloomed across your body, a mixture of extreme arousal and embarrassment, as you wriggled in his hold.
Yujiro scoffed, “Look at you, I haven’t even touched you and you’re already leaking,” He swiped his fingers briskly against your weeping pussy, making you cry out as he gathered the evidence of your intoxication on his hand. Holding the glistening fingers up to your face, his smile returned as he goaded you.  “Bet your little boyfriend lacked the power to make that happen, didn’t he?”
Any anger that may have welled inside you over the slight against your beloved was instantly quelled, eaten by the tumultuous feeling of frustration the situation ensnared you in. All you could do was stare at Yujiro with pleading eyes, any words you attempted to speak dying out the moment you tried to voice them, becoming little more than whiny, petulant mewlings. Rubbing your thighs together in an attempt to create friction, you prayed he would show an ounce of mercy and grant you release soon, fretting over how much longer your body could handle waiting.
Yujiro sighed, chuckling softly under his breath, “Your father is a damned fool, you know that? I told that stubborn bastard that his cute little Omega daughter was meant to be mine, knew it the moment I saw you. I warned him that he could try and pair you off with some other lesser Alpha, but it would be a waste of time. You were fated to be mine- made to take my cock. Trying to make you anything other than my bitch was both asinine and disgraceful.”
He shot you another wicked smile, “Idiots like him may not realize what a fucking honor it is to be my cumdump, but surely you do, right sweetheart?”
You squeaked as he tugged you closer, his breath fanning your face while he stared down his nose at you, “Or maybe you don’t, given the situation I found you in. Looks like my ravenous little whore just couldn’t contain herself, could she?”
His lips curled into a snarl, his booming voice reverberating through your bones as he continued to address your misdemeanor. “Nesting with some weak piece of shit like that, have you no pride in yourself? I’m embarrassed you even gave him the time of day, let alone bared yourself to him. Who do you think you are, trying to fuck basic trash when you belong to me?”
Without giving you a chance to respond, he released his grip on your hair, shoving you roughly to the ground in the process. Hearing him move behind you, you attempted to push your feeble body into a sitting position, trying to reacclimate yourself. However before you could achieve this simple goal, his hand latched to the back of your head, shoving it down until it was smothered in the soft blankets beneath you. His free hand yanked your legs out from under you, pulling your ass up in the process. Though you couldn’t see him, the power radiating from him was immense, his aura so domineering you felt as if it alone was steadily crushing you. Were you in any sane frame of mind you would fear for your life, struggle and fight against the oppressive hardness that slotted itself against your dripping entrance.
But the slave you had become welcomed the intrusion, and as he tightened his hold on you, growling in your ear like the wild animal he had proved himself to be, you couldn’t stop your body from shuddering in anticipation of what was to come.
“It’s time for some corrective action.”
He entered you violently, his thick cock impossibly hot as he sheathed himself inside of you. The initial pain tore a scream from your throat, your vision dotting as you felt blood trail steadily down your shaking legs. He gave you no time to adjust, continuing his brutal assault as he pounded into you, uncaring of the damage he was inflicting upon you. The smack of his skin against your was punctuated by your cries, at first full of pain, but slowly morphing into expulsions of pleasure.
When the abruptness of his entrance fully subsided, you began to focus on the feel of him inside of you. Each slam of his hips ignited you, creating a feverish frenzy within that blocked out all other sensations and judgment. He filled you so completely, easily reaching all the spots that your fingers tried so desperately to reach just moments ago, satisfying all the areas that had been so urgently in need of attention with each stroke of his cock. You wanted more, needed more, moving in time with him as you chased after your pleasure. Wanton moans spilled from your lips, muffled by the bedding that was being shoved into your mouth with each thrust.
Even in the uncomfortable position he had locked you in, unable to breathe properly or escape from his grasp, all you could find yourself caring about was the alpha behind you and how he was making you feel- a strange sense of pride bubbled inside you the longer he went at you. The most powerful man in the world was doing little more than using you, and yet it was the fact that he chose you to begin with that filled you with flattery. A nobody like you being sought out by an alpha like him... Isn’t that what all Omegas dreamed of? To be desired by a dominant Alpha, having the honor of bringing them pleasure and receiving pleasure in turn, wasn’t that your only purpose, your reason for being?
You never dreamed you would feel that way before, but now you were finally starting to understand. The delirium of your desire had launched you into a state of inescapable euphoria, rebirthing you as nothing more than a shell of a woman who had finally realized her purpose, completely giving herself over to her unquenchable cravings while her Alpha’s assault molded her destiny.
Yujiro was a monster. Any man who did what they had done to the love of your life, any man whom your father had hated to the point of excommunication, any man who would violate you in such a way without so much as batting an eye, was an abomination-the remaining rational part of your mind understood this.
Yet as this demon, deserving of nothing but your scorn and hatred, spilled himself inside of you all you could feel was thankful. Thankful that the ungodly heat was starting to subside, happy that the pain the experience had brought you was alleviated, and blissed out over the feel of him nestled deeply inside of you, convulsing as the twitch of his cumming cock rained pleasure down upon you.
Finally, you felt complete.
After pumping you full of his hefty load, he hoisted you up in his arms, repositioning you so that you were facing him, straddling his lap. Gasping the moment you gained access to fresh air, a distressed groan croaked from your throat as his incisors latched to your neck, sinking deep into your scent gland. Your body shuddered at the sensation, fresh waves of pain and rapture coursing through you as he marked you decisively as his.
The cock that was still stuffed inside of you remained rigid, showing no signs of softening as your walls fluttered around it, the next round of your heat coming far sooner than you had anticipated. His hand wrapped securely around your throat, replacing where his lips had just been. He clamped down hard, pain pulsating from the open wound your scent gland had become, struggling once more to breath. His other hand grasped your hip, both limbs working in unison to bounce you on his dick-using you as if you were a human fleshlight.
“Don’t forget your place again,” he grunted, pulling you down on his cock so harshly, you saw stars, “You’re mine now.”
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wikiangela · 5 months
tease tidbit tuesday
tagged by @bidisasterevankinard @tizniz 💖
more bucktommy the will talk (they're getting there, the conversation went a bit off track lol) - it might be done this week, and then I can focus on the smut, and the buddie fics, and I have a new bucktommy idea inspired by that video of lou barbecuing with his shirt off that I sooo wanna write🙈
prev snippet
“Well, yeah, of course.” Buck answers easily, his heartbeat speeding up. He’s a little anxious about putting too much pressure, too many expectations out there, but he also knows that even if he did, they’d get back on track, they’d be fine. And besides, Tommy’s smiling, he doesn’t seem freaked out at all. And that’s after Buck brought up children. But if they’re moving forward with their relationship, they need to know what they want out of life. It seems reasonable to have this conversation this early on.
“Good.” he responds, grinning widely. “Now I won't have to stress about your answer when I ask.” he adds, and Buck feels himself blush, butterflies in his stomach going wild. Oh. Oh. This is- this is real. They’re talking about it, and maybe someday soon- he might marry this man. He will marry this man. Tommy wants him forever. Tommy wants him. Tommy wants to marry him and have children with him, and just be with him. Sometimes it’s still so shocking to Buck that someone as great and amazing as Tommy wants him, but he does. Buck’s not sure he remembers the last time he felt this wanted.
“How- how do you know I won’t ask first?” Buck asks, moving his head slightly closer to Tommy, just enough to look into his beautiful blue eyes. It feels surreal, talking about this, when they only dated for a few months, but it also feels… right. It feels like they’re on the right track to get there one day.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @thebravebitch @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @weewootruck @loveyouanyway @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg @rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @giddyupbuck @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @underwaterninja13 @exhuastedpigeon @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @buddieswhvre @fortheloveofbuddie @your-catfish-friend @theotherbuckley @daffi-990 @dangerpronebuddie @hoodie-buck @aroeddiediaz @diazsdimples
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
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She seems brighter when she comes back, though we all ignore the blotchiness of her face, like she’s just been crying. Her lashes are a little wet too, making them long and spiky like she’s a girl from a cartoon. She and Liam are smiling into each other's faces now, mumbling vague reassurances, giggling together as though what just occurred was so silly, and hasn’t caused any genuine hurt to either of them. 
When he kisses her on the cheek she flinches slightly as though there is something objectionable or embarrassing about the way that he touches her, and in that moment his insecurity makes sense. 
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I think everyone feels bad for her then and wants for her to feel included because they start asking her questions about school which she answers enthusiastically, making sure to look very interested and engaged in what everyone is saying. It occurs to me that she’s a nice person, that she’s making an effort with others and being polite, and perhaps my initial judgement of her formality was unfair. I think I should try harder to be a nice person too, but then I wonder if it’s even in my nature to be that way. I’ve sort of already embraced being a bastard and allowed it to define me. 
“Tell everyone what you want to do in college,” Shane encourages, and Evie fiddles with the ends of her plaits. “Oh, well, art, I think.”
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“You make art?” I say.
Immediately her face reddens. It must be a side effect of her kind of complexion. 
“Yeah, I suppose I’m okay at it.”
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“Everyone says she’s great at it.” Liam says proudly, as though we are discussing his accomplishments and not Evie’s. “I haven’t seen her drawings yet, but the girls were raving about her. She draws in her sketchbook every day.”
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“That’s cool.” I speak pointedly to her and not him, “What do you draw?” 
“Just whatever I see. Landscapes, people, sometimes still life, like stuff that’s lying around in the mobile home. I really like doing it, because when I’m drawing I don’t have to think about anything else.”
I smile. Somehow it’s comforting to hear her talking about art in a way that’s wholly familiar to me, as a meditation, a form of escapism.
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“Jude is an artist too.” Jen says. “Ye have something in common.”
“Yeah, I’m studying art in college next year. I already have my place in the Berlin Academy of Fine Arts to do a degree.”
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“Oh, so you’re studying abroad?”
“Yeah, it’s going to be good. Four years in Germany, I can’t wait. I’m actually leaving at the end of the summer,” which is… about seven weeks. My palms prickle and become damp with sweat but I keep smiling. It’s fine. Everything will just fall into place as long as I don't get stressed. 
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Claire interrupts our conversation with her return, and kneels whispering urgent sounding things to Evie. I don’t hear anything but the delightful phrase “throwing up everywhere” and wonder with utter dread what exactly constitutes everywhere. On the couch? The rug? Up the walls? Well, at least it’ll be motivation to clean the house for once. Still, I’m struck by how much I fucking hate Kelly Healy in that moment, and consider suggesting that Jen clean up her vomit as penance for inviting her in the first place. 
“I can get my dad to come and collect us,” Liam is saying as he and Evie are getting up to help.
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“Is everything okay?” says Jen, and Evie smiles tightly, “Yeah, just Kelly’s sick, so we’re going to have to take her home and look after her and stuff.”
“You don’t have to go, Evie, you can stay here with us if you want.”
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She shakes her head, “No, I do. I want to go with them,” she turns to leave, but Jen quickly catches her wrist, “Hey, you should come to Dublin with us this weekend.”
“Jude and I are going to an exhibition, and you might really like it.”
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Usually I’d be pissed off that she’s changing our plans without consulting me first, but it seems like a good idea to me, actually. Maybe it’d be nice to go to an exhibition with someone who enjoys art, and not just Jen who walks around pointing at things and saying I could do that if I was bothered.
“No pressure at all,” I assure her, “but yeah, if you want to, you’re welcome. We’ll mostly be hanging out in the city for the day anyway so whatever you feel like doing.”
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Jen pats her hand and gives her a meaningful look, “I’m just saying, it might be nice to get away for an afternoon.”
Evie grins. It’s the happiest I’ve seen her look all night, “I’d love to.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
Corresponding LG Chapter
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panevanbuckley · 6 months
what if i told you i abandoned one secretly married fic to start writing another secretly married fic 👀
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nyxronomicon · 1 year
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chapter ii: truth or dare
toji x reader (she/her. tits & vagina)
cw: child neglect, fuckboy Toji, gambling, alcohol, no curses au, found family, DILF Toji, Toji is motivated by sex, reader has spicy thoughts.
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"Come in." You heard Toji's voice beckon you after you knocked on his apartment door. "It's unlocked."
You opened the door, seeing the inside of his sparse apartment for the first time. It was the epitome of a single guy's apartment: no decorative items, no artwork, just the absolute bare minimum of furniture. There were barely even any toys around. Megumi was sitting in front of the TV, looking at you apathetically.
"C'mere. Introduce yourself." Toji called out to Megumi, who silently stood and walked over to you.
"I'm Megumi." He simply stated.
"Hi Megumi." You smiled, crouching to his level to put him at ease. You gave him your name and held your hand out for a handshake. He cautiously took it, glancing at his dad.
"She'll be taking care of you tonight," Toji already seemed a little bored.
"Is she a babysitter?" The kid's eyes pierced into you. You remembered his oddly intimidating gaze from the first time you met.
"Uh," Toji glanced at you, "just a friend. Our neighbor."
"Is she the one you were talking about on the phone?" Megumi's eyes now pierced into his father.
"I told you not to eavesdrop." Toji frowned. There was an awkward pause before Megumi looked back at you.
"Why don't you go play?" Your tone was so soft and friendly, but Megumi remained apprehensive. "I'll come join you after your dad leaves, ok?" He carefully watched you a moment before nodding and returning to the living room.
"He's kid of a weird kid, sorry." Toji rubbed the back of his neck as you stood, walking over to see if he had any routines to tell you. There was an awkward pause. "You good?" Toji asked.
"Yeah," you chuckled. "Is there anything I should know about?" When Toji seemed confused, you elaborated. "You know, bedtime, dinner, whatever."
"Oh. Sorry. The kid usually takes care of himself." His mind was reeling. He was in over his head. It was blatantly obvious how little he did for Megumi at this point. "Just, uh, be there for him. I guess."
"Don't worry." You smiled, although you couldn't help but notice he didn't seem to take his father role seriously. "We'll be fine."
Truthfully, he wasn't worried about Megumi in the slightest. He was worried about you. Or rather, he was worried about what Megumi would tell you about him.
"I'm just not used to this single dad thing." He lied. "I'm trying to be better, though." Another lie. "Thanks for watching him." Toji needed to leave. He needed to let this night play out however it would and hope to hell it didn't ruin his chances of getting laid.
"It's fine, seriously." You placed a hand on Toji's bicep. He ignored the light fluttering in his stomach, plastering on a flirty grin. Before he left, he needed to make sure he'd be on your mind while he was gone.
"I might be back pretty late." His voice was cool and smooth, as if the jitters disappeared on demand. "You can sleep in my bed if you get tired." He leaned in to whisper in your ear, making sure the kid couldn't hear. "I'd love it if you were waiting there for me."
Just when you thought he wouldn't fluster you, heat rushed to your cheeks. His hand was on your waist, holding you close. "Here I thought you wouldn't flirt in front of him," you matched his hushed tone. Megumi was sitting in front of the TV, but he was still in the same room as the two of you.
"Nothing could stop me from flirting with you." He took your earlobe between his teeth, his tongue brushing against the sensitive skin and sending shivers up your spine. He tugged at it briefly before whispering, "Later, sweetheart."
When he stepped away, your heart was pounding, and you didn't know what to say. You just watched him slip his shoes on and leave. He didn't say a word to Megumi, but admittedly, you didn't really notice. The feeling of Toji's mouth on your skin burned into your mind, successfully keeping him in the back of your head for the rest of the night.
Megumi sat on the floor with a puzzle coloring book. He had a collection of mismatched crayons, colored pencils, and markers neatly lined up. His eyes were on the TV, which played a nature documentary. You sat on the floor next to him.
"Coloring?" You smiled at him. "I love to color!"
"It's a puzzle book." Megumi looked at the page in front of him. The puzzle was complete. "But it's done."
"You did all the puzzles? Wow! Did you have a favorite?" You encouraged him. He looked at you cautiously. You'd never met a five-year-old so reserved and mature. It was really kind of funny that a guy as chronically unserious as Toji had a kid like this.
He picked up the book and flipped to a page that looked like a constellation. It was a simple puzzle where you draw lines to connect numbers and eventually you see a picture. The resulting image looked like a couple of scruffy dogs, and he'd colored one white and one black.
"I liked this one the best." His eyes lit up a little, a faint smile on his face. "They're friends."
"You even colored it. They're adorable!" You beamed and patted him on the head. Megumi smiled back.
"Do you want to see the others?" He got a little more animated as he flipped through the book, explaining each puzzle and how he solved it. When he reached the end of the book, he closed it and looked a little sad.
"Do you have another puzzle book?" You asked. This one was falling apart, and seemed to have a lot more colors on the pages than Megumi had in front of him.
"No." He got quiet again, just when you thought you were making progress. He stared at the closed book in front of him.
"Let's go get one. I'm sure your dad won't mind." His eyes shot over to you, brimming with hope.
"Really? You'll get me a new one?" He stared at you, his gaze no longer piercing like earlier.
"Sure. I'll even let you pick it out." You chuckled at his adorable reaction.
"I can go with?!" His shocked eyes got wider, a smile forming on his face.
"I'm not gonna leave you here alone." You ruffled his hair. "Put your shoes on, it'll just be a quick trip, ok?"
Megumi nodded with a smile and rushed to his bedroom. While he was gone, you sent a text to Toji, just in case.
You: going to the store with Megumi to get a new puzzle book.
When Megumi returned, he carefully walked in with untied laces. "Um. I don't know how to tie my shoes. Can you help?"
"Of course." You smiled softly. "You want me to show you?"
"Yes, please!" He watched intently as you instructed him, following along as you tied one of his shoes and he tied the other.
There was a corner store nearby that had a collection of magazines. Luckily, there were a couple of kids puzzle books among them. Megumi was curiously looking around the store, seemed he really didn't get out much.
"Let's just get both." You smiled. You'd just gotten paid this week, and the books were inexpensive.
"Really?" His eyes lit up again, looking back at you.
"Sure. Do you want some candy, too?" Megumi's awed expression answered your question. He immediately looked at the shelf, unfamiliar with most of them.
"What's your favorite?" He asked.
"Hmm." You feigned contemplating the shelves, although you knew exactly what you wanted. "I like this one best." You picked up your favorite candy with a grin.
"I want that one too." Megumi grabbed the same candy and handed it to you with a beaming smile.
You checked out at the counter, smiling awkwardly when the cashier complimented your cute kid.
"I'm just babysitting." You patted Megumi's head. "You're right though, he is cute."
Megumi's eyes seemed to glitter as he watched you wrap up, following closely behind as you exited the shop. You returned to the apartment and helped Megumi remove his shoes.
"Thanks, miss MC!" Megumi excitedly grabbed one of the puzzle books and rushed to his spot in front of the TV, turning on another nature documentary.
The rest of the evening was uneventful. Megumi was hard at work with one of his puzzle books. After making him dinner, you watched nature documentaries with him, occasionally checking your phone for a message from Toji. Nothing.
When Megumi tasted your favorite candy, he beamed and claimed it was his favorite now, too.
At almost exactly 9pm, Megumi looked at you with sleepy eyes. "I'm tired. Could you, um..." he blushed a little. "Could you tuck me in?"
You couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable he was. "Of course." You smiled softly. "You want me to help you get ready?" He simply nodded, rubbing the sleep in his eyes.
You helped him change and brush his teeth. Megumi's room was sparse, like the rest of the apartment. There were a few toys, but he really didn't seem to have much. It must be tough for these two.
"Does your dad tuck you in?" You asked as you brought the blanket to his chin, smoothing it over him.
"No. My mom used to, but she left." He yawned.
"Where'd she go?"
"Dunno. She brought my sister, but I think she forgot me." He had a sad look in his eyes. You ran your fingers through his hair.
"Forgot you?" You frowned. "I can't imagine anyone forgetting such a sweet boy as you." Megumi wore a sleepy smile as he drifted off, thinking that it would be nice if you took care of him more often.
You left Megumi's room and returned to the couch, pulling out your phone to check messages. The documentary played quietly in the background. Nothing from Toji. You opened your conversation with him, typing and deleting a few messages before finally hitting send.
You: put Megumi to bed. You're right. He's a good kid.
Your phone fell silent again. You started looking around the apartment, thinking about some of the odd things Megumi said. The door to Toji's room was wide open, and you couldn't help but stare into the dark space.
Out of pure curiosity, you stood and walked in, flicking the lights on. One of the two overhead bulbs was out, bathing the room in yellow. It was a mess. Toji didn't have a bed frame, and his unmade mattress was haphazardly shoved in the corner. He had a dresser with all the drawers open, clothes hanging out from every angle. There were a couple of things hanging in the closet on wire hangers, clearly untouched since he put them there.
You snooped around a little, immediately finding a stack of divorce papers missing Toji's signature on the top of his dresser. A broken empty frame lay next to them, the photo nowhere to be found. A fifth of whiskey and a pack of cigarettes, both half empty, were on his bedside table. Little slips of crumpled up paper were strewn about the floor. You picked one up to find they were discarded tickets for horse races.
Your phone suddenly buzzed, startling you. You sat on Toji's bed and read the response you were waiting for.
Toji: you're unsupervised then ;) Toji: want me to come home, sweetheart? you can be the little spoon.
You rolled your eyes. Of course. Maybe giving him your number was a bad idea. He clearly wasn't interested in texting about his son. Not that it was a surprise, since he didn't seem interested in his son in the slightest.
You: aren't you working? Toji: lay down in my bed. I'll be home soon. You: is that a good idea? Toji: does it matter?
He had you there. After looking through his room, you knew undoubtedly this was a bad idea. That didn't change your attraction to him. The fluttering in your stomach when he flirted with you. The faint smile on your face receiving a text from him.
Toji: take a shot with me. whiskey on my bedside table. You: I thought you were working. Toji: I just finished. You: I'll wait until you're home then ;)
Your heart raced when you hit send. Something felt risky about that winking emoji, but truth be told, you couldn't stop thinking about him. You saw the red flags, but you were never really one to ignore your impulses. You scrolled through your phone to get your mind off it. Fifteen minutes passed with no response, so you laid back on his messy comforter.
It smelled like him. Of course it did. You thought about his tongue on your ear earlier, heat swelling in your body as you imagined him trailing it down your neck. When you closed your eyes, you could practically feel his big hands on your body and his teeth nipping your neck.
'C'mon sweetheart,' his voice echoed in your mind. In this fantasy, you simply whisper his name and arch your back instead of pushing him away like usual. You pictured how easily he could manhandle you with those muscles, your body lighting up at the thought.
You heard a sound from outside that jerked you out of your daydream. Blood rushed to your head as you stood and rushed to the entrance of Toji's bedroom, feeling dizzy from the vertigo when you instantly met his gaze. You held the doorframe to steady yourself as the mortifying ordeal of explaining yourself invaded your thoughts.
"Looks like you missed me." He smirked.
"It's not, uh..." you stammered, struggling to come up with a response. You should have known he was on his way home. Being around Toji was so drastically different from being around Megumi, your thoughts were having some trouble catching up.
"It's not what it looks like?" He strolled over to you, cocky grin on his face as he closed the distance. "Go ahead. What's your excuse?"
You took a deep breath, remembering his text from earlier. "I was getting the whiskey. You said it was in your room." After you spoke, you realized you didn't have it. Toji must have noticed too, judging by the light chuckle that escaped his lips.
"Get lost in there?" He grabbed your wrist, leading you back into his room. "It's pretty hard to miss. There's not much in there." He dragged you right back to his bed, taking a seat as you did the same.
"I got a little sidetracked," you admitted. If you hadn't gotten caught, you wouldn't have said anything, but questions about the divorce papers were already swimming in your mind. If the woman really was out of the picture like it seemed, then why hadn't Toji signed the paperwork?
"Snooping around in my room?" Toji's eyes flitted around the space like he didn't even remember what was in here. He forgot about the divorce papers. That's not good. Gambling tickets on the floor- he probably should have tossed those. Whiskey and cigarettes, at least those probably weren't a surprise.
"Sorry," you averted his gaze.
"Bed's warm." He grinned and grabbed the bottle of whiskey. "You were waiting for me, weren't you?"
"Shut up." You shoved him playfully. "No," you quickly added, knowing any lack of clarity would come back to haunt you. Toji took a sip of the whiskey and handed the bottle to you.
"Let's play truth or dare. You first." He had an easy smile, not letting you choose before asking the question. "Truth, right? What really brought you out here?"
"Hold on," you pouted. "I never agreed to play."
"If you don't want to answer, drink." He nodded at the whiskey bottle.
"That's not what I meant," you frowned.
"You don't want to ask me anything?" He tilted his head, a sly grin on his face suggesting he knew you had questions. "I'll pick truth if you promise to pick dare."
"Okay," you sighed. "Nothing weird though, ok?" You knew if you tried asking him anything without agreeing to his little game, he'd refuse, as always. Maybe he'd be more open if you gave him a little something in return.
"A dare then." He grinned, and you immediately regretted your decision. "Take your top off."
"I said nothing weird!" You shoved him again, successfully distracting him from the flustered look on your face.
"It's not weird. I want to see you topless." He gave a lazy shrug with his trademark infuriating smile. "You can always drink instead." So that was his game. You could get a little drunk for answers. So you took a swig, feeling the harsh burn of the whiskey as it slid down your throat.
"My turn." You looked down, then back at Toji. You wondered if you should even bring this up, but you wanted to get it out of the way before you did something you regretted. "Uh, I saw the divorce papers on your dresser."
"And? What's your question?" He carefully eyed you, not giving away anything more than needed.
"Who is she?" His expression was unreadable. You weren't sure if he was ok divulging this to you, but he could always drink if he didn't want to.
"My ex-wife. Megumi's mother." His voice was cold.
"You didn't sign them." You probed.
"Guess I forgot." He shrugged again, but seeing your brow furrow in frustration compelled him to add, "my family arranged it. I feel nothing for her."
"Why didn't you sign them?"
"Kiss me." He responded.
"What?" He caught your flustered expression this time and chuckled.
"You want to ask me that? You owe me a dare." He grinned.
"I'm not gonna kiss you." You pursed your lips, looking at the bottle in your hand. You could get a little drunk for answers, you repeated to yourself before taking another swig. You didn't notice the slight scowl on Toji's face at your rejection.
"I forgot to sign them." He reclined on his elbow, making you turn your head. You could feel the heat of the whiskey in your cheeks as you eyed him.
"Do you expect me to believe that?" You frowned.
"Maybe my lips would feel a little looser after a kiss." He watched you, wondering what was holding you back. You weren't subtle at all about your little crush on him, so why were you being so reserved when he made a move?
"This is getting nowhere." You sighed. "You're married. I can't just kiss you." There it was. Your arbitrary hang-up.
"She's gone, I told you. It was an arranged marriage." Toji looked a little ticked off, but his voice still sounded calm. "I never wanted her, and I never wanted-" He stopped himself. Your eyes widened, finishing his thought - Megumi. He pinched the bridge of his nose, sitting back up on the bed.
"That's not what I mean." He mumbled.
"What do you mean?"
"Drink," his hand dropped, and he looked at you. His gaze was piercing, reminding you of the way Megumi looked at you the first time you met.
"What?" You shrank back a little, wondering what you did to upset him.
"Does it matter what I dare you to do? Just drink." You considered offering to do whatever the next dare was, but he seemed dejected. You simply took a more generous swig of the whiskey, feeling the alcohol's effects.
"My family is shit, but hers wasn't. They took me in. Hell, I even took her name. But she left anyway. It never mattered to her and one day my family became too much, then she was gone. I got the divorce papers in the mail a month later and," he gestured at the dresser, "that's where I put them."
"I didn't sign them because," he glanced at the door as if to check for his son's presence before his voice quieted. "I want her to come back for Megumi."
You felt guilty. Your judgement was foggy from the alcohol. You handed him the bottle and looked him in the eyes. "Okay. I owe you a dare."
He looked at you, emotions spinning in his head. He took a drink of the liquor and set the bottle back on his bedside table. The way you were looking at him was nearly irresistible, your lips puffy and eyes hazy from the whiskey. He sighed, not wanting to risk another rejection. Not wanting to ruin the evening more than he already had. 
"Thanks." He responded, leaving you a bit confused. "I'll cash it in later." There was a long silence that almost seemed to echo in the empty room.
"Sorry, Toji." You looked at him, but he didn't return your gaze.
"I need a smoke. You should go home." He stood, grabbing the pack of cigarettes. He held out his hand to help you up, but promptly dropped it and left the apartment without another word.
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rinbylin · 11 months
okay... idk at all if this has been discussed or that I'm just stating the obvious. I'm posting any way to get more feedback.
so. can we be sure that the last boat scene even happened (in the way we saw it at least)
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yeah the letter was delivered to the intended recipients. the letter also did say 李相夷绝笔 lit. the final writing by li xiangyi. there's a brief exchange between him and the assumed "boatman" asking him where he was going. and we see he spat blood while writing yeah but:
llh/lxy's eyesight had been failing for some time.
Professional Letter Writers are a thing in the past in service to people who can't write their own letters (idk enough to verify the historical accuracy in this specific context though)
what has been bugging me since forever is the manner of speech of the letter. yeah it's different from their everyday speech, but that's actually perfectly fine since this is A Letter so I'm good with it being more formal. but... there's something I just can't quite pinpoint. especially with the use of the 君 jun pronoun by llh/lxy to refer to dfs when there could be other pronouns with less connotations of intimacy (and scholarly/imperial court system) implied and still conveyed cordiality, marking a shift in their relationship. (I'm not well versed with wuxia as a genre enough to know what are the conventions. someone else who does can say something though.)
whatever these put together means (eg. he may not have written the letter personally, or he wrote it in a different situation from what we saw, etc etc.) alongside:
this scene existed only as part of a visualisation as the letter content is revealed to the audience (or assumed to be fdb reading the letter to dfs & guests of the wedding spectators of the duel)
the boat lxy/llh jumped on is not the same as the one he was writing the letter on - the boatman is also not on it despite the conversation at the beginning, but lxy/llh's dressing and hairpin are the same as the ones before he jumped. (the boatman delivered the letter so he's real though.)
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also as @wonderfulnonsense happened to have just pointed out in the tags left in my other post: it's in fact the same boat he took to go fight dfs at donghai 10 years ago. (edit: or maybe it isn't? as pointed out by anon.)
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if we viewed whatever we perceived in this scene as imaginary (not what actually happened), then the reading of it being a metaphor for lxy/llh being on his way to enlightenment just makes sense. (the boat being a carrier on his spiritual transformations.) especially when you consider that 彼岸 the other shore is another concept in buddhism to represent enlightenment, alongside the motif of lotuses. (credits to @markiafc for the buddhism reading - edit: mark's meta here) and then, consider the beach ending... yeah.
#莲花楼#mysterious lotus casebook#my posts#lhl#lhlmeta#断剑又绝笔......#this was a question / discussion brought up internally but i wanted more feedback / ideas so. and also for the record#but ofc...if there are details missed out that completely prove this wrong then pretend i never wrote this#pls blame it on the brainrot#lhl discussion of the day is buddhism meta.#taoism and buddhism readings loving hand in loving hand.#honestly i did not think of the story specifically as a path of enlightenment until i was writing the meta#and then it was a downward spiral there on.#it makes a lot of sense given how it's a story about cultivation of the personage (and the struggles of it)#which is the goal of all chinese ideologies. not just taoism and buddhism. they just have different answers#mark is gonna come back with a massive buddhism meta. i'm excited and afraid#also the detail i am sitting on is what is the significance of him signing off as lxy. on top of his r/s with dfs being from lxy's pov.#considering the way he has been identifying with lxy ever since he took over llh as an identity.#PLUS when i first heard lxy thanking dfs for the wangchuan flower. the chinese didn't include the subject of flower#i thought he was talking about 忘川 METAPHORICALLY bc i forgot that was the name of the flower HJBJHHJBJHB#yeah so like this is the river of oblivion he's on or wtv (i'm just babbling now)#also i said INTENDED RECIPIENTS. but the envelope cover is also interestingly empty. though boatman knew who it was meant for
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
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the heartbreak prince | part 1/5: it’s been a long time coming.
“Do you think we could learn to love each other?” Will asks, and that question feels like something intimate and afraid and vulnerable and hopeful all at once.
Neither one of them looks at each other. If they did, Mike thinks, then this question might become an answer neither one of them is ready to give. A confession that this – this might just be something real.
“Yeah,” Mike breathes, and his heart beats so loudly, so nervously, in time with Will’s own. “Yeah, I think so.”
In the aftermath of a nearly thirty-year long war between their kingdoms, Prince Michael of Corazzia’s hand is offered in marriage to Prince William of Luzios—otherwise known as the Shadow Prince. Together, the two of them must learn to reconcile their own differences to forge a new path to peace and restore their two kingdoms left broken apart by war.
byler. princes. enemies to lovers. arranged marriage. fantasy au.
what more could you want hehe? 
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
when crcb is finished imma download it onto my kindle. keep that shit portable and able to be read no wifi. they will have to pry it from my cold dead hands and even then…
- vgilantee
Taking it to the grave
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spacecasette · 30 days
i accidentally 1.4k words of character study. how do people even complete any of their stories i feel like i drank 4 beers and entered a trance
anyway here's a snippet of (the prologue to?) Bolt the Horse ♡
Sunshine coming through the tree canopy onto the surface of the creek turns stones into greengold disco lights. Bucket in one hand, ziploc of bacon strips in the other, she ambles about looking for a halfway decent rock grouping to find something for her dinner. Already this week, she has caught 3 bluegill and is of the mind they should be off the menu for a while. The thing about crawdads is that they they're pretty dumb & extremely grabby. This far into summer they're still in season– and it was a wickedly wet winter, which means they'll be out and about clear till the end of June if she's lucky.
An hour later, her shop bucket is near full and her knees are aching, so over slick rock and patches of wet grass, Dani goes back up to the house to fix supper. The sterile light and air of the refrigerator is cool on her sweat-damp face when she reaches for a beer. The stove clicks, the gas lights, and the thin aluminum stock pot clatters loud and stark in the empty house when she sets it down.
Her evening unfolds, and the sky spreads its ink everywhere all over it like a soiled rag. After the washing up, she clears the counters and puts the laundry in the wash on the back porch. Suddenly, then, she finds herself alone in the dim light of the living room, restless and bored for the first time in weeks. The line of her life lately'd felt too straight, too story, makes her itch for a little tangling– if anything, to provide the challenge of undoing– and anyway her heart is a bit sore, and the Budweiser's gone. Nothing much better to do, she figures, with her idle hands. So she walks to the bar.
There's almost no one inside when she arrives, but then again, it's quarter to 8 on a Tuesday, and she imagines not much of anything too exciting can be got up to at this hour. The bartender looks almost insulted when she lifts a finger to order, and his contempt seems to increase when she orders a tall boy of Lonestar. He does, to his credit, redeem himself by letting her smoke inside and mumbling from under his mustache, "you can do that in here, we're not a bunch of assholes".
So Dani finds herself on top of a barstool at Doumain's Domain for the first time that summer. She works diligently at the crossword book perched on the bar with a pen borrowed from the bartender because she felt like being a piss ant. It makes her feel like her Gramma isn't so far off after all, because there's people around if she wants to talk, but she doesn't have to if she don't have much to say. Plus, she figures, it's nice to just share company without being expected to behave any certain way.
Things do eventually get exciting around 11, though, and the bar man has to throw out a couple of 20-something boys, liquored a little too far up and getting rowdier with every passing minute. When the pool table is no longer enough to keep their attention, they turn it on her, tugging at her braid and asking her, without even a spit of subtlety, if she wants to "go a round with them." She finds she can't miss the sidelong looks the bartender gives her before he throws them out– or how he stands, interrupting their line of sight on her, when he finally does. She sets her cash on the bar and leaves without a word shortly after, unweaving her hair on the way home.
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deeptrashwitch · 3 months
Witch! Questions for Alicia x Alejandro! For their wedding! Who will be their Maid of Honor and Best Man?
TARO :D thanks for send this in ^^ I love ranting about this!
Well, I thought about it for a while, and I think that it'll be...a bit unorthodox. At least with Alicia's Maid of Honor xd why? Because (lil' spoiler of a thing I'm working in) she was Luke's Best Man during his wedding, and they made the promise that they'll be the Best Man/Maid of Honor of the other. So yeah, I'd say Luke will be the Maid of Honor, but without the dress hehe.
And about the Best Man. Alejandro will definitely choose Rudy as his Best Man, I have no doubt about it. So that, Luke as Maid of Honor and Rudy as Best Man.
Also, they'll ask some family members and friends to be part of the groomsmen and bridesmaids. And of course most of the guests will be military, so the dress code for military personnel (male or female) is their dress uniforms and for the civilians is black tie attire! Also I wonder if Kanoa will accept being part of the bridesmaids xd along with Tiala, Aly and Maya ( @alypink @justasmolbard will the girls accept?)
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thesilentbard · 1 month
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Danny Phantom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Danny Fenton & Jack Fenton & Maddie Fenton Characters: Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton's Parents, Jack Fenton (Danny Phantom), Maddie Fenton Additional Tags: Angst, the horror of pursuit, Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton, Phic Phight 2024 (Danny Phantom), okay look I honestly cannot say how bad Jack and Maddie are gonna get in this fic, like clearly things have started out Bad, and are likely to get worse before they get better, if they get better, I should tag some things as I go I think, Starvation, Sleep Deprivation, Wilderness Survival Series: Part 1 of Silent's Phic Phight 2024 Summary:
Entry for Phic Phight 2024!
Danny doesn't know where he's going or when the running will stop. Maybe it'll never end. All he knows is he can't stay here; nowhere is safe from his parents' pursuit.
NOTE: I added a new chapter! I couldn’t sleep, so I ended up writing instead. I hope you all enjoy the gut punch.
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allastoredeer · 6 months
I discovered Just kiss Already after you uploaded part 3 and I have a question. So Part 1 is 1 chapter, Part 2 is 2 chapters, Part 3 is 3 chapters. When you say your writing "the next fic" do you mean like ALL of Part 4, which you then break down into chapters before you upload them or do you upload chapters individually as you complete them?
The fics themselves aren't so much chapters as they are a serialized collection of fanfics that have an overarching plot.
The reason I'm writing "Just Kiss Already" as a series instead of a multi-chaptered fic is because each fic has its own little mini plot inside it. Each of them are a mini story that's gradually building up the larger story at play.
I'm also keeping it as a series because I go back and forth between POV's a lot. Hopping between POV's in a multi-chaptered fic can work, but I usually like keeping them contained to a single POV. It makes it easier on me and the reader, so I don't have to clarify which character we'll be following in each chapter.
It's a collection of stories that are all linked together, kind of like a TV show, but you can totally view them as parts too.
"De-Lovely" is part 1 , "Holy Suffering" is part 2, and "Damage Control," is part 3.
I've actually split up the entire plot of "Just Kiss Already" into three different arcs (or three seasons if the TV analogy helped), each with their own theme. But I shall not tell you what they are, because that would be spoilers 😈
Sometimes, I don't intend for the fic to be split into multiple chapters, but if it gets bigger than I expected, I break it up because it's easier on me when I get to the editing stage. Editing one large chapter is so much harder than editing a couple small ones 😅
I hope you're enjoying the series! I'm very excited to get into the juicer bits of the story 😏
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quietbreeze97 · 1 month
Guess who's planning a multi-chapter Radiostatic fic?
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iamthepulta · 2 months
i did it u_u
#actually rather pleased with my Bronze Age abstract#Advisor is going to demolish the Other one but that's okay because I at least did something so I got the practice and I can sleep now.#It's kind of funny I was writing the Bronze Age one and I can already feel the struggle of compressing a dissertation's worth#of information into 15 minutes. Like ffs I'm supposed to speedrun oil as an extraction reductant and also talk about Egypt's alum trade?#But this is My Fault. I have done this to myself.#Okay but I'm already bubbling with excitement to talk about Leather Tanning again. Nobody was here when I went on this massive#5 hour long rabbit hole of leather tanning research because... I think I was trying to find out if you could use mushroom collagen#to replicate leather? (The answer is yes.) But it took me down this road of Leather tanning because I was trying to understand the#ion exchange that makes it supple and TLDR there's this massive exploitative industry in the Middle East and Southeast Asia that uses#Cobalt salts because the Co 3+ sits really nicely in the collagen site and you can quickly dye and destroy most of the organics from the#animal itself; but because of that you've also destroyed the texture of the leather. I forget why Al 3+ isn't used. I think it's because it#weathers over time and the leather becomes stiff and hard again. Same with Fe3+. ANYWAY. Try and find thick leather when you#do buy leather because leather IS great and I will die(dye) on this hill. But it's the exploitative textile industry that causes problems.#Honestly I've forgotten 90% of the chemistry but it's so fucking cool and a really interesting peek into an organic affected by inorganics#rather than affecting an inorganic mineral with organics. UGH I love chemistry so much. It's so fucking cool.#ptxt#christ this might be my worst tag essay lol
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