#I'm just in a not great spot and it's taking a bad toll on me especially when I know how I am trying to appease others.
spaceratprodigy · 4 months
sorry for how slow and sparse I've been getting around to everyone. I'm doing my best but genuinely rn I desperately need to take care of myself instead of always putting others first.
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bunniekittiee · 11 months
Birth Control Crisis
Doing this for all of my mfs who have had bad experiences with birth control and it made them depressed, bipolar, crazy, etc. I was right there too, and I just started another brand of pills because my last ones were not making me feel good. So I'm writing this from my own experience, think of it as a vent piece. Also this is with a fem. reader btw
Characters: Raiden and Bi-Han
Warnings: Mentions of self harm, suicidal thoughts, mental health crisis
The Thunder God did not understand the purpose of oral contraceptives right away until his girlfriend explained it to him. After learning more about it, he felt guilty. Although she was taking it because her periods were draining and horrific every month, it still did not settle with him that there were many side effects that could harm her. Blood clots, skipping periods, spotting, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, absolutely anything could go wrong if her body reacted to them negatively. But what made him the most concerned was the mental health part of it. Raiden read over the big paper that came with the pills that described instructions and side effects, and the most alarming one to him was the mental toll it could possibly take.
But he hoped for the best, and he supported her no matter what.
Adjustment was hard. Her breasts were sensitive to touch and ached for a couple of weeks. Wearing a bra made it more uncomfortable, but any fabrics that rubbed against them also made it worse. Raiden would gently massage them for his girlfriend if she asked. She frequently got headaches that turned into migraines which made it hard for her to go out for dinners or be around bright lights. But Raiden still did his best to make sure she was well. He knew it was just the adjustment period and she would be okay in the end.
That was, until her moods began to change. More agitated, she was snappy with her boyfriend. Sometimes she picked fights, sometimes she took something Raiden said out of context, or sometimes she straight up ignored him.
As much as he tried to sympathize for her, his feelings were hurt. His thoughts screamed at him that she was beginning to experience the worse side effects of the birth control pills, but he continued to tell himself that she would adjust.
One fateful day that changed his whole perspective and attitude was a very eventful one. She had known prior of Raiden's crush on Kitana due to Kung Lao's gossiping, but she had never brought it up to Raiden. Raiden didn't think much of it, and one day he was catching up with Kitana at the Wu Shi Academy when from afar, she had spotted them together. Sitting on a bench. Close proximity.
This scene warped her mind. With the depression, pent-up anger, and extreme mood shifts, this was the straw that broke the camel's back. Anger flaring and her emotions at a high, she turned away quickly from them, walking back to her and Raiden's home that they shared. Her mind was frazzled. How could he do this to her? Didn't he know how sensitive she was? How miserable in her body she was? Was it because she gained weight since starting the pills? What was it?
Why wasn't she good enough?
Raiden bid goodbye to Kitana and made his way home, a little anxious to get back. He felt impending doom, like he was going to arrive to something that was very alarming. It made him quicken his pace.
Their home was a disaster. Raiden felt his heart lurch as he saw photos of them broken on the floor, glass strewn about. His immediate thought was that she was in danger, so he ran to their shared bedroom where she was shoving her clothes into bags.
"My love, what are you-"
"Shut up Raiden." She growled as she narrowed her eyes at him. "Do not play dumb with me, you fool."
He was taken aback. She was much more aggressive than before. This was something he was not used to at all. "What is this all about? Please, my love, we can talk about this. What is going on with you?"
"Go to your other lover since she's so great. I knew I should have never trusted you. You are still hung up on her." She chuckled bitterly. Her eyes flashed with anger at him.
He pieced it together in his head what was going on. "Honey, Kitana and I were just catching up. There was nothing else behind it, I promise you."
"You speak lies, snake." She spat as she abruptly stopped packing. "How can I trust you? I don't believe a word out of your mouth!" Her voice was beginning to raise, and Raiden felt his patience was being tested.
"When have I ever broke your trust?" He questioned as he slowly began to approach her. "Please, you are being irrational and we can easily talk this out."
Jaw clenched, she grabbed a bag and pushed past Raiden. "Out of my way. Irrational? I'm being irrational now."
"Please come back. Let us try to figure it out." He pleaded as he followed her.
"Figure what out Raiden? There is nothing to figure out, and there is nothing you can say that will make it any better. Just let me go." She said angrily. He could not let her leave, not when this issue was unsolved.
"I cannot let you do that. Please, what is going on with you? You have been so mean and callous. What have I done wrong?" He asked her, standing in front of her and looking worried. "This is so unlike you."
This seemed to falter her movements, and it stunned her almost. The silence was long as she avoided eye contact and the stare boring into her face from him. He was waiting for his answer.
"You would not understand. And it is none of your concern. It is mine only." She said thickly.
Raiden grabbed her by her shoulders. "No. It is my concern whether you agree or not. Tell me what is going on."
She struggled to get out of his grip. "Let go!"
"No. Not until you tell me. Do you realize how much I love you? I cannot let you walk out that door without knowing what is going on inside of your head." He gently laid a hand on her cheek to pull her gaze to him. Her eyes watered as her anger burned, yet the misery she held began to crack. Raiden saw this right away and he knew he was getting somewhere. "Talk to me, my love."
She cried, she cried for a very long time. And Raiden held her, listening to her miserable cries that hurt his heart too. But he knew that it had to storm before a rainbow could form. So he let her cry, explaining to him between sobs that she felt depressed, on the verge of hurting herself, and how angry she was at everyone in her life. How it was easy to take it out on Raiden because he was the one she saw everyday. How jealous and bitter she was. How she sometimes wished she could go to sleep without waking up.
No doubt it would haunt Raiden for quite some time. His worries before her getting on those pills were now a nightmare come true, and now he had to pick up the pieces. First, she had to get off of those pills immediately. And Raiden did not want her on any type of contraceptives for a long time. Not until she fully recovered. It took a while to see his normal, bubbly girlfriend that he was used to seeing. She was not her normal self for some time, and Raiden made sure to be with her every step of the way. He took extra time to spend with her, he made sure she was kept busy while he was away, he took her out for dinner once, maybe twice a week so she had something to look forward to.
He wanted to help her no matter what. That was all that mattered to him. He just wanted her normal self to be back again, and he wanted her to be okay.
The Grandmaster was a busy man, and he thought his wife understood this well. Bi-Han did research on birth control pills for her wife as her periods were intolerable for her, and he almost did not want to give her the option of it. Of course, he did not want to see her in any pain, but the side effects and health risks concerned him. Really concerned him. So much so, he made her do check ups once a month to make sure that she wasn’t at any risk of forsaking her health.
The last visit, the medic had said she gained a little bit of weight which was normal on the pills, but she took it as an insult. Like there was something wrong with gaining weight.
Bi-Han did notice her weight fluctuations but he did not care enough to tell her or make it a big deal. Because it wasn’t. He still loved her all the same and thought she was just as beautiful as the day he laid eyes on her. Weight gain would not make him stray. As if anything at all would make him stray.
But she focused on it a lot. Sometimes, Bi-Han would catch her staring at her body in the mirror and tugging at her skin. Examining her body. He would tell her how beautiful she was, but she never seemed to believe him.
Bi-Han decided to plan to take her out on a date to Madame Bo’s. They hadn’t went out for some time, and he told her to get ready. As she was getting ready, Liu Kang had arrived to the Arctika with urgency. He grouped the brothers together and told them that he needed them now for a mission. There was an intruder in the timeline that they needed to take care of. Bi-Han did not want to go, as he had planned a date with his wife, but he had no choice.
So he walked back to his shared chambers where she was putting the last few touches of her makeup. “My love,” he said as he entered the room. “I am very sorry to say this, but I must cancel the date. Liu Kang needs us for a mission as it is urgent. I am very sorry. I will take you out sometime when I get back.”
She looked at him and frowned. “Okay. Be safe, Bi-Han.” He went to hug her, but she hugged him back stiffly. He wanted to question her but he had to leave as soon as possible.
On his mission, his mind was occupied as his brothers could tell. She was on his mind. Sure, she was disappointed that he had to leave, but it seemed like there was something more behind her behavior. He was worried. Really worried and anxiety flooded through him the longer he was gone. And unfortunately, the mission was longer than he had expected. He was gone for five days, and during those five days he was ridden with anxiety. He wanted to get back home to see his wife.
And the day finally came. He and his brothers rushed to get home. They were worried about Bi-Han because he was quieter than usual and did not sleep much. They wondered if there was something wrong with his wife, but they did not ask.
Entering the palace, he rushed to their chambers in hopes that she was there waiting for him. But he was stopped by Sektor.
“I am happy to see you back. I need to talk to you.” Sektor said.
“Talk to me later, Sektor. I do not want to deal with work at the moment.” Bi-Han replied dryly as he tried to walk past him. But Sektor stopped him again.
“It is about your wife.”
“Is she okay?” The anxiety was now making him nauseous.
“After you left, she, what’s the best way to describe it?” He thought for a moment as Bi-Han impatiently waited. “She had a very bad episode and reaction to you leaving her. She did not leave your chambers, she stopped eating, she only slept and cried from what the servants told me.”
Bi-Han felt his heart pang. “Is she in there now?”
Sektor grimaced. “She tried to hurt herself, Grandmaster. I was lucky to find her in enough time to stitch her wounds. She is in the infirmary.”
The Grandmaster did not know whether to be angry at her or really sad. He stalked off to the med bay to see her. He was full of mixed emotions. Why would she do this to herself? Why did she do this to him? Why was she like this?
But the most important question that haunted him was…
Why did he not notice beforehand?
He was before the door to the infirmary and pushed his way inside. One of the medics had informed Bi-Han where she was, and Bi-Han had many questions.
“Did she say why she did this? Are her wounds grave?” He asked rather quickly.
“Her wounds will scar. There was quite a lot of them, but they were small. And we assessed her mental health and she is not well, Grandmaster.” The medic explained as his heart panted more. “She is mentally unstable. I believe it is due to her contraceptives.”
He nodded his head. He was hurt. Hurt that she did this to herself and he was not there to help her. He arrived at her room and entered. She was asleep, arms in bandages as she curled into a small ball. Bi-Han walked to sit beside her, and she awoke at the sounds of the chair.
“Bi-Han.” She breathed.
“Why did you do this to yourself?” He asked gruffly. “Are you pathetic?” He was angry. Angry at the world he supposed.
Her eyes watered. “If you are going to berate me, then leave me alone.”
“I don’t understand you.” Bi-Han replied. “Why did you do it? Was it for attention? I don’t get it.”
“Why would you?” She said with her voice raising. “You don’t understand how I feel. What I feel. You never will!” Tears now streamed down her face. Bi-Han’s heart fell to his stomach.
“Then talk to me and tell me what is going on.” He said as he crossed his arms. “Please, I want to know what is going on with you. I want to hear it from you.”
She cried very much, but she explained it all to Bi-Han. How much she hated herself. How she felt depressed and suicidal. How she felt like no one cared and how she felt like a burden. He listened to her intently as he held her hand, gently holding her as well while she sobbed into his shoulder. She told him that she felt unloved when he had to cancel on her, despite it not being his fault, she still could not help but feel that way. And it made her feel guilty.
Bi-Han was incredibly hurt that she felt that way and she did not tell anyone. He was angry at himself rather than her for not knowing what was truly going on. How he ignored the signs.
But now, it was clear to him. And he wanted to make everything right again. He took care of her wounds despite how much it affected him seeing those self inflicted wounds on her body. He made sure he was with her almost 24/7. He made sure she was okay mentally, and although some days were harder than others, she battled them like a true warrior.
And he made sure to make up him bailing on her that day. He took her out to eat and let her eat as much as she wanted. And afterwards, he took her to the shops and bought her a few gifts. Seeing her smile and face light up was all worth it no matter how much he spent. Because he understood that he could have lost her that week he was gone.
Things were never normal at first, it took a very long time for her to return back to her regular self. And Bi-Han had made sure she never returned onto oral contraceptives again. He could not bear to lose her again to medication. He lost her once, he would not do it again.
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silentglassbreak · 8 months
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Noah Sebastian x OFC
K listen, I've haven't written any band FF in a LONG LONG LONG time, mkay? But Bad Omens...Noah Sebastian...mmmph. Let's see how far we get here. If you enjoy, let me know. If you want to be tagged in the next part, let me know that too. If you even so much as take the time to read MY SINCEREST GRATITUDES CAUSE WRITING THIS STUFF IS MY ESCAPE. xo
Warnings: Alcohol abuse, overall abuse, mild violence (ie. bar fights), smut, swearing, and altogether just a lot of fuckery.
+It goes without saying. This is a work of fiction. My words are mine. Plagiarism is a crime.
Part 1 - Burning Out
Work had been long today. Longer than most days. The customers screaming at me had only taken it's toll so much, but having a God awful supervisor who was hell bent on making me late for my meeting, knowing full well how important my twice weekly meetings were, had completely wiped my energy and patience in one fell swoop. Needless to say, I was in no mood for excess attitude or traffic today. Which is why I found myself cursing at the jackass in the SUV in front of me, taking at least a year to make a right hand turn into the close to empty parking lot where the meeting was being held. It took the last of my self restraint to not lay on my horn and flip a specific finger at the driver.
Finally reaching the normal parking space in front of the unmarked office building, I silently breathed a sigh of relief. I had made it, only 2 minutes later than I should be. I began scrambling for my energy drink and my bag before shuffling out of my car and pressing the fob to hear the beep of the alarm set. My poor beat up Tahoe was doing her best, so I never took my frustrations out on her.
As I crossed the parking lot, I whipped my head around to gauge the spaces, noticing all of the regulars were already here, meaning I was the last to arrive. Sucks, given I'm the meeting organizer. Something caught my eye. A vehicle I didn't recognize, a black SUV. The same one who apparently can't make a right turn to save their life. Newbie? The rest of the offices were closed for the day, so I can't see why else they'd be here.
The building is always so quiet at 6PM, so the tapping of my chucks on the tile floors is louder than I'd like, drawing attention to my obvious lateness. (To who?). Didn't matter. I felt ashamed. These meetings are the most important facet of my life right now. I needed to be more punctual. Maybe next time, I'll tell Supervisor Sam to fuck right off like he deserves.
"Guys, I am so fucking sorry. Douchebag sup made me late...again." I announced as I backed into the door, opening it, and heading straight to the table to pull the Crumbl cookies out of my bag and setting them next to the water cooler and Keurig machine. I always brought sweets. It kept the cravings away.
"No worries Leena, we've just been chatting with the new guy." I turned around to see Abel, my veteran, who was gesturing to someone I didn't know.
I went around the circle of chairs, counting off my regular faces, some newer than others.
Abel, Rodger, Syd, Seth, Ali, Jackson, Mark, and Jillian.
However, sitting between Abel and Jillian was a newcomer, who currently had his back turned, slumped forward in his chair. Brown hair, longer than the hat he wore, black sweatshirt and dark blue jeans. Black sneakers. Hood up. Guarded, uncomfortable. What little of his hands I could see kneading together, they were completely tattooed. Even at Abel's mention of him, he didn't turn to face me.
"Oh! Well good! Great job guys. We can go ahead and get started." I grabbed my clipboard off the table, and rounded the group and took my normal spot next to Syd. By the way her hair was pulled back and her face looked dry and sullen, I could tell we had some things to talk about today.
"Well, my new folks don't typically like to talk first on their first day, but just know, that you being here is only the beginning. And we are all here to welcome you to our group. Right, guys?" I directed my statement toward the stranger, who I now can see more clearly. His face is pale, with the exception of the dark circles rested comfortably above his cheekbones. If I were to take a guess, those had been there a while.
The rest of my group nodded, with several of them giving a quick 'That's right.' and 'Welcome in.'
"I'm Leena, the group coordinator. I can answer any questions you may have?" The stranger just peered at me with dark eyes and shook his head. "Okay, we can jump right in, then."
I could feel Syd next to me bursting to talk, so I looked to her.
"Syd, do you want to get us started today?" She only nodded, wiping some stray tears forming on her cheeks.
Syd was such a beautiful girl. Only 21 years old, it was amazing that she found the strength to come to us so young, and work on turning her life around. Her neon blue hair was knotted on top of her head, and she was picking feverishly at her sleeve of her sweater. I could feel what was coming. I always could.
"I...I fell off the wagon." I only nodded, knowing. She had missed three meetings, and unless someone forewarned me about vacations or work obligations, it almost always meant they were on a bender of some kind.
"Okay," As her tears began pouring, I reached over and ran a hand up her arm. There was a reason I sat Syd right next to me. She had been one of my newest, and biggest challenges. Overcoming the demons was an every day, every moment, every second battle that she was still very much fighting. "It's alright honey. We're all here to support you. No one is judging."
She went on to explain she had began with a mimosa at brunch with her friends, who didn't know she was in recovery. She didn't want them to know, so she tried to just sip. It didn't work. It never does. The one drink lead to a blackout weekend and three days in jail for public intoxication. She lost the job she had just gotten at the local DMV. Syd was going through it. She would need Seth, her sponsor, more than usual right now. He was on the other side of her, clutching her hand as she cried.
Once Syd had finished her confession, and emotionally put her 30-day coin back in the jar, we moved on to Seth.
One by one, through the circle, we heard everyone's stories of recent achievements and sorrows. Challenges and victories. Their ongoing battles. Once Jillian finished telling us about her recent trip to Vegas with her friends, where she managed not to have a single drink. We applauded her, because we all knew how much restraint that took.
I would steal occasional glances at our guest, whose eyes would also glance back at me once in a while, but mostly followed the speakers, never moving in his chair, stoic as cement. This isn't uncommon for people coming here for the first time. It's not easy to do, and it's wildly uncomfortable at first.
However, the circle was now all looking at him, and a look of almost panic flashed across his face.
"Is it on me?" His voice was deeper than I expected, with a clear rasp to it that told me all I needed to know about his history. He belonged here, and we were glad to have him.
I nodded. "How much you tell us is entirely up to you, but all I ask is you at least tell us your name, and why you're here."
He bit his bottom lip, eyes cast at me from across the room, looking up through long, dark eyelashes. "I have to say it out loud?"
"That's one of the first steps." I kept a soft smile on my face. Being warm, and understanding was my entire job here.
Abel's elbow nudged the stranger, who glanced at him, encouraging him. "No worries man, we've all been here."
A hard sigh left his throat, ending with a sharp cough.
"My name is Noah. And I'm an alcoholic."
Once the meeting had ended, I was stacking chairs back against the wall, prepping the room for the next meeting, NA. They had their own setup, and would be in here in about 30 minutes. Most everyone had left, with the exception of Abel, Syd, and Noah. Our newest AA member had been pretty tight-lipped about himself, only admitted to being 27 years old, and in the entertainment industry. He didn't elaborate further. That was just fine. If he kept coming, we would encourage him further, but AA was all about getting you through it at your pace. As long as you didn't drink, I was happy.
I was putting away the leftover cookies, planning to take the last couple with me to work tomorrow for a snack. I happened to catch a glimpse of someone leaving the restroom, and I noticed it was Noah. Everyone else had left only a couple minutes ago.
"Oh, hey!" I waved at him to come over. He paced his tall frame over to me, towering over me easily. He had at least a foot of height on me, which was hilarious, given I was a year older and 3 years sober myself.
"Hey, thanks for having me today. I didn't know if you could just come to these things." I slung my bag over my shoulder, smiling at him.
"C'mon, I wanted to chat with you before you left." We made our way out of the building as Angie, the NA organizer walked in past us, smiling at us both.
We reached the parking lot, my green Tahoe and the same black SUV being some of the only vehicles left. It dawned on me that he drove the SUV. Well, he may need a driving lesson, but he seemed nice enough.
I turned to face him before heading for my car. "Have you talked to anyone about being a sponsor? The only requirements I have is that they have been sober at least 6 months. Almost everyone in our group is, with the exception of Syd and Jackson." I could see him chewing his lip, his fingers fiddling with his keys.
"No, I...I didn't think about it." His eyes were looking everywhere but at me.
"Noah?" I asked, trying to get his attention. "Do you know what a sponsor is?"
This drew a short, burst of a chuckle out of him, his lips curling in a sheepish grin while he shook his head. I saw his frame relax for just a second, his arm reaching to scratch the back of his neck.
"I don't." I nodded, chuckling myself.
"No worries! I didn't when I started either." I waved him over to the bench perched just outside the building. He followed me and we sat. "A sponsor is someone to keep you straight. Someone who will keep your head on when you feel like you might fall off." He was listening, eyes fixed on me. "This is the person you call when you want a drink. They'll talk you down, distract you. Support you." He nodded, understanding crossing his features.
"Do they have to be a member of the group?"
"No, not necessarily, but they do need to be sober. A sponsor is no good if they are drinking and setting bad examples."
"Makes sense. I'll think on it." I stood up then, stretching up on my toes to flex my legs that had been sitting most the day. He stayed sat, now looking up at me.
"I do need you to have a sponsor by the next meeting on Thursday, though. Have to have one by your second session. And if you don't have one by then, we can get someone in the group to sponsor you, no problem."
He raised a brow at me, a smirk on his lips. "Didn't you say you only had one rule?" This threw me off. Smartass? It was innocent, I could tell, but a joker. Hadn't had one of those in a while.
I laughed it off. "Well, I only do for your first day. There are only a few rules to AA, but they're pretty much common sense."
He stood then, towering me once again. "Can you tell me anyway? I don't want to fuck this up." We then began walking back towards the cars. When I walked toward mine, he followed. It was dark already, so I didn't mind. This was LA, after all.
"Well, the first is obvious, no drinking." I popped my driver door open and flung my bag in toward the passenger's side. He nodded at me and leaned against the rear door of my truck.
"Second, no coming in drunk. As obvious as that may seem, you would not believe how many people I've kicked out of the meeting for showing up mid-bender." He raised his eyebrows. "As much as I'd like to keep and eye on them, it's not good for the other members."
"No, for sure." His tone was even.
"And lastly," I then looked straight at him, so he knew how serious I was. "don't ever lie to me." I could see him straighten just a little, feeling the seriousness of what I was saying. "If you fell off, admit it. I'm not judging. I did, so many times. But if you lie, you're out." I then took a step closer, if only to make my point, "Because I always find out."
He kicked off from my truck, his body less than six inches from mine. He looked down at me, the ghost of a smile playing on his lips.
"Yes ma'am." I felt a twinge up the back of my spine. It was a little warm all of a sudden, and my mouth was dry. I stepped back, and was able to regain my brain.
I smiled brightly at him and swung myself up into my truck. Before I slid my legs in, I looked at him, now almost at eye-level.
"Great! I'll see you Thursday, then!"
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forthechubbies · 2 years
My Husband's Name Is Jungkook. (Our Little Wife Au)
Quite literally background story of how Jungkook met his wife
Only two warnings! Pervert! Jungkook and 18-year-old Jungkook 🥵
Jeon Yn, Maiden name Valentine Yn, wedded into the mafia world by taking this guy's last name. Jeon Jungkook.
Remember that name, now.
Yep that's him..anyway.
Yes, Her last name is Valentine as Marshall Valentine. The late honorable sheriff, Marshall, was her daddy.
Mr. Valentine was in a league on his own, shooting & catching bad guys and fighting against life-threatening odds until a pair of big beautiful eyes opened up to him, extending her little hands in the air to her proud teary-eyed papa.
However, tragedy struck on the same day; the beloved Mrs.Valentine passed away during childbirth leaving behind a heartbroken husband and a newborn baby.
Having a sheriff as a father served as no picnic; thankfully enough for him, She wasn't the rebel teenager type, but she was curious, and sometimes that could be just as bad.
In her late teens, She grew into her mother's face; heart-stopping eyes, cute noses, kissable plush lips, and a voice so sweet its teeth rotting. She fits the princess's descriptions. Kindness, Innocence, Beautiful, and...smarts?
Okay, She's not the brightest crayon in the box; she's quite naive, to say the least; her father notices this after this instance
“I'm home!” She kicked off her Mary Jane at the door, her backpack abandoned along side her shoes. Regardless of her father stressing countless how much he nearly trips to his early demise. She cheerfully sat on her father's chair arm. “Hi, Daddy.”
He smiled.“ Hello, Sweetheart!” Mr. Valentine scrambled about the living room, searching for something that seemed not to want to be found. “For Christ's sake, The hell is that damn tie?!”
Her smile faded away. “Nightly parlor duty, again?” A silky black material shimmered out of the corner of her eye. The tie! “I got it. I got it.” She gently removed his helping hands from the tie allowing his princess to aid him.
Mr. Valentine was over the moon for his princess. The difficulty and worry of protecting his angel took a toll on his old body. He's no spring chicken anymore-and. This reality frightened him more than any criminal ever could.
“Daddy? Are you going to be late?” Those soften eyes snapped him out of his depression.
He sniffled. “Don't worry about me, Honeycomb.” He can't fall apart yet..not yet. He pecked her forehead. “How about this, little lamb, dinners on me. Duty calls, Sugafoot.” A quick peck on the forehead once more and out the door.
“Bye.” She whispered in the empty house space.
I will make dinner for when he comes home. Congee (Rice Porridge) sounds good, but do we have the ingredients? She was welcomed to an empty pantry, cabinet, and fridge, but her father's six-pack of beer.
Shopping it is, then. With her father’s credit card, She took her first trip alone, and she did great until the recipe called for beef stock.
What stood in her way of getting the stock?
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Jeon Jungkook, Remember the man from the beginning? Nope, This isn't different, man, by a baby version of her husband. 18 or 19.Jeon Jungkook. The boy was sent to the market to get beef bulgogi, but for some reason, He was aisles from the meat.
She gulped. You and I know there's nothing to be afraid of when it comes to men, but Yn Valentine is petrified of simply being near one. No thanks to her father's scaring her half to death about the opposite sex.
She peeked at him from around the corner. He sure is pretty, Ain't he? He sure is. The boy had a captive audience. Yn spotted another girl arriving to distract him. The perfect opportunity to grab-that-stock.
She stretched onto her tippy toes. Still no dice. “Come on.”
A large hand reached from behind her, terrifying her but proving to be helpful. “Here.”
She took it, bowed, then speeded away.
Ignoring his commands to come back, She hurried to self-checkout and rushed on her way. She sighed, dropping her buckling knees on the sidewalk with her bags at her side.
Daddy never said anything about them being adorable. I mean, I’m not even sure if he was real.
“It's okay; The moment has passed. Now to get back home and cook dinner.” She clenched both her fists in a fighting spirit.
“Do you talk to yourself often?” A deep voice whispered behind her head; she whipped her head to the boy at eye level.
She gasped, falling back on her hands.
His brows jumped. “Are you alright?” He chuckled. If you squint, you can see his pupils change to hearts. “Listen, um-” He glanced into her, one of the bags chalked full of fresh cream puffs. She must love creampuffs. “Creampuff, You dropped this.” Her Powerpuff girl hair clip looked so tiny in the palm of his hand.
“Yes! That's my favorite clip-!”Failing for the bait in the palm of his hand, The boy snapped down on her wrist, yanking her into his chest. “What are you-Let me go! Right now!” She cried, pounding her tiny chubby fist on his chest.
He chuckles. “Settle down, Creampuff. I just want to see you in detail.” The boy's strength astounded Yn struggling against his bulk. Her skirt's fabric raked over the sidewalk's rough texture.
She huffed, looking away from the boy, allowing him to do as he pleased. If that's all, He wants-Anything to get back home fast.
“Good girl.” He was generally praising her, even kind enough to get head pats. The boy's dark eyes roamed Yn’s features, pausing in certain places he found interesting.
“That's a cute mole.”
Mole? The only mole I have is on my- She gasped, covering her cleavage with her free arm.
The boy sucked his teeth at your protest. " I didn't even look that long-"
At that moment, Jungkook's grip loosened enough for you to steal your arm and push him back by his forehead. A perfect window to pick up your bags and flee.
You caught your breath after securing your front door. I think it's safe to say I'll never get used to men.
It wasn't until late December she made another unfortunate encounter with the same damn man, but he looked different like this, like he's been through some stuff, and this is his mindset now
"You again?!" She struggles against his firm grip on her curves. " Let me go! Or I'll scream-mm hp!" Her eyes widen at his large hand, caging her lips shut...He smells..sweet like he just walked out of a bakery.
"So submissive..." He teased, pushing her patients by inching closer to her hidden lips. "Sadly, I like a chall-nge! " Jungkook dropped his hand to cradle his pained abdomen.
"Creep." Her insult was just salt in the wound at this point.
The encounters never creased...but not all of them were-bad.
Jungkook would often be the handyman when her father wasn't there, kept her company on stormy nights, shared his umbrella when it rained, kissed her forehead to wish her goodnight, and even stood beside her at her dear father's funeral.
Her husband, Jeon Jungkook.
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bejeweledraven · 2 years
snow on the beach
and it's like snow at the beach weird but fucking beautiful flying in a dream, stars by the pocketful you wanting me tonight feels impossible
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kylo ren with a s/o
parring: kylo ren x gn!reader 
genre: fluff, slight angst if u squint 
warnings: very brief mention of injuries (no graphic descriptions)
requested?: yes
request: anon: I’d like to see how Kylo Ren would treat his s/o. Do you think he’d be soft to you? Or he just as cold as he fronts? 
song prompt: snow on the beach by taylor swift feat. lana del rey
word count: 767 
(i could definitely work something out for either part 2 or expand it into an actual fic so let me know if it’s something you’d want to see :))
first of all, I think that there would be two sides when it comes to kylo and his s/o
there would be the public side, the one he shows in front of everyone, especially around the first order  
and the one that only very few people, including you, get to see
he definitely works hard to upkeep his tough image, he wants to appear strong and intimidating 
but that takes a great toll on a person, especially one under as much pressure as him 
so only behind closed doors, you can really see how much that weighs on him 
so in public, i feel like he would be very restrained, especially at first 
definitely a lot of stolen glances (mostly on his part, the mask makes it pretty easy, but even with that i think he would sometimes forget people can see him turn his head)
and he would also definitely forget he’s not wearing a mask sometimes and full-on stare, which you would endearing, he would find embarrassing, and hux would find straight-up repulsive (”oh get it together ren” with his classic disgusted hux frown)
the public relationship with kylo is very much based on subtlety, he won't hold your hand, but he will definitely ‘accidentally’ touch your hand on numerous occasions 
he most definitely has a soft spot for you, i think the first one of his love languages you get to know is gifts 
little gestures that mean so much 
a book you were talking about? on your nightstand the next day 
a childhood favorite food you casually mentioned? suddenly available in the dining hall 
and he would never admit to any of it, but you know it was him 
another thing he would never do is admit how happy it makes him,when you appreciate all he does 
admitting his feelings is not his strongest suit 
working through that took some time 
like most things in a relationship with him 
another love language of his is words of affirmation 
but you don't realize it at first (neither does he i feel like)
it takes time for you to see how happy it makes him to hear how much you care about him 
and him saying it back for the first time definitely felt really special 
he admitted how much he cares about you after he almost died, trying to take down of resistance’s bases 
and were really upset with how careless he was 
you were cleaning his wounds in silence, because of course he didn't let anyone else touch him 
you were focused on cleaning a deep cut on his cheekbone, him sitting down and you standing, leaning in 
you felt him shift in his seat uncomfortably when you pressed the gauze against the wound 
“stop moving.” was all you could get out, even though still upset with him  you felt bad hurting him 
 the silence after that didn't last long, this time interrupted by him 
“i'm sorry.” was all he said
“it’s fine, i’ll try to be more gentle”
“that’s not what i meant. i'm sorry that you had to worry about me.” 
it made u stop dead in your tracks, and you lowered your hand from his face, looking at him, unsure of what to say
and although it might have seemed like an odd way to say that he cares about you, you knew how much it mattered 
it was the first time you felt like he was breaking through his cold and guarded attitude like he was letting down his defenses 
for you. 
it was a start for a long and sometimes difficult process of him opening-up
there are definitely moments when it feels like he's going back to his old habits of bottling up and distancing himself from you 
and it's definitely a challenge to find the balance between giving him space and getting him to open up 
it’s hard work for both of you, but it’s so worth it in the end 
i definitely see it as a “you fall first, he falls harder” trope 
his also very protective 
it takes as much as someone looking at you the wrong way 
but god forbid someone actually hurts you 
he will do anything to keep one of the very few good things in his life safe 
overall, i think he still pretty much keeps to himself in public, especially with the first order around 
but behind closed doors, he tries to open up more 
and although it takes time, you can see the change slowly happening 
let’s just say usually a lot of good things happen behind closed doors. 
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Yippie! A wild Tokyo Debunker matchup writer! Anyway, hi. 🍊here. If it's not too much trouble, I'd like a romantic matchup pls. And maybe who'd be besties with me for ✨flavour✨
My MBTI + Enneagram: ENFP 9w1
My star sign is Gemini
Appearance: I am South Asian with straight black hair and tan skin. I usually tie into a low braid because I think it looks cute, and I don't like the feeling of hair on the back of my neck. I am 160 cm tall and pretty scrawny
Personality: I like to say I'm a pretty cheerful and upbeat person. I try my best to smile through tough situations, though it can be hard sometimes. I also like to say I'm a family person, and I will do anything to protect them, and my friends. I am perfectionistic, but sadly I am a bit scatterbrained, much to the dismay of my parents and older sister. Hell, I almost burned the eggs I was making for the first time. I have been working on my organizational skills though, and I’m happy to say that I’ve come a pretty long way. I can be quite petty too. If someone wrongs me, I tell them either bad puns or horrifying facts for a period of time as revenge. I'm also good at math, so my friends come to me for help with that. Also, in almost every friend group I'm in, I somehow become a therapist friend. Lemme tell you, THAT really takes a toll on me. I also have a soft spot for unabridged fairytales (they high-key have me in a chokehold).
Some more lil' factoids about me: I wear my hair in a low braid because I don't like the feeling of hair on the back of my neck. My friends and family often told me my hands get pretty animated when I talk. I can also handle spicy food pretty well, which surprises a lot of my friends. I like to learn about my friends' interests so I can connect better with them. Also, I kin Paulina from the Thea Sisters.
Likes: Anime, drawing comics, video games, unabridged fairytales, sweets (my favourite dessert is caramel pudding) and spending time with my older sister and friends
Dislikes: Cruelty, confrontation (I will kick butt if I need to, literally or figuratively), anyone who dares to threaten my friends or family, arrogance when it gets out of hand, black tea or coffee (I cannot drink it unless it is sweetened or if I have it with a LOT of milk), but I do enjoy dark chocolate once in a blue moon.
Hi 🍊Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Tokyo Debunker, I match you with...
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You and Haru are both very family oriented and I think this is what would initially draw you to each other. You get how important family is to each other and want to be part of each other's families.
I think he would like being around you since you’re so upbeat. He’s pretty cheerful but if surrounded by people who aren’t (like Ren). You’re a nice change of pace.
Please read your favourite unabridged fairy tales to him and Peekabook! He might have to cover the creature’s ears once in a while since those old stories can be a bit graphic at times but they both really love it.
Haru definitely understands your dislike of people who threaten your family and friends. He knows how protective he gets over Peekaboo whenever Taiga comes around. At least now you can fend him off together.
He loves spending time with his family and friends as well and since you definitely fall into that category for him, you’re included in that quality time.
In Tokyo Debunker, I platonically match you with...
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I think you and Sho would get along great as friends. Sure, he might tease you for talking with your hands but you can return the favour since I see him as someone who’s quite expressive when talking about something he’s passionate about as well.
He’s also going to tease you for being so scatterbrained but will help you out if you forget things. Just don’t expect him to ever say anything about it or take credit for you having everything you need when you know you forgot something in your room.
I can see you two playing video games together a lot. He doesn’t usually play them himself but is happy to be player two if you need one.
Since you don’t like confrontation, if you ever have a problem with someone, he’s more than willing to stand up and defend you. That’s his best friend they’re talking about! He’s not about to let any nasty comments slide.
Oh, he really can’t get away from spicy food enjoyers can he. As long as you don’t add hot sauce on everything though, he’s fine with it.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
I have two ideas for fic, I hope you like them!
The first one is Eddie x reader living together a few years after their graduation. Eddie works is a mechanic and reader also works a lot. One day reader went to business trip and he stays alone with his thoughts for a few days when he realize how much weight he gained during this few years. He works a lot, doesn't have time for sport (and really hate it), eats mostly junk food. He doubts himself so much during this few days and becomes insecure. But reader comes back and after some sirious talking she tells him how much she loves his soft tummy and he's only more handsome from highschool time even though she though its impossible.
And second idea
I've seen so much fics about reader with acne or skin problems but not even one with Eddie and this issue.
So maybe Eddie getting insecure and avoiding reader because of acne that appears on his face or other skin problem because of allergy of something.
(Personally my skin is ruined since few months and I'm not dealing well with it 🙃)
Have a nice day sweetie!
requested by anon 🙂💞
Eddie had been alone for a few days now. He had a few days off from his work as a mechanic and yn was away on a business trip with Nancy.
Being alone wasn't good for him. It left him alone with his thoughts and his negative self talk had turned to how much weight he had gained recently.
He wasn't eating very well, junk food and beer weren't exactly a healthy diet so thus made him feel even more down. Usually when he was working he grabbed what he could and didn't care if it was healthy.
These few days had taken a toll on his mental health. When he hears the jingle of the keys that signaled his princess coming home he couldn't muster up the enthusiasm to greet her properly.
He was trapped in his own head. Yn comes up the stairs and rushes into their room.
"Ed's baby? You weren't at the door to greet me? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he wants to say how he is feeling but doesn't know how to put it into words.
She cuddles up beside him and tears spill down his cheeks.
"Oh, baby. Tell me what's wrong?" he swallows and begins to talk.
"It's just I haven't been eating great and I didn't notice I've put on a little weight and its got me down"
Her expression softens and she kisses him.
"You're perfect. I love you so much, Eddie" he sighs.
"What about my stomach, it's all soft?" he says feeling self conscious.
"Now you listen to me Edward Munson, I love your soft belly, I love you so much, my love. Now, if you want to eat a little healthier I'd be more than happy to make lunches for you babe" he nods eagerly.
"I love you, my gorgeous man, more than you'll ever know" he feels his anxiety settle and gently kisses her.
"I love you too my angel"
Request 2
"Ahh, shit" Eddie was not happy. This was the third time this month he had gotten spots.
He hadn't had them this bad since he was in his early teens and it was making him a little self obvious.
At this point hearing his cries yn comes in and sees him pouting at.
"You okay Eds?" he sighs.
"Look at these little fuckers, I haven't had spots since I was a little shrimp, got it pretty bad" she softens.
"I have some cream that will take the redness down. Don't worry baby I get spots too it's fine, don't feel self concious"
He relaxes a bit as she gets the cream and gently dabs it on his skin.
"Thank you, princess," he says and kisses her on the head.
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an-aura-about-you · 9 months
I Was a Queer Salvation Army Bell Ringer
Part 5: The Ethical Toll
Content Warning: This one touches on morality, Christianity, briefly but not graphically on Palestine, and transphobia. Also it's another super long one.
So this is gonna be the last part of this series, and that was how it was planned from the beginning. In this segment, I'm going to briefly touch on the moral problems that came up during my time working as a bell ringer.
Right off the bat, I thought this wouldn't bother me so much. Yes, the Salvation Army isn't a good organization, but bad money spends just as well as good money. From the outset, I would make jokes about being an evil backstabbing minion, how I was going to work a shift at the evil job.
(Which, if we really stop and think about my morality, all jobs are evil, but that's a whole big discussion that really merits a post separate from this one.)
But all it took was one shift for me to start seeing some conflicts with my own morality.
First there's touching on some stuff that I brought up about my boss. Going into a show that had an entry fee without paying using the name of the Salvation Army was indeed her idea, but I still did it. This isn't the first time I've done something like this, but the last time I did I was employed directly by the show. Specifically, I was part of the staff catering the show, so I already had access to the show that way. The best argument I can provide on the other side is that establishments that have Salvation Army bell ringers in front of them are ones that choose to partner with the Salvation Army. Also I want to clarify that this is not a performance show but an expo where merchants have set up to sell, and I got in without paying the $5 entry fee. But when I say that, is this just me rationalizing the bad thing I did? No matter what, I did what I did, and I can't take it back now.
After that, my boss brought me back to the office and gave me a bag of plums and apples. I already felt a little guilty taking food from her, though this also got into a weird spot because it sounded very much like no one else wanted to take them. The fact that they were Red Delicious apples made it easy to see why, but I had already accepted it before I realized I wasn't going to eat those apples, either. I did eat one of the plums and gave the rest of the plums to my sibling, but the apples got cut and dried for potpourri. Apples that theoretically could have gone to someone hungry. But they didn't because, based on the limited context I was given, the hungry also didn't want the apples. If you've followed me for any significant amount of time, you know I love food and feel very strongly about food. I think that people should not only have food to not be hungry, they should have food that tastes good to them. I did try to eat one of the Red Delicious apples, and it was one of the worst food experiences I've had recently. Like I can think of a number of things that would be actively dangerous for me to eat that are more appealing than another bite of one of those Red Delicious apples. And while I know they could stave off hunger, for fuck's sake I would rather buy a hungry person a bag of Granny Smith apples just so they don't have to suffer the Red Delicious apples. (Now's a great time to remind you it's never a bad idea to make a cash donation to your local food bank.)
One moment that nearly broke me was a young person putting a couple of coins into the kettle only for the person with them, presumably a guardian, telling me their ward is on SSI and learning how to give. I'm surprised I didn't quit then and there. I wanted to take the person by their shoulders and tell them, "Don't! Don't give me your money! It's not worth your limited income to give it to the Salvation Army! It's early enough in the day that it won't even go to them but it'll go to me! I do not want your money!" And this is either more rationalization or a worthwhile talking point, I'm not sure, but there is still the matter of choice and the dignity of choice. If this person genuinely wants to put their money in the Salvation Army kettle, then it doesn't particularly matter where the money comes from or how much of a percent of their income it is. Because the people who want to give will give whether I'm standing there or not, which I've seen on my breaks as the kettle is attached to the stand by padlock and stays out there even if I walk away from it. Still, it felt very much like the Biblical story of the Widow's Mite. And I guess this means I'm gonna segue into that for a bit.
The Widow's Mite is a story in the Gospels of the Christian Bible. The Gospels recount the life and teachings of the Christ. Since I was raised Catholic, it's a story I'm very familiar with, but I didn't have any particular recollection of anyone giving me the full context of the story until recently. It wasn't until a youtuber I enjoy, Laura Crone, talked about her own faith and this story in particular. (Relevant timestamp link to the video where this happens here. Hope you're ready for a ride because this happens in the middle of a Swan Princess movie marathon.) Rather than provide the part of the Bible that is considered the story of the Widow's Mite, I am going to give you that and the story right before it so it is in its proper context. Also, Laura goes through the whole story in her video and it's well worth a watch, particularly if you are like me and left Christianity out of an initial realization that you no longer believe what they teach that has evolved into disgust at what the Church does in the name of what is supposed to be holy. But for completeness, here it is:
Then, within the hearing of all the people, [Jesus] said to [his] disciples, "Be on guard against the scribes, who like to go around in long robes and love greetings in marketplaces, seats of honor in synagogues, and places of honor at banquets. They devour the houses of widows and, as a pretext, recite lengthy prayers. They will receive a very severe condemnation." When he looked up he saw some wealthy people putting their offerings into the treasury and he noticed a poor widow putting in two small coins. He said, "I tell you truly, this poor widow put in more than all the rest; for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood." -Luke Chapter 20, verses 45-47 and Chapter 21, verses 1-4
Now. There's more context, of course there is, a lot of it historical with a lot of baggage to unpack. But right now, I am looking as simply as I can at the narrative that Christianity presents to me. And even without the same background, hopefully this is enough for someone reading this to understand why in that moment I felt like a devourer of widows' houses.
And the wild thing about this is people thanked me to my face about it, many if not all of them thinking I was a volunteer. I brought up to a coworker at my regular job that I got this job as a bell ringer and I had done it before as a paid position, and they were surprised by this and felt it was inherently dishonest. And looking back, yeah, it kinda is in a lying by omission sort of way. I didn't correct people who made the assumption I was volunteering nor did I tell them the way to differentiate a volunteer from a paid employee. (Which isn't all that meaningful anyway. The difference is volunteers get cheap plastic aprons and paid employees get cloth ones, but if there aren't enough cloth aprons to go around a paid employee might wear a plastic apron.) I even said, "Thank you for your service," to a firefighter and without missing a beat he said, "Thank you for yours." It is easily the most I've ever been regularly thanked while on the job. More than in 10 years of food service, 2 years in child care, and 2 years of customer service. It felt very weird because the Salvation Army hiring bell ringers is no secret to anyone who was looking for a seasonal job at the time. It wasn't hidden away but an easy to find result on my job finding app.
The same day I received the donation from the person on SSI, a young child also gave me a Starbucks giftcard on behalf of their family. It's clear what this is saying: thank you for what you're doing. I told the child that I didn't think I could accept this, and that's probably true regardless of whether I was a volunteer or a paid employee. The child just insisted that his family had tons of them. So there I was conveniently handed a multilayered ethics problem, and I basically chose the wrong choice on each step. First I pocketed the card because the rules I was given didn't actually specify anything about giftcards. I didn't want to get into that with the driver checking my kettle and didn't even know if the Salvation Army accepted giftcards from businesses like that. But then came the matter of what to do with it. Since I've worked in giftcards before, I knew this is what's called a closed giftcard, meaning it could only be spent at Starbucks. The reason why this is is because Starbucks already has the money, in this case $5. They would have that money whether I used the card or not, and in fact would profit from me not using the card since it means there's no loss of product. By this point, I had heard of their reaction to their employees standing up for Palestine, though the version I heard was less charitable than that. In any case, I certainly didn't agree with the official stance Starbucks had then or has now. But dammit, they already had the $5. I decided to get a hot chocolate from there that very night and rid myself of the card, telling myself it would be the last time I ever go to Starbucks. And so far that's been the case. (Now's a great time to give to a charity helping the Palestinian people. I like Doctors Without Borders myself and have given to them in the past.)
All in all, I'm not happy with myself and things I allowed myself to do while working for the Salvation Army. I'm not particularly worried about admitting what I did because $10.50 of questionable moral acts is ultimately a drop in the bucket, one I can outweigh monetarily by giving to the places I suggested above and vow not to repeat in the future. And I think the best place to start is not working for the Salvation Army anymore.
There are two more interactions I want to share, one that was rather uncomfortable and one that was the best interaction I had in this entire experience. I'll do them in that order so I can end this on a happier note.
First, while I didn't officially encounter any transphobia on the job, I did encounter some from a coworker I spoke with off the clock. I had offered to give her and her daughter a ride home after our shift, because I had nothing better to do and the means to help, so why not? As we made our way there, I made polite conversation with them both, and that spurred my coworker to talk about "boys using the girls' bathrooms," and her apparent conviction that schools here were teaching these things as being all right to the kids. Which, this is Arkansas. Not to dox myself, but it doesn't take very much to find a person here who says queer people deserve to die. 90% of the voting population voted for Trump in the last presidential election. I highly fucking doubt that the schools here are teaching this as any official curriculum. So I thought fuck it, I'm technically the person in power here and outed myself as nonbinary. This ultimately did little, but I will say at least she didn't spew any vitriol about me specifically to my face. And I engaged with my own thoughts as calmly as one can, in particular the helpful idea my dad has about the whole bathroom matter. (There really should just be two bathrooms regardless of gender: one that is all stalls for people who need the stall and one that is all urinals for people who can use the urinals. It's one of the best things Dad's said about all this.) This did seem to help the matter, especially when I expressed my own thought that I don't care about anyone's genitals in the bathroom because I'm just there to pee. Nothing was resolved, but I knew nothing would be, and my coworker even agreed with the thought that a stalls-only bathroom would not be a bad idea. In spite of this, when the two found they were locked out of their home, I offered to stay in case they needed any further assistance. They told me no, and my coworker even gave me a hug. Overall, it was very confusing.
It was sometime after that interaction that I decided the physical toll and moral dilemmas simply weren't worth what money I would make from doing that anymore, so I texted my boss to tell her I would not be available for the last two days I would have been scheduled. And that was it.
Now for the best interaction I ever had on the job, short and sweet and regretful in that I couldn't express my true thoughts. While doing my usual greetings and well-wishes to passersby, a gentleman stopped in front of my kettle. He didn't give anything but instead said, "Hail Satan!" stuck out his tongue, and threw up the horns. Thank goodness I was wearing a facemask otherwise he would have seen my huge smile. I was so tempted to do the same in return and held back by some miracle of professional decorum. But if that gent is reading this now, know that you said that to a pantheist witch who was absolutely gleeful about it.
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zozobruh · 1 year
Tag game to better know you
Iva, my dear, tysm for tagging me @b1uetrees <3
what book are you currently reading?
I finally got around to reading Dune! It's going really sloooow since I have been working and trying to write my thesis at the same time, but so far so good! (The 1st movie def didn't do justice to some things oops) 
what’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year?
I haven't really been to the cinema this year. Objectively, I would say it was Banshees of Inisherin (which I saw with Iva ofc hehe). In terms of the experience of live screening it def was The Rocky Horror Picture Show! It was so fun, I loved people singing and making comments to the plot, epic
what do you usually wear?
Most days of the year you'll see me in mom jeans and a shirt tucked in them or a sweater over them for colder periods of the year. Recently I bought high-waisted wide-leg black jeans and I AM IN LOVE. For shoes I prefer the vans sneakers and dr. martens boots.
how tall are you
157 cm (5'2)
what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Taurus. For celebrities ik that I share my bday with Pierce Brosnan, Megan Fox and Thomas Brodie-Sangster lol
do you go by your name or a nickname?
I go by my name (Klara). The only person that actually calls me Zozo is my boyfriend haha
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
Def not, but I still think child me would be pretty impressed with what we achieved and would probably think the adult me is cool af haha
are you in a relationship? if not, who is your crush if you have one?
Yes, going strong for almost 4 and a half years. I love my bf and I wouldn't trade what we have for the world. MUST protect <3
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at?
Honest answer is that I think I'm average at everything lmao. I guess I'm good at planning, organizing and respecting deadlines. I'm bad at maths and quick thinking haha
dogs or cats?
I always say both, but if I'm put in a spot and have to choose, I'll say cats. I feel like kitties are just closer to my personality and I like their dynamic.
if  you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite  picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this  year?
I have been writing some rather emo poetry since highschool (I'm okay), so earlier in April, I wrote a little poem I liked:
Daffodil The reflection of water on the wall Mercilessly moving The time is taking its toll The tall glass vase on the table Mercilessly staying still The time is writing its fable As it slowly comes to kill A beautiful yellow daffodil
Recently, I got back into writing fanfiction bc of watching KP, here's my fave line from my fic (ofc titled after MCR) The world is ugly, but you're beautiful to me:
Kinn sits up and studies the night in Bangkok. The bright yellow lights of the buildings are reflected in the darkness of the river. The Theerapanakul headquarters are amongst the brightest shining buildings, shaping the skyline of the city.  Sometimes the building feels like his home, swarming with memories of his brothers and him playing, of his mother reading them stories and preparing them for bed. Growing up made it feel like a prison in which he exists, simply fulfilling his destiny.
what is something that you’d like to create content for?
Before I got into KP brainrot, I really wanted to write for Beyond Evil, but never got to it. But now, I do have a pretty well-developed idea for a BE fic! Everything is on hold until I finish my thesis tho
A wild part of me also wants to stream The Sims4 let's play hahaah
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
My brain got a bit too tired to be obsessed in the purest sense of the word, but I'd say KP (and the actors who play them) still has a pretty strong chokehold on me.
what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Honestly nothing. The things I was excited about were great, but the things I wasn't excited about were shit so lmao, as expected
what’s a hidden talent of yours?
Don't think I have one
are you religious?
I'm not, however, I'd still say I'm somewhat spiritual. I grew up catholic, but I realized it's just not for me. Since it's hard for me to believe there's nothing at all, so the closest to what I'd label myself as is agnostic.
what’s something you wish to have at this moment?
a finished thesis, so i have more time to relax and do my hobbies after work, one can dream ah
A no pressure tag for @tr1edandtrueblue if you feel like doing this :3
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ithappensblog · 1 year
dream vs. reality
I have always loved giving gifts to people. I guess it's in my nature. There is something so satisfying about finding or creating the perfect item that matches someone’s personality, interests, or needs. That’s why I decided to open up my own gift shop, Little Pepper Gift Co., where I could sell crafts, personalized accessories, made by other Canadian makers. I don't have much patience for creating products myself, so I decided that supporting other small businesses by opening a small shop carrying products I loved (and knew other people would, too!) would be a great way to accomplish this. I was so excited to launch my shop online and share it with the world. I had a vision of being an overnight success, or at least a steady source of income and joy. I thought I had what it takes to run a successful business, just like my husband, who owns Labrosse Consulting, a thriving survey equipment supplier combined with Civil Engineering Technology consulting. Something he was passionate about and good at. I thought people would love my products and appreciate the care and creativity that went into them. But reality soon hit me hard. Running a gift shop is not as easy as it seems. It takes a lot of time and effort to create, market, and ship the products. It takes a lot of work to set up shop at craft shows, if you're lucky enough to score a spot. It also takes a lot of patience and resilience to deal with the competition, the customer feedback, and the sales fluctuations. Mostly, it takes a toll on your mental and physical health, especially if you struggle like I do. I started to feel disappointed and discouraged when I saw my friends and family buying similar items from big chain stores instead of supporting my shop. I felt like they didn’t value my work or understand how much it meant to me. I felt like they were choosing convenience over quality and connection. I also started to feel like shit when I went days or weeks without a sale. I felt like no one wanted what I had to offer. I felt like I was wasting my time and energy on something that nobody cared about. I felt like a failure, with another business adventure that didn’t pan out because of my bright ADHD ideas.
I started to lose motivation and interest in my shop. I stopped pursuing new products, updating my website, and posting on social media. I stopped checking my email and responding to inquiries. I stopped caring about my shop and myself. But then I realized something. I realized that I was not alone in this journey. There are many other small business owners out there who face the same challenges and frustrations as me. There are also many customers out there who appreciate and support small businesses like mine. There are also many resources and communities out there that can help me grow and improve my shop. I realized that I still have a passion and a purpose for my shop. I still have a dream and a vision for my shop. And I still have a chance and an opportunity to make it happen.
Now I'm fighting with the idea of selling off the business to some other eager entrepreneur. Or do I stop feeling so fucking sorry for myself, pick back up and not give up on my shop or myself? I know success isn't created overnight. I'd love to rekindle my excitement and determination for my shop. I decided to do something that I love and share it with the world. And you know what? It felt good at first. But here I sit, stuck between a rock and a hard place. My family poured so many hours and so much money into this endeavor that I don't want to let them down and have them feel like this was another stupid idea. Because, when I have the next idea (we all know I will), I don't want them to think that supporting me is a bad idea. That's why I didn't tell anyone about writing these blog entries... I can do without the comments about mistakes I've made in the past.
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daydreambts · 2 years
I giggled as you mentioned the restraints. Not against the idea at all. “Maybe you will then..” I say with a little smirk wrapping my arms around your neck as you pull me into your lap kissing you back, love how amazing our sex life is and that we haven’t become bored of each other yet. I almost feel my cheeks turn a bright shade of red when you tell me how hot and gorgeous I am. “Well thank you… your actually not too bad yourself.” I say as I lean back in kissing you softly gently biting on your bottom lip before pulling back. “I mean I’d actually go as far to say your pretty hot too…” I say playing with the hair at the back of your neck. I loved moments like this , just the two of us. Ones where I didn’t have to worry about anything else going on. “I just wanted to say sorry again … y’know for earlier.” Feeling bad for taking it out on you. - Amy rose anon 🌹
"Is that so...?" Jungkook smirked at your positive response. "Maybe while laying around here tomorrow while I'm away at the studio, you could do a little online shopping... Check out what kind you like and if there are any other things that interest you." He could almost get hard again at the thought of you in his bed, perusing the goods of a sex shop while waiting for him to come home. He hissed as you bit him, chasing after you to crush his lips against yours. "Hmm, I try, glad to see the time investment in the gym was worth it," he quipped, grinning impishly at you. His eyes softened at your next words and he wrapped his arms around you, holding you protectively against his chest. "You don't have to say sorry, alright? I know what you're going through, I understand its toll on you. I know we won't always be nice to each other, sometimes we'll say some things that aren't great, but nevertheless... I want to be your safe spot, your sanctuary. Even if I can't help you fix things, I'll be here to support in other ways, alright?" But he did plan to fix things, he was going to make sure you'd be free of your ex-husband.
0 notes
bluemoondust · 2 years
Your kokichi is soo good! Sorry if you’re tired of him but could I request the “break” prompt for him please?
I'm glad you like how I write Kokichi! And oh no, it's all good! I enjoy writing for this purple gremlin honestly XD
Break - “Should I just break your legs? That way you can never, ever run away again.”
Warning(s): Established Kidnapping, Threats, Mentions of Broken Bones
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"Are you stubborn, or just stupid?"
You didn't have the energy to answer his question, but you figured it was rhetorical to begin with. However, you will say, this attempt was out of desperation and you knew escape was determined.
Your luck might've just ran out this time...
An exaggerated sigh leaves Kokichi, "Aren't you tired of this? You struggle, only to fail. I'm sure that's taking a toll on your mentality sooooo why not stop? Everything here is way better than what's out there! I'd chalk it up to being stupid if you wanted to escape this place so badly in favor of whatever boring life you want out there."
"It's not boring!" A glare was sent to him. He had the nerve to call your former life boring, when to you, it was the opposite. You had friends, family... But he ruined it all!
Kokichi smirked, "Oh? You decided to talk? Great! Five minutes in, too! A little shorter than how long you avoided me last time." His face shifted into a pout. "But did you have to be so mean about it? I know you're being moody and all, buuuut I can't take you seriously like this."
He's just toying with you. Getting a rise out of you by pushing your buttons. What does he even get out of all this? You've wanted to ask this since being brought... Wherever here was, but some nagging part of you believed he'd just lie on the spot once you ask. He claims to love you but it's probably all bullshit he spewing out. There's no love in all this. It's more likely entertainment for him. But why you?
You know he was still talking, trying to reel another reaction out of you, but it was all being tuned out. Anything else was better than listening or acknowledging Kokichi. It would only give him the green light to press further.
A sigh leaves as you try to picture yourself back to a time where everything was doing so well. Before any of this even happened. You question why such a thing happened to you and what you've done to deserve this. Such a cruel fate you could have never seen coming or so you think...
Maybe there were signs of something more sinister when you first met Kokichi, but you just couldn't pinpoint them fast enough. Could you have prevented this?
“Should I just break your legs? That way you can never, ever run away again.”
Your head immediately turned to look at him. He's... Joking, right?
"Wow! That really got your attention! Y'know, I hate being ignored." His voice lowered a bit but that damned smile was still up. You swear that it faded for a split second. It didn't sit right with you but you couldn't let him know that.
"You're just lying."
"Oh, am I?" He lets out a laugh. "Are you reaaaally sure? It wouldn't be that hard. I could use a hammer," his finger went up to his cheek as if he were pondering on the options. "Ooor my bare hands would work, but that'd be so much work..."
You grit your teeth as he pouted. He's playing around, you tried to convince yourself. If anything, this was a way to get back at you for trying to escape. He wanted you to beg for forgiveness for what you've done. Cry at his feet and promise never to do it again.
"Aw, you got all quiet~ Did I scare you? C'mon! It's not that bad! You won't die from a broken leg and the best part is that you'll get extra attention!"
He slowly walks up to you, causing your body to move away in fear. His smile widens at this.
"Just a simple *crack* and it'll all be over~! Oooor do you have something to tell me instead? Speak up or forever hold your peace." In this case... If you don't say anything, things can just get worse from here on out.
Kokichi stared intently at you, his eyes boring into your form as your breathing picked up. He's giving you a choice.
So you better answer before he makes it for you.
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tordenvejr · 3 years
hi there! i saw a couple of your previous asks and as someone who is currently in therapy and recovering they are helping a lot. and if you dont mind, i would like to ask something personal myself. i have a lot of triggers and they are a great emotional burden. i get triggered almost every day, sometimes multiple times a day by different things. i want to know is there any way to stop engaging in them when they happen? and is it okay to do so? i try to calm down and use different techniques but i always find myself intensively checking if my triggers are true and normalizing what they are about. when i get triggered i try to expose myself to what triggered me but end up feeling even worse, to a point where it physically takes a toll on me. is it okay to just, not check them like that? as in also not actively look up triggering content? when i get triggered i just feel like i have to be okay with those things and never react since they are considered normal by everyone else and i feel very bad if i avoid the topics they evolve around cuz i dont want to burden anyone to hide things from me in case i react to them. i hope this makes sense, and thanks in advance x
hi! i'm glad that some of the answers have been a help 💧
i do believe in order to find resolution and peace we have to engage with our triggers in some sense. but it has to be in a manner that allows us to actually face our fears, release the stress of them from our body and transform them, rather than engaging with them in a way where they turn into stories, prophecies or shadows that haunt us.
i don't know what techniques you use, but an effective way to work through triggers and decrease their emotional charge is through EFT. when your decrease the emotional charge the frequency and intensity of the triggers will also decrease.
in case you aren't familiar with the process i'll explain.
when you're experiencing a trigger, identify the discomfort that you're feeling on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst. this gives you something to measure against when you're done with the process.
notice where the discomfort is in the body, and magnify it as much as possible. the more you intensify it is the more you can decrease the emotional charge.
then go through each tapping point gently, in my opinion it's okay if you're not sure if you're in exactly the right spot, as long as you're in the vicinity.
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during the tapping you're going to be repeating a sentence. this sentence is structured by identifying the worst possible sentence you can attach to this discomfort. the point is to invoke the discomfort as much as possible so that you can let go as much as possible. it may seem counter intuitive, but that's how it works. so if for example you're triggered from being outside around a group of people, notice the discomfort and notice the belief/fear that accompanies it. it could be: "i worry they think i'm embarrassing." now to make it as intense as possible we're going to turn the sentence into: "everyone thinks i'm embarassing" as that's the vocalization of the fear.
then you're going to stitch your fear into the EFT structure like this:
"even though (fear/pain) i love and accept myself." = "even though everyone thinks i'm embarrassing i love and accept myself."
you can tap each point as many times as you feel like, and you can repeat the sentence as many times as you feel like it - and change it underway, if a new fear comes up.
when you're done see if you're at the same number on the scale or if it has decreased. and repeat until you're at a number you feel is comfortable.
it is absolutely okay to not force/urge yourself to check if your fears are true or to rummage over them. a way to really explore what this worry around letting go of interacting with your triggers in this way, is to ask yourself what you fear will happen if you stop? do you fear that if you let go of control, if you aren't in the know about everything that something bad will happen? if so, where did this belief come from? what did you experience that marked this belief for you?
when we go to control, to feeling as if we need to be in the know, it can often be about needing safety, and us subconsciously believing that the only way to get that is through control. all the body really needs here is a new way of interacting with the need for safety. how else can you make yourself feel safe? what activities do you find comforting? what thoughts would you like to believe in, instead? that's a good place to start.
you can't force yourself to be okay with something that your entire body and nervous system simply isn't comfortable with. it's the equivalent of being with a child who's afraid of heights and saying go to the top of this lighthouse alone and like it!
this will not make it easier for the child, the child will not like it, it will not normalize it to the point of being comfortable with it, it will scar the child.
what does the child (you) need to feel safe? what triggers are around you and what do they mean to you? what threat do they pose? it's okay if you need to physically go somewhere else, it's okay if you need to close your whole computer for a while, it's okay if you need to tell a loved one: this is affecting me, i need to do something low stimuli and gentle or i need you to remind me that i am safe.
yes, it's okay to not look at triggering content. the most loving thing to do for yourself in this scenario is to completely reject any form of triggering content while you work through this, or permanently. you don't have to engage with something that feels bad. you do not.
what happens inside anyone else in response to anything does not dictate what should or what does happen inside you in response to the same thing.
you are also allowed to call for help you need help, you're allowed to cry when it hurts, you're allowed to be heavy to carry when you feel heavy. you'll certainly be lighter to care for and to love when your allow others to help lift you. it's okay if others have to do something different to how they might otherwise operate to care for your well being. what happened to make you think you aren't allowed to have needs? aren't allowed to respond emotionally in the way that you do? you are allowed, and it does not matter if you weren't because no one can dictate their emotional responses.
all the best to you 🚿💗
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Hello there! I hope everything is going well with you. (・∀・)
I have some questions. In CH 30 & 32 the Time Observer mentioned about the "price being too heavy/dear" & he mentioned that he never expected for Victor to choose that method to prevent the crisis. I was wondering what price is he talking about & what's "the method" he mentioned? & Victor collapsing in CH 32 was not from hitting the bullet I believe. What exactly happened there?
Also...I don't know the details but I think I saw it somewhere that Victor goes through different timelines & dimensions for 10000 years in the later part of the story...? I remember reading it in a R&S that every time he crosses a dimension he'd experience soul crushing pain... The mere thought of doing it for so long honestly made me feel traumatized. I was hoping you could give me some insights as to what exactly he was doing.
I hope I'm not bothering you with tons of questions & they made sense. Thanks a lot in advance! Have a good day! <3
Thank you, you too! :)
I hope I helped answered your questions here. It's quite long, so enjoy the read!
I did Victor’s Time Observer analysis and I’ll be heavily referencing that post to help answer this particular ask. Big thank you to @cheri-cheri and @ey8508 for help clarifying some of my thoughts concerning Victor this chapter! Spoilers down below! ⏱
“With great power comes great responsibility.” -The Peter Parker Principle
We all know Victor bears great power, but also with that comes great responsibility. He is the sole individual who has the will and power to alter time and space, however this develops drastic consequences to his health and to history- all for his love for MC.
Victor doesn’t care about this price- he is more concerned with whether he can prevent the death of the girl in every unpredictable future.
“The person who can save the world… is not me, but her. As for myself, I know my ending line and how much pain I can bear better than anyone. I would rather take such a risk.” -Chapter 35-36 Rumours and Secrets
Chapter 30-6
Victor is seen to be flanked by bodyguards on Adagio Street. Moments later, in a pure white space, we see the Time Observer addressing Victor.
I stood in the centre of the street, looking hesitantly around, but I was unable to spot that familiar figure.
In the dead of the night, from the distant horizon, there seemed to come the sound of a mechanical little violin.
In a boundless, pure white space, the music would be at time peaceful and solemn, and at others somber and mournful. After the final note, that pair of tightly-closed eyes opened.
The Time Observer looked at Victor, neither showing surprise.
That pale white hand brushed lightly over the violin strings, and his gravelly voice spoke up with the pluck of the string.
TO: “The natural rules of operations no longer supply. This world… in memory is a turbulent past and in imagination, there is no serene future. She should have stayed in that world. Her return was a mistake.”
Victor: “If you’re still here that means we still have a chance.”
TO: “A chance that comes at such a heavy cost. Is it really worth it? You will soon understand, in some things, you are doomed to helplessness. Try with all your might, and yet, it remains out of reach.”
Victor: “I won’t let her die again. No matter when."
This will foreshadow future events such as in Chapter 32, where Victor shows a demonstration of this.
Chapter 32-6
Amidst the scattering glass shards, I saw a number of bullets flying towards me.
Only one thought ran through my mind.
Am I going to die?
Chapter 32-8
In the darkness, a crack suddenly splits open, and a blinding light appears, obscuring my sight. My heartbeat practically came to a standstill, the pain I expected never came. The blinding light disappeared, instantaneously replaced by darkness.
Time seemed to pause for a second.
The pitch black bullets, the fractured glass, the car in mid-air…
And then it fell all heavily to the ground.
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And in this moment, Victor challenged “fate”, or rather, the “natural rules of operations”, stated by the Time Observer.
I reached out and grabbed the black clothing fluttering before me. Even my voice was trembling.
MC: “Victor…”
I looked in a daze at the man before me, at those fierce eyes beneath his wind-blown hair.
He was looking back at me, as if trying to etch me into his eyes with his deep gaze. But there was another emotion hidden within as well.
After confirming he was unharmed, I let out a sigh, then looked anxiously into his eyes.
MC: “What are you doing here?”
Victor: “Do you have any idea what you’re doing?”
But this time, his voice was flat.
MC: “I’m sorry… but I know exactly what I’m doing. I’m not unaware of the danger… I must simply stay and stop them.”
I hastily wanted to get Victor out of danger, but his feet were planted firmly. I looked up, to get a look at his expression.
His voice was steady, stopping me in my tracks.
Victor: “I see.”
MC: “You really believe I can stop them?”
Victor: “I said before, even if you don't trust yourself, always trust me. I won’t do anything I'm not sure I can handle. Go what you think needs to be done.”
He patted the back of my head lightly, with a hint of tremor in his voice. He didn’t ask me or stop me, as if he already knew the choice I’d made.
So, while the STF agents and runaway Evolvers were battling, MC was literally going to die at that moment. But Victor enters- using his Evol to stop time, ultimately stopping the bullets and MC’s death.
I whirled around, hoping to catch sight of him.
MC: “Victor!”
I wanted to tell him I’d done it, that I really had prevented this crisis.
A faint worry floated up in my chest. What about Victor?
Medic: “Someone, come quick! There’s another person here!”
I turned and hurried to the end of the bridge.
I then quickly found him.
Ringed by a crowd of people, there he was, the person I would recognise anywhere.
It was…
I halted my steps for a moment, then ran to him without hesitation.
I broke into a panic.
Chapter 32-10
Victor… What happened to him??
I pushed the crowd aside and frantically ran to him.
His face was pallid, eyes squeezed shut, his hair plastered messily to his forehead with sweat. I grasped his hand, unable to believe how icy cold it felt to the touch.
MC: "How could you… Why did you…”
Just then, those eyes shut with pain cracked open. He pursed his lips and then coughed violently, blood started trickling out. Even like that, he still chuckled weakly.
Victor: “I used to think… that your problem was that you thought you could control fate all by yourself. Stubborn, self-reliant, in over your head. Whenever anyone tried to tell you anything, no matter what they said, it was always in one ear and out the other.”
Although it sounded a little weak, his voice was unusually calm, and didn’t really even pause or halt. Almost if, if he stopped, he wouldn't be able to start again.
Victor: “But I really did learn a little something from you. You are the thing unto yourself, so only know the best what your values and decisions should be. No one can guide you. And just like I can’t hold you back, you also can’t change this decision that I’ve made. Don’t ask why, this time, just let me say my piece.”
His voice grew weaker, but he managed to lift his right hand and place it over mine.
I clasped his hand, and a feeling of suspense and dread came over me like I'd never felt before.
MC: “I know… I know… You don’t have to say more.”
He was afraid of something, but not because his life was slipping away. It was more like… something would happen.
Victor closed his eyes, completely exhausted. I squeezed his hand tighter, as if trying to hang on to those remnants of warmth.
You have to make it through this.
A man standing by the riverside swiped his hand through the fog, swiped his hand through the fog, stirring it up into an erratic vortex.
Zero: “Did he actually…”
TO: Like I said before, he is the most suitable candidate.”
Zero: “But he refused to help us open the Door of Return.”
TO: “Perhaps it’s only temporary, and he’ll change his mind. I didn’t imagine he’d choose this method for preventing this crisis. Too bad… the price was so dear.”
After Victor saves MC from death, she finds him on the ground- pale and in terrible pain. Throughout Victor’s time with MC, we slowly see the influence he has on her- and the influence she has on him. He tells her that while she shoulders everything on her own and never listens to anyone, she did teach him things in the process. With her love and kindness, she strives to defy “nature's course” and saves worlds. Literally.
You were correct, Victor didn’t suffer injuries from the bullets because he stopped them just in time but Victor is overusing his Evol, and it’s gradually taking a toll on his body. Even back before MC crossed over to the Winter World, Victor was trying to find other alternative ways for MC to live and not sacrifice herself. Unfortunately, there were none. He did also suffer immense pain whenever he time traveled, especially when it led to his time travel pocket watch cracking and breaking in the end.
Victor would normally be practical and very principled in how he executes his plans, but this time around, it was him. This- he- was the plan. That's it. This is similar to how Victor opened a time rift to send MC away in Chapter 18- to somewhere and sometime in space. He waited for her to come back with the help of the Time Observers to confirm her safety. Only someone with his powerful Evol could do that, otherwise they’d risk losing consciousness in the “Time Rift”.
Additionally, he held onto that hope that MC could and would be saved in the end, like how he tried to find her for 17 years after the orphanage incident, not knowing whether she was dead or alive. Victor wants to wield that control, denying “helplessness” and “winning all the bets” he had with MC prior to her “death” in Chapter 18. Victor stated that if she couldn’t trust herself, then she should trust him and his decisions to protect her. Even if it’s detrimental to his health. Life-threatening, even. Because in the end, Victor knows he will always win. He just does.
And since he knows that he won’t be able to stop MC from doing what she wants, we now see him fully embracing then acting upon it. He accepts that she’s her own person and he has grown to have so much faith in her, seeing how she successfully survived Winter World then coming back home safe. It’s almost like- “okay. It’s you and me against the world”.
On the sidelines, Time observer and ZERO both observe, surprised that Victor will pay such a high price to avoid MC’s death from occurring- with the risk of his own. Could they have lost their most powerful time Evolver from this incident?
Though, we shouldn’t be surprised that the Time Observers think that Victor would be so foolish to use his Evol up to the point where it would actually kill him just to save MC. It's literally in their name- “Observers''- they haven’t and aren’t even allowed to actively participate in the events that happened in Loveland, let alone the different histories and worlds that existed, other than claiming to “correct it” by influencing other people who can. They don’t appear to have this kind of empathy in understanding Victor and why he wants to save MC’s life, or how important she is to him.
“You misunderstand. We never alter, we are correctors of history. We want you to join us, your power’s scope of influence has already surpassed the dimension of this current world. Before you are rejected by it…”
Victor: “I will not leave this world.”
“Even if you’ve seen the future of what is all to pass?”
Victor: “No matter what happens, the person I’m seeking for is right here.” -Black Curtain: Chapter 6
Also taken from my Time Observer Analysis-
Since Victor’s Evol is strong and has the capability to do more than “observe” like the Time Observers, he is the one who is deemed the most suitable and more responsible for “grasping the time in the past and the future”. Ever since STF found out about Victor’s Evol, they wanted him to cooperate with them too. Every time he stops time, certain surrounding energy and space changes.
The organisation also entertains the idea of fate, and how things should be refused to be changed. Since they have “seen the future of how the world ends”, they want Victor to cooperate with them in making it stop. Nobody can rewrite the ending among them, except him. Victor refuses to join because he doesn’t adhere to this idea.
“QUEEN’s return has brought unexpected consequences; the entire collapse of the world is ahead of schedule. The world’s line has come to an end, no matter through time or space, we can no longer interfere in this world.” Was there a difference in letting each world go to the end alone to close all the world lines in the future directly? Although we found a breakthrough, this situation really caused us a lot of headaches: she who should not have survived and she should not have been sent to other worlds. As a result, it would seriously interfere and disrupt the timeline. No one had done it before, and no one except Victor could do it.
In disbelief, we weighed it and threw the olive branch- as long as he is willing to cooperate, we will help him find her. As decisive as he was to refuse a few times before, this time he had promised me without thinking. And for a moment, I didn’t know if his decisiveness was good or bad. -Chapter 33-34 Rumours and Secrets
Victor "travelling ten-thousand years in the future" was mentioned in his Chapter 35-36 Rumours and Secrets. The Space and Time Administration (who the Time Observers were under) could "repair his abilities", after he stopped the bullets from hitting MC. He would have to stay there for the Space and Time Administration's time duration of ten-thousand years. Victor accepts. (BIG THANKS TO @cheri-cheri FOR CORRECTING ME LAST MINUTE WITH THIS ONE, YOU AMAZING HUMAN!!)
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angloie · 3 years
> Percy likes to deceive. Lie, manipulate, more lies; it was a part of his job, after all. Annabeth has been deceived. Lied to. Manipulated. She's an woman of many secrets- secrets she'd rather not let anyone know.
> Assassin! Percy x CEO! Annabeth.
> Warnings: Mostly angst + fluff, character death and some violence. Nothing too explicit. Mentions of blood/mild injuries as well as alcohol. (characters are aged up!)
pt. 2 || pt. 3 || pt. 4 || pt. 5
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Percy's thumb rule was never do anything he didn't want.
To live a happy and healthy life, that was completely normal; especially for such a laid back guy like him.
Choosing this... rather wild career was something he wanted to do, willingly. Life was short, so why not make the most of it? It was getting awfully bleak with the normal civilian life. After all, no one would believe the nice young man who helped the old man carry the groceries to his car would be someone who killed for a living. A smile so bright that it could give the sun a run for its money and warm sea green eyes could hide so much more than just innocence.
The ceiling to floor windows of his penthouse showed a breathtaking view of the New York skyline, sun moving behind the tall buildings and moon replacing the orange hue. Being an assassin had its perks- despite endangering his life on multiple occasions. The pay was just out of this world. All that cash just to kill off some sleazy politician, or that one corrupt buisness man? Sign him up. Zero hesitation.
Percy frowned at the dried blood on his once pure white gloves. He was quick to peel them off. He shuddered at the unsightly view of a small stain of blood on his onyx-colored suit.
He would just buy a new one later. Small things like that didn't matter. Sure, that might've been a gift from one of his clients, but it wasn't anything he couldn't replace.
Hanging his coat on the rack beside the wide entrance, he sighed with clear tiredness. One night of forced politeness and smiles took a toll on him- Also due to the fact that he had just done his job as an assassin. It wasn't what you could call easy.
His muscles were aching and sore in all the worst places, every move throbbing with full pain. The shallow slash on his lower abdomen had soaked his shirt in a dark crimson red, most likely going to leave a bad stain. He would have to clean that later.
The penthouse was big and rather spacious. White Walls and abstract paintings lined them, reflecting off the almost pristine marble floors. It took a while for Percy to get settled in, it being a huge place and all that. But he soon made it feel like home with the help of old picture frames that held memories and the Nemo stuffed animals resting on the leather couch.
And Mrs. O'leary.
Mrs.O’leary- a huge, slobbering dog with thick black fur- bounded towards him in a frenzied greeting. She hopped up on her hind legs to lick his face, tail wagging at a unmatched speed. She barked again, this time more quieter.
“Yeah, yeah. It's nice to see you too.” Percy laughed as he tried to pull away. Once he went to the kitchen to grab a bone-shaped treat. “Who’s a good girl?” He cooed, tossing the snack in the air. Mrs.O’leary jumped up to snatch it before barking and padding away. Her tail still wagged with elation.
When Percy first moved here, it was quite nerve-racking. He'd heard that this place was an especially good spot for people like him- meaning people who did some illegal activity. Well, that was what he assumed. Percy was 99% sure that his neighbor just in the penthouse below him, (Leo was it?) had to be involved in some sketchy stuff. That creepy smile of his with a mysterious staining his shirt never meant any good. Or maybe when his other neighbor, had a odd looking duffel bag slung across his shoulder. Oddly human shaped, maybe. With a horrible smell of something rotting. Percy recalled introducing himself a Nico DiAngelo. A pretty reserved and quiet guy, usually having a frown of his face. Well, other than that time when he had his boyfriend over, a sunshiney guy with sun-kissed hair. He never got the chance to catch his name.
Wrapping a white cloth around his wound, Percy's met with a sense of familiarity. Fixing his own injuries by himself. It would bee nice to have some help once in a while, but that would mean exposing him. He's definitely not ready to risk that.
Other than his boss and a couple of really close friends, no one knows about this. Percy nearly slipped up once- when a old companion from high school came over to visit, and his small arsenal of weapons were revealed. The little compartment hidden behind a painting. Not another word wasmsaid about it. Percy made up some half-assed excuse about auditioning for a movie so they were fakes.
It didn't take much of a expert, but the were far from fakes.
His phone rang from beside Percy, making him jolt in surprise. The contact name made him smile just the tiniest bit.
"Hey, mom," Percy began. "Why'd you call?"
"Can't your mom check up on you once in a while? How are you?" Sally beamed, cheerful voice on speaker mode.
He walked over to the bathroom where he stood in the full length mirror. A hint of blood seeped through the white bandage; now full wrapped. "Good. How's Paul and Estelle doing?" He asked.
"They're doing great! Me and your step dad went out with Estelle yesterday to see the movies." Sally smiled. "Estelle is growing into such a energetic ball of energy." She joked. "Just like you."
"Is that so?" Percy laughed, splashing his face with water. It felt cool on his skin, causing tiny pricks of coldness to pop up all over.
For a while, him and Sally conversed. She told him about her day (mostly gushing about Paul and Estelle) while Percy smiled and listened. He did his best to hide the fact that he'd been fixing up his wounds in silence. He cursed silently in pain when he touched an sensitive spot on the slash.
"Percy? Are you alright?" Sally asked in concern.
"Yeah! I just... hit my elbow. Its nothing. " He hastily replied.
"Okay," Sally exclaimed in relief. "By the way, when are you going to visit your old woman? Estelle misses you, you know."
"Yeah, well tell her I miss her too." A sense of gloom over took the conversation. "Look, I'm busy now but..." Percy looked over to the mirror again. "I'll call you later. Maybe I can visit you guys over there soon." He exhaled.
"We're looking forward to it! Isn't that right,             Estelle?" Sally gave the phone to the little girl who was jumping with excitement.
"Come over soon Perce!" She garbled. It sounded like she was eating something halfway.
"I will. Talk to you later, 'Kay?"
A wave of guilt overwashed Percy as soon as he ended the call. It was killing him inside, to not be honest with them about his real job. They just thought he was a simple marine biologist who got one hell of a promotion. Yeah, he wished. That seemed easier than killing for a living. He was going to tell them sooner or later. He just had to. Not today- not anytime soon, that is.
Jolting himself out of his thoughts, Percy's phone rang. He was quick to answer it. Was it Sally calling again? Percy put down the metal spoon he was holding, letting it rest in the pot of soup bubbling on the flat stove. 
“Hey, Percy!” The horribly familiar voice rang from the other side of the line. Percy grimaced.
“What is it?” He groaned.
“Is that any way to talk to your boss?” He tsked. “But I have news for you!”
“Do tell,” Percy muttered and went back to his soup. 
“I have a mission.” Apollo grinned widely. “You up for it?”
“Again? Didn't I just do one yesterday?” Percy rolled his eyes. He was tired; completely tired. Usually the missions weren't this close together- sometimes they could be even months apart.
“Yeah, but this one won't happen for a week or so. And it ain't just the typical mission.”
“Yeah? And what's that?”
“Its a info operation. Meaning-”
“I know what that means!” Percy interjected. “Just tell me the details already. I’m hungry.”
“Jeez, okay mr. grump. Annabeth Chase. You know her?” Apollo said, scoffing at Percy's tone.
“You mean the owner of that one architecture company? What about her?” He asked.
“She’s connected with Thalia Grace and Luke Castellan.” Appolo explained. “Apparently people have been talking about their new heist that they're planning. By what I've heard, it's going to be huge.” 
Those three names- Thalia Grace, Luke Castellan, Annabeth Chase. Annabeth especially, was the most well known in the regular world. Her being the stoic founder of Athchase as well as being a crazy rich and famous person, that's a no brainer. Luke and Thalia, on the other hand, their heists were well known anywhere. Annabeth didn't have a criminal record of any sorts. That's a big reason she can keep up her reputation. It's not like the woman did anything wrong, its just that... the fact that she is connected with the two is enough to ensure suspicion. Growing rumors of her planning some of their crimes were spreading fast. Percy's heard of things like that, her being the mastermind of killing and stealing.
“Alright," He nodded. "Im interested. Go on."
“New York. That's where the three plan to meet up. Get information, maybe use your charms into getting her to trust you."
"N-new york..!?" Percy was left shocked at that.
"I've booked a flight there. 5 in the morning sharp tomorrow. I reccomend you arrive on time." Apollo chuckled.
"Yeah, whatever."
"And Percy?" He called out.
"You have my full permission to kill Annabeth when you're done." Apollo darkly said, hanging up without another word. Percy rolled his eyes for the tenth time on the call.
Well, all right.
Next destination: New York.
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"So, New York, huh." Annabeth swirled some of her cocktail in the glass, circling her wrist in a rotation. The blue liquid swirled together in a repetitive motion. Sapphire Martini tasted rather bitter on her tounge, but decent nonetheless. She enjoyed the slight orange twist.
"Why here of all places?" She asked.
"Its a golden opportunity, dear Annie. The Olympians only gather once in a blue moon, so we're going to make the most out of this!" Thalia sipped from her own glass, some regular red wine. She'd never had such a taste for 'Those fancy rich drinks'. Whatever that meant.
The Olympians, as Thalia said before, were a group of 12 of some of the wealthiest and prestigious people from across the world. Only a few select people could be a part- it was exclusive as to anybody who was just normal as a couple million rich. New York would be holding a auction quite soon on a famous opera house; and surprise, they would be there.
"Don't call me that." Annabeth winced at the name. "And who exactly is we?"
"Don't go all acting like you didn't agree, alright? Plus, you can gain a thing or two from all this." She grinned.
"I have a company to run, Thals, You know very well that I dropped that type of business years ago." Annabeth shook her head. "This is seriously risky."
"But you love that. Don't you?" Thalia pressed, standing up.
She truly did. The thrill, the rush of energy you couldn't get anywhere else. Thats what had driven her to join Thalia and Luke in the first place. That feeling alone made her eyes sparkle with desire.
"Yeah." Annabeth places her drinkdown back on the glass table. "I do."
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Okay I'm back with some more hot garbage!!! here's my latest thing-- a assassin au. I need to do a ship other than percabeth tho 😔😔
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karasunology · 4 years
╰─ ─ ゚headcanons of suna & kita of how it would be like if they were your older brothers.
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ suna rintarou & kita shinsuke <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
⇣ please read the RULES before requesting.
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➜ suna would your quiet older brother that's very caring for you
➜ let me explain
➜ suna is the type of person that may seem quiet but could honestly be as chaotic as he can be
➜ good chaotic? or evil chaotic?
➜ you decide for yourself
➜ and that's when he's just a normal person to any other normal person
➜ but you're his younger sibling
➜ y'know, the one he sees everyday
➜ willingly or not HSJSNNXC
➜ yeah he'll be quiet sure but if YOU ever join into the mix
➜ fox boi is thriving quietly while your parents are just so done with you guys
➜ i headcanon that he's the type to fall asleep in day time
➜ but when it's night where h's supposed to be sleeping, homeboy is anything but sleeping
➜ he'll have a hard time sleeping and honestly you're probably also in the same situation as him because wow, sibling goals😍❇✨🗽
➜ and if you ARE in the same situation as him, and you'd get a random message from him at the most UNGODLIEST TIMES to go to a 24 hours open mcdonalds fast-food,
➜ who were you to object??
➜ like y'all's parents would wake up to go to work or something and would when they check the family gc, suna sent a pic of you falling asleep on a mcdonalds playground
➜ would paniK LMAOOO
➜ but before they pull your drowsy ass back, they'd check your guys' rooms and in the midst of checking they'd find you guys sleeping on the living room sofa
➜ woke up the next day in the floor because suna unconciously pushed you from the sofa y'all were sharing but you had a blanket placed on top of you while he was ShiVERING to death
➜ expect cursed videos or weird snapchat stories of you guys either saved privately or drunkenly high posted for the whole world to see😗😍
➜ y'all have the most random conversation at 3 am in imessage but y'all still forgot you sent those
➜ the type to message you a meme he finds funny while his drowssiness is taking a toll on him
➜ the type to message you while he's in the same room as you
➜ like especially if there are guests around & he hates socializing & just doesn't have the energy to talk to them
➜ fights were uncommon, and if it ever happens oH my
➜ he'll give you a cold shoulder because he's THAT petty b itch💅👊
➜ but he's probably the first to apologize because you are probably also a petty bi tch 💅👊
➜ b i c t h
➜ he's honestly a great listener 10/10 would recommend
➜ he may not be the best at advices, but atleast he's good at listening
➜ would a HUNDERED ( 100 ) PERCENT % dump the chores ordered for him to do TO YOU
➜ and would definitly use the excuse
“ because i'm older than you ”
➜ in conclusion, suna may be a lazy bicth but he'd be an . . . entertaining brother to say the least & never fails to take the role as an older sibling through hidden and small ways.
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➜ the silent but active older brother
➜ the type of older brother that may not seem he cares about you but he actually does
➜ like  a l o t
➜ like that one chapter in the manga where kita may sound like a judgemental douche but actually cares about atsumu and gave him a note to take care of himself or something? with cough drops, pickled plums, lemon water etc.
➜ ugh i live for that
➜ anywh0res, that chapter?? yeah, you experienced alot of those
➜ you have gotten used to his attitude ever since you guys were young
➜ one time, when you guys were young, you scraped your knee and kita may seem like he's lowkey judging you but he was actually so worried
“ see? that's what happens when you're too clumsy ”
➜ yet proceeds to kneel next to you & would piggyback you while saying that you should lay off desert becausr you were getting heavy
➜ and one time when you overworked yourself because of your studies to the point you got sick, kita was the one that was taking care of you
➜ your temperature? taken AND recorded by him. your porriage? made by him. if you got worse, he would make an appointment with a doctor. appointment? scheduled and made by him.
➜ and that's on periodt😋
➜ would scold you and use judgmental tones BUT would be so caring towards you ahHh
➜ and if it wasn't that bad but you still had to stay home the next day, but it was a school day so that means volleyball practice for kita
➜ and y'all probably argued about something that morning and he left while you were still sulking about your fight and when you entered the kitchen you would find a bag of your favourite foods, those cooled things you put on your forehead to bring the heat down, & medicines.
➜ and in the table was your porriaged cooked and served with a note on the side which says :
please take care of yourself more, i'll be home after practice like usual.
love, kita-nii.
➜ and when bb boy went home you apologized about your fight that morning and he'd be so shocked because you don't usually say sorry first whenever you guys fight
➜ would tell you stories of what happened at practice that day simce you weren't there
➜ speaking of that, you would wait around the volleyball club and would be their unofficial manager
➜ why? because kita made you since he would ALWAYS walk you home with him and maybe some of his team mates that lives near you guys
➜ like he ain't reporting a missing teenager anytime soon
➜ already has a lot of things to handle so he would appreciate that you would get kidnapped on a different day? yeah, thx💋
➜ would garden with you because i headcanon that he really loves and has a passion for gardening & probably has his own little vegetables growing in the side awe
➜ would 100% help you do your chores
➜ and with anything you need honestly
➜ ugh we stan
➜ and if you ever awknowledge everything he has done for you and would let him know that you awknowledge him & that you REALLY APPRECIATE HIM AS YOU SHOULDDD💅😩✋
➜ he'd probably cry on the spot ngl
➜ i'm joking, but y'all would probably be so soft at that moment that he just offered you to watch those old childhood movies you guys used to love to watch
➜ in conclusion, i love this mans so much and that you should too. even if he may seem judgemental & a douche but trust me when i say he cares ALOT about you but he just shows it subtly. and he deserves a lot of love as well because you don't know how much has he taken care of you ever since you guys were kids.
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . another big brother headcanon?? y'all eating tHAT SHI T UP. but honestly, me too. also, another one of bokuto's sister x akaashi one will be posted either tonight, or tomorrow as per an anon's request. ugh we love a productive sister. @ to the anon who requested this, hope you enjoyed it because i totally did while my crusty eyes tries to stay awake last nighy writing this👑
requests are open or just send me anything because i need hooman interactions rn😋✌
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