#I'm kind of interested in the one at Belfast
bear-of-varley · 1 year
I'm finally done with my university studies like all I have to do is submit some journal entries and my final and that's it. Forever. I never have to do a master's degree ever again and you'll never make me.
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sgiandubh · 9 months
Not your previous anon, so don't impel me. 😉
Interesting that you believe C to be a "very, very good actress" but S is a "gifted actor".
From what I've seen of both, I think that C was blessed with innate talent and her versatility is eye-catching.
S is good but not memorable. He doesn't command the screen. And, I say this after watching most of his projects. Outside OL, he hasn't impressed. To me, he's himself in all. Same facial tics that we've noticed since S1. After Suspect, I had little hope for TCND because the same director was in charge. Unfortunately I was right. S was no better than before. I'd advise him not to work with Dries Vos anymore. He's awful. At this point I'm not sure it's just the inferior roles S takes but that it has more to do with his limited acting abilities. After 10 years I hoped for better.
Dear Not Memorable Anon,
How ironic. A very recent comment I had the imprudence to post in one of my threads, basically wishing for 'more complex roles ' for S immediately attracted me an insult from someone (it does not matter who, but a shipper or rather a fencer, I should say), who thought I was a 'brainless moron'. I still do not understand why and I did explain what I meant.
I see great potential in S and you seem to forget the grueling schedule they have because of OL, forcing them to refuse a lot of pitched projects. Her choices were probably better oriented, bearing in mind that I only saw her in Belfast, outside OL, and was underwhelmed with the whole movie, but enthusiastic enough with her. As for him, let's say that When the Starlight Ends was a tragic BS all the way, but also a wonderful, totally disinterested gesture of kindness towards a personal friend. The rest, I am not interested to see and I still wish for that breakthrough movie project allowing him to: a) emancipate his image from (yes, fellow insulting blogger!) the very complex OL/JAMMF formula and b) explore something else than action movies with lots of muscle. TCND was not that bad, but not nearly good enough. Yet, he is still around and he works and people watched him. All these are very good news for a very volatile market, post strike. Oh, and I almost forgot about Love Again - haven't seen it and I suspect it is forgettable.
That being said, I hope you realize that all these opinions, mine and yours alike, are completely personal and subjective. On the other hand, any indicators measuring audience are exactly that: numbers and statistics. It's exactly like discussing a Jackson Pollock painting: you might think it's the cat's meow. However, I might also think it's someone who randomly kicked a bunch of cans with paint on a canvas. And then smeared everything with the demented energy of a 5 year old, left to his/her own devices:
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So I am not going to impale you, Anon. My fellow, Vlad, here, might have, though:
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Those guys were Ottoman envoys. It is a relief to be able to confirm, as a diplomat with a severe bout of insomnia, things did really change somewhat, since 1499.
Don't push your luck, though.
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constantineshots · 1 year
I'm kind of confused on John Constantine's characterisation. But, to be fair, I did come across him in the dp x dc crossovers, so...*shrug*
It's just that he ranges from the most pathetic, self-centered but also accidentally altruistic smoking asshole who couldn't care less if you burned alive to a soft-hearted tsundere who wants to help but lets nobody see that and tries to be an asshole to drive them away.
Also the thing about him backstabbing everyone he spends more than five minutes with, but still being on the JL's speed dial???? And everyone says he's an asshole who's more trouble than he's worth but they still turn to him for help?
If you have the time, could you please clear that up a bit? What is he like in the comics? The good ones I mean.
Thank you and have a nice day.
hello! sorry this took me a minute- had a lot to say. its a long post SORRY
buti think the simplest way to describe it is that in regards to the dc x dp crossover, they focus more on the dc universe's john constantine- which is the mainstream universe, with big shots like superman and batman and all of the things that make him, for the most part, seem like he's the best in magic and this man who is on, as you put it, the justice league's speed dial. he's the butt of most jokes, he never actually shows his bisexuality in a healthy manner because he's more likely to be joking about it than actually being in a relationship with a man (his usual love interest is zatanna, and ofc, bisexual people are allowed to date someone of the same gender, but what annoys me is that they are willing to joke about his bisexuality without showing him actually dating these men that he jokes about).
however, vertigo comics (which is dc's black label: comics like hellblazer (john's line), lucifer, the sandman, etc. reside because the topics they touch are for mature audiences- and not just because lucifer's naked 90% of his comic run) is where we get john constantine. in hellblazer, he starts off as a terrified man who's willing to do anything to survive- and, honestly, i'd say that's still the case throughout the series. he seems more real. more possible. more like someone i can connect to.
all the magic he's learned isn't this "inner power" that we see in characters like zatanna (love her, no shade to her) who was taught her magic by her father and has been around it her whole life, or characters like the enchantress. he picked up some books and started digging through them and learning to regain some semblance of control of his life because of his abusive family and just overall not being the most popular kid.
a lot of john's character stems from trauma- his family life, newcastle, most of his relationships with other people, the things he does in general, being in ravenscar, etc.
i said something a while back that i think still stands to this day- he's not a hero because he'll do anything to save his friends or himself, but overall, he comes first. to put it in perspective, there are times he knows things are dangerous, and yet he still asks for favors. also, this guy was dying of lung cancer (yknow. because he was smoking as much as he was) and he didn’t stop smoking, of course. no, he basically pulled this huge con on a bunch of higher people in hell and was like “well now if i die, a whole war starts” so they? made sure he would live. that’s the kind of shit john does. he’s a con artist.
while john doesn't like to sit on his feelings too long, he does care- he just doesn't like showing it. he shoves people away when they get too close, and when someone hurts him- for example, kit moving back to belfast and essentially breaking up with him because of the fact people attacked her to try and get to him, john was horrible. he was cruel. he called her cold, which he knew would hurt her. then, he went into an immediate depression and was homeless for,,, what, a year? because he blamed himself for so much shit and kit was just what made him keel over.
on top of that, john is pretty political. his whole character is- he talks about climate change, he talks about racism, he’s aware of his privilege, and in one of the more recent runs of hellblazer, he shows that too. shame that one wasn’t very long- would’ve liked more of it. however, his dc run doesn’t show any of that. it’s like they’re showing john but without getting into the gritty parts of him that make him him. it’s like they’re scratching the surface and won’t just take the metaphorical shovel and slam it into him. which sucks- i like the idea of him being around the other characters, somewhat, but i don’t want him to be the go to guy when it comes to dc comics’ magical people. he certainly isn’t that. they have those- they’ve got dr. fate and zatanna right on the league, why do they need john?
his character in vertigo is definitely not a hero, and dc wants him to be that. they want him to be the magic guy they have on speed dial. they want him to be the sexy guy with a cigarette in his mouth flirting with everyone in sight. they don’t want to delve into the darker territory because it’s going to scare people away, and the ones that are scared away probably shouldn’t be interacting with his character in the first place.
honestly, i’m probably missing a lot, but this is getting to be storybook length as it is, so sorry for my little tangent but i hope this helps!
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darkbluekies · 9 months
I do collect Barbies! This genuinely isn’t me trying to brag or sound arrogant, but all of my 59 Barbies I currently have are collector/special/limited edition. I like them not because of their status, but because their clothing/quality was so well done. They’re from the late 90s to 2000s.
I’m not gonna list them all of course, but I think you’ll like these as a lot listed are historical/time period inspired outfits. Let me know though if you have different/more style preferences and I’ll try to find some to share with you again.
Barbie Cafe Society
Barbie Faberge Porcelain (3 in series)
Barbie Great Fashions of the 20th Century (7 in series)
Barbie Hollywood Movie Star (6 in series)
Barbie Mrs. P.F.E. Albee: Avon (2 in series)
Barbie Royal Jewels (4 in series)
Barbie Victorian Tea Porcelain (2 in series)
Barbie Victorian with Cedric Bear
Barbie Wedgwood (2 in series)
The website I used when collecting is https://barbieguide.sosugary.com/index.php
It’s a great catalog of Barbie releases. You’ll find a lot more historical inspired dolls on there, and Barbie makes excellent porcelain dolls too that I think you’ll like.
And tips if you’re interested in fashion doll collecting…
Don’t buy newer collector/special/limited edition dolls from Mattel. They’re worse quality for outrageously more money. Trust me on this. (A lot of my collector Barbies I was able to get for $30-$40 USD new in box, compared to the $100+ USD price tag Mattel charges now for collector dolls).
Mattel has been declining in quality ever since 2016 (probably earlier) and is still going lower present day. So if you’re interested in good quality play-line or collector dolls, try to get pre 2016.
Mattel dolls most of the time have polypropylene hair, which is considered the worst hair quality fiber as it literally disintegrates over a few years and isn’t easily brushsble/stylable.
Mattel also gives most of their dolls cheap paper-like printed clothing or molded on clothes.
If you want quality, buy MGA. They have nylon hair (easily brushsble, stylable, and won’t disintegrate). Much higher quality clothes/fabrics with intricate details and complex designs.
Thank you for your time!
That's cool to hear :))) it's nice to find someone that shares the interest of dolls, even if it's a different kind! Although I learned a lot, thank you♡ I'll check out the older styled ones!!
I'm not very interested in fashion dolls (apart from those from the 1800s) so unfortunately I'm sticking to my child looking dolls, which is why I kind of like the American girl dolls that are supposed to look like 1900s/1800s
I'm going to take this opportunity to brag about my girls as if they were my children. Here are my some of my older dolls<3
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Just like you say about Barbies, these dolls also have limited editions (such as the discontinued one with a very, very uncanny voice box from the 1880s) unfortunately, I don't have any of them. BUT, I do have two from the most famous doll makers, Kestner and Armand Marseille<3 Always have to look for the markings that tell exactly which model they are
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And I have one special girl who I call Darling who has human hair!!
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And I just have to squeeze this in, when I was in Belfast I got to see a doll I have been such a big fan of for so many years. It's a doll that was floating around in the wreckage and actually seeing her up close in real life made me tear up in pure happiness. She was absolutely stunning, and I think she might (just might) be a similar model to my doll with the red boots, but i could get a good luck of her neck to see the "tag". Here she is!!
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I just had to, dolls are one of my biggest interest and i have to take every chance i get♡
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panther-os · 7 months
I'm here to ask you about you Bastard Children of Bones Riley AU before you explode. So, could you please tell me about your AU?
So this all started in DMs with Atohi (@/atohii, not actually tagging because I don't want to spam you, my love) who got me into Call of Duty in the first place. It was his special interest and I was like "oh, to show my love for my partner, I should learn more about what he's interested in" you know, as one does. And now it's my special interest, too.
But here's the thing: for my special interests, I create a metric shit ton of OCs. If I have even a vague idea for a character, it's spiralling out of control. This is how Lennie, the all-seeing Irish cryptid Chief of Logistics & Supply officer on the 141's home base, came into being. AND it's how I came up with Cam.
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This is Cameron "Cam" Love Davis. I was using this avatar maker app and trying to make a version of Simon, but this one didn't really have the looks I wanted. So I was like "damn he looks like he could maybe be Simon's baby brother, just not Tommy". And then I was like "okay now wait, we all know Ghost's dad is a bastard who regularly slept around, so what if...?"
So Cam is Ghost's trans baby half-brother who felt his life lacked direction and never met Simon but always felt a connection to him. As far as he's aware, Simon's dead - and innocent of the Riley Murders - and he's following his footsteps into the military trying to make his big brother proud from wherever he's looking down from. And he does! He follows his brother's footsteps all the way to the 141 where Ghost, who doesn't know he had any half-siblings at all, oversees his training.
And so I was telling Atohi about all this and then I went "lmao you know it would be really funny if after the reveal Cam was just like 'yeah there's dozens of us let me add you to the groupchat'" and then I went "wait, what if...?"
So now, I have this au where there's a discord server with 21 people in it and 2 people too young to join, and the server is titled The Bastard Children of Bones Riley (1962-2015, RIH) and they all have the same dad and they all hate him and none of them ever met the Riley brothers even though they all knew they were related. (The youngest kid was born after the massacre, so she never had the chance to meet them.) In some versions of this au, the older ones all met for the first time when they showed up at Bones' grave for desecration purposes. (Most of them also brought flowers for Tommy, Beth, Simon, Joey, and Simon's mom's graves.)
And for Ghosts fans, I made the oldest of the Bastard Children have a mom who was an American tourist and went back to the States and had one Keegan Russ. So Keegan and Simon are half-brothers in this au, and Ghost Team does still exist, they just came into being under different circumstances and haven't interacted with the 141. Yet.
ANYWAYS! Here's the whole list of Bastard Children - with pronouns, place of birth, and birth year - including the pseudonym Cam manages to puppy eyes Ghost into joining under. I have it formatted kind of like what a pinned post in the server might look like.
The Bastard Children of Bones Riley (1962-2015, RIH)
Simon Riley (1988-2015, RIP)
Giles, he/him, Manchester, 1988†
Keegan, he/him, Las Cruces NM, 1989
Lizzie, she/her, Manchester, 1991
Thomas Riley (1992-2015, RIP)
Carter, he/they, Manchester, 1992
Ava, she/her, Madrid, 1995
Mary, she/her, Glasgow, 1996
James "Jambo", he/him, Birmingham, 1998
Shauna, she/they, London, 1999
Joy, she/her, London, 1999
Sean, he/him, Belfast, 1999
Danny, he/him, Manchester, 2002
Anise, she/her, Bristol, 2003
Oliver, he/him, Liverpool, 2004
Cam, he/him, Manchester, 2005
Keisha, she/her, Manchester, 2005
Mei, they/them, London, 2006
Victoria, she/her, Manchester, 2007
Avery, they/them, Manchester, 2008
Axel, they/them, Manchester, 2010
Charlotte, she/her, Manchester, 2010
May, she/her, Liverpool, 2011
Rodney, he/him, Manchester, 2011
Mary-Louise, she/her, 2012‡
Kitty, she/her, 2016‡
†"Giles Norman" is the pseudonym Ghost joins the server under.
‡kids under 13 are not part of the server and do not have their location/hometown listed
I've also decided Shauna and Joy are twins and Oliver and Axel have the same mom.
tl;dr: ghost's dad is a WHORE and he has more family than he knows
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awheckery · 2 years
DEATH TW and mentions of murder so if that is triggering for you don’t read, but if it’s not then i’d like to ask if you’ve heard of forensic genealogy? while i am uneasy at the prospect of using it to find suspects, it can also be used to find the identities of unidentified decedents, who die of accidental causes or are murdered, and often it’s the only hope to identify those who have been unidentified for decades. the dna doe project is a nonprofit that’s mostly volunteer run, and i think that your research skills could be useful there or somewhere like there. i know this is kind of a random ask to receive, identification of unidentified remains is my special interest but i don’t have the time or training to get better at researching beyond a few tricks here and there.
I feel like we've read the same articles recently; did you see the tumblr post (and linked articles) about Joseph Augustus Zarelli, the Boy in the Box?
Which is to say, yes, I am aware of forensic genealogy and the DNA Doe Project, because like many white American women, I'm a true crime junkie.* My big Thing is investigative procedure tho, so I'm also deeply interested in plane & train crash investigations, medical mysteries, archaeology, anthropology... basically 'what happened, and by which processes and methods do we figure out what happened?'
So far as getting into the game myself, I dunno. I assume there's probably some sort of required formal training, along with the expectation of reliability and sustained effort, and I'm a chronically ill autodidact with ADHD. I'm the research equivalent of a sprinter; investigative genealogy requires a marathoner, because there's so much exhausting, grinding work involved.
Something I've never seen brought up before in any investigation is how many extant family trees are just wrong. Genealogical sites make it too easy to crib notes from other users, and all it takes is one person deciding 'eh that's probably the right guy' for dozens of other amateur researchers to make the same mistake, and then somebody ties that erroneous information to their DNA profile. I don't know how the forensic genealogists deal with that.
You also have to take into account how many people throughout history have just gone missing, or otherwise fallen off the historical record. Just because someone's date of death is absent doesn't mean something nefarious happened to them. (Just because someone's date of death is present doesn't mean it's correct.) People emigrate. They marry. They change their names. They die alone and unknown in a ditch**, or they die somewhere that doesn't make those records public***. Paper records can burn or flood out, and family stories rarely make it down more than one or two generations. History is messy.
I've only done serious research into my family background for two years, in fits and starts interrupted by illness flare ups. Half the time it feels like I find more questions to ask than I get answers. I've found a pair of illegitimate daughters and a handful of adoptees. I've found some two dozen 'missing persons' who may as well have disappeared into thin air, for how suddenly they dropped out of the historical record. I've found a murder victim and a (maybe) would-be murderess.
And four months ago, I found the answer to another family's 150 year old missing person case, and it changed everything I thought I knew about my mother's family.
This is how.
Five months ago, I thought I knew everything there was that could be known about John Robert McDowell.
I knew he was born July 1st of either 1868 or 1869, in Belfast, Northern Ireland. According to his naturalization petition, he came to the United States in April of 1883, when the absolute oldest he could have been was fourteen, and at the time of his naturalization in 1896 he claimed his nationality was English, presumably due to anti-Irish sentiments at the time.
I knew John's handwriting was idiosyncratic: he wrote the J in his name with a rightward upper loop that scooped up again before curving back around the center staff, and his uppercase R was a mess of curlicues. I've never seen the like before or since.
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I knew that despite living in America for ten years longer than he'd lived outside it, John still had an accent in 1908 when his second son was born. Spelling is incredibly inconsistent across historical records because up until very recently, it was the practice of the record keepers to write down their best guess at what they heard, and in 1908 a midwife heard and recorded John's surname as McDoul.
John's life was actually remarkably well-documented, in comparison to his contemporaries. I bought myself access to Newspapers.com along with my Ancestry subscription, and he made semi-regular appearances in the Newport News Daily Press for the better part of thirty years as a Navy veteran, successful entrepreneur, and president of a labor union that later became the United Steelworkers Local 8888. (A seemingly throwaway notice in the Daily Press was the only record I've yet been able to find for his divorce, which eventually led me to find out whatever happened to his wife, which is another saga entirely. Pauline, you dirty rotten cheater.)
I knew that John was in and out of the hospital with thyroid cancer, but he was such a tough old bastard it took the better part of fifteen years to kill him, and he died in 1954 at the age of 86.****
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According to John's death certificate (and the U.S. Government records at the VA hospital where he died), his parents' names were Thomas McDowell and Isabell Rabb (or possibly Robb, the Accent strikes again.)
This is the only record linked to either of them on Ancestry.com at all.
I have most of a history degree, so I wasn't surprised. There are next to no records of the 1890 census of the United States, and that was down to a fire in the National Archives. Ireland was dragged backwards through hell by the ankles for centuries by a succession of British monarchs and governments, and Belfast was in the prime of especially conflicted territory for much of it. No census records from John's lifetime were kept, and the likelihood his parents would show up in the surviving fragments from 1841 and 1851 was slim to none.
There were transcribed indexes from birth and marriage records available, at least, and I scoured them through, looking for a John McDowell, and there wasn't a single damn one born to a Thomas or Isabelle McDowell in a decade on either side of 1868. There wasn't any record I could find at all of a Thomas McDowell marrying an Isabelle Rabb until well after John left Ireland.
Five months ago, as far as I knew, John Robert McDowell was probably a bastard, who'd either been left out of whatever records were taken at the time, or he was one of the unfortunate ones whose birth record had been lost.
Four months ago, I realized that the record indexes on Ancestry included film numbers, which meant there were pictures of those records to be found somewhere. If they were organized chronologically, I could try to find his birth registration that way. Googling "ireland civil registration records" brought me to the Civil Records search page of a genealogy site run by, of all things, the Irish government's tourism department.
Once again, there wasn't a John McDowell born to the right parents during the right time period, so I went looking for his parents' marriage. And found it.
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If they married in 1872, John would probably still technically be a bastard, but I had a point to start from. Once I clicked into the actual scan of the record I nearly snapped myself in half sitting upright in attention, because Thomas McDowell's father's name was Duncan, John named his eldest son Duncan, Isabella's father's name was John, I had to have the right two people, this couldn't be a coincidence.
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And then I noticed Isabella was a widow. Isabella was a widow.
Who was your husband, and when did he die, Isabella? I searched again, and found her marriage to a Thomas Logan July 30th, 1866. No men named Thomas Logan died in Belfast between 1866 and 1870, which meant he was probably still alive when John was born. It meant I had been looking in the wrong direction the entire time.
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John Robb Logan came into the world on July 1st, 1868, in the Ballymacarrett district of Belfast, the second child of four born to Thomas Logan and Isabella Robb. Once I knew what I was looking for the rest came easy.
John's early life was riddled with tragedies. His younger brother Joseph was six months old when he died in March of 1870. His father died of smallpox in December of the same year, exactly one month after the birth of his sister Mary. Three months before his fifth birthday, his first half-sibling Bella died, at just five months old. And in 1879, his older brother William died after a long, miserably drawn-out illness from spinal tuberculosis.
(As an aside, god, poor Isabella. She had four children with Thomas Logan, and a further nine with Thomas McDowell, and before her early death from a long respiratory illness she buried a husband, two sons, and two daughters. How do you go on after that, how are you not forever shattered?)
If I hadn't been sure I'd found the right family, I was after William died. Thomas McDowell was the person who reported William's death to the registrar's office after sitting by his deathbed. The registrar recorded William as a "child of [the] baker" that Thomas was by profession; Thomas McDowell claimed his stepson as his own.
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Duncan McDowell, John's step-grandfather, had a family burial plot in Ballygowan, and he named William Adam Logan as his grandson, with no qualifiers, when they buried him.
All the evidence suggests that the McDowells loved John Robb Logan and his siblings, and he loved them back every bit as much. You don't choose to take on the surname of people you hate, and it seems very much the case that John chose to go by McDowell when he came to America. I'm honestly not sure there was a way for Thomas McDowell to bequeath his name to his stepchildren, given John's brother William died a Logan and his sister Mary married as one.
John Robb Logan disappeared from history after his baptism, and John Robert McDowell made his first confirmed appearance in the historical record in 1883, but I was certain they were one and the same. The problem was proving it to my mother, because McDowell was her family name. She'd grown up with it, as had her sisters and her dozens of cousins and her father and his siblings and her father's father; I only had a paper trail arguing the name she knew didn't belong to any of them by blood.
So I went for blood.
I refuse to give my DNA to Ancestry.com on a principle born from paranoia and ethics concerns. It's absolutely not happening, ever, like hell do I expect a corporation to do the right thing with my genetic material. My mother doesn't share my concerns, either now or four years ago, when she bought an Ancestry DNA kit and then did absolutely nothing with her results besides marvel at the unexpected Swedish heritage in her 'Ethnicity Estimate' because doing anything else looked like too much work.
It took a few days to figure out how to hook my mother's DNA results into the tree I've built, and a few more for all the features to populate, but all told it took less than a week between learning the truth about my great-great-grandfather's parentage and proving it irrefutably with DNA, via several descendants of his full-blooded sister Mary and a grandson of his half-brother Wallace.
Ancestry doesn't tell you when new DNA matches are found, or when someone adds you to their tree (and thank god for that, my mother has somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty thousand matches). To those descendants of Mary Thomasina Logan, the handful of John's descendants who've shelled out for Ancestry DNA kits could be any random person. Frequently the relationships between matches aren't clear, because of all the folks like my mom who never add a tree to their results, or those who don't try to go any further back than their grandparents.
As far as Mary Logan's descendants know, the sons of Thomas Logan dead-ended his line, and when I do find John in their trees there's never more than a birth year and a blank space where there would usually be a year of death. (They all have the wrong Isabella Robb too, but I don't really blame them; apparently Isabella was one of the most popular names for girls for well over a century, and Robbs weren't exactly thin on the ground.)
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Someday soon, I'm going to reach out. People who study genealogy do it because they're looking for something: long lost relatives, answers to questions asked too late, or even a better, more personal understanding of history by learning about the people who were there when it happened. Every family has its mysteries and this one, at least, could be solved.
John's story doesn't end here. Here is where it begins.
*I'm aware of the problematic nature of White Lady True Crime Brain Poisoning, but I'm gonna have to pull the 'I'm not like other girls' card. I'm incredibly discerning about my crime shows, I hate the fucking cops, and I'm realistic about how unbelievably low my chances are of ever being the victim of a violent crime. I'm white, I'm broke as shit, I'm built like a running back and walk like the Terminator, and most importantly, I'm single and planning to stay that way for the rest of my life. The only way I'm getting murdered is if I happen to get caught in a random mass shooting, which isn't outside the realm of possibility because America.
**In case anyone's gotten this far and is still interested, there's strong evidence that the mystery of the Somerton Man was finally solved last year. At some point I'd like to take a look at the tree the forensic genealogists built tho, because I have some Doubts. There was only one person in that family that fell off the map in the 40's? Just one? I was lightning-strike kinds of lucky enough to find John's real parentage, but I dug up more unanswered questions with it, because two of his half-brothers dropped out of the records after 1901. Completely setting aside the possibility of infidelity in the Webb family and how common inbreeding has been (both historically and in recent memory) in populations of European descent, I have a hard time buying that Carl Webb was the only person who could be the Somerton Man. It's still cool as shit that they have a strong possibility tho.
***Maryland and Kansas specifically can blow me, if somebody died in either of those states I have to find an obituary or a tombstone to get the mcfrickin' date, and I have to either pay money and prove a relationship to see a death certificate, or show up to an archive in person to search on their intranet, MARYLAND WHY DO YOU NOT WANT ME TO KNOW WHEN MY GREAT-GRANDMOTHER DIED. (Being fair, I don't know if she died in Maryland, that's just a great-uncle's best guess, because she ran away from her family in 1949 and nobody ever saw her again after the early 60's. Helen, where the hell did you go?)
****One of the big reasons why I got into genealogy in the first place was to see if I could find how far back the predisposition to early deaths and autoimmune disease went in my family. What I hadn't expected to find was a predisposition for extreme longevity on all sides. Longevity as in 'skewing the life expectancy bell curve' kinds of longevity. As long as someone didn't come down with a freak illness or make a looooooooong string of poor life choices, they were apparently immune to death, which honestly explains a few things about Crazy Grandma, god damn.
#genealogy#forensic genealogy#research throwdown#storytime with stella#long post#I'm seriously not kidding it's a long goddamn post#image heavy#all images described in alt text#I don't think I did a particularly great job communicating why I shouldn't get into this professionally#this took a long goddamn time to figure out#I think most people want answers quicker than *checks back of hand* seven-ish months?#fwiw my mother took it remarkably well#our big family mystery has always been What Happened to Helen?#that was probably the central question of my grandfather's life: not knowing what happened to his mother#so that was my mom's big question too#and luckily we had other weird familial circumstances as precedent#me: 'heyyyyyyyy uh so great news yr great-grandfather wasn't a criminal on the lam OR a bastard child. he was kind of adopted?'#mom: 'adopted??? huh. like your grandpa with the mudds?'#me: '....actually. yeah. almost *exactly* like that. but like if grandpa changed his last name and then never told you he'd done it'#tho I still have no idea why john changed 'robb' to 'robert'#my theory for a long time was that he was just REALLY leaning into the scottish heritage; the guy named his sons duncan & bruce#then I learned about irish naming conventions and while that answered some questions it just wound up leaving me with MORE questions#I went through all 8 stages of grief a year ago when I figured out john's presbyterian funeral meant the fam married into catholicism LATER#and thus were probably scots colonizers to the plantation of ulster instead of former gallowglasses#I don't love the idea of my ancestors being unionist kiss-asses#which the naming scheme kinda supports#but john was a LABOR UNION ORGANIZER#he left well before the clearances in the 20's but labor activism was synonymous with catholicism & nationalism for aaaaaaaages#he had to have picked that up from a parent. two of his half brothers (who also emigrated to the states) were union members too
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neonradiation · 10 months
Album Review: 'Heart Engine' by Alpha Chrome Yayo
Key Quote: "For an ACY album, you have to expect the unexpected."
‘Heart Engine’ is the new 8 track album released on 10-Nov-23 by Belfast based artist Alpha Chrome Yayo. Par for the course for an ACY album, you have to expect the unexpected. So, I let the first listen wash over me then I inspected it a little closer…
1. All That Matters
Initially a little chaotic, this opener with freestyle organ does eventually find itself. For some reason I’m getting Frank Zappa vibes and then the humorous ‘Speak and Spell’ style vocals punctuate the music and I’m back in the present decade. It’s short and sweet. 
2. Heart Engine
This one is a different direction altogether - if it’s not an insult I’d describe it as chill or lounge music. It's a laid-back instrumental with a nice horn section, funky bass and even some pan-pipes for good measure. It’s also very melodic and has an old-fashioned fade out at the end - love it.
3. Dancing Is Love
So this one may split the listener's opinion - musically it’s very easy on the ear but the vocals are erm… not. Some kind of vocal changer is going on here I think but the lyrics do suffer because of it. I had to look them up and it was all about looking forward all week to dancing the weekend away. A good theme but not my favourite so far.
4. Stock Exxxchange
The market is open! Although the vocals have been manipulated here as well, we can hear the words this time around. This is a short essay about life in the financial City - I now feel qualified to buy high and sell low? It's an original sounding jaunty little number - what’s not to like?
5. Like A Mystery
Some wizard guitar playing on this one along with some beautiful electric piano and I’m already hooked. Although the lyrics are a little difficult to hear, this time it doesn’t seem to matter as much - it’s all about the vibe.
6. Snow Blossoms
That same vibe continues on this instrumental and I’m back in the lounge sipping an Old Fashioned cocktail.
7. Tuxedos And Tears
Out of all the vocal FX this one seems to work the best - somewhere between Daft Punk and a melodic Robbie The Robot. But what stands out on this track for me is the funky bass synth and piano riff which takes this track up a level. It’s one of my favourites on the album and it feels like we are just getting started.
8. I Wish I Was Watching X Files With You
ACY has saved the best ‘til last - I absolutely love this right from the very beginning. The house piano sounds sublime and the synth hooks are hooky. The vocals and lyrics add something special to the mix and the end result is one very catchy pop song. 
This is a mini-album really and I was disappointed when it came to end so soon (yes I know I can replay it forever). I just wanted to hear more new songs, especially in the vein of the last two. So I’ll be very interested to see which direction we go in next from Alpha Chrome Yayo - but I'm sure the humour will still flow...
Alpha Chrome Yayo Contact Details:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alphachromeyayo
Bandcamp: https://alphachromeyayo.bandcamp.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5zLis4yrXwIFGKX7ZKZd12?si=ey2eVv9AStOMKs3Gb2EMGg
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
Rereading the funeral scene where Aoife meets Dorcas and I was wondering if you could explain a bit behind why Aoife felt so angry at Dorcas. Like idk if this ask makes sense but could you talk a bit about what Aoife was feeling and why she’d say that (Did you love her…. Well you didn’t do a very good job of it) to Dorcas literally at a funeral
ooh okay this is an interesting question i'm gonna put it under a cut just in case my answer gets too spoiler-y or long:
okay so the thing about aoife is that like. she's never met dorcas, right? but she knows about her from marlene. so from aoife's perspective, ever since that winter of 1977-78 when marlene first told aoife about this girl, she's sort of witnessed the progression of the relationship from afar. like, she'll see marlene maybe once or twice a year, and they'll catch up, and aoife is sort of like a neutral party for marlene to vent all her feelings to--because unlike marlene's other friends who know they're dating, she's never met dorcas, and marlene doesn't have to worry about aoife like getting involved or judging her too harshly the way she'd sort of be nervous about, say, lily doing. but aoife is also the only like "outside" person who knows marlene is a lesbian, so it's not like marlene can talk to her family about what's going on with her relationship or even like she'd necessssarily want to if she could--sometimes you just need a friend who's kind of a neutral party, y'know?
so from like 1977ish-1981ish aoife is essentially seeing marlene's life start to revolve more and more around this relationship, and marlene is basically venting all of her feelings about it to her. at the same time, i think aoife would be picking up on the fact that marlene is involved in something, because she's grown up in belfast and she even more than marlene has seen their peers and kids they've grown up with get sucked into the conflict happening with the troubles, so even if she doesn't think marlene is involved in that i think she'd recognize the signs that something is going on.
okay, so--that's all the context, right? and the thing about aoife being the only person marlene has to really, fully vent to is that...i mean, hopefully this came through in the story, but marlene and dorcas's relationship isn't healthy. and it isn't healthy for a lot of reasons, most of which have to do with the circumstances they're in--could they have a healthy, fulfilling relationship if they weren't involved in a war? maybe, if they had the time and patience to grow and mature with each other and figure out how to communicate better. but the war just exacerbates a lot of the issues that were already primed to exist in their relationship + creates new ones, so by 1981 they are very much in love and it is very much not a healthy kind of love. and the rest of their friends have their own issues to deal with, y'know? like, none of them are doing well--they're all caught up in this war.
but aoife isn't. so when marlene is coming home and venting to her and crying about shit going on with dorcas, that's what she's seeing. and even if marlene says like, "oh but there are good things about the relationship too" (because it isn't ALL bad! there are good things; it's not a black and white situation) aoife is still watching marlene, like...deteriorate. and aoife doesn't know about the war, even if she thinks something more is going on. so what does she have to attribute this to except, for the most part, marlene's relationship with dorcas? and marlene can't cry to aoife about how her friends and people she loves are getting hurt and dying in a magical war, but she can cry about how her girlfriend is upsetting her. so just bc of the circumstances they're all caught up in, aoife is basically getting this picture of marlene's relationship with dorcas as something really, really unhealthy that is taking a huge mental toll on marlene.
so that's why she's angry. because suddenly, her childhood best friend, this girl who she loved, is dead. and when someone dies suddenly, people want somebody to blame. but for aoife, there isn't anyone to blame--as far as she knows, marlene died in a house fire. so she has all this grief, and this anger, and there's the girl who marlene spent so much time crying over, there's the girl who monopolized marlene's time, the girl who got to spend months and months with marlene when aoife only got to see her at christmas, the girl who couldn't even be bothered to come to belfast the way marlene wanted her to and meet marlene's family. the girl who didn't even love her enough to see the place where she grew up. the girl who got so much of marlene's love, and didn't appreciate it, and still made her cry. of course aoife is angry. how could she not be?
so that's why she lashes out. that's where that confrontation with dorcas is coming from. it's essentially aoife's anger and grief combining and her pointing it outwards at the one person who she can blame for something, because sure, maybe dorcas and marlene were in love, but from where aoife is sitting that love was never anything but painful for marlene, even if marlene herself couldn't see how unhealthy it was.
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kennethbrangh · 3 years
Why Ciarán Hinds - what led you to follow his career and why do you think you have such a connection?
Me because my brothers and I went to the same school he attended in Belfast . Then I found his looks and presence very striking.
Wow, what a sweet connection you have with him!!
So in the summer of 2019 I watched a lot of his movies and TV shows on the recommendation of someone here and I was so, so impressed with his work that I decided to watch more and more, and then I started watching interviews, reading about him, and in September, suddenly I decided to buy tickets to see him in October at the National Theatre doing 'Translations', something I had never done for anyone, not even for Kenneth Branagh who is the person I’ve been following the longest.
Then that day after the play I met him at the stage door and he was the most charming guy you can imagine, he was so kind and put so much attention into everything I was sharing with him, I was on cloud nine. And then, seeing how he loves his work and respects each one of his colleagues and values ​​every little thing he sees in everyone, his amazing sense of humor, the love he has for his family, how down to earth he is... It's really easy to admire him.
Plus the fact that he didn't mind sharing a few words with me after spending two hours on that stage playing a role that demands so much. I was in awe of it all. It’s difficult to describe what it’s like to meet him because it’s like if you were talking to someone you’ve known forever. I’m very shy and I was terrified to talk to him because of different reasons but mostly because of my bad English accent and still, he dedicated 5 minutes of his time to talk to me and to be interested in Spain since I’m from there and he even worried about knowing if I had had problems understanding the play due to the strong Irish accents and such.
I’ve never seen any other person be so true, noble, and humble. Whatever you read about him, he’s loved and appreciated by everyone and is simply the sweetest and loveliest person you can imagine.
Sorry for the long reply!! I could be here talking about him for hours, but I think that pretty much sums up why I'm so passionate about him.
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bondsmagii · 3 years
I assume you almost got kidnapped at least once in your life and escaped in the weirdest way possible
kind of. I mean, I don't know if it could count because I didn't actually realise he was trying to kidnap me at the time, but like. the whole night was kind of weird, if I'm honest.
basically I was 16 or so, and a friend and I were out in Belfast. we were pretty drunk, and we'd been planning to go somewhere (can't remember where now) but something had happened and we could no longer go, but we didn't want to go home, so we just stayed hanging around in the city centre drinking. we got chatting to a homeless guy for a while and shot the shit for a few hours and shared our drinks, then wandered off somewhere else.
at some point we get talking to this dude who's probably like, late 20s/early 30s? he's a drifter who says he's travelling around the whole of Ireland and just going wherever he likes, which interests me, because that's something I'd always wanted to do. so we're chatting away and I start getting... Vibes. he's kind of weird. now bear in mind I'm pretty drunk, but my friend Caoimhe is really drunk, and I'm a bit worried about her because here's this creepy guy and here's my drunk female friend, and yeah, do the math. so I'm keeping an eye on him and making sure he doesn't separate me and Caoimhe, but he doesn't seem to be interested in her, so like. that's good, I guess.
instead, he's really trying to persuade me to run off with him. like straight-up just telling me to come with him, he has a tent, we can just chill out together and travel, etc. not gonna lie, I'm a bit tempted. my home life was shit and I was looking for a way out anyway, so like, in my drunken mind this seemed like a cool idea. so what if he's a bit creepy? I'm sure it's fine. it occurs to me that he's kind of walking really slowly as he talks, and gradually leading me off, and at this point Caoimhe -- very drunk, might I remind you, and trailing a little behind -- decides she's tired and doesn't want to walk anymore. she sits on the floor and refuses to budge. my companion tells me to leave her, she'll be fine, let's just go on an adventure!, and finally I'm like lmao. no. I am not leaving my friend alone in the middle of a city, drunk, at like 1am. that was what got my alarm bells going -- not that he wanted me to run off into the middle of nowhere with him (he was headed next to one of the really remote Western counties, I think Mayo or Galway or something?) and live in his tent despite only meeting him half an hour ago, but the fact he wanted me to just abandon my friend. I thought this was a top dick move so I was like nah and went back over to Caoimhe, where we spent the next three hours trying to find a) a bathroom that was open and b) someone to give us a ride back out into the sticks because there's like three buses that go even remotely our way and none of them stop within 15 miles of home or run at that time. ultimately we called my dad because we figured he hated me anyway, while Caoimhe's mam and stepdad were on pretty good terms with her so best not rock the boat.
so anyway. strict kidnapping? not really. not a very interesting escape either. but definitely I almost wandered off with a serial killer and the only reason I didn't get nerfed was because Caoimhe decided to just sit on the floor like a giant toddler. thanks Caoimhe (sincere).
anonymously make an assumption about me and i’ll confirm/deny it
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themusicsweetly · 4 years
Hi Sarah, can you give a summary of Cait's chat with Josh?
Hi there, Anon! Thanks for stopping by.
Caitriona’s Happy, Sad, Confused was a great time and for a great cause!
Here were my favorite parts:
Josh asked her about whether or not she’d be interested in writing her own book. She said "I have such admiration for those who can create those worlds... I also think I'm a bit of a late bloomer so maybe I'm not at that phase of my life yet." She also mentioned how impressed she was with Clanlands and how Sam basically sat down, wrote it, and got it published in less than a year. She said she wished she had more of his 'sit down and do sh*t' mentality
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She also talked about Star Force and joked about how “it's probably one of the most popular things I've ever done!... I didn't even work on that accent. It just came naturally!” She was also proud of the fact that other outlets like The Guardian picked up on it lol. 
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On Belfast, she mentioned Kenneth Branagh saying, “He is just the nicest, sweetest man.” She was talking about how diverse the set she worked on was and how, because he works with the same people all the time, he makes everyone feel like family. She also told a story about how Kenneth quoted Shakespeare to Jamie Dornan and Jamie turned to him and said, “Ferris Bueller, right?” LOL. On getting the part: “I still can't quite believe that happened... this kind of gem just came into my lap. We somehow managed to perfectly place it... I've seen bits from it and its so amazing. So lovely."
She also mentioned how it felt to be working on a project about her home country, something she’s never done before. She said she was talking to Sam about it was said to him that this must be how he feels working on Outlander, that sense of connecting to their soul. This was such a lovely anecdote!
About the book, Here is the Beehive, Caitriona confirmed that Sarah Crossan will be writing the screenplay and right now she’s making sure just to give her as much support as she needs. She said that it’s a process that takes a lot of time, but she loves having this sort of control over a project in here career. And that she’s looking forward to doing more like it! “It’s exciting... it's really empowering and I hope to do more!”
She also mentioned CB Book Club and how she’s loved doing, even if was odd for her to just be speaking to herself at first. But the questions and comments that people send in make her think different and view each book differently than she might have. She says she’d love to have a couple of book club meetings in person some day!
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Josh talked a little bit about Couples Therapy and how he’s always asked about it. Caitriona was totally on board with her and Sam doing another one! “Sam and I are obviously such serious people!”
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She of course talked about Outlander and said how green she was when she first started. “I was sort of terrified but it was such a great atmosphere with the cast and crew... Everyday was such a new experience” For Season 5 and beyond, she talked about how her and Sam becoming Producers made her feel more like leaders. Caitriona mentioned that obviously Season 6 is going to present it’s own challenges and that she’s nervous about how being on set might feel different than it has before. She said, “Every season brings its new challenges...[Season 6] is going to be a whole new ball game.” But the writers and producers didn’t want to make a “COVID friendly show”, so even with the situation changing they wanted to wait until they could make it the way they envisioned.
There was an audience poll about favorite episodes. The choices were The Wedding and A. Malcolm. Caitriona said, “I mean, I think its hard to beat The Wedding!”
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Josh asked about her hardest day of filming and she went back to 1x01 with the “Stop, help! He’s going over!” line. She said because she had said it so many times that day and during the audition, it was hard to improve it because the line got so trite. On the best scene she’s done, she mentioned the dance to the stones in 2x13. She said, “Sam and I were so in sync. It was really special. The crew got emotional, which doesn’t happen often.”
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Sam and Graham came on to each read a little Christmas poem. Sam of course plugged both his book and Caitriona’s “amazing” new film, and at the end he blew a kiss and said, “Much love... That kiss wasn’t for you, Josh.”
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So there you have it, Anon! My too long summary! It really was a great hour of chatting. If you haven’t seen it yet and would like to, you can still buy a ticket and watch it! It’ll be available for the next two weeks. CLICK HERE.
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avghisms · 7 years
All of them please!! I'm curious OTL
gee well fine 1. If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? go out with friends or paint maybe lol2. What is your favorite piece of clothing you own / owned? i luv this lil black dress my ex gf gave to me!! 3. What hobby would you pick up if time & money weren't an issue? idk something creative tho like candle making 4. What does your perfect room look like? VERY PINK AND VERY CUTE 5. How often do you play sports? I dont!! im too lazy!! 6. What fictional place would you like to visit? Idk 7. What job would you be terrible at? probably customer service which i was terrible at 8. When was the last time you climbed a tree?probably like last week hahaa 9. If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance of winning a medal for? being cute 10. What is the most annoying habit that you or other people have? i bite my nails when im anxious but i also hate loud breathing :// 11. What job do you think you'd be really good at? nursing or counselling!! 12. What skill would you like to master? writing or something 13. What would be the most amazing adventure to go on? travelling to somewhere really sunny with my friends ❤14. If you had unlimited funds to build a house to live on for the rest of your life, what would the finished house look like? kinda petite bungalow with a big porch and on a beach!! 15. What's your favorite drink? black coffee cold water B))) 16. What state or country do you never want to go back to? belfast.... 17. What songs do you have completely memorized? a lot 18. What game or movie universe would you like to live in? n/a life is good enough 19. What do you consider to be your best find?matthew mcdonnell cus hes a saint 20. Are you usually early or late? early! 21. What pets did you have when you were growing up? an evil cat and a hamster 22. When people come to you for help, what do they usually need help with? just their emotions i guess or for a line of reasoning/second opinion 23. What takes up too much of your time? sleeping ahh24. What do you wish you knew more about? people 25. What would be your first question after waking up from being frozen for 100 years? where them gay girls at 26. What are some small things that make your day better? my friends nd my cat :')) 27. Who's your go-to band or artist when you don't know who or what to listen to? hayley kiyoko/mystery skulls28. What's the best way to start the day? black coffee and a cigarette29. What TV shows do you like? not many at all :0 30. What TV channel doesn't exist but really should? anna channel 31. Who has impressed you most with what they've accomplished? my mama and my best friend 32. What age do you wish you could stay at permanently? 16 tbh33. What TV show or movie do you refuse to watch? noneee ahh 34. What's your ideal way to spend a weekend? going on a trip w my friends to the beach!!! 35. What is something that is considered a luxury, but you don't think you could live without? gourmet coffee 36. What is your claim to fame? when i turned 16 i became a lot more open minded and forgiving. with a lot more empathy and willingness to see beauty in everything. positive vibeeeesss. 37. What is something you enjoy doing the old-fashioned way? essays even tho i get wankers cramp 38. What's your favorite book or movie genre? i like rom coms 39. How often do you people-watch? idk what that means but sometimes i see pretty people and im happy 40. What have you only recently formed an opinion about? my lifeee 41. What's the best day of the year? all day every day in july 42. What subject interests you that not many people have heard of? occultism 43. How do you relax after a long day of work? napping 44. What's the best book series or TV series you've ever read or watched? jane the virgin 45. Where is the farthest you've ever been from home? france!! 46. What's the most heartwarming thing you've ever seen? forgiveness and reconciliation. compromise. 47. What is the most annoying question people ask you? "who do you have a crush on?" "Will you meet this guy?" 48. What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with no preparation? psychology or biology 49. If you were the dictator on a small island nation, what crazy dictator stuff would you do? create a beautiful eutopiaaaa 50. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives? reflect 51. Would you rather go hand gliding or whitewater rafting? hand gliding 52. What's your dream car? a pink one 53. What's worth spending more on to get the best? makeup 54. What is something a ton of people are obsessed with, but you just don't get? IDK DIFFERENT STROKES FOR DIFFERENT FOLKS 55. What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years? travelling a lot more !! meeting new friends 56. Where is the most interesting place you've been? île de adam 57. What's something you've been meaning to try but haven't gotten around to it? art work 58. What is the best thing that happened to you last week? free coffee 59. What piece of entertainment do you wish you could erase from your mind, only to experience it for the first time again? Steven universe omg 60. If all jobs had the same pay rate and hours, what job would you want to have? hair dresser 61. What amazing thing have you done that no one was around to see? idk... 62. How different was your life 1 year ago? it was extremely different, i was extremely different. it was kinda hellish and im glad im so different now. 63. What quirks do you have? always drinking coffee n being weirdly generous 64. What would you rate 10/10? hayley kiyoko 65. What fad or trend do you think should come back? baggy jeans 66. What is the most interesting piece of art you've seen? me 67. What kind of art do you enjoy most? dark abstract 68. What do you hope never changes? me 69. What city would you most like to live in? bordeaux70. What movie title best describes your life? love, actually 71. Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now? i don't work am lazyyy 72. What's the best way a person can spend their time? being kind 73. If you suddenly became a master at woodworking, what would you make? a pipe74. Where is the most relaxing place you've ever been? bed or beach 75. What's the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you? winning the lotto 76. Where would you rather be from? france77. What are some things you've had to unlearn? self-hatred, loathing and accepting abuse. i had to unlearn a lot. 78. What do you look forward to in the next 6 months? swedennn w my love 79. What website do you visit most often? www.google.com 80. What one thing do you really want but can't afford? break stuff 81. Where do you usually go when you have free time? the park or someones house lol 82. Where would you spend all your time if you could? a beach 83. What's special about the place you grew up? absolutely nothing 84. What age do you want to live to? 60 85. What are you most likely to become famous for? cult leader 86. What are you absolutely determined to do? to be the best person i can be and to be positive!! 87. What is the most impressive thing you know how to do? understand most things. 88. What do you wish you knew more about? the world. 89. What question would you most like to know the answer to? why did you lie? why did you treat me so horribly and yet retained a complete victim complex? What happened to make you so fucking monstrous? What put you out of your way to humilate me worse than anyones ever done before, all the while pretending you cared? 90. What question can you ask to find out the most about a person? why are we here? 91. When was the last time you changed your opinion or belief about something major? recently, everything changes! 92. What's the best compliment you've ever received? too many heck "you have taught me so much" "you have a beautiful soul" "you're angelic to me" (all platonic btw romance is bullshit) 93. As the only human left on earth, what would you do? try to survive. Befriend animals! 94. Who inspires you to be better? my mom and JESUS 95. What do you want your epitaph to be? honest 96. What haven't you grown out of? some grudges 97. In what situation or place would you feel most out of place in? at a dinner table 98. What's the dumbest thing you've done that actually turned out pretty well? trying to make friends 99. If someone wrote a book on an event in your life, what would the book be about? probably transformation 100. What's something you will never do again? trust so openly 101. How do you hope you'll change as a person in the future? i don't. I think im good now. 102. What keeps you up at night? the possibilities!! of life! 103. What's the most surprising self-realization you've had? i deserve better 104. What is the most illegal thing you've ever done? driving w/o license 105. How do you get in the way of your own success? laziness 106. What are you afraid people see when they look at you? im dont generally care about what other people think of meee... 107. What is your biggest regret? Making the wrong decision and losing something that could've been great.. 108. What do you look down on people for?being indirect and bitchy 109. What bridges do you not regret burning?there have been a lot of abusive people who im so glad ive been able to get rid of bc they were like poison. 110. What lie do you tell most often? "i only had like 4 beers" 111. What would be your spirit animal? a cat lol112. What is the best & worst thing about getting older? learning aand experiencing is the best but moving on is the worst 113. What are you most likely very wrong about? politics 114. If you had a personal flag, what would be on it? pink 115. What's happened that changed your view on the world? uhh generally being loved and appreciated for who i REALLY am and therefore being able to become a good person with good people surrounding me 116. What is the biggest lesson you've learned? trust no one. 117. What is the most immature thing you do? get rly drunk nd become all rude n dumb 118. What are you famous for among your friends & family? giving advice and support 119. If your childhood had a smell, what would it be? rotting human flesh 120. What one responsibility do you wish you didn't have? always being the bigger person or trying to. 121. What are 3 things you want to accomplish before you die? a real relationship a baby and a good job! 122. What do you want to tell your 10-year-old self? trust no one. no one in ur life is gonna keep ur trust except ur mom n Matthew. 123. What's the best thing you got from your parents? love uwu 124. What's the best thing about you? seeing tje beauty in everything 125. What blows your mind? life in itself 126. Have you ever saved someone's life? yes 127. What are you really good at but embarrassed to be good at? writing ehehe 128. What would a mirror opposite of you look like? like me? long dark brown hair on a short girl wearing a pink hoody n black jeans?? 129. What are 3 interesting facts about you?im left handed, im psychic and im strong owo130. Which of your scars has the best story behind it? the big fucking gash on my right leg 131. What's the title of the current chapter in your life? happiness is....... 132. What were some of the biggest turning points in your life? september 4th 2016 133. What's the hardest lesson you've learned? dont trust him 134. What do people think is weird about you?im always confused 135. What mistake do you keep making? USIMG CUPS AS ASHTRAYS 136. What have you created that you're most proud of? A LOT OF PAINTINGS 137. What do you doubt? that people are truly sorry.138. What are some of your morals? always be honest w those u trust, give everyone a chance, dont judge, forgive with ur heart. 139. What do you want to be remembered for?loving and being loved 140. What do you regret not doing in your childhood years?n/a 141. What is your favorite fragrance? jasmine anr roses and ylang ylang aaa142. What do you think your last words will be?noo letsnnot 143. Who or what do you take for granted?my schoool144. Why would you be annoying as a roommate?eat a LOT 145. What is something you're insecure about? IM NOT yay 146. What's the best & worst piece of advice you've received? best: never be ashamed. worst: drink green tea to cure epilepsy 147. What irrational fears do you have? being alone, 148. What makes a good life? love 149. What's the last adventure you went on? idk man 150. What is the most memorable gift you've received? my granpas snuff tin 💖
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