#I'm kinda happy with the way it turned out?? idk it's okay but something seems off & i can't figure out what...
liddlediddy · 6 months
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@aquaspiderart 's Pokecémber Day 27: Favorite Legendary
52 notes · View notes
mysecretlittlelibrary · 2 months
Touch Tank
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 5.5k (look it wasn't supposed to be this many- my characters got away from me)
Warnings: sheesh, oral (f receiving), fingering, handjob, creampie, Loki is very soft and worshiping, unprotected sex (be safe) I think that's it idk this is kind of mild compared to some of my other stuff- could be waaaay more raunchy lmao
Genre: fluff, smut
Summary: Loki is not the easiest person to get close to, but you're not deterred by his standoffishness. He deserves a friend in the tower and you're determined to be at least that much.
He's so pretty when he goes down on me // he tells me he's gentle when he wants to be // I think he wants to be gentle with me ~ Touch Tank by Quinnie
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You rush down the hall, excited for your night out with a group of your non-Avenger friends. You make a point to see your other friends as often as you can to balance those relationships with your ones on the team. After all, living with the Avengers means that you see them all the time, but being an Avenger is not all there is to you. Walking into the main room you're surprised to see Loki sitting at the kitchen counter, just kind of staring at nothing.
"You alright Lo?" You ask him carefully. Your question seems to pull him out of whatever trance he was in.
"I'm fine." He says, though his face isn't convincing.
"Okay? Happy staring- I'm going out so- I'll see you later then." You frown heading over to the main elevator. Loki's not exactly close to anyone in the tower except Thor, and even that he'd argue is false but you always make a point to include him even when the others ignore him a bit. As you ride down to street level you can't help but wonder what has him so pensive up there by himself. On the street, waiting for a taxi to flag down, you can't get yourself to shake Loki from your mind so- reluctantly you dial one of your friends.
"Y/n!" Your friend's excited voice practically yells down the line.
"Hey! Listen, you know I hate to do this, and I wouldn't if it wasn't important, but I'm not going to be able to make it out tonight, something's come up. I'm okay, I just can't come. You guys have fun! I want loads of pictures and a play-by-play once one of you returns to life tomorrow yeah?"
"Aw we're gonna miss you!"
"Ditto! But I'll see you guys soon! Tell the girls I said hi!" You say.
"Of course! Take care, and call if you need anything!"
"Same to you!" You blow a kiss as you end the call and sigh. "Dammit Loki." You roll your eyes as you turn around and go back inside. You ride the elevator back up to the main floor where Loki is still sitting at the counter. You knock on the counter in front of him and grab a bottle of water from the fridge.
"Aren't you meant to be going somewhere?" Loki's eyes narrow at you.
"I was, but I called my friend on my way down and she's actually not feeling too hot so we decided it'd be best to reschedule once she's feeling better." You shrug. You know better than to tell him you cancelled your plans because you saw him moping at the counter. He'd flip at the first possible hint of you pitying him, even though that isn't what this is.
"I see."
"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" You offer.
"What?" He scoffs.
"Well- I was supposed to be spending time interacting with people tonight and that fell through but I'd feel kinda bummed if I spent the whole evening alone now after all the mental prep to be social so if you can be so terribly bothered to hang out for a bit I'd- value that." You say. Loki looks you over as he considers your words and then he sighs.
"I suppose I could spare a few hours, but only because I can't stand watching you mope around the tower the way you do whenever you're disappointed, it's pathetic. But this favor is a huge inconvenience to me I just want you to know that." He says and you have to fight the urge to smile. You know the show of bravado is for his own sake more than anything, and you're willing to let him have it, but it's funny to think of how much rationalizing he's doing to convince himself it's alright to spend time with you.
"Your sacrifice is both duly noted and greatly appreciated. I can offer you compensation in the form of a meal or freshly baked cookies." You say. Loki's eyes light up very briefly at the offer of cookies, he'll never admit it out loud but he loves your baking, he always eats almost half a tray when you make them.
"You know Midgardian food has very little appeal to me, but I suppose a batch of cookies will do." He says with feigned disinterest.
"Do you want them now or at a later date?"
"I have no interest in dragging this out, so now would be better."
"Alright, give me five minutes to change, I'll make you some cookies and we can throw on a movie." You smile at him. You change out of your dress and into a hoodie and shorts. Twenty minutes later you're sat with a tray of cookies and a few other small bites with some random sitcom on the TV.
"I don't understand the point of this. Is there even a plotline?" Loki scoffs.
"Yes but only a little one."
"A little one?"
"So there are a number of shows that you can throw on and watch out of order with little consequence. Like if you do watch every episode in order there is a throughline of like character development and life changes but if you jump into, let's say, season 3 episode 2, you'll just see some funny little antics that are mostly inconsequential and chances are will not come up again until maybe the finale where they recount all their little goofs over the years." You explain.
"Mindless entertainment? It's nice to have something to watch that you don't have to be aware of watching." You shrug. "Lots of shows have complex storylines and characters that need to be paid attention to in order to comprehend what you're watching. Sometimes you don't want to do all of that." You shrug.
"If you don't want to think about what you're watching, why watch anything?" He frowns.
"Pass the time, fill the silence, any number of things. Like we have one on but we're talking now so we're not really paying it any attention, but because it's a sitcom we're not missing anything vital because there's nothing vital to miss. And when this conversation lulls to a stop we'll just tune back in and pick up wherever it's at."
"Your Midgardian habits are very strange." Loki hums.
"What do you do when you're bored and want to be entertained without much effort?" You ask him.
"That specific phenomenon I'm not quite familiar with. If I'm bored, I read, practice spells, on Asgard there wasn't much time for boredom." He shrugs.
"Well, things are different on Midgard. And seeing as you hate everyone and everything about this place you may find yourself well acquainted with that specific phenomenon sooner than you might think." You say.
You gotta say you're pretty proud of your ability to interact positively with Loki. When he first started living here you never would've guessed you'd be watching movies and having silly conversations like this. He's always been rather closed off from the team but perhaps that's something you can actually work around.
"Loki!" You call when you catch him in the hall.
"What?" He rolls his eyes.
"Are you busy?" You ask.
"Why?" His eyes narrow suspiciously.
"Well I was meant to go to the aquarium with Thor today-"
"Thor is on Asgard." Loki says.
"Yes exactly." You nod. You weren't meant to do anything with Thor today, but it seems the key to the trickster god is minor deceptions.
"Did he forget you were going to this 'aquarium' today?"
"It would appear so. Which- I'm not mad about really but these tickets did cost money and I can't exchange them for another date so I was hoping you'd be able to replace him that way the ticket doesn't go to waste." You explain to him.
"You don't have anyone else you could ask?" He huffs.
"Not on such short notice." You shake your head.
"How short is short notice?"
"We need to be there in forty minutes."
"Oh you have got to be kidding me." Loki scoffs.
"If you come with me, when we get back I'll bake you a batch of cookies." You offer. It seems to be the easiest way to get him to do things. You watch Loki contemplate for a moment before he caves to his inner discussion although you're not sure there was much of a debate once you offered baked goods.
"Very well, I'll go so you don't waste your money, but you can't keep bringing your nonsense to me in exchange for cookies." He says.
"Of course not!" You smile knowing damn well you will be doing it again if you see fit. Loki will never admit to enjoying your company or wanting you to make him cookies, but considering he always accepts your offers and never truly complains when you're together, you know the irritation is only a front. "We'll leave in 15 minutes 'kay?"
"Very well." He says. You head back to your room to get yourself together and 15 minutes later you meet Loki by the kitchen.
"Ready Lo?" You ask.
"Yes let's get on with it." He says. You loop your arm through his as you leave the tower and you're surprised he doesn't protest the contact, but you won't bring it up. At the aquarium, you excitedly talk about all your favorite exhibits as you walk from section to section. "So what was the plan exactly?" Loki asks.
"With Thor, why were you bringing him here in the first place?"
"Oh! Well because there's a lot he still wants to learn about Earth so I've been trying to take him places where he can learn a number of things at the same time." You shrug.
"And how is that going?"
"We've done the zoo and a couple of museums already so I'd say not bad. Oh, we're by the jellyfish, you should see the touch tank!" You say.
"The what now?" Loki frowns. You grab his hand and lead him to the shallow tank of water off to one side.
"This is a touch tank. These are jellyfish, they're like 95% water and don't have brains, some of them are dangerous, but these ones are pretty harmless and you can touch them! Only on the tops of their heads though. Like this." You lift his hand up and push down all but two of his fingers and then slowly, you guide his hand into the water. "You have to be gentle." You tell him softly as you let his fingers touch the top of a moon jelly in the pool. You turn to Loki with a small smile only to find him already looking at you very intensely.
"I'm quite gentle when I want to be." He says quietly. You step back a bit and clear your throat, dipping your own fingers in to touch a jellyfish for yourself.
"Well I hope you want to be gentle with the moon jellies. This is one of my favorite things here." You tell him.
"So anyone can just walk up and pet the jellyfish?" 
"Yeah! Isn't it cool?"
"Sure." He nods.
"Wait till you see some of the other Jellyfish they've got here! They're insane!" You take his hand again and walk further into the jellyfish exhibit.
"They have more open tanks of creatures?"
"Oh- no all the other Jellyfish are in closed tanks." You giggle.
"Just as well, you said some are dangerous, no?"
"Well, yes, but aren't they just so beautiful?" You say looking at one of the tanks.
"Breathtaking." Loki says before he can help himself. He clears his throat, lucky you're so captivated with the floating water creatures that you don't even notice his eyes on you as opposed to the exhibits.
"Thank you for coming with me." You tell him.
"You bribed me."
"True- but you still could have said no. Especially since you're not even a fan of our, how do you say it? 'Mediocre Midgardian food'."
"Yes well, you pout when you're disappointed and it's incredibly displeasing to see. The whole tower suffers your moods. And while Midgardian food is mediocre yours is- the least. Plus I can rub this in Thor's face."
"I see you really weighed those pros and cons." You chuckle.
"I must. If I'm to disrupt my entire afternoon on such short notice." He shrugs. You roll your eyes and pull him through to the next exhibit but the smile on your face can't be hidden.
You hum to yourself as you enter the tower library.
"Good morning Loki." You say immediately spotting him on one of the lounge chairs. He's always in here, it's like his sanctuary and over the last few weeks you've found it easy to interact with him.
"It's 3pm y/n."
"It's morning somewhere Lo, time is arbitrary, don't be a grump." You shrug.
"What are you doing here anyway?" He rolls his eyes.
"Utilizing the insane collection of books we have considering there's only like 3 people living here that would ever pick up a book for from here."
"You've been coming here a lot lately."
"Why should you be the only one taking advantage of this big otherwise undisturbed room?"
"The best part of this room is that none of you come here."
"If you want to not run the risk of having to interact with anyone who lives here to might I suggest your room which has a lock on it." You smile brightly.
"Very funny." Loki scoffs.
"I thought so too!" You snap back. Loki gives you a dry look.
"Must you be so-"
"Charming? Witty? Adorable?"
"Not quite the adjectives I would've chosen." He says.
"Well next time finish your sentence." You wink at him.
"Are you trying to get under my skin?"
"Of course not! But it's pretty easy."
"Why must you bother me?" His eyes narrow.
"Maybe because you like talking to me more than you want to admit."
"And why would you think that?"
"Because you always do."
"Do what?"
"I'm sure you can figure that out." You say turning to leave the library.
"Do what y/n!?" He calls after you. "You didn't even get a book!" He shouts as the library doors close behind you. Loki frowns to himself for a moment and then decides to contact the only person he'd ever go to for advice on any subject. A looking glass spell slowly brings Frigga to life above his palm.
"Mother." He gets her attention.
"Loki?" Frigga picks up her looking glass with a smile. "Hello my darling boy. So lovely to hear from you. Thor tells me you're well."
"In the physical sense, yes." Loki nods.
"What troubles you my dear son?"
"I think Midgardian women might be more confusing than those on Asgard." Loki says.
"A woman? Do you feel for her?"
"Don't be ridiculous mother." Loki's words come out as a breathless chuckle.
"It is not ridiculous. She plagues your mind. Why, if you do not feel for her?"
"Truthfully I'm not sure." He frowns.
"Have you considered that you feel for her?"
"How would I know?"
"I believe the fact that you are asking may perhaps be a strong indicator already. This girl, do you see her often?"
"She lives here so yes." He nods.
"I mean intentionally darling." Frigga smiles.
"Walking past her in the hallways is not quite what I'm referring to."
"Oh- well she's the least insufferable person here so- sometimes, yes. Though it's usually her bribing me to do things when her other plans fall through."
"What do you mean?"
"Well she invited me to this water creature house they call an aquarium a couple of weeks ago because Thor forgot he was meant to go with her."
"Are you sure Thor was meant to go with her?" She asks.
"I don't follow." Loki shakes his head.
"I wonder if this girl is playing tricks on my trickster." Frigga smiles knowingly.
"Do you overestimate her or underestimate me to believe I could be outsmarted by a mortal?"
"It is not a blow Loki, be calm my son. She plagues your mind when she is not there, she has made her way to a spot many people never have the pleasure of knowing within you. I believe she has stolen your heart and even you do not know it yet."
"What makes you think that?"
"In all your years Loki you have never once asked me about a girl. And this one seems to have you quite... wrapped."
"I resent that notion." He scoffs.
"What made you contact me?"
"Well she was-" Loki stops himself, his mother has already decided Loki is a goner, perhaps he shouldn't feed her any more information.
"She was with you Loki?"
"I spend a lot of time in the library. She came by and we had a short conversation that's all."
"What did she say?" Frigga asks.
"She thinks I like her more than I do. Or rather more than I will admit. I asked her why and she refused to answer."
"Well- what would lead her to believe that?"
"I have no idea." Loki scoffs.
"How is your relationship with her different than with the others?"
"I don't speak to the others. I only speak to her and Thor."
"Tell me about her."
"She is- happy, but not like Thor- his happiness is loud and aggressive she is- a calmer happiness. She seems to be crucial to the peace in this madhouse. Not for me, for everyone. She's also frustratingly smart, she has a comeback for everything and- it's nice to feel as though someone on this dreadful planet can match me- even if I find it vexing at times. Also she bakes- I don't quite enjoy Midgardian food but her treats are quite good though I refuse to tell her that-"
"I'm sure she knows." Frigga says with a soft smile.
"Why are you smiling like that."
"If you could see your face when you speak of this girl you would know like I know that your heart is no longer yours."
"My heart is very much still-"
"No darling. You may not realize but your mind has already given your heart to her. Follow your heart to her. Allow yourself to go there. It will do you good and you deserve it."
"Mother I cannot." He shakes his head.
"You can, and I suggest you do soon. If you do not tell her she has your heart you risk her unknowingly breaking it. Though I sense she is more aware than you may think. Certainly she's more aware than you are."
"You keep saying that-"
"There was no day planned with Thor. I would bet money she wanted to go with you, but you are a tricky thing. To catch fox you must think like one."
"What do I do mother? If you are right and this girl does have me, what do I do?" Loki asks.
"Be kind, be honest, be true. Don't wait too long." Frigga warns.
"Don't wait too long?" He frowns.
"Yes child, that woman will not wait forever for you to wake up."
"What if she is not waiting?"
"You misunderstand. I'm not saying she is waiting on you to come to your senses what I'm saying is that affections change one day she may not enjoy your time as she does now, someone serious may woo her and you miss your chance entirely, stars forbid it but something could happen to her or you. Do not get in your own way Loki, you have a tendency to do that."
"I do not get in my own way."
"Loki." Frigga says, leveling her son with an unimpressed look.
"I will consider your advice mother thank you." Loki cedes.
"Good. I will expect an update soon so be prepared for me to check in."
"Of course mother. Take care."
"You too my son." Frigga sets her looking glass down and Loki disconnects his end of the spell with a sigh. If Frigga is correct, Loki has much to consider, and rather quickly based on her warnings.
When the door to the library opens you don't bother looking up. The book you're reading is far too interesting to stop mid-page.
"What are you doing?" Loki jumps when he walks passed you. You look up momentarily, debating how badly you want to make a stupid joke.
"I'm practicing my backhand spring." You say flatly.
"You're sitting on the couch?"
"I'm also holding a book and yet you asked what I'm doing. I don't know what answer you expected honestly." You shrug.
"I just meant you're not usually sitting around in here."
"Is reading in the library that odd to you?" You chuckle.
"Well- no. I was just expecting the library to be empty." He says.
"Would you like me to leave?"
"Why would you offer to leave? You were here first."
"Yeah but I can read anywhere. Your hermit tendencies limit your spaces far more than mine."
"I am not a hermit." Loki rolls his eyes.
"Of course not." You hum.
"I'm not. I just have no desire to waste my time having unintelligent conversations with the uncultured morons that live here."
"Well don't let me bother you then."
"Not you, the others. And you can obviously stay."
"Why thank you for deeming me worthy enough to stay in your presence." You quip dramatically.
"It's not as if you care what I deem anyhow."
"True, that was sarcasm. Happy reading." You turn your attention back to your book and though Loki would like the conversation to continue he can't think of anything to say to justify pulling your focus from the book you're so clearly captivated by. You're in the library with your book for a few more hours and during that time Loki cannot help the way his eyes wander to you every so often, he doesn't even realize it's happening at first but once he does his mother's words that have been in his head for the past 2 weeks ring even louder.
"Y/n!" Wanda practically sings as she walks, no from the sound of it she's skipping, over to you at the kitchen island.
"Yes Wanda my dear?" You chuckle, setting your sandwich back on its plate.
"You know our coffee shop?"
"Around the block?"
"Yep!" She nods.
"What of it?"
"Well I heard through the grapevine that someone who works there has a crush on you."
"You heard- through the grapevine?" You quirk up an eyebrow at her.
"Cassie told me."
"How did you end up in that conversation?" You chuckle.
"Not the point, we should go down there!" She suggests excitedly.
"I'm eating a sandwich-"
"Not right now, tomorrow morning."
"You wanna tell me- who this mystery crush is? Because I'm not going anywhere if you don't tell me." You say biting your sandwich.
"It's Elliot."
"Oh he's cute-"
"Wanda." Vision calls as the main elevator arrives.
"Soooo we'll game plan when I get back?" She asks walking backwards.
"Fine." You shake your head and chuckle as she disappears in the elevator with Vision. You take a bite of your sandwich, presumably alone again, only to hear a throat clearing from behind you. You look over your shoulder to find Loki the source of the sound.
"Oh hi Loki." You say covering your mouth.
"Hello." He mutters.
"What brings you out of hiding today?"
"I'm not a hibernating bear you know."
"Of course not." You hum. Loki opens the fridge to grab something to drink, although it's mostly just so he can convince himself to bite the bullet and confess to you before this 'Elliot' from the coffee shop has an opportunity to turn your head like his mother warned him of.
"Do you have a moment? I know you're- eating but I'd like to talk- about something." He says awkwardly.
"Sure. I can use multiple senses at once. What's up?" You ask taking another bite of your sandwich. Loki opens his mouth a couple of times before he frowns. "Is something wrong Loki?"
"I don't know." He says, brows furrowed as he looks at the floor.
"You don't know if something's wrong? Are you dizzy? Dehydrated? Feverish? Do you need to sit down?" You sit up, concerned.
"No, I don't."
"You sure? You look kind of- constipated. I think you should sit down."
"I don't want to y/n." He grits out.
"Okay, calm down no need to get angry with me for caring."
"You said I look constipated!"
"Well you do! But only a little bit!"
"This is not going at all how I planned it?"
"What are you on about Loki?" You frown.
"Nothing it was just way easier to do this in my head."
"Easier to do what?"
"Never mind. Enjoy your lunch." Loki pivots and you almost knock over your barstool trying to stop him from leaving the kitchen.
"Not so fast god of mischief tell me what it is you're so panicked about."
"It's nothing y/n." He rolls his eyes.
"Nonsense. If it were nothing you wouldn't have made such a big deal out of it in the first place." You tell him.
"Yes, I over reacted, which is what I just realized and why I'm no longer interested in having this conversation." He says completely avoiding your gaze.
"Don't be a coward Loki." You snap.
"I beg your pardon?" His eyes widen.
"Don't be a coward. I've never known you to shy away from sharing your thoughts even when nobody asked don't tell me suddenly you're incapable of speaking your mind."
"I am far from incapable." He says.
"So spill it." You push.
"And if I don't?"
"Then you're not who I thought you were."
"Over a personal thought?" His eyebrow raises.
"It's the principle. What have you got to lose that makes you so fearful of your own voice?"
"Something I didn't even realize was important to me until recently." He says quietly.
"What's that?" You ask. Loki's eyes scan your face for a long moment, and if not for how close you are you'd swear he's holding his breath for how shallow it is.
"You." He whispers.
"I'm not going anywhere." You shake your head.
"I'm afraid you may take that back if you hear that which I refuse to say." He says.
"Is the reward worth the risk?" You ask.
"If I'm lucky."
"I'm disappointed that you see me as someone so easily run off Loki."
"That's not what this is." He shakes his head.
"No? It sounds like it."
"Do you see me as somebody that could be loved?"
"Of course I do. Thor loves you unconditionally. Your mother too from what I've heard."
"Do you see me as somebody that could be loved, by you?" This question is far more hesitant.
"Is that what you want?"
"In time, yes." He nods and a stray giggle escapes your lips.
"That's what you thought would drive me away?!" You shake your head. "Maybe you haven't noticed but I put quite a bit of effort into creating time to spend with you."
"Oh come on it's mostly coincidence, your friends canceling or Thor forgetting you had plans."
"You silly trickster. I chose to spend that time with you." You say.
"To be clear- does that mean you're as taken with me as I am with you?" Loki asks.
"You're taken with me?!" You blink at him in shock.
"Yes was I not clear about-"
"I'm joking Loki I just wanted to hear you say it directly." You smile.
"You vex me." He breathes out.
"And yet you like me anyway. Even more than I expected."
"Don't boast."
"How can I not?" You ask.
"I can think of a few ways to stop you."
"You can try Loki but I'm not so easily swayed." You taunt. Loki's hand comes up to your cheek and he kisses you. His lips are soft and he kisses you as if he's got all the time in the world. When Loki pulls away your eyes flutter open with surprise.
"How's that for sway?" He smirks.
"I'll admit that wasn't a terrible start." You breathe.
"Oh yeah?" Loki lifts you into his arms suddenly and you squeal in surprise as he carries you to his room. He lays you gently on his bed and kisses you again. "Not a terrible start is not enough." He hums trailing to your neck, peppering your throat with kisses and light nibbles. Loki pulls your shirt over your head. "Stars above you're beautiful." He mutters trailing his fingers delicately across your newly exposed skin.
"I'm not a flower you know." You giggle, the soft touches making you feel ticklish.
"What do you mean?" He frowns.
"Nothing bad. You're just being much more gentle than I'd have expected." You tell him caressing his face. He pauses for a moment as you trace his features.
"Do you remember what I said at the aquarium?"
"About the hammerhead shark reminding you of-"
"No about being gentle you silly girl." He says with a disbelieving chuckle.
"Oh! Yes that you can be when you want to be."
"I didn't realize it applied elsewhere."
"Do you not like gentle?"
"Gentle is good." You shake your head. "Just unexpected." You smile. Loki returns your smile and leans down to press kisses down your abdomen. He pulls your shorts and panties off together, kissing your calf ones you're freed from the fabric. Loki's eyes are on you as his lips glide up your leg, opened mouthed kisses until he reaches your thigh where he bites at the skin, just enough for you to feel it. With one last kiss to your hip, Loki buries his face in your heat. You gasp at the first feel of his tongue against your center. His movements are unhurried as he watches your reactions to his mouth. When he finds the rhythm that you react the strongest to he sticks to it, enjoying the whimpers and moans he pulls from you and the way your body grinds against him.
"Oh god." You pant, one hand tangling in his hair. When you feel two of his fingers slowly glide into your entrance and curl upwards your eyes shoot open with a whine that makes Loki hum against you. You glance down at him, surprised to see his green eyes peering up at you with something akin to adoration shining in them and despite the pleasure building in your belly all you can think about for a brief moment is how... pretty he looks. Of course, that train of thought is lost when Loki wraps his lips around your clit, focusing his attention on the sensitive bundle of nerves. Between his tongue and his fingers you don't have a chance of staving off the orgasm that washes over you soon after. Loki works you through it, only pulling away when your breathing starts to steady.
"You are a vision in the heat of release you know." He says a hand on your chin to guide your attention.
"No, I did not know that." You smile reaching up to undress Loki. You pull his shirt over his head, littering his chest with kisses as you undo his pants but don't pull them down. You slip your hand into the waistband of his underwear stroking his hard hot dick.
"F-fucking hell you might be the death of me." Loki breathes out shuddering beneath your touch.
"I sure hope not. I quite like you alive you know." You joke with a giggle. Loki grabs your wrist and shakily pulls your hand from him.
"Right, if this goes on I'll embarrass myself." He says with a slight chuckle shifting to pull his pants down enough to free himself. He lines himself with your entrance and slowly works himself passed your walls with short rolling thrusts, deeper each time.
"That's nothing to be embarrassed about you know Loki." You tell him, admittedly a bit winded as he fills you.
"Maybe not, but I'll admit it's not ideal for our first time together." He groans as he bottoms out.
"Don't get caught up in expectations Loki." You tell him.
"Only my own darling." He says. Loki holds still for a few moments, allowing you to adjust to his size, only moving when you begin to grind against him.
"Move, Loki, please." You groan. Loki lets out a breath as he starts a steady rhythm. He's immediately a string of groans and curses in your ear as he fucks you, his sounds mingling with yours beautifully.
"Gods you feel even better than I could've imagined." He pants out between thrusts.
"Don't stop baby. God you feel so good." You moan, grinding up against his hips to meet his movements. Loki reaches between your bodies and his fingers find your clit, rubbing tight circles against the bud that turn your quiet moans to loud whines.
"Come on darling, I want to feel you cum on my dick. Please y/n- let go for me." Loki coaxes, kissing at your throat again and it doesn't take long for your body to tense with the feeling of another orgasm. Loki groans deeply as your walls tighten around him from your release.
"Did you like that Loki? Feeling my pussy clench from cumming for you? You're close aren't you? Come on baby, cum for me."
Loki's thrusts speed up a bit, then falter, and stall altogether moments later as you feel the heat of his release inside you. Loki kisses your shoulder gently as he comes down from his orgasm, your fingers stroking his hair a comfort he wouldn't have thought he'd enjoy.
"You know- I know you were trying to get me to stop boasting but if boasting always ends with us like this I'm inclined to do it more often." You say after a few moments of silence and Loki chuckles against your neck.
"Boasting is not a prerequisite my darling." He says sitting up. Loki conjures a damp cloth and gently dabs first your face, then your neck, and carefully between your legs before helping you into his shirt.
"Well what is?" You ask.
"There isn't one you tricky girl." He chuckles pulling you into his chest.
"How am I the tricky one here?"
"You caught the fox, I think that's worth some tricky points."
"What fox? Are you the fox?"
"Mhm." He nods.
"Well- then that's by far the best thing I've ever caught." You smile up at him.
"The fox isn't complaining either." He hums and you cuddle closer to him. This hadn't exactly been your original gameplan with Loki but this is way better than any outcome you could've expected.
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tastesousweet · 5 months
⭒ the girl with the tattoo (ii) - pt 1 here!!
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matt sturniolo x fem!oc / reader
summary : matt is still a grumpy ass but y/n can't seem to get him off of her mind.
warnings : idk uhhh matt’s rude but in a love hate kinda way 😋! also alcohol/drinking (i headcannon everyone 21+!)
mickey speaks : shes finally hereeeee and shes kinda long. im hoping to post more consistently!! luv u guys enjoy <3 ignore the fact that the pic above has a yt girl in it this story is for everyone i promise !!!! i just liked the little green vibe ok? ok.
AND of course you see matt again.
only a month ago, you were introduced and forced to spend an hour of your time in close proximity to him, no matter his disinterest. yet, also, only a month ago, were you gifted with the cutest tiny tattoo that continues to surprise you a little whenever you lift your shirt before a warm shower.
it hasn’t bothered you nearly as much as you'd assumed - only disrupting your life with the caution you now take to avoid irritating the skin at your lower stomach. though some nights you grow lazy, you’ve maintained a very disciplined attitude of incorporating time in your morning and nightly rituals to ensure the tiny hello kitty inked on you is properly cared for.
contrary, your interactions with matt bothered you far more than you assumed. your sub-concious must've held onto your attempts to break past his careless attitude (that greatly opposed your own people-pleasing nature) just to pettily haunt you. but you've you forced yourself to get over it at this point. you just had to after one night, the week following your tattoo appointment (and after a long day of rude professors and pretentious customers blaming you for their own mistakes), you broke down to andrea:
you sniffle before your voice breaks again, "everyone's just mean. and- and i was so fucking annoying last saturday. it keeps playing over in my head. i'm so embarrassed and i just know he hated me, but i dont know why?! i thought i was nice enough. he could've just smiled or maybe just- i-"
andrea pauses from petting your head, "honey, you're not still talking about the guy who tatted you, right?" you look up at her from your head's soft spot in her lap with glossy eyes and a quivering lip.
"dre-" you choke.
"oh my god! no! y/n, you can't take shit like that personal. not everyone enjoys talking or happiness for that matter, you can't hold on to something like that. i promise he's not too hung up on it himself." she wipes away one of your pitiful tears.
and here he is, standing across the room from you at a party.
you definitely did not expect to see matt (who’s mild attitude was clearly fueled by socializing) in this scene but you guess that la parties are just like that. as long as you know someone who knows someone you’re easily in, that's how you tend to get into these events at least. though an insta stalk would tell you matt has enough clout to get himself in, he and his brothers have built quite the brand for themselves among la socialites.
once your eyes spot him over the shoulder of some guy who just introduced himself to you, they can’t seem to move. you watch as matt smiles for a photo with a few others. matt. smiles. okay, so maybe it was a you problem. he doesn’t hate everyone maybe just you.
though, your thoughts are denied as quickly as his face drops. he doesn’t even care to look at how the image may have turned out like the rest of the group. instead, his eyes opt to watching the people around him as he sips his weak drink.
great, now you’ve become the weirdo watching him watch other people.
until his eyes catch your cautious yet curious stare from across the room. your cheeks heat and you’re immediately shifting your eyes back to the man in front of you.
matt almost smirks at his luck. no fucking way the scared sweetheart he’d tattooed just a few weeks ago is here. he looks away when someone lays a hand on his shoulder to bring him back into the conversation. you're surprised that he continues to look back over to you after adding his input.
the guy finally acknowledges your disengagement with the story about his new motorcycle and turns to see what exactly you’re staring at. he sees matt and turns back to you, “you know him?”
“yeah. well not like know-know we only met once, he gave me a tattoo.”
“oh, cool,” he looks back over to matt and turns back to you once again, “is he bothering you?”
your face scrunches initially, “no, it’s fine.” you smile at him, not wanting to give him the impression that matt did anything but exist (which apparently is enough to capture your attention).
“good. wanna go grab another drink and tell me more about this tattoo?” a charming smile morphs on face and you nod your head easily, taking his hand and leading him towards the bar outside of this large home. and away from matt.
“two-” you look over to the man beside you, “wait is this an open bar?” you ask him genuinely and he laughs a little at your aloofness.
“yeah,” he nods.
“perfect, we’ll take two kamikaze shots pretty please!” you smile at the bartender who seems to be enjoying her night quite a bit and squeeze his hand when you realize it’s still in your own. he looks down at your attached hands then back to you.
you turn your body to face him more directly and lean up to his ear, cupping your hand and whispering, “i’m so sorry, i think i forgot your name.” you were starting to feel bad and just had to confess.
you lean back and bite your lip to hide an awkward smile, and he somehow smiles harder than he already was, “it’s-”
“ashton!” you hear a voice yell hurriedly and now some dark haired guy is pulling him away from you and repeatedly saying “code red!” in his face. and suddenly, without any indication he’d enjoyed your short lived time together, he’s gone.
you try not to sulk but he was an attractive guy with easy conversation, so you at least hoped to get his number by the end of the night.
instead, you’re left leaning against the bar hoping those shots come around soon. you decide to update your friends on your night:
cute guy lefttttt :(
noooooo he was so cute 😫
don’t remind me
where r you now???
outside bar, im waiting on shots
come find me💔💔
your head shoots up from your phone when three guys practically ram themselves into the bar near you, a few people around them laughing obnoxiously.
"god damnit, chris! we said we were going slowly!"
"shhhh. you are so loud, matt!"
“excuse me, can we get some water? none of the sparkles or bubbles and shit, just water, please.”
“next time i'm speaking for myself! what if i wanted the bubbles?”
you lean your head a little to get a full view of the three recognizable faces. chris, with his arms dangled over his two brothers’ shoulders clearly obliterated and slurring his words (but excited to be there nonetheless). a blonde one, you haven’t gotten the chance to meet yet, with two nose piercings and a commanding voice. and matt, with his signature pout, even poutier now that chris’ weight is causing him to hunch over slightly. you guess you were bound to run into them.
you wonder if andrea was right in saying matt hadn’t held onto your exchange. you wonder if when he saw you earlier he remembered you for your friendly smile rather than your annoying nagging. or did he even remember you at all? did he only look at you because you were staring him down first? okay, where the fuck are those shots?!
“no way!" you hear chris’ voice screech upon recognizing you from across the bar, "y/n!?”
you look over and see him shockingly excited to see your face again. you smile in an attempt to not allow your nerves about matt get to you. you are never one to deny a conversation after all.
“oh my god! hi!” you reply as chris unwraps himself from his brothers and moves closer to you.
“how’s your tat treatin’ you?” his eyes express so much excitement he reminds you of a little kid. you’re very flattered to see someone feel so much emotion due to your mere presence.
“oh, it’s still so cute, no regrets so far. i love it.” you smile and he nods while you’re speaking.
he turns around and sees his brothers and a few friends remaining in the other side of the bar talking amongst themselves. “yo, get the fuck over here! why are you guys so far?” he encourages them with a hand wave.
you wave as well, trying not to be a total stranger- even if you are.
the blonde guy leads them over and hands chris a glass of water that must’ve been waiting on him.
“cheers,” chris smirks and takes a sip before a disgusted look takes over his face, “gross. my god! why do they make this shit so bland?”
the blonde boy rolls his eyes in amusement, mumbling, "just drink it," before approaching you kindly. "hey, i’m nick by the way."
“y/n, nice to meet you! i met chris and matt when i got my tattoo done at your shop a while ago.” you explain kindly.
before nick can get another word in a female voice is squealing, “you’re y/n?! hi, i’m asha, i don't know if your remember but we talked on the phone that one time!” a tanned girl with soft cheeks and dark loose curls moves herself in front of the boys.
“of course i remember, how could i forget that insane frog story? it's so nice seeing you in person finally!” you gush.
suddenly chris is beaming, “aww wait guys this is so cute! i’m feeling like we should all hug!” he nods to his brothers who are quick to shake their heads no.
“i don’t think..” nick starts.
“nooo! let’s hug!” chris argues and opens his arms wide gesturing for everyone to hug him.
after sharing a very drunk and messy group hug you all continue to talk until chris finally blurts, "i gotta go pee so bad guys, " he laughs, "but i need people with me because if i walk in on someone puking, then what? i'll die from my severe" (its not severe at all) "emetophobia and no one will ever know?"
you and asha (who you've found is actually so similar to you) both laugh at his crisis.
matt just breathes a laugh.
"chris, there’s no reason to go further with the fear factor when no one said they wouldn't come with you. i’m coming, so you're not gonna die, let's go." nick shakes his head.
“you don’t understand, nick i would be dead and covered in- i can’t even say it, dude,” chris’ voice fades as they walk away.
"wait, i'll walk with you guys inside! 'm... getting cold out here!" asha suddenly says removing herself from your side and waving goodbye with a drunk smile.
"it's not cold at all, she's trippin'" matt speaks watching her run and practically jump onto nick, causing the three laugh while leaving the crowded yard.
you just shrug and lean onto the bar again, making eye contact with the bartender who looks as if she only just remembered your existence but also seems to mentally question where the other guy went and how you managed to replace him that quickly.
"are you always so nice about everything?" matt questions, leaning his forearms on the bar, still looking at you.
"what?" you look over to him now, feeling almost sick at his proximity.
he mocks you with a high tone in his voice, "'it's soooo nice to meet you! it's soooo nice seeing you!' it sounds exhausting, to be honest."
"didn't realize having manners got you jail time," you breathe.
"and i never said it did."
"well, i don't have to be nice to you if it bothers you so much," you shrug.
"aw, sunshine, you'd do that for me? you're too sweet." he almost laughs at his own sarcastic comment.
you lick your bottom lip out of habit, "why are you still here? don't you have friends you should be ignoring?" you hope he can't tell just how frustrated he's making you.
“you must think you know me.”
“i know you don’t like me.”
“wrong, again.” he smiles and points his finger at you.
“oh, you just don’t like anyone then?”
he glances away before responding, “what's the fun in telling you?”
you huff in defeat, wanting nothing more than those shots right now. though your subconcious hopes the bartender continues to prioritize her flirting customers over you just so you can continue this addicting back and forth with matt.
"you know, that’s the thing with people like you. you think everyone owes you everything." he shakes his head.
"people like me?” you scoff under your breath, “matt, why are you still here?"
he can pick out the offense in your tone, "oh shit, that was true? i was fucking with you, sunny!"
"you don't know anything about me," you laugh and shake your head.
"alright there are those kamikaze shots for you! so sorry about that major delay, honey!" the bartender sets the shots in front of the both of you and smiles at you apologetically.
"don't worry about it, thank you!" you hand her a spare five dollar bill from your back pocket.
when she's gone you finally notice matt's widened eyes.
"what's up with your face, now?"
"you gave her a tip for pouring you some rankydank, fuckin' low level shots after you've waited long enough for her to apologize?" he seems genuinely shocked.
"she only makes money off of tips," you roll your eyes, picking the shot up and gesturing towards the second shot for him to take.
"that's all you," he raises his hands towards his chest.
"oh my god, do it, matt."
he shakes his head and points to you, "you take your shot, sweetheart."
"i knew you wouldn't, pussy," you say under your breath before smirking as you down the alcohol you've been craving since you first saw his face.
upon your insult matt is immediately taking the shot along side you. and just as both of your faces adjust to the taste, matt's phone begins to vibrate.
he grabs it and you attempt to hide your own curiosity by asking the bartender for a lime to suck on (not daring to ask for alcohol again because you simply don't want to be hung up at this bar for any longer).
"yeah, yeah still here," matt plays with his bottom lip and looks down at you with your mouth full of lime. he thinks you look pretty adorable, especially under the blush pink fairy lights hanging above the bar. "'kay, i'll be quick. alright, nick. i will. bye."
he puts his phone away and wipes his mouth, "that shit was fucking vile, by the way."
"okay, drama queen."
"mhm," his face falters back into his usual pout, "well i gotta go, but, um, nick wanted me to invite you to this get together thing we host at the warehouse, it's in like a month but, you know, come if you want." he shrugs.
"tell him of course i will, but only because he asked." you smile sarcastically.
ANDREA - 12:39 AM
y/n where are you we are both so confused rn help
ANDREA - 12:45 AM
ANDREA - 12:47 AM
Y/N - 1:06 AM
Y/N - 1:06 AM
I WAS AT THE OTHER OITSIDE BAR IN THE FRONT(?) YARD!!!!! but its ok im gonba find u guys
a few days later matt comes across your instagram story, forgetting he had followed you in the first place. it was a picture of you and your friends from the same night he had seen you again. it's a simple mirror photo where you're all smiling but besides your soft skin and cute outfit, matt's attention focuses on frank ocean's pyramids playing over the story.
you see the notification later that day when you finally get time on your phone:
matthew.sturniolo liked your story
꩜⋆ ˚。⋆🎱˚
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mixtape-racha · 11 months
YAYYYYYY 100 followersssss :) im so happy for youuuuu :)))))
okay, here is my request... hehe, im suchhh a sucker for hurt comfort and I loveeee fem 9th member au's. but like not smut or like fwb, just like a really juicy story y'know? I haven't been able to find any of those two categories combined tho, especially into like a longer fic, like it's always in the hundreds (I would love it if it was a little longer, no pressure tho :). literally, anything works, from some kinda mess up on stage to maybe you messing up a relationship w a member??? idk. I'm letting ur thoughts run wild here... THANK YOU AND CONGRATSSSS
(im sorry im really vague in requests lol)
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thank you so much my lovely bae!! ilysm and i hope i did this request justice!! i kind of went off on a tangent and got carried away with the plot waaa &lt;3
sorry seems to be the hardest word
pairing: ot8 x fem!9th member!reader
warnings: angst, hurt comfort, reader snapping at the members, reader being physically unwell, fluff at the end
words: 2.29k
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everything was going wrong today, and you truly meant every. fucking. thing.
somehow, you had managed to turn your alarm off the night before (probably because you fell asleep while on your phone, accidentally calling your mom in you sleep in the process), and none of the guys took the initiative to wake you up when they got up.
okay, sure, you couldn’t blame them entirely. you were a grown woman, and you could look after yourself. but weren’t you supposed to be a team? eight other people surrounding you, and none of them thought to check on you? especially when you were usually up and alert before they were? no, instead they were all out the door without even knocking to see if you were feeling okay. so much for being your brothers and best friends.
so god forbid, you were late this morning. you managed to turn up at the company for your vocal lessons only ten minute late, but it felt awful as you’d never been late before. you were so incredibly lucky to get the opportunity to debut with skz, especially joining the group later in their career and being the only girl. you wanted to do everything perfectly to show that you deserved to be where you were, and with the way today was shaping out you were so disappointed with yourself.
but then - it got worse. you, in your rush to leave the dorms, had forgotten your sheet music, leaving your vocal teacher to be short and snappy with you. yeah, you brought it up on your phone instead, but she was strict, and a firm believer in “good old-fashioned pen and paper over your silly little radio devices nowadays”. her attitude towards you for the remainder of your lesson affected you more than you liked to admit - excusing yourself to the bathroom to have a little cry before you headed to the studio.
for some reason, none of your schedules were properly coordinated today, leaving jisung to be the one in the studio with you - rather than chan, like usual -  while you recorded your lines for the demos to be sent to the company later in the month, when you’d decide the songs for the new album you had upcoming later in the year.
jisung was always the nicest to you, especially when he could tell you were having a rough day - you were both very alike in that sense, very attentive towards each other as if you could tell what the other was feeling. 
however, it seemed today that something had crawled up his ass and died. he was almost as snappy as your vocal teacher, and you were quite frankly sick of it. you kept messing up your lines; whether from the stress or the ache building in your throat (god you hoped you weren’t getting sick), you weren’t sure. but clearly, jisung wouldn’t stand for it.
“honestly, (y/n), you might as well just call it a day and come back to this with chan-hyung another day. i need to get on with other stuff.” he sighed, dismissively, as you bit back the tears fighting to escape your eyes. he wouldn’t even look at you, and your stomach was doing somersaults. was he really that mad? surely he could see how hard you were trying.
but instead of confronting him, you just grabbed your belongings and left after silently agreeing. no one answered your message on the group chat when you asked if anyone was down to get lunch together, even though you could see basically everyone had read it, so you retreated to the canteen alone before you had to go to practice with the boys.
as the ache in your throat spread to your joints, fatigue plaguing you, you trudged up to the practice room for rehearsals with the boys. you were learning a new dance - in fact, the already chosen title track for the new album, and deep down you were dreading it. it was more difficult than you had imagined, and definitely aimed more towards moves the boys could do compared to you. you loved the boys, but sometimes you felt like they forgot that men and women’s bodies worked differently.
surprisingly, you weren’t the last to arrive, squashing your fear of another thing going wrong.
but just as soon as practice began, your fear was reawakened. the ache in your joints was making the dance more difficult for you to execute, and you could feel the annoyance radiating off of minho’s body even if he wouldn’t admit it. you stumbled a few times, almost knocking into felix, who looked at you more frustrated than concerned.
“seriously, (n/n), what’s going on? it’s really not that hard. get your head in the game.”
you huffed, shaking out your limbs and telling minho to start the track again. maybe if you ignored your surroundings, ignored how you were feeling, then things would be easier. you could block out minho’s harsh criticisms - he was probably just tired. you could block out everything, knowing the boys were suffering just as much as you lately. but when the music stopped again, and everyone was talking at you, voice after voice lapping over each other you just couldn’t take it anymore.
“shut the fuck up! shut up, shut up, shut up! give me a fucking break, i’m trying my hardest!”
you honestly didn’t mean to snap, you were just so overwhelmed and couldn’t take anymore. when chan tried to put a comforting hand on your shoulder, you flung it off, all your annoyance and stress from the day building up at once.
“don’t fucking touch me. i don’t need your pity, i don’t need you to tell me that i don’t know how to do my job well enough. this is the fucking worst day of my life and you all keep making it worse!”
every fiber of your being was telling you to stop, to be reasonable, but it was like your mouth was making its own decisions. you couldn’t tell which member it was, but you were interrupting the gentle call of your name before you could even control it.
“and no, before any of you try to be funny, i’m not on my period,” you sneered, anger bubbling under your skin as you saw jisung look away sheepishly. “i’m just sick of feeling like i have to fight to prove i’m good enough, like i’m not one of you guys yet. we’re supposed to be a team, but all day i’ve been pushed to the side and treated like i don’t matter. i’m sick of it!”
you breathed heavily, grabbing your duffle bag from the side of the room and storming towards the door.
“i’m staying with yeji tonight, leave me the fuck alone.”
was all you said before leaving the boys stood in shock, confused as to why you were acting like you hated them.
regrettably, the minute you found yourself in yeji’s dorm and explained your day to her, you knew you were in the wrong. how could you let yourself treat your best friends that way? they didn’t deserve that, and you would be most understanding if they never forgave you. it was only when the throb in your head and ache in your joints became too much that you finally allowed yourself to sleep.
chan’s apology
luckily, you and the boys were granted a week off a while ago, and today marked the first day of that week. however, knowing chris he was probably still hauled up in the studio from the night before. it was around 3am (yeji shouldn’t have let you crash so early, your sleep schedule was going to be manic), so you pulled yourself together before making the decision to go visit him.
he may not even want to see you after your little outburst, but you could still try.
you stopped by the convenience store on your way to the studio, grabbing some snacks and some drinks just to be on the safe side. carefully checking the group chat, you saw that changbin was still in the studio with chan and you hoped you could get there before he left - it might be easier to kill two birds with one stone. you were just glad you bought way too much food for just two people.
you smiled politely, bowing at the security guard as he let you into the building, heart thumping in your ears as you carefully traced the steps to chan’s studio.
when you finally approached the door, you had to take a minute to prepare yourself to knock. you heard chan’s voice mumbling behind the door once you did, nervously waiting until he came and opened it.
he looked surprised to see you, frozen for a moment before quickly ushering you in and sitting you on the couch next to changbin. almost in instinct, changbin’s arm was slung around your shoulder - something he always did when you were close by, relishing in the fact he wasn’t the shortest in the group anymore.
you sheepishly held out the bag containing all the goodies you got at the convenience store to chan, a small smile on your face when he took it.
“got you some snacks.. kind of guessed you might have forgotten to eat.” your voice was quiet, ashamed. you just hoped they wouldn’t hold your outburst against you.
but when chan grinned, you knew he could never be mad at you for long.
“we were worried about you, y’know? that’s why jisung let you go early today - something seemed off and we didn’t want you to get too overwhelmed.” changbin said from next to you, the hand on your shoulder rubbing it comfortingly. 
you couldn’t stop the tears from welling up behind your eyes again, but bit them back in fear they’d think you were looking for sympathy.
“i– i’m so sorry. i’ve just had an awful day, and i feel like shit, but that doesn’t excuse my actions, and i shouldn’t have snapped at you all - you couldn’t have known, and its not your fault.”
you explained why your day had been so bad to them (after some pushing from chan), and how you were feeling physically, causing changbin to look at you with great worry.
they indulged in a small cuddle session, feasting on the snacks you provided while they tried to help cheer you up. and honestly, it worked, just talking through how you were feeling, and gettin constructive feedback rather than just a shoulder to lean on was relieving.
you couldn’t apologize to them more, feeling so ashamed of your actions, but they were quick to reassure you it was okay - everyone had bad days, you were only human after all. you just needed to work on your communication a little bit.
when you finally got ready to head back to the dorm at 5am, you felt better than you had in a long time, actually.
apology numbers one and two: complete.
but when you arrived back at the dorm, head peacefully resting on changbin’s shoulder, what you weren’t expecting to walk into was what you all called a “cuddle pool” - the sofa bed pulled out, covered with pillows and blankets - and a spot waiting for you between felix and seungmin.
your eyes watered at the expectant faces of your soul-brothers, small sobs leaving your lips as your shoulders shook. god, the day had taken a toll on you - you couldn’t remember the last time you cried in front of the boys.
it was only then that minho - who you hadn’t seen standing by the door - scooped you into a hug.
“oh, angel,” he frowned, a hand pressed to your forehead. “you’re burning up. is that why you felt so bad earlier?”
words seemed to fail you, and all you could do was nod as your grip on his sweater tightened. it certainly wouldn’t be the first time you got sick from stress, but you hated being sick. you hated feeling out of control in your own body, and despised being doted on like you were unable. however, this time… you think you could let it slide. you just needed your boys close by right now.
they seemed to enjoy looking after you, and you felt you owed them that after the situation in the practice room.
minho was quick to place on you on the couch, felix and seungmin suffocating you in a bone-crushing hug. jisung handed you the tv remote, saying you could choose to watch whatever you wanted, and that everyone would be having a slumber party in the living room until you felt better.
minho and chan had gone to make you some chicken noodle soup - using felix’s mom’s recipe, which was known for being a lifesaver in your dorm. jeongin was quick to grab you your comfort plushie, taking his place on the floor by your feet - the two of you were 100% keen on physical affection, but having him close by helped.
within merely an hour, all nine of you were curled up, an animated disney movie playing, with soup and mugs of tea being passed around the room. it was nice, and it felt so good to have your boys so close and willing to help you.
you definitely took on changbin’s mention of needing to improve on communication, wanting nothing more than to improve yourself for the little family you had build around you. and yeah you were sick, and they would probably get sick too by being in such close proximity to you, but that was a problem for another day. you’d just return the favor of looking after them.
you just knew you were lucky to have them.
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taglist: join taglist here @pretty-racha @chubbyanarkiss @taeriffic @mits-vi @chanssmiles @5kayzee @torixx80 @fawnpeaks @bangtanmix73 @savluvsmingi @boi-bi-ahaha
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s1urnioloslvr · 7 months
Movie Night (C.S) 18+
Chris Sturniolo x reader
Warnings: Smut, kinda public sex, idk
You were spending the night at the triplets' house, as you often did. It was a tradition for all of you to have a big sleepover in the living room, watching a random movie that Nic had been ranting about all day. Matt and Nic had gone to the store, leaving you and Chris to set up the blankets and make everything cozy.
As you started to arrange the blankets on the couches, you realized that you had forgotten your favorite panda blanket in Nic's room. "Hey! I’m gonna go get my blanket from Nic's room!" you exclaimed to Chris, "Well, I'm going too!" Chris replied, making his way into Nic's room.
You shrugged and thought this was just him being a silly little goofball (LMFAOO OKAY ILL STOP)and grabbed another blanket before heading into Nic's room as well. When you both walked back out, he was holding some sort of teddy bear or something... (ugh hes so cute), and you sat down on the couch, throwing the blanket over the both of you. The movie started playing, though you couldn't even remember what it was. But it didn't really matter; you were just happy to spend time with your friends.
However, as the movie progressed, you turned your head and caught a glimpse of Chris. He was wearing the grey sweatpants and a simple white t-shirt. You couldn't help but stare, and it seemed like he was doing the same to you. The tension in the air began to grow, thickening like fog.
Eventually, Nic grew tired and Matt got bored of the movie. Nic got up and announced that he was going to bed. "Goodnight y/n, night Chris," he said while rubbing his eyes. "Night Nic, see you tomorrow!" you replied. Chris simply said, "Goodnight."
The movie seemed to drag on forever, but finally, after what felt like an eternity, it ended. "That was kinda boring," you remarked. "I agree, maybe we should try something else," Chris suggested with a mischievous smile. You laughed and shook your head, heading into the kitchen to grab an orange Fanta, while Chris reached for a Pepsi.
Suddenly, the tension in the air became palpable. You turned around quickly and just stared at Chris. He turned red and cleared his throat nervously, grabbing the kitchen counter for support. "Uh... what's wrong?" you asked, completely unsure of what he was thinking.
"Uh... nothing, sorry, I'm fine," he replied, stuttering and nervously laughing. God, you loved his laugh.
Deciding it was now or never, you summoned up all your courage fueled by the night. "No, it's okay, you're freaking me out. Why is there so much tension?" you asked teasingly, putting your hand on his chest and looking up at him.
His blue eyes locked onto yours, and in one swift motion, he grabbed you by the waist, pulling you towards him and capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. It was your first kiss with him, and it felt like your whole body was set ablaze. You could feel the intensity of his desire as his tongue explored your mouth.
His hands moved through your hair, tangling themselves in its softness. His lips glided against yours, taking their time, savoring every moment of this electrifying connection (CORNYY). His hands traveled down your sides, slipping beneath your shirt and touching your bare skin. His fingers caressed your sides, sending shivers down your spine.
As the kiss continued, you pulled his hair gently, deepening the kiss further. His lips traced a path down your neck, stopping right below your ear. You felt his warm breath on your neck, and you couldn't help but lean your head back slightly, giving him greater access.
His hands continued to explore, traveling up your sides to your stomach. You felt his touch, gentle yet firm, igniting a fire within you that couldn't be extinguished. The sound of your heavy breathing filled the kitchen as the intensity between you grew.
He pressed your back firmly against the countertop, demonstrating his desire and control. His touch shifted, lifting your shirt and his fingers delicately brushed against your skin, stopping just above your pants. In a bold move, his hand moved up your side, cupping your breast, and softly squeezing. A gasp escaped your lips as you felt a surge of arousal coursing through your body.
He then moved his other hand down, reaching under your pants and feeling your bare ass. You responded eagerly, pressing your hips against his hand, urging him on. Your back now firmly against the counter, you were completely aware of his growing hardness pressing against your legs.
His hand roamed further, sliding under your panties to explore the wetness between your legs. His fingers skillfully caressed and teased, sending waves of pleasure through every inch of your being. Amidst the haze of desire and longing, he paused to speak, his voice breathy and filled with anticipation. "Mmm... are you sure you want to do this?" he asked, his lips finding yours again in a passionate kiss.
With a deep breath, you nodded eagerly, your body aching for his touch.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YOUR POV:
You felt his fingers, caressing your folds and rubbing against your clit. Your body aches for him to enter you, to feel his length pressing against your pussy, teasing you, begging to be entered. A moan escaped your lips, begging to be heard. "Please, Chris, don't stop!" you exclaimed.
He slowly removed your underwear, revealing your wetness to him. Slowly, he removed his fingers and pulled your panties down your legs, tossing them on the floor. He immediately put his hands on your hips and positioned himself behind you, kissing your neck and nibbling on your earlobe. His hands slowly traveled up your chest, cupping your breasts and rubbing his thumbs against your nipples. The warmth of his hands against your skin sent a wave of pleasure through your body.
He positioned himself behind you, kissing your neck and nibbling on your earlobe. His hands slowly traveled up your sides. He slides his pants and boxers down in one swift move, positioning his erection against your entrance. You felt his cock pressing against your slick entrance, begging for entrance.
"Put me inside you." he whispered, his voice filled with longing and desire.
"Okay..." you breathed, taking a deep breath and closing your eyes. You grab the base of his cock and roll your hips back against him. Once he gets inside you, He instantly starts pounding into you, not giving you time to adjust.
"FUCK" you moan loudly
"you like that?" he asked, a sly smile on his lips.
"Mmm... y-yeah..." you replied hesitantly, trying to gain your composure. "Good..." he said.
With each thrust, your hips hit the counter harshly, surly leaving bruises. “You don’t understand what you do to me y/n” Chris whispers in your ear, his hot breath hitting your neck.
You respond in a shaky voice, “I-I’m not doing anything.” “Please, don’t play innocent. You know you want this.” he said, a smirk on his face, “Yeah.. I want it..” you reply softly.
He positions himself behind you again, kissing your neck and nibbling on your earlobe. His hands reach your hips. As he begins to slam into you again, he positions his thumb against your clit. You moan loudly as he begins to rub your clit with his thumb, kneading it in small circles. You can feel yourself tighten and your body beginning to shake.
"Chris I'm gonna... Oh my god Chris I'm gonna.. aghh" you moan loudly, your body trembling and your pussy beginning to convulse around his cock.
"Cum for me baby " he whispers in your ear.
Your cunt tightens even more around his cock, squeezing him, your body shuddering as you ride out your orgasm. Your legs begin to buckle and Chris catches you, wrapping his arms around you tightly. He gently lays you on the counter and places himself between your legs. He pulls you towards him, turning you around quickly and wrapping one arm around your hip. He immediately sticks his cock into your pussy and begins pounding into you at an inhuman pace, overstimulating you
"Your pussy feels so fucking good. I can't stop fucking you y/n." he whispers in your ear.
You moan loudly, your body on fire from pleasure, your orgasm approaching. "fuck, gonna cum" he says as his cock throbs inside of you. You whimper as he pulls out but quickly gasp he shoots his cum all over your stomach and breasts while you cum as well. He bites his lip at the sight of your cum covered stomach.
He leans down and licks up some of your cum off your stomach before moving to the rest of your cum covered body up and down licking it off. He’s about to lick your pussy when you tell him “don’t get any inside me, I’m not on birth control”. He’s taken aback for a moment before he nods and grins. “I’ve been craving that taste since I first saw you” he says.
He eagerly licks up the outside of you, cleaning off your pussy juices from your lips and thighs. And the rest of your cum that’s there. “You know, if you want, you can come over again tomorrow. And the day after that… Or whenever you’re free” he says, smirking. "wow it's like i already dont do that" you say sarcastically.
The aftercare is lowkey the best part, especially with Chris. He’s caring and gentle with you, making sure you’re alright after the great sex you just had. And you couldn’t be happier either, especially right now. You can feel him inside you, his warmth, his scent, his touch. He grabs your hands, pulling you off the counter and into a standing position.
He helps you clean up, putting your clothes back on and gathering his clothes. He picks you up and brings you to his room.
yup WAYY better than the movie
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lunerenzo · 3 months
Sweet Surprises
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☆ Content. Mentions of pregnancy, reader being proposed too, fluff, reader is intended to be black, female reader, idk 🤷🏾‍♀️
☆ Note(s). I FINALLY FINISHED WRITING YAAAY! I got kinda lazy towards the end (a clear pattern at this point). I'm sorry this took so long life has been kicking me in the ass. Thank you guys for being so patient ♡.
☆ Word count. 682
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The recording starts off with a black screen and shuffiling noises, after about a couple a seconds the video clears up to show a you. Sitting across from the camera in a dimly lit restaurant booth. "Jean, what are you doing?" "Shh, it's a surprise. Okay, what's your name?"
You look at him dumbfounded. "You're fuckin' with me, right?" He smacks you hand that lays on the table lightly. "Language, now answer the question. And look at the camera too." You scoff, rolling your eye's with a smile before doing as told, "My name is [first & last name], soon to be [name] kirstein...hopefully." "Alright." Jean says from behind the camera in a warning tone, you giggle. "Okay, next question, where are we right now?" The camera shifts upward a little to get a better view of you. "We are at [favorite restaurant]." "Why is it special to you?"
You smile fondly, the restaurant that you were sitting in currently is where Jean took you for you're first date and where he asked you, officialy, to be his girlfriend. "It's special to me because this is where i first fell in love with you." He smiles with warm eyes. "I love you too. Now how far along are you in you're pregnancy?" "About 5 months." "How old are you?" "Okay, why are you interro-" Before you could finish your sentence you hear someone, probably a restaurant employee, singing happy birthday off camera. Soon a plate with you favorite dessert was sat in front of you, Jean joins the server in singing happy birthday.
Let's just say it wasn't the greatest, but it was a sweet gesture. They clap as you blow out the candle. Your sever goes back to the kitchen as you inspect the plate. "Did you call in before hand? Cause there is no way they just decided to make this for me." you say lowly, looking at him suspiciously. "Don't worry about it." He takes one of your hands and kisses your knuckles softly. There was a slight tremble to his hold but you decided to pay no mind to it.
Looking back down at your plate you notice something written on it in chocolate and in cursive. Turning the plate slightly you see the words clear as day, 'will you marry me?', your eyes widen in shock. You stay like that for a minute or two before joyful tears well up in your eyes, hand slowly creeping up to cover wobbling lips.
You look up to find Jean holding open a black velvet box, a beautiful silver ring with a oval shaped moonstone in the middle, diamonds resting around it, sits in the middle. He smiles nervously as you take it all in. Tears stream down your cheeks once you've finally processed it. You shake your head before letting out a tear-choked "Yes." His eyes light up as he smiles harder, "Really?!" "Yes!" He practically jumps across the table as he kisses you, softly and affectionately. Putting the ring on your finger gently.
The 'play' button pops up as the recording ended. "Mommy pretty" your daughter, Nova, spoke with her mouth full, turning herself around in her chair. Golden eyes staring back at him, seeming brighter due to the early morning sunlight. He smiles softly, "I agree." "You made breakfast?" Jean whipped his head around to you.
Rubbing the sleep from your eye. A blanket wrapped around your shoulders, shielding you from the chill of the apartment. "Mommy!" Nova hopped down, giddly racing to you and hugging you. "G'morning.", you mumble. Jean stood up from his seat, walking over and kissing your cheek. "I already made your plate. Just go sit at the table." His hand on your lower back as he lead you to the table. As you shuffle to the table Nova follows you, telling you all about the video.
"I didn't know you recorded that." you said lowly as he places the plate in front of you. "I wanted to keep so i could remeber it perfectly." He kissed you cheek before sitting back down.
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☆ Tags. @skepticxlvxeh @hobisims @magalimachete @conniesrockstargf @broken-tit4n @bleach-your-panties
☆ A/N. I kinda like this one actually. Jean is my baby daddy, like actually.
© 2023 lunerenzo, please don’t plagiarize or translate work.
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kekaki-cupcakes · 3 months
Morning! So this week is ace week (I’ve been told. Not sure)
Could I please ask for nico’s cool laidback and flirty older brother coming out to Nico as ace please? 👉🏼👈🏼
And he’s kinda worried Nico will take it the wrong way? Especially since he was like mico’s “gay flirty cool idol” and he fears telling him he’s ace will disappoint Nico?
Thanks and, obviously, no pressure!
Love your content 🫶
Happy ace week!
heya.... long time no see?
So this may have been requested back in October and I've only just written it up now but, oh well, I really like how this has turned out and I've actually finished three one shots in the last few days so maybe I'm on a roll or smthn, idk. And just a reminder [cause everyone seems to be venting thru these fics lol] that I'm always here to chat &lt;3
soggy socks and femur bones--- Nico di Angelo & asexual big brother!reader »»————- ★ ————-««
Nico trudged up the stairs and glared at the closed cabin door.
He took a breath, and then slammed it open, kicking off his muddy boots because Will had decided that of course having a picnic in the middle of the forest after a storm was an intelligent plan.
Water formed a puddle by his soggy socks when he wrung out his jacket and wiped his hands on his pants with a huff. 
Hazel’s witchcraft candles everyone was silently hoping and pleading to their godly parents weren’t for another curse, burned on the coffin-shaped bookshelves. At least they smelt like vanilla. “Yo, uh… what’s with all the…”
Nico whipped around and eyed you through his wet, stuck-together eyelashes. “Will planned the date this time.”
“…And?” You grinned, sitting forwards and closing the lid of your secret [it wasn’t really a secret at this point] laptop. There was a bag of chocolates on your lap as well. And you were dry. 
He raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“How did it go? Did you kiss? Do I have to dig his grave? I mean I will,” you said with a shrug, and then winced. “But I need someone to keep giving me painkillers… It’s not my fault Austin did a shit job at ripping my molars out.”
“He was fine. You just refuse to stop eating salt and vinegar chips,” Nico argued, and glanced at empty packets in the bin by your bed. 
You shook your head stubbornly. “No, no my gums are infected cause Au-”
“It was fine!” Nico shrieked, and stomped into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. He slammed it too far though, and it bounced back open on its hinges. He glared at the heart-shaped mirror someone had written ‘love yourself babes’ on. Three guesses who. 
“…So… did you kiss?”
Nico glared at the mirror harder. The long scratches across his face had faded. Now they were just a few shades darker than his olive skin. “Why would I tell you?”
“Uh, cause I’m your gay icon,” you scoffed, and he heard the sound of chocolate wrappers crinkling. “Who else would you talk to about this?”
Nico uncapped the mango-flavored toothpaste [Hazel had discovered artificial flavors and was going to be buried with them] and squeezed some onto his toothbrush. At least half of the bristles had fallen out. Probably because of the fact children of Hades, or Pluto, had sharper than necessary canines. Something to do with vampires.  
He shrugged. “Jason.”
“Okay that hurt,” you said. You were quiet for a moment. “And, uh… about the whole…”
He rolled his eyes and brushed his teeth, orange foam dripping down his chin as he spoke. “We kissed. Shut up.”
“… I will definitely be teasing you about that later, remind me too, but that… wasn’t really what I meant,” you said. From what Nico could tell, you sounded nervous. Like, genuinely. That was odd. 
Nico narrowed his eyes. 
“I just, I kinda wanted to tell you something.”
He spat out the fruit toothpaste and rinsed his mouth out with the black and white retro Addams family mug you had ordered online when you saw it, because ‘what else is pocket money for?’. “…Well?”
You tapped your nails on your laptop, probably chipping the polish your aphrodite friends had done on sleepover night. Nico usually spent that night hiding in Bunker 9 while Leo built his latest bomb. Or a Monster-proof phone. Or both. “You aren’t very good at this, are you?”
“Jason hasn’t got to the emotional conversations bit of teaching me how to be a human yet. We’re still at the how to flirt with Will part. Apparently, I’m not very good at it.” Nico said.
“That I can believe.” You muttered. “Anyway, what I was gonna say is… well it’s actually been ages but I sorta didn’t wanna tell you cause then maybe you wouldn’t feel like you could relate to me as much and I really like it when we eat icecream and cry together.”
Nico frowned. “I haven’t cried in three years.”
“…Okay, that’s a problem.” You said. Your voice cracked.
“You just walk up to me and start sobbing and then I feed you Ben and Jerry’s to shut you up.” Nico said, leaving the bathroom and throwing his drenched clothes over the portable heater in the corner, by the snake’s tank. Dracula was a yellow python that everyone stuck banana stickers to on a daily basis. 
You threw your hands up in the air. “See! It’s already happening and I haven’t even told you yet!”
Nico scrunched up his nose and put some of Dracula’s food into the tank. Meaning, a dead rat. “Told me what?”
“That I’m Ace!”
He stared at Dracula.
“Like, like Asexual, you know,” you said quietly, and chuckled. You did sound nervous. “I taught you about that one, didn’t I?”
Nico shrugged. Every sexuality and gender ever discovered. It had been a very long lesson. But he had got to watch Good Omens. And some lesbian Bollywood movies too, with awesome soundtracks. “Yeah.”
You kept tapping your fingers on your laptop.“…You’re not reacting that much.”
“Would you prefer it if I started crying?”
“Yes, actually. How have you not cried in three years? We need to do something about that.” You said, very obviously trying to change the subject. 
Nico sat down on the puffy duvet next to you.
“I’m not going to cry…” Nico said, looking away at the posters Hazel had pinned to her wall with throwing knives made of femur bones. He ducked his head. “And… I’m not gonna, like, not want to hang out with you anymore… You’re still, like, my favorite brother, or whatever.”
You whipped around, eyes wide. Your eyeliner was smudged. “Aw!”
“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” Nico screeched, and dodged the hug.
You managed to wrestle him into a hug despite his clawing and shrieking, and rolled around with him in the mound of teddies and chocolates. “You love me!”
“I will bite you.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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dummie-writes · 29 days
the party walkers
self insert ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* school bus graveyard
words: 4.08k
previous part: a demon inside of my skin
note: woah hey I'm back so soon whattt, anyway. sorry that chapter was kinda more scene setting, we only got to interact with the group at the very end 😭 also, I'd like to say this is gonna be pretty self indulgent for the time being bc idk where I want the story to go 🧍‍♀️keep in mind that while I'm trying to keep it gender neutral, at times y/n may lean more feminine,and this is because I am more feminine. please enjoy :3
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ii. a rescue mission
again, there's a tension. there has been for the past minute you've been sitting here. after telling them your name and settling down cross legged on the classroom floor, you kinda expected some questions or something. that blonde kid and ashlyn are still having that weird little staring contest. it's as if everyone wants to start, but no one knows how. like you've passed a test, but they aren't sure if you'll actually pass their little assignment or whatever. you were having nightmares, and eerily, the blonde knew to ask you about them even when you hadn't said you'd been having them. so, they were also having nightmares. at least, from what you could infer. 
“um, okay,” a sandy brunette boy with glasses begins. he's not looking directly at you, but instead at your bag beside you in a spaced out manner, his thumbs tapping the wooden pencil in his hand. “nightmares, monsters, right? what kind of monsters?”
     “like, gray ones? they're kinda big? sharp hands?” you say, still somewhat confused. a robotic voice comes from next to you, and as you turn your head, the tallest of the group has his phone held up, the screen facing you. on it, in black lettering, it asks “humanish?”. you blink, and then nod at it. not much of a talker, apparently. the girl who originally spoke to you, sitting next to Tyler and who you've quickly remembered is his twin sister, though you don't remember her name from the beginning of the year, opens her mouth to speak, but then ashlyn cuts her off. 
     “well, that's weird. what notes do you have on savannah?”
     a second of slight whiplash from the subject change, everyone (except for tyler) gives the freckled girl a weird look. they hadn't expected it either, but they aren't going to interfere. she has a colder tone - not entirely mean, but like she knows how to stick to decisions that she makes. actually, you'd seen her before - this town wasn't where you grew up, but you'd been here since middle school. ashlyn always kept to herself, for what rare times you did see her. the only words that you'd really ever heard from her were “excuse me” “thanks” or just glowering. you didn't know when she got all these friends. 
     you also had friends - unfortunately, they weren't really happy with you at the moment. with the whole “several hours or so in hell” situation, you hadn't really been the greatest companion. one too many times had you had to stay home from a group putting, or just slept straight through. they had a right to be upset with you, especially when you wouldn't communicate and were crabby. 
     “again, not really my fault! what am I supposed to tell them? that I'm bleeding out in the bathroom all night?” but, you know, whatever. 
     you pulled out your notebook, reading through the few notes you had written down since the start of the group project. you wouldn't argue right now. maybe they were just weird, maybe they were all in the same boiling pot you were. either way, the six of them didn't seem open to talking about it, which means another lonely night in the bathroom for you. 
     not for them, though. as you tried to be as quiet as possible on the cold, tiled floor, and then moving to the shower so the blood from your back would trickle down the drain instead, they would have a rather rambunctious evening. 
     “tyler, seriously. if they're here too, we need to get them!”
     “that isn't a risk we should be taking!”
     ash cringed just slightly at the volume of tyler's voice, and picked at the peeling fabric of the bus seat she was in. this argument had been going on for about an hour, stopping them from any sort of progress in terms of supplies, information, or anything, really. aiden was seated in the seat across from herself, foot dangling as he rhythmically tapped the seat, smiling as he usually did. his red eyes swung back and forth between the aggressors, not saying much except for the offhand comment or joke. 
     “guys, what if it was one of us? what if it was taylor?”
     “fields, don't even think about using that kind of an argument. it's cheap, and that's my sister. not a random classmate - who, by the way, might not actually even be here! they could just be having bad dreams! but, no, i’m the crazy one, right?”
    ben shifted uncomfortably, tensing and releasing his fists. tyler was defensive, that much was for sure. truth be told, he in fact did not actually like the idea of possibility leaving you stranded somewhere. it wasn't moral. but he was right, he knew he was right. they didn't have the actual information needed, the possibile required resources, and he wouldn't put taylor in any sort of unnecessary danger like that. not when you lived almost four blocks away from where they already were. despite not saying so, ashlyn agreed almost entirely. she wouldn't lose her entire team saving one person. at the very least, not until they were positive you were actually I'm this other dimension. 
     “remind me again why we didn't just ask them if they were here?” aiden questions, his cheeks rising a little as he stared at tyler in an almost dare to reply. 
     “we won't even tell our parents what's going on. if they're just having nightmares, they'll think we're crazy or on drugs. and in that case, who knows what they'll tell the school, or the police,” ash replies in an even tone, raising an eyebrow as her eyes meet aiden's, and then to taylor as she speaks again. 
     “but it isn't right. you know it's not right. and there was that unexplained scream you heard at the hotel, ash,” taylor points out, throwing her arms out as she paces back and forth. her hair was starting to tangle from all the moment, and a stern look in her eyes told everyone this isn't something she would let go of. at least not thus far. 
     ashlyn sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose and looking down. a quiet pooled in the bus as the ginger thought through the possibilities and risks. taylor was right. they couldn't just leave you wherever you were to rot, possibly die. even if she wasn't a people person, she wasn't a monster. she couldn't let any phantoms hurt you or anyone else in good spirits, that would just be horrible and wrong. she knew tyler wouldn't mind getting you either, if it wasn't such a huge risk, and a major liability if you actually weren't there. 
   a small glow emitted from a couple feet away from her, looking up to Ben's phone screen as her hand slid to hold up her head. “we need more info”.
     logan tapped his foot tentatively, his face soft but unagreeable. he had been making a more logical argument, but was emotion driven nonetheless in his words. having another person would be an advantage. it would come with its own challenges, yes - explaining why they had another person hanging out with them to ashlyn's already suspicious parents, keeping track of an entire other human being, the extra general supplies - but having another person who wasn't a phantom on their side was also a benefit. another pair of eyes, hands, ears. more supplies could be carried. 
     not to mention, you are not just a video game character. you're an actual human being, with a life, with sentience. in the end, that's the defining factor. they can't abandon you. but they won't come looking for you without being sure you'll be there when they search. 
     “this is a stupid argument because we aren't actually arguing about saving them, but about when.” 
     taylor looks up to ash, lightening from how upset she was previously, and her shoulders beginning to drop. an unspoken understanding passes through them as everyone else mumbles something of agreement. 
     “and how the hell are we supposed to pull that off? do any of you even have their phone number? we didn't add them to any group chats because we were still in our own world when class ended,” tyler huffed, crossing his arms and leaning back into his chair, a sour expression in the creases of his face and eyebrows. 
     “I could run over there,” 
     everyone stared at Aiden for a second as he smiles in excitement before tyler thwacks him in the back of the head. not hard, but audibly. aiden’s mouth opens slightly, his smile unwavering but now wider as he scoffs in hubris.. “that's not happening, you moron.”
     that next morning is a hard one for you. for one, trying to clean that horrible slash with isopropyl alcohol isn't working. it's making things worse, in fact; the flesh around it is red and dry, it throbs when you move too much, and every so often, it'll crack further down your back because you moved too quickly. not to mention, it hurts like a bitch when you do so. not cleaning it runs the risk of infection, but honestly, you're too exhausted to care anymore. your mind is messed up, clearly. talking to a psychologist isn't an option, you'd get put in an asylum before you could finish your sentence. this was just your life now. and you would properly clean it later. 
     walking into class, you felt the jab of a finger at your back. jumping, you turn around to give a dirty look at whoever was giving you a difficult time, before realizing that it was aiden, from your group project. you take a breath and smile. “hey, how are you?”
     despite it being a very normal question that usually results in a “im fine”, aiden clark is not a normal person (to be fair, you aren't at this point either), and answers with a much more winded explanation. 
     “oh! I'm doing pretty great, haha. last night's homework wasn't all too difficult or anything, and since you're having trouble with your work, you can copy off mine if you'd like. speaking of last night, how'd you sleep? you know, with sleeping issues and everything? sorry about my friends yesterday, they can be a bit argumentative. it think it's funny lol.”
     at this point, ben, who you remember now as being introduced as aiden's cousin and is walking behind, looks at you, nodding and giving a small wave. you, in return, smile widely at him. 
     “well, aren't you just a ray of fucking sunshine or something,” you hear an irritated, grumpy voice from next to you, and then a yelp, followed by “ow! don't pinch me!” and a “then be nice!”
     turning to taylor and tyler, the long haired of the two smiles in a nervous apology. “sorry, he's always kinda cranky in the morning. he didn't mean that, I swear.” as taylor tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and chuckles softly, you notice she has a soft sparkle in her eye. that, and the fact that she has been nothing but kind to you in the entirety of the while you've interacted with th pushes her to be your favorite for the time being. 
     “it's okay, i'm not all too great for the first couple hours too. coffee helps, would you like some? do you have a cup or something?” you're being a little over-nice on purpose, mainly to make him feel bad for being a bit of an ass- but it's a genuine offer. he wasn't downright cruel, just a little mean. and the eye bags on top of his cheeks tell you that taylor wasn't lying about him not being a morning person. 
     tyler scowls, wrinkling his nose and glancing at the thermos you have on your desk. it's your favorite color, and the metal is warm with the creamy, light brown coffee inside. for a second, his face drops a little, and he looks like he's genuinely considering your offer, before rolling his eyes scoffing. “I'm good.”
     rough start for a group that hasn't entirely accepted you as part of their project, but he didn't cuss you out a throw a shoe at you, so you'll count it as a win! you don't have much time to process, because you turn your head again and jump at the bright write paper, half an inch from your face. holding it is a pale hand, and connected to that hand is aiden, wide eyed. actually, that might just be his face. you're starting to think he looks like that more than he doesn't. oh, yeah, actually, that's the homework he was talking about. you had only gotten a couple questions done last night before giving up, and trying to comfort yourself with hot chocolate before midnight arrived. 
     aiden was still looking at you expectantly, so you gingerly pinched the paper, smiling at him again as you took out your own unfinished work, and compared them side by side so you could at least not down most of them before mr. thomas got to class. as you did so, a bright yellow post-it note caught your attention, and in messy handwriting, it reads:
     “what are your nightmares about????”
     your eyebrows knit themselves, and glancing up at aiden, he's already looking at you. he turned away to talk to ben about something almost immediately, but it makes you wonder if he knows something you don't. you peel it off, filling out a few of the questions before glancing at the note again, and flipping it over to scrawl down your response of “why do you want to know so badly”. instead of a blank back, you find a phone number, which you can only theorize belongs to aiden. snatching up your phone, you pat the number in, and then hurry to finish what of the homework you can. after filling out what you think will get you a passing grade, you roll up the work and tap the blond on the shoulder with it. 
     he stops mid sentence to turn toward you, smile widely, take his homework back, and then continues talking to ben. all just as mr. thomas walks through the classroom door.
     actually, the fact that he gave you that post it note makes you giggle a little. it looks like an ad for a psychic. you nonchalantly doodle and scribble on your paper during the lecture, nearly falling asleep a couple times before you're all dismissed to sit in groups. you pause for a moment, glancing to your old group. brandy looks in your direction, smiling and standing up to walk over. oh wait what no don't -
     “hey! listen, so, about yesterday,” she whispered speedily, a note book in her right hand, tapping her pen on the cover with her left. you purse your mouth, nodding. awkward. “I'm sorry if I was being mean. I failed this class last year, and I can't repeat it again. I know that's harsh, but I'm not taking any chances.”
     a silent, uncomfortable nod and pause later, she continues. “I copied down a bunch of my notes for you, because I hope you can still pass. I'm sorry if I made you mad. I'll just, go, um, yeah.”
     a second later, you're holding a few pieces of lined paper to your chest and watching her run off and back to her group. a sinkhole opens in your chest, and you bite the inside of your cheek. would ashlyn's group be expecting you? would they talk to the teacher about getting you removed too, since they might not have wanted to fail as terribly as they already were? your eyes find their circle, where three pairs of eyes are looking to yourself, and there's a large enough gap by taylor's seat for your own. 
a soft grin presses onto your cheeks, relief emanating from you when you sigh, grabbing your chair to haul it over. at least you had a solid group for your project now, even if it was going to fall apart. and, even if your group members were a tad, let's say, bold in how long they stared at you for. not in an entirely creepy way, but in a puzzled way, like you were something to be figured out. 
     “um, he gave you his phone number, right?” logan confirmed, pushing his glasses up his nose with his index finger while he spoke. after the glint from the ceiling light left his glasses, you realized his eyes weren't entirely blue, but had a twinge of turquoise to them. or aqua. something like that, either way, they weren't a strict blue. you acknowledge his question by pulling your phone from out of your jean pocket, shaking it a little. “yep, it's all right here.”
     “good! be-”
     “we have something we should really talk about with you. a few questions.”
     “oh my fucking - you're making it sound like we're a cult.”
     “aren't we kinda?? at this point lmao??”
     “aiden, you're not helping.”
     “excuse me?” your features are slightly scrunched in both confusion and amusement - you're assuming this has something to do with the whole weird “what's in your nightmares” note, and on its own this exchange might actually kinda freak you out. but the way tyler looks like he's about to pop a vein has you beaming and nearly laughing. not to mention, aiden is just kinda, weird. a bit creepy too, but mostly weird. 
     “hey idiots, shut up! it was your guys’ decision to do it this way, and now you won't even talk with them about it properly!” tyler gives everyone a dirty look, noticeably glancing at ben and then not glaring at him. ben has a flat expression, and just glances at aiden, who is already chuckling to himself and looking back at him. 
     “ahem,” ashlyn clears her throat, pointing her eyes at you. as you turn to face her back, tyler huffs, crossing his arms and sitting back in his seat, glaring daggers at you even though you. haven't actually done anything. “so, these nightmares.”
     it's interesting that she's the one to bring this all to a head, after specifically dodging the subject yesterday in class. 
     “tell me about them.”
     when she puts it like that, it feels a lot more individual. you haven't really talked a whole bunch to ashlyn banner, even when you guys have been paired together. she was sorta… floaty. 
     “well, uh, what do you want to know?” you feel stupid for asking, but they were the ones who put you on the spot. and who are also glaring down at you, mostly in a friendly way. you think, at least. it's starting to get a bit stuffy. 
     “what color are the skies?” 
     “kinda, red. typically. but I feel like that's sort of normal. for nightmares.”
     this was weird. this was so entirely strange, actually. maybe you were too sleep deprived to actually notice, but the fact that they're dissecting you like a bug isn't normal. especially when they keep sharing glances like that! 
     “okay, hold on. what's going on? I think I should get to know why you guys are trying to scoop my soul apart with your eyes or something,” you stab a dirty look at tyler, who rolls his eyes and looks away. the rest kinda lose their gaze, sights now wandering the classroom- of course, this is excepting aiden, who's still staring at you. oh well. you kinda expected that at this point. 
     ashlyn gives a low sigh, clenching her teeth together and crossing her arms. her fingers tap on her jacket, and aiden leans over to smoosh himself into her shoulder- which she seems irritated by, but doesn't do anything to push him off because he starts speaking. 
     “I don't think we're getting anywhere with guessing games guys.” his eyelids are low, and he puts his hands behind his head, crossing his legs to put them on ben's lap like he's relaxing. that's when ash gives him a hard shove with her other arm, and he lands swiftly on the floor, drawing a giggle out of taylor. “hey! I'm right! don't push me :(.”
     “I hate to say it, but we might need to be just straightforward here,” tyler interjected, glancing at ash. “that's not a good idea, wh-”
     “hello! hi! I'm still here!” you interrupt, your palms facing upward out you wave your arms around. disbelief crosses your face, and you're about to laugh because, what the fuck? what do they know, and what are they not telling you - and why are they being so rude about it! “I would appreciate someone being straightforward with me! actually! if my opinion matters at all here!”
     “of course it matters!” taylor responds almost immediately, her shoulders dropping and her eyes becoming soft. ben stops for a second, signing “yes” in consensus. for the first time, logan speaks up, his words muddled together too quickly for you to understand for a second. 
     “yeah okay so theresthislike alternative dimensions thingandwedontactuallyknow what'sgoingonbutwould youhappentoknowhatwe're talkingabou-”
     “dude, breathe, what the fuck,” you answer, eyebrows tilted in more concern than anything else. while logan wasn't the type to talk so quickly he didn't enunciate his sentences, he didn't want to be stopped by any of the group - specifically tyler, who, surprise, you'll never guess, was glaring at him. 
     “... did you say alternate dimension?”
     “yeah lol.”
     “and what exactly does he mean by that?”
     “exactly what i, um, said. there's a shift, it starts at midnight, and we're there for seven hours. only seven minutes actually pass, but, uh, no one actually gets any sleep at that point.”
     that is… exactly what your little nightmare issue sounds like. 
     “the red skies, the phantoms-” who you're assuming are those demon things. “-they all match with our little, uh, nightly problem. the only thing that doesn't match up is how on earth you're there too. we know what caused us falling through - but why are you there?” logan asks, and the more he talks, especially about something he knows, the more he seems less shy. tentative, sure, but more confident in his words. it makes your heart drop into the pit of your stomach. 
     if he's serious about this, maybe they aren't playing some joke on you- which was already unlikely, but you've gotta cope somehow. if there are who knows how many other people in that little hell hole of an evening, then it isn't only you that you need to worry about, and you can't just hole up in the bathroom if there are others too. 
     “when did you start going?” aiden asks, poking you in the back again so you turn to him. 
     “that night at the hotel after the field trip.”
     “hmmm. anything weird happen?”
     “i mean, I went with my group. and I was kinda lagging behind and got tossed up with another group who was touring some haunted house because the lady thought I was with them.”
     “... what house?”
     “ummmm, seed house? something weird like that? ‘s’ somethi-”
     “the sorrel weed house. “
     that time, ashlyn didn't ask, but stated. it was a ghost of her usual, stronger tone. 
     “you must have gotten tossed up with our group.”
     the cold bathroom tile that you sat on was uncomfortable when you awoke that night, but the air was chilled with excitement. you were getting busted out. you'd have to do the more difficult part of maneuvering out of the house with what ashlyn and her group called “phantoms”, as well as trying to grab some stuff on your way out. blankets, first aid supplies, food, bags- anything you could really get your hands on. but escape was everyone's first priority. which is why your ear is pressed so hard to the cheap wooden door, and your breathing is as quiet as you can force it to be. you're listening for footsteps. or tapping. or whatever other noises might hint to otherworldly existence. 
     you hadn't been out of this bathroom in your entire time here. had you been hungry? yeah. but… what else were you supposed to do? you didn't exactly have a group to watch your back while you grabbed a lunchable from the kitchen. 
     nothing. nothing for the past ten minutes. the others should be here in about twenty. that's how long you have. so, with that in mind, you focus on your first location: your bedroom, where your phone, backpack, and blankets were. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
that's right, get part 1'd. hope you enjoyed
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nottapossum · 11 days
What did you think of full moon?
Okay for realz this time.
Trigger warning...
I'm not very nice in this post.
I'm upset. Lol 😆
So if you guys are hard-core Stolas lovers and think stolas can do no wrong...
Please don't read this.
I love stolas.
But he messed up in my opinion.
Here's my nicer review
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1) glad loona is talking again...
Just sayin.
Her not talking much made me feel like we just got introduced to a brand new character.
2) This whole scene made this episode go from no expectations to really high for me. Blitzø being worried that Stolas is growing bored of him...idk I wanted to expand a little on those feelings.
It's blitzø so...yeah.
He doesn't talk about them.
I would have liked if he talked to Fizz about his fears, and maybe Fizz could have been like: "no blitzø, that's silly, stolas loves you."
Then Blitzø can be like: "Nah, they don't care about people like us."
Then Fizz can be like: "Blitzø trust me, they're not all like that. I'm sure Stolas has a good reason for acting like this...give it a chance."
But nah.
We get this.
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...pretty funny ngl.
But still- nothing else!?
Pre emotion is okay guys!
It doesn't just have to just be at the end like barbie in unhappy campers.
Which I felt could have also used more build up.
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3) Like in unhappy campers...I felt this side-plot deal was a huge waste of time. The cherubs didn't even do that much.
I'm not hating on the episode- I'm just saying this could have been 2 separate episodes and it would have been a lot better IMO if they were.
I like the idea of the cherubs and dhorks working together, I hope it'll come back soon, actually! I'm very interested in what they'll do!
But they were a bit too easy to defeat, in my opinion, and Blitzø seemed to be filling screen time with random stuff that was only kinda funny...?
Some of it, really funny. But I was just sitting and waiting for something more to happen.
Like I said- it's fine. It's a good episode, I'm sure I'll be rewatching this at least six times this week alone.
It's just not how I personally would have done it. And that's okay. I don't have a TV show. I don't know how this stuff works!
My opinion on this means literally nothing.
I'm a random person who writes fanfiction. I'm no one!
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4) I think Stolas's apology was pretty good, actually!
I think he did a good job talking about his mistakes and being open and honest...you know...at first.
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5) Blitzø was not wrong and Stolas deserved what he got from this interaction.
I'm sorry, Stolas lovers - I love stolas! He's my favorite bird prince! I want him and Blitzø to be happy! I think theyre great!
But you can't deny that Stolas was wrong to hold Blitzø to all of that. (I'll get to Blitzø in a second, hold on!) Stolas made lots of comments belittling Blitzø and his kind, made sex an obligation, and would often talk about sex when it was clear Blitzø wasn't into it.
"It's always about sex." *bird noises*
Stolas. Sweetie. Baby. Honey. My precious little idiot. You made it that way! Of course Blitzø thought that you were just being playful! You're always doing that!
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And after Blitzø realizes that Stolas is serious, he's so quick to turn to being passive-aggressive!
I got so annoyed! I hate the passive nonsense!
Bro!!! Let Blitzø think about it! Give him a second before getting so upset! You could have still worked this out! Like- christ on a stick!
Stolas thinks he's desperately in love with Blitzø...but...well. he doesn't know him that well, and he doesn't open himself up to Blitzø either.
So Blitzø can't know how he feels either!
All he knows is that he doesn't want it to end!
I'm not fully blaming Stolas though...
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Side note, how sad and hopeless Blitzø was feeling...the "I'll do better, I'll do anything, please don't do this."
Even after giving him the crystal! Homagawz!
He did not get to talk a lot in this...but to immediately dismiss everything Stolas said when he was trying to be sincere- bro! Deal with your emotions better! I know you're upset, but jeezus christ super star!
Instead of being like: "Stolas, wait let's talk-"
He's all angy like: "Nah bish, let's fight bro!"
Nah! Calm down, Buckzo! Take a chill pill.
He did kinda bring this on himself.
Mocking Stolas for being honest?! Come on!
That's just hurtful! Even If unintentional!
I think they both deserved what they got in this episode.
Blitzø I think is receiving Karma from what he's done in every other relationship in his life.
He's always pushing everyone away, and this time, it's stolas doing it to him.
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7) But at least Blitzø was willing to hash it out instead of ghosting!!
Da fuck stolas! That was not the right move at all!
"I love you...oh you don't feel the same? You dont belive me? Bye then."
Da fuck!? Ya bird brain!
You both need to apologize now!
Apology tour better just be an hour of these two saying their sorry ohhhrrrr so help me! (I'm joking.)
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8) Did someone else like Stolas hurt Blitzø before?
The way he was saying "you rich assholes do this every time."
Every time!?!
How many times has this happened to you!?
But what did you guys think?
Agree? Disagree?
That's fine.
Let's talk nicely and not murder me, okay? Lol 😆
I've had me way too many emotions today- guysss!!!
I'm gonna go write and pretend I'm not angry and crying at the same time. Lol ✍️
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @abby5577 @ask-dusty-boy @im-not-paying-my-taxes @stormy-is-hyperfixated @attagirljessy @legeufygeuber100 @thatswhat24 @hinata-chan-utaitelover
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Sobbing and crying just saw your post of us sounding like a Sim, and I am DYING.
What if it went the other way? They can understand us, but we can't understand them!
Us : hey so what the fuck is happening why tf am I in genshin impact
Them : OMG ASKSKSKSKS FEDERRRALL MEERKK TREEESO! (Omg it's the divine God I'm shittinh myself oml) or whatever idk)
Us: excuse me what the fuck did you just say about my mother? (US mishearing or maybe the words are randomized? Who knows)
Everyone just being confused and frustrated on why you can't understand them. Is it because they aren't worshipping you enough? Maybe some friendship level BS where obly those who are lvl 10 can understand u or smth? Who knows, certainly not the Creator.
I highkey am thinking about writing smth for this now but having it be for like each archons reaction or smthin but who knows. I just wanna see a bunch of divine beings confused outta their mind in like whatever cities square and it turning into a "holy game of charades"
Also happy early birthday ajdjdjkdkdkdk
(づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ here have a hug for your patience- sorry karma!! :')
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LMAO this inuyasha gif- obviously everyone else guessing what ur doing and the 2 others r like ppl like Venti or Kaeya who r just fucking with ppl by joining you lol
Oh no.
Oh god (you??) no.
What if you had the highest friendship with little d**ks like Scaramouche.
He’d be like, “Eh, I don’t feel like translating today.” 💀
Also I’m rolling with the idea that 
perfect understanding = lvl 10,
Most words 7-9
Some words 5-6
Kinda ?? they get 2 words per sentence or smth 3-4
Basically nothing 1-2
Anyway ornery bitches like Scara/Xiao/Alhaitham/Rosaria/Diluc (all for diff reasons like diluc/xiao would just be overwhelmed and dont like ppl that much lol, whereas haitham doesnt give a fuck lmao) would kinda suck to have as translators
They pull something like “oh well the god of gods said I could have the last slice of cake/an extra glass of wine hehe”
For different reasons these people would also be ROUGH translators: FISCHL OH NO- , Zhongli, Albedo (he simply would omit “unnecessary details”, cyno, ITTO PLEASE, Raiden (puppet) bc shed take stuff too far/too literally u would never be able to communicate jokes, Razor (im sorry bbyboy), Shenhe
You may or may not get another title of a jokester god bc of these SILLY charades 💀
The people u have higher levels of friendship with giving hints LMAO
“Uhhh….. Oh! Oh! Greatest Lord wishes to see a dance performance!” 
Nahida’s sweet voice rings out in Yujing Terrace, her tiny hand waving in the air like an elementary student who’s really excited to answer. …Which isn’t that far off honestly.
“Hmm, I disagree Buer, I believe the Hundun Emperor is saying they wish to take a bath perhaps. I am also attempting to use context, as it has been a long day for them.” Zhongli is in his classic “majestic thinking gentleman” pose, and you’d admire it more if it weren’t for the fact that they don’t seem to be getting what you’re saying.
You hadn’t yet found someone with a higher friendship level than 2 or 3 (hey, don’t blame yourself, you really have to put effort into friendship levels to get them anywhere and you were still busy screwing around in Sumeru when you got spirited away).
So needless to say, most people were getting “the, me, I, you, etc.” rather than the actual important keywords you needed them to, hence the godly charade game now.
As you “hold” something, you throw your hands up in the air, still keeping your hands wrapped around nothing. You think if somebody told you last week that you’d be playing charades with the archons in Genshin Impact so you could actually communicate with them… well you don’t know what you would have done. Maybe just gave them a really awkward laugh.
“Oh! Are you asking for a weapon? Akitsu Mikami, my emperor, we or our nations will surely provide protection from any harm that might befall you. Hm, I suppose we should offer something anyway… I wouldn’t want to displease them…” Ei mutters to herself, having taken over her puppet once more for the occasion.
She and Buer, still retaining their authority status, had asked for the area to be cleared in order to try and get closer to communicating with the Divine First, or you.
“Ha! What idiot would try to hurt the All-Parent in their home, unless they wish to get thrown?” Venti cheekily says, as you don’t understand him, but judging by Zhongli’s clenched jaw, Ei’s sigh, and Nahida’s giggle, you can guess.
You give your own sad sigh… it’s already been 3 hours. 😭
How hard is charades for 4 archons??
Well… apparently very hard.
You put your face in your hands, and you hear the (retired) archons start to debate something, you can tell it’s getting a little passive-aggressive between Venti and Zhongli by their tone alone. 
…Okay, now it’s just aggressive.
The archons eventually give their attention back to you so you can go back to your charades lol
You tried opening your mouth and closing it, very obvious, they can’t go wrong. 
…Turns out they can. 
Somehow you find yourself with a hot tea brewed by the geo archon. 
(Venti attempted to offer you Dandelion Wine, or Osmanthus Wine even, and only god, well you now, knows where he pulled them from. Ei swatted his head, he looked so offended, and his cheeks were all puffed up, heh.)
Giving up, you just try to motion for them to stay still, your hands gesturing like trying to calm a wild animal.
They give you questioning looks, and you begin to walk off, they all seem to immediately start discussing something with each other. All of the gods look very conflicted, and after a minute of you getting further away (yes, you’re almost home free, Xiangling here you come! ) Nahida skips to catch up with you.
She gives you a beaming smile, and you can’t bring yourself to not return it. She's so much cuter in real life, even the official art didn't do her justice.
You make your way towards the restaurant, finally.
And apparently you’re happier than you thought to smell the savory scents flowing out of the kitchen because your stomach growls loudly.
You’re too hungry to even attempt to stop it, no one will care, except Nahida’s eyes go wide. She begins to sputter, and flail her hands desperately trying to charade an apology at you.
…you were just trying to tell them you were hungry. 💀
Ask box open again! :] 🎊
✨️Hope you guys got smth out of this rough draft✨️ ♡
:D hope u guys have had a good weekend!
My senior art exhibit is april 6th so wish me luck and prayers (from any religion im not picky pls)
Safe Travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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notbornbutforged · 1 year
What the Hell Was It?
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
A/n: Yeahh... Idk 'bout this one. This has shit writing. It's all over the place and obvi didn't proofread this. I'm too tired to actually read and edit this. So just bear with me, okay. Okay.
Summary: You need to get her to stay - you need her to choose you. You'll be damned if you let this be the end of it.
Warnings: language, lot of shouting, angst but has a happy ending, kinda?
Word Count: 2.2k
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"I love you." You can't take your eyes off of her, voice wavering on the last syllable as it slips past your lips like water through a sieve, a soft breath that feels so much like a plea. Your hands are clenched into fists in front of your chest, nails digging into the fleshy parts of your palms in an attempt to hide the tears that are threatening to fall from your eyes at any given moment. 
The sound of her heavy sigh echoes around the room, but she doesn't speak - not immediately anyway. She just stands there in front of you, hands on hips and looking down at the floorboards with her brows furrowed together. The silence stretches on for minutes, seconds even until finally you're unable to take it anymore. 
"Please," you plead, turning back to look at her. Your cheeks have already started burning with humiliation. "Say something." 
You can see the muscles in her jaw clench before she speaks. "We can't," she says, sounding as if she's repeating herself to convince herself. It sounds almost rehearsed; she probably has been repeating those words since the first time you met her. "You know we can't. I'm married... I can't leave her, Y/n. I love my wife. I love Wanda." 
You scoff bitterly, wiping angrily at the corners of your eyes to remove any remaining remnants of tears. "You love her?... But what about me?" You ask her, voice cracking in protest. You swallow hard, feeling the beginnings of nausea pooling in your stomach. "What about me? What about us? Don't you love me at all?" You demand, and now you've gotten angry and desperate; tears are falling silently from your face onto the floor. 
Natasha's gaze meets yours again when you lift your chin up to meet her eyes and your heart jumps in response to how beautiful she looks with the light behind her, illuminating the sharp angles of her face and accentuating the shadows under her eyes. Her features are drawn, her expression closed off like she's steeled herself against you. "I can't." She repeats again. 
"You can't?" You repeat back incredulously, trying to keep the bitterness out of your tone this time instead of just letting it bleed out through your words. You want to yell, shout, scream, do anything to let her understand that you care about her more than anything. She shakes her head once. 
"My family needs stability. My wife needs me." She tries to explain, sounding so detached and logical in that way you hate so much. 
You feel your eyebrows pinch together as if they want to merge together permanently. "And me? What about me? All the time we spent together? Our relationship?" You don't mean to shout, but the question bursts forth without your consent.
It seems like forever before she answers you. You try to ignore the sinking sensation inside your gut, the fear and uncertainty clawing their way to the surface. "It wasn't real-" She starts to say, but then catches herself. She closes her eyes for a moment and takes a shaky breath, before continuing with a firmer resolve. "-none of it was ever really real, Y/n."
Your lips press themselves thin as you dig your heels in, refusing to give up so easily. You won't, will you? Not now. "That's not true. What I felt - what we felt - was real." You tell her quietly, though she still isn't looking at you. "It didn't feel like fake. You didn't think it did either. We made it work."
"No." She breathes, voice cracking. Her fingers curl into tight balls as her hands shake slightly. "It was all an act. A lie." Her words feel like daggers piercing your chest, puncturing deeper and deeper until they reach your soul. They hurt, a lot. "And the only thing we ever had was our own selfish desires." 
The words come pouring out of her mouth faster than you can process them, and they hurt. Even worse than any of the verbal cuts she's inflicted so far today. "Don't say that!" Your voice is raw with emotion, and you don't bother hiding the tears as they roll over your cheeks and drip off of your chin. "How can you be saying things like this after everything we've done for each other? And don't you dare tell me it doesn't mean anything, because you know damn well it does. Don't talk about this like it's some kind of fucking tragedy."
Your voice cracks as you continue speaking, your breath coming out in harsh pants. "We were good together. We're happy together. We worked well together." You're practically begging by the end. "We're happy. We weren't fake. We were... perfect for each other. We were meant to be together." You take another shuddering breath, trying desperately to push your feelings aside. 
This argument is getting nowhere fast. You can see that clearly, even if she refuses to admit it. She's too stubborn for that. Too strong for that. There's nothing you can do about this except push yourself through it, hope that somehow the outcome will change somehow. Because you refuse to believe that it's over already. "...We love each other."
"...We love each other." You whisper brokenly, feeling a wave of sadness crash over you at the sight of her shaking her head back and forth. "If you'd just admit that..."
"Y/N." She warns, warning you away. "Stop it." The hand holding onto her hip squeezes tightly, almost painfully as her nails dig into the skin of her waist. Tears are starting to collect in the corner of her eyes again as she looks at you, a tear sliding slowly down her cheek to join the others.
Your heart sinks further and further. "You know I'm right," You plead, desperation seeping into your words as your hands start to ball into fists as well. "You know I'm right."
She opens her mouth to speak, as she stares up at you with those big green eyes of hers, filled with guilt and regret. "Just stop..." Her voice is barely above a whisper when she finally speaks again, her shoulders slumped down. "Just stop, okay? Don't fight me on this. This isn't fair to anyone. Especially not Wanda." 
You almost laugh. Of course. Of course, she's going to go back to Wanda - her wife, her wife. Why would you expect anything else? You should have known better than to get your hopes up. "Oh, so now you're suddenly concerned about Wanda?" You sneer, sarcasm rolling thickly off your tongue despite how hard you're trying to hold it back, how hard you're trying to pretend to be angry with her. 
You fail spectacularly and instead, it comes out bitter and resentful, dripping venom into every word. "After you cheated on her with me? After you lied to her? After you knocked on my door in the middle of the night, pushing me inside of my house, slamming your lips against mine so roughly that I could taste your desperation?" You laugh dryly, shaking your head and dropping your arm down to your side as anger burns inside you once again. "You've got to be fucking kidding me, Nat... we made love to each other while Wanda's on the phone, and yet your acting like none of this happened? Like we never touched or fucked each other or slept together?"
She just shakes her head again, and now the tears are falling freely, dripping off of her face and staining the tips of her hair red in the dim lighting. "This...this was wrong," she whispers, her voice breaking on the last syllable of her sentence. "Made love? No. No, that's not what this was. We had sex, sure. We shared a bed and enjoyed each other's company, but..." She pauses briefly, as if searching for the right word, and then looks back to you as if nothing else matters. "This thing that we had wasn't love."
"Then what the hell was it?" You ask her, raising your voice even louder this time, your throat tightening uncomfortably as you try to keep the emotions out of your voice, but ultimately failing. You're breathing heavily now, your body trembling.
"I don't know... I don't know." She replies, frustration apparent in her tone as tears spill past her eyelids and slide down her cheeks. She wipes them away angrily with her sleeve, but it's no use.
She continues to sniffle, sniffling softly as her breathing becomes more and more labored as her composure crumbles around her. "I don't know, okay?!" She shouts finally, startling you both by the sudden volume of her voice. "All of this is messed up. None of it was real, alright? We're just a bunch of broken people who got together because we needed a distraction. It was supposed to be temporary. That's all this is - temporary." She turns away, her voice growing louder with every word and every bit more insistent. "Nothing more."
"Bullshit." You growl as you grab her arm forcefully, yanking her back around to face you and staring at her fiercely as you grip her arm tighter than you've ever held her before in your life, the pressure causing her pain and making your heartache. "Bullshit." You shout one final time. 
"You're a liar. You're a cheat, and I hate you for it... But I love you and I always will, and it kills me that you're doing this. Please - tell me what I need to do to make you stay with me, tell me something I can do to prove to you that I'll make things work. Tell me I'm not losing you for good! Don't leave me, Nat! For God's sake, please, don't leave me."
You clung on for dear life, desperate to keep her in your grasp and never let go. To keep her beside you, always close enough to touch whenever you needed her. "Please... please, don't leave me." You sob brokenly, squeezing her hand tight. "I- I can be a good girl, Nat. Just please choose me..." You trail off, closing your eyes and taking several deep breaths, fighting desperately to control the overwhelming emotions flooding through your system. " I don't want to lose you. I can't..."
You reach out and pull her towards you once more, wrapping your arms around her tightly as tears stream endlessly from your eyes. Her body stiffens for a moment as you cling to her, then relaxes completely as you bury your face into her shoulder, tears dripping down onto her shirt. You mumble incoherent words in between cries, repeating yourself repeatedly as you try to convey exactly how sorry you are without actually apologizing. 
You need to get her to stay - you need her to choose you. You don't care what it takes, anything at all. You'll be damned if you let this be the end of it. If you have to beg and cry and beg and cry to get her to stay. Anything, you don't care. You'll do whatever you have to do to convince her to stay. Everything. All.
You look back up at her face. "I'll do anything," You whisper hoarsely. "Anything you say. Just please don't abandon me." Your tears are still streaming down your face as you blink rapidly to fight the tears and keep them at bay. "Anything." With that, you slam your lips to hers, letting your emotions run wild through your veins as they collide, as you pour everything you feel into it.
Your fingers are tangled in her hair as you kiss her harder, pulling her closer, closer still. You kiss until your lips start to tingle, and when you break the kiss, both you and Natasha are panting heavily as you stare deeply into each other's eyes, both completely breathless. "Choose me, Nat." You repeat weakly. You need her to choose you. Right now. Right here. 
"Stay with me." Slamming your lips onto hers again, kissing her hungrily, desperately, as soon as you finish your sentence. Pulling her towards you as you press your lips against hers hungrily, forcing her to respond in kind. You pull her closer to you, gripping the collar of her shirt with one hand and running the other along her back. Your kisses become more aggressive, more heated. It's messy and wet and hungry as if neither of you wanted to pull away. As if you never wanted this moment to end.
Her own arms move on their own accord as she wraps her arms securely around your torso as well, pulling you in closer as she kisses you back, her lips moving against yours feverishly.  
You're not really sure how long you kissed for but eventually, you pulled away, leaning your forehead against hers. Panting slightly, you stare into her eyes, seeing the longing in her gaze as she stares back at you. "Stay." You murmur quietly, reaching up to cup her cheek softly. "Come with me. Come home with me. Stay with me. Tell me you won't leave me again, please. Just stay." You begged. "Let us be together for real this time." You whispered.
She doesn't respond, only sighs softly as she slowly leans forward and rests her forehead gently against yours. Pulling you even closer to her, she wraps her arms tightly around your waist. 
You couldn't help but smile as her eyes fluttered closed slowly, her body beginning to relax and melt into yours, soft lips brushing over yours ever so lightly. "I love you..."
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I ain't gonna lie. JK kinda being a bit of a shit stirrer today. Why is he posting pictures adding up to 13 like he's baiting Jimin, but posting the food in the same set of dishes that Tae owns? Tae already showed that dish set in his story not long ago. Kinda like that day JK said Jimin was his, but turned around and said Tae was his. JM's in NY minding his business, while JK's kinda being messy. Well, at least both sets of shippers are happy & fighting at the same time over who JK is really posting for.
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Anon, come closer. Let me show you something.
Remember this?
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Okay. Wonderful then I'm sure you remember that atrocity they did of photoshoping V on Jimin's face. See if u can find it among all these times where they replaced Jimin with V.
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These assholes didn't even try 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ That's one of the most iconic Jikook moments of all time. If you're gonna try to copy at least put in some effort 🙄🙄
That's one.
2) Remember when Jimin said the best part that represented him was the timestamp 1:23 on the One Day MV?
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Remember how JK started recommending songs to army and pausing the songs at 1:23? He did this continuously without fail. (Manilla fight)
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Even when sometimes the part made no sense. More on this here.
When Jikookers started celebrating this guess what the vermin did? They took the 123 theory and decided to relate that to Vkook. Even though they never would have done that shit, if Jikookers didn't point it out. According to them, 123 was about Tkk because V was born on 12th December 🤦🏽‍♀️
Shouldn't it have been 1230 then?? Why did they get rid of the 0? For convenience as always. 🙄🙄 Well, joke's on them, because JK stopped doing this. This is one of the earliest moments of JK debunking Tkkrs.
3) When Jkkrs noticed the JM and started talking about it.
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The vermin said the tiger was about them. Because V's animal is a tiger.
Fuck the fact that the tiger and Korean culture go hand in hand. But guess what JK did when he met Poly C? He👏🏾covered👏🏾that👏🏾shit👏🏾up! Sure the man and the rest of BTS hated how the SK government were treating them. Sure he hates how he can't even show the world who he's in love with due to his homophobic country, so he decided the Tiger didn't mean that much to him after all. But I bet he saw a chance to kill 2 birds with one stone and he did. Fuck SK and fuck Tkkrs. Boom! Done.
4) When Karmy nick named Jikook the Sun and Moon duo because satellite Jeon is always orbiting Jimin like the moon orbits the sun, The vermin also started calling Tkk the Sun and Moon duo. Their reason? Don't ask me. Idk and idc. Too bad though, coz even BH knows who are the REAL Sun and Moon duo
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5) While we are on the "mine" topic. Karmy already explained the difference between JK saying Jimin is his Vs when he said (warning RIP your algorithm if you click on this) V is his. According to Karmy, with V it came off more like a statement. With Jimin it was possessive, AF. And I agree. Not just because I'm a Jikooker, but because you don't need to be Korean to hear the difference.
For context: An army asked JK to give Jimin to them and JK was like; he's mine. But here is what u have to keep in mind. The V one came way, way, waaaaaay later than the Jimin one. As soon as he said Jimin was his, the vermin kept pestering JK with the same thing the former Army asked about Jimin. So going by JK's tone, it seems to me like he said what he said about V, to shut them up. 🤷🏽‍♀️ The difference is in the tone, guys. U don't gotta be Korean to hear it.
These are just a few examples. And now you're telling me, even though our numbers theory makes more sense, Tkkrs are claiming what JK is doing on weverse for themselves because of a plate?? A plate? Really.
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This is just like when they decided Tkk went snowboarding because of a pair of shoes. Like no one else owns those shoes apart from JK and V 🤡 Again, someone please explain to me how people take them seriously. Please. They want what we have soooooo bad. They have always wanted what we have.
Jin can grab V's balls or whatever tf this was. Taejin what goes on??? 🧐🧐
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And the vermin did not bat an eye. Not one fucking peep from them. But in the same memories 2021, Jimin gets embarrassed and does the simple act of hiding his face in JK's neck (something he has done for years BTW)
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You cannot tell me these people don't know Jikook is real. If they didn't see what we see they wouldn't want what we have so bad. And they certainly wouldn't feel so damn threatened.
So anon, JK owning the same plate as V, cannot even be compared to JK making a post on Jimin time. It ain't and will never be the fucking same. Please.
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Watching Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2, episode 10, Hegemony
I believe this is the s2 finale, so let's go!
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I love how they mentioned the singing from the last episode 😂
Why am I kinda shipping Batel and Chapel
I feel like Captain Batel is gonna die
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Or the Gorn
Oh shit, Batel's ship blew up 👀
Chris doesn't have much luck when it comes to romance, it seems
Nitrogen bombs + Gorn = Gorn Popsicles
Erica is a genius😂
Quite the memorable first landing party for her to take part in😂
The fact Spock plans to add zombie movies to his research is so funny to me😂
Also, the fact that he's seen movies, makes me think (or hope) he and his mama watched Alice In Wonderland because he loved the book
I love how everyone (especially Pike) felt sick after Erica's driving/diving
If anything happens to her, I'm gonna be very grumpy
Aw man, Spock is so upset that he doesn't know what happened to Chapel
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Spock ^
Wow, the planet really turned into a Wasteland 👀
Awwww the baby Gorn is kinda cute!
This is why I would never survive a zombie/Gorn apocalypse/invasion
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Ooof, cannibalism
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^ I love her in case it wasn't obvious
The way Pelia turned to Uhura like what did you figure out then turned away like ugh don't waste my time(when Uhura mentioned she needs an engineers help) then turn around when Uhura said she had a crazy theory 😂
I feel like Pelia and Raffi would get along famously
Scotty: "That's a lot of lieutenants."
Erica: "There'll be a quiz."
I love Scotty 😂
I love how Scotty is so crafty and resourceful
Pelia to Una: "And if you had answered like that in my class I would've given you an A+"
Una: -_-
I love how Batel knew exactly what Pike was up to when he thought she was sleeping
Pike and Batel: * having a slightly emotional conversation about not going alone to look for stuff/Pike trying to save everyone, ending with them looking flirtatiously at each other in silence*
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Scotty, lurking behind Batel: "You're never gonna be able to retrieve the device without my help"
Batel and Pike: °_°
Scotty: "I didn't mean to eavesdrop. Not my fault you decided to have a secret conversation right in front of my sleeping spot."😂
The fact that it's Majel Barrett(I think) doing the voice for the computer while this Chapel is plugging things into the computer makes me so happy
Chapel: *banging on glass trying to get Spock's attention*
Spock: *casually floats by not noticing*
Damn, Batel's got a strong stomach I would've gotten sick being that close to that Gorn
Uh oh, it took his gun
Whoa, the Gorn was also wearing a space suit, cool
Oh no, did Marie get Gorn eggs planted in her and that's why it left👀
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Batel this episode ^
That's why she was so upset Chris came for her😭😭
I love that Scotty interrupted them 😂
Ooooooo Pelia is required in sickbay
PELIA KNOWS SCOTTY?!She cringed when Pike said his name😂Pelia: "One of my best students who sadly received some of my worst grades."
Pike: "Well, I'll leave you to it" *speed walks away*😂
Pelia, shaking her head looking at the jumble in Scotty's arms: "What the hell is this supposed to be?!"
Scotty in a voice similar to a child whining to their parent: "Something that could help us hide from the Gorn."
Pelia: "Oh"
Scotty: "If we can fix it."
Batel to Chapel: "I'll need you to take me out." Okay, it's a date then😁🤗
Wait the Gorn still have their people? I thought they rescued the surviving Starfleet officers?🤔
Idk it brings me such joy to see Pelia helping carry Scotty's project in the halls as things blow up, but it does
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This is fine.
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moongothic · 2 months
Remember my first crochet sweater from forever ago? The one that turned out like shit?
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Frogged it and now it's a knit 😎
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So to recap; I tried making a crochet sweater based on a YouTube tutorial like years ago, and although while making it I could tell it didn't seem... right... I just kept on telling myself to "trust the process" and that "it'd turn out okay in the end"
It did not
The sweater ended up being so square-ish and massive I could've fit three of myself inside of, going well beyond "comfy oversized sweater" straight into "clown clothes" territory. It was bad. On top of that, although I tried to get the same yarn to do the top of the sweater in a pastel purple, I ended up leaning about this thing called "dye lots" the hard way, as the yarn I had needed to finish the sweater ended up being a completely different shade from what I had used for most of the sweater.
So yeah. The sweater turned out like shit, and I wore it maybe once before putting it into my closet and refusing to even look at it for like IDK two years.
Now I have some nicer yarn that I'd like to make something with, something preferably knit because I like knit fabric more than crochet, but I don't want to practise knitting clothes with that nicer yarn. And so I figured, if I frogged this crochet sweater I could then practise knitting sweaters, reuse the old yarn (=don't have to buy jack shit), and maybe remake this failed sweater into something I'll actually wear
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And so the sweater was frogged, this being all the usable yarn from the project. Pastel purple dyelot on the left while the more pinkish yarn (the stuff I had originally used while trying to convince myself it wasn't pink)
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You can see the difference in the hue better here
So yeah. Now admitedly after frogging the sweater I did lowkey think about just trying to re-crochet the sweater and did kinda start on that, but I very soon realized that I probably wouldn't have enough yarn to remake the sweater the way I wanted to, and just trying to crochet with it made me double down on how much I just I don't like crochet fabric as clothes. It's just so bulky, man
So I got to knitting instead. And because I'm deranged I chose to... mostly wing it. I did look at a few YouTube tutorials for top-down raglan sweaters to get an idea of what I was supposed to be doing, but in the end, I do kinda learn the best by just winging it. But what I did make a big note of while remaking the sweater was just trying it on as often as possible, just to make sure I didn't make it as oversized this time.
I did want to make this process relatively simple though and because I didn't want to risk losing out of yarn at an inconvenient point I chose to skip the stripes of the original sweater and just make it a simple two-color sweater. This also had the added benefit where I was able to use up all of the purple yarn on the yolk and just go as far as I could go with it before switching to black.
But yeah, the end result?
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It's decent!
Like let's be real, my raglan increases are an absolute fucking mess and the shaping on the yolk is a little funny, AND I did make the collar too big (I was so worried my giant head wouldn't fit through so I made it way bigger than it needed to be, but honestly it's better that way than it being way too small. It looks a little silly but it's not the end of the world), and the sleeves ended up being like maybe 4-5 centimeters too long they could've been a smidge shorter.
But aside from that?
I'm honestly really happy with it
Because the fabric is super soft and nice, it's not too bulky, and most importantly, it fits me. It's not obscenely massive on me, it's just the right size.
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And really, that's all I wanted. A sweater I'd actually USE, and yeah, I'm gonna wear the hell out of this next fall/winter when the weather gets cold again. It's not perfect, but it's more than good enough for me. And most importantly, I now feel infinitely more confident in maybe using that nicer yarn sometime soon to knit something
Now what the fuck am I gonna do with the leftover yarn 'cause boy howdy do I have a ton left
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leighsartworks216 · 2 years
Just A Child
Darkiplier x teenage!gn!reader (PLATONIC)
Requested by 🖌 Anon:
“Bro (/gn), Would you be willing to write something about this idea? So, in the Markiplier universe- under the assumption that Actor has been Mark in each project- he kinda drags Viewer (Ima call them V) along with him, right? So, imagine if instead V was actually just a nervous teen. (Obviously the people in each universe would just be complimenting V, not flirting) So, they're sticking with Mark since they don't really have anyone else to rely on or anything. But what if they don't really like Mark, and see Dark as a more stable... well... everything. An you know how Dark seems kinda hooked on getting V "out of Mark's grasp" basically? So, what if V takes him up on that, and Dark DOES manage to get V away from Mark, and like, takes them back to the Ego mansion or smth and kinda just helps them adjust and interact with everyone and more-or-less becomes their caretaker/guardian? If not, that's fine! Either way, have a great day/night/etc. :)”
I highkey had a hard time writing this one and I'm not, like, 100% happy with it but idk maybe it's just bc I've been working on it for a while lol
Warnings: Actor is a creep in this (mostly implied), hurt/comfort-ish?
Word Count: 1563
  You fidgeted as you walked through the theater again. The incessant “Bonjour”s were giving you a headache at this point. And the most you’d had to eat was a sandwich. Though, it was a while ago since that happened…
“The romance?... Or the horror?”
The last time you came through here, you’d “watched” the romance. It was… something.
You pointed at the horror door.
“Good idea! I’ve actually never seen this play before. I don’t even know who made it, so…” Mark shrugged, smiling that fake, plastered-on grin as always. “Could be a fun adventure.”
“Good luck!” One of the waiters… employees… One of the men that seemed to work everywhere you went stared dead at Mark. It was the first time you saw him so serious.
Mark also seemed unsettled. “Oh, okay. Alright.” He did a little salute as he said, “Bonjour!” to the employee.
As you followed Mark to your seats (him going on a one-sided dialogue about how he was a “patron of the arts” and so on), you couldn’t help but feel… unsettled. You looked around. Nothing was out of place since the last time you came through here. And yet, a chill still ran up your spine as you sat in the front row seat, directly in front of the lone table on stage.
“You want some popcorn?” It was futile to reach for a piece, but you tried anyway, before the carton of kernels was pulled away. “OH! It’s starting!”
Was it?
When you turned back to Mark to ask him just that, you found his chair empty. The cold feeling of dread covered your shoulders like a blanket. Your gaze found itself once again fixated on the table on the stage. Creaking sounded from every corner of the room. A high pitched whine rang out, coming from within you just as much as it was coming from around you. The room began to distort. Change. Shift.
And then it was dark.
“You’re… different.”
You would have screamed, but you couldn’t feel yourself anymore. It felt like your body had been swept away, like all that was left in this void was your conscience. Instead, you stared.
The man before you looked like Mark. But he felt… wrong. Looking at him gave you a headache. His skin was pale, lacking any color at all. In fact, the only color you could see anymore were glitches of red and blue that clung to his suit and formed distorted versions of the man standing behind himself.
The man tilted his head. His neck cracked sickeningly. “So,” he mused, though his voice lacked any mirth, “he’s dragging along helpless teenagers now… How pitiful.”
Who are you? echoed around in your mind. He didn’t answer your question, if he even heard it at all.
“I know this must seem confusing, like a bad dream you can’t wake up from… But believe me when I tell you that it is all his doing.”
In a blink of an eye, you found yourself sitting at the table from the restaurant. The only difference, aside from the nothingness that surrounded you, was the man in Mark’s place. He had his fingers interlaced, hands resting on the edge of the table.
“Endless choices, all leading you back here.”
A voice whispered from the darkness. Trapped. A moment later, the man was saying the same thing.
“You’re trapped in his little game.”
Your voice came as little more than a whisper. It faded into the darkness surrounding you.
“How do you get out?” He tilted his head at you. Curious, studying. As if he didn’t expect you to ask such an odd question. “I can help you.”
In another flash, you were back outside. You weren’t sure where, but it felt less suffocating than the endlessness from before.
“Enough of the choices. Enough of this endless cycle of meaningless.” He straightened up, brushing his hair back from his face before holding out his hand. “I can get you out of here. You just need to let me i-”
“Oops.” The world was dark again. You didn’t look up from your chocolate ice cream. “Looks like you made the wrong choice.”
“I-I shot someone.”
Even after all of this fake Mark’s reassurances that it would be okay, your hands were still shaking. The heavy weight of the gun still sat in your palms. But every time you looked, it wasn’t there.
The man, entity, whatever he was, watched as you picked up your spoon. It trembled and shook in your grasp. He worried for a brief moment that you would drop it before it even reached the bowl.
“I’m sorry.”
You looked up. The blue and red that surrounded him seemed dimmer than earlier, softer. You couldn’t hear the ringing that pressed against your skull. He thought you looked like an infant - too young and small to be dragged into Mark’s mess.
“What I promised you still stands.” He reached his hand across once more. His hand was ice cold as it grabbed yours, stilling your tremors. “I can get you out of here.”
You should have been terrified. First Mark, with his uncomfortable flirting, as if this was all just some role that needed to be played. Then the endless loops. And now…
“Wh-What.” You cleared your throat, trying to steel the dread in your soul. “What’s your name?”
He tilted his head, brow furrowing. He seemed to ponder this for a moment.
“Do you have a name…?”
“I used to,” he admitted. A flash of… something in his eyes. “I suppose, for simplicity’s sake, you may call me Dark.”
You whispered his name with a mixture of awe and curiosity. “M-My name is-” The world fell away before your eyes.
You blinked up at the building before you. A… museum? Paintings hung on walls peeked out of the large glass windows. You could just barely see a sculpture inside. You looked down at your clothes and found you were wearing all black. A grapple gun rested on your hip.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
Turning on a dime, you were face to face once again with Mark. His lips curled into a cheshire grin. There was too much knowing in his eyes.
“You’re not backing out now, are ya?”
Your phone buzzed. You pulled it from your pocket with trembling fingers.
Don’t you feel like you’re running in circles?
You didn’t recognize any of the portraits on the walls. All of them had their eyes crossed out. And it felt like they were… whispering to you. The only one that looked even remotely familiar sat at the end of the hallway. It looked like-
“Same snake, different skin.”
You wheeled around, heart racing in your chest. Dark stood there, hands behind his back, in a white suit this time. He looked just as malcontented with your presence in this “game” as he had the last time you saw him.
“Always spinning his yarns, his webs, his lies.” He sighed, tilting his head. He seemed almost like a disappointed parent, scolding you for staying out too late. “I always thought that you were trapped in his games. Perpetually plunging down the rabbit holes of his stories. Helpless. Lost.”
You looked over your shoulder at the last portrait. The paint had flaked away and fallen off, but you remember the smiling face that was there before. The disgusting, plastered-on smile that was always there. “Was that Mark?”
The entity hummed. In a flash of red and blue, he was standing in front of the painting, scowling at the gilded frame. “He is behind all of this. Pulling the strings like a puppeteer controlling a marionette.” His gaze flicked over his shoulder. You swallowed at the implication.
“Last time…” Your brow furrowed. How long ago had that been? How long ago was it that you sat at the ice cream parlor, being comforted after shooting Mark? You swallowed, and pushed back the thought. Dark’s face softened, as if he knew what had crossed your mind. “Last time you said you could get me out of here.”
He turned his body to face you. Haloed by the light above the picture, he nodded. “I can.”
Unbidden, tears welled in your eyes. “Please.” You bit your lip, fighting the shake in your voice. “Please get me out of here.”
He stepped forward, stopping a few feet in front of you. His face was somber, gentle. He seemed to look you over for a minute. Perhaps he was seeing what you’d gone through - the prison, the forest, the pirate ship, the cave. Every now and again, an image of himself would turn to the side and scream.
You swallowed hard. Would he turn you away now? He so openly gave you his hand before, offered a way out. Would he abandon you in this loop now? A warm tear fell down your cheek.
Cold arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a broad chest. A hand carefully cupped the back of your head. “I will get you out.” He held you as you clung to him and cried into his suit. He could only hope they were tears of joy and relief, and not for the choices you’d been forced to make. You were just a child, after all. And he would make sure Mark knew, too, when his time came.
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georgieluz · 10 months
hi! I hope you’re doing good and I was wondering if you can cast your mutuals as The Pacific men, women characters too? based off of their personalities? hope this isn’t too much to ask! anyways, have a good day!
hello! it's not too much to ask, i can definitely try to do that!
burgie → @im-chinese-believe-it-or-not this was the first one that popped into my head immediately!! you have burgie's soft caring side where you wanna look after all your friends/mutuals and make sure everyone is okay and feels Seen and heard and validated!! and i feel like you have that warmth and stabilising effect that burgie has on the boys too... when you're not around my dash feels slightly off! but you also know when to be firm and shut things down when people interact with you or others in bad faith! you're not a pushover at all and will stand up for the right thing even if it means you have to put on your "shut up bill" voice. i feel like you spread happiness and safe vibes in the same way that burgie does!
eddie → @hellofanidea because i feel like you have a lot of depth and i just feel like we'd have interesting conversations all the time and you're the kind of person whose brain i want to pick about random topics. you seemed like a Cool Online Person when we first became mutuals but it turned out you're actually super approachable and easy to talk to and eddie definitely feels similar in that way!
sledge → @theflyingfin because you're smart and always interesting to talk to! like eugene, you're open with how you feel about things and you just give me sledge vibes sometimes but not naive!sledge vibes but sledge who has seen some things y'know?
snafu → @aegondluvrs bc 99% of our first conversation revolved around svt and enha's teeth (rightly so) and you definitely have snafu's brand of chaos! also: if snafu was a carat in 2023 he too would have a folder dedicated to lee jihoon's teeth, we're not alone!
sid → my good friend @footprintsinthesxnd! i feel like i'm copying the quiz we did but it honestly felt really accurate to me because you're a literal sweetheart and one of the kindest people around but you're also way more than just that.. you're a great friend and always so supportive when anything has happened, and you're funny and witty in the same understated way that sid is. people probably think you're shy and quiet at first but that absolutely changes when you become friends with them. we have the best conversations and i'm genuinely so glad to have you in my life!!
leckie x lena hybrid → @lewis-winters look, i know i talk all the time about how annoying leckie is, so let me first of all say that i'm not including any of the annoying parts of his personality here... but you do have a similar charismatic intelligence thing going on.. y'know, the type of person you know you would always enjoy having a conversation with no matter what the topic is and whose opinion you would always be interested in hearing on just about anything. lena comes in with that aspect too, but you also have her enigmatic vibes, the kind that makes people wanna be friends with you!
runner → @ep6bastogne bc your posts make me laugh a ton and you're chill but also not at the same time? which is how i feel runner is too.. like he jokes around and winds leckie up and is silly af but he also gives off chill drama free vibes idk like i just feel like you're both the type of friend i would want in my life y'know?
chuckler → @lamialamia because our conversations are either about something ridiculous like sledge's ass flash and leckie's sex scenes or they're about the devastation of war and losing ack ack and eddie or something equally as terrible lmao you feel very balanced to me in that way and i think chuckler is like that too.. hilarious and jokes around but also serious when you need to be! kinda the perfect mix you would want in a friend or mutual!
vera → @hxad-ovxr-hxart because you're very funny but also very sweet! and you have vera vibes (warm and kind but witty vibes!!) and i feel like you're very approachable in the same way vera is too!
sorry if this didn't live up to your expectations anon!! this was a lot of fun to think about though!
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