#I'm likely going to be this alone till the age of 50
lunarheslwt · 1 year
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mrbeastimagines-3 · 1 month
ouuu. could you write a nolan x reader where the reader and him meet in one of those “ages 1-100 compete for money” videos, and the reader catches nolan’s eye because she’s so silly and stays goofing off!
( :0 yes ofc!!! )
Love at First Challenge
NolanHansen x fem!Reader
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suggestion by: @ieatedyourcrayons
ft. nolan, y/n (25), mack, karl, + jimmy !!
tw: cringe.
y/n: your name
h/c: hair color
e/c: eye color
y/b/f: your best friend (irl)'s name
Nolan's POV
"Another day, another filming session-" Is what Nolan thought. He wasn't too hyped about this video that's for sure, but Jimmy *insisted* on making another "1-100" video since it did so well before.
Nolan did enjoy his job, though. He was just bored. Jimmy didn't exactly let the crew do anything, so there was nothing much for him to do during filming, other than monitor the capsules.
Today was the first day of the video. Nolan, Mack, and Karl were all walking around, asking how different challengers felt about this video. From across the warehouse, Mack was currently talking to contestant 25. As Nolan briefly glance over, he spotted you.
You were a generally pretty person, but Nolan was immediately awestruck. The way your H/C hair blew beneath the AC, the way your eyes shimmered under the florescent lights, Nolan seemed to feel more and more attracted to you.
But your looks weren't all, it was also the way you smiled. Your tone of voice. The way you'd answer each of Macks questions caught him in a trance. You were funny. Silly, even. You seemed to be having the time of your life and Nolan was here for it, staring endlessly at your capsule.
Karl suddenly walked up behind Nolan, giggling as he speaks. "Dude what are you doing-" Karl raises his eyebrow as Nolan immediately bolted his head in Karl's direction.
"Holy crap Karl-" Nolan groans, embarrassed. "you scared me-" Nolan then almost immediately glances back at your capsule, which Mack had now left. Karl shook Nolan in attempt to pay attention to their conversation.
"Nolan are you crushing on 25-?" He laughs, as Nolan's cheeks slowly grew hot.
"What? Pfft- no- I'm just- looking-" Nolan attempted to excuse Karl from asking anything else, but, failed.
"Go talk to her man!" Karl playfully punches Nolan in the shoulder.
"Leave me alone dude-" Nolan laughs with a groan as Karl grins before walking to a different row of people.
After a few more hours of Nolan coming and leaving the warehouse to check on contestants (cough cough, you), until finally building up the courage to talk to you.
He stepped towards your door, opening his mouth to say something, so you could turn to face him, but Jimmy suddenly announced the first challenge.
In a panic, Nolan just dashed away without you noticing. He silently cursed under his breath, as the first challenge went on.
After the challenge was over, you were luckily still in. Since it was almost night, Nolan decided to wait till tomorrow to talk to you, since you would probably be here for a long while...
The next day, Nolan and Karl came to the warehouse alongside Jimmy who was working on the next challenge. Nolan and Karl decided to do a race on who could talk to half of the group first.
"I can deal with 1-50 if you wa-" Karl began to suggest, until getting interrupted by Nolan. "Nope! No don't even worry about it. I'll do 1-50, you do 51-100"
Karl was hesitant before agreeing, yelling "I'm winning Nolan!!!" rushing towards the other side. Nolan immediately went to your capsule, knocking on the door. He wanted to, no, needed, to talk to you.
You perk up from whatever you were doing, walking over to the glass door with a smile. "Oh hi Nolan"
Nolan almost stopped working for a second, his voice failing him. "Oh hey-!" He let out a fake, shaky laugh before restoring himself. "Uh- how are you doing-?"
You raise your eyebrow about how suspicious he was being, but still smile. "Great-! I'm really glad I'm here like, so many people I get to meet, y'know?" You sat down on your bed, Nolan coming into the room.
"Good- good- uhm-" He hesitates before asking. "Anyone that you feel is like a threat to your game?"
You hesitate, before answering "32 is a bit of a threat towards me specifically but, y'know" You shrug. "Nobody's really hated me so far so yayyy"
Nolan gently smiles in relief. "Awesome! I'm gonna go talk to other people now I guess-" He regretted saying that, but he couldn't just let Karl win the race.
"Alright, it was nice talking to you Nolan" You smile. "It's a nice change of pace from Mack, so... Feel free to drop by whenever you can!"
Nolan's heart fluttered at that. Why were you so nice to him?
You were extremely happy about your interaction with Nolan. He had always been your favorite member, and it's been your dream to be on a video, especially with him.
You layed back down on your bed, as giddy as ever. Were you smiling? Maybe. Did someone notice? Yep.
24, your closest ally here, just woke up, and could notice your change in demeanor.
"Uh... What's going on-" Y/B/F said, rubbing their eye from sleep.
You look over at them through the glass, smiling. "Nothin" You attempted being casual. You were a grown woman, acting like your crush at school just asked you to the dance.
"Uh huh." Y/B/F rolled their eyes. "Sure."
"Fine.. Fine... Come closer to the glass." You sigh, giving in. Y/B/F moved their ear to the class as you whispered "Nolan talked to me"
Y/B/F pulled their ear away, looking at you unimpressed. "Wow. Nolan talked to you on a MRBEAST VIDEO. DUDE."
You winced at their change of voice. "Look I dont know-! I just-" You dreamily sigh, sinking back on the bed. "It felt special... Y'know?"
Nolan's POV
The next challenge started later that day, Nolan not being there for it since he was busy. But the entire time, he was worried you would get out. Even just thinking about you made him goofily smile and lose track of time, so he couldn't afford never seeing you again without saying goodbye.
Even though you met yesterday, he could already see a future, a life, with you. You were everything he could ever ask for, and he didn't even know your real name.
That evening, he went back to the warehouse, stepping in and seeing so many capsules gone from the previous challenge. He immediately panicked. Did you leave?! Were you voted out?! He then saw Mack and Karl step down from the stage.
"Hey Nolan" Mack says, giving Nolan a quick high five handshake thing (a/n: IM SORRY I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IT'S CALLED).
Nolan nods. "Hi- uh- what'd I miss?"
Karl then spoke up. "Jimmy made sure a lot of people were voted out today for like, editing reasons, but I'm pretty sure your girlfriend is still here."
Nolan immediately perked up, not even responding when he ran to 25. He skidded up to the capsule, before noticing, you were miserable. A wash of worry goes over his face as he knocks on your door.
"Hey 25" He tries to smile, but saw how sad you looked. "What's... What's going on..?"
"Oh, Nolan, hi" 25 weakly smiled, as Nolan walked in and sat next to her.
"What's wrong?" He frowns, unaware of placing a hand on her shoulder which made you blush.
"24, uh, they got out..." You sigh. Nolan looked at her confused.
"Oh uhm.. Why is that such a big deal-?" He asked, worrying he could offend you.
"They were my best friend here I guess, and I'm just... Kinda alone now..." You sigh, putting your face in your knees.
"Well, uh.." He looks around the room, looking for something he could do to help you. "I'm still- here- for you-" He mutters. You let out a watery laugh, looking up at him with a smile.
"Well thanks Nolan"
He smiles back, you looking deep into each others eyes for what felt like forever. Suddenly, Karl shouted from the entrance door "NOLANNN! COME ON"
Nolan jumped, taking his hand off your shoulder. "I should go" He sighs, stepping towards the door.
"Alright... See you tomorrow Nolan"
"See you tomorrow 25" He smiles.
"Wait uh-" You stand up and grab his wrist. "Call me Y/N."
Nolan's cheeks turned pink at that as he smile. "I- okay- see you tomorrow Y/N".
( little cliffhanger for you guys >:] i hope u liked this.!!! my first nolan centered fic- i hope I did him well enough for u guys )
( anyway this was so much fun to write! thank you @ieatedyourcrayons once again for suggesting this!! PLEASE SUGGEST ME MORE * ̄3 ̄ )
anyway goodbye my simps :D
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Never Forgotten (Joel Miller)
Joel Miller Masterlist
Warning: mention of loss/death, depression, angst, fluff
Summary: This story is very dear to me, written in honor of my late mother for the one-year anniversary of her passing (March 30th). Recognizing the same signs of hopelessness in her that he had been through, Joel reaches out a helping hand to get her through it. Inspired by Jessica Andrews' - Never Be Forgotten.
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"Jesus, that woman's been here every night for the past week" Joel utters out after noticing her in a far corn of the Tipsy Bison.
"She's havin' a tough month, let her be" Tommy bumps him with his shoulder to head for the bar.
"Drinkin' every night's a tough month?" Joel drawls, staring at her over his shoulder as she throws back shot after shot from the bottle on the table in front of her.
"Leave it alone, Joel..." Tommy warns him, eyes filled with sympathy as he chances a glance over his shoulder.
"She's been neglectin' her duties 'cause she's drunk off her ass everyday" Joel snarls out in disgust.
"No, she ain't" Tommy replies, "Maria gave her some time off."
"To drink?"
"Joel" Tommy scowls at him, "let it be. Let her be."
Joel's brow shoots a high arched brow at him, shrugging then, "fine. Ain't my business anyway."
The subject had been dropped, yet Joel couldn't help but think about her. He didn't really know her that well, they had never really crossed paths, but he remembered seeing her in Maria's group the day they made it to Jackson. She and another woman, almost identical to her had their guns pointed at him but what made him take notice of them; was that neither of them had it pointed on Ellie while the dog cleared them. What further piqued his interest was the soft banter between the two as they rode; the older one tilting her head in his direction and her telling the woman to "fuckoff" as they both softly chuckled. Joel didn't see either of them after that, as he and Ellie had left the next day. Even after that, he had only seen her from a distance, neither of them being on the same patrol group ever.
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It was an hour after the conversation that Tommy softly nudges Joel in the side, "fuck! The hell was that for?"
Silently tilting his head toward the door, Tommy directions him to follow and that's when Joel notices her exiting through it. "How the fuck she is still standing up straight after all that?"
"Where the fuck are we going?" Joel grumbles as they step out the bar.
"Wanna make sure she gets home safe" is Tommy's only response.
"Looks fine to me" Joel mutters out scowling in her direction as they follow at a distance.
"She hides it well. But she ain't" Tommy responds, a heavy sigh leaves his lips when she heads into the direction of the graveyard.
"Oh" Joel remarks when the realization hits, "she's in mourning..."
"Yeah" Tommy answers as they watch her standing in front of the entrance, "her mother."
"The woman that was with her the first time we got here?" Joel enquires, remembering the similarities in features between them.
Tommy nods in response, "they were inseparable. Best mother-daughter duo Jackson's ever had, had to be with how they managed to survive on their own till they got here."
"Thought they were sister's" Joel comments, a bit surprised at the news, "the mother still looked young, and they acted more like friends."
"She's 32 and her mother was 50" Tommy remarks, nudging him a bit harder to follow as she leaves the graveyard. "
"Jesus, the mother seemed young to have a daughter her age."
"Look who's talkin'..." Tommy drawls sarcastically, eyes narrowing with a knowing smirk. "Were ya checkin' her out...?"
"Shit", Joel cringes internally, thinking quick on his feet to distract from the truth. "Who? The mother?"
"Quit fuckin' about. Ya damn well know who."
"God, no!" Joel scoffs, "the mother was younger than me for God's sake. I'm far too old for her..."
They pause to watch her enter her home, turning around once it's clear she's safe inside. "Ya both have something in common, reversed... but still similar. Just saying."
"Ya crazy" Joel softly mutters.
Tommy shrugs a sympathetic smile, "do me a favor, if ya see her leave the bar before I do. Keep an eye on her."
Joel's brows furrow in deep thought, exhaling heavily and silently nodding in agreement.
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Joel wasn't quite sure why hell he was here and have been for the past week, maybe it was because he made a promise to Tommy or he's doing it because he knows exactly how hard it is to lose the person that was the biggest part of your heart. The heartache of having the parent-child relationship ripped away by death, especially when it had only been the two of them since day one.
He didn't actually have to be here every night; Tommy was always around but tonight Joel was glad he was. Tommy couldn't make it and she seemed extremely bad off as she sat staring at the bottle in front of her in a trance. Joel knows that look, has had that look plastered over his face once long ago.
Joel tenses when she suddenly gets up, grabbing the bottle and heads for the door. "She usually finishes it before leaving... somethin' ain't right."
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Joel quietly follows her as usual; keeping a distance once she stops at the graveyard entrance. He patiently waits for her to finish her nightly ritual, but she does something that surprise him then. Taking a long swig of the bottle, she then enters the graveyard instead of heading home.
Joel knew she went in to visit her mother's grave and knowing from personal experience the need to grieve alone; he waits outside to give her privacy. Quite some time had passed as Joel waited for her to finish her visit, mentally asking himself why was even doing it. Maybe it was because somehow, he feels a connection with her with what she was going through? Or maybe, he was growing soft.
Joel's thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the feeling of raindrops begin to fall, looking up to the dark sky; he lets out a heavy sigh as it rains starts pouring. "She'll catch her death in this weather..."
Rolling his shoulders back to mentally prepare for what he was about to find, Joel makes his way into the graveyard to find her.
I'll always see your face The corner of your smile And all the little things that no one will ever know Like it was yesterday Won't ever fade away Goodbye is just a word that I will never say
You will never be forgotten A million days could pass us by But what is time but just a dream Oh, I still feel you here with me You're more than just a memory Oh, you will never be forgotten
It was a bit of struggle through the rain and darkness, but Joel eventually finds her; sprawled out cold over your mother's grave, the alcohol bottle lying empty beside her.
Heart racing in fear; Joel crouches down to check if she's breathing, breathing out a sigh of relief then, "thank God, she's only passed out drunk."
Carefully grasping hold of her; Joel softly groans as his knees and back protests when gently lifting her up in his arms. Making it to the entrance without any incidents; Joel silently scans the empty streets as he ponders what to do with her.
His house was far closers and she needed to be out of these drenched clothes or risk the chance of getting sick.
With that thought in mind, Joel lets out a sigh of defeat and heads in direction of his house.
Successfully making it in the house; Joel contemplates for a second while standing in the living-room with her passed out in his arm, eventually deciding on his bedroom.
Gently placing her on the bed, Joel stares frowning at her unconscious state sprawled across his bed. "Now for the difficult part." He goes to his dresser for a shirt, coming back and begins to gently, yet respectfully strip her of the drenched clothing. Staring with her shirt first, the air exits Joel's like a punch to the gut when he notices the memorial tattoo across her collar bone.
"Shit. Today was the one-year anniversary..."
I can't hold your hand Or look into your eyes And when I talk to you It just echoes in my mind But if hearts are made of dust And if we fell from the stars I look up tonight and know just where you are
You will never be forgotten A million days could pass us by But what is time but just a dream Oh, I still feel you here with me You're more than just a memory Oh, you will never be forgotten
Clutching at her pondering head, she sets up with a heavy groan, "where the hell am I...?" While silently scanning the room she had woken up in, her eyes instantly fall on a familiar coat hanging of a chair. "Joel Miller's?"
She knew that Joel was the person accompanying Tommy while keeping an eye over her during the pass nights but never thought that he would go this far out of his way. The two of them barely knew each other, only having been in proximity to one another once the first time he and Ellie had arrived in Jackson over a year ago. Her mother had field day when noticing the manner the two of them silently side-eyed one another. It didn't matter whether was an attraction or not, as he left the very next day and not long after that, her world came crashing down.
Silent tears pricked at her eyes at the thought of her late mother; she had lost the only thing she had left in this doomed world and now had nothing of meaning to live for.
"These no use in wasting time on matters that can't be changed", she shakes her head to clear it, "might as well go downstairs and face the music."
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Like a meek mouse, she makes her way into the living-room; a rush of guilt coursing through her when noticing the blankets and pillows on the couch. Hearing movement in the kitchen she heads towards it, finding Joel in front of the stove; she loudly clears her throat to make her presence know.
"You're awake" a wide-eyed Joel turn around.
"Yeah" she mutters, shyly looking down for a second then back up at him, "thank you."
"Don't mention it" Joel awkwardly responds, clearing his throat then, "coffee?"
"Love some" she faintly smiles, taking a seat at the kitchen counter as Joel pours it.
Both sit in awkward silence for a moment as they sipped at their coffee, finally she breaks the silence. "Sorry for burdening you."
"Couldn't leave ya in the cold rain. Wouldn't be much of a gentleman if I did" Joel replies with a sympathetic smirk.
"Hope you were one when undressing me?" she looks up from the cup with a smirk of her own, softly giggling when Joel blushes at her words.
"I... erm... couldn't let ya catch cold."
"Was only teasing" she chuckles, reaching out and placing a hand over his, "thank you, Joel. I truly appreciate it."
Like a fish out of water, Joel silently frowns at her hand. Retreating her hand in embarrassment, she stares back at her coffee. "You saw the tattoo, so you know..."
"Yeah" Joel murmurs, staring at his own cup, "sorry for ya loss."
"Thank you" she whispers, tears beginning to prick at eyes. "May I ask you something?"
"Sure" Joel responds.
"I..." she takes a second to compose, "I can see that you know the loss of such a relationship..."
Joel doesn't respond, a deep frown across his face when she looks up at him.
"Does it-" she pauses as her voice trembles with silent sobs, tears freely flowing now. "Does it get better with time...?"
Joel remains silent as he continues to stare at her frowning.
Realizing it was a sensitive topic, "I... I'm sorry" she murmurs, getting up to leave but Joel is faster; grabbing hold of her arm, he pulls her into an embrace.
Holding tightly onto her as she sobs into his chest, Joel finally speaks. "Sarah..."
Lifting her head from his chest, she silently stares up at him.
"My daughter... her name was Sarah. And no, it doesn't get any better. There is comfort in knowing that they'll never truly be gone though... not when they'll always live through our memories of 'em."
With a teary smile, she presses her face back into his chest as she poured out her agony. Pressing a gentle kiss into her hair, Joel holds her tightly in his embrace as he gently rocks her back and forth.
And the world just keeps on going It has no way of knowing That you're gone
You will never be forgotten A million days could pass us by But what is time but just a dream Oh, I still feel you here with me You're more than just a memory Oh, you will never be forgotten Forgotten... 
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A bit long message so sorry!!!
I'm unemployed right now English is not my first language so idk how these places are called in English so please forgive me but I think you will get a point.
After I finished school I had to apply for job seekers. I have this "mentor" you talk to and you have a date and time you meet with her every couple of months. You have to apply for at least 4-5 jobs monthly and you have to tell her where you applied through messenger online.
You get some "job seeker allowance" when you search for jobs and if your mentor sends you somewhere you must go.
So my mentor sent me to this "workshop" idk how else to call it. It's 3 months long, it's every day Mon-Fri for 3 hours. Here they talk how to write CV and how we represent ourselves, we practice how to talk when we have job interviews and all that things.
Our ages are mixed. I'm the youngest there and we have also people in their 50s. There are 15 of us.
So my problem is this: in our group there is a man probably in his 30s. First fee days I saw him staring at me non stop. When the lady that gives us lessons talks I see him in the corner of my eye and he just stares at me for an hour... he has no interest in talking to anyone but me. He doesn't come near me if anyone else talks to me so that's good. But now after 2 weeks of being here he started doing something else.
During breaks when I go to the bathroom he follows me. I walk quickly so I don't have to talk to him. He goes near male bathroom but he doesn't go in he just waits so I come out and he tries to talk to me. Sometimes I walk quickly back so he doesn't come near me and another time I literally pretended I was on my phone and I was talking to myself like I'm talking to someone else.
Today I stood up from my chair and I wanted to go to the bathroom I saw he did the same he stood right away so he could follow me but then I decided to go just near the trash and throw away my chewing gum and I sat back on my seat and chatted with another lady. When he saw I'm not going to the bathroom he also sat back to his place. I was holding my pee till I came home because I didn't want to go to the bathroom when we finished with this group since I didn't want him to follow me towards the bathroom when others go home.
And he also started this; when we go home he quickly leave the building he goes somewhere and then he hides behind some corner so he "catches me" when I go home. I know he lives in the opposite direction because that's where he always went. Now he goes to totally different direction so he can walk with me to a bus stop. A bus stop that is 10 minutes away from this building.
I'm so uncomfortable so I was actually looking for another way to go to my bus stop and I used google maps. I'm so bad with directions even if I have google maps tbh.
You think it's just talking but... whenever he talks he only comments on how I look and how good I look (I LOOK BELOW AVERAGE BTW! So please don't think I mentioned this because I want to praise myself that I look good).
He keeps asking if I have any problems with my bf (it's like he wants me to have problems so I would leave him or something... it's just a vibe I get). My bf doesn't exist btw I had weird vibes from him so I said I have a bf. And if he was my bf he wouldn't let me go alone anywhere so I would be protected and weird shit like that.
He keep asking me where I live and he wants like an actual address.
He keel saying how I should make a fb acc so we could talk (I still have fb I just use my nickname there not real name so he can't find me)
He keeps giving hints how he wants my number.
And I always give short answers. I don't sound interested in him. And I see he's getting more and more mad since I'm not interested. So I'm also not really comfortable telling him that he's making me very uncomfortable. He's kinda strong and it's kinda scary to me since at this hour when I finish with this group people are mostly in school or at work, there are not many people on the streets if he'd lose his temper...
Others in this group come with cars or go to a different direction than me when they go home so I can't really tag along with anyone else.
So I wonder if I should say something to this lady that is in charge of this workshop?
But also I wonder if I should just... endure this to the end it's just 3 months and I just can try to avoid him for 3 months?
I don't want to look crazy or that I overreact.
Again I'm so sorry that this is so long I just wanted to make it more detailed so it makes more sense. I'm so nervous every day. And I'm so nervous to look crazy if I tell him YOU ARE MAKING ME UNCOMFORTABLE... and I'm such a introverted person who is not good with telling others to leave me alone. And if I ask this lady who is in charge of this workshop to help me tell him this I feel like I would also look like I overreact...
Please report this to the people in charge. What he's doing is stalking and harassment and completely unacceptable, and you shouldn't have to just endure it ❤️
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
Oh Nunya let me tell you a tragic tale
The last memory of mother I had before she passed away was when I was 9 and she pointed out how terrible my grades was for 3rd grade. She died in June of 2009 while she and I was asleep.
Than after two years living with that cunt I call my stepmom (a certain wizard of Oz song will be my favorite song when she finally croak) and putting myself into foster care after a huge fuck up I did (no worry my aunt was able to become my legal guardian and I’m fine as a adult) I learn on January 2012, I have autism and adhd.
Sorry, but the messes I caused, the pain I inflicted, the fact I could have made my mom proud if I was properly diagnosed at a younger age.
I want the cure at times, yes I want the FUCKING CURE. Because autism made my life a hell on earth.
Now I see these brats romanticize and fetishize my life mental issues. Put me back into the late 18th century-50’s asylum care. I would rather take that inhuman treatment than the shitshow I in now.
Ya, I'm not here for glorifying or romanticizing any of that stuff. ADHD, dyslexia, and every pro I know has said it's highly likely I'm on the spectrum but they're not going to say yes or no and I wouldn't dare to say I am without a proper diagnosis which didn't actually exist when I was diagnosed with all the other stuff, and we have the chemical imbalance called depression thrown in the mix too.
None of which I would wish on another decent human being, not many awful ones I would wish that on either.
RSD as a possible thing nobody ever mentioned that I can recall and I saw it on a post on here and said what is that, looked and started being incredibly overwhelmed with almost every emotion at the same time because while yes I am broken I'm not alone in that which is something I always thought I was alone with.
All that said I can still crack a joke about myself here and there, but if I had someone call me neurospicy unironically I would let them know that I would appreciate that not happening again because I'm a rational human being who doesn't expect everyone to know that it's not a positive thing and if they persist they might get cut out.
As for the Wizard of Oz
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Wonder if history will vindicate her or if she'll be riding a broom in British history books till the end of time.
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (16-22 Jul 2023)
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legit obsessed with this show right now
😊 Hi Honey, I'm Homo!: Sitcoms, Specials, and the Queering of American Culture (Matt Baume, author & narrator) - interesting look at queer rep on sitcoms starting with Bewitched - focused on shows with substantial content so it was very white (which does reflect the TV landscape) but doesn't really address that -- I would have liked at least some mention of the lack of intersectionality tbh - but still an interesting and entertaining overview
🥰 Hurts that Time Alone Cannot Heal (E_Greer) - 44K, post WS recovery wingfic
🥰 come hell or high water (helix_stomper) - 66K, pt 3 of boots & budweiser’s miraculous misadventures - steddie D/s - after weeks of falling for each other thru anonymous glory hole sex, they finally meet and really get started
💖💖 +194K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Ill With Want (thedoubteriswise) - MCU: pre-war stucky, 27K - incredibly well written delicious angst from Bucky's POV [reread]
the slow death of Steve Rogers [at the hands of the stupid, sexy, considerate stripper] (MaddieWritesStucky (Madeleine_Ward)) - MCU: modern no powers stucky, 5K - very hot stripper!bucky AU [reread]
D20: Dungeons and Drag Queens - "In The Heart Of Death" (s18, e4)
D20: Adventuring Party - "The Gaming Super Bowl" (s13, e4)
Um, Actually - s8, e9
D20: A Crown of Candy - s5, e5-14
D20: Adventuring Party - s1, e5-14
⭐ Vibe Check - A Special Conversation with Jenna Wortham
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! - Patti LuPone
Re: Dracula - July 18: Trouble Ahead
Into It - The Enduring Appeal of Barbie
⭐ How To! Plus - How To Make Aging Easier for Everyone
The Sporkful - Why Ice Is This Summer's Hottest Trend
What Next: TBD Plus - America’s Killer Car Problem
⭐ Vibe Check - All I Have Faith in Is Art, Orgasms, and Friendships
Re: Dracula - July 19: Present Craving
Rachel Maddow Presents: Déjà News - Episode 5: Taken for a Ride
Stuff The British Stole - Zero Marks The Spot
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Coffee Palace
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - A house move like no other
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Darién Gap
Outward Plus - The Pleasures and Politics of Cruising
Re: Dracula - July 20: Most Difficult and Vital Aspect
Pop Culture Happy Hour - A Barbie v. Oppenheimer Game
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Face to Face
50 MPH - 6 MPH / A Workhorse Takes the Reins
⭐ 99% Invisible #545 - Shade Redux
Dear Prudence Plus - How Do I Disclose to My Kids That I've Had an Abortion–Twice? Help!
Into It - Culture Is Back: Why We Love 'The Golden Bachelor' and Those Weird TikTok Livestreams
What Next: TBD Plus - America’s $5 Trillion Grid Problem
Hit Parade Plus - Lenny on Mars Edition
Re: Dracula - July 22: Rough Weather
ICYMI Plus - The Day AO3 Went Down
⭐ The Sporkful - Why Barbie’s First Dreamhouse Didn’t Have A Kitchen
Switched on Pop - How Louis Armstrong invented the modern pop star
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1986: "No Sleep Till Brooklyn" by The Beastie Boys
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1987: "Paid in Full" by Eric B. and Rakim
⭐ Decoder Ring Plus - What's Really Going On Inside a Mosh Pit?
Best Of '81 To '85 [Y&T] {1990}
Pop Radio • 1970s
That! Feels Good! [Jessie Ware] {2023}
Jessie Ware
Get Pumped: Rock Anthems
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sakuramidnight15 · 11 months
🔮 Anyone you want!!
:3 (tiny of dark hunt au, warning slight gore alert in detail)
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"My Lord, you should be returning to the villa by now."
"There's a ruckus right now, best time to return in without the lastest Intel?"
"With or without it my Lord. It's not like we have our concern about it."
"She is right, my lord."
It was between the maid, butler, and the lord in his study hall, apparently an uproar was happening in the manor... Apparently, his mother's personal 'attendant', who had been reported missing for the past month was found. Unfortunately, his corpse was in a grotesque form of being hanged while his limbs were scarred with words that spelled in language horrendously at any part, and was even bared skin where everyone can see how much red was spilled to the ground while being hanged in an art of perfection.
Absolutely for an art for madness...
What made it interesting, is that the countess and her eldest head had even found the body alongside with the townfolk's in the street of where it was found. The second son was not at the situation, because he was back at his manor going with his daily life with his maid till the news reached to his ears. Of course, Elphabet knew that his mother is in distress right now since his mother saw it with her own eyes, pretty sure of it due to how it was detailed and dealt with. But that's none of his business.
"So, the body was found in the town square's main district?" He asked, as he sipped a cup of tea that was served by his butler who stayed loyal to him ever since his birth.
"Apparently yes, but some of the knights added statements that the body might have been moved." The old man replied, with his facial appearance is a young man, but with an age around in his late 50s.
"There wasn't much blood at the location where everyone saw it. They are currently looking for the location to where he was actually killed."
The green-haired lord didn't react an inch, of course he's been out of his mother's affairs which it was not of his concerns thanks to his childhood, although his twin brother? Maybe but it would have been difficult but time is taking slow, no need to rush it further.
"But my lord, I have one possible location..."
"And that is?"
"The Lost Marshlands."
This time, Elphabeth's expression took a another turn of surprise while Chizuko raised an eyebrow at the old man. Both wondered why he brought up that rumoured foggy forest? Let alone that ace is where no one can enter, especially at night time. The green-haired lord knows that forest, and he knows that many went there but either they remain gone or found dead, or other options.
"That eternal foggy forestland? Why there?" The green-haired lord asked, although his topic picked up his ears he decided to continue it for now.
"Well, when he was found... He kept muttering something till his last breath." The butler replied, as Chizuko went to do her duties around the study, deciding that she's out of the conversation.
"And that is..?"
"His last words were... 'Carmen'."
With only the name out loud, Chizuko then turned to offer Elphabeth rather a few more books for his studies, though she seems to answer his question though while keeping an uninterested expression.
"That's one of the hunters who roams the Lost Marshlands. She's quite the infamous one, my lord."
"A beauty can only existed in a dying color of red... A real beauty that no being can compare to that one alive if they dare."
Elphabeth listened to her words, so this hunter must have been quite the looker there, however there was one piece of information that caught him off guard.
"I'm not sure she's being mentioned, after all she is an expertise for intensive desires when she's in the words."
"An expertise..?"
"Most of her dealings aside from women, were men my lord. And she's rather a proudling to be drenched in their red before doing her work after sucking them out."
Both the butler and lord then had a sudden shiver, this....
This hunter named 'Carmen'.... is a lust blooddriver.
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simgigglegirl · 2 years
...Guess who's the idiot that deleted the wrong folder, thinking it was the project folders that I finished using (BTW! 50+ Male hairs incoming tomorrow! All that's left is defaults but I need to learn how to do that first) and now the recent neighbourhood that I was having fun with is gone 😭
I thought I was fine since I store backups every now and then but the backup I have for it is super behind so I lost a huge chunk of progress... I wasn't in the mood to play all that again so I just did the next best thing. I extracted the in-game-born premade children and decided to post how they came to be. Because most of them were born from love affairs and it was so funny to see the drama unfold in my game haha.
There's no need to read on and you can skip this post since I'm mostly posting for myself so that I can be less upset that I'll have to start another Uberhood again. And one household had so much drama happening that explaining it all got a wall of text waiting below the read more... So I wouldn't be offended if you skip this and wait for the downloads tomorrow. Also, I guess it can be a preview of what type of kids you could get from my GC sims.
So all these children were just toddlers and/or children in my gameplay but I aged them up to Adults because I plan to also use them to display my future CCs that I made to share. And it's the better age stage to show their feature.
Let's start with the most drama-filled household I had while playing their round!
The Singles Household - Family connection with Grunts & Burb
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(left to right) Odin Beaker - (Son of Erin Beaker & John Burb) Alana Burb - (2nd daughter of John & Jennifer Burb) They had her before I started the Single household round, so she was just a recently grown-up child when Odin was born.
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Fiona Beaker - (Daugther of Erin Beaker & Ripp Grunt)
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(left to right) Rosa Curious Luna Curious - Twin daughters of Chloe Curious & Ripp Grunt
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Levin Grunt - (Son of Kristen Loste & Tank Grunt)
Yeah... I'm sure this info alone is proof of what went down in this household. But these kids being born doesn't cover half of it! Chloe ended up getting Family as her 2nd aspiration and Erin gained Romance as hers. These changes become the main reason so much drama ended up happening in this house, good god.
Before playing the Single household I had first finished the Grunt family round so Tank was in Uni and Ripp become an Adult since he didn't roll a college want before he aged. So no teens were going around giving the newly turned adult girls nooboos... ew. Anyway, Ripp that had no luck getting any girls to date him, when he was a teen, suddenly had Chloe and Erin having a massive attraction to him as soon as he was greeted into the house by Lola.
The two of them just kept flirting up a storm with him till ACR did its thing and had Chloe woohoo with Ripp thus leaving her pregnant with the twins, she fell in love with him right after the woohoo and AUTO PROPOSED TO HIM AND HE ACCEPTED!!!! Before I could even progress what just happened, Erin goes and ACR woohoo with Ripp, GETS RISKY WOOHOO PREGRENT AS WELL! And then proceeds to destroy Chloe's engagement as soon as the deed was done since Chloe walked in to see the both of them in bed...
It doesn't stop there. While heavily pregnant, Chloe ended up getting a date offer from the townie that Lola brought back from work and guess who she got as her date...DANIEL FREAKING PLEASENT! And they hit it off!!! To the point, she rolled an engagement want for him and I decided "LOL why not, it's not like he'll accept it" BUT HE FKING DID! HE SAID YES!!! AT A 5% CHANCE, DANIEL SAID YES!!! I sadly won't know if he would have said yes again during the wedding party but man I wish I could have seen that shit show.
How did baby Odin come into the picture? Well after Erin gave birth to Fiona, she got an outing call from Jennifer (During the Burb round, Erin become one of the family friends that Jennifer needed for her work promotion... if only she knew) and since Jennifer brought her whole family to this outing, John was also there as well. It was only after the outing event ended that Erin ACR with John to the photobooth, THE FAMILY WAS STILL AROUND BTW, exposed John as a cheater to his family and managed to make it worst by getting Erin pregnant...
Before the end of this household round, Tank walks by (he must have known that his brother had just become a father of three kids) and since Kristen was sent to greet him, they hit it off really well from there. At least she didn't get pregnant right on the first day but only near the end of the round with Levin.
Lola was the only one smart enough to at least keep to herself and flirt with the newly single Mary-Sue while Chloe and Erin were in their clowning hours, lol.
The Dina Caliente Household AKA 'Dina knows how to get that money' - Family Connection with Goth and Landgraab
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(left to right) Mimi Landgraab - (Daugther of Dina & Malcolm) Elizabeth Goth - (Daugther of Dina & Mortimer Goth) Malcolm V Landgraab - (Son of Dina & Malcolm) Margaret II Landgraab - (Daugther of Dina & Malcolm) She's the one behind Malcolm V. Katrina Landgraab - (Daugther of Dina & Malcolm) Nancy Landgraab - (Daugther of Dina & Malcolm)
Yep, Dina has 6 kids in total. In order by age, Elizabeth was her first child with Mortimer. They weren't even married yet when she got pregnant with Elizabeth but only after she had a belly pop during her date with Mortimer did he finally roll a want to engage with Dina, thus securing that marry a rich sim want she had. However, the marriage didn't last long since she got caught cheating with Ajay Loner (Mortimer was right there Dina... what were you thinking accepting that kiss...) so at the end of the Goth round she was kicked out after the marriage was broken off.
During Malcolm's round, Dina came by on one of Malcolm's business lots and by herself managed to win him over LOL. It was so funny seeing all the interaction from Dina automatically popping up while the dude was trying to run his business, lol. And here's the kicker! During one of the dates Malcolm and her had, she managed to not only get pregnant with Malcolm's baby but got him pregnant too (thanks to this mod) automatically securing herself with the 2nd richest sim in the hood HAHA!
Wasn't so funny when I suddenly found myself needing to help them take care of 5 newborns at once because Dina gave birth to triplets and Malcolm twins...
The Una Household - Family connection with Mole (The father is a deadbeat!)
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(left to right) James Una - (Son of Natasha & John Mole) Alastair Una - (Son of Natasha & John Mole) Alex Una - (Son of Natasha & John Mole)
John Mole is the worst! THE WORST with how he treats Natasha! OMG! The dude has 3 bolts with her, rolls a bunch of wants for Natasha and seems to be madly in love with her BUT HE WILL KEEP REFUSING TO MARRY HER!!! I thought I messed up the rejection chances mod but no... he really didn't want to get married, EVEN THOUGH HE HAD A WANT TO GET MARRIED!!! Every time I foolishly rebuild the relationship because they sooner or latter always roll the wants to get back in love with each other. But John keeps refusing when ITS TIME FOR THE MARRIAGE TO HAPPEN!!!
Oh but he sure had no issues to keep getting Natasha pregnant every time the relationship was back to "ACR woohoo is acceptable now".
Born from drama-free households - Most were just risky woohoo babies.
Yeah, I'm shocked that only three households I played had the most dramatic events happen... maybe the 2nd round would have proven me wrong but these are the following kids that were born from either married couples, soon to be married or in Kaylynn's case, "Oops, I just wanted to test the RCC mod being able to let unplayable townies have a chance to get pregnant and it worked... well Mary-Sue broke things off because of the affair baby so maybe you can have your happy ending with Da- oh wait Chloe just proposed and he said yes..."
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(left to right) Aberto Monty - (Son of Ajay Loner & Bianca Monty) Lete Shikibu - (Daugther of Cleo Shikibu & Antonio Monty)
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Finn Bell - (Son of Issac & Hannah)
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Arthur Capp - (Son of Albany & Goneril)
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Anson Capp - (Son of Consort & Alexandra) ...I'm leaning on the main reason Alexandra accepted the marriage with Consort was because he could provide her funding for the Pirate lifestyle she wants. They may be 2 bolts but they don't act a lot like a couple. Poor Anson.
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Kimberley Capp - (Daugther of Regan & Cornwall) Victoria Capp - (Daugther of Regan & Cornwall)
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Atom Beaker - (Son of Loki & Circe) Ceres Beaker - (Daughter of Loki & Circe) Thor Beaker - (Son of Circe & Loki) Atom & Ceres are twins (Yea I lucked out that it happened naturally) while Thor is the youngest. Thor is also the only one that doesn't have two points in mean.
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Nelly Aspir - (Daugther of Victor & Elizabeth) Roman Aspir - (Son of Victor & Elizabeth) Marion Aspir - (Daugther of Victor & Elizabeth) They're triplets... send an F in the chat for their poor mother.
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Noah Martin - (Son of Andrew & Elena) Genie appeared in their lot so dead mum came back to life and they ended up having another child.
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Jewel Simth - (Daugther of Jenny & PT#9) Joanna Simth - (Daugther of Jenny & PT#9) Twins and also everyone loves each other so much in this family 🥺
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Parker Langerak - (Son of Kaylynn Langerak & Daniel Pleasent) Sorry about your dad... at least your sisters love you very much.
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Tinkerbell Summerdream - (Daugther of Titania & Oberon)
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Elisa Ramirez - (Daughter of Checo & Lisa)
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Vincent Goth - (Son of Cassandra & Don) Easton Goth - (Son of Cassandra & Don) Twins, hate each other since birth for some reason.
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Florent Delarosa - (Son of Florence & Gilbert)
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Debbie Dreamer - (Daugther of Darren & Darleen) Lol Dirk getting a genie lamp and wishing for his mum back and then using the rest for money was pretty much the reason Darren's engagement got called off. (Well Darren got kissed by Darleen in front of Cassandra but I like to think getting back the things they once had was what made Darren think twice about the engagement).
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Dedric McGreggor - (Son of Leon & Ivy(Adult Townie)) Donald McGreggor - (Son of Leon & Ivy(Adult Townie)) Twins
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Corbin Jocque - (Son of Marcel & Sophia) Gabe Jocque - (Son of Marcel & Sophia) Twins
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Reed Tinker - (Son of Stephen & Wanda) Celesta Tinker - (Daughter of Stephen & Wanda) Rhythm Tinker - (Daugther of Stephen & Wanda) Lyric Tinker - (Son of Stephen & Wanda) Quads, yes they have musical names. Really proud of that part lol.
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Bobby Broke - (Son of Brandi & Skip) Yea, Bobby is my version of the unborn baby. His also around the same age as the kids I shared here. So you can get an idea of how much of a baby boom I got in this save.
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sundaeserenade · 2 years
I’ve been trying to figure out how to word this that doesn’t sound potentially insane for a stranger to say someone but regardless! I’ve been so much happier since following you I feel. I turn 25 in 2 months and for some reason I’ve just felt so like weird and upset bc I’ve been thinking things like “am I too old for this?” And feeling genuine shame especially bc like pokemon is really precious to me which is weird bc it’s been with me my whole life. you’ve just brought a sense of like happiness and comfort that I can just exist with the things that make me happy and it doesn’t diminish anything I’m doing in my life as an adult! Im really glad I found you on ao3 last year. Your works have been something I hold dear to me!!!! Im really sorry for rambling and if this was really fucking weird I didn’t mean for it to be.
I don't think this is a weird thing to say at all! I think this is something everyone thinks at some point but honestly? You're not LMAO
And you essentially answered this question yourself. You've been with pokemon since you were a child, of course it's important to you. Playing the game or any game or ANY MEDIA during your formative years sticks with you. It teaches you about yourself about things you like and don't like. It starts that process of critical thinking and media consumption even if you didn't realize it at the time.
There's nothing wrong with that. Like pokemon is marketed toward adults, too. There's championships for pokemon. For adults. There's rap showcases about pokemon. There's meetups and contests and zines and everything. You're not alone in still loving pokémon and you shouldn't feel ashamed for continuing to enjoy something you loved as a kid.
I get that I'm older than you, but when I was a kid, fandom WOULDN'T EXIST without those 30, 40, and 50 year olds who created content and organized events and held the fandoms together. They would archive and back up fic. They'd exchange emails and chronicle things like??? And it was because of those adults that we have sites like AO3 now.
If those people hadn't helped the fandom grow, I never would've started writing. It's because of old adults that I got inspired and tried. all these people, no matter their age, enjoy this show or game or whatever and that's what fandom is. That's what it's about.
Can you imagine if fandom was like…all kids??? There would be nothing here. There would be nothing. Like maybe something every once in a while but like?? Who would make and sell merch? Who would do commissions??? Who would organize zines like?? Adults are integral. So don't feel ashamed. Be happy. Like life is too fucking short. If you're not hurting anyone, then go off I say. People can enjoy whatever they want. Like fantasy football or marvel and DC. WHATEVER!!
be an adult and enjoy fandom and be glad, because now you have money to buy all that merch 😎
I'm glad i could help you feel better about this, but please don't be ashamed. thank you for reading my stuff and holding it dear. that's very sweet, and I appreciate that very much 💕thank you for telling me.
like im not ashamed to say that i'm probably gonna be here till i'm 50 but then i may like dip into something else idk. if i live that long LMFAO i have no concept of time???
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Call me Ky (rhymes with eye)
I'm 22 & a libra
I'm a WOC
I'm sadly a working girly
I'm not straight (I don't have a gender preference)
I use she/her pronouns
I'm pretty introverted & shy
I suffer from depression & anxiety
I've had a tumblr since middle school
This is my 1st time being interactive with others on this app so please be sweet
I literally made this as like a low-key rant diary/Void to scream my interests & thoughts because life,years of trauma,& damn near crippling anxiety has fucked up my social skills & I just need an outlet. I don't expect I guess anyone to respond to this. I just don't want to continue being alone with my feelings & I think this could be a place to start. If anyone does respond to this you're welcome to comment (within reason & with kindness I beg of you),but be warned I'm super shy/anxious & will shy away from responding to messages (think of me as a scared stray & don't shake your pet food can at me too intently). I just want to get all my jitters/hyperfixations/Madness/general feelings & ickiness out. Also just an FYI dni if you're a minor/uncomfortable or triggered of talks of abuse & mental illness/a bigot of any kind/sex stuff (I'm not gonna go on about my nonexistent intimate life don't worry. I don't even really talk about sex like that I just have an interest in femdom stuff from time to time (me being the dom) & I think the psychology of it is interesting as well as the dynamic).
Ok now for the fun stuff
My interests (off the top of my head) include:
*horror/action/sci-fi/thriller/animated movies from my childhood & "some" of the new stuff
I like most MCU & DCEU movies (I owned a tumblr in the mid to late 2010s I'm practically a veteran. But I will say I have more nostalgia for the older mcu movies,but I kind of fell off in the past few years of fond remembrance outside of fandom for it as a whole. I actually really enjoy most of the new stuff (all of the shows except fatws/some of the 1st season of loki)
My favs include
Studio ghibli (I didn't watch a single movie till the age of 19) specifically Howl's moving castle/Spirited away/princess mononoke/kiki's delivery service/arriety/the cat returns. These movies fill with legit smiles & warmth
All the john wick movies (mf Keanu Reeves)
All of the evil dead movies
The lost boys
Scream 1/2/4/6
The old bratz/Monster high/barbie movies (barbie specifically from the vhs-to before the 2010s)
Jennifer's body
Bride of chucky/seed of chucky/Cult of chucky
The 1st 2 bill & Ted movies
The Matrix/the matrix reloaded
Mad max fury road
Sucker punch
Isle of the dogs
Train to busan
All of the mha movies
Teenage mutant ninja turtles mutant mayhem
Thor the dark world
Black panther
The amazing Spiderman
Into the spider-verse
Across the spider-verse
Black panther wakanda forever
Saw 1/2/3/x
Ginger snaps
Kill bill 1/2
Battle royale
Death proof
Moulin rouge
The hunger games
Bullet train
Obviously old childhood movies from Disney/pixar/DreamWorks & just really almost any kids movie that came out when I was young
*literally anything but country (no offense to people who like country music. Off the top of my head I listen to rock/pop/metal/kpop & jpop occasionally/hyperpop/50s,60s,70s,80s,90,& early 2000s music/rap/hip hop/some anime music/some game soundtracks (especially Bayonetta/dmc)
Video Games
*I usually stick to horror/action with the occasional comfy games
Games that I have played (played/finished & or played/haven't finished) include:
Dmc 1/2/3/5
Bayonetta 1/2/3
Horizon forbidden west
Horizon zero dawn
The last of us & dlc
The last of us part 2
Ghost of tsushima
The quarry
Resident evil 4/5/6/7 & the Resident evil 3 remake
Animal crossing new horizons
Stardew valley
Sunset overdrive
Astral chain
Cult of the lamb
Spiderman (I haven't played the new one yet yes I know it's amazing & yes I will be playing it once I get a ps5)
The tomb raider reboot trilogy
The arkhamverse batman games
Old ds games from my childhood (my littlest pet shop/mario/hello kitty big city dreams/some of the Mario & Sonic Olympic games/cooking mama/monster high/a few bratz games)
A decent amount of mortal kombat/tekken/street fighter & 1 doa game when I was a kid
There's definitely more I just can't think off anything else
I'm not really a first person shooter game person & really don't like 1st person pov in games. I don't know why I just don't care for the perspective.
*The walking dead (I fell off on season 7 I think)
Old law & order svu/criminal minds reruns
Bob's burgers
Invader zim
Blue eyed samurai
Live action one piece
Owl house
The imperfects
Voltron legendary defenders (I was very late to the party but I remember chaos)
She-ra princesses of power
The legend of korra
Adventure time
Santa Clarita's diet
The boys
Gen v
Castlevania nocturne
The legend of vox machina
Supernatural (preferably season 1-9)
The umbrella academy
Lovecraft country
Moon knight
Alice in borderland
Sweet home
All if us are dead
Squid game
Ms. Marvel
Infinity train
Burn notice
Abbott elementary
Modern family
The Simpsons
Old nick/cartoon network/Disney cartoons
[Can I say teen wolf even though I only watched 1 episode but I know the lore from fan-fiction/tumblr/clips from YouTube from my preteen years]
I obviously watch more things but like I said off the top of my head
Anime (yes this is a separate section from movies/shows)
*Black butler
Naruto/Bleach/haikyuu/sailor moon/one piece/Inuyasha (I'm on the 1st seasons & won't finish anytime soon but I do enjoy them
Assassination classroom
Tokyo ghoul
Demon slayer
The apothecary diaries
Kamisama kiss
My hero academia
Soul eater
Fire force
Spy x family
Attack on titan (I remember when the 1st season came out & watching it in the 7th grade I believe & got bored waiting for the next season. I did like it though & it was my first anime I watched & will probably catch up at some point)
Jujutsu kaisen
The ancient magus bride
Yona of the dawn
Maid sama
Angels of death
Death note
Trigun stampede
Devil may cry
Tokyo ghoul re
Tokyo revengers
The God of high school
Akudama drive
Helsing ultimate
Seraph of the end
Toilet bound hanako-kun
The boondocks
Life lessons with uramichi oniisan
That time I got reincarnated as a slime
Fruits basket
Chainsaw man
Bed & breakfast for spirits
Kill la kill
Black lagoon
The promised neverland
Madoka magica (1st anime I watched by myself not what I expected by a long shot,but still enjoyed)
Little witch academia
Kakegurui twin
Ouran high school host club
Komi can't communicate
Bungou stray dogs
* maze runner
Hunger games
Anything by edgar allan poe
I just recently got back into reading recently & I have a fuckton of books to start reading.
I flit from fandom to fandom,even returning to old ones. Anything that catches my interest & becomes my new hyperfixation. I usually juggle between a few at a time. Usually games/movies/anime. Also obviously I read fanfic on tumblr (duh).
Final notes: I like history/mythology/polytheism/writing/media/cooking/baking/winter/nature/animals & I'm a dog mom. His name is anubis & he's a dalmatian.
That's about all I can think of as of now
I have to deal with enough nonsense,bullshit,& all around dumb shit irl keep it off my blog & away from me please & thank you.
Goodbye I love you *smooches* ♡
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ladyvesuvia · 3 years
soo after the rollercoaster that our gossiping was (I loved it so much askdjdj) may I request a 🍸 with, say, James Potter? My name is Clara, I'm a straight girl (she/her), ENFP & libra if that's useful. i'm p short (5'3") with curly, dirty blond hair and blue eyes + glasses that I hate so I'll wear contacts until my last breath. I'm energetic, outgoing and adventurous. I'm often the one who tells others to 'cheer up' and 'live a little' and 'come on let's try this it'll be fun' because my optimism is unshakable (I get kinda overwhelming at times :( Though I also have a softer, reserved side who's a total romantic and a softie too. my hobbies include traveling, writing, reading, playing the piano & videogames! also love stargazing and am obsessed with the sky, space, and aviation. i have two left feet and can't cook at all tho 😔 also I'm really into rock music and vintage stuff esp vintage clothes from the 40s/50s. hope this is enough and thank you so much! 💜
PLS ME TOO it’s now a core memory 😌 also have i told u how pretty u are omfg- i’m so glad we’re almost the same height *convulses*
james is a brat. that’s a fact and we all know it. now, i’m not sure how much you play the piano but for the sake of this one i’m gonna go with this.
when you were eight, you attended a recital and james, who was nine during that moment, happened to be out with his parents and he got distracted by something . . . playing from the distance. by the time he made it near, he pushed the heavy door open to find you at the low stage, focused on playing:
bewitched, he walked down the stairs, his eyes fixed on you and all. his parents were terrified, ready to use the summoning charm on him when he was just listening to a girl his age play something so captivating. somehow, he made it to the middle row and so he took a seat.
you still wore glasses around that time and james personally thought it was pretty cool seeing someone with “muggle goggles.” he knew what they were called but he just preferred calling it that way. it wasn’t until the door swung open again to reveal mr. fleamont potter calling back his son did james snap out of his daze. for one second, you risked a glance over to the boy walking away only to look back again to what you were playing, glad that you managed to keep on going.
james never forgot that very tune. in fact, he’d even hum it unintelligibly everywhere. and when i say everywhere, i mean EVERYWHERE. so when he was about to doze off in the great hall on his first day as a second year student, he was only lazily watching the sorting when you got up and he was like wait a minute…
PLS THE WAY HE JUST SAT THERE RIGID AF as he waited for u to be sorted but u were a hatstall. you were like pfft i’ll probably get sorted to ravenclaw but nope u were sorted to gryffindor. you didn’t have classes together because ofc you were one year below him. the only times you saw each other would be when you were sitting alone after your new friends have gone back into the room and you had sheet music all over because you were trying to get it in your muscle memory and stuff like that.
the first time that you talked was next year when he awkwardly asked you if you wanted to go to hogsmeade with him and you’re like “oh, i wish i could but i’m a second year.” but then he told you to take this paper. ofc the marauders map wasn’t made till 1974 or 1975 but let’s just say it was kinda some beta testing and he’s like “you get to try it first. now you take this route” bleh bleh you were confused why this guy was helping you get to hogsmeade but you wanted to check out hogsmeade so you went.
so yeah that was when you two finally became friends :))
— before you started becoming close with him, he liked to tease you and your glasses and he even tried wearing it himself and he’s like “how can you even see” HAHZHSHAA so when you came back on your fourth year and james was in his fifth, he was like “where’s clara we’re matching now” but then he sees you not wearing them and ofc he’s like sheeeesh but also “wait we were supposed to be matching why are you suddenly seeing clearly” SIR SHE’S WEARING CONTACTS
— when someone tries on his glasses he gets mf annoyed cos of the fingerprints and he tries to use spells and stuff but you just give him the small thing u use to wipe glasses with and he keeps it like omfg yay
— i also like to think that he once looked through your music sheets and he’s like “nutcracker?” and you just go like “oh, yeah, i like to think i’m clara sometimes.” “but you are clara.” “no, no, i mean the main character in the nutcracker.” and you launch into this storytelling about what the nutcracker is and HE LISTENS SO INTENSELY AND EVEN ASKS QUESTIONS
— it wasn’t until summer when he turned seventeen and got his apparition license did he tell you that he had a crush on you since that one recital just so he could suddenly poof.
— you didn’t see him until, like, the departure to hogwarts. on the hogwarts express, you confronted him and told him he should’ve told you sooner because you’d been crushing on him since he sneaked you to hogsmeade and BOI HE WAS SO MF HAPPY
— so when you two finally started dating, you two often went on spontaneous adventures. he loves how adventurous and crafty you are. imagine just him thinking “wanna go to ness point?” and you’d be all “why ask? ‘course i do.”
— AND THE COMPLIMENTS. he always tells you he likes your vintage dresses despite teasing you back then for it. “that’s so thirty years ago.” HAHAHAHA naur but he loves them on you and he even finds you clothes he thinks you’d like omfg this man would be absolutely head over heels for you. he’d go to sleep and think “well, nine year old james, you did it, deer.”
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Nightmare AU Part 22
(this part is a flashback of how they meet Hester the photo marksmen)
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Luna the moon demon:"Everyone watch out! Who are you? What do you want?!"
Le souris bonbon neige:"I don't think he is the official guide for this world!"
Selena the trophy ice skater:"Pal watch it, don't touch me!"
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Amstran the moon dancer:"I don't care who you are but if you are looking for trouble, you just got one!
Moon on fire:"Bring it, smart ass... You are just an acting foul that will die like one!"
Le souris bonbon neige:"Not even 2 minutes in this world and we already have problems, good job..."
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Sky Coeur the detective:"I can tell he means business, everyone get down!"
Selena the trophy ice skater:"What is happening? Gun fire from where, who is shotting at us?
Luna the moon demon:"We have to move to safe place now, before things get worst."
Hester the photo marksmen:"Fear not, good people, i just arrived... Leave them alone Moon on fire, you are not welcome here! Go back to your cave!That is not how you treat a lady! Go and learn some manieres Moon on fire!"
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Selena the trophy ice skater:"This was a close one, so, that moon man is one of the enemies and you are the good one?"
Luna the moon demon:"Great, it's you...How depressing to see you here and like this?"
Hester the photo marksmen:"I just save you all a moment ago! That makes me the good guy!Oh, come on Luna the moon demon is that how you treat the hero? I just save you, unless you really enjoy being a damsel in distress!"
Faith the head rabbit:"What are you doing here, Hester the photo marksmen? We haven't seen you for 50 years..."
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Amstran the moon dancer:"Who is this tall man?"
Luna the moon demon:"Everyone this is Hester the photo marksmen, we know each other since years ago..."
Hester the photo marksmen:"Hello everyone, I'm her ex boyfriend!"
Luna the moon demon:"No your not, you still are the old creepy man!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"We had a date once, 50 years ago!"
Luna the moon demon:"The only one date and i decline it, Hester the photo marksmen!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"Come on Lunica, i know you love me!"
This is a flashback it is before they go into the castle, and Le souris bonbon neige saw his big brother doing the move... later he will use it against the guardian... Gosh, it took me ages to make this, lmaf!
Bonus: Weapons
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Part 1 till part 21->
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If you don’t mind me requesting another can I please request 8. “I don't do dates, but I could”. and 50. “She's my girl”. “I'm what?” for Riz ❤️ with fluff? I went back and forth between him and Bishop in my last one lol. Thank you so much 💕
Author comment: English is not my first language, sorry for grammar mistakes!
The ring above the door make you go out of your own thoughts. Your eyes rise to the man walking next to you. A warm smile is drawn in your lips as the distance become shorter. Getting up of your chair, leaving your task in the background, you hug him. Riz is one of your favourite clients, you tattooed him five times since you came to Santo Padre. He's also a good friend.
“Stockton Charter is coming tonight and we're having a party”. He says after giving you a kiss on your temple. “You could come and join us”.
“Really? Sounds good! But I'm not sure, I've to work tomorrow”.
“C'mon! One beer. Then, I promise I'll take you home”. He insists putting some distance between both. He keeps your gaze challenging.
After some seconds, you finally nod rolling your eyes. You can't say ‘no’ to him. “Ok! Fine! One beer! Keep your promise, big guy”.
He jokes trying to bite the finger you're using to point him. Then, you decided to push him into the limit.
“Is that some kind of date?” You ask, with your hands supported on your desk, before he goes out of your studio.
“I don't do dates, but I could”. He winks, making you draw a goofy smile.
You can see him through the big window, fasten the helmet before star his motorbike to drive away. You know Riz feels something for you, at least, as you do. But Tranq told you he was worried about the difference of fifteen years, like this was a problem to you. It's obvious that it isn't. He's a funny man, kind, thoughtful and makes you laugh. And there was one time when you saw him shoot, that everything you could thought was ‘shit, you can shot me too’.
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
Since you've come to the party, everyone is bothering Riz about his new ‘girlfriend’, even if you're not. Yet. Far away of feel uncomfortable, you only can laugh because of the jokes and the way he has to click his tongue and roll his eyes. But the last one, that makes him snort and grab your hand to find some intimacy, is the one that Angel does telling him that he's gonna try with you, if he doesn't do first. Obviously, the Reyes will don't do anything, but it's a way to push him into you.
“She's my girl!” He yells at him, before closing the door when you two cross it on your way to outside.
“I'm what?”
“I saw you first”. He adds with some kind of anger on his voice.
You know Angel. You know how he ‘works’ and what he does with girls. But he's not your type of man.
“That is what I said to ma' mates when I saw you the first time”. Those words make him stop in the middle of the stairs, one step after you. He turns with a raise eyebrow, and some confusion on his face. “What? It's true!”
He doesn't know what to say, as if he had frozen. Riz gasps trying to find a word in his throat, making you laugh pushing him to continue walking to the picnic table some meters away. Sitting there, in the same bench, but face to face, you wait for something to happen.
“'You don' care 'bout...?” He says finally, but he can't finish the question when you shake your head.
“Age is a number, Riz. Why are you worried?”
“It's because of you. I don' wanna...”
Seems like you're not in the mood to let him talk wasting more time, tangling your fingers in his shirt to push him next to you the enough to press your lips against his. At first, neither of you make a single move, just enjoying the taste of beer in the other. Till he puts his arms around you, reciprocating the kiss that he had wanted to give you for months. Your cheeks get flushed with every inch you're closer to him, sitting on his lap and letting your hands travel up to his neck.
His mouth is driving you crazy, and you know he's not very sane at this point of the night with you on top of him. You wish you were truly alone, feeling observed by the crew who are browsing through the front window, before start to celebrate what's happening between Riz and you. Seems like they were waiting for it too.
“Fuck... It's feel so good”. The man says, letting his lips draw a wet trail over your jaw to your neck, making you some tickles. “I'm sorre' it took me so long, 'amma little idiot”.
“Sometimes, you have to wait for the best things to happen”.
“Are we ‘happening’?
“Are we?” You raise an eyebrow with a funny smile on your lips.
“Please, yes”.
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Caring and Kind
Mando x Reader ( baby Yoda of course!!)
summary: Mando and the reader have known each other for a while when Mando steals back his bounty the reader is by his side to help.
Readers Pov
I could see the fire and hear the fight from outside of my door... what on earth would they be fighting over now? I get up from my chair in the corner with my blaster in my hand. when I look out the window I see Mando fighting the guild and protecting what looks like a child? I quickly decide that I know how I can help I run out my back door and the place the Mandalorians stay hidden...
when I walk in it is dark and dusty but the flames bounce light off the helmets of the Mandalorians. one spots me and stands “ what are you doing here!” he points his blaster and i choose to raise my hands and state my business “ one of your own if fighting the guild he is by himself and it appears to be a losing fight. I figured you may want to help your fellow Mandalorian.” they all stood quickly some giving me nods as if they are grateful for what I have done. the one who held the blaster to me put it down and left with the others while some appeared to stay behind and pack things up.
instead of thinking on it longer you ran after them to your home to pack some of your clothes and things you would need. you lift a floorboard and pull out credits that would last you more than enough for one lifetime. you bag those and grab your clothes, food, necessities, and medical equipment. then you ran to the razorcrest and threw it all on board, you have known mando long enough to know how to get to it and where to set your things. you can hear running footsteps of someone dressed in heavy armor. you turn quickly to see Mando looking at you and holding the child “ are you going to get in and get the child to safety or not?” he looked at you and you looked behind him to see the last person you wanted to. “ hand over the child” and before you could think mando had shot him and closed the hatch. 
he nudged his head towards the cockpit and you followed him. he set the child down and you got a really good look at him. he was green!! not human but definitely something. he was sickly green didn't look too healthy he is small with big ears. he looked cute even when he was sick.
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and you could see why Mando had gone back for him. you weren't a moron to think that fight was over nothing you figured it out quickly when you saw the fight for the child.
you were staring so intently at the child that you had not noticed that you had taken off till you heard the slightly robotic voice “ why are you here?” you looked at the back of his shiny new helmet “ because I could see from my house what was happening and I couldn't let you do it alone. you're welcome for the help.” you looked out the window to see the Mandalorian who pointed his blaster at you salute at mondo. “I need to get one of those. and you shouldn't be here. you just put yourself in a lot of danger.”
you laughed a little “I lived on a planet full of bounty hunters, I was always in danger and I'm not leaving. you're going to need my help with the little one” you could hear the small sigh of you being right.
you looked at the sweet-faced little baby that had caused all this trouble “ do you know what he is, his age or anything?” all you got back was “ he's 50 years old” you had to blink twice. this little baby is 50! well, every species is different. you gently picked up this little baby and he slowly opened his eyes to the biggest brown eyes you have ever seen! you rubbed his little forehead.
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he made a little cooing sound and fell right back asleep in your arms for the rest of this ride.
______________time skip__________________
a few stops on some not so friendly planets for food. and you find you have landed on Sorgan. Mando tells the baby to stay while you two will do a perimeter search of the grounds.
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but after being around them you saw how much the child had bonded to Mando and even to you. if you and Mando left the child had to come with as well it was cute. he was never too far behind from either of you.
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as you and Mando walked you carried the child, Mando is the better fighter and you have better aim. as you walked you found this small welcoming village. they were willing to offer you shelter all they had was a barn. it was more than enough for Mando, The Child, and You.
Mando had gone to do another search around the are and you watched the child. Mando had told you of the time he had eaten a frog whole. you felt gross thinking about how one could swallow a frog whole but remembered he isn't human. you looked at that adorable face when you heard steps outside the barn and grabbed a blaster. You shielded the child with your body when you saw the young widow and her daughter. “we have brought food for your friend we had noticed he didn't eat out there with the others”
you gave her a small smile your body still shielding the child “ thank you that is very kind of you to do that.” she smiled at you and set down the tray. “can i play with him” you look from the widow to the daughter and you gave her another small smile “ sure” you picked the child up out of the crib.
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the baby looked fairly confused but he ran after the young girl. You smiled looking at him being happy to play. Until you’re snapped out of it “ does your friend ever take it off” you shook your head no at her “ it’s his religion, no one has seen his face.” She looked shocked but left.
———————————-time skip—————————-
You watched them train the others to fight, cara fairly nice considered what she used to do.
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You were happy to help but your days of training other were over, you didn’t need to do it anymore you got out of that life.
The villagers got one quick. You knew what an atst could do and you were still worried about what would happen to them.
Days have passed and you and dyn haven’t had a moment to talk but him and omera has been spending lots of time together. You were woman enough to admit you are jealous.
But what really set you off was right before the fight he handed the child to omera and not to you the child squealed and it wasn’t out of glee or happiness. He was scared and his little head was moving around almost like he was looking for you...
You heard steps behind you and it was cara she put her hand on her shoulder “ he will learn” you knew what she was talking about. But you doubted it.
Mando looked at you and seemed to be walking towards you and you walked the other way, you knew it was petty. But you are hurt.
Mando POV
Why was she walking away from me? I wanted to talk to her we haven’t talked much these few weeks and I miss her babbling about her day or her favorite thing then it hit me.... I love her. From the day she got on the crest she and I created a bond that cannot be broken.... I needed her
Reader POV
We all prepared behind the barrier getting ready to fight I held a blaster getting ready for it. When you something shiny running in your direction. You realized it was mando and you all hid and you saw the giant ATST walking towards the trap you have set but it paused and the full blown invasion began. It all zoomed past you as you began to fight. Near the end you were struck by one of the invaders a and it hurt in your mid and you dropped. Everything is bleary and you black out.
Mando POV
I saw her drop and and I raged harder than ever I jumped out of the water and ran and killed who had harmed her. I ran and grabbed her to take her to the medical building they had set up.
I was panicking what would I do if she was gone?how would the kid get along? How would I survive knowing I could’ve done something?
I watched the nurses work on her when I felt a hand on my shoulder it was omera the last woman I wanted to see. It wasn’t her fault it was my own I negelegted the woman I loved.
When they finished working on her I helped move her to the barn we are staying in to rest. The child was brought to us. He immediately moved towards (y/n) I tried to keep him away from her but I ultimately failed. He plopped himself on the floor right next to her and just laid there.
It feels like it’s been forever since she was awake. I miss her, the baby only moved to eat and even then he barely moved. Other than that. I kept taking my helmet off just to look at her with a better view but I knew the moment she woke up it would have to go back on.
Her breathing was steady at least. The child moved almost as if to lay on her chest and I went to move him when I saw her hand twitch and I grabbed my helmet..
Reader POV
I slowly opened my eyes and felt a weight on my chest and looked to see the baby. He gave a squeal of delight, and you chuckled “well hello” your voice rough from lack of use.
You began to look around the room for Dyn. But he was already walking towards you with water in hand. You let out a smile. Then you heard his voice “ how are you feeling? Are you hungry? You’ve been out for about a week.” You were hungry and you felt fine. “ I feel fine, do we have any food?”
He nodded and got up quickly. You’ve never seen him move so fast.
You looked at the baby and he just stared at you with a small smile. And you smiled back.
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You couldn’t imagine a life without this little guy. You could hear Dyn walking back in and you looked up at him. And you could see the baby so happy to see him. And even more happy to see the water and food in his hand.
He handed it to you and you began to devour the food. You were starving, you heard what you thought was a chuckle but shook it off.
When you were done you looked at the baby in your lap and then at Dyn. “ what has happened since I was out?” You could feel him looking at you “ the villagers rebuilt what ever was destroyed. And it’s been silent.” You nodded and looked back at him “ where’s cara?” He looked at you then someone knocked on the door.
You see cara and she doesn’t look to happy. But smiles when she sees you “ you guys cannot stay longer it’s not safe.” Before you asked why she threw a tracking fob on the ground.
It was for the child and you knew that. You sighed looking down at the young child. You knew you would leave soon. “ we will get packed up, thank you cara for everything” you looked at her. You were grateful for her and all her help. And she looked at mando as if to ask if I’m okay.
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Soon after you began to pack. You all loaded onto the cart and the hardest part was the child, he was soo sad to say goodbye to his new found friends
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It hurt your heart as he made a sound as you drove back to the crest. You could see mando lean back and the baby followed suit.
Then you just waited to get back to the crest to keep fighting to see another day... another day to live and fight... a day to keep your small family together.
You thought mando was asleep and you said “ why did I have to fall for a man in a mask. I choose to love him even when many say not too.”
Then you saw his head move “ the masked man loves you too”. You chuckled and moved towards him to rest against him and you felt him freeze then relax and wrap an arm around you.
You were home as along as it was the three of you.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
NSFW 100 : Timothy Latimer (Age Up)
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1. What’s the dirtiest thought you’ve ever had about a total stranger?
I don't think about stranger's who do you think I am...
2. Do you prefer sex at night, in the morning, mid-afternoon, or NOW?
I rather like sex in an afternoon just a lazy cosy afternoon all the work is done but dinners still a while off so just snuggle up and play with each other a while if she'll let me of course.
3. What’s your favourite way to be seduced?
Well I kinda like when y/n smiles and gives my neck little kisses.
4. What’s the dirtiest fantasy you’ve had at work?
Uhh well I always imagine y/n coming to see me and letting me touch her while I'm working.
5. How would you dominate your boss sexually if given the chance?
No thank you.
6. What do you do when you get horny in public?
Run away… or hide until it's not notifiable anymore
7. Have you ever masturbated in a public bathroom?
Maybe… once or twice
8. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve thought about while touching yourself?
My mind wonders when I touch myself I think I finish while thinking about books or dinner or laundry
9. What’s the strangest prop you’ve used to get yourself off?
A pillow… I'm not proud of admitting that. Or of doing it.
10. Do you remember the first time you felt aroused?
I do, it was the first time I was y/n in her low cut dress bent over stripping the other boys beds off, I saw a flash of skin… and that's all I needed.
11. Who gave you your first orgasm?
I did, I was a lonely boy but not I have y/n and she takes such good care of me
12. Do you remember what that first orgasm felt like?
I do not I was just overwhelmed and in a whole other world.
13. Have you ever had sex with someone whose name you never knew?
…. Maybe.
While I was away, in france, durring the war. I maybe have uhhh with a uhhh french girl I met on a street corner.
I hadn't seen y/n in three years! I could barely jerk off! I was getting desperate okay!
14. What’s your favourite thing about a quickie?
The lack of work it's just quick simple and I can be done and asleep in like ten minutes.
15. What the most sexually daring thing you’ve ever done?
I let y/n spank me…
I may have liked it.
16. Have you ever fantasized about fucking one of your teachers?
Nooooo! All my teachers where men! No no no no no! Maybe the matron once. But I just always fantasized about y/n she was the maid after all.
17. Do you ever mentally strip strangers just for kicks?
No, that's a horrible thing to do.
18. And then imagine, in dirty detail, what it would be like to fuck them?
No I would never! I'd blush to much even if I tried.
19. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
No and I do not intend to
20. What inspires you to make the first move?
I always ask, always ask if shes okay with me, with what I'm going to do, I like to make sure I have consent and that she's happy before I even consider. I asked three times before I held y/n's hand for the first time.
21. In your opinion, what does it mean to be good in bed?
To please your partner to bring them joy in a safe and happy way that will make you both happy and content.
22. Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend because you just couldn’t help yourself?
Yes… in france.
I told y/n all about it in a letter because I couldn't keep living with the secret of what I had done and she was heart broken but she understood she knew how far away I was and how hard it was for us apart from each other and that in somewhere like france temptation was everywhere. She didn't blame me and eventually she forgave me and I've promised I'd never do it again and I never ever will.
23. Have you ever pushed the boundaries of fidelity to the brink and then retreated just for the rush?
No, I did that one time and it destroyed me I still shed a tear sometimes remembering what I did and how much it hurt y/n.
24. Do you have a go-to masturbation fantasy?
Y/n very very slowly taking off her dress and sitting on my lap even if I'm lucky to get to see her undergarments before I've cum all over myself.
25. What kind of porn turns you on?
French Post cards… pin ups… y/n.
26. Have you ever had sex with your eyes closed?
I did in france I closed my eyes and imagined my sweet y/n, but never since I like to see her.
27. Have you ever blindfolded or handcuffed your partner?
No… I would never.
28. Does naughty talk get you aroused?
Not really I just start blushing and stuttering and getting overwhelmed.
29. Are you sure about that, my dirty little forest nymph of a sex god?
I- well I uhhh I'm I uhh I don't know about that I just uhh.
30. What’s the dirtiest thing someone’s ever said to you during sex?
"Fuck me already you sexy boy"
That's about my limit and that made me cum
31. Have you ever watched another couple get it on without them knowing?
No! That's horrible I'm not a peeping tom.
32. Have you ever watched another couple have sex with their permission?
No! Who wrote these there disgusting!
33. How would you respond if a couple approached you to be their “third”?
No! Leave me alone you sexual deviants
34. What’s the most flattering thing someone’s said about your naked body?
"Your beyond beautiful my sweet boy"
It still makes me smile and turn red.
35. When’s the last time you had a vivid sex dream?
36. What do you think an orgy would be like?
Awkward and sweaty, overall unpleasant
37. Have you ever propositioned a total stranger?
Yes… in france.
38. What does your ideal one-night stand look like?
A one night stand? I guess just sex and immediately abandonment. But I don't like one night stands I like snuggling with y/n till the sun comes up… or goes down depending when we where having sex.
39. How long does it take you to get yourself off, on average?
About five minutes…
I do not last very long. So I had to get good and foreplay.
40. What’s the weirdest thing that turns you on?
Skin, just a flash of skin and I'm a rock
41. Have you ever had a naughty dream about a close friend or family member?
No… what's wrong with you people?
42. Have you ever woken up humping your pillow?
Yes, many times.
43. When’s the last time you orgasmed in your sleep?
44. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you while hooking up?
I may have… cum too early a few times. And also hit my head on the wall, and I did fall of the bed a few times.
I am not a very compitant lover am I?
45. Do you like touching yourself in front of the people you sleep with?
If she wanted to watch I'm not going to stop her but I'd rather she take over if she wanted of course.
46. What’s the dirtiest text you’ve ever sent or received?
Uuuuhhh her letters! While I was away at war oh my God those letters where so hot they where smoking I used to cum in my pants just reading them, and I still do when I re read them. I won't repeat them it's our little secret.
47. Do you prefer professional or amateur porn?
Uhhh I don't know the difference
48. What’s your favourite blowjob technique?
There are techniques? I last like two minutes with a blowjob so I don't really mind.
49. If you had to pick, would you be a dominatrix or a submissive?
Submissive… I kinda like her being in charge of me it gives her full control.
50. Is there anything you won’t do in bed?
Anything she isn't okay with as much as I blush and stutter about everything Sexual I'm still into alot of stuff I'm a open mind and I'll try anything she wants me to so long as she wants to then I'll give it a try.
51. What’s your dirtiest sexual fantasy?
Y/n… dressed like a pin up.
52. How many people have you slept with?
53. Where’s the weirdest place you’ve had sex?
Under a tree on the school grounds
54. What’s your favourite part of Y/n’s body?
I love everything about her I couldn't possibly choose.
'whispering' her hips
55. Have you ever had anal sex?
No And I won't unless y/n changes her mind
56. If you could choose what Y/n was wearing right now, what would you choose?
Uuuuuughhhh well if she was okay with it I'd like her to wear her little underwear with the corset section and her stockings… maybe even her high heels.
Okay I want her to dress like a pin up in her linguré okay.
57. Where on your body is your favourite place to be touched?
My hips I love when her hands slide across me.
58. If you could have sex anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Our bed it's cosy and I can call asleep after
59. When did you first had sex?
At school one late August night under the cuddle tree.
60. What’s the best sex you’ve ever had?
The day I came home from war I hadn't seen her in so long and I missed her so much, that was the best night of my life.
61. What’s your favourite position?
I like missionary… am I boring?
62. Have you ever been caught having sex?
Not yet.
I hope we never get caught
63. Do you watch porn?
I do not.
64. What kind of porn do you watch?
I do not.
65. How often do you masturbate?
Once every two days I think.
66. Name a sex position you’d like to try?
I'd like to try reverse cowgirl… if y/n was okay with that.
67. Do you prefer to give or receive?
I actually really enjoy giving, it's likely because as amazing as receiving is I don't last very long but giving I can give to her all day long if she'll let me and I think I've learned to like it
68. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
No, but I really really want to!
69. What’s the most sex you’ve had in a day?
Sixteen! A record I am extremely proud of. That was the day I came home.
70. Are you loud or quiet during sex?
I'm… kinda quiet I don't make nosie until I cum then I sound like a banshee
71. Have you ever tried using food during foreplay?
No… that sounds gross.
72. What’s the first thing that sexually attracts you to someone?
Flashes of skin.
73. Would you say you have any fetishes?
Spanking… that's about it
74. When it comes to BDSM, how far have you gone/would go?
I'm content as I am but if y/n wants more then she can have it.
75. What’s your favourite toy?
Rope I like her tieing me up to give me a spanking
76. Do you ever read erotic fiction?
No… but I am interested
77. Have you joined the mile high club?
No I'm not sure I wanna try
78. Do you think you could take off Y/n underwear with no hands?
I don't think I could… but I wouldn't mind trying.
79. Would you say you’re kinky?
No, I don't think so, I get to embarrassed
80. Do you enjoy shower sex?
I do not, everything is way to complicated
81. Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever masturbated?
Under a tree. Or in the trench
82. Do you like to be spanked?
Yes… I do.
83. Have you ever fantasised about someone else during sex?
Yes, when I france I did imagining y/n but I never have since.
84. If y/n caught you masturbating, would you stop or would you finish?
I would stop instantly.
85. Have you ever had an inappropriate crush?
No, everything has been appropriate I think.
86. Have you ever cried or fallen asleep during sex?
I fall asleep fairly often as I get tried and I did cry the night I came home I was so happy it was tears I'd joy durring or session
87. Do you prefer eye contact or not during sex?
I like eye contact
88. Do you like to kiss during sex?
Of course you have to kiss and tell each other how your feeling
89. Do you get tired after sex?
I do.. I get sleepy.
90. How many positions do you think you’ve tried?
Four or five I think.
91. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sex?
Three years
92. How high is your sex drive?
It's not that high medium I would say
93. What’s a surefire way to turn you on?
Drag me to bed I guess
94. Sex with lights on or lights off?
Lights on, I need to see what I'm doing
95. Do you like dirty talk?
Not really
96. Do you prefer one night stands or longer-term sexual partners?
Long term always
97. Do you prefer to be on top or bottom?
Bottom it's more fun
98.Rough or romantic?
Always Romantic
99. Quickie or marathon session?
Marathon! I love marathon sessions
100. What’s the best thing about our sex life?  
It's the fact that… I truly love you y/n, everyday I wake up and look at you and I'm so happy I have you in my life and so happy that you stayed with me though my mistake and thought everything else we've been together though a war and I still adore you, our sex life isn't just for pleasure or for maybe a little one someday, it's a reflection of the love we have and the physical way to express it.
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Hey, you had to do it to ‘em! Here they are starting with the most recent.
“Weird asks that say a lot”
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Coffee mugs because you can use them for everything. Teacups are too small for a proper cuppa.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
Chocolate bars always.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
Bubblegum, which I miss so much. I haven’t had it in over 2 years bc of my braces
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
I didn’t go to public school but all the adults who dealt with me said I was sociable and tried to get everyone to do the group projects but no one listened so I ended up sitting alone reading and quietly doing the project.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Glass BOTTLES make it taste superior.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Pastel boho preppy goth best describes my style.
7. earbuds or headphones?
Earbuds, but only rubber tipped ones. The plastic ones never fit in my ears. Also headphones never cover my whole ear right. :/
8. movies or tv shows?
TV shows keep my attention span better.
9. favorite smell in the summer?
Brewing thunderstorms.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
None. But trampoline if I had to pick.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
Scrambled eggs, peanut butter toast, and some kind of fruit.
12. name of your favorite playlist?
My main one is Things You Love. My one for writing is Queen And Country, and my other two favorites are Summer Songs and A Queen Knows How To Fight A War.
13. lanyard or key ring?
Key ring, lanyards get in the way.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Swedish Fish or Sour Patch Kids.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
OH MAN. To Kill A Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby, Fahrenheit 451, The Grapes Of Wrath, and The Handmaid’s Tale were definitely my top 5 in English class.
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Curled up sideways in an armchair with my legs slung over the arm. Sitting normally sucks.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
Either pair of my black boots, or my pink floral Skechers that I wear to work.
18. ideal weather?
60 degrees, cloudy, windy, with a chance of rain.
19. sleeping position?
On my right side, arms around a fluffy pillow, one leg out straight and the other drawn up with my knee to my chest.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Laptop. I’m trying to exercise my hand and wrist so I don’t tire as quick of notebook writing, though.
21. obsession from childhood?
History, Nancy Drew books, Harry Potter, and ghost stories.
22. role model?
The person I am but don’t think I am.
23. strange habits?
Pulling my shirt collar up over my nose and mouth/putting it in my mouth and chewing on it.
24. favorite crystal?
Amethyst, my birthstone! Close second is blue goldstone. (Have you ever seen it? It looks like the universe. I have a worrystone made of blue goldstone and it’s one of my prized possessions.)
25. first song you remember hearing?
Something from church probably. Outside of church probably one of these: If I Had A Hammer // Peter, Paul and Mary, Puff The Magic Dragon // Peter, Paul and Mary, Scarborough Fair // Simon & Garfunkel, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald // Gordon Lightfoot.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Sit in the shade.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Drink tea, read, and play either Pokemon or Nancy Drew and the Clue Benders Society on my 3DS.
28. five songs to describe you?
The Pines // Roses & Revolutions, I Am Here // Pink, Walk Me Home // Pink, Call Home // Heathers (not the musical), Traveler’s Song // Aviators
29. best way to bond with you?
Talk to me about history, crime, musicals, books, or tv shows
30. places that you find sacred?
Natural swamps. Libraries. Old, overgrown gardens. Anywhere historic. Pine forests at dusk. Anywhere under a clear night sky.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
A plaid shirt, black leggings, and black boots with dark neutral lipstick and a black choker.
32. top five favorite vines?
Fre she vocado, BENTLEY NOOOOO, uhhh I sure hope it does, the one of Lin Manuel-Miranda trying to brainstorm, and this bitch empty YEEt
33. most used phrase in your phone?
Idk how to find this out
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
Idk if this is just a local thing here but WOW ITS NATURESTONE
35. average time you fall asleep?
12-1 nowadays.
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
I can haz cheezburger
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
Depends. Suitcase for things like my laptop that are better protected than in a duffel bag, but duffel bag otherwise because they’re easier to carry.
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Both please
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
My house? We had a safe word when we did math. It was “quokka.” If we got overwhelmed we’d say it and then stop and look at pictures of quokkas.
41. last person you texted?
My friend and coworker.
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
Jacket pockets.
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
Cardigan or hoodie
44. favorite scent for soap?
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Fantasy. It takes me a bit to get into fantasy books usually, but sci-fi is hard to follow and superhero is mostly predictable.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
Fuzzy pants and a t shirt
47. favorite type of cheese?
Muenster, parmesan, or goat cheese
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
“I have no country to fight for. My country is the earth, and I am a citizen of this world.” - Eugene V. Debs
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
A weird local political ad a couple years back.
51. current stresses?
My recent breakup, an overnight shift I work on Wednesday night, and trying to find time to go out to a corn maze with my friend.
52. favorite font?
Baskerville or Georgia.
53. what is the current state of your hands?
Covered in small cuts and scrapes from work, nails picked short, black nail polish mostly peeled off.
54. what did you learn from your first job?
babysitting job: Kids suck never have more than one. Retail job: being on your fee it hardddd
55. favorite fairy tale?
Beauty and the Beast or Rapunzel
56. favorite tradition?
Looking at Halloween decorations
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
Cutting, being manipulated by my dad, and letting other people make me believe I wasn’t good enough (still working on that one)
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Writing, puzzle-solving, singing, and calligraphy
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“Oh shit waddup”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
One of those preppy gothic private school animes with a dark secret lurking around the corner
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
Book: “Ignoring isn’t the same as ignorance. You have to work at it.” - The Handmaid’s Tale. Movie: “It’s not about deserve. It’s about what you believe. And I believe in love.” - Wonder Woman. TV Show: “I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself.” - Doctor Who.
62. seven characters you relate to?
Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Remus Lupin, Richard Gansey III, Blue Sargent, Dean Winchester, Charlie Bradbury.
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Same five that I said describe me.
64. favorite website from your childhood?
Webkinz and the old American Girl site circa 2009.
65. any permanent scars?
One down my chest from heart surgery as a baby, lots from self harm on my arms/legs, some on my left knee from falling as a kid, and one on the back of my right heel from being pecked by a goose at the fair when I was 11.
66. favorite flower(s)?
Sunflowers, roses, and dahlias.
67. good luck charms?
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Ranch anything.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
Jellyfish have no brains and no heart.
70. left or right handed?
I’m third generation left handed!
71. least favorite pattern?
Vertical stripes.
72. worst subject?
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
Wendy’s fries and chocolate frosty.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
7. Usually I just ignore it because I have a “high pain tolerance” (which means I like to put myself through minor pains because I think I deserve it)
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
Age 5. I was trying to blow up an inflatable ball and it came out.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
Neither, both suck equally.
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
Never had a school id so I guess the license
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
Earth tones for me
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
...They are literally the same thing
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
Writing. I absolutely cannot draw.
84. podcasts or talk radio?
Podcasts, talk radio is so obnoxious.
84. barbie or polly pocket?
Barbie. The clothes are easier to take on and off. I used to accidentally rip polly pocket clothes all the time.
85. fairy tales or mythology?
Mythology. I like it because it explains things, it’s creation stories, its origins. Fairy tales are just fantasies or cautionary tales.
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
Rejection, drowning, and clowns.
88. your greatest wish?
To be a semi-successful author and historian.
89. who would you put before everyone else?
My mom.
90. luckiest mistake?
Not succeeding in killing myself!
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
Dim lamps if they have yellow bulbs. I hate white lights. And also fairy lights yes please.
93. nicknames?
Ellie, Ell, Little Lion, Lioness.
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
Tumblr, Spotify, or Instagram.
96. desktop background?
Tumblr media
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
98. favorite historical era?
Revolutionary War-era America or late Victorian England.
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