#like do not bless me with longevity i beg
lunarheslwt · 1 year
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doodle-pops · 5 months
hey there min min, how are ya?...
so there is something that has been stuck in my mind for a while. so if the elves had a human partner who is immortal but still if they die they don't go to the halls of mandos just like the elves,
how do you think the elves would behave?, like are they gonna be super protective or controlling or what?.. especially if the age is the first age and the husband/partner is a feanorian.
Hi hi! I’m doing well, just going with the flow of things. Hope everything is well on your end? ☺️
Onto your question. In this context, I view this as reader having an immortal body but a mortal soul, hence why they experience the same faith as men. However, this can go two ways: knowing about reader’s mortal soul or not knowing for a little more ✨️angst✨️
So if they don’t know about the mortal soul, they would treat reader quite normally given their views on immortality. They would consider reader as an immortal making them essentially tied to this world, so if you died, they would reunite in the halls with you. If they only knew that wasn’t the case. It’s not to say they would be relaxed by the idea and become nonchalant with their level of protection, they would maintain their regular level of protectiveness. Guards at your side when you make trips or even accompany you themselves. Chastising you to be careful like a mother hen. Will still H O V E R.
It’ll be quite hellish if you perish and they end up following, to ask for your whereabouts to learn that you’re not here. They aren’t leaving the Halls until you get released. Aegnor and Andreth 2.0, but Feanorians style.
If they knew, it would be the same treatment if you were a regular mortal lover. At the end of the day, if they lose you, you’re gone for good until the second song. They’re just blessed that you have longevity, so every minute still counts because you could step out into the world and perish. The protectiveness doesn’t change and they’ll beg you to be safe and teach you how to fight. Freaking out over everything, it’s worse if you got sick. Imagine sneezing? They’re in an uproar!
Feanorian: “You’re immortal! You can’t get sick! Don’t you dare die on me!”
Y/N who sneezed from black pepper: –_–
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knightofflames · 1 year
💛+ThanZag for the snippet ask meme? 👀
💛 reunion kiss / relief
(prompt list)
Despite the blessing of eternally flaming feet, the subdued halls of the House of Hades often felt akin to a chill void to Prince Zagreus when the lingering presence of Death had been absent for too long. The cost of Lady Demeter's biting cold was coming due to the mortals of the surface and keeping Gentle Death busier than ever. Oh, how Zagreus longed to feel the embrace of his gentle Death once more.
Years must have passed since Than could even spare the time to visit him during one of his flights to the surface, let alone for them to be able to steal some meaningful time for themselves. Their longevity mattered not when there was precious little to distract him from missing his Than. Zagreus' heart ached, heavy and yearning, each time he emerged from the waters of the Styx and asked Hypnos if his twin had yet returned home, to be told each time the answer was no.
The bell that Zagreus had so desired to hear tolled from the west hall and the sound had the Prince tripping over himself in his efforts to get to the balcony with all haste, leaving a string of hasty apologies to the disturbed shades in his wake.
"Pardon me. Can I just squeeze—? Sorry. 'Scuse me, coming through."
Zagreus dashed into the hall as swift as his god-given feet could carry him only to be unable to take the corner with anything resembling grace. Skiding on the loose surface of the rug - currently displaying a cthonic design - he bounced off of the far wall, barely keeping upright as he stumbled onwards.
"Careful, lad." Achilles' voice rang across the open space, but Zagreus only had eyes for the god at the end of the hallway. He must reach his lover quickly before Thanatos had the chance to teleport away again. Silently he begged the Fates to hold the cutting of their threads for just a little longer so he could have a moment with his beloved.
Heart pounding with love and adrenaline, Zagreus rushed forward with far less finesse than he displayed while cutting his way through the denizens of his father's domain. His voice was tinged with desperation as he cried out, "Than!"
The typically somber counternance of Death broke into a dazzling smile as he turned to see the one who called for him. Thanatos' toes had barely touched down onto the thick pile of the rug commisioned especially for him by the Prince before Life, full of joy and giddy laughter, was in his arms and kissing him. Yes, this was just as things should be.
Warm, eager lips pressed against cool, tender ones, opening up and welcoming in as strong, calloused fingers slid into silk-soft silvery strands. The seconds drifted by as Life and Death indulged in one another, oblivious to all around them until the giggling from nearby shades caused them to part, but remaining close enough to rest their foreheads together.
"Welcome home, Than. I've missed you." Adoring looks were exchanged between golden and mis-matched eyes.
"Glad as I am to be greeted by you, Zag, your display makes it seem as if you were a mortal who feared his spouse gone forever."
"It's been years—"
Thanatos tutted and rolled his eyes. "There is no need to be so dramatic. Barely three months have passed on the surface since I was last here."
"It felt like forever to me." Zagreus proceeded to bestow gentle kisses along the line of his lover's jaw and gave a soft tug to the beautiful hair still wound around his fingers, pulling a groan of want from Than's throat and threatening to drag them both into a scene not fit for accidently prying eyes or ears. "How long do you have?"
"Evidently not enough to satisfy you," Thanatos smiled fondly.
"Then I suppose we better make the most of it." Zagreus' coy grin earned him a chuckle and in a flash of green light the pair were gone, leaving only the impression of wings behind to fade in the air.
@glaivenoct Thank you for the prompt! This was fun :D
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aworldforastage · 2 years
favorite quotes: Governor’s Illness/督主有病 by 杨溯
“十七,人这条命留着不是为了吃喝拉撒的。总会有一个人,能让你豁出命去保护,就算她死了,你也要豁出命去报仇。” "Shiqi, people don't stay alive just to eat and shit. There will always be someone who you will want to protect with your life. Even if she dies, you will want to lay down your life for vengeance."
Chapter 45, Xiahou Lian
“信过一段时日,开过光,也求过签,也请过长生牌位。庙里那些杂七杂八的名目,挨个做了个遍。可是有什么用呢,上天听不见你的祈求,神佛也看不到你的磕头,求不得的,依旧求不得。” "I believed for a while; I got blessings, begged for fortunes, and set up longevity tablets. All those rituals in the temples, I did them all. But what's the use, the heavens can't hear your prayers, and deities can't see your bows. What you can't have, you still can't have."
Chapter 57, Shen Jue
“我身无长物,只有这一条命还值点银子。我把它送给你,你要吗?” "I have nothing, only this life is worth a few silvers. I want to gift it to you, do you want it?"
Chapter 66, Xiahou Lian
“佛爷,求你,罪是我的,报应是我的,罚我,不要罚他。” "Buddha, I beg of you, the sins are mine, the karma is mine, punish me, do not punish him."
Chapter 115 , Shen Jue
夏侯潋打开瓷坛的盖子,夏侯霈残余的骨灰映入眼帘,这是夏侯霈留在这世上最后一抔尘灰。他想起那个与他阔别了八年的女人,她有着潋滟的唇,锋利的眉,像一把刀,刀尖向前,仿佛可以斩碎万物。眼泪无声无息地划过脸颊,落进骨灰坛,那抔尘埃中顿时深了一块儿,像一个经年的疮疤。 Xiahou Lian opens the ceramic jar, and Xiahou Pei's remaining ashes comes into sight. These are the last traces Xiahou Pei has left in the world. He remembers that woman who has already left him eight years ago, her glistening lips, sharp brows, like a sabre, tip pointing forward, seemingly capable of shattering all. Tears silently slide down his cheek, falling into the jar of ashes. That bit of ash immediately darkens, like an aged scar.
Chapter 118
夏侯霈永远是那个模样,好像凭着一把横波,世上所有艰难险阻都会被斩碎成泥。他后来才知道她并非无所不能,她只是有一颗深广的心,她的心可以容纳世间万难,她的刀便可以斩灭万法。 他是夏侯霈的儿子,也必定要拥有和她一样的勇气。
Xialou Pei had always been like that, as if all the difficulties and dangers in the world can be reduced to mud with Hengbo. He only learned later that she wasn't truly invincible. She just had a great heart, and as long as her heart can bear all the difficulties in the world, her saber can cut through all its limitations. He is Xiahou Pei's son; he needs to have her kind of courage.
Chapter 118
“看见你了,少爷。你是我的极乐。” "I saw you, shaoye. You are my Nirvana."
Chapter 124, Xiahou Lian
“我觉得够了。虽然风风雨雨这么走过来,可光咱们俩相遇这一点,就足够我甜一辈子。” "I think it's enough. All though it's been a stormy road getting here, just the two of us meeting is enough sweetness to last me a lifetime"
Chapter 124, Xiahou Lian
“你怎么就不明白呢?你和我们不一样啊,我们这些人,死了就死了,埋骨荒野也没什么。可你不同,你就算死也要躺进金漆玉裹的大棺材,吃供奉受祭拜,热热闹闹的,怎么能和我们一样,死在无名之地,做无名之鬼?” "Why can't you understand? You are not like us! People like us, dying is just dying. It doesn't matter if our remains get lost in the wild. But you are different, even if you die you are going to be lying in a gilded grand coffin, receiving offerings and prayers, like it's a bustling affair. How can you be like us, dying in nameless places to become nameless ghosts?"
Chapter 132, Xiahou Lian
“去吧,”沈玦道,“你生,我去找你。你死,我去陪你。” "Go," Shen Jue says, "If you live, I'll come find you. If you die, I'll go with you."
Chapter 132
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here4theheartbreak · 1 year
That Christmas Vlive! OMG. I remember watching that happen. I felt like Yunho. Just... 👀🍿😬 Woo really thought he was hard done by. But it turned out they all just wanted to spend more time with each other. Fools! 😭 And the way Hongjoong was basically like... 'actually, from what I've seen...' because Yeosang never really advocates for himself unless he's prompted to. Honestly, it was a great thing to see because it really laid out how they resolve the issues and tensions that will, of course, pop up from time to time. It gave me a lot of faith in them and their longevity. 🧡
I would loveeeee to see them acting more! They really are so good at conveying things — usually with just their bodies / mannerisms / facial expressions. I want one of them to get a nice meaty drama role. I want it to be so successful that people are shocked when they discover that an actor they liked is actually an idol. (AKA me with Chani in Sky Castle)
I CANNOT DEAL WITH IT. I've also watched Baby Cloud so much~! The softest part for me is when Ayun accidentally hits San. 😭 Her little 미안해 and his fast but (heart-meltingly) soft 아니요 괜찮아. Like pleaseeeeeee, boy. I can't handle this kind of gentleness. This tender masculinity. Let me breathe for a second. Woosan were SO good with the girls. They really seemed to know how to behave around them and how to adapt to them.
I'm really looking forward to the next part! I can't wait to see Seonghwa get his nails painted and for him to flex his toy knowledge. Also, our SH really ran around for ages, sweating in the sun, just to play with Jaeyul. Heroic. I would have been begging him to sit down in the shade.
Yessssssss. Kids definitely gravitate towards Wooyoung. I think it's 70% his natural energy and 30% the fact that he has a little brother. I think he just understands them, and they know it?? OMG. The way he was talking to Jaiden about their hair?? Too cuteeeeeee. I'm literally seconds away from screaming up at the sky. 🫠
And, for real, they did sooooo well with Lina. She really was so nervous and unsure from the beginning, but they did a great job! Letting her kind of just do stuff without pressure. Encouraging her.
Ohhh! San's Goth jacket is so cool! I really love the holographic one Seonghwa was wearing the other day!
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WE MUST TREASURE PURPLE JONGHO WHILE WE STILL HAVE HIM. I'm kinda glad it's not for too long though. He probably knows he has the healthiest scalp and hair out of all of them and he's saving himself. 😂
They're definitely a group of incredible dualities. Mingi is a killer on the stage and a princess at every other possible opportunity. And, really, I respect the man for wielding that kind of power!
I did see Wooyoung's kiss attempt! It seems like his lips are gravitating towards San these days. 😂 Yunho is always there. Watching. Observing. He's the one true witness to all their fruity shenanigans. My person fave is that Halloween Seongjoong one. The ARE YOU TWO ACTUALLY FLIRTING RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW expression on his face just takes me out every time! 👀🎃 He must have aged so many years by now. His soul must be ten thousand years old.
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I just watched the new 1ND2 ep! The teezers with the gochu ladies?? I can't take this!! Also, Jongho blending in / bonding with women old enough to be his grandmother is a phenomenon that should be studied!!!!
My God, Yunho’s reaction killed me. Tbh the secondhand embarassment from that live, it makes me cringe 😂 I do kinda enjoy watching them get into it though, especially with Wooyoung because he’s so passionate about things, he’ll spend a full hour debating something, cameras be damned. Bless Joong for being able to wrangle control when he goes off on some debate with whichever member. I mean, I understand - I’m the same way; I’ll go off on an hours long debate with someone and get lost in my own world if I’m interested and invested so like - I’m on Wooyoung’s side here, but seeing it from the outside 😅 yikes.
But 100% agree about their longevity. I mean, it’s a group of 8 very different personalities; even if they get along better than most, they’re still bound to have disagreements - especially since they’ve been together since they were teenagers. I did laugh at one interview I’d watched, where they were talking about arguments and both of the rappers were talking about Wooyoung 🤣 - poor guy just starts all sorts of arguments by accident.
And yess, I ultimately got into SHINee bc of seeing Minho on Hwarang and absolutely falling in love with him, I barely remember the other actors 🤣 (Though that one is funny bc my friend had been trying to get me into SHINee for like a year prior to that and I kept declining.) I know half of them did that one k-drama, I still need to watch it, it’s on my list, among the mountain of other stuff of theirs lol.
And YES oh my God, San knew exactly how to make her feel okay and handled the accident so well, my heart might have exploded. Especially when Woo laughed at him and he just grinned about it, like god, guys, please. I agree about Seonghwa! He didn’t get much screen time (Sorry, Hwa, I was okay with that, I was wholly invested in Woosan and the girls 🤣) but I wanna see more of him and how he is with the kids. He was so sweet with Jaeyul even though he very clearly was dying (man why would you wear an outfit like that on a day like that???) lol San shoulda been with the boy from point one, he’s got the energy for him for sure lol - also doing Taekwondo/Karate with him - that was so friggin’ cute, and he knew exactly how to play with him versus Ayun; pushing a little harder, getting that competitive fighting edge up bc that’s what he needed, honestly - top tier parenting skills. I kinda wish they could do something like what they did ages ago with idol groups, the Hello Baby series. I know they have the Baby Cloud/Return of Superman type things now to take the place of that, but I’d love to see Ateez just handed a kid and asked to keep them for x days and make a whole series out of it, I know they’d absolutely do amazing and that kid would be over the moon.
I am so used to making allowances for “meh” behaviors from celebrities I like, coming up with excuses like yeah it’s not great but — insert whatever excuse. It’s so nice to be able to be just like no these guys are great - I would 100% trust them with my kid, wouldn’t be worried about reactions to gender/sexuality - they’re just awesome guys.
I like that jacket! Honestly all their fits. Though I didn’t appreciate waking up this morning and winding up with a pile of screenshots of San in that shirt from yesterday’s performance when I opened my eyes (my fault for going to two first thing when I opened my eyes but that’s not the point here). - Seriously tho - why bother wearing a shirt that closes when it’s gonna be that low cut. And the scarf was doing nothing 😭
Also these days 😭🤣 seems more like “since they met” he’s been gravitating his mouth toward San’s lmao - I was watching one of their older programs last night and had to stop and rewind it because I was so confused when I realized Wooyoung was in San’s blankets when he was supposed to be in a completely different (and more comfortable) space. I swear, it seems like that guy has been attached to San since forever and I’m so soft over it.
Oh my god why is it always Yunho??? I have seen so many compilations of him being the unfortunate third wheel to various pairing’s flirtations and oddities, I just… Man. Someone needs to gift him a whistle to blow whenever two members look like they’re going to do something that’s gonna get them kicked off the air in front of him 😂 (Suddenly remembering Hongjoong’s “Hey this is a bit… this has viewer age limits too” moment when he walked in on Woosan doing whatever the hell cuddling they were doing on Real Now). That face right there though. All I can hear is…
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But also yes! I watched it a little late bc I was out at pride all day, but it was so cute. I knew Wooyoung had those damn chili peppers, the way I started swearing at San for not picking his 😂like man, the one time y’all aren’t attached to the hip is the one time it would’ve saved you.
Jongho blends in with the grandmas because mentally, the poor thing is one. Being with that group has aged him 150 years and he’s now mentally geriatric and needs a nap. The sheer number of times I’m sure he wonders why he didn’t just become a trot singer 🤣.
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sondepoch · 3 years
No Time Left | Xiao x Reader
Xiao + "Lie to me, then."
Xiao closes his eyes, hating how even now, you stroke his knuckles with the pads of your thumbs, hating more that he'll one day never be able to feel this sensation again.
Request a character or a ship and I’ll write an angsty drabble ^^
It’s always been like this.
You, running forward at full speed. Him, desperately chasing behind, watching as you push on further and further away. 
“You’re joking,” he whispers because that’s what this has to be, right? Some sick, twisted joke that can’t be real because if it is—if it is real, then—
If it is real, then Xiao doesn’t know what he’ll do with himself.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, cradling his hands in yours. “But we have time. Baizhu said that I still have two months to live, and I’ll only start to grow weak in the final days. There’s still so much time for us to spend together, so—”
“So much time?” Xiao lets out a broken laugh, turning his eyes towards the midnight sky as if asking Celestia above why this had to happen to him, why this has to happen to you. “For every second you’ve breathed, I’ve lived a hundred years. Two months is nothing,” he spits. “There’s no time left.”
You keep quiet at that.
Xiao closes his eyes, hating how even now, you stroke his knuckles with the pads of your thumbs, knowing that he prefers this physical intimacy to any spoken words. He hates that he, a mighty adeptus, can be read so easily by a human. Hates how he knows he'll miss this same sensation when you’ve been handed to the God of Death in two months.
“I can bring you to Cloud Retainer,” Xiao says, pulling you closer to him. “He has cures that will make you immortal, so—”
“I don’t want that,” you whisper. “I don’t want to cheat death.”
No, of course you don’t. Because ever since Xiao met you, you’ve always refused that kind of assistance, too busy being a stubborn adventurer that declines all help from the magical spirits of Teyvat. You’re the kind of fool who likes to ignore preferential treatment, who purposefully evaded Xiao on your travels so you could experience the real world without the strength of a thousand spears by your side—a brilliant ploy until you ended up backed against a cliffside by enemies, pushed to the brink of death until his golden eyes caught sight of your figure falling to the ground where even then, you refused to whisper his name.
Xiao opens his eyes, and there’s nothing but pain in the twin ambers as they stare at you with longing.
He was fine with you evading him in the past, comfortable with you sprinting away because he knew that eventually, somehow, somewhere, he would find you. There would always be a way to catch up with that godly speed of his, and there was nowhere he couldn’t find you.
But now, you’re going to go to a place he can’t follow.
“Please,” he mumbles, pressing his forehead to yours. “Don’t be stubborn about this. Your pride is nowhere near as important as your life.”
“But my humanity is,” you respond, and when you speak to Xiao in such a voice, strong and confident and determined all in one, the adeptus finds it hard to believe that you’re carrying an illness best known for stealing its host’s strength. “And we promised. When we began this—whatever this is—you promised me that you wouldn’t ask me to give up my humanity to survive. It—it was a contract, Xiao. You can’t go back on that.”
“A contract?” The adeptus laughs a broken laugh, much too bitter and wholly unsweet. “The God of Contracts is dead. My master’s will has no bearing here.”
A long pause.
“He left me, just like you plan to.”
You say nothing.
Your grip is robust as you hold Xiao’s hand, the bones beneath retaining their strength of structure, but now that the adeptus senses the elemental flow within you, he can sense how it moves at a more languid pace. 
The disease is far progressed, he realizes abruptly, suddenly struck with the realization that the two months you proclaimed to have was a gross overestimate. There truly is no time left.
“I love you, Xiao.” You lift a hand to his cheek, and it’s unfair how you stare into his eyes with a gaze so expressive that it seems to capture the whole world within it: Xiao’s whole world, all of it orbiting around the life-filled pupil shining black in the center. “But you deserved to know. Soon, I’ll be gone, and you’ll have to start thinking about—”
“About what?” the man counters, beginning to feel defensive. “I refuse to busy myself with unneeded thoughts while you still walk this land.”
“No, Xiao.” Your lips are pursed and your eyebrows are scrunching up the way they always do when you get frustrated with him, when you’ve made up your mind and you’ve just begun to set on changing his. “You can’t pretend I’m not going to die. It’s—it’s part of life, part of me being human, and I’m not going to let you live a lie in my final months—”
“Why not?” Xiao wants his face to flare with anger, but the way your entire expression abruptly softens tells him that he’s doing a poor job of conveying it. Damn the bloody tears that have begun to stream down his face—and curse them for daring to do so when he’s given them no permission. 
“Listen, I know you aren’t used to death, but—”
“I am used to death,” Xiao snarls, but it makes him look like more of a wounded dog rather than the illuminated beast he is. “Every single person I’ve ever cared about has died on me, but never have they chosen to—”
“I’m not choosing!” you blurt in response, and now you’ve finally begun to look properly angry. “I’m—I’m a human, Xiao, and I belong to a human world. I know you love me, but I won’t be me if I let you give me an adeptal cure.”
And that’s the awful truth of it, isn’t it?
Xiao fell in love with someone he knew would leave him. It would have been too kind if he fell for another immortal, or even a human who could be tempted to obtain the same longevity Xiao has; of course, something in him made him fall in love with you, one of the only humans in the world who was destined to die.
“Please,” he whimpers. Pathetic isn’t it? A distinguished adeptus, slayer of thousands of demons, begging at the feet of a human. “Please let me take you to a healer. You can live. We can live. I just—I just want—”
“I can’t.” Your kiss is featherlight against Xiao’s forehead. “I don’t want to be immortal, Xiao, and—”
“You don’t have to be immortal,” he croaks. “Just not mortal. Just live long enough for me to love you some more. I just want to—”
“No, Xiao. I want to die a human. Deep down inside, I think you want that, too.”
“No!” It’s the first time he’s raising his voice at you, but he can’t calm himself down now. “I want you to be alive! That’s what I want!”
And then Xiao sobs. It’s the ugliest sound he’s ever heard, raw and primal and nowhere near as devastating as the pain he feels in his heart, but you don’t move, simply holding him close until he’s just barely trembling with the aftershocks of his misery.
“We have time, Xiao. We still have time to be happy together.”
“There’s no time,” he responds. “No time unless you take a cure.”
“A magic cure?”
“An adeptal cure.”
“I won’t.”
“I can’t, Xiao.”
“I’ve given you my answer. There’s nothing else to say.”
“Lie to me, then.”
And wouldn’t that be so sweet? For him to get to believe, even for a short second, that you might not slip from his fingers?
A troubled look crosses your face, worried and hesitant and pained all at once—and then Xiao can’t help but wonder if this would even be the first lie because you’ve certainly known about this illness for a long time. His mind races back to when you finally stopped avoiding him, calling his name for the first time and claiming a change of mind that had brought you to want to get to know the adeptus who spent so long chasing you whenever you crossed paths, an exchange that took place right on the brink of Liyue’s border, just outside that awful snake-bearing doctor’s hut where he—
Xiao banishes the thought from his mind.
“I won’t lie,” you say, brushing his hair back. “You love me because I don’t lie to you.”
It’s a true statement, but Xiao can’t decide right now if he hates that or loves that about you. Because for all his affections, the weeks he spent watching over you while you stubbornly declined his help and the months he spent chasing you when you ran from him after and the years he then spent thinking about you at the forefront of his mind, he can’t stop you from dying just like everybody else. 
Pathetic. It’s pathetic. 
When Xiao next looks at you, he understands that you were never the mesmerizing blessing he thought you to be. No, you were nothing but a curse, meant to plague his heart now until the end of time as retribution for everything he’s ever done, everything he will do when this cruel world steals his last sliver of happiness away.
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vajranam · 4 years
Five Dakinis Families
All dakinis have extraordinary powers -- the worldly ones and those referred to as wisdom dakinis -- but only the motivation of the latter is completely pure.  The life story of the Mahasiddha, Tilopa (988 - 1069) tells how after he met the dakinis who could manipulate appearances, he encountered the ones embodying the five activities, and then at last, in the heart of the mandala, The Wisdom Dakini, herself.  The Life of Padmasambhava According to Yeshe Tsogyal describes a similar progression. 
Tilopa Meets the Dakinis  
The 4th Chetsang Rinpoche (1770-1862) of the Drikung Kagyu tells how the Bengali brahmin boy, Salyeu, out minding water buffalo, was visited by a "fearsome, ugly woman" who told him to ". . . herd buffalo And read scriptures. There you will find the prophecies of the Dakinis."
With this, she disappeared.
Some time later, while he was reading under a shapa [hat-shaped?] tree, she returned, and asked him to identify himself to her. He gave the appropriate, ordinary information, but she corrected him, saying: 
"Your country is Oddiyana in the North; your father is Chakrasamvara; your mother is Vajrayogini: your brother is Pantsapana [Hind: Panchpana], and I am your sister, Bliss-giver.  If you want to find the true buffalo go to the forest of the bodhi tree.  There the stainless Dakinis hold the ear-whispered teachings."   
He said, "If I go there, the Dakinis will pose obstacles and prevent me from succeeding." She said: "Yogi, you can get the teachings. You have received the predictions And kept the samaya vows."
Realizing she was a Dakini, he said: "The path is dangerous and I do not know how to traverse it." In reply she gave him a crystal ladder, a jeweled bridge, and a coral-handled key, saying: "I give you my blessings; depart without hesitation."
The young man, who would become known as Mahasiddha Tilopa, then crosses the country to reach Oddiyana where, using the magical tools, he negotiates  a poison lake and the "iron wall of Ghandola."   Then, he chooses the correct one of the three gates to the Temple of Ghandola and, using his coral key, he enters.    
First, he meets nirmanakaya "stainless Dakinis Who desire flesh and blood." in their many fearsome forms that make terrible noises and threatening gestures, but he is not afraid.  Frustrated, they fell into a faint, and when they regained their composure, they begged his forgiveness and admitted:
    "We are to you as the butterfly to the lamp; The butterfly hopes to extinguish the lamp, But instead dies in the light. ... , ... ." 
One among them continued:  "I am just an ordinary being, without authority.  If I do not ask our leader's permission to let you in, She will eat my flesh and drink my blood.  Therefore, precious one, do not think unkindly of me."
Then, samboghakaya Loka Karma Dakinis appear, but by making the three threatening ritual gestures, Tilopa overpowers their faculties of body, speech and mind. They suffer the same as the previous group, and their leader, "a  Minister," goes to announce him to the Queen.   When she permits him to enter, he does not even bow but rather assumes a state of meditation, so the host of attending Dakinis get angry, saying:
"She is the blessed one, The mother of the Buddhas of the Three Times.  Let us beat him Who shows no respect."
The Mother intervenes saying that he is ". . .  . The father of the Buddhas of the Three Times.  Even a rain of vajras . . . Could not destroy him. Therefore I will give him the teachings."
She instructs him in prana [breath/energy] and other unrecorded things, but he insists on more, and Tilopa says that he wants " . . . the perfect teaching.  The stainless bliss, the great secret Of the ordinary and the extraordinary."
She then agrees to confer the three wish-fulfilling gems including the self-arising body of co-emergent Wisdom and Means united; the speech that is the 7-syllable self-arising emerald in the Dharmakara, and the 5-pointed vajra jewel of self-arising mind, but only if he can understand the signs.  The host of Dakinis express their doubt that he will be able to understand the signs, but Tilopa responds directly to the Mother, that he has 3 special keys, and that they are:   
1.  The self-liberation key of samaya that grants access to "the light of wisdom which dispels the darkness of ignorance, And to self-awareness, self-arising, ad self-clarity." 
2.  "the key of experience Which opens the door to the mind-as-such, Self-appearing clarity which is ever unborn, . . .  ." and
3. "the key of experience of the realized yogi" that opens the door to "Mind-as-such, Dharma-as-such, and Dharmakaya."
At that the Dakinis rejoice and hold a Ganachakra feast in which they prepare the sindhura (vermillion powder) mandala and further empower him by means of both oral and mental transmissions.  They give him 13 distinct tantras for the future benefit of beings including Tantra of Vajra Dakini, Tantra of Sangwai Zo and Tantra of Vajradhara Self-appearance.  Then they liken him to a bird and, having addressed him as Chakrasamvara and as Prajnabadra, they beg him to remain with them.  
Knowing the future, Tilopa explains that he must return to Tsukgi Norbu (Crest Jewel) Monastery "For the spiritual sons Naropa, Ririkasori and others."  
As he was leaving, a formless Dakini bestowed 9 special objects with instructions to:
1. "loosen the knot of the mind"
2. "act like a sword striking water"
3. "chase the sun of realization" [a lasso?]4. "see samaya in the mirror of your mind" 5. "see that the light of awareness is wisdom"6. "turn the wheel of the channel and wind net" 7. "see the outer mirror equalizing taste" 8. "see the mahamudra [a seal?] of self-liberation" 9. hold "the jewel of great-bliss speech"
And that, according to the Drikung Kagyu, is "how Tilopa as a human being over- powered the Dakinis, and how he received the teachings. "
Consorts of Transcendent Buddhas
Tibetan Buddhism acknowledges, besides the historical Buddha Siddhartha Gautama Shakyamuni (532-486 BCE) other buddhas (awakened ones/fully aware ones) of the past and the future. At the ultimate level of reality there are transcendental buddhas.  These are thought of as five families or categories of buddhas.  
Their female consorts are regarded as "enlightened wisdom" which, paired with the male aspect or "skillful means," give rise to the enlightened compassionate activity of the universe(s).  Hence there are 5 major corresponding dakinis: Padma-Dakini, Buddha-Dakini, Ratna-Dakini, Karma-Dakini, and Vajra-Dakini or Vishva-Dakini (vajra-cross dakini.)
Dakinis of the Five Families
The Padma or lotus dakini is stocky with oily, pink skin.  
She is talkative and lusty. 
She controls gods, demons and men.
With her, the doors to rebirth in lower realms are closed.
Buddha (Sangye) dakini is bluish white.
She is smiling, placid and long-lived.
She confers longevity and rebirth in the dakini paradise.
Ratna or jewel dakini is tall, slim, golden- skinned with white hair.
She sings and dances.
She grants wealth and success in life.
With her the hell realms will be closed. 
The Karma or activity dakini is white and radiant.
She is smiling, respectful, 
trustworthy, and generous.
She grants worldly success and rebirth as a human.
Vajra (Dorje) or thunderbolt dakini is fair, flushed and radiant.
She has special marks such as 5 white moles at her brow.
Compassionate, pure, virtuous and devout, with her there is no falling into any lower realm.
[From John Stevens' Lust for Enlightenment (Shambala 1990)  citing Dowman's Divine Madman.]
or Four  Orders 
The Sanglingma or Life of Padmasambhava According to Yeshe Tsogyal repeatedly makes reference to four orders.
The lowest order of dakini consists of beings who have not fully divorced themselves from the world of existence, samsara.  This worldly kind of dakini is the sort that may behave like Tricksters -- sometimes helpful; at other times, mischief-making. These  dakinis can appear as beautiful fairies or angels, but also as ghouls and demons. 
or Five Sisters
In the life story of Padmasambhava, The 5 Tsering-ma were transformed from evil-doers who could manipulate beings by means of visual and auditory illusions into sworn and bound protectors of the dharma by the Guru.
 From Thinley Norbu's Magic Dance: The Display of the Self-Nature of
the Five Wisdom Dakinis. (Shambhala, 1999):
Five Wisdom Sisters,
If we do not complement you,
You become five witches,
Making us ill and bringing us suffering.
Because we cannot banish you,
Always our fate depends on you.
Five Wisdom Sisters,
If we do complement you,
You become five angels,
Making us healthy and bringing us happiness.
Because we cannot separate from you,
Always our fate depends on you.
Five Wisdom Sisters,
Nothing can be done without depending on your mood.
Farmers cannot grow their crops,
Politicians cannot rule their countries,
Engineers cannot work their machines,
Doctors cannot heal their patients,
Scientists cannot do their research,
Philosophers cannot make their logic,
Artists cannot create their art,
Without depending on your mood.
Five Wisdom Sisters,
Nothing can be known without depending on your grace.
Tibetan lamas cannot chant with cool highland habit,
Indian gurus cannot sing with warm lowland habit,
Japanese roshis cannot sit with dark cushion habit,
Muslim sheikhs cannot dance with bright robed habit,
Jewish rabbis cannot pray with soft-voiced habit
Without depending on your grace.
Five Wisdom Sisters,
Even the most mysterious miracles cannot occur without complementing your purity.
Buddha Shakyamuni cannot rest with tranquil gaze of his lotus eyes underneath the Bodhi tree,
Guru Padmasambhava cannot play magically with countless sky-walking dakinis,
Lord Jesus cannot walk weightlessly across the water,
Prophet Moses cannot see the radiantly burning bush,
Brahmin Saraha-pa cannot straighten arrows, singing wisdom hymns with his arrow-maker girl,
Crazy saint Tilopa cannot eat fish and torture Naropa,
Greatest yogi Milarepa cannot remain in his cave, singing and accepting hardships
Without complementing your purity.
You are so patient.
Whoever wants to stay,
If you don't exist,
Cannot stay.
Whoever wants to go,
If you don't exist,
Cannot go.
Whoever wants to taste or touch,
If you don't exist,
Cannot taste or touch.
Whatever our actions,
You are always supporting
Patiently without complaining.
But we ignorant beings
Are always ungrateful,
Stepping on you,
Calling you Earth.
You are so constant.
Whoever wants to be purified,
If you don't exist,
Cannot be purified.
Whoever wants to quench their thirst,
If you don't exist,
Cannot quench their thirst.
Whoever wants to hear,
If you don't exist,
Cannot hear
Whatever our actions,
You are always flowing
Ceaselessly without complaining.
But we desiring beings
Are always ungrateful,
Splashing you,
Calling you Water.
You are so clear.
Whoever wants to fight,
If you don't exist,
Cannot fight.
Whoever wants to love,
If you don't exist,
Cannot love.
Whoever wants to see,
If you don't exist,
Cannot see.
Whatever our actions,
You are always glowing
Un-obscuredly without complaining.
But we proud beings
Are always ungrateful
Smothering you,
Calling you Fire.
You are so light.
Whoever wants to rise,
If you don't exist,
Cannot rise.
Whoever wants to move,
If you don't exist,
Cannot move.
Whoever wants to smell,
If you don't exist,
Cannot smell.
Whatever our actions,
You are always moving
Weightlessly without complaining.
But we envious beings
Are always ungrateful,
Fanning you,
Calling you Air.
You are so open.
Whoever wants to exist,
If you don't exist,
Cannot exist.
Whoever doesn't want to exist,
If you don't exist,
Cannot cease to exist.
Whoever wants to know phenomena,
If you don't exist,
Cannot know phenomena.
Whatever our actions,
You are always welcoming
Spaciously without complaining.
But we ignorant beings
Are always ungrateful,
Emptying you,
Calling you Space.
You are our undemanding slave,
Tirelessly serving us,
From ordinary beings to sublime beings
To fulfill our worldly wishes.
You are our powerful queen,
Seductively conquering us,
From ordinary beings to sublime beings,
Into desirable qualities.
You are our Wisdom Dakini,
Effortlessly guiding us with your magic dance,
From ordinary beings to sublime beings,
Into desireless qualities.
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sasorikigai · 3 years
It had seemed the child-like deity had taken it upon herself to care for the various warriors of Earthrealm, doing her best to lift their spirits when they needed it. One in particular was her focus, one that had been through a lot of turmoil and heartache before, being familiar with it.
Soft sounds of wind chimes heard as she trotted along, finding the Lin Kuei Grandmaster. Making a beeline for him and quickly depositing a wreath made of sakura blossoms atop his crown when she was closer. A smile forming as she came into Kuai Liang's field of vision, hands folded behind her back.
' A little random I know, but I thought you'd enjoy them right now. '
Gentle voice spoke on the breeze around them both.
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Random Inbox Shenanigans || @swordsxandxshadows || always accepting!
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❄️ || Sub-Zero tastes loneliness, with a brush of emptiness and a dash of frustrated confusion, under which the likes of anyone would be disoriented. After all, these experiences can make anyone crave the long-throes of sinking meditation. Being of this pinnacle age of capricious world can get on anyone’s nerves; even the most steeled and indomitable nerve of Kuai Liang’s. Anger, sadness, tension, territory, growth - all of these are heightened tenfold and yet it is not even his main concern; what his focus rests upon is the maelstrom of emotions involving Bi-Han; he should be sleeping, but his brother still remains in his waking dreams. It’s been there for decades, and counting more, but he is still everywhere. How it becomes distorted melody upon the winter’s embedded wrath, howling and whipping against his frosted flesh. 
The entropy of cacophonous sound that causes his instinct to scream of fleeing, but his heart and soul will never allow such weakness and vulnerability to conquer his being or manifested beyond his steeled, solemn countenance. After all, to gain the mantle of Sub-Zero and reforming the Lin Kuei all over from the ground zero and even the vertigo that curls around his heart as they cry into the void on his universe’s edge, the manifestation of true hopelessness chiseling and clawing through the hard brick of his frozen heart. 
How he tenderly bleeds internally, as his own silence becomes the loudest answer. All Sub-Zero has to do is to resiliently survive and thrive; and remember pain and despair, even when all remains of it is a shadow - not in the mind even, in the flesh. Pain had long marked him, literally and metaphorically, but too deep to see. How they beg to be unleashed; just as Noob Saibot’s all-consuming, voracious tenebrous darkness. Lest his own grief of losing his brother to the inevitable corruption and descension becomes an inconsolable specter of solitude, a shadow that constantly reminds him, “There is no turning back,” but it is also an elusive knowledge speaking, “It’s going to be okay.” 
Amidst the throes of his suffering, tearing rivers of tears leading nowhere as the gelid harshness of Lin Kuei Forest entombs him further, a mitigating zephyr cuts through the lurching harshness that continue to burden him as the pale flesh of his barely ebbs and flows, with near-absent heartbeats. Kazane must have penetrated through his being, sensing even a few glimpses of devastation. As most mortals do, Sub-Zero still struggles with his own trials and tribulations, but he is not a normal mortal; with Edenian blood coursing through him, and blessed with regality and longevity, his heightened perception catches the Goddess even before the saccharine fragrance of sakura - uninhabited in Arctika, it must be from the Fire Gardens - permeates the thick petrichor and evergreen warmth. 
“We all could use a bit of serendipity to reward our valiant efforts,” while Kuai Liang had taken a great care of himself by carefully shutting himself away, Kazane remains a handful of warriors in defense of Earthrealm as they have vowed to protect and guard it with their life. Even when the sunken dreams and hopes now home for what if’s and regrets, the deeper he goes, the colder he gets - but strong currents of brutal reality will no longer drown him. He will slowly ascend, freeze over and conquer its vastness, as his ancient wounds become fuel for his cryomancy. “Blossomed sakura always remind me of new life, and new hope; for thousand tomorrows. They are exquisite and beautiful in its hue and contained meanings. Also, it reminds me of the tragedy of letting go, for their ephemerality speaks to me in so many ways. I offer you the sincerest gratitude of taking me into your consideration.” His hands fold, as he bows into his zazen position. ❄️ ||
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If I'm forced to guess what I did wrong to you while you ignore me, it shows me you don't value communication or conflict resolution. I respect that I and those around me value different things on different levels. However, I refuse to beg for friendship. I will grow past it. Failure to communicate and resolve problems like a mature adult is a hard no for me. I was forced as a child to endure the silent treatment and be treated like I was beneath everyone else. That is not a pattern I wish to bring into my growth as an adult. Peace and blessings, but I'm good luv. I meditated on this for a long moment. Especially considering that in the moments that I was ‘disrespected’ by anyone else, I was heinously pushed to block all forms of communication with the individual no matter how much I cared or how much I ventured into their growth. I would be a fool to sit around and wait for communication on a topic someone has already spoke so highly about being on one side of the fence about.  I have always been willing to take accountability and to consider all perspectives because I value friendship more than petty beefs and being the “right one”, but as time has pressed on and I’ve made countless efforts to communicate, I recognize that trying to solve problems with someone who doesn’t really care about you is just bringing more trauma onto yourself. If there was nothing else that friendship taught me, it’s how easy it is to hit the block button when you’re unsure. So now that I’m sure, I feel much more confident in this decision because if I didn’t, I would’ve deliberated heavier. Seeing the harm that this friendship does to both of us, makes me aware of what you were trying to tell me about toxic energies. As I’ve dwelled into shadow work, and seeing the parallels, I understand that insecurity when paired with more insecurity breeds paranoia and resentment that could be avoided by being around positive influences. 
I know you have positive influences in your life, so you don’t need me. I know the last time we fought, you said the same thing about me. How I wasn’t ‘crying’ when you snuffed me for my mistakes, but I was crushed. Now, I’m not so crushed. I spent so much time apologizing and making amends with good people who cared even when it wasn’t beneficial to them. 
This is a good bye. Much like having to let go of my first love, I feel like this was hard for me because I valued to quality of longevity over anything else for so long. Now that I’ve realigned my values and morals, I suppose things have changed. I care more to be respected and to be met with kindness, that I don’t have room in my heart to be burdened by the shadow of resentment. 
Sorry I even made the effort, but I won’t do it again. 
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kikifeliz · 4 years
THE WEEK AHEAD: March 15 - March 21, 2021
By Kiki Feliz
♈️♌️♐️ Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
The end of a life cycle approaches or has recently occurred for you, fire signs. The toughest days are over! This may have been in reference to a long-term relationship/situationship (alternatively, the father/mother of your children): in this past situation, communication was horrible and plans were fucked up a million times. You, however, have emerged victorious! Not only have you seen the light, but you are being blessed with a whole new chapter in your life!
In this new chapter, you’ll be learning how to appropriately provide yourself with all the things that you previously looked to others for. No more fishing for compliments, providers, get rich-quick schemes, or friendships! Providing for yourself is the only thing on your mind at this time.
What does that look like? A lot of hard work, reaching new heights, and taking the ladder one step at a time, for you are carrying precious cargo! However, the results will be beautiful and you will be proud of yourself for what you accomplish.
It may seem like you're looking from the outside in for a small period of time. There are many things you are unaware of, and your lack of knowledge is keeping you from making significant moves this week. This may be in relation to finances, planning a trip, or just planning for the future in general. For many, you seem to be waiting to make a move, and watching the destruction of the world in slow motion, right outside your windows. Whether this is a personalized disaster, or just the ongoing train-wreck that is COVID-19, only you'll be able to say.
Spend some time outdoors this week if you can, fire signs! There is very heavy "fish" energy here, so that may mean you spend time fishing, being near the ocean, swimming, or going out with a Pisces (or other water sign). What can this experience teach you? A lot! You'll be surprised, I bet! (This could also be related to spending time with someone you work with, or with someone who may work in the same industry as you, or go to your same school).
If you find yourself around someone, they may be relatively new to you (or you may already know them & just not have seen/connected with them for a while — meaning that you could know them already, but not very well).
There is definitely a possibility here that you could get caught up in a fantasy or an illusion with regards to this person. You often catch yourself wondering “what does it all mean?!???!” -- I BEG YOU, please DO NOT do this. You always get in your head and in your own way about these things, and that mentality is what got you in trouble last time!
The ways of the past are not your friend here: this is a NEW CHAPTER, which means that it’s time to leave your old ideas of “what love/life *should* look like” behind in the dirt. That shit is no good. What you have coming for you is SO much better, I promise!
This person who ushers you into this new chapter of life might be slightly younger than you, but if they are not, things will definitely feel very good and friendly between the two of you! A feeling of innocence stands out to me here. You may keep things casual with them, perhaps grab a coffee or tea with this person, and potentially find that you both have a shared passion that drives you forward! This person may have a lot of money, authority/power, or they may be very rigid with their time/scheduling. They may be very stable or they might be looking to be a provider in the financial sense. They will also be seeking commitment from a romantic partner, so be on the lookout for that energy. 
Don’t let your own fears keep you mentally trapped! You are worthy, you are beautiful, and you are NOT seeing yourself the way others see you! The way others see you is much more positively than you see yourself. Fear will only hold you back.
This friendship has a strong foundation, but it will take a while for things to come to a head (sexually, especially). That’s fine; taking things slowly is the best approach this, and you’ll be grateful that you didn’t rush into anything. When you rush, you can often end up using defensive & self-sabotaging maneuvers, and that energy would not be good here.
This partnership has long-term potential. Even if you don’t end up committing romantically in the short term, there is longevity in mind here. Be patient, for learning how to blend your interests and how to compromise will be necessary.
You’re being invited to start anew, so confidence and positivity are the keys to your success! But know that this relationship, like all good things, will take work and consistency on your part. We can’t always rely on others to do the work for us; sometimes we need a partner who can help us strengthen our skills (remember, I said you may share work, school, or an industry with this person).
Take it slowly, this will be for the best. Try to defend yourself against temptation, no matter how long it’s been since you’ve been physical! Even if you want to have sex or give into temptation, it will be best to hold back for now. You need to be secure (whatever that may mean to you) before you take that step. You are a treasure worth waiting for, and this person should be willing to do whatever it takes (including wait) in order for you to feel the security you need to feel before you guys start doing the dirty things that you want to do!
Your main objective is to seek balance with this new chapter. Water always seeks its own level! You’ve spent a lot of energy building yourself back up, becoming a person of spiritual strength. There isn’t a single person in the world worth throwing that away for! I definitely see a lot of forward movement here for you — regaining control over the direction of your chariot, and riding toward ultimate happiness!
I am getting a sense that some of you may be dealing with someone who is quite the opposite from you, meaning there may be a big difference in the way you both see the world. This could be related to an age difference, political differences, or it might be an interracial relationship. Wells run deep, and there is a lot to be discussed if this is the case, since this really could end up as a marriage or long-term creative partnership.
Don’t be afraid to discuss issues of social justice before growing attached to this person! Know what your worth and your values are; don’t settle for anything less than what you believe in! You know what you believe, so stand strong and defend those values, and don’t allow anyone to push you on the issues you feel strongly about.
This person may not be very politically engaged, in general. Show them just how much the political sphere affects your daily life; it will end positively! But be prepared to move intentionally on this front, because overwhelming people with politics absolutely never works and they may just think you are overbearing.
Remember — you’re taking things slowly, so you have plenty of time to make your point — just start doing it right from the beginning, a little bit at a time. Eventually you two will climb the mountain together and see things from a higher perspective.
That doesn’t mean the journey is over, though. This political circus is a never-ending climb of lifelong activity and involvement! This definitely represents a new beginning and a departure from what you thought love was supposed to look like, and that’s ok!
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balancingthewind · 3 years
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Why do I practice yoga?
Because, as much as my triggers would have me do otherwise, I need to spend time listening to my body. Because, when I don’t, I experience pain physically and mentally. Pain that is avoidable through Yoga.
Yoga is not just a blending of fanciful movements that make you acrobatically strong and flexible. Sure, those can be outcomes if they are your aims, but the heart of the practice is learning how to do the most simple of movements - sitting, standing, walking - with stability and fluidity, a fully embodied person. The Yoga poses you see are only the most superficial layer of the asana practice; what is happening in the unseen, felt sense, is the most profound gift of Yoga.
Not only does the intelligent use of our bodies bring physical alignment and grace, but longevity and health also lie in our abilities to focus our minds acutely on any subject, to quieten the chaos noise of the world and the narrating mind to see any one thing clearly. As we narrow our focus to the subtle workings of our inner bodies, we also strengthen our ability to concentrate without distraction to achieve any goal.
As a person who deals with complex trauma and its companions, dissociation and anxiety, this level of embodiment has clarified my path to mental health. Symptoms like depression and shame tug at my frays, looking for a hole through which to pull me from my body, soothing terror with waking sleep. With one-pointed focus I can feel my feet, check in with my senses, and make my way back to presence. Post-traumatic stress can bring about an overload of stress hormones, throwing my body and mind into a fight/flight/freeze response… to which, I breathe, hush the mental chatter, address the trauma on a physical level, and diffuse it. When looking at everyday, practical self-regulating tools, Yoga provides some that can directly combat both numbing and panic.
Yoga has given me the tools to cope with the past year, too - although at first glance that may be hard to see. To be perfectly honest, I was not one of the lucky ones who remained buoyant, giddily occupied in their homes. The year prior had held some pretty huge losses for me and I was dealing with insecurity on several levels when the pandemic hit, and so I fell back into my familiar coping mechanisms - checking out, smoking cigarettes, and generally not holding myself accountable for how I was treating myself and the ones I loved. On a day-to-day basis, checking in to the senses can prevent absolute neurosis, but once I built a sensitivity to my body’s need to communicate, I felt and now am paying for the long duration of silence.
I also sustained a few injuries in 2019 and 2020, altering my practice as far as removing any pose involving weight-bearing in the hands, and causing mild-to-severe constant pain in my neck and shoulder, so my relationship to my body has changed drastically, and approaching a flow (my typical mode of personal practice) isn’t really possible anymore in the way my mind isn’t able to sink completely into movement and has to stay thinking about how I need to modify the next pose, which made practicing altogether less enjoyable.
I quit teaching when studios shut down right at the beginning, and today, I am teaching my first one back (so long as anyone signs up). I have some nervousness about this, but I’m using some methods I learned in an Alexander Technique workshop to deal with this in the sense of being able to follow through with showing up.
Because that’s really been the issue. Showing up. For the past year, every time I tried to get back to health, it started with a morning Yoga asana practice, and the message at the end of the practice from inside was always, “I can do this.” Eat a good breakfast, great. But then, the day would pass, the inevitable fatigue would set in, and I would end my day with mind numbing activities until I was too tired to keep my eyes open so that I could avoid the real responsibility of acknowledging my day on a physical level, diffusing it, and getting myself to a place where I could sleep. Because I’ll be damned if I’ll ever get up for a 5am Yoga practice if I’ve been up until 1am playing Sims or watching the Great British Bake-Off. Just isn’t happening.
Even being in a yoga teacher training that started the same month as the pandemic hit Kentucky hasn’t stopped me from falling from the path for a little while. Luckily I can still use what I’ve been taught now, but there’s a little shame and remorse in letting yet another opportunity go under-fulfilled.
So yeah. In all honesty, this year has been straining and traumatizing for everyone. From some perspectives, the outlook is pretty fucking dark too. My partner and I are sinking deeper into the Great American Pit of Medical Debt as we speak, and it’s hard not to get angsty just thinking about the fact that so much of the suffering the world endures could be avoided in an alternate but feasible reality.
However, despite this apparent loss of hope, Yoga was still there for me. As someone who will probably always deal with the darkest corners of depression for life, I need a light to counter the darkness, lest it becomes too much to handle. Yoga - not in the sense of poses or breathing, but in the experience of unadulterated union between mind, body, and spirit - is that light. Whether distant, in memory, or present, Yoga is one of those things you “can’t unsee”. To remain in that state requires practice, but if you can’t practice, you at least can know that Yoga is there for you when you’re ready to return.
So, here I am, returning. Letting go of the shame of thinking I need to have had it all together, allowing ME to be good enough while honoring the responsibility of being a teacher. I’ve been practicing Yoga asana (poses), pranayama (breathwork), nidra (resting yoga) and meditation of various sorts multiple times a day for a couple weeks now. I’ve quit smoking cigarettes (again) and am working with a doctor to find medication to help stabilize my depression until the Yoga has done its work.
These are things I require of myself to be able to show up to teach: to be doing everything I can to get myself healthy, making decisions that contribute to my health, remaining diligent to my tendencies and looking for places I can implement what I’ve learned kinesthetically and philosophically to my life. In this way, I can come to the mat with a clear mind and hold space for anyone who may need Yoga in the same way I do.
So, I guess this all begs the question, why do I teach yoga?
Because I want people like me to feel safe in a Yoga class. Because I know I'm different from many in that my gauge of excellence is metered by stability and comfort, rather than physical exceptionalism, as the absence of suffering in myself and others is my highest goal. And I think I could access people who really need that, given my understanding of complex trauma and experience with and love for so many kinds of people. I want badly to create culture in my city and even farther, focused around health and community, sharing and creation. I know we can do this. It's hard work, but it can be made easier when your environment reflects positive ideals, and that is something almost everyone has control over to some extent.
If you’re interested in a trauma-informed, research-based, gentle Yoga practice for physical and mental longevity, please join me. Literally everyone is welcome, and I can modify almost all poses to be done from a chair. I’m teaching virtually on Tuesdays at 6pm and in person at Centered Holistic Health on Saturdays at 11am.
Be humble and blessed <3
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fmdnina · 4 years
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...or, where nina begs for the chance to teach trainees how to sing with heart. ☽
LEGAL NAME: nina gowon seo. STAGE NAME: n/a. DATE OF BIRTH: 1994.03.22. OCCUPATION: main vocalist of aria. AREA OF PERFORMANCE SPECIALIZATION: vocals.
"without proper training, an artist will never truly learn how to hone their skills; natural or not. sure, someone may be blessed with perfect pitch, or someone may be able to create really beautiful angles while dancing without much effort, but instead of simply stopping at what feels ‘natural,’ i personally believe that everyone needs to set aside some time to learn; to enrich themselves and their craft. when i was a kid, i had someone in my life who was able to sense a fire within me and a passion for music, and thanks to him, i learned to be a better singer and performer. if it wasn’t for him, maybe i would’ve never picked up new skills and techniques to add to my singing now. overall, when you’re an artist—or an idol—evolution is crucial. there’s no such thing as perfectly mastering any instrument—be it the piano or a set of powerful pipes. in my opinion, we should always be learning. even though i’ve débuted, i still feel like i have to ‘train’ in order to keep my voice and dancing up to parr, so even if you have natural talents, it’s best to learn how to properly execute them for longevity’s sake.”
“passion. they need to be passionate. one-hundred and ten percent. even if you’re not the best singer, dancer, or rapper... if you have that fire within you that allows you to work hard, you’ll definitely be rewarded for your efforts in some way. a deep love for your art is crucial in order to clutch onto some sort of normalcy in this industry. to me, without that passion, things may feel much more meaningless or shallow.”
“first, i would want to instill and promote confidence in all of the students. believe it or not, a person’s confidence greatly affects how they perform. there have been times where i’ll feel almost afraid of sustaining a high note for a live show, and whenever i let that insecurity get the better of me, i’ve gone off-tune. had i felt more at ease, i would’ve more than likely been able to hit the note dead-on. second, once everyone feels really warmed up and good about themselves, i’d want to explore how they express themselves vocally and what feels more comfortable for them. singing shouldn’t hurt, so making sure everyone’s singing in a register that’s easiest for them will result in a clearer sound. third, well... honestly, i’d wanna spend a little time getting to know the trainees and—hopefully—become like a cool big sister to ‘em after all of it. they gotta trust me with their art, so i’d want them to know they’re in good hands. i guess, in short, i’d be like a proud big sister that wants all of her new little siblings to flourish in whatever way suits them best.”
main vocalist of aria for more than nine ( 9 ) years.
vocal training for sixteen ( 16 ) years—mostly in jazz styles.
has released multiple ( often high-charting ) drama ost’s.
has starred in leading roles of many live-stage musicals.
capable of communicating in both korean and english.
advanced knowledge of instruments; mainly guitar and piano.
self-proclaimed “high-note boss” with a powerful soprano range.
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loyalflutist · 5 years
I Want to Become a Fish (Dorothea x F!Byleth)
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: N/A Category: F/F Words: 2,843 Summary:  It's been five years since Byleth had disappeared from her life. Dorothea recounts the time she spent with her professor on the day of her birthday. Sitting by the pond, all she could think of is how simple life must be as a fish.
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A/N: Today’s Dorothea’s Birthday, so I decided to write an OS dedicated to her and her relationship with Byleth. Of course, a slip of my fingers decided to make it both angsty and R-18+ lemon. Hope you enjoy this! I’m wondering if I should make a continuation of it or not that’s pure lemon... but I digress. 
There were plenty of fishes to catch. The pond, the lake, the sea, the ocean… Its waters were vast and stretch beyond the horizon. The same could be said about mankind. There were plenty of humans to catch. Kingdom of Faerghus, Adrestian Empire, Leicester Alliance, Brigid… Its lands were vast and stretch beyond the horizon.
However, there is a stark contrast between the two.
“How exhausting.”
A young lady pursed her lips, its pink flesh jutted out just enough to tamper with her sparkling features. Dorothea sat on the edge of the dock late into the night, her black shoes’ tip bumped and tapped each other as she gazed upon the pond’s shining surface. The lonely moon’s rays illuminated the plenty of dark fish-like forms that swam about in the man-made basin. She lightly rubbed the wooden boards with the palm of her hands.
‘ How ironic that they hardly possess any care in the world. ‘
If one were to exclude their inevitable fate as a cooked meal for the soldiers and commanders at the monastery, the aquatic organisms simply traversed around their limited premise. Their worries were likely nonexistent. They did not have to conform to any sort of social order. They could breed with others without judgment. They could abandon their children without consequences. They were free to choose where to go. They could migrate to another pack. They were free to intermingle with one another. They were able to express who they are without a second thought.
The songstress slanted her eyes to a slit. These fishes had more freedom and optimism in life than her. She moistened her lower lip and half-heartedly smirked.
“What would it be like if I were to become a fish…?”
Throughout her life, it has been more than miserable; miserable is clearly a euphemism. She had no parents. She could not recall their features nor their presence in her life. The same could be said about her life with them. Was Dorothea a bad girl? Was Dorothea punished by the Goddess Seiros? Was Dorothea a mistake in this world? She struggled to find her place in this world. No matter how much she ate dirt and begged for forgiveness, no such blessings were divine enough to purify her sorry state.
When Dorothea became an opera singer, a false divine power blew away her pathetic livelihood. Those who spat at her face salivate at the idea of her becoming their mistress. Those who made her grovel in the mud with their foot yearn for the day they can kneel and propose marriage to her. Those who hardly pitied her boast and flaunt their false sympathetic nature for the grown songstress.
How disgusting. Humans were vile compared to fishes. Manuela came to her rescue, but that was from a stroke of luck… and she was the only person she could trust in. Edelgard and Petra were the next group of people she placed her utmost trust in. However, no one was able to breach past a simple exchange of trust. Even after the thwarting of the Church of Seiros, even after the dragged on for five arduous years, Dorothea has yet to find that special someone. Someone that she could find solace in, someone that she could bask in their warmth, someone that could shower her with tender love day and night. She will never find that person in her life.
Well, she had some hope, but that person was long gone five years ago.
‘ When will she ever come back? ‘
Strands of brown hair slowly slipped away from her ear and dangled out of place. She lowered her head.
The professor was always a strange one. When they first met, Edelgard had introduced the stoic woman to the rest of her classmates. Dorothea vividly remembered the blank features engraved into Byleth’s features. She was almost like a machine. When someone asked for a favor, she did as she was told. When someone vented to her, she listened without prejudice. When she fought in battles, her expression barely morphed beyond a frown. When she stares at others, her sharp gaze pierces through their vulnerabilities. When Dorothea seductively teased the instructor, she blurted a genuine reply to her wild fantasies.
Yet despite her social short-comings, Byleth had always been there by their sides, especially with Dorothea. Teatime, skirmishes, the ballroom dance, the Goddess Tower, the confession… it all naturally fell in its rightful position. The bigger picture was becoming more and more visible. Sweet whispers rivaling that of honey dripped from Byleth and Dorothea as they tickled each other’s eardrums. Fingers and lips roamed their bare skin, fiery flames igniting passion at every scarce opportunity. Poems with a potent amount of sugar crossed into their lives with frequent exchanges of their diaries. They were in love, and it was a love that Dorothea had always dreamed of as a little kid. It was time she retires from chasing after rich noblemen and women. After all…
“Byleth, you’re the only one for me!”
Another thrusting of her hip nearly sent the professor into a frenzy. Byleth’s fingers threatened to tear the white sheets of her mattress as the student continued her relentless friction. Clitoris upon clitoris. It was as if electricity zipped with every rub.
“Hah—! D-Dorothea—!”
It was clear who the dominant figure was in their heated passion. Dorothea kept Byleth’s legs from closing, applying just enough pressure on her thighs as she fluidly moved her sensitive region up and down on Byleth’s. Their naked bodies were glistening with sweat, their loose hairs clinging to the moist surface of their forehead and neck. Another elongated moan trickled out of the teacher’s mouth.
“You’re… You’re— Nngh!”
“I… hah— I know, right?”
Dorothea smirked as she tenderly smoothed the scar-riddled thighs. Those same hands began to move upward towards Byleth’s naval. From the distant, it almost looked as though the songstress was riding her professor. Her abdomen continuously rocked back and forth as her wet nether region acted as oil for the motion. More groans chortled out of her girlfriend as Dorothea resisted the temptation to ravage her whole for the third time this night. A risqué event between a student and a teacher… How scandalous!
“I knew I could— Hah… I knew I could—! I knew I could make you sing!”
Singing lessons were a rare treat from the opera singer. If Manuela was not available, then surely Dorothea was the next best option. Various students clasped their hands and begged like starving children for a private session with her. Male or female, they all hope to learn from the greatest of the greatest. Unfortunately for them, these lessons were strictly reserved for none other than Byleth.
“S-Slow down— Ah—! AH! You’re going too— Haaah! You’re going too fast!”
Byleth’s eyes nearly rolled back from the increased tempo. As this is their third round, her body was beginning to respond with great intensity. Compared to their first go, which was slow and gentle, this felt like desperation. Unsurprising as tomorrow as the day they would overthrow the church.
Her shaky fingers eventually made its way to her girlfriend’s arms as she felt a surge of internal fireworks boom wildly from the woman overhead. Their movement hastened, the instructor watching the songstress conduct her mystical magic.
Another hip thrust.
And another…
And another.
None of them could make Byleth feel this way. Only Dorothea had the ability to do so, her hands sliding all around the older woman. Heat collectively gathered to her lowered head and blood pooled to the sensitive nub from the bottom as the brown-haired softly moaned.
“Oh—! I… I think I’m— Hah! I’m reaching there!”
She didn’t need to hear a response from Byleth. The thrashing and bouncing of her body each time Dorothea danced around her nether region said plenty. Dorothea body was burning with a need to satisfy, and her mind was burning with a need to satisfy Byleth. Slick labia continuously applied pressure as she narrowed her eyes.
They were both close to reaching the tipping scale. Through the sweats and pants, the older woman trembled underneath and clung to the student’s arms. Dorothea leaned down to bury her face into the woman’s shoulder as Byleth groaned,
“I love you too, Dorothea—!”
“Byleth— A-AH!”
An explosion of fireworks and lights like never before had occurred. The first time was sweet, the second time was for longevity, and the third from desperation. Soon enough, their lips crashed once more, their mouths slotted together. The fourth session came with a spectacular finale as Byleth took charge of their next intercourse.
Present-time Dorothea reached up to touch her lower lip. Faint sparks were ignited from the limited action, her eyes darkening its hues. Memories of heat and tranquility echoed within her mind. Yet all dreams must come to an end. An operation fit for victory took a complete turn for the worst. Unexpected troubles reared their ugly heads in as Dorothea, Byleth, and the others sided with Edelgard’s ambition. Overthrowing the Church of Seiros was successful, but at what cost?
Fire licked their exposed skin from their surroundings. Crimson colored her visor as she hobbled to the ex-mercenary. One hand on her wounded side, Dorothea became a vital asset to Byleth’s final delivery for the archbishop. The Sword of Creator planted a devastating blow to Rhea with a flick of her wrist. Anguish screech shattered the tense atmosphere from the deadly pierce. Then, the songstress watched in horror as a white dragon took Rhea’s place and blasted the two away with a whip of its tail. Dorothea had smashed her back into the pillar with enough force to shatter her spine; Byleth flopped and rolled on the dirt for a split second till she found her footing.
Byleth shook her head. The sturdy professor proceeded to straighten her posture and righted the relic. As for Dorothea, she attempted to get up. Tunnel vision greeted the brown-haired as she felt blood trickle out from the corner of her bitten lips, her strength flying away almost immediately. This was when she regrets being so weak. She witnessed many horrors in her life, and she witnessed many of her scavenging “friends” die at the hands of others. None of them ever came close to the impact it had when it came to Byleth. Not even Edelgard could save their instructor from her impending doom under the pile of rubble.
If only she could have gotten up…
If only she could have cast a spell…
If only she could have exchanged places with her Byleth…
If only…
Dorothea lifted her legs and brought it in close. She hugged the pair and rested her chin, her hues still aimed at the watery surface. Occasional flops and splashes emitted from the aquatic creatures. Ripples disturbed the mirrored moon’s image, but only temporarily. A long exhale slipped out from her.
‘ I miss her so much. ‘
What sort of fate must she undergo in this lifetime? She had already gone through so much. Her childhood was painful, her opera singing career was ironic, her student life was fleeting, and her membership as part of the Black Eagle Strike Squad was full of depression. She wished for nothing more than to run away from her duties, elope with her girlfriend, and live with a bright future in mind. It didn’t help that today was her birthday too… The fifth-year celebrated without her special someone.
“If only I could become a fish…”
“You will won’t become a fish.”
Such response was expected from someone like Edelgard or Petra. Maybe Manuela to an extent, but she would have followed up with a question. Yet the tonality almost falls flat; cardboard would have more intonation. Its dull verbiage snatched her heart and squeezed it. Dorothea widened her eyes and scrambled up to her feet. That voice belonged to none other than…
There she stood in her full glory. Small scratches scarred her features and debris stained her disheveled attire, but Byleth still looks as stunning as always. This couldn’t be a dream. It can’t be! Should it be a dream, then this must be one of her many lucid dreams… right? Her heart thumped viciously among her chest, the powerful organ increasing her blood pressure. Dorothea’s eyes glistened when the neon-haired woman gently grabbed the confuzzled songstress’s hand.
“You will become my wife.”
An abrupt appearance from someone she wept for years came with an abrupt confession. This boggled her brain, and heat flushed her cheeks. This… This isn’t a joke, right? Byleth was known to crack out sporadic teases that even trip up someone like the songstress. If it is, this had to be the most inappropriate moment in the history of their relationship. Before Dorothea could get her first word out, Byleth presented a ring to the beauty. There was a small pause in the tactician’s speech pattern. A tinge of pink discolored her face despite her unwavering gaze.
“…if that is okay with you.”
Dorothea was baffled. She not only had the audacity to waltz right back into her life after the long disappearance, but she also had the guts to propose to her? The songstress had to resist the temptation to slap her girlfriend across the face— Actually, she did just that. A resonated smack echoed into the quiet night near the pond.
“Don’t you give me that surprised look, Byleth,” her voice trembled with fury as the warrior returned her look and raised her brows. Dorothea pulled back her stinging hand and felt the lacrimal ducts kick into gear. She harshly whispered, “What sick joke are you trying to pull off this time?”
It’s clear as day that Byleth wasn’t sure how to react. This infuriated the magus even more and she tried to tear her hand away.
“I’ve waited for five years for you!” When Byleth refused to let her grip go, Dorothea began to weep as her other hand began to violently beat on the older woman’s chest like a tympanic drum. “Edie… Edie sent out search parties for you in all parts of Fodlan. Do you know who was at the frontline? It was me! I searched day and night for you! I’ve even sullied my looks and nearly died countless times in enemy territories! All so I can see you one more time!”
“You don’t know how much it hurts having lost you!”
“Why did you make me wait this long for your return?”
“Why are you being quiet?!”
The beating came to a cessation. Now, Dorothea buried her face into the ex-mercenary’s bosoms as tears came in torrents. The lamentation that she bottled finally came to light. Byleth dryly swallowed and enveloped the grown songstress in a tight embrace. She rubbed the shaky woman’s back, her bright eyes shifted downward. Silence ensued save it for the random splashes from the pond. They remained in this still position under the moonlight until her sobs died down.
“…I’m sorry for all the pain I’ve caused.”
Byleth apologized once Dorothea calmed. Still held in an embrace, the alumni sniffled.
“I’m… I’m sorry, Byleth. I know I shouldn’t have pinned all the blame on your disappearances. I should be thankful that I wasn’t left here waiting for you... all alone… forever.”
“I’ve returned, haven’t I?”
They separated yet remained in short proximity. Their breaths tickled each other’s nose as Byleth leaned forward and captured Dorothea’s lips. They were like butterfly wings, just long enough so the other could inhale her breath, feel the warmth of her skin, and the taste of Byleth that lingered far after she had parted. When she retracted, the songstress immediately grabbed ahold of her professor’s face and returned the favor with closed eyes. She kissed her like she wanted to be kissed as no other man or woman had ever kissed her. There was no battle for dominance in this kiss. Soft, moist, hot, and breathy, Dorothea and Byleth seek for a union, closeness, and desire to share one breath under this one timeless and passionate moment.
“Wow…” Byleth breathlessly whispered upon departure. Their foreheads touching each other, a smile broke out from her face. “I can’t say I didn’t miss that.”
“Five years can do a number on you.”
“You didn’t get on it with the others?”
“Byleth, who do you think I am?”
Byleth chuckled and cupped Dorothea’s face. A fleeting kiss was planted on her girlfriend’s lips.
“A loyal, smart, beautiful girlfriend that I want for eternity.”
“You tease,” she giggled into her hand. “Are you sure you aren’t just saying that to flatter me?”
“You know I mean every word.”
With that said, she released her hold with a tiny “can’t forget about this” remark.
“Happy Birthday, Dorothea.” She presented the ring once more to her girlfriend. Byleth beamed at Dorothea with that unique twinkle in her eyes. “I would never want you to think about becoming a fish. I hope you will become my wife instead.”
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lettersandinkstains · 5 years
Hello hello! If you're still doing writing prompts: a blacksmith receives a curious request.
i am! thank you, @bookenders!i’m always taking prompts!
send me a prompt!
She had come around, with dirty hair and tattered clothes. He tries not to judge her on her appearance–not often do the very poor come seeking him out, only heroes, kings, and queens and gods come to him for his weaponry. All of them are blessed with the magic of dragons, the ones that once ruled the skies and lands.
“I do not have a lot,” she speaks to him, voice soft. “Not much, no. But I beg of you, this is important. I do not fight, so I don’t seek any weapons, but I hear so much very good things about you. Those who wield your metals, your silvers, they never get hurt. They all survive.”
“So what is it you want?” He doesn’t mean to sound impatient, but he has requests to work on yet. She is only taking up his time.
“A small medallion, in the shape of a heart.”
“And what for?”
The woman shakes her head. This is her secret to keep, he understands. The blacksmith was raised to not inquire about things people do not wish to share. Whatever lays locked inside of her, is her own to open one day.
“It will cost a lot,” He tells her, regretfully.
“I will pay what I can,” The woman promises.
He wants to tell her that they all need to eat, that he cannot just rely on whatever meager pay she has to offer. But yet, the small part of curiosity overcomes him, and he finally agrees to it.
Within seven suns and eight moons, the woman comes again. She’s just as dirty and haggard as before. He tells her he’s working on it, but he has a king’s sword to finish yet, for they come from a far land and offered him a hefty price.
Underneath her words of understanding, there is a quiet plea for him to hurry. He is curious, but a blacksmith never asks what urgency lays beyond his shop. That is not his business if they never wish to share–sometimes heroes and wanderers do, and they speak of horrors beyond the horizon, they talk about the adventures he would never have. And this woman offers no stories, offers very little payment, she is as silent as the night.
But she is gentle still, in her words, in her approach. There is hunger somewhere deep down inside of her, and he’s not quite sure it’s a food hunger. But there is something.
She visits every day now, bringing with her freshly baked bread or fresh milk. There are apologies for not being able to bring him gold much like heroes, kings, and gods. She has very little and an extra mouth to food–this is where he finds out about her daughter. This is where he learns her daughter is her entire world.
“But what of your husband? Surely he would have been able to make something!”
“No, no husband.” The woman shakes her head. “He is not here, he is not around.”
“I’m sorry for your loss,”
The woman does not answer.
One day, the woman does not come back. He works the metal, trying his best to forge it. Trying his best to make it look nice, as he is not an artist but a weapons maker. Perhaps today, she is busy and she will be back tomorrow.
Yet, she does not return the next day. Nor the following.
After two passing weeks, and a finished medallion, he goes home to tell his husband of this woman who had given him the request. He shows him the small, silver heart enscribed with such an old language he learned as a child.
“Perhaps she will be there tomorrow?” His husband suggests over a warm dinner, and fire softly crackling in the background.
The blacksmith wonders if that would truly be the case.
Many moons pass, and the leaves change colors on the trees–showing that truly, Winter is starting to wake from her sleep to bless them with snow. Summer makes her bid farewell with one last storm, with lights that brighten the sky and thunderous noises that shake his home.
It is when he is locking up shop, when the fire goes out for the night and stones put away, does she appear. Body drenched, and so much thinner than before. He thinks he sees a bruise underneath ratty clothes. There are questions running through his mind, many things he would like to say. Perhaps he wants to yell at her, perhaps he wants to give her some of his money, and he’s not quite sure what will happen between now and the moment she leaves.
“I have been ill,” she tells him. “I apologize. I have brought nothing of value. There is nothing I can give you. I have made a silly request and cannot pay for it.”
“There is one thing you can pay me with,” He says, and watches her expression become apprehensive. He sees the way her eyes dart around, looking for something that would possibly be useful. There is fear, real and true. So unlike the way she had been before. “Answers. What is this for?”
“She needs to be protected,” The woman answers, softly. “I have heard that anyone who holds the metals you make will always be safe.”
“The gods will always protect her,” The blacksmith says. “It does not matter if you have something I make or not. The gods bless those who continue their world.”
“Perhaps. Perhaps the gods will bless her longevity and love, perhaps strength,” The woman replies. “But I would still rather her have something special.”
The blacksmith nods. He understands. If he and his husband had decided to adopt, he would be willing to do whatever it takes to make sure their child will always have something–even when the earth takes them back.
“May you have the blessings of the gods,” the woman says, with her final departure.
Years later, when he is old and gray, when the world has slowed for him and it was harder to weld swords and the stories of adventures become something more he would rather read than hear, do rumors catch his ears.
The princess is getting married, but it is a peculiar type of marriage. And the king extends an invite to the blacksmith and his husband, as gesture that he remembers his youth himself. And of course, he agrees to go. The princess had grown up into a beautiful, kind, young woman. She is as wise as her father, she is as gracious as her mother. But she resembles her father more–a spirit for adventure, a desire to wander the large fields, scope out the mountains, and speak the language of the fae.
The ceremony is throughout the land, throughout his bustling city. They all chatter away, whispering rumors of this secret finacee. Nobody knew that someone had caught her heart and her eyes.
“Maybe she got engaged to a fae!” One jokes. “Told the fae her name, and now, she is marrying them!”
“Maybe one of the gods caught her eye?”
But all invitees go quiet as the crowned princess makes her way towards the alter, dressed lavishly but yet, not adorned in long dress. No, she wears the clothes of a well dressed warrior–of black lined with navy blue. The sword he had made her is at her side.
She stops by his side.
“After, I wish to speak with you privately.”
And the ceremony commences, her partner is also a lovely young woman. Her hair had been tamed into a bun adorned with braids and flowers. She is dressed in a long dress, yet, she looks uncomfortable in such finery.
They each tell stories, joyous ones, of their life together. It all ends in a kiss–but there is something more. The way the crowned princess clutches the other woman’s hands tightly, the way she whispers something, and how the now wife looks both so sad and happy.
Afterwards, the newly weds approach him and pull him off into a private room. It is then the blacksmith sees the medallion. It hangs around her neck, still so nicely polished to this day.
“Thank you,” the woman says.
“What happened with your mother?”
The woman draws in a deep breath, there are many sorrowful tales he has heard in his lifetime. Many stories of loss, the grief of heroes who witness their friends and loved ones die honorable deaths–the way they have watched villages be razed. And yet, nothing strikes deep as she quietly tells him of her childhood.
Her father had not been a kind man, a drunk whose idea of love was a form of fists. Often, her mother would tell her to hide and often, her mother would spend days in bed. And there would be times where her father was nowhere to be seen–these were the days her mother could leave without fear.
She tells him that the medallion had been more of a gift than a wish for protection, but underneath it all, her mother had truly prayed it would hold to the rumors of blessed metals. And this beautiful young woman believes it to be true–she had gotten so lucky throughout her life. But there was a point where she had thought that maybe the magic wore off.
One winter evening, when she had been a young teen, her mother sent her off to hunt for food. When she had returned, she had found their little home set ablaze. There had been no survivors–but out of it all, she was led to live a different path than her mother. All the prayers she had prayed after were all answered, when she asked for the weather to be kind, it was. And finally, she was led to the princess.
And this young woman, who looks so much like her mother, thanks him profusely for showing her mother such kindness. She offers him money now, a gracious payment for something so special.
The blacksmith declines, with a shake of his head.
Answers were payment enough.
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kasey9395 · 6 years
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BTS achieved so much in 2017 and that much more in 2018, even achievements that ARMY didn’t think was even on the cards (UN Speech anyone?). So, with that in mind, the question begs itself: What can BTS and ARMY achieve in 2019?
This is my wish list but it isn’t necessarily what I hope they accomplish but also rather what I hope happens. Keep in mind, this is my opinion based on my experience and thoughts related to everything BTS. I have no doubt that some things you won’t agree with. Just know that nothing is meant with any ill-intentions. Anyway…
1. I wish that BTS achieves longevity with a Korean song on the Billboard charts. Whether or not it hits #1 is irrelevant to me. Top 10 is definitely possible but let’s be realistic here. Without the massive radio airplay that continues to elude them for various reasons, for the time being, #1 is not in the cards. But that’s okay.  
2. This is partly tied to the first wish. I wish that Big Hit reads that US Music Market right for once, and BTS’ past achievements and realize that:
A – Hip Hop and Rap are killing it right now on the charts, and
B – To date, regardless of how high the single got, Mic Drop Remix, for all intents and purposes, is BTS’ biggest hit in the US. Yes, FAKE LOVE might have charted at #10 while Mic Drop mustered #28, but it stayed on the chart and on radio for a far shorter time than Mic Drop did.
This is not to say that Mic Drop is a better song (I love Fake Love), but as far as the US goes, it shows that they respond to the Hip-Hop side of BTS better. And isn’t it just lovely that Hip Hop is really where BTS is rooted at the end of the day? So it isn’t like they will be taken out of their comfort zone should they put out a more Hip Hop vibe of a song.
Hell, it doesn’t even have to be the title track of the album. Mic Drop wasn’t. But please Big Hit, if it’s air play BTS needs to go past that hurdle of free falling then produce a Hip Hop track. It’s not like it isn’t your niche genre anyway.  
PS. Ddaeng would have KILLED!!!
3. I wish for ARMYs to realize that as far as collabs go, not all BTS members will be suited to a collab every time. We need to realize that even 7 people on a song is a lot. Add other artists to the mix and it becomes a situation of everyone competing for adequate time on a 4-minute song. And some solo enthusiasts already have a problem with line distributions with a purely BTS song. So, whether all 7 are on a song or, in the case of Waste It on Me, only 3/7, the fact remains that it is still BTS. And the song deserves ALL ARMYs’ support. The only excuse anyone should have to not support one of their collabs is if they just don’t like the song. Never should “But *insert Bangtan member name* isn’t in it” or “It isn’t OT7 so I won’t bother” be a reason. If it is, then those ‘ARMYs’ should look in the mirror when trying to place blame if the song doesn’t do well and re-evaluate whether they should even call themselves a BTS fan in the first place.
To me, calling oneself OT7 doesn’t mean we want everything BTS is involved in to be all of them and no one gets left behind. Realistically, that is impossible if you want them all to grow as artists. To me, OT7 means supporting ALL 7 in whatever they choose to do, whether it’s together or alone. It should not matter if it is a solo song or just a Rap Line or Vocal Line song or a collab just between Jungkook and Justin Bieber. Once a member of BTS is involved, we should pay as much love to the project as we would something that involves all of them.
PS. Ddaeng...a Rap Line song, would have KILLED!!!
PPS. The Truth Untold...a Vocal Line song, would have killed too.
Which brings me to my next wish…
4. I wish for BTS members to learn that they have so much potential to also shine by themselves on a project if they choose to. And no, this doesn’t mean I want them to go solo. Just typing that feels wrong. What I mean is that I wish for them to have the confidence to release more songs of their own. It can be a single song or cover on SoundCloud. It doesn’t have to be an album or a mixtape. It can even be a collaboration. Something, anything. Because I truly believe they ALL individually have the potential to make a mark on the US music scene.
5. Now this one will definitely be controversial but just know that it comes from a place with absolute love and longing. I wish that Big Hit focus more on developing those boys’ vocals more than they have done in the past. Hear me out! I love…LOVE…the vocal line’s voices. Jungkook’s voice remains one of my favourites in K-Pop. They are one of, if not the only group where the vocal line has such unique and different timbres from each other. But I feel like BH isn’t capitalizing on that uniqueness and helping the boys to harness their devastatingly full potential, especially with Taehyung and Jimin (and I am Jimin biased). It really gets to me sometimes. And it isn’t a situation of them needing much work either. Just a little more control.
Taehyung has a deep, jazzy, sultry, heart-breaking quality to his voice that I have not yet heard in any vocalist in K-Pop, showing that he is truly unique in that sense. Not to mention, he has one of the most insane vocal ranges as well. His voice to me might even be unique on this side of the world, a side that celebrates an artist with a unique tone. So who wouldn’t want to use THAT weapon of a voice. Come on, BH!
And Jimin…*sigh*…to say that his voice might be what one might hear as they enter heaven is not a stretch to the imagination. When I hear him sing, the first word that pops into my head is ‘angelic’. He too, like Tae, has such a unique voice. But sometimes I feel as if Jimin doesn’t truly know how to use what he has been blessed with. I feel it for him when his voice cracks or he goes off-pitch, especially knowing that he will beat himself up for it. But it shouldn’t be happening as often as it does. With his potential to hit the highest of high notes and with the sweetest of timbres, BH isn’t doing as much as they should with his vocal training. Again, come on BH!
6. I wish that BH will stop underestimating just how truly popular BTS is, and give them the concert venues that ARMYs know they can sell out. While there is a possibility of them doing stadiums alone next year during a trip back to the US, they should know that they could have done that this year and they would have gotten the same results. And don’t even start on Latin and South America. I am not from there but even I am rooting for them to get a leg next year, especially Brazil. Brazil…a country I hope BH realizes can definitely fill at least a 60,000 capacity stadium for BTS.
7. I wish for a nomination for BTS that is not socially or vote driven. Is it such a stretch to believe that they have done enough this year to warrant at least a Best Duo/Group nomination at the BBMAs next year? For the second year in a row, they have ended the year as the 2nd best Group according to Billboard. Doesn’t that deserve acknowledgment in the form of a nomination?
8. I wish, for once, that their own country’s media start actually acknowledging their achievements, stop downplaying them and realize that it isn’t easily achievable. Alas, I know if any, this is the wish that is a pipe dream because mediaplay is a thing.
Oh. And sometimes, a BTS achievement is just that...a BTS achievement. NOT an achievement for the whole K-Pop industry.
9. And finally (as long as I don’t think of any more), I simply wish for the boys to continue as they have so far, to be 7 truly beautiful human beings whose humility and respect always leave an impression on anyone they encounter.
A day or two off won’t hurt either. 
So here’s wishing for an even more successful 2019 for everyone!
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alishbakhanus · 4 years
words about the bride’s wedding
Bride wedding
Marriage is prescribed by God Almighty to all people for great judgment. Marriage is a new life, another life is born and stability is achieved, and many people are keen to offer the most beautiful congratulations to the newlyweds, and in this article we will give you words about the bride’s wedding.
Words about the bride’s wedding
My beloved friend, I resist all the feelings of happiness that I have at this moment and prevent my words from flowing to write you about the feelings of joy and pleasure that overwhelm me, and my words dance in rapture on the beats of my heart, so I sing to you a happy melody, may God bless you and bless you, and bring you together in goodness.
The word Mubarak is not enough, and all the meanings have passed. I express to you how happy I am with your marriage, dear.
With all the grace and friendliness, and the splendor of the scent of roses, I bless you for your marriage, so that happiness in your life may flourish, and luck will laugh for you throughout your world.
Thousand Mubarak is flying over the bride’s mission, and the phrases are decorated with decades of roses.
Each heart has started beating with supplication in prostration, O Lord, bless and concur and make the one who comes Sad Welcome, O bride, and a thousand congratulations, make happiness and God in front of you, and shine like a full moon on your wedding day, a nymph that draws the eyes of those who see it.
Let’s light candles, beat tambourines and scatter flowers to celebrate the wedding of our most precious friend.
The bird of joy is singing, and our home is high, and your wedding is the most precious of people.
Congratulations to the newlyweds. Joy only you, on this very day, the whole world became living on a feast.
Yesterday you were two, and today you have become one and a firstborn by increasing one by one.
My heartbeat chants with all the invitations of happiness, good and luck to you, my most precious friend.
Congratulations to the bride
I send a beautiful congratulation, along with two sweetest roses, and I dedicate it to the most beautiful and gentle bride.
Marriage is half of the religion, and you two are the most beautiful couple.
The most beautiful congratulations to the best newlyweds, and I wish them the most beautiful life, well-being and children.
O bird, greeting the sweetest newlyweds in the world and saying they are the wish of offspring. Use candles, spread flowers, and ring tambourines to celebrate the marriage of the sweetest bride and groom.
With your sweet names, the stars in the sky rose, and all eyes that saw you on the Messenger prayed.
Oh my eyes sing with her, oh my heart I dance, oh today everyone is happy with her celebrating the best wedding. Congratulations with the best greeting, and amber and roses are our most precious gift.
O birds of love, see her and why I am so happy to know her and say to her a blessed wedding. Confused, I will give you what is in your wedding, I offer you a flower that withers, I give you my life that is enough, I decided to give you a word of congratulations that you carry in your heart and be happy.
The warmest congratulations and the best two roses I give to the best newlyweds on their day of joy are the two.
When the golden strings of the sun come together to enter our moon of the night with its light in the sweetest wedding.
The word Mubarak is not enough, and all the words do not express the extent of my happiness, joy and joy in the sweet marriage.
I do not know how to describe my feelings, because my words are incapable of expressing the joy that is sweeping me, and despite all that is only inside me, it suffices to pray to God a thousand congratulations.
I write and I am overwhelmed with joy, the breeze of love brings me and the words dance on my papers to draw the sweetest painting written with joy, happiness and extraordinary happiness, and we say to our brides, God bless you and bless you and combine you with good.
Voices rise, phrases overlap, and the fingers move to write the most beautiful words to remain vibrating in the heart with the sweetest memories, and I can only say some words to bring you the finest congratulations and the most beautiful blessings.
O birds of love, visit them, and for my joy, tell them and say, congratulations on them. A bride adorned by the Most Gracious with morals, adorned, and her face, most of the others, is creativity, improvement and indulgence that leaves the yearning captive and entranced.
Spread the most precious scents and incense, scatter blossom water and perfumes, and spread in its path the sweetest flowers that have come from your side.
Congratulation phrases for the newlyweds
Say to the groom, Mubarak, his family, and his concubine, and happiness is upon us, and the joys reign over him. May the joy in your world always last, and may the sadness not last for a long time, may God bless them and bless them and combine them with the best of a thousand blessings.
Joys and delights and the most joy I have at the moment of your wedding, make you happy at all times, hoping to bless your wedding.
I congratulate you, may your wedding be blessed, and you are here every quarter, your family, and your loved ones.
Our bride, May God bless you, complete your joy and make us offer you what you are happy and guide you to what you are looking for.
Blessed be the dear of the eye, congratulations and God, with the most beautiful greeting and musk and goodness we present as a gift blessed from a heart that loves you and boils you with the best nights of life, and everyone here is a thousand blessings.
To the newlyweds, congratulations to them the highest wishes for happiness and affection, and for a always happy life, a thousand blessed.
Oh God, I beg you and invite you to protect my friend, have mercy in her heart, make her happy with her life, ease the difficulties of her path, move away from her the chains of sadness, break her chains, burn the tears of worry from her life, change her with tears of joy, change everything around her with the seasons of goodness and spring and happiness, and travel with her with the birds of dreams to the cities of happiness and happiness she travels with love butterflies And to the islands of roses and to protect them from all evil, give them their longevity, and facilitate their path, their mistakes, and their joy.
With all the kindness, friendliness and splendor of the scent of roses, I congratulate you  on your marriage.
Sprinkle musk, amber, and the perfume of the two winds, God bless the newlyweds.
I wish you a happy life with your beloved husband in a prosperous shade and a long life, with thanks and praise, and a thousand blessings to the sweet brides.
You can recite the sweetest words and make the most sincere invitations, and you cheer the heart, a blessed marriage, prosperity and children.
Oh moon-like, you thinner than the flower, I congratulate you with joy, O most precious people and people.
Courtesy: best event planner in Lahore
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