#I'm mostly just rambling
somewhat-insane · 25 days
Okay, so, I know a lot of people were discouraged after the LMK S5 trailer. The art is different, yes, but remember there are still people working behind the screen; passionate about this story they're trying to tell. To rebuild faith and re-spark hope, I'm going through the trailer frame by frame and sharing anything cool I find. (There is some (what I hope is) constructive criticism in here, but I would like to reiterate something other fans have said. DO. NOT. HARRASS. ANYONE. WORKING. ON. THE. SHOW. They're doing their best with what they have available to them. We're lucky Wildbrain decided to pick the show back up because if they hadn't, we may not have gotten the rest of the story.)
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They've been brought in front of the council to discuss their car's extended warranty. ALSO WHERE IS MK'S JACKET AND BANDANA? THEY WHOLE ASS PROBABLY SNATCHED THIS POOR BOY OUT OF HIS BED WHILE HE WAS SLEEPING
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Don't worry, babygirl, I still think you're pretty ^3^
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Okay, they gave him his clothes back, phew.
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Hehe, tiny monkies.
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At least our child is still adorable.
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Synchronized heart attack.
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He is so traumatized, lol. Someone brought up how this design for the circlet wasn't the previously established design in the show, but it COULD be based on the design used on the cover of the Journey to the West novel (as seen below)
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It's not exactly the same but the shape is similar.
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I'm realizing while doing this that Wildbrain doesn't use as many smear frames as Flying Bark did. As funny as it is to pause and see something like this in season 1-4:
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It makes the animation look a LOT smoother and more energetic. Flying Bark also seems to use more frame-by-frame while Wildbrain probably uses more tweening. I suppose it makes sense though because Wildbrain is more used to 3D animation and the 2D animation they have done in the past is more paper-doll-like and doesn't need as much bounce and action.
Back to the trailer, no need to dwell.........
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Oooh, wait, this frame actually kinda goes hard. I'm kinda hyped... I should draw this.
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You know what this makes me think of...? Did any of you guys ever play that game called "Journey"?
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It's a beautiful game with beautiful music. Y'all should play it if you haven't. Oh, and sometimes if you're playing at the same time as someone else in the world, your games will merge and you get a little play buddy :3
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Genuinely love how distressed he is here.
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Looks like we're still gonna get cool backgrounds and background character designs!!!!
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This looks like it may be some kind of storybook or memory sequence like when Chang'e was talking about how she found the ring in S3 or when LBD was talking about Macaque's death... what memory do you think we're going to be exploring this time?
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This goes pretty hard. I would paint this on a wall or something.
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Mk is flabbergasted.
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Yay!! Mk has the support he needs. ALSO MORE SANDY
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They're mortified. Probably because they just watched a giant dragon and white tiger fucking evaporate.
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Hehe bord
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I can't wait to see fanart of him. I'm so excited!
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He's thinking about kissing him, honest.
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I think he's purty
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I've run out of room for pictures, but I hope this helped get y'all all hyped again for the new season! Have hope, stay strong!
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harpy-of-the-storm · 11 months
Disorganized Thoughts - Unnoticeable Game Design in Phantasy Star Online
Earlier I posted about the way Phantasy Star Online uses lyrical themes to convey messages of hope and loss and grit. However, there's something else I'd like to touch upon.
When you play Phantasy Star Online, you might not realize that every indoor room has a textured ceiling. Some of these you simply cannot see, and others you can only see because they are low, or because the camera dips to a floor-facing-up kind of angle for increased tension during a Quest.
Sometimes rooms are simply big enough that if you stand at one end, you can adjust your camera slightly to see the ceiling of the other side. However, most of the time you are focused on clearing the area and likely do not notice.
But...it's there. While Episode 1 has Forest take place almost entirely outdoors, the Central Dome where the boss fight against Dragon takes place is enclosed, and it has a damaged interior.
The entirety of Caves, save a select few rooms which "open to the sky" and thus fade to a massive colorful light source, have textured ceilings. Most of these you cannot really look at, and honestly if you aren't in a hallway you flat out can't look too closely at all in normal gameplay.
Phantasy Star Online's camera controls do not go to the floor like some Quests do. Not when they're in your control. They go up to your character's back. So it can be very difficult to see up.
Playing through after thinking about this, it was easy to notice just how often the game does afford me the chance to see it...and how often that meant I hadn't taken a look. I felt a little sad, really.
Phantasy Star Online is the kind of game to let its story be heavily optional. Not just "you can jump right to online" optional, but I mean even offline it is optional. The little orange capsules that tell you tutorial information are the same capsules which would deliver the game's plot to you.
And you can skip them. You don't ever have to read a single one.
You wouldn't know that Rico Tyrell left them. Yes, the same Rico Tyrell you're on a quest to investigate the disappearance of, because her dad is your boss. You'd miss her anti-government and anti-military stances. You'd miss her self-depreciation about how she's not a hero, she's just the woman who was there to fill the shoes that needed filling. Her resolve that even if it won't make her any richer, she wants to be the helping hand, and that she wants to solve this mystery.
You'd miss her whole story. That you've been just a little bit behind her this whole time.
And you were still just too late to save her.
In my previous post, I discussed the lyrical themes this game employs, one of which is Can Still See the Light. This is a song that plays as part of the ending cinematic for Phantasy Star Online's first episode, during which the famous "Red Ring" bracelet that Rico wore spins down over the course of the song until it comes to a rest.
...This has only ever been speculation, of course. Just...if Rico is the one singing. That last refrain takes on a new meaning, right? Where the singer asks, Why can I still see the light?
If it's Rico singing...she'd have a good reason to ask that.
She died, after all. Why would she, of all people, still be able to see the light you saved?
Well...I guess that moves me in to my last segment of disorganized thoughts here.
The names many of the themes in the game have are interesting. You won't know they're called this while playing, so if you're looking them up on YouTube for the first time you're probably searching "phantasy star online dragon theme" and you might be surprised to learn it's called Growl, from the Depths of the Earth.
It has a matching theme in Episode 2, with the boss of VR Spaceship, Gol Dragon - Growl, from the Digital Haze.
Every area notably has a "Part 1" and "Part 2", which are calm, no enemy themes for Part 1; and more frantic, oh shit fighting is happening themes for Part 2, without fail.
Episode 1 just calls them that - Forest is Mother Earth, of Dishonesty part 1 and part 2. There's something to be said for the name itself, how Ragol seemed a perfect world to escape to, but it held danger just beneath the surface.
The winding tunnels of Caves are represented with The Kink in the Wind and the Way, with its boss - a mutated leech that has grown to unimaginable proportions and now lives in acidic sewage runoff from Mines - has the theme From Seeing the Rough Wave, which...I admit I don't have much to say about the name of, but I do think the theme is baller. I've kind of wondered if "rough wave" is just because it's a somewhat aquatic boss that lives in acid, but there's not much I feel able to put together, unfortunately.
Mines has Empty Space, out of Control, due to how the research and guard machines are no longer under the control of the researchers who were building a lab here. It has two boss themes, as the boss - Vol Opt, the control program for the Mines base - has two phases.
The Crazy Program - it rather is humanity's habit to judge any machine not operating the way they like it as crazy, huh? You Have Nowhere to Go - Okay, actually, so when Vol Opt pulls out an entire missile-launching, smashing-pillar-summoning, self-healing, player-killing war body that takes up 90% of the room you fight it in?
...Maaaybe that's a little off the rails, yeah, gotcha.
Lastly, I'll stop with Episode 1 this time and talk about Ruins to close this out. We have Revolution to the Origin, which hints forward about a bit of the truth behind the mystery of Ragol; and the boss themes.
There's a few of these, so stick with me here.
The Nearest Place to Heaven is what you hear when you arrive. It's a tranquil piece for a tranquil place, but both the flower field and the song have something off about them.
Between the massive obelisk, the lack of exit in the cave you apparently just came from, the bird song in the background being prerecorded, and the waxing and waning sounds of some kind of firefight or alarms which will overtake the Part 1 variant if you sit around long enough, you want out of here.
Touching the obelisk will trigger Part 2 of The Nearest Place to Heaven, as well as a grotesque transformation of the battlefield. The field of flowers will vanish - it was never real, anyway. You are left with the silently screaming faces of the souls the final boss has devoured as their bones rise as spindle-thin, razor-sharp spinning tops from the ground, gloomy purple flame-like souls caged in some of them still.
Now you understand why this is the nearest place to heaven.
It's as close as you'll be getting before you're eaten, too.
...Well. You're the protagonist, so nuts to that! Defeat a set amount of the bone spindles and you're rewarded with the actual boss and its first theme:
Pray, for IDOLA the Distorted.
The distorted, huh...if you look close, there's a figure that's loosely in tandem with the overall giant's movements, attached to its body; and around that smaller figure's left wrist...
Is a red bracelet.
I did say you were too slow, didn't I?
Defeat this form, and the one that follows; unlock Hard mode; and get here again to be rewarded with the third and true form of the final boss.
Cry, for IDOLA the Holy.
Cry. Because you couldn't save her.
Cry. Because her form is gone, leaving only a gaping maw and a terror reborn.
Cry. There is nothing holy here.
There is only you. Your weapon. Your will.
And the monster before you.
Cry your tears when it's done.
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sketchy-tour · 1 month
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So I haven't posted in a small moment and planned to get myself going again soon but right now I am recovering from an accident (I won't get into the nitty gritty) that has left me quite shaken. FIRST OFF I AM OKAY! Minor injuries so nothing alarming I am physically fine besides being sore for a bit and some scrapes and bruises that are still healing, including my arms which is making drawing a bit difficult. I'm slowly getting better but cant really draw for long periods and honestly I might not draw much for a bit till I feel better both physically and mentally. its the mentally part that might take some time. But I'm resting, rest assured!
ANYWAY this is more just an update cause I know i've been a lil absent. ESPECIALLY after this accident. I'm not abandoning the blog by any means, def still check on tumblr but couldn't seem to muster the energy to interact with much at the moment as my brain is a little rattled up.
I hope yall are all okay! I hope your days are bright and yall are taking care of yourselves!
I promise I'm doing what I can to take care of me!
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lunarmochi · 2 years
goodness, does anyone else have this problem?
even after years of being on the internet, having my own blog, and having friends i should feel comfortable sharing my special interests/hyperfixations with, i still have some things that i think "i probably shouldn't post or talk about this. this thing could be seen as very basic and/or problematic and people will hate me if i talk about this"
lately i've gotten into something so much to the point where this week, i've done nothing but consume it all day. today, i only managed to eat one meal because of how immersed was and i didn't feel like it ^^;; but it's all because this thing makes me so happy!! i'm so happy that i got into this thing because i enjoy it.
but also hyperfixation mode is >:/ because i stop consuming other interests i have, or watching other things. but hopefully i'll find a balance soon. it's been quite a while since i've felt this happy bc of fixating this much on something, though, so i think i'll let myself enjoy my little thing for a little longer.
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fridayyy-13th · 1 year
btw, i firmly believe that if Jon and Martin had met under different, more normal circumstances, they would've gotten along like a house on fire
literally the only reason they were at odds was bc Jon was already stressed about being underqualified for the head archivist position, and that was exacerbated by the Dog Incident and the idea that Elias was waiting for him to slip up & had assigned Martin to the archives to keep tabs on him
hell, i think if they got along from the start, there's a damn good chance Jon would've fallen for Martin first. not by much, given; they're both the type to fall fast and fall hard, but still. (but it would probably take Jon longer to identify his feelings, so maybe it evens out)
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peridots-pixiwolf · 3 months
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[Start ID. A redraw of the official icons of the ten named slugcats from Rain World, arranged in two rows: Survivor, Monk, Hunter, Nightcat, and Gourmand in the first, Artificer, Rivulet, Spearmaster, Saint and Enot/Inv in the second. Each is drawn in roughly the same pose as in the original art and fitted with speculative interpretations of their biology, and the second image is a “dead” version of this. For example, all ten have slug-like rhinophores in place of ears, cuttlefish-like colorful eyes with strangely-shaped pupils, cephalopod-like beak "teeth", expressive barbels or oral tentacles at the corners of mouths, spiny radulas, and the frilly mantle fringes of sea slugs, though otherwise their faces are squishy, simple and mammalian-shaped.
Cream-colored Survivor and yellow Monk both share triangular, bicolored spots matching their eyes (which are tan and brown, and two shades of blue, respectively), small, bumpy fringes, and relatively neutral looks on their faces. Defensive-looking Hunter is mostly a dull orange-pink, though their blobby fringe is a more violent red and their back is purple and marred with lumps. Nightcat is navy blue and flecked with dots of yellow and teal, their rolled rhinophores are a lighter blue, and their shading fractures into stars in some places. Gourmand is almost uniformly tan, their wide, very ruffly white mantle fringe bordered by a spray of white spots, and their beak sticks out from either corner of their smile. Primarily red Artificer, snarling, has yellow markings of multiple sorts, a prominent yellow dewlap and their characteristic dark scar taking out a chunk of its face. Rivulet is a darker blue than usual, with long barbels, red gills and rings, countershading, and a cheerful expression, sticking out their radula. Spearmaster is purple with orange accents, eyes and spots, a large fringe and spines down their back. Saint’s green caryophyllidia are marked by small, yellow diamonds, and their long, thin radula extends far below them. Enot is decorated with mottled red stripes, blue patches, yellow stars, and an uneven and almost cartoonish imitation of blush, though generally the same deep blue as Nightcat, a passive or almost slightly smug look on their face and their rolled rhinophores out to either side.
In the second image, nine of the slugcats’ eyes are crossed out, indicating that these are death icons. They look fairly the same, with mostly expression differences. Survivor is caught in the beginning of a threat display, a karma flower sprouts from Monk’s side, Hunter is burdened with overgrowing, purple and blue rot, Nightcat’s rhinophores are pinned back, and Gourmand looks mildly disheartened. For the final row, Artificer bites its radula between small plumes of smoke, Rivulet drops their expression, Spearmaster looks very startled, Saint looks almost entirely the same besides half-open eyes and their markings greater in number, and Enot grins confusedly. End ID]
If you'll excuse the unusually lengthy ID: the arena meme introduced by @pansear-doodles at long last after a nearly year-long wip status (or, rather, finished a month ago today to honor my own first time playing it!)
Design notes and shout-outs under cut! :]
The following people are some of those who’ve inspired my designs most since I started this eight months ago (or just inspired me to get a little weirder with slugcat biology), among many others for sure, and I thank them for it–but this is simply to bring attention to artists I find cool, and in no way an obligation to interact or anything :]
> @saturncoyote , @carpsoup , @charseraph , @gallusgalluss , @bitsbug , @dopscratch , and @0hmanit (and a special mention to dddeerbo and hunterlonglegs, who’ve since deactivated)!
Survivor: Surprisingly the hardest to pin down the colors for, since nothing with its sibling's palette seemed to match up right (I did have to add in a little blue somewhere for Monk, the beginning of making it clear how much I’m simply going based off of vibes for the colors of scug innards). I consider them, Monk and Gourmand to be part of the same gene pool of slugcats, and even possibly the same colony even if the latter isn't really related, so took a bit of Gourmand's coloring and fit them in with their inspiration: Goniobranchus verrieri. They serve as a bit of an introduction to my ideas of scug traits (i find it really fun how many people have thought to add so many silly sluglike fixtures of biology completely independent of me, buuut here I’m mostly talking about species variation), and like in-game they’re pretty average! They, Monk and Hunter have a couple scars sourced from a piece of Joar's concept art that I'm failing to find, those across the bridge of the nose, under the eyes, and across the rhinophores, respectively, and my Survivor interpretation features many on the back of the neck, as a result of survived lizard bites.
Monk: Their coloring is primarily based off the fact that I associate them with blue fruits, honestly, a bit because I was compelled to establish a familiarity with Rivulet, and lastly inspired by the spots of Goniobranchus kuniei (and geminus, less important to me as one of my characters is a kuniei instead, but more fitting). Between the yellow + blue and the circular marking in the center of their face, they’re meant to bear a little resemblance to an iterator that shares similarities with the characterization I’ve given them, and similar coding of her sibling can be seen on Survivor’s markings around the eyes. As both a “default” slugcat and one whose campaign I haven’t played, though, I can’t say I have much more to point out about em.
Hunter: The whole rot thing made for a really fun time drawing them, and while the color change on their back is a result of this, it’s also an excuse to relate them to Babakina festiva, arguably my favorite sea slug (mostly for sentimental purposes). And to Spearmaster, a fellow messenger slugcat, and it serves as a gradient between Hunter’s pink and the “traditional” color of Rot seen in the DLLs. Aside from their affliction, they’d actually be the plainest in terms of design, as they don’t have any patterns or quirks of body type, just the red + purple and strange lumps + possible malnutrition. I can’t remember if NSH had created them in particular or just...caught + released or something, but it probably wouldn’t be strange for a lab-grown slugcat to be simple like that.
Gourmand: Like the two above, they’re rather plain in terms of coloring and adaptation, and like the two above, I find that fun. I decided it would be nice to avert the “all slugcats being of the same body type, and Gourmand’s out of place as the exception” thing by just...adding more fat to all of them, really. I did want to emphasize their sheer bulk even so, both fat and muscular (not like I couldn’t have still gone further with it, of course, but slugcat anatomy can be a little obfuscating sometimes, and they were intended to look rather plush considering personal size headcanons and therefore the lack of proper gravity), and the thick and flounced mantle looked like a good addition, as per their sea slug Glossodoris hikuerensis. Unlike Survivor and Monk, I didn’t attempt to hold their resemblance to any particular other character (which means a little less to balance out the “default gene pool” thing), so those are all the design notes I have for em.
Artificer: The second slugcat I’ve ever played, or finished the campaign of, my favorite for at least a long time, and the first thing I did was give them yellow accents, the shape of which have troubled me slightly (not quite like the spots or stripes of the others). They’re both a little more appealing and more explosive-looking to me, and considering how early on I played Arti, actually present in some of my older art. It does give them a little resemblance to Saint (completely intentional, two slugcats with strange relations to karma), as well as the fact that its radula is green for familiarity with one of its children (at some point it was going to have all-green markings, even!). I’m generous with their scars, partly because it was fun to overemphasize the one on their face and partly because it does seem like a reckless slugcat, on top of the dangers of its explosive abilities–I’ll probably just keep adding more forever. Mostly-red sea slugs aren’t too common, but Hexabranchus sanguineus works for sure. The ridged, yellow dewlap can expand for combustion purposes, or something along those lines. Arti’s where I began experimenting with a lot of the mildly-offkilter features seen in my interpretation of slugcats, as they’ve once again been a favorite from the start.
Rivulet: I've obviously given other slugcats spots, deeply enjoy the bubbly-soda markings of other peoples' slugcats, and thought seal riv would be cute. Despite not too closely resembling it, they've been government-assigned Hypselodoris bennetti, for color reasons and for a couple sentimental ones. Originally, the colors of every scug were meant to match up with the custom colors I gave them at the beginning of their campaigns, (though Arti, Gourm and Spearmy are the only three who actually apply here, since I've only played through half the slugcats: I gave arti the yellow as mentioned above, gourm brown eyes and spearmy light pink spears, furthered by the outskirts pearl accompanying me and that palette all the way to moon. Tolerance training for eternity in hell cause I already knew about the maroon pearl quest). I initially gave them the colors of the bi flag for fun... but with the limited palette of this image, I was left without pink for a while and decided to see how they'd look in red. I then realized how they now wonderfully matched Moon, and besides, red's a sort of camouflage in deep water! As a side-note, the difference between their eyes and those of others always bothered me a little for anatomical purposes, and the cephalopod eyes were probably influenced by this!
Spearmaster: Inspired as much as possible by @notyourfunnyman ’s wonderful spearmy: designed in a way that helps it fit in with scavengers, at least between the long sensory tentacles, big ruff, back spines and slightly thin/distended anatomy, a form of defensive mimicry. I always had annulate rhinophores in mind, for a little diversity sure, but mostly because the shape reminds me of radio antennae and communication towers (seems fitting for the comms array and being a messenger slugcat)! I started searching for a real-life slug to give them just by looking up their rhinophore shape...and was met immediately and coincidentally with annulate-topped nudibranchs that fit them more perfectly than I could've imagined: Flabellina and surrounding clades, I think Paraflabellina ischitana works very nicely. The orange was completely unplanned, but there wasn’t a place for light pink among the other slugcats’ palettes, and importantly it likens them to both Hunter and Seven Red Suns a little more.
Saint: I am very much a non-furred slugcat enjoyer, with respect to those who aren’t, so figuring out the only visibly furred slugcat was an interesting challenge. I’ve decided that they likely have other, milder adaptations for help in the cold, mainly just more efficient fat storage, and what looks vaguely like fur is instead a bunch of tubercles (called caryophillia, for the second reminder out of three). Their inspiration doesn’t have these, however, Miamira sinuata’s numerous yellow and blue spots (not to mention...whatever’s going on with that shape) and general effect of being the only really green nudibranch I could find were probably perfect for a strange green echo. Not pictured, but their beak-teeth are tiny and flat to make a surface for grinding soft food against with the lack of a functioning radula, which is tipped with a specialized spiny “grapple-hook” for better traction/grip (not to mention the numerous little teeth running down the whole thing).
(Best part of hiding this under a readmore means edits will be seen by all reblogs, I'm mostly sure, because I completely forgot to mention! The spots on their forehead are simple eyes. Their camera eyes appear closed in-game, I like to believe their complex eyesight is rather poor anyways or otherwise reason that they aren't seeing out of those, and while this was far from her REASON for attunement with the world, it does help compensate for mainly viewing it through a canvas of simple light and dark. This, and the fact that their swapped-out "fur" is not only to commit to a lack of hairs but contributes to sensory input!)
Nightcat/Enot: I guess you could say I found the “these two are technically the same person” compelling. (E.g. similar colors, both very strange and enigmatic, and Enot/Inv/Sofanthiel’s remark during the dating sim about getting removed from Arena Mode.) I doubt they’re the only two slugcats in their body, considering humans with DID tend to have more than a few (and I find it very funny that a slugcat bearing resemblance to Nightcat appears in Gourmand’s ending. They’re allowed in the colony and Enot isn’t </3), and I have to credit @faelingdraws ’s art for being what convinced me on it! Their design inspirations come down to trying to balance a few different ideas: making the patterns and palettes of both look oddly similar (special mention to the stars, since those are fun to draw), basing them off of Felimare sechurana and juliae respectively, using blocks of color with the same placement as in Enot’s official art, and specifically making Enot look...biologically reasonable and imperfect, whilst also clearly trying to imitate human displays of emotion (what with...the eyes and blush on that one piece of official art).
Lastly, here’s just a lineup with notes on body shape and size. Most of the nicknames (existing to give a little more space, that’s all) are obvious, and while I can’t remember why I shortened Nightcat to Nox, it is in honor of my friend by the same nickname :]
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#survivor rain world#monk rain world#hunter rain world#nightcat rain world#gourmand rain world#artificer rain world#rivulet rain world#spearmaster rain world#saint rain world#enot rain world#slugcat rain world#rain world#peridots-art#< feels like too long since that last tag's been used. i can say with certainty that the majority of the reason i haven't been just as#active here (not to mention not drawing as often since that's relevant) is just due to my life getting busier with a new school year but i#do miss putting my stuff here! and would like to reblog more on top of that.... so forgive not remembering exactly how to tag everything#(and how to write everything up there but to be fair it's not like long textposts were a staple of mine. i mostly just rambled and it was#fun hehehe.....some of those notes (parts of riv/spears mostly) were written around the beginning of the drawing itself)#OH i messed something up with the drafting and really did not mean to post it while tags were in progress! but regardless. i would've liked#to post it tomorrow to mirror how i was going to post it on JAN 29 a month ago......but it's not like i'm unhappy with this outcome :]#to sum it up really though it's been strange working on this for so long.....unfortunate to not get a chance to let it be seen and keep#experimenting with odd biology much earlier but i'm just glad it's out now cause i am proud of these!! it's been a lot of fun and slugcats#are still my go-to doodles :] if i had to end this off promptly though what's up with that secret pipeyard shelter as gourm that's not on#the maps. connected to vs_a04. doesn't appear on the miraheze or interactive maps for anyone strangely but i've only been there as gourmand#anyway! i'm sure there's a lot i could've said in the rush but goodbye dear reader anyway :]#i forgot spearmy initially. i'm so sorry
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There is a cyclic tragedy inherent to Mori's character wherein he's actually a deeply lonely man, but it's mostly because his resolve to do morally reprehensible things and think of people as pieces on the game board is something he prioritizes over his relations with those very same people, and this inevitably pushes them away (for very understandable reasons). And it kind of sucks honestly because the most frustrating thing about Mori is that he 100% has the potential to be a fantastic teacher and mentor, and more than that, I think he loves it! Just look at Beast! But for as long as he decides he needs to be the one to make "the hard calls" to "preserve peace", then Mori will inevitably continue in this cycle of alienating all the people he has a fondness for.
I do feel as though Mori's loneliness is something he views as a necessary sacrifice that he is making for the greater good (and if he is so willing to sacrifice, then Dazai's unwillingness to do the same comes out of left field because - "what do you mean? you're supposed to be just like me!").
Mori voice: "I'm so alone"
Also Mori: *continues to prioritize pure logic over the emotions of his people and himself*
The people: *get rightly angry and/or become extremely traumatized and leave him*
Mori voice: "I did what needed to be done"
Mori: "..."
Mori: "..."
Mori: "I'm so alone"
Sir. You are doing this to yourself.
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
This one is in response to @fizzytastic asking
"I would LOVE to know what you mean regarding the light novels."
Dazai in the light novels has been down BAD since the day he met Chuuya.
I know the whole "must be because I love you" can be viewed as a joke but my man actually "whispered with a look of regret" at being shot down.
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He also proceeded to cheat during the game by tampering with the machine to ensure Chuuya would lose the bet and become his dog. He was also stated as being in awe of Chuuya's fighting ability, repeatedly refering to him as "incredible". Dazai also flat out admits to wanting to try out living because "Chuuya convinced" him.
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He is even described as having forgotten how to breathe watching Chuuya fight.
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Moving on to the events of Stormbringer, Dazai spends too long exposing his obsession with Chuuya, telling the big bad that he spends all his "days and nights thinking about ways to annoy Chuuya".
He further proceeds to insist that Chuuya is human because of how strongly he hates Chuuya and due to a specific word it can be viewed as him saying Chuuya would hate him less if he wasnt human as was stated in the stage play of the same.
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Furthermore at the end of Stormbringer he offers to come up with a new plan to give Chuuya an out if he needs one when he has to use corruption as a last resort. And he fully intends on coming up with a new plan within 2 minutes.
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In general Dazai does a lot of staring at Chuuya throughout the light novels. On a lighter note Dazai jokes about wanting Chuuya as his personal maid at one point and demands that Chuuya let Dazai look inside his head and know everything there is to know about him.
But then we move onto the dragon head conflict as mentioned in Dead Apple where after making light of an executive's death and getting punched in the face by Chuuya, Dazai is so shaken up by Chuuya implying he's inhuman, he actually pulls strings to try and bring the conflict to an end. He also stops corruption by touching his cheek and pulls Chuuya's head into his lap while he is unconscious after his fight with Shibusawa. The following is from the manga.
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Now everyone knows about the whole Snow White and Prince reference but in the light novel its clarified that Chuuya's ability was not affected by the fog and Dazai knew this but he still forces his head down. Even more telling is that Dazai cradles Chuuya's face for no real reason because Corruption had already been nullified when Chuuya made skin to skin contact when punching him in the face.
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And of course that was how their expressions are drawn in the manga panel
Then we move to the present day and you have Dazai saying this to Sigma about Chuuya
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But then his comment about Gide has him claim the exact same behaviour is romantic in his messed up troll brain
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Basically Dazai has a history of staring at Chuuya in awe since 15, "jokingly" confessed at 15 and then got somewhat upset about the rejection, cheated to be able to keep Chuuya as his, repeatedly makes remarks that imply he is vaguely obsessed with him at 16, tends to let Chuuya rest his head in his lap post corruption, has nullified him twice that we have seen by touching his cheek (as per the movie and once as per the ln). Is actively affected by how Chuuya views him (which was shocking to me).
Aside from that he has also talked about Chuuya to the ADA off screen because Yosano knew about Chuuya and his ability (though this could just be a random update about the membera of the mafia to watch out for during meetings) and I heard he talked about Chuuya to Oda in The Day I Picked Up Dazai ln.
This is not counting any of the seriously insane amount of wan content because I dont view it as canon or atleast entirely canon but there Dazai admits to keeping 27 journals detailing things about Chuuya and its an exaggeration of the canon fact that Dazai prides himself in being a Chuuya Nakahara Encyclopedia. It also plays with how close they both actually are with several character refering to them as besties, Chuuya being forced to admit he doesnt actually hate Dazai.
(Oh and this is not even considering just how much Dazai touches Chuuya, like in the manga there is a part where Dazai keeps tugging at Chuuya's hair and refusing to let go while complaining about how much he doesnt want to touch him. Just let go dude...)
So yea, I would not be surprised if Dazai has his vows prepared by the time the last pre defection ln drops. Ofcourse this is mostly a lighthearted joke about Dazai being down bad but in all seriousness, Dazai genuinely cared about and still cares about Chuuya and its made extremely obvious throughout the novels. Its actually worth noting that it was actually Chuuya who seemed to be more vitriolic towards him until the end of Stormbringer where Dazai actually gives Chuuya a choice and shows open concern for Chuuya's needs. Hell Dazai was also the one insisting on Chuuya's autonomy, while he keeps insisting Chuuya is his dog, he hates the idea of people using him like a tool, its why he always gives Chuuya a choice. Chuuya always actively chooses to go rescue Dazai in Dazai's plans of getting kidnapped. Chuuya can always go, "nah, I dont wanna use corruption" but he doesnt because he knows since the events of stormbringer that Dazai will always give him a choice even if corruption seems like a last resort.
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Chuuya has good reason for trusting Dazai. Its cause Dazai has in fact proven to him that he can trust him. Its why he went in to fight a dragon despite being told Dazai was possibly already dead.
(And yea I know the current arc would have people go "lol he tried to drown Chuuya, he clearly doesnt care" and you know what? That's so dumb. Dazai tried to drown Chuuya, yes. But we dont actually know what is happening with this arc rn and what he is doing or if Chuuya is in any way involved in whatever he is doing. Dazai said all those things and there was no need for him to say that but the fact that he even remembered several moments they shared, yea no, he was clearly affected by it. Maybe I am wrong and Asagiri decided to yeet out all of Dazai's characterization we saw with his behaviour towards Chuuya in 2 entire novels of his past but IDK I think I'm gonna wait till this arc ends and everything unfolds before making a conclusion about how Dazai is such an asshole he tried to drown his partner.)
Seriously, vows are like the least they could do at this point.
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cistematicchaos · 11 months
It always pisses me off when I say my grandma was murdered and the minute people hear it was done by medical professionals, they no longer give a fuck. Not as in they don't care she's dead, but as in they believe it was just an accident, or it was inevitable because she was older, or it was her fault because she was mentally ill. Its as if murder via medical professionals/our healthcare system is invalid, people are just act like she fucking died-as if her life wasn't fucking stolen. Y'all don't know how common this shit is and I've seen it happen numerous times over, as well as seeing numerous attempts and its such a heavy weight to carry.
People act like I'm exaggerating or just shouldn't speak of it, because it reflects badly on our medical system and especially as someone who's mentally ill, someone who's crippled, its terrifying to see how easily it is for medical professionals to murder people like me and for us to just disappear as they go on living their life like nothing happened, watching eugenics play out right in front of you. And how the fuck are you even supposed to grieve when your loved one's death is "invalid" in people's eyes and you're not even supposed to discuss it? its a mess.
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Working on my Shego cosplay and shared some progress pics.
Both @creatorping and my bf gave me a little pep-boost 😭💖
So I ended up doodling sleeveless Shego as a result.
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excali8ur · 4 hours
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Weird dream.
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imerian · 2 months
Aaaaand i decided to post more of my f1 crafts here so here landoscar edition (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Onse again photo without doodles under cut and some rambling in tags
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bunnieswithknives · 2 years
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“David, what the FUCK.“
part 2
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screwpinecaprice · 24 days
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I woke up feeling like I was crying to sleep when I wasn't??? And my dream was about Mei from Turning Red riding a snow sleigh. Um There's nothing sad about that??? Lol
Anyway, the warm up sketches. The colors were added in Medibang. It was pretty fun, might do that technique some other time. My body still refused to recover from being bummed out throughout the day so I did house chores instead of commissions. 😅 Will try again tomorrow.
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yukipri · 6 months
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I got myself a new chair bc the old one wasn’t sparking joy
I got a big gamer chair a few years back, thinking it would be an upgrade from my old broken chair, but it just wasn't for me. It was too tall, made me feel boxed in, the arms also boxed me in, and I never used its fancy extending foot rest or reclining features. Plus, pleather may look sexy but I hated how it felt after a while :(
New chair is much simpler, and most importantly, has a HUGE seat that will hopefully entice a boi to sit with me...!
Cats tag: #YukiPriASLKittens
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dbphantom · 11 months
does a magical girl transformation sequence but at the end I just look like this:
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