#I'm not complaining about fans that miss Dean and want him back
nocasnocare · 6 years
Actors/tptb: *talking about how people must already miss Dean and acting like he’s been gone for 20 years and saying that it’s okay because he won’t be gone too long etc.* *acting like fandom will collapse because the actor is playing Michael instead of Dean*
Meanwhile, Cas fans: *go for months at a time without Cas appearing* *already dealt with Lucifer possessing Cas for almost half a season* *remember the multiple episodes from last season that featured Cas appearing as just a corpse or for like thirty seconds and still counted as full episodes towards Misha’s already limited episode count* *sees Cas promoted as series regular and third lead only to realize he’s still in less than half the episodes and gets little screentime* *watches episodes with Cas only to discover that he does absolutely nothing and appears for 5 minutes or less and is often left out of important scenes/plot points/milestones* *constantly worry every season whether Misha will be brought back the next season* :\\\\\ That....must be terrible.... :\\\\ How will Dean fans survive this travesty? :\\\ We...just.......can’t...........imagine......
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crashdevlin · 3 years
Another Second Chance 18- Therapy
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Another Second Chance Masterlist, Happily Ever Eventually Masterlist
Author’s Note: The final (hopefully) installment of the Happily Ever Eventually RPF series.
Summary: Y/n finds herself a new house and Misha is determined to make it a huge project.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Word count: 2993
Story Warnings: past cheating, mentions of FFM threesome, not much in this one
“It’s pretty, right?” I ask, looking around the open concept of the first floor of this $350,000 house.
“Kitchen’s kinda outdated,” Jensen says, pointing at the fridge. “I mean, that fridge has gotta be from when you were in high school.”
“I could buy new appliances, Jay. Get a natural gas stove set up. Install some cabinet pulls, because I’m not a really big fan of this whole lack of elements.” I gesture at the cabinets. “Probably stain it a little darker to go against the flooring. But it’s pretty, right?”
Jay smiles. “Yeah. It’s pretty...and it’s about twice as big as the one you’ve been living in. Which is what you need.”
“Yeah. Walk-in closet in the master, too. It’ll be a good place to put the security hub.”
“Or you could put the security hub in the closet in the den and put your clothes in the master closet,” Jay suggests, grumpy old man in his tone. "And if you're gonna update the kitchen, you gotta update the bathrooms. Get one of those-"
"I am not getting an automatic toilet!" I laugh. "No one needs that!"
"Of course no one needs it but it's freakin' awesome!"
"Okay, Dean," I tease.
"Dean would agree with me. Automatic toilet, with the bidet and the-"
"Dean Winchester would break an automatic toilet and then complain that it's a damn computer which means he can't fix it without help."
Jay laughs. "He'd still think it was cool."
"He'd be down for the heated seat. I will give you that much."
He smiles as he looks around. "So...are we looking at your new digs or what?"
I bite my bottom lip and run my hand over the granite countertop. “Shouldn’t I ask Nova's opinion? It's gonna be her home, too."
"She's a teenager. As long as she's got her own room, I'm sure she's gonna be fine." He sets his hands on my shoulders and smiles. "But you can show her pictures or bring her by before you sit down with the realtor."
I nod and smile. "It's in the right school district and a bigger room for her and for Mav and the bonus room can be an office. I really think it's the place."
"Then get it," he encourages. "Get it, Baby Girl. We can make it perfect. I'm no stranger to a little reno."
"Please," I start, laughing. "A contractor did the work on your old place. Shush."
He looks a little offended. "I helped. I painted. I installed the sink in the half bath off the kitchen."
"Fine. You can stain these cabinets for me." I wink and step away from him. I'm gonna get this house. "Come on." I walk to the foyer where the realtor is waiting and I smile at him. "Can I put in an offer now or should I wait a few hours?" He smiles brighter than the sun.
"You can make an offer anytime, Miss."
Miss. Still young enough to get 'miss'. "Good. Let's do this."
"Four bedroom, 2 and a half bath, 3200 square feet with an office next to the master bed. It needs some updating and work...had a contractor quote me $60,000 but that's not bad...covers new appliances, too."
"I could come down and help," Misha offers. "You know, a lot of that stuff you can DIY and I can help with most of it."
"You don't have to do that, Meesh."
"Why would I let you spend that much money on something I could help you with for a fraction of the cost?"
"Misha, you really don’t-"
"I'm not letting you tell me 'no' on this. We'll get together some manpower and get this done for you."
He's really not going to let me say 'no'. "Okay. Well, it's going to be several weeks before the paperwork is finished and all that. I'll let you know when it's mine."
"Good. I'll start looking at HGTV.com." Damn it, Misha. Don't be so extra. "And send me pictures and a floorplan so I know what I'm working with."
"Yeah, okay." Really no point in arguing. It's Misha. If I don't send him pics and a copy of the floorplan, he'll just find the house and get them himself off the internet. "I'll send it to you after my appointment tomorrow, okay?"
"Sounds good. Talk to you then."
"Bye, Meesh." I hang up and sigh. He's gonna make it this whole thing, isn't he?
His house in Washington did come out amazing, though, so he does have some skills that will help in this. Eh, why not? Why not get together with my best friend and make my new home my own?
"So, I get to see this house eventually, right?" Nova says, walking into the living room.
I smile. "Come see all these pretty pictures I took and we can speculate on what craziness Misha is gonna come up with." I pat the couch next to me and she comes over. "This is the view from the street." I start showing her the pictures and she claims a room before I've even finished the digital tour.
"Oh, and you're gonna paint the exterior, right? Like, it's pretty but it's yellow. You're gonna fix that, right?"
"Oh, I'm sure Misha isn't going to let me move into another drab house. You weren’t here the first time he showed up at this house but he had opinions about all of it. I didn't let him talk me into reno last time but this time...I don’t know...maybe this will be the forever home so…"
"It's gotta be custom!" Nova exclaims.
"Can I paint my walls custom? Or get custom wallpaper done? I know that a lot of people don't like wallpaper but I've seen a few places that got it right and-"
"Yeah, baby, of course. We'll figure out something awesome for your walls." I kiss her forehead. We'll do whatever she wants for her room.
I love when she's happy.
It's been a while since I've been in Dr. McCauliffe's office. Life has been in the way...and I guess I didn’t want her to judge me for my involvement with Jensen...which is ridiculous because she's my therapist. She's not going to judge me.
"So." She taps her pen against her clipboard. "What's new?"
"Well...I have been dating Jensen again. I know you saw that in the news."
"I saw it on Mr. Collins' Instagram, actually," she says with a smile.
"Right. The video. Forgot about it for a minute. Um, yeah, like I said in the video and Jensen said in his...spark's still there, we're giving it another chance."
"How's that feel?"
I bite my bottom lip. "Scary as Hell, honestly. I mean, but it's good. I've done pretty good with boundaries and moving slowly. You know, before...we jumped in head first and everything was this intense passion right out of the gate but this time…" I shrug. "I don't know. Maybe we've grown up, or grown old, but…"
"Have you slept with him?" she asks and it's because she knows that sex was a big issue when I was with him before. Sex was all we were supposed to be in the beginning and sex ruined us in the end. I know why she's asking but there's this...well, it's a bit intrusive, isn't it? It seems like she's judging me for being sexually active and I know that's not what it is but my whole spine goes tense when she asks.
"Yes. We dated for about a month before we started getting physical again."
“And how has that been? I don’t need details, of course, but...emotionally, how has it been to be intimate with Jensen again?”
How to answer that?
Really, how am I supposed to answer that? It’s the best sex I’ve ever had, emotionally fullfilling in a romance-novel sort of way. It’s perfect but it does have its scary moments. “Well, we’ve only actually...slept together a couple times this time. His libido is a lot less than it was. I mean, he didn’t have sex the entire time we were broken up, can you believe that?”
Dr. McCauliffe adjusts her glasses and shrugs a little. “I do not. Five years is a long time to go without sex...but you seem to believe it. That’s what matters.”
I never even questioned it. Should I have? No, because he’s been so honest about everything else. “I went years and years without sex after Nate. I believe Jensen did the same after me. He had a lot going on. He was in recovery for alcoholism. He had to be a good father and work on his career and-”
“You just got very defensive, very quickly. Why is that?”
Fuck, I don’t know. I run my hand over my mouth and shrug. “I don’t know,” I respond honestly.
“Analyze it, Y/n. Why would you get so defensive over my disbelief in what Jensen told you?”
“Because I didn’t question it,” I answer after a moment. “Because he told me that the last time he had sex, real full-penetrative sex, was the time that broke us and I didn’t really question it. I took it at face value because we’ve been doing very good about honesty with each other and what if that’s stupid? What if I’m stupid because maybe he’s lying about it and keeping stuff from me and-”
“You said he’s been very good about honesty so far, right?”
I nod. “Yeah. He’s...he admitted to stuff that I never thought he’d admit to and he apologized for stuff and he’s been open about what happened and why. He’s even been honest about little things that he would have lied about before...like I told him about Will and he Googled him. Used to be, he’d keep that kind of thing to himself, never tell me, but he admitted it without even prompting.” I chew on my bottom lip as she starts scribbling on her notes. “I believe him. It might be stupid but I believe him.”
She sets her clipboard in her lap and smiles at me. “It’s not stupid...and he’s likely changed enough that honesty is important to him. You’ve told me that his recovery has changed him. Jared’s told me the same. Now, it’s a bit hard for me to believe that he’s changed so much in the last five years that he would have abstained from sex since the last time he was with you, but...I don’t know the man, do I? You do. Jared does. If you believe him, then don’t let me change your mind.”
“I believe him. You didn’t see the way he looked at me the first time we...‘Reverent’ is the best word for it.”
“What do you think that means for you?”
I scoot back, leaning against the back of the couch. “I think he’s finally got Danneel out of his head.”
“Do you?” she asks and I hate when she asks things I don’t want to answer. “Danneel was a major roadblock in your relationship before, wasn’t she?”
“You know she was. I was so focused on giving Jensen what he wanted...Danneel...that I couldn’t see that I was what he was supposed to be wanting. I wanted to be like her, couldn’t appreciate myself. I know this stuff, Doctor.” I shift on the couch and sigh. “I don’t wanna be Danneel and I don’t want Jensen to be with her. I want Jensen to be with me...I want him to want to be with only me.” I shrug. “Seems like that’s where we are. He doesn’t even talk to her anymore. I talked to her the other day and she didn’t even know why he doesn’t talk to her anymore.”
“You talked to Danneel again?”
“Yeah. We ran into each other at a shop while I was getting Nova a new dress. It...didn’t go well. Nova was very combative with Danneel. I ended up having to...be very honest with my daughter. She knows about everything now...even the night with Danneel.”
“Oh? How’d that talk go?”
“It was...it was good to get it off my chest, actually. It was like the conversation where I told her about, about why her father and I got divorced. It’s like...It was a hard conversation but it was an important one. I don’t have to...hide things anymore and that’s a blessing. She understands why I make the decisions I make now...she understands...the betrayal was a lot deeper than she even knew. She understands that now and...maybe it’ll make us closer, but at least she knows the truth now.”
“And she’s living with you now, right?” I nod. “How did that happen? Nathan doesn’t seem the type to just allow her to do what she wants.”
I snort. “He’s definitely not, but...he fucked up with Jenny, blew up his marriage. I’m actually surprised it took her this long to realize that he was cheating on her, but whatever. Um...Nova didn’t want to be there for the destruction of his way of life and she asked if she could come to Texas. I convinced him to let her come because she didn’t need to see the parade of his affairs that Jenny would bring up. I then used those women to convince him not to fight me on custody when I refiled. It was…” I scratch at my cheek. “It was a low move, but it’s exactly the kind of move he pulled on me, convincing the judge that I was too unstable to care for her. I don’t feel bad about it, especially since she wants to be here.”
“That’s a big change...on top of other big changes.”
“Yep...and there’s more coming. Because I need more room since Nova is living with me, there will be a new home in my future."
"A new home? That's exciting."
"It is. And I am more excited about it than I am scared so that says something."
"I remember how anxious you were about your first house. I remember all the security options you went through."
"Well, security had to be heavy. I had to think about Tom and his crazy-ass fans and the crazier of Jensen’s fans and the paps. There was that one photographer in Vancouver that climbed the balcony outside the condo to get pics of me and Jay, remember?" I shiver at the memory of looking out the French doors to see a man with his camera, snapping away. So intrusive. "I'm gonna have to put up a privacy fence and a coded gate at the new place, too...and, of course, all the security cameras."
"Sounds like a big project."
"Yeah. Definitely. Not even half of it, though. Misha wants to DIY everything."
"Misha isn't your husband, Y/n," Dr. McCauliffe reminds me and I laugh.
"I think he forgets that sometimes. But there's not a lot of use in arguing with him. He's...well, he's right a lot. Like, most of the time, I mean. So, I always cave to him."
"Do you want to do a big DIY project at this new house?"
"Not at first, I didn't but...I dunno. Might be fun. I've never gotten to do that kind of project and knowing Misha, he's gonna make it fun even if it is hard work."
"Well, as long as you can maintain your work as well as this project. How is that coming along?"
"Really good, actually. We started shooting not too long ago...and I hadn't even considered that this project might be detrimental to Midsummer. I'll have to make sure that Misha knows that Midsummer comes first."
"Well, it seems like you've got things under control."
"Yeah? I was afraid you'd tell me I was...going too fast or…"
"Do you think that? You were telling me that you'd done well with boundaries and keeping things-"
"Well, I have! I mean, Jensen was talking about moving in together already and I shut that down and decided to get a bigger place...my own bigger place."
"Jensen wanted to move in with you?" She writes down something on her notes. "And you said 'no'?"
"I said 'no'," I confirm. "I was really proud of myself, Doc. Nova was proud of me, too, actually. Which was...it was interesting and new. I don’t know that she's ever been proud of me for anything and I know that it's supposed to be the other way, where I'm proud of her and I am, of course but Nova being proud of me setting these boundaries and sticking to them...it gives me hope that she'll be able to do the same in her own life, you know?"
"There's nothing wrong with feeling happy that you made your daughter proud and there's nothing wrong with hoping she's going to make different mistakes than you. She's going to do well in life if you keep making the best choices for the both of you." She sets her clipboard on her desk and smiles. "I'm proud of you, too, by the way. Six years ago, you would have jumped at living with Jensen."
"Six years ago, I did."
We finish out our session with a promise to not go so long without seeing her next time. "Mental health is about the maintenance," she reminds me as she opens her office door and walks me to the reception desk. I agree and set an appointment for six weeks out. I call Misha as I start my car, intending to tell him that Midsummer comes before the house project. I haven't even gotten a 'hello' out of my mouth when he speaks.
"I saw the pictures you sent. I have so many ideas!"
The Kitchen Sink - @emoryhemsworth @flamencodiva @wasabiwitteks @rainbowkisses31 @rissbennett @mariekoukie6661 @officiallyunofficialperson @dolphincliffs @mrs-meghan-winchester @gayspacenerd @foxyjwls007 @ilovefanfic86 @marvelfansworld @f-yeahfandoms @wonderlandfandomkingdom @hhiggs @sev3nruby @hobby27 @paintballkid711 @divadinag @thewhiterabbit42 @fantasymyth-1 @queenoftheunderdark @cosicas-cuquis @superfanficnatural @letsby @supernatural-bellawinchester @onethirstyunicorn @swinchester27 @chalicia @screechingartisancashbailiff @death-unbecomes-you @dayasvalkyrie @paryl @wereallbrokenangels @the-american-witch @that-one-gay-girl @tatted-trina6 @sunshineandwings86 @lunarmoon8 @wheezyeds @vicmc624 @couldabeenamermaid @vulgar-library
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sofreddie · 3 years
Serendipitous Souls (Part 3)
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Summary: Y/N reveals a bit more about herself as the clock winds down to midnight.
Characters: Dean x OC!Reader, Sam
Warnings: Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 1,581
A/N: Here's where some of the OC comes into play. Were working to the smut, I promise.
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"Two hours," she heard Sam whisper to Dean as Sam glanced at his watch, "I think I'm gonna go lay down," he announced louder to the room, "Chuck twisting my insides really took it out of me," he chuckled, rising from his seat and tucking in the chair. Dean nodded in response, his mind too preoccupied with his own situation.
"And, Y/N?" Sam said, stopping and turning his attention to her with a genuine smile, "Thank you. For saving my life," he said with all sincerity and it made her heart clench. She didn't feel like she had done anything. But in retrospect, she supposed she had.
"You're welcome," she responded with her own soft smile. Sam nodded before heading to his room, leaving the pair in awkward silence.
Y/N sighed, her gaze falling to her hands as she fidgeted with the new ring on her finger.
"Have you ever been married before?" Dean asks.
"I have," she nodded, "Didn't end well though."
"I'm sorry," Dean responded. She merely shrugged in response, "Any kids?"
"Uh, no," she said, meeting his eyes as she flashed him a small smile, "He left because we had trouble conceiving," she huffed a laugh, "But I guess that's not going to be an issue now."
"I feel like everything I say is the wrong thing," Dean confessed defeatedly.
"No, it's fine, really," she finally relaxed, shifting back into her chair like she was ready to settle into the conversation, "They're standard 'get-to-know-you' questions. I just have shitty answers," she smirked at him.
"Mine aren't much better."
"I know."
"Yeah, I guess you do," Dean said with a furrowed brow, remembering she's a fan, of the TV show, about their lives. He shifted in his seat, a look of deep thought crossing his features, "So then I guess you know a lot about us then, right? What we do, how we live, who we are?"
"Well, tell me about you then," Dean shook it off and decided that regardless of how he felt about that information, he couldn't be upset about it. She may be a fan, but she wasn't like Becky, which he was grateful for. For starters, she wasn't squealing with excitement or trying to rub all up on either of them. If anything she was distant and trying to avoid or pull away from touch as much as possible. He supposed she still could be like that. But he just didn't feel like she was.
"Uh, well," she laughs and blushes and Dean thinks he likes the sound and look of that. It's such a stark contrast to the somber mood they've been experiencing, "Actually, it's kinda of funny-not-funny, but, uh," she chuckles again, this time seemingly embarrassed and Dean's chest feels warm, "I always felt that your existence-slash-nonexistence was like some big cosmic joke. A-and it turns out it really is!"
She's full-on laughing now and Dean's pretty sure it's a mix of the alcohol and a few hysterics. He reaches a hand across the table, resting it atop one of hers in an attempt to ground her.
"Why is it a joke?" Of all the things she could've said, that's certainly not one he expected. A joke? How could it possibly be a joke?! He remains calm and holds her gaze when she raises her head to meet his eyes. She sighs heavily and pouts and his eyes flit to her lips before quickly going back to her eyes.
"Because," she half-groans, half-whines, slumping back into her chair and removing herself from his touch. He kind of misses the feel of her already. She groans and a series of expressions cross her face and Dean realizes he can read that look. That look says 'let's rip off this bandaid and get it over with'.
"Because, my whole life I've felt so alone, so misunderstood, so out of place," she began. And all Dean can think is, 'Yeah, 'cause you were supposed to be with me'. "I'm the oldest sibling," she starts and Dean thinks he sees where this is going, "My sister? Is four years younger than me. Just like Sam is to you. And me too, by the way. I was born about seven months after Sam," she says with a light blush and a shake of her head, getting herself back on track as she rambles. Dean thinks he likes listening to her talk, even if she is rambling. She's so animated and he's enjoying just quietly taking her all in.
"I also have a younger brother, who's a year younger than my sister," she took a deep breath and Dean's eyes trailed down her neck and to her heaving collarbone peeking out from the top of her shirt. He decided she had a very nice collarbone.
"Both my parents worked all the time, demanding jobs with long hours just to pay the bills. So I was left in charge of my siblings," Dean's eyes snapped to hers and he felt a deep empathy. That was a life experience he was all too familiar with. "I had to cook and clean and do chores and walk them to school and home again. I was this weird third parent to my siblings and this sort of peer to my parents. It was a weird in-between to live in," she complained with a pained expression. Dean wanted to smooth away the crease in her brow.
"There's life experiences that are so precise and unusual, but somehow we share those things in common. When I first watched the show and discovered you," she shook her head, that embarrassed blush returning and Dean realized it kissed her collarbone. He wondered how far it went. "I didn't like you at first," Dean frowned at that, "You were too pretty, too cocky, too 'devil-may-care'," she smirked, "But after you came back from-" she hesitated with a wary glance, "-you know- you were different. And I saw you different. There was somehow more to you, more revealed. So I watched more," she explained.
"And then I quickly realized: here's this person - who has been through the same things as me, the same unusual things that make me so different, so difficult to understand. Here's someone I've been looking for my whole life. Finally! Someone who could truly understand me," she smiled but it wasn't happy as her eyes were filled with tears, "A-and he's a fictional character. It was the most painful cosmic joke ever!"
Several tears fell from her eyes and trailed down her cheeks, dripping off her jaw and chin. She shook her head to come to her senses, quickly and roughly cleaning up her face with her hands and shirt.
He froze, processing her words and how broken she looked over the whole thing. For the life of him, he could only think to say one thing.
"Y/N," he rose from his chair and walked over to her, swinging her chair sideways and crouching in front of her, "I'm right here."
"What?" she mumbled, sniffing away the last of her tears as she looked down at him in confusion.
He shifted, kneeling between her parted legs and resting his hands on her knees.
"I get where you're coming from. And I know how you feel. I get it," he emphasized, squeezing her knees, "I don't know how all this is gonna go or play out," he sighed, shaking his head, "But I know we're in this together, forever," he held up his hand to show his ring before placing it back on her knee, "But if you feel like you need me, for whatever reason…I'm right here. I can be that for you."
"You don't have to," she tried to backtrack and Dean shook his head, moving closer into her and moving his hands to her lower back, keeping her close and focused on him.
"Beyond tonight, we don't have to be anything if that's what you really want," he offered, "But I figure, if we're in this anyway, then why not try?" he shrugged, "Maybe it'll work out and we can be happy. Maybe it won't and we find we're better as friends. I don't know. But I'm willing to find out."
"Just like that?" she was skeptical, but wishful all the same. He was a million times more attractive and distracting at close proximity. His eyes. They were a force of nature all their own and she knew - especially as a fangirl - that she should've seen it coming. But somehow - despite the comments from others who had gone to conventions or the fans who wrote fic after fic about his eyes in painstaking detail - she was not prepared for the depth and captivity of those intense eyes.
"You and I," he said, gesturing between them with one hand while the other remained on her back, "We literally share a soul. We are literally two pieces that make a whole," he chuckled and shook his head, a broad smile adorning his face and she felt her heart stutter and damn near stop for a few beats, "I have to believe that means something. I feel like it does. So I'll trust in that and see where it takes us."
She was surprised and amazed at his confidence, the surety of his statements and confessions. How could he be so okay with it? He so quickly resigned to this 'fate'.
She swallowed hard, very aware of his hands on her - respectfully, but still there.
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Dean Winchester:
Serendipitous Souls:
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baekhvuns · 2 years
What type of cat do you wanna be? I just wanna knead his back don't care about categories 😭
Yes I'm waiting for a vampire Hwa fic that will suit my taste, because the period sex ones 🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️ OUT OF THE QUESTION. I vividly remember one but it was short about y/n sneaking out on the balcony to meet him? Actually I can't remember if he was a vampire, but I think so dudjejddhkshdhshw or maybe I made that fic up lmao. It's like werewolves and br**ding kink EVERY FUCKING TIME GIVE IT A REST. Though since I'm on my period now I wouldn't mind a vamp sucking the blood out of me, preferably all my blood so I will pass away
Man said "I didn't mean to play push and pull" are you sure BRO are you sure BABY BOY?! Also my other issue with the "show abs" is that some don't have abs? I'm happy when I see idols in crop tops, but without toned stomachs <3 I don't need them to starve to show their midriff
SPIDERMAN: EVERYONE'S HOME I FUCKING YELLED KWHRJSBDSHDJSHS yes mosquitoes are sneaky, blood suckers ugh, why can't vampires suck my blood instead. My friend said THERE WAS A SPIDER ABOVE OUR MAIN DOOR TOO???? A SMALL ONE BUT STILL
SM can't commit unfortunately, they have cool ideas but the execution 🥴 Some people say lore is too confusing and stops them from enjoying the songs and mvs??? I saw that complaint about Ateez so many times. Actually I think Xdinary Heroes have lore too, I'm anticipating their comeback FINALLY. Yeah some of Aespa lore is so corny and the way they put Kwangya and Naevis in the lyrics is so annoying, why can't you be more subtle hellooooo. I was talking about Enhypen and their vampires/werewolves story, but their recent comeback didn't reference them and I was so disappointed I also disliked the song, but that's another story
The song titles are pretty strong and straightforward I wanna know moreeeee, which one is the TT. Idk bestie many people like the squares?! If you don't have a lot of space then yeah they're better, but everything inside will be smaller ughhhh, idk if they did it randomly or because we're back to Halateez, regardless I'm not too happy. Also it says PHOTOBOOKLET not PHOTOBOOK what if it's not as thick as usual, I'm worried 😭 I live for the photobooks, why are we downgrading come oooooon. I saw the re-design it was better, but I saw Atinys who were like OMFG ATEEZ DESIGNS ARE ALWAYS SO GORGEOUS!!! To each their own, but have you seen other album covers uhmmm Ateez can't compare I'm sorry. And someone got ratioed for being unGraTeFuL omfg stfu, people are allowed to complain, stop riding KQ's dick so hard... I got 3 signed albums! I also joined 3 video call events so far, hopefully I win something <3 a photo teaser should drop soon the no time stamps thing pisses me off, but look like I'll be awake for today's concept photo, it better be good
Size kink is not here miss, Mingi and Yunho are taller than me, but not that tall, if I wear high heels we're pretty much the same height. They didn't play Fireworks :/// I missed Answer and SMN
Oh I didn't know Dean comes to Canada often also where is he? Maybe I missed something because I don't keep up with him. Yes most fans are pissed at Sunmi, but some have no problem with NFTs. A.C.E's US label wanted to invest in them, people ratioed that label's CEO and they cancelled it sufhjshdjshdhrj so fucking funny. Also this happened, I was like NOOOOO DON'T DO IT TO MY NUGU GIRLS. OMFG Kun did it? That's shitty :( Hybe is really into NFTs rn it's yikessss
Well if I can't get vampire Hwa I will be the vampire instead idc, his neck and arms look delectable...😋 omfg your friend met Mr Hutaaaaa 👀 some idols probably don't know the shit about AW, some are forced to work with him ehhh. I wanna see idols in more interesting clothes perhaps local designers, not the usual boring big names. Seriously when will Hwa have his own cover, Hyunjin and Felix and Chan, Minho too had solo or unit shoots, I'm waiting for Seonghwa 😭😭😭😭 and we all know man loves fashion and posing
The photos A KISS ON THE FOREHEAD BEFORE I SINK MY TEETH INTO HIS FLESH. Also Yunho trying to slice his neck?!??!
Please he's so cute with his MILF bag 😌 the likes tho, Shitstars are too delulu 💔 we're a lost cause. And one more - DV 💖
hi hello!!
What type of cat do you wanna be? I just wanna knead his back don't care about categories 😭
JFBWKDHSK ID WANNA BE THE CAT IN BUZZFEED WHEN THEY HAVE A CAT-INTERVIEW WITH THEM 😭😭😭 specifically the one that hwa holds <3 id perish,, kneading biscuits <3
Yes I'm waiting for a vampire Hwa fic that will suit my taste, because the period sex ones 🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️ OUT OF THE QUESTION. I vividly remember one but it was short about y/n sneaking out on the balcony to meet him? Actually I can't remember if he was a vampire, but I think so dudjejddhkshdhshw or maybe I made that fic up lmao. It's like werewolves and br**ding kink EVERY FUCKING TIME GIVE IT A REST. Though since I'm on my period now I wouldn't mind a vamp sucking the blood out of me, preferably all my blood so I will pass away
YEAH !!!! i don’t think theres like a full on vampire fic in the ateez section,,,, i rmr reading one for exo it had like 40+ parts and is at 9.9 mil rn,,, so good, waiting for SOMEONE TO AT LEAST WRITE A TWILIGHT AU 😭😭 OH GOD I GENUINELY DESPISE THE PERIOD ONES EVERYTIME I SEE A VAMPIRE FIC AND I GO REWD IT AND IFS JUST OERIOD SEX THE WAY I RUN OUT 😭😭😭 HOW DOES ONE THINK OF THEM 😭😭😭 oh my god, as much as im ok with the aspect of alpha’s and stuff the breeding kink in the abo section is INTENSE 😭😭🤚🏼NO LITERALLY LIKE MAKE IT SOMETHING THAT’S MAYBE JUST REGULAR WHY U GOTTA BREED 🔫 BRMWDHWJGDWK ALL OF THE BLOOD 😭😭🤚🏼
Man said "I didn't mean to play push and pull" are you sure BRO are you sure BABY BOY?! Also my other issue with the "show abs" is that some don't have abs? I'm happy when I see idols in crop tops, but without toned stomachs <3 I don't need them to starve to show their midriff
“didn’t mean to play push and pull” AND HERE U ARE DOING THE EXACT AND LIKING IT 🤚🏼🔫 HES INTO ETL FOR SURE HE’S THE TYPE TO READ ARRANGE MARRIAGE AU’S AND ETLS AND RIVALS TO LOVERS 1000% omg right like i see fans go “omg don’t pressure them into showing abs u literally don’t deserve them” and then a month later when the abs are shown its like a whole diff scenario,,, YEAAH !!!! EXACTLY !!! tbh they don’t even need to have abs,,, like just have a stomach that’s all good with us <3 eat and have some chubby cheeks and id cry <3
SPIDERMAN: EVERYONE'S HOME I FUCKING YELLED KWHRJSBDSHDJSHS yes mosquitoes are sneaky, blood suckers ugh, why can't vampires suck my blood instead. My friend said THERE WAS A SPIDER ABOVE OUR MAIN DOOR TOO???? A SMALL ONE BUT STILL
SM can't commit unfortunately, they have cool ideas but the execution 🥴 Some people say lore is too confusing and stops them from enjoying the songs and mvs??? I saw that complaint about Ateez so many times. Actually I think Xdinary Heroes have lore too, I'm anticipating their comeback FINALLY. Yeah some of Aespa lore is so corny and the way they put Kwangya and Naevis in the lyrics is so annoying, why can't you be more subtle hellooooo. I was talking about Enhypen and their vampires/werewolves story, but their recent comeback didn't reference them and I was so disappointed I also disliked the song, but that's another story
EXACTLY THE EXECUTION GOT LAZY WITH THE NEW EXPERIMENTS THEYVE BEEN DOING 😭😭 bruh tbh the lore makes everything more interesting personally,,, NO IF THE LORE IS TOO CONFUSING JUST??? DONT?? PAY ATTENTION TO IT??? 😭😭 enjoy the music bro 😭😭 IM EXCITED FOR XDINARY HEROS THEY SEEM TO HAVE A COOL CONCEPT yEah THE “my nævis we love u” no bro 😭😭 u don’t 😭😭 ENHA HAS A WEREWOLF THEORY?????????????????????????????????????????? HELLO????????????????
The song titles are pretty strong and straightforward I wanna know moreeeee, which one is the TT. Idk bestie many people like the squares?! If you don't have a lot of space then yeah they're better, but everything inside will be smaller ughhhh, idk if they did it randomly or because we're back to Halateez, regardless I'm not too happy. Also it says PHOTOBOOKLET not PHOTOBOOK what if it's not as thick as usual, I'm worried 😭 I live for the photobooks, why are we downgrading come oooooon. I saw the re-design it was better, but I saw Atinys who were like OMFG ATEEZ DESIGNS ARE ALWAYS SO GORGEOUS!!! To each their own, but have you seen other album covers uhmmm Ateez can't compare I'm sorry. And someone got ratioed for being unGraTeFuL omfg stfu, people are allowed to complain, stop riding KQ's dick so hard... I got 3 signed albums! I also joined 3 video call events so far, hopefully I win something <3 a photo teaser should drop soon the no time stamps thing pisses me off, but look like I'll be awake for today's concept photo, it better be good
RIGHT i so think the first one is the title,,,, with them teasers out i def think it’s that 😮‍💨😮‍💨 THE MAIN ISSUE WITH THE SMALL ONE IS THAT (i don’t mind them tbh) but everything jUST SO SMOLL 🤏🏼🤏🏼 and like the booklet be closing randomly if ur holding it and wHAT ABT THE PHOTOGRAPHY WE WANTED TO SEE IT BIG BUT 😭😭 GET THE FUCK OUT IT SAYS PHOTOBOOKLET??? GOD WHATD WHJFHWKDHWK OK I CHECKED ,,, IN THE SMN (and all the ones with squares) ERA THE PHOTOBOOK WAS ALSO CALLED PHOTOBOOKLET,,, no ur so right as much as the minimalism is good sometimes,,,, maybe it’s better for a nicer album and ditching the minimalistic side,, i don’t mind either but sometimes a new side is good to test too 😭😭 atz on their way to hire atinys WAIT RLY??? damn can’t have no opinions in atinyvile YOU GOT THEM??? BESTIE LESSGOOOOO MANIFESTING SEONGHWAS SIGNED ALBUMS FOR UUUU !!!!! AAAAA I HOPE U GET IN !!!!! omg did u get the digipack???? tbh that digipack sounds kinda promising but it’s only for americans and 🔫🔫🤚🏼🔫🤚🏼🤚🏼 me and my friends were up all might trying to see what hour they’d drop them and everytime they didn’t we’d call it a scam 😭😭😭
but,,, that ain’t san,,, that thor
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BDKQHDKS EXACTLY 😭😭 MAKES ME WANNA REWATCH IT JUST FOR HIM and he’s sO FINE 😭😭😭 be was also so whipped i felt bad for him when his family never let him see his mom when she passed
Size kink is not here miss, Mingi and Yunho are taller than me, but not that tall, if I wear high heels we're pretty much the same height. They didn't play Fireworks :/// I missed Answer and SMN
Oh I didn't know Dean comes to Canada often also where is he? Maybe I missed something because I don't keep up with him. Yes most fans are pissed at Sunmi, but some have no problem with NFTs. A.C.E's US label wanted to invest in them, people ratioed that label's CEO and they cancelled it sufhjshdjshdhrj so fucking funny. Also this happened, I was like NOOOOO DON'T DO IT TO MY NUGU GIRLS. OMFG Kun did it? That's shitty :( Hybe is really into NFTs rn it's yikessss
OH HE COMES HERE OFTEN !!!! he’s finally releasing an album after like 5 years bestie bfwmbd,,, sunmi’s response to it had me 💀 LMFAOOOO THE WAY KPOP FANS BULLY COMPANIES INTO DOING THIS IS SO CHAOTIC FBFBFB NUGU GIRLIES FBWNDHQKDHWK PLS 😭😭😭 YEAH KUN DID IT ITS STILL UP ON HIS IG,,, hybe’s stocks going 📉📉📉
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Well if I can't get vampire Hwa I will be the vampire instead idc, his neck and arms look delectable...😋 omfg your friend met Mr Hutaaaaa 👀 some idols probably don't know the shit about AW, some are forced to work with him ehhh. I wanna see idols in more interesting clothes perhaps local designers, not the usual boring big names. Seriously when will Hwa have his own cover, Hyunjin and Felix and Chan, Minho too had solo or unit shoots, I'm waiting for Seonghwa 😭😭😭😭 and we all know man loves fashion and posing
LMFAOOOO NFBWNDBSM I SUPPORT THIS HUNGER !!!! no fr and she’s younger than me (exchange student thing that is why) and everytime i see her stories its her at a btob meeting or concert or fanmeet,, im like go yOU I GET FREE CONTENT FBFB yEAAH THEY PROBS DONT but ain’t CL his bestie 🔫 yEAAAH LIKE HOW BP DID TO THE HANBOKS FROM A LOCAL STYLISTS STUFF LIKE THAT WOULD BE RLY BENEFICIAL,,, sEONGHWA FOR VOGUE OR ELLE WHEN THE DAY IT HAPPENS MODEL HWA AU HWA WOULD BE RISEN
The photos A KISS ON THE FOREHEAD BEFORE I SINK MY TEETH INTO HIS FLESH. Also Yunho trying to slice his neck?!??! Please he's so cute with his MILF bag 😌 the likes tho, Shitstars are too delulu 💔 we're a lost cause. And one more - DV 💖
KISS ON THE FOREHEAD AND A BITE??? DBDBFBFBD HIS MILF BAG STOP I SCREAMED 😭😭😭😭 he looks so fine there,,, him in normal clothes is so >>>> shinestar’s will always give the most rando video of seonghwa more them 1K likes
bestie we got a quizzz !!!!
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rorigilmore · 3 years
I gotta disagree with the previous anon about this because yeah, there's always hypocritical fans in every fandom, but the difference between how Jess fans talk about his less-stellar moments on the show (particularly when the show at least makes sure to note on how they're bad) in comparison to Logan/Dean fans just completely dismissing their faves' actions by either saying "well he grew out of it!" or insignuating that Dean is somehow this small child who shouldn't have been allowed by any adult, even Luke (??) to get married and then cheat on his wife, is ridiculous. Logan fans in particular love to argue and complain about the simple reasons why some fans who love or even like Jess and who simply say "yes he made mistakes but he was a teenager and grew out of it" by thinking they're doing something by saying "excuse me, so Logan shouldn't be allowed the space to fuck up even when he's young like your fave??". Like, do y'all hear yourselves sometimes? Are you seriously comparing a 24 yo cheating on his girlfriend and endangering his life and wasting his time because "daddy wants to make me go to work after I finish college 😭😭" is on the same level as a seventeen year old being kicked out of high school and being told that they will pretty much be homeless unless they don't retake an entire year in a place they hate living in? Like I apologize for not having the grace of a saint or w/e to feel sorry for Logan who at 25 has had virtually everything that exists handed to him and then proceeds to fuck up his life in astronomical levels without ever suffering the consequences for it, or Dean somehow rushing into a marriage at 19 as a way to get his girlfriend to think he was over his ex? Jess's sole reason for fucking up at the end of season 3 was that he missed on school days because he was too busy working a full-time job at Walmart, if anyone thinks that's even remotely comparable to Logan throwing temper tantrums at his girlfriend in a public place because his dad wants him to get a job after he finishes college (you know, something that literally all of us are expected to do), then they need to seriously reevaluate their ideas on life because woof.
Also, I'm sorry but for all his issues at least Jess never decided to try and further drag Rory into his problems even after she puts her foot down with him (and yes I am also referring to him asking her to run away with him because when she told him no he left. Cut to season 5 and Dean stalking Rory outside of her house when she tried to end an affair with him while he was still married). The other two boyfriends simply can't relate to this. And frankly, imo Jess's overall story also places a layer of realism in the way of how we view the other characters' mistakes, especially Dean and Logan's when they're at least 5 times worse than Jess's.
Yeah it always baffles me when they say that Jess’ age shouldn’t matter because Logan was young too and like. No. There is a huge difference between the ages of 17 and 22(which is the age Logan is when we first meet him). And his huge mistakes happen when he’s even older.
Also yes to the last part. When Rory told Jess she didn’t want to run away with him, he walked away. Didn’t try to convince her and didn’t bother her anymore after that. When Rory tries to break up with Logan after he slept with the bridal party he tracks her down at Paris’ apartment and pressures her until she feels like she has to take him back.
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
I'm kind of confused at the moment and I was wondering if you could help me. When Chuck reappeared in season 11, he was ready to sacrifice himself to save the world from Amara (after being convinced his creations are worth saving) but now in season 15 he's apparently a god who enjoys drama and wants to stay alive so he can replay the angst-y aspect of Sam and Dean's story. Am I perhaps missing something? Sorry to bother you.
Hi there! and first off, it’s no bother at all!
I’m going to suggest that the fastest route to clearing up your confusion would be to understand that Chuck just flat-out wasn’t being honest... about anything, really... back in s11.
He was shady and squirrelly and basically manipulating everyone all over the place. From the moment we saw him hiding out in his bar at the end of the universe, and Metatron started calling him out for his cowardice-- for hiding and riding out the end of the universe in his cozy little clubhouse all by himself, we were being invited to question who Chuck really was. I mean, sure, he’s God, but what kind of god is he? Is he wrathful? Vengeful? Loving? Does he think of creation as his beloved child or as idle entertainment for himself?
And he lies. Like. A lot.
I find it difficult to look at his behavior in late s11 and just trust that surface-level, or anything that comes out of his mouth, for that matter. Even within the span of 11.20, Metatron caught him out in a hefty number of lies, or misrepresentations, or attempts to shift blame to others... 
And we-the-audience were shown multiple times that he was flat-out lying to the Winchesters. Like while he was hiding out in the bunker, insisting that he couldn’t find Amara because she was blocking him or warded against him, while we were shown Amara literally tearing up Heaven and Earth trying to find HIM. She used Cas’s body to make a connection to Dean to deliver a message to Chuck... here, quotes from 11.21:
Dean: So, where is she?Chuck: No freakin' idea, fellas. She's warded herself specifically against me. What have you come up with?
Amara: I've missed you, Dean. It's been a while since we've spoken. I'm aware my brother has surfaced. If you should cross paths, if he should reach out to you, he should know this – Lucifer, his favorite, isn't doing so well. [Casifer appears, tortured and beaten] To say nothing of the vessel, your friend Castiel. By choosing to ignore me, my brother is allowing this to happen. These and... other things. I thought you should know. [She fades away]
SHE HAS BEEN TEARING UP THE JOINT TRYING TO GET AN AUDIENCE WITH CHUCK, and Chuck is just like “oh no she’s specifically warded against me.”
And when you approach everything about Chuck from that understanding, it all makes sense. He was never willing to sacrifice himself. He was waiting for His Favorite Characters™ to go full self-sacrifice mode for him. Again.
He’d convinced Sam to take on the Mark of Cain to lock her up again. He needed to feel “big,” for his “fan club” to reunite to adore him (in the religious sense of the word).
Amara: Spoiled brat. I needed solitude and he needed a fan club, so he made all that. Then when I complained, he stuffed me in a hole for eons – with your help.
NONE of this changed from the time Chuck returned to the story through the present day. This is who Chuck is, who he’s always been. He lies, and when people blame him for bad things in the world, he points to anything other than himself and says, “No, that’s actually the cause of your problems.” Like he did with the other gods (according to Fortuna in 15.11). Just like he did with Amara. With Lucifer. With everything that didn’t turn out objectively well. But all this time, he keeps manipulating the universe to turn out poorly, because that’s what he finds amusing.
It’s no wonder so many of his creations enjoy destroying everything for funsies. Chips off the ol’ block, as it were.
Amara stopped Sam from taking the Mark, refused to let herself be caged again. And instead he tried to blame first Lucifer for failing to contain Amara, and then Dean for failing to kill her, even knowing that NEITHER of those things were ever possible for them to have done. Like... what an asshat. And then he waited for his clever little favorites to find another way... another way that would directly necessitate one of them sacrifice himself to save the rest. Soul bombs ahoy!
But Amara didn’t actually want to kill Chuck, she literally just wanted to talk with him. Like... all along, ALL of this agony, was the result of Chuck not wanting to accept fault for any of it.
And now, four years later, Chuck’s acting exactly like what Amara accused him of being back in 11.21-- a spoiled brat.
There’s so many more examples I could point to, but this is literally always how Chuck has been portrayed. He was literally never on their side.
And Amara... literally never wanted to destroy creation. She wanted Chuck to answer for what he’d done to her. Destroying creation was her play to get his attention after he spent the majority of the season ignoring her, or actively hiding from her. Metatron even guessed that one right:
METATRON: You started writing the second she came back, didn't you?(CHUCK puts his hands in his pockets.)METATRON: No wonder you're on a deadline! Now I understand why you're masquerading in that sad, little meat suit! For the same reason you created this nostalgic bar to write your masterpiece in – you're hiding!
Because that’s what Chuck always does. Hide from responsibility, lock up his problems and pretend he didn’t create them, and blame everyone else for his own failures. Over and over again. Always has.
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caranfindel · 6 years
Recap/review 14.13: “Lebanon”
THEN: They hit me right in the face with gorgeous young 1.01 Dean saying "Dad's on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days" and beautiful baby 1.01 Sam saying "we've got work to do" and we end with 14.12 and Sam furiously punching his brother and then furiously hugging him and Dean saying "let's go home" and does anything else matter? No.
NOW: We see the reflection of Sam and Dean walking up to a pawn shop, with a nice selection of guitars and sunglasses and that weird monkey that was in Rocky's Bar. The proprietor seems friendly enough. Dean flashes him a wad of hundred dollar bills because they're looking for "the really good stuff." This gains them admittance into a secret back room full of things hunters would be interested in, including a hockey mask (?) and a perfume atomizer full of dragon's breath. They tell the guy they're looking for the skull of a specific woman who was executed during the Salem witch trials, and the fact that he has it basically proves that he killed the friend of theirs who previously owned it. (Also Sam picks up a teddy bear and starts to pull the string to make it speak and the guys warns him not to and this is Dean's role, isn't it, messing with things he shouldn't be messing with? But I don't care because chastized Sam and eye-rolly Dean are precious to me.)
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Sam goes through a ledger of the guy's inventory and says he's got a lot of occult objects that they should take with them. (Dean plays with the dragon's breath. Sam ducks and flinches and does the really, Dean? thing with his hands and face. I laugh again.) Dean agrees they should take the stuff home.
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Title card!
The Impala zooms past a sign welcoming us to Lebanon, Geographical Center of the USA. Then we find ourselves in front of a movie theater showing Beetlejuice and Hell Hazers (All Saints' Day is coming soon, and I imagine Route 666 can't be far behind), where a group of teenagers is talking about... somebody. "People say they're brothers," a kid in a knit cap says, "but all I know is, I was standing right here, and I heard this bam from the trunk of their car. And then, this like, shallow breathing." I'm pretty sure this is a fake-out, and it will turn out he's talking about someone else, but the Impala pulls up in front of the theater and Knit Cap Kid says "that's them!"
As the Winchesters get out of the car and enter a liquor store (decorated with that Family Business neon sign from Rocky's), Sam is still reading the ledger, which lists things like a hangman's rope, fairy dust, and John Wayne Gacy's cigar box. Well, that's oddly specific! The guy working there greets the "Campbell brothers" and knows their usual order. Oh, wow. I love that they're actually known in Lebanon, and that they're going by Campbell. And we know that actual Lebanon, Kansas is too small to have a movie theater or this much business downtown, but I'm happy to handwave that.
What do you mean, "happy to handwave that?" You're always complaining about the inaccuracies regarding tiny Lebanon having traffic cams and whatnot.
Well, maybe this episode just MAKES ME HAPPY, okay?
Anyway. Sam thinks cataloguing the confiscated items would be a good way to take Dean's mind off "things," but Dean's pretty convinced nothing will ever take his mind off that.
Outside, the teens are asking where the guys even come from, and what about their weird trenchcoat-wearing sidekick, and "that kid with the dumb Bambi look on his face all the time" (!) One girl says that, whatever the deal is with these guys, they do have an awesome car, and no one can argue with that. And the other girl, Max, who seems to smitten with the first girl, gets an idea.
Inside, Sam has discovered something significant in the ledger - the "beyzoo" (no, I know that's not how you spell it), which is one of eight ancient Chinese treasures. A pearl that gives you "what your heart desires." Oooh, getting rid of Michael, maybe? But as the guys are discussing this, Dean sees the Impala drive by the window. Guess Max figured out how to impress that other girl! (BTW, there are couple of COOL old trucks on the street.)
The guys see Knit Cap Kid standing on the sidewalk looking confused, and while Sam tells him the car is dangerous to whoever stole it, Dean looks like he wants to murder someone. And yet the Winchesters are confused when the kid says he doesn't want to die. (Or get locked in the trunk!) He says Max is new and he doesn't know where she lives. Dean raises a fist, but Sam pulls him away.
Post office. There's a poster of stamps featuring old cars behind the customer service counter. I'm really getting my old truck fix tonight. Sam comes in with his sweet anxious smile and asks for help finding the girl who washed his car, since he forgot to tip her. Post Office Lady is not amused or helpful, or the least bit swayed by his sweet anxious smile. Then Dean comes in and calls her by name and asks about her grandson and she MELTS and he gets sincere and puts his hand on hers and she does exactly what I would do, which is offer up ANYTHING YOU WANT, ANYTHING AT ALL, WOULD YOU LIKE MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER WHILE I'M AT IT? Unfortunately, all she knows is where Max's mother works.
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(Sidebar: Have I mentioned that Sam is wearing that nice blue jacket from the episode where he killed the alpha vampire? I like it. Toss that stupid orange jacket, Sam, and wear this more often. And Dean's wearing the black jacket that I always love.)
At the restaurant where Max's mom works, we learn that she has no idea where her daughter is, because she was supposed to be in school. But the guy working in the kitchen knows February 7 is Skip Day (is it always February 7? what about when that falls on a weekend?) and that she'll probably be at a party at this old house on Route 36. (Yes, I did confirm that Route 36 is just outside of Lebanon. Yes, I did use Mapquest. I'm old school up in here, y'all.)
Party house. The little batch of delinquents has taken all the boxes of occult objects out of the Impala for some reason. Including the evil teddy bear. Luckily, someone announces "pizza's here" before a girl pulls the teddy bear's string. At some point I've got to find out what would happen if you pulled it. Fic it for me, friends! (Also, I just noticed the teddy bear's mouth is SEWN SHUT and that's not creepy AT ALL.) The camera slowly pans to a wooden box, and we watch the lid open to reveal a smoky/dusty ghost hand. With a ruffled sleeve. Uh oh.
Knit Cap Kid runs in to warn the partiers that "those guys" are looking for Max, and he's told to chill. Another teen goes into the bathroom, where the mirror frosts over and then the CREEPIEST CLOWN EVER comes out of it. Seriously, creepier than the clown in Plush, which you wouldn't think was possible.
The Winchesters pull up in yet another antique truck, where Dean greets his car with "Baby, Baby, please tell me you're not hurt." Sam's more concerned about the boxes of dangerous occult objects missing from the back seat. Ghost Kid comes running outside and the girl following him tells the brothers that he saw a clown ghost that tried to kill him. Maybe it's my imagination, or maybe Sam has a flash of crap, a killer clown ghost expression before they run into the house.
Dean announces they're FBI and everyone needs to get out, now. Once the room is cleared, he asks if "anything screams clown to you?" Sam immediately notices John Wayne Gacy's cigar box and guys, I'm ashamed to say I didn't put the two together until now. The killer clown ghost is John Wayne Gacy. And Sam is freaked the fuck out about it. "We should burn that right now," Dean says, in a lovely holding-in-the-freakout way, and Sam rushes to throw it into the fireplace. Then Dean says "I mean, this is like a best worst thing that's ever happened, because you love serial killers, but you hate clowns" and I'm DEAD. (I'm also loving TWO gifts from the Continuity Fairy in once sentence.) The lights start flashing before Sam can get his lighter lit, and then the killer clown ghost shows up and tosses Dean around. Knit Cap Kid and the girls run back inside just in time to watch John Wayne Gacy's ghost go up in flames. So the kids get the "monsters are real" speech and are told to keep it secret.
Back at the bunker, Sam's going through the occult goodies and thinks he found the magic pearl. Dean's ready to use it right now, and dismisses Sam's suggestion that they call Mary or Cas. If it doesn't work, he doesn't want to have gotten their hopes up. Sam looks distressed at the idea it won't work, but agrees. The pearl doesn't come with any instructions, so Sam suggests Dean hold it and concentrate on what his heart desires. "Michael out of my head," Dean says, and I'd have been more specific. I'd have concentrated on Michael out of my head and destroyed, and me perfectly fine, but, well, what do I know?
(Also, I KNOW all you Wincest and Destiel fans are gonna have your own ideas about what - or who - appears in front of Dean when he’s granted what his heart desires. This setup is better than sex pollen. Have fun, my kinky little friends.)
Dean clutches the pearl and concentrates, and the lights flash and then go out, and in the red emergency light we see someone in the bunker. Someone fighty, who knocks both brothers down and then pulls out a shotgun and says "don't you move," but it's a familiar voice and then the lights come on and what do you know? Winchester Surprise!
So, was anybody truly surprised? I covered the guest stars on first viewing, as I always try to do, but I noticed on rewatch that they didn't even credit JDM at the beginning of the episode. Which they sometimes do, to avoid spoilers. And yet. Has there been a single episode of this series that was more spoiled? I don't think so.
(Sidebar: What do you think would have happened if Sam had taken the pearl and made a wish? I think Michael would be gone. Because I don't think there's anything Sam wants more than saving his brother.)
Back to our story. Everyone is shocked. John thinks Sam should be in Palo Alto, apparently in his 14th year of post graduate work. He thinks he's still in 2003, and he doesn't notice his boys are older. And they apparently don't notice that his hair is very short and a lot greyer than it was when we last saw him. (I mean, really, they slapped a wig on Samantha Smith to make her look like The Last Version Of Mary, so why couldn't they do the same thing with JDM? It's distracting.) Sam figures they must have accidentally summoned John from the past. So they do what one does in this situation - sit down and drink.
John's astonished. Dean's proud. Sam's visibly anxious. We don't get to see exactly how much of the backstory they tell him, but they do tell him about the apocalypse and Lucifer and living with "an angel and Lucifer's kid." And now John thinks he died "taking out Yellow Eyes," which... not really? But okay. And they don't tell him Mary's back, until he mentions her and Sam's, all, yeah, about Mom, and then she comes in and John hears her voice and tears up and dammit. This reunion is everything I didn't think I ever wanted. I mean, I've made no secret of the fact that I'm not a fan of John Winchester. He's a fascinating character and JDM does a great job with him, but he's such an awful father (don't bother arguing with me, you will not change my mind) that I can't really like him. And I'm not too impressed with resurrected Mary, either. But when these two come together... damn. It's good. It's very good. Well done, you two.
I love that the boys give them some privacy, because it's been over a decade since John saw them, but it's been even longer since he saw his dead wife, and this should really be a John and Mary reunion.
Out in the hall, Dean's gleeful and Sam's all, how the hell did this happen? Dean explains that he's wanted this since he was four years old (oh, my heart) but Sam warns that messing with time will not end well. I don't actually remember Sam being that concerned about the unintended consequences of time travel, but I'm sure there's a good reason he's bringing it up now. Dean doesn't care. Dean just wants one family dinner together (oh, my heart again, remembering his one last dinner with Mary).
Sam, sans Dean, runs into John in the library, because Mary's off making a shopping list and he decided he'd rather examine the bunker than be involved in that I guess? Okay. But then this happens.
I screwed up with you a lot, didn't I?
No, that's okay.
No, it's not. Sammy, tell me the truth.
I don't want to talk about that.
You didn't have a problem talking about it before you left.
Dad. For me, that fight, that was a lifetime ago. I don't even remember what I said. I mean, yeah, you know, you did some messed-up things. But I don't... I mean, when I think about you... and I think about you a lot... I don't think about our fights. I think about you... I think about you on the floor of that hospital, and I think about how I never got to say goodbye.
Sam. Son. I am so sorry.
I'm sorry too. But you did your best, Dad. You fought for us, and you loved us. And that's enough.
OH MY GOD. This is everything I ever wanted.
1. John admitting he was a crap parent to Sam.
2. Sam trying to sidestep that - because he's Sam Winchester and that's what he does - and John not letting him.
3. Sam finally calling him out instead of just saying nah, it's fine.
4. John calling him Sammy.
5. Sam pointing out that he didn't get a goodbye from John. (Did he ever find out that Dean got praise and an apology?)
6. John apologizing.
7. Sam forgiving him.
8. "And I think about you a lot."
9. The way Sam keeps having to stop talking and look away and make that little "hmmm" noise.
10. And the tears.
10b. The way Sam tears up even before The Talk, when he remembers them as kids trying to make Winchester Surprise.
11. The shaky voice.
12. And Sam's shirt.
13. And the way Sam's expression looks so much like his expression in Sacrifice, when he tells Dean that his confession was about how he let his brother down.
This, right here, is two minutes and 24 seconds of the best television I've ever seen. I don't care what else this episode does, this 2:24 is worth it. And yes, this is three weeks in a row that Jared Padalecki has ripped my heart out of my chest and STOMPED ON IT.
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And I love it.
Meanwhile, Dean gets the shopping list from Mary. Sam finds him and tells him he's right, because Sam also just got everything he ever wanted, and then offers to go shopping with him. (Saaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmm!!!!!!!)
When they get to town, the guys split up - Sam to the grocery store, Dean to the liquor store. Dean's surprised to see the liquor store guy, the one who remembered his "usual" earlier in the day, has no idea who he is. If Dean had ever seen "It's a Wonderful Life," he might say this is just like when George Bailey goes into Martini's Bar and isn't recognized. But apparently Dean Winchester, pop culture aficionado, has never seen that movie (no, I haven't gotten over that, and I never will) so he doesn't recognize a classic uh oh, we changed the course of history moment when he experiences it.
Meanwhile, Sam steps out of the grocery store and finds that neither Max nor the postal clerk recognize him. And then he sees a wanted poster in the post office window. Dean Winchester, wanted for assault, murder, and credit card fraud. Whoops! He trots to the car, where Dean is waiting, and tells him they have a problem. "Yeah, we do," says Dean. "Check this out."
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So, those of you who were spoiled... did you know about this? Or did they actually keep THIS AMAZING THING under wraps?
Sam Jobs tells his audience that being your best leaves no time for hobbies or a family, and Sam has seen enough. He tells Dean about the wanted poster, and Dean says yes, of course he googled himself too ("a lot of beheadings," hee!!!) and wonders if there are alternate versions of them running around. Sam thinks it's a "temporal paradox," and time is self-correcting, changing to the new one. If they don't fix things, they'll become those alternate versions of themselves. "Well, I'm cool," Dean says, "but you're, ugh." Sam's less worried about them, and more worried about what else might have changed.
(Sidebar: You know, I could quibble about why bringing John forward in time has such a significant butterfly effect, but bringing Mary back, and their other time travel, and Henry's time travel, changed nothing. I absolutely could. But I choose not to, because SAM JOBS, Y'ALL. But okay, let's think about it. 2003 John would have disappeared while Sam was at Stanford. Dean wouldn't have gone to get Sam. Or Sam would have refused to go. Maybe the hurt on both sides was still too fresh. Maybe that's why Dean's hunting alone, and Sam's an internet-famous lawyer.)
What else has changed, you might ask? How about ZACHARIAH? That's right, my favorite angel is back. And with him is ORIGINAL FLAVOR CAS WITH HIS FLUFFY HAIR AND THINGS JUST KEEP GETTING BETTER AND BETTER. Zachariah calls him "Constantine" and Castiel says "I don't understand that reference" and THANK YOU BABY JESUS, I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID TO DESERVE THIS, BUT THANK YOU. They enter Max's mom's restaurant and ask who's been messing with time. (Because she would know?) And if they don't start talking, he'll have Cas murder all of them. "My name is Castiel," he intones solemnly. "I'm an angel of the Lord." YES YOU ARE. He reveals himself like he did to Dean (no, not like that, jeez) with the shadow wings. Outside, the Winchesters see the bright light of an angelic reveal coming through the restaurant windows, and they know something's up.
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They herd everyone out of the restaurant, and are shocked to see Cas and Zachariah. Zachariah is equally surprised to see them. He says they had big plans for the Winchesters, but then their father disappeared and... and he doesn't finish, so we'll never know why yoinking John out of 2003 changed any of that vessel stuff. (Handwave!) Cas, of course, doesn't know them, and when Zachariah orders him to kill them, he complies.
Dean pulls out an angel blade but is, of course, unwilling to actually kill Cas, so he starts hitting him with other things. And Cas, for whatever reason, doesn't just put a finger on his forehead and kill him dead. (Handwave!) Zachariah chokes Sam and asks him what they did, even though he can't talk because he's choking (handwave!) and Sam acts like he's trying to speak so Zachariah gets closer to hear him, and Sam stabs him with an angel blade. Cas continues fistfighting with both of them, and slams Sam head-first into a table a couple of times, leaving him spitting blood on the floor. Which Sam uses to paint an angel-banishing sigil while Cas is choking Dean. Smart Sam for the win!
Bunker. Pretty bruised Dean has explained the temporal paradox, and John accepts that he has to go back, or else Mary will probably disappear. "Okay," he says. "I mean, me versus your mom, that's not even a choice." DAMMIT JOHN WINCHESTER DO NOT MAKE ME CARE ABOUT YOU. Elsewhere, pretty bruised Sam explains it to Mary, and tells her John won't remember anything.
John tells Dean he never meant Dean to have this kind of life. He's proud of him, but he hoped he'd be able to have a normal life, with a family. "I have a family," Dean says. They sit down and have one final family meal together, and everyone's quiet and sad until John points out that they can either think about what's going to happen, or appreciate what they have right now. They cheer up and listen to Bob Seger (well, we listen to Bob Seger) and talk and laugh and have the family dinner Dean has always wanted.
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Later, while doing the dishes, Sam says how unfair it is that they all had this and then have to throw it away, and John has to go back to being Dad. He thinks it would be nice for John to go back knowing what he knows now. "I used to think that too," Dean says, and admits that he's blamed both John and Mary for their crappy lives. And if they could send him back to 2003, or even earlier, maybe none of the crap would happen. "But here's the problem. Who does that make us? Would we be better off? Maybe. But I gotta be honest, I don't know who that Dean Winchester is. And I'm good with who I am. I'm good with who you are."
Later. Mary and John are holding hands, and I guess they're doing the thing now. I'd hoped they'd at least let these two have one last roll in the hay (especially since I'm pretty sure Mobby is permanently done after this), but no. They have a very sweet goodbye and their sons are brokenhearted and I am too. John tells his boys to take care of each other and Sam says "we always do." That's a nice change from telling Dean to take care of Sam, isn't it? He tells them both (BOTH) that he's proud of them and loves them, and they have a three-way hug and Sam wipes his eyes and Dean says "love you too" and I REALLY CAN'T, BOYS, YOU HAVE TO STOP. Then John takes Mary's hand again and Sam crushes the pearl (why does Sam have to be the one to do it?) and John glows and then fades away.
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We get a quick glimpse of downtown Lebanon returning to normal, and the three teens talking about how cool it is that "those guys hunt monsters," and then we're back to the bunker. Cas walks in the door and sees the remaining Winchesters, obviously distressed, and asks what happened. "Well, there's a story," says Dean.
And finally, we see the Impala WITH HER ORIGINAL KANSAS PLATE. John's asleep in the driver's seat when he gets a phone call from Dean. "No, I'm okay, I just had one hell of a dream. No, it was a good one."
When I heard there was going to be a musical episode for the 200th, I was sure it would suck. When I heard about the Scooby Doo crossover, I cringed, because I knew it would be awful. WHY AM I ALWAYS SO WRONG.
Eh, who cares why. Let's just appreciate what we were given. Happy 300, my friends. Here's to 300 more.
(Please help me stay unspoiled for future episodes, thanks!)
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laurelwinchester · 7 years
it's depressing to be a dean stan in the supernatural fandom right now. this fandom pays him dirt. it's even worse to be a laurel stan. i'm both rn and i feel like there's nothing positive to look forward to. do you have any fluffy or cute headcanons about daddy!dean and mom!laurel from your fic with little mary beatrice?
i’m sorry you’re feeling down, anon. it is a pretty rough time for dean stans right now. and, well, it’s aways been rough for laurel stans. but yes, i always have headcanons for mary bea and her adoring fans parents!
- so, as mentioned in the fic, dean was a stay at home dad for the first three years of mary’s life. they spent all day every day together. if you ask her who her best friend is, she’ll say, always, “daddy!” that’s why they were both so lost when he eventually had to work and she had to go to preschool. they had never been away from each other for that long. for a lot of things, he is the first one she runs to. he is her default setting and she is his. mary definitely skews towards the “daddy’s girl” side of things. however, with that said…
- laurel was mary’s hero before she was anyone else’s. not because she’s the black canary but because she is her mom. mary worships her mother. anything laurel does, mary wants to do too. if laurel is out in the backyard gardening, mary wants to help. if laurel is outside doing yoga in the sunshine on sunday mornings, mary drags out another yoga mat and tries to do the downward dog. mary would follow her mom anywhere. black canary may belong to star city, but everything laurel lance does is for mary.
- dean and laurel are 99.9% sure that mary was conceived in the hallway between the living room and the bedroom of her old apartment. it’s not something either of them obsess over because why would they but at the same time he does find it amusing that out of all of the times they had sex, the one time they made a baby was “the time we fucked in the hall ‘cause we couldn’t make it to the bedroom. course that’d be the time.” and by amusing, i mean he has had literal full body laughing fits about it. laurel just does not get what’s so funny about it???? he does, however, complain about the song that was playing (bittersweet symphony, one of laurel’s favourites) because “ugh that song’s fuckin’ obnoxious.” and then laurel takes offense to that because “honestly how dare you speak ill of one of the greatest hits of our generation.’’
also, okay, this got long so i’m putting the rest under a cut.
- because mary is deaf in one ear, she has some issues with vertigo and balance so she occasionally suffers from headaches, dizziness, and nausea. it’s not a huge deal, she’s in physical therapy to help her with it, and it might lessen as she gets older. but aside from it making her a bit clumsy and more susceptible to motion sickness, her balance issues have made her a REALLY terrible dancer. she has zero problems with this because she loves to dance so she’s going to dance regardless of how bad she is at it. dean never misses a chance to say, ’'maybe it’s not her balance, maybe she just inherited her mom’s dancing skills” because surprise! laurel is an awful, awful dancer.
- no, seriously, laurel is a really bad dancer. she’s okay with slow dancing but anything more than that and she is flailing. which is strange because she’s usually quite light and graceful on her feet. back when she and dean were planning a real wedding, tommy tried to teach them how to do the mambo and it did not go well. as dean likes to say, while laurel turns red in embarrassment, “it was like that dirty dancing montage except she never got better.” (for the record, no, dean is not an amazing dancer. laurel is just that bad.)
- mary is a naturally shy kid. that’s just her personality. she’s okay once she warms up to you, but she’s shy. people always comment that they don’t know where she would have gotten that from but, like…her parents? she clearly got it from her parents. laurel wasn’t necessarily shy when she was a child but she was definitely a wary and somewhat hesitant kid. her parents said she was an “old soul.” dean, on the other hand, was totally a shy little kid. before the fire, before he was forced out of his shell and could no longer afford to be shy, he preferred to spend his days at home with his mom and no one else. she was his best friend. and now he’s his daughter’s best friend.
- laurel introduced mary to the spice girls as soon as she could. in retaliation (because there’s only so many times he can listen to mary screeching at him to, “spice up your life, daddy!!!!”) dean got her into led zeppelin. mary’s favourite song is sea of love because that’s her and her mom’s song, and one time she listened to out of the woods by taylor swift on repeat for two hours until her dad finally managed to bribe her into turning it off, but her first request in the car will always be “d'yer maker” by led zeppelin. dean is super proud of that. she has never once pronounced it correctly. also, she tells people to listen to the spice girls when she thinks they’re sad.
- social media is, for the most part, not a part of their lives. laurel has an inactive facebook account that she hasn’t updated since 2012. charlie made dean make an instagram account but he’s never used it. but they both have snapchat accounts. not because they’re at all interested in it but because mary thinks it’s hilarious. the dancing hot dog makes her giggle hysterically. not that it’s hard to make her giggle hysterically, she just really loves that hot dog.
- if you were to ask dean and laurel about the moment parenthood became real to them, dean would talk about that one time when they were driving to kansas and mary inevitably got car sick and he had no choice but to dive into the back and catch it in his hands because they had forgotten to bring a bucket with them. laurel would most likely say, voice dry and sarcastic, “i dunno, man, felt pretty real when she was crowning.” but both of these things are lies. the realest moment, for both of them, was the day they were told that their daughter had pendred syndrome. that she was most likely going to lose some, if not all, of her hearing and that she was facing other potential health issues. the day they learned that their baby girl was going to life a different life, possibly a harder life, that all their plans had been blown out the window, was the day the reality of parenthood really sunk in for them.
- most people assume that dean is the fun parent and laurel is the stricter parent but nah, it’s the other way around. that’s not to say that dean isn’t fun, of course, because if the floor is lava or she wants to jump in puddles wearing the nice dress her grandmother sent her for christmas then he is all for that. but laurel is the one who told her about the puddles in the first place and waved a plastic magic wand and said the floor was lava. she’s the cookie sneaker, the best fort builder in the world, and the spontaneous picnic planner. laurel is the one who says, “hey, let’s go on a weekend trip to coast city and take mary to the beach.” dean is the one who gapes at her in response and says, “it’s eleven o'clock on a friday night and you’re telling me this now?” and she’s just like, “yeah, we’ll just throw a few bags in the car and leave tomorrow morning!” and then his brain explodes because that’s not how it works?????
dean is the one who’s got all the lists and charts in his head because he wants mary to have the safe, normal childhood he didn’t have and he is trying his hardest to make it perfect. he’s trying to recreate the pieces of the mother he remembers in every pie he bakes for his daughter, every trip to the park, every night he reads her where the wild things are. laurel is the one who wants to make the magic and the whimsy that her grandmother gave her, put the galaxy on her daughter’s bedroom ceiling the way bea did for her, and create the warmth and the fun that her mother never managed to get the hang of.
given that mary is a joyful, happy, always giggling, remarkably well adjusted little girl, they must be doing something right.
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risingphoenix761 · 6 years
Thoughts on SPN 14x1
Spoilers ahead, taking notes as I go, don't read under the cut if you haven't seen the episode!
This feels...wild. I want to see Jensen flex his acting muscles with Michael, I really do, but I WANT DEAN BACK DAMMIT!
Also, not such a fan of the title card...
I love having Bobby back! Even if he's not the boys' Bobby, I like this one already. Can I hope he and Jack keep up this mentoring thing they've got going?
And there it is, the first Destiel reference of the season...
...along with the first bit of trouble Cas has gotten himself into. I'd ask when the hell he's going to learn, but our boy Dean is MIA, so I guess a bit of stupid-risk-taking is to be expected.
Anyone else get all happy and giddy watching Jensen and Daneel sharing screen time? *squee*
Holy shit, peeps. Michael feels a thousand miles different than Dean, and it's unnerving AF, and I'm both fascinated and terrified.
Poor Jack. Sweet cinnaroll Jack. More moments like this with him and Sam, please?
Wait...who...what...WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK YOU GUYS! WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT THE HOLY FUCKING FUCK! HOW? HOW! HOW DID...WHAT THE...HUH?! I need to process this... Though I really like Mark Pellegrino and I hope I like Nick, I hate that Sam still has to see the face of his long-term tormentor. FOR FUCK'S SAKE, LEAVE MY SAM ALONE!
Oh Lord, Cas. This is most unhelpful.
And there's my Sammy. Knowing full well that he's walking into a bad situation, he's doing it anyway because hey, it's family, and he's doing it smart. I didn't expect him to let Jack tag along, but let's see what happens.
Can we please stop beating up on Cas? Though there seems to be a little sassy!Cas showing up, and I've missed that guy.
No no no, Sam. Don't tell me you're giving up. And why in the hell are we pinning the positivity on Mary, of all people? Can we actually improve on her this season? I've got mixed feelings about the way she's been written and it would be nice to see her level out.
"You are my Beyonce." XD Kip is a Sam fan boy. Holy shit.
And of course, there goes a halfway decent plan straight down the toilet.
Stop reminding me about Crowley, dammit! Stop it! And this guy sure as hell can't step up to that legacy. In fact, I hope we don't have to deal with him much longer.
And it looks like we don't. Because Sam is smarter than the average demon.
Team Free Will kicking ass as always. This is what I like to see. :D
"Oh, balls." Yep. Definitely Bobby.
Oh, look! A GOT reference! Appreciated and odd? Or is it odd and appreciated?
Ok, that's good. Sam isn't giving up. Hallelujah.
Favorite scene: post-fight Cas and Jack. Hands down.
A problem, Jo? With Michael loose? You don't say...
Uh oh... That's not good...
Well, I'm not complaining. They didn't skimp on the action and did some groundwork for how the season will progress (if I'm picking up on the right cues and reading them correctly, that is). Mostly, I'm just glad the wait is over and I'm not inclined to pick anything apart. Happy season 14, guys!
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