#and like...Jens*n is in every fucking episode
murdock-barnes · 2 years
I NEED A MATTHEW MURDOCK ANGST sort of? based on the she hulk episode. so they're like married but he's still this huge player and sleeps with random women when his wife isn't at home, like when he went to LA or whatever he fucked she hulk even when he's in a relationship and she finds out and just breaks down preferably no smut with reader and matty but add whatever u want with him and anyone else ty!!
A Million Heartbreaks
Matt Murdock x Fem!Wife!Reader
Warnings: Manwhore Matt(he deserves his own warning lmao), pure angst
Word Count: 1,8K
A/N: Reblogs and comments are sooo appreciated! I really wanna hear what you think of this🥹
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You stirred awake upon hearing the door being shut. Confusion and panic filled you for a second but then you remembered that your husband had a late flight. It must have been him.
"Matthew?" you called out.
"Yeah, it's me," his voice came. A relief filled you when you heard his voice, accompanied by deep sorrow.
He entered the bedroom, dropping his suitcase. "Sorry, did I wake you up?"
You shook your head no, he could tell. Matt was always so sweet... until he's not.
You sat up, your back on the bedframe. "How was your trip?"
"Uh... it was okay." He was shaking off his clothes as he talked.
"That's it?" you asked. "Tell me more. I would love to hear about She-Hulk. She's so famous these days."
"Yeah... she was cool. Jen is a great lawyer."
"Jen?" you mumbled under your breath.
He noticed the change in your tone but didn't want to further investigate. He was left in his boxers and now slipped under the covers beside you. He seemed ready to sleep.
"I saw the trial, you know? On the news," you said. "Jennifer was talking to the reporters outside the court and I saw you in the back, leaving the building with that designer guy."
"Uh huh."
"You weren't wearing your wedding ring."
Matt's eyes opened. You couldn't hear heartbeats but you knew his got way quicker now.
"Baby..." he started.
“You just can’t help it, can you?" The disappointment in your voice burned his chest. Matt was truly sorry but yes he knew he just couldn't help it.
"What are you talking about?" His brows furrowed. Oh, he was gonna take the highway again.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about! You couldn't keep it in your pants... AGAIN. You fucked Jennifer."
"Oh, you gotta be kidding me... I don't have to explain myself but that did not happen."
There he was. The same old same old.
"I can't believe you..."
"Sweetheart, I swear nothing happened between me and her. Can we just talk about this in the morning?" He closed his eyes and shuffled to get into a more comfortable position.
"Oh my God! You're unbelievable and insufferable!"
He opened his eyes with a huff. His attitude only made you more annoyed and angry.
"Don't even try, Matt. There's a literal video of you leaving her house, doing the walk of shame. Some dude recognized your pathetic ass, filmed it, and put it on Twitter."
"What? That couldn't be me. I was in my hotel room all night."
He was kidding, right? Did he really think you were that dumb?
"I swear to God, if you attempt to gaslight me one more time, I'm gonna smack you so hard in the face."
He squeezed his eyes shut with a grunt. You didn't say a word and just waited for him to admit it. It's always been the same. He cheated, you confronted him, he denied it, and then confessed his sins. The same cat and mouse game.
"I did it." His voice was bitter, guilt dripping from every word. You couldn't give two fucks about his so-called guilt.
You chuckled, knowingly. He did it again despite his promises... and the promises before that... and before that. You gave him another chance every time because you wanted to believe in him. You've seen how determined he could be with his vigilante shit. Maybe he could put the same effort into his marriage. He never did.
"I'm sorry... I don't know what-"
"Shut it!" your voice grew stronger now. Your body was burning with rage and sadness and disappointment.
"How could you, Matt? Again?" You threw off the covers, sitting taller. "I am so sick and tired. I can't take it anymore."
He got up and sit, turning to you. His hands reached yours to hold but you drew them back, away from his touch. You got off the bed and started pacing the room.
"Please, I'll make it up-"
You couldn't stand hearing his whining, honestly. "Oh, stop it! It's the same thing every time. You go fuck around and come back, begging me to forgive you. You have no fucking respect for me, let alone love! I've had enough."
He pouted "Don't say that, you know I love you."
"No, you don't... No. If you were, you wouldn't do any of this."
He got up quickly and before you know it, he was at your feet, groveling. His forehead hit the ground and his hands grabbed your ankles. "I'll pray. I'll confess and repent my sins. Please, forgive me. I truly am sorry. Please."
Was he fucking for real? You backed away, slipping away from his clutch.
"You're such a good Catholic boy, aren't you? Catholic, my ass! Your conscience only seems to be working when it comes to killing but adultery and lying are okay, huh?"
A pained grunt came from him but he stayed in the same position. "I know, I'm a horrible person. I've made a mistake again. Please, take me back."
"You said it was a mistake with Claire, too and it was just one time with Karen. And Elektra... don't even get me started on her." You took in a sharp breath. Tears were burning your eyes. "You always went back to her. Whenever you were in trouble, you didn't come to me. Instead, you went into her arms."
He was silent as he sat up, taking his head between his hands.
"I don't know... maybe I am the problem. Maybe I couldn't give you the comfort that a wife should've given but I tried my best, Matt. You didn't even try." Your voice cracked in the last part and tears started to spill down your face.
"No... no. It's not you. You've been nothing but supportive and loving to me. I... I ruin everything." He swallowed hard with that lump in his throat. He hated seeing you sad and especially knowing that he was the one that was making you sad.
"You can't just say you ruin everything and move on with your life being an impending doom, Matt. You gave up. You're not even trying to be better. I've been on my own in this marriage for a long time now."
You sat on the bed with a huff. How did your relationship turn into this? It was all so sweet in the beginning. That night at the bar changed your life. This handsome, mysterious stranger approached you, buying you a drink. Honestly, you just wanted a free drink but the conversation hooked you. He was a charming man and a dangerous one. It felt like he was luring you into dark, shady waters but he was oh-so-sweet.
It was a month into your relationship when you found out he was the devil of Hell's Kitchen. One night, he stumbled into your apartment, beaten up and bloody. You spent the rest of the night tending his wounds. For you, it was hard to accept that he was risking his life out there every night. Somehow you got used to it.
Three months after getting married, you got promoted at work. Everything was so great, you were so happy. However, now your position required you to travel sometimes and you hated being away from Matt.
It was one of those nights that you came from a trip. Matt wasn't home so you just changed and decided to wait for him. You poured yourself a glass of wine and right when you were about to sit on the couch, something caught your eye. You leaned down to check. There was a red thong beside the couch, almost under it. Your body froze, all the air in your lungs emptying. It definitely wasn't yours. When you confronted Matt about it, he refused to recognize the underwear. Shocking! He even claimed that it was yours. That was your first big fight and when you find out about Claire.
There have been more work trips and more women. You only knew about Claire, Karen, and Elektra but you were certain that there were so much more. Why was he doing this? Why having you wasn't enough?
"Was I ever enough for you, Matthew?"
Matt never ever heard your voice so broken. He was drowning in your sadness while the taste of your tears filled the room.
"I gave you all of me and I did it gladly. I love you with all my heart, all my existence. We took a vow. We swore before God. We promised to honor each other." Your voice was barely a whisper now but he heard you loud and clear.
You fiddled with your ring, it almost burned your flesh now. "We promised to wear these rings to show our love and faithfulness."
Matt was sitting there silently and tears were falling out of his eyes. He was well aware that he fucked up. He ruined the best thing in his life. He made his one and only's heart bleed.
You were just sitting there contemplating the broken shards that were your marriage. You never loved anyone as much as you loved him. Hell, that was probably the only reason you kept forgiving him. He was a good man, you knew but he was in a constant battle with his demons. He would sometimes be off the rails but he always came back to you.
How long could you do this? How many more women? All these years, he trampled down your honor and dignity in the name of love and mistakes but no more.
No more.
You took a deep breath in and got up. It might've looked like a simple movement but it took all your courage and what's left of your dignity. You wouldn't take this man's disrespect and dishonesty anymore. Matt's head snapped in your direction, following every little movement.
You walked to the front door, grabbing your purse and coat. When Matt realized what was happening, he was by your side before you know it.
"Baby, please don't go. Let's just talk." He grabbed you by the waist and tried to halt your motion.
You tried to shrug him off but his hold was strong. "There's nothing to talk about. Let me go."
Matt's heart was breaking into million pieces. The idea of you leaving him... the idea of moving on with his life without you... he wished he could take back the time and undo every misdeed he committed.
"Don't leave me. Please... I'll change... for good this time, I swear. Baby, please don't do this to me."
His words burned through your chest. Even though he broke your heart a million times, you still felt sad because he was sad. His pretty face was contorted in pain. His unfocused eyes were filled with tears. You wanted to reach and wipe his tears away, give him a kiss and hug him.
No more.
"I'm done, Matt. I can't do this anymore. I don't deserve to be treated like this. I never did." You freed yourself from his grip and opened the door.
He fell onto his knees with a sob. "Please..."
You took in the view in front of you, feeling pity for him. Right before you walked out of the door, you said "Sign the divorce papers when they arrive."
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bkdotblog · 2 years
"RSVPlease," S3 E8
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 3 Episode 8 Recap
My Title:  “Danna...?"
My rating: 2.6 out of 5 my father's obituaries
Support for Lisa Barlow: Very strong
AHH! We open the scene with Lisa Barlow's terrifying sons. The family is sitting around their black and white kitchen. Lisa, perhaps sensing the presence of Satan, suggests that a better relationship with God might make their lives "a little easier." The older one demurs: There are many ways to be spiritual, mother. You can meditate, for example, or run your own YA hair gel company.
The youngest one vibrates with malevolent intentions. Lisa's husband is also there. He is the largest of the four but offers the bare minimum in terms of presence.
Lisa, Jen, and Whitney hit the slopes. Must we see winter sports in every episode? Jen and Lisa barely make it down the hill on skis. Whitney is deft on a snowboard. They meet up on some bluff overlooking the most gorgeous mountains God has ever made.
"Heather escorted me from her house the other day," Whitney says, due to Whitney's defending Lisa in their ongoing squabble. Emphasis on escort: Whitney says Heather "physically turned me around." A little dramatic, but that's our girl. So why is Heather offering Whit soprano in the Gay chorus?
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Hearing that Whitney came to the defense of her character, Lisa looks like she is going to burst into tears of joy.
All three women share grievances with Heather's behavior as of late. Even Whitney, who doesn't have anything specific to blame Heather for other than not being supportive in her hilling journey. "I just shared with you that I've had all this trauma that I'm working through," Whitney says, "And when I have stirred the pot or been messy, that's how I learned how to behave." The other women are like... OK...
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We transition next to Chez Shah, where it appears Jen's husband or the show's fabulous producers are gonna go ahead and host a barbecue for the househusbands. It's a "no-wife zone!" Shah declares. Thanks for letting me know because I am only interested in wife zones, and am too happy to skip this sequence!!
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Who the SWEET fuck cares?
Who the FUCK is "Ernesto, Danna's husband"????
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OK, let's move on...
In another snow-white kitchen across town, Meredith is making a "little snack" with her sister, niece, and nephew, who are in town from Chicago. There is nothing more important to Meredith than fahmlae, pronounced with a Chicago accent that twinges on Scottish. Meredith's megatwink son Brooks loomed large on the first two seasons of the show but has since been off in New York. And we mustn't Marks' invisible daughter, who may very well be in the room with us right now.
This is how many of them it takes to cut a single lemon:
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Meredith recalls herself recalling the traumatic events of her past year — her father dying, her nephew's mental health issues — at the Season Two reunion. But how lovely now that the family can gather together happily to cut a single lemon! Lisa Barlow's God is good.
The children are dismissed from the scene as Meredith commands them to take a place of white bean salad to "Unkie" who is upstairs, and she is alone with her sister Myra, pronounced Meera. The two discuss Myra's son, who last year attempted suicide gruesomely. Meredith has a very purely emotional moment in her confessional.
But the conversation quickly turns to Lisa thank GOD. Apparently their husbands convened at their all-male no homo hang and Lisa's husband shared concerns about Meredith's attacks at Lisa. Meredith of course is on the defensive. For a woman who famously refuses to engage, I think Meredith enjoys when she feels forces are conspiring against her. Or maybe not. I actually don't think about Meredith very much at all, if I'm being Frank N. Honest!
Heather Gay is Bottega Veneta boots on the ground at her first choir rehearsal. At the Gay Choir, everybody who is not a woman wearing luxury Italian-made fashions is a Tom of Finland drawing come to life.
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When Good Angie picks up Jen and takes her to rehearse, she gossips about the chatter at a recent spin class: apparently Danna (remember Danna?) said that Jen went off on Bad Angie and was "bullying" her at the choir auditions. If there is one thing that will cause Jen to fly into a rage, it's accusing her of flying of rages.
Danna reveal:
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Jen Shah reaction:
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(As a side note: I love love love this confessional look on Jen as she is pleading her innocence in a federal fraud trial. "Would a guilty woman wear this?")
Heather is wearing a little cropped green vest over body con dress that I think looks great. Bad Angie, Whitney, and Lisa arrive, all separately. Other people are also there. Everybody sits in a great big circle and the hunky choir director makes a speech.
When everyone stands to do vocal warm ups, Heather takes Lisa aside to, it seems, thank her for coming and salvage what is left of their good feelings toward one another. But then in the confessional, Heather says this:
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BK's Take: Heather is quickly losing credibility for me. We mustn't forget: She has admitted to mean-girlhood in the past. And at the risk of applying an overly simplistic and misogynistic behavioral analysis as having "mean girl" energy, Heather is committing the number one act of high school clique leaders since time immemorial: Fault finding with someone's character on the basis of not vibing with them. Despicable!
We reach the cliff before this commercial break when Lisa cuts to the bone of the argument and asks Heather if she likes her. Remember 10 seconds ago, when Heather said she hated her?
She pauses for one hundred years and one full commercial break before she responds:
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Uhh... kinda, mama!
BK's Take, Evergreen: Lisa is right!
They go around in a few more circles before addressing the rumors spewed against Lisa at the Garbage Whore Party a few episodes ago. Whitney is brought into the fray -- a crucial misstep in deescalating any sort of conflict, as Whitney is volatile when she's in the process of hilling. While another voice is added to this din, the rest of the choir continues to rehearse mere feet away.
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At one point Heather just... walks away! And rejoins the chorus. This is how this particular fight ends: With a song. From the varying pious bellies of the Mormon Church's misfits and outcasts:
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(Eagle eyes will notice Lisa Barlow is in her defensive stance)
What is the climate in Salt Lake City? At the beginning of the episode we were on the powder white slopes, and now Jen is meeting Good Angie at a rooftop pool? I hope I don't sound foolish but will anybody explain this to me? Simultaneously, the episode's breakout star DANNA visits Meredith at home, assembling a common formation to this franchise: Doubles screaming matches, where each team is comprised of a housewife and friend-of.
Last ep we had Good Angie and Jen against Bad Angie and kind of Whitney. Now it seems like reigning champs Good Angie and Jen have advanced to their next challenge: Danna and kind of Meredith.
But first, Jen appears in her villainry talking about how the stress of being indicted for fraud has her craving a vacation...
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...and I brace myself for some dumb ass budget locale knowing Jen can't leave the country and doesn't have a ton of money anyway, and then she reveals where she will be taking everybody, and are you ready ladies?, grab a big tote and a single carry-on duffle, because las amigas, we are flying down to San Diego town!
It gets worse, because they're staying in Good Angie's friend's house. "And it's close to the beach!" she says, beaming.
BK's Take, Peeved: We the people have had enough of these AirBnb ass vacations. Please take us somewhere where the ladies don't have to share bathrooms — I am begging! Hotels are FINE! Bravo can figure it out. They do it in Potomac all of the time!
Good Angie (who is becoming Mid Angie... she's been put on watch) and Jen decide to break the news to Meredith by FaceTime, assembling a back drop of inflatable palm trees to trick her into thinking they're somewhere tropical. (Like San Diego.)
"For all she knows, we're in Hawaii right now," Good Angie says of their setup:
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When Meredith reveals who is with her, Jen's face cracks.
Good Angie lists off the ladies who be going to San Diego — basically the main cast plus herself — before Jen cuts in. "I would invite you Danna, except I heard you were talking shit, girl."
Danna respond plainly that she doesn't like how Jen talks to people. Maybe "bullying" is not the right word, but it seems to me like Danna takes issue with the way Jen can shout down people or escalate an argument very quickly. Jen responds by hanging up and then... stomping out of the pool and yelling?
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Poor Jen. Looks like she could use a vacation. Luckily for her, we'll all be together in San Diego soon — friends, lovers, enemies, bloggers, Mid Angie, and Danna...? Thank you for reading! –BK
Gay Imagery
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I really loved this fit on Hedda. If you are someone feeling alienated by Heather's fake ass behavior this season, please get in touch with my support group.
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nocasnocare · 6 years
Actors/tptb: *talking about how people must already miss Dean and acting like he’s been gone for 20 years and saying that it’s okay because he won’t be gone too long etc.* *acting like fandom will collapse because the actor is playing Michael instead of Dean*
Meanwhile, Cas fans: *go for months at a time without Cas appearing* *already dealt with Lucifer possessing Cas for almost half a season* *remember the multiple episodes from last season that featured Cas appearing as just a corpse or for like thirty seconds and still counted as full episodes towards Misha’s already limited episode count* *sees Cas promoted as series regular and third lead only to realize he’s still in less than half the episodes and gets little screentime* *watches episodes with Cas only to discover that he does absolutely nothing and appears for 5 minutes or less and is often left out of important scenes/plot points/milestones* *constantly worry every season whether Misha will be brought back the next season* :\\\\\ That....must be terrible.... :\\\\ How will Dean fans survive this travesty? :\\\ We...just.......can’t...........imagine......
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futures-tense · 3 years
i see people saying all the time how ow*n has so much screen time due to the fact that rob's the most famous on the show. how ab gina? and jim parrack? they have a decent amount of fame, too. i knew about gina way before rob lowe and i only know of him because my english class did the outsiders last year.
anyhow, with 9-1-1, there's so many popular faces, too like kenneth choi, angela bassett, jen love hewitt yet u see they all have equal amount of screentime. at least one character has a storyline an episode and it's not overwhelming. ow*n has at least more than 6 minutes of screentime an episode. so many characters have under two minutes an episode. it's so embarrassing for him
it's even worse because this is a show that screams diveristy yet the white male is the main fucking character who hogs up all the fucking screentime and does every single fucking episode.
he's the captain. literally other firefighters should do the rescues, not him. and it's so, so, so annoying how u see everyone has character development yet he doesn't.
on 9-1-1, the other characters have made so much development over the past 2 seasons (im counting 3 && 4 because i barely remember 1 && 2) yet ow*n has NONE. his character did nothing but deteriorate all throughout season 2 and it's so 😐😐😐😐😐
even aside from the og, carlos has had development. paul has had development. grace has had development. marjan, judd, tk, they all had development aside from ow*n
like i'm just so tired of him. it woudn't even matter if he still took up so much screentime, i just at least want some development. he has such a hero complex that i don't think it's ever going to change, yk? especially with his son writing on this show, i just have the feeling its never going to change, that his shitty personality wont change, that he wont get overhimself.
Rob being a big name shouldn’t mean anything on these shows but for whatever reason, it does. And because he “appeals to the largest demographic” (i mean no but whatever), they give him more screentime than gina. I cannot get over how little personality he has. The writers pretend he has some semblance of one but hes boring and plain and altogether not what I want to watch. I’ve already explained why I keep watching but idk if i’m going to be able to.
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famdommcfanface · 3 years
Doctor who thoughts again... This is a long one.
I know the snake guy (can't remember his name, y'know, evil sexy snake guy) was going to be in this episode but I'm still thrilled every time they remind us of that fact
Oh yeah that fucking angel thing. Bullshit. Sorry
Erm they're are angels there that aren't covering their eyes which is very bad. Like... either they're in some kind of dimension where it doesn't matter so why are most of them covering their eyes or big proportions of them are just unable to move. Possibly forever if enough of them have their eyes uncovered.
I love Yaz's period clothing. Obsessed.
They're Indiana Jones-ing I guess. I'd like to think without the colonialism but I'm not sure how
Is that Jericho? Jericho!!!! I love this dude.
Yaz this is theft and destruction of ancient artefacts I'm an archaeologist and Yaz just don't please.
Ood has a new voice. Hmm. Ah well.
Oh. Her. Forgot about her. Do I want to know?
Exposition time. Thanks.
DYING for Yaz's clothes this episode I mean damn.
Where are these guys getting money from
What is even happening rn I haven't known for weeks now I guess.
It's Spectre! No.
Obsessed with Yaz just murdering people. She didn't even murder him but...
Sexy gay snake guy!! Not sure what he's doing here but I love the period clothing on him.
If this dude turns out to be a Lethbridge-Stewart... just to say only so many people can be Lethbridge-Stewarts.
Aww!!! Yaz watching the doctor hologram this is adorable they're so in love
I think if Yaz kisses the doctor next episode I'll forgive Chris of everything
That might be an exaggeration but Chris wouldn't you like to find out???
Oh also another exposition time. See, Chris? I nearly got distracted by the gayness! Had there been more gayness I might not have noticed the exposition at all!
I want Dan to be more horrified by the whole dead body thing. Jericho's doing alright but c'mon Dan.
She can't be a good guy she's got an ood. The relationship seems like it might be a kind of slavery one.
Oh you're defending the time lord directives now are you doctor?
N-space? I don't even really know what that means but oh wait they're in the void aren't they
KARVINISTA! You gay little bitch
Okay but the void was meant to be like... hell. It wasn't just nothing it was basically hell. I know that's weird but it did happen.
Hey Bel! I still don't trust Tigmi!
Karvinista if you hurt Bel I stg...
Ooh. Creepy.
Chris you love people talking exposition out loud to themselves don't you.
Swarm and Azura! I would die for these bitches.
'you are space how we are time' stfu swarm. stfu Chris.
Stfu weird mystery woman who probably isn't the doctor's mother
Okay I'm lost. No idea what's happening. Can we go back to Yaz being gay in period clothing please?
I'm going to have to read the explanation for this afterwards.
Oh she's so cartoonishly evil what is even the point of this. The division is ripe for moral complexity.
Wait what's her name? Yeah her! Fuck what's her name?
Tecteun! Right! Oh god that means I really don't know what's going on.
Sexy snake guy! You don't understand I'm really excited every time this guy is on screen because I thought he was only going to be in one episode
Oh the brigadier is going to show up isn't he. I think the time period could work. Private Lethbridge-Stewart or whatever.
It's like 'huh. TARDIS. Oh well'
Feel like Jennings (or anyone who turns up in the background) is going to be a classic who reference
Sexy snake guy just lived on earth for like ten years and gave away his cover so fucking quickly... Wait what the fuck I swear that's from men in black.
Huh. That was weird.
Grand serpent! That's it! Knew it was something about snakes!
Oh fuck I really don't know what's happening.
Tecteun honey that's so fucking dumb and you now it. Put the doctor next to the machinery you're using to do it so she doesn't stop it what are you doing
I'm not even sure what this argument is but I know it fills me with rage.
Yeah I don't like this. Something about the doctor complaining about the live she lives... she loves her life? There are other complaints to make? That's not the bad thing she did doctor?
Kind of sick of like six plots happening at once. Where is Yaz being gay in period clothing
Okay I never thought Vinder was dead but for a moment I thought we were meant to think Vinder was dead and that was really funny for some reason
Diane! Wish she'd been in the plot or something but hey.
Dan isn't wearing interesting enough clothes. He deserves more interesting clothes
How can this dude speak English. He's like a Tibetan hermit.
I actually don't mind the comedy character but it would be far less jarring if Chris put some comedy in the rest of the series.
Haha map montage! So ridiculously cliché. Kind of love it.
Okay I guess. That's alright.
Karvinista you gay bitch.
Doctor free the ood!!!
Yeah the universe is really full of ood. It's because the ood masks are reusable unlike things like silurians.
Jesus Christ the flux destroyed like 99.999999999% of all galaxies it looks like
Oh god please don't do the thing I predicted.
Ood you're psychic your whole thing is hearing whispering
That doesn't quite look like proper Gallifreyan, idk.
I love sexy snake guy I'll tell you that much.
*my brain* Prentis... Prentice... wasn't he a mole guy? I feel a very bad conspiracy theory brewing...
Want that spike worm to actually look like a snake.
Oh him. I don't even want to know what his deal is at this point.
Yaz stfu this could be important.
Yes it's a fob watch... wait the doctor could get her memories back? I kind of don't like that.
Yeah I don't understand the whole next universe thing. Not sure what's happening. Could Rose come back? If Rose can't come back I don't care about your whole next universe thing.
Also where the fuck is Kate? I was promised Kate!
Oh wait that was good timing.
Osgood? She's dating Richard Osman now y'know. Just a bit of gossip.
Imagine if he just murdered Kate Stewart... how funny would that be idk.
Huh. I'd expect Kate to have a nicer house than that. Either a big town house thing or maybe something in the country.
Does Karvinista have Gallifreyan on his leg?
Look. I understand that it's 1904. You don't have to tell me every time.
Ooh go on what is it. Oh is it snake guy. I don't even know what this dude wants. I like his office though.
K. Sontarans. Cool.
The doctor spent this whole episode having a conversation.
And swarm and Azura did fuck all! They've kind of been replaced by a different sexy queercoded villain.
Oh god I really don't know what's happening.
Oh well she's dead I guess huh.
Kate had better actually do something next episode.
Daleks. Yeah I guess.
Oh and the house yeah.
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Season 3 episode 3 commentary with my sister:
How old are these actors? 
*informs her they are 1 and 2 yrs younger than her*
Okay cool, just checking..
*fake British accent* Even, Even, wherefore art thou Even?
Okay things I don’t need: that dude’s ass
Jokes aside...it hurts me to see how unhappy Robbe is every time he is with Noor
Oh shit..he has abs? That was unexpected
Take your shit and run!!
Oh that’s nice of him to text his-- or not..
Who is you??
Wait what...Robbe and I are equally confused..
Istg if this is just some dude, I’m gonna lose it
Booking.com?! LOOOOL
Woah what! He said ‘‘LOL at you, you gullible little boy..now come with me…’
Why is he so pretty? Why can he pull off bleached hair? 
There it is again..wtf is an alle??
Sander, you say?...love it, love you, nice to meet you, i have a lot of questions
Hahahaha what a whipped bitch already!! You took the title of Whipped-est Bitch Around from Senne…
Holy shit we are only 4 minutes into this episode? I’ve never felt more alive
Their first date is at a fucking grocery store...what a pair of legends
Wtf is this scanner thing? Nevermind I don’t have time for that
Wait, does he know Amber? 
Umm....I have so many inappropriate comments about that face he just made
RIP to Bowie, don’t know a single song but RIP
Yikes..please don’t tell Sander i just said that
I have to stop talking...his voice is very soothing (...good luck with that Kennedy)
What a fucking dork! I love him. Marry me. 
Robbe has smiled more in this one scene than he has all season
OMG why are they so cute?!
Also...who is paying for this shit?
Did he just tell him he is expensive?! 
Pause it!! I just need to appreciate the fact that Robbe was so happy...is it just me or does him finally meeting Sander feel different than when Isak met Even? ...okay you can play it
Noor you are looking rough, honey
Fucking Amber...get out of here with your bullshit lists
On the bright side..HE’S BACK!
Wtf is a croque?
Robbe...literally no one cares what Amber says
Okay he’s got jokes! I see you, Sander!
PAUSE IT! Go back! ...that boy really just looked him in the eye while on his knees?! Fucking amazing! Hahahaha
Disaster gay in the kitchen
Oh shit...the looks between these two!!
This dude’s reaction to Bowie..
No traditions? ...bummer
Oh shiiiiiit Robbe! (Robbe watching Sander lick the joint paper)
Idk who is more in love, Robbe, Sander or me
Did he just feed him?!?! This man…
WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!??!?!?!?! Pause that shit!
Please tell me that is not Britt...istg I am gonna throw myself off this fucking roof!! Remember when i said i couldn’t hate her more?...I lied. Someone buy this girl a ticket home, hell my broke ass will even pay for it! ...I guess you can play it...fucking hell..*face palms*
Same, Robbe, same…
Dumb jokes?? Stfu…
God damn it! We are back to sad Robbe..
Sander needs to get away from both Moyo and Britt
He’s not being social because he is depressed af...leave him be
That sounds like a terrible camp
He is indeed very cool...best thing you’ve ever said Noor
Ugh..back to them kissing
HE’S LOOKING!!! Sander’s eyes just murdered Noor
Paintball? Oh hell yes!
Let’s just shoot Moyo and Britt
LOOOOOOL Sander dude wtf
Britt you are making me hate you more and more…
You’re damn right you won! 
There goes Robbe smiling again..I wonder why
The irony of Robbe giving advice on girls
Luca and Aaron would have nice curly haired babies
Sigh…(Sander and Britt kissing)
*Jim Halpert voice* what. is. going. on? (start of the vlog)
Every time I see Sander with Britt, a puppy dies somewhere
Is this for a vlog or for like a satanic ritual?
Sander is so sweet, helping everyone get out the window
Party time!! *dances*
Sander is looking great in the lighting
OOP! They’re eyeing each other again!
For real though...Sander looks good
God damnit! I hate angry Robbe...everyone just leave him alone,..with Sander.
Wait why are they dressed up like that?
Robbe’s hair is on another level
A sexy corpse?? Amber, girl..no
Jana and Jens...interesting, moving on..
Hey you sir, get away from Zoe
R + N? Oh sweetie, no..
Oh shit, hell yes to this song!
Oh there goes Sander and Britt...a puppy just died
Robbe jealousy level 100
Holy fuuuuuck! This has a whole different energy then Evak..
Well hot damn...that just happened...everyone still breathing?
Ofc Amber is telling everyone what to do
Let the man have his coffee
Yes! Help him with the bottles!
Hahahah Sander is a whole ass mood when it comes to Amber
The relationship is going great...except you know, he’s gay
Sounds like it’s time to break up, Sander
Fuck Britt
Robbe eye fucks Sander for a hot minute while kissing other people, but Sander goes near him and he has gay panic x10
Oh sweet Robbe a pro/con list??
What? No! You will!
Ugh...he’s kinda standing in front of you
I’ll tell you where...right in front of you!
DO IT! Yes! 
Ugh..Luca, I love you but now is not the time
Why do these two have better chemistry than me and my bf of over a year??
89 notes · View notes
alleiradayne · 4 years
Cowboys and Angels
Filming for the last season of Supernatural is underway and Y/N, long-time set photographer, finds herself the center of attention for two of her co-workers, Misha Collins and Jensen Ackles. A roller-coaster of emotions ensues over the year as the three of them attempt to balance work, the end of an era, and experimental love.
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Part VI - Sharing
Summary: After a less than stellar holiday break, Y/N returns to set with the weight of the world on her shoulders. Warnings/Tags: A lot of angst, with a tiny ray of hope. Characters/Pairings: Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Reader Word Count: 1,956 A/N: Once again, please assume everyone involved is consenting and polyamorous. No spouse hate. No wife hate. No Cockles hate. No Misha hate. No hate whatsoever. If you don’t like RPF, don’t read it, and don’t complain to me about it. Update: The oh-so-lovely @atc74 made this stellar aesthetic for me in hopes that it wouldn’t get the Tumblr Ban Hammer™. Let’s test it.
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Days. Weeks. Then months. Like water from a sieve, the brief moments Y/N spent with Jensen and Misha—naked or otherwise—drained away. Too many fourteen-hour days. Too many sleepless nights. But that had not been her breaking point. No. Farm from it. At least at work, she might hold a long stare, linger too long in conversation, or merely savor their presence in silence. Hell, she might have even fucked in their trailers the two men that had irrevocably altered her life.
At least at work, they were together.
As Y/N stared at the unopened presents beneath her withering Christmas tree, she sighed. Holiday break had come and gone. No plans. No phone call. Not even a text. They hadn't even sent her anything. Not that she had held any sort of expectations. Given the whirlwind start to their relationship and their exhausting work schedules, they had hardly taken the time to talk much beyond work or the rules of their encounters. Small talk, sure. But never anything about plans. Forget the future.
But the future came and went. And during those few months, Y/N's worst fears plagued her restless mind. Too many questions lingered unanswered in the darkest recesses of her thoughts. She had imagined something that was not there, could never be there. Love was an entirely different game. What they had played was lust, gotten their fill, and were over it. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Even in the days leading up to their return to set, the mere thought of facing them again soured her stomach. Where the holidays had dragged, the last week had passed in a blur of days. Mired in the unknown, Y/N floundered. What had kept them from her? Why leave her so stranded?
By her final Sunday night off, she had worried her nerves down to frayed ends. So, when Y/N walked back on set the following morning, she was determined to find both Jensen and Misha to end whatever it was that they had shared.
Unless there was nothing to end. Maybe that was what they had wanted. A short time play partner to scratch a sudden itch. Nothing wrong with that. As much as she hated it, she could handle it.
The thud of her bag on the folding table echoed through the cavernous soundstage. Several eyes snapped to her, voices quieted and smiles fading. Of course, they all felt it. With seven episodes left to film, everyone felt the looming end of the show. But none of them felt it the way she did. None of them felt the love, the deep passion, and the betrayal she felt. She ignored them.
Much like she ignored the confident warmth that enveloped her shoulder. Misha had found her before she had even managed to set up shop.
“Hey, Y/N.”
When she turned to look at him, his inviting smile melted faster than snow in July. “Hey.”
“Okay, we need to ta—”
“There’s really nothing to talk about,” she interrupted. “Y'all needed something from me, now you don’t. Pretty fucking simple.”
“No, please—” he started, but she wrenched free of his embrace and returned to her task. When she remained focused there despite his insistence, Misha ran both hands through his hair as he looked across the soundstage as though searching for something. Or someone. “No, it’s not that simple at all. It’s incredibly complicated and we should have talked about it sooner. Let me—”
“You know, we could have done this before the holidays,” Y/N stated. “Or right after. While we were still on hiatus. I didn’t hear from either of you for a month and a half. Not even a text message to let me know you were okay.”
Misha grimaced. “I know, Y/N, and that was wrong. We should not have done that to you. We… did not plan on any of this. It wasn’t supposed to happen. This wasn’t supposed to be long-term.”
She rounded on him then. “Then what was it supposed to be?! A fling?! A temporary fuck buddy?! What?!”
He waited. Bless his heart, he waited for her to finish her tirade. When she calmed, he said, “A lover. The intent was no one-night stand. There was never going to be anything temporary about this. Please, Y/N come with me. We’ll find Jensen and we’ll talk in my trailer.”
Suspicion narrowed her glare as she considered Misha out of the corner of her eye. When her bag sat empty on the folding table, Y/N turned to him and spoke.
“Let’s get this over with.”
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Mirrors. Why did they have so many mirrors in their trailers?
Carbon copies of each other, Misha and Jensen’s trailers were nearly indiscernible. Except for their scent. Jensen’s smelled of heather, pine, and sea salt, whereas Misha’s smelled of leather and citrus. And on those distinct aromas rode memories, each more salacious than the one that preceded it.
As she sat on the couch and stared at the mirror beside the TV, those memories flooded her senses. Cold glass on her tits. Misha’s hand between her thighs as he torqued one arm behind her back. Her skirt shoved up over her hips. Underwear wrenched aside. And his cock pounding her pussy until she came.
It should have aroused her. Should have sent that familiar rush down her spine. But as she waited for Misha to return to his trailer, she felt nothing. A little anxious. But mostly nothing.
That thought settled in the resigned recesses of her mind the moment the trailer door crashed against the opposite wall and Jensen leaped over the threshold. Startled so, Y/N reared back and jumped from the couch. But when Jensen spotted her and their eyes met, all her doubts vanished.
In a rush of wind, he crossed the two steps between them. His massive hands slipped into her hair, cupped her head, and kissed her so tenderly, Y/N might have wept were it not for her surprise.
When he released her, Jensen remained close, so close his breath warmed her lips, her cheeks, and Y/N shivered despite the heat that swelled in his embrace. The moment lasted only that single breath, for Misha cleared his throat before he entered his trailer. The door clicked shut with a soft snap behind him as he stepped in, and he remained by the door with an expectant look on his face.
Jensen regarded him for a beat, then turned back to her. He even managed to frown prettily. Damn him. “I guess we're supposed to talk.”
Y/N found Misha's stare darkened, serious as ever. “We do need to talk. Before this goes any further.
With a disgruntled sigh, Jensen dropped onto the couch beside her and took her hands in his. “I want to apologize first. For not staying in contact at all over break. That was... very disrespectful, considering our intentions.”
She glanced at Misha as she asked, “What are your intentions?” then returned to Jensen.
As though she balanced precariously at the edge of a cliff, Y/N waited with rapt attention, her wide eyes boring into his. And Jensen, bless his heart, stared back. Between his lips, his tongue slipped, wetting them before he spoke.
“To make this permanent.”
That word alone sounded odd as it echoed in her head. “Permanent,” she repeated. The weight of it slowed her speech, so heavy on her tongue. Undetermined seconds ticked by, so lost in her thoughts. She had anticipated this moment. But as she sat there in Misha’s trailer between Jensen and he, Y/N questioned her every thought, her every action, her every want since filming had started that season.
When she remained silent, Jensen regarded Misha with a sidelong stare. From the door, he said, “The holidays should not have happened how they did, Y/N.” A hesitant step bore him nearer the couch, as though he second guessed himself, but another more determined step closed the remaining gap and he sat beside her. “We were planning on having you visit. Meet family and the like.”
“But we dropped the ball,” Jensen interjected. “There were things we should have done first, a long time ago, before introducing you to anyone.”
“Why didn’t you?”
Jensen grunted a disgusted sound deep in his throat. “Because we’re awful. To be honest, I was scared. I wanted to tell my family in person, but I could never find the right opportunity. Which is unfair to you. There probably won’t be a ‘right’ time to explain this to anyone we care about.”
Y/N wrung her fingers into knots as she listened. “I appreciate the understanding.”
“Of course, we understand. We should have just done it,” Misha added. “But we didn’t.” He inched closer and grasped her free hand in both of his. “We love you dearly, Y/N. More than you could possibly imagine.”
“We’re equally shocked, trust me,” Jensen teased. “Misha just said it while he was making breakfast the other day and I broke my favorite mug when I dropped it in the sink.”
“You did not drop it because I said I loved Y/N, you dropped it—”
Misha’s teeth clicked shut and Jensen’s voice caught in his throat. At least they listened well enough. “Are you trying to tell me you didn’t tell your families about me ahead of time and so that’s why you couldn’t… I don’t know, call me? Text me?”
“We should have,” Jensen stated. “None of the shit that kept me busy is worthy of your forgiveness. I should have texted you at the very least, if not called you to let you know everything was fine. Considering our short good-byes at the break party, it was the least we should have done.”
Misha nodded in agreement. “We’re jerks. We fucked up. But we still very much care for you. And we still want you to be in our lives. We hope you still want us in yours.”
At least they hadn’t intentionally ignored her. At least things made some sense. No, it wasn’t perfect. In fact, in the moment it all felt quite unforgivable. How could they expect her to move forward—with them, no less—after such a betrayal of trust? As if nothing had happened, a mere apology should fix it all?
To be honest with herself, a part of her wanted to walk away. Simple and clean. And yet, she loved them, much like they loved her. But did that mean she had to meet their families so soon?
Patient as ever, they waited for her to speak. Her rambling thoughts leaped from one to the next, and so, she said, “You didn’t give me your addresses. I couldn’t send the pile of gifts I got you, they’re all still sitting at my apartment…”
Misha groaned and Jensen palmed his forehead. “We should have. Can we make it up to you tonight? We also have several gifts for you.”
Before the holidays, gifts had felt like an unquestioned given. But there on the other side, they felt like complications. Strings. She sucked in a deep, clarifying breath and exhaled as she said, “On one condition.”
“Anything, Y/N,” Jensen insisted.
She couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. “Let's hold off on any family gatherings for a while. Make sure this is the real deal, give it some time.”
Misha laughed as he said, “Out of the three of us, you're going to be the most level-headed. We need that.”
Jensen agreed with his own short bark of laughter. “Deal. Now, how about those gifts? I've been dying to give you mine.”
“Whenever we wrap tonight, meet at my place?” She asked.
Misha grinned as he said, “It's a date.”
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If you want to be tagged for this series specifically, send me an ask or a DM! If you want in on any of my tags, you can ask for that, too!
The Whole Thang:
@atc74  @hannahindie @bevans87  @meganwinchester1999  @oneshoeshort @jonogueira @andkatiethings @elfinmox @princessofthefandomrealm  @jmekitchens @81mysteriouslyme @dolphincliffs  @canadianspnhunter  @meowmeow-motherfucker  @staycejo1 @hobby27  @pretty-fortune @mypopculturediva @fanfictionjunkie1112 @sandlee44 @4llmywr1tings @claitynroberts @maddiepants @donnaintx @blackeyedangel9805 @rainflowermoon @winchesterprincessbride  @lazinessisalliknow @the-is13 @waywardafgrandma @keymology​ @sister-winchesters99​ @amanda-teaches​ @amandamdiehl​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @spnbaby-67​
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temilyrights · 5 years
It’s always been us (Jenny Shepard x Reader)
Summary: Y/N visits Jenny at work and ends up telling Jenny about some feelings. 
Requested by @over-emotional-girl908​
A/N: I hope you enjoy it! I’ve never written a Jenny fic before and I haven’t watched an episode of NCIS with Jenny for ages so I hope I managed to catch her essence? Anyway, please enjoy and as always feedback is always appreciated! 
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“A woman named Y/N is here to see you” Cynthia said, poking her head into Jenny’s office “She’s not scheduled for a meeting but-”
“Let her in” Jenny beckoned, standing up from her desk. Cynthia vanished from the door and seconds later in you walked. You dumped your bag on the table and grinned.
“Didn’t expect it to be so hard to come and see my friend. I only managed to get into the building because Gibbs-” Jenny rolled her eyes “-said to let me in, you never mentioned you were working with him again” You huffed, walking over to Jenny and pulling her into a tight hug.
“I am the director of NCIS. I would hope it would be. And I’m not working with him, I’m his boss” Jenny proclaimed.
You smirked, laughing slightly. “Oh, I’ve missed you”
You and Jenny had been close friends since college, and despite going into completely different careers, you’d always remained close. You’d heard all about Gibbs after she’d returned from Paris all those years ago and you couldn’t lie that there wasn’t a spike of jealously knowing they were working together again.
“I’ve missed you too. Now come and sit, Cynthia was just about to get me lunch, I’ll add your order and we can catch up”
The food didn’t take long to arrive, and soon you were sitting together on Jenny’s couch catching up on the last couple months of life.
“It’s been going really well I think, a few bumps here and there. Ziva’s starting to settle in, Gibbs Is still his usual self but I’m doing well” Jenny nodded.
“Are you two?” you wiggled your eyebrows.
“God, no. That’s long in the past” You breath a sigh of relief and Jenny looks at you curiously. Interested by your strong reaction she asks, “Did you not like him?”
How are you meant to answer that? He seemed like a nice man, the only reason you didn’t like him was maybe, because of some strong inappropriate feelings you had for your straight best friend.  You needed to let it all go, you and Jenny had fooled around briefly in college before you came out. It ended once she’d started dating a guy she liked, you came out a couple of months later and that should have been it. But there were some feelings that never really managed to die down, and every time you saw her they resurfaced.
“He made you happy. I liked him” Jenny frowned at your awkward smile and how you began to busy yourself cleaning up the food packaging.
“You’re lying”
“No, I’m not and I thought we talked years ago about not sussing me out like a suspect”
“Okay then, you’re not being completely truthful”
You sighed walking over to the bin and dumping all the packaging in the bin. You then walked to your bag and began searching for your phone. You heard Jenny move from her seat on the couch and over to stand beside you.
“Hey! Look at me” you didn’t. “Y/N, what’s going on?”
“Nothing. It’s fine!” You snap. Jenny steps back surprised.
“Well it’s obviously not fine, look at me!” Jenny grounds her teeth, grabbing your arm and pulling you round to face her. You pull out of her grasp stepping away from her, missing Jenny’s wounded expression.
“Oh my! Just let it go!” you shout back this time.
“What the fuck is the matter Y/N? You bring up Gibbs and now, your the one in a mood”
“I’m not in a mood. I just want you to drop the goddamn subject!”
“What the subject of Gibbs? That’s-”
“YES!” you both stand frozen. You breathe deeply, Jenny just staring at you.
Cynthia opens the door to your office, stepping inside, phone in hand. “Do you want me to call security?”
Jenny looks at her in surprise “No, no, it’s fine” When Cynthia doesn’t move, watching the pair of you with concern, Jenny adds “That’ll be all Cynthia” and she leaves, closing the door behind her.
Jenny takes a step towards you. “I don’t want to fight”
“I don’t want to fight either” You mutter. Jenny moves closer towards you, watching as you take a deep breath. You look at her watching as she begins to piece different parts of today together.
“Do you-” Jenny breathes “No, not possible” She takes a step closer to you, testing her theory and watches how your eyes briefly flutter to her lips. Jenny gasps and your eyes snap to hers.
You gulp, going to take a step back, but are held in place by Jenny grasping your hand. Jenny’s other hand, moves and slowly begins to stroke your cheek.
You take a deep breath, eyes shutting. “Jen…please stop” you whimper.
“You know why” You open your eyes, watching Jenny as her eyes roam over every part of your face.
“Tell me”
“Fuck Jen” you mutter “I like you…a lot” your eyes fall to the floor, your body screaming to move closer while your mind wants nothing but to run away. Instead, you stay frozen, the words you’ve wanted to say for years finally out in the open.
The hand on your cheek moves to brush over your lower lip and you can’t help the whine that escapes. Your eyes return to Jenny’s and you see the smirk planted on her own lips. You roll your eyes gaining confidence back, and roughly grab hold of Jenny’s blouse, pulling her flush against you and capturing her lips in yours. Jenny releases a surprised gasp that you capture as the kiss becomes deeper and hotter. Her hands grab at your waist and begin pushing you backwards, you follow until your bottom hits her desk.
You flip your places around, hiking Jenny up onto the desk and stand between her legs. She moans and then begins to pull away. “Stop, we have to stop” She breathes deeply, and you smirk, loving the state your kisses have managed to put her in.
“We’ve both improved lots since college, wonder what else we’ve improved at” You grin and Jenny whacks your arm, pushing you away as she removes herself from her desk.
“Seriously?” She laughs, rolling her eyes at your filthy remark “How about we get dinner tonight, and we can discuss everything” Jenny says more seriously now.
“I’d really like that” You agree. “But this is something you want right?”
Jenny steps towards you, giving you a hot kiss that you automatically sink into, before pulling away too soon. “To be discussed tonight, but yes. Yes, this is something I want”
You grin widely, and Jenny returns the smile. “Now, get going. I’ve got work to do”
You nod, giving her a quick peck before collecting your bags. You turn as your just about to leave the room. “I’ll send you the deets” You wink, and then leave the room.
Jenny rolls her eyes, smiling widely and shaking her head. “Cynthia!” She calls “What times my next meeting?”
Cynthia rushes into the room. Freezing with wide eyes as she looks at her.
“Oh, um… You’ve just got a bit of lipstick…” Cynthia says, pointing around her lips.
Jenny turns bright red, fishing the compact mirror out of her bag to see very messy lipstick. “Damnit Y/N!” Jenny exclaims, just imagining how proud you’d be that you’d managed to embarrass her. Jenny smirks thinking of a way she could return the fun. Oh yes. This was going to be fun.
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spnfanficpond · 5 years
June Angel Fish Awards
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Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations and make sure you’re signed into Tumblr or your URL won’t show. (If the form asks for your name and email address, then you’re not signed in.) If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle or Mana to check and make sure we got your submission.
Nominated by @wingedcatninja and @mrswhozeewhatsis and @manawhaat
The Song Remains the Same (oneshot) by @sammit-janet 
@wingedcatninja said -  This fic by @sammit-janet is the best case fic I have ever read. It has everything: drama, angst, a witch curse, perfect characterization. Reading it was like being inside an episode of Supernatural. And, without spoiling anything, the ending broke my heart. To quote my own comment when I reblogged it:
“I don’t even know where to start. The story is fantastic. The prose is beautiful. The characterization is on point. The angst is delightfully painful. It’s just overall amazing. Thank you for sharing this awesome piece of art.”
@mrswhozeewhatsis said -  The painful ingenuity of the spell in this case fic is genius. Pure freaking genius! Painful as hell, but genius. Characterization is wonderful, as always, and my heart is a little more broken, but I’m used to that with Sammit!! Brava!!!! *throws roses at you*
@manawhaat said-  WOW! That was fucking awesome! We see witch spells so often and (maybe it’s bc of the genre I’m reading but) they’re always like lust spells of some sort, so it was super refreshing to see this kind of spell. This whole thing was just really well done, super interesting, perfectly in character and the realm of spn. And that last little bit. UGH! SO PERFECT! So Dean! So spot on! So fitting and heartbreaking and such a perfect little add on. I swear, this whole thing legit felt like I watched an episode of the show. This case fic is a perfect example of how I want every fic to read. I want the drama, the suspense, the emotion, the subtleties, the Winchesters as they truly are, this kind of gentle care for detail and attention to creating a realistic feel. I can’t say it enough- this is fucking FANTASTIC!
Nominated by @wingedcatninja
Never Wanna Say Goodbye (oneshot) by @deanwinchesterswitch
This is deliciously painful angst that leaves you with tears in your eyes and a smile on your lips.
Nominated by @risingphoenix761
Salty Stockings (oneshot) by @slytherkins
Cute, hilarious, and just the right amount of crack. Also risque and suggestive. Did I mention this is hilarious? So much good stuff in a short fic, and imagine if anyone suggested Dean take this with him on a hunt!
Nominated by @manawhaat
True or False (oneshot) by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters
The way this starts instantly pulls you in. There’s so much pent up shit rattling through Dean and the way it’s reciprocated through Y/n is an amazing build. There’s so much emotion and vulnerability to this entire thing, and it’s done in a way that’s completely believable and realistic for Dean. Fuck. It’s smart and really just opens them both up in such a refreshing way that speaks of Dean’s bravery, even in the face of being raw and exposed to someone else. And the way the tables turn. *screeches and flaps on the floor* Be still my fucking heart! I fucking adore this and the way you approached this fic and premise. There are so many ways it could have gone wrong or lost its power and impact, but you fucking nailed it!
Covet (series) by @waywardjoy
Fucking Christ, this series stressed me the fuck out, but in the best way possible. The cliffhangers, the dark grittiness. The insanity! Fuck, I absolutely love it when stories are written in a way that completely immerse me in it. It’s dark, like, really dark. Fuck. It just hurts. 
The Beginning of The End (oneshot) by @deanwinchesterswitch
OW! There is a secret desperation in this that is absolutely brutal and tears your heart in two. The way Dean is written is eye-opening and really just drags you down into a depth of pain and grief that only a Winchester can feel. I feel like I should say something about the sex being hot, but I can’t. Because to me it’s just so rough, borderline too rough, and so emotional. Which might sound weird, but in this situation and with the way everything is presented that scene is honest as fuck, very believable, and powerful. At some point things become more about the emotional release than they do being sexy, and this is a gorgeous example of that kind of repressed emotion roaring to life in ‘bottle it up forever’ Dean Winchester. This fic hurts so good all the way through and in different ways. That in itself is a feat, so have so many layers in one story. It’s anger and hurt and guilt and worry and all of it is wrapped so delicately together in this fucking stunning piece of art. 
Born This Way (oneshot) by @evansrogerskitten
HAPPY PRIDE MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!!! This fuckin’ fic! Wow. This is the definition of the spn family. There’s so much love and support wrapped up in this story, in this fucking dream. I rarely get like, actually emotional reading fics (because I’m a heartless bitch) but this has me sitting here clutching my chest with my eyes closed just full body squeeing and smiling and my gut is clenching with all the emotion. There is something to be said of the spn family being allies. This song, this setting, this family, and the moment you’ve created here is so important and such a special thing! AND, as if the fic itself wasn’t enough to make me burst into happy tears, the tweets at the bottom sure the fuck were! Honestly, everything about this is so spot on and believable and just fucking pure and good.
Castiel Imagine (drabble) by @webcricket
Holy hell, that Cas fic was not only incredibly fucking sensual and well done but it was just so full of amazing language. Fantastic! I feel like a lot of writers who try to beef up their language tend to use words that feel out of place, but your consistency and the way you weave them together made me slow down to savor every line and that was such a beautiful thing.
Nominated by @sorenmarie87
Life for Rent (series) by @winchest09
The series has just started but I can’t wait to see where it goes.  I love a good mobster!au and the set up so far has me wondering what’s going to happen next. 
What Research? (oneshot) by @becs-bunker 
What do I say about this other than I loved it?  I mean Sam has been busy and the reader just wants some attention from him. Of course, they accomplish what they set out to do and it’s worth the read.  
Born This Way by @evansrogerskitten 
This was a fantastic fic. The reader has the casts approval and support, and the way they came out was fantastic. I almost cried, no lie. Ash’s fics are always fantastic but this hit me in an unsuspected way. 
Once Upon A Dream (oneshot) by @welldonebeca
I haven’t honestly seen that many Human!Gabe fics let alone Alpha!Gabe at that.  The story is so sweet.
Fallen Productions (series) by @welldonebeca  
I always admire authors who can write A/B/O but this mini series works its way through the original Team Free Will in a different way.  
He Is (series) by @coffee-obsessed-writer
This whole series is super sweet. Each chapter shows just what Dean means to you, and Jen nails it in each of them.
Make You Feel My Love (series) by @sofreddie 
This was such a sweet A/B/O series.  I love that Dean and the reader took their time, I mean Dean eased her through her earlier heats but I think it was sweet that it was just smut off the bat.  
Nominated by @iflostreturntosteverogers
Almond Milk Lies (series) by @fictionalabyss  
Mel is a fantastic writer 💕
Nominated by @shy-violet-soul 
The Girl Next Door (series) by @luci-in-trenchcoats 
An engaging AU, this writer keeps you hooked with well-paced timing & plot. Portrayal of characters is consistent with the show, which other fics struggle with when not in the SPN world. The story line is believable and genuine, and I enjoy the banter between the 2 main pairing-folks. Bravo!
Sunsets by @crispychrissy 
Damn. This work is so beautifully painful, or painfully beautiful, it’s hard to find words. I don’t want to comment on a favorite part to avoid giving away the plot. But this writer has captured a lesser-written character powerfully and consistently, and hooks you in with strong imagery and pacing. Hold on to your heartstrings for this one. 
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Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
As with the BFAs, these are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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allaboutthebooz · 6 years
Send My Love (To Your New Lover) Part Two
Summary: Y/N and Jensen have been working on Supernatural together for ten years. They’ve also been dating for eight years, until Jensen called it off, months before their wedding. A year later, Jensen is getting married and Y/N feels it’s time to move on. Her contract is up and she’s ready to expand her resume, but can she give everything up when they want her to sign on for more seasons? Can she keep her distance from Jensen as he prepares to get married to someone that isn’t her? Can she move on?
Warnings: Just some angst
A/N: It’s almost Christmas! Has anyone finished their shopping? I have. I even have everything wrapped. I have decided that I will be posting the next parts on Thursdays and Saturdays, exceeeeept for today. Because we are so close to Christmas, I wanted to give you all a gift. It’s not going to be big, but I know you will love it. I will be posting part three today as well. The only thing is that there will be no new post on Thursday. My family does a lot of traveling within the area I live in. I have a HUGE family, so Thursday will be one of the days that we will be out. But I hope that you all enjoy part two and three! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
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When you made it back to the car with the script burning a hole in your purse, you decided that you didn’t want to have lunch by yourself. You needed help making a decision and you knew the only person that you could talk to was your PA, who was also your best friend. Amanda would be the one who would help you make a choice. She was always the one that you went to, when you had to make hard decisions like this. You grab your phone from your purse and send her a text asking if she could meet you at Bottega Louie. They’re Chicken Parmesan was amazing. Expensive, but amazing.
Twenty minutes later, you’re sitting at a table by the windows. The new script that Bob gave Jena is open on the table as you try to read through it while waiting for Amanda. You try weighing the pros and cons about resigning your contract. The main one being that your character, Anne was in a relationship with Dean and like every other love interest of his, was supposed to finally be sent off in a burning pile of wood, salt, a gasoline. You begged the writers to do. You begged them to kill you off, so there wouldn’t be a chance for you to come back. You were supposed to film that episode in the coming weeks after a small hiatus, so that you could go to different meetings and interviews for projects you had coming up. After Jimmy Kimmel, you have to hope on a plane and take a three-hour flight to Vancouver to finish filming. You were ready to say goodbye, but with the new script sitting in front of you, you don’t know what to do.
You’re so lost in thought that you don’t hear the chair across from you scrape the floor as it gets pulled out or notice the person sitting down across from you.
“Y/N!” The owner of the voice finally getting your attention as you look up in slight shock.
You see Amanda looking at you with a small amount of worry behind her crystal blue eyes. You shake your head to clear your thoughts and give her a smile.
“Sorry! I was just reading this script.”
“Ooo! Is that you first script for Stranger Things?!” She asks. You can see the excitement begin to replace the worry.
You sigh and look at her. “No, it’s the script for season 15.” You pass the script to her. “They want me to renew my contract. I don’t know what to do.”
You watch her look over the schedule, her chocolate brown hair, falling around her face as she reads the first page. She looks up at you and blows air through her pink lips, her cheeks puffing.
“I think we need mimosas.” Is all she says, making you laugh.
You nod, and she waves the waiter over. You both order your drinks and food and wait. She reads through the script a bit more as the waiter places the drinks in front of you both.
“Keep them coming.” You tell him as you raise your glass to your ruby red lips and take a big gulp.
You don’t have to look at him to see his eyes turn to saucers. “Yes ma’am.” He responds before turning on his heel and walking away.
Finishing off your drink in another big gulp, you wait for Amanda to say something. “Well? What do you think?”
She shakes her head, closes the script, and looks at you. “This is all up to you, baby girl. I saw Jen’s Instagram post this morning. I know you were already having a hard-enough time to begin with. Do you really want to continue to do the show, knowing that you have to keep up this onscreen relationship with him, but you can’t actually be with him?”
You clench your jaw and flare your nostrils. Trying to keep the lump in your throat down. You shake your head. “How can I? We were supposed to get married and he just called everything off. No reason, just ended it. And then a few months later, he’s with her and now he’s supposed to marry her.” You feel your face get hot and the lump in your throat rises. You feel your eyes prick with unshed tears. “And I had to keep working with him. I begged for them to kill me off. I knew my contract was up this season and I begged them for this. I can’t look at him every day, anymore. I’m not over him. We were together for eight years. How am I supposed to be over him so fast? How can he be ready to marry someone else after only a year? They haven’t even been together for a year.” You can feel your composure slipping as you begin to ramble. You can feel the tears begin to fall as you try to hold in the sobs that bubble in your chest.
Amanda moves her chair around the table next to you and pulls you to her. “I know, Y/N/N. I know. I’m so sorry. I could kill him. I could really kill him for doing this to you.” She brushes a hand through your hair as you hide your face in her neck.
“He called me this morning.”
She pulls away from you so that she could look at your face. “He what?”
You sniffle and nod. “He called to tell me. Hoping that I wouldn’t see anything before he did. He said that I should have heard it from him.” You pick up the cloth napkin off the table and begin to dry your face and wipe your nose.
“I’m gonna kill him. He should have fucking waited until after you guys wrapped the season in a few weeks to propose to her. And he should have told you in person. He shouldn’t have fucking called you. Are you fucking kidding me?” She moves away from you to grab her purse, snatching her phone out of it. She unlocks it and begins to type quickly on it.
“Don’t text him. I don’t want to deal with right now. I’ll deal with him, when we get Vancouver. Right now, I need to decide if I’m going to do this or not. I need to let Jena know if I’m going to sign back on or not. I have to call her before you and I leave for New York in a couple hours.” You look down at the watch on your wrist. “Speaking of our flight, are packed? Are your bags in your car?” You change the subject, hoping that she will move on.
“Yeah I brought them with me.” She takes the bait.
“Good. I’m not hungry anymore. I need to swing by the house and drop off my car. Cliff is gonna be going with us. He’s going to stick with us until we get to Vancouver. The studio thought we would need him more than the guys.” You throw enough cash on the table to cover the drinks and food that had yet to arrive, tip included. You gather your purse and the script and move to stand up.
“If you want to leave your car at my house, I get Cliff to stop and get us something greasy and sweet on the way to airport.”
She gives you a concerned look before nodding. She gathers her stuff and you both walk out heading in different directions to your cars.
The drive to your house is short. You are climbing out of the car as Amanda pulls in through the gate. You wait for her to park, before moving to her trunk to help unload her bags. You get your front door unlocked in time to hear the gate roll open and Cliff’s black SUV moves through the gate and around the curved driveway, before stopping in front of the front door. His large figure climbs out of the car.
“Hey Cliff. I just gotta grab my bags and then we can go.”
“Hey girls. Take your time Y/N.” He moves around the car and pulls Amanda’s bags to the back before opening it up and loading them up. While he’s occupied, you open the front door and run up the stairs to grab your bags. Just a large suitcase and a duffel bag. Most of your things are in the apartment in Vancouver. You lug the bags down the stairs and out the front door. Your purse already in the backseat of the SUV. Cliff takes the bags from you and puts them in the trunk as you climb in the back. He shuts the door for you and climbs in the front. “Ready, ladies?” He asks as he puts the car in drive and pulls back up to the gate.
“Yeah. Can you stop and grab some burgers and milkshakes first? I told Amanda we would get them on the way.”
“Of course.”
@liebemeineslebensx @spnfamily-thewinchesters @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @cookiechipdough @maralisa124 @tmiships4life @greyeyedsmile14 @aomi-nabi @keikoraventeller @captaindorit0 @frozenhuntress67 @nerdygirlwithacrush @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @everyfallentear @jxnnxbrxwn @staradroned @parkeret @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk 
If your name has a line through it, it is because I am not able to tag you for some reason. I will try to tag you in a separate post or in the notes, but maybe check to see if it is something on your end? IF you think you have fixed it, let me know please! I want every last one of you to enjoy this series!
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wellntruly · 6 years
Babylon Berlin, Second Pass: Episode 14 [S2, Ep 6]
This episode is about two things.
1. Gereon Rath just throwing himself headlong at a whole theatre’s worth of fascist malefactors, and @memory-for-trifles’ commentary on this & More
2. @akahypotheticals & A German Friend’s ideas on Edgar’s backstory, which have utterly compelled and captivated me and is MY NEW GOING THEORY
All of this to come! In these! Der Notizen 16:
guys….I still do not know what happened with this SWIFTLY cut off plot line. lol I just don’t know! I actually sort of dragged the show for this to Jen back when I was first watching the series, because this plot is basically over as soon as it begins and it feels mmmm a little underdone, scripting wise. but Jen was like ja that’s the point, to make you feel like you can’t keep track of everything and at any moment someone might get shot on a sidewalk. and she has a point! this scene DOES make me feel like I’m going out of my mind! and that’s exactly where the show wants me to be, so instead of getting sloppy, it’s doing its job very well.
anyway whatever the heck is supposed to have happened with Katelbach and the engineer, Gereon appears to have just told all of it to Benda immediately, and that is at least the emotional plot line rendered clear: Gereon+Benda 4eva
Seegers, revealing a psychopath’s knack for collecting personal details to later use as weapons: “Ah, the little brother.”
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Gereon sitting down AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE with his staring prey eyes, which is half why this screenshot, the other is please love Benda’s modern art in his office. he’s so stylish, his home? gosh.
“Who are you trying to impress, your brother?” HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW TO NEEDLE ABOUT THIS, MY DUDE. did you like…..bug Elisabeth’s flat so you heard him talking to her that one night in the kitchen? WAIT. wait maybe they DID! Bruno could have done so easy, Gereon came home to find him there talking with Elisabeth one time! and that’s how they would have known he and Katelbach were arranging to meet the engineer! aaahhhh!!
Seegers is now postulating that “vision” is for novelists and lunatics, unexpectedly turning him into the Ben Horne of the show
Gereon is having a super grand time behaving like a little prosecutor here, all that fun where you get to make frowny eyebrows at someone as if you’re confused about some discrepancy in their story when you know EXACTLY why that discrepancy is there and that YOU GOT ‘EM.
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mah boys in a walk ’n talk. they are living in their new Law & Order lifestyle
——their dynamic/energy arrangement is like the decent, Weimar version of Malcolm and Jamie in The Thick Of It/In the Loop, holy f uck. OH MY GODDD it’s like the heavens just fell open on my HEAD. that’s it!! very similar people, peas in a pod who almost function like one person, but one is the older more erudite director and the other the more feral foot soldier, yes yes yesss. running around being good at their shit and causing TROUBLE for people. they’re the polite lawful but still fucking furious Malcom & Jamie of the political police!!!
“Where did you unearth this, Rath?” “It literally flew into my arms.” “:D” “:D”
‘nichts’ can kinda function as a general negation, can’t it? it’s been ‘nothing’, and also a sort of ‘not’. Lotte’s “please no!” was “bitte nicht!”
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memory-for-trifles: Herr Rath, your eyebags have eyebags
Gereon is SO stressed out that Charlotte has vanished, his whole gang has been out looking for her and they’re all distressed. (I like to imagine Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are just innocently fond of their unusual girl team-member, unprejudiced souls)
the fucking Dramatics though, Edgar! how long did it take you and Baldie to choreograph this thing where you stand behind him in such a way that he perfectly obscures you and so you can be Revealed when he steps aside. ugh his theatrics are unparalleled.
see this is what’s great about Edgar, because if you’re gonna die at his hands you’ll at least get to be part of a kick ass metaphor. that liquor distributor choked on his lying brother’s literal tongue. a pornographer who made Biblical-themed skin flicks with young boys as cherubs was terrified out of his wits by a murder priest telling him to pray for forgiveness. and working poor Charlotte, grist for the metropolis’ mill, could literally be eaten up by the rich and powerful of the city. how do you like that symbolism, Berlin.
aw Gräf gets to be part of the champagne toast to taking down the Black Reichswehr! tastes sweet
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Emmiiiiii. the loveliest.
‘doch’ is being translated as yes but we already have ja….is this like a specifically countering yes? maybe used like the English “no really”?
intravenously, stoopp
memory-for-trifles: Awww HELL NAW DO NOT SHOOT ANYTHING UP
I hardly noticed when Gereon refers to his “wife”, which is some kind of telling, not sure what!
anyway, do we think the pharmacist is really out on vacation? or did he get threatened for being reluctant to up Gereon’s dose and is hiding? or worse??
last time I was all high key about my dawning realization that this was likely a trick and missed that the Fritz Friend busts out an antisemitic remark about Benda, of fucking course, you fucking Nazi
this plot is so despairing the second time around. I just feel so helpless, somehow compounded by how all Greta had to do was talk to someone else who could have given her a counter narrative, but she’s so isolated!
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aw, I don’t like when he does *this* with his eyebrows :(
so natural did I find it that Helga was a nurse at some point that I didn’t even blink at that
anyway Helga certainly worked in a hospital during the war, which means girl is certainly carting around her own war trauma too
god this stuff is POTENT
hoooollly moly, it’s Dr. Schmidt walking behind him in the tunnel in his mind!! yipes
aaahhhh he turns around and looks TERRIFIED, like he actually saw him in his hallucination!!!! WiLd
*starts singing the Prangertag song* *no there are no words*
“I thought it was a bit over the top, a room with a radio. But now I like it.” aw, Helga? treat your self
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this dreamy, dreamy woman though. your man’s ~medication~ just knocked him entirely out for a full hour, and when he finally wakes up you’re just like oh hey babe, I’m browsing Redfin, what do you think about living near a park
Gereon you are a bad Catholic, you didn’t even know it was Corpus Christi today
but you know what, what BETTER time to go swinging off to just literally throw your body at a coup than when your blood is still humming with barbiturates & heroin on a feast day about the Body of Christ
Benda’s watching Briand like he can defend him through focused attention alone
Gereon’s physicality reminds me of probably no one so much as my college friend Dan (Jen do u agreee). Dan was also a very small man, and built much the same, with this compact yet agile way of moving. both of them give off this impression of being a little rigid in how they hold themselves, up until the moment they’re doing back flips off walls or springing onto coffee tables to do handstands. you’d never describe their movements as loose, and yet they’re so acrobatic. anyway I wonder what would happen if you made Gereon start doing daily stretches.
memory-for-trifles: AHAHAHA he looks like the Nutcracker, where did they find this child-size uniform 😂 wellntruly: The costume department had two choices: realism to the scenario, or fit Volker Bruch in a trim little guard uniform. They chose the CORRECT OPTION.
anyway remember when @chibisashimi referred to this look as “patrolman drag”
memory-for-trifles: No offense but this play seems like it sucks memory-for-trifles: No offense to Mr. Brunch who we know is a graceful man, but he’s running like a friggin’ twit
Alex...I’m laughing
Gereon Rath can really not afford another punch to the face right now, sir, have you seen his face? no thank you!
I’m so glad they made sure to translate the side of this van as reading “Freshly Milked Whole Milk”
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memory-for-trifes: Is it an international law that all actors have to rub their wrists after handcuffs are taken off
“Which side did he say?” he said stage right, keep up rent-a-cop!
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Last Time, the Origins of My Former Take:
memory-for-trifles: I read something interesting about those Armenian family photos, that the timeline matches up with the Armenian genocide. Someone posited that maybe Edgar Octopus had to flee Armenia, and that possibly that traumatic experience is what made him and Dr. Schmidt cross paths wellntruly: I just literally lowered my hand from my mouth and gazed off into the middle distance in wonder. I love this Armenian history detail. It’s so sad.
BUT THEN, rewatching Episode 13 I suddenly realized that I, a non-German speaker, had no idea how much of an accent Edgar might have, and, VERY SURPRISE, the answer came back: “born-and-bred Berlin. Like ‘there’s no way he moved there’ pure.” 
well HANG ON then....
M then regaled me with MORE:
akahypotheticals: I was originally in the same boat as you, thinking he MUST be an immigrant and they'd do something with the genocide, but after talking to her [akahypothetical’s German friend who revealed Edgar’s pristinely Berliner accent] I'm not so sure. his accent poses an interesting possibility, since according to her everyone else sounds very matched to what they're supposed to be - like lotte is very poor/working class, gereon sounds very generic until he talks to the pharmacist at which point his cologne accent comes out a lot, etc etc
wellntruly: aaaahhhh wait I forgot the pharmacist is also from Cologne!! THAT'S ADORABLE, they get all Cologney together how great wellntruly: BUT YEAH THIS IS FASCINATING. it reeaally feels like it had to have been a choice then. maybe Edgar just tried Super Duper Hard to speak faultless German in order to make inroads in the city..? (maybe beyond what would actually be realistic, when it came down to the actual performance.) I can't come up with a reason for why he would PRETEND to be Armenian, and also why part of that act wouldn't be TO HAVE AN ACCENT.
akahypotheticals: lol well her angle is that the nickname "the armenian" is possibly something the GERMANS gave him, not necessarily something he took for himself. so like he is certainly armenian, but possibly the son of immigrants (as the photos on the walls in the living room would attest to) and he grew up in berlin but was still considered "separate" or "other" (not an unusual state for an immigrant in germany at any time, even now). because so far he hasn't introduced himself that way, and in fact when provided with the chance to give his name he does so very willingly (TONIIIIIII "he's nice, isn't he?" oh honey). so idk, there's a lot of room for speculation but I do think it would be sad if he was someone who DID want to fit in to the nth degree (the hottest spot in the berlin night scene!!!) and is instead continually reminded he Does Not Fit In.
wellntruly: oooo your pal's angle is REALLY GOOD, god, yeah. in retrospect I guess the strongest argument for Edgar being an Armenian refugee is *only* if you happen to know the historical timeline, the largely WWI-concurrent genocide pretty perfectly timed for him to have ended up in Dr. Schmidt's trauma clinic with all the shell shocked soldiers, as we saw. BUT, there are many reasons why someone might be suffering from PTSD, and this accent sure is NOT Armenian....
akahypotheticals: your theory was my theory but then I started wondering about how he ended up at the clinic. a fair number of armenian men avoided the genocide simply by already being enlisted in the russian army, so I was like "what if he was actually on the opposing team because russian was ostensibly supportive of pro-armenian reforms and it all backfired for him????" but my friend was like "eh, he was exactly the right age to be drafted for the german army if he was already living here" so I was like OH WELL THEN because imagine missing out on the destruction of your people because you were already enlisted on the LOSING SIDE of a war for a country that doesn't even like you. LOT OF POSSIBILITIES!!
wellntruly: AAAHHHHHHHH YOUR FRIEND IS SO GOOD THIS ALL FITS. I am super de duper into this and will be proselytizing it to the masses (like 10 people) forthwith. THE ACCENT WAS THE KEY! god I'm glad I ASKED
akahypotheticals: lololol np akahypotheticals: I like it because it's sort of a twist on what seems obvious, and as a sort of hidden minority myself I like the idea of a successful character still perceived as other by everyone else
aannd then we started finding connections between Edgar and various fictional heroes of surrealist WWII novels, but I’ll save you that rabbit hole
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memory-for-trifles: Ok I hate that she’s nekkid, but that blanket is amazing wellntruly: I have such complicated feelings about Charlotte waking up naked in Edgar’s fabulously appointed chambers. Like, you gotta get those frozen clothes off! But it’s icky that some strange men undressed you. Buuutt it’s also kind of a glamorous treat to wake up nude in some gorgeous silken blanket, alone, with a low table of food just for you? I guess as ever I just like Edgar’s brand of villainy the most, if it’s given that one’s gonna villain. He really does a lot with the baseline “be creepy evil.” Edgar: “but suave about it yeah?” memory-for-trifles: “Evil, but make it fashion”
god it’s really such a good spread, how many types of cheeses are on that plate! plus seven separate bowls of various dishes and sauces, a glass of water, a whole pot of tea, an absolute pile of lavash, and of course half a dozen pomegranates. For The ‘Gram.
hahaha she literally has crumbs on her mouth when she turns around, get that nosh girl! god that’s so good, no need to stand on occasion I’m just gonna be SNARFING DOWN thanks.
Edgar sits down first, so now she’s standing over him not the other way around. he’s very good at arranging dynamics how he wants them for a particular moment.
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he must think she’s the most incredible damn liar he’s ever seen, “pretending” not to know all this at first
memory-for-trifles: “is it bad that I’d rather Edgar & Company have the gold than the Black Reichswerh? I mean if I have to choose….  like the generals are gonna use it to buy poison gas and Edgar’s gonna probably just get some more good coats to be sinister in and pay his physician-on-retainer” right??? And like, he turns his enemies into sellable food product, he’s even sustainable! Truly a man ahead of his time. wellntruly: SUSTAINABLE, u kill me
Benda: “Do you realize that you’ve prevented a coup d’état, Inspector?” Gereon:
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awww. he just wants to make you proud.
did they keep Charlotte over another night just 'cause? when Edgar walked in he said “Good evening”, and now it’s definitely morning again, daylight and the streets are drying from the rain the night before
AH yes because that would give him time to spirit Toni over here! having her Berliner Luft dessert for breakfast with Uncle Edgar! god Toni is So Pumped to finally visit Moka Efti, the mysterious place where the sugar cubes come from that Lotte brings her after her nights out. and she gets here and it’s just MORE SUGAR. 
FUCK I forgot how great this is. Edgaaaarrr. so sweet so scary!
memory-for-trifles: Oh Edgar Octopus, you’re a bad man, but I don’t really care
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“sehr, sehr schnell” is the best thing I’ve heard in German all episode and maybe all month. I’ve rewound this three times.
Toni: “You have a cold room??” Edgar: “Of course!” Lotte: “I’M GOING TO MURDER.”
pls tell me “toll” is German youth slang, that Edgar was like yes we always have raspberries and Toni just goes “tight” and Edgar chuckles because this presh urchin is hilarious
Edgar, smiling at Lotte as he says to Toni: “Your sister had a free wish.” ha ha ha, FAE.
memory-for-trifles: In some far-off daydream of mine Charlotte and Toni join the weird gangland and go live at Moka Octopus with Edgar as the world’s strangest crime family. Alex I had not remembered this was your idea originally because I just super agreed so much. CREDIT TO ALEX, for the Concept.
“Thank you, Edgar,” and shakes his hand, she’s so cuuuute
“My pleasure, Toni. Come and visit me again, yeah?” “Only if the automobile collects me.” “But of course. We’ve got your address. :)” 🙂🙃I’M SCREAM. perfect execution on this one, Edgar you criminal genius
damn, moment to remember that Benda fucking outranks Major von Rude-to-Gereon. ugh General Seegers just go to hell, you’re calling someone with an Iron Cross unpatriotic.
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Matthias Brandt does so much acting with the muscles around his eyes, it’s unusual and neat
President von Hindenburg: “Karl! How are the stocks?” oh my god
hahaha, I love that Gereon is confronted suddenly with the President of his country and just glares at him, lookin’ like a ghost
is there no process you have to go through for a presidential pardon? I admit I am not UP TO DATE on how presidential pardons work in 1929 in the Weimar Republic. I don’t even know how that would work in 1929 in my disaster country, lbr
oh poooooor Benda, has to go stand up in front of a crowd and tell the press there’s going to be no news after all, when all he wants to do is just DESPAIR for a moment alone in his office. possibly with Gereon. but NO ONE ELSE.
Malcolm & Jamie are of course perfectly in sync with how frustrated they are
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well at least Wolter’s frustrated too, I GUESS
Babylon Berlin Beblogging Masterpost
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harry-saopaolo · 6 years
Red Ribbon
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Harry surprises Y/N by telling her how he feels but Y/N has a surprise of her own.
“My mum said if someone is sad just give ‘em a cupcake and all will be better”
That day was Harry’s first day in school and he was alone. It’s not that he didn’t want to have friends but he just didn’t know how make friends. Every third grader was at the playground having someone to chat with, play tag with while he sat on the swing having no one to push him.
But that’s when she came. The first thing he saw was her red ribbon shoes. It had a cute little bow on it. Then he saw the yellow dress, suddenly his day was a little brighter and things weren’t as dull as before he saw her. He looked higher to look at the owner of the shoes and there she was, hair adorned with yet another red ribbon. She smiled sweetly and handed him what seemed to be a Vanilla cupcake. Her mom sure was right, cause whether it was because of the cupcake or her, his day surely was better.
That was also the day he was sure he wanted to be friends with her forever.
“Wait, so you tell me, you’d rather finish a jar of mayo every month for the rest of your life than drink soda from your shoe once? What the fuck is wrong with you?”
They were taking a study break cause their heads were already hurting from trying to understand trigonometry so Y/N proposed a little game of ‘Would you rather...’ and she was getting frustrated by his answers by the minute.
“You’ve seen my running shoes, love. It ain’t pretty” He says before popping a handful of Skittles into his mouth.
“Oi, you’re eating all m’orange ones you knob!”
“Why don’t you get ‘em from me?” He mocks as he opens mouth.
“Eww, so I’d get slutty germs from when you kissed Jen last night? No thanks. I’d love to be as HIV free as much as possible, If you mind” 
“Love, you’re just saying that cause you hate her guts”
She hates Jen with every fiber of her being. Ever since high school came around, she suddenly became interested in Harry. She would do things to get on Y/N’s nerves like act sick in front of Harry so he could take her to the infirmary, leaving Y/N all alone and act so sweet and innocent when he’s around. Jen would even give Y/N backhanded compliments like ‘’Ooh I love how old your skirt looks!” or “When other people wear too much makeup, it doesn’t look right but you pull it off just right!”. Her blood boils just by thinking about her.
“Don’t get all worked up now, love. Broke it off with her last night. Nothin’ to get your panties in a twist.” She can’t help but be surprised. Sure she hated her guts but if she made her best friend then she’d just keep her feelings at bay.
“What?! And you didn’t think it was worth telling me?”
“I’m telling you now aren’t I!”
“You know what I mean!” She had to stop to calm herself. “ Why? What did that bitch do? Tell me bub” He loved her pet name for him. It was the right amount of playful and sweet. She lets it slip every once in a while, knowing how much Harry loves and finds comfort in it.
“Nothin! jus’ wouldn’t stop yappin’ her mouth. Would’ve been better if she used it for something else better than talking, right love?” 
“Alright, I’m out that’s fucking gross” 
“Yeah yeah, act all concerned and whatnot but deep inside you’re happy I finally got rid of her” He always saw right through her.
“No, I’m not” Although saying that, She can’t help but smile.
That’s when he knew he’d do anything to make her smile.
“ Can’t believe I gave myself to him only to find out what a fuckin’ dickhead he is”
Harry came as soon as he heard her voicemail which was basically Y/N sniffling and mumbling incoherent words. He was lucky enough to make out the words “Come ‘ere. I need you, bub.” with that he bolted out of his apartment to hers. Now they were cuddled up on her bed, sharing a bowl of ice cream. A variety of things were laid on her bed, there were torn up pictures of her now ex-boyfriend, balled-up tissues and the necklace that was given to her by Brad. To her defense, she did try to break it but after the red marks it left on her palm and it still being unscathed, she gave up and just tossed it on the bed. Friends was softly playing in the background, the episode where Chandler lost the gold bracelet Joey got him was now forgotten.
“He wasn’t even good! Fucking sloppy as ever. Brad. What kind of name is that anyway? Straight out of a fuckin’ porno” 
Harry didn’t say anything. Letting her vent out all of her anger and pain, Knowing she always loved to hear his words of advice after letting everything out first.
“You know what? This is what I get for rushing into this! Don’t even know if I love him but I couldn’t even keep my legs closed. Maybe I was the bad one eh? That’s why he ran off to the blondie from Chem! Yeah, that is definitely it” By now her tears has dried up on her cheeks and there weren’t any new ones threatening to fall. She was past getting mad, she’s just sad.”Things always end up like this you know? M’never good enough, bub.”
“That’s bull Y/N, and you know it. They don’t know the fuck they lost, givin’ up a gem like you. M’not saying this just because I’m your best friend but never have I met anyone as perfect as you, you know?” She couldn’t help but let a few tears escape “ One day, you’re gonna meet ‘em and he’s gonna be great, just like what you deserve and you’ll forget about someone as petty as Brad. Never doubt yourself, love. Who else is gonna cheer me up and keep me at my toes if you keep on bringing yourself down?”
She hugs him tighter, finding serenity between his arms. She can’t help but place a quick kiss on his cheek. “ You’ll always be my guy, right bub?”
For some reason, his heart skipped a beat.
“You know it, love”
That’s the day he realized he never wanted to see her crying again.
“We’re gonna rule the world, You and I.”
“Yeah is that right? How so?” They went out for a picnic in the nearby park. Harry was going over his manuscripts as Y/N’s head rested on his thighs while she was trying to understand the medical terms that are starting to look gibberish.
“We might be pullin’ our hairs out now but soon you’re gonna be the best and most handsome author of our generation, selling millions of copies and all that. Whereas I will be the most daring surgeon of our time! I’ll be able to save lives and check out cute interns too” She says as if she made the greatest discovery of their lives.
“You do know Grey’s Anatomy is just a show right? like you don’t actually always have sex with other doctors and have screaming matches in halls”
“Bugger off, will you? But I’m serious though. We haven’t done much but I’m already proud of us, proud of you. My little writer. Be sure to dedicate a book or two to me will you?” 
“I’d dedicate all of ‘em to you if you like, that’s the least I could do for my great little surgeon.” She can’t help but laugh at his offer before it was replaced with a serious expression.
“You know I love you right? Harry, you may as well be the person I want to be the most proud of me”
“And I you”
That’s the moment he realized he loves her.
He wanted to tell her he loved her. She was the light of his life in his moments of darkness. How can someone feel so right, feel as perfect as a puzzle piece, be in the arms of a man that is not him?
Then he’s stuck. Harry’s currently working on his third novel and for the nth time, he’s been spewing out great ideas but can’t seem to fit them together. Now 28, he can’t help but feel unaccomplished despite his success in his career. What was missing? 
He was a risk-taker when it comes to developing his fictional characters and was daring enough to tackle multiple controversial issues in his novels but never seem to get the courage to tell her how he really felt.
His Y/N.
His Y/N with Dexter.
They’ve been together for a little more than a year now as Harry still remained a bachelor. By now he’s not quite sure if he was waiting for the right girl or waiting for her. and her only.
Something about today lit a fire inside of him. Maybe it’s because of the pent up frustration of having yet another writer’s block or the fact that he’s so sick of waiting for destiny to do its thing than actually making something happen. Next thing he knows, he was already dialing her number.
“Hey, bub! you caught me at a great time! What’s up?” I love you.
“Can we meet somewhere or something? Really need to talk to you ‘bout something”
“Really? I have something to tell you too! Why don’t we meet at the ol’ cafe down the street in twenty?” I love you.
“Sure sure, see you love.”
“Can’t wait!” I love you and I can’t wait to tell you I do.
He was already there by ten and it’s safe to say he was nervous. This is gonna be years and years of friendship at risk but he knows he won’t be able to sleep at night knowing he should’ve at least tried.
“You certainly got ‘ere early” There she was, wearing the dotted pink sundress he adored. She had her hair up and looked radiant as ever. He’s in it deep.
“Have some news for you, couldn’t wait” Cause if he did he might shit his pants, he thought.
“Good or bad? I have news too!”
“ Depends on how you’ll take it. If it’s okay can I go first?” 
“Sure, go on bub.” Just the comfort he needed.
He took a deep breath, knowing what he was about to say could make or break him.
“We’ve been the best of friends all these years and I think I know why. It’s because we just get each other you know? and we always got each other’s back no matter what. Like the very first day we met, up to now, you never left my side and I never left yours. Everything did start because of a damn cupcake but that’s not the point.” She can’t help but laugh at his flustered state.
“But as we grew older, the more and more was I enthralled by you. By how you never forget to take care of me and how you never let anyone step on you. and as deep as my admiration goes, Y/N I fell for you” She stopped smiling. The shock was evident on her face. But he had to continue.
“ It took me a while to realize and even longer to tell you but I love you, I really do. I know it’s a shitty thing to do knowing that Dexter’s in the picture and all but I was there for everything. For your first heartbreak to your first ever patient. I was there at your best and worst. He’s a great guy, I know. It may even be too late but I can’t help but feel like we were meant to be, that you were meant for me.”
“So if you can find it in your heart, feel every beat of it and know that somehow for some unexplainable reason, what I am saying is making sense. Y/N choose me, love me. Be with me cause for as long as I remember, that’s all I really wanted” He could finally breathe. He said everything his coward of a heart couldn’t before.
“Harry I-” He didn’t like the sound of her voice, if this was rejection, he never wants to hear it. So he interrupted.
“Before you make a decision or anything, tell me your news first, love.” Sure, that will buy him some time.
Y/N does this thing when she’s nervous. Either she’d play with the ends of her braid or grips then releases her hold on the cup of her chosen beverage. That’s exactly what she’s doing to her cup of steaming hot tea.
And that’s when he saw it and his world stopped. He was suddenly holding his breath as the light caught on to something on her hand.
“Harry, I’m engaged.” 
Author’s Note: This was an idea I’ve been playing around with. Tell me what you think! All the love xx.
p.s. that choose me love me scene may have been inspired by grey’s anatomy, don’t hate. xx
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torn-and-frayed · 7 years
A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes - Tragedy Strikes
Word Count: 3148
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: Some angst
A/N: Unbeta’d. All mistakes are mine. This part was written for 3 different challenges:
Ana’s PJO Challenge: Quote in bold in the fic (modified a bit) 
Karina’s Season’s of Love Challenge Prompt: Frostbite
and Taylor’s Favorite Seasons Gif Challenge
Feedback and Constructive Criticism Always Appreciated
Series Masterlist 
“Jensen, you look like absolute crap. You shouldn’t be filming today.” You pressed your lips to his forehead, despite his grumbling. “And you’re really warm. I think you have a fever.” Jensen had been sick for days and getting progressively worse, but he refused to slow down for even just a day to rest. He was driving you crazy.
 “Can’t.” He murmured, sounding even more congested than just hours ago when you went to sleep. “If I don’t film it slows production down and throws everything off.” He wasn’t really wrong. This episode was very heavy on your character and Dean. You’d both had to travel over an hour every day to a place north of Vancouver to shoot on location in the snow.
 “Then at least drink some coffee and take some medicine.” You sighed, grabbing a bottle of medicine off the shelf. “What’ll it be? Pumpkin spice or peppermint mocha, fancypants?”
 “Shut up.” He glared at you, a small smile on his lips and you couldn’t help but break into laughter. “Whatever you’re drinkin’ I guess.”
 “So, peppermint.” You pursed your lips and nodded, moving to make him a travel cup. “I’m really glad you’re embracing your inner fancy coffee snob, you know? It’s really endearing. I still really wish you’d stay home today. We could just do my coverage or something. We could figure it out.” You moved to rest your hand on his face and he really was way too warm and pale.
 “I’m OK. I Promise.” Jensen smiled although it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Come on, Clif is probably already waiting outside with Jared and Misha.” You made sure you had everything, including enough medicine for Jensen in your bag before you left with a heavy sigh, knowing full well he was just making himself worse.
 The ride to the location shoot was long enough that it gave Jensen time to rest and he fell asleep with his head on your shoulder about 5 minutes away from your apartment while you kept running your fingers through his hair. Jared and Misha could tell he was sick enough they didn’t even try to fuck with him. “We could’ve figured something out and he could’ve stayed home today.” Jared spoke low from the front seat. “You’re both gonna be out in the snow all day. He’s just gonna get worse.”
 “That’s what I said this morning. He’s a jackass he doesn’t listen.” You sighed. “I’m gonna have the doctor take a look at him on set when we get some down time.” You didn’t miss the small smirk and shake of his head from Jared. “What?”
 “Nothing.” He shrugged. “Just you, acting like so wifely already.” You shoved your hand over Jensen’s ear, hoping he hadn’t heard that. His other ear was pressed firmly against your shoulder.
 “Dude.” You hissed at Jared. “Shut up. We’re not – I’m not ready for that yet.” Your stuttering gave you away and you could feel both Jared’s and Misha’s eyes on you, knowing you were full of shit. The truth was you were more than ready for Jensen to propose to you, but he hadn’t, so obviously he wasn’t ready, and you didn’t want to rush him. What you didn’t know was Jensen had a ring hidden away, but he was scared to ask you to marry him, afraid that you weren’t ready and he’d chase you away.
  “We’re here.” Clif broke up your conversation, parking the SUV in the lot with the rest of the crew’s cars. “Now leave Y/N alone, please.”
 “Thanks, Clif.” You smiled indignantly back at Jared then turned your attention to Jensen, shaking him gently. “Jens, hey. We’re here.” When all he did was grumble and rub his face further against your shoulder, you decided on a different tactic. You leaned down, pressing your lips gently against his. His eyes fluttered softly until he realized you were kissing him and he pulled back in protest.
 “You’re gonna get sick.” He grumbled and you shrugged your shoulders with a smile.
 “Then you can take care of me. We share a bed. I’m gonna get sick anyway.” You pecked his lips again and this time he reciprocated, giving in to your very sound logic. “Come on, sicko. Let’s get this done so we can get you home and medicated and tucked into bed where you belong.”
 The two of you slid out of the SUV and made your way in the opposite direction of Jared and Misha to film.
 It took several hours of filming in frigid, snowy conditions but you were finally able to get Jensen seen the doctor who said he had walking pneumonia. He still refused to go home, though. He insisted he would tough it out for the rest of the day and then see how he felt tomorrow before making any major decisions. You sighed in defeat, deciding to quit arguing when you’d never win.
 You both made your way back to the set, trudging through the snow drifts to get there. “It’s fucking freezing. And now it’s getting dark.” You complained, rubbing your hands together and leaning into Jensen’s feverishly warm body to get warm. “Could they have picked a colder day?” Snow stuck to the pieces of your hair under your beanie and your hood and you tried to shake the flakes away, succeeding only in making them stick to your already frigid face.
 “I’m sure they could’ve.” Jensen chuckled. “At least we’re spending most of the night in the car.”
 “Jensen, Y/N.” Phil approached and you both looked up, wondering why he was practically running through the snow to you. “There’s a storm rolling in, we wanna try to wrap your scenes before it gets here. We’re gonna have you both drive out ahead of us in the Impala with the camera attached just to get some driving scenes from you two and we’ll follow you out in a few.”
 “Got it.” Jensen nodded and laced his gloved fingers with yours, leading you to the Impala and opening your door for you. You practically dove inside to the warmth and shed your winter jacket and gloves, down to your character’s normal clothes. Jensen took his place in the driver’s side and took off driving down the snow covered back roads.
 The snow had started to fall a little harder as you drove further away and the car was sliding despite Jensen’s driving skills, making you nervous. The crew was nowhere in sight yet and you were starting to worry that the storm was rushing in faster than anticipated. “Are you OK?” Jensen questioned. “You look like you might throw up.”
 “Me? I’m fine. I’m just worried we’re not – “ A scream erupted from your throat before you could finish your sentence, the Impala hit a patch of black ice that sent it spinning across the road. Jensen tried hard to save it, but the entire road was a sheet of ice and there was nothing he could do but let it play out however it was supposed to. The Impala spun into a nearby ditch, the front end crashing hard into a tree.
 “Y/N? Hey!” Jensen grabbed you across the seat, checking you for injuries.
 “I’m OK.” You nodded, checking him over for the same thing, finding him to be just fine. “Car’s not.” There was smoke coming from the hood; no way was it in any condition to drive back.
 “Shit.” Jensen muttered and pulled your jackets, hats, and gloves from the back seat, handing you yours. You shimmied into them and slid across the seat, huddling with Jensen for warmth. It was already starting to get cold inside the Impala, the wind outside had picked up considerably and with no heat inside anymore it was only a matter of time before it started freezing inside. He dug inside his pockets, pulling out his phone. “Fuck. It’s dead. Do you have yours?”
 “Yeah, I should.” You shifted away, fumbling through your pockets. Panic started to overtake you when all your pockets came up empty. “Oh no.”
 “I think I left it back in the doctor’s trailer when we got you checked out.” Tears started to burn in your eyes and Jensen pulled you back against his chest, kissing your temple. “They’ll never find us out here. They might not be coming anymore since the storm picked up. They might’ve called us to tell us to come back and we didn’t get the call.”
 “They’re comin’, sweetheart.” Jensen rubbed up and down your arms, creating friction for warmth. “Even if they did cancel the shoot, if they couldn’t get us, they’ll come looking.”
 Jensen started to shiver after about 15 minutes, his fever making him feel even colder than he actually was. He was still burning up to the touch. You lasted a bit longer than him before you were utterly freezing, his body heat helping to keep you warm. “We can’t stay in this car.” You said through chattering teeth. “We’ll freeze to death if they don’t find us. Or end up buried in the snow.”
 “There was a cabin a little ways back. The one we were gonna film in. You think we can make it there?” Jensen asked.
 “I’m more worried about you, Jens.” You sighed. “You’re already sick. I can make it just fine, what about you?”
 “Well, it’s that or freeze, right?” Jensen chuckled and you glared at him, not seeing the humor in it at all. “I’m fine, baby, come on. Let’s get whatever we can use outta the car and get going before the storm really amps up.” You wrote a note before getting out of the car, letting whoever found the damaged car know you were both unharmed and where you were going so they knew where to look.
 Jensen pulled you out of the car and into the wind and the snow, moving to the trunk. You pulled out the duffel and stuffed a blanket inside along with some working lighters and started on your way, your arm linked with Jensen’s.
 The cabin wasn’t far. It was less than a mile down the road, but it felt like a lifetime away. The cold from the wind was burning every bit of exposed skin. You could barely breathe and the snow was piling higher, making it harder and harder to walk. The cold was seeping through your jeans, moist from the snow, and your legs were refusing to move, slowing you both down.
 When the cabin finally came in to view, you were practically dragging each other to the door. You couldn’t feel your hands or feet anymore, you probably had frostbite, but you were determined to get Jensen somewhere warm and safe before taking care of yourself.
 It took all your combined strength to pull the door open but when you finally did you shoved Jensen inside first and followed behind him, slamming the door shut behind you. The cabin was tiny, consisting of only a small kitchen with a table and a few chairs, a bed, a couch, and a fireplace. The bathroom was in a room off to the side, but other than that, you’d seen the whole place as soon as you opened the door.
 Jensen went straight for the lights, flipping the switch several times to no avail. “Power’s out.” He sighed in defeat. “At least it has a fireplace.” He looked absolutely exhausted and so much paler than before.
 “I got it. Get your wet clothes off.” Jensen glared at you like you were absolutely insane. “I know you think I’m crazy but if you don’t get those wet clothes off you’re gonna get frostbite or hypothermia.” You moved to the fireplace and started stacking wood and paper in it. You were freezing and you hands were fumbling everything, dropping them in the fireplace more than organized stacking. Your gloves were soaked and your jeans were soaked, but you needed to start the fire and get Jensen warm before you could think about yourself.
 You finally ripped off your gloves, the skin on your hands an angry red, and tried to light the lighter. You couldn’t get a grip on it, fumbling with it and dropping it on the floor several times before Jensen appeared behind you. “I got it.” Jensen murmured in your ear, gently taking the lighter from your hands. “Get those wet clothes off before you freeze to death. You were right. It’s the fever, I’m not thinking clear or I would’ve known to do that on my own.”’
 You quickly stripped down to the layer of clothes that wasn’t soaked through, leaving you in just a flannel shirt, t-shirt, and underwear. Jensen hadn’t fared much better when you really looked at him. He was still wearing his flannel and his t-shirt, along with his boxers. You made quick work of checking the small kitchen in the cabin for supplies, finding it barren. You slammed one of the cabinet doors shut in frustration, catching Jensen’s attention. “I’m sorry.” You huffed. “I just thought there’d be food or something.”
  “Hopefully we won’t be here long enough to need it.” Jensen was always so hopeful. You weren’t sure if he did that for his own benefit, yours, both, or if he was truly that optimistic. “Come get warm.” You hadn’t even noticed Jensen had managed to get the fire going. It was small but the warmth was spreading through the tiny room. You quickly grabbed his and your balled up clothes and laid them out by the fire and moved to the bed, crawling in with him.
 “Here, get close.” Jensen said and pulled you in. “Body heat is good.” Any excuse to snuggle with him, you’d gladly take, and you snuggled as close as you could get, tangling your arms and legs together and pressing your chest to his. You pulled the blankets up and he snuggled even closer, the fever and the cold making him shiver.
 “How do you feel? Be honest.” You said, looking him in his gorgeous green eyes.
 “Like shit.” He let out a cough and laid his head on the pillow right in front of you, seeing the concern in your eyes. “I’ve been worse. I promise.” He took your free hand in his under the covers and you hissed in pain at the simple touch. “Oh, baby, I think it’s frostbitten.” He let go, releasing the pressure and gently laid it against his burning skin for warmth instead. You moved your other hand to rest against his back, sliding it under the t-shirt and sighed in pleasure at how nice it felt.
 Both of you laid there in silence after that, listening to the howling wind and the crackle of the fire. You could see the snow building up outside the window. It was so high it was halfway up the window now. No way were you getting out of here without someone to plow you out.
 Your eyelids started to flutter despite yourself. Your hope was Jensen didn’t catch it, but of course he did. “You’re tired.” He said. “I’ll take first watch. They should be here soon. Sleep. I’ll wake you up when they get here.”
 “Jensen, no. It’s ok.” You tried to protest but all he did was pull you in closer and cradle you to his body. His fever was higher, that much was clear from just how warm he was. Part of you knew sleeping was a bad idea right now, but your brain was cloudy and confused. Maybe if you’d given it more thought you wouldn’t have given in so easily, or maybe your body wasn’t giving you a choice. You didn’t want to sleep, but your body betrayed you. Your eyelids turned to lead. “Hey, wake me for second watch. Don’t be a hero.”
 He gave you that smirk you’d come to love. “Who, me?” He kissed you, his lips parched and feverishly warm. “Sleep.”  You fell asleep in seconds wrapped in his embrace like this.
 Jensen waited, rubbing your back, watching out the window for any sign of someone coming to rescue you. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, until he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore and he drifted off, his face buried in your hair. Neither of you heard the crackle of the fire die and the howling of the winds pick up. Neither of you felt the temperatures dip down even colder than they had been before. Neither of you noticed when help finally arrived.
 “They’re here!” Jared yelled from the door and ran inside, shaking you both. “Hey, Y/N/N, Jackles! Wake up!” When he got no response from either of you he started with you, turning you gently to your back. Your skin was absolutely freezing to the touch and your lips were a shade of blue he’d only seen in movies, but you were still breathing, ragged and shallow. Jensen’s breathing could be heard, the congestion rattling in his chest, but also shallow and terrifying. “Get the fucking medics in here! Now!”
 It took too long for anyone’s liking to get you both out of the woods and to a hospital where real rewarming could start. Jared tried hard to get you both in the same room so he and Misha weren’t running between rooms contacting your families, but the hospital had been adamantly against that. They traded off periodically, one taking your room and the other taking Jensen’s. Misha sat in your room tonight while Jared took Jensen’s, texting each other progress notes back in forth. So far, there hadn’t been any. Neither of you showed any signs of waking up anytime soon, no signs of life at all other than the fact that you were both there, right in front of them. All they could do was wait.
 “This is amazing.” You leaned back into Jensen’s chest in the huge cabin on the mountain he’d brought you to for the much anticipated week off, clutching your peppermint hot chocolate in your hand and watching the snow fall lightly out the window. “You’re amazing. You think of everything.” The fire was roaring, everything was quiet and peaceful, just you and Jensen, just like you wanted.
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“I’m really glad you love it.” Jensen leaned down and kissed your neck, making you shiver.
 “I love any time I get to spend with you alone.” You leaned your head back, capturing his lips with yours. The light of the fire caught your wedding ring when you shifted and you stared at it, moving your fingers against the light. “I can’t believe we finally got married. I thought we never would. I love you, Mr. Ackles.”
 “I love you too, Mrs. Ackles.” Jensen chuckled, lacing his fingers with your free hand and pulling you back in for another tender kiss.
Part 3 Coming Spring 2018
Jensen Tags: @a-girl-who-loves-disney @adaliamalfoy @aiaranradnay @akshi8278 @apeshit7x @ariannnawinchester @arryn-nyxx @aubreystilinski @autopistaaningunaparte @babydanixox @bakabozza @beacon-hills-chance-harbor @betterlattethennever @blacktithe7 @bloodysideofhell @boredoutofmymindstuff @born-to-be-his-baby88 @bringmesomepie56 @capsofwinchesters @captainradicalpassion @charliebradbury1104 @chickenmcsade @clarewinchester @d-s-winchester @dancingalone21  @deanswhiskeyveins @deanwinchesterisamazing @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @docharleythegeekqueen  @dragontearsandunicornfears @dreamsfromthebunker @duckieburns @duherica @ellen-reincarnated1967 @emohermione @emoryhemsworth @escabell @evansrogerskitten @evilskank-inthemegacoven @fangirlingfanatic2442 @feelmyroarrrr @gabavaldman  @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish @growningupgeek @impala-dreamer @impalaimagining @itseverythingilike @iwantthedean @iwriteshortstuff @jalove-wecallhimdean @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @jayankles @jensen-gal @jensen-jarpad @jojo-nz @jotink78 @kalliravenne @kgbrenner @kittenofdoomage @kittycat-cas @lenaabs @like-a-bag-of-potatoes   @mayasmedberg @meeshw777 @mogaruke @my-supernatural-dreams  @nichelle-my-belle @not-moose-one-shots @nothingeverdies @notmoose45 @outerxorbit @percussiongirl2017 @percywinchester27 @riakie @riversong-sam @rlawson418 @ruprecht0420 @sammysflannels @sandlee44 @silver-and-green @sis-tafics @skybinx-blog @smoothdogsgirl @soobi89 @spn-fan-girl-173 @spontaneousam @starswirlblitz @stilinski15 @summoningsupernatural @supernatural-girl97 @supernatural-jackles @supernatural0826 @taste-of-dean @tattooedluci @teepartyy @the-angels-stole-the-tardis @thelastxgoodthing @thereisnolumos @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @wayward-marvel-sommer1196 @waywardjoy @whit85-blog @winchestdiaries @winchester-writes  @winchesterprincessbride @winchesters-favorite-girl @yellowtheremarvelfan @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou
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thelillykane · 7 years
for the character questions please do: jess mariano, pacey witter, meg manning, cordelia chase and buffy summers
How I feel about this character: my best friend amanda gets all the details but i can sum it up by saying that for a solid month i cried about (for) jess mariano every single day. cried. randomly. without warning. cried myself to sleep. i had a dream where jess had done something he shouldn’t have done and luke gave him a hug and i could feel that hug when i woke up. it was warm and engulfing and just a really solid, reassuring, you-are-loved hug. (all this crying happened while i watched gilmore girls second half of season 3 through season 4. it was a very emotional time i love jess) 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: rory gilmore. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: LUKE, paris, lorelai (did he and michel ever interact? god, they would’ve driven each other mad) 
My unpopular opinion about this character: in season four when he drives to yale and he’s like…you know…y’all know the scene with him and rory. that’s uhhh bad. he should’ve chilled out and taken a chill pill. i love him still but those are the facts. he doesn’t give the girl anytime to breathe or think during this and it was so rough to watch 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wanted him and april to pal around so much and give luke All The Stress. wanted him and rory to kiss, in an angsty and forlorn way while it was snowing and you could see their breath in the cold, cold air and it wasn’t about logan (who i love, but that’s a separate thing). wanted him to be a better boyfriend (this should maybe go in unpopular opinion but he spends like all of season 2  & a lot of 3 doing these hella things to get rory’s attention and then when they’re dating he’s like “nah i refuse to go to the town whatever-the-fuck festival with you. like, bitch, you knew she liked this stuff when you were trying to get with her don’t give up now) 
How I feel about this character: i love him so much (he has also made me cry. a lot. thanks season 3 (after d*wson has been himself and he’s not with joey and pacey is visibly so sad god i cried a lot) all the love in the world for my boy, pace. and he’s such a good person too (he is, as you once said about pjo, the brightest timeline version of logan echolls) 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: JOEY POTTER everyone else can step! the! fuck! off! 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: JEN LINDLEY, audrey, his little season 5 cooking pals, but mostly jen their friendship is underrated and a goddamn delight.  
My unpopular opinion about this character: alright so when he was first introduced and he was like…hella pursuing that teacher i was not into it. the teacher plotline was derivative and gross, period, but they wrote it to make it seem like pacey was the aggressor in the relationship and i couldn’t stand it. this was just for like a few episodes before he became My Boy. also that goatee was the worst and i still am mad at him for it
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. uhh the fuck doesn’t he have a boat in the finale for??? where is his boat!!! the call back to him and joey!!! wheRE IS IT 
meg manning~ 
How I feel about this character: god she deserved better. legitimately kind and an angel 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: listen….fucking nobody on that show is good enough for her. i have read fic where she dates women, rightfully, as she is a lesbian (i have a soft fic idea that i’ll probably never write where her and jackie date and raise their kids together)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: veronica!! also god….she would not take any of logan’s shit for a single second just like she never took any of veronica’s and he needed that. i needed to see that. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: n/a 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: wish she had never dated duncan, or died, and quite frankly the whole abuse storyline was poorly handled, and yes, i do have a Million grievances. basically wish she wasn’t shoved to the side to make “””room””” for duncan & veronica to date. 
cordelia chase~ 
How I feel about this character: delight in buffy & angel season’s 1-2 & season 5. mid season 3-4 cordelia didn’t…feel like cordelia to me when i watched. it felt like the writers stripped away a lot of her essence in order to make her into this….maternal pod person. which she could’ve been while still being herself. it’s hard to describe it and i haven’t sat down and fully watched angel since i was like 14 or smth. and then season 4 is a whole different mess aside from that, because, you know, joss is a misogynist. i love her that should be the takeaway maybe 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: angel!!!, doyle, (she’s into women though, gotta say)  
My non-romantic OTP for this character: fred! gunn! lorne! WES! dennis the ghost! buffy! harmony (totally fooled around at least)! giles! 
My unpopular opinion about this character: mostly just the weird character stuff i mentioned above. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: me, chanting, wish she hadn’t died! wish i could turn back time and write angel season four myself the story arc is so gross & unfair to her i hate it so much men are the worst 
buffy summers~ 
How I feel about this character: the most important fictional character of all time. the best female character ever written. i love her so much she is strength and heart and forgiveness and kindness and snark and everything else wonderful and human 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: none of these characters deserve her but uh, spike angel and faith. probably in that order.  
My non-romantic OTP for this character: giles!!! tara!!!! anya!!! dawn! cordelia! oz!!! (w*llow and x*nder are fucking trashcans but sometimes they’re cute to her and every twenty episodes they’re kind to her but mostly they suck and are the real villains of btvs) 
My unpopular opinion about this character: NONE she is sunshine and light, although, okay, my unpopular opinion is that i love season 6 so much. it’s such a great arc for her i’ll fight everyone 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: if…the show…had let her be happy and have real, genuine friends who cared about her (as in not w*llow or x*nder)…that would’ve been the shit.  
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Tall Tales- Part 1
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,981
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, language, minor character death, blood, you know the usual, Gabriel feels, comedy, bitchy and whiny Winchester brothers (come on, you’ve all seen the episode)
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. If you’re a junkie for this sort of thing, then a tag list is the right thing for you! If you want to be a Queen, I’ll add you to that list too! Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
Tags at the bottom
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Times have been tough. Times have been going by very slowly and you haven’t taken a case where you haven’t gotten through it in a breeze. Sure, you would have challenging obstacles in your way but you usually overcame them easily with the help of the Winchesters.
However, this case, you didn’t know how to figure it out and even Sam Fucking-I’m-So-Smart Winchester doesn’t even know what to think of it. You’ve been stuck in this town, watching and waiting as people died. No one was getting any younger and you had no idea what it was.
Okay, that was a lie, you knew what it was but only until the last minute. Sam and Dean had no clue what it was and as much as you hated spending another minute in this town, they’ve been bickering every second of the day, fighting over this case and it was hilarious.
You’ve called Bobby over to try and help them, seeing as they were going out of their minds on this one. You sat on one of the beds, watching as Dean messily ate chilly cheese fries on the other bed, listening to music on a radio. You looked over at Sam to see him tiredly rubbing his temples as he stared at a book.
You would tell them what this was and then you could be on your merry way but a) it was so damn fun to watch them this way (yes, horrible, you know) and b) you missed Bobby and wanted him over here so you could have someone else to talk to other than the married couple you lived with.
“Dude. You mind not eating those on my bed?” Sam said, looking at Dean who just grinned. You looked over at him, his face messy and his fingers. It took all your strength not to go over there and lick the mess off him. But you had to be professional.
“No, I don’t mind,” Dean said with a grin, eating some more food. “How’s research going?”
“You know how it's going? Slow. You know how it would go a heck of a lot faster? If I had my computer.” Sam said, sending accusing glares towards his brother.
“Sam, he didn’t touch your laptop. I was with him that whole day and we were nowhere near it.” You said, looking at Sam.
“He did touch it. You just weren’t paying attention.” Sam said with another glare to you.
“Sam, I always pay attention to Dean. I mean, have you seen him?” You said with a smile, looking over at Dean.
“Yeah, Sammy, have you seen me? I’m attractive as hell and women can’t resist my charm.” Dean said, winking at you.
“Can you turn that down please?” Sam said, changing the topic. The music was getting annoying since all Dean ever plays was rock music. You loved the man so much but would it kill him to switch it up a little?
“Yeah, absolutely.” Dean said, turning the radio up even louder.
“You know what? Maybe, uh, maybe you should just go somewhere for a while.” Sam said loudly, his voice overpowering the music. Dean snapped and shut the radio off, glaring at his brother.
“Hey, I'd love to. That's a great idea. Unfortunately, my car's all screwed to hell.” Dean said, accusing his brother of something he didn’t do. This was entertaining and maybe you might come clean and give up but you really wanted to see where this was going. You needed Bobby here soon. You hoped he would show up quickly.
“I told you, Dean, I had nothing to do with that.” Sam argued. Dean was about to yell back at him but there came a swift knock on the door. You shot out of bed and walked over to the door, looking at the brothers.
“Boys, that’s Bobby. Okay? Can you two behave for one second?” You teased with a smirk.
“Shut up.” Sam grumbled as you pulled open the door.
“Bobby! I’m so glad you’re here.” You said pulling him into a hug. You’ve noticed him acting more soft toward you, always trying to make you happy but with the brothers, he expected more of them, make them tougher.
It was also like that with John.
“It’s good to see you again.” Bobby said with a smile, hugging you back.
“Come in.” You said after you pulled away. You shut the door when he was in and went back to the bed where you were before.
“Thank god you're here.” Deans aid, standing up and wiping his hands on his jeans to “clean” them.
“So, um, what didn't you want to talk to me on the phone about?” Bobby asked, taking a seat at the table with Sam.
“You’re going to love this.” You said with a grin.
“It's this job we're working. We weren't sure you'd believe us.” Sam started off.
“Have you met me? I can believe a lot of things.”
“Yeah, we believe you but we’ve never seen anything like this before. Not even close.” Dean said, sitting back down on the bed again.
“We thought we could use some fresh eyes.” Sam said.
“Well, why don't you begin at the beginning?” Bobby asked, looking at you.
“Don’t look at me, as much as I would love for you to hear the correct way things happened, I’m sure that Sam and Dean’s versions of this story will be much more interesting than what I can provide you with and after the week we had, I’m pretty sure I need some laughter.”
“Hey, I think our versions will be the same, I mean, we experienced the same thing, right?” Dean asked you.
“We’ll see.” You winked at him.
“So, it all started when we caught wind of an obit. See, a professor took a nosedive from a fourth story window, only there's a campus legend that the building's haunted. So, we pretexted as reporters from the local paper.” Sam started off, telling his version of the story.
“So, you question the people while Dean and I hit up the bar. Think you can manage this without us, Sammy?” You said as you walked into the bar. It was late at night and you needed to unwind.
“Seriously, Y/N, you’re just going to boss me around?” Sam asked, looking at you.
“Fine, if it makes you feel better, I’ll come with you but I’m not promising I’ll stay the entire time. Dean’s more interesting than you.” You said to Sam, grabbing Dean’s face. You pressed your lips to his, kissing his feverishly and passionately, right in front of Sam.
Dean smirked and kissed you back, pulling you in close, his hands sliding to your ass.
“Seriously, guys, come on.” Sam complained. Dean pulled away and winked at you, taking his hands off you.
“Save a seat for me.” You said with a wink, putting your hands on his chest.
“Oh, you know I will. I’ll save the whole damn bar for you.” Dean said. Sam rolled his eyes and grabbed your shoulders, pushing you to the table with the people you were going to talk with.
“Buzzkill.” You muttered, sitting down after giving the man and woman a smile. Sam was going to be doing all the talking since you didn’t want to and he agreed, saying how he was the better talker than you or Dean.
“So, you knew the professor?” Sam said, after introducing him and you to the couple. He placed a recorder down, making the whole reporter façade look real.
“Yeah, we both had him for Ethics and Morality.” The man, Curtis, said.
“Yeah, so, why do you think he did it?” Sam asked.
“Who knows? I mean, he was tenured had a wife and kids. His book is like a really big deal. Then again, who's to say it was suicide?” Jen, the girl, said, leaning in conspiratorially.
“Jen, come on.” Curtis said with an eye roll.
“What else could it be?” Sam asked.
“Well, you know about Crawford Hall?” Curtis said as if he should know it.
“No, I don’t, actually.”
“It’s a bunch of shit, actually. It’s a total urban legend,” Jen cut in, dismissing it. “Legend goes, Heather's mom went to school here, and she knew this girl who had an affair with some professor. He broke it off with this girl and she jumped out of the window and killed herself.”
“You know the girl’s name?” Sam asked.
“No, but they say she jumped from room 669. Get it? If you turn the nine upside down?” Jen said, snickering at the joke. You rolled your eyes at the immaturity levels coming from them. “Anyway, now she haunts the building and anyone who sees her, they don’t live to tell the tale.”
You got bored of this interrogation and slid your eyes over to Dean who sat at the bar, chatting up the female bartender. You hated seeing him with other women and your blood boiled at the sight of this.  
“Excuse me, Sammy.” You said, getting up and marching over to the bartender. You didn’t say a word, except grab Dean’s face and smash your lips to his. He was taken aback, yes, but he didn’t deny your lips. He kissed you back, the bartender rolling her eyes and walking away.
“Whoa, sweetheart, why so passionate?” Dean said after he pulled away.
“You know I get so jealous when I see you talking with other women.” You said, sliding into the seat next to his.
“Well, it’s a good thing you’re here. I just got us some purple nurples.” Dean said with a chuckle. You started cracking up at the name, looking at the dark liquid inside the tiny cups. Dean grinned and slid you one of them and you took a chance and down the shot, feeling the effect right away.
“Wow, that’s strong alcohol. More!” You said with a huge grin. Dean got the bartender to get you more glasses and soon, you drank half the bar, laughing up a storm with Dean. But the buzzkill had to swoop in and damage the day.
“Dean. Y/N, what are you drinking?” Sam asked, looking at the purple-blue liquid.
“I have no idea but I think they’re called purple nurples?” Dean said, burping. You busted out laughing and looked at Sam.
“That name though.” You said while laughing.
“Okay, well listen. I think maybe we should go check out the professor's office.” Sam said, dismissing the fact that you two were drunk as hell.
“Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no I can't right now, I've got some feisty little wildcat on the hook, I'm about to – zzzzp – reel her in. I'll introduce you.” Dean said, putting an arm around your shoulder.
“Dean, I already know who this is,” Sam said with an eyeroll.
“Whoa, hold the phone right there,” You said, interrupting story time. “One, I do not get that jealous. I do have self-control you know and two, I do not get that shitfaced on a case.”
“Yeah, plus, that’s not how it happened.” Dean said, glaring at Sam.
“No? So, you never drank a purple nurple?” Sam said with a serious face but you couldn’t handle it. You cracked up laughing at the name, rolling over on the bed.
“That name still gets to me.” You giggled, sitting up.
“Okay, fine, I may have done that but I don't say things like ‘feisty little wildcat’. And I wouldn’t have been so drunk as to introduce you to my own girlfriend who you live with.” Dean said with an eyeroll.
“Then how did it happen?” Sam asked, crossing his arms.
“Alright, while you were talking with those two kids, Y/N and I were talking with the bartender about some local ghost stories.” Dean said, starting to tell his version of the story.
The Queens:
@maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith  @mogaruke @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja @spn67-sister @kdfrqqg @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @roxyspearing @supercalifragilistic26 @mishamigose @cobrakai1967  @essie1876 @wishedworld @crispychrissy @laqueus-ludovicus @nostalgic-uncertainty @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel @potterhead1265 @starswirlblitz @untitled39887 @ta-n-ja @deans-fallen-angel-boy @scarletluvscas @notnaturalanahi @tahbehonest @stay-in--place @dreaminofdean @posiemax @donnaintx @mikey1822 @alexandriajanae4 @li-ssu @just-another-winchester @obsessivecompulsivespn @emoryhemsworth @newtospnfandom @mizzezm @goldenolaf25
The Dean Beans:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester  @winchesterandpie @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @carribear31 @tacklesackles @oreosatmidnight @not-naturalfangirl @missselinakitty @iam-a-cutiepie  @kristendansmith @milo-winchester-4ever @jensenackesl @codyshany316 @pheonyxstorm @helllonearth @juniorhuntersam @pouterpufftrain @ruprecht0420 @shut-ur-face-and-get-in-the-car @carriemichelle2012 @aubreystilinski
Series Rewrite Junkies:
@helllonearth @amyisabellal @deanwnchstr @caseykitten6 @quixoticcat @supernaturalblogging @notmoose45 @crowleysminion @mina22 @tahbehonest @hadleymcallister2177 @destielsangels @spnhybrid @oreosatmidnight @valerieshubin @seninjakitey @flyonlittlewinchester  @aubreystilinski
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theday · 7 years
all for the ask memes k thnx, im looking forward to the quality content 👏👏👏👏👏👏
 falen already asked me some and i answered those here thank u so much 4 asking jen i hate u but also i love u
OK! Ready: are you looking forward to anything at the moment?
oh worm the new pokemon game lads
Innocent Love: do you remember your first crush? what was it like?
this made me laugh oh fuck again so i was like. 10 and i got a crush on this guy and it lasted for 3 years bc we were in the same class for the next 3 years rip me! but i was so fucking annoying honestly im so glad i managed to Not be like that again with my next few crushes though ofc i was still annoying 2 those and thankfully i am a changed person and honestly i just shouldnt have any crushes bc ill be annoying even if i have learnt from my Bad Past ufhfhhis
god this is is so embarrassing but when i was like 12 someone told him i liked him and i was like bitC????? and u kno normal drama shit my best friend at that time also liked him and i was like !!!!!! wow!!!!! ok!!!!!! and shit happened u know thank fuck i graduated from primary school and i never see them again 
i would send him like o*e dir*ct**n songs bc they had the [redacted] songs and essentially i would send him songs that made me think of him but we werent even friends so he never replied its so fucking funny im gna die i hate that im never talking abt it ever again
Morning Call: what time do you usually sleep and wake up?
its the holidays but i still sleep at 11pm lmofsinwij and i wake up slightly later at 9am it used to be 10am but i hate waking up later than 9am so
Puss in Boots: do you have any pets? (if you don’t, which animal would you want as a pet?)
i want a bird or cat or dog or fish or that!!! one!!! x animal i forgot the name but its kind of like a frog but flatter??? and it has like fins on the sides of its face??? its like :0 ?????? whats the animal someone hmu
Breathless: name the last thing that took your breath away
dare i say it?????????????????? minhyuk which one??? who knows
Polaris: name a place you’d like to go to and an idol you’d like to go there with
omg i instantly thought of amusement park bc i keep remembering the first episode of monsta x’s right now  gdhidnnj so id like 2 go with with hrmrmrmrmmm……… im gonna cry the first person i thought of was minhyuk
Growing Pains: how tall are you?
. 154 cm……….. sanha cant relate 
Confession: imagine your ub confessing to you - how would they do it?
this question is cancelled i dont have an ub and im not gonna list 18 whole scenarios 
Lonely: would you rather be alone with your ub or surrounded by your bias group?
surrounded by my bias group aka all 3 i love living the no bias life 
Star: what’s your star sign?
capricorn same as chae hyungwon and i will never shut up abt that fact bc it makes me happie
Again: top astro ships (doesn’t have to be romantic)
Cotton Candy: compare any idol to a dessert 
rocky is warm like lava cake :-0 idk lmfao
You & Me: favourite line from any astro song
oooo weEEEEEEE 
but for real umMMmm i havent actually watched any lyric videos for astro lmao um,,,,,,, so easy to love you??? from csc idk its nice and i wanted to change my bio to that but thats 2 mch effort
Baby: if you could drink out of any of the dream bottles, which would you pick?
give me a second to watch th e baby mv agani 
ok itll be the aroha one bc its probably grape flavoured and the safest 2 consume
Dreams Come True: what do you wish for the most at this point in time?
have i answered this … i want day6 to win that best band performance award BLEASE i thought about how hard they worked and then saw that theyre losing and i almost cried idk much about cnblue so i cant say for sure but i know day6 and theyve worked so fucking hard this year with everyday6 and just?? holding concerts every month and!!!! fuck please if they dont win ill cry and now i just feel so fucking bad bc i couldve voted everyday but i didnt 
Every Minute: you’ve only five minutes left to live. which astro mv would you watch again?
csc bc i need to stream it…….
Lie: if you could watch astro perform one song live, which song would it be?
butterfly: what song do you relate to each member of astro and why?
hRMM (based on the nature of the song itself since i dont know the lyrics also assuming we use astro songs)
myungjun - cat’s eye bc of the the egg……. (also cant believe that video was a year ago tf) also dreams come true bc of his oWWEOOWOOWOoo
jinwoo - confession bc whenever rocky and jinjin rap together i live 2 see another day?? and you smile bc i love jinjins smile :_) and he was jamming out 2 it during the jincha radio 2
dongmin - who is this dreams come true because during the most recent jincha radio didnt jinwoo say smth like… eunwoo this is ur song…idk….
bin - crazy sexy cool since it was said the song was originally meant to be his solo song oh confession for bin too bc every time he says “Hey baby geu ael ijeo” i hear jelly instead thanks jinjin
minhyuk - run because rocky!!! singing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and fireworks bc he choreographed the dance?? iirc…. fuck lets not forget every minute.. iconic.. i love his rap in it
sanha - baby bc hes a babie and he always does the soda sound and dances its so funnie and cute what a loser lmao oh or cotton candy bc the song is rly soft and cute in general??? 
ok thats all bc if i dont stop now ill never shut up….. but searching for the links made me realize how mnay songs they have that have the same title as justin b*eber like… bin please calm urself
run: who do you turn to / what do you do when you’re stressed?
when im stressed i just dont think about it LOL so in the end i dont rly talk abt the reasons for my stress????? if i do itll be 2 falen 
crazy sexy cool: attach your favourite meme of astro
i,,,,,,,,,,,,?????????? my minds blank this is too much its not rly a meme but jinwoo saying its me during that one thing is always so funny 2 me and bell wont shut up abt it so i think abt it like every day
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