#asshole blogging
jesse-pinko · 2 years
Okay Walter White was actually pretty funny as a character bc he was so toxic that seasoned drug lords were like I cannot work w this man I have to put my mental health first
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AITA for jerkin' it to Goya's Black Paintings?
Emojis for convenience and humor: 🎨🖼🍆💦
I know someone's gonna yell bait about this but idc, like, what? Do you want proof? Video evidence? Grow up.
So I (30x) really like Goya's Black Paintings. Like, Saturn Devouring His Son, Duel with Cudgels, A Pilgrimage to San Isidro. I think they're hypnotic, beautiful, evocative. They make me feel emotions I can't quite explain properly.
As the title says, sometimes I beat my meat to them. Whatever. It's not really about horniness. But the intent doesn't matter.
Recently (in a discussion about sexuality in art, I promise it was relevant, similar sentiments were being shared) I mentioned to my partner (33nb) that I do this. They were pretty taken aback.
Apparently, they find this 'gross' and 'kind of dodgy' because Goya's black paintings were never intended to be shared with a wider audience. They were art that he did not mean to share, painted on the walls of his house near the end of his life. They say it seems like the work is too personal to jerk off to, that it seems invasive or like a violation.
I don't think it's a big deal. The guy is dead, it's not like his ghost knows what I'm doing. It's a good thing to consider, but I don't think it ultimately matters, ethically.
So, I guess AITA for this?
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asktheemotions · 2 months
what would've happened if the other emotions didnt forgive anxiety?
I have been on vacation and still am! This is why I haven't posted in a while.
I'm trying to finish the next ask but I also have been trying to enjoy my time with my extended family, I hope you guys can understand.
But! Here is the first 3 pages for the next ask while you wait!
Pages 3/15
Question: What would’ve happened if the other emotions didn’t forgive Anxiety?
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rigormortisangel · 16 days
i wish people understood that fps in BPD are against our will
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femboypussy420 · 17 days
trying to counter bullshit from antis is so hard bc it's like.... well the problem is your argument is rooted in conservative anti-sex politics that harm marginalized people disproportionately. but the Problem is also that you believe in thought crimes in a way that is ableist and harms those w OCD and similar intrusive thoughts. but the PROBLEM is that you consider consumption of fictional content containing certain themes on par with real world abuse and violence which is offensive to survivors. but the PROOOOBLEM is that you care more about the punishment of perceived harm than preventing real world harm and center punitive measures over anything that would bring real justice. but THE PROBLEM IS
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johngayt2 · 23 days
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Tell me how much you love hairy guys ?
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Are you having a sad because a fic author wrote something you didn't like? Did a certain plot point make you irrationally angry?
Worry no more and come try our new product "The Back Button Is Right There!"
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Helps alleviate symptoms of: being an asshole, rudeness, entitlement, the compulsion to give unsolicited critique to fic authors, the desire to use the phrase “I hate the way you write!”
Side effects of using our product may include: not harassing people, consideration for the people receiving your bog-standard writing advice, general sense of well-being for the entire writing community, lack of trolling, being a decent fucking human being
Stop bothering those nice writers today with “The Back Button Is Right There!"
Now available at your local grocery store. 
Other variants include: DNF
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schizopositivity · 11 months
Warning to anyone who posts about having a schizo-spec disorder, psychosis or psychotic symptoms openly online:
• it's possible that people will be sanist to you
• it's possible people will claim you are lying
• it's possible people will try to trigger you and make you paranoid
These have all happened to me, so here's some advice on how I deal with that:
• only check that platform when you are in a good headspace
• know that people are doing this to get a reaction out of you because they are sanist and want to see a "crazy" reaction, try not to feed into it, don't reply, ignore it, you don't even have to read the whole thing
• turn off anons if you need to (they tend to hide behind anons)
• block people right away
• delete asks right away so you don't have to see it again
• try not to take any of it personally, some people online don't see us as people, they see us as a label that they want to discredit, trigger or laugh at, they are either ignorant or hateful and don't deserve your time
It's important that we have our voices heard, don't let assholes on the Internet stop you from doing that.
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redysetdare · 4 months
Maybe making jokes about "Invading" countries while we have multiple devastating wars that have massive invasions going on isn't the best look you guys.
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In order to turn a very embarrassing moment of my life into something funny have this stupid Timbern au:
The Drakes are alive so Tim is still on track for being the heir of D.I. but is interning at W.E. for the summer because Bruce offered a position
Bernard has been interning at W.E. as well, for volunteering hours
The both work in a small, newer branch of W.E. that focuses on cultivating more information about Gotham’s history
Bernard’s there because it's the most teen focused thing and Tim’s there because he wants to figure where exactly the Lazarus pit is under Gotham so he can mess with Ra’s
They are currently stationed at an old house that was made into a museum which is managed by Wayne Enterprises, but since most of it is a museum there are only a few rooms to actually work, however it being a teen thing it’s very much choose your own hours so that prevents too many people from being there at once
Tim, who doesn’t want someone to come in a see the fact that he’s already finished cataloging all of the 2023 Donations to the museum and is instead using the time to further research the numerous curses in Gotham and/or watch Demon Slayer, is very happy about this fact and only comes at either the earliest or latest times so he gets a room to himself and only has to pretend to be going through boxes when someone checks on him
Bernard immediately messes up Tim’s plan
He’s always there- morning, night, even when Tim changes up his schedule
And no matter how many how many empty rooms there might be he always finds Tim and sits with him, even the time Tim tried to hide in the attic under the guise of organizing a couple boxes up there
Being the paranoid idiot that he is Tim assume that Bernard is a from the League of Assassins and enacts a 46-step plan to figure out what he’s planning (read: stalks him) and in the course of it ends up falling in love
Meanwhile on Bernard’s side, the first week of the internship he walked into the room Tim was in and wanted to be friends with the cute boy
The reason that he kept finding Tim was that he was talking to Dick Grayson, his gymnastics instructor, and Dick had realized that the boy in question was his honorary little brother and told Bernard that “Timmy’s shy, you just have to break down his walls to get to know him” and tells him when Tim’s going to the museum
Dick is well aware of what Tim thinks the situation is because he’s the one Tim rants to, but he thinks it’s funny and will make for a great story to tell at their wedding
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hermit-frog · 4 months
has anyone made a // between 1x05 and 2x02?
Daniel disrespects and aggressively violates Louis' boundaries. He mocks Louis' memories and his will to protect them. Understandably, Louis lashes back. Both times, Armand interferes (because he saves Louis from himself). This time Louis even haunts Daniel with a 70s flashback, because as we know, it was a very traumatic moment of Daniel's life. And the fact that he doesn't remember it, makes it even more frightening and upsetting.
I don't think it was about devil's minion, or Alice. Just the most pain inducing moments of Daniel's life. These two keep digging fingers into each other's wounds, almost like s- *gunshot*
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scary-lasagna · 8 months
“I just wanted flowers.”
It really pained you, that you asked for the simplest thing and didn’t receive it.
After months of asking, and buying your own flowers, you decided to not let this battle slide away from you anymore.
HABIT was always good to you, with constant praise, and date nights, and promises to get you things.
And yet, you always have to drag him out of his work just to remind him that you exist that day.
And deep down, it hurts. Because flowers are so simple, and at the right time of year you can find them in the side of the road.
They’re not expensive, not that money is of any proper value to him.
Your hope was fading, and you’ve realized you have pushed too far, because u like the other times you didn’t want to take, “I’m working on it, my sweet. I have plans for you. Big ones ” for an answer, when he has said that over a year ago.
You cried yourself to sleep that night, knowing he won’t come to bed until the late hours of the morning after hovering over his work for the whole day.
He won’t notice the dried tear stains on your pillow because he was too busy admiring how soft your skin looked in the moonlight.
A hopeless romantic, they call them. Maybe even a little narcissistic.
Too obliviously in love to value what you asked for, and has already decided what you really want.
HABIT didn’t think that you wanted silly old dying flowers. Nooo, you wanted a full garden. A bountiful garden that will last through the cold winters and stormy summers.
But you didn’t want a garden.
You only wished to dust off your vase, even just for a week out of the year.
Just flowers. Just for one week.
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misty-sees-you · 8 months
Introduction~! (WORK IN PROGRESS)
WRITING: Coming soon…
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asktheemotions · 2 months
PART 2 of: Would've happened if the other emotions didn't forgive Anxiety?
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IM BACK BABY! Oh boy, this was a LOOONG answer to an ask. I took a break from this series to work on stuff on my main art account. (I will reveal that soon) I lost motivation to finish coloring this one, I'm sorry 😭 If I've learned anything, it's that I can't push myself to finish something or else nothing will get done. This is meant to be fun, not anxiety-inducing.
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spacexseven · 1 year
foreigner darling crying while desperately typing into their phone because they don’t any japanese or english, etc. 1) their yandere is a bastard and fucking with them, fully knowing they don’t know the language. 2) the yandere is also struggling and they a dictionary that’s highlighted with translations. 3) the yandere didn’t think this one through and is now acting as if they knew about the barrier. - garfield anon (hello!)
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(1) jouno thinks it's funny. here you were, clearly confused and trying your best to communicate with him, but apart from sobs and pleadings of 'please let me go', he can hardly make out your other words. it didn't matter, anyway. this was fine too, you just had to calm down before he could set down some ground rules. he also finds it hilarious when he's talking to you in japanese, knowing you don't understand a single thing, threatening to kill you or your loved ones or telling you about how long he's been watching you and you're just staring at him wide-eyed; isn't that expression far too cute for this?
(1) fyodor wishes you didn't cry so much. if he wanted you to cry in the corner, your phone long abandoned after he had only laughed at your pathetic attempts at trying to talk to him, then he could have done a hundred other things apart from bringing you to a nice room and taking care of you. he understands everything you're saying, of course, but still pretends not to, cocking his head to the side when you ask him why he's done this and glaring at you when you ask his name. it was a little amusing to see you second guess your every word and try to recall any words from any language you knew. only after a month of captivity, when you start, on the brink of losing your mind, telling him about your name and likes and dislikes, he smiles at you, and says "i know", clear as day. the shock on your face is his favorite expression yet.
(2) so maybe chuuya overestimated his linguistic abilities. it was fine! he had dictionaries and the internet just for this. he gets by using the resources on hand, and you're surprisingly pretty well receptive to his attempts, and even point out the words you're saying when he doesn't understand you. things were going a lot better than he thought, until one day you ask him if he can please help you escape and that he can come with you so whoever hired him won't hurt him, you promise to help, and he realizes you had no idea just why you were here. he does consider telling you the truth, but it was a lot nicer to have you trust him and stick by him, so ultimately he decides that can wait. for now, he'll go along with your silly idea.
(2) dazai thought he had all the important words covered, but now you're screaming at him so loudly that he can't comprehend a single word coming out of your mouth. he offers you the dictionary and a pencil, clearly telling you to please circle the words you're using but instead, you throw it back at him and scream some more. not knowing what else to do, he starts speaking to you in gibberish. it works, almost, because you go eerily quiet to listen to him before going back to screaming and throwing things at him (because now it sounds like he's mocking you). oh well, time to sign up for those classes!
(3) nikolai didn't think it'd be this hard to get the message across. surely, using his overcoat to transport you here was enough for you to understand that this was a kidnapping? well, he didn't understand what you were saying either, but he was mostly sure that you said the words 'money', 'who' and 'why' at least thrice now. living together when neither of you understood the other couldn't be that bad, right? he uses pictures of an amusement park and a handy app to ask you if you'd like to go out and that he will drag you back screaming if you tried to run, and the horror on your face is all he needs to know you understood him clear as day. see, not that hard!
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juniepops · 9 months
This post wasn’t supposed to get notes and the main focus was on the tags so I’m leaving those intact in case anyone clicks through to the original
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