#bitter cas!girl blogging
laf-outloud · 10 months
Adding on to the Season 10 discussion on your blog today…
For most seasons of SPN, Sam is the plot protagonist and Dean is the the emotional beat protagonist. That doesn’t mean Sam never has emotional beats or Dean never has plot points, but that’s often where their stories focus harder.
Halfway through Season 9 this changes. Dean gets the mark, and Dean is the one going after Abadon. Dean is mad at Gadreal (even though part of what happened with him was his own fault). Sam is … not allowed to feel emotions about the first half of the season because he has to deal with Dean, I guess. Also, Dean sidelines him. So, this leaves Sam with nothing to do, but sort of support Cas for an episode. It’s totally off kilter.
I think it’s not only a matter of Dean not being as compelling as the lead protagonist, but those seasons that feature him as the lead almost sideline Sam, whereas seasons where Sam connects to the plot, they still give Dean other stuff to do.
This is a sort of side note, but I also hate late seasons writing for when Sam is the emotional beat protagonist. The writing is cliche and lame. Jared does his best with the material, but the words are not great. He has moments that are absolutely fantastic (talking to his dad in Lebanon, for example), but a lot of what he’s working with is lame. Jensen had better dialogue to work with in early seasons when he had to emote all over the place.
And for Jensen, Jared had better plot to work with in early seasons while he got a lot of warmed over Sam plots, so he wasn’t exactly helped either.
In conclusion, late seasons are not good, overall. Lol.
Welcome to the Bitter Sam Girl's Club! There are so many reasons why the later seasons didn't work, which you've also shared. Main, I think the writers in the later seasons were lazy when it came to figuring out Sam and his journey, and therefore gave their best work to Dean (which wasn't that good).
Also, if you look at the writing crew, the majority were men and Sam was basically female-coded... and people wonder why these men found it so hard to write for him.
(Also agree that Jensen was much better in the earlier seasons before Dean became a caricature.)
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I'm incommunicado.
Can't receive asks since the message thing of my blog died.
Can't reply to my own post.
It's been 1 month. I don't hsve followers or they are bots probably, because I only got two since December. Just the secondary blogs had this rush of bots following.
Don't know if the people I use to casually chat know that I don't have this feature.
Aparently, I can't send asks either. Or I'm probably with this "pissed by the tumblr Gods energy" that no one wants to reply to me, or even tag me.
It seems they are trying to smother this blog slowly and casually. Like being a drunk on the floor and they put a gigant sing upon my body that says: Don't bother, she likes being like this and probably will bite you if you help her. And are waiting for me to just stop breathing or chocke on my own vomit.
So let it die, let it rot. I hope this isn't a sign of this side of the fandom also dying and moving on with other things. I still and adict of all the art and shenanigans this fandom still has in it even if the show ended almost 3 years ago.
Personally, I still want this to be a blog for Castiel and Misha, even if it's like 100% Destiel and Cockles since 2020. I'm really looking forward for the GK thing.
But if I've been forced to evacuate here, and begin from the 200 followers on my other blogs of personal endeavors, I should leave now.
I've been sending a request to fix this to tumblr help once a week. Not even a mail in response or acknowledge of my existence so far.
From my 6 years of experience here, I think I'm far from relevant or desirable as an user, even if I purchase stuff, pay for the no ads thing. I assume that a single person from Bolivia does not mean a demographic they want to keep, and the amount of followers it has does not count as significant, neither this blog as a part of those 6 years in the tumblr ecosystem. Because of the mass migration from Twitter, I assume, that are overwhelming their servers. Loosing me it's probably a lint in their corporate belly buttons.
Funny thing is I try to convince me that this blog matters. Even if many other people leave this site deactivating their blogs and leaving a big hole in the fandom in my opinion. But me, just fading away, or tumblr just expecting I give up leave and forget this blog, so they magically solve the thing once I migrate to another user or platform. Isn't really a big deal in the great scheme of things. I don't think anyone will notice my disappearance. I'm no legacy or important blog.
In the mean girls universe, before the let's point the blogs that gaslight us to believe that OF COURSE DESTIEL WILL HAPPEN IN THE END, how you DARE to not trust us META minds that know Dabb is our personal Jesus Christ and savior. At first I hang out with with them, but then I renegate and became the usual Cas Stan that got the "Bitter" tittle because I knew they will not have the Cojones to make Destiel actually happen on the screen as a real and indiscutible situation, like a kiss or an open declaration of love that had to go BOTH WAYS.
So, my importance here is minimal. Other blogs where more active and spoke about this inner bullying in on our Heller community. How being a Clown that got many questions and wasn't that happy after watching Castiel go to Superhell and Dean just staying there looking sad, but didn't say anything at all, wasn't the promise land they preach.
I will always protest about the awful way Misha was used to bait his fan base to watch the worse two episodes in human TV history of that finale just hoping he'll be there... eventually (I was that fool, and I waited, and I waited, and I watched... THE HORROR 😱).
Anyways, because I know this post probably will go to tumblr hell like Castiel. And be there in the empty of promises and things we prefer to believe to not loose or Collective Clown minds when Jackles has the time and has the 133563323th question about that scene that confirms that Dean was being a Bro and Cas was being a Bro and all the thing was just in our heads and Cas never said I love you, or he said it but it was more like a: BRO, I LOVE YOU, BRUH.
I'll try to reach the Server Gods, plead for my oxygen and pray for the cause of this punishment not being just another antiheller pro Jarpiss that got all the time in the world, or enough friends to ask for my reporting as whatever they could just to put me in this position.
I rather want to believe this is like a rite of passage. For what I recall, many blogs of people who I love and enjoy had a temporal deactivation or this kind of things once or twice in their history. So, that gives me hope to think, opposite of what I explained earlier in this gigant mental fart of existence and relevance on the tumblresphere, I'm probably and finally being initiated in the ancient ways of torture to became and actual real blog in its own right.
I. Really. Prefer. To think. It's just that kind of things. Not the Tall one lovers and their obsession with a gigant 40s toddler.
Still I will always keep distance from them and their Incestuos ownership of the S*PN tag.
If this are my last words, and or post, I want to say:
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vaicomcas · 2 years
Housekeeping post
I am a "bitter Cas girl" as they say (I resisted this label for a long time because I am old and don't like to call myself a girl but I can't find a better label). The Dean-critical kind. Disliker of the Winchesters in general.
Castiel is the only fictional character I have ever cared about. Castiel is incomparably amazing and heroic and intelligent and BAMF and knowledgeable and the show did everything it could to take it away from him just to prop up the glory of the Winchesters. Even the kindness and the caring that they let him keep was in service of the same goal. I started the blog because I just couldn't stand it.
I do not ship in general (but can enjoy it in small doses), but because I hate how Dean treated Castiel I especially do not enjoy that ship. However, Castiel being in unrequited love with Dean is important to me. I know, it's an awkward position to be in.
I may come across as bitter and joyless. I know of course my perspective is just that, no amount of foaming at the mouth will make it more righteous than anybody else's. But when it comes to Castiel I do not try to be fair and balanced. Please don't hesitate to block me if you find my opinions upsetting.
Links to my index posts, fics etc below the cut.
Ongoing interests (reference for myself)
Castiel Sapta and Crowley Sapta (celebrating as aspect of Castiel or Crowley every day of the week)
Index posts:
My Castiel Manifesto series (my opinion about various narratives regarding Castiel)
Justice for Castiel series (my catalog of bitter Cas girl grievances typically centered around a specific scene)
Bitter Godstiel fan series
collection of classics such as endiness posts
Index of Crowstiel parallels
My Fics
Unbroken (alternate season 15 after episode 3)
Heart of a hellhoud (castiel and hellhound Juliet and Jack in a post Season 12 AU, later Crowley)
The Miracle (a bitter cas girl vent ficlet, very Dean-crit)
The Confession (another bitter cas girl vent ficlet that rewrites 15x18)
A hellhound at dawn (snapshots of Castiel, Juliet, Crowley moments in Season 6 universe, for Juliet Appreciation Week)
The Earth Still Rises (my new WIP, aka crowstiel on the moon, aka justice for godstiel)
My HCs and AUs
Don't believe Naomi (hc of what really happened when Cas was extracted from Purgatory)
Godstiel 2.0 (hc alternate ending for Moriah)
Seven milliseconds (AU behind A little slice of Kevin standoff scene)
Baby Tanya the Nephilim (AU where Cas, Crowley and Nora were coparents of Baby Tanya who is a Nephilim)
Heaven for animals and plants (hc)
Castiel was resurrected by gods of the world (hc)
Crowstiel birds AU
The other civil war (hc)
Second Rebellion (hc)
The garrison and garrison as physical space (hc)
Winchesters as ICE agents AU
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queencas · 4 years
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Just watched the Destiel scene lol been waiting 7 years for this bullshit I wanna die
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nocasnocare · 6 years
Actors/tptb: *talking about how people must already miss Dean and acting like he’s been gone for 20 years and saying that it’s okay because he won’t be gone too long etc.* *acting like fandom will collapse because the actor is playing Michael instead of Dean*
Meanwhile, Cas fans: *go for months at a time without Cas appearing* *already dealt with Lucifer possessing Cas for almost half a season* *remember the multiple episodes from last season that featured Cas appearing as just a corpse or for like thirty seconds and still counted as full episodes towards Misha’s already limited episode count* *sees Cas promoted as series regular and third lead only to realize he’s still in less than half the episodes and gets little screentime* *watches episodes with Cas only to discover that he does absolutely nothing and appears for 5 minutes or less and is often left out of important scenes/plot points/milestones* *constantly worry every season whether Misha will be brought back the next season* :\\\\\ That....must be terrible.... :\\\\ How will Dean fans survive this travesty? :\\\ We...just.......can’t...........imagine......
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casandpuppies · 7 years
Okay, but I see people talking about how heartbreaking Dean’s prayer to Chuck was, and I guess it would be if not for one thing that keeps me from taking it seriously...LITERALLY WHY WOULD DEAN GIVE A SHIT ABOUT CROWLEY? At best, Crowley is a convenient tool for when the Winchesters need something done. He is not their friend. He’s not their ally. He was the King of Hell, and he was always out for himself. He’d take whatever side is most beneficial to him. Yeah, he helped the Winchesters on occasion, but how many times did he double-cross them too? There is no reason for Dean to want Crowley back. There’s no reason for him to feel anything other than “oh, well he was a pain in the ass but he could be useful at times,” at best.
JFC, stop trying to make Crowley as important to Dean as Cas. The very idea that Dean and Crowley’s relationship is even in the same league as his relationship with Cas is utterly laughable. Fuck you, writers. Stop trying to compare them. Crowley was a piece of shit. He didn’t need or deserve a redemption arc. He doesn’t deserve a speck of Dean’s grief. Stop trying to make Cas’ death less meaningful by putting him on the same level as Crowley.
God, this show’s hard-on for Crowley remains even after the Carver-era, and even after he was written off the show. :\ Meanwhile, their disdain for Cas and Cas fans rings loud and clear.
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clairenatural · 4 years
I honestly think Cas WAS in the wrong though for leaving Dean in 15x04 because he knew Dean was hurting and he knew Dean had low self worth and extreme abandonment issues. Like I get why he did it and I don’t hold it against him but it wasn’t the right thing to do
this is a castiel apologist blog!!!!
so sorry, but i disagree. it sucked for dean but dean was not in a place where he could listen to cas or be receptive to his help, and it was just hurting cas to stay there and continue trying while being shut down. i don’t blame dean for this, because he has a lot of trauma and abandonment issues to work through, but nobody (fictional or not) is required to sit with their partner and help them work through their issues at their own detriment, especially when their partner is refusing help. of course cas wants to, every partner in this situation wants to, but it’s just more damaging to everyone in the long run. so yeah i do think it was the right thing to do to put himself first for once, even if it hurt dean. both of them were hurting deeply at the moment, and both hurt in the aftermath, but cas leaving was good for him and also their relationship and, arguably, dean, because it forced him to have the “you left but i didn’t stop you” realization which was such a breakthrough (and isn’t only applicable to cas but to all his relationships tbh).
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mittensmorgul · 4 years
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Dean's amulet! Why is it so popular in fandom, apart from being a gift(meant for John) and glowing thingy to find God? AND who decided to call it samulet :(
The Samulet is a massive bibro symbol, and the bibros (but more likely Sam fans) decided to call it the Samulet way back when, and they think of it in the same way the Destiel fans think of the handprint that was once on Dean’s arm. 
In both cases, it’s about ownership, as in as long as Dean wears the amulet or Dean has the handprint, then it’s like he’s branded “I belong to....”
It’s especially popular with certain fans who refuse to think of Dean as a person in his own right, who think their fave (in this case Sam) has some kind of claim on Dean, so if he dares to have friends or romantic relationships they get pissy. 
Although it’s absolutely fine for Sam to have friends and romantic relationships, no only Dean is not allowed according to them, because Dean needs to spend every waking moment focused on their fave. 
All of this is why I was pleased when Jensen just went ugh and threw it back into the props box because it kept hitting him around the face during fight scenes. 
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someoneoffthestreet · 4 years
I see we have reached the point in the metas where we’re erasing the weight of Cas’ actions in favor of dumping everything onto Dean (((: how nice
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aswebeg · 4 years
I see trees so green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you.
And I think to myself ...
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tarthserjaime · 4 years
(oh man, when those bitter cas girl feelings come roaring up out of nowhere, like I thought I'd gotten over that five years ago...)
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vaicomcas · 2 years
I am new here and I love your blog, your posts make me and my thoughts seen I have really complicated relationship with supernatural. I heven't watched whole of the show
I absolutly love Castiel and Misha.
I used to ship Deatiel before finding out much about the ahoe because if you look through Pintrest 60% of supernatural posts are Destiel.I still read fluffy fics sometimes mostly when I feel really down
But overall I hate waht the writers did with the characters specially cas (The confession is a nightmare for anyone who actually likes Cas)
Its like they treated Castiel as a side character in his own story and I can shamelessly confess I spend a good amout of time daydreaming a better post canon SPN au with cas as an angle and far away from from the Winchesters(obviously) and I really want to write it but can't
anyway I try really hard not to rant but I have spent nights crying, thinking about everything they did to cas
so I have really stong fellings and I just hope that you wouldn't mind me terribly if I decided to send you and impromptu, long ass rant about the Angle Of Thrusday
Also english is not my language so I apologise for any mistakes
Hi Anon, thank you for your mesage! It feels great to hear from another that you heard me and you share my feelings.
I have much the same experience as you did- I started out reading all the shipping fics (and even cry about them) and the shipping videos and opinions, because it's all I could find when I started searching for Castiel material online. But I became more and more frustrated so I started writing my feelings down (that was the "my castiel manifesto" collection) and then joined social media (for the first time) because I just felt so damn alone in my bitterness about Castiel. That's when I found out "bitter Cas girl" is a thing but also there are not very many of us. Still, it was better than being alone. Even though I get few notes from my postings it was great to know at least one or more other people understands. And I learned to appreciate other aspects of Castiel or other parts of the show from people on tumblr.
I would encourage you to develop your AU idea and even to write it. Don't worry about English not being your language. Write it in your own language (AO3 has different language options), or write it using very simple English (I am doing that with my WIP). English is not my native language either, and the first time I do any creative writing in English, was when my Castiel obsession drove me to write a 95K words alternate season 15. It is unpopular, but it gave me great satisfaction. It's therapy in a way.
Happy to receive a long ass rant about Angle of Thursday any day! Feel free to DM me if you want (or use ask, either way).
Thanks and have a great day!
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queencas · 4 years
on that note who cares about destiel CAN Y’ALL BELIEVE THEY KILLED CAS AGAIN? WTF? Over it
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nocasnocare · 6 years
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I don’t know whether to be more upset that people are out here claiming to like Cas and yet are thrilled with the idea of Cas living in misery and then dying as soon as he finds a shred of happiness, as long as it means he’ll get to kiss Dean before he dies and they still get to fulfill their tragic fantasies....Or that there are really people who STILL think, after everything this show has said and done, that Destiel is endgame.
You know, I really want to take Castiel away from this fandom just as much--if not more--than I want to take him away from the writers.
Should I laugh or cry?
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casandpuppies · 7 years
Signs that God is dead:
It’s almost 2018 and Buckleming haven’t been fired yet
Mark P is a series regular 
Lucifer gets a redemption arc and probably more screen time than Cas in 13x07
Lucifer got to talk to God and Cas didn’t
Cas gets less storyline, less screentime, and less interaction with the Winchestesr each season
Alex is a newcomer to the show and instantly becomes a regular and gets more screen time than Cas and more time with the Winchesters
Cas came back from the dead and got one episode with the Winchesters before getting locked up, not to be seen again until February
Positive™ Cas and Destiel fans see nothing wrong with any of this and continue to scream about how gr8 Dabb and co is (the wallpaper means destiel is going canon guys just shut up and have faith in the showrunners gOD DABB LOVES CAS/DESTIEL CAN’T YOU SEE!!!?? what is wrong with you????)
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